“Mind-Blowing Alien Sunset in Minecraft Realm” – Feb 8, 2024

Video Information

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to the family realm hello hello hello there all a bunch of weirdos isn’t it great so we finished the scarland trip you ooh scarland souers I need to grab those not that one I’m going to put the scarland souvenirs over in the scarland tribute actually so we finished the tribute scarland tribute we still don’t know what else we’re doing in the rest of this he’ll figure something out don’t worry the best brains in uh this realm are on it or something but so that means that it’s time for me to start working on the Decked Out museum display I got a couple ideas of things I want to do but I’m not 100% sure of exactly how I want to lay everything out so that’s going to [Music] be uh a bit of a thing a pickle a pickle indeed I think I need to make a bunch more armor St I steal the sticks that’s actually not a lot of [Music] sticks and I’m experiencing enough lag to do random floaty bits which is fun I suppose for Fun and Profit that’s a stick so I need deep slate stuff I know that because have any Cobble did I just give all of the Cobble deep slate to you down in scarland it’s [Music] possible I might just like have to Cobble a bunch of deep slate oh dear I steal the Deep plate I can’t remember if there was any Blackstone but I’m stealing the Blackstone too I have to go look at the um thingies with the stuff and the things words I can do words I want to play with the new copper blocks I know the hermit’s have all excited now I know it’s rude isn’t it totally get us what are you up to [Music] llama sniffer C are like the connector tunnels like the tunnels connecting the different caves those tunnels Yeahs Co that’s definitely a good [Music] idea yeah and you could put up like directional signs ooh [Music] yeah okay what’s the most sniffy wood all right Main Grove then sounds good [Music] oh no you have to grow a mangrove do you need the roots or can I have the roots you for the roots maybe I do [Music] plan I don’t I need I need another stone cutter I can never remember the recipe for stone cutters what is it Stone and IR thing on top of some other stuff oh hey look they grew over the top of me overnight that was awesome I keep opening the wrong chests I’ll figure it out when I get there did you guys have any particular um room that you thought would be a good one for the my inventory is too full that would be a good room for the no the um Museum the deck out display what direction do you think is the most Decked Out direction thank you I swear to God sir if you keep walking into me while I am trying to do stuff I need another I have no room in my inventory to do anything this is very upsetting I ended up with a mangr log do you need it dude okay okay so you don’t really care where we put it is that what I’m getting from all of this well I asked you what direction you thought was the most decked outy I have no idea I mean you’re asking us which in a museum of four identical Wings we think is the most de outst no well they’re they’re not identical they do have like um right let me look at the floor patterns and I’ll yeah I was going to say not this one probably the rest one yeah this one all right now I have to decide how I want to do this I originally going to was going to put the um doors like you saw when I came in I had like the doors up here but I think that I don’t like that it blocks the view to the outside so or the view to the inside either just in general the view in general The View but I also like trying to decide if I put it up on the wall that’s like a large portion of the wall that gets covered well it’s not like we don’t have plenty of wall oh yeah but I wanted to put like our artifac on the wall and like separate it by who won the artifact so I wanted like plenty of room you can put it on the ceiling no so I don’t know maybe I won’t like duplicate the door patterns maybe you won’t maybe I’ll just kind of like I don’t I [Music] If part of the problem is that it’s like really kind of put my stuff down here [Music] all right is [Music] that wait that’s the door so it’s it’s very kind of inconveniently done so I mean and the other doors are even worse [Music] so it’s just [Music] [Music] like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that’s [Music] suboptimal [Music] [Music] I panicked and slap my bed down so I could sleep I didn’t realize I was standing on and I iCal bed at the [Music] time well you know extra [Music] [Music] long [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I sense muddiness of foot oh yes muddiness [Music] indeed deep sleep [Music] ties do I have deep sleep T deep sleep slabs polish deep safe can I turn any of these things into deep I think that’s Polish black downstairs and that’s going out thing so I might just just leave that as is [Music] [Music] [Music] now in like the real decked out um Tango had these all shenanigan like to like appear um via um armor stand animations um Redstone you know triggering a redstone to switch it from one Tex from one position to the other so that the armor stands would essentially um the armor stands had their heads thrown back so all of these are like stacked on top of each other like they’re standing here facing this way with their heads thrown back so that they’re all like stacked up like right behind where the door is and then it like triggers them and Redstone Powers them and they go and put their heads up into place and then it just layers this texture over top of the actual chiseled dads kind of cool just the whole like fact that like that whole thing was like figured out and everything was kind of cool being problematic dude trying to get everything lined up just right well you know [Music] [Music] [Music] I just have to leave them like that I think which is not ideal but it will do that h excuse me sir that is mine no you may not use my stone cutter I disagree have a ravager H so there ner ner ner n ner I don’t know maybe the warden is a bit much I like it you like I think the Wen looks lovely there the the the ravager only gives one a momentary heart attack when hey yeah just Just moment teror excuse me sir I I’m trying to do stuff in here I know you’re excited for the for the for the play but it’s not ready yet oh that sounds cool then more sniffer caves we’re just going to have all the sniffers yeah why not that’s not a complaint that’s an excited exclamation my inventory too full not there w and then I haven’t imported any of the cards yet or the artifa but we’ll I suppose like I’ll make a like our Sher boxes our um frozen assets Sher boxes and we’ll just put those in here and then put the cards in the Sher boxes much like the Hermits did yeah I like it and then just um I was going to have us all like like have the artifacts individualized but there’s just not really the room to spread them out that much so we’ll just like put them all up on the walls in whatever order that makes sense I can’t change the the the color of stuff unfortunately and we can’t put the um lore in so that like that we won’t have like the flavor text on on this stuff but that’s okay still super cool I should have you come do like the the signage though because I don’t really know what to write like you know the little fancy museums always have funky little signs swaying things I could put that on my agenda at some point here [Music] than oh we should name the ravager which ra which ravager should this ravager be oh now that’s a good question I feel like um who’s the guy that used to guard the entrance stumbles stumbles I feel like stumbles has a special place for us I was going say we could name him Mr Poopy Head our most hated our most hated ravager is the most annoying you’re [Music] right I I do think I like stumbl best though kind of works kind of looks like a name tag it’s a bit low on the body but [Music] [Music] there we go so it’s pretty much set up I just need to import the card textures oh I need to make the um boxes too I cannot jump what the heck there we go [Music] okay I need to get rid of all this junk in my inventory is what I really need to [Music] now what was I doing oh wait boxes [Music] oh my God I have no levels What the the heck me okay we’re going to go visit I don’t know gold Farm Ender Ender where should I go thingy place with stuff I think the gold Farm is slightly quicker overshot that one oh boy and the fun part about coming here is that it’ll probably give these two the chance to spy on me and figure out the new resource pack I added oh if you want to see okay fine I found a um patch modification that allows me to use it with the um faithful data pet so I don’t end up with weirdly 32 32x everything but a a handful of random 16x creatures it really is creepy because they actually run like running now and it’s like H that’s even worse creep came back too soon do their ear still fall that’s important [Music] yep you’re still FL yeah there’s still floppy ears it’s really cool cuz um Regular piglins ears are extra floppy now and nice it’s a little like I’m still not 100% sure that I really like fresh animations but I do have to admit that the the Hermits did convince me that it’s not as bad as I thought it [Music] was but it is weird because everything walks with a slightly forwarded tilted pants now like almost all of the mobs like their their torso your Mar yeah slightly tilted forward and I’m just like that’s that’s slightly kind of [Music] weird one sad thing is it does override my emissive texor data pack resource pack not b a pet so that um they don’t have glowy eyes anymore uh no more eye glowes and the cat size don’t glow either [Music] like but if you watch the cats long enough they do wash their paws which is freaking adorable that is awesome I also like that the cat’s tailes are like see yeah it’s adorable okay now what was I doing renaming [Music] boxes are you serious that’s just rude I triggered home so it erased all my levels I didn’t like race they’re still there since I don’t have access to them because there we go because Realms borks data packs so annoyed by that it’s not that particular thing isn’t Realms yeah they used to do that when we were just running uh the data packs over in Thomas yeah yeah I thought they’d fixed that it was a Realms thing now I broke the thingy good thing we have a little bit of [Music] iron [Music] be [Music] [Music] now you dyed your box green right your frozen assets yeah it’s a straight up green cuz I already had a lime and I already had a pink box which are what colors I usually use Thomas what color did you dye your box your your frozen assets or magenta all [Music] righty apologies for the random scraping noises on my mic up until now I just realized I’d forgotten to pin it but it Go all Wiggly wobbly that’s not bad I think feels pretty good this is the Decked Out Wing yay that’s looking pretty cool stumbles looks right at home in in the middle of there too [Music] [Music] I think I probably should name the warden too but I don’t remember if like each Warden like they’re not persistent wardens were they I don’t remember how that worked um yeah they’re persistent yeah yeah Tango Tango spawn them all and drag them all into the dungeon we don’t have a favorite Warden yet though so I guess we’ll no we we haven’t survived that long yeah we haven’t gotten down into that part yet so I suppose we’ll wait until until we get ourselves a favorite Warden to name that that guy yeah pretty I’m pretty okay pleased with how this is turning out I just need to import the cards now get those up and the artifacts yeah I think it’s looking pretty cool I do in the nearest Future but not right away want to um do some actual like armor stand statue you guys or in the museum too I thought it would be really cool if I did like um zombie Cleo’s My Little Pony horse that she did in um season 9 in the um shopping district for to demonstrate her armor stand ability if I did something like that but out of white and made it a unicorn I thought it would be really cool that would be awesome and down with the Unicorn yo oh I’m like really laggy today what the heck I’ve been just texturing my little cave over here that’s cool well I think right now is we should concentrate on finishing up the hallways so that we can get to all of the sniffer caves that we already [Music] have cool dude I know how stairs work now every time anybody mentions moth I just think of the sloth moss moths they are awesome aren’t they [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] oh I just put the creeper up too because I like the creeper so much that I had to add him in even though the creeper doesn’t really have a specific spot I was like yeah I’ll just throw him in the museum yay creeper did you come look get the the Decked Out display yet you should come look at it and tell me what you think what in person like yeah all right you got it let me just dump some of my stuff off it’s kind of cool because if you walk in from like the museum the ravager is like running right at you and you’re [Applause] like you see a ravager butt yeah you coming from the outside though all you see is a ravager butt well what what’s what’s missing oh I didn’t add that stuff to your pack yet okay no the the item frames on the side walls are empty I just I don’t have those yet so I did so it’s pointless for me to come over yeah if I didn’t give if I didn’t give you the door textures I mean you still have ravager butts what that I’m done with that I didn’t realize I hadn’t added these guys to your textures yet rag your but noise and of course Allan or whoever over here Allan the texture was named Yeti so the files Y stumbl and our creeper friend yay all right llama do you want to show off your hallway yeah let’s go look at llama’s hallways that’s fine I made it through oh my God ni flying I like watching you guys fly by like on fire it’s lead the way into the water okay this is a nice entrance now this is mostly passable yeah I could see not bad nice hello in [Music] there oh and then this is like right around the corner I didn’t realize how close that was yeah nice I do like this one a lot too yeah we need a sniffer name like violet or something in here that sounds good that’s a nice sniffer [Music] name that’s fun yeah I mean all you you all you’ve been doing is like widening and straightening the tunnels so that’s fine and then down here is the candy cave yeah and yum kind of really oh yeah look at that okay cool yeah this is a lot easier to get get through now you’re going to have to you you know fix the gates and everything over here too yeah got to keep the sniffers in m and then there’s one more cave right or did you not make another cave in there sweet and the shroomies I love it this is really nice I do love these different cave themes they’re so awesome totally and it’s it’s it’s like cool for cats to play on ow and for platies to sleep I’m to sleep yeah so you’re you’re going to work on the decoration and texturing and stuff like next time though that’s cool that’s fine yeah you can always just carpet over it if you need to yeah yeah M Carpet slabs whats you know as you work on it and texture everything up I’m sure you’ll figure it all out H you want to see my caves speak textures yeah yes actually to figure out how to get out of here now it’s actually much easier than before it is actually it’s it’s much easier now ah jeez goat just came out of nowhere he’s the real nowhere goat this is the um the pink Cottage right yeah over the pink Cottage Way P Cottage way I just had to get into the air oh yeah it’s cuz the PE cage you have to go through base to get to it from where we were oh you’re taking the nether I’m just flying because like let’s do a little mini World Tour yeah I don’t know how to get there in the real world well first you fly to the shulker farm then you fly to the boom box and then you fly to the dancing [Music] pig wait for the world to live feel nothing but pork scented leggings in my mailbox be kind of weird where’s alien oh I see [Music] you yay yeah so I’ve actually been doing the cave on the other side uh this one whoa hey now it’s all like rified look at this I like this thank [Music] you ooh I like this texturing over here with the Muddy Roots oh and the tough and the that’s really nice I like that thank you thanks dude awesome yeah I was like like if you look at it from the front then the darker bits are towards the back for you know depth and stuff yeah that’s really cool yay and I love how you left the the coal you went against your Natural Instincts and left the coal that’s how you can tell it’s really a labor of love in the cave yep there’s a there’s another one over here furnaces for texture exactly I mean that got kind of that blocky outline but uh you know otherwise that’s cool did you go any further or was that only no I just been working in here like most of the dark beds the the mud bits and the black stone and stuff was what I was adding today I put some sear grass into the pond over there too SE see the gr any tougher Cobblestone you see in the s added to it’s really nice I like it yay it’s a fun little cave it is I like it it’s really nice it looks really cool from like out here too s this handily right near the water so I could just go over and make more mud mud I like how all our little areas have like turned out yeah totally this has been a really cool season uh here’s my little train station I love your train station too it’s a cool train station thank you I might still have carts here if anyone wants to ride I don’t never mind did you name the pig on the rails I can’t remember yeah all right I just didn’t catch it as he went by me he went he’s following you check him out and I love being able to see the dancing pig dancing pig is indeed awesome totally we got this lovely bridge to it the cool [Music] path and you can see the um pyramids from the dancing pig too oh yeah first time I’ve been over here since the pyramids are up at least part of it yeah I can see the main pyramid I can’t quite see the kitties yeah and my world wasn’t loading oh hello cotton welcome he cotton cotton has redeemed all the things stretch hydrate posture check pronoun check I am they them here her we were just kind of finishing up and doing a bit of a tour of everybody’s stuff yeah seen the pyramid from this side uh it looks really cool though oh I can see uh I can see the tip of one of the kitty Tails I can see the tip of Jelly’s tail jell is a good there should be a redeem for 250 that’s just called the cotton candy special and it just acts as all four oo yeah only cotton can redeem that one did you see scarland tribute cotton I wasn’t sure like when you’re paying attention or not sometimes and I don’t know if you watched for this yet but I’m really pleased and then I’ll go show the the museum jelly jelly jelly jelly good version jelly turn around jell is not going to turn around oh new new resource pack um I’m just going to sit here and watch there we go I’m really pleased with how a lot of the armor stand stuff came out too all love the really cool like the trees and this um light fixtures is totally platty though she did a really great job with it and the duckies okay you placed the duckies too yes and they were my idea yes the duckies were youra I love the duckies too oh did you see the duckies when we were over at the Garden no I didn’t I’ll have to go back like once we’re done and go look at the duckies in the garden well the armor stance would be made by Cleo but cotton says the armor stands are amazing you could absolutely tell me this was um part of scarland made by Scar except for that it’s indoors yeah but the vibe Absolut that’s what we were going for it’s like we weren’t going for like an exact copy of scarland cuz we knew we weren’t going to be able to like copy exactly the way scar built everything especially in here but we kind of wanted it it’s as as I am fond of saying now like multiple times this is not the best build in the world it is is only a tribute hey jimy and nobody but platty will get that reference because I am old tenous D which I think is especially um apt using that um because Black Jack Black did get cast as Steve in the upcoming Minecraft movie so it all comes together full circle no I could never send this to scar it would be too [Laughter] embarrassing I don’t want him to see it and show it off oh my God I would die and this is the decked out um display that I’ve that I’ve put together I haven’t gotten the cards yet so we don’t have any cards or anything or none of the artifacts yet because it takes work porting everything over but this is our museum display for the decked out and the creeper because creeper and it didn’t really go anywhere else and this is like I we really need to finish our art cuz this is the only piece of art that we have on our Museum wall right now yeah but it finan the whole see this is an expensive piece of art yeah did you ever finish story story night no we still have one more map to do I think I just keep getting distracted by so many cool builds we got distracted by the cats the cats were very [Music] distracting all right now I got to go fly back and look at Pat’s um Pond your pond yeah the pond has has the duckies in it the one in the garden right the garden pond [Music] yeah under the shers we goohoo oh my God they’re adorable I love them they are adorable totally I really do they the little yellow ones really do look so so much like Ducky Momo too I [Music] my all righty um I think I’ll like we’ll sign off here then cuz it’s really pretty here it’s a very pretty little garden so that was like everything so far that we’ve um yeah that I did today I did I I will work on porting over the rest of the textur stuff so that everybody can see everything at a later date um and I have no idea what I’m going to be working on next time we’re over here maybe I should get around to working on the rest of the art Maps finishing those up I just keep getting distracted by cool builds and stuff you know there’s just so many really cool things to do and work on like we still have no idea what to put under Esmeralda’s um pyramid or under the main pyramid so and we have to finish it all up before like the next uh full update comes out and we have to you know reboot the world yeah well we don’t have to reboot the world right away um we are we are still looking at um non-rm servers and stuff but that stuff’s complicated yo so anyway any who yeah stuff okay yeah that any I just completely lost my brain for a second anyway next time we stream it will be decked out as per the usual flippy floppy schedule um that may be tomorrow it might not God knows we our lives are all sorts of weird and strange but next time we stream it will be decked out and then it will be back to here and either way I really enjoyed chatting with you all I hope you all have a great day and until next time bye

This video, titled ‘Evening Playtime on the Family’s 1.20 Minecraft Realm – Feb 8, 2024’, was uploaded by Alien Sunset on 2024-02-26 01:18:40. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:39 or 4779 seconds.

Thanks for Watching!

working on the Decked Out museum display today!

Visit my Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/alien_sunset


If not playing music directly from a game, all music played on twitch streams is by Purrple Cat: https://youtube.purrplecat.com (track name is displayed in the lower right hand corner)


Modloader: Fabric Optimization: Better Beds, C2ME, Dynamic FPS, Enhanced Block Entities, Entity Culling, Ferrite Core, Immediately Fast, Indium, Lithium, Lazy DFU, Memory Leak Fix, ModernFix, Sodium & Sodium Extras, Shader Support: Iris Video Making: Bobby, OBS, Replay Mod, Shotcut Other Misc Mods: Advancement Info, Apple Skin, Cat Jam, Chat Heads, Continuity, Death Log, Detail Armor Bar, EMF, ETF, FabricSkyBoxes, Flower Map, Inventory Profiles Next, Item Scroller, LambDynamicLights, Litematica, MiniHud, ModMenu, More Chat History, Pet Owner, REI, Skin Shuffle, Status, Symbol Chat, Tweakaroo, Xaero’s Mini & World Map

Shaders: none

Resource Packs: Classic Faithful 32x texture pack, Totem by Fortune Cat by Haisuki, Classic Faithful Emissive Textures by Zeuselpro, Various Vanilla Tweaks (Vanillatweaks.net), Pride Pack by PrideCraft Studios, Custom edit of Dramatic Skies by thebaum64 (when not using shaders), & a custom personal pack by a friend which is sadly not available to the public.

Armor Statues Book Datapack by Mukitanuki: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/armor-statues-datapack


Thank You for considering me as a member of your SMP!

But, I do have a few Criteria for servers I am willing to join:

** Player age range 20+ or better yet, 30+ ** Java ** NOT Bukkit, Spigot or Paper/Purpur – Fabric is Much Better overall for performance and vanilla behavior, especially if you use the Caffeine performance mods. (Lithium & Phosphor) ** Normal or Hard difficulty only – some of my farms don’t work as well, or don’t work at all in easy and peaceful ** No Greifing or Killing without consent ** Allows my usual list of Client Side Mods (see above) ** Uses these Vanilla Tweaks (https://vanillatweaks.net/) Datapacks: Armor Statues (updated version available at the creator, Mukitanuki’s, Curseforge) Multiplayer Sleep Player Head Drops Anti Enderman Greifing More Mob Heads Wandering Trades Craftable Bundles ** Other Vanilla Tweaks Crafting Tweaks that are nice but not necessary: Back to Blocks Dropper to Dispenser Rotten Flesh to Leather Charcoal to Black Dye Universal Dying

*** — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/alien_sunset

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    Gazebo Glitz & Path Pizzazz: CasualCraft SMP In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Jumbosale_Gaming keeps the energy alive. Building gazebos and paths, with a casual flair, On the CasualCraft server, a community that cares. Twitch is the stage, where the action unfolds, With updates and progress, the story is told. From the riverfront build to the roofs up high, Every detail crafted, reaching for the sky. The Spawn Chunks podcast, a source of inspiration, Fueling the passion for this virtual creation. With mods and data packs, enhancing the play, Making Minecraft adventures brighter each day. So join the fun, with Jumbosale in command, As… Read More

  • EnderDragon Villager Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    EnderDragon Villager Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥 #minecraft #memes When the EnderDragon and Villager team up, you know it’s serious business. Watch out, Herobrine, they’re coming for you next! #minecraftjustice 😂🐉👨‍🌾 Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Better Start!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Better Start! Welcome gamers and Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with fellow players. But why should you choose Minewind over other servers? Well, imagine a world where you can embark on epic adventures, build magnificent structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. That’s what Minewind offers – a dynamic and immersive gaming experience like no other. Join now and explore the vast landscapes, uncover hidden treasures, and forge alliances… Read More

  • LILYVILLE SMP: The Full Story

    LILYVILLE SMP: The Full Story LILYVILLE SMP: The Epic Minecraft Adventure Welcome to the thrilling world of Lilyville SMP, where friendships are forged, enemies are made, and epic battles unfold. Join OcToGamerz on a journey through the heart-pounding events of Lilyville SMP, a Minecraft server like no other. The Lilyville Rat: A Secret Mission Unveiled As the story unfolds, a mysterious figure known as the Lilyville Rat embarks on a secret mission that will change the course of Lilyville forever. Follow the Rat’s journey as they navigate through treacherous terrain and face formidable foes. The Biggest Mission Yet: Lilyville Rat’s Triumph In a heart-pounding… Read More

  • Shocking: Sirgor Disappears for 1.5 Years!

    Shocking: Sirgor Disappears for 1.5 Years!Video Information This video, titled ‘rok a pul pryč’, was uploaded by Sirgor OFF on 2024-05-24 22:44:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. cz #Youtube #Minecraft #stream #MinecraftStream #Minecraft #sk #minecraftpvp … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Editing by ParPeling Pro

    Insane Minecraft Editing by ParPeling ProVideo Information This video, titled ‘best structure🗿Minecraft @ParPeling_Pro #memes #parpeling #edit #phonk #minecraft me’, was uploaded by ParPeling Pro on 2024-06-05 08:29:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, maizen minecraft, roblox, sonic, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, j and … Read More

  • EPIC solo Minecraft Bedwars with Lord Apex! 😱🔥

    EPIC solo Minecraft Bedwars with Lord Apex! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft bedwars part 4 solo #minecraft#bedwars’, was uploaded by The lord apex on 2024-06-07 16:19:38. It has garnered 24 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:38 or 1478 seconds. Read More


    SHOCKING: THE FLEXIY METHOD OF SAVING GOLEMS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why Saving Golems! in Minecraft’, was uploaded by FLEXIY on 2024-01-14 19:21:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Minecraft Survival Minecraft Building Minecraft Challenges Minecraft Creative Minecraft Adventure Redstone Creations … Read More

  • Mainclay: Disturbing a Villager’s Sleep! 😱

    Mainclay: Disturbing a Villager's Sleep! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Cómo Molestar a un Aldeano Mientras Duerme Tranquilamente’, was uploaded by Mainclay on 2024-09-13 18:03:00. It has garnered 69 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Hello! This is a short video clip of funny moments in Minecraft. I will show you the best way to annoy a villager while he is sleeping peacefully at night after a long day of work, simply spectacular. The classic end rod and piston trick. I hope you like it! 😀 ★ NETWORKS: 🍪 Subscribe – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtS58qKhXNsU02zV9MaAcvg?sub_confirmation=1 🍆 Live streams on Twitch… Read More

  • Grotex – She devoured him whole!

    Grotex - She devoured him whole!Video Information This video, titled ‘I ate this guy alive!’, was uploaded by Grotex on 2024-04-30 12:24:18. It has garnered 451 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin pack: in the middle above Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Redragon K552 red switches Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz but… Read More

  • 🔥Insane Fire Team in Minecraft! Click NOW🔥

    🔥Insane Fire Team in Minecraft! Click NOW🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Fire Team🔥 @BeyeLo1545 @mahir_eren1545 @EmirKaganKurt #fypシ #keşfet #minecraft #beniöneçıkart’, was uploaded by Lorder on 2024-02-28 12:50:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Game-Changing 1.21 Hardcore Minecraft Farms!

    Game-Changing 1.21 Hardcore Minecraft Farms!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built 3 NEW & OVERPOWERED 1.21 Farms in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by RadicalElder on 2024-09-06 23:04:14. It has garnered 16538 views and 607 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:14 or 1514 seconds. Today I’m adding some easy yet very OP farms from Minecraft 1.21 as our update adventure continues. I’ve taken on trial chambers, added autocrafters to my farms and today we’re going to build a new slime farm, ominous bottle farm and silverfish XP farm before also building a 1.20.5 armadillo scute farm. Of course, we’ll continue working on the… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Smelter Hack! Watch Now 🔥” #viral #shorts

    "Insane Minecraft Smelter Hack! Watch Now 🔥" #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft auto smelter TUTORIAL.#shorts #viral #viralshort’, was uploaded by TM BRO GAMING BD. on 2024-04-29 15:23:02. It has garnered 211 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. @TechBurner @GorilloShorts @minecraft minecraft tutorial minecraft tutorial minecraft tutorial builds minecraft tutorial world minecraft tutorial house minecraft tutorial castle minecraft tutorials be like minecraft tutorial music minecraft tutorial city minecraft tutorial farm minecraft tutorial mansion minecraft tutorial world seed minecraft tutorial modern house minecraft tutorial builds house minecraft tutorial for beginners minecraft tutorial minecraft tutorial minecraft tutorial minecraft tutorial minecraft tutorial… Read More

  • Devil’s Backbone: A 1980s Roleplay Server – Story Driven – JAVA – Whitelisted – 1.19.4

    🍂 | Vermont, 1986. The cicadas sing of change. Welcome to Devil’s Backbone: a whitelisted, story-driven, semi-literate Minecraft roleplay set in 1980s America. Explore the abnormal small town of Blackwater Hills with paranormal and horror elements. Join our Discord server to learn more and start your adventure. 🔎 | Features Immerse yourself in Devil’s Backbone with these exciting features: Fully customizable character profiles with temporary statuses 80s-themed communication plugin with landlines, payphones, and pagers Original soundtrack to enhance gameplay Purchasable housing for personalization Detailed fishing plugin and realistic economy Various in-game career opportunities and a detailed map Version 1.19.4 (Optifine)… Read More


    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.sentorcraft.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this the right place?🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Is this the right place?🔥I guess you could say this meme has mined its way into our hearts with that impressive score! Read More

  • Zombie gets roasted in Minecraft! #lol

    Zombie gets roasted in Minecraft! #lol “Esse zombie não esperava que fosse virar um meme tão engraçado no Minecraft! Parece que ele levou um trollface na cara!” 😂🧟‍♂️ #zombiehumilde #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days as a Monkey in Minecraft

    Surviving 100 Days as a Monkey in Minecraft Surviving 100 Days as a Monkey in Minecraft Embark on an epic journey with Owen as he attempts to survive 100 days in Minecraft while transformed into a monkey! In this thrilling adventure, Owen must protect his special chickens from thieves while navigating the challenges of his simian form. Transformed into a Monkey Owen faces a unique challenge in this gameplay series as he finds himself transformed into a monkey. This transformation adds an extra layer of difficulty to his survival journey, requiring him to adapt to his new abilities and limitations. Protecting Special Chickens One of Owen’s primary… Read More

  • Crafting Sushi in Minecraft

    Crafting Sushi in Minecraft The Art of Building Sushi in Minecraft Have you ever wondered how to bring the delicious world of sushi into Minecraft? Well, look no further! In this article, we will explore the creative process of building a sushi roll in the popular game. Building Your Sushi Masterpiece Thanks to the creative minds in the Minecraft community, you can now construct your very own sushi roll in the game. Utilizing the custom head feature, you can access a sushi roll head to use as the main ingredient for your creation. The head can be found here. With this unique head… Read More

  • BaydleOG’s EPIC High-rise City Build!

    BaydleOG's EPIC High-rise City Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Building A City High-rise!’, was uploaded by BaydleOG on 2024-09-16 02:13:22. It has garnered 47 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:18 or 7398 seconds. Hello everyone and on todays Stream I am going to be continuing on with a build that is going to be an apartment building in my city! Discord Link https://discord.gg/hj8yjmWb #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #dreamminecraftlive #minecraftgaming #minecraftvideos #minecraftcity Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft traps at every age

    Mastering Minecraft traps at every ageVideo Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO ESCAPE MINECRAFT TRAPS IN EVERY AGE🤯 (WORLD’S SMALLEST VIOLIN) #shorts #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Slok Gamer on 2024-06-13 04:00:25. It has garnered 10721 views and 193 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. HOW TO ESCAPE MINECRAFT TRAPS IN EVERY AGE🤯 (WORLD’S SMALLEST VIOLIN) #shorts #minecraft #viral HOW TO ESCAPE MINECRAFT TRAPS IN EVERY AGE🤯 (WORLD’S SMALLEST VIOLIN) #shorts #minecraft #viral HOW TO ESCAPE MINECRAFT TRAPS IN EVERY AGE🤯 (WORLD’S SMALLEST VIOLIN) #shorts #minecraft #viral HOW TO ESCAPE MINECRAFT TRAPS IN EVERY AGE🤯 (WORLD’S SMALLEST VIOLIN) #shorts #minecraft… Read More

  • Gamer Reveals Insane PvP Mods for Minecraft SMP

    Gamer Reveals Insane PvP Mods for Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘TOP Ultimate PvP mods for Minecraft smp || PvP server mods for mcpe || PvP mod mcpe’, was uploaded by Dark Danish gamer on 2024-04-12 05:30:17. It has garnered 306 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:31 or 271 seconds. mod link pin comment me hai 😀 only sponsor content me [email protected] other Minecraft Indian youtubers funny moments https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCJp5BQp4NdyldxHxYg1cOjugjHn3-XUx&si=_lkUoXtNp0jxqYKh MY ALL 100 DAYS SURVIVAL VIDEO WATCH NOW 👇👇 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCJp5BQp4NdwQtK4Hr0qe2mDw0puqKn4S&si=_vBNihKvP89VgOSp MINECRAFT JAVA EDITION ON ANDROID https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCJp5BQp4NdylospTPz88Z-EPaBGrH-X_&si=eICFHuZL0JVmPz5y NEW 100 DAYS SURVIVAL MODS AND MAPS MCPE WATCH ⌚ NOW https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCJp5BQp4Ndw2WM1T1F96-AwVTRDFBIqn&si=QKP2m48yJoEty-1t HOW TO RECOVER WORLD… Read More

  • FREE Fish Game – Download Now! 🎮🐠

    FREE Fish Game - Download Now! 🎮🐠Video Information This video, titled ‘Download free ios & android version here 📥 Minecraft Dungeons’, was uploaded by Fish on 2024-08-29 04:00:08. It has garnered 65 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More

  • Secret Tips in Minecraft You Never Knew #165 🤯🔥

    Secret Tips in Minecraft You Never Knew #165 🤯🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Có Thể Bạn Chưa Biết Trong Minecraft Phần 165 #minecraft #short’, was uploaded by Noob Gamer🇻🇳 on 2024-05-02 11:00:00. It has garnered 30141 views and 2519 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. 🔭 I’m a new youtuber, I hope everyone will support me. 🔭 After watching, remember to subscribe and like if you like. 🔭 Wish you a good day. Addon Link:https://beacons.ai/buston Cre:addon by HiezeGaming @Nga2710 @foxmoonmc7321 @AsakiZuki @backnnhhvn @AsakiZuki @Power_Addon_Creator 🖥️PC configuration – Chip: i3 10105F – Ram: 16gb – Card: 1060 3gb 📱Phone configuration – Phone name: Google… Read More

  • Pro gamer exposes shocking PLANS…

    Pro gamer exposes shocking PLANS...Video Information This video, titled ‘plan….’, was uploaded by YourBroIsPro on 2024-03-28 09:50:56. It has garnered 1553 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #shorts #youtube #youtubeshorts #gaming #minecraft #gta #pubgmobile #mrbeast #hacker #pets #fyp #art #artist #drawing #fortnite #minecraftvillagershorts #minecraftshorts #smp #freefire #ff #ffshorts #mrbeast #trainerdario #dream #technoblade #sapnap #carryminati #carryislive #gamerlife #gamerfleet #herobrine #herobrinesmp #ajjubhai #rawknee #samay #pvp #montage minecraft,cash minecraft,minecraft marketplace,mrbeast,minecraft marketplace pass,gaming,maizen,brianna,unspeakable,aphmau,canman,family friendly,ssundee,nico mc,marketplace pass,gametoons,stokestwins,funny,preston,lankybox,eyestreem pvp,mcpvp,skypvp,mc pvp,pvp legacy,sapnap,pvp teacher,minecraft pvp,smp,lapata smp,public smp,sharpness pack,lapata,mcc championship,dream smp,sharpness,planetlord,valentines,hypixel bedwars,hypixel skyblock hacker,hackman,hacking,mister indian hacker,mahadev,mr indian hacker river,ryan montgomery hacker,dark web,chambal river,kota river,shawn ryan,river,ghost… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Villager Test 🔥 Watch ‘Til the End! #ytshorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Villager Test 🔥 Watch 'Til the End! #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villager brain 🧠 Test Wait for last 😂#shorts #minecraft #viral #ytshorts’, was uploaded by console Gamerz 07 on 2023-12-25 14:00:12. It has garnered 4183 views and 149 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #tiktok #ytshorts #prank#minecraft tips and tricks #hacker Read More

  • BEST Bedwars Texture Packs REVEALED by Fury!

    BEST Bedwars Texture Packs REVEALED by Fury!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Asked AI For The BEST Bedwars Texture Packs…’, was uploaded by FuryUsesKogetsu on 2024-09-08 14:30:31. It has garnered 853 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:11 or 671 seconds. subscrib or i will find u. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin #dualeast #featherclient #swrz #rominyt #wezmy #deltaclient #kogetsu #appleclient #apple #soarclient #soar #mcccape #ai #chatgpt ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ pack: 11fault 16x, woolwars 16x song: ask in comments Tags & Keywords: #shorts​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #minecraft​​​​​​​​​​​​ #pvp #hypixel Minecraft, Bedrock,Java, PvP, PvP Tips, Hypixel, Bedwars, Minecraft Giveaway, Giveaway, Bedwars asmr, Best… Read More

  • Scooby Noob: Building Impossible Chest House in Minecraft?! Trolling Trap!

    Scooby Noob: Building Impossible Chest House in Minecraft?! Trolling Trap!Video Information This video, titled ‘I SPENT 7 DAYS BUILDING THIS IMPOSSIBLE HOUSE FROM CHESTS IN MINECRAFT ? 100% TROLLING TRAP !’, was uploaded by Scooby Noob on 2024-04-04 08:00:03. It has garnered 4839 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:01 or 601 seconds. I SPENT 7 DAYS BUILDING THIS IMPOSSIBLE HOUSE FROM CHESTS IN MINECRAFT ? 100% TROLLING TRAP ! I SPENT 7 DAYS BUILDING THIS IMPOSSIBLE HOUSE FROM CHESTS in Minecraft ??? Write in the comments where you live, and I live in Hollywood 🙂 Subscribe and press Like 4.000.000 Subs Thanks brothers and… Read More

  • TwiLight Network

    TwiLight NetworkÖnerilen sürüm 1.18.2 Oyun Modları: BoxPVP, Skyblock, Survival, Tekblok, Towny Gün geçtikçe gelişen sunucumuza davetlisiniz. Gelişmelerden haberdar olmak ve çekilişlere katılmak için discord sunucumuza katılabilirsiniz. oyna.twilightnw.com Read More