Milk & Honey – Modded Minecraft – Stream Replay

Video Information

And and welcome and welcome back and and welcome and welcome back and welcome back to and welcome back to music and welcome back to music free and welcome back to music free gaming and welcome back to music free gaming I and welcome back to music free gaming I hope

And welcome back to music free gaming I hope you’re gaming I hope you’re having a fabulous gaming I hope you’re having a fabulous day gaming I hope you’re having a fabulous day today fabulous day today it is a fun exciting fabulous day today it is a fun exciting day

Fabulous day today it is a fun exciting day and fabulous day today it is a fun exciting day and I exciting day and I forgot to turn exciting day and I forgot to turn on exciting day and I forgot to turn on all exciting day and I forgot to turn on all my

Exciting day and I forgot to turn on all my lights turn on all my lights hang on just turn on all my lights hang on just a sec turn on all my lights hang on just a sec hey turn on all my lights hang on just a sec hey

Just a sec hey that’s a lot better just a sec hey that’s a lot better light just a sec hey that’s a lot better lighting just a sec hey that’s a lot better lighting better lighting it’s a miracle doing better lighting it’s a miracle doing frog it’s a miracle doing frog Uprising

It’s a miracle doing frog Uprising you it’s a miracle doing frog Uprising you there it’s a miracle doing frog Uprising you there in frog Uprising you there in the chat frog Uprising you there in the chat welcome frog Uprising you there in the chat welcome welcome chat welcome welcome oh man it’s it’s

Chat welcome welcome oh man it’s it’s a chat welcome welcome oh man it’s it’s a day it’s a day it’s been a weird Tuesday it’s a day it’s been a weird Tuesday I have it’s a day it’s been a weird Tuesday I have to a weird Tuesday I have to admit nothing

A weird Tuesday I have to admit nothing nothing a weird Tuesday I have to admit nothing nothing just to admit nothing nothing just one to admit nothing nothing just one of to admit nothing nothing just one of those to admit nothing nothing just one of those days to admit nothing nothing just one

To admit nothing nothing just one of to admit nothing nothing just one of those to admit nothing nothing just one of those days one of those days where weird things one of those days where weird things happen one of those days where weird things happen anyway weird things happen anyway let’s jump

Weird things happen anyway let’s jump into weird things happen anyway let’s jump into some jump into some modded Minecraft I’m jump into some modded Minecraft I’m back jump into some modded Minecraft back jump into some modded Minecraft I’m back in jump into some modded Minecraft I’m back in my

Modded Minecraft I’m back in my going jump into some modded Minecraft I’m back in jump into some modded Minecraft I’m back in my modded Minecraft I’m back in my going modded Minecraft I’m back in my going green modded Minecraft I’m back in my going green series going green series and yeah it’s it’s

Going green series and yeah it’s it’s going going green series and yeah it’s it’s going to series and yeah it’s it’s going to be series and yeah it’s it’s going to be fun going green series and yeah it’s it’s going green series and yeah it’s it’s going

Going green series and yeah it’s it’s going to series and yeah it’s it’s going to be series and yeah it’s it’s going to be fun to be fun it’s all recorded intro to be fun it’s all recorded intro let to be fun it’s all recorded intro let you

It’s all recorded intro let you know it’s all recorded intro let you know what recorded intro let you know what all is recorded intro let you know what all is going recorded intro let you know what all is going on recorded intro let you know what all is going on and

All is going on and hopefully all all is going on and hopefully all of all is going on and hopefully all of this all is going on and hopefully all of this will all is going on and hopefully all of this will make all of this will make some form of

All of this will make some form of sense all of this will make some form of sense at all of this will make some form of sense at some of sense at some point in time and of sense at some point in time and should

Of sense at some point in time and shouldn’t of sense at some point in time and shouldn’t be of sense at some point in time and shouldn’t be too of sense at some point in time and shouldn’t of sense at some point in time and shouldn’t be

Of sense at some point in time and shouldn’t be too and shouldn’t be too crazy I hope and shouldn’t be too crazy I hope all and shouldn’t be too crazy I hope all right and shouldn’t be too crazy I hope all and shouldn’t be too crazy I hope all right

Hope all right let’s go and get this all right let’s go and get this intro all right let’s go and get this intro recorded all right let’s go and get this intro recorded and intro recorded and then we’ll get intro recorded and then we’ll get into

Intro recorded and then we’ll get into all get into all the other fun and welcome get into all the other fun and welcome back get into all the other fun and welcome get into all the other fun and welcome back get into all the other fun and welcome back to

Get into all the other fun and welcome back to going welcome back to going green here on welcome back to going green here on music welcome back to going green here on music free welcome back to going green here on music free gaming here on music free gaming I hope you’re

Here on music free gaming I hope you’re having here on music free gaming I hope you’re having a you’re having a fabulous day and we’re you’re having a fabulous day and we’re making we’re making some excellent progress we’re making some excellent progress on we’re making some excellent progress on all

We’re making some excellent progress on all the progress on all the food automation progress on all the food automation even progress on all the food automation even my progress on all the food automation even my you progress on all the food automation even my you know automation even my you know skeleton

Automation even my you know skeleton horses automation even my you know skeleton horses think automation even my you know skeleton horses think so skeleton horses think so and the next skeleton horses think so and the next skeleton horses think so and the next step skeleton horses think so and the next step in

Skeleton horses think so and the next step in this next step in this wild and crazy process next step in this wild and crazy process is next step in this wild and crazy process is to next step in this wild and crazy process is to start crazy process is to start automating

Crazy process is to start automating honey automating honey production and milk automating honey production and milk so automating honey production and milk so I automating honey production and milk so I think automating honey production and milk so I think the milk so I think the first thing I’m going

Milk so I think the first thing I’m going to milk so I think the first thing I’m going to start I’m going to start on here is honey going to start on here is honey so going to start on here is honey so let’s

Going to start on here is honey so let’s get going to start on here is honey so let’s get to so let’s get to that and Rachel welcome so let’s get to that and Rachel welcome Ben welcome Ben welcome man hope your welcome Ben welcome man hope your day

Welcome Ben welcome man hope your day is welcome Ben welcome man hope your day is going man hope your day is going fabulously man hope your day is going fabulously let’s man hope your day is going fabulously let’s get man hope your day is going fabulously let’s

Man hope your day is going fabulously let’s get fabulously let’s get over here I’ve fabulously let’s get over here I’ve changed fabulously let’s get over here I’ve changed my fabulously let’s get over here I’ve fabulously let’s get over here I’ve changed fabulously let’s get over here I’ve changed my

I’ve changed my area down here and I’ve changed my area down here and now I’ve changed my area down here and now I my area down here and now I don’t my area down here and now I don’t have my area down here and now I don’t have an easy

My area down here and now I don’t have an easy way and now I don’t have an easy way to and now I don’t have an easy way to get and now I don’t have an easy way to get out and now I don’t have an easy way to get out okay

And now I don’t have an easy way to get out okay oh to get out okay oh hey look I did to get out okay oh hey look I did manage to to get out okay oh hey look I did manage to leave did manage to leave some logs here

Did manage to leave some logs here why did manage to leave some logs here I did manage to leave some logs here I said leave some logs here why should I leave some logs here why should I not leave some logs here why should I leave some logs here why should I not

Leave some logs here why should I not leave I not leave a way out just cuz I forgot I not leave a way out just cuz I forgot I I not leave a way out just cuz I forgot I was I not leave a way out just cuz I forgot I

I not leave a way out just cuz I forgot I was I not leave a way out just cuz I forgot I was set just cuz I forgot I was setting up just cuz I forgot I was setting up things just cuz I forgot I was setting up things for

Just cuz I forgot I was setting up just cuz I forgot I was setting up things just cuz I forgot I was setting up things for just cuz I forgot I was setting up things for the up things for the the build and I up things for the the build and I was

Up things for the the build and I was not build and I was not thinking about build and I was not thinking about hey build and I was not thinking about hey I need build and I was not thinking about hey I need to

Build and I was not thinking about hey I need to get about hey I need to get over here about hey I need to get over here I about hey I need to get over here I do about hey I need to get over here I do want

About hey I need to get over here I do want to about hey I need to get over here I do want to get about hey I need to get over here I about hey I need to get over here I do about hey I need to get over here I do want

About hey I need to get over here I do want to about hey I need to get over here I do want to get here I do want to get over here though here I do want to get over here though and here I do want to get over here though and clean

Here I do want to get over here though and clean out though and clean out apparently I’ve though and clean out apparently I’ve got though and clean out apparently I’ve got floating I’ve got floating trees so let’s figure I’ve got floating trees so let’s figure out I’ve got floating trees so let’s figure

I’ve got floating trees so let’s figure out figure out figure out what’s going figure out figure out what’s going on figure out figure out what’s going on here figure out figure out what’s going on here but figure out figure out what’s going on here but going on here but yes I need milk

Going on here but yes I need milk and going on here but yes I need milk and honey going on here but yes I need milk and honey for going on here but yes I need milk and honey for a going on here but yes I need milk and honey for a

Milk and honey for a number of recipes milk and honey for a number of recipes so milk and honey for a number of recipes so so for a number of recipes so so yeah milk and honey for a number of recipes so so for a number of recipes so so yeah

For a number of recipes so so yeah that’s for a number of recipes so so yeah that’s going to yeah that’s going to be the the fun that’s going to be the the fun bit that’s going to be the the fun bit right that’s going to be the the fun bit right so

That’s going to be the the fun bit right so the fun bit right so I’ve got my happy the fun bit right so I’ve got my happy little happy little tree manual tree area happy little tree manual tree area and happy little tree manual tree area and you know

Manual tree area and you know I’ve manual tree area and you know I’ve got manual tree area and you know I’ve got Birch manual tree area and you know I’ve got Birch farms know I’ve got Birch farms and stuff know I’ve got Birch farms and stuff so

Know I’ve got Birch farms and stuff so I know I’ve got Birch farms and stuff so I don’t stuff so I don’t need the wood but stuff so I don’t need the wood but if stuff so I don’t need the wood but if you

Stuff so I don’t need the wood but if you plan to but if you plan to Birch Tree near but if you plan to Birch Tree near a but if you plan to Birch Tree near a flower near a flower there’s a possibility near a flower there’s a possibility it

Near a flower there’s a possibility it sprouts near a flower there’s a possibility it sprouts a possibility it sprouts a beehive so possibility it sprouts a beehive so I possibility it sprouts a beehive so I want possibility it sprouts a beehive so I want to

Possibility it sprouts a beehive so I want to collect so I want to collect those up so that so I want to collect those up so that I so I want to collect those up so that I can so I want to collect those up so that I can then

So I want to collect those up so that I can then that I can then starts harvesting that I can then starts harvesting I that I can then starts harvesting I will that I can then starts harvesting I will be that I can then starts harvesting I

That I can then starts harvesting I will that I can then starts harvesting I will be that I can then starts harvesting I will be actually harvesting I will be actually cuz harvesting I will be actually cuz I’m harvesting I will be actually cuz I’m going to

Cuz I’m going to need a lot of bees cuz I’m going to need a lot of bees and cuz I’m going to need a lot of bees and yeah to need a lot of bees and yeah so cuz I’m going to need a lot of bees and yeah

To need a lot of bees and yeah so to need a lot of bees and yeah so time to need a lot of bees and yeah so time to to need a lot of bees and yeah so time to spend to need a lot of bees and yeah so time

To need a lot of bees and yeah so time to to need a lot of bees and yeah so time to spend so time to spend a little time just so time to spend a little time just man so time to spend a little time just

So time to spend a little time just manually manually dealing with dealing with manually dealing with dealing with Birch manually dealing with dealing with Birch so manually dealing with dealing with Birch so we manually dealing with dealing with Birch so we can dealing with Birch so we can get some

Dealing with Birch so we can get some beehives dealing with Birch so we can get some beehives so some beehives so yeah it’s a honey some beehives so yeah it’s a honey some beehives so yeah it’s a honey I some beehives so yeah it’s a honey I need

Some beehives so yeah it’s a honey I need honey honey I need honey for two reasons honey I need honey for two reasons I honey I need honey for two reasons I suppose honey I need honey for two reasons I suppose I for two reasons I suppose I could

For two reasons I suppose I could put for two reasons I suppose I could put this for two reasons I suppose I could put this in for two reasons I suppose I could put this in the could put this in the video actually could put this in the video actually too

Could put this in the video actually too but could put this in the video actually too but I could put this in the video actually too but I need actually too but I need honey for actually too but I need honey for a actually too but I need honey for a couple

Actually too but I need honey for a couple of for a couple of reasons I need honey for a couple of reasons I need honey for for a couple of reasons I need honey for just for a couple of reasons I need honey for just recipes

For a couple of reasons I need honey for just for a couple of reasons I need honey for just recipes honey for just recipes right so honey honey for just recipes right so honey is honey for just recipes right so honey is used honey for just recipes right so honey

Honey for just recipes right so honey is honey for just recipes right so honey is used honey for just recipes right so honey is used in honey is used in let’s see a couple honey is used in let’s see a couple of used in let’s see a couple of things

Used in let’s see a couple of things let’s see a couple of things let’s see no see a couple of things let’s see no just couple of things let’s see no just we’ll couple of things let’s see no just we’ll just couple of things let’s see no just we’ll just do

Let’s see no just we’ll just do it this way let’s see no just we’ll just do it this way what it this way what are these things let’s see no just we’ll just do it this way what it this way what are these things it this way what are these things is not

It this way what are these things is not like it this way what are these things is not like the things is not like the other anyway things is not like the other anyway there things is not like the other anyway there are like the other anyway there are some

Like the other anyway there are some honey like the other anyway there are some honey cookies some honey cookies that use honey some honey cookies that use honey bottles some honey cookies that use honey bottles there’s honey bottles there’s honey glazed honey bottles there’s honey glazed ham

Honey bottles there’s honey glazed ham which honey bottles there’s honey glazed ham which US honey bottles there’s honey glazed ham which uses honey bottles there’s honey glazed ham which honey bottles there’s honey glazed ham which uses glazed ham which uses honey there’s glazed ham which uses honey there’s honey

Glazed ham which uses honey there’s honey apples there’s honey apples which use honey there’s honey apples which use honey so there’s honey apples which use honey there’s honey apples which use honey so there’s honey apples which use honey so I there’s honey apples which use honey so I need

Apples which use honey so I need honey apples which use honey so I need honey if apples which use honey so I need honey if I apples which use honey so I need honey if I want apples which use honey so I need honey if I want to

Honey if I want to automate all of if I want to automate all of the foods if I want to automate all of the foods in if I want to automate all of the foods in the if I want to automate all of the foods in the game

If I want to automate all of the foods in the game I foods in the game I need honey to foods in the game I need honey to do foods in the game I need honey to do it foods in the game I need honey to do it but

Foods in the game I need honey to do it but you foods in the game I need honey to do it but you can foods in the game I need honey to do it but foods in the game I need honey to do it but you

Foods in the game I need honey to do it but you can to do it but you can also turn honey to do it but you can also turn honey into to do it but you can also turn honey into sugar to do it but you can also turn honey into sugar and

To do it but you can also turn honey into sugar and I to do it but you can also turn honey into sugar and to do it but you can also turn honey into sugar and I honey into sugar and I need sugar honey into sugar and I need sugar for

Honey into sugar and I need sugar for a sugar and I need sugar for a lot of sugar and I need sugar for a lot of different sugar and I need sugar for a lot of different things of different things too so yeah so different things too so yeah so that’s

Of different things too so yeah so different things too so yeah so that’s different things too so yeah so that’s defin different things too so yeah so that’s definitely different things too so yeah so that’s definitely that’s definitely part of the reason that’s definitely part of the reason all

That’s definitely part of the reason all right that’s definitely part of the reason all that’s definitely part of the reason all right of the reason all right let’s get of the reason all right let’s get some of the reason all right let’s get some Tre

Of the reason all right let’s get some trees of the reason all right let’s get of the reason all right let’s get some of the reason all right let’s get some trees all right let’s get some trees growing all right let’s get some trees growing here

All right let’s get some trees growing here and all right let’s get some trees growing here and growing here and hopefully hopefully growing here and hopefully hopefully we growing here and hopefully hopefully we won’t growing here and hopefully hopefully growing here and hopefully hopefully we growing here and hopefully hopefully we won’t

Hopefully hopefully we won’t have hopefully hopefully we won’t have to hopefully hopefully we won’t have to wait hopefully hopefully we won’t have to wait too have to wait too long to get a be have to wait too long to get a bee have to wait too long to get a beeh

Have to wait too long to get a beehive have to wait too long to get a beehive for have to wait too long to get a beehive for a too long to get a beehive for a couple have to wait too long to get a beehive

Have to wait too long to get a beehive for have to wait too long to get a beehive for a too long to get a beehive for a couple too long to get a beehive for a couple of too long to get a beehive for a couple of beehives

Couple of beehives hopefully haha couple of beehives hopefully haha there’s couple of beehives hopefully haha there’s one couple of beehives hopefully haha couple of beehives hopefully haha there’s one hopefully haha there’s one perfect hopefully haha there’s one perfect we hopefully haha there’s one perfect hopefully haha there’s one perfect we’ve got

Perfect we’ve got our first beehive perfect we’ve got our first beehive I’m perfect we’ve got our first beehive I’m just got our first beehive I’m just going to got our first beehive I’m just going to smoke beehive I’m just going to smoke this beehive I’m just going to smoke this sucker

Beehive I’m just going to smoke this sucker okay beehive I’m just going to smoke this sucker okay I this sucker okay I was going to wait beehive I’m just going to smoke this sucker okay I this sucker okay I was going to wait this sucker okay I was going to wait for the

This sucker okay I was going to wait for the bees this sucker okay I was going to wait for the bees to wait for the bees to or try to harvest to or try to harvest before the bees to or try to harvest before the bees left

To or try to harvest before the bees left but to or try to harvest before the bees left but app bees left but apparently that’s not bees left but apparently that’s not a bees left but apparently that’s not a thing not a thing that’s going to happen

Not a thing that’s going to happen so not a thing that’s going to happen so we’ll that’s going to happen so we’ll wait that’s going to happen so we’ll wait till that’s going to happen so we’ll wait till the wait till the okay wait till they

Wait till the okay wait till they all wait till the okay wait till they all go wait till the okay wait till they wait till the okay wait till they all wait till the okay wait till they all go wait till the okay wait till they all go back

Wait till the okay wait till they all go back in wait till the okay wait till they all go back in the they all go back in the hive because they all go back in the hive because it’s they all go back in the hive because

They all go back in the hive because it’s they all go back in the hive because it’s the they all go back in the hive because it’s the bees the hive because it’s the bees I need the hive because it’s the bees I need not

The hive because it’s the bees I need not to the hive because it’s the bees I need not to be need not to be nest so yeah but great to be nest so yeah but great so we to be nest so yeah but great so we got

To be nest so yeah but great so we got our to be nest so yeah but great so we got our first to be nest so yeah but great so we got our first one we got our first one this is awesome we got our first one this is awesome cool

First one this is awesome cool so we got our first one this is awesome cool first one this is awesome cool so first one this is awesome cool so let the first one this is awesome cool so let the it first one this is awesome cool so let the it’ll

First one this is awesome cool so let the it’ll so let the it’ll help what’s night so let the it’ll help what’s night falls so let the it’ll help what’s night falls will what’s night falls will have more bees what’s night falls will have more bees so

What’s night falls will have more bees so that will have more bees so that’ll be great will have more bees so that’ll be great I will have more bees so that’ll be great will have more bees so that’ll be great I will have more bees so that’ll be great I can

Will have more bees so that’ll be great I can take will have more bees so that’ll be great I can take be great I can take the tree down be great I can take the tree down though be great I can take the tree down though yeah

Be great I can take the tree down though yeah see be great I can take the tree down though yeah be great I can take the tree down though yeah see tree down though yeah see look flowers tree down though yeah see look flowers all

Tree down though yeah see look flowers all three tree down though yeah see look flowers all three of see look flowers all three of you see look flowers all three of you need see look flowers all three of you need to see look flowers all three of you need to go

See look flowers all three of you need to go hop see look flowers all three of you need to go hop in of you need to go hop in the trees of you need to go hop in the trees and of you need to go hop in the trees and or

Of you need to go hop in the trees and or hop of you need to go hop in the trees and or hop in of you need to go hop in the trees and or hop in the of you need to go hop in the trees and or

Of you need to go hop in the trees and or hop of you need to go hop in the trees and or hop in of you need to go hop in the trees and or hop in the trees and or hop in the hive and and

Trees and or hop in the hive and and enjoy trees and or hop in the hive and and enjoy the trees and or hop in the hive and and enjoy the the and enjoy the the okay they’re going and enjoy the the okay they’re going to the the okay they’re going to IGN

And enjoy the the okay they’re going and enjoy the the okay they’re going to the the okay they’re going to ignore the the okay they’re going to ignore me ignore me they’re just they’re just ignore me they’re just they’re just going to they’re just they’re just going to Flo

They’re just they’re just going to float ignore me they’re just they’re just ignore me they’re just they’re just going to they’re just they’re just going to float to float around hopefully they don’t to float around hopefully they don’t get around hopefully they don’t get into around hopefully they don’t get into the

Around hopefully they don’t get into the water around hopefully they don’t get into the water and into the water and kill themselves into the water and kill themselves because into the water and kill themselves because turns into the water and kill themselves because turns out themselves because turns out water

Themselves because turns out water and themselves because turns out water and bees themselves because turns out water and bees don’t water and bees don’t mix not even water and bees don’t mix not even a little water and bees don’t mix not even water and bees don’t mix not even a little

Water and bees don’t mix not even a little bit water and bees don’t mix not even a little bit so even a little bit so what I’m hoping even a little bit so what I’m hoping even a little bit so what I’m hoping for

Even a little bit so what I’m hoping for is even a little bit so what I’m hoping for is I I’m hoping for is I want to get like I’m hoping for is I want to get like a I’m hoping for is I want to get like a couple

I’m hoping for is I want to get like a couple of get like a couple of bees or a couple get like a couple of bees or a couple of get like a couple of bees or a couple of bee get like a couple of bees or a couple of bee nests

Couple of bee nests full of bees and couple of bee nests full of bees and then couple of bee nests full of bees and then I couple of bee nests full of bees and then I can couple of bee nests full of bees and couple of bee nests full of bees and then

Couple of bee nests full of bees and then I couple of bee nests full of bees and then I can couple of bee nests full of bees and then I can start and then I can start farming the bees and then I can start farming the bees and

And then I can start farming the bees and Honey and then I can start farming the bees and honeycom and then I can start farming the bees and honeycomb bees and honeycomb because I need bees and honeycomb because I need bees and honeycomb because I need honeycomb

Bees and honeycomb because I need honeycomb to bees and honeycomb because I need honeycomb to build need honeycomb to build hives you know need honeycomb to build hives you know cuz need honeycomb to build hives you know need honeycomb to build hives you know cuz honeycomb to build hives you know cuz everybody

Build hives you know cuz everybody loves honeycomb to build hives you know cuz everybody build hives you know cuz everybody loves build hives you know cuz everybody loves hives build hives you know cuz everybody loves hives right everybody loves hives right who doesn’t everybody loves hives right who doesn’t love

Everybody loves hives right who doesn’t love hives hives right who doesn’t love hives they’re hives right who doesn’t love hives they’re to doesn’t love hives they’re totally doesn’t love hives they’re totally a doesn’t love hives they’re totally a thing hives right who doesn’t love hives they’re doesn’t love hives they’re totally

Doesn’t love hives they’re totally a doesn’t love hives they’re totally a thing totally a thing everybody wants them totally a thing everybody wants them all totally a thing everybody wants them all the totally a thing everybody wants them all the be totally a thing everybody wants them all the bees

Totally a thing everybody wants them all totally a thing everybody wants them all the totally a thing everybody wants them all the bees everybody wants them all the bees are in everybody wants them all the bees are in there bees are in there perfect we’ll just bees are in there perfect we’ll just

Bees are in there perfect we’ll just smoke bees are in there perfect we’ll just smoke that bees are in there perfect we’ll just smoke bees are in there perfect we’ll just smoke that bees are in there perfect we’ll just smoke that I perfect we’ll just smoke that I don’t think

Perfect we’ll just smoke that I don’t think we don’t think we totally need to smoke don’t think we totally need to smoke it think we totally need to smoke it but think we totally need to smoke it but hey think we totally need to smoke it but

Think we totally need to smoke it but hey totally need to smoke it but hey we’re totally need to smoke it but hey we’re we’re totally need to smoke it but hey we’re we’re we’re we’re doing great all right we’re we’re doing great all right we’re we’re doing great all right let’s

We’re we’re doing great all right let’s grab we’re we’re doing great all right let’s grab a all right let’s grab a crafting table we’re we’re doing great all right let’s grab we’re we’re doing great all right let’s grab a all right let’s grab a crafting table

All right let’s grab a crafting table because let’s grab a crafting table because I let’s grab a crafting table because I for let’s grab a crafting table because I forgot let’s grab a crafting table because I forgot to let’s grab a crafting table because I let’s grab a crafting table because I forgot

Let’s grab a crafting table because I forgot to table because I forgot to bring one table because I forgot to bring one and table because I forgot to bring one and cool forgot to bring one and cool it’s cracked up it’s cracked up a couple of chest

It’s cracked up a couple of chests it’s cracked up a couple of chests okay it’s cracked up a couple of chests okay good it’s cracked up a couple of chests okay it’s cracked up a couple of chests okay good chests okay good enough all right chests okay good enough all right so

Chests okay good enough all right so just chests okay good enough all right chests okay good enough all right so chests okay good enough all right so just chests okay good enough all right so just throw chests okay good enough all right so just throw the

Right so just throw the nest in there just throw the nest in there we’ll just throw the nest in there we’ll throw just throw the nest in there we’ll throw the just throw the nest in there we’ll throw the extra in there we’ll throw the extra wood

In there we’ll throw the extra wood in in there we’ll throw the extra wood in there in there we’ll throw the extra wood in there and in there we’ll throw the extra wood in there and wood in there and yet any of the extras

Wood in there and yet any of the extras I wood in there and yet any of the extras I end wood in there and yet any of the extras I end up wood in there and yet any of the extras I end up with extras I end up with we’ll just throw

Extras I end up with we’ll just throw in up with we’ll just throw in that chest up with will just throw in that chest up with will just throw in that chest and up with will just throw in that chest and I chest and I absolutely have zero need

Chest and I absolutely have zero need for chest and I absolutely have zero need for all chest and I absolutely have zero need for all of chest and I absolutely have zero need for all of the need for all of the soak but okay for all of the soak but okay unfortun

Need for all of the soak but okay for all of the soak but okay unfortunately for all of the soak but okay unfortunately this for all of the soak but okay unfortunately this is unfortunately this is going to take unfortunately this is going to take a

Unfortunately this is going to take a little unfortunately this is going to take a little while to take a little while now once I to take a little while now once I get to take a little while now once I get a to take a little while now once I get a couple

To take a little while now once I get a couple of I get a couple of hives or a couple I get a couple of hives or a couple of I get a couple of hives or a couple of bee nests

I get a couple of hives or a couple of bee nests then I get a couple of hives or a couple of bee nests then couple of bee nests then I’ll go see couple of bee nests then I’ll go see about see about setting up a a bee farm

See about setting up a Abby Farm of see about setting up a a bee farm of see about setting up a a bee farm of some see about setting up a a bee farm of some sort see about setting up a a bee farm of

See about setting up a a bee farm of some see about setting up a a bee farm of some sort see about setting up a a bee farm of some sort but up a a bee farm of some sort but we’ll up a a bee farm of some sort but we’ll do

Up a a bee farm of some sort but we’ll do with up a a bee farm of some sort but we’ll up a a bee farm of some sort but we’ll do up a a bee farm of some sort but we’ll do with we’ll do with that in a little bit

We’ll do with that in a little bit in we’ll do with that in a little bit in the we’ll do with that in a little bit in the meant we’ll do with that in a little bit in we’ll do with that in a little bit in the

Bit in the meantime I was kind of bit in the meantime I was kind of hoping bit in the meantime I was kind of hoping more bit in the meantime I was kind of hoping more of hoping more of these drop saplings hoping more of these drop saplings get

Hoping more of these drop saplings get food hoping more of these drop saplings get hoping more of these drop saplings get food hoping more of these drop saplings get food food hoping more of these drop saplings get food food is hoping more of these drop saplings get food food

Saplings get food food is good okay saplings get food food is good okay good saplings get food food is good okay saplings get food food is good okay good good okay good that’s more saplings traffic more saplings traffic too that was more saplings traffic too that was probably

More saplings traffic too that was probably a more saplings traffic too that was more saplings traffic too that was probably more saplings traffic too that was probably a traffic too that was probably a way traffic too that was probably a way I traffic too that was probably a way I can

Traffic too that was probably a way I can automate way I can automate this but in all way I can automate this but in all honesty automate this but in all honesty I automate this but in all honesty I only automate this but in all honesty I only need

Automate this but in all honesty I only need to automate this but in all honesty I only need to do I only need to do this like once there to do this like once there really to do this like once there really is to do this like once there really is no

To do this like once there really is no need to do this like once there really is no need for to do this like once there really is no need for me really is no need for me to worry really is no need for me to worry about

Really is no need for me to worry about all really is no need for me to worry about all the really is no need for me to worry really is no need for me to worry about really is no need for me to worry about all

Really is no need for me to worry about all the worry about all the automation also worry about all the automation also the worry about all the automation also the Tre worry about all the automation also the trees worry about all the automation also the trees

Also the trees don’t need to be right also the trees don’t need to be right next also the trees don’t need to be right next to also the trees don’t need to be right next to the right next to the flower they can right next to the flower they can be

Right next to the flower they can be a next to the flower they can be a block next to the flower they can be a block away next to the flower they can be a block away which next to the flower they can be a block away which is

Block away which is why I’m not too block away which is why I’m not too worried block away which is why I’m not too worried about too worried about this one behind too worried about this one behind me too worried about this one behind me that’s

Too worried about this one behind me that’s I too worried about this one behind me that’s I behind me that’s I guess it’s in line behind me that’s I guess it’s in line it’s line it’s just locks on the far side line it’s just locks on the far side

Line it’s just locks on the far side yeah line it’s just locks on the far side yeah the locks on the far side yeah the flower locks on the far side yeah the flower has locks on the far side yeah the flower has to

Locks on the far side yeah the flower has to be locks on the far side yeah the flower has to be like flower has to be like within a couple flower has to be like within a couple of flower has to be like within a couple

Flower has to be like within a couple of flower has to be like within a couple of blocks flower has to be like within a couple of blocks so within a couple of blocks so could within a couple of blocks so it could be

Within a couple of blocks so it could be right within a couple of blocks so it could be right next flower has to be like within a couple of blocks so within a couple of blocks so it could be within a couple of blocks so it could be right

Within a couple of blocks so it could be right next could be right next to the to be right next to the to be right next to the sapling it to be right next to the sapling it could to be right next to the sapling it could be

To be right next to the sapling it could be a to be right next to the sapling it could be a block to be right next to the sapling it could be a to be right next to the sapling it could be a block it could be a block and then you can

It could be a block and then you can have it could be a block and then you can have a it could be a block and then you can have a block can have a block away I guess so however block away I guess so however it gets

Block away I guess so however it gets done block away I guess so however it gets done I block away I guess so however it gets done I am block away I guess so however it gets done I block away I guess so however it gets done I am

Block away I guess so however it gets done I am okay gets done I am okay with all of this okay with all of this all right hope okay with all of this all right hopefully okay with all of this all right hopefully

I am okay with all of this all right hopefully that I am okay with all of this all right hopefully now right hopefully now what I don’t have I am okay with all of this all right hopefully now right hopefully now what I don’t have right hopefully now what I don’t have is

Right hopefully now what I don’t have is like right hopefully now what I don’t have is like a don’t have is like a fortune hoe so don’t have is like a fortune hoe so I don’t have is like a fortune hoe so I can

Don’t have is like a fortune hoe so I can har don’t have is like a fortune hoe so don’t have is like a fortune hoe so I don’t have is like a fortune hoe so I can don’t have is like a fortune hoe so I can Harvest

Fortune hoe so I can Harvest these fortune hoe so I can Harvest these leaves fortune hoe so I can Harvest these leaves quickly fortune hoe so I can Harvest these leaves quickly and these leaves quickly and maybe get these leaves quickly and maybe get more quickly and maybe get more saplings

Quickly and maybe get more saplings faster quickly and maybe get more saplings faster but quickly and maybe get more saplings faster but I saplings faster but I think I’m getting quickly and maybe get more saplings faster but I saplings faster but I think I’m getting saplings faster but I think I’m getting them

Saplings faster but I think I’m getting them fast getting them fast enough yep so yeah getting them fast enough yep so yeah I getting them fast enough yep so yeah I definitely enough yep so yeah I definitely need enough yep so yeah I definitely need honey

Enough yep so yeah I definitely need honey for enough yep so yeah I definitely need honey for some need honey for some recipes and I need honey for some recipes and I but honey for some recipes and I but said honey for some recipes and I but said to

Honey for some recipes and I but said honey for some recipes and I but said to honey for some recipes and I but said to be honey for some recipes and I but said honey for some recipes and I but said to honey for some recipes and I but said to be

Honey for some recipes and I but said to be totally said to be totally fair what I really said to be totally fair what I really need said to be totally fair what I really need the said to be totally fair what I really need the honey

Really need the honey for is sugar really need the honey for is sugar I’ll really need the honey for is sugar I’ll probably really need the honey for is sugar I’ll really need the honey for is sugar I’ll probably sugar I’ll probably set up a sugar

Sugar I’ll probably set up a sugar cane sugar I’ll probably set up a sugar cane Farm sugar I’ll probably set up a sugar cane Farm as sugar cane Farm as well but it’ll sugar cane Farm as well but it’ll be cane Farm as well but it’ll be nice

Cane Farm as well but it’ll be nice to cane Farm as well but it’ll be nice to have cane Farm as well but it’ll be nice to have a sugar cane Farm as well but it’ll sugar cane Farm as well but it’ll be cane Farm as well but it’ll be nice

Cane Farm as well but it’ll be nice to cane Farm as well but it’ll be nice to have cane Farm as well but it’ll be nice to have a nice to have a couple of different nice to have a couple of different sources nice to have a couple of different sources of

Nice to have a couple of different sources of of couple of different sources of of honey nice to have a couple of different sources of of couple of different sources of of honey of different sources of of honey so of different sources of of honey so you know

Of different sources of of honey so you know sure of different sources of of honey so you know sure so you know sure I’ve got it that’s so you know sure I’ve got it that’s some so you know sure I’ve got it that’s some bone so you know sure I’ve got it that’s

So you know sure I’ve got it that’s some so you know sure I’ve got it that’s some bone got it that’s some bone meal here got it that’s some bone meal here now got it that’s some bone meal here now this got it that’s some bone meal here ooh

Got it that’s some bone meal here oh got it that’s some bone meal here oh I got it that’s some bone meal here ooh I got it that’s some bone meal here oh I hear got it that’s some bone meal here ooh I hear bone meal here oh I hear bees why

Bone meal here oh I hear bees why do bone meal here oh I hear bees why do I bone meal here oh I hear bees why do I hear bone meal here oh I hear bees why bone meal here oh I hear bees why do

Bone meal here oh I hear bees why do I bone meal here oh I hear bees why do I hear hear bees why do I hear bees off because hear bees why do I hear bees off because there’s hear bees why do I hear bees off because there’s a

Hear bees why do I hear bees off because hear bees why do I hear bees off because there’s hear bees why do I hear bees off because there’s a bees off because there’s a hive perfect bees off because there’s a hive perfect they there’s a hive perfect they can’t

There’s a hive perfect they can’t leave there’s a hive perfect they can’t leave it bees off because there’s a hive perfect they there’s a hive perfect they can’t there’s a hive perfect they can’t leave there’s a hive perfect they can’t leave it there’s a hive perfect they can’t leave it but

Perfect they can’t leave it but it exists perfect they can’t leave it but it exists Wonder it exists wonderful okay oh that’s exists wonderful okay oh that’s perfect it exists wonderful okay oh that’s exists wonderful okay oh that’s perfect exists wonderful okay oh that’s perfect that

Exists wonderful okay oh that’s perfect that is exists wonderful okay oh that’s perfect that exists wonderful okay oh that’s perfect that is perfect that is perfect okay that perfect that is perfect okay that was that is perfect okay that was actually perfect okay that was actually great perfect that is perfect okay that

Perfect that is perfect okay that was that is perfect okay that was actually perfect okay that was actually great perfect okay that was actually great because perfect okay that was actually great because they actually great because they were since actually great because they were since they

Actually great because they were since they were they were since they were trapped they were since they were trapped in they were since they were trapped in the they were since they were trapped in the hive they were since they were trapped in the hive by

They were since they were trapped in the hive by the trapped in the hive by the leaves trapped in the hive by the leaves and trapped in the hive by the leaves and it trapped in the hive by the leaves and it really

Trapped in the hive by the leaves and it really easy trapped in the hive by the leaves and trapped in the hive by the leaves and it trapped in the hive by the leaves and it really trapped in the hive by the leaves and it really easy

Leaves and it really easy to harvest leaves and it really easy to harvest and leaves and it really easy to harvest and this leaves and it really easy to harvest and this one leaves and it really easy to harvest and this one has leaves and it really easy to harvest and

Leaves and it really easy to harvest and this leaves and it really easy to harvest and this one leaves and it really easy to harvest and this one has harvest and this one has what three and this one has what three bees in and this one has what three bees in it

And this one has what three bees in it excellent and this one has what three bees in it excellent yeah and this one has what three bees in it excellent yeah in it excellent yeah they can generate in it excellent yeah they can generate with

In it excellent yeah they can generate with I in it excellent yeah they can generate with I think generate with I think two or three generate with I think two or three bees generate with I think two or three bees when generate with I think two or three bees when they

Think two or three bees when they when think two or three bees when they when it think two or three bees when they when it happens think two or three bees when they when think two or three bees when they when it think two or three bees when they when it happens

Think two or three bees when they when it happens and they when it happens and three is they when it happens and three is better they when it happens and three is better than they when it happens and three is they when it happens and three is better

They when it happens and three is better than they when it happens and three is better than two they when it happens and three is better than two all better than two all right all right better than two all right all right better than two all right all right this

Better than two all right all right this is right all right this is good so we’ve right all right this is good so we’ve got so we’ve got a couple of nests why so we’ve got a couple of nests why is so we’ve got a couple of nests Why is my

So we’ve got a couple of nests why so we’ve got a couple of nests why is so we’ve got a couple of nests why is my got a couple of nests why is my chatbot got a couple of nests why is my chatbot named

Got a couple of nests why is my chatbot named Riley chatbot named Riley it’s a so many chatbot named Riley it’s a so many years chatbot named Riley it’s a so many years ago chatbot named Riley it’s a so many chatbot named Riley it’s a so many years

Chatbot named Riley it’s a so many years ago Riley it’s a so many years ago once Riley it’s a so many years ago once up it’s a so many years ago once upon it’s a so many years ago once upon a time Riley it’s a so many years ago once

It’s a so many years ago once upon it’s a so many years ago once upon a time it’s a so many years ago once upon a time in it’s a so many years ago once upon a time in a it’s a so many years ago once upon a time in a far

It’s a so many years ago once upon a time in it’s a so many years ago once upon a time in a it’s a so many years ago once upon a time in a far upon a time in a far away chat I set

Upon a time in a far away chat I set up upon a time in a far away chat I set up my in a far away chat I set up my my upon a time in a far away chat I set up my in a far away chat I set up my my

In a far away chat I set up my my music in a far away chat I set up my my music free chat I set up my my music free bot chat I set up my my music free bot set chat I set up my my music free bot set up

Chat I set up my my music free bot set up mix chat I set up my my music free bot set up mix it my music free bot set up mix it up chat I set up my my music free bot set chat I set up my my music free bot set up

Chat I set up my my music free bot set up mix chat I set up my my music free bot set up mix it my music free bot set up mix it up my music free bot set up mix it up and my music free bot set up mix it up and it

My music free bot set up mix it up and it was my music free bot set up mix it up and it my music free bot set up mix it up and it was my music free bot set up mix it up and it was music

It up and it was music free bot and it up and it was music free bot and you it up and it was music free bot and you know it up and it was music free bot and you know she it up and it was music free bot and you know she did

Music free bot and you know she did great music free bot and you know she did great work music free bot and you know she did great work but music free bot and you know she did great work but I know she did great work but I thought

Know she did great work but I thought she know she did great work but I thought she needed but I thought she needed a name so but I thought she needed a name so I but I thought she needed a name so I put

But I thought she needed a name so I put it but I thought she needed a name so I put it out but I thought she needed a name so I put it out to so I put it out to my community as so I put it out to my community as a

So I put it out to my community as so I put it out to my community as a so I put it out to my community as a just so I put it out to my community as a just a so I put it out to my community as a just a fun

As a just a fun Community thing hey as a just a fun Community thing hey let’s as a just a fun Community thing hey let’s name as a just a fun Community thing hey let’s name the hey let’s name the bot and Riley was hey let’s name the bot and Riley was the

Hey let’s name the bot and Riley was hey let’s name the bot and Riley was the hey let’s name the bot and Riley was the name hey let’s name the bot and Riley was the name that was the name that was that one so was the name that was that one so self

Was the name that was that one so self that’s was the name that was that one so self that’s why was the name that was that one so self that’s was the name that was that one so self that’s why that one so self that’s why my bot

That one so self that’s why my bot is that one so self that’s why my bot is named that one so self that’s why my bot is named Riley self that’s why my bot is named Riley and self that’s why my bot is named Riley and you

Self that’s why my bot is named Riley and you know Riley and you know it could be yeah and you know it could be yeah there and you know it could be yeah there could be and you know it could be yeah there and you know it could be yeah there could be

And you know it could be yeah there could be you there could be you know more you know there could be you know more you know in there could be you know more you know in depth there could be you know more you know in depth or

More you know in depth or you know some know in depth or you know some more know in depth or you know some more in know in depth or you know some more invol more you know in depth or you know some know in depth or you know some more

Know in depth or you know some more involved know in depth or you know some more involved story know in depth or you know some more involved story or more involved story or something but more involved story or something but no more involved story or something but no that’s

More involved story or something but no that’s it something but no that’s it send it to something but no that’s it send it to you something but no that’s it send it to something but no that’s it send it to DEC something but no that’s it send it to decide

Something but no that’s it send it to decided something but no that’s it send it to decide to something but no that’s it send it to decided to something but no that’s it send it to decided to it to decided to hold a name the bot

It to decided to hold a name the bot competition it to decided to hold a name the bot competition and name the bot competition and that’s name the bot competition and that’s what name the bot competition and that’s what was name the bot competition and that’s name the bot competition and that’s what

Competition and that’s what was picked competition and that’s what was picked okay competition and that’s what was picked okay he competition and that’s what was picked okay heck competition and that’s what was picked okay heck I competition and that’s what was picked okay heck competition and that’s what was picked okay heck I

Picked okay heck I think I was still picked okay heck I think I was still on I think I was still on camera if I I think I was still on camera if I was I think I was still on camera if I I think I was still on camera if I was

I think I was still on camera if I was still camera if I was still on mixer at camera if I was still on mixer at the camera if I was still on mixer at the time camera if I was still on mixer at the time or

Camera if I was still on mixer at the time or if camera if I was still on mixer at the time or if I camera if I was still on mixer at the time or camera if I was still on mixer at the time or if

Camera if I was still on mixer at the time or if I at the time or if I was on Twitch at the time or if I was on Twitch it’s at the time or if I was on Twitch it’s been at the time or if I was on Twitch it’s been a

At the time or if I was on Twitch it’s been a long Twitch it’s been a long time since Twitch it’s been a long time since we Twitch it’s been a long time since we did Twitch it’s been a long time since we did that a long time since we did that it’s

A long time since we did that it’s probably a long time since we did that it’s a long time since we did that it’s probably a long time since we did that it’s probably on it’s probably on mixer cuz that’s it’s probably on mixer cuz that’s that’s it’s probably on mixer cuz that’s

It’s probably on mixer cuz that’s that’s that’s that’s why I started using that’s that’s why I started using mix that’s that’s why I started using mix it that’s that’s why I started using mix it up using mix it up and actually having using mix it up and actually having a

Using mix it up and actually having using mix it up and actually having a using mix it up and actually having a more using mix it up and actually having a more DED using mix it up and actually having a more dedic using mix it up and actually having a more dedicated

Using mix it up and actually having a more using mix it up and actually having a more dedicated having a more dedicated bot for the having a more dedicated bot for the channel having a more dedicated bot for the channel so having a more dedicated bot for the channel so that

Bot for the channel so that would bot for the channel so that would make bot for the channel so that would make sense having a more dedicated bot for the channel so that bot for the channel so that would bot for the channel so that would make

Bot for the channel so that would make sense channel so that would make sense don’t make sense don’t make sense it’s it’s been it’s don’t make sense it’s it’s been it’s been sense it’s it’s been it’s been for sense it’s it’s been it’s been forever don’t make sense it’s it’s been it’s

Don’t make sense it’s it’s been it’s been don’t make sense it’s it’s been forever sense it’s it’s been forever it’s sense it’s it’s been forever defin sense it’s it’s been forever definitely sense it’s it’s been forever definitely been sense it’s it’s been forever definitely sense it’s it’s been forever definitely been

Forever definitely been a few years forever definitely been a few years yep forever definitely been a few years yep so forever definitely been a few years yep forever definitely been a few years yep so forever definitely been a few years yep so so forever definitely been a few years yep so so

So so she’s fine and all those rare so so she’s fine and all those rare times so so she’s fine and all those rare so so she’s fine and all those rare times so so she’s fine and all those rare times she those rare times she speaks she’s got a

Times she speaks she’s got a lovely times she speaks she’s got a lovely British she’s got a lovely British accent she’s got a lovely British accent Rob she’s got a lovely British accent robot she’s got a lovely British accent robotic she’s got a lovely British accent robotic of

She’s got a lovely British accent robotic of course she’s got a lovely British accent robotic she’s got a lovely British accent robotic of she’s got a lovely British accent robotic of course accent robotic of course but you know accent robotic of course but you know can’t

Accent robotic of course but you know can’t have accent robotic of course but you know can’t accent robotic of course but you know can’t have know can’t have everything all right can’t have everything all right so know can’t have everything all right can’t have everything all right so

Can’t have everything all right so I’ve can’t have everything all right so I’ve got so I’ve got actually where am I at so I’ve got actually where am I at is so I’ve got actually where am I at is that so I’ve got actually where am I at

So I’ve got actually where am I at is so I’ve got actually where am I at is that so I’ve got actually where am I at is that do so I’ve got actually where am I at is that do I where am I at is that do I have four

Where am I at is that do I have four penis where am I at is that do I have four penis now where am I at is that do I have four penis now 1 where am I at is that do I have four penis now 1 2

Where am I at is that do I have four penis now 1 2 3 where am I at is that do I have four penis now 1 where am I at is that do I have four penis now 1 2

Where am I at is that do I have four penis now 1 2 3 do I have four penis now 1 2 3 all do I have four penis now 1 2 3 all right do I have four penis now 1 2 3 all right we’ll

Do I have four penis now 1 2 3 all right we’ll go do I have four penis now 1 2 3 all right we’ll do I have four penis now 1 2 3 all right we’ll go all right we’ll go for we’ll go for all right we’ll go for go for one

All right we’ll go for go for one more all right we’ll go for go for one all right we’ll go for go for one more all right we’ll go for go for one more and all right we’ll go for go for one more and that for one more and that should the bot

For one more and that should the bot has for one more and that should the bot has em for one more and that should the bot has emot for one more and that should the bot for one more and that should the bot has that should the bot has emotions well

That should the bot has emotions well you the bot has emotions well you know that should the bot has emotions well that should the bot has emotions well you the bot has emotions well you know the bot has emotions well you know she the bot has emotions well you know she does

The bot has emotions well you know she the bot has emotions well you know she does the bot has emotions well you know she does she the bot has emotions well you know she does she does know she does she does like snacks know she does she does like snacks turn

Know she does she does like snacks turns know she does she does like snacks turns out know she does she does like snacks turns know she does she does like snacks turns out know she does she does like snacks turns out bone like snacks turns out bone mealing

Like snacks turns out bone mealing the turns out bone mealing the flowers turns out bone mealing the flowers does turns out bone mealing the flowers does not turns out bone mealing the flowers does not give turns out bone mealing the flowers does not give me flowers does not give me we got this

Flowers does not give me we got this flowers does not give me we got this come flowers does not give me we got this come on flowers does not give me we got this come on Birch this come on Birch trees I can’t remember this come on Birch trees I can’t remember

This come on Birch trees I can’t remember what I can’t remember what the spawn rate I can’t remember what the spawn rate is I can’t remember what the spawn rate is for I can’t remember what the spawn rate is for for I can’t remember what the spawn rate is for for

Rate is for for hives it’s not particularly rate is for for hives it’s not particularly large particularly large or not really high large or not really high percentage large or not really high percentage but large or not really high percentage but but large or not really high percentage but but now

Large or not really high percentage but but now r large or not really high percentage but but now rile large or not really high percentage but but large or not really high percentage but but now percentage but but now Riley’s not percentage but but now Riley’s not that

Percentage but but now Riley’s not that advanced not that advanced of an AI Okay so not that advanced of an AI okay let’s not that advanced of an AI okay let’s not that advanced of an AI okay let’s grab advanced of an AI okay let’s grab yeah

Advanced of an AI okay let’s grab yeah we’ll advanced of an AI okay let’s grab yeah advanced of an AI okay let’s grab yeah we’ll grab yeah we’ll grab two stacks of grab yeah we’ll grab two stacks of bone meal two stacks of bone meal I suppose

Two stacks of bone meal I suppose if two stacks of bone meal I suppose if I two stacks of bone meal I suppose if I got two stacks of bone meal I suppose two stacks of bone meal I suppose if two stacks of bone meal I suppose if I

Two stacks of bone meal I suppose if I got bone meal I suppose if I got really bone meal I suppose if I got really greedy bone meal I suppose if I got really greedy I bone meal I suppose if I got really greedy I could

Bone meal I suppose if I got really greedy I go bone meal I suppose if I got really greedy I go with bone meal I suppose if I got really greedy I bone meal I suppose if I got really greedy I go

Bone meal I suppose if I got really greedy I go with really greedy I go with five nests really greedy I go with five nests and really greedy I go with five nests and we’ll really greedy I go with five nests and really greedy I go with five nests and we’ll

I go with five nests and we’ll I think I go with five nests and we’ll I think I’ll I go with five nests and we’ll I think I’ll set think I’ll set it up with a pretty think I’ll set it up with a pretty think I’ll set it up with a pretty straightforward

With a pretty straightforward pretty with a pretty straightforward pretty van with a pretty straightforward pretty vanill with a pretty straightforward pretty with a pretty straightforward pretty vanilla pretty vanilla actually honeycomb pretty vanilla actually honeycomb Farm vanilla actually honeycomb Farm cuz vanilla actually honeycomb Farm cuz he vanilla actually honeycomb Farm cuz heck

Vanilla actually honeycomb Farm cuz heck I’m vanilla actually honeycomb Farm cuz heck I’m not vanilla actually honeycomb Farm cuz heck vanilla actually honeycomb Farm cuz heck I’m vanilla actually honeycomb Farm cuz heck I’m not honeycomb Farm cuz heck I’m not even 100 well even 100 well automating a honeycomb

Even 100 well automating a honeycomb Farm is automating a honeycomb Farm is easy automating a honeycomb Farm is easy so automating a honeycomb Farm is easy so and automating a honeycomb Farm is easy so it’s easy so and it’s not like I’m lacking easy so and it’s not like I’m lacking an

Easy so and it’s not like I’m lacking an iron lacking an iron for shears heck about lacking an iron for shears heck about the iron for shears heck about the only iron for shears heck about the only thing lacking an iron for shears heck about lacking an iron for shears heck about the

Iron for shears heck about the only iron for shears heck about the only thing iron for shears heck about the only thing I’m only thing I’m really limited by is only thing I’m really limited by is redstone only thing I’m really limited by is redstone can really limited by is redstone can you

Really limited by is redstone can you usually really limited by is redstone can you usually get only thing I’m really limited by is redstone can really limited by is redstone can you really limited by is redstone can you usually really limited by is redstone can you usually get

Can you usually get what I need for can you usually get what I need for my can you usually get what I need for my villagers can you usually get what I need for my villagers for for my villagers for that so should for my villagers for that so should be

For my villagers for that so should be okay for my villagers for that so should for my villagers for that so should be for my villagers for that so should be okay for my villagers for that so should be okay all for my villagers for that so should be okay all right

For my villagers for that so should be okay all for my villagers for that so should be okay all right should be okay all right okay should be okay all right okay nope should be okay all right okay nope used should be okay all right okay nope used to

Should be okay all right okay nope used to at should be okay all right okay nope used to at least all right okay nope used to at least be close all right okay nope used to at least be close to all right okay nope used to at least be close to the

Least be close to the flowers give least be close to the flowers give me least be close to the flowers give me one close to the flowers give me one more least be close to the flowers give least be close to the flowers give me close to the flowers give me one more

Close to the flowers give me one more sap more what’s happening okay it doesn’t happening okay it doesn’t quite fit happening okay it doesn’t quite fit happening okay it doesn’t quite fit the happening okay it doesn’t quite fit the song happening okay it doesn’t quite fit the song but

Happening yeah it doesn’t quite fit the song but quite fit the song but for some reason quite fit the song but for some reason I don’t quite fit the song but for some reason quite fit the song but for some reason I don’t song but for some reason I don’t think

Song but for some reason I don’t think Phil think Phil Collins is going to come Phil Collins is going to come Meandering Phil Collins is going to come Meandering over Phil Collins is going to come Meandering over here Meandering over here and complaining Meandering over here and complaining about

Meandering over here and complaining about it complaining about it I don’t particularly complaining about it I don’t particularly think particularly think Phil Collins goes particularly think Phil Collins goes out particularly think Phil Collins goes out and particularly think Phil Collins goes out and watches Collins goes out and watches Minecraft

Collins goes out and watches Minecraft stream Collins goes out and watches Minecraft streams Collins goes out and watches Minecraft Collins goes out and watches Minecraft streams Collins goes out and watches Minecraft streams on Minecraft streams on YouTube no so Minecraft streams on YouTube no so maybe Minecraft streams on YouTube but I don’t

Minecraft streams on YouTube but I don’t know Minecraft streams on YouTube but I don’t Minecraft streams on YouTube but I don’t know Minecraft streams on YouTube but I don’t know you I don’t know you know I don’t know don’t know the dude personally so maybe know the dude personally so maybe I’m

Know the dude personally so maybe I’m just know the dude personally so maybe I’m just being don’t know the dude personally so maybe know the dude personally so maybe I’m know the dude personally so maybe I’m just know the dude personally so maybe I’m just being maybe I’m just being sort of ageist

Maybe I’m just being sort of ageist oh maybe I’m just being sort of ageist oh hey maybe I’m just being sort of ageist oh hey look ageist oh hey look bees wonderful ageist oh hey look bees wonderful okay ageist oh hey look bees wonderful ageist oh hey look bees wonderful okay

Ageist oh hey look bees wonderful okay but ageist oh hey look bees wonderful okay but no ageist oh hey look bees wonderful okay but ageist oh hey look bees wonderful okay but no wonderful okay but no Strangely I think wonderful okay but no Strangely I think an

Wonderful okay but no Strangely I think an old wonderful okay but no Strangely I think an old wonderful okay but no Strangely I think an old is I think an old is this from the ’80 wonderful okay but no Strangely I think an old is

I think an old is this from the ’80s I think an old is this from the ’80s and I think an old is this from the ’80s and stuff is this from the ’80s and stuff is is this from the ’80s and stuff is probably

Is this from the ’80s and stuff is probably not is this from the 80s and stuff is probably not is this from the 80s and stuff is probably not yeah is this from the 80s and stuff is probably not yeah yeah all all right all right so all right so we

All right so we’ve all right so we’ve got all right so all right so we’ve all right so we’ve got all right so we’ve got four all right so we’ve got four nests all right so we’ve got four nests I all right so we’ve got four nests I think

All right so we’ve got four nests I think that all right so we’ve got four nests I all right so we’ve got four nests I think nests I think that’ll be good I think nests I think that’ll be good I think that nests I think that’ll be good I think that’ll

That’ll be good I think that’ll be nests I think that’ll be good I think nests I think that’ll be good I think that’ll that’ll be good I think that’ll be that’ll be good I think that’ll be good that’ll be good I think that’ll be good so

That’ll be good I think that’ll be good so like that’ll be good I think that’ll be good so like that’ll be good so like this at this that’ll be good so like this at this go that’ll be good so like this at this go grab that’ll be good so like this at this

That’ll be good so like this at this go that’ll be good so like this at this go grab that’ll be good so like this at this go grab a this at this go grab a couple of things this at this go grab a couple of things so

This at this go grab a couple of things so this this at this go grab a couple of things so this is couple of things so this is going to couple of things so this is going to be things so this is going to be awesome

Things so this is going to be awesome it’s things so this is going to be awesome it’s awesome it’s going to be great so awesome it’s going to be great so cool awesome it’s going to be great so cool so awesome it’s going to be great so cool

Awesome it’s going to be great so cool so so cool so we’ve got everything I so cool so we’ve got everything I need so we’ve got everything I need here so we’ve got everything I need here yeah so we’ve got everything I need here yeah perfect

So we’ve got everything I need here yeah perfect I so we’ve got everything I need here yeah perfect I need here yeah perfect I think we’re need here yeah perfect I think we’re good need here yeah perfect I think we’re good to need here yeah perfect I think we’re good to go

Need here yeah perfect I think we’re good to go so we’re good to go so I’ve got four we’re good to go so I’ve got four bee we’re good to go so I’ve got four bee nests we’re good to go so I’ve got four bee nests now

Got four bee nests now and a bunch got four bee nests now and a bunch of got four bee nests now and a bunch of other got four bee nests now and a bunch of other things bunch of other things but the four bunch of other things but the four NE

Bunch of other things but the four nest bunch of other things but the four nests bunch of other things but the four nests are bunch of other things but the four bunch of other things but the four nests bunch of other things but the four nests are

Bunch of other things but the four nests are the four nests are the important part four nests are the important part here four nests are the important part here so four nests are the important part here so I’ll four nests are the important part here so

Four nests are the important part here so I’ll part here so I’ll think I’ll just part here so I’ll think I’ll just recover part here so I’ll think I’ll just recover my just recover my all of my stuff here just recover my all of my stuff here I’ll

My all of my stuff here I’ll leave my all of my stuff here I’ll leave the my all of my stuff here I’ll leave the flowers just recover my all of my stuff here I’ll my all of my stuff here I’ll leave my all of my stuff here I’ll leave the

My all of my stuff here I’ll leave the flowers my all of my stuff here I’ll leave the flowers up leave the flowers up just in case leave the flowers up just in case I leave the flowers up just in case I need leave the flowers up just in case I need to

Leave the flowers up just in case I need to do leave the flowers up just in case I need to do this in case I need to do this again but in case I need to do this again but now in case I need to do this again but now it’s

In case I need to do this again but now it’s time in case I need to do this again but in case I need to do this again but now in case I need to do this again but now it’s in case I need to do this again but now it’s time

But now it’s time to set up a very but now it’s time to set up a very temporary but now it’s time to set up a very temporary honey very temporary honeycomb and Bee breeder very temporary honeycomb and Bee breeder all right very temporary honeycomb and Bee breeder all right

Breeder all right now I don’t know breeder all right now I don’t know what breeder all right now I don’t know what I right now I don’t know what I want right now I don’t know what I want to right now I don’t know what I want to set

Right now I don’t know what I want to set up right now I don’t know what I want to set up the I want to set up the honeycomb and I want to set up the honeycomb and be I want to set up the honeycomb and be breeder

I want to set up the honeycomb and be breeder but and be breeder but you know some place and be breeder but you know some place useful and be breeder but you know some place useful again and be breeder but you know some place useful again place useful again this is a really

Place useful again this is a really temporary place useful again this is a really temporary thing really temporary thing so it can be really temporary thing so it can be just really temporary thing so it can be really temporary thing so it can be just

Really temporary thing so it can be just about thing so it can be just about anywhere thing so it can be just about anywhere let’s thing so it can be just about anywhere let’s go thing so it can be just about anywhere let’s thing so it can be just about anywhere let’s go

Anywhere let’s go drop off some of anywhere let’s go drop off some of this let’s go drop off some of this stuff let’s go drop off some of this stuff and let’s go drop off some of this stuff and I’m let’s go drop off some of this stuff and I’m done

Let’s go drop off some of this stuff and let’s go drop off some of this stuff and I’m let’s go drop off some of this stuff and I’m done stuff and I’m done with that I’m done stuff and I’m done with that I’m done with

Stuff and I’m done with that I’m done with the done with the Birch okay I do need with the Birch okay I do need the done with the Birch okay I do need with the Birch okay I do need the with the Birch okay I do need the nests

With the Birch okay I do need the nests oh with the Birch okay I do need the nests oh no with the Birch okay I do need the nests oh no okay the nests oh no okay actually I don’t the nests oh no okay actually I don’t need

The nests oh no okay actually I don’t need to actually I don’t need to save the actually I don’t need to save the exactly actually I don’t need to save the exactly cuz save the exactly cuz I’ve got some save the exactly cuz I’ve got some

Actually I don’t need to save the exactly cuz save the exactly cuz I’ve got some save the exactly cuz I’ve got some saved save the exactly cuz I’ve got some saved most save the exactly cuz I’ve got some saved most of save the exactly cuz I’ve got some saved most

Save the exactly cuz I’ve got some saved most of some saved most of the saplings in some saved most of the saplings in that some saved most of the saplings in that box some saved most of the saplings in that box end some saved most of the saplings in that box end up

The saplings in that box end up disappearing the saplings in that box end up disappearing into end up disappearing into just it’s end up disappearing into just it’s all end up disappearing into just it’s all get end up disappearing into just it’s all get caught end up disappearing into just it’s

End up disappearing into just it’s all it’s all get caught it gets composted it’s all get caught it gets composted actually it’s all good composted actually all right it’s all good composted actually so it’s all good composted actually so where it’s all good composted actually so where do

It’s all good composted actually so where do I it’s all good composted actually so it’s all good composted actually so where it’s all good composted actually so where do it’s all good composted actually so where do I actually so where do I want to set this

So where do I want to set this up so where do I want to set this up I so where do I want to set this up I guess so where do I want to set this up I guess do so where do I want to set this up I guess do it

So where do I want to set this up I guess do it over up I guess do it over there let’s so where do I want to set this up I guess do so where do I want to set this up I guess do it

So where do I want to set this up I guess do it over up I guess do it over there let’s up I guess do it over there let’s see up I guess do it over there let’s see what up I guess do it over there let’s see what am

Up I guess do it over there let’s see what am I let’s see what am I going to need let’s see what am I going to need I’m let’s see what am I going to need I’m going to am I going to need I’m going to need

Am I going to need I’m going to need some am I going to need I’m going to need some dis am I going to need I’m going to need some dispens need some dispensers perfect for let’s need some dispensers perfect for let’s see need some dispensers perfect for let’s see I’m

Need some dispensers perfect for let’s need some dispensers perfect for let’s see need some dispensers perfect for let’s see I’m let’s see I’m going to need compar let’s see I’m going to need comparat let’s see I’m going to need comparators I’m going to need comparators okay I’m going to need comparators okay which

To need comparators okay which I app to need comparators okay which I apparently I’m going to need comparators okay I’m going to need comparators okay which to need comparators okay which I apparently comparators okay which I apparently don’t comparators okay which I apparently don’t have comparators okay which I apparently don’t have cuz

Apparently don’t have cuz I don’t apparently don’t have cuz I don’t have apparently don’t have cuz I don’t have torches have cuz I don’t have torches awesome have cuz I don’t have torches awesome all right awesome all right that’s fine par awesome all right that’s fine parad awesome all right that’s fine Paradise

Awesome all right that’s fine Paradise I’m awesome all right that’s fine Paradise awesome all right that’s fine Paradise I’m Paradise I’m going to need some redstone I’m going to need some redstone dust I’m going to need some redstone dust you to need some redstone dust you know

To need some redstone dust you know I’ve to need some redstone dust you know I’ve got I’m going to need some redstone dust you to need some redstone dust you know to need some redstone dust you know I’ve to need some redstone dust you know I’ve got

Redstone dust you know I’ve got a redstone dust you know I’ve got a redstone redstone dust you know I’ve got a redstone to redstone dust you know I’ve got a redstone tool redstone dust you know I’ve got a redstone toolbox a redstone toolbox where do I put

A redstone toolbox where do I put it a redstone toolbox where do I put it a redstone toolbox where do I put it oh a redstone toolbox where do I put it oh it’s toolbox where do I put it oh it’s in toolbox where do I put it oh it’s in my

A redstone toolbox where do I put it oh a redstone toolbox where do I put it oh it’s toolbox where do I put it oh it’s in toolbox where do I put it oh it’s in my toolbox where do I put it oh it’s in my inner

It’s in my inner chest I have an under inner chest I have an under chest it’s in my inner chest I have an under inner chest I have another chest I inner chest I have another chest I forget inner chest I have another chest I forget about another chest I forget about these

Inner chest I have another chest I inner chest I have another chest I forget inner chest I have another chest I forget about another chest I forget about these another chest I forget about these things another chest I forget about these things okay another chest I forget about these things okay yeah

About these things okay yeah okay so about these things okay yeah okay so I’ve about these things okay yeah okay so I’ve got about these things okay yeah okay so about these things okay yeah okay so I’ve about these things okay yeah okay so I’ve got yeah okay so I’ve got Redstone that

Yeah okay so I’ve got Redstone that grab yeah okay so I’ve got Redstone that grab some that grab some dispensers speaking that grab some dispensers speaking of grab some dispensers speaking of dis grab some dispensers speaking of dispens grab some dispensers speaking of dispensers that grab some dispensers speaking

That grab some dispensers speaking of grab some dispensers speaking of dispensers grab some dispensers speaking of dispensers one grab some dispensers speaking of dispensers 1. grab some dispensers speaking of dispensers 1.20 grab some dispensers speaking of dispensers 1.20. grab some dispensers speaking of dispensers 1.20.3 dispensers 1.20.3 update is out which

Dispensers 1.20.3 update is out which includes dispensers 1.20.3 update is out which includes the update is out which includes the new update is out which includes the new Crafter update is out which includes the new Crafter so update is out which includes the new Crafter so that

Update is out which includes the new Crafter so update is out which includes the new Crafter so that includes the new Crafter so that is awesome includes the new Crafter so that is awesome if is awesome if you’re into that sort is awesome if you’re into that sort of

Is awesome if you’re into that sort of thing is awesome if you’re into that sort of thing which into that sort of thing which I totally into that sort of thing which I totally am into that sort of thing which I totally am but

Into that sort of thing which I totally am but will totally am but will probably not be totally am but will probably not be playing totally am but will probably not be playing much totally am but will probably not be playing totally am but will probably not be playing much

Totally am but will probably not be playing much in be playing much in that one yet I be playing much in that one yet I got be playing much in that one yet I got I be playing much in that one yet I got I want

Be playing much in that one yet I got I want to I got I want to finish this series got I want to finish this series before got I want to finish this series before I got I want to finish this series before I dive

Got I want to finish this series before I dive into before I dive into the next one for before I dive into the next one for that before I dive into the next one for that that’s before I dive into the next one for before I dive into the next one for that

Before I dive into the next one for that that’s for that that’s going to be fun and for that that’s going to be fun and exciting for that that’s going to be fun and exciting cat for that that’s going to be fun and exciting so

For that that’s going to be fun and exciting so we for that that’s going to be fun and exciting so and exciting so we’ve got that that’s and exciting so we’ve got that oh and exciting so we’ve got that oh I and exciting so we’ve got that oh I need

And exciting so we’ve got that need some and exciting so we’ve got that cherry and exciting so we’ve got that cherry some and exciting so we’ve got that cherry some cherry and exciting so we’ve got that cherry some so we’ve got that cherry some cherry so we’ve got that cherry some cherry leaves

So we’ve got that cherry some cherry leaves and cherry leaves and what else should cherry leaves and what else should I cherry leaves and what else should I do cherry leaves and what else should cherry leaves and what else should I cherry leaves and what else should I do

What else should I do I guess it’s what else should I do I guess it’s this should I do I guess it’s this is the should I do I guess it’s this is the other should I do I guess it’s this is the other fun it’s this is the other fun thing is

It’s this is the other fun thing is actually it’s this is the other fun thing is actually kind it’s this is the other fun thing is actually it’s this is the other fun thing is actually kind fun thing is actually kind of curious fun thing is actually kind of curious is

Curious is there anything else I can curious is there anything else I can make there anything else I can make honeycomb there anything else I can make honeycomb oh there anything else I can make honeycomb oh right there anything else I can make honeycomb oh right I

Honeycomb oh right I can wax copper honeycomb oh right I can wax copper with honeycomb oh right I can wax copper with it honeycomb oh right I can wax copper with it of honeycomb oh right I can wax copper with it of course copper with it of course so I should

Copper with it of course so I should copper with it of course so I should probably copper with it of course so I should probably hang copper with it of course so I should probably hang should probably hang on to the honeycomb should probably hang on to the honeycomb okay

Should probably hang on to the honeycomb Okay should probably hang on to the honeycomb okay should probably hang on to the honeycomb okay so should probably hang on to the honeycomb okay so yeah the honeycomb okay so yeah a little the honeycomb okay so yeah a little honeycomb

The honeycomb okay so yeah a little honeycomb farm yeah a little honeycomb farm would yeah a little honeycomb farm would probably yeah a little honeycomb farm would probably be yeah a little honeycomb farm would probably be a yeah a little honeycomb farm would probably be a good

Farm would probably be a good thing farm would probably be a good thing cool farm would probably be a good thing cool so farm would probably be a good thing cool so actually thing cool so actually making this thing cool so actually making this a thing cool so actually making this a more

Thing cool so actually making this a more permanent this a more permanent Dilly Bob is this a more permanent Dilly Bob is this a more permanent Dilly Bob is not more permanent Dilly Bob is not necessarily more permanent Dilly Bob is not necessarily A more permanent Dilly Bob is not necessarily A Bad

Necessarily A Bad Thing okay I have necessarily A Bad Thing okay I have a necessarily A Bad Thing okay I have a spot Bad Thing okay I have a spot over necessarily A Bad Thing okay I have necessarily A Bad Thing okay I have a

Necessarily A Bad Thing okay I have a spot Bad Thing okay I have a spot over Bad Thing okay I have a spot over here Bad Thing okay I have a spot over here I Bad Thing okay I have a spot over here I wasn’t over here I wasn’t doing anything

Over here I wasn’t doing anything with over here I wasn’t doing anything with one over here I wasn’t doing anything with 1 wasn’t doing anything with one two over here I wasn’t doing anything with 1 2 3 doing anything with one two three wasn’t doing anything with 1 2 3 4

Doing anything with one two three four wasn’t doing anything with 1 2 3 4 5 doing anything with one two three four five six doing anything with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 doing anything with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 all

Doing anything with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 all right doing anything with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 all doing anything with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 all right doing anything with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 all right 7

Doing anything with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 all right seven doing anything with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 all right let’s doing anything with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 all right let’s 7 all right let’s get one more be nest

Get one more be nest sorry I might get one more be nest sorry I might know get one more be nest sorry I might notice get one more be nest sorry my nose is get one more be nest sorry my nose is itchy nest sorry my nose is itchy it’s one of

My nose is itchy it’s one of those nest sorry my nose is itchy it’s one of my nose is itchy it’s one of those my nose is itchy it’s one of those days my nose is itchy it’s one of those days I my nose is itchy it’s one of those days I always

Of those days I always have those my nose is itchy it’s one of those days I my nose is itchy it’s one of those days I always of those days I always have those of those days I always have those days of those days I always have those days my

Of those days I always have those days my nose have those days my nose itches a lot have those days my nose itches a lot all have those days my nose itches a lot all right have those days my nose itches a lot all right I

Nose itches a lot all right I was itches a lot all right I was totally have those days my nose itches a lot all right I nose itches a lot all right I was itches a lot all right I was totally itches a lot all right I was totally thinking

Itches a lot all right I was totally thinking yeah totally thinking yeah this will be totally thinking yeah this will be fine totally thinking yeah this will be totally thinking yeah this will be fine totally thinking yeah this will be fine why yeah this will be fine why would I

Yeah this will be fine why would I need will be fine why would I need more will be fine why would I need more than will be fine why would I need more than four will be fine why would I need more than four but need more than four but having an OD

Need more than four but having an odd need more than four but having an odd need more than four but having an odd number need more than four but having an odd number is an odd number is going to fit better an odd number is going to fit better in

An odd number is going to fit better in the an odd number is going to fit better in the farm fit better in the farm area it’s just fit better in the farm area it’s just going to fit better in the farm area it’s just going to be

Just going to be fine yeah we have just going to be fine yeah we have to just going to be fine yeah we have to figure just going to be fine yeah we have to figure out have to figure out some form of of have to figure out some form of of feeding

Form of of feeding shears into that form of of feeding shears into that thing form of of feeding shears into that thing but form of of feeding shears into that form of of feeding shears into that thing form of of feeding shears into that thing but

Form of of feeding shears into that thing but that that thing but that shouldn’t be hard thing but that shouldn’t be hard all thing but that shouldn’t be hard all right shouldn’t be hard all right let’s thing but that shouldn’t be hard all thing but that shouldn’t be hard all right

Shouldn’t be hard all right let’s shouldn’t be hard all right let’s let’s shouldn’t be hard all right let’s let’s just shouldn’t be hard all right let’s let’s shouldn’t be hard all right let’s let’s just let’s let’s just hurry through and let’s let’s just hurry through and hopefully

Let’s let’s just hurry through and hopefully get through and hopefully get one more through and hopefully get one more nest through and hopefully get one more Nest through and hopefully get one more Nest pretty hopefully get one more Nest pretty quickly hopefully get one more Nest pretty quickly I

Hopefully get one more Nest pretty quickly I hope man it’s man it’s been man it’s been for man it’s been forever man it’s man it’s been man it’s been forever man it’s been forever since man it’s been forever since I’ve man it’s been forever since I’ve actually actually listened to Phil Collins

Actually listened to Phil Collins thinking actually listened to Phil Collins thinking about actually listened to Phil Collins thinking about it Collins thinking about it I was expl Collins thinking about it I was supposed Collins thinking about it I was supposed to Collins thinking about it I was supposed to what

Collins thinking about it I was supposed Collins thinking about it I was supposed to Collins thinking about it I was supposed to what Collins thinking about it I was supposed to what I supposed to what I listen to these supposed to what I listen to these days

Supposed to what I listen to these days is supposed to what I listen to these days is it’s to these days is it’s EDM it’s K-pop to these days is it’s EDM it’s K-pop it’s K-pop it’s you know Latin dance and K-pop it’s you know Latin dance and you

K-pop it’s you know Latin dance and you know K-pop it’s you know Latin dance and you K-pop it’s you know Latin dance and you know K-pop it’s you know Latin dance and you know the and you know the ’80s rock that I and you know the ’80s rock that I grew

And you know the ’80s rock that I grew up know the ’80s rock that I grew up with know the ’80s rock that I grew up with is just not I grew up with is just not high on grew up with is just not high on that

Grew up with is just not high on that list grew up with is just not high on that list not that list not because I don’t like grew up with is just not high on that list not that list not because I don’t like that list not because I don’t like it

That list not because I don’t like it it’s that list not because I don’t like it it’s just like it it’s just because I tend to like it it’s just because I tend to listen just because I tend to listen to things just because I tend to listen to things at

Just because I tend to listen to things at work just because I tend to listen to things at work and just because I tend to listen to things at work and I things at work and I want something things at work and I want something with

Things at work and I want something with a little something with a little more energy something with a little more energy to something with a little more energy to it something with a little more energy to it but something with a little more energy to it but I

Something with a little more energy to it but something with a little more energy to it but I energy to it but I remember listening energy to it but I remember listening to energy to it but I remember listening to what energy to it but I remember listening to what was

Energy to it but I remember listening to what was it energy to it but I remember listening to what energy to it but I remember listening to what was energy to it but I remember listening to what was it listening to what was it it was oh

Listening to what was it it was oh it’s listening to what was it it was oh it’s one listening to what was it it was oh it’s one of was it it was oh it’s one of those listening to what was it it was oh

Listening to what was it it was oh it’s listening to what was it it was oh it’s one listening to what was it it was oh it’s one of was it it was oh it’s one of those was it it was oh it’s one of those YouTube

Was it it was oh it’s one of those YouTube channels of those YouTube channels where it of those YouTube channels where it was of those YouTube channels where it was a of those YouTube channels where it was a this of those YouTube channels where it was a this case

Channels where it was a this case she of those YouTube channels where it was a this of those YouTube channels where it was a this case channels where it was a this case she channels where it was a this case she was channels where it was a this case she was an

Case she was an opera singer who does case she was an opera singer who does VOC case she was an opera singer who does case she was an opera singer who does vocal case she was an opera singer who does vocal analysis singer who does vocal analysis of various

Singer who does vocal analysis of various songs singer who does vocal analysis of various songs and of various songs and she did an an of various songs and she did an anal various songs and she did an analysis various songs and she did an analysis various songs and she did an analysis of

Various songs and she did an analysis of Phil various songs and she did an analysis of Phil Collins various songs and she did an analysis of Phil various songs and she did an analysis of Phil Collins analysis of Phil Collins Another Day analysis of Phil Collins Another Day in

Analysis of Phil Collins Another Day in Paradise Collins Another Day in Paradise which Collins Another Day in Paradise which is Collins Another Day in Paradise which is an Collins Another Day in Paradise which Collins Another Day in Paradise which is Collins Another Day in Paradise which is an

Another Day in Paradise which is an excellent Another Day in Paradise which is an excellent song Paradise which is an excellent song and Paradise which is an excellent song and I Paradise which is an excellent song and I real Paradise which is an excellent song and I realize

Paradise which is an excellent song and I realized Paradise which is an excellent song and Paradise which is an excellent song and I Paradise which is an excellent song and I realized song and I realized man I haven’t realized man I haven’t listened to realized man I haven’t listened to Phil

Realized man I haven’t listened to Phil Collins realized man I haven’t listened to Phil Collins In realized man I haven’t listened to Phil Collins in realized man I haven’t listened to Phil Collins In listened to Phil Collins In coon’s age listened to Phil Collins In coon’s age probably coon’s age probably multiple Coons

Coon’s age probably multiple Coons ages coon’s age probably multiple Coons ages I Coons ages I don’t actually know how Coons ages I don’t actually know how long Coons ages I don’t actually know how long a don’t actually know how long a coon’s don’t actually know how long a coon’s age

Don’t actually know how long a coon’s age is don’t actually know how long a coon’s age is but coon’s age is but it sounds like a coon’s age is but it sounds like a really coon’s age is but it sounds like a really long a really long time and yeah it was

A really long time and yeah it was a really long time and yeah it was man a really long time and yeah it was man I a really long time and yeah it was man I forgot a really long time and yeah it was man I forgot how

A really long time and yeah it was man a really long time and yeah it was man I a really long time and yeah it was man I forgot a really long time and yeah it was man I forgot how was man I forgot how good the guy

Was man I forgot how good the guy was was man I forgot how good the guy was man was man I forgot how good the guy was man sorry was man I forgot how good the guy was man sorry for good the guy was man sorry for being

Good the guy was man sorry for being an good the guy was man sorry for being an EXC was man I forgot how good the guy was man sorry was man I forgot how good the guy was man sorry for good the guy was man sorry for being

Good the guy was man sorry for being an was man sorry for being an excellent was man sorry for being an excellent singer was man sorry for being an excellent singer he’s excellent singer he’s awesome an excellent singer he’s awesome an excellent drummer singer he’s awesome an excellent drummer at

Singer he’s awesome an excellent drummer at least singer he’s awesome an excellent drummer at singer he’s awesome an excellent drummer at least drummer at least that’s my understanding drummer at least that’s my understanding I’m drummer at least that’s my understanding I’m in drummer at least that’s my understanding I’m in a

Understanding I’m in a musician but understanding I’m in a musician but not understanding I’m in a musician but not a I’m in a musician but not a drummer I’m in a musician but not a drummer so I’m in a musician but not a drummer so it’s

I’m in a musician but not a drummer so it’s hard drummer so it’s hard for me to actually drummer so it’s hard for me to actually tell drummer so it’s hard for me to actually tell see drummer so it’s hard for me to actually tell see a

Actually tell see a really good drummer actually tell see a really good drummer or actually tell see a really good drummer or is actually tell see a really good drummer or is he drummer or is he just okay but yeah drummer or is he just okay but yeah all

Drummer or is he just okay but yeah all that drummer or is he just okay but yeah drummer or is he just okay but yeah all drummer or is he just okay but yeah all that drummer or is he just okay but yeah all that fun

Yeah all that fun stuff but yeah he’s yeah all that fun stuff but yeah he’s it sounds yeah all that fun stuff but yeah he’s it sounds he’s it sounds real good I grew up he’s it sounds real good I grew up listening he’s it sounds real good I grew up listening to

Good I grew up listening to Genesis good I grew up listening to Genesis and good I grew up listening to Genesis and and good I grew up listening to Genesis and and Phil listening to Genesis and and Phil Collins good I grew up listening to Genesis and and

Good I grew up listening to Genesis and and Phil listening to Genesis and and Phil Collins listening to Genesis and and Phil Collins when listening to Genesis and and Phil Collins when he Phil Collins when he went solo and Phil Collins when he went solo and all

Phil Collins when he went solo and all that Phil Collins when he went solo and all that fun when he went solo and all that fun stuff when he went solo and all that fun stuff man solo and all that fun stuff man appar solo and all that fun stuff man apparent

Solo and all that fun stuff man apparently solo and all that fun stuff man apparently I apparently I didn’t realize this at apparently I didn’t realize this at the apparently I didn’t realize this at the time apparently I didn’t realize this at the time I at the time I guess the original lead

At the time I guess the original lead singer at the time I guess the original lead singer for at the time I guess the original lead singer for for at the time I guess the original lead singer for for lead singer for for Genesis was Peter

Lead singer for for Genesis was Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel who’s also an excellent Peter Gabriel who’s also an excellent singer who’s also an excellent singer who who’s also an excellent singer who DEC who’s also an excellent singer who decid who’s also an excellent singer who who’s also an excellent singer who decided

Who’s also an excellent singer who decided to who’s also an excellent singer who decided to go who decided to go solo and so they who decided to go solo and so they got who decided to go solo and so they got Phil who decided to go solo and so they got Phil Collins

They got Phil Collins and he became they got Phil Collins and he became the they got Phil Collins and he became they got Phil Collins and he became the they got Phil Collins and he became the lead they got Phil Collins and he became the lead singer became the lead singer of Genesis

Became the lead singer of Genesis this became the lead singer of Genesis this is became the lead singer of Genesis this has been became the lead singer of Genesis this has been your became the lead singer of Genesis this became the lead singer of Genesis this has been

Became the lead singer of Genesis this has been your Genesis this has been your ’80s rock history Genesis this has been your ’80s rock history for rock history for the day okay we got rock history for the day okay we got our rock history for the day okay we got

History for the day okay we got ourselves history for the day okay we got ourselves alive history for the day okay we got ourselves alive two history for the day okay we got ourselves alive two ourselves alive two bees okay perfect ourselves alive two bees okay perfect all right

Bees okay perfect all right let’s bees okay perfect all right let’s clean bees okay perfect all right let’s clean up ourselves alive two bees okay perfect all right bees okay perfect all right let’s bees okay perfect all right let’s clean bees okay perfect all right let’s clean up

Bees okay perfect all right let’s clean up the let’s clean up the mess and let’s let’s clean up the mess and let’s go let’s clean up the mess and let’s go set let’s clean up the mess and let’s go set up let’s clean up the mess and let’s go set up our

Mess and let’s go set up our machine mess and let’s go set up our machine here mess and let’s go set up our machine here yeah machine here yeah it’s fun despite machine here yeah it’s fun despite the machine here yeah it’s fun despite machine here yeah it’s fun despite the

Machine here yeah it’s fun despite the name machine here yeah it’s fun despite the name of machine here yeah it’s fun despite the name of my despite the name of my channels right despite the name of my channels right music despite the name of my channels right music fre

Despite the name of my channels right music for despite the name of my channels right music freak of my channels right music free Gam of my channels right music free gaming despite the name of my channels right music despite the name of my channels right music free

Of my channels right music free gaming of my channels right music free gaming here of my channels right music free gaming here music gaming here music free static for gaming here music free static for my gaming here music free static for my podcast gaming here music free static for my podcast I

Gaming here music free static for my podcast I love static for my podcast I love music gaming here music free static for my podcast I gaming here music free static for my podcast I love static for my podcast I love music static for my podcast I love music and

Static for my podcast I love music and I static for my podcast I love music and I have static for my podcast I love music and static for my podcast I love music and I static for my podcast I love music and I have

Static for my podcast I love music and I have a static for my podcast I love music and I have a wide music and I have a wide variety of music and I have a wide variety of musical music and I have a wide variety of musical tastes

Variety of musical tastes you know variety of musical tastes you know a variety of musical tastes you know aside variety of musical tastes you know aside from variety of musical tastes you know variety of musical tastes you know aside variety of musical tastes you know aside from

Musical tastes you know aside from EDM musical tastes you know aside from EDM and musical tastes you know aside from EDM and K-pop musical tastes you know aside from EDM and K-pop and from EDM and K-pop and all that fun from EDM and K-pop and all that fun stuff

And K-pop and all that fun stuff I and K-pop and all that fun stuff I like and K-pop and all that fun stuff I look good and K-pop and all that fun stuff I and K-pop and all that fun stuff I look good that fun stuff I look good romantic

That fun stuff I look good romantic era that fun stuff I look good romantic era classical that fun stuff I look good romantic era classical romantic era classical type piece romantic era classical type piece yeah romantic era classical type piece yeah n romantic era classical type piece yeah Nic

Romantic era classical type piece yeah Nicol romantic era classical type piece yeah Nikolai romantic era classical type piece piano romantic era classical type piece piano cors romantic era classical type piece piano classical type piece piano korsakov and classical type piece piano korsakov and that classical type piece piano korsakov and that whole

Classical type piece piano korsakov and that classical type piece piano korsakov and that whole korsakov and that whole breed of full breed of korsakov and that whole breed of full breed of comp korsakov and that whole breed of full breed of compos breed of full breed of composer all

Breed of full breed of composer all the breed of full breed of composer all breed of full breed of composer all the breed of full breed of composer all the yeah breed of full breed of composer all the yeah then of composer all the yeah then some

Of composer all the yeah then some of of composer all the yeah then some of the of composer all the yeah then some of the great of composer all the yeah then some of the great 20th yeah then some of the great 20th century of the great 20th century musicians

Of the great 20th century musicians like great 20th century musicians like John great 20th century musicians like John Williams great 20th century musicians like John Williams or like John Williams or you know some like John Williams or you know some like John Williams or you know some of

Like John Williams or you know some of those like John Williams or you know some of those those some of those those fun people all some of those those fun people all the some of those those fun people all the music some of those those fun people all the musical

Some of those those fun people all some of those those fun people all the some of those those fun people all the musicals some of those those fun people all the musicals movie people all the musicals movie stuff some of those those fun people all the musicals movie

People all the musicals movie stuff people all the musicals movie stuff okay people all the musicals movie stuff okay so people all the musicals movie stuff okay so let’s stuff okay so let’s see now I’m going to okay so let’s see now I’m going to need

Okay so let’s see now I’m going to need a okay so let’s see now I’m going to need a couple now I’m going to need a couple of things now I’m going to need a couple of things here to need a couple of things here so

To need a couple of things here so drop to need a couple of things here so drop off to need a couple of things here so drop off what to need a couple of things here so drop off what I to need a couple of things here so drop

To need a couple of things here so drop off to need a couple of things here so drop off what to need a couple of things here so drop off what I so drop off what I don’t need and so drop off what I don’t need and let’s

So drop off what I don’t need and let’s go so drop off what I don’t need and let’s go set and let’s go set up the set up the let’s go set up the set up the fun and let’s go set up the set up the

Let’s go set up the set up the fun let’s go set up the set up the fun all let’s go set up the set up the fun all right let’s go set up the set up the fun all right so let’s go set up the set up the fun all right so

Fun all right so I’ve got to be nest fun all right so I’ve got to be next I’ll bring got to be next I’ll bring those in got to be next I’ll bring those in later got to be next I’ll bring those in later for I’ll bring those in later for now

I’ll bring those in later for now let’s bring those in later for now let’s get bring those in later for now let’s get some bring those in later for now let’s get some dirt let’s get some dirt okay and my Redstone let’s get some dirt okay and my Redstone tool

Redstone tool boxes in the Ender Chest Redstone tool boxes in the Ender Chest okay Redstone tool boxes in the Ender Chest okay nice in the Ender Chest okay nice what in the Ender Chest okay nice what else in the Ender Chest okay nice what else am

In the Ender Chest okay nice what else am I in the Ender Chest okay nice what else am I going in the Ender Chest okay nice what else am I going to what else am I going to need got the what else am I going to need got the red

What else am I going to need got the what else am I going to need got the Redstone what else am I going to need got the Redstone compar what else am I going to need got the Redstone parent to need got the Redstone comparators to need got the Redstone comparators in

To need got the Redstone comparators in there to need got the Redstone comparators to need got the Redstone comparators in to need got the Redstone comparators in there to need got the Redstone comparators in there okay comparators in there okay I’ll need comparators in there okay I’ll need shears

Comparators in there okay I’ll need shears and there okay I’ll need shears and stuff there okay I’ll need shears and stuff at there okay I’ll need shears and stuff at some need shears and stuff at some point need shears and stuff at some point but

Need shears and stuff at some point but well need shears and stuff at some point but well cross need shears and stuff at some point but well point but well cross that bridge and point but well cross that bridge and we point but well cross that bridge and we get

Point but well cross that bridge and we get there point but well cross that bridge and point but well cross that bridge and we point but well cross that bridge and we get there point but well cross that bridge and we get there so

And we get there so I think I’m going to point but well cross that bridge and we get there so and we get there so I think I’m going to get there so I think I’m going to rig get there so I think I’m going to rig that

Get there so I think I’m going to rig that up to rig that up using all of the storage up using all of the storage cabling up using all of the storage cabling and up using all of the storage cabling and stuff up using all of the storage cabling and stuff all

Up using all of the storage cabling and stuff all cabling and stuff all right so let’s cabling and stuff all right so let’s cabling and stuff all right so let’s see cabling and stuff all right so let’s see now stuff all right so let’s see now I

Stuff all right so let’s see now I think stuff all right so let’s see now I think what stuff all right so let’s see now I think what I stuff all right so let’s see now I stuff all right so let’s see now I think

Stuff all right so let’s see now I think what stuff all right so let’s see now I think what I I think what I want to do is set up think what I want to do is set up for think what I want to do is set up for 5

Think what I want to do is set up for five think what I want to do is set up for five I want to do is set up for five I think think what I want to do is set up for think what I want to do is set up for five

Think what I want to do is set up for five I want to do is set up for five I think want to do is set up for five I think we’re up for five I think we’re going to up for five I think we’re going to set

Up for five I think we’re going to set up up for five I think we’re going to set up here set up here okay and so the nests set up here okay and so the nests that’s set up here okay and so the nests that’s an

Set up here okay and so the nests that’s set up here okay and so the nests that’s an nests that’s an interesting question nests that’s an interesting question when nests that’s an interesting question when they interesting question when they she interesting question when they sheer nests that’s an interesting question when

Nests that’s an interesting question when they interesting question when they sheer interesting question when they sheer can’t interesting question when they sheer can’t remember when they sheer can’t remember if interesting question when they sheer can’t interesting question when they sheer can’t remember when they sheer can’t remember if

When they sheer can’t remember if they’re if they’re going to pop out onto the if they’re going to pop out onto the flowers if they’re going to pop out onto the flowers or to pop out onto the flowers or if if they’re going to pop out onto the flowers or

To pop out onto the flowers or if to pop out onto the flowers or if I to pop out onto the flowers or if I need to pop out onto the flowers or if I need to to pop out onto the flowers or if I need to or

To pop out onto the flowers or if I need to or fill if I need to or fill fall into Hoppers if I need to or fill fall into Hoppers underneath into Hoppers underneath It’s been a into Hoppers underneath it’s been a while into Hoppers underneath it’s been a

Into Hoppers underneath it’s been a while into Hoppers underneath it’s been a while since been a while since I’ve done this been a while since I’ve done this so been a while since I’ve done this so okay been a while since I’ve done this so okay and

Been a while since I’ve done this so okay been a while since I’ve done this so okay and done this so okay and then the other done this so okay and then the other thing done this so okay and then the other thing I’m other thing I’m going to need to do

Other thing I’m going to need to do is other thing I’m going to need to do is set other thing I’m going to need to do is set up I’m going to need to do is set up a I’m going to need to do is set up a temporary

I’m going to need to do is set up a temporary some up a temporary some temporary other I’m going to need to do is set up a temporary some up a temporary some temporary other up a temporary some temporary other things up a temporary some temporary other things cuz

Up a temporary some temporary other things cuz I other things cuz I need to get in up a temporary some temporary other things cuz up a temporary some temporary other things cuz I other things cuz I need to get in other things cuz I need to get in here

Other things cuz I need to get in here and other things cuz I need to get in here and as other things cuz I need to get in here and as I I need to get in here and as I said I need to get in here and as I said I need

I need to get in here and as I said I need I I need to get in here and as I said I need I need I said I need I need bees so I need I said I need I need bees so I need a

I said I need I need bees so I need a way I said I need I need bees so I need I said I need I need bees so I need a I said I need I need bees so I need a way

I said I need I need bees so I need a way of I said I need I need bees so I need a way of catching need a way of catching bees which need a way of catching bees which is need a way of catching bees which is going to

Need a way of catching bees which is going to be need a way of catching bees which is going to be its which is going to be its own special which is going to be its own special breed of fun which is going to be its own special breed of fun so

Special breed of fun so let’s see special breed of fun so let’s see now which is going to be its own special breed of fun so special breed of fun so let’s see special breed of fun so let’s see now special breed of fun so let’s see now I’m

Special breed of fun so let’s see now I’m see now I’m thinking I’m thinking see now I’m thinking I’m thinking I see now I’m thinking I’m thinking I this see now I’m thinking I’m thinking I this is I’m thinking I this is hard thinking I’m thinking I this is hard thinking is hard

I’m thinking I this is hard thinking is hard okay is hard thinking is hard okay got is hard thinking is hard okay got those is hard thinking is hard okay got those GR is hard thinking is hard okay got those grab is hard thinking is hard okay got those grab a

Is hard thinking is hard okay got those grab a cup is hard thinking is hard okay got those grab is hard thinking is hard okay got those grab a is hard thinking is hard okay got those grab a cup got those grab a cup of chests to

Got those grab a cup of chests to get got those grab a cup of chests to get started got those grab a cup of chests to get started with chests to get started with okay should chests to get started with okay should be chests to get started with okay should be okay

Started with okay should be okay for chests to get started with okay should chests to get started with okay should be chests to get started with okay should be okay started with okay should be okay for started with okay should be okay for the started with okay should be okay for the moments

Started with okay should be okay for the moments now for the moments now so they’re going to for the moments now so they’re going to go for the moments now so they’re going to for the moments now so they’re going to go moments now so they’re going to go in

Now so they’re going to go in there now so they’re going to go in there when now so they’re going to go in there when I need there when I need all right all right when I need all right all right so when I need all right all right so I

When I need all right all right so I think there when I need all right all right when I need all right all right so when I need all right all right so I when I need all right all right so I think

When I need all right all right so I think just when I need all right all right so I think just as a so I think just as a temporary thing so I think just as a temporary thing we’re just as a temporary thing we’re going to temporary thing we’re going to see

Temporary thing we’re going to see how so I think just as a temporary thing we’re just as a temporary thing we’re going to temporary thing we’re going to see temporary thing we’re going to see how temporary thing we’re going to see how this temporary thing we’re going to see how this works

See how this works but temporarily see how this works but temporarily we’re works but temporarily we’re going to works but temporarily we’re going to go see how this works but temporarily see how this works but temporarily we’re works but temporarily we’re going to works but temporarily we’re going to go

Works but temporarily we’re going to go this works but temporarily we’re going to go this way going to go this way actually I wonder this way actually I wonder all right this way actually I wonder all right hang this way actually I wonder all right hang on

This way actually I wonder all right this way actually I wonder all right hang this way actually I wonder all right hang on this way actually I wonder all right hang on let’s right hang on let’s get some other right hang on let’s get some other things

On let’s get some other things here on let’s get some other things here so on let’s get some other things here so let’s other things here so let’s grab these other things here so let’s grab these storage the storage toolbox grab the Redstone the storage toolbox grab the Redstone to

The storage toolbox grab the Redstone tool the storage toolbox grab the Redstone toolbox the storage toolbox grab the Redstone the storage toolbox grab the Redstone toolbox the storage toolbox grab the Redstone toolbox awesome Redstone toolbox awesome and what’s Redstone toolbox awesome and what’s actually Redstone toolbox awesome and let’s actually try

Redstone toolbox awesome and let’s actually try let’s actually try some inventory let’s actually try some inventory hoppers let’s actually try some inventory hoppers that let’s actually try some inventory hoppers that are inventory hoppers that are going to inventory hoppers that are going to come let’s actually try some inventory hoppers that

Let’s actually try some inventory hoppers that are inventory hoppers that are going to inventory hoppers that are going to come inventory hoppers that are going to come out inventory hoppers that are going to come out of inventory hoppers that are going to come out of here

To come out of here which means I to come out of here which means I need to come out of here which means I need oh to come out of here which means I need oh I’m to come out of here which means I need oh

To come out of here which means I need oh I’m here which means I need oh I’m just here which means I need oh I’m just about here which means I need oh I’m just about out here which means I need oh I’m just about out of

Just about out of cable well that’s just about out of cable well that’s just about out of cable well that’s silly just about out of cable well that’s silly let’s well that’s silly let’s go get some well that’s silly let’s go get some crapped up some craft up some cable yeah this

Some craft up some cable yeah this is some craft up some cable yeah this some craft up some cable yeah this is some craft up some cable yeah this is a some craft up some cable yeah this is a nice some craft up some cable yeah this is a nice little

This is a nice little farm I think this is a nice little farm I think that’ll this is a nice little farm I think that’ll tuck this is a nice little farm I think that’ll tuck in I think that’ll tuck in right over I think that’ll tuck in right over there

I think that’ll tuck in right over there cable I think that’ll tuck in right over there Cable over there Cable cable okay let’s over there Cable cable okay let’s over there Cable cable okay let’s do more over there Cable cable okay let’s do more cable let’s do more cable than that’s what

Let’s do more cable than that’s what am I over there Cable cable K let’s say over there Cable cable K let’s say oh over there Cable cable K let’s say over there Cable cable K let’s say oh over there Cable cable K let’s say oh flanks

Over there Cable cable K let’s say oh over there Cable cable K let’s say oh thanks cool say oh thanks cool I don’t know why say oh thanks cool I don’t know why thanks cool I don’t know why I was thanks cool I don’t know why I was going

Thanks cool I don’t know why I was going for don’t know why I was going for chest don’t know why I was going for chest but don’t know why I was going for chest but that’s don’t know why I was going for chest but that’s chest but that’s fine that will work

Chest but that’s fine that will work chest but that’s fine that will work okay chest but that’s fine that will work okay cable work okay cable cool that’s great work okay cable cool that’s great and work okay cable cool that’s great and I’m cable cool that’s great and I’m out

Cable cool that’s great and I’m out of that’s great and I’m out of chests that’s great and I’m out of chests just that’s great and I’m out of chests just cool out of chests just cool oh come on chests just cool oh come on come on

Chests just cool oh come on come on there chests just cool oh come on come on chests just cool oh come on come on there chests just cool oh come on come on there we chests just cool oh come on come on there we go on there we go plenty of chests okay

On there we go plenty of chests okay I don’t plenty of chests okay I don’t know plenty of chests okay I don’t know why on there we go plenty of chests okay I don’t plenty of chests okay I don’t know plenty of chests okay I don’t know why

Plenty of chests okay I don’t know why I chests okay I don’t know why I ended chests okay I don’t know why I ended up chests okay I don’t know why I ended up with chests okay I don’t know why I ended up with slabs ended up with slabs but we’re okay

Ended up with slabs but we’re okay but ended up with slabs but we’re okay but I slabs but we’re okay but I think I slabs but we’re okay but I think I have ended up with slabs but we’re okay but ended up with slabs but we’re okay but I

Slabs but we’re okay but I think I slabs but we’re okay but I think I have slabs but we’re okay but I think I have enough I have enough inventory cable to keep I have enough inventory cable to keep me I have enough inventory cable to keep me going

I have enough inventory cable to keep me going for inventory cable to keep me going for the inventory cable to keep me going for the moments inventory cable to keep me going for the moments yeah for the moments yeah this is going to inventory cable to keep me going for the moments yeah

For the moments yeah this is going to for the moments yeah this is going to be for the moments yeah this is going to be this for the moments yeah this is going to be this is going to be this is going to be good

For the moments yeah this is going to be this for the moments yeah this is going to be this is going to be this is going to be good going to be this is going to be good okay going to be good okay and we’ll see

Going to be good okay and we’ll see how going to be good okay and we’ll see how this going to be good okay and we’ll see how this works and we’ll see how this works I’m totally and we’ll see how this works I’m totally making

And we’ll see how this works I’m totally making works I’m totally making this up as I works I’m totally making this up as I go totally making this up as I go along totally making this up as I go along I’ve totally making this up as I go along I’ve DEC

Totally making this up as I go along I’ve decided totally making this up as I go along I’ve totally making this up as I go along I’ve decided totally making this up as I go along I’ve decided I along I’ve decided I want to go ahead

I’ve decided I want to go ahead and totally making this up as I go along I’ve decided I along I’ve decided I want to go ahead I’ve decided I want to go ahead and I’ve decided I want to go ahead and build I’ve decided I want to go ahead and build this

And build this little bee breeder and build this little bee breeder and this little bee breeder and honeycomb this little bee breeder and honeycomb Farm this little bee breeder and honeycomb farm this little bee breeder and honeycomb farm right honeycomb farm right here because honeycomb farm right here because you’re

Honeycomb farm right here because you’re keeping because you’re keeping the honeycomb because you’re keeping the honeycomb around because you’re keeping the honeycomb around to because you’re keeping the honeycomb around to be honeycomb around to be able to do honeycomb around to be able to do waxed

Honeycomb around to be able to do waxed copper honeycomb around to be able to do waxed copper and do waxed copper and stuff is probably do waxed copper and stuff is probably a do waxed copper and stuff is probably a good do waxed copper and stuff is probably a good idea

Do waxed copper and stuff is probably a good idea now probably a good idea now I was originally probably a good idea now I was originally going to originally going to set up with some originally going to set up with some regular originally going to set up with some regular hoppers

Set up with some regular hoppers but set up with some regular hoppers but I set up with some regular hoppers but I think set up with some regular hoppers but set up with some regular hoppers but I set up with some regular hoppers but I think

Set up with some regular hoppers but I think what set up with some regular hoppers but I think what I but I think what I can do is what but I think what I can do is what I’m but I think what I can do is what I’m hoping

But I think what I can do is what but I think what I can do is what I’m but I think what I can do is what I’m hoping but I think what I can do is what I’m hoping I but I think what I can do is what I’m hoping I can

What I’m hoping I can do is use some what I’m hoping I can do is use some of what I’m hoping I can do is use some of these what I’m hoping I can do is use some of what I’m hoping I can do is use some of these

What I’m hoping I can do is use some of these hop is use some of these Hopper invent is use some of these Hopper inventory is use some of these Hopper inventory is use some of these Hopper inventory Daily is use some of these Hopper inventory Daily Bumps

Inventory Daily Bumps right the Tom’s inventory Daily Bumps right the Tom’s simple Bumps right the Tom’s simple storage right the Tom’s simple storage stuff right the Tom’s simple storage stuff and right the Tom’s simple storage stuff and actually stuff and actually just tap right stuff and actually just tap right in

Stuff and actually just tap right in and stuff and actually just tap right in and maybe stuff and actually just tap right in and stuff and actually just tap right in and maybe stuff and actually just tap right in and maybe have stuff and actually just tap right in and maybe have

Right in and maybe have all of the right in and maybe have all of the honeycomb right in and maybe have all of the honeycomb directly the honeycomb directly go into the the honeycomb directly go into the main honeycomb directly go into the main storage directly go into the main storage which

Directly go into the main storage which would directly go into the main storage which would be directly go into the main storage which directly go into the main storage which would directly go into the main storage which would be storage which would be kind of Awesome

Storage which would be kind of Awesome now storage which would be kind of Awesome now I’m storage which would be kind of Awesome now I’m not Awesome now I’m not going to build Awesome now I’m not going to build all now I’m not going to build all the

Now I’m not going to build all the glass now I’m not going to build all the glass and now I’m not going to build all the glass and stuff the glass and stuff up first because the glass and stuff up first because I the glass and stuff up first because I do

The glass and stuff up first because I do need the glass and stuff up first because I do need to the glass and stuff up first because I do need to get because I do need to get all the bees because I do need to get all the bees bread

Because I do need to get all the bees bread which bees bread which I’ll need for the bees bread which I’ll need for the Honey bees bread which I’ll need for the Honey Farm bees bread which I’ll need for the Honey Farm but the Honey Farm but why not just leave

The Honey Farm but why not just leave the the Honey Farm but why not just leave the honeycomb leave the honeycomb up so yeah I’m leave the honeycomb up so yeah I’m leave the honeycomb up so yeah I’m going leave the honeycomb up so yeah I’m going to

Leave the honeycomb up so yeah I’m going to be honeycomb up so yeah I’m going to be building honeycomb up so yeah I’m going to be building a to be building a little something to be building a little something a to be building a little something a little

To be building a little something a little more little something a little more permanent little something a little more permanent than little something a little more permanent than I little something a little more permanent than I was permanent than I was originally expecting permanent than I was originally expecting okay

Permanent than I was originally expecting okay now permanent than I was originally expecting okay permanent than I was originally expecting okay now expecting okay now if this doesn’t expecting okay now if this doesn’t work expecting okay now if this doesn’t work with expecting okay now if this doesn’t work with the

Doesn’t work with the simple storage doesn’t work with the simple storage which doesn’t work with the simple storage which it with the simple storage which it might with the simple storage which it might it’s with the simple storage which it might it’s very might it’s very possible that will

Might it’s very possible that will work might it’s very possible that will work then will work then I’ll just put regular will work then I’ll just put regular will work then I’ll just put regular Hoppers will work then I’ll just put regular Hoppers here regular Hoppers here into it chest

Regular Hoppers here into it chest or Hoppers here into it chest or something regular Hoppers here into it chest regular Hoppers here into it chest or Hoppers here into it chest or something Hoppers here into it chest or something and Hoppers here into it chest or something and or

Into it chest or something and or maybe into it chest or something and or maybe you’re Hoppers here into it chest or something and or into it chest or something and or maybe into it chest or something and or maybe you’re or maybe you’re just run them right

Or maybe you’re just run them right into you’re just run them right into this you’re just run them right into this Vault you’re just run them right into this Vault and them right into this Vault and just right into this Vault and just suck right into this Vault and just suck everything

Right into this Vault and just suck everything down suck everything down from there okay suck everything down from there okay cool suck everything down from there okay suck everything down from there okay cool suck everything down from there okay cool the suck everything down from there okay cool the hives

Okay cool the hives are going to go okay cool the hives are going to go where okay cool the hives are going to go where the okay cool the hives are going to go where the dirt okay cool the hives are going to go where the dirt is

Go where the dirt is now what I’m go where the dirt is now what I’m going go where the dirt is now what I’m going to go where the dirt is now what I’m going to need go where the dirt is now what I’m going to need is

I’m going to need is some other stuff I’m going to need is some other stuff I’m going to need is some other stuff let’s I’m going to need is some other stuff let’s get stuff let’s get guess doesn’t matter stuff let’s get guess doesn’t matter what

Stuff let’s get guess doesn’t matter what I stuff let’s get guess doesn’t matter stuff let’s get guess doesn’t matter what stuff let’s get guess doesn’t matter what I stuff let’s get guess doesn’t matter what I put doesn’t matter what I put behind that doesn’t matter what I put behind that but

Doesn’t matter what I put behind that but I doesn’t matter what I put behind that but I think doesn’t matter what I put behind that but I doesn’t matter what I put behind that but I think behind that but I think just because behind that but I think just because of

Behind that but I think just because of the behind that but I think just because of the nature behind that but I think just because of the nature of because of the nature of things scr because of the nature of things scrap because of the nature of things grab some

Because of the nature of things grab some die because of the nature of things grab some Dior nature of things grab some die right because of the nature of things grab some nature of things grab some die right nature of things grab some die right oh

Nature of things grab some die right oh I nature of things grab some die right oh I even nature of things grab some die right oh I even have nature of things grab some die right oh nature of things grab some die right oh I

Nature of things grab some die right oh I even nature of things grab some die right oh I even have right oh I even have some cut and right oh I even have some cut and pol right oh I even have some cut and right oh I even have some cut and polish

Right oh I even have some cut and polish diorite have some cut and polish diorite come on have some cut and polish diorite come on right have some cut and polish diorite come on right here have some cut and polish diorite come on right

Have some cut and polish diorite come on right here polish diorite come on right here this polish diorite come on right here this is polish diorite come on right here this is great polish diorite come on right here this is great yeah right here this is great yeah I’ll

Right here this is great yeah I’ll hang right here this is great yeah I’ll hang on polish diorite come on right here this is great yeah right here this is great yeah I’ll right here this is great yeah I’ll hang right here this is great yeah I’ll hang on

Right here this is great yeah I’ll hang on to right here this is great yeah I’ll hang on to the I’ll hang on to the campfires I may I’ll hang on to the campfires I may not I’ll hang on to the campfires I may not need

I’ll hang on to the campfires I may not need them campfires I may not need them but we’ll campfires I may not need them but we’ll hang campfires I may not need them but we’ll hang on but we’ll hang on to them for now but we’ll hang on to them for now now

But we’ll hang on to them for now now I but we’ll hang on to them for now now I have but we’ll hang on to them for now now but we’ll hang on to them for now now I but we’ll hang on to them for now now I have

But we’ll hang on to them for now now I have kind but we’ll hang on to them for now now I have kind now now I have kind of forgotten how now now I have kind of forgotten how to now now I have kind of forgotten how to build

Now now I have kind of forgotten how to build one now now I have kind of forgotten how to build one of to build one of these things so we’re one of these things so we’re just one of these things so we’re just going to

One of these things so we’re just going to we one of these things so we’re just going to We Are one of these things so we’re just going to we one of these things so we’re just going to we are just going to we are going to fake

Just going to we are going to fake it just going to we are going to fake it something fake it something fierce oh I’m still fake it something fierce oh I’m Stone fake it something fierce oh I’m Stone br fake it something fierce oh I’m stone brick

Fake it something fierce oh I’m stone brick fake it something fierce oh I’m stone brick but something fierce oh I’m stone brick but I something fierce oh I’m stone brick but I could fake it something fierce oh I’m stone brick but something fierce oh I’m stone brick but I

Something fierce oh I’m stone brick but I could brick but I could use I often use brick but I could use I often use iron brick but I could use I often use iron block brick but I could use I often use iron blocks

Brick but I could use I often use iron blocks for brick but I could use I often use iron brick but I could use I often use iron blocks brick but I could use I often use iron blocks for I often use iron blocks for doing

I often use iron blocks for doing redstone I often use iron blocks for doing Redstone I often use iron blocks for doing Redstone but blocks for doing Redstone but I’ve blocks for doing Redstone but I’ve needed blocks for doing Redstone but I’ve needed the blocks for doing Redstone but I’ve needed the iron

But I’ve needed the iron so maybe but I’ve needed the iron so maybe that’s but I’ve needed the iron so maybe but I’ve needed the iron so maybe that’s but I’ve needed the iron so maybe that’s less maybe that’s less of a thing that’s maybe that’s less of a thing that’s fine

Maybe that’s less of a thing that’s maybe that’s less of a thing that’s fine that’s fine we’ll just grab some stone that’s fine we’ll just grab some stone brick stone brick it’s all behind the scenes stone brick it’s all behind the scenes you scenes you shouldn’t really see this

Scenes you shouldn’t really see this but shouldn’t really see this but I’m going shouldn’t really see this but I’m going to shouldn’t really see this but I’m going to put shouldn’t really see this but I’m going shouldn’t really see this but I’m going to shouldn’t really see this but I’m going to put

I’m going to put it up in here anyway I’m going to put it up in here anyway all right I’m going to put it up in here anyway all right 5 I’m going to put it up in here anyway all right 5K

I’m going to put it up in here anyway all right 5K anyway all right 5K that’s there clean anyway all right 5K that’s there clean out anyway all right 5K that’s there clean anyway all right 5K that’s there clean out clean out a little bit of space here

Out a little bit of space here all out a little bit of space here all right out a little bit of space here all out a little bit of space here all right little bit of space here all right and little bit of space here all right and now

Little bit of space here all right and now let’s little bit of space here all right and now let’s GR here all right and now let’s grab little bit of space here all right and now let’s here all right and now let’s grab here all right and now let’s grab some

Here all right and now let’s grab some compares grab some compares comparators can grab some compares comparators can read grab some compares comparators can grab some compares comparators can read some compares comparators can read the some compares comparators can read the strength some compares comparators can read the strength of

Comparators can read the strength of the comparators can read the strength of the hive comparators can read the strength of the hive through strength of the hive through the block strength of the hive through the block okay strength of the hive through the block okay which

Strength of the hive through the block okay which is strength of the hive through the block okay strength of the hive through the block okay which strength of the hive through the block okay which is I just need something to I I just I just need I just need something

I just need something to I just need something to Target I just need something to Target that’s I just need something to Target that’s not I just need something to Target that’s not how I just need something to Target that’s I just need something to Target that’s not

I just need something to Target that’s not how that’s not how that works and I need that’s not how that works and I need that’s not how that works and I need a that’s not how that works and I need a fifth that’s not how that works and I need a fifth one

Need a fifth one remember when I was need a fifth one remember when I was only need a fifth one remember when I was need a fifth one remember when I was only need a fifth one remember when I was only going

Need a fifth one remember when I was only going to do when I was only going to do four beehives when I was only going to do four beehives yes when I was only going to do four beehives yes that to do four beehives yes that that

To do four beehives yes that that is changed to do four beehives yes that that is changed we to do four beehives yes that that is changed we are that is changed we are absolutely that is changed we are absolutely doing that is changed we are absolutely doing five

That is changed we are absolutely doing five now that is changed we are absolutely doing five now and absolutely doing five now and we’ll absolutely doing five now and we’ll take absolutely doing five now and we’ll take all absolutely doing five now and we’ll take all of absolutely doing five now and we’ll

Absolutely doing five now and we’ll take absolutely doing five now and we’ll take all absolutely doing five now and we’ll take all of we’ll take all of these and put them we’ll take all of these and put them Just we’ll take all of these and put them just leave

We’ll take all of these and put them just we’ll take all of these and put them just leave them just leave them in the Redstone them just leave them in the Redstone toolbox them just leave them in the Redstone toolbox yep Redstone toolbox yep since I don’t

Redstone toolbox yep since I don’t have them just leave them in the Redstone toolbox yep Redstone toolbox yep since I don’t Redstone toolbox yep since I don’t have toolbox yep since I don’t have shelters toolbox yep since I don’t have shelters toolboxes shelters toolboxes are a way to get

Shelters toolboxes are a way to get some toolboxes are a way to get some of toolboxes are a way to get some of that shelters toolboxes are a way to get shelters toolboxes are a way to get some toolboxes are a way to get some of

Toolboxes are a way to get some of that of that functionality all right cool of that functionality all right cool so of that functionality all right cool so this of that functionality all right cool so this is of that functionality all right cool of that functionality all right cool so

Of that functionality all right cool so this of that functionality all right cool so this is all right cool so this is going to all right cool so this is going to come all right cool so this is going to come up all right cool so this is going to come up here

All right cool so this is going to come up here like all right cool so this is going to come up here like to come up here like that I have a to come up here like that I have a shovel here like that I have a shovel awesome

Here like that I have a shovel awesome so here like that I have a shovel awesome so that’s here like that I have a shovel awesome so here like that I have a shovel awesome so that’s awesome so that’s going to go that awesome so that’s going to go that way

Awesome so that’s going to go that way now awesome so that’s going to go that way now I awesome so that’s going to go that way now I think that way now I think what I’m going to that way now I think what I’m going to do

Awesome so that’s going to go that way now I awesome so that’s going to go that way now I think that way now I think what I’m going to that way now I think what I’m going to do now I think what I’m going to do here

Now I think what I’m going to do here too now I think what I’m going to do here too just now I think what I’m going to do here too just to here too just to keep things pretty here too just to keep things pretty is

Here too just to keep things pretty is let’s here too just to keep things pretty is let’s grab here too just to keep things pretty is here too just to keep things pretty is let’s here too just to keep things pretty is let’s grab pretty is let’s grab our diet right

Pretty is let’s grab our diet right and pretty is let’s grab our diet right and that’s pretty is let’s grab our diet right and pretty is let’s grab our diet right and that’s right and that’s going to come in right and that’s going to come in here

That’s going to come in here like that’s going to come in here like this that’s going to come in here like this all right like this all right now I ain’t going like this all right now I ain’t going to like this all right now I ain’t going to need

Like this all right now I ain’t going to need some like this all right now I ain’t going like this all right now I ain’t going to like this all right now I ain’t going to need like this all right now I ain’t going to need some

Going to need some shears but that’s some shears but that’s going to be going to need some shears but that’s some shears but that’s going to be some shears but that’s going to be for shears but that’s going to be for now but that’s going to be for now I’m

Shears but that’s going to be for shears but that’s going to be for now but that’s going to be for now I’m but that’s going to be for now I’m going to going to manual that up but we’ll going to manual that up but we’ll see

Going to manual that up but we’ll see how going to manual that up but we’ll see how that up but we’ll see how that goes here up but we’ll see how that goes here in up but we’ll see how that goes here in a little

Up but we’ll see how that goes here in a little bit here in a little bit okay and see here in a little bit okay and see I here in a little bit okay and see I forgot here in a little bit okay and see

Here in a little bit okay and see I here in a little bit okay and see I forgot here in a little bit okay and see I forgot today okay and see I forgot today all right so okay and see I forgot today all right so that’s

Okay and see I forgot today all right that’s okay and see I forgot today all right right so that’s going to go there that’s going to go there I’ll put that’s going to go there I’ll put a that’s going to go there I’ll put a wall

That’s going to go there I’ll put a wall in there I’ll put a wall in front of there I’ll put a wall in front of it there I’ll put a wall in front of it I there I’ll put a wall in front of it I do

There I’ll put a wall in front of it I do need there I’ll put a wall in front of it I do need to there I’ll put a wall in front of it I there I’ll put a wall in front of it I do

There I’ll put a wall in front of it I do need there I’ll put a wall in front of it I do need to of it I do need to close it in temporarily of it I do need to close it in temporarily anyway temporarily anyway okay so that’s

Temporarily anyway okay so that’s going to temporarily anyway okay so that’s going to go okay so that’s going to go there I’m okay so that’s going to go there I’m going okay so that’s going to go there I’m going to I’m going to need how’s it going r

I’m going to need how’s it going Rachel I’m going to need how’s it going Rachel I’m going to need how’s it going Rachel all right Rachel all right so that’s going to Rachel all right so that’s going to go I’m going to need how’s it going Rachel all right

Rachel all right so that’s going to Rachel all right so that’s going to go Rachel all right so that’s going to go there Rachel all right so that’s going to go there now so that’s going to go there now what so that’s going to go there now what I

So that’s going to go there now what I don’t so that’s going to go there now what so that’s going to go there now what I so that’s going to go there now what I don’t there now what I don’t remember is there now what I don’t remember is signal

Is signal strengths cuz this is going to is signal strengths cuz this is going to strengths cuz this is going to climb strengths cuz this is going to climb over strengths cuz this is going to climb over the strengths cuz this is going to climb over these

Cuz this is going to climb over these okay okay cuz this is going to climb over these okay just cuz this is going to climb over these okay okay just cuz this is going to climb over these okay okay just these okay okay just like this and

These okay okay just like this and now these okay just like this and now these okay just like this and now grab these okay just like this and now grab a these okay just like this and now grab a little these okay just like this and now grab a little red

These okay just like this and now grab these okay just like this and now grab a okay just like this and now grab a little okay just like this and now grab a little redstone little redstone okay and I actually little redstone okay and I actually don’t

Little redstone okay and I actually don’t partic little redstone okay and I actually don’t I actually don’t particularly care I actually don’t particularly care if I actually don’t particularly care if these I actually don’t particularly care if these get I actually don’t particularly care if these get if

Particularly care if these get if it powers I actually don’t particularly care if these get if particularly care if these get if it Powers particularly care if these get if it Powers all get if it Powers all of them I think get if it Powers all of them I think this

Get if it Powers all of them I think this is get if it Powers all of them I think this is okay get if it Powers all of them I think get if it Powers all of them I think this get if it Powers all of them I think this is

Get if it Powers all of them I think this is okay get if it Powers all of them I think this is okay I get if it Powers all of them I think this is okay I this is okay I think we’re going to this is okay I think we’re going to find

This is okay I think we’re going to find out this is okay I think we’re going to this is okay I think we’re going to find this is okay I think we’re going to find out this is okay I think we’re going to find out if

We’re going to find out if it’s not we’re going to find out if it’s not I we’re going to find out if it’s not I can if it’s not I can always push this if it’s not I can always push this back if it’s not I can always push this

If it’s not I can always push this back not I can always push this back a little not I can always push this back a little but not I can always push this back a little but I not I can always push this back a little but I think

A little but I think we’ll be okay not I can always push this back a little but I not I can always push this back a little but I think a little but I think we’ll be okay a little but I think we’ll be okay it’s

A little but I think we’ll be okay through four a little but I think we’ll be okay three four think we’ll be okay three four yeah think we’ll be okay three four yeah I think we’ll be okay three four yeah I think think we’ll be okay three four yeah

Think we’ll be okay three four yeah I think we’ll be okay three four yeah I think think we’ll be okay three four yeah I think yeah yeah I think yeah well we’ll find yeah I think yeah well we’ll find out yeah I think yeah well we’ll find out won’t we

Well we’ll find out won’t we all right well we’ll find out won’t we all right so find out won’t we all right so that find out won’t we all right so that block find out won’t we all right so that find out won’t we all right so that block

Find out won’t we all right so that block down we all right so that block down there we all right so that block down there and we all right so that block down there and down we all right so that block down there and down there there and down there looks like it’s

There and down there looks like it’s look down there looks like it’s looks like there looks like it’s looks like George down there looks like it’s looks like there looks like it’s looks like George there looks like it’s looks like George Washington George Washington you know it it does

George Washington you know it it does I George Washington you know it it does I can’t George Washington you know it it does I can’t help know it it does I can’t help that know it it does I can’t help that I’m know it it does I can’t help that I’m going to

That I’m going to have to change it that I’m going to have to change it so that I’m going to have to change it so it it so it doesn’t look like George it so it doesn’t look like George Washington it so it doesn’t look like George Washington but

George Washington but the this totally George Washington but the this totally looks George Washington but the this totally looks like totally looks like George Washington totally looks like George Washington all right totally looks like George Washington all right so Washington all right so that’s all totally looks like George Washington all right

Totally looks like George Washington all right so Washington all right so that’s all Washington all right so that’s all going Washington all right so that’s all going to Washington all right so that’s all going to go all going to go there like that will all going to go there like that will put

Go there like that will put the hives go there like that will put the hives in go there like that will put the hives in and go there like that will put the hives in and I’ll hives in and I’ll eventually block hives in and I’ll eventually block that

Hives in and I’ll eventually block that off hives in and I’ll eventually block that off but block that off but before I do that block that off but before I do that block that off but before I do that oh block that off but before I do that oh man

Block that off but before I do that oh man I’m that oh man I’m going to put this that oh man I’m going to put this red that oh man I’m going to put this that oh man I’m going to put this Redstone that oh man I’m going to put this Redstone away

Going to put this Redstone away okay going to put this Redstone away okay and going to put this Redstone away okay and let’s going to put this Redstone away okay going to put this Redstone away okay and going to put this Redstone away okay and let’s

Okay and let’s get some get some temp okay and let’s get some get some tempor let’s get some get some temporary let’s get some get some temporary stuff let’s get some get some temporary stuff and let’s get some get some temporary stuff and some let’s get some get some temporary stuff and

Let’s get some get some temporary stuff and some temporary stuff and some not so temporary temporary stuff and some not so temporary stuff some not so temporary stuff all right some not so temporary stuff all right was some not so temporary stuff all right was nothing

Some not so temporary stuff all right was some not so temporary stuff all right was nothing all right was nothing too crazy just all right was nothing too crazy just just all right was nothing too crazy just just making all right was nothing too crazy just just

All right was nothing too crazy just just making just just making sure that the text just just making sure that the text I’m making sure that the text I’m getting I’m getting I’m getting are in fact I’m getting I’m getting are in fact not I’m getting I’m getting are in fact not a

I’m getting I’m getting are in fact not a big fact not a big deal they’re not okay fact not a big deal they’re not okay those big deal they’re not okay those are big deal they’re not okay those are cracked big deal they’re not okay those are

Big deal they’re not okay those are cracks are cracks uncracked ones for now are cracks uncracked ones for now and are cracks uncracked ones for now and GR are cracks uncracked ones for now and grab are cracks uncracked ones for now and grab just are cracks uncracked ones for now and grab

Are cracks uncracked ones for now and grab just are cracks uncracked ones for now and grab just a ones for now and grab just a door ones for now and grab just a door that ones for now and grab just a door that this

Ones for now and grab just a door that this is ones for now and grab just a door that ones for now and grab just a door that this ones for now and grab just a door that this is ones for now and grab just a door that this is all

Ones for now and grab just a door that this is all door that this is all very temporary all very temporary okay so there Phil all very temporary okay so there Phil f all very temporary okay so there Phil fill all very temporary okay so there Phil fill those

All very temporary okay so there Phil fill all very temporary okay so there Phil fill those okay so there Phil fill those in all right now yeah so there Phil fill those in all right now yeah just right now yeah just take all of this right now yeah just take all of this

Right now yeah just take all of this out right now yeah just take all of this out this just take all of this out this way just take all of this out this way and just take all of this out this way and what of this out this way and what I want

Of this out this way and what I want to out this way and what I want to do of this out this way and what I want of this out this way and what I want to out this way and what I want to do

This way and what I want to do see this way and what I want to do see how this way and what I want to do see how do and what I want to do see how do I and what I want to do see how do I want

And what I want to do see how do I want to this way and what I want to do see this way and what I want to do see how this way and what I want to do see how do and what I want to do see how do I

And what I want to do see how do I want and what I want to do see how do I want to and what I want to do see how do I want to set and what I want to do see how do I want to set this

I want to set this up I think what want to set this up I think what I’ll want to set this up I think what I’ll do I want to set this up I think what want to set this up I think what I’ll

Want to set this up I think what I’ll do want to set this up I think what I’ll do is want to set this up I think what I’ll do is all I think what I’ll do is all set up I think what I’ll do is all set up event

I think what I’ll do is all set up eventually I think what I’ll do is all set up eventually cuz up eventually cuz the the problem up eventually cuz the the problem is up eventually cuz the the problem is I up eventually cuz the the problem is I need

Up eventually cuz the the problem is I need beehives problem is I need beehives and I can’t is I need beehives and I can’t get is I need beehives and I can’t get hives is I need beehives and I can’t get hives without get hives without getting the the

Get hives without getting the the other get hives without getting the the other stuff get hives without getting the the get hives without getting the the other get hives without getting the the other stuff get hives without getting the the other stuff first the other stuff first the honeycomb

The other stuff first the honeycomb okay the other stuff first the honeycomb okay which the other stuff first the honeycomb okay which is honeycomb okay which is fine we’ll honeycomb okay which is fine we’ll honeycomb okay which is fine we’ll deal honeycomb okay which is fine we’ll deal with

Honeycomb okay which is fine we’ll deal with that we’ll deal with that all right let’s we’ll deal with that all right let’s grab with that all right let’s grab some iron with that all right let’s grab some iron that’s with that all right let’s grab some iron that’s

Some iron that’s why I can craft up some iron that’s why I can craft up some some iron that’s why I can craft up some iron that’s why I can craft up some that’s why I can craft up some shears that’s why I can craft up some shears all right

Shears all right and sleep in the shears all right and sleep in the bed and sleep in the bed to sleep in the and sleep in the bed to sleep in the bed and sleep in the bed to sleep in the bed all

And sleep in the bed to sleep in the bed all gonna to sleep in the bed all gonna sleep to sleep in the bed all gonna sleep in bed to sleep in the bed all gonna sleep in bed or to sleep in the bed all gonna sleep in bed or

Sleep in bed or you know not come on sleep in bed or you know not come on thank sleep in bed or you know not come on thank you sleep in bed or you know not come on thank sleep in bed or you know not come on thank you

Come on thank you we’re good things come on thank you we’re good things happy come on thank you we’re good things happy all you we’re good things happy all right you we’re good things happy all right so you we’re good things happy all right so let’s

Happy all right so let’s go ahead and happy all right so let’s go ahead and and happy all right so let’s go ahead and and this happy all right so let’s go ahead and and this is happy all right so let’s go ahead and and

Happy all right so let’s go ahead and and this happy all right so let’s go ahead and and this is ahead and and this is the dirt the ahead and and this is the dirt the whole and this is the dirt the whole temporary is the dirt the whole temporary part

Is the dirt the whole temporary part of is the dirt the whole temporary part of this temporary part of this all right and temporary part of this all right and then temporary part of this all right and temporary part of this all right and then

Temporary part of this all right and then what temporary part of this all right and then what I’m and then what I’m going to need to and then what I’m going to need to do and then what I’m going to need to do is

And then what I’m going to need to do is okay and then what I’m going to need to do is okay I going to need to do is okay I want to going to need to do is okay I’m going to going to need to do is okay I want to give

Going to need to do is okay I want to give myself and then what I’m going to need to do is okay going to need to do is okay I want to give going to need to do is okay I want to give myself

Going to need to do is okay I want to give myself a want to give myself a little extra want to give myself a little extra room going to give myself a little extra room here going to give myself a little extra room here all little extra room here all right and

Going to give myself a little extra room here all little extra room here all right and little extra room here all right and I little extra room here all right and I want to little extra room here all right and I want to do

Little extra room here all right and I want to do is little extra room here all right and I little extra room here all right and I want to little extra room here all right and I want to do little extra room here all right and I want to do is

And I want to do is I’m going to set and I want to do is I’m going to set up and I want to do is I’m going to set up some I’m going to set up some campfires I’m going to set up some campfires for

I’m going to set up some campfires for five I’m going to set up some campfires for I’m going to set up some campfires for five up some campfires for five right there up some campfires for five right there and up some campfires for five right there and I

Up some campfires for five right there and I will up some campfires for five right there and up some campfires for five right there and I up some campfires for five right there and I will there and I will eventually put be there and I will eventually put be

There and I will eventually put be nests there and I will eventually put be nests on there and I will eventually put be nests on top eventually put be nests on top of eventually put be nests on top of those eventually put be nests on top of those campfires

Nests on top of those campfires okay nests on top of those campfires it’s nests on top of those campfires it’s going nests on top of those campfires it’s nests on top of those campfires it’s going campfires it’s going to slap a door campfires it’s going to slap a door in here

Campfires it’s going to slap a door in here and door in here and just because I get here and just because I get paranoid here and just because I get paranoid with here and just because I get paranoid with bees paranoid with bees I’m going to sit

Paranoid with bees I’m going to set up paranoid with bees I’m going to sit up bees I’m going to set up an airlock bees I’m going to set up an airlock okay bees I’m going to set up an airlock okay oh bees I’m going to set up an airlock okay oh I

Bees I’m going to set up an airlock okay oh bees I’m going to set up an airlock okay oh I airlock okay oh I should block those airlock okay oh I should block those off airlock okay oh I should block those airlock okay oh I should block those off

Okay oh I should block those off be okay oh I should block those off bees okay oh I should block those off bees will okay oh I should block those off bees will AB okay oh I should block those off bees will Absol okay oh I should block those off bees will absolutely

Okay oh I should block those off bees okay oh I should block those off bees will okay oh I should block those off bees will absolutely bees will absolutely fly into that will absolutely fly into that fire will absolutely fly into that fire whether absolutely fly into that fire whether they

Absolutely fly into that fire whether they want absolutely fly into that fire whether they want to that fire whether they want to or not that fire whether they want to or not and that fire whether they want to or not and that’s or not and that’s not going to be

Or not and that’s not going to be good or not and that’s not going to be good okay or not and that’s not going to be good okay TR or not and that’s not going to be good okay trap or not and that’s not going to be good okay trapd

Or not and that’s not going to be good okay trap do or not and that’s not going to be good okay trap be good okay trap tours that’s Spruce be good okay trap tours that’s Spruce ones be good okay trap tours that’s Spruce ones are Spruce ones are fine again it’s all

Ones are fine again it’s all temporary are fine again it’s all temporary so are fine again it’s all temporary so doesn’t are fine again it’s all temporary so doesn’t temporary so doesn’t matter what’s what what’s what materials at least the what’s what materials at least the breeder materials at least the breeder portion

Materials at least the breeder portion of materials at least the breeder portion of this materials at least the breeder portion of this is portion of this is made out of all right portion of this is made out of all right so portion of this is made out of all right so that’s

Portion of this is made out of all right so portion of this is made out of all right so that’s all right so that’s all going to go all right so that’s all going to go there all right so that’s all going to go there and

All right so that’s all going to go there and the go there and the other thing I want to all right so that’s all going to go there and the go there and the other thing I want to and the other thing I want to do here

And the other thing I want to do here is and the other thing I want to do here is five and the other thing I want to do here is five I’m and the other thing I want to do here is five

And the other thing I want to do here is five I’m here is five I’m going to put some here is five I’m going to put some trap here is five I’m going to put some trap doors here is five I’m going to put some trap doors here

Some trap doors here the the bees some trap doors here the the bees are some trap doors here the the bees some trap doors here the the bees are some trap doors here the the bees are not doors here the the bees are not going to

Doors here the the bees are not going to be doors here the the bees are not going to be able to going to be able to leave these hives able to leave these hives because able to leave these hives because of able to leave these hives because of this

Able to leave these hives because of this trap able to leave these hives because of this trap door because of this trap door is here because of this trap door is here but because of this trap door is here but they because of this trap door is here but they will

Because of this trap door is here but they will be because of this trap door is here but because of this trap door is here but they because of this trap door is here but they will because of this trap door is here but they will be

Here but they will be able to fly here but they will be able to fly into here but they will be able to fly into them here but they will be able to fly into them so here but they will be able to fly into them so that

Fly into them so that’ll be nice right into them so that’ll be nice right okay into them so that’ll be nice right okay so into them so that’ll be nice right okay into them so that’ll be nice right okay so right okay so let’s go and close that

Right okay so let’s go and close that for right okay so it’s going to close that for now it’s going to close that for now and it’s going to close that for now and we’ll for now and we’ll have to I have to for now and we’ll have to I have to get

For now and we’ll have to I have to get the for now and we’ll have to I have to get the honey to get the honeycomb working first to get the honeycomb working first to get the honeycomb working first and the honeycomb working first and then the honeycomb working first and then we

The honeycomb working first and then we can the honeycomb working first and then we can worry then we can worry about the breeder we can worry about the breeder I have we can worry about the breeder I have we can worry about the breeder I have a

We can worry about the breeder I have a very have a very temporary thing now what’s have a very temporary thing now what’s going to now what’s going to happen here take now what’s going to happen here take this now what’s going to happen here take this dirt

Now what’s going to happen here take this dirt out take this dirt out and the beehives take this dirt out and the beehives are take this dirt out and the beehives are going to take this dirt out and the beehives are going to go beehives are going to go there now

Beehives are going to go there now I beehives are going to go there now I should beehives are going to go there now I should probably now I should probably oops that’s now I should probably oops that’s not now I should probably oops that’s not where

Now I should probably oops that’s not where I now I should probably oops that’s not where I want that’s not where I want that to go that’s not where I want that to go I that’s not where I want that to go I should that’s not where I want that to go I

That’s not where I want that to go I should go I should probably you know probably you know probably you know block those off probably you know block those off just probably you know block those off just in probably you know block those off just in case

Probably you know block those off just in case but off just in case but the next thing off just in case but the next thing I’m off just in case but the next thing I’m going to thing I’m going to do is oops go get

Thing I’m going to do is oops go get the thing I’m going to do is oops go get the hives thing I’m going to do is oops go get the hives or do is oops go get the hives or the do is oops go get the hives or the bee

Do is oops go get the hives or the bee nests do is oops go get the hives or the bee nests and do is oops go get the hives or the bee nests and put the bee nests and put them in here the bee nests and put them in here now

The bee nests and put them in here now the the bee nests and put them in here now the cool the bee nests and put them in here now the bee nests and put them in here now the the bee nests and put them in here now the cool

Here now the cool thing is cherry here now the cool thing is cherry blossoms here now the cool thing is cherry blossoms are cherry blossoms are flowers according cherry blossoms are flowers according to blossoms are flowers according to bees blossoms are flowers according to bees and

Blossoms are flowers according to bees and they blossoms are flowers according to bees and they will to bees and they will pollinate off to bees and they will pollinate off of to bees and they will pollinate off of these to bees and they will pollinate off of these flowers

Off of these flowers which is great off of these flowers which is great and off of these flowers which is great and then off of these flowers which is great and off of these flowers which is great and then great and then hopefully assuming great and then hopefully assuming I’ve

Great and then hopefully assuming I’ve got great and then hopefully assuming I’ve got my assuming I’ve got my Redstone set assuming I’ve got my Redstone set up got my Redstone set up correctly back got my Redstone set up correctly back here got my Redstone set up correctly back here which

Got my Redstone set up correctly back here which is back here which is always a question back here which is always a question this back here which is always a question that should question that should automatically back here which is always a question that should question that should automatically

Question that should automatically Harvest question that should automatically harvest question that should automatically harvest the question that should automatically harvest the the automatically harvest the honeycomb automatically harvest the honeycomb but automatically harvest the honeycomb but if automatically harvest the honeycomb but if it harvest the honeycomb but if it doesn’t

Automatically harvest the honeycomb but automatically harvest the honeycomb but if automatically harvest the honeycomb but if it harvest the honeycomb but if it doesn’t harvest the honeycomb but if it doesn’t if harvest the honeycomb but if it doesn’t if these harvest the honeycomb but if it doesn’t if

Harvest the honeycomb but if it doesn’t if these doesn’t if these inventory Hoppers doesn’t if these inventory Hoppers don’t doesn’t if these inventory Hoppers don’t work inventory Hoppers don’t work well then inventory Hoppers don’t work well then I’ll inventory Hoppers don’t work well then I’ll put work well then I’ll put in regular

Work well then I’ll put in regular Hoppers work well then I’ll put in regular Hoppers and regular Hoppers and again we’ll see regular Hoppers and again we’ll see how regular Hoppers and again we’ll see how this regular Hoppers and again we’ll see how this all see how this all goes all right so

See how this all goes all right so let’s see how this all goes all right so let’s get see how this all goes all right so let’s get the so let’s get the nests and get the so let’s get the nests and get the nest

So let’s get the nests and get the nest and so let’s get the nests and get the nest and get and get the nest and get some shears and get the nest and get some shears to and get the nest and get some shears to Prime

And get the nest and get some shears to prime those and get the nest and get some shears to prime and get the nest and get some shears to prime those shears to prime those dispensers man shears to prime those dispensers man I shears to prime those dispensers man I it

Shears to prime those dispensers man I itch shears to prime those dispensers man I itch today shears to prime those dispensers man I shears to prime those dispensers man I itch shears to prime those dispensers man I itch today man I itch today it’s just one of those

Itch today it’s just one of those days itch today it’s just one of those days I itch today it’s just one of those days I got those days I got random weird complaints those days I got random weird complaints okay those days I got random weird complaints okay oh

Those days I got random weird complaints okay those days I got random weird complaints okay hi complaints okay High the nests B which complaints okay High the nests B which is complaints okay High the nests B which is not complaints okay High the nests B which is not over

Which is not over here it’s over here not over here it’s over here okay not over here it’s over here okay now over here it’s over here okay now I over here it’s over here okay now I am not over here it’s over here okay now

Over here it’s over here okay now I over here it’s over here okay now I am over here it’s over here okay now I am going to now I am going to have to set up a little now I am going to have to set up a little bit

Now I am going to have to set up a little bit of now I am going to have to set up a little bit of a set up a little bit of a flower farm a little bit of a flower farm as well a little bit of a flower farm as well so

A little bit of a flower farm as well so temp a little bit of a flower farm as well so tempor a little bit of a flower farm as well so temporary a little bit of a flower farm as well so temporary well so temporary but I believe I’ve

Well so temporary but I believe I’ve got well so temporary but I believe I’ve got some well so temporary but I believe I’ve got some I well so temporary but I believe I’ve got some I I’ve got some I should have some roses some I should have some roses or yes

Some I should have some roses or yes I’ve some I should have some roses or yes I’ve got some I should have some roses or yes I’ve got some some I should have some roses or yes some I should have some roses or yes I’ve

Some I should have some roses or yes I’ve got some I should have some roses or yes I’ve got some yes I’ve got some roses perfect so I’ve got some roses perfect so I can I’ve got some roses perfect so I can I I’ve got some roses perfect so I can I can

I’ve got some roses perfect so I can I can use I’ve got some roses perfect so I can I I’ve got some roses perfect so I can I can I’ve got some roses perfect so I can I can use so I can I can use those just one

So I can I can use those just one though so I can I can use those just one though please so I can I can use those just one though please and so I can I can use those just one though please and one though please and bone meal okay

Please and bone meal okay perfect please and bone meal okay perfect all please and bone meal okay perfect all right please and bone meal okay perfect all right and please and bone meal okay perfect all right and you perfect all right and you know what perfect all right and you know what I

Perfect all right and you know what I want right and you know what I want to right and you know what I want to bring right and you know what I want to bring a right and you know what I want to bring a couple

Right and you know what I want to bring a couple of right you know what I want to bring a couple of right you know what I want to bring a couple of ch I want to bring a couple of chest I want to bring a couple of chest with

I want to bring a couple of chest with me I want to bring a couple of chest I want to bring a couple of chest with I want to bring a couple of chest with me I want to bring a couple of chest with me just

I want to bring a couple of chest with me just so I want to bring a couple of chest with me just I want to bring a couple of chest with me just so chest with me just so I’ve got a little chest with me just so I’ve got a little bit

Chest with me just so I’ve got a little bit of little bit of extra storage in case little bit of extra storage in case I little bit of extra storage in case I need extra storage in case I need it just extra storage in case I need it just a

Extra storage in case I need it just a just extra storage in case I need it just a just a extra storage in case I need it just a just a dump just a dump chest you know you need just a dump chest you know you need those

Just a dump chest you know you need just a dump chest you know you need those just a dump chest you know you need those on just a dump chest you know you need those on occasion need those on occasion doesn’t matter need those on occasion doesn’t matter how

Need those on occasion doesn’t matter how much need those on occasion doesn’t matter how much of need those on occasion doesn’t matter how need those on occasion doesn’t matter how much need those on occasion doesn’t matter how much of doesn’t matter how much of a storage system storage system you’ve got or anything

Storage system you’ve got or anything else storage system you’ve got or anything else every you’ve got or anything else every once every once awhile you just need a every once awhile you just need a dump every once in a while you just need a dump chest

Every once in a while you just need a dump chest I need a dump chest I don’t know why every once in a while you just need a dump chest I need a dump chest I don’t know why need a dump chest I don’t know why it

Need a dump chest I don’t know why it said need a dump chest I don’t know why it said that need a dump chest I don’t know why it said that was I don’t know why it said that was a I don’t know why it said that was a link

I don’t know why it said that was a link there was a link there Rachel but okay so was a link there Rachel but okay so let’s was a link there Rachel but okay so let’s now was a link there Rachel but okay so was a link there Rachel but okay so let’s

Was a link there Rachel but okay so let’s now was a link there Rachel but okay so let’s now get so let’s now get the nest in place so let’s now get the nest in place and so let’s now get the nest in place and I

So let’s now get the nest in place and I don’t so let’s now get the nest in place and so let’s now get the nest in place and I so let’s now get the nest in place and I don’t in place and I don’t see a link in

Place and I don’t see a link in there place and I don’t see a link in there but place and I don’t see a link in there but that place and I don’t see a link in there but that was place and I don’t see a link in there but that

Place and I don’t see a link in there but that was but that was just weird all right but that was just weird all right hang but that was just weird all right hang on but that was just weird all right hang on let

But that was just weird all right hang on let me but that was just weird all right hang but that was just weird all right hang on but that was just weird all right hang on let but that was just weird all right hang on let me

Right hang on let me just double check hang on let me just double check something hang on let me just double check something here hang on let me just double check something here too something here too in here somewhere double check something here too mod double check something here too Moder

Double check something here too moderation something here too moderation I can something here too moderation I can find something here too moderation I can find you double check something here too moderation something here too moderation okay moderation okay okay moderation okay okay I moderation okay okay moderation okay okay I want to just

Moderation okay okay I want to just turn moderation okay okay I want to just turn off moderation okay okay I want to just turn off link just turn off link blocking and mix just turn off link blocking and mix it just turn off link blocking and mix it up

Off link blocking and mix it up which link blocking and mix it up which I link blocking and mix it up which I think link blocking and mix it up which I think is link blocking and mix it up which I think is what which I think is what killed that

Which I think is what killed that YouTube which I think is what killed that YouTube is which I think is what killed that YouTube is already that YouTube is already blocking it that YouTube is already blocking it so that YouTube is already blocking it so all

That YouTube is already blocking it so all right it so all right sweets we have bees it so all right sweets we have bees Wonder it so all right sweets we have bees wonderful it so all right sweets we have bees wonderful okay all right sweets we have bees wonderful okay open

All right sweets we have bees wonderful okay open sweets we have bees wonderful okay open the land no wonderful okay open the land no cat all okay open the land no cat all right okay open the land no cat all right so okay open the land no cat all right so let’s

Okay open the land no cat all okay open the land no cat all right okay open the land no cat all right so okay open the land no cat all right so let’s okay open the land no cat all right so let’s get right so let’s get ourselves some

So let’s get ourselves some flowers ourselves some flowers too tall flowers ourselves some flowers too tall flowers some flowers too tall flowers are some flowers too tall flowers are nice some flowers too tall flowers are nice and some flowers too tall flowers are nice and a

Some flowers too tall flowers are nice and aside some flowers too tall flowers are nice and some flowers too tall flowers are nice and aside are nice and aside from the fact you’re are nice and aside from the fact you’re not aside from the fact you’re not actually

Aside from the fact you’re not actually on aside from the fact you’re not actually on my aside from the fact you’re not actually on my land not actually on my land so yeah that’s not actually on my land so yeah that’s not actually on my land so yeah that’s I’ve

That’s I’ve certainly not opening that’s I’ve certainly not opening my that’s I’ve certainly not opening my firewall opening my firewall and giving you opening my firewall and giving you access opening my firewall and giving you access through opening my firewall and giving you access through the you access through the internet that

You access through the internet that would you access through the internet that would be you access through the internet that you access through the internet that would you access through the internet that would be you access through the internet that would be just that would be just weird okay flowers

That would be just weird okay flowers perfect that would be just weird okay flowers perfect now that would be just weird okay flowers perfect now I that would be just weird okay flowers perfect now I flowers perfect now I want to peek flowers perfect now I want to peek in

Flowers perfect now I want to peek in here flowers perfect now I want to peek in here today flowers perfect now I want to peek in here today not flowers perfect now I want to peek in here today flowers perfect now I want to peek in here today not

Peek in here today not now I’m worried I want to peek in here today not now I’m I want to peek in here today not now I’m worried today not now I’m worried now today not now I’m worried now maybe today not now I’m worried now maybe they

Today not now I’m worried now maybe they won’t today not now I’m worried now today not now I’m worried now maybe today not now I’m worried now maybe they today not now I’m worried now maybe they won’t maybe they won’t I didn’t look to maybe they won’t I didn’t look to see

Maybe they won’t I didn’t look to see if won’t I didn’t look to see if they were look to see if they’re pollinating look to see if they’re pollinating I look to see if they’re pollinating I guess look to see if they’re pollinating I guess we’ll look to see if they’re pollinating I

Look to see if they’re pollinating I guess pollinating I guess I guess we’ll pollinating I guess I guess we’ll find pollinating I guess I guess we’ll find out pollinating I guess I guess we’ll find out when we’ll find out when they pop out here we’ll find out when they pop out here in

When they pop out here in a minute when they pop out here in a minute yeah pop out here in a minute yeah there pop out here in a minute yeah there we go pop out here in a minute yeah there we go honey

Pop out here in a minute yeah there we go honey there we go honey level one yeah okay there we go honey level one yeah okay yeah there we go honey level one yeah okay yeah this there we go honey level one yeah okay yeah this is

There we go honey level one yeah okay yeah there we go honey level one yeah okay yeah this there we go honey level one yeah okay yeah this is okay yeah this is working fine so okay yeah this is working fine so the okay yeah this is working fine so the be

Okay yeah this is working fine so okay yeah this is working fine so the okay yeah this is working fine so the bees this is working fine so the bees do this is working fine so the bees do their this is working fine so the bees do their little

This is working fine so the bees do their little B bees do their little B dance and dance bees do their little B dance and dance make bees do their little B dance and dance making bees do their little B dance and dance make another dance and dance make another pollen

Bees do their little B dance and dance make another dance and dance make another pollen dance and dance make another pollen get dance and dance make another pollen get down dance and dance make another pollen Get Down Tonight dance and dance make another pollen Get dance and dance make another pollen Get Down

Dance and dance make another pollen Get Down Tonight pollen Get Down Tonight we’re really Get Down Tonight we’re really I’m Get Down Tonight we’re really really Tonight we’re really really reaching Tonight we’re really really reaching for Tonight we’re really really reaching for the Tonight we’re really really reaching for the old

Really reaching for the old songs today really reaching for the old songs today yeah really reaching for the old songs today yeah okay the old songs today yeah okay perfect the old songs today yeah okay perfect they’re perfect they’re pollinating and everything perfect they’re pollinating and everything Wonder everything wonderful all right so

Everything wonderful all right so now everything wonderful all right so everything wonderful all right so now everything wonderful all right so now it’s everything wonderful all right so now it’s just so now it’s just a matter of checking so now it’s just a matter of checking these

Just a matter of checking these honey matter of checking these honey levels matter of checking these honey levels and matter of checking these honey levels and this matter of checking these honey levels and this is matter of checking these honey levels and matter of checking these honey levels and this

Matter of checking these honey levels and this is levels and this is going to take a levels and this is going to take a little levels and this is going to take a little while levels and this is going to take a little while I a little while I think oh right I’m

Little while I think oh right I’m blocked little while I think oh right I’m blocked myself oh right I’m blocked myself out cool kid awesome cool kid awesome so yeah so now we’ve cool kid awesome so yeah so now we’ve got cool kid awesome so yeah so now we’ve got red

We’ve got Redstone up to here power got Redstone up to here power one got Redstone up to here power one ah got Redstone up to here power one okay got Redstone up to here power one okay cuz got Redstone up to here power one okay cuz this

Got Redstone up to here power one okay cuz got Redstone up to here power one okay cuz this one okay cuz this is Nest honey level okay cuz this is Nest honey level three okay cuz this is Nest honey level 3 okay cuz this is Nest honey level 3 which

Okay cuz this is Nest honey level 3 which is okay cuz this is Nest honey level 3 which is up okay cuz this is Nest honey level 3 which is up to okay cuz this is Nest honey level 3 which okay cuz this is Nest honey level 3 which is

Okay cuz this is Nest honey level 3 which is up okay cuz this is Nest honey level 3 which is up to level 3 which is up to there okay level 3 which is up to there okay cool which is up to there okay cool let’s

Which is up to there okay cool let’s grab which is up to there okay cool let’s grab some let’s grab some shears put one set of Cheers let’s grab some shears put one set of Cheers in some cheers in each of these all right some cheers in each of these all right hope

Some cheers in each of these all right hopefully some cheers in each of these all right hopefully this some cheers in each of these all right hopefully some cheers in each of these all right hopefully this these all right hopefully this will these all right hopefully this will work

These all right hopefully this will work if these all right hopefully this will work if it will work if it doesn’t it doesn’t work if it doesn’t it doesn’t we’ll work if it doesn’t it doesn’t we’ll I’ll doesn’t it doesn’t we’ll I’ll deal doesn’t it doesn’t we’ll I’ll deal with

Doesn’t it doesn’t we’ll I’ll deal with it deal with it in some way but cheers deal with it in some way but cheers there we deal with it in some way but cheers there we go deal with it in some way but we go

Deal with it in some way but we go all deal with it in some way but we go all right deal with it in some way but we go all right so deal with it in some way but we go all right so go all right so let’s see now oh what

Go all right so let’s see now oh what I go all right so let’s see now oh what I should go all right so let’s see now oh what I should do go all right so let’s see now oh what go all right so let’s see now oh what I

Go all right so let’s see now oh what I should go all right so let’s see now oh what I should do oh what I should do too since I’m what I should do too since I’m even what I should do too since I’m even though

Should do too since I’m even though I don’t should do too since I’m even though I don’t need what I should do too since I’m even what I should do too since I’m even though should do too since I’m even though I don’t should do too since I’m even though I don’t need

I’m even though I don’t need it quite I’m even though I don’t need it quite yet quite yet let’s go ahead and read quite yet let’s go ahead and read a quite yet let’s go ahead and read a couple quite yet let’s go ahead and read a couple of

Quite yet let’s go ahead and read a couple of these read a couple of these bees you know read a couple of these bees you know even read a couple of these bees you know even they read a couple of these bees you know read a couple of these bees you know even

Read a couple of these bees you know even they know even they won’t all fit in the know even they won’t all fit in the Heights know even they won’t all fit in the Heights or in the Heights or in the penis here in the Heights or in the penis here but

In the Heights or in the penis here but they in the Heights or in the penis here but they will in the Heights or in the penis here but in the Heights or in the penis here but they in the Heights or in the penis here but they will

Here but they will they will grow here but they will they will grow up here but they will they will grow here but they will they will grow up here but they will they will grow up and I’ll here but they will they will grow up and I’ll be

Here but they will they will grow up and I’ll be grow up and I’ll be able to fill a and I’ll be able to fill a bunch of and I’ll be able to fill a bunch of these able to fill a bunch of these hives

Able to fill a bunch of these hives as able to fill a bunch of these hives as I able to fill a bunch of these hives as I get able to fill a bunch of these hives as I get through hives as I get through this okay don’t

Hives as I get through this okay don’t accident hives as I get through this okay don’t accidentally hives as I get through this okay don’t hives as I get through this okay don’t accidentally don’t accidentally hit them with an don’t accidentally hit them with an ax

Don’t accidentally hit them with an ax that don’t accidentally hit them with an ax that would with an ax that would be bad okay an ax that would be bad okay cool an ax that would be bad okay cool so an ax that would be bad okay cool so yeah

An ax that would be bad okay cool so yeah we’re an ax that would be bad okay cool so an ax that would be bad okay cool so yeah an ax that would be bad okay cool so yeah we’re cool so yeah we’re going to end up

Cool so yeah we’re going to end up with cool so yeah we’re going to end up with a cool so yeah we’re going to end up with a lot cool so yeah we’re going to end up with a lot of end up with a lot of bees in there

Up with a lot of bees in there it’s with a lot of bees in there it’s going to with a lot of bees in there it’s going to be with a lot of bees in there it’s going to be it going to be it be party okay any level

Going to be it be party okay I need level four going to be it be party okay any level four going to be it be party okay any level four oh going to be it be party okay any level four oh right level four oh right it’s funny little little

Right it’s funny little little five right it’s funny little little five when funny little little five when they’re funny little little five when they’re okay funny little little five when they’re okay yep funny little little five when they’re okay yep my funny little little five when they’re okay yep

Funny little little five when they’re okay yep my they’re okay yep my redstone’s broken they’re okay yep my redstone’s broken that’s they’re okay yep my redstone’s broken that’s broken that’s cool that’s cool make broken that’s cool that’s cool make that that’s cool that’s cool make that work broken that’s cool that’s cool make

Broken that’s cool that’s cool make that that’s cool that’s cool make that work cool that’s cool make that work okay cool that’s cool make that work okay so cool that’s cool make that work okay so so cool that’s cool make that work okay so so this

Cool that’s cool make that work okay so so this is cool that’s cool make that work okay so so cool that’s cool make that work okay so so this cool that’s cool make that work okay so so this is that work okay so so this is all going

That work okay so so this is all going to have so so this is all going to have to so so this is all going to have to come so so this is all going to have to come out is all going to have to come out that

Is all going to have to come out that way is all going to have to come out that way and is all going to have to come out that way and then is all going to have to come out that way and

Is all going to have to come out that way and then come out that way and then and then come out that way and then and then let’s come out that way and then and then come out that way and then and then let’s

Come out that way and then and then let’s see come out that way and then and then let’s see I then let’s see I think I break that then let’s see I think I break that I break that oh I break that oh yes I break that oh I break that oh yes

I break that oh yes see I break that oh yes see this I break that oh yes see this is I break that oh yes see this is why oh yes see this is why I oh yes see this is why I don’t oh yes see this is why I don’t do

Oh yes see this is why I don’t do redstone oh yes see this is why I don’t do redstone on do redstone on camera cuz I am Absol do redstone on camera cuz I am absolutely do redstone on camera cuz I am absolutely do redstone on camera cuz I am absolutely Clueless

Do redstone on camera cuz I am absolutely clueless absolutely clueless more often than absolutely clueless more often than not absolutely clueless more often than not okay absolutely clueless more often than not okay okay often than not okay okay yeah no this often than not okay okay yeah no this is

Often than not okay okay yeah no this is going to this is going to make sense Maybe okay yeah no this is going to make sense Maybe want okay yeah no this is going to make sense Maybe want make sense Maybe want to sleep let make sense Maybe want to sleep let me

Make sense Maybe want to sleep let me sleep make sense Maybe want to sleep let me sleep I’m want to sleep let me sleep I’m in want to sleep let me sleep I’m in the want to sleep let me sleep I’m in the other

Want to sleep let me sleep I’m in the other opt want to sleep let me sleep I’m want to sleep let me sleep I’m in want to sleep let me sleep I’m in the want to sleep let me sleep I’m in the other in the other option which would be

In the other option which would be a in the other option which would be a lot in the other option which would be in the other option which would be a in the other option which would be a lot in the other option which would be a lot simpler

Would be a lot simpler actually would you would be a lot simpler actually would you just would be a lot simpler actually would you just be would be a lot simpler actually would you just be to would be a lot simpler actually would you would be a lot simpler actually would you just

Would be a lot simpler actually would you just be would be a lot simpler actually would you just be to actually would you just be to use comparators use comparators let’s just use comp use comparators let’s just use comparators comparators let’s just use comparators because comparators because shears don’t get

Comparators because shears don’t get used comparators because shears don’t get used if because shears don’t get used if they because shears don’t get used if they don’t they don’t need to write it so if they don’t need to write it so if you they don’t need to write it so if you try

They don’t need to write it so if you try to they don’t need to write it so if you try to use if you try to use shears like on a if you try to use shears like on a sheep if you try to use shears like on a sheep that’s

A sheep that’s not comparative Observers a sheep that’s not comparative Observers if a sheep that’s not comparative Observers if you a sheep that’s not comparative Observers if a sheep that’s not comparative Observers if you Observers if you try to use shears Observers if you try to use shears on

Observers if you try to use shears on a Observers if you try to use shears on a sheep try to use shears on a sheep that try to use shears on a sheep that is try to use shears on a sheep that is already try to use shears on a sheep that is

Try to use shears on a sheep that is already try to use shears on a sheep that is already already sheep that is already already shorn try to use shears on a sheep that is already already sheep that is already already shorn sheep that is already already shorn it won’t

Sheep that is already already shorn it won’t do shorn it won’t do anything if you shorn it won’t do anything if you try shorn it won’t do anything if you try to shorn it won’t do anything if you try to use won’t do anything if you try to use shears

Do anything if you try to use shears on a anything if you try to use shears on a be anything if you try to use shears on a he’s anything if you try to use shears on a he’s an anything if you try to use shears on a he’s an a

Anything if you try to use shears on a he’s an AST anything if you try to use shears on a he’s anything if you try to use shears on a he’s an shears on a he’s an Astra beehive shears on a he’s an Astra beehive that

Shears on a he’s an Astra beehive is shears on a he’s an Astra beehive that is shears on a he’s an Astra beehive isn’t shears on a he’s an Astra beehive isn’t ready shears on a he’s an Astra beehive isn’t ready to shears on a he’s an Astra beehive isn’t

Shears on a he’s an Astra beehive isn’t ready shears on a he’s an Astra beehive isn’t ready to beehive isn’t ready to be harvested beehive isn’t ready to be harvested it beehive isn’t ready to be harvested it doesn’t beehive isn’t ready to be harvested it beehive isn’t ready to be harvested it doesn’t

Ready to be harvested it doesn’t do anything ready to be harvested it doesn’t do anything so doesn’t do anything so I don’t have ready to be harvested it doesn’t do anything so doesn’t do anything so I don’t have doesn’t do anything so I don’t have to

Doesn’t do anything so I don’t have to worry don’t have to worry about like wasting don’t have to worry about like wasting durability like wasting durability on tools or like wasting durability on tools or anything like wasting durability on tools or anything like or anything like that so let’s go

Or anything like that so let’s go and or anything like that so let’s go and just or anything like that so let’s go or anything like that so let’s go and or anything like that so let’s go and just or anything like that so let’s go and just take

Go and just take all this stuff out go and just take all this stuff out because go and just take all this stuff out because I this stuff out because I remember how this stuff out because I remember how things this stuff out because I remember how things work

This stuff out because I remember how things this stuff out because I remember how things work this stuff out because I remember how things work now this stuff out because I remember how things this stuff out because I remember how things work remember how things work now okay

Remember how things work now okay it remember how things work now okay it sounds remember how things work now okay it sounds really remember how things work now okay it remember how things work now okay it sounds remember how things work now okay it sounds really work now okay it sounds really Squishy

Work now okay it sounds really Squishy in work now okay it sounds really Squishy in there work now okay it sounds really Squishy in there all work now okay it sounds really Squishy in there all Squishy in there all right let’s grab Squishy in there all right let’s grab our

There all right let’s grab our compared or compare or observers to five like compare or observers to five like that compare or observers to five like compare or observers to five like that or observers to five like that and or observers to five like that and then

Or observers to five like that and then all or observers to five like that and then all I or observers to five like that and then all I have or observers to five like that and then all I have to or observers to five like that and then all

Or observers to five like that and then all I or observers to five like that and then all I have or observers to five like that and then all I have to and then all I have to do is pop this and then all I have to do is pop this up

And then all I have to do is pop this up this and then all I have to do is pop this and then all I have to do is pop this up have to do is pop this up this way have to do is pop this up this way okay

Have to do is pop this up this way okay all have to do is pop this up this way okay all right have to do is pop this up this way okay all right so have to do is pop this up this way okay all

Have to do is pop this up this way okay all right have to do is pop this up this way okay all right so this way okay all right so now those this way okay all right so now those are this way okay all right so now those are going

This way okay all right so now those are going to right so now those are going to go right so now those are going to go like right so now those are going to go like this right so now those are going to go like this so

Right so now those are going to go like this right so now those are going to go like this so right so now those are going to go like this so how going to go like this so how are we to go like this so how are we doing

To go like this so how are we doing are to go like this so how are we doing are all to go like this so how are we doing are all these doing are all these full they are doing are all these full they are all

Doing are all these full they are all full doing are all these full they are doing are all these full they are all doing are all these full they are all full these full they are all full okay these full they are all full okay so

These full they are all full okay so step these full they are all full okay so step one these full they are all full okay so these full they are all full okay so step these full they are all full okay so step one okay so step one let’s I don’t have

Okay so step one let’s I don’t have a okay so step one let’s I don’t have okay so step one let’s I don’t have a okay so step one let’s I don’t have a button one let’s I don’t have a button or one let’s I don’t have a button or a lever

One let’s I don’t have a button or a lever or button or a lever or anything in there button or a lever or anything in there that’s or anything in there that’s fine that’s or anything in there that’s fine that’s Absol or anything in there that’s fine that’s

That’s absolutely fine okay so let’s that’s absolutely fine okay so let’s that’s absolutely fine okay so let’s get that’s absolutely fine okay so let’s get I let’s get I probably have oh yeah let’s get I probably have oh yeah all let’s get I probably have oh yeah all the

Let’s get I probably have oh yeah all the but let’s get I probably have oh yeah all the buttons have oh yeah all the buttons in the have oh yeah all the buttons in the world let’s get I probably have oh yeah all let’s get I probably have oh yeah all the

Let’s get I probably have oh yeah all the buttons have oh yeah all the buttons in the have oh yeah all the buttons in the world have oh yeah all the buttons in the world Wonder have oh yeah all the buttons in the world wonderful the world wonderful it’s a lot of

The world wonderful it’s a lot of way the world wonderful it’s a lot of ways the world wonderful it’s a lot of the world wonderful it’s a lot of ways wonderful it’s a lot of ways create wonderful it’s a lot of ways create mod wonderful it’s a lot of ways create mod is

Wonderful it’s a lot of ways create mod is easier create mod is easier than vanilla create mod is easier than Vanilla Red create mod is easier than vanilla redstone create mod is easier than vanilla create mod is easier than vanilla redstone easier than vanilla redstone okay easier than vanilla redstone okay and

Easier than vanilla redstone okay and yeah easier than vanilla redstone okay and easier than vanilla redstone okay and yeah easier than vanilla redstone okay and yeah aside easier than vanilla redstone okay and yeah aside from okay and yeah aside from the fact okay and yeah aside from the fact it

Okay and yeah aside from the fact it went aside from the fact it went flying aside from the fact it went flying everywhere aside from the fact it went flying everywhere I fact it went flying everywhere I was went flying everywhere I was I’m going to

Went flying everywhere I was I’m going to say going to say that was a a failure going to say that was a a failure let’s going to say that was a a failure going to say that was a a failure let’s going to say that was a a failure let’s see

Going to say that was a a failure let’s see if going to say that was a a failure let’s see if any going to say that was a a failure let’s see going to say that was a a failure let’s see if

Going to say that was a a failure let’s see if any failure let’s see if any of that ended failure let’s see if any of that ended up failure let’s see if any of that ended up in failure let’s see if any of that ended up in the

That ended up in the storage system that ended up in the storage system I that ended up in the storage system I high that ended up in the storage system I highly that ended up in the storage system I highly dou that ended up in the storage system I

That ended up in the storage system I highly the storage system I highly doubt it the storage system I highly doubt it okay the storage system I highly doubt it okay no the storage system I highly doubt it okay no cool okay no cool so okay no cool so I

Okay no cool so I did okay no cool so okay no cool so I okay no cool so I did okay no cool so I did my okay no cool so I did my first okay no cool so I did my first test okay no cool so I did my first test with

Okay no cool so I did my first test with these okay no cool so I did my first test with these hives test with these hives and turns out these hives and turns out yeah the these hives and turns out yeah the these hives and turns out yeah the Tom

These hives and turns out yeah the Tom storage the Tom storage nonsense is not going the Tom storage nonsense is not going to the Tom storage nonsense is not going to work the Tom storage nonsense is not going to work so not going to work so let’s we’ll revert

Not going to work so let’s we’ll revert to revert to actual Hoppers underneath revert to actual Hoppers underneath the revert to actual Hoppers underneath the penis Hoppers underneath the penis and we’ll Hoppers underneath the penis and we’ll see Hoppers underneath the penis and we’ll see how we’ll see how this goes also could

We’ll see how this goes also could you we’ll see how this goes also could you like we’ll see how this goes also could you like get we’ll see how this goes also could you like get could you like get out of the door could you like get out of the door that

Could you like get out of the door that would could you like get out of the door that would be could you like get out of the door that could you like get out of the door that would could you like get out of the door that would be

Door that would be really really awesome door that would be really really awesome and be really really awesome and stuff be really really awesome and stuff but be really really awesome and stuff but not be really really awesome and stuff but not not be really really awesome and stuff but

Be really really awesome and stuff but not be really really awesome and stuff but not not be really really awesome and stuff but not not more awesome and stuff but not not more of awesome and stuff but not not more of oh awesome and stuff but not not more of oh I

Awesome and stuff but not not more of oh I should more of oh I should stop holding the more of oh I should stop holding the flowers more of oh I should stop holding the flowers not stop holding the flowers not more stop holding the flowers not more of

Stop holding the flowers not more of you stop holding the flowers not more of you get stop holding the flowers not more stop holding the flowers not more of stop holding the flowers not more of you stop holding the flowers not more of you get

Stop holding the flowers not more of you get in stop holding the flowers not more of you get in here more of you get in here just yeah more of you get in here just yeah that’s more of you get in here just yeah that’s right

More of you get in here just yeah that’s right fly yeah that’s right fly up fly up up yeah that’s right fly up fly up up be yeah that’s right fly up fly up up yeah that’s right fly up fly up up be yeah that’s right fly up fly up up be up

Yeah that’s right fly up fly up up be up all yeah that’s right fly up fly up up be up all right yeah that’s right fly up fly up up be up all yeah that’s right fly up fly up up be up all right fly up up be up all right well I’ll

Fly up up be up all right well I’ll get fly up up be up all right well I’ll get this fly up up be up all right well I’ll get this B fly up up be up all right well I’ll get this B out I’ll get this B out of this door this

This B out of this door this is why this B out of this door this is why I out of this door this is why I have out of this door this is why I have interlock out of this door this is why I have interlock and have interlock and let’s try this

Have interlock and let’s try this again have interlock and let’s try this again yeah have interlock and let’s try this again yeah that have interlock and let’s try this again yeah have interlock and let’s try this again yeah that this again yeah that didn’t work at

This again yeah that didn’t work at all this again yeah that didn’t work at this again yeah that didn’t work at all this again yeah that didn’t work at all all this again yeah that didn’t work at all all right at all all right again I can’t say

At all all right again I can’t say at all all right again I can’t say I’m right again I can’t say I’m totally again I can’t say I’m totally surprised again I can’t say I’m totally surprised but surprised but that’s okay we’ll just surprised but that’s okay we’ll just we’ll

Surprised but that’s okay we’ll just we’ll just we’ll just do a temporary thing just we’ll just do a temporary thing over just do a temporary thing over here just do a temporary thing over here and just do a temporary thing over here and it just do a temporary thing over here and it’ll

Just do a temporary thing over here and it’ll it just do a temporary thing over here and it’ll over here and it’ll it’ll work just over here and it’ll it’ll work just fine over here and it’ll it’ll work just fine but over here and it’ll it’ll work just fine but I

Over here and it’ll it’ll work just fine but over here and it’ll it’ll work just fine but I just fine but I brought some chest just fine but I brought some chest with just fine but I brought some chest with me just fine but I brought some chest with me I

Brought some chest with me I did bring brought some chest with me I did bring this brought some chest with me I did bring this chest brought some chest with me I did bring this chest all I did bring this chest all right well

Brought some chest with me I did bring this chest all I did bring this chest all right well I did bring this chest all right well we’ll I did bring this chest all right well we’ll go I did bring this chest all right well we’ll go get

Well we’ll go get some more all right well we’ll go get some more alright all right well we’ll go get some more alright alright this alright this will alright this will be alright this alright this will be alright this will be yeah alright this will be yeah all

Alright this will be yeah all the alright this will be yeah all the lemon alright this will be yeah all alright this will be yeah all the alright this will be yeah all the lemon alright this will be yeah all the lemon squeezy alright this will be yeah all the lemon squeezy over

The lemon squeezy over here get this the lemon squeezy over here get this set the lemon squeezy over here get this the lemon squeezy over here get this set the lemon squeezy over here get this the lemon squeezy over here get this set squeezy over here get this set up now the

Here get this set up now the good get this set up now the good news get this set up now the good news is get this set up now the good news is I get this set up now the good news is I now

Get this set up now the good news is I now have get this set up now the good news is I now have stuff get this set up now the good news is I now have stuff news is I now have stuff so okay just

News is I now have stuff so okay just set news is I now have stuff so okay just set that news is I now have stuff so okay just set that there just set that there and Hoppers perfect just set that there and Hoppers perfect probably there and Hoppers perfect probably going

There and Hoppers perfect probably going to Hoppers perfect probably going to need just set that there and Hoppers perfect probably there and Hoppers perfect probably going there and Hoppers perfect probably going to Hoppers perfect probably going to need Hoppers perfect probably going to need a little

Hoppers perfect probably going to need a little bit to need a little bit more room to to need a little bit more room to get to need a little bit more room to get all to need a little bit more room to get all of

Bit more room to get all of this stuff bit more room to get all of this stuff in bit more room to get all of this stuff in place bit more room to get all of this stuff in place so stuff in place so all right nice and

Stuff in place so all right nice and here stuff in place so all right nice and here we stuff in place so all right nice and stuff in place so all right nice and here stuff in place so all right nice and here we go

All right nice and here we go all right now all right nice and here we go all right now how all right nice and here we go all right now how are all right nice and here we go all right now all right nice and here we go all right now how

All right nice and here we go all right now how are all right now how are we doing on all right now how are we doing on our all right now how are we doing on our happy are we doing on our happy little hives

How are we doing on our happy little hives here on our happy little hives here honey on our happy little hives here honey level on our happy little hives here honey on our happy little hives here honey level on our happy little hives here honey level one

On our happy little hives here honey level little hives here honey level one two one yeah one two one yeah it’s going to be one two one yeah it’s going to be a little it’s going to be a little while till it’s going to be a little while till those

It’s going to be a little while till those are while till those are are full that’s while till those are are full that’s wrong while till those are are full that’s wrong clicky that’s wrong clicky clicky all right that’s wrong clicky clicky all right go that’s wrong clicky clicky all right go and

That’s wrong clicky clicky all right go and put that’s wrong clicky clicky all right go that’s wrong clicky clicky all right go and that’s wrong clicky clicky all right go and put right go and put everything else away and put everything else away good and put everything else away good now

And put everything else away good and put everything else away good now and put everything else away good now okay and put everything else away good now Okay so and put everything else away good now okay so I and put everything else away good now okay

And put everything else away good now okay so and put everything else away good now okay so I else away good now okay so I actually good now okay so I actually I’ve got good now okay so I actually I’ve got some good now okay so I actually I’ve got some honeycomb

Got some honeycomb I’ve got a crafting honeycomb I’ve got a crafting table honeycomb I’ve got a crafting table let’s honeycomb I’ve got a crafting table let’s go honeycomb I’ve got a crafting table let’s honeycomb I’ve got a crafting table let’s go table let’s go let’s craft up some

Table let’s go let’s craft up some table let’s go let’s craft up some hives table let’s go let’s craft up some hives so table let’s go let’s craft up some hives so hives so I’ve got the first harvest hives so I’ve got the first harvest of

Hives so I’ve got the first harvest of the I’ve got the first harvest of the honeycomb I’ve got the first harvest of the honeycomb right the honeycomb right from that disaster the honeycomb right from that disaster so the honeycomb right from that disaster so the

The honeycomb right from that disaster so the good the honeycomb right from that disaster so the the honeycomb right from that disaster so the good disaster so the good news is I should disaster so the good news is I should be disaster so the good news is I should be able

Disaster so the good news is I should be able to should be able to assuming I can spell should be able to assuming I can spell get able to assuming I can spell get some able to assuming I can spell get some hives should be able to assuming I can spell get

Able to assuming I can spell get some able to assuming I can spell get some hives able to assuming I can spell get some hives now some hives now I’m lacking in planks some hives now I’m lacking in planks which some hives now I’m lacking in planks which I

Some hives now I’m lacking in planks which I can lacking in planks which I can fix fairly in planks which I can fix fairly quickly in planks which I can fix fairly quickly right in planks which I can fix fairly quickly right cuz in planks which I can fix fairly quickly right

In planks which I can fix fairly quickly right cuz quickly right cuz I’ve got oh I’ve quickly right cuz I’ve got oh I’ve got quickly right cuz I’ve got oh I’ve quickly right cuz I’ve got oh I’ve got quickly right cuz I’ve got oh I’ve got all

Quickly right cuz I’ve got oh I’ve got all the I’ve got all the planks and this is all the planks and this is going to all the planks and this is going to let all the planks and this is going to let me

All the planks and this is going to let me start this is going to let me start collecting this is going to let me start collecting all this is going to let me start collecting all of this is going to let me start collecting all of the

Start collecting all of the all of the start collecting all of the all of the start collecting all of the all of the extra start collecting all of the all of the extra be start collecting all of the all of the extra bees start collecting all of the all of the extra

Start collecting all of the all of the extra bees of the extra bees that I’m breeding of the extra bees that I’m breeding I of the extra bees that I’m breeding I don’t of the extra bees that I’m breeding I of the extra bees that I’m breeding I don’t

Breeding I don’t actually know how breeding I don’t actually know how many breeding I don’t actually know how many I don’t actually know how many I want to don’t actually know how many I want to get don’t actually know how many I want to get but want to get but I’m thinking something

Want to get but I’m thinking something like want to get but I’m thinking something want to get but I’m thinking something like want to get but I’m thinking something like 20 want to get but I’m thinking something like 20 fold want to get but I’m thinking something like 20

Want to get but I’m thinking something like 20 fold something like 20 fold bee nests I something like 20 fold bee nests I think something like 20 fold bee nests I think we’ll something like 20 fold bee nests I think we’ll be I think we’ll be enough well we’ll

I think we’ll be enough well we’ll see I think we’ll be enough well we’ll see if I think we’ll be enough well we’ll I think we’ll be enough well we’ll see I think we’ll be enough well we’ll see if I think we’ll be enough well we’ll see if I

We’ll see if I need more I can make we’ll see if I need more I can make more we’ll see if I need more I can make more but we’ll see if I need more I can make more but I can make more but I think this is

Can make more but I think this is where can make more but I think this is where we’re is where we’re going to start okay is where we’re going to start okay now is where we’re going to start okay now we is where we’re going to start okay now we do

Is where we’re going to start okay now we doing is where we’re going to start okay now we do it in is where we’re going to start okay now is where we’re going to start okay now we okay now we doing in here OB okay now we doing in here obs

Okay now we doing in here obser okay now we doing in here Observer okay now we doing in here Observers okay now we doing in here observers are okay now we doing in here observers are connect okay now we doing in here observers are connected okay now we doing in here observers

Okay now we doing in here observers are okay now we doing in here observers are connected okay now we doing in here observers are connected to observers are connected to the hives observers are connected to the hives yeah are connected to the hives yeah okay are connected to the hives yeah okay okay

Are connected to the hives yeah okay okay so are connected to the hives yeah okay okay are connected to the hives yeah okay okay so hives yeah okay okay so hopefully hives yeah okay okay so hopefully this hives yeah okay okay so hopefully this is

Hives yeah okay okay so hopefully this is going to hopefully this is going to work out hopefully this is going to work out great hopefully this is going to work out great we’ll hopefully this is going to work out great we’ll to work out great we’ll find out so

To work out great we’ll find out so the to work out great we’ll find out so to work out great we’ll find out so the to work out great we’ll find out so the plan to work out great we’ll find out so the plan here

So the plan here is I’m going to do so the plan here is I’m going to do this so the plan here is I’m going to do this really is I’m going to do this really fast is I’m going to do this really fast or

Is I’m going to do this really fast or maybe is I’m going to do this really fast is I’m going to do this really fast or is I’m going to do this really fast or maybe do this really fast or maybe some do this really fast or maybe some sort of

Do this really fast or maybe some sort of other do this really fast or maybe some do this really fast or maybe some sort of do this really fast or maybe some sort of other some sort of other magical way or some sort of other magical way or maybe

Some sort of other magical way or maybe wait magical way or maybe wait until night magical way or maybe wait until night that or maybe wait until night that sound or maybe wait until night that sounded or maybe wait until night that sounded like magical way or maybe wait until night that

Or maybe wait until night that sounded or maybe wait until night that sounded like or maybe wait until night that sounded like a or maybe wait until night that sounded like a yeah sounded like a yeah that sounded like or maybe wait until night that sounded like a yeah

Sounded like a yeah that sounded like sounded like a yeah that sounded like stuff sounded like a yeah that sounded like stuff being sounded like stuff being harvested sounded like stuff being harvested that’s sounded like stuff being harvested that’s perfect being harvested that’s perfect so I’m being harvested that’s perfect so I’m just

Being harvested that’s perfect so I’m being harvested that’s perfect so I’m just so I’m just going to drop these hives so I’m just going to drop these hives in so I’m just going to drop these hives in place so I’m just going to drop these hives in place now

Hives in place now the bees can enter hives in place now the bees can enter these hives in place now the bees can enter these hives the bees can enter these hives but the bees can enter these hives but they the bees can enter these hives but they can’t

The bees can enter these hives but the bees can enter these hives but they the bees can enter these hives but they can’t but they can’t leave them it’s like but they can’t leave them it’s like the but they can’t leave them it’s like the hotel but they can’t leave them it’s like

But they can’t leave them it’s like the but they can’t leave them it’s like the hotel like the hotel California but for like the hotel California but for bees like the hotel California but for bees so like the hotel California but for bees so just but for bees so just going to come

Like the hotel California but for bees so just but for bees so just going to come but for bees so just going to come in but for bees so just going to come in here but for bees so just going to come in here and come in here and let’s breed up a

Come in here and let’s breed up a few come in here and let’s breed up a few more come in here and let’s breed up a few more of let’s breed up a few more of these let’s breed up a few more of these guys

Let’s breed up a few more of these guys and let’s breed up a few more of these guys and yeah let’s breed up a few more of these guys and let’s breed up a few more of these guys and yeah let’s breed up a few more of these guys and yeah it

These guys and yeah it sounds like these guys and yeah it sounds like we these guys and yeah it sounds like we were these guys and yeah it sounds like we were getting like we were getting some stuff harvested getting some stuff harvested and I getting some stuff harvested and I think

Getting some stuff harvested and I think it getting some stuff harvested and I think it was getting some stuff harvested and I think it was all getting some stuff harvested and I think it getting some stuff harvested and I think it was getting some stuff harvested and I think it was all

I think it was all going into the I think it was all going into the Hoppers I think it was all going into the Hoppers I’m I think it was all going into the Hoppers I’m not the Hoppers I’m not seeing any Rogue Hoppers I’m not seeing any Rogue Honey

Hoppers I’m not seeing any Rogue honeycom Hoppers I’m not seeing any Rogue honeycomb Hoppers I’m not seeing any Rogue honeycomb out Hoppers I’m not seeing any Rogue honeycomb out here Hoppers I’m not seeing any Rogue honeycomb Hoppers I’m not seeing any Rogue honeycomb out Hoppers I’m not seeing any Rogue honeycomb out here

Honeycomb out here so let’s go check honeycomb out here so let’s go check the honeycomb out here so let’s go check the hopper honeycomb out here so let’s go check the hopper and check the hopper and see what we got check the hopper and see what we got you

Check the hopper and see what we got you guys check the hopper and see what we got you check the hopper and see what we got you guys check the hopper and see what we got you guys you see what we got you guys you stay

See what we got you guys you stay out see what we got you guys you stay out there see what we got you guys you stay out there and see what we got you guys you stay out there and do stay out there and do your thing it’s

Stay out there and do your thing it’s an stay out there and do your thing it’s an air stay out there and do your thing airl stay out there and do your thing airlock stay out there and do your thing it’s an air locks stay out there and do your thing airlocks

Do your thing airlocks seriously oh do your thing airlocks seriously oh yeah do your thing airlocks seriously oh yeah yeah do your thing airlocks seriously oh yeah yeah this do your thing airlocks seriously oh yeah yeah this is do your thing airlocks seriously oh yeah yeah

Do your thing airlocks seriously oh yeah yeah this do your thing airlocks seriously oh yeah yeah this is oh yeah yeah this is perfect yep so oh yeah yeah this is perfect yep so I’ve oh yeah yeah this is perfect yep so I’ve got oh yeah yeah this is perfect yep so

Oh yeah yeah this is perfect yep so I’ve oh yeah yeah this is perfect yep so I’ve got this is perfect yep so I’ve got another this is perfect yep so I’ve got another plot got another plot another another 15 got another plot another another 15 honeycomb

Got another plot another another 15 honeycomb which another another 15 honeycomb which means another another 15 honeycomb which means I another another 15 honeycomb which means I should another another 15 honeycomb which means I should be which means I should be able to make which means I should be able to make another

Which means I should be able to make another five make another five hives which is wonderful make another five hives which is wonderful I said make another five hives which is wonderful I said I wonderful I said I think I’m going to wonderful I said I think I’m going to be

Wonderful I said I think I’m going to be going think I’m going to be going for like think I’m going to be going for like 20 think I’m going to be going for like 20 of think I’m going to be going for like 20 of them

Like 20 of them and I’ve got way more like 20 of them and I’ve got way more planks like 20 of them and I’ve got way more planks than more planks than I need but this is more planks than I need but this is more planks than I need but this is an

More planks than I need but this is an excellent is an excellent start yeah see all all is an excellent start yeah see all all I is an excellent start yeah see all all I would is an excellent start yeah see all all I would really

Yeah see all all I would really need yeah see all all I would really need to yeah see all all I would really need to do yeah see all all I would really need to do is yeah see all all I would really need to do is yeah

Need to do is yeah this actually is need to do is yeah this actually is going to need to do is yeah this actually is going to be need to do is yeah this actually is going to be fine is going to be fine stick this out

Is going to be fine stick this out is going to be fine stick this out sh is going to be fine stick this out chest is going to be fine stick this out just to be fine stick this out chest ch is going to be fine stick this out just

Be fine stick this out chest chest ch to be fine stick this out just ch be fine stick this out just chest is going to be fine stick this out just be fine stick this out just chest be fine stick this out just chest chest

Be fine stick this out just chest chest chest be fine stick this out just or you be fine stick this out just or you know be fine stick this out just or you know I be fine stick this out just or you know I could

Be fine stick this out just or you know I could just stick this out just or you know I stick this out just or you know I could stick this out just or you know I could just stick this out just or you know I could just make

I could just make some more Hoppers I could just make some more Hoppers it’s I could just make some more Hoppers it’s not make some more Hoppers it’s not like some more Hoppers it’s not like I’m some more Hoppers it’s not like I’m lacking Hoppers it’s not like I’m lacking in

Hoppers it’s not like I’m lacking in the Hoppers it’s not like I’m lacking in the tools lacking in the tools right now which lacking in the tools right now which I lacking in the tools right now which I think lacking in the tools right now which I think is

Lacking in the tools right now which lacking in the tools right now which I lacking in the tools right now which I think lacking in the tools right now which I think is which I think is actually going to which I think is actually going to be

Which I think is actually going to be a little which I think is actually going to be a little bit to be a little bit nicer doesn’t really to be a little bit nicer doesn’t really matter to be a little bit nicer doesn’t really to be a little bit nicer doesn’t really matter

To be a little bit nicer doesn’t really matter I to be a little bit nicer doesn’t really matter I really matter I mean it could matter really matter I mean it could matter but really matter I mean it could matter but it could matter but it doesn’t really

Could matter but it doesn’t really need could matter but it doesn’t really need to could matter but it doesn’t really need to okay doesn’t really need to okay and let’s doesn’t really need to okay and let’s doesn’t really need to okay and let’s just doesn’t really need to okay and let’s just yeah

Doesn’t really need to okay and let’s just yeah let’s just yeah just take this to let’s just yeah just take this to three let’s just yeah just take this to three like let’s just yeah just take this to three like that let’s just yeah just take this to three

Let’s just yeah just take this to three like let’s just yeah just take this to three like that take this to three like that okay this to three like that okay there this to three like that okay there now this to three like that okay there now a

This to three like that okay there now like that okay there now now a couple like that okay there now now a couple of this to three like that okay there now now this to three like that okay there now now a like that okay there now now a couple

Like that okay there now now a couple of like that okay there now now a couple of composters now now a couple of composters would now a couple of composters would be now a couple of composters would be nice now a couple of composters would be nice that’s

Composters would be nice that’s way composters would be nice that’s way too would be nice that’s way too many be nice that’s way too many slabs be nice that’s way too many slabs but be nice that’s way too many slabs but that’s slabs but that’s okay three three’s good

That’s okay three three’s good but that’s okay three three’s good but I that’s okay three three’s good but I only that’s okay three three’s good but I only made that’s okay three three’s good but that’s okay three three’s good but I that’s okay three three’s good but I only

That’s okay three three’s good but I only made but I only made two but that’s fine but I only made two but that’s fine cool made two but that’s fine cool that made two but that’s fine cool that looks made two but that’s fine cool that looks really

Made two but that’s fine cool that made two but that’s fine cool that looks made two but that’s fine cool that looks really fine cool that looks really stupid fine cool that looks really stupid and fine cool that looks really stupid and I fine cool that looks really stupid and I probably

Stupid and I probably should change stupid and I probably should change that and I probably should change that but probably should change that but it’s probably should change that but it’s it probably should change that but it’s it defin probably should change that but it’s it it’s it definitely works yeah let’s

It’s it definitely works yeah let’s change it’s it definitely works yeah let’s it’s it definitely works yeah let’s change it’s it definitely works yeah let’s change this let’s change this I just I’ve realized change this I just I’ve realized I change this I just I’ve realized I just

Change this I just I’ve realized I just don’t realized I just don’t like it you realized I just don’t like it you know realized I just don’t like it you know we realized I just don’t like it you know we all realized I just don’t like it you

Realized I just don’t like it you know realized I just don’t like it you know we realized I just don’t like it you know we all realized I just don’t like it you know we all have you know we all have those moments you know we all have those moments okay

You know we all have those moments okay I you know we all have those moments okay I think you know we all have those moments okay I think what you know we all have those moments okay you know we all have those moments okay I

You know we all have those moments okay I think you know we all have those moments okay I think what moments okay I think what I’m going to moments okay I think what I’m going to do moments okay I think what I’m going to do is

Moments okay I think what I’m going to do is yeah going to do is yeah let’s go ahead going to do is yeah let’s go ahead and do is yeah let’s go ahead and just moments okay I think what I’m going to do is yeah going to do is yeah let’s go ahead

Going to do is yeah let’s go ahead and do is yeah let’s go ahead and just do is yeah let’s go ahead and just take do is yeah let’s go ahead and just take this just take this I’m going to go ahead just take this I’m going to go ahead

Take this I’m going to go ahead and take this I’m going to go ahead and take take this I’m going to go ahead and take a take this I’m going to go ahead and take a chest chest which I lost or something okay chest which I lost or something okay all

Chest which I lost or something okay all right chest which I lost or something okay all right cuz chest which I lost or something okay all right cuz I chest which I lost or something okay all chest which I lost or something okay all right

Chest which I lost or something okay all right cuz chest which I lost or something okay all right cuz I okay all right cuz I made Hoppers okay all right cuz I made Hoppers of all right cuz I made Hoppers of course all right cuz I made Hoppers of course cuz

All right cuz I made Hoppers of course cuz that’s Hoppers of course cuz that’s what happens course cuz that’s what happens to course cuz that’s what happens to chest course cuz that’s what happens to chest when course cuz that’s what happens to chest when you to chest when you make hoppers out

To chest when you make hoppers out of to chest when you make hoppers out of them to chest when you make hoppers out of them they to chest when you make hoppers out of them they stop out of them they stop being in your out of them they stop being in your inventory

Out of them they stop being in your inventory yes out of them they stop being in your inventory yes I your inventory yes I do know how Minecraft your inventory yes I do know how Minecraft crafting Minecraft crafting works sometimes Minecraft crafting works sometimes that’s Minecraft crafting works sometimes that’s weird

Minecraft crafting works sometimes that’s Minecraft crafting works sometimes that’s weird sometimes that’s weird trust me I’m just sometimes that’s weird trust me I’m just okay sometimes that’s weird trust me I’m just okay so I’m just okay so what I’m going to sometimes that’s weird trust me I’m just okay so

I’m just okay so what I’m going to I’m just okay so what I’m going to do I’m just okay so what I’m going to do is okay so what I’m going to do is I’m okay so what I’m going to do is I’m going to I’m going to take these chests some

Going to take these chests someplace going to take these chests someplace else going to take these chests someplace going to take these chests someplace else going to take these chests someplace else yeah someplace else yeah whatever okay going to take these chests someplace else yeah someplace else yeah whatever okay

Someplace else yeah whatever okay I just someplace else yeah whatever okay I just want someplace else yeah whatever okay I just want them someplace else yeah whatever okay I just someplace else yeah whatever okay I just want someplace else yeah whatever okay I just want them

Okay I just want them down low enough okay I just want them down low enough so okay I just want them down low enough so that okay I just want them down low enough so that we them down low enough so that we won’t them down low enough so that we won’t be

Them down low enough so that we won’t be able them down low enough so that we won’t be able to so that we won’t be able to see them so that we won’t be able to see them so so that we won’t be able to see them so actually

So that we won’t be able to see them so actually them so actually this might be okay them so actually this might be okay ax them so actually this might be okay ax thank them so actually this might be okay ax thank you them so actually this might be okay ax

Them so actually this might be okay ax thank you them so actually this might be okay ax thank you give okay ax thank you give myself some them so actually this might be okay ax thank you give okay ax thank you give myself some okay ax thank you give myself some room

Thank you give myself some room here thank you give myself some room here right thank you give myself some room here right trust thank you give myself some room here right trust me thank you give myself some room here right trust thank you give myself some room here right trust me

Room here right trust me at some points trust me at some points somebody’s trust me at some points somebody’s going to trust me at some points somebody’s going to have somebody’s going to have a clue and somebody’s going to have a clue and it’s and it’s going to be a little scary

And it’s going to be a little scary okay and it’s going to be a little scary okay and scary okay and let’s see now I got scary okay and let’s see now I got to scary okay and let’s see now I got to get scary okay and let’s see now I got

Scary okay and let’s see now I got to scary okay and let’s see now I got to get got to get all this all these planks get all this all these planks out get all this all these planks out of all this all these planks out of my

All this all these planks out of my inventory planks out of my inventory definitely planks out of my inventory definitely craft planks out of my inventory definitely planks out of my inventory definitely crafted planks out of my inventory definitely crafted a planks out of my inventory definitely crafted a few

Inventory definitely crafted a few too inventory definitely crafted a few too many inventory definitely crafted a few too many with inventory definitely crafted a few too many with this few too many with this daily Bob you few too many with this daily Bob you know many with this daily Bob you know okay

Many with this daily Bob you know okay cool many with this daily Bob you know okay cool you got many with this daily Bob you know okay cool you got know okay cool you got us some happy know okay cool you got us some happy

Know okay cool you got us some happy thing okay cool you got us some happy thing okay okay cool you got us some happy thing okay I okay cool you got us some happy thing okay I do okay cool you got us some happy thing okay I do have

Okay cool you got us some happy thing okay okay cool you got us some happy thing okay I okay cool you got us some happy thing okay I do okay cool you got us some happy thing okay I do have okay I do have a couple of bees in

I do have a couple of bees in there I do have a couple of bees in there which a couple of bees in there which is a couple of bees in there which is Maybe a couple of bees in there which is maybe not

A couple of bees in there which is maybe not IDE a couple of bees in there which is maybe a couple of bees in there which is maybe not in there which is maybe not ideal in there which is maybe not ideal but in there which is maybe not ideal but it’s

In there which is maybe not ideal but it’s okay ideal but it’s okay yes yes I know ideal but it’s okay yes yes I know what ideal but it’s okay yes yes I know what I’m ideal but it’s okay yes yes I know ideal but it’s okay yes yes I know what

Ideal but it’s okay yes yes I know what I’m yes yes I know what I’m doing kind yes yes I know what I’m doing kind of yes yes I know what I’m doing kinda yes yes I know what I’m doing kinda okay yes yes I know what I’m doing kinda Okay so

Yes yes I know what I’m doing kinda okay yes yes I know what I’m doing kinda okay so kinda okay so let’s grab a couple of okay so let’s grab a couple of Hop okay so let’s grab a couple of Hopper okay so let’s grab a couple of Hopper actually

Okay so let’s grab a couple of Hopper okay so let’s grab a couple of Hopper actually couple of Hopper actually probably only Hopper actually probably only need Hopper actually probably only need one Hopper actually probably only need one cat Hopper actually probably only need one cat so

Hopper actually probably only need one cat Hopper actually probably only need one cat so Hopper actually probably only need one cat so cat need one cat so okay just like that need one cat so okay just like that need one cat so okay just like that and

Need one cat so okay just like that and boom need one cat so okay just like that and boom and need one cat so okay just like that and boom and the need one cat so okay just like that and boom and

Need one cat so okay just like that and boom and the that and boom and the honeycomb is that and boom and the honeycomb is now boom and the honeycomb is now going to the honeycomb is now going to get the honeycomb is now going to get sucked

The honeycomb is now going to get sucked out the honeycomb is now going to get sucked out into to get sucked out into main storage to get sucked out into main storage perfect to get sucked out into main storage perfect all to get sucked out into main storage perfect all

Storage perfect all right let’s go storage perfect all right let’s go breed storage perfect all right let’s go breed some storage perfect all right let’s go breed some bees storage perfect all right let’s go bring some bees some bees okay any bees come on make bees okay any bees come on make out

Bees okay any bees come on make all the bees okay any bees come on make all the be bees okay any bees come on make all the bees some bees okay any bees come on make bees okay any bees come on make all the

Bees okay any bees come on make all the bees all the bees that’s right all the the bees that’s right all the bees bees that’s right all the bees cat bees that’s right all the bees cat y bees that’s right all the bees yep bees that’s right all the bees cat yep

Bees that’s right all the bees cat yep it’s bees that’s right all the bees cat yep bees that’s right all the bees cat yep as many all the bees cat yep as many bees all the bees cat yep as many bees as all the bees cat yep as many bees as we

All the bees cat yep as many bees as we can all the bees cat yep as many bees as we can get yep as many bees as we can get these yep as many bees as we can get these guys yep as many bees as we can get these guys are

Yep as many bees as we can get these guys are yeah get these guys are yeah okay cool get these guys are yeah okay cool Pro get these guys are yeah okay cool progress get these guys are yeah okay cool progress is get these guys are yeah okay cool progress

Get these guys are yeah okay cool progress is get these guys are yeah okay cool progress is being cool progress is being made this is cool progress is being made this is going to cool progress is being made this is going to take

Cool progress is being made this is going to take a made this is going to take a while this is going to take a while this is going to take a while this the is going to take a while this the B going to take a while this the B side

Going to take a while this the B side of is going to take a while this the is going to take a while this the B going to take a while this the B side going to take a while this the B side of

Going to take a while this the B side of this going to take a while this the B side of this project side of this project but okay we’re side of this project but okay we’re doing side of this project but okay we’re doing great okay we’re doing great okay so now

Okay we’re doing great okay so now that’s okay we’re doing great okay so now that’s all now that’s all going up there I wonder now that’s all going up there I wonder if now that’s all going up there I wonder if I now that’s all going up there I wonder I don’t

There I wonder I don’t think I need now that’s all going up there I wonder I don’t there I wonder I don’t think I need there I wonder I don’t think I need that there I wonder I don’t think I need that redstone need that redstone I think I might

Need that redstone I think I might have need that redstone I think I might have to need that redstone I think I might have to turn I don’t think I need that redstone I think I I don’t think I need that redstone I think I might

Redstone I think I might have to turn redstone I think I might have to turn those redstone I think I might have to turn those into I think I might have to turn those into Target I think I might have to turn those into Target block

I think I might have to turn those into Target blocks I think I might have to turn those into Target I think I might have to turn those into Target blocks those into Target blocks okay we’ll those into Target blocks okay we’ll see Target blocks okay we’ll see what

Target blocks okay we’ll see what happens those into Target blocks okay we’ll those into Target blocks okay we’ll see Target blocks okay we’ll see what Target blocks okay we’ll see what happens Target blocks okay we’ll see what happens when what happens when these these get what happens when these these get full

These these get full looks like they’re these these get full looks like they’re getting they’re getting close so that’s good they’re getting close so that’s good they’re getting close so that’s good oh they’re getting close so that’s good oh I they’re getting close so that’s good oh

They’re getting close so that’s good oh I good oh I heard a slicey dicey that’s good oh I heard a slicey dicey that’s perfect good oh I heard a slicey dicey that’s good oh I heard a slicey dicey that’s perfect good oh I heard a slicey dicey that’s perfect yeah

Slicey dicey that’s perfect yeah yeah oh slicey dicey that’s perfect yeah yeah oh yeah slicey dicey that’s perfect yeah yeah slicey dicey that’s perfect yeah yeah oh slicey dicey that’s perfect yeah yeah oh yeah perfect yeah yeah oh yeah they’re perfect yeah yeah oh yeah they’re slicing

Perfect yeah yeah oh yeah they’re slicing away they’re slicing away awesome okay they’re slicing away awesome okay that’s slicing away awesome okay that’s perfect away awesome okay that’s perfect so they’re slicing away awesome okay they’re slicing away awesome okay that’s slicing away awesome okay that’s perfect away awesome okay that’s perfect so

Away awesome okay that’s perfect so then away awesome okay that’s perfect so then what away awesome okay that’s perfect so then what I so then what I can do is yeah I can so then what I can do is yeah I can deal I can do is yeah I can deal with some

I can do is yeah I can deal with some some I can do is yeah I can deal with some some good I can do is yeah I can deal with some some good stuff I can do is yeah I can deal with some some

I can do is yeah I can deal with some some good I can do is yeah I can deal with some some good stuff good stuff here okay right okay cool good stuff here okay right okay cool so good stuff here okay right okay cool good stuff here okay right okay cool so

Good stuff here okay right okay cool so this good stuff here okay right okay cool so this is okay cool so this is going to be interest okay cool so this is going to be interesting okay cool so this is going to be interesting so

Okay cool so this is going to be interesting right okay cool so this is going to be interesting so to be interesting so if I want to to be interesting so if I want to do interesting so if I want to do right interesting so if I want to do right if

Interesting so if I want to do right if I interesting so if I want to do right if I want to right if I want to make shears right right if I want to make shears right now right if I want to make shears right now try

Right if I want to make shears right now try up right if I want to make shears right now try up here right if I want to make shears right now try right if I want to make shears right now try up here right now try up here cheers right

Right now try up here cheers right I right now try up here cheers right I can right now try up here cheers right I right now try up here cheers right I can right now try up here cheers right I can I right now try up here cheers right I can I can

Right I can I can automatically craft can I can automatically craft those can automatically craft those with can automatically craft those with autom automatically craft those with automated automatically craft those with automated sh automatically craft those with automated shap automatically craft those with automated automatically craft those with automated shaped

Those with automated shaped crafting those with automated shaped crafting okay those with automated shaped crafting okay should those with automated shaped crafting okay should be those with automated shaped crafting okay should those with automated shaped crafting okay should be crafting okay should be perfect okay crafting okay should be perfect okay I

Crafting okay should be perfect okay I think should be perfect okay I think I’ve should be perfect okay I think I’ve got should be perfect okay I think I’ve got an should be perfect okay I think I’ve got an idea should be perfect okay I think I’ve got an idea who

Should be perfect okay I think I’ve got an idea ooh think I’ve got an idea ooh this is should be perfect okay I think I’ve got an idea ooh think I’ve got an idea ooh this is I’ve got an idea ooh this is yeah

I’ve got an idea ooh this is yeah I think I’ve got an idea ooh this is yeah I think this I’ve got an idea ooh this is yeah I think this is ooh this is yeah I think this is going to ooh this is yeah I think this is going to be

Ooh this is yeah I think this is going to be fun ooh this is yeah I think this is going to be fun so this is yeah I think this is going to be fun so this is yeah I think this is going to be fun so what

Going to be fun so what I’m going to going to be fun so what I’m going to need going to be fun so what I’m going to need to going to be fun so what I’m going to need to do this is yeah I think this is going to be fun so what

Going to be fun so what I’m going to going to be fun so what I’m going to need going to be fun so what I’m going to need to going to be fun so what I’m going to need to do going to be fun so what I’m going to need to do is

Going to need to do is a little crazy going to need to do is a little crazy going to need to do is a little crazy all right a little crazy all right let’s see a little crazy all right let’s see how a little crazy all right let’s see how many

Going to need to do is a little crazy all right a little crazy all right let’s see a little crazy all right let’s see how a little crazy all right let’s see how many a little crazy all right let’s see how many bees see how many bees we’ve got in this

See how many bees we’ve got in this nests see how many bees we’ve got in this nests so see how many bees we’ve got in this nests okay bees we’ve got in this nests okay this bees we’ve got in this nests okay this one bees we’ve got in this nests okay this one’s

Bees we’ve got in this nests okay this one’s got see how many bees we’ve got in this nests okay bees we’ve got in this nests okay this bees we’ve got in this nests okay this one’s bees we’ve got in this nests okay this one’s got okay this one’s got three okay let’s

Okay this one’s got three okay let’s go okay this one’s got three okay let’s go get okay this one’s got three okay let’s go get some let’s go get some more nests I’ve let’s go get some more nests I’ve got let’s go get some more nests I’ve got more

Let’s go get some more nests I’ve got more nests I’ve got more nests cool and that I’ve got more nests cool and that definitely I’ve got more nests cool and that definitely should I’ve got more nests cool and that I’ve got more nests cool and that definitely

I’ve got more nests cool and that definitely should that definitely should be there all that definitely should be there all right that definitely should be there all that definitely should be there all right that definitely should be there all right that that definitely should be there all right that one

Be there all right that one’s got that definitely should be there all right that be there all right that one’s got there all right that one’s got three all right that one’s got three b’s all right that one’s got three b’s okay all right that one’s got three b’s okay too

All right that one’s got three b’s okay too b’s okay two all right perfect and b’s okay two all right perfect and the b’s okay two all right perfect and the one two all right perfect and the one tonight two all right perfect and the one tonight not

Two all right perfect and the one tonight not pick the one tonight not pick it up I may one tonight not pick it up I may not one tonight not pick it up I may not have one tonight not pick it up I may not have picked

Up I may not have picked it up yep up I may not have picked it up yep just up I may not have picked it up yep just didn’t up I may not have picked it up yep just didn’t pick up I may not have picked it up yep

Up I may not have picked it up yep just up I may not have picked it up yep just didn’t up I may not have picked it up yep just didn’t pick yep just didn’t pick it up cool hey yep just didn’t pick it up cool hey guys

Yep just didn’t pick it up cool hey guys make yep just didn’t pick it up cool hey guys make more yep just didn’t pick it up cool hey guys make yep just didn’t pick it up cool hey guys make more hey guys make more bees please make

Hey guys make more bees please make hey guys make more bees please make a hey guys make more bees please make a motor hey guys make more bees please make a motor of hey guys make more bees please make a motor of the

Hey guys make more bees please make a motor of the make a motor of the Beast you are make a motor of the Beast you are awesome motor of the Beast you are awesome and motor of the Beast you are awesome and amazing you are awesome and amazing and I need

You are awesome and amazing and I need more you are awesome and amazing and I need more of you are awesome and amazing and I need more of you I need more of you to be you know I need more of you to be you know read

I need more of you to be you know reading I need more of you to be you know reading more I need more of you to be you know reading more of you know reading more of you you do that know reading more of you you do that and

Know reading more of you you do that know reading more of you you do that and know reading more of you you do that and we’ll know reading more of you you do that and we’ll all and we’ll all get along all right and we’ll all get along all right cool

And we’ll all get along all right cool cont and we’ll all get along all right cool contain and we’ll all get along all right cool contains along all right cool contains three along all right cool contains three B and we’ll all get along all right cool contains along all right cool contains three

Along all right cool contains three b’s along all right cool contains three b’s two along all right cool contains three b’s two of three b’s two of them babies okay b’s two of them babies okay that’s them babies okay that’s perfectly babies okay that’s perfectly fine babies okay that’s perfectly fine they’ll

Babies okay that’s perfectly fine they’ll grow babies okay that’s perfectly fine they’ll babies okay that’s perfectly fine they’ll grow fine they’ll grow up and they’ll do fine they’ll grow up and they’ll do what fine they’ll grow up and they’ll do what I fine they’ll grow up and they’ll do what I need

Do what I need to all right so now do what I need to all right so now what I need to all right so now okay what I need to all right so now okay now what I need to all right so now okay now obvious

What I need to all right so now okay now obviously what I need to all right so now okay what I need to all right so now okay now what I need to all right so now okay now obviously okay now obviously I’m not going to

Okay now obviously I’m not going to leave okay now obviously I’m not going to leave that obviously I’m not going to leave that like obviously I’m not going to leave that like that not going to leave that like that but not going to leave that like that but I

To leave that like that but I do need to leave that like that but I do need all to leave that like that but I do need all of to leave that like that but I do need all of the need all of the other good stuff so

Need all of the other good stuff so let’s need all of the other good stuff so let’s see need all of the other good stuff so let’s need all of the other good stuff so let’s see need all of the other good stuff so let’s see do

Need all of the other good stuff so let’s see do I so let’s see do I should have some so let’s see do I should have some rotational rotational power over here somewhere rotational power over here somewhere yeah rotational power over here somewhere yeah coming rotational power over here somewhere yeah coming out

Somewhere yeah coming out right there somewhere yeah coming out right there okay somewhere yeah coming out right there okay cool somewhere yeah coming out right there okay somewhere yeah coming out right there okay cool somewhere yeah coming out right there okay cool so there okay cool so this is going to

There okay cool so this is going to there okay cool so this is going to be there okay cool so this is going to be this there okay cool so this is going to be this actually to be this actually cool about the to be this actually cool about the I

To be this actually cool about the actually cool about the IP what about actually cool about the IP what about it actually cool about the IP what about actually cool about the IP what about it actually cool about the IP what about it I’m

Actually cool about the IP what about it I’m not about it I’m not giving it out don’t about it I’m not giving it out don’t ask about it I’m not giving it out don’t ask to not giving it out don’t ask to join not giving it out don’t ask to join the

Not giving it out don’t ask to join the game out don’t ask to join the game Let’s out don’t ask to join the game let’s see out don’t ask to join the game let’s out don’t ask to join the game let’s see out don’t ask to join the game let’s see I

Out don’t ask to join the game let’s see I need let’s see I need stuff right let’s let’s see I need stuff right let’s see let’s see I need stuff right let’s see if let’s see I need stuff right let’s see if I’ve let’s see I need stuff right let’s

Let’s see I need stuff right let’s see let’s see I need stuff right let’s see if let’s see I need stuff right let’s see if I’ve let’s see if I’ve got some mechanical let’s see if I’ve got some mechanical Crafters some mechanical Crafters Crafters some mechanical Crafters Crafters okay

Some mechanical Crafters Crafters okay three some mechanical Crafters Crafters okay three should Crafters okay three should be enough Crafters okay three should be enough yeah Crafters okay three should be enough yeah see Crafters okay three should be enough yeah see that Crafters okay three should be enough yeah

Crafters okay three should be enough yeah see Crafters okay three should be enough yeah see that enough yeah see that now this is Parts see that now this is Parts going to see that now this is Parts going to get see that now this is Parts going to get fun

See that now this is Parts going to get fun yeah see that now this is Parts going to get fun yeah cuz see that now this is Parts going to get fun yeah see that now this is Parts going to get fun yeah cuz going to get fun yeah cuz shaped craft

Going to get fun yeah cuz shaped crafting going to get fun yeah cuz shaped crafting crafting it says I only need two so I think says I only need two so I think and I only need two so I think and get I only need two so I think and get away

Need two so I think and get away with need two so I think and get away with this says I only need two so I think and I only need two so I think and get I only need two so I think and get away

Need two so I think and get away with need two so I think and get away with this need two so I think and get away with this okay need two so I think and get away with this okay this with this okay this is going to be

Need two so I think and get away with this okay this with this okay this is going to be with this okay this is going to be interesting with this okay this is going to be interesting all is going to be interesting all right is going to be interesting all right so

With this okay this is going to be interesting all is going to be interesting all right is going to be interesting all right so is going to be interesting all right so how is going to be interesting all right so how do I interesting all right so how do I want to

All right so how do I want to do this all right so how do I want to do this okay all right so how do I want to do this okay so all right so how do I want to do this okay

All right so how do I want to do this okay so all right so how do I want to do this okay so this this okay so this can all come down this okay so this can all come down here this okay so this can all come down here I

This okay so this can all come down here I can this okay so this can all come down here I can craft down here I can craft out this way down here I can craft out this way I here I can craft out this way I suppose

Here I can craft out this way I suppose oh here I can craft out this way I suppose oh I here I can craft out this way I suppose oh here I can craft out this way I suppose oh I suppose oh I don’t have the my create

Suppose oh I don’t have the my create box suppose oh I don’t have the my create box okay box okay cool so that’s said Happ box okay cool so that’s said happily box okay cool so that’s said happily box okay cool so that’s said happily scooping

Box okay cool so that’s said happily scooping up happily scooping up all the honeycomb scooping up all the honeycomb yep scooping up all the honeycomb yep I scooping up all the honeycomb yep I was scooping up all the honeycomb yep I was going to scooping up all the honeycomb yep

Scooping up all the honeycomb yep I scooping up all the honeycomb yep I was scooping up all the honeycomb yep I was going to honeycomb yep I was going to literally honeycomb yep I was going to literally think honeycomb yep I was going to literally think I

Honeycomb yep I was going to literally think I was literally think I was whatever create literally think I was whatever create mod literally think I was whatever create literally think I was whatever create mod think I was whatever create mod machine think I was whatever create mod machine I

Think I was whatever create mod machine I was machine I was going to put here with machine I was going to put here with drop machine I was going to put here with drop into machine I was going to put here with drop into this to put here with drop into this Vault

To put here with drop into this Vault but to put here with drop into this Vault but that’s to put here with drop into this Vault but that’s Vault but that’s just not how this Vault but that’s just not how this ended Vault but that’s just not how this ended up

Vault but that’s just not how this ended up okay this ended up okay so what I am going this ended up okay so what I am going to this ended up okay so what I am going this ended up okay so what I am going to

Up okay so what I am going to need up okay so what I am going to need is up okay so what I am going to need is yeah up okay so what I am going to need is yeah so okay so what I am going to need is yeah so one

Okay so what I am going to need is yeah so one is yeah so one problem this machine is yeah so one problem this machine is so one problem this machine is going to so one problem this machine is going to have so one problem this machine is going to have just

Is going to have just like anything going to have just like anything like going to have just like anything like this going to have just like anything like this is going to have just like anything like this is the going to have just like anything like this is the she

Like this is the shears are going to like this is the shears are going to lose going to have just like anything like this is the like this is the shears are going to like this is the shears are going to lose like this is the shears are going to lose durability

Like this is the shoes are going to lose durability to lose durability so I want to be to lose durability so I want to be to lose durability so I want to be able to lose durability so I want to be able to durability so I want to be able to refill

Durability so I want to be able to refill the durability so I want to be able to refill the shears to refill the shears but I don’t want to refill the shears but I don’t want to to refill the shears but I don’t want to refill the shears but I don’t want to

The shears but I don’t want to do the shears but I don’t want to do it the shears but I don’t want to do it by the shears but I don’t want to do it by hand the shears but I don’t want to do it by hand cuz

Do it by hand cuz that’s boring so do it by hand cuz that’s boring so I do it by hand cuz that’s boring so I think hand cuz that’s boring so I think what hand cuz that’s boring so I think what I’m think what I’m going to do is I’m

Think what I’m going to do is I’m going to think what I’m going to do is I’m going to tap I’m going to tap into maybe something I’m going to tap into maybe something I’m going to tap into maybe something along I’m going to tap into maybe something along this

Something along this wise and use create something along this wise and use create mod something along this wise and use create mod to and use create mod to craft my shears and use create mod to craft my shears for and use create mod to craft my shears for me

And use create mod to craft my shears for me on shears for me on demand and feed those shears for me on demand and feed those guys shears for me on demand and feed those guys up shears for me on demand and feed those guys up here

Those guys up here into the Dilly Bob those guys up here into the Dilly Bob right those guys up here into the Dilly Bob right I those guys up here into the Dilly Bob right I think those guys up here into the Dilly Bob right

Those guys up here into the Dilly Bob right I those guys up here into the Dilly Bob right I think the Dilly Bob right I think that’ll be the Dilly Bob right I think that’ll be fun the Dilly Bob right I think that’ll be fun so

That’ll be fun so let’s see what I that’ll be fun so let’s see what I can that’ll be fun so let’s see what I can do that’ll be fun so let’s see what I can do to let’s see what I can do to make this

Let’s see what I can do to make this happen let’s see what I can do to make this happen yeah let’s see what I can do to make this happen yeah to make this happen yeah now how do I to make this happen yeah now how do I want

To make this happen yeah now how do I want to to make this happen yeah now how do I to make this happen yeah now how do I want to make this happen yeah now how do I want to to make this happen yeah now how do I want to do

To make this happen yeah now how do I want to do this do I want to do this the mechanical do I want to do this the mechanical do I want to do this the mechanical crafter do I want to do this the mechanical crafter will this the mechanical crafter will stop

Mechanical crafter will stop automatically mechanical crafter will stop automatically once mechanical crafter will stop automatically once it automatically once it can’t feed into automatically once it can’t feed into anything automatically once it can’t feed into anything so into anything so cool let’s do it into anything so cool let’s do it so

Into anything so cool let’s do it see into anything so cool let’s do it so I can into anything so cool let’s do it so I can tap into anything so cool let’s do it so I can tap into into anything so cool let’s do it so I can

Into anything so cool let’s do it so I can tap into anything so cool let’s do it so I can tap into it so I can tap into that wire for it so I can tap into that wire for all it so I can tap into that wire for all sorts

It so I can tap into that wire for all sorts of into that wire for all sorts of good into that wire for all sorts of good stuff into that wire for all sorts of good stuff so into that wire for all sorts of good stuff so okay

All sorts of good stuff so okay so all sorts of good stuff so okay so let’s all sorts of good stuff so okay so let’s figure all sorts of good stuff so okay so all sorts of good stuff so okay so let’s all sorts of good stuff so okay so let’s figure

So let’s figure this out so we can so let’s figure this out so we can take so let’s figure this out so we can take some can take some mechanical crafters can take some mechanical crafters and can take some mechanical crafters and I can take some mechanical crafters and I need

Can take some mechanical crafters and I need a can take some mechanical crafters and I need a CO can take some mechanical crafters and I need a cog can take some mechanical crafters and I need a cogw crafters and I need a cogwheel all right

Crafters and I need a cogwheel all right in fact crafters and I need a cogwheel all right crafters and I need a cogwheel all right in fact crafters and I need a cogwheel all right in fact okay all right in fact okay it can go there

All right in fact okay it can go there I all right in fact okay it can go there I suppose all right in fact okay it can go there I suppose and it can go there I suppose and then it can go there I suppose and then I

All right in fact okay it can go there I suppose and it can go there I suppose and then it can go there I suppose and then I it can go there I suppose and then I can there I suppose and then I can put and then I can put the mechanical

And then I can put the mechanical Crafters and then I can put the mechanical Crafters on and then I can put the mechanical Crafters on top mechanical Crafters on top like that mechanical Crafters on top like that will mechanical Crafters on top like that will turn

Mechanical Crafters on top like that will turn one mechanical Crafters on top like that will mechanical Crafters on top like that will turn mechanical Crafters on top like that will turn one that will turn one it’s okay and then that will turn one it’s okay and then

That will turn one it’s okay and then what that will turn one it’s okay and then what will do what we’ll do here is let’s take I what we’ll do here is let’s take just what we’ll do here is let’s take I still what we’ll do here is let’s take I still have

What we’ll do here is let’s take I still what we’ll do here is let’s take I still have let’s take I still have worked I can let’s take I still have worked I can have let’s take I still have worked I can have more can have more chests this is easy

More chests this is easy all right more chests this is easy all right so more chests this is easy all right so grab more chests this is easy all right more chests this is easy all right so more chests this is easy all right so grab

More chests this is easy all right so grab some more chests this is easy all right so grab some a right so grab some a couple of chests right so grab some a couple of chests and right so grab some a couple of chests and oh

Right so grab some a couple of chests and oh of chests and oh that’s the collection of chests and oh that’s the collection system collection system it’s like why is collection system it’s like why is that collection system it’s like why is that there it’s like why is that there okay now that

It’s like why is that there okay now that makes now that makes sense that should be there now that makes sense that should be there all now that makes sense that should be there all right now that makes sense that should be there all

Now that makes sense that should be there all right be there all right yeah I think this be there all right yeah I think this is be there all right yeah I think this is going to be there all right yeah I think this is going to be

Going to be reasonable I’m I’m sort going to be reasonable I’m I’m sort of reasonable I’m I’m sort of guessing reasonable I’m I’m sort of guessing but reasonable I’m I’m sort of guessing but I think guessing but I think this is going to guessing but I think this is going to be good

Guessing but I think this is going to be good I think this is going to be good hon think this is going to be good honest think this is going to be good honestly think this is going to be good honestly I think this is going to be good honestly I think

Think this is going to be good honestly I think I think this is going to be good honestly think this is going to be good honestly I think this is going to be good honestly I think think this is going to be good honestly I think I

Honestly I think I only need one chest honestly I think I only need one chest and honestly I think I only need one chest I’m going to honestly I think I only need one chest honestly I think I only need one chest I’m going to chest I’m going to need a couple of

Chest I’m going to need a couple of Hoppers chest I’m going to need a couple of Hoppers which couple of Hoppers which is okay I can of Hoppers which is okay I can do of Hoppers which is okay I can do a of Hoppers which is okay I can do a couple

Of Hoppers which is okay I can do a couple of of Hoppers which is okay I can do a couple of hoppers do a couple of hoppers there anyone do a couple of hoppers there and one do a couple of hoppers there and went there

Do a couple of hoppers there and one there do a couple of hoppers there and one there oh do a couple of hoppers there and one there oh one there oh actually let’s do it one there oh actually let’s do it this one there oh actually let’s do it this way

One there oh actually let’s do it one there oh actually let’s do it this one there oh actually let’s do it this way one there oh actually let’s do it this way let’s let’s do it this way let’s get some one there oh actually let’s do it this way let’s

Let’s do it this way let’s get some let’s do it this way let’s get some of let’s do it this way let’s get some of these let’s do it this way let’s get some of these let’s get some of these guys oh I let’s get some of these guys oh I am

Let’s get some of these guys oh I let’s get some of these guys oh I am some of these guys oh I am really some of these guys oh I am really making some of these guys oh I am really making this some of these guys oh I am really making this up

Some of these guys oh I am really making this up as some of these guys oh I am really making this up as I I am really making this up as I go I am really making this up as I go along I am really making this up as I go along those

This up as I go along those are going to I go along those are going to go in I am really making this up as I go along those this up as I go along those are going to I go along those are going to go in

I go along those are going to go in there I go along those are going to go in there and I go along those are going to go in there and we’re in there and we’re going to slap in in there and we’re going to slap in some

And we’re going to slap in some fil and we’re going to slap in some filters and we’re going to slap in some filters there and we’re going to slap in some filters there so and we’re going to slap in some filters and we’re going to slap in some filters there

And we’re going to slap in some filters there so filters there so they will only take filters there so they will only take iron filters there so they will only take iron okay filters there so they will only take iron Okay so filters there so they will only take iron Okay

Filters there so they will only take iron okay filters there so they will only take iron okay so filters there so they will only take iron okay so in take iron okay so in theory now these take iron okay so in theory now these guys

Take iron okay so in theory now these guys will take iron okay so in theory now these take iron okay so in theory now these guys take iron okay so in theory now these guys will take iron okay so in theory now these guys will spit these guys will spit out bunch of

These guys will spit out bunch of stuff these guys will spit out bunch of these guys will spit out bunch of stuff will spit out bunch of stuff let’s will spit out bunch of stuff let’s take will spit out bunch of stuff let’s take a

Will spit out bunch of stuff let’s take a all will spit out bunch of stuff let’s take a all right will spit out bunch of stuff let’s take a all will spit out bunch of stuff let’s take a all right of stuff let’s take a all right okay

Of stuff let’s take a all right okay I of stuff let’s take a all right okay I need of stuff let’s take a all right okay of stuff let’s take a all right okay I of stuff let’s take a all right okay I need

Of stuff let’s take a all right okay I need a right okay I need a connector we’re right okay I need a connector we’re going right okay I need a connector we’re going to right okay I need a connector we’re going to set right okay I need a connector we’re

Right okay I need a connector we’re going right okay I need a connector we’re going to right okay I need a connector we’re going to set connector we’re going to set up a very small going to set up a very small storage going to set up a very small storage network

Going to set up a very small storage network over small storage network over here okay small storage network over here okay fortunately okay fortunately I mean these guys okay fortunately I mean these guys are okay fortunately I mean these guys are expensive okay fortunately I mean these guys are expensive but

Guys are expensive but they’re not guys are expensive but they’re not guys are expensive but they’re not ridiculous guys are expensive but they’re not ridiculous and not ridiculous and I’ve made a whole not ridiculous and I’ve made a whole bunch not ridiculous and I’ve made a whole bunch of

Made a whole bunch of them before made a whole bunch of them before so made a whole bunch of them before so we made a whole bunch of them before so we should made a whole bunch of them before so we should be made a whole bunch of them before so we

Made a whole bunch of them before so we should made a whole bunch of them before so we should be before so we should be should be fine before so we should be should be fine okay before so we should be should be fine okay soon

Before so we should be should be fine okay before so we should be should be fine okay cool before so we should be should be fine okay cool yeah fine okay cool yeah this should should cool yeah this should should make fine okay cool yeah this should should

Cool yeah this should should make cool yeah this should should make sense cool yeah this should should make sense I cool yeah this should should make sense I think cool yeah this should should make sense I think all make sense I think all right so we’re

Sense I think all right so we’re going to cool yeah this should should make sense I think all make sense I think all right so we’re sense I think all right so we’re going to sense I think all right so we’re going to do

Sense I think all right so we’re going to do is right so we’re going to do is we’re going to is we’re going to Output into this is we’re going to Output into this which is we’re going to Output into this which which has is we’re going to Output into this which which

Is we’re going to Output into this which which has this which which has a storage connector this which which has a storage connector okay this which which has a storage connector okay and this which which has a storage connector okay and connector okay and that’s just yep

Connector okay and that’s just yep perfect okay and that’s just yep perfect okay okay and that’s just yep perfect okay now okay and that’s just yep perfect okay now I okay and that’s just yep perfect okay now I need okay and that’s just yep perfect okay now

Okay and that’s just yep perfect okay now I okay and that’s just yep perfect okay now I need okay now I need the cable and I’ve now I need the cable and I’ve got now I need the cable and I’ve got some now I need the cable and I’ve got some in

Now I need the cable and I’ve got some invent now I need the cable and I’ve got some inventory now I need the cable and I’ve got some inventory got some inventory Hoppers which is got some inventory Hoppers which is perfect got some inventory Hoppers which is perfect all

Inventory Hoppers which is perfect all right got some inventory Hoppers which is perfect all inventory Hoppers which is perfect all right inventory Hoppers which is perfect all right now perfect all right now these hoppers perfect all right now these hoppers perfect all right now these Hoppers perfect all right now these Hoppers are

Perfect all right now these Hoppers are going to Hoppers are going to come in here Hoppers are going to come in here like Hoppers are going to come in here like this going to come in here like this all going to come in here like this all right

Going to come in here like this all going to come in here like this all right in here like this all right so the in here like this all right so the plan in here like this all right so the in here like this all right so the plan

In here like this all right so the plan here in here like this all right so the plan here is the plan here is going to be fun I’ve the plan here is going to be fun I’ve got the plan here is going to be fun I’ve got a

The plan here is going to be fun I’ve got a bunch going to be fun I’ve got a bunch of going to be fun I’ve got a bunch of these fun I’ve got a bunch of these inventory fun I’ve got a bunch of these inventory hoppers

Fun I’ve got a bunch of these inventory Hoppers inventory Hoppers that I’m going to inventory Hoppers that I’m going to filter inventory Hoppers that I’m going to filter on to filter on shears so the theory to filter on shears so the theory only to filter on shears so the theory only shears

To filter on shears so the theory only shears are theory only shears are going to come theory only shears are going to come out theory only shears are going to come out of theory only shears are going to come out of this going to come out of this oops got

Going to come out of this oops got to going to come out of this oops got to be going to come out of this oops got to be sure going to come out of this oops got to be sure I going to come out of this oops got to be sure I do

Got to be sure I do this right now got to be sure I do this right now I got to be sure I do this right now I’m going to got to be sure I do this right now I want to

Got to be sure I do this right now I want to take got to be sure I do this right now got to be sure I do this right now I want to got to be sure I do this right now I want to take now I want to take these inventory

Now I want to take these inventory cables now I want to take these inventory cables right now I want to take these inventory cables right and now I want to take these inventory cables right and I inventory cables right and I want inventory cables right and I want to

Now I want to take these inventory cables right and now I want to take these inventory cables right and I inventory cables right and I want inventory cables right and I want to inventory cables right and I want to feed inventory cables right and I want to feed this

Inventory cables right and I want to feed this guy want to feed this guy down it’s probably want to feed this guy down it’s probably up want to feed this guy down it’s probably up here guy down it’s probably up here where guy down it’s probably up here where I

It’s probably up here where I can it’s probably up here where I can reach it’s probably up here where I can reach down it’s probably up here where I can reach down on it’s probably up here where I can reach down it’s probably up here where I can reach down onto

Can reach down onto this inventory can reach down onto this inventory connect can reach down onto this inventory connector can reach down onto this inventory can reach down onto this inventory connector can reach down onto this inventory connector that can reach down onto this inventory connector that in inventory connector that inventory

Can reach down onto this inventory connector that inventory connector that inventory inventory connector that inventory connector inventory connector that inventory connector is connector that inventory connector is basically connector that inventory connector is basically set inventory connector is basically set up inventory connector is basically set up a

Inventory connector is basically set up a single inventory connector is basically set up a single priv basically set up a single private storage basically set up a single private storage basically set up a single private storage Network private storage Network connected private storage Network connected to private storage Network connected to only

Private storage Network connected private storage Network connected to private storage Network connected to only private storage Network connected to only this private storage Network connected to only this chest connected to only this chest okay connected to only this chest okay now connected to only this chest okay now I’ve

Connected to only this chest okay now I’ve got connected to only this chest okay now connected to only this chest okay now I’ve connected to only this chest okay now I’ve got okay now I’ve got these Hoppers which okay now I’ve got these Hoppers which are

Okay now I’ve got these Hoppers which are only which are only taking iron ingots are only taking iron ingots feeding are only taking iron ingots feeding into are only taking iron ingots feeding into this feeding into this machine now if I feeding into this machine now if I

Feeding into this machine now if I have feeding into this machine now if I have done feeding into this machine now if I have done this I have done this right which again I have done this right which again this I have done this right which again this is

I have done this right which again this is always I have done this right which again this is always an which again this is always an interesting which again this is always an interesting question interesting question have I done this interesting question have I done this right

Interesting question have I done this right I interesting question have I done this right I should interesting question have I done this right I interesting question have I done this right I should this right I should be able to tap this right I should be able to tap this

This right I should be able to tap this down this right I should be able to tap this down right this right I should be able to tap this down right tap this down right into the storage tap this down right into the storage right down right into the storage right well

Right well right down there perfect right well right down there perfect I’m well right down there perfect I’m hearing well right down there perfect I’m hearing that I’m hearing that make noise awesome I’m hearing that make noise awesome I I’m hearing that make noise awesome I can’t

I’m hearing that make noise awesome I can’t get I’m hearing that make noise awesome I’m hearing that make noise awesome I I’m hearing that make noise awesome I can’t I’m hearing that make noise awesome I can’t get noise awesome I can’t get out but it’s but it’s definitely making noise oh

Definitely making noise oh cool it’s definitely making noise oh cool it’s not but it’s definitely making noise oh definitely making noise oh cool it’s definitely making noise oh cool it’s not definitely making noise oh cool it’s not doing it’s not doing what it’s supposed it’s not doing what it’s supposed to

It’s not doing what it’s supposed to but it’s not doing what it’s supposed to but it it’s not doing what it’s supposed to but it is supposed to but it is 100% doing what supposed to but it is 100% doing what a supposed to but it is 100% doing what

Supposed to but it is 100% doing what it should supposed to but it is 100% doing what it should not what it should not do so let’s break what it should not do so let’s break that what it should not do so let’s break that break let’s break that break it break it

Let’s break that break it break it break let’s break that break it break it break it let’s break that break it break it break it okay it break it okay and let’s see what it break it okay and let’s see what I it break it okay and let’s see what I can

It break it okay and let’s see what I can do it break it okay and let’s see what I can do to what I can do to actually make this what I can do to actually make this work what I can do to actually make this work okay

Actually make this work okay yeah actually make this work okay yeah no actually make this work okay yeah no that actually make this work okay yeah no that that’s yeah no that that’s not great so let’s yeah no that that’s not great so let’s do

Yeah no that that’s not great so let’s do it yeah no that that’s not great so let’s do it that great so let’s do it that one there great so let’s do it that one there and great so let’s do it that one there and then

Great so let’s do it that one there and then I great so let’s do it that one there and great so let’s do it that one there and then great so let’s do it that one there and then I there and then I think think I can

There and then I think think I can do there and then I think think I can do this there and then I think think I can there and then I think think I can do there and then I think think I can do this

There and then I think think I can do this so there and then I think think I can do this so take can do this so take that out okay think I can do this so take that out okay okay think I can do this so take that out okay okay that

Out okay okay that’ll go that way out okay okay that’ll go that way out okay okay that’ll go that way and out okay okay that’ll go that way and then out okay okay that’ll go that way and then again go that way and then again iron ing

That way and then again iron ingot that way and then again iron ingot that way and then again iron ingot filter and then again iron ingot filter so and then again iron ingot filter so go then again iron ingot filter so go like again iron ingot filter so go like that

And then again iron ingot filter so and then again iron ingot filter so go then again iron ingot filter so go like again iron ingot filter so go like that again iron ingot filter so go like that and again iron ingot filter so go like that and then

Again iron ingot filter so go like that and then I again iron ingot filter so go like that and then I like that and then I need to I think like that and then I need to I think I that and then I need to I think I need

Like that and then I need to I think like that and then I need to I think I that and then I need to I think I need that and then I need to I think I need to that and then I need to I think I need to block

That and then I need to I think I need to block that to I think I need to block that okay to I think I need to block that okay let’s to I think I need to block that okay let’s see block that okay let’s see see what I

Block that okay let’s see see what I need okay let’s see see what I need to do okay let’s see see what I need to do to okay let’s see see what I need to do to do okay let’s see see what I need to do to do this

To do to do this okay so let’s see to do to do this okay so let’s see to do to do this okay so let’s see I to do to do this okay so let’s see I think to do to do this okay so let’s see I think it was

To do to do this okay so let’s see I to do to do this okay so let’s see I think to do to do this okay so let’s see I think it was see I think it was a cover is what see I think it was a cover is what they

See I think it was a cover is what they called see I think it was a cover is what they called it a cover is what they called it yeah cover is what they called it yeah craft cover is what they called it yeah craft slot they called it yeah craft slot cover

They called it yeah craft slot cover all they called it yeah craft slot cover all right they called it yeah craft slot cover all right on they called it yeah craft slot cover all right and they called it yeah craft slot cover all right and cover all right and now I have like

Cover all right and now I have like way cover all right and now I have like way too cover all right and now I have like way too much cover all right and now I have like way too much iron like way too much iron in my inventory

Way too much iron in my inventory that’s iron in my inventory that’s fine we’ll iron in my inventory that’s fine we’ll throw we’ll throw that back in there yeah we’ll throw that back in there yeah this we’ll throw that back in there yeah this is we’ll throw that back in there yeah

We’ll throw that back in there yeah this we’ll throw that back in there yeah this is yeah this is going to be weird but yeah this is going to be weird but hopefully yeah this is going to be weird but hopefully this but hopefully this will work so we

But hopefully this will work so we slapp but hopefully this will work so we slapped but hopefully this will work so we slapped that but hopefully this will work so we but hopefully this will work so we slapped but hopefully this will work so we slapped that

But hopefully this will work so we slapped that in we slapped that in there all right we slapped that in there all right now we slapped that in there all right now need we slapped that in there all right now need some we slapped that in there all right now need some of

We slapped that in there all right now need we slapped that in there all right now need some we slapped that in there all right now need some of right now need some of our lovely right now need some of our lovely soup right now need some of our lovely soup oh

Right now need some of our lovely soup oh and right now need some of our lovely soup oh I right now need some of our lovely soup oh and I right now need some of our lovely soup oh and right now need some of our lovely soup oh

Right now need some of our lovely soup go right now need some of our lovely soup go bre right now need some of our lovely soup go breed right now need some of our lovely soup go breed some right now need some of our lovely soup go

Right now need some of our lovely soup go breed right now need some of our lovely soup go breed some lovely soup go breed some more bees lovely soup go breed some more bees real lovely soup go breed some more bees real quick breed some more bees real quick while

Breed some more bees real quick while I’m breed some more bees real quick while I’m thinking quick while I’m thinking about it almost quick while I’m thinking about it almost open quick while I’m thinking about it almost open the quick while I’m thinking about it almost

Quick while I’m thinking about it almost open quick while I’m thinking about it almost open the it almost open the wrong door I mean it almost open the wrong door I mean I it almost open the wrong door I mean I did it almost open the wrong door I mean I did open

It almost open the wrong door I mean I did open the mean I did open the wrong door but mean I did open the wrong door but I mean I did open the wrong door but I almost mean I did open the wrong door but I almost let

Mean I did open the wrong door but I almost let bees but I almost let bees out which would but I almost let bees out which would have but I almost let bees out which would have been but I almost let bees out which would have been bad

Would have been bad cat Okay that would have been bad cat Okay that would have been bad cat Okay that one’s would have been bad cat Okay that one’s full would have been bad cat Okay that one’s full all that one’s full all right we got anymore

Would have been bad cat Okay that one’s full all that one’s full all right we got anymore that one’s full all right we got anymore bees right we got anymore bees okay well right we got anymore bees okay well I we got anymore bees okay well I was

We got anymore bees okay well I was hoping right we got anymore bees okay well right we got anymore bees okay well I we got anymore bees okay well I was we got anymore bees okay well I was hoping we got anymore bees okay well I was hoping to

We got anymore bees okay well I was hoping to be okay well I was hoping to be able to okay well I was hoping to be able to get okay well I was hoping to be able to get to okay well I was hoping to be able to get to a

Okay well I was hoping to be able to get to a milk able to get to a milk machine today get to a milk machine today I don’t get to a milk machine today I don’t think get to a milk machine today I don’t think I’m

Don’t think I’m going to be able to don’t think I’m going to be able to but don’t think I’m going to be able to but that’s don’t think I’m going to be able to but that’s to but that’s okay all right so let’s to but that’s okay all right so let’s okay

To but that’s okay all right so let’s text to but that’s okay all right so let’s text that to but that’s okay all right so let’s text to but that’s okay all right so let’s text that let’s that guy is that guy’s full that guy is that guy’s full all right

That guy is that guy’s full all right Wonder that guy is that guy’s full all right that guy’s full all right wonderful that guy’s full all right wonderful let’s that guy’s full all right wonderful get that guy’s full all right wonderful get back that guy’s full all right wonderful get back in

Right wonderful get back in there right wonderful get back in there careful let’s there careful let’s get back in there there careful let’s get back in there and there careful let’s get back in there and pick there careful let’s get back in there and pick up

Get back in there and pick up the get back in there and pick up the the get back in there and pick up the the hive get back in there and pick up the the get back in there and pick up the the hive

Get back in there and pick up the the hive cool and pick up the the hive cool well and pick up the the hive cool well there’s and pick up the the hive cool well there’s six and pick up the the hive cool well there’s 6B well there’s six bees there I know

Well there’s six bees there I know what well there’s six bees there I know what I’m well there’s six bees there I know well there’s six bees there I know what well there’s six bees there I know what I’m bees there I know what I’m going to

Bees there I know what I’m going to be I know what I’m going to be doing know what I’m going to be doing for what I’m going to be doing for the what I’m going to be doing for the rest going to be doing for the rest of

Going to be doing for the rest of the going to be doing for the rest of the night going to be doing for the rest of the night all going to be doing for the rest of the night all right of the night all right so I’m adjust

Of the night all right so I’ve adjusted of the night all right so I’ve adjusted my of the night all right so I’ve adjusted my machine adjusted my machine a little bit so adjusted my machine a little bit so I adjusted my machine a little bit so I now

Machine a little bit so I now have machine a little bit so I now have these little bit so I now have these two little bit so I now have these two plus little bit so I now have these two plus a little bit so I now have these two plus a third

Little bit so I now have these two plus a third one two plus a third one with a blank two plus a third one with a blank on two plus a third one with a blank on it two plus a third one with a blank

Two plus a third one with a blank on two plus a third one with a blank on it two plus a third one with a blank on it so two plus a third one with a blank on it so I two plus a third one with a blank on it so

Two plus a third one with a blank on it so I two plus a third one with a blank on it so I think two plus a third one with a blank on it so I think I blank on it so I think I think and

Blank on it so I think I think and I blank on it so I think I think and I could blank on it so I think I think and I could very blank on it so I think I think and I could very well and I could very well be wrong but

And I could very well be wrong but I think very well be wrong but I think this and I could very well be wrong but and I could very well be wrong but I think very well be wrong but I think this very well be wrong but I think this might

Very well be wrong but I think this might actually very well be wrong but I think this might actually do this might actually do it so if we this might actually do it so if we throw this might actually do it so if we throw that

This might actually do it so if we throw that in do it so if we throw that in there do it so if we throw that in there there do it so if we throw that in there there we go do it so if we throw that in there there

Do it so if we throw that in there there we go do it so if we throw that in there there we go that do it so if we throw that in there there we go that there there we go that is 100% crafting there there we go that is 100% crafting shears

There there we go that is 100% crafting shears now crafting shears now let’s get up here crafting shears now let’s get up here and crafting shears now let’s get up here and see crafting shears now let’s get up here and crafting shears now let’s get up here and see

Let’s get up here and see what’s happening let’s get up here and see what’s happening okay let’s get up here and see what’s happening okay what’s happening okay are we oh yeah what’s happening okay are we oh yeah happening okay are we oh yeah and happening okay are we oh yeah and yeah

Happening okay are we oh yeah and yeah you happening okay are we oh yeah and yeah you can are we oh yeah and yeah you can see are we oh yeah and yeah you can see now are we oh yeah and yeah you can see now it’s

Can see now it’s filling up the shears can see now it’s filling up the shears my it’s filling up the shears my cat’s it’s filling up the shears my cat’s all it’s filling up the shears my cat’s all excited cat’s all excited about it right you

Cat’s all excited about it right you see cat’s all excited about it right you cat’s all excited about it right you see cat’s all excited about it right you see it’s you see it’s starting to get sort you see it’s starting to get sort of you see it’s starting to get sort

You see it’s starting to get sort of you see it’s starting to get sort of piped you see it’s starting to get sort of piped into get sort of piped into this system get sort of piped into this system here get sort of piped into this system here and

Get sort of piped into this system here and it’s system here and it’s spreading kind system here and it’s spreading kind of system here and it’s spreading kind system here and it’s spreading kind of system here and it’s spreading kind of evenly system here and it’s spreading kind of evenly or

Kind of evenly or something I don’t know kind of evenly or something I don’t know how kind of evenly or something I don’t know how it don’t know how it decides but I’m don’t know how it decides but I’m really don’t know how it decides but I’m really my

Don’t know how it decides but I’m really my cat I’m really my cat is very excited I’m really my cat is very excited about I’m really my cat is very excited about all I’m really my cat is very excited about all of excited about all of this but yeah

Excited about all of this but yeah excited about all of this but yeah this excited about all of this but yeah this this excited about all of this but yeah this this is yeah this this is absolutely filling yeah this this is absolutely filling up yeah this this is absolutely filling up and

Yeah this this is absolutely filling up and what’s filling up and what’s going to happen filling up and what’s going to happen is filling up and what’s going to happen is this filling up and what’s going to happen is filling up and what’s going to happen is this

Filling up and what’s going to happen is this chest happen is this chest will which I happen is this chest will which I can’t happen is this chest will which I can’t open happen is this chest will which I can’t open now I can’t open now we’ll fill up with

I can’t open now we’ll fill up with open now we’ll fill up with shears open now we’ll fill up with shears which we’ll fill up with shears which will we’ll fill up with shears which will stop we’ll fill up with shears which will stop all

We’ll fill up with shears which will stop all of will stop all of this and then you will stop all of this and then you know will stop all of this and then you know as will stop all of this and then you will stop all of this and then you know

Will stop all of this and then you know as will stop all of this and then you know as she will stop all of this and then you know as you know as she is break they’ll get you know as she is break they’ll get load

You know as she is break they’ll get loaded you know as she is break they’ll get loaded in you know as she is break they’ll get you know as she is break they’ll get loaded you know as she is break they’ll get loaded in

You know as she is break they’ll get loaded in and break they’ll get loaded in and this break they’ll get loaded in and this will get loaded in and this will just automatically get loaded in and this will just automatically keep will just automatically keep it full

Will just automatically keep it full which will just automatically keep it full which is will just automatically keep it full which will just automatically keep it full which is full which is awesome awesome so now full which is awesome awesome so now I full which is awesome awesome so now I have

Full which is awesome awesome so now I have a I have a Perpetual honeycomb machine I have a Perpetual honeycomb machine I I have a Perpetual honeycomb machine I suppose I have a Perpetual honeycomb machine I suppose would machine I suppose it would be nice I have a Perpetual honeycomb machine I

I have a Perpetual honeycomb machine I suppose machine I suppose it would be nice machine I suppose it would be nice is machine I suppose it would be nice is to machine I suppose it would be nice is to if machine I suppose it would be nice is to if I

Machine I suppose it would be nice is to if machine I suppose it would be nice is to if I machine I suppose it would be nice is to if I ever nice is to if I ever wanted to stop nice is to if I ever wanted to stop all

Nice is to if I ever wanted to stop all I if I ever wanted to stop all I have to if I ever wanted to stop all I have to do if I ever wanted to stop all I have to do is

If I ever wanted to stop all I have to do is power have to do is power this row of redstone have to do is power this row of redstone and have to do is power this row of redstone and then redstone and then these observers redstone and then these observers when

Redstone and then these observers when they then these observers when they fire then these observers when they fire won’t then these observers when they fire won’t change then these observers when they fire won’t then these observers when they fire won’t change fire won’t change the state of the

Fire won’t change the state of the honeycomb fire won’t change the state of the honeycomb so fire won’t change the state of the honeycomb so the honeycomb so yeah okay cool and honeycomb so yeah okay cool and actually the honeycomb so yeah okay cool and honeycomb so yeah okay cool and actually

Honeycomb so yeah okay cool and actually that actually that honeycomb I could have actually that honeycomb I could have all that honeycomb I could have all sorts that honeycomb I could have all sorts of that honeycomb I could have all sorts of other could have all sorts of other issues

Could have all sorts of other issues but could have all sorts of other issues but nice could have all sorts of other issues but nice okay could have all sorts of other issues but nice Okay issues but nice Okay cool so we are issues but nice Okay cool so we are looking

Issues but nice Okay cool so we are looking pretty issues but nice Okay cool so we are looking issues but nice Okay cool so we are looking pretty are looking pretty good Yep this is are looking pretty good Yep this is all pretty good Yep this is all full all right

All full all right I’m going to see all full all right I’m going to see if all full all right I’m going to see if I’ve pretty good Yep this is all full all right all full all right I’m going to see all full all right I’m going to see if

All full all right I’m going to see if I’ve all full all right I’m going to see if I’ve got I’ve got a storage interface so we I’ve got a storage interface so we can I’ve got a storage interface so we can just storage interface so we can just take

I’ve got a storage interface so we I’ve got a storage interface so we can I’ve got a storage interface so we can just storage interface so we can just take storage interface so we can just take a storage interface so we can just take a look

Storage interface so we can just take a look at take a look at what’s happening in take a look at what’s happening in that take a look at what’s happening in that that what’s happening in that that chest what’s happening in that that chest but what’s happening in that that chest but kind

What’s happening in that that chest but kind of what’s happening in that that chest but kind what’s happening in that that chest but kind of chest but kind of like this okay other chest but kind of like this okay other than the chest but kind of like this okay other than the fact

Chest but kind of like this okay other fact chest but kind of like this okay other fact I’m chest but kind of like this okay other chest but kind of like this okay other fact I’m other fact I’m missing everything fact I’m missing everything let’s fact I’m missing everything Let’s

Fact I’m missing everything let’s fact I’m missing everything let’s start missing everything let’s start terminal everything let’s start terminal oh everything let’s start terminal oh geez everything let’s start terminal oh geez come everything let’s start terminal oh everything let’s start terminal oh geez everything let’s start terminal oh geez come on

Oh geez come on all right let’s grab oh geez come on all right let’s grab some grab some glowstone do I have Emer grab some glowstone do I have Emerald grab some glowstone do I have emeralds grab some glowstone do I have emeralds grab some glowstone do I have emeralds that’s

Glowstone do I have emeralds that’s the grab some glowstone do I have emeralds that’s glowstone do I have emeralds that’s the glowstone do I have emeralds that’s the magic that’s the magic number here Emerald that’s the magic number here emeralds magic number here emeralds perfect that’s the magic number here emeralds

Magic number here emeralds perfect magic number here emeralds perfect okay magic number here emeralds perfect okay I’m magic number here emeralds perfect okay I’m not emeralds perfect okay I’m not going emeralds perfect okay I’m not going to magic number here emeralds perfect okay magic number here emeralds perfect okay I’m

Magic number here emeralds perfect okay I’m not emeralds perfect okay I’m not going emeralds perfect okay I’m not going to emeralds perfect okay I’m not going to need emeralds perfect okay I’m not going to need a emeralds perfect okay I’m not going to need a lot

Going to need a lot of Glowstone so going to need a lot of Glowstone so not going to need a lot of Glowstone so not too going to need a lot of Glowstone so going to need a lot of Glowstone so not going to need a lot of Glowstone so not too

Of Glowstone so not too worried about of Glowstone so I’m not too worried about of Glowstone so I’m not too worried about not of Glowstone so I’m not too worried about not worried about not having a lot here worried about not having a lot here okay

Worried about not having a lot here okay let’s having a lot here okay let’s just worried about not having a lot here okay worried about not having a lot here okay let’s having a lot here okay let’s just having a lot here okay let’s just we’ll

Having a lot here okay let’s just we’ll just having a lot here okay let’s just we’ll having a lot here okay let’s just we’ll just just we’ll just burn through all of just we’ll just burn through all of those just we’ll just burn through all of those emeralds

Through all of those emeralds which through all of those emeralds which not through all of those emeralds which not a lot those emeralds which not a lot of those emeralds which is not a lot of emeralds those emeralds which is not a lot of emeralds okay

Those emeralds which is not a lot of emeralds Okay those emeralds which is not a lot of emeralds okay lot of emeralds okay so one of those lot of emeralds okay so one of those storage okay so one of those storage terminals okay so one of those storage terminals cost

Okay so one of those storage terminals cost what now terminals cost what now storage term terminals cost what now storage terminal terminals cost what now storage terminal terminals cost what now storage terminal PL terminals cost what now storage terminal plank terminals cost what now storage terminal planks

Terminals cost what now storage terminal planks terminal planks glass okay okay I’ve terminal planks glass okay okay I’ve got terminal planks glass okay okay I’ve terminal planks glass okay okay I’ve got terminal planks glass okay okay I’ve got all terminal planks glass okay okay I’ve got all of

Okay okay I’ve got all of The Observers okay okay I’ve got all of The Observers back okay okay I’ve got all of The Observers back on all of The Observers back on the other all of The Observers back on the other side all of The Observers back on the other side so

Observers back on the other side so yeah Observers back on the other side so yeah cuz Observers back on the other side so yeah cuz I’ve Observers back on the other side so yeah Observers back on the other side so yeah cuz Observers back on the other side so yeah cuz I’ve

So yeah cuz I’ve got a bunch of observers so yeah cuz I’ve got a bunch of observers over observers over here so we should be observers over here so we should be good observers over here so we should be good we got observers over here so we should be good got

Observers over here so we should be good got this observers over here so we should be good got observers over here so we should be good got this be good got this it’s going to be be good got this it’s going to be great

Be good got this it’s going to be great let’s got this it’s going to be great let’s grab some let’s grab some comparis first okay let’s grab some Compares first okay let’s grab some Compares first okay and let’s grab some Compares first okay and now let’s grab some Compares first okay and

Let’s grab some Compares first okay and now let’s grab some Compares first okay and now storage okay and now storage terminal oh a and now storage terminal oh a chest okay and now storage terminal oh a and now storage terminal oh a chest and now storage terminal oh a chest great

And now storage terminal oh a chest great okay and now storage terminal oh a chest great okay now chest great okay now can I craft a storage chest great okay now can I craft a storage terminal craft a storage terminal please thank craft a storage terminal please thank you

Craft a storage terminal please thank you you terminal please thank you you okay craft a storage terminal please thank you you terminal please thank you you okay terminal please thank you you okay yeah terminal please thank you you okay yeah see terminal please thank you you okay yeah see that

Okay yeah see that should be full okay yeah see that should be full so okay yeah see that should be full so we’ll just full so we’ll just slap that on there full so we’ll just slap that on there yeah full so we’ll just slap that on there yeah and

Full so we’ll just slap that on there yeah full so we’ll just slap that on there yeah and there yeah and we’ve got 54 shares which there yeah and we’ve got 54 shares which yeah shares which yeah fills up that chest which yeah fills up that chest perfect

Shares which fills up that chest perfect which fills up that chest perfect perfect which fills up that chest perfect perfect so which fills up that chest perfect perfect which fills up that chest perfect perfect so which fills up that chest perfect perfect so it’s perfect perfect so it’s self-limiting

Perfect perfect so it’s self-limiting in perfect perfect so it’s self-limiting in that perfect perfect so it’s self-limiting in that way self-limiting in that way and then self-limiting in that way and then yeah self-limiting in that way and then yeah we self-limiting in that way and then yeah we are

Self-limiting in that way and then yeah we self-limiting in that way and then yeah we are that way and then yeah we are set that way and then yeah we are set up that way and then yeah we are set up perfect that way and then yeah we are set up

That way and then yeah we are set up perfect that way and then yeah we are set up perfect this that way and then yeah we are set up perfect this is that way and then yeah we are set up perfect this

That way and then yeah we are set up perfect this is set up perfect this is perfect this set up perfect this is perfect this chest set up perfect this is perfect this chest is perfect this chest is completely full perfect this chest is completely full of chest is completely full of shears

Chest is completely full of shears and chest is completely full of shears and all completely full of shears and all of completely full of shears and all of these all of these dispensers up here are all of these dispensers up here are now all of these dispensers up here are now full

All of these dispensers up here are now full of here are now full of shears so we here are now full of shears so we now here are now full of shears so we now have here are now full of shears so we now have a

Here are now full of shears so we here are now full of shears so we now here are now full of shears so we now have here are now full of shears so we now have a we now have a self-filling system we now have a self-filling system is

We now have a self-filling system is it we now have a self-filling system is it a little we now have a self-filling system is we now have a self-filling system is it we now have a self-filling system is it a little system is it a little funky yes does

System is it a little funky yes does anybody system is it a little funky yes does anybody going does anybody going to see this after anybody going to see this after this anybody going to see this after this maybe anybody going to see this after this maybe in the

This maybe in the World download but this maybe in the World download but I’m this maybe in the World download but I’m okay this maybe in the World download but I’m okay with this maybe in the World download but I’m this maybe in the World download but I’m okay

This maybe in the World download but I’m okay with but I’m okay with that all right so but I’m okay with that all right so but I’m okay with that all right so let’s but I’m okay with that all right so let’s see

But I’m okay with that all right so let’s see if so let’s see if I can get it here let’s see if I can get it here and let’s see if I can get it here and read let’s see if I can get it here and read another

Get it here and read another round get it here and read another round of get it here and read another round of be get it here and read another round of bees and read another round of bees how and read another round of bees how we

And read another round of bees how we doing get it here and read another round of bees and read another round of bees how and read another round of bees how we and read another round of bees how we doing and read another round of bees how we doing here

And read another round of bees how we doing here oh how we doing here oh that one’s full how we doing here oh that one’s full okay how we doing here oh that one’s full okay okay one’s full okay okay these guys are one’s full okay okay these guys are not

One’s full okay okay these guys are not yet one’s full okay okay these guys are not yet okay are not yet okay you know I might are not yet okay you know I might be are not yet okay you know I might are not yet okay you know I might be

Okay you know I might be overestim you know I might be overestimating you know I might be overestimating things you know I might be overestimating you know I might be overestimating things you know I might be overestimating things by you know I might be overestimating things by going overestimating things by going with

Overestimating things by going with five overestimating things by going with five or overestimating things by going with five or 20 overestimating things by going with five or overestimating things by going with five or 20 overestimating things by going with five or 20 hives by going with five or 20 hives here

By going with five or 20 hives here but with five or 20 hives here but these by going with five or 20 hives here but with five or 20 hives here but these with five or 20 hives here but these guys with five or 20 hives here but these guys are

With five or 20 hives here but these guys are all these guys are all full so that’s guys are all full so that’s great are all full so that’s great just are all full so that’s great just try are all full so that’s great just try to

Are all full so that’s great just try to breed that’s great just try to breed everybody that’s great just try to breed everybody come that’s great just try to breed everybody come on that’s great just try to breed everybody come that’s great just try to breed everybody come on

Everybody come on bees no serious everybody come on bees no seriously everybody come on bees no seriously come everybody come on bees no seriously everybody come on bees no seriously come everybody come on bees no seriously come on everybody come on bees no seriously come on I

Everybody come on bees no seriously come on I would seriously come on I would like to seriously come on I would like to give seriously come on I would like to give you on I would like to give you flowers on I would like to give you flowers I don’t

Like to give you flowers I don’t get on I would like to give you flowers I don’t like to give you flowers I don’t get like to give you flowers I don’t get flowers like to give you flowers I don’t get flowers to get flowers to just anybody so would

Get flowers to just anybody so would be get flowers to just anybody so would be great get flowers to just anybody so would be great if get flowers to just anybody so would get flowers to just anybody so would be get flowers to just anybody so would be great

Get flowers to just anybody so would be great if get flowers to just anybody so would be great if you anybody so would be great if you all anybody so would be great if you all would anybody so would be great if you all would like

Anybody so would be great if you all would like pop all would like pop out here I know all would like pop out here I know they like pop out here I know they all like pop out here I know they all came all would like pop out here I know

All would like pop out here I know they like pop out here I know they all like pop out here I know they all came like pop out here I know they all came out like pop out here I know they all came out to grab all came out to grab breakfast and

All came out to grab breakfast and then all came out to grab breakfast and then went all came out to grab breakfast and then went back breakfast and then went back to bed breakfast and then went back to bed you breakfast and then went back to bed you know

Breakfast and then went back to bed you know it’s bed you know it’s bees are not unlike bed you know it’s bees are not unlike teenagers bed you know it’s bees are not unlike teenagers in unlike teenagers in that way you know unlike teenagers in that way you know just

Unlike teenagers in that way you know just come unlike teenagers in that way you know just come out know just come out grab a little food know just come out grab a little food go know just come out grab a little food go back

Know just come out grab a little food go back to know just come out grab a little food go back to bed food go back to bed pop out again food go back to bed pop out again food go back to bed pop out again maybe

Food go back to bed pop out again maybe sometime again maybe sometime around noon you again maybe sometime around noon you know again maybe sometime around noon you know okay again maybe sometime around noon you know okay in again maybe sometime around noon you know okay this

Again maybe sometime around noon you know okay around noon you know okay in this case around noon you know okay in this case 9:00 around noon you know okay in this case 9:00 but around noon you know okay in this case 9:00 but you this case 9:00 but you know still

This case 9:00 but you know still all this case 9:00 but you know still all right this case 9:00 but you know still all this case 9:00 but you know still all right this case 9:00 but you know still all right so this case 9:00 but you know still all right so

Know still all right so let’s go ahead know still all right so let’s go ahead and know still all right so let’s go ahead and see know still all right so let’s go ahead and see if know still all right so let’s go ahead and see if I

Ahead and see if I can breed up a ahead and see if I can breed up a few see if I can breed up a few more of see if I can breed up a few more of these can breed up a few more of these guys

Can breed up a few more of these guys and can breed up a few more of these guys and feel can breed up a few more of these guys and feel a can breed up a few more of these guys and feel a few guys and feel a few more of these

Guys and feel a few more of these hives guys and feel a few more of these hives I guys and feel a few more of these hives I forgot guys and feel a few more of these hives I forgot to guys and feel a few more of these hives I

Guys and feel a few more of these hives I forgot guys and feel a few more of these hives I forgot to these hives I forgot to hit record these hives I forgot to hit record but these hives I forgot to hit record but I

These hives I forgot to hit record but I think record but I think that’s short enough record but I think that’s short enough that record but I think that’s short enough that a think that’s short enough that a clip think that’s short enough that a clip caught

Think that’s short enough that a clip caught the clip caught the whole thing all right clip caught the whole thing all right so clip caught the whole thing all right clip caught the whole thing all right so clip caught the whole thing all right so those

Clip caught the whole thing all right so those are right so those are all set cool oh right so those are all set cool oh yeah right so those are all set cool oh yeah this right so those are all set cool oh yeah this is

Right so those are all set cool oh right so those are all set cool oh yeah right so those are all set cool oh yeah this right so those are all set cool oh yeah this is right so those are all set cool oh yeah this is this

Cool oh yeah this is this is good right so those are all set cool oh yeah this is this cool oh yeah this is this is good cool oh yeah this is this is good those cool oh yeah this is this is good those will

Cool oh yeah this is this is good those will fill cool oh yeah this is this is good those will fill up good those will fill up eventually good those will fill up eventually but those will fill up eventually but all those will fill up eventually but all right

Those will fill up eventually but all right so those will fill up eventually but all right so I those will fill up eventually but all those will fill up eventually but all right those will fill up eventually but all right so those will fill up eventually but all right so I

Eventually but all right so I think eventually but all right so I think though eventually but all right so I think though we’re think though we’re in pretty good think though we’re in pretty good shape think though we’re in pretty good shape as think though we’re in pretty good shape as far

We’re in pretty good shape as far as we’re in pretty good shape as far as the we’re in pretty good shape as far as the be we’re in pretty good shape as far as the bee we’re in pretty good shape as far as the bee port

We’re in pretty good shape as far as the bee far as the bee portion of this exercise far as the bee portion of this exercise is far as the bee portion of this exercise is concerned exercise is concerned let’s go ahead exercise is concerned let’s go ahead and

Exercise is concerned let’s go ahead exercise is concerned let’s go ahead and concerned let’s go ahead and dump concerned let’s go ahead and dump these concerned let’s go ahead and dump these flowers concerned let’s go ahead and dump concerned let’s go ahead and dump these concerned let’s go ahead and dump these flowers

Dump these flowers here and clean dump these flowers here and clean up dump these flowers here and clean up and flowers here and clean up and let’s flowers here and clean up and let’s go flowers here and clean up and let’s go see flowers here and clean up and let’s go see what

Flowers here and clean up and let’s go see what we clean up and let’s go see what we could clean up and let’s go see what we could do clean up and let’s go see what we could do about what we could do about maybe some milk

What we could do about maybe some milk and what we could do about maybe some milk and figuring what we could do about maybe some milk and what we could do about maybe some milk and figuring some milk and figuring out some form some milk and figuring out some form of

Some milk and figuring out some form of milk some milk and figuring out some form of milk factory form of milk factory that’s that is form of milk factory that’s that is going milk factory that’s that is going to be milk factory that’s that is going to be one of

Milk factory that’s that is going to be one of the going to be one of the next things going to be one of the next things I going to be one of the next things I need going to be one of the next things I need here

Of the next things I need here and of the next things I need here and I of the next things I need here and I think of the next things I need here and of the next things I need here and I of the next things I need here and I think

Of the next things I need here and I think it’s and I think it’s going to end up back and I think it’s going to end up back here back here somewhere this is great back here somewhere this is great back here somewhere this is great let’s

Back here somewhere this is great let’s actually back here somewhere this is great let’s back here somewhere this is great let’s actually great let’s actually come up this great let’s actually come up this way great let’s actually come up this way I great let’s actually come up this way I want to

Come up this way I want to take a look come up this way I want to take a look so come up this way I want to take a look so I come up this way I want to take a look so

Come up this way I want to take a look so I I want to take a look so I think the I want to take a look so I think the bees I want to take a look so I think the bees are the bees are going to do well for

The bees are going to do well for now the bees are going to do well for now and the bees are going to do well for now and if the bees are going to do well for now and if we the bees are going to do well for now and if we look

Do well for now and if we look we’ve do well for now and if we look we’ve got do well for now and if we look We’ve Got do well for now and if we look we’ve got do well for now and if we look we’ve got no

Do well for now and if we look we’ve got no 57 we’ve got no 57 honeycomb already we’ve got no 57 honeycomb already so we’ve got no 57 honeycomb already so yeah we’ve got no 57 honeycomb already so yeah this we’ve got no 57 honeycomb already so yeah this is

Already so yeah this is the farm itself already so yeah this is the farm itself is already so yeah this is the farm itself is working itself is working great and now I itself is working great and now I just itself is working great and now I just need

Itself is working great and now I just need to itself is working great and now I just need to breed I just need to breed up a zillion I just need to breed up a zillion bees I just need to breed up a zillion bees for

I just need to breed up a zillion bees for yeah I just need to breed up a zillion bees for yeah the I just need to breed up a zillion bees for yeah I just need to breed up a zillion bees for yeah the zillion bees for yeah the actual honey

Zillion bees for yeah the actual honey farm zillion bees for yeah the actual honey farm so zillion bees for yeah the actual honey farm so far zillion bees for yeah the actual honey farm so far I honey farm so far I think I’m going to

Zillion bees for yeah the actual honey farm so zillion bees for yeah the actual honey farm so far zillion bees for yeah the actual honey farm so far I honey farm so far I think I’m going to honey farm so far I think I’m going to take

Honey farm so far I think I’m going to take a far I think I’m going to take a break far I think I’m going to take a break from far I think I’m going to take a break from that a break from that and let’s figure

A break from that and let’s figure out a break from that and let’s figure out what a break from that and let’s figure out what we a break from that and let’s figure out what we can figure out what we can do about getting figure out what we can do about getting some

Figure out what we can do about getting some milk getting some milk and automating that getting some milk and automating that because getting some milk and automating that getting some milk and automating that because getting some milk and automating that because I getting some milk and automating that because I need

That because I need milk for a number that because I need milk for a number of that because I need milk for a number of recipes milk for a number of recipes right milk for a number of recipes right honey milk for a number of recipes right honey we’ve got

Right honey we’ve got for all sorts of right honey we’ve got for all sorts of cookies right honey we’ve got for all sorts of cookies and sorts of cookies and stuff but milk sorts of cookies and stuff but milk sorts of cookies and stuff but milk show

Sorts of cookies and stuff but milk shows sorts of cookies and stuff but milk shows up sorts of cookies and stuff but milk shows up when sorts of cookies and stuff but milk shows up when we sorts of cookies and stuff but milk shows sorts of cookies and stuff but milk shows up

Sorts of cookies and stuff but milk shows up when sorts of cookies and stuff but milk shows up when we milk shows up when we want to make milk shows up when we want to make chocolates milk shows up when we want to make chocolates which chocolates which is very important

Chocolates which is very important in chocolates which is very important in life chocolates which is very important in life and important in life and Builders tea but also important in life and Builders tea but also is important in life and Builders tea but also is part

Tea but also is part of pumpkin soup tea but also is part of pumpkin soup a tea but also is part of pumpkin soup a glow Berry soup a glow Berry custard and hot soup a glow Berry custard and hot soup a glow Berry custard and hot cocoa

Soup a glow Berry custard and hot cocoa all soup a glow Berry custard and hot cocoa all of soup a glow Berry custard and hot cocoa all of those soup a glow Berry custard and hot cocoa all soup a glow Berry custard and hot cocoa all of

Soup a glow Berry custard and hot cocoa all of those hot cocoa all of those things are hot cocoa all of those things are very hot cocoa all of those things are very high hot cocoa all of those things are very high on

Hot cocoa all of those things are very high on my things are very high on my list of things things are very high on my list of things that things are very high on my list of things that I high on my list of things that I want

High on my list of things that I want to high on my list of things that I want to eat high on my list of things that I want to eat Maybe high on my list of things that I want to eat maybe want to eat maybe not the pumpkin

Want to eat maybe not the pumpkin soup want to eat maybe not the pumpkin soup but want to eat maybe not the pumpkin soup but the pumpkin soup but the custard and the pumpkin soup but the custard and the hot pumpkin soup but the custard and the hot cocoa

The custard and the hot cocoa absolutely the custard and the hot cocoa absolutely so the custard and the hot cocoa absolutely so to the custard and the hot cocoa absolutely so to do the custard and the hot cocoa absolutely so to the custard and the hot cocoa absolutely so to do

Absolutely so to do that I said I absolutely so to do that I said I need absolutely so to do that I said I need to absolutely so to do that I said I need to get absolutely so to do that I said I need to get some

I need to get some milk going and I need to get some milk going and I I need to get some milk going and I think some milk going and I think this area some milk going and I think this area back some milk going and I think this area back here

Some milk going and I think this area back here is area back here is going to be the area back here is going to be the place area back here is going to be the place for area back here is going to be the place for it

Area back here is going to be the place for it to the place for it to happen you know the place for it to happen you know the the place for it to happen you know the question the place for it to happen you know the question is

The place for it to happen you know the place for it to happen you know the the place for it to happen you know the question the place for it to happen you know the question is know the question is exactly where know the question is exactly where do

Know the question is exactly where do I know the question is exactly where do I want know the question is exactly where do I want this know the question is exactly where do I want this to where do I want this to happen and where do I want this to happen and where

Where do I want this to happen and where do where do I want this to happen and where do I where do I want this to happen and where do I want to where do I want this to happen and where where do I want this to happen and where do

Where do I want this to happen and where do I where do I want this to happen and where do I want to and where do I want to put it so I’m and where do I want to put it so I’m not

And where do I want to put it so I’m not getting and where do I want to put it so I’m not getting in not getting in my own way I think if not getting in my own way I think if I not getting in my own way I think if I come

Not getting in my own way I think if I come around not getting in my own way I think if not getting in my own way I think if I not getting in my own way I think if I come not getting in my own way I think if I come around

Think if I come around this way yeah think if I come around this way yeah I think think if I come around this way yeah I think this think if I come around this way yeah think if I come around this way yeah I think

Think if I come around this way yeah I think this think if I come around this way yeah I think this is way yeah I think this is going to work way yeah I think this is going to work here way yeah I think this is going to work here so

Way yeah I think this is going to work here so if way yeah I think this is going to work here so if I way yeah I think this is going to work here so if way yeah I think this is going to work here so if I

Work here so if I clean out a space work here so if I clean out a space this work here so if I clean out a space this way now space this way now I’m not entirely space this way now I’m not entirely sure space this way now I’m not entirely sure but

Now I’m not entirely sure but this now I’m not entirely sure but this this now I’m not entirely sure but this this might now I’m not entirely sure but this this might work now I’m not entirely sure but this now I’m not entirely sure but this this

Now I’m not entirely sure but this this might now I’m not entirely sure but this this might work this this might work as a spot for this might work as a spot for milk this might work as a spot for milk now this might work as a spot for milk now the

This might work as a spot for milk now the milk for milk now the milk let’s come back for milk now the milk let’s come back to for milk now the milk let’s come back to those back to those recipes for a minute back to those recipes for a minute but

Back to those recipes for a minute but milk back to those recipes for a minute but milk bottle back to those recipes for a minute but back to those recipes for a minute but milk back to those recipes for a minute but milk bottles back to those recipes for a minute milk bottles

Back to those recipes for a minute milk bottles well minute milk bottles well actually back to those recipes for a minute milk bottles well minute milk bottles well actually minute milk bottles well actually she’s minute milk bottles well actually she’s just minute milk bottles well actually she’s just come

Actually she’s just come here give actually she’s just come here give me actually she’s just come here give me fine just come here give me fine give me just come here give me fine give me milk here give me fine give me milk some here give me fine give me milk somehow

Here give me fine give me milk Somehow Here here give me fine give me milk Somehow Here Right here give me fine give me milk Somehow here give me fine give me milk Somehow Here here give me fine give me milk Somehow Here Right

Here give me fine give me milk Somehow Here Right I Somehow Here Right I could throw milk here give me fine give me milk Somehow Here Right I Somehow Here Right I could throw milk Somehow Here Right I could throw milk buckets Somehow Here Right I could throw milk buckets yeah

Somehow Here Right I could throw milk buckets yeah milk buckets yeah cuz I can throw milk buckets yeah cuz I can throw milk milk buckets yeah cuz I can throw milk buckets milk buckets yeah cuz I can throw milk buckets in cuz I can throw milk buckets in there

Cuz I can throw milk buckets in there I cuz I can throw milk buckets in there I don’t cuz I can throw milk buckets in there I don’t know buckets in there I don’t know if oh yeah buckets in there I don’t know if oh yeah cheese

Buckets in there I don’t know if oh yeah oh yeah cheesecakes that’s all bottles oh yeah cheesecakes that’s all bottles and oh yeah cheesecakes that’s all bottles and I bottles and I think I think I have bottles and I think I think I have to

Bottles and I think I think I have to throw bottles and I think I think I have to throw all bottles and I think I think I have to throw all of think I have to throw all of that think I have to throw all of that into

Think I have to throw all of that into mixers think I have to throw all of that into mixers rather think I have to throw all of that into mixers rather that into mixers rather than pump that into mixers rather than pumping that into mixers rather than pumping the

That into mixers rather than pumping the milk that into mixers rather than pumping that into mixers rather than pumping the that into mixers rather than pumping the milk pumping the milk directly into yeah pumping the milk directly into yeah I pumping the milk directly into yeah I can

Pumping the milk directly into yeah pumping the milk directly into yeah I pumping the milk directly into yeah I can pumping the milk directly into yeah I can pump pumping the milk directly into yeah I can pump the directly into yeah I can pump the milk yeah I can pump the milk directly

Yeah I can pump the milk directly in yeah I can pump the milk directly in for yeah I can pump the milk directly in for the yeah I can pump the milk directly in for the directly in for the chocolate but directly in for the chocolate but everything

Directly in for the chocolate but everything else directly in for the chocolate but everything else is but everything else is going to have but everything else is going to have to but everything else is going to have to get else is going to have to get bottled

Else is going to have to get bottled okay else is going to have to get bottled okay and else is going to have to get bottled okay else is going to have to get bottled okay and bottled okay and that’s fine I can bottled okay and that’s fine I can make

Bottled okay and that’s fine I can make that bottled okay and that’s fine I can make that happen can make that happen it’s just I have can make that happen it’s just I have to that happen it’s just I have to set that happen it’s just I have to set up

Can make that happen it’s just I have can make that happen it’s just I have to that happen it’s just I have to set that happen it’s just I have to set up that happen it’s just I have to set up some set up some automated glass production

Set up some automated glass production but set up some automated glass production but I set up some automated glass production but I think set up some automated glass production but I think I glass production but I think I can glass production but I think I can make

Glass production but I think I can make that glass production but I think I can make that happen can make that happen without too much can make that happen without too much hassle can make that happen without too much hassle yeah can make that happen without too much hassle yeah

Much hassle yeah okay shiny but then yeah okay shiny but then so yeah okay shiny but then so that yeah okay shiny but then so that means yeah okay shiny but then so that means where yeah okay shiny but then so yeah okay shiny but then so that

Yeah okay shiny but then so that means yeah okay shiny but then so that means wherever yeah okay shiny but then so that means wherever I yeah okay shiny but then so that means wherever I put means wherever I put this well heck means wherever I put this well heck I’ve

Wherever I put this well heck I’ve got wherever I put this well heck I’ve got the this well heck I’ve got the storage this well heck I’ve got the storage system this well heck I’ve got the storage system here this well heck I’ve got the storage system here so

Storage system here so I think I’m storage system here so I think I’m going to storage system here so I think I’m storage system here so I think I’m going to storage system here so I think I’m going to want storage system here so I think I’m going to want to

I’m going to want to give myself some I’m going to want to give myself some room I’m going to want to give myself some room so I’m going to want to give myself some room so go give myself some room so it’s going give myself some room so it’s going to

Give myself some room so go and cut give myself some room so go and cut out give myself some room so go and cut out a give myself some room so go and cut out a little give myself some room so go and cut give myself some room so go and cut out

Give myself some room so go and cut out a give myself some room so go and cut out a little going to cut out a little space back here going to cut out a little space back here all going to cut out a little space back here all right

Going to cut out a little space back here all going to cut out a little space back here all right space back here all right and I think space back here all right and I think just space back here all right and I think just for

Space back here all right and I think just for my think just for my own enjoyment cuz think just for my own enjoyment cuz I think just for my own enjoyment cuz think just for my own enjoyment cuz I’ve think just for my own enjoyment cuz I’ve got

Think just for my own enjoyment cuz I’ve got a my own enjoyment cuz I’ve got a couple my own enjoyment cuz I’ve got a couple things my own enjoyment cuz I’ve got a couple things I couple things I need to set up here things I need to set up here what

Things I need to set up here what was need to set up here what was that need to set up here what was that I things I need to set up here what things I need to set up here what was need to set up here what was that

Need to set up here what was that I need to set up here what was that I was need to set up here what was that I was looking need to set up here what was that I was looking at that I was looking at there are few

That I was looking at there are few things that I was looking at there are few things I that I was looking at there are few things I need that I was looking at there are few things I need to that I was looking at there are few

That I was looking at there are few things that I was looking at there are few things I that I was looking at there are few things I need that I was looking at there are few things I need to there are few things I need to mix

There are few things I need to mix tomato there are few things I need to mix tomato sauce there are few things I need to mix tomato there are few things I need to mix tomato sauce there are few things I need to mix tomato sauce needs

Mix tomato sauce needs bowls in a mix tomato sauce needs bowls in a mix mix tomato sauce needs bowls in a mixer mix tomato sauce needs bowls in a mix tomato sauce needs bowls in a mixer mix tomato sauce needs bowls in a mixer an

Mix tomato sauce needs bowls in a mixer an unheated a mixer an unheated mixer is fine mixer an unheated mixer is fine but mixer an unheated mixer is fine but the mixer an unheated mixer is fine but the heated mixer an unheated mixer is fine but the heated mixer

Fine but the heated mixer also works fine but the heated mixer also works but fine but the heated mixer also works but in fine but the heated mixer also works but in order fine but the heated mixer also works but in order to works but in order to do that yeah

Works but in order to do that yeah I’ve works but in order to do that yeah I’ve got works but in order to do that yeah works but in order to do that yeah I’ve works but in order to do that yeah I’ve got yeah I’ve got I’ve got lava here I’ve

I’ve got I’ve got lava here I’ve got I’ve got I’ve got lava here I’ve got lava I’ve got lava sources right I’ve got I’ve got lava sources right I’ve got the I’ve got lava sources right I’ve got the freaking got the freaking lava form is right

Got the freaking lava form is right there got the freaking lava form is right there right got the freaking lava form is right there right so got the freaking lava form is right there right so I got the freaking lava form is right there right

Got the freaking lava form is right there right so got the freaking lava form is right there right so I right there right so I could pump right there right so I could pump right right there right so I could pump right out right there right so I could pump right out of

Right there right so I could pump right out of the pump right out of the lava Farm some pump right out of the lava Farm someplace pump right out of the lava Farm some place of the lava Farm some place right of the lava Farm some place right down

Of the lava Farm some place right down here of the lava Farm some place right of the lava Farm some place right down of the lava Farm some place right down here of the lava Farm some place right down here okay of the lava Farm some place right down here okay so

Of the lava Farm some place right down here okay of the lava Farm some place right down here okay so right down here okay so I can heat right down here okay so I can heat stuff right down here okay so I can heat stuff right

Right down here okay so I can heat stuff right okay so I can heat stuff right okay cool so I can heat stuff right okay cool well heat stuff right okay cool well with heat stuff right okay cool well with all heat stuff right okay cool well with all of

Heat stuff right okay cool well with all of that okay cool well with all of that in okay cool well with all of that in mind okay cool well with all of that in mind then okay cool well with all of that in mind then yes

Okay cool well with all of that in mind then yes in mind then yes I’ve got that I can mind then yes I’ve got that I can milk mind then yes I’ve got that I can milk obviously can milk obviously doesn’t need it can milk obviously doesn’t need it there

Obviously doesn’t need it there are obviously doesn’t need it there are a couple obviously doesn’t need it there are a couple of are a couple of things that we’re are a couple of things that we’re going to are a couple of things that we’re going to need

Are a couple of things that we’re are a couple of things that we’re going to are a couple of things that we’re going to need we’re going to need to cook with it we’re going to need to cook with it and we’re going to need to cook with it and honey

We’re going to need to cook with it and we’re going to need to cook with it and honey it and honey I’m going to need to it and honey I’m going to need to process it and honey I’m going to need to process into to process into sugar right so if

To process into sugar right so if to process into sugar right so if I process into sugar right so if I want to process into sugar right so if I want to do process into sugar right so if I want to do sugar want to do sugar right it’s honey

Want to do sugar right it’s honey BAS want to do sugar right it’s honey basically want to do sugar right it’s honey want to do sugar right it’s honey basically want to do sugar right it’s honey basically I want to do sugar right it’s honey basically I can

Right it’s honey basically I can take right it’s honey basically I can take and right it’s honey basically I can take and craft right it’s honey basically I can take and right it’s honey basically I can take and craft take and craft honey bottles feed take and craft honey bottles feed them

Craft honey bottles feed them into craft honey bottles feed them into the craft honey bottles feed them into the mech take and craft honey bottles feed take and craft honey bottles feed them craft honey bottles feed them into craft honey bottles feed them into the craft honey bottles feed them into the mechanical

Them into the mechanical Crafter and them into the mechanical Crafter and that them into the mechanical Crafter and that makes them into the mechanical Crafter and that makes sugar them into the mechanical Crafter and that them into the mechanical Crafter and that makes them into the mechanical Crafter and that makes sugar

Crafter and that makes sugar or obvious Crafter and that makes sugar or obviously Crafter and that makes sugar or obviously Crafter and that makes sugar or obviously just Crafter and that makes sugar or obviously just grind obviously just grind sugarcane which obviously just grind sugarcane which is just grind sugarcane which is also

Obviously just grind sugarcane which obviously just grind sugarcane which is just grind sugarcane which is also just grind sugarcane which is also quick just grind sugarcane which is also quick and just grind sugarcane which is also quick and easy sugarcane which is also quick and easy so

Sugarcane which is also quick and easy so let’s and easy so let’s maybe think about and easy so let’s maybe think about honey let’s maybe think about honey in a let’s maybe think about honey in a Bott let’s maybe think about honey in a bottling let’s maybe think about honey in a

Let’s maybe think about honey in a bottling let’s maybe think about honey in a bottling fashion in a bottling fashion plus I have in a bottling fashion plus I have to in a bottling fashion plus I have to bottle in a bottling fashion plus I have to bottle milk

In a bottling fashion plus I have to bottle milk as in a bottling fashion plus I have to bottle milk as have to bottle milk as well as potent to bottle milk as well as potentially to bottle milk as well as potentially yet to bottle milk as well as potentially yet pull

To bottle milk as well as potentially yet pull it potentially yet pull it from a tank potentially yet pull it from a tank so potentially yet pull it from a tank so okay potentially yet pull it from a tank so okay so potentially yet pull it from a tank so okay so what

Potentially yet pull it from a tank so okay so potentially yet pull it from a tank so okay so what it from a tank so okay so what we it from a tank so okay so what we actually tank so okay so what we actually need

Tank so okay so what we actually need to tank so okay so what we actually need to set tank so okay so what we actually need to set up tank so okay so what we actually need to set up is tank so okay so what we actually need to set up is a

Need to set up is a bottling Factory up is a bottling Factory all right up is a bottling Factory all right up is a bottling Factory all right well up is a bottling Factory all right well that up is a bottling Factory all right well

Up is a bottling Factory all right well that up is a bottling Factory all right well that I up is a bottling Factory all right well that I could right well that I could potentially right well that I could potentially do potentially do potentially do but potentially do potentially do but I think

Potentially do but I think what I potentially do potentially do but potentially do potentially do but I think potentially do but I think what I potentially do but I think what I want to potentially do but I think what I want to do

Potentially do but I think what I want to do is potentially do but I think what I want to do is be I want to do is be able to see the I want to do is be able to see the milk

I want to do is be able to see the milk so I want to do is be able to see the I want to do is be able to see the milk I want to do is be able to see the milk so be able to see the milk so let’s see

Be able to see the milk so let’s see it be able to see the milk so let’s see it and be able to see the milk so let’s see it and stuff be able to see the milk so let’s see it and see it and stuff so one one two three

See it and stuff so one one two three one see it and stuff so one one two three one two stuff so one one two three one two three stuff so one one two three one two three two stuff so one one two three one two three two three

Two three two three okay cuz I’m going to two three two three okay cuz I’m going to need going to need milk water honey okay going to need milk water honey okay let’s going to need milk water honey okay going to need milk water honey okay let’s

Going to need milk water honey okay let’s let’s water honey okay let’s let’s see if water honey okay let’s let’s see if I water honey okay let’s let’s see if I can going to need milk water honey okay let’s let’s water honey okay let’s let’s see if

Water honey okay let’s let’s see if I water honey okay let’s let’s see if I can water honey okay let’s let’s see if I can craft if I can craft up some other stuff if I can craft up some other stuff here craft up some other stuff here yeah

Craft up some other stuff here yeah cuz craft up some other stuff here yeah cuz I’ve other stuff here yeah cuz I’ve got craft up some other stuff here yeah craft up some other stuff here yeah cuz craft up some other stuff here yeah cuz I’ve other stuff here yeah cuz I’ve got

Other stuff here yeah cuz I’ve got an other stuff here yeah cuz I’ve got an idea got an idea all right so let’s craft got an idea all right so let’s craft got an idea all right so let’s craft up got an idea all right so let’s craft up a

Got an idea all right so let’s craft up a zill got an idea all right so let’s craft up a zillion right so let’s craft up a zillion Barrel got an idea all right so let’s craft up a got an idea all right so let’s craft up a zillion

Right so let’s craft up a zillion barrels right so let’s craft up a zillion barrels SL right so let’s craft up a zillion barrels slab right so let’s craft up a zillion barrels slabs zillion barrels slabs I think we’re zillion barrels slabs I think we’re going to

Zillion barrels slabs I think we’re going to be zillion barrels slabs I think we’re zillion barrels slabs I think we’re going to zillion barrels slabs I think we’re going to be we’re going to be doing all of this we’re going to be doing all of this with

We’re going to be doing all of this with Sherry all of this with Sherry so which is all of this with Sherry so which is fine all of this with Sherry so which is fine it’s all of this with Sherry so which is fine it’s not

Is fine it’s not like it’s going to is fine it’s not like it’s going to matter to matter Cherry slabs yeah we’ll to matter Cherry slabs yeah we’ll just to matter Cherry slabs yeah we’ll to matter Cherry slabs yeah we’ll just to matter Cherry slabs yeah we’ll just get

To matter Cherry slabs yeah we’ll just get a we’ll just get a whole bunch of those we’ll just get a whole bunch of those okay a whole bunch of those okay and SL a whole bunch of those okay and slap a whole bunch of those okay and slaps

A whole bunch of those okay and slaps okay bunch of those okay and slaps okay now a whole bunch of those okay and slaps a whole bunch of those okay and slaps okay bunch of those okay and slaps okay now bunch of those okay and slaps okay now let’s

Bunch of those okay and slaps okay now let’s get okay now let’s get some Sherry PL okay now let’s get some Sherry plank okay now let’s get some Sherry planks okay now let’s get some Sherry planks perfect okay now let’s get some Sherry planks perfect so some Sherry planks perfect so I’m done

Sherry planks perfect so I’m done with Sherry planks perfect so I’m done with the Sherry planks perfect so I’m done with the trap done with the trap doors all right done with the trap doors all right now the trap doors all right now let’s the trap doors all right now let’s get

Trap doors all right now let’s get barrels trap doors all right now let’s get barrels I get barrels I don’t care about the trap doors all right now let’s get barrels I get barrels I don’t care about the get barrels I don’t care about the oak

Get barrels I don’t care about the oak I get barrels I don’t care about the oak I want get barrels I don’t care about the oak I want to get barrels I don’t care about the oak I want to do the oak I want to do all of this with

The oak I want to do all of this with the want to do all of this with the Cherry want to do all of this with the Cherry we’ll want to do all of this with the Cherry we’ll see want to do all of this with the Cherry we’ll

Want to do all of this with the Cherry we’ll see Cherry we’ll see if the oak planks Cherry we’ll see if the oak planks for Cherry we’ll see if the oak planks for or Cherry we’ll see if the oak planks for or later Cherry we’ll see if the oak planks for or

Cherry we’ll see if the oak planks for or later planks for or later all right so now planks for or later all right so now I or later all right so now I need flu or later all right so now I need fluid or later all right so now I need fluid tank

Or later all right so now I need fluid tanks or later all right so now I need fluid or later all right so now I need fluid tanks or later all right so now I need fluid tanks okay or later all right so now I need fluid tanks okay all

Fluid tanks okay all right let’s see or later all right so now I need fluid tanks okay all fluid tanks okay all right let’s see fluid tanks okay all right let’s see what fluid tanks okay all right let’s see what I’ve see what I’ve got in the way of copper

See what I’ve got in the way of copper cuz got in the way of copper cuz apparently got in the way of copper cuz apparently I got in the way of copper cuz apparently I just got in the way of copper cuz apparently I just use

Got in the way of copper cuz apparently I just use apparently I just use almost all of apparently I just use almost all of my apparently I just use almost all of my copper apparently I just use almost all of my copper sheets of my copper sheets let’s see if my

Of my copper sheets let’s see if my Smasher of my copper sheets let’s see if my Smasher is sheets let’s see if my Smasher is over sheets let’s see if my Smasher is over here is over here somewhere yeah right is over here somewhere yeah right there is over here somewhere yeah right

Is over here somewhere yeah right there is over here somewhere yeah right there perfect right there perfect copper sheets right there perfect copper sheets and right there perfect copper sheets and go right there perfect copper sheets and go smashy sheets and go smashy smashy okay this

Sheets and go smashy smashy okay this is sheets and go smashy smashy okay this sheets and go smashy smashy okay this is sheets and go smashy smashy okay this is why sheets and go smashy smashy okay this is why you sheets and go smashy smashy okay this is why you have

This is why you have Machinery to this is why you have Machinery to do this is why you have Machinery to do fun this is why you have Machinery to do fun stuff this is why you have Machinery to do fun stuff like Machinery to do fun stuff like this all right

Machinery to do fun stuff like this all right okay Machinery to do fun stuff like this all right okay so Machinery to do fun stuff like this all right okay Machinery to do fun stuff like this all right okay so this all right okay so now with these

This all right okay so now with these flu this all right okay so now with these fluid this all right okay so now with these fluid tank this all right okay so now with these this all right okay so now with these fluid this all right okay so now with these fluid tanks

These fluid tanks what I want to do these fluid tanks what I want to do tanks what I want to do is I think tanks what I want to do is I think we’re want to do is I think we’re going to do is I think we’re going to do a

Do is I think we’re going to do a little tanks what I want to do is I think we’re want to do is I think we’re going to do is I think we’re going to do a do is I think we’re going to do a little

Do is I think we’re going to do a little bit do is I think we’re going to do a little bit of we’re going to do a little bit of stuff we’re going to do a little bit of stuff to we’re going to do a little bit of stuff to three

We’re going to do a little bit of stuff to we’re going to do a little bit of stuff to three of stuff to three and then one two of stuff to three and then one two three of stuff to three and then one two three oh

Of stuff to three and then one two three oh that of stuff to three and then one two three oh that is two three oh that is perfect that oh that is perfect that is going to be oh that is perfect that is going to be Absol

Two three oh that is perfect that oh that is perfect that is going to be oh that is perfect that is going to be absolutely to be absolutely perfect okay I don’t to be absolutely perfect okay I don’t know to be absolutely perfect okay I don’t know why

To be absolutely perfect okay I don’t to be absolutely perfect okay I don’t know to be absolutely perfect okay I don’t know why perfect okay I don’t know why that perfect okay I don’t know why that had perfect okay I don’t know why that had a

Perfect okay I don’t know why that had a glue thing but okay I think what I’m going to thing but okay I think what I’m going to do thing but okay I think what I’m going to thing but okay I think what I’m going to do

Thing but okay I think what I’m going to do here going to do here is is I want to set going to do here is is I want to set these going to do here is is I want to set these up here is is I want to set these up as

Going to do here is I want to set these up as here is I want to set these up as storage here is I want to set these up as storage tank here is I want to set these up as storage tanks

Here is I want to set these up as storage tanks for here is I want to set these up as storage here is I want to set these up as storage tanks here is I want to set these up as storage tanks for

Here is I want to set these up as storage tanks for as storage tanks for the for milk as storage tanks for the for milk for as storage tanks for the for milk for well as storage tanks for the for milk for well that’s milk for well that’s not happening

Milk for well that’s not happening up for well that’s not happening up there for well that’s not happening up there for for well that’s not happening up there for the for well that’s not happening up there for the milk there for the milk for the water and

There for the milk for the water and for there for the milk for the water and for you know there for the milk for the water and for you know and for you know other stuff right and for you know other stuff right and and for you know other stuff right and app

And for you know other stuff right and appar and for you know other stuff right and apparent and for you know other stuff right and apparently and for you know other stuff right and and for you know other stuff right and apparently right and apparently yeah milk water

Right and apparently yeah milk water and apparently yeah milk water and honey apparently yeah milk water and honey and apparently yeah milk water and honey and that apparently yeah milk water and honey and that way apparently yeah milk water and honey and that way you apparently yeah milk water and honey and

Apparently yeah milk water and honey and that apparently yeah milk water and honey and that way apparently yeah milk water and honey and that way you and honey and that way you can kind and honey and that way you can kind of and honey and that way you can kind of see

And honey and that way you can kind of see what’s kind of see what’s going on here though what’s going on here though now that what’s going on here though now that I what’s going on here though now that I think what’s going on here though now that I think about

That I think about it I also need that I think about it I also need that I think about it I also need a that I think about it I also need a tank that I think about it I also need a tank for need a tank for chocolates and that

Need a tank for chocolates and that would need a tank for chocolates and that would be need a tank for chocolates and that need a tank for chocolates and that would need a tank for chocolates and that would be need a tank for chocolates and that would be kind

Need a tank for chocolates and that would be kind of chocolates and that would be kind of cool chocolates and that would be kind of cool to chocolates and that would be kind of cool to have kind of cool to have here too so maybe

Kind of cool to have here too so maybe what kind of cool to have here too so maybe what I to have here too so maybe what I should to have here too so maybe what I should do to have here too so maybe what I should do here

To have here too so maybe what I should do here is should do here is rearrange things should do here is rearrange things so should do here is rearrange things so I should do here is rearrange things so I can should do here is rearrange things so I can lay

Should do here is rearrange things so I can lay out things so I can lay out all four storage things so I can lay out all four storage tanks things so I can lay out all four storage tanks here storage tanks here and we’ll be able

Storage tanks here and we’ll be able to storage tanks here and we’ll be able to see able to see what’s going on okay so able to see what’s going on okay so able to see what’s going on okay so let’s able to see what’s going on okay so let’s go

So let’s go ahead take this apart so let’s go ahead take this apart so let’s go ahead take this apart come so let’s go ahead take this apart come on so let’s go ahead take this apart comma so let’s go ahead take this apart come on

So let’s go ahead take this apart comma so let’s go ahead take this apart come on so let’s go ahead take this apart come on out so let’s go ahead take this apart come on out we apart come on out we go okay yeah apart come on out we go okay yeah

Apart come on out we go okay yeah this apart come on out we go okay yeah this is apart come on out we go okay yeah this is going to apart come on out we go okay yeah this is going to be go okay yeah this is going to be it’s

Go okay yeah this is going to be it’s going go okay yeah this is going to be it’s going to is going to be it’s going to be really is going to be it’s going to be really fun is going to be it’s going to be really fun okay

It’s going to be really fun okay yep it’s going to be really fun okay yep just it’s going to be really fun okay yep just take it’s going to be really fun okay yep just take it it’s going to be really fun okay yep just

It’s going to be really fun okay yep just take it’s going to be really fun okay yep just take it yep just take it all the part take yep just take it all the part take it yep just take it all the part take it all

Yep just take it all the part take it all the parts part take it all the parts all right part take it all the parts all right part take it all the parts all right two it all the parts all right two three part take it all the parts all right two

It all the parts all right two three it all the parts all right two three two it all the parts all right two three two three three two three two three two three three two three two three two three three two three two three two three okay

Three two three two three two three Okay so three two three two three two three okay three two three two three two three okay so three two three two three two three okay so this two three two three okay so this is two three okay so this is definitely

Two three okay so this is definitely a two three okay so this is definitely a problem definitely a problem a little bit definitely a problem a little bit not definitely a problem a little bit not a definitely a problem a little bit not a big problem a little bit not a big problem

Problem a little bit not a big problem but problem a little bit not a big problem but all right problem but all right 1 2 3 probably problem but all right 1 2 3 promise problem but all right 1 2 3 promise I’m

Problem but all right 1 2 3 promise I’m going to promise I’m going to end up with an promise I’m going to end up with an even promise I’m going to end up with an even number going to end up with an even number for

Going to end up with an even number for the up with an even number for the tanks with an even number for the tanks right with an even number for the tanks right this with an even number for the tanks right this is with an even number for the tanks right this

With an even number for the tanks right this is with an even number for the tanks right this is one tanks right this is one two three tanks right this is one two three four tanks right this is one two three four five tanks right this is one two three four five six

With an even number for the tanks right this is tanks right this is 9 10 11 12 13 tanks right this is 9 10 11 12 13 14 tanks right this is 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 tanks right this is 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 right

Tanks right this is 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 right and 13 14 15 right and this is odd okay 13 14 15 right and this is odd okay and 13 14 15 right and this is odd okay 13 14 15 right and this is odd okay and

Right and this is odd okay and that’s right and this is odd okay and that’s fine this is odd okay and that’s fine but this is odd okay and that’s fine but it’s this is odd okay and that’s fine but it’s going this is odd okay and that’s fine but it’s going

But it’s going to be a problem if but it’s going to be a problem if I but it’s going to be a problem if I want going to be a problem if I want four going to be a problem if I want four tanks

Going to be a problem if I want four tanks here going to be a problem if I want four tanks here yeah going to be a problem if I want four tanks here yeah four tanks here yeah okay so how do I four tanks here yeah okay so how do I want to

Four tanks here yeah okay so how do I four tanks here yeah okay so how do I want to four tanks here yeah okay so how do I want to do four tanks here yeah okay so how do I want to do this do I want to do this I think I might

Do I want to do this I think I might give do I want to do this I think I might think I might give myself a little think I might give myself a little extra think I might give myself a little extra space think I might give myself a little extra space here

Little extra space here for something little extra space here for something around little extra space here for something around the something around the stairs three something around the stairs three two something around the stairs three two three something around the stairs three two something around the stairs three two three

Something around the stairs three two three two something around the stairs three two three two three two three two three one two three three two three two three one two three yeah three two three two three one two three yeah and three yeah and that’ll okay I think

Yeah and that’ll okay I think that three yeah and that’ll okay I think yeah and that’ll okay I think that’ll yeah and that’ll okay I think that’ll work that’ll okay I think that’ll work okay that’ll okay I think that’ll work okay so that’ll okay I think that’ll work okay

That’ll okay I think that’ll work okay so work okay so we’ll do it this way work okay so we’ll do it this way I work okay so we’ll do it this way I must so we’ll do it this way I must have work okay so we’ll do it this way I

Work okay so we’ll do it this way I must so we’ll do it this way I must have so we’ll do it this way I must have built so we’ll do it this way I must have built something must have built something there okay must have built something there okay and

Must have built something there okay and that’s there okay and that’s fine all right there okay and that’s fine nice so there okay and that’s fine nice so there okay and that’s fine nice so let’s there okay and that’s fine nice so let’s see so let’s see now what do I not don’t

Let’s see now what do I not don’t need let’s see now what do I not don’t need to shares not don’t need to shares I guess I’m not don’t need to shares I guess I’m done not don’t need to shares I guess I’m done with not don’t need to shares I guess I’m

Not don’t need to shares I guess I’m done not don’t need to shares I guess I’m done with I’m done with the campfires for now I’m done with the campfires for now all right I’m done with the campfires for now all right campfires for now all right let’s craft

Campfires for now all right let’s craft up campfires for now all right let’s craft up another let’s craft up another stack of fluid let’s craft up another stack of fluid tanks stack of fluid tanks now I’m not going to stack of fluid tanks now I’m not going to

Stack of fluid tanks now I’m not going to need stack of fluid tanks now I’m not going to need to going to need to automate huge amounts going to need to automate huge amounts of going to need to automate huge amounts of some going to need to automate huge amounts of some of

Automate huge amounts of some of this automate huge amounts of some of this stuff automate huge amounts of some of this stuff but automate huge amounts of some of this stuff but some automate huge amounts of some of this stuff but some this stuff but some of it’s like yeah

This stuff but some of it’s like yeah that this stuff but some of it’s like yeah that would this stuff but some of it’s like yeah that would be yeah that would be kind of nice actually would be kind of nice actually Barrel would be kind of nice actually barrels

Would be kind of nice actually barrels okay would be kind of nice actually barrels okay all would be kind of nice actually barrels okay all right would be kind of nice actually barrels okay all would be kind of nice actually barrels okay all right barrels okay all right let’s get this

Barrels okay all right let’s get this going barrels okay all right let’s get this barrels okay all right let’s get this going barrels okay all right let’s get this going again this going again okay and all the going again okay and all the barrels again okay and all the barrels okay

Again okay and all the barrels okay I again okay and all the barrels okay I got and all the barrels okay I got to and all the barrels okay I got to give and all the barrels okay I got to give myself again okay and all the barrels okay I

Again okay and all the barrels okay I got and all the barrels okay I got to and all the barrels okay I got to give and all the barrels okay I got to give myself and all the barrels okay I got to give myself some got to give myself some space here

To give myself some space here cuz to give myself some space here cuz I to give myself some space here cuz I don’t to give myself some space here cuz I don’t need to give myself some space here cuz to give myself some space here cuz I

To give myself some space here cuz I don’t to give myself some space here cuz I don’t need space here cuz I don’t need those space here cuz I don’t need those the here cuz I don’t need those the moment space here cuz I don’t need those

Space here cuz I don’t need those the here cuz I don’t need those the moments here cuz I don’t need those the moments what here cuz I don’t need those the moments what AM here cuz I don’t need those the moments what here cuz I don’t need those the moments what AM

Here cuz I don’t need those the moments what am I here cuz I don’t need those the moments what here cuz I don’t need those the moments what am here cuz I don’t need those the moments what am I moments what am I carrying around moments what am I carrying around to that

Moments what am I carrying around to that I moments what am I carrying around to that I don’t carrying around to that I don’t need carrying around to that I don’t need right carrying around to that I don’t need right now that I don’t need right now like all

That I don’t need right now like all of that I don’t need right now like all of my that I don’t need right now like all of my tool that I don’t need right now like all that I don’t need right now like all of

That I don’t need right now like all of my all of my toolboxes okay that’s great all of my toolboxes okay that’s great apparently all of my toolboxes okay that’s great apparently I that’s great apparently I bought some that’s great apparently I bought some under bought some under pearls that was

Some under pearls that was cool too some under pearls that was cool too yeah some under pearls that was cool too yeah all right some under pearls that was cool too yeah all right too yeah all right so let’s get a few too yeah all right so let’s get a few more

Too yeah all right so let’s get a few more few too yeah all right so let’s get a few more few a few more few more of these cuz we a few more few more of these cuz I few more few more of these cuz I need

More few more of these cuz I need a more few more of these cuz I need a lot more few more of these cuz I need a lot of a few more few more of these cuz I few more few more of these cuz I need

More few more of these cuz I need a more few more of these cuz I need a lot more few more of these cuz I need a lot of more few more of these cuz I need a lot of this more few more of these cuz I need a lot of this all

More few more of these cuz I need a lot of this all need a lot of this all right and now lot of this all right and now let’s lot of this all right and now let’s get lot of this all right and now let’s get a

Lot of this all right and now let’s get a few right and now let’s get a few slabs right and now let’s get a few slabs SL right and now let’s get a few slabs slab right and now let’s get a few slabs slab ch

Right and now let’s get a few slabs slab cherry right and now let’s get a few slabs slab Cherry SL right and now let’s get a few slabs slab Cherry few slabs slab Cherry slab okay and few slabs slab Cherry slab okay and all few slabs slab Cherry slab okay and all of

Few slabs slab Cherry slab okay and all of those few slabs slab Cherry slab okay and few slabs slab Cherry slab okay and all few slabs slab Cherry slab okay and all of few slabs slab Cherry slab okay and all of those few slabs slab Cherry slab okay and all of those can

And all of those can go back into those can go back into storage all those can go back into storage all right those can go back into storage all right cool back into storage all right cool so those can go back into storage all right cool back into storage all right cool so

Back into storage all right cool so now into storage all right cool so now barrels into storage all right cool so now barrels please into storage all right cool so now barrels please now barrels please stop trying to now barrels please stop trying to use now barrels please stop trying to use okay

Please stop trying to use okay all right trying to use okay all right that trying to use okay all right that should trying to use okay all right that should be please stop trying to use okay all right trying to use okay all right that trying to use okay all right that should

Trying to use okay all right that should be trying to use okay all right that should be good all right that should be good and all right that should be good and now all right that should be good and now some all right that should be good and now some more

Good and now some more fluid tanks and now some more fluid tanks yeah and now some more fluid tanks yeah see and now some more fluid tanks yeah see this and now some more fluid tanks yeah see this is and now some more fluid tanks yeah see this is all

Yeah see this is all thing all right yeah see this is all thing all right that yeah see this is all thing all right that may yeah see this is all thing all right that may not yeah see this is all thing all right that may not be

Yeah see this is all thing all right that yeah see this is all thing all right that may yeah see this is all thing all right that may not yeah see this is all thing all right that may not be right that may not be enough but we’ll

Right that may not be enough but we’ll we’ll right that may not be enough but we’ll we’ll get but we’ll we’ll get started with it right that may not be enough but we’ll we’ll right that may not be enough but we’ll we’ll get but we’ll we’ll get started with it

But we’ll we’ll get started with it and we’ll get started with it and then we’ll get started with it and then do we’ll get started with it and then do I we’ll get started with it and then do I still we’ll get started with it and then do I still have

Then do I still have beehives I do then do I still have beehives I do let’s then do I still have beehives I do let’s craft then do I still have beehives I do let’s craft do let’s craft a few more hives just do let’s craft a few more hives just while

Do let’s craft a few more hives just while I’m just while I’m over here okay that’s just while I’m over here okay that’s not while I’m over here okay that’s not a while I’m over here okay that’s not a lot just while I’m over here okay that’s

Just while I’m over here okay that’s not while I’m over here okay that’s not a while I’m over here okay that’s not a lot while I’m over here okay that’s not a lot Che while I’m over here okay that’s not a lot cheer okay that’s not a lot cheer just

That’s not a lot cheer just I’m that’s not a lot cheer just I’m just that’s not a lot cheer just I’m just going to just going to get a whole bunch of just going to get a whole bunch of cherry just going to get a whole bunch of cherry PL

Just going to get a whole bunch of cherry plank just going to get a whole bunch of cherry planks a whole bunch of cherry planks I’ve whole bunch of cherry planks I’ve this whole bunch of cherry planks I’ve this should whole bunch of cherry planks I’ve this should have

I’ve this should have if I’ve done I’ve this should have if I’ve done everything have if I’ve done everything correctly have if I’ve done everything correctly start have if I’ve done everything correctly started have if I’ve done everything correctly started the correctly started the Cherry Farm have if I’ve done everything correctly started

Have if I’ve done everything correctly started the correctly started the Cherry Farm correctly started the Cherry Farm up correctly started the Cherry Farm up again correctly started the Cherry Farm up again okay correctly started the Cherry Farm up again okay Farm up again okay that’s perfect Farm up again okay that’s perfect okay

Farm up again okay that’s perfect okay it’s okay that’s perfect okay it’s just okay that’s perfect okay it’s just fre okay that’s perfect okay it’s just freak okay that’s perfect okay it’s just freak him okay that’s perfect okay it’s just freak him up Farm up again okay that’s perfect okay it’s

Okay that’s perfect okay it’s just okay that’s perfect okay it’s just freak okay that’s perfect okay it’s just freak him okay that’s perfect okay it’s just freak him up just freak him up here for a minute just freak him up here for a minute yeah

Just freak him up here for a minute yeah and just freak him up here for a minute yeah just freak him up here for a minute yeah and just freak him up here for a minute yeah and now a minute yeah and now that the Cherry

A minute yeah and now that the Cherry Farm a minute yeah and now that the Cherry Farm is Cherry Farm is definitely chugging Cherry Farm is definitely chugging away Farm is definitely chugging away again Farm is definitely chugging away again that Farm is definitely chugging away again that is

Farm is definitely chugging away again that Farm is definitely chugging away again that is again that is perfect okay and any again that is perfect okay and anytime again that is perfect okay and anytime you again that is perfect okay and anytime again that is perfect okay and anytime you’re

Again that is perfect okay and anytime you’re done you’re done sucking up Mangrove that you’re done sucking up Mangrove that would you’re done sucking up Mangrove that would be up Mangrove that would be perfect Mangrove that would be perfect thanks Mangrove that would be perfect thanks okay

Mangrove that would be perfect thanks okay all right Mangrove that would be perfect thanks okay all right thanks okay all right all right so thanks okay all right all right so can thanks okay all right all right so can I thanks okay all right all right so okay so

Thanks okay all right all right so okay so we’ll thanks okay all right all right so okay so thanks okay all right all right so okay so we’ll so okay so we’ll just pop that all so we’ll just pop that all the way we’ll just pop that all the way up

We’ll just pop that all the way up to just pop that all the way up to there up to there doesn’t help when you’re up to there doesn’t help when you’re standing up to there doesn’t help when you’re standing on you’re standing on it you know you

You’re standing on it you know you get you’re standing on it you know you get sort standing on it you know you get sort of standing on it you know you get sort of in standing on it you know you get sort of in the

Standing on it you know you get sort of in the way sort of in the way all right very sort of in the way all right very close sort of in the way all right very sort of in the way all right very close

Sort of in the way all right very close we sort of in the way all right very close we need sort of in the way all right very close we need a sort of in the way all right very close we sort of in the way all right very close we need

Sort of in the way all right very close we need a very close we need a whole mess of very close we need a whole mess of other very close we need a whole mess of other stuff very close we need a whole mess of other stuff but

Whole mess of other stuff but we’re whole mess of other stuff but we’re of other stuff but we’re getting close stuff but we’re getting close some stuff but we’re getting close some way stuff but we’re getting close some ways stuff but we’re getting close some ways I

Stuff but we’re getting close some ways I wish stuff but we’re getting close some ways I wish I stuff but we’re getting close some stuff but we’re getting close some ways stuff but we’re getting close some ways I stuff but we’re getting close some ways I wish

Stuff but we’re getting close some ways I wish I some ways I wish I could die the tanks wish I could die the tanks rather wish I could die the tanks rather than wish I could die the tanks rather than have wish I could die the tanks rather than have them

Wish I could die the tanks rather than have them be tanks rather than have them be the tanks rather than have them be the copper tanks rather than have them be the copper but tanks rather than have them be the copper but or tanks rather than have them be the copper but or

The copper but or maybe have them the copper but or maybe have them oxidized the copper but or maybe have them oxidized which them oxidized which would look cool them oxidized which would look cool too them oxidized which would look cool too but them oxidized which would look cool too but yeah

Which would look cool too but yeah that’s which would look cool too but yeah that’s just which would look cool too but yeah that’s just not yeah that’s just not a thing all right yeah that’s just not a thing copper yeah that’s just not a thing copper so

Yeah that’s just not a thing copper so let’s yeah that’s just not a thing copper so let’s go copper so let’s go ahead and cook copper so let’s go ahead and cook up copper so let’s go ahead and cook up all copper so let’s go ahead and cook up all the

Copper so let’s go ahead and cook up all the rock cook up all the rock copper and smell cook up all the rock copper and smel cook up all the rock copper and smelt cook up all the rock copper and smelts cook up all the rock copper and smelts the

Cook up all the rock copper and smelts cook up all the rock copper and smelts the cook up all the rock copper and smelts the Rock cook up all the rock copper and smelts the Rock hop cook up all the rock copper and smelts the rock smelts the rock hopper and let’s Smash

Smelts the rock hopper and let’s Smash Up smelts the rock hopper and let’s Smash Up yeah smelts the rock hopper and let’s Smash Up yeah SM smelts the rock hopper and let’s Smash Up yeah let’s Smash Up yeah smash up all of Smash Up yeah smash up all of this

Smash Up yeah smash up all of this ingots yeah smash up all of this ingots okay yeah smash up all of this ingots okay and yeah smash up all of this ingots okay and then yeah smash up all of this ingots okay yeah smash up all of this ingots okay and

Yeah smash up all of this ingots okay and then yeah smash up all of this ingots okay and then while okay and then while they’re smashing okay and then while they’re smashing let’s okay and then while they’re smashing let’s go okay and then while they’re smashing let’s

Okay and then while they’re smashing let’s go smashing let’s go breed a few more smashing let’s go breed a few more bees smashing let’s go breed a few more bees okay smashing let’s go breed a few more bees okay yeah smashing let’s go breed a few more bees okay yeah

Okay yeah this is going to be a special okay yeah this is going to be a special okay yeah this is going to be a special breed okay yeah this is going to be a special breed of special breed of interesting isn’t it special breed of interesting isn’t it all

Special breed of interesting isn’t it all right special breed of interesting isn’t it all special breed of interesting isn’t it all right interesting isn’t it all right better interesting isn’t it all right better but interesting isn’t it all right better but interest interesting isn’t it all right better but

Better but interesting I mean probably better but interesting I mean probably something I mean probably something that’s not something that’s not interesting sorry something that’s not interesting sorry but something that’s not interesting sorry but okay sorry but okay anybody say these are sorry but okay anybody say these are starting

Sorry but okay anybody say these are starting to sorry but okay anybody say these are sorry but okay anybody say these are starting sorry but okay anybody say these are starting to sorry but okay anybody say these are starting to fill are starting to fill up some more

Are starting to fill up some more which starting to fill up some more which is to fill up some more which is great fill up some more which is great can fill up some more which is great can any some more which is great can anybody

Some more which is great can anybody else fill up some more which is great can some more which is great can anybody some more which is great can anybody else some more which is great can anybody else want to some more which is great can anybody else want to yep

Some more which is great can anybody else want to yep anybody else want to yep come on guys anybody else want to yep come on guys that’s anybody else want to yep come on guys that’s right come on guys that’s right come get your come on guys that’s right come get your flowers

Come get your flowers make more baby come get your flowers make more baby come get your flowers make more baby bees come get your flowers make more baby bees that’s baby bees that’s that’s perfect okay baby bees that’s that’s perfect okay good that’s perfect okay good all right I think

That’s perfect okay good all right I think right I think we’re good for the moment right I think we’re good for the moment just right I think we’re good for the moment just pull we’re good for the moment just pull all we’re good for the moment just pull all the

The moment just pull all the bees right I think we’re good for the moment just right I think we’re good for the moment just pull we’re good for the moment just pull all we’re good for the moment just pull all the the moment just pull all the bees

The moment just pull all the bees over the moment just pull all the bees over this the moment just pull all the bees over this way the moment just pull all the bees over this way to bees over this way to care all right bees over this way to care all right nice

Bees over this way to care all right bees over this way to care all right nice bees over this way to care all right nice so way to care all right nice so yeah way to care all right nice so yeah these bees over this way to care all right nice so

Way to care all right nice so yeah way to care all right nice so yeah these are way to care all right nice so yeah these are those yeah these are those are definitely way to care all right nice so yeah these are those yeah these are those are definitely

These are those are definitely going these are those are definitely going to those are definitely going to fill those are definitely going to fill up these are those are definitely going these are those are definitely going to those are definitely going to fill those are definitely going to fill up

Those are definitely going to fill up it’s definitely going to fill up it’s just definitely going to fill up it’s just this fill up it’s just this process is going to fill up it’s just this process is going to take process is going to take time which

Process is going to take time which is process is going to take time which is why process is going to take time which is why I process is going to take time which is why I started process is going to take time which process is going to take time which is

Process is going to take time which is why process is going to take time which is why I process is going to take time which is why I started which is why I started it first so which is why I started it first so I

Which is why I started it first so I can which is why I started it first so I can get which is why I started it first so I can get in so I can get in there and read them so I can get in there and read them from

So I can get in there and read them from time so I can get in there and read them so I can get in there and read them from so I can get in there and read them from time so I can get in there and read them from time to

So I can get in there and read them from time to time them from time to time okay nice yeah read them from time to time okay nice yeah that’s read them from time to time okay nice yeah read them from time to time okay nice yeah that’s

Nice yeah that’s still smashing away nice yeah that’s still smashing away okay nice yeah that’s still smashing away okay well nice yeah that’s still smashing away okay nice yeah that’s still smashing away okay well nice yeah that’s still smashing away okay well if smashing away okay well if that smash

Away okay well if that smash he’ll okay well if that smash he’ll craft okay well if that smash he’ll craft up okay well if that smash he’ll craft up another craft up another stack of fluid tanks craft up another stack of fluid tanks yeah craft up another stack of fluid tanks yeah cuz

Craft up another stack of fluid tanks yeah craft up another stack of fluid tanks yeah cuz tanks yeah cuz we’re going to need tanks yeah cuz we’re going to need more tanks yeah cuz we’re going to need more pipe tanks yeah cuz we’re going to need more pipe and

Need more pipe and all sorts of other more pipe and all sorts of other stuff more pipe and all sorts of other stuff so more pipe and all sorts of other stuff so okay more pipe and all sorts of other stuff so okay yeah

More pipe and all sorts of other stuff so okay yeah stuff so okay yeah this should be stuff so okay yeah this should be okay stuff so okay yeah this should be okay so stuff so okay yeah this should be okay so that stuff so okay yeah this should be okay so that’ll

Stuff so okay yeah this should be okay stuff so okay yeah this should be okay so stuff so okay yeah this should be okay so that’ll that’ll go up there cat and let’s that’ll go up there and let’s hop that’ll go up there and let’s hop up

That’ll go up there and let’s hop up there that’ll go up there and let’s hop up there so that’ll go up there and let’s hop that’ll go up there and let’s hop up that’ll go up there and let’s hop up there that’ll go up there and let’s hop up there so

Let’s hop up there so I can top off let’s hop up there so I can top off this let’s hop up there so I can top off let’s hop up there so I can top off this let’s hop up there so I can top off this tank

Let’s hop up there so I can top off this tank Bang let’s hop up there so I can top off this tank bang top off this tank bang okay so yeah top off this tank bang okay so yeah I’m this tank bang okay so yeah I’m going to

This tank bang okay so yeah I’m going to need this tank bang okay so yeah I’m going to need to top off this tank bang okay so yeah top off this tank bang okay so yeah I’m this tank bang okay so yeah I’m going to

This tank bang okay so yeah I’m going to need this tank bang okay so yeah I’m going to need to yeah I’m going to need to do a little yeah I’m going to need to do a little something need to do a little something around need to do a little something around the

A little something around the stairs a little something around the stairs here a little something around the stairs here but a little something around the stairs here but okay a little something around the stairs here but okay I a little something around the stairs here but okay

A little something around the stairs here but okay I stairs here but okay I think this stairs here but okay I think this will stairs here but okay I think this will I stairs here but okay I think this will I can stairs here but okay I think this will I can make

This will I can make this look okay this will I can make this look okay this will I can make this look okay cool this will I can make this look okay cool so this will I can make this look okay cool this will I can make this look okay cool so

This will I can make this look okay cool so now make this look okay cool so now now make this look okay cool so now now all make this look okay cool so now now all right make this look okay cool so now now all

Make this look okay cool so now now all right make this look okay cool so now now all right so make this look okay cool so now now all right so I look okay cool so now now all right so I guess I look okay cool so now now all right so

Look okay cool so now now all right so I look okay cool so now now all right so I guess look okay cool so now now all right so I guess I right so I guess I should start thinking guess I should start thinking about guess I should start thinking about what’s

Should start thinking about what’s going start thinking about what’s going into start thinking about what’s going into each thinking about what’s going into each of these each of these chocolate honey and each of these chocolate honey and milk each of these chocolate honey and milk are

Each of these chocolate honey and milk are all each of these chocolate honey and milk are each of these chocolate honey and milk are all and milk are all going to need to and milk are all going to need to go and milk are all going to need to go into

Going to need to go into bottles I going to need to go into bottles I think going to need to go into bottles I think right going to need to go into bottles I think right what going to need to go into bottles I think right

Going to need to go into bottles I think right what bottles I think right what was the bottles I think right what was the there’s bottles I think right what was the there’s the bottles I think right what was the there’s the hot bottles I think right what was the hot chocolate

Bottles I think right what was the hot chocolate oh bottles I think right what was the hot chocolate oh the hot chocolate oh yeah that just the hot chocolate oh yeah that just okay oh yeah that just okay clears one oh yeah that just okay clears one harm

Oh yeah that just okay clears one harmful oh yeah that just okay clears one oh yeah that just okay clears one harmful oh yeah that just okay clears one harmful effect one harmful effect okay it’s an em one harmful effect okay it’s an empt one harmful effect okay it’s an empty

One harmful effect okay it’s an empty bottle one harmful effect okay it’s an empty one harmful effect okay it’s an empty bottle one harmful effect okay it’s an empty bottle right okay it’s an empty bottle right all it’s an empty bottle right all right it’s an empty bottle right all right so

It’s an empty bottle right all right so we got right so we got this all right so right so we got this all right so I right so we got this all right so I think right so we got this all right so I think what

Right so we got this all right so I think what I’ll right so we got this all right so right so we got this all right so I right so we got this all right so I think right so we got this all right so I think what

Right so we got this all right so I think what I’ll so I think what I’ll do is I will so I think what I’ll do is I will put so I think what I’ll do is I will put yeah so I think what I’ll do is I will put yeah cuz

So I think what I’ll do is I will put yeah so I think what I’ll do is I will put yeah cuz do is I will put yeah cuz I’m still going to do is I will put yeah cuz I’m still going to need still going to need water oh yeah

Still going to need water oh yeah sorry still going to need water oh yeah still going to need water oh yeah sorry still going to need water oh yeah sorry I’ve still going to need water oh yeah sorry I’ve just water oh yeah sorry I’ve just my mind

Water oh yeah sorry I’ve just my mind is water oh yeah sorry I’ve just my mind water oh yeah sorry I’ve just my mind is is overflowing with the possibilities is overflowing with the possibilities of is overflowing with the possibilities of things is overflowing with the possibilities of things or

Possibilities of things or or actually possibilities of things or or actually the possibilities of things or or actually the things actually the things that need to happen actually the things that need to happen it’s like actually the things that need to happen it’s like happen it’s like all right I’ve got

Happen it’s like all right I’ve got to happen it’s like all right I’ve got to do happen it’s like all right I’ve got to do this got to do this I’ve got to do this do this I’ve got to do this I’ve got do this I’ve got to do this I’ve got to

Do this I’ve got to do this I’ve got to do do this I’ve got to do this I’ve got to do this got to do this which one am I going to got to do this which one am I going to do

Got to do this which one am I going to do first do this which one am I going to do first do this which one am I going to do first the do this which one am I going to do first the short

Do this which one am I going to do first the do this which one am I going to do first the short do first the short answer is I don’t do first the short answer is I don’t know do first the short answer is I don’t know it’s

Do first the short answer is I don’t know the do first the short answer is I don’t know the long do first the short answer is I don’t know the do first the short answer is I don’t know the long don’t know the long answer is I really

The long answer is I really don’t the long answer is I really don’t know the long answer is I really don’t know and the long answer is I really don’t know and yeah the long answer is I really don’t know and yeah so don’t know and yeah so let’s look

The long answer is I really don’t know and yeah the long answer is I really don’t know and yeah so don’t know and yeah so let’s look don’t know and yeah so let’s look at don’t know and yeah so let’s look at space look at space first off I think maybe

Look at space first off I think maybe what look at space first off I think maybe what I’ll first off I think maybe what I’ll do first off I think maybe what I’ll do is first off I think maybe what I’ll do is I’ll I’ll do is I’ll make this one water

I’ll do is I’ll make this one water okay I’ll do is I’ll make this one water okay that water okay that seems reasonable should water okay that seems reasonable should go water okay that seems reasonable should go get water okay that seems reasonable should go get some water okay that seems reasonable should

Water okay that seems reasonable should go water okay that seems reasonable should go get water okay that seems reasonable should go get some should go get some signs cuz I’m going to should go get some signs cuz I’m going to forget going to forget all of this cuz water

Going to forget all of this cuz water I’m going to forget all of this cuz water I’m going to going to forget all of this cuz water going to forget all of this cuz water I’m going to forget all of this cuz water I’m going to

Water I’m going to need to use but water I’m going to need to use but I’m water I’m going to need to use but I’m not water I’m going to need to use but water I’m going to need to use but I’m water I’m going to need to use but I’m not

Water I’m going to need to use but I’m not going use but I’m not going to need to bottle use but I’m not going to need to bottle I use but I’m not going to need to bottle I think use but I’m not going to need to bottle I think so

Bottle I think so okay can I can I bottle I think so okay can I can I make bottle I think so okay can I can I make some bottle I think so okay can I can I make some black bottle I think so okay can I can I

Bottle I think so okay can I can I make bottle I think so okay can I can I make some bottle I think so okay can I can I make some black okay can I can I make some black dye or oh

Okay can I can I make some black dye or oh yeah okay can I can I make some black dye or oh yeah this okay can I can I make some black dye or oh okay can I can I make some black dye or oh yeah

Okay can I can I make some black dye or oh yeah this or oh yeah this is good okay grab yeah this is good okay grab some black yeah this is good okay grab some black canvas yeah this is good okay grab some black canvas signs some black canvas signs okay nice

Some black canvas signs okay nice so some black canvas signs okay nice some black canvas signs okay nice so some black canvas signs okay nice so let me some black canvas signs okay nice so let me come okay nice so let me come label these

Okay nice so let me come label these and okay nice so let me come label these and then okay nice so let me come label these and then we’ll these and then we’ll worry about how and then we’ll worry about how I’m and then we’ll worry about how I’m actually

These and then we’ll worry about how and then we’ll worry about how I’m and then we’ll worry about how I’m actually and then we’ll worry about how I’m actually going I’m actually going to fill them later I’m actually going to fill them later so I’m actually going to fill them later so this

I’m actually going to fill them later so this one them later so this one’s going to them later so this one’s going to be I’m actually going to fill them later so this them later so this one’s going to them later so this one’s going to be

Them later so this one’s going to be water them later so this one’s going to be water this them later so this one’s going to be water this to be water this one will be milk to be water this one will be milk I to be water this one will be milk again

To be water this one will be milk again it this one will be milk again it doesn’t this one will be milk again it doesn’t matter to be water this one will be milk again to be water this one will be milk again it this one will be milk again it doesn’t

This one will be milk again it doesn’t matter this one will be milk again it doesn’t matter which doesn’t matter which one is which doesn’t matter which one is which really doesn’t matter which one is which really but doesn’t matter which one is which really but honey

One is which really but honey and then one is which really but honey and then chocol one is which really but honey and then chocolates and then chocolates cool all right and then chocolates cool all right so and then chocolates cool all right and then chocolates cool all right so

Honey and then chocolates cool all right so now honey and then chocolates cool all right so now I honey and then chocolates cool all right so now I can all right so now I can start thinking all right so now I can start thinking about

All right so now I can start thinking about all I can start thinking about all of I can start thinking about all of that start thinking about all of that now thinking about all of that now milk start thinking about all of that now thinking about all of that now milk

Thinking about all of that now milk we thinking about all of that now milk we kind of thinking about all of that now milk we kind of know thinking about all of that now milk we thinking about all of that now milk we kind of

Thinking about all of that now milk we kind of know milk we kind of know how we get milk milk we kind of know how we get milk milk milk we kind of know how we get milk milk comes milk we kind of know how we get milk milk comes from

Milk we kind of know how we get milk milk milk we kind of know how we get milk milk comes milk we kind of know how we get milk milk comes from get milk milk comes from cows yeah get milk milk comes from cows yeah all milk comes from cows yeah all right

Milk comes from cows yeah all right so milk comes from cows yeah all right so we’re right so we’re going to have to figure right so we’re going to have to figure that right so we’re going to have to figure that out have to figure that out feeling these

Have to figure that out feeling these tank have to figure that out feeling these tanks have to figure that out feeling these have to figure that out feeling these tanks have to figure that out feeling these tanks is these tanks is going to be this whole

These tanks is going to be this whole special these tanks is going to be this whole special breed be this whole special breed of fun be this whole special breed of fun water be this whole special breed of fun water is be this whole special breed of fun water is easy

Fun water is easy right you just hook fun water is easy right you just hook up fun water is easy right you just hook up a fun water is easy right you just hook up a pump fun water is easy right you just hook up a pump to

Fun water is easy right you just hook up a pump to an hook up a pump to an infinite water hook up a pump to an infinite water source hook up a pump to an infinite water source boom water source boom water milk comes water source boom water milk comes from

Water source boom water milk comes water source boom water milk comes from water source boom water milk comes from cows water source boom water milk comes from cows so water source boom water milk comes from cows so what comes from cows so what I’m going to

Water source boom water milk comes from cows so water source boom water milk comes from cows so what comes from cows so what I’m going to comes from cows so what I’m going to have comes from cows so what I’m going to have to

Comes from cows so what I’m going to have to do comes from cows so what I’m going to have to do is going to have to do is rig up a machine going to have to do is rig up a machine that

Going to have to do is rig up a machine that milk going to have to do is rig up a machine that is rig up a machine that milk’s cows is rig up a machine that milk’s cows and is rig up a machine that milk’s cows and then

Is rig up a machine that milk’s cows and is rig up a machine that milk’s cows and then cows and then dumps the milk Buck cows and then dumps the milk Buck or cows and then dumps the milk Buck or pour cows and then dumps the milk Buck or pour some

Cows and then dumps the milk Buck or pour some milk the milk Buck or pour some milk bucket the milk Buck or pour some milk bucket into the milk Buck or pour some milk bucket into a pour some milk bucket into a system pour some milk bucket into a system that

Pour some milk bucket into a system that feeds pour some milk bucket into a system that feeds into pour some milk bucket into a system that feeds into system that feeds into this tank so system that feeds into this tank so yeah system that feeds into this tank so yeah that’s

So yeah that’s going to be a special so yeah that’s going to be a special burrito so yeah that’s going to be a special burrito fun going to be a special burrito fun and going to be a special burrito fun and that going to be a special burrito fun and that is

Special burrito fun and that is actually special burrito fun and that is actually the special burrito fun and that is actually the next actually the next breed of fun all actually the next breed of fun all right actually the next breed of fun all right so actually the next breed of fun all

Actually the next breed of fun all right actually the next breed of fun all right so actually the next breed of fun all right so I actually the next breed of fun all right so I guess all right so I guess we’re going to all right so I guess we’re going to need

All right so I guess we’re going to need a all right so I guess we’re going to need a place all right so I guess we’re going to need a place to to need a place to put this okay and to need a place to put this okay and a couple

To need a place to put this okay and to need a place to put this okay and a couple to need a place to put this okay and a couple of and a couple of other things but let’s and a couple of other things but let’s see

And a couple of other things but let’s see the and a couple of other things but let’s see the things but let’s see the chocolate Farm things but let’s see the chocolate Farm chocol chocolate Farm chocolates actually chocolate Farm chocolates actually not chocolate Farm chocolates actually chocolate Farm chocolates actually not

Chocolate Farm chocolates actually not too chocolate Farm chocolates actually not too bad actually not too bad it’s just a matter actually not too bad it’s just a matter of actually not too bad it’s just a matter of how actually not too bad it’s just a matter of how do

It’s just a matter of how do you liquefy it’s just a matter of how do you liquefy it it’s just a matter of how do you liquefy it but liquefy it but dude you are in a weird liquefy it but dude you are in a weird

Liquefy it but dude you are in a weird place liquefy it but dude you are in a weird place just liquefy it but dude you are in a weird place just weird place just just saying you’re just just saying you’re definitely just just saying you’re definitely in just saying you’re definitely in a

Just saying you’re definitely in a weird just saying you’re definitely in a weird spot just saying you’re definitely in a weird spot all just saying you’re definitely in a weird spot all definitely in a weird spot all right so I’ve definitely in a weird spot all right so I’ve got

Definitely in a weird spot all right so I’ve definitely in a weird spot all right so I’ve got right so I’ve got all of this room right so I’ve got all of this room back right so I’ve got all of this room back here

Right so I’ve got all of this room back here right this room back here right now this is this room back here right now this is an here right now this is an Elevator here right now this is an Elevator Shaft here right now this is an Elevator Shaft I

Here right now this is an Elevator Shaft I would Elevator Shaft I would rather not Elevator Shaft I would rather not fall Elevator Shaft I would rather not fall down Elevator Shaft I would rather not fall Elevator Shaft I would rather not fall down Elevator Shaft I would rather not fall down okay

Elevator Shaft I would rather not fall down okay nor Elevator Shaft I would rather not fall down okay nor not fall down okay nor what am I particularly not fall down okay nor what am I particularly excited particularly excited to block it in particularly excited to block it in fact

Particularly excited to block it in fact I excited to block it in fact I may excited to block it in fact I may even excited to block it in fact I may even put excited to block it in fact I may even put a may even put a elevator stop here

May even put a elevator stop here because may even put a elevator stop here because I may even put a elevator stop here because I think may even put a elevator stop here because may even put a elevator stop here because I may even put a elevator stop here because I think

Here because I think once this is here because I think once this is all here because I think once this is all done here because I think once this is all done I here because I think once this is all done I may

Here because I think once this is all done I may end is all done I may end up taking out done I may end up taking out the stairs done I may end up taking out the stairs that done I may end up taking out the stairs that I

Done I may end up taking out the stairs that I have stairs that I have here too I don’t stairs that I have here too I don’t know stairs that I have here too I don’t know for stairs that I have here too I don’t know for sure

Don’t know for sure but still be a don’t know for sure but still be a nice don’t know for sure but still be a don’t know for sure but still be a nice don’t know for sure but still be a nice I don’t

Don’t know for sure but still be a nice I don’t a nice I don’t think once I get this a nice I don’t think once I get this all a nice I don’t think once I get this all done a nice I don’t think once I get this all done I

Think once I get this all done I may once I get this all done I may have once I get this all done I may have the once I get this all done I may have the stairs all done I may have the stairs here

All done I may have the stairs here but all done I may have the stairs here but I all done I may have the stairs here but I don’t here but I don’t think I’ll be able here but I don’t think I’ll be able to

Here but I don’t think I’ll be able to walk able to walk back here sure right able to walk back here sure rights able to walk back here sure rights okay able to walk back here sure rights okay those able to walk back here sure rights okay those are

Able to walk back here sure rights okay those able to walk back here sure rights okay those are rights okay those are all lit up today rights okay those are all lit up today oh rights okay those are all lit up today oh they’re lit up today oh they’re nothing cool

Today oh they’re nothing cool just today oh they’re nothing cool just I’ve they’re nothing cool just I’ve got today oh they’re nothing cool just today oh they’re nothing cool just I’ve they’re nothing cool just I’ve got they’re nothing cool just I’ve got something got something apparently broadcasting got something apparently broadcasting on

Got something apparently broadcasting on yeah got something apparently broadcasting on yeah sh apparently broadcasting on yeah shaft apparently broadcasting on yeah shaft and apparently broadcasting on yeah shaft and nothing apparently broadcasting on yeah shaft apparently broadcasting on yeah shaft and apparently broadcasting on yeah shaft and nothing

Apparently broadcasting on yeah shaft and nothing by shaft and nothing bye cool right so shaft and nothing bye cool right so yeah shaft and nothing bye cool right so Cal shaft and nothing bye cool right so Cal all right so so Cal all right so let’s see first

So Cal all right so let’s see first of all let’s see first of all let’s figure see first of all let’s figure out see first of all let’s figure out power see first of all let’s figure out power so all let’s figure out power so the

All let’s figure out power so the power see first of all let’s figure out power so all let’s figure out power so the all let’s figure out power so the power all let’s figure out power so the power is the power is going to right I’ve got

The power is going to right I’ve got all the power is going to right I’ve got all of the power is going to right I’ve got all of this I’ve got all of this stuff here so I’ve got all of this stuff here so I

I’ve got all of this stuff here so I can I’ve got all of this stuff here so I can actually so I can actually run power I can so I can actually run power I could actually so I can actually run power I could actually connect

So I can actually run power I could actually so I can actually run power I could actually connect could actually connect power from could actually connect power from this could actually connect power from this I could actually connect power from this I just could actually connect power from this I just have

Could actually connect power from this I just have to from this I just have to rotate one from this I just have to rotate one of from this I just have to rotate one of those from this I just have to rotate one of those shafts one of those shafts and just bring

One of those shafts and just bring it one of those shafts and just bring it right one of those shafts and just bring one of those shafts and just bring it one of those shafts and just bring it right one of those shafts and just bring it right through

Bring it right through this way okay bring it right through this way okay cool bring it right through this way okay cool I bring it right through this way okay cool I can bring it right through this way okay cool I can do bring it right through this way okay cool

Bring it right through this way okay cool I bring it right through this way okay cool I can bring it right through this way okay cool I can do this way okay cool I can do that it’s this way okay cool I can do that it’s actually

This way okay cool I can do that it’s actually not this way okay cool I can do that it’s this way okay cool I can do that it’s actually this way okay cool I can do that it’s actually not it’s actually not a bad thing since

It’s actually not a bad thing since I not a bad thing since I kind of blocked not a bad thing since I kind of blocked off not a bad thing since I kind of blocked off all since I kind of blocked off all of the other

Of the other direction I was going to of the other direction I was going to I of the other direction I was going to I was of the other direction I was going to I was thinking going to I was thinking I was going to

Going to I was thinking I was going to bring going to I was thinking I was going to bring that to I was thinking I was going to bring that power so bring that power so yeah we’ll just bring that power so yeah we’ll just cut

Bring that power so yeah we’ll just cut through just cut through here and I’ll have just cut through here and I’ll have to do just cut through here and I’ll have just cut through here and I’ll have to do just cut through here and I’ll have to do is

Just cut through here and I’ll have to do is I just cut through here and I’ll have to do is I said and I’ll have to do is I said is rotate and I’ll have to do is I said is rotate one rotate one of those should be good

Rotate one of those should be good rotate one of those should be good okay rotate one of those should be good okay right rotate one of those should be good okay right am rotate one of those should be good okay right am I rotate one of those should be good okay

Rotate one of those should be good okay right rotate one of those should be good okay right am rotate one of those should be good okay right am I good okay right am I going the right good okay right am I going the right way

Good okay right am I going the right way I good okay right am I going the right way I am good okay right am I going the right way I good okay right am I going the right way I am good okay right am I going the right way I am but

Going the right way I am but okay okay right am I going the right way I am but okay I way I am but okay I actually want way I am but okay I actually want to way I am but okay I actually want to go

Okay right am I going the right way I am but okay I way I am but okay I actually want way I am but okay I actually want to way I am but okay I actually want to go way I am but okay I actually want to go right

Way I am but okay I actually want to go right through want to go right through okay I can want to go right through okay I can go want to go right through okay I can want to go right through okay I can go go right through okay I can go through

Through okay I can go through there through okay I can go through there I through okay I can go through there I just through okay I can go through there I just have through okay I can go through there I just have to there I just have to be careful about

There I just have to be careful about the just have to be careful about the water just have to be careful about the water and the water and villagers and things the water and villagers and things and the water and villagers and things and that the water and villagers and things and

The water and villagers and things and that the water and villagers and things and that lines the water and villagers and things and that lines up things and that lines up right with things and that lines up right with that with that but that’s unfortunate okay that but that’s unfortunate okay don’t

That but that’s unfortunate okay don’t want to don’t want to tap that because that’s don’t want to tap that because that’s water because that’s water wheel so okay okay because that’s water wheel so okay okay now because that’s water wheel so okay okay now I can because that’s water wheel so okay okay

Because that’s water wheel so okay okay now because that’s water wheel so okay okay now I can okay okay now I can I can make all okay okay now I can I can make all of okay okay now I can I can make all of that

Okay okay now I can I can make all of that happen all of that happen somehow so let’s that happen somehow so let’s figure that happen somehow so let’s figure this that happen somehow so let’s figure this out that happen somehow so let’s figure that happen somehow so let’s figure this

That happen somehow so let’s figure this out that happen somehow so let’s figure this out so that happen somehow so let’s figure this out so I figure this out so I think if I were figure this out so I think if I were to

Figure this out so I think if I were to come figure this out so I think if I were to come in figure this out so I think if I were to come in yeah figure this out so I think if I were to come in okay

Were to come in okay it’s Justice were to come in okay it’s Justice need were to come in okay it’s Justice need to be here Justice need to be here that chest Justice need to be here that chest doesn’t Justice need to be here that chest doesn’t need

Justice need to be here that chest Justice need to be here that chest doesn’t Justice need to be here that chest doesn’t need here that chest doesn’t need to be there here that chest doesn’t need to be there either be there either but I’ve got it full

There either but I’ve got it full of there either but I’ve got it full of stuff there either but I’ve got it full of stuff so full of stuff so okay oh right those full of stuff so okay oh right those full of stuff so okay oh right those are

Full of stuff so okay oh right those are all those are all connected so I’m going to those are all connected so I’m going to have those are all connected so I’m going to have to connected so I’m going to have to come those are all connected so I’m going to

Those are all connected so I’m going to have those are all connected so I’m going to have to connected so I’m going to have to come so I’m going to have to come out of so I’m going to have to come out of that

So I’m going to have to come out of that shaft so I’m going to have to come out of that shaft up that shaft up top okay just going to that shaft up top okay just going to come that shaft up top okay just going to come through

Going to come through here somewhere going to come through here somewhere I’m going to come through here somewhere I’m coming here somewhere I’m coming through here somewhere I’m coming through here going to come through here somewhere I’m going to come through here somewhere I’m coming here somewhere I’m coming through

Here somewhere I’m coming through here here somewhere I’m coming through here that’s through here that’s going to go directly going to go directly underneath and going to go directly underneath and then going to go directly underneath and then right going to go directly underneath and going to go directly underneath and then

Going to go directly underneath and then right and then right through here oh there’s and then right through here oh there’s just and then right through here oh there’s just so and then right through here oh there’s just so much there’s just so much stuff in the

There’s just so much stuff in the way there’s just so much stuff in the way okay there’s just so much stuff in the way okay great the way okay great or what else could the way okay great or what else could I the way okay great or what else could I do

Could I do how else could I run that do how else could I run that oh hey do how else could I run that oh hey I’ve could I run that oh hey I’ve got power do how else could I run that oh hey

Do how else could I run that oh hey I’ve could I run that oh hey I’ve got power could I run that oh hey I’ve got power right could I run that oh hey I’ve got power right here power right here where’s that going power right here where’s that going

Power right here where’s that going okay power right here where’s that going okay right power right here where’s that going okay power right here where’s that going okay right where’s that going okay right that where’s that going okay right that goes where’s that going okay right that goes up

Where’s that going okay right that goes up that that goes up that way so I can mess that goes up that way so I can mess with that goes up that way so I can mess with that that goes up that way so I can mess with that this

So I can mess with that this is RO so I can mess with that this is rot so I can mess with that this is rotational so I can mess with that this is rotational but so I can mess with that this is rotational but it

So I can mess with that this is rotational so I can mess with that this is rotational but so I can mess with that this is rotational but it rotational but it doesn’t matter cuz rotational but it doesn’t matter cuz I’m rotational but it doesn’t matter cuz I’m coming

Cuz I’m coming up to elevators and cuz I’m coming up to elevators and I think cuz I’m coming up to elevators and think cuz I’m coming up to elevators and think I’m cuz I’m coming up to elevators and think I’m okay cuz I’m coming up to elevators and think

Cuz I’m coming up to elevators and think I’m cuz I’m coming up to elevators and think I’m okay and think I’m okay so if I think I and think I’m okay so if I think I can and I think I’m okay so if I think I can tap

Think I can tap something over here think I can tap something over here can tap something over here yeah oh can tap something over here yeah oh in can tap something over here yeah oh in fact can tap something over here yeah oh in fact it’s can tap something over here yeah oh

Can tap something over here yeah oh in can tap something over here yeah oh in fact can tap something over here yeah oh in fact it’s oh in fact it’s even coming or is oh in fact it’s even coming or is this oh in fact it’s even coming or is

Oh in fact it’s even coming or is this fact it’s even coming or is this oh fact it’s even coming or is this oh yeah fact it’s even coming or is this oh yeah it’s is this oh yeah it’s coming right is this oh yeah it’s coming right from

Is this oh yeah it’s coming right from here is this oh yeah it’s coming right from here so is this oh yeah it’s coming right from here so oh right from here so oh heck directly is this oh yeah it’s coming right from here so oh right from here so oh heck directly

Right from here so oh heck directly oh right from here so oh heck directly oh okay right from here so oh heck directly oh okay I right from here so oh heck directly oh okay I think right from here so oh heck directly oh okay I think I

Directly oh okay I think I can this directly oh okay I think I can this is directly oh okay I think I can this is going to directly oh okay I think I can this is going to be I can this is going to be perfect

I can this is going to be perfect so I can this is going to be perfect so some I can this is going to be perfect so somewhere I can this is going to be perfect so I can this is going to be perfect so somewhere

I can this is going to be perfect so somewhere right perfect so somewhere right around perfect so somewhere right around here perfect so somewhere right around here I perfect so somewhere right around here is perfect so somewhere right around here is it perfect so somewhere right around here is it right

Perfect so somewhere right around here is it right at perfect so somewhere right around here is perfect so somewhere right around here is it perfect so somewhere right around here is it right around here is it right at that no around here is it right at that no it’s

Around here is it right at that no it’s a is it right at that no it’s a couple is it right at that no it’s a couple block is it right at that no it’s a couple blocks around here is it right at that no

Around here is it right at that no it’s around here is it right at that no it’s a is it right at that no it’s a couple is it right at that no it’s a couple blocks is it right at that no it’s a couple blocks in

Couple blocks in from this okay all couple blocks in from this okay all right couple blocks in from this okay all couple blocks in from this okay all right couple blocks in from this okay all right something this okay all right something up here this okay all right something up here okay

This okay all right something up here okay back this okay all right something up here okay this okay all right something up here okay back this okay all right something up here okay back this here okay back this way block yeah okay back this way block yeah there

Back this way block yeah there it is back this way block yeah there it is I back this way block yeah there it is I can back this way block yeah there it is I can pull back this way block yeah there it is I

Back this way block yeah there it is I can back this way block yeah there it is I can pull back this way block yeah there it is I can pull power there it is I can pull power right there it is I can pull power right down

There it is I can pull power right down from there it is I can pull power right down from that right down from that okay need to right down from that okay need to be right down from that okay need to be right down from that okay need to be now

Right down from that okay need to be now this right down from that okay need to be now right down from that okay need to be now this that okay need to be now this is powering that okay need to be now this is powering a

That okay need to be now this is powering a bunch that okay need to be now this is powering a bunch of that okay need to be now this is powering a that okay need to be now this is powering a bunch

That okay need to be now this is powering a bunch of powering a bunch of stuff right that’s a bunch of stuff right that’s was a bunch of stuff right that’s was there stuff right that’s was there where stuff right that’s was there where I

Stuff right that’s was there where I was setting was there where I was setting up the was there where I was setting up the elevator was there where I was setting up the elevator this was there where I was setting up the elevator this is

Was there where I was setting up the elevator this was there where I was setting up the elevator this is the elevator this is powering nothing the elevator this is powering nothing oh the elevator this is powering nothing oh right the elevator this is powering nothing oh right I

The elevator this is powering nothing oh the elevator this is powering nothing oh right the elevator this is powering nothing oh right I the elevator this is powering nothing oh right I I nothing oh right I I set up the drill nothing oh right I I set up the drill off

Nothing oh right I I set up the drill off that right I I set up the drill off that power right I I set up the drill off that power so right I I set up the drill off that power so this off that power so this isn’t even going

Off that power so this isn’t even going to even going to this isn’t even going to anything even going to this isn’t even going to anything oh going to anything oh that’s perfect even going to this isn’t even going to anything oh going to anything oh that’s perfect

Going to anything oh that’s perfect so going to anything oh that’s perfect so I going to anything oh that’s perfect so I can going to anything oh that’s perfect so going to anything oh that’s perfect so I going to anything oh that’s perfect so I can

Anything oh that’s perfect so I can break anything oh that’s perfect so I can break that anything oh that’s perfect so I can break that at can break that at any time oh that can break that at any time oh that is can break that at any time oh that

Can break that at any time oh that is that at any time oh that is lovely that at any time oh that is lovely okay that at any time oh that is lovely okay oh that at any time oh that is lovely okay oh that oh that is lovely okay oh that is

That at any time oh that is lovely okay oh that at any time oh that is lovely okay oh that oh that is lovely okay oh that is oh that is lovely okay oh that is beautiful oh that is lovely okay oh that is beautiful so

Oh that is lovely okay oh that is beautiful so we oh that is lovely okay oh that is beautiful so we can oh that is lovely okay oh that is beautiful so we oh that is lovely okay oh that is beautiful so we can is beautiful so we can come right

Is beautiful so we can come right down is beautiful so we can come right down here is beautiful so we can come right down here okay come right down here yeah no that this makes come right down here yeah no that this makes sense yeah no that this makes sense okay you know

Yeah no that this makes sense okay you know dude yeah no that this makes sense okay you know yeah no that this makes sense okay you know dude okay you know dude you’re in sort okay you know dude you’re in sort of okay you know dude you’re in sort of a

Okay you know dude you’re in sort of a weird okay you know dude you’re in sort okay you know dude you’re in sort of okay you know dude you’re in sort of a okay you know dude you’re in sort of a weird sort of a weird place could you like

A weird place could you like not be a weird place could you like not be down could you like not be down there that could you like not be down there that would could you like not be down there that would be could you like not be down there that

Could you like not be down there that would could you like not be down there that would be that would be awesome okay cool so that would be awesome okay cool so that would be awesome okay cool so I that would be awesome okay cool so I can

That would be awesome okay cool so I can bring that would be awesome okay cool so I can bring power that would be awesome okay cool so I that would be awesome okay cool so I can that would be awesome okay cool so I can bring

That would be awesome okay cool so I can bring power so I can bring power down this way so I can bring power down this way and so I can bring power down this way and so so I can bring power down this way and so I

So I can bring power down this way and so I can so I can bring power down this way and so I can just so I can bring power down this way and so I can bring power down this way and so so I can bring power down this way and so I

So I can bring power down this way and so I can so I can bring power down this way and so I can just this way and so I can just anywhere and so I can just anywhere right along and so I can just anywhere right along here

And so I can just anywhere right along here which and so I can just anywhere right along here which is along here which is wonderful cuz along here which is wonderful cuz I’m along here which is wonderful cuz I’m going to cuz I’m going to have a number of

Cuz I’m going to have a number of things cuz I’m going to have a number of cuz I’m going to have a number of things cuz I’m going to have a number of things that cuz I’m going to have a number of things that are of things that are going to need power

Of things that are going to need power back of things that are going to need power back here of things that are going to need power back here okay going to need power back here okay plus going to need power back here okay plus I

Going to need power back here okay plus I think going to need power back here okay plus I think okay plus I think I’m going to want okay plus I think I’m going to want to okay plus I think I’m going to want to bring

Okay plus I think I’m going to want to bring some want to bring some power down and want to bring some power down and actually want to bring some power down and actually won’t and actually won’t have to I’ve already and actually won’t have to I’ve already got

Already got power out in that area already got power out in that area so already got power out in that area so okay already got power out in that area so okay yeah already got power out in that area so okay yeah this area so okay yeah this is going to

Area so okay yeah this is going to be already got power out in that area so okay yeah this area so okay yeah this is going to area so okay yeah this is going to be area so okay yeah this is going to be cool

Area so okay yeah this is going to be cool so area so okay yeah this is going to be cool so what this is going to be cool so what I this is going to be cool so what I need this is going to be cool so what I need to

This is going to be cool so what I need to do area so okay yeah this is going to be cool so what this is going to be cool so what I this is going to be cool so what I need this is going to be cool so what I need to

This is going to be cool so what I need to do this is going to be cool so what I need to do is this is going to be cool so what I need to do is yeah cool so what I need to do is yeah bring

I need to do is yeah bring down some I need to do is yeah bring down some power I need to do is yeah bring down some power and I need to do is yeah bring down some power and set down some power and set up a milk

Down some power and set up a milking down some power and set up a milking station down some power and set up a milking down some power and set up a milking station down some power and set up a milking station now down some power and set up a milking station now yeah

Milking station now yeah the fing milking station now yeah the finger milking station now yeah the finger to milking station now yeah the finger milking station now yeah the finger to milking station now yeah the finger to melt milking station now yeah the finger to melt the

Milking station now yeah the finger to melt the cow finger to melt the cow it’s going to finger to melt the cow it’s going to be finger to melt the cow it’s going to be that finger to melt the cow it’s going to finger to melt the cow it’s going to be

Finger to melt the cow it’s going to be that finger to melt the cow it’s going to be that big finger to melt the cow it’s going to be that big a going to be that big a deal actually going to be that big a deal actually I

Going to be that big a deal actually I think going to be that big a deal actually I think it’s actually I think it’s just a matter actually I think it’s just a matter of actually I think it’s just a matter of how actually I think it’s just a matter of how many

Going to be that big a deal actually I think it’s actually I think it’s just a matter actually I think it’s just a matter of actually I think it’s just a matter of how actually I think it’s just a matter of how many matter of how many cows do I want

Matter of how many cows do I want getting matter of how many cows do I want getting milked matter of how many cows do I want getting milked at cows do I want getting milked at any cows do I want getting milked at any one

Cows do I want getting milked at any one time cows do I want getting milked at any one time okay any one time okay yeah I can think any one time okay yeah I can think I any one time okay yeah I can think I can

Any one time okay yeah I can think I can make any one time okay yeah I can think any one time okay yeah I can think I any one time okay yeah I can think I can any one time okay yeah I can think I can make

Any one time okay yeah I can think I can make this think I can make this happen all right think I can make this happen all right so think I can make this happen all right so let’s think I can make this happen all right

Think I can make this happen all right so think I can make this happen all right so let’s this happen all right so let’s get happen all right so let’s get up here happen all right so let’s get up here and happen all right so let’s get up here and

Right so let’s get up here and I don’t right so let’s get up here and I don’t really and I don’t really need probably a and I don’t really need probably a lot and I don’t really need probably a lot of and I don’t really need probably a lot of cows

And I don’t really need probably a lot of cows but a lot of cows but it’s not like cows a lot of cows but it’s not like cows go a lot of cows but it’s not like cows go dry a lot of cows but it’s not like cows go dry here

Cows go dry here but finger No Hands cows go dry here but finger No Hands the cows go dry here but finger No Hands the brass but finger No Hands the brass hand but finger No Hands the brass hand okay but finger No Hands the brass hand okay two

But finger No Hands the brass hand okay two three but finger No Hands the brass hand okay four but finger No Hands the brass hand okay four and hand okay four and five we’ll do it okay four and five we’ll do it that way

Okay four and five we’ll do it that way and okay four and five we’ll do it that way and then okay four and five we’ll do it that way and okay four and five we’ll do it that way and then that way and then the players play

Way and then the players play five that way and then the players play way and then the players play five way and then the players play five okay and then the players play five okay yeah and then the players play five okay yeah this and then the players play five okay yeah

And then the players play five okay yeah this will the players play five okay yeah this will this the players play five okay yeah this will this will the players play five okay yeah this will this the players play five okay yeah this will this will

Play five okay yeah this will this will all make yeah this will this will all make sense okay yeah this will this will all make sense okay yeah yeah this will this will all make sense okay yeah make sense okay yeah this little this make sense okay yeah this little this will

Make sense okay yeah this little this will be yeah this little this will be fine make sense okay yeah this little this make sense okay yeah this little this will make sense okay yeah this little this will be yeah this little this will be fine yeah this little this will be fine in

Yeah this little this will be fine in fact yeah this little this will be fine in fact I yeah this little this will be fine in yeah this little this will be fine in fact yeah this little this will be fine in fact I be fine in fact I could even back

Fine in fact I could even back this fine in fact I could even back this up fine in fact I could even back this up a little could even back this up a little bit could even back this up a little bit if could even back this up a little bit if I

Could even back this up a little bit if I want could even back this up a little bit if I want to could even back this up a little bit if I want to and up a little bit if I want to and put

Up a little bit if I want to and put a up a little bit if I want to and put a FL up a little bit if I want to and put a flat up a little bit if I want to and put

Up a little bit if I want to and put a up a little bit if I want to and put a flat up a little bit if I want to and put a flat with up a little bit if I want to and put a flat with this

Put a flat with this wall assuming put a flat with this wall assuming I put a flat with this wall assuming I want put a flat with this wall assuming I want this put a flat with this wall assuming I want this wall assuming I want this wall to be flat

Assuming I want this wall to be flat where assuming I want this wall to be flat where would assuming I want this wall to be flat where would I assuming I want this wall to be flat where assuming I want this wall to be flat where would

Assuming I want this wall to be flat where would I flat where would I yeah cuz I could flat where would I yeah cuz I could just flat where would I yeah cuz I could just cut flat where would I yeah cuz I could just cut right could just cut right through this

Flat where would I yeah cuz I could just cut flat where would I yeah cuz I could just cut right could just cut right through this could just cut right through this wall just cut right through this wall I just cut right through this wall I can

Just cut right through this wall I can grab just cut right through this wall I can grab my just cut right through this wall I can grab my my I can grab my my drill and just Dr can grab my my drill and just drill

Can grab my my drill and just drill back can grab my my drill and just drill can grab my my drill and just drill back can grab my my drill and just drill back through drill back through this wall as far drill back through this wall as far as

Drill back through this wall as far as I drill back through this wall as far as I want drill back through this wall as far drill back through this wall as far as drill back through this wall as far as I drill back through this wall as far as I want

Drill back through this wall as far as I want to wall as far as I want to it’s really to wall as far as I want to it’s really to line wall as far as I want to really to line things up

Wall as far as I want to really to line things up I wall as far as I want to really to line things up I line things up I think what I want to line things up I think what I want to do

Line things up I think what I want to do it’s line things up I think what I want to do it’s want to do it’s going to line up with want to do it’s going to line up with this going to line up with this something

Going to line up with this something along going to line up with this something going to line up with this something along going to line up with this something along these something along these lines here right something along these lines here right okay something along these lines here right okay and

Something along these lines here right okay and yeah something along these lines here right okay and yeah right okay and yeah I think that’ll right okay and yeah I think that’ll work right okay and yeah I think that’ll work and right okay and yeah I think that’ll work and if

Right okay and yeah I think that’ll work and if I that’ll work and if I just cut down that’ll work and if I just cut down this work and if I just cut down this way and if I just cut down this way and I just cut down this way and then

I just cut down this way and then I can I just cut down this way and then I can line I just cut down this way and then I can line it I just cut down this way and then I can line it up then I can line it up with that wall

Then I can line it up with that wall then I can line it up with that wall okay then I can line it up with that wall okay and then I can line it up with that wall okay and that then I can line it up with that wall okay

Then I can line it up with that wall okay and wall okay and that’ll be good I don’t wall okay and that’ll be good I don’t think wall okay and that’ll be good I don’t think I be good I don’t think I have anything be good I don’t think I have anything over

Be good I don’t think I have anything over in think I have anything over in this be good I don’t think I have anything over be good I don’t think I have anything over in think I have anything over in this think I have anything over in this section

Think I have anything over in this section that this section that I’m going to cut this section that I’m going to cut into this section that I’m going to cut into now this section that I’m going to cut into now so this section that I’m going to cut into now so nice

Going to cut into now so nice yeah so going to cut into now so nice yeah so that going to cut into now so nice yeah so that’ll be going to cut into now so nice yeah so going to cut into now so nice yeah so that’ll be

Yeah so that’ll be fun so I’ll dig yeah so that’ll be fun so I’ll dig this yeah so that’ll be fun so I’ll dig this out yeah so that’ll be fun so I’ll dig this out and yeah so that’ll be fun so I’ll dig this out and

I’ll dig this out and then I’ll put dig this out and then I’ll put my dig this out and then I’ll put my cows dig this out and then I’ll put my cows back dig this out and then I’ll put my cows back here

Dig this out and then I’ll put my cows back dig this out and then I’ll put my cows back here my cows back here okay yeah this is my cows back here okay yeah this is going to here okay yeah this is going to make

Here okay yeah this is going to make some here okay yeah this is going to make some sense here okay yeah this is going to make some sense let going to make some sense let something going to make some sense let something does

Here okay yeah this is going to make some sense let going to make some sense let something going to make some sense let something does some sense let something does but some sense let something does but you know some sense let something does but you know okay

But you know okay let’s go to Redstone okay let’s go to Redstone contact but you know okay let’s go to Redstone okay let’s go to Redstone contacts that’s contacts that’s perfect okay all right contacts that’s perfect okay all right so contacts that’s perfect okay all right so now

Contacts that’s perfect okay all right contacts that’s perfect okay all right so contacts that’s perfect okay all right so now perfect okay all right so now this perfect okay all right so now this is perfect okay all right so now this is going to

Perfect okay all right so now this is going to come this is going to come right down here this is going to come right down here and going to come right down here and two to come right down here and two three to come right down here and two three and

To come right down here and two three and I to come right down here and two three and I think three and I think four is where the sink three and I think four is where the sink sits three and I think four is where the sink sits like

Where the sink sits like that yep now where the sink sits like that yep now it where the sink sits like that yep now it is where the sink sits like that yep now it is an that yep now it is an elevator contact that yep now it is an elevator contacts perfect

That yep now it is an elevator contacts perfect and that yep now it is an elevator contacts perfect and I that yep now it is an elevator contacts perfect and that yep now it is an elevator contacts perfect and I contacts perfect and I just need a

Contacts perfect and I just need a button contacts perfect and I just need a button for contacts perfect and I just need a button for it contacts perfect and I just need a button for it and a button for it and you know maybe

Contacts perfect and I just need a button for it and a button for it and you know maybe a button for it and you know maybe a a button for it and you know maybe a fence a button for it and you know maybe a fence so

And you know maybe a fence so don’t and you know maybe a fence so don’t go and you know maybe a fence so don’t go plummeting don’t go plummeting down to bedrock don’t go plummeting down to bedrock all don’t go plummeting down to bedrock all right

Don’t go plummeting down to bedrock all right cool don’t go plummeting down to bedrock all right cool bedrock all right cool so let’s grab bedrock all right cool so let’s grab a bedrock all right cool so let’s grab a button button all right nice oh yeah this

Button all right nice oh yeah this is button all right nice oh yeah this button all right nice oh yeah this is right nice oh yeah this is going to right nice oh yeah this is going to work right nice oh yeah this is going to work out

Right nice oh yeah this is going to work out great going to work out great yep and this going to work out great yep and this is going to work out great yep and this is I going to work out great yep and this is I don’t

Out great yep and this is I don’t know going to work out great yep and this is I going to work out great yep and this is I don’t out great yep and this is I don’t know out great yep and this is I don’t know we’ll

Out great yep and this is I don’t know call this don’t know call this call this Factory don’t know call this call this Factory call this call this Factory all right call this call this Factory all right so call this call this Factory all right so now

Call this call this Factory all right so now I can call this call this Factory all right call this call this Factory all right so call this call this Factory all right so now call this call this Factory all right so now I can Factory all right so now I can call

Factory all right so now I can call the Factory all right so now I can call the elevator Factory all right so now I can call the elevator down now I can call the elevator down yeah now I can call the elevator down yeah here

Now I can call the elevator down yeah here it now I can call the elevator down yeah now I can call the elevator down yeah here now I can call the elevator down yeah here it elevator down yeah here it comes and elevator down yeah here it comes and Bo

Elevator down yeah here it comes and boom elevator down yeah here it comes and boom all right yeah here it comes and boom all right all right yeah here it comes and boom all right all right nice right all right nice of course I’m right all right nice of course I’m going

Right all right nice of course I’m right all right nice of course I’m going right all right nice of course I’m going to right all right nice of course I’m going to I course I’m going to I should capitalize going to I should capitalize Factory going to I should capitalize Factory just

Should capitalize Factory just because capitalize Factory just because all capitalize Factory just because all right capitalize Factory just because all right oh capitalize Factory just because all right oh yes capitalize Factory just because all right oh yes I capitalize Factory just because all right oh capitalize Factory just because all right oh yes

Capitalize Factory just because all right oh yes I all right oh yes I would have liked all right oh yes I would have liked to all right oh yes I would have liked to have all right oh yes I would have liked to have made liked to have made a little more progress

Have made a little more progress with have made a little more progress with the made a little more progress with the made a little more progress with the with made a little more progress with the with the made a little more progress with the with the milk

Made a little more progress with the with made a little more progress with the with the made a little more progress with the with the milk the with the milk side of the shop the with the milk side of the shop but the with the milk side of the shop but doing

The with the milk side of the shop but doing okay the with the milk side of the shop but doing the with the milk side of the shop but doing okay shop but doing okay let’s get in here shop but doing okay let’s get in here

But doing okay let’s get in here see but doing okay let’s get in here see if but doing okay let’s get in here see if I see if I can’t read up a few more see if I can’t read up a few more if I can’t read up a few more bees

If I can’t read up a few more bees that’s read up a few more bees that’s right read up a few more bees that’s right come if I can’t read up a few more bees that’s read up a few more bees that’s right read up a few more bees that’s right come

Read up a few more bees that’s right come here read up a few more bees that’s right come here y right come here yep okay yeah it looks right come here yep okay yeah it looks right come here yep okay yeah it looks like yeah it looks like I got one more

Yeah it looks like I got one more full yeah it looks like I got one more full hi yeah it looks like I got one more full hi guys yeah it looks like I got one more full hi yeah it looks like I got one more full hi guys

One more full hi guys want to make one more full hi guys want to make more one more full hi guys want to make more be one more full hi guys want to make more bees one more full hi guys want to make one more full hi guys want to make more

One more full hi guys want to make more bees one more full hi guys make more bees one more full hi guys make more bees app one more full hi guys make more bees apparent one more full hi guys make more bees apparently one more full hi guys make more bees apparently not

One more full hi guys make more bees apparently one more full hi guys make more bees apparently not bees apparently not I think this is bees apparently not I think this is kind of apparently not I think this is kind of where apparently not I think this is kind of where I’m

Think this is kind of where I’m at think this is kind of where I’m at the moment kind of where I’m at the moment okay kind of where I’m at the moment okay no kind of where I’m at the moment okay no no

Kind of where I’m at the moment okay no no please okay no no please please to me making okay no no please please to me making more okay no no please please to me making more bees okay no no please please to me making more bees that

Making more bees that aren’t or can making more bees that aren’t or can I making more bees that aren’t or can I have making more bees that aren’t or can I have more making more bees that aren’t or can I have more be making more bees that aren’t or can

Making more bees that aren’t or can I making more bees that aren’t or can I have making more bees that aren’t or can I have more can I have more bees come out and can I have more bees come out and stuff can I have more bees come out and stuff all

Can I have more bees come out and stuff all right and stuff all right well apparent and stuff all right well apparently and stuff all right well apparently not and stuff all right well apparently and stuff all right well apparently not and stuff all right well apparently not this

And stuff all right well apparently not this by and stuff all right well apparently not this by the apparently not this by the way is apparently not this by the way is my apparently not this by the way is my personal is my personal nightmare just being

Is my personal nightmare just being Sur is my personal nightmare just being surrounded is my personal nightmare just being is my personal nightmare just being surrounded is my personal nightmare just being surrounded by being surrounded by giant bees not being surrounded by giant bees not not

Being surrounded by giant bees not not one being surrounded by giant bees not not one of being surrounded by giant bees not not one of my not not one of my favorite things not not one of my favorite things in the not not one of my favorite things in the world

Not not one of my favorite things in the world to things in the world to have happened things in the world to have happened to things in the world to have happened to me things in the world to have happened to me okay

Things in the world to have happened to me okay good happened to me okay good you guys things in the world to have happened to me okay good happened to me okay good you guys happened to me okay good you guys make happened to me okay good you guys make more

Happened to me okay good you guys make more babies happened to me okay good you guys make happened to me okay good you guys make more happened to me okay good you guys make more babies guys make more babies obviously I’m guys make more babies obviously I’m going to

Guys make more babies obviously I’m going to have obviously I’m going to have to give obviously I’m going to have to give them obviously I’m going to have to give them some going to have to give them some time going to have to give them some time to

Going to have to give them some time to to going to have to give them some time to to reset going to have to give them some time to reset going to have to give them some time to reset but going to have to give them some time to reset but

Time to reset but we’re getting getting time to reset but we’re getting getting plent time to reset but we’re getting getting plenty time to reset but we’re getting getting time to reset but we’re getting getting plenty time to reset but we’re getting getting plenty of getting plenty of honeycomb now so

Getting plenty of honeycomb now so that’s of honeycomb now so that’s that is of honeycomb now so that’s that is that of honeycomb now so that’s that is of honeycomb now so that’s that is that of honeycomb now so that’s that is that is so that’s that is that is wonderful

So that’s that is that is wonderful right so that’s that is that is wonderful right yeah wonderful right yeah look at all that so that’s that is that is wonderful right yeah wonderful right yeah look at all that wonderful right yeah look at all that that’s yeah look at all that that’s perfect

Yeah look at all that that’s perfect but yeah look at all that that’s perfect but I yeah look at all that that’s perfect but I think perfect but I think we’re going to yeah look at all that that’s perfect but I yeah look at all that that’s perfect but I think

Perfect but I think we’re going to perfect but I think we’re going to call perfect but I think we’re going to call that perfect but I think we’re going to call that for to call that for today and right jump to call that for today and right jump

To call that for today and right jump back for today and right jump back to the for today and right jump back to the webcam for today and right jump back to the webcam all right the webcam all right yes progress the webcam all right yes progress was

The webcam all right yes progress was made all right yes progress was made not all right yes progress was made not as all right yes progress was made not as much all right yes progress was made not as much as all right yes progress was made not as much as I

All right yes progress was made not all right yes progress was made not as all right yes progress was made not as much all right yes progress was made not as much as all right yes progress was made not as much as I not as much as I would have liked

Not as much as I would have liked but not as much as I would have liked but we not as much as I would have liked but we got not as much as I would have liked but we got the not as much as I would have liked but we got the we

Liked but we got the we got the honey not as much as I would have liked but we got the we liked but we got the we got the honey liked but we got the we got the honey or liked but we got the we got the honey or started

Honey started anyway I’m getting the honey started anyway I’m getting the got honey started anyway I’m getting the got the honey started anyway I’m getting the got the beef honey started anyway I’m getting the got honey started anyway I’m getting the got the honey started anyway I’m getting the got the beef

I’m getting the got the beef Farm I’m getting the got the beef Farm going I’m getting the got the beef Farm going and I’m getting the got the beef Farm going and slow I’m getting the got the beef Farm going and slowly I’m getting the got the beef Farm going and

I’m getting the got the beef Farm going and slowly Farm going and slowly manually but Farm going and slowly manually but we’ll Farm going and slowly manually but we’ll get Farm going and slowly manually but we’ll get it Farm going and slowly manually but we’ll Farm going and slowly manually but we’ll get

Farm going and slowly manually but we’ll get it slowly manually but we’ll get it honeycomb slowly manually but we’ll get it honeycomb Farm get it honeycomb Farm is definitely get it honeycomb Farm is definitely there get it honeycomb Farm is definitely there I get it honeycomb Farm is definitely there I guess

Definitely there I guess we’ll start definitely there I guess we’ll start on definitely there I guess we’ll start on cows definitely there I guess we’ll start on cows on start on cows on Thursday so that’ll start on cows on Thursday so that’ll be start on cows on Thursday so that’ll be exciting

That’ll be exciting and until then that’ll be exciting and until then be that’ll be exciting and until then be EXC that’ll be exciting and until then be excellent that’ll be exciting and until then be excellent to that’ll be exciting and until then be that’ll be exciting and until then be excellent

That’ll be exciting and until then be excellent to then be excellent to each other and then be excellent to each other and this then be excellent to each other and this is then be excellent to each other and this is music and this is music for gaming signing

This is music for gaming signing off

This video, titled ‘Milk & Honey – Modded Minecraft – Stream Replay (12/5/2023)’, was uploaded by Music Free Gaming on 2023-12-06 03:14:50. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:02 or 7802 seconds.

The plan was to start building honey and milk farms today. I have a new honeycomb farm and temporary bee breeder. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get to the milk side of things. I guess that’s something for next time.

Music Free Gaming is a family friendly channel! I mostly play Minecraft.

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#minecraft #gaming #moddedminecraft #createmod

  • Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops!

    Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops! Minecraft Cheating with Ore-Dropping Items! Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where cheating with ores that drop items takes center stage! Join the excitement as new possibilities unfold in the world of Minecraft. Exploring New Horizons Delve into the innovative concept of cheating with ores that drop items, adding a unique twist to the traditional Minecraft gameplay. Witness the magic as these ores reveal hidden treasures and unlock a realm of endless possibilities. Unveiling the Cheating Mechanism Discover the mechanics behind this intriguing cheat, where ores become the key to obtaining valuable items. By leveraging this cheat, players can… Read More

  • Crafting Crew: Minecraft’s Best SMP Apps

    Crafting Crew: Minecraft's Best SMP Apps In the world of Minecraft, a new SMP arises, With a plot-driven story that truly surprises. Applications are open for creators to join, To craft their own tales and let their skills shine. The conflict of order versus anarchy takes hold, As players battle for power, brave and bold. Lore weaves through the server, expanding the tale, As players create their own stories, without fail. So if you’re a small creator looking to rise, Join this SMP and reach for the skies. The script SMP awaits, with adventures in store, Crafting Minecraft stories like never before. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft Welcome to day 52, where the challenge is alive, Gathering wood, one more piece to strive. The sunrise was stunning, a jungle trunk in sight, Stone easy to find, everything just right. Luxury in every step, a day to cherish, No desert in sight, just pure flourish. Shoutout to Pablo, Benja, Renzouu too, And Camiseterodepapel, sending love to you. StevenInfiny, Juan, Perseo as well, Noah Lopez, Papita, Benfi, can’t you tell? For the full video, check the link below, Join the journey, let the Minecraft flow. Big hugs to all, until tomorrow we meet, In this challenge, where every… Read More

  • JaredH4’s Epic Minecraft Tower Build

    JaredH4's Epic Minecraft Tower Build The Tower | JaredH4’s Minecraft Let’s Play: EP4 Building an Epic Magic Tower In this episode of JaredH4’s Minecraft Let’s Play, Jared embarks on the ambitious project of constructing a magnificent magic tower. With meticulous planning and off-camera resource gathering, he sets out to create a structure that blends seamlessly into the surrounding terrain. Interior Design and Enchanting As the tower takes shape, Jared meticulously designs the interior, incorporating enchanting stations, storage areas, and cozy nooks. The enchanting table becomes a focal point, offering opportunities to enhance tools and gear for future adventures. Unexpected Discoveries Despite setbacks like fruitless… Read More

  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

    Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes The Diverse World of Minecraft Versions Explained In its 15-year history, Minecraft has seen dozens of different versions, allowing players on various platforms to unleash their creativity in this unique, blocky world. While many are familiar with editions like Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition, there are some truly peculiar versions out there. Have you heard of all of them? Exploring the Unusual Versions Aside from the well-known editions of Minecraft, there are some lesser-known versions that offer unique gameplay experiences. From educational versions used in schools to specialized editions for virtual reality, Minecraft has evolved beyond its… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You!

    Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You! Bugs in Minecraft That Can Save You! ๐Ÿ˜Ž Introduction In a recent video, Vinรญcius showcased five bugs in Minecraft that could potentially save players in tricky situations. These bugs, although unconventional, can be game-changers when utilized effectively. Let’s delve into each bug and how they can be used to your advantage. The Boat Bug One of the bugs Vinรญcius demonstrated involves using a boat to avoid fall damage. By standing on a boat and continuously entering and exiting it, players can descend from heights without taking any damage. This bug can be a lifesaver when navigating treacherous terrain quickly…. Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More

  • TNT Cave House Build

    TNT Cave House Build Creating an Easy Cave House with TNT in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new ways to build and create unique structures. One popular method involves using TNT to carve out a cave and transform it into a cozy home. Let’s delve into the process of building an easy cave house with TNT in Minecraft. Building the Foundation To start, players can use TNT to blast a hole in the ground, creating a cave-like structure. Once the cave is formed, it’s time to start building the house. Players can fill the cave with materials like… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ Insane Moto Patlo Free Fire Gameplay ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #viral #foryou

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Insane Moto Patlo Free Fire Gameplay ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #viral #foryouVideo Information This video, titled ‘Moto Patlo Free Fire Game Play ๐Ÿ˜ #ytplaygames #freefire #gameplay #viral #foryou’, was uploaded by YT Play Games on 2024-05-26 09:48:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Guyz; Welcome To The Channel of yt play Games, here You Can Find Some Awesome Minecraft.freefire.pubG.etc Videos … Read More

  • Unbelievable new song by Mo sairam. You won’t believe what happens next!

    Unbelievable new song by Mo sairam. You won't believe what happens next!Video Information This video, titled ‘#song #newsong #music #comedy #dj #sairam #freefire #sai #minecraft #shreesai’, was uploaded by Mo sairam. Zx on 2024-02-19 08:06:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • JustLand

    JustLandjsme ฤesky survival server ktery ma vozidla a modovane vฤ›ci a budou ฤasto update a eventy a odmฤ›ny na eventech jsou i nฤ›kdy hodnฤ› dobrรฉ Read More

  • Industrial Earth: Renaissance Vanilla Roleplay Geopolitics 1.20.4 Dynmap Plugins

    Welcome to Industrial Earth! Industrial Earth is a geopolitical server with heavy roleplay elements. Join us as a leader of nations in the 16th century, or fight as a citizen until the last stand. Our server features a minimal amount of plugins and a dynmap to track cities and borders. Engage in wars, diplomacy, sieges, and other activities within our faction/geopolitical community. Features: Dynmap War & Diplomacy Sieges Roleplay World Map Set in the 16th Century Suggestion Chat for New Features Diverse Nations to Choose From Power Struggles in the Holy Roman Empire Join Now! Discord Invite World Map: Explore… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Childhood memories in the era of Minecraft

    Looks like my childhood is bringing all the skeletons out of the closet in this new era of information! Read More

  • Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft’s Triangular House Quick Fix

    Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft's Triangular House Quick Fix In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re building a house with triangular vibes. Wooden planks arranged in a unique way, Creating a structure that’s sure to stay. With each block placed, a story unfolds, A home for our character, brave and bold. In this virtual world, the possibilities are endless, With each design choice, our creativity transcends. So grab your tools and let’s get to work, Crafting a home that’s sure to perk, Up the spirits of all who pass by, In this Minecraft world, where dreams can fly high. Read More

  • Minecraft vs Reality: The Ultimate Battle!

    Minecraft vs Reality: The Ultimate Battle! Minecraft: spends hours building a house, mining for resources, and fighting off zombies. Real Life: spends hours looking for a parking spot, waiting in line at the grocery store, and fighting off a cold. Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 24

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 24 Minecraft Challenge: Day 24 Exploring the World Seed In today’s Minecraft challenge, the player found themselves surrounded by towering spruce trees in the world seed: -1206291632661826736. Using a clever technique of creating a staircase on the tree trunk, they managed to gather blocks from one of the large trees in a single go. Sending Greetings Not only did the player tackle the in-game challenges, but they also took the time to send greetings to fellow gamers on YouTube and TikTok. Shoutouts were given to creators such as @SilviaPatriciaNunezValdez, @m4xi_183, @facha918, @naim2518, @bwaaa-sdr, @jeffer2651 on YouTube, and @unpapelfurioso, @juanchy129k, @imm61664,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown

    Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown Minecraft Secret Base Logic: NOOB vs PRO Welcome to our latest Minecraft video, where we explore the concept of secret bases through the lens of a noob and a pro player! In this epic showdown, we will witness the different strategies and tactics used by both players to create the ultimate secret base. The Battle Begins Watch as the noob player fumbles and struggles to build a basic shelter, while the pro player effortlessly constructs a complex and well-hidden base. Will the noob player be able to catch up and outsmart the pro, or will their lack of experience… Read More

  • Unlocking Obsidian in Minecraft Agency!

    Unlocking Obsidian in Minecraft Agency!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Quest for Obsidian in Our Survival Saga: The Minecraft Agency’, was uploaded by Agent Omega on 2024-03-07 02:38:48. It has garnered 45 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:40 or 13420 seconds. We finally found a cave with what seems to be unlimited resources! Now we just need an ender chest and we can start moving forward and fast towards our bosses. This time I want to see if we can trigger a pillager raid, let’s see what can stop us. Come hop in and have some fun! Don’t Forget… Read More

  • Unbelievable SMP Ore Mining Strategy!

    Unbelievable SMP Ore Mining Strategy!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW I WON 9 STACKS OF ORE on an SMP – Metacraft S3#12’, was uploaded by Brevort on 2024-02-13 10:03:17. It has garnered 115 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:56 or 2396 seconds. Survival Minecraft 1.20. In this episode, we build a glow squid farm using guardians, then we join a mining competition (Meta Mining Expedition) where the person with the most ore after the time is up takes all! Featured in this episode: AlphaMike17 – @alphamike17 Bygl – @ByglPlays classicFaye – @classicfaye FuryRaptor – @furyraptor LadyZentra – @ladyzentra… Read More

  • Valley of Riches: Epic Minecraft Survival #2

    Valley of Riches: Epic Minecraft Survival #2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival series #2 | Going to the VALLEY & collecting diamonds ,iron etc.’, was uploaded by Epic Edge on 2024-05-06 12:49:52. It has garnered 28 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:47 or 827 seconds. _Minecraft Survival Series #2: Going to the Valley!_ “Welcome back to our Minecraft Survival Series! In episode #2, we’re venturing out of our safe haven and into the unknown… Our journey takes us to the Valley, a mysterious and treacherous region filled with hidden dangers and untold riches. We’ll need to be cautious and clever… Read More

  • Insane new water bucket trick! Must see! #shorts #memes

    Insane new water bucket trick! Must see! #shorts #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘water bucket trick ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜€#shorts #memes’, was uploaded by ZA GAMING on 2024-02-03 07:28:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to our channel! In this exciting video titled “Mastering Minecraft: Unleashing Creative Gameplay,” we dive deep into the … Read More

  • Insane Gamer816 Builds Epic Tree House in Minecraft!

    Insane Gamer816 Builds Epic Tree House in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Unbelievable Tree House Build on Minecraft!’, was uploaded by GAMER816 on 2024-06-23 03:53:37. It has garnered 11 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. #minecraft, #minecraftbuilds, #minecraftbuild, #minecraftpe, #minecraftpc, #minecrafthouse, #minecraftdaily, #minecrafters, #minecrafter, #minecraftideas, #minecraftonly, #minecraftmeme, #minecraftserver, #minecrafthouses #cricut made diy activities minecraft backrooms minecraft shorts minecraft simple tutorials minecraft tutorial Tree house offgrid tiny house My Instagram Account Read More


    INSANE BASE BUILDING DAY 2!! | LSLIVE Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP Day 2! Building a base!’, was uploaded by LSLIVE on 2024-03-11 07:13:12. It has garnered 75 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:57 or 19677 seconds. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!!! DONATE AT : SOCIALS: Instagram: luckyshot.w.k Discord: The Wolf Pack Twitter: @LuckyShotxWK TikTok: @luckyshotxwk MERCH!!! SPONSORED BY ULTI ENERGY!!! USE CODE WK 7 TO GET 10% OFF EACH ITEM!!! Read More

  • Minecraft Secret: Herobrine in Sumit Gamer05’s Live Stream

    Minecraft Secret: Herobrine in Sumit Gamer05's Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Herobrine Is There ๐Ÿคซ #live #stream’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-04-17 16:34:08. It has garnered 366 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:51 or 7371 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft (Patch)! Join my Club on Turnip sumit: Thank you for watching my Minecraft (Patch) stream. And for all the support you are showing! ๐Ÿ”ฅ, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. ๐Ÿ™‚ And share my channel with your game friends. ๐Ÿ™‚ See you on my next stream!!!,… Read More

  • Bluey vs Evil Mackenzie in Secure House Showdown!

    Bluey vs Evil Mackenzie in Secure House Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Evil Mackenzie In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-06-01 09:15:23. It has garnered 23879 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:00 or 3720 seconds. Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Evil Mackenzie In Minecraft, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • Mind-Blowing FNAF MC Animation | Not Me by TryHardNinja

    Mind-Blowing FNAF MC Animation | Not Me by TryHardNinjaVideo Information This video, titled ‘”That Me Is Not Me” | FNAF Minecraft Animated Music Video | Song By โ€ช@TryHardNinja’, was uploaded by Transfangames07 on 2024-06-22 19:00:06. It has garnered 10152 views and 623 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. Well Good Day people reading this, honestly didn’t think this momment would come so quickly but here we are, new animation :D, now before going into me leaving my own thoughts on my own animation, i wanna give a HUGE shoutout to @BAMation (Spider Manny) for helping one of the scenes of this video since… Read More

  • DragonChief

    DragonChiefSurvival Minecraft Server yg Bekerja sama dengan THF Server ini dapat di mainkan di bedrock maupun Java Read More

  • Stinky SMP Modded SMP No Resets 1.20.1 Java Origins No Whitelist No Chat Reports

    Welcome to Stinky SMP! This server offers a unique experience with fair moderation, extreme longevity, and inclusivity for all playstyles. Whether you’re a builder, PVPer, trader, or nomad, there’s a place for you here. If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them! Key Features: Great Performance: Our vanilla+ modpack ensures minimal client-side lag, and the server has high-end hardware for smooth gameplay. Safezone-Borderlands System: Experience both bloodshed and peace in different areas of the server, catering to various playstyles. The Origins Mod: Explore unique custom origins along with the base origins, carefully curated for a balanced and exciting… Read More

  • WebMC OneBlock

    Play our game mode reimagined on our very own OneBlock server! With custom mechanisms inspired by DeblokMC, start off with just one block and build your way up to greatness. Fun, challenges, and a friendly community await! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft pro or nah?

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft pro or nah?That meme must have really passed some gas to score so high! Read More

  • Stream Dream: June 11, 2024 – Ticket Tightrope

    Stream Dream: June 11, 2024 - Ticket Tightrope Welcome, welcome, to the Bean Mart show, Where we mix business with Minecraft, let’s go! On TikTok Live, I shared the behind-the-scenes, Of ordering, stocking, and all the in-betweens. The viewers were hooked, on the edge of their seats, As I navigated the game with swift and neat beats. Join me on YouTube, if you missed the live stream, For a night of fun, like a gaming dream. Subscribe to my channel, for more content galore, On Instagram, Amazon, and so much more. Follow me on Spotify, for tunes that inspire, And on Facebook and Pinterest, for content that’s… Read More


    PEDRO'S FIERY MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS! ๐Ÿ”ฅ Why did Pedro bring a pickaxe to the club? To mine some sick beats! #minecraftparty #miningforlaughs #pedrotheDJ Read More

  • Minecraft Ice Island – Episode 2 – Sewage Treatment

    Minecraft Ice Island - Episode 2 - Sewage Treatment Minecraft Wyspa Mrozu I – Epizod 2 – Oczyszczalnia ลšciekรณw Exploring the High Voltage Pillars As the Minecraft player ventured past the high voltage pillars, they stumbled upon a surprising discovery – the Sewage Treatment Plant. The sheer shock of the encounter was evident in their reaction, making for an exciting viewing experience. Stay tuned for more! Map Details For those interested in exploring the same Minecraft world, the map can be accessed at the following link: Mapa Wyspa Mrozu I. The map was created by the talented duo of RemBX and Astyn, showcasing their creativity and attention to… Read More

  • EPIC WITHER SUMMONING in Minecraft?!

    EPIC WITHER SUMMONING in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Summoning The WITHER.. Minecraft: From The Fog #6’, was uploaded by stimp on 2024-06-04 19:06:00. It has garnered 14819 views and 945 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:30 or 1110 seconds. NEW GLOWING EYES CLOAK: Follow my socials! (2nd Channel) Read More

  • World of Twilight Forest: Razz Gaming Minecraft #9

    World of Twilight Forest: Razz Gaming Minecraft #9Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tapi Kita Berada di Dunia Twilight Forest #9 #minecraft #shorts #razzgaming #twilightfores’, was uploaded by Razz Gaming on 2024-02-15 10:00:30. It has garnered 2737 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Previous Video : Minecraft Riot Playlist : Minecraft Mysteries: Support me by: (gopay, dana, ovo, just link) SOCIAL MEDIA: 2nd Channel: Subscribe : Instagram : Tiktok : Join this channel to get access to various benefits: ==================================================== Gathering Darkness oleh Kevin MacLeod berlisensi Creative Commons Attribution ( Source:… Read More

  • Shadow SMP – Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Shadow SMP - Ultimate Minecraft Experience!Video Information This video, titled ‘This is the BEST Minecraft SMP.’, was uploaded by Shadow on 2024-03-23 02:22:10. It has garnered 96 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Cracked Minecraft Server: Explore all Versions 1.8 to 1.20.1 NOW!

    ULTIMATE Cracked Minecraft Server: Explore all Versions 1.8 to 1.20.1 NOW!Video Information This video, titled ’24/7 Cracked Minecraft Server: Explore Versions 1.8 to 1.20.1 with Multiple Game Modes Java + Pocket’, was uploaded by KnifeMxtiyYT on 2024-04-26 23:02:33. It has garnered 19 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:47 or 9707 seconds. ๐ŸŽฎ Join my Minecraft Public SMP server! ๐Ÿฐ Explore, build, and conquer together with fellow Java Ip: Mcpe Ip: Port: 25582. ๐ŸŒ Join Discord: Biltu Smp[[] ๐Ÿ“ธ Follow us on Instagram: Knifecodez[[] ๐Ÿ”ฅ #MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MultiplayerMadness #BlockyAdventures ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ #CraftAndExplore #BuildTogether #SurvivalMode #BiltuSmp #JoinTheFun ๐ŸŒ #VirtualWorlds #GamingJourney #OnlineGaming #GamingFriends #MinecraftRealm ๐Ÿก #ExploreAndConquer… Read More