Mastering the Confusion Challenge in Minecraft: Firelight

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this is the most confusing Minecraft world ever filled with trippy Illusions if my friend Luke gets confused I’m trapping him here forever starting off easy with level one we have an itty bitty tiny Noob base but that’s not all it is because you got Bamboozled this is actually a mega Jeff Bezos Mansion ladies and gentlemen and ly is going to have to come all the way upstairs and click this button right right here now this might seem super easy and I only have four chances to confuse this man which is exactly why I have a texture pack of Endless Possibilities oh my gosh guys look the entire world is running away me dude I’m standing still right now but it feels like I’m moving holy these flowers are going in and out of time and space but this is not enough I need to ensure Luke doesn’t even make it to the third floor which is exactly why I am going to bring out the most cursed things you will ever see I can literally place blocks in the middle of other blocks that is that is so cursed right now L is going to fall over himself trying to understand what is going on here there is no way he’s reaching the third floor all right Luke your first task is to go into this itty bitty house and find the button that’s it bro this house is so small it’s going to be the easiest thing ever just watch me dude wait what how is the house so big inside what’s the matter L I thought it was going be easy to find the button I thought it would be simple wait wait why am my text just scrolling like a treadmill right now uh Luke I thought you need to lose some weight so I made the whole world of treadmill oh yeah by the way I’m pretty sure the buttons upstairs you might just want to you know go up the stairs am I in the curse Museum how is the block stacked on top of another block but it’s not fully centered uh I don’t know what you’re talking about I I think that’s perfectly normal bro uh anyway you have to click your button otherwise you know you’re trapped in here forever and I win wait why am I getting sent backwards I can’t move forward uh Luke you’re standing still right now I’m not standing still I’m pressing W the button’s somewhere up here I’m trying to remember where I put oh yes yes it’s in one of these chests Luke just uh what to put those blocks over there oh oh those pink blocks oh I just wanted some extra decoration what’s wrong with them uh they maybe they’re off centered and I finally made it up apparently let’s go uh okay well now you have to go over to these chests just over here because your button is in inside the chest and then you’re free it’s just that simple go for it okay I made it okay you got this and now line it up line it up sorry I can’t mess this up there’s no way okay it’s a straight line okay 2 1 what what are you serious how did I go backwards bro what just hold W on your keyboard it ain’t that de for me just click the button oh W buddy I did and I apparently I went back CU my keys weren’t fed or something just walk over here Luke it’s just that easy look I I got I got to I got to oh my gosh I’m we’re going to be here for a while L come on homie just walk to the chest bro that time is the charm I got this I can’t believe in me for once you fool what have you done to his place I’m doing nothing but supporting you right now I believe that you can get out of this no you’re not going to win I’m always at the chest I just need to keep walking forward just like that oh my that is cursed it was there 2 seconds ago wait okay oh yeah I forgot sorry the chest is um up these stairs here oh up up up just just climb the stairs again up the stairs yeah yeah the the stairs I can’t do this I give up okay you give up that means I have confused you and I win the button was literally right here easy [Music] W because if I want to trap Luke in a world filled with illusion I need to use him three times now I have an even bigger plot to confuse Luke with infinite potential all L has to do is walk on in and stand on the pressure plate wait why isn’t that working it’s because they’re made out of tiny stone blocks which is exactly why I’m going to be building a tiny illusion you see when I walk left I get itty bitty extra tiny and that’s the whole point Luke’s going to think because I have such a a big area to work with it’s going to be ginormous but actually I’m going to build something super tiny using this chisel tool if we come on over to this wall right here we can create a super secret entrance dude look at this we can literally just borrow our way through the wall like a tiny little thermite all right let’s just go through this way and look at that bro look how cool is is so now if we start walking over to the door again as you’ll see I am becoming a little bit big bigger that’s right guys Luke is going to have to actually use his brain and solve the puzzle by becoming bigger and well a little bit smaller you got lucky with the first one this time I’ll make sure I get through without being confused at all oh is that so well this time your task is to find the exit find the exit bro that’s my middle name there’s a door right in front of me head straight forward and just just stand on the pressure plate bro it’s it’s just it’s a simple pressure plate just stand on it what’s going on why is this pressure plate not working hello Minecraft hey Luka are you feeling uh pretty confused right now you ready to give up you ready to quit it’s okay maybe there’s something else here that will help me open this door I guess uh yeah sure buddy why don’t you go ahead and uh try and walk left of the door buddy you know I don’t know my left and right so I’m hoping this is left and that was that was immediately right wait wait what’s going on did I just I’m I I’m growing I’m a giant what is going on uh yeah so that’s kind of the twist all of this is an illusion your size is meaningless you can be thick and Tiny at the same time so try and figure it out ly I’ve lost brain stells well uh now you’re tiny so you match your brain size I knew that one was coming I was trying to say the bigger I am the bigger the brain but clearly it’s must be opposite for me what what is here there’s some seats is a lab is this back to school like I don’t even see anything all I see is a wall uh Luke you might want to get your tiny eyes checked because um there is a there is a door right there for you H me I don’t what is this a full block is this a half block is this a stair uh I’m stuck I’m stuck mayday mayday help me help me H bro fell into a tiny pixel are you serious why are there traps here wa explain to me what is this it’s just a lab you know you just got to complete some uh some science tests and then you can get to your exit it’s just that easy what am I doing my medical task from Among Us right now to got to get the samples or something like okay fine since you’re so stupid and I feel like you’re really confused already I’m going to give you a somewhere there will be a uh a button you know a button a button maybe it’s in this carpet luk the button is on the desk bro you’re so stupid come on okay okay I’m going to the desk bro but I’m tiny right now it takes like five extra steps to get one step okay I can’t control this I mean now your height matches your real life height though okay so this’s this but in here and I I click it and I’m back to normal okay I’m done right this is it I just walked through here and I’ll no no that is not it you have a long way to go my friend there ain’t no way of figuring this room out it’s too Mega brain for you are you sure I’m back to normal size so by my calculations what Cal if I stand here I’m I’m I’m tiny okay and B I’m big brain like that and now with my IQ I can you’re telling me you got something in your brain but there is nothing going on in that head of your wait why are you going tiny I bet if I go tiny yeah and there’s a cauldron and you know wait there’s no way cauldrons have a gap in between them and if I just n how did you figure that out so quick I’m out and oh what’s this a room where okay okay well you know what it’s fine now you got to make like Mario and do some Plumbing right now homie you have to get all the way up the pipes there is no way you’re making it out that’s okay because you know I’m big brain you know I I can solve this some water here what are you saying bro you’re just yapping I do not know how you’re figuring this out but you are just yapping away right now sir yappen Stein I mean it’s a straight line right now you just have to keep jumping across and oh I’m burning I’m getting cooked right now okay your comple is much faster than I anticipated but this is my Redemption cuz look what’s this a lever oh I’m going to flip it okay look that does that does literally nothing um see nothing has changed no he opened the vent oh nothing’s changed yeah well good luck getting down now Mr tiny man look at me guys speedrun cheat code oh oh oh 360 no scoped oh my you didn’t even use the w oh what’s that up there is that a trap door how do you see that so quick bro okay dude you know I got my spec Savers going for me and okay now I just need to cook this thing and boom Oh a door has opened okay combat facility Well I can’t fit through there so I got to go back to normal size for a second yeah it’s so confusing ah I don’t know what to do I’m just going to walk in here I guess I’m so confused right now I don’t know where I am oh I’m in the vents yeah that’s right the Among Us is venting you cannot figure this next stage out this is Uber confusing oh no this torch is upside down not like I’ve seen that 500 times before how does that not blow your mind dude you don’t need to worry about okay there’s some arrows here clearly they might be useful so I’m just going to take them what do you mean clearly okay it is not that clear this is somewhat difficult to do wait why is there a Gap here in water that’s dude there’s no way bro come on it’s not that simple I’m just going to go for a nice little chilling swim with my uh Trident over here and oh it had rip TI 3 on it which was the key to get up here okay bro there is no way you’re not hacking right now how did you know that was a thing well what’s down here this looks uh enticing uh clearly I I I wouldn’t want to go down there you are going way too fast I guess I have to jump down here and land the water bro you can’t just talk about it like it’s nothing this is difficult it’s nothing it’s a walk in the park bro I ain’t confusing I think I’m confusing you because you clearly don’t know what’s going on right now okay but there is no way you’re getting out of this simulation room it is the biggest brain yet there’s a tree and you know what that means there must be a way to chop it down like in a Sky Block they have you tools and boom right here tools okay but there’s a lot going on there’s like a cow and there’s like a house and there’s no way you just knew you just mind the tree cuz number one thing in Minecraft is to chop down trees and make tools yeah sure maybe you got that one right but you’re you won’t get the next part right there is no way you’re going to be getting out of here there’s cobwebs okay what is what well you know what that is I think I saw archery practice over there I got arrows wait where are you going the exit is right here though and then I should just be able to enlarge myself wait no no no no no no stop stop stop and they call me the American Sniper because I’m going to hit all these shots boom one down no wait we can we can talk about this L right isn’t this confusing back to normal and I should be out right it’s not confusing you oh it says Exit I mean oh no that can’t be the ex right wait wait wait wait stop stop no look I did it in your face bozo [Music] no dude there is no way Luke didn’t get confused it must be because I’m using blocks this whole time but Luke is clearly used to that which means we need to switch up to the most illegal Minecraft Mobs you have ever seen and I think I’m going to put his final objective right about here you f to confuse me and you’ll do it again is this the attendant to let me into this fine establishment that seems to make no sense And So It Begins your brain is being rotted away as you stand here get out the way fool bro we’re farming your brain cells that’s what farm this is we’re about to farm every bit of intelligence you have left I don’t think I’ll have any by the end cuz what is this a camel what happened to it it’s it’s just like a kid drew a camel and forgot to render it in 3D I just realized I got a bucket of chicken is this the chicken uh yeah this is totally a chicken um yeah 100% this is obviously a chicken why don’t you try and bucket it how can you bucket it and I don’t even have a bucket I can’t do that the way fool I’m going to stop punching if you don’t move you got 3 seconds three I have had enough okay oh dude this one’s fat butt is keeping the angry one at B your lucky is holding him back because he is fuming right now wait where’s the block like this one has like Cobblestone or whatever that is Stone what oh no don’t worry it’s in the lost and found see someone someone took it and put it in the L P that’s torture and I won’t stand for it and what in why is that potato growing like five times in case you get hungry someone dropped their potato plant you know as you do is that a snow golem that’s an actual Golem yeah that’s his name’s Fred um he he could be a chicken Fred could be the chicken you know I don’t know if I want to get near it I why you say to say hello to um this this guy in here he could be a chicken where I don’t see anything wait can you not see this guy right here what is that a pig why is it like five times the size I said it’s getting closer what am I in the aquarium right now what is what is going on here yeah you’re in the aquaring zone right now there could be a an aqua Chicken in here I will this through no matter what the cost is okay I’ve defeated you I will defeat you again all right Luke do you want a hint do you want to know where this chicken is no I don’t want a hint I want to know what this thing is right in front of me can you explain that for me oh that guy that’s an iron chicken what are you doing bro I saw a ladder yeah good luck getting past the massive pig butt that’s in your face okay this is a mission impossible mission right now parkour what the I mean it’s common sense just like a ravager you can jump on top of them you mean Common Sense how is that any common person sense I mean I don’t know but hello is anyone home I’m I’m here to oh uh no that bucket um it’s just a metaphor you can’t bucket a chicken that’s stupid that’s are you sure well let’s see is there anything bucket and all hello buddy come right here bucket you buddy and I lost another one [Music] no oh yikes you’re done Luke you’ve seen better days my friend and we have such a small plot right now but we can get free real estate inside of Luke’s body guys that’s right the most confusing Place known to man is well Luke’s anatomy and I’ve already lost two times in a row which means I cannot lose again or it’s GG easy for me and lukee wins so let’s just go ahead and spawn a bunch of things to defend the objective in here like Luke’s teeth uh he’s only got a few teeth that man is he’s missing some we got some eyes up there let’s go ahead and Chuck down some hands real quick oh this place is absolutely dis I’m going to be sick bro but also this is just absolutely cursed bro Luke’s brain is going to not work one bit which reminds me that’s actually Luke’s objective he has the find his brain and you might be noticing something um Ethan the brain is not here that’s because I have Luke’s tiny brain right here and we have to make this accurate so let’s head on all the way down to Luke’s feet and put the brain right here because Luke’s brain is actually in his feet that’s why he’s so dump and that’s why he’s going to get so confused and now we just Chuck some legs here real quick to defend it huh is that me what am I doing here oh yeah it’s just a little experiment of mine anyway your task is to retrieve your own brain should be pretty simple right it’s kind of small and easy to fit in your pocket I have to enter my head yeah I mean I guess if you want to retrieve your brain otherwise it’s GG I win baby why okay I’m going in what is this is that my teeth oh yeah I thought you might need some dental work so you might want to just uh avoid those guys avoid them what are they doing okay so my brain should be somewhere around here if this is like my teeth I guess and then those are my eyes and wait where is my brain oh yeah so this is your Anatomy but the way I think it works so your brain isn’t in this spot because obviously it would be too small it would even fit here properly what do you mean there’s so much room there for my big humongous brain wait what just happened where am I dude um this looks maybe like you’re esophagus what is that esoph what a sus imposter where you’re so dumb oh yeah speaking of because you’re so dumb and have no brain you’re going to have to prove your human and not just some sort of dumb AI so um here have your first capture a capture oh okay buddy well luckily I’m a mathematician 10 * 7 70 easy W and boom I completed your capture buddy bro you know those things are made for like really stupid people like really really stupid people or AI robots check the box I’m not a monster well apparently I am cuz I have no brain but okay I completed that one too buddy is that my eye is that another how do I have three eyes why are you eating eyeballs what is this Mountain Dew flavored water wait can I touch this I don’t even know if I should okay it’s toxic it’s toxic Mountain Dew is very toxic yeah that’s a good message for everyone Mountain Dew is toxic don’t drink Mountain Dew also I’m so confused you’re inside your stomach and you think that this is Mountain D bro I’m I’m Sor I think I failed swimming bro was about to die to his own stomach acid no no no I’m not I’m not it’s a big brain move you watch this man I tell you okay boom bro you don’t have a big brain you have a tiny brain and it’s not here maybe this is the key like it looks out of place don’t you think maybe if I punch it it should come back to the wait no I’m blind I’m blind I can’t see ah there’s an ey chasing me help me help me bro what is going on Luke you just did damage to your own body anything you affect in here affects your own body cuz I mean this is your insides right I mean man now it’s chasing me get it away from me it’s like those eyeballs from that one game man I don’t like them what are you talking about Terraria wait wo wo wo wo wo wo wo what is going on why is that wall move it’s like your muscles they’re like moving every time you move your muscles move you know it’s it’s true Anatomy it’s like how your body’s working oh my gosh I don’t even know where I am anymore bro he so confused right now bro is absolutely getting violated what is going on is this a crash God help me man please I’m just I’m just here I’m the doctor I’m the supervised legal doctor checking over you making sure uh making sure you get through this nice and safely what are these things are these the they look like chains bro but they’re like they’re like leg muscles you know when when you move your legs will move whatever floats your boat man cuz I don’t I don’t think this is my brain anymore I think I’m in some Wasteland so let’s do a science experiment about captures no no no more stop I can’t click I’m not a robot anymore I think I’ve proven to you that I’m not a robot well you haven’t got your brain yet so I don’t know it’s just how the internet’s reacting 61 / by 61 I’ve had enough it’s one and I’m I’m done one and done I’m not doing this anymore bro yes he gave up that means we win this [Music] round level five my final chance to confuse the noodles out of Luke and my genius plan involves an infinite hallway and all Luke has to do is find the exit but how’s he going to do that in a hallway literally made of exits all right luy here we go nice and simple just head into the hallway and find the exit it’s just that easy find the exit okay it’s going to be so easy bro this is just a hallway with doors there’s no way you’re going to confuse me with this uh well you know as your final test I wouldn’t make it that easy I’m trying to win here so um why don’t you just find the exit Luke and stop bragging okay just get this over with wait wait a second actually why are there so many doors here where this is going to you just have to find the exit what is this it’s just an exit just go through it wait maybe what I’m back I’m back at the start what do you mean Luke wait there’s no way wait surely I just try another door and wait hi Luke why are you down there what do you mean why am I down here what wait oh hey Luke how did you come on Luke it’s it’s easy wait here I’ll help you it’s probably uh this door at the end right there’s so many there’s so many yeah this actually makes sense yeah just go through right it’s the exit see I can see you behind me what how do what what do you what do you mean and I’m how can I even leave this place ah Luke you’re kind of losing it wait maybe oh maybe I put it in a trap door I can’t remember um a trap door this what you have some explaining to do I have no idea what is going on right now I’m up I’m down why do you just jump in some trap doors I’m sure it’s in one of those right help help help help help help wait Luke where’d you go I can’t leave I’m fall forever stop stop stop please just find the exit Luke there’s no way I’m going to find an exit here and guess what I give up it’s literally impossible AC it is so I can leave this stupid place uh well no because that’s actually your punishment for losing to me um you’re going to be trapped here forever so uh see you later ly what you can’t leave me here [Applause] y

This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But If I CONFUSE You, I Win…’, was uploaded by Firelight on 2024-05-11 01:00:01. It has garnered 365729 views and 5998 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:02 or 1322 seconds.

So I Confused My Friends by Pranking them with Absurb Challenges in Minecraft! Wait to see their REACTIONS!

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#Firelight #Minecraft

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  • “Villager Spittin’ Hot Fire! 🔥” #minecraft #shorts

    "Villager Spittin' Hot Fire! 🔥" #minecraft #shorts When the villager sees the rail hack, he’s like “Oi Oi Oi, I didn’t sign up for this fast travel nonsense!” #minecraftwoes Read More

  • Uncovering the Undead Well in Minecraft

    Uncovering the Undead Well in Minecraft The Mysterious Undead Well in Minecraft: Fact or Fiction? Embark on a thrilling journey with us as we delve into the depths of Minecraft to investigate the enigmatic Undead Well. Rumored to be a haunting presence in the game, we are here to uncover the truth behind this chilling myth. Join us as we explore the coordinates, test mods, and determine once and for all if the Undead Well is real or simply a figment of imagination. Unveiling the Mystery The Minecraft community has been abuzz with tales of the Undead Well, a location shrouded in mystery and fear…. Read More

  • Minecraft Golden Helmet vs. Füze Saldırısı

    Minecraft Golden Helmet vs. Füze Saldırısı KÖTÜ ADAMLAR FÜZELERLE KÖYE SALDIRDI MİNECRAFT GOLDEN VS MINECRAFT#1 1000$ Füze saldırısı In the world of Minecraft, unexpected dangers can lurk around every corner. In the first episode of “Minecraft Golden vs Minecraft,” players witness a village under attack by evil mafias armed with missiles. The thrilling adventure unfolds as players explore ways to defend their village in the face of this new threat. Defending the Village With the village under siege, players must quickly devise strategies to protect their homes and inhabitants. Utilizing Minecraft mods, players can implement various defense mechanisms to safeguard against the missile attacks. From… Read More

  • The Ultimate Flower Power in Minecraft!

    The Ultimate Flower Power in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Flower Drop Op Items…’, was uploaded by MC Cake on 2024-03-08 04:53:14. It has garnered 12 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:36 or 396 seconds. Minecraft But Flower Drop Op Items… #minecraft minecraft but minecraft challenge minecraft but flowers drop op items minecraft op items beating minecraft minecraft but challenge minecraft mod minecraft mods minecraft manhunt minecraft but drop op items minecraft 100 days cash and nico minecraft but flowers give op items nico minecraft funny cash minecraft gameplay gabethemc twitch mcpe 100 days flowers drop op items minecraft… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Seed Experiment!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Seed Experiment!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing the scary seed Minecraft that actually real [ part 1 ]’, was uploaded by VED OP on 2024-02-23 13:34:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Testing the scary seed Minecraft that actually real [ part 1 ] scary myth, scary seeds, herobrine,hogalla, entity606 entity303, scary … Read More

  • Unbelievable OPTIMUM TIMEX 2.0 – Join Now!

    Unbelievable OPTIMUM TIMEX 2.0 - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cracked Smp | Minecraft public smp server | JAVA + PE 24/7 smp #Minecraft #SMP #aternosserver #1.20’, was uploaded by OPTIMUM TIMEX 2.0 on 2024-05-26 23:22:16. It has garnered 27 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:28 or 4168 seconds. YOU CAN WATCH VIDEOS EARLY AND MUCH MORE BENEFITS Join the Membership and Enjoy:… MY SECOND CHANNEL LINK :… INSTAGRAM LINK :… DISCORD LINK : OLD SMP : NAME : OTG SMP IP : PORT : 24530 MY SETUP : MAIN PHONE : REALME C3 (… Read More

  • Insane Gaming Collab with Sky + Powerful Verse

    Insane Gaming Collab with Sky + Powerful VerseVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing games W/ Sky + VERSE OF THE DAY’, was uploaded by MTRSM on 2024-03-09 03:47:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. JESUS LOVES YOU. HE DIED FOR YOU. GIVE YOUR HEART TO HIM TODAY!! #iloveJesus #viral #minecraft #streamer … Read More

  • Building EPIC Minecraft City! 2K Subs here we come!💥

    Building EPIC Minecraft City! 2K Subs here we come!💥Video Information This video, titled ‘#Building My Minecraft City on my Happy way to 2K subs❤️❤️ ❤️❤️😎😎’, was uploaded by Happy Grand Gamer on 2024-05-19 02:17:29. It has garnered 59 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:23 or 14423 seconds. Pleas like and Subscribe and become a member thank you ❤️ Read More


    80+ CUTE GIRLS vs OCEAN MONUMENT in MINECRAFT!? 😰Video Information This video, titled ’80+ CUTE GIRLS vs OCEAN MONUMENT in MINECRAFT!? 😰 VSMP!【Bonnie Barkswell / globie】’, was uploaded by Bonnie Barkswell ch.【globie】 on 2024-07-14 22:51:28. It has garnered 1853 views and 309 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:40 or 9820 seconds. Brave Group’s #globie Gen 2 #Solstia ‘s goodest girl!🐶 Airship Engineer dogg 🔧 EmBARKing on a great adventure!🌤 ⊹˚₊‧───────────‧₊˚⊹ DONATIONS (Donations are non-refundable!! TTS is activated at £5+ to prevent misuse) ⊹˚₊‧───────────‧₊˚⊹ ⛅FOLLOW ME! TWITTER: REDDIT: THRONE: TWITCH: TAGS 🔴LIVE: #Watchdogg 🎨FANART: #Bonnillust 🔞FANART: #DeezMutts 🎬CLIPS: #Bonnieclips 🤣MEMES: #Bonneezmemes 🐶FAN… Read More

  • VANEV UNCOVERED?! 🔴 Crazy Minecraft Live!

    VANEV UNCOVERED?! 🔴 Crazy Minecraft Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Aku TERKURUNG ! – Minecraft Indonesia Live’, was uploaded by VANEV on 2024-02-28 14:47:35. It has garnered 3009 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:48 or 10308 seconds. Treat Donuts (Rp 1,000) (Donation notification) = Minecraft FB Grub IP Port 12345 if you can’t Java & Bedrock Minecraft Server Hosting cheap 🔗Grub DISCORD If there is a cool map = [email protected] IG #MINECRAFT #minecraftindonesia #yogyakarta #minecrafthorror minecraft live indonesia survival, minecraft live indonesia mcpe, minecraft live indonesia bedwars, minecraft live indonesia sekarang, minecraft live indonesia… Read More

  • Krishu 2.0 – Dirt Gives OP Loot?! #Minecraft

    Krishu 2.0 - Dirt Gives OP Loot?! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUT DIRT GIVES YOU OP LOOT #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Krishu 2.0 on 2024-06-14 04:04:31. It has garnered 10685 views and 213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. MINECRAFT BUT DIRT GIVES YOU OP LOOT #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Jaskaran Singh – Shocking Loss in Minecraft…😲

    Jaskaran Singh - Shocking Loss in Minecraft...😲Video Information This video, titled ‘#25 – Lost Everything 😣 | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by jaskaran singh on 2024-01-08 10:33:44. It has garnered 30 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #25 – Lost Everything 😣 | #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #youtuber #youtube #youtubeshort #ytshort #youtubevideos #yt #youtubechannel #subscribe #shortsfeed #shortvideo #shorts #short #shortsviral #viral #status minecraf minecraf 1.19 download 1.20 minecraf minecraf 1.20 minecraf mode minecraf java edition minecraf bedrock edition minecraf 1.18 download minecraf 2 minecraf dungeons minecraf earth minecraf launcher minecraf legends dream minecraf minecraf bedwars minecraf 1.17… Read More

  • The skytorius

    The skytoriusThe skytorius Skyblock Support our server by voting on The Skytorius! The little things are also very helpfull! Thank you. Read More

  • The Atlas Project Modded Bedrock Server – smp

    The Atlas Project Modded Bedrock Server Join our server with great addons for players 18 years and up. Brand New World Custom terrain, items, and behavior addons available: Better on Bedrock Hoof by Grounfbeef Raiyon’s Java Combat Addon Mini Blocks Addon Raiyon’s More Enchantments Addon Raiyon’s More Shields Addon Raiyon’s More Elytras Addon Universal Pack Renderdragon Support Join our Discord server to get the IP: Discord Link Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Contemplating the real meaning of creepers”

    Minecraft Memes - "Contemplating the real meaning of creepers"Well, at least this meme has a score of 0, which means it’s technically not a complete disaster! Read More

  • Red Shulker Hide and Seek: A Minecraft Mystery

    Red Shulker Hide and Seek: A Minecraft Mystery In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, We’ve hidden a red shulker, can you find where it be? Join us on AresMine, where the fun never ends, With updates and giveaways, we’re the best of friends. Our server holds 400 players, all ready to play, With a wipe on July 10, it’s a brand new day. Don’t forget to like and join the fun, On AresMine, the adventure’s just begun. So come on over, to, Where the rules are clear and the community true. Join our Discord, our Telegram too, For updates and events, just… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme Challenge: Viral Animation!

    Hot Minecraft Meme Challenge: Viral Animation! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Changing Minecraft Skins

    Ultimate Guide: Changing Minecraft Skins Minecraft Skin Nasıl Değiştirilir | 2024 Alper TV, Minecraft oyununda skin nasıl değiştirilir konusunda bilgi veren bir video paylaştı. Bu makalede, Minecraft oyununun skin değiştirme özelliği hakkında daha fazla bilgi edineceksiniz. Alper TV’nin Minecraft Skin Değiştirme Videosu Alper TV, Minecraft oyununda skin değiştirme işlemini adım adım anlatan bir video paylaştı. Videoda, oyuncuların nasıl kendi karakterlerinin görünümünü özelleştirebileceği detaylı bir şekilde gösterildi. Bu video, Minecraft oyununu oynayanlar için oldukça faydalı bir kaynak olabilir. Minecraft Skin Değiştirme Özelliği Minecraft, oyunculara kendi karakterlerinin skinlerini özelleştirme imkanı sunar. Skinler, karakterlerin dış görünüşünü belirler ve oyuncuların oyun deneyimini kişiselleştirmesine olanak tanır. Oyuncular, Minecraft’ın skin… Read More

  • Crafting a Fridge in Minecraft

    Crafting a Fridge in Minecraft JAK ZBUDOWAĆ LODÓWKĘ W Minecraft Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One popular aspect of the game is building, where players can construct anything from simple houses to intricate structures. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Minecraft building and focus on a unique creation – the refrigerator. Building a Refrigerator in Minecraft Building a refrigerator in Minecraft can be a fun and challenging task. To create this modern appliance in the game, players can use a combination of blocks and items to mimic the appearance of… Read More

  • Unbelievable! IamGAMBA’s Mind-Blowing Hypixel SMP Stream

    Unbelievable! IamGAMBA's Mind-Blowing Hypixel SMP StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sometimes you need a relaxing SMP stream | Hypixel SMP’, was uploaded by IamGAMBA on 2024-06-11 15:58:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hypixelsmp #trailsandtales #minecraft Sometimes you need a relaxing SMP stream | Hypixel SMP As the SMP has been updated … Read More

  • Unleashing Terror: Minecraft’s Scariest Entity

    Unleashing Terror: Minecraft's Scariest EntityVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Most Terrifying Minecraft Entity… The Irritator’, was uploaded by StormWarrior14 on 2024-06-14 14:30:20. It has garnered 2033 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:59 or 899 seconds. #wendigos #horrorcraft #creepy #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft100days #StormWarrior14 #minecrafthorror #newmods #silence ————————————————————————————————– MOD CREATOR GO CHECK HIM OUT Homies In da Vid- @itstterminatorr @dugz8797 ————————————————————————————————– GET IN CONTACT WITH ME TWITTER (I’m not calling it “X”): ————————————————————————————————– JOIN THE CORD – #cavedweller #minecrafthorror #thegoatman #doyoucopy ————————————————————————————————– Video Concept: There’s A New Horror Entity The Irritator ————————————————————————————————– Inspired by: @ForgeLabs @Swayle @idk_someguy @Calvin9000… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT REALM FEVER! - Ep.1Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Realm Ep.1 ONE WEEK FEVER?’, was uploaded by AnipNT on 2024-05-21 10:13:11. It has garnered 130 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:54:19 or 21259 seconds. Bonjour! je m’appelle Anip, and yes I see you reading this, go ahead and hit that SUB button and LIKE. Quote Of The GRIND: “They Ain’t Believe In Us… BUT GOD DID” – DJ Khalid Join my discord! DISCORD LINK: Follow me in Instagram! INSTAGRAM: tags: #reddead2onlineexpglitch #reddead2onlinemoneyglitch #reddead2onlinemoney #reddead2onlineglitch #reddeadredemption #gta6 #gtavicecity #gtav #live #live #reddeadredemption2обзор #reddeadredemptionps4 #pc #mincraft #realmadrid #soccer #minecraftjava… Read More

  • My Brother Loves Minecraft… But What Happens Next Will Shock You!

    My Brother Loves Minecraft... But What Happens Next Will Shock You!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Gameplay #2 sbyr1kreay’, was uploaded by Oniichandaisuki on 2024-01-08 09:00:45. It has garnered 92 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:56 or 596 seconds. 🌍 Embark on a thrilling journey with me in this Minecraft gameplay video as we dive into the vast and captivating world of blocks, mobs, and endless possibilities! 🎮 🔍 In this episode, I explore mysterious landscapes, encounter challenging mobs, and uncover hidden treasures that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Join me as we navigate through dense forests, delve into treacherous… Read More

  • Mr Kuubik’s INSANE MILLIONAIRE Challenge! #esti #estikeeles

    Mr Kuubik's INSANE MILLIONAIRE Challenge! #esti #estikeelesVideo Information This video, titled ‘KES TAHAB OLLA MILJONÄÄR #eesti #eestikeeles #minecraft #funny’, was uploaded by Mr Kuubik on 2024-04-06 17:50:38. It has garnered 155 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Subscribe for even better videos! Don’t forget to join the discord link is in my bio! Read More