Mind-Blowing! FitMC & Rusher Takeover Minecraft Monday!

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You [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] What’s going on everybody it’s fit MC I don’t believe it I’m in as much shock as you are right now we are in minecraft Monday legit this is the Super Bowl of Minecraft basically and by the skin of our teeth rusher and I made it in now I know a lot

Of you are probably wondering fit he used to be your arch-nemesis on to be tuti what are you doing teaming with him well here’s the thing I had to impress team star to get into Minecraft Monday and he said yeah your analytics are all right but you need a partner

That can draw as many viewers as you can and I started thinking we’ll all ISP live friends they’re already on a team who could I possibly get to be my teammate and I realized my old nemesis he’s a good PB beer he has lots of Minecraft experience we got to make this

Happen so I’ll be hopping in Call with Russia shortly things are about to get interesting but let’s see how Brandon Lee thanks for the five dollar donation says what is this unholy alliance I know man it’s pretty unexpected even for me but desperate times call for desperate

Measures you know I’m saying let’s see Brazeau says two great rivals face-to-face once again I know man this is wild and that right still makes the two dog nation I know man this is crazy it’s gonna be legit nuts but anyway I’m actually gonna kill the

Music right now because I want to be able to like hear all the in-game audio going on I’m actually gonna go ahead and kill the music for a little bit actually you know what I can let the music run a little bit more before Russia shows up

In the actual voice call there we go but Macau make you so much Conrad and bode yeah I’ve got my kombucha ready to rumble today so let me hop in the voice chat there we go so we’re in awaits for Russia to come on in I had to see for

Links to the $5 they says shame shame we are sad as your son I’m disappointed in your decision I’m not a father I’m we’ve been over this I’m not your dad I’m not a father I know look like a Boomer but I’m not sure dad all right

But rodeo rain says fit we need more to eat to t live streams all more come and don’t you worry and Jay thanks so much top ten unexpected anime crossovers or sorry cine that’s right cine yeah that’s pretty unexpected no kidding huh about anyway yeah so let’s see Boog says the

Crossover we didn’t know we needed yeah now there’s gonna be some tough opponents today I’ve been practicing all the Minecraft Monday minigames for like the past 36 hours I’ve you know getting I’ve been getting reacquainted with the old 1.8 PvP and I’ve been getting a lot

Of kills in practice but now let’s see if we can turn practice into application you know that is the tricky part Joey Overstreet says kill swagger souls for me will ya we’ll do gaming John I can’t get a discard right now waiting on rushers calls so I’m sorry Conrad I

Can’t look now we got 2500 viewers already this is insane thank you guys thank you so much the bosses go for techno blades bad at PvP well there are multiple routes to success today as long as we’re performing well consistently we’re gonna passively build up those points and that is priority number one

You know I’m saying so we can do that we are golden you know and there’s other minigames like TNT run they’re running one in the chamber today which is basically that mini game where if you have a bow and arrow if you shoot someone with an arrow it kills them

Automatically in one hit and the first person to get thirty five kills wins the whole round so it’s gonna be really interesting to see how we do Matthew says your goal is to kill techno blade my goal is to win if I can kill techno played great if not I just care about

Winning you know I’m saying bode says do you think you can beat techno Pig I think if we passively do well enough we’re going to get those points and those points are necessary for victory one on one with techno that that’s an uphill battle he’s got a lot more

Experience in 1.8 than I do but hey I put all my stats in a luck today so we’ll see how it happens you know Haley I know Russia and I are gonna have a pack mentality we are sticking together at all costs it’s like the movie Gladiator you know we stick

Together we survive browser says winning means nothing kill techno NWT kid says what’s the best direction ahead from spawn and to be TT ah away from zero zero that’s the best Lucas says if you lose you’re everyone’s father so I need to win today I need to win basically is

What you’re saying it’s gonna be a wild man it’s gonna be a wild so for combat today I actually am probably gonna turn on hit boxes mainly because it makes it easier for me to PvP and 1.8 because it’s like it’s a lot easier to see the

Hitbox so you know what to hit now remember hit boxes are even OA feature which I am completely allowed to use as well as Optifine but I’ll be using that a little later for now let’s just show mister sister hello so anyway people says please use her

Hacks but I can’t sir also I get kicked out and techno streak it’s gonna be tough but we might be able to pull it off brazeau says when equals boomer lose equals daddy so it’s lose-lose basically I got to use end crystals huh I would if I could

You know I’m saying I would if I could but I don’t think that’s happening let me just see if rushers in the call yet there we go I’m gonna unmute myself at least that way when he comes into the call we’ll know he’s here but let’s see

Here people are like the bald God huh we’ll see Tyler one is playing as well today so I’m not the only bald boy in the games today we’re just waiting for Russia to join you know come on where’s my rusher get your butt in here we got

To talk strategy man Joran says how’s the wife and kids I have no wife and child I am NOT a father I don’t know what you’re talking about man I have no idea what you’re talking about we almost about to hit 3,000 viewers this is nuts guys this is insane

All right come on rush don’t let me down get your butt in here jalapeno says hey daddy I’m not a father I’m gonna message him whenever you’re ready there we go so once ruksar comes in I’m gonna kill the music so we can talk strategy you know I am NOT your father

I am NOT a dad I am almost positive I’m not a father we you know how many times do I need to say that it’s like I’m gonna broken record today pareo it’s crazy well yeah we’re gonna do our best our mean iam says 2019 is such a weird

Timeline yeah you got that right but right now before rushar gets in here right now in stream chat everyone tell me what country are you watching from cuz I got fans in over 110 different countries I on duh we are not on the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft

We are on the youngest drama server in micro oh look it’s gumball huh so who knows who’s gonna show up today oh here’s Tyler one look at this bald boy he said with a default skin come on man people watching from Bulgaria from North Korea nice USA jugando Czech Republic

Denmark Germany Norway Turkey Finland Denmark again that is awesome love it love it love it the camping Russia I’m just waiting for him to get in here man I’m waiting it’s like ten minutes till game time rusher come on get your butt in here if you watched from Bulgaria nice very nice

From Wisconsin from United Arab Emirates excellent yeah we just gotta wait till it gets in here I’m sipping my kombucha though so at least I got something to pass the time you know you know I’m sad mmm-hmm so I think when we’re in game today you know I’ve been practicing my

Strategies all right like I said I’ve been going nonstop 1.8 PvP for like the past I don’t see 36 hours so I’m definitely I got rid of some of that ring rust you know so I think we’ll be alright well what is this we have to get

Up on the platform’s here oh here we go look huh nice so Russia’s gonna show up right there once he logs in I got ya should be good we just got to wait for him to show up though use my Naruto run huh I don’t know how successful that

Would be but we’ll see you know we will see so once Russia shows up on the servery yeah he should show up right next to my statue there I guess we might as well wait by the spawn point till he shows up huh all right so let’s see now it’s been

Storming out a lot in Florida today so I hope we don’t get a power outage real thinknoodles nice nice cape a nice roblox skin huh punch him for being late well I don’t want to hurt my teammate hailey hey the slap man is in

Though the slap man is in oh man I kind of want to jump into their voice chat to wish him good luck there’s a lot of them in there now there’s four of them in there I don’t want to disrupt them yet let’s see Dalton says a dupe stash I

Have to check that out man thanks for those coordinates but because you posted those coordinates publicly I mean people are gonna find it before I do so you know that’s just the way it is Joey I know it’s crazy and then let’s see Miguel I don’t know what would happen oh my god

Rush sure how you doing man I think the last time we actually spoke like face to face was like two years ago wasn’t it at VidCon I think it was in person it was definitely a person last time we talked we were on good terms man I know it’s

It’s crazy though like I can’t believe we got into this dude I can’t believe it I know I was I was on the boat all day and I came back to you tweeting you Kurt texted me it was just you guys just made it happen I don’t even know really how

It happened yeah oh uh one of my buddies on SP live at least got our foot in the door but then keemstar man he was pressing hard for those analytics he was he was relentless yeah it’s uh yeah it’s all about the clout man oh I’m ready to kick some butt

Today man I was training for a few hours last night back the Minecraft grind nice yeah man this is so do you know what games were playing today yeah I looked at all the I looked at previous weeks at least cuz that’s how I was kind of trying to

Figure it out yeah we got a new one today are you familiar with like one in the chamber with like bows and arrows yeah yeah we play not yeah so the first person to get thirty five kills wins around to that okay we could actually do

Well it that the bow is one of my strong points back in the day one of my only strong points I should point out dude how are you it like do you know what you’re doing with these games like are you gonna be my carry today are we equal

An equal package well I’ve been memorizing the map layouts a little bit and I know for a fact that everyone goes away from the center right away cuz there’s no weapons in the center like at this start so we guess we just gotta find chests and also I’ve been watching

Other people’s streams the minute people get split up they get stacked on it just like we go it’s like the movie Gladiator man we gotta stick together I agree with that completely yeah cuz why wouldn’t you man if we see someone split we’re going for them exactly a

Nice part about the point system is that we don’t have to win every game to win minecraft Monday for every kill it’s 10 points so if you and I combined get three kills that would be like if one of us won the whole thing yeah kills are heavily weighted figured

Out here too and then there’s some other I was practicing the B what’s uh cuz techno is the the guy right everyone’s talking about techno yeah this games TNT run or what like I was proud like even spleef to like there’s just certain strategies based on the points like

Spleef you don’t go for kills you just try and live right yeah pretty much because I think in all the game modes every time someone’s eliminated I think the people that are still alive get like two points passively yep yep I think that’s it – there’s that TNT

Run that will look like fun oh yeah old-school case I used to play these like four or five years ago it’s just a weird getting back on and you’re competing for money now I know yeah it’s it’s nostalgic but it’s nostalgic for cash men that logic for cash

That’s perfect it how’s that how’s the to be life same I mean you know the more things change the more they stay the same you know yeah that makes sense I’ve been keeping up with the video so I kind of know what’s going on yeah I keep getting reports that people keep

Spotting like you logging in like for brief periods of time I’ve checked it out a couple minutes here and there uh-huh yeah we’ll see though we’ll see yeah man for sure do you uh if you check the discord the VIP is in I think one of the announcements we got James thanks

For that donation man appreciate that but I am NOT your father that’s right I’m not your dad here we go so yeah it’s we got a lot of like people playing for the first time today I know Lant the Atlantians plane isn’t it like isn’t he

Yeah I saw that he’s one of the newer we got a Tyler onesie this oh yeah Greek gods it’s this is gonna be this they are hilarious that’s so what I like to watch oh it’s gonna be one point a one point eight point nine and you can use app

Yeah Optifine and all that fun stuff okay yeah dude so I think like especially in the the PvP games like we got a target people we know will be a bit weaker because I I can’t master some of these these other guys then yeah we got to

Pick off the weak ones for sure we really do yeah and then once you’re in word team17 today seem 17 okay yeah I’m almost on Direct Connect nice you just there we go let’s go all right man and you have to type in joy yeah or you can come over

Here by like all the diamond blocks and the banners okay yeah bye it’s at the stream back on I’m coming nice yeah flights enabled so you can just double tap Mountain chicken next without $5 men yeah I see you yeah oh you still got the rusher banners the the

Optifine – that’s good man okay I join in now I gotta figure out my stream give me a sec okay all right guys but anyway I will be using hitboxes today which remember it is a vanilla feature and we are allowed to use them we’re allowed to use any

Debug feature we’re allowed to use Optifine and we’re allowed to increase our gamma manually so it’s almost like fulbright so how I run hitbox is f3 and B at the same time the reason I do this is because when I go to click on someone instead of just like aiming for their

Player model I know to aim for their hitbox so that way it’s a little less anxiety when you’re just trying to aim oh here’s the j-shot here’s the slap man oh god here he is I’m just gonna stare them down I’m gonna stare down my business partner here oh man that’s good

Anyway cardi says kill techno or you will be obligated to be my father oh man this yeah this is gonna be wild I’m not your dad though real talk though I ain’t your dad we’re take another sip of my kombucha yeah it’s about time to get started

This is wild this is crazy once the games get started here rusher and I we just got to try and get those passive points man there we go this is wild go after Dan Joey are you trolling right now is he yeah I feel like that might not be the best idea I’m

Just gonna go over any I’m just gonna go for anyone if there’s an opportunity but I’m not gonna you know abandon rusher at all we’re gonna stick together as best we can look at that oh my god I got a I took a picture of that one look at that

Yeah that’s so funny oh man yeah I’m not playing any music right now okay fit I’m ready man the livestream noob is trying to figure out his stuff here and the logistics oh it’s all good man it’s all good I’m game so what do you think you’re straight

What’s your strength like are you cuz to be is a different game than minecraft like you playing any normal minecraft yeah I mean it’s been a while but I used to play a lot of I don’t know if you remember MC PvP back in the day which was a

Hunger Games server yeah yeah I used to do that a lot and just so that I get comfortable because I’m so used to a hack line on CB 2 T what I do in 1.8 is I turn on the debug hitboxes so that way I know exactly what I’m aiming at but I

Mean that’s just personal preference and I know we’re allowed to have fulbright on they said we can turn our gamma up if we want to so yeah the I saw that which is nice just a nice quality up there mm-hmm yeah dude I wouldn’t mind doing well

Today if we win that would be hilarious I think we’re both like I was fairly good at this game back in the day that’s the thing I Suz you you you message me yesterday I just the rest of my night was written off it’s time to practice

For three hours and figure out what’s going on with this game I can hotkey now though that’s the one up I have from before I quit oh nice yeah I’m just I’m still using default controls but I I tend to do pretty well the scroll wheel you know oh

I think I think you’re gonna be a bit stronger than I am today fit I’m gonna be listening for your call-outs alright but yeah the most important thing for the PvP games as long as we stick together yep yep yeah KITT KITT PvP as well like

Hunger Games obvious but even kit pvp I guess to a yeah cuz yeah we got the book the boys are weak apparently you can I was watching I think I was watching one of the other streams you can take down your own teammate for points to if

You’re weak and you’re gonna die anyway oh really I think just a random thought ah good to know that’s like some to be tutti level stuff right there killing your own teammate to get ahead as long as it’s not illegal it’s legal v that’s that’s right oh I’m kind of nervous that

I gotta be honest I’m nervous too like this is the Super Bowl of Minecraft it really is like I mean I think keemstar said this pulls 5 million viewers total each week yeah like I think something like that that’s nuts man and whoever thought that minecraft would get revived

You know oh gosh I know like I’m happy to see it though man what uh there’s so many options with this game there’s any type of person could find a way to have fun with this game I know it’s that’s the beauty of it oh man I’m seeing so

Many like it’s crazy like actually being on the server with all these like youtubers and streamers and stuff that like you know about you watch but now it’s like oh wow they’re here do you like do you know like who are some of the I know like I think we got to

Realize the good players because in the PvP like kit pvp there’s no point in fighting good players right that’d just be why wouldn’t you go after the the weaker ones for easy points is my thought exactly I know like Skippy and Halo they’re pretty good right I used to

Play with Halo years ago uh-huh and then techno like a you know any other big like PvP names I guess we should say um we should probably uh let’s see I’m looking at all the players right now I think log dot zip sprit II good we got

To watch out for him yeah I know with Preston yeah Oh God um that’s a strong team slap and Connor are like average so we might have a shot against them especially slat gets flustered very easily I know okay Tyler won and Greek God since they don’t normally play minecraft they could

Be easy targets I think so too man we’re not it’s not not for sweeps type and not for popularity but they just might be a little bit less skilled and that’s it we’re gonna have to take advantage of that yeah man it’s bingo in this one

Actually – I have no idea okay that might be one of my weaknesses are gonna be honest that bingo game crafting recipes I’m hoping you know a little bit about that yeah I mean it’s wait crafting recipe oh is that like they ask fish yeah yeah yeah yeah I’ve never

Trained i I’ve it didn’t train that one and I think I mean that one’s just common knowledge of the game type of thing yeah and it has to be 1.8 and below right uh yeah I guess so it would have to be uh-huh hopefully we’re at the

Top of the throne man at the end of this yeah man we’re gonna try you know but just the fact that the fact that you and I made it into this that’s just that’s that’s the reward right there oh dude it is no matter what we’re gonna have a

Blast man of absolute blast uh-huh it’s gonna be nuts you’ve been watching this the previous week’s a little bit yeah yeah I watched flat stream last week and I got to see how the games were working and stuff it gets pretty intense and I

Think way it was who was slat with um he was with techno last week okay so I watched that stream then – so you did it so intense there’s a just fun to watch man yeah it seemed to take about three hours two or three hours which is

Perfect mm-hmm yeah this is a little bit of a longer stream that cuz I normally stream for about an hour but this one’s gonna go like yeah two or three so we’re in it for the long haul man oh yeah make sure we’re taking stretch bray drinking

Water all that I know let’s see oh yeah Jerome and then Canadian are gonna probably an issue yeah yeah Asians be good and then Vic of course I don’t know who Vic’s teammate is oh I think he’s with mr. Savage what a fortnight God longer if it translate into

Minecraft I don’t know I guess what to find out and the to be brothers are back now I guess we didn’t start off as brothers archenemies yeah it’s funny how things turn out you know Wow who knows that it could go back the other way

We’ll see yeah how this goes I know I think it looks like we’re just waiting for a few stragglers to get on their teams and I think we’re gonna start yeah yeah so they like are some of the games you can get more points totally because

I think Hunger Games is one of those ones where if you do well like it could mean it could be worth like to doing well in two other games right if I’m understanding it yeah yeah I think yeah like yeah Kip Kip PvP might be one too

But Hunger Games seems like there are a lot of points like a lot of points weighted to that game mode uh yeah just just being able to get kills consistently is like yeah how you win let’s go let’s go yeah we got this man we’re like the never Evers like no one

Thought you and I could get into Minecraft Monday but here we are yeah for real this is nobody expected this nope I didn’t expect it man I didn’t expect it till you till I saw the tweet I was aware of it after after the public was yeah what surprise nice surprise

Yeah it looks like almost everybody’s here except Preston Vicks teammate and one other dude yeah well did what do you do with the money once we win oh you know take the boomer out and invest in index funds and you know government bonds you know smart smart safe got nothing bought it

That’s right yeah respect that big respect mm-hmm what about you oh man I haven’t even thought that far ahead I was hoping you just answer and give me a good idea so maybe I’ll copy you play the save game nice yeah that’s a wise decision or we

Could just meet up in Vegas and spend it on party you know that doesn’t sound half bad either you know all right well we’ll talk about that yeah well well well when the cameras off we’ll talk about that but uh all right says I’ll join the game let’s

See how do we join do we just game hmm is there like a certain command we have to use to join hold on guys let’s see y’all happy thanks what condonation good old times I know man this is nostalgic Razzles I will not invest in head wax okay I’m doing it

Click on the wool boomer ok I got you so we got to get in there we go ok so we’re actually in now alright good stuff I’m in don’t worry oh this map ok I was just playing on this map but like literally an hour and a half ago I know where

There’s a lot of really good chests wait do you know the map yeah I know the map Oh what do we play first um is Hunger Games so go to your ship start yeah go to where it says minecraft wanted games and then click on the first green wool

Block okay oh wait a minute okay this is this is a modification of the map that I played on earlier so it’s like almost the same map but there are some changes okay so I’m well you’re you’re making the calls here I’m following your lead I’ll support yeah we don’t split up uh-huh

And there’s a grace period to 1 minute grace period yeah that’s really helpful so you said don’t but you’re not going santur we’re just going you got a good spot we’ll start rushing well yeah if you go Center there’s gonna be no weapons there so it’s best to just get

Out as far from as you can agree man I’m not quick enough to get this loot so yeah we’ll go far out and you’re up a little bit and then solo people out I mean target the weak ones uh-huh is there water in this map um I don’t

Not like major sources of water okay I mean maybe I think there’s like one river with like a bridge over it okay yeah didn’t if we see this techno guy let’s not deal with them late game ready it’s honestly a strategy and that that’s going to start

You’d like an advantage for him though cuz no one wants to fight this dude yeah if everyone’s running away from him he can’t get kills as easily yeah yeah yeah I see him pvp man he hits his crits like he plans his crits perfectly from

Behind and is uh it’s just it just looks so easy and clean yeah man it’s just like and he’s ice cross hair just like Holmes in on you yep yeah it’s steady bear that’s so steady yeah it’s wild yeah I just turned on my hitboxes so now like everyone’s got a

Weird blue line coming out of their face no no yeah whatever works man yeah yeah hold on oh my god Mike Schadt this is not a hack client this is vanilla you realize that hitboxes are a vanilla feature right you are completely allowed to use this man come on guys we’ve been

Over this you’re all right yeah it looks like we’re almost ready to start here yeah that’s a lot of play 38 players this is gonna be insane man so which way we’re like do you you know what’s what like are we gonna start together hopefully yeah so like how it works is

We start on the same pedestal but one person’s like up above a little bit okay and then so we’ll just turn around straight I’ll follow your lead uh-huh I mean for that one minute we’ll stay in the same vicinity try and maximize our looting

Yeah for sure as long as as long as like we’re within like eyeshot of each other like a view of each other we should be alright for like the first 60 seconds yeah and like take everything cuz like if you get extra armor and stuff you

Know I can always use it or vice versa yeah oh yeah everything just loot the entire chest and do you know that there’s soup and then there’s like speed soup isn’t there yeah yeah so like if you get the normal stew it’s just health but if you get like the rabbit stew its

Health and a speed boost yeah okay okay and I think there’s a cool-down on how often you can use soups oh that sounds right that sounds right yeah I don’t know if they still have it this week but I think that’s I think that’s how it’s still

Really good that’s a good rule to have because some of these some of the guys who can hockey so quick I mean it’d be it’d be over the fight wouldn’t even be close yeah it’s yeah I’m gonna roll out the jitter clicking strap it Oh bringing

Back the old do you like do you have like your palm on your mouse and just press straight down on like the edge of the button like dude I don’t even know what they do I just click as fast as I can there’s a technique to it though it yeah

I guess I mean like like all these 13-year olds that are pvp gods like have the wrist technique down to like a science yeah I mean it’s so painful man you gotta you’re going through a lot though to get those clicks out yeah I’m worth it oh yeah I prefer comfort in the

Heat of a moment you know yeah yeah nice slow clicks one click a second we got this we got this man we got this yeah we do we’re born for this man yeah I I do look forward to the arrow game I think you and I gonna do really well on that I

Think so too it’s just so like so is it per it was that points based on per kill or oh yeah you say kill right and my songs are on oh that’s a good way to do it yeah like death so really just rush everybody I mean you die you die just

Shoot an arrow down the hallway and you’re probably gonna hit someone yeah and we don’t even know here we go all right so we’re gonna go back this way do you see where I’m looking right now yeah I do okay I’m on you buddy I’m following

Yeah yeah we’re gonna spray in one of these houses okay all right go all right let’s do it man go go go go go go we taking this building here yeah great screw it drew there should be some chests yeah I got right side all right

I’ll check up there some people in here already but that’s all right we got that grace period oh thank god got if we can get something we can slay up can’t get a chest anything good sword and I got still an axe for you guys oh I

Got a I got TNT I got some armor up here man where you at I’m on your floor I think okay I have a chest plate boots so I’m good there all right there you are yes or you’re you got a sword you got a

Sword yeah I got some food you good I got a rotten egg as well we can use that let’s see let’s go yeah all set seven seconds still great yeah I gotta go slay right away you want to jump on this somebody uh yeah oh there’s two people

Below us oh Jerome’s right below us yeah we could clean up the fight we can clean it up all right let’s do it right in my way my shadow boy behind you by him yes let’s go dude oh come on I’m with you I’m with you Jerome’s weak from the

Fight to I don’t have a bowl all right I’m gonna okay let’s go yeah chill chill chill oh good good good good good good go take this picked it.our past thank you thank you thank you oh I got advance do you need to throw you’re good

You’re good no good man good okay let’s see oh there’s a party soup and make this soup you take the soup all right good good good good all right hey buddy back on all there’s some people in here I think what no it’s just the head okay let’s say oh the

Heads he’ll you two instant them okay good brother good start yeah may I can’t believe it dude oh oh okay you wanna we got 18 teams I mean we gotta try and slay out yeah Porter Street we could play a bit more outside though so we’re not getting

Teamed up on by the good players you’re right I just keep are you what do you think yeah let’s keep exploring let’s look for other lutes and stuff yeah if we could get a helmet right yeah yeah good point he’s honestly like my favorite streamer

Cuz he just cracks me up yeah I don’t know if I want to be the one taking them off though man it wasn’t they just came into our building we had to deal with it yeah okay there’s two oh here’s a chest oh it’s empty yeah oh there’s two teams okay let’s see

This study might be unloaded in here man no chess we got oh yeah you get two for surviving so surviving it’s not even that big of a deal playing Otis yeah so we’re doing all right we’re you doing all right all right we start serious yeah let’s go oh

There’s some people outside watch up oh they’re iron broke their iron I saw iron chestplate iron pads oh man if we engage now I don’t think we can kill them know where you at where you at you out here come back gonna come out here let’s go go go go go go

I got to I got they see us they see us I got to TNT out of the football stadium it nice and open nice and open detective Lee it’s laid out well there’s some items here let’s see whether we got caps sorry oh here they come dude here

They come oh dude I don’t know about this oh man they’re already media the other teaming up on me dude get out of there get out of there thank you it’s Skippy yep they got me mad that’s an old PT Oh survived man try you got this I

Need to get the bull kill em buddy man I need to get in the middle somebody just keep running keep running keep running come on man give me a break give me a break bad-boy Hills riding your tail keep going man just run like the wind he’s

Trying to swing at you get this guy hit this guy yeah okay good are you just trying to keep going keep going keep going keep going okay okay keep going that’s the team over there at least half the people been killed already so you’re doing alright oh that’s gonna be tough watching around

Yeah they’re still coming after ya be careful nice use that Flint steel zone about a bit Sonam oh yeah I guess ok good yep they’re still coming just keep evading a man keep going I need to do the same thing I need to I need to get

Cut him off into another team I mean we’re getting two points for every survive here yeah so the longer you stay alive at this point the more points we’re gonna pick up yeah okay he bill okay do I got full armor dude of course like babbling hey

Landscape er probably top three team I they’ve won before haven’t they I I think so they do I have they’ve won two rounds I got both here but oh man oh wait logout zip has a bonus available still I think if you need it how does

That work what is the extra health I think okay okay okay I got flint and steel am I missing it like I could chain helmets chain better than gold well they say uh chain it’s about the same but chain is a little more durable okay dude I’ll keep searching I mean at this

Point Teamster it’d be nice to get a top three but I’m so over as soon as people see me they’re coming at me Oh Oh Oh hold up yeah yeah some people in front of you yeah mock’s he’s alone no he’s alone you might be able to take him guys alone

He’s going in the building now I could scrap him dude there’s multiple people in that building actually you know what please yeah I might do cleanup dude I see one guy where’s the other guy mr. savage to support their bull oh wait Vic Starr and the savage there too oh no no

Sorry he’s a it’s just mr. savage up there he’s just jumping around dude he’s all by himself but he’s in full iron he’s a fortnight GOG though I’m gonna be careful fortnight not minecraft you haha I do have a bow as well if I can hit a

Couple shots early and ice he knows you’re coming I think oh no he’s still inventory managing you might be able to take him off guard there he is yep good luck man he’s let’s see he’s backed into the corner right now he’s eating he’s trapped he’s got nowhere to

Go you got this man so close man he was down to like five yeah it was close it’s pretty even he just had the armour on me I needed to hit some fire there hey man we got a couple kills could have been a better start that’s okay it’s all good

Hey we have a team total of 36 points at least that’s like honey-pie it’s not zero we’re right in the middle right now I think yeah I think so too no dude that’s not bad I mean honestly I think for familia Hunger Games it’s just unfortunate we ran into the one of the

Better teams and they had so much armor early on I know well that was just RNG right there we just got unlucky dude that the beauty about this is though there’s a lot more a lot more left here uh-huh oh god and here comes techno and junky they’ve got like enchanted armor and

Everything this is insane okay No did you see what’s up in it it’d be nice to see what’s next we can start prepping oh yeah I didn’t happen to see but when we go to that menu again we’ll be able to see all the games in advance luckily

Yeah yeah we’ll check this time oh that was fun though even though we we kind of we lost I am glad we got a couple kills yeah for sure man we didn’t get skunked no 20 points and then plus some yeah I guess thirty-six totals that’s awesome

Yeah here I’m a mute myself real quick just to talk to my stream producers so happy to see you out there alright so guys I just want to get caught up on those donation I missed buddy not gamer says who is online literally everybody MTW thanks

Says love your vids thank you so much appreciate that well guys first round we did rack up a decent amount of points so we should be alright but I want to take a look at the action here Oh looks like there’s a bit of a firefight going on

Yeah man these guys really know what’s up we rusher and I’ve got our work cut out for us that’s for sure so once again guys this is not ESP this is literally the debug hitboxes it’s vanilla feature which is completely allowed all there’s junkie let’s see the voice of gumball on

Cartoon Network let’s see Lego places the unexpected alliance yeah no kiddin and it’s just been crazy man let’s see looking around yeah they’re pretty much running the show here all the teams are coming in to mid for the fight this is wild Oh Gigi dankmemes yeah I use my bald

Head to blind them all yeah you know what we should have Hunger Games IRL all the minecraft youtubers IRL fight that’d be fun I mean it’d be illegal but it’d be content well here we go the border is coming in so it’s this thing is almost over there’s all okay there’s there’s

Not a lot of people left not a lot of people left at all all right so anyway let me get back into voice and wait for Russia to get in let me see here I guess I could have some like really light music playing right now really light

Like until Russia gets back in you know really like let’s see oh here we go who’s left now yep it’s still the same five I’m gonna take a sip of my kombucha here yeah I can’t believe it though we literally took out Tyler one and Greek god yeah

That’s funny I can’t believe it oh yeah look at that oh it is blowing up right now you try it oh what a surprise Gigi Gigi alright but that was just round one we still going on yeah we can still do this man oh god no no way I’m

Rusty I mean I haven’t played a game of hunger games in a couple years man and that was a blast and I just said savage and oh my halo talk three teams that’s who killed us so man yeah so it doesn’t feel so bad all right find the button

Okay all dude okay you know how to do this one right yeah we can do this one man 36 okay buddy we’re uh we’re seventh right now we’re doing all right we’re seventh nice yeah we got like we’re doing actually pretty good so this one man you’ve seen this one eh yeah so

You just find buttons and you’re right click them I think yeah and we should split up completely I don’t go into the same spot yeah and I find they like to hide them in Slab so make sure you check slap okay half slabs will do that’s the

Only tip I’ve got other than that so for this is it better if we split up or is it better if we stick together and like hit the same buttons split split up cuz you get bonus points if you’re the first one to hit the button I gotcha all right

From this spawn area here let’s see um I guess whichever direction you go I’ll go like the opposite oh yeah are we gonna coordinate this elder just I like that plan simple yeah let’s just gotta smack this thing right I think so you either punch it

Click it I’ll find out I guess all buttons are shared okay so that way we split up it’s gonna be the best but yeah but then for ya first button like if you get there first I think it’s like five points instead of one or something like

That I think it’s yeah it’s a bonus yeah bonus so obviously try on to the best thing and it’s completely RNG and B get a building to yourself right like that would be ideal yeah that would be like plush all right oh man so yeah let’s see if you want I

Can head towards like hmmm if you want to head towards the diamond looking building over there I can head towards like the other shops over on this side on the left here okay yeah I’ll go past that I’m gonna go to a building a bit further than the diamond good call

Yeah I’ll go past the diamond and then you go to the the right side or Pat like I don’t know you know what we’ll see each other uh-huh just want to go into a building with nobody there yeah but hey I’m green Oscar green tuning in from Fitz channel

Comes in and says have a nice day man you got some nice viewers out there nice yeah they’re they’re a little more polite than three years ago a little bit not much but a little bit a little bit you don’t want to be too polite vannacutt boring yeah but um trying to

Think yeah I think it’s a right-click like you’re just activating the button I think I think so too I’m just ready I don’t know how they say I don’t know some of them there weren’t we’re in a countdown either so I’m just bold and sprint ready to go uh-huh

Yeah and just were in seventh so like that’s really good so we got to keep it up ya know and we could do better man we could perform better in some of these games I know we can yeah this is the minigames are probably one of the only ways we’re gonna beat

Technology thing Oh 100% oh dude PvP stuff I mean this guy not only him like a few of them are just their training man days out yeah they want them tough to beat that they want the prize money real bad yeah totally man I want to go to

Vegas you know that yeah that’s right get it all yep let’s go let’s go here we go okay buddy watch it watch if the border like teleport see there’s something weird when I watch the stream I’m going past the diamond okay will do yup there we go I got it got a decent

Start I’m heading straight this way good luck buddy good luck to you too man I got a button first frying my hair I got it first yeah nice we’re doing all right doing all right this guy’s following me stop my tracks man it looks like there’s like barely a

Button down there what everyone’s crowding it I’ll come back to that one let’s see I guess I can hit other people’s buttons do I just realize there we go let’s see not easy man not easy plenty more I need more you hide got one first found another first let’s go dude

Let’s go all right let’s see come on struggling Pete and Braden got to go to Vegas man let’s find these buttons we wouldn’t mind I just got to normal buttons okay okay good job man another one you get back in the building we got eight minutes dude oh my god eight

Minutes to find all these yeah I didn’t know we had Amish all right I’m just trying to figure out which way to you know on next let’s see can funds be placed on half-slabs no right no looking I’m looking it’s a hard game yeah and like I’m

Trying to find buttons in some I think some of them you pressed as well so it makes it more challenging does the border ever expand uh I don’t think it expands No okay so we’re all stuck in here I got yet I’m gonna go back through some

Buttons I know I wasn’t able to get because players with crowding him earlier like some of these houses don’t even have one oh nice I needed that and you’re killing it right now got a couple of these – yeah it’s 312 what we found nine oh I got a double button here

About a double oh no no no that was here you found one I got one good job did you cross the water oh I know I’ve not crossed the water yet yeah looking at some of these I didn’t know they are so many in the open these are probably

Easier to find are there just like out in the middle of nowhere like like ya just saw like a stone stone block like yeah outside here oh wow I know chats pointing out some I’ve missed but if I reach at that I’m gonna miss it I almost

Read chat missed another one I know it’s like you got I know I’ve definitely missed one I knew it I knew I would I’m just running in circles I gotta get outside this building is confusing to escape from because it’s like fire exits only seen a few yeah I know that makes

It super tough yeah yeah these Outsiders I’m not getting anymore first but we’re getting a lot of fivers here right 13 ain’t doing bad man we ain’t doing bad make sure you’re not covering the same spot all right yeah there we go let’s see you yeah there’s some in item

Frames that like look like normal items but they’re actually well good call like in the shop dude I’m scouring the outside right now nice you’re finding them though that’s what matters yeah so Bach by I’ve done the whole I don’t know what it is but the the whole riverbank

Like basically I’ve done so don’t worry about scouring the river okay we’ll do both sides another one well yeah there’s like a whole area over here I haven’t even looked at yet nice going yeah now we’re really begging the points man under the bridge camp going under the

Bridge below the bridge good call guys I looked at chat chat sell the field a little bit still think that’s that Cappy Jean man screaming give water good job fit yeah you too man we’re doing all right we’re doing it yeah chat thank you very much I found it

Good call good call boys boys and girls I just wonder how we’re doing it’s so hard to tell yeah I bet they keep it like that for a reason I got another guaranteed right get off your Pig got one right now yeah I think we’re playing this well because you’re doing the

Inside I’m doing the outside we’re not overlapping right yeah oh good yeah man killing each other at this border Betsy came across I saw one over there yeah we have 24 buttons yeah you gotta keep it up let’s see There one here there’s a randomly throw patois Oh Definitely yeah that’s the what I saw in here came in are done with this river bank all right good job I’m gonna move in to move into one of the buildings hopefully don’t overlap with you nice sound love the dang man love the deal of the thing not a better feeling than that

Dang I see one up here fit your slant killing it right here the bridge across the bridge okay we have two minutes all right we’re making a good time though we’re finding a lot of these buttons no I think we’re doing really well 300 total all right hope hopefully

I don’t I’m gonna dig on my computer hopefully I don’t overlap you here buddy I’m going into a building yeah I said a brick building no I don’t think so all right then we’re good we’re good I don’t think I’ve been I barely remember what I’ve been in there Oh got one nice

Look at oh here’s one two minutes to go wait what there we go nice yeah we got and we even got a few first at the start of this yeah that’s that’s gonna be really helpful Item frame you said yeah call the eyes there is a great call let’s go uh-huh okay you’re in the brick building you said right yeah you just did it at least I’m gonna go into this outside Park area okay okay see one they got minute seventeen there’s ever

Time to go off it’s right now oh yeah because maze you can actually a fun game on yeah I love this this is what we’re all right like I think we’re doing all right uh-huh at least we think yeah I guess we don’t really know oh yeah all right this buildings pretty much

Flushed out so I got to look elsewhere now yeah I’m in some red and gold building right now this will probably be my final final hurrah nice Oh yeah I think it’s about to end isn’t it yes so it 17-7 for each I’m making a run

Yeah me too man it’s gonna be tough for me though I’m sure I’m gonna try gonna try I covered this location it’s up to you buddy oh man – maybe in the trees I couldn’t get it there in sign ah victory all they got the wins 67 dude that’s

Pretty good eg cuz I bet you get points for winning but no one else got points only they it is yeah let’s check the rankings here buddy how are we doing let’s see we are let’s individual rankings team score we’re close to top 10 we’re close to top

That yeah we can still get there man we can still get there 246 we’re not too far off some people got some some people found some of these yeah they really were going hard ok that’s alright that’s not bad they’re still around yeah ok what’s our next game uh I think it’s

Build battle oh this one would seem too little yeah it’s bill Bell this yeah this one’s pretty uh it’s weird cause you got a vote yeah but can’t you just throw your vote yeah I don’t know exactly how the rules work this one was the only one that I was kind of unsure

About me too me too well let’s see here um thank you so much Aries gaming for that $25 Hitchens’s hit on junkie huh no thanks I’m good alright let’s see I just want to excited in this any donations before Russia and I start again let’s see uh your dud says

Creeper and then paradoxes but free love your videos man thank you so much and reverb yeah don’t worry watch out for Skippy and halo don’t worry you will alright alright man build battles to be a tough one but this is also leg up in the air yeah people’s bullets so maybe

We just got to be funny I don’t know yeah I mean today I think chat we might need your help on this one yeah agreed chat cuz building is definitely my worst yeah that’s why I’m a nomad I’m to be managed just I can’t build with a damn but yeah her stream

Chats can help us to see what’s gonna get the most votes yeah seriously we’re gonna know these guys personalities what do they find funny yeah yeah we’re all I think we have 10 minutes to build to go 10 minutes nice yeah alright buddy get that creative mind Oh

Put your cap on build what I got wedding Oh wedding dude what are you Oh God you okay um you build let see wedding oh my god this is awkward let’s see uh okay you know what we should just build like Oh God okay I got an idea

Dick man I don’t know man what do you think I know so we have creative mode let’s make a I’m gonna put down a bunch of let’s see we can make an altar and like yeah that’s what I was thinking all right here like I’ve been doing a church

Wedding here we’re doing an outdoor we’ll do an outdoor what oh wait there’s a beach here we can do a beach wedding yeah dude so I use courts to build something I’m just trying to see what materials we have oh we’ve got hay bells um shoot

Or we can make a big wedding cake wedding kou want to do that I don’t even know how you make one of those but alright umm it’s just like it’s like one of those old Aztec pyramids you know just like the layers getting to do that all right yeah others do we need

Different colors um I’ve got an idea okay so yeah yeah while we make it start it like 15 by 15 on the bottom okay and then make each layer three blocks tall made out of one what’s our base our base should probably be brown wool I think all right sweet deal oh that’s

Officially our plan mm-hmm the score of nine three there we go yeah so then and three blocks all he said uh-huh per layer it’s our creative mind here yep there we go all right there we go and then we’ll put a layer of white wool on the top here

Just is like the first layer of frosting oh yeah for real all right so all right and then we’ll make the next layer just in the center like that we’ll make this one let’s see we’ll make it brown is ah no we’ll use sand for this one all right so

Here I’ll make the base here so that way the sand won’t fall through yeah yeah cuz you’ve done some base building onto V 2 T so you got some well we got six and a half minutes basically but that should be enough time I can fit just

Like it is this is what that jitter clicking comes in the hand you know it comes in handy guess is good to your three blocks on this or two all yellow three again for sure let me help you got massive I like it all right

Any crazy ideas can’t let us know and I know so for candles we’ll have a bride and groom that are like made out of like pumpkins and like just normal blocks with levers as yeah not only that though but we’ll use candles that have TN t–‘s

Like on the end of them so it’ll be it’ll be a 2 B 2 T wedding cake haha oh my god this is gonna be good okay we need to we need so how much time do we need for all it cuz that’s where we’re gonna get points is something cool like that

Yeah minutes uh-huh then we can just start making layer stop making layers or do you want to do one more layer after this we’ll do it eight a small layer on top it’ll be two blocks instead of three and then we’ll still are we do another

Icing base yeah we gotta do icing so you cannot start on that yep and I’ll help you out as soon as I know this all right and then the final layer you’ll go up by two will do brown wool one more time okay we’re just to this time in one two right

Yeah I want to see one two one two go oh man we got this when well man we’re doing good things right now okay good what song oh we gotta make a bass that way yep and then we’ll put the top layer as icing we’ll use snow

Instead of police will use snow is like the final fully across or do you want to go in again yeah we’ll just make the entire top for now snow minecraft ASMR with fitzy and a Catholic rusher yeah alright so what we’ll do how I want to do the candles is

Fenceposts will use acacia fence posts you go one two and then you put the TNT wait is since these are building blocks right I’m just searching I’m just searching it oh yeah yeah wait can you only what do you mean is there a rule alright I’ll just say it’s not a

Redstone okay so then you put the TNT then put netherrack on top of it and light it on fire nether okay we’ll just do the yeah we got three minutes I’m looking for my number I’ll let you do the TNC and then maybe we’ll do that oh we’re

Doing some in the middle too though right yeah yeah lgt MT don’t worry about There all right here’s what you need to do I’m gonna finish up the top of the kick on the bottom in the sand I want you to write in obsidian to be 2t okay okay can you do that all right sweet all bad this this is worth it for the meme I

Bet you’ll get some points for this one I think use obsidian like place it as blocks obsidian it’s like the to be 2 T block all right so then I’m gonna use let’s see pumpkins here and I’m going to use soul scent I need levers okay we got a little under two minutes

Oh and end crystals is what I’ll use those like last minute don’t worry oh wait a minute wait a minute decoration blocks I’m gonna use wither skeletons instead That’s I got no I filters in the world ladies and gentlemen but I can do this all weekend crystals are 1.9 we don’t have any crystals that’s alright though we got a little under a minute to put the final touches on this to be all

Right the best I got it’s all good one two three and then I’ll use vines for the last bit of decoration on the cake people are asking if we should restart what all come on we worked so hard on this cake and they want us to reach the

Oh come on dude honestly our idea might work out I was gonna pull this off – we had it man ah ha ha me restarting well you got 15 seconds at least finish the tea I guess but I hope if we’re gonna restart hopefully they like restart before

Anyone’s builds gets shown off you know seriously got it – b2t oh man come on come on dude we got a cast our vote that’s pretty funny that’s that’s okay score 5 ok so you just click the one I mean I’m gonna give that I’m gonna give

That a 3 yeah not bad even a – I’ll see this one before that’s good you can’t build be funny now ok yeah yeah I’ll see you just be honest yeah you don’t like you could cheese it but there’s no fun in that Oh statistics about divorce they’ve got over here oh man

That’s pretty good that hits the heart man like a for for that actually did pretty well oh my god no I knew that right away yeah it was quick work I just realize if if there are people here that don’t know what to e2t is they’re gonna look at

Ours to be like what is this this one’s pretty good that’s it yeah this is what I was thinking and honestly that uh the gown they’re the wedding dress that looks real nice yeah gave him a 6 man it was a little generous there so I might have to pull

It back uh-huh actually that’s that’s a really good one yeah this is what everyone did looks like I’m like a villager Wow some people work fast man this is insane oh wow like that’s so much yeah please somebody blogs I don’t know how they did it

Wow yeah this is like what I thought about it first I’m just like wait a minute so this is a lay this one didn’t this one’s just kind of repetitive it’s big but yeah it’s average I’m getting rich I’m getting my message ready I’m gonna type in all caps the oldest Anarchy

Server and minecraft once it yeah you gotta kiss mine says like 28t so they got to make sure it says you gotta make sure they know it’s to be aha that’s ripping me apart right now for my my building right there that’s a career oh dude I wouldn’t mind some points here

I know you would make about big on the build battle yeah I like this this one’s pretty good yeah this is good okay okay everyone’s just checking it out uh-huh this is why I never played bill battle this is one I never play yeah this is a

One right here this is bad water this is trash who made this I hope we’re not waters but this one man honestly without you this is this might have been what I built if you’re a dear man so I know judgment man yeah this one’s at

I’ll get I’m get my message ready no it’s an old unfinished Oh I’m leaving Matilda like unfinished yeah I’ll get that I’m just getting the message ready to type out oh it’s just a sad face and chat for B yeah seven big yeah sorry guys I had to give out a big

Old one there oh so it’s not us yet a lot of kicks though so people had legs I think our cake is this one’s not bad though I just like our version of the cake been here thank you there obviously makes it alright I’ll go to meals for People’s reaction just what oh my god another one that’s it’s simple nice punching the villagers drove just feed them down yeah oh we’re boarding at 15 so we’re in two of them I think yeah that’s it I just I realized that right now the same time you did oh it’s alright

That’s a three I don’t know if I’m being mean here okay 28 20 28 2 t that’s our build yeah our next one that’s pretty good – okay come on when you get around all we need good reaction there we go 2018 baby come on Ovid I like this one

Man I like this I’ll give this a big old boat oh man I’m taking a screenshot of that that’s too good that’s actually good that’s a good build I look at you look look at these arms on this thing man he’s got like a what the arm and then the wrist back

I can’t big bug man there’s no way I could even do that oh man You’re a five-floor laughs yeah All ten out of ten ten out of ten unfortunately so why not a one for me man uh-huh no free points here yeah what I guess it was alright Oh Jack this one one this is oh did I get a good score yeah I did too so I we have known to

Blame but ourselves yeah we’ll see when I we’re at 3:33 so odd you only get points if you win I don’t know is that what we’re al for uh I can’t remember honestly like I wonder if we even get to see who second and third that I would like to see were and

17th now let’s see okay and right there there’s so many people close did we just leave one go off round yeah yeah let’s just see what the next game is cuz if it’s another pvp we can easily catch up with points yeah we think it’s a spliff

Man oh it’s okay with me there’s two this one’s all about winning dude yep and surviving this don’t matter there’s two levels – levels so we need to stay I like are we sticking together or we split up ah you think we should split up yeah probably split up and just like I’m

Trying to branch myself LM just not mess with anybody I’m not shooting balls like yeah I feel yeah I’m a friendly guy I’m not trying to take somebody out here I’m gonna read some donations real quick one sec good alright sorry guys so here we see uh I honestly bros just stare down

Flat break his concentration I will do that man I will do that but I can’t believe it guys still averaging over 3,000 viewers this is insane guys thank you so much like I said it’s crazy so far we’re doing alright we’re not dead last and that’s what matters you know

Like I said we can easily catch up once we get to the PvP rounds again and remember I used to play on spleef league religiously you know all that training is gonna come in handy you know so this is gonna be good for sure oh man yeah we are only we’re only 200

Points behind techno blade we could catch up like we could easily make that up because look how many games are still left elastic tuba says make the next minigame in the oldest anarchy server and minecraft of god you’re learning we’re not in halfway done with the games

Yet spleef kit pvp dropper tnt run one shot and then finally Hunger Games once more so those are those are some pretty good games we’ll be able to play you know this is gonna be good yeah this is just like sweep World Cup except we’re actually gonna win this one

There we go so let’s see yeah we’re hanging in there guys we’re hanging in there so right now it’s stream chat you got to tell me are you drinking anything right now because I’m rocking my kombucha water Roman says congrats on 400k super exciting thank you so much

Yeah it’s been wild the fact that we’ve hit 400,000 subscribers like you guys are the best fans I could ask for people drinking water drinking milk coca-cola let’s see sweet tea nice cyanide that sounds nasty peach monster french soda liquid cookies yikes techno roasted me What did he say

Oh did he call me bald oh yeah that’s uh that’s a real original one yeah I mean he’d be right though you know I’m saying huh I’m he’s technically not wrong you know I’m saying bad FBS yes this is live it’s a live stream are you crazy

Oh let’s see the elastic tuba says you’re at 401 K are you my employer huh oh yeah it’s four hundred one thousand subscribers you’re right it is 401 K that’s kind of funny all right so I’m gonna get in the games now I’m gonna get back in with rusher

Here there we go all right hello I’m in so there is there’s a little quick bathroom break I read and read and shat so make sure to make use of that nice yeah so this is just like our little duel on spleef League back in the day

Remember that I was just talking about that it yeah it absolutely was and what a what a blatte I don’t know who came out on top though man yeah you did it hey guys remember I beat Ben mascot but then you came in and then you beat me he

Like you had a come-from-behind win oh yeah I feel like it was super click it didn’t do best to 3 or 5 or something it was best to 5 yeah and I got you to 2 and then he came back with 2 and then it

Got my a oh that was epic man that nerves got to me man ok well not today today we’re a team though and there’s a lot less on the line I mean this is ten thousand ten thousand five thousand dollars that was to be to tea ever was latching back in the day

Whenever we were fighting for I’m gonna say in chat I was James Charles is here so he could give me beauty tips for being a bald guy there we go dude I like the bald guy look man thank you you know just it gets hot here in Florida it’s better having

No hair you know of course better yeah it’s off there in Canada you know huh which although cold up here man gets cold up here Canada’s beautiful though man I’ve been there several times as gorgeous have you we’re out so um you know the Boundary Waters which is like you know north of

Minnesota so we uh but that was before you needed passports to cross the border my stream chat I did not illegally hop the border to Canada okay we walked in without passports that was allowed yeah I mean I was a kid at the time I think I

Was like I actually you know what the last time I was there I think I was 17 um you may have needed a passport then so I may have broken federal law I may have gone into Canada illegally as oh good MC admitting it lies that’s right I

Got Monday weeks to have any good for you man living on the edge I respect that’s right so you want a man we should definitely stay away from the corners cuz yeah you can camp in the corners but it’s easy to like lose in the corners it I think doesn’t the top

Layer deteriorate after a little while yes yes I think it goes no I think glass I think it goes ice and glass then break but it’d be nice to stay up here for as long as possible obviously that second layer it’s gonna be intense uh-huh and it’s I think it’s just plus

One to survive so and then just to win so the mat and it’s per player the max we can get is 37 38 points without winning the win would obviously be nice yeah I’m sure they’re I think saving the snowballs though is the play oh this you need to use them uh-huh I

Forget what does the snowball do in this case it hits them back or Brit it’s just like your shovel it still breaks oh not yeah that’s right I remember yeah so buy like no I think you get 48 something like that least last week they

Did ah ha ha I like how Landon’s skin is just like his head is on backwards like I don’t know if you sorry I might meet their first day oh sorry Landon’s minecraft skin his head is on backwards it’s like super confusing no is it yeah he’s over here in the

Corner like yeah I’ll come find you here I see it stop moving okay hey you guys see me what you you just looked at me hold on where’s your skin do you see me or admit I think you’re invisible did huh are you right

In front of me I am right in front of you now dude I think you gotta be invisible because I can’t see you that’s that’s nice oh yeah I know you’re not I would be able to see you by now right yeah that’s weird yeah well I want to go

See Lando now starting at 5 7 with game here we go yep it’s game on have fun with that stay alive games starting dude what do I won’t even want to position that I see Preston over there oh man me too darn it I thought ice was like safe on the

Bottom layer use it all your snowballs on me man oh sorry oh it got me mad down ah oh they got you uh Oh son of a gun okay it’s all good I don’t know why he’s using this ball so early Oh got me did

Vic – oh I was trying to get man we just got rekt make snowballs then click up with them is that a strategy okay dude that was an unfortunate round ah Mike oh man there’s still people on the top layer we didn’t stand a chance

No I know I know oh I got Tyler one though I eliminated Tyler nice he there’s three rounds in this though man there’s three there’s three rounds thank God yeah dude I’m frustrated we need another sleep we need another sleep row yeah for real but now that we kind of know like how

The game’s gonna play out this is not good this will be good and maybe at this some of these teams are staying together team 10 I think it’s just like split some people are some people are uh-huh oh maybe you just kind of keep moving on all times that might be a better

Strategy to cut yourself off yeah I see you get oh you get snow balls from breaking snow to chat to shed oh yeah I had like a full like hot bar of snowballs from just like a that’s good now I understand cuz I’m like why would

Vic used his only snowballs at the start that makes more sense okay we’re learning we’re learning yeah don’t cut yourself off then you can’t really move uh-huh yeah cuz of the bottom now people are using the snowballs to knock people off yeah being up top is so nice so I could still up

Here Preston’s up here all tooless and verb is up here to em yeah they’re just very different but they aren’t their true sin cuz they’re just getting +1 illumination now okay yeah you can throw snowballs from the bottom layer to hit the top I think yeah you can you can

But he’s just they’re shifting up there yeah I think we just got to survive that initial that initial feud up top right uh-huh that’s pretty much yet and then you’re guaranteed so many points like Preston Tver have just been banking uh-huh all right we’ll just get three players left

I think I’m cheering for my boy Preston here even though they’re high on the leaderboard yeah city’s going right now oh you got it bad gg yeah man okay okay we got this kid we got this we got these shovels use these shovels to do things I know you can okay

All right we’re going we’re going it’s it’s on right away I’m just um yeah I’m I’m just doing parkour right now man say hi say hi yep class is the one that breaks right oh yeah I need to say central oh yeah clutch clutch net malai how you doing

All right work we’re surviving we’re getting a lot of passive points from this right now just I’m just blocking it dude I haven’t tried spleef in anybody yet okay I guess we played one person so far just barely I got sparkles I brought them down to

The next layer this one brought me down all right we’re gold for gold I got sparkles I got sparkles oh I want blood I want blood you’re doing well buddy ah he knocked me in are you in good no good round good around we got a lot of

Passive points from that though we’re up to 385 now Oh 386 dude I’m top layer how the only one here oh my god keep it up two other guys as long as they don’t spleef me off dude all right there’s one other guy up here verbs up here still I

Think there’s two oh you’re right are they team ah yeah it’s landing over there all right no no no no that’s uh Skippy if he’s throwing snowballs oh just watch out they’re gonna be throwing snowballs yeah stay on that ice up oh good save keep it up I’m alive keep it up good

Shot it’s intense Jerome’s just sitting there if you got snowballs oh I could save it save yeah here comes Jerome is coming don’t be careful okay chilling man nice oh man there’s eight players left full take these it’s no slowly disappearing Yeah just seen the end of your way out of there cut them off nice yeah he’s trapped now yeah yes she’s trying to get away from people snowballing trying to make this guy not shoot it’d be bad yeah love your TV oh yeah look at that it’s getting down to

The wire okay all right let’s see oh oh they’re going ham on those snowballs yeah I not get that guy come on yeah there you go and snowball happy be careful okay I need to collect some balls here yeah they’re going hard with those snowballs gonna get this dog man just

Keep at it there’s four players left you’re the top four okay a win is what I need though dude for those points I know guys hungry though back up a little bit yeah don’t be cool don’t get too close to that edge yeah you’re good you’re good

And you got all this room like okay yeah that’s still four people but Coleman yeah he’s just going around it looks like he’s gonna try it too got the other guys yeah there’s glass now too as long as I as long as I have more room to run

Yeah you got that whole corner one yup 1v1 you got this he’s in the very other corner epiphany yeah he’s cut off if you start chucking snowballs over there hyoeun oh that’s that’s good range yep you’re taking out his that that range is perfect oh you almost got him yep just keep

Going left and right left and right with those snowballs decided to make sure I don’t waste them all yeah yeah he must have no snowballs left maybe you can get a little closer oh no he’s got snowballs look out look out look out oh he’s got

Tongs that was so it’s Hey dude you made it really far we’re over 400 points now we got another round right away look out the guy let’s get this all the time in the heat of the moment all right is backwards okay I got knocked down already oh

Dude oh man okay fit you gotta go off here bud okay will do you got it man if there’s anyone who can it’s you yeah yeah uh-huh okay man you just need to get an area feels pretty messy right now Vic to your left keep moving dude no one’s on ya Park

Born right now uh-huh just like the old hypixel days you got a good little spot right now you’re way let’s go fit let’s go all nice all right go all nice he’s backing off though did you got this area you can chill for a bit I’ll watch for glass underneath here

I knocked him off I knocked him off let’s go dude you okay just chill just chill there’s one other guy up here man nice work buddy she’s was chucking balls watch the glass nice yep she’s still up I said god of gun just you bro Fiesta

Just chill yeah I think sparkles is up here – I gotta watch you out I’m looking now oh yes he’s way on the other side yep because you’re top 9 man you’re getting you can get this dog I know you’re spleef God but it’s so broken down there make sure

You act like this is your last oh yeah we’ll do you know what you taught me everything I know I’m just trying to stay moving yeah yeah it’s avoid the glass and then yeah no one will pick you off if you’re moving like that uh-huh watch that glass

Jeremy so glass is like when it’s oh right about to break right yeah yeah if you stay on ice and snow you’re not falling okay good farkles this stuff sparkles it’s just chilling one white block getting in the side honest a decent dry nice you stuck it yeah shock it more

Yeah get off nice dude nice work for left it’s you sparkles and two others okay whoa oh nice – it just chill yeah but you have something to drop on if something goes wrong right underneath I’ll look I’ll look below you for people verbs one of them they’re not the

Bottoms not even looking at you right now so keep doing your thing I mean eventually you will dropped it I’m trying to look for the best spot for you to drop it right here would be a good spot yeah yeah that’s a good spot I mean

You might as well chill until then we’re trying it took out sparkles yeah no they didn’t uh they took out someone there’s three yep they did oh it’s a 1b – bro that’s the one B two are there on the same or are you they’re gonna come for

You you might as well drop down and play on their level I don’t know what’s easier for you oh dude you played well buddy dang we that’s all good we got a lot of points out of that though got some points on little boy oh we got two

Second places oh good work though oh I can’t believe there’s two of them left that’s Sol laughs you unlucky but hey we hey we both got second in our respective rounds so it’s all good should be yeah dude let’s go ah what’s our score at yeah hey we’re still around the same

Yeah dude but we’re much higher than than the people by and we’re still in a closed round like top ten oh my god actually we’re tied for 16th right now with dole and dark and grande okay and we got kit pvp draw 14 like through there’s some ones where we can go off

And then there’s another hunger game huh for sure one shot set like I feel like we’ve eliminated of our worst like that lava that lava run which I think’s there that’s another good well I bet you’re good at that too because they yeah this belief we just

Play I love love run but okay I’m gonna hop in let me read some donations real quick then yeah alright guys see ya I got a few donations to catch up on let’s see buddy just come on bald boomer daddy of God I on the sea bro this Cub fan is

Going to try and make a leak for Ravagers run nice alright but yeah guys we got so close on that round that was in sane rusher and I both got at least second place in our respective rounds and if if I wouldn’t have been if it

Wouldn’t have been to be won I would have won that the old spleef league player would have took that one out and clutch bordo kit pvp now so we’ll see what’s going on I’ll get back in voice chat there we go Ryan thank you for that $2 donation says

I believe in you papa fit thank you thank you we’re gonna kill as much as long kills many guys as possible oh yeah so is this one like are we just put in a random place basically I fit dude I fit and you apparently get pill kill or points

Replacement but placement just means kills right right then so dude target weaker players I guess is the only strategy I would say do we get response here yeah response first 250 kills wins all nice so we just got a slay out man yeah and clean up kills that’s really kit pvp

Haha yeah for real are we gonna stick together then still ah whatever works dude yeah let’s stick together man yeah it’s rush rush let’s rush you just you should be swinging your sword at another player as much as possible yeah cuz respawns I mean there’s no respawn time

So it’s you’re not even eating into too much time I think you have pearls too uh I would just use them okay oh I guess we’re spread but we’re split up got my mom one already the rest of these guys I just hit myself harming whoopsie yeah I got killed 100

Blade to start you you got to get racked by all else there is a respawn three seconds the one guy don’t want to see did Jeffy just got me too this is more adult and I’m used to oh I got someone I killed someone right as they were

Purling away and I can’t I’m getting rekt four point two nine I need to like clean up there’s too much yeah I’m gonna oh man I would try to pearl we barely got me right at the end dude oh no I got the kill oh my god oh my god oh man

We’re just getting we’re just feeding right now is what we’re doing yeah I’m with you fit I’m with him with it let’s let’s like think noodles I’m on him dad ham B there’s ham be strike it away yep myself with that there we go yeah we got

To stick together up hit him almost out there we go nice I’m gonna get taken out but get my health back okay we’re doing alright I got someone else you got walked out zip oh I got me got captain sparkles uh-huh I drove in the water I’m turning hey I forgot to turn

Hitboxes on there we go give me the kill oh I got the kill stole a drain it was so many shots which elf is this guy huh Solo kill yeah man geez trying yeah we’re trying ain’t easy man it ain’t easy some of these guys are so good man oh man I thought I had someone nope oh yeah everyone’s really good I still like they are so good oh yeah yeah if we

Try and find each other keep an eye out for me let’s see well I’ll be I got one nice other doubler gonna get killed by them yeah I got a couple they’re got someone a Greek gone I can’t lose this one shelf this bed uh-oh oh there you are there you are

There you are there you are oh we got gaps yeah we got a gap weird gaps this whole time techno blade up whose beat me I got checked oh I got I’m with you with you we got this guy how much help God I go

Nice wait that’s okay I try to eat a gap could get it in time oh did I get one oh I didn’t get one such a weird game okay buddy yeah I got someone did I yeah this is just a free-for-all dude it really is that log

I mean tumble oh you stole my kill do I’m getting lucky with this sweat in here boys yeah this is like insane ah double pearl I got spunk in there there we go lose my kill on me yes I got four shot come here mr. savage

I need my Redemption God I’m baby come here oh I was so close to getting sparkles team Don ah okay dude I gotta get a good run they’re doing all right oh I got already oh that’s a tough game of rap five thirty nine days we went out

We went up 100 exactly okay I don’t know what that I mean who knows however let’s see what we’re at now hopefully we went up enough yeah what is it we went up yep we went up all right we went up and now we’re almost 15 almost

16 dude we’re so close to top 10 we got this yeah we just got it perform man the fact that we’re doing this well on our first minecraft Monday is crazy yeah I’m having fun with it – what do we got next dropper so this one you got to click the

Button at the end eh oh yeah and you have to like fall and stuff I remember this you’re gonna fall and then first but it’s like first one so cool on speed uh-huh sweating after that one G I know I read some donuts real quick let’s see do

Brand X for the $5 donation it’s just like the old days Lexus oh thank you so much appreciate that there was a few others but I want to make sure I’m ready for the game good or both of them nuts there we go oh what’s that

No I know sorry I was just talking to Chad and you I guess but yes can’t be a bad boy halo are they both nuts or what I guess they must be all right yeah it’s it’s weird playing without hacks it is weird really more so for you because he was

Still in playing and yeah you always got along yeah why wouldn’t you be oh man so yeah this is just like we have to like as we fall we have to not like touch until the end right yeah yeah like we land in water and then hit a button

Right that’s how it works land and water and then but the button could be like like a 10 second walk away like you kind of it’s like five the button right when you drop in so J’s it could be right there or further away oh

I got you but I think you only get points if you’re the first guy like you get pulling us you only get bonus otherwise you just gotta hit it uh-huh and then there’s a certain amount of time be nice to be first I haven’t played dropper

Number six all you got down yeah didn’t get first oh damn I bet some of these maps are memorized at all and I think yeah we got where’s the button where’s the button oh there it is yeah I was coming it’s 30 oh man ah ha ha did you finish it you finished

Yet but there’s multiple rounds okay I can do this I can do this yeah twelve twelve rounds like as long as we finish every single round if first place would be nuts that’s how you get bonus uh-huh I’m sitting up in my chair now I’m ready yeah dude we got this yeah

I have not played a water dropper neither am i man this is like new this is new there’s 12 of these we got a complete yeah where’s like the pack guys have just they played a lot of this where spot was button oh I was I was looking in the

Completely wrong place I’m a dude actually it’s not like flying the but I was looking at slabs I guess it’ll be boring oh my god we could uh I feel dumb about that one yeah apparently Oh top 5 gets 10 points dudes oh ok so we can do

This man ah I was sixth on the first one oh you know what I’m gonna go around and check what the button is on all the others just like because we can go through the walls okay yeah alright yeah it’s like right on the wall in most

Cases it’s not hidden at all no okay okay it’s like right there seems like it’s always facing towards positive or negative Z – uh-huh positive Z or negative Z every time dude I’m gonna keep my up three up for that not the way you alright alright alright someone still seven seconds Oh God

Did something they should shorten the time on this man oh my lord yeah no kiddin ya got it number one number one number one how’d you do it left side yeah yeah I see it oh yeah okay oh that’s that was a tough week yeah we needed that one yeah all right

We got we just got a coupe we needed that we got to keep doing it we got to keep doing it yeah we do we do yeah it’s basically the buttons all else always gonna be right in front of your landing or right below uh-huh I believe or right

Behind so it’s never to the side mm-hmm that’s good to know yeah nice job thank you yeah that was a little bit of luck a little bit orangey not did you just said did you get it first try oh yeah like second earth there’s a second try I

Landed on vines right next to the water so it slowed my fall that was wild man all right the water starts to get smaller so there might be some taha here we go oh I choked I choked two men that Night I was number five okay not it I was 26 darn it good try man yeah if I were to clutch that first whoa I can’t even see or the water is there it is oh my god watch this same here man I feel like go I’m 29

What at least like we completed it oh my lord I’ve done the same thing yeah everyone finished so that one came out of nowhere all right we got thirty five of them gone oh they did that one was annoying yeah frame off whoo so yeah so once the first five finish I

Guess up here we go yeah I’m gonna look straight down that’s a chest telling me look straight down it’s easier to tell oh I gotta like look for the blue two first if you like to get top five though you just need to send it and almost get

A lucky one haha I think that first beam I stepped on it and I didn’t get sent back to the start and it let me jump into the water I wonder if that was a glitch oh oh that was negative yeah I’ll take it we’ll take a good old glitch here we go I have 14 twenty-seven yeah we completed a t-top file a top five I was like seven I forget teens in the teen uh-huh thing is everyone’s getting points though yeah so that’s not even yeah it’s lapiz Oh oh my god move dude I thought I had a clutch one right at the start

Okay I’m gonna yeah tortoise wins the race this way I can slow down look at the water go for a 1/4 water my rush strats isn’t working yeah get oh oh oh my God all you can like there we go dude nice fat guys all

Right here we go I know we go where’s the I got 16th okay honey basically you miss water you just got to get the first try second try it’s hard to see what the names in front yeah for real men f1 doesn’t even hide the names no it doesn’t okay

No yeah I here we go we’re about to jump again so get ready yeah I got a crap usually I mentioned my nose or something what the camping rusher is rushing it what I’m rushing man today that’s I gotta slow it down the tortoise tortoise always wins the race that’s right

Good line shot yeah cuz everyone’s finishing so if we if you don’t get the first one or two you just yeah say mirror 20 seconds left if they don’t finish be stressful being I guess I was the last one there at one point Oh think noodles got it means one more oh boy don’t think it’s gonna happen oh great God there is oh it’s a tough one right off of that oh my god really 22 look quick man another dropper guy neither am i oh man oh there we go there we go let’s go they’re 29 29 yeah that one that’s tough the thing is though like you can’t even like look for water something like I couldn’t see the water without jumping yeah that’s the tricky

Part now all the names block out like yeah dude slow so hard uh-huh y’all can do it thanks dirt we’re trying we’re trying man we’re trying we got a couple good game modes that we should be good at coming up uh-huh oh yeah squished like TNT running stuff and

Like one of the chamber you know we need to go off and see it – yeah all right so we got two more we got two more of these all right here we go all right get it get it yep oh I choked looks like an easy one too

Yeah I know I almost had a first-time dad ah played it wrong I played it wrong so we got one more and then we’re onto the better game modes yeah but at least we got at least we’ve got like a decent lot of points off this one we got at

Least up a little bit no one’s messed up and you got a top five I feel like some of the better the top teams are gonna steal a lot of these points like fat like those guys at the top we’re already doing well yeah what I’m like right clicking the button make

You what I can’t do it click click click into there glitch of this out I was up with 21 Wow dude how’d you do it I don’t know focus people block the button that’s why you’re someone standard what a cheese move ok man I mean it was good

As we could man I think that’s hard yeah dropper in our game man we’re too busy killing people to practice these little mini games dude okay I assume honestly we should have probably went down you would think we’re still hosting though yeah and we’re not far and we’re

Close we’re closing the gap you gotta get 15 top 10 would be beauty but we need 5 minutes 5 minute break nice I can’t either yeah for sure man another back ok alright stream see I missed a couple donations there mr. fanciful says top 10 anime crossovers

Yeah no one saw this coming dude it’s been crazy to say the least a 16 rusher needs to collaborate with hey I’m B baby we’ll see we’ll see Lex organic says good game well played wish you and rush but further luck I believe in you Thank You Lex oh I appreciate that

Yeah this has been a wild stream man we’re still in this we’re vying for top 10 right now and considering this is our first minecraft Monday we’re doing pretty decent I’d say you know because we’re going to a lot of these people they have like weeks and weeks of

Experience but this is our first time jumping into these sorts of games so I think all things considered we’re doing great and if you look we’ve got TNT run next which I’m good at that we got one shot which I used to love playing that

Game back in the day and then we got one more Hunger Games to finish it off I think we can definitely rack up some points in the last three games for sure 100% buddy not gamer mix to the 2000h does discord after stream we’ll see we’ll see but mr. greedy thank you for

That one dog donation appreciate that yeah we’re trying man though we’re trying yeah actually Russia and I are at about the same amount of points right now look at that so we’re you know we’re trying to not come in dead last and we’re doing a good

Job so far yeah we’ll get that C what am i n points I’m flying down there I’m 30 yeah I could probably yeah hit both Russia and I are both like down here we could easily climb that though in the next few minutes we can easily get up there Yeah I am I am competing against contact creators that only play minigames that’s true I am the to be Tootsie guy I’m so used to a hack client but I am gonna make excuses for myself I’m out here to do the best job I possibly can you know 100% but yeah let’s see

Andrew Russell we’ll see after the stream we’ll see I might join the discord call we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see but yeah James’s feet you should play with techno blade it would be a very interesting dynamic yeah he’d be carrying me would it be an interesting dynamic for sure the booming rusher oh

God yeah we actually wait a minute I have I have almost as much as Technos partner look at that junkie he’s got 351 I’ve got 327 so the leaderboard yeah it’s it’s right here I didn’t see could we still get top ten at this point it’d be a stretch I don’t know

Snow as she says I believe in you too well thank you I appreciate that the amber thanks for the support preciate that I can join TNT run now okay okay okay will do yeah it looks like we’ve only got half the players in here right now well this

Is so fun yeah it’s basically like parkour essentially as the blocks disappear the walking the walk and jump strategy tends to work pretty well so you’re just looking straight down like that I prefer to keep my view a bit like that third-person doesn’t work as well as you think it does

It really doesn’t you know I’m more comfortable first-person for these types of games say the line the oldest anarchy server and minecraft hey buddy hey I think the NT yeah we got this okay okay there are two layers I think there’s actually more than two I think there’s like three or four okay

What just let’s pretend like there’s one yeah that’s exactly and then if you’re gonna fall always try and have a spot to land I guess yeah techno got a six win streak yeah I guess he does I think this guy knows what he’s saying I think this one’s famously yep

We just try to survive just stay on the platforms oh here we go it’s not some fun with it yeah we got this this is like the next three games we can really rack up points you know and really just get on it up there yeah

All right I’ve been looking for it I like this one man yeah this is a fun one for sure it’s wait it’s a little bit more laid-back so it’s not my pressure and some of these PV peers man they’re just they know what they’re doing but

This I mean this is something we can I can think our way through yeah we’re our way through every minecraft player knows how to jump so yeah yeah I think you can do those single single block jumps without running a that’s that’s what they do the good ones but that’s hard

We’ll try that when we get there yeah oh yeah we’re just we’re having fun with it you know yep a game of snake dude I played a lot of snake in my day here we go all right we got this might not be hold shift okay we’re good we’re good yeah

Don’t be behind anybody that makes me like a little bit I’m lagging a lot really oh yeah try turning your particles down maybe I might help a little bit I think that’s exactly what okay I’m gonna try this round but I’m gonna be laggy today and

Easy I’m still the top layer it up I just came down oh oh oh man you gotta watch the landings that’s how they get you yeah yeah people are already getting eliminated oh it’s definitely my particles man that’s such a tough round for me I barely see what’s going on oh

My god dude I was walking in and disappeared under me oh yeah okay I gotta switch this okay that’s not what we get 13 left that’s not bad man that’s not bad yeah okay particles right that’s gotta be pretty go for particles particles decrease or minimal it’s too

Minimal uh-huh yeah that’s your best bet man okay I’m doing graphics fast too good yeah and like like fast lighting yeah just everything yeah okay this should be better PC can’t hard I’ll handle particles yeah I think a lot of people were like me yeah okay today we

Did all right though we did all right we did yeah oh yeah we got this yeah yeah state has this top layer yeah but you’re right the drops is what gets haha Yeah I almost ate my particles I’m still here okay it’s not as bad though okay that’s good yeah as long as you can survive a little bit Did all the way to the really it’s all good man just try to survive as long as you can down there yeah taking the outside route I’m chilling for a bit I’m still on the top layer yeah said you got this up once we’re dying now

Yep on the very last layer I got a few buddies up too you know ah we got like eleventh on that time though we got some points we got some points and good work good work yeah try and render distance yeah hey buddy I saw bad install bad yeah

Hard man again uh-huh it’s fun though it is fun I like this one a lot we got some plus plus K buddy we need to go off here yeah still two people left yes good all right GG all right this is the last one we got this man we got this yep yep

Alright go come on oh yeah some of these blocks that are some of them are this okay there’s one block two blocks missing oh yeah they’re just top layer yeah they’re burning up here man they’re going quick this round I think some do something randomly disappear yeah little by little they’ll randomly go that’s what the particles are man oh uh I’m gonna last layer darn it I’m just gonna wreck as many of these blocks as I can right now just running I name it jumping right I’m just running

There we go yeah it’s Oh got me you still going still going now that I understand this rule a little bit yeah well there I see you man keep it up yeah oh okay dude I probably figured out how that works to the end yeah 100 good for

Landing man good for landing yeah okay next time we will understand that one better do it we did all right though we did all right yeah all right let’s see if we moved up or down 793 yeah let’s see you went 13 to 13 oh we would have that much

All right go buddy we could get top 10 we can get top 10 man we can what we got man we performed apparently yeah I could have done better to one shot yeah oh yeah yeah yeah first team to 35 miss a shot miss a shot and wait three so you

Got to wait three seconds if you miss yeah that mine oh the old ducking combo hi yeah it’s like team deathmatch right now this is dope yeah it is all right hold perform out there yeah I used to love this game that’s a fun game uh-huh

Yeah it even like it doesn’t matter how long you hold the shot down for any arrow damage counts as a hit any Oh Annie okay good call yes you can like get a quick shot off if like someone’s coming around a corner that close round yeah this guy’s getting kills out there

Is this count towards the score no it’s we’re still waiting all if you go too low in the tree it kills you I don’t know what’s happening here yeah cheater cheater disqualified Oh God don’t know if they’re planning oh oh cause you respawn with a bowl that’s why

Oh okay so that’s a little I said just stay peaceful until the game starts and now people are just racking in the points man oh that’s oh yeah why they just slay note I’m Sheila they’re all DQ yeah alright might be down a little bit

What is even going on oh here we go starting at 10 seconds okay we might need to rock some points up yeah a couple advantages here uh-huh we got this oh I hit the wrong button on my mouse here we go ah got one alright oops I think I killed

You I get points for that uh no Beijing got me oh well there you are okay got them whole night there yeah one two three got up nice I missed that oh I got me well I guess I’ve reset on that okay I didn’t know okay buddy three

In a row nice just awesome got me okay okay well Jen c-beams right here behind us – – bottom all right I can’t kill thick noodles did we just keep spawn in here I got eight kills right now okay kill another yeah dude oh we were long

Camp in there for a second yeah we were I guess spawn Kevin’s legit strategy yeah How did I miss that Yeah gonna get pills right off spawn I got me I miss I’m at ten kills right now we’re at 7.7 I’m bitching I’m glitching let’s go miss Londo on this star netbook the others keep movin I missed that got someone damn trying and missed us

Ah they got it man dang nice work man we may have gone up though we may have gone up he may have dude that was so like who knows I was hard those ah let’s check it out once it loads up we’re 13th we can

Fill 13 we got all Hunger Games left we could still get top 10 we could yeah we could we need a big we need a big win all right man yeah we got this at least we’re on the leaderboard everything oh I’ll do it oh yeah oh yeah we’re doing just fine

Man yeah that’s our first first minecraft monday like we’re learning and cut some of the kinks to uh-huh like how things work we can do better in this round all right let’s see I’m just checking out the map right now I’m not as familiar with this one but same

Strategy we just go away from spawn try and stick together yeah here hold on I’m gonna read some donations real quick so guys will say lazy gamer makes that condonation any tips for new minecraft youtubers just make content that you enjoy and try and apply to like a niche

Kind of audience all right it’s audiences give me a good quote pop up what are you talking about as second badger links becoming a member appreciate that Jason thanks that kind of nation snow is she and mr. greedy thank you so much appreciate that all right

This is yep this is the last round yeah Haley yeah this is our first most have played at least one so if we play again at least we’ll be more experienced you know yeah yeah alright well let’s make it happen yeah we’re gonna have to make it happen

You really are man we got a couple kills in the last one uh-huh we have a 10-4 kill that’s huge yeah all right here we go so turn around I see a building we can go into ah where it says my crap money’s that whole building over there like the

Gray one on the right okay yeah we’ll go man here we go hop across the fences here into the flower building here the gray well yeah those just in there there’s a chest off to the side get that one Iron Chef I got the one in here

Boots there’s a couple weapons and TNT need a weapon no I’m gonna gonna what sort okay I got stone axe but genie boots yep I got one too thank you yep all right let’s let’s move here’s another chest oh yeah there’s pants in here I’m grabbing at all

I got Stoops to nice nearby oh you can do that you can do that – bye – don’t worry you can do to Ikea for soups yeah both kinds one of each I’m checking the buses right now all right there you are okay here over here over here over here

You shouldn’t meet anymore loot yeah here’s a chest go into that building right there all good chest plates stone all good gear good gear good gear do you need a chest plate on here yeah I’ll take a ball you got our okay G need a weapon no don’t sword okay I got three

TNCs or dude nice anything else good in there yeah more more mushroom stuff dude you want to suit yeah I’ll take one if you don’t mind yeah I dropped it oh thank you yeah let’s head up the stairs and see if there’s anything good about your pants or helmet extra ah nope

Sorry man next will be for you let’s see oh here’s a chest like kind of halibut and chess play nice I got ender pearl apple melons Oh if you hit some with that it’s like a debug it’s like a deep op yeah okay alright we should probably get out of

This building now all right let me just real quick yeah let’s go staircase was here yep let’s just keep looking around I don’t think yeah 10 people have died so far I think uh actually I don’t know get this chest on the way yeah this way we did not explore this way yet

You know I got a helmet for you here buddy oh thank you there you go thank you thank you thank you keep your gear it up it’s a bigger mouth too yeah so it might be a while before we run into people so I drop all there’s some people

Over there huh who’s Marcos yeah oh they’re fighting though we’re getting chased by our we have the foil full teams yeah let’s stay out of this one for now well they’re coming this way it looks like let’s head this way look for more Luke hop across the intersection here yeah

This huge building here might be good Don’t know if these guys are following still they are they might be coming for us oh yeah lock the team some over here they might clean up though careful Oh coming to you all right yeah we’re good we’re good oh yeah anything good I got the TNT ready we

Could take these guys in well these guys are right here though there’s gonna alright alright yup there we go we need to go this way buddy we need to know this pin all right let’s do it yup I got my eyes open off to the left I’m sorry the right

Thing I cleaned up yep let’s just keep running man cuz they got better gear than us right now wonder if they’re trying to solo so we good just keep moving they aren’t chasing ya just keep on this white line here just keep at it all there someone is standing out there

Look at look at this would be cleanup duty let’s do this oh yeah yeah let’s slap dot Chuck target flat kill nice go all right yo Ches prefilled in ten seconds all right we just got survived so then you got pants I got pants yeah always like ah no pants on me

Sorry no worries all I can make Southers I can get some extra soups here there we go all right I don’t shake the drop okay yep let’s head out can we get hit some more chest to a uh-huh yeah effect old chests yeah other ender

Pearl steal a gold chest plate but no no pants right now people nearest I don’t see anyone let’s go in here real quick yeah there’s a team right oh you’re right if we could hide in here and ambush that invasion yeah if we crouch if they try to get in

Here leave the iron remember oh yeah but still if you get first hit and we got seuss yeah they saw slats body and they’re like nope all right yeah I’m just watching the entrances right now cleanup duties everything I mean dude we could go keep looting chefs we might as

Well yeah well we got some players out here oh yeah all right over here to go back in although did me oh right there right there dude scrappy I’m here Jimmy’s weak you got him got him oh you got me you can get him you can get him he’s running he’s running

Oh I got Skippy though I got Skippy – eat up all right your I got me ah halo without one health but I got cleaned up from another team from techno dang but hey we each got sonic ill yeah we both did we might I don’t know we might be

Able to get top ten I don’t know it’s gonna be held hands on who’s alive dude we did all right bad way yeah we just got cleaned up uh-huh see I will see hopefully we’re on top ten hopefully the way bigger man yeah but we definitely were more successful this time for sure

Oh way better did we play that way better yeah just a lot to clean up that’s the play and bad boy just escaped uh-huh barely oh yeah bad boy halos getting hit by second oh yeah it’s yeah that didn’t last long Oh fix Ted stole the kill techno of them are winning this for sure oh yeah oh oh house teamwork they used right there Wow good on these dudes yeah Preston Preston’s in the running to so he’s trying to clutch up here yeah I’m rootin for Preston right now I guess yeah I’m

Just looking at everyone alive right now yeah come on Preston you got this come on buddy bring it oh dude yeah Preston’s one of those guys like in real life he was just super chill he was super nice you know oh the greatest guy man yeah

Yeah you met him when we were down there oh yeah he was super cute like for a night I think yeah he’s funny too did I there’s no way techno I mean Bayesian and sparkles maybe you can give him a run for their money but other than that

Yeah guys are Opie who’s junkie jancker do you know um he do you know the Cartoon Network show the amazing world of gumball oh he’s the voice of the main character on that show yeah so he’s more of one of the celebrity entrants yeah there he goes put up a fight

What do you do yeah good try good just junk you guys pretty good though it seemed uh-huh yeah well I mean when you’re with techno you get like a stat boost automatically yeah that’s true well there’s our first MC Monday let’s see yeah fingers crossed I mean we at

Least placed in the middle I think which out throat first right yeah for our first one that’s huge soon we were still felt like so many put the spli points the lava run that once we figured out that the particles mean the DA what you have life in regardless been a pleasure

Regardless let’s see I know man here we go we got 1440 Tatars flat barely beat us out but at least we know we got a kill on flat so yeah we did and we honestly I had a blast though what a little way to

Come back a place of NZ I know man like and we didn’t get dead last you and I both had the ring rust and we still came out and got a ton of points today you know 100% I was I’m happy with our performance and it was just well I think

We’ll do do even better next time if it works so next week man yeah we’ve learnt a lot aha for sure man but I’ll leave you to it man but we’ll be in touch for sure absolutely pleasure catching up with you and see you next week man Irina sounds

Good yeah oh man you guys we killed it out there today it was our first minecraft Monday and we almost got top ten oh man but like we didn’t get dead last if we would have got dead last I wouldn’t have been able to show my face

On to be Tutsi ever again but we actually did really well guys I just want to read up those last minute donations there’s a fake mr. beast in chat yeah people you gotta look for the verified checkmark as Texas hey help out hey I’m B well we’ll see we’ll see

But yeah unfortunately guys minecraft Monday is over we had a great time you guys that stuck through me the whole what has been like almost three over three hours now you guys the real fit fam I just want to say thank you so much if you haven’t already

Make sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram and follow my twitch cuz that’s where I mainly stream SMP live make sure to do that but uh yeah that’s all I got to tell you guys wait build battle going again are you sure no I think it’s over guys I think it’s over

So unfortunately guys I’m out I’ll be streaming on Twitch tomorrow and expect a YouTube stream on Wednesday I hope you enjoyed today’s to be tuti video if you haven’t seen it yet make sure to go watch it will we be in Minecraft Monday again next week we’ll have to see how

Many spots are available but take it easy everyone we’ll see you next time adios [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause]

This video, titled ‘FIT AND RUSHER JOIN MINECRAFT MONDAY (Full Stream)’, was uploaded by FitMC on 2019-08-06 23:48:19. It has garnered 234196 views and 5591 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:30 or 10230 seconds.

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/SonOfShoop My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitmcsippycup/ My Twitch: www.twitch.tv/realfitmc Shirts: https://www.redbubble.com/people/fitmc/works/23022465-fitmc

Newsweek Article: http://www.newsweek.com/2016/09/23/minecraft-anarchy-server-2b2t-will-kill-you-498946.html

MUSIC used in streams: Lars Erik Fjøsne :https://soundcloud.com/livinglars C418 RIPE : http://www.zreomirror.com/ Alec Holowka: https://infiniteammo.bandcamp.com/album/towerfall-ascension Geoxor Silvagunner

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    Uncovering Minecraft's Lost Levels: 15 Years Later The Quest for Minecraft’s Lost Levels Introduction In a thrilling turn of events, Minecraft enthusiasts recently unearthed the long-lost custom maps based on the iconic game DOOM. These maps, created by Notch in May 2009, had been missing for a staggering 15 years until now. Minecraft Multiplayer is Born The release of these DOOM levels marked a significant moment in Minecraft’s history, coinciding with the birth of Minecraft multiplayer. Players were eager to explore new challenges and experiences within the game. What are the DOOM Levels? The DOOM levels introduced a fresh and exciting dimension to Minecraft gameplay, drawing… Read More

  • Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug

    Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug The World of Minecraft: A Dive into UniversoCraft Exploring UniversoCraft Server For Minecraft enthusiasts looking for a vibrant and engaging server to join, UniversoCraft is a top choice. With the server IP mc.universocraft.es, players can immerse themselves in a world filled with endless possibilities and adventures. The server offers a thriving community of players, making it the perfect place to connect, collaborate, and explore. Connect on Discord Joining the UniversoCraft community is made easy through their Discord server. By following the link here, players can engage in discussions, participate in events, and stay updated on server news and announcements…. Read More

  • Companion Kiwi’s shocking secret revealed!

    Companion Kiwi's shocking secret revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m Late, I’m Late | Minecraft SevTech Ages’, was uploaded by Companion Kiwi on 2024-08-16 22:17:39. It has garnered 36 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Like and Subscribe! ^ Join The Community V Support on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/CompanionKiwi https://x.com/CompanionKiwiYT Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/E6y9r42qv4 [email protected] #minecraft #gaming #live #stream #sevtechages #minecraftages #minecraftsevtech Read More

  • Minecraft Egg Logic Exposed

    Minecraft Egg Logic ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by OptionGaming on 2024-09-12 12:15:03. It has garnered 10915 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts #minecraftguide #minecrafttutorial #trending #viral #10kviews #shorts #hypixal #minecrafthowto #trendingshorts #feedshorts #kite #comment #chipichipichapachapa #comedyvideo #funnyvideo #funnyshorts #plssupportmychannel #4k #2k #hd #gamingcommunity #build #india #1millionviews #1000subscribe minecraft logic gates, minecraft logic be like, minecraft logic pt 2 🤔 november 🅥, minecraft logic shorts, minecraft logic song, minecraft logic that makes no sense, minecraft logic greg renko, minecraft logical redstone, minecraft logic water, minecraft logic… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!

    INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #337’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-04-30 00:46:01. It has garnered 1415 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:06 or 3306 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion – Wilson’s Journey

    Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion - Wilson's JourneyVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS In FUSION PIXELMON! (Minecraft Pokémon)’, was uploaded by Wilson on 2024-03-01 18:00:04. It has garnered 143854 views and 2503 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:16 or 2896 seconds. 🟠100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon! (Minecraft Pokémon)🟠 100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon finally makes its return! Make sure to let me know what fusions you want to see next in 200 days 🔴 Subscribe To the Channel!🔴 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JfhV6l5qZJKRUovFAMw8A 🟠Discord🟠 https://discord.gg/G4QVRwMXxF 🔵Rocketnode🔵 Use Code “WILSON” For 25% off your server! https://billing.rocketnode.com/aff.php?aff=990446 🟢Edited By Zenzy🟢 https://zenzyyy.carrd.co/ #pixelmon #100days #100 Read More

  • Sandurs – Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!

    Sandurs - Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV: Underworld | Minecraft CTM | Stream 17’, was uploaded by Sandurs on 2024-05-19 01:48:20. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:31 or 7711 seconds. ================== ➜ Minecraft CTM ➜ Map Name: Ragecraft IV: Underworld By heliceo & suso ➜ Map Download: https://ctmrepository.com/download.php?id=588 ➜ Music: Eniah and David Fesliyan & Crinkles – https://crinklesmusic.com/#music ➜ Map Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjl5QfimUCo ================== Hello, I’m Sandurs! I mainly make Minecraft videos like: CTM (Complete the Monument). I enjoy making and playing CTM Maps. Sometimes I do other things like other Minecraft… Read More


    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT BEDROCK SERVER GAMEPLAY LIVE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT LIVE STWEAMY | BEDROCK SERVER 🔴’, was uploaded by Game Ed on 2024-07-26 21:17:42. It has garnered 3142 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:45 or 7245 seconds. Follow my Twitter – https://twitter.com/MCShortsCollab Join my discord server – https://discord.gg/TjEYqAdHyj Donate to my paypal – https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/gameed Read More

  • Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!

    Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Isekai】To the Sewers!’, was uploaded by Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-06 05:21:25. It has garnered 105035 views and 8058 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:19 or 9739 seconds. eep cute art, thank you! https://x.com/PhdPigeon/status/1830142960585097389 Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. https://en.hololive.tv/request-to-minors Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnMxjFRlywA&t=21s MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-kkCrVZUzc ◆What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven… Read More

  • Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥

    Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Minecraft Fun Again (by ruining it…)’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-07-27 22:37:32. It has garnered 34555 views and 2132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:15 or 1695 seconds. You ever find Minecraft boring and burnt-out after just 2 weeks Well Have I got a solution for you… (its awful) SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 MERCH STORE: https://eqshop.live ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP Join my Discord to Play this Monstrosity: https://discord.gg/xAPDH4uQnj This video was just for fun and if its not obvious a joke please don’t hate… Read More


    ULTIMATE TOWER BUILDING & TREE CHOPPING IN MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK EP 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Make a tower around the block and expand tree cutting area MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK SERIES EP 2’, was uploaded by NOXX CRAFT on 2024-09-21 12:30:30. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:42 or 642 seconds. 🔥 Noxx on an unforgettable Minecraft journey as we dive into uncharted territories and face off against fearsome creatures! Join us in this epic adventure filled with laughter, excitement, and mind-blowing creations! 🌍 Explore vast landscapes, unearth hidden treasures, and build magnificent structures that will leave you in awe. From towering castles… Read More