Meet the Ultimate Minecraft Champion – Kelawesome – InsideMC Podcast

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I I do not emote after every strike and they’ll take all of the links and put it on one Reddit post for each episode so you have like a whole list and you can find any perspective that you want really easily you heard it here first folks Kell awesome is sadly washed when

It comes to MCC true that’s true actually second second fifth first and first that is that is such good consistency I I limited my fairy core I would just say fairy again because it was a super awesome team but I have to sort of limit it a little bit the only

Actual reason I haven’t switched my my Counterstrike match streams to an ALT is because my family actually watches the matches yeah I would say pressure is absolutely affected me before for chaos and if you’re ever looking at looking for them in a tournament you can find them at the top of the

Leaderboard all right L welcome back to inside MC the part of podcast where I sit down with an amazing guest every single week and this week every single guest I have on is super cool however this one has some type of uniqueness to them I I don’t know how to explain it

Right it’s just someone who is very good at Minecraft someone who’s very good at other games and just someone who a lot of people know and respect that their better announcement got a crap fun of replies I think the most replies I’ve ever had on a guest announcement I am

Joined with the one and only Kell awesome hello how are you I am doing great you could almost say you’re doing awesome right you’re good you good yes how are you today any news anything interesting happened today or over the weekend uh nothing too interesting I just finished uh just finished my finals

Last week so that’s exciting don’t have to deal with school for a month or so what you studying uh study I am studying to make games make video games so I’m programmer design stuff like that kind of all the above in just terms of like game creation I have a question because

It’s always something I’m being quite curious about is you’re studying like games and stuff like that right MH what do you want to do more content creation or studying games or is it something that’s either like you’ll just take whatever half is given to you or you I

Guess not given to you per se but yeah yeah yeah that’s a good question cuz actually making games like a I didn’t know that that’s what I wanted to do for a while cuz when I got out of high school I didn’t instantly go into into

Higher education I took a GFF year so I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do and it took me a little bit to figure that out compared to content creation I never really like fully grinded it out so I feel like it would be hard for me

To say which one I would prioritize I guess because I most of my streams are just like on the weekends I’m just playing events I’m just like balling out and having a good time I never like actually taken that full step but I feel like if I did I would have to pretty

Much commit to it as much as possible just so that I’m able to grow like to the the best degree or whatever in terms of school like those two things combined it would basically take up all of the time of my day if I did both of those like every single day completely

Grinding it out so it’ be tough I don’t know which one I’d prioritize though with with me for example H kind of just to give my view on it is like so I studied Accounting in cuz we’re the same age I studied Accounting in college it’s

A bit different to America so we leave Secondary School in at the age of 16 and then we go into college then from or six from and then you go to UNI from that and I so I studied uh accounting and I did two years of it however very much as

Yourself I started when I was like 17 Co hit when I was like like the second year of college Co hit so that kind of changed everything for me and I ended up not doing accounting anymore but I’ve said it and it’s something that something I’m going to stick to as well

Is so my birthday is in May and our school year ends in like August or something like that I said I’m going to give myself 2 years so until I’m 22 and if like the podcast so like content creation hasn’t got to a point where it’s like not beneficial per se I

Haven’t really got the word of this part on point but it’s more so like if I just don’t feel like I’m going to give myself two years of the podcast and content and if it’s something that just isn’t working I would have been doing give or

Take since I was 16 you know more so since I was like 17 18 but at that point it’s just like yeah if it’s not hitting by now after all like the work I’m putting into it right now and if I continue to put the work in then I’m

Going to go back to college and study um marketing and social media management because you know from like promoting the podcast and stuff like that obviously I’m not as like as much of an expert as a lot of people who have studied it but i’ like to say experience yeah yeah I’d

Like to say have a decent amount of like you know cuz everything I’ve learned I’ve learned myself kind of thing or like people have told me or helped me to like that’s my goal so I I have that in mind that’s why I was curious if you had

Something in mind of you know so when when are you when are you going to finish the studies so I have five more semesters I should graduate like uh early 2026 oh okay so you still have a good amount of time then to to fully decide

Which one you want to pursue yeah cuz I work right now I I I’m not studying I I just I’m just a barista so managing the content with work is a little bit hard but it’s it’s manageable you know yeah I feel like it’s easier for me because

What I’m studying is in the same like sort of space cuz playing games making games I can sort of overlap a little bit at the very least and we get a leak into an idea for a game that you’d like to make because if it’s if gaming or making

Games is something you want to do is there something in mind so in in school so far I’ve made a couple like Bare Bones games but they’ve been in groups so they haven’t really been like my full ideas or whatnot I think I’d be pretty

Inclined to make like a Rog like game I like those like Dungeon Crawler like like you die but you get upgrades that persist over time probably something like that I’ve always liked that idea I haven’t really thought about it a ton but I mean you said about the whole like

You know they weren’t full of your ideas but then even with that like podcast was essentially fully my idea but everything that’s happened since like ajx has become a co-host isn’t fully my idea but it’s still what I do you know yeah yeah that’s fair that’s interesting it’s

Interesting to like cuz cuz I know we I asked for the podcast but it’s more so like I’m curious to see I was curious to I wait and ask what would you kind of assume more but it’s just something you can’t really tell cuz for like you know

You could get you could be be streaming one day and I know you’re doing really really well streaming right now also you could just get the raid of the lifetime or like an opportunity be like you know anything can happen kind of thing you know exactly with that then uh I

Normally like to give the intro normally unless we go like start the conversation off like that uh for the guests to kind of introduce themselves we we we’ve obviously touched on that you’re streamer and that you want to make your own games but who are you what do you do

Maybe a fun fact if you have one right so uh I’m H awesome I usually just go by Kell I am 20 I play a bunch of video games I’m the quote unquote best Minecraft event player but I also play Counter Strike I play League of Legends occasionally but not like professionally

Or anything like that not on teams I also play OSU which is like a rhythm game I don’t know if a lot of people know what that is but that’s fun as well and uh in real life I love to bowl and I’m also in a d andd goup it was

Actually a Twitter question and I was going to write it down but I didn’t cuz I just thought they were delilly uh but I I’m s sorry that I’m not crediting you here okay there was so many replies to the Tweet but one of the Twitter questions were like do you emote after

Every strike and now I’m actually curious do you do you emote after every strike I I do not emote after every strike but compared to other people that bull I’m definitely more like energetic and active whenever I’m like actually reacting to things cuz I for some reason

I get the craziest like breaks down the lane it’s so stupid like people love watching me Bowl cuz I just have the craziest reaction sometimes are you going to to Twitch con America next year ooh it kind of depends where it is if it’s like the West Coast

I don’t know that’s that’s like super far and it probably be super expensive but if it’s closer cuz I’m on the East Coast then it’s definitely more doable I had apparently they’ve signed a deal with San Diego to go back there and do it for the next few years I could be

Wrong I could be wrong don’t hold me to it this is just you know you know how like the gra Vine goes yeah yeah okay maybe maybe when you go to Twitch con then you should you should do a bowling Vlog of the lads or the pals even sorry

A bunch you go bowling the pals go bowling I can already see it Kell awesome host your own tournament you’re so good at them so with that then H we’ll start off with the basics I always like to start with the basics of like kind of the past and

Obviously I’ve just hinted on there that you’re good at tournaments so that’s definitely something we’re going to get into talking about but why the name Kell awesome where where did this come from was it your original name was it something after you started being the best Minecraft tournament player you decided

It’s call yourself awesome what’s what’s the deal behind that okay so Kell awesome I obviously I don’t know the exact reasoning cuz I think I’m made Kell awesome when I was like six or seven so it’s been a very long time but all I could gather is that Kell is the

First three letters of my name and I thought it was awesome so that’s what I did there’s not really a crazy in-depth story but it definitely wasn’t recent like I this is like the Minecraft account that I have now actually isn’t the first Minecraft account that I had

But at some point I switched to it I don’t remember exactly why so it’ll only show me having this username for like 7 years or something but I’ve actually had it since like 2009 or 2010 or something so been a very long time it was Destin the name was Destin for greatness you

Knew from the start you’d be awesome and you stuck with it you ran with it I did I did yeah cuz I noticed you’ve uh you had your you’ve had your Twitter account for 80 years wherever like you joined you joined MCC testing in August 2021

Was it yeah yeah so you’ve only you I mean 2021 August is still recent that was I I got my first ever job in November 2021 just after Co so you weren’t even in this well maybe you were once again we’ll get into talk about in

A second CU I do have a few more questions that like you know you weren’t really heavily in this community until after Co yeah yeah no definitely what about the skin then cuz uh this is going to be really embarrassing if I don’t know my animals here but I’m 99% sure

You’re a panda yeah okay good all right how comes what’s what’s the deal is is that something you’ve had since you were 6 or seven years old is it you went to the zoo one time and you absolutely love pandas what’s what’s the deal what’s the

Deal with that so I I think the first time that I started liking pandas and just made it my favorite animal was when it was either when I was five or six it was um it was a quote unquote Camp not like one where you go there and you’re

There the whole time but it was one where your parents dropped you off for the day and then you picked you up but it it lasted for like a week or so and one of the one of the fun activities we did is we had this little like Stone

Like kind of like Square slate or something and it was white and we would like finger paint Panda like ears onto it oh cool and I still I still have that in my room and I think it was from 2008 if I remember correctly or 2009 so that

That was like kind of my first introduction to pin and it just stuck with me the whole time really have you ever put the picture anywhere like have you ever showed it online um I think I’ve taken a picture of it before I don’t know if I’ve showed it to anyone

Though but I mean it’s it’s pretty basic I mean I can definitely like I mean I can go take a picture picture of it right now it only took like 30 seconds yeah I’m kind of I’m kind of curious to see it if you don’t mind okay I’m back

I’m sending sending the message welcome back that’s actually pretty cool I mean considering the age you were when you did it it’s you know yeah I’m sure if you go if if you’re curious to see the picture cuz I don’t I don’t like put it in the in the video because like cuz

Spotify listeners I don’t really want them to have to go all the way to you see it but I’m sure if you went to a c awesome stream and asked to show the picture I’m sure they they’ slap it on the screen right oh absolutely absolutely yeah no it’s kind of crazy

How like everything happened when you were so young and you’ve kind of just stuck with it cuz it’s always nice when like you have the Nostalgia of stuff right when it’s like cuz for instance there’s like a like a smell of burning right there’s like a certain smell of

Burning and I absolutely love the smell of it because every time I just associate with Island cuz when I was little we did like a in in one of my uncles he used to like own a partial farm so what we we like one day when we

Did Bonfire we did like a this massive like bonfire and it was my only other time doing it and the smell is just I’ve always linked the both of them kind of thing mhm yeah so it’s just kind of crazy run with it yeah exactly and you

You’ve always ran with this whole kind of Panda and C aesome name is has it ever crossed your mind maybe to change the name or is it just something you’ve always likeed not that I not that I can remember like maybe it crossed my mind for like just like a stray thought or

Whatever but I never actually like took time into like deciding whether or not I should switch I kind of just like went with it and then what about this uh this this community then what were you what were you doing during lockdown was was like were you in the Minecraft Community

Were you in the csgo community at that time what what exactly were you doing so I’ve been playing Minecraft basically since it was on a website so we’re talking like 2009 before it was released as an actual game it had like Alpha Beta versions or whatever just on a website

And it was like just I don’t I don’t remember like what the coding term for it is but yeah you literally just went on the website you put in a username and you could join servers or you could just go into single player and it would be like maybe four chunk worlds or

Something and you would have like four rows of blocks to use no Hearts no food obviously and you would just build and that’s all you could do and I don’t know how I found the game because I was 6 years old I had no idea what I was doing

But that that’s how I started playing Minecraft and I haven’t played Minecraft the whole time Counter Strike I only started playing in 2015 I wasn’t playing it very actively until like 2019 so I was doing both of those whenever lockdown happened and I just kept doing that um I think what

After lockdown is when I joined my first Counterstrike team and I’ve been on a team for most of the time since then is it the same team Chang no so I was on I’ve been on three different teams my first team was about 8 months from

January of 2021 to I think August and then I was on a team from that winter for an entire year up until the end of 2022 and then my third team I bit on since the started this year okay so pretty much grinding the whole time it

Feels like and I mean by the looks of things you’re pretty good at the game I do see you post your stats quite a lot and you are good at CS so yeah I would say I’m pretty good at CS I’m not crazy like the the best players in the game or

Anything but I hold up my own so what were you doing during Co then you were playing Minecraft yeah but were you what kind of community were you a part of I’m kind of curious considering cuz like I’m assuming maybe you were a part of this

Community but I I’d like to once’s get a shame I’ve used that word like five times the last five seconds like with with MCC testing that’s probably where you got more into the the community right yeah that’s absolutely where I got into the event Community before that I was just St

Straight up just doing UHC so oh cool oh my God I haven’t wrote down that you were a UAC player and I just okay right we’ll start with UAC then we’ll get into thing I literally have it wrote right here shift from UHC events into tonies

Why did I not think why did I not think about okay right uhc’s right let’s get let’s get how did you get into the U community and when did you so UAC I watched I watched when Minecraft created the plugin and they uploaded it in February of 2012 that was

The first time UHC ever existed and then it turned into a subreddit called Ultra Hardcore and I think I joined I because I didn’t know about the subreddit for like a year so I didn’t join until like second half of 2013 and I’ve been a part

Of that Community still up until now I’m not as active as I was like years ago but that’s how I got into UHC I’ve been playing UHC the whole time which it that’s one of the reasons why like I know half flights coming out it’s really

Big it’s basically UHC I tried not to get into it instantly because I felt so burnt out of like 10 years straight of playing UHC that I wanted to give myself sort of a break or at least not playing that type of game as much so I see other

People have been playing it like nonstop but I haven’t even joined the server yet which is crazy cuz anytime somebody hears me say that they’re like what yeah yeah yeah but yeah the way that I found um MCC well I I knew about MCC one because I I’d actually been following

The Knox crew already cuz the KNX crew had a Community member that would host uhc’s and I would play in those so it was a cool little fun group I know a couple other like MCC testers were also in that group and a couple of the MCC developers or people that actually work

On the event were also in that group so I like had ties with it I guess but I didn’t know about testing for MCC until a couple months before or like whenever that wave of invite invites applications went out and as soon as I applied the person who was accepting people just

Knew me from the UHC so I kind of just like got in because they knew who I was and that’s how I got introduced to that side of it I guess and I definitely have that to think for like getting into events because that’s where I met

Basically everyone in the event scene I was talking to uh speed silver about UHC cuz we see I podcast for hoplight and one thing one thing I mentioned to him was like back in the day I know you were in the more serious aspect but I’m

Starting with like the more casual one I remember like watching whenever like there was a UAC season I’d save all of Vick star’s like POV to yeah like a Sunday and then I’d sit down on the Sunday with my egg sandwich and watch 60 Minutes worth of like if obious if you

Survived that long and one of my favorite things to do was like watch all the different PVS of what led them to get there how did they get into that thing and and then I also watched the more sweaty ones with uh grape applesauce uh King Tong there’s another

Name that I can see in my head I just can’t say it cuz I can’t like think of a name if that makes sense but there like oh like there’s like Angry Ginger or something as well wouldn’t there the best the best ginger the best ginger oh

My God yeah there we go uh like know that that kind of did you ever play in in a in a UAC to that extent or was it like what was the whole UAC thing like if that Mak so yeah I played it they’re called recorded runs where you record

And then people make like an intro whatever and then they upload it yeah every like yeah the way that big YouTubers would do it is they would just completely public everything on YouTube and that that’d be like the only way to find the videos the way that um sort of the smaller groups

Do it is obviously I talked about the subreddit before so what they do is they’ll have everyone upload it can be public it could be unlisted or whatever and they’ll take all the links and put it on one Reddit post for each episode so you have like a whole list and you

Can find any perspective that you want really easily in uac’s it’s really I feel like most the reason people like got into it and kept going with it was like the story lines cuz as you were talking about watching it can be super exciting to see how everyone’s like

Interacting with each other cuz it’s it’s not roleplay but it’s still like unscripted storylines of combat and like random game mechanics that you might not have known had existed before so it’s really cool like going in and looking at everything I feel like that’s why UHC

Did so well even though it is and and like recorded rounds are not doing as well as they were before I have a distinct memory of like I think it was n dying to an Enderman while on a team of I think it’s was like Vic and Waffles or

Something like that and Prest and it’s just like the little things like that still stick into in my mind despite that being up like five or six years ago but you said that like most people got into it because of a certain reason but do do

Is that like does that include you as well what what made you get into UHC and why did you stick with it for so long so I think I just got into UHC because I like the competitive aspect of it I’m a pretty competitive person whenever I first started playing it it was

Something new it was new it was it was sort of Addicting almost there would be games like every day and even if you died in one you can just go play another one it would kind of you just wouldn’t stop and sometimes you’d have a really

Good game and even if you had a lot of really bad games that one good game would keep you going like the whole time and then recorded rounds were basically just the same thing but they’d spice up like how the game works a little bit they’d have like custom mechanics they

Call them scenarios like different things would happen in the game that you wouldn’t have seen before so it made it very unique and it made it hard to get burnt out because even though it was the same like Battle Royale esque gameplay you had things that were changing every

Time you played and obviously you were with different people it wasn’t the same roster I guess every time kind of like hell events do it they like to swap people out or some people can’t make it so it kept everything like fresh and that’s probably why I kept going for so

Many years but I feel like at some point it just kind of had to get burnt out because it is just battle royale gameplay for so long and there’s so much you can do to change anything how many so how how often was it like was it

Weekly was it monthly how often did you play the uac’s so whenever I first started getting into it I would there would be like multiple uac’s a day that I would play a day oh my a day yeah yeah cuz they were I think when I first

Started getting into it it was they the games would be like an hour to an hour and a half so if you played a couple games a day you’d be going for a while but over time the length of the games has shortened they wanted to speed it up

Quote unquote wasting as much time if you got really far into the game and then you just died without like accomplishing anything so the games nowadays are like 50 minutes or something so it’s it’s more digestible yeah yeah pretty much they tried to speed it up uh what’s your what’s your percentage

You can give a percentage of your like win to to play ratio I guess if give give or take yeah give or take I feel like the best estimate of like a win percentage if I tracked like over the entire course of UHC that I’ve played it’s probably something like 8% or

Something it’s it’s nothing crazy there’s always like so many people in a game but yeah I still won a ton of games I I obviously haven’t kept track because there’s just way too many games but like especially cuz like the bad line uac’s would have like 200 300 people in them

Like if you won if you want won that it it’s like such a low percentage like it’s crazy it was more it was more accomplishing to win a 200 player game than it was to win like a 51 yeah absolutely what about Hypixel you do you

Play that much um I 1 1.8 right or they yeah well before one yeah there was like pre 1.8 stuff but once it got to 1.8 it pretty much just stayed there I didn’t play yeah I didn’t I didn’t play Hypixel UHC a ton I think I

Had less than 100 games over like the entire hor which it 100 sounds like a lot but for however long it was out yeah it wasn’t that much I’d like to say by now you’ve played in over 100 tournaments I don’t yeah I don’t think yet but

Coming up on it and then the transition to MCC testing happened you mentioned through uh like you had a lot of people in the community of MCC testing and then are you um are you still an MCC tester or no yeah I am still an MCC T okay

How’s that then I know you can’t really leak too much yeah I can’t I can’t say too much but it’s still it’s still really fun to do and obviously some people who had been like growing in content had left earlier to try and get a spot obviously Shan did that a while

Ago when because it was about the time that I joined that they stopped testers from being allowed to upload content so I have like a ton I have like a ton of videos that I could only record like bug catching and like reporting stuff um and obviously couldn’t upload anything but I

Wasn’t a big Creator at the time so I didn’t obviously I I just joined I wasn’t looking to like try and get in the main event or anything and I think even right now I’m not even close to where I would need to be so I don’t see

A point in leaving if I can just keep having fun helping out knxr I think it’s like beneficial for me to just stay there I don’t see a reason to try and like leave and wait a year and then get bumped up eventually that uh that answer

Is like so similar to piggles cuz one piggles said was he like a lot of people left because they hoped the one they did get into the event but he was one of the people who stuck around and I guess you were as well which you know like huge

Respect by the way because you know like you say this now that you think but like I mentioned earlier earlier on in the podcast Anything could happen and you average a good amount when you play in tournaments you you know so you know just it’s just huge respects for kind of

Sticking around and like you know keeping being a tester kind of thing yeah be honest with me do you try hard in in the tests in tests um or do you play casually for fun I think when I first I think when I first started I was

I was doing my best because I didn’t really know what to expect I wasn’t like I wasn’t like I didn’t know what VOD reviewing was at that point like obviously I had watched some of the events but I didn’t really like study anything I the first time I went in I

Thought I would be a quote unquote top 15 player so I got balanced as like a top 15 player were and then I got first in my first test first oh God so so that that kind of like opened my eyes um because I had no idea what I was doing

At first obviously like I didn’t V I didn’t know the games I knew of the games but I didn’t know how to play the games and I still ended up doing well and then once I once I instantly did well I tried to maintain it for as long

As possible for like 10 10 tests after I wasn’t try Harding but I was still trying to some degree but then recently I’ve kind of just been more chill I haven’t really like fully tried in any way I’m mostly trying to just have fun and just like relax with the people that

I’m on a team with so I’ve definitely like settled down a little bit since I first started getting into it you heard it here first folks Kett some is sadly washed when it comes to MCC true that’s true actually all the skills gone yeah that’s that’s that’s cool though

That you like s a test and St with it and then obviously there’s a lot more that comes from that of like more public tournaments that you can stream uh you don’t you don’t really stream too much like casually how comes is it just cuz you don’t have the time for it it’s

Mostly cuz I don’t have the time yeah cuz I would I have uh obviously the Counter-Strike team that I’ve been talking about I’m also on a Counter-Strike team for my college and we play matches not obviously not not every week but like whenever we whenever the season is running we have a match

Every week um so I’m practicing for both of those teams I have school for four or 5 days a week depending on like what my schedule is each semester I have bowling I have DND I have events on the weekend like I’m busy all of the time but I’m

Actually this month when I’m off of school I’m actually going to try to stream as much as possible I’ve literally made a schedule on my calendar the first stream should be tomorrow tomorrow from recording this yeah yeah maybe maybe well cuz this this is coming out next Friday so I don’t

Want the viewers Friday I don’t want the viewers listening to this next Friday is that the 22nd oh at tonight Kell awesome will be in Jack Cass charity game night there we go there you go I will also be in there with the podcast team actually funny enough let’s go inside literally

Team inside Mt plus Debbie Morales theoretically I could have like that could be the 10th stream I have since this is recorded no sh I’m trying to go as crazy as possible I don’t know if I have like the energy or the time to do so but I’ve made a schedule hopefully I

Can follow it you need to we’ll see what happens we’ll see what happens no you have to come on you got you got to now once this podcast comes out this bet tonight better be your there better be a ton of streams yeah no come on I I I

Motivation here ke we I want to see you cuz you can very you can very much do very well with streaming and you know it you know you could grinded out so you just got to find and actually have the time now I feel time to do the best time

Have excuse so and now is like like you said now is the perfect time to kind of test the waters of if you actually grinded it out how well could you do yeah what would happen yeah exactly so now get a good Baseline exactly you need

To do it come on when this podcast is released if K awesome doesn’t have at least 10 streams counting tonight is a 10th stream all right then yeah what if it’s nine what if it’s nine am I just washed it’s over GG’s yeah I’ll get i’ll get Jack to kick you from

Jack streamer requirements here we go I’ll stream like 10 5 minute streams in a row technically that counts I think it has to be minimum five minutes for it to count as a stream so oh really yeah I can’t remember I think yeah cuz yeah I

Was talking to the ham about it cuz the way he got way he got affiliate was by doing like a 5 minute stream that the only way it count oh yeah cuz you have to stream like like 5 days or 10 days or something within a month but it doesn’t

Affect the viewership as much if it’s like a tiny stream so that’s actually like a good way to go about it so like a crap ton of people joined you could actually you could actually partner based on a five minute streams there we go yeah streams I think the partner

Application is a lot more strict though I think if they noticed that they would probably just reject you but you’re but you’re C awesome so oh that’s true I’m just built different ex you’re built different you awesome so they can’t say no to you that’s

What was the topic what was the topic we were talking about oh no oh tournaments tournaments I guess uh so from MCC testing I assume and I could be completely wrong in saying this I want to assume your next tournament was original Block Wars no oh

What was so after MCC testing it was Pandora’s Box oh you went to Pandora’s Box before Block Wars I went to Pandora’s Box almost a year before Block Wars I have a Twitter question based on this it’s from toine had they’re a builder for Pb all right I’m sorry I’ve

Put your name but is T yeah TS there we go I’ll just say that yeah how did it if you can remember how did it feel when you got invited to pb3 so I had seen I think a couple of uh a couple of Clips on Twitter I never watched the event I

And I’ve asked Garf this before Garf does not remember why he invited me it was in like March of last year so 2022 or something okay and just randomly got a Twitter DM hey you want to join I’m like yeah that sounds cool because I’d seen like two Twitter clips and I’m like

I love Minecraft so I’ll I’ll join this event and then I I went in and I just was good right off the bat which is insane I have no idea how I don’t know how that happened either but whenever I got invited I was happy but obviously I

Didn’t know that this would lead to so many crazy things happening so I’m more happy about it now than I was then I feel like cuz obviously I didn’t know uh so whenever I got invited it was happy it wasn’t like anything crazy but looking back I’m like I’m so glad that

Garf actually reached out and you’re so thankful as well yeah so when GF invited you then I assume you said yes quickly yes he wasn’t hesitant uh so you joined MCC testing in August and then you got invited to PB in February how did your first PB go well obviously I went into

It with no expectations kind of like I did with with testing and we had a super op team because obviously they didn’t expect me to get first and I just got first and I I think it was the point record in my first event but just because like there were more games or

Something like that I don’t remember but um I got first we had a really good team I think we have the most coins a team or points whatever whatever they classifi it as I think we have the most team points like across the entire event multiplied ever okay because it was just

Super op and nobody knew yet and we won and it was awesome I got an ace in Coliseum which was pretty cool I posted that on Twitter that one crazy I mean viewership wise nobody had really heard of me at that point cuz that was my

First actual event so it was kind of like the minimum and then as I was in PB well there was only one more PB that year cuz they went on the crazy break but it was a good like minimum to see in like compared to now in how much I’ve

Grown since then so that was really cool at least yeah looking back on it now team of it’s Nitro tiger that J guy tun and K awesome is a little bit a little bit overpowered little bit you actually you came up against G in the final as

Well which is I did yeah had they not invited you they might have won that PB yeah so they invited you and you took away their win and then ever since then you’ve kind of you’ve been quite consistent I don’t believe you played in the last season but you play last

Tournament sorry you played in the one before that uh yeah that is correct and I was in I was in pb9 that’s one but you didn’t play 10 which was like two weeks ago from I’m recording es take yeah I just remember the PB is crazy because

I’ve gotten first every time I’ve played it like all five times it’s pretty stupid like I don’t think anyone’s everever had a streak like that in any event ever in history it is kind of absurd go yeah I guess so I guess so imagine if you practice even more like imag like

Imagine if you trained consistently already placing like first in div constantly it’s a bit it’s a bit crazy to think of like what you could do scary maybe I would do worse though maybe I’m just only good with with no uh no training no practice warm up whatever

That stuff who knows one thing we’re we’re not going to find out that’s good though cuz you’re doing well now there’s no point in overdoing it yeah one thing I’ve always noticed about you right and this is in like a an an as SLP as I can get with this it’s

Like you play first indiv a lot but like at least when at least when I’ve been seeing and I could be completely wrong this you don’t like you do win tournaments like your teams do win a lot but you place first endeav a lot more than like I think it’s what like one

Mayhem I think where like you placed first indiv but your team didn’t even make the final game and it’s just crazy to think like huh sorry like yeah you’re not even getting into the final game but you’re still coming first in and it’s just like when when is when how often does that

Happen not not really doesn’t really but but for you it happens often yeah I think the the biggest extreme that I’ve had was I think in Mania I got first on a six Place team I’m pretty sure that was my I think that was also my first

Mania but the only reason we got sixth was because people were lagging out in the last game it was like a racing game I think it’s called rapid Racers that might be the Mayhem one oh no whatever it it was the race game there were like three different Maps or something yeah

That was that was cuz I played in Pride and I won that race game so you played the one and two of my teammates were just lagging out the entire race so we we fell down the leaderboard a lot after that and then uh and then kind of sit on

The topic of PB here with pb4 the return Pandora’s Box you uh won that again with a team of liness AA JC gr ninja because if he if he wasn’t balanced before they thought they they for some bizar and decided to give you that team which is a

Bit crazy to be fair we were doing really bad as a team up until the last game you came second as a team yeah yeah I don’t know if you if you know about this but we were in seventh place before the last game as a team oh my God and

Then we had Sky High like the the most PVP game that could ever exist and we went insane we went insane we got 5,000 points in Skyhigh and we almost went to First Team I think what it was it was insane like 7th to second in the last

Game that is never going to happen again probably I think that happened in like something similar happened in Mayhem team I think went from 6 to first or something yeah they crazy something yeah because they they didn’t they didn’t make the final game but they were like first for like

Period of time I think SP was like the second to last game or whatever they literally yeah they went from like sick to top and it’s like crazy but it wasn’t enough so it’s not it’s not as me like memorable as as your one yeah this is

Widely I say widely regarded it’s not like talked about that much but whenever it happened people were saying like this is going to be the best comeback that ever exists because it didn’t really seem like anything could beat something like that what your one yeah talking

Okay and then and then we move on to block wars and was if I’m correct in say was your first ever Block Wars Block Wars Origins 18 yes that is correct you made it you made it to to the final game but you got four OED uh yep how how did

You how did you place individually That season so that was that was another first individual oh my God it’s kind it’s kind of similar to pb3 where we had a super op team I think this is also the high the highest unmultiplied team score in Origins jeez okay because it was we

Had four newcomers on the team but I think the other three newcomers were testers before oh they got bumped up it was either two or three of them were testers before and we were just doing insanely well in every game like we got first in spliff and like move or

Something and that was before I was like super good at movement it it was super weird but I think the reason we got swept in bridges is because uh we had there was actually supposed to be one more game only seven of them got played skyone decided to completely collapse

And we literally we just couldn’t play it it had to be skipped and we thought we were going to cook in that a ton so we were super upset by that and it it was weird and then we got four OED and then we just kind of shrugged it off and

It was fine but I’m trying like it was almost like a what if if we played Sky Zone like if we would have had a better mentality or something or you would have had a different final team to play as well yeah also true cuz I think I think

Like chaos or something was in third and he was mad because they could have made top two cuz chaos usually loves like the PVP games yeah they Forte mhm but with all of that it doesn’t matter anyways because blog wars Origins hh9 you went on to win with with actually like a

Really good team Rowan Nitro tiger Griffin and Fanboy a that’s actually a solid solid five stack that yeah we had cyber originally but cyber was having internet issues sir rone subbed in uh okay um which was you know it was a a better subin so we probably wouldn’t

Have made probably wouldn’t have made Bridges if that didn’t happen but you know it’s all good did we see a first IND of kill awesomeness event as well or no we did not oh so you said win the events you don’t place first indiv but

You lose the events you do make it make sense please this was uh this was a solar first in div I think this was the first event that I didn’t get first in so so basically this is your Arc becoming washed is what you’re trying to

Say yes this is when I started becoming washed this is where you fell off where did you where did you place first where did you place in div if you remember I play second okay just still still good though it’s not like you play fifth or six you play second so how come

You how come you joined after the split cuz the split I don’t don’t know when the split happened but was it just like yeah I actually don’t really know too much about block wars in regards like his history uh like with the with the whole split and stuff like that uh what

How she joined after was it just a per like was it just per based on the time you got invited or so I wasn’t actually involved in Block Wars too much before the split I think the first block wars I watched was Allstars so that’s whenever

They had and that’s what the the jackass game night Char game night’s going to be next Friday but it was the first time they had eight teams and it was still on the old server but it was like right before they started making like new games it started kind of changing

Everything and I wasn’t very involved because I had only played in pb3 and pb4 so whenever PB went on that Hiatus people obviously weren’t seeing much of me at all cuz I I wasn’t streaming consistently I wasn’t like making videos they didn’t really like know what I was

About I guess like they they knew of me but they didn’t really know if I would be good to fit into Origins and then whenever the split happened that’s when Garf took over Origins and Garf had known me at that point so I I think I

Was just on the list at some point and then I asked to join because it worked a little different from PB PB I got asked to join Origins you’re supposed to ask Garf if you want to be put on a list or something and then after that I was just

I just got in so I wasn’t I just wasn’t in the event I wasn’t involved with it very much before the split happened what made you want to join was it just because you started loving tournaments more and more yeah I think so I think

After PB I was like I need to find more of these things and I still kind of had that mindset because I will pretty much join any event that I get invited to I like I love playing events even if they’re like not as professional so to

Say like they aren’t as established or they don’t have as many games they’re still really fun to play in my opinion you have a you have like a really really good cuz you’ve never played in like Block Wars you’ve only ever played in Origins um which is interesting to see

But you have like a really good track record obviously the first one you made Bridges came first indiv didn’t win uh 19 you made Bridges and won K second indiv or 21 you didn’t even make bridges and came second indiv 22 didn’t make bridges came third indiv and then

Origins 24 which is the last one you played made Bridges and you won and you came first in of so mhm you have like a really really good your points average is 3K oh my God yeah I’m pretty consistent pretty in construction I believe that is to check

It it looks like a it looks like a build to me it’s construction apparently that’s your like highest game stats I mean there’s like a good few that high but I no actually know your highest is party average points in part part is more like individual boring Focus so

That makes second second fifth first and first that is that is such good consistency yeah in race don’t look at skyone do not look at Sky Zone oh Sky Zone oh second 13 from 38 what what what the heck happened in the most recent no in Block team oh team flirt okay never

Mind like does it does just like a more like friendly team right I mean I I I think I’m just watched honestly I think that’s saw that happened I fell off a little bit but yeah know we had a really bad skies I think we were all like bottom 10 in the

Game ouch we died like first fight in both rounds and if that happens you’re just like okay well that’s cool GG game over yep that’s that’s the whole game so I do have a question from doville do do doy I said do doy here and it is uh when

Is the reunion of Team fairy happening which doesn’t surprise me because they were on that team that’s why they’re asking is going to come or that would be a banger team to come back that was one of the that was like top two teams of all

Time that I’ve had like that was super fun even though we got third and obviously I didn’t get first we were like vibing the whole time it was a ton of fun and also the only reason we didn’t make bridges because there’s a super op team uh Team

X who got like 2 they got like 4,000 points higher than second place that was uh that was interesting but they had John the so you know yeah John is CRA nearly 4K more than second John is crazy they were not expecting JN to be like a

Top half player whenever they joined and then John just cracked out of their mind I me and I remember me and space were talking do do you drink G or no I do not drink like ever the team suggestion that me and space had would be fun for Origins would be team sober

But they actually get drunk that be that’ be an amazing amazing one I I’ve heard that I’ve heard that have you have you ever inquired about getting into the main event is it something that you that you’d like to or is it something that you just like like

I mean cuz cuz by the way if you say yes to wanting to be in the main event I’m not going to take it as in like your that’s your dream it’s more so like I’d like to be in the main event but I’m I’m fine with being in Origins you know is

It like one of those ones uh yeah that’s probably the best way to describe it it’d be cool to play in the main event I obviously don’t know as many people there like I’m more Affiliated I guess with the origins people from an organizer uh perspective an organ your

Standpoint it really doesn’t make sense to put me in the main event because if I’m getting like consistent top two top three in Origins I will just completely roll the main event balancing will be super difficult and there’s not a ton of people that know me so it doesn’t really

Make sense to move me up obviously I would love to be there but I’m also at a point where I know it doesn’t really make sense for them to to have me in the main event so I’m pretty content with just staying where I am I I see like on

The Block Wars subreddit people are like Kell awon versus fineberg what what would happen if those two were both in the main event or fineberg dropped to Origins I think it’s really funny people are always trying like seeing me try to get into the main event but and I would

Love to but I I don’t think it’s going to happen like anytime soon realistically see the thing is I I agree I agree with like the idea you’re trying to get there but I also disagree to extent of like me and you have never interacted before but you’re on the

Podcast I’ve never interact I never interacted with feberg or fruitberries before they came on the podcast I mean I guess actually technically I teamed with fineberg and Mayhem but I don’t count up because I invited them before we teamed it’s like you know I never you know as

Much as you say oh you’ve never interacted with them you know and they still know who you are and stuff I understand the standpoint of you like you are very good at the game so it would be hard to balance you and also just doesn’t make too much sense on that

Like adding another s TI on that standpoint but it’s already hard enough for them to kind of like put like fine and purpled in the same event kind of thing or like f man as well and all that kind of stuff but with the whole like

People not knowing you f is I I guess just from being able to look at from my perspective was if people don’t know me but they still come on podcast like know you know of me but you didn’t know me we haven’t really interacted much and you know I’m I’m really enjoying this

Podcast and you know but you still came on kind of thing so yeah no I agree with you I think it it leans more to the side of like balancing compared to like team Vibes and like knowing cuz I feel like I could fit into most teams like I’m

Pretty flexible in how I can interact I feel like I’m pretty much just matching everyone around me almost so I feel like it’s pretty easy for me to like hop into a team and just like ball out or whatever or be super serious if they

Want me to like I can you know yeah you you can just yeah you match the energy yeah but it’s definitely more of the balancing side it would be extremely difficult for that to happen he just too good at the game yeah I guess so and then there’s also been like other

Tournaments like smaller ones you played in a smaller initation you played in Mania I believe you played in yeah you have played in Mayhem you’re using example so is there any other like I’d say is there any other TN you’re looking at I don’t really think there is any any

More of than I mean did you play in wipe out uh I I did play in wipe out we played the the qualifier round we have a pretty pretty op yeah oh yeah of course yeah cuz you made it into the finals or whatever it was yeah the final is like

Also next week or it’s on like Sunday or something so that’ll be exciting that’ll be one of the streams that I was talking about I have that I have the the jackass charity KN I might have something else but I don’t I don’t oh no I think I

Think it came out the there might be another um Galaxy Showdown like tubet Galaxy Showdown that I’m in pretty sure that announced announced it did it came out 3 days ago I don’t know if I’m in the roster but it was announced got you yeah you don’t if

You’re oh yeah December 8 I want to play in one of those man I’m actually good at I’m actually good at the game mode as well that’s the sad like I’ve genuinely played the game mode a good amount I don’t know yeah that’s also definitely the event that I’ve had like that has

The most like higher than me content creators I guess like some of the really popular ones I hadn’t really been in an event with most of them before so that was really cool it’s always just good to interact and it’s just like taking opportunities when they’re offered to

Kind of thing you know like obviously had you have you had you have said no to Pandora’s Box would they have reinvites you where would you be now kind of thing he always just looking back oh yeah I yeah that would be alternate timeline right there different are you into the

Marvel man chants or no I I used to be I haven’t watched like any of the stuff recently but I used to watch like all the movies well the Multiverse then you know you know the concept of Multiverse yeah so yeah the Multiverse so mhm and then uh then pretty recently a few

Months back as far as I’m where you joined the pals mhm it’s uh just just a Content creation group I actually don’t really have anything to build on this I just wanted I just wanted to make the statement I know that I just wanted you

To be aware that I knew you joined pal I was really what I was getting out there sounds good um I guess I guess touching more on uh touching more on the tournament F before we move on is uh so did you you I don’t think oh no you didn’t cuz you’re a

Tester you didn’t sign up to MCC did you because you couldn’t cuz you were test yeah that’s correct I could not do any like Rising applications or stuff like that because I was already uh a test yeah this was a Twitter question and once again I apologize that I cuz it’s I

Only wrote down a few Twitter questions so I’m kind of just thinking of ones as we speak I don’t know who it was but you know you asked the Twitter question all right with the current if you can with the current MCC roster what would your

Ideal team of four be and it can be an unbalanced team now you can turn around and go I want fruitberries purple and F man right I I I’m not looking for balancing here I just want to know if you could have I I guess like Let’s do

Let’s do per tournament for the sake of Cu I feel like this could be quite fun uh so your right we’ll start with MCC it can be as unbalanced as you want what would be your ideal for stack and I’m going to say you have to include your

Self for the sake of it ooh ideal for stack okay be try hard as up yeah I I’ll probably try to mix it I feel like me being in a team I would be more focused around the PVP type typ stuff so I would want like a movement player I would want

A like a team based player like good comms and then I want like a Vibes player I’m kind of putting you on the spot here so yeah yeah no you’re good I have to like I have to run through my brain to find like the best the best

Criteria for each category I feel like best best movement has got to be like fruit or purple it has to be one of those too well we’ll go we’ll go fruit because I’ve I’ve talked to fruit before I my head as well okay so we got kettles and we got fruitberries yeah super

Balanced um just that’s that’s it actually you don’t need two more people you good all right that’s it teammate um oh who’s a good like oh who’s a good like Sanson like sand keeper o see the issue the issue is that my memory is really bad I also don’t really know the

MCC like stats or whatever off the top of my head well it does have to go on stats it’s just like think of the name that com the first name that comes your head here is the person you’d like to team with more I guess in a sense that’s

How I see anyway yeah that’s true that’s true I’m going to go super cracked I think JoJo would be super fun to team with okay so we got we got K awesome fruit bares JoJo solos who is the four this is The Vibes player I need the Vibes player

Maybe maybe Phil I feel like Phil can can sort of kind of like what I was saying like really flexible can kind of like mesh to any team almost I feel like that would be pretty chill definitely super balance team to hit my for sure yeah yeah yeah I

Reckon a Kel awesome Pizza Hut CPK dark eyebrows team could be quite fun oo yeah that could be could be fun there’s a lot of different combinations you can make there I I originally had um there’s also there was also um yourself CPK and Venom and false Cemetery could also be quite

Team yeah I agree uh what about what about Block Wars we’ll just do we’ll just do we’ll just do MCC and Block Wars cuz they’re like the events you haven’t played in M event main M actually know there’s not really a point of doing Main Event blocks cuz it’s kind of similar to

MCC right like yeah yeah kind of okay let’s do let’s do Origins then if you could if you could make your own team tomorrow you had the option to do whoever you wanted actually I don’t really want to put you on this spot actually because then that’s kind of

Picking favorites in it I mean I don’t know do you have one in mind I have a couple people in mind yeah are you good to share this is completely your choice yeah oh go then yeah let’s let’s do a five stack for Block Wars Origins then yeah yeah absolutely including space

Space would be the first person I’d pick obviously get go oh yeah obviously I want to team with a again a was super good vibes so that’s the that’s kind of the fairy core I guess got weam I wasn’t lying when I said fairy was super goated in terms of like Vibes

And just us having a super amazing time um after that I’d probably go like will again and then now now I have to choose somebody new because I’ve I’ve just chosen people I’ve already teamed with that’s going to be really bad if you don’t say noie right cuz to ask the

Question no will no will wasn’t on wasn’t on fairy oh okay okay feel okay go yeah I I limited my fairy core I would just say fairy again because it was a super awesome team but I have to sort of limited a little bit so I went

Will and then uh I’ll go I’ll go Zoo cuz I’ve been trying to team with Zoo for so long now and it just hasn’t worked out like team wise okay yeah just like like like uh just bench timings I guess and like like odds or whatever yeah just

Whatever the terminology for it is yeah one day it’ll happen they they listen to this podcast and I’ll put you on the same team for the next Origins and then you can then you can then you can tweet that inside MC thank you so much yeah I guess then kind of

Moving back into the whole csgo thing touching on that a little bit more before we move like before we move on from this is uh so you kind of said about how you’ve been playing like Pro stuff like that uh what about streaming it have you have you thought about maybe

Making an old account like I don’t know Al awesome I don’t know thing I could think OFW oh my God yeah why didn’t I think oh my God yeah exactly why have you ever thought about making a c Cal Alum account where you like stream CS goo or

Even if it’s just while muted just so people can watch you play like I like to bring up streams in the background while I’m editing so it could be something cool to watch in the background so um so the only I you cuz Okay so going back to

The start whenever I first started streaming in ooh well I first started streaming on YouTube cuz I I never really used Twitch in I think 2016 2017 1ish I moved to Twitch in 2018 I think I got affiliate in 2019 back then I was streaming mostly Minecraft but I would

Still stream a bunch of other stuff like I would stream single player games I would stream Counter Strike I would stream basically anything I was playing at that point but nowadays it’s kind of just it’s just Minecraft because that’s what’s been going crazy I still stream my Counter-Strike matches so th those

Would those are like really late only a couple weeks cuz it depends like how like when the season’s going on it doesn’t get crazy viewership it’s also like 2-minute delay for like competitive Integrity I can’t read the chat in case people are spoiling or whatever so there’s not really like interaction that

I can have and it’s not the the main game that people are watching me for so it’s really it’s really weird in terms of like being able to actually grow off of it cuz it actually damages my like average viewership or whatnot and that so I have definitely thought about

Making an ALT for it it’s definitely a possibility so yes I I have definitely thought about it I do have the name I do I do alome yeah see if it’s taken it’s not even taken literally when you Ty K alome Kell awesome shows up so there you go

You have you have the perfect name now cuz you have your and your main also shows up at the same time and now I have to make it before this podcast comes around or’s going to take it cuz it’s same if if you search so my is called

Insane oral I don’t really stream on it much like if I search up insane oral insane orbit shows up as well so it works M there you go sorry I know I’m hounding you here but I want it want this is what the viewer wants if it on

It’s like the 10 stream things if it hasn’t happened by the time this podcast comes out yeah then then then I’m yeah I don’t know I don’t know what’s going with that the only actual reason I haven’t switched my my Counter-Strike match streams to an ALT is because my

Family actually watches the matches oh so like I would just have to tell them but it’d be like wait why are you making a second account that doesn’t make sense it would just be harder for them cuz they don’t they don’t fully grasp it I guess they’re just trying to like

Support me in the best way possible they don’t like they don’t really watch the Minecraft stuff but they knew like cuz whenever I joined a team I was like 17 or something so I figured like I’ll just let them know that’s it’s taking up a lot of my time it makes sense and

They’ve just they’ve been trying their best to support me even if they don’t know what’s going on during the past few years he listens to some podcast that it’s just his way of supp me that’s like that’s like the one thing I thought of to be like maybe I don’t M like switch

Accounts on it yet but I’ll probably still do it at some point yeah well you still got get the name anyways before somebody steals it m okay I’ve kind of put you on I’ll absolutely get the name I definitely to get the name my bad I’m

I’m going to remind myself right now I’m going to I’m going to put it on this little notepad Cal Alum it’s a pretty good name it’s a good name it was your it was your idea so you know full credit for it sry I didn’t mean to Hound you

There I just got a bit it my bad it’s a good name it makes sense with like with that then how did you how did you kind of get into how did you get into playing that now that we kind of talked about all the Minecraft stuff we can kind of

Like you said it kind of affects viewers ship when we talk about you know when like you do different stuff that is in Minecraft so for the sake of the podcast that’s why I kind of left it nearer to the end here there’s going to still be Twitter questions after regarding

Minecraft but I just mean more so uh where how did you how did you get into that cuz I know you said you’ve been playing it since 2013 the first csgo 2015 2015 sorry sorry the first year score so what made you what made you

Want to play the game what made you get into it that make sense so yeah whenever I first started playing it it was like early 2015 but it was more like I just saw this cool game I’ll play it every once in a while um I only really started playing it a

Ton whenever I was watching like professional matches so I got introduced to the pro scene of Counterstrike through Cloud9 which is one of the organizations they had a a full North American roster they were super fun to watch they were super they uh they weren’t like the best team in the world

Or anything but they would they would you know put up put up some interesting games yeah it was it was interesting enough to keep me like attached to that team but that’s how I got introduced to the professional scene and I guess in turn that made me like play the game

More I never thought about joining I actually never thought about joining a team up until I was on a team because I I don’t know why I guess I just wasn’t really involved like none of my friends were really on teams I didn’t know a ton

Of people that were on teams I wasn’t involved in like that sphere I guess but then uh one of my friends actually joined the team and they uh they had five people but one of them left I think so they were just talking about I was

Like like oh maybe I could maybe I could join this team like that that’d be kind of cool and so they brought it up with their team and they they like tried me out or whatever and I ended up doing really well and that’s the only reason why I started playing professionally

Honestly like I enjoyed watching the game I enjoyed playing the game but I didn’t really think about it until I just like took that random like I asked that random question and I took that step almost and and you shot and you hit basically mhm and then you started

Getting better over time yeah yeah absolutely linking back into Minecraft here again then uh partially something I should have asked in the whole tournament section but it completely slit my mind until now uh let’s talk about your whole mentality going into tournaments there something that we

Stayed before the podcast it could be a cool topic cuz you mentioned how like you kind of have a different mentality to what other people have so like what not other people have per se just a different one in general but so what is so how how do you stay so consistent how

Do you stay so good do you have like do you have a certain ritual that you do before and this is talking about if you have to specify the different ones you can but this is talking about both Minecraft tournaments and CSO tournaments L yeah so I I think it is

Actually different I think the for Counter Strike wise I actually have like not really a routine but I try my best to make sure I’m warmed up for matches like my mind is like super focused I’m not worried about anything else cuz they’ll have like these quote unquote

Maps that you can load up in the game where you like just shoot targets or whatever that’s the best way to describe it you just kind of warm up your aim or whatnot and so I try to do that as much as I can before counter- strike matches

In terms of Minecraft events my mentality is kind of just like I’m going to show up day of I’m not going to warm up whatsoever I’m just going to see what happens we’re just going to ball the whole time and I feel like that’s really weird because most of the other like

Super good players I feel like are consistantly playing the game like way more than I am and my mentality is like I don’t really care what happens as long as I have fun it’s okay which feels really weird cuz anytime there’s like a feedback channel in an event and they’re

Talking about like things to improve or stuff they didn’t like I’m just like you know like I I don’t I don’t say anything like I was just chilling the whole time like especially with the PB damage Point change that they made I actually didn’t think that was a good idea even though

It would favor me like individually a lot they ended up balancing it to where it’s fine now but they got rid of survival points yeah I didn’t like a bunch of people were complaining a bunch of people were like oh that’s cool cuz it’s like different and it like it

Rewards the individual performance more but I feel like that didn’t really need to happen I felt like it was already like good enough and they found a good like middle ground with it I guess the middle ground I haven’t I haven’t noticed it the middle ground is just

There’s still no survival points but they made like a curve on it so if you’re like super popping off beforehand you would get like 900 points or something now if you’re like super popping off it’s curved to where you’re not getting as much and it still like trickles down to the lower placement

Players a little bit more than it was before I know I still like I still like the survival points yeah I I also still like the survival points but I think it’s interesting that they’re they’re like finding a way to differentiate from other events I guess it it’s definitely

It’s an interesting way to go about it block has damage points right an event that I think they I think Block Wars added it to battle recently in like the I think something two events ago yeah but I think they but they have the zones that you capture as a team which compar

Like the PB games like Sky High doesn’t have any other way to get points yeah so it’s definitely interesting but that’s one of the that’s one of the ways that I found out that I think a lot differently than a lot of the other like super good

Players I feel like because I was like actively talking about how I think survival points should just stay and I didn’t think it would be like like a crazy good idea and people would have less fun or whatever which I mean obviously some people didn’t have fun

With it because any change is going to have people not enjoying it or people enjoying it more because everyone’s different and it’s hard to balance that type of stuff but it it was interesting to see like how I differed from other people so that’s kind of what I was

Looking into with like the mentality thing cuz I feel like I I have a lot different one than a lot of the other like super good players especially with the like just balling out the whole time I’m uh I’m give or take the same like with like tournaments I don’t really

Trained beforehand mainly because I’m so like for instance now this is my second podcast in 5 days I’m recording again in 2 days I recorded 2 days ago I have to get these all edited one one I recorded two two days ago needs to come out in 2

Days this one is coming out next Friday and the one I’m recording in 2 days comes out in a week and I’ve got like a very busy week you know so I’m quite preoccupied with that the only difference between us is my last two mayhems I think I played like 28th and

20th uh you’re actually doing good in tournaments so I have the same mentality I just don’t really have the same skill set as the issue so yeah I have the genetic difference you know yeah exactly but I can I can relate to you in a sense

Of aa’s vibe I just I just my vibing doesn’t really work out in regards but I like it being um not that good cuz something uh you said you mention men before the podcast that you listen to the space and mki uh podcast in it I

Asked a question to mki how does it feel to like be so consistently good and obviously with you it’s definitely like a better question to ask for you is because you’re always coming first second third and I know you said you Vibe but is that is there ever that

Pressure as well though of like if you ever play a tournament and you come 15th or 16th you can say it was about a tournament yeah but is there always that pressure of like oh crap like I still need to do pretty good in these because that’s what I’ve established cuz I go

Into a tournament and I just I just chill you know like I I’m I know I’m the third or or fourth frag and I’m happy with that because I can just I’m still going to try my best and in these tournaments I am still trying my best

But at the same time like I don’t have to worry too much about doing well per se so is that something that you know that that affects you sometimes or not yeah I would say pressures absolutely affected me before my first couple of like pv3 pv4 were obviously way before I

Was in Origins and I didn’t really know what I was doing so I didn’t have any pressure whatsoever my first origins no pressure cuz it was the first one pretty much after that I almost always felt like not even like day of I’m talking like days before like when I’m trying to

Sleep or like when I’m just randomly thinking about stuff in my head I’m like oh what if I like what if I do bad in this and it that’s happened with MCC testing as well cuz obviously I started really well in that I started really

Well in events so I almost felt like I had a standard to keep up almost so that made it it made it very hard to have a good mentality going into it and I I honestly I like I still did I don’t know how I kept like cuz I feel like it was

Taking up like so much of my brain space but I think at some point I just kind of got used to it and I didn’t feel the pressure as much as I was before cuz the like the last event that I like um Origins 24 was the last like big event

That I was in and I didn’t feel like any pressure going into it so I think I’ve kind of just gotten it was kind of like a phase where I felt a ton of pressure and then at some point I just kind of my brain got used to it almost and it might

Be related to the fact that I I’m like not playing as much Minecraft so I don’t really have as many expectations going into it which could change based on if I’m going to stream a ton and start playing Minecraft a lot more maybe the pressure will come back but we’ll see

But yeah there’s definitely been pressure yeah well I mean I don’t I don’t know if you’d be interested in this or like if your viewers would be interested in this but I guess a cool one you could do is the uh the swim run fly pot like nox nox cre map on Bedrock

Edition I know Bedrock yeah but like I I was I was speedr running that for a while and I think I have like the fifth fastest time or something it’s not a good time but like you can maybe look into like doing speed runs on that or

Like I I kind enjoy playing like a few of the not screw Bedrock Maps because then it’s cuz it’s a whole different version as well so you know ites it kind of takes away the pressure of cuz it’s a whole different version you don’t have to worry too much about like it

Affecting your Java like still if that makes sense cuz then you’re not over playing or like just do like other stuff like parkour or you know MCC Island and like I I very much gone into like very viby streams now so whereas before I really really wanted to do well and I

Still want to do well but like now it’s more so I’m just kind of chilling having fun on stream and I’m PP but if I die as I yeah it’s not really important it’s not a tournament I can just go play next you know yeah I’m absolutely more of

Like a Vibes person as long as you just keep that mentality though then it shouldn’t really affect your whole tournament AR yeah if that makes any sense before I get into the what questions then Kell is there anything that you want to talk about is there anything that you think I would have

Mentioned on the podcast and I just completely brushed over it I I’ve recovered everything I I think we’ve gotten through everything okay certain yeah I think so yeah W okay uh so because I’ve been asking uh the Twitter questions throughout the podcast these last two ones aren’t serious questions

I’m going to pre-warn you now they are they are goofy ones but that’s cuz I got all the Ser cuz I normally mix them into the two but all the serious ones I’ve asked throughout the podcast uh the first one is from run and it’s how you

Doing or how you how you doing how you doing oh you know I’m I’m chilling I woke up only a few hours before this jez um so I was a little tired going into it but nothing’s really happened today so I’m kind of just chilling the whole time you know I’m

Doing doing good I don’t have to worry about school for a month so a lot of that stress is just like completely good for a while so I’m definitely definitely doing good yeah yeah but hopefully the streams aren’t stressful yeah they won’t be that would be bad yeah that’ be bad

And then the second and the second one here and it’s one I am actually genuinely really curious about comes from chaos 21A how did you come up with those insane bars on the tough o33 birthday album cuz I actually went and listen to it cuz I didn’t I didn’t know

I didn’t know what this was and I went and listen to it and they were they were fire they were fire K awesome so I need I need to know I need I had to ask this as soon as I heard it oh no oh no yeah

That’s that’s a funny story so um obviously chaos organized this uh this birthday surprise for to there’s like a running gag between us about how uh like chaos is going to make a diss track or Toof was GNA make a diss TR or something on me because that

Because we have um we have a little bit of a rivalry you could say because whenever we yeah rivalry yeah because in PB I I like owned him in Coliseum cuz he’s a he’s a fraud but um oh wait chaos chaos chaos chaos not I would

Never say that to tough but he organized this um this quote unquote diss track where it’s making fun of Toof but it’s also like you know just banter just having a good time and I I wrote none of the lines oh chaos wrote all of them well

Then I have to give chaos credit complimented themselves that’s where question is them just that was the question I Could Have Lied I could have made up anything here but chaos actually cooked with those bars so I feel like I have to give credit there like they were

Fired what what was one of your favorite bars if you can remember off the top of your head what was one of your favorite lines ooh Frost was 2 years ago your Peak is com and gone that is the best line what’s the what’s the cont I joined

This community in March so I’ve I’ve done as much research as I can but there’s so much I don’t know you’re going to have to give me context as to why this is good sorry so Frost war is what Pandora’s Box was called before it

Was Pandora’s Box I got you okay and so to was super good good in Frost war and also was was super good at the start of PB but then I show then I showed up oh no to hasn’t gotten the first since I started playing and then Frost was 2

Years ago and obviously that’s when he was doing his best so that that’s like that’s like the biggest dis in the entire uh track I guess that’s kind of that’s kind of crazy actually that’s that’s oh my God okay when I first read it I was like oh my God you made it

You did a good job yeah it was based off of a pre-existing song he tried to keep like the same like amount of words and like the syllables and Rhythm while so it was easy to like run through everything yeah he did a good job you

Thinking of making your own diss track I might have to now might have to I don’t know who would I make the diss track on though that’s the thing well I mean you just said fighting words against chaos and I’m going to that literally I think

In the Stream in the so I have like podcast highlights that also go on Twitter and unless something else comes after this that is worth putting in I genuinely think the last one is going to be me going wait who’s the fraud chaos or tough so that’s going to be that’s going

To be interesting so yeah I think I think once if chaos does listen to this or if it gets back to chaos that uh that you’ve decided to start fighting words they might even they they they’re going to have to ride this truck against you and you’re going to have to clap back

Yeah could this I’m definitely more of a reactionary person so I would have to I would wait to see if anyone else made one you know heos if you’re listening to this so if anyone is listening to this please tell chaos they could start one of the best Trends in 2024 for

Minecraft season oh yeah even Minecraft events this track season you just have people shooting for people who they’ve never interacted with before we have like we have like purplle going for sandwich Lord that be crazy yeah but you could you could do the funniest thing chaos

Right now you have the chance to do the funniest thing get writing I’ve been telling him to make a dist track on me for so long he just hasn’t done it well considering they wrote that like their Bars were good they the bars are good but I mean to be

Fair it is me against Toof which I have a bit of a leg up on I don’t know how chaos would find ways to to get a leg up on me that might be a little difficult for to this but yeah I’m sure I’m sure you can come up with something you could

Do you could do like a collab feature with space brownies yeah so true that’ be so SI going to go crazy I mean they go crazy with skins I’m sure they can go crazy with bars as well true true with that being said then Kell I think we’ve

Ended the podcast here in like one of the most perfect ways this has been great you’ve been amazing to talk to thank you so much yeah thank you for having me on this was a lot of fun I always like to give the uh outro of the

Podcast for you to uh promote who like promote where we can find you like while you’re at on Twitter soal x uh YouTube ttch I mean your YouTube and twitch will be in the description below anyways and your name will be in the title but just yeah where where can we find you

Anything you want to promote so yeah YouTube twitch obviously just Kell awesome Twitter I’ve have Kell awesome cuz somebody’s had Kell awesome for 10 10 plus years unfortunate unlucky I guess uh I think those are the three main ones I should be streaming more throughout the uh the next month or so

So if it’s between 2: and 6:00 Eastern American time you might see me live uh and yeah thank thanks everyone for watching this a ton of fun and if you’re ever looking at looking for them in a tournament you can find them at the top of the leaderboard at the top of the

Leaderboard well Cal you’ve been an amazing guest sadly this brings the end of the inside MC podcast yep thank you all for watching stay safe don’t eat too much bread pieces

This video, titled ‘Kelawesome – The Best Minecraft Tournament Player – 066’, was uploaded by InsideMC Podcast on 2023-12-22 16:00:19. It has garnered 461 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:44 or 4424 seconds.

In the sixty-sixth edition of the InsideMinecraft Podcast, Orbitzz sits down with Kelawesome, possibly the greatest Minecraft tournament player of all time, a CSGO / CS2 Esports player and ex UHC player! During the podcast the two start by talking by where the name Kelawesome comes from as well as how the whole theme of being a panda has been around for a very very long time. After this they go on to talk about the future of the Kelawesome channel, why he is awesome and how he got into the UHC community. Following this they go on to talk about the transition from UHC to MCC testing (despite still being a UHC player, just not as consistently), how it felt getting into Pandoras Box and the trick to its domination and the fact that he averages 3k individual points in Block Wars! To see off the podcast Orbitzz convinces Kel to make the account Kelaltsome (Kels idea), asks about his mentality in both CSGO and Minecraft Tournaments as well as how he stays so consistently good, all followed by the idea of Minecraft event disstracks in 2024 and some twitter questions! This is the Kelawesome Podcast. Interested? Lets get started…

A very special thank you to our Guest(s): @Kelawesome1:

Podcast Socials: InsideMC Community Discord: Spotify: InsideMC Highlights: Twitter:

My Socials: InsaneOrbitzz: @InsaneOrbitzz Discord: Twitch: Twitter:

AJX’ Socials: AJX: @AJX Discord: Twitch: Twitter:

Profile Picture & Banner by: my mate Joe

Thumbnail by: @TheAuraCat

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    Insane Minecraft Mods ft. Sqwidyy in JMRstudios!Video Information you said don’t start it yet and I’m already started okay everybody this is my second stream with my camera on guys cuz I accidentally turned on my camera last time so I got some new fancy lights I can show you guys for my eyes to hurt and I got my microphone by the way which is I’m going to show you now so yeah that’s that’s a setup check um hello everyone in my live stream by the way what live are people watching you okay here I’m gonna I’m going to put my camera there… Read More

  • Cursed Seed “333” in Minecraft Bedrock – DON’T PLAY!

    Cursed Seed "333" in Minecraft Bedrock - DON'T PLAY!Video Information so guys what is up welcome back to another pixel Razer video where today we are doing another Minecraft hor Seed video I know you guys have been waiting a long time for this video or a horse seed video we’ve been busy with the Minecraft let’s play series but surely here’s another Minecraft horse seed video where today we are doing seed 333 and I have done this seed nearly if not maybe exactly a year ago actually which is really weird really weird anyways uh yeah I did the seed uh yeah a year ago which… Read More

  • EXTREME Hardcore Minecraft Challenge – 100 Days Survival LIVE! 😱

    EXTREME Hardcore Minecraft Challenge - 100 Days Survival LIVE! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE THE END – SURVIVING 100 DAYS In HARDCORE Minecraft With Friends 😰- Rooter Live Gaming’, was uploaded by Gamer youtuber in live on 2024-01-13 00:02:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THE END – SURVIVING 100 DAYS In HARDCORE Minecraft With Friends DISCORD- … Read More

  • Ernst Damp’s Shocking Church Scandal: Gum Chewing Resurrects Ascalon #381

    Ernst Damp's Shocking Church Scandal: Gum Chewing Resurrects Ascalon #381Video Information ja ich habe jetzt endlich schalkerkisten es geht heute übrigens bei der Küste weiter das ist ganz praktisch für dafür weil ich ja jetzt über die den weihnachtsgottesen erzählen wollte und ja ich habe jetzt extra eine da steht küe und da habe ich ganz viel Erde drinne und davon nehme ich mir Erde jetzt ins Inventar und kann da oben weiter Stein durch Erde ersetzen ja ähm wo war ich ja also eigentlich hatte ich ja gesagt ich muss ja nicht nur Erde ersetzt werden ich muss sogartige Erde ersetzt werden ich gehe nicht in die Kirche… Read More

  • Insane Aiki-edits – EPIC Quackity Edit! #DSMP #Minecraft

    Insane Aiki-edits - EPIC Quackity Edit! #DSMP #MinecraftVideo Information wacky hey man sorry it’s just kind of it’s kind of strange seeing you here how you been I’ve been uh I heard what you did to Tommy what’ you hear well I don’t think I need to explain myself you know you kill Tommy you bring him back to life people think it was cool is that all that matters to you if it’s cool or not I know you have that book dream I need that book dream I burned the book it’s just knowledge it’s in my head how do you think I couldn’t bring… Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE WHITE 999 CHALLENGE🔥 - CRAZIEST REACTIONS👾🔥 #nonstopgamingVideo Information [Music] it’s have it [Music] baby I swear you got [Music] the This video, titled ‘IMPOSSIBLE📱🍷🗿 #nonstopgaming #youtubeshorts#shortvideo’, was uploaded by ⚔️༒WHITE 999༒⚔️ on 2024-04-06 15:40:11. It has garnered 23 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. IMPOSSIBLE📱🍷🗿 #nonstopgaming #youtubeshorts#shortvideo games minecraft gta 5 gta5 pokemon poki game online games car games pubg gta v gaming chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy ninja valorant rummy circle the last of us pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game ps5 sudoku clash of clans gta san… Read More

  • 🔥 NETHER FIRST TIME! MINECRAFT RELAX: Part 5 ft. Kyo Nekogai #New Vtuber

    🔥 NETHER FIRST TIME! MINECRAFT RELAX: Part 5 ft. Kyo Nekogai #New VtuberVideo Information はいどうもこんにちは猫やきですよし今日 もマイクラやっていき ばすいや元気だ よまだ元気ちょっとね今週多分忙しい から元気元気に はできたらいいなできたらいいなという 感じ でしょそれではやって いこうマクトで今日はねあの書いてた通り えーポストした通りやっとねネザーに 入れるネザーでしか取れない素材え探して いきたい ねちわけで選択してワールドで遊ぶもう ちょっと大きくしようかな うんとにゅにゅににゅっと オケーよし うんなんか忘れてないよねうん何も忘れて ないオオ よっしゃえーっとなんか変わったことあっ たっけかうんとねああ裏でねちょいと鉄を 掘っ たり畑拡張したりん働け拡張したっけいや あーあれか この辺あれしたりあれしたりどれしたり うんああとね あのちょっと生き物たちを増やしまし た ひょすごいうわあうるさいねうるさいね うるさいねうるさいねうるさいねごめん なさいねわあわあ耳が耳が耳が耳が耳が耳 が耳が よいしょ ほ波かまれた気が する ふううわ早速だけど暗くなるでまあのこの 辺ちょっと正置したりと かあれもしました ねああとなんか音あったっけ かまない はず大体ねなんか作業配信とか言っ て朝っぱら朝っぱらとかなんかやってるん でおいま大体見せてるかな見せてない ところの方が少ない気がしますねまミ多分 これかな鉄のこの数は見せてない気が するちょっとね裏で鉄だけや取ってきまし たで鉄 装備あ違うえっと危ない危な別 装備 よし ジキンジキあ ジキン ジキンジキンえ か顔が見え [笑い] ないなんてことった えっと でえっとまあまあそれはいいんです よでねもちろんババババースデー の ものボートボートも防御とし持っ てこう ピケピケピあ違う違う盾だ盾盾盾盾まワン チャン盾 とでえっとどこだっけこっちだっけはい こちらですねまずダイヤ ツルハ でえ普通のツ守っ とこういっぱいね忘れないように忘れ忘れ ないよ初めての 夢追いつけて キリオ丸しが ない えっとね鶴橋がいっぱいすよね掘ったり ネザーラックはねらしなんで ねでシャベルある斧もある武器は石の剣で いいよ ねま ちょっとそこのレザーゲートの前にベッド とベッド とよもよもよも ないそうネザーゲートの前にね えっとすぐにリカバリーできるよう に1セットワンセットずつ置いときたい っと もちろんねそんなネザの中でベッド使うと かそんなことはしませんけど もはいはいチキチキチキチキ チキネザークォさえ取れるようになれ ば色々ね えっと 色々回路に必要な色々が作れるようになる からこの辺ももうちょいすっきりさせたい でほい と ツオでえっとハミは必要 ないでねバケツちゃん も あれネザーではねしてしまうの… Read More

  • “Insane Clutch by MR Gamer Extreme!” #viral #clutchgod

    "Insane Clutch by MR Gamer Extreme!" #viral #clutchgodVideo Information [Applause] 2 one let go okay what the let [Music] go let’s go This video, titled ‘@YesSmartyPie OP Clutch #viral #shortvideo #clutchgod #minecraft #trending #yessmartypie #dreamboy’, was uploaded by MR Gamer Extreme on 2024-01-13 08:30:04. It has garnered 2502 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #clutchgod #minecraft #trending #yessmartypie #dreamboy #viral #shortvideo Read More


    BRO GAMERZ UNLEASH STEVE-The ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft steve …😎 #shorts’, was uploaded by IT’S BRO GAMERZ on 2024-02-20 09:34:10. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. minecraft steve …😎 #shorts #animation #minecraftshorts #minecraft #viral #trending #explorepage #minecraftmemes #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts related topic minecraft animation dream minecraft animation minecraft animation anime best minecraft animation best of dream minecraft animation briannaplayz minecraft animation minecraft animation creator Read More

  • Bucketry Minecraft 🌟 SMP PvE 1.20+ Pyro Mining & Fishing Dungeons Ranking & Prestiging Quest System Thriving Economy Land Claiming 200+ Enchantments

    Welcome to Bucketry Minecraft! 🌟 Server IP: Discord: Join our Discord Features: 🏰 Progression System: Ascend ranks, conquer challenges, and become legendary. 🛒 Shops Galore: Build your empire with server and player shops. 💼 Jobs & Skills: Take on thrilling jobs and refine your skills. 🌟 Custom Spawners: Craft your own unique creature kingdom. 🔮 Enchantments Galore: Unlock over 170 advanced enchantments. 📦 Envoy Crates & Voting Crates: Open crates filled with surprises. 🗺️ Custom Claiming: Protect your territory with our custom claiming system. 💰 Banking: Manage your riches and become a true tycoon. Read More

  • ✨ LIEMVN COMMUNITY ✨ ‣ ( 1.17 / 1.20.X ) Welcome to the era of Liem » ( NEWS )

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Platinum Legion Freelancers

    Platinum Legion FreelancersWelcome to our Java Minecraft server, where the only limit is your imagination! Dive into a world of endless possibilities, where you can build magnificent structures, explore vast landscapes, and forge alliances with fellow players. With no rules to restrict your creativity, embark on a journey filled with excitement and discovery. Join us today and unleash your inner builder in this thriving community! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The last thing you wanna see at night 🙈🔥

    When you’re peacefully mining for diamonds and suddenly hear a creeper hiss behind you… *cue the panic* 😱😂 Read More

  • Whispering Stone Sword: A Deadly Call to Action

    Whispering Stone Sword: A Deadly Call to ActionVideo Information [âm nhạc] he [âm nhạc] This video, titled ‘”내 인벤의 작은 돌검이 죽이라고 속삭였다.” #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #memes #마인크래프트 #하이픽셀 #배드워즈 #게임’, was uploaded by 클라르테Clartte on 2024-05-16 10:08:38. It has garnered 424 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Even if the opponent looks strong, I just have to be stronger so don’t be scared. I’m not a Manchester United fan. I’m a Tottenham fan. Read More

  • Creeper Farming Duo: SMP Shenanigans

    Creeper Farming Duo: SMP Shenanigans In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of building a creeper farm, with blocks so bold. Exploring and crafting, with Dave by my side, In this duo SMP, where adventures abide. From Twitch to YouTube, the journey unfolds, With VODs and tweets, the story is told. In the land of blocks, where creativity thrives, We spin rhymes and jokes, in our gaming lives. From Burger King cravings to dark wood dreams, We banter and build, in the Minecraft streams. Finding treasure and floating sandstone, The quest for a swamp, where secrets are shown. A creeper farm… Read More

  • Blowing up Wi-Fi with TNT in Minecraft 😂

    Blowing up Wi-Fi with TNT in Minecraft 😂 When you’re so desperate for better Wi-Fi in Minecraft that you start blowing up your house with TNT just to see if it helps. Priorities, am I right? #minecraftproblems #techsavvyexplosions Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Challenge!

    Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Challenge! Are you a fan of Minecraft? Do you enjoy challenges and survival mode gameplay? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server! With a rich and immersive world to explore, Minewind offers a unique and exciting experience for players of all skill levels. Join us on Minewind server and embark on your own survival mode challenge. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. The possibilities are endless, and the adventures are waiting to be had. So why wait? Dive into the world of Minewind today and see what all… Read More

  • My Friends Destroyed My Water Park! – Minecraft Octopus Island

    My Friends Destroyed My Water Park! - Minecraft Octopus Island The Exciting World of Minecraft Ahtapot Adası Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft Ahtapot Adası, where friends come together to explore, create, and conquer challenges. Dive into the realm of mystery, excitement, and danger as you navigate through this virtual landscape. Exploration and Creativity One of the key elements of Minecraft Ahtapot Adası is the freedom to explore and create. Players can build their own unique structures, mine resources, and craft tools to survive in this dynamic world. Whether it’s constructing elaborate buildings or embarking on epic quests, the possibilities are endless. Collaboration and Competition… Read More