Microsoft Is RUINING Minecraft Updates! | Prowl Reacts

Video Information

All right we have a video here by Zuma void about marketing Minecraft and it’s is it a strain on the game is it like negatively impacting the game and I think I’ve heard even like this folks a lot don’t like to update cycle and that

Sort of thing so I’m curious to hear his opinion I kind of already have like a preconceived notion what my opinion is but let’s see what he has to say free images have in common the answer question what are these free images have in common the answer will lead us on a

Series of thoughts and questions that might be able to I don’t know what do they have in common growing trend of dissatisfaction towards Minecraft’s more recent features and updates or better worded a contributing force that has put negative pressure on the game’s development my last discussion video was

Mostly about the trails and tales update we also touched on the history leading up to 1.20 as well as ideas to help me that was a good video better in all of that research and thoughts something else became rather clear which I decided merited its own video that you are currently watching

So I’m not going to linger on the proposed mystery and turn it into a big deal it’s not these images are the air quotes promotional art from our previous updates okay 1.5 Redstone update 1.7 the update that changed the world and 1.8 okay it’s full update okay all three of

These updates were released before the Microsoft takeover using the internet Wayback machine we can see the original posts from that time on the mohang website interesting and for the most part this was how they communicated these updates a relatively small and Casual blog post outlining new additions

With little fluff or hype to be found and of course we can’t forget the classic trailers made by Hat Films on moyang’s now rebranded YouTube channel this is something we will come back to soon okay from the beginning I didn’t follow Minecraft around the game has

Always played a huge role in The Game’s success mostly due to how the nature of content made with Minecraft also promotes it today the scales have moved somewhat yes increasing activity on Yang’s half when it comes to promoting the game in the early days YouTubers and Community created content

That would inform everyone to what’s what in the latest big release or new snapshot as I already mentioned update trailers for the game were also fan made I believe Hat Films handled most of the trailers from 2011 during the beta updates up to the pretty scary update

And the end update on Xbox 360. interesting 2013. so you might seems kind of following with this obviously things have changed since those nostalgic years now passed let me just say like in regards to this already like I really don’t appreciate or like the like intended like corniness

That they do and they’re like update videos and like live streams and stuff like that like they always act like they’re talking to five-year-olds which I mean I get the fact that Minecraft is a game that’s targeted uh just as much to young kids as it is to adults right

But like kids aren’t gonna they don’t go and watch update videos and News videos like I can’t think of a time my kids at 11 and 10 have ever gone and watched one of those so like that’s not the audience that watches these things so they need

To they need to like learn how to cater uh learn how to cater to the audience that watches and certain things they’re gonna do and when they put in these little like like really corny like lines and try to be like cutesy funny like dorky like it just doesn’t it people the

Main people that are watching these do not like these at all they just don’t um like just talk to us like we’re people that care about what update you’re gonna do to the game thus it’s in this change that we may find a course for some of the games btq

Is off-putting yes it is very closer look at the Timeline between then and now the Minecraft YouTube channel is a really great resource for seeing these changes visually over time it follows a similar trajectory as many other YouTube channels improving thumbnails now I will say

Um let me go back a touch here I do like dislike art style do like these little like skits they do um with the animated um yens and um uh what’s her name I don’t know why I I can never think of her name in the

Moment but like I like those those are fun like they’re short little promotional videos they kind of showcase a little bit they like give some hints here and there um I’m fine with that what I’m not fine with is like they do this was like the

Voo buoy guy all the time we’re like they they really make him act like he’s putting on a bad play for um young kids you know what I mean and it’s just it’s just really annoying like they they need to stop like trying to treat everybody like uh that’s watching

Like their children because they they have a non-child player base as well three as many other YouTube channels improving thumbnails and presentation streamlining the content and increasing the production value to the point where most of their animated stuff is great let me I’ll even take it to that most of

Their animated stuff is really good so like if you want to put like the cutesy kind of stuff and the animated things where it kind of fits like I’m fine with that let’s just not put it into like the bad acting of when you’re like trying to

Tell us things can we can we just do that that’d be great full team of people now produce the videos seen on the channel a path many YouTubers have taken from Humble Origins in 2016 two years after Microsoft brought moyang you can see the shift begin trailers for Bedrock Edition map

Packs on the marketplace roll out to the oh here we go we’re already blaming it on Bedrock Edition before it doesn’t necessarily do that but guys so many people blame it on there and little even just like little side comments like that just kind of like lead people down that path of like

It’s all bedrock’s fault and I real it actually despise that Channel many of which can be found between the exploration update and the World of Color update a year later the promotion cycle for Minecraft Earth begins with additional content to be fair it’s it’s it does come along with

With Microsoft had not seen before and then there is the mob vote notice which one has the least amount of views yeah how curious then in 2018 more Minecon hype followed by the update aquatic trailer and the biome Chooser vote came along too yeah again like I like these

Animations like those are fine you may notice increasing thumbnail Clarity and also a tagline text it’s in 2019 and to be fair too to Mojang like everybody kind of has to do this if you want your videos you get seen even if you’re like a huge like thing like Mojang and you’re

A big company that’s like got millions of players playing your game you need to put out professional thumbnails that that are like appealing in a YouTube sense start to see interim content between the previous standards interviews with developers and Community figures as well as our first April Fool’s trailer known

As Minecraft 3D fast forward another couple of years and we see the ask moyang series and top 10 lists which is very much modeled on the Minecraft videos made by the community these are where facts and knowledge about the game are assembled into lists a very popular

Format at the time and have even made some myself a rhythm of content has remained pretty consistent since then there has however been a noticeable uptick in teasers explainers and excitement videos linked directly to the content inside the updates start and I had this conversation the other day

Um I can’t remember who with but I think I think I think I did it on Twitter um X whatever the heck you want to call it um they they they let too much information out there now and they tease too much I think and like I’m like you

Can’t help it like be all about it all right right like if they put it out there you kind of want to find it all and like learn it all and find it all out and dive in but I do think to some extent the game is worse off for it because

Like it takes a it takes out like any kind of hype about an upcoming update when you know and have seen everything about that update before it hits you know what I mean Consulting with the 1.19 Wild update really exploding with 1.20 although I haven’t analyzed Minecraft social media

Presence in the same way as the YouTube channel my own organic experience through covering updates and snapshots has led me closely following their Twitter account tweets and posts I’ve noticed the same thing an uptick in posts and media to create engagement Annex nexto said microtransactions are real terrible and

Bedrock is filled with them I see I don’t I don’t see that like the market like I’ve never felt compelled to buy something from the the marketplace I’ve only ever purposely like sought something out from there if I if I wanted to take a look like they don’t

Like give you advertisements in game they really don’t like they really don’t do anything in game to make you want to visit the marketplace it’s it’s just there on the intro screen and like there may be like a little like extra like animated graphic down there like that’s kind of it so

Um I don’t think they do anything there that is worse than any other companies that do it in fact I think they probably do less than most other companies that do like microtransactions and seasons and stuff like that they’re not even really I mean I guess they’re micro transactions in a

Way but like they’re just like Community created like skins and maps and stuff like you can you can either go get them or you or you cannot like a lot of people give Bedrock as bad rap if like it has a Marketplace therefore it’s terrible and that’s just not that’s not

The case like it’s um it’s it’s it’s easily avoidable um and really the only bad thing you can say about them the marketplace is just the fact that it exists like period could be seen as a negative because it keeps away like free content from the

Game and that sort of thing and I think you could make an argument there I think that makes sense but to say that the marketplace like in the way it’s advertised and presented is bad I don’t think I don’t think that’s true at all excitement around the game this became

Very apparent recently with a ton of promotional material betrayals and tales coming through the official Twitter account these observations have led me to the question this video is about making all of this well-produced content takes time resources and more importantly coordination it has become somewhat of a trend since the never

Update God another update was so good like like if you look at another update like that update was Banger like there’s nobody that has anything bad to say about another update and then you get to caves and cliffs which we thought was going to be all in

One update and it ended up being like update part one an update part two which kind of makes sense like it was June 2021 November 2021 so like they were six months apart but still they split them apart and then we got more of it in June of 2022

Um and then we got more of it in June 2023 right we got we were promised we were promised all of this stuff including what we got in 2022 which was the ancient cities and and down here when we got some like archeology type stuff so it kind of feels like these

Four were meant to be one but it just didn’t work out that way because they like over promise and then have just been slowly under delivering since then and they keep adding they’ll add in like little extra stuff here and there but it’s just felt underwhelming big Minecraft updates to release in June

Just in time for the holidays a good business move no doubt getting the hype for the game revived in time for a large portion of its player base to spend their increased free time on this is a far cry from the casual attitude moyang had over a decade ago updates were

Dropped somewhat out of the blue with very little attention given to the marketing machine that has now been built around the game of course not long after 1.20’s release the summer celebration sale arrives to cash in on the trails and tales excitement so what’s the issue all this increased

Marketing around the game is highly coordinated with deadlines to meet and promotional content ah and here we’re getting into the key problem to produce in time how does this affect game development deadlines can create pressure and time constraints that could lead to Features being cut if they are not ready in time

Marketing needs may also impact the demands put on developers not only to progress the game as they see fit but to hit certain demographics and I know a lot of people that watch this video or that are in the Stream here are going to hate me for saying this fortnite has

Handled so much better than Minecraft is like infinitely better like fortnite has like um a place where you go to like play in like special maps and things like that and guess what they’re all free you can all you can play all of them for free

Um they have like a cool battle pass where you get like free stuff every month the stuff that you can pay for actually like feels worth it like it kind of looks cool and looks fun right um the skins and such the emotes Etc uh they if you’re paying for it obviously

You feel like it’s worth it obviously they don’t do pay to play which Minecraft can’t really be a pay to play type game anyways but like it’s here we go you got a free game that gives you a lot of free stuff outside of the base game that has like a Marketplace that’s

Completely optional and audiences with features that suit for example a cuteness Factor something for the kids or an easily marketable Edition that feeds into a growing promotional cycle these are of course questions not accusations moyang have every right to promote their game however they see fit the issue is that

Some of these aspects are clearly linked the summer release date a seemingly self-evident one with these links an increased demand in one area surely affects the other to some extent that area of concern being the game’s development this has led me to wonder and of course ask all of you if this

Might be a contributing factor to the recent Rocky times within our community setting aside the drama of chat reporting account migration and selective Eula enforcements is the game lacking Direction due to these external factors and thus leading to updates receiving a mixed response um I think the problem comes in and I do

Think part of the problem is is this whole like annual cycle slash release date thing like they’ve they’ve artificially produced or created this like expectation from the viewer base where everybody expects for a big update to come out in June of 2020 of in June of like whatever year it is right and

That’s just kind of it um and I don’t think Minecraft like there’s obviously different ways to do a game right and Minecraft and Microsoft and Mojang have kind of decided like our way of doing things is going to be we’re going to push one major update that

Changes a lot of things with the game or adds a lot of things in the game every year and then that’s kind of gonna be it and the problem with that is is if you’re gonna do things that way the things that you bring into the update have to be

Interesting and compelling enough to last you throughout the year on their own if that makes sense so like if we look at like if we write rewind back to the nether update like the nether update added in like a bunch of new biomes a ton of new blocks like a whole new like

Dimension basically to explore um and just like a lot of like a lot of stuff right so we kind of felt like oh like that’s really cool like I’m gonna restart my world or whatever and like I’m going to explore and find and do all of these things

Um but then you get to something like I don’t know let’s look at 1.20 for example like this is a major annual update and really what did they do they made armor look a little bit different which is cool like it’s fine I I like it

As an update but they made armor look a little bit different they gave you this like dinosaur type thing that you can find that walks around and digs up some flowers and they prettied up a biome that already existed and oh well no this was the cherry blossom so basically they like they

Added like a different type of tree and some flowers into the mountains that were already there they gave you a couple extra blocks um hanging signs like again like these things on their own are they’re they’re not bad things but are they things that when they get added to the game they can

They can hold a person’s attention for a whole year until the next full update the next major update comes out and to that I think the answer is very clearly no they’re like these quick flashes in the pan that like you you like they are cool on their own you can

Kind of get excited about but first of all we hear about them like six months before um we get to test them out YouTubers like put the information out there in front of you like non-stop for for six months you get all the information about every

Single thing so by the time it releases it’s already not new you know what I mean so like when you play it for the first time in the live game even if you haven’t actually played with it before you kind of feel like you already have played with it uh because you’ve seen

And heard about it so much and then once you do play with it for a little bit like how long does it take to like experience a hanging sign to see a camel that doesn’t really do anything to get a sniffer that doesn’t really do anything

Um and to be like oh hey pinkwood is cool and like that’s basically it so I think the like the size of the updates they’re doing aren’t conducive to a full one year update they’re more conducive to like a three to six month update if this came out and then three months

Later they had something else come out like it’s similar in size and scope then I think we would be like oh man this is so cool like this is awesome like I keep getting these new things added into my world but if they’re going to go with an

Annual update the things need to be bigger they need to be an end update they need to be a new dimension they need to be we just updated all of the structures in the game and like refresh like a bunch of the biomes like they

Need to feel huge they need to be here’s a brand new system we just redid how you get XP uh we we redid enchantments we redid potions like we redid inventory like we just changed all these major systems in the game to like really change your experience like they need to

Be big and something that feels like it could last you a year now what do I think Mojang should do I think they should go away from the the huge once a year update change it to a huge update like once every couple years like a really big one

Like like like redo the end as big as you did another not bigger but every like six months every three to six months give us an update the size what you gave us in 1.20 like give us some new blocks give us like a refresh to a biome

Um maybe add in a new mob like that sort of thing um and then every so often you surprise us with this like really really really big update that’s like game changing because then the little stuff will kind of carry you along and then the really

Big update it’s a reason to like oh man I’m starting like a whole new world now like let’s go like let’s do it you know what I mean and maybe they don’t have to exactly do that but you kind of see like what I’m getting at with the balance

Here is we need some stop Gap things to kind of fill in every few months to like trickle like new things to us and make us feel like we’re getting fun new exciting things and then every so often you just like hit that home run out the

Park where you’re just like oh man like this is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen like I I have to play Minecraft every day for like six months straight now because what they just added into the game is so cool all right that was a long run let’s get

Back to Exuma if Mo Yang were to focus an update entirely on stability quality of life changes or tackle fundamental systems like Inventory management would this be allowed and in here he’s going to get on this and I’m sure he’s going to talk about this but I need to talk about this too

Um and I’m sure I’m like on the same page with Exuma void here the reason why they don’t do these things is because they’re not marketable you can’t you can’t um sell a product that shows uh change to the combat system there’s no there’s no action figure for inventory

Management that you can’t sell party supplies based on modding API like you know what I mean like these things aren’t sellable or marketable at all but at the same time they provide huge huge huge benefits to existing players especially the existing players that played the game a lot

Um and it kind of feels like they’ve gotten themselves stuck in the fact that we can’t Market this therefore We’re not gonna do it or you know what honestly it probably is we can’t Market it so we can’t put a lot of Dev time on it but

What we’re gonna do is we’re gonna try to be efficient at doing the things that we that we have to commit to for marketing purposes and we’re going to try to squeeze in a little bit of this stuff here and there like we got we got

Tim over in in the dev team and like he doesn’t have anything to do for the next three days because he’s waiting on somebody else let’s see if he can like squeeze in one of these little tiny things you know what I mean let’s see if he can make one change to inventory

Management to kind of help things out and that’s kind of like the cycle that got themselves stuck in it’s certainly harder to Market small features and increase game performance over new blocks and mobs it is that actually what the majority of Minecraft’s player base want in terms of

Numbers the game seems to be doing fine on its current course but for how long and as someone who follows the development closely I do want to point out there are consistently under the hood performance changes as well as tweaks changes and fixes that can make a big difference I’m not suggesting there

Is any slack in this department Minecraft is clearly increasing its marketing strategy and it’s probably paying off what’s the best-selling video games Minecraft number one 238 million copies of the game like that’s crazy right like it’s the most popular game in the world it just is so obviously they’re doing

Something right and honestly too that kind of works to the detriment of the game because the game is so successful as it’s been run in the past like several years to where why would anybody like higher up look at it and be like hey like let’s let’s do

This different to make the game experience better for players because like they don’t see that the bigwigs the guys at the top they don’t see that they just see they see dollar signs and the dollar signs look fine right now so to them like if if Jeb or you know whoever like somebody

Asks for like more money to do this or do that to do quality life stuff and it like goes up to chain like Microsoft’s like no like you guys are doing great like you’re doing really good you don’t need the extra five developers to like do this project like just you’re fine

Keep keep doing what you’re doing bye off however this game succeeded on its merits in the past without such coordinated campaigns and the question should be asked is it necessary for example Team Fortress 2 is another long-standing game and I mean older than Minecraft as it was released in 2007. I

Grew up playing this also been continuously updated over the years yeah completely for free much like moyang back in the day the latest update was announced via you guessed it a blog post loss of text outlining the changes and not even a single image this update

Brought 14 new maps to the game and an entirely new game mode the first in seven years valve is not the only company lacking big promotion and marketing efforts if one were to look around we could probably find a but like here’s the difference Team Fortress 2 isn’t selling products and stores people

People aren’t buying Team Fortress 2 T-shirts and backpacks for their kids you know what they are buying they’re buying Minecraft pajamas and underwear and Legos and backpacks and lunch boxes and water bottles and pencils and party supplies and like all of these different things people are buying that kind of

Stuff my I don’t know who knows how much money Mojang you know makes for marketing or from uh from merchandise but and Merchant I guess merchandise and um um I don’t know the word I’m looking for like like selling like their IP to people to like make stuff right like

Lego for example but like I guarantee you it’s a lot it’s a whole lot so that’s why I don’t know if xum was about to say this or not this video is getting close to over but that licensing there you go thanks terrible um that’s why these big updates annually are a thing

They have a clear strategy for it the clear strategy obviously comes from the top Microsoft likes this because they can do the licensing and the products as long as Mojang keeps putting out something that they can Market that they can advertise that they can make products out of look at Minecraft

Legends their freaking toys are all over the stores and the game sucks and we’ll talk about that later the game launched in the worst condition I’ve seen a game launching in a long time like it was just lacking so much it’s like they only spent a year developing it if that but

The products are all over the place it’s everywhere that was already pre-planned before they even saw if people even liked the game which they didn’t so that’s just unfortunately the state that ran you know what we’ll probably get another half baked Microsoft or Minecraft game sometime in the future

I don’t know what it’s going to be but I guarantee you when they do it it’s not gonna be good because they’re not going to get any Community feedback about it at all a whole range of approaches with varying success my conclusion is a simple one Minecraft’s visibility and

Successes always come from its Community if the recent wobble of mixed reception has anything to do with the obvious increased coordination of content and marketing it might just be wise to ditch the strategy the long-term goal should be sustainability keeping all players interested and attracting new ones to

Achieve that the updates need to reach a certain level of quality that the developers should be given the time to fully explore and and that’s the problem by the way too um and that’s why like I always fight for the developers and I never Target them out specifically because dude

They’re just they’re just guys and girls and people that are working for a big company that says you need to do X Y and Z by this time and date I mean that’s all they can do right so you know every once in a while they reach out for feedback and they probably

Try to push a lot of that up to chain and I’m sure most of it gets ignored um but that’s not their fault the updates and direct out features to reach deadlines may have compromised what could have been so that’s the video please do share your thoughts with a

Comment if you want to answer this conversation and if you like this format of video and want to see more please consider supporting me on patreon your contribution there will enable me to put more time and money into these videos so thanks for considering and I’ll see you

Soon with another alright guys that was Exuma void um I just popped his uh video that we just watched into chat so if you want to go through watch it uninterrupted without me blabbing my mouth um in the meantime then go check it out for those of you watching this is

A video on YouTube later I’ll make sure I put a link down to the video and of course Exuma void Channel down in the description below if you’re not subscribed to Exuma void highly recommend it he comes out with great update videos I love his opinion videos

Um he’s also a member of hermitcraft if you like smps and survival play and that kind of thing

This video, titled ‘Microsoft Is RUINING Minecraft Updates! | Prowl Reacts’, was uploaded by Prowl8413 on 2023-08-28 15:00:07. It has garnered 4923 views and 222 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:11 or 1691 seconds.

@xisumavoid Talks about the Evolution of Minecraft updates, and how things have seemingly changed since Microsoft purchased Minecraft.

Xisuma’s Video:

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    Speedcraft Showdown: Formula 1 vs. Roblox Sports Car Madness Join the fun, hit subscribe and like, On Flash_Playz, where gaming takes flight. Minecraft, Roblox, and sports cars too, Adventures await, for me and you. Craft and build in blocks of Minecraft, Roblox worlds, where fun is unmatched. Racing fast in Asphalt’s delight, High-speed thrills, day and night. Subscribe now, join the gaming crew, Flash_Playz awaits, with fun anew. Rhyming news and updates galore, In the gaming world, we’ll explore. Read More

  • “Crafting a spicy meme, just like my diamonds” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Crafting a spicy meme, just like my diamonds" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft but then realize you’ve been playing on peaceful mode the whole time. #rookieerror #minecraftfail 😂🤦‍♂️🔷 Read More

  • Naimarra’s Mischievous Farewell

    Naimarra's Mischievous Farewell The Minecraft Segment in “Final Goodbyes || D&D Animatic (Voiced)” Introduction to the Minecraft Segment The Minecraft segment in “Final Goodbyes || D&D Animatic (Voiced)” offers a unique and creative twist to the overall narrative. It showcases the versatility of Minecraft as a platform for storytelling and collaboration. Collaboration on the Beneath SMP Server The animatic was created for the Beneath SMP Server, highlighting the collaborative efforts of the creators involved. The teamwork and creativity displayed in this segment are a testament to the vibrant Minecraft community. Character Voices and Storytelling The voices of Jack and Mikir, portrayed by… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure! Are you ready for an exhilarating experience like no other? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and embark on a journey full of excitement, challenges, and endless possibilities! With a vibrant community of players from around the world, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Explore vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles with other players. The possibilities are endless on Minewind,… Read More

  • Building a Massive Stone Bridge in Minecraft! – Chill Survival – Ep. 15

    Building a Massive Stone Bridge in Minecraft! - Chill Survival - Ep. 15 Minecraft Adventures: Searching for Drowned in the Vast River Biome! Exploring the Sea and Unveiling Mysteries In the world of Minecraft, Meikyan embarks on a thrilling adventure in search of the elusive Drowned. As she navigates the serene waters of the sea, a sense of wonder fills the air. The underwater ruins beckon, hinting at hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. With each dive, a new mystery unfolds, leading Meikyan deeper into the heart of the ocean. Encountering the Drowned and Unraveling Their Secrets As Meikyan delves into the river biome, the Drowned emerge from the depths, their haunting… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Finding Magic Pot in (MINECRAFT) #shorts #trending

    UNBELIEVABLE! Finding Magic Pot in (MINECRAFT) #shorts #trendingVideo Information minha culpa se eu pegar seu namorado Foi ele que falou que era descompromissado e todo mundo sabe que eu gosto de dotado doado dotado This video, titled ‘MAGIC POT IN ( MINECRAFT ) #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #tiktok #gaming’, was uploaded by AB BOSS 777 YT on 2024-01-15 12:44:25. It has garnered 2726 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. MAGIC POT IN ( MINECRAFT ) #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #tiktok #gaming Read More

  • The Ultimate Phasmophobia Speedrun!

    The Ultimate Phasmophobia Speedrun!Video Information welcome back to phasmophobia if you could like comment or subscribe I would appreciate it anything you can do for the channel helps me put more back in the channel for you that being said it’s Monday I think you guys know why we’re here today we’re going to be working on our new weekly challenge on six Tanglewood Drive along with that we’re going to try to work on our other weekly tasks such as earn perfect investigation bonus on nightmare harder that’ll be a challenge we’ll do later this week earn money from contracts that’s always… Read More

  • Farming GOD in Hardcore Minecraft?! Watch me wield the CowAxe!

    Farming GOD in Hardcore Minecraft?! Watch me wield the CowAxe!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made the Largest Farm in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-03-26 13:08:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Hardcore/Minecraft hardcore survival/Minecraft Hardcore series/Minecraft Hardcore world Hey Every body in this video I … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacks and Tricks Exposed! 🔥 #MinecraftMadness

    Insane Minecraft Hacks and Tricks Exposed! 🔥 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Laughter] [Music] I’m cold hearted but I’m just getting start on the taret you’re the better who want your king [Music] of best to give me your loyalty cuz I’m taking the world you’ll see they’ll be calling me calling me they’ll be calling me royalty best to give me a loyalty cuz I’m taking the world you see me go me go me they’ll be calling me [Music] Royal call roal [Music] [Music] [Music] see the [Music] cages take it… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s EPIC Transformation! 🚀🔥 #Minecraft

    GamerFleet's EPIC Transformation! 🚀🔥 #MinecraftVideo Information call my Call my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] This video, titled ‘@GamerFleet Attitude status 🥶 || Gamer fleet transformation 🔥 || #trending #ytshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by RDX_JAZIB_ on 2024-05-17 02:30:44. It has garnered 1034 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. ‎@GamerFleet Attitude status 🥶 || Gamer fleet transformation 🔥 || #trending #ytshorts #minecraft WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL 😊😊 GAMER FLEET IN MINCRAFT LILYWILL GAMERFLEET SMP VS HIMLAND SMP GAMER FLEET ATTITUDE STUTUS 😡🥶 GAMER FLEET FLEET SMP SESSION 3 GAMERFLEET GOD MLG || LILYVILLE || FLEET SMP ||… Read More

  • Villager goes INSANE in epic game of TAG! #shorts

    Villager goes INSANE in epic game of TAG! #shortsVideo Information at Le what was that girly popop again bro why do you spawn in my doors you gave the the most hearty Screech what can I say I mean wow I was really confused on what that was come on oh I can’t oh I didn’t know which way you were going was spinning we spin oh don’t go the ladder oh he changed directions you can’t get me you can’t get me oh oh you got me oh take take your it nope he not going get me he know get me he’s going up hey man… Read More

  • MY FANS GAVE ME A SPECIAL RESOURCE PACK?! | Minecraft 15th Anniversary

    MY FANS GAVE ME A SPECIAL RESOURCE PACK?! | Minecraft 15th AnniversaryVideo Information [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] see oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone Master Zach here today hey we are going to wait hold up let me let me let me oh let me do one thing real quick one thing real quick and we should be good hello everyone Master Zach here today we are going to be playing Minecraft uh but very very we’re going to be playing Minecraft in a special way basically uh I asked you guys I gave you two hours bro wait… Read More

  • Become RICHEST on Minecraft SMP! Mining Diamonds

    Become RICHEST on Minecraft SMP! Mining DiamondsVideo Information what’s up everyone we can get a Minecraft capturing would be great why someone removed all the windows from our house I just realized that um you know uh if if Minecraft wants to uh cap please thank you pranked also glass panes are in glowing wow hey uh I’m I mean they they got me there I can’t lie bro how how you doing Charlie was this prank even I don’t even know if this prank was even the part of the war I think dude it it’s probably Jacob br I don’t know hold on today… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars FAILS: You won’t believe what happens!

    Insane Bedwars FAILS: You won't believe what happens!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Stupidest Bedwars Game…’, was uploaded by Hackle on 2024-03-12 02:19:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. meow :3 chatgpt made this LOL Bedwars, Minecraft, Gaming, PvP, Multiplayer, Hypixel, Strategy, Tips, Tricks, Tutorial, … Read More

  • 200b200t

    200b200tWelcome To 200b200t Anarchy We Are Between The Versions 1.12.2 And 1.18.2 or 1.19 (didnt try) Its Cracked Too So Hop On Also Can You Guys Donate So We Can Upgrade From Aternos To Smth Else I Got A YT Channel So Sub To That Too And Tell Me Plugin Suggestions Read More

  • LittleSMP – vanilla SMP whitelist

    Hello there! Short intro: My name is Yani, I am an 18-year-old male from GMT+2 timezone. I have been hosting an SMP since August 18, 2023. Community: I am looking for active and friendly players to join me in creating a nice community together. I may not be able to join daily due to exams, but I will maintain, moderate, and grow the server. Benefits: Active staff to prevent griefing and unacceptable behavior. Vanilla experience with small adjustments for multiplayer. Optional voice chat for enhanced gameplay. Minimum age requirement of 18 for maturity and appropriate behavior. Server runs on Fabric… Read More

  • Back2Basics – Simple Survival w Land Claim – PVP is ON, Keep Inventory OFF

    Simple Survival with Land Claim, go back to your roots.PVP is on, Keep Inventory is Off.Play solo, or with a team. Build up your resources. Your builds are safe with us, however, if you venture out to the wilderness, beware as you can lose your items..Goodluck. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When you finally find diamonds – 💎🔥

    Looks like Willager learned the hard way that crime doesn’t pay…unless you count the satisfaction of ruining someone’s virtual property! Read More

  • Monster Truck Mayhem: Minecraft City’s New Ride!

    Monster Truck Mayhem: Minecraft City's New Ride! In the city, a monster truck has come to play, Causing chaos and fear, leading the way. Efekan and Ayşe, on a mission they go, To stop the truck, with courage to show. The truck, so massive, a sight to behold, Roaring and rumbling, a story untold. But fear not, for our heroes are near, Ready to face the truck, without any fear. With concrete C40, they close the hole tight, Hoping to stop the truck, with all their might. But alas, the concrete breaks and falls apart, Leaving them running, with a racing heart. The truck, unstoppable, a… Read More

  • Pedro’s Hot Minecraft Meme 🔥

    Pedro's Hot Minecraft Meme 🔥 Why did Pedro keep saying his name three times in the meme? Was he trying to summon a Minecraft version of Beetlejuice? #PedroPedroPedro #MinecraftMagic Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds! Welcome to the world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of building beautiful and simple houses like the Glass House featured in this video, then you’ll love the Minewind server. Join a community of passionate Minecraft players who love to build, train, and even have a little fun with some friendly competition. Whether you’re into survival mode, creative mode, or just looking for some new building hacks, Minewind has something for everyone. Explore unique house designs, modern builds, and even hardcore challenges on Minewind. Connect with players from around the world who share your love for Minecraft and get… Read More

  • Pixelmon Minecraft: New Pokemon Journey

    Pixelmon Minecraft: New Pokemon Journey Welcome to the Pixelmon Minecraft Adventure! Embarking on a New Pokemon Journey Join the exciting world of Pixelmon Minecraft SMP, where adventure awaits! As we step into this realm, we encounter powerful trainers and legendary Pokemon. Our goal is to become the strongest Pokemon master in the SMP by collecting badges and honing our skills through battles. Exploring the Pixelmon SMP Within the SMP, we not only engage in epic battles but also have the opportunity to earn money by completing tasks. This unique blend of gameplay elements adds depth to our journey as we strive to become the… Read More

  • Insane! Surviving 100 Days with Sculk in HC Minecraft

    Insane! Surviving 100 Days with Sculk in HC MinecraftVideo Information this disgusting man has been infected by the skull cord he’s a part of an entity known as the grave mine that infects Minecraft worlds a grows eats makes the whole place blue and just fills it with really bad stuff okay just look at this cow it is no longer a cow now it’s a skull cow that wants to rip me apart last time I survived 100 days it was with parasites and now I’m going to try and take what I learned and defeat the skull horde or die trying and speaking of trying I… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sheep Battle!

    Ultimate Minecraft Sheep Battle!Video Information si tú quieres bailar jugar pintar cantar tú puedes venir a mi casa La idea es compartir te vas a divertir quieres venir a mi casa quiero invitar a jugar a mi casa todas mis amigas y amigos quiero saltar bailar y lo que tengo compartir contigo contigo Chipi chipi chapa chapa mágico mi lbi lubi Bom This video, titled ‘Sheep Destroys his own kind #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #shorts #memes #meme’, was uploaded by TheArterMc on 2024-05-02 14:19:20. It has garnered 5845 views and 125 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Bro destroyed its… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Pepi Discovering SECRET DATAPACKS in Minecraft! #minecraftmemes

    Unbelievable! Pepi Discovering SECRET DATAPACKS in Minecraft! #minecraftmemesVideo Information ya saben lo que se puede hacer con las construcciones en este juego que no tiene casi límites imagínense eso sumado un texture pack y sumado a Data pack básicamente puedes meter mecánicas de un juego que los dat packs es una forma de meter funciones o acciones y que se activen dependiendo de diferentes cosas que se ejecuten en general suena muy abstracto porque lo es porque puedes hacer literalmente lo que quieras puedes hacer acciones lo que [Música] quieras i This video, titled ‘DATAPACKS #minecraft #indie #minecraftmemes #eldenring #darksouls’, was uploaded by Pepi on 2024-03-28 20:00:01…. Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Showdown: 999 IQ vs 999 IQ!

    Unbeatable Minecraft Showdown: 999 IQ vs 999 IQ!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – 999 IQ level vs 999 IQ level #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by 😈 Mr. sai gaming 😈1919 on 2024-01-13 14:30:03. It has garnered 9740 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Minecraft – 999 IQ level vs 999 IQ level #gaming #shorts #ytshorts #dream #minecraftmanhunt #redstonebuilds #insane #minecaft #dreammlg #tnt Read More

  • DRIVEN TO INSANITY! Join us in Building a Zoo! 🦁

    DRIVEN TO INSANITY! Join us in Building a Zoo! 🦁Video Information [संगीत] दिस इज द फ्यूचर लशन दिस इज द फ्यूचर [संगीत] u [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] एवल दिस इज द [संगीत] फ्यूचर r [संगीत] क्या [संगीत] i [संगीत] [संगीत] दिस इज द फ्यूचर एल [संगीत] दिस इज द [संगीत] फ्यूचर हेलो हेलो हेलो हेलो हेलो गा वेलकम वेलकम बैक टू अनदर लाइव तो कैसे हो सब लोग वेलकम है मेरे लाइव स्ट्रीम प सभी को गुड आफ्टरनून गाइस एंड वेलकम वेलकम र वेलकम हा टाइटल चेंज कर रहा लाइक कर दो ला दबा चेंज कर दि टाइटल चेंज कर टाइटल चेंज करेम ही नहीं चलाया… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Minecraft REVENGE – Blueskyler animation

    Unleashing EPIC Minecraft REVENGE - Blueskyler animationVideo Information This video, titled ‘epic revenge minecraft animation #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by Blueskyler on 2024-02-24 18:43:39. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Crunch Technique Revealed in Mehendi Duck! #74

    Insane Crunch Technique Revealed in Mehendi Duck! #74Video Information This video, titled ‘Mehendi. part. 74’, was uploaded by CRUNCH WORKS on 2024-04-07 13:05:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. subscribe the channel to get more information….. . . . . . . #motivation #music #minecraft #memes #meme #motivational #maxpreps … Read More

Microsoft Is RUINING Minecraft Updates! | Prowl Reacts