Mikey & JJ Discover Village in Bed – Insane Minecraft Twist!

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oh we slept so long Mikey it’s time to wake up we have a lot to do yeah okay let’s get on with our chores as soon as possible we have to go to the farm all right let’s get started friends what has happened to our village it’s like all the buildings and structures have been torn down the houses are just gone JJ look there’s little villagers dragging a little house somewhere we just have to go there and solve this issue it’s going to be really very interesting indeed I don’t understand at all what’s going on in our village and what happened anyway but we’ll definitely have to find out with Mikey let’s follow them and try to find out what’s going on at all because it could be important whoo they’ve got some kind of ladder inside the bed where did they bring the whole house in JJ there’s something inside maybe the villagers moved the whole village inside the bed that sounds very unbelievable if they did that we need to find out and see it as soon as possible I’ve become very curious about this whole construction and I want to solve all the questions and find out about it as soon as possible only we are too big to go and see it it’s just going to be incredibly bad we have to find another way in which we can do it because we’re going to waste a lot of time what if there’s some magical way or someone can tell us how it should have been done we don’t know much about it at all so there could be serious problems I want to solve all the problems as quickly as possible and do it all without too much trouble after all we can really do it if we really learn more about this bed in this place we can get in JJ I caught the little little villager let’s find out how he can help us shall we villager we need to know how you all got small and what is this bed this is just incredibly important information this is our new little village if you want to get small sleep on this bed then you can definitely become little and go inside it’s really really interesting in there was it really that easy if it really is we should solve all the problems and become small as soon as possible Mikey try to lie down and sleep for a while I’m really curious whether you will become small or not not if that’s really the case it’ll be just incredibly interesting okay since you’re asking me to I’ll try to become small and sleep here that would be a really good test to see if it’s true or not we’ll think about it from here Mikey did go to bed but nothing much is happening yet we’ve probably been tricked by that villager maybe we should wait a little longer because we haven’t been waiting that long what if there’s a process going on wo it’s really happening Mikey really started shrinking and it worked as it [Music] should JJ it really worked I slept on this magic bed and I got small it really worked and we can get to the Village inside the bed that sounds really really cool especially to see how small Mikey can be it’s really very interesting indeed it turns out I need to go to bed too great friends I’ve gotten small too and we can go inside the bed with Mikey that’s where we’ll find out what it’s all about and why Yahoo JJ we did it we were able to get inside the village it’s just something incredible the villagers were able to move almost the entire Village here all their houses are here I can’t believe it either I mean it really looks like some kind of magic it’s just something unreal anyway we need to scout out the situation and what’s going on around here I’m really wondering if we can build our own house or something will we be able to live here too or not there’s really a whole island already made here there’s water grass animals and stuff it’s just incredible I think they’ve been doing this for a long time or how did we even miss it I don’t understand it at all Mikey this bed is in the Witch’s House she’s probably the one who helped decide and make it all happen so if we want to find out anything we need to go to her house and work it out there because she knows 100% why the villagers made everything small and inside the bed it’s really very strange it’s probably her magic store we should go there as soon as possible and find out I’m sure we can find out a lot of things from the witch we just have to talk to her properly witch hey I have a question why did you do all this why is everyone here so small the villagers have asked me to help them they wanted to make a safe Village all I did was use my magic bed come on I’ll show them to you all these beds have different magic effects friends wao that sounds really very interesting indeed let’s see what she means as soon as possible I was really wondering how all these beds really work and how they convey magical effects to make a the long story short I’m throwing a potion when someone sleeps on it they get this effect Mikey you just have to check out these beds let’s see what effects they can give us yeah that sounds really cool get one bed ready for me and I want to see what effects I can get I mean that’s incredibly cool let’s see what effects Mikey is going to get now I hope it will be something very very useful for us wao friends look at that Mikey has become completely invisible I’ve never encountered anything like that before you really just completely disappeared after lying on the bed for a while that’s just unbelievably cool I’m now completely invisible and I can do literally anything I want I can go anywhere I want and take anything I want it’s just incredibly cool magic which can you do that with anything and everything I mean that’s just incredibly cool do I want to do the same thing yes I can really do that quite often but magic is not infinite it depends on how much sleep you get Mikey can collect anything he wants now he’s going to be a really bad guy Mikey don’t play with that are you kidding me I’m going to take literally anything I can get my hands on because I’m invisible and no one will know it’s me it’s an incredible power and I just have to keep using it it’s just something incredible for us Mikey I’ve got some bad news for you your power is gone and now everyone can see you you’ve got to be kidding me oh villager sorry I’ll give it all back to you Mikey got caught stealing and now he’ll have to give it all back you can’t do that my friend like I said you got to know how to to use that power you didn’t get enough sleep and now it’s gone good thing there wasn’t a big conflict the Villager forgave us quickly and we were able to leave which we want to keep exploring all this power so you have to let us use it all yes the sooner you do all this the better it will be I want to use a lot more of this magic if you really want to do this then I need to replenish my magic you’ll have to go and collect me different flowers great we have a mission now what we have to do I hope we can collect everything fast enough and you can show us the next magic there really are flowers all over the village we have to find and collect them all as quickly as possible only then will the witch give us another magic bed I’m very curious to see what will be there next time I really hope the magic there will be as strong as last time that was really cool I can’t believe the witch did it all by herself it’s just unbelievable I want to try as much as I can we’re going to see it all it’s only a matter of time now we have an assignment we have to collect as many flowers as we can and give them to the witch then she will let us use the beds I really hope the effects will be long and positive so we can really have fun anyway I want to stay in this bed as long as possible there’s really a lot of fun things to do here I totally agree with that Mikey there’s a whole village here and a lot of villagers we just have to be here if anything it’s the safest Village in the world because no Bandit would think it could be inside a bed that’s why monsters and bandits won’t be here we’ll be able to solve all the issues as soon as possible I just want to move forward and really do my best to solve all these problems it’s going to be really cool the way I see it the longer we’re here the more interesting things we can find I mean it’s incredibly cool Mikey the witch said we could use the beds we brought her the right amount of flowers so try to get some more power and I’ll keep an eye out for it I was getting curious about the whole thing myself it’s hard to pick just one because I have absolutely no idea what what powers there might be here I mean it’s all very very strange all right I’ll pick one bed and I’ll lie on it I hope the powers will be really good for us I want super strength or super speed then I’ll be unstoppable and I can do whatever I want okay do it as fast as you can then we can solve all the problems fast enough I just want to explore this place and see what interesting things we can get here it’s incredibly cool the way I see it this is the most unique place in the world and we could really tackle it JJ look I can fly that’s just incredibly cool it’s unbelievable power I think building our new home here would be the best decision I want to stay here as long as possible Mikey what do you think it’s really the best idea I’ve had in a while Let’s test it all out as fast and as well as possible we have to find more cool Powers I’m sure that there really is something incredibly cool hidden here which should be as fast as possible JJ now I’m getting an incredibly high jump It’s just something unbelievable the witch is really doing magic and I can tell you I’m loving it immensely I want to keep using it all friends as you realized we’re going to be here for a very long time we want to check out as many of the superpowers we’ll be using with Mikey as possible we’re going to have to wait a little longer JJ look over here I can really climb walls that’s another ability I’ve discovered through these beds there’s a whole list here to become a superhero I got myself some high jumps too it’s just an incredibly useful skill I hope we put them to good use quickly the witch is really doing important things I hope we can work it all out without too much trouble JJ and Mikey I’ve had a problem someone stole my beds you have to help me solve this problem as soon as possible because this could get really bad for the whole village what is that really true if it is then we just have to find whoever stole those beds we can’t let even that kind of power get out it could be too dangerous for the whole world let’s go as fast as we can and try to solve this problem I want to try to catch this Bandit if he really took the beds to use their power it will be really terrible we have to solve all these problems as soon as possible Mikey look at this there are literally no more beds they’ve all been stolen I can’t even imagine who would do that it’s just so incredibly hard we have to solve this problem we have to find the thief and punish him of course that would really be the right thing to do that bandit has definitely left some traces we must work on them and find him it’s going to be a really tough challenge we are always facing difficulties so we will be able to solve all the problems quite quickly because we are the best duo in the whole world we will definitely punish whoever stole all of this we will stop all of this JJ look there are really a lot of footprints here and we have to follow them that’s the only way we’ll solve all the problems if we follow them we’ll definitely find the Bandit and punish him it’s only a matter of time I’m very curious about who did it it’s 100% someone from the village we have to pull out as soon as possible he left a lot of traces here we have to go as far as we can and find out where he took it all too he probably hit it all in the mine it’s really the safest place I hope we can solve everything and get the beds back okay let’s get to the point as quickly as possible I want to see what’s really there the tracks are really in the mine let’s see what’s there I think the Villager has made his secret base there if indeed it is a secret base then we could find it it’s not that problematic I hope there aren’t any traps and we catch this Bandit fast enough even in a village like this there are problems with this oh no there’s a lava lake we have to jump it somehow JJ we have a special power for that we can jump high and fly so it won’t be a big problem to do it we just have to decide to jump and then it’s up to us it’s going to be incredibly cool woo I did it it’s incredibly cool if you really think about it now it’s your turn JJ I just stuck to the wall and got through it was a lot easier than I thought it would be I hope we can work it all out and get the beds back we need this superpower ourselves and we don’t want to give it to anyone it’s a dangerous weapon for all of us look there’s actually a base for it villager you’re busted we managed to find you now we’re going to take all the beds and then you’ll have nothing we can solve this problem very quickly we can really punish you which what do you want to do to him of course I’m going to turn him into a rabbit for stealing he took the most important thing I had get the potions now you’ll definitely regret stealing from me I’m very angry right now friends this villager has really turned into a rabbit this is just unbelievably funny but we were able to find the person who stole it all you and I are real detectives and we are ready to help anyone who needs it this is just incredibly cool now we need to take all these beds back to the Witch’s House they’ll belong there and be much safer so we’re going to have to wait a little while JJ something strange is going on in the village look at this look there are a lot of zombies here they must be attacking the village that’s just awful we can’t help them now because we have no weapons at all we should probably run away from here and close this bed forever so that these monsters won’t attack our ordinary Village we should probably just run away from here I agree with you completely let’s run as fast as we can we have an ender pearl we can get out of here fast enough it’s the only way okay let’s do exactly that I want to get out of here as soon as possible this is going to be really interesting we we must do everything we can to fence off this bed as quickly as possible and keep the monsters out of our village great we finally escape from here the monsters might show up any second we have to do something we have to prepare and make some traps we’ll have to make a defense system this will really help us a lot and we can solve all the problems quite quickly I hope we can win this battle and see it through to the very end that’s the most important thing we have to do the sooner we do all this the better our Victory will be that’s the foundation of everything we do we want to win and we will fight for it I want to realize all this as soon as possible good we’ll build traps now and destroy all these monsters that will be the best solution I hope that we really solve all the problems very quickly and bring everything to the end really everything to be those zombies are scattering all over the village We Must Destroy them all as quickly as possible it’s only a matter of time we mustn’t give them a chance to run away somewhere that would be a big mistake let’s make make it quick you’re really right I want to solve all the problems really quickly and decisively I would like to destroy all the monsters as quickly as possible but to do that we need to set a lot of traps and really do something serious okay I’ll dig us a hole where we’ll put spikes and destroy all the zombies that’s the easiest trap for them YooHoo we did it we were able to trap those monsters and Destroy them it was really easy since we were able to destroy the monsters we need to fence the place all this wood from them that will be really really cool and we can solve a lot of problems we just need to take action I’m sure the witch has defense systems for that we’ll have to shut this place down for good that’s why the sooner we get this all done the better it will be I hope we can win this battle the way I see it I really want to solve all the problems and see it through it’s going to be really really cool anyway we’re really willing to do whatever we can to save our village and the villagers that will come back from there we have to put the best defenses in place so that no one can just worm their way in and out of that tree I want to destroy all the monsters that will come out of there so we’re ready to make the best defense in the world I have colored fire for that then I am really capable of destroying any monster this is Magic fire that’s just unbelievable I really wish we could have something like that as a defense it’s just something incredible who friends we finally made it we put up all the defense we could it was really really cool we are finally fully prepared to defend our village and hold off the monsters

This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ Found А VILLAGE INSIDE THE BED in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey & JJ – Minecraft on 2024-04-21 13:00:33. It has garnered 45413 views and 1217 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:04 or 964 seconds.

Mikey and JJ Found А VILLAGE INSIDE THE BED in Minecraft (Maizen)

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    BioGamerYT Survives 100 Days in Terrifying Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in the Scariest Mod in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by BiogamerYT on 2024-09-07 08:30:07. It has garnered 667 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:33 or 3333 seconds. I Survived 100 Days in the Scariest Mod in Minecraft! ➡️ Intro – In this video, I landed in Minecraft’s Most Scariest World to find the answers for the killings of Other Survivors and you will see how I fight with the Monster called: Man from the Fog… ➡️If you enjoyed the video, be sure to Like, Share & Subscribe… Read More

  • Summoning Chaos in Minecraft as Evoker! #epic #shorts

    Summoning Chaos in Minecraft as Evoker! #epic #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But I’m An Evoker… #gameplay #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Vortex Virtos on 2024-04-22 01:03:59. It has garnered 11473 views and 362 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Minecraft, But I’m An Evoker… #gameplay #minecraft #shorts Minecraft, But I’m An Evoker… #gameplay #minecraft #shorts minecraft mod for minecraft minecraft video game minecraft video game how to build a house in minecraft minecraft modern house in minecraft minecraft house tutorial minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft cartoon minecraft minecraft gameplay minecraft minecraft house build minecraft build tutorial minecraft minecraft new videos minecraft… Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE GAMER PLAYS HILARIOUS MINECRAFT MINIGAMES🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘fun with subscribers||funny Minecraft minigames #minecraft’, was uploaded by THE ALL TYPE GAMER on 2024-04-28 03:36:51. It has garnered 28 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:21 or 4221 seconds. fun with subscribers||funny Minecraft minigames #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments 🔥 #shorts #minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Moments 🔥 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft moments💀#shorts #minecraft #edits’, was uploaded by Turbo Gamers mine on 2024-08-30 08:42:51. It has garnered 339 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Bro is cooked☠️☠️. #minecraft #trollface #short tags) minecraft, minecraft education, minecraft 0.14.3 texture pack, yaka man minecraft, yogiart gaming minecraft, you need to authenticate to microsoft services minecraft, yandere minecraft, minecraft zoo, minecraft 0 to 100 days, minecraft 0 iq moments, yes smarty pie minecraft, minecraft 0 mod v 100 mods, minecraft 0.15.10, 0 minecraft logic, 0 minecraft videos, $07 minecraft, minecraft 100 days… Read More


    "INSANE MEGA FIGHTER ESCAPE!" #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘normal escape in minecraft💀 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MEGA FIGHTER on 2024-05-23 09:30:12. It has garnered 10266 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. normal escape in minecraft💀 #shorts #minecraft Your queries:- minecraft minecraft elemental flash 100 days in minecraft minecraft mod minecraft flash minecraft 100 days minecraft gameplay minecraft multiplayer minecraft zombie helicopter gaming greene aj gaming realistic minecraft – a normal day minecraftdays bad day minecraft calvin minecraft minecraft in ohio minecraft 100 days 100 days minecraft minecraft mine craft minecraft farm minecrafty minecraft short minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Build: Modern Cliff House in Minecraft – Part 3 by Xsarion

    Insane Build: Modern Cliff House in Minecraft - Part 3 by XsarionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – How to Build: Modern Cliff House – Part 3’, was uploaded by Xsarion Plays on 2024-05-05 07:31:49. It has garnered 1920 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:04 or 1744 seconds. 👍 Leave a LIKE on this video for more! ✅ Subscribe for more! ► https://bit.ly/3POUv79 🎥 Watch the final build showcase ► https://youtu.be/PTR5aF19zC8 Part 1 ► https://youtu.be/eLnfvK0XWi4 Part 2 ► https://youtu.be/QrsLIlcVqtw Part 4 ► https://youtu.be/udfie7fMyro Part 5 ► https://youtu.be/3bzmdXwdGis ● Discord: https://discord.gg/f4ztysnnS9 ● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xsarionplays/ ● X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/XsarionPlaysMC —————————————————- The house can be easily built in both Java… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Theory: Itachi’s Survival Saves All? #shorts

    Mind-Blowing Theory: Itachi's Survival Saves All? #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘If Itachi doesn’t die would he able to save everyone ? #shorts’, was uploaded by FictionFlux on 2024-08-08 08:15:41. It has garnered 26 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Itachi Is Alive ? #minecraft #parkour #shorts #naruto #anime #shortsfeed #trending #viralshorts #dailyshorts #itachi #uchiha #fanfiction #whatif #otaku #manga #alternative Read More

  • Better Towny

    Better TownyWelcome to Better Towny! The better version of the game mode you all know and love. Experience ultimate progression with a never seen before leveling system (/level) Grind your mcmmo skills, Level up jobs to make money, take part in events to earn epic rewards, earn gems to unlock OP gear, fight in dungeons to get shards and gems, and so so much more! Server was launched on the 1st of June! Features:- MCMMO: Level up your MMO skills- Pyro Fishing: Unlock EPIC rod upgrades- Jobs: Make money completing tasks- Daily quests: Earn daily rewards from quests- LEVELS: Unlock hundreds… Read More

  • The Dominion PvE RPG Dungeons Custom Items

    The Dominion Welcome to The Dominion IP: play.thedominion.us Alternate IP: thedominion.us Embark on an epic Minecraft RPG adventure at The Dominion (est. 2013)! DUNGEONS Conquer hand-crafted challenges for exclusive loot and glory! WORLDS Dive into a hybrid realm – an SMP haven or a bespoke RPG world. CUSTOMIZATION Elevate your gameplay with unique items, bosses, and a tailored leveling system. COMMUNITY DRIVEN Crafted by a passionate team; all are welcome to aid in improving the server. CONSTANT EVOLUTION Your feedback shapes the server as we unveil fresh content. ARE YOU A DUNGEONEER? Unleash your skills and conquer – The Dominion… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft subs since yesterday: SIZZLIN’

    Looks like the minecraft fans are mining for upvotes like diamonds! Read More

  • Mine vs. Choc: Clash of V1-5

    Mine vs. Choc: Clash of V1-5 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Updates and changes are like a dream. From V1 to V5, the evolution is clear, Each version bringing something new to cheer. V1 may have been slow, with edits not quite right, But V3 and V4 showed improvement in sight. Skipping V2, as V3 was the same, Just a step up in the Minecraft game. Warner Music Group always ready to claim, Any money made, it’s always the same. But the Minecraft community stays strong, With updates and news in a playful song. So leap into the verse, with rhymes… Read More

  • Blazing through the week #minecraft #meme

    Blazing through the week #minecraft #meme “Ranking the days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday… and Minecraft day!” #minecraft #meme #shorts Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of gaming content like Fleetbhai Bhagoo, then you’ll love the immersive experience waiting for you on Minewind server. Join a vibrant community of players and embark on epic adventures together. Explore unique landscapes, build magnificent structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. With a dedicated team of moderators ensuring a safe and enjoyable environment, Minewind offers endless possibilities for creativity and fun. Ready to dive into the action? Simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your journey today. Don’t miss out on the excitement – join Minewind… Read More

  • Home Building for Noobs

    Home Building for Noobs The Evolution of a Minecraft Player: Building a Home As the Minecraft beginner, now known as Alex, embarks on his journey to build a home in Episode 24, he reflects on his progress from a humble dirt hut to a proper dwelling. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft and explore the exciting developments in Alex’s gameplay. From Dirt Hut to Dream Home Starting with basic resources, Alex has honed his skills in obtaining, farming, and manufacturing materials. His once simple dirt hut has transformed into a cozy abode, showcasing his growth as a player. With each block placed… Read More

  • Unlock IRON’S SPELLS & Beat MAGIC DUDES! | Ep. 21 Minecraft ModPack

    Unlock IRON'S SPELLS & Beat MAGIC DUDES! | Ep. 21 Minecraft ModPackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Get all the Magic Dudes in Iron’s Spells and Spell Books ATM 10 Ep.21 Minecraft ModPack’, was uploaded by fumbleblock on 2024-09-09 12:37:57. It has garnered 610 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:06 or 5646 seconds. Drop the machines! Just drop it! It’s adventure time! It’s time to get out there in the whole wide world of modded minecraft and get that sweet loot and treasure. In this episode, we’re going to explore what Iron’s Spells and Spell Books mod has to offer. We’re gonna go and get some… Read More