Meet Wondercat LIVE on Renegades SMP S2!

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Let’s check if everything is working because i’m sure it is and we’re gonna see if it is We are live hello boys and gals it’s been two days and as you can see i have not been slacking it’s a two day uh but it was worth it i didn’t now want you guys to uh stay for the boring part of this game um

So yeah i did a lot a lot of things while i was away uh as you can see you can already see that a lot of my armor has changed and that is pretty cool not gonna lie i think i i thought today might be a good day uh to start streaming again

Um because i technically have everything done uh i just need a you know get off get a few more things you know i started a little project called project pf secret code that’s the name that’s nickname or code name and i am today we’re gonna gather resources for that project i don’t know

If i should really be showing the coordinates it’s a super secret this is a super secret project hey cozy bear how are you doing welcome to stream i just started it um welcome i was just introducing what i’ve done for the last two days cozy if you want yeah sure cozy

I’ve just you know i’ve been uh showing everyone what i’ve done so far in the last two days that i’ve been asking can i join the s p even uh not really because it’s not mine it’s not my s p u it’s actually storm’s mc smp and it’s a white listed smp2 so

You might be able to join uh next season though but only for if you’re a creator so yeah i’ma show everyone around what i’ve done so far you know this is the enchantment room this is the first um the first stage of project pf or how i called it pill factor is

Gonna be a huge resort where every villager can live in harmony uh from any raiders any pillagers and even you’re a streamer nice well yeah right now i am doing this resort of sort is pill factor and in this place it’s gonna be a resort for any endangered uh species and villagers anything

Anything that is threatened by these reckless adventurers that keep taking everything from everyone and about your question storm is not live sadly but you can er his name in youtube is storm mc you can probably go to his discord server and ask him out because we have a fan dedicated server

For this s p if you want to join it and maybe you’ll be one of the next uh characters in this smp but today we’re gonna gather resources for of course you can already see um he is called storm mc minecraft technically he does not have a twitch he he is some

He’s a youtube streamer right now we’re missing quartz as you can see i have this layout right here i need to put quartz on it just like in this area and Hoping that will be interesting uh so far just mining courts i’ve just been able to find a ton of ancient debris which is pretty damn cool if i do say so myself and yeah uh let’s go uh find some more quartz since as you can see i need a lot for this build

For this project this project will be able to you know protect everyone is the bedrock and java server is it just bedrock i think it’s just a bad rock it’s just a bad rock server let’s keep mining uh let’s look for more i’m hoping nobody bothers that i’m mining through their bridges

Um let’s keep going this way and hope that we can find more quartz for this project of mine i’ve been very busy doing it’s taken me like two full days to do this place well it’s not just that i’ve also been kinda uh making the armor too in the middle of

Building the place i get ex which is pretty good you know it’s just one uh i want to make sure i’m maxed out i’m still missing the boots i’m missing I’m missing efficiency 5 for the uh for the pickaxe which i need a villager for you phi kid how are you doing welcome to the stream you know i’ve just been working hard gathering materials and maxing out all my tools i’ve been pretty good i’ve i haven’t streamed these last two days

Because i did not want to bore you with sitting in a farm for so long i don’t want you you know i want my viewers just to see me standing still for like an hour waiting to get like level 30 xp man it’s it’s harder i did not i did not notice

That the potato farm thing that when you smelt it it gives you xp i did not know it made it so easy but now that they patched it i can tell how much faster you can get xp from just that potato thing which is insane it’s pretty insane because

In in the oldest mp i used to use that and i made like three like netherrite armors like fully maxed out i’ve it’s taken me two days and i still don’t have the boots it’s insane i’ve never gone to the nether before i’ve always gone to another just to mine

But let’s see what people have been up to oh you guys want to fight huh all right i i need a bell man i don’t have one sadly i should center some level i’m level 30. i should probably use it on on some boots before i die

That’s why i need arrows bose i mean i have enough arrows from the skeleton farm it’s like insane how many arrows i have i i’ve i’ve thrown away so many arrows from lava to the lava because it’s so annoying uh let’s see what people have been up to up here

Have people found a potential um wither withers what no i meant man i i forgot their blazes right i forgot their names i don’t know why have they found a police farm i already see some places i’ve been withered no i’m gonna die now they’re so damn scary i don’t like the nether

Just because of this uh come on what is that range bro what is that range i need a bow before i keep going further in i just want to kill a blaze to make to be able to get police rods uh i should not have

I was just mining quartz why am i here i was just mining courts why am i doing this i’m going back i’m not risking my life for this i have too much stuff on me and i don’t even have potions well i kinda need blazes to get potions but that’s that

That’s the situation for another day let’s keep mining chords before we keep getting ourselves into trouble because withers and blazes combined are the worst even with another right armor because of withering away and fire imagine having all those effects withering away um uh poison and fire at the same time

How fast would you die i have too much stuff on me uh i gotta go back gotta go back home i don’t actually know where home is at maybe i should not have gone so far away ooh this is gonna be insanely bad i feel like i’m gonna die

Gonna find my way back hello welcome to the come zone only only the finest dishes in this area now i am already level 32. i’m not getting so much xp what’s the nation’s level 30 is it because of the quartz can’t be right let me see it is because of the chords

That’s insane i didn’t know quartz gives you this much never paid attention because it’s definitely not because of the skeletons um i’m getting a lot of speech just from mining quartz this is good i’m already level three that’s really insane 33 i think i just said three don’t don’t know why

I already have a stack i think we can go home for now um what oh there you are you little rascal i told you not to do that bro like come on that’s not cool hey via it’s this way my home is somewhere this way somewhere oh my god

Why is there so much stuff uh when i mean stuff i mean lava you know me i don’t like dying uh where am i going hey skeletons have you seen the area i went through sorry i don’t think you understand your situation i can just kill you in one hit uh what oh

I’m back down here hello what is going on um well yo they’re fighting bro stop fighting guys they’re your brothers come on you gotta understand families everything bro you gotta understand Uh i’m gonna stop killing countless oh my god there’s more come on bro can you stop being so annoying uh i gotta go i would love to test that out in my brain i just went does blue fire make me go fire on blue just like red fire and get me red fire

Uh sir my way home is not up here oh yeah i don’t even have feather following i should probably get that before i keep doing stuff like that anywho i gotta find my way home because as an idiot i got myself lost and now i don’t have a way home

It was almost gonna jump down there let’s see was it through that cave wrap this oh no maybe it was through here somewhere around here has to be the way home i think maybe i just mind down see chords i can’t need chords give me chords give me chords

Give me all the quotes you have um let’s make some more quartz and grab some my quartz and then make our quartz because we need all the cords we can get sure gonna have some uh little blue ease yo fire legend how are you doing my mans welcome back to stream

It’s been us two days and now i have almost fully maxed out armor but i don’t that’s what we’re working towards today i’m fully maxed out armor and also we want some we want a lot of quartz we want we need that chords we need it

From a piglet nah i’m too powerful for that i am a king i am the knight in shining armor right now i can’t die can i be more unaccurate when i say that oh my god that is like the worst you want to join so bad

I i i know man but we can’t really do anything you just have to sit and wait i guess the the more the more patient you are the better the reward at least i see it that way i don’t know i’m too stupid now give me cords thank you yeah i can

It could but right now Everyone’s kind of doing their thing everyone uh it’s i need chords because i am going to Build a little project it’s called pill factor i really like that name so i’m calling it that name pill factor bill factor i just really like the name i don’t know i just need lore or well well well you see there’s a few hill or pill pill pill hill factor

It’s gonna be an underground bunker slash resort for all villagers and animal kind that are threatened by all these adventurers that’s kind of the lore right now because there’s so many villages there there’s so many villages that have like been that have been raided by players i need a way to protect them

So instead of just rebuilding a entire new village i am gonna take another route i’m gonna make a bunker and it’s gonna be in the shape of a pill that’s why it’s called pill factor why don’t people just use villagers for use i don’t know what you mean by that oh my god

I do not want that to happen ever again let’s go home i i have too much stuff on me to keep going wait it’s this way this guy’s still following me you know you can you you can usd villagers right usd i don’t know what that means i don’t know

If you infect villagers you can and cure it it will make trades cheap you can get opie stuff well yeah but that ain’t my plan uh that ain’t my plan i’m going to save every um i’m gonna save every villager that i feel is threatened and also it could be

A good place for animals to you know not be threatened by people like these adventurers well yeah but right now i just want to make the the the resort that’s my plan at least and it’s where i’m trying to find my way home or lava imagine you died a gravel lava that’s um

Yeah don’t imagine that just just don’t don’t imagine it oh what off okay see this is what i’m telling you that the bed trick does not work as much as strip mining for for asian debris because like i’ve gotten so much asian debris just by looking for quartz man

Wait you you said i was 20 blocks away ah you knew it oh my god you’re a wizard i just read that when you s and you were right oh my god you said that uh that is actually insane you read that so hard you’re a psychic i can tell

Tell me your ways tell me more tell me more of your ways i needs to know how to how to be a psychic how do i know the future i am i’m god of future oh i can’t can i be a god of future too please i would love to get

Some of that whoa uh more nether right thank you this is what i’m saying why do people get beds bro they’re wasting their time no i lit can see the future really did you expect me to get more nether right there then um i don’t see you getting another right there

I didn’t see you like think about it you know i never saw you say oh i he’s gonna get more nether right here where am i um oh that’s where i am you’ll find me then the right 30 blocks 30 blocks to the right okay wait i was here to the uh right

We got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven that is slaw but you’re trying to kill me aren’t you you’re trying to kill me bro you’re trying to kill me bro that was lava i found lava bro more lava you’re you’re trying to kill me bro nah I meant to say you’ll find another right in 30 blocks yeah i can tell oh so not the right i thought you meant like right and you i thought you just said it wrong whoopsie my bad actually um it’s true though okay oh that’s not what i meant to do

I steal that off nobody has to see this i hate you autocorrect man it sucks like it’s great but sometimes it can just be horrible by the way i just noticed i’m level 37 man getting quartz is so such a great way to get xp i did not know

Plus it’s such a good building material too and eighty blocks i’ll have to try it out later your fortune telling but right now i need a i need to get some stuff secured because i have too much stuff like everywhere so i’ll i’ll test your theory out later let me just get

Some of these and okay wait let’s put uh i need i’m gonna make more chests man let’s put all of this down and i’ll rearrange it later um okay let’s grab the quartz for now i should create pig farm peglin farm you have so much emerald i know you don’t know

How much i’ve been grinding i’ve been absent from from twitch from streaming for like two days but i’ve been grinding i have not been slacking off because i am going to I’m gonna be so active this season it’s insane how active i’m gonna be i last season i was pretty active in the server but i just didn’t do much i should i i mean i didn’t stream much that’s what i meant to say because i i was building something pretty big i

Was doing pretty good i just didn’t stream much of the things i did which is now what i’m gonna fix in this season because in this season i’m gonna be do i’m gonna be streaming as much things on it as i can bam oh did not mean to do that Man need more quartz uh am i out of courts already and blocks you use so much so many blocks in such short amount of time that can’t be it it’s not thank god i was like that i thought i was gonna say i i’m sure i got way more than just that uh

Uncertainty i did a bit more than that uh this place is gonna look so good bro that’s gonna look so great Um i need to make some stairs my villagers are working hard Then we oh that’s not what i meant to do and then we put one here we put one here i’m missing one two three four i’m missing four more dude you know i was going to say you find 64 courts and you did and you did Oh you were gonna say that well it’s too late now because it already happened what wait why is this thing’s wrong just oh not me to do that bam bam bam Something’s wrong wait oh why did it what why in the world is this ideas bam by someone what does that mean what encrypted message are you telling me right now oh wait i i’m stupid man what would happen if your pill factory gets blown up well by someone uh i don’t know man

I would cry because i’m gonna put a lot of courts in this place and quartz they’re they’re the fanciest but they’re the they’re not the rarest but i feel like just getting a stack of chords is so like it takes so long it’s just getting stacks of course that sometimes

You want to use uglier white colors like granite and i don’t want to use granite is it granite i i don’t know they have so many different there’s so many different ones what do you think of just uh quartz fighting have you ever built something out of courts like in survival

Well what would happen if i joined in season 2 and you just blow it up season 3 i mean uh that would not be great because you know i would be betrayed i would be betrayed by the first you would be betraying the first person

You talked from the smp man it would be very sad man i don’t want that to happen okay that’s all the quartz that i needed for now because this is just the first room this i haven’t built the main area yet this is just the library technically

Allies maybe yeah we can be allies of course bro we should definitely be realized um let’s see i did not turn this on uh quartz i just want to be tech note he always sounds so or true but will people like it maybe not but maybe they do maybe they enjoy wars

Who knows people are weird uh do i have enough bones um let’s see oh we gotta throw things away would you look at that time to throw things away bye bye one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven you can’t catch me not griefing a base under an hour well

It is kind of the renegade smp so it would make sense um i need this bye bye everyone has their own beds right i need to decorate the rooms i’m gonna give them more stuff i hear the default micro song in the background yeah wait until they hit you with the new ones

The new ones are sick though i love the new ones so it goes one dude yep yo Let’s see if we get a good enchantment for the boots because i kind of need a good enchantment for the boots please Give me something good oh wait if i ever go to another i would die in 20 minutes because of whether some brutes like the roots do do 32 damage they do 32 damage what did that much that’s fire protection i don’t want fire protection i want protection default

Pressure protection three why not ah it’s a bad one i guess i can get protection for if i fuse these ones uh worse uh yo dark future how’s it going bro how are you doing my mans uh wait bam three seven bam fire legend is here too dark future how’s it hanging yo

It’s everything’s going great dark you know wait no they leave you on a half a heart with out armor but they’re freaking strong really damn Those are pretty strong brutes uh what am i missing i mean look at the and the list of the list list the list where’s the list of i need to get the list i had iron and i would do half off of your entire health that’s pretty those are really strong i honestly

I feel like the the another six the strong like the the the scariest place just because you can get beat down so hard by anything that you go through it’s insane okay let’s see i need what am i missing i’m missing death strider 3 feather falling 4. i’ll need floss walker and mending

I’ll need soul speed there’s so much stuff for the boots i hate it okay i’m gonna see if i can get a better one the no the overworld strongest you have witches they take you to have a heart creeper they one shot i guess but just the surroundings too plus weather skeletons can

Wither you away mostly because of the mostly the fortress i feel like it’s the scariest place just in the nether because you also have uh you also have um blazes that can just strike you down with fire mixed with the weather it’s in like it would just destroy it’s pretty this this um

Let me see what am i missing a missing mending of course feather falling i have a death striker um i need death strider i want this straighter and i don’t want soul speed or frost walker that’s you can i just want devastator and that’s it i have to get a destroyer villager

Let me see and you have you have the wardens says up freaking and freaking sun for a couple of minutes it does 33.5 hearts to max another our right arm true actually true honestly i didn’t i didn’t put that into mind honestly i i forgot about the wardens just annihilating people

I forgot that’s what they do be right back see ya for now oh they’re sweeping i was gonna feed them because i need them to make babies crosswalkers trash when you have deaths right over also if you br break lantern and you place it back they get they get new trades

Hey yo babies yeah they they do i’ve never seen that happen i’ve just seen them disappear they’re coming back to me um right i want to make more bookshelves which is why i need you yes you do that’s weird okay i got let’s use the stack for now oh why why

I hate that the there’s so many with let me put my boots on before i throw them away uh i hate that these guys get so much blows and arrows i just want the bones man okay ma’am everyone take a water break or something because we’re gonna be here for a little while This is the best part of minecraft man this is the best part of minecraft just waiting for your let me lower this i feel like it’s not blowing oh now it’s way too low there we go oh oh i did not bye bye minecraft peak content baby

This is what i’ve been here for this is what everyone’s here for just you know breaking some sugarcane this is the best part of minecraft we love it just waiting for these guys to end i wish it was kind of faster i probably can make it faster but

I’ll do that off-screen because why not okay there’s is there really this much man how close are we pretty close just a little while just a little bit more guys come on it’s not that bad i don’t know i want this back thank you almost done i never you

I never knew you can do that you didn’t oh bro you’ve been missing out on the grind bro You thought it was only for java oh well not never it’s been never just for java baby this is the best grind this is the best source of well it’s not the best source of emeralds but it’s definitely when you have when you have this farm right here

It’s definitely one of the best okay let’s make some papers let’s makes let’s make them into oh what oh really okay we can trade these papers afterwards once they wake up right just need to make more bookshelves to make more lectern Oh yo storm welcome to the stream my guy welcome welcome you know okay i should i should that now anytime i join a smp store lacked horns yes yes yes yes yes ah this is great Up stoney stormy yes his stormy wasn’t going stormy if you Doo doo doo how’s the jungle bees coming well the jungle base is on pause right now because you know i’ve been working hard on a few other things especially this um let’s just say i’ve been working on a project i call it pill pill factor pretty cool hey it’s pretty cool

I love the name i really like the name factor right now i have the jungle base on pause just because i wanted to uh you know maxed out my armor baby yeah odd flex but you know um but yeah right now on working on this project that i thought would be pretty cool

And yeah i i don’t really know uh i’m really i have an a sort of an idea of how i want things to go for this place but i don’t have them made yet right now i should probably get this portal over here bye bye portal Bye bye oh what hey sir stop looking on my villagers like that what a creep bro what a creep i definitely need to put more torches around here up here yo dark future is on yo get down on dc let’s go let’s get them on bc yo shade how’s it poppin

Where’d you pump don’t know what that is but hope you’re doing good oh no it’s the villain the main villain is here hello main villain yeah you’re you’re kind of oh oh wait wait wait wait i think my mic is not shut right wait i gotta change the mic

Questions right hey hey hey yeah yeah yeah yeah oh hello hello ah there we go could you hear me yeah it’s just that i did not have the right mic set up weird so i was just like you’re probably responding to it all right but yo how you doing yeah i’ve been pretty

Damn well you know me that’s good to hear oh man i think um last time i was probably on was the last time we were all on yeah i got my bird oh what yesterday oh it’s the i got i got pranked which i i

Can’t look at this i can’t even know my birds right here um so if the prank was my bird being stolen cough cough storm the bird is on my shoulder right now because if they get teleported to me so i will i will look at the pranks i didn’t see

The details that i saw when you started setting it up out on the video yeah well you know did um he pranked you too right uh um was he the one that did the doors in my trees oh maybe he was maybe he was oh hello there guys

How’s this how’s it going hey oh just randomly put down stuff in my porta potty um were you the one that put the the doors inside my trees you were i i see you i hear you giggling so yeah i did i might have done that they might have also had some assistance

On that too with um yeah your eye will play that was supposed to uh you know be a prank for your next stream but uh you know it’s fine uh the bird just teleports you know it’s fine or i’ll i’ll follow your whole scavenger i didn’t when i saw you were

Standing up i skipped i skipped horror to the video when you were pranking wonder cat so oh yes i was like okay i want to spoil the prank and all that but i knew like you were like oh maybe i should prank darks like take the dark brown like oh crap

Yeah i mean i mean i gotta do something you guys kind of blew me up in the nether the other day not intentionally i know i know that’s why that’s why i didn’t go that’s why you know i didn’t have a little snack when i went to your house you know

Okay yeah yeah yeah so yeah i need some context man oh hello i lost like a half a stack of steak when in that death that was tragic uh i lost i lost all my armor and my fortune three pick you know what steak is more important so

You can show me about your fortune three picks all right i lost state by the way you’re apparently you’re like dark futures like mayo juice no do you know that dark is this this is not true is it no rumors scandalous rumors whoever is portraying this propaganda

False i literally made a channel in the fan server men as haters oh look who it is it’s shaded yeah it’s shaded [Laughter] yeah i saw that i appreciated that i was like good oh my gosh uh so everyone doing have you guys any ideas on what to do this season

You know oh i know exactly what i gotta do i just gotta get mud oh yeah right you you did discuss that last time yeah that’s what i’m gonna do right now because i don’t really want to do that when i’m streaming all right yeah i gotta go guys let’s see

It all right oh well see ya well that was that was a uh moment it was a moment indeed all right i gotta figure out i honestly can’t even say if i know where the cores are for the mangrove but once i’m there there’ll be no more mangrove yeah

Yeah i see your plan it’s just gonna be water yeah or maybe stone yeah pretty much uh i need torches do i oh i did i lose my torches too your mom friends keep disappearing says shade my what keeps disappearing your mob friends i don’t have any friends oh wait you mean

Curses um maybe because the other storm did stream on the nafsa today but i was a work training thing when he did that so i didn’t get a chance to see it if he killed number one of my my mobs i told him if you did something like that again

He would i would have to kick the boot well by the way you you’re saying that right now and and i read in the chat and and storm says at least i didn’t kill your witch very true yep storm did not kill my witch he just put my bird in a thing

Underneath my porta potty and then it teleported right to me as soon as i logged in so no harm no foul you know i didn’t even i didn’t even see any of the repercussions of it just like was there and then wasn’t there for a moment

I heard him and then he was right next to me man i i need so much wheat yes i need kelp and wheat i need kelp blocks and i need them the packed mud bricks which you need wheat to make the craft so i’ve just been farming tons and tons of wheat

How do you feel of like making glass out of sea grass oh what diamonds joe you can make glass out of sea grass well that’s what that’s your plan right because it won’t be like actual windows it looks like you know you can’t see it but yeah well yeah

But but you said it looks cool last windows so technically the premise is to be windows so you’re right very true very true let me put that away and let me craft myself a stone axe i should be good to skedaddle let’s get that all all right

No i love how like renegades is like not laggy at all for me when i’m not streaming and then as soon as i start trimming i just like ah here you go here you go here’s the leg for you yeah yeah yeah just just a little bit you know just like just

You know have a little taste you know just a little nibble of lag yeah yeah i see i asked you last four minutes 37 seconds been wonder cat uh they’ve been great i don’t know why you want me to be so specific with the time something bad happened we got to figure

Out what what it is though we have no idea what what the bad thing is we just got to figure it out okay let’s play bad thing bingo all right um bad thing that did you like lose a villager uh no i don’t think so oh my gosh my chest boat was stolen

Your now that is an actual crime absolute actual crime legitimate actual crime right there oh did i find it like that’s it’s illegal stole it a panda what i found a boat and there’s a panda is this the chess boat um no it’s a regular boat okay nevermind

Panda did not steal it false alarm who falls alarm i should i just imagine just like hearing an alarm at the at the little shack that you live in yep the alarm the i don’t know i don’t know what kind of alarm you put in there but probably something that makes sound

Well is it that what never mind hey not all alarms make sounds you know some alarms are just the flashing lights or some alarms are silent because it’s like oh yeah we don’t want to we don’t want to tell the criminals that we actually notify the police and

They’re coming for you you know it’s like ah oh well that those those alarms uh how they work they alarm people through the other side you may not hear it in the in that side but you hear it in the other that’s a good question does anyone know

If a silent alarm makes sound to the person it’s trying to alert or if it’s just like like a oh here’s a notification on discord uh but it’s no yeah imagine yo bro your bank’s being robbed right now um good luck oh my god that would be like

Well that would be a what is this what the apparently random deep slave structure just sitting in the middle of the desert oh weird i hope it’s not my place that’s it that’s a half a track going all the way down nah just like this really it’s not that big

Oh yo cam’s on yo apparently shade is building a flamingo right now like a giant flamingo interesting shaded what color is this flamingo um it could be pink could be yo all right let me get this why am i not running anymore what is wrong with me

I got like so many elements there’s a wood there’s a wood hose sitting on the ground this is a crime scene It is a slightly used wood hoe oh no it can’t be don’t touch it it might don’t touch it it might be the murder weapon i’ve already i’ve already picked it up don’t worry you can’t forensic evidence is like kind of incompatible with minecraft we don’t really have fingerprints or fingers

Well i was going to say were you wearing gloves but i guess not seriously this is my one skin that doesn’t have gloves so no so actually i don’t there’s a couple of my skins they don’t have gloves it’s so weird playing with high render distance on i never play a fiver in

Distance on but i just have it on right now and it’s like it’s pretty crazy why why do you not play with it does it lag a lot well i that’s what i’m always afraid of when i’m playing renegades maybe if i dumped it down though maybe the lag is

Caused by me loading it loading and unloading players because every time i stream renegades and it lagged i’ve had other people on nearby me so maybe if i had higher render distance it wouldn’t do that expect discovery requires experimentation for any of you agents fans agents of shields fans out there

Agents of fans yeah are you an agent a fan wonder cat uh yeah i’m an agent of hand wow we should like definitely make a fan club for agents of fans the fans agents of fans agents of agents of fans yeah yeah a discord dedicated to fans of agents of

Fans of fans ages of fans oh yeah absolutely i think we’d get like what four people yeah yeah that would be crazy though it would go crazy those those four people we would just be popping off and be like yo have you seen the latest episode of

Agents of fans oh my gosh i hear zombies oh true i don’t hear zombies my bird was making zombie sounds oh yeah and that’s what freaks me out i i i love when they do that because like i i keep hear like one time i thought

Like they added a new sound to the enderman but it was just the parrots just repeating what the enderman was saying i was so confused hello hello hello hello hello cam bane of arthropods makes me mad yes it is a very annoying enchantment unless you really really really hate spiders

Yeah i just keep i keep fishing it up i’m trying to freaking get a mending book oh you should put vein of arthropods on your boots uh do you want a mending book for 300 diamonds i don’t have 300 diamonds uh what about uh 30 emeralds i don’t have anything well too bad

I was willing to make it hard to bargain i mean i can get you some i can get like you uh hmm i can get enough nether right for ford another ride ingots oh see i already have enough right outer offer i offer you a pork chop and three arrows

That’s hard that’s hard that’s actually pretty um Okay so literally i literally got all my armor back i have two uh i have too many books if you guys convince me i might sell it you know i don’t even have diamond armor yet so i don’t need it oh oh wheat’s farm i must read what wheat farm village which village

I don’t think it’s yours okay fairly positive it’s not yours it’s next to a tree house so oh yeah i think we’re good steal another villager what yeah there’s a village like right across from my village like across the sands and i go over there every so often and take a villager

Oh fun hey i wait for them to breed first wow wow no i’m just using the adult to the children this system is dark future and it just got real dark this is this this is why i’m making this project man because there’s so many people just stealing villagers man bro well

There’s two treehouses two treehouses okay i mean i have a villager right now i don’t know where the man grove actually is uh oh actually hold up it’s inside the tree house aha aha i’m sorry about your man groove sir but you cannot claim an entire biome maybe

You can but haha i need mud i don’t know i don’t man i think this is the one is it the like the weird structured one i don’t know it is it has um it looks pretty cool it’s got the acacia wood i think this is um ballins maybe

Man they they’ve boxed off the entire mangrove holy crap with what cobblestone i mean i can break in easy it’s not like in a mission impossible style mission but you know dang they’re claiming this entire thing they’re like yo this is our man groove all right a little too bad cause you’re

Stealing it i need some mud mud man needs mud otherwise no no shrek house he needs that shrek house really badly exactly okay there this is clearly part of their base of course it’s not even lit up why this okay fire my voices in my head say

That you sound that dark sounds like superman when he acts childish i actually like superman like which one which actor i don’t know he just said superman when he acts childish sounds like the one of the cart sounds i mean like this is a job for superman like something like that i guess

Does it sound like robotic or something i am superman i love superheroes there’s like a bunch of mud right in the corner of their base you know i don’t think they’ll notice if i just pick like a mountain of it unless somebody somebody doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut i’m kidding

Yeah yeah yeah yeah i don’t even wonder i wonder who that could be wonder cat what what happened yeah i mean one cat you’re gonna talk about my mud slinging adventures calling you a girl me why me operation is operations stealing the mud from everyone else hey hey this is not theft

Mud is a natural resource that is a human right they have sanctions it’s a human what every man has a right to mud every man if you get a bottle of water you can use that you can use the bottle of water to turn the dirt into mud that takes so long

Though when i can just mine it it’s like why would you want to like craft oil in real life when you could just drain the entire world of it you know can you even make oil not in minecraft minecraft you can’t because you can’t craft it yet i see a

Witch out of the corner of my eyeballs yo new fight kid welcome to the stream because i am currently partaking in a um very important operation oh my god dude stop hitting me give me your trident dude i’m stealing don’t just mention that the two people that streamed pranked

Are both in the bc i’m not pranking them back ooh someone’s hiding something is there is there someone hiding something i’m fighting something someone’s hiding something apparently two people that street that that pranked that guy they’re pranking people bro are in this vc i haven’t pranked

I mean i already said that i was gonna be a good angel of a person and not do anything like that i mean i last season i was the only one who was pranking people this season not a soul i haven’t pranked a single soul cause i am so poor

He’s going on one of them cleanses he’s going on one of them that’s not to say that i’m gonna be completely prank three though but i gotta get my revenge because i was already pranked even though it was a very light prank but you know oh i got pranked that’s right again

Honestly it wasn’t even like a break didn’t even work so oh i mean storm what he did was he kidnapped my parrot and made a scavenger hunt for me to get it back and then my characters teleported me when i got on so how did this slime get in here

Oh zombie and full gold armor give me that armor i need to know i told i talked i talked to st me and like they were having a conversation earlier and i basically told him how i found a zombie in full diamond armor yikes and you did not keep it alive

Well yeah no i killed it i was wanting i wanted to see if i could get the armor uh and i would have like trapped and call it bartholomew oh the two people that storm pranked i’m an idiot whoopsie he’s he’s saying that we both got pranked by

The storm and we’re not plotting a way to just prank him back you know you know we we did in joint effort accidentally kill him and make him lose a full set of diamond armor so you’re already pranked yeah we are so pretty yeah technically if you count murder as

A prank then we kind of like out pranked him already accidentally i might also add i don’t know about wonder cat but my my involvement was completely accidental well i was trying to make a joke and then everyone blew up oh my god is is it minecraft steve called hero ryan

I’m not sure it can be good yes you’re amazing i literally just got a bow wait where did the infant no it didn’t give me infinity i’m mad oh sad that’s what we call a bad moment i think that is what they do call it god literally it took all my levels to

Enchant this stupid thing and now like that’s if i’m mad i mean you have mending on it yeah i haven’t mend it yeah you’re mending an infinity oh that’s stupid oh yeah that would be that’s the thing pretty overpowered if you could but yeah well but but still yeah it’s understandable that’s

Understandable but so like i should have like i should have like not like done that i should have like i thought i didn’t know that if i would have not done that i could have like saved it for another bow oh so wait so you kevin chanting hoping you get infinity with it

Oh well i mean you bruh she did it how did you do that what did you do he lost his three-year-old world bro oh dang yeah that’s a rip yeah i’ve been trying to be pretty careful about that kind of stuff too like um for terraria i’ve been like

Making multiple backups of most of my stuff that kind of stuff doesn’t go away we’re army yeah i don’t really have any solo worlds for minecraft or anything like that like at least on my computer i do have some on my xbox that i need to start running

And then transferring over and all that but uh guys yeah my villagers are gone oh were they zombies no did you place down beds for them they have way over enough beds but i only have one villager i have two villagers what no is it an iron door i don’t have doors

Did oh they went through the end oh no the nether i mean another way yo you had your never portal open in your village and that explains so much yeah oh my villagers are here oh my lord go back i need to give you a round of applause

Real quick that that that i don’t know how you do that go through the why is he not going through the portal okay he says heck you oh he doesn’t go through the another please i need you guys to go back home you guys can’t live here they say they can

I’m a villager whisperer hi cam the gamer oh how about this chunk of earth that i just see now i see why i shouldn’t put the portal inside the villager room sure i’ll do a screen share not you not you your villagers are screwed no they’re going back pretty well it’s very

Well hidden so i think um it might be like a couple years before they figure out that i that you would plus if they if they really really sincerely care they’ll probably do the non-lazy thing you can use water bottles to get their mud back okay

Don’t don’t no need to apologize i mean i’m still digging i was about to say i’m trying i was trying to burn you and it didn’t work what are you guys trying to kill each other constantly yeah that’s exactly what’s going on yeah that’s exactly i’m killing i’m killing him with words yeah

Like her mouth is a flamethrower i guess her words yeah my words my words are my words are like knives a strange yeah why won’t this villager go probably because you put try putting it in a boat and then breaking the boat over the portal if it’s already in the portal you’ve got

To wait a couple seconds before it can go back in then you gotta hope there’s no other portals conflicting in the area or also go to whatever is the most convenient portal so they do be weird like that this villager is actually stuck here i think well bye bye villager trader never

Really wanted to this might sharp this five villager uh sharpness five though sharpness five traitor yo let me see let me make sure everyone is here uh everyone’s here all right okay now i know next time not to put my my village my portal in the village for sure please oh wow

We always learn things in minecraft can bedrock get hardcore i think there’s some mod for that but you know there’s mods to do that kind of or you can just delete your world and ragequit whenever you die you know that’s awesome that’s also yeah you put in a horde and then yeah yeah

I do that even without you know even without hardcore i didn’t even like intend to do it to be like oh just instinct you know you just end up doing it okay well i’m gonna put these fences here all right um i can successfully say that i have mined the mud

All right now i gotta remove the evidence okay well i i just got to say this you know when you when you take control of the one biome where you can get the massive amount of this awesome resource you know you get you’re gonna have some people digging

What do you how do they they how do you think they will react when you know um well it’s in the back corner of their base so there’s a possibility that there will be no reaction whatsoever and that is what i am hoping and if they do react then they’ll probably figure

Out it’s me and if they were to mine all the dirt at my base and honestly that would be kind of good because i need to get rid of it so yeah it’s just so goddamn bored i would recommend building a minecraft rubik’s cube then minecraft rubix cube

But it has to work in redstone and command blocks no command blocks though just like straight oh wave redstone just rushed out oh yeah if you’re bored make that make make a rubik’s cube oh this is not my boat come on i just pulled their boat and i was using someone earlier

My boat okay you think villagers would stay away from the nether considering it’s the most dangerous place for them true and they went inside with no hesitation at all yeah that’s understandable i mean we’d probably do the same thing too like why do we go there there you

Know it’s like but those are just trying to make some profit that’s what they’re trying to do they’re trying to feed their families like yo can i get pork and then never can i get work in another i guess you can exactly that’s what they’re trying to do

They’re trying to get the pork what do you mean dangerous please you gone crazy you mean the deep fake dangers exactly it’s a deep fake you think dangerous bro straight up and get more wool you guys have any wool to spare i can give you a mending book for trying to eat wool

Yeah i need to make more beds aha mending book for bed say i need exactly four beds well where’s some villager dying he died i might be in a position to provide i hope that was not my mending villager oh crap this is actually someone’s base okay can i take their beds

That’s my looting wait looting three villager oh my bird bird get over here you’re here i heard the villager die or was that a was that a witch definitely it was a witch oh they’re pillagers i hear them there’s pillagers then yeah that sounds like a good warning

Okay but it’s pretty protected so plus this bird’s probably gonna get shot and i can’t eat it then i can’t eat it that’s your concern that you want you can’t eat a bird that’s ridden with arrows you know you gotta it can’t be like that

If you got a giant hole in it that’s like half the bird like arrows are pretty like practically the size of birds you know yeah i got them in villager i i mean i am ending book why did i say a mending villager yeah when you if you want to

Kill your bird probably you gotta press it you gotta suffocate it with a piston you gotta flatten it yeah that’s the only way to do it but turning into food you know it’s gonna it’s gonna be tasty too maybe not it is a blue bird i don’t know

If it’ll be tasty or not oh well never really eaten blueberry before uh where are you by the way i was going to your base but i’ve never realized i don’t actually have any wool on me because i was about to go to this village that i i has beds but i found

Out it was actually someone’s base so i didn’t take any of the beds so i don’t have wool yet um i might get some i have a bunch of my base from just all the sheep that have murdered so maybe i’ll come back see possibly are you telling me uh when you have

The resources for the mending book how many do you need i just need four beds oh my four beds though you can get look at that i couldn’t get more village i can get more but you know give me as many as you can the minimum is four though all right

Oh bird what are you doing needs to be i need to have like good sun exposure for this bird otherwise that could be cooked for early on the inside that’s why it’s on my shoulder right now oh i see thank you for the end yeah it’s not sun the bird isn’t

Sunburned it’s part of the recipe you gotta press it in a piston has to be a sticky piston too can’t be any normal piston um and then also it needs to be properly sunburned that is that’s right and did you know that it’s villagers village also someone’s base

Bro there’s there’s so many places that i’ve gone to and people just use some fur bases that’s why i’m making the pill factor the pill back door it’s a fort resort for villagers shaped as a pill interesting that’s what i’m building right now it’s like a tough pill to swallow like

The resort or well it’s a cup it’s gonna be a couple of thousand blocks so solid question uh parked my bird right here i don’t i don’t have to worry about a cat snacking on it all right cats do spawn here i’ll keep the bird on the shoulder i’ll find a salmon hello

Kitty cat i bed a bed i see aha this is definitely someone’s base dang it put the bed back how do you feel right now i i just go in this random village house it’s like oh there’s a bed sitting here and then i go into this one that’s like

Oddly it’s like you know what you know train could probably generate like that you know it could be a glitch and then it’s just a chest with a furnace and you’re just like okay yeah this is definitely someone that basically put this bit yeah what that means

Quite tragic i am um i didn’t even notice you know pillage for beds and every single one i found ends up being someone’s base because people like living at villages i guess unlike me well i mean living in a poor potty i mean villagers have good trades yeah fair true

All right i need to go kill some fish like my mending villager that i used to have which i’m going to be trying to get back didn’t you kill your mending villager no you had a vending machine you had a landing villager yeah i found a way to like yep

Yeah i found a way to get amending puffer fish and you feed fish tropical fish see i have a mending villager but he’s saying salmon he’s secure nobody’s going to get to my mending villager is he secured let me just kill this every fish right here i’m gonna break in and then steal

Your mending villager to prove you wrong but i’m just kidding i’m just kidding if you do that i may strike you down with a heavy force i’m joking dude i don’t freaking go after other people’s things they have their things i have my things as long as

We can’t agree we both have things we’re good well i don’t have things yeah you know you’re poor i have a bird you have emergency food oh crap the birds off my shoulder is probably gonna get eaten by a cat now i love how you just every time is out of

Your shoulder oh it’s gonna die it’s just gonna get this cat yeah it’s not smart hey hey i’ve got this randomly colored fish in case you want an orange fish i don’t know if that’s your style cat alright if you do i’m kind of standing right here in case

You do want it are you feeding the cat nemo what you don’t know it’s an orange is it an is it a clown fish wait it’s it’s it’s it says it’s a fish it just says fish it just says fish there’s nothing now it’s just this fish

I mean i’m not i don’t i’m not a picky guy i literally eat pigeons you know so i don’t think cats be picky about what kind of fish they eat all right what they get shot us well his emergency food is literally just a bird

Hey hey cat you wanna you wanna creep on up here i gotta i gotta fish that’s orange i got a fish now it’s orange you don’t it’s like i you would think it’d be all over this you know like orange orange soda tastes delicious you know i’m sure

I don’t like it i don’t know if it’s the same though i think golems can spawn anymore it definitely could be wrong same thing all right emergency food i don’t i’m like there’s a bunch of cats nearby so you honestly are like there’s a solid chance you’re gonna die when i’m gonna

Hide you in the carrots all right so just stay healthy now i gotta go find like an actual fish because apparently orange soda fish don’t count are you trying to tame the cat make it go away from you i can’t tell at this point i think he’s trying to do both all right

I’ve murdered four innocent fish in the name um do you think this will be um this will be my dessert golems still spawn right what do you mean by that uh in villages that have ten villagers they still spawn yes okay eight they also spawn when the villager is in danger

Can you like creep up faster cats i got like seven zombies after me right now brain is developing tumor there we go all right good job well done cat i am developing let’s take emergency food i got emergency dessert and i got emergency food The cat is a dessert yeah what what else is the cat useful for scary creepers why would you sleep with an animal because if you like if you unsubscribe is there a spider in my boat if you unsit your cat and then go to bed it’ll lay with you in the bed

Be gone spider and it sometimes can bring you stuff cute you know you’re like acting like i actually go to sleep oh right he has like 300 phantom on him yeah i like him they’re my friends all right they’re actual quality pigeons they’re actual quality pigeons is that

Why you don’t eat them you can’t buy a pigeon that swoops down on you on craigslist you can only get them to summon that way well i mean what you can only get them to summon that way he says as long as you go to sleep i’m

Pretty sure the phantoms won’t go after you like not talking to you you can have all the phantoms you want i hope i mean like just in general you you’re trying you’re trying to you’re trying to kill my oh my oh he’s turning into a wolf calm down everyone says

It’s not a full moon no one is uh i don’t i don’t know what they call it but stop picking up your trident like you’re about to like do a magic thing on me yeah that’s right that’s right that’s what you get kick it Just transitions into a song musical oh my god i mean maybe does everything just want to kill me right now the third piece if you literally named your cat emergency dessert the third season is only gonna be a musical so everyone has to do has to sing

I can’t i’m not i’m not legally allowed to sing why do you kill people by singing no why is punch the cat because youtube hates it whenever i start like playing music or singing a random song they hate it all sticks i forgot that’s a thing

We gotta book it we gotta book it i guess yeah famous people don’t have to worry about it it’s just the little people like me if you’re worried about it well i hope you can fix that one day but i can’t fix that for you well i mean obviously you can’t i mean

You can’t get me like freaking 20 million subscribers in one day maybe i could who knows yes are you i if okay don’t be weird anyway i gotta get more i’ll stop being weird there’s an i jeff septic guy you have set the guys in the server i think that’s a kai no

It’s not jacksepticeye it’s just i i sure you never played lego ninjago battles like goldman shackle lego i mean i remember i used to own lego ninjago toys but like i never owned the ds game lego ninjago battles no i mean i think i may have i had the mobile game

No it’s not a mobile game unfortunately they should port it of course lego battles the original was much better than lego ninjago battles but it was still a decent dude i hate this stupid thing hey you hate lego ninjago bro no no not not that

Oh i got a bow with mending on it that’s pretty good yo i got a business where i can rip off if you give me an enchantment like let’s say you’re you’ve got a shovel that’s got like fortune 500 right i can rip it off that shovel and then keep it

How do you do that that’s insane you give it to me well you’re gonna have to give me something in return i am not gonna find it in 500 shovel first those are pretty rare i don’t think they’re even in the game but sure without hacks hey hey what’s up hey hey

What oh hello there iron sword where did you come from hey is that a mesa biome it is a mesobiome whoa is that the superman voice whoever said that earlier that’s what they wanted is that a mesa biome dude i got an ir i think i got an iron sword from fishing

That’s pretty cool i don’t know i think i it’s really good in the water and you’re just like scooping up the remains i mean i haven’t killed anybody besides villagers but um you’ve killed villagers oh no someone call smartplay see right now the entire point i’m building this place is to protect villagers

Yeah i mean i i was like that and then they all had bad trades so i killed them what how yo we got like an anakin skywalker plots what’s going on right here well i’m trying to restore the village now i have a zombie oh yes i slaughtered

All your people but don’t worry i’ll be populated with new people wow that is so genuine i am superman and that i mean i’m not being generous i just really want to repop i just really want to repopulate the village because i felt like my conscience came back at the same

Time as i was killing them you’re a horrible person excellent timing you kill villagers i don’t i mean i didn’t mean to kill them i was upset and tired yeah it’s just it’s just an accident bro it just somehow got under my foot

Oh no no i it did not get under my foot it um just died i hadn’t i didn’t mean to kill it i just looked at it and it just died another freaking iron sword i am the best okay i have a looting two sword yo that’s that’s op

I know i i just i’m waiting to get looting three yeah why i mean i’m not really here for power i’m just here to have fun and be the kind person that i’ve always wanted to be see you’re not doing you’re you’re not doing a very good job because you’re

Massacring people right now yeah i know but i’m working on it ain’t that right bob kills bob right in front of her i feel like bob only has an hour left to live bob if you need an escape route just let me know i know a guy i know a guy

Oh my god i literally don’t like you right now i accidentally hit my cat hang on let me just oh yeah yeah it’ll never happen yo yo yo you see you see what happens bob you see what happens did you see what happens i love how you’re trying your best but you s

You then start massacring people because they make you mad i know i’m just i’m trying english that’s why i’m in therapy with my horse my horse is my therapist that’s great to know that’s a good start that’s a good start for everything he’s really he’s really

Helping me you know elon is a smart guy elon that’s your therapist yeah his name is elon cusk okay i hope he won because can you know yeah fix you he’s yeah he’s helping me he’s doing a lot he needs that’s the first part to healing is what

He said is being a horse being a horse see i can see that being real because you know horses have a happy life do you know what happens in the minds of horses well to me they look happy i was about to say they’re very smart animals why are you why why um

Dude you’re all weird hmm i thought i was weird you were in wow we are all like minecraft youtubers they’re all gonna be a little weird yeah we’re a little quirky we’re a little weird we’re a little quirky you know yeah yeah i know

I mean i just look at me i mean i killed a whole entire village by mistakes i mean i feel like every person does that once in their life though you know yes sometimes i just like to massacre an entire village you know just just the simple delights of mass

Occurring entire village you know there’s just some something natural about it oh my god i’m literally trying to freaking make up for what i’ve done it and you have to be a total butt well sometimes you know it happens it’s a circle of life you know yeah

No like they were a village i was person you know i’m just like they don’t go that route anymore because you know i’m trying to uh make a shelter for them okay yes villager so i’m going on a mission actually wait i’m gonna wait until i get

Mandang first so i can have my um nether right chest plate you see if you get me uh more than four beds i was about to say why didn’t you freaking say that sooner i have like eight oh good good can i get those eight beds from mending book

If you give me both of them i will give you all the beds that i have she is a trap so if i give you both mending books i will give you all of my beds i have a lot okay it’s a trap i have like

It’s not a trap i have like a thousand sheep near my base i can make more beds it’s a trap and give me all the mess you can give me okie dokie let me go get my shears all right time to go find some sheeps and

Then force them to freaking let me shear them i’m just kidding well isn’t it isn’t that the point isn’t that what they live for we get sheared yo poop i bet i could demolish everyone in the smp fire legend you keep saying these things but you know i don’t see any evidence

I mean i i’ll be honest yeah you could beat me pretty easy i mean i’m just a farmer at this point you’re just a little old yeah and also you might be an international crime addict yeah you are rhymatic oh right you’re also trying to eat animals like

Birds oh and it says the man who just walks up to a sheep as i yo bro i need your skin that’s why that is not their skin you sure about that have you asked the sheep uh no i used to watch videos of a person who used to shear sheep

It’s not their skin i’m think is called fur what you’re referring to skin skin or oh wait hang on where’s my beehive at beehive where you at i know i have you where’d you go where’d my beehive go it went somewhere oh okay oh renegades right now where’s he just playing oakley

Oh my god don’t die i forgot to put a freaking I think the alarm is going off inside my porta potty [Laughter] that’s your alarm please it sounds pretty good alarm actually sounds like it’s not it’s pretty weird oh it’s pretty weird yeah okay they can’t get me hopefully they’ll stop being angry did i get their honey i did not get

There your alarm can talk wow this you just took the precious resource of these bumblebees these poor these poor creatures they’re all chilling underneath what are they gonna do with the honey though what do they i’ve i’ve never they eat it yeah you can eat honey it’s like a really good food source

No we can’t eat honey the bees can’t eat honey i i just want to be used i’m like the wrecks but bees but they produce honey and never eat it though you sure about that they make honey what they’ve never been in a beehive so i

Wouldn’t know they eat what the they eat what they make okay yes drink milk yeah you didn’t know that why else would they produce it you’re insane what are you talking about why are you laughing why else would a cow make milk i’m gonna give you all the i’m gonna

Okay here’s one of them i have this one yeah Here’s all the ones in this chest whoa why do you have so many because i made a lot of beds for villagers and then i i you know you i i kind of blacked out a little bit i don’t know what happened but they were all dead why do you have so many

Oh okay this is so worth it yeah i told i liter yes thank you you’re welcome now i can fix my chips plate get out see ya thank you for your business are you excited amber the kitty cat all right oh that’s the wrong block how would the cow milk itself

Have no idea i don’t question dark’s methods of insanity all i know is that he’s crazy that is such uh well okay let me put this back down pick that up uh uh throw that down why do i have another water bottle i’ll never know you have two water bottles

Yeah i don’t know why dude oh my god i hate i hate this i don’t have enough inventory oh i forgot i forgot another you forgot a bed but i’ll i’ll keep this one for now okay can i can i pick up the water bottle please thank you why won’t you

Oh my god armor stands are literally so picky they don’t want to be spawned on top of items because they’re picky what i don’t know you don’t need to work you don’t need to worry about this right now i’m just trying to put my armor stand there we go what like

Situation are you having right now literally my armor like my armor stand didn’t want to get placed down because there was like one block in its path oh or like an item dropped near it and i’m like why oh i could have protection four on my chest plate

But i don’t have another netherriding yet that is something that’ll be worked on probably later probably later because i can’t go to the nether right now when you have a when you have a mending pickaxe you should probably go mining for quartz you’ll find a lot of asian debris that way

Jesus okay i need to go get xp and now that my netherright chest plate has mending i now have two pieces another right i need to go put my diamond armor on that on that uh stand my secret hole i’m gonna put the pill factor on pause and i’m going to finish my

My treehouse space i never finished yeah the best thing about mining for quartz is i need courts to do my um fancy little basement yo fridge and can we join you say no you cannot uh it’s private you can probably join the next season

But if you are you know if you’re is he a channel content creator yeah it could be if you are a creator you’re a minecraft creator specifically you can join next season yes all right put my net right so here i have one more mending book that is for

It but i just need to get more xp real quick um i also need to get exp for my armor so i may not be getting exp for a good ol while and my oh wait i don’t have mending on my sword yet oh you know when you need mending you know just

Yeah yeah yeah i know i i mean i would have to get more beds i i might not ask you for beds next time though because i think that that’s enough for now i might ask for more bets in the future yeah i just need to get i need to get my

Farm going yeah cause like right now i’ve just been running around shearing random sheep when i uh you play a lot of games but do you uh do you like play them on streams or something if you stream them then you would be you would have a chance of joining

And like if you put it i don’t know if like i forget like storm would have to be here to answer most of the questions yeah storm is kind of the owner you know i can’t say oh you you you will join because you know it’s kind of historical yeah saying

Saying yeah you’ll be able to join us like telling them oh yeah you’re going you’re gonna be able to get nether right one day and not die in another with it totally nevermind like right now while you stream bye and i hope you get more viewers thank you see

And i love how shayda just says bruh indeed indeed i mean that’s kind of like like why would you like why yeah that’s what i’m saying bro why like just like i know that in some cases like in some cases like i is a free smp server that he has on his channel

That you’re able to join in smp but like why would you want to like just randomly come on to someone’s stream and be like hey can i join this smp when you’re gonna have to assume that they’re gonna say no no it’s not their smp rug i think my

My status shadows becoming uh eight mode oh i was about to say is your chat having a stroke sorry hey that’s mean my shed isn’t they’re nice they’re they’re quirky but you know they’re minecraft players uh-huh yeah every now and then my now and then now and then every like

Minecraft player has you know a brain like their brains have strokes like me for example my brain’s having a stroke at this very moment oh i don’t have dirt i’ll fix it later i’ll probably not fix it but i’ll fix it later fix what i’ll creep roll oh

If you need dirt you can come back to my base i have like stacks on stacks on stacks of it i’ve been flattening out a bunch of hills oh that’s fine are you planning on doing a big one big build big huge build i mean that’s what this that’s what the

Tower in the sky is that’s what the tower in the sky is well i guess it makes sense but like i don’t really understand what you’re doing because you know it’s kind of your build right now i see it as why because he can die by falling down from it well actually

He already did die from falling down it from a certain storm of the mc oh he pushed them off no he broke the scaff holding under him uh uh oh so a worse that was funny yeah yeah i have ptsd now from it you can just ask him he’ll tell you

I’ll have to ask you either quirky or bor you’re boring apparently that’s that’s shita’s uh 2022 quote you’re either boring or quirky but you could also be cool see yeah suddenly i am neither of those you either can be boring quirky or cool the radical you can be radical

I don’t know but i i really like you can be a nerd nerds are cool i thought they went to the quirky category Because you know some people might think minecraft players are nerds yeah you know i’m nervous they would they would be right i’m a pr i’m a freaking grade a nerd Oh my jesus i have so many i would miss being able to fight magma cubes this much you miss fighting magma cubes yes and murdering them i forgot you might you’re a little psychotic sometimes look look look i can’t control that little other half of my brain that’s like kill

Everybody in the server but like yeah i understand i understand magma cubes are heartless piece of slimes that will suck out your bones and eat them that is a valid statement apparently she is just a nerd without a brain how does he function how does he live probably the same way i do

You have no brain either oh then howard give me one second give me one second i am literally burning to death oh are you are you in the nether yes i was getting freaking i was getting quartz and i accidentally may have upset a lot of people ah

That’s not what we like to see i have i literally have a lot of strength oh my god where where is the where’d the plot go oh my god i love playing i love block games ah the only good thing about the nether is that the lava and water are

Completely opposite to each other i love seeing shapes if i see a circle like i kind of snap it’s like my calling card yeah yeah i’m scared i’m scared why i don’t know some i don’t know wait i just been really silent and that is that scaring you that i’m being silent

No no no no no no no it’s not you it’s him all right what is he doing that scary i i don’t know what i how am i scary i’ve been talking to you i know literally i don’t know i’m just a weird person i thought dark was scary look at him he’s

Dark well yeah he is pretty dark but but he he’s pretty dark like he has a dark future right here my god like his parents could die because you know he has a dark future you don’t know i am so happy to have a flaming bow again also if your parents die uh

I’m very sorry but i called it jesus all right that’s that’s that’s messed up that’s just me though i don’t know about you guys well i thought it was pretty i swear if you say a freaking puns sorry i don’t know i don’t have a joke i’m thinking of something but i can’t

Yeah i’m busy planning out my build right now i’m busy trying to get exp to fix my armor i’m busy living existing i’m just the best i don’t know like you don’t have to explain why you’re busy sometimes okay like i’m just busy i have plans

Burbs grave i still feel bad for burp bad but sad burp died living yeah and then freaking Dark over here was like well did you eat him no i really hope dark groups like his profile pics shaded really hopes that you look like your profile pic dark i don’t know why he’s not talking i literally heard him popping yes yeah i have i’ve streamed playing in the background too and

Oh you’re just looking at my stuff right now that’s why i was like half talking to him he’s like you better not you better not open that you better not dude tell him to get on the voice chat yeah no you’re just doing a solo thing right now oh yeah

It’s difficult talking to your people when um you’ve got like also the conversation going on too so i did it okay yeah that makes it yeah it is fun he was on he was last time he streamed running against what he was doing it was just vibing bro

My netherride armor has been fully of the repaired oh duck is on too classic ducky haven’t seen her i’m i’m seeing everyone that was last season back because i’ve never seen them online except you and dark i’ve seen all the people you know i talked to

Last week your dog is still mine wait what yo cam what i didn’t kidnap her dog literally her dog got her she brought her dog i didn’t i did it i didn’t give that bad please trust me yeah that’s what you’re saying now i will i can’t with you guys

Come on you just have to admit to your crimes sometimes sometimes it’s better to admit than to uh you know wait until the very end and die with that there’s a good there’s a literal good chance that i have split personality disorder and and we find out

Later on in life that this wasn’t me killing those people oh see now you’re saying that and it makes me worried all that makes me think is that cam is a villain and a pacifist hahaha see i don’t think that’s possible don’t i don’t i feel like you either have psycho or deadly

I mean it’s not true literally freaking it’s just a character i just see um i don’t believe you i think she might be a murderer what do you think dark no i’m just i was about you yo you’re like kidnapping people’s pets you’re getting You know you’re kidnapping people’s pets you’re a massacre in villages you know actually the things are kind of connecting together right now you know and yeah she’s also a terrible leader too uh because she i don’t know why we’re just destroying cam right now this is literally why having therapy i forgot um

I forgot you’re taking therapy but you know it’s it’s it’s good for you i think yeah i’ve never gone to that room i mean like yeah like it’s help yeah it’s like there’s a lot of people who say that it don’t help but yeah i was just i was gonna sit

There and see how long it took you guys to realize oh we’re talking to someone who’s actually has depression oh wow that’s great oh my god i’m good i’m good i just i literally i wasn’t gonna say anything i was gonna wait well that’s great to hear yeah now you kind of not

I well actually there’s a good chance you may not but it’s fine it’s fine i’ve learned to tone out all the negative mojos and replace it with positive mojos aka a monkey dancing in my brain it’s hilarious cam’s getting the villain like yeah i think like hallucinating monkeys

Yeah that’s pretty evil to me no i’m just like i’m thinking happy thoughts like finding diamonds that’s exactly what anakin did on robot chicken when he was slaughtering the younglings oh oh oh i don’t know it sounds like a villain it sounds like i’m like me right now i don’t know

I’ve never watched robot chicken oh i have never seen it like a whole show but i’ve only seen the clips i really want to see a whole show of it though like star wars about chicken is so funny yeah they also had a transformers robot chicken and well they tasted i yes

Oh man i bet that was good yeah i watched a little bit and i couldn’t watch the rest of it because i am a transformers nurse oh you took it personally like all the jokes on itself yeah yeah i feel like yeah yeah yeah whenever they like do like harry

Potter or something like that i’m like uh you know it’s funny it’s funny but you know you’re nice right now robot chicken It’s funny but i don’t i hate you for it yeah it’s funny though i i understand it funny i hate you foreign no i just i couldn’t handle that i couldn’t remember i can’t remember all of it but for some reason i they briefly remember trans optimus like

Optimus prime freaking having an affair with a barbie doll what they’re valid i can’t those guys are so smart like i wish i could be as smart and funny as those guys who make those oh yeah i mean sometimes i just let i sometimes i just randomly

Come up with funny stuff and then it’s like i’m not streaming and i’ll be like dang it this could happen yeah sometimes happened it’s like man this could have been such a good bit but sometimes you can you can like save those bits you know

Yeah but most of the times it’s like i’m not recording and i just randomly say something funny and then i’m like oh my god why can’t i be this funny on the youtubes your pressure man sometimes she gets you sometimes you just got to go to the with the flow you know

Uh yes go with the flow and then all of a suddenly i belch on live i like belt while i’m live you become braindead live that’s great that’s not clickbait not clip bait i don’t become brain dead i just literally whenever i’m like whenever i’m like relaxed while i’m streaming i just kind

Of you know i just kind of like forget that i’m streaming and then i just belch out of nowhere it’s it’s weird well sometimes it’s pretty funny sometimes you just gotta be real to be funny you know like most critical hey sheep you want to come over here and help me break this

Yeah sure you’re not the sheep well you you you could talk for my villagers but i can’t talk for the sheep i mean you can it’s just the sheep kind of just like walked away as he said that so i was like yeah you can’t no you can’t give him a voice you

Can you can’t then they’ll think they have free will well see sheep and cats are the same thing so yeah now i think about it okay buy sheep just stay within a radius that i can get you for my farms because i’m making a farm for my sheep

And then i’ll farm for my cows because i need both because i’m home i literally almost half of the time always run out of freaking leather i literally have no leather and i’m having to beg people for leather and then having to trade with them stuff that i don’t have

But you gave me beds yeah beds a lot of beds i had a lot of beds that’s why i need more sheep so i can go mining so i can get nether right so i can become most powerful but like i mean i have like two things another right armor so

Far so i’m doing pretty good see not to brag I’m literally going to mute you yeah but you know it’s better to you’re thinking it at your pace because i grind it for two days that’s why i didn’t scream yesterday okay yeah there’s a good chance that you probably don’t you know i don’t know but

Like i there’s this thing i have it’s called homework you have a lot of Come on give me my freaking gimme thank you uh where these work that’s hell well oh wait you you technically told me it’s how yeah imagine imagine imagine like one of the many places that you can consider hell as a workplace hmm there’s plenty of places but

Most of them are plenty of those places You haven’t experienced true hell i haven’t see to me work is work yes work is money and that’s what that’s what gets me through the day if i don’t have work i get no food i want food except yeah food is good food is good okay hello burb

So that’s why you kill a lot of villagers you need food you’re hungry uh are you freaking implying that i’m a cannibalist uh well villagers aren’t the same species are you saying that are you saying that freaking are you saying that villagers are squidwards yeah basically oh dang it

God i hate the freaking stupid Goblin mode activate i have to get more diamonds because like my the axe that i have right now sucks i and i’m don’t you dare try and like trade with me because i already have like several different freaking minds i just need to use them godspeed well i didn’t say anything i’m

Just saying you know okay oh my god i literally am so mad because i had i had a diamond axe and then i lost it because i fell in the lava at a bastion oh That’s what we call not a good moment that moment that’s why i killed my villagers oh my god i’m just kidding oh my god i’m not making i’m not making my i’m not making my point clear i need to hang on wait before i go i’m gonna put another

I’m gonna put the mending book on my sword because i have seven levels and then i gotta i’m gonna try and get uh um luck of the c2 so i could have like a c3 so i could have vending books until i can get find a nether fortress and get where is it

It’s in my house because i stole it i don’t know i actually don’t yeah you i would you know what if i if i didn’t know that i put it in a chest i would have believed you but then i remembered that i haven’t seen you at

All since the whole book trading thing yeah yeah well right now i just want to build i want to finish building my house cows cows wait cows cows wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i have to i have to go i have to i have to build the thing i have to

Build the thingy right now thingy right now oh dang it i forgot that the wood was still here yeah literally i broke a house so i can build a farm what okay well i mean there’s no villagers living here anymore i forgot the massacre of 2022 happened the bed massacre

The massacre of 2022 that that’s let’s not call it that because that makes it sad i literally just i literally okay i made calamari you made calamari out of the villagers well look at them they look like squidward that’s why oh so you were hungry i was right see

I didn’t eat it i gave it to another i gave it to the village next door oh suit so you mean you traded with them uh that that is just more that’s more evil than eating the yourself i’m just kidding oh my god i did i literally

I’m just keep i keep on digging my grave deeper whenever i bring up the villagers that i can man those villagers those will just sit down see i’m trying to protect the villagers from people like you you know like come on i am not a bad person ah

I’m trying to be a better person man you gotta give me freaking time i am literally trying to get what i need to freaking i need to go yeah i need to go i freaking almost forgot that i need to go to the nether and get see if i can find uh

Okay yeah i remembered okay i’m gonna take a saddle because there’s a good chance i’ll find a strider does anybody know how to tame a strider uh you you should sing a fishing rod and want the mushroom a blue mushroom a blue mushroom i don’t know how it’s called

It’s a blue mushroom that’s all i know hmm first things first make a fishing rod make another fishing rod me because i have a lot of string from my mine shaft adventures you have mine shaft adventures in minecraft insane yeah yeah it’s crazy i know i wish i could have mine shaft

Adventures from minecraft you don’t have any mine shaft adventures no no apparently he does not that is quite tragic yeah i’ve tried man yo why are kelp blocks so expensive uh because you’re poor let’s go help help is good takes nine kelp to make a killer

What can i say you’ve gotta smelt it all though that’s the problem oh so that’s like that’s one coal if you were smelting with coal plus more per block that’s what i mean yeah that’s what i’ve been using thank goodness but oh my god

Am i i’m an idiot i forgot you can farm lava now why haven’t i used that as a fuel because you just said it you’re an idiot oh right oh look gg i’m sorry man i am stupider than i thought ah oh my god i’m so happy that i bless you

Or else i’d be getting murdered by these magma cubes oh my jesus i’m still getting murdered by them even with the nether right yeah we do be doing that magma cubes are evil they’re evil yeah they’re pretty evil not gonna lie i need to kill all the baby ones there’s

A little other big one they’re little gremlins bro i’m telling you they’re menaces i should have brought yeah i’m gonna i’m gonna go grab my i’m gonna go grab those golden apples from my cows probably used them too yeah i was gonna give him the storm but

He already gave me books and didn’t take them so i’m just to go grab them you should right now it’s kind of dark in my room what are you looking for right now what’s your plans nether i’m looking for another fortress so i can get a potion of weakness so i

Can heal my villager see if i can make you a trip just kidding i don’t have i don’t have potions yet uh that’s why i’m trying to get a strider striders are the most easiest method that i can think of going through the nether other than blocks yeah i guess I will place this in my base oh um i sincerely i think i might be showing up here base wonder oh he is yeah i think he’s at it right underneath of you did you oh yeah i guess you saw that yeah in the background dude i may go watch oh

For dark oak oh wait dang it i could have had two villagers they could have made babies yo thanks I’m just baby sharking bro what can i say my lord no that’s no no that’s not no considered activist that that’s a yeah that is that’s a war crime you you you’re trying you know just just no i don’t i don’t know i just i just i’m just sharking bro

I i i i don’t apprec no justin i don’t know how long ago she had said this um i hope dark looks like his profile pic irl i do oh yeah i think you uh ignored me [Laughter] yeah i was i was away from the pc for a little bit too

Uh yeah i really i need to get more mending i’m not i’m not gonna make any more trades with you right now we’re a breath i can hear i can hear you i can hear you all the way not him yeah i can i can hear

I can hear his thoughts from like where i am right now me my thoughts yeah you literally i said mending book and i instantly heard hey cam you want to make another trade for mending books well i don’t have a mending book now but i can make one for a little bit of

Just this is a slight bit of cheddar cheese and you know you got yeah i i’m poor thank you yeah i say this as i’m wearing pull full nether right arm yes yeah you’re poor i’ve got a bunch of kelp i like i just i’m not a big fan of going

Down and mining because i’m afraid of death check there’s a see instead of instead of you know like offering you know stuff i can offer you a deal an alliance if you may i thought we were already an alliance your our bases are literally connected dude uh well

Well we technically it’s a truce Indeed we could do it we could be an alliance why not like i mean i have things that you need like freaking no on the bed yeah i do need some beds plus i can also use some help with what uh you know she’s protecting villagers i hope

You don’t have a good record on that but yes i literally want to make up for my students but you know i i already said yes i will i want to protect the villagers now i’m sorry okay well see i will probably i will kid you i will shoot you

Just let me breathe i mean i’m i don’t know i i i no no no i just want to protect the villages please i just really need another mending book for my pants okay well i’ll get you that mending book real quick thank you okay i’ll protect your i’ll i

Won’t i’ll i’m i’m turning past my evil ways i’m no longer cam i don’t know i’m not really sure i don’t know i don’t know i don’t know see that’s that’s the kind of words that get doesn’t matter for me doesn’t matter for me though because i’m

Not a part of this alliance i’m just a spectator of course but you enjoy this storm uh you enjoy this a lot dark yeah freaking literally caden told me that he has a lot of pictures of me in his house i got i got a fun audience

You got a fun audience wow i do i do you have your audience just gets info for you yeah they’re kind of like my spies and then they also spread misinformation about me too so it kind of goes it’s both ways it’s both ways basically come on sheepy sheeps come on time get

In your new home let’s go yep a new prison If he’s in eyes okay that makes sense because he may be recording with i recording i don’t i don’t know he’s probably in do you hear him in either video why i left it i i’m not watching it i wanted to concentrate more on wonder cats yeah you’re all walker

See the best stream in the entire s p so now the best stream in the entire s p was like really earlier today you know cam the gamer i don’t know if you’ve heard of her but she’s pretty cool i don’t know i’ll have to name it someone

Who might be like an arch villain yeah like the one that might be betrayed me at some point you know uh dude i’m literally trying to be a better person and you’re making it so hard why dark trash talking to us what else am i supposed to do when i’m not streaming [Laughter]

You know when i’m when i’m streaming like i’m just like i am like the least aggressive version of me and like when i’m not sure i’m just like yeah bro i’m just gonna go full aggressive it’s like you know what whatever i’m not streaming so they can’t they

Can’t unsubscribe at any moment and so they’ll have to search for a video out of their way to unsubscribe to the aggressive dark future yeah out of the way make me babies thank you like i’ll be the happy boy it’s like also it’s like i’m not really aggressive in real life

Though so it’s like i i think it’s fun just acting this way though kid he’s just speaking this truth Yeah we got we got a fun audience you got a fun audience they’re a bit quirky yeah fun audi yeah a fun audience that likes to like to go and say okay hang on that’s not everyone that’s not everyone alright arcade is caden he is definitely caden

And that’s like i’m watching i stream and you’re not watching the best stream hey yo you’re not watching the best stream on youtube yo have you ever seen this video where this hamster escapes prison no i haven’t like i was like me and my cousins were

Like this is our last day so i was in pennsylvania for about two weeks or with my cousins right and i was like okay where where am i where am i gonna do this like what we’re gonna do for this last night we’ve been like we watched

Like a movie pretty much every night and we like couldn’t think of any movies to find so like you know let’s go on youtube and then we watch this weird live stream about like these weird things and we regretted it instantly it was actually torture so then what was

Recommended after that was um a prison escape with a hamster so we’re like all right let’s watch that like there was like these weird things in the background like there’s like these like beetles and spiders they’re like just hiding in the background there’s also another hamster and there’s

Like a prison guard there was lore there was lore like there’s a lure to this and it’s like i want to go deeper into this otherwise it says i mean shaded says darkest up meanie beanie it’s a meanie no what Yeah he’s calling you a mini weenie valid but yeah storm is in eyes uh voice chat aha yeah they’re going they’re looking for dark oak right now together i’m pretty sure yeah i may i may go join in the hunt and see if i can find it because i would

Like to have some dark oak for my floor for the upstairs for my sky base I turn into a car i have room vroom says the wonder house says says the wonder cat says cam the gamer yeah that’s my name don’t wear it out Is confused a little bit there we go i need to anyway as i was trying to say i need to get i need to get white i need to get a colored dye and color them all that so i may i’m going to i think i’m going to pick yo

Yo not only are you ripping the flesh off their skin you are changing the color of their skin oh my god crazy it’s crazy i can’t i literally can’t with you poor sheep i don’t know i mean like no everyone’s like worried about the villagers but villagers at least can like escape if

They really wanted to like they can open doors sheep can’t open doors for the sheep oh no one that’s the thing see oh so because no one speaks for them we can just hey hey hey i don’t take advantage of them i’m literally giving them a home and food and

See i did say that my resort is uh for every animal that’s threatened by players yeah and your resort is also probably a prison i’m literally protecting them it’s not hello are you indian no i am not indian what why why does he think i’m indian bro hmm do i have indian blood

And my parents haven’t told me yet i can’t find out next week on dragon ball z on the renegades smp will cam get full netherrite probably well wonder cat be betrayed well dark future i mean yeah he probably will ballot will i ever get this amending book to cab you officially

I will i just want to make a booking quote for us to for you to write uh the alliance is suspect part two a suspect part two indeed uh well carrying on the traditions of the suspect well i was in the suspect once i may as well You know i learned a couple of things i learned business i learned I learned how to be sauce i learned uh yeah sounds like everything you learned from me going to college business and how to be sus business and how to be sus exactly well done you’re an official graduate of minecoin university i coined university that’s what we’re talking about the best

Our university in town new infinity and beyond that’s uh that’s a toy story reference i think it is i think it is that’s a very sus question to us for the first time in this street in the steam saucy suso i don’t know what stevie just said subscribe to wonder cat or buzz

Lightyear will come to you when you’re asleep um my i might need to change my subscription to that my description and we’re not talking about the light year light here we’re talking about evil rip-off buzz lightyear yeah That’s his singing song right there That’s the exact sound you’ll hear when bud lightyear comes after you bud lightning this is the greatest villain in the entire world but here he’s named after alcohol he’s the semi drunk version of buzz lightyear yeah he’s sub he’s like the trucker but slightly yes

Oh man okay i need to i’m gonna go Yeah you’re gonna go i’m gonna go get me out of this conversation right now holy crap no no no no what is it like i’m talking about drugs you’re talking about drugs bro oh my god he’s talking about drunk buzz lightyear they like buzz like here oh yeah me too okay i need

Okay you know dark is still not a teen yet you’re not a teen bro i’m not a teen what do you mean you’re a child you’re not a teen yet yeah well i’m not not yet i’m not a teen though yeah that’s true i’m not a teen but not yet

I’ve already been a teen but but it’s just right there i’ve i haven’t ruined my teenager ways no you’re you’re still no you’re you haven’t been terrible you asked for people who are 20. that is what i am you haven’t you haven’t been a team though you’re not

You’re you’re not a teen yet okay i need to let’s see you gotta trust me on this you’re not a teen yet yet all right you know what i trust you i trust you i’m not a teenager i’ll be a teen once you’re uh 12 years old what trust me

He’s not 12 years old apparently i’m like negative eight years old wow yeah you he has to wait like 13 years you know i actually just like came into existence and then just like i just he just became a youtuber when he woke up i didn’t i didn’t exist

Before that the simulation didn’t spawn me in yeah it was after simulations are weird like the first time i joined up on wonder cat’s dream that’s when i was born yeah that’s how it works yeah he’s just been like slowly de-aging ever since he’s almost 12 brown dark is almost 12.

Yep okay i need to get food but yeah i’m going i’m going on an adventure to find dark oak with the eye dark oh yes i really i want it for my floor in my uh sky base i honestly kind of want dark coke for the main haul of my pill factor

Seems to be a lot of interest in getting some dark oak maybe i should find some and sell it dude or we can do an alliance to the suspect suspect and it sucks the suspect i would probably be kicked out of my alliance you have an alliance bro yes sir

Are you kidding me oh my god now i have to fix that oh my god i’m about to die from fall damage that’s so funny that’s so funny he’s gonna die in real life you need life alert but for some reason i keep thinking that the freaking noises i’m hearing is on my

Game but then i forgot that i’m using my headphones on my freaking phone honestly i want can someone make an add-on where like zombies walk up to you and say you need life alert you need life alert take this today and then like i think this the skeletons

Say lots and lots of jets and planes you want to get watched tines and tronsons and trains of jets and jets and planes trains dreams you just clip just clip the voices that he’s stealing right like put them in an attraction yeah yeah just take the yeah take those voice

Lines and put them in a do you guys know what lots of lots of suggestion planes are no no no one remembers it i’m the one there’s like these commercials when i was like watching tv when i was really young it would just like be this like

Dvd you could buy that just has like videos of trains and jets and planes and i never but the advertisement i was like do you want to see trains watch lots of lots and jets and planes now on dvd and no one remembers it like you know like the mandela effect

I’m almost positive it exists except it’s only for that for me just like these lots lots of jets and planes forever will i want to know what were on those dvds of course i bet it was not lots of lots of jazz and plays i thought it was actually a secret intonation to

Get into a cult so that’s how you got the idea to make a cult yeah exactly i did not join the lots of justin plains cult because for some reason just disappeared off the face of the earth and now i’m wondering how is it this way

I bet this cold is still around just waiting to reopen because a new way how are they going to do it though i must be vigilant i must be vigilant dude i have freaking 10 crafting table man that’s great keep making one of these dates literally i accidentally crafted all my

Wood into crafting tables what let’s keep playing keep placing them around until you know you’re out of custom tables they’re gonna be easy access because they’re always gonna be around i literally dropped my phone on the floor oh sad you don’t like that not in my stream yesterday

Okay i need to i need to i need to who was that it’s lots of lots of justin plays there’s lots of lots of jasmine planes who joined now i’m getting into it i see why you wanted it oh is it is that who is that it’s me Oh yeah i also take lines from obi-wan kenobi because he has some sick lines hello there hello there hello hello rubber ducky is here there’s a rubber ducky here did you get your dog from the mine oh my god you still have it in the morning they literally they literally kept saying they

Literally kept like oh you kidnapped her dog i’m like no no okay admit it you’re a horrible owner yo why are you roasting ducky it wasn’t ducky’s fault the cam kidnapped the dog all right right right okay that i forgot i forgot but wouldn’t a good owner already found a dog though

Wouldn’t it no no no no that’s not true because the ransom is too ridiculous i’m not ham wants four never right ingots to get that done dude i can you know you’re playing another right ingots literally i have beds for days bro on top of the place where you’re supposed to dig down

And also had one bone and it worked so that dog technically belongs there oh snap it was destined to be there i guess he’s dying save him he’s not uh i was working on my house right and then hit me off all the way to the ground

Half heart i just heard kim’s old bass two times i may pop onto their voice chat and be like no those phantoms are ready yeah my old base yeah yeah yeah okay um what’s going on here apparently there’s an old base but then like that lots less it just in plains

Colt censored or for some reason yeah this cult is really really deep like literally they know everything i don’t have a place to jump i know your real name really what’s my real name yes okay hang on i’ll be right back oh they know it damn it i don’t know how

They know everything i don’t know i don’t know how it is this way but it is damn it my identity identity fraud is really bad yeah very true very very true they’re gonna see me and they’re gonna think i’m suspect hey ducky is scaring me right now i was why

Was looking at your horse it doesn’t have a name i was gonna name it emergency glue emergency glue name it coca-cola oh that’s actually a nice name but i don’t think we can do that here it has to be it has to be emergency something no

And we got emergency food right here i mean if you come in here we got emergency drink then emergency milk no i can’t pack it up yeah i think for some somehow storm picked it up i don’t know how he did it magic weird yeah it was kind of magical

Hold up only get my parrot okay i don’t want to go up there because the phantom’s gonna hit me off again so you guys have a portal do you guys have a portal to get to you guys no uh you’re not gonna be here oh oh they kill like 17 cows

Storm has one 17 cows you didn’t share any of that dang bro you need a shoe i didn’t share a single snack of steak with me disrespect yeah it should have this name bee is that every bird right there man matches me uh uh uh do not say what i think you’re about

To say uh i thought he could be emergency how about shoulder melon shoulder melon that is so he’s just food he’s not even emergency food he’s just true hold up he’s not your emergency shoulder melon no it’s not an emergency it’s just shoulder melon you know not really

Remember when you eat the melons oh this pair won’t look the correct way i love this parrot i love stupid just like me i i yeah parrots are great so what’s going on here uh yeah mud mud mud mud kelp mud what is what’s going on here mud

Lots of mud lots of kills you killed his father wow you’re you’re such a bad guy father died you killed his father whose father your father like what yeah is your father ah you killed my father you killed my father what yeah yo i’m i’ve not even initiated the lots

Of lots of justin plains colt yet why would i do that oh so you’re going to kill my father i don’t know if they asked me to i i might have no option you know they might like say yo if you don’t do this we’ll have to kill you because you know too

Much about our cult and it’s like well it’s a moral question do you value your life more than a life of a stranger do you like all those moral questions i don’t know if i’m prepared to answer them yet yes i’m also gonna go for some dark dark orc [Laughter]

I also do enjoy some dark work freak spree oh i hear it where are you you venomous pigeon venomous pigeon i can’t wait to eat some more dark pork me too let me know if you’re ever getting that dark work i know it’s insane how much dark pork

Yeah we i just need all of it of course i need more mud and kelp i haven’t found dark work let me hear have you found any dark orc yet hey ducky have you seen dark work yet i mean i have but i’m not gonna tell them whale uh

I bribe you ducky if i were to bribe you if you were to do an alliance and i’d give you full nether right armor max that’s already in alliance you’re not in this alliance so this is this is between an alliance members already who said i couldn’t switch

We have we have stuff on our alliance we i have we’ve got i have paths we’ve got that well i’ll show you what i have do you have i’m in full iron right now you have a lot i don’t have do you have diamonds do you have another right maybe i don’t have

Okay you don’t have anything good to know she has two wood blocks that she puts down okay so i can bribe you i do have diamonds though they have actually you’ve got a zombie let me help you with that i have 50 diamonds so do you have 50 diamonds

It seems like i got you in a pickle it seems like i can bribe you i don’t have no no i don’t have nemo damn i want a needle i got five nemo’s you got me there hey yo that nemo stock is kind of rising right now you know nemo coin

Man nemo queen is going insane no it’s trademarked we gotta say memo nemo is a better name nemo emo i don’t know what i’m doing i’m just swimming bro did we just keep it there no get up hold up we’ll be fine all right fine adam from we’ll put we’ll put him down

There be happy he’ll be happy all right imagine someone’s just walking across the plants and looks down why is there a fish here what do you say what do you say probably get zoomed tight asu i do love some kazoos bro kazoo i mean like the kid what What kid what kid do you know named kazoo yeah that’s what i’m thinking you don’t know the kid named kazoo the guy the kid who played the kazoo no the kid named kazoo you know yeah you don’t know him no that wasn’t me but they swear it wasn’t me it was your bird

Bird we don’t we don’t talk about my board bird bird i love barb luckily i found a dead body with a wooden hoe in it i do know some burb a dead body yes just floating in the abyss i just noticed uh future why is it spelled futuro uh it’s um it’s art

Future you know like in in five seconds everyone’s gonna be wearing future i i didn’t i didn’t even notice that until now that your name is future so you aren’t even you aren’t even the future you’re just future no it’s just a dark future am i even dark you’re a dark future

Herb is a good name bob many times all right well i gotta go i gotta take a shower and then probably do something that isn’t staring out of scrimmage i’ve been doing all day you gotta shower gotta keep that personal hygiene yeah yes sir yes that’s what we like to see

All right good talking with your wonder cat um good looking stream also everyone if you’re i’m watching wonder cat stream you haven’t done so already what are you doing subscribe do it right you have no choice in this matter or bud lightyear will come after you all right yeah but bloody here you

Don’t know why i know him he’s in my contacts i’ll call him up right now if you don’t do it so make sure you do it make sure you also like the stream doors obliger i gotta i gotta uh do something first all right what is this torture machine

That is on the ground the upgraded one is this the grand oh my lord don’t question why holy moly i can’t i can’t accept this power this is too powerful for one person to handle what did you find this is what oh oh you know what oh no he’s dead well

He’s not coming this in season what Well it’s confirmed is confirmed dark future died uh he’s not coming this season uh he’s he’s gonna be uh dead this entire season so well what are you gonna do well their viewers are gonna be sad that he’s not gonna be doing any more uh smp streams anymore

Yeah he had a good life you know rest in peace yeah rest in peace bye bye dark future see you in the next one goodbye the music is so fitting oh my god I love what do you think of minecraft music i always ask this question it’s pretty pretty calming man pretty good How about how about the new one the the new ones that came out oh the broken record one or no like the the one such as play and while you’re playing It’s pretty exciting music compared to the normal chill one yeah it’s hyped it’s like you’re going in an adventure Right now i’m just on a boat looking for treasure i’m gonna go find atlantis voting ultimate minecraft minecraft playing yes just boating around i will find atlantis once i do yeah i don’t know i don’t really have something in mind i’ll probably kill someone something exciting or something I don’t know oh great gods what happened why is there a creeper down there uh because creepers love creeping you know what they do you just have a hole down from my my basement and i forgot to light it before i logged off last time and there’s just a creeper down there

Reapers are cripping oh it disappeared big double minor went into the corner that’s great to know see what am i looking for i want to find atlantis the great city under the water i see more of my forest or i think what’s my forest you’ll probably find atlantis before

They find dark oak because a little heading the wrong way um see that’s pretty good info elijah told them which way to head did not listen to me wow that’s what we call there’s a ton of caves over here michael mine on one of them it’s a little detour ends up dying

That would be horrible Let’s just try to avoid that if i may Yo if you need any coal i got too much i would love some coal honestly well yes that’s something i should go looking for drips stone because i kind of wanna farm this from lava ooh cave noises oh oh my god grab a waste or so much gravel

Why do they have to do this to me Rabble be the end of me it says then like a rebel oh my god okay that almost killed me i’m gonna stop mining that because gravel is being annoying Bravo is like the worst part of mining yeah i wish it wasn’t everywhere when you mine uh it’s horrible remember back when you could strip mine for diamonds like before we got the yeah below zero update and it would just be gravel yeah but i feel like mining diamonds is

Used here a lot now with the caves yeah it depends really does the second you run out torches you got like 10 skeletons and creepers just trying to chase you yeah it’s just a horrible experience poop whoa whoa whoa whoa why is there so many zombies over here there’s just so many zombos

Uh rip stone let’s go it’s a tiny little stone Do Music to call myself i came here for kick cinnamon waffle recipe i don’t know why you expected that what did someone come for uh for a cinnamon waffle recipe what in your title means cinnamon waffle i don’t know my my title is project pf what about it your project making cinnamon waffles apparently

I don’t know why you would expect waffles i’m back next stream to see if he streams making cinnamon waffles i love cinnamon waffles but you know we can’t make those in minecraft i mean basically you get some pancake mix make it but add cinnamon to it cinnamon cinnamon

Here in my stream we don’t only learn how to play minecraft but we learn how to bake and make some cinnamon waffles a great experience ran through almost five pickaxes just building this are you building have you ever seen those minecraft builds with basements that like spread out layer by layer You’re doing that so you’re mining all of that yup with iron pickaxes oh with iron pickaxes uh that must be agreed to experience it must not being circus i’m used to it man um i’m like the builder actually the reason why i’m here being a builder oh minecraft is all about building

It’s about creativity let your mind do the blocking Look at this bam ooh let’s move with it why is it raining i swear it only rains when eyes on is a bad omen he always calls it renegades or renegades because it always rains when he’s on i played for like five straight hours when he’s not on and neville reigns

Oh at least if someone has riptide you know they can fly around use him on a One of the last things i get oh yeah you the only reason you would use riptide is to combine it with uh with the elytra yeah i usually get a lightroom and then forget about a trident until someone says you don’t have a trident why and i’m like oh wait

I’ll share that thing The one thing i always forget about well i’m reminding you gotta try it i’ll write it down write it down on a list you’ll never forget gotta try it now i usually have like a book full list that people tell me to do i have like the world’s worst memory

When it comes to remembering things well sometimes it depends you know sometimes things are too important to forget and sometimes they aren’t Let’s legit my memory i’m only to play with 39. still got a long ways to go what how low are you going We’ll start finding diamonds don’t worry about me any items on minecraft that’s gonna be i see something in the distance i’m gonna go check it out it’s 40 items we’re gonna be here for a bit What is over here someone oh someone’s making a farm uh might be storms oh someone yeah someone made a farm it’s not that they’re making what they made or yeah i still made one well that’s a lot of gold The author won’t notice you won’t notice it’s not like i’m streaming it too you know he won’t actually notice let’s let’s see let’s find out i’m gonna steal a sword How about make it down like hmm i like this sword i’m taking it do do do do i took a sword there’s another oh no that’s a cloud i thought there was another one i’m just stupid oh granite i got too much i’ll be in touch just in case you know

You never know when i need some cobblestone you know always something you don’t need until you need it and then you spend the rest of your time just mining i’ve been digging this whole time and the sides are uneven unless they feel mining all day all day long just mining

Now i gotta re-dig some places because the sides are uneven ah living the life that is just great these are two boards Do do Did i make it to Storm’s house Yes i did oh whoa i can see that dark has started working on his little tower i hope they don’t mind that i’m just in their place do not even heal man we’re still on the eventual to try and find darco oh i see you mining down there

Yep fixing the walls luckily i didn’t make it too wide yet go back and do that later let me see how you’ve been doing oh this is gonna take a while yup living the minecraft was life a minecrafter’s life what can i say it’s minecraft wait until it’s finished which is in 10

Years wait until it’s finished in season 10. it’s just like that dark oak towel that i made devil got finished i never finished mine either but this time i’m dedicated i feel inspired sadly have to go on vacation next week so i have to take a break from this oh

Well i hope you have fun in the in the vacation you know i’m going to see a firework show oh elon cos what hey what what she killed her own horse oh no miss click question great english yeah i know thanks oh i’m going back home

Because i got a lot of coal i got from that cave they’re so horsy but i don’t have saddles yet i don’t know if you ever need any uh molecule the mountain at like two negative two thousand like one 100 something full filled with it i’ll have to check it out I might i’m probably gonna make it home and in the stream because right now Things are getting a little stale and plus i want to do some off-screen grinding you know just did a little afghan mining you know go into creative mode a little you know just hack just just just a little duping you know you know the vibes oh there goes another pickaxe

That’s what we like to see that’s the grind of mine i’m lucky you have a stack of iron the only thing i’m always rich in doing minecraft survival um you almost like a horse to me bro that is huge facts i just gotta say shouldn’t be funny it is funny

That’s why you should laugh i’m almost home Hmm Right Fight me you big giant i’m not scared of you for any of your baby brothers well this has been uh an eventful day uh uh i don’t have really much to say i hope you guys enjoyed that little stream i hope i don’t hit any of my villagers by doing that

Uh so guys thank you for watching and see you all in the next stream slash episode of the s season 2 s renegades smp see you like some subscribe baby and you enjoy it of course if you don’t like it see you in hell i guess oh i i hit the wrong thing

This video, titled ‘Project: PF What About It | Minecraft | Renegades SMP S2’, was uploaded by Wondercat LIVE on 2022-06-29 02:46:50. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:28 or 12988 seconds.

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    Atlas ProjectWelcome to the Atlas project. Just a Minecraft server. But without rules ยฏ\_( อกโ› อœส– อกโ›)_/ยฏ Pirate and Original 1.16.5 – 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กฒโก โ „โ ‰โ ™โ ปโ ฟโฃฟโ ฟโ ฟโข›โ ซโกฉโกณโฃธโ พโ โข€โขขโ ฃโ ƒโ „โ  โ โก€โ ‚โ „โ กโ ˆโ „โกโ ‚โ „โ กโ โขˆโ  โ โ Œโ  โ „โ „โฃ€โฃคโฃคโฃ€โก€โ „โ ‚โ „โ โขŒโ †โข•โ ˆโฃ—โขฅโขฃโขกโข‘โขŒโกขโกขโข…โข‡โข‡โขฏโขพโกฝโ ƒโข€โ ”โก…โ โ „โ „โ จโข€โ กโ โ ˆโ „โ กโขˆโ โก€โ …โ Œโ  โ โก‚โ „โ กโขˆโ โฃพโฃฟโขฟโกฟโกฟโ ‡โ „โ „โ „โก€โข€โ ขโ ญโข†โ ฆโกฟโกทโกทโกตโกทโกทโฃตโขฝโกฎโฃทโขฝโกฝโก“โ คโ คโ •โกโ  โ „โ …โ „โ …โ „โ ‚โ Œโ  โ กโ ˆโ „โข‚โ โ  โ จโ  โ โ „โข‚โ กโ โกˆ 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  • Minecraft Memes – BIG MONEY ARRIVES

    Minecraft Memes - BIG MONEY ARRIVESLooks like Steve is about to discover a diamond vein so big, he’ll be swimming in emeralds in no time! Big money, here we come! #minecraftgoals ๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’ฐ Read More

  • Block Xuan: Minecraft’s World Restore Encore

    Block Xuan: Minecraft's World Restore Encore In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated vibes. From funny animations to songs that adapt, He crafts content that leaves us all entrapped. With a heart for the game and a mind that’s keen, He shares Minecraft facts in a playful scene. From hidden chests to secret surprises, He keeps us entertained, our interest he rises. So leap into his world, where laughter reigns, And join the fun as he entertains. With each video, a smile he’ll bring, Fangkuaixuan, the Minecraft king! Read More

  • Spilling the Tea on Minecraft 1.21 โ˜•๏ธ

    Spilling the Tea on Minecraft 1.21 โ˜•๏ธ I didn’t know Minecraft had a new update called 1.21, I’ve been too busy trying to survive in the game to keep up with all the updates! Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Soda Machine

    Sneaky Minecraft Soda Machine Minecraft Museum Build Hacks: Unleashing Creativity in the Virtual World Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity. One such fascinating endeavor is the creation of a museum within the game. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft Museum Build Hacks and discover the innovative ways players are bringing history and art to life in this virtual realm. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Building Ideas When it comes to building in Minecraft, the only limit is one’s imagination. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, players have crafted a myriad of awe-inspiring creations. The… Read More

  • Minecraft Art: Insane creations in under 60 seconds! #satisfying #trending

    Minecraft Art: Insane creations in under 60 seconds! #satisfying #trendingVideo Information like And subscribe [Music] guys This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please๐Ÿฅบ’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 03:50:16. It has garnered 298 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Surviving the Scariest Minecraft Map: Stay Alive Challenge

    Surviving the Scariest Minecraft Map: Stay Alive ChallengeVideo Information เคคเฅ‹ เคนเฅ‡เคฒเฅ‹ เคซ เค†เคฐเฅเคฎเฅ€ เค•เฅˆเคธเฅ‡ เคนเฅ‹ เคธเคญเฅ€ เคฒเฅ‹เค— เคคเฅ‹ เค†เคœ เคฎเฅˆเค‚ เค–เฅ‡เคฒเคจเฅ‡ เคœเคพ เคฐเคนเคพ เคนเฅ‚เค‚ เคเค• m เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคเค• เคนเฅ‰เคฐเคฐ เคฎเฅˆเคช เคœเคฟเคธเค•เคพ เคจเคพเคฎ เคนเฅˆ เคธเฅเคŸเฅ‡เคฒเคพ เคคเฅ‹ เคฌเฅ‡เคธเคฟเค•เคฒเฅ€ เค‡เคธ เคฎเฅˆเคช เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เค•เฅเคฏเคพ เคนเฅ‹เคคเคพ เคนเฅˆ เค•เคฟ เคนเคฎ เคฒเฅ‹เค— เคเค• เค…เคชเคฐเฅเคŸเคฎเฅ‡เค‚เคŸ เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคนเฅ‹เคคเฅ‡ เคนเฅˆเค‚ เค”เคฐ เคนเคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เค•เคพเคฎ เค•เฅ‡ เคฒเคฟเค เคฅเฅ‹เคกเคผเคพ เคฌเคพเคนเคฐ เคœเคพเคจเคพ เคชเคกเคผเคคเคพ เคนเฅˆ เคคเฅ‹ เคคเคญเฅ€ เคนเคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคเค• เคฎเคฟเคธเฅเคŸเฅ€เคฐเคฟเคฏเคธ เคกเฅ‹เคฐ เคฎเคฟเคฒเคคเคพ เคนเฅˆ เค”เคฐ เค‰เคธ เคฎเคฟเคธเฅเคŸเฅ€เคฐเคฟเคฏเคธ เคกเคธ เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคนเคฎ เคฒเฅ‹เค— เคซเคธ เคœเคพเคคเฅ‡ เคนเฅˆเค‚ เค”เคฐ เค‰เคธ เคกเฅ‹เคฐ เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เค•เฅเคฏเคพ เคนเฅ‹เคคเคพ เคนเฅˆ เคตเฅ‹ เคฆเฅ‡เค–เคจเฅ‡ เค•เฅ‡ เคฒเคฟเค เค†เคชเค•เฅ‹ เคฏเฅ‡ เคตเฅ€เคกเคฟเคฏเฅ‹ เคชเฅ‚เคฐเคพ เคฆเฅ‡เค–เคจเคพ เคชเคกเคผเฅ‡เค—เคพ เค”เคฐ เค†เคช เคฒเฅ‹เค— เคฎเฅ‡เคฐเฅ‡ เคšเฅˆเคจเคฒ เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคจเค เคนเฅˆเค‚ เคคเฅ‹ เคชเฅเคฒเฅ€เคœ เคธเคฌเฅเคธเค•เฅเคฐเคพเค‡เคฌ เค•เคฐ… Read More

  • Insane Gaming: Mind-Blowing MC RTX 4090 Reveal! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Insane Gaming: Mind-Blowing MC RTX 4090 Reveal! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information he This video, titled ‘Realistic MC RTX 4090 ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคค #shorts #minecraft | #31’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-04-20 06:37:06. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray… Read More

  • CRAZY Minecraft Secrets REVEALED in Alo’s Epic Adventure

    CRAZY Minecraft Secrets REVEALED in Alo's Epic AdventureVideo Information [Music] [Music] is [Music] for [Music] oh This video, titled ‘Unusual Minecraft’, was uploaded by Alo on 2024-02-25 04:16:33. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. Welcome to a journey through the most bizarre and extraordinary corners of Minecraft! In this video, we dive into the realm of Unusual Minecraft, where the landscapes defy expectation and the structures challenge imagination. Join us as we explore unique biomes, stumble upon mysterious structures, and marvel at mind-bending creations crafted by players from around the world. From floating islands suspended… Read More

  • INSANE SECRETS of Craftrise Mobile

    INSANE SECRETS of Craftrise MobileVideo Information Merhaba merhaba ses deneme 1 2 3 ses deneme 1 2 3 Ne yapฤฑyorsunuz la he Hiรง mi ola tฤฑklฤฑm yok ลŸu an o yรผzden but Fly Click yapacaฤŸฤฑm yapamayacaฤŸฤฑm dรผny al oyuncu Anladฤฑm hocam La oฤŸlum yatak mฤฑ kapatฤฑyorsun gel buraya Efsane bir hareket yapacaฤŸฤฑm sana ya A dรผลŸmedi lan Gel bakalฤฑm biraz daha gel รถnรผne Bloklarฤฑ dizdim abisi yataฤŸฤฑ kฤฑrma be ya Abi niye kฤฑrฤฑyorsun yataฤŸฤฑmฤฑ AฤŸlama lan Bekle oฤŸlum ben seni elemedim mi ลŸimdi o yataฤŸฤฑ kฤฑrmak รถyle kolay mฤฑ sanฤฑyorsun รถnce beni geรงmen gerekiyor yataฤŸฤฑmฤฑ kฤฑrmฤฑลŸ olabilirsin ama ik saฤŸ solumu yemiลŸ sayฤฑlฤฑrsฤฑn Bak… Read More

  • INSANE! Building Breaking Bad House in Minecraft LIVE

    INSANE! Building Breaking Bad House in Minecraft LIVEVideo Information volume up okay we haven’t played on this world apparently since like the middle of December and I like this mod pack it’s just I just haven’t played on this [ __ ] plain as simple plain as simple damn you saw that vertical hold up when was my vertical so nasty I got a gas mask on all I remember is that hey get out of here bro he break something he broke my boots all I remember in this world was we got to the point where I was like okay I want to build a… Read More

  • 4000 Cakes in Minecraft… CRAZY Vertical Stream!

    4000 Cakes in Minecraft... CRAZY Vertical Stream!Video Information hello everyone how’s it going welcome to the stream hello everyone hello it is currently Monday for me and I wonder how what time it is for you guys because ah it’s freezing it is currently I don’t 15 to 17ยฐ like Celsius here in my town in Australia and it’s freaking cold it is currently 6:40 a.m. yes I know I’m late I’m late by 10 minutes sorry about that and welcome to the stream snow as well as to a how are you guys doing how’s it being I hope you have guys are having a… Read More

  • BREEZE’s Incredible SECRET Story! Minecraft 1.21

    BREEZE's Incredible SECRET Story! Minecraft 1.21Video Information this is the breeze and it’s a brand new mob from Minecraft 1.21 but where did it come from how did it gain its powers and what is its story well let’s find out in the Forgotten tale of the breeze it all begins long ago during the Great iller War the villagers and the illers have been fighting for centuary and there were no signs that the end was anywhere near as these two opposing factions despised each other with our passion as they each prayed for the complete annihilation of the enemy well that’s how most… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack by Gujju Bhai!

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack by Gujju Bhai!Video Information [Applause] could you find a way to let me down slowly a little sympathy I hope you can show me if you want to go then I’ll be so lonely if you leaving baby let me down slowly let me down down let me This video, titled ‘Minecraft Buld hack #14’, was uploaded by Gujju Bhai 24 on 2024-04-09 16:01:32. It has garnered 67 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft house tutorial minecraft house minecraft 100 days minecraft music minecraft 1.21 minecraft live minecraft… Read More

  • AvalocMC

    AvalocMCGood evening and welcome my friends to a land of mystery and magic, a land of monsters and mages a land where one turn at the road can land you in a vast metropolis filled with magic and wonder your eyes have never seen, another turn could land you in the midst of a savage orc horde. Welcome to Avaloc Read More

  • Harmony Falls SMP PVE Proximity Voice-Chat No Resets 1.20+ Java

    ๐ŸŒŸ Welcome to Harmony Falls – The Top Voice-Chat Proximity SMP Server! ๐ŸŒŸ Server Details: Version: Java 1.20.1 IP: Discord: About ๐ŸŒ  Harmony Falls ๐ŸŒ : ๐Ÿ˜„ Proximity Voice Chat: Talk to nearby players with Simple Voice Chat! ๐Ÿฐ Towny & Economy: Establish towns, trade, and engage in wars. ๐Ÿ‘ฅ PvE & PvP: Battle mobs or challenge other players. ๐Ÿ‘น Bosses/Dungeons: Encounter insane bosses! ๐Ÿ‰ Pets: Venture with companions like bears, griffins, and dragons. ๐ŸŒ„ RPG Elements: Level up skills, embark on quests with MCMMO. ๐ŸŒŸ Events: Participate in tournaments, competitions, and more! More Exciting Features Coming soon! ๐ŸŒŸ… Read More

  • HorizonMines – Season 3 – High quality Skymining!

    HorizonMines - Season 3 - High quality Skymining!HorizonMines is an small upcoming SKYMINING server that is looking to revolutionize the space with an actual skymining experience, elytra’s, a wonderfully build map and tons of eastereggs create an immersive and endless world of possiblities and to have fun. The goal of HorizonMines is to simply become the best skymining server out there, the best map, the best gameplay and the best experience. We are actively looking for staff, content creators and people whom can give feedback and suggestions so we can accomplish the goal of becoming the absolute best out there.HorizonMines GameplayDive into an immersive, one of a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My friend’s hotbar is a dumpster fire

    Looks like they need to ‘craft’ a better hotbar strategy! Read More

  • MineCrafted Dreams: Fyllaria’s Epic Rhyme

    MineCrafted Dreams: Fyllaria's Epic Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, Fyllaria roams, Building her dreams, crafting her own homes. But deep inside, she feels lost and alone, Her confidence shattered, her spirit not shown. She turns to an AI, seeking advice, Confiding her fears, her heart’s heavy price. The AI listens, with empathy and care, Encouraging Fyllaria to be aware. “Beauty is not just skin deep,” it says, “It’s in your heart, in your soul, in your ways. Embrace your uniqueness, your flaws and your strengths, For in them lies beauty, at any length.” Fyllaria listens, her heart starts to mend, Embracing herself, as… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Axe Hacks!

    Spicy Minecraft Axe Hacks! To make a secret Minecraft axe, simply whisper “I am Groot” into your controller three times and sacrifice a diamond to the pixelated gods. Then, wait for a creeper to explode near a tree and voila! Your secret axe will appear out of thin air. Just kidding, that’s not how it works, but wouldn’t it be cool if it did? Read More

  • Honey Farm Build in Minecraft

    Honey Farm Build in Minecraft Building a Honey Farm in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and learn how to build a honey farm? In this video, you’ll discover the step-by-step process of creating a small honey farm in Minecraft. Let’s explore the fascinating world of Minecraft builds! Exploring Minecraft Builds As you watch the video titled “Minecraft builds _ Build a Honey Farm in Minecraft,” you’ll be guided through the intricate process of constructing a honey farm within the game. From gathering resources to crafting the necessary tools, every detail is covered to ensure your success in building… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem with Joos – Sunday Night LIVE!

    Minecraft Mayhem with Joos - Sunday Night LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sunday Night Stream : Joos plays Minecraft! 2!!! | ๐Ÿ”ด LIVE’, was uploaded by The Juicebox on 2024-05-13 01:07:19. It has garnered 135 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:38 or 11498 seconds. *Hey, you look nice today!* โœจ Goal for today is to just chill! (and play some Minecraft). Let’s talk! Subscribe โžค @_thejuicebox โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” *Support Our Community* ๐Ÿ’• Discord โžค Patreon โžค โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” *Check Out Our Channels* ๐ŸŽ‰ Let’s Plays โžค Game Guides โžค Retrospective Podcasts โžค โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” #thejuicebox #juice #minecraft #minecraftlive Read More

  • Surviving Warden Only World with Whimsy Senpai

    Surviving Warden Only World with Whimsy SenpaiVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Survived In Warden Only World (Hindi) || WhimsySenpai’, was uploaded by Whimsy Senpai on 2024-03-24 08:30:13. It has garnered 1384 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:44 or 1304 seconds. In this video we are going to survive 100 days in the the Minecraft warden only world exploring the dangers fighting the warden equipping op enacted loot like golden apple diamond enchanted sword and pickaxe killing ender dragon and in the end we will make a fight between wither and warden and finding who is the boss mob Minecraft 100… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ1K BLOOD SHOWDOWN: Aswan Manananggal VS Minecraft’s BEST Security Build!

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ1K BLOOD SHOWDOWN: Aswan Manananggal VS Minecraft's BEST Security Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ–ค1000 BLOOD Aswang Manananggal vs Most Security Best Build in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jey Jey on 2024-05-01 09:45:00. It has garnered 461459 views and 6158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:54 or 1074 seconds. WATCH THIS AMAZING ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜ŽIBLOOD Aswang Manananggal vs Most Security Best Build in Minecraft! | ENGLISH | OMOCRAFT ๐Ÿ–ค DO YOU WANT PURE JEYJEY? ๐Ÿ–คKIMMIE CHANNEL – ๐Ÿ–คFB PAGE : ๐Ÿ–คFB GROUP : WATCH IT GUYS !! @Clyde_Charge @Moira-YT @EsoniTV @ArArPlays @OLIPTV @JUNGKURT @tankdemic @potpot @VicccTv @shannelph @sheyyynplayz @PepeSanTV @micolee_9713 @Kimmie1129 @AstraeaaPH Aphmau, Maizen, Nico… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge with Rika Roleplay!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge with Rika Roleplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘0009 Minecraft 1-Life Challenge! (Anne Cook Day 20+)’, was uploaded by Rika Roleplay on 2024-01-15 10:41:39. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:43 or 10783 seconds. Minecraft Character Spreadsheet: Join my Discord! (Small but ever present) Rika’s Videos Discord: Video Chapters: 0:00 Setting up Stream Read More

  • Insane Wither Storm Size | EYstreem Reveals

    Insane Wither Storm Size | EYstreem RevealsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Big Can the Wither Storm Get?’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-04-19 02:00:03. It has garnered 2479469 views and 32169 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:12 or 1032 seconds. Surviving The Worlds BIGGEST WITHER STORM in Minecraft! The MOST POWERFUL BOSS Battle Explosion! Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! ๐Ÿ˜ Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here โ–ถ ๐Ÿ‘• Buy EYmerch: ๐ŸŽฎ My Minecraft Server Address: You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) โค๏ธ Tik Tok:… Read More

  • Minecraft Insanity: 1000 Days of Absolute Madness

    Minecraft Insanity: 1000 Days of Absolute MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘1000 Days of Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by WaxFraud on 2024-05-12 05:00:25. It has garnered 233945 views and 3180 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:55 or 13195 seconds. I stream almost everyday on Twitch at ๐Ÿ˜€ come chill with us anytime! Let’s Play Hardcore Minecraft 1.20.4 1000 days of hardcore Minecraft! I used Complementary Reimagined Unbound Shaders when recording this episode. I also use the resource pack called Fancy 2.0 GUI Overhaul. I hope that all of these videos can help people out there sleep, relax, and/or study. Thank you so much… Read More

  • “EPIC BATTLE: Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ” #jjk #jujutsukaisen#shorts

    "EPIC BATTLE: Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ" #jjk #jujutsukaisen#shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft | #jjk #jujutsukaisen #shorts’, was uploaded by xhsty on 2024-05-08 04:37:00. It has garnered 9596 views and 453 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft | #jjk #jujutsukaisen #shorts jjk,jjk edit,jjk season 2,jjks2,jjk 250,jjk 257,jjk Shibuya arc,jjk 257 leaks,jjk 257 spoilers,kyoto students jjk,exchange event jjk,kyoto vs kenjaku jjk,explained, jujutsu kaisen,manga,translation,translations,john,weary,werry,english,awful,official,viz,gege akutami,anime,manganimist,sukuna,examples,bad,part 2,mistranslation,mistranslations,fan,strongest characters in jujutsu kaisen ,jujutsu kaisen Manga Read More

  • Beware of the Boss Hunter! Minecraft Rexy’s Expansion All Bosses!

    Beware of the Boss Hunter! Minecraft Rexy's Expansion All Bosses!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Rexy’s Expansion All Bosses ( Bedrock Addon )’, was uploaded by Dread The Boss Hunter on 2024-04-23 01:34:29. It has garnered 1681 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. Link: Music: Makai Symphony Website: 1. Battle 2 2. Endless Storm 3. Duel 4. Battle 1 5. All Out Attack 00:00 illager Giant 02:31 Zombin 04:52 Wither Son 07:39 Snow Monster 09:56 Bob Witch 13:07 Skeleton King 15:06 Madllager 16:48 illager Mech Read More