Minceraft Modded Adventure 17: The Arcane Arts II

Video Information

Welcome everybody back to another episode of our Minister after modern Adventure so last episode we’ve dabbled into the Arcane Arts a bit so the elemental Arcane Arts we’ve got in our our four primary staffs which is freaking awesome it’s great but now I think it’s time for us to

Dabble into the secondary elements now these are a bit more complex a bit more difficult to create because you need to mix elements together to get them there’s four types and they’re all a mix of two elements that work with each other now obviously opposites don’t

Work with each other so we can’t mix wind with with Earth and you can’t mix water with fire because it just wouldn’t work I I guess I mean I guess it would make Steam and like but what what the hell is freaking wind and Earth sand Sandstone no it’s not

Really sand it’s like anyways but yeah so that’s what we’ll do this time it’s a bit more difficult though because we’re gonna need to get two orbs this time you’re gonna need to already have pre-made orbs and then we’ll we just make it so Earth orbs are

Going to be stupid easy I wonder which one we’re gonna go for first we’ve got ice lightning magma and plant they all have their roles to play so I think the easiest one is probably gonna be magma this magma just needs coal and dirt and we can do that really quickly we already

Have the coal foreign so we’re fine we’re gonna make two of these pretty quickly oh yeah we’re like already there we’re just gonna need to get more cold though that’s the thing with this mod it’s up a lot of resources it’s a little bit rough that way but we’ll be okay you’re that

He’s following me [Applause] that’s him it has to be it has to be him there’s no way it’s not him there’s no way it’s not him right there’s no way it’s not him Tim it has to it’s it’s him right anyways oh freak what the hell

What the freak oh if you enter the crafting table while you’re moving oh it doesn’t glitch okay that was weird I don’t know what that was I was not clicking my keys there that’s cursed guys I’ve been possessed by Herobrine okay anyways um let me do that or is it it’s Earth

Fire nope the other way around magma so now we have a magma or no magma is very devastating obviously it’s lava and stuff it’s it’s it’s literally molten rock it’s powerful it’s dangerous it’s hard to stop magma is a very dangerous element very powerful it is in tune with the

Planet itself with our world itself it if you check our spells we got bang it fires a projectile that creates a small explosion now that right off the bat is a pretty good starting spell very strong very powerful that’s going to be really good against groups of mobs and then though you can

Get magma blast which fires a ball of magma that explodes on contact so what that does is it creates a freaking magma crater with lava and stuff that’s very devastating that is fun so if we shoot this this is just the regular one look at that look at that explosion bombs

That’s really good that is a very very good spell they were dabbling into this like it’s just it’s straight it’s just amazing all right um yeah so next we’re gonna do lightning oh we’re gonna need more coal we’re gonna have to go resource hunting we could oh you know we could do plant

Plant’s pretty easy we can do plant very easily actually we’ll do plant next let’s get that out of the way because plant has just renewable plant is literally just made from removable resources water and dirt you can find them everywhere so I’m not too worried about that

We’re gonna plant over with plant’s very cool plants support plants more of a support element just like water it’s a bit more creative though you can do a bit more with it let’s show it off in a second I gotta make sure I gotta make sure I don’t actually right click

With the staff or else I might blow up my house or something that would suck but yeah all right so now that we’ve got that dirt we’re gonna need some actually because we’re gonna need to make like for these it’s a bit of a with water it’s a bit of

A long tedious process the only benefit to it though is that it’s it’s easy to get so it’s not like a paint you’re not hunting for anything we’re getting more feathers too I almost wonder if I should farm animals actually you can’t really farm animals because they do spawn animals despawn a bag

It’s crazy to think about now the animals despawn to back then all right so now we got the buckets and stuff I just gotta get the dirt and then we can combine the orbs oh that scared me bro that actually scared me who knows what the hell we’re dealing with

Him is following me I don’t know I just I have to I have to do something I gotta build up I gotta get stronger I there’s no like I’m I’m just a feeble mate maybe I should make uranium tools that’d be pretty good all right so now we can make our

Our plants like that no no no it’s like no it’s like that plant orb so plant’s pretty cool I’ll show I’ll play it in a second or in a second I mean like yeah pretty much in a second yeah playing Words there we go okay so plant

Has a few uses it can grow various types of plant life depending on the click block so I could have grown myself cactuses back when I needed them and it’s got poison it can shoot a poison bomb that poisons all creatures in the impact radius that’s pretty good area of effect damage also

I just noticed oh shoot oh okay that just healed me okay I thought the borders were different colors depending on what um you’re using but it’s not it’s all good interesting yeah okay so now we got our plant staff magma staff so now we’re gonna need some feathers

Is that a bird I heard actually no I don’t think I’m not gonna kill a bird come on oh I mean I killed a duck nah but they’re just little birds though let’s just biased on my part then it’s not very nice of me just to selectively

Kill a group of animals right then again it happens all the time I don’t know what do you think Fancy Pants what do you think down there oh yeah we’re gonna need feathers we’re gonna have to go on a little bit of a trip I think we’ll bring our magic with us

Because I gotta get some feathers and I gotta get some water’s fine but it wasn’t coal I’d say yeah because lightning lightning is really freaking cool it’s freaking lightning like lightning you literally just harness the power of lightning very powerful element incredibly strong but duck that’s a fur it’s a crow I’m

Not killing a crow one of my friends really likes crows so I will respect the crow that flube thinks he can beat me with his freaking brick because that was really bad sorry we’re gonna have to look for ducks chickens I don’t have to go mining for some more coal

And that’s not even this is just for making the steps because then we gotta like then we have to actually like upgrade them make them more relevant oh there’s some cole down there more powerful all right we got the so the coal problem is done okay the uh the the feather problems

There’s no feather on ironically feathers are one of the most difficult things to get I think I’m not even kidding I think feathers are one of the most difficult resources They’re one of the most difficult resources to get for the mod that we’re using it’s feathers oh there’s a chicken okay that’s one I don’t think you can even breed mobs yet so yeah you can’t really Farm back then you could only just like kill stuff that you just found it was more

Minecraft backlink was more about just foraging rather than farming at least animals I think I want to say that because that’s what I remember well I guess there’s still lawyers though in thieves those humans are still around but all the other stuff they they gone they fled there’s a preacher up there

You know they saw the freaking they saw the God damn they felt the evil that came from that altar from my area and they fled that’s what I think happened I think all the humans just left like the knights the Rogues the Rogues probably just fled back into the woods

Doing their freaking special wood rituals that’s probably what they did oh my God okay it’s about time we fight one of these things bam what does he drop moss stone are you freaking kidding me one Milestone I have a freaking battle tower I get Harvest from because we got

The dirt from that though we got the dirt that we can get to make more Earth orbs ain’t that neat yeah see the magma stuff is really powerful it’s very good but yeah like all the all the factions that were fighting across these lands just left I’ve just noticed that like it’s

Like they’re just gone Knights the samurai the Assassins the thieves the bandits Or not the thieves actually there’s still some thieves around but probably just looting the last for me strongholds that are still around here I guess the Rogues like I don’t know like we’re heading into some darker times I think in in this world I don’t know it’s just

A place that got my magic maybe it was like okay he thinks he’s so good with his ray gun oh shoot that was pretty sick you thought you were so clever and you died to my magma the power of the Earth negative staff is awesome definitely one of my favorites just

Forever it’s destructive potential as you as you’ve seen me be capable of before all right maybe if we get a zombie spawner I don’t I’m a mummy spawner Look at that oh my God that’s so good oh you know what if one of the thief steals my staff that’s not good I don’t want to steal my freaking magical stats he’s not gonna be able to use him because he he hasn’t mastered the Arcane RTS and learned how

To give himself Mana points it’s so overpowered it’s it’s honestly so prepared not really balanced oh is this I literally Foreign zombies together feathers oh there we go there’s oh my God there’s so many feathers yes oh that’s good we’re good let’s go oh the heck Daddy see that’s awesome the wire staff’s handy for healing like I don’t need to rely on just basic human needs anymore I can just

I can harness the power of the world of the elements to my advantage it’s amazing like it’s so handy these staffs are amazing they really do help like a lot a lot a lot like I could just use this staff to climb up very handy a bit dangerous but once you get

Used to how it works it’s pretty handy see bam very all right so now we’ve got tons of feathers and tons of coal I think we can make those air orbs we need we’re gonna need four or wind arms uh wind dorms I should say I should I should say

All right we need that and then oh more fire oh actually we’re only gonna need like to fire so we already got right to fire oh no no we’re gonna need four fire right we’re gonna need one of water then now we just need water I should make her double chest

All these quote unquote valuables in my chest foreign it’s so time consuming it’s just buckets dude it’s just buck it’s a fun buckets one though which is good but man feel like I made that infinite water source foreign Passage if you know how to make infinite water source

You are a true Minecrafter all right so now I’m gonna create ice oh no no it’s fine right it’s fine it’s all good it’s all good this is nothing nothing out there to get me right he’s not here is he can’t be okay let’s just anyways

Um yeah so we got a nice orb so that’s cool uh and then we just need to get lightning lightning is freaking awesome I love lightning lightning is so cool lighting is one of the freaking coolest elements in this mod it’s so awesome wait oh I’m a nevermind I did I only

Needed one that’s that’s okay though we’ll store it because we’re gonna need those fire orbs anyways to upgrade the staffs so it’s all good it makes sense but yeah uh yeah let’s uh we might as well have a crafting table up here too it is our little this is our little Arcane station

I’d say it’s a little area where we work on our spells two yeah ice staff lightning staff oh yes so these are great so the Lightning staff obviously very neat uh you can shoot a lightning ball which places a ball of lighting which damages any entities that touch it so it’s it’s

That’s a bit more of a defensive spell I’d say or like a really wacky offensive spell or we can get bolt now which calls down a freaking he calls down lightning you can we can harness the power of Zeus pretty much the hardest the power of the sky Gods

Guys it’s it’s just amazing we can we can harness the power of lightning and it’s just awesome freaking lawyer I could shoot a lawyer actually that’s a bad he might send me to freaking Prison from here actually that that’s what they do when you when you attack lawyers they can sue you and

Then they can literally like send you to prison not even kidding they take away all your items they put you in prison and then you have to get out and it’s very rough it’s very stupid anyways ice orb freeze so that just fires to protect all that

You know frees a creature on contact makes them slow or we can use ice blast which is an ice projectile that explodes in contact which freezes an area so ice on a surface is is not too special special because all it seems to do is like you know just freeze entities but

What it can do I think is it can like we could use it to freeze water and stuff here we’ll try it we’ll try freezing something I like those what the hell um what about like I don’t want I don’t want to freeze the dove looks like it’s me it’s even

Oh there we go bam so that actually freezes him it gets him stuck it places down ice too he’s very angry now I actually don’t want to destroy the world around me so I’m gonna shoot fire at him instead there we go torch in the Golem with our Magic very angry about that

I don’t really Golem it’s more of a monster it’s a giant rock monster it’s an indigenous life form of this area I think I don’t know much about their lore though um I might have to read into it okay just burn bro oh my God he’s not burning

Yep you can place down a lightning ball and it’s like oh shoot he’s coming oh Lord he’s coming kind of like that that touches and he gets hurt but it’s not very good it’s kind of clunky a little bit it’s not very practical burn creature oh he’s fast

Good thing I have the power of Ed to fly me out of here I hope yes he cannot impeach an Arcane wizard like myself please freeze and burn bro I think I just burned his drops holy crap that death sound takes forever more crap yeah this is a magical Playground now but yeah

All right oh yeah I forgot that I should probably show off the the plants down too basically you always grow trees that’s so cool actually look at that don’t even have to worry about like we literally don’t have to worry about like saplings anymore like anything we just we honestly magic

Solves all the problems bam tree you would bam tree I need to freaking burn some coming after you bam he’s on fire you need to need to get out of a sticky situation bam fly around it’s so neat it’s very handy honestly great we’ve created all four of

The elemental staffs they’re all eight I mean all eight Elemental staffs and now we’re gonna have to just upgrade them over time we’re gonna have to make them the most powerful staff because what we’re facing what we’re dealing with we’re gonna need everything we can get oh crap foreign but yeah

Very cool very awesome we’re gonna stick all of our important magical items in here ingredients we need such as feathers and coal in our buckets and yeah I do have some plans that we’ll do I do have some plans so I think at some point we’re probably gonna go and find that

The the uh what is it called the the Battle Castle or something there’s like remember that big castle we came across when we were looking for cactus that thing I want to go find that again it’s somewhere that way I think it’s it’s it’s just summer over there we’re gonna find it

And then we’re gonna literally like take it over we’re gonna conquer it I have I just have the itch to do that you know you know and but I think before we do that we’re gonna have to master our Arcane sorcery just our Arcane power in general level

Up our wands get them as powerful as they can be and then and then we’ll be ready I think I think that’s what we’ll do because I don’t know I almost just want to leave this this realm you know we’ll just have to we’ll figure it out guys we’ll figure what we do

Next but yeah whatever that dramatic talking dramatic stuff if you liked what you saw oh we’ll we’ll leave it here for now uh if you liked what you saw thanks for watching and I hope you all have an amazing day take care everyone

This video, titled ‘Minceraft Modded Adventure 17: The Arcane Arts II’, was uploaded by Mr. Jira on 2023-02-20 11:00:11. It has garnered 9 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:22 or 1642 seconds.

we will master the elements

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  • Zephyr

    ZephyrSMP with a focus on the pve side of minecraft, with multiple different plugis including a bank, better dogs, AI, ranks, and grief protection, as well with a welcoming community, also working on the lore of the server, with the help of our resident AI overlord whom you can meet when you spawn in. Read More

  • Veach SMP | smp semi-vanilla

    Welcome to Veach SMP Server! If you’re interested in joining a building-based SMP server, look no further than Veach! The server is still a work in progress, and we welcome your feedback and suggestions to make it even better. Join our growing community by clicking on the Discord invite link below: https://discord.gg/gR6TGBgg6j Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Exploding sailor hat in Minecraft?”

    Looks like even the TNT is getting into the Minecraft spirit by wearing a sailor hat! I guess it’s all about fashion, even when you’re about to blow things up. Read More

  • Minecraft Sigma Boys: The Hottest Troll Face Meme!

    Minecraft Sigma Boys: The Hottest Troll Face Meme! “Why did the troll face go to Minecraft Sigma Boys? To mine for laughs and craft some mischief!” Read More

  • Villager Trading Hall Shenanigans

    Villager Trading Hall Shenanigans Minecraft Gameplay: Building a Villager Trading Hall Introduction In the latest episode of SG World’s Minecraft gameplay series, the focus shifts to constructing a Villager Trading Hall. This new project follows the successful completion of a fully automatic sugarcane farm in the previous episode. Building a Trading Hall The player, guided by SG World, embarks on the task of creating a trading hall within the Minecraft world. This ambitious project involves intricate planning, resource gathering, and strategic placement of various elements to ensure the trading hall functions efficiently. Key Features – The trading hall serves as a hub for… Read More

  • Epic GR Legend gameplay – 2hrs of Minecraft madness

    Epic GR Legend gameplay - 2hrs of Minecraft madnessVideo Information where Chris for I never installed it did I I’m s ah yes one you in chat is it by chance well that’s going on G to pull this up as well this over here so I want to quickly few people anything back oh that’s going on I want to test a couple things or cast Shadows let know what this does oh breaking n complet for how that works over here Shadows the b in the chat what’s going on bot not this for real I kind of want to try blood blood and bones honestly… Read More

  • Mastering Trap Escapes in Minecraft Brawl Stars

    Mastering Trap Escapes in Minecraft Brawl StarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT : HOW TO ESCAPE TRAPS AT EVERY RANK🤔BRAWL STARS RANK UP⬆️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ASTROM YT on 2024-06-05 14:10:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, Charu ghai maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey … Read More

  • Bizarre Twist in Minecraft Gameplay with Jennifer Coolidge! Pt 1

    Bizarre Twist in Minecraft Gameplay with Jennifer Coolidge! Pt 1Video Information hi my name is Analisa your favorite dumbass and welcome aboard I don’t have my train whistle cuz I’m at my boyfriend’s apartment but uh choo choo I have been posting a lot of Jennifer coolage Minecraft videos on my Tik Tok and my Instagram and they have been doing a little too well for context there was a Minecraft movie announced for 2025 and at first they just said oh Jason M MO is going to be in it then they said Jack Black’s going to be in it then they announced out of nowhere that Jennifer… Read More

  • Boost FPS with 2024 Minecraft Mod!

    Boost FPS with 2024 Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mods Release Best 2024 Minecraft Mod That Will Boost Fps’, was uploaded by OmniOp on 2024-01-09 13:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello In this video I am releasing the best mods for PvP and fps boost watch the full video to find out ➡️ Credits – Thumbnail By … Read More

  • “OMG! I GOT SCAMMED ON MY Minecraft SERVER!” #shorts

    "OMG! I GOT SCAMMED ON MY Minecraft SERVER!" #shortsVideo Information me reportaron que un usuario está estafando a más jugadores en mi servidor Así que ahorita estoy en una cuenta alternativa para poner a prueba a este usuario este estafador está vendiendo la armadura de Bowser pero lo que reportaron es que esta armadura es falsa me puse de acuerdo con este estafador que nos íbamos a ver en la mina de peach Ah míralo Aquí está le voy a mandar intercambio me pidió un stack de manzanas de noche a ver ya me aceptó el intercambio Así que le voy a dar un stack de manzanas y… Read More

  • Ultimate MCPE Realms REVEALED! Join Now! 🚀

    Ultimate MCPE Realms REVEALED! Join Now! 🚀Video Information what is up and welcome back to a brand new video on Minecraft 1.21 anyway in this video I’m going to be showing you guys the five new best rounds supposedly on 1.21 so without further Ado guys let’s go and get right into it and as always all the ones for these will be in the description like the codes so if you guys want to go and check out any of them be sure to go and check them out in the description below but without further Ado guys let’s go ahead and get into the… Read More

  • Shocking Prank: Meicha’s Revenge on Heavenly in Minecraft!

    Shocking Prank: Meicha's Revenge on Heavenly in Minecraft!Video Information let’s see this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh no W to days [Music] [Applause] later can I ask that we do not leave May unattended it’s too late please leave her unattended she always do funny [ __ ] no she she she this is why I brought her this is why I’m I’m about to crush her head she blue tooth all my chest I love her so much I love her so whenever she feels like it she can just activate my chest from a distance and it just open and close exactly I love… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP And Bedwars with GW FAHIM 🚀🎮

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP And Bedwars with GW FAHIM 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP And Bedwars 🔥🔴’, was uploaded by GW FAHIM FF on 2024-01-21 02:57:23. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:11 or 2951 seconds. Minecraft PvP And MiniGames 🔥🔴 minecraft pvp and minigames live, minecraft pvp minigame, minecraft 1v1 minigames, minecraft pvp gameplay video, mini games minecraft server, minecraft bedwars 1v1 server, minecraft bedwars 1v1 server ip, pvp minecraft challenge, minecraft pvp with subscribers, minecraft pvp live stream, minecraft pvp tournament live, minecraft pvp best player, 1v1 pvp minecraft, minecraft minigames pvp, mini games server minecraft, minecraft… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: RICHARD BLESSES ARMEN! 🔥Video Information [Music] SM wow yo broken what’s goody finally back in New York let’s go let’s go yo how was your trip bro yo Marquez let’s let’s Legend hope you guys had a good ass day we about make it even better yo it’s Thursday baby one more day until Friday baby like what like how like what oh my God bro I’m actually healing very good off of the sickness yo smoke yes sir let’s go it was fun as freak hell yeah hell yeah Brody as you should I’m going to be in basing people I’m going… Read More

  • eventyretmc

    eventyretmcEventyretmc.dk Hejsa alle sammen I er velkommen til at join Enventyretmc.dk Discord få mere info om server Info om vad der er der inde : Fede giveawes : Gode staff : fed server : gode Info God dag fra Evenentyrtmc.dk staff team Eventyretmc.dk Read More

Minceraft Modded Adventure 17: The Arcane Arts II