Mind-Blowing Endolotl Plushie in Server Gaming Hive Live!

Video Information

Um yeah Hello Andrew defect B Minecraft hello hello server who you voting for is the best Hive streamer I’m probably not voting at all this I Le my Minecraft password on live stream bro how did you do that didn’t it didn’t show up though are you streaming yeah Cody

What’s up how you doing cloudy my bad how you doing cloudy gibles YT what’s up how you doing hello hello hi s hello wolf Miner new pfp W’s kind of scary I’m not going to lie oh a scary pfp okay let’s do do well actually would open what

H yo Prime fire what is up how you doing hello hello how’s life uh pretty good I guess yeah the Ender wolf pfp WS yeah the WPF wws did you make it or did you do you find it use AI to make it people saw it

Okay I well I didn’t see it you’re good and and made not gone through sometimes YouTube erases that stuff you know yeah invite some people that don’t put Cod up I I make W’s w w WS there we goite those peoples uh there we go I by please what please us her us but I have no money what oh plush you want to buy the plush you have no money yeah yeah I mean 30 bucks is cheaper than the other one but it’s so expensive face W face

Real you better you better buy that plush Daddy sir hey BB King chill yeah whatever I’ll put I a code up no wants to join through friends list whatever they’re all play Prime Str and Danny he like I want to stream today but like every other big streamer is live so

It’s kind of like unfortunate for me we’re still here still streaming yeah also I should probably let me move this spot of the chatz I it’s like over top the other chat if that makes sense let play it down there yeah I think it’s a better spot right

Otherwise if it’s up here let me see yeah it’s like covering the Minecraft chat look it looks weird uh where should we put it right that right there good guys is that good is that good is that good right there I think that’s good right bottom corner yeah we go bottom

Corner no hand cam no I don’t feel like doing the hand cam today how much is this sry it is 30 bucks us yeah I believe yeah Mr well Welcome will happen if you get 1,500 points if they give you if you do the What what I’m confused what do you mean you can wait what what did I miss something Pig step Pig step indeed don’t look Hey type in Dan chat what I’m sorry I got modded by Danny and that was the 30th channel the 30th Channel that’s wild well congrats to getting mod for Danny that’s pretty aous my face going to be crazy for real can’t wait for the BB King face cam

Going be so cool anyone else want to join or my would you wanting lady Kon any anyone else I’m stream but I can’t hear anything so if you want to ask me something need to type in MC chat all right sounds good not even in MC though it’s like

Pop no don’t buy it they put there some wild accusations there Cosmo there’s some wild accusations anyone else want join I’m going to start otherwise and no one else max players Rosie why you only want to tell me this why is wait where think key why is Rosie the only one that

Tells me this oh my you guys so I’m going to put I’m going to put the I’m going to put the filter on I think why is the filter on yeah we’re good why is Rosie the only one that can tell me this oh my God no one else guys

Speak up when it’s full by yeah oh my guys got to say something oh my oh my oh my I was about oh hell loud sorry I didn’t say hello earlier how’s going Serv pretty good thank you wolf um hope doing fantastic as well uh do you think I should make more

Funny Minecraft videos or challenges I mean it’s up to you what do you enjoy doing more and what gets more views for you like you know I mean like what does better on your channel and what do you enjoy doing more that’s kind of like

Yeah ly real server G gamer oh yeah I think you dm’d me I think I forgot to reply to your DM sorry about that I’ve been busy today I was editing and then I joined a VC and they forced me to play gar phone and then I was doing some more editing

And then I ate and I’m here so that has started we’re good okay um I can not reading messages correctly what’ you say I just saw something that I’m laughing so hard W’s hi Darth welcome to stream how doing normal clck W’s normal clicking is actually like not that bad myone lights

Like obviously butterfly is better but like if it works for you it’s a W uh where me red uh wait what what levels are they wait where’s think you’re still decent actually here I’ll put me on blue you blue you is that fair I think that’s fair I don’t know I do my

Best so I just beat the parkour yo congrats Master W’s ready F SP hilarious Brimstone G or what from 1 to 10 what what usion wor real fedy Fazbear 100% 100% real bab it’s 45 server it’s pretty crazy give I hate Minecraft me to Darth it’s

Terrible like H I don’t know what I’m doing here where’s your hand cam ah didn’t really do anything Today partially the reason is because like the RGB it looks really scuffed when there’s a lot of light in my room actually I turn all my lights off when I’m using my hand Cam and right now it’s during this daytime right now so like it kind of hard to get to be dark

Enough to make it look nice yeah I do I steal skin pox what do you mean how do you what what do you mean how do you steal want skin pack I just say to go download one for a video don’t need steal stealing is bad fav team I think I don’t

Know I thought lady I didn’t think lady this good oh okay Then they C stealing skin packs no question mark what you seen that enough movie I was in the movie I saw you in the movie that’s wild wws why stream early uh I like stream early on the weekend and EU peoples can Join all right then chill guys make sure to check out my new video If you haven’t watched my new video already it’s pretty cool you see my face really yes I did I was in the live chat but you have comments disabled so I couldn’t comment but Yes he saw from me on his second Channel first I did did the same who’s who is he who stole from you why kill still yapping about me I’m so confused someone still from you so you still back from them dang I thought I was going to

Hit where is he stop can’t to do over there don’t score need to win oh never mind hold it This can you do give me a link to the pack called I don’t know name uh go to my second Channel I folded go to my second Channel and the the latest pack FL I’ve made has that pack included in the video the latest pack fler on my second

Channel has that pack included in the video so go to the description it’s linked right there yeah also drop a like and check out the video cuz it’s actually a decent pack folder anyways looking ugly you don’t apologize for looking ugly also you don’t look ugly you’re perfectly fine

Looking bro get back here stop wait why do you actually turn around and fight me wait a minute I wait what if he was ran he would have got in what are you a Min or what oh I get it I get it do Sumo to be honest I think off is better

Than a pro gaming mouse that’s wild I mean they’re actually underrated they’re not that bad that was like a $1 off house I’m not going to lie for such a cheap like it’s like a lest cheapest Fon now ever but yeah it actually like does okay that is crazy

Yeah so I got banned from MC how did you get banned from MC loud what do you have to do to get banned from Minecraft in general what oh my gosh can we do Sumo after sure you know let’s do Sumo why not why not whatever yellow on Sumo let’s do some Sumo

Sure H I’m doing treasure Sumo cuz it’s more fun so we get bored you can just like go Bridge all right join through your friends list if you’re on my friends list other code will be up here in 10 seconds make sure you’re North America region sir Darth me SL down there we

Go you can dag City CPS on it wait which Mouse uh I never heard of that Mouse I never heard of that Mouse one of my favorite M for play Minecraft is AIA 70 cuz butterfly good as the clicks are satisfying to butterfly with and it can drag cck High CPS for Java but for a general Mouse don’t buy the bloody a70 if you’re going to use it for like other games and just like

Scrolling the internet cuz in my opinion the blood7 is a really big mouse and the clicks are kind of heavy so I feel like for a general Mouse it’s not the most satisfying if I ever got into like you know shooter games a lot or whatever I would probably buy a different

Mouse you know like the past uh or whatever I up short skins sheet uh I B sheet yours but bans me that’s weird it doesn’t say for how long way know you’re Perma banned uh-oh uhoh Al Cod down screen guys if you can see it

Let me know I can say it out loud Cod down screen we’re talk it off I am oh thank you for telling me wolf appreciate it oh my I always do that I always do that I was playing with the Little Mac guy earlier we’re getting sniped so like you Know do you have V T rank I do not have vo T rank you need 5K subs and 3K views per video I nowhere close to that see guys I’m not really sure where I’m going wrong with my videos because I feel like they’re decent they’re obviously not decent cuz they’re not doing

Well figure this out are flying I’m sorry Darth I apologize for talk I forgot I was talking off what your safe screen area what Toco boy what is up how you doing hello hello how are you pretty good how you doing to yeah I saw you hit 3K Subs congrats on that Big

W time lot my Minecraft good Minecraft good I’m sorry I’m sorry Minecraft good I apologize I missed your message I’m sorry hello Minecraft good how you doing hope doing well no I was in the zoom in that game what in the Z oh in the zone I’m intelligent guys oh my gosh

So smart ah H I have a strange question can I use your music if if that can for my streams yeah go ahead because it’s not my music um I got this the playist I have right now I got it from fa Rose he gave it to me so just DM V

Rose if if he doesn’t get back to you I can just send it to you otherwise and then my other playlist I use is from t- man I’m pretty sure as it connected on to his channel you go to his playlist tab otherwise you can DM T man and you

May respond you in like 2 years that man is never going Discord I swear thank you I came from the dead what that’s a wild that’s wild pry what client do you use I use Onyx client just because I like the Zoom get fun and I use I use tole Sprint anyone

Else want to join or should we start it won’t let me join Darth oh no in chat for Darth I sure you put in code in right it’s uppercase y uppercase U uppercase K uppercase t lowercase H5 can send me the links uh are you in

My Discord server if you join my Discord server and then like Ping me and then I can like yeah or DM me I don’t care the FST man he’s like um he’s like one the most popular live streamers I would say he’s been around for like

Two and a half three years been in the community for a long time yeah I don’t know you like 5K Subs very W streamer may I join of course I’m about to start though so if you want to join please H do so I’m starting in 30

Seconds all right let let me set the game up then we’ll start so make sure to join if if you want to please hurry and join North America region we go we do map we’ll do good old class the castle okay Good yeah just pinging me in my Discord server I can DM you easier I always have to like scroll up your name or whatever yeah well watch language Freddy for real screen means like your gii cuz your GOI looks smaller than oh I apologize I I I apologize I apologize

You said safe screen I was confused for a second I was like safe screen I bro you said safe screen I was a little confused but yeah I know what you mean GUI my GUI scale is 25 I believe I believe I had I don’t sure if I can check right

Now I don’t think I can check right now I’m pretty sure it’s 25 though I think it’s like a good in between from like super small and really big all right start um no weapons off we’ll leave tools on in case this is Sumo you guys wanted that

We’ll do free shop here in a bit all right this is Sumo cuz you guys ask for that we can do free shopping in a bit if you don’t enjoy Sumo just like go practice your bridging on the edge of the map basically are no placing blocks

In the Sumo Arena uh no breaking Treasures everyone yeah put some conc put some concrete treasure just be safe uh Sumo is meant as a for practice and not for like killing so like please don’t punch people off the arena everyone buy a bunch of Auto briers come to come to

Blue come to Blue and build a giant arena with auto briders I want to see everybody helping team man is good team in is good oh yeah I Robot BR lag N I do the same thing don’t worry it happens uh so my sign wait what my sign in is blocked on Microsoft

Account I don’t know why that’s weird your signing is blocked H yeah I don’t know why that would be I’m I don’t know I’m not insane this more on that stuff I never had that happen to me I guess I would say try I guess you already have but if you

Haven’t already try looking it up just Google it you know or YouTube it or whatever try to see if you can find anything about it cuz yeah that’s weird I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know did someone else like don’t like I don’t know when your family members

Change the password on the account like is a family account I don’t know is the count under age like maybe the settings are messed up I don’t know man oh my all right then yeah I don’t know it’s weird Freddy fazar CH we were talking about Freddy Fazbear a Minecraft live

Stream I Freddy Fazbear but you still I keep a PG for the kids good job everyone nice work building the arena it’s it’s pretty good I guess nice work and wait I don’t need all this armor wait a minute I don’t yeah I don’t need all that

Armor I need figure out I take less knock back people are saying like I take way too much knock pack which I guess I can see that I don’t care about PG oh he just died all right then rip the GU internet or his mom is make him go eat dinner

It’s definitely dinner time I I kick placing him blocks to as no oh man massive rip sorry to hear that it’s really unfortunate to do welcome to stream I don’t either my iPad is about to die so I’m going to charge it but I am leave but I’m not I am not

Leaving all right W’s I feel like the same problem whenever Ione use my phone it’s always dead but not if I don’t use like the whole day that’ll be like full charged the whole day if that makes sense whenever I like going to use it like oh man dead

FR yo I’m getting pizza W’s pizza sounds very good what kind of pizza you getting you get some pepperoni pizza the chicken pizza the nacho P pretty fast but can you chill what you’re saying that’s your second warning if you if you get your message deleted again time you out all

Righty yeah I know you don’t care about PG but please like like this is my stream so like please if you keep the language you know me keep what you’re saying family friendly that’ be nice cheese pizza who the cheese pizza bu me the plushy sell out sellout

I’m not even sure if I want to buy myself the plushy sellout I thought it would be kind of funny though I could put it like right in front of my keyboard for the hand cam then it would be kind of funbe a little Hive decoration on the hand cam he has chees pizza yo W’s Ww’s it stuff crusted is it cheese P stuff crusted I hope it is I have cheese P though same I love all types of pizza to be honest I’m not sure if there any type of pizza I don’t like I like all of them can you put hand cam please uh I

Don’t know maybe next I’ll I’ll put in next stream the main reason I I just didn’t feel like doing it today also also Darth get some armor on if I if I did it today I would have to like yeah I actually wouldn’t work very well because

It’s during the day and the like my room is like really bright right now so like and at night I have to turn all my lights off and to keep it dark otherwise the RGB looks really bad if there’s light on it so like it kind of

Wrecks the RGB so I’ll do it next time it just works better at like at night streams I don’t know Mak pizza right now you play Five Nights at Freddy I have not played Five Nights at Freddy I have not I just I don’t know horror

Games don’t like see I don’t see the interest in horror games I like I like messing around some games with some friends and then Minecraft obviously that’s about it I don’t play a ton of games Hello harsh how you doing welcome welcome welcome and Joe welcome stream L how you doing Joe no

Armored turn off GS bro Cosmo this guy oh my gosh play it this wasn’t scary man I know it looks scary I don’t see the I don’t see I don’t see like the super like cook for Five Nights at Freddy I don’t see like

Super fun on it I think it might be fun though friends or maybe for a video but also cost money I don’t want pay money for games I’m weird like that here was his pain you know I can agree on that can I buy a what got spell

What understandable I have Among Us mm preset W’s server yo what’s Up Among Us mm preset what are the settings for that like what do you mean M pret like what are you changing it isn’t Among Us isn’t mm already kind of Among Us that makes sense they already pretty similar games I’ve only played Among Us once you

Guys want know what that was I kind of speak you guys want know when the one time I played Among Us was B the one time was last night yes I downloaded among us last night Ali was like yelling at me Tak get Among Us and

All you know all the boys were playing Among Us I was like I guess I’ll get it it was all right I didn’t super it wasn’t super fun just because I know I didn’t really know how to play but I think once I learned how to play

I’ll enjoy it more if that makes sense also let me turn off a custom Sky much going On you should do a Scary Map stream what do you mean a Scary Map like like download one from the marketplace or download one from a YouTube Video but you pay money for Minecraft okay yes I pay money for Minecraft but I play Minecraft every single day I do it for streams and videos and um what’s it called I have like yeah I play Minecraft a ton I got my money is worth out on Minecraft 100% all

Right I got money is worth out on Minecraft I just don’t see myself like if I if I buy like let’s say five night at Fridays I don’t see myself getting the money is worth I played like over 2,000 hours of Minecraft I probably play like 2 hours

Of welcome for the Don video yeah that actually really cool to me even though that video flopped like I don’t know why but that video flopped horrendously like the view the the com to like view ratio is bad like to view ratio is bad attention was bad I don’t know that

Video flopped horrendously I don’t know why thought it was a perfectly fine video but that Don know yeah that made my day I don’t think i’ ever Don on video before so was pretty cool I got Minecraft free from Xbox W’s on the internet I can call meetings and close lights as murder

What mer is Among Us hideand-seek mode yeah kind of L to play among us before came wait before came super popular used to be funny cuz it was new yeah yeah I feel it’s always like that when first when things first come out it’s always trendy for some kind of

Reason soone beat Minecraft than me I never even beat Minecraft in Period like I don’t think I’ve ever beat Minecraft in general at least not like legitly you know what I mean I’ve beat it but like I just joined a friend’s world and he gave me netherite we went and beat it the

Only sort accounts you know I think I’m doing cover to new w wws y Clovis what is up welcome to your stream sir why you so cracked up Minecraft oh my Gosh Among Us got YouTube kidy ah not wrong though also I’m going stop this game here in like four minutes yeah I’m so rly bad no oh my gosh how wait a minute how did you go over That I not think he was going to make that jump oh my gosh I got 500 hour Minecraft world that’s crazy oh my gosh that is actually kind of crazy oh standand up oh my gosh oh my ah all right my headphone my headphone cable is getting stuck on my microphone boom AR

I’m adding to five YouTubers through a team what what what does that Mean I Su got PVP good at PVE what’s PVE never heard that before I Apologize I apologize I suck there you play too much high that is true I I have 4,449 hours of play time and 95% of that’s on Hive you let me get out of my house first eny oh I agree with Cosmo bam content fun arms from the internet B kids from the internet so true Though yeah will never be same because of the kids kids always R win games that’s crazy I don’t know can I add you uh my friend list is like really full so I can’t really add people I’ll add you if you’re like if you’re active on streams for

Like you’re active on streams for for a couple months you actually actively chatting and playing and stuff then I’ll add you but or if you become a channel member I know it sounds like you know I’m just a money hungry YouTuber but like my friend list is full I can’t do

Much about it I’m sorry yeah I’m starting a new game here in 1 minute guys so no I dropped it I cannot 3 60 I play this game W’s oh haven’t I Doing I combo you please let me combo you no I’m choed I have 4,700 hours oh my gosh that is absolutely Crazy that actually kind of crazy Wow we’re going to eat hold on eat some tacos right now you W’s sounds delicious actually I had tacos as well for lunch I just F the shell I had chips and well I I took all the Taco ingredients I just put it on chips though took some

Right in me meat right oh my gosh I took some right in meat I can’t speak I took some right in meat can’t speak I’m I’m I’m oh my gosh right Frick I give up anyways moving on now moving on new game new game new game I canot oh my gosh rice and

Meat Cliff No coo you CLI that I’m going to delete your your your everything I’m oh my gosh I will ban you from the world oh my go I Oh like cubec has more vanilla than Hive I I do like Hive though yes hi And cubecraft Hive is my favorite obviously cubecraft is all right they if they change a couple things I think it’d be really good though but main reason I don’t make any

Content on it is because I don’t feel there’s much of an audience for cubec we do Among Us reset mm hm H I don’t know has too many above yeah kind of got 7K of 4K of it it’s going be on days with Darth bro what Dar Darth that’s

Wild as got Danny’s bomb at it W’s add you randomly or you become a member Danny is the bummer I don’t know what they’re actually called I’m just assuming that’s what they’re called anyways rice too many bugs especially now yeah it’s true more hackers too rip yeah uh can we do Among Us

Uh uh I’m going do something SkyWars I’m something SkyWars oh we can may do Among Us in a bit or right we do Among Us in a bit I just don’t feel like doing Among Us right now also not sure we enough people to make super fun either so we’ll see though we’ll

See all right everyone join the game Among Us you what imposter hey chill he haven’t oh I fell should wish this be Opie guy death tag server tag let me know I do happen BL is is here oh my gosh like is not here he left oh my Gosh you guys join the game actually whenever I find code guys that is uh what’s it called is that an o or is that’s a o not a zero and that’s an o in the code it’s lowercase z lowercase C lowercase U uppercase o not a zero it’s an o upase

O 52 join the game what’s your fov it’s 86 Al fov alter is off I can’t Jo you not added you don’t need to be added to join the code is on the screen you can use the code to join that’s a zero that is an O I don’t know what you’re on

About that is an o oh my gosh it’s a a zero guy or what no it’s a o not a zero I’m put false information in their heads oh my gosh Oh oh my gosh Oh zebie welcome to stream how you doing welcome welcome I say zero what I saw Zer o yeah that’s yeah it’s hard to tell if it’s Zer that’s why I just set out loud guys it’s an O it’s not a zero guys it’s an o in the code okay back welome Back and I I confuse myself yeah me too it happens and it’s an oh yes sir Anyone else want to join a custom a game yo what’s Up car kid W that’s a w name any also join No you don’t know my wife is Dar she’s a pretty cow that’s awesome W Hey where’s my key there my zoom keys I have my zoom key set to see my trappy server all right you going try gu I do crack SkyWars kind I don’t

Know I guess I guess I just can you wait for me I am joining I wait can you wait for me I am am joining na well hopefully got in I waited hopefully got in if you didn’t get in I’m sorry I’m back Ser yes welcome back welcome back welcome back hello

H d welcome my stream how you doing Welcome I heard I think the bus that’s wild oh yeah isn’t the new fortnite season thing coming out like a little bit today I think it is I’m pretty Sure okay grab that no I want to oh my there we Go I got decent stuff right in no I I don’t want to hear it I don’t want to hear it I was struggling there I don’t know I’m not sure if I drink enough water today I’m going drink some water right Now oh my yeah I don’t know got a little bit of a headache right now I don’t know I don’t know where that’s from bro bro what did you clip it no coso better not have clipped it you better not Of Not Hey all right then I don’t have a that chest plate taking kind of a lot of damage you my chance have one chest plate I know I just got one never mind oh wait or you gave me one I don’t know let’s Go Yeah I I can add you I can add You so then you give me that mod hello sketchy welcome Welcome how would you join join the hive na region and you put the the coded on the screen when we start a new game there’ll be a code on on the screen at the bottom of my hot bar I mean yeah at the top of my hot bar whatever and you

Can use that code to join yeah it’s super cool did you play the fortnite event I did not play the fortnite event I I heard there’s a new chapter coming out though is the new chapter sell out it is I to play it later pack this a server gaming

2K My 2K texture pack it’s pretty cool Link’s in the description if you want to download it okay you can pass you can you can pass the Link’s in the description if you want to download the pack SMH no not yet all right wait is the new Season’s coming out today though

Right soell I’m pretty sure pack is a mid up Emoji H is weird I don’t know I tried to make it unique I didn’t want the pack to be like copy and Pace like every single ATT where’s my sword bro where’ my sword go where’ my sword Goan you have it oh

What wait what I swear I just like what where’d it go some kind of bug of swords what if I wait I don’t know what I did though that’s some kind of bug I swear I don’t know where my sword went that’s weird pickpocket for

Real I some the stream where did I drop did I drop my sword did they just like VAP vaporized I seriously don’t know what happened there Al down cuz of too many play Oh rip very Unfortunate why we’re crying you didn’t even make it yeah I mean I didn’t make it but I like oh thanks Darth thanks Darth here take this there you Go hey how do you get that sword animation uh I use a pack thing called Java 1.7 animations V2 yeah I just found it on YouTube pretty cool hey all right then disappeared when you opened the chest law what bro what I got robbed Oh My

Gosh n that’s that’s a new bug 100% oh my Gosh no I was like messed up no it’s the snow it turns into snow What wait No way no do you have any more swords do you have any more swords that is H like someone give me a sword I need another sword wait is it do it to this wait a minute wait a minute I find more power of snow stop breaking Darth

Wait that is too good that is too good Ser I don’t want to hear caty also it’s it’s probably my microphone my laugh the laugh part sounds weird cuz like I have a bunch of like mic settings I have a bunch of mic settings so like it cuts it

Out probably whatever makes it sound weird but oh my gosh nah that is wild no it’s no it’s the mic settings it’s the mic settings excuses it’s not excuses what’s it called I have the mic set to like what’s it called like say I clap or my my mouse gets loud or

Whatever it’s supposed like cut out background noise and like loud noises so like if I scream it doesn’t like blast your gums out but but ends up just wrecking like my laugh you know I mean or yell so no yeah you I’ll add you just

N y sit right here and then let me add you quick I got you I got I add someone though H who doesn’t come around anymore who doesn’t come around ah H the come around I guess I him there you go now that’s wild though that is like the best bug ever No I’m not trying my pickaxe I’m good I don’t want to lose my pickaxe all right no I don’t want to lose my pickaxe no I’m not losing my pickaxe all right no I try on the Bow there goes my bow thanks I blame you for This I have snow for out of Swords what about armor I don’t think that’ll work I can try it though let me try some armor oh no here there is wait it eats anything it eats everything it literally it’s everything that is no you’re you’re best wait wait a

Minute that is so funny so wait so not actually the item is you can just make the snow up by clicking it I just made a snow for it guys oh my gosh nah every item yeah just if you right click your hat haing any mods Hey Demo what’s up demo look at

This oh it’s never mind it this stopped working demo if snow now eats items snow blocks like what’s called powder snow now eats your items and you can make it like taller but just by right if you right click on it it makes it goes

Higher this could be a it could be a trap you like yeah you can put it on a bridge and just click and just like click on it and make a full block that would that could be a trap oh my gosh whoa yeah it’s pretty cool guys what

Game now should we play another SkyWars can we play another SkyWars how the plushy is it’s going to be here on March 20 March 27th actually that’s so broad it’s so far away wait no way there’s no way actually it’s that far away right right SCS uh server says h what should we

Play imag getting what is the best best YouTuber 2023 no demo it’s not like what’s it called it’s not actually the reason what’s it called it’s not like really actually who’s the best it’s basically a favortism it’s whoever BX liked see I mean like Boza wasn’t nominated either you know it’s

Not really it’s not really really based on the skill it’s I mean it’s somewhat but at the same time it’s basically reel for like likes you he’ll add you that was the thing you know what I mean for some reason just doesn’t like me I was nominated I’m the

100% there some many YouTuber streaming or Miss what oh so many YouTube streamers are Miss yeah I know for some reason he only they he only added four options and the thing is like Slender Slender guy Hardy streams Prime’s a great streamer but he’s not super

Consistent uh who the other guy axo axo uh pretty good but in my op streams aren’t anything super special I mean he’s a good streamer but in my opinion aren’t anything more special than mine you know me I don’t know and who was the last guy that was nominated I don’t

Remember I don’t remember what some good PVP packs H that’s a good question I mean I made a video recently the best purple packs those are some are pretty good the one at server gaming 2K is a pretty good PV pack I’m not going to lie yeah those should have been there yeah

That’s the thing that’s what I’m saying like is a bunch of stream a bunch of good streamers that aren’t there I obiously you can’t put everyone there I realize that but like I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know at the same time it’s just High Awards you know it’s some

Little thing BX a host I guess I don’t know I shouldn’t care that much it what it is I did I didn’t make it though like I I am getting in high Awards so I like what’s it called like even though I’m not going to win an award I

Get to join the event the live event which is still something I guess I don’t know oh okay game game Um what game should we play please do gravity gravity is the you can’t change much the default pack real you can’t change much make a Marketplace pack H see the problem with that is you have to change every single texture scrims server says server says says I’m terrible at and it makes people Angry and scrims it requires people to actually like understand how to play the game people don’t know how to like play a scri they break the rules I don’t know we can maybe SC I guess I’ll see I’ll see how many people join this game guys join the game we’re

Doing a f shop cuz it’s fun we might do scrims here in a bit we’ll see death run so I like death run too but for some reason everyone leaves if I do death run yeah everyone will dip can we scms here in a bit if you guys

Really want scrims are you calling us dumb no no no I’m just calling you guys incapable of following rules simple instructions oh I made it a first try just better well no it’s that don’t okay seriously don’t just DM him annoy him he’s already made the for him he’s not going

To he’s not going to change it he already has it up so like hey I I already asked him about it he said like one of the main reasons are like U what’s it called nobody like nominated no one said my name like what’s it called apparently like I didn’t even

Know about guys like I found out High Awards like two weeks ago and I didn’t even know like how it really worked but apparently B said like there was he made like some Twitter post and like like whether or not like who who should be in

It and no one said my name apparently so then they didn’t even think about adding me I don’t know I don’t know I should put code up Shai I don’t know exactly how it works something like that what is see not know about he made it up there

High wordss I don’t know it’s basically where you this little event a 2our Long Live event and Mixel I I help with the map to a bunch of other creators and stuff like that and rix’s friends and all this kind of stuff rixel most though build build build

Build builds this giant map and then it’s imported into a server and then on the day everyone joins and we play some of the games We Gather we meet and we all then we all go into this big giant hallway Stadium type thing and basically it’s on

Stage and hands out Awards to the hands the awards to the creators that won them like for best High video most unique High video best upcoming Creator all that kind of stuff he nominates different people for awards and then you get to keep the award forever and you’ll

See your name on a little plaque in a hallway that’s about it I guess you going flexx about it to the people like here when’s the live event I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say I think I’m allowed to say I think I’m allowed to say I think so

Right I I I don’t know I I think I think I’m allowed to then he gied me a hat from his stream today W congrats congrats hi welcome to stream ATB also welcome to stream Le it hi hello and welcome my stream how you doing I love little I vouch wait I vouch

Little Mac as upcoming creater WS Little Mac is Little Mac is actually R Creator I’m not going to lie yo me jade hello hello how you doing uh everyone’s server is not real he an actual that’s that’s a while it take are the hive Awards a live event yeah yeah U

What’s it called I’m not sure who’s streaming it I I know I know quite a few people will I I’ll probably stream Hive Awards even even though I know I’m not going to win anything like I didn’t get nominated which which is kind of silly uh what’s it called I’m still going to

I’m still going to participate I’m still going to you know check it out see the people that Awards all that and stuff like that explore little map they build I even help build the map and stuff and all the secrets it’s pretty cool off view bobbing I don’t know I

Like view bobbing Alo never enjoy anything my start this is free shop by the way I I think view Bobb is kind of fun I don’t know I like it yeah viewers can’t enjoin him by the way I high award are done 2021 and 2022 and this year is like twice as many

Awards being given out so win more stuff I likeing on same I don’t know it feels more realistic then so like my hat where’s Cosmo’s hat where’s Cosmo’s hat I like your hat your Santa this the stream looks cool yo thank you if you’re new should drop a

Sub guys it’s pretty pretty cool if you do I know why I hate view popping I don’t know either I Mak more realistic that makes more fun like shaders but Minecraft’s dumb doesn’t have shaders on Minecraft Bedrock all right let’s start if you didn’t get it I’m sorry you can join the

Next game good luck to everybody yeah why did I buy this I don’t want this I should pied a winter map I could test if it was the same glitch on here well whatever it’s fine and then There spend two years buying stuff it looks weird to me hello hello Bozo what is up how you doing today Bozo I don’t know I I chatted her bixel about it but at the same time I don’t want to be like you know the annoying guy that complains about stuff I try not to be that guy so yeah I asked him about it and I don’t

Know I I think a lot my viewers think a lot of my viewers just don’t have Twitter that’s part of the problem I don’t even have Twitter so like that could also be the problem Twitter is weird I don’t know too lazy to get it I’ll probably get it eventually Though are that guy H guys why do why haven’t we not banned demo yet what’s the reason we haven’t I don’t remember someone remind me before I ban him give me a reason not to ban demo boy yeah yay hello R how you doing hello hello me December is here Cosmo has a

Santa hat oh Cosmo Santa that’s crazy you mean X I have Twitter what’s it called demo why did you not suggest my name when they’re doing the Twitter poll whatever I don’t know man I heard I can’t speak we doing some kind of Twitter poll and you didn’t say my

Name I can’t believe you D my boy so rude you not get it I don’t know that seem kind of cool night vision what’s up welcome my stream how you doing if you want to play join the hive na region doing some customs oh my gosh I’m not in the best

Position chill chill chill chill no chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill I escape no let me escape stop stop stop why am I stuck here no I hate this game this is dumb bye bye death see you later uh the is a

Demo wait he hasn’t made a full release yet n that’s wild I so true though like time whenever I turned off VI I couldn’t see my hand it’s weird actually classic Minecraft better Rock Bug though I’m not going to lie that’s weird go you ran into the wall yeah I

Don’t know I I was struggling right there that’s not even funny say your name have made one vote yeah one V would have been better than none though demo Boy I’m doing good how about you I’m doing pretty good thank you for asking cuz what game should we play next many games we should play next guys why you Twitter and vou I’m not sure if it’s how it works though I’m not sure if it’s how it works

I think I think the point is for your viewers vouch for you then people know you’re like a person in the community I don’t know sure even has Twitter well I guess only demo has Twitter demo doesn’t anyway you have an interesting life like me oh I think we all have interesting

Liv I’m not going to lie everyone’s life is interesting in their own way he V for himself who is he waras Rosie I is is there what’s your second fav game is it can can we do mm instead I willing to do mm but not Ground Wars please please please do your second favorite game or something like that I know you always say ground war but it’s ground war I

Know bet all right sure we’ll do something at M guys and then we do some scrims or something like that RG after that yeah mm scrims and then SGU maybe after all right we’ll see all right you guys if you don’t like mm don’t worry just chill in the Stream

We’ll do another PVP game after this if you don’t like it don’t worry just chill Don’t Panic don’t leave why can’t I say his name I don’t know 72 72 what we on about oh swim fan swim fan said to oh that’s weird it will say his name I hate

Mm well I guess it’s you’re unlucky day all right Jo the friends if you’re on my friends list join join join join join here on the friends list Cod will be up here in 10 seconds yeah hide and seek oh we could do that why do you hack in rocket League Hy

Welcome to stream you know I don’t know why hack in rocket League I just can’t resist myself you know it’s too hard like I don’t know the hacks are so easy to download H that’s such a random question question oh there’s code there’s code that’s actually the bad code never mind

Don’t do that code oh my Another Bad Code don’t do that code either better code guys lower case D2 lower case P lower case d 2 lower case T lower case P uppercase q uppercase F I will be starting this game in one two one or two

Minutes or I saw this game pretty fast so if you want to join please to do so otherwise you join the next game which should be like scrims or OPG or something fun like that what mm should this be though should this be a run from server should this be skin comp should

This be every gets a roll what are you thinking guys what are you thinking what are you thinking all right surv last surgeries even a baby rip I’m sorry to hear that that’s unfortunate run from server to run from server Cas two run from servers your sub go yo we did yo you

Guys are amazing thank you all so much you’re all w i can raise the sub goal yeah there we go W thank you all for 2.06k W’s on screeny all righty I’m joining in 1 minute that’s very precise should I sub I’m not going to answer that you’re

Not subbed already actually Ry I don’t think I don’t think you want to be sub to be honest I think you watching my streams for months now and you got subbed what do we do at this point what are we still doing here in competition I think two run from

Server so I think we’re going to do that okay they join I think joined let’s do that all right Uh Last One Alive guys uh gets their message pained the top for 10 seconds uh I don’t think I need a helper right guys should I should I have a helper yes or no I should I have a helper do you think I need one I I might

Need one I don’t know harsh don’t do anything with that hold on to it you better not do anything just hold on to it also if anyone picks up the bow do not do anything with it the goal of this game guys is just run you you L just run

All right if you if you manage to like run away from me and stay away for long for like the longest when we Last One Alive then you win that’s the goal yeah it’s pry pretty special game yes me me yes only 10 only 10 seconds what me only 10 seconds

What need help see me yo hpz welcome stre I haven’t seen her so long I he can’t don’t say that chill chill out chill out I oh my gosh I’m Tak my taken down uh you know what I will sub yo W’s thank you so much what is wrong with

You what’s wrong with me I don’t know what’s wrong with me actually okay um let’s do guys who should be helper harsh or Rosie guys tough you know actually I don’t know well fire moved no offense me me me no not you there L wrong with you what I what

Do you on about them oh my I’m Confused so be confident enough to raise to 2.5 not really I mean I guess we can raise for fun but there was name the Mario Cart you sent me what do you mean what which Mario Cart I don’t remember when I ever sent you that wait no I don’t remember um I’m waai

Until long to start this game I apologize guys I apologize I apologize I am sorry I yeah I guess harsh was the first question to ask but also Rosie you know what I don’t well like Rosie I think Mur Rosie got murderer last time Rosie don’t do anything with that Rosie

Harsh give them har give them 10 seconds to run away harsh No harsh give them 20 seconds to run away Rosie don’t shoot anybody if that bow please thank you unless you’re last person alive then you can shoot people all right I don’t know my videos are like

Not doing the best har wait give them 20 seconds har to run give him 20 seconds to run I know to you are trust worth I can agree hey server hey dum dum dum go check I thought what why I’m confused what why didn’t why

Didn’t you mean to send them to you if I already sent them to you why don’t you just go back yourself and check I’m confused right now but okay I don’t know see I don’t see why I need to check okay har you can go we can start

Murdering them guys just run away last person alive gets a message pin to the top for 5 minutes I I I oh never mind that’s harsh harsh how did you miss this guy also nooi in walls guys who is this fish you’re going to die I I just murdered one of nibbles

Fish gang I’m sorry nibbles are pregnant come after me for that it’s not good sorry lady kitten I do apologize this game goes very fast you guys you guys got to run away faster you get him guys got to run away faster

Oh I was in a oh my oh my you ran I was own there never mind why you just go back to our DMS demo bro what it’s not that hard just go back and look through DMs I need the name of it because I want to link it just go back oh

My then I send them all to you can you just go back in your DMs that was Rosy rip know that wasn’t Ros someone else that picked it up who picked it up what wait what who picked it up I’m stillus now what’s shaking B I had to do something in 2 minutes

Real quick okay guys got the bow now don’t get the bow guys the bow is very bad three people left not sure if that’s counting the murderers or not I don’t know send me the download not the link oh my gosh you silly fine oh oh this

Guy I like to song is crazy fine I’ll find it later I’ll find I don’t know I can go I can go through and find it later for you whatever downloading should say that download link should say the name though like I should say the name this is this harsh

See I don’t know if that’s is that harsh no I don’t think it is cuz he’s running wait is it harsh is the that is that a different or same one I’m still confus was that the same giraffe as harsh as an mp4 there’s no link or name

All right that’s weird I don’t there should be like her name that’s weird if you downloaded it might tell you the name if you download the song the name should be like you know what I mean I should tell you he download it just ran I

Did there’s no way I ran past him okay you say I said you said I ran past him check over here I know I no not over there Okay how do I run past him what in the green thing outside no not over here what where’s the impostor where the on side that wasn’t him oh my bro where’s there he’s right here harsh har go around harsh harsh go around get him harsh go around the side harsh go on

The side Harish Harish bro get him oh my gosh okay you Corner hold him hostage I’m coming no get back here no i s my head on the oh my the block get back here why this guy still going to running I come try to cut him

Off I’m going to cut him off let’s go oh my gosh teamwork yeah who’s the last person alive who won can someone tell me who won the time’s going to run out I don’t think we’re going to find him who’s the last person alive who won someone please tell me Chad hello

Defect I’m going to vot for defect 20 is hi 100% guys 100% or def should be the goofiest Highway team not going to lie Pretty Go yo GG who won who who last person wait what first death who’s the last person me is it you wait yo yeah that’s that’s one okay thank you okay yo um what’s it called if you have a YouTube account you need type type whatever message you want I’ll pin

You to the top obviously nothing bad or no links yo it’s butter pal I know that guy okay Cosmo don’t Cosmo impersonation impersonation kind of bad Cosmo why does it do that that’s weird inste I play the play it send me the next song like no I play

This it’s weird hi y’all hi s hello ridden how you doing welcome welcome I is nah that’s L okay what game guys should we guys should we play scrims OPG uh death tag someone say a game idea we can do it pretty good thank you for asking

R scrim do two okay I see two scrims sure block block wars I don’t think we don’t have that the hive sadly you’re all over the place I am I am open to all if you’re on my friends list open to all block block wars not

Sure if you mean Bed Wars but Block Wars is not on the hive apologize we’re going to do we’re going to do what’s it called treasure War scrims SLB War scrims SL join the game yeah make sure be nor oh block party oh hey we me do a block party here

In a bit we haven’t done a block party in a long time mostly because I feel like it died very fast nobody cares about the game but we can maybe do it here in a bit yeah yeah I didn’t see cool I see only D they’re kind of funny where the stupid

Okay I don’t know which one you’re talking can can I just look at for look for you after just look at look at like look for it is it this one hold on is it that one is it is it that one is it is it that one is it that

One is it that one wait which one which one was it guys there code by the way join up down screen guys Cod on screen upase F lowercase Q uppercase G lowercase H lowercase y uppercase a the one that one what was that hold on that one or is it that

One I sent in DM’s oh guys technical difficulties here Demo gu it is this one right okay I’ll send you the name I got you oh my gosh guys we’re we’re saving we’re saving de boy’s career Ren okay I’m just To there we go demo boy you’re welcome join the Discord server if you haven’t already also cod’s on the screen what is the music for the third bro you guys are killing me oh my oh my gosh three man please guys join the game

Wait I did I did solos I think oh I did solos I did solos I’m sorry guys I through I apologize I guys we need to do squads oh my gosh guys my bad my bad guys join rejoin the game I’m sorry I I greatly apologize guys forgive me I’m

Sorry I’ll start I’ll start the game fast I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry I’ll start the game faster my bad I I did solos instead of squads I for what we were playing I’m sorry guys forgive me I’ll start faster oh my iold it uh I bought a grer what how gingerbread house kit

Gingerbread house because yeah I wanted to make a gingerbread house there’s no gingerbread inside I have to make wait what you to make the gingerbread actually I never actually heard of that I never heard that they would make the gingerbread for your own gingerbread house member you want to become a member

Of the channel feel free to check out all the perks here yeah guys check out the perks guys become a member yeah give me money anyways to get my let me see did your message go through uh your last message was I’m good how are you doing how your

Last message I’m not sure if it went through if it message didn’t send since I send it in my Discord server and just ping me or DM me or I don’t care uh uh the c a joke a joke oh my gosh I swear no one knows sarcasm why is no one

On the H com know sarcasm it’s called sarcasm guys oh my gosh guys hello Harry hor Harry Rose welcome Harry Rose welcome to the stream hi you doing okay back welcome back do you know I named wrestling uh take what wolf you named what so know I named a wrestling Tacko wolf

Fight no I didn’t know that you named is in like a game I’m confused like in a game you’re playing you can name a wrestling tackle I that’s actually good name though wolf B a good name for that sounds like wrestling tack not online all right uh I’ll make the max players

14 so we can’t you number so one more person join please one more person Join one more slot um this says treasure War scrims if you don’t know how to play guys listen up everyone listen up all right Focus whatever you’re doing stop doing it and just like focus on what I’m

Saying all right here is how you play treasure War scrim in this case it’s going to be a 7v7 all right one seven people one team seven people in the other team uh whoever like the two teams go and fight each other okay they basic you basically like let’s say some one

Person bu a sword one person by blocks you they go to Mid uh another the rest of the team got his resources and also helps go to Mid you fight at middle you know you got the resources and at the 23 minute Mark right not you cannot break

Before the 23 minute Mark right no breaking Treasures before the 23 minute Mark so once it hits 23 minutes then after you get the resources f a little bit you you can now break Treasures right yeah does that make sense I’m not I’m not going to explaining things but

Hopefully that made sense hopefully that understand H yeah anyone here wants set teams anyone want to raise their hands that teams um anyone trust here uh BR you got to set teams cracks hey cracks want to set teams want to set teams bud please please back y peace the boys here W uh

And killing is allow yes killing is allowed yes yes yes yes yes killing is allowed the main strategies in scrims are one person buy the sword one person bu blocks and then those people Rush mid cuz M mid control in this game is very important and you want to make sure to

Upgrade your generators that’s also very important and guys work as a team working as a team cooperate for Team all that kind of stuff don’t don’t try to be like the main character you know like yeah you got to work for the team to win I’ll be real I don’t know half

People here I don’t know them either all right I don’t know I’m bad at it too like high here I don’t know as well cracks like I don’t know man I don’t know their skill I’m going get a sword okay nice work you’re already team I love myself tell right here North

America North America start uh we love P boy for real and the mommy what we family what hello uh what’s it called uh yeah yeah what do we need to do I just explained it if you didn’t hear me run the stream fine I’ll do the oh my no

Sure no one here can do teams fine fine I’ll do it myself whatever you guys oh I I suck at doing this I really want I do it whatever I’m in North America region yes but this game is full and we’re about to start because I scrim all right we need

Even number people if you didn’t get in this game you can Jo the next game I don’t know the guys skills either ah give me red no wait what what the guy leave wait what someone he leaving has no leaving rejoining can red you can blue I try to do it randomly you

Can be blue wait no you can be blue piz what can be red can be blue can be red you can be blue you can be red you can be blue you can be red you can be I just it randomly cuz I don’t have any other way of doing this

You can be red I yes is that is that even so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 so yep it it looks fair I guess I don’t know guys I do my best on this this is kind of hard to do uh what’s a

Good map uh what was the good map uh ruins Rome so we guess we do ruins I think that’s a good map right hopefully leave everything else the same okay guys remember no bricking Treasures until 23 minute Mark and what’s it called yeah and no oh yeah no block

Breakers way I to say that no block Breakers and no breaking Treasures until the 23 minute Mark all right yeah it’s basically work as a team and yeah uh server oh my what is my message up what let me see I don’t see your message is it full yeah

I I I stopped the amount of people can join because I wanted to be even wait did we crash no okay we’re good I thought I crashed it for a second oh my gosh that was okay guys remember remember no breing no breaking treasure until 23 minutes and no using block

Breakers it’s pretty simple do you play fortnite I do not play fortnite actually no I do play fortnite not very often though I play like once a week with friends cuz it’s kind of friend of friends otherwise not really yeah guys remember the rules also

Do my best on team so the teams AR fair I’m sorry I do my best I didn’t see anyone offering so like scrim teams are hard especially when you have 14 people all right I I’ll just go to MF crack someone someone get emerald no yeah someone get um what’s it called diamonds

And defend the treasure I’m going to get some Ms of cracks uh okay cracks all hold them off you you what’s it called you get M’s they’re not even coming you guys you guys got a bridge to Mid oh my gosh blue blue team is struggling here guys blue

Team is struggling a little bit you guys got to bridge to Mid you guys got to get to Mid you got to get emeralds oh my gosh this is not already looking good for blue team I may I may should put crack their team I was kind of more just like

Mindlessly doing it yeah I should I maybe should have put cracks their team I’m not going to lie another scam we’ll see we’ll kind of see how this one goes oh no they’re all here oh no oh no oh my gosh we just got slaughtered never mind actually that’s a good thing

We have cracks actually never mind team hogging Jen yeah guys don’t hog J team cooperation is very important someone get someone get emeralds we need never mind you got it nice work team W’s yeah I’m going to go to m sword I think Blue’s on hogging mid right now we need

We need to take mid back over did you see my movie I never I actually haven’t watched the five nights at Friday’s movie I never played the game so I didn’t see much interest guys did I sword right there on the bridge so I’m going to have it um

Yeah do have a sword I don’t think he has a sword hey got him nice nice nice can’t okay Treasures can be broken now guys Treasures can be broken now just letting you know it’s 23 minutes so yeah I’m going to go in guys I’m going to go In no never mind they have a weak treasure defense guys they have a weak treasure defense right now we need to push them guys we need a better treasure defense oh my gosh someone put someone put better stuff in our treasure oh my here uh I’m going to buy armor wait we

Got the treasure nice work let’s go W wwws they did not defend their treasure well they they folded on that oh my gosh everyone SK the to then you know I actually have watched couple before uh I watched the lwig like what’s I think I

Think I think L lwig reacted to it or whatever I watched that video on it and I watched a couple myself and it’s it’s obviously based for the younger audience and it’s not for me you know I yeah I don’t super enjoy it cuz not based for

My personal liking it’s the boy I I think I might my fall Pizza I don’t know I think I might think I might Tri him there sorry about that but yeah it’s B audience in my opinion but the lore is good though I’m not going to lie like if

If you actually care to like look at it it actually is kind of good lore I’m not going to lie so if you do like it I understand that oh my gosh I am just slaughtering them oh my gosh I different no doll watch I probably not

Uh if you if you are an adult and you watch it though that’s fine it does have good lure so I do understand the enjoyment of it it’s just personally not for me iy YT it still going to come through though no I don’t see it rden I

Apologize do you have Discord I think don’t you have Discord rden Discord uh rden send it my send it my Discord server and ping me or DM me if my DMs are open right now I just got rolled I just got rolled oh my gosh watch 68 part one maybe okay I okay

I try remember do that later if you say it’s good I’ll check it out I got the worst people in newbies yeah I do my best guys all right I do my best on teams all right if you think you can set teams better than me please raise your

Hand and I’ll consider you to set teams all right but like setting teams is very hard there this many people if you set one good player on the wrong team then you can kind of mess the whole thing up or if one person fo it then kind of mess

It up scrims like a really like really yeah I don’t know I don’t know scrim are scrims demo why did you raise your hand demo you didn’t even join the last game you goofball I would let you do it if you join the game got to join the game

Tell let me do it guys this guy iron armor it’s not ideal oh I F it thank much for in my upcoming video no problem no problem at all make sure to add me in the video like make sure to do add server gaming in the description so then I actually

Know to watch it all right if you don’t add me I’ll probably I’ll probably forget to like check the video out but if you add me in the description It’ll like give me a little notification and I’ll check the video out and stuff can’t wait to see

It plus I’m trying to tell you you wait oh wait that’s you’re trying to tell me wait a Minute wait did you send me something uh I don’t see it wait I don’t wa where did you say what wait do you not I I thought you Discord I swear you Discord did you not that somebody else if you don’t have Discord then I’m not really sure to tell

You yeah I don’t see you yeah if you don’t Discord I’m not really sure to tell you and if it’s not going through in chat I’m also not sure to tell you I can’t really I don’t know I can’t really make it go through in chat I don’t know just cozy

Watches I don’t know who just cozy is I apologize they probably some big YouTuber I’m probably just dumb yo thanks for the split this guy knows how to play wait he knows how to play he knows how to play okay uh where’s the last guy hi I’ve been in 2our Q for fortnite

So it’s back to guess yeah I heard fortnite servers are down cuz too many people are playing it that’s a massive rip welcome back to Hive also yo Jay welcome to stream J for real I think I think that’s your name is Right J for real that’s that’s look like to me

That’s looks like to me I don’t know your name is though I think that’s right I for the channels in the description W’s I’m under water this is not good guys uh so what would my pfp uh I’m going to give it I mean it’s really scary I’m not

Going to lie it’s really pretty scary pfp I would say kind of menacing uh but I like it though what’s it called H I’m going to have to give it I’ll give it a six out of five I mean not six not six out of five oh my gosh that’s so smart

Well for personal liking I’ll give it what’s it called yes 6.5 out of 10 6.5 out of 10 that’s just I’m being honest right that’s personal preference 6.5 out of 10 I I like the other one a little more just I felt more what’s it called

Like I don’t know chill but your new one’s though too pfps are all personal preference but I like it though that’s fair yeah it’s pfps guys they’re all personal preference all right so if you like it that’s what really matters guys we’re in another stream that was kind of

Fun even though like it was a little like unfair like I do my best on teams though yeah join the game guys if you’re on my friends L join the game if you’re on friends list otherwise could will be up here in 10 seconds we’re we’re doing

Another scam um yeah I try to do teams better this time if someone wants to do teams guys a solos I I’m folding guys thank you thank you for telling mey thank you for telling me thank you for telling me thank you for telling me open to all there we

Go we got 1,000 boxing yo W’s nice Bo I to you through the chat I made with you what let me see me see did you send it you did send it W’s do you see this now yes there we go yes I can I can see your

Discord message now yep there we go couldn’t get oh well you made it you juice for you made oh never mind you made it harder to understand guys over complicate usernames K yo what’s up welcome to the stream King how you doing hello hello welcome welcome guys

Go down the screen lower case M uppercase c 3 lowercase k uppercase q uppercase R North American region if you want to join blog party maybe do block party in a bit I just want to do another scrim cuz that scrim is kind of fun but someone summon demo boy I’m going

Summon demo boy hold I’m pay demo boy demo boy can you do te hold on can you do TMS I found him the song he he better say yes I found in the song for him I will do teams uh can I do teams for you I’m going see if demo responds first

I love FF I I don’t want to end wolf pfp for so long I mean yeah it’s up to you if you like the end wolf that’s that’s great you know op actually you know I’ll put I’ll put Max at 20 let’s see if we

Get 10v 10 guys let’s see if we get 10v 10 I’ll Max at 20 hey let’s see come on 10v 10 four more people guys four more people that pretty cool if we a 10 V10 that be a w scrim very chaotic with a W scrim for so long yeah yeah yeah it

Looks cool though it’s cool looking again pfp is personal preference are you going to give me them wait wait are you going are you going to give me the M me what the Mr links what can youit what can you make the more clear I’m getting views on a

Message 16x cuz I don’t see it for CPE letal let take 5K take 5K what so B can where I am where you at are you right there are you in the bunch of people are you in that bunch of people right there there someone on level 69 Haha I made a FR earlier for mobile yeah yeah you what I laugh I don’t know why something just do that you know guys one more person guys one more person to join one more gamer to join what demo I’m editing d Boy all right what level are you the guy offered your teams what level is he what’s uh do you have any experience of setting teams do you have any experience of setting teams like do you know the people levels here well do you know their levels do have you set teams in the

Past me set team now you want to set team right my skin your skin uh I’ll give it a six out of 10 it’s not a hive style but it’s also really cool it’s a cool concept my look trash I made this when I was 13 not that bad though

Bad you got Dan ra can you wait you can death by the plushy I didn’t get D who got Danny raid what I didn’t get Danny raid did you get Danny raid I didn’t get Danny raid Dan is still alive I don’t think so I think Danny ended I’m not going to

Lie Danny’s yeah Danny’s the bomb ended 1% battery at PVP rip you better go charge do I stream I don’t know do you stream do you stream no I don’t know who you talking about got a raid then I never got a raid all right uh wait it’s not whatever skin uh

Team I need I need to start actually my bad you know what wait right skin okay fine you know I’m you know what br a high level he’s been on a channel for a while I get i’ll trust him teams U what’s it called I’ll I’ll let

You do teams next all right teams do teams you you you say you do teams you’re high level you’ve been here you’ve been my channel for a while I I’ll give you a chance I do teams I do I do you next all what’s it called I’ll you have a chance next time

Stream yeah do and also I what’s it called it’s a 9 each 10 so to do your best setting teams I don’t know it’s it’s a little unfair but like one person shouldn’t make that much of a difference it should be fine give me the plus server right my

Skin uh where’s your skin Cosmo where is Cosmo Cosmo where are you where’s this Cosmo man at H I don’t know where you are you even in this game you are you’re going to a w w out of 10 sorry sorry sorry we are starting this chill we’re doing the

Teams all right chill I know I wait a little bit long to start there I apologize but like I do my best sorry guys that remind me way too long way too long start just like yell at me I’ll start I for sometimes don’t spam please yeah don’t

Spam Z of 10 that’s kind of rude Freddy Freddy Faz I can’t believe you get that such a rude such a rude rating has more skin told you sound like a nerd no cuz I don’t I think I do I don’t know where you get that From I I don’t know but STW I guess welcome to the stream Though why did Freddy get timed out I don’t know okay then give my pfp a z out of 10 mod start the teams done wait start I need just do one setting though hold on second I need to do I need to the map that’s the map to Rome I

Think yeah I think that’s everything right yeah yeah all right start guys remember no breaking Treasures guys don’t crash pleas don’t cross there we go guys remember no breaking Treasures until 23 minutes noing block Breakers and everyone work as a team all right do not steal the generator for yourself

Work as a team don’t be the main character all right just help help your team all right work together everyone Rush mid he get supplies Max generators stuff like that M mid control is very important remember no breaking Treasures until 23 minutes that just gives that

Gives people time to get gear and defend their treasure and stuff you know how do you come up with thumbnail ideas for your streams uh I just take a screenshot in the hub I my thumbnails really aren’t that special my thumnail is really aren’t that special I just take a screenshot on

The Hub and then I put text for what the you know whatever the idea is I put the hive and live logo in it and that’s what it did pretty simple I don’t know I don’t know I probably should put more thought into them but at the same

Time it’s like the stream thumbnails so I don’t look that matter as much thank you I don’t know they’re pretty simple I think they’re the best though because like they I don’t know I probably should make a whole thumbnail by the same time I don’t know I don’t

Know some need YouTube advice they should have wanted from me though what’s your question uh player is just 100% 100% How do you take screenshot that’s a good question that’s actually a very good question it’s my first time in keyboard mouse you W’s W’s yeah keyboard mouse is really

Fun hope they hit some of them off or sing I don’t know ah guys you can’t oh guys I said don’t break Treasures until 23 minutes like a thousand times you guys oh my gosh I swear I said like a thousand times this is guys this what I said you guys can’t

Follow simple instructions this is what I’m talking about oh my gosh Faz is a hater imagine being a hater I just like can’t play this game oh my gosh I hate this game uh should I upload a good video tomorrow evening we upload a really good video Friday at

Noon is the the all the way next Friday I don’t know I don’t know I mean again it’s okay here’s the thing though it’s your it’s your first video ever so like I don’t know I don’t know if you’re going to spend if you’re going to spend like six

Months on each video that’s not that’s not going be a very good upload schedule I’m just saying but the same I mean I don’t know you got to find the right balance between quality over quantity you know mean like quality you got to find the right balance between quality

And quantity like you don’t want to have like super fast trash videos you also don’t want to like spend a year on your videos I don’t know yeah it’s my first video ever so I want to make it perfect okay then I guess wait till Friday I guess I don’t

Know I’ve delayed a lot I don’t know you you satisfied with it though that’s the thing are you satisfied with it and have you shown any have you shown other people it and got their opinion because on my opinion like like if you show us some other people the video some you know

Trustly we trusted if you show some other like YouTubers the video ask them their opinions on it you know get some feedback and then if you’re satisfied and they think it’s a fine video then I would say go with it if you’re not sa if

You’re not satisfied with it I guess I I guess keep working on it but again you’ve done it so long so right here do a face video uh I’m good I can ED good videos in like a week or two we stop recasting what C method is

Best butterflying is my my opinion is the best because it doesn’t hurt your arm and you get high CPS and you can aim decent once you like practice it so my opinion block not block party but looking is the best but kind of a g with server yeah

My Wi-Fi was starting to act up now it’s fine I’m glad it’s better I’m using your 2K pack yo ww when then we wi be 1 million subscribers yeah all right um L scrimmage well not it’s not mind guys don’t listen all right guys what

Game now what game now so I saw see block party any any other ideas any other ideas guys please say the game you want if you don’t have any suggestions I guess chill stream and wait for me to change pick a game I mean I canot speak

I need water guys I’m going to probably get water like once I start the next game if that makes Sense 1K members 100% if someone don’t 1K members right now I’ll show I’ll show Demo’s face real PSG should we do PSG that’s tag no respond bro that go so fast oh my gosh I don’t know about that one to beir I can I can may do another

Scam after this though like maybe like not not right now but I’ll do I’ll do a different custom like OPG or something like that or block party and then I then I’ll maybe do another scrim you you guys are seem you guys are seeming to really enjoy scrims like another one after this

But I don’t want to do only scrims you know what I mean I want to change it up I make a back you don’t have my face oh I’ll find your face for 1,000 memb demo I will find your face I no I’ll buy your face I’ll give demo $500 for his

Face op block drop uh Wishy for do I should start a game I guess someone op we haven’t done that yet we’re going to do OPG OPG OPG I’ll be doing another scam or block priority or something like that after this all righty

Yeah if you want do more SCS I can I can do more scrams after this game all right oh my gosh okay Jo to friend list Jo to friend Jo to friend list if you’re on it op PSG yes DSG new pocket video that would a crazy new pocket

Video demo where do you find your wait where did your face go I stle Demo’s face lock drop n Only that we should do that as well you’re right I cont is doing fine yoube premium is an experience that gives you complete control of your music so downlo Dr yeah

We could do that not add not add all right guys join up join up join up Jo join up join up join join up uppercase y lower case D uppercase M lower case y lower case G uppercase q okay every guys ever join the game ever join the game

Every the game all right uh I’m get some water nobody leave stop leaving I see leaving don’t leave guys all right I’m going to grab some water you guys have keep on having a little conversation in the chat I’ll be back in 30 seconds you can timee me if you want

And yeah 30 seconds guys I’ll I’ll be right back all right I need to like get some fresh air and a glass of water and I don’t drum my Ferrari around the corner I mean what okay yeah just don’t leave I’ll be right back join the Custom e I’m back was I fast was that fast so we’re can I do a Shameless plug what do you mean what kind I plug Ah you say drive your Ferrari in I said drive my Ferrari around I don’t know I don’t know I said Cosmo I don’t know what I was yapping about I don’t know I say Stu sometimes I don’t know what I’m talking about you get the world Rec

Disappoint if I didn’t get the way with the world record for the fastest time Gathering water yeah that’s true Ser who made your texture pack uh Gabe yeah I don’t know he’s the same guy that made ax Lock’s pack and I think the same guy that made um kazu’s pack as

Well he’s pretty good pack maker check out my face sure I I guess you know sure one time I’ll do I’ll you do a one time plug wolf Miner all right guys if you go check out face for make sure to join back the stream right away

Yes he can’t leave me guys I’m be you leave me yeah I normally say no links but I’ll do it one time than for you you’re late you’re 30 341 seconds oh my bad sorry about that sorry about that guys oh man I loed all right did everyone join I think everyone joined

Right yeah yeah I probably joined I think I’m going to start it up right I think we going to start Al guys do I actually sound like a nerd I don’t think I do right see why guys tell me the truth I don’t know I like two people two

People ever have told me that I think I can’t be a nerd though I’m terrible not good at mad you know you know make a I make a goofy voice sometimes to be funny comedic effect but I don’t think like I don’t think normal voices I mean

Oh man I I I have a nerd voice I’m quitting I’m Gone Forever never see you guys again deleted my channel I’m going to sell it to demo boy then can I have my channel got be one time all right H okay let’s start change Death Match settings to seven seven there we

Go you better where you’re at uh reason why because you do shame this plug yeah I do shame this plugs as well you’re all right sorry I waited kind of long to start that I had to get water and effort yeah you should eat more vulka I got This oh a dam Lu’s chest oh my gosh my noobs okay I’m going to grab that don’t kill me off spawn let me get some stuff first then you can kill me dog of the north yo what is up welcome to the stream how you doing today hope you’re doing

Fantastic I they not stop you what welcome welcome you want to play join the high any region do some customs right now it’s pretty cool hey hey you hit me hey peace offering that was a peace offering this guy I need a bow I thought

I grabbed a bow gaming J yo what is up welcome to the stream gaming J how you doing today you ready 360 oh you killed him whatever rip Cosmo we lost a good one y I need to go I need to help my mom all right go help your mom that be

Use nice work helping your mom thanks for being here man have a great day how you’re today well some need it like that I guess you know you go some sleep then if you’re tired go rest just make yourself a coffee coffee sounds good though I didn’t make

A coffee today sounds good though guys guys what do you guys do you like better coffee or hot chocolate what’s better tell me right now honest opinions let’s do SkyWars we could do a SkyWars that’s good idea thank you for the suggestion oh what one oh my gosh that you see that snipe

Guys I shot him through the building I’m out of arrows no you got to be kidding me any more here no more ammunition hold on wait we pause pause any more ammunition any more ammunition wait this is awkward okay I found my ammunition we’re

Good hold on I got more I got more we’re good come back here hey get back here we’re having a bow battle no don’t take get more loot stop it it depends what brand okay your your what’s it called your dream hot coco okay I canot speak your dream hot cocoa hot chocolate

Whatever it’s called that like the perfect you know the perfect glass of hot chocolate or the perfect glass of coffee there we go that’s what I trying to St hot chocolate hot chocolate I should probably see this guy has he actually he has some good stuff on

Him is there a flare in there no there wasn’t I have a flare though I need throw my flare music is not very good good I’m I’m going to a different Song wait stop bro chill chill chill chill chill chill chill I I was changing songs I was changing songs where is it that end you got be kidding Me my bad n it’s it’s fin you didn’t know you didn’t know you didn’t know H Coco but it’s it means the same thing don’t judge I know people that call it both I tried it and I died which one the hot chocolate or cocoa I’m I’m going to die hot chocolate or Coffee anything here there is stuff there I need It I don’t know how I’m get out of here though what do you think think coffee you hate Coffee I’ll let him go I don’t like being down here in this water is he cheating we have a cheater actually uh no teammate oh actually no you want to Sumo my bad okay I I’ll Sumo you I’ll Sumo you Sure there’s a hacker hey hold up hold up hold up hold up let me see what’s her name is it this guy you said yeah he zero gamer score uh okay I’ll take I’ll take a word for ninja ninja I’ll Trust you hopefully you’re correct ninja you better not be lying to

Me they better actually should be hacking I I’m taking a word for I’m trusting the ninja today where all righty all righty they’re gone you play Java sometimes I don’t know you guys said they’re hacking so I trusted you I lied to you you Know I I for to throw my flare I’m dumb it’s fine Though hey don’t kill him he’s AFK don’t be that guy oh man I want to trick shot him server uh I’ve been I’m going to the gym recently with my dad your W’s nice you know I should probably do the same I don’t go to the gym enough I mean Oh man I’m bullying this guy I’ll hit kab a couple times too got fair oh I’m a sniper oh My teaming fine Wait f I’ll I’ll kill this guy whatever you just have more gear so I was shooting you Oh my gosh this actually good at the game CH GG I actually I know you’re already a low kind of so I apologize but like yeah I had to fight you w mad at me for teaming and you know I can’t I can’t stand teamers teamers are bad um I have my own gym in my house

Yeah I have kind of the same thing I don’t have like a full gym but I have like some gym stuff imagine leaving your house oh my gosh that’s a weird weird thing the hacker killed me I’m sorry I apologize it’s fair should I put hot cocoa on my mouse

Pad you should not I think it’s going to stay in it or like too bad stuff is mouse pad a what kosher FL drinks bro bro Rich from all the donos I’m not rich no no no the Don those Don are just covering the

Cost of my PC that’s the way I look at it like my like I look at those donuts like not like I have extra money to play with I look at that like what’s it called I just spent a big CH big chck big

Chuck I spent a big chunk of money on my PC so I more think of it as those Don are more paying back the cost of my PC if that makes sense you know wait where’s your hand cim I didn’t feel like putting it on today demo Main reason is because when there’s light in my room and my hand cam is on it makes the RGB look really weird so to have it make it time my room be dark during the day it be kind of weird and you know kind of hard to get

It be dark during the day so yeah what was wrong with you today what me or ninja are you talking to me I’m he’s not talking to me I I just you what You say pillows I’m confused right now that message you you said pillows to bench press and you’re just like my brain just stopped sorry about that yeah you I don’t know what’s going with me I don’t know why wait bro what oh I yeah I don’t know what’s wrong with me I don’t

Know I don’t know man there’s something wrong with me I do Agree that’s cuz talking to butter pal you know that’s the reason no stop It then okay should we do scrims after this yes or no what you thinking the scrims yes or no it’s something like good off teams I like stream scrims are like 10 times F than actual scrims you know what I mean like actual scrims are just so sweaty

And scrims do not just grass also the L scrimer is cheat there cheat in the racist and they don’t touch grass and I think stream scream are much more chill and like relax if that makes sense no SC guys yes scrims or SkyWars hm what’s better scrims or SkyWars I’m going to put my Coco on the mouse pad anyway oh don’t do it stay it please don’t do it Cosmo just put in the desk stay in the desk it’s better it’s better option scrim I have a pull one right now so don’t want to take the pull

Down actually I’ll take the pull down whatever we got 100 votes you guys want me get the QB okay I might get it I’ll see uh what I’m just I’m going to put SK op SkyWars SkyWars on death tag I suppose guy wrong uh that um scrims and then Op how do block drop I don’t know there you go vote up sry I keep on zooming in it’s just too much fun that’s what you think you hey what you lied the last time no a death had be server tag maybe I don’t know I I may do that Tye be server

Tag we’ll see what scrims scrims are competitive treasure Wars um yeah it’s uh what that normally it’s a 4v4 um competitive G treasure Wars where the way the way the way re I canot speak the way we play is you cannot break Treasures until 23 minutes

No and block Breakers and work as a team that’s how we play it there’s there’s I know there different ways to play it but that’s how we do it cuz the best for streams oh my gosh CRI for no lifers I mean kind of true but like I feel like

When we do it on stream it’s much more chill and like silly and chaotic most probably ninja green is here that’s why it’s silly i r all don’t know what’s up y welcome welcome how you doing shaking what scam the first eight to get in and get to play I mean we

Could do that but I feel like there’s so so many else people can play then and the point of streaming is foreverone going join also I think having a lot of people makes it much more fun and chaotic yeah people don’t listen as much but at the same time if they do listen

It’s much more fun also I don’t I don’t want to exclude people if we if if we can only have eight I won’t do it then because I don’t want to exclude people that’s rude actually more chaotic it is yeah yeah it is more chaotic 100% agree I

Would for death tag all right uh op sky is winning guys we open the poll we open the poll guys we by the way just scri doesn’t win this poll we can still do SC later on all right demo said something would demo say not doing well I’m not doing well

Today I’m struggling I’m not I’m struggling you just upload on your second Channel I did don’t watch it demo don’t watch it don’t please don’t watch it you’re going to judge me you’re and you’re going to unsub and you’re going to like start you then you will start a

Whole hate group again against me if you see that short do not watch it I’ll show you bunny all right let’s start let’s start again all right you guys want Opie Sky let’s do Opie Sky yeah so cute me come on also guys do you like never mind I I

Want to say something never mind join the game open do all if you’re if you’re on my friends list join through it otherwise code will be up here in 10 seconds make sure you’re in North America region and get like the SL CS ready in your chat if you don’t know how

To join let me know are you a scrimer I am not a scrimer uh I just do it for f I used to do some scrims but no here’s the thing scrimming is great you know like scrimming is a ton of fun I’m not going

To lie there’s code by the way join up guys join up op SkyWars screaming is great it’s a ton of fun but like the community is the reason I don’t join the community is racist they’re toxic uh a good chunk of them are hackers or and

Clet cheaters you know and if you if you lose to a scrimer or make fun of one they’re going to dox you so like the community is just not good right now but scrims are fun though you know I mean like I don’t know if the community if

The community was in a better spot I would do it but currently it’s not in the spot I want to be in but I like doing it on streams though I feel like when you do on streams it makes so much more chill I already said this and relax and

Fun start to judge Danny for no reason yeah bro come on don’t judge Danny I love Danny use the same ASMR thumbnail like 10 times they’re different shush demo they’re different all right they’re recolors all right it’s ASMR all right it’s ASMR I don’t really care that use

The same one and recolors count as different thumbnails so stop judging so if you like my Christmas skin let me see your Christmas skin uh let me see you in this game yeah you are you are well I like it it’s fun I like it very bright colorful I like you did half

Green half red and a little snowman in the center it’s a w Christmas skin I like how I like it in the Breezy video was fun yeah again see scrims are fun they’re great it’s just the community not good so there’s a wrestling movie C spear that’s why I called it w

Fight I don’t see those two things have in common but okay I I didn’t watch the movie so I’m not sure if they said something in the movie but I never watched this I don’t know what those two things have coming CTF next please uh CTF here’s the

Problem with CTF the games take like 2,000 years to play because the Customs like they end up being like very fair so like take a very long time and if they’re unfair then they go really fast and people are mad I don’t know CTF is hard because there’s no way to like

Change any of the settings you know what I mean like it more is what it is you can’t do anything about the setting in CTF so like I don’t know I don’t know if you customize it more I would do it but since you can’t really customize it I’m not super big

Fan of it if you guys all agree on it though I could do it they different you change color exactly well I didn’t do it I P th to make her do it but anyways let’s start this Game not move it oh there’s a rustling move oh I’m sorry wolf I’m stupid I’m almost SL to day move you said move not moov oh I apologize I read that wrong that that makes your comment makes a lot more s sow I’m sorry about that St confusion I paid someone to make

The thumb the H that standing for thumbnail I hope it does I don’t know what stand for there watch the SMR video while doing homework your WS yo that’s actually super cool wwws Yeah hey Server h e no I had not heard of that I may I have but I’m slow today as you can tell yeah I don’t have stuff I don’t know I’m slow right now I I probably heard of it yeah I slept in today I think we sleep in you know you s the whole day you know what I mean d get that if you’re not productive in the morning you not prod the rest of the day is really human that’s rude demo hurts my feelings can’t believe this guy should

Ban him right guys I in the chat for ban him doesn’t make sense what am I saying right now I got timed out for an hour I mean you don’t need to time out for an hour what’s it called if he does something wrong just time out for like 10 seconds and then a minute then 5 minutes and you know do it slowly I mean like unless unless it does something

Really bad don’t need time out for a long period of time if it does something like small don’t time out for a long period of time oh please give me those pants please okay no he’s not no he’s going to throw them in the void oh my I need pants I need

Pants yeah know for you were a robot why did you time me out for an hour I don’t know why wolf timed you out for an hour I apologize I don’t know why you got timed out I don’t even know what the reason was you were saying un

Questionable stuff so that could have been it But must keep demo he is the best I got Nemo yo W’s why why would you do that why would you oh my gosh tears my eyes n would be so ashamed in you you you wait why do you all have one thank you so thank you so much I appreciate it now I got smack people with

Nemo’s hash um orange nibbles brother or son whoever this Is I got kicked for draging what the heck rip I mean actually makes sense cuz draing get you high CPS I don’t think I didn’t think Hive kicks though or bans for high CPS that’s kind of weird thought I got kicked very Unfortunatey fight h y is up welcome to the stream also other stuff yeah stuff like what hi W gaming Ah let’s go I’m going jump down to wait wait no stop Cosmo you watch the stream and you’ll see G Freddy I would like to come but I have to go to bed now yeah the little heart icon in the corner hide like little messages I to bed now all right well

Good night thanks for dropping in I appre apprciate it hope I’ll see you around on the next stream I’ll probably streaming tomorrow actually as well maybe we’ll see no promises but I might stream again tomorrow just because I like streaming on the weekend definitely ises better I’m sorry that that is let’s go Stop reaching I launched him I’m so bad um I me tomorrow if you’re streaming in the morning no I’m not streaming in the morning don’t worry I mean I’ll was probably stream earlier probably like 2:00 p.m. EST if I do stream it’ll probably be like 2 to 3 p.m.

EST but it won’t yeah I don’t know W be super spy yeah wait did the hold on a second wait wait hold I need check quick hold up hold up wait a minute hold up something weird going on here wait a minute that’s wait what wait what why the short not get Uploaded oh that’s why I said to the wrong day that’s why that’s why I I said this to upload on the wrong day yeah that’s my bad there we Go wait why am I down here I just real wait a minute why am I down here I’m under ground since when does that happen I I’m bored or I see there Freddy there Freddy Faz Bear okay I’m going Nemo you hey R okay I want to emo you you want to fight PVP ble I know you I didn’t know you were streaming L I’m here now though yo W’s welcome welcome emo everybody any You H okay I’m actually to leave I don’t like what what language is that I don’t know I think that might be is that no is that that’s Spanish no wait is I I don’t know scrim next we could Spanish yes okay yes go I was

Right yeah I don’t I can’t read Spanish I do apologize I speak a little bit I don’t read much though I like one word in Spanish so yeah if you’re talking Spanish I can’t really understand what you’re saying I mean if one of the mods wants to like throw Google translator or if

You can throw in Google translator and copy and paste the Google translator message that I know you’re saying but yeah I don’t know I apologize I I can’t read Spanish it’ be cool if I did though I pretty pretty cool I’m trash um said hello how are you

Okay Nando gamer hello how are you doing as well I’m doing good how are you we have vacation soon yo double use that sounds super fun hope you have a great time on vacation Portuguese is the port I read Port I can read Portuguese that’s that’s actually

Really cool I can only read stupid English I’m not read English as well SP go I I I was just doing what’s it called wolf of Spanish so like I thought he was right he reassured me all right Portuguese then I don’t know man what I can’t I can read zero

Portuguese I don’t know bro I don’t know yeah said I apologize I’m going to Australia yo it’s actually so sick Australia wow actually super cool yeah hope we good time there that actually sounds really cool I don’t I don’t know a ton about Australia I’ve done a ton of like trial

Stuff but that’s my whole place to go proba some good culture there and stuff you know yeah hope feel a good time I sucks that’d be cool that you got a little accent kind of fun how long you going for on fire I don’t know that’s wild all right what game what game what game what game what game what game s scrim we we do a little scrim what are you thinking yes or no

Scrims yes or no 15 we don’t have that many people but we could do a scrim though sure you know why not when need goofballs better I volunteer do good scrim teams though I I think I did solos again yeah I think I did oh my gosh I’m throwing CTF problem

CTF you can change hardly any of the settings though that’s the thing it’s very like I feel very boring what you can do you can change like two settings and if the game takes so long so you’re looking mass today hey what do you remember that can someone do translate what this

Guy is saying please one of the mods can you please translate what this guy is saying I appreciate that I appreciate it guys down screen CL on screen I join up upgrades h lower case U lowercase n upgrades F upgrades D ask join up 2

Weeks to month I would say yo 2 weeks wait oh wait what from oh from two weeks to a month okay F who are you is that what was not real server gaming I don’t know what you’re talking about when clip that what did I say I I don’t

Know I I don’t know what I’m I don’t know I I don’t know what I’m talking about sometimes I just I don’t know I mumble and yber and I yeah ah I’m tired I should sleep I need more sleep okay um guys Jo the game this is a scrim

Basic rules no breaking Treasures until 23 minutes no using block Breakers yada yada yada it’s pretty simple I think I know you aren you that are you that pack floter guy are you that pack floter fell I think you are uh wait for me it be 3

Minutes uh maybe I’ll see please hurry please hurry please hurry me the the code uppercase U no uppercase h no wait start over uppercase H lowercase U lowercase n uppercase F uppercase D ler ass Jo up should do a nap stream no that look crazy too fast let me see I’m typing in

Chat Cod did it go through did that go through I think it went through Right my people are here I’m to cap it at 12 guys one more person to join one more person to join there we go all right who who can do teams guys who wants to do teams who wants to do teams this been a pretty good stream not

Let’s go I’m glad you liked it 15 15 that’s wild DMS saying I appreciate that I appreciate it bro what I eat you hey what do you talk hey what do you mean by that demo chill out also I’m not sure why you sent me that clip demo I don’t see anything weird about that it it just seems like me asking you

To Google Translate what the one guy said in uh Portuguese turn Portuguese into like uh off for your TMS let do uh this is screw him you you not hear how you sounded I mean I’m a little congested I don’t know I don’t know I don’t

Know all right um me me me all right thank you Bry appreciate you guys remember no breaking treasure until 23 minutes no using block Breakers and everyone work as a team we use pretty basic rules guys you should follow the pretty basic rules if you if

You don’t know how to play if you don’t know how to play You’re still confused somehow please tell me why is server full because I wanted to make it an even 6v6 I’m so sad I I mean I I don’t know I guess I could open a spot up if you

Really want me to if you really need me to s a robotic voice let me hear Let me listen to it again let’s watch it again guys ready Someone Google Translate what this guy is saying please I did sound kind of goofy I did sound kind of goofy I’m not going to lie you are Right you are right you’re sound Weird that’s the side effect if you drink water guys like nerd you sound weird see I yeah I told you yeah you’re right I do kind of hear it now also let me let me know when we’re good to Start I’m pretty sure pretty sure this is the pack folder guy pretty sure I watched one of your pack folders before When was that let me in I Pro I promise I will contribute to my Team I started oops my my bad Cosmo I’m I my finger slipped I I I hit the self-destruct Buton I mean what remember guys no breaking Treasures until 23 minutes no using block Breakers work as a team no block Breakers no breaking treasure no breaking this thing until 23

Minutes it’s it’s pretty simple I’m sorry I I’m sorry I just yeah I’ll stop now having fun with that I am I am having fun with the zoom I’m sorry toy to me you know I was like oh I got back you know I have to I

Have to enjoy it one of our teammates is AFK I’m not sure if these teams are really fair I’m not going to lie these feel kind of unfair not going to lie yeah this feels unfair I I don’t know about these teams I’m not going to lie I don’t know about

This I feel like all the the players are on your Team now see I can’t break the treasure I can still Slaughter never mind I can’t do anything guys we get upgrade gens oh my Gosh D I thought supposed see editing demo why you here criticizing my gaml supp to be productive demo right now guys they’re coming someone kill them I’m getting diamonds for the team contributing hey am yo demo you should watch my ASMR videos as well you should leave you

Should let them play in the background to give me that good retention should do that H you r a message no I wanted to see what you said do ASMR videos suck what is wrong with them demo what is the problem with ASMR videos besides they’re actually ASMR

Videos besides them literally being ASMR I don’t the problem Oh My go for TIY oh my gosh guys there’s a fella coming guys there’s a fella the base I don’t like ASMR videos that’s valid actually yeah guys let’s put let’s put some wood on the defense nice

Work kind interesting you know yeah I can I can understand that just ASMR to be honest we got this grab this we go over here I almost Died I almost sell again I didn’t mean to buy that but it’s all right hey I can’t get over there I don’t think BR why are you over here why did you follow me it’s not good our whole team is here I was just grabing some easy iron armor

Cuz iron armor now a better chance of winning okay he got him server back to the base okay I’ll void I’ll void I’ll try okay I trust you actually need me back to the base I don’t see anything wrong here I think I waited for nothing oh no there’s a guy here guys

Guys guys buy a pickaxe oh my gosh oh my gosh that was way too close that was way too close oh my gosh guys I’m going I’m going to stall their base I don’t have any pickaxes I’m going stall actually now everyone just heard that that’s fantastic I’m going to

Stall guys get some stuff and got can someone like come bring what’s it called a pickaxe and block the material Uhoh let’s go I’m just better I’m just better I’m just better where’ my sword go no okay I got the treasure though I’m happy myself for that we give a little Pat in the back for that one oh my gosh I died but at least at least I got

Their treasure GG server GG that’s the important thing that’s the important thing oh my gosh now the team has least a chance if you don’t fold I actually never mind we don’t have a chance probably only two guys left left in our team This Ain’t Good Guys

The two people left work as a team don’t fold he said don’t fold oh my so time is it for you it’s 4:30 for me it’s also 4:30 for me that wild sssw welcome to stream how you doing oh hello to watch it while you fall asleep

Yes exactly which is why I don’t like it when people put music in the background oh why not what’s wrong what’s wrong with music what’s wrong with music Cosmo the music is for what’s it called the music is for uh actually the main reason I put music

Is because I feel makes it more soothing and more like relaxing and I lose some static when I when I record I don’t I don’t know how people get the recordings with ASMR they not have any static for some reason when I record like you can

Hear my the PC fans in the background quietly so I’m not sure how people like get it to sound you know I don’t know how people do that was it unfair team actually think was pretty good I think that was actually pretty good teams you

Did a good Joby nice work guys we do one more stream yes or no guys yes or no one more stream just or no oh my gosh I’m sorry last only three what yes yes yes yes okay I see lot yeses okay okay okay let’s do our stream I’ll do one more scrim

No just click clack click clack Mouse sound intensy you know that’s that’s valid I see that guys okay guys we’re doing another as oh my gosh I’m going to lose it I almost to ASMR ASMR guys yay solos smartest I’m the smartest person ever trust open to all join through

Friend list code up here in a second I’m sorry thank you guys for telling me Oh I threw almost dreaming car what is up ah I should sleep more sleep is important guys make sure you plenty of sleep I don’t want to play all right you don’t have to

Play no’s forcing you to well I mean besides demo but but you know no one else but him of course you what are you doing why did you capitalize what why you yelling at me nibles chill out it’s Minecraft live Stream ah we’re doing some scrims some goofy ass scrims right now cuz people are liking them I don’t know uppercase q three three again uppercase M four uppercase H Jo game yeah also nibbles I got Onyx client back and I’m having way too much fun with my

Zoom it’s just too much fun I can like emphasize I can emphasize stuff it’s it’s great Um ask SC on Solo’s map yeah that that’s why I changed it to squads I was dumb dumb dead Souls that was not even here I know his um what’s it called his Aura is still I don’t know what I’m saying anymore I don’t know what you C

See sorry I need to stop here NOS of the orange variant real onx Zoom XT understandable Alo yeah ducks for ducks for gaming hello hello hello D for gaming how you doing today welcome why streaming pause every second I hate why I try reloading the stream maybe that’ll

Help all did everyone join are we going to start guys do does anyone else want to join or can we start anyone else want to join or can we start I’m going to do Rome again I think Rome is a pretty good map I’m liking that map is that going we

Sh different map wait what’s another good map guys guys what’s another good map for scrims what’s another good map for scrims does anyone know any good maps for scrims I think everyone’s here oh I’ll give you they go cyers space all right all right I’ll Trust you my M that’s I’ll join I guess I mean you don’t want to you don’t have to I was just asking to make sure everyone was here B about people when you get the

Plushing name it Jerry I mean I guess I I I me okay then Jerry okay you know it’s not actual plushy though right Rome Temple par okay I don’t I I’ve never heard of C yeah I never heard of cyber space for scrims but if that’s good I’ll try it

Out I think I think I know I think I know which you’re talking about though I think I know I think I know some way to die not cyberspace fine valtin we’ll do what’s this music right now actually it’s fine never mind uh we’ll do fine

I’ll do Temple how about that I’ll do Temple yeah fine I I think I know some cyber space is I think it would work but I think it also would die faster okay go now goodbye bye nibl thanks for dropping in see you later do Temple sure we’ll do

Temple you can name it rden I could name it ridden that’d be pretty that’ be crazy yes I know I said that as a joke all right I heard the shipping is really really long though start already guys remember no breaking Treasures until 23 minutes and nosing block Breakers Yes a wall I get it go that’s that’s dark oh my gosh oh my guys work as a team what go to Mid no no ninja ninja stop sabotaging thank you oh my gosh thank you Ninja i d a raw onion I’m good that sounds painful wait we should have killed him actually what am I doing shouldn’t get all the emeralds he’s pushing boots oh my gosh that’s so goofy where’s he going oh my gosh get back here crack okay nah he’s

Messing with us now he’s just messing with us Ser nipples gave you some advice what do you say I’ll give you some advice do not die that is some great advice nipples thank you very much what ah crack you broke the bridge I hate you oh my guys need get some

Emeralds I’m back server Heroes welcome back to the stream welcome welcome back this a banger song I’m not going to lie going Beat uh-oh uh oh Cosmo get away from the treasure Cosmo chill out I hate you Cosmo Cosmo a oh my gosh I I’m so angry right now I’m there’s no way there C so oh my gosh oh my oh my oh my oh my I’m going to lose it

Oh get my nerves I trying to get some emeralds all right I just want emeralds how long you streaming for I don’t know I’m not quite sure probably not for a ton longer but oh my gosh I don’t I don’t know exact time n such goofball oh my Gosh put that there there we go I don’t want chain well yeah I know any over here Diamond’s over there the chain I did a face and I was actually that be wild that be wild is this a scrim Bob what is up yes this is a scrim ah crap you

Know you know I I I don’t know what to say I don’t know I folded right there yeah this is a scrim Bob ah been streaming for two hours I have been 2 hours 45 minutes go for three I could I don’t know I could and yeah I folded lock drop only Nemos

Totally fair I think that that was actually pretty fair I think I mean the what’s it called game was better but that was still pretty fair especially the pig and Daniel doing something ah please please I don’t know it’s like it’s like okay I want to Wolf it just like it’s getting Later what did you just call Me what what is that an insult or what what did you just call me I’m that’s insane okay then I so prob what this terrible server what the is what the what the cck what is going on I don’t know what’s going on Fresh we were doing some scrims

And then I went to the hub and I and I saw something and then I think you insulted me I don’t live it’s wild wait get in guys get in yeah let’s go for a car ride kids there’s the high sign and and then over here is the castle of Doom you

Don’t want to go there we want talk about the castle of Doom I sure loged off what I don’t know what’s going on me either here’s another Castle it’s also bad don’t go there that’s nibbles house guys should we do another scream yes or no here is Daniel’s

House another game yes or no what are you thinking no yes here’s Demo’s Island this is where demo lives that island of Despair we don’t talk about it though we just move on not important what I thought Sorry about that I’m back now I wasn’t gone for very long but you know we’re fighting it’s not doing down no D that brush and D the same skin to be honest the correlation and just a fox yeah he’s just a fox guys like let Do why would you dog demo yeah for real why would you doc demo away for real oh wait that was me never mind that’s do El Show you doc demo I did I’m sorry sorry about that I showing up your Island demo I little despair don’t worry I told him not to go with those they’ll listen to me 100% how about what I don’t know I Hate uh is this a flying car and not a not a real car no no it’s both Sumo why why you guys want Sumo it’s Sumo though we Sumo I I have to finish my Uber runs guys guys where you guys going where should I drop you off at sorry I got lost I had to check out Demo’s house real quick where I bringing you guys to one more s ass without

Me is chill in my room I not have pants or a jet you don’t have pants what okay okay that I want to question it I in the tree guys you you want to go back to Demo’s Island should I drop you off at Demo’s house [Laughter] no

I you meant long okay oh okay okay I hope you meant long pants I hope so I wearing okay okay wait the world just drops off wait what happens to go down here can I just go under the map we’re like under the under the

World wait a minute will I die if I go any deep no he died well guys that’s the end of the Uber ride we all died what is going on I don’t know I don’t know what I’m doing right now n that’s a good what’s of Daniel skin though I’m not going to

Lie thank what what is fresh yapping about myle blue F okay then I think fresh is high on Skittles come on Daniel why’d you give him so many Skittles that’s some do public TS Duos why public T Duos show us but I don’t have pants all

Right you know okay I Rec getting some I recommend getting pants though be cold putting pants on it warmer okay I think what’s it called uh I don’t think that’s skills ah are that dogs panted they do what do it to do if anything onion what flavored math equation yes that makes

Sense GB okay then pack is 8.1 out of 10 let’s go I’ll take that I’ll take put one out of 10 any day that’s a w what you dogs what what did you just say see what aha server missed four block jump ah I’m confused cute Fox is so

True I mean that as L way yeah yeah I know I know I just I was messing with you rush the pig of a furry yes he’s my favorite furry yo fresh win that award H best I’m actually so mad that fresh wasn’t on funniest High YouTuber I don’t

Think fresh was there was he I don’t think so I I wish fresh can win funniest have YouTuber maybe all and should have been on the streamer thing I was the funniest have YouTuber last year oh get oh they probably only win 2 years in a row that’d be unfair to everyone else

Probably oh that makes sense that makes sense you should have been in the streamer thing then there’s so many people on the YouTube there’s so many YouTube streamers and they only put four streamers down that could like have a chance to winning best controller YouTuber for real oh you’re you didn’t win last

Year Asian John oh Asian John yeah they should have put you down this year then I can’t believe them SMH we start a right against S bixel as gen was funny Asian gen was funny sadly he’s gone now we lost him to um we lost him to the hive Gods he’s

Gone he’s a good run I plushy uh zero quite hilarious yeah plush is also there so there a bunch of funny creators just like I don’t know I think it was kind of favoritism rixel just picked like his favorites you know whoever rixel felt like putting on he

Just put on you know I mean like it it wasn’t actually based on anything besides that I I think it was like him Ally Danny uh Avery and something like that maybe Blues as well group like five or six people put it together one night but like I don’t know you joining that

Game aan John was the funniest John is all deserving who was Asian John bro he’s a he’s like a funny meme YouTuber that quit sadly oh what is this ad this is such a weird YouTube music ad that CH my pfp only for Christmas all right sounds good sounds good Problem I enjoy watching your streams a lot yeah True where John Ben by the way I’m pretty sure he quit save play back like everyone else and then he Quit I’m bored yeah I think I’m going to end this stream basically because I’ve been streaming for an hour and 50 minutes and I’m going to end now I’m going to raid someone though so don’t leave stay in the Stream you better not leave don’t leave and find someone to

Raid stay in the Stream right now I’m going to sue you no demo will I’ll hire demo I don’t know what I’m saying ah yeah I was just chilling in the hub sorry I got distracted I me I was meaning to end and then I got distracted

It happens am I right um anyone live right now let me see dud let’s R dude does have live no actually I can’t live redirector never mind let’s rate a dude a dragon I guess all right guys everyone SP server gaming RA in his chat all right and guys

This this guy’s a new genive YouTuber and I don’t think he knows who I am so you need to make sure he knows who I am yeah go go say server game R guys every go over everyone go say server game R right now P such a good idea if he was

Live all right everyone say server game ra thank you all for being here hope you have fantastic rest of your morning day or night you know whatever time I see you I’ll probably streaming tomorrow also go check out some of my videos I’ve been uploading a bunch make sure you

Watch those if you already Sam Ser game all right yeah byebye byebye thanks for 20 350 views 31 likes an average of like 25 viewers W stream had tons of fun hopefully all you did it as well and yeah byebye guys

This video, titled ‘Hive Live But Endolotl Plushie!?!? (Customs With YOU!!)’, was uploaded by Server Gaming on 2023-12-02 23:11:15. It has garnered 421 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:11 or 10571 seconds.

Hive With Viewers | Customs And Parties | Minecraft Bedrock!!

2k Texture Pack!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e8OznbGQm4&t=154s

• memberships – https://www.youtube.com/@ServerGaming/join

• join the discord – https://discord.gg/5kyzAMYVWB

• follow my kick – https://kick.com/servergaming

• follow my twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/itzserver

• my second channel – @ServerExtras

channel banner made by @_pup_

The Hive Live With Viewers! I’m a hive content creator and in my streams we play Minecraft and mainly the Minecraft Bedrock server The Hive and Zeqa. Some other people that stream hive are Tman1010, GM19, Evident, Rubixle DannyIsDahBomb, Slenderguy, PrimeStrat, Fair Rose, and I also make videos about pvp, commentaries, pack folders, montage’s and much more on the hive Minecraft bedrock server. some other youtubers that also make videos on hive mcpe/mcbe are CmanWizard, Osian, FreshThePig, WspDaniel, Icynutella, lil tub bubble, lil mac, ignacioblade, Diecies, and many more.

#hivelivestream #minecraft #live #thehive #hivemc #minecraftbedrock #zeqa

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    Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Week [Day 5]’, was uploaded by Sinistral2099 on 2024-01-20 07:34:23. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:43 or 13483 seconds. Arcade Tokens !points – See how many arcade tokens you’ve acumulated while watching the stream! !redeem gameboy camera – 500 Arcade Tokens – Change my camera to a Gameboy Camera for two minutes. That’s 120 whole seconds! !redeem witness protection – 500 Arcade Tokens – Send me into Witness Protection to help keep my identity a secret. Sound Emotes bidet yahaha daamn shame wow cookie money… Read More

  • SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funny

    SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘That’s How to join! 🤭 #minecraft #funny #minecraftserver #smp #meme #bonevanilla’, was uploaded by imllost on 2024-07-29 03:06:18. It has garnered 11892 views and 578 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • 🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥

    🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Колян +ДРОНИО изучаем Английский с Minecraft Запишитесь на бесплатный урок Minecraft с родителями’, was uploaded by Kolaplay on 2024-05-16 19:28:09. It has garnered 1039 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Subscribe to Minecraft Super Series https://clck.ru/38eG69 “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: https://clck.ru/38eG69 Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/38eG69 Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR… Read More


    EPIC N5 GAMER BUILDS INSANE TRADER HALL - MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SEASON 01 (Hindi)Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD a new trader hall for villagers in Minecraft. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES SEASON 01 in Hindi’, was uploaded by N5 GAMER on 2024-04-06 05:16:06. It has garnered 147 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:53 or 1853 seconds. follow on INSTAGRAM 👇 https://www.instagram.com/n5_gamer_sunny?igsh=MWg1NTczazlmNDc5bA== FACEBOOK 👇 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555861854347&mibextid=ZbWKwL X 👇 https://x.com/NavadeepG85820?t=CNB9mr9rX2T6DdTrsKmLeg&s=09 WHATSAPP 👇 https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaW17rm5vKABWLklC72y ABOUT MINECRAFT Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8

    ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 8)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-10 07:46:27. It has garnered 111 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:13 or 6013 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – https://streamelements.com/keydevy/tip _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!

    Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT CRAZY SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Aaironnn on 2024-09-21 17:47:49. It has garnered 39571 views and 671 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:05 or 8225 seconds. #roblox #minecraft #funny Join the Discord!: https://discord.gg/U7De4awJbP Super Chats: $5 – I will give myself any amount of an item of your choosing! $10 – I will burn an item of your choosing! $25 – I will /clear my inventory, deleting everything! $50 – I will delete the world and have to start from the beginning again! All Super Chats are non refundable. If you would… Read More

  • SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter’s Epic Minecraft Transformation #shorts

    SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter's Epic Minecraft Transformation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Gamer Iter on 2024-05-31 00:21:23. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #Minecraft #Survival #Gaming #Adventure #Redstone #Building #Craft #Mining #Creativity #Mod #Fun #QuickBuild #Village #City #World #PixelArt #Exploration #Dungeon #Mob #Monster #Legend #Story #Cooperative #War #PvP #PvE #Unique #Adventurous #Apocalypse #PostApocalyptis #Innovation #ModPack #Guide #Strategy #Gameplay #SinglePlayer #Multiplayer #Server #House #Architecture #BuildingTechniques #ConstructionHacks #Education #VirtualLearning #Storytelling #Event #Tournament #Quiz #Myths #MinecraftHistory #GameDevelopment #CreativeMode… Read More

  • Panic! Kero’s Crazy Minecraft Night

    Panic! Kero's Crazy Minecraft NightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Late night Minecraft vibez’, was uploaded by Kero on 2024-09-23 09:11:04. It has garnered 185 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 06:53:39 or 24819 seconds. Read More

  • Giltory SMP

    Giltory SMPGiltorys Viewer SMP with many streamers and active members! This SMP contains Custom Items, Bosses, and features while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft style! giltory.com Read More

  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

    SEASON 2! Launched 07/06/24 IP: Play.Supernaluna.Com Greetings from the Supernaluna SMP! We are an adult community looking for new players to join us on epic journeys. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or just like to hang out, our server has something for everyone. Visit Discord: https://discord.gg/4NErNXrStr A full list of plugins and features can be found on our Discord, including: McMMO Economy Jobs Warps for community areas Veinminer /sethome /rtp Cosmetic Ranks/Roles based on playtime The Important Stuff: No Griefing or Stealing Consensual PvP No x-ray, hacked clients, or item duping Zero tolerance for hate speech Contact “xMoniarty#7292” on discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

    Looks like Steve can finally stop mining for diamonds and start mining for likes! Read More

  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

    DreadMinecrafter's Easy Egg Farming MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘EZ DEGGS -AKA- AGP CONVERT .. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-09-26 15:26:52. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. . WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER https://minewind.com YT.Minewind.com … YT.Minewind.com. DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

    Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight! In Minecraft, I fooled my sister with glee, Using custom Feastables mods, you see. She fell for the trick, oh what a sight, Laughing and playing, all through the night. With each new update, a new rhyme to share, Keeping the audience engaged, showing we care. From funny pranks to intense gameplay, In the world of Minecraft, we love to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we craft our way through day and night. I fooled my sister, but it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more… Read More

  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

    POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥 POV: Trying to build a friendship with that toxic friend in Minecraft, but all they do is blow up your house and steal your diamonds. #minecraftdrama #friendshipfail #toxicityatitsfinest Read More

  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰Video Information This video, titled ‘(Live🔴) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/sl_id_770aa427-1b3f-3d13-91f5-d1bf20da8978 Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftAdventure Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : https://trakteer.id/Jajang04 ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ : https://www.bandlab.com/post/4e7e025f…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/YEjhUNsmgt Ominous Bottle Farm https://youtu.be/4SdUmKQqC-o?si=1NEaVx9lmVegUQi7 Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More

  • BumbleMC

    BumbleMCBumbleMC is a unique Lifesteal server connected to minehut. We have a balanced economy, friendly community, and much much more. Come join now! play.virex.fun Read More


    ISO SMP ISO SMP is a brand new SMP launched on September 10, 2024. Join our community of active players! Features: 18+ community Chest locking plugin with signs Invisible item frames by shift-right clicking Player and mob heads Death chest Vein-miner /tpa command /home command Shops with custom economy Anti-xray protection Server online 24/7 No creeper block damage No enderman picking up blocks Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/W8kAVQJECz Read More