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What is up guys and welcome back to minecraft championship not every day warzone out here we’re back on board game for a little throwback pink parrots pop banners blue bats and all the other teams let’s have a little run-through we got some strong teams that’s a strong

Team that’s a strong team that’s a strong team that’s us me food King bird Michael McHale come on chill empty chill I don’t know um yeah so the way it works is you pick a partner so I picked Pete those guys picked each other and then two pairs get randomly paired to create

The team’s you want that team we’ve got Jay Charles in the house Joe Charles in the house and in the house board I don’t even know what what does they even mean tell about these guys that seems pretty strong and that seems pretty strong too so we’re out here for another minecraft

Championship I think it’s eight minigames that we play decided by on a big wheel some really sick custom stuff dude we’ve seen previous ones you know what’s up you know what’s happening here and yeah that’s that’s pretty much how it rolls we just try and get points and

Win the minigames and see how we do see how we do that is this how it go down a lot of people can be asking about pixelmon island we actually decided to reformat it Rob as we’ve thought up a really really cool format so we’re getting it all recoded a little more UHC

Ask for the pics nylon UHC let’s just say have you bump into people you have to battle them and potentially if you lose the battle you’re out so that’s kind of how it’s gonna work so it’s me a bit different to previous pixel Islands anyway in a minute minecraft

Championship will be starting appreciate you guys all tuning in showing some support even though my minecraft days of seem to disappear for a little while we’re on that warzone grind if you’re wondering like where have I been I stream for like four or five hours every day on my other channel Vic’s 23

Link down below and i post a warzone video every day we go off on that game I’m you know trying to try and become one of the best we got a 95 kill game with warzone yesterday so check it out if you want to do that there’s a link

Down below alright with that said let’s catch up with the team and see if they’re ready to do it okay I’m back yo are we ready but I was ready as we’ll ever be this music gets me ready this music I play on Titan use for new levels man I

Want to be the very best when I hear this music I’m ready to get fourth place I’m ready to bully my friends oh this is gonna be good it’s not the target I like that I like its conservative you know I like that I like that well you only bully our friends though

Okay yeah light down you know what I think this might be the first week that if we got bingo I’m just gonna go kill only I may go no wait wait what are they doing we go yeah they may be huge announcement threat last night don’t kill people keep inventories on for PvP

And because of that teammate respawning is disabled oh yeah they did a whole bunch of changes you mean California’s yeah yeah yeah Oh I really like big feels a big Mart that’s a fun game yeah I choked that so hard last game it took me a minute to figure it out I was so confused we did really good on the sky block for the first time and then awful the second I

Kind of want to get it on early because that’s the stress I want anymore I agree I really want to do parkour but we add on parkour say for the last yeah oh that’s the sky block or good okay I’m down that’s white so I don’t know if you

Guys threw it officer you’re not but it’s Easter themed and yes some of the viewers will actually be able to see themselves in the game yeah I didn’t mention it but yeah if guys went on to Minecraft Championships combine ox go or something like that you

Guys can fill in a form and then you guys can be in next future round by thing doesn’t break yes let’s go it’s a dull would have been fine with either like SCAD of skywalker i scott sky block walls fun the aim is just getting to the center as

We’ve seen it’s just so unforgiving though yeah I could kill by the barrier last time I panicked how is someone hitting me and I just riding further into the border for Emma’s Incivek ran into lava into someone’s hitting me and then jumped into the hall I was I was on top of one

Of the like the nether wood obsidian things like the one to the left right there and I was everybody was like freaking out there like we gotta go as I’m saying I’m going down the stairs and like just just I guess we’re screwed alright so rough strategy Pete is a bit

Of a bit of a demon on the cobblestone generator so can I say let’s just all grab that let’s just go to obsidian and then get Pete over to someone else once you get the tree I’ll make sure we don’t lose any of it okay

Oh yeah I got the tree all right have anything in this chest what we will yet we have milk apple sugar cane red sand acacia birch okay that’s pretty much a few snowballs so alright that should be enough it’ll leave us in here for now someone else wants to take the contents

From the chest and like the web’s that are over here it’d be good I’m gonna huh I got to wait who has okay and give me you have playing certainty of oh I can come back I got in one thick and I’ll be good are you making the crafting table or side oh

I got it I got it I’ll do cross the table and pickaxe repeat yeah I finished the bridge by the repeat I put a seer sticks as well for the next one nice breeze mm I meant 10 good care of me I’ve got I’ve got two oak logs in

Here I want to get over to this this like bullet the thing over there so we can get the diamonds out of here I can start a bridge for you oh I’m sorry oh good I don’t know you do too of it anyway but if son wants to accompany me

I’m all for it if you want to give me Tamara enough we need something else on but well I need to get over to that thing over there because there’s diamond than one not because I got to cobble for ice sword please I actually you know what

Come from me I want to work okay I’m can you do we have any extra sticks or one piece of drama and a drama no might you have any wood just one would like those yeah okay yeah I’ll put it in there all right cool I’m gonna go and get this bow

Made yeah yeah I need can someone make an an infinite water source that would be pretty yes and just get all of this irrigated so we don’t fall to death all right does anyone have building arcpy Khaybar some blocks for yes sir source there’s 19 Oh perfect

I told you man knows about that cobble go way back if you don’t mind can I borrow your water for a minute or two so I can make an infinite water source I’m all about sharing with the hider homies you can go right on ahead zero and stay

Hydrated never mind there’s an okay okay okay all right I’m gonna get some some watering going on then yes okay I’m gonna go over to like the little boy over here I don’t know what else to call this our boy Wilbur’s gone that’s fine no it’s okay we’ll turn up at his

Funeral rabbit’s foot bottle of enchanting and LoyaltyOne in here we’ll need that for the tried and tried and yeah that’s right I got the tribesmen on line you know what hey I’m gonna give you the Trident because I trust you there you go you’ve Kabul and shrines

You know I’m gonna get the problem right I got some cobble to keep sending it okay 32 thank you so who’s got the book for the me me me okay so we’ll need to get to the end chant table I’ll get some experience as soon as possible yes

I’m uh I’m grabbing us coal for coal and we’ve got some enchantment vials or whatever they’re called good I was in Cabo Pete yes you may thank you I want to make us anytime on here all day do we have uh wheezy not but I can make one okay actually I’m gonna need

More I’m gonna grab one for the for this diamond okay I made another infinite Warsaw just up here just to nice everything moving I’m gonna get this iron that’s good and the lapis okay geez I’m in a real gang we’ve got two minutes until the next shrink by the way okay some reason

In my hi shovel Thank You Chuck all I could think was like as a psychiatry is coming to us about how scared we are you afraid of falling on how do you feel all right that’ll be $80,000 so I’m gonna be sitting out about 50 cobble do I need to keep going

With another pickaxe or yeah well well we can turn them into what’s it called oh hi i’m britta with slabs no I’m not okay all right I got the iron in lapis I’ve got 44 cobble and that’s the end of it for right now all right we got any food

I got a rabbit’s foot you could share that you know what we could actually do hold I got six apple I guess example you know what I can kill these skeletons hopefully it was a good try cuz then we got bounced which we can use to we have

Any crops or anything oh yeah we have weed seeds three wheat seeds do we want to like yeah a little someone put some duck down as we donate I don’t know I got I’ll get one piece here if you bring that to me we can make a little hoe and we could do

A little bit of farming I’m Rob and this chest by the way just so we can start to get out of this area uh yeah there’s 44 that’s all I got that’s too much we have the anvil right now or do we still obviously have to get done no I think

Borders shrinking we shouldn’t burn you should go I’m thinking guys should I continue bridging oh yeah yeah that’s weak yeah all right take your ID in case I die in a bunch of other stuff I’m gonna go I did I did I did make some okay here’s the wheat everything in this

Chest we’ve also got four diamonds redstone dust eight balls and someone make a diamond sword that’s a stick I’m Irish I do a bit I’ll be a bad father why not yeah I’ll get my seeds what is up here no we have four diamonds do we want to diamond swords okay I’m

Like a little bit nervous being near these people to the right of us a pretty good team who is we can just pray that they fall right yeah I suppose so we should be able to make any do we want to move I mean do we have a bow I got extra

Battle I got bow as well okay oh wow we have to move as four hours down yeah you can grab that week we’ve got to move out of the way first yeah I’ll bring some more water yeah I need a little bit more water I’m trying to get up to the they’re staring

At us and I’m not with the [ __ ] well I’ve got the crafting table over here I got the furnace yeah I got some more building blocks no I don’t I’ve got 45 cobble okay yeah let’s go to those build that okay we got to move we gotta move

Okay I’ll build think they have a bow I have more cobblestone watch out snow quickly quickly I’m gonna go put some nice a nice thickness okay oh wait I’m in the border I have okay oh I didn’t see there’s some decent stuff I’m sad I mean you’re fine man don’t

Worry he’s got the stuff I’m getting it I’ve got I’ve got everything I don’t I just don’t know what to do I mean I’ve got I can eat the end the diamond swords I do I do there you go Oh Michael here I think this iron wanna know I’ve got I’ve got a

Nice okay great okay we nice Oh watch out are we give us some time I think if possible you’ve got about a minute to the next rink yeah okay someone should probably pull the water up before this own guess it just you have a bit more water oh we

Don’t have a crafting table do you have a bucket anyone I could kill it actually right now we don’t have I do not have one I can make one gotta kill thighs that’s something that’s something we need to start yeah I don’t have any building blocks watch out watch out

Watch out watch out we might just have to take this kill it like these kills here water shouldn’t oh come on come on uh I was my last arrow I shouldn’t use it I need to start building I think it would slightly towards that water just so you

Have it on the right that’s what I’m thinking we might just say you take these kills yeah I think you go they’ve got eight more or six more blocks but I gotta kill somehow I gotta kill no more building blocks okay so I have no more blocks

So yeah that’s okay that’s okay watch out yeah sorry guys I forgot there’s no gulag in this game hit V like that okay it’s Russell special trustee 132 Onterrio Smith us to 1/3 I think I think team hitting is enabled by the way so let’s up curtsies below yes

You gotta keep chewing these kills soon these kills we’re low on players compared to some of the four Michael found yes Phillipe check Philippe on me on me on me Oh sticky skills I’m gonna go home oh boy yeah I need I don’t think I have any food oh boy

Oh so you get any shells with the big club I might be a little weird I might use those i muted myself that’s why no in law you guys you guys live today now but I have armor cuz I’m not trying to interrupt the team at communications

Fine dude you’re good work you keep doing the little murder thing that’s really cool I gotta try it in the Technos up top tech knows optically domes blocks a little bit I should have had that kill with oh I see there’s someone underneath the stadium a loyalty

Book there’s no anvil huh over there over there over there I’m gonna go over there then I can get a little see how much right I’m nice yummy other side yeah you it was really rude to kill me that’s all I’ll watch that from up top

Eating that boy pardon he wants to jump down and get this kill underneath us oh I have a lava bucket is underneath you it’s it’s this count there’s two pairs Calvin and CPK right below you guys there they’re hidden in a wall though I reckons I know got swim Oh

Actually they’re they’re just gonna be screwing off the board is gonna start shrinking I’m running away from these Skelly’s yeah there I don’t either I have force Kelly’s myself here take two I’ve got too much on so you can stuff take em all alrighty they are under the

Glass by the way so yeah I’m not too worried about no stream at the moment or is gonna move in I see him I see him all you want to go on this go on let’s just go let’s go let’s just go get some kill

Oh my god there’s a lot of people Oh No okay Aspen ah I didn’t even realize even realize they were under there either though they were just chilling no that was good man David did Dave because these are the same sweat that we did week one yeah okay

They went under and played the long game boy that’s pretty good though at fourth place this is on par this is what we need basement so I need the one time multiplier so it’s bad yeah I’d much rather this the first game I think everybody’s realizing that let’s take

Our time with this one I think I know the outcome of this I know you go to the bathroom I’ll be right back what are they doing what oh he’s just dying techno hit a block of lava above them so when they would bridge through he could

Break it yeah whoa that’s disgusting I was like all right boys Oh third place that’s a good start good work team I sacrificed myself for the great you were a martyr for our cause I just I just showed these guys that we’re willing to do anything to win although

We didn’t know we were going easy on them remember okay with a favorites right somehow we’re gonna be tell that to Twitter apparently you paid everybody I wanted to win this so much that I paid to get the team I want it I proceeded to kill

Myself just that is my favorite thing I kept seeing that like someone who the hell is Vic get a cut so I don’t know I don’t know Oh Jim’s Charles found an easter egg okay we got to find those oh how do you get you get a bonus throw

Four oh yeah I found two I found oh sorry which is fine with it we don’t get them monetized you know yeah you get so if you find an easter egg you get bonus throws like the choosing games it’s tough yeah I think I’ve gone through look they’re they’re giant they’re like

Giant what are they called player had no ender dragon eggs but they’re just wreak ustym they look yeah now they look like huge eggs they’re just they’re just recolored is this this is pretty cool though what there’s it’s pretty cool though that they that they’re do I don’t

Know man I found him in a few weird places I almost bet they would put them and uh like parkour spots or something like that I was thinking like maybe they would put him up there where you gotta make a little bit of work to get to him

I didn’t find this is ruined apparently rich one after every game mode in different spots yeah yeah that’s really cool I’ve got so I’ve got two extra votes so we’ve Hunger Games I’m done for Summer Games it seems like everybody else is gonna be go on that road sir

Yeah why is it that we never get a random item I like one I guess it’s just because I think isn’t it what is that mega Bonnie all right so which one just open up now that’s the you know games back right we’re mega bunny is video it’s red mega

Bunnies post it up working it’s either gonna be that or no mega buddy go back he betrayed the gun hi might be parkour warrior actually Paul kawari is a hot mess oh okay that’s a I love them more I’m good with that parkour we’re all good at so let’s let’s

Not good parkour warrior what is sound they added for the the teleportation up man the quality on this stage knocks crews ridiculous Bernie goes around for the knocks pure game show like now I I was friends with n he was always antvenom and he was always telling me

Just like how fun it was but I feel like this is better than Knox so do we just all what pick an area I don’t know how we did it um we each use there’s four different builds we each just took one and one for that I don’t like that like

That and if somebody’s in cuz you know it’s all different areas if somebody like say I’m in snow that’s some tiny diamond block and because in the diamond block and I say hey give me one it makes it a lot easier yeah I would like if you can remember colors

The color section because we forgot like we did not realize all right sorry just run to I’m gonna do I’m gonna do this one H I’ll do this one I’ll get the one on the lower level oh my god oh okay I think this build right here

This this one’s gonna be pretty end okay so I got a flowers terracotta and first trapdoors oh and I won’t forget everything definitely I forget everything yes that’s the mistake I made last time okay I’m not running on the boat not doing you don’t be the fastest

I go Jeff just practice for the what does it get the other side yeah yes you know I might just grab a bit of everything I love to get to the other side but everybody have always played with is like it’s the worst I don’t want

To play it I’m like I don’t know it didn’t do it for me it was like really well it was fun but I thought it was a little too hectic yeah I I do I do firmly like remember every time I saw you guys knocking you down do I need to

Get cold to make the torches yeah I guess yes you do yes where is quarry thing is in like – if if it’s not yeah I see that okay okay I was gonna say if it’s not in there push comes to shove you can just cook for the word yeah yes good yeah

Five thousand IKEA minecraft place I love this Oh chat thank you that’s nice for this especially if we have a smaller one because they could be like ah no you forgot this yeah I totally forgot the buttons yeah my chats doing the most I telling me

Exactly what I need oh yeah the homies okay this one this this is such a hectic game-mode though I could use more yellow I’ll bring you some but it’ll be a while until I get back okay I might go out on my own and get it yeah

I was there I mean in my color I need I don’t remember I’m just gonna grab solve everything cuz I don’t remember shoot is anyone back at our thing I’m okay um could you tell me for the the one on the far left like the colorful wall the flowers yeah what’s

Specialty concrete do I need like the stained textured one Oh terracotta red and yellow to red one yellow that’s a little egg red spirally on the yellow yeah okay okay yep does anyone know where where we get rewards oh I guess that would be in ores right yeah yes yes okay

What’s a song by the man all he died rest in peace James Charles I’m grabbing the final bits of quartz oh it just Auto refills okay never mind okay I think I’ve got everything whoo one down nice radical I’m just gonna be strands my next bill yeah the many ones that all

Of some iron would be nice I just got back to the arena oak planks I need spruce wood iron I’m Bruce I’m lying yeah if you can make make sure you have it lined up perfect because I accidentally and I was like oh yeah I’m doing the same thing Michael there we go

Much better really don’t know what woods are involved in my project so I’m just gonna grab all of them uh which which the wood with a wood floor kind of looking thing I think ace row space you remember swings your spruce you have yeah birch and then I think that’s it

And then you know you need a you need green wool oh wait that’s already put in the thing I just need iron I think yeah yep yep you’re good I Nicole is much more organized than last time last time she’s run around like a headless chicken yes yeah luckily luckily once you like

Play a game you’re like this is how you don’t let you fight yeah yeah cuz I definitely looked like I had five I can bring I got five seven I can bring back and break how much that’sthat’s perfect that’s all I did okay um I needed four stone but I’m

Slime back now I’m a stone at the moment I’ll just place it down how many how many pieces need place down I just need two two buttons okay that’s your Stein just break that up thank you okay oh god do these buttons got to be placed

In the right orientation – oh yeah I think they do yep everything has to be very different ways oh yeah even the flowers on things I’m free I don’t see what I did wrong hold on give me five seconds I just gotta fix this button okay good good

When zipping cross flowers where’s the which one’s the original which one’s the this is the this is the one I’m matching that’s the one that I did that you’re on right now I’d okay hold on where’s my brain you’re fine we I got you uh

Flowers one off the oh wait no no wait this is perfect our tea spruce wood sorry to spruce yeah blue corn flower in the back thank you oh wait it might thank you okay good still got it first I can’t get my heart now I want to know know like cool more

Wood I have I have wood I have wood gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme I’m smelting stone Oh finished with this okay no I just came back and I got my materials okay okay you’re fine you’re fine oh did you break these blocks so you could place them here no this is how my

Platform is feeble man you know what uh hand me some blocks I’ll help you build it I’m almost done that’s the thing okay I just need my stone to smell that’s all you need the flowers oh I have my flowers okay good uh if you want to hand

Me the flowers I can place them I got it okay horses in Oz correct yes it’s all the way in the back yeah yeah yeah can someone have a quick double-check of mine all I need is iron white glass and lots of course right let me see oh my

God we are there multiple rounds well there’s more buildings what’s with yours it gets replaced by a new one quartz quartz iron blocks and glass yes oh my god I didn’t realize white clothes yeah Michael no you should sorry sorry bro no sorry guys big showing Mike we

Just won’t ever forgive you and hold it okay oh man I feel like an idiot now oh there there Michael you only cost us the game can someone tell me what um what I need on mine I think second I’m trying to I’m doing fine I didn’t get the other glasses what

My chat knows it’s iron call oh man okay uh Michael can you get me some iron please I got a tiny bit how much you need I need a considerable amount okay I need to make iron bars yeah the last time he played this there wasn’t multiple rounds were there no

There was just one it was no there was Maybe oh I remember what happened okay we were we were because we were trying to figure it all out we were so we were super slow on it we all finished around the same time I think I got another one down okay good if you did this down one yeah I’m

Looking at the Easter Bunny thing yeah I’m just waiting on that I put in the iron for that so you don’t need iron for that for your cold where I need only two three three call three okay I’m on my way I’m back to see what I need to do

And you’ve got the stone yeah three call you’ve got that one down there yep black spruce into boxes to where a jukebox you send it we’re not I’m not I just make it with wood diamond and diamond is that a jukebox is that yeah Diamond is new box

Red stones in the block yeah diamonds wait is there anything I can get for anyone else I don’t then I’m gonna finish mine in three I need iron how much iron bars how much six at most say black iron more seen you bring me back some iron for

That too and yeah I’ll just bring back Heller on I’m just gonna bring like 59 back uh you’re getting on with you well actually no you bring back the iron Michael how much access stone do you have by chance not much I can get somebody’s got some to me oh you’re not

Useless to me perfect oh these are okay geez I’m getting thrown for a loop on this you need to make space time stats yeah or not word yeah we’re good it’s it’s all fun so you need just me stone right me I think now your labs I might

Have enough on my own actually I’m gonna bring like eight back I do I do I’m good we perfecto none of us have a spare iron bars and I miss I need iron fire bars I have a bunch I have a bunch of iron make sure we lose it’s okay no

No sir mad we’re in second place Michael you’re I’m boss mate I don’t mean to make em I got I’ve got iron bars now cousin Michael hey chat remember when you guys called us overpowered oh okay what are you messing here what am I missing

Oh boy you mean Michael is a mess thanks chat I appreciate oh there’s something on the tongue oh I see what it is never mind oh it’s easy sure abstract oh I had known there are more flowers necessary okay and a site die or whatever those two are red and

Gray and I right okay is anyone ever invaded by what you need what would I need acacia I have some yes no I’ve jungle sorry you’re okay thank you I don’t go green cloud oh so many one has flowers because we’re just about to be done now I think do my

Thing we concrete I’m I’m just trying to I’ve got that got earlier that I’ve got what if you guys tire car that’s fine we did what we did yeah we didn’t deem at second place but it all we could and we did for the Easton oh yeah and I was messing up the

Mention it Michael was building seat we did I was I was just sitting there and I was like yeah we’re done and no no that’s okay I’m just never gonna reverse team with you again oh you don’t get many eggs for doing that okay I was

Gonna say I should have liked but then a couple flowers to partially finish Oh partial yeah brain third third place chillin that’s okay we’ll have a good game and will absolutely destroy is not bad well the families did quite well they’re actually 18 honey oh yeah please come

Down to Parker please you completed 10 builds though no that was good mmm do we want to do some up in my head oh yeah yeah yeah I think oh okay back to hub and now let’s look for those eggs on you only know where to look usually because

I went to the edge of found nothing they got found pretty quickly so I’d say yeah they’re probably in like obvious ish thoughts well they’re random every time so I’d assume it they don’t have to be if I don’t find an egg my whole Easter is around three days like I’m not

Signing up if I don’t get an egg imagine sitting here and toddler upon an egg ping stuck inside it is hard enough just give me a goddamn egg one just one egg so I can feel like I accomplished something you know what I found eggs and you guys finish the builds you weren’t

Were even were you know this is the man they these well what if the eggs are a conspiracy and they don’t actually exist and everyone’s just pretending they exist and the chats pretending they exist but actually don’t I’d cry alright no more looking for a I’ve given I’ve

Actually run to the edge of the world [Laughter] I’ve reached the edge of the map I’m not a single egg was found on that day and so I’m fortunate that we can’t get under the stadium anymore though because it’s being I went to what the construction listen we did kind of break their

Elevators and in their defense oh oh wait we did get choosen for an odd shirt fox launcher which children stop so which what do you guys think yeah I’m trying to think what do we want to guys want to do survival yeah I’m thinking survival games is probably add the most

Likely to go I’m down play whatever so kill anything in parkour yeah the tranquille foot race specifically send the box now deployed a box that’s right rise & grind Fox let’s get those chickens rap is not very efficient yeah he’s not today Wow he played himself

Oh no that’s not Hunger Games that big guys there’s a lot of upside down I think I’m saying teams got turned upside down stem negative how can that happen I was I’m not seeing I know I’m eating chocolate cake by the way game is we got what we wanted that’s

Fine okay we go okay so there’s a plan Michael and I hide you guys all the murder and we win we run to the map we all got axes and then we click on people they die because 115-volt I was gonna say you guys you guys just haul ass in this game

Every time I’ve seen you you guys are just running more than I trust whatever strategy you have you can accent bed to the enemy I do really feel bad for people watching who are fans of parkour but I want to watch [ __ ] off you will get later we wanna do parkour but you

Gotta play strategically mm-hmm it sucks usually chat I know don’t spam click I am a notorious baby please don’t spit alright are we going straight down let’s take your chest eh I’m mid ballsy okay I’ll get top left I’ll take bottom middle I’ll take I’ll take I’ll take top right yeah take left

I just sliced them all right let’s go I just got hella weapons did you guys know what I got I don’t want a weapon drop I’ve got an air drop finder about cook chicken swing right got it I got cut chicken chat can you tell that these guys are the profession you want to go

In this day building here blue one I like this building it sounds good stuff on its own down [Laughter] [Laughter] okay good yeah I was about saying how do you get I got so many weapons iron axe over here oh my take the iron eggs yeah an axe is the key nice nice

Let’s go maybe we have a chance yeah maybe we actually oh I got golden apples anyone want about I got one I had a bow I got a crossbow for somebody if they want it’s on the ground back there nobody a horse I don’t got a lava bucket

Anyone want that I’m good I am downstairs yeah pretty wild I might have gotten a crossbow with multi shot that’s a pogchamp open I found another cross I don’t know if there’s been a lot more not another man Pete oh hi dear viewers what across Lois yeah

It shoots okay how do you go back up how do we get out of here I’m spiral there’s really not a lot here if I’m gonna be honest wait but it’s not up into the weight we what are you try I see your nametag oh

I’m outside I’m on the ship right now by the way the next therapist comes in in a minute and thirty seconds I have iron boosters anyone need him diner I’m in a ship okay hold on where are you I just on the shore okay oh I remember how good this is

There’s an iron axe in here oh I could do a thigh if you don’t mind uh yeah let me go for you I need some food I’m gonna check these furnaces nothing okay I’m inside there’s a team go back and go up the stairs here yeah let’s go fire I

Want fire why did image here go round we go around try go around we got arm on fire we can go around thank goodness actually though you can’t even chase us around cuz shrink organ Loki do you want to cut them off they’ll be low around the other side

Because they’ve got a run through there as well sir those things deal mad damage okay let’s do it oh yeah they’re right here this is rescue yes understand they just shot me for like five fires and putting lingering humming down on him put lava down I know why I did that

Oh the games okay all right back it up back up back up back up filters shotgun oh I’ve got one heart I’m gonna die oh my god Tommy wait hold hold this I like that okay I got some more for you Destin chicken I just stay with us Oh

Pink team there’s another team I’m happy together I got full health yeah yeah let’s go about going behind its people Isis roaming free these guys let’s just make sure they don’t run into it let’s go find softer targets let us say take our time yeah there’s no wrong anyone I

Hate to ask for like one more feed I got you I got you oh there we go all right let’s go let’s go then we can take it right here towards med yeah I hope or an answer yeah geez sneaky sneaky really did worry that for a second I don’t look running around

With this everybody gangsta chill people up with the cosmos eration chat this is the longest I’ve ever lasted there’s still 38 people alive this is easy that’s one team up here yeah I was gonna say the same thing how are the 38 people alive alright is this team I don’t

Follow me follow me we can’t go this let’s go let’s go on this an airdrop so watch out ya know they play really tricky I just back up just 180 away okay I know an airdrop an airdrop is not far from us oh okay Calvin just Calvin just

Got it oh I’ve got slowness we’ve got teams yet ahead that we can probably take I think let’s say although we don’t seem around oceans bleep around loop around left again I’ve got guys by the way they follow me follow me yeah yeah yeah let’s just let’s just play slow

Here I’m almost out of yeah I’m so surprised they’re still 38 knuckles like babies nuts we don’t have any food any cake anything no I think we got a ransack some house there’s nothing here I don’t think we need to move in a little bit as well otherwise the batteries moving now

Yes I oh oh Michael wait here come on it’s a kid I got cookie I got cookies and chicken hey there we go okay Hugh Michael come on I literally have I literally have no no no I bought a stop the thought of stops now we’re doing even if I write purple

I’m looting right now on food yeah it’s I got chain helmet he wants it I’ve already got one we’re surrounded by 2d money to make actions okay let’s move out then let’s move out let’s go let’s go left right yes Chad is basically like my IV drip is

This rad again no no back it up back it up across the road Michael Michael there’s another team up here there’s another team over there I’m not gonna start you insane yeah and I kind of don’t want to be on the death side of that we got people coming us right now

Right yeah all right pull up okay this thing’s a little bit oh no no I’ve got one oh I got a Golden Apple and a cap all right could I have that let me read you I have cobwebs should I play oh my god you’re on four yeah okay should I cobweb the

Front door no because we love to go back out there are the borders right behind us okay I go I I’ve got one goodbye my people I lost it as long as I can I lost it as long as I can no heads okay you saw immediately everyone point I

Differentiate okay so we should be watching [Laughter] yo shell out flask you had no weapon I need to survive in that circle what gosh We got seventh we can we can at least make up okay we’ll probably be in late 4th or 5th this was hell Oh third nevermind he’s got to win a good game we’re sitting up top that’s fine mm-hmm you know what we haven’t dragged you down yet with a little sprinkle of

Optimism thank you for becoming a member of the channel Laura Hendry appreciate you thank you Steve with the $20 each I said that was the cutest picture on the internet today bro also whenever you take a long jump I feel like you’re about to open up a parachute yeah man I

Keep trying to ping like I’m in war zone I say yo guys thank you very one with a two-pound sex you set up an OT bot and your desk I will ask about that I’ll ask about that thank you Thank You magic age becoming a member of this channel Thank

You wolf lands and mark dunn for becoming members thank you fake account with the $3.00 said you’re a god in the FIFA middle of your work thank you Thank You Christine Woodley with the two pounds thank you hissing oh I’m missing the Easter egg hunt no let me do this updates is Twitter

Every city I know it’s frustrating he’ll send he’ll send this General Grievous meme from episodes range like the final edition of my collection but recently he started using a variant with his face on it and it is I thought ugh all right we good could never be me man let’s go do it

Oh my I forgot to the map again no eggs Carson is at 443 wins on a bulb what is his deal he’s just playing a ball he’s got too much time Reagan definite they must be like hustlers or the cult Carson I don’t know what bets Carson’s been making but

There might be there might be a slight okay this is abuse I can’t find an easter egg yeah they are hiding these eggs well okay sorry we’ve got not two of the games we wanted out out do we wanna do I’m on the now for whatever I’m

Done for what I’m thinking to get to the other side oh yeah yeah that’s the unless yeah that’s just chaos in that mode yeah yeah and I think we can I think we because I mean we all won the first round I think we all did decent at this one yeah

So let’s go for every we’re thinking to get to the other side and then but bingo I think bingo is gonna be the one oh yeah could be a late game play Frost Oh bingo feel like I feel like we got the straps for that let’s go let’s go let’s go to

Get the other side babies bingo is fine oh go your help down there I’m just gonna he’s chillin is that the new do Bonnie yo the buddies are scared of him look so in the easter posts that mcc made on their twitter where people get signed up

With their usernames as the joke was to play they replaced the chickens at the end that you punch with people yeah we’re gonna be punching viewers to win y’all are about to get decked in the forehead reach the finish line and I’m so excited for this this is the metaphor

About taking out the aggression chat gives us by the way the big hint on this build on the cobwebs because then you don’t have to go through the water I see and there’s bit there’s barrier blocks on the right side so that doesn’t actually knock you off or the right and

Left side so you could build a cross on those cobwebs there and not get as far as I’m aware there’s still barrier blocks that’s how we that’s how we did it last time that we were building upwards we were kind of cheating yeah we might as well it’s a unique

Interpretation oh those one of those where we had a light race but yeah I think there’s one of them yeah there also she wait David Cara probably know our same rat yes Dave is already in the edge I hate let’s take two of us either sides you should rather buy a Vic you

Should you should pay attention to to Cara and curtsy cuz they know they’re good coals in town yes inside knowledge let’s go-o-o there’s barriers okay oh I’ve got in the web spot I don’t [ __ ] in the well I’m in the web’s – they don’t grab you don’t die if you fall though so

That’s fine I’m just gonna take my time I know how hard we go up here I don’t nobody needs I had a cool ride and punched out literally Narnia oh wow I didn’t realize punching out was that bad yeah I know sir what happened after what I did

Michael if I’m gonna be honest with you I’m rusty at this game it seems wow that was talking to my god I finished after Joey okay maybe maybe that’s not the strangler so who do we punch Oh Oh anyone just punch us oh I say I say that was the strap dream

I was gonna be in like tenth until I got punched off on the final climb couldn’t believe it mid it was actually the way I didn’t yeah Mac okay well that was an experience that way you just don’t have to deal with any of the ball crap oh

This one yes which I like you can glide a decent old way that’s the that’s the strat thats what we were doing last time Michael I’m knockin a great play around yeah oh thank you oh you hummed out in this film there I knock fills the down I’m so sorry

Oh Mike I smile I should feel weird thanks dang it I got knocked down okay I’m just running bro oh my god I know people punching are the worst yeah this I mean I’ve done a few times this is hard oh I made it 13 the middle there’s like a staircase

You can get to it just from the side the middle island everyone’s using it right now oh okay you got time you got time you make these unreal this is a stressful minigame imagine if this was last I’d be so mad three tons multiplier on this one

Hold on hold I mean you’ve been playing for how many years you gotta do is call me crashes in the gulag stop you’re on my path I’m just following techno by Barry he’s pretty fast I’m just I’m just following a speed build over the top I’m not beating him to the bottom

I’m stole this part and I’ve beaten to the vault I’m not I knocked someone off oh I kind of fell and started bridging here but it seems like my method we don’t all around slower that’s my scrapper I follow the speed that’s the strap for building a whole

Damn extent listen listen you know listen they were OSHA complaints the building wasn’t meeting code I had to go in get my hands dirty and know the basics whoa what is this oh my gosh okay okay if you don’t win this round listen if you don’t win this this man 100 hours on

Our SMP use and it’s Rider this man is a trident so basically if we don’t it’s big house on the water I am the one if I don’t you better get it I’ll be honest I haven’t used one of these things in a minute dude’s got like

A thousand hours water it’ll there it is okay is that yeah that lower one it might be worth it it’s like it’s low and all honestly I don’t know the distance out of water with these guys I think you’re shooting a boat with the arrow is yourself

Yeah the logical well hitting people was one thing I’ll tell you that boys are all the way up at the top okay make sure you do it you’re fully underwater when you do it and don’t hit anyone what oh my god oh this is swag cash money I mean I missed

Nice I got trapped in an ice cool don’t mess up when you’re going through the glass make sure you aim high and then catch with the heiau okay now that I understand this this should be marginally get out of my way can you can stall me for a second please

Ripped come on bring it back now y’all know one hop this time trying to fly this is nuts though man I oh there’s only 20 seconds left excuse me you guys I don’t pee aim for the bottom right issue the tall one thank goodness my god I killed myself so Vic your money

Only goes so far [Laughter] Carl this massive problem it’s just a last hug load yeah you know I’m she comes stop hating me I’m like vile Janek I had a rock never mind okay let’s go let’s go I got first nice work oh wow good job Mike nice I got first

Off this is where we close the gap homeboy yeah is this be the worst I just try to avoid people the kid oh here’s techno hit and render I’m happy to just go behind everyone so I don’t have to cyberbully I just like like the first

Ten people go and I just kept running in like eight of them fell off oh okay I’m deciding I want to die man I feel so bad for creamiest he just he literally just got to the end and he just ran off the punch punch them oh you hit even mean to kill

Them I had a hundred percent kill right bro one punch man and don’t don’t worry I’ve been hitting everybody we’re back inside we’re in an airplane this is the hangar ways we need to go out and up no way that’s not out there I think we have

To try and get down there might be water there might be death oh I’m just gonna jump off laughs oh okay then oh this makes March do you die oh you don’t know you don’t know no if you miss you fall oh okay there’s I don’t think

There’s a way to honestly this game there is a sexual real pain in this game mode No [Laughter] I’m gonna hit captain sparkles off yeah someone clip this I’m taking names yes yes we got it I got in there wait oh yeah I got a little evidence I’ll take it

Yeah we brought that back a little bit we’re any like okay behind them the bundle bundle bundle we’re not doing too bad I think I think we’re any non skill-based game be like the only ones we have a chance employees that’s the biggest lead they’ve ever experienced

Almost really this is second time we played as we pick although we don’t know out of two we are there we are there we fraggin we test a lot I see well all right shelling first that’s not bad we’re still chillin we’ve got a little like a little bit of a

Point difference between two in one but nothing a little cuz rare can’t fix I guess I should have paid more for my [Laughter] blame my skills eggs in this right now we’re probably cuz it’s break time right I’m glad that was me a real scuff break

Time baby thank you guys for all the support or having good fun here thank you shoes two pounds had more side crafts I lost anymore birth we mention this on the podcast and it happen thank you shoe sex with the two pounds Thank You Andre Sandoval with the five

Real said house quarantine effect inside men plus the new seasons how it’s minecraft on the works no more house to minecraft done and dusted I’m afraid quarantines making videos hard we had a lot of studios and venues and people hired none of those videos can go ahead

Which is sad heyhow thank you enter films with a tube and I’m just gonna pop to Suzy toilet real quick and I’ll be back from the end of the break what are we going for here what do we want hi I’m deciding all right we back in the house

We’re back in the house all right I don’t know be another Easter Egg I feel sad gee Charman the gang lookin fresh to death no cap let’s go and check out the scoreboards see how we rockin and rollin there’s no we’re at least that we’re all is no Eagle weird Wow

I took massive owls by not doing well in their wards my : nice to exit urn G shower Pizza Hut whose final game participations lovely nice eggs earned Oh I’m number two for most eggs earned love that for me how many kills do I have only 1811 I’m

Not really about killing people most how it all ends sorry is having look at that though I’m not bad about the murdering of the people so what’s my score this game I don’t even know ah gee I 18 hearts I got 14 of limbs hmm interesting display from

Host eliminations 20 bra jeez your boys out here though I’m proud of that I’ll take that way up there all the way up you oh yeah we probably want rockets please next I think if possible I can’t believe they both go down on this bond I know right

No Michael what were you saying about me shilling my code stuff for epic games you can use the burn in the nepo game store what a No okay apparently the audience is choosing the next match by the way who oh yeah yeah and techno blade rigged it so it’s rock what did he

Do I didn’t like it apart okay we voted for parkour warrior Oh what this is the people that voted and well it’s just people it looks quite random or they have to have money it’s just the visual just the bullzord in but they just do this I mean rookies

Leave I’m not mad about list imagine being a participant and losing a game that you can’t even play in you can’t even make it to the correct place man oh you can infinitely jumpin II will pee I’m gonna try it I don’t feel like they passed it okay oh no no

No all right so I’ve never seen it patched out like are you talking where you just no no no no so I got all three I’ve played place first and all three rounds last time what you do is is while you’re lying around while you’re flying with your Elektra double jump basically

As soon as you make contact with a block and it’ll push you back up again but you mean a little bit of momentum every time you do it so you eventually start gaining speed and if you’re on a lower layer you’ll eventually get to the point

Where you can go up a layer it’s basically infinite flying I don’t know if I can recreate it because isn’t the way to get points in this killing surviving on killing I think oh I was looking at the board I was looking at the board and forgotten who it was now

But somebody got 20 kills in one of these caves it only okay so 20 20 kills would only add 200 points though from what I understand so I don’t know I think the name of the game you is just outlast yeah just because I think I mean

If you can get up hotshot in on somebody to get it yeah remember to double jump this before the flow drops down alright cool I’m trying to fight me still my garden and you do you hot thing in first person B yeah first person I don’t need to do

It in third I’ll see if it works so oh yes it works yes wait how do you do it yeah okay wait how do you do it you yeah and then you just double you just hit space twice it’s a bit hard or happening at the beginning of the event though because

Like I’m not able to get much elevation right now ah hey watch for me I start the trek for me yeah I have relocated temporarily I’m having a hard time finding a platform on this map like yeah I’m just kind of hanging out feels the needs leaving alone it’s

Cuz the tops of these eggs are so small and once they’re gone they’re just they’re Hollow so they’re gone there’s so many leg individual blocks that get left behind for you to answer I’m not here to people getting Italy I’m coming over to them but I’m not there to

Punch listen I had my I’m here I’m here to hang out vibe are you Jim Boston I’m not here for any of this this murder this ain’t me much time is left a minute 13 this is the strap I don’t think I’m performing nearly as well as I could be

Right now I’m just kind of hanging out yeah I’m just don’t think I’m looking for those hundred points oh my god I’m glowing oh well I can’t I can’t move so no that’s okay he’s somewhere getting a Wilbur oh yeah well that would non moved

I’m not gonna be able to live this but that’s okay I did my part wait that might say that’s me that’s me Cho Chang oh my god in my brain oh all the way up yourself viki’s chilling up yeah heads up I am oh I’m dead now you’re fine no I’m just

Eating the side come on let’s hold it for another 11 seconds that’s three of us up yeah awesome I should have totally died there but someone hit me and they boosted me into the you know Aceh we only need to play for second that anything can happen so

Purple pine is good frag out as much as they want as long as we come second is this how do you do it again just double jump for the moment you land on the floor you really don’t even have to have that much momentum I hit so many walls

When I was doing it oh I see okay give me this Oh give me this that’s fine these maps this is where it shines yeah I’m having the exact opposite issue what’s that I can’t I can’t gain height on this oh this is this is this is I

Have fallen all the way to the bottom but I feel like I can easily get back yeah yeah yeah I just went all the way from three levels down up to the red level oh my god okay yeah yeah oh it’s quarantine about it made me act up okay

I’ll just say by the way I think you guys have been some of the most fun teammates we’ve ever had my chil oven you guys know I got all the way literally to the bottom I’m dead I’m out I’m fireworks or Jordi use it I already

Used it I’m clumsy my my it was funny because the moment they announced our teams on my chat was like this is gonna be a train wreck or the funniest it’s gonna be one of the tip I wonder what their judgement was for like it being a

Train wreck I think I think it was just because it was like me and burn can be very hectic haha I think they were like we might overpower your hectic we don’t have as much happiness we calculated yeah I think I’ve landed on every single red block in this entire map

Okay I’m out by the way unfortunately they nothing can stop me I’m all the way I think Elsa was always one to leg that’s that’s the hardcore survival boy you’ll know this is hardcore light for survival brother is in a hard court world and not get good Phil yeah Phil is

Phil is hilarious so like see figure things out okay well we just make sure not to die this time we really do be just gliding purple pandas right behind us now they don’t we just dumped attender they’re there this one might be a good level for it as well

Yeah yeah I think so okay oh it’s that oh man ok yeah it does like track the momentum oh I got the the client lags oh no the leg worried yeah you know yeah what’s up query all the hit actually pretty low yeah yeah Robert go away

I straight my Rockets like if I have to use them this early I’ve basically lost um I’m glitched oh I’m secured I’m hiding I’m dawn me hiding no I was found oh this is a tragedy oh my god that was a lot of people out of the exact same time people are just

Gonna start dropping oh okay oh I am oh my god someone just saved me I am done my bad you’re good are all you guys still in I died pretty early okay I killed you people about nice feel them to tie in the table oh yeah I played myself I

Played myself no I might have just wilberth hiding in the corner Wilbur I [Laughter] think yeah I think if Wilbur falls out then he then then we were to win this round we’re up by 20 or 20 boy but that’s I mean it depends on how many

People they have and how many oh yeah I mean doesn’t really matter again we sold you know and yeah yeah I kind of wish they did four rounds of that’s truthfully so a big thing is we took a good lead above red which is the second

Team team in second place let’s go let’s see let’s see I’m gonna be bunny hopping in my sleep oh that’s not bad though we’ve got hold on we’ve got three best games coming up oh wait mole knows three there’s three three it’s Game five of it

Know where we have six seven eight and then Thunderdome yeah oh okay I’m gag please think we owe eggs Oh about that I think we should probably do I’m thinking maybe bingo do parkour or bingo yeah bingo I say bingo I’ve never been good I’ve

Always had a hard time with bingo so I’d rather yeah I agree sweet on to our binding on killing us this time which is nice or I mean people can still kill but there’s no incentive so yeah well I don’t think they know that though I don’t think people now calling on us

They kill one poor unsuspecting so yeah 10 Easter eggs honestly this is sound to that first round now I can’t find anything so I think they’re hiding them well I think that life is not real I think we can breathe in space I just don’t want us to

Get into go there everybody who’s found an egg and it says their name is like the trade show I think everyone here Zepeda I need to watch that again I have not seen that was a good time I it was recommended to me on I think I think

Netflix but then it was weird cuz I said they didn’t have it but it was thanks for the recommendation yeah well I hate I hate when you search for a film and it’s like films like this I can search for the film to find films

Like yeah really if I wanted to find a film like it okay so that’s the one I’m really decent at battle box I’m good for that hole in the wall I don’t like battle force I’m good at but I’m good I like both where I the battle box I’m

Good at the I’m good at filling it in I’m not good at the PvP I can do the PvP name hold on I got a bow in here what is that what does it do uh the Fox swap I don’t know I have a bow and arrow

Though I think we should do I think we should do hole in the wall yes I’m for holding wall I think if you shoot a team it swaps what that bunnies are top side down maybe oh okay then shoot um so he’s who should I shoot um Sally green probably green the other

Green okay does that work like that okay no it didn’t work I don’t know Oh a battle box by the way it is going to battle box so maybe shoot red maybe shoot I got that thing it’s gone okay okay so I can fill it in that’s like

That’s the one thing I’m really good at if you guys want to I can I can like maybe be your guardian for that way I can go up to the mid and try and get people off of you so yeah so what I do is I grab it there’s leaves and I place

Them as border so when people jump they fall into lava yeah so if you want to come up with me that’s that’s completely oh there’s a schnapps it that maps are a bit different it looks like yeah I mean the concept is almost always the exact

Same though so by the way put your put your green wool and your yeah I’m not you can put my bow put my bad and then yeah you guys don’t know we have crossbows this time around yes you can pre charge your crossbow by the way before the game starts yeah I’m trying

To think of all so there is what one thing if we have three people killed we shouldn’t place in the last wall we should kill the last player that plays yeah well yeah you get more point that that’s the thing that we’ve always realized because it sucks kills are worth more than

Which is really weird personally you like okay well I kill so I don’t so I yeah I’ll go mid Pete you said you wanted to be my I’ll go up with you yeah okay I’m gonna grab the splash potion of instant health I’ll take one of the

Battle grab a knock-back sword then I’ll grab the knockout sword he won’t switch back we can knock people oh you can take whatever I’ll take the older Turner which is bad okay for the quick challenge one is in health typically speed wait we don’t have a weapon okay

Only one person gets the melee weapon now they’re going in the middle I’m knocking on way knocking them away thank you get the middle get the middle I’m doing it I’m doing it do what I can you’re good I don’t know how to cross

Bow so my charge and pull I am way back oh you waste it off if you click do you click to fire yeah there’s a little click wait so you hold right click then you click left click to fire it yes oh you can give it like a similar charge

Vic you use the same thing to pull it back as you do – oh yeah exactly like a c4 yeah without Bailey weapons now it’s definitely much more of a focus on so oh wait placing maybe it’s not no it’s not 40 40 eggs for each for each team member if

You capture the objective 0 if you are rewarded to draw 15 for personal eliminations now yeah it’s it isn’t what there’s more of a focus on the stuff I said trying to tell people that should really should we should try yeah kids now there’s only one sword so

They’ve changed it I’m just gonna be honest Oh like a win is still a window so we can oh yeah on the wall down true any goes we go oh I’m done okay there you got all sides to go in and yeah they shot me with a firework it was a one hit

Kill oh we got a cloth on that one oh yeah it’s fine [Laughter] damn I don’t not see the crossbar for the line joey graceffa popping off yeah good energy she won matter weapon his desire just to punch people yeah what happens if I have a crossbow

My main hand in a crossbow my offhand what though to to you I came though you can’t do all of them did can you shoot them both at the same time I would imagine so no no you can only draw back one at a time okay it’s yeah we had zero

Fell first okay they are on me I’m dead oh I can’t swing on this version I think it’s just you guys yeah there’s one more person so get the kill if you can yeah got the kill here there we go oh no their work nope what fine yeah

That’s good that microphone it like I was on Lois me yeah one of them was one of them was hiding behind another purse I did took me four rounds by now it’s useless by now just about yeah I’ve got this figured out a little more it takes

It long it looks because it takes longer to charge than it looks like it does yeah sound like a sour you good Vic like you don’t want the sword I killed two people that rounds I guess good yeah I’ll give you the sword if you want to take over that role all right

I didn’t go to crossbow school for nothing should go there for then she people dad so I I see are we I see how is yeah okay cool bro just my girl things be like But jourdan’s team of course in it they’d killed me because they know my Cara oh the Wilin nice get the wolf get the wool guy Ryan Ryan and guys got everybody good that was really important we got everything that’s amazing I figured out the phone now

Yeah yes I’m Nathan what you can do when you know how to shoot the damn weapon oh we took away their flawless streak actually they’re all like low-key compared to you Monday right now yeah they’re they’re kind of heavy hitters yeah you reckon they I don’t think they

Have us on parkour what do you think I don’t know that’s a good day Davis Davis one of the only people who Dave and Jordan Cara is not great at parkour okay we should try we should try at full price next shouldn’t way yes yes I’ll watch out someone went straight there

Going it immediately I’m sorry to microwave yeah moly shot is is thick kill that moly shot is is there we go unreal Morty sure to do a mess man oh look at that we’re in second place now nice suit or are we good good good oh no we celebrated too early [Laughter]

King pirates looking Halleck you I can’t lie before I said it actually but come on yeah like that yeah if someone can’t fill them I need help it’s two versus burn burn you got to jump down nice let’s go take your time Oh oh wow dang that was my back oh oh

You win some you lose some I yeah I’ll happily lose to this team very good man red slow boss by 400 difference of one game one I guess MHS Tommy red one day it’s purple okay okay split their purple beat us we be red red be purple that’s a triangle right yeah

That’s that’s one of those shapes the geometry is like a foreign language of this two on me arms a shot coming down okay so it’s got the cows go smack hello alright yeah someone gonna fill that in no dad no dad they’re all dead yep nice nice oh my God

We’re literally uh we were just tied with red rabbits point for point yeah oh they were first that wasn’t about perforce bus man red still killing it though we got everyone just pull the head yeah we’ll probably get like hey Davis super overpowered oh yeah you

Say this really I wish I could have bought them like now let me not you understand nothing game yeah you get the points per person that is alive mm-hmm you do I think so yeah oh so extra points if people are alive is that what you mean we don’t so we

Think we don’t know right we can’t really like I don’t know everyone tries die off though yeah I feel ow just got my sidelines pull back pull back unless someone actually needs it but these games happen so quick yeah Oh freak me okay I’m out they literally

Just favorite shoot me I need help with this old hey souls on my back oh honey no I’m gonna get Oh ooh bear we lit ice burn yeah you got it oh my gosh a lot nice oh it’s I yep everybody’s dead yep just yeah good job

I got to make sure the soul Carson dies to devaglia yeah when you’re saying that we’re done now I was just coming I made a lime it out and God causa why those scores even up real quick but I guess it’s gross I increase just hold real hard

Yeah well it’s it’s speaking Calvin I’m not roundover everything’s like you and you from Australia this is Joey Graceffa oh we have to win anything with Joey Graceffa Charles let’s go you’re insane boss major sort of Michael two people are out so far Joey Graceffa James Charles you’ve got

There yeah everybody’s done good yeah hell yeah so I always say this whenever I’m up against Joey Graceffa in video with you guys my favorite Joey Graceffa moment is when he uploaded an entire UHC in every single block you mind had no texture please install but yeah I got a

Lot of respect for Joey Graceffa man he did a whole year you see with back in stock we shot beau really do hit kind of different though how did I get zero kills the first two rounds and we’re third place but was like 3,000 away from

First and now a thousand away so the point gap is decreasing really much weren’t you guys green Guardians the first time we played yes we were yeah yeah purple pandas the first time we played so if if this goes on like this it’s purple hand as a

Gents green darkness I can’t believe we paid to be on the same team colors Wow can we find an egg well no dude I found one you found one okay must be nice living lavish on the streets would they be up here I don’t know looks like

They’re not in anything they’re not in a spot they’re literally just place them anywhere yeah placed about not another one watch them like accidentally be past like all the barrier blocks like yeah all right you got one I’m not oh yeah yeah we need to go I think let’s see let’s see

Parkour let’s see what people vote yeah our meal like wants to do foot race because I know I can do decently well in it yeah so far I’ve won every foot race and I kind of want to stand I’d say we do foot race man like I mean if part of

Me also know you’re go we’re decent no I got a solution I got a solution guys whatever the people vote for most out of foot race and parkour Wario we just stack on top of to make sure we get it yeah see it might be lockout think that

Between the two there’s another part of me that it’s okay with lockout bingo because I feel like because all three of our teams are decently stacked that 1100 point difference might need to be in something like then go it’s a bit more orangey but like ah I don’t know let’s

Like I’m cool all three do we hole in the walls still there already decent at that one we got any guy oh yes I don’t know what the heck that does but I make them breed even adds more docile yeah well we gonna go for eating like rabbits

I haven’t polled everyone’s doing it hole in the wall or a foot race oh yeah I’m a bum are you guys good at parkour just in like yeah yes it’s gonna have to be holding the wall or footrace let’s just go I’m putting mine oh they

Just went and breathed in the foot race we did we did our best I’m done with either yeah I could yeah yeah and I do want any parkour laughter I used to be the first but wholly new uh I was decent at hole-in-the-wall the first one I was I don’t know the second

One I was slightly rusty but you just don’t fall yeah that’s pretty much kappa i one minute i’m I’m right with this yeah all in my toes hopefully this goes well because okay so 200 if you remain standing until the end of the round worth 200 if your team are the last ones remaining so that’s just it’s just it’s just we should make sure

That we all spaced out as well so we know yes I’ll start near the north wall also yeah are we just yelling colors instead of North Salvi yeah colors yeah orangutan it’s a doubler oh it’s a double or triple thank you thank you James Charles very cool green green I

Think my dreams in purple purple purple it’s a double oh I felt right into the hole I’m dead oh I saw that was pretty good though it was a clean stuff I just needed that need Walgreen blue edge edge I don’t know why you’d have to call me

Out like that I wasn’t I was trying my hardest to not be edgy yellow yeah not a fan of anything I see okay [Laughter] verbal yeah Raven burble burble I just got like optical illusions hard I thought it was coming from yellow yellow clear I didn’t jump here on the right

Yeah oh I’m out I got hit thank you good yeah Green great bye bye good though purple walk there yeah you can walk this you can walk this oh yeah oh yeah the shifting on those I’ll walk the middle you yeah walk the middle kind of yeah

Yeah that one’s really back on me oh no I saw that yeah that one now is almost as undeserved you shouldn’t you should not have fallen there nice alight Rafal there you’re welcome I know I said you’re welcome necessarily toxic I’m not really sure what I meant by that you’re welcome

They’re welcome for being on my team oh there we go that was awesome good job thank you thank you we’re a hot up hope about the Red Boy somehow somewhere are we good he got this we’re not that far from and it’s also there’s three rounds was

Techno with me on that was I was calling me yeah it’s free on this game mode okay little listen no I’m stressed out whether I’m doing go or not hello yellow again let me say a little bit about something called anxiety right behind it that’s very offensive goodbye Michael

Out yeah I saw that it was there while you can walk there I didn’t see a walking path yeah there was I think blue hey the one I went out on did you have to jump like three blocks open rain I don’t remember which one you

Got out on there was one that like you have to kind of snake through through a jump it’s like weird mechanics great it’s a doubler Tripler I hardly know her The champions of the New Age didn’t make it if I’m up here I’m gonna try and cross Fanta dialogue call colors for you guys there’s another one there’s another one other war they need a little purple behind it yeah oh I didn’t specify who was behind nearly got the mid oh just in

Case purple yeah yellow yellow a lot of people just said actually yeah of course techno blatant a no other is one person still on red brick resident fourth no my oh man techno is like he is why oh nice nice good that’s good good nice Jesus

That was a good round we need to get final round we need to get final round yeah we finished in four oh I finished what did I thanks knocks oh I finished it 14 I’ll take it you were dead last on that one I was okay I appreciate it was

Saying it looked like a glitch and I was like Green I totally wasn’t taking the turn in paintball I’m trying to stay out here guys way a bit but I’m finding it hard I know blue wow this one’s I got that fog like the consciousness but as soon as

The wall comes in I’m like all right yeah it’s I think this is a fin for yourself can I green green green gap in the middle – gentlemen it’s three green actually oh this four green oh they’re bringing it on you oh there’s five three Jesus a lot of people dying already

Yeah blue blue green drink you guys play enough five on this know occasionally I couldn’t do that I just I also never dated often on fYI I’m out I’m out damn michael really just dying to throw this game huh I I was I didn’t see the

It’s live if you’re like if it kind of fit sneaks up on you you just cannot behind that entrance like yellow of another yellow also yeah if you fall out look up there’s a tropic I’m dawn me honest oh never mind oh I don’t die I don’t lose these purple

Made it with a joke burn burn right behind you I don’t know I don’t lose lose Michael that’s life and I’m gonna get knocked off gringos edge edge made it nevermind got knocked off purple double on the right side I guess sunny side works fine yellow live

Blue blue yellow walk us y’all get walk it I got talk or all purple the Frick is that staircase man yeah it’s another purple my god you guys got like eight Purple’s oh my gosh oh wait they just Oh yellow or purple Martin in the I just run away your guys

Alright it comes down to the final game we’re tied with the 60 points literally 60 point difference eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs we always talking shizer wow I realize I’ve been muted this whole time Danny if we beat red we’re in the final yeah I got an egg okay so the question

What it is is why I know Cara isn’t amazing at parkour we do parkour no Ryan I’m thinking parkour yeah I want to do parkour I won’t poeple worry but no one’s gonna vote yeah but that’s the safest because there’s no RNG element it’s just like you do the parkour but if

We go through this whole tournament without doing parkour I’m not gonna like Anna be a little upset I think we oh I just I can’t see myself I see other people voting for bingo to be the last thing no yeah well I could see techno please point out there you have a good

Lead on first ago Wow well I could see them wanting to lock that one because parkour gives a lot of points just footrace just scares me just cuz if you have one of those things where you got knocked off he’s morning get knocked off you spawn and you get punished off flat

On the foot race won that’s what scares me but as soon as you make that four block jump for the shortcut though like you’re fine yeah but if you did just for y the reason if you don’t make that and then you get punched off again like oh

My god I am down with whatever you guys want yeah I’m down for whatever parkour I think we just go with whichever has the most votes pretty much like I make no comment that’s just watch just watch this Jesus make sure lockout bingo does another sanction if lockout bingo against that

I’m gonna cry any much dream going offline can do this in parkour warrior does well alright I took is I’m scared if we footrace they’re just gonna walk over to walk out bingo save my chickens still late Oh funnies it could be a part of a warrior line I’m down with them

Yeah just was going with yeah just why everyone go Park a warrior for the end that’s perfect come on there’s no RNG element we just have to consistently parcours just jump them yeah that’s looking good let me go for it oh man okay you can get these I’ve got two eggs

Don’t mine in without question or at least doing a little at parkour that’s good I’m okay with that yeah I like taco warrior we hopefully it’s the same cool no bingo fog let’s get it this is looking good he wins these so okay there there was a segment where the

Spawn at spawn the part that I failed on last time was there for practice I don’t know it looks a bit different no it’s still there that pretty smart like once he gets her red the difficulty goes up so drastically I made it my own bars and

Trapdoors that is on godly the hardest parkour I’ve done since people convinced me five block jumps were possible I don’t man I swear to God okay try grunting each morning I can make myself [Laughter] I don’t like this yeah okay these three time multiply we win these we got this

We’ve never lost never will never have let’s go I signed up there’s a hole in the beginning oh it’s just my water how many people were gonna not see that I didn’t die anyway I should have waited and that’s okay yeah thing is you can make a

Couple mistakes on here and it’s not gonna matter yes cuz cuz the the checkpoints are so nice it’s very forgiving in an unforgiving map yeah I look back wow they really used to have it where every stage only had a checkpoint mmm no it’s honest I’m just

Focusing on a lot my mental well-being in this like I’m just like making sure I just take it easy oh yes oh yeah slow and steady if I die I’m just gonna scream into the pillow now mind your head on the iron bars at the end mind your head

Oh I totally forgot a whole section I respect the hustle though full Sunday I I just said I just said screw it and gotta go be right behind but I I love that there’s another person who says false and I you never hear that very very out he’s silly I’m still gonna Sunday

I think they made that slime jump easier appreciated the hard one at the end that’s not the one just a walking meme where I was so relatable uh people are flying through this a places to go people to see yeah this is gonna make or break I’m at

The slime jumps right now I’m at the green glass I’d say so slime jumps I’m actually in size but if you’d in and I would hate it and I also didn’t hold okay you know what that makes up for it I didn’t hold shift on the ladders are

We ahead of Brett oh we are almost with me there’s one face that one of you guys know it’s it’s probably quick quick on site I’m in the oh I kind of forgot to walk was the sod I keep I keep falling on this glass parkour what is this I got

This I’m jumpers I didn’t like that at all nope I overshot the slime entirely thank you take your time as fast as possible take your time but Russ do it a tip for the those slime jumps is to like jump almost short and then just make sure you don’t

Sprint and you never let down spin correct yourself it made some parts of water okay I’m really struggling here to ruggle on on at this glass parkour I’m just struggling with the the slime cuz I’m human and I shouldn’t be dude son of a [ __ ]

Oh really oh I see how to do it now let’s just no slide yeah okay I get it I think if I don’t make it song burn you got a jump like that you don’t your your your press down I’m printing is fine just don’t press a just don’t press

Space on the gym no I know that I’m hitting the edge of the block that’s my history oh yes yeah don’t hit the edge I know that sounds weird great advice like big I know I know it’s like but that is literally the old yeah

I got it I got it advice I just had I just had to take I think the game gave me a good job out of that one cross I felt I’ve had to sink you’re fine it’s okay we’re beating red that’s kind of like our bingo

My main goal of the blog nobody exactly that’s what he does the little munching sound you know I’m right behind you yeah Michael gets hurt get your head in the game Mike just go ahead in the game all right High School Musical what did you do why

Did you jump down and I was trying to Michael what I do is just simply on unprecedent mankind isn’t ready for my my existence Michael don’t fall I felt with you don’t worry I fell again fall too we’re pushing or pushed him pretty pretty hard though I’m back at it again with the

White vans back at it again with the white that was like twenty eight twenty twenty-three twenty-two I like I listened to you and I was like you know what he’s probably right and then I was [Laughter] I’m not sure sure about that one no it was September 37 yeah the park [ __ ]

Trying in the club little brother grabbed the controller I don’t see what I’m doing someone of my chance to just stop choking aunt I’m throwing now by the way because someone told me to stop mm-hmm axes are nothing I made it to uh place I got past the tire jumps oh that’s where

I am now oh what a myself right Novus they so composed until eyes melodic this night you’re gonna let it out right here like you’re gonna kind of all your break you’re gonna break everything in this room after this event oh that’s me you you guys are fun

We’re fair I’m at the part that I failed on last time and it’s not any good I had it man I don’t like this Michael job you guys know what do you guys scout for me is anybody in the chat beat stage seven red near me so I’ve got purple right oh

Yeah Cara’s on stage for you are ahead of you are ahead of ya you’re ahead of purple I’m with techno blade I’m with Phil’s I’m with all those guys right now there’s four pairs of boots infirmities and what stage were you on right now I’m

Right after the tire I just like six I think it’s cold yeah – six six – I’m on six – so you’re you’re good oh I’m just gonna be stuck here until the end of the game all right looks like we beat red so we’ll be going into the final no no yeah

We didn’t Oh car I think car is either by me or it’s someone else in red Michael someone enable PvP for me I think this is the most fun microbe Championships I’m having so much fun oh I beat the blockbuster I’m frustrated because the singular stage that I’ve

Been on a pretty sir has the last a full 10 minutes between the last week I only think God so that puts us in second place robbins must be hella pissed out hey I would hate to drop down to place one second on our team current events and by 3,000 points

That 10 point difference and the first one we did it okay so now this is where you guys work your magic so the map now shrinks there’s also a supposed surprise waiting for us oh my god we’re going to play but I will be

Back I need to pee I came by you sure you want to be on a team with them I trust Joey Graceffa would never betray me the final shout out green gang I’ve choked this before and I’ll do it again what are you guys deserve nth eggs by the way 3k okay

I got I got 2.1 also what is this mutes all my eggs what is this like final countdown yo shout out the boy Petey Petey are you gonna come after the game it’ll be okay damn dude Joey actually let’s go do you think techno blade ever gets bored of

Sitting in the number one position I don’t think I don’t think he does no sir no how they get the fancy seats with that man I have to stand in the sound of some VIP VIP exclusive box in there fire the Apes back and forth until you eliminate the entire extra tips –

Absolute ease player dies the original strength try not to follow up the edges with dot also predict your opponent’s movement to land your shots unpredictable movement the way to dodge there are no rewards over a bowl instead take home so bulk okay so it’s slingshots okay I was wondering if it

Was bow but is it a safari syllable any any strat going into this besides praying um just pray we should try and get both ours at once like if we can we should try and get both and then shoot two at once because then you’ll have to worry about avoiding them shooting you

Can do those you can just line up and both you and hopefully so so we so should we wait for them to shoot just dodge yeah you could we could unless unless I was going who’s going is going he wants it burned you want to get the pig kiddo an iron I got

It I think no I don’t know okay better we have those arrows yeah all right let’s go all right get ready three two one shoot now we just dodged boys oh okay to one to give you two you’ve got both legs as well go for techno both

Of you go protect no I got one let’s both of you go for tech now okay I’m in for his right you aim for his oh I met her okay I thought I had him leave me yeah Oh Phil’s the I’m out oh Lord two-on-one

Yeah I miss Tech now burn you just right got it man you got a dude I mean you’re up against here up against a hardcore legend and a try alright that’s alright if we win I’ll just go and go and cry I’m gonna take a bit of mine for that

One I grab an egg gun I’m not gonna take this time maybe maybe go for whoever thought back on that side techno house egg I didn’t pick up you don’t get it oh you tried to shoot it I’ll grab the hummus swipe I’m waiting for them to

Shoot when they see you just peep holes now alright so let’s grab that egg alright you have sent a pack now in three two one go oh oh so now for groups oh you got me oh they got one hour so unpack now we got it we got it

Just oh you missed oh you got the other yeah yeah okay Oh dag bounce off won’t you sit that one no oh sorry oh you’ve got the other oh you missed maybe we were the weaklings oh I think your biggest thing here is Phil’s a okay he’s

Aiming I don’t know if I don’t know love miss do you you should have two eggs nice ha ha that’s it’s fine though what now yeah Tommy owes oh I’ll take another second point it was about time technoboy got when to be honest yeah yeah I’m not

Crying all right well TJ’s boys it was applied yeah no that was a lot of fun thank you so much likewise Mike are you gonna keep streaming okay okay then I’m gonna raid you all right that is gonna be all top two so you could have a

Strife full I had a good fun time hopefully you guys enjoyed some throwback minecraft if you did leave a like subscribe all that good stuff subscribe to my other channel or I’ll be streaming similar call duty war zone later tonight link is down below vikkstar123 other than that we’ll be

Back with pixelmon island when we eventually got all 12 of us in a recording session together thanks for all tuning in appreciate you all very much thank you laura handy with the 5-pound super chat thank you answer films with the two pounds had any chance of anarchic series don’t think so don’t

Think so my friend but thank you for super chat thank you shoot he says let’s go wear a two-toned hoodie love that Thank You Christian woodenly with the two pounds Thank You Hussein with the 40 rupees and Laura Hendry let me plot your message because it’s not displaying but let me see what

You said we’ll wrap up today well for minecraft that is but yeah you know what a solid second place not too bad considering considering I haven’t touched it since the last minecraft championship so we definitely do be a little rusty but we pulled out the place

Part it’s just not so memory so yeah I’m about it I’m sure you guys did enjoy let me pull up this super chat right here then call it up pull it up where is it here we go don’t they a star and super chat messages here we go Laura said hi

Thank you for cheering me up tonight I appreciate it can you also say hi to my friend grace but it’s hi grace hopefully enjoy glad you enjoyed law see you guys all in the next one thanks and peace out and go to my channel of the

Channel what’s video go do it I’ll link one in the chat boots

This video, titled ‘MC CHAMPIONSHIP 4 – Minecraft YOUTUBER Tournament LIVE’, was uploaded by Vikkstar123HD on 2020-04-18 22:34:20. It has garnered 278170 views and 6373 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:50 or 9230 seconds.

A live Minecraft Tournament. Enjoy!

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  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | 🚀 My Texture Pack | 🚀 | Twitter | 🚀 | Twitch | 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts *Server Discord*: *Java & Bedrock IP*: *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: Link Server : Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe ✓ Like ✓… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : 😄 Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: + Streamlabs: — Social Media: + Facebook: + Tik Tok: — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More

  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON Read More