Mastering Minecraft 1.20 Advancements LIVE

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The Yo what’s up hello hello Genji how’s it going Happy New Year hope you’re doing well what up Exxon we should convince Kush to play Infinite infusion I’ve thought about it I might just do it oh I’m feeding for more what’s up Bobby new year new bears go Bears I don’t know about all

That we’re Here what do we think Chad hat today or no Oops you think hat H perhaps hat we’ll go Ahead hooray head is on all right so we’re doing more 1.20 advancements today we actually have a Tracker it doesn’t update in real time because that takes a lot of work but it’s there and we have it so uh with that being said you know

We’ve got a lot of progress I think we have 59 out of 110 have you had ululani’s Shave Ice I think so yeah that sounds very familiar also they get mad at you when you say shaved with a d it’s actually shave ice and I know this because my

Mom gets mad at me every every time I say it with a d which doesn’t make any sense cuz she’s not even from here she like whatever dude I’m going to say it how I want to say it and you can whatever Mom I’m gonna undeen now so

I can be with jar but he takes a long time hey I don’t take that long I don’t take that long what do you mean huh what do you mean you think I’d take long what the you need to make dinner uh you know what I’m I’m going to stop you right

There and I think you should I don’t take long at all that’s not very cool what are the uh what is the one thing you have ingredients for though bread yeah it’s probably grilled cheese I’m going to put up some music thank you butter my bad about the

Shave apparently in Hawaii they don’t call it shaved ice jar they don’t call it shaved ice they call it shave ice and if you add the D they get all pissed at you so fascinating Critters I say that is that is fascinating stop speaking for a few

Seconds no I guess it’s my internet I just bought a brand new router that’s supposedly like five times faster than the last one we bought and all I’ve been having is internet problems since we started so that’s cool yeah it literally it has eight ports instead of four it has like I literally

If I do a speed test right now it would show I have like 500 megabytes download speed and I still [ __ ] I still can’t even run a stream without buffering I think everything’s buffering right now yeah is it oh is it not you were just were you just letting me yep I was

Talking to my chat oh okay I didn’t want to talk walk over you in essence though I did because they could still hear you these camels are are they got a lot to say holy [ __ ] yeah they do they’re like kind of in our face

About it too they’re kind of in our face about it yeah and I mean look I I I like them you know this this camel’s a cool guy but I don’t know so I think we were we going home last time or what was the plan well we stopped

Here yeah I don’t think we really we were going to get the meadow today and I was going to go to the nether true yeah you said you know where a meadow is Right nope oh that doesn’t sound familiar sure I’m not going to lie when

We went East I I was fully expecting to run into the same Meadow but we just haven’t done it yet so I don’t well didn’t we we went off course because we saw the Savannah didn’t we kit bit says he knows where the meadow is oh okay good get out

Of the water C you’re going to drown camel’s going to drown in the water is always delicious I I’ve heard get out I got to push him back to safety that’s a yeah you should let me see did I actually no don’t go in the corner what are you doing you

Buffoon get over there be safe I don’t care if this is the only water in a 5 mile radius of you get yeah look at you tired ass I found out eat your green in fact did not record the the uh coordinates of the meadow I found so oh

Good also my computer just randomly decided to [ __ ] itself for two seconds so that’s all I thought that was my internet n lots of problems here what’s up Darkness well you know yeah shrug you could definitely say that an is an experienced Chef um that is words that you can say are they

Accurate name the baby camel useless after me that’s something yeah look at this little freak that was dead look at this little freak yeah [ __ ] that guy right why can’t I feed you sugar cane do you you did not you have a low sugar low sugar diet maybe I guess I don’t know

Probably I’m not naming the baby camel [ __ ] yeah it’s not that Camel dude it’s not my camel we brought it in the into the into this world and we can damn well take it out yeah yeah honestly # not my camel I think I’m going to go back and go into

The Nether to kill some thingy mobs okay can I get the uh jukebox from you then you can also have the schadle where are you did the camel grew up the camel grow out up oh that’s crazy where did you go with the game Squad Thanksgiving that is

I thought that was already well known where did you go Bobby Bobby is saying that an should cook game Squad Thanksgiving where did hello oh there you are hey to the left like Beyonce all right so there’s that can I have the the normal water bucket sure thank you and then you can

To have this and this I don’t want the disc I have my own thank you all right see you later bye-bye we’re going off to do our own thing yeah or as Miles Morales would say nah I’m going to do my own thing that is what he would say too

Late you’re planning the meal well you know what an my response is um I I will kick you out of game Squad that’s always an option yeah you can’t cook either get you on the chef team I don’t know about you jar but I’m feing for more for more what I’m feing for

More more what I’m feing for more chat it isn’t Panda frogling oh I know PJ’s feing for more oh I he might be I saw I saw a short earlier today uh jar and you know how like there’s all those cranberry farms no you know how you know how there’s cranberry

Farms where they like make cranberries not really they like harvest the cranberries and it’s like in this big cranberry field M and like when the when the berries are ripe they like there’s like a bunch of water cuz it’s like it’s like instead of a a field it’s more of like a

Bog uh no I don’t think so and then like when when they okay don’t hurt yourself I’m getting [ __ ] sidestepped by this spider yeah you want to sleep oh and then when the Cranberries are ripe they like they they the all the all the water like makes the cranberries

Float up to the surface so that they can be harvested for later no not familiar so there’s actually a lot of uh spiders that that live in those fields and when the the the water gets placed all the spiders sit in the water and and eat the bugs

That are in the water to prevent um them from ruining the berries almost like a natural pesticide if you will chat what is this guy yapping about but because of this fact oh wait cranberry sing that song zombie oh I know what you’re talking about now but because of that fact since cranberry

Harvesters are you know waiting through all of this water they look like you know kind of tree trunks Little Dry still areas and so these bog spiders will swim up to the surface of the water and climb up the Harvester’s body sure and these spiders get to be

Like the size of your your literal hand Yep they’re called they’re called cranberry bog spiders uh-huh and uh it’s it’s not it’s it’s kind of scary because when you’re applying to become a cranberry Harvester a a farmer of cranberries if you will right the first question they ask you is how do

You how how do you tolerate spiders uh-huh and if you can’t tolerate spiders then maybe being a a cranberry farmer is not the profession for you right sounds like it’s not there because there’s spiders that are the size of your hand that will crawl up onto your body at a moment’s

Notice there’s a there’s an infant swimming in the ocean unsupervised skill issue just turn on an Arachnophobia mode yeah so true small just change it so that it just says the text spider doesn’t matter that it’s still on your body doesn’t matter it’s it just locked in

There I put the K in time out that’s good I’m going west things are good things are looking up do you remember the cords home because going north I remember the cords uh I’ll just ask you later it’s 3,961 1470 okay I’ll just ask you later

Okay I just tried to ml water bucket on a on a tree and the the the leaves absorbed the water and I took the fall damage oh that’s lovely why is that a thing now small gaming Dude Perfect fire cat alley oh damn it all what what

Happened I ran out of Sprint what happened I’m I ran out of Sprint the second I went to do a freaking jump and I missed the jump and I fell in a little p a little creek oh that’s not good you hate spiders okay but did you know that uh cranberry

Farmers do you know that cranberry Farmers have to deal with spiders climbing on them all the time no way can you tell me more about it like in excruciating detail for way too many minutes well it wasn’t that long I think you’re just not willing to learn that’s probably it you’re locked

The [ __ ] in yeah we’re so locked in right now5 paid with the 20 to keep it oh my God oh my God that’s true you can get like three Subs oh baby that’s freaking crazy D oh sh can you see no all right sorry I just I just can’t you’re

Adding a bog to the shop with the money that’s a good idea actually you there’s some freaking crazy little spiders in the bogs wait there’s spiders in the bogs they’re called you mean the cranberry called cranberry bog spiders hang I dude I’m my chat is trying to tell me something right

Now yeah okay you’re being hella disrespectful yeah my fault you’re almost done with reading The Last Olympian again oh that’s great that’s great small it was stupid anyway whatever it’s a good book what the [ __ ] hello Kaden what’s your favorite video game ever uh wo’s Pet Shop simulation mine is

Taxes mine is my W2 form yeah [ __ ] goes crazy every April dude every April a never mind no continue that no see cuz that it yikes it just like it didn’t feel smooth you know Yeah ever April you ignore all earnings that’s based no way you just reread Sea of Monsters guys that’s crazy I wonder if there’s any reason that people are rereading the books right now can you think of one Kush what do you think of any reason why people might

Be rereading the the Percy Jackson books right now uh because JK Rowling is transphobic oh and so to protest they’re reading all of the fantasy novels that aren’t Harry Potter in protest yeah if I I might be right if I had a hunch you know yeah well your hunch might be correct

Honestly man I’m thinking I’ve been known to be correct a time or two Sometimes I’ve been playing risk of rain all day and forgot that tomorrow I have like three things all at once sounds like you need to work on your time management skills three things all at once how about you try everything all at once there’s a raid that just

Started next to me I don’t even know how that happened oh I think you might have found the raid that I accidentally left a long time ago gulp is it in a spruce Village yeah yeah should I do it you can do it if you want

To Kush has only heard of lethal company Hawaii and charge phone yeah who said yet uh nobody he’s so right though ouch they’re hurting me I have to leave so I found a uh I found a mangrove oh cool which is good cuz that’s a thing we uh that’s a biome I

Needed also there’s frogs here for later so I’m going to Mark the coordinates so we can come back when should I Mark the cords for this Spruce Village no I already have those oh for the red yeah oh then I will leave yeah bro just found out about

SpongeBob this year is that true Kush not this year this is just the year I started watching it I’ve known about SpongeBob for a very long time I was just I was never able to watch it growing up I don’t know though I was never able to watch it growing up

Cuz my mom mom would said that it would give me autism right and and did it well I don’t know cuz I didn’t watch it like I haven’t watched it up until now but now that my brain is yeah but like do you have it now I don’t

Know my mom wouldn’t let me watch SpongeBob and I still got autism all right well there you go that is a w that’s a real W she also didn’t let me watch Regular Show or like any like do anything fun the only show I was allowed to watch on

Nickelodeon was SpongeBob and even that was like reluctant but the only things I got to watch for like Drake and Josh and [ __ ] sweet life of Z and Cody well those were two good shows so they were your ass was out there watching word girl you better [ __ ] believe I

Was watching Word Girl dude I I dude [ __ ] Cyber Chase that was the [ __ ] do you remember Dragon Tales yeah of course I of course I [ __ ] remember Dragon Tales dude I [ __ ] love Dragon Tales I what about zabu I can’t tell you a single goddamn thing about Dragon Tales now all I

Remember is the dragon was blue yeah there was a blue and a pink dragon all I got for and they were male and female they sure were correspondent with the colors you would assume correspondent with the the gender Norms yeah that are male and female colors yeah can we

Sleep we can I am so honk shoot right now my ass about to be e there a dragon in a wheelchair you were forced to watch Bubble Guppies till sixth grade forced is a strong word yeah I don’t know about all that big shot yeah also six wasn’t that like last

Year wasn’t that like 3 months ago Dragon Tales generals you love the pink Dragon suffrage episode there was a dragon in a wheelchair what that’s crazy that’s actually insane who said who said old shows weren’t inclusive small just said Bubble Guppies has Banger music though were you watching

Bubble Guppies dude he still watches Bubble Guppies what are you talking about you know I don’t know what I’m talking about honestly how do you you have four younger siblings okay an that doesn’t mean you don’t still watch Bubble Guppies yeah you know what my ass was watching though Scooby Do oh

Yes dude that was like the thing that I watched you know that wasn’t PBS Kids for like most of my Early Childhood right you watched Scooby-Doo the other movie the other day and it was crazy which one the um the James Gun movie I went to Spooky Island

Yeah wait you were going to a babysitter’s house and the babysitter forced you in sixth grade to watch Bubble Guppies that’s like the the best Babys [ __ ] ever yeah [ __ ] maybe just had to lock in yeah spooky island where they get Confederate ghosts to help them I got to lock in all

I remember I remember I had I had one Scooby-Doo movie and uhuh I don’t remember the the the exact but like Scrappy do was in it and it they went to like this Mansion this old abandoned mansion and like like Shaggy was driving and he took the wrong turn and then as

Soon as he got there there was some old [ __ ] going leave this place leave this place but he didn’t and then I think he got rised up by some like zombie girl but she was bad as [ __ ] so it was pretty cool are you referring to Ghoul School I

Don’t think so I don’t remember hold on let me look this up Scooby do movies I got to figure this out yeah you do Scooby-Doo and W get all big and huge yeah that was awesome I love that movie and definitely don’t hate it Fred sexually harasses everyone in

The live action yeah well the live action just kind of sucks and I you know I’ll die on the on the hill of being like the one person in the world world who hates that movie Um which one was it oh my God I remember Scooby-Doo Cyber Chase yeah baby I think it was Scooby-Doo and the Boo Brothers Oh The Boo Brothers okay I remember there was an old [ __ ] crazy guy gunslinging drunk driver going leave this place hey guys as news and a shock to

Nobody and burnt the grilled cheese that oh wow that is you don’t understand it follows awesome movie Trope of guys let’s break up and then come back together at the end to beat the big boss that’s so true so remember when I said that I knew the cords yeah so

I went Bobby I’m not going to lie it was fully on you for having faith in her like in in the in the nicest no actually I’m not even in the nicest way possible every time without fail pizaz says he remembers 396-407 well yeah that’s correct

Uh I just walked past it and wasn’t paying attention oh that would do it and so I got all the way to 01470 and I was like one day yes today’s not that day I was like wait a minute so are snow foxes and normal foxes considered different animals in

This game different mobs I guess they would be right I don’t know you can check the list let me just look real quick up let me look look at my at my tracker if I go in a straight line from here I will see my house what kind of music are you uh

Jamming to right now Mr Mr Jor Nintendo music hey me too that’s crazy we should be like friends we should like I found another Monument oh lot of dude huge that was the hugest left turn of my life dude what holy [ __ ] oh my God Mushroom Island yo that’s what you

Needed yeah now you just need like like medium well lukewarm F like I [ __ ] hate like the the [ __ ] ocean oh my God I yes I st have the wheat oh my god dude oh you can breed the cows cow I bred the cow I raised the prices at Five Guys

When I left dead ass $26 for Burger fry drink that is actually insane $26 dude pretty soon we’re going to be we’re going to have to like take out l for [ __ ] fast food orders yeah that is unbelievable robbery is what that is that is crazy so I believe there’s two mushroom

Biomes right isn’t there like mushroom I and like mushroom fields and mushroom like field Shore mushroom symbiote and mushroom thug gangster do the mushrooms got that dog in them though that’s the real question uh yeah actually I’ve witnessed it it was pretty sick I walked up to a

Mushroom I said wow that mushroom’s gay pulling through to Minecraft mushroom Thug ganger that’s me right now I’m on my Way that’s where the that’s where the mushrooms H in a pancake oh I’m back to the red why not though bacon pancakes are good so is this a baby oh [ __ ] would be that’s an evoker that’s not an evoker that’s a oh yeah baby y so let’s see there’s mushroom fields

And oh no I guess there’s only one what if you got to a mushroom biome and a mushroom walked up to and said yo take a rip off this but make sure it’s a blinker will you do it will you accept mushrooms challenge no you don’t have the

Ingredients well oh these could be useful you should have just said that then o and go to the store and get some honestly these are high quality you need do Minecraft all advancements for backtack blinker challenge yeah yeah you know as soon as we finish this we’re gonna we’re going to do

Another one try to get a PB can you breathe in no well you didn’t have to be so rude about it can you get every Minecraft advancement while only puffing blinkers challenge you pulled up to the homies house in Portland Oregon and someone’s taking a hit from the the wall pen the

Wall pen J you got f faded in a Home Depot I know you do you know what man I’m not going to say that I haven’t been faded in a Home Depot because that would be a lie I didn’t specifically set out to do it though it’s just kind of spur the

Moment yeah sometimes these things just happen you know faded then a ho if you will yeah perhaps dude I need five more bios only five more which ones which ones which ones e e e I can answer that for you actually which ones which ones Grove which ones Stony paks which ones which

Ones wind swept gravel holy mother luke warm ocean oh yes of course dark what’s up Minecraft Clips I’m doing swag money ganga I Paz you don’t understand I would love nothing more than if you and PJ IRL streamed Getting Faded than a ho I’m about to in home homie I’m about to I’m

About to pull a [ __ ] Amber Alert on this [ __ ] oink damn it it didn’t work now the polar bear is mad that’s not good why are you not getting in my boat you little freak I hate you anyway homie deep yeah what does I’m about to pull an amber alert mean

Oh oh good Question it means you’re about to receive a text that says last scene in a spruce boat dude okay I know this is I know this is completely like breaking the have you been getting a lot of like files shared with you on Google Drive that are clearly spams but it’s

Like it’s like oh Wells Fargo me um yeah or anyone no like Wells Wells Fargo uh access like unrecognized whatever and it’s like dude just stop cuz Google deletes them after they send them cuz it’s like it’s part of their spam thing but like I get the email about

It it just started happening like a week ago and and has been happening some days it doesn’t and other days it happens every 20 minutes and I I can’t stand it dude yeah I’m going to be honest I don’t think I’ve gotten one of those so so sucks to be

You zaz and Bobby know what I’m talking about yeah that’s never happened just so annoying this does not happen you are imagining it yeah you’re right my bad this is a big week for an and I yeah why is that because uh this is the second time this year that the Bears

Are playing the Packers in football and if the Packers win they make make the playoffs and all she does is hate on the Packers because she loves losing records yeah and so she’ll sit there and die on her grave die on her Hill about how mediocre

The Bears are and it’s crazy I just got an all caps bears are going to win in my my [ __ ] ass they are what’s up cookie how about them uh how about them Ravens huh dude honestly the Ravens are looking great I know everyone here is snoozing now that we started talking about

Football but it’s just something that I had to bring up because this is I literally my my gift that I received for Christmas was a Chicago Bears shirt and I hate the Bears so I have a little bit of a vendetta against an right well what the [ __ ] I guess that makes

Sense cookie you like the Raiders H Mo I can’t even say anything cuz we lost the Raiders we as in the Packers we we can stop talking about football now can we as a society decide that we’re going to uh sleep oh sorry I was getting topped off in the back of a

Wendy’s this stream is puv Steven Hawking traveling to Epstein Island I am American why would you why would you say that to me the Bears beat the Raiders didn’t they just release like airplane or like flight records of of like Epstein [ __ ] they said they were going to I never saw

Anything I can’t wait for the oh no Jeffrey Epstein flew to Epstein Island how could this happen I can’t believe it who could have seen this coming not me I’m back home that’s literally so cool dude you’re kind of like handsome oh my gosh it’s a kitty cat bro this cat got

Two different color eyes small is not on the flight logs don’t even he’s the pilot don’t say that about about small he’s the pilot he’s a lovely boy who gives good kisses we have a lead would not be on the flight I just realized I have like a [ __ ] [ __ ] titty ton worth

Of meat on my body that’s awesome yeah I have no food on me uh yeah it’s like 58 beef and then like a stack and a half of pork chop that’s really cool wait there’s a leaked email from Epstein saying Steven Hawking participated in an orgy on the island plus he was pictured

With Epstein there what are you being for real right now P I have a dentist appointment and work planned at the same time but I can’t call off either very easily so I’m not really sure if I were on the flight LS I would be under rage at the time okay and

I’m sure a lot of people there were kill your dentist you’re not trolling that is insane why of all people Steven Hawking is there anyone else who who has been revealed Barney the dinosaur dentist Spider-Man no we have a lot of soul speed books yeah you like two week’s notice

That’s for if you want to respectfully leave your job you can just call your dentist and say hey I can’t make it let’s reschedule like they’re not going to charge you [ __ ] are they going to do you think they’re going to be like oh you got to pay for making an appointment

I mean it’s cool to give them notice but like you don’t got to actually you know what I have a lot of water breathing potions I might just go kill the Elder Guardian right now okay yeah that is why we pick those up there’s a lot of them

Yeah there’s I have we have nine go for real right now that this is am I actually going to drown oh no no no no no oh my God wait do you know where you were it doesn’t matter does it not in what universe is am I going to be

Able to get my stuff back well I mean you never know yeah yeah would have been nice if I had food but you know whatever you didn’t didn’t say anything before I left it’s not a dig at you I just Jordan drowned under some ice were you going down to get fish and

The ice like yes oh that’s [ __ ] up yeah no you know what CU I’m thousands of blocks from our home even chat can we as like um can we as homies um let’s See I think I know what’s about to happen load previous save I might it would I mean I don’t know what’s happening rib razor way finder shaper [ __ ] Chad I know this says we don’t have a trident yet but there’s literally a trident right here so like get [ __ ]

Notch I wish Notch was still at Minecraft dude that that would be good chat does anyone have happen to remember what my coordinates were uh just as like a as a weird question surely someone remembers do you hear about the guy that drowned in ice today very tragic yeah it

Was pretty tragic but I mean yeah coach are those achievements actually moving across your screen or is that on stream only uh that’s an overlay that it’s stream only it’s stream only but if I wanted to I could put it on there and it would be in the way but

That’s just a it’s just a list of all the achievements that we have yeah by the way hi night Echo a fun time that you came in [Laughter] um what’s up well it’s just you know I just I’m not quite sure where I was at oh

Um like like even a ballpark chat if if you got any idea I I don’t know if any you were looking oh I just realized I put on curse of binding golden boots you were in uh tinkle Town being a champ that’s so actually freaking true

Um how many times have you died I don’t know like two or three one of them was for a joke though so I don’t really die that much unless I’m like doing a bit yeah this is a I’m pretty good at like longevity and Nvidia games we have three stacks of sweet

Berries Holy balls dude that’s weird chat that I’m how’d that happen whoa you’re on iPad how am I how am I here that’s how are you there wait that’s crazy how am I that’s so weird though wait that’s if if we like really think about strange yeah yeah I don’t I don’t

Know well I’ve got lots of food for you when you get back oo that would be ooh so nice oo so nice what’s that white powder in the chest that’s cocaine yeah we keep that in the chest so that when the police show up at our

Doorstep we don’t you know we can lock something to bribe them with yeah and also if in case we don’t want them to see we keep it locked in there I never understood why I couldn’t put my meat in my blast furnace that’s like cooking a steak with

Uh guys with a blow torch what was that I don’t I don’t know what that was wait that was so strange where the [ __ ] am I genuinely you found a new Area I just I have no clue where I was you said you were going north right well I switched directions of a I was going north and then I was sort of like going Northwest so then you’d probably be at Like yeah I’m I’m not going to be any help what’s up small it’d be like cooking a steak with an industrial furnace that is true who would do that I think now is a good time for me to go and fight the Elder Guardian might be wait was this where I was guys

TR that looks too open almost well but I but I was around I like I think I might have passed through here well maybe yeah potentially potentially oh [ __ ] you’re not going to be able to sleep Nor nor zombies are on your lawn there’s a zombie on your lawn why do you need to kill outter Guardian uh cuz he needs to kill one of every enemy y yeah and I’ve killed a guardian I just haven’t killed the big boss yet

The Big H the big guy the big hos boss the big [ __ ] the big [ __ ] well said yeah well I say things shouldn’t you do that after how did we get here why no there’s like a million of them there’s there’s a lot of them there’s there’s literally we passed by

Like hundreds of mon our travels it’s not even you know what guys what even what was that I’m scared okay so what I can do just don’t use this footage your your ass is flying around you’re zooming bro I don’t what do you what do you mean you are so

Zoom guys I’m I’m so scared what’s happening right now Herobrine took over he took control how are we going to do how are you going to or how did we get here would it’ll be a while I don’t know go I certainly such a genius Herobrine’s giving me

Items Herobrine handed me a compass oh no where does it lead uhoh I wonder what would happen if I followed this that this is so weird guys he’s ruining the Integrity of our game oh no oh whoa this is weird I think I is it already gone

Um I no what that was all about so yeah what’s up uh hang on let me Just so chat how are you guys doing today on like on on the reals like as a society how how are we doing I I I I want to get some some input from you guys you know I feel like we haven’t had time to just talk you

Know you and me in a while and and like you know I’m really interested in what you guys all have to say because you say some good things you Do yes uh I think I’m going to go in the nether first your computer’s almost fixed that’s good we like uh computers working as intended as a girl in a slay world we good oh yeah Herrin is evil backstabbing monster you’re so right about that honestly oh oh [ __ ] is this a load

Stone maybe what do I have to kill still zlin piglin brute sure and slime yeah I believe that so I really only need a zlin and a piglin brute how the [ __ ] do you make a zlin you have to bring a hoglin into the Overworld what

Actually yeah what the [ __ ] I mean I don’t know what stake I would have to lie to you about that I mean that’s true but like that’s crazy it’s a little goofy how do I get it back does it fit in a normal ass portal sure but you have to like push it

In but it hurts me an’s computer just kind of broke but it hurts my body I’m assuming it’s because an just sort of left it running with like The Sims running 24/7 um and it’s it’s not a good computer to begin with right I’m thinking it’s that it’s not necessarily a recipe for

Success yeah Chad do we as a society remember um like what types of uh items I had just as a as a question as a society it wasn’t your fault um I mean that’s that’s debatable but you done pestering those creepers now I might have thrown 30 snowballs at creepers

I can tell you one thing I know I had do you remember where a Bastion is maybe full netherite you think yeah well probably do you remember the chords you had did we write them down ever or no probably not I mean I could go back in my old VOD a

Bollocks that is up to you I guess well since you’re here like two stacks of diamonds I think maybe even three o maybe could have been know what I’m going to do I’m going to what if what if I just went to my last bot and like you know

Just spotted the end of the Stream check your inventory yeah do you have to breeders going on here at the end uh yeah but I think I already did it okay so chat you guys has got any like dirty secrets you want to share any like goofy little secrets

Sometimes when I’m alone I take bubble baths and pretend that I am a wizard and I’m commanding the bubbles with my finger which is a wand oh that’s fun I don’t know why I said that I don’t know why you said it either that like doesn’t sound like me at all

No you’ve been saving up for that kaching kaching for a computer yeah hell yeah hell yeah dude yeah dude hell yeah yeah hell yeah computer yeah hell yeah yeah hell yeah yeah hell yeah yeah hell yeah yeah hell yeah [ __ ] dude language sorry [ __ ] thank you well pick about to break Chad this

Is like obviously unrelated but um what the [ __ ] is with the new Minecraft uh creative menu why is it like this chat why did they decide to do this you coming up the stairs too Mr piglin in the in the most genuine way you would put soap in your mouth and

Blow P from it that well yeah I mean obviously there’s no other way to have not have a potty Mouth what’s up gangsters I found a big uh bassal biome is there bastions are normally in those right unless it’s like not true they’re specifically not in those I thought that was fortresses one place no it’s specifically bastions oh I saw the Bastion and I was like like

Super giddy like a little child and I built over to it oops well frish dude whoopsy yeah I have killed Magma Cube to be fair right next to the walkway for our thing there’s a a little Crimson for us so I could the ically bring a a a hoglin

Over yeah actually that wouldn’t be too bad oh I see a fortress is that a fortress maybe that’s definitely a fortress wow would you look at that there’s no fog I found my items let’s go some of them despawned but I found some of my items and look

They’re even repaired that’s nice oh you got all the the things you needed whoa look at that man they um whoa what’s that on the ground over there I think it’s a rare drop from some fish whoa a stack of steak that’s weird you wish you were also a bubble

Wizard isn’t it [ __ ] awesome we joke and justest and PR but at the end of the day it’s fire dude yeah we all wish that we could my ass feing for some bubble wizard action they feing for more for more I don’t know where I’m going all I know

Is that I found a a fortress and that’s not where I want it to be so I guess I have to go 400 blocks this way yeah no Nars everybody just as a general we just don’t like them there’s nothing too narc about editor cut he’s feeding for

More I’m going to kill this Ender was just a air drop it wasn’t sorry I kill the if I get a pearl I’m going to throw it that’s a good idea get a silly little might I didn’t get one uh-oh darn that’s not good guess I’ll have to look

Elsewhere I guess I will have to oh I think it’s because your internet forked where am I what the [ __ ] how’d I get all the way back over here hey Kush remember how um you told me that uh you owed me a favor and then

And that it it it could be anything and you do it without question whenever I asked you know now that you mention it no no but like you said that though uh I mean that I could at literally any time cash in a favor of anything and you would do it immediately

Uh oh because I really would enjoy if you if if you goat SE right now if I what if you goat seed in front of the camera right now if I goat seed Chat does this guy not know about goatsy oh goatsy yeah goaty I don’t know what that is oh man no no I I think this guy do it I didn’t look it up I just gave it a little more thought I don’t want to Goat see these nuts what

No no you wish that’s what goatsy meant what the [ __ ] does he mean I thought why don’t why don’t you Google search goatsy don’t put it on stream just just for yourself is this when you like I don’t know should I be an incognito or uh if you care about your search

History then yeah what the [ __ ] oh I’m getting shot at Fest dude I’m about to get [ __ ] I’m about to get clipped on I’m about to get played dude this is [ __ ] up where did I even get shot from this is [ __ ] up man how does he not know I don’t know

Small I don’t know he is B ofan for a surprise yeah just look up goatsy I mean you like goats right what does this have to do with me I just you said that I could cash in a favor no matter what it was and you would do it immediately without

Questions and I’m I’m hearing a lot of questions right now which I don’t really appreciate but like oh telling the spelling that’s true um I believe it’s g o a TS e right oh safe search will try so hard to say that’s true can you turn off safe search sure

Cool oh I just already have it off that’s awesome oh this guy looks up porn no yeah yeah no surely it’s for all the videos I watch of people getting killed oh yeah you’re re into those snuff films yeah oh did this guy look up goatsy man this Sucks what sucks I don’t want to do that no but like you said you would though I literally didn’t you you literally promised me you said wow thank you I’m so grateful that I will literally cash in anything any you ask of me so so remind

Me again what what you did for me that made me be so grateful towards you like what was the event that caused this favor to uh to to become a transaction remind me I wasn’t like well so it was no it was like at that time remember you remember I don’t that’s why

I’m asking no you remember it was it was that night in September you remember I you know me man I think you’ve been looking at a few too many goatsies dude no your ass is tripping no no no that doesn’t sound like me at all you can’t do this to

Me all right Joker calm down it’s not Joker what the [ __ ] are you what is it never mind have I did I make you upset no did I ruin the bit you ruined my life oh no refunds chat chat I’m angry chat chat this cat is being mean to me I got

Another cat by the way let’s go I’m I’m trying to get another another but it was mean to me and didn’t tame with just two fish what an [ __ ] I know I’m sobbing what a grumpy cat I called goatsy he didn’t know you oh it’s Green Goblin sorry I’ve

Never watched [ __ ] Spider-Man my bad you haven’t I think I watched the original but it was a long ass time ago that is the original yeah I know I don’t remember it like I so you also didn’t understand it when I did it earlier I heard your

Voice but I like I didn’t instinctively hear Green Goblin because I don’t remember what Green Goblin sounds like oh my [ __ ] bad why are you getting mad at me I just think that my friend knows every line and tonation that Willam defo performed in the original

Spider-Man in 2002 but I guess I’m the [ __ ] right what are you talking about nobody’s an [ __ ] no no no it’s fine it’s fine I get it I’m the bad guy here I’m [ __ ] up no Green Goblin’s a bad guy in the movie yeah yeah I’m sure that’s actually how you feel

What I don’t want to talk about it feel like I’m watching my parents fight again please no more PTSD you would have hated our bit last time then it was essentially the this we do this thing where we where we passionately argue and then we passionately make out after stream yeah

Makeup sex is crazy okay so I found out that the cat I was trying to get is one I already have okay about this one show your [ __ ] face you freak I actually don’t know my ass wondering if he heard me I might have already had that one if you

Put Kush in front of a TV with a remote would he know how to use it I don’t think so that’s crazy but uh I mean probably not I mean we’ll never know unless we try you know to be fair I don’t think I saw you using a remote when you were

Here well that’s cuz we didn’t watch anything we watched things I used the remote when we were at Cam’s house and we were watching like summoning Salt’s newest Banger no oh okay so you just want to remove that from your memory I don’t I don’t think that one happen wow yep only

Only cares when it fits him seeing is how we’re removing things from our memory such as when we promise to do literally anything I don’t know what you’re referring to yeah of course you don’t that’s the standard isn’t it Chad I’m starting to get pissed off he’s

Starting to really grind my gears I also have really good news what’s up next to that village where I got a cat guess what this freaking mountain is Stony Peaks no it’s a meadow oh let’s go cam had Xbox well Cam’s in chat I don’t even own a

Remote wait he is in chat that’s crazy that’s awesome C at Xbox controller it’s true Cameron what do you Know yeah what what what does he know about his own all right I’m going to pause the music we’re about to listen to a banger Maybe chat what do we think is this don’t answer if you’ve heard it before is this just going to be good or

No I’m in the music box uh sorry all right let’s find out yeah so as long as I bring a hoglin like if a hogin touches the the portal it teleports right what the [ __ ] that sheep dancing get fantano and call dude PJ PJ and I have been working

On a on a playlist together and uh in the process of that he has done uh some reflecting on his own musical t taste and he was like I get why fantano sucks so much come here hoglin why don’t they want to come over this is dangerous this is so

Scary I don’t want you to cross you freak [ __ ] that’s not even where I need them to go I need to go oh oh [ __ ] this is actually so spooky scary why why don’t they want to come over hey Kush hello hi what’s up hey

So I I really wanted to listen to this disc but I I understand the had a question I did about zins oh yeah is what oh I think I figured out why they aren’t coming over I’m just just walked in your room and very excitedly that you found yellow Solo cups and then

Left your family’s strange I uh I [ __ ] with the new disc by the way like halfway through it starts going crazy out of nowhere surely there is a second come on over you dumb [ __ ] yeah there you go come with me oh there is a second holy [ __ ] baby b baby

Be yeah I just got another another breeding done too we’re just making all kinds of progress today you freak [ __ ] come here dude I have feelings why are you not dude you made it 90% of the way and you’re going to chicken out now you what are you

Doing Mr President there’s a second Fe come on what the [ __ ] are you waiting for you getting the pimp achievement oh you better believe I’m getting the [ __ ] pimp achievement what do I even have left um dude ocelot wolf I haven’t done wolves llama can you lead uh can you lead a

Hoglin no I don’t think so cuz that they’re like hostile why is he not like but like it chases you it’s not it’s dude oh is it because it runs away from the portal I’m pretty sure cuz it’s scared of it wait does it I’m pretty sure then how the [ __ ] do

You get it through that’s the fun part do I have to push it myself um maybe I mean so what you’re going to want to do is definitely seal it in area with the portal you know one rabbit there’s freaking bunny rabbits here it’s pretty

Awesome oh you know what I think this is the meadow I found because I’m I’m at 3000x and I definitely I’m pretty sure this is the like I went um North when I was was doing my big adventure we’re going this way zlin stop pushing back ow chat this is

Awesome Kush is not having a good time it sounds like stop running yay [ __ ] that could be a fun clip to have in the video me frolicking oh my God does he fit in boat okay so let’s see no ouch at this point excuse me sir we’ve done we’ve done the The

Sound of Music should I just like keep exploring like just keep wandering around trying to find more biomes or you could ow excuse me sir that’s a big drop just close the portal and you done the electric sh get closer and then seal it and light it

Again oh that’s that’s so true that’s actually definitely the strategy you’re supposed to do whoever said that is a genius um cuz my ass for Gore is that when you attach car battery to Y testies well do we have a someone who’s done that I don’t think we have a flint and

Steel uh we should yeah I had one I do not see one well we have an iron and a Flint’s probably pretty easy to get yeah did the Electric Slide today what and the cupid Shuffle why were you at a middle school dance Bar Mitzvah ooh was it Bar

Mitzvah there’s like freaking iron here it’s crazy I feel like pizaz is the type of kid that would have a bar mitzvah even if he wasn’t Jewish would be yeah he would be the type of he’d be the kind of guy to to I say would be because he did did

He yeah oh let’s go see I just Mitzvah I just know these things how is there snow on a lit furnace that’s a good question I think it’s I think that’s how you spell Bar Mitzvah or well well there there’s there’s you’re on the dot today thank you I don’t

Know there’s like there’s two different ones for boys and one for girls as my understanding of so how do you how do you break the portal normally uh you can break either a block of obsidian or if you don’t have a diamond pick to do that you could uh

Place lava into it and then pick the lava back up oh okay far mitz br that’s so true actually you were at dance practice and are you telling me that you’ve been making it out to seem that you’re like this professional dancer and like it’s a serious you know thing and you’re doing

The electric slide and Cupid Shuffle at practice I love the giant lone birch tree that’s that’s [ __ ] awesome bear tits bro please please Chad please humbly it was just today okay okay I believe you how’s your project going I broke the portal no you do in fact practice 3

Hours a day at least just doing the cupid shuffle that’s awesome doing it you must be like the best cupid shuffler in the world today is a little treat with Cupid Shuffle like seriously dude what what is the deal with you there’s a lot my therapist would like to figure that out too

You cannot whip SL n NE yeah that’s actually true and I don’t know if you’re able to whip and or na I’m thinking probably no since considering you only just today got to the the Cupid Shuffle I’m thinking that you haven’t gotten to that section yet section of dance

History all right I’ve got it cornered never seen it yeah none of us have ever seen it I’ve got it cornered with the most boofed stret I’ve seen but I got it to work freaking Gangster Boo Thug I think she’s going in chronological order it went through that’s so sad

Why yay now you go through and wait for it to turn it’s not here no shot it despawned it despawned oh no I have to be there oh no you can whip and na neigh I just I don’t believe you and also it’s very sad to me that

Apparently you’re not learning dances in chronological order IM if you started with some old ass tribal dance in a few years you can hit the gangster Two Step that would be awesome I when I you know if I the stank to like properly learn dance I’m going to humbly request that they

Teach me dance in chronological order this [ __ ] boring as hell what does this start getting good it’s like with the people who who the [ __ ] like watching sports chronologically gotta start at season one well uh I guess we sit and wait for more hoglins do you want me to come home so

That you can do your well I mean if you’re still out adventuring I can just like get to a safe spot and check your VOD for where the bast was unless I’m not able to do that no you should be well actually I don’t know I don’t I didn’t go there in

The last stream did I no yeah so you wouldn’t be able to SL locate biome that video of the guy listening to music chronology he’s on the first ever s and says when do I get this Kanye guy SL locate Bastion would never SL locate B I got another hogland to

Spawn oh that’s awesome I’m just I’m a few thousand away from he’s bringing his kid to work let bring your kid to work day yeah when you think about it if I learned the Cupid Shuffle today I’ve learned a lot of dance that’s so true yeah you would know

You never have to go through the absolute horror of a middle school dance cuz let me tell you as a former uh Middle School Dance DJ uh that [ __ ] gets played almost every dance and it’s not even like the DJ’s fault like some group of kids will

Always come up and request it even if you don’t plan on playing it it’s just how it goes nope you never did lucky middle school dances are a [ __ ] experience that’s for Sure I’m like I don’t even know if a bad experience was 2007 no shot I was one year off on a random guess that’s [ __ ] a chat please clap for me one year after you oh my God why am I that don’t don’t say that don’t say

That did I plan on going to dance in middle school yeah I I don’t even think bad is like the right word to use to describe middle school so if I let this hogin go through and it goes into the Overworld again is it going to despawn again it will

Despawn yes because I’m not there [ __ ] um are you just like at the home portal or yeah okay and it’s I’ve got it cornered so it it yeah shrug exactly what I’m saying exactly what I’m saying like like obviously I know an is young as [ __ ] but hearing the year really makes

It like different somehow it does cuz then you’re like wait when she was born I was 37 yeah oh and I was I was yeah I’ve actually got like a [ __ ] um what the hell is his name Benjamin Button Koopa yeah that’s who I’m talking about I’m I’m talking about the song

That’s playing in my eardrums yeah and can you do me a favor and just like be born earlier that’d be really cool yeah you you do turn 18 soon my ass be sitting and then I’m pretty sure there’s only has Mardi turned 18 yet he’s 17 he’s still 17 all

Right then we’ll only have we’ll only have two children uh in game Squad which I still think is to too many but you know kidbits also turns 18 soon holy [ __ ] that’s crazy yeah Aaron and I are the same age like same month everything I’m GNA be 56 next year yeah

And and I’m the month before yeah cuz you you just turned 24 in what November right yeah yeah I turned 24 in October oh yeah all the cool people 24 for real every night I actually every night I actually like bathe myself in like lubricant so that

I’m I’m always like moisturized and I never get wrinkly it’s my anti-aging process yeah you see mine is to spend a [ __ ] ton of uh time in the Sun and uh not wear sunscreen and get burnt to [ __ ] and then oh you’re going for the skin

Cancer route yeah that’s what I used to do it’s such a Golden Bronze though yeah and yet I’m still [ __ ] baby faed dude I’ll tell you when I was like actually like lifeguarding getting super like you know spending a lot of time in the sun I actually kind of got tan which

For me is not really a thing cuz I’m so [ __ ] white like so white yeah but yeah I actually got a little tan dude I think I would T if I like went outside more often I just don’t you would I and i’ and I’ve told you that

And I I remember we had a discussion where you were like man I really I really want to go outside more I was like just do it and you were like no though I I’m just I’m not going to I was like but why would I like yeah I’m sitting here listing off

All the benefits of going outside and like getting vitamin D and you’re like yeah man this sounds like you know that that sounds really good you should do that and I’m like no no I don’t think so I’m not an old man I can still remember my Chatters so surely I’m not that

Old yeah yeah unless it’s onset then you it might be then it might be a little little little less you know what would what if in the future someone has like a specific like a specific symptom set of like dementia where they completely like they completely forget like all their loved

Ones their family but they remember their chat they remember their Mario 6470 star splits yeah they’re like they’re like who the hell are you I’m your daughter oh oh I’m I’m almost what about I’m almost out of though I’m almost out of Shifting sandlands yeah just need the star at the

Top of the pyramid yeah I still remember on the 5th of November uh thy shrug was in my chat and my mods had to ban some remember exactly what he said to me view Bing were you again 47 years ago hey you say you’re my daughter I

Don’t have one of those yeah I don’t I don’t think I ever had I don’t remember that cuz that’s all that matters that is all that matters yeah this is I’m I’m no longer uh you know what I’m no longer a Minecraft stream as of right now okay that sounds like regular dementia

But like no but like they remember their chat though but you forgot the part where they remember their chat yeah that’s that’s the that’s the funny part of it is that they remember their chat though in extreme detail you don’t get it it’s funny you still got a little ways to go

Yeah I still got like another 3,000 BLS IR I looked up uh you know how I was talking about how what was up there that’s like the inverse to what’s up the ceiling what was up [ __ ] you that was silly I wasn’t expecting that sorry yeah so what did you look up though for real I don’t even remember

What I was saying like that was too funny yeah oh I remember oh see that’s how you know no no dementia yet um mhm for my tears of the Kingdom thing with the guitar yeah with the guitar since it’s the base game it still has all like the dupe glitches in

It oh yeah and it has the uh the cooked food glitch where if you cook food and you uh and you buy like a seared meat or like like a roasted fish like instantly afterwards it just puts whatever the effect of the cooked meal onto the the the food you bought and

Then it can just infinitely stack oo they like infinite stacking so I could literally have like 100 roasted bass that just give me like 30 minutes of like triple speed and since I can duplicate bass mhm then I just have infinite speed and you can do that with attack

You can do that with getting spe stamina it is very cool he’s going to have so much freaking speed chat I’m going to have so much speed and I do mean the drug I also mean the drug I’m going to be high off my ash God gave you a choice to redo your

Mistakes and you did the same thing yeah but like this time I plann for it though yeah I I want everyone to know that as we just saw were my life to be the events of the movie Click when uh when dudes sent me back for another

Chance I’d be like yeah give me that [ __ ] remote you can figure out the kind of person you’re talking to by asking them what’s up if they say the ceiling they’re an inside person if they say the sky they’re an outside person if they say nothing much they’re a boring

[ __ ] right holy titty balls but what what if they say something else though Bros Prime in the joke of the century what what if you ask what’s up and they’re like my stocks I what type of person are they then then they are Sigma Giga Chad yes andrate Giga Sigma hold Game

Stop dude I I have this friend who I’m not going to name just in case you know it would embarrass him what if I respond with I legally have to tell you I’m a convicted felon that’s real AJ I’m I’m on a list no I have this friend who for like

Way too long was holding GameStop I actually don’t know if he ever sold um dude was holding GameStop for months and months afterwards and he was he just kept whenever I asked him about it he was just like oh it’s it’s going to hit again it’s going to hit again I was like

What are you talking about no it’s not that was like PJ with AMC except it was never hitting yeah when uh when when we visited Maryland uh PJ had like $100 invested in AMC which is the the movie theater that’s the thing is it it was not just

$100 it was oh okay it was a lot more yeah it was a lot more but yeah go on PJ at AMC so PJ had $100 in AMC and by like the end of our trip it like he that $100 was down to like 14 and he was like remember that he kept

Like giving us updates and being like yeah so it’s it’s down again and he was like and everyone was everyone was like dude just get rid of it he’s like no dude no dude it’s gonna it’s going to go up yeah it’s going to hit what’s what’s AMC stand for

American Media Cinema American movie [ __ ] that’s just what it stands for I’m sorry I didn’t American movie [ __ ] I didn’t create the company I I’m going to get uh I’m my my my VOD is going to get blocked in countries for saying that word I’m going to get demonetized oh no my third

Countries my 4 and half cents of Revenue off of my stream not the 4 and a half cents that’s so much money though oh no what are my tax is going to say Oh no you’re going to get one one tenth of a cent Less on your tax return I’m so

Mad it is actually really funny uh just like calling this a profession because if I were to buy a video game when this is actually like a real paying job yeah if I just if I just bought a game that I wanted to play and

I streamed it like once I could call it a write off yeah or I could write it off I mean somebody actually like bought like I think it was like a really expensive like Rock Band guitar or something like that and literally put it

In a video like the outro of a video and was like they titled it this is for attacks write off I forget who it was and if it was specifically that but did it that was the general idea of it uh I don’t know assumedly they didn’t even like use it for

Videos no I don’t think so they just really wanted a tiny ass video in it just to be like yeah this is a this is a freaking right off uh yeah this is coming off of my taxes yeah how to gang the syst you’re home I’m home yeah are you

Like so excited I’m like so excited what’s up gra grape grape grape grap gra grape I like gra all right you ready sure ow there’s freaking come on over Z and [ __ ] there’s like a [ __ ] Zombie Siege right now I actually h on come on over pigl that’s fine what does this say

No where bro disa hoglin please we go this way in this establishment yeah hang on just like one second before you do it though I’m killing an Enderman right now okay he is so ready to be to be brought in he’s so excited all right all right all right all right

All right all right all right all right all right all right all right I’m next to the portal you are uh yeah okay hopefully this isn’t going to be an issue he hasn’t even tried to attack me I’ll break the back come on buddy I’ll break the back

Just in case it’s an go in the portal suffocate you know what is good for you a cobblestone you get half a scent well it’s part of the you know calculations the the half cents add up you know every gallon of gas you get is followed with uh with 9/10 of a scent

So oh here he is yes he’s here come through I’m lagging come on through uhoh okay I’m here there he is wait for him to turn and he’s going to go on a [ __ ] rampage and try to kill everything K his ass Whoa yeah let’s [ __ ] that was so yummy let’s see if there’s another another for the slaughter damn it you want to go find a Bastion with me yeah all right yeah we can go um actually I could check my VOD now that I’m back you want me to sure thing I can

Like I can like check it you know yeah so freaking check it you know before you do you want to come in the nether with me real quick I want to show you what I’ve done to the place oh I can come in the nether yeah yeah why don’t you come inside the

Nether did you see what I uh gave myself again by the way or um recovered when I managed to recover no what’s up it’s freaking awesome whoa yeah those could be so useful later I know bro thinks I don’t know I know so yeah uh if you jump you can see all the

Progress I made if you look over there checking VOD but I I will check progress in a second I did it in layers uh-oh please please no it’s not responding no mouse good tool a inventory you should make a video about everything you buy so it’s all tax write offs true all

Right you know what that that ain’t working uh whoa what just I hear you dropped that so I I uh he would run this way and I would block him off and then he would run a little farther and I’d block him off again that’s freaking awesome hang on I

Think there’s something that we should do like I there’s one that I would imagine would be pretty easy the guardian well no I mean yeah we could do the guardian oh what’s upang me the red Noah hang on oh what’s up I said hang on please oh what’s up all right all right

All right all right all right check this out dude I’m thinking burn danger heartbreak and friend because those things represent me what this guy’s no freaking idea he has no freaking idea what I just did pot yes where would you like pot Place uh White here white here

Yeah I’m going to put it one away so we can look at every side yeah oh my can we even do anything with this we got 61 out of 110 how come how come my when I was tracking the thing it was at in 54 because because it tracks the

Um the like ones at the beginning of the tab like when it when it says adventure oh okay or the end or nether husbandry Minecraft it counts those gotcha gotcha gotcha so that was an easy one that we were able to get done that was an easy

Basically did it all last time yeah yeah we did do it all the there’s kitty yeah you don’t want none of this yeah you’re scared of my [ __ ] [ __ ] Dude that thing doesn’t store Genies it was a waste of time yeah I know what you mean can you like put anything in it these like have a purpose let me check just decorations decorated pot is an ornamental block crafted from well there you go usage our used for

Decoration having no Collision uh uh in the 1.2.3 snapshots and pre-releases decorated pots can hold a single stack of any one item type so no cuz we’re in 1.20.1 cuz we refuse to download a new version of OptiFine you know what’s interesting how come Minecraft has never

Added like a wolf or like a like a tamed dog patrol setting like there’s sit and there’s follow but there’s no like hey sit here and Patrol like a certain block radius like let’s just say like that is true let’s just say like like a 50 block

Radius yeah I just realize I also had two enchanted books on me um I think after stream I’ll be able to find find those they should neverwhere I’ve never heard this disc before oh yeah let’s listen to the disc it is quite good I want to hear it yeah

Chat we’re going to listen to it again I haven’t heard it you don’t get a [ __ ] Choice um what what he just wants Vibe this guy needs to go who do you know [Laughter] here just wait for it it starts hitting like a minute In oh my God They call my Pace Immaculate that’s not the only thing that’s Immaculate well oh I’ oh here’s the whoa yeah tree tree so true all right are there any other like easy ones uh we could go kill a guardian together that’s true yeah I mean you you got to get the the kill but well yeah yeah I got six doors and all the water breathing

Potions actually I’ll just have half of them you can have the other half yeah they are in here this should be pretty easy yeah what’s the best they’re not difficult what’s the best thing to use just a sword yeah I just use a sword do you

Just brute force it or I mean pretty much I mean you can use like a a bow or something but you have to be pretty close oh see that salmon kill itself no that was pretty badass dude we have enough we have enough uh obsidian over there to start another

Portal have you found every biome not yet uh I have five left to go I think close very close yeah that’s kind of what I was doing but uh then we switched it up where’d you go I just stopped for a second and I lost you uh I just went

Uh push my eye it’sing straight Southwest keep going pass those bears do y all want to build a house no houses are for [ __ ] no we are not we are going to get every advancement and no house will be made I think I might have gone slightly

Out of the way you’re probably over like here yeah there you are hey my eye was was twitching in a certain direction I knew where you were that is so hyp Beast yeah yeah I’m pretty hype and also pretty beast beast yeah they should call me like Mis hype and then beast in

Parenthesis yeah glad we got the details figured out yeah we good at branding oh [ __ ] there a trid it’s actually o Shin oh but you were pretty close it’s actually Clos it’s actually closure it’s actually Cleopatra’s [ __ ] the [ __ ] are you Augustus yeah gloop bro freaking gloop we’re going to the

Monument got him yeah I don’t remember what a monument is but I know that [ __ ] love we TS I know there’s like 70 quadrillion million trillion in this [ __ ] ocean right here there’s actually that many yeah if I had to make a guess around

We’ll find one if I had to make a like a like an actual guess I’d say there’s about like an educated one of those there’s probably close to like s trillion monuments in this ocean o maybe was that I don’t think that was a very good pops

Now a good pops would be uh Kush can do one I’m pretty sure I yeah yeah so no pressure but what do you want me to say aliot Tre I don’t know anything maybe say that I look nice today I just I wanted you to say it

Earlier but I guess I I have to ask is that the raid I think that’s the raid Village should we just do the raid I mean I guess if we’re here right maybe not no the raed was in like snowy tiger yeah I guess you’re right I think it was

Also I noticed you you didn’t say that I look nice today in a pop boys dude I it’s so on the spot oh hang on can we actually can we stop right here real quick I thought of something a bit ago that I realized I need to do still what’s up is this

Not am I like a dip [ __ ] you need shoes for that oh do you Happ going to have shears or one iron no oh I’m going to the Village to kill their Golem hang on okay yeah no no I didn’t want to hear turt anyway either yeah I’m going to breed the

Turtles cuz you know there’s some helpful stuff here like the iron and [ __ ] yeah there’s some useful things oh sweet here he is hey guy it’s a bit of An Inconvenient spot for you to go to what if what if you like and this is a thought just

Stopped oh I have iron that’s weird yay how that happened uh so so I I’m sorry you were you were saying something right huh in a voice you were saying something in like a a funny voice not that I recall like a like a pops voice I’m pretty sure you said you

Were going To something like nice I think Dud yeah there you go okay I I guess I bred them that probably works I think the voice was like a synonym to father and it was maybe a h uh something kind and sweet possibly yeah I think you’re right no gosh en can’t swim get out buddy get

Out we we we can get the hell out of here now I think you look very handsome today oh yay wo yes of course I was literally I was sobbing a little inside I was like how long can I sit here before he just starts like hating

Me that [ __ ] was mid all right you’re banned what yeah what the [ __ ] don’t tell him that he’s reading my chat man yeah oh [ __ ] you’re timed out for a day problems now are you a mod in my no I’m I meant from my chat oh well that’s fine pretty

Sure they’re right where they want to be [Laughter] anyway Huh in my that he reads this yeah he reads this can’t believe you snitch like that yeah what what is wrong with me CAM what is wrong with me am I the bad guy did did kush’s internet break I think it may have no oh no what it do

Man you knew damn well he would read that still said it it’s kind of based why is it that the one time we want yeah that that we run into one we can’t find M maybe we should just go a different way you’ve always been the bad guy

I you’re so right I’m the bad guy duh guys remember that one that timely Bad Guy by Billy ish reference oh my God I tried go get out get out get out get out I’m raing your buddy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude a [ __ ] dude oh [ __ ] dude this is my house the

Slow new home bro F broke his no house promise I will lease it to someone else you folded instantly to Pure pressure no a little I was only kidding yeah I know gosh I was too you never support my jokes you never yes and me anymore why do you no but

Me no but no but no but when do I get a yes and hey there’s one we took a wrong turn do you have potions on you yeah I have four potions sella which it I’m going into battle and I require your strongest potions you can’t handle my strongest

Potions all right we we just kind of want to I’m stuck in the [ __ ] boat [ __ ] off you want to just [ __ ] run and Gun I’m going to kill this little freak surely I won’t die from these Guardians that wouldn’t happen right ouch I found the sponge room sponge room Yeah I found one [ __ ] this guy’s a dirty [ __ ] this guy is a red [ __ ] yeah don’t accidentally kill him so true ow Ow simultaneous ow oh yeah go behind a pillar go behind a pillar replace the door oh my God I have one heart and I can’t eat anymore it’s not letting me [ __ ] it’s not recovering Hearts oh here place place doors ow oh watch out watch out watch

Out I don’t think Shields work I blocked something I’m feeding for more I’ll kill the little [ __ ] ow don’t touch the guardian being generally a [ __ ] don’t touch the Elder Guardian no I’m not okay I killed the little minion [ __ ] he does a lot of damage I think he does

Somehow freak [ __ ] we are so in syn I’m freeding for more yeah I killed that son of a [ __ ] hell yeah see all it took was one potion let’s get the hell out of here what do we have eight for I got the kept collecting I got the

Sponge too oh cool oh I think yeah there’s another one we could have just gone right up after going in the entrance oh whatever but you know what are they [ __ ] I’m not I’m not too pressed about it TBH come here oh me I’ll pick you up okay I’ll

Come here thank you glow squid yeah I don’t even like what the hell that that that took literally three minutes like what what are we going to do now uh piglin Brute true we got any other easy ones um uh try and find some point we need to

Make diamond armor try and find a amethyst true we do need amethyst uh we could go do the raid if we wanted to yeah oh [ __ ] I see something we could maybe Corral some mobs into a little thing so that we can do the uh the five kill five enemies in one

Go uh yeah that’s actually best with like animals no I know that’s what I meant so like we have a lead so if we brought over oh [ __ ] I have mining for in fact I’m pretty sure that’s one of the enchanted books I had was was a piercing

Three yeah yeah yeah so I I’ll make sure to find that off screen what the book yeah the book that I lost no the book is we have a I thought we had a piercing book in I think the one in the chest is impaling

Isn’t it is it piercing well we have an impaling but we also I don’t know oh maybe maybe we brought it home I don’t know cuz I thought I was carrying the piercing book maybe you were I’ve got mining I had two on me I need these what do you it’s really important

Oh I know what you found it’s just a little something something yeah oh no oh this is scary guys I don’t I don’t know I’m so scared right now I’m almost done so oh my ah so scary what am I what am I going to do oh no oh oh

No what was that oh was just it was nothing cam how’s Japan very good question it’s been a while oh wait actually yeah cam how is Japan didn’t it just get hit with a [ __ ] like earthquake are you good I meant to text you when I saw

That I don’t know where it hit and where you are that [ __ ] was like a seven on the RoR scale we can go so this guy’s going to turn into a freaking drowned and then I’m going to try to release the Axel lottle oh okay the freaking schadle the schadle

Oh dude look he’s drowning he’s shaking he’s so shaky and drowning so shaky was on the other side of the country that’s that’s good [ __ ] losers no I’m just kidding I am happy to hear that though some light shaking for 40 seconds you could say you’re a Survivor

Now though so I got a copper Ingot but I didn’t get um the achievement that achievement is boofed as [ __ ] yeah dumb [ __ ] where do you get sniffer eggs from is that the suspicious gravel and sand I I would think I don’t have actually no let me I’m going to look it

Up right now how did we get so far away from home while only being in water ah cuz we got Antarctica we were but I’m like ice boating a a bit suspicious sand in warm ocean ruins is that where the the we have to go to warm ocean ruins to find

Suspicious just sand is that where the uh where are you [ __ ] I’m long gone I just started running you’re going home yeah is that where the the drown spawn like in those ruins yes yes those ruins well I’ve seen a lot of those Japan’s good though that’s

Good are you not able to speak that well cuz to me you always sounded like like a master but I guess that’s coming from everyone there hates him they’re like this [ __ ] his accent so bad yeah and then they then they kick him I got a comment recently on my

Minecraft uh Mansion or not Minecraft my my tears of the Kingdom mansion video it was three comments by the same dude and he literally okay dude slobbering on you a little bit he was literally making fun of me for saying house and adding like apparently an an sh sound to

It well like house yeah and I don’t all three comments were that two of them were about me pronouncing things with an sh and I don’t really think I do that I’ve never noticed it and then the other one com off the pl and then the

Other one was about like oh just use autobuild for more materials you dumb [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] okay it’s crazy because dude was slobbering so hard on your nuts like he he wanted to hate on you and left three [ __ ] comments yeah they were all back

To back to back like within the same like minute like what like how [ __ ] obsessed do you have to be bro needed a response and instead I just banned him like cool I’m glad I’ll never see you again yeah right thanks for the three cents I kill Elly good

Morning your ass did not wake up [ __ ] I read the sign at our house I forgot what it said so I was like I’ll refresh myself yeah worst IA years I did that earlier that’s so funny don’t forget that somewhere there is gay beach and if we find it again it will be

The worst day of Our Lives sign doesn’t lie you’re banned no bro just gonna ban everyone who ever says something mean what’s up Andrew oh you called me a [ __ ] you’re banned oh I didn’t make that jump and you made fun of me for it guess what you’re timed out for 48 hours

Yeah guess what have fun never watching my [ __ ] have fun never watching my streams again [ __ ] you are banned oh I made a spelling mistake while typing and you called me out for it have fun never typing in my chat again yeah okay it was worth it I lied we do not

Piercing I am literally crying in the club right now how do you do you have to cook a wet sponge to change it to a normal sponge what yeah yeah you cook it or just place it down in the nether oh well I already used the coal well then just go with

That we have spoe nice this is our trophy for killing the Elder gan yeah you should uh you should make some new armor I think I should make some new armor what happened to my armor where did it all go it it broke from the guardian oh yeah that would make sense

H you got PL armor haven’t been timed out H oh my God you’re going to be you must be thirsty dude I must why does she hate you today what did Blood do no this is just what my chat does I didn’t even have enough like that was definitely not

Enough water for all those hydrates oh and More’s coming in good I’ll go get more water chat okay so I know this is your favorite part of me streaming after all we didn’t use any of the doors hold on this is going to be awesome this is our Monument

E you’re bad at Minecraft darn it I hope your charger only charges at a right angle dang it kush look stupid stop be nice please please I hope he didn’t need this are these the doors we didn’t use use yeah it’s our little Monument it’s pretty cool you can like

Open it and you see the sponge pretty awesome yeah full gallon would be nice um I I would definitely throw up though What would happen if I redeemed all of my points in a hydrate I would end stream how do you heal a bow that’s Enchanted um an anvil but like what do you use levels or like sticks oh oh a bow but doesn’t that remove the oh never mind no in an

Anvil why do I have weakness huh why do I have weakness something you want to tell me about what used to be in this chest for one of these chests what do you oh here’s the lightning rod we had a weakness in the chest I’m just saying I have weakness

And I I don’t know that’s that’s interesting I don’t yeah that is actually a good question can we get a checkin how many points does everyone have I have oh apparently I’m not logged into twitch what the [ __ ] man how does it always do this I don’t know

47.3 th000 damn okay you know what I’m going to log pry amount right now 467,000 just barely just barely beaten out by an what’s up Baron of lunch my fans are so riched and it’s it’s why my life is Hell 29,000 okay that’s pretty good that’s

Pretty good I have 5.7 th000 but that’s cuz I use them all in your pegle streams that is true I like I stockpile up until those pickle streams that the the smart viewer while I appreciate all of the hydrates um and it’s funny the smart viewer stockpiles until pegle them up

Saves them up for pegle yeah if you hadn’t spent a thousand on water you would have more washing hands is overrated we’ve got a tongue what the hell what the baron of lunch came in swinging today I’m interested to know if anybody actually has um more points than an at

This point who is my number one fan your channel’s the second most amount of points I got yeah well I’m never no one is ever going to be first for you other than uh other than you know a certain streamer huh oh amaranth yeah amaranth oh why do I hear a zombie that’s

Weird ow ow who’s this guy you know what go go in the freaking nether dude go in the freaking nether no stop going onto the bed go in the nether okay do I have to go over here there are too many monkeys jumping on this

Bed bro is in the nether there’s two of them in there now you want to see how yeah I think we should sleep now hey yeah I was I was trying to but hey one more for the nether I think use a Sprint yeah let’s sleep yeah now that we’ve done important

Yeah can you report back an how many you have in her chat because I know it’s got to be in the 100 thousands isn’t your goal like a million I’ll just put back away my water brething yeah right um chat when will it happen Did you set up your auto clicker did you oh I thought you set up your your auto clicker for that no I just I just click this fast you have 42.3 th000 that’s awesome that is true you could be a mobile twitch viewer uh for Amar but I guess I guess it’s a

Little harder to do that and do something [Laughter] else think it’s time for supper o supper cockroach’s milk is more nutritious than human milk This guy drinks [ __ ] milk when will he you game while she streams well yeah seeing see I I knew it it’s going to be that now they real question is oh it’s the sponge yeah I wouldn’t do that yeah she’s not live as often oh true she’s probably I don’t really know the

Amaranth lore but she’s probably been live less since that whole drama went down right if we do uh we could do piglin brute or we could do we could do the raid yeah which would get us a few things at once but cuz there’s a there’s a achievement

For beating a raid isn’t there there is as well as the raid enemies well yeah so I mean we could do that real quick unless you just do you just hate raids oh it’s I don’t know they’re just annoying but like we we could go do it

Yeah let’s let’s just go do it I guess cuz I still need to kill a ravager and a Vex and an evoker and a uh axe guy plus we also need we also need the totem of undying eventually so that is true if we get one from one of

Them that is that is true yeah and then honestly a good thing to do you have food like uh I do a good thing to do after um would be to look around for ruins so that we can use brushes Andrew suspicious sand and we need to get of them or a

Conduit we need get six more Nautilus shells conduit it those aren’t too hard to get uh no what the hell was I going to grab all right I should bring uh I’m just going to bring the lightning rod with me at all times now just in case yeah you never

Know when you might freaking need it so I think at a certain point I he is show The Raid Damn that was early on oh it was right here what are the cords to the raid what are they oh you want me to look well no I I’m actively looking right now they are I mean I I got it 1680 -400 okay that’s correct so then we just need to

Go yeah we just need to go this way so apparently last time when I was like oh we just need to go this way to find that thing yeah why is the nether star a shuriken oh it’s for my animated resource pack um where’d you go isn’t it cool oh

I just started going north the way we got to go no you have to go West that’s what I meant okay that’s the way I was it’s super cool maybe the coolest oh my God you’re literally too nice to me do we have the things to kill a like to beat a red I don’t have arrows I have 15 and an

Iron sword hold on wait wait wait do we have oh [ __ ] do we have um so I don’t have a I don’t have a shield that’ be good I also uh I have an A an Infinity flame bow but it’s about to break are you but do we have enough iron

To make an anvil maybe it depends we had like 60 so we should we need um 31 do we have 31 uh let me check cuz that would be nice if if you could yeah if you could get that Infinity it’s just three blocks right yeah it’s three blocks on top and

Then that all right cool we have any we got it we have any more just like lying around iron uh arrows oh guess not oh wait we have ender pearls I’m about to die cam you you don’t got to be meaner you you can you can still be

Nice nothing why are they doing this to us man I didn’t get anything from that yeah why do they do this so we need know I want to be happy oh yeah I need oh I guess that’s where the lead went what I I guess you put the lead in the

Chest we were wondering where it was last time oh yeah yeah yeah this cat looking at me funny yeah it’s a cat bro it’s not in his head uh so I guess if you got your Infinity all cooked up can I have the rest of your arrows oh hold

On uh I need to is there a a full bow in here somewhere there’s a half we have a bunch of we have a bunch of that’s true I need one more stick if you got one not on me all right there’s wood in here though we do that and we do

This let’s go all right here thanks wait isn’t there did I get the achievement to kill a Pillager with a crossbow yet ah did you I don’t remember let me check uh no then give me one of those back okay or maybe two just in case I

Miss yeah well we should be able to don’t don’t they drop arrows some of them maybe well we’ll probably encounter skeletons this dude redeemed highlight my message and just said two dots that’s cool let’s sleep yeah honestly let’s let well if we just go there we might encounter some skeletons and get some

Arrows oh okay okay I don’t know might be cool up to you though we could sleep my chatter Baron he joined like yesterday and really all he does is just post random historical political facts about uhhuh uh cannibalism oh that’s interesting yeah bro just pulled a me so hard I’m

Not going to lie I wasn’t even paying attention well all right here we go I’m reformed yeah sick DFT did you see me thread the needle yeah that was cool they F from more a stray ouch it hit me ouch oh ow another stray these things hurt ow ouch oh I got

Arrows o yay I hope I don’t get too slow hopefully not yeah we just have to go this way probably yeah it’s just over here I remember not being far it’s just like 1,500 blocks y I still am not entirely sure how I feel about the whole you know cannibalism thing

But I mean I I guess it Chatters a chatter that’s very true we got to go this way okay hey hey hey cush yeah what’s up snowball snowball fight I don’t have any that’s okay I’m out I guess you win I I guess I think I might have hit

One what if you could insta car a sex [ __ ] to your house what if bro doesn’t know that what if they want to be eaten though uh I’m pretty sure there was a case of that and the dude still went to jail as one recreates such

Voices my ass what are funny voices that we do got shot whack yeah I know it’s whack whack oh it’s murder and it’s wrong [ __ ] whatever dude get over it the woke mind virus won’t let me cannibalize my friend anymore soft ass world we live in he literally asked me

To oh we’re coming up on it y whatever left is how’s the woke media going to spin this one they’re going to remove cannibalism from the ballot what about the foot tacos that is a big talking point though yeah I’ve heard that brought up a lot I

Think that Jack’s kind of your guy if you want to know about foot tacos but yeah my understanding is that is that those aren’t cool there’s a freaking Ravine here freaking Ravine I wouldn’t want to fall into that I’ll tell you that much hey man I accidentally took a screenshot

Uh it was like 1680 like, 1600 negative like was it 1400 or500 ah yeah we’ll we’ll see it in fact I think I See the Light how the [ __ ] did this happen what wait how did I get turned around that’s what I’m saying I also got turned around

Literally how did that happen I don’t know I it really confused me too though oh here’s that aelia I went down oh I found it that’s so interesting what’s up [ __ ] did they go to jail who the foot Taco people I I don’t know did that actually happen I thought that

Was Blair su’s made up scenario there’s a lot of them here I guess I got turned around at the Ravine wait how did I get turned around again chat there’s a lot of dudes shooting at me right now Chad am I stupid Bally had to hit a little jig yeah mods

Oh boy are you am I dead yeah you just died yeah I [ __ ] lagged out awesome I’m uh I’m here so I can Fu sick dude find and put away your [ __ ] I guess it’s so so [ __ ] dumb Oh that’s so lame whose stuff is this I don’t know dude I was I was shooting and killing them very efficiently uhuh and then you cut out on my end and I just go oh no and so I start running away and I was I was probably stuck just

Kind of sitting there AFK for like probably 5 to 15 seconds so they all just shot me I got to figure this in thing out dude cuz we literally upgraded our router yeah I don’t I don’t know what’s going on and like my internet is

Reverting back to how it was when I like first got Here yeah which which we don’t like when it does that yeah you know the internet where it like buffers for 20 seconds oh yeah I’m aware I’m familiar with that internet very fun so fun were you able to grab everything or no yeah I got all your [ __ ] I’m just

Yeah I’m just going to take this that was definitely intended for me what I think the pumpkin I think the raid might be like over oh like they’re all dead ah no like the bar is empty well yeah and I killed the one that killed you and nothing

Happened I think it might have ended when you died well the bar was empty for me the whole time oh weird so maybe that means all the villagers are dead maybe I don’t really know how raids work all right I finally breeded wolves that’s good there’s foxes here

Too that was what delayed me from coming to join you oh just so you know how cool of a guy I am oh here’s the Pillager well one there were a lot of them so far I’ve encountered two I had like six or seven shooting at me H I’ll keep looking around

Okay I guess I might as well have these guys with me I put your stuff in a chest so okay if you wanted to grab my crossbow you could get the the crossbow killing a Pillager thing uh that’s true yeah I I could just do that CU I don’t have to be

The one that does it necessarily yeah I should probably also leave you one Arrow so that you can use your it is quite funny that we’ve had so much iron this whole time and I’ve I haven’t used my flame Infinity bow once yeah strange odd even all right I’m

Back welcome back where’s the chest at uh there’s like a creeper hole over over back here uh oh so I think you got creeper and then also a Pillager shot you no oh maybe oh yeah maybe when I was lagging wait I need to kill that guy oh so true

Oh your dogs killed it oh oh Raiders remaining too let me I see one of them let me suit up real quick I’ll uh I’ll sit my dog uh okay cuz I found another one of the ones you need to kill and I want to be able to help you

With out right would you get out from the tree so I can see you there is still a villager you’re in there okay well then I’m going to put this I sealed one of the villagers I sealed another one where are you right here he’s over here oh it work iron X

That’s helpful okay I’m going to kill this one with the crossbow and this one isn’t like te technically called okay so it does need to be one of the ones actually called Pillager yeah okay that’s fine uh ravager if they’re coming I’ll get up on a thing yeah honestly we should probably

Get up on a building anyway I’m on a roof me too I just don’t know where they are coming from I’m not sure not a lot of good visibility here I’ll tell you that much all these darn trees there’s so many trees everywhere I just can’t see the I I

Can’t I can’t stand it dude I can’t see my Ops I’m going to I’m going to switch up the music we’re doing something now so let’s let’s switch to switch to a little more zany one yeah music uh do you see any Ops I’m scouting cuz they come in from like a

Side oh I hear a bunch okay are they under ground is that possible maybe oh they’re up on the [ __ ] tree what which tree come over here oh my God I see the ravager yeah I guess just shoot the ravager yeah [ __ ] easy mode I’m going to shoot one of the pillagers

Get this freaking achievement that’s so funny what are you doing no don’t come down okay there’s another one and yeah he’s down but you got this he’s so baby girl literally so that was awesome I’m just going to shoot them all off the tree type that you need to kill

Well I need a Vex and the the the dude that spawns them yeah I was counting them as one gotcha all right oh well we’re not going to get them this time yeah but we got another thing that’s still a w we could yeah we

Could go find a mansion I think we got to anyway for one of the trims don’t we probably I I should research where all the trims that we need come from before next Stream we did it well yep that was enough of that music we can go back to the chill music I didn’t even switch okay so if you want we can go back home and do piglin brute yeah I’m thinking either pigin brute or looking around for ruins

I actually hold on let’s go back home cuz I I do know where ruins are okay uh one thing do you have any feathers not on me but we have feathers at home cuz we’re going to need brushes I think one of the things you lost when you died was

The six feathers I gave you yeah yeah I did well I think I just heard a chicken yeah let me just grab I’ll grab some feathers quick uh just head just head straight East yeah I’m freaking going so you only need one feather per brush right yes sir okay if I have two

Copper ingots if you see any chickens just kill them on your way back will do I’m not sure I’m going to but if I do well yeah I will do the same I heard one I didn’t see one it’s tough to see them cuz I’m moving pretty fast in the snow

Right the one I killed did not drop any I got a feather that’s at least one brush yeah so that’s that’s good yo oh I I have two feathers oh okay that was a very feathery chicken I guess unless I already had one and didn’t notice a plump Ash might have been

That Rose talking about chicken ass right now no rose like guess what I could only imagine what would follow that was a real waste of time honestly okay here we go dude I 1,00% upgrade [ __ ] I used yeah I used used a stone axe to kill one of

The what are the [ __ ] what are they called the the axe dudes they have a name Vindicator yeah I used I broke my stone axe killing a Vindicator and it dropped an iron axe which I then used to kill another Vindicator which dropped a second iron

Axe which I was then able to combine and turn into uh like a 3/4 durability iron ax X that’s awesome man you’re basically winning you’re basically the coolest person on the planet you’re basically Mr dub did you know that starfish are edible uh sea stars you mean all right

Scientist all right yeah I’ll have you now all right [ __ ] Bear Grills you know what else is that all what my [ __ ] I knew it I said what and I was just like in my head his ass his ass his ass his ass my initial thought was actually

Something way worse but then I realized I should not not based on who might be God damn it I read this song cleopetra might be watching you know I’m going to put these gifts where they can be properly stored so I don’t lose them if I die are you back home yeah I’m

Home oh [ __ ] going to put those there I don’t need them anymore I I don’t need that on me either yeah there’s a flint and steel here well yeah that’s the one that I put back uh uh right you are carry on nice not in front of the children uh

What was I going to say yeah I why would I say it now I don’t know who’s watching his stream it’s my stream yeah what the hell don’t don’t worry about it guys just don’t worry about it I just found a [ __ ] Treasure Trove of don’t say oh like you know what

I’m what I was going to say there’s so many Critters over here yeah there’s horses cows sheep pigs but no chicken no I was thinking more for the five in one oh so true we should make I have two brushes that’s that’s pretty good we should make an automatic chicken farm

Yeah the sound of a [ __ ] who does not want to make an automatic chicken you know what you know what Kelly you are correct actually you are correct so um 3 hours what’s 3 hours oh chicken I like chickens it gave feather oh three hours of stream that is cool yeah

We’ve been live for three hours yes sir would you like me to hop in bed for you uh I’m not home yet do you not got one on you I mean I’m like couple blocks away we can sleep now now I put my bed down okay I feel well rested all right

Yeah hi I definitely didn’t just sleep right here there you go no 3 hours till they get you oh okay 3 hours until they get you every time I look at the dark screen I see myself in regret dude looking at yourself in the [ __ ] black mirror of a screen is

Horrifying how’s the sponge doing let me let me check how it’s marinating ouch oh yeah it’s good see I can actually I could tell as I was walking over I saw the [ __ ] top of the side sticking out so I knew I knew what was awaiting me oh

Okay I want all of chat to know I walked in that willingly these 13 feathers did you just put them in the chest or yeah okay good I was about to say if they were just sitting there and and my ass just ignored them no I gave you one

Those were not I didn’t just Place those yeah those were just in there I guess I should probably not make like a [ __ ] ton of brushes no I’ll make five that works uh do you want to go to that that warm Ocean Place yeah we can go to the

Freaking warm ocean it’s warm it is warm do you want your crossbow back uh I don’t need it we can just toss it somewhere leave it in leave in here for now until we enchant it not that one cuz that’s the food um oh yeah we have

To do that Phantom thing with killing two of them with one shot that’s true yeah so we’re going to need piercing for that I I’ll find it off screen I I left it somewhere I think all right let’s go and might I ask who they are who’s going to get me in 3

Hours or is that a fun surprise for later for 3 hours from now that’s when the Walkers show up e you know I just realized should we bring the water breathing potions uh no you don’t think so mm not for this one okay this one’s like completely this

One’s like well not completely but this one’s like a decent bit of it is like above water yeah well that’s cool I sure hope I’m going the right way yeah I mean we’ll we’ll find some eventually cuz I either went straight North or straight South to get to

It I would think South I’m pretty sure this was the way you were going cuz I did go straight South for like an entire two hours just kind of going I might actually be on the other side of this okay I don’t entirely remember I think

It would be to the left let’s find out not like straight left but yeah slightly left yeah yeah we can we can go freaking slightly left cuz it’s right on the edge of a of an ocean like a big ocean oh I see I see something that might come in

Useful I also see something that superseded your uh your any desire you would have to uh I didn’t even let you on the boat D yeah exactly you saw those and you were like yeah I’m [ __ ] going dude you said I see right when my eyes locked onto them

And I just I didn’t even say anything I just beelined it the doooo fart what’s up dude what came first the chicken or the egg uh the chicken sandwich god the original chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-A that came first there’s no debating it came okay it came first I saw that

Chicken sandwich I said wow that chicken sandwich came before the chicken or the egg and the scientist said how did that happen and I said shut up literally it doesn’t even matter I think it’s actually right over here lion scientists these no good lion scientists they’ll tell you that the

Chicken came before the chicken sandwich not true very fake fake news I looked at the scientist I said what evidence do you have they didn’t have any and you see what they said they said to me listen Donald we respect you but the idea that the sandwich came before the

Chicken it just makes no sense and I told them you see I I said to them I know a thing or two okay the chicken built a wall and made the egg pay for [Laughter] it that’s real doooo FL yeah theing pay for it’s not here so we got to keep

Going yeah we can we can keep freaking going all I remember there was a titty [ __ ] ton of ocean yeah you’ve been here cuz there’s a broken weed what is the beon xack do uh it like makes all the mods run AJ are you telling me that doesn’t

Sound like something he would say you just like you need that to make other mods work dude I looked at the I saw the screenshot that Kelly sent I how are you guys you guys are running like [ __ ] 20 mods at once now yeah that’s [ __ ] crazy like there’s

No way I’d be able to get that set up it’s actually really easy like you can literally just copy and paste and it’s done really yeah so you can like export a code for like the profile and the profile has like every single mod like it has them all enabled disabled and all

You do is you you just paste that code in and it like automatically saves that profile onto your thing well that’s good so you could you could I’m pretty sure mine is still set up the with the manual mod installation from when we tried to play with

Bobby yeah yeah yeah I can I can show you guy has has computer that no like lethal company yes he had has Windows you guys are spot on thank you y oh a village and and is that ruin it is ruined I’ll go I’ll go do that you seem [Laughter]

Busy these could come in handy it did say warm ocean ruins do you think it really means warm Ocean or do you think cold ocean is fine well well the the ruins that I was trying to take us to were in a warm ocean oh so these are not it these just

Happen to be surface ruins I guess so that is strange pretty bad that is definitely strange that that is something that happened to us yeah I’m lagging pretty bad right now you’re lagging yeah I was oh oh yeah you are what a coincidence that we happen to find another set of

Surface ruins yeah it’s strange maybe soon you can work for the lethal company yeah maybe an to be truthful with you I haven’t since that first night when I was super drunk you want to play tonight um I’m probably going to have to go to asleep [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s the

Problem is that you guys only play when I need to be asleep because I have work like I just can’t play with you guys in general like any game cuz I’m on the opposite sleep schedule there’s a drown here oh you could maybe try and get the the schadle

Thing yeah I can try I mean since we’re here you might as well just do it until I don’t know like God Appears is this not this isn’t War motion [ __ ] weren’t we looking for sniffer seeds yeah we’re looking for sniffer eggs [ __ ] what do you even use a [ __ ]

What is a [ __ ] sniffer dude he I’m pretty sure the sniffer just gets the seeds for you back in my day we had a Among Us which was admittedly a shittier version of lethal company but God damn did we enjoy it there is suspicious gravel here that’s oh

Really I’m taking your [ __ ] run your pockets I don’t know where the schadle went just to be 100 with you oh like it swam away oh it just like it oh yeah I just I just don’t know where it is to to be 100 real I have 12

Emeralds it’s uh quite a few emeralds like make out oh swamp right here oh that’s cool and it’s turning nighttime which means slime uh ooh yeah it does mean that I mean it at least if like the Moon is in retrograde and like my toenails are clipped yeah

And like the Moon is at a 45° angle on like the the the Y AIS how the [ __ ] are you supposed to fix your [ __ ] I don’t know you sleep during the day you’ll be awake at night yeah that’s true qualific a job that I can’t sleep during the day what are the

Qualifications for for a slime spawning in a swamp cuz you you said there were a lot but I don’t know like the exact amount yeah I don’t know I me I could look it up but do I just sit here until so busy do I just sit here and chill you said no

Water right if I work at night well see but then I can’t play games and also I can’t work at night my job is during the day Kelly help yeah Kelly can you look this up cuz I’m in the middle of something can you look up the Slime spawn rate and

Like how do how they spawn in in how do you how do Slimes spawn in swamp I think that Axel just [ __ ] di dude well that’s fun or may maybe it died I don’t know we got to get more yeah we had to go get another one

Eventually anyway so I guess we might as well grab minum wage is too high let everyone be paid in fish sandwiches honestly I’m liking what dooo fart is yeah I’ll be back in Uno minuto that’s yeah that’s good oh I saw green I thought it was a

Slime but it was a stupid creeper head that’s so less cool ow 19% often spawn in groups of four slimes will not spawn in swamps if the light level is more than seven the spawn rates of slime in the swamp are known to increase during a full moon [ __ ] we’re halfway

There is that all it says I need slimes man ooh Enderman oh I bet that was a lot of damage you freak so you mean 177% chance to spawn oh [ __ ] endermite no yo hello you can’t sleep work and play the day then you work for 50 years

Straight them play for the rest yeah can’t sleep hunting slime yeah no all good I was just getting in bed I set my spawn here so that if anything crazy happens I don’t I I don’t have to run all the way back for really I might just sit

Here until it said that it’s more likely to spawn on a full moon spawn rate decreases as the moon Fades away I think this the Moon is coming in uh well we’re at a half moon so I guess it’ll be no I know it’s either going it’s either going from Half Moon

CU I guess it’s I guess it’s new moon there’s none is that what it is huh I think there’s one of the Moon if if it’s most at full noon then at New Moon it would be no slimes right well no I know is it going towards New Moon

Right now is a big ass bug in your shower I don’t know slimes are well it doesn’t matter which it doesn’t matter which way it’s going it’s half [ __ ] kill every mob you see yeah open up the uh the cap I guess actually you know what I’m going to walk

Over to you so we’re not splitting mob cap oh word where are you uh I am 3,600 like okay yeah I’ll be killing [ __ ] I be killing [ __ ] I be smacking pigs I be getting B I got I got a couple shirs um there’s probably more [ __ ] there that I could

Fine but all right you know yeah I want to get these ooh this actually yeah wind slep grally Hills this was one of the biomes I needed oh let’s go let’s go look at freaking us dude I’m feing for more there’s the swamp chat I’m so excited chat

Chat are we both just going to sit here and wait for slime yeah is that what we’re doing now I guess we’re just slime hunting we need slime we do for several things and slime chunks are very hard to find yeah so we might as well pretty common

But it’s annoying to like have the right scenarios to now there is a broken portal next to this so theoretically see the broken portal if we could fix saided broken portal what if we got the Slime and then went and tried to find a piglin brute it is not do that it’s not

Interrupted by anything either and I hear lava we just need a water bucket well I have a water bucket yeah I hear I think I hear lava do you no [ __ ] then then we might not be able to do it that’s fine okay she said uh according to Google according to

Google you got to kill everything around because they’re shy she said according to google slimes are shy and don’t like spawning next to other mobs no no what [ __ ] source is this from I don’t know dude is that wrong there’s no way that the Minecraft forums say that slimes are

Shy you see that’s where you’re wrong like there’s no way okay there’s no way theoretically if we’re like killing things it’s still good cuz then it’s like resetting or like spawning new things dude [ __ ] these skeletons they’re hiding behind the vines yeah honestly what Bobby and I used to do when we did

This uh is we would just run around cuz when you run far enough away things will despawn oh and then you can oh what would that oh it’s sugar canane maybe at a full moon it’ll be better maybe so the Axel is gone yeah I mean I could have stuck

Around and looked for it but like [ __ ] it right it wasn’t working and we need to go get shitty advancement so we might as well go grab to and it’s daytime I said it once I’ll say it again Kelly is the reason we can’t use Wikipedia

Damn yeah that is true that was just said last stream what is happening over here notot of creepers ow is there an achievement for getting uh like killing a creeper with a skeleton no you just get a music disc but we already have music discs so that is

Lame yeah help oh this is lame yeah all these mob drops yuck yeah that’s exactly what I was thinking yeah I got I got Explorer shirs and blade and a blade shirt ooh so that’s fun do we want to continue on come back at night try to find some

Ruins in the meantime big ass bug in my shower yeah how did L bro get up here oh real uh which way are we going east south for the thing I don’t know I don’t I’m not oh dude frogs another reason we need slime oh yes them uh pandas plus yeah

Leads yeah actually we do need leads cuz we need to have we the Frog frad but also you breed frogs with slime balls and you bring the frogs via leads into The Nether to get the Frog lights yeah so we slime’s very important for a lot of

Things so it’s good that we’re taking the time to yeah do that very much so my computer [ __ ] itself a second it’ll just do that like every like 15 minutes or so it’ll [ __ ] itself for 3 seconds and like I’m glad it’s not for long but still it’s annoying yeah not

Like long enough for this that was the most amazing [ __ ] timing what the [ __ ] I asked my chat to clip it dude you were literally like yeah not like and then Immediately oh my God man really wanted to demonstrate it I don’t know like that was on command that’s crazy yeah know that was insane why the baby sheep eating that was weird the head is the same size as the rest of the body yeah this definitely isn’t the way I think it was

North so like that’s fine we can still find it this way we’re in war biomes now should I stay though for the oh [ __ ] I put my down we can just come back at what at night yeah or just later did someone clip that I hope someone clipped it please

Tell me someone clipped it I don’t know if anyone’s actually watching anymore ausu what’s up buddy you just didn’t want to clip it Kelly said she clipped it or well she said yeah I don’t know if that means she clipped it maybe I guess please tell me someone clipped

It you tired but hello oh maybe maybe she was saying yes to watching maybe don’t know I don’t know so you can stay if you want want to but I I just don’t think there’s much point considering it may not even be a good moon phase I’m going to check uh the next

Night like I’m going to check this night and if I see the moon gets smaller then I’m not going to stay there yeah I’ll just I’ll just sort of go this way try to find something mhm you know how it goes slime dude I don’t think I’ve seen a slime in

Minecraft in like over like four years like genuinely I don’t think I’ve seen a slime in a world in so long that’s a good question will the moon hit your eye like a big pizza pie yeah have you been to have you been to a flower

Forest uh that’s not one of them what or if it is then I’ve already been to one oh well then I’m pretty sure that one is just a subset of forest it’s weird what they count and what they don’t right but yeah I should only need four more now

Okay so we need that’s good so we need one no we need two slimes to breed or slime balls to breed we need yep uh actually we need we need a bunch because we need all the different frog types um oh you have to bre every frog type I

Guess we could just find the Frog types but we need all of them on a lead have we bred aelott no because remember uh my original one died yeah yeah yeah yeah is the top bar all of the achievements gotten it’s all of the ones we still need but it’s not

Updated live wait what the so that’s what all we need it at the beginning of stream oh did you take all my pumpkins when I died yeah oh okay you only had like a stack well yeah but they meant a lot I said that I took them cuz I knew they

Were they were meant for me right no oh my bad why would I even assume I want some too I just like sharing the love I know for a fact that you’ve picked up a Bunch on this journey I only have 25 on me this ocean is [ __ ]

Huge and there’s like nothing in it I’m chilling out with a frog right now that’s pretty sick yeah you know we know where a warm ocean is we were there earlier it’s it’s it’s north was that by the jungle yeah the one by the jungle in the desert where we were literally farming

The aelott to try and yeah oh [ __ ] I found something so we could just go back over there that is true cuz that was straight East was it East I thought it was North we only know four directions and we beine them every time and and we’re wrong at we’re always wrong

Afterwards uh let me let me check it was at 5,000 -2000 was the desert then that would be East yeah that would be East I was right you were yippy but it is also like a little bit you cannot deny that it is in fact Slightly North you know what I will

Concede yeah you’re like yeah [ __ ] you yeah you’re right but also right but also not at all yeah because it’s still a feel now liberal let’s see the woke media try and patronize this yeah I’m coming back right now by the way oh all right on my way to you for

Real good luck finding me okay little does he know willco po Marco Marco what he doesn’t realize is that he’s not close enough for me to hear him Marco guys I don’t think I’m close enough for if to hear me yet something tells me it’s like an episode of

Dora you know what dude I want this Emerald so [ __ ] bad you know what while I’m here I’m just going to kill all of the animals and cook them that’s a good idea because if there’s one thing that I’m good at it’s killing Wildlife yeah well that’s something to

Be proud of I think I’d say so so the good news is the brush is not slowed down by being underwater oh that’s good that is good news yeah I thought so it’s why I said it oh that was a wooden H oh gold nugget good this yeah I’m

Getting I’m getting some great [ __ ] from these ruins yeah oh yeah I can’t wait to hear all about it when you get in Marco Polo range yeah where the hell are all the animals that I haven’t killed yet where are the amals oh the moon’s getting

Bigger oh oh the Moon is hitting our eye all right we can stick in this for a bit oh the song is over I’m so sorry Chad come on slime bring it on Mr slime slim time baby it’s slim time it’s slim it’s slim it’s slim time baby it’s it’s Islam time

Baby slime time baby it’s slime time I think guys do you know what time it is is it slime time yeah oh yeah I found one get over here B I’m getting closer chat yeah P for POG oh my God I have 11 slime balls oh

My God from one slime that’s like maybe close to what we need cuz we need we need them to breed pandas too I’m fairly confident no no wait no no no that’s it’s not just bamboo I was going to say yeah that’s bamboo they produce slime balls that’s

What I’m thinking of oh when they sneeze oh yeah that is a thing that happens another slime so I guess we only need it for the frogs and the leaves right um yeah maybe chat am I correct I have 18 now or am my Uso wrong dud game is so loud dude holy

[ __ ] dude like holy the mobile game like holy [ __ ] dude did I like I feel like I overshot uh Marco cuz we we were not it was like further than this I’m sure 2900 yeah I mean a uh Marco Polo he’s pretty quiet guys game is literally

Heyday I have 23 slime balls o That’s so hot Marco poo he a little bit louder chat I I went the wrong way before but now we’re so back we are literally so back ouch dude you know what I just realized if we set up proximity chat we could

Legitimately do Marco Polo yeah yeah we should do that that would be the the stupidest [ __ ] video ever Marco Polo I think I heard that from over here yeah Marco po a swamp Marco H Marco Polo that would be so dumb yeah I know it’s awesome Marco Polo oh Marco slime or Polo yo a witches hut what the hell Holy balls I’m just going to leave her to her [ __ ] I got other things to look for damn this [ __ ] is big God damn

Oho oh that would have done me in Feller there’s like more over here I think I think you have my boat I think you left it at the uh at the Village right oh Marco oh my go wait that’s not you it’s a [ __ ] wandering traitor oh wait

Really yeah he might have a map he doesn’t how do you you know I checked oh the stream’s delayed so I hit a Enderman and okay you need help no I was in water but he like teleported away and now he’s gone and I haven’t seen him in a little while

And I’m getting a little worried I have 32 slime balls you think that’s enough that’s probably fine that’s probably enough I would hope and think where are you Polo I’m at the Village oh yeah so understood six of the balls to breed the frogs and then like four leads so 10 and

Then and then do we need anything else um would didn’t think so all right oh chat Chad am I stupid I have 32 that’s a freaking flower field that is I wonder if it’s the same one you saw earlier maybe this is a good Village ooh that’s a bad hole

Oh what what a bad hole or a battle who would say that that was a bad hole that would be weird what did you just say you said something literally who would say o I got a bad hole who would do that uh I mean I guess that’s a like

Good question to ask he slime yes kill it just in case I’m killing it I found an interesting single slime ball I found an interesting cat and I don’t know if you have it oh interesting an interesting cat it is brown and white I think you and I are are surely

Not in the same place I found a uh a shattered Savannah or whatever it’s called so that’s cool co uh more slimes yeah I don’t think we’re in the same place yeah I got 11 balls I guess I found a different swamp or something did you see a village or

No no I just I went where I like the direction I thought it was and I oh I’m not too worried about it I mean we can find our way back separately well I mean you’re like couple 100 blocks away from me I mean if you just tell me where you

Are I could go to you or we could just keep saying Marco 2700 600 okay you’re like are we going to keep using this dumb [ __ ] code that means nothing oh my sword is broken oh a villager my sword broke Rip Tide three yo is that good that’s like the

Opposite of what we want that chaning yeah Riptide is where it like blow you can fly out of the water yeah y y me when pirate SC oh my God what nothing oh I see is this a different village I see what happened you did you appear to have

Taken a ton humble huh a little bit is this a different village from before no no it no it’s not yes it is the other one was at a uh ocean oh well yeah that one’s that’s the one you were thinking of yeah oh well I saw when were we ever

At this one I saw this Village like like right when we got in the the swamp to begin with and I was like oh there’s a village here ah so I thought you I I thought you heard me I genuinely have no clue if I need this H cat or

Not it’s it’s like so impossible to [ __ ] tell cuz like there’s like 11 different types of cat and they all look basically the same and they all look really similar to what a cat looks like yeah it’s so [ __ ] some of them are obvious but there’s

Four of them that are just like whitish gray yeah I refuse to be the [ __ ] here I’m about to run out of offense what are you doing here you ran out of your axe making charcoal yeah I ran out of X that’s so sad no more body spray no when the moon hits

Your like a big that’s bye bye grape bye-bye grape see you later so long oh I found the other Village I’m going to go uh dig around a bit all right in the ruins it’s literally just on the other side of this hill well when you come back uh you can

I don’t know if I’m coming back but breeding frogs oh true we could just do that right now they are just right here and I do have a bucket to pick up a tadpole with and you do too so we could grab two and then we could breed more

Later if we want or need is it like random on what color they end up being it’s based on the temperature biome you’re in oh I’m fairly confident like when they grow up that is weird yeah I’m kind of dismantling this house yeah go for it there for a stone

Sword like all my tools are breaking right now ooh another freaking Emerald um that’s pretty awesome Yummy oh yeah oh yeah sure I got to hold on let me log into my Pokemon sleep real quick yeah any sleepers you know what’s crazy I logged into twitch today and it didn’t ask me or like it didn’t send me a confirmation code really I was so happy yeah that’s that’s strange

Normally it does that relentlessly do you guys want to see my Pokemon sleep Pokemon sleep is an app where you can turn sleeping into a game for some reason and it makes it so that you immediately go on your phone when you wake up because that’s a good idea that’s

Healthy well I’m a bit of a hater just think about it this way I was going on my phone when I woke up anyway and so now instead of doing things like Doom scrolling I can get Pokemon and then by the time I’ve done everything in the

Game I’m like fully awake and I can just get out of bed and start my day right whereas before I would get on my phone and like hop on YouTube or hop on insert social media here and then I would start scrolling [ __ ] and then it would be bad because

Then I wouldn’t get out of bed plush Pokemon yay dude is a hater holy moly yeah a little bit you don’t understand I really don’t and it shows oh hey yeah there’s your boat my boat your boat my boat I’m going to freaking touch your

Butt okay my current team I have a a shiny Venusaur I have a Gengar I have a bay leaf a cocona and aound huh tell Kush to explain how the game works listen man it’s literally It’s a sleep tracker but you get five Pokemon that like are your your like helpers and

They collect berries for you throughout the day and you you basically feed a Snorlax all the berries and like you make meals for it and the stronger the Snorlax is the higher your sleep power so when you go to sleep and you get a score based on your sleeping

Performance it’ll give you Pokemon that show up that you can befriend based on your sleep score and yet I’m the [ __ ] for saying that this sounds stupid you say it’s stupid and it might be stupid but I’ve gone to bed and woken up at the same time for over two months

Thanks to this app because I never did that before and it might be Placebo and if that’s the case then it’s a really good Placebo no no I believe what they call that is is chronic gamer gets addicted in what world does that hold up in court

Probably in this world we can we can test it we can go to court over this I don’t think that’s like worth it though yeah I’m going to [ __ ] brush your ass you’re [ __ ] brushing you you could have just said so yeah [ __ ] yeah so anyway you want to go um bre some

Frogs I think there was something this way yeah we could do that why don’t you just wake up normally yeah and see this is this is what I’m saying well see maybe that’s a problem with me because of YouTube but like I don’t think you guys fully grasp how much YouTube consumes my

Life I think what the thing is is that it um it’s giving you structure uh I have thatu structure from my job but your job is not like it’s it’s not like a timed I give myself structure but like if I don’t meet that structure it’s not like like

There’s no punishment for it so yeah there’s nothing that goes wrong so the the so there’s no pressure to go to sleep there’s no pressure to wake up theoretically yeah which you know has its per and it’s draw it ups and downs as I know from the last time I was unemployed it’s

Uh but see that’s the thing is like since I don’t have that structure this gives me structure so it works for me right and that’s what I just said no I know I’m agreeing with you okay we’re not arguing no it doesn’t sound like we’re arguing where are these freaking frogs dude

Know what I mean I do I see an Enderman oh yeah that Enderman that I like half killed never showed up there’s another slime that’s good maybe you should freaking kill it ow like a cool guy oh like a cool freaking guy dude this is bad I’m going to die need help oh

[ __ ] I think I’m fine I’m coming to help where you at I killed the Enderman it didn’t drop oh [ __ ] balls dude this is I found a frog and I found I found a lot of frogs uh 3,50 880 on the way I just hit a fraud with my

Sword dude [ __ ] these baby zombies yeah right snipe bro said that with his whole [ __ ] what did what the [ __ ] did I just get hit by I forgot I had a a really decent bow so I was like taking damage with my like stone sword and then I just ran

Away turned around and just [ __ ] demolished it with my bow here they are oh my God yeah yeah have sex what the [ __ ] all right so now I guess they’re going to go over to we also are eventually going to need uh silk touch for total B location yeah that’s true [ __ ] [ __ ]

[ __ ] [ __ ] my ass the frogs are [ __ ] I’m gonna get more slime slime I kind of got to be near water I guess that one was on me God D water come on fellas this you can lead a frog to water but you cannot make it [ __ ] you cannot make it

[ __ ] how where are you coming from snap H oh my God there is a big slim over there I was in the middle of killing it and then 4,000 other mobs decided to show up I at to second one over towards me oh all right fellas come on over so you

Can [ __ ] next to the water yeah don’t that sound good oh yeah these guys belong on a freaking log that much I’ll tell you they really are moving look at the way they [ __ ] Thug walking right now yeah I’ll go kill this okay let’s see which which ones are you

Still interested in [ __ ] yeah which one of you lucky Bucky still got stamina okay and now we wait is that how it works yep I’m also going to have to wait for the other ones to become [ __ ] again cuz we’re probably going to want two right two tadpoles in a

Bucky yeah just for later purposes what the [ __ ] frog they all jumped in unison and one of them jumped into your blade that [ __ ] was crazy not not I tell you not smart not very good I have 52 slime balls I think we’re okay yeah we’re we’re going to be fine

So the fun thing about this is I believe we have to wait five real life minutes for this what the hell it’s something like that well I’m going to grab more slime balls yeah ow slimes actually do a strangely large amount of damage the big one g is

Yeah it’s like a Snorlax using body slam yeah there’s a little baby one over here that’s just by itself and now it’s dead cuz I killed it with my gun what happened to my music that made that a little more ominous oh oh oh oh oh snipe

Oh my God the freaking baby zombie villager Freak [ __ ] holy [ __ ] it side stepped me ow oh my God hey [ __ ] come over here back back to the [ __ ] Zone wait there’s little head Poole eggs right here that that’s correct that’s the Frog spawn we got to wait for them

To hatch into a tadpole and then we put them in a bucket yeah actually it might be multiple Tad I think it’s like a percent chance of being multiple Tad P nice yeah cuz they’re still not ready to [ __ ] they are so eager Andy look at them all staring at

You yeah you put a ball gag in every single one of their mouths say sorry there’s another slime you could though you are correct you really could I got a whole stack and two uh I don’t think we need more slime balls do you no we’ll be fine but there’s another slime over

There go get it there’s actually like two I’ll hold the the rest I’ll give you all of the Slime balls that aren’t this stack that I can fit in my ow wait holy [ __ ] dude I got a whole [ __ ] Zombie Siege coming after me snipe oh [ __ ] I’m taking damage

Uh I think it’s funny that get me one of your bows eventually I think it’s funny that the little ones can’t do damage I thought I heard it it’s like killing a real baby yeah so there’s a fresh frog here I wonder if there’s another one that I

Could what if I jumped on this frog spawn I think it breaks does it break like turtle shell eggs I’m pretty sure he is right but do we want him to be no we do not we do not want him to be right you’re just scared of the

Truth am I scared of the truth is that what it is maybe a little there’s another frog over here by the way I’m I know I was just talking about him oh by the way if there’s another one that you can see then that’s good news oh wait they’re ready to one of

Them is anyway have 19 more oh my God oh my God yeah we got another freaking frog spawn [ __ ] all right and now we just sit here all day and now we sit and have fun around the fire yeah let’s gather around the campfire and sing a campfire song

R c m p f i r s o n g song and if you don’t think that we can sing it faster than you’re wrong but it’ll help if you just sing along c MF song cmf a song and if you don’t think that we can sing it faster

Then you’re wrong but it’ll help if you just sing along Patrick what oh never mind I don’t I’ve never seen that episode I haven’t gotten to it yet I’m on season 3 you did pretty good with the bom that’s the only part I remember I don’t remember any other Patrick

Lines so what he does is he goes s see and thens him off and then he’s like Squidward who says nothing and then after 5 Seconds he’s like it’ll help it’ll help if you just sing along it’s like the halftime show yeah hold on one was half time before Oh my

God Chad this guy’s thirsty this guy’s freaking thirsty that stuff was so funny back then yeah dude I [ __ ] love SpongeBob this [ __ ] can we get another one of your your full [ __ ] soul Snipes what was it oh yeah oh it’s behind the tree that’s so

Sad if only there was a way to kill it anyway snipe that was really good thank you I got to get back to the important stuff yeah yeah find find your cow find you a cow who can do both oh I have your I have your boat by the way I

Picked it up at the Village dude I think I’ve been drinking this cow for a while his tits his tits are awfully pink them utters are going crazy this milk is starting to taste an awful lot like blood is it pink or brown hold on I got to check again h

How long is this we have to sit here Kush I need wolf what is Wolf like The Rednosed Reindeer but it’s with a W what the [ __ ] this this one is already done there are two of them grab it sorry I got to what what the [ __ ] with this one

Then oh I guess jumping on it doesn’t break it tadpull you know what though hey hey look at your kids [ __ ] you idiot yeah well there there’s another freaking advancement done yeah we’ve actually been getting a a decent Shunk of them today yeah so now we need to go

North and we’re going are we going back home or uh yeah I mean home’s on the way so now that we have the maybe we should go home and do you want to end stream here for four hours that would probably be smart and then next time there’s going to the nether or

Going to the end or going to ruins well theoretically speaking we can get endermite and uh piglin brute in the Nether um the end if we don’t get endite we can get it in the end the end really all we need is the is to kill we we just need to go to

The cities this yeah how the hell are we going to bring back we need to respawn the End Dragon at some point so I guess we need some gas TI how the [ __ ] are we going to bring back a shulker yeah see that’s part of it is

That we’re going to have to bring back a shulker that takes so you know maybe maybe we’ll save that we’ll save that for the super [ __ ] how did we get here grind which I’m going to need to research exactly how you do it nowadays right because

There’s a whole [ __ ] thing to it and each update it gets more complicated isn’t that fun yeah I love it I really hope it does not include the darkness effect from the warden but I have the feeling that it does I will say I am very upset that I can’t drink any more

Milk I’m really sorry tell you what when we get home we can make you a new bucket that can be your dedicated milk bucket for when you get thirsty we can make you the dedicated milk bucket that sounds so vile when you say it like

That well I’m sorry is that not what you want if tell me that’s not what you want and we won’t do it I just want one cow that we can lead down into a cave in into a milk into a dungeon that we can tie up and keep for when I get

Thirsty yeah cuz a man’s got to drink when a man’s got a drink you can Shain up that cow so that you know whenever you need to satisfy your urges I I I don’t know if I’d call them urges per se well I would I you didn’t

See the the the feror with which you were drinking that milk from a third person perspective man I don’t think you understand I I did not let go of right click like I I would grab the milk chug it and immediately go back for more yeah

No I get it man I was the rate at which I was guzzling gallons of milk like holy [ __ ] when I was a kid I I’m shocked I haven’t thrown up it’s probably part of the reason why I’m so [ __ ] tall because I would just down like well see

You say that but at least a gallon a week I also did that oh yeah and you’re short didn’t have to I I wouldn’t say I’d say I’m like average I I’d actually say that you Tower over all the theoretically speaking I’m actually above average

Height so yeah I’m just a freak so you look short next to me you are a genetic freak yeah I make pretty much everyone look short yeah like Holly regularly complains about the fact that she’s tall and yet all of her friends are super [ __ ] tall you would make and look

Short I would actually yeah I am at least like one or two Ines taller than an and that’s assuming that she’s not lying cuz apparently people just lie about their heights who all right I I was the only [ __ ] in the world to believe

Small when he said he was 6’4 I five but maybe I just be believing my friends is that so wrong it’s so it the funniest part is that he’s closer to 44 than he is 6’4 what is he 53 no he’s like 5 six how tall is an uh I believe 63

According to an 63 according to an 63 which I will say is believable based upon like pictures and relative height that I’ve seen yeah but you never know look at this full on ship just what you talking about just this full boat I don’t know what you mean oh hey look Kush there

Shipwreck oh I don’t know if you saw that wait we should check that out yeah it’s like that’s cool yeah yeah that’s that was what I was thinking as well yeah whoa we’re actually like close to this one I just need to go like a little bit Southwest like the

Airine D like pity laugh at least sorry yeah that is pretty tall I do be 65 though yeah I think anyway it’s like 6’4 65 somewhere in there I to be real with you wait what am I doing to be real with you I don’t know for certain

Because they actually just straight up stopped like I was too tall for the scales when I went to the like doctor’s appointments when I was younger for physicals how do basketball players get measured I don’t know I guess maybe they go somewhere with bigger like things or

Maybe you don’t need to go to a doctor for it but like what am I going to do [ __ ] measure myself that’s just like I don’t know do you think lizo will need to go to like a livestock scale pretty soon probably I accidentally went one too far

I don’t know how I did that considering I was looking at the coordinates but you know did you get it getting it now was it awesome yeah there’s two diamonds some iron gold Fish and there’s something in there just for you I left something in there you left something for me yeah oh gosh I can’t here let’s go to the surface go on over to the boat I wanted to put it on for you and then I forgot I couldn’t Swim oh you can put it on for me anytime don’t say that with a diamond in your [Laughter] hand if you put it on for me I’ll give you a diamond they call him freak [ __ ] yeah we have over here oh my God over there over this way

Do we are you sure we here okay guys bit can I get a bit of a like interest poll in chat um who would subscribe to kush’s only fans if he made one all right dude no no no no no I’m I’m literally just asking I’m not like saying that you

Should saying that I would I just want to know if you had one who would sub all we’ve gotten is one no all right cool so that’s okay legally illegally um well how about we start with the would you sub to the free only fans yeah and then we’ll go from there I

Would yeah you’d sub to your own wait is about me yeah this is your only fans thought it was yours did I say mine I said kush’s only fans I’m pretty sure I don’t know if you did chat am am I stupid I wouldn’t say that what’s the

Lore reason behind this only fans account huh I said kushes yeah that’s what I thought I said yeah I said I said his we still have to get a titty [ __ ] ton of iron and gold and [ __ ] for the beacon well we got a little bit more

Gold now what if we made an iron golem Farm are those easy to make ah no they’re makeable hi Mom Jordan wanted to know if people would subscribe to my only oh good your mom’s here ow hey snipe I missed dude oh what is going on right

Now get in the water you bastard die crafting it looks I look so hot right now did we just get another advancement yeah just I did another advancement I used one of the ones that I mean obviously we need to use all of them eventually but I used one of the

Ones that we don’t need so we had three of them oh one of my don’t I look so cute what the hell how’d you do that so yeah you can grab grab one of these um I use one of the razors but you can use any of them I guess uh and then

Grab I used lapis but I think you can use like any dye or um material and then you go over to this and you put the three in yeah nice that looks so handsome on you dude where the [ __ ] are they what do you mean there are monsters nearby

No how am I doing with the ladies who’s asking that AJ ow what ow ow you know what go to the nether there’s like four of them in there actually they probably despawned not that I’m thinking about it that’s okay what’s up player what the ow where did things

Go he’s selling a bucket of tropical fish for five emeralds oh is llamas are over there yeah dude can these skeletons like [ __ ] off I got I just got two leads from them his mom told me to ask him after I asked her about

Him so yeah I mean well how is it going with the ladies gush I guess did you even answer not well I think not well dude [ __ ] this I thinking yeah thanks for coming out to this stream everybody we’ll be back next week probably goodbye yeah bye-bye next Byebye

This video, titled ‘🔴 Getting ALL 1.20 Minecraft Advancments with @PandaForceGaming LIVE’, was uploaded by Cush on 2024-01-05 03:55:26. It has garnered 87 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:09 or 15549 seconds.

My friend Jordan and I will be attempting to unlock EVERY advancement in Minecraft 1.20! Neither of us have played 1.20, so this is going to be an up-hill battle.

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    Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!Video Information [संगीत] आ डू इट ऑन माय ओन सो आई ग गेट थ्रू इट एंड द ओनली थिंग आई नो इ ट लव वट आईम डूइंग नेवर गिव अप नेवर स्लोट आई फाली प्रू इ नेवर लिन टू द नोज आई जस्ट वा कीप मूविंग कीप मा हेड अपन आई एक्ट हेड अप अ फैक्ट नेवर लुकिंग बैक आ कीप माफ न ट्रक की मा हेड अपंग स्ट्र मूविंग फील आई डों बल मा ट मू अलो पुश माफ ट बी द बेस्ट विथ नो े विथ एव बे सी माय मेसेज स् स्प्रेड एंड आईड सो मेनी ड्रम्स… Read More

  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: Read More

  • KravatBOX

    KravatBOXTRTieBOX, the ultimate Player vs. It is a Minecraft server designed for Player (PVP) experience. With custom maps, the best add-ons and a friendly community, every battle is unique and exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new player, TieBOX is the perfect place to sharpen your skills and dominate the competition.Features:Special Arenas: Fight in carefully designed arenas that cater to every play style, from intense melee combat to strategic large-scale battles.Balanced Gameplay: Enjoy fair combat with balanced kits and classes that make sure no one has an unfair advantage.Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and tournaments with special… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!I guess you could say the villagers are really “steaking” their claim against the pillagers! Read More

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

    Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, no time for complaints. With WorldEdit in hand, we’ll build it 1:1, Every block in place, under the virtual sun. Follow us on Instagram, for more Minecraft fun, The.minetects, where the building’s never done. With music from NCS, our soundtrack to create, As we craft and build, our imaginations take the bait. So join us in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity flows, like digital crystals. Rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, a monumental task, But with teamwork and rhymes, we’ll complete the task. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems Read More

  • Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with fellow players. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in thrilling PvP battles, the possibilities are endless. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure. Don’t miss out on the fun -… Read More

  • Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft!

    Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft! The Ultimate Minecraft Animal Farm Build Welcome to the world of Minecraft Survival, where creativity and efficiency collide! In this episode, get ready to witness the most epic animal farm build ever seen in the game. 🐄🐔 Efficiency at Its Best Step into a realm where every block placed serves a purpose. This animal farm is not just for show—it’s a powerhouse of productivity. Learn how to optimize your farm for maximum efficiency and output. Key Features: Step-by-step guide for building the ultimate animal farm Tips and tricks to boost efficiency and productivity Detailed walkthrough of the farm’s layout… Read More