Mind-Blowing Crafting Ability in Isekai Minecraft #6!

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This Giza meat the texture is plump and slightly sweet the aroma of the Guri that was fried with the meat when it was cooked was very appetizing the combination of just the right amount of saltiness and the lightly baked bread made me want to eat more yes this is a

Very satisfying garlic shrimp definitely or to be precise in this case guik gisma I took a bite of the fried onola vegetable that looks like an onion with purple inside and the baked bread with Guri gisma in between it’s delicious how is it pretty good right yeah it’s good

It would have been better if I didn’t know it came from that after finally being released from the grinding work I was having a late lunch with silie and the others there were four of us silie QB Isa and me Danon had finished eating first and went to patrol melty was

Working hard without eating lunch saying that she had to make a plan to distribute the food which had increased by 50% thanks to my work I hope she won’t get sick what is it this Co hate Giza well I doubt there’s anyone who likes Giza though Q had long since

Finished his meal the only reason he’s sitting here is to chat with us I liked his easygoing attitude we don’t have much a habit of eating insects in my hometown in the first place there were no big insects like Giza in fact there were no such things as monsters no

Monsters that’s not possible if there is Magic there will definitely be monsters no magic itself didn’t exist in the first place there was probably no magic at all it’s hard to believe there will be no life without magic well there is one and it’s here you are the absurdity of existence

That’s terrible Isa is looking at me with Fierce eyes and gulping down a GU giz a sandwich with her small mouth in the beginning she was shy but now she doesn’t seem to feel any reservations about the absurdity of my crafting abilities what was that shyness in the

Beginning if you’re curious just ask me directly I don’t mean to be critical but why did Isa suddenly stop being shy around me at first you didn’t even make eye contact with me at my question Isla’s expression froze and she pulled on her triangular hat oh well she’s back

To her original Self I guess I shouldn’t have asked we the oneeyed race are hated by humans it’s because we’re ugly really I don’t care about that I don’t think you’re ugly Isa looked up at me with an upward glance as if trying to figure out my true intentions I looked right back

At her well indeed their structure is far from Human but in Japan they’ve become Mo characters like man masumi I don’t mind it at all or rather I don’t mind it at all because I’m rather fond of such characters yeah okay then Isa seems to have stopped being shy around

Me that’s good that’s good you’ve been getting along pretty well with Isa haven’t you kosak he isn’t that normal it’s normal to get along with each other since we are going to be supporting silie together isn’t it hmph I think I dodged the bullet pretty nicely but

Sophie’s gaze was a little cold could it be that she’s jealous is she burning with jealousy Master is too cute don’t worry I’m all yours Master oo don’t you dare to jump on me while the sun is still high I tried to hug her but she

Punches me right on my solar plexus so nicely I can’t breathe he he he you two sure are close QB is grinning as he watched me suffer you bastard I’m in a lot of pain and have trouble with breathing here princess what do we do now well we’re going to take full

Advantage of kak’s abilities and complete the wall first to do that we need clay clay H we use it to make sundried bricks so it’s not hard to collect not only that but I think we can reuse some of the clay by adding water to the drying bricks I suppose so the

Only other thing we need is fuel right Kake gaho goo why yes ma’am I managed to reply to her breathlessly could you please go a little easier on me then let’s go gather fuel princess we’ve already picked up most of the wood around the village don’t worry kosak

Will be useful there too ridiculous I thought so too what the hell is this it’s not fair is it even if you say that Isa glared at me with an unconvincing expression and Kuby with a dumbfounded expression lightly poked a log lying on the ground with his toe all I could do

Was to answer that’s what I I think two the tree has fallen with only a blow that scrapes the surface of the trunk even though it was bent it has straightened out and it is now dry enough for processing instead of raw it’s far more absurd than the increase

In water you can make as much firewood and lumber as you want you can also make all the money you want from it I told you already Our Fate is in kak’s hands silie is the only one who smiles and makes a good face I’m glad to see that

She’s in a better mood now if you show this to melty she’ll go crazy you bet this time she’s going to make you cut down all the trees until the Black Forest is completely Barren haha there’s no way she’ll go that far she won’t do that right hey why are you guys

Looking away look me in the eye this will be a secret from melty you’re going to have to hide it you got that I’ll try my best I’ll certainly do that um thanks guys for all the iridescent answers this will be done no doubt about it let’s cut

As much wood as possible while I can now silie I’m going to cut as much wood as I can keep marking them okay Isa and QB go and get some clay we have enough to do here sure with the princess here everything will be fine your highness I

Would like to clear up this absurdity Q should be enough to support there oh I see I’m also interested in kak’s power QB yes I understand good luck with everything kosak Q said and ran like the wind he said his physical strength was on par with other peoples but from the

Looks of it he seemed to have quite a bit of physical ability the sun is about to set but there is not much to be said anyway I cut down a lot of trees I don’t want to look at the trees for a while

Because I cut a lot of trees isn’t it a bit much I asked selfie the trees in the forest will be cut down when Giza and the other monsters come around this area anyway if that’s the case it’s better to thin the trees boldly and reduce the

Number of trees that fall NE lessly it’s hard to clean up afterward cleaning up a forest full of Fallen trees will indeed be a painful task it’s not only labor intensive but it’s also physically demanding hey Isa it’s time to go home hum okay Isa who had been writing on the

Log I had cut down and inspecting it in detail sat up and brushed off the dust in her hands what did you find out I found out that I don’t know how this log was produced what’s that this log is extraordinary no matter where I cut and

Examine it the woods grain and dryness are all consistent it’s so constant it’s almost uncanny that is indeed extraordinary as a piece of lumber it’s ideal Sophie agrees with Isla’s statement if what Isa says is true it is certainly Ideal Lumber even as an amateur I think so too it’s like the

Work of a God I can’t even begin to understand it this axe doesn’t have any magic in it it’s just an ordinary axe but when kosak uses it something extra orinary happens it’s really absurd as Isa handed out the axe to me I accepted it without hesitation I used a steel axe

Instead of this one to cut down the trees today but she insisted on letting her examine it so I left it with her after I showed her that I could secure Lumber just as well with the same axe in the end though she didn’t seem to understand anything the conclusion is

That it’s some kind of mysterious power that only I can use even though I don’t know why it’s so absurd I’m going to lose my temper Master this girl scares me Isa as a seeker of Truth s to speak she can’t stand anything she doesn’t understand she’s an excellent magician

And a very smart girl sopie says that as she looks away with a twinkle in her eye so that’s it huh she’s a kind of a fool researcher isn’t she and I was locked on as a research subject I wonder if Isa will ever ask me to dissect my body she

Won’t will she that’s not going to happen is it I think I’ll have to dissect you hey stop muttering horrible things Master she’s scary help me haaha that’s only Isla’s joke Delight in the mood yes a joke I would never attempt the barbaric Act of dissecting a living

Person not while they’re alive does that mean you would have no hesitation in dissecting a dead person doesn’t that include killing them if you want will it be okay it’s fine what was that subtle pause hey don’t look away look me in the eye and say it when I return to the

Village while keeping as much distance as possible from Isa I found a small mountain of soil waiting for me no let’s not distract me from reality this is a mountain of clay yo looks like you’ve been working pretty hard please tell me you’re lying Barney who the hell is that

My name’s Q TN QB used or as the first person pronouns so I assume that he’s a guy for now as I bent forward in disappointment QB’s dumbfounded voice fell from above my head it’s sad that I can’t get my story across no the problem

Is the pile of clay in front of me if I have to shovel it out and put it in my inventory now I’m sure to be late for dinner I’ve been swinging the axe all day and I’m starving I want to avoid that TN I don’t know what was his story

About that Barney refers to though laughing face selfie the work efficiency will drop if it gets dark so let’s do it tomorrow of course I’m not a demon no matter how urgent the situation is silie who was shaking smiled back at my opinion I’ve ordered Danon to send out

Scouts if the situation is that Giza is going to come in tomorrow I’ll ask you to push yourself but fortunately it’s not that kind of situation I think we should cut back on the time we can that’s my master she knows me so well I’ll have them collect the clay again

Tomorrow for today just make fuel in our backyard all right to make charcoal in a simple furnace all I have to do is throw in the fuel and materials and make it while the sun is down it’s a piece of cake silie went to talk to the refugees

Around the clay pile and returned with a package from a female Refugee who was passing by what’s that you can have it for dinner she voluntarily gave me some for you H I suppose they’ve accepted me a little better now huh maybe it’s a good thing you’ve been working so hard

On that Millstone during the day stop it I don’t want to remember that that was terribly hard work that was because I had to grind all the corn cobs they kept bringing in a if I have the ability to craft I don’t need to grind the millstone you say of

Course I thought so too but when Isa told me to try turning the millstone I was using for crafting my crafting time was drastically reduced I shouldn’t have blurted it out melty who wanted to make more and more grain flour and Isa who wanted to uncover my power coincided

Beautifully and as a result I became a heavy Millstone spinning machine with an empty heart the gazes of the refugees pierced me as if they were looking at a pitiful slave well I’m a slave though h h h h h anyway let’s go home to rest we

Have a lot to discuss don’t we yes indeed now that we had the idea of building the wall we needed to talk about intercepting the refugees how many weapons will the refugees need to carry how many projectiles will they need what about food what about water what about

The El’s support there are still so many things that need to be worked out there’s no time to rest I’m tired good grief you sloppy well you have worked hard today as soon as I arrived home I sat down on the ratan couch and Sophie

Gave me a pat on the back yeah Sophie is a good master who praises me when I work hard I’m also hungry all right all right Sophie also sat down on the couch as I did and handed me a package in her hand it’s a big leaf package when I opened

The package which was surprisingly heavy I found the familiar thin bread inside it was still slightly warm is it bread looks like it maybe there’s something in it it’s a little heavy now that you mention it it is indeed a little heavy Sophie immediately took a bite of the

Bread and I took a bite as well H it’s sweet and sour at the same time isn’t it yes it is this is a fruit that has been boiled down with honey the flavor is probably Forest Apple I see an apple jam bread H I wondered if it was a good

Choice to have Jam bread for dinner but the bread itself was substantial and satisfying it would be good for the stomach personally I’d like to eat meat but even in the Elven Villages meat is considered a luxury item I think the refugees can’t afford it now where should we start I finished eating

Something that looked like jam bread and took a break to drink the tea that silie had made for me it seems that this kind of discussion after dinner will become a habit in the future well yeah how about you do you think you can get along with

Those people I don’t know I think I’ve shown melty the usefulness of my power enough and IA she will be fine as long as she doesn’t lose interest in my power I’m not sure about Q I don’t know what he’s thinking in his mind though he seems friendly at first glance Danon is

Difficult as long as I’m sincere with sopie he seems to be okay yeah it looks like you’re pretty much on the same page as I am as for Q that’s just the way he is I don’t know much about his Origins but according to him he used to hang out

With humans when he was in the marinid Kingdom I think he’s probably one of the least hostile to humans among the refugees I wish that was the case another thing that bothered me or rather made me reconsider was whether or not it was okay to give everyone a crossbow

It’s a powerful weapon if someone with harmful intentions towards s or me suddenly went crazy and started shooting at us it would be a big problem I think it’s better only to let people you trust use it it’s true what kosak said but you still don’t believe them do you I’ve

Been surrounded once and nearly tortured to death you know I think that the people’s gaze was much more relaxed today but I think that the first time they did that was their true intention this is not something that can be solved overnight the only thing I can do is to

Treat them steadily and make them accept me as an individual acting like a clown like today I Shrugged my shoulders at s’s words it is true that I consciously tried to play the role of a pathetic and comical slave today I’m not sure how effective this will be I guess I’ll just

Have to be used for a while work diligently or show that I exist by impressing them I’ll go ahead and increase the production of crossbows but I’ll leave it up to you to decide how many you want to provide that sounds like a lot of responsibility silie

Smiled which was unusual this is all I can say silie is in a position to lead the people of the marinar kingdom and she is also my master I’m sorry to impose on her but I want her to take that much responsibility I’ll do what I

Can to help whenever I can I’ll try to get in touch with the refugees and try to make at least one Ally please do that I’ll try to help as much as I can said selfie after we finished the conversation I went out to the backyard I reserved a large amount of charcoal

For firing bricks in the simple furnace at the same time I reserved a lot of mechanical parts and iron arrowheads for crafting at the workbench it will consume many of the iron ingots I have but it’s better to mass-produce the intermedi mediate materials for the crossbow and crossbow bolt as soon as

Possible if I reserve it for crafting I can make it while I’m sleeping when using a simple furnace it is necessary to be careful of fire though it’s a very useful ability by the way if you order it in advance it will work on its own right that’s true well I’m all for

Convenience but ah I suddenly looked at the simple furnace and remembered Katakana middle do simple furnace upgrade animal height X5 bricks X 50 wetstone X3 mechanical Parts X10 yeah I thought I could upgrade the furnace selfie can I use some materials to try the upgrade what’s an upgrade H it means

To improve it to a higher level facility maybe it will shorten the amount of time it takes to make a single item or make a lot of items at once or make things that couldn’t be made before who do it then okay I canceled my fuel crafting reservation and dismantled a few brick

Blocks in my inventory to secure bricks the mechanical parts are being made right now on the workbench and the Wet Stone is in the inventory I can upgrade it right away okay let’s do it as soon as I got the materials together and performed the upgrade the simple furnace

Lit up with a blinding light wao it’s so bright what is it when the lights subsided the shabby simple furnace had been upgraded to a rather magnificent blacksmithing facility the furnace for refining metal has been enlarged by at least two sizes and a separate furnace for heating and processing metal has

Been added the Anvil was also a size larger and there was also a sturdy looking table for processing sheet metal in a foot operated grinder it’s quite a sight I’m surprised to I wonder what kind of functions it has I checked it out and it seemed to be able to make

Everything that a simple furnace could make it can even make steel leaf springs though the crafting time is long it also seems to be able to make large blades and armor who what do you mean by large blades and armor the simple furnace could only make small blades axes and

Knives but it seems it can also make a variety of Swords Spears leather and metal armor would you like to try to make some of them no iron is precious if you’re going to make something it’s better to use it properly not something you don’t know whether you’ll use or not

Danon used to be good with a long-handled axe can you make one a battle axe the only thing that looks like that in the list of weapons shown is the halir there’s also a battle axe but it’s not EX actly what I had in mind

I think the one that fits that huge body is something like a bichi a bichi is a large axe that specializes in slashing but can also be used for thrusting would it be easier to call it a crescent moon axxe or a half moon axe the theory is

That it is so powerful that it can cut a human body in two when I was thinking about that a bichi was added to the list of possible production a what’s wrong no I was thinking about a weapon that wasn’t on the list and it showed up on

The list of weapons that can be made so you’re saying that you increase the number of things you can make on yeah it looks like that can you even do that it seems to be possible it’s strange though the meaning of this ability is still unclear after all this time could it be

That some achievement has been earned and some feature has been added I’ll look into it later anyway now that it’s been added I’m going to craft a bichi what else is new in the feature repair huh in the menu of the black facility there is an option called repair I

Wondered what it was and when I selected it a list of equipment that could be repaired was displayed Katakana middle. Rusty sword to iron sword Katakana middle. Rusty spear to iron spear Katakana middle. Rusty dagger to iron dagger Katakana middle. Rusty Hatchet to iron Hatchet Katakana middle. Rusty

Shield to iron shield Katakana middle. Rusty armor to iron armor Katakana middle. Rusty leg armor to iron leg armor Katakana middle. Rusty Gauntlet to Iron Gauntlet Katakana middle. cursed Rusty sword to Cursed iron sword reference Mark you will be cursed Katakana middle. cursed Rusty spear to Cursed iron spear reference Mark you

Will be cursed Katakana middle. cursed Rusty helmet to Cursed iron helmet reference Mark you will be cursed Katakana middle do cursed Rusty armor to Cursed iron armor reference Mark you will be cursed it seems that it is possible to make a decaying and Rusty weapon into something that can be used

Properly wow this is amazing no it’s not that amazing what does it mean it’s cursed what’s wrong silie perhaps startled by my sudden exclamation became reluctant to be honest I’m sorry no there were some rusty weapons and armor in silie store room right it seems that this blacksmithing facility can be used

To repair them to a decent state but the warning says that repairing cursed weapons will result in a curse being applied oh well you know what they say about the untouchable don’t do it it’s not good yeah I will I’ll try to repair the ones that aren’t cursed the cost of

Repairing it seems to be fuel in a small amount of iron so I will schedule the repair after the bichi what about the cursed one you say I won’t touch it I’ll never touch it if you refuse to give them crossbows we’ll need alternative weapons can you make some Spears instead

Maybe then but with all the things we’re going to make don’t we also have to go out and get iron certainly I made pickaxe so I think I’ll be able to collect more than yesterday I’m going to have to go into the cold River again I’m

Not excited about that but I’ve used up all my animal skins and stuff and I want silie to hunt for me actually we’ve run out of animal skins then I guess I’ll have to hunt too do you need the Skins right away no I’m not in a hurry it’s

Not something I’ll need right away I need it to make armor yeah but I’m going to use it to upgrade the workbench I’ll need a leather strap does silie have any leather straps do you have any leather straps I need two of them I have some leather straps that would be great I’m

Going to use it to upgrade my workbench fumu that’s fine as I watched silie walk back into the house I made another reservation for charcoal crafting at the blacksmithing facility looking at it carefully I see that I can make glass as well glass ha glass containers are a

Must if I have to do any chemical processing the material is sand it’s seems I can use the sand that I collected from the river and separated it from the iron sand I have quite a lot of it I’ll make some glass too I guess here you go thanks this is very helpful

I went into the work cabin and rechecked the upgrade of the workbench Katakana middle dot workbench upgrade mechanical Parts X10 steel leaf spring X5 leather strap X2 I don’t have a problem with the mechanical parts and the leather strap I just need to make a steel leaf spring

And I’ll be good to go after checking I returned to the backyard to check on the progress of the blacksmithing facility oh the bichi is ready it looks like it’s currently repairing the rusty weapon I’ll also make an appointment to craft a steel leaf spring danon’s weapon is

Ready oh let me see I took out the completed bichi from my inventory as silie told me to wao it’s pretty solid it has an unusual shape but it looks sharp it’s a weapon called bichi it is used to slash with the weight and sharpness of the blade there was a story

About it cutting a man in half but I don’t know if that’s true it’s heavy the blade seems to be sharp and if a user like Dannon wields it it might actually be true with that said silie is swinging the bichi around in a slightly larger area isn’t she using it somehow well

Maybe you can use it too silie it’s a little heavy for me for a short time it’s fine but wielding it for a long time is beyond my physical strength I see I think a symmet would be more suitable for selfie huh what kind of weapon is that it’s called a curved

Sword or a curved saber it has a warped blade like this it is a sword suitable for slashing I drew a rough picture of a symmet on the ground with a wooden stick from my inventory yes the shape is sufficiently conveyed H it’s an elegant sword but from what I’ve seen it’s hard

To use against gizar soldiers wearing iron armor oh I suppose so it seems that weapons that emphasize penetration and striking power rather than cutting power would be better for such situations if you want to defeat them with simmers you have to aim at the joints neck and other

Thin parts of the armor H but it is a weapon that kosak has chosen for me I really want to try it out so please make it someday sure this is how I spent the day watching the blacksmithing facility’s production status and discussing swords with silie until the

End of the night as a result I found out that silie prefers knives machetes and short swords rather than long ones one day I’ll make her a cook I bet she’ll like it now the following day last night’s night exercise was a change of attack and defense since I was

Probably too tired I was the attacker for the previous two nights my impressions are that yes that bouncing between my eyes is really a great visual effect also s’s toughness is terrific it really is amazing once she gets the hang of it it’s almost impossible to resist

It was a lot of fun now letun get again today yes Sophie’s skin was glowing by the way Today’s Breakfast was a super heavy menu of roasted rabbit fried rabbit meat and thin bread after all that exercise I guess we must be hungry right yep I had finished all the items I

Had reserved for crafting last night so I retrieved the blacksmithing facility and workbench to my inventory I’ll use the blacksmithing facility for making bricks and I might use the workbench as well as we did yesterday we went through the Elven Artisan District passed through the refugee Zone and headed for

The expansion Zone the destination was the small pile of clay that had been created yesterday isn’t it getting bigger I think they added water to the sun dried bricks while they were drying and then turned them back into clay I see I don’t know much about making

Sun-dried bricks but if the clay is not the raw material for the baking process maybe adding water will bring it back when I watched it on TV I thought it was mixed with horse manure cow manure or straw good morning your highness good morning when we reached the small pile

Of clay Danon and the other Executives as well as refugees who seemed to be workers had already gathered and started working U letun work hard today as well good morning after confirming that silie had greeted them I also greeted them cheerfully the greeting is actually important it’s also written in the

Ancient records kosak did you bring the weapon that you repaired yesterday take it out copy that I took out the repaired weapons from my inventory there are four iron swords three iron Spears six iron daggers two iron hatchets and two iron Shields I took out the iron Shields first and placed them

On the ground then crumpled them up on top of each other Danon these are the loot weapons I kept and had kosak repair distribute them to those who are capable of fighting use them for defense and hunting yes I also ordered kosak to make a weapon for Dannon kosak okay I took

The steel bichi I made last night out of my inventory and handed it to selfie I took a look at it myself and it’s a good quality weapon wield it to protect everyone after receiving the bichi from me silie handed it directly to Dannon after receiving the bichi Danon gazed at

The blade and swung it a few times as if to check the center of gravity then nodded enthusiastically it is a wonderful weapon this weapon will tear gizo apart like a piece of paper I suppose so there are several other hidden gems in kak’s possession Youk be amazed I really

Looking forward to it Danon Smiles thinly yes his size and severity make him look like a bandit or some kind of boss I’m not going to say anything about that because I’m sure the bichi will cut me in half if I do but this man really has such an impressive weapon doesn’t he

Dannon cast a questioning glance at silie that’s right it was only yesterday and it’s only been 3 days since I met selfie and only yesterday that I met Danon anyone would think that the time it took to make that bard would be less than 3 days let alone one night that’s

What I would normally think too I know it’s hard to believe but it’s true as Isa said kak’s power is like a lump of absurdity I think you’re going to have to taste the absurdity of that power today selfie grinned yeah that’s the look selfie always has when I first met

Her I thought she should just smile naturally but now I feel more at ease when I see that kind of expression on her face when she smiles normally she’s so cute and beautiful that it gives my heart palpitations so kosak let’s start today’s work I I ma’am I’m going to set

Up the blacksmithing facility so give me some space hey excuse me please move aside I asked the refugees standing near the small pile of clay to move aside and set up the blacksmithing facility the moment I set it up the refugees started to murmur yes that’s right you’d be

Surprised to see such a magnificent smelting furnace and other things suddenly appear selfie I can probably repair some worn out blades too so if you have such things bring them to me and I’ll repair them H that sounds great I’ll make the arrangements yes please I’ll collect the clay and burn the

Bricks all right keep up the good work I I ma’am I salute sfie as she leaves with Dannon and takes a shovel out of my inventory in addition I set charcoal for fuel in the blacksmithing facility and prepare to burn the bricks um I’m sorry to interrupt you but but how in the

World did this facility appear it’s just absurd it’s dangerous to set the fire if you want to see it look further away Nunu it was very difficult to pull off Isa who was attached to the blacksmithing facility staring here and there I dig I just keep digging I thrust

The shovel into the pile of clay and poured it into my inventory while I was doing this the refugees were bringing in more and more clay the tool they carry is something like a wooden board with a string attached to it for a hand handle

They put the clay on the board and pull the string to carry it how does the clay disappear I just throw them into my inventory like normal um as expected there are no traces of magic power at all is there some other kind of power

That is not magic at work here Isa is monitoring my work occasionally asking questions and then mumbling something I believe she has her work to do but she is sticking to me I think she’s a refugee with hostile intentions toward humans and she’s here to keep me out of

Harm arm’s way but I don’t know if that’s really the case her actions are too loyal to her desires are too rooted in her intellectual curiosity is the clay still not enough melty is nearby she’s been sitting here since she brought the blade that needs to be

Repaired I try not to look at the millstone she has placed in front of her I won’t look at it I’m not going to look at it I have more important things to do right now oh I don’t know I think it might be better if you stop for a moment

There’s quite a lot of them at the same time the bricks continued to be burned in the furnace of the blacksmithing facility after that I need to craft the bricks into brick blocks but it’s faster to use the workbench than to do it at hand so I set up a workbench there’s

Something more a workbench the blacksmithing facility is used for iron making burning and repairing ironware while the workbench is used for processing various things it’s supposed to enhance my own crafting abilities come to think of it the steel leaf springs are ready and so the workbench

Is ready to be upgraded I got permission from silie yesterday so I’ll upgrade it don’t stare at the workbench it’s going to shine a little brightly I don’t want to miss anything then I won’t be responsible if something happens to you IA seemed to be more than willing to

Come along she would not listen to me even if I tried to persuade her so I left her alone and went ahead with the upgrade as expected the workbench Shone with a bright light W what was that I’ve upgraded the workbench it increases what I can do and improves performance I

Looked at ISA while answering melty’s question and as expected she was holding her eyes and groaning because she saw the flashes directly I told you already a yes yes it’s dangerous sgg just sit down I quickly made a wooden stool set it up and let Isa sit on it she is a

One-eyed girl who can take care of herself now the upgraded workbench is shown as an improved workbench on one side of the l-shape is the same workspace as before and on the other side is a mechanical device that looks like a foot operated sewing machine oh

Is that it right isn’t that a foot powered lathe it’s a foot powerered lathe that rotates the object to be processed and presses it against a fixed blade to shave cut or drill holes in it what is this device I think it’s a lathe it’s a device used to process metal into

Various shapes it’s just for decoration for my use in my case I use the crafting menu to process items so no matter how big the processing equipment is it’s just a decoration well I think I can use this workbench in a normal way I just

Won’t do it for now I’ll have to wait to find out what I can do with it currently I need to mass-produce Brick blocks I move the fired bricks from the blacksmithing facility to the improved workbench and started mass-producing brick blocks let’s just make as many as

Possible I I can see it what what is it the beginning of the truth the heat is a bit hot I put my hand on Isla’s forehead who was making a serious drunken remark and it was a little hot I can’t decide if it’s a fever or just hot from knowing

On the forging facility I want to say I’ll get you some medicine but unfortunately there is no pharmaceutical workbench melty take care of Isa please I’m busy with work okay all right Isa let’s go over there and get some rest I’m fine let me go a drunken would never

Tell anyone he was drunk I’m not drunk in the first place either melty or I have to keep an eye on kosak melty should send out a notice to stop the clay digging Isa slapped away melty’s hand with a resentful expression and glared at her with a scowl it can’t be

Helped don’t make trouble for kosak I’m not a child I’ll be fine really that’s what I thought but I knew it would only make her angry so I kept my mouth shut it is said that eloquence is silver and silence is gold in this case I think

It’s more accurate to say the talk is terrible news melty leaves leaving only me Isa and the refugees around us who are watching me work so what did you see that light is similar to the glow of divine magic used by priests perhaps kak’s ability is similar to some kind of

Divine magic oh yeah so that’s it I knew I’m not sure if it’s just a vague intuition but I’ve sensed a third parties will in the direction of this ability or the ability itself the extra comment from the achiever also hinted at the intervention of someone’s will so

What kind of person would be able to bring me into this world and make me use such an ability I can only think of God in that sense I can only say that I knew that my ability was some kind of divine magic I think Isla’s statement

Reinforced my vague intuition that I was right though did you know about that no you know that I’m from a different world right if there were an entity that could bring me from a different world to this world and then allow me to do this it

Would be that right it’s a failure Isa was serious ly depressed and looked down holding her head yeah I was so focused on the Wonder in front of me that my vision was narrowed I know it then Isa remained depressed until I finished turning all the clay into bricks and

Then into brick blocks that is until the call for lunch came are we going to build the walls this afternoon yeah we probably have gathered enough brick blocks if we don’t have enough we’ll have to go back and get more I swallowed what was in my mouth

And replied to silie today silie and I had the same lunch menu as the refugees today it was some kind of beasts internal organs fried sweet and spicy with some vegetables sandwiched between two pieces of bread like a hamburger it was apparently something that silie and the refugee volunteers had hunted in the

Morning the meat tastes better if it’s been processed for a while so they are planning to eat it tonight or tomorrow your highness there’s something I want you to hear yes what is it silie tilted her head at Isla’s sudden request I’ve been depressed and munching on the Matsu

Sandwich for some time now but what happened so suddenly selfie Must Be Wondering that that’s what I’m thinking to I’ve come up with a simple and straightforward way to prove to everyone that kosak is not from this world who Sophie raised her one eyebrow and looked

Interested but I was like what I’m not sure what to say well it will undoubtedly take time to get everyone to believe it and if it can be proven simply and clearly so much the better if I can prove that I’m not from this world the animosity towards me will calm down

A lot just let him remove the slave’s collar with his own hands that’s silie was speechless Dannon and melty both look surprised and Q also no Q looked dumbfounded right it’s a little different from the other three what’s the point in trying to do that if you’re

Going to get stuck and choked to death no problem kosak has no magic power it’s not that he has a little it’s that he has none at all so the slave caller should not work whatsoever quote question mark what do you mean he wearing the collar right now you see QB

Pointed at my neck I indeed have the collar around my neck it’s made of leather and metal and looked very sturdy it’s on but it’s not working the slave’s collar sucks up the wearer’s magic power and creates a kind of magical circuit when the collar is activated the

Commands from the head are no longer transmitted to the body below the collar and it stops moving at the same time the neck is strangled by the sucked up magic power but kosak doesn’t have any magic power to be begin with from the moment he put it on the slave collar was

Nothing more than a sturdy collar for him is that so kak no I don’t know I don’t even know what they call magic power or magic circuits your highness should try to command something fumu kosak as your master I command you take off your clothes all of them why did you

Choose that no if you really want me to take my clothes off I will but do it more gently if I take my clothes off here my nakedness will be fully exposed to the four Executives and the refugees I don’t have a habit of exposing myself look wo really this is surprising isn’t

It Isa has a smug look on her face QB and melty have expressions of surprise on their faces and Danon and silie are speechless what is it I mean from the way The Story Goes isn’t it strange that when I refused my body got stuck and the

Callar got strangled when I think about it I don’t think I’ve ever had a clear-cut command like this before and even if I did I don’t remember refusing them that’s probably why silie didn’t notice it I’m surprised kak are you sure it didn’t work yeah well at least this collar hasn’t strangled on

Its own I don’t remember silie ever telling me to do anything that was too unreasonable so I just obeyed and I don’t remember her telling me to do much in the first place so you can remove the callar by yourself a well I think I can answering melty’s question I looked at

Sfie and nodded so I toyed with the collar around my neck and tried to remove it I’m not sure how it’s structured oh just take this belt and do this with some difficulty I remove the collar it’s been a while since my neck has been exposed to the air and it’s a

Little refreshing it’s a good thing that this collar wasn’t really uncomfortable to wear if it had been itchy I would have found out about it much earlier if the slave collar wasn’t working why didn’t you do anything to her highness Dannon speaks to me curious ious ly I’m

Not sure why he asked that I did that to her though what’s the point of harming sfie well that’s because I had no reason to she saved my life you know there’s no way I’m going to get revenge on her when she’s protecting me in the first place

What’s the use of me to harming her while she’s sleeping I can’t just kill my protector no matter how I think about it the only future I have is a dead end Common Sense tells me that or rather if I approach silie with such harmful intentions to kill her while she’s

Sleeping she will probably twist my neck before I can even get my hands on her when Dannon heard my reply he fell silent as if he was thinking about something I don’t know what it is but I guess he’s got his own ideas if that’s

The case it seems that kosak San can be believed to be a person who has no connection with the Holy Kingdom kosak San when is the wall going to be built a I won’t know until I try but if we have enough brick blocks I think we can

Finish it before the light gets too bright I think it will take about 2 or 3 hours since we had already procured the materials all we had to do was to place the blocks the walls need to be built over a relatively large area but even so

It should be done in that amount of time I see then at about that time let’s make a big announcement that kosak is a marabito who cannot be restrained by a slave collar after the wall is built we can claim that he is using his power for

Us of his own free will fumu that’s true when when the wall is completed we can gather everyone together and give a speech yes I think that would be a good idea I’ll make the arrangements somehow things were being decided at a Brisk Pace I’m not sure what to say but I’m

Sure it will help keep me safe by all means please do it well then now that we’ve finished eating let’s get on with building the wall I want to check the area so can you send me someone who can help me I’ll go with you when I stood up

And said that Danon offered himself as a candidate I looked at silie and she nodded so I nodded too ah then Dan and San I’m looking forward to working with you Danon is fine I’ll call you kosak too just use your usual language is that so then I’ll do that dannon’s attitude

Softened suddenly as if he had something on his mind well that’s good for me Dannon seems to have the most influence among the four Executives which is better than being bitter I left with Dann and headed for the place where we had set up the brick blocks yesterday da

Da da daon DED what’s that weird music thing it’s a working bgm you know well it’s kind of stylistic isn’t it I don’t understand right I understand it’s just a strange Behavior if you don’t understand the song it’s sad however the work itself was going well probably because I was replaying His Highness

Asterisk theme in my mind I guess background music is essential for monotonous work TN asterisk I’m not sure about this but it’s probably this one click but still that was fast my ability is good for this kind of work I don’t think I’m very good at direct combat

Though I don’t know I haven’t actually done any real Combat suppose I combine my natural movements with command actions in that case I can make some pretty tricky moves so if I practice handling the weapon I might be able to make my first kill if I slide forward

While attacking the attack will be more stretchy than it looks and if I slide forward without moving my legs it will be hard to get in time for the attack but that’s another thing it’s almost done the gate is is this enough Katakana middle dot large door reinforced with

Metal materials wood x40 mechanical Parts X6 iron ingots X8 I found a building material that looked good in the blacksmithing facility so I quickly made it it seems that the size can be adjusted to some extent by setting it to installation mode the iron bolt is also

Included in the set making it a very economical item it’s amazing with your abilities you could build a fort overnight couldn’t you I think I could as long as I secure enough materials in advance it’s not like I am creating something out of nothing so there is

Always the issue of Supply still with your abilities you can carry a lot of supplies right well yes I’m a very useful guy from a tactical and strategic point of view so protect me with all your might h indeed you’re right oh did Dannon have come into his dear dear

Period although it’s a bit of a surprise to see a muscular macho man getting dear dear it’s great to see someone who looked so strong recognized my usefulness my survival rate will increase after that we continued to build the wall and finally completed the brick wall surrounding the magic field

And Refugee area although it’s finished it’s still just a temporary work of art it’s still just a 2 m High thick wall that covers the whole area from now on we have to build a defense system on top of the wall that being said I want your

Opinion opinion huh well if you say so I don’t know what you can do you know oh yeah that’s right anyway my image is that there are these things on top of the walls so I used a wooden stick to draw a simple image of the wall on the

Ground you see the top of the wall is uneven and people hide themselves there and shoot arrows right I drew a picture of such a thing and explained it I see a narrow kenel well if you’re going to attack with a bow you need the kenel to

Hide behind so you call it narrow kennels h a kenel is a low wall placed on a castle wall to protect the soldiers defending it the part of the wall that is indented so that arrows can be shot through it is called a narrow space and

A krel with a narrow space is called a narrow space kenel oh I see it was a straightforward explanation Danon is a macho man with lots of muscles but he also seems to be well educated I remember he said he was an Imperial Guard the Imperial guards who serve the

Royal family should be educated as well I guess so is this how it should be yes it is if you’re going to build one just make it on the outer side of the wall otherwise if you build it on the inner side the enemy might use it against you

If they take over the walls yes we also need a staircase to get up to the wall right the stairs were built and the narrow kenel was installed however if it is OCC occupied I don’t think gizo will occupy it but we must be thinking about what will happen when the Holy Kingdom’s

People come to this Village after that I continued to put the finishing touches on the defensive wall with danon’s advice the area where we made the most changes based on danon’s advice was the gate the gate is structurally the most fragile part of the building so we built

Towers or turrets on both sides of the gate to protect it these towers can hold more men than the walls and they can be used to launch a fierce attack against the enemies attacking the gate after the wall was built refugees and elves who had been out since noon for

Hunting or something would come back and look at the wall and be amazed I built this in about 2 hours I didn’t even have to think about it I just piled it up so it was a piece of cake before I knew it the number of refugee Spectators had

Increased considerably the children were following Danon and me around I guess it’s an excellent way to pass the time it’s done yes I think each part needs to be inspected but it’s mostly done if there were any holes in the wall it would be useless I don’t think the part

One built is a problem but I’m not sure about the already built part worst case scenario I might have to replace them with brick blocks that I made Dannon instructed his subordinates and ordered them to inspect each part yeah this kind of work is best done by human resources

Isn’t it I don’t think Dannon and I will be going around alone if there is a report we can head there while we were waiting for the inspection report silie appeared accompanied by melty Isla’s not here since lunch she hasn’t stuck to me and made any absurd calls I wonder if

She got bored I’m feeling a little lonely it looks like it’s done yeah I think it’s pretty good the walls are thick and should be able to withstand giz attacks without any problems now let’s start the speech silie laughed yeah that grin is really something that silie is known for the refugees were

Gathered here I could also see a few elves from the village SC scattered around aside from the refugees the elves are complete onlookers well whatever Standing On Top of the freshly built wall silie turned her head to look around at the refugees I’m standing right behind her I told her that it

Would be a bad idea to stand in a place where I could look down on the refugees but she told me just to stand here I wondered if they would be okay while I was worried about this it seemed that the refugees had mostly gathered at the

Back of the refugees melty gave us a signal selfie seeing that muttered something then waved her arm the one wearing the bracelet with the spirit Stone and began to speak the wall was completed with the help of all of you this wall is thick and strong even if

Gizo comes we will have nothing to worry about I can assure you of that s’s voice which was supposed to be speaking normally sounded strangely clear it seems that she has done something with her spirit magic is it magic that makes the voice sound clearer and farther away

Many of you may have seen it with your own eyes but it was only through the power of this man kosak

This video, titled ‘#6 (Isekai Minecraft)finds this amazing crafting ability just like the games from his original world’, was uploaded by Mahito recap on 2023-12-31 05:00:56. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:22 or 3022 seconds.

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    Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious CallerVideo Information do not try to call her my friends and I decided to chant Bloody Mary three times in front of the bathroom mirror at first we laughed but then the air got really cold and the lights started flickering I saw her a ghostly woman with empty eyes and blood dripping from her mouth I couldn’t move as she reached out and touched my cheek she whispered you’re mine now and then the mirror shattered she disappeared but the next day I had scratches on my face every night since I feel her cold breath on my neck… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

    Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!Video Information yo Halo guys welcome back to my channel Shark 999 dan kali ini gua akan mencoba bermain Luky block tapi versi Sky block ya guys huh jadi ini map ini BAP syariknya download itu ya E di mcpdl ya ya pokoknya namanya lcky block l Tulislah ya dan ya pokoknya Ya pokoknya begitulah guys ya Oke tapi sebelum kalian nonton video ini alangkah baiknya kalian klik Tom like Kom dan subscribe karena subscribe itu halal dan jangan lupa like sebanyak mungkin agar Babang syarik rajin mengupload dan jangan lupa komen jika ingin mengatakan sesuatu asal jangan toxik ya… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to the stream haven’t done a Minecraft stream in a long time it feels like but we will have other people be joining us shortly too so if you’re already friends with me then you can just join if you’re not then I need to know your username so you can join us all right so I forget what the last thing I was doing here was I working on this working on this this is supposed to be lany’s throne room in the… Read More

  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! pyonmc.my.id Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: play.minedhype.com Website: https://minedhype.com Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by PUBCS.com Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bed is for losers

    Minecraft Memes - Bed is for losersI guess you could say this meme is bed-der than most! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun!

    Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From mining for diamonds to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. But sometimes the logic can be quite absurd, Like pigs flying high or villagers trading with a bird. Players bend the rules, creating their own fun, In a world where imagination can never be outdone. So embrace the craziness, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, there’s always something new in store. From redstone contraptions to epic builds so grand, The possibilities are endless in this blocky land. Read More