Meticul Vitriol – Wild Drunk Minecraft Talk!

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What is up everybody what is h hold up hold up [ __ ] all right we’re back we are back what’s up I have an old friend his name is Hennessy hey buddy how you doing Hennessy it’s good seeing you again all right so I got that got my

Water jug over here all right it’s Arrowhead not deny Deni D why you ever you say that I should put this [ __ ] away but yeah welcome to the stream welcome to the Stream I know you’re not here to talk hear me I know you’re not here to hear me talk all intellectually you hear me you’re here to so I get all shitfaced and messed up but I mean so we’ll see how that goes really got watch what I put up man

I’m that was still so [ __ ] embarrassing I lost my [ __ ] Channel with that [ __ ] [ __ ] that was so stupid jeez man that was so [ __ ] embarrassing so yeah on the Minecraft but I’m going to deal with the Minecraft so I want to play Minecraft on hard mode dra

Trunck on hard mode okay on [ __ ] hard mode so how many lives should I give myself like like if you die you’re gonna come back so should I give myself like three times or two like two deaths should I allow myself two deaths or no or it’s like

One maybe if one because you know the game and being drunk is trying to be sober that that’s what the game is trying to do stuff cognitively Co cognitively cognitively that’s the real game trying to do [ __ ] cognitively so that’s true game so what topics do I want to talk

About uh there’s a few crazy there’s a few topics I want to talk about you know a little [ __ ] talk from the community so I I figure I’m be might take what’s up Daniel Barry sports highlights what’s up how you doing oh my my new puty CU I ain’t got nobody to drink

With I ain’t got nobody to drink with I ain’t got nobody to drink with so looks like you you guys will have to be my drinking buddies for the night you know and uh so what should I talk about I mean first thing I want to talk about is yeah like I

Mean I know they talked about inel like I’m not a [ __ ] Insel I guess I could get into that you know yeah I’m not a [ __ ] Insel I don’t I don’t you can’t people can’t call me an Insel just because I’m making some inuendo and and it’s not like people are

Telling me no which they’re not so I mean I mean so it’s like it’s like I don’t I don’t think I’m entitled to anything I don’t think women owe me anything so no I’m not insult you know I’m just me you know I mean you know and and I’m not angry if people

Want to judge me and think one way and like you know not want to have a bit of fun bit of [ __ ] talk a bit of innocent flirting fooling around it’s fine it’s fine I don’t care I could go I could go in the I could go make my own fun you

Know I don’t need anybody to like I don’t need I mean yeah it would be nice to do [ __ ] with someone but you know but that’ll happen one day that’ll happen someday but you know I I don’t I don’t you know I’m pretty straightforward you know I’m pretty straightforward if

People don’t want to do something if they’re saying no I will understand now and I will Reserve myself of doing anything or saying anything more I mean you gotta be firm with it too because sometimes it’s hard it’s hard to it’s hard to make sense of it like you know if

They’re laughing if they’re like chuckling if they’re I don’t know it’s just it’s it’s a cluster [ __ ] but I mean but I’m not in capable of but what I’m saying is that I’m not a [ __ ] incel and what so um so uh and so so somebody

Wants to call me Insel just because I’m a little bit sexual you know there’s a lot more there’s a few popular people who are just as sexual if not worse and they don’t get talked about and and people need to stop this this [ __ ] oh why am I why am I why am

I um and people need to stop this stupid narrative that I shouldn’t be bringing other people into the mix to justify the [ __ ] up are stupid or crazy or sexual stuff I’m doing but yeah it’s very valid if you can’t tell them [ __ ] don’t tell

Me [ __ ] you know if if you can’t tell the popular people not to Fu if you can’t tell them to [ __ ] off act right act normal stop sexualizing things in people like you know some like to sexualize sexualize um macaroni mac and cheese and and food some people like to

Sexualized food some popular people like to do that [ __ ] and Y y’all don’t tell them [ __ ] on that you know some people make all kinds of sexual inuent oh but but but they’re so popular and and you don’t want to tell them [ __ ] don’t be telling me [ __ ] it’s simple as that as

Simple as ABC and one two three you know but I mean but if you don’t bother telling them [ __ ] don’t tell me [ __ ] you know and like just say my My Talking my ranting my [ __ ] whatever it is is is innocent okay it’s good so I Mean should I let me see come on in okay well I guess I can invite people to the studio who want to come in but anyhow hey jeline welcome to the stream yeah and that’s another thing too as far as sexual inuendo goes as far as that

Goes I’m more a I’m more able to do it if if the other person has to do it for first or kind of like play with it first and then I’ll play with it back you unless you’re buy unless you’re with a big [ __ ] group that likes to like

Like likes to like treat you like a [ __ ] [ __ ] and try to get you to have sex and [ __ ] like that then then I’m gonna be a little more hesitant to trust and a little more hesitant to get into it or if like yeah you know because I I I know

How this [ __ ] goes I know how those games roll Cherry welcome to the stream welcome to the stream Cherry welcome to the stream Jesse L welcome Daniel brry Sports highlight Daniel Barry sports highlights huh oh God I just had a weir thought Jesus okay I’ve been good how

You been Jess how you guys doing let me put this down put this down now it’s GNA be time to battle gu Dev baby I am the devil I wanted to talk about a little bit of a topic you know so as far as that goes no I’m not a

[ __ ] insult okay I’m not you know I I I’m not you know people don’t my [ __ ] I don’t owe them [ __ ] yeah I’m going to try to play it on hard mode okay so second topic what should it be about I didn’t want to talk about narcissism but I don’t

Know what some cough medicine but you know what I don’t like to drink alone I don’t want to drink alone for what what for for what you know it’s good to experience it with somebody talk with somebody yeah who’s that oh it’s l oh my God L was to come on my street

What it’s that behind you should I see what Lal wants he’s smoking too okay let’s see what he wants let me see ah I’m just gonna do my thing I’m just gonna do my thing have a little fun um but anyways yeah like yeah I know who that

Is all right fine come on in Jesus what I don’t want to take your clout you’re too famous you’re too famous man you’re too famous lcow but all right come in anyways oh yeah I was gonna talk about a really crazy lcow person too I was going to talk about somebody really

Out there on the Spectrum and yeah yeah yeah I don’t know I don’t know that much about him anyways I need to get to know people more you know stranger danger stranger danger oh 15 [ __ ] you guys coming over here trying to watching my train right now that’s gaslighting

Okay y okay hold that okay hold that let me see oh I’m streaming you why you streaming me oh I hold I check them out go to channel oh oh only two I bet you have more subscribers hold up Inception oh God I see my ugly

Self Rebel soulet this guy I’m not sure about Jo the pan can’t type [ __ ] and he’s screaming makes me want to uh those are my feelings on team she drives me crazy I used to be such foty oh oh hey Harvard I used to be such a Foody and

Still enjoy F but but where was okay cool oh God Inception black is a crep oh my God booty oh booty Oh I thought that was a booty beauty I thought that pry Beauty okay well stream me all you want okay um anyway oh [ __ ] I just don’t to see myself all right

Then so yeah it’s GNA be the New Year’s the New Year’s Day really I you know this is this is pointless you know what I should be working on I should be writing I should be doing my own thing you know the [ __ ] classes they’re not coming soon enough and I

Mean I just don’t know anymore no you know what it is you know what it is Cherry I don’t know I don’t know I’ll car that while that’s what it is I don’t know that well hey candy Morgan happy new years’s do not do stupid [ __ ] tomorrow I’m doing stupid [ __ ] today [ __ ]

Tomorrow [ __ ] flco do you have a drinking no I don’t have a drinking problem if I had a drinking problem I would be doing this TW would be doing this way more often if I had a drinking problem but now I drink like what once or once or twice a

Month I fall one time and all of a sudden I have a drinking problem I talk to I talk to T back and all of a sudden I’m working with Isaac and I’m in guas mop and I a [ __ ] spy Jesus this this community has been gaslit so [ __ ]

Much that that like no that people can’t do anything without the finger pointing like like it could be anything it it could be like a it could be like a um oh I’m somebody’s holding up a screwdriver guess mob guess mob guess mob guess mob he’s answering a phone call guest

Mob guest mob guest mob Jes you know and the people who are screaming that are you guys are making them popular you guys are making them relevant okay I’m making them relevant but I’m only making them relevant because to show you how you’re making a relevant it’s a cycle it’s an abusive

Cycle it’s an abusive cycle we live in yeah hey rainy Raina sir ma’am hi ma’am are you are you sure it’s like 4 p.m. there and you’re drinking right from the bottle right from the bottle what that cuz I can put it in a glass but I don’t have any glasses I had

To move remember so I mean I guess I could put this in a bottle I guess I can mix this with Coke I don’t have any Coke where’s my uh wait hold up uh oh where’s my h a second oh there it is oh there it is stuff I

Bought you guys want to see what I bought before I go to the next tangent hold up let me see any microwave chicken today no microwave chicken the fu no said thing I know I’m just I’m just well I’m just ranting because like last time last time I was talking about

Something oh yeah yeah yeah C Tina thought that I was working with guest mob just because uh I don’t know was talking to take back so it’s like she insinuated I was with gas mob now or talking to Isaac or something so and then and that’s all I see is that’s all

I see is um uh that’s all I see is people can’t do anything without without oh oh it’s working with Tina oh it’s working with guestmob oh he moved to the right that means he’s doing he’s talking a take back oh he moved to the left oh he he

Picked up a pin that means he’s part of part of B pack like Jesus you know yeah I try to make sense of all this [ __ ] you guys know I’ve tried in my past dreams if you’re here long enough you know try to make sense of the

[ __ ] but I can’t it’s just too much [ __ ] [ __ ] sir stop drinking flco no thank you I want to drink it’s it’s the day before the New Year’s I’m gonna drink and have fun I asked because my dad was a severe alcoholic I’m seeing some signs you’re seeing some well that sucks

If that was alcoholic like I’m sorry your dad wanted that [ __ ] you know I hope your dad was able to recover from it but yeah like you see me what drank like like two times out of a like four times out of a um out of

A out of a month and it would be less if I could finish the whole damn [ __ ] botle but I can’t because uh yeah cah holic cor what’s a cornah holic h Cherry are you trying to say pornoholic who cares about yeah yeah you’re right who cares okay I’m just making a point

Jesus is that the real Beast oh that’s supposed to be Mr that is not Mr Beast hold up okay well is that supposed to be Mr Beast or who’s Beast Man let me see let me see your face let me see away how you are to me how can you so cold you expected me to be disable but I’m just as normal as you and me oh my God whoa It’s Beast Man Okay so anyhow welcome to the stream Beast

Man welcome to the stream I don’t know who be man is but I just said welcome to the stream what D candy what are you talking about hold up what Beast Man passed away what what happened to Beast man who was he okay but I mean like I

Said oh I’m sorry to hear that that really sucks Jesse L I’m sorry that you know I give my condolences that really [ __ ] sucks well my dad disappeared around like two years a year and a half ago so uh yeah so I don’t even know what he’s up to

I don’t know if I should care I don’t know if my loyalty is kind of well I mean it’s not really I don’t know it’s [ __ ] complicated B is complicated you know that’s why I should laugh Mya because family’s [ __ ] complicated yeah you can’t really just I

You could shut out family if they’re been toxic and [ __ ] but it’s complicated hi Aon Flo’s Li is the first go he was kidnapped what the [ __ ] that what jine that’s that [ __ ] sucks you don’t have to talk about it but he was Kidd that that sucks jeline I’m sorry to hear

That do not read the chat wrong because then all the [ __ ] is gonna go I know huh candy Morgan do you want to come on the panel of all people you want to come on up candy how you doing Beast man how’s your New Years no my dad wasn’t kidnapped he was

Just been not missing either either because he’s went back in to trucks because or because uh Shady Behavior or I I don’t know why he’s missing I really don’t know I don’t know I should probably look for him but I don’t know where to start I mean I

I mean I try looking them on the White Pages but I’m not coming up exactly I’m not coming up with anything I mean yeah there’s a few addresses there’s a new address I haven’t checked it out but I’m not going to like [ __ ] go knock on somebody’s door looking for my dad you

Know wait you want me to come up then you say about people have rude no I I didn’t mean that as an insult I’m sorry I meant like about I mean because because you’re kind of famous you’ve been around here so yeah red pill what’s up so that’s what I meant nothing bad

Candy you’re cool you’ve been around this you know I still remember your interview with uh [ __ ] Mark you know the other Mark Jesus you’re talking about other people from the community now so I really don’t I really don’t know what that’s about but I should watch a few of your streams

So you guys want to see what I bought this what I bought from Walmart I bought some hangers for my jacket bought some hangers for my jacket they’re like hangers [Applause] but this stuff it was bad it was shitty don’t ever buy these even if it says

Bacon don’t buy them it’s like it’s like this much of it to the whole [ __ ] package like this much of it okay it’s it it’s it’s pointless don’t don’t spend your money off this [ __ ] okay then I got sponges clean sponges Clean that’s what I got fck Mrs guest mob my dad did Ro too he sure left this live now he’s dead on the ground but I will see him when I get to Hell my dad did trucks too he sure lived his life now he’s dead in the ground but I’ll see him when I get to hell I don’t know how to take that message do I say do I say do I say cool or do I say huh but you’re saying you’ll see them

When you get to hell so it’s that like are you intellectually speaking or it’s like oh we’re all going to go to hell anyway so so I’ll see them there you know I want to see him again so I’m gonna go see him so you’re say you’re

Being inclusive I’ll see him when I get to help so that’s so I mean you so that’s that’s care and love and concern there you want to see again so so I guess that’s a yeah I hope you do see your dad again but I hope you do live

For as long as you live yeah but of course you know have fun and your dad would want you to be happy and have all the fun you could have in this life you know jine have I ducked anyone smoke what I don’t get the question not quite a hell Jesse what the

Hell [ __ ] find this oh okay let me get high I’ll come up oh oh [ __ ] Kandy Mar’s gonna come up holy [ __ ] jine yeah yes I am when I did come me for the first time in green I knew I was gonna die and then when I said I was

Going to die it did one thunder so I know right and then there were I was going huh okay it’s dark humor Flo wake up oh okay okay well I mean dark okay well I wasn’t sure you know I don’t know what to say but you

Know you’re saying I’ll see him when I go to hell so I’m not going to be rude because you’re saying you want to see him after you after you pass on so I’m not going to be like oh yeah forget him because you’re you’re being inclusive

You’re saying I want to see him again I’ll see him I’ll see him which means you want to see him so I’m not going to be rude about it so you know so yeah know okay so that means there’s some love there unless you said oh FM he’s in hell

If you said something like that I’ll be going like oh yeah yeah you know but you said you want to see him you’re going to hell and you you’ll meet him in hell and we’re all going to [ __ ] hell because cuz chanity has way too many [ __ ] expectations and [ __ ] up rules you

Know hey pill I’m going to live in eternity in Paradise okay right oh was stepen hell laugh out loud okay okay candy don’t duck or hide from anyone why would C they hide from anyone Oh wish we talk should I let bir pel up oh besides a real alcoholic a real alcoholic jessen want to get this much Water bck who’s BK Marley who’s BK Marley what’s up I hope we’re not doxing somebody sir or Madam bck Manley hi Buck I hope you’re not doxing anybody I am so [ __ ] up all right so what should I talk about now keep drinking that water flco I’m not talking any one it’s a

Madeup name okay Buck cool nobody has that tum hey there is a buck out there there is a Buck hold up hold up what’s that what’s that guy’s name Buck Angel hold up what’s that guy’s name uh let me let me try to find that guy’s name Buck is it Buck Angel buck And what’s her name what’s her name what’s her name [ __ ] what’s her name what’s her name what’s her name it’s that trans female um what’s her name yeah it’s Buck Angel um it’s Jessica no what’s her name what’s ah God damn I can’t find her [ __ ] name she’s a trans woman though

Let me try to find her name it’s just something is it Jessica no I don’t think it’s Jessica oh yeah the guy’s name Buck Angel I forgot your name hi s 666 black you might want to eat a sandwich and get some bread yeah probably I I ate earlier good

Yeah it’s Buck Angel I know but Buck Angel with is with some popular streamer I forgot her [ __ ] name I think it’s Jessica something it’s a trans woman but Angel is a real name don’t be transphobic here I’ll [ __ ] show you God damn it [ __ ] Angel he’s a trans man transferring from

A female f inel this is [ __ ] [ __ ] intro okay Jesus Christ hold up hold up hold up let me present the stupid video see this is Buck Angel it’s hump day hey everybody awesome here we go this Happ traction and the lies that they’re trying to feed all of you out

There it’s why I never get asked to be on any other YouTube trans influencers all they do is talk [ __ ] about me but none of them will invite me to come on and actually Angel see see see see you just met another B you just met another Buck R pill you

Just met another buck no it’s not are you being transphobic red pill what the [ __ ] red pill Jesus red pill Buck Angel that’s his name she was a female of course so it is kind of a makeup in okay [ __ ] okay stop sharing that’s who that’s who Buck Angel

Is that’s his name stop the oh my God [ __ ] red pill don’t be like that red pill red pill you know what you know what you need to do red pill you need you need to you need to take the blue pill red pill you need to take the blue

Pill man you won’t even take Buck Angel s a bid that’s his name Buck Angel red pill come on red pill don’t be like that don’t be transphobic red pill you know stop taking the red pill it’s really killing you it’s all about the blue pill

Red pill when it comes to when it comes to accepting trans people and what they have to fight for and what they have to get through and the Judgment they have to [ __ ] face day after day day after day of being unaccept for who they are being unaccepted for how they are being

Unaccepted for the fact that they don’t feel like that they’re comfortable in their body and that they have to change their gender because that’s the gender they feel they are my name might show up as Jackson but swear it’s me I will use candy in my pick I have

Well I I know you as candy market I’ll call you a candy mark hey Tina I don’t give a [ __ ] godam I don’t give a [ __ ] [ __ ] you all with then link would you ever dat a trans person oh asking the hard questions would I ever dat a trans

Person would I ever date a trans Person I don’t know oh God hey what’s up Tina d That’s a go potty well that’s a go potty 30 people holy [ __ ] [ __ ] you all want to see my [ __ ] I’m gonna see if my [ __ ] train ride godamn I better a concentrator really be a train rag somebody will probably [ __ ] porn

Bom me again godd damn okay so I sent the link candy Markin it better be you I’m gonna check okay I want be [ __ ] porn bomb again God damn it’s an icle [ __ ] reported again Isaac what you oh my god there you go talking about Isaac there you go [ __ ]

I’ll [ __ ] show you okay let me go to this [ __ ] page I’ll [ __ ] show you okay I’ll [ __ ] show you why I’m saying his name right here on this very Channel okay because he likes to report people he likes to report channels that’s why oh wow that’s a lot of say

F wants to kiss them maybe but even Mama’s already taking she wouldn’t consent think Mandy know demon Mama Dam oh [ __ ] for [ __ ] sake drink some water now how you did I’m good why are you telling me to check water but I say off the

Jesus it is harder to focus I have to like like double think now I have to [ __ ] double think triple think overthink that’s when there one thing to that’s one good thing about when overthinking when you’re drunk you definitely want to overthink holy [ __ ] candy Moran Welcome to My Stream

What’s up what’s up oh hey I’m am I echoing or anything what’s that am I staticky or echoing no sound clear okay so what’s up Welcome to My Stream holy [ __ ] can I get an autograph later that was so weird the way you said that to me like what the hell

Autograph c um was somebody saying something when you read that thing somebody was saying something to me about dust or something hey weirdo come back and you can say it again who what’s that I think it was Mark ryel oh God here I every time I come in

Here Mark comes in here and he has a million name you saw last time I came in here he had even my name and then he had your name with my name and then he had a million other names like is he that um Matic bitri backup

Channel or what you said he had his my name he’s got your name with my name and then he’s got grasshopper and he’s got kmg wife and I mean he has a million names he comes in every time he sees me in here he’ll come in here like and that

Other name was his but I don’t remember what the name was with the sister what what’s the deal with the sister how does the sister feel I heard you talked about him that was a while ago and I don’t know if that’s accurate well I don’t think his sister likes him

Because he tried to kill his mother for the second time in the second fire remember the second fire wait wait I never heard of that he tried to kill his mom in the prire what yeah he tried to dedicate his love to me so he tried to burn the house down and

You know you everybody thinks he’s in a wheelchair right do you believe he can’t walk he’s not really in a Blair well do you believe he can walk or not walk I know he stood up that one time well the house fire he ran out the

Door to the paramedic he ran out the door un I swear to God and then he left his mother in the wheelchair in the house what the is that when he was streaming that one time all [ __ ] like is that when he was [ __ ] streaming yes and

Then when he ran outside it’s like he still claims he can’t walk but he ran out the door it’s a [ __ ] that’s a second fire but he was trying to get my attention and the second one he he was trying to I mean Lord where the [ __ ] you

At he was trying to get my attention and so he’s like telling everybody tell candy I almost died he’s on the way way to the hospital in a in an ambulance so C I almost died and I have smoke ination and I need to talk to her because I

Don’t know if I’m gonna make it I’m like oh my God this guy is flipping out leave me the hell alone he’s been bothering me for eight years now holy [ __ ] he’s a [ __ ] stuck you better watch yourself candy that’s not okay you think I’m afraid of

Him no you shouldn’t be all you have to do is just put a put a bro in his in his well and he’ll be all right he’ll be trapped just start another fire and he’ll run oh my god do you remember when he cried um about Michael because he

Sent uh one of those toys to Michael and Michael didn’t thank him for it and he cried like a little [ __ ] for so long and he was crying you remember that kid by the camera he sent one of his you know his wrestling toys he sent it to

Michael and Michael didn’t say thank you so he went on a rampage and he just went crazy and he’s like I can’t believe it I said that to Michael and he didn’t say thank you and he didn’t even tell me if he opened it you don’t remember that I

Never heard that shance damn where the hell were you at I don’t know I don’t bother with him I only bother with him when he was hitting himself and he was in our community um Isaac was I’m kicking him out but the only reason the only reason

He moved in with the sister was because of the house fire do you remember when he moved in with the sister in a different house so he caus the house fire what did he do yes to get my attention that’s how thick he is what

Did he do did you try to cook or what what did he try to cook or what I don’t remember how he started that fire the first one was in the kitchen the second one was in the kitchen they just had the kitchen remodeled from the first fire so yeah it

Was in the kitchen cuz he started the fire in the kitchen and they just had it remodel from the first one I think the first one um was was 90% his nephew remember his nephew oh nobody’s talking because I’m up here his nephew yeah yeah do you

Remember wait wait what does his nephew have to I never I never knew his nephew was involved in this what his nephew say what did his nephew his nephew was around 17 years old I think when he got involved um because you know Mark screwed up and he got doxed and stuff

And then they started knocking on his door and the nephew kept getting blamed for everything and Mark didn’t take any blame and then he blamed his nephew what the [ __ ] what an [ __ ] blimp his on little nephew Mark’s always been an [ __ ] what do you you act like he just found that

Out yeah I knew it was a little [ __ ] ship but I didn’t know it was an [ __ ] to blame his own little NE you [ __ ] yeah he’s terrible see nobody’s even talking to you cuz I’m here I don’t know I guess I’ll get down so people will talk to you because

Nobody’s talking to you why I’m up here no no don’t even don’t worry about them they’re they’re mostly Guess m anyways they only come to see me see how [ __ ] up I’m gonna get and if I do something stupid like pass out or something don’t even worry about that

Well most of them I don’t know I think some of those CPS are some people come just for me like Jess Jess comes for me because she likes me and she she thinks I’m cool buk Marley I don’t know because barke Marley just got here and he’s pretty new or

She’s pretty new sorry I called you a dude I assumed you were a dude forgive me for that cyrex I don’t know she’s pretty new so I so I don’t know like I don’t want to I don’t want to assume these people’s motives oh God now that I’m up on your

Panel your subscribers might go up cuz mark my bi why is Mark Wait is Mark the one bu Subs you don’t know the competition out there with people that F we should get in a fight because then he’ll buy you subs and then he’ll be your best friend

And then he’ll be like I’m gonna buy you 500 Subs yeah okay there’s like there’s like five or six people that I do not like what that I you know how I call people out that are liars right I be calling people out that are liars especially this one lady and um because

Like she’s crazy and she’s the biggest liar I’ve ever seen I mean she’s faking cancer so like you know that’s bad what the [ __ ] was that um her name is Lura 55 and she doesn’t realize she’s being trolled not real name YouTube name I’m sorry of course Lira that’s her that’s

Her YouTube name Lira l a a k i is that you’re covering now what is that what you’re talking about in covering that’s what I that’s what I went live about today yes um and uh you know Marty right who Mar what’s the name music Marty no I

Never heard of that see you’re not like that’s why I really don’t I mean you’re you’re basically watching um communities I don’t even know but I mean are you serious do you know where I came from I came from the Boyd in AGP that’s why I started Bo you came

From boy yes I came from the boy boy doesn’t even talk about I mean I mean no dig on them they don’t talk about me I don’t want them to talk about me I mean like I mean like look look it’s a big industry and it a lot of times people

Won’t talk about you if you’re not being if you’re not being like a problematic or something so I don’t mean that as an insult of course you know ask um Steve I think he knew me from before guest mob the yeah I I went to the boy Lake eight

Years ago eight and a half years ago I didn’t even know that oh my yeah I know everybody over there oh really and then you know how AGP when he started going live then it started intertwining in the boy and there we are but I was already in the boy then I

Kind of went off the DP SL so oh okay well I didn’t really take you as a part of our community too like nobody really talk I mean this is no di nobody like again again this community is very like if you’re not problematic they’re not gonna like they’re not gonna like look

At you it’s just like oh yeah don’t see them so that’s probably how they see you it’s like it’s like a friend come oh yeah so and so’s talked about that but it’s nothing like know a lot of people over there that that that [ __ ] or something like that nothing like that

It’s just I don’t really have a problem with people like it’s like out of sight out of mind kind of thing well no it’s like I don’t have a lot of problems with people the only time I have a problem with somebody is that they drop first

Blood on me and then I go for them Steve or um Mark nobody’s gone for me over there so I don’t have you know like G mango like I I don’t they don’t come for me and I don’t go for them so there’s no blood drawn so they all know about

You you’ve never seen you’ve never seen me in Mark’s room ever no oh Mark Mark Terry yes I’ve been around Mark was Mark Terry but I thought maybe that’s because maybe you thought like I don’t know I don’t know I thought maybe you’ve beig like since you kind of follow me

Sometimes I don’t I don’t what maybe you’re following me marked it kind like do a video on me a while ago so I thought maybe you might have thought like oh well oh well um oh well you know whatever I don’t know sorry wait a minute as long as I’ve been

In the boy you think I’m following you like evil Abe I’ve known him forever well no not with me not with me of course not I don’t think I don’t think you would follow you said I’m following you I’m like no um it was really funny I

Don’t know if you were in evil Abes one night um there was a fight going on with uh Savage Savage do you remember that fight with Michael and Savage guest mob and all that and is that a while ago yeah a long time ago I think I

Remember that I I was hardly ever streaming at that time yeah I think uh um Mia was I think she was pregnant with Mia when that happened okay so that was like what a year and a half ago Mia oh no Mia is like what three because Michael the baby so m is

About three so maybe four years ago is it the oldest oldest Mia is the oldest and Michael’s the youngest yeah Mia Mia is like maybe she’s pretty old she talks really well so maybe three maybe three so maybe four years ago and I didn’t even really know Michael knew me that

Much and I was in evil room and then Michael got on panel because he wanted to apologize to Savage because I guess there was a lot of bad blood in the years and he felt like he felt like he had you know maybe contributed to it and

Him and um uh Bridget were in there and he goes off damn it’s candy Moran I’m like wait you know me he goes yeah I watch your [ __ ] I’m like no he don’t I was just like laughing because he called me out and evil o go damn go

I love how I learn all these new things when I’m [ __ ] drunk and like I can’t take all the I just I just threw a book in your head you better take a drink [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s funny it’s like oh fck [ __ ] up I think I could express myself

Ping now I just gave pipedia of information [ __ ] like oh perfect time to tell PLO this when when it’s drunk and [ __ ] up you probably remember when you’re not drunk if if you are in the morning or something s again I said maybe you’ll remember some of this when you’re not

Drunk in the morning if you’re not drunk in the morning yeah I’ll just watch the video again I’m I can St looking at myself I’ve known Tina Brandon kid was really young um you know that guy that’s still with her his name Brandon I forget his name but the guy

From the other country like he was really young like very young when she you know had him on his channel so that’s been years ago for that I don’t know how many of that is who’s that do you remember Crystal Jared Crystal yeah the one that um uh guest M gave her that

Pf5 player remember that blonde chick Crystal yeah she had a husband and some kids and her husband was disabled or something and then guest ma bought her a um game player a PS3 or something yeah something like that it was a few it was

It was a lot of years back yeah I just wondering if you were around the when she was around yeah I don’t know who that is how long how long were you as guest mom like when did you come in guest mob yeah well I mean how many what year

Did you start trolling guest mob well I started tring a guest mob at the start and then I became cool with guest mob and then eventually he had the interview over me because I was starting [ __ ] with him and then and then um but I mean

How many years ago was that because I remember him calling you out God damn it flco God damn it f that was two years ago no that was longer than two years ago I think he said godd damn it you us costs me a [ __ ] that’s all he

Is it usually calls me a [ __ ] let’s just go too [ __ ] so are you making some microwav chicken tonight microwave Chicken N the last time I saw you drunk you went in to get some chicken and it took you a while to microwave it I’m was that and then everybody then

Everybody’s like oh my God you’re not putting no sauce or anything on you didn’t even put salt or pepper you stuck it in the microwave and started eating it I don’t remember that ever microwave chicken we do because we heard the little thing in the background beeping really

Okay CU I was mic waving chicken yeah I was making food I guess I know Dave the fisherman but I can’t remember what he what what his little thingy look like yeah so so why is Mark still around what’s his sister say our thing okay well remember Highlander used

To always call his sister yeah okay well Highlander I think gave up or um now Mark said that the charges were dropped on Highlander is in this yeah he’s always been in a Highlander from CHP committee yeah what’ he say what he what happened okay every

You remember when I tried to get rid of Mark because of what he was doing with those little kids and stuff well [ __ ] disgusting Highlander didn’t want him on the internet so he would call his sister so every time mark would try to get on a

Um a hot spot then his sister would make him get off and then he’d be gone for a week and then he’d come back and Highlander would keep calling his sister yeah he’s the one that called his sister all the time I didn’t even know that

That yeah I know everything that see I come from everywhere that’s why I know everything you know I I love how you all come at me when I’m [ __ ] drunk it’s funny it’s funny you asked me a question what am I supposed to do shut the [ __ ]

Up I’m not going to answer you I’ll tell you later know well you could if you wanted to you like oh [ __ ] this guy I answer this question you asked me twice about oh my God it’s not that drunk you’re asking me a good question you

Could be like okay well listen you asked about his sister so after the fire he moved in with the sister and then sister I don’t know if you remember when there was ducks or something in her sister’s living room they hatched a bunch of ducks or birds or something I don’t know

One of the DS or something and that was his sister’s house so he his sister said as long as you’re in my house because of what you do you’re not allowed on the internet so every time Michael get on the internet then Highlander would call and yes Highlander is the one that would

Call his sister all the time I mean if Highlander was gone he’d get a message and boom there you are he’d he be calling sister so then Mark went into some kind of rest home or something I don’t know if he hurt himself you know how Mark is with doing

All that weird stuff or he fell or something I don’t know but then he went into a rest home with old folks and then he went out and I don’t know where he lives now oh [ __ ] I’m telling you seriously there’s people that’ll fight with me and I’m not

Lying there’s a girl named Alana she fought with me and Mark bought her Subs there’s another girl um named Mary you know Mary yeah Mary um Mark bought Mary Subs okay kmg so that Mark that’s these Die Hard Subs who will [ __ ] give them money and [ __ ] okay well okay he bought Mary

500 Subs he bought kmg 1,000 Subs twice he’s bought aana Subs he bought um now he’s buying um Lura Subs this lady that I’m talking about because I don’t like her so every time I don’t like somebody Mark will go over there and then he’ll offer them all this stuff and then he’ll

Be 100 people as a troll like literally he’ll have like a 100 names prepared as a troll ask lord it’s not for him in return right wait what so then then they do stuff for him in return right they do what with the return they do stuff for him in

Return no he just wants to help them because I don’t like him okay he thinks it’s revenge on me like he’s doing some kind of revenge against me I don’t care if you want to if you want to waste your money and buy them 500 subs or a

Thousand do it well while your interview with him like made him look pretty bad but I mean she just Serv at you know like being a piece of [ __ ] and stuff you know you remember my interview with him oh yeah I remember that that [ __ ] was

[ __ ] crazy like holy [ __ ] I it like he didn’t even like [ __ ] deny anything you know do you know why I did that uh to expose him well because he told um Isaac one story and he told me the other so I wanted to call him out to

Find out like okay who are you lying to me or Isaac because he told Isaac about a girl and he told me about some guys and then he told the story completely different wait what oh he told you it was involving a guy not a girl yeah with

The with the stairs and stuff it was guys with um playing God I I forget it’s been so many years but I still have it um like wrestle like they were doing wrestle moves or something on them each other and then oh my God yeah he’s just trying to justify his

[ __ ] this [ __ ] disgusting yeah he’s a level three and we shouldn’t like he’s try a level three times three he’s a level three6 Bender I mean I mean times three time story what level three that’s Defender um arrest there’s three there not level six or sucks

Bender no I said there is no level six he’s a level three times three like he has done it three times he’s done it three times yeah three [ __ ] times yeah oh what a disgusting piece of [ __ ] I don’t even know why he’s on here wow he is drinking show show just us

Just spicy Stacy your bottle yeah he’s disgusting I don’t know why I don’t know why he’s bothering coming on here he knows that he’s just gonna get hated on for for good reason of course you know Flo he’s obsessed with me oh yeah and he bought grasshopper 100 he bought grasshopper 100 yeah

Because he thought I was fighting with Grasshopper so he went and bought him a 100 oh he knows about grasshopper yeah he’s the grasshopper trolling here I when the grasshopper troll comes in it’s him damn what a small world holy [ __ ] that’s crazy I see a grasshopper a few

Times here that’s Mark you don’t see grasshopper ever in the boy that’s wait grasshopper is Mark yes but there’s another grasshopper but that’s not the same grasshopper Mark is trying to Mark keeps playing all these roles he play I don’t know how many like channels he has a me and he’s

Got grasshopper grasshopper’s wife kmg kmg’s wife I think he’s got one of Luna um K why doesn’t Lord have one I he’s afraid of Lord why do you tell me this [ __ ] drunk holy [ __ ] I told Lord to come in here but there must be a better live

Somewhere why do you all tell me this what I [ __ ] drunk God down okay well I’ll get I’ll go down there and I’ll get Hive in and then you can get you can talk to your people people will come in here live if I get down here like I’m in

Here that’s why they’re not I don’t mind I don’t mind it I have a lot of people that hate me why do people hate you what the [ __ ] because I call people out that lie and [ __ ] like when somebody says that they have cancer seven times for sympathy to get monetized that’s not

Cool that’s weird this lady that I’ve been going after she is faking cancer there’s a lot of channels I even seen the boy pick it up I don’t know how far it’s going to go in the boy but the boy just picked it up who is that she even shaved her head she

Shaved her head to pretend like she had chemo then she said she’s allergic to chemo so you C her out well I’m not gonna sit there and let somebody lie and the lady started hurting people that I knew and then I’m like no lady you just drew first blood

With me that’s it how can you feel I mean if you’re alleg Kimo that’s it but that’s not what’s going to help you so it won even [ __ ] matter because Kimo’s like the [ __ ] um Kimo’s like the [ __ ] like War offensive you know it [ __ ] you up no matter no matter how

Know Kemo [ __ ] anybody up you know she’s taking it she had cancer in her listen she went to the hospital yesterday she had cancer surgery today and she’s already gone Live Twice who who who the who who was it okay I’ll spell it for you because I don’t know you think I’m saying

Somebody’s name but I’ll give you her screen name here no C I don’t know because I’m sure people are confused too so like I don’t I don’t know who it is because I can’t type in the live I’m in streamyard on my computer did you say

The name right there what’s the name she goes by she goes by um right now let’s see oh wow that’s [ __ ] up okay now this lady right here goes by this name right now because she was she’s trying to get the names that I’ve put on her and um Luna and skull Bandit

Have put on her that’s her name that she’s doing right now like she just changed it but if you look up Lura you’ll find my videos you’ll find Luna’s you’ll find um you’ll find a lot of videos on her and you’ll see how terrible she is like I’ve

Heard of Aluna but I can’t remember her full name well anybody that fakes cancer for sympathy or of to try to make somebody buy their product is evil definitely for sure that’s [ __ ] disgusting faking caner and [ __ ] there’s a lady well there’s a lady that’s on my Community page and it’s a

Bit Channel and she put um a couple of her videos up yesterday I can’t remember her name though cuz it’s they call her Ollie or something but her name is really long I know you’ve seen her because I’ve seen her all around um but she put a couple of her she started

Raging and um today I did a live and I put up some of the videos that her and her husband are threatening grasshopper saying that they’re going to go to kill him and go to his work and get him fired if he doesn’t get rid of me they said if

You don’t get rid of Kenny D candy Morgan as a friend he was supposed to drop me Kenny D and oxy man you know oxyman no you over there and you don’t know those people [ __ ] maybe I seen oxyman once I don’t know I’m sorry it’s a b Community like holy

[ __ ] I’m getting drunk tomorrow yeah you should it’s fun I am no but even if I wasn’t drunk I don’t know what you’re talking about like you’re you’re dealing with other communities that I don’t even know about you know like like like Steve was doing a panel the other day he was giving

Names that I didn’t even [ __ ] know about I was like what the [ __ ] who’s that who’s that you know actually Steve knows who I’m talking about because I think he was in my live the other day when Lord was in there and he came in there and I’m like is that the real

Steve because Steve only comes in once in a while so I wasn’t sure if it was even him yeah I didn’t even see her lives are I mean I don’t I mean nothing personal or anything like I didn’t see our lives because like I don’t know if

You’re talking any about anybody I knew or was like I know it’s hard it’s hard when you go to somebody’s live and you don’t know who they’re talking about I like it you’re cool you’re pretty entertaining I like your interview with Mark but it’s like if you don’t know if

You’re not talking about anybody I know it’s like so it’s nothing it’s nothing of personal of course you know no I know but you know these people you just probably like they’re local well you know kmg yeah cam that’s the H cam Mary Crazy Mary they call her crazy Mary so that’s

Probably how You’ know her I don’t even remember I don’t know I’m sorry cam um I went on Steve’s panel about her um yeah twice I didn’t even wait shut up you’re on Steve’s panel I didn’t even know that so St and I want to go about Lura but she

Won’t she won’t go there because she’s afraid of me Cara that Cara car yeah she’s afraid of me oh I’m trying to get her to go on Steve it was funny somebody came to try to challenge me on Steve’s panel and Mark just and Mark and this other guy told

Him just sit down and shut the hell up and Mark I’ve known her for long time and I’ve never seen candy come over on my side and start any trouble because I don’t why would I go in Mark’s room and you know start any trouble I don’t have

A problem over there and that’s what he said and so two people tried to challenge me on there oh it was do you remember when Elaine went on panel you late yeah okay it was like right before that like a month or so before that I’ll

Put it in your comment section I’ll tell you which one it was and you can go look okay be a one just mess you remember Jo you know JoJo right cha CH the one that goes to kmg well used to go to kmg’s and Mary’s

And C that’s the guy who went on my panel right that’s the guy who was going to Isaac what’s his name camg I can’t think I I think I know what you’re talking about but I can’t say his name for some [ __ ] reason right now I think his name is Los

Loos yeah that I don’t know I thought you were talking about um it’s JoJo Judgment Day Judgment Day no not him like that’s somebody totally different I thought you were talking about uh the guy we all know from this community yeah a lot of times I go in

Steve’s room just to say hi to people because that’s how I can find them just in Steve like from all around right see look before I came on your panel you had almost 38 in here now you got 15 yeah I know you’re you’re popular hold up let me

Let me PLU my phone up before I do no I’m saying I’m killing your piano I’m going go so you can talk to people while you’re drunk hold up okay I’m gonna let you have your Buzz okay well if you want to cut off you can

Cut off if you want I don’t mind yeah I don’t want you to just sit here and like listen to me talk about people that you don’t know and I’m I’m I’m [ __ ] up your Buzz okay can answer me or did you die over there you fall

Down okay well I’m going to go happy New Year all right we’re back we kind of go black I just came in while eating my supper you look drunk as [ __ ] carry on damn candy thanks for telling me live your life Flo make sure gravity remains your friend what swamp

This what’s it talking about oh c did Mark left R probably might come up damn 14 people in here all right almost come up Sor Candy there a link one if what you talking about hold up people will come I said happy birthday candy happy no candy I I’m I’m good I’m just give me a lot to think about candy you if you want to come back up you can here I’ll send the link sorry about that

Candy are anybody else supposed to come up if anybody else wants to come up see if I wasn’t if I wasn’t drunk I wouldn’t be drinking water of all things so if I was the drunk I wouldn’t be drinking water all right candy thanks for coming

Up damn I want to take the drops out and come back and your eyes are almost closed I told the M I would go on apparently get drunk tomorrow candy be you get drunk down they’re just people are just waiting for me to [ __ ] crack that’s what that’s

What people are waiting for candy they’re just waiting for me to crack but that’s open talking about I told the M be going P amag streams I don’t know that I don’t know M to be streams what nothing nothing on much oh this this is just a

Um it’s a um it’s animation and see it just it’s it’s just a weird cat on shrooms that’s what it is it means like a weird cat on shrooms that’s what it is it the whole the whole shirt is just a cat on shrooms

But I just got it for the light blue and the dark blue designs that’s why I got this shirt for the [ __ ] coloring yes she does oh you know about oh my God yeah magic mushrooms you know I wanted you know I wanted to talk about jp2 I wanted to I want I

Do honestly that’s what I wanted to talk about the J he had Like JP um JP like he could have did so much on here but he he he CHS not too JP got did so much on here but he didn’t want to hold up yeah I might need an NA soon chessine I agree come to amandus tomorrow we can talk top

I’ll be reacting to the bathtu wait wait wait the JP are we talking about Jonathan halman JP is is that the JP talking about candy Mark the Jonathan halman the Jonathan hman the Jonathan hman and our community is that who you’re referring to is that who you’re referencing candy Morgan what oh my

God a about people really oh God come back on here tell me what you have to say about them what I’m reacting to the mom dying wait his mom died are you sing this what JP’s mom died Jonathan hopman’s mom died is that what you’re saying is that what you’re [ __ ]

Saying his mom passed away no his mom’s still alive wait yes he has pissed me off when he said he ran away from home but this what the what is that are we talking about the same JP it’s D ashes he ran off what he lied that okay he lied he lied that the D he ran away with the st’s ashes I didn’t know about that I didn’t even know he talked about JP Jonathan halman JP that JP I didn’t [ __ ] know

That you know I love how you’re all the most talking that when I [ __ ] up Jesus you could be bother to talk when I’m [ __ ] sober as [ __ ] but now that I’m high it’s like oh Bo you know what Black’s [ __ ] up it’s a great time to

Talk to blacka when he’s really [ __ ] up and you can’t talk but yeah I’m still coherent and I’m still able to talk because it’s a game to me it’s a game to be so coherent it’s a game to be tolerant it’s a game to be hold up oh my

God this here the subject remember when you left the sexy toys go go so fast the first is sex to what I don’t even know about that [ __ ] what the [ __ ] yes he ran away from home in his car and cried he oh my God that really

Happened I didn’t know I didn’t know was that far oh [ __ ] hey Spacey Stacy welcome to the stream I guess I didn’t know you had this intent candy I didn’t know you had that much of an extensive history about everybody holy [ __ ] yes to me I’m good I’m

Hydrated I told you I’m everywhere well I well I didn’t know you were that much everywhere holy [ __ ] I didn’t know you’re that much everywhere C even paring holy [ __ ] Jesus yeah I’m hydrated I just drink water he called the man the art word and

Then D oh yeah you just a lot of people like he just chrisen real bad he just some other few people oh he’s he’s pretty [ __ ] up yeah like JP is W that a lot of his members for betraying him and [ __ ] like that but but a lot of his members know his

[ __ ] they know his [ __ ] that they don’t them [ __ ] around they know he likes to do his thing I find the LDS to this thing hold up hold up you guys oh that’s not good give me a second hold up you guys hold up you guys H

[ __ ] I’m missing the LD so I don’t know if I should just end it or not Jesus spy staccia what’s up no it’s not that I just I’m just trying to find the [ __ ] bottle caps that’s what it is I lost the [ __ ] bottle caps hold up bottle caps at down Yeah I can’t find the bottle caps Wow God what the [ __ ] hold up hold up guys hold up it’s new EVE celebrate Flo get good for tomorrow the big day I’m not Shock you lost anything what I know what you guys are waiting for [ __ ] I’m not Dum I’m not [ __ ] [ __ ] stupid yeah know but I’m not that

Stupid I may be over overly relaxed But what the [ __ ] do those ble C go God damn do you ever get that where like B caps fall but they’re like miles away from what they should be like like you if you have a b c and it falls it’s supposed to have fallen feet away it

Follows like [ __ ] like like more than feet away you know it’s like it’s like haha you can’t find ass [ __ ] you know hey exem my B what’s up God damn sucks and if you want to come on up you could um Candy Morgan if you want to

Come up you could I don’t mind I’m sorry I’m sorry I lost track of you hold up let me try to um find this stupid water off cap I me where’s this stupid ass botle cap [ __ ] [ __ ] Jesus I can’t find these stupid bottle caps now it’s just land and forgot how to

Block it’s just that everything’s right here and man 15 years man we’re still praying that Gary SE the light and this is his who’s Gary dude BNA welcome to the stream I don’t think I even introduced you hey BNA BNA oh it’s BNA BNA who are you welcome to the

Stream I thought I qued you earlier but I don’t think I did Welcome VI or VI found that i b a bottle cap to my Hennessy sweet hell yeah hell to the yeah I found the bottle cap to my henness see W who’s poor I’m okay what’s up

Candy you want to come back on on here I’m sorry candy here want come on up here Jesus oh that one yeah have water B hair how much it it’s my hair what am I stupid what am I [ __ ] stupid come on now I could barely handle myself now of

Course I’m G to drink water [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I’m not [ __ ] my health is fine bro do you want to come on up do you want to come on up you can come on up at best it’s cool you come on up best if you want I

Don’t mind Chris you come on up why are you using your flashlight your light bulbs burn out no it’s cuz it’s cuz the lights all the way up there and I don’t want to [ __ ] waste time that’s why cuz I don’t want to [ __ ] like [ __ ] lose my balance if fuing

Fall like a little [ __ ] that’s why I need to make food I was supposed to hire hours ago and ended my life oh wait you were live candy what the [ __ ] I didn’t even know you’re alive candy candy I didn’t know you were alive well was Ben I’m live you’re live right now

Okay you guys I think it’s a perfect time to Minecraft I think it’s a perfect time to to Minecraft so let’s do it Minecraft still Sh welcome to come over what do you mean What I be sure tell Ella why K man GNA come next time what’s that if it is he L you do want to come where did Amanda for Amanda who you um Candy there are a bunch of amandas so I don’t think people know which Amanda you’re talking to I don’t know which

Amanda you’re talking to because they there are a lot of bandas there’s like two or three so I don’t think we know who who you’re referring to Oh amand Be oh oh that Amanda okay I don’t even know I don’t even watch that am man to be

I think you need water yeah I think so too jine I’mma J water now no more to see Yeah tastes like battery acid [ __ ] battery acid Amanda amen for spreading the message of swamp Jesus about the Heritage Chase I don’t know what the [ __ ] I’m talking about I’m so [ __ ] up you know what that means it’s time for Minecraft that’s what that means wait hold Up Guys are you guys ready Flo you want to come on my panel you can oh thanks this appreciate it who’s this space is one come what’s upar oh my goodness if it ain’t fito I love how you comeing and drunk and not sober but what’s up

All it’s all right I just really want to make sure you’re gonna be okay you were drinking up pretty heavy buddy yeah I’m good you’re okay you promis yeah how’s it going Stacy how you doing it’s going good I just made well my husband just made this hug o plate of

Nachos Bel Grande at home oh my God I’m so full yourand made some nachos oh yeah like serious nachos like with the chicken cooked with the tacos probably not hey let me ask you a question flco are you Mexican yeah okay so how does your mama

Make nachos my mom well my mom never made nachos she just made like basically everything was like um you know it’s like get the kids to get the kids you know it’s like she’s a single mom so everything was like just fast and fast paced so she never I mean

She really made stuff like like like enchiladas and stuff I mean oh so she was a she was a busy Mama well that makes sense yeah she’s a bu mama you know best Pace best Pace yeah I no I get it this he made it with the the shredded chicken the

Guacamole the queso sauce I mean we’re talking about the vegetables on top it’s real it was real good really nice my tried I’m not I’m not trying to track my mom or anything but she tried you know she came home she has she had a single son to jaal with

And daugh do with my older daughter so she she tried the best she could you know I know don’t you ain’t talking bad about your mama you’re just saying my mama was really busy but she still fed me yeah exactly it was just like it was

Just like okay like I come home I take care of my daughter I take care of my son what do I make okay well I got beans and I got this and I got that I’m going to make that and that’s you know I get it shoot I

Totally get it I homeschool and do all that stuff so trust me I know what busy is yeah so bet you could you know it’s yeah but you feeling all right you and your mom are good everything okay yeah of course what about you it’s going good I it’s like New

Year’s Eve eve it’s time to have a good time and say goodbye to what year is this 2023 Happy New Year it’s 2024 but you mean 23 wait no I said we’re saying goodbye to which one 2023 or 2024 say goodbye to 23 you know I’m just messing with you I

Just wanted to make sure you’re okay I know I know it’s a game look it’s a game be coherent as possible oh good lord the the least coherent you are the better when it comes to this whole thing trust me totally how you doing sty I’m doing good I’m standing at the

Door V outside I don’t want it to go in the house I’m sorry I [ __ ] on you and talk crap on you it’s just you ain’t got to apologize my goodness everybody talks [ __ ] on everybody we gotta have something but Pi a personal you know like I know you’re probably a good

Person you know well I wouldn’t go that far but I would say person I’m just a human I can’t say if I’m good or bad there’s light and darkness in all of us right of course there’s subjective subjectivity like in the past like in the past slavery was okay in the past

Sacrificing your children the name of God was okay so of course you know well what what what’ you just say one the pass sacrificing your kid in the name of God was okay story of Abraham that’s what I’m referencing oh look I was like what the hell I I was about to respond

Then I was like wait I’m not sure what he just said like I thought you said I thought you said it’s okay I would never sacrifice my kid have God ever they’ll be [ __ ] up you know you’re talking about Abraham an AAC i’ rather go to

Hell than sacrifice my kid in the name of a god thank you very much you know well yeah but you know I guess his faith that’s why they always say don’t judge somebody by their actions judge them by their heart like what was in their heart we gotta question people even if they’re

A God we gotta question people even if they’re God you know oh well hell Flo we’re all a damn m you know what you going to judge if you took every person that you know and you stick them under a microscope what’s GNA happen what are you gonna see you’re

Gonna see bacteria right no what I’m saying is we shouldn’t even question God because God God is like since he he’s that b and God feels like he shouldn’t be questioned but I think we should all question God we should all question who our to be Lords are you know because how

Do we know our God is really in the right whatever God is egotistical whatever God is is ready for for like the Israelites to slaughter all the Canaanites and ens slay the women you know we got against that [ __ ] you know go said no no no we as humans don’t

Accept that [ __ ] we don’t accept that we don’t accept you B for what you want to do and for what how you want to do it you I I hear that geez FCO you are like real passionate about the God story and I get it like I’ve got friends who are

Muslim I’ve got Jewish friends I’m Christian I’ve got Pagan friends I’ve got so people from so many different sectors it it almost feels like they just kind of use it to divide us does that make sense yeah and I know it’s hard you know you

You he the about this SC you see about this SC and and you think they the best thing ever and I know you know like can’t have them I know just well you’re real smart to question what you believe in you should always question what you believe in you

Know got question everybody you know if if some if some leader comes and say in the name of God I feel like these people should be annihilated God told me you should be able to question and be like no wait really really I don’t approve of this I don’t think these people should

Be annihilated I don’t think these people should be killed no God I think you’re wrong we should be able to say that you know we should be able to well you are able say yeah you are able to say that that’s the beauty of it all

And if it’s a God if it’s a leer we don’t give a [ __ ] we should be able to stand for our morals you know stand for your morals man do it I’m a hippie I’m all for it whatever people God a god a God who we don’t even know the full

Nature a God who we don’t even know they’re really right you know people think that morals began with a god they don’t yeah I’ll tell you why I’ll tell you why because you know I don’t want to see people hurt I don’t want I don’t want people to be hurt so

That’s me that’s that that’s I don’t want to that’s me too I feel you I don’t want to see people like abused in some way that’s me that’s personal me and I’m sure a lot of people can relate because they know what it is

To be hurt they know what it is to be abused so that’s a standard of of just and and Justice right there you know there is there is L up to what they consider as fair and just you know I agree and then like I hear you

When you bring up I wouldn’t say religion but spirit uality and what people believe in and you get real passionate about it and you kind of get shut down because everybody’s like no no no we want drama we want something else religious of course I’m sorry I don’t

Wanna I don’t want to [ __ ] on your fa I was just talking to rat and R but of course oh no darling let me tell you you should all my faith there ain’t nothing that could rock it but I want you to be able to have your voice look I’ve been

Christian to I know what it is to think that God is in the right and God is fair and just and I’ve I’ve read that I’ve heard that stuff time and time again so I know what it is so I don’t even judge because I know that I know that I’ve

I’ve been preached about God and His yeah me too me too trust me I don’t judge you at all I I relate to it you know because I’ve been told of it know and it’s the kind of thing that where you have to go on your own journey and

Though your journey could be like where you still think that oh well God isn’t right that’s cool that’s fine you know because we’re all individuals and we’re all entitled to what we believe and how we see the world is because God isn’t you know I mean God is it God

Is uh you’re you’re saying exactly what God is it’s something that you can’t put into words you know you you stumble you can’t figure it out none of us can but we’re trying and that’s why so many people fall into religion but I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t want to take you into

This you know God honey I know you get real passionate about it yeah I mean are you are you just trying to understand it like because I hope you know not a one of us really understands it we just go off what we’re taught you know of course

And then to to be told that we’re going to help because we don’t [ __ ] get it well of course we don’t [ __ ] get it it’s so [ __ ] confusing because oh my God my goodness my daddies are gay my another person in my life is gay and

Then two other people and I promise you as a Christian there is nothing and these people are the best people I’ve ever met in my life so when people say that it pisses me off not you I’m talking about other people now this is butt you done touch [ __ ] no uh

I’m not talking about you let me be quiet because I don’t want to say things but I’ll regret you’re not going to demonize your your friends who seem gay or not friend you’re not going to demonize them and like it’s the that’s nothing thing too like when it comes to

People who are different and people who are like spiritually different and stuff it’s like you don’t want to like because they could be right you know and then yeah Jesus no you ain’t bothering me it’s just past experiences of people bringing up homosexuality as if it’s you know a negative thing and it’s

Like these people that I know and love are the most beautiful people I’ve ever met in my life they’re way better yeah you know I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for my dad well he’s not really my dad I won’t go into who he is

But if he hadn’t taken no it’s okay if he hadn’t taken over and taking care of me and love me I I would not be here you know because of my actual parents who were straight if we want to talk about you know people’s orientation well it

Was my Straight parents let’s put that out there straight parents who really really effed up it wasn’t my gay dad who was my actual uncle and his husband they loved me like there was no love that I’d ever seen before you know what I mean so so when people bring up gay or

The f word or whatever they want to say and I I’ll say words [ __ ] holy crap when they say that word it pisses me the [ __ ] off cuz it’s like you’re saying it and negative light no that isn’t negative you know I’m sorry I didn’t mean to say that

On your panel PLO is that gonna get you in trouble who are the judge you know like so what if you have gay parents and stuff you know I have more than gay parents and I I think they’re the most amazing people I’ve ever met in my

Life yeah yeah that’s good you should you should totally badge for them you know you should totally you know cuz like what what what just a man a woman should be the perfect model for a kid you know no it’s it’s know it’s kind of like they try to push

This whole population control thing you know like they they want us to be careful about how many kids we’re bringing into the Earth because the Earth can’t sustain us which I don’t believe however kind of like uh have you ever looked at the line population I don’t know if you watch those Discovery

Channel things but there are male lines that are more attracted to other male lines and it kind of keeps the population under control it’s like a natural mechanism and I sound crazy right now right exactly are you sure because it like it’s like nature puts hey well it’s your it’s your

Perspective so I mean it’s not it’s not a right or wrong it’s your perspective you know that’s all we got to go on in this life is perspective you know oh my God you’re so right my mom-in-law okay so let me hide the uh laundry room for a

Minute so nobody can hear me um I have to take CPD for epilepsy it keeps it under control well I ran out mine was stuck in Atlanta and it wasn’t coming from my friend who makes it and it’s not it wasn’t THC or anything like that I

Just do CBD it’s like 6,500 milligrams and it controls my seizures so my mother-in-law just came in from California hold on let me make sure ain’t nobody looking all right so she I ran out of it and she was like why don’t you take this before bed and I was like

What’s that and she’ just come in from California and it had 10 milligrams of THC in it I took the chewed the whole thing it was called a California Starburst and oh my God like my inner monologue I had my headphones on thinking I was listening to uh people in

The drama Community it was my whole head talking to me the whole damn time and it was telling me about perspective of how time is perspective how um how we take things as all in a different perspective and I didn’t quite understand it it was way deeper than I’ve ever been in my

Life because I’m kind of like a I’m not all there if that helps at all let me see I’m I’m not slow but I’m what’s the word you know I’ll def you’re high on stuff you mean oh my goodness the stuff that was going through my mind because I don’t touch

THC it’s like I’m a lightweight when it comes to it but there were some really deep things coming through my thoughts and I thought they were coming through the headphones so I was just laying there and I mean we have to justify God who told the Jewish people to [ __ ] out

The canites and slate the women so so you’re not want to be judged you know right well the okay you want my perspective on that whole thing about Jesus and what happened with him sure what’s up all right I think he came to say that we got it wrong in the first

Half of the Bible I think he came to say hey yo no we’re not here to slaughter we’re not here to hurt we’re not here to do damage we’re here to love we’re here to heal on the days that sh created laws for us not to heal people well according

To the book of according to the books of of according to the gospels of U the um the gospels the the um what’s it called I [ __ ] I can’t even think of it which one which one the gospel of Matthew Luke John Romans of Judas and the the

Basically the gospels that they don’t accept according to them that oh the Dead Sea Scrolls yeah exactly yeah according to them Yahweh is not the god to worship that it’s it’s an entirely different God and like like they see basically yeh as the villain yeah God B have you ever heard

Of him yeah which is probating know because see a lot of parallels to that and what they’re saying to be true you know which is kind of scary was kind of fun but it’s like why you wor about what the [ __ ] is going on you know for God say that he’s all knowing

And all powerful we don’t know what the [ __ ] is going on we don’t we don’t know we don’t know everything confusing we don’t know right wrong so you know what we got to go to hell then [ __ ] it we got to go to hell because we don’t know who the [ __ ] is right

And we should know what the [ __ ] is going on but we don’t because he doesn’t even [ __ ] tell us you know you should bee of curve but is right even in the New Testament when the disciples asked Jesus to tell him the mysteries of the universe he said you can’t comprehend

What I’m saying right now why would I go even further J talking riddles and he wants to like [ __ ] like [ __ ] um um gasl and Talking R of course we oh my God this understand how we are as humans because he created us he created us so

You should know you how he how we would be but he doesn’t well maybe we’re an experiment maybe who [ __ ] knows who [ __ ] knows right right flco I came up here just to make sure you’re drinking Pedialite darling I mean we got into some deep stuff you know pedite I’m pite you you

Promise because we’re a mess God knows we’re a mess darling we just got to make sure we’re doing the best we can with the mess we are this is what I’ve been talking you know drunk or not what I be talking you know all right well if you

Liv next door to me if you were in Georgia I’d be coming right over with a bottle of Pedialite because you gonna have a headache honey why would you be coming with a bottle pedite uh to hydrate you I got water I’m okay water does no you need uh electrolytes

Because you’re you’re depleting your body of them right now lucky water my hair big okay well good well sugar I have a Moonshiner that lives next door to me that brings me a homemade I’m not going to say the name of the kind of wine because I get you

Know then the haters will be like you go drink your eat wine and then you know it’s like everything you do up here everybody’s got a make a show out of of course honestly I’m missing the ls that but of course I can find the L myy which

Is [ __ ] right there well be that’s why I came up too because I noticed you kept bending over to find myad and I was like aito you about to fall over and and uh make another clip it’s a game to be coherent you know at this stream

Yeah right I get it I just didn’t here I’ve never of people in here they know they’re just one the [ __ ] up but anyways that’s besides the point like I like what they’re really talking about like you know I like what you’re saying and I agree you know yeah

You know what I don’t think there’s any one of us on here that’s all bad and I don’t think there’s any one of us on here that’s all good so we just kind of got sorry gave you a lot of [ __ ] you know when it came to guest mob and stuff

You know I’m sorry yeah Flo you want me to be honest I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about I probably didn’t hear it I I’m so busy in life so whatever you said you take it put it in a little envelope you can hand it over

To me I won’t open it and read it so it don’t bother me and I’ll burn it out in the yard and I’ll say I’m all right with it all and we ain’t got to fight you know I don’t want to fight with nobody because I assume I said something

Wrong or something bad you know oh I’m sure you did there’s a lot of people I’ve heard different things and you know it’s just like can I just be Stacy do I have to be a part of this or that or this or that can I just like everybody

Or allowed know I was F with M to with all they do things I was F I gave Isaac a chance you know because I want to give Isaac a chance I gave him a chance yeah and it seemed like with Isaac he doesn’t really trust me I don’t trust him so

It’s like a it’s like a d do and D situation because I don’t fully trust him and he doesn’t fully trust me so it’s like not a fair comparison you know well it’s kind of like this if you’ve been on this platform for many years like let’s take a few of the main

Examples Isaac Charlie Tina they’ve all been on this and and I against the full villain because of the fact that BSC Angel BSC docks ISAC she she she basically like biger out who he was and she docked him so it’s like you know and Isaac was you

Know Isaac is kind of like a um he’s kind of ghetto like me where it’s like oh you do this to me oh I’m gonna do this to you so that’s attitude so it’s kind of like it’s kind of coherent it’s kind of understandable

What he would do and why he would do it you know right it kind of makes you understand why all three of the names that I just named would not trust anybody if you do something else we’re gonna do the same to you because that’s the energy you get and we’re going to

Get the same energy back it’s it’s simple it’s it’s it’s jusi you know but understanding that I get him just like [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you up you want to you want to know what I think we all secretly in this community we need each other to keep going whether

It be drama or whatever I don’t think we all hate each other the way it comes across I think it’s kind of like a it’s it’s symbiosis it’s it’s like a symbiotic relationship you know exactly that’s exactly what it is okay be should too and I’m sorry I

Disliked you and I’m sorry I I would I would be mean to you too you because I had know do that while you know no [ __ ] trust me I’m I’m not on every panel I don’t see as much stuff as other people do so I had no idea so you have nothing

To apologize for because I’m not aware of it and I know that people hardly know me so they would think of the same [ __ ] [ __ ] as me you know because they don’t know me that well as they don’t know you that well you know right I get

It trust me the the funniest thing I ever saw you I gu m a chance like you I gave Isaac a chance because he’s a person and he deserves a chance just like we all deserve a chance you know oh I think I don’t think he dislikes you I think

You sometimes we do things and say things that go a little too far and it pisses folks off to the point where they’re like you know what [ __ ] that [ __ ] excuse my language but you know what I mean like and and I guys you know it was Tina who was oh

God don’t don’t don’t please Lord have mercy in the morning if you please take that name back just for a minute for me please okay bye all right thank you I appreciate you so much but yeah I get it I get what you’re saying you know sometimes people go too

Far sometimes they don’t even know what they’re saying and that’s what I’ve chalked the situation up to with a certain person that I just was like no don’t say that name don’t it’s like Voldemort He Who Shall Not Be Named this in this case she who shall not be sh

Named you know had nope shut your mouth girl go on back step take two steps back walk through the door again all right all right talk what were we talking about honey Baltimore and we’re talking about how people are yeah sometimes people make mistakes and we just got to kind of you know

See I’m not mad at I’m not mad at nobody and wolf fact I’m not mad at nobody and Charlie I think they’re amazing people on the contrary I think that guest mob has shown me the side of them that I think is like oh my God y’all are

Normal I did not know that before like I thought they were monsters from everything I’d heard and they’re not to be honest oh hell no nobody Is they’re human like I saw know they got those humans needs and those human dis s and humans just like you know they’re just like every everybody else that’s the problem right we’re all we’re all human we’re all human we’re gonna do things that piss other people off and we’re gonna do

Things that make look at we’re all like [ __ ] orphans in this big Galaxy we don’t know what the [ __ ] is going on we don’t know we don’t know we don’t we don’t know we’re like children of this like like supposedly where there’s this [ __ ] big like [ __ ] longer living

Like alien civilizations and that’s only in rers you know we don’t know we don’t know who’s right we don’t know who’s wrong you know what it is what the [ __ ] Y is you know flco you w to know what it is do you want to know

What it is what we all want to know who’s our daddy exactly know who the [ __ ] created us we don’t know what the [ __ ] we came from of course you know yeah if your daddy leaves who the hell are you right but if your daddy stays well I know who you are

I’m pretty set but all of us are looking around going where the hell of course of course of course we want to know what’s going on but then you got these [ __ ] religions like [ __ ] like gaslighting us and these religions like putting their narrative like oh oh oh if you

Disagree with us you’re going to hell if you disagree with us you’re Sinners you know oh Lord sugar let me just tell you this any institution that you’ve been taught to put your time and energy into I’m a volun Arius we’re way different than people in the

Uh system um if if it’s an institution and it’s grown to the power that it’s grown to it’s telling you lies it’s meant to divide that’s all it is so just go off your heart you don’t have to get lost in the institutionalization of it all you know that’s if they were just

They’ll be like you know what if we’re not the way of life we don’t know everything but if if you feel like you have some validation and how we think cool but no what did they do they people with hell withal other [ __ ] which is abusive as [ __ ]

Hell all well I wouldn’t go abusive i’ I’d say uh they manipulate us to the point where we have no idea what we’re doing you know abuse that’s a different thing when you’re Abus manipulation abuse same thing it’s manipulation if I tell you hey you know what if you don’t

Think my way you’re GNA burn interal damul if going to burn Eternal damnation that’s manipulation that’s me saying you know what when you die you’re going to burn hell that’s me being manipulative that’s what religions to they’re manipulative they they play the threat of you know but wait wait what if the

Pastor that’s teaching you really believes what they have been told are they abusing you or are they just spreading what they’ve been told because I’ve I’ve met a lot of pastors and some of them are amazing use and abuse that’s what they’re using Jesus says you know time

And chance happen to them all yes you’re exactly right yeah I mean I don’t think I don’t I don’t know Jesus was a little above our pay grade he um he never accused anybody of anything he just loved them no matter what you just but he also gave you all right

Go on did you burp no I didn’t burp I’m good oh okay well I just want to make sure yall right I don’t want you to throw up what talking about I was talking about Christ and how he came and he said you know he what he

Didn’t there is no scripture I can think of where he was accusing anybody of anything he just gave it back to them tfold just like when they threw the coin at him and uh you know they said so Jesus Jesus was against organized religion too you know yes he was yes he

Was and I am too he was against the whole like like like why are you guys profiting from religion you you should be able to go to God your own not none of this bureaucracy of religion crap defitely which is true you know if we are children of God we should be able

To go to God like we’re able to go go with our parents you know hey Mom this happened what’s going about hey Mom this happened what’s going on with this you know Mom or Dad we should we shouldn’t have to be going through [ __ ] third or fourth parties of what the [ __ ] is

Going on you know I mean if that’s how you feel buddy I’m all for it but sometimes I feel differently I have to go to second and third parties and ask hey am I being ridiculous here and then I like to have their opinions but whatever what’s your opinion go ahead say your

Opinion you want to know my opinion of course but this just this is not just for me to SP my [ __ ] go ahead I’m not really sure what my opinion is I just watch people and I watch how things go down and I watch what’s going on around them

And I play Devil’s Advocate a lot a lot in my real life you know it’s like wait a minute but the um you’re doing this and they’re doing that but isn’t that like just a response I mean I don’t know and that’s why I get ostracized a lot because hum are

Susceptible be humans susceptable to hypocrisy because we don’t know what the [ __ ] is going on we human we’re like we’re like a [ __ ] aort we’re like a a um child who has been um uh what’s that word we like a child who has been a adopted because we

Don’t know what the [ __ ] is going on that’s what it is we don’t know where we came from we want answers that’s the problem we don’t whether we came from we came from Ron we don’t [ __ ] know we don’t no it’s like okay can you tell me

Is this really just a big old game of Sims for somebody or what the hell is going on here I don’t even know it could be a big G of Sims for all we know the simulation theory is there it’s there it exists people are considered intellectual people are considering that

We’re just a big [ __ ] simulation because that’s a possibility too but you know what’s tragic about the simulation theory that people would just want to commit suicide and that is just tragic I don’t want anybody to Comm well my dad committed SU side my real dad not the

Not the gay one that took over and raised me and loved me and my real dad uh committed suicide when I was eight so I would honestly say I kind of hope it is s that way he can come back and restart you know like you can just press

A button and be like Oh game over guess what you’re coming back and you’re G to redo it you know that would be the most amazing thing in the world other than oh he’s burning in H there’s not not a damn thing I could do about it it’s just so

That kind of left me in a position where I’ve always wondered like what’s happening to him because when I go to the church they kind of give me this look of well you’re you’re all right yeah you right that’s what they do cuz they cuz they want you long praying

They want you confessing your sins and they want you like being like Oh my God I sin I need to repent I need to repent that’s what it is yeah well we all need to repent Lord have mercy we’re all rotten going on we don’t you know and

Then get me Sor about the other way his actions are just [ __ ] abhorent we don’t what do you mean like turning against the Canaanites and turning people into salt and all this kind of stuff yeah that’s pretty brutal have to [ __ ] explain it you just brought up

The canites but God said to us kill the canites and enslave the women you know too you’re not stupid right or when they said to uh take stones and throw them against the gay people who kept me alive right right I get it I get it I totally

Get it but that’s when I’m a Christian kill all the first borns and well honey I’m gonna put it to you like this this is why I’m a Christian and I believe in Christ because he came and he broke every rule he broke every rule they had you know what if you’re

Chrisan God Bless you that’s cool I don’t judge you at Le one bit if you made peace with this God whoever this God is I’m glad you know if if this God can make you be like you know what I’m gonna I’m gonna do good and I’m gonna be passionate that’s what’s difference

About me than other atheists that if this God is doing good for you then fine who am I to [ __ ] choose because we don’t know what the [ __ ] is going on out there we don’t know what is you know well my brother’s atheist and then his

Son’s a Satanist so I’ve learned to love everybody through whatever their belief stages as long as you’re not hurting anybody then God bless you you know well well the easy thing about being Christian is Christ gave us two laws love God with all your heart and love

Your neighbor as you love God that’s it so it doesn’t matter what they do who they are how they behave the mistakes that they made I’m going to love them no matter what it does not matter I can’t love that God I can’t love God like that

Because I see God as a villain I see him as a villain for he for what he did with the Pharaoh he just forced the Pharaoh and he said that had to be done that the Pharaoh had to had to not accept God and he had to not accept the people go and

He had to and he had to not accept Jo that’s well I can understand that I mean God I’m glad for you I’m happy for you I can’t find that peace with God for whatever [ __ ] reason know I think can I be honest with you from my perspective

Just from my perspective and we’ve already talked about how perspective is different for every person what’s up and that and I didn’t sh you I didn’t say it wrong cuz we don’t know what the [ __ ] is right we don’t know what is wrong so for

Us how we don’t know what the [ __ ] is going on you know because we’re all still we’re effing uh I want say the word uh we’re with the r word the hard R not the NW the re perspective what could be going on we don’t know what’s going

Right we’re absolutely clueless we have no idea shouldn’t we shouldn’t burp because we don’t know what the [ __ ] is going on we could just see it from our perception yeah right we’re we are um I good lord it’s real hard to talk when you’ve got people that’ll just take Snippets and say something

Stupid when you’re you’re just trying to talk to somebody but yeah I get it I mean you believe what you want to believe or be as confused as you want to be at all I’m not saying you’re wrong at all maybe you’re right and maybe I got

It wrong but you know what God shouldn’t judge me for my perception because my perception made me from the moment I was born from the moment I was a kid from the moment I was an adult God should know my perception as God should know your perception from how life you know

Well fla to be fair you’ve gone through some hard [ __ ] from the moment you were born to the moment you’re living right now so who who wouldn’t be pissed off you know I mean and I mean I’m sure your life is hard and I’m sure life is rough but you’re just as just

A um PLO Pito L Lo I’ve been waiting my whole life for this moment loo come back no really did he hit like the floor something I how do I make sure he’s okay I have no way of making sure he’s okay blo loo [ __ ]

Yeah I said the f word stop looking at me funny blo Flo oh my goodness I think he hit the floor like and I don’t know nobody in California that could go check on um do I leave or do I just stay here and

Wait for him to come back I want to make sure he’s all all right fos oh God dang cat you just scared the [ __ ] out of me Flo Flo John that’s what Steve calls you John John John ain’t nothing working hey Bill yeah here oh okay okay right I was I was

Starting to get worried oh yeah Kimmy’s got good Insight you all right yeah I’m good what about you wait what kimy say let me see I I can’t see none of the chat from YouTube because I don’t know which button to press cany say what ky say I’ll let her up too no

But Stacy I feel what you’re saying now it’s just but I mean we don’t know what the [ __ ] is going on in the afterlife so I mean who’s to say you’re wrong yeah who’s to say I’m wrong we don’t know what the [ __ ] because all these people have these

Motives like like Paul like Paul who was born in Jesus time he has the motives to to expand our Christianity and he’s angry at the je for Killing Jesus and so it’s Justified what he thinks what he thinks you know but we don’t we don’t [ __ ] know we don’t know what’s going

On in the afterlife we don’t know what’s WR what’s boss you know uh whyd she leave Stacy uh oh uh Stacy oh God damn hey Kimmy Kimmy want to come on I feel tired Kimmy you want to come on I don’t know where Stacy went Jesus hey sis what

Happened uh I pressed the wrong button honey I was born in 1981 not 1991 so I’m not that great at this that’s sucks okay that’s cool that Sucks I was finally able to see the chat like I can’t find the chat on YouTube when I’m on my phone talking to you and I see everybody telling me we trying to give you mother advice but uh it’s not G to help and I was like wait I I don’t

See any of this stuff when I press that button and I’m talking to you motherly B but what no I have no idea I guess maybe God in existence because that’s what we’ve been talking about right we don’t know what God is we don’t know who God is because he’s been so

Like [ __ ] like doesn’t explain himself what it is you know you know right it’s like dude dude I really need you when I when that amniotic s fluid sack breaks I need you to tell me what the hell I’m doing here what I’m supposed to do how I’m supposed to act

Who the hell you are my limits here’s how good I am I could do this I can’t do that I could I could make that happen but I can’t make that happen it’s simple but no these Asian people they like that they Asian people what what are you

Talking about Asian folks so we don’t know what the fck is happening with these Gods yeah no clearly not right or we still wouldn’t be talking about it exactly but no we’re talking about because people like to gasl that like these people like to come these people like the Catholic

Church these people like like the Protestant church like the gas like like they [ __ ] know everything they don’t you know like the like what Judaism judism Judaism doesn’t accept Jesus as a lord and savior you know they don’t well yeah no [ __ ] but you know what uh I don’t accept

Jesus as my Lord and Savior I accept Christ as my Lord and Savior Jesus is dead he left the part that he left us with is the Christ does that make sense who do you see wait who’s J Who’s Christ You Don’t See Jesus as Christ Christ was the

Embodiment of who Jesus which was a man who walked the Earth Jesus came to teach us the ways of the Christ which is something that’s already inherent already inside of you okay so when Jesus left he let his body left but the Christ was something that

He had taught us about was already there it’s never going to leave and uh it’s in you whether you like it or not it’s the the god spark does that make sense yeah of course okay and he also people a lot of people who believe in the trinity don’t

Believe that God’s the God because people believe in the Trinity it’s the Father the Holy Spirit and Jesus but people who don’t believe in the Trinity they don’t believe in God as Jesus like the Jewish people they see Jesus as a prophet they don’t see him as the god

They don’t see him as incarnating into Jesus to be God they don’t see that so it’s very confusing it’s very you know oh yeah I know trust me I’ve been through every single religion every single political party I’ve asked so many questions to find who am I what am

I doing here and what do I believe in you know the the believe in thing you know I absolutely have no doubt that there’s something outside of ourselves that’s within ourselves that Mak this world the way it is and it affects your reality now you can’t change the reality you’re born

With like if if you’re born in a certain reality that’s just something you have to accept you have to say I’m going to do the best I can do with this and I’m going to move forward and I’m going to be thankful for the good things I have

Despite the negative things that I really wouldn’t want to deal with and no FCO I’m not just talking about you I’m talking about me I’m talking about every single person on this planet yeah you all right yeah I agree with you I know what you mean hey

Um I how do I uh see the YouTube chat from this side from the streamyard side you should be see fun now what you should be to see it from your phone now well yeah well duh but what button do I press we try to make another Tab and

Then see if you’re maybe that’s the chat is only everybody in the studio and that’s how I got kicked out before hold on let’s see s oh because of oh my goodness now I see Fed wolf non-player character lyia I’m trying Lydia I’m trying to make

Him happy Jesus said to me in a dream smoke the crack it’s the lot to the kingdom well it might be it just depends on your response to the crack now doesn’t it faulted wolf okay I finally see it there we go all right well be right back I H do something

Hold give me a second all right I’ll give you a second only the good stuff well I don’t know I haven’t had that yet whip 3 am out what’s that what does that mean which one me or flocker liia I’m addressing you I’ve had a glass of lne so I’m not really toast

But crack is wax Stacy you’re correct faulted wolf those were Whitney uh what’s her name that lady’s name from the 90s Whitney Houston yep you’re right wouldn’t recommend it no zero out of five stars honey zero out of five stars never tried it not gonna I know C few crackheads

Though they were kind of funny uh one of them when I lived in south Georgia there was this crackhead that lived like six blocks over because the train tracks just kind of divide you you know from the good to the bad well he had the prettiest loan I’d ever

Seen in my life and I went up to him his name was Abraham and I said how do you get your grass to grow like that he said I can do it well I didn’t understand why it was so hyped up all the time

I said ‘well how much we got to pay for you to plant our grass seat and he was like uh $5 that’s like $5 well we’ll pay you more than that to put the grass seed in the ground well we paid him a lot more than that and he had

The grass actually grew like this dude knew what he was doing when it came to planting grass I don’t know if it came from his intentions or if it was I don’t know what it was energy frequency whatever all these hippie dippy shifts talk about you know he he

Put it in there and Kenny left because she was wait smoke crack on and I end up playing well that sounds like a real good time from my perspective I’m not sure what others would say well he put some kind of cocktail in that seed and exp felted and it was

Um we had grass we had beautiful grass and it was all not weeds it was the same grass that it was consistently put through the yard what was that beep sound maybe I just need to leave John are you sleep H [ __ ] if you’re asleep I need to

Go because I got [ __ ] to do buddy but if you’re just like going to pee then you should just said I’m gonna go pee you know because uh 10:38 I think from Trisha G’s uh Twitter she said if I’ll start watching uh Force Gump tomorrow then I’ll be watching Lieutenant Dan bringing

The new year are y’all ready for it hold I need I can’t press any buttons he’s not asleep he said be right back all right then what do y’all want me to talk about because I’m not really good at this I don’t get up on these

Things very often I just need give me a hint what do you want me to say or what would you like me to ask cover you know I’ve noticed Kimmy leaves when things get too heavy I noticed I watched a restream the other night of um

I don’t know it was last night I think I’m not sure they all run in together um do you feel the government is making a self sabotage self- sabotage your own lives that’s a deep asked question um I don’t think it’s the government I think it’s us I think it’s

Humans playing games with humans to see how far they’ll let things go to see how how much will accept how many buttons can be fudge dude that was live that was like loud as [ __ ] let me see if there’s anyone else that wants to come on Stacy

Please do because I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about me what you’re talking about fed ask me do you feel the government is making us self- sabotage our own lives our own selves yes that’s true faulted you’re very you’re you’re pretty on course or

On par for the course with that one that’s why certain things are put in your stream you know it’s it’s not by accident and I sound like a crazy ass Alex Jones frog says gay conspiracy the no that’s not the kind of person I am Alex is a fraud

Huh not when you guess m you’re the biggest villain ever so you know how it is yeah but what if you but wait how can you be the biggest villain of them all when you love them all from all sides when you what when you love them all from all sides

Well I don’t know well you know when you B one side people automatically assume that’s what it is yeah but there’s only one person I dislike and that’s because they mention my child and I won’t say who that person is but there’s only one person I have an issue with I didn’t

Even know you had a cat that’s pretty [ __ ] up I have four kids who brought up your child I’m not putting names out that ain’t my style honey I don’t talk bad about people I just I’m telling you oh you got your make the noise say happy New Year

That’s [ __ ] disgusting I’m sorry somebody brought up your kid I didn’t even know you had a kids yeah I do I have four my oldest is 23 and my youngest is five that’s [ __ ] up Stacey I’m sorry I have to go to that nobody should be bringing up any these

Kisss you know what FCO I think sometimes I say too much about my life and my children and because I think that I can trust the people that’s surround me and then I find out well guess what because I made the wrong move here they’re going to bring up my

Child in a negative way and kiss that’s [ __ ] up people shouldn’t have been bringing up your kids because your kids has nothing to do with this [ __ ] what we’re doing here you know right especially when your child’s already struggling and is already a a huge fan of the people that say the

Things that they say you know that’s that’s what sucks I’m not going any further I’m not going any further yeah it it is but you know what it’s ped and if that person was to say I don’t even want an apology I don’t really even want to hear from them when

You bring up my kids you know it’s I I can’t I can’t you know that’s [ __ ] up Stacy and of course of course you’re gonna be like very dispens of your kids of course you’re GNA be protective because that’s your Kat now that’s [ __ ] up you got go to that I’m sorry

Stacy you know no I appreciate you being so kind so can you give can you give me a little bit of the drama what did you say about me darling let me know spill the tea come on Teddy when you said you told me that you said something bad

About me well let me know what it is as long as it ain’t got nothing to do with my kids or my family I’ll be fine with I don’t think I said anything bad about you what are you talking about you told me when I was getting on

Here you said I’m so sorry I said the things I said or I was so negative towards you or was that all in your mind if it was in your mind that’s even better it was probably about me just saying you know like like like you’re you’re sucking guest mom’s dick just

[ __ ] like that yeah you said that youve actually said that all there when when GMA was on the panel I was just like oh you’re just you’re just you’re just you’re just advocating for them so of course you’re you this B that yeah do you know what FCO we all need

Each other to survive on this platform right we do if if there’s not somebody hating somebody or saying something that we don’t like or saying something that pisses us off guess what we have nothing to talk about Yeah you know what I mean they already Castel the Soaps of course we need each other because we don’t know well hey let kimy K up she’s backstage turd that’s what she said let’s see what she wants thank you for coming up here Stacy I really appreciate

It I I appreciate you too darling all take care Stacy thank you for coming up I really appreciate it you’re pretty I’m sorry I judged you I’m sorry oh darling judge me it makes me better when I hear what you have to say oh me too Meo I

Love it when people judge me because then I could I could troll them then I can make um like then I can make like [ __ ] clickbait titles you know right right and that’s what you need to survive so if I can give you that it over yes hey F uh not faulted

Hell I’m reading FAL comments you can’t have you know what Stacy I’m not even I’m not even guess Isaac you know it is what it is so it’s never been about about one up in Isaac you know I know the type of person he is it’s never been

About that you know it’s never been up about that either you know right well hey buddy you ain’t got is your streamyard set to where you can only have one person up at a time no I can have more people up I’m just I just

Like oh well let well let Kimmy up so we can all talk for what I I don’t know well because uh it’s Kimmy she always has something good to say oh yeah of course she does all right let me see what she has say

But I’m want talk to talk to 101 I don’t know what she gonna want to say let see all right let me see all right let’s find out let’s find out what’s up Kimmy hi oh it’s kimy K heck yeah Canadian a did you ride in on your moose from your

Igly darling I did what’s up much you asked me if I want to come up and I said sure I’m bored and while I got you here I thought I watched a clip from a clip Channel and you Mr we’re trying to call me out on Christmas Eve the [ __ ] what the

[ __ ] remember talking to you flco what me see uhhuh fuing idiot what was I trying to call you about you’re like come on Kimmy you want to come up here Kimmy like what the [ __ ] I guess you’re talking [ __ ] about me I don’t know you like to like you like to

Think you know everything so you like to think right no no no I’m just intelligent I have a strong personality and I don’t mix words all let’s see if he picking me out what’s up kimy explain to youo explain an idiot there you go Flo here’s flco in a nutshell an

Idiot who can’t handle his booze very self-centered and a [ __ ] whiny Cry Baby there we go wait wa wait wait whoa whoa whoa you describ me darling no I described Flo oh who Kimmy came to save the panel just bored you know because know

So you want to Lael in me as a wh cry baby how so I dude we’ve all seen it stop this you want to analyze whatever youone seen come on now what do you mean come on now what what do you want to analyze you’re over here judging me

You’re saying that I’m just you asked me to describe you so I did P the mail no you haven’t described me you just said who wait who said beta mail wait you haven’t described yet I did no you didn’t I didn’t call you a beta I described you

No you didn’t you just said I did you just weren’t listening you never listen oh it’s a piece of [ __ ] or it’s a piece of crap but you didn’t describe it you didn’t describe it see you don’t see I don’t know if you cut that com Stacy you

Know you’re giving them all this motherly loving understanding advice and you are just wasting your time been there done that many people have I I know he’s drunk as a skunk he ain’t gonna remember nothing tomorrow clearly no offense you are a bit drunk kimy you haven’t even released anything of

Substance to even like judgment and [ __ ] like that you asked me to describe you so I did don’t get all butt hurt how did you well like what are you say well you know what you know what you would have heard me if you actually listened I did

You didn’t say anything what did I say then what is it because I attacked Isaac what did I say then did you didn’t say anything much he just said that I’m that I’m basically stupid like no that’s not what she said basically did I say I kept it short and

Sweet I you’ve just proved my phone you didn’t hear a goddamn word I said yeah you just didn’t receive no you’re doing the poor flco thing oh God I do that too Lord you didn’t say details Kimmy got save details well you should have been paying attention Flo I was paying attention you

Weren’t you’ve already proved that how did I prove it because I asked you to say what I said and you couldn’t repeat one single word I said There You Go repeat one single word you said you could not you just said accusation KY that’s not what did I accuse you

Of you accused me of just being stupid [ __ ] that’s all no no she did not noo I’m not ganging up on you with Kimmy but that’s totally not what she said buddy okay what did you say that no no that’s cheating you’re you’re gonna have to learn to

Listen Bud you’re almost 40 man come on can you just came into the discussion dude you just you’re just talking like you’re talking bu oh this oh this is stupid this is so stupid that’s all you she came in to save the panel I’m just telling you no I just came up to

Shoot the [ __ ] so I’m bored everybody else have a beer smoke a f hey I like that there you go I wish do that down here well no you you bring a little bit of spice to the Taco I like that analogy I like that a lot the

Taco yes a taco without spice is what it’s an American Taco nobody wants that right FL knows what a real Taco is bring the spice man bring the spice he’s thinking he’s thinking he’s analyzing the hand was on the forehead what’s going on Flo do you overanalyze Flo oh my geez no I

Don’t I do I do I I will put it on there on God I think that I legit like everything I hear oh my God they’re talking about me what I do what I say but it’s really not about me at all yeah and that’s you

Know I guess yeah it takes time you got to have thick skin coming on here and in these chats you got to have thick skin because it doesn’t matter what you said what you’ve done how nice or how mean you’ve been there’s just people that are

Just gonna say [ __ ] gross [ __ ] to you because they’re [ __ ] weirdos yeah dick deal with Kimmy 101 because she’s she’s very um she’s very um you know one on one bases yeah no I I can socialize with multiple people I’m good oh yeah I’ve seen it on several panels but I

Watch the next day she can do it darling she can do it I’m like uh oh here comes the Canadian yeah flco what is racking your mind right now at this moment not K me because you’re very um kind of judgmental kind of so yeah okay oh yeah

You you think that I’m just a attention secr and [ __ ] like that you are you are especially when you’re drunk It’s the poor flco I don’t want to live anymore I mean stop Cry Wolf when did I say that in this in the Stream when did I say I

Don’t know I got here late when did I say poor are you the whiskey or are you into the I’m so drunk I’m so pathetic when did I say that are you are you drinking the [ __ ] Henny or you into the wine tonight oh

She I told my husband did I say me I’m so drunk pardon me I’m so disabl you do it all the time flco when did I say that I don’t know tonight I came in late when did I ever say that uh isn’t that the whole Isaac thing

And him calling your sister like yo he’s [ __ ] hammered and talking uh you know very negatively again like concerning harassing my family so of course I’m going to be like no n he called your sister out a concern cuz you were a [ __ ] drunk ass mess talking really

Okay very uh a concern you know what I mean Stacy like he was really you don’t you don’t uh mess with that you Kim you check on them you know Kim me Kim me first off contacted my sister of she contact to my sister basically I left them on the threeway threeway

Conversation the first time he tried wa what wait wait wait wait what all right so the first conversation you had with him was with your sister and him together so you introduced them the first conversation I had I’m the one who put them in the threeway conversation so

Of course it’s gonna be like what my brother did what my brother yeah you know what Isaac I don’t know who you are but yes tell me my brother tell me what my brother did so and you know what your brother was drinking and since me brother my sister’s gonna be like you

Did what he drunk he was drunk and he passed you know what yeah tell me oh there’s been a multiple times what’s going hold on just a second if I was to put him so of course my sister’s going to be like yeah yeah you know what tell

Me what happened what happened and then so I’m on the S through a conversation so I’m going to be like yes this happened so of course my could to be like whoa whoa this happened okay brother you know what what the [ __ ] you don’t need to be TR why are you acting

Like that what’s going on I don’t want to hear this trauma oh it’s faulted are you backstage yeah I just read that too I just like six other kids to deal with but of course I’m the younger brother she’s gonna look out for you can

I can I please say something flco so I would never hold on hold on we know we know my sister is taking care of her boys and her daughter so right but you put her on a call with Community sty and after that she said to

Isaac if he gets like that again please call me and let me know oh my God because she doesn’t know how to respond well one that she’s been contacted blindly because I put her in threeway conversation but I let her know what’s going on I you open the door you

Open the door she oh my God wait wait wait so all right can youa it up backstage okay so so all right Somebody’s knocking at the door but you know it’s a part of your life you want to keep secure you want to keep it behind the door and you open the door

And you let them talk to your closest family member ex give me a second let me put Sun yeah hold it up don’t fall down uh oh flito yeah okay black you all right help s [ __ ] did you fall off your bed no I’m fine it’s just I don’t know why something really

Weir gravity gravity it sucks when you’re drunk flco fine Flo what is faulted still backstage yeah he is you gonna let him up why why not let him up let him up to okay Mayhem we’re saying goodbye to 2020 all may this is good talking to you

Take Care thank you so much peace out homie peace out homie see you later okay bye all right what’s up what’s up yeah I could one of you at a time so I mean excuse me why’d you kick her uh well because I couldn’t I want to

Be focused you oh boy you gonna let fault it up it’s kind of hard to focus well yeah so what you talking why are you judging me with all this [ __ ] I wasn’t judging you you asked me to uh describe you and I told you in a nutshell you

Know I simple as I could and honestly as I could yeah but I mean it’s not it’s I got you but I mean look I’m trying to be fair left what they both left what’s left they both who left well yeah I left go and I left what well really I excuse

Me choking on my joint Kimmy what yes yeah I’m here yep what’s up Kimmy not much look I’m not an attention seeker okay are you going to let fault it up who’s been waiting I want to talk to you oneone K wouldn’t you like to have some guys advice instead of me well why can’t I

Talk to your one1 Kimmy what do you need to talk about what do you have to hide Kimmy no not a damn thing what then why can’t you talk to me when I’m Kimmy Oh Lordy okay well here I am okay so why do you trust me so harshly why do you that

Have this attention seeking a little bit I I will soon faed I gotta figure it out uh I I judge you based on uh how you portray yourself online how’s that okay so how do you think I judge myself online that you think I’m this [ __ ]

Little say that again how do you say that again please what why do you judge me so hard Harley that you think I’m this bet beta male [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] why you think because that’s how you act how do I act like that well what you’re doing now the

Whining the crying the whole shebang well excuse me for having not having a dominant voice you know you wanted the truth you want you asked me so I answered excuse me for not having a dominant male voice that that you’re used too with the deepness in the the

[ __ ] um like dominant voice like this guy here hold up the the can of with big dick energy yeah I’ve been bless you know but the problem is with those guys they’re always [ __ ] problems but goddamn the [ __ ] the sex is phenomenal that’s only my complaint so I

Mean I mean is it my fault that you don’t think my f my voice is that deep enough to be it’s uh definitely not my cup of tea okay so then why do you judge me for it why do you talk shits about me for it because that’s me and I will

Definitely tell you the truth when you ask me to describe you and tell you and you know be honest about it well what’s the truth because you have yet to describe I I did but you did not listen to a single word and you’re already why would I bother repeating it when you’ve

Already said what you think you heard and you’re already crying victim poor me poor me you’re so judgmental so what’s the point well because I’m I’m attacking you for the last okay I feel attacked what do you have something new to add that I didn’t hear about please let me know no not

Really because the last time I heard you thought I was just a [ __ ] little [ __ ] you are just you are wh and you know I am [ __ ] blunt you know I’m just gonna say it straight that’s the last how I heard you describe me do you still

Describe me as that hell yeah okay then cool so then so then there’s nothing left to be updated about because that’s how you see me as so that’s well dude again you like I I can’t make you act a certain way or not act a certain way the

Way he hey hey hey the way you act online even though you forget everyone else remembers and you know I didn’t make that way okay of course she didn’t so so give me some context why do you think I’m this [ __ ] little [ __ ] I don’t know I don’t know uh how you were

Raised I like why do you think why did what made you think this I’m I’m trying to like have a conversation with you here what is the point no you’re wanting me to [ __ ] analyze you well because that’s what you’ve been doing so it’s like why I know I haven’t though that’s

What you assume it’s it’s like it’s not analyzing no no no no you assume you assume too much no and then you analyze it to death no kimy you already said flco you’re being a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] so you know what so I’m coming to you and I’m asking kimy

Why do you think I’m a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] so that’s what it is it’s simple it’s not it’s nothing complicated so all right all right you’re almost 40 years old and anything goes wrong you your voice gets even higher and whinier Nas nasier you [ __ ] whine and cry poor

Flock blah blah blah you get drunk and even more into the self sorrow pity parties what what else well I don’t have a deeper voice so I don’t know it’s not about your well no no hey I mean I mean even my doctor told me because I only have so much costum

Exactly F the pointone then you’re going to end up getting a heart attack and we can’t have that so that’s what my doctor said so so like I don’t like I don’t I don’t [ __ ] know how to satisfy you with how much uh that’s the thing there

Is absolutely no need for you to satisfy me any way shape or form the deepness of my unnecessary I’m sorry the deepness of my voice is so nasly Andy to you that you can’t see it as an alpha male help that so and I don’t have to like it

Okay okay cool that’s fine I live in a free country too I free I love I would love to see I this alpha male but you know can only be as Alpha as a can’t be you know I don’t want to be fake either you know if

I’m not the you gotta be who you are and accept it and rock it okay me if I’m not the stoic but you can’t be you can’t be a big old crybaby especially at almost 40 years old and expect people to call you a [ __ ] Al baby that’s baa [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] right

There wait is that so you think I’m a cry baby is that what you’re saying absolutely 100% how am I a crybaby KY well you’re doing it right now how by asking you how am I a crybaby yes I’m asking you like I’m asking a friend I’m asking a friend told you dude

What what it’s like I to get cry yeah just the touch venger that’s not whining that’s me asking you how do you think I’m a crybaby that’s me entertaining you wondering why I’m a you think I’m a crybaby okay you having this conversation by yourself and I’ll sit

Here and sip on my beer and tff my joint okay no you’re en this composition no because even when I do engage you don’t hear it and you tell me what you think you’ve heard what you’ve imagined I said and what you’ve assumed so there’s no

Point in me having any part of this conversation because you are absolutely taking both sides and analyzing it and assuming so there’s no point nice fact K you had to tell me [ __ ] you Sam Roberts I like your music but how dare you how [ __ ] Dare

You Kimmy you you have to tell me anything in this conversation so yeah I know I just just going to sit here cuz you’re taking care of the entire thing how am I taking you have yet to tell me anything Kimmy we got 2 we got 22 people to entertain Kimmy so

You gotta tell me what I just did like a minute ago no you didn’t you just yeah you just dance around it you said no I said it straight forward D because I don’t dance around I I say it [ __ ] I’m straight shooter then tell me I already did no

You didn’t you just around it because we having a discussion about no that’s what you do blacko you did this because you did that that’s what I think I think you’re this because of that you didn’t tell me that you didn’t tell me that we you

Asked me why are you this way and I told you why and now you’re saying that I didn’t answer your question huh why you tell you didn’t tell what kind of answer did you want flock give me an example please give me an example of the type of

Answer I was supposed to respond with ready go you didn’t tell me why we’re just dancing around the subject you didn’t give me any conrete I did though why you’re just too drunk and your attention is so poor that you didn’t hear anything so none of it

Makes sense you maybe heard a word or two no I’m not too drunk you just didn’t tell me anything no I know you do this over too that’s why I said your attention fine what did you tell me that I miss um no no what did you tell me that I miss

K come on Kenny nope what did I miss no I [ __ ] hate that [ __ ] especially when someone’s [ __ ] drunk I’m not repeating myself five [ __ ] times especially when I answered it like nope forget it Kimmy you want to Har on it and analyze that whatever I came up here

To chill and have fun Kimmy you just attacked me I think you’re drunk because uh because you talk about Isaac talk about you didn’t say anything like that Kim you didn’t give me yeah cuz I don’t give a [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] did I have to

Do it with anything because you gotta give me something like like I think you did no I gave you a straightforward answer you should have listened I repeated the the first one a bit like no you didn’t I I am not participating in your retardism I’m not participating in your drunken retardism

It’s not fun I came here to chill and have funun Rich there’s not drunken Rich oh but there is like this is not a [ __ ] philosophical deep conversation we’re having here right now it’s not even [ __ ] logical it’s a waste of time Kimmy you didn’t give me

Any Lal you give me any to I did see you’re just willing to B and [ __ ] he’s hey he just wants to logical substance totally man like I don’t know you could say like because I’m because I uh because I’m just talking I’m not listening or I don’t

Know you didn’t say oh yeah you know what what you were saying right now is making absolutely no sense it’s like you’re saying words to try and form a sentence you’re just throwing words together to try and make yourself sound more intelligent and it’s not making any sense whatsoever you could say because

I’m because I say guest mob every so often you could be asking me that but I don’t know problem is Kimmy I didn’t ask you anything about Guest mob then what is your problem kimy I didn’t have one coming up give me something of substance K stop banging your table anything I could

Grasp on to and I could try to why why are you making it no no what let Stacy up she’s back stage yeah I had her up she was up for like 35 minutes I’m good oh wow oh that’s rude I wow I could told her by but you know I

Was up she was up for like 35 minutes I like her and I could both be up here excuse me well are you are you afraid to talk to me whatever want k no then what’s up what’s your problem Kimmy I don’t know your problem dude excuse me if I’m misgendering you

Asn’t dude I don’t give a [ __ ] [ __ ] Kimmy like what’s what’s your issue dude you got to give me something nothing nothing it’s my issue then that nothing is your issue then but what are you berating me about then I’m not berating you is just something you don’t like

About me well yeah there’s things that irritate the [ __ ] out of me about you absolutely do I hate you no do I hate you know what irritates he the [ __ ] out of me oh my God here we go again this is the new kimy this is my new stream so

You have to say what you don’t like about me so no I do not what don’t you like about me hm Kimmy yes what don’t you like about me what is the problem with me you okay all good smoke of a joint you okay Kimmy this is not in the

[ __ ] I’m not like holding you to the like [ __ ] like like just I’m just I don’t know I mean I know you don’t have to like me and it’s cool yeah I don’t care it’s okay I’m just trying to out with you you know because I kind of like you okay I

Kind of like you Kev yeah oh lucky me thanks so how was your Christmas my Christmas is got how was yours it was nice did you go over to your see your family and have dinner H there too busy so I just stayed home chill drop off some Gibs or

Anything a couple what about you did you see your family I saw my mom oh that’s cool that I don’t have a lot of family left like a lot of them have died or there’s ones that’s just like we’re just not close yeah that [ __ ] sucks yeah yeah it is sad

Man it just you know it comes and it’s like my my family are moving aart to it seems like when the matri of the family the grandma the grandpa that everybody like goes to it seems like when they pass away that’s what everybody just does their own thing yep true y that’s what

Happened yeah do you really to that yeah that sucks yeah it does so you just got to appreciate the ones that you uh do see or still talk to or you know life is short for sure life is too short it is what it is timy I

Don’t hate you okay I don’t hate you either Flo I don’t I don’t want you to see me as an annoyance you know well that’s never going to change or happen dude what the [ __ ] give me a [ __ ] break just because I don’t have a teeth

Boys huh just oh it’s it’s more than your voice tone okay voice it’s not even about your your the tone like your voice the whole thing okay then all right if you say so okay Jesus all right KY uh oh he’s snorting drunk what to me huh you said you’re

Snaring drunk you are Jesus how am I drunk about I mean yeah I’m a bit drunk but I’m SP [ __ ] it how am I drunk yeah I’m a bit drunk so what am I’m TR am I not following what you’re saying KY only partly here and there what you mean

Partly but I might not follow him what you’re saying oh [ __ ] I did that um never mind oh my God you’re trying to CH me kidy how no no I just oh never mind I yeah we already talked about that why do I get the psychological [ __ ] y’all don’t

Give the psychological [ __ ] to Isaac you’re all so resp what psychological [ __ ] but when it comes to like oh there’s Flo we could treat him like a little [ __ ] but oh no you don’t treat Isaac like that you don’t treat gas mop like that it’s just blackle because

Blackle look like a little [ __ ] ass bit yeah because you’re doing exactly what you’re doing right now that’s why it is it’s the truth benting yeah venting and whining and going on about Isaac and guest mob venting yeah well because obviously you guys respect them far more than you

Respect me that’s why I’m whining there’s logical here here’s why I have problems okay with with doing that same with you because you’re almost 40 years old and you L like a little crybaby [ __ ] not getting her way and having a little tantrum like you’re a 13 or 12y old little

Girl you’re doing it now okay well Kimmy do you want me to be calling you the see word do you want me to say no but I I I want you to act like a [ __ ] grown ass man that you are well how do I act like

A grown ass man Kimmy what do you want me to tell no I can’t fix that sweetheart you’re going to have to see a therapist for that [ __ ] don’t I cannot fix that kind of [ __ ] godamn wait wait wait wait why do you think I’m acting like a [ __ ] ass [ __ ]

Then huh tell me that I’ve already explained it three four different times accept it what you have yet to tell me anything of substance well that’s that’s your problem because I was uh clear straightforward flco you do this flco you talk about that flco you you you you

Mentioned that because and you asked me if you do so I tell you the truth yeah but you don’t tell me anything of substance like okay well hey what substance to you what is something that would be of substance like give me an example of what I would say that would

Qualify as some substance like something I do all the time like like maybe when I talk about maybe you have a problem with me talking about k m maybe you have a problem with me talking about okay well I just did that like uh less than a minute minute

Ago you didn’t no you didn’t yeah I did fine what what did you say a minute ago no this isn’t very fun okay what can you like let Stacy up or something this I’m not having fun you I have any fun no no I’m just getting

Annoyed I didn’t come up here to [ __ ] V your therapist or whatever the [ __ ] okay I just came here to chill okay okay you came here to laugh at me you mean oh my God start the godamn violin candles time for a poor Flo vigil let’s

Go Kim Kim about me you see I use this as a game it’s a game for me to be my my um my um intellectual Stu it’s a game for me to be yes the intellect who has the logical a dip [ __ ] that’s yeah okay that’s just it you think you’re always

Logical when you’re not being logical that’s your problem you have a given man enough substance to I’m talking in general in general in general in general we’re just arguing you haven’t giving me this you said that lck you bring this up all the you haven’t told me any of

That so I can’t latch on to it and I can’t talk about it with you yeah that KY we’re just I’m sorry that’s the best I could do I don’t I don’t yeah don’t know how to do it any better but you gotta give me some the substance like I

Don’t know like when you maybe you have a problem with meing guest M or maybe you have a problem with me always raning about the past or maybe you have a problem with me talking about um um up inel I don’t know you know you could say

That stuff but you haven’t we just been dancing around the subject okay yeah right okay okay so give me something sub I can’t because I did the best I could I don’t I can’t do it any better like that’s the best I could do so you’re gonna have to

Analyze around the subject what do you mean I did the best I could what Kimmy yes right F I don’t know why I’m still sitting up here it’s like I I just smoked a nice [ __ ] joint though so maybe I’m just did Stacy or fault did

Come up again Kimmy you’re such a master troll you know that okay CU yeah I I don’t I just can’t win you over but it’s whatever it’s fine let yeah you’re never going to win me over like I’m never going to hate like I don’t hate you I don’t hate you either

If you’re being an annoying [ __ ] twit I’m gonna tell you I know I used to see you as annoyance but yeah you calling anyone anybody annoying that’s rich that’s rich kimy I saw you ask an annoyance in the past and then I grown to respect you and then

It’s like you just saw me as an annoyance again so kind of funny so I don’t I don’t hate to Kim me it’s like why does this chick think I’m so annoying why a beta male that’s all I don’t know man what do you mean you don’t know you gotta know why you

Think I’m such a beta male [ __ ] Kimmy yes I never mind Kimmy are you going to let faulted and Stacy up I wanted to talk to you one1 kimy we’ve talked enough it’s been long enough and you’re being rude to your [ __ ] Watchers I mean well for once I had

Stacy up for like 30 minutes I had F okay then let let just fault it up there but why can’t Stacy come back up she’s a nice person because I had her up for like 30 minutes so you time people huh you time people no I’m just then let it back

Up and let let fault it up what the [ __ ] do Saturday night it’s New Year’s Eve Eve you’re being a turd yeah just how am I being a tur by not letting people up yes Jesus Guess m don’t let people up does that mean that tur I have nothing

To do with that I have no say or control of anything and guess dictate who I L up or not huh because let’s let other people up here and have fun and stop uh this because it’s been long enough what AB the great Kimmy K what AB Jesus Christ

Yeah I think people who are watching can see where this is going and uh yeah the woman has an opinion for everything what about when I talk to her is it vure or vanger Venter oh seriously thank you I’m not the only one who got that c because

[ __ ] like people would be correcting me it’s fer not [ __ ] thank you Kimmy I was a [ __ ] what do you call it English uh subject nerd too exactly it’s English language yeah and yeah yeah I did really well in that [ __ ] exactly I didn’t try believe it or not you know

People are like you’re [ __ ] rarded you’re stupid just because I a [ __ ] doctor and I mean I’m [ __ ] stupid just because I don’t sound hey toyy doesn’t mean I’m stupid unless they’re Russian or something of course or or Hebrew of course they’re names would be a little bit different you know from the

Annunciation you know right what are you talking about my name in Hebrew I think my name is Hebrew up like um yeah oh yeah never mind so Jesus yeah can you let Stacy and uh faulted up please why because I’d like to talk with them and say hey how you doing oh what

You could you could stream and talk to them yourself you know [ __ ] I know I do need to get on that well make a stream I don’t know how and I got to put streamyards on this laptop I don’t know I’m just I don’t know why just go live it makes me uh

Nervous or something I don’t know I will I’m gonna do this soon you don’t know how to stream Kim it’s simple it’s kind of fun I don’t know makes me nervous exposed and [ __ ] like that’s [ __ ] no no nobody speaks Hebrew say uh Stacy Hebrew what’s I’m s trying to

Think the the one that talks about jeshua and that it’s like something Christian like they’re Mega Christians Joshua but he talking about J well how did I say it Kim what you talking about oh talking about a level or or whatever of uh Christianity in a

Church I’m it’s not it’s not Baptist is it it’s oh it’s got like a a longer name I a weird who weird as like I like to I’m fascinated by I guess some language but mostly like uh human the culture and religions and the different countries that fascinates

Me different Rel just is fascinating like can we let those guys up to join the conversation Kimmy Stacey is going to actually speak Hebrew to Hebrew to you K she was already onite oh okay well guys this is no fun I don’t want to get F get annoyed anymore so I’m gonna

Listen to some tunes and see what’s going on around Oh my Jesus am I making you uncomfortable what’s wrong can Me to guys one of one holy [ __ ] Jesus all right let me see all right let me see what want H what’s up what do you want to say what’s up who are you talking to huh are you talking to me yeah what’s up what exactly why didn’t you let me up so long that’s what I just asked

You well I mean Kimmy was mad okay so wait no no no you wait you let her go she she left herself well I don’t blame her because she kept asking you hey bring another person into the conversation so that we’re not stuck talking to each other

And it’s the same marry go around I guys one one so you know I let to talk to guys one1 yeah and I hardly know kimy so I like to talk to you guys wom right right but see when you get in a group setting people can actually be themselves especially

With people that they know better than they know you do I know Kimmy all the way no I know where from the internet however I know you less this is like the first time I’ve ever talked to you tonight right you so now Kimmy’s gone and you’re stuck with my dumb

Ass don’t call yourself dumb that’s [ __ ] up no it’s the truth oh my God you and I just had this deep conversation before Kimmy came out about how not sty Kimmy has the ego bir she thinks she knows who the [ __ ] on no Kimmy brings the comedy just like Rachel

Brings all kinds of things to the table it’s like some stuff you would never experience before in your life it’s like oh my God this girl knows just like Isaac brings stuff and Charlie brings stuff and all these different PE people bring amazing things to the table are

You willing to sit there and eat with them but yeah yeah basically all right so when somebody comes to your table and says can I eat you basically are the card holder for your table right right so if somebody comes and says can I eat with

Y’all what are you gonna say from now on it doesn’t matter how many there are let 500 voices speak don’t ever silence somebody and keep them in the back room well let them eat but but I mean well wait wait wait wait wait no no eating is

Talking that’s how you eat you speak your voice my table and eat they’re welcome to eat but if they start saying their opinion which I don’t know that oh you don’t like what they brought you don’t like it do you oh my goodness these Yankees brought down mashed

Potatoes with no salt I’m going to kick them come out of my house what right that kind of thing you get it you see what I’m saying well all right down South we season our food real heavy but if there’s somebody that comes to my door and they have a bucket of mashed

Potatoes but there’s no salt there’s no butter there’s no seasoning there’s no cream cheese you know what am I going to do get your ass out of here you don’t know how to season no damn food does that what you do so you’re going to disinvite them from the table no you’re

Going to open the door and you’re going to let them in yes Flo don’t be so afraid of having more than one voice not everybody’s against you buddy yeah but yeah but if they want to eat they’re not gonna be they’re not gonna be oh my goodness let

Me tell you something oh so wait in your house to eat but you know I’ve heard this about you oh I’ve heard that about you or I’ve heard you know they’re not gonna say that [ __ ] they’re just G let me let me close the door all right

Before I say this to you my mother-in-law is at this house and I’m very Southern I’m about as Southern as they come I just can’t cook biscuits that’s just the thing I can’t do I’ve tried but my mother-in-law she’s from New York right all right well she gives

Me [ __ ] every turn that she gets I mean she will rise me till there’s no more left to raise because we’re so different but I know she means it out of love so when she got her plane ticket to come here after Thanksgiving to spend Christmas and New Year’s wish is her

Birthday and my son’s birthday did I say no you can’t come no I said bring your ass on because we need you we need more of a different voice even though her her food’s like real Bland I’m just gonna go and say it but she justes like um she’s on the next

Room she just she doesn’t even use salt who the [ __ ] just uses salt right wow you know what I mean it ain’t like Mexican seasoning Mexican season will knock your socks off but I’m talking about she’s real white like white and her food ain’t got much taste to

It you see what I’m saying you see what I’m saying so when somebody comes to your door and they knock on it open that damn door because I tell you what she brings a flavor in like you ain’t ever seen when it comes to her personality because she brings something I ain’t

Never seen before in my life everybody down south is so concerned with being proper not really proper we’re poor South so they’re um more concerned with being nice to you when it’s a fake nice just so they can eat at your table well New Yorkers you kind of open

The door you say hey [ __ ] what you got and then they let you know what they got and they’re like get the [ __ ] out of the way [ __ ] what you doing bringing me some yeah that kind of thing it’s funny as [ __ ] so when somebody else

Comes to your door open the door up because you want a full table because it makes a great meal and I might sound nuts right now but I’m just saying don’t be afraid of just bringing one person up at a time we’re not going to attack you

If we wanted to attack you we do it from other places does that make sense like we go to other people’s panels what I like to be a little strategic well it ain’t being strategic darling it’s being if you’re want to entertain people I got your style you

Know if you come in and you’re working with a a site or something I got to know that’s your weapon of choice or if you come in and you’re with uh shooting stars like the uh like the um like the blade Stars I got to know you know I got

To know what your attack okay oh oh okay so that’s why you’re being very careful as to who you let up at a time all right how about how about the chaos theory have you ever heard of Thea have you ever heard of the chaos theory the what theory Chaos Theory

Caster yeah H Caster all right well right so you’ve never heard of it how about let uh fault it up with me because he’s gonna say goodbye tonight you’re not GNA have him as a viewer anymore if you don’t bring him up just let’s do more than one person you don’t have to

Feel safe all the time but what about B let fault it up apparently he’s backstage from what I’m seeing oh yep he is all right hey F did you still here hold on give me just a minute we ain’t gonna attack you we ain’t gonna come at you we’re just gonna bring something

Different to the table oh God I know it’s scary I know sty I mean what can’t just tell me what’s up but I didn’t know you still had an issue with me you know I mean no no see you’re wrong wrong that’s where I don’t have an

Issue with anybody except one person and I’ve already said they who shall not be she be named I’m gonna call them they because I don’t want their gender put out there but just let fault it up let us talk let kimy back up as she comes let anybody

The hell back up because you’ve got the balls to handle whatever comes your way I don’t like Shar attention yeah I don’t need all you attention darling I’m I’m all right I’ll talk with the person you got up here okay fine well you came on for something stac so and now you

Know what it was but don’t don’t push me down just because I came up here to tell you that is your stream wait wait wait is your streamyard set to where you can only talk to one person at a Time Uh Oh what’s up what happened are you talking to me or you talking to your phone ah I was just talking to you oh okay well how about let um who’s who’s in the back is FAL still in the back let him up we ain’t going to attack you D about to

Left the yeah causes for attention anyone I like to handle you guys one onone until I get to know you guys well now you know it’s a little better ain’t nobody here to hurt you right oh you feel that I’m not here to hurt you I ain’t here to hurt nobody I just

It I’m here for a distraction I’ve had a lot of heavy things happen in my life the past year and this community has helped me get through them without losing my damn mind so just let all the people hear because they want to speak let them speak there’s no whatever they

Say you can shut them down you’re like V or not Voldemort what who’s the guy that holds the key to the kingdom like if they say something you don’t like you can shut them down immediately you can say goodbye you know what I’m talking about does that make

Sense yeah I think so all right well if there’s anybody backstage let them come on up let them let say what they need to say I mean my goodness on this stream you play God there’s nobody there’s just there’s just me and there’s just you I mean I could I could

Invite people over see what they do oh call stop being such a damn troll he said let my people go ain’t nobody talking for Moses darling is it hey okay let the there you go all right y’all got the streamyard link come on up here talk to us tell Flo

What you got to say to Flo cuz Flo can handle it he’s got the balls of a bull man right you got the balls of a bull Flocka right that’s right I don’t know that that you didn’t really mean that you got the balls of a bull Flo do you

Right right well all right well it was the same but yeah all right y’all hit the link come on up here talk to us Kimmy why don’t you bring your Canadian ass back get out of your igloo ride your moose on over here to the stream yard L unless I’ll talk

Together coming up there well Sher said Bulls nuts well all right Bulls nuts yeah those are pretty big I’ve heard they even eat them in some countries I wouldn’t touch them with a 10- foot pole would you eat them pla whatever what would you eat Bulls nuts what i e

What I just asked you honey I said there’s some countries where they eat Bulls nuts not like these nuts I’m being serious like Bulls nuts would you eat Bulls nuts because it’s a delicacy and I think it’s the Philippines are you afraid to answer don’t answer that don’t answer that I’m

Not setting you up let me just put that out there all right okay all right well yeah Sherry well you said it you said Bulls nuts damn what the hell you saying yuck for girl or boy who the hell who’s Sherry Sherry like Cherry who’s Sherry I don’t

Know yeah you ain’t never seen this person in your chat before no I don’t think so no oh CH you mean yeah I seen that person in my chat CH all right all right well you gotta be careful I mean I get why you don’t let everybody up because you start wondering

Hey who’s trying to do you up against Cherry she’s been least problematic here oh she said did he say he don’t know well no it’s probably because I pronounced your name wrong Sherry I said she she’s she’s like she’s just like a blo her around you know she she

Goes around this community she goes around that Community she doesn’t like she’s not like problematic or anything why what do you know what do you think you know about her or what do you know about I don’t know nothing about her that’s why I was asking you I’m trying to find

Out is anyone else in the chat so that you can learn or I’m not saying learn because you’re a man I get it you don’t want to be taught certain things by certain people but there’s you can bring more than one person up hold on let me

Type in the chat in the backstage is anyone there if there’s not you and I are going to continue on with our nonsense conversation because Kimmy disappeared when you could have brought us all up and we could have you know kared because Kimmy can’t really like attack people with anything of substance

So she has to assume and yeah oh lord bener said he likes my accent well you wouldn’t like my biscuits honey because they’re rocks I’ve tried I’ve tried it does anybody out there have a biscuit recipe you recommend for people who can’t cook biscuits that’s all I’m asking I don’t

Know huh I don’t know no I don’t know either damn like the last time this lady posted a picture on uh Twitter in a different community that I’m a part of and they’re a little more Savage but it’s it’s not against each other it’s against a different

Entity so she posted a picture of the biscuits that she made and I was like oh my God I have such a hard time making biscuits can y’all can you like share with me the recipe so she did step by step by step by step the biscuits turned

Out so terrible that I threw them out in the yard I was so pissed off and I thought well at least the raccoons and the possums will be able to eat them I woke up the next morning and they were still there God right like the the raccoons and the

Posum wouldn’t even eat them what like what do you what do you do with that what do you mean oh do you accept failure and that you can’t do what other women can do or do you just like whatever all right I’m gonna try again a different recipe you

Just because if you fail once most people would just say oh like look at at it’s a failure so it doesn’t even matter if you fail once usually to the majority that’s like one like 100% confirmation so it’s like not deductible you know uh oh you got your audience leaving

Because they’re upset the say as juicy as it should be what do you mean well they want they want the juice honey you don’t come to a tea party for the lemons you come to the tea party for the tea right what what what juice should I

Be giving right now more than one person do you what what your St do you want do you want anything ask me JY do you want to ask me about gmob or do you want to ask me anything about that nope I don’t I’m saying what I’m

Saying John hey does it is your name really John yeah’s that’s really your name yeah it could be yeah no I’m I’m looking for honesty not dumb [ __ ] it’s okay com me yeah that’s what Steve calls you and you seem to react a little bit different to

It than you do everything else you could call me what’s up what’s up all right well John what are you doing here what am I doing here I don’t know trying to trying to establish some um some some fan base you know but try to some some work of of status for

People understand my intelligence people understand what I’m saying but that’s that’s you know that’s I mean I’d be surprised if I any of that you know I mean I got some people who seem to like me but that’s about it well if it helps you to know I’ve watched almost every stream you’ve

Ever done it might be like the next or a couple days later because I’m so busy with my family but I eventually see it am I done on your channels that’s scary okay know I watch you Charlie kid behind the camera he who she who shall not be named

Um H every one of them Isaac’s all of them I’ve seen them later it takes me a couple of days to catch up because I’m so busy with my family but you are somebody who has a name you matter I mean you’ve you’ve garnered a little bit of uh

Notoriety yeah people don’t people don’t take me seriously because I’ve been I’ve been demeaned and like basically looked at a CH people like take back and people people believe take back people people think what take back says is true and then I haven’t heard anything anything

Out of his mouth that would make me disrespect you I don’t think he’s trying to disrespect you I think he might be a little bit mad at you at some point but uh there’s nothing he’s ever said that I get it I don’t want I don’t want

To make him as a friend I don’t want to make him choose over me or Isaac but that’s not a good friend that’s [ __ ] up that’s not a friend that’s not a friend you but I mean I mean Stacey you’re my friend okay I see as a friend

But if if if hold up if I had if if you if you were watch anim with somebody Nam um Campell C is a hypothetical but if you are anim with Cam and I talk to cam I’m not going to make you choose and I hope you wouldn’t make me choose you

Know so I’m not GNA make you choose who to believe yeah you could come on here you can ask me what up want well who who is that person you just named because I’m I’m obviously clueless I don’t know I made up the name c but what I’m saying is that if you

Choose to come on here and you choose like me or dislike me between what they say then that’s understandable you know I don’t owe you anything yeah well they don’t owe anything to each other except our trust our friendship our loyalty and I’ve talked to people hell

[ __ ] excuse my language I’m sorry that was a little bit too much but I’m talking to somebody who somebody that I really really respect and adore is very very very um uh has been violated but I’ll just say it like that they’ve been violated because I don’t know what else to

Say what do you mean oh God damn must said the wrong word yeah they’re fine they’re fine um that’s fine but yeah yeah but see but um you should still have the right to be able to talk to who you want to talk to it’s like if countries didn’t talk to

Each other would there ever be any peace or would it just be a war all the time right yeah I mean war between Israel and Palestine but yeah oh Lord that’s another subjects I’ve got a friend that lives in um Bethlehem and I’ve got a friend that

Lives on the other side of jerus Jerusalem on the other side of the wall and what’s funny is neither of them want the war but the stuff that’s put out around them makes them think that each other wants to hurt each other if that makes sense yeah that makes sense yeah

So funo if I could just tell you when you’ve got one one more than one person I know you think oh well I can only handle one person attacking me at a time we’re not all here to attack you Buddy ain’t nobody here to attack you we might [ __ ] with you excuse my

Language you know we might come up and give you a little dig here and there let them dig you that means they dig you your haters are your biggest fans if that makes any sense so let them come up and then you might pull up somebody on this panel

That might have your back through and through know your whole history be able to put things out there that nobody else can put out there and it turns into a hey you against them you know with with another person don’t be afraid of people’s voices let people speak right does that make

Sense y are you are you drunk or is it wearing off no I’m hearing just saying like don’t be afraid to tell people under [ __ ] don’t be afraid to criticize and don’t be afraid to who the hell what the [ __ ] nope don’t respond to that don’t respond to that

Ma’am but but I respond for the laws and I respond for the retorts and I could talk [ __ ] back that’s what I respond yeah no I responded to okay is anybody else gonna come up here with me is anybody gonna else talk [ __ ] hey taxes

Are do taxes or theft bring your ass up here so we can talk well I don’t mean taxes are theft if you want to pay them pay them have a good time do what you want to do but when it’s said extortion where they’re going

To put you in jail if you don’t pay them yeah that’s a little bit that’s different right right right so if somebody wants to pay them hey give your money away buddy have a good time but if somebody’s like nah I think I’m going to

Go this way with all the money I made and you’re making me pay them at gunpoint or I get to be put in a cage let’s let’s change the route of what I’m talking about because I’m I’m different I’m not like everybody else right right okay can can anybody else come up

Here and tell us anything about anything I know he’s drunk coh I but that’s okay he’s still he’s still flock out I don’t know people’s people have been quiet on here dude well because you kind of leave it limited to one person at a time and it would be so much

More um oh my God fine anybody else want to come on up come on up there you go roll out the welcome M let them come bring their voice everybody say what you gotta say I like to do one on one until I get to know them yeah I we have gotten

To know each other pretty good wouldn’t you say okay no I said some things to you I ain’t said to people I’ve known for 15 years so I would say I’ve said some you know and it’s because there’s this disconnect like I’m not standing right

In front of you so you know more about me than my neighbor knows about me no I don’t know but no I’m pretty sure you do if you think back it might take a little bit but you do I would never say that to somebody in person no

I don’t I don’t know you that much in my life well who is venger can venger come up we do follow each other I didn’t I saw that on Twitter love Venture is just a profile I don’t know hey fed can you come can you bring

Your uh Pitbull ass up please why are you trying to bring people up here come on now so we can all talk you you know what Stacy I know you been are you are you saying oh he’s saying goodbye y’all he’s telling me n n all right well have

A good night Flo I appreciate you like it seems like you want to go because I no I didn’t I don’t I don’t I’m just I I want to have a conversation what what do you want to talk about [ __ ] I don’t know what do you want to talk about

The well I was hoping somebody else would bring something else to the table but if you have something to talk about we should talk about what are you bothered by what’s on your I hate this list or I I love that list all right all right faed I get you

Sherry he ain’t rushing me away if he shuts me down he shuts me down it just it is what it is darling but I appreciate such a kind comment all right been four hours so let go okay all right good night good night guys take care take care Stacy take

Care all right you Guys a Jesus hold up we back all right BR live hey fed yeah she’s a sweetheart Stacy is a Sweetheart hey Stacy what’s up head to Sendo Come on B I was listening to Stacy come on St oh my God guys why you sh I heard Stacy L Claire don’t me a Stacy see come on you guys be like that all right you guys wants to come on up damn it’s been like [ __ ] four hours [ __ ] four

Hours 4 hours 4 hours go good night you guys take care I hope you enjoyed was a good stream take her have fun tonight

This video, titled ‘trainwreck topics talk, drunk minecraft ect’, was uploaded by Meticul Vitriol on 2023-12-31 04:09:35. It has garnered 468 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 04:15:12 or 15312 seconds.

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft: -100 IQ vs 200 IQ.” In this epic showdown, two players with vastly different approaches to the game go head-to-head in a battle of wits and skill. While watching the video, we couldn’t help but think about the diverse and exciting community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. Just like the players in the video, Minewind attracts individuals with a wide range of playing styles and strategies. Whether you consider yourself a quick-thinking 100… Read More

  • Ultimate Multistream Minecraft Server Test

    Ultimate Multistream Minecraft Server Test Welcome to the KLÖTZCHEN Community Server! The KLÖTZCHEN Community Server is a vibrant and inclusive Minecraft community where players can come together to enjoy the game in a supportive environment. Whether you play Java or Bedrock, everyone is welcome to join in on the fun. The server is currently running on version 1.20.4 for Java and 1.20.71 for Bedrock, ensuring that all players can participate. How to Join To become a part of this exciting community, you can sign up for membership on Boubous Klötzchenbande channel and then join the Discord server. Once you have accepted the rules and… Read More

  • Hunt for Laughs: 2024 Minecraft Game

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  • Valentine’s Day Mine-Date | Minecraft Animation | Yo!

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  • Muslim Wolf in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Community Experience

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  • Crafting a Digital Empire: Hypixel

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  • Steve’s Meme Prank

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

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  • Debt to Duo: Dave’s SMP Woe!

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  • “Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition” 😂🔥 #tiktokviral

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  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects

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  • 300 Days in Minecraft Mod – Journey to the Moon in Pure Insanity

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  • Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!

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  • “Insane Gamer Block Craft – Ultra Realistic Minecraft!” #shorts

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  • Adopt Mikey the Enderman MIND in Minecraft – SHOCKING!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Goal! Donate Rp. 40,000 = End Game!

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  • Fenwo’s Final Console Stream – Unleash the Mystical Hive

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  • Mind-Blowing Collab: Fubuki Introduces Haato to Minecraft!

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  • “OMG! Herobine sighted in Minecraft!! 🤯” #viral #shorts #trending

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  • DJ dk’s Malibu Love Song – Subscribe Now!

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  • HowlSteal

    HowlStealThere are many lifesteal servers, but there is only one Lifesteal, and is where you will find it! We strive to be the best available public lifesteal server there is and we are constantly innovating and adding new features, hosting events and giveaways, and listening to our community. Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information: Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Join our Discord server Online In-game map: Check out our online map Features: Backwards compatibility with latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Teleport mobs with a lead Free fly in the overworld every Sunday Land claiming with ProtectionStones Bartering economy system No griefing Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging and player teleportation options Minecraft-Discord integration for community interaction Responsive staff Voting ranks and rewards Server… Read More

  • tedsstr

    asdasdasdasdas das as asdas das das asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd a das asd das as asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd ad s asd ads ads asd asd asd asd asd da s das ads asd das da ads da ads ad a ds ads ad s ad ads Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Me after a cave bender!

    Minecraft Memes - Me after a cave bender!Me after leaving the cave: “I may have left the cave, but the cave never truly leaves me. It’s like a permanent echo chamber in my soul, reminding me of all the times I got lost and panicked in the darkness.” Read More

  • Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality!

    Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Players explore, build, and survive. But when they venture into the realm of Identity V, The fifth personality adds a new level of glee. With fans urging me to give it a try, I jump in, ready to soar and fly. Choosing the cheerleader, a popular pick, I motivate him with passive skills, quick and slick. As the heartbeat pounds, I encourage him on, Stacking up his strength, until the fear is gone. But when he falls, I boost him up high, With 28 layers of health, he’s ready to defy…. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him!” #minecraft #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the art of storytelling in Minecraft and how it can bring people together in a fun and engaging way. Have you ever watched a hilarious Minecraft video like the one titled “Minecraft: 吹牛也是一门“艺术”,直男千万别和女生讲道理【我的世界方块轩】” and wished you could be a part of that creative and entertaining community? Well, now you can! Join us on Minewind, a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where players from all over the world come together to build, explore, and… Read More

  • Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6!

    Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6! The Optimistic Gamer’s Wolf Shelter Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20.6 Welcome to another exciting build tutorial by The Optimistic Gamer! Today, we will be constructing the Dog House from the Optimistic Survival series. This build has been highly requested, and we are thrilled to guide you through creating a wolf-themed shelter to protect your furry friends. Let’s dive right in! Materials and Foundation To start, gather your Dark Oak Logs and place them strategically to form the structure’s base. Create a sturdy foundation by placing the logs in a specific pattern, leaving gaps for windows and doors. Utilize stone bricks… Read More

  • Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!

    Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!Video Information I didn’t realize there would be so much interesting stuff in the lab trash yeah these are all old grw inventions it’s pretty cool that we came here yes there is why didn’t he tell us about his dump before I want to take something home well let’s keep [Music] moving wa no Mikey are you okay how did you get in there I don’t know this must be an old underground dump it’s so high up up here let’s go see what’s up there there’s something down there wao ah wo who’s that I don’t know some… Read More

  • Rare Minecraft PSX Footage Uncovered

    Rare Minecraft PSX Footage UncoveredVideo Information so before we start today uh I actually have to talk to you guys about something uh this is probably the most interesting bit of information I’ve received since I’ve started the channel and [Music] um yeah I think it would be safe to say that this is uh very very interesting to say the least so as some of you know I was supposed to upload this video yesterday but I ended up being busy turns out being busy was actually a blessing in disguise because I got an interesting email yesterday so let’s pull it up… Read More

  • Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱

    Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Muqeeth-BG on 2024-05-08 16:42:00. It has garnered 21 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. 2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftmemes #shorts . . Hey There, Iam Muqeeth I upload Minecraft And BlockmanGO Contents. Hope U enjoy my videos and content . . . #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes types of minecraft minecraft types shorts,minecraft,types of minecraft players which minecraft player are you? minecraft shorts minecraft memes minecraft funny minecraft tiktok minecraft meme shorts funny minecraft shorts… Read More

  • 🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2

    🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2Video Information Minecraft Simple house tutorial! This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: Ultimate Modern House #2 🏠’, was uploaded by Blockitecture on 2024-05-29 16:05:37. It has garnered 41 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:35 or 1295 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft creation – a stunning modern house! Join me as I take you on a tour of this sleek architectural masterpiece. From the spacious living area with floor-to-ceiling windows to the luxurious master suite and outdoor entertainment area, this house has it all. Whether you’re a Minecraft enthusiast or simply love beautiful designs, this is one… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY – EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY - EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Honey Honey – Minecraft 1.20.4 Relaxing Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 27’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-03-14 21:00:26. It has garnered 63 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:56 or 10376 seconds. Built another side for the honey farm for bottled honey, bred up a few nests in case anyone needs one, and went exploring for some warm ocean treasure. Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java for Mac (M1 mini) ||Graphics Mods|| Iris: Complementary Shaders: Texture Packs from [Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in… Read More

  • Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with Saucari

    Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with SaucariVideo Information I actually didn’t mean to go live oh shoot uh embarrassing I mean [ __ ] my shit’s not charged bro this is this is this is uh this is embarrassing uh it’s going to take a minute to set up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what’s this [ __ ] are we locked in and step this way and step this way and step this way I’m not signed in bro why am I not signed in hello tilt who the [ __ ] is bro I’m not emo tilt… Read More

  • Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!

    Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!Video Information oh I wonder if you could do DEET slate brick walls that’d be cool actually question what is the mage of D can you get the [ __ ] out of my way dude the mage of Doom is a character that inherently creates and or manipulates Doom which is hard to explain in a way that makes sense but basically a few minutes later I keep calling you the normal one in my head and then I remember the homestuck thing okay let’s uh let’s let’s really like break us down a little bit put us in… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8

    Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8Video Information यो व्ट इ अप बॉयज एंड गर्ल्स वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो गाइस हम लोगों ने गाइस मैंने जो अभी बोलने वाला हूं मैंने एक वीडियो बनाई थी विलेज ढोने वाली पर गलती से वह वीडियो डिलीट हो चुकी है तो यह मैं सीधा नेक्स्ट वीडियो डाल रहा हूं ठीक है तो अब चलते हैं आगे पिछले वीडियो में यह विलेज ढूंढा था यहां पे और आज हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाने जा रहे हैं मैंने कैट टेम कर लिए थे तो सही हो गए अब हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाएंगे एक मैंने ब्लॉक्स पहले से ही जमा… Read More