Melonest – Derpy Joins Ironman in Hypixel Skyblock!

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All right hello there everybody hello there welcome to the stream we are back to some more Hypixel Sky Block and today is a little bit uh better day than usual for us Sky players especially as Iron Man players because today is the day when the Dy gets elected he get he

Getting elected in 2 hours so that is pretty sick uh farming Festival also starts in 4 minutes also pretty sick we will try to actually get a silver medal maybe this time I actually got this the last stream uh I actually Rec combobulated it as well I used up my one

And only recombobulator that I had managed to get some four on this thing I really wish I could have gotten a SRA five but I’m literally missing like 10 more copper one more know I got like very close getting five but is what it

Is only got turbo m v on this thing out OFA four I already farmed a little bit with this thing and yeah today uh derp is in uh 2 hours actually tears a visit does he maybe one something I maybe have so I can just actually get that sander baked potato I

Might honestly have that that would be what I don’t and I refuse to believe it that I don’t actually have that ass surely I put it that in that chest on my Island I know I should have a potatoes I found a ton of potatoes in my days and and once the

Derpy is out here we will play some hyper Catalyst in my ice minion so by the time Derpy is gone we might even get one a piece of the Frozen blaz armor I seriously don’t have that thing you cannot be serious game right now I know I have had

Potatoes where do my items keep going to I don’t understand actually I’m going to take these seeds so I can just kill them for some more uh compost actually I locked two more guard type I actually unlocked two more ports on my garden so I can actually plant both carrots and I can

Plant sugar cane we have only two more minutes I’m actually going to kill all of my pests too I have 10 pests if I don’t get the uh silver metal Nava I really don’t know when I will like I’ve gotten everything I could ever need to

Get finally at least a silver medal I’m not even asking for nothing too crazy only silver medal that’s all I’m asking for it should be relative easy but it’s not oh my God my are so full I really should do fix this thing maybe I’ll will fix it after the festival I’m really

Starting to get sick of not having any space in my end chest Jacob take it’s everything we should have enough space um uh one minute left uh elephant pet I think that’s everything right I have my equipment yep everything is there one minute we’re going doing obviously the

Melon melons uh can I talk to you please kill tempests come give me all that fing Fortune where is it where does it say oh dang fun farming Fortune let’s go for 30 minutes let’s actually go time to get that sweet sweet silver medal maybe for once in my entire life actually should

Have B cookie 30 seconds ah no no no we will waste cannot I forgot I need to actually buy cooking because now der is getting right whatever I farm this long without a cookie I can Farm like 20 more minutes without a cookie Miss out on just a

Little bit more farming XP who cares I don’t think I’m even going to do en traning until 2 hours from now when the RP is eled then we can actually go and do that experimentation table I’d like to get as much xp out of this as possible there we go melons have begun

Farm this use out of this extra pests even after the event ends I think we’ll farm for extra 10 more minutes because I want a you know use up all of these bests that I currently have don’t want any of them going to waste already two minutes are gone but who cares who

Cares we’re not even in the bronze yet I I’m like 50% sure we will get silver this time m in any other crop realistic if I had this much farming Fortune I would have gotten silver but here you cannot be sure since melons are crazy competitive it is yeah I don’t know I

Already got the bronze maybe I don’t know we’ll see but either way at least we’ll get some bronze medal I need to fire melons anyway to actually get some melon armor so I can actually start working again on a decent uh farming armor I can actually get some farming Fortune when I’m when

I’m farming in this game so we need 20 T melon blocks for boots boots are going to be the last piece I make because I have the pumpkin boots right now we will start up with the helmet for that piece I need 25 inant melon box uh top 50% silver is at top

30% we might make it and cultivating getting leveled up awesome elepant pet should also level up maybe soon it will be cool did I even have him equipped yeah do I do to make sure cannot leave anything to chance especially with all this great farming fortune that I currently have I

Also bought like 20 extra melon Fortune with the copper also pretty cool we’re kind of stuck around 50% yeah even if we make it we see where it’s going to be at around the end of the entire event I forgot to say spawn okay whatever B Milestone is not going to

Happen for some time un fortunately it’s starting to get pretty hard to actually get this miles six Enchanted Melon rir Drop maybe these maybe these drops can save me if I get some AR jues drops those could save me to get that silver I don’t know we will

See currently stuck at around 50% uh yeah I don’t know I’m going to set spawn right there here we go let’s go back actually I should set spawn down here yeah and down there we go set set down here I can just for garden and not waste any time while doing

This melons are crazy competitive this I’m I’m having a hard time believing that I’m not even getting silver right now actually I thought for sure after I’ve gotten the melon dicer and everything I would be able to get silver I spent 10 pests as well for this thing wow melons are insanely competitive

Bro unbelievable you literally need to have like the best farming gear in the game just to get silver I don’t even want to know what I need to actually get to get gold wow that’s that is actually crazy okay I’m I’m actually about to lose bronze as well I’m not even climbing up

I’m going down yeah look at that I’m actually about to lose bronze too what the heck I was at 50% few moments ago now I’m 55% oh I met sure going down no how am I going down how am I going down what the hell I a game uh what are you

Doing I’d like to get my bronze medal at least if that’s okay with you okay thank you do that I need to put delic on this a too they forgot about that and entr I keep breaking these stupid stems all the time actually need to repent

This whole farm that I’ve built i’ break broken way too many of these stems it’s it’s ridiculous look at this half of the farm is missing just because I’m an idiot and keep breaking these STS every single chance I get I’m kind of mad I forgot that get

How how many are breaking okay we really need to actually repo this whole thing after this event I I’m I’ve just broken like so many so many stems and put the delate on this thing as soon as possible I don’t even know if I’m being honest how have

You get out it I swe if it takes like golden medal or something to get to get it I’m going to not be very happy and there’s so probably some refers for armor I should look into that I have no three for my armor nor anything nor my equipment there’s so

Many stupid things that I’m probably missing probably even some talismans after this event I’m just gonna walk through every single item that can increase farming Fortune even if only remotely so I can actually like just check all the stupid things that I’m probably missing that increase my

Farming Fortune by like 100 and it cost like 5,000 coins to get it I’m actually not even getting any drops on this m so far the best thing I’ve gotten is The uh one rare drop all right this now hope these crops have regrown I still don’t have like the high enough uh Garden level for everything to just like reg instantly so that’s kind of stupid but this what it is oh no nice nice speed is a little bit too fast but still

These I just need to get that fullon armor so when I actually start farming put potatoes and stuff I can actually start dropping those things to upgrade the meon armor I forgot what they are called but five more melon box and we’ve got ourselves the helmet our very first melon armor

Piece damn it’s expensive it takes crazy long get this armor on an IR more minutes yeah not the silver medal have not yet gotten a single silver medal on this profile crazy I thought for sure I would get one now if it f potatoes I would get it 100% but

Melons yeah they’re just they just some de man melons are just crazy competitive is what it is I’m just happy because I can now justify buying one cookie buff during therapy yeah I would actually be stupid if I didn’t buy B now 32 million I don’t know where the

Rest of my coins went I had 35 million yesterday already forgot what I bought probably something stupid in dungeons but okay that’s all right 200k M pretty good I guess I’m on four more box I’m going to make a helmet in the middle of this event I can just immediately start

Getting more farming food as I as I continue the rest of this event just three more Box come on give me some rngs drops or something okay now I’m make sure starting to qu bit now that half of the event is over because more people are starting to enter this

Event yeah yeah finally something to find a little bit I still don’t think there will be enough time or enough people will join for me to actually get a silver medal but we’ll see I can hope I guess Al I’m going to get a farming level pretty soon so that is also pretty

Cool cannot wait for that one cating also has to level up maybe I should focus on Mel dier first I don’t know now dier only increases your farming Fortune farming XP at the start so I think getting armor first is way better option and then after after I get full armor

Then I can maybe focus on upgrading my M dier because it’s not really even that good to upgrade this thing the only real reason to upgrade this is the more farming experience other than that it’s doesn’t even help that much look at I’m even missing this whole part where I didn’t

Even plant the melons at all cating six here we go even more farming XP I think does ctiv increase farming for I think it does but that’s pretty good I get more farming fortune and I get more farming already 10 minutes gone off of my P

Pests kind of sucks to C out actually get that many pests but it is what it is we get more waater on this time I’m probably going to save 20 pests so the next time I should definitely actually get that silver medal finally 47% 10 more minutes left feel I

Be able to make it I still kind of don’t want to give up still feel like it’s possible for me to actually get that silver metal but it will definitely not be easy can I have up or something more cultivating LS or something just give me more farming

Fortune and I’m about to hit another Mel milone crazy come on five more per that’s not going to do anything I don’t think about farming Fort will just give me some more farming XP so that’s kind of cool but really not at all should probably have saved that for the there in two

Hours would have helped way more if I were to go like that during dery but whatever I have to point the sugar king farm so I can actually get some then during Th and level up farming at the same time as I’m leveling up Alchemy I should buy a to if I want to do that proba when I start who there we go a milestone 50 more, farming XP no it doesn’t even help that much but whatever but yeah if I actually decide

To go for Alchemy 50 during dery I’m definitely getting myself a pirate pet hopefully still epic one that way I can level up that guy to level 100 I have 32 million I don’t know oh there go we can make a helmet now uh M helmet is this it

15 I of that for five more farming fortuneo that’s so bad and I need actually full set to make this thing any good but we got Le five more farming water will help now for a chest plate uh how much do I need for TR like 40 I

Think yeah I need 40 and 35 for lagging so oh and then boots I need 20 and over a stack of Enchanted melon box for the full armor set it is crazy I’ve beaten my best on just now what the heck took me that long to beat my best what the

Heck no they really is not even that good I thought this thing would be way better but the only thing it is good that is farming XP really does not increase your farming fortune that much or at all unfortunately but whatever it will be a slow process but eventually we should

Get we should get that melon armor so 43% I’m not getting that away I even comat with this thing I know how good of an idea that that was but I did it maybe after dery we can finally put that pet item on my elephant honestly during derp is probably going to be

Might even get that guy to level 100 who knows at this rate honestly I would not be surprised if I get this guy to Lev 100 since yeah I’m just going to be getting so much F me HP during this game so we will see how that goes I keep on

Going the more I farm the more drops I will be getting as I farm eventually I will be able to start actually making some coins from this so that’s going to be pretty cool I cannot really afford to sell any of these drops that I’m making because I’m going to need like

Everything like if I farm some melons now and I actually decide to sell them instead of use them I’m going to regret it because I’m going to need those melons in like 5 seconds so really I’m not going to be able to make any coins so for farming until I’ve gotten the

Absolute best gear for farming in the entire game and that is going to take a while unfortunately but it is what it is at least I’m also going to get a turbo melon book after this event so that is also pretty cool I’m going to be able to get the turbo melon

To cultivating leveled up a little bit farming level is also going to level up soon all that will increase my farming Fortune my farming my farming wisdom everything elephant pet I’m still waiting for that guy to level up I don’t know why he isn’t ling up why timec only

Missing like 10K farming XP to level up and I’ve already gotten 100K farming XP so I really don’t know what’s going on with that guy but moment this Festival ends I’m buying that booster cookie so I can actually get you know decent farming X oh okay oh my God

Three more minutes D is in two hours basically that one booster cookie is going to hold out throughout the entire time derp is going to be here which is perfect because I am not buying two cookies just going to buy one during dery use that one to get as much skill

XP as possible and everything while he’s here I’m not getting silver am I up to 42% % yeah unbelievable if I knew that this was the case I would have planted the sugar cane farm and Barm that instead maybe there I would actually have some chance of getting the silver medal and I

Definitely would have saved my P would not have use them up right now might is to wa oh my God I messed up my farm so bad look at this look at this how many stems have broken I need to figure out where where where you buy the get attent this is

Like ridiculous how many stems I’m I’m managing to break even if I’ve tried to break this many I will not be able to oh my God wa that whole Ro is just gone I’m not even going to have enough melons to fix this Farm ho we I

Am so bad at farming I do not know what am I doing but I didn’t even check oh my everything is gone I did not even check like how much compos the next spot is going to cost like last one cost a 24 and basically got most of the Farms that I’m

Ever going to need in this game now that I buy what about is it called the sugar cane and the carrot one don’t think there will be like any other farms in this game that ever need H beans are kind of useful because replenish but I’ve had my cocoa bean

Minion for so very long I don’t think I’m ever going to actually run out of the coco beans I hate this ghost box so basically I should have enough uh cocoa beans to make replenish books for every farming tool that I will ever need so yeah hopefully I will not have

To actually make a cocoa bean f after actually suck I not even know how to farm coco beans pumpkins I really also don’t really need I’ve gotten those farming boots and really there’s nothing else in the farming collection I’m ever going to need one more minutes event

And you are the don’t know what really other crops are there that I would need uh yo hello Kimbo how are you doing welcome to the stream and there we go event is over in 2 seconds I did not get my silver medal but whatever starts in 40 seconds what

What you mean start in 40 seconds this event just ended okay that is that is not correct the game okay it just fixed so there to go another personal best unbelievable did not actually get that did not get a silver medal even after using up all of my P but there we

Go to book I guess what does this guy want he wants he wants Enchanted pumpkins do I have any I think I may actually have some pumpkins I have regular pumpkins that is not f what he wants that is not what he wants well let me actually buy that cookie

Now finally I’ve missed booster cookies uh so bad in this game but finally I’m about to buy another one what there be 9 million coins I think they are so expensive it’s crazy oh my God getting more expensive by the day every single day more and

More expensive up Garden there we go I just want to use this last uh like 10 minutes of these P boosts that I have before they expire this extra 100 farming Fortune just do like this visitors with is extra farming for what do they want baked potatoes

Okay um let’s do the pumpkins one first he only has like half a set of pumpkins I should be able to get that in like couple of second seconds now ah finally the extra the extra farming isdom from the from the cookie oh I missed that so

Bad and hour and 30 minutes until they appear oh Dam I’m finally going to collect that one fishing minion who has been sitting there for like a month now I need to get some hyper Cal too I only need like couple more Crystal fragments probably get it this stream K like a

Couple Zs until I get like three more Crystal fragment so I can make eight more hyper catalysts probably just going to stick them up in in a tier 12 ice minion I’m so close to getting uh one stack of ined pack dice it’s crazy how close I

Am but minions have been are very S I don’t know how are they managing to to be that so but they are 27 okay I just a little bit more how much they ask for for like 30 or something I forgot 32 there we go I 33 I think that might be

Enough let me see uh Andrew right not him 57 oh damn okay it should not be a problem pumpings go very fast if only melon Enchanted melon box went as fast as uh pumpkins but no by the time you get three stacks of Enchanted pumpkins you

Will get one Enchanted melon B it is crazy how slow melons go in this game now 51 come on 52 just a little bit more one one more R I think is should be off oh yeah the that get I keep forgetting about that I need to get that

As soon as possible so I don’t break the entire f59 there we go give me that copper seven okay you pig potatoes yeah let’s do that too the fair ride already bro you are two F three cookies actually have that I don’t know if I should give her though

I don’t have a cocoa bean Farm but whatever we just give her cookies probably going get this way though man fa so B you can get Fair SCE from this thing now okay okay and 37 Copper got four more minutes left let’s get the potatoes out of the

Way wow I still have the farming Fortune from the past D I did not know you could actually a my inventory get again I did not know you could I should get fairy Souls from this that’s that’s kind of awesome not going to lie I love that that’s the

First time I’ve actually even seen the Tia arrive on as visitor I know maybe she arrived before to to that to sent her away because I did not want to give her cookies but 37 copper is also a lot of copper that pretty helpful that she gave me

That much three more minutes I should be able to make get enough potatoes in this 3 minutes that I have this farming Fortune boost I just like to keep my potatoes like down here so I can see how many I’m getting some El I’m going to upgrade this farming hole

For potatoes I know I need potatoes Forever on this profile for like for potato books and everything so I just think upgrading this whole will be worth that it cost more farming of XP since I will be farming potatoes for like forever it will probably just be very good investment if I actually

Manage to collect to four stacks of Enchanted baked potatoes to actually upgrade this thing but that is also one thing that is going to take forever I still don’t understand why this elephant pet is not leveling up bro it’s ler already been half an hour and he still hasn’t leveled up he

Was missing 10,000 XP and I’ve been farming for 30 minutes and bro has not leveled up how I don’t know two more minutes did I put oh I did not put in my personal contactor that that is wasted the baked potato there we go put that in there just need one

More oh no I just broke my f nice I have to take it out again though there’s some guys who are asking for the regular in TR the potatoes I have to get those to once there go very faster I should probably kill those zots before he gets elected

I’m not sure if I’m even going to be able to kill them while while their like because they have way more HP that will kind of suck come on one more minute I need more potatoes game give me that one more B baked potato our next event is pumpkin cocoa bean and

Carrot don’t want to farm pumpkins honestly might want to make carrot fun before this thing begins I’m going to need carrots away so there oh potato collection thingy M yeah why is this guy actually not leveling up okay oh he’s L 79 okay he’s starting to he’s starting to require us insane

Amount of XP now it’s crazy how much xp this guy okay there we go we got that just remove this I got like 18 more seconds okay let’s Farm as many potatoes as possible in this 18 seconds 12 seconds every single potato I farm right

Now I would take twice as long to farm without this boost just Farm as many as possible 4 10 and it ended nice did we get enough to just deal with these is I hope so I hope so uh this one easiest right and 10 copper this one is Enchanted sugary

Honestly no I send him away I don’t know you keep him for now I’m not going to have that many visitors probably this one asks po pumpkin you crazy you’re crazy my guy I have not made po pumpking my entire proile uh okay okay just couple more potatoes for part row a

P where it go what is this Cricket did I even oh my God he actually left the PT did I ever get to tricket before I remember maybe it’s the first time getting a cricket I can’t I pick him up okay crickets are kind of annoying I don’t like

Them yeah oh no I did Tasty cheese fat might hi hello quy how are you doing welcome to the stream welcome to the stream quy I actually got this way stream look at this Mel dier and Rec combobulated it spent my last one and only recombobulator on our meler and this

Thing is not even really that great like it’s good for XP but really not that for BS I’m basically getting the same amount of melons I will be getting with with a regular golden EG that’s just enchanted with efficiency I’m this is running out space just need a little bit more of D

For for that visard guy and these PS the other P look at this this one actually looks so much harder to Queen up than than the other ports there have like so much more R and everything I’m actually scared to to start queening those Sports up I have

Like 30 minutes to far now and I’m not sure if I’m even going to be able to make it right now I’m supposed to be in England but all the trains back back where cancel yesterday so me wake up here were why why were they cancel actually never ridden on a train

Before I was supposed to ride once but I managed to find a car so missed my chance of ever being a train oh did did I get enough 64 64 64 uh 200 uh no little bit more uh turbo what can I throw away uh I don’t care and these bottles are actually

Taking so look at this only 17 it’s been almost a month since they made that update and since that update I’ve kept those bottles in my inventory and they are still only at 17,000 they need to reach 300 these are going to be in my inventory forever bro I’m never getting

Like that extra intence and I need like five I think to drink to get like that maximum permanent intance that I still not enough but how many potatoes do you want for like two coppers f is on with you I love that for like three coppers that bro is going to give

Me now go scw yourself but but yeah I I wish I at least had like all five bottles I could keep them in my inventory at the same time and not like this where I’m just holding two out of five bottles and then I’m going to have to hold another

Additional three in my inventory for another half a year uh so stupid but whatever it is what it is did I finally get enough potatoes uh 128 uh 128 that’s like 200 and something and no I don’t have enough probably he wants even more potatoes but I going to buy all right

Seey thanks for tuning in for the stream I’m just uh going to farm this entire Farm before bro is satisfied and gives me my two coppers for uh 300 potatoes I think it was I don’t even have a good farming these guys are actually starting T for more and more crops every single

Time every single time you actually give them their crops that they want the next time they come they will ask for even more clops I swear this guy used to ask for like only two potatoes now he’s asking for 300 I don’t know okay want two some okay

That might actually be our finally let’s see please I okay weapons SM thank you nine copper that was not even worthed it at all uh ter I know he has four melons but melon BS are the regular melons Enchanted 400 definitely uh Hing bouet what even is that what

Fling what the heck even is this fing M oh it’s a reforge for equipment oh hell yeah we are getting that oh hell yeah hold on uh do we get it now or do we try to clear up a port for uh have screw if we’re getting it now we

Can do pumpkins I guess it doesn’t matter need enter boost eventually for Museum I guess potatoes potatoes I put them my somewhere here I guess everything is way too full no no not the best one I need I need that 400 damn that’s a

Lot but I did not even rep my thing then nice I feel like that will be way faster than these stupid potatoes honestly yeah and I even getting like these red drops and everything I feel like it will go pretty fast compared to the potatoes I should

Buy s book yeah I can actually make s five now I forgot uh I need two more I think I’ll buy two who cares if I buy one extra and that will also clean up my inventory a little bit Anvil s One S One S two there we go s

Two s two S three uh S three S three S 4 then put Che here and put you here T will give me under five which is a whole 12.5 more farming Fortune then adding a turbo melon one which is another five farming Fortune oh damn oh this extra farming Fortune now we’re

Talking now I actually have some decent farming Fortune uh dedication uh can you put both of these on the next it’s only that’s expensive one okay where is the that we get three I think you buy that one from Jacob right no no I need I me that you cannot be serious that

Many going to make some seeds need to repl this 4 yeah just find that whole whole thing no Okay can Ed it kind of forgot about that part Dr does want again Enchanted sugar we’ll keep him there until I until I get my visitors full how much

Is another pot again 32 it’s not that expensive it might even unlock it from me while this thing is basting let’s actually try to clean up one of those ports oh oh I can already see this will not be easy there’s so much things going on in there uh Tree

Pator Fu way I have this thing I’m so I have my obsidian mins I don’t think even leaves are going to disappear on their own because this is so stupid no about these are going to take forever to clean up inventory full of course you can’t even um you cannot even

Break the wood properly man okay we will not do this for one until the part and finishes pasting just Qui okay my inventory actually full hold on to make Enchanted wood and put Enchanted wound inside of my personal compactor I already have oh not okay no BR G where does my recap go

To this finish bacing okay it did um where was I left at oh no now they haven’t regrown up I’m so stupid now they won grow because I’ve just repac the whole thing okay I was kind of stupid for that but okay I like that uh equipment Refuge

That I will be actually getting now for free how much even is that F fling that’s okay it’s for free but for me it’s actually kind of valuable because I cannot buy it so yeah maybe event I even have to combobulate my equipment once I get good refood and I get

Moreb because now I run out I sure I had one more but it looks like I did not that was my last recor that I used to recate my melon dier at least you know not getting 4 XP while winning these BS two birds with one

Stone even equip my or something when is there a pig exactly it’s in 1 hour and 80 minutes oh my God can you can you actually break when I break you or this flag or whatever it is so in how many minutes now I don’t know how many

Minutes 1 hour and 18 minutes so 60 minutes plus 18 minutes now 170 minutes that’s 70 uh 77 minutes very well I know my M uh did balanceo please still not wow okay got have enchantable from that okay time to move on to the bir food while melons are reging oh my God I did not even touch my Bird collection and Bird collection kind of

Useful since foring SE I will not have to deal with wood in my inventory which would be very helpful to have right about now well I can see I those uh what queening items in in Sky Mar actually maybe even I can’t even craft Enchanted birch wood oh my God that’s

How my collection is when do I that this game is insane this game is actually insane going I take that long justock just to unlock Enchanted birch wood are you actually serious are you actually serious is that how the wood actually looks like it and I’ve qu only 27% of this whole

Thing I don’t even know how much like to whats are going to take to actually clean up I think it’s mainly because of leaves the leaves won’t take that much because there’s that whole thingy I should be able to clear these leaves relatively fast but still okay honestly melons have regrown

Enough for me to rep let me just check what this Trevor guy wants he wants he wants uh let’s see chanted carrots honestly you can leave I do not have S items in my possession going to Res this I’m going to keep the enchanted wood though I’m going to need it eventually

For those hard storages and stuff but there we go did I uh okay 15 minutes until the next Festival I was thinking I could even make another Farm but looks like I will not be able to do that since uh quitting up that Port is going to be pretty much

Impossible in that much time so I’ll take one more a bronze medal I guess uh how long do there be 1 hour and 14 minutes I was using my tree capitator this entire time very very smart very smart well when I do that spend so much into into melon di using up my

Recor and everything just to use a tree capitator instead W that all that but we don’t need that many M anyway just to to deal with with with ter to get that three food and some more copper I guess copper is always cool yes yes thank you give me those

Give me those R drops how many mes I even need I think he has like 400 so that’s 128 another 12 128 that’s like 200 something uh m is not no longer working I cannot calculate how many more I need don’t know about eight Stacks maybe that’s is that

Correct yeah eight seven Stacks something like that not too many M go actually kind of fast now with meler you will see also another farming level 100K more farming XP six seven you get like seven exactly seven Stacks maybe that be f not sure exactly how many has I think

He’s for 76 maybe something like that is that enough whated my game froze um what I can’t even see my mouse oh my game is like r in the background but it’s actually Frozen nice me to need to the we the entire game now ah why does it do

That why does he do that I don’t know now I have to go back and restart the entire game because it just did that did that stupid thing who knows why does it but it does it did not do that during the festival otherwise i’ be pretty sad if I missed

Out on a bronze medal because of that I keep on hoping for silver but it never happen so at this point honestly I just kind of accepted it that I’ll just get a bronze met so yeah I don’t know we’ll see if my game decides to come back

Now honestly might as well go go go to the bathroom while my game decides to come back I’ll be right back wow I actually got to the bathroom and back and my Ste game is still not back up crazy this is is why when my game crashes it’s the worst thing possible

That can happen on stream because it actually takes forever for me to get my game back and continue playing and I actually been streaming for hour hour Crazy by make by so fast when new stream it’s crazy it felt like 20 minutes honestly of streaming so far but okay is what it is

We just wait for my game to come back I probably even miss the festival because of this is going to get you like before my game comes back and th is going to be over and yeah going to miss out everything because it takes 10 years for it to get back so

Yeah very cool game very cool well when you do this you know always one of my favorite things that could always happen on stream is this okay okay please can I get my game back can I continue streaming game I would really really appreciate you giving my giving me my thing back Oh it’s back it’s back finally now just to get it to show on stream again there it is there we go okay now I can continue playing the game once again crazy that took like 10 minutes at least but it is fine Sky Block B what the heck say B I don’t

Remember any B updates and that just happened and I got kicked immediately upon joining that was cool 1 hour until the let’s go let’s go four more fire cells too I should collect my guardian P too uh game please trying to like see did I miss

My barming Fest oh my God this FL is crazy there we go finally six more minutes okay this guy is 10 more hours okay just going to use a flow and him because I don’t find to miss out on the enchanting XP I’m about to get from

Derpy in an hour so it’s kind of a waste when I 24 hours on a 10 hour pet but these uh before the festival starts like to give this guy this Enchanted melons there you go fing bouquet give me that even copper where’s the FL okay there we go going to

Apply that on some equipment piece Jack check one again Enchanted sugar it starts in five minutes just enough time to re reforge one piece of my equipment it’s not even going to help that much it’s like what farming Fortune okay no no it’s it’s it’s it’s blue so three more farming Fortune absolutely

Terrible but you know what it is free farming fortune that I’ll absolutely take anything that’s free in this game so that and very my PS go I take out I did not nice uh you there you there and now it’s blooming I get three more farming Fortune 20K

Coins and now I have 80 better we did anything but and you can equip yet yeah that’s cool did not know that let make sure check for farming Fortune here just to make sure I’m not missing anything before this thing starts Anita’s artifact fter what the heck is this 50

Million how do you get this uh that seems pretty useful honestly borrowing spores Cy armor cultivating Dedication then harvesting I did not put harvesting can you put harvesting on an a n no you can’t you can’t okay I thought I missed out on okay I thought I missed out on a ton of free fing Fortune uh next up is okay harvesting P Min I don’t know where you

Beat okay you get that from pest sander got that one what characters okay these are all going to be books now yeah um expired pumpkin ah what where you get those so many things I don’t know about so many things I have no clue where you get absolutely no

Idea there’s like so many things that increase farming Fortune and I have none of them I have none of them and no idea where you even get those things uh this starts in 2 minutes okay okay before it starts uh Jack I keep forgetting what they ask ask for

But I have two PLS B just need to quit and where is the thing that I wanted this 5x five okay that is there any other ones okay these are holes don’t want that now these are expensive Tony copper is we going to buy both of these

In St pretty cheap I is this if this does what I hope it does maybe I can just s this entire po I don’t know um right cck a block cck the top of the block okay yeah nice just wasted 20 Copper good to know going to put this in my storage and never use it again don’t even know what that is can’t even put it in my storage okay I’m very tempted to just throw it away but I already spend my cop don’t want to waste it just yet okay

This should be pretty useful okay yeah yeah now this helps a incling including these BS I wased 40 copper on that on that thing but whatever I wasted many things in this game not about to stop now how fast is this going to okay 30% 10% in like

Couple of seconds okay this is pretty helpful should go relatively fast now with this with this sight hello there hello block it how are you doing welcome to the stream welcome to the stream I’m just farming some more before dery get selected probably that farming is all

I’m going to be able to do during Dy because everything’s going to have like double HP I’m not even going to be able to do dungeons no nothing oh okay it’s starting okay need to go to the pumpkin area and see if it’s actually possible to finally get one silver medal I really

Doubt it but I can always hope oh already already me already messing up I’m already messing up Lo I do that love I do that I don’t know maybe silvering pumpkins will be possible I feel like pumpkins are the least competitive crop I mean out of the options they are the most competitive

Probably so I once again pick the wor possible crop to far not even bronze yet yeah no no silver medal for me unfortunately again nice love that that is always nice when it happens actually I need like Po pumpkin for bartender anyway so might as well get him while I’m hopefully getting my

Bronze medal too I’m using my M for this I don’t know that’s smart but but this what I’m using the One X I have yeah not even bronze yet that is l oh T another farming level two pretty close to that it is very likely that I’m not even

Going to get bronze honestly but okay I’m bronze okay never mind are you going to get melon Min and try to make it a tier 11 honestly I can probably make it a tier 12 relatively fast I just keep keep forgetting to make these farming minions I can probably get like two farming

Swots pretty fast by just getting these farming minions but I keep forgetting to do that maybe we’ll do it now after this Festival I can get like farming minions to tier 11 and tier 12 super fast and I’m only couple minions left until I get another Minion

SWOT plus M minion is actually pretty pretty good it makes ton of coins actually that’s a smart idea I should make at least one tier 12 M minions for swats and actually use that minion because it’s good as hell want to make so many coins and so much farming

XP too and everything special now during therapy plus I actually need melons two for M armor I probably after this year actually want to do that get M minion oh run out of farm once again 18,000 and2 silver okay maybe it’s possible maybe it will be possible to get

Silver I know there also P don’t know if I want to get it right now 50% and actually like level Gap pem is also pretty smart for me since G potion is going to last way longer and I cannot actually afford potions so having that guard potion last

As long as possible is going to be very smart I should start going to these dark otions uh every next dark otion that begins I’m actually going to head to and hope I can find epic par p b that should take my priority in the

Pets that I level up to I can make it legendary then once it’s epic oh it’s going to probably take out of my coins though but I honestly think it’s worth it I’m probably not going to be able to do dungeons anyway this entire time der is going to be

Here so honestly by the time he leaves I’ll very like we just have made back those coins maybe I don’t know we’ll see how fin we get to collect my minions too actually need two silver medals just to place delicate on this EG it’s uh stupid

That it’s this expensive but it just is when H Tak of pumpkin s there we go I think B the ask for two polished pumpkins which I should definitely get by the end end of this event so and another pumpkin mouse probably by this so pretty

Cool uh when is the that’s the next Draco f after this one it’s sugar can wheat oh wow none of the things I can actually do be sugar cane and I already forgot mushrooms I think something not best I can do V but they

Here I doubt I will even be able to get bronze no ho no anything for it so let me get this P it’s starting to piss me off I cannot look at it more it’s it’s which one mod seems like kind of normal P that you can actually get without losing your

Mind so pretty cool now let me make this spish P there we go need one more what the heck is this pumpkin boots oh I should make like this pumpkin armor for Museum yeah he just hel it now just going to put it in wardrobe I

Guess until the end of this events and then I can just take it to museum there’s so many free things I can probably make in museum but I’m too LA to check them out the only ones I place are the ones I like figure out like this by

Accident barely touched Museum and the things have touched are like actually the expensive ones all the free stuff I’m actually missing in my museum so kind of stupid but whatever how much do this one push pumpkin s for 250k Seven box are only 350k why are melons this cheap

What wow me uh pumpkins are actually way better for coins than melons what the heck I thought for sure melons would be like the best crop to to farm for coins they are cheap as hell bro what the heck let me just confirm what the Boton

Res it’s not like I’m going to get the silver or anything not go for okay what he also wants use the new one he wants golden carrots wow that’s like so random but honestly I can make that Enchanted potato okay can keep you too he like get I’m going to get of you

Fried carrots and sugar I’m getting here what you want how many po pump me one or two oh just one an enchanted golden carrot oh my God going I have to make carrot farm right but when this event ends I’m going to get far more polish pumpkins just to secure bronze and just

To have one I’m going to need one eventually pretty soon no maybe I just make sure I start working with these minions let’s make our first pump King minion we start with Team um helmet also ah can you not there we go oh this event is going on it’s not like I’m

Going to miss out on my bronze medal you know let’s put everything myard it’s going to go a museum anyway pretty soon uh which the other one nice where is it where is it there it is compactor we going to replace Enchanted pumpkin I need wood to make that a wooden

Hole there we go so I can get my minion swords literally just a couple away from get get another Minion SW inventory full already who would have f um where did I am I bind where am my that I made two seconds ago just go

Game game is trying to piss me off like usual it’s just trying its best actually I have a pumpkin minion I’m I’m so idiotic sometimes I’m actually so idiotic why did I think I did not even have a tier one pumpkin minion let me just check which tier I

Have oh my God I’m I’m I sometimes surprised myself with how stupid I can be where’s that guy and I have a melon minion too it’s tier n but uh pumpkin pumpkin uh uh now I’m going to take 55 minutes to find it walk with this thing right here exists B it’s not in this chest that’s for sure I probably missed it somewhere I probably left it in some chest and I’m never going to find it again and I’ll have to make a new pumpkin minion from the scratch and yeah you know just the usual thing that happens with these

Minions just the usual thing maybe it’s my end chest I’m pum please pumpkin minion I don’t want to make another one no B looks like there is not one looks like there is not one nice we are just stuck with making a brand new pumpkin minion where did it go nobody knows but

Like usual going to make a whole Minion from the scratch I don’t even want to tell you how many times this has happened to me where I lost minion and then had to make him again from tier one uh probably made the same minions like 35 times at

Least uh and press my inventory filled with so much random things my end chest is filled with so much random things no even place to put everything we compost yep no even place to weave my things at anymore I’m going to miss Al BR I don’t know

Um where are my minions I probably even have like tier 12 pumpkin minion or something I have a tier N I had a tier n some somewhere and it’s just gone and chance I can find it please I don’t want to make a tier n pumpin minion

Man you cannot be doing this to me game oh my God okay whatever whatever cannot be bothered cannot be bothered we’ll make a new one we’ll make a brand new one uh event is event is in ending in five more minutes I’m still top 45% I’m basically secured

My bronze medal but inventory is going to get filled in 3 2 1 there we go just level it up high enough to a point where he requires Enchanted pumpkins instead of the regular pumpkins so my inventory does not get full every 30 seconds it doesn’t even War me that my

Inventory is full anymore there we go and I have like a stack of Enchanted pumkins how many times can I him now tier tier seven one tier West that I’ve had I start nice at least I know my melon minion and there he is he’s like tier n

Also we can probably couple of minutes I don’t know what needs for tier 12 probably not much honestly should be able to get it relatively soon too but let just farm pumpkins until the end of this event so we can well pumpking as much as possible and I’m about to

Get farming level 50 more power finally elephant level 80 he’s finally respectable level level 80 is just like where it starts getting hard to level up your P your pet is finally high level once he hits level 80 anything under that and he’s like level

Two if you have pet level 69 and you have pet level two they are basically the same until he’s level 80 so not really sure how many melons I honestly even need for but we not that much almost a stack of pumpkins let’s get a stack at least before we try and

Upgrading back to tier nine H well when that happens it just happens like so often they should just add those minions to Ry or something man but I’m not sure how that would work because people just buy infinite minions but St already yep let’s see TI n at least

Maybe yep now I need two stacks for tier 10 and he would already be tier 10 if I just did not uh lose my previous tier n pumpkin minion somewhere and nobody knows where to three more minutes basically until the end of this pumpkin event maybe I’ll

Hit farming level who Felix I don’t know who Felix is but we’re about to find out I think that’s the first time I’ve seen Felix well okay I’m not getting much farming XP from these pumpkins but not pleas time oh personal best is p just now

Okay yeah I really play only like half of this event anyway I’m surprised I even bronze honestly but one more minute left can I get a farming level before this thing ends many isap I can’t even check all this event is going on o collection completed renter boots

Recipe don’t know if I’m ever going to get renter boots honestly they are so expensive it’s crazy have the fellow Ironman gamer I’m doing good just farming trying to prepare for deria a little bit but moment I try to stop doing farming some visitors or another farming Festival

That I need to do happens immediately I’ve been stuck farming since the start of the stream cannot leave but yeah how are you doing uh Mr glob welcome to the stream by the way uh looks like I will not get my farming level before the event ends

Minute 12 but yeah 4 missing maybe if I hit Milestone 9 90% I need to farm like eight more uh stacks of cane for for Derpy well why you need that many sugar canes for Derpy I’ll just Farm my sugar cane during the I can actually get Farming XP

And then I can get alchem XP with that sugar cane so basically killing like two birds with one stone but try right now I don’t even have a sugar can Farm because look at this look at how much uh things I had to quit up before I even get that what alemy 50

Oh that makes sense but yeah I’m just going to f my sugar cane during thy that way I can get my farming XP and Al XP at the same time farming contest over got my bronze I’m going to farm a little bit more to get my Farming Farming level

I’m missing just a little bit plus a milon SW need like little bit more farming little bit more pumpkins I have one silver medal now 40 minutes until dery okay okay and the next Festival V sugar can Mushroom nothing I can do is there a be here yet no in 40

Minutes I need to get those hyper cataly before it’s to late I don’t think I’m even going to be able kill like zots on the Der is actually here my damage is absolutely terrible and atrocious I’m surprised I I haven’t got this far with this

Damage it is crazy how it is 10,000 more XP come on I’m just going to get pumpkin Milestone and level up immediately 90 99.9% and there we go 50,000 farming XP and farming 29 that’s enough uh pumpkins for today let’s get this let’s get this to

St first then then give up on farming I cannot weave this farming bro moment I try to weave something something must happen to to keep me farming can I enter oh my God I did not even yeah go for ask or like something stupid bro ask for like

1,000 golden carrots how am I even suppos I don’t even know how you get golden carrots in the actual Minecraft what I one in here I’m probably going to get rid of him but he’s like unique one I have not gave him the thing I mean farming for so

Long well well I actually just got into farming I have not been farming for a for just like a week now and and basically miss the entire Garden update I have like quitted the game when the garden update came out so is also pretty new to me I’m new to

Skyb so I don’t really know what dery does but I’ve been told he gives extra XP yeah he gives extra XP and he also makes mobs have like tce as much HP and he makes the minions uh work twice as fast so yeah der is pretty good and he comes around very rarely

And and he actually I wish I had more time to prepare for him but I didn’t I have every Farming Farming food damage we have this which I Rec combobulated use up my last my last recombobulator on this thing I have a potato hole which is

Not that good and I have a nether W hole that I’ve had like two years ago baring NE was like the best thing in entire game does double Health count on dungeons yep unfortunately does so I will not be able to do dungeons okay you

Are out of here so I will not be able to actually do dungeons for the entire time there is here probably who 1,000 golden carrots how do you even get golden carrots I know okay you are out of here you are out of here uh this

Guy what he wants Enchanted potato I can get potatoes I don’t know if I should I don’t know if I should maybe later I kind of need to take a little break for farming I’ve been farming for 2 hours almost now since the start of the stream not the pumpkins okay it’s

Only one yeah I got scared for no reason I’m just going to kill all this or we put it in into compost there we go uh seven chant melon box going to keep those my So Co got okay actually yes I can put that in my sex yes yes emptied

Up my inventory a little bit uh golden carrots are from NPC in the hub all you can buy it from the NPC which one I mean I already sent him away but it will be good to know for future if he ever comes back now I regret sending sending him back but

Okay I need to actually buy myself a par p so I can actually level up with alemy once there be here in 35 minutes is this here yeah assume it’s one here I think I saw golden carrots in here once before yeah oh my God they

Right how did I forget how did I forget dark oan is in 15 minutes honestly I know exactly what we can do in 15 minutes before the dark oan Begins the Visa Tower and the lag High pixel quick please do do not do this please do not do this I have my one

Free entrance to the visard tower I completely forgot what I was doing in here the last time but I know that I need uh yeah free fre entrance for the W par PS are 17 million I’m going to buy epic one so I can actually just like level BL him up

And then upgrade him to Legendary I’m going to go now play some crazy craft then get on Sky when der here see you all right see you uh gaming myal thank you for tuning in for the stream uh I have I’m I’m not going to lose time as

Long as I sit here I have 16 and 45 minutes okay uh let me check the actual par parot how much do they go for auction okay like 70 million man uh why are the epics more expensive now do not tell me do not tell me these

Are like needed for like taming 16 hour or something they go for 90 million now it’s probably because of taming 60 right they just had to have added him to The Taming 60 I snagged an epic jellyfish for uh 90 million right now I actually got the Epic jellyfish for like

Very cheaper I think I got him for like 20 million or something oh I’m actually so mad that I did not buy myself a p pet sooner oh Dam it that is so so dumb crack stman yeah I cannot believe that I need one more one more Shad of

Tracks oh that is so stupid well there goes my plan there goes my plan of getting a Pirro pet the one pet I actually need very much on this profile oh that is actually so stupid what the heck is that 100K HP who do I do like 12 damage what you mean 100K

HP okay did not expect that okay I I just need one more of these TR those so I can my toting there we go I have 84 million right now and I still cannot get a parro p oh wow I had I have like 34 million that’s they went for like 20 million

Before the Epic on I think well it would be nice if I could go get enough Shadow craes to get the other thing but I don’t know where to get that thing actually so stupid and I still cannot even make coins from farming I’m still not even that deep into farming

Unfortunately no no no no no he does damage here we go this where where can I get this thing the gun wit and thing it would be very cool if I could actually upgrade this boots get some more time oh now I have 8 minutes not really sure what I can do in

Here buet I joined your uh Discord voice chat if you would care to chat if not as well that’s fine Too I don’t know my Discord has not been actually working properly what the heck somebody P me I’m not sure if that’s going to work oh my God what the heck 100K K bits I need to fix that I don’t know it’s like cannot hear anybody for some

Reason cat’s cousin this fer okay he does nothing cat so great you’re here this house from the he very okay insects allergic to dust and queening I don’t know if maybe the stream will be able to hear or something but I definitely won’t be able to maybe I don’t

Know if I can figure it out right now but take my vacuum Queener oh there’s a oh I have to cleen these before I before I can get that Soul okay maybe you can wear a yellow suit like me he has no suit oh my God there’s a lot of

Them aren’t even any silver fishes oh they are outside okay I of this for for fun so it seems I don’t know I’m not really sure what am I supposed to do in here just yet so for now I’m just going to like try and get as much time as

Possible how many do I need to get B don’t do it say oh there’s what she gives me cost 12 Shadow okay so not just so she gives a lot of stuff actually two silver fish two spiders two FES okay don’t don’t me where the heck are

F Vault what the heck is a vault okay Shadow don’t do that what they there something is this F oh if this guy would just piss off if he would simply piss off my life would get so much easier so much easier it it is crazy how much easier my wife would

Become okay I need Shadow cus anyway so might as well kill him okay how do you even catch it I don’t I don’t understand how this vacuum even works okay finally how much isn’t there okay one I need one more I think like I’m quicking I’m

Holding on it but it’s like not catching it okay and there’s a spider I think okay I think these PS are probably the best thing to focus on right now they give like a lot of uh time and I need a lot of time because everything eats time in here now

To just get to this point to cross those bridges it just eats time uh okay there we go spider that should be enough right vering bin oring I should be able to buy this now right no I need four of everything okay okay that makes sense

Honest I think this looks like a place where I’ll be able to like get the another time time charm maybe the last reward I don’t know seems like that kind of place okay I figured out you actually have to hold right quick you’re not too

Hard by the time I get 12 Shadow track as those guys are going to eat all of my time up I’m going to have to uh spend 10,000 bits just to reenter this place enough times to actually kill that many Shadows but I need two of everything

Okay just one more spider there he is okay okay Shadow okay they will not be angered it seems unless some actually CLS to them there we go so I can actually suck these things up as long as I’m not actually close to the Shadows I thought they just like SP randomly okay okay

Okay okay okay just catch catch a spider catch a spider catch a spider before he okay okay now I can kill him and die now time for him to take out of my only one minute there we go there goes F minute can I kill him before before I respa

Please okay there we go will there even affect Rift I swear if he affects Rift then it’s over for me I’m not going to be able to do anything in there to uh 25 more minutes I need to remind myself that do again they probably Chang him since the

One year ago since I was time play this game let me just confirm so that I don’t get surprised when he does like something completely different differently now uh Derpy Derpy Derpy oh here Derpy Derpy Derpy where is he oh a calls I forgot about that well

That’s kind of pointless to me I don’t have to care about double output from minions all monsters have double HP and 50% more uh skill XP okay okay that’s pretty cool even more reason to actually visit portal Hub right now and actually try get try to get that uh Crystal fragments before

Descends before he begins so I can make those hyper catalysts uh armor anything really just that’s before he gives him double HP I’m not sure if I will even be able to kill Z but if I do maybe it will be actually good to farm zot a little bit because

They will probably be very less competitive now during the because not everybody will be able to kill them actually so oh I hate joining you prob like this because it just lags so much I absolutely cannot stand this please Game Stop it it takes 13 and 1 12 seconds

Every single time you join a new Lobby for that Lobby to up so you can actually H but I I don’t care there it is come one Crystal fragment right right of the Start never mind so I just look for this wither chest and if somebody summons a dragon that will also be

Cool will will be possible to get a lot of Crystal fragments from there too I have myal short B this time and if we get some salmon guys that’s also cool I’ll be be able to summon some dragons maybe get a dragon pet if I actually get a dragon pet that will Dr

All of my points out of the window because I’m assuming on this profile I will never actually get a dragon pet so I’ll just focus on Frozen blaz but if I somehow do get that thing someday all of my points go out of the window and I actually have to go for

Nekron and everything now actually don’t touch I do how much damage very F I’ll actually be able to kill these things then during the them so that is pretty cool any oh my God BR this like quag so annoying there there’s another with chest come on no Enchanted spoon

Seriously I don’t need that many crystal frag just a couple one like get some summoning guys while at it I’ll take that to there’s also the iron Gman guy guy if he SP I can get P fragment from him too that ction do I need to go now

That I know how much par pets are uh no right there’s nothing else I will need from the dark potion in that case I already got myself the jellyfish pet that’s probably the only pet I level up during the repeat so oh this way BR High pix I’ll fix your servers

Please there’s so much the way when I actually quck the Z and when it actually dies I hate this I hate que while it’s lagging absolutely so much how many crystal fragments do I even have how many do I need I have three and I have four hyper

Catalysts and there p in 21 minutes honest I can like skip the next farming Festival too because it’s stupid the only thing I can do is wheat and screw wheat I don’t have no hope for it now I know is that I’ll have to make

Sugar cane Farm as soon as possible so I can actually start getting some alchem XP during their P that would be very good I don’t know if there’s any other ways to actually get these Crystal fragments in best case scenario about I would would prefer if I could get into

Like private lobby then go on my main profile buy like so many summoning guys and keep summoning dragons like poising a TI and just killing the crystal fragments for my IR man and I get infinite amount of hyper catalst on this profile that would kind of be the best

Case scenario but un unfortunately haven’t gotten a single private lobby on this on this profile I got it many times on my main but not on here might be oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes perfect perfect get in a pos position somewhere

Here uh no no actually go go here I just need the crystal fragments somewhere where it will be the easiest to get those Crystal fragments from I think this is wag wag he destroyed it because of wag right in front of my eyes okay I destroyed one uh one right there right

One there one right there I destroyed another one okay let’s go let’s go we got two we got two anymore or is that it it’s like old Dragon who cares bro the lag with we destroyed that one in front of my eyes okay be the too that’s

Cool okay we got two we got two at least hopefully these guys actually do more give me that fragments think the dragon fragments okay we need three more I guess I mean if these guys keep on doing Dragons I am farming these hyper catalysts for Derpy actually going to go

Here this time this is a way better position if they do more actually so I’m so mad about that one with was the closest one to it I started shooting it the first and I still did not destroy it because game was lagging it is so stupid but okay pleas summon more summon

More are they saying they will summon more I don’t see oh you also get dragon Ence now from this okay that’s also cool let me check my P here actually oh they are doing more oh hell yeah oh hell yeah really wish I had a right about

Now come on someone one right here I’m actually going to M get it get it get it get it get it got it got one got two can I get the one there no I did not get it oh no no right there right there right there right

There go got it I got three I got three let’s let’s go bro oh I’m going to oh my God this thing actually almost killed me it’s unstable I I’m not even looking what kind of dragon it is I’m just I just care about the crystal fragments and skyb level up let’s

Go let’s actually go eight already we already have enough but I’m I’m not even going to leave if these guys continue doing oh I I am is going to take out the crystal fragments I can get it like the bare minimum for Derpy just so I have some

But as many as possible for Derpy would be sick how do you even make it I think I need regular endstone that is the heck is this Dragon sack W Dragon sack dragon H oh this game is crazy it’s funny how crazy this game sometimes is yeah just standstone

Okay absolutely crazy okay two more two more do one more do one more please do one more no what I just used tasty cheese I forgot about that honestly I completely forgot about that but hyper kettles are like fa better right I should actually get to get the cheese

Too I have also of one plasma bucket I think maybe just use that is that better than tasty cheese I don’t know probably not yeah I think they’re going to summon more dragons so I don’t want to leave just yet you want to kill couple more

Zots while we wait for them to maybe summon another one would be cool if they do say Su one so how I can wait I have all the time in the world to get my cry fragments I mean it’s not like I can use them for anything else

Though four times minion speed during therapy jeesus five times better than f it oh wow oh wow that’s actually crazy I even get the trees bro I honestly don’t know I honestly don’t know never even bother to like track maybe I should even try to do some

4 six during the just so I can work 47 just get carried I guess my c r in case since it will give Double Cat XP so I can actually unlock 47 at decent speed I don’t plan really on grinding dungeons like if I could do Master mode

Then yeah but I just want to get like to C 24 during this probably and that’s it Uh yeah this guy saying four out of four give me two seconds I don’t know we’ll give them like little bit more before we leave this Lobby I mean I already have enough I wanted to get eight but it’s just greed at this point point

So yeah I’m not going to leave want to be greedy Until the End see if if I can get even more oh yeah actually I wait I’m going to buy anone from up here because I can buy some from NPC I don’t want to mine endstone

Myself going to buy some from right up here yeah now with Dy catalysts are going to be like eight times more drops from minions and we CH it going four times more so like it’s going to be twice as good but still considering how hard it is to

Get hyper cett compared to the tasty cheese but I can barely do four five I’m just going to do 4 three during the rep I mean like the most I can do on my own is 44 right now but usually people from stream just carry me like every every single four

Like couple days ago I couldn’t even do like 4 two the best I could do was like 41 and people just caring me like 44 now like can do 4 42 and kind of 4 five maybe and we even need like a couple of 4 six too I know they

In at best I’ll be able to do for so it’s l me just getting carried and D the the entire time I haven’t done oh there we go three Fring there we go my biggest problem in dungeons is actually just getting Milestone so I can

Get XP and open the chest there we go they poising they poising oh no no no no no go to get my position right here what he going to do he left what they actually want to summon or they doing what they doing there’s one there but no one poison seriously

Okay they they are R me right now a little bit but it’s fine he left yeah I think we just leave to doesn’t look like he’ll be able to reach off any more dragons yeah yeah let’s turn this into hyper Cal is not yet sure which Minion I

Want to place I’m probably going to split them like half into fishing minion and another half into ice minion I get that fish XP it’s like Ping me of how how so fishing is fishing goes in this game hyper C where do even buy those um somebody invited me to a party hold

On let me just figure out where the this right there go hyper oh they are cheap as heck okay s foxy I don’t not know who that is but let’s see what you want hyper K I can make a one k oh you can make them one by one hi

Helloy uh oh yeah I need eight to actually turn them hyper C I’m not going to I’m not going to use the regular catalst I we have to I love that you’re streaming at an Iron Man oh I love that you’re watching the stream I recently started this Iron Man

Profile and it been quite fun a lot more fun than my actual normal profile we are probably going to continue this for a while 6 by six it’s not even that much probably best to just put it in one cuz I have to replace it soon ice minion maybe magma back has MMA

Bucket how do I support you you you can do subscribe if you want that’s you enough honestly but do I just put out 12 of these in here uh 12 * 6 how many hours is that going to be uh four is 24 hours right another 24 another and another 24

That’s three days that’s three days worth of hyper Catalyst do I want to put that in yeah sure here 12 ice minion is that that’s smart probably not that’s good better not to think about stuff better not think about stuff just put that in there uh put this fragments

In here and I actually should look for that tasty cheese because that’s actually way easier to get an hyper Cat Side the only problem is I don’t know how how to get a tasty cheese and yeah uh Fishman how much stuff he has in him

Not much I thought he had way way more it’s a tier tier 11 though it’s a tier 11 fish minion and he has not him so I’m in here what’s up with you uh freezing my game that’s what what’s up with him do I have enough to upgrade this

Guy love upgrading uh slim balls have decent amount right uh I need hey what’s upie uh okay I don’t even have this in my inventory I don’t know but I have it uh join voice chat I’ll screen share you don’t need to hear me okay friend request okay give me a

Second actually figure out how the Discord works again uh okay hold on streamer mode enabled I don’t know what any of this is okay watch stream let’s see what you want to show me there’s three people in here and I cannot see anything four people now okay I can see the where the

Talisman are so oh the Reds so what they just randomly spawn in Hub or something oh keep switching lobes Okay okay okay I think understand I understand where you meant to get them just like probies I guess all right all right let me see let me see if that how it works um okay I definitely don’t have enough slim ball let me just put this away before I try anything uh SW

Hard let’s see if that works oh my God this this this I hate this so much when when you enter the new Lobby and it takes like this long to Spa near the Talman switching spot okay let’s see okay there’s nobody in this Lobby will there be

That of course got 13 and a half seconds I absolutely hate this I hate this so much there’s one red now there’s also like a red pet how do you get a red P I killed it but oh it’s there five cheese oh wow they actually give a quite

A lot El it needs to be like a small Lobby not empty but who or more I mean this is empty and there there was a red only one though where else like here I assume you get like a I think get here maybe

No I assume you get like a red pet from just killing Reds Maybe I’m just a pu going to take 9 more days oh God it will get there eventually it will get there level it up as much as possible okay I guess there’s no more RS now I

Assume I just leave to a new Lobby does but I want every legendary pet in the game that would be pretty cool I’m also a war but in a wobby and he said not to go into the, please are there any here no how do I enter a wobby that’s not full but

Not oh there’s two of them here yeah I think complete empty W is actually work 16 jez oh Dam this is actually going to W forever each one last an hour okay not actually forever they only last for an hour I thought they lasted like a catalist for 4 hours okay I actually

Need to get a lot of these for them to actually last a while H maybe getting hyper catalyst is faster in that case here’s one maybe not I don’t know one player we have red I mean so far every one player had a red I don’t know maybe I’m just getting lucky I

Don’t know more here yeah two two Reds each time 27 Je up here yeah there’s no R up here oh that’s already one day I guess I really love that red pet I assume he just like drops from rats okay this is a full Lobby so I’m

Going to guess nothing is going to be in here but I should probably check anyway just in case well there is in one minute actually um okay there’s they are even in the foures the threats are everywhere how did how did I not notice threats before what the heck they’re like everywhere who

This they SPO Absol everywhere and I have 40 almost two days already worth of cheese wow okay completely private lobby vampire Lobby maybe some Red Steel I’ve gotten five red pets from farming 10 stacks of cheese okay they are not that rare 10 I don’t think like al already almost gotten a

Stack and he’s gotten five so like a red pet every two stacks not sure what it does but legendary pet is a legendary pet after all I like legendary pets I got actually a decent amount of legendary pets uh from this point on yeah from Spirit everything is

Legendary decent so far plus a big pet in there that’s leveling up that’s another legendary pretty much every craftable pet there is in the game I’ve got it for it does nothing we check red uh this red pet oh there’s a me one okay don’t know how to get me one as

Thre you smell cheese nearby yummy uh has a random player okay it’s useless yeah it’s useless but still I guess for more magic F maybe I don’t know now almost a stack and there P actually like now fing Festival is here oh time to get so much skill

XP almost a stack I basic we already got three days now if I did this for like an hour basically every single Minion I have would get like a permanent trees during their P so but I don’t have that many good minions I’ll probably getting enough for just one Minion or

Something okay this is the first lby that did not have any Reds oh never mind I spoke too soon there’s one righted right there still no red P I’m going to continue this until like two stacks maybe get a red pet and just put everything into fishing minion

To I’m so mad that I did not get my squid B legendary that would be so helpful honestly I collect that minion with with a squid but I need to like kill so many squids maybe a fish I don’t know just buy rain and kill some

Squids honestly what I might do is like buy rain do foraging and while I’m foraging like a w squid will spawn then I just come around and like five minutes to kill those SIDS just to avoid like actually doing any fishing in this game I I cannot

Stand any more fishing got fishing 50 on my main not be able to get more fishing yeah every single Lobby actually has these threats and one play lob be so full wob all of them have not yet gotten into a single wob that did not actually have rats and most of them have

Two just fill down my ice minions with with one stack of jees oh wow that’s a lot but you’re using ice minions for I know I only have one tier 12 ice Min so I’ll probably just put it in him I feel like putting it anything other than

Tier 12 is kind of a waste maybe tier 11s but I want to make my catalys wor or my cheese I guess I don’t know oh no I just Dr I just dro my w whatever I don’t nor okay I need ice for so many things I

Need dood I need Frozen BL kind of want to make a Frozen s too for absolutely no reason wa is for Museum I guess okay makes sense this might be the first will be without the red oh I if I should make my K first or if I should

Make the straight up Frozen boys first because like Jerry island is going to be open for like seven more days and like maybe I want a fish in there a little bit I know with I already have a k pet and everything I don’t know why would I want to fishing

There maybe fishing XP but don’t want to do that dur Theo 38 almost two stacks and still no red pet you going to do this for do two stacks and then it’s I’m done I guess I should also correct my minions I have some that I’ve been running for a

While maybe not collect the fishing yet maybe I can manage to get legendary s pet first it will be hard but I don’t know I need to get that food for back anyway so I feel bir at on maybe okay like two more W be I think and now have no

Oh my God this swag I actually cannot stand this it makes switching lobes actually impossible now probably red red V somewhere else because of this lag and I’ll will never find it now unless it’s stuck in there oh no a second will be without any RS oh

850k farming XP hour that is a lot that is a lot I don’t know how much I will be making but probably way less than that still have not made my sugar can farm and I don’t have a sugar cane hole I’m I’m so stupid I just realiz

That I’ll have to get another gold medal probably to make a sugar hole I can actually Farm sugarcane at relatively decent speed oh I’m I’m such an idiot they really did not give me much time to prepare for this we had Scorpio like not even a month ago and we already getting Derpy

What is wrong with these people I’m farming K with Max that makes sense that is making a lot of sense but like I cannot even get like silver medals which is the biggest issue I have to get eight bronze medals just to get one gold metal it’s it’s like so

Annoying I have those like fermented spider eyes maybe those are good maybe I can get some alchemy L those another Lobby without red come on I’m just trying to get like two stacks and I’m done with this and now it’s suddenly not giving me any RS I’m not even checking this place

Anymore I haven’t found one right up here but yeah can’t they spawn in know like auction house or something I’m pretty sure I like saw some Reds down here randomly I guess not I’m just missing 10 more cheese which is like two more RS if I get like

Lucky for them to give me five G each this this this like oh my God oh my God it’s pissing me off so bad it’s pissing me off so bad there on it and one more I think ah to oh is that a third nope that was weird two more

Cheese oh my God okay just like one more might have two cheese in my end chest or something I me like lag of course again I should my be the is now that there is finally here cheese yeah I have five perfect give me two more and that’s

Enough let me call this wh on my horse bet level him up 300K boom didn’t I correct everything at once oh there we go got 1275 now this guy is going to be leveling up for the end of my days he will not level up to 100

So right there who uh I need to buy myself cat F and I need to use this cat F to get myself another legendary pet which is a goddamn pet there you go level 96 let’s get this guy to level 100 immediately now throughing I did not do my

Experimentation table I waited for the thy so now I can do the experimentation table and level up my enchanting as well as much as possible and guardian will most likely reach level 100 now maybe I think I don’t know another my second level 100 P

Oh my God he needs a lot of XP I know enchanting gives a lot of XP too and he’s an enchanting but it okay I’ll skill XP boost Titanics the I have 41 okay should be enough for all the seven days that the Der is going to

Be here to do this explation going to skip everything I don’t care even during thy I cannot be bothered to actually do that booting for don’t need uh don’t need any books wife still now at least we managed to get grow 6 yesterday so that’s kind of

Feels okay just get XP no books this time it seems and yeah there was nothing okay we got 1 million XP immediately level 98 yeah he is definitely reaching level 100 another enchanting level immediately another Titanic res this skip this and yeah he might even reach 100

After just this no okay okay okay I thought I C twice I didn’t I did not cck tce q b Titanic XP battle do I want to get Titanic uh let’s just get this and find critical five reite is this good I feel like this is good oh and we

Get it on accident basically just got on accident I don’t know I never seen this entr before so or it does get Titanic I guess there we go it’s only 60k so it can be that rare but for me it might be he level 35 Guardian level 99 okay one more he’s definitely

Getting leled up now is p to where this like armor right yeah we’ll keep it for now maybe for like once we get the Frozen boys go get of this and let’s do this once more 300 bits oh my God I keep forgetting how expensive it is uh

This this and the last experimentation table of the day and another level 100 pet probably more good books maybe XP instant find uh Let’s do let’s do this and let’s just go the XP there we go siphon 3 a I got don’t like getting actually these ver entrance stag just feel myy what that’s I glitched out okay that’s a lot of exp chanting 48 and guardian level 100 there we

Go there we go but that’s it for today with these enchantments another another pet I’m never actually going to use him again I’d rather level up actually good pets with this so I just got him until he was 100 uh fish minion give me that lava bucket and let’s give you tasty cheese

Stack of it during dery do I want to give like T have nice minions this thing too stack of these I want to be getting that much cheese honestly and let’s actually collect these minions give me give me me mining pet not the horse oh my God V oh again

With the horse please leader skeleton pet there they go they should have some decent farming X XP in them oh the not farming mining oh this sweet sweet mining XP give me all of that there we go not yet going to quite the fishing minion actually um Iron minion o personal the weer

7,000 might even W up my mining level okay gravel skeleton 80 okay okay gold okay a lot of go to Redstone what of redstone to there you go mining 42 25,000 for the next W is okay quite a bit of XP in here farming gas okay now a combat pet let’s use the

Horse zombie let’s collect everything honestly Enchanted carrot Enchanted potatoes everything let’s put carrots in here I guess H so F my Ender Chest my everything oh my God XP battles hly just going to use them right now don’t care there we go he’s been fully collected right don’t I have

Enough to upgrade this guy I need eight stacks of Enchanted Ro and FL Ro then uh one two that’s all I have two stacks and now I basically like three stacks all right not enough to level up a zombie but maybe you know for up a

GU I need to put like silver F my my personal compactor that save me you can’t why did they make these silver P so complicated man I hate this such a such a bad item in the game it says like Rift transferable do I transfer that Rift is that why good in

Rift maybe says 100 damage if that does 100 damage in Rift then I good bro I’m going to one shot everything in there if it actually does 100 damage I think that’s it I don’t have anymore I have 46 and to level him up I need 210 do I have enough silver

Silver oh not even c not even C okay I’m going to keep one and actually transfer that to Rift right now before I forget to see just if that works SL please maybe it works I don’t know not sure how 100 damage in Rift is going to work but I’m going to transfer

It I guess of course I’m now level1 I’m getting those levels like crazy now with these skill level ups and pets and everything now it’s crazy I should play the another pet level up yeah I also forgot about that now that I’ve got my guardian out there’s a

Chest put that in there and next time we go to Rift I’ll have a silver F not sure how that’s going to work but yeah let me see what P can I leave there to level up into legendary um one is going to be expensive as hell so no thank

You honestly we can get like wolf pet we can get that food on level up a w pet so let’s not put anything stupid in there right now probably want to put in wolf or maybe squid I don’t know depends what’s what we get first well depend what we are going to

Get first I’m going to kill these guys for be scary yeah there go this give me those the witch is the biggest problem in here for this island B SC there’s like no witches and you cannot even Place minion for witches f for everything else so it’s like very

Stupid and they like never spawn I don’t know how anybody actually gets uh which be scary okay let kill this F sto from Minion how the oh right right here let me check I also have a go that I somehow forgot to collect we skeleton level him up even

More oh a lot of a lot of stuff in there okay taming another level and V going to level up and now last we te Blaze minions so a horse betow him up let’s see how much he have oh bar anything oh actually bar anything that’s

Bad I have I was hoping for way more can you piece off I hate horse B so much I can’t wait to get him to level 100 so I don’t have to look at him anymore 25 basically 25 in each one can you not oh my God I hate this P I hate

Him with my life again again he keeps doing it he’s doing it on purpose part oh okay do I have enough to make like one piece of the Frozen Blaze armor Let’s trck uh chant the blaz road and in here oh perfect I have the perfect

Amount I could get one more to make the hel helmet but I feel like I should not even craft helmet at all or craft it as the last piece do I make the boots now though even have the ice to turn into Frozen blades yet or by

The time I get ice I can maybe even turn it into waging or something else something better yeah only 33 Enchanted p i but I also have Enchanted I I I can turn into p i uh empty my inventory a little bit there we go okay let’s start picking up this

Sice how much am I going to have no nice in my nice forgot to place this in here it’s not even going in my sex what the heck uh stred ice okay not going to have enough I have inventory I have 39 seriously that’s all now I have like compati to some

Regular ice and enough no it’s not enough for 39 okay let’s not yet craft the boots in that case we shall wait until we have stack of Enchanted PTI and then we can craft maybe 18 wggs maybe or something uh okay now the question travel is also start maybe there’s some

P in there I don’t know I need to empty my my thing hold on first we put this in here get that um no I need to like thr away some stuff my my thing is filled with so much nonsense I hate it so much look at this

What do I need any of these things for oh TR the boys po I had in there nice uh light bait nut cracker Frosty small cannon oh this can leave look at how much useless things I have not TR the P TR actually need it actually may even have enough P trop to

Up my minion h we’ll see in a in a minute if that’s if that’s true just make at least little bit space bro so I can pull these things away thank you G I can honestly throw that away I’m never going to need a garden again now

That I have a d you see how much he needs to upgrade horse Stacks okay you are starting to piss me off so bad horse spe I think I hly have enough one why two three I don’t I’m missing like a half a stack no what no give me back that

Seriously I collected him right no I did not please tell me I have enough please tell me I have enough please tell me enough up work I am so close look at this how close I am man 10 Enchanted Port trap of oh my God so

Dumb so dumb but yeah let me actually go to museum put that armor away so it doesn’t fill up my wardrobe as much anymore think I also have some dungeon armors but I can put get of this I cannot get where are those pumpkin armor yeah pumpkin

Boots uh not far pumpkin leggings and then then you put Rising Sun armor in there armor boots where is the helmet I probably like throw helmet away or something good thing is that there’s a sec just take stack of pumpkins I make another helmet because it’s free um there we

Go put it in here now give me that XP what else can I weave in there that I will never need uh fairy don’t have Yet the full fairy armor honestly this armor can go let me just find these boots because I’m never never going to

Need that armor again and there are no boots I don’t know where I have the boots what boots is it ter boots yeah I need ter boots there are no Terra boots where the hell are Terra boots how do I keep me losing my iron pieces

Bro there they are just going to leave this in here probably never going to use it again just leave it in there so doesn’t fill up my wardrobe anymore uh what else can I put strong dragon armor do I have enough for a full strong dragon armor set I don’t know

Cal I can leave both emerald and Crystal armor in there never going to use those again boom boom and there’s Mushroom Armor that I can make I want to make yet any armors don’t want to focus on that just yet um salmon armor did I not put salmon armor in here

What the hell is wrong with me until I know where the rest of my salmon armor is Ender Armor I put that in there perfect armor spooky armor I did not actually put spooky armor in there okay I don’t have the boots never mind I can see why

I didn’t put that in there uh snow armor zombie soldier any chance I have like full zombie soldier maybe in my and the chest of some these some of these thund arm zombie soldier no I don’t have the chest plate I have everything but the CH plate Ah that’s annoying

Do I have a full Skeletor armor in there probably not Skeletor Skeletor um I need leggings and a helmet which I will probably not have Skeletor okay I do have a skeleton helmet okay we can put another set in there I Guess give me that boots and exploit so now I know I can kill any other skelet piece that I have put that in there okay any other Dungeon armor piece pure spongy boots I think uh heavy have super heavy I feel like that’s something I should have

Heavy never mind that’s not something I have uh skeleton Soldier perhaps skeleton Soldier and don’t have the helmet I’m back welcome back blocked it how are you doing where have you been uh yeah I honestly think that’s it nothing else I can really put in there doesn’t look like like

It okay yeah we done with with museum for now uh this until Christmas Advent calendar I haven’t even been collecting this like the rewards are pretty bad honestly not even worth collecting I I acent slap my bed oh it’s fine I don’t mind it’s good to sleep every now and

Then I sniper bow in there okay let me just check that as well and I’m done as well sniper ball okay I I have that this the XP Arch Quest I don’t know what even that is but give me XP there we go uh okay now the next farming C let me

Just check that potato NE Cactus okay the potato is the one that is the crop where we shall get the silver medal finally but we have 30 minutes until that starts so I can finally I finally want to make that stupid stupid uh car sugarcane farm another visitor

What so I can actually start working on alchem XP and stuff you can leave immediately don’t even want to look at you Adventure what he wants again he wants potatoes okay potato event is going to come up so we can just get those potatoes during the Potato event

When I forgot I F I am so stupid I was actually like jumping around trying to get these leaves and stuff then I can simply F I am such an idiot sometimes I I even surprised myself by my stupidity it is crazy how stupid I can sometimes

Be absolutely insane but with this site maybe queening this pots you not be as bad like these new pots are actually insane because of how long it takes to Queen them absolutely stupid absolutely you don’t understand how stupid it is to play these BS like even previous BS very bad but

Now this is just something else these ports like take forever to quit these big Big Woods and weaves so so much to Queen and there’s like no fast way to actually Queen any of this it takes forever to to cleen these things even with like this site that I

Want I can steal one hit treasure holders with aora staff oh they pretty cool I know I’ll have to Pro those treasure hoers someday but there’s Z now as well so makes it even harder for you I guess so good for you I’ll probably not try and kill

Or do anything related in the war Min for a while right now I would just love to level up my farming level as much as possible my Alchemy level as much as possible and I’m definitely reaching and threatening 60 during the to so going to get a lot of skill XP done

During this week of derpy need to use use him as much as possible maybe I’ll even be able to start making coins from farming once my farming is actually high enough level right now it’s on I’m only farming like 28 or something which is pretty bad extremely bad actually I’d like to

At least be farming 40 maybe by the end of this event and Alchemy maybe we reach Alchemy 50 I don’t know I feel like Alchemy is not that bad but who knows prob this game it will probably maybe also take forever okay already 50% of the way

Done we just leaves and wood which is like the easy part once we get to the dirt that’s when the annoying part actually starts but hopefully we be like 80% of the way already done by the time we get to dir I’m 70k away from 39 Oh damn right doing quite well

Already I should make that tier 12 melon minion too and give him cheese oh damn I forgot about that 26 minutes until the Jacob Festival yeah we’ll just have to M some melons to level up that melon minion to tier 11 get some pelts make him tier

12 and then just put t cheesing him too I’m never going to have to worry about M ever again by the end of this event he just going to create enough melons for me melon minions are actually pretty good I should collect melons on my main

Too I haven’t collected my m in AAL I mean I’m already kind of farming six my main tool but I don’t know don’t yeah I don’t even really have to care about XP I guess on there already farming 60 so got more than enough XP on there now I can collect those minions

Whenever I want I need to remind myself to collect my Minions on this profile once again though once the Der is about to leave because minions are probably going to generate a lot more a loot during dery you need 42 Enchanted melon box for squash what the heck is a

Squash what I’m new to the Garden that doesn’t exist bro oh no you just can’t type squash I’m so them uh what the heck is a squash what the heck is this not 20 farming for everything squash what how’ you get this Clash I do not understand why is a Terra

Minion in here don’t tell me he drops those uh I don’t know U I just started playing the garden how do you even get the crew, bro I don’t know any of these stuff on Gard there’s so much random stuff that can increase farming Fortune I’m probably missing 1,000 farming fortune

That I could get by spending 5,000 coins and and I just don’t know about it because I i’ never played the garden before and I’m just going to miss out on 10 billion coins that I could have probably made if I just got all the stupid farming Fortune things that that

I can get for like five minutes of playing and not just farming without any farming Fortune oh okay you need M armor well M armor takes forever to get I’ve been farming Mountain for like 2 hours and I only got got boots so far or something I don’t even know what I made

I made helmet yeah 2 hours of farming only helmet tempero and squash thank kupy uh so far i’ I’m only following you until the M armor once we get to that KY I have no idea what KY is so for now I’ll just worry about

Getting my armor once I get that I I don’t know what to do after that I know somehow you get like the best farming armor from M from M armor by Iron Man why not po n man po I don’t know there’s no copper mro man there’s only Iron

Man oh yeah IR many it is it’s pretty fun honestly have new especially since there’s it’s mostly fun since there’s like so many new things that I don’t even know about this game so I feel like I’m actually playing this game uh like from the start again for the

First time again s up crey armor I can see like what KY armor is it’s like right here ky but I’m not sure how to even get it kpy there’s a ky armor where is it um this like how do you get any of these

Things crey highly T hay b a box of seeds the only thing I know how to get is the melon helmet none of these other things I know how to get none of them racist I’m not racist what you mean racist oh my God okay 20 minutes you I even be able

To qu this stupid pting 20 minutes bro these ports are getting ridiculous how much are even the other pots are the other even harder now it’s the same as this one but so stupid so stupid how long they actually take to to quar man 20 minutes maybe I’ll do it maybe I

Don’t know you are rist to elements uh yeah sure I I’m racist to elements uh iron is way better element than any other element but yeah maybe we can try to do some dungeons I don’t really like to just get my daily four or six runs out

Of the way to get the double XP on those honestly like just doing like five oh actually it already didn’t even l so like I can probably even get cat at 24 by just doing these five daily runs or 46 now during therapy but

I don’t know if I’m going to be able to survive oh so many saplings what the heck also I’ve been farming for three weeks and I don’t even have the best armor oh oh I’ll be stuck with melon armor for a while after I get it get these

Saplings now there we go and now P what I want to Point again the sugar can right do I have any sugar can of course I don’t but how would I have a sugar can at least with sugar cane I don’t have to bother with making it into seeds 4 six

I’ll carry you sure let’s go if you want to carry me we have like 20 minutes we can do maybe like two runs before I had to do uh the farming event but after I do that farming event then we can do more more runs I just really cannot miss this

Farming event because it is about potatoes and I’ve been waiting for potatoes for a while how you you want uh just join our party and we can go do like two runs maybe I don’t know I just really worry if I’m going to be able to actually get

My Milestone because even without the Der I was struggling to get my mouse so I don’t know how possible that will be how much can I point with with with this much sugar can I not going to be able to point anything where is the suar there there

It is at least it’s going to quear everything okay so far so good it’s planting and I’m out okay okay I can see I’m going to need a lot of sugar can a lot of it well good thing is I did not have to break the dirt all I did was break the

Trees and the wav and it’s apparently qu 100% even though it’s nowhere near 100% but there sugar cane now and Hest I can just get like sugar can from here I will not have to bother to actually like go to the uh what I public comments and get it

From there this gross uh event is in 18 minutes party I this oh he’s not online I mean he’s in my friendly I’m it would have show me but whatever so I think four C gives like 10,000 K XP and since the daily runs after I run out of daily it’s like 5,000

And since thir p is here I’m going to get like 20,000 XP per R for the first five runs so that’s going to actually be pretty crazy 20k that’s like 100k XP total oh yeah going to get one get level immediately immediately in just five RS

I’m going to get 100 100 K get XP OMG what’s up oh it’s already go growing oh beautiful having all of this like growth grow boost is is so good it is so good it’s growing immediately we’re going to break right now once it grow completely farming 39 let’s go I

Clicked launch and waited a bit and it didn’t actually cck it or something H yeah that can happen that actually happened to me today when my game like crashed I I like went to the B bathroom and I quick like launch and and I and I was thinking it

Like launch by the time I’m back and I just it didn’t even register but I quicked launch so well then it does at all I do not want to F with silverfish that is not very good idea 16 minutes of do we be able to do two rounds in 60 minutes

Before this thing Begins I don’t know I’d really like to actually get uh silver medal this time finally I’m so sick of bronze medals I’m going to throw up if I get another bronze medal it is so sickening to think about those bronze medals they are so disgusting today girl ping is

You probably well honestly take enough I have enough farming Fortune but I will will fill this sa up in in in seconds oh sugar cane oh yeah I’m getting these Milestones oh that’s beautiful verying thy so much farming XP because of that for real for real yeah

Yeah honestly if I do this like two more times it going to be enough to to get to point this holding other level 9 two visitors mushroom cor slug pest I’m still still can’t even plant nether W man I think one more G level I can plant

Nether W maybe I don’t know let me check let me just start poting the rest of the sugar cane uh Point sugar cane yep I have 1,000 okay let me see where can you take this G Milestone drop Milestone okay our next one I can finally start farming Nether

Warts after all that sugar cane we can now feed America for Hour okay that that was a okay that was a good one for half an hour oh man oh you want to see that this sweaty farming life visit Frog raser who the hell is a frog raser first time I heard oh I I didn’t have him I thought I

Did okay oh yeah I still got still still got a v before I can feed the America for half an hour oh my god oh you’re crazy okay 30 minutes so do we go in 4 six now immediately or what you want to do do you want to

Wait till I finish this baskal so he can do five runs immediately or I do two runs or one run now and then do the f one then do the rest I how do you want to do I had you on my old account oh that’s a new

Account how do you have a new account now but not a new frog frog rooster is my co member who built our Farms well but but like why would you build farms when then Garden makes Farms on on its own do the side honestly yeah should let’s do like one run pleas

Now or two before the festival and then we can do the then we can do the rest of them part can you sol or should we hope for a whole party I don’t know maybe you should kill two anybody else from from uh GRE wants

To join for like one or two 4 six before the festival uh do that do that I’m going to die during the but oh there’s a what of parties I know do do we go in a one do we queue what what do we want to do

I could SW if I go arer probably I mean there’s derp you know uh if you say you can then but it’s also going to be like face over H H let’s try it I guess it doesn’t matter if you fail let’s try it once with just just two of

Us if we fail we fail it doesn’t matter we try to get like s at least I think it’s wor going for S Plus with with this two of us it’s going to take way too long all right Feer skeleton and let try to get uh do not die okay he’s he’s

Killing everything oh yeah I can no longer even kill the regular skeletons oh I’m not getting my of Rocket there’s a mini boss in there oh I can hope to why my map glitching like that bro look at that all my map is glitching like crazy

Bro where even am I oh he he killed me was okay be good oh look at the map on the top top top left not this one the top left oh my God it’s it it is it’s glitching like crazy oh no I’m going to die yep now I

Just now I just didn’t did this to myself I did this to myself maybe not survive somehow unbelievable no not the fell not no no not anything but fell no oh almost survived I almost survived okay FS the one thing that me I had a spirit pet I forgot we got the spirit

Last stream okay I’m not throwing that bad okay that map is like throwing me off I don’t know where I’m going is there any other mods that have map please tell me you have a map please tell me you have a map map for my map D

Map yes yes yes yes a new get rid of new map new map is doing I don’t know what it’s doing map how do you even turn this off turn map okay turn this off no you cannot even turn the new map of disable Okay

Okay how do I move this map I don’t want it half across my screen um thund map yeah move up there okay okay thank God SB has a map is this one glitching too um yes it is I cannot see myself on that map uh why is every mod not working

I I don’t know how to play this game without a map I’m too used to having my map in in in my left corner this is too we okay I can see myself now off and not anymore I just disappear every time I take the regular map look at this every

Time I take in the regular map on my w map I disappear okay oh I’m mini boss okay we’ll just let him deal with that and I’m going to try being useful by completing a puzzle maybe and this map is also weird because I don’t see myself moving on there like

The map is not moving okay fail immediately okay me let me see if I can fix that map uh dungeons map use chroma map what the heck is a chroma oh no no no no turn that off okay that is that is disgusting that is actually disgusting never want who does anybody

Actually use that what the heck that is actually disgusting that looks so bad M okay did I get my Milestone okay Milestone three okay now I can just focus on on puzzles and being useful and hopefully we do this in less than 16 minutes so I can

Actually make it in time for my potato uh farming Festival oh yeah okay it’s actually going pretty fast considering there’s only two of us I mean still four minutes and we haven’t even gone in but pretty good considering I cannot even kill mini bosses nor anything in

Here and he’s doing this on his own so and uh yeah didn’t even fail the puzzle myself can you see how good I am at this game get that 22 and I’m I’m doing better than anyone anyone else haven’t died okay I did die on but I Le I didn’t

Feel puzzle so no more S Plus I guess but we can still get this I guess guy two stops oh no there’s a mini B in here uh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I

Should have let him clear before I went in if we continue doing this I’m not even going to be able to get the regular s and this map doesn’t even work when you’re dead oh my God new map is just Superior it’s Superior in every way and

You actually have to pay for this map f NE is free and it’s so much better I mean not right now right now it’s glitching for for who knows what reason but us it’s better hold got to turn off the messages we don’t want to H those on stream you’re

Getting better at D bro it’s tery but but you expect I’m actually doing good considering therapy is M right now and everything has HP usually iot this whole dungeon get as B on my own andot the boss to in master mode but since the D is not made I

Cannot even do the regular 46 okay hold on a second I’m back I’m back sorry about that sorry about that oh B too let’s go uh oh my God why is this dungeon so big look at how many rooms there are bro I have not seen a bigger dungeon than this in a

V why are there so many rooms in this place what the heck okay okay I just cannot get used to the to the map from SB it’s it looks weird is there no way to make it look better oh my God okay I’m going to go

Wait for him next to bom I’m not going to even attempt quaring the boardroom just going to wait for him there so he can weap me and quit the boardroom on his own uh this is a glitch room nice uh the Prime oh damn okay can I kill him

Okay okay did not expect to there’s a mini boss down here who I there do I there oh no he killed him okay okay wow he quars everything else let me just try is it possible to fix this map man please tell me te somehow like why is it so bad why is

That map so bad no border size can you fix this like any way so it’s I okay it’s like spinning on its own it’s in here it looks good but Center play center map can I turn off spinning or something look at what it’s doing yo WTF 3 minutes in 46 imagine the

3 million in 46 imag the HP of a normal a mini boss in M7 they just get a better map mod I have oh my God okay these the ne andb are like good but right now they are like being weird no no no no no I forgot that s oh

No no I forgot that Sid it’s no please please please please please please please oh my God oh my God oh okay I’m not even going to revive myself I have done enough this run that’s our score okay it’s almost you know for this it’s for sweats dude that place

Mod I’m actually going to revive myself again I don’t care I don’t care I died uh by three three times I’m not even sure anymore where did the fairy go oh it’s right here three times okay 270 okay you can just we to me you don’t have to walk out

That way so I can be useful at least little and kill this golden Bonzo he’s right here he’s not in the boardroom he’s acting smart think we got enough right 273 yeah even if I is you’ll still get this when is the event let make sure not to miss it 2

Minutes can we quit this thing in 2 minutes and I have 23 million coins on me only oh my God if I get the giant or now and I don’t have the coins uh okay golden bonso in come in a stupid

B uh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t fight me don’t fight me close as hell close H okay if he is farming FES I guess it’s fine we’ll just get we’ll just get the bronze medal it’s

Fine not like I would get the silver medal anyway just just kill him oh no no I can’t believe I actually survive that that was way too close okay we’re just going maybe we can make it maybe he can clear everything in 2 minutes I don’t know let’s see

How did we take this one to quar one single four six okay okay he got this right two minutes he got this in 2 minutes maybe I don’t know ah he killed the gos okay he just made this way longer than it had to be h no

No no I forgot my spirit Mas oh nice and he died hold on a second okay back back okay I might just miss a my a festival because of that I kind of forgot I don’t have a full neon or it’s fine it’s fine please I’ll make it for

The festival this time uh maybe maybe I will maybe I won’t um I know I’m going to break my microphone if it keeps going left and right like this wa lag lag is the last thing I need right now 2 seconds made it perfectly on time

Perfect we made it on time did forget did not manage to get my PS killed on time but at least I started farming on time will it be possible to get silver I don’t know I don’t know top 70% I’m not even Bron anymore nice nice so well I I

Was I was trying to hurry up for this thing where I’m not even going to get bronze okay silver please please give me Silver potato is the crop where I’m most most confident that I will be able to actually get my first silver medal in this game on this profile 3,000 okay I’m

Actually closest I’ve ever been to to to Silver I can smell it oh no now I’m getting far away now I’m getting far away why am I not getting s why am I not getting closer I should be getting closer not far away okay it needs for it to pass like

Couple of minutes so it’s actually kind of you know normal what oh my God please like at the start of the festival everything is like so random but after like couple of minutes everything will be normal but yeah I I you once I finish the F maybe we can try

With with a full party to that thing maybe then oh my God I’m not even going to get so am I 45% yeah I’m no no longer okay maybe I know it’s weird I’ll give it like five minutes maybe then we can know if I’m actually going

To be able to get over or not because it’s being very weird right now and I don’t know it’s being very weird oh no no no no don’t when I make stupid mistakes like then I’m definitely not getting myself a silver medal 7,000 away come on man I can make

It I can make it I really should have killed those pests actually I only have like one pest so it really would even help that much 37% come why am I getting further and further away every second come on I have to make it man I

Have to make it oh I’m even getting so much farming XP from this right now dery thank you dery 38% oh who design this cus this pumpkin potato farm why they Place slabs there so you can bu off the entire Farm when you’re farming it is so

Stupid who designed this who who built this could you not have just placed blocks of cobblestone around the edges why that why did you have to place this stupid slabs it doesn’t look good it doesn’t look good you’re just making things more difficult than they have to be to

Far oh my God oh my God and I’m getting further and further away from work getting further and further by the second 13,000 I have a 6,000 couple of seconds ago uh okay okay only 364 people have entered this competition that kind of explains it

Okay I forgot to put big potatoes do in my in my compe how much potatoes okay okay know what okay there’s a solution to everything what I’m going to do is then I finish this rope I’m going to risk my silver a little bit but okay where’s where where where’s the

Potato give me potatoes okay now immediately we go over here spend pests there we go okay actually have two pests get a baked potato and then put that in a person back piece off there we go uh back to farming okay now I have extra 20 farming Fortune might be possible might be

Possible we’ll see we’ll see 38% maybe it was worth it I think it is worth it for X up 20 farming Fortune uh Wasing like 10 seconds for 20 farming Fortune I think it’s definitely it we’ll see they’ll see silver medal please the very first medal that is not

Bronze on this profile I would love that I would love that I’m so sick of pedals it’s it’s insane I need to actually buy myself a sugarcan hole and I don’t want to do eight farming festivals before I get it but put stor boots and three4

Nekron it really makes it hard for me to reach out like this okay necron without Golden Dragon ain’t the best arch set up I think yeah waren helmet is really not that good in D I don’t think but I’ve heard tiger pet is now good I don’t know necron is really not

That good in my opinion if you don’t have a any dragon pet even regular dragon pet is good but I know I think it would have been fun if it was not dery maybe I don’t know I the potatoes to if it was regular 4 six I think you would have been fine

But we will see we’ll try to get full party this time so we can actually do that 46 I don’t know might be hard since my C Level is lower than my IQ so we got some problems we got some problems in looking for a party okay

35% pleas game can I get that silver I really don’t want to do eight events before I get myself um golden medal I can just get silver at please then I don’t we have to go for Wy Miner I think that’s the first

Time we go team I used to be able to do so M6 now I can’t even Sol 46 uh kind of same for me you were k out winning that server oh my God love that love that you won’t be joining skybook for the next 30

Minutes bro at least when game does it’s nice the thing when it kicks you like that from skybook I absolutely love that but I don’t think I want to focus too much on dungeons during the I don’t think it’s really worth doing dungeons for me during the I just want to get

That sweet daily XP I should collect my minions yeah you probably should now is the best time to collect your minions I already collected mine on this Prof I’m not even going to collect them on my main since I’m already like Max skill in everything so it doesn’t really

Matter if I collect my mins or not going to be okay I think I’m getting close to Silver but I’m getting there very slowly it’s going to be extremely extremely close in whether or not I actually get this silver medal like I’m catching up but I’m catching up so slowly that there might

Not even be enough time for me to actually get silver medal like I just ran out of time before I even catch up so and of course potatoes haven’t even fully regrown oh my God I need that maximum Garden level as soon as possible to just like get

More crop growth of course the best appears now that I’ve already using my skills are yes I’m just going to assume your like skill average 60 know I’d check but farming fast is not letting me who designed oh who designed this potato farm who designed this oh my God I swear

I swear I am this close to like designing my own potato farm but I will not but I’m very close of doing it it will take forever and I don’t want to do it but game this design is so bad with these slabs and everything you can oh my

God it’s like they trying to create the worst possible Farm design for potatoes well it’s 24.8 but yeah it’s it’s basically the same as skill average 60 you know basically the same on my main I’m pretty much skill average 60 but on here let’s see I might even be higher than you

29 let’s go I’m make sure higher skill a than you why are potatoes not planting lag there we go high pixel give me lag too so I cannot even Garden site no it’s not plag it’s the garden site it’s the garden site I was using Garden site oh now I have to

Repoint that too now I have to repoint that too there so many things going wrong and it’s mostly my that they are going wrong but still they are going wrong oh okay okay I’m starting to hate farming 32% I am so close I am actually so close to that silver man okay

Everybody who in the Stream just go break one potato so I actually get pushed up a little bit into percentages uh I wonder how much money I will get from what from Minions yeah who knows I did not get that much mostly because I didn’t sell I actually need everything on this profile

Except diamonds Dam diamonds are the only propop I will actually sell to the NPC on here whatever I need diamonds for I don’t care if I need diamonds I do absolutely not care if I’m going to need those diamonds I need points way more than I need diamonds so uh top 30

7% I am moments away from Silver come come something’s going to happen I’m not getting this Sil either I’m going to get kicked my game is going to crash my internet is going to die my power is going to die something is going to go wrong and I’m not going

To get this over or sudden we have good farmer in this game decides to potato event and they surpass me and I don’t get my silver medal and yeah I never Farm again 30.4% if you any diamonds just St mine H I don’t think that will be very

Effective in here not going to get much Diamonds On In skyb terms will take couple of Decades of a strip mining to like make 1 million coins in skybook from selling diamonds probably would actually make more coins from selling Cobblestone rather than diamonds if you were doing that Sky have

120 oh you’re actually higher SK Sky than me DN well at least I have more at least my skill average is better that’s something oh my God gold is so far what how did people break this many potatoes 300 and I’m out of silver again they

Kicked me out of silver I I told you something is going to go wrong and I’m not going to get silver game will not let me get this silver medal no way oh my God take game please you know if you were doing farming contest like two years ago do

Did you know what you had to do to get a gold medal you had to get a a legendary you had to get a legendary elant P then you could literally farm with a wooden hole and you would get a gold medal now with the legendary elephant

Pet you cannot even get the bronze medal they add just too many things to farming uh I just had a collection Museum yeah that’s true I just have to like make so many cheap armor sets and put them in museum there’s like so many and I’m just to easy to do it

Plus there’s like Dungeons armors that I cannot even buy that I have to get myself and that’s like the most annoying part I don’t know about which dungeon sets I even have and which I don’t it’s so stupid but well get the Advent my Q is full I

Have to send some visitors away after this I’m back in silver at least and hopefully I stay there until the end of the event top 28.8% oh my God gold this just crazy dudes mind so many potatoes it’s actually ridiculous how many they’ve actually found five more minutes I always have

The auction house I screwy of course you do of course you have an auction house of course you can make coins by selling stuff yeah I’m just stuck farming I’m just like farming for coins and I enjoy farming for coins so much cannot tell you how enjoyable it is to

Farm not like I placed Minions on my main and got them farming 60 through minions that’s how much I enjoyed farming oh cultivating let’s go bad Gard makes it a little bit more fun than it was before I I hated farming the most honestly I like foring more than farming

If I’m being completely honest in my humble opinion farming is just a very skill to grind ever but farming is good as long as you not farming as like you’re doing other things in G like I don’t know doing visitors favors something like that mean it’s okay I think I’ve secured

Myself that sweet sweet silver medal I hope well I have to continue farming to security if I like stop for one minute it’s gone and I’m not getting it back so I have insane foraging and fishing well those are my worst on this profile watering and fishing is the

Worst skill on this profile I bar with t that oh nice the lag is just doing its thing lag is just doing its thing something has to go wrong for me yeah not to get the silver medal like I said even on my main with I got maxed out every single skill besides

Foraging even including fishing somehow brought myself to actually fish laa fish once that came out and get fishing 50 it’s not too bad to Lava fish hly kind of fun not going to why compared to the regular fishing oh personal best let’s go personal best has been surpassed once

Again oh my God the Wag the wag level up thanks s medion uh how you even level up from Min all skills I guess oh my God okay okay we good 27% very good more pests I’m not even going to bother collecting them screw the pasts oh why does that one have that

Much HP what the heck what even is that 1200 HP that’s a new past your ra skeleton leveled up to 100 screw you mine is still Level 80 I only got silverfish and guardian to Lev 100 so far so honestly my third level 100 pet might be horse

Probably oh depends if my minions actually do good enough job it might be something else but right now it’s looking like it’s going to be horse uh 2 minutes left I need to check out what the heck was was that best that I’ve gotten gotten there moment this EV

So my my no likey for no reason there it is what cast what the heck is that animal I’ve never heard of such animal in my life they made that up such animal does not exist they made that for skyb that’s some Greek myology animal

Probably I oh my God my nose why is it why doing Festival okay we good we good so bronze I mean silver I’m too used to getting brones this is my f very first silver medal on this profile it is crazy it is actually crazy not even WS to the gold medal oh

My God one more minute come on how much potatoes I get nine from this upgrading this hole is going to be such a pain I’m not going to upgrade this hole pretty much ever I need four stacks and I farm for like 20 minutes and I got 10 baked

Potatoes kind of crazy kind of crazy how much I’m going to need but there we go H come on and the festival I’m not going to stop until the last second not stopping until the last setting until I get that sweet sweet silver medal game mosquito was it a mosquito now I think

Call P the regular pests also have like increased HP now for whatever reason and there we go but it be B somehow silver there we go finally oh my God thank you thank you one silver V do you mean bronze oh okay that’s the previous Festival okay I

Almost delited the whole game right now but we good we good ah there we go silver medal I have two silver medals now right oh yeah I can make two silver medals now and I need two more for one bronze but right now I don’t care I got two

Silver medals uh pretty much 10 baked potatoes too what do these people want let me just deal with them uh he wants what Enchanted cookie okay I have a cookie I think uh cookie I’m not going to have cookies for long if I keep giving them away like this

But right now I don’t care I’m going to need like at most one more replenish book inter coco beans okay I can get that I can get those cocoa beans but sure we will never make another rep book if I keep doing this but okay go St boom that

There my inventory um okay Island put these potatoes away come on please nice 167 million oh my God the most coins I had on this profile was like 50 million coins and that was when my co member quit and gave me his coins oh yeah that’s the peak of of this

Profile when I was the richest Garden okay I forgot the cookies yeah not the cookies the Coca beans okay I have like a ton of them just in here enough thanks oh my God all right where they how I have four millions in my Pur what the heck happened where did that come

From no clue if I’m being no okay potatoes of course now that I’ve left my potatoes at my Island so well you ask for that but I did not have enough anyway he wants like too many yep weapons with he also wants potatoes okay once baked I have those uh you what you

Want cocoa beans okay good thing I bought this many cocoa beans we out with him too okay I have now 86 copper pretty good but still I need T more to actually do anything on here uh yeah nothing right now that can be done okay next festival is

In 40 minutes it’s Mel okay we need to make that one in time hopefully we can do our fire runs in 40 minutes that would be very good but right now just put everything in there not even is there’s something else right oh traveling zo at the same time okay

Let’s go to dungeon Hub and next we I try to K if somebody else on the stream wants to join with so I can invite you rather do that and play with some random people but uh floor six S Plus and set L like 21 I think is

The max I can set yep there we go no you say that um okay I’m also going to do this party L party transfer transfer I vales and I’m going to go to the bathroom and you just deal with people that join my Discord RPC is great right

Uh yeah okay hold on just going to go AFK here you I’ll get to look at my face if good people join you just start with me I’ll be I should come back by the time you actually go to the boss right all right I’ll be right back give me a second

I am back I have also made some coffee while I was down there so got got second coffee of the day okay we seem to have gone in 3 minutes okay and we have not already even to the BS okay looks like we got some uh not good party

But my Dunder map working now not really let me just try to get my Milestone hopefully before we go in okay this guy has too much HP M oh no I of bet that makes sense but that was not not doing damage just get the Milestone then we

Can go in and please get s+ even if you like even if R take a while go no don’t go we going for s+ I don’t care about the regular s uh you get nothing from regular s so uh I also written it on the party

Note that we getting as plus so why would we get reg okay please don’t kill me why is he killing me okay we good I killed him uh Milestone to okay at least we can open chest in case we get the giant sword but just to kill them even more to

Make sure I get all the cat XP on the uh why did we go in why did we go in who went in who went in why did you go in who went in I did not even get my assle I did not even get my assle and it’s not even as

Boss I forgot okay can I kill this guy and get M fos died no they also died brother how are they dying okay I also died I mean it’s understandable that I will die but how are they dying they are the on supposed to carry me here I mean

I mean it is therapy so I need extra good good good people in stream to carry me no I cannot be carried by one person anymore no that’s not going to work anymore unfortunately oh yeah it’s going to be a while to complete this 46 during rep that’s yeah that’s

Annoying I mean this guy can of surviving but not for long I think we can’t even revive everyone ah yeah we screed yep how much xp I get 3,000 me okay uh you guys immediately immediately I can tell you this guy probably died first let’s check who died first

Um we can’t check because he probably died first yeah because everybody was at the bottom and this guy died first see yeah there he is he died first yeah who would have thought who would have fought and he is the one saying you guys are DB who would have

Thought okay yeah looks like it’s uh not going to be very possible to do 46 during dppy H whatever maybe we should have just done some four4 or something instead that would be possible at least to Sol but not that not uh not the forces forces is stupid theing theiry

Uh Play Sugar can has grown I can actually Farm it and to actually plant the whole thing there should be enough in here I think to point the whole thing can you turn like these particles off of sugar cane like these green ones they’re actually quite annoying options see Minecraft to turn

That off uh all where is the particles Traders performance others Pro 40 where the heck is particles in here am I blind or does it not exist details animations okay there it is uh particles where is the I just turn off I guess W some of the good ones that I

Cannot without now laava and water I cannot stand like laava and water not being animated he a wolf saying that Fe D you can turn them off in off in Peter what the heck is a Peter they are still here and I turn off all the particles but yeah it’s always those wol

Get up so are actually seeing it what the heck is a pet is that like mod that I don’t know of okay M starting to get filled time to point the rest the rest of the farm should be enough sugar cane I think let we the whole thing uh what not

The pumpkin sugar cane and okay it will not be enough but it will almost be enough is SB maybe the turn out of party oh particle Cosmetics are not uh Pro cting particles first food of course it has like all of these random particles but doesn’t have the

Good ones that why actually use it’s like a block break particle or something I turn off all the particles so animations yeah all of them are off particles minimal decreased yeah all of them are off besides water and Whata me can you save me please uh please par okay me doesn’t

Have any anything or particles great great I’m screwed I’m screwed to to to farm forever with these stupid particles that will ruin everything the next is m though I’m not going to be able to get silver and melon sauce that’s so stupid after melons is potato again do we skip

Melons do want to keep melons and go straight for the potatoes because they I can actually get can actually get Sil Set uh skyo has it as well I believe I don’t have Sky TOS it’s not in normal Minecraft options yeah I’m SC now we have B need though no

Whatever what you want TR melon box I have those but should I give to him like these guys are ridiculously expensive like I need all of those items that that they are actually asking me for M how many melon box I have one three seven okay I actually have quite

Decent amount but still like it’s only nine copper why would I give you that many M Bo or nine coppers oh my God until next time I hope you never come back man expensive asell for nine coppers gu I need put that away not sure what to do I don’t like

Want to farm sugar cane until I get the until I get the sugar cane like right now I just want to plant it and that’s it but I like have nowhere near enough medals that I need to actually get get a sugar cane oh yeah only two

Silvers and if I wait for the next potato event then I’ll get one more silver and then I’ll still need one more silver so not sure what and that’s the festival after that one after that one is sugar can wheat and NE what none of the B ones I can do okay

Nice honestly I think we just keep the next one and after we skip the next take my off out I after we skip the next one I think we just do potatoes get one more silver and then SC it will get another whenever I don’t know I really don’t know what to do

About this like I’m not getting silver medal in melons there’s no way even though I I have melon dicer and everything it’s it’s just insane it’s just absolutely insane I have 95 coppers why should I spend my coppers on next any farming experts in chat want to

Enlighten me a little bit what I should do with these coppers probably NE the last uh W equipment I feel like but that’s expensive as so I think that’s like 500 coppers or something I don’t know basically haven’t gotten anything from copper just yet I put cultivating on this thing I did cultivating

Six I forgot my armor I always forget something not sure what to zoo in 30 seconds is there anything I need from traveling Z I don’t think so there’s giraffe I guess I don’t have giraffe P would be kind of cool to have that I

Guess I don’t know that’s the only pet I don’t have from zoi I believe we’ll see we’ll find out in 20 seconds what it has I know don’t need gir but it will be kind of cool to have it would be kind of cool to have it uh

Six more seconds and we will find out what to have see what the traveling Zoo has to offer and I got interest let’s go 300K coins and the swag now yeah I guess there’s also tiger pet that I have obviously I’m not going to buy anything at legendary

Giraffe sh I can probably get this honestly get like it will take a couple seconds for me to get 16 but question is do I even want to dra I mean why not it’s a pet that I don’t have and we can get it in couple

Of seconds so maybe yeah sure I guess why not it will take with a minute for me to get that P and then we can upgrade him to Epic and then wait legendary someday so yeah box okay soon about to have another piece of armor I don’t think I also even touched

AA wood unfortunately so I will not even be able to make Enchanted AAA wood for a while and I’m going to get pissed off because I’ll have to like throw it in my chest and oh my God it’s only 16 though there’s my treator treate three there it work

Tree capitator let’s get this done real quickly also should Farm some actually you know what you know what you what while we Farm a I’m going to be there are people fishing here s go all the SS I need I need them insect I need the insects okay you you

You are just buy there and you GA more squs while while I for where my fishing Road I’m going to kill them with the fishing road so I get even more insects yeah you yeah just you just summon more SS for me for it I’m going to come back in five minutes hopefully

There will be even more there but I can course there’s somebody foraging AA wood who forag AA wood nobody’s foraging AA wood why why are there so many people here it’s AA Derpy can can not be that good bro this cannot be worthed it you are not actually competing this bad for AA

Wood therapy is not that there is no way in hell that this is actually competing with 10 different people for some wood because they’re here okay people are insane people people are insane my inventory is absolutely filled with most random nonsense cannot even get enchanted AA modood absolutely

Wonderful life could not be better right now and there’s like 50 other people competing for like one single tree I don’t know what to say at this point I did not believe people could be this insane but apparently they are you what do you mean you oh my god Tre are disappearing every

Second okay I just need enough to make one or like uh One Enchanted wood that I can craft so it doesn’t fill my inventory up actually see yeah you all are actually insane my inventory filed can’t even put it in my end chest it’s also full okay there is a solution though

What I’m going to do is I’m going to put it in here going to take weather out and just sell the weather because weather is also expensive I can sell it for a ton of coins so that will free up some space in my Ender Chest okay what’s all this to the MPC

Right now yeah okay this leather expension so going to make some coins too because I’m poor I Bo anyway magma fish okay I’m going to keep magma fish I think that that I’m going to need uh that very badly so this rest okay there we go um

Just want to check if some squids are spawn while these guys are doing their thing maybe they walk okay okay there are squids there are squids oh the inac oh the sweet sweet inac I forgot these guys only here for for an hour I actually have to do this

Quickly I actually got to this quickly get this wood before the traveling waves I mean it will take a minute it’s not going to take an hour definitely but still with these people doing this it might it honestly just might take an hour there’s no wood they are competing

So badly for this who they are actually insane actually people are insane unbelievable Sky players are just different type of insane and no same person would actually do this uh they see they see 50% more skill boost and they are willing to compete with 20 other people and they think it’s actually

Worthed it when in reality it will be way more worth it to do this alone when you have full Lobby for yourself and people are not competing like crazy I’m about to start throwing this wood away until I unlock the stupid collection it’s actually and my inventory is getting to there’s no way

This is wor but by the time I unlock the collection honestly I’m going to have enough wood probably most likely so okay pass some foring I’m about to level up my for to there’s a three stand people here jungle nobody is even ah I can see

Why they are farming uh because of the dra right these are our other IR man people yeah no that makes sense I think and not even other it just some other dumb people that don’t even know that you can just buy wood and they think you you have to get it yourself on

My God serious how far away am I from collection please tell me I’m close at least AA okay just a little bit was about to start actually throwing away this uh how can I make space in my end chest now nobody knows that but uh which has the most ESS stuff this

I’m very likely just this um yeah honestly might even have enough space now just throw away now the use for stuff like so and should be honestly know enough to get that stupid collection finally unlocked honestly I might just like buy a lot of rain when I find a little bit

More normal wobby Farm the dark oak for my wolf pet so I can make him finally legendary and I while I farm dark H I will buy like ton of rain there we go and Che finally I’ll buy ton of rain and I’ll keep on killing seds

That way I can like get so much in SEC while also not also getting my legendary W better SP what do I get rid of I have two Legendary Super compactors and still it’s not enough look at this Co sure just put AA would

In there give me rest of AA that I put in my chest and it might even be enough okay let’s see there we go there we go nine 15 in here okay it’s going to be almost enough for that giraffe that’s 12 okay like a couple more like two or

Three more Woods it’s fine whatever like I said this will take like a minute if other people were not insane and if I actually had collection and all from the start put that there now so I can see how much I have but I get giraff

P need to get every single legendary fet in the game on this profile who are level 100 I don’t know that’s like how I can’t go I’ve set on this profile to get every single legendary pet to not really every but like 99% of the pets as many as possible I don’t know

Just little goal of mine for this profile eventually not like I’ll accomplish anything much just I but it will be cool but one more wood I think right okay 16 okay let me just check if more squids have spawned CU I need to kill them okay there’s one only there is

Onlyone okay whatever let’s go sell let’s go buy that that giraffe from moringo I don’t know what what it needs to become epic I think we can trck immediately probably going to be pretty cheap on coins or something it it takes takes until legendary until he asks for

Something stupid like W uh giraffe cas shovel there we go imagine I got the wrong with that would be bad and annoying come on cat where’s cat why the NPC is taking so sp there we go giraffe now what’s wrong it’s immediately asking for more AA would and two stacks of

It uh elephant P did not ask for that but it’s a giraffe is asking you know well doesn’t matter we got the rare we can get it to Epic in like 10 years or something I don’t know don’t really care about it as long

As I have epic and I don’t have to like as long as I have don’t have to actually look for Zoo once I decide to actually get the giraffe uh just to make sure the next actually going to do this one in 8 minutes okay there are squids three squids three SIDS

Yes yes okay how much rain 2 minutes okay okay okay o four SED I’m going to back up the more rain and before event begins we can going off when the rain ends we will go to the event because I need to farm M I decided

I’ll do the event since I need the mountain anyway like M get them during the event get that stupid bronze meal and yeah but for now we’ll just Farm a little bit of spruce food until the event actually begins and kill some squids I know I feel like squids will go relatively fast

If I don’t actually fish and just kill them like that I feel like they might even go fast not even Quest time I tried to get ink F I know it took me like forever and I hate that every single second of it but if I

Don’t actually fish I let the rain spawn all the squids for me while I actually do another annoying task by getting this Spruce food oh God okay going to take forever probably but whatever I was going about my foring it’s Derpy but there’s no better time to do this then

Now since the Derp is here going to get a double XP instead of the regular XP while getting my myself the legendary w p it’s I’m so sad I did not actually manage to craft that pting to Legendary when I was crafting it all right I get my

Coffee okay there we go let’s check the rain did it do its job did it spawn enough squids okay yeah it did we did and nobody’s actually killing this glit nobody’s fishing which is perfect could not have found better Lobby for this how many saxs did I did I get so far

Uh fishing sack I have 49 okay okay honestly by the time I get enough Spruce food I feel like I’ll get also enough squids and it’s also free fishing XP bro I’m so I’ve found the perfect solution to this I’ll get legendary wolf P while get getting the foraging XP

During the I’ll also get the legendary squid pet while getting fishing XP during the I’ve like found the absolute perfect solution to to do this I’m so glad I actually wa at buing D and did not suffer and make myself dumb by doing it when I should not have done

It sometimes my genius is it’s almost frightened you it’s almost frightening how how my genius is working I only have 3 minutes I have to do that Army P now oh my God so many things to do so many things to do need to make sure not to miss it

Three more minutes is this about to end two more minutes never mind somebody’s probably going to buy rain and it’s going to mess up my timing and I and I’ll miss the festival because of that but whatever could still can you not there we go back to foring all my yeah

So smart so smart so efficient could not have found a more efficient way to do this even if I tried I think I actually need like eight stacks of Enchanted Spruce W this game is so stupid why could it not give me a legendary wol pad from the start but you know that’s

Important is the fact that it gave me legendary chicken pet on the first try and you know how many chickens I have I have infinite amount of chickens I could have made 30,000 chicken pets but no for a try I give him a legendary chicken pet immediately but the pet he actually

Needs on legendary immediately wait wait wait on that we don’t want to give him actually uh one minute okay I actually forgot something important and that is cakes I need that extra farming foraging and every other fortune in the game one more minute just got to make sure to get

Before this thing ends come on come on come on why is there a stupid spider there what the heck uh is that everything pet lock did I get pet lock watering okay the lag nice don’t even know what what I got w seriously can’t eat this

Cake this cake is glitched what oh it’s not actually the real cake okay I feel stupid right now the festival is in 3 minutes okay you know what we can we can like break two more Woods before the Festival begins okay no need to go on my Island just yet

M what put is out right let me just check it Al what who is also Epic by the way another pet where game screed me and gave me epic where I really need a legendary in quits in here yep make sure to kill all of them please thank you anymore nope

Okay okay break two more W get to farming but I get that bronze medal you know last time I’ve used 10 pests got extra 100 farming fortune and I still couldn’t get silver I’m not definitely not getting silver now so very lowly very W indeed okay I think that’s enough let’s go to

Garden garden oh God okay by the end of this festival at least I probably have enough melons to make another melon piece it’s starting in 2 minutes equip elephant pet Mel dice M Di there Mel dier farming armor yep everything is ready do I have any PS okay I don’t but

There some P here that kill me get them before this thing begins mosito oh damn why does he have this much HP I swear they suddenly just increased their HP out of nowhere okay I think I finally figured out what I want to do with my copper I’m

Probably going to just increase farming Fortune for melons since I need like infinite M anyway yeah every single pass now sudden we has like way more HP for no reason one minute left come on I need to kill you bro uh please oh my God what is killing these PS suddenly became way

More because the game just had to give them 10 times more HP to break my potatoes too for Reas okay got comp from him I guess um 40 seconds okay crop upgrades melons 50 copper yep probably wasn’t worth at it but who cares uh let’s also

Buy n do I want to buy a sure can I quick 20 extra farming Fortune where’s that to man can’t I get the toan yet I can finally there we go another uncoming toan let’s go get that and this TS in 20 seconds perfect he made it perfect one time

Let’s put this s toan in my accessory bag there we go melon dier and we begin farming uh that is not good that is not good my inventory full I already messed everything up nice GG easy lost everything no longer can’t even get can’t even get bronze anymore nice what

This how much finding spe 10 oner I thought would be giving way more but I guess not I really need this m dier though and there’s also uh maybe should use rabid bed because there a piece here but I should also want to level up my elephant

To I think elephant is just way more useful than a stupid rabbit I also need to make that uh melon minion into a tier 12 soon maybe that’s my name go instead of making melon armor I make the melon minion first so I can give him cheese during

Therapy so he can he probably make more melons than me anyway not even in bronze yet but I I feel like I’ll make it I feel like I’ll make it to bronze without much of a problem inventory full does it get full bro oh my God come on

Man got stupid space and it still gets filled every 5 Seconds okay whatever another melon Milestone Sun I think that’s only going to give me like 50,000 farming XP which is basically nothing so not much of a purpose in getting that anymore like these M are overall pretty

Bad ah you really get the these like some Sky XP that’s the main reason you would want to do this I think if it only if it at least increase your oh damn PR three melon box oh let’s go that’s the the first time I’ve actually gotten anything good from this melon

Dier and actually pretty good three melon TR BS that’s crazy I have 15 already H I need 35 for wagging for next pie D yeah pretty bad need a what I will not get even enough for one piece after this entire f my top 35 what I’m almost silver because of that one

Drop look at that that one drop almost made me Silver okay there’s actually hope for this there’s actually hope for this if I can somehow get another good drop from melon di I can actually get silver I can actually get silver that One Singular drop made me like I wasn’t

Even bronze and now I’m almost silver of course the rest of the farm isn’t even pointed Oh damn got I think it’s still set up here yes it is okay M Milestone 18 I guess got an XP too I guess guess I get that but can I can I actually please make it

To Silver please don’t do this game I mean if I can make it to Silver that would be so sick that would actually be so sick one more Drop Like That from the M dicer if only if only it were to do that it would be

Insane if it were to do that once more come on I want to I know you want to you did it f you can do it again give me that silver meow give me that silver medal I know it’s possible I’m getting further and further away ah

Yeah I know it’s crazy something happens like that again no silver medal for me I might even follow out of brones but maybe usually at the end of the festival right around the end you can actually climb a little bit it’s when you actually when people actually stop doing the festival

And you actually have a chance to to climb and get back to Silver I don’t know you’ll see right now I’m getting further and further away the only thing that can currently save me if things stay like that is another one of those jobs that I would really over right

Now I already 18 milon box 19 oh no nope I’m coming don’t need that that’s bad give me give me give me R Jesus again immediately I will become silver I think immediately with just one of those no not I’m coming no that not what I

Want that’s not what I want I need ride my visit are about to get full again oh my God come come do it wa give me RNG again bring RNG to my side for once in my life I want to know what it’s like to actually have RNG on your side

Please I’ll probably save this melon box for melon minion unless I somehow make enough where I can get leggings in that case I’ll just make leggings I guess sure or CH but I kind of D I’ll get 35 Enchanted one box on game does the thing again V and Jesus that would be

Sick that would really be sick if it game did that but doesn’t look like that’s going to happen again unfortunately I’ll probably beat my best again if only I had out those pests I did back then and I use them now definitely would be getting silver right

About now not the uncoming game please please give me the good one again just once more just once more and I don’t care if you ever give me good ones ever again just now so I can get that I can get a silver

Medal oh my God the next Mel m one is so hard to get I’m only 10% of the way past okay past is definitely the last thing I want right now what I want right now not the uncommon that’s four uncommons in a r that does not help me

With at all that’s like one melon B that I break I get that much oh oh R and coming at the same time also doesn’t help me please one actually good drop that can push me to Silver one good drop there’s 11 more 12 more minutes there’s still chance for

Your game just give me that one good job I get to Silver we’re all happy I I have one more medal and I can actually buy a sugar cane hole and start farming the actual gold crop so for this game I would really love that but of course you’re not going to do

That and I will be Stu withon do you have extra Superior leggings I don’t even have a single piece of superior armor let own extra so yeah if I ever get Superior it will probably be to thow dungeons instead of the actual dragons just going to get those lost

Adventurers kill them get frags and maybe make Superior armor something like that don’t see myself really doing dragons on this profile I don’t know would take a very long time for me to actually get peted I actually never go to Peter in my entire life I did like

So many dragons and the not one of them was silver approximately I think I spent 400 million coins on summoning guys and not one of those Dragon was Superior I have probably the worst work when it comes to dragons not not one of them was

Superior I do not know how the map adds up there but yeah I’m pretty sure it’s like 10% to get a superior and I did over 100 dragons and did not get a superior once uh mat is not Ming right now but yeah still in top 40% I’m not moving

At all in this competition just permanently stuck permanently stuck in in top 40% now I think even if I get R’s drop I will not even get into silver bracket because yeah I just fell down that far but there still 9 Minutes who knows what can happen 22 in at the melon box

Already okay pretty good pretty cool I need a stack to upgrade my melon dcer once which is crazy and then like two stacks to upgrade it again so Three Stacks just into melon dier that is crazy absolutely crazy how many m box you have to break yeah definitely get that putting T in

Him putting that sweet sweet tasty cheese in my melon minion and just let him do most of the VY hey got to carry me through through farming I’m being honest kind of starting qu up now I’m top 39% and 9 minutes left will it be possible I really hope

So especially if these ghost blocks stopped doing this it would definitely maybe be more possible than 38% I’m like climbing but I’m not climbing I don’t know I’m in very weird situation right now nobody knows what going to happen really drop again oh my God that would be so sick no The

Game Stop it with the uncommons give me the good one actually ah Vol is okay 37% really I’m climbing somehow but I still need like the same amount of melon box so I’m not sure how I’m climbing really 37% see I’m actually climbing pretty fast but right there it says like I’m

150,000 away so that wi stays the same this entire time I not sure how am I climbing but you think that I’m climbing gold for again okay I now I know I can actually just buy golden carrots for him so that go 37.4% come comeing just one just

Oneop never again I will ever need drop just give me one one once more today these next s minutes and I am more than happy one last rngs a drop from El ner on this profile never need again okay definitely not going to happen but

I can hope I guess uh but about that now there’s a billion go blocks in here probably yep oh like high pixel that is also a great solution to my problems right about now yeah yeah thank you Hy just keep on doing that keep on doing that y yeah

That is the thing I really want you to be doing right now that is the best thing that can happen right now oh my God I so serious seriously stop doing yet seriously stop doing yet I just created way too many gold box now to for me to even be possible to

Farm and I missed out in silver probably I mean not like it was possible to begin with but still maybe in this last 6 minutes I’ll get that I didn’t really do drop oh my God the way pixel why why you got to do this to why to do this to

Me back to 38% nice love every second of this absolutely love every second of this 25 I can make another melon oh my god oh EG High pixel please don’t even care about the silver medal anymore just let me actually play the game what is wrong with

You yeah yeah yeah nice nice so so glad to be alive right now oh oh my God oh my God H pel oh my God oh my God this never happens when you’re like not doing anything when you’re like waiting for something no this only happens during the events white farming

Event never again with Hypixel actually lag like this for no reason only when it’s actually important 4 it not lag it will actually lag oh oh my God 4 minutes left yeah nothing really think I just stop now right I’ve got my bronze medal secured it think

Yeah I can stop did not even beat my personal best which is weird but for sure I would beat it but there we go uh let’s upgrade my minion I will not be making any more melon armor pizz they take forever would be kind of nice because I

Would be able to get those crappies I think that’s how you get them you need full melon armor so I’ll be missing out on those but it will take like so long for me to actually get that armor so might as well upgade my minion poy down and get my box like

That M boots yeah let’s not make any of that um boom and boom tier 11 damn that took out of it and now I want to another level let’s go visit portal Hub and I want to check if I should quit this game or if I should

Quit this game how much does it take for tier 12 one Mushroom Island let’s see probably half a stack knowing this game or a stack I swear if it’s a sa I’m not even going to get it just going to play a 11 I no way I’m going to be able to get

A stack of in melon box that’s like whole melon Armor high look at this look this look how stupid this game is is being right now now look at this look at this can’t do anything you cannot walk the only way to move around is to jump or to use that’s

How it is look at this look at oh my God oh my God I swear to God I swear to God uh there okay 32 half a stack that’s reasonable I guess okay I think I’ll get that honestly I just f for like two more minutes before this thing

Ends that’s reasonable honestly I’ll get that I think so I can get that tier 12 my own Minion and actually you know don’t like to waste it will be such a waste if I place tasty cheese in a tier 11 and I have a possibility of getting a tier

12 it will take forever though to get half a St of Enchanted box but whatever we will get it we will get it one more minutes left and we already got two more let’s go my P is ling up so slowly it’s insane we to at the start of the stream he was

Level 79 that’s three levels that he’s leveled up and this entire stream uh what we’ve been doing is basically just farming and I’ve been streaming uh for uh four four four 4 hours and in 4 hours bro basically just leveled up three times I might just go through entire

Therapy without this you actually reaching level 100 that’s also so here up there we go event ended give me my bronze medal game thank you w this love my bronze medals give me that uh got to put empty my inventory a little bit put it in here I

Guess does not really matter where we put it it just matters that we put it somewhere no no no for they got to get the golden carrot for that D now I know where to get them might not even be the same guy I might just buy

Golden carrots for no reason but who cares and do these things update two more visitors really yeah two more visitors and these things update actually more farming Fortune from all of them so this then or you can buy infinite amount I thought there was like a daily limit I

Guess not let’s see is this enough I really hope this um um um golden forger yeah golden cots okay uh don’t have enough nice nice of course you need more than what I got got empty my inventory even more now uh wood sight cut was don’t know why I have

Half of these things in my inventory but I do uh minion can go in there for now spray can go in there for now uh fishing rod can go in there for now I think that’s enough want to kill the rest of these melons because I cannot be

Bothered we deal with them there we go and now let’s feel my inventory with golden carrots and hope that it’s going to be enough all right come on no all right here we go buy them golden carrots there we go I swear if this is

Also not enough I’m going to my mind but I do just one more visitor and then after the golden carrot fun and then we get more farming Fortune too so pretty cool pretty cool okay golden for there we go a some gold essence 15 copper uh Anita what do she want carrots

Co Tammy come on somebody here is normal somebody green character seriously nobody normal I I think she is normal Enchanted potato okay we can get potatoes I guess I really want to get that extra farming for so I’ll get that for her put that extra farming Fortune I’m

About to get when dealing with that last visitor that I currently need uh potato all right let’s Farm little bit more potatoes so I can get that how much is that even going to increase with one more farming Port nice soth it so worth it but I have three pieces

So that’s basically three more farming P oh my God it’s getting with a withit ridiculous isn’t it but whatever I’m going to have to like catch so many pests get like 10,000 farming Fortune from just pests and then just actually get some decent farming them because

This farming is just too slow I cannot increase my farming Fortune of course lagging too oh my God high pxel like I just cannot increase my farming Fortune enough to justify actually farming right now it’s just taking forever no matter what I do oh my God the lag the lag I’m I’m SAR

I I swear this is so annoying I mean potatoes also coming up in 35 minutes I can probably get one silver medal in there should probably save pests just for that all these pests that I’m about to get okay I only need a little bit I think 200 yeah that’s one

128 two more or three more stacks and even my stream is lagging out everything is lagging now bro it’s sorry to play game actually right now to even stream right now I’m so getting close to just sending this right now but I will try not to do

That but don’t know if how possible that is going to be oh iian arrived to that’s on new MPC I think please tell me you want something simple that I already have oh my God n of you are normal no no normal NPCs here I swear okay whatever

I think this might be enough potatoes honestly but let’s see the game likes uh to do the thing where you have enough potatoes but then it says you don’t have enough potatoes so let’s see okay it easy enough good good good good give me that armor upgrade equipment with upgraded yep it

Is a tiny bit more farming for now now that I have what the heck is this compost bu those stairs even more why would I even need all of these pots don’t you need like one pot for each crop and that’s it I don’t understand why need that many

BS the wor equipment 500 it’s crazy y bandana what armor okay that’s kind of good farming for for for an armor I know Green T to equipment there’s really not much in here you can actually buy that will help youing forun how many you need VIs not even that

Many I get that much farming for on those things almost another potato Milestone too okay you know what honestly I think we can end the stream here I’m getting kind of sick of farming so yeah I hope you guys enjoy the Stream

This video, titled ‘Derpy is here!! ironman profile in Hypixel Skyblock !!!’, was uploaded by Melonest on 2023-12-22 09:58:53. It has garnered 121 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:35:08 or 16508 seconds.

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    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Surviving Hell Rock: Minecraft Series 1.21

    Surviving Hell Rock: Minecraft Series 1.21 Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Episode 1: A New Adventure Begins! Step into the blocky world of Minecraft as a new survival series unfolds in the latest update, version 1.21. Join our protagonist as they navigate through the vast landscapes, mine resources, build shelters, and fend off dangerous creatures. Let’s dive into the exciting journey that awaits in this episode! Exploring the Unknown As our character spawns into the world, they are greeted by endless possibilities and challenges. From lush forests to towering mountains, every corner of the map holds secrets waiting to be discovered. The exploration begins as they… Read More

  • Jackbhaiya’s Secret Crush Revealed!

    Jackbhaiya's Secret Crush Revealed! Minecraft Adventures with Jackbhaiya Love’s Olly 💝 Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where players like Jackbhaiya and Olly embark on thrilling adventures in the virtual realm. Join us as we delve into the realm of #minecraft, #fleetsmp, and #gamerfleet to uncover the magic that unfolds in this popular game. Exploring Lilyville and Gamerfleet In the enchanting world of Lilyville, gamers like Jackbhaiya and Olly immerse themselves in a land filled with endless possibilities. From building magnificent structures to embarking on epic quests, the adventures in Lilyville are truly captivating. With the support of the Gamerfleet community, players… Read More

  • Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft challenges and humorous gameplay? If so, you’ll love the content on the YouTube channel featuring solo Minecraft challenges like using only a shovel in difficult mode. The creativity and entertainment value of these videos are truly impressive. If you’re looking to take your own Minecraft experience to the next level, why not join the Minewind server? With a vibrant community and exciting gameplay options, Minewind offers a unique and engaging Minecraft experience for players of all skill levels. Ready to dive into the world of Minewind? Simply enter the server… Read More

  • Top Secret Minecraft Bases | unspeakable

    Top Secret Minecraft Bases | unspeakable The Best Hidden Bases in Minecraft 1.21 In this exciting Minecraft video, we take you on a journey to uncover the mysteries hidden inside a secret Minecraft base! 🏰✨ Ever wondered what makes a perfect secret base? Join us as we reveal the intricate designs, clever traps, and hidden treasures that make this base truly unique. From sneaky entrances to elaborate redstone contraptions, you won’t believe what has been managed to hide away! Discover: The best locations for secret bases Tips for building an impenetrable fortress Creative uses of Minecraft blocks and items Hidden treasures and surprises waiting to… Read More

  • Unbelievable find: JJ and Mikey discover hidden treasures in village! – Minecraft

    Unbelievable find: JJ and Mikey discover hidden treasures in village! - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Found TREASURES Under VILLAGE ? – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-06-21 17:00:27. It has garnered 10554 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:21 or 3981 seconds. How Mikey and JJ Found TREASURES Under VILLAGE ? – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We… Read More

  • Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 – Insane Treasure Hunt

    Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 - Insane Treasure HuntVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cool Looking Dungeon Time! | Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21’, was uploaded by Prowl8413 on 2024-07-26 02:31:55. It has garnered 3832 views and 248 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:01 or 14341 seconds. Become a YouTube Member and join my community server! Our servers are sponsored by Sparked Host and are always very active, with events every month. Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21 is a Guide based Lets Play series. In this world I progress through the game, and will guide you on everything from the basics of gameplay, up through more difficult to understand… Read More

  • Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs’ Success NOW

    Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs' Success NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘HILFE FÜR TRYMACS ist DA! | Minecraft Elements 2 Deutsch Folge 33’, was uploaded by Varietytime on 2024-08-24 16:00:14. It has garnered 416 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:56 or 7196 seconds. Welcome to the Minecraft project Elements 2 in German. Help for Trymacs is here! Have fun with the video! Participant: ✘ The best streaming products: ✘ The best gaming boosters at LevlUp: ✘ Cheap servers: 👾: 📸: 🕊️: 🎬(Main): Discord: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ Music ★ Here you can always find… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!

    Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft decorative tap#shortvideo#subscribe#like#minecraft#trending#song’, was uploaded by THARA GAMING on 2024-04-17 05:31:48. It has garnered 156 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Monarchia

    MonarchiaWelcome to Monarchia, a Towny Minecraft server with a closed gold economy and tons of awesome features! Whether you’re into epic land and sea battles with Siege and Movecraft, intense duels with cool kits, or riding into combat on your trusty horse, we’ve got you covered. You can also explore the world with BlueMap, brew some virtual drinks with our alcohol plugin, and dive into so much more. There’s always something exciting happening on Monarchia—come join the adventure! Read More

  • LeafXP-TerraFirmaGreg modded SMP

    Welcome to our Discord community! We are a small community running several game servers. Recently, we opened a TFG modpack server and are looking for active players! TerraFirmaGreg is a Forge modpack that adds realism and challenge to Minecraft gameplay by including TerraFirmaCraft and GregTech mods. Learn more about the modpack here. The server is online 24/7 and includes a mod for region protection (1 player can private 50 chunks). Join us at Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafty Crafting: 5 Sizzling Minecraft Hacks

    Minecraft Memes - Crafty Crafting: 5 Sizzling Minecraft HacksWhy did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed!

    Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed! In Dreamcraft #4, we finally take flight, But the topic’s gone wild, it’s out of sight! Minecraft news, with a twist of fun, Updates and changes, we’ve only just begun. Join the adventure, with Mustafa in tow, Crafting and building, with each new show. Stay tuned for more, as we soar and we dive, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come alive. Read More

  • Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥

    Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥 When you accidentally set off the wrong TNT in Minecraft and suddenly your world looks like a fireworks show gone wrong. #oops #minecraftfail 🎆🔥 Read More

  • Minecraft: Back to Basics

    Minecraft: Back to Basics Exploring the Vanilla Minecraft Experience Today, Minecraft enthusiasts are embarking on a journey back to the roots of the game – the vanilla experience in a fresh, untouched world. The decision to start anew stems from the frustration and longing for the simplicity of the game without the added complexities of mods like Vein Miner. Embracing the Pure Essence of Minecraft Returning to the vanilla version of Minecraft allows players to rediscover the core elements that make the game so captivating. Without the crutch of mods, every block mined, every structure built, and every adventure embarked upon feels more… Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!

    Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft JAVA [Fabric Edition] – New Monuments – Episode 2’, was uploaded by MoltenmapG on 2024-09-23 06:27:09. It has garnered 142 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:02 or 5642 seconds. JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER: Read More

  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

    Minecraft's Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks EditionVideo Information This video, titled ’35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better!’, was uploaded by Dr. Bonks on 2024-08-16 20:00:07. It has garnered 212932 views and 3122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:45 or 1365 seconds. Thank you for watching: 35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better! Make sure to like and subscribe! Resource Packs:… Read More

  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

    Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Over Smart Zombies: Survival Challenge in Minecraft Telugu | GMK GAMER’, was uploaded by GMK GAMER on 2024-05-11 03:30:07. It has garnered 18448 views and 1213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. ✔ Follow Me On Insta : ✔Join My discord : gmkgamer minecraft gmkgamer minecraft telugu Telugu Minecraft _______________________________________________________ My PC Specs : Monitor – Asus 27 inch 144hz 2k Processor – AMD Ryzen 7 5800x Graphic card – NVIDIA RTX 3080Ti Motherboard – Gigabyte B550 Aorus Pro Ac RAM – 32GB (16+16) Corsair Vengeance… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

    Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won't believe it! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, de van fizika #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #vicces #kovix’, was uploaded by kovix on 2024-07-22 11:43:07. It has garnered 106890 views and 4197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft but with physics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #funny #kovix inspiration: The server was provided by Woodcraft 💙 this is a minecraft smp, which is an abbreviation of survival multiplayer, this is a server where there is no bedwars minecraft game in Hungarian, I am Hun Hungarian, so this is mc in Hungarian, mc Hun, Hungarian server woodcraft is… Read More

  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

    Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXELMON SIÊU CẤP *TẬP CUỐI | LỘC CHINH PHỤC ARCEUS TỐI THƯỢNG VÀ CHIA TAY TẤT CẢ POKEMON❗’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-08-19 02:00:13. It has garnered 447526 views and 10839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:50 or 3230 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT PIXELMON SUPERIOR *FINAL EPISODE | LOC CONQUERS THE SUPREME ARCEUS AND SAY GOODBYE TO ALL POKEMON❗ 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help me enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button… Read More

  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More