MERRY CHRISTMAS! Can I Beat Minecraft In One Stream?!

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For I will uh I’ll be here uh shortly just uh go wait for a bit all right hello hello hello hello what up Nina p what’s up how are you and what’s up CEST and what’s up Goofy Goober hello everybody yeah I’m AFK I got your oven

Geez oven how many more account how many accounts do you have one of these days I’m just going to see like you know I don’t know 13 different like people saying hi and they’re all going to say guess what it’s me oven all right I’m only on this account cuz I’m on my

Phone that’s all right think you know it’s always fun when you stop in it’s always fun when you stop in you know it is Christmas Eve so I’m not expecting anyone to stay for crazy hours but since it’s Christmas Eve and I got nothing better to do

Um why not do an idea I came up with where I got to uh not going to stop till he beat the Ender Dragon you don’t celebrate Christmas what to each of their own some people C got time to kill oh yeah yeah everyone gots time to kill at some

Point but do you have as much time to kill as me that’s the real question so we got a nice festive festive thing uh mash up nice all right I don’t know what to do I should probably get started but I’m probably just going to let you

Know just just run around a little bit figure out what I be doing explore floor and get shot by skeletons it was up down last night I spent 8 hours listening to the same song on repeat jeez that that’s a that’s a lot this is not a real door that’s makes me

Sad yeah how exactly oh look at this house look at it look at it it’s all festive oh that’s cuz the floor lights well there’s probably like a uh order pack too yeah over eight hours jeez listen to the same exact thing all right we got

Cake did I put this on hard mode why is my hunger bar not going down my it’s not doing anything to make it go down oh put on easy on accident who knows we gu be have to see hold up you woke up at 2:30 p.m. jeez all right

Let’s like that my hunger bar is not going down makes me feel weird we’re going to find a bed though we’re going to get started we’re going to find a Bed we’re going to get there’s no bed with this Village uh yeah no there ain’t no villagers here I’m going to lose

It give me a bed hold up hold the phone this diamond LS wait minute how much damage you guys do oh it’s on easy oh it’s on easy mode no no I got to fix it no I there I I went to sleep at 4:00 a.m. and got

Up at 6:00 a.m. and like how are you sleeping for 8 plus hours coldest I sleep for 8 plus hours sometimes but that’s like when I sleep for like four plus hours um I I love my I love that this is a running theme on my streams so

Um when one thing goes good something else has to fail so my controller is pretty well charged my headset’s pretty well charge and of course I have to put the game on easy mode we’ll be back technical difficulties whoopsie never mind I’m a uh I’m special

It’s on hard mode I don’t know what I’m doing anymore okay now I got to get same call Diamond laws and start sound crazy because I’m talking to Diamond laws and then you can’t hear him because life sucks and yeah where is it there it is oh wait I don’t think this one

Works oh no oh I love gosh dang it why do you sub for 9 hours listen to the same song on repeat how do you do that and also Diamond Law is the Grinch I love it we should have went festive Skin Diamond laws o wait oh wait it’s

This there a whole rail system all right now we’re I want to explore now I want to I want to see the world all right let’s just there we go perfect go to here Perfect all right all right so everyone that’s in here we’re going to be trying to uh

Anyone that’s new anyone uh I’ll have a good stream anyone that’s coming in all right we’re going to try to defeat the Ender Dragon so and if we don’t we have to keep streaming till we do and so that’s how today’s going to run today that’s how today’s going to go and we’re

Doing this festive thing cuz you know what I love Christmas I love it so oven’s back oven there was an impostor I swear uh it was not you you never said it was you it was I knew it was an impostor oven was never here oven welcome to the stream there was someone

Claiming to be 100% oh yeah Diamond Lo D Auto Correct who’s auto correct I know your oven by the way oven who’s auto correct very interesting oh there’s polar bears uh nobody I you’re talking about I don’t know all right there’s nothing here should probably take that little see where that thing

Goes see where that rail goes in this world we’ll take that little Minecart trip and if I don’t go anywhere cool I’m going to cry if I go somewhere cool I’m not going to cry all right hey was go mining I got to I’m trying to figure out what I’m doing

Like it’s to getting starting part that’s the hard this is this the wrong way is this the right way I think this is the right way this is the right way we’re going to figure out where we’re going we’re going to see where this goes and we’re going to get some trees and

Start mining figure out place to mine maybe not live but we got we got to be a Pac Mill D my carts used to like you know go back and forth on that now they they go straight I feel like that’s a memory that’s in my head right now yeah Nina

Panini messing with me oven oven messing around my streams ah please don’t I just started out I don’t have the financials to afford insurance on this rail system so uh thank you or on my life all right perfect don’t know where I am do I want to go mining

Here well there is some nice luxurious buildings here can I please get a bed and there is food look at that life’s looking up Life’s looking up right now it’s looking beautiful I left Diamond laws to his own devices right now just get a lot of gold iron blocks

Enchantment tables and 10 D B diamonds yeah IA just need that going try to get a bed I’m starving a music disc wow candy canes don’t grow from the I don’t know what you’re talking about Nina Panini I know talk about all right there’s we actually got to some nice treed

Area get some trees maybe avoid that creeper gingerbread gingerbread men are dandelion this world H Christmas tree Christmas tree Christmas all your way Christmas crisp crispy crisp Crispy Cream donut hold up let me be back real quick have to pause stream real quick let’s get

That I don’t want to beat the game fast though and at the same time I do though I want to be be able to beat the game before I turned on the Minecraft music cuz I thought it was me it’s a little festive it’s a little festive oh yeah there we

Go I guess we just start digging here actually yeah start digging here get some like stone tools I mean yeah oh this why just look like fruit cake the dirt looks like fruit cake I don’t like it little scary well that’s Stone okay why that look like snow Stone snow snow

Stone gobble gobble okay play it slow and get full D Nina pen oh my oven I can’t tell if those are other accounts you have or if if that’s just you Chang your name like 15 million times oven is a interesting fellow right now we’re going to keep going till everything

Breaks so we can use up 100% Effectiveness is this just vanilla this is vanilla Minecraft uh Sasquatch or no not Sasquatch I read that wrong I’m sorry squ squashy uh my break is going pretty well uh it’s going pretty nice how’s your break and actually how how is everyone’s break going oh I’m

Sorry I’m sorry squashy yeah oven I see your microwave oven I see your Ikea now like Chang like 15 different times you’re like a shape shifter that’s good to hear it’s going well man I did see I’m angry at myself your breaks whatever why is it

Whatever just like the same old same old from the other years I can make it whatever okay I broke we can head out now this grael oh my God oven oven I can’t oven oven oven you’re going to make me lose my crap cuz then I’m going have somebody

Else come in my stream that’s actually somebody different and I’m going to say no no you’re oven you’re not you’re not this dude you’re oven and then they’re going to be that dude and they’re going be like you so mean to me that’s all good or unless other people are hopping

On the bandwagon now oven part part partly just playing games and stuff ah that’s I guess yeah I guess mine’s kind of going M but got stuff planned maybe oh this is an apple wait I forgot Kandy apples are yeah give me another Apple want another Apple give me

Another Apple got another Apple wo there’s some more food here where are carrots oh carrots are actually carrots here’s this uh why would I replant I only replant the seeds because the seeds are annoying they have on you they take up a lot of inventory to Eclipse I don’t want to

Hear I’ll stream on this one this stream is about to be the best there is a really nice movie you can watch cus uh I got done watching with my father last night it’s called claw it’s on Netflix it’s like made it has older animation style but it’s like made in

2009 which is crazy it’s like uh when disy you know the movie Atlantis like that type of Animation style but like better but you still think it’s a lot order no like Santa Claus like the last name the last name claw instead of Santa instead of Santa being front it’s just claw so

KL U as Clause that that that’s what it’s called it’s I think it I I I really like the movie so anything else did I check further in here did it go up so I got music I got some worthless stuff on me diam is still in here I don’t know where

He is but he he’s he’s doing he’s doing him he’s doing him all right we’re going to I want to see where everything else goes you know okay I know what to do oh my God I don’t like that they give you slowness poor painting yeah it’s a Christmas movie

It’s a Christmas hi uh hi Teletubby I not want to believe it was Teletubby at the start but it’s Teletubby how you doing Teletubby how’s your Christmas break going oh yeah two clips how’s your Christmas break going man saying L stream can’t believe but you know it’s Christmas

Movie uh that’s why I recommended it Iz like looking for one I was like well looks really looks claw looks like a really good uh looks like a really good movie and it’s a bit animated you know oh I found a bed I forgot I got Diamond

LS but we can take that for a spawn point you hate Christmas movies ah well I don’t know to help you I don’t know how to help you there man Teletubby man man you are a Teletubby wait what do you mean you cut yourself three times too like but likeit

That’s not you all good oh wait did you just cut yourself cuz you’re making stuff how’d you cut yourself three times gosh Dang this place looks nice though laa display Po in the other one I don’t know Teletubbies I’m be honest with you I don’t know telop oh look at the Snowman nice Minecraft music it might be a bit loud um which I’m realizing this guys complain about it I will I will fix

It cutting wood with a knife and the knife didn’t agree with the with what to cut I’ve uh sure teletub you can tell me if you want to as long as there nothing like you Know crazy I guess I hate oven I’m going to throw my I’m I’m going to lose my crap of I’m going to lose it most likely just going to rewatch stranger things season 2 or something yeah okay ah man I don’t know I like I’m thinking of Christmas

Movies right now cuz you know it’s Christmas time is that a is that a oven furnace I need that furnace thank you here we go um what was I thinking about oh there’s a whole village here here go that way that way that way hey Diamond Los hey what’s up I’m going

Away B shot At yeah right now I can only think of Christmas movies so I’m sorry I can’t give you any like good good things to watch yeah I I Alvin now I know it’s you Alin GE okay I was about the comment to e clipse on your wood wood making

So I’m guessing you were carving if you were cutting wood or unless you were like chopping or something I was chopping my own wood not chopping I was carving a chest piece a queen for like a friend and um I I was rushing I had an

All done it was all beautiful I get on The Jig and I leave it at fast because I want it done quickly and then it chips the whole entire thing with the top so I had to kind of make it rough and I hate I hate it everything else is good about

It but I hate that part about it cuz I was rushing it was like I only had one day left to do it I’m so pissed about it have I been here before no yeah no it’s supposed to be for a friend too so I’m like really pissed about it

But it’ll be all right it looks good still hopefully but uh you what wait you had your hands in why we why are you trying to how’s the how is the pipe clogged like how bad how bad was that pipe Clogg to where immedia had to do that whoa did I find a

Secret oh my God never mind I found a ton I found something that’s natural no not not even something cool I did find more food though I’ve kind of lost my wait a minute a monitor uh what would you buy a monitor for well that’s a stupid question

Diamond laws what you doing what you doing I don’t why am I replaying when I’m being shot at mud rocks crap and piss ah i s my spawn point no I didn’t set my spawn point a I just lost everything [Applause] everything good oven I’m good to hear

That you ran out of Al the counts school games well okay no what’s up here I me yeah I’ll just make more I have to the bed is the one thing I want though so I’m head this way this is not the same all spawn points are disabled

Whoopsie there’s that train station I can see if I I can head the opposite direction see if I can get back to my loot quicker or head the normal way I hate these guys oh I hate these guys why is the Christmas stuff everywhere cuz it’s it’s Christmas Eve it’s Christmas

Eve it’s also a texture ma mashup pack from like what 2017 oh like you were like real close so I’m guessing where I died was real close I’m guessing where I died was like right over here ah that I bye oh you just took this way yeah it’s older this is a older

Mashup pack so like this is before like this is before like uh Shields bees all that other this before no what I was following this this this mashup pack was before Minecraft PlayStation like PlayStation edition see you say oh wait no I found it my finally finished sweet home what’s sweet home

H I found found the way found a way I found a way yeah know this is like this was made before PlayStation Minecraft was even like combined with uh Minecraft so like we were separate separated ah yeah this is where I died to 2016 H that’s what I thought I’ll be your

Comment that is where I died went wrong way what do you mean I went you you know what Diamond laws you are a bad follow you are a bad at guiding me that’s the issue wait Jeff holy sh Wait that doesn’t make no sense 2017 no Dam too late I’m walking I’m already

Going jeez you’re a young one wait how old that make you wait Jeff stop freaking freaking my brain out right now okay buddy Dam where are you going you’re starting a nursery next September what oh okay you’re going this way this way okay okay Dominos St a show

About monsters trying to keep your Humanity when you’re about to turn wait it’s a Netflix show about monsters and trying to oh when you’re about to turn into one huh Diamond laws you make diamond laws you oh yeah it’s this way never mind you’re good about monster and trying to keep

Your Humanity when you are about to turn into cuz I can’t read on the on the on the run so we got I’m going to commit arson in my don’t do don’t commit arson Jeff that’s not good Jeff Jeff that’s bad Jeff no Jeff bad bad Jeff bad Oh hit you okay Diamond it is you already picked up my Stuff want to try to further explore my mommy said I can do anything I put my mind to you can if it’s against the law you can’t I don’t know give my crap Back L I need food I you can have it we just have to regain it’s really could be real simple give me my Apple at least give my Apple want my Apple I get everything Else Grinch is going to steal my Christmas no I’m not the government i’ never be the government D all the clip is the government that so don’t don’t listen to him yep yep yep mhmh two2 Clips want you to commit the The the government wants you to uh uh play Pokemon oh thank you you my stuff by no topse does not support your choices he’s he’s anti he’s anti you yeah yeah yeah yeah oh okay taking my music discs I see my hard earned hard gained music discs I want to come after you Buddy buddy to Clips do you support My dops is the government I don’t know if you want to trust them yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 100% you Grinch I think I run faster than that come here you Grinch steal my steal my my music my music Boxes get back over here get back over here Grinch get over here grin is stealing my Christmas music dude a troll of breadcrumbs come get you I want my music back uhoh uhoh uh-oh Oh ah the could just get it away Walking Dead is I heard is really great in the beginning till season 7 season 7 I think ruins it I think people say griny steal my Christmas grin is stealing my Christmas where where’d he go yes Jeff you can tell me

Something are you oven let me guess you’re oven yeah you’re oven I think the Grinch just stole my music boxes I think I I lost the Grinch cuz I’m yeah know I knew you I found the Grinch with Superior tracking grin give me give me my give me

My give me my give me my give me my music boxes back you you Grinch elf now he’s a grinch elf he’s taking a lot of fall damage he’s taking a lot of damage oh oh fall damage don’t care about armor let’s go I got him right before he left that’s

Hilarious oh my God no way no shot no shot I got music boxes back let’s go let’s go people no NOP I’ve I’ve seen stranger things I’ve watched it you found Cat music desk I got free armor now Jeff Jeff the Killer no it’s Jeff the

Oven I think this is a perfect place to uh explore wor season in your opinion of stranger things probably the fourth fourth is fourth is like I don’t know if I even finished I might have like two episodes left jeez place is elaborate it’s a floating button it’s a broken button

All okay what is this all about I think I just find a m shaft I think we’re going to we going get the mining look at that four season is good at the end but long the worst ones for me is three I don’t know I think I liked I like season

3 season four is not I don’t know I like them all but season 4 to me I think he’s the worst one out the rest like you hate season 3 season 3 had it to where a hop got quote unquote died now now the grind for this is

Real Ain you are one of the most interesting fellows I’ve ever seen season 3 was only good with the Russians vadan Hawkins yeah you’re right about that so that’s what made it good there there’s nothing else they could expand upon it so they had to do like russing and stuff cuz like what

Other reason would you know stuff start happening again they kind of like stopped the thing and then they had to figure out another season 4 they had to like figure out another one but interesting cool thing is that like every single time there had to be a a DND d reference

To everything you know like VNA he’s like this from D and D this guy like this is D and D it was fun I like it but like you know I think VNA though was a bit of a push for like giving it a reason why he’s coming back just like

This guy randomly Starts Now doing this stuff again but I night my birthday was on last Tuesday well happy birthday late birthday for that I think I’ve said happy early too but nonetheless if I haven’t happy very happy for you how’d your birthday go oven how was that last Tuesday Birthday some more coal much coal do we got I got I got enough for a little more there we go though perfect I got some Bells I got a phone and my brother got me a book Nice well that’s gold Pro tip and yester May a and cousin cousin game that’s nice aunts and cousins are always nice unless it’s that like an like yeah aunt that’s like the annoying one but nonetheless annoying or not they all love You hey at least your birthday is not like you know 24th or something interesting birthdays December birthdays are always interesting because they’re December and January cuz my cousin’s birthday was a week before mine my mom made him a igle piggle cake oh jeez it’s the 26th that’s why I said December

Birthdays December birthdays especially interesting cuz you know yeah no that reason get a birthday right after Christmas it’s like K to be the worst or the best Thing I didn’t know your birthday was uh is that diamonds is that lapis I’m thinking lapis it’s lapis I want to make diamonds that easy on me but uh interesting to know your birthday’s on December 17th gold us I don’t know if I said happy uh birthday for that so happy late birthday

For Anya for the as your brother has always worked on his birthday a Man mind That going me trying to waste as much of this pick as possible to get iron to smell for an iron Pick yeah yeah know that’s a big rip working on your birthday what’s that up there But you got to do that pay the bills but but he chooses to work on his birthday for some Reason some people I don’t know I can’t huh People Are People of course there’s nothing in here diamonds already come through here I swear to God I’d probably work on my birthday once in a while maybe that little rodent either that’s empty or he’s been through here Dam get out of my

Server I’m kidding I want that gold so there’s like no copper unless we get like deeper so like corns on there would be like diamonds at y y1 like a lot probably so I said this is like an older save not order save this is order map here we go though don’t need

Much I mean I already got a full set of armor so I’m thinking of a yeah some people do like working said better words than me Co it’s better words than me cuz I can’t figure out what to say for half my life o thank you got

String I don’t I never really watch squid games I don’t hate it but it’s not like my cup of tea it’s interesting that that’s one thing I do love about it it’s like it’s concept and everything about it’s very interesting and that’s one of the reasons why I like it but anything else

Really not really much what do you mean Uncle Ben what happened D what it downloads D you streaming probably not we got a stack of coal which is nice do have a furnace on me forgot about that o missing content no I’m kidding I was wondering know if you’re going to do a

Shameless plug or not on my stream the first one is good but they made it into a TV show like Mr Beast did and didn’t it credit Diamond lws wait okay the first one is good but they made it into a TV show like what what Mr Beast did and

Didn’t huh also Diamond laws if you don’t know about him he’s uh another guy that’s uh me and him they’re also in a sub race for 500 Subs uh it’s not really that big of a deal but I think it’s a fun little thing that we got going but me and him

Partners in CR I’m doing YouTube so if you want to go check him out you can he like streamed fortnite rocket racing earlier imagine okay there there’s a Shameless plug right there but oh you’re telling me like a squid game next season copied Mr Beast I

Want I want to doubt it he’s pretty successful so like you you know you just see what some good somebody does you’re like I’ll take it I don’t know I can’t speak for it hey [Applause] Griffin what’s up we uh trying to beat the game do I have it I don’t have

Wood well thankfully we’re in a m shaft guys I have to uh we Go the Grinch is starving you don’t get food the Grinch you try to steal my music my Question I’ll leave that link in There yeah promise me you can’t steal my music grin sh SC game the new one I tried on mobile a few days ago only Looked an hour to get to the nether I’ll be trying to stream for a good while I’m not trying not to go too fast but I probably should be getting to the nether here quit soon as if I don’t what could happen is I might use up too much of my

Time that I got to like you know end stream when it’s not even time to end I don’t want that to happen Grinch you got to I don’t know where I am to get out of here Diamond laws I was trying to speedrun so rip o an hour Speedrun I yeah get those like those 20 how what’s the longest speedrun what do mean is the longest speed huh well the shortest not the longest just shortest jeez I’m at shortest they’re like quick I haven’t even gotten out of the nether jeez jesm yeah I probably just dig Up 8 to 6 minutes Jesus WEA jees a Weise man how do you do that one you got to get a really good spawn and two you just got to be fast and I don’t I don’t like speed speedrun speedr Runners make me I mean I

Try to become a speed like for uh certain things like parkour but that’s like an Hive it’s not like a big Thing I know I try to like get Speedy fast and Titanfall too like I try to be fast in Titanfall too for that starting area I think I just did enough to like beat one one thing okay we got gold it’s good we need gold we don’t need any of the other

Crap we just need some gold for the road for Nether we don’t really need any other iron tool besides a pickaxe let lapis again see if we can find diamonds down here some more gold more coal there’s some raw iron I’ll take that more iron the better yeah I need to make some buckets I found a lot of lava so I should

Probably be doing that right now I want to find Diamonds though and more gold all right I think you’re pretty good on everything yeah we just need one water bucket so we got water we got a lava pit right here we can actually uh huh can I wait there it is

How long I been streaming it’s been an hour wow Griffin spending about time except I probably like had because it’s like a pre-done world I had some like extra variables all if I’m going to the nether though this is a world this is a world oh I can get a shield okay I’m

Going to need that this is a h festive mashup all right Diamond LS we need to build another at the in the main Town Square so I’m going to figure out how to make a bunch of buckets once I find the buckets cuz I can’t recognize what a bucket looks

Like if I have enough to make a cauldron I have enough to make a bucket oh my God that’s funny give me it’s actually hilarious all right how much do we need for nether portal one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 need 10 so we need two more

Buckets I got it one two three four five 6 seven eight nine we’ll actually have enough why do I got Oak fence in here bye get out of my inventory no need you I don’t need you mommy said I’m a I’m a real boy now Pinocchio

Reference I’m a real boy one two three four five six seven eight nine what one two three four five six seven eight n wait has that always been nine yes it has four the right four the left we need room for that yeah I got 10 let’s wait for this

Stuff to get un smelting and then we can head back to top cuz I don’t think H might be able to set spawn point might not be able to set spawn point I don’t know says set but I don’t trust it e Thomas Tank Engine stuck in my

Head there we go perfect perfect perfect perfect we got full inventory uh time to get out of here inventory and yeah we just dig straight up if I die I will cry that’s why you said a torch below you always put a torch below you when you’re digging straight

Up or else you might find gravel and a untimely demise untimely end let me just head up this way do less digging you know I been up here before yeah I was already over here no wait that’s not my stuff what I’m exploring now I’m exploring now I get sidetracked

So easily right now we’re going to go up look at this up we’re going up okay yeah we’re going up this way okay why am I see if I go up that way though when I come back down I don’t know where to go why do we need know where to go I

Don’t know where don’t ask questions oh what’s that over there hold up what’s this finding things look at that more Opies you know I don’t got Flint steel Apple I’m sorry but my tum tums gargling a little bit and I need Flint Steel well we we’ll get the Flint here soon watch Okay woo so good at the game guys yeah lava will work but guess what I just ate my Apple too late already got the Flint yeah beds are no beds do work I knew beds worked I’m just going to put it in the Town Square the nether portal because this is a normal Minecraft world I’ll see you cus thanks for stopping by have a Merry Christmas all right even if you’re only Christmas movie have a good

Season is this it’s because it didn’t work because I I died too quickly when I said my spawn point when I set them my spawn Point still what is this clay got Clay on Me oh Diamond LS get to Bed yeah the bed was on the floor when I I I said it I just I died too quickly I believe that’s what Happened here go um might be all safe Now safe life repair Safe Life replace that that jingle stuck in my head now it’s like from a Commercial I know how I know how the spawn points work we’re just talking about it not working like when I when I did have it set oh well I’m ruining a perfectly good water I hate you there’s another One jeez Louise there’s another oh I’m about to Die there’s too many of you hidden in Trees there we go snipe snipe him with his own arrows so smart come on got him in my cave I had to fight like 142 mobs bro yeah no too many oh my God it’s like so I’m dealing with this Fest of Christmas right

Here all right let me let me let me just go go to the town square right just create another portal there right just go there and create another portal okay can I do that hey we’re good look at this diamond laws look at them over there look at them over

Here look at the dude look at the Grinch look at the Grinch oh yeah all what what what what oh that works let me get the layout you back I’m laid it out first I also need water okay that’s your fault you went right in there okay man get right in

There I know what I’m doing all right so my inventory is full are more full than the high heaven itself oh I know where to get I I know I know I I I know where to get some lava I know where to get some lava I know I know

Exactly where to get some lava crisis averted crisis averted crisis averted no way no shot I just did that I’m eating up before I come down I’m eating up before I come down I’m eating up before I come down Should have like That there you go What may you go well Diamond LS may you go well tell me how it is tell me how the nether is Yes indeed I did it yes indeed all Right I need to get some wood for a chest cuz there’s no keep inventory and things can go south real quick there’s a bed in here wow after all the buildings I checked there’s a bed in there that’s going to bug somebody in the Stream

So no I got gold on me gold boots boots are cheaper there we go D we must to be nice to each other all right we must be a community it’s it’s festive year it’s the most thirsty oh wrong wrong one one thing it’s one Most Wonderful Time of

The Year where we gift the gifts are given so where are you there go point just set a chest here we must keep the music boxes safe Diamond laws this is our main objective it’s not even kill the Ender Dragon it’s getting music boxes all right the music

Discs why I say boxes don’t ask questions stop asking questions on my stream all right don’t ask only Supply okay here we go gold boots oh there you are it looks all cold in here but it’s really just like a fiery fire this interesting quartz you’re quartz

Um all right let’s figure our way out of here Jes no sh’s about to die I got perfect right this way should be bigger area well we’ll we’ll figure out a way out of this to a bigger area now this is older Minecraft we’d be really boned there’s not those little Walker

Guys that walk you know so we don’t got a saddle so kind of bone but like you know can’t get shers walk in lava the older version back and get a new new pickaxe new iron one looks like ice yeah it’s far from it we’re packed now we’re really packed now Oh I’m wearing chain armor elf the elf armor is chain armor that I may or may not have got it from D through uh very suspicious ways do I need I need sticks IR pick that looks like a diamond pick I love it man I can’t beat the Ender Dragon this

Quickly you’re probably just going to look for diamonds yes yes it is it’s festive though for Christmas spirit yeah it does not look like we’re in the nether here we go oh let’s go B bug the updated the pack for uh for the you know this

Stuff please don’t I forgot do you guys have no that was in quest line quest line that insane knockback it’s crazy what oh B got still got insane range and damage insane range and damage I don’t like you guys hey while on blocks that ain’t good me just get some wood guys keep

Snoring I want to get greedy but you guys don’t seem too friendly weird nothing bad with me guys I swear nothing wrong I just want to trade you’re not going to shoot me right they are going to shoot me you gingerbread looking Pig I don’t like you guys you guys can

Uh rock around a different Christmas tree if you want to forget about me forget about me forget about me forget about me forget about me forget about me come on forget about me Hi guys yes please don’t what do you look like though wow interesting please go away please go away please go away please go away please just not exist don’t come any closer think we’re in good terms he won’t come any closer I’ll be fine everything be hunky dory anyy dny

Well never mind I was about to say wow that wood has really adapted and I get burnt no it just had a stronger upper body till now I see if we can get some trading going I got a present for you oh not you he do not want the smoke he he knows

About about me yeah you don’t want to smoke why is it four hey it’s all right what’s up zombie pigman tell you’re zombie cuz you’re all green okay I want to trade but I can’t do negotiations got these big Hogs here yeah I know I’m going to try to avoid fire spread

All right let’s get some of this what is wood wood is wood and I need it I need it I need it got to find a fortress cuz we got to find blazes but what we can do right now is just trade what we got and then

Probably head back for a food resupply and see if we can find any like fortresses while we go explore cuz we got we’re have a lot of wood right now so a lot of building materials only issue is it going to be Lava and we’re

Going to be fine you’re going be fine f to cheer fruit cake I think one of my objectives for the stream is after kind of doing all this just to uh man they they all left me they they literally all left me oh no got pigling guy right there pigling guy right

There let me save you Buster there we go look what I got look what I got look what I got look what I got look what I got look what I got look what ooh shiny shiny ooh shiny look what I got perfect I got four ender pearls right

Nice man they ornaments stillo nice we’re off the bat what’s my luck got a fire Charge nether brick is that nether right it’s nether brick not not not that great splash potion of fire resistance that’s nice come on how’s the quality man I didn’t want black Stone on Playstation which is better cuz uh Playstation allows me to allows me to do this allows me to stream and

Everything get this PlayStation has its own editing software crazy thanks what you’re trying to figure out what console you want to get CU I say PlayStation well for me if I want to be like you know I’m making I’m on Amazon Fire tablet Amazon Fire tablet that’s that’s crazy that’s cool though that’s

Cool no I just asked you few times in a few streams oh did I not answer did I not see I’m sorry man oh holy moly look how close that lava is got my stuff back but that’s way too close for comfort way too close two

Minutes I guess we head that way seems like a good way to go now which way did it come out of there’s like yeah yeah yeah right here right here no no I didn’t yes it did yes it did we’ll mark it with this just make a bread crumb Trail perfect that

Works back for food resupply so we’re going need some more food for Adventures I got to go but you might still be on here at 8 so I’ll watch then if you’re if you’re streaming still I’ll see you Griffin have a good one you have a merry Christmas but I’ll see you

Again all right now I do want to stream to last ah so I might do is maybe figure some resources and build a little cozy little Shack somewhere I want to I want to I want to break this whole entire tree down but at same time it’s one massive amazing

Beautiful Christmas tree so I can’t because it’s Christmas all right what do I but do I need to figure out objectives first before I do anything stupid I need to get some more gold because I need to get some more ender pearls I did say get a food resupply need keep

At least two of you there so we can make some more uh crops actually just put that back in there take half of that should be fine it gives a lot more give me some more of that nether brick see if we use some netherite for troubles for while we

Don’t need to replenish my axe got everything we need for travel probably underdoing it but here we go use you there we go fix that up so don’t make that same mistake and it sh in lava man this stuff’s hard I don’t know how Minecraft speed run do this crap for this

Stuff but they do it it’s wild all right I was hoping You’ had to another opening but no too much to ask too much to ask for it for that ready I wanted all right yeah so I head this way so it seems like yeah it goes out

More able to find a fortress a lot quicker I do need to head up watch where I’m going might spell some Bad News Bears for me probably head up just normal normally I need those boots I need those boots I need those boots what up fellas okie dokie they don’t like me not

Like me you not like me do not like me all right just get on one side there we go perfect what I’m doing what is my shield at okay that’s not that’s okay I think I might have found found some is it something though or is it just

Bricks let’s convert you in the wood keep you on the ready I think you just found a pillar that’s it yeah shoot me I dare you you won’t coward don’t actually shoot me please do not I don’t want a gas hole in me or too far in the nether I found a blaze

Spawner I found a blaze spawner that’s that’s this is actually wild I’m part of a fortress that’s just encased in snow or netherite netherite who would have thought my my chances for this actually wild and who would have thought I would have died right there who would have

Thought who would have thought chances chances on that tell me I need a pickaxe me dying right there that quickly I need those blaze rods so my chain armor back let see how good my memory is folks here right now tpk KN is going to figure out whether his memory is good

Or bad please folks strap on in and get ready for the ride will he be able to make it back to his loot or will he die many many hilarious horrible deaths stay tuned to the next one and up on next programming is Jeffrey the dog licking peanut butter

Off a doormat oh the crowd loves it guys guys like I’m a funny guy I’m a comedian I should be I should do standup comedy yeah you guys guys agree right you guys agree oh yeah you guys agree wholeheartedly oh this is so close to this this BL spawner is very close

Nothing got burned so I’m happy okay buddy okay buddy okay buddy okay okay okay okay I create some distance I got to create a bigger room actually I don’t need to I just got this little little little little section right here I should be fine what up that top here oh what’s up

I’m so Good yeah just one big pillar yeah where to go over here that’s very interesting I I’m I seen a lot of them just spawned right now like a lot a lot what’s up man I almost hit you o here comes the party here comes the party in the

USA I can’t fight these blazes if there’s a pig guy in the Way I I got to go I got to go I got to go I got to go I got to go I’m died to fire damage oh no there’s a pig guy that took it a that’s great that’s great that’s great that’s great that’s fun that’s perfect that’s just what I

Wanted that’s what I wanted skeletons I don’t I don’t want to hear it I don’t want to hear it I don’t want to hear it I don’t I don’t I don’t want to feel it I don’t want to hear it I don’t want to see it I don’t want to

Know it I don’t want to believe it okay thank you for giving me slowness as long as the stuff still there we’re good we’re okay we got it get that and we get the heck out of there all right we get the stuff and we

Get out we got to kill that thing that took my armor so everything that’s in that hole end I like it but I can’t fight it cuz I got it’s got two tap me one tap me why you coming closer to me I’m a lucky man I’m a lucky man I’m a

Lucky lucky lucky lucky man I’m also very lucky that this is very close I’m not doing too too hot in the nether not doing so well I need get a iron door for that man if only there was Christmas music in the nether I’d be happy whoa buddy little close

There I see who took it oh my God it’s an actual active one too I only got the boots got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go back in here grap you boom perfect perfect out of here we

Got maybe enough blaze rods yeah we got enough we got enough right no we don’t we need 16 I did get gold turn them into gold see if I can get some more ender pearls no I got gravel thank you oh my favorite NE brick please

That’s hot oh that’s hot that’s hot G that’s top G right there top G guy right there give me three instead of four but like I ain’t I ain’t beggers can’t be choosers oh up come here come here come here you’re low enough for me oh

Yeah right let’s see we get some Blaze kill some more blazes now we actually got y should make this room a little bigger what you scar making a room bigger in the case of these guys cuz that can happen actually go that way maybe you want to keep it like that no

Okay like that okay come on down the weather’s fine perfect okay maybe we can’t expand that way if it wasn’t a twofer all right we got what we need what is the chances of just being a freaking that spawn in and having a blaze Spawner in there and I just dig it

Out that’s like very low like I got very lucky with that I still can’t believe like the best like freaking speedrun is like 8 minutes oh God no hey we’re good let’s heal up before I do something stupid oh I do so many stupid things in Minecraft that’s everyone’s day G how’s

Everyone’s Christmas Eve the day before Christmas how’s it going I was going good I’m going to sit in this corner heal up All right we’re good we good to go we’re good to go we’re perfect he need any hunky dory hunky chory H this supp to be like a uh toy Nerf dart that’s crazy I like it great lock that up Diamond laws guess what we got the S materials to

Make Eyes of Ender what do you mean Mah you shoot you that the funniest thing that has happened today shall Return ah all right he shall return he says it’s a wishbone just want to go find let’s go find It all this Way the this way this way I’m so good at parkour Guys wait a minute hold Up okay I thought was going to be a sant’s workshop but no s s don’t got the he don’t got the portal Me on I don’t have The Dam I even blocks on me yeah I do I got things to build with yes oh by the way there’s probably this whole entire map is probably like snow igloo woo found some found some oh wait a minute this there’s a railway never mind didn’t find nothing cool I already been through

Here there’s a polar bear but you’re not to kill me cuz guess what I’m in here and you can’t come in here cuz you’re too big all right we shall Go what’s that over there don’t want to deal with those guys I’m GNA probably die and lose it ose my brain over it got my only ender pearls which are eyes of enders now D’s rejoined this supposed to be like underwater thing that’s like above I found

It h of course ah yes the best thing in the world ah yes yes yes these are high quality tier loot right there high quality going that way don’t break Sweet Caroline go look snowy no matter where you go whoa why is everything above water what what oh don’t tell me it’s in here uh it probably is that looked like a ship that is not a ship that is a house on a dirt that looks like a

Boat all right I bet my lucky horseshoe it’s here my my Wishbone that I got Z me bet all my lucky wishbones that it’s here is a dead Village why is that like that what well ain’t over here but it’s over here that’s pretty cool triangulate

It you know it’s here it’s here Chief it’s here it’s here chief Master Chief it’s here now where do I start digging start digging here where where do I start digging where do I start digging I think I’ll start digging right here not right there this is quicker than anything I’ve ever

Done fastes we uh we’ll dig straight down from up here we’ll get up top of here we’ll get to the tippy top the tippy top of overl looking the whole world oh give me that that potatoes give me all those potatoes give me all those beetroot too oh yeah all

Right May the digging commence this little house right in the middle Bingo right on top of it watch gosh dang it got go one over okay one over that’ll be fine okay no no no no no no you just go over one fix all of our issues all of our problems look at

That what is this Granite I don’t like Granite actually I should be doing that cuz I got wood I got stuff okay perfect give yourself a new pickaxe when I need to I shouldn’t need one though what is this diary I’m saying oh exactly what I’m looking for I’m looking for anything that looks like a

Brick brick brick shape you know hey look we found it wood I’m directly on top of the library huh that’s crazy my pig was just about to break down my inventory is so full D I can not get to a bed love to also love to find a chest

Full of goodies that I can deposit the Grinch is here to ruin your Christmas I don’t believe it Diamond walls enchantment sweet all right let’s throw some junk away that we don’t need That coal that be can go Away all right let’s eat these potatoes up nice nice I like it I like what I’m Seeing oh I found it I hate you guys I hate you guys I hate you guys I hate you guys no back off I need all of them need five more you guys are still spawning okay let let slide let slide for now let slide let it slide

Let’s crazy how quick I just found that too I like it all right we need to get more I guess we need to get more gold which I know exactly where to go for gold lethal company has taught me well on how to explore oh wait I already went through here what maybe

Hasn’t I went all those ways that’s right this place is small CU that’s Mossy I’m guessing that’s not Mossy wait am I right hold up stone bricks what are you Mossy okay that makes sense that is actually makes a lot more sense of what I did we actually go ahead and go grab

You get the books and paper take those steaks back take the wood back we need that wood I’ll be it may some string along the way as well yeah I need to get ladders yep sweet I think I heard the Iron Golem die I think Iron Golem

Die oh to fall down there Don come on D what the do you well so can you leave and put cords on please no not put on cords hey cordus you’re back what’s up how you doing oh it’s your first time on the stream of course yeah yeah yeah cus

Welcome we’re playing till the end so yeah 100% uhhuh uhhuh okay I’ll put cords on hold up I’ll be back I’ll be back cus I’ll be back I’ll be back I gotta put on coordinates for Mr Diamond laws can’t live without there you go there’s cords for you buddy P Bir Go Away

Oh yeah I know that you going to try might succeed you might not succeed but but but we shall see what’s this nothing cool yeah I’m playing on a TV it’s a nice big the uh probably a foot more or less wow what do you mean rip I love it I

Play on it every day all right I need to find more ender pearls I got screwed over Thinking think I would I would only need to replace the missing ones when I have to replace the whole entire thing no not putting iron helmet on we got Chain nothing less forever so you must be an elf while it Lasts what What yeah you got it Diamond La you’re the one that had it you put it On oh creeper no no no no No only on hive only on hive land hiive land hiive Actually can’t pass up the elf armor can’t pass elf armor up can’t pass Al armor Up how’s the 2our stream going it’s going uh pretty it’s going pretty nice cus as you can see we kind of need five more ender pearl uh we got within the hour we got to the nether then we got I found a I didn’t found a fortress I

Found a blade Blaze spawner I found a pillar of stone with a blaze Spawner in it and now we got Eyes of Ender with ender pearls because I got four ender pearls and three ender pearls from Trading like nine pieces of gold we’re really lucky got this one piece on

Me but we need to get some more but the ender portal has all of the eyes gone instead of like a couple so we got to get all what 12 and So yeah I don’t know if I beat it just yet I’ll probably get the portal up but not go in we’re we’re going to build a little bit before we go you know I want this stream to going for a good while this idea was supposed to be a lot

Longer it’s uh it’s actually a lot quicker than what I was actually thinking I’ve actually uh normally I actually I’m being dead serious I thought I was going to take like a lot like a good hour doing this or more but I I I I I amazed myself I should probably go in

There no yeah you can go away mine cart you know I never like to yeah yeah when you when you you know what you’re doing there’s also like a pre-done world so well not preone but it’s like a pack but it’s still yeah normal difficulty for me at least I’m an idiot

And I found gold look at that best Pit Stop ever in emeralds oh they’re not like a little H bar you know like sweetness I still try to get a TNT what jerks can’t believe them oh my God Minecraft trying to blow me up can’t allow it cannot allow it

Nuh you know what I just figured out a good movie to watch do you like Terminator cuz terminator’s good Terminator is good hey look it stopped for me I like you mine cart you stopped for me you’re the best mine cart in the world oh yeah look at those Kandy

Canes making me hungry already you don’t know what clue what Terminator is you got to watch some Terminator terminator’s real good think you should watch some you might like it if you’re like Arnold Schwarzenegger that dude you should play Lego fortnite I’ve played Lego fortnite it’s like Minecraft

But like it’s no well you can kind of like make that comparison CU like oh wow it’s open world survival you get the build what you imagine y y y but no it’s actually Lego worlds was a Lego game that was like really Lego worlds it it’s a reskin of

Lego worlds cuz Lego worlds is older not older than fortnite but it was like came out for the PS4 when the PS4 was was like you know before the PS5 was like you know I think being announced and everything I don’t know it’s just reskin

Lego worlds in my opinion cuz it is it’s just fortnite yeah Lego for free is better Lego worlds is better get out of my game out of here only reason why it’s CU fortnite has a bunch of microtransactions that’s able to live games that might have upfront price

Are still could be 10 times better which Lego worlds is 10 times better oh my God I forgot I forgot I forgot they want me for oh lordy lordy lordy lordy lordy oh help me I’m one of you guys now I’m one of you I’m one of you I swear I’m one of

You fortnite rocket ra just better get out of my Lobby fortnite rocket ring yeah games that you know games you have to pay for are a lot less pay to win because everything in there but it depends like how the game’s structured like Vigor it’s free and its main thing

Is you know you go out and like it’s not really pay to win because you can’t pay to get good gear you got to be skilled and you can even take like something that’s very bad fortnite is the best free game right now now yes it is I have this crazy

Theory okay fortnite so when they were planning for this uh you know big thing right like having all these Realms and stuff no FL Lego fortnite’s not pay to win we’re not talking about that we’re talking about like free games in general become pay to win and stuff but fortnite did

OG uh did OG fortnite season to bring back all the old people to bring to just kind of revive the game make Nostalgia happen everything else then what they did was this realm stuff this realm stuff and then after that after got every after got all the

Old people back all the ogs back then they kicked this realm stuff off so there’s a bigger player base for it instead of like the current player base and then maybe bringing some of the OG’s back cuz like some of the original people might be like oh well there’s

Realms I might come back I might not come back but since you’re brought back Gogeta like I’m going to come back and see it oh okay fortnite’s actually pretty good then they and now they up their player base like a lot and now cuz they they knew they were not going to

Survive off of Battle Royale they know that I I want to fortnite was on a trend of winning and dying was on life life support for like I I guess like well not life support but like getting the original player base back it it really struggled till the OG season

And then n Realms now it definitely gots everyone back that’s my opinion on it I actually you know I believe it’s truth not a theory I believe it’s guys Dar truth killing Enderman is faster well buddy I’ve gotten more Eyes of Ender from Trading than from killing Enderman crazy I know is that

Good they’re better at making marketing and giving they’re better at marketing and giving what the community wants like the OG season yeah which some games struggle like Call of Duty a indie game called lethal company that I love playing made more money than MW3 with all of its microtransactions and it’s $70 upfront

Cost what Minecraft Minecraft will always survive and die cuz Minecraft it’s this it it’s literally I’m going to go out break things build things have fun and when I don’t even play it like I I’ll I’ll put it down for like 10 years the game could die on me and I’ll still

Come back later on and be like oh wow Minecraft I love it Minecraft can never stop ending it’s always different experience each time was a bad was bad they didn’t have promotions until like two weeks into the 4-week run it had yeah but there was a

Lot of talk about it so they didn’t really have to spend too much money on marketing there’s a lot of talk for it you’re all good you’re all good but still no matter what they did OG fortnite even me I didn’t even want to go back to fortnite and but since it was

OG I went back and now what I paid now I’m playing it again I even get like I didn’t I don’t really I have not really spent much money on fortnite cuz uh I got save the world so I’m Miss able to get but they made that harder they

Did make that harder it’s all 10 times harder to get v-bucks off of save the world something you got to pay for mind you because people were just using that and I guess that might have caused some money loss but you know whatever they made Minecraft Bedrock pay for worlds

And did that did and did what fortnite did oh what do you mean pay for worlds I don’t know I’m like kind of like ah spiraling into talking I not even know what I’m talking about I pay for worlds like I got to pay for like rout like a world I just create

To have fun or so I didn’t have to pay for this I had to pay for the pack that about it just a pack oh yeah well in any game in every game you’re going to have to pay for that but like games that like

Cost depends what type of game it is and then also depends like well well what type of game is it like an RPG cuz then cosmetics and stuff can be paid for either with like premium currency or like normal currency you earn through the game you have to pay

For packs and like costumes worlds that before fortnite was a thing that’s what you still have to do that for Minecraft it just uh like this this this pack rate this mashup and Minecraft PlayStation editions you can do a free trial and play it we need two

More not Java what do you mean not Java well Java has a lot of mods you can get for free from people I believe can’t you I don’t know but a lot of people make this is not the right place make a lot more money from microtransactions than from people buying the

Game but also oh yeah you’re right about that you’re making the point yeah yeah we can’t really get free mods on Bedrock you got to pay for everything which kind of makes people go to Java instead of Bedrock little cookies smart little buggers but Yeah what was it going on about oh yeah lot of you make a lot more money from microtransaction than from like upfront these days cuz also a lot of people these days apparently GTA 6 is not being released on PC and when it gets released it’s going

To be only on consoles like only Xbox and Playstation which is crazy and it’s because majority like there was like this thing there were like 36% of people on PC pay full price and like another 30% pay for like another 30 something per pay for like on discount and another

30% get it for free but like on Console it’s a bit harder for that oh don’t blow up I hate you am I going this way I thought I was going to go opposite direction yeah I was going to go the opposite direction but yeah I know man it’s Christmas time no more

Uh serves you right creeper yeah that’s exactly what that’s exactly what how like this is one guy I was talking about like PC gamers are actually cheap they they spend like all this money on their setup but when it comes to games I mean that’s why lethal companies

Made a lot of money it’s cuz 10 bucks and it’s a really good game that’s still be it’s like being updated like monthly or weekly I don’t know that’s why lethal company popped is popping off right now it’s going to die down at some point yeah fortnite skins yeah Yeah that’s Crazy Forite Skins are really popping off even for me man I got a clone trooper I got the clone troopers cuz I love Star Wars I’m addicted utterly addicted to Star Wars besides Disney Disney I hat oh don’t give me don’t get me started on this I

Won’t get myself started I I can control myself but yeah All right cus and do you know you said you did not like Christmas movies but but I got a question for you what is your Christmas movie ranking Now yeah know GTA GTA6 is probably be$ 7080 a actually GTA 6 they were I think one of the developers were actually talking about you have to pay like a certain amount of money for every hour you play in game so that means if you

Have 100 hours of play time you have to pay like a certain amount of money because you have that amount of play time but I don’t know what g GTA is doing I don’t know what they’re thinking but they’re thinking of something yeah I know no yeah it’s really weird and messed

Up at least I think he’s messed up so basically for every hour you play let’s say it’s like a penny Penny an hour so for every hour you play in the game uh so yeah for every hour you play that’s like a penny all right I’ll be back right now I got

To go do I got to handle some real quick so I’ll be uh hi polar bears don’t kill me don’t kill me they’re going to kill me okay hold up before I even handle that okay oh great great great great great great great I know where I am mhm

This is perfect just hunky dory handy dandy hold is going to be a bit well I hate polar bears I should just built away from I should just dug a hole a lot of never mind I don’t got to do it never mind I don’t got to handle the issue

It’s all fixed it’s all done it’s all perfect to hunga Dory see where I died got Follow The Yellow Brick Road no I got it I don’t got to do what I got to do earlier all good sh night holy night stop what do you mean stop stop what I nothing

Wrong no it’s the right way no don’t try to trick me cus I know which way I’m going I have great memory when it comes to that direction watch what what H what holy night I can’t not I ain’t no upper register singer I did not notice that over there H interesting very Interesting man I want to watch that movie again I don’t know why nor don’t watch movies twice but I really want to watch claws claws like Santa Claus last name of Santa Claus again yeah just like watch it like last night I it was a really good movie that is

Wild and there goes my Dogs And this snow is making me go wild my phone There it is Do here we go oh ho ho ho ho ho Merry Christmas yeah filthy animal oh so Good I must find some more Gold man if I could find gold I’d be happy I I i’ uh don’t laugh about it now let to laugh about it all right I almost die from something stupid there we go perfect we got the resource to keep me alive oh yeah oh I swear I’m going to parkour when I

Am okay man don’t don’t don’t question okay Godus I’m GNA have to seriously I might have to get the Grinch on you Diamond you might have to you might have a new Target you got those S luhoo to save you from the Grinch Mhh you heard me you said got no Sino to save you from the Grinch hold yeah you become a Target oh yeah oh c us you a you ain’t the grin is Holding On by a string what do you mean he’s holding on by a string what happened okay

Gringe Charlie in the Chocolate Factory have you guys seen the guys see a new Wonka movie coming out I haven’t seen it but what do you guys think of it Charlie the Chocolate Factory no Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory right so you got Charlie and Chocolate Factory

Then you got Willy Wonka and The chocol Factory and then you got Wonka yeah the old one the first one I like and I like the Johnny Depp one too I like all I like like them both just equally yeah shoot shoot the question you got

It yeah I’m still going that’s why you should put a torch be below you oh wow I found sand let me just not ruin my whole entire tunnel system you know came in and what cold desserts like ice cream or warm dessert warm warm or hot desserts like hot like chocolate Bar well I am a bit of a chocolate maker myself so I’d go with a I guess hot oh no okay so for going on of it really does depend for me I do like I do like ice cream and root beer floats but not but chocolate bar I’d have to go with

Ice cream it’s a lot more you can do with it because you can add chocolate and everything to it towards it and make it like 10 times better but H but making I can make my own chocolate it’s not the greatest chocolate in the world it ain’t the best but it’s

Some it’s like 80% cow I had it really good last night I made Choco last night and I was like it’s really good what would a quar teaspoon of milk not milk powder milk think that and and then it kind of ruined it again I I I I self destroy my own

Work I knew it too but I literally I thought it actually would do nothing and it did some sadly ice cream oh yeah go the ice cream all right I got some gold on me that is not a mine cart that is a mine cart right there if I can

Like you know properly identify what a mine cart is i’ i’ I’d probably be already at the Ender Dragon right now Just too good just too good just too good Yeah How long streaming going on for almost 3 hours no 2 hours and a half 2 hours and 40 round up is that Obsidian whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa buddy that’s obsidian I just noticed if I It okay all righty better flavor is f ice cream what what’s F ice cream where’s that portal there’s that Portal okay let’s make some more Chests best flavor of my ice cream on oh vanilla ah no no no it’s mint it’s it’s it’s mint it’s mint ice cream mint mint ice cream is the best change my mind that mint ice cream is not the best change it right now that’s right you can’t mint ice cream

Yes if I had to go to Classics Chocolate oh I’ve gotten so used to like extremely butter chocolate it’s not even funny like 100% caca Yeah no yeah mint mint flavored ice cream mint flavored ice cream yeah nothing else to added maybe chocolate chunks if you want but yeah I know just just just plain old mint yeah no chocolate chunks maybe if you wanted but I don’t how buddy I’m just built different I’m just build Different I’m just built like Willy Wonka okay weird what do you mean weird it’s normal right right guys just eating regular mint flavored ice cream is normal oh yeah you know what you know what a fast food chain could do Grinch flavored ice cream I don’t know why this popped in my

Head and it’s just mint mint without any chocolate chunks well brush your teeth oh yeah I would I think it would like that I just like mint what’s the issue with that what do you mean didn’t mean that we didn’t me it yes you did you just steal my my loot

Then come on give me the goods boys give me the goods Uh I think you should brush your teeth with ice cream I think it’s a very healthy choice still these a very good idea but that’s just me you know it removes the cavities really well cus I don’t talking about we we been disguising toothpaste as ice cream I

Mean ice cream as toothpaste for like years oh yeah God dang it can I find any Enderman Hammer turkey depends on the uh I’d say turkey turkey that’s chicken but don’t ask questions I’m me all right you’re you turkey goes gobble gobble not a I’m testing

You hey you’re not supposed to say the [ __ ] on my stream what wrong with you I’m kidding it’s all good gobble chicken in a turkey fighting for Wich is better chicken or turkey C us that’s your real answer not ham it’s chicken or turkey it should be trick question cus chicken or turkey

Ctis be a real trick question there I don’t know what I’m going on about right now right okay I’m like turkey is better as a filler on a salad oh never mind that they cut off and I I I assumed salad and I look turkey are better as a filler on the

Same don’t get it but you know what on a sandwich okay now I get it I’d say p paa I’d say turkey is the best thing to go around I say that’s why native to America America only T is the best thing around here partner I say I

Say I say fall tury is the best meat for my S that can’t fly mhm ham is better get out of here turkey turkey turkey has more uses and then for Thanksgiving and you can always re and you can always have a turkey for Christmas ham

Mm I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know ham and cheese sandwich no it’s turkey and cheese sandwich I’m saying some fighting words right now I’m say on my turkey Rock I’ll die in that stone no no oh you take that back goes turkey ham chicken what do you

Mean only good thing about chicken is chicken wings that that about it chicken wings get out of here chicken wings hit hard hit hard they hit hard I finish that sentence for you they hit hard don’t even finish it I finished it they hit hard favorite type of chicken wing come

On favorite type of chicken wing you just normally get you know piglins over here lookus end look at Dead in the eyes may that scary got him he even drop it he dropped that though I normally get tenders but I like flats and drums and the same or you can get boneless chicken

Wings you know that that’s the thing too but also we got to talk about we got talk about not that type sh talk about Flavor you know whether you’d go for spicy non-spicy or like you know garlic this is this is a big question right here hey here are some

Guys okay so uh which type of chicken flavor like chicken wing flavor I should say do you like the best is your favorite [Applause] I’m I’m communicating right now all right okay buddy thank I hate you that’s so that is true that is true that is

True I will say this it’s it’s spicy honey because there’s this uh one place that like has honey right but it’s like this weird nice SP I like actually really hot wings like hot wings honestly actually no for me it’s hot it’s not honey doesn’t do it it’s having spicy you

Know there’s a lot of flavors for chaen wings you know what I want a candy flavored candy cane flavored chicken wing or mint flavor chicken wing make it a reality someone please I almost died and lost everything it’s all right make it a thing hot wings are too too hot for

Me uh to each of their own hot wings is not for everyone but I love it I like it uh where did I fall from where’ I come from here I See I don’t know where I am actually they have good taste but like you pay for it after oh yeah oh yeah I like the pain for it after I like my mouth being full of pain and suffering and crying but yeah man I I sound like person enjoy

Pain uh maybe not too too spicy like I probably can’t handle ghost pepper I’d probably start crying on the ground it’s him eat all like a man oh gosh dang my throat hurt and itched like everything yeah I’m not getting lucky at first I was getting real lucky

With like the poles of the Ender Ender ender pearls now I’m just like they’re really holding back on me right now they really don’t want me to get it never go to Dave’s Hot Wings why never go to Dave’s Hot Wings what’s up with Dave’s Hot Wings

Does Da if it’s called Dave and then hot wings is it going to be bad do people that are named Dave make bad hot wings oh wait you’re coming up here oh wait you’re coming up here bye-bye any guys I can trade with anyone I can trade with I found someone

Good you heard that too right you he that oh of course I spawn here oh crap oh [Applause] crap oh [ __ ] I’m so pissed right now of course I have to like be of course I I don’t want to build CU I have Low Blocks I think I can make the jump and then of course that pig guy has to be right freaking there uh part of my [Laughter] language I love no inventory of Minecraft just let you know which is weird because of how angry I get if this is Hardcore I’d I’d be angry but nothing lasts forever this PlayStation I got won’t last forever the things you hold in love dearly won’t last forever If he just dies normally he just gets pissed yeah I see that happening But yeah learn to not get too angry it’s just a Game you know this like your bro killing you over and over and over again then you can get angry okay or if you get just like you know cornered by n by skeletons can’t peep that on me here we go little parkour go this way avoid the skeletons at all Costs no I’m going to get my stuff it just I want to have half of my stuff it better be my tools that just burned and I’ll be Happy All right operation get my [ __ ] back as It Go like quest line all over again yeah yeah yeah you know the survival game green hell that’s a pretty good survival game I think it’s called greenh how now that stuff is it’s up there for survival have the Finish oh

Yeah I hope you die Pig yeah that’s right I had a bunch of junk on me so I hopefully I didn’t lose anything important I didn’t lose gold I didn’t lose anything else did I lose my food no I didn’t this is good it seems like I didn’t lose anything too

Bad or anything at all that I would care about that would notice right away I lost all my arrows the 20 never mind I got speak of the devil and he shall appear that’s actually perfect oh hi what’s up what are you doing how’s your day been oh great freak I hate

You ah I my spawn point like from over there from here to over there oh my God I hate those big Hogs so annoying they have too much range they have too much reach too much damage Nerf they me nerfed by my order of law nerfed if I

Heard another item get like burnt in lava I was going to like Al F4 stream for like three hours like what five when we do defeat the Ender Dragon I’m going to build a nice house we’ll big nice house but we got to figure out a place to build you know you know

Whoa It’s a Tuttle if I can get the after I get trading if I find if I get Ender Pearls by the next guy or if I get an Enderman I kill twoo as much as I I feel like they made Enderman spawns a lot harder I don’t I have a weird funky

Feeling about that there used to be a lot more that spawned around but not like so much harder to find there’s like more ways get Ark is a good game yes I played it I’ve streamed it I think you were in one of my streams when I when I was doing it

I need to get playing it oh wow look at my luck I get byy you I can get byy you wo I know I’m just too powerful Ark is a really nice game it’s also like the only game that like you have to repeatedly beat an animal to like tame it which is

Hilarious you want tame a Dodo instead of it like instead of like giving it food making be your best friend no you just beat it to beat it till it’s unconscious then you tame it you want that T-Rex to be your friend you want that Dragon to be your friend

Beat it until it’s unconscious that’s Arc for you where my boots my other boots my chain boots where are my chain boots uh there they are perfect are alive hey Diamond loes y y you what up oh come on there’s some gold I’m dying yeah I’ll think about it I don’t get the

Newer Arc though I got the older one not I got Sur evolve not ascended so I have to think about that one oh God hey what’s up I’m deal with you get angry about it stealing your precious gold what you get new about it huh nothing not in whatsoever where’s my crafting

Table right here away from the Diago are you deagro now those guys aren’t huh so I can’t find Endermen Diamond laws I would kill Endermen if I could find them go I hate those pigs man that wasn’t me that wasn’t me that wasn’t me I just want your food there we go

I’m getting I’m healing up so I can go after you Enderman just let you know that you’re not free from my reain of Terror my wrath there we go perfect there we go we got one get a boat oh good don’t need a boat is that

Doing wait why you a that thing at me huh I didn’t nothing wrong look at this you can be friends look at that go up a number go up a number oh it’s like a gambling system man you’re gambling for what you want come on come on end endar end Pearl

Ender pearl okay come on ender pearl ender pearl ender pearl ender pearl ender pearl ender pearl ender pearl ender pearl ender pearl ender pearl and and End me sad real sad I just gble all my gold life savings away man ah takes too long to get to a blue biome but then the more I don’t go look for a blue biome the longer this takes and longer this takes longer it takes you get the blue biome

We see we fight a blue biome or another wandering Enderman that’s a red biome my eyelids sealed my lips or my lids come man my eyes my eyes have like uh when your eyes produce like uh whatever it is those eye boogers sometimes it’s like it’s bad enough to

Where like it’ll like kind of like seal your eye together so yeah I have it’s not fun yeah it’s not fun and especially especially if it stuff gets stuck in your eye it’s even worse is this B Sal probably can I just find a blue biome so I can in my suffering

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I’m not ask for this group and getting up on each other yeah I know that happens it’s annoying yeah it it’s not fun having your eyelid be shut sealed or anything it it’s one especially if stuff get

Stuck in your eye it’s a pain to get out you got do a lot of rining and out and all this other crap any more food nope I’m hunger hi hunger how are you all right I’m getting out of here red mushroom great huh here go

No Dam eight I ah why should it be got an end Pearl on me okay bring some food with me we’re heading out we’re going to deposit and we’re going to get we got to find another Enderman somehow so if I find an Airman right now I’ll do like a immunity build which

Is you know they they can only walking three block high I can walk in two blocks so I’ll do that that and I’ll just kill it that way it’s ender pearl if it’s just one B now go on my Merry way man man oh man no not Once really I’m must suck you wake up with a broken nose cuz you slept walk that that kind of a and that sucks GL I don’t Sleepwalk jeez people that Sleepwalk though they do some funny things like some people no it it’s uh it’s ah yeah I don’t know I don’t

Know I don’t know okay now the real question is which way did I go yeah it’s a duel it’s a duel yes sir it is it is a dual thank you super ninja that’s funny one that’s a funny one we’re going to get some iron armor

And we’re going to head out with food all right so and blocks cuz I don’t know where I went another one all right see shoot if two mind readers are reading each other’s minds whose mind are they Reading it’ be the other person still because they’re reading their mind their mind is reading that mind so therefore they’d be reading oh technically whereever started mind reading first be reading their mind up until the point they read their mind so now they’re reading their own

Mind but then it just goes into it just spirals because a mind reader would have to stop mind reading to make the other mind reader read his mind or to take concentration off so they’re reading each other they’re reading their own mind if they both read each other’s mind so therefore technically mind

Reading is impossible so the question is dumb no my I’m reading my mind right Now oh yeah take that how do you combat that I’m reading my own mind how do you comat that mind reading is a thing uh as long as it’s not too dark sh shoot shoot the dark question dark dark dark joke shoot why can’t the armless King hug his

Parents cuz he never loved Them ah cuz he’s cuz he cuz he has no parents that’s a pretty dark one shoot another if you dare if you dare you got one I found out where I died went shoot cold why is bacon called bacon and cookies are called cookies when you cook bacon and bake cookies is

Because cuz America is better and that’s how you should word everything I don’t got a freaking Shield oh there’s a blaz spawner huh wow holy moly I’m going to lose it with these skeletons man there’s too many of them Minecraft petitioner remove skeletons I’m kidding that’ be stupid

Cuz then there would be no real threat play spawner at zero HP wow oh yeah I don’t need them I need pearls that’s all I need I need one more measly pearl one more small measly insignificant that would become significant Pearl excuse me so we need to find an Enderman

Mle look for a blue Bome but I suck in another a like what it used to be you know be no skeletons you should just be gas and pig zombie pigman piglins Ender ball would have been a great name if mojin card cared about The Ender ball no ender pearl it is a Pearl because they had no friends Pearls there’s also like red pearls and Pearls it doesn’t have to be white cuz it’s it’s Pearl like that’s the whole reason why it’s called a pearl ah but no it’s cuz it’s Pearl like it it’s beautiful like a pearl it glows and gleams and circular like a pearl it’s

Like probably like you know just as beautiful as a pearl from a clam it but it doesn’t matter if they’re blue there’s things called red pearls pear there pearls all pearls are not white I am going to fight you on this why would you call it an Ender ball

When it’s something supposed to be magical and beautiful so you put the Pearl in front of it which UPS its one like you know amazingness and two makes it more of like a you know it’s a higher tier item cuz you put Pearl and you name it Pearl and it’s like well

Now you know it has a lot more significance than any other than anything else that’s why it’s called ender pearl not Ender ball cuz Ender ball is kind of weird doesn’t roll off the tongue quite well either kind of just oh it’s a ball of Ender but ender pearl has that kind of

Like Rarity added to it when you say it and everything else I I think I’m oned something yeah that too Bobby born you know Enderman are cooler than slender oh did not know that and remember when Slender Man was a big thing like it was like it’s not that

Big anymore but like remember when it was big that that was a time to be around the alive it’s crazy All right if I don’t don’t die but which is which is a which is a thing you should always you know always do is not die you know no [ __ ] oh par of my language no oh my God I wanted to go back for the bread I wanted oh my

God oh you you funny skeletons you funny you funny skeletons I just need now now I need two pearls two pearls I need two pearls for the portal now not one two I lost the chain armor no more chain no more elf no more Elf on the

Shelf I’ll just be a snowman wait skeleton spawn in yes skeletons spawn in the nether it’s no most annoying thing in the world it’s stupid just remove it they made NE actually 10 times harder all Right the skeletons are Ai and AI is allowed to use it it no apparently not well zombie pigman though so there’s your zombies right there but uh actually cuz AI are Bots so uh they get Aimbot cuz they’re Bots all right so yeah that’s why they get their little bot stuff and we don’t give me a sign Give Me A Sign Give Me A Sign yeah if you’re not programmed with it you can’t have It that’s interesting all right guys I got to Uh Got to do a bathroom Break I gotta go Back all right yeah it’s a bad one I got to go B it’s a use gentleman’s room for some Give Me A Sign yeah give me a sign that I’ll win this real quick he I’ll be back I for For For Ah I’m back wa I don’t know why can’t of that maybe CU or oh man Angry I lost all my crap oh there’s a skeleton waiting just for me I need to set my spawn point here keep forgetting to do it lost everything in the lava pit it’s great we got enough for

Uh gear no we yes but everything okay that’s a lot of stuff gone a lot of stuff St oh I didn’t no I didn’t me do that I did the Homer and D that’s how I feel right now I got iron ingots that’s great perfect and nuggies equal iron happy need dirt

What up buddy what up okay I’m trying to figure out where I want to plant crops right down here is where the water don’t get too bad so get some dirt there we go why is there glowstone right here oh oh okay I just got myself stuck

Now we’re work out getting stuck let me do that huh oh I hurt myself right there but okay Perfect Why is it snowing so much gosh Dang all right let’s go and get some Iron got potatoes as well Yep Perfect man I need get a shovel and just shovel all this crap jeez Lou everywhere can I one piece of Iron I have one uh yeah one iron bar and get For There we Go huh there was my inventory and my shovel stuff can stand here here we throw them all out hey cus yeah I’m back from my bathroom break I think I was a little quicker than what I was why I keep the snowball wait why give me one good reason

That to take out the end how do they use it why can they uh oh the end crystals Really wait till daytime wait till it’s daytime then go back over There I didn’t know about that till now thank you CEST uh should be a lot of help I hate you I hate I hate I hate that those things exist oh my God it’s snowed it is [Applause] Packed Oh yeah bu to the highest pillar and you’re all good I don’t like all that out there I hate It Uh Arc survive so Arc uh Arc ascended which is the old Arc but just you know crossplatform now and you got like Ark Primal I think which is the new ark uh Ah I thought I had to make the stream last longer I’m going be fully honest with you now it’s coming to the point to where I need to find Enderman there point to where I can’t even get Ender eyeses anymore I freaking locked out man I

Got half the crap I got four three and then three so I need two but I had one so then I just needed one and then now I don’t know what that do I need to get iron that’s what I need to get need some good IR baby me some

IR need some iron in my lungs need some iron here need some iron where we can need some iron over here need some iron over there oh you give me some iron you know I’m just the greatest singer in the world oh yeah better than Taylor Swift 100% oh

Yeah I probably just anger some like random Taylor Swift fan oh yeah pearls are going horrible I died and lost the elf armor and everything else as in I fell in lava and died that’s what happened what do you mean cheats I got no cheats Enabled that never Enable cheats it’s bad B no no cheats sorry no pearls no extra pearls for you okay get him Normally We need help with diamond Laws we got oh time well I can’t find a blue biome and I haven’t found any Enderman I had one Pearl uh I can see if I can do this one little run see how much gold I get and see if that will happen I’ll see about it but I got well

For the stream I got to do a vanilla that’s the thing I can’t just be cheating my way to the end to like you know I see how long I mix stream last yeah you’re going have to find a blue biome cuz I can’t find a blue biome

For my life I’ll just keep dying we just need two ender pearls which is the it’s it’s the sad part is we to no iron okay just a Tube Yeah that song stuck in my head now huh that’s lapis I diamonds sadly oh please I just want gold the one resource that nobody really wants unless they’re trading got four yeah I like iron but can’t just be grabbing it I didn’t even notice this to the

Side see where it goes see where it goes probably towards some gold hopefully or an empty chest around that’s great if I get Fortune I hav found a single Diamond so I can’t we got nothing to do that so those are levers not Torches give me gold that’s all right give me gold or give me death give me Golder give me death give me Golder give me death give me Golder give me death no taxation without representation there we go all right my hopes are held high I got a decent amount of gold

15 this does not hit the Golden Goose that so we hit the golden gears is there anything down this way before even go anywhere no okay Golden Goose here I come did you use all your first Eyes Oh Sweet Caroline I went through that Way hey it was in here gold okay now I might be a little intrigued going here oh I have to fall down here maybe gold we go a little deeper might be possibility of gold as long as we keep going deeper getting closer to gold look at that dead end that’s

Great so much iron I’m just passing up cuz I’m trying to find gold okay I got enough gold I need to stop being a little gold gold digger but gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold c spider gold gold plus spider [Applause] gold no gold the bust oh I’ve already been down okay never mind there’s definitely no gold cave shares a cave it’s a cave therefore no gold wait lost question mark iron sweet sweet iron give there we go okay we go sell gold sell gold to overlords yes comad we

Sell gold to Big Big B man what do you mean mAh me the grin strikes again no you baby what you Do Wow all Right get your a out of Here so much snow oh my God 2 1000 3 1000 4 1,000 5 1000 6 1 1,000 7 1,000 8 1,000 9 1,000 10 1,000 look at that too good you D You well we don’t want to smoke you don’t want the Smoke hate them burning Passion Ow oh oh oh Oh oh I caught It oh I’m too good Grinch better not be stealing my Christmas we’re setting up any traps or anything all right we got some gifts to give to the piglins what’ you steal my content hello cus I found one of those sword guys that guy he works oh dang some blocks that’s all I need ow okay we’re do some trading buddy you’re my new

Friend I got place it whoa buddy you’re not supposed to do that bait him over here and go over here that’s f For [Applause] a water bottle hey ever get thirsty should I even be trading with you I think I traded with the guys had the swords that gave me the ender pearls try a couple more the bow down there well I’ve had more luck I had more luck with the sword

Ones if you don’t give me what I want okay buddy if you don’t give me what you what I want there’s going to be some bad things happening all right you got five more to go you better find some good quality in that real quick real quick find some good quality in

That you know what let’s see what that is that’s not what I’m looking for come on buddy give me help for ransom give me held hostage I don’t get what I want you to give me that gold back we keep ret trading till I get ender pearls

Or it just this ain’t going to work it’s all nicely wrapped in paper I see I see but it’s just not not right no ain’t going to work ain’t going to work ain’t going to cut it ain’t going to cut it oh as much as I love crying obsidian

Ain’t going to work ain’t going to cut it ain’t going to cut it that’s the last one last one I better see end pearls right there at that at your feet I better see a nice Pearl pleasure do business with you I can’t even hit

You well I just kind of killed the only guy trapped I kind feel bit bad see trap one those sword guys Where’d he Go do not care if they shoot each other that’s more time to just do block that up and walk fall right In oh come on on I blocked [Applause] that okay okay I see how it is let’s see how it is let’s see how it is okay let’s go a little aggressive here maybe a little too aggressive all right we’re going to give these guys a Merry Little Christmas after I grab the

28 gold ingots in the chest or nuggets wait ingots or nuggets probably this one over here ah thank you we’re going to kill these guys or I ain’t going to make them see their families no more uhuh uhuh I ain’t going to have a Christmas they’re going to

Have a frost M with me they’re going to be Frosty to snowman real quick now I take all their hats off so they disappear and I’m only going to let Frosty come back Frosty’s going to have all their hats Frosty the Snowman had a very there’s not fesive no more this is

A this is a war this is a war for Christmas we wear all the pearls corn pop corn pipe there and nose and snow I wish right there almost fell to my day M so if I give him an item they they stay they don’t despawn I see I see I see I

See interesting interesting all right who wants to come into my trap get that out of my inventory get that in there why is he so Ready I thing’s over here I’m going check this way normal man you do not want to shoot me okay buddy listen here ever heard of the trading system you’ll love It this is a uh this is a mashup pack it’s a mashup Pack well since you’re so successful at being trapped you get my boots ah I don’t know what dam is doing I don’t know how he knows that zero zero is should be a warp for us man I you anger one of them you get a whole

Mob mob of them you know instead of a mob you know that spawns it’s a mob of like multiple please don’t shoot me I’m Too Young To Die thank you what if I hit you hey I’m fine and my controller disconnected that’s great put a little [Applause]

House it’s not tpk night stream without something going wrong For Oh music’s loud it’s fine Though maybe not I don’t know a lot louder than what it was earlier why I don’t Know Oh okay Buddy yeah Diamond LS what an igloo House so I got no gold oh none I’m secary being shot by these Skeletons now I feel a lot Better It’s all I need all right we need to start get digging we need to get digging digging digging digging we need to find gold where did I just end up somewhere you know is waste of a pickaxe there’s no gold it’s going to be there none I mean zero dla is strip

Tunnel strip [Applause] ah H like them [Applause] I was going going to find gold I found nothing this is the longest and hardest part is finding the pearls it’s not getting the it’s the pearls and the blaze rods that that’s the only hardest part about this is the pearls and the

Blaze rods once you get the blaze rods it’s it’s it’s easy pearls got to find the right biome if you can’t get the right biome you can’t get it at all not one bit now [Applause] whatever Sticks and Stones might break my bones but this hurts my Brain I just had it yep that’s how you make It now I am worried I’m worried that this is going be midnight before I get like those two other Eyes of Ender okay we got it we got it we we can go gold gold finding actually I know where there is a Ravine and ravine equals gold and that equals CH Ching keep

Forgetting I get ganged up on at my own portal I just get ganged up on that’s crazy really I thought I was contemplating whether he wanted that stuff where’s my other crap here one over here I was about to say I didn’t just lose everything right there’s no way that would have happened

Whoa buddy why can’t I make you cuz oh cuz I have a torch We there we go [Applause] sh I need boots right behind this big building there should be a ravine which should equal ch- Ching of gold money wrong building move polar bear thank you over here is what I meant I love snow biomes oh Yeah Do you have any loot in you So D’s found chain armor in Here of an armor stand wasn’t It probably oh dang oh dang snag Oh I found something Nice over It’s vanilla Minecraft yeah it’s a mash up pack wait is that means it does it disable cheats or disable achievements with SMH up I don’t know huh interesting thing to think about Out never dig straight down huh more like always dig straight Down I don’t like that I have these now now so we get for using this Pack That what I think it Is get the papa don’t burn a single one We got all the stuff just we need gold I want gold not diamonds I don’t want diamonds I don’t want diamonds now I want gold let’s go let’s freaking go there’s gold here makes me all the happier just gonna just gonna just gonna yeah yeah see thanks for popping in zoomi

It’s nice to say hi to you man hi what’s up hope you enjoy your Christmas event I knew people would be at the Christmas events but stop in and say hi I love it thank you man enjoy your Christmas event Merry Christmas Zoomi have hly jolly Christmas it’s the best

Time of the year he Hello to friends you know and have a cup with Che found gold found gold see gold give me gold huh all right let’s get out of here wait might be a chance to find some more gold skeletons are the Grinch of Minecraft skeletons are the Grinch of Minecraft

Change my mind actually no it’s creepers creepers like skeletons are pests but like they’re easily dealable if you know you’re doing and you’re not like me you can easily deal with skeletons but me they making me angry no it it’s it’s creepers creepers are the Grinch of

Minecraft they’re green you put a little Santa suit on them look like Santa look like the Grinch looking for a way out and looking for gold but gold gold gold front not looking too good getting out it looks a lot better see gold front not good way out front pretty

Good hate that you give me slow this I really do hate that fact run away yeah I know that they only like gingerbread What’s up here what’s down There Dam I find your Secret Base no longer secret no More um what’s This I’m guessing this how you were supposed to find a diamond lws talk about being rude to the original developer going to make it that’s how you’re supposed to find it holy moly I just keep getting hearts and hearts and hearts after this Golden Apple up call me rude diamond oh yeah how I got the golden apples cuz his map was already preset with this stuff so that’s kind of crazy kind of crazy I just got a bunch of golden apples cuz of a preset look at I’m taking no damage guys wow that’s

Crazy Prett save these for the dragon I probably should what I even smell that all right 1 1,00 2 1,00 3 1,00 4 1 5 1,000 6 1,000 7 1,000 8 1,000 9,000 look at me go oh my God have little behind this year basically the same now oh why you

Smelting I got some gold dealer to do [Applause] no I forgot you can hit Those blacks are annoying me all right well PR should have just Le on Look He Got Him empty my inventory Out all right here we Go hold up I need to be ready for This That’s right I died with all the arrows never mind we got arrows where’s my snowballs I had a stash of snowballs it’s in here oh we have like another like eight common jeez Louise Definitely Maybe huh that’s a quick charge all right done LS we got to Uh you ready bring blocks not Yeah the Grinch will ruin your Christmas for what if I take any Longer I remember which way it is this Way oh yeah I know still going oh there’s a bed we need to bring a bed bed bed we need to bring a bed oh yeah Diamond La I know you have the TNT and you’re going to blow it Up Yeah time I just literally cracked your code ruin my Christmas you have TNT know what you’re going to Do all right you going to the end yes I’m going to the end it’s it’s time we also got like four diamonds I’m just going to hold precious dearly to no we’re going to get make a uh juke box after this we’re going to listen to some nice good old Minecraft Music from the Juke Box we’re listening to the Minecraft music from the game right now it’s like what this with this Christmas pack good five hours speedrun yep five hour this is guys this is speedrun this entire time took a nice five hours to get to the end 5 hours you believe

That good 5 hours a Fer Submit it no Shot I don’t to like my random swear word what are you doing you did that to yourself you hit my Shield Oh wait What water oh yeah um you bringing a bed down right yeah I need a bed D this is deep uh you safe to come down funny I got to ax for a reason yeah oh there’s so many now how in the hell did you get creative no he broke all the

Blocks Diamond lws broke all the blocks that had these guys in it You’re a Mean One Mr Grinch have a really ugly smile jez you guys can jump jeez it infested this place jeez Lise oh there’s monsters nearby B no there’s monsters nearby no tell you monsters nearby thank God okay Diamond LS I want you to take

That I take more cuz I’m greedy you get that take the quick charge so I gu snowballs or you know I know going try to Ru my Christmas but we got to work to here we got to work together Grinch okay Grinch leave you the Food I want to kick you in that right take that take that take that take a little more of This yeah we going to the End going to help a little Bit oh wait a minute I don’t got that much blocks oh wait I forgot to grab the rest of those blocks in the chest now we got a water oh crap okay I was about to say the dragon’s a little bugged it’s Santa Santa dragon that’s

Crazy oh my God hey I needed blocks anyways oh okay we got my stuff wow you’re I mean one Mr Grinch he’s trying to shoot me I well this is going to be the rest of the stream you know trying to figure out how to kill the Ender Dragon you know that’s

Pretty great I’m just the best at this game you know I’m a pro gamer you’re stupid Enderman I hope that was all your stuff not mine right it’s going great it’s going beautiful what’s going Oh oh no he grabbed my stuff all right Diamond laws yeah oh Diamond laws the Grinch is a mean one we we still do it boys we can still do it we can still do it there’s still hope there’s still hope he coming over there’s still hope still

Hope oh my God I’m only armed with a pickaxe right now that’s crazy that well good news the no Grinch is not gone what do you mean it’s always grining don’t shoot everybody oh Grabby hole here you go oh buddy don’t be coming over here man I can’t jeez Jes can’t even reach it all the way over there no I couldn’t get the water out of that put it in the pl that’s sad it’s okay stuff’s on the ground that’s the whole point stuff’s on the

Ground now stuff is on the ground stuff’s on the ground stuff is on the ground thread the needle thread the needle thread the needle thread the needle thread the needle ow grab all the stuff I can’t throw the out vender okay okay okay watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch

Watch all right we got to we got to wait we got to wait for it to go flying around there you go there go now it’s going to go back to his thing now it’s going go back to his thing be able to hit it with a snowball we got

Be able to hit it with snowball come on all right I need those I need these I need these ow yes time laws grab blocks and build there he goes there he goes there he goes you going to go back go back to doing his thing come

On come on this Zender dragon is going to get take beaten real quick you sadly all right more blocks for me more blocks for me that’s more blocks get down got get down go get down go get down got get down go get down oh be careful okay okay okay okay okay okay

Okay okay okay k k i go up here he’s flying around he’s flying around just let him fly around let him fly around let him fly around he’s back up there he’s back up there build build build build build build build build build build build build build an ey of the

Science Guy come on build all right what we got to use oh forgot about that part me off mommy don’t let overo so hit me off mommy the overo dinosa is scary I got I got it I got Mommy okay [ __ ] part of my language mommy is that what I want

Toland mommy this is not what I said up for Mommy a slowness just got to beat him with our fists cuz I think I I did lose my I lost my weapon this is oh owie Beat him up beat him up there nobody at him him up beat him up there’s only way we’re going to kill it this is the only way the Grinch ruined the run but we’re going to save it Diamond LS the Grinch ruined the run but we’re going to save it with our fists

We’re going to save it with our fists and only our fist this is the first official speedrun of only using your hands against Dragon then that’s going to get beat like within 2 milliseconds this can’t even be called a official speed R because it’s like it’s

Not whatever we did it mommy we did it we did it we so Dora o Dora we did it yeah yeah b b look at all the XP I feel the ever most Minecraft entering my body I didn’t even I built like a half an igloo I built half an igloo we did

It like get in there already and you already beat the guy you already killed the dragon get the hell get in there get in that portal told me get in there I’m emotionally damaged from that bed death oh oven I did not oven I noticed you but the I don’t know what’s wrong

With me right now don’t know what time is it it’s almost 8 and I’ve been streaming for jeez it worked with a million others to scope a true world and a fold of like well I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you coldest and oven especially you coldest and

Oven oven get the bed to strong for this stream to tell me how to live but it would be so tell and yet the game to play safety in a cage of words not naked truth give it a body again yes player use it name player name of the game good

Take a breath now take another feel the air in your lungs I’m not going to bed do we do we watch sh do do do we watch M do we watch the uh oh I forgot oh know do do we watch the credits or do we like go back into

The game I don’t know I don’t know call them planets of stars you are the player reading words shush sometimes a player read lines of code on the screen the you you you are alive what do you mean no coldest what do you mean no this is this is the end

Man this is some deep stuff right here and the universe said I love you because you are love you are the player wake up okay now this part we can skip because you want to know why it’s just going to go over like motioning leadership and then that and since moing became

Big uh this this that line th this is all going to be big PE me stopping a train from hitting someone who is irresponsibly playing on the train tracks real person Notch Big Boy Notch without him we wouldn’t have a Minecraft and we wouldn’t have a Mojang remember

That the creators of it are the ones who allow others to Pioneer it I’m going to finish my e house which I messed up we don’t talk about it talk about my mistakes we want talk about my successes but we remember the mistakes so we succeed later from them wise words wise

Words yes for you indeed for me no that was a creeper I would have quit there some I guess uh yeah we’re all the GU I’m to fre we beat beat beat the game we destroy the Ender Dragon with just with our fists only I will be checking

It in a sec di LS you can chill your beans um stream super late I can’t so I can blame you when when I stay up super Late I’m going to lose it with these skeletons thing is it’s daytime and they don’t die Still make my little Igloo house and these skeletons just don’t know how to Chill Diamond LS you need to enjoy these last golden apples with me before all Over two left two left to Enjoy we have just enough to finish the iglo house maybe not just enough gosh dang It look at that beautiful ain’t it Look at This give me the big fireplace come on I’m going to take that back take that back take that back it does not look ugly take that Back ah I heard you the first time I don’t want that one I don’t want that one I don’t want that one I don’t want that one I don’t want that one no want one want that one I don’t want that one I want that one need lights in

Here fun fact this is how actually made out of netherite yeah I know it’s crazy diamonds of course took the other two paintings that I need all right look at that look at that look at that it’s beautiful love it a wait it’s all cozy look at that look at that look at

That I need some wood extra wood you know need some wood I don’t know about what where’ they go what I just break paintings and they permanently disappeared that’s kind of wild that’s actually wild it’s actually really wild that crazy double door let get one yeah from my

House look at that all right perfect perfect perfect do what I want to do just create chest put it right there what are you doing no no I’m ending stream once I make this place like got him that boys got him no no no no no yes yes yes yes yes look look

Look Diamond Los going talk about it look at that look at [Applause] that took [Applause] my it’s on top of the roof the other one no get stop I just want to look [Applause] see [Applause] D I want you to appreciate these last two oh okay put you

Down just want to jooy my last two golden apples and peas at the end of the stream give me what I what I think this is a great time to end the stream look at that Christmas holiday everything all right well we just beat the game if you didn’t know if you didn’t

Know that’s crazy um yeah we’re heading off stream [ __ ] murder this Kid H all right well thank you all for watching Hope youall enjoyed this five plus hour stream of me trying to beat the game and I can’t end stream till I uh beat the game you know I want to have a nice outro but this this guy this guy’s a funny guy this

Guy’s a funny guy making me break my own House okay stop it but uh thank you all for watching and that wait what wait what well just buil Igloo by the uh by by the way your iglo little mou no it Won’t before I go I found your old music disc in the Grinch’s house oh wait yeah wait a minute wait a minute wa give I need wood give give give give give give give give hold up give give give give Give table two box there we go give me that discs give me those discs give me those Discs At the tree yeah wait hold up better idea yeah juk box up there hold up come j box up there come on oh thr a juk box in the house uh uh okay well okay oh jerks that’s the wrong spot there you go put it in

This is not Christmasy but it it works okay now I’ll actually be going there we go thank you all for watching hope you all enjoyed and um I’ll see you in the next One bye right merry Christmas too bye and Merry Christmas hope your goes do not sub to Diamond Law sub to me only um have a Merry Christmas joyful one plentiful presents and if know celebrate happy Hanukkah happy whatever thank you all for watching hope you all enjoyed

And I’ll see you in the next one bye

This video, titled ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS, stream wont end til I beat the game-Minecraft|LIVE’, was uploaded by TPKnight on 2023-12-25 01:36:13. It has garnered 89 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:52:12 or 21132 seconds.

Welcome to my channel hope you enjoy. Streams mainly on the weekends and videos Wednesdays.

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    From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!Video Information [Música] C [Música] [Música] C [Música] h ah [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] Boa noite pessoal sejam muito bem-vindos ao bar da C como é que vocês estão oi cuquito oi CRZ Oi seres Oi chque oi tio Gran oi oi sejam muito bem-vindos a b pessoal como é que vocês estão hoje [Música] nessa eu não sei que dia hoje não segunda-feira hoje é segunda mesmo hoje é segunda E aí pessoal como que vocês estão como é que tá sendo segund de vocês boa noite V Boa noite e a vocês estão… Read More

  • Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious Caller

    Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious CallerVideo Information do not try to call her my friends and I decided to chant Bloody Mary three times in front of the bathroom mirror at first we laughed but then the air got really cold and the lights started flickering I saw her a ghostly woman with empty eyes and blood dripping from her mouth I couldn’t move as she reached out and touched my cheek she whispered you’re mine now and then the mirror shattered she disappeared but the next day I had scratches on my face every night since I feel her cold breath on my neck… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

    Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!Video Information yo Halo guys welcome back to my channel Shark 999 dan kali ini gua akan mencoba bermain Luky block tapi versi Sky block ya guys huh jadi ini map ini BAP syariknya download itu ya E di mcpdl ya ya pokoknya namanya lcky block l Tulislah ya dan ya pokoknya Ya pokoknya begitulah guys ya Oke tapi sebelum kalian nonton video ini alangkah baiknya kalian klik Tom like Kom dan subscribe karena subscribe itu halal dan jangan lupa like sebanyak mungkin agar Babang syarik rajin mengupload dan jangan lupa komen jika ingin mengatakan sesuatu asal jangan toxik ya… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to the stream haven’t done a Minecraft stream in a long time it feels like but we will have other people be joining us shortly too so if you’re already friends with me then you can just join if you’re not then I need to know your username so you can join us all right so I forget what the last thing I was doing here was I working on this working on this this is supposed to be lany’s throne room in the… Read More

  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More