Maximalizer Returns! Epic Cubecraft Action LIVE

Video Information

That one 54 Subs Fair what do you on like 380 for five with 38 videos right 16 um my channel you should make me stream mod not going to lie time out L cool and I need I need to be stream all right I need to edit am I on

Mutea know I can can you hear me at bubbles found you that’s a long description Max yep who do you think to read all of that one it’s just tags and stuff privated are you adding privated at@ evident why you adding them cuz it’ll at at related at

Scribble why are you adding scribble at Danny is the bomb wait he’s going to raid you I think cuz you’re asking him uh dreaming dream technoblade technoblade’s dead he won’t stupid chrristmas all right hello you actually added them all all right we go oh related noobs in related in what all right I’m

Back private I’m ready when you are all right you have you started stream no I haven’t CLI start you start stream hi guys have you started stream wait is yours on M there we go wait wait a minute there we go okay I think I’m streaming should be hopefully am I streaming

Oh well anytime will tell I can check yeah I am how to get sub count on streamlabs OBS getting a live subscriber count for stream let your viewers see how your channel is growing in real time adding a sense of community Eng and excitement to your content hell what we’re going to do

In order for us to add a sub count so we’re going to go here in our browser for first things first and then we’re going to basically search here social blade there and then we’re going to open this one here we’re going to the channel

Name here on the top there you go and then I’m going to just click this one live subscriber count right there we go and then I’m going to copy the link and then go back to the streamlabs here in the streamlabs I’m going to click sources and then browse people okay I’m

Going to rename this one to live hi Diamond X and then I’m going to click add source and then go to the URL and one that we CED earlier so I’m going to change the height so my monitor is 1920 by 1080p so I’m going to be putting it

There and then I’m going to basically close this one and from here what we really need is just this part so what we’re going all right let’s do this all right are you in yeah be right yeah I’m in wait I’m on wait one sec I need to change my

Thing yeah hi five people hi everyone make sure to like And subscribe I just need to it’s all right your controller lost connection I find that really amusing all right it’s back it’s I’m good all right let’s do it all right if you guys want to snipe

We’re going to go to egg Wars Lobby one yep there’s two people in it all right let’s go to Lobby five then no okay bubbles live on on YT that’s in punch I’m stupid little bit of cheeky primer little primers all right ready uh we are going to let’s do some

Duos uh Sub City hopefully I’m going to try get to 400 Subs by sometime at the by the end of January and also I guys I got a new controller so mostly for fortnite but like yeah but it’s good for keep crafting making sure I can hear myself

In my own stream yeah I think I can hear myself but I’m I’m not doing that yes yes Noah all right wait wait I’m ring yeah it’s working one two one two mic check I accidentally emoted but emote on the haters I had to emote accidentally so I

Guess uh as you’re planning just to go are you planning on doing other stuff yes I am uh we’ll just we’ll be doing other stuff when other people join and there’s more people uh so yeah it’s not just going to be we’re not grinding Jos we’re just doing yeah you can

Snipe yeah we’re not just grinding J oh shoot I died uh so yeah but make sure to subscribe um yeah that’ll be good I’m okay you just need to kill p and then we should be good well okay you’ll snipe cool oh oh no I don’t know how good he

Is and I don’t know who he is I’m sorry oh wait to subscribe oh this is a hacker okay we’re done is it yeah who is it aul yeah it’s a hacker with bunch of vs we we are going to die oh no okay well I’ve got hacker proof

Stuffff same I I’ve got a black screen ready up oh I’m going to die I need help oh wait no you’re no enemy okay I can put a black screen on same and we’ve there’s mods at in Cube at the moment so hacker proof yeah hacker proof yeah black screen look you ready

Stream how many how many people do you have on your stream me oh there’s only one you’ve only got three calm down no I’m just asking buddy you don’t even have my stream on your thing yeah I do it’s in the description buddy go watch hey no yes that means I’m going to

Remove you as mod no yes no I’m dead I mean oh no what a Pity buddies bu oh he did as well yes Noah delete them buddy don’t you there well they’re all gone no no my I weed are they they’re going no they will be

Going buddy we can go Lobby are you dead yeah all right I got picked to death picked mhm they pickaxes and they hurt all right go to want everyone H right all right come to me if you want to snipe I want to s all Right yeah hello five people make sure to subscribe all right I reckon this hamman’s this guy is the hacker don’t you no they’re level 56 in VIP 1 they won’t hack all right wait in lobby I’ll pull up dream’s pulling up this is good do hello storm I’m good thanks um okay

Dream yeah you pull up I got you to watch my live did you uh-huh I’m going go we go just message that bam wait let me go on You wait where’s yia’s account I can’t find Yia what Discord or no YouTube I don’t think he’s streaming yeah I think he is oh yeah he is send it to me oh he ended I think did he I don’t think he did I’m pretty sure he did he just finished oh did

You uh I used to uh mind if I snipe yeah sure you can snipe buddy oh major Miss buddy buddy yeah what Amoo I’ve got someone in my chat ammo and I know and I don’t Hello ammo all right hi ran leis what how are you hope you have a lovely day oh the lobby mags what look at 43 people yeah that’s you stream yeah I that’s bu shot all right hello six people make

Sure to subscribe so you don’t miss one all right hello six people make sure to like the stream all right let’s go into a game all right you ready L yeah oh I clicked on egg’s rank uh let’s go wait is Major sniping us I think So CU he walked up to oh no he left oh you got him friending lucky yeah I’m friends with him hi seven people welcome to the stream I have quite a lot of YouTubers friended make sure to like the stream oh major join back you’re not even getting any thank

You yes all right come on lock in sorry I just had someone in my chat Chico gamer all right hello nine people welcome to the stream n BR this is crazy first stream back and it’s already doing well all what I’m going to go for yellow make sure to like And subscribe

Just so that cuz I want to get to 400 subscribers by end of January that would be cool I want to get to 60 hello abas abass hello Oscar make sure to uh I’m probably being annoying but if you can subscribe no don’t you dare no don’t you

Dare don’t you dare combo one com oh my gosh how did they get the egg were you defending or no I’m dead oh you dead o yeah o uh yes you can uh we will do megas hello 10 people um abas abass yes you can uh tell me your username in the

Description no not in the description in the chat and I’ll I invite you Chico gamer if you do want to snipe or join the party nice kills thanks storm send your username into in the chat and bro just copying me I’m joking shut up I’m wome I meant to know his

Username and friend mess let’s reach his goal yes let’s go Noah w w Noah buddy oh I do have friended as well hey CH gamer chica I’m pretty good yeah this is my uh time back on the sticks after playing loads of fortnite so no Dead wait wa

How’ you have it uh it’s Albert okay cool I willbert it’s Albert I will run megas after this uh dream uh yeah you a GRE buddy I might run megas we might do yeah don’t spam good job stormy storm my bad uh all right what team is red hasn’t got

That time to go for Ed H okay we can invite I’ll invite Chico and Albert hello time to die got the egg oh then not dead oh they jumped off cool yeah it jump off bro do you like hamburgers of course except they’re not my favorite I’m still alive I’m the god

Yep oh no I’m I’m emoting no no my emote killed me my stream yeah with hi FNAF all right I think 15 minutes yeah all right so I will invite Albert 83 maybe four to five minutes 8330 okay and then hello invite you Chico gamer invite chicao chicao join Max miza

He he might be sniping all right if you guys want to snipe uh then uh where have I been uh chilling yeah playing fortnite you know yeah yeah where am I fortnite fortnite hello 11 people oh 390 all right hello chica uh 390 subscribers let’s go 10

More guys liar liar no I have been playing fortnite I’m not lying um fnafy has playing Lego I’m not playing Lego fortnite Lego fortnite is trash hello 13 people welcome to the stream Make oh that’s the wrong chat P how what is it SL P chat disable it’s SL P PC uh sure you have uh make sure to like the stream try to get to 10 likes on the stream all right let’s go to to megas Oscar gaming I guess I’ll invite

You mink mink I don’t know who I’ll just invite you all right I play with him bubble all right let’s go oh I found the hacker where you might not want to look behind you Max oh okay okay you playing with him yeah I am the drawing guy

Uh all right let me get my black screen let let me get my black screen up mine’s up already uh uh all right one sec guys streamlabs let me find streams where is he I don’t think he’s here anymore is he I’ll put it up for good

Measure mine’s up oh yeah they’re here they here game capture okay black storm oh okay oh no but I can’t okay everyone get in my party cuz otherwise you won’t be able to get in the game because uh the hacker is going to be sniping us so everyone join my party

Tim yeah invite Tim please Max where’s Tim yeah invite him please where is Tim oh Tim here right here invite him please cool stand uh on me if you want an invite guys oh you want an invite I given you loads of invites all right let’s

Go here all right yeah black no yep yep it’s cuz hacker yeah you know all right let do it all right let’s go Fallen why would you Sayid we went time okay let’s let’s try that again all right okay okay NE are going to be so pleased withas all

Right stream black yes I know it’s cuz we’re waiting for our game to fill up so that the hacker can’t join cuz we don’t want hackers do we now no I don’t think the hacker even knows I’m streaming no they’re not in my chat I could take mine off black but I’m not

Going oh big brain yeah big brain big brain big brain rip what do you mean r why are you getting mad at me oh they’re in they’re in leave leave they worked it out they worked it out guys they worked it out they are smart oh now the Hacker’s big brain

Rip all right can someone report him yeah I bet it’s just the rider imagine can’t buddy please follow up please I have to wait 8 seconds to do s he’s in they’re in all right how many people do we have in party like seven all right eight all

Right I’m sorry everyone if this is happening wait don’t go into yeah I shut up FNAF come gosh stop going fruit Max yeah I know but I don’t know what else we can do go go that I can try this again you’re innocent please fill up two

Yes all right off the black screen we go let’s go guys off the black screen we are in a game you see you could play a different game mode yeah but I mean why is the hacker in the Stream cuz that is cubecraft for you hooray and I’m like

Probably the most I’m probably one of the only like I get H stream sniped by hackers every game every stream stream I mean and then they clip you and then post on their YouTube channel easy black scam little bro Sim buddy you thought you thought you could

Do that Sim maybe he got in he might be in he might be in with a different account he might just change it elonics be in of course guys if you didn’t know who this is this is the probably one of the most most known hackers except for maybe bypasser properly or

A I made you black stream yeah but like at least we’re in without you hey you made me black screen as well 14 hi 14 people make sure to subscribe so that we can hit our goal of 400 Subs by the end of January and hopefully maybe

By the end of December end of uh this year he is the most known bubbles is streaming oh no no that’s wild everyone either neutral or doesn’t like him yeah no one likes him no one likes him who does the only person that likes s is bypasser for real for real

Those I don’t hit H okay all right if if I might not be hitting it by the end of the year but no we’ll see you know I’ve gone up by five subscribers already oh oh yeah yeah time them out guys time him out Noah time him out Noah go on

Noah you got that no one likes no one like oh he’s no one likes bubbles to be fair Noah you got that you got Noah come on come on you know Cube crap yep yep go on Noah yeah another Hacker’s in the Stream go on Noah

Yeah yes no no just time them all out this time ever time those two out yeah good job Noah let’s go Noah why for 10 seconds no no do it for like a whole day do it for like 3 million years who is bubbles bubbles is uh my friend and he’s playing

Minecraft with me no I’m not what you want about 0% sh okay time out okay okay he’s got another old go on Noah go on go on Noah actually I can do it ready go on go no go wait actually I can turn uh High VI are on this channel oh

Damn I won’t do s cuz like simp is you know s’s funny yeah uh put user in timeout 24 hours oh damn uh stop oh no no what yeah go yeah listen to Noah guys yeah show respect put that on my name I would spell it but I forgot how

To spell it 1 hello 12 people oh shoot we’re nearly going to win show respect FNAF FNAF have you been uh Banning these people or no I’m about to ban FNAF watch byebye we win now now oh we win these GG’s wait wait that’s a that’s a

Record what no that’s a record I’m not lying what it’s that’s the place a 4 minute Mega game why is night wait let me look at the message hi guys your boy another cheating video today will be oh okay yes Noah Noah is the goat mode okay goat mod hello 14 people all

Right let’s see is the I forgot their name I mean we could do Q AO who is that uh probably no that that’s not a hacker I don’t think yeah I know oh wait let me check the stats no they’re level one I don’t trust it that no that’s Azo that’s

Azo bro is Azu and Azu is a hacker yeah exactly that’s what I’m saying I guess it’s me and you now yes all right hey Max I don’t trust that I don’t trust that thank you it’s Giga chat oh G Giga cow Giga cow oh yeah yeah yeah told you y

Slsr I don’t even care if they a what’s the Kora sure I I I just click all how many SS oh they have like lows like it’s not hard yeah lows lows lows so that’s why I will bring up one of my olds like right now okay what can we

Do all right buddy did you just gritty on me I will floss on you midair making Al is it yeah it is hello Zed moan can I get stuff uh sure no oh yeah L hackers hey storm he storm easy for real for now oh you actually put black screen I

Didn’t oopsy daisies buddy it was too quick to get on though buddy all right hello 15 people I believe 15 you’re popping up you didn’t let’s go I know I know the new Cube season be going be going crazy right now Mohammad um he doesn’t say Maps cuz

There’s hackers and the hackers will get into the game yeah so if you want to join uh you just get in the get in the party all right Louis we’re going to rush as quick as we can cuz I want get world record it’s like 2 minutes that yeah we can hardly do

That cool 15 and mo yeah yeah maybe I mean there was 12 before all of the hackers came I mean I think but all of the AL are Bann so it won’t yeah oh Tim’s here bro Tim’s here Tim what’s Tim do Tim just got our egg wait what team

You on oh orange wait Tim don’t kill him Tim what Tim don’t tim tim tim tim tim tim tim also all the I yeah I yeah I I uh removed some from stream as well no bubbles I’m going to Chef You I’ve got a hit advantage okay I got come at me I’ve got blocks no would be doing it crazy Max look up look up you ready hit the floss on you see you I’m hitting the budy ink everyone buddies buddies if he gets the egg he has a pickaxe hi

Guys buddy you’re dead no one more combos yeah go on go on team wow wow your teammate is so good what no I forgot you’re an actal player yeah exactly hello teammates rolled Max your teammate’s kind of dead there oh I’m dead oh I got oh wait yeah yeah thanks guys one combo

Yes all right that was fun all right all right let me just add a source Okay add a I do browser for sub count wait I want to add a sub count uh all right and then just ignore that I’m currently getting rolled are you yeah I’m getting folded is getting

Folded no one saw that no one saw that Max you can all see the Privacy notice yeah I know why is the Privacy notice still there I can’t click on it all click like there you go it’s gone oh back yeah no it’s back how do I get a live sub count all

Right let me add a better one add a display capture add Source add Source cancel all right wait hi 10 people proar left the party I don’t know who that guy is so window capture browser display what should I do Video screen capture mod oh 391 Subs uh nice nine more subs yep let’s go what match all right uh window Mom that’s not mine that’s Max’s all right all right uh I probably should I should probably wait let me edit that there select that’s not really

Working I want to do I’ll just do it I’ll just do it later I want to live all right where is he I have no idea is he at your no is he at obas Ian he’s not winning ah yes uh B and live subscriber count scenes OBS

Let your viewers see how your channel is growing in real time adding Community involvement and inside so we’re going to go here and then we’re going to basically just search here uh blade there you go and then we’re going to open this one here we’re going to type the channel

Name here on the top there you go and then I’m going to just click this one live subscribe bud is right in front of you and then I’m going copy the link and then go back to the streamlabs here in the streamlabs I’m going to click sources and then browser Source okay I’m

Going to rename this one what that space you mean and then I’m going all right sub still in or not uh probably not hope check partied oh might I just oh you have nine lights not lick click add Source you can’t spell and and then paste the one

That we copied earlier so I’m going to change the width and the height so my monitor is 1992 all right the is in hackers then are they yeah ASU FL I don’t trust that I do not trust that whatsoever right I’ll just put black screen on black screen we go

Albert sent me a friend request I am not accepting friend requests at the moment but yeah um why does like every streamer say that buddy you’ve got like how many STS do you have I a I don’t trust that you I’m I think I’m already your friend how

Many five buddy literally has 235 friend sords who you do I yeah VIP VIP oh yeah I do all right let’s do some Sky I’ve got 300 and I’m using want to do pgs like same but I don’t upload enough for a PG though unless we can get somebody who can do

It who’s on my who’s on my friend’s list who can do it no one do I have black screen on I think I do yeah you do so do I I’ll take that off real quick no don’t don’t don’t don’t no don’t that’s one long yes that’s what you want for likes and

Subscribes you know op yep sure all right I’m looking hopefully they don’t know tell me if they join I need to do Something nope they’re not in all right cool you can take the black screen off bro FNAF people were going to get in the hacker was going to get in they didn’t change it you stupid little FNAF buddy why is it normal who who did this I didn’t put it normal I voted

Op oh it’s not working I’ll just hide it I’ll find a better way I just we can all see the Privacy no all right bu when you do that you should like oh shoot I have didn’t I’s I don’t know Albert Albert okay yeah wait it’s still black screen you

Weird Tim Don’t You Dare die on my w don’t you Tim all right sorry guys I am back okay Albert if you can just you know make me pee Oh make Lis no make me pee make me party leader why would I make you pee where’s

Albert I hate you with every single bone of my I could invite everyone else everyone back or I can just wait I’ll wait for you guys and then me L bu P set oh it’s still black screen uh my bad guys all right hello 10 people 5 hours later

Yes it’s still black or in no it’s not is the stream okay buddy why you in EGS Lobby oh my bad has he given it to you uh this nope see map hacker ain’t here I’m not going in yet you know say we’re doing SkyWars buddy why are you inviting

Them wait what is that sound I’ve got no idea wait we’ve already been streaming 40 minutes yes how long do you stream for 44 all I can invite you can you wait don’t join I’m going to see if I can like what are the people in your in the party Tim Chico

Albert okay do you want me to write their names for you in your chat uh yeah yes yes uh yeah you can yes all right uh no actually yeah well I mean you could or just go go tell them to go to EU Lobby one and then I’ll invite them you got

It I I sent them all in where where did you send them all in your chat oh it hasn’t come up has it gone I don’t know it hasn’t go through oh all right are they all in here are they all here no oh did you leave yeah

Invite I’ll put oh Chico here Chico’s uh chica uh I’ll just put you as party leader for a sec all right hello everyone oh we might actually let’s do min oh Tim’s here wait put me party party Tim’s literally here I’ve already invited him heav all right put me as PL I invited

Your friend they’re they’re AFK there so all right let’s do some mware yay I hate M all right no they logged off oh oh well that’s good uh extra or normal extra let’s do extra better as I love you guys I love you too Chico Chico is the

Best all right buddy stop calling me seven likes who’s calling me well well just on us you didn’t see anything did you nearly die yes I did D I’m going to get a perfect how Chico all the way over there where’s Chico done no way yes way

Done uh I can’t join your party oh okay okay well okay well yeah cuz I don’t think you were promoting bubbles okay uh no okay uh okay tell me your name again I’m I’ll invite you I just can’t remember it it’s something Albert Albert

833 yeah if one of you just sends it in chat then I can uh then I’ll invite you and you can join next game I’m sorry about that I tabed I sent it did you yeah it’s still not coming up wait am I wait can can you see this I I can see

Cuz I sent it I saw yeah I can see that so what my of a yeah avoid oh who’s Hot Potato okay someone’s AFK is Hot Potato shoot I’m hot potato buddy why is everyone coming to me I know I I know I’m cool and I’m a

Streamer but oh how is they why are they not coming to a whole cuddle of people I sent the name in oh yeah I’ll look at it okay uh there oh no got it GG’s bro our whole party is literally in the lead hello eight people make sure to

Subscribe dimble this is the jumpy off one isn’t it this one’s so easy this’s the easiest be funny if you failed buddy what’s happening with my stream don’t drop to the ground okay I thought it said Don’t drop oh how do you get down you move I

Did why are you just following me I might as well SL P invite Albert 833 oh where let me go I’m in what the I mean if you just follow people I’m through Chico is actually the Goat all Right all right flat oh no this is easy this is easy this is easy this is easy no bubbles yeah that’s not nice I know that’s why I did it I’m definitely not an 11% no no no buddy that’s not nice give me this SP no

Stop stop stop I’m not I’m not going to make it how much do you have I’m on I’m on 14% I’m on 70 eight I’m on eight okay I’m right I’m on 10 I’m on nine I’m a 9.4 I’m a 9.1 did any of us not make it oh proar right I got

15% wait who’s the Wacker U me no I lied it’s not me who is it uh vaporized something is it did you die he he chasing me no I just thought as I again is he’s that one that one that one that one I know know he’s down here

Yes easy PL it’s always sad if you’re the one it’s always sad if you’re the one like oh I got zero I got one two now they’ve done it so where you punch it give me the golden one yeah it is oh was it I you can just jump into them as

Well wee We wait what oh I got under the Map gritty how do we get up uh with skills oh they’ve done it it’s not as strong so you couldn’t jump up yeah I know that’s annoying but I mean it’s simple Cho is always the first one he’s him you should know that yeah I know hello 10 People dress like mannequins it should show you right black no yellow done black done all right cool that was easy drip Z I’m going to lose oh No oh no night fight no no not me not me guys anyone in this stream don’t kill anyone right get everyone else V haha Tim Tim no Tim no Tim that wasn’t part of our Yeah Tim come on now Chico is not winning I’m so confused right now I hit

Those I’m so confused right now oh no I haven’t done it I failed it I failed it you failed it as well yeah luckily I’m still in the lead what’s the happing jungle jungle jungle found it I don’t know where jungle is found it I’m so good me and you still in first

TNT run all right none of us cut each other off okay all right I’m heading do you go in third person or not yeah I do all right no no one’s allowed to go for me you cut me off oh Tim’s trying to cut me off you cut

Tim off did I that’s go Chico’s on top with me and me no no I just dropped two layers no I just dropped another one me me and Chico are still on the top layer I’m dead oh nice one no I just dropped theay no don’t emot don’t em emote it’s

Not good to emote no I died I died oh only 16 more seconds go die Louis come on die die please die die please die drop down a whole layer no I came third G GG g g g g g g g g g g all right what should

We do should we do bridge should we do Capture the Flag actually bu I’m not ignoring you CET I acknowledged you come go to maximizer no I’m joking Jing don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t stay where you want oh no what it’s too big buddy buddy buddy buddy buddy what did he say buddy

Should we do should we do Giger Giga yes let go people go go go go guys it’s Giga we’re playing Giga I can always just I’ll just send her back to Lobby in a sec oh my God that goes high oh no bro who likes Giga ah got shot in the face hi

Guys R oh shoot I’m dead oh I’m dead no I’m him all right let’s just hop buddy there’s three full diamonds on me what is Hello for hello Fork people let’s do what should we do how many people do we have in a party six M fair fair fa I want to what

Sorry what a damn question right all right full sub goal for the rest of 2023 it should be to reach 400 Subs that is my goal my goal is subscribe 60 Subs what is that I mean my channel isn’t dead mine isn’t I’ve got 55 Subs Mhm what’s this fill a cow huh how what wao what oh I won how du I don’t understand this thing but that that’s literally your cage as well I’m back I’m so bad all right I don’t even know how I won that cuz I didn’t even do

Anything I just I I got glitched and then no I might not make it neither yeah no I’m not I’m not making it no I didn’t make it I’m so bad I am I don’t think any none of us made it Tim run boys run I may or may not be griefing Chico

Chico mate Chico oh no I might have killed myself oh shoot chill chill chill we chill yeah I’m still alive still alive I’m still live yeah I know I saw you I’m still don’t stop sneaking I never started saage roll feeling more than two players in the

Lead that is me no I’m not in the lead you’re not in the lead is chica in the lead nope I think all of us didn’t do it Escape The Croc by the Crocs The Croc so far away it’s so easy you you can literally swim in the water and you’ll

Be fine yeah but you also want to catch up to the clock don’t you yeah but can’t you die if you catch up too close yeah like chicao is about to do chica’s like behind the crop why does chica always win these things I don’t know is he like a mine where sweat

Probably thimble easy one’s the one where you got to jump down the hole Yeah but this is so easy they should make it like a one by one or two by two by 2 by one no 2 by one Chico is just built different correct correct

Monday what’s this m what is M caves and more caves and Cliffs what failed it’s caves and cliffs I went in caves and cliffs no you went in Cavern and cliff oh well I mean like maybe they it was yellow not yellow I went in red yeah cuz you went C I went oh what is it going to be called but it’s already been

Called so like Chico’s in first so I don’t I think they should do one what is 1.21 how would I know that I think I know it I can’t remember you I think it’s it’s like the red it’s a redstone kind of thing who’s the Walker not him Dragon James I assume Dragon James there Dragon James it’s Dragon James all right well they’re on the

Top she go oh shoot you’re why are you coming down here you’re going to kill all of us they’re not faing Me Oh I thought they were I mean they were and then I lost them gritty Dodge oh oh look up look up I could have I could gritty you

Know I I was going to gritty in the middle of it stand on a diamond all right no one bash me off cuz like no no I did didn’t look at the timer neither Splat we should go fortnite stream no I’m not a fortnite guy I I probably

Won’t stream fortnite because you know Andrew G ninja who’s that I know do do you think it’s Monty oh no it’s Andrew oh Andrew D ninja is uh that’s uh someone in my stream uh as I’m say I’m not accepting friend request as uh I don’t have enough friends buddy

Give me to six give me six I’m at six I’m at six you you you should still accept Chico’s friend request Chico’s uhhuh maybe I mean Chico is the goat so oh my God no Porkins where’s Porkins they should have named it Peppa I can be your friend uh oh shoot it’s

Running no but that that would they’ be copyrighted uh yeah I’m just not accepting it cuz yeah hi pins I think Tim’s AFK is he yeah wa why is pins coming this way run guys ah P where’s where’s P You’re Dead you’re dead you’re dead no I’m not I’m just

Grying I’m goed I did it I did it I was just grying L on the haters all right let’s try get to 10 likes on the stream if Cho hits me yeah Tim’s AFK don’t stop believeing that will get us copyrighted yeah we want to be copyrighted I don’t think you do I

Really don’t bro I got going to punch someone I know I saw I was going to punch you yeah but I only had five so yeah I mean you still got it buddy what is this it’s a Different buddy come if you if you want to see a bad streamer go no I died because I was too cocky I died cuz I was being too cocky oh so did I I tried doing two yeah same I mean I’m still second how am I still second I’ve got 10

So I just need to stay alive for a bit I’m going run over Tim let’s both do it ready no don’t I fell wait did you die wait did you get knocked down yeah I knocked down like two floors it’s fine we’re chilling there cut you off I’m just running around the outside

I’ve got like a couple more oh no I’m at the bottom I’m at the bottom I’m so bad at this one above I’m at the bottom cut you off 16 back no I died yes I saw you die it’s all because of me I scared you come on come on

Survive yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes fine I’ll take fourth no fifth no well friends oh I got 15 friend requests chicao chica come here chica come here all right how many people do we have in party uh six six can we do like Survival

Games survival games let’s go I don’t know if this will work it doesn’t anymore I don’t think oh no way this still works a let’s go wait is this solos yep all right everyone everyone we’re going to no we’re not going to Team guys we’re going get my bad we’re going to

Kill everyone else and then we’re going to make like a end game we’re going to do tactical ignorance yes if you know what I mean Hy am I not going to get a sword why did you stay in there like we love cubecraft I don’t get a sword yes cuz people are

Quicker give me a sword oh that’s food oh I actually give me some sort of weapon I got a bow I’ve got bow and no ammo no I’m talking about fortnite yeah you are guys I’ve got no ammo I got Shar I mean yeah but like I’ve got a sharp three SW mile no no no why am I feeling silly supply drop dead give me that sword where is the supply drop I’ve got an out finally where how’ you look I don’t know I does it just appear next to you I’ve never played survival games with the new update I

Think it’s like there’s a you see out of the sky like fortnite yeah I think buddies why are you teaming are they team oh I see it I see it no they stop now I see the thing it shows up on oh yeah get actually TOS oh the supply Crate

NE suspicious you bro Chico Chico Chico Cho Chico how much does a netherite axe do three no proar no I’ve got Nether right am and I want your chest plate how much does that do seven so I keep my sword I got this suspicious chw all right who’s coming to towards me they

Have gaps I want to kill you you know buddy don’t you dare report me why are you reporting I know buddy you can’t even report me cuz I didn’t actually team cuz I died with the first person I killed another and then what that so actually I

Didn’t I agree your aim is trash I agree Max buddy oh R uh in front of you behind you I near you I told you I’m good I’m good get I have W Chico W Chico Chico chill chill chill we best buddies we gritty buddies yeah go Chico go Chico go

Chico are you trying to steal the kill no I’m just trying to get Chico a bit low I’m missing everything Chico’s on me Chico 69 minutes streaming hit you Chico come here Chico rolled oh I’m getting rolled help me Chico let’s play heal off hi gamer winner sorry I’m not

Looking gamer winner I know that guy let’s play heal off H that’s not a thing the Border doesn’t move anymore what’s that harming oh yeah it does no it doesn’t does it no I’d never know come here Chico r r no Chico you want have mess oh I disengage I disengage no

Chico I’m good thanks I am good one more game then I’ll go yeah one more game no one more game then I end qu guys did you hear that did you hear that he’s quitting he put his word to it guys he’s quitting no no no I never said

For how long clip that yeah I never said for how long I said I’m quitting CC CC yeah but I’m quitting CC I’ll s you soon H hi hi Noah you’re back aren’t you uh gamer Winer maybe no snipy snipy because I don’t want to die die you don’t want to

Diey die no why would I give me that oh my God I got sword I got sword got SW best Stu in the game sharpness bro Protection One feather Falling Fire Protection feather falling five honey bottle buddy how much is that nine damage nine yeah honey bottle I’m dead what do you

Want I just got pulled up on what did you get pulled up on by the m n by R look at that aim die bro up on by a random and I’ve got no leg who who’s this buddy where’s a TR no he’s hacking isn’t

He wait look at him look at him no c yeah C play Hive is better K is yeah I know is quitting make sure to subscribe no c c yeah C crap is good I think what now he shot you I know I realized that one let me I’m just going

To send it just to that feels like Happ it looks weird where is he I know K is quitting I saw the video I haven’t looked at the video he literally posted it I’m watch it oh let’s go we hit 10 likes nice if you think I’m if you think oh

Are you in my chat oh hello I’m just playing with the I’m playing fortnite with um Monty and Le Leo uh we’re doing a stream I might uh end after this so I can play with you yeah see your stream Max look at it it’s

Actually po it was popping off a few it was like it’s kind of been popping oh Maximiz I wait let me check if he’s in stream he must be right I see are you in stream it’s mini Nick 30 guys ban him 10 viewers nice nine viewers yeah it’s j leis left all right that kind of looks like King but I mean

Chic one hi Mano R all right I’m going to end stream so make sure to subscribe so that you don’t miss another one of these and then yeah so so we’re going to I’m going to go now all right everyone come to me everyone come to me all right all right all

Right uh all right see you guys

This video, titled ‘IM BACK! Cubecraft Live’, was uploaded by Maximalizer on 2023-12-28 06:17:08. It has garnered 115 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:03 or 4683 seconds.

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  • Server Mapped, Minecraft Trapped: My Epic Adventure!

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  • InfiniteRex Minecraft SMP: Join Now for FREE Diamonds!

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  • Unbelievable twist in Animation vs Minecraft Shorts Ep 35

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  • Zephyr

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  • Veach SMP | smp semi-vanilla

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Exploding sailor hat in Minecraft?”

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  • Minecraft Sigma Boys: The Hottest Troll Face Meme!

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  • Villager Trading Hall Shenanigans

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  • Epic GR Legend gameplay – 2hrs of Minecraft madness

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  • Mastering Trap Escapes in Minecraft Brawl Stars

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  • Bizarre Twist in Minecraft Gameplay with Jennifer Coolidge! Pt 1

    Bizarre Twist in Minecraft Gameplay with Jennifer Coolidge! Pt 1Video Information hi my name is Analisa your favorite dumbass and welcome aboard I don’t have my train whistle cuz I’m at my boyfriend’s apartment but uh choo choo I have been posting a lot of Jennifer coolage Minecraft videos on my Tik Tok and my Instagram and they have been doing a little too well for context there was a Minecraft movie announced for 2025 and at first they just said oh Jason M MO is going to be in it then they said Jack Black’s going to be in it then they announced out of nowhere that Jennifer… Read More

  • Boost FPS with 2024 Minecraft Mod!

    Boost FPS with 2024 Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mods Release Best 2024 Minecraft Mod That Will Boost Fps’, was uploaded by OmniOp on 2024-01-09 13:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello In this video I am releasing the best mods for PvP and fps boost watch the full video to find out ➡️ Credits – Thumbnail By … Read More

  • “OMG! I GOT SCAMMED ON MY Minecraft SERVER!” #shorts

    "OMG! I GOT SCAMMED ON MY Minecraft SERVER!" #shortsVideo Information me reportaron que un usuario está estafando a más jugadores en mi servidor Así que ahorita estoy en una cuenta alternativa para poner a prueba a este usuario este estafador está vendiendo la armadura de Bowser pero lo que reportaron es que esta armadura es falsa me puse de acuerdo con este estafador que nos íbamos a ver en la mina de peach Ah míralo Aquí está le voy a mandar intercambio me pidió un stack de manzanas de noche a ver ya me aceptó el intercambio Así que le voy a dar un stack de manzanas y… Read More

  • Ultimate MCPE Realms REVEALED! Join Now! 🚀

    Ultimate MCPE Realms REVEALED! Join Now! 🚀Video Information what is up and welcome back to a brand new video on Minecraft 1.21 anyway in this video I’m going to be showing you guys the five new best rounds supposedly on 1.21 so without further Ado guys let’s go and get right into it and as always all the ones for these will be in the description like the codes so if you guys want to go and check out any of them be sure to go and check them out in the description below but without further Ado guys let’s go ahead and get into the… Read More

  • Shocking Prank: Meicha’s Revenge on Heavenly in Minecraft!

    Shocking Prank: Meicha's Revenge on Heavenly in Minecraft!Video Information let’s see this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh no W to days [Music] [Applause] later can I ask that we do not leave May unattended it’s too late please leave her unattended she always do funny [ __ ] no she she she this is why I brought her this is why I’m I’m about to crush her head she blue tooth all my chest I love her so much I love her so whenever she feels like it she can just activate my chest from a distance and it just open and close exactly I love… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP And Bedwars with GW FAHIM 🚀🎮

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP And Bedwars with GW FAHIM 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP And Bedwars 🔥🔴’, was uploaded by GW FAHIM FF on 2024-01-21 02:57:23. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:11 or 2951 seconds. Minecraft PvP And MiniGames 🔥🔴 minecraft pvp and minigames live, minecraft pvp minigame, minecraft 1v1 minigames, minecraft pvp gameplay video, mini games minecraft server, minecraft bedwars 1v1 server, minecraft bedwars 1v1 server ip, pvp minecraft challenge, minecraft pvp with subscribers, minecraft pvp live stream, minecraft pvp tournament live, minecraft pvp best player, 1v1 pvp minecraft, minecraft minigames pvp, mini games server minecraft, minecraft… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: RICHARD BLESSES ARMEN! 🔥Video Information [Music] SM wow yo broken what’s goody finally back in New York let’s go let’s go yo how was your trip bro yo Marquez let’s let’s Legend hope you guys had a good ass day we about make it even better yo it’s Thursday baby one more day until Friday baby like what like how like what oh my God bro I’m actually healing very good off of the sickness yo smoke yes sir let’s go it was fun as freak hell yeah hell yeah Brody as you should I’m going to be in basing people I’m going… Read More

  • eventyretmc Hejsa alle sammen I er velkommen til at join Discord få mere info om server Info om vad der er der inde : Fede giveawes : Gode staff : fed server : gode Info God dag fra staff team Read More

  • Memelands – Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

    Hello everyone! Memelands is an SMP with a close-knit and driven community looking for active long term players over the age of 15. We have been playing on the current map since 2019, so there are loads of unique builds and history to discover! And we will never reset the map, so everything you build on the server will stay there forever and you don’t have to worry about a “new season” wiping your progress. We have players from multiple time zones all over the world, ensuring that the server stays active around the clock. There are events on the… Read More

  • The Bluemoon SMP

    The Bluemoon SMPWelcome to the Bluemoon SMP!The Bluemoon SMP is an old server some friends of mine used to play, but since the owner stopped paying for it, We decided to bring it back relive the memories and hopefully create new fun memories for new players.This is a Vanilla Server with simple plugins like TPA, and Home, Currently still working on the server with the plugins, but right now everyone is welcome to join and have a great time with us and hopefully play the SMP for fun, for content, for war, or just to be there!Hope you enjoy this SMP! -… Read More