MAX NOOB TROLL in Minecraft Build: OP Blocks Reveal!

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today we’re doing a bill to survive but what my friends don’t know is I’m going to be pretending to be a n and cheating with super overpowered weapons and items so I never lose Mo huh what was all that oh I said um we’re going to have a lot of fun playing build to survive together with my great friends Alexa Heather and Luke because I love you guys very very much are you are you excited what we’re not friends right now we’re enemies and you’re going down yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but we’re enemies they have no idea that they’re about to get pranked okay guys so we have 5 minutes to build before the mobs come through the portal build the best you can and um just make sure to use normal Minecraft stuff like no no mods okay luky those are not allowed seriously I’m watching you I was going to use normal blocks anyway oh all right well so oh I no I’m not I’m using overpowered blocks all right guys let’s start let’s start start come on go go go what did you whisper under your breath what was that I said um good luck have fun bro oh that’s actually very nice thanks you’re welcome ly now we must use some overpowered blocks and instead of using normal diamond blocks I’m going to use reinforced diamond block hey ly what is that is that a modded block bro no it’s green bricks I just dyed the bricks green dude oh okay okay and Heather you’re being legit right no cheating no cheating yep no cheating over here hey why are you making those you just made a sound what was that why are just making nothing something’s caught in my tooth I can’t talk right what it it okay well they have no idea that my diamond blocks are actually darker than normal meaning they’re reinforced and they’re blast prooof so if any creepers come my base is going to be unattached let’s go they have no idea hes keep yapping about whatever you’re yapping about I’m about to put a lava Mo wow a lava Mo that’s a really great idea Alexa I’m going to put a water Mo huh water Mo what’s that good for ah you’ll see I’m going to use fake water so all the mobs think that it’s completely safe but fake water is actually super duper deadly dangerous check it out if a mob is inside that jle no this is over f no nobody even knows nobody even knows ly um how’s your build going so far dude how’s your build going so far it’s going Splendid my boy that’s great to hear I’m very happy for you cuz uh you’re going to need as much goodies as possible cuz let’s just say I’m about to pop off dude no cap huh how what do you mean how I’m just working really hard I’m not using any illegal items that we’re not allowed to use like modded items o o modded items like what no I’m not I said I’m not using using any modded items I’m not using any of them what do you mean like what this is completely legit dude completely legit I would never cheat on my boys you feel me I think I should do an inspection on this build real quick before we start hey you that’s not allowed hey what are you doing Heather as you can see this water smells funky what what wait no it’s just normal water it’s literally like look it looks completely normal what are you talking about just okay yeah I got my eyes on you just know that yeah yeah yeah yeah oh gosh Heather’s Loki getting on to me I got to start acting more natural I’m putting some water down on my base and it is not deadly dangerous fake water it’s real water so no need to be sus guys oh my gosh SS you’re giving the enemies a pool to swim in that’s so nice yeah yeah yeah a pool to swim in I hope they swim in and then they get destroyed your little Lazy River ain’t destroying nothing what yes it is it will I promise and boom it’s officially 100% filled up let’s go baby it’s about to get real serious over here and now I can start putting on the reinfor I mean the the normal diamond blocks and I’m going to actually give it a cool design cuz I want it to look good while it’s being very very protective so I’ll put it like that and I’ll add another color of some ooh reinforced iron blocks let’s go and I’m about to make it like a Housey build so I could put it around just like that then build a blocks and then I’ll make it go up over here and then it can cave inwards then we can make it go all the way down this way just like that blop blop blop and then make it go up over here and then this way and oh gosh Luke I made a big mistake I’m trying to make it look even and it’s not looking even at all right now oh no bro a noob you’re definitely going to lose my boy hey I’m not losing stop talking all that trash on the net bro I’m F to smoke you no BS in my WPS boit don’t say I’m talking trash on the net you’re the you’re the you’re the fake trash talker no I’m the real one and bro ho fences oh no Lucas you do know that mobs could easily smoke your fences right dude what oh gosh I got to build something better yes sir ski blood is getting smoked maybe you should try using illegal I mean U just keep doing what you’re doing illegal BL I wouldn’t do that that’s cheating oh yeah yeah of course of course yeah of course L yeah you you wouldn’t either right yeah no I would no yeah no I wouldn’t of course not of course not I would I know you wouldn’t you’re a good guy yes sir ly yes sir and oh yeah the design of my base is actually coming along super duper fire it’s like a military base of fortification and protection Lucas nothing is going to touch me bro nothing oh that’s what you think what H all right we’ll see about that let me fill it all in over here and the reinforced military base is looking Splendid let’s go now I need like a little bridge in the front oh I know what we should do we should use more legal blocks let’s add a fake ghost block Bridge so when you go inside you fall and then you could fall into some some fake water that’s literally genius so let’s put a little hole over here just like that and have it lead down over here like this let’s go so if you walk over the fake bridge o you going to fall in water and die and we can make the real entrance right on the side of it so you have to know that here is the real entrance so you walk on in like that then go down over here and then you could walk through and missed the water completely and now you’re going to be inside the base if you break up out of here let’s go perfectly inside baby waa ly I just made a secret entrance you’re never going to find it what let me check this out let’s see how secret it is wait actually don’t check it wait no no oh gosh why did I say that now Luke’s going to find out that it’s illegal ghost blocks wait I got to sneak out of here fast okay hi Luke um what’s up dude what are you doing bro what are you doing NOP just wanted to check out your secret bab oh hey no no no no don’t it’s still working just look away it’s still work in progress dude it’s still work in progress just um how’s your build coming along dude it’s going Splendid I’m adding a shower what how is this shower going to help is that just a bucket what is this ly what is this bro just cuz there zombies don’t mean I can’t be fresh but how are you going to defend yourself against the zombies do you have any overpowered weapons like a diamond sword or something I got my trusty wooden axe oh no and why is Heather’s place actually crazy it has lava flowing Everywhere You See see the fire pouring down I know insane wa nice wait I need to get some weapons completely normal Minecraft weapons nothing crazy and by completely normal I mean let’s grab something overpowered so the best Minecraft sword is eight attack damage but with mods you could get ones with 11 12 6 4 whack whack 6 seven yo where’s the good stuff where’s the I need something with more than 20 Airy sword 34 attack damage this is insan insanely overpowered this will smoke any mob so I need to keep it over here and I’m going to keep it a little low key so I’m going to put it in the chest in the corner and I’m just going to like put it with a bunch of other chest so it doesn’t look like it’s out of place and I’ll throw it inside here now we need some overpowered armor and normally netherite chest plates have plus eight armor what chest plate has more than plus eight8 where is it I need to find something even better hes good luck with that my boy what hey are you listening to my sentences ly what do you mean good luck with that what are you talking about bro yeah I was Eaves dropping oh my gosh well h no gosh I can’t find anything in hold up maybe if I get a custom armor that gives me abilities it’s going to make it worth it even though it’s like a little bit worse so how about we use something with eight bro why is there nothing with eight oh my gosh yo no no I’m getting trolled right now I’m actually getting TR almost figure yourself out please hey I did figure myself out and ooh I know exactly what I must use use that gives you a hint as as to what I’m doing what’s up baby laugh 4 hey really ly and I’m going to get a white one let’s go and wait how do I use this uh do I just stand on oh no I’m standing on bitterness I’m standing on bitterness oh my gosh this is lit wait I got to go back to my base before anybody sees oh come on let’s jump back down over here and okay I’m going to have the Witch Armor on this is overpowered let me put it inside the chest and I can fly with this now so we got the witch hat and the witch Su and the broomstick that allows me to fly now I need a item that could shoot really really well and of course we going to grab some bixing stins and Min guns are overpowered let me take a little oh yeah that’s fire that’s fire oh what’s tickling me oh sorry late are you wearing glasses what is that it’s that new drip boy you got to be fresh that’s actually fire and dude why do you just have heads on your base where’s your defenses slash armor slash literally anything this is going to scare them away what bro is bugging and waa Heather what are you building here what the what is this thing this is going to be my TNT cannon launcher this is not a TNT canon is Lacher what are you talking about Heather uh here look let me show you boop uh and um what wrong TNT oops oh God oh my God no that is literally the worst day that could have possibly happened bro Luke it’s your fa turn your whole place doing ice skating ring yeah this is so F in the side oh no Heather you trolled yourself yes sir that’s what you get for using illegal blocks cuz by the way IC T is illegal in this game not allowed I wanted to cheat I know you’re cheating Ms I’m not cheating but I shouldn’t have thought of that we should be using the TS there’s so many overpowered ones hm let’s see which one that we should use we should have like a TNT X500 as my final TNT in case the mobs actually start overpowering me so I shall put the dispenser right over here and this is going to be our final stance so only in case of emergencies and since it’s 500x this should be enough to reach literally everywhere so I’m going to put a button but I need to cover it up in glass cuz I’m not trying to just accidentally hit this John cuz that would be catastrophic boop boop okay glass is all over now I must grab a sign that says TNT X500 only use if necess necessary yeah that’s how you spell necessary perfect uh and whoa Alexa your place is looking like trash right now yes I mean no it’s looking fire I have these holes that I could shoot out of with my bell W well you do know the mobs are going to come any second now so that place is not going to be defended at all and I need to get some more TN defenses cuz there’s a bunch of overpowered TNTs that I should be looking at let’s see which TNT should we use I need to find a TNT tab no not this one oh here it is I want like a normal one cuz the God and doomsday ones are just insanely broken so ooh meteor TNT or erupting I think erupting would be overpowered so let’s have some dispensers out over here and these bad boys could activate the erupting TNT so let me throw a bunch in here and I have a way to aut made this if I grab a Target block put it over here and over here I need to T this out first cuz I I don’t want this accidentally activating if I put say a button in here Target block on top and then I shoot it does it yes it makes the dispenser activate so if I shoot those targets it’s going to let out the TNTs and meteors will come from the ground and then boom everything so let’s put a little staircase on the side going up over here so this could be like my shooting area where I could boom all the mobs and I could also get my targets let’s go Luke how’s it going bro I’m working ooh are you are you drawing stuff what are you drawing what what does that say I’m going to make a sign that says stay away it’s too close it just looks like star and then blink wait just let me cook let me cook oh yo I see what you doing bro that’s fire you made it black yeah let me just fit this in h that does not fit in my friend that just says stay out stay away it just says stay out BR worry about your own build bro it looks good to me all right all right all right well just to let you guys know we have 30 seconds before the mobs come 30 seconds 30 seconds so put on your armor and such and oh yeah I’m St up right now I’ll be drippy I’ll be drippy I do I need golden apples golden apples are very important uh Enchanted ones and ones a stack of these bad boys and whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there’s some overow things hm should I get like a sight let me look at this s nope it’s only 10 I thought there was going to be a better one but I’m ready guys oh they coming what oh gosh okay I fell by thing I fell about oh gosh wait wa wait wait no no one saw that no one saw that no one saw that oh gosh that was embarrassing did you just die already no no that was a cow oh wait my trap’s actually working like crazy whoa let’s go Luke do you see my trap is working so well dude how are they falling through normal blocks like uh I’m not telling but wait I just killed it did you see that one taped oh gosh all my stuff is down over here Luke you have golden apples I could borrow please yeah of course I do slide me some cuz I needed to go down over there cuz the water is very toxick my boy Slide the golden apples please all right I only give you one since we’re not teammates all right give me it quickly oh are you serious right now dude you blew my cover sorry sorry I’m goinging I got to get my armor please oh my gosh oh no this is bad this is so bad this is so bro my oh gosh guys my TNT may have went off this is this is this is all why is they flying TNT oh my gosh this is a lot worse oh wow oh wow dude you actually just blew up my entire base oh gosh and ow I’m surrounded by deadly water bro okay guys I need help Luke I need help I’m stuck dead over here please can you come over here I thought you had this I don’t have this at all oh gosh I have to tell you something L just just CM down I’m stuck I’m stuck I don’t know to do all right I brought a water bucket to clutch where are you where are you I’m in the middle of my base it’s surrounded by deadly dangerous water don’t ask me how it’s deadly dangerous it’s not cheating right here Lucas pukas to the rescue oh hi how are you surviving the water whoa can I have golden apples this is normal water is it oh this is actually normal everything else surrounding it luky is deadly dangerous do not touch it bro H how is that even possible water is supposed to be good for you it’s cuz I peed in it but um I I don’t have any more stuff dude uh do you have any extra armors I can borrow I bur all of mine it’s all gone yeah I actually have an extra pair oh let’s go and I need a golden apple cuz I’m like super duper low please yeah yeah and I’m going to need a weapon thank you L you’re coming to clutch and uh dude I was cheating the whole time that that’s fake water and all my items are reinforced items dude are you serious you cheated and you still lost no hey no I didn’t lose it was oh oh I’m about to die again no no oh my gosh no no no Golden Apple oh F and wait there’s creepers around we got to smoke any mobs Heather how’s it going what is that Heather what is that Sky TNT y That’s not allowed Heather you’re booing us oh my Luke watch out watch out J Luke and where’s the mobs at I got my axe out and I’m ready for action o are you sure about that what mut Skeletron no we’re cooked we’re cooked we’re cooked we’re actually cooked Luke we’re cooked look this boys do so much damage they’re yeting oh my wait Heather this is so oh my gosh no I’m cooked I’m actually so cooked ly I’m dying I’m trying to help you you do not H how are they hitting me from so far away they got beef with you bro bro bro do you have more enchanted golden apples I do not know what to do I do not know what to ow ow Luke I’m dying here golden apples oh my gosh I’m so low I’m so low I it’s they don’t let me pick it up eat eat eat I’m spam eating oh my gosh they’re actually out oh look your trap’s putting in work wait is it oh get them into the water ly hold up hold up oh gosh okay get them into the water Luke into no into the water into oh not me oh my gosh sorry my dude bro okay no one saw me dying Alex that’s three times no I thought it was built to survive dude okay no one saw me dying a four time oh my gosh I am going to break my monitor bro that’s five times trash I’m not bro Luke I’m stuck oh my six times bro dude I’m getting trolled it’s a skill difference bro was on a death streak I never seen that before Oh my God now there’s a mutant Skeletron he’s camping in my base guys I’m going to leave me ow did you just say Mew what no I didn’t say Mew I said I’m getting camped by a mutant skeleton oh muing skeleton no no a mutant skeleton wait actually my base killed so many skeletons so lowkey guys I’m doing good right now and I’m finally alive Heather what are you doing over there um not dropping TNT on your head or anything you would have dare do that Heather cuz that Su hey Heather oh my gosh and a what’s up BS no damage no damage done Heather cuz my base is reinforced cuz I cheated oh but look behind you oh my goodness R oh wait actually they have no idea that it’s fake water oh the Wither Skeletron come to Els yes sir ski I’m booing them all this is super effective yes sir Luke look at how many kills I’m getting right now dude sheesh you’re ping them up yes sir why is the W bro the withers are so overpowered are you serious yo wa ly why is no one else dying do I st ow e do you think it’s time to tell him mhm yeah we can tell him now well tell them what oh we’ve been in Creative this whole time yeah bro are you oh my gosh can someone bro I’m literally getting spam killed right they don’t want anything to do with us yo are you serious troll or get ly please save me bro please I beg you right now this actually paid please pick me up and save me I don’t want to die anymore please all right I’m trying I’m trying it’s you’re not I even ow I keep falling in the poison is Heather try to kill me what is she what is what is going on oh she’s actually doing good damage bro I’ve died eight times in the past 2 minutes can someone please save me ow ow ow bro oh I got you that time I’m actually sorry Heather just killed me ly I don’t think she’s trying to help ow ow ow the they’re almost done okay they’re done they’re gone luk all right we’re good now are you serious get me out of here right now bro this is terrible yeah sorry dude what do you mean sorry bro you guys have been troll me this whole time Alexa were you in on this yes I was actually spawning in all the mobs on your base what where’s Alexa how come I haven’t seen where’s Alexa yo where is she where M I just saw a floating item yo kill it kill it kill it kill it Alexa clear your effects oh no you’ve been trolling me this whole time yes you thought you could troll us but we’re one step ahead oh no troller gets trolled and wait wait guys guys guess what slash kill at a today we’re having goddess babies hey yo yay that means we’re married W we’re not married Crystal but check it out my goddess baby with power how daddy oh my gosh it’s omy Jor dad is wait where’s our goddess home are we homeless babes we’re terrible par parents we don’t have a home for him oh my goshy junior get back in there you didn’t see anything you’re going to have the best home ever yes babes our son needs to have the best home I know and since we’re goddesses he has to live in the cloud so let’s grab some white wol and follow my lead crystal we’re literally going to make our house floating wo it already looks really cool I know right so let’s make the base of the cloud over here just like this and follow this pattern on your side okay all right I’ll try my best awesome sauce so let’s go down and around all the way over here and oh my gosh our son is going to love this I can’t believe he thought he was homeless he is not homeless he’s going to have the best crib ever no way my God his son is going to live way better than yours W Roxy that is totally not true and oh yes our cloud is already coming along so well let’s just attach it on this side just like this wow we now have the baby complete now Crystal we have to fill it all up use the magic wand o I was just going to say that great thinking so let me set the two positions over here then set it all with some white wool w pow awesome now let’s go over here set it then we could go up and set it like that easy pickings now Crystal do that side all right I’m in nice now let me do this side over here Y and oh yeah our Cloud already has its base HS that is not a cloud that’s just white wool hey what Luke is literally hating on us right now Crystal we need this to be like a real Cloud make it a little thicker oh great thinking all right let’s move one layer in and let’s make it thicker go all the way around like this Crystal all right on it let’s race to the other side I’m zooming cuz I am the best god parent ever no wait I’m already starting on my walls what okay Crystal we seriously have to go a little bit quicker and we can make it one more inside like this and then make the entire layer flat so it looks like a real Cloud o awesome job thank you so let me go around like this and then I could use the magic wand to set up most of it like that and oh yes that actually started to look really good I know it’s looking just like a real Cloud I know right then let’s set it like that y then we can go all the way around over here just like this then all the way down the cloud just like that oh yeah yeah and oh my goodness gracious check it out luk it’s a real Cloud now wao that’s so awesome but is he just going to live on a cloud um no he’s going to have the most awesome Golden House ever since we are Gods yeah I’ll believe it when I see it boy oh gosh Crystal we need our son to have the coolest house ever he needs to be the coolest in the neighborhood so what if we made it out of all gold golden block so babes this is already cool for him I know right let’s go all the way around like this and then connect it over and we want the house to be super big right yep just like a mansion yes sir oh my gosh mansion in the cloud so let me go all the way up over here then oh set it with some gold blocks oh my gosh that looks super good and we can make the entrance right over here and we need a fancy looking door let’s make it with the warp door just like that and Crystal it literally looks like a giant box babes where’s the windows oh that’s what it’s missing okay okay okay since this is a mansion we need to add super giant Windows just like that oh yeah that’s sauce then we can add another one right over here and that John is looking Giant and we’re going to use glass panes not normal glass ooh awesome and oh yeah that looks so good and of course I’m using light Blu so Crystal do the other side all right babes on it and while you do that I’m going to hollow out the inside so it actually is a house not just a box so let’s set it all with air and Crystal does it look good oh my gosh that’s actually coming together so well right now yep I’m almost done with the windows nice job and check it out I’m going to add some diamond blocks around the window so it looks super duper detailed and it shows off how rich gods are and I’ll do the same around the door OMG the depth is so good I know right so let’s set the blocks all the way around just like that Y and W that’s looking swaggy oh yeah yeah and we should do the same for the sides of the house so let me place it like this go all the way around over here like that then we have to go down with it just so the house doesn’t look like a giant golden block I don’t want our son getting made fun of yep that would not be good all know and oh that John is Swaggy the front door is am maaz balls and uh Crystal what type of home is empty like this babes our son is going to be so bored I know right what’s the point of having a giant mansion with nothing to do we need a giant TV oh yeah and we can make the TV out of O diamond blocks and we’re not going to make no small TV I’m going to make this a bajillion inch screen TV so let’s go up all the way around just like that and let’s make it this tall wa that John is huge what are you going to put on check it out I’m going to put boom wait wait no that’s whack boom Kung Fu arms dead boom Kung Fu arms dead boom Kung Fu OHS dead boom Kung Fu OHS we have four TVs with me in it one p True Story by the way babes I keep on telling you this every single day that did not happen what this toal happened that’s really me as a Ninja Warrior who in your face boy but how are we going to watch the TV if you are a god what would you sit on crystal I need a super duper super smoper rare ore oh yeah great thinking and wait a minute since it is our kid let’s make it a diamond couch oh yeah that’s the diamond part but since Luke and Roxy is going to have kids we need some colors for them too so their kids can come over yeah so then they can be friends exactly so let’s go grab some emerald and Redstone so let me put some over here for Roxy’s kid then some over here for Luke’s kid and wait Crystal what if you want to stay in your own house lapis oh yeah yeah I already thought of that and finally we need some for Lily we need amist yes babes great thinking thank you so let’s throw down that emth fist around like this and oh my gosh this couch is seriously luxurious oh my goodness gracious babes where’s the SN s we need God snacks oh my gosh you just gave me the most genius idea ever we could eat only God apples these jauns are serious and they’re super shiny I know right so let’s grab a table and it needs to match all of our colors so the first one was diamond block so let’s grab blue then it was red stone then it was emeralds then it was some lapis and finally it was emist so let’s throw it down over here then Bob Bop then over here blob blob then for you Crystal and finally for Lily’s kid side oh my gosh awesome now we got to grab the plates and on each plate we needs to throw down one bajillion o enchanted golden apples oh yeah and Crystal I don’t want to be the boring parents that lives across the street we need some junk food in this John oh yeah cake cake cake cake cake cake cake and cake oh we’re that guy pal yes bab we’re the coolest parents in the clouds oh yeah we are oh no you going to make your son super lazy boy what my son is not going to be lazy what are you talking about do you even have a flying course for him OHS what what do you mean a flying course he’s going to be a natural born flyer oh no my son is going to be trained to be the best flyer in the whole entire world no Crystal our son does not know how to fly and he’s just going to be eating junk food and watching TV all day babes this is not good how are we going to teach him how to fly I know exactly how check it out over here Crystal we got stuff blah blah Loop and then break the wall what do we do that babe because this is where he’s going to learn how to fly we have to make a starting pad right over here for him and Crystal we going to make this Rainbow Road oo I like the sound of this oh yeah yeah so let’s break our all of these blocks over here and we need every color in the rainbow so it of course goes red orange yellow green followed by Blue Indigo and violet that’s the Rainbow song for you and now we just have to put it down red then orange then yellow then green Then followed by Blue Indigo and then finally we got to throw down that Violet OMG this looks so beautiful uh-huh and then this is where you’re going to gain your speed to fly and you’re going to have to fly through some super duper oop smoper pooper challenging Rings check this out Crystal look at how hard it is to aim in this actually bab this is really easy well hey our son is going to be a baby so he has to learn oh my goodness gracious crystal that’s just the first one I’m going to make it way more difficult so after he does the first ring that’s the red ring next up is the orange ring oh I see what you’re doing babe yes we’re going by the colors of the rainbows so next up he has to run up the orange ring like that then he can continue going up over here and around like this to the yellow ring and wait every time I place it can you break the blocks that I put yeah sure thank you very much so let’s put down the yellow and oh gosh this is going to be a really hard one to do and since we’re going on to Green we have to make the green super hard so let’s build over just like this go up a little bit like that break all of these blocks down over here then we can put the ring like that oh yeah babe this already looks too hard what crystal that’s not that hard it’s just a quick turn into the green but if you think that’s hard it’s going to get a whole lot harder cuz you’re going to have to do a straight nose dive into light blue so let’s go all the way down over here just like that then please break all of these blocks there’s so many it thank you then we’re going to make it so you have to do a nose dive into blue and blue is kind of small oh no this is crazy babes that one is going to be the hardest are you sure cuz after you knows dive you’re going to have to do a quick reversal and go all the way up over here this one’s going to be seriously hard B I couldn’t even do it what Crystal don’t worry just get good and I’m going to make it even harder than what I just said I’m going to make the ring super small check this out oop it’s a 2 by two ah that was so hard my Crystal you just literally wet up my face yo but then we can make the final one going all the way down over here and oh wait wait we can make it up over here so you have to land back in and it’s a little bit hard to find so we can make the hole right over here in the house and then b b b throw in some W and Crystal check out how hard that is it’s literally two blocks I can’t fin it oh no but should I give this a shot yeah it’s really hard are you serious all right let me grab my training wings and then let’s grab the Rockets now let’s put that JW on it I’m double wigged up on a Thursday afternoon all right let’s go and wait wait I got to fly and okay I’m off right now Crystal I’m off now let me hit the red okay I hit the red then hit the orange oh then hit the yellow do go okay okay okay I’m out of control okay okay let me hit a little reverse then go to the blue okay okay recover recover recover recover and then oh go down the purple what um Crystal just recovered this is the last ring I just need to go through it oh my gosh no way you just did it I just did let’s go babes that was insane I know right we literally have the most crazy flying course ever the number one most important thing for a God but oh no Crystal we have a very big problem that made me super tired and that’s not timey saying I’m hungry yo our son is going to be starving that’s going to make us terrible parents oh no babes we need healthy food for our boys yeah you’re totally right so let’s go over here and we go go boom just made some expansions now we got to make the house go back over here and wait wait while I do it use the magic wand to set a wall please all right on it thank you very much and we’re going to make it go all the way around over here just like that then connect it over and I’m going to make the roof right here now Crystal are you filling it all up I’m already on it nice job and oh gosh I have to extend the clouds cuz I know Luca is going to be like yo bro uh this is actually floating in the air not of the cloud oh no OHS your room is floating dude oh my gosh I literally called it no it’s not I’m clearly putting a cloud right now why are you watching me dude HS cuz I just want to make sure that you’re not that guy fell I am that guy look look look count to three and it’s going to be the most Lous cloud ever seen boy count seriously count 1 2 3 wait wait wait I didn’t have it typed out wait 1 2 three okay boom oh yeah yeah the cloud is clouded and my girlfriend put up the W go oh no dude in front of me really no I did not me to say I met my friend who’s a girl that’s what I met my guys almost called Crystal his girlfriend that’s not what happened oh not did they hold hands W no way Luke would lie and SP a rumor like that yes and he even smooched her he’s L the same okay rock you know what that means and Crystal sitting in a cloud oh my goodness gracious Cal o thank you for all the walls this actually perfect yes bab we need nutritious and delicious food for our baby oh yeah yes so let’s grab some cabinets and oh I’m going to make this John all blue straight blue crystal and every kitchen has a ton of cabinets that are never ever used that’s just how rich people do things and we need a fridge with all of the sauce yes baby we need the best food oh yeah we need some raw beef up in this piece I love raw beef it’s so yummy smell it what no ew what Crystal then what do we feed him cooked beef oh my gosh are you serious well I guess yeah cooked beef would be a lot healthier for a young boy so let’s fill up the fridge with some cooked beef like that wait Crystal can I at least have a little bit of raw beef for myself yes but put it in the back of the fridge okay fine it’s all the way in the back over here do you see I just put a little bit barely any all right bab now fill the rest up with some treats ooh okay I got you it’s straight cake in this JN delicious but we need some six in the middle and of course we go make the six blue now we need water oh yeah Crystal check it out I’m filling up the sink up o super clean thank you but babes we need a real dining area oh yeah you’re totally right so after our son gets home from a long day of training he can eat them healthy foods we need to make this look very very professional now so let’s get colors for our little boy which is light blue then of course some days roxxy’s kid and Luke’s kid is going to come over so we need those colors too so let’s make the dining table right over here like this now we’re going to need some chairs and of course Light Blue for me red for Roxy and green for Luke Sun so let’s put a chair over here here then a chair over here then a chair over here and I’m going to put some on the other side so I can supervise really smart babes I don’t trust Luke’s kids yeah neither do I Luke be raising his kids crazy cuz Luke is crazy oh yeah my son’s going to be learning his super jump abilities wait what super jump ability yeah bro as his God Powers duh oh my gosh Crystal Crystal we have an emergency Luke sud has God Powers he’s being trained in the power of jumping what is our son going to be trained in our son is going to have the power of strength oh my gosh Crystal I’m likeing what you just saying and we can make him strong strong up over here don’t tell Luke cuz he’s going to totally copy us tell me what yo Wait nothing Luke we’re totally not doing anything I’m not making a trading course so my son could be way stronger than yours oh yeah that’s totally what I’m doing h no way I’ll let ‘s son be better than mine in anything W he’s going to be way stronger Luke your son could have all the jump ability he wants but my son going to have muscles like it’s nothing boy uh-uh I’m going make my son so much better that he’s going to fart in your son’s face really really why just like I do to you okay okay Crystal Luke just fart at my face are you serious right now but here is where our little boy is going to get the muscle so first we need to make the trading area so let’s put some fences down just like this so the things he goes up against can’t escape wait a minute what what is he going up against stop you’re going to see it’s like super duper deadly dangerous things not nothing crazy it’s fine it’s fine why I don’t want my fighting deadly dangerous things don’t worry Crystal it’s like not that bad it’s just like really really bad so let’s put the fences up just like that then W put the gates here and W pal put the gates here so he can enter and they shall be closed and here is where the bad boys going to be spawned in so let’s grab some dispensers and how many bad guys should we spawn in oh all right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 two right I meant two like 1 two oh so two layers that’s really smart okay let’s make it go all the way around over here just like that and that should total up to 40 really good thinking Crystal our son is going to be a man but what mob should our little boy go up against how about zombies babes oh my gosh yes let’s fill up every dispenser with a stack of zombies our son is going to be super strong like that wait what why would I tell you oh yeah thank you Crystal I appreciate it make sure every single dispenser is filled though all right all right no problem thank you oh my gosh yes this is awesome hold up SS you going to make your son fight 40 zombies yes sir cuz how else is is he going to learn how to be strong like me did you not see Kung Fu SS the movie down there that’s actually me fighting off bad ninjas NOP No One Believes that but OHS they’re tiny what what do you mean they’re tiny what’s Tiny our babies duh yeah so what what about our babies that they’re tiny yeah so they’re not going to be able to defend themselves yeah maybe your baby but my baby going to make it through like it’s nothing and it’s super easy alls we have to do is throw down some blocks behind here like that go around here and okay this is where the dispensers are so let’s throw down blocks behind them over here just like this on this side then we have to do the same on this side two blocks going all the way around bro are you sure you want to do this Luke yes I’m already hooking up the Redstone this going to be super duper lit and I’m going to be able to easily do it as well a no way that’s impossible Luke trust the process it’s going to be super possible so let’s go all the way around over here throw the repeaters down just like that now we have to connect it over to this side with some normal Redstone Dust like this then Whow throw down the Redstone repeaters and we need to make the activation from the outside hes how are you going to do that dude super duper easy all we have to do is put a block here with a button on top like this then behind it just lead it with some Redstone Dust now let’s test it out Crystal hit the button let me see if it activates all the repeaters all right got you oh and wait wait it stops right over here hit it again please all right boom and wait wait wait it stops right over here hit it again now let’s make sure that it reaches every single dispenser and it does oh my gosh so if we put it into difficulty easy hit the button all right boom Oh My Gosh them boys is in here there’s so many and wait they’re all burning so we have to put a roof yeah you don’t want to make it too easy for your son yes sir ski so let me set the first position over here go all the way over set the second position here then set it all with some gold blocks oh no this is going to be insane Luke do you want to go in it no but I’ll watch you go in it are you serious right now but hold up I need to make an armor dispensory system Luke so I can easily put on my drip boy so let’s grab some fences put the pressure plates on top like that now I need to get a full set of w armor not no l armor so let’s grab a full set of that diamond armor boy and we’re going to need a diamond sword and Crystal don’t think I forgot some golden apples great thinking babes thank you and wait wait I’m going to put a whole lot of them so it has a ton of uses oh yeah so let’s put in leggings and oh I have to fly all the way around over here throwing up a jillion enchanted golden apples then finally we needs the swords and of course the booties now check this out are you guys ready yes bab go for it all right wh instantly got a full set of armor and an enchanted golden apple Crystal wish me luck good luck babes thank you all right hit the button I’m going inside hit it on three 1 2 3 go I’m eating I’m eating I’m eating yeah and oh no dude there’s a bajillion oh gosh oh oh the BL okay this might be a little bit harder than I thought HS you’re getting smoked up no I’m not you guys are not that guy pal I’m that guy oh yeah you getting smoked I’m hitting them with the walk around strap y oh yeah what’s up you’re not that guy you’re not that guy either oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh my gosh I’m actually smoking them right now how much health do you have I have 11 Hearts because of the golden apple and oh no now I’m back at 10 this is bad oh goodness gracious oh watch out you’re not that guy you’re not that guy either okay and boom what about round two round two what are you talking about dude you just spawned more oh no Crystal it’s not looking too good for me all right don’t worry I’m going to make it through just to prove to Luke that I’m lit that guy pal what was that Ms you are round three no that is not okay okay that is not what I said okay Crystal open the doors open the doors open the doors open it oh my gosh okay this is not good wait a minute an enchanted golden apple Crystal did you throw that yep I didn’t want you to die oh my gosh hold up I think I can survive now you got this bab thank you oh yeah what’s up oh yeah what’s up I’m comboing them boys up if I actually survive this Luke my son is going to be the strongest in the world yeah if you survive I will oh yeah what’s up oh yeah what’s up boom what’s up what’s up oh yeah wait a minute they’re getting so much less I’m destroying them oh yeah come on come on oh no my enchanted golden apple ran out but I think if I keep going around no no no I’m at seven Hearts this is not good this is not good this is not good there’s baby zombies they’re super duper fast come on and wait a minute I could actually pull this off oh my gosh Crystal did you see that I can’t believe it yay let’s go Luke I did it because I’m that guy pal and my son is going to be just as strong as me oh my goodness gracious you’re actually that guy Bell yes sir oh yeah Crystal that was awesome sauce when you gave me that enchanted golden apple last second it really saved me yep I didn’t want you to die ever oh yeah you heard that Luke now we have the power of strength well you don’t have the power of speed wa oh my gosh Roxy how did you get that ass tell me right now now I’m here now I’m there now I’m your underwear W oh my goodness gracious tell me tell me what do you do I made a speed course what a speed course are you serious yeah my son is going to give your some wedgies what wedgies hey hey hey he is not doing that oh my goodness gracious get out of here Roxy speed wedgies are the worst oh no Crystal our son is going to get speed wedgies could you imagine that babes we need to make our son just as fast yeah you’re right and I know exactly how whoow we just made an instant wall oh yeah bab but what are we going to do we have to make our son do crazy long parkour check this out what the what babes how is he supposed to reach that well if we give ourselves a command block we could get speed and we can train him in speed so we can make the command say/ effect give then the player speed and we’re going to make it for 100 seconds and speed five let’s see if this is enough oh gosh I’m a little nervous let me put the pressure plate on top now let me see if I could make the jump oh gosh that’s super close let me try again no I think we need a little bit more speed Crystal I’m going to make it speed eight OMG babes you’re crazy I know right what B and I just made it nice now we can make the next jump all the way over here oh Nar do you think that this what is possible no way let me try it out if I go back over here and I get oh go some speed dude it’s so hard to control let me try it get in oh goodness I am getting so close let me try it I made it nice so it definitely is possible I know right but it is super duper difficult let’s make another Super difficult jump right over here and oh no Crystal do you want to go for this yep let me try my best all right go for it you got this head wo you just barely made it I know it was so scary oh nice job and now let’s make another hard one that goes one block up try that one out holy smokes dude you’re actually going insane but what if we made a speed job to a ladder wait what babes you’re joking right no cap seriously look at this do you think nope you can land on this jump let me throw down some ladders right over here try it out I don’t know if I can do this you got it Crystal and what the you did it super easily I’m going to burn break some ladders down here and that is really hard try it out all right let me try my best oh go for it okay you just walked off and wait I think we need to raise it up by one block like this now we can oh barely make it that’s definitely way better try it out Crystal now I can do it nice job and ooh I have a really really good idea what are you doing so you know how we have speed and it’s super hard to control yep what about it well try this out a fence jump what oh my gosh that’s crazy cuz you don’t know how far you’re going to go give it a shot all right we what oh no Crystal you’re literally that guy pal and I’m going to make it so you have to walk the tight rope without falling try your best babe this is kind of simple oh all right well what about now I just made holes in the middle oh Crystal oh no babes you’re insane I know right wait wait let me give it a shot okay okay so I got to control myself I barely missed you give it a shot oh my goodness gracious this is seriously some professional parkour I just literally hopped over it oh my gosh the trick is you’re not supposed to run just walk walk yeah you heard that right you just have to walk cuz our speed is so crazy if you just walk oh my gosh you can make it oh my goodness gracious that was insane dude nice so these are the tight rope jumps B what about a slime jump oh my gosh you’re actually reading my mind was just about to say that let’s add a slime jump all the way down over here like this and let me break all of these and I’m going to make a little platform up over here so you can gain some speed to make it to the slime block O awesome idea thank you so let’s go down over here just like this and give it a shot Crystal can you reach the slime block platform from all the way up over there that’s like a 10 block jump ah I can wow okay okay well I’m going to make it a little bit harder how about you give it a shot right now see if you can do this jump up oh no babes that looks devious oh no right give it a try you got this go oh no that was super close Okay let me give it a shot let me go okay okay that might be a little too far they way too far but wait a minute what if we made the speed a little crazier wait what do you mean I mean we put another command block here and we make it do slash effect give the the nearest player speed for 100 seconds speed 20 what yeah you just heard that right speed 20 whop out now let’s see if we get the speed we need so let me hit it and oh that’s so close Crystal I think we have to go to speed 30 30 yeah you just heard that correctly let me get the speed and then oh my gosh this is definitely possible it’s just so hard to jump in time oh my gosh you literally instantly go let me no I can’t do it it has to be possible I know right but wait maybe if we made the platform a little bit bigger we had a little bit more time to jump oh my gosh I just landed all the way over here so it’s totally possible nice all right we’ll make it so that you have to land over here and I’ll make it into diamond blocks since this is the professional levels babes that looks really hard I know right but hold up let me put a wall over here now let’s go for it oh I’m going to try the full slime jump oh I got one block away give it a sh B I keep on getting one block away step aside step aside L’s here to do it Luke there’s no way you can do this it’s crazy this is my warm up boom okay bluke you just went flying watch this I think I’ve learned how to do it you just got to jump and then L boost oh no oh no I was one block away are you serious right now this thing is kind of hard I know if you’re a noob bro are you serious right now I made it one block away again yeah there’s actually no way nope you’re not that guy pal are you sure about that cuz oh that was so close at did you just make it you know I did oh my gosh what he he Luke you just failed I saw that nuh yeah wait a minute Crystal remember how we made the rainbow road down there yep what about it what if we made one over here check this out I’m going to set the first position over here at Luke you’re not even going to believe what I’m about to do nope what are you going to do just trust the process on this trust the process I’m building all the way down over here and I’m going to set it all with some diamond blocks now we have to test something Crystal what are you testing let’s see if this is possible can you run over two block oh no did you just do that easily oh my goodness gracious all right let’s see if oh do you take three blocks as possible I don’t know and oh no do we need more speed to do three yeah babes we do so let me make it/ effect give that the nearest player speed NOP for 100 seconds NOP and we’re going to make it speed 50 give it a shot now Crystal yeah you heard that right we level it up for real for real go bab I’m definitely going to be able to do this now oh gosh waa you just made the three block jumps all right let me see if I can do two in a row try it now Crystal babies I can definitely make this with speed 50 oh nice job this is insane let me make another three and we can switch it up with sub ones throw in sub twos and Luke what are you doing here this parkour is easy pickings Luke just went flying off the edge oh my goodness graci as well I’m going to make it even harder I’m going to throw in a four block jump but just to make it possible I’m going to put slabs down over here so you can couch yourself nuh-uh you’re bugging and wait a minute did you guys just do the four block jump hold up hold up go for it right now please all right boom you guys could do four okay hold up hold up can you guys do five 808 boy there’s actually no way you didn’t even need the slabs go for it right now all right going for it five is the limit but let’s see if you could do four with some slabs go for it guys all righty and wa that’s possible awesome job so I’m going to throw in another four over here like that then let’s put in some slabs at the bottom like this now try it out and nice job Crystal yep awesome sauce oh no right and now our speed is super maxed out oh yeah yeah that means our son is the strongest in every aspect nuh-uh not in Jump I told you I was making him a jump training course oh no and wait a minute I see a name tag jumping is that Alexa yep she’s getting her jumps in oh no Crystal wait a minute that gave me a really good idea thank you Luke we need to train our jump at the end of the speed what no no no no chill dude chill nope nope nope I’m doing it now and once we reach over here we need to chill with the speed so let me put a command block with a pressure plate and I’m going to make it/ effect clear then at pece so once we hit it the nearest player should get his effects cleared and F Crystal we’re back to normal it feels so weird I know right well well well I feel like I’m about to fall off but now we must trade to get our bounce up well how you going to do that Ms you’re not that guy Bel are you sure about that cuz I’m going to make some Diamond climbing boys huh what is that you’ll see ly so let me set all of this with some Diamond not blocks but some diamond ore oh not and Crystal we need a new command block we need slash effect give at nearest player jump boost yes you just read by B and first we’re going to make it jump boost for 10 seconds and we’re going to give it jump boost five so you have 10 seconds to make it up so let’s see how high of jump boost 5 is and oh my gosh you go all the way up over here so we can make the first jump here then the second jump over here and let’s make them diamond block so you can see it better then the third jump here and you have to do all that in 10 seconds holy smokes yeah I know it’s super hard so let me get it and okay the timer’s going down let me no no jump okay got the first one and 5 seconds left okay got the second one and oh gosh 1 second left in I made it with no time to spare yep babes you have to do really fast I know right and over here we could put a command block and we need to copy the command man so let’s grab it but we’re going to change the effects of it what are you going to make it I’m going to make it so you have jump boost 10 for only 1 second so you literally have one shot at this jump and Crystal see how high you guys and okay that should be a really hard jump now go for it all right C okay you just fell embarrassing I’m going for it and St I hit my head this is so hard and wo OMG babes I was literally out when reached up here ni you’re that guy and I keep hitting my head okay maybe we have to jump from all the way here and I just made it but doing it all at once is going to be crazy so let me start here jump okay then jump oh gosh I messed up wait Crystal how are you doing this B I have no idea actually oh my gosh but yes I made it over here now let me jump with the jump boost and yes I made it oh yeah but oh my gosh you know what would be crazy what would be crazy doing a super far jump with jump boost check it out I’m going to put the command block here and make the jump boost effect jump boost 10 again and we’re going to make it for only 1 second so you have one shot at this and if you fail you’re done for try that jump oh no babes oh no Crystal how close was that literally too close and let me go for it no we have to build up some speed go for a crystal no you have to jump last second and so let me go and it’s possible it’s possible I made it easy holy smokes I know red oh you just made it too but oop Crystal I don’t think you’re ready for what I’m about to say what are you about to say let’s do jump boost 20 give it a shot Crystal jump as far as you can oh my gosh you made it all the way over here stand right here Crystal so I can build to you all right boom nice now let me build all the way down and we’re making all of this one block so it’s super duper hard and I’m going to make it have a little bit of a turn so it’s not super easy let me give this John A Shot Blue Boy no way you got this hey Alexa stop hating watch and learn come on come on come on come on and DED I missed it by an inch are you serious Crystal you got this and come on come on nice job what the what that’s possible yes sir yet Alexa I’m going to do it right now landed on the Block let’s go easy pickings wow you’re pretty good for a blue boy W are you serious right now but Crystal I have something crazy to say what happens if we get jump boost 100 what the yeah you just heard that right boom it’s 100 jump and let’s see how far you go babes this is going to be the craziest thing black oh my crystal where are you just keep moving forward let’s see how far you go oh my gosh um are you okay yeah bab I made it all the way to roxxy’s base what the what this is like a bajillion blocks we have to set it right here okay Crystal stand over here please all right boom thank you very much and Luke I’m going to build off your base I’m going to delete it in a second don’t get mad hey no I just said I’m going to delete it chill Luke doesn’t even know where I am oh no boy oblivious HS I’m going to fart on you what okay okay I think he found me all right all right let me put it all the way here at Luke I told you I’m breaking it y get this dirt off my base you heard what do you mean dur it’s literally diamonds diamonds are beautiful here I’ll leave you one as a gift hey we don’t mess with that around these Waters oh my gosh but Crystal you got this come on oh oh okay Crystal you are nowhere okay you just went okay what what was that sorry I thought it was uh closer than that W are you serious let me give it a shot I literally can’t see anything oh my gosh I’m blind I’m blind I’m blind wait wait I’m going down I’m going down and oh dude that’s literally possible that is literally possible it’s so hard to see though I know right you just got to go straight the whole time I got this come on and wait oh I landed it I’m I literally landed and then fell oh no boy you fell what no I didn’t Luke use this capping watch and learn oh yeah okay okay this the one I could smell it in my booty butt come on come on come on come on come on come on come on yes no way oh yeah holes you might be that guy Belle oh yeah I am really bro but that was the craziest jump and we could set down a little platform over here cuz o Crystal I don’t think you f to believe what I’m going to say right nowes what are you about to say double command block and we’re going to make the command block give you two effects slash effect give then the nearest player first we’re going to do speed for 5 seconds speed 20 then we’re going to go in the other command block and we’re going to make it say SL effect give then the nearest player oh you’re not going to believe this jump boost for 1 second and jump boost 100 again what baby it’s two and one yes so what you’re going to have to do is excuse me excuse me you’re going to have to go BL and wait wait wait wait did that work am I going super far right now yes babes you’re like super far and waa that’s even farther than the other one and see how far you can go Crystal go as far as you can oh no oh no you’re going even farther than me keep going keep going and hi we literally landed exactly on each other so stand right over here Crystal we going to build bab that is the craziest jump ever I know R it’s taking you so long just because how far it is dude it’s like a bajillion blocks it’s because we made it so you have insane effect so let me go all the way dude this is literally 100 blocks maybe even more I know right in how far am I up high Crystal nice we made it now we have to shred through these blocks boy and make it a little bit bigger so we can actually land on it yep the one blocks are so hard I know right so let shred and Y it’s destroyed babes go for it you got this oh goodness I’m a little bit nervous but let me okay you didn’t see that you didn’t see that you didn’t see that just thought let me try it again you did not see that wait did you jump yep I jumped oh no I see you all the way up there wait did you nope land Crystal you’re literally that guy gu I’m off do you see me crystal do you see my wings winging yep I do oh my gosh that was legitimately legitness and we have to make the finish line up over here you are literally a master at all of the goddess’s abilities oh yeah yeah yeah and wait Crystal I’m going to make the white and you do the black pulaa all right I’m right over here hi okay let me throw down the White over here and you do the black and oh my gosh our teamwork is so good I totally ship MMS and Crystal they’re my favorites babes we are OHS and Crystal oh oh well I ship us no KS oh no did I just hear that right what the how dude we’re like 1 th000 blocks in there a crystal sitting in a parkour course are you Ser right now really bro Chrystal how did Roxy hear that I literally barely said it loudly I don’t even know anymore oh my was but since we’re now up here we need to fly back down and we could use our wings so let’s grab it and we need to put in a chest so if anyone’s ever up here they can get down easily with the training wings so let’s throw a bunch now let’s put it on our back then it’s flying oh yeah now we can go all the way down into rainbow road that was lit babes I’m flying where are you where are you I’m at Rainbow Road where are you Crystal I’m coming get off I don’t know what that weird oh gosh hi Crystal I just saw you you made it to Rainbow Road hello behind hi hi look at Roxy’s house that job looks insane yes sir I’m doing the last finishing touches on my son’s room what are you serious L Crystal we have to do some investigating and oh n this place is super lit they have gold and diamonds everywhere and a giant dining table and wow is this his room yes sir isn’t it lit wait is this a oh waterfall bed oh no Crystal we seriously are bad parents roxxy’s kid has the coolest room at is that a secret base in his room yeah it is oh no Crystal quickly we have to go back we have to go back we’re terrible parents babes everyone’s going to laugh at our son I know right he literally doesn’t even have a room but wait a minute Crystal we can make it up to him we’re going to give him the most sauciest room ever let’s grab some ladders and since he is a kid we have to make it double ladders I don’t want that boy slipping and falling on his booty yes babes that would hurt and right over here is o a perfect spot because this is where the training course is so we can build out over here and H Crystal if you are a God boy what would you want your room to be made out of bab raw gold oh no raw gold is super lit so we can make over here out of straight raw gold so let’s make the outlining of his room like that and Crystal can you fill in the walls please yes baby I got you awesome sauce so let me do the outlining on this side and we can make that jaw super duper thick like this then go all the way around here a maze balls and the roof is going to be from up here so let me grab the magic wand set the first position there and oh nice job Crystal you’re going really fast and let’s set it with some raw gold and oop place the roof crystal how’s the walls coming along it’s done oh nice job now let’s do the floor so let’s set all these blocks over here with some raw gold let’s do it all right y then we can just do the rest over here just like that and wo his room is super duper big but uh Crystal this room is whacked there’s nothing inside babes H we need his bed to be really cool oh my gosh I just got the best idea ever you know how we’re like on a giant Cloud right now right yeah I know I think I’m thinking the same thing as you okay let’s say it on three 1 2 3 CL oh my gosh we just said the same things oh yeah yeah but wait wait wait is anybody here okay perfect I totally ship us we would make a really good couple oh no sus police here y’all sus what how how do you hear it Luke how tell me your ways and how do you get here so fast I could feel the sussy energy oh my gosh and dude you literally broke a hole in my son’s room oh my gosh and we’re making our son the most lious bed ever does your son have a cloud bed Luke does he even have a bed n he sleeps on the floor what are you serious yeah it’s super comfortable what what do you mean it’s super that is not comfortable at all that sounds like terrible Luke L parent L parents hey I try my best oh my goodness gracious but hold up check it out Luke I’m going to make the beds in the middle and guess what colors I’m about to use ooh Brown for poop what no light blue and S it and I’m making it a doublesided Cloud bed oh yeah super sauce and wait a minute Crystal I have a better idea than using stairs we can make it ladders on the side because I want to put something underneath the clouds Luke what do clouds make they make rain exactly so I’m going to grab some water buckets and put some rain underneath but wait wait Crystal we need a special secret Minecraft block called barrier blocks ooh babes I heard about those before yeah the only way to get it is with the special commanded okay this might have been a bad idea putting the water in first um where’s the source of it wait wait let me break it first then let me go all around put the water down then boom the barrier so check it out it looks like it’s actually seriously legitimately raining right now looks just like a water droplet I know right so let me put one over here like that and around then throw the water inside oh yeah it’s literally raided in this JN oh notes you’re actually that guy pal oh yeah I am dude that’s actually the coolest build technique ever and then we are up on the cloud super SAA but babes do you remember the secret room we want our son to be cool yeah what did you just say nothing Luke we didn’t say anything about a secret room that I’m going to put in that corner over there nothing at all o I’m going to tell everyone about it dude no no no I’m being serious don’t tell anyone this is my son’s secret room we’re going to make get super duper lit it’s going to be a place where all his friends can come over including your son Luke so you better not tell anybody okay I’ll just tell everyone that you and Crystal smooched what no you better not no dude chill dude chill Lily Roxy SS and Crystal just smooched I knew they had a crush on each other really Lily oh my God ly no I don’t have a crush Crystal sitting in Aion k i s s i n g you know it’s bad when Lily does it want up she Luke you’re actually not that guy pal but Crystal check it out I know what you’re thinking this isn’t much of a secret room cuz you can literally just see it but I’m about to wait blow your mind boom boom ghost blocks yes we can go down into some ghost blocks and we can make the secret room and I’m going to make the secret room blacked out cuz it’s a secret adoy it’s going to be a boy chilling room oh yeah yeah so let’s go all the way down over over here then let me go down like that and now we have to make the walls Crystal so let me get the magical one set the first position over here go up like that then set it with some black wool y now we have to go over here and down like wait wait Crystal are you already doing it yes sir ski what oh my gosh Crystal’s literally that guy but let me set some over here then we have to do this one without breaking the gold so what I could do is just hit this corner like that and okay I think that should be good now the secret room leads into here so we need to make it a little entrance just like this oh no crystal is this sauce or is this sauce babes I don’t really have an option so I guess it’s sauce very sauce so on the top let’s set down some black and wo it’s so dark in here Crystal we need some lights yes babes let’s throw glowstone everywhere oh yeah it’s a party up in this John o o oh my gosh it’s super lit in here literally cuz we’re lighting it up so it’s lit and that should be good it’s so much more bright in here now but since this is a boys only room we got to make some chairs because they going to be gaming all night and I’m going to join sometimes because I want to be the cool dad can I please join Crystal uh fine Bas but only on the weekends all right all right all right fine only on the weekends so let’s make up the super duper lit game is set set up right over cheer and I put all the colors so Luke and roxxy’s kids could chill with us now we F to eat a really really big TV I’m talking about a flat screen a bajillion inches and super lit and Crystal I know you want something else on the TV right yes I’m so tired of kung fu OHS yeah I know that movie gets old so let’s put on the video game kung fu HS to the video game B what that’s the same thing it’s literally the same exact thing no it’s not Crystal look look I’m getting a sign that says Kung food OHS D video game and wait wait just to make it official I’m going to grab some glow ink sack so boom it’s super lit and guess what else I’m going to grab some dye so boom it’s even more lit so you know it’s official why did you spell the like d what what do you mean I spelled every word right Kung Fu OHS da video game that’s how you spell crystal that’s how you spell now we need some tables to put the controllers on so let me make it light blue on this side then over here we got to grab some red then in the middle we need some for ly Pooky son like that now we need video game controllers so let’s grab the video game controller and we going to have to put it down on the table so let’s put boop boop and Boop now we can lay it down and wow it literally says it on top so everyone knows they going to get smoked by my son cuz he’s the main character awesome sauce babes I know right he’s the coolest kid in school and since there is no way out now we F to make the way out of here super Saucy so everyone can know he’s that guy pal we’re going to need some redstone blocks and Crystal you’re going to need some powered rails powered rails am I thinking what you’re thinking yep roller coaster imagine how cool he’s going to be when everyone knows that he has a roller coaster in his house I’m going to make this John have a loop-de-loop loop-de-loop that’s not safe what the crystal it’s totally safe and on the corners you have to make it with a regular rails so it connects babes you’re crazy I know right nice job so let’s make the loop-de-loop like this and we going to make that John go up and around oh yeah yeah so let’s make it go up from here like this up a t more like that perfect now we have to go this way and I’m going to make it loop-de-loop a little bit wider every time babes are you sure this is safe yes Crystal the worst that can happen is you fall off the world forever that’s not that bad of a thing to happen trust me and then you die what no no no no no our son is going to be perfectly safe on this super duper awesome roller coaster uh ohs what is that that’s not safe hey what Luke why why are you talking about safe you literally don’t even have a bed for your son but SS this is super dangerous how is this dangerous your son sleeps on the floor luk dude he has wings he could just fly oh yeah good point well same thing here if you fall off just fly up my boy oh all right then he’s chill wait what really Luke that’s all you needed as a parent you’re going to let your son come over to a house with this crazy roller coaster Yeahs but my son is super chill well Luke is not going to like this next bit we F to make the most lyest drop ever o I want to do it what are you serious Luke you want to do a crazy drop that actually might end up in you falling in the void dude that’s even more awesome oh my gosh all right well let’s see where it goes so when we fall off we’re going to land like right over here I think I’m not really sure I hope so so let’s grab some blocks and then put the rails Crystal do you want to test this out no way bab you okay did it work yep the thing is fire what the oh blue could just fly up oh my gosh I thought we actually just lost that boy but Crystal you give it a shot now oh it worked it was so much fun too oh my gosh oh my gosh put a m card up I want to try that John out this looks seriously lit all right baby here’s your mine cart oh thank you now let’s go and we literally land and we keep going that is actual swag but we want the roller coaster to go around to the front of the house right yep so we can get back to where we started uh-huh so let’s make it go over here then we can have a cool drop like that Luke test it out real quick please all righty is it safe uh no not really but you should go for it anyways all righty HS this thing better be safe and up oh wait wait wait we need one more block back and that should be good Crystal put the rails up and we got to make it go down and around this way do a little bit of a snake turn like this build it across wo the roof of the house like that then we’re going to make a super duper lit fall over here so once we fall here we’re going to go like maybe two blocks then we land right over here on top and then we can have a little slow Loop down back so let’s turn then go down some blocks over here like this and then land around to the front Crystal did you put the rails up yep almost done awesome sauce and wait we can put a stopper right here so you stop your booty now let’s grab mine carts and test this John out yes bab let’s do it let’s go and Luke don’t tell anybody about the secret room but you have to access it through the secret room wa indoor roller coaster behind your secret room yes sir ski hies Luke told me about this place what Luke oh my gosh really dude bro this room’s too awesome not to share oh my gosh well we got to grab a chest and Crystal put some mine carts in the crystal crystal don’t go yet we need M cards all right boom nice now let’s go Roxy come over here we’re going we’re going let’s go and off oh yeah we’re going up there loopy loop BS to me it looks like you and Chris are on a date right now are you serious but Roxy just went in the middle so hi Roxy how’s your day going pal no no hey Roxy just broke my mine car he’s trolling Luke oh no bo boom Oh no Roxy just got DED by Luke but hold up I’m going down in come on I landed awesome sauce then we go all the way around hi Roxy hey stop play some dude Roxy trolls way you make it then we keep going up Hi l he up protecting you oh thanks and then wee we drop it really Roxy be trolled I see that but then we go all the way around and we made it nice at what the what is Roxy still trolling yeah yeah oh my gosh but wasn’t that fun Roxy yeah that was Ultra fun thank you but the outside of your house look whack boy wait what oh gosh you’re kind of right it looks super incomplete Crystal we have to put on the finishing touches and I know exactly what block we need we need some netherite to detail the around area so check this out let’s put a line of netherite up over here like this then go up this way and we don’t even have a roof on our house Crystal we’re big noobing I’ll work on that nice okay okay so let me line it all up with some netherite like that go on this side now for the roof ooh I have an idea we should make it modern style since the only part that doesn’t have a roof is right here we can make a netherite slanted roof like this o those are sometimes really hard to make I know right but Crystal just build down like that oh you’re already doing it you’re literally that guy Crystal you’re that guy pal yep I already know nice and I’m just going to make it only on one side so it looks super duper mod now we can go all the way down over here like this and ooh you know what we should do we should add some diamonds in the middle so it has a cool color pattern it looks like a weird pancake what a pancake Crystal stop this does not look like a pancake oh wait actually I kind of see it looks like a burnt pancake yeah I know oh no but let me place the diamond blocks on the inside over here just like this all the way down and how’s it going for you Crystal I’m almost done awesome sauce so let me go up over here just like that y then let’s place it down and around nice job babes thank you now let’s just fill it in and wait did you finish yep and I’m finishing the last part oh nice and I’m finishing my last part too let me throw down the diamond blocks like this and then I’m going to add a super giant window right over here at this time I’m going to make the window out of Sayad glass yay and wait wait not glass we have to use glass pain so it’s like inside the block like this so let’s go all the way around over here and connect it like that and wo that actually made the house look super modern babes it looks like a guy with a funny hat on I know R hold up who put this eyebrow wait this a youa brow and eyeballs who did this oops it looks like a face so I gave him some features oh my gosh wait I kind of actually like that he has like a little mustache mouth over here and wait Crystal did you finish yep I did this is looking seriously Saucy W Mansion but since it is in the clouds we have to make a way to get up for people who can’t fly like Luke cuz you’re not that guy pal huh you’re talking to the man who invented flying bro you’re not that guy but boom ladders are set but your crib in look like this boy what the what even is this this is our giant Coliseum ooh I see it these are like giant pillars and wao this place is sauce hey boy welcome to the crib wait Luke is your son chill cuz I don’t want him to Wild out on me now no dude he’s legit oh okay I’m going trust that he’s legit all right ly Pooky junor be chill what is this this is my bad butt boy Whoa he has his old bed and Roxy are you jumping on his bed yeah Dad what oh no this actually okaying out why does he sound like that [Music] hey what just happened wait I need to calm him down I need to calm him down W how is luk going to calm down his son Crystal this is some good parenting let’s watch this I want the red boy to explode what you want the red boy to explode Roxy if I was you I would run R oh my gosh ly Pooky we have to share oh yeah good parenting be quiet but boy D what oh no I did not expect that one Luke are you okay my son is so mean D Luke you’re an adult why are you oh my gosh yo ly Pooky Jor listen to me I’m your uncle you got to listen oh I’ll listen but boy oh my gosh just go inside and wait a minute let’s fly up over here and whoa is this where you train your jumping yeah that’s where I got my hops from ooh all right let me trade it oh yeah oh yeah I’m barely jumping Luke this place is M yep it’s about patience oh wait a minute when you jump more you get more of a lab boost and then y wo actually swag I made it to the top it wait there’s a chest it’s m de what Wings why do we have wings ly but boy we learn how to fly waa where are we flying to are we just flying no wait what Luke your son just disappear Luke your son Luke your sons that’s the circle of life you have to let him go what your son just disappeared are you okay with that yeah I tell him good oh my gosh BL boy come here what the heck Roxy Roxy oh no you know how to fly yeah gu why you’re not that guy but oh n do you live in this giant litty mansion that I’m kind of jealous of yeah it’s way better than yours what bro it is not better yo Roxy your son is talking that trash don’t make me Blick him up SS he’s literally one day old and you’re being mean to him oh G you’re right you’re right I should mature up all right what’s up Roxy waxy I’ll give you a chance but you better be chill hey don’t eat my cake I’m not even eat you know what I’m eating it now oh yeah I’m eating it oh yeah it’s my what the how is your kid holding me yo Roxy what’s happening why butt face why I am not a butt face oh my gosh I literally have wings you know I could fly dude are you serious right now but waa your house are you still eating cakes yeah M now boy oh my Nar hold up hold up hold up is this your room you have a trampoline a waterfall bed and even some practice parkour yeah that I’m going to do and you’re not well I’m going to do it right now watch and learn I’m that wait I I kind of fil but you didn’t see that watch and learn I’m that guy pal super you didn’t see that either no you didn’t see that but wait watch it learn then let me go for the that W you have to pick the right one oh there’s a fake block I get it so the real one is this one right over here and then wait it leads you to the secret room I know about your secret room but boy don’t go this is a swim race h a swim race well you get it smoked oh yeah Oh’s on top yes what the heck is all of this what battle I am not battling a little kid you have to to prove that you’re that gay pal well I am literally that gay pal and I said it in the same voice you’re getting smoked little boy I don’t care if you’re one years old or a billion you’re not that guy and I’m a pro it right now I got a full instead of that Saucy armor and a bow and a ton of arrows you ready to get smoked kid yeah I’m going to break the glass what don’t break the what they’re breaking dude you can’t do that that’s ah what oh are you serious all right let’s start you want the smoke well you can’t get me cuz I’m too sure w d what’s up oh yeah you’re not that guy wait a minute wait a minute I’m going to do the glass strategy hey come here little boy you’re not that guy hey stop rning L this guy is so dude I’m actually getting smoked by low okay this embarrassing yes y you got him nice job dude I beat him one day all oh yeah I’m that guy pal I’m that guy and oh my gosh everyone’s kids are so weird Luke let me show you how polite and very very smart my son is little boy SS pull up why hello father it is me where are my fellow children friends oh my gosh Crystal our sons a genius yes babes I knew he would be oh awesome my brother made pull up to the crib fly up fly up wow my father I can fly I am a God and are these my friends Roxy Wy and ly Pooky junor who named you young man my daddy oh my gosh your daddy is tripping tripping for real for real oh my gosh Ms you’re so smart how did you come back ly Pooky Junior cuz I’m your guy pal da you’re not that guy pal but everyone welcome inside and I need the kids to sit down properly hold yourself are you serious ly y y y really you two Roxy waxy father these kids are delinquents how do you deal with them uh I don’t know omy poopy whaty all right who named you that was Mother Father I love the name bab it’s so cute right yeah I guess but iy poopy but do you want to train you’re flying father father father that is so much for a baby I would never want that but I would like to study babes what oh no yeah this is l oh my gosh y the the omy poopy butt don’t you want to go up and have fun with other kids father father father that is boring I really need to understand the molecular level of Earth what oh okay well okay Crystal I think our son is a little bit weird but hold up hold up I know it’s going to make him enjoy yo ly Pooky check it out y good each father I don’t want this food it is filled with non nutrient filled fats disgusting what what type of home are you I love cake just like the other kids but okay okay maybe your room will make you lick check this out father this is not a real Cloud it’s not going through symbiosis this is just water with barrier blocks Crow oh my gosh really omy poopy but I know it’s going to make you excited boom secret gaming room Beyond father don’t you know that this video game is completely fake that is just an actor this is super real I love this wait what dude it is real Roxy waxy said it father Roxy waxy has the brain of a one day year- old what you’re a one day year old yes but I’m a genius father uh um Crystal I think we have a problem babes I think you know what we have to do all right um kids just uh enjoy your time in here uh me and Crystal are going to do something SL slash replace near 30 gold blocks with some TNT father wait what was that um nothing nothing um enjoy your ride up oh my gosh so the finally boys I found land let’s go we F to take this John over oh yeah yeah we are kings and we’re here to take over this Castle uh Dirty Boys this is a girls only Castle get out what hey we are the kings and we demand this Castle well we’re the princesses and you can’t have it let’s go inside girls what how dare you you boys don’t have a castle what oh my gosh how dare she Ms are you just going to let the girls have a better Castle than us boys no way Boys Rule and girls Ru girls we have to make this Castle even bigger and better these boys stink what oh no she just said we stink Luke that’s it we F to make this the one yeah yeah but what do we make the castle out of we’re making that John out of Diamonds oh yeah yeah and we F to make this John ginormous yes sir cuz we’re going to be living lavish for real for real so come on guys let’s make this perimeter and oh no we have to make it like 50 times bigger than the girl side oh yeah yes sir I’m building it by hand oh no Luke is working harder not smarter I’m going to use the M magical wand all the way over here build like that and yo Luke check me out bro you just made a giant diamond for real for real easy pickings H it out yeah Roxy I’m doing it right now check me out I got the fly all the way over cheer then break on the side then let’s set that John with some uh uh uh air and holy guacamole this is the most biggest castle ever I know right but hold up hold up hold up our floor is like not a floor it’s sand Roxy what do we make the floor out of redstone blocks oh great thinking because that’s your color my boy so let me go all the way here and fly over cheer set it in the water then let’s set it to some redstone blocks boom sauce that’s what this place is oh yeah it is super sauce and wait a minute guys this is just a giant room we got to make the castle doors right over here oh my gosh that John is huge we have to make this the grand entrance oh yeah yeah and wait we need a cool wood what should we make it out of dark oak oh yeah dark oak always be looking swag check it out it looks like an official Castle right now Roxy is you feeling this yeah I’m feeling it but we should make it a draw bridge Roxy you are literally a genius yeah we should make it open and close Luke how do we do that check this out open what oh my gosh that is not the way but hold up you just gave me an idea what I did yeah we could use command blocks to break and replace them so let me give myself a CO Man black Y and we needed to fill up all these rows with some dark oak planks and we can make the entrance button down over here so let’s break some blocks and since it’s one two three layers we need one two three command blocks then we got to grab the first position over cheer second position over she like that then we got to copy it and throw it in the command block don’t forget to make it dark oak planks so don’t worry Luke I am not a noob now we got to grab the coordinates of this John over here like that copy it over then throw it in the command block and don’t forget Luke make it dark oak planks oh yeah yeah then finally we just need this last block over here let’s grab the command throw it in the command block then let’s throw the dark oak planks like that grab the Redstone repeaters and redstone dust and then boop didy boop and cover up the evanso and to hook it up all we got to do is put a redstone dust facing into the command block then over here put a button on top boom yes sir we’re officially litty sauce for real for real it works perfectly and wo do you see how it like goes up like it’s spawning from the ground that is super sauce oh no right bo bo oh in build but now we need a close button oh no how we going to do that really Luke do you think I’m a Noob or something that’s super easy pickings all we have to do is grab the commands from those command blocks over there and we got to grab a command block as well and then just put them in but replace dark oak planks with air o so it makes them all disappear yes sir Luke you’re getting it my boy I repeat you getting it my b boy let’s make that John air over cheer finally go all the way down grab the command put it over here like that and make it air open that John all right all right hold on hold up Luke I need to hook it all up to the rest like that and let’s see if it actually oh oh gosh wait I made a little Oopsy Daisy let me see if it works in three 2 one oh my gosh that JN Works look it opens and closes that is super swag yes I love it and wait I need to cover up the evance so it looks like it’s literally a Ur in from thin air holy guacamole who’s got the most epic door in town we do boys rule and girls rule OHS our Castle needs a throne with weapons oh my gosh Luke use a spinning for real for real so when the girls come in we can blink them up with fire balls yep that will teach them yes sir ski and hold up hold up hold up I’m going to use Emerald blocks as the base some diamond blocks and of course Roxy I do not forget red St yay I love Redstone yes sersi so let’s make the base right in for rant over here all out of emeralds and Luke I’m about to make this John big so we have enough room for our weaponries yes make it as big as you need to yes sir ski so let’s make that JN go all the way around like that and then on this side put the armrest over here like that and then for the floor I’m going to make it out of diamond blocks let’s go that John is swag no BS involved and holy moly it looks super Grand and then wait I’m going to throw on some redstone blocks above it just to top it off oh my gosh gosh gosh that ONN is swag yeah but where are we going to put the weapons really Luke you think I didn’t think about that we F to put them right over here so let’s grab the dispensers y e them over cheer like that and what weapon should we do bruh Fireballs done oh yeah yeah let me throw them John on then let’s grab some levers and oh no we got ball Shooters check this out Luke oh my Blick we just bicking up everything sheesh we actually causing some damage oh yeah yeah this is swag so if any enemies come we can Blick them down instantly but you got to make that John automatic my boy oo dude you’re spitting so with a click of a button we can make that John fly okay okay that’s super easy to do all we have to do is build a little Redstone repeat right next to our butts just like that Y and then we just need to activate it on and no wait wait we got to make it on and off and whoa are you peeping this Luke sheesh that John is going crazy and all we have to do now is just connect it to the dispenser and oh gosh wait I did not think this through how about like that and wait um it’s not connecting what you’re the Redstone Guy what’s happening I’m big noobing right now wait wait all I got to do is just replace the positioning of it like that and then put the fire charges in at oh my gosh look I think we just upgraded Firepower whoever stands in front of this is a gunner for real and to turn off we just have to break that Redstone Dust now let’s do the same over here we got to move it up one grab the fire charges put it in that John and we’re going to need a whole lot more since it’s going automatically yep we want it to go yes sir ski so now let me hook it up all the way here and oh my gosh we got the double trouble oh no hold up hold up I got this stop pop this John it’s literally a blaze of fire that is too much damage oh no right super swag and it’s right on our Throne homes this is a kingdom so we need homes for all the people who live here oh you’re right for the villagers that be working for us in stuff we need a villager house right over there right over there right over there come on my boys we got to give them good homes yep we have to make a super sauce and they could be our Warriors for when we take over the girl side all right let’s do it and we have to make them look like villager houses since we do want them to feel like they’re at home yep we want them to feel so happy yes sir ski cuz happy villagers make happy Warriors and then we can destroy the girl side yep they F to go down yes s ski so let me make a villager house all the way around and why am I the only one placing why you just standing there looking pretty yo it’s cuz I’m Gorge oh my goodness glue come on my brother man pull up and help it really Roxy I see you just standing there my boy that’s because I’m super C that’s not an excuse Roxy oh my gosh Come on pulls up and helps and ooh I have the Villager outlining done Luke do one on that side please all right I got you Roxy come help me o nice nice nice and I’m going to do a staircase roof and I’m going to make it out of mud because mud is a funny block e mud looks like poop what Roxy actually it does kind of look like poop oh no he’s right up just don’t look at it don’t look at it how could we not look at it it’s so poopy oh my good guys in a appropriate that is very very inappropriate it’s not poopy it just looks like poop okay dude it’s super poopy oh my gosh but this is looking super duper swag the villagers are going to love living in poop not poop I mean um in this wooden amazing you said it no I didn’t just cuz poop was on my mind not like that it was on my mind cuz you were just saying it not admit it it’s poopy oh my gosh all right fine it’s a little bit poopy just like a little bit very very slightly poopy not a lot though okay no it’s like super poop oh my good good gosh are you serious right now but hold up hold up hold up I’m putting all of the M blocks all around here like that and every layer I’m making it go up by one so we could do the staircase layer oh yeah that’s super swag let’s go to this side over here and oh gosh wait Luke I’m folding right now oh no you can’t the milit are going to love their poop yeah dude it’s not oh my God it’s not poop bro it’s totally poop bro oh my gosh Luke it’s not but oh my gosh I finished all the slabs for the stairs now let me put some wood in between then we got to make the side like that and hm oh I have an idea we could put some more poop mud block mud blocks mud blocks around like this and make it go up just so it looks a little bit better and oh yeah that felle looks better dude it’s totally poop oh my dude we already got past that and yeah I like that design way more and we could replace this with some wood and yes yes that looks so good now let’s break this and we need a door for the villagers so I’m going to grab a spruce door o this John looks swag acious so let’s go inside and since these are going to be our Warrior villagers we need to equip them with Warrior tools yep we want them to defend us for real for real because when the girls come they F to come in ruthless and oh gosh I need to replace the floors from the redstone blocks to normal wood because I don’t want it activating any of the dispensers yep we can’t be having that for real for real so let me replace it all and Boop just like a real villager’s home now we got to make a automatic Armory system so they can get suited up right away for battle baby let’s go they’re going to love it uhhuh and Boop set down all the dispensers now let’s get an oak fans put that J John in the middle then let’s g g get a paresa play and Luke I am hyped because there are so many cool armories we could use oh like what dude like literally anything you could think of all medieval armor medieval weapons even more medieval weapons and medieval Shields and even rusted weapons if you want to do it for the coolness yep that’s super cool so hm let’s see first we have to pick an armor set for this villager and wait wait first let me Spawn him in so I know what my boy looks like and oh he looks like a normal village hey hey bro oh my gosh Luke I don’t think he wants to be a part of the army my boy is bugging dude you have to you have to protect us from the girls they’re not cool bro and hm you really do strike me as how about a Norman yeah yeah my boy uses a Norman hey I am not a Norman dude what the oh no how does he know how to talk oh no but hold up I got the full sets now let me put that boy’s armor inside here like this and now we needs a very cool sword and let me look at your face yeah you definitely do strike me as the type of guy to have a diamond Claymore holy guacamole this John is cooler than a normal diamond sword it’s so big dude you read my mind what’s up how are you you talking and why do you sound like Luke oh Luke he’s a cool guy dude Luke I know that’s you talking for him no oh no but check out the diamond Dorman isn’t it swag sheesh that boy is pointy for real for real no BS in my WP so let me put that John over here now I need to gets my boy a shield and there is so many cool Shields to choose from let’s see which one looks the best and does this one look cool and oh my gosh that John is ginormous but what about one of these smaller ones and oh no this is not defending us SP this big one n that is not defending us how about ooh one of these and this one is still really tiny I think these are the best ones because they’re super big so let’s throw it in the back dispenser over hey really bro stop trying to escape my boy you guys to be inside and let me put it back over here so now when the Villager steps on the dispenser he should get all the armor like that and oh my gosh we is prepared for battle my boy you look drippy at he hey bro hey stop running away oh my goodness dude stop running I can’t even pick up because I’m holding the shield you just coming with me my boy let me put you into your crib and I know why you’re leaving it’s because hey my boy I know the house isn’t decorated stop leaving please I’m sorry let me grab your booty but and you is staying inside over here and nope you’re not oh my gosh there’s actually no way stop moving oh you is not moving anywhere my boy well where’s my bed no is that why it’s cuz you don’t have a bed oh my goodness okay okay wait wait let me put your armor back away over here and don’t worry my friend I’m going to get you the goods okay it better be quick buddy it’s going to be quick I promise I promise just let me put everything in it nope you’re not escaping you’re not escaping okay okay first we need a good bed for a villager and all villagers be having red beds so let me put one over here like that and I’m going to give you a really big one I’m going to hit you with a double hey Belle you’re the best thank you and hm how can we decorate this place good and oh he needs a furnace to cook his food and I’m even going to give you a blast furnace and a normal one because blast furnace are really good for ores and wow you just became a smelter dude nice now let me hit you with a normal furnace we could run you with a crafting table like that give you a little kitchen so let me put a fence here with a table on top and I can get you a chair right over here like that and my boy use his living lavish and here I’m going to get you a TV blue guy you’re the best thank you and I’m going to make you watch Kung Fu s wait wait let me get it you’re going to like this show my boy you’re going to like it just trust the process sometimes I don’t get a first try and there you go wao these boys are fighting yes s ski that’s me SS and that’s my enemy who’s your enemy big guy it’s the girls because they think that they’re better than us said hey he hey my boy you don’t need to fight the girls yet oh my God okay I know you’re very excited but you don’t need to fight them all right you let me know when all right thank you my brother man and Luke I finish my villager house how is you and Roxy’s doing an holy smokes this John is lit we have the outfit oo nice and what armor did you put for did you not even put any armor yet my boy yeah you’re supposed to put armor in there oh my gosh here let me hit you with the ceremonial armor this John looks swag put it in each dispenser please and we need a cool weapon make a neite o okay how about this Ayes oh my gosh this could go up your butt Luka hey not my butt oh no okay okay let me put it in the back dispenser over here like that Y and wait wait I want to equip it Luke let me equip it all right you go for it all right Y and ho smokes I am looking super swag on a Thursday afternoon Luke look at my Mohawk yo sheesh I want to give it a smooch what yo my boy back up I am a knight in shining armor I can BL you up my Bo oh my gosh Luke just kissed my forehead yo not cool dude cuz you my baby boy oh dude oh my gosh Luke is being weird but hold up hold up hold up we got the dispenser now let’s decorate it so the Villager does not want to run away yep we want him to feel just at home yes sir ski so let’s put a little table over here and we needs a stairs so we can have a seat like that and of course he needs Kung Fu Ms on cuz he wants to watch that non-stop yep he’s going to love it for real for real and boom first try all right you can spawn that boy in and we have to lock him in the house okay don’t ask me why why are we locking him in the house we we just have to cuz we’re going to want to escape nope you’re not escaping my boy he’s already making himself at home my boy when we’re attacking the girl side you going to pull up with us I got you my brother man I’m going to watch Kung Fu hes wait what oh he actually want to do it let’s go and holy smokes our kingdom is actually looking swag but wait a minute boys we made cribs for the villagers but nope not for the Kings huh where is the king supposed to sleep you’re right we need the most lavish bedrooms ever yes sir my brother man and we F to make it on the second floor because Kings be sleeping on top of the world so what should we make the floor out of emerald blocks baby and hold up hold up hold up the girl side is looking swag oh no okay okay we got to do a quick we got to do it quick hurry up I’m going oh my gosh relax relax and ooh we should do like a cool design like how the girl shapes are weird yep they got all kinds of shapes going on yes sir yes sir okay okay Luke copy this design okay I’m going to make it very swaggy and curv you a turn what’s a curvature it means there’s going to be a curve oh my gosh that’s a very simple explanation luk you know what that means all right I’m copying it on the other side oh nice nice nice now let me just make sure that it lines up because the worst thing ever is when a build is uneven nothing makes me more upset yep that would be so gross uhhuh and wait wait wait let me just make sure okay yeah yeah yeah it’s even and what the heck what are you doing Luka how wide are we supposed to go oh my that John is not even whatsoever my boy we have to make it like this delete that please that’s hurting my eyes and wait a minute what if we had a triple room for all of us no no leave that leave that we’re going to come back to it O Let’s Go nice it actually made the cut good job dude but over here is going to be the top room so we have to build up dude I said we’re coming back to it I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry oh my gosh Luke we have to make it even Steven my boy not uneven Steven yep one step at a time my bad my bad yes sersi my boy and wait wait I’m going to use the magic wand to set all the emerald blocks just like that y’ers like this then let’s make make it go on this side all the way up then let’s go over here make it go all the way up then let’s use the magical wand like that and wait I’m going to do the magic W before you can oh easy pcking is done that just happened that just happened oh yeah yeah and holy guacamole Luke this is your room cuz check it out the girls have multiple rooms for each person yep so we could do the same but better oh yeah yeah we is copying the girls uh blue boy did you just say you’re copying us no Alexa get out of the boy side we’re not copying you you better not be butt boy dude Alexa just called me butt boy I’m was start calling you that now what do not do that Luke but hold up hold up hold up our chair is right over here and what if we made the entrance appear in the back of our chair how are you going to do that butt boy hey hey hey no one calls me butt boy don’t do that Luke don’t start that Trend sorry oh my goodness gracious but we need a secret hole to open and luckily I am a professional oh let’s do it all we got to do is set down some sticky pistons over there then over here we just got the hooks it up with some of that good stuff the Redstone Dust then we got to make it go back and around over here just like this connected back here with a Buton so now when we hit it it activates both but we have to flip it what the huh what what do you mean what the huh Luke why do you sound like a confused baby it’s cuz I’ve never seen Redstone like this oh my gosh look it’s quite basic check it out now it pulls back so if there’s blocks Boop it pulls back basic for you you’re a redstone Genie oh my gosh Luke no I’m not silly but once it opens we have to make it so that we go down in this hole and then we have to go into a secret path ly OHS I’m right on your cheeks boy all right all right oh my gosh chill luk chill let me place it up and oh gosh wait I should have went out one more oh no oh no I’m big folding right now my boy dude I’m trying my best hold up hold up I need to make the ladders go all the way to the top like that and then we needs it to be that we entered the room how is we going to do that dude it’s super simple mathematics all we have to do is break two blocks and make a door whoow sheesh that’s fire yes sir see then let me put them blocks over here like that then throw it all the way around and then Bo Boop oh I did it before you could sorry I’m that guy pal I am the guy boy no you are not the guy I am that guy well the guy is more important than that guy oh my gosh Luke just pull him down over here we have to cover up the sides we don’t want the girls sneaking up and getting the drop on us Yep they’re going to take our building ideas yeah for sure for sure so let me place the ladders all the way up like that and oh my gosh we have a secret way to get to your room my brother man but uh Luke what type of King’s room is empty and whack yeah we have to drip this place out p p and first things first we need your color bed and I know what you want you want that good good good green yes sir all right let’s put your beds right over here and Luke I ain’t going to give you no broke boy beds you going to have a triple thread bed but hold up hold up hold up we F to reverse that John as well oh no the six bed set up ah we for real for real and I know what you just thinking you just like yo where is the windows at I’m going to put them right now n SS you actually thought about everything yes sir ski I’m going to put it right over here so you have a view of everyone and oh no I see Alexa’s butt over there what are you looking at I’m looking at your big butt Alexa that thing is giant I’m telling Crystal you’re looking at my butt what I’m not looking at your butt hey don’t talk oh my gosh she’s telling Crystal stuff you’re actually done for oh my goodness gracious well her butt is just so big it’s literally filling up my whole face but hold up hold up hold up I know what you want Luke that Green Glass ass oh yeah let’s go the whole world is green now for real for real now whenever you look outside all you going to see is green no BS in my wraps and holy smokes this is actually Swagger but now I know what you was just thinking you was just like where am I going to put my outfits you need a closet Luke yes so I can hide on my drip away yes sir so let me grab you some wood and let me put it right over here like that all the way around over here just like this we need a door so no one looks because I hate it when people look at me when I change cough cough Luka what dude I never looked at you changing yes you do I know you do but look we now have a changing room so look I’m going to go in the closet and I’m going to come out with a new outfit don’t look at me though all right I won’t I’m steering at your BS what Roxy oh my gosh that is the opposite of what I said to do oh my goodness gracious but let me go in the closet and let me change M I open the door I’m looking at your buts what’s up Roxy oh my gosh but hold up did I change and what the heck I’m a dog sheesh you dripped out and oh I have a little tail guys look at my tail that John wagon for real for real no be what what are you trying to do bro did you just try and hit my tail yeah oh my quick Qui gosh but Luke your turn change it to something adorbs oh oh I’m going in but Roxy don’t look at me Roxy we should totally look at him while he’s changing okay okay I’m going to make a hole right over here Luke I’m staring at your butt hey okay okay okay okay Roxy we got to chill noes I want to look at his butt what no no no no Roxy chill no no stop it put the spy glass away I have to look gos I’m breaking it open oh my gosh Luke sorry Roxy’s breaking it open don’t worry I’m already changed boo what the oh my gosh it’s a king ghost you look at swag for real for real my b boy but hold up hold on hold up Luke you need a dresser so when you wake up in the mornings you can see how you look like my brother man so let’s make that John super big like this and we need a giant mirror yes I want to look at my booty what oh my gosh but hold up let me make this mirror super duper superer pooper big just like that and we could push it out a little bit and hm what do you want on your counter Luca I want a brush to brush back my slick back hair boy oh yeah you do have slick back here so let me put an item frame over here and for a brush I will just give you another right axe dude what I’m going to chop my head off with that Luke don’t be silly no you won’t I I hope please don’t chop your head off that would be very bad but you got your brush what else do you need at your dresser my boy I needs flowers in my room come on now oh yeah yeah forel for show sometimes guys need flowers nothing’s wrong with that Luke don’t feel bad about it yep I use it to freshen on my booty oh my what does that even hold up what does that mean where do you put the flow you don’t want to know where that John goes oh my go oh gosh dude stop saying stuff like that in front of Roxy Roxy you did not hear that oh give me a flower what no oh my gosh Luke you’re a bad influenced by um what is the green flowers called holes get me the mangrove propag what the what is this thing in oh my gosh that John is very very pretty in green but Luke what else is on a dresser I need my clothes my boy oh yeah yeah yeah so you can just pick up your shirt and go all right easy pickings let me grab an armor stand and Luke what type of drip do you want I need a shirt but no pants okay what you said a shirt and pants all right let me grab you one no I don’t use pants what are you actually being serious you just want a you just want a shirt yep that’s all I need oh my god look you’re going to go to school with no pants on dude that’s like my worst nightmare bro that’s like my favorite dream to have oh my gosh but I know exactly what we got d right over here my brother man you want a fish tank how did you read my mind bro I could just feel it I feel you my boy so let’s make the fish tank base right over here like that then we’re going to need to grab some glass paints like this and check it out I’m going to have to make it go around like that all the way okay perfect now let’s make the base of it really really big now we going to need some water yes I’ve always wanted fishies yes sersi now let’s grab some salmon and oh yeah I spawning a bunch Luke they F to love it here yes they’re all having fun together and uh I think I spawned in too much oh no what’s happening BS chill you’re killing them oh awkward but look the survivors are very happy oh gosh luk get back in the water oh Luke I think they could survive for like 5 Seconds this is sad oh no I’m holding their food in my hand what the um silly fishy jumping Roxy this is not actually yeah this is pretty oh wow I didn’t even get to name them oh okay okay start naming them all right I’m going to name the salmon Sam Sam Sam Sam salm and Sam what you’re just giving them the same name Sam Sam Sam Sam II Sam the third and Samantha oh is Samantha a baddie yeah she kind of slays oo yes sir SK hold up hold up hold up I know what you’re thinking Roxy uses like where is my room omy poo do you really think I forgot about my BFF yay thank you hes let’s make it red uhhuh let’s do it and I’m going to make all of our rooms interconnected so let’s break over here and Luke remember how you placed all these blocks before yeah what’s up well we F to replace them with some red wool oh yeah yeah so keep the shape and make it go all the way around and we have to build a couple of blocks up the same height as ly pookies yes all our rooms are going to be the same height uh-huh and Roxy since we’re making this for you you can sit down and relax while we do all the work yay thank you MMS you’re the best yes sir Roxy let’s do it Luke we got to speedrun this for our boy Roxy yes build build build I’m building so fast you can’t even thinking wait a minute I’m going to use the M magical one sorry Luke you ready for this y ye kachow let’s go that was easy pickings now let’s place the red wool all the way up and wait wait over here this corner I know you peeped it no no I placed it first oh no I thought I had it and wait wait Luke we got to do the red floor and wait Roxy don’t even look stay in Luke’s room this has to be a Sur surprise for you oh I love surprises I’m going to hang out with Sam which Sam Sam the 18th oh that’s my favorite Sam all right Luke we have to make this the best surprise so first we need to fix the floor oh my gosh how did you just do that before I could do it it’s cuz I am that guy ohw you are that guy but first up Luke we F to make Roxy have the biggest window of all of the windows so let’s break all of that then we got to grab some red stained glass but not the normal one we need the reinforced one because we is going to war with the girls yep we got to make sure roxxy’s safe uhhuh and oh no I can see them right over there oh gosh okay quickly let’s put it all in hm how do we make this look more swaging hold up hold up hold up I know exactly what to do we should put glow stone around it so that John is glowing yes it’s going to be shiny for real for real and shes Roxy got the goods oh my gosh that John looks super duper swaggy on a Thursday afternoon hold up give him a balcony oh my gosh Luke uses a genius let’s break the glass and then we got to get some the door so I’m going to make it oh Red Door Roxy F love this John and boop boop nice he has a place to chill out here yes sir ski and hold up hold up hold up we need fences I do not want my boy Roxy slipping and falling that would be terrible dude it would actually be a little funny what dude chill actually yeah that would be kind of funny T but oh yeah the balcony is set but we need a place to chill in the balcony Ado yep we need some chairs to Lounge uh-huh so first we got to grab some stairs and I’m going to get one in some blue then we needs to get one in some green then we need some in some red now let’s put boop boop boop chairs for all of us then boop boop boop table post then we got to grab some pressure plates yes sir I can’t wait to catch some sunlight yeah we’ve going to be out here all day and I put golden pressure plates for the table because we shine in and we’re Super Rich yes yes sersi cuz we’re the Kings and wait wait I’m going to put a giant umbrella in roxxy’s balcony yep just in case the sun is hitting too hard for real for real and I can connect it over here like that to the fences and I’m going to make it super duper high so we can catch the shade and I’m going to make it all of our colors so let’s grab some light blue some good good good good good green then finally some red for my brother Roxy so first we want to put the blue on top then we want that John to go all the ways around with that greens then we wants that Johns to go all the ways around with that red and guess what I’m going to do next L I have no idea well I’m going to make it blue cuz I’m doing a pattern my boy blue green red then blue all the way and then we got to put green next and us is already doing it yes sir oh yeah uses a pattern boy all right Luke you do the green I got the red underneath it okay all right go for it I’m going for it right now and I have to make it go around one extra block since the green is going to be there so let me go around like that and Luke our teamwork is actually insane right now I would even say that it’s Immaculate yes siroop boop boop connected in holy smokes that’s such a big umbrella that can protect us from the Sun but dude he can’t sleep out here oh my gosh use this correct Luke we needs the red beds and you know how I gave you the six bed wble combo yeah it was was lit well count it 1 2 3 4 and wait wait 5 6 7 8 nope yeah you counted that right eight beds oh no he’s going to be sleeping so awesomely yes sir ski we sleeping good out here and I know what you is thinking Roxy needs a dresser to be checking up on his butt in the mornings yep you got to make sure you’re getting the booty gains uh-huh and look I’m going to use some of this red mang Gro for the drawer like that and then I’m going to use some red glass for his mirror yep so he could check out his gigantic B what oh my gosh and oh yeah I’m checking myself and what I still have the costume on are you serious you didn’t tell me anything about that Luke I thought it looked kind of funny oh my gosh no Luke but wait I needs to maintain my beautiful hair so he needs a brush you’re going to give him an X right what are you crazy that is insanely dangerous I would not give that to Roxy dude then why’ you give it to me oh no no reason we’re going to use a wooden hoe because it’s safer and you can actually brush your hair with this John ooh it looks like the perfect tool actually yes sir SK yagi the wooden ho has been set but I knows what you is thinking you got a fish pole but Roxy doesn’t cuz guess what Roxy is not a nerd we giving him a lava Bowl what yep he is very very swag so let’s grab some good good good good glass paint and we F to need some lava but what are you going to put inside of a lava fish tank well obviously not fish fishies Luke cuz them boys will get burnt up that would make some good food but no no we’re not burning them up hey fishies are supposed to be pets not food what Luke you literally destroyed all the Sams over there it was a major accident oh my gosh but hold up hold up hold up we got to put layers up in this John because this is going to be a big fish o what’s it going to be I’m going to show you in a second we just need one more layer let’s throw that John all the way up and thank you Luke very much for helping I appreciate it yep I’m just making sure it’s even oh my I was being sarcastic cuz you weren’t helping but check it out lava oh my gosh I got to fill it up all the way too come on dude what’s the animal okay I’m bringing it that boy is a Strider what is that are you serious you ain’t never been to the Nether and I made a stack of Striders them boys is Swaggy and yo my boys I’m going to have to make this place a little bit taller so you could fit yep you got to push them into the lava hey Luke bro come on you have to be nice to the dude be nice oh dude Luke is whing oh my goodness gracious but hold up hold up let me seal it up on the top so the wild animal Luke can’t attack the pets anymore hey hey chill I’m just kidding but yeah oh my gosh we have a lava fish bowl them boys look very happy yep they look so happy in there a adorable m is my room done yet yes Roxy it literally just finished wa wait actually no it’s not finished wait wait I got to put the finishing touches I need a door and let me make them John’s red over cheer like that all right Roxy you ready yes I need to see now all right Roxy welcome to your room is that a gold lava fish tank oh yeah it is Roxy and it’s way more swag than ly hey no it’s not I’m just kidding I’m kidding they’re both equally a swag but over here you have a mirror and like a real brush I gave Luke an axe so that boy could go bald what was that the plan all along no oh gosh yeah you have a brush over here yay I can’t wait to give myself waves what oh my gosh I could really see Roxy with waves he’s actually going to be on flea for real for real wait a minute wait a minute what about a mohawk boys can to have a mohawk oh Roxy I could see you with a mohawk even more but over here we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 oop eight rows of beds uh-huh we could jump on it we could sleep on it and we could even poop on it I want to poop no no no no don’t poop on it don’t oh gosh um Luke I think she’s about to poop oh no chill oh okay all right wow Roxy did you just fart yeah it was just a little too oh my gosh but over here as you can see we put red glass so you can see everything and then you got a balcony W I can see Lily friend here hi Lily no no no Roxy don’t say hi to the girl side they are girls and girls are poopy butt faces oh yeah I forgot hi pretty butt face what no oh my gosh I think Roxy has a crush on Lily yeah he totally does but over here we have our sitting area with our table tabl where we can all chill and then we have our giant umbrella for when it gets really really sunny outside yay I love it Ms but me and L have a r but you don’t Roxy you are totally right everyone pull up to this side over cheer I need to get a swaggy room yes let’s make it out of diamonds dude you literally read my mind do you have a mind reader or something how did you know I was going to do that dude you’re my best friend it’s my job to know oh yeah yeah what up how are you building so fast Luke you’re actually going super speed all right fast well guess what I’m going to just use the S set diamond block boom did it before you oh my gosh I was so close and boom did it before Roxy oh my gosh but oh no I got to fix the floor and I’m about to do it before ly cuz you’re not that guy pal I’m doing it by hand baby no no not fast nope nope nope sorry little bro sorry you’re not that guy pal you’re not that guy we still got it done though baby oh yeah yeah super easy pickings and so much diamonds I’m at a while out BL dude the diamonds actually look tasty what what are you doing are you dude um Luke I don’t think it’s safe to be eating diet oh my gosh you just ignored me and anyways but hold up did you just throw up maybe but what are we putting in your room in my room I need a super duper awesome giant bed and since you guys had super big ones I’m going to make it slightly bigger and goop 1 2 3 4 5 and guess what I’m multiplying that John 6 7 8 9 10 and Luke you think I’m done right chill chill please chill I’m not chilling there is no chill I’m going even crazy easier I put 11 12 13 14 let me go over here 15 16 oh gosh 17 18 I’m going even more I’m going even more dude your bed is already big enough no it’s not 19 20 21 22 oh 22 and then uh 23 okay okay 24 I just need this to fit right 25 26 27 Luke I don’t think this is going to fit dude it’s so many beds I know right that’s perfect for your boy um Luke this is not fitting right now oh my gosh half of the room is beds already oh goodness but that is swag how many beds do we have we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I don’t even know there’s like 25 easy pickings now we can jump on it yay fun jumping uhhuh but hold up hold up hold up yeah we got to get cool decorations and since we are the Kings we need some King activities I’m going to get a horse decoration a mini Crown decoration a giant dragon decoration and giant feathers decoration and giant Griffin decoration and giant gazelle horns decoration and Lily decoration E I want that one I want that one yeah I’m getting a Roxy don’t worry and finally line decoration shees we got the goods so let me make a little drawer area so I can decorate it yep your room going to be ly for real for real no BS in your wraps and Boop drawer has been made now let me put it down it hold up hold up hold up what Luke why is it not working I need an explanation ASAP that means as soon as POS Poss it’s cuz that’s armor decorations hold up you’re right at wait a minute if I use a helmet and I combine it with the Lily wait is it on the helmet and oh my gosh dude we can make unlimited things on our items make it swaggy all right let me put something else on it oh my gosh I’m putting everything on my helmet Max that John out yes sir let me put all the goodies on that John horsey wary mini cook Coral let me put the lon and Luke is you ready for this I was born ready and dude the name is literally just decorated decorated decorated decorated decorated decorated decorated and wo there is so much going on I know R hold up hold up hold up dude we can like display it right over here how are you going to do that by being a professional my boy all we got to do is put an armor stand there and then y holy guacamole and cheese dude with a side of more cheese I no right wait I’m going to decorate my drawer with two sides of awesome helmet so let me make a duplication of that hey let me grab it and then Boop duplicate it then put it back in hold up hold up hold up yeah we looking swag these guys must be the litty twins I know right but now I need some glass so I can look at myself when I wake up Luke I need to make sure that I’m pretty oh no this guy said pretty oh yeah I guess I’m not pretty I’m handsome oh yeah I’m a Chad let’s go baby yeah oh my gosh Roxy Luke is being a like weirdo I think he’s being silly Let me poop on him what no oh my gosh oh my go oh my goodness gracious what just happened but hold up hold up I want a new fit so let me make a closet over here and Roxy and Luke you better not look at me while I change no promises Oh I thought you about to say no problem bro said no promises but let me go inside to change it is the coast clear to change what I’m getting a view from on top baby dude stop oh my goodness graci let me just change real quick and I’m done and shees I feel dripped out check me out and I am a dragon Ms you’re like me a dinosaur Roxy are you really a dinosaur Does this answer your question Luke does they answer the question dude he sounds like a baby hey oh my gosh wait wait Roxy let me try and Ro ready for this yeah it SS I give you the power of the dino oh I feel it soaring through my veins what was that oh God that was embarrassing but I look like a dragon and I see my prey you smelling good luk to eat please don’t do it to me I’m doing it to you come here and oh wait I need to make an entrance to get here wait I’mma pee my pants if you try to get me what Luke do not pee your pants chill hey stop running I’m peeing no no no no no don’t pee over here we’re going to make a bathroom oh my gosh oh my gosh Roxy quickly you have to make a bathroom before Luke pees everywhere yeah let’s do it quickly I need to pee as well what do not pee in my room you better hurry up bones I’m already peeing on his bed oh my gosh guys but wait the bathroom needs to be made out of quartz so let’s make that John super big like that and luk make the walls for it please all right I’m pulling up yes sir and you better not pee on the walls this is quartz it’s white I do not want any pee on it oh no I’m good I already peed it all over your bed oh my gosh really bro that is nasty but hold up hold up hold up let me set the cords blast like that Boop easy pickings HS you are too fast with the magical wand I know right now put a block over cheers so I could connect that John like that yers and um Luke really bro let me do it before you can even do it bro really thinks he’s that guy easy and wait you use the wrong ones we have to use this one over cheer like that don’t worry though I’ll correct your mistake oh the normal quartz block yes sir ski super easy pickings and Boop bathroom is done just like that but we need a roof Luke we need a roof then let’s do it all right y boop didy boop and now we need the most biggest toilets ever created and luckily I’m a professional toilet maker oh SS that’s a great job to be a toilet maker yes sir that is the best job ever jobed my boy that’s what I’ve been telling my mama I wants to be when I grow up but check it out I needs to make make the golden toilet oh my gosh that John is busting yep that’s nice for some kings boy yes sir but dude it doesn’t have any flushing action we need that John to open and could could close yeah we don’t want all our PE staying around yeah seriously especially not um your peo cuz I know you want to pee no bro I already got it out oh dude stop reminding me but wait now all we got to do is cover up the Pistons throw some Redstone Dust over here like this and make it connect to the back nice connected I am I’m connecting like that yeah then we just need to put a Leever over here for the flusher so let’s grab that John over cheer and waa dude are you peeping this dude it works yes sir this the easiest Redstone ever for a toilet check it out so now when we poop boop didy boop it fleshes automatically with a flick of a button yes sir ski that’s swag butt hold up what if we made the flushing lead to the girl’s base oh no that would be way too funny I know right so let’s open it and the water leads over here so we need to make the sewer system go down this way like this all the way down like that and we’re going to make our poop end up in the river system oh my gosh that’s so funny and oh wait wait I think this is actually a castle mod that’s a swaggy idea but let me put it all like this and hold up we should replace the quartz blocks with some ice dude that is actually genius yes Siri I’m replacing all them Johns and I need to make sure not to replace our actual bathroom and ooh nice it’s all blue ice now Luke help me do the other side please all righty pulling up right now yes Siri now we have to make it a closed system so no water leaks outside yep so all of our toilet juices go straight to the girls oh yeah yeah and by toilet juices I mean pee and poop oh no but this is super swagless it go all the way down like that blue boy what is you doing wait what uh uh nothing Alexa oh no um what’s up I’m going to need some answers what the what is this uh we’re making a water slide to your base oh that’s super sweet thank you guys no problem Oh My Gosh Look she actually believes us I can’t believe it that’s hilarious but hold up we have to seal it off from this side then seal it off from that side and the sewer system is looking good and it reaches all the way down here how do we make it reach further dude are you serious I’m a professional toilet man I already told you that dude all we got to do is put a sign here then a sign over here then throw down the water and now it reaches all the way and wait wait we have to stop it right here just like that now Luke poop in the toilet please oh my gosh finally oh my go oh it’s zooming through and dude it literally perfectly ends up and hold up we can make it end up in Alexa’s house oh oh no this is Devious dude you’re wild no right okay okay Luke poop real quick let’s see if it ends up in her crib all right I’m pooping so hard oh nice come on come on yes and oh my gosh wait I think some of them are going to end up come on please oh it’s so close I’m throwing in some pee too oh nice nice dude wait a minute some of it just went inside Alexa’s house what the what is that smell oh no Luke I think she’s about to find out is this poop specifically Luke’s poop uh h no and um hi Alexa um what’s this you no my poop does not smell like Luke’s poop and hey don’t throw Luke’s poop on me I can’t believe that works you said that was a water slide is this your toilet no yeah it is oh my gosh that is gross well I did it what are you going to do about it Alexa oh my fishies are poopy This Means War what war you really want to go up against the boys of course I do blue boy it’s on oh no luk Alex wants to go to war we need cannons oh smart let’s do it yes sir and I’m going to put it on top of right over here we’re going to put five cannons right next to each other to Boom the girl side let’s go the girls is going down ah let’s do it I can’t believe they really decided on war against omy poo that is like the number one mistake you could do boys rule and girls the the The Dru yes sir that’s the saying and I’m about to speed run making these cannons it’s going to be crazy you ready for this Luke yep show me what you got all right watch and learn I need a slab right now got to put the slab in the front of the water like that now I got to put some dispensers on this side over here then I got to and then Luke is going to fill up the dispensers with the TNT then right over here I got to put a tnt over here then right over here I have to put a dispenser with the TNT inside like that Luke put the TNT inside now I got to hook it up with the Redstone over here like this and then we have to go all the way around over here like that then we have to make a go around like that then then we got to put the redstone repeater like that then we have to put some delay like that then we have to put it connected over here like this and now we can put a button and it’s going to activate HS what was that I just made a TNT cannon in 0.5 seconds my boy ain’t no way it works wait should we test it out oh no I’m doing it I’m doing it and oh my gosh that John going to work Luke you ready for this yep let that John rip oh dude it works now all we have to do to make a reach to girls is add another repeater but let’s not do it yet because we only have one Cannon and I don’t want them fighting back when we’re underprepared yep we can’t boom them just yet yes sir ski so let me throw down some more obsidian bop bop bop then bop bop then we got to put the redstone on top of cheer like that then throw down a redstone repeater like this oh yeah yeah throw down Redstone then a baton over cheer then water with boop boop boop obsidian and a slab then we just wants to put down obsidian like that and then Luke fill it all up with some TNT please all righty nice and then I could put another one over here and oh no this is about to be so devious for the girls no BS in my wraps Yep they’re going to get blown up into Smither for real for real oh yeah yeah now let me throw down the Redstone over here like that with a repeater like this then over here we got to put the Redstone then bpop and oh yeah this side is all complete just throw down the TNT please LCA it’s all good nice and should we put one more side over here yep we want them to go boom boom all right let’s do it b b Bop then Bop B Bop then boop boop Boop then boop theop boop then I got to move the umbrella a little bit sorry about that my boy but This Means War yep the girls can’t mess with us like that no way Jose and then Boop a redstone repeater and then redstone on top like that and then hook it up and oh my gosh Luke put the TNT in and we’re ready for battle Oh no just like that yes sir wait a minute I have a way to make them all activate at the same time impossible dude it’s not impossible it’s super light work all we have to do is stand right over here then put a button down then just connect all of the these together with some redstone dust and oh gosh wait wait like that then over here like that then over here like that and dude it’s all hooked up should we do a test shot let’s do this 3 2 1 y oh my gosh all the Cannons are off oh my not okay Luke that might not have worked in my favor that backfired oh gosh it blew up what did you boys just try to do uh n nothing Lily um what’s Up This Means War girl suit up we’re attacking wait what um Luke I think I just started a war oh no we got to get equipped oh go everyone quickly go go go and um Luke um where do we get armor from downstairs the villagers have an Armory oh smart all right everyone pull up we got to go to the villagers let’s go downstairs over here like this and oh gosh just’s break the door we don’t have time for this and yo villagers I’m sorry but I got to Rob your armor hey dude why sorry it just has to be like that put it on all right boom and shees your boys looking swaging Luke you got the full set on too yep let’s do this oh yeah yeah and wait a minute look we need some explosives I’m grabbing TNT and flit and steel we got to destroy their base yep get a bunch all right I’m grabbing and boys make sure to get a ton of building materials I’m getting Cobblestone and don’t forget enchanted golden apples cuz we’re going to keep our butts alive for real for real so make sure to equip a bunch and wait I’m going to start the war with the automatic Fireball Shooters so let’s start that John up by turning it off and on and activate oh yeah how dare you everyone are putting us in game mode survival Lily you’re going down and um guys I think we made a big mistake we made our floors out of redstone blocks oh no run Lily just blinked us oh no she started this warl she started it we have to blow them up everyone go un second Alexa has bows and Luke I’m going in I’m about to light up all the TNT run run run run to Alexa’s room go go go oh oh my gosh we just hit a devious lick yes we’re doing so much damage yes Siri eer enchanted golden apple Luke make sure to stay high on health bab how dare you you’re going down NOP um Crystal I don’t want to fight you well me neither but have to oh that means I have to too ah for the boys Ms get your beams I’m getting her and oh my gosh what the I just instantly boomed her and dude I barely survived nice job dude yes sir and we got to destroy their entire Kingdom cuz they’re going to keep respawning back how dare you destroy Crystal you’re going down boy oh gosh no’s coming Luke before she comes quickly put down as much TNT as possible we need to destroy that yep we have to make the most litty awesome sauce explosion and oh no I’m getting sniped by Alexa and Lily’s underneath our butts good boy you’re going down no way Alexa and hold on hold up hold up let me make a bridge of TNT at he Lily’s trying to break it Luke this is bad we’re going to have to blow it up soon oh yeah yeah and I think Now’s the Time at what Lily tried to shoot me and she completely missed that was so embarrassing ha not for long I know what the oh go oh no l did you just light it up yep it’s time booom W there was everywhere go Lily I don’t think that water did anything yo place is getting wrecked oh now we got to get Lily’s room over there and hey Alexa is shooting at me luuka yep I’m going get her and oh no Lily’s trying to Boom our base not on my watch ly not on my watch no no no no no well it doesn’t matter cuz it’s in water oh okay I just got boomed are you serious don’t worry I got this oh no defend the base break it luk break the TNT and oh my gosh I saw that Alexa you’re going to get destroyed I already he El oh nice get Alexa oh nice job you blicked her up yeah I hit her off the roof nice said oh no Alexa respa Luke watch her back ah she’s on my tail oh not she found a hole embarrassingly blue boy I’m going to blow up your base what on my watch everyone pull up in uh Luke we may have a problem I think the girls are going inside oh no we have to get them oh G and Alexa’s in the base hey Alexa chill Alexa chill and oh no I think they found the secret ladder girls there’s a secret ladder back here go upstairs what no no no Alexa knows that Lily’s blowing everything up everyone take cover jump in the water oh no go upstairs quickly they’re going oh gosh I’m swimming up and wait a minute I can go straight up through the Cannons oh yeah yeah and oh I made it hey girls you best chill out too bad Blue Boy what oh no they’re here hey hey hey chill where they at where they at Roxy where’s the girls oh gosh I don’t see them I see Alexa come here jump her I’mma blow her up oh gosh wait no no no no no luk don’t blow her up it oh no Luke that was a foolish mistake oh no I’m so sorry now is my time to blow it up no l get Lily I’m getting Alexa she’s coming from the back not on might watch Alexa I’m spot killing you girl we get you no way okay Alexa is running Luke I’m pulling back up and why are you guys down here where’s Lily oh no Lily where you at upstairs blowing your base up what oh gosh guys hop in through the sewers that’s the only way to get up quickly oh gosh we have to stop her Lily where are you and oh gosh I’m here and wait she’s not in my room she’s not in Luke’s room goodbye wait B Lily’s in Roxy’s r no oh gosh Luke Retreat Retreat we’re not surviving that blast careful we got to run oh my gosh how dare you Lily you get it smoked you get it smoked not if I can help it up luk I’m on fire I’m on fire blow me up blow me up Oh my he lill what are you trying to do why are you lighting the whole floor on fire to place TNT oh no l r it’s going to inst the light on fire run this is not good the girls are getting the drop on us right now we have to get them now yes this is now our time to attack Roxy beat us at the girl side all right I’m right here oh nice on pull up and hi Lily we have to finish off Alexa’s base that’s all that’s standing let’s go finish off what we started just find Alexa’s base with your lives girls wow no luk the girls are coming the girls are coming oh no yes put down the TNT oh Lily any last words before I light this all up this will not happen it’s happening right now light it up easy picka jump in the water and oh my gosh hes let’s gritty on their base yes sir right for creep mood walking with that o o you just got blicked oh no Alexa is still alive Luke but now that their base is gone when we kill them they’re gone forever yes sir everyone attack Alexa right now go boys you better not be coming after me uh we’re going after you Alexa you’re super easy pickax come on Luke we got to build up and clap her cheeks head she’s putting TNT down oh gosh BL oh you boys are done for oh gosh L she’s making it so hard to build up oh what do we do we just got to send it oh gosh wait I literally just walked off embarrassing moment I know right it’s cuz there’s so much destruction everywhere but don’t worry I am a professional I’m making a comeback sorry Alexa any last words before I clap them cheeks yo bet your booty is so big what hey where you at what’s good I’m going for the 360 blop oh yeah what’s up what’s up what’s up oh my gosh got Alexa now all that’s left is Crystal where you at Crystal babes where you at oh no l Crystal’s right oh no leave Luke alone I just found in a hole oh no we have to get her get up dude I’m stuck in a hole but hold up I can break out of here at what the f is this I’m like in the girl’s tunnel Oh No this must be like their secret room I know right but it’s destroyed and yo Crystal I see your bosom we F One V one for reals this time yeah and babes you’re going down I hope you know that no what hey enough talk let’s do this oh yeah what’s up what’s up you get it swerved you get it swerved oh yeah what’s up you Tred to dip huh help my watch what’s up oh my gosh I Got Crystal wait does that mean we defeated all the girls no way I’m still alive oh no Lily’s there Luke do we just jump her yep let’s do it what’s up Lily jumper her oh yeah yeah hey Lily where you going I’m going to your base oh no she’s still trying to Blink it up Luke don’t let her do it I’m catching up oh no this is bad okay okay we got St parkour hardcore and Luke did just fall the hole and I found the hole too say bye to your base boys wait what Luke what is she doing again how did she get TNT oh gosh break it break oh gosh this is bad he oh no Luke retree this is not good she’s destroying everything Lily chill Luke spaming chant the golden apples so we don’t die I’m trying holy guacamole oh we can’t let Lily get away with this nuh no way blink her up Lily you’re getting this right now no I’m not yes you is what’s up what’s up it’s over for you get her Luke she’s Chuck in the hole this is our chance oh yeah what’s up and we actually just did it that calls for the ultimate gritty right fo Great Moon walking with the wait a minute Luke me and you are the last survivors one B1 all right let’s take off our armor cuz we’re Giga Chads oh no use this bugget for real for real and wait wait let me give everyone TNT 100 it’s a free game Luke all right let’s do this thing all right 3 2 1 start CH the golden apple Sil bro and then t b no way oh no oh no this is bad I made it out the whole what you’re still alive luk alive and well my boy what the well not anymore cuz you f to get boomed and oh no I’m stuck in the whole chill L CH I’m going droper on your head no no no I gotc holy moly this is bad Luke do you really think you’re that guy huh you really think you’re that guy I am that guy CH oh no no no my watch oh yeah yeah let me t all around your bom sorry Luke you trapped and oh my gosh that was crazy that was litty I know right guys but wait we still have a little bit of a b should we blow this John up yes sir let’s do it all right girls boys help me with this let’s make one final explosion cuz it’s so much fun to play with TNT let’s do this oh yeah place it everywhere Roxy make sure to put a bunch in your room please all right I’m ready on it nice and Luke do the same on all the emeralds and I’ll even do it on the diamonds this is going to be so swag yes sir oh yeah oh my gu hey who started it oh my God I have to put on the Redstone what the W that was insane balls yes wao where are we right now dude we’re on one lucky block in the middle of nowhere really bro but at least we don’t have that annoying girl Heather we could just all be here with just my friends what okay babes don’t talk about me like that oh my go why is she here wait a minute where’s Crystal oh I just trapped her in an end cuz you don’t want to be with a loser girl like that you want to be with a popular girl like me what hey that is not true I want to be with Crystal oh you admitted it you love Crystal that is not no guys on a lucky block and up sorry girls only the girls fell but the boys lived oh yeah boys are awesome we got a donkey and that boy got eated off excuse me excuse me we have to get blocks to expand sorry sorry expand as fast as possible I know wait don’t Roxy move oh my gosh L make those blocks at the plank right now oh my gosh this is crazy and wait I have a singular dirt block everyone stop falling we can now survive yes Siri but wa guys be very careful o another Lucky Block every single block we get guys make sure to oh wow that is not what I said Ro I said expand with the blocks oh my n Lily you too sorry oh my good really guys Roxy just hitting people oh my goodness everyone keeps falling I know right but oh now we’re on track Roxy make sure to stand on the dirt and hold up was that a purple Lucky Block that just heated Roxy oh my no really purple block that is crazy all right everyone back up a little bit Luke stop crying like a little girl bro what he just boomed me off dude that’s a Roxy thing to do so I’m not surprised at all Roxy do be whing but I got another Lucky Block let’s go hey hey hey share that no no no no no no no no no Roxy you got me messed up it up bro you have to share everyone gets a piece fine fine I’ll give you pants and Heather can get the helmet why are you giving a really oh my swear to God and Luke stole my helmet no I just found a dude Heather give me the pants only if you Smooch me it’s good deal thr them out he do not do that wait no no she’s going to throw it out but you should go and jump and catch it okay all right I’m ready I’m ready all right Heather I’m not going to smooch you get it little I’m going for it I’m going for it okay wow okay all right did anybody get it no I didn’t get it oh oh here you go what the brh brh brh you’re literally that guy pal let’s go Luke you clutched up but now I got half the diamonds and come on guys keep expanding cuz we have to make it and yo stop booming me my sincerest apologies what what does that mean bro Hold Up Guys another Lucky Block the lucky blocks are the super good ones and I got a pig look at no no chill Roxy chill CH chill we’re going to name him CR cuz I miss her so much we have to take very Crystal bye did Heather just boom off the pig I boomed her cuz her name is Crystal gross oh my gosh are you serious right now bro crystal is not gross she’s very lovely she’s like a flower in my life a dirty stinky flower what oh my gosh are you serious right now that that is not funny Rox you’re not allowed to laugh at her jokes cuz she’s funny she is not Toad’s funny at all but oh we’re getting the goods right now we’re getting so many building blocks and wao peep this Roxy Roy it’s literally all of our colors blue for me can for crystal purple for Heather pink for what are you doing hey purple I love purple it’s more pink than purple yeah it’s more pink Heather you’re not that guy I’m going to do my Che dance on it oh yeah oh oh yeah why is she doing that what are you doing Heather she’s dancing move don’t nobody want your dances yes sir because oh I got the a uh oh we’re matching very cool Lily and boom boom sorry oh my gosh sorry I just got a little upset and wa guys I just got a whole lot of cobblestone Roxy you’re on duties with me to build out here take some and let’s expand this way yes s ski this is about to be the biggest platform in the universe oh my God Roxy’s Wilding right now and wao whoa wao Lily you have a diamond pickaxe yeah I got it from a Lucky Block wo that is awesome here you go now you you can go crazy with it oh thank you Lily my favorite ore is actually Diamond so this is the best gift ever what the they literally read my mind I said Diamond got diamonds easy wa purple Lucky Block that’s so awesome hey you like purple that means you like Heather so give me a smooch you’re booming again I don’t want to get boom dud she got boom Luke no no kissing song kid yeah you guys can’t kiss if she’s boomed oh yeah and oh my gosh wo wo wo wo I just got some iron wait Roxy do you have any extra Cobblestone blocks yes sir and I already know what you’re going to say make a furnace what oh my gosh that’s literally exactly what I want to do because now that we have iron we can make a furnace and smelt that John so Luke you’re on furnace smelting duy so get something to smelt it all right I got you my boy and wo another purple lucky block and wao a book Roxy you could keep that that’s trash oo nice read okay so SS is kissing heav not true oh my are you serious did bro just try and troll did bro actually try and Troll and wait we’re getting more Lucky Blocks right now and oh ooh Roxy honey blocks and what is that a beast waterer we going to make a be water W nice make a little bee area we can have a pet bee oh we can Farm some levels oh really smart Roxy bees be having levels no cap and wait we have to break this cobweb easy picky is it oh spider oh yeah they not that guy and oh easy pickings and wow what is this Roxy it’s a bee farm but all the bees escaped what oh my gosh I’m going to name that bee Crystal because she was such a beautiful creature in my life HS just get over her you have Heather anyway what boy no way yo Heather you know what I think this could work wait what are you serious we can work work in the void oh I just he her did you guys see that Crystal’s here Crystal if this is you give me a sign why is her eyes red she’s going to kill you are you serious right now get hey not funny it kind of was oh my gosh are you serious right now everyone Focus up and oh R box these ones are the best ones it’s all of our colors except for Alexa sorry that’s fine I’m going just fart on it hey yo all right really Alexa yes Alexa that was so slay y y y do not get oh no he sister SL okay what is even going on right now Lily you’re the only normal one and bro I got beetroots oh my God right now but I’m getting more iron let’s go and ooh some food and oh the iron smelted easy pickings who needs some iron me me me I need a pickaxe oh I got you my boy Luke slide me some sticks please I read your mine boy oh thank thank you very much and now with the sticks I could y make an iron pickaxe and boom there you go Roxy now we could two man this one block and I just got a stack of cobblestone and lava and water buckets and Roxy you know what we can do with lava and water buckets infinite Cobblestone why how did you know yo yo yo all right you guys have been reading my mind all day this is weird it’s cuz we live inside of it hey don’t be weird Heather’s supposed to be the weird one Luke you’re supposed to be like the I want to live in your head all day oh see what I meant Luke see what I mean yeah I see what you mean and wait let me put the water and wa boys check this out we have an infinite cobblestone generator so if I break this block right over here peep game Luke peep game we literally get cobblestone forever dude we can literally get so much we’ll have a giant platform yes sir Lily I officially give you the honorary honor of being the cobblestone generator duties person all right got you so SP Min and Heather just go away not fair perfect and waa whoa W clear Roy move no I want it I want it really bro are you Rox you’re not supposed to actually boom me bro hey no no I want it did all the iron blocks go away how many did you get ly Pooky oh yeah nine ingots go Gat my boy Gat and oh wait who just dropped iron booties that was me I got it for the lucky block I’m stacked oo nice job dude yes sir we getting stacked boy jump him jump him oh my go wait you’re actually right we are getting stacked we just smoked that guy like it was nothing waa whoa whoa whoa rainbow Block Rainbow block Alexa I’m going to need a fart for some luck please yes I’m going to give it a queen too what did she say a queen to that mean she pooped on it oh my go just better be good or else there’s going to be a real what the honey bottles trash monster spawners with eggs you guys know what that means right a mob farm yes sir we can make a skeleton Farm a Zombie Farm or a spider farm which one is going to get us the most levels Zombie Farm baby o great idea let’s do it right over here we’re about to get so many levels and wait you can Bridge forward oh yeah oh yeah and I’m going to bridge down this way and we have to make it so the zombies are easy pickings Rocky cuz we got to get all the levels in the universe yes can be like cut out and combo them that is not going to happen Roxy cuz you’re not that guy pal I just watch you know you’re not that guy pal NOP nope I’m going to get like a 100 hit combo what bro you really think you have to gach like that Roxy my guys got oh my Nar but hold up let me place it all down over here just like this then I’m going to put the monster spawner here and zombies oh gosh it’s functional it’s functional oh no this is about to get devious yes sir but I’m going to cover up the top since zombies need some Darkness to spawn in yes sir ski or they’re just going to burn yep so let’s go around over here make sure that it’s super duper dark on the inside and bro I’m using all of my blocks I wish someone was mining the infinite cobblestone generator and had some blocks to give us you got me how many do you need Lily how much did you get so far 1 two 3,000 Stacks what the bro you’re literally capping slide some one stack here’s another stack let me get more what she wasn’t even capping I repeat she wasn’t even capping but hold up I’m going to make it so that there’s only a little Gap over here so we can boom them and oh guys the zombies are spawning Roxy the zombies are spawning let’s start booming them I’m going to go inside hey no Roxy no that is the opposite of what you should do in a spawning area no oh okay wow Roxy’s that that do works oh my gosh Luke roxxy’s bugging right now I’m in this John too oh my God you guys are bugging you guys are officially bugging all right I’m in here too let’s get the zombies there’s a bunch gosh Roy oh gosh this is bad this was not a good idea this was not a good idea a farmer for yeah seriously I’m getting out of this John everyone quickly dip dip dip I got two levels and Boop sealed up that was swag and a purple Lucky Block is waiting for us but wait I need to assign everyone some duties Heather you’re going to be on building duties because I don’t want you anywhere near me I I mean um uh um because you’re really good at building and that’s why I’m giving you the job a thank you omy poo no problem just go and build and Alexa you can help her because just help her and then Roxy you can be with Lily cuz you have a crush on Lily and Lily keep mining the Cobblestone all right got you awesome oh Roxy didn’t even argue about having a crush on her that means he totally does luk hey I heard that you broke the BR code oh shoot I mean um Lily he doesn’t have a crush on you and purple Lucky Block oh bro I literally got the materials for a farm I got a bunch of Oak fences and a pig spawner and O Heather you’re actually doing a really good job of expanding and wait Alexa here take these fences and you can make a little farm area and then I’ll put the pigs in it yes the girls love a little sister Sligh Farm action what does that mean sister slay Farm action I don’t know uh Lily what does that mean that means they’re building a cute Farm oh that makes sense but right now I’m going crazy ly oh yeah and we need some a boms how about we craft some with the iron we got oh yeah yeah yeah good thinking throw me some iron I got the sticks and I’m going to make axes for both of us all right there you go my boy and boom I have two axes we could be axing Bros and now I got my axe Let’s Go Crazy yes sir we’re basically Lumberjacks oh yeah and wait oh wait we got another Lucky Block come on please be lucky please be fake girls how’s the farm going and bro is this all you’ve built I’m just extending it out right now oh my n Heather slimy the fence is your doooo cheeks your doooo cheeks I am not doooo cheeks you’re not taking my fences no Luke Heather is denying me taking the fences from her oh you have lrz what what do you I have dou Riz oh my not with Heather though cuz Riz oh my gosh I do not want to Riz Heather that is super gross but here I made the area a little bit bigger so put the fences along here and we’re going to have to spawn in the pigs yes our farm can use some animals boop boop and we have to get this one yo um Lily you’re nice with pigs how do we get the pig over we need carrots oh yeah yo my pig boy yo what is he doing what is yo yo bro this py oh he’s following me yo yo I got Riz I got heart RZ wait a minute didn’t you say the pig’s name was crystal oh well yeah and it also has hearts for me a it literally is Crystal OHS then you should go ahead and smooch it hey that’s super sus but come on crystal follow me you have to go inside the farm over here and hey the other pigs wanted to all right crystal number one come inside Crystal number two and Crystal number three and now what do you just call them uh nothing Heather what what are you talking about nothing hey Crystal come inside there’s a mean lady outside what what do you want Heather why they better not be what I think they’re named what they’re just named Mr Pig right LCA no Heather he just named them all crystal cuz he misses her so much Bruh Bruh Bruh oh no are you serious right now Obie I can’t take this anymore yo look Roxy do oh my gosh you really think you can you’re not that guy ether you just got easy boom don’t ever think you can do that to be if I can’t get you I’m going to get the crystals wait what she’s getting the pigs oh my God Bo oh my goodness gracious Lily Alexa you guys have to be on Pig duties cuz she’s going to try and boom them sis that’s where you take it too far seriously you’re bugging you’re bugging and Roxy here take some blocks to expand as well all righty yes sir now Luke we got to mine the lucky block yes sir ski I love being on mining duties yes sir H we just got a villager I’m going to name yeah name him really are you serious are you serious bro are you genuinely seriously seriously have a family with him dude I couldn’t even have what the SS hold up hold up he was a boy he was a boy oh no now you’re with your boyfriend oh no oh no you’re soome they won’t see me up here what what what is she talking about what what she’s oh she’s bugging she oh my gosh that was crazy Lily what type of defenses is this I’m sorry I’m sorry oh my gosh guard the piggington and Roxy expand please all right I got so much go bro got a lot from Lily because of the cobblestone generator and Heather make yourself useful start mining cobblestone instead of booming the innocent crystals H FES yay awesome sauce and Luke I got an enchanting table guess what we could do with this bad boy enchant our pickaxes boy yes sir but we need lapis so let’s try and get some Lucky Blocks with lapis in oh Second Chance let’s go I’m going to name you I didn’t even get to name him are you serious I didn’t even get to name him Rox oh my gosh I’m not even for real is it really that funny booming our villagers really are you oh my gosh oh my gosh guys this one block is driving us crazy right now and wait rainbow looky blocked these ones are Mega overpowered watch and learn ly I’m that guy and I got ooh wait water buckets that’s actually kind of useful so in case you get boobed you could save yourself and wait there’s a fishy not anymore that boy just went yayi oh my no are you serious right now dude you’re supposed to throw them in the ocean not into the void oh sorry about that wait Roxy here I have a fishy for you take care of him water bucket I’m going to put it on the side in case we fall she literally hit the fish Roxy did that on purpose oh my gosh Roxy’s in a trolling mood today and oh lucky block come on come on be sauce oh gosh blaz oh no this is a bu moment what what moment Luka I’m going to get it oh my gosh bro just got boomed bro just got boomed hold up hold up I’m about to actually clutch right now let me grab oh blocks okay then I’m going to Bridge Over you’re not that guy Blaze you’re not that guy Roxy look I’m speed bridging towards the blaze right now I got a Roxy at Roxy died for no reason really bro I got the Blaze Rod oh wait what you actually did Luke yep I got it with my butt cheeks W that’s us that’s us that’s do you still want it no I don’t want actually I do all right my boy here you go did you just pull this out of your butt cheeks yeah if it’s got a little brown stuff on it just ignore it wow oh my not ew and Heather how’s the mining going I’m going so crazy right now oh nice job and Lily how’s defending the pigs going really good you see this awesome defense ooh nice and here we have another pet it’s a spider spiders are chill they’re chill they’re chill in the daytime look they’re not beefing with anyone they’re chill yeah but when it’s night time they’re going to eat the piggies no no but look I put a skeleton to Boom you Alexa oh I’m going to get him oh my but hold up I’m mining the lucky block in OMG BR luky I just got four blocks of iron and a car pumpkin we could either do two things one get iron armor for literally everyone or spawn in a silly boy let’s spawn in that silly boy are you serious what are you sure about that yes yes can we name him ly junor oh all right fine we’re naming him luy junor we’re wasting so much iron but B Roy oh my gosh Roxy relax love oh my gosh wow Roxy you’re about to waste so much we spent so much on him y I think this one lucky Block’s making everyone go crazy all a part of my plan what hey what was that Heather nothing T oh she didn’t say anything but yeah Luke I’m going crazy right now oh my gosh but hold up we got a pumpkin oh no don’t show that in front of luky junr that’s his head Oh no you’re totally right but o we’re getting some ice right now and no wao we’re in the snowy biomes M I want some snowballs so I can thr it at your face really bro but oh I just got a rainbow lucky block and it came with a mine cart oh nice keep mining Y and oh dude there’s literally snow now we’re definitely 100% in a snowy area dog oh my gosh we they’re so cute they look like you w oh actually yeah they do I appreciate that Heather because I am a real dog Luke if you didn’t know m n that’s big cap you’re just a boy no I’m not a boy but I’m going to name this dog I can’t name him Crystal because Heather’s going to Boom it so I’ll name you omy poo oh I love that name for him yeah I know you love Heather because I think you have a crush Obby No Cap involved Ms be honest with me you really wouldn’t dat Heather oh awward SS you have to make it up for me go and smooch head there wow come here and give me a big smooch OHS what oh my God she’s so weird she is so weird I’m not giving no one a smooch Luke sorry for your boy he was not meant to be whatever SS I was distracted by Heather’s G anyway uh all right what are you serious right now but wait a minute lucky block and BR more books are you serious but who Heather you’re actually doing really good on expanding and Lily Roxy can I have some extra Cobblestone blocks please yes s Sky here’s just two stacks okay what oh my gosh you’re actually crazy for having two stacks no problem dude let’s expand oh yeah yeah I’m going to expand this way Luke help with the expansion cuz we need a kington ooh that’s going to be lit we can have a community house o yes yes yes and that’s why you and Heather can day what the what me and Heather are never going to date right Heather we’re just not even friends Heather we’re just like know each other in class or something no we’re like already married what the noes you didn’t tell us about that no and if I were to get married I already have someone in mind of who I would get married to and it’s not you Heather sorry about that what did you just say I said I have someone in my head to get married and it’s not you and I’m going to say it again boom listen up SS you should be with me cuz I’m popular and I deserve you and yeah what those are she’s going to get what are you a get oh my gosh lillly can you tell her to stop shaking her booty sorry to tell you Heather but you have to stop shaking your booty what oh gosh Lily you’re not even popular anymore I just made the decision sh that booty B hey Alex trying to be popular oh my gosh Luke everyone is weird yo stop it girls are shaking butts I’m coming E I literally cannot take this I literally cannot take this what is going on sh my get too B Roxy can you tell Luke to stop please no it’s kind of funny what it is not funny when Luke does it oh my goodness is actually kind of slay for that I can’t lie yo heop people would say I’m serving serving what do any of these words mean Lily what does serving mean that means she ate and love no crumbs yes Lily you’re popular again what what do any of these words mean dude I don’t know SS all I have to say is yes oh my gosh are you serious but I ran out of blocks Roxy slide some more Lily slide some more as well and I’m going to make the entrance right over here all right here’s a stack of cobblestone oh nice thank you my boy and Lily you have to give me some blocks as well all right look in this chest though o all right pulling up and look look inside here holy smokes there’s so many blocks I know Lily you seriously have a g of blocks no caps involved and I’m going all around and setting it and three blocks high Bro who is that hey he’s speaking Luke let’s try and communicate with him let’s see hello are you a Trader he said he has really good deals all right let’s check it out and you have BR an emerald for sugar canes Luke you know what to do oh no I’m booming this boy we have his camel now and just spit on you I’m not taking that kind of disrespect try me one more time boy yeah that’s what I thought oh no he’s about to spit on You Luke oh my god wow Luke is officially bugging but I’m making the third layer over here just like this all all the way down and we could set the roof of the crib yes sersi and then it will be a official crib oh my gosh and me and Crystal could chill out over here and we could start our family over here and we could have like what’s up you mean me and you um I didn’t ask for you to talk E I said what’s up to Luke when I said what’s up oh Crystal’s not even here right now hey that’s cuz Heather took her Heather you’re a bad person for taking Crystal cuz Crystal is way better than you and Slayer yeah I know how to use girl words she was slaying and serving and ain’t no crap better than you first of all she was not slaying she was not serving she wasn’t doing any of those things what well well she she’s sweeter than you no look at me shaking my sweet butt he Jo L you look at it at me oh no don’t mind if I do that was actually sus Luke what you mean don’t mind if you do you want to look at her sh her TOA Yeahs I’m having a buck a moment what is he okay I don’t even understand this guy is sus right now super sus with the side of su what what oh my gosh you guys are weird know what that means I don’t know what it means either but it’s mad dark in this JN so let’s throw some torches all around just like this y’all eating tin W it’s super bright in here ly Pooky the third yes sir ski I’m feeling mad proper mate what okay that’s pretty lit and we need a TV right now no caps involved so let me put 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and Roxy do you have a painting yes s perfect slide that J A WN over that spells John slide it here you go my boy ooh awesome and guess what show might to play you’re never going to guess it Luke you’re never going to guess it oh is it Kung Fu oh you got it my boy we watching Kung Fu and we need to make some seeds and oh no Roxy’s going to work on the Block what biome are we in right now Roxy I think we’re in the aaca biome oh that makes sense while you’re getting those woods and hey hey can you slide some over so I can make a cool seat with them yes s I got a bunch oh my God Roxy you always got the goods my boy you always got the goods yes s ski and up mining more o thank you dude and let me get some of the acacia seats and pull up are you okay Roxy blaze powder w w w slide that slide that let me make my blaze rods and bro we have a total of 10 right now Luke that’s fire right yes sir we’re going to get your girlfriend back in no time oh yeah yeah and excuse me obsy move and we have a seating area so I can sit with all of my best Pals okay wait let me sit next to my hubby move luk move the way oh my gosh really what do you want Heather I just want to sit and watch Kung Fu owns with you what wait you actually like Kung fues hold up hold up hold up she actually might beat show do you think Kung fues is the best film ever created ever uh first of all it’s like my favorite show ever she’s the one she’s the one h all right did you actually watch the movie though or are you just saying that you’re trying to rise me up uh I’m definitely not just saying that all right all right I need to ask her a question I need to ask her a question that only a true Kung Fu OHS fan would know yeah yeah like who wins the final battle oh yeah yeah yeah that’s a good one that’s a good one who wins the final battle in kung fu Ms Heather go um is it Luke are you serious Luke Boomer incorrect hether Bell oh no how d are you lie about K Fu OBS that’s a serious crime oh no she’s not even a real fan she’s not even a real fan yep she was just trying to rise you up and it didn’t work but we need a bedroom area in our kington yo oh my gosh how does Roxy have a full set of diamond armor already sharpness 4 what did you get that sharpness for I’m that guy pal for the lucky block wao is it a book or a sword it’s a book oh nice dude and Roxy do you have any beds or anything we could make for a room I have some wool and I have wood ooh slide that J in the chest my boy boom all of it’s inside oh my gosh roxxy’s actually bugging how do you have exactly 32 of each Roxy are you cheating no no no no don’t think about it I totally don’t have a secret base H he’s being sus what secret base hold up where’s your Secret Base at Roxy no I’m totally not telling you what where is it it’s totally not um right above what hey oh my gosh that boy has a secret base I’m looking oh my gosh Roxy’s bugging I know why you there hey chill Roxy I’m going up no matter what dude there’s a secret chest up here Luke o check what’s inside quick what’s up hey yes 31 Diamonds oh my gosh are you Ser all right oh my gosh I’m it’s literally yours what do you mean give you some are you serious bro I’m not even going to take any but we have to make a crafting table here so we can make all the beds yep so our house can become official oh yeah yeah so let me put the crafting table in the corner and Luke do you have any pieces of w I can have of course I do my brother oh thank you very much now with all of this wood I’m going to set 1 2 3 4 5 and six and wait it would be seven if Crystal was here oh man M I’m starting to think you really like her hey what that is very sus with the side of susce Luke I don’t like her I like her as a friend yeah but it sounds like you really really miss her yeah as a friend what and wait there was even sign W so I’m going to make her a bed so when she returns she could sit on her bed and I’m going to put it next to mine wait a minute ums why would you do that because she’s chill because she’s chill and the bed arrangements are very important so we have to make this feir on everyone first I’m going to put I’ll put luky over here with Alexa next to you is that cool yes sir ski score then I’m going to put Lily next to Alexa and then next to Lily I’m going to put Roxy cuz I’m a w man’s Boop then and since Roxy is my BFF FFF forever I’m going to put myself here and I’m going to put Crystal next to me and what do we do with Heather M I think we could just put it on the other side of the room oh good thinking not next to Kung fues though I don’t want her being that awesome I’ll put her right over here yeah right next to the door oh perfect perfect perfect hold up I heard we’re doing bed arrangements and what’s this uh um what do you mean what’s this you’re sitting over here by yourself Heather um put me right next to you right now what all right just for that Heather I’m putting you over here come on that’s not fair it’s totally fair Heather just Just sh sh this is the Elms crib you’re not invited because you’re going to I’m putting my bed next to yours you’re not stopping me what and I’m throwing out the bed hey hey look look look the no she did not are you serious Heather that was easy pickings yo Roxy I’m calling in him I’m calling him in I’m calling him in Roxy emergency meeting pull up right now okay what’s what’s up Jo I know you’re super stacked I need you to spam kill Heather right now please there we go Roxy when she responds Boomer again please uh Heather are you going to respond oh my God he’s so op he Two Shots her I think he use a sharpness for on his sword what oh my gosh roxxy’s literally a w b all right now we can switch out the beds Luke you Fu yep we just have to make another bed for Crystal yes sir yeah eat the wool y eat the S and I’ll just put Heather right over here boom kington is fire and Roxy were you booming her Heather where are you get over here oh my gosh oh my wow this is great this is great wow look and wa the one blocks in I think a sand biome now oh sand zombie oh no and Roxy Wither Skeleton I need help I need help oh boomed him I’m coming I’m coming oh gosh Roxy the one Block’s actually starting to be really serious thank you we need everyone on Deck right now Lily Alexa please pull up next to the one block rock you can chill with Heather now come I’m trying to smooch with the piggies what the yo Alexa is being weird all right Lily you just pull up and Roxy chill with Heather you’re good stop killing me all right now everyone we have to be on standby in case that the mobs get too powerful and oh rainbow lucky blond let’s see what this John gives us and W really bro a shovel shovel I can buy stuff up oh my God Roxy’s always [Music] hard oh my gosh it’s not good and O Golden Apple pretty good awesome sauce rocks you can take all the iron from that chest ooh I have a stack of iron oh nice job and dude did you just get an anvil ji nice place that bad boy down next to the enchanting table in case we want to combine books with any of our items all right I’m about to do my leggings ooh nice one enchantment are you going to put wait I think five protection but I need four levels four levels hold up I have four levels here slide me that all righty there you go thank you my brother babe you put it out on your chest plate yes s ski nice give me the book please all right here you go thank you now let me combine it and boom Oh My Gosh your chest Plate’s actually overpowered that’s fire protection 4 dude let’s go and now everyone stay on standby and wo we’re getting red Sin we’re getting deep in the desert and rainbow Lucky Block come on o really bro r feet o o take those booties ooh I just saw them nice thank you guys and let me replace you with my other ones luk you should put some booties cuz all you have is your Panda shoes on hes you can’t lie they’re fresh though yeah they is pretty fresh and Zombie horse whoo wo W does anybody have a saddle H’s silly you can’t ride those wait what are you serious right now oh my gosh that would have been awesome too bad now I’mma boom him Hey Jo bro he could literally have lived with us hey look I’m getting revenge guys chill guys chill the smoke oh my God I feel like I’m the only person Sav right now that wants to save Chrystal wao glow stone wa wait we should add that to the house Luke so it can be way more bright yeah I’m great thinking it’s going to make it feel more homey I know right so let’s go right over here and W that literally just brightened it up so much dude yeah actually brought it to life oh yeah wo new pets Roxy let’s bring those boys over all righty I’m coming nice and I just got a protection 4 book let’s go and I need to store some of my extra junk over here and let’s see how hard it is to put protection 4 on my pants and wait only four levels bro that’s easy I’m about to farm real quick yes sirs grinding is the only way to get it done oh yeah yeah they go down boy oh yeah none of you guys are that guy none of you guys are that guy oh yo yo yo the baby ones are making it through Luke the baby ones are making it through oh gosh be careful for those dudes don’t worry I’m booming them before they can get out oh yeah and oh I’m at three levels come on four let’s Let Go Now check it out I have overpowered pants awesome sausage Roxy the babies are making it out get over here babies Oh My go baby oh nice job dude and wait Roxy can you make me a diamond sword what the W I literally said diamonds and we got diamonds bro now I can make my own diamond sword let’s go that’s exactly what we needed oh my goodness gracious I’m going to put it on my pickaxe and bro we need two levels you know what that means right Roxy that means we have to go farming oh yeah yeah boom these boys up and wait Roxy you have a good idea I’m going to make it an open Lane so you could be on your side and I’ll be on my side roxxy’s bugging roxxy’s bugging I’m staying on the outside we it’s safe you’re bugging dude four levels oh my gosh I’m still at two I’m just going to camp in this corner over here and Roxy is it better to farm on the inside what are you at now I’m already at six bro you’re insane dude I’m still at three and a half but I’m playing it safe and four levels yes let’s go I’m smoking these guys with four levels now I can enchant my pickaxe come on efficiency yes that means it’s going to be way faster and I need a sword Lily do you have one Diamond I could have yep here you go I got two o you’re literally the best now with those diamonds I could make a sword and wait can you also throw me a stick please yep here you go thank you very much now I could y enchant the sword with sharpness Roxy oh no I don’t want to make you scared but I have the guia on my sword right now dude you Shar Miss yes sir ski and protection on my booties as well bro I just need to enchant my helmet and I need to get a chest plate that I’ll be fully geared out let me Farm some more zombies sersi great idea come here zombies you’re not that guy and wow let me see how good my new sword is at bro this John is putting it that work boy Lucas you peeping this dude you’re actually booming them up like it’s nothing I already got to level three and yo zombes stop hiding for me bro you’re not that guy none of you guys are that guy you’re all getting B boomed up oh yeah oh yeah let’s go I’m already at level four and that should be enough to enchant my other piece of armor that I wanted to so let me get my helmet out put it inside and a brother needs some protection let’s go Roxy if you ever get any extra diamonds let me know I want to make a chest plate there some up there there’s 12 oh nice and wait a minute Roxy there’s Lally a Blaze Rod on top of your booty wait what we can go to the end yes Siri I now have 12 pieces and wo did you just get a trident dude yeah Bo well guess what um the different thing is what’s the different thing W wo wo wo wo wo you know what this plus this is w w w hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up yo yo don’t spot it here in the nether let’s do it in the nether that’s way crazy to do in the island dude oh my gosh you’re bugging but we need obsidian to do that do you have any dude yeah I have only five though ooh five does anybody else have any is 15 on enough oh yeah yeah everyone throw me your obsidian please if we could buy it it should be enough Roxy throw yours and thank you Lily here you go W thank you now 1 2 3 4 and then we have to go up on each side like this and wait Luke is that enough upness Seri that looks um taller than normal what the oh gosh is it still going to work and wait we need to wait to activate it uh does anybody have a flint and steel uh I have some Flint ooh slide me the Flint and does anybody have some iron all right here you go here’s a flint thank you and now I need a piece of iron please wow ooh thank you ly now we we could combine the Flint and the steel to make flint and steel and nether portal let’s go and we will fight the Wither I’m so scared right now yeah me too all right Roxy spot that boy this is going to be serious wait let me have my enchanted golden apple right over here so in case it gets serious we could boom him all right Roxy put it down guys you ready yeah I’m ready I’m ready okay make the tea then put the skeleton heads on top oh I messed up quick bro made like a sideways te oh no Luke is happening Luke is he’s alive oh my back up he’s about to blow up after he fully heals odar is about to get real serious out in this John and oh my God he’s alive he’s shooting balls oh my wait I need to put some blocks in my hand so I can quickly go up I’m going guys I’m going come on come speed Mission oh my gosh wait did nobody do any damage to him yet is he that good oh Roxy he’s literally farming you right now my boy he’s literally farming you come on I need to get up on this tree oh yeah yeah everyone go to the trees that’s the best spot to be at to Boom him up what’s up Mr Skeletron you not hey he’s literally running for me yo my boy my boy come on get him I’m going to speed Bridge oh my gosh Roxy pull up right behind me I think we should boo him on this bridge over here all right I’m coming yes sersi let’s go up over here and wait wait wait oh I see him he’s stuck oh yeah I’m getting hits I’m getting Hits come on quit him quit him oh he’s doing damage dude he’s doing oh wait wait I’m actually about to die Roxy I’m about to die I’m about to die should I end my tri o that’s smart Roxy bro oh no he’s eating bro he’s eating me I need got him he’s right here where where is he where is he wait Roxy come down so he comes down too I’m going down oh where are you oh gosh where is he where is he uh we’re behind you oh what where’s the Wither look where’s the Wither at my boy ow wait he’s under this part over here o nice all right you guys stay over there I’m going to go mine above his head all right oh that’s actually super smart wait look at my name tag how close am I to his butt no go the other way the other way the other way what the other way where is he where is he oh my gosh he about oh my Nar wait I hear him towards this way I’m going oh gosh guys I think he knows where I am go to the left all right I’m going to the left okay wait where is he at behind you what oh I oh gosh he’s running my cheeks in I’m sping those good hits I’m getting the Good Hits going down oh he’s going up everyone follow me up let’s get that boy was goody my brother M yo where’d he just go I don’t know if his cheeks will be out all what up I just us balls where is he Roxy follow me all right we’re following Roxy we’re on a Roxy on top of you bro he’s literally trolling everyone go go go I need to get this explode what the hold up Roxy actually boomed him in bro uh he’s literally Wing out right now is he okay she right in front of him I think he’s going to Boom my gosh the ne star and a ton of Le let’s go nice job Roxy that was awesome sauce my boy yesi let’s go back everyone to the portal o o Heather did you just try and join our oofs yeah oof oof o all right all right enough enough enough but do you guys know what we can do with another star no what can we do with this we can make a bacon and send a beam in the sky and wait to do that we need obsidian and glass so first of all to make glass we need some sand and boom I have the and I can put it in the furnace to make it into glass and hold up I literally have the obsidian we need wait so you have all the ingredients yeah I think so let me look up the recipe beon and bro I literally have it all I just need five pieces of glass let’s go and already smelted it baby we are Stu yes sir ski and wait I got some cool new blocks Roxy if you want to expand I threw them on the floor you can use another rack and stuff all right I’m grabbing some more blocks oh nice and I got three pieces of glass we’re so close to the beacon we need it and boom got the glass now boom make the beacon oh my n and wait to activate the beacon we need a layer of a type of or block and what’s the cheapest to use Roxy uh how about some iron I have a bunch oh nice Slide the iron over I need to make some iron blocks with it all right how many do you need I have a stack oh I think that should be enough slide me the whole stack please all right here you go and I have six extra ooh thank you very much I can make three blocks four blocks five blocks six blocks seven blocks and Y ye that jot now let’s see if that’s enough to make the base for the beacons so let’s go one two three then one two three four and we need two more everyone bring your iron together Lily how much iron do you have I have seven here you go oh thank you very much let me make a block and I only need like four more does anybody have four Luke you got four yes siry I actually have 23 bro oh my bro oh my gosh you literally had the guia on you I appreciate it dude now let me throw one and two and BAC this John is looking awesome yes sersi but if we want the powers we have to give it more stuffs oh yeah you’re totally right okay how about I give us all speed does that sound good yep that sounds awesome and hold up wa everyone we have speed right now cuz we’re next to the beacon I’m zooming vom vroom vroom oh my gosh this says lington and wait where’s the Block it’s literally such a mess over here it looks like someone was trying to bridge it’s right here oh my gosh Rox you’re crazy wait a minute I just got a better idea instead of speed we could switch the effect that it gives us to hey so we can mine the one block faster wait that’s actually so much smarter I know right everyone let’s see if it works and if we mine BR Roxy we’re speed mining right now and chill wow sorry you know what it’s fine sorry Luke I know you mess with pandas cuz your shoes is pandas and parrot and AEL Lots those are such good additions to our Pet Farm let’s go wait what where’s the Pet Farm oh it’s over here I got scared let me go over here kill them really Roxy four levels you more levels Roxy chill there’s literally a whole spot area you just boomed all the crystals but I’ll name these cats Lily and Crystal cuz Lily I know you like cats hey what about me oh I’ll name you these parrots cuz parrots are annoying and they go that’s you hey oh my no Heather’s buy you sound that is how I sound it bro Roxy isn’t it crazy how fast we can mine yeah it’s crazy and hold up what we just got a water block let me seal that up and reset it baby and ooh Lucky Block what do you think’s in the block something good bro gravel are you serious that’s actually trash bro that’s like the worst thing you could have gotten I know red wo whoo whoo whoo wo there was a secret book and it has thorns in it I’m going to put it on my pants boy let’s see if I bro that John cost 13 levels well you’re going to have to go crazy in the mob farm for that I am not going crazy for 13 levels my boy wait Luke do you have diamonds that I could borrow I need eight please oh say less I got 13 yeah my boy you’re literally that guy pal you’re literally that guy all right with those diamonds I can go to the crafting table at our carington and I’m going to make a chest plate and my plan is to put the thorns on a brand new piece of armor because then it’s only four levels remember Ah that’s super smart dude yes sir so let’s go to the Anvil Y and I’m going to put the chest plate and boom Oh my gosh I’m fully Enchanted right now pee me out my boy pee me out I’m dripped I’m dripped my boy you shining no caps involved and everyone pull up wait which one’s the one blocking bro it’s a water that means you got to replace it was all right Lily you’re officially on mining duties with me and oop I just got a bug and it has bro mending that’s Duty water that’s super Goofy too I know right but I’m going crazy I’m going crazy I’m going crazy wait I have an idea Lily always have a shovel in your hand please luky always have an axe in your hand and I always have a pickaxe in my hand so we could do every single type of block all together super good idea yes sir everyone on three 3 2 1 go ooh we’re going to break every block so fast and hey wait a minute Lily were those ender pearls my boy yeah there were four ooh slide that over because with ender pearls I can combine it with my Blaze powders and now I have four Eyes of Ender let’s go the mining strategy is working yep I’m tearing up these mushrooms ooh nice job dude and this mud is easy pickings and up the red mushroom boom boom Tim easy pickings hey guys stop working together you do not want to save Crystal oh my gosh back up Heather we want to save Crystal come on come on guys our teamwork is literally going crazy right now when we work together this is easy pickings and wo we got some scaffolding and wo wo woal oh oh they’re so shiny let’s see how many wait up I got this scap holding and dude 10 emeralds here you go Luke I know you mess with emeralds cuz they’re green I’ll take this as a payment o nice job dude and let me throw all my junk inside this chest so I have some more room in my inventory and baby sheep that is adorable and wait Heather you like the Sheep yeah to die oh no someone stop her oh wow there’s literally bugging no caps involved and a Pillager Lily are you okay yeah I’m stop oh nice you boomed did you just get his totem yeah it was super easy pickings you want it yeah totems are overpowered because when you die you get a second chance at life it’s literally super crazy yeah I love totems yeah me too and hold up I have an idea I’m going to make a crafting table right over here and make some more chest so we have more storage room finally my inventory was so full yeah me too Lily here I made a chest for us now throw all of your junk in there y oh my goodness gracious there’s actually so much there is so much right now I know it’s crazy so let’s throw all of this John in here like this I’ll keep my diamonds and My Eyes of Ender and my blaze powder those are the important items now let’s go crazy together guys I’m on pickaxe duties and wa we’re actually getting crazy ores right now Luke and cold block oh that’s nine hole ingots boy I know right yo stuff is getting good yo lapis yes sir this is crazy Skeletron yayi you’re not that guy bro you’re not that guy oh my gosh we’re getting Mega overpowered dude Emerald blocks Redstone and yo iron blocks dude what is happening right now bro we’re at the Zone with OP L yes sir ski and wait I need some shovel duties Lily that’s you right yeah boom boom boom boom oh nice that’s making a speed run and O we got he yo stop talking and guys hold up hold up wait wait keep this guy alive he’s actually useful because when we go to the end we need to Archer the dragon right yep and it looks like he’s trading us a bow but wait it says to unlock the bow we have to trade his first trade which our sticks for emeralds Luke do you have any extra wood I could have I left some in the chest oh oh okay okay wait let me make another chest so I can clear my inventory this JN already got full right after I clear it out from all the junk but let me throw everything in here now check out my plan I’mma grab all of this wood right then I’mma turn the wood into sticks like this then I’m going to go to my boy and I’m going to make some trades right quick Y and I need to level him up he’s almost halfway we need more sticks we need to find some more wood oh all right I’m looking all over nope no wood over here over here nope no wood over here oh gosh no wood wait wait oh some acacia wood nice okay guys make some guys take all the wood you have and make sticks with them I have 40 I made four what four what four l we need way more than four cuz we have to trade with this boy how many do we need we need a whole lot more but wait a minute there’s another trade we could do we could do emeralds and gravel oh yeah and I have a bunch of emeralds yeah and I have an emerald block so let me transform it and then I can do the trade oh yeah and wait we need some more gravel and O there’s some more gravel in here now let’s do the trade again and bro is so close to leveling up come on come on and let’s go we can get the bows now boys uh yes ski train them up I’m getting one for everyone one for me one for Roxy one for Lily one for Alexa one for H Heather do you want one yes I want one give it give it oh my gosh all right fine here you could have a bow Luke you could have a bow as well yay Lily grab your bow Alexa grab y b and Roxy I’m going leave yours in the chest my boy there we go oh no we is all stacking yes sir now we need arrows the one block has to drop some zero caps involved everyone go crazy with the strategy we were doing and wait which one’s the one block Lily I don’t know that’s what I’m trying to figure out it’s this one right over here and BR it’s giving us emerals and dude no creeper that would have been bad that was crazy it’s cuz we teamwork yes sir and everyone go back on the quadruple mining attack bro this is literally insane we’re doing this so fast right now yes sir and we just got potions ooh nice that oh instant Health that’s super overpowered and come on Rainbow lucky block BR really I’m just getting duked right now I’m just getting duked and we need the guy on Ax duty to be doing his duties all right I’m doing my duties really bro that is not funny my God stach exploded and fell oh goodness gracious guys pick up whatever you can I’m going to repair the floor are you serious dude this is a major setback I know right this is awful yes that is so good that that just happened yo Roxy boom had there for me my boy where are you oh no she’s already Roxy’s getting her get over here oh my N I can’t believe Heather’s happy that just happened dude oh it’s cuz she doesn’t want us to get Crystal back I know she’s super duper mean she’s literally a b face but I can make some wood Luke so we can make some more chest cuz I know your inventory is just full right now no caps dude I can’t pick up any more blocks neither can I it is so hard and wait Lily are you making chest as well yep I made a mega one over right here and I’m adding another one right there ooh nice job Lily I’m going to add some here as well now let’s throw the John down everyone throw all your extra stuff in here and wait I want that potion cuz that’s going to come in super handy whenever I get low yep that could save your life boy no caps involved but guys we need some ender pearls so let’s be on the hunt and everyone let’s do the one block strategy Luke Lily information and Roxy you could continue killing Heather if you’d like all righty I’m getting some more op items like a golden apple oh no bro that was crazy wo wo wo dude a beacon ooh that’s super handy that’s actually insanely good wait I’m saving that oh my gosh let’s go and let’s go crazy on the Block boom boom boom Luke are you doing your duties yersi X duties to be exact oh nice job dude and rainbow luy blocking bro I’m tired of getting all these books bro this isn’t school got the Skeletron he’s not that guy I’m going for Heather now oh nice job Roxy good luck Heather she missed her bow what do you mean she missed her I’m going to PVP her you guys are having a bow oh my God knocked her they’re literally W right now L they’re literally wiing oh it’s a slime friend oh I might have boomed him I might have boomed his little bro as well oh no those slimes got boomed oh yeah yeah wo wo some iron ore dude we’re actually getting so much iron and wait there’s an iron block in here and a ton of iron egots we’re already stacked with iron we need the pearls yes sir we got to get the sauce no caps come on what o we got a chest and eight ender pearls dude that’s literally exactly what we needed now I could combine it with all the blazington powders and 12 Eyes of Ender you know what that means Luke the final thing we need is Portal frames yes sers ski and then it’s going to be Dragon time and then I could say my girlfriend I mean my my friend my friend is dating Crystal confirmed what no but bro the portal frames what was that uh nothing quickly we have to put it down before Heather realizes everyone okay okay why 1 two three okay turn one two three okay turn one two three oh gosh oh gosh is he coming yep I’m blocking it off though oh no okay okay boop didy boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop and Boop okay okay one more I just need to get the other two girls Lily Alexa pull up Alexa quickly pull up we’re going through we’re going through Alexa come on let’s go go go go go go we have to save Crystal right now three 2 1 the eye is in luk go L go did Alexa l walk off Alexa pull up now I’m coming oh my goodness gracious and odar we’re here everyone no it’s now whatever we have to save Crystal yes s SK boms these bow and arrows fa to come in clutch oh yeah you right my boy easy pings let’s go and I have some blocks to build up with I’m comings to Boom you come here why that’s not happening where even are you right oh God L she has a b she’s trying to boo me she’s trying to boo me oh no she’s trying to stop you from getting the crystals and oh no Roxy died Foy pull back up pull back up I tried to B the dragon I can’t hit you Heather you’re not that girl pal yo stop it I’m booming you back stop it ow oh my goodness gracious well that’s not going to do anything he since I’m in a corner over here so even if you do hit me I could still make it to the top and got the first Crystal boys nice I just got one with the bow oh nice and oh someone just got that one let me get that one right down over there yeah yeah bro come on let me get it Army oh my gosh Roxy do not die and I’m actually big noobing right now I’m trying to help the dragon Roxy oh I got one of the crystals come on let me get this one over here and then that one down over there come on it’s so far away Luke am I just a noob yeah dude you’re being a newbie but oh really bro wait I’m bridging over Heather you better not try and boo me come here SS I’m coming for your butt hey oh my gosh let me parkour over okay okay I’m getting closer to where I have to hit come on now I literally cannot miss that is mad close my boy and bro this is the last Crystal yes I got it and Roxy that again oh it’s these Enderman oh my Dar Rox are you getting far my boy yeah soon as I come in they keep on killing me and oh no they’re all on Heather Heather sorry you’re going to get bomed my butt cheeke oh my oh my Dar sorry Heather use distracted Luke there’s only one Crystal left let’s go for it Yep they’re hidden behind the cage but not for long oh yeah yeah I’m pulling up I’m pulling up but oh gosh Heather’s about to respawn we have to do quick work of this ly Pooky yep if she comes I’m going try to smooch her what what I didn’t mean that I didn’t mean that I heard that l lily that was sus with the side of sus this Ultra sus Super Ultra Mega Ultra Super SU come on Beacon boom got it and everyone the dragon is now ours go I did I get the last CR oh my gosh and wait I can use this health potion right now perfect timing I’m going in I’m going going in yo come here D yo I’m on fire Roxy me too I need help yo does anybody have a water bucket oh gosh put it down put it down we may have a problem Jo hea trying to pull me and guys the dragon Purge Luke pull up pull up yes sir I’m spinning the block oh yeah oh yeah oh gosh oh gosh oh yes stop booming he’s so low he’s so low nice nice Roxy on fire water water please I forgot to break it h bro but wait my totem kept me alive let’s go and oh the dragon’s here everyone the dragon’s here go it’s booming time yes sir you’re getting boob Dragon you’re not that guy you’re not that guy sorry Heather any last words it’s super low stop it don’t kill the dragon you’re never going to see your girlfriend sorry it’s too late for that okay wow I’m actually getting boomed by like 50 things yo Luke you got water my boy you got water I actually don’t he’s perched though oh now we never get out the water get him get him get him come on come on come we did it get boom easy let’s go oh my gosh there’s a whole lot of levels oops I’m going to that portal first boy oh no I’m going through it and Crystal should be on the other side yo Crystal where you at Crystal yo Crystal babes babes babes where are you you over here look where is she Crystal where are you face face oh my gosh Crystal I’ve missed you so much nope not as much as I did yay we did it we saved the day now let’s have that SPO he sauce and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye

This video, titled ‘I Pretended to be a NOOB in a Minecraft Build To Survive, Then Used OP Blocks!’, was uploaded by OmzBlox on 2024-05-28 20:16:17. It has garnered 442843 views and 4405 likes. The duration of the video is 03:33:02 or 12782 seconds.

Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Alexa Luke and Heather are Pretending to be a NOOB in a Minecraft Build To Survive, Then Used OP Blocks!

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    EPIC GREEN BED GLITCH IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘Green Bed In Minecraft’, was uploaded by KROOTX on 2024-06-21 14:00:13. It has garnered 8273 views and 196 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Green Bed In Minecraft ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Hello everyone, this is a new Minecraft channel, support me by subscribing and like, thanks in advance. My TikTok: ___________________________________ My shaders: Complementary Shaders ___________________________________ ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ #minecraft#minecraft#minecraftbuildings#tiktokminecraft#minecraftindonesia Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Multiplayer Editz by ZEM1TH

    Insane Minecraft Multiplayer Editz by ZEM1THVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Multiplayer’, was uploaded by ZEM1TH EDITZ AND STUFF on 2024-02-24 18:15:06. It has garnered 58 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:32 or 4352 seconds. Read More

  • Intense Minecraft Build Battle on Hypixel – Watch DuckBoi’s Epic Creation!

    Intense Minecraft Build Battle on Hypixel - Watch DuckBoi's Epic Creation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tired Build Battle | Minecraft Build Battle on Hypixel’, was uploaded by DuckBoi Games on 2024-05-17 20:06:38. It has garnered 56 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:08 or 7328 seconds. This is going to go well… I hope Usual Links: Discord – Patreon – Twitter (X) – Donations – Read More

  • “Insane Illager Attack on Leafy McTreeface!” #funnyshorts #minecraft

    "Insane Illager Attack on Leafy McTreeface!" #funnyshorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘All the Mods – Relentless Illagers #funnyshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Leafy McTreeface on 2024-03-16 00:45:00. It has garnered 1016 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Day one exploring and I run into an illager spawner? Watch the video series out now! Leafy’s Discord: #minecraft #modded #moddedminecraft #ATM #livestream #live #streaming #stream #streamer #gamer #gaming #funny #leafy #allthemods9 #playthough #letsplay #gameplay Become and Official Member of the Garden! Read More

  • Rajesh faces off against Feather Client in epic Minecraft FPS battle!

    Rajesh faces off against Feather Client in epic Minecraft FPS battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘Lunar Client vs Feather Client in Minecraft for FPS’, was uploaded by Rajesh on 2024-04-05 14:27:12. It has garnered 4354 views and 154 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:05 or 65 seconds. hypixel bedwars, bedwars, hypixel, minecraft bedwars, bedwars montage, bedwars hypixel, hypixel bedwars montage, bedwars asmr, bedwars minecraft, bedwars montage hypixel, minecraft hypixel bedwars, hypixel bedwars clutch, hypixel bedwars asmr, bedwars clutch, bedwars clutch montage, bedwars challenge, hypixel bedwars 100 stars, hypixel bedwars block clutch montage, 700 stars in hypixel bedwars, block clutch montage bedwars, hypixel bedwars gain stars fast tutorial, games,… Read More


    UNLOCKING WORLD-SLASHING POWERS! Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Ep. 6Video Information This video, titled ‘UNLOCKING SLASHES THAT CUT THE WORLD! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 6’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-05-29 23:00:19. It has garnered 4985 views and 246 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:42 or 3042 seconds. Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Review (v38) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyGames Channel – UNLOCKING SLASHES THAT CUT THE WORLD! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 6 #JujutsuKaisen #Minecraft Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students… Read More

  • Whimsy SMP

    Whimsy SMPA comfy and community based SMP! 1.20+ Minecraft Server Bedrock and Java crossplay! Vanilla-style! Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6 Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ | Factions | Non-P2W | Ability Item Join the discord: Server Trailer: A Non-Pay-to-Win Vanilla+ Factions experience Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, where you can experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Our server focuses on maintaining the classic vanilla-plus experience while introducing unique twists to keep the gameplay exciting and engaging. Now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join the discord: Join us at: and become part of the ZynnCraft community… Read More

  • TriangleSMP

    Triangle SMP1.21 MINECRAFTNew server!Discord: in java edition!Come play with us to meet new people, hope to see you here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When you build a dirt house in Minecraft 🤔

    I guess you could say this meme is scoring a solid 3 out of 10 on the Minecraft humor scale! Read More

  • Parental Verdict: Minecraft Delight or Plight?

    Parental Verdict: Minecraft Delight or Plight? In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every stride. Animations that are funny and light, Bringing happiness, making our days bright. Parents love the content, safe and sound, No worries here, just fun all around. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe now, and join the MC realm. Classroom series, song adaptations too, All in good fun, just for you. Fangkuaixuan’s channel, the one and only, Pirated content? Nope, that’s baloney. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Minecraft news, shining so bright. Fangkuaixuan’s world, a place to be, Where joy and… Read More

  • Super Dog Villager Droppin’ the Hottest Oi Oi Oi Remix!

    Super Dog Villager Droppin' the Hottest Oi Oi Oi Remix! When your dog starts barking in Minecraft and suddenly transforms into a villager saying “Oi Oi Oi,” you know you’ve been playing too much. Time to take a break and go for a walk in the real world! Read More

  • German Nighttime Adventures: Comprehensible Input

    German Nighttime Adventures: Comprehensible Input Exploring Nighttime Adventures in Minecraft Discovering the World of Minecraft at Night In the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, nighttime brings a whole new set of challenges and adventures for players to explore. As the sun sets and darkness falls, the game transforms into a mysterious and exciting realm filled with unique creatures and opportunities. Creepers, zombies, and skeletons emerge from the shadows, ready to test the player’s survival skills. These hostile mobs add an element of danger and excitement to the nighttime experience, requiring players to be vigilant and strategic in their actions. Building and Crafting Under… Read More

  • Creeper Destroys Blocks in Minecraft

    Creeper Destroys Blocks in Minecraft Minecraft: The Power of Creepers and Farming Efficiency Farm Details Farm Performance: The farm boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 items per hour, showcasing its efficiency. Farm Mode: It operates in a fully automatic mode, making resource gathering a breeze for players. Versions: Compatible with versions ranging from 1.16 to 1.21, including various updates like 1.19.1, 1.19.2, and 1.20.6. Platforms: Designed for Java Edition, ensuring seamless gameplay for users on this platform. Original Design By: @HardShipYT3, showcasing the creativity and innovation within the Minecraft community. Game Information Shaders: Enhance your gaming experience with complementary shaders that add… Read More

  • Unforgettable Castle of Fire Adventure – Subscribe Now!

    Unforgettable Castle of Fire Adventure - Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘El castillo de fuego MINECRAFT DUNGEONS AND MAGIC ¡SUSCRIBETE Y DA LIKE, MUCHAS GRACIAS!’, was uploaded by RockerLeo on 2024-06-14 22:41:24. It has garnered 129 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. WATCH FULL VIDEO Read More

  • Minecraft Cursed Blood Skull Discovery!

    Minecraft Cursed Blood Skull Discovery!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found Cursed Blood Skull in Minecraft – Maizen?!’, was uploaded by MayJay on 2024-07-15 16:08:27. It has garnered 121057 views and 602 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:08 or 1808 seconds. Read More

  • Build an EPIC house in Survival SMP!

    Build an EPIC house in Survival SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘i build my first simple house un Survival Smp.’, was uploaded by Hacky Craft on 2024-04-01 09:55:17. It has garnered 20 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:00 or 3060 seconds. Thanks For Waching this video. pls do like and subscribe Minecraft survival smp My Discord Server: Minecraft survival smp Minecraft __________________ __ __ Smp New Tags: minecraft bangla, bangla gamer minecraft video, minecraft bangla video, bangla minecraft, minecraft survival series bangla part 1, minecraft hardcore survival series bangla part 1, minecraft, minecraft multiplayer, minecaft bangla gaming, minecraft bangla gameplay,… Read More

  • Yaman Ratre 2012: SHOCKING REVEAL! #Like #Subscribe #Comment

    Yaman Ratre 2012: SHOCKING REVEAL! #Like #Subscribe #CommentVideo Information This video, titled ‘# what is this#subscriber #like #minecraft #commen’, was uploaded by Yaman Ratre 2012 on 2024-02-13 14:31:31. It has garnered 4671 views and 255 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Slayer SMP – Join Now!

    Ultimate Slayer SMP - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s New BEST SMP! (Applications OPEN!)’, was uploaded by Slayer SMP on 2024-01-14 01:32:16. It has garnered 33 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Slayer SMP applications JUST opened! When you spawn in the server you get one out of 6 swords that grant people abilities and there are even CUSTOM artifacts! ================================================== Public Discord Server: ================================================== this video is not minecraft manhunt or minecraft but, but in this video augment smp. This video is also about an SMP like dreamSMP, dream, tommyinnit, georgenotfound, or wilbursoot,… Read More


    💥POISHORTCRAFT: Pick Your Side! ARA ARA vs DEMON KIM ANGEL!💥 | MINECRAFT ANIMATIONVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHICH ONE YOU LIKE ?ARA ARA TEAM MACNCHEESE DEMON TEAM KIM ANGEL CUTE -MINECRAFT ANIMATION #shorts’, was uploaded by poishortcraft on 2024-07-17 00:00:17. It has garnered 70885 views and 3072 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. Please (Like)👍 & Subscribe ▶️ to my channel Don’t forget to Click the Bell 🔔 Turn on notification for more awesome content like this #MinecraftAnimation 😊 Godbless You all 🙏😁 (Goal to 1,000 Subs) For a starter 😅🙏 Read More

  • “Minecraft Showdown: Bedrock vs Java Edition – Ultimate Comparison – EPIC!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft Showdown: Bedrock vs Java Edition - Ultimate Comparison - EPIC!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Showdown: Bedrock vs Java Edition – Ultimate Comparison! #minecraft’, was uploaded by Shivam x Highlights on 2024-06-13 06:30:12. It has garnered 1055 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Welcome to our ultimate Minecraft showdown! 🌍 In this video, we dive deep into the differences between Minecraft Bedrock and Java Edition. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this comprehensive comparison will help you decide which version suits you best. From performance and mods to gameplay and community, we’ve got it all covered. Don’t forget… Read More