Mind-Blowing! I Barely Survived 200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore!

Video Information

Greetings citizens we are back for round two with one block Sky Block we accomplished a lot in the 100 days video but it was clear we need at least another 100 days to complete all 10 phases of the block as well as wrap up the various projects that we started not

To mention expanding the Roman borders by Conquering the Ender Dragon domain many of you really enjoyed the first video and even asked to see a thousand days in this world let’s just say that’s not out of the question if I keep adding things to my laundry list of projects if

You haven’t yet be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss future videos that I’ll be releasing in this world as well as others will we be able to complete my list of tasks over 200 days in one block let’s find out also look over my shoulder you see what’s happening back

There guy in the back is giving the guy in the front a shoulder massage didn’t offer me one but that’s cool this is like every day for me it’s like the paparazzi following me around which is 100% True by the way that’s right big guy Legion V Problem Solver extraordinaire extremely ineffectual

I’ve got a secret mission for you see the boys in the lab they’ve been trying to figure out what’s down there report back with data I don’t know what I’m getting worked up about this should be no problem and I really hope that’s not foreshadowing please don’t hurt me I

Said don’t hurt me I literally just said that a single shulker shell sh sh shell sh sh sh shulker Shell well hello again citizens we are back for 200 days in the one block world and I know I’ve got tons of Worlds that I need to go back to and actually start the uh the 200 day adventure but this one in particular I felt like we left

The 100 Days with a lot left over to do so I wanted to get right back to it and at least wrap up a lot of the things that I had in mind that I was hoping to accomplish in the first video for example you will notice that my let’s

Call it plebs Ville over here is looking a little bit empty now we were able to fill up the uh the breeder area in here quite a bit but very very few of them have meaningful employment so we got to work on that we need to fill all of this

Out work on getting obviously some diamond armor and tools but also some enchantments and maybe even some different kinds of farms cuz I know how much you guys enjoy that don’t worry you’re safe you’re a librarian you’re going to stay right there so that’s a big one and definitely probably where

I’m going to start because I believe that’s where I left off in the last video however there are other things that I will be working on over these 100 days and we’ll definitely get to all of that Wow broke my axe that that axe had literally one hit left in it from the

Last video anyway though the ultimate goal for this 100 days is to wrap up all the things I was thinking for the last video but also I already had an axe I don’t know why I did that whatever we need to beat the Ender Dragon and

Hopefully get an elytra so that’s one of the big ultimate goals but also you’ll notice I never did complete the block so we got to get through the rest of the phases of that as well there’s definitely a few other things but I’m kind of just going to remember them as I

Go but I am certain we’re going to have plenty to do over this uh 200 Day video so once I go around and wrap up all the chores that I have you know as far as everything being grown here the trees all that type of thing we’re going to

Get started with our pleb friends over there and get this whole thing kicked off oh that’s another one by the way I kind of intended to build this whole area into a barn rather than just an open space with pens and I completely forgot so that’s another one be working

On oh hey guys yeah did you miss me I know I haven’t been playing this world I haven’t been here for probably little over a month probably more than that actually so you’ve just been suspended in the void this whole time huh ow no need for that I’m back now you’ve got

Your buddy back don’t worry clean up all of this which yes I’ve done my obligatory check and the falling tree mod is working so we’re in good shape there and that should do it yep Oh come on got to do that to me tree there there

We go and there we go that is one brand new fresh and beautiful tree farm actually in this video maybe we can find a way to get sheep finally if you don’t know why that’s upsetting to me go check out the first 100 day videos in the one

Block world it’s a great video I think you’ll enjoy it yeah I know I didn’t say hi to any of you yet but I’m still kind of scared that a creeper’s going to see me and blow this whole thing up oh I need to get some Carpets on here too to

Stop the experience from kind of pooling in The Hoppers but yeah I’m sure we’ll get some use out of that especially when we start enchanting things anyway though the task at hand I need a reliable way to get emeralds so that I can buy all of the enchantments that I’m going to need

And no offense you’re you know doing great I just don’t think you’re going to do it entirely that being said I could trade paper with the Librarians to get emeralds recently I have liked the idea of making an iron farm and then trading with like you know armors tool Smith all

That kind of thing so that’s one way we might go or I have a different way I kind of wanted to try that I haven’t tried before we might do that obviously also Fletchers we could we could do that so I think we have some options why

Don’t we start with that let’s fill out this entire row with essentially any kind that we think we can get emeralds from and then over on that side that’s where we’re going to be spending all of our money and if we’re going to do the iron trading I think it makes sense to

Start that farm first so that it has time to build up a a surplus where do I want to build this thing though oh speaking of how’s it going over there yeah vacant stare not a thought in that old Noggin why am I not surprised you

Know what cuz I mean I could obviously build the iron farm in one of the empty spaces like I’ve got both on this side actually I I’ve got tons of space so it’s either make an enormous platform over here and do all the Farms maybe I

Do like you know carrot and potato Auto Farms over here an iron farm the other thought is I could just have it Branch off the back of this villager platform so that it’s closer for the trades but honestly it’s not like it’s that far of

A walk if if I wanted to it just going from here to right over there I think for now let’s leave this as just for the villager trading and breeding and let’s think about making another platform over here and I’d like it to match H if only

I remembered how I was building these I mean that’s easy enough and it looks like I made it out of spruce so Spruce and Birch okay we need a bunch of spruce and Birch slabs and I’m definitely going to need a lot more spruce Ro but fortunately I think we can just keep

Coming back here and collecting one of these big old monsters every time we need more there we go I only got one sapling from that are they all up there yeah huh still only two what gives if only I had a surplus somewhere yeah that’s right I thought

Ahead okay start by making a ton of these and that should be a decent start we’ve already got 1 and a halfish of the Birch okay let’s see what kind of damage that can do so we want a platform that can hold at least an iron farm but I

Want it to be big enough to essentially any new ideas that I get I can just fit the Farms that I want there also look over my shoulder you see what’s happening back there guy in the back is giving the guy in the front a shoulder massage didn’t offer me one but that’s

Cool unbelievable so easy enough we’ll just match okay not easy enough oh anyway we’re going to match what we did over there but we might make it a little bit bigger I haven’t decided yet okay I think I at least the sort of entryway platform and it looks like probably

Makes the most sense to just go straight out in that way and this way uh maybe kind of thinking we just go overboard like one stack of birch slab out in that direction and the other stack out that way and see what kind of platform we end

Up with all right good I’m glad you’re on board citizens in case you’re wondering yes still terrifying to build out over the void like this doesn’t matter that crouching keeps me from falling I still don’t like it there we go that oh okay wow that uh yeah this is

Going to be quite a large platform quite a hefty platform Hefty Hefty Hefty don’t actually know that we’re going to need that much space but at the same time it’s not going to hurt to have extra space we will certainly find a use for it ooh I need to remember that as I’m

Doing this I’m making a spawn platform and what a spawn platform it would be so we need to make sure this is getting lit up as we uh as we complete the greater area of the floor okay wow this is uh it’s going to weigh the base off in One

Direction if you know what I mean like this side is definitely going to be heavier than the others so we might have to do something off the other end that makes it a little bit more balanced let’s just grab a few more of these and

I think we should be able to wrap that outer the outer border of this thing up and let’s see I’ll be building it across it’s going to be 64 plus uh I think that’s 70 need to go 70 across I don’t think I’m going to risk it we’re

Probably going to build like you know some in that direction some in this direction make sure they join up at that side let’s start with a stack it’s like the world’s longest diving board this is one you do not want to jump off the edge

Of all right now all the way back around so we can do the next one actually while I’m doing this too what I need to do is go back and reread a lot of the comments from the first video cuz I remember there were a lot of good ideas about

What I should do uh from all of you and I’d really like to incorporate those so maybe when I take a break I’ll I’ll go read through some more of those and make sure we’re getting some of that in okay that was actually pretty close it’s not

Too bad oh no way I was right that was 70 isn’t that what I said look at me I learned how to count there we go that is a massive platform I really think we’ll be good on space after this look at that beautiful shaders I love it come to

Think of it this video we should probably make a a house for me a place for me to stay cuz I have still just been sleeping next to the cows that’s no way for a legionary to sleep okay well maybe a legionary but not an emperator I

Need need some style and now it’s time for everybody’s favorite part using an absolute ton of spruce slabs to fill in this entire area and what do you think cinematic for this one I think cinematic so I do plan to give you a neat Roman

Fact in a second but as it turns out this cinematic is going to be broken up into a couple different shots before we can get to it more to come shortly oh man I didn’t even make it around all the way one time ooh that was a lot of slabs

All right quick refill then we’re going to head back at it all right so it’s about one trees’s worth that gives us what uh almost eight stacks of uh slabs which sounds like a lot but apparently it’s not anyway back to your regularly scheduled cinematic but only for a

Second as it turns out I think I forgot something ooh I just remembered something I remembered one of the comments that I got and when I saw it I thought okay I need to do that first thing when I start the uh 200 days

Actually a few of you told me this and I didn’t real realize it apparently these dudes down here do not like rain not in the slightest and very fortunately for us it has not started raining at all since we started back in this world which is very good news cuz I’d hate to

Lose them I’m really glad I remember this when I did so let’s head up here give all of you some protection against the rain and then hopefully we’ll be good thank you by the way those of you that commented and let me know that uh

If these guys got rained on it would be bad news I do appreciate it because I would have been very sad just in case we’re going to double up on this there we go should be safe and sound yeah I know I’m I’m sorry about that you guys

Were probably scared thinking you were going to get rained on but you’re good now no worries I hope I really hope that does the trick yeah that looks much better love it wa okay you scared me there buddy uh don’t think I need do I need end pearls I know an End Portal

Spawns in underneath the block at some point but I think it’s is it already active it’s got to be or it’s got to give me ender pearls or or something I I don’t know that seems like a problem for future Legion speaking of problems I shouldn’t have stayed up past bedtime

Last night because now we’ve got a bit of a pest problem goodbye yeah I know you’re friendly spiders but I still don’t want you on my platform oh you’re truly friendly spiders okay and that’s a Miss there we go yeah go ahead and hit me what does it matter you on the other

Hand going to be a little bit safer about there we go yeah see what I mean not a good idea to keep this thing around without copious amounts of torches anyway bit of a tangent there let’s get back to the Cinematic okay finally here we go with the Roman fact

There is an artificial Mound or Hill in Rome called Monte tachio that is composed almost entirely out of fragments of broken ancient Roman Pottery nearly all of it is discarded aor or large oval jars that the Romans would discard in this same place historians theorized that these may have

Been used as oil jars and the oil somehow affected the ceramic so that it meant it couldn’t be recycled anyway this hill covers almost 5 Acres at its base and it’s estimated to contain around 53 million M4 yep I agree Romans loved their oil all right back to it Oho

Boy that took a while and we are not even done yet but it’s looking good by the way hopefully future Legion kept you entertained while I was working on that for now I’m going to leave the middle area here open because I haven’t decided if I want to make that into something

Else a little bit fancy or if I’m just going to fill it in but I do want to create a border kind of like we did over there all the way around so I’m going to work on that next and then I think we can start on the iron farm because

That’s the one that I want up and running first so we can just churn out more of these guys get some iron Surplus going cuz it’s going to be really important not only for trades that we’re going to do but also for some different things I think I’m going to need it for

But yeah we’re going to need some more leaves and I think it was birch logs that we used so we’re just going to stock up on those there’s one thing of shears down but I think we’re doing pretty good there we go lots of bald trees equals lots of leaves for us and

Since we’re here and there we go okay no idea if that’s going to be enough but it should give us a decent start and I think all I did was started like that leaves on top and strip that yeah that looks the same right glad you agree

Let’s get to it so much Birch and yet not enough well let’s see what we can do with the leaves does anybody else call this stuff like dalmati wood or zebra wood I think it looks a little bit more like dalmatian spots than zebra stripes

But it is what it is okay so so far we’re good on leaves we’re just going to need a ton more of the uh the log the tree farm is holding up I’m just wondering if it’s worth expanding that how much more am I going to I mean

Hopefully I don’t need a ton more real estate because I’ve already I’ve spent a lot of time doing that and I know the video is just starting but I I don’t think I’ll need to spend a huge amount of time continuing with that given the amount that this uh this platform is

Already giving us I can’t wait to get a diamond axe this is starting to get a bit annoying it’s breaking every time I try to do this oh no I left my bed down there I thought I had it on me no mobs no mobs no mobs ooh it’s already

Starting ooh boy yeah that uh was a bit closer than I would typically like don’t be starting anything on fire over here and there we go all right where was I yeah there we go uh yeah see this is when I break the axe using this mod I uh

Yeah it just it breaks like some of them but any that are left just screws everything up there we go okay all right once again cleaned up I don’t think I yeah I got seven that doesn’t seem right oh no I only that was from One Tree yep

I am going to need a lot more actually probably makes sense to uh for the time being at least replace these Oak with uh with Birch and then I keep seeing this stuff and I have to go back and just make sure that I’m keeping up with it

Finding it quite impossible to avoid being sidetracked I have a feeling though if we do keep up with it I’m going to be thanking myself later when we’re going to be doing a ton of Trades and almost certainly running low on emeralds okay drop off all the produce

Then I mean I guess this we kind of needed something to do anyway because I need all of that uh Birch to grow which I could probably get some bone meal to help with come to think of it if only I knew of a place where there were some

Spare bones oh hello mob farm now I think I remember I had to do this Weir weird and I think the the bottom chest yeah okay that’s not too shabby ooh iron all right let’s see what we can do with that get some bone meal get all of you

Started and of course I’m going to have to make a ton more axes I should make a cobblestone farm at some point as well I’m not low on Cobblestone but I could see myself I could see that happening and that gets us oh a little over a

Stack okay that was more than I thought actually okay so let’s bring all of this stuffff back and see where that gets us I have a feeling this still isn’t going to be enough but I think we’ll probably get kind of close was this a good idea I

Don’t think I need all this space I mean maybe we’ll end up using it but I probably built this too big yeah it’s looking like maybe 50 more should finish it yep that’s all right there that’s what’s left so nearly do the same with the leaves which yes it is a bit easier

Doing the leaves all righty nearly there and I see our next victim and because I’m impatient we’re going to bone meal the rest and we will see how close that gets us and with all of that looking like 46 I need a little bit more if my

Count was correct at some point we need to move away from the mushroom stew as well it’s getting a little old running back to them every time I need to eat I mean I really don’t need to it’s kind of just a habit at this point okay couple

More of these should do the trick and 58 that should do it except I just realized I’m going to run out of leaves so that is awesome we’ll worry about that later let’s just finish at least the border of the logs then we got to go around strip

It all and then we should be good we’ll also find out if I can count aha I can count Rome lives to fight another day and this axe is going to immediately break and there we go yep let’s just assume I’m going to need at least two

More but I bet it’ll be even more than that I have a feeling this is how quick it would be in real life too just a quick tap with the axe and boom no more bark actually come to think of it I wonder if I should put a safety railing around

That too cuz I like I said I don’t know if we’re going to fill that in or if I want to use it for something a little bit different but I don’t like the idea of accidentally you know maybe I’m walking backwards or something and I

Just Plum it into the void not a huge fan of that either okay so that’s done we just need to finish the leaves I promise I have more planned for this video than just building an enormous platform probably hard to tell right now cuz this took a lot of time more than I

Thought it would but we’re getting there and next up oak leaves so we need to replace these again since when did I have leaves in my inventory I thought I ran out or did I maybe I didn’t even place them I thought I did uh I might be

Pretty close actually we’ll do one more collection just to be safe and I forgot my bed down there again I don’t learn my lessons seeing as we’re here we may as well see what we can do with this did I use oh yeah those are oak leaves okay

Maybe we have enough ooh it’s going to be close no way one short no it’s not even a big deal to get more it’s just that hurts I was literally one short oh you’re right on time there we go that ought to do it all that just so we can

Do this and I think we’re ready um I’m going to trust myself for the time being not to jump into the big hole in the middle and we’re going to get started on the first thing which is the iron farm my thoughts for this I mean like I said

Like I keep saying this thing is huge it has plenty of space we can put a lot on this but I’m thinking since the iron farm we want it to always be running uh we want it close by so we can grab it and uh bring it over to the trading area

And that makes me think we should just build it right here right near the entrance so maybe first actually we just build up a little entryway uh so we know where that is and then we’ll really just leave like a few blocks as a buffer and

Then I’m going to put it like right here ooh I just I just had a thought first off I think I only have one bucket of lava we’re going to need that for the farm also look at all this wood and we’re we’re going to be putting lava

Down somewhere um ooh that worries me okay we might replace some of these uh with a stone platform or something but let’s let’s think it through first let’s get some materials we are going to put a chest down here just as a temporary thing along with the bed and the

Crafting table and I’m going to grab a bunch of stuff and just bring it on over because at first when I was thinking about it I was you know thinking uh I should make a cobblestone generator cuz I’m going to need a bunch of stone to build this thing but then I thought

That’s not quite smart cuz I have a ton of different kinds of blocks from uh the one block so that’s it’s also kind of a nice theme I think this iron farm should just be you know a collection of a ton of different kinds of blocks with that

In mind let’s uh start seeing what makes sense we’ll do some mossy cobblestone red terracotta some sandstone and between all of this stuff we’ve got to have enough material actually maybe I’ve got a ton of andesite maybe for the floor let’s start with half we’ll just

Get a bunch of andesites slabs may as well get fancy too let’s do some red Sandstone into eh we’ll go chiseled why not I think we’ll need some stairs at some point get a bit of that a couple of those and I know we’re going to need uh

Walls I just don’t remember how much eh I don’t have plans for the Sandstone aside from that let’s just turn it all into walls there we go oh yeah that’s the thing I forgot we are also going to need glass and I don’t remember if I had

Any left over that’s a thing about not doing a world just back to back I did a video between this one and the last one I don’t remember what I have and where it is okay that’s incredibly helpful I have four glass do I have I do I have

Left over sand okay although our one dude the uh the librarian he might he might trade let me check before we use up all that sand oh that’s so sweet look at that a love story blooming right before our very eyes I don’t think he’s India buddy look at him he’s got eyes

Only for me oh poor guy okay I I don’t remember if it’s the next one or well hold on what can I do with the the paper trades that I can make here probably not enough oh definitely not enough yeah um I mean I’m going to have to level him up anyway can

We get him there with the lanterns just going to miss it oh what about you you up for some trades yeah I’m talking to you let’s see what you can do okay actually yeah that’s a lot more profitable thank you now we can finish finish this there we go all right do you

Sell glass now no okay I think it probably was there that you sell glass or maybe it’s here I don’t know so we’re going to have to use a different villager for that no biggie we’re just going to have to smelt all that sand up

Okay so we have 54 well I was about to replace the floor while I was here why don’t we start the sand going then we’ll do that so we’ll put you in there actually that still might not be enough glass but we’ll at least be able to get

Started I’ll make it work don’t you worry okay anyway so 50 4 slabs and let’s assume H let’s see what do we want I’m trying to picture the way this thing’s going to look without any element of it being here yet you know what I I’m I can’t I can’t count out

Where the uh the collection area is going to be it doesn’t matter we don’t need it yet let’s uh let’s actually start building this thing and then I’ll I’ll know once we get there so uh temporary blocks what do we want to do do a bunch of terracotta for the base of

It and the red Sandstone we’ll need those something I did for foret we will need some signs don’t know how many but that seems pretty good to me and let’s see here this should be plenty of space and we still going to have area to walk

Around here yeah I think this will be good and I believe that’s going to be how high it is oo good Vantage Point too also yes I’m realizing that uh glass is one of the very first things that I’m going to need okay good yeah that gives

Us some decent space there trying to be economical where I can so for instance not putting the corners in there and I still think I’m going to run out anyway ooh no way it is enough okay cool and yeah that is the point at which we will

Need glass so back down we go for now and big money big money big money yeah okay yep do not know if that’s going to be enough ow come on guys they know better than that no rough housing uh right here okay so now I think it’s is

It just one layer or do I need two yeah look at at it I think yeah need another layer here ooh it’s going to be close but not close enough suckers and we should be good don’t let me forget I need to put water there but for right

Now I yeah I think I’m going to use it as my way up and down there we go nice and convenient actually while I’m down here I need beds as well and you know what I think our bed boy is out here hello bed boy oh yeah Scott what’s up

Scott it’s been a while one two two a three okay I think we’re good to keep working on this now so we get a bed in each one of these will be nice we’ll provide them with a little bit of light as well the prisoners or the the guests

That is and thanks for the reminder we’re going to put some water right in there and with that I think we are to the fun part what’s the fun part I hear you asking why moving the villagers and zombie in of course so we’re going to

Need to go down Build A Stairway up here or do it on the fly on the way down like a fancy legionary all right that’s enough that’s enough what a mess fortunately for us we already kind of have a unintentional spawn platform so when it comes time to get the zombie not

Going to have to go looking very far the trouble will be that creepers will also be around but I think we’ll figure it out did I not make it tall enough up there uh no that that should be good yeah that’ll be fine let’s start with

What I hope will be the easy part and that is abducting three volunteers or cons scripting maybe that’s a better word for it I don’t necessarily want anything spawning close to us but we’ll leave you know no torches far away but while I’m moving villagers at night I

Really don’t want to be surprised okay that should keep us relatively safe another bucket of water for later quick snack and let’s get to the abducting or no the conscripting the conscripting it’s all in their contract of uh Roman citizenship I don’t know all right who

Wants to go for a boat ride oh come on somebody want to oh the no you you don’t you don’t want to escape nobody wants to escape that can’t be right somebody has to want to see The Great Outdoors that’s right I could tell that you definitely are interested in this position promise

You’re going to have friends over there you don’t have to worry about that there we go thank you for volunteering it’s not every day that you get to go on a scrape across the floor in a little rowboat you lucky dog now my hope is

When I put them all over here and it turns tonight I just break the boats then they’re going to want to rush up there to those beds this is all Theory you understand of of course but there’s only one way to test theories and I also

Need to pick up the pace because I think it’s getting dark same treatment for you buddy see I told you you’d have friends they never believe me last one do we have time nobody knows somebody get out there get in the boat okay okay yep he went willingly come on boat it’s getting

Dark if nothing else I need to be able to protect the three of them over here if I made a mistake and miscalculated where the mobs would spawn but at least it looks like we’ll have the opportunity to do that okay so we got them all here

Let’s get rid of this bed let’s make it so they can’t escape okay now they can’t go that direction there’s nowhere else interesting to them hopefully they just go right up and get in their beds and are they sleeping yet I can’t really tell from here they should be let’s

Let’s break them out your first buddy don’t let me down no no no no no wrong way wrong way I should have brought a job block that can be remedied quickly quickly ooh look a tasty job block just for you you’re going to get that’s exactly where the mobs are going to be

You’re going to want to get out of there come on you got to be able to see that JW block they’re starting to show up I don’t like this I don’t like it oh yeah they see him nope I don’t need you yet no thank you stay back ooh there’s a

Zombie villager over there I think I may have needed more uh torches you’re really not helping me buddy oh man i’ I’d like to keep you I just I got a lot going on right now yep sorry I know we could have been friends what is that guy’s problem he’s just standing over

There no no no no no no no no no a come on on the zombies can just see things from so far away and it’s not helping look you got eyeballs in your head look at this you see that that’s for you okay this isn’t working out and it’s starting

To get dangerous so can I sleep this far away okay we got to rethink this oo boy yeah look at that talk about the smell of Bones burning wh no no no no no no no no no no no no hey are you what are you

Shooting at okay oo boy oh yeah you can stay right there that’s wonderful keep that creeper away all right Plan B now that it is morning will you go for a job Block Please Luke it’s it’s right there it’s for you what’s your deal guy plebs

Love job blocks you don’t love the okay there we go now will you take it if I put it up there the answer to that is an emphatic no you’re making me nervous over there there we go what if we just go nuts and put the job block all the way

At the top is that doing anything for you no okay wonderful okay um what’s Plan B it might be because this is too thick in it’s just a guess but we’re going to try it all right so we’re going to put that right there and we’re going to try again

With you maybe you’ll be more Cooperative there we go okay already looking better yep you head right on up there where you where you going you didn’t even want the job block or maybe you did okay come on let’s keep let’s keep moving there it is it’s right there

Come on up you just thought it was interesting up here you weren’t you weren’t interested in the job block you just kind of wanted to see what was up here what is going on with these villagers okay so you are going for it now we just need baby steps now it’s

There yep yep yep yep yep and now it’s there come on up okay now don’t fall in the middle one we want you right over there come on there we go woo much more difficult than it should have been okay temporary cover on you oh now we just

Need to do that two more times no problem right I’m hoping if I release them both they can’t get into trouble I mean you know one’s just going to dive right off of there but can’t be helped also I kind of don’t want to turn on hit

Boxes do you think I can get this right let’s say right about there look at that beautiful okay same thing baby steps who wants it there we go we’re going to go a couple at a time yeah keep on coming up oh okay now you’re going to switch you

Got halfway up now you see it huh interesting yep keep moving keep moving I know you see it it’s right there it’s right in your line of sight oh are you are you kidding me they both just come up now one at a time oh yep get on in

Cover that one nearly good to go this nightmare is nearly over all right you go right there and and that’s kind of precarious not intending for you to take fall damage but if it happens I’m not going to be too upset over it get moving get moving get moving there we go yeah

See you got the bed right there you’re fine oh boy am I glad that’s done all right so now tonight should just need to get the zombie and then we’ll be good and I might have name tags let’s go have a look because if I do have name tags we

Don’t need to make sure that it’s a zombie that picks up an item that I drop oh there goes the iron pickaxe but yeah if you’re not familiar uh to ensure that the zombie doesn’t despawn it either needs to be holding something that you dropped or you have to name tag it then

It should stay there with that in mind um I’m sure I probably did at one point and even if I didn’t I know I’ll be getting them eventually with the Librarians H maybe not I probably just missed it I probably was looking right at it it doesn’t matter we’ll just get a

Zombie that can carry something but let’s just double check that we’re good up here here and then I think tonight’s the night we can wrap it up so zombie follows me up I jump across the hole and get up here should fall right in that’s

The plan no idea if it’s going to work also I made more torches let’s just light up this spot a little bit better cuz the zombies can see you from quite a ways away I just don’t want any creepers or skeletons getting too close there we

Go that should do the trick and it’s nearly prime time should be starting any second now there we go here’s the pick men there’s our zomboys just got to get them to notice us without the creepers there we go and we’ll leave a trail of breadcrumbs for them all right who wants

To oh did somebody oh no nobody picked it up yet none of you really none of you want to pick anything up come on I put them down just for you no none of you are special huh no I’m sorry don’t need any ordinary ordinary zombies we need some special ones another zombie

Villager they’re spawn it in pretty quick if we ever needed one all right you two come on over here you go we got some rotten flesh some nether rack do you want to pick that up no no you do not well sorry the position’s been filled it hasn’t actually been filled I

Just told him that how about you friend man having some bad luck are we all out of zombies that I can reach anyway all right let’s give it a minute and then we’ll try again you going to make me clear you guys out so more can spawn in

Not cool zombie making me or uh skeleton making me waste my arrows there we go there’s a couple spiders I’m not overly worried about yeah come out over this way yep yep yep there are a ton over there come on over this way please as many as want to follow me without the

Skeletron please well there’s two that’s something right through the items please if you would nope loser man I have never had to wait this long to find one that could pick something up oh another Taker and he’s bringing a friend whoops ow two can play at that game come on please

Please please what is going on maybe it is worth getting a name tag this is rough losing my patience very quickly going to top up on stew and maybe we’ll have more luck when we get back hello boys there we are off we go again come

On zombies I’m going to need all of you okay yeah that’s a good amount Everybody follow me back one of you has to be the right one this is like every day for me it’s like the paparazzi following me around which is 100% True by the way

Come on pick up the you got to be kidding me nobody nobody wants to pick any of that up I refuse to believe it oh man I think we are going to end up going the name tag route cuz this is not working you want to give me a little

Space please thank you this is going to be the last one it’s almost the end of the night so it’ be cutting it too close anyway and it’s not you how about you friend unbelievable all right we’re going to work on getting a name tag there we go that’s what she get even

Though the skeletons really had nothing to do with it but still I’m sure you’re friends with the zombies PL PL there we go okay so plan B you have some leveling up to do so let’s see what we can do about that um guess we stick with

Lanterns all right uh that was pretty good but I’m going to need you to refresh pretty quickly oh nice that could have been worse there we go and now clocks and Compasses just what I always wanted we might actually be able to do this pretty quickly was that it

Did you yeah nice and we can’t afford it okay going to need you to be nice to me there we go now we can afford it that honestly that really could have been worse I thought we were going to be here doing that much longer uh do I have an

Anvil I think I do didn’t I did I not uh I thought I Enchanted this pickaxe in the last one I must be wrong you guys are on a slippery slope cuz I might need iron very quickly I don’t think I have an anvil and I only have 14 iron plus 6

20 iron that’s nowhere near enough one step forward two steps back huh citizens although I mean do I need to do it can I just name tag him with name tag name him name tag I might be able to get away with that actually actually I just

Looked it up it appears that would be too easy so you’re not allowed to do that you have to change the name of it so we’re in a pickle which means I’m going to need a lot of arrows because I would just drop some lava on those Iron

Golems but I don’t want to burn down my entire platform there we go so I guess we just kind of clear it out over here and see how much iron we can get uh I don’t really want to hit well he couldn’t get down here right pretty sure

I could outrun him if I need to so you just going to hang right over there or yeah looks like he is I’d really like one to not be up there CU I have a feeling the Iron’s going to fall is he going to come after me no okay how about

You would you come after me if I did that yes you would okay now please tell me it cannot get through here hey we weren’t done he’s trying to get close to that villager to take protection that’s not going to work my guy ooh he’s getting close I mean I know you’re just

Going to drop the iron off the edge but you’re freaking me out a little bit oh there we go yeah you stay right there please yes you do actually scare me but luckily there’s a thin layer of slabs blocking you hooray uh was that five iron that was pretty good I don’t know

How much I actually need but I do know it’s quite a lot there we go uh three more okay let’s bite the bullet and do the math on this six more from that and if I make one of those I need 31 which actually isn’t as bad as I thought it

Was going to be okay I only need three more that’s okay I yeah I really thought it was going to be worse how I’m going to get three more your guess is as good as mine we can wait for them to spawn a few more of those in but since I don’t

Like the idea of wasting time and because we haven’t done it yet this video we can work on the one block for a little while and see if it wants to spit out any iron for us and again it’s been a while but I think this thing is still

Safe as in if a ton of monsters decide to spawn in we should be all right if you would be so kind as to Dro me some iron I would appreciate it what am I doing there we go come to think of it I don’t know how close we are to the end

Of uh the block or the Final Phase but I think we were in a fairly peaceful one if I remember correctly now gold is nice but it’s not what I need I’d much prefer iron I mean or Diamond that’s not bad ooh a Skeletron horse I don’t have any

Of you yet that’s why we carry the leads now I have a sneaking suspicion that you’re not going to be able to fit through here would I be right yep I certainly am all right because I think you’re pretty cool going to open this up

For you a little bit how about now is that a little bit better yeah you’re good there we go I’m a big fan of you not burning in the sunlight cuz now that I think of it I didn’t know that wasn’t going to happen all right new friend and

Same rules as always I’m going to bring him in you are all going to stay oh you see that he disappeared but yeah you invisible horse when I zoom in there we go you’re going to stay there that was complex all right let’s do it come on

Come on come on go in come on come on I don’t like having this gate open no no no no no no no no no no get in here please I know there’s not a lot of room but we’re going to make it work it’s like I can walk through him because he’s

A skeleton or come on ooh this is rough no I don’t I didn’t want to get on want to close those okay are you in there I think you’re in there yeah we might need to make that bigger at some point I think we’re running out of room but you’re in

There I’m happy let’s get back to work and we can’t forget to put this stuff back there we go ooh what do we got H okay it’s could be worse I have a feeling that’s just a thing like if you need one particular thing from the block

That’s going to be the one thing that does not appear ooh uh hey buddy what’s up you’re you’re kind of yeah you’re used to Wide Open Spaces huh this is not a good situation for you how un unfortunate I’m about ready to go over there and see if any new Iron Golems

Have spawned in cuz I’m not hey there we go it’s at least one see that’s all you have to do is just threaten it like I’m not going to be here you’re not giving me what I want hey there’s number two wasn’t that far behind Okay one more be

Nice to me ooh I mean I guess that’s not bad we did kind of just establish that there is no room but I can’t not take the Zombie horse so I think what we do for now is you come with me and I don’t think I want to go through that whole

Song and dance of trying to get you in there so until we make this a bit bigger you are going right here you can still talk to all your buddies just not going to be able to I don’t know Mosh Pit with them and now I have hope I think we’re

Getting close to getting the last iron and actually I just had another thought too it’s possible that zombies drop iron and don’t think there was any in here but just broke my sword uh yeah no iron that’s a potential though if we if it takes too long long we could head back

Over there and see if we can get anything to drop iron more Diamond I’m not going to complain there’s lots of gold and diamond but I really just want the iron oh hey bees I already have some of you so while I could bring them over

To hang with the other ones that sounds an awful lot like work to me so instead I’m just going to let him have free rain there you are yeah hang out by my uh my farm that’ll be fun for you you can just uh do what you’re doing and yeah you can

Watch I don’t mind come on block I know you can do it e icky slime let’s go ahead and clean you out cuz I’m kind of busy here there we go it’s funny just how sidetracked you can get while uh you know setting objectives in this game

Prime example I came in thinking hey I’m going to work on uh oh come on you kidding me game that’s when you give me a name tag I just bought one anyway I’m thinking about uh you know I get to level up the villagers I want to max out

My gear yada yada and then simp simp enough I’m thinking I should make an iron farm and here I am a couple hours into it oh was that iron it was okay we’re good woo yeah couple hours into it now and uh I’m still not quite there

Because I have all these things that keep holding me back okay so I think we’re good let’s uh throw these in here oh he wants to go in by his friends that’s heartbreaking if you uh well wait a minute he was up here if I just open

This up will you come in look it’s open hey there we go ooh I lost a slab somehow quickly quick close that up cool we just got a freebie yeah you get it freebie yeah I’m I’m sorry you had to hear that okay so presumably we can now take these use

Every last ounce of iron that we have and make an anvil and yes we can so far that stands up it’s a scrutiny and what the heck we’re going to put you right there and now we should be able to put this here and then we just pick a name

For our zombie and there we go I like that name I felt like I had to be explicit though his name is Glory to R but he’s Glory the Rome the zombie so now that we have that in theory we should be able to finish the next step

Of the iron farm and continue working on it oh yeah now you two show up thanks a lot all righty so we wait for Knight could always work the block a little bit more but we get a zombie in there then we keep going you know what I just

Realized I’m really hoping that Iron Golems don’t start spawning over there cuz I built it pretty close it’s not the end of the world cuz I could always just spawn proof the area uh in the tree farm but yeah that hadn’t occurred to me until this very moment

I’m sure it’ll be fine and just to be safe I did put a trap door here so when we walk across we can just walk across not jump and then I can open it zombie can fall right in we should be good to go good timing too night has fallen all

Right where’s our lucky customer there you are one of you anyway and just out of curiosity if I were to put an item on the ground okay uh good neither one picked it up I’d be mad if it worked this time unfortunately sir I do only have seating for one you however can

Follow me right up here and it should be as easy as walk across stand here wait for the zombie there you are open that up there you go as for you I’m just going to pop this name tag on you welcome to the province glory to Ram the

Zombie and we’ll close you right up nice and easy when you have the right tools or the right things you need right and with that I think we are good to go and once again it’s burnfest 2023 everybody loves burnfest let’s get rid of some of

This and now we can move on with the next steps which if uh if you’ve been watching the channel for a while this will be pretty old to you cuz I’ve probably built this uh iron farm like I don’t know six or seven times now on the channel that’s because it’s you know

Fairly easy to build but also reliable pretty compact don’t know if I’m going to have enough and while while I’m fine with this being a bit of a hodgepodge don’t want it to look actually like stitched together which it is going to at this point so let’s try to make this

Into some kind of design Okay so we’ve got that as the outline why don’t we fill it in with mossy cobblestone I have a feeling this thing is going to be pretty ugly but I kind of don’t mind it’s more of a functional thing anyway I don’t have enough staircases good time

To realize that easily remedied actually probably didn’t even need to go down here I could have just used a crafting table up there but no matter I think uh that should do it actually and back to it hello boys so we want to go all the

Way across and then we’ll switch over to the Sandstone I don’t think I’ve ever built something that’s quite so ugly as this look at all the different block types this looks ridiculous I think we’ll live we’ll make pretty stuff later and now we get to find out if I brought

Enough walls yeah I think we’ll be in good shape oh yeah no problem fortunately I also thought ahead and we’re not going to have to go back down for water cuz I can make an Infinite Source do that and Bingo and that’s that area looking good and we take our signs

Put a couple right there and that should stop any water from flowing over the edge yep yep yep yep looking good now I think I’m done up here yeah so I should just be able to jump on down and I think yeah let’s let’s get rid of um get rid

Of a lot of this we will need to uh come back up here and basically that’s because we need to activate it or remove these so that the villagers can see the zombie and vice versa so I think I’ll uh I just want to get rid of this so Golems

Can’t spawn on it so we’ll just leave a water uh Tower elevator whatever and we’ll use that to get back up there we go next up the collection area and and now we can decide what we need to replace with those uh what do I do with

Them there we go and aide slabs okay so it looks like this is the center of it so my thought is we just remove enough of the what are these Spruce slabs to fill in 54 spots hopefully that’ll be enough okay that’s 49 uh honestly that’s basically going to

Be the area that the collection covers we probably need to go a bit further out than that I do have more andesite okay let’s uh let’s make a bit more there we go okay stack and a half over a stack and a half that will work okay let’s see

What this looks like if I were to fill it in what the water no no it’s not getting in my way at all okay so we’ve got a 9×9 platform The Collection area is going to be 5x five so basically two diagonal blocks out from there is what

We have covered right now I mean I could just monitor it I I couldn’t see lava like or you know Sparks from the lava jumping out all the way to here and starting it on fire but it does terrify me I think we’re going with it we’ll

We’ll risk it and similar to previous times when I’ve done this I have no iron to finish the iron farm yeah seems strange to say that but I would typically have Hoppers here so for now temporary blocks we’ll harvest the iron then we’ll put the hoppers in which by

The way got some cool comments about that about if you don’t have it right away but there’s just enough for one hopp you could use essentially water to push all of the uh iron drops into that one hopper rather than waiting until you get nine so appreciate those comments

That’s helpful I may end up having to try that here I do need more walls and I don’t know that 26 is going to be enough what else do I have that can turn into walls got black stone that might be kind of cool does that turn into walls yeah

It does it’s one to one kind of wish it was more than that let’s go polished black stone brick and hopefully that will be enough So eventually we will have Hoppers leading into that and walls surrounding it then I believe they’ll go up to here with we can put glass in

Between all of that let’s see does that look right yeah yeah that looks right okay now before we get much further this is where the rest of the signs come in and then we just finish up the uh the wall I probably should have done this

From the top so I could or I could probably use the water never mind was going to sa so we can get the lava in there okay so I think it is just about 100% done and wow is that Clash that looks awful but I’m leaning into it I’m

Proud of my uh completely mismatched and very strange looking farm so last up we need to place the lava down there and I can’t reach wonderful I think I did that to myself last time too so we’re going to place it then we’re going to just we’re going to watch this very carefully

Cuz I want to make sure that nothing is burn turning down myself included we need to get out of there okay so luckily we do have some water here that should help but I think we’re ready just need to go up collect the water and get rid

Of the temporary blocks all right zombie get ready to meet your friends oh they think they’re going to be able to sleep that’s so cute this is more difficult than it should be that’s right you’re never going to sleep again get used to it hey I already hear something burning

It’s working look at that oh forgot to take the water whoops yeah all right let’s take you and we finally after about 20 days have a working iron farm I mean we do need to add The Hoppers still but that’s a a detail all right so here’s the plan Citizens We’re going to

Hang around just for a little bit I want to make sure nothing catches fire we’ll also collect all the drops from these guys and then we’ll get our hoppers down here once we have The Hoppers I’m okay with just letting this run on its own

For a bit and we’ll finally be able to go over to the Village area and get all of the different types of villagers set up that I think I’m going to need once we have all that it’s basically just going to be nonstop trading until I am

Fully decked out I think it’s what the kids would call sick drip yep nailed it so that’s the plan I’ll let you know when I’ve collected enough of these to make The Hoppers that I will require which is nine which looks like it’s going to be 45 iron so it’s going you

Know fairly well so yeah I’ll let you know when we’re there two more iron and then we’re going to be done but the good news is it doesn’t look like anything spawning over there like I was worried about I think we’re apparently far enough away so that is good news this

Thing’s working like a charm there we go that should do it last two Hoppers get them right in there put all this back and then we’re good to go there we go beautiful all right now this should run on its own I don’t think I’ll be far

Enough away yeah definitely not I mean oh wandering Traders over there uh but yeah this should keep running even if we walk away from it so that means we can spend some time over in this area getting our Traders set up but first hello you don’t have anything that I

Want only thing adjacent would be the packed ice but I don’t see why I’d need it and I think I have some anyway I’m going to be benevolent you can just hang out you can walk your llamas around that’s fine you can see all of your brethren and they’re uh not prison in

There just don’t get in my way and we won’t have any problems so I think what we’ll want to do is expand on this and we will need some more honey so we’ll get back on that we’ll expand that area and we’ll bring out some new villager

Friends hello bees been busy I see enough for two more I like how he’s up there because that means he has a clear view right away across so he can see all of his brothers uh taking a hot bath that’s what we’ll call it anywh who

We’ll build this out a little bit and actually what am I doing with these torches we’re fancy now we don’t have to use torches look at that lanterns aren’t you lucky let’s do that over here too eventually I’d love it if the whole place was lanterns not just uh you know

Certain areas get rid of all these icky torches it’s a good start though then we got two that are ready so who do we want to start with I actually kind of want to try a cartographer because there’s something I want to try with that but I’ll probably need more Librarians first

So maybe first we go with the uh three that can uh trade iron yeah we’ll need a few materials though luckily iron is no longer a problem look at that thanks buddy also get some Stone going so I think that’ll come in handy there we go

So now that I’ve got stone slabs I can get the grindstone pretty sure that was the one uh that I needed and then smithing table no problem and then the one that I don’t remember is how do you make a blast furnace I think maybe I needed smooth stone for that so putting

The stone back in for a second rounde I think that’s what I needed right let’s check on that theory yep yep that was it okay so I think it was just those three that I’ll need and it does mean we’re ready for new volunteers and thank you

For volunteering by the way hey look at that he went right in okay now I think I um yeah I don’t have any temporary blocks I could use the planks but it just I don’t know takes more time I’d rather use something like Netherrack or

Or dirt there we go go and now if I were to do this you have no option but to get right into your spot right you’re going to be good there we go that is not what I meant to do let’s try that again there we go perfect nice and easy I should

Also be able to get rid of these and you’ll be good right all right wonderful so why don’t we say the blast furnace is first I don’t remember what that gives us oh armor yep now I’m not looking for anything in particular but I wouldn’t mind cheaper trades if you have them uh

Coal I don’t know about that don’t you have anything to trade at like three emeralds instead of five four eh let’s keep checking that might be the lowest is four yeah and of course now I can’t even get them back to four there we go okay so unfortunately I think this is

Going to be very expensive scam artist think we better go clear out the farm again we’re going to be doing a lot of trading and I’ll try to be economical I’ll I’ll smelt all these iron things that I’m buying down it’s not usually worth it to me but

Actually I I don’t know that I need to I have the iron farm now and it’s kind of easier to just uh Chuck things over the ledge so we might go that route we’ll just see if the mood takes me but we definitely should keep up on all of this

So that we can just max out with the farmer anytime that we’re over there and as per usual the poisonous potatoes no thank thank you I just threw that right down on of that platform oh well a okay come on there we go I am going to run

Out of space Let’s uh let’s get these and then we’ll run over to the villagers and come back could probably take the express route couldn’t I yeah wee might make sense to actually build stairs there that wouldn’t be a bad idea all right take all of this clear out my

Inventory and same goes for you by the way oh 18 Emerald that’s not a lot okay now we have room for the carrots it actually might not be a bad idea too once we get the diamond armor and enchantments and stuff like that we should head to the nether uh get some

Gravel so we can make some more dirt that way we can finish all of this up and just make more room for it last up the melons all right now I don’t think it’s going to be well we’re getting there also remind me what uh yeah we

Can’t really get emeralds from you okay well are we getting close oh come on come on come on by the way this guy better trade iron please please please please please no oh I think that’s where the iron was supposed to be oh and now

You go down to one thanks a lot ooh that hurts that hurts all right we have to just wait and decide if I want to uh accidentally remove the block beneath you or maybe we’ll just get the next guy and he’ll do it I I don’t know H that

Hurts also executive decision I don’t think I want any of these boots I’m not going to not going to spend my time uh going through and smelting all of these goodbye boots okay let’s uh let’s get the next one out here I’m bummed about that iron trade I was really looking

Forward to that no only one at a time one I mean you can’t really go anywhere so if you want to just run around do whatever yep go nuts oh wait no he he actually cuz you’re going to just jump into he’s going to jump in with one of

These other guys guys I know he is so for now you hang right there I’ll call you when I need you okay as for you here we go I think we’re in good shape you get right in there please all right that was uneventful which is the way we like

It let’s move on to the smithing table and hopefully you’re going to be nicer than the last guy okay one Emerald that I can work with and I think the axes will come in handy but by the time we need them all I have a feeling we’ll

Have a diamond axe so maybe not I guess we could always get a Fletcher as well that might speed things up I don’t know I’m feeling quite indecisive about the whole thing let’s just uh keep doing the usual level this guy up he’s he’s getting there and we’ll just really

Cross our fingers that he trades iron all right I’m burning through my whole Surplus this would better be worth it all right moment of truth buddy please be good to me oh okay thank you you are my new favorite pleb in this entire world cuz that is currently the easiest

Way for me to get emeralds So speaking of what are you by the way uh toolsmith okay why don’t we check on the iron farm and see how we’re doing hopefully it’s been running this whole time oh it certainly has look at you we can do some

Damage with that hello new best friend boy do I have something for you look at that and you’ve got a better shovel okay don’t think I’m going to bother honestly I think you’re going to have diamond stuff soon enough let’s give a minute give him some space then open that trade

Back up for me what’s up big guy you a little bit upset that I’m uh trading essentially um I’m trading What You’re Made Of to this guy here I don’t know if you find that morbid or not but yeah it’s a little bit weird trading your body parts for emeralds there we go

Thank you my favorite guy let’s see uh what we got uh I don’t think I want to do that but that is not really what I had in mind for a diamond axe however I did just plan on uh removing any enchantments from these anyway because I

Really just want to make them into my ideal tools and weapons and armor so not really too concerned with what enchantments come on it already that being said I wouldn’t mind if you uh give me a bit of a discount on this I think I’ve earned it and I also blew

Through all that iron already actually uh now that we have emeralds let’s see if we’ve got another honey block I could probably put that third guy there and I certainly can so we’ll get that guy that escaped put him in that last spot and actually I wonder if we can make this

Just really simple oh come on I can’t place cuz of you get out of here thank you I wonder if we can just do it like this so he has no choice but to go into that one there we go look at that don’t you love it when things work out my guy

All right get moving you’re going that way yep keep it going keep it going nearly there yeah go right in yourself okay perfect what a guy he finally wants to play along and you get the grindstone congratulations ooh boy uh I mean it’s not a bad sword but 20 emeralds let’s

Try that again uh still not a bad sword and three for an iron axe I can handle that let’s do it also made all those Stone axes obsolete look at that all in one we’re able to level you up and you trade iron you’re now my well you

Already went to three so I guess you’re my new favorite sorry buddy you’re number two now don’t be sad it happens to the best of us all right so let’s see if we’ve got some more goodies by the iron farm then we can uh do some more

Trades uh-oh uh it hasn’t been working do I maybe have too many Iron Golems over there this is not good let’s clear house over here and hope that that fixes it yep that means you where’s your buddy I thought there was two of them uh I

Don’t know okay do you want to join me over here or are you just going to stand right there I’m waiting for that other one to just like bulldo out of nowhere and come for me I also don’t like shooting right over the villagers heads it’s going to ruin their trades he must

Just be stuck there okay so we’ll trade that the little bit that I got oh there you are I mean that was one though that I I don’t think that would affect it why would it have stopped working nothing changed it was working fine let’s go up

For a look yeah I mean zomo is still there they’re still terrified no Iron Golems I’m stuck what’s going on here I mean we’ll give it a minute and see if anything happens but it’s been a while ooh that worries me or maybe it’s a mob

Cap thing you can clear some of this out I don’t know oh hey wait a minute when did you get out so when I thought you were inside the fence was that not true all right same treatment as your buddy over here Undead stuff on the outside un

Undead you know alive on the inside double checking that there’s no Iron Golems over here looks fine and and yet that is not working all right well seeing as we’re here we’ll clear you out there we go okay so that’s all of them gone over there now we just wait and

Hope if it doesn’t start soon I’m going to have to do some troubleshooting and I don’t like that yeah I mean they’re still spawning over here and that works fine there’s already two more over here and I’m not seeing anything happening over there that is going to be really

Unfortunate if for whatever reason the villagers getting scared over there is defaulting to spawning them over here because these two appeared very quickly and none of these villagers are scared so I am very worried that that’s what’s Happening Here wonder if there’s a way to kind of reset it or something or

Preferred place for them to spawn I I don’t quite know but that’s kind of my whole plan down the drain if that’s the case that’s what we spent the entire video doing is getting to the point where that thing would work I don’t like the idea of just standing around and

Farming these guys all right give me a couple minutes I’m going to have a think about this and we’re going to see if we can fix it or salvage some part of this situation ooh I think it worked okay I just cleared them out again went to

Sleep now I see it working okay so I don’t know what I did I just cleared them out again let’s hope that did the trick I have no idea so let’s hope this keeps working because I kind of want to just spend the next 5 days or so trading

Uh with the Villagers and filling all that and getting that Emerald uh stash going man I I really wish that was running the whole time though cuz now you know we’re we’re a little behind and since we’re here I did get an extra honey block and maybe that’ll be for the last three

Maybe like cartographer Fletcher Fletcher I haven’t decided yet now I’m worried anytime I see an iron golem spawn over by the Villager area that it’s going to break this again so I think I’m going to grab some extra bows some extra arrows and just anytime we

See them we take them out so we’ll grab a couple of these and I think I already put the arrows over there no no it’s nothing against you we’re going to blame the uh game mechanics on this one okay yep nothing personal big guy and yeah that leveled

You up um wonderful I will get no use out of that appreciate it this is definitely a strange point in uh the plans that I have for this video because there’s lots to do but it just involves running back and forth between a bunch of different things you know just

Getting more honey blocks keeping up with the Farms checking the iron farm and trading the iron with the Villagers I mean we’re going to get there it’s just I’m literally just running back and forth doing all these things on a loop there we are one more is that iron I see

How did I miss you all right we’re starting to get there a little bit of activity at least and I guess one other thing oh come on guy I’ll be back for you but uh one other thing we can do is at least prep all the villagers I could

Just start putting them all in here that way I don’t have to do it later cuz I know I’m going to use it all I’m going to need all this space filled up all right what do you got this time wait a minute you have an axe fortune and

Efficiency and you have an axe with Fortune he out bid you my guy his is better that first one’s really falling behind I don’t want that just yet we’re going to wait and I’m more interested in what sword this guy has and I’m more interested in what you give me for a

Pickaxe which you better do by the way this guy I don’t know what we’re going to do I guess I could start trading I’ve got two that trade iron I don’t necessarily need the armor to do it I just want to level them up and it’s only

One each for these so why not we’ll just keep going with them and for now we’re just going to store all of these leggings right over here in the corner I will put a pair on cuz why not all right you’re asking for it you’re just getting

In the way now you see me this guy step into a fancy pant look at that checkerboard pattern it’s beautiful and again not very helpful yeah this definitely wouldn’t be worth it if he wasn’t going one Emerald trades so he may know what’s up he may know that you

Know your life is on the line so he’s offering discounts and Fire Protection oh that’s actually got a decent amount on it the boots like I said I’m probably getting rid of that stuff anyway but okay I mean we’re getting there okay okay and same thing here we’re going to

Go fancy shirt and the rest goes into my very special pile for uh lost and found armor that’s what that is okay so I’m watching the iron farm is it the case that if two are spawned in over here then it stops working cuz that seems to

Be a trend and no it’s not a trend that I like oo okay this is uh this is going to keep me busy while we’re doing other stuff you want to come down off of there so I can collect the iron yeah okay come on yep right over this way big fella

There we go that’s what we like to see if I had more lava at this point I might risk uh dropping some lava on the wood maybe I wouldn’t but it’s probably a good thing that I don’t have more how do you guys just get yourself stuck like

This you don’t look like you are I bet you could get out of there if you wanted to he just sits there and takes it more fool you my friend and now you’re iron yep it just started working again over there so that’s a note to self uh once a

Couple of them fill up over here and I just noticed one inside as well that is when the iron farm starts working I really probably should have uh built it further away but too late for that so we’ll just try to keep up with this yep

Can you come right over to the doorway please you’re going to make this difficult for me yeah stand right by the arrow window that seems like a good idea there we go oh while we’re here too I did just think we’ve got these carpets for sale may as well grab that for the

Uh the mob grinder the question is will I be able to place these while a thousand mobs are dropping down one way to find out all right let’s try there’s one hopefully this will keep the experience above the board as it were woo I don’t want to be crouching when a

Creeper is nearby that could be bad news come on come on clear out clear out wait I thought I where did that one go oh are they breaking them when they drop on them that could be a problem might go with slabs instead there it is again

Just got it out of the chest there we go okay we’ll see if those stay if they end up breaking might try to go with slabs instead but yeah that guy’s already breaking that one get off of there you all right we’ll leave that for now and

Back to Pest Control you know looking at all this I’m wondering if it would make sense to spawn prooof a good amount of this that would be a lot of work I don’t I don’t know that I want to do that if it becomes necessary maybe that’s an option

But I I think that would be a lot of work no you stay right over there please no no no touchy no touchy yeah you stay right over there please there we go that guy didn’t drop anything what’s going on it also might not be a bad idea to make

A larger sugar can Farm cuz this is doing all right but if I just had loads of this stuff I could do more with paper trades all right I’ve decided that I’m tired of wasting arrows on this so we’re going to try this route yep just as

Effective might even be a little bit faster although I didn’t think this through he could probably get up behind me where the roof is higher up and get to me so that wasn’t very smart but hey it worked out okay you know what let’s I’ve okay we’re at least going to spawn proof

The uh the roof of this thing cuz that’s driving me nuts at least if they spawn down here here it’s a bit easier and I think I were to just get a ton of Oak buttons and go up here and start the tedious task of placing a button in each

Spot I believe that will uh spawn proof the area some of it should already be spawn proof cuz I think I have half slabs up here okay yeah so I can’t place the buttons here so that one is already spawn proof except for you and I’m going

To need a ton more buttons nowhere near enough see what we can do with what we have and then I think we’re going to have to head down and grab some more one could argue too that this is almost just a part of the design it’s almost like a

Form of shingles or something okay that’s it let’s go grab some more oh boy I certainly hope we have enough Oak oh woo I was worried we wouldn’t have enough okay let’s start with that see how we do I think this is the last spot all right let’s go around double check

Make sure I can’t place them anywhere else yep we appear to be good so this whole area should be spawn prooof I noticed them up here a lot I kind of thought leaves were spawn proof but maybe they spawn up here and step down so we’ll we’ll see if they keep doing

That hey friend whoa is he able to get up here are you just jumping cuz you’re mad okay you’re scaring me either way so we’re going to go back to the bow not quite ready to take on an Iron Golem yet okay now let’s see if they stop spawning

Up there I actually wonder if that was the only place they were spawning maybe that was the only place that was close enough ooh except for that one that’s stuck in the corner over there okay that answers one question maybe on the house or in the house you keep doing what

You’re doing though that’s saving me some work it’s actually I planned it this way this is kind of like a iron farm 2.0 while that’s happening though we’re going to just be safe start doing some more spawn proofing out of my way Dingus okay I think we’re just about

Good in here and I I know I could have just gone ahead and used the carpets the rest of the way through here but I already have the buttons I have to buy the carpets not all about that all right where else where else uh-huh back there

So oh okay we’ll just do around the edge of the house hopefully that’s it and I am going to need you to clear out y if you’d be so kind there we go appreciate it and I did have to take out some torches and I can’t place them there for

Some reason back to torches you just okay life finds a way huh you’re just going to keep picking places to spawn even if it happens to be a place place that’s damaging you oh I don’t really want to use buttons uh on the front of the house maybe we’ll go back to carpets

How far will that get us not very far is the answer yep it just keeps happening that’s right big guy Legion V Problem Solver extraordinaire extremely ineffectual all right think after this can you seriously trying to solve the pest problem you’re not letting me solve

The pest problem might go to slab now we might just I have I mean honestly I have a feeling we’re going to be doing this to the whole area as you can see things are going well okay that’s the first time that one hasn’t immediately spawned back in in a while

Did we finally do enough this is no time for complacency citizens it is working over there I actually I haven’t been looking I don’t know if it’s been working this whole time so let’s at least check on that how we doing over here okay it’s been working all of my

Labor means something uh one just spawned in why can’t you just let me have this okay so I think it seems like they can spawn up to like right oh don’t listen to me I don’t know what I’m doing I’m going to end up spawn proofing this

Whole place just not right now right now we are going to finish working on these and we just leveled up both of them H that’s actually not bad sweeping Edge and Unbreaking that will be decent sword uh efficiency 2 I’m sure you tried your best I appreciate app it which means we

Just have to level up you so let’s get some more emeralds and we can officially afford well technically both but I’m going to start with the cheaper one get some diamond boots yeah cover me with diamonds yeah like I said not terrible enchantments I do think we’ll end up

Getting rid of those but oh what happened to my lost and found I got some more stuff for you here and honestly citizens I want to go and work on other things but now that I started this I can’t just abandon it I think we can

Figure this out I’m just going to line all of the uh edges with buttons and then we’re going to come back through with slabs can I yeah I can put one there come back through with slabs and do the Central Area okay so that’s the Outer Perimeter we’re going to need to

Get a ton of I believe it’s Spruce slabs and I basically have to just go over all of this one more time to make them half slabs so they’re not spawnable I think I think it should work because I don’t know what else to do I have a feeling

This is one of those moments where I’m going to get comments on this after it’s lished where I’m just missing something incredibly obvious and I’m going the long way around I can never not say that like gimly anyway though if it works I don’t really mind okay load me up on the

Spruce all righty so we go around to every Spruce uh block or slab that we have here and just fill it in one Higher uh we’re going to have to okay hold on yeah I think I need to leave that so we can duck beneath our Dingus barrier okay

And yeah I mean aside from that it should look all right we’ll find out at the end but my hope is that it doesn’t look drastically different doing this what do you think does it look like I intended this all along oh yeah that was an intentional design okay we’re getting

There and yes I know as soon as we finish this they’re going to find some new Nook or crevice to spawn in but cross that bridge when we get to it okay I think that’s it uh maybe on top of these caught you m yes okay let’s do a

Test which means I need you gone whoa he got me he got me okay we got to get out of here that terrified me I don’t know how it didn’t do more damage also don’t know how you reached me I will not be sad when they stop

Spawning over here okay that’s both of them gone and true test time are any more going to spawn in so far we’re looking good is it over did we win and it’s working over there I think we did it citizens uh I shouldn’t be so thrilled that I just spawn proofed an

Area basically but that that feels like a huge win if it worked still a little skeptical all right at least we’re still getting stuff here too so just thinking should I have waited before I got all the villagers moved over to these things before I did this and if so why didn’t

You warn me these are the kind of things I rely on you for a citizen maybe it’ll be okay what ooh is that a cat what are you doing in there I don’t want to hit you but we got to get you out of there

Yeah go on what how did a cat get in there okay we crisis averted I guess anyway uh why don’t we prep a couple of these for new villagers and we’ll see if it’s any more difficult My Hope Is that we can just put this here and it’s just

About as easy as it used to be all right who wants to go for a scrape now I’m going to need you to go right into the boat no running away cuz you’re going to have a little bit like a an inch of Freedom here okay good no problemo hey

Boys brought you a new friend no don’t be silly of course I don’t trust you and I guess this means you can pick either one doesn’t matter to me just go ahead and jump in your preferred spot wonderful don’t have specific plans for either of these or any of these yet just

Want it set so that we you know basically just run through and choose the job block so we’re good to go and keep trading while we’re at it um I guess may as well get the pants while we’re here and in case you’re curious yes we are going to be renaming all of

The gear that we’re getting I think we might be able to get you there my guy look at that now what do you have for me Unbreaking helmet and oh protection Unbreaking that’s not bad actually okay well done plebs into the lost and found with all of you there we

Go thank you for stepping forward I appreciate you a you see what happened it’s because I didn’t put a button on top of that craf table you’ve got to be kidding me these things are Relentless they’re tenacious into the boat there we go don’t worry I’m going to be back for

You okay and then we just get you in here where you going come on everybody else has been pretty helpful they’ve just gone along with it I’m going to need you to do the same yep yep yep yep yep right oh come on get on the honey

There we go okay thank you and now for the pest problem the one button that I missed hey buddy you having fun can I hit you from back here here and you can’t hit me oh no how unfortunate hardly seems fair does it oh boy yeah okay yep and that should solve the

Problem unbelievable what’s so in oh okay checking out the cat I get it you can tell too it’s split down the middle we got the cat lovers over on this side the dog lovers over here look at him following it oh man yeah I get it you guys love it

Okay lucky kitty cat got so many admir yep I see I knew this was going to happen I knew it when I put these here so we’re going to wrap up and then I’m going to take care of you go on time to go walk about oh what am I doing I don’t

Have honey on this one okay we can get that figured out pretty easily thank you bees just what I needed all right apologies for the wait sir we can get you taken care of now there we go all prepped and you went right in perfect well a little bit further little bit

Further there we go now we can get rid of all the extras and and to be safe for the time being we are going to put a button on top of each one because of you now please I mean the other guy was able

To hit me I don’t want you to do that so I’m going to go up another one now we’re going to try to do it this way I think I’m too high now you’d think they’d get the picture that I don’t really want them spawning over here but you know

Smooth brain what can I say Okay so we’re good over there next up we do have to why don’t we I really don’t feel like moving like 20 villagers or whatever this is so let’s start with two here and we can start getting two more a you and

That’s so that we can have a mending villager an Unbreaking villager and an efficiency villager those are kind of my go-to for the first three okay the cat is starting to become a problem everybody wants to see the cat nobody will leave I promise there’s going to be

Cats roaming around all over the place here you will see some even if if you go out here come on yes yes yes yes yes thank you but not that way be reasonable my guy come on there we go woo that was close another good question though do I

Have any other LEC turns I think the answer is no so maybe that’s a good place to start okay I have some leather I guess I must have used all my books thought I had some left over but maybe not I do have more leather though so I

Think we’ll be in good shape let’s just collect all of this and make some books I think I only need six eh let’s make a few extra just in case then I think we just need two bookshelves and then yeah can make our two lect turns we’re in business but

First up we’ll get you nice and situated that looks very open but I think we’re secure about to find out yep yep yep go right in there we put that there or here whoops uh here that’s more like it wait a minute yeah jaob blocking go under

There okay the slabs are throwing me off and just to be safe we are putting the button there all righty one more yep good boy going to need you to go in the boat though there it is why can’t they always just behave like that and after

This we can get to the best part ever which is rrolling Librarians about 10,000 times until we get the enchantments that we need boy am I looking forward to that I think there’s enough time to check the iron farm trade all of that and then in the morning we

Get started with the Librarians you still working yes you are okay good or at least you were I’m going to spend the rest of the video being suspicious of the iron farm and checking if it’s working or not thank you and thank thank you I think actually all of them are

Fully leveled up so as soon as we have enough emeralds we can get full Everything full diamond armor diamond weapons uh tools everything so we’re getting there we’re pretty close and yes it is working beautiful okay it was raining overnight as you can kind of see I think that’s the first time it’s

Rained so we can check if the uh protection we created for the Striders actually worked out fingers crossed I see them over there they’re good no of course you’re welcome for the roof that’s fine and anyway don’t thank me thank the uh these beautiful citizens out here they’re the ones that told me

About this so you are alive by there grace alone anywh who think in preparation I have some books we should grab paper as well so if we find that one of these has an enchantment we want to lock in we’ll have a couple things to

Trade and we can do that all right first up get rid of those buttons start with you boyo all right excellent start excellent excellent start and two in a row wonderful don’t worry I’m not going to show you every single reroll I do on this because I always get the distinct F

Uh feeling that I’m going to be here for quite a while before I get what I want and once again just so you can hear that’s either Unbreaking or efficiency just making sure you heard you know what though to be perfectly honest I’m thinking just anytime we get one that I

Will need we should take it cuz I I don’t want to spend half the video doing this so maybe I know I’m going to want silk silk touch so okay you’ve convinced me we’ll lock you in good job I guess even though you didn’t do what you were supposed to do

Let’s see if I can turn this around so it’s uniform with uh the other guy yep and we can take your training wheels off there you go full-fledged pleb on to the next one and I’m not going to repeat myself I know you heard me talking to

The other guy and also come to think of it um I can technically get more books I have cows but I’d really like it if we saw one we want plus bookshelves cuz I’d prefer to just buy the bookshelves so that we can get more lect turns okay

Efficiency 2 while it is technically what I asked for I’m not about to combine enough efficiency two books to make five so good try we’re we’re just going to keep going though and another silk touch and it’s cheaper and you have bookshelves wow uh that’s a a dirty

Trick trying to oust your buddy over there but not going to work we’re going to keep going also one of these guys we need to make sure I mean not much we can do about it but one of them will sell uh glass at some point and I would like

That cuz I’d like to try a new trading technique with it I am having a string of bad luck here yeah you know this is a good day when I’m almost 100% going to break my iron axe just yep there it is just by trying to uh break the lecturn

And place it back down wonderful let’s see can one of you boys help me out actually I could probably just go the uh the gold axe route or gold diamond efficiency three that might speed things up ah why not you’ve convinced me citizen feeling pretty bougie with this

Let’s see I can’t go too hard cuz then I could accidentally hit the slab underneath and then the honey and then Z so carefully carefully respiration I kind of want but it’s not like I’m going to really need it in a one block world a whole lot yeah I think we keep going

Stop trying to sell me Frost Walker I don’t want it it’s probably worth noting I’ve been at this for a while I haven’t seen Unbreaking one time yet like even a garbage one like Unbreaking one I saw that one official 2 that I passed on and

That was it I’m really missing my trade cycling mod right about now now looting three I do kind of want that for my sword that’s crazy expensive but does also have bookshelves and I’m just getting sick of rolling this one villager so I think we’re going to yeah

I only need one of those books so yeah let’s do it and once again we’re low on Emerald so why don’t we go check the farm do some trades then we got to drag some more plebs over to new new spots actually I’m going to over there to do

Trades anyway let’s just bring one with us like it’s a far distance to go come on out you go my boy and before we do that same story turn that around get rid of you Bingo also very quickly I need to max out here and back up to 21 could be

Worse and in you go look at you going right in grab one more of these boys and then we’ll be in business so we’ got looting silk touch and mending nothing else notable the question is always do I try to level these two up to see if they

Have any other books that I will be trying to get as we go down this line maybe let’s do this one more and then once we lock this guy and we’ll do some leveling up oh mending for 10 what are you at 22 down to 21 ooh you’re lucky I

Already leveled you up all the way actually you know what I’m going to need a lot of mending books ooh do I I mean that’s half I’d be spending spending half the emeralds on that I think we’d probably be saving around 90 emeralds it just seems like such a waste to have two

Mending villagers I’m torn yeah I mean you know what I I can’t do it I can’t have two mending villagers it’s too weird technically could have just gotten rid of that first one no I wouldn’t I wouldn’t do that we’re friends don’t worry you think he bought it another

Looting three and that one’s for 10 for 11 this is the second one looting three for 42 now you’re giving it to me for 11 what is going on here I’m not I’m not going to get distracted by this you’re all just trying to mess with me I don’t

Appreciate it but it’s not going to work uh Power five for the bow that will also come in handy so I guess we are locking you in all right so with that taken care of let’s spend a little bit of time leveling up these three and kind of the

Only way of doing that is either buying the book paper or bookshelves and since since you’re the only one that trades paper I think we’ll try to stick to that I mean I’ll need a silk touch so I guess we can oh I can’t afford it okay never

Mind I can sell you some paper how about that actually might be able to get there certainly can look at that and you gave me channeling okay that’s kind of thanks but no thanks you also didn’t give me glass so thanks for nothing moving on to you uh yeah they both have super

Expensive books in the 40s I’m not off to a great start if I’m being honest with you might have to go back to the grind and just go through a bunch of bookshelves all right so I guess what we’re going to do is clear out the farm

Uh the produce Farm clear out the iron farm bring it all back do some trades see how far we get at some point it’s probably I mean it’ll probably be too late anyway but I was thinking it would be nice if we could cure the farmer

Villager cuz you really don’t get a lot of uh lot of mileage out of this amount of produce with the farmer as he is now with steep discounts that’s a different story it’s trade with the farmer really quick before Betty buy time and I’ve got some carrots for you along with other

Goods kind of pushing it so as far as night time goes so I hope this place is truly uh spawn proof cuz that would be bad news all right back for the potatoes and of course the succulent poison potatoes that’s the real reason I’m here succulent why did I use that word all

Right that’s it for the Farms so now we go and check out the iron and yeah we did stay out a little late last night hey big guy poisonous potato Pou all right 42 total hopefully this is at least enough to level up those two Librarians I really just want to know

What the first book if any uh that they would trade after they level up is give you some ters and for you fresh picked iron yep perfect and ripe 46 uh that’s not a lot 1 2 three four 5 that’s all it gives us okay wonderful honestly at this

Rate might just be worth making more more Librarians because we could get one that trades at decent prices actually I guess two what we could do is make a couple Fletchers over here that might speed things up and I must have Flint somewhere there’s one but I’ve got to

Have more than that yeah there you are not as much as I thought though get a couple of these and it probably makes sense to break a ton of wood over here too what do I have in Surplus today dark oak I guess and I do have some just

Lying around so kind of like we hold the produce over by the farmer we’ll just uh make a little spot over here this can be our Uh Wood and stick chest after we get ourselves a couple of these important question are you actually going to trade

Sticks yes you are so we’ll lock you into sticks perfect lock you into sticks and and get rid of your training wheels all right let’s see how much we can do and fill up as much as I can keep trading oh boy that’s uh I don’t even

Remember what I had I think that was two or three stacks of uh logs and it took almost all of it just to do a full trade with each of them but it did give me a decent amount of emerald so we’ll call it worth it also now that we have the

Diamond axe I should probably just go clear out the tree farm and bring all of it over here for that and we should be able to take care of this yes we can what do you got for me and a whole lot of nothing nobody really wants to sell

Glass which is strange and you didn’t give me any enchanted books this is just this is going swimmingly yeah I think let’s take the new choppy boy over to the tree farm and see what kind of damage we can do don’t let me down oh

That is so much better I almost want to expand the tree actually you know what I have an idea let’s finish up this and then I’ll tell yall about it yeah world’s better though by the way this axe versus Stone axes obviously ly okay so that’s all set now definitely went

Faster here’s my idea we’re going to take a goodly amount of spruce saplings along with all the wood that we just picked up and all of the dirt that we found recently breaking the block and all of the spare wood is going to go in here that will come in handy later as

For the dirt and the spruce look at all this real estate we’ve got over here yeah yeah see what I’m thinking here you get it if we want to ramp up the wood production all we have to do is make a ton of Mega trees over here and I might

Be a little close to the edge but I don’t think it’ll be a problem do you because if we grou uh Mega trees on all of these that’s a lot of sticks plus who knows when uh Spruce Wood is going to come in handy later on there we go okay

Definitely going to be coming back for that uh all this dirt at a later date but for now now it will serve its purpose I’m going to run out of these saplings I do have more though so we can come back 1 2 three okay so we need 12

More and that ought to do it bring on the mass wood production and while we’re here ooh a solid stack very nice keep all this rolling and I guess it’s just you we’ll try to get you up to the next level which is going to take a while

Wonderful actually we did bring a bunch of wood over here let’s see what you boys can do for us okay 24 all said and done the cycle continues actually where did I leave my powdered Red Bull there you are they are growing but I’m not willing to wait let’s go down the line

And make sure we’ve got a full house here wow just one on that there we go that’s more like it that’s a lot of wood and bingo look at all that and off we go jeez 21 saplings from a single tree yeah yeah I’d say things are going well on

The uh wood collection front it is ripping through this axe though which technically I could buy another one I’d like to avoid that if I don’t have to but I’m hoping also we don’t need much more than one trip through here you never know and that’s my whole inventory

Okay so we still have a few left and no room for it not a bad problem to have honestly oh stick boys I have a surprise for you yep yep I’m I’m a fan of this oh they’re starting to get greedy I just noticed that 32 to 34 shame on you that

Being said I do have a full stack of emeralds so that part is okay hopefully that’s enough for you too greedy okay let’s see what you got uh we’ve seen that before okay let’s do one more level up if we can yes we can there’s the

Glass okay I I was thinking it was in this tier but yeah it’s journeyman okay yeah you both have glass so not I’ve got two that are selling glass that is good news it also means we can make a cartographer so I can test this out so

Cartography table that should be our boy over here and you also take paper so let’s lock that in haven’t talked a lot about it but I I don’t actually know exactly what I want to do but it’s something about the librarian sell glass and I think at some point the

Cartographers should sell um or no they’ll buy pain glass so I’m curious if there’s going to be a profit so if I were to buy glass from The Librarians and then sell them to this guy over here is that just an infinite Loop where I could get profit I could be completely

Wrong I don’t use cartographers so we’re just going to have to wait and see let’s get a couple glass and then we should hopefully get an opportunity to uh test this out I am not going to be able to level you up though yep okay oh stick

Boys let’s fill this back up and see what we can do oh no refreshing huh okay got to wait till tomorrow that’s interesting oh okay all right how does this keep happening to you puss can you see that there’s another cat stuck in a slab get out of there there we go don’t

Understand how that keeps happening oh yeah I forgot we can take that away now and you are still not refreshing that’s not great news there we go holy you know I’m going to have to give that one a pass 59 for a single Emerald you yeah

More my style we’re going to go with you unbelievable you you better change your tune because that is not happening so entitled what was I even doing oh yeah uh cartographer we are trying to level you up there we go what do you get for your second trade okay you do so you’ll

Take 11 glass pane for an emerald and I bought four glass for an emerald and it takes six glass to make 16 panes so this is one one and a half emeralds worth of glass it’s going to get me right about there right about 1 and A2 I don’t think

This does anything I don’t think it’s a good trade I mean I’m going to do it just to level him up or help level him up but unless this guy is cured a couple of times so it’s not 11 it’s something better I don’t think this is going to do

Us any good so something to think about we could try that maybe in the future anyway though that was a nice little distraction I think it is time to get back to the Librarians and uh maybe did we do both of you yeah maybe we just

Level you up one more time which I could probably do right here yep and then we’ll grab some more boys load him in start seeing what we can get ooh okay this guy so when he leveled up he does Pro three it would be very expensive to

Turn that into prop 4 for four pieces of armor but let’s just see maybe maybe when we continue going down the line if we see one with Pro 4 it’s cheaper we’ll do it but good to know that we at least have an option here all right but back

To this no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no get out get down don’t don’t oh I you have got to be kidding me that could not have gone any worse did you see what happened try to catch

This guy so he doesn’t fall into one of these put the boat down instead of catching him I pull both of them out of their spot and then he falls into this one that could not have gone any worse oh uh damage control I guess we’re going

To try to get you at least out of there okay I think we have those two locked in there so I I need that boat back uh please don’t hit a villager okay now we have that you get in the boat thank you and as for you two you okay yeah you get

In there I think we can salvage this yep that’s one you uh no do not get in the same don’t do it I’m telling you no yeah what are you going to do now you go that way yes okay these guys are going to give me a heart attack where did you

Come from did you spawn in cuz I put all this Netherrack here what a mess the important question though have you tasted The Sting of my diamond axe oh I didn’t think so yeah you’re wishing you hadn’t done this now huh whoa he got me

He got me yeah one hit left that keeps happening I just keep misjudging that anyway we could just pretend like none of that sorry story ever happened and really quick before Betty by time no no no no no no no NOP look nice and cozy honey right over there look you’re never

Going to see your bed again I don’t know how else to phrase it okay fine you want to be that way get back in the boat I’m going to bed we’ll talk about this in the morning all righty round two oh yeah now you don’t mind huh nice and easy

This time ooh looks like we made some spawnable area over here unintentionally oh well what harm could it do cut two zombies taking all of my villagers out that I just leveled up anyway though reminder uh Power okay just checking what I have so

Far what are you going to be able to do for me everybody wants to sell me silk touch I do not need it anymore that’s the third time this guy has offered me silk touch honestly I do not need it hey there we go I knew you had it in you yes

We will lock that one in Pro four for 15 emeralds I will absolutely take congratulations you’re probably the first one that’s giving me anything that I want at a reasonable price so I do appreciate that next up another Dingus and I don’t need any trouble so let’s

Keep this simple well there’s the uh the first Unbreaking I’ve seen yet through all the rerolls of all of them and it’s Unbreaking one for 13 emeralds that means we’re looking at 52 or so to get an Unbreaking 3 you know I I really wish

I could bring myself to do that I I just can’t I’m going to need you to do better okay now where did you come from oh it must be these new things can I yeah I can button these okay get rid of you oh boy okay I mean Infinity I will get use

Out of that so I guess that means you’re getting locked in okay that’s actually my last honey block there so we might need to keep up on that when we finish with this boy come on now don’t be difficult thank you oh hey you’re Randy I didn’t even notice that what’s up

Randy it’s been a while I think you are our first villager lucky you you finally have a purpose okay I think there’s the second efficiency we’ve been offered efficiency 2 423 once again Randy completely undoable need to take out a second mortgage to be able to afford

That I’m starting to lose my mind want to stop rrolling Library Arian okay Unbreaking two for 10 that I think is worth it because we’re basically saying 20 for Unbreaking three I’m I’m okay with that we’re doing it thank you Randy that is acceptable it’s not great but it’s acceptable now where

Did you oh cuz I picked it up and put it back down this is driving me absolutely crazy good riddance and if we do one of these we should be good for another one tomorrow all right what’s next next I’m a bit sick of this for now so I think I

Might spend some time just filling in the rest of this with honey blocks and of course we’re going to stop to trade whenever we can and come to think of it in the last video I was asking about you know how much do you want to see when

I’m building things does that get boring if you’re just watching me you know make a platform for example same question here how much of the villager trading stuff are you interested in because I think haven’t started editing yet so editing it yet so I don’t know but I

Think this will be a pretty long portion of the video so is this the right amount that you’ve been seeing or you know would you prefer just some of the sped up uh cinematic shots with some voice over I’m willing to you know try to change up I’m doing the videos a little

Bit I’m just trying to find that right balance you know and it looks like we’re not quite ready over here yet and by the time I made four more I’d probably be done filling all the in all the honey blocks over there yeah I mean it’s going

Pretty quick that just filled in I agree bees it’s not quite worth it there we go no time at all thank you I also could speaking of you know taking a break from this I could start working on some of the enchanting considering I have 59 levels

Right now I could at least get mending on what I have currently although that also is going to take emeralds fancy that kind of surprising not surprising I’m blowing through those Spruce logs very quickly with all these stick trades but it has been pretty reliable and I mean I’m getting close

Back up to a stack so that’s not too bad I am going to have to go back and clear out all those trees again though so in a second I want to check how much I paid for that diamond axe that might be the first time we’ve got over a stack so

Thank you I appreciate it now where are the scam artists over here was this the one um I mean it’s 20 for mending and then I would have to heal it back up six more to get a new one well out of curiosity uh I guess I don’t even have a

Mending book yet okay and now it’s 22 eh I kind of want to just do all the enchanting at once I don’t really feel like doing it one at a time so since this is on discount let’s just get another diamond axe and we’ll go clear

Out that uh that tree farm one more time after we use the last of what we have there we go we’re back up over a stack no problem okay so let’s drop off some of the old inventory we’ll go clear out that tree farm one more time you know

What this has happened three times now I’ve saved each time let’s see if you can work this out I want to see if you can get on there on your own I like the cats but but you know you got to meet me halfway here oh it’s time and I will

100% break this axe doing this but we have the backup ooh this is a big one is this going to uh I don’t want to climb all the way up there let’s see if we let’s break this one with the new one and then back to the old one for you cuz

You look like a little one yeah there we go oh that’s the one that broke it okay and yeah it was a decent size up we go a man the uh falling tree mod giveth and the falling tree mod taketh away there we go oh no I just realized something

It’s touching the leaves over here uh I really don’t want to like accidentally cause this wood and these leaves you know I don’t want the mod to affect that I think if I shift and get rid of these I should be safe okay woo I was worried

It was going to just take out everything this is probably the least safe place to be at night time the enormous platform that I haven’t lit up yet so maybe maybe we see if we can just uh sleep our way through this one beautiful and on we go

All right down to the last two and in retrospect I’m glad that I set this up over here cuz this is so much faster than waiting for those to grow and going through that whole area in fact by the time I finish this process the uh beginning has grown again so I could

Just do this on an endless loop most likely not that I’m going to and look at that that’s an impressive inventory from one trip so it’s not like I need to continue I will will however gift the tree farm some extra Spruce saplings yes I know you appreciate it and finally I’m

A hungry boy so we got a visit over here and they say there’s no such thing as a free lunch all right couple more rounds here then we’ll go back to the uh the Librarians ooh I’m driving up the prices again we got to pause did good work

Though approaching two stacks but that’s about to go down severely all right Randy we’re going to need a ton of these Unbreaking books anyway so that’s the way we’re going to level you up grab a ton of books and buy these until we can’t buy them anymore out of curiosity

Let’s see I think I’ll need about 18 of these books so yeah you’re going to be pretty popular Randy well enough to level you up and you gave me Infinity for two which is the last this is just non-stop Randy every time you gave me a cheaper Infinity the

Only reason I got you was Infinity you know what is it worth just getting rid of you I mean I would feel bad if it was like you know a horse or a cow or you know a parrot something important like that you though I yeah I mean there’s

There’s no purpose you got Infinity for nine even when it’s not discounted you have Infinity for five and that’s on one and that’s Randy come on you can’t get rid of Randy all right hang on the important thing here is the honey block how do we save the honey block and get

Rid of you what happens if I do this and go down this way okay and then like magic I’m standing down here and one final check that we have the right guy yep don’t need you so if I were to just make a little temporary spot right here

And yes I’m terrified right now now I think can I just break you yeah I got the honey block back and then okay so n your guys are watching up there right I’ve got a secret mission for you see the boys in the lab they’ve been trying

To figure out what’s down there and since you know I figured you’re wearing glasses so you got to be smart so I want you to just run down there real quick and report back just let me know what you see down there okay all right best

Of luck to you all right report back with data I appreciate you all right so with that uh important Mission out of the way I can put uh you back here and I mean I’m here anyway I may as well just what I can reach anyway there we go a

Couple of them are safer anyway then we get rid of you and bingo I would call that a success all right so now we can get a replacement pleb for uh that brave Pioneer that went down to the void to check things out for us don’t don’t you

Do as you can see the boat didn’t work but this guy making me Furious did work can I just get you and not that other one if I go real slow just get get in the boat get in the boat come on I know

I know you can do this yes yes yes did I get him I think I got him ooh man now is he the right one yes oh I can’t believe that work by the way though what trade did you pick up oh helpful let’s get rid

Of this temper earily you’ll get it back don’t worry hopefully you do a better job than your predecessor going to put you right there and then we’ll get to work and actually I should get signs so I know what I have cuz I keep forgetting what uh I’ve already successfully rolled

For okay you’re giving me a lot of repeats at this point I’m really just looking for a decent efficiency trade maybe sharpness uh what was it did I I don’t think I have um Fortune yet yeah I got looting but not Fortune so there’s still a couple left here that are kind of

Higher priority than others I guess feather falling wouldn’t hurt either that’s the third prop four that I’ve gotten at a decent trade and that’s great but I already have it at a decent trade take that same energy and put it towards efficiency yeah speaking of feather falling that’s not terrible and

It only need it once so two of these 30 for a feather falling four there’s some alliteration for you feather falling four anyway uh let’s get some paper I think I want to lock that one in enough for one there you go congratulations you are now the feather falling villager oh

Wait a minute we have to turn your thing around much better let’s actually see if we can buy two of those that I think will do it yeah that should give us plenty okay so two of those and then I think we’re going to need more paper at

This point to level that guy up seems like a waste to buy extra feather falling when I am not going to need it well hello it’s not going to be enough but it’ll be a start uh let’s see actually just enough wow was not expecting that and very helpful

Appreciate it something else we can do while we’re at this since I’m getting a ton of levels anytime we get something like this that needs to be combined like the feather falling or the ton of Unbreaking twos that we have let’s just start combining those and burning

Through the levels because eh I’ve got them may as well uh jeez yeah I didn’t think it’ be that much either I was thinking like one or two can we maybe chill with the uh re for Unbreaking 3 whatever we we’re going to have to do it

At any event so let’s just get it over with by the way yeah I know I’m going to get one that’s going to trade me I’m breaking three eventually and this is just going to end up being a waste but them’s the breakes yeah like I said I’m pretty quickly just regaining those

Levels anyway all right we’re going to grab another honey block and then we’re going to grab another pleb at some point somebody has to offer efficiency at this point they’re just doing it to spite me I know it welcome to your new Eternal home hope you like what I’ve done with

The place oh you don’t like what I’ve done with the place okay I mean I said I hope but honestly I don’t really care about your opinion I’m talking to the pleb by the way I wouldn’t talk to you that way citizen just to be clear yep

Whatever world I do next it’s going to have uh trade cycling on and yeah I want flame but not yet I don’t need that one yet yep what did I tell you there’s the feather falling four but what’s done is done and there is another entire day gone rolling villagers with no success

This is incredibly timec consuming wait I did say I need Fortune right that’s expensive I don’t know I’m I’m just sick of rrolling this same guy we’re going to we’re going to do it where’s my books H guess I have no books okay yeah you win this round you’ve bored me to death

Maybe the next one will be kind to us ooh I definitely waited too long you see all those burning bones over there I could light that area up over there but it’s kind of fun just you know stay up too late you look over see all the baddies burning nothing wrong with that

I do however want to check the iron farm because it’s been a bit and look at that it’s been working easy emeralds you say why of course thank you boys man I want to do more stick trades with 53 and 50 yeah I I just can’t I can’t bring myself

To do it you are giving me more trouble than any of the previous villagers getting out that door yeah I know you’re the life of the party but come on you got a job to do I I literally cannot get this guy to go

Out come on come on yes oh jeez way to make it difficult oh that bodess well too for uh trying to get decent trades out of this guy and yep there’s the Unbreaking three 13 which I mean six at a discount for two it’s about the same

But yeah that’s that’s too little too late see you’re behind I don’t need that I need efficiency if I don’t get efficiency from this guy I’m just going to spend time leveling everybody else up cuz there’s always is the chance so is the chance one of them will have it um I

Don’t think I want to spend about 80 emeralds just for sharpness 5 it’s not top on my list anyway so let’s keep going okay this is just garbage he’s given me bookshelves and paper the last like five or six times or multishot no no no thank you day is almost over I

Need a break probably after this if I don’t get it okay I mean I’m I’m willing to call it quits on this sharpness 5 for 32 congratulations you are our sharpness villager so I mean we’re making progress sharpness 5 fortune Infinity protection feather falling and a ton of Unbreaking

3 I’ll just need to work on The Mending and efficiency and then there’s a few more of the the single ones that I’ll need but again we are making progress I think it’s important to say that cuz sometimes it doesn’t feel like that when you’re doing this for days and days and

Days there are a couple of the newer ones over here that trade paper and it’s taking so long uh to wait for these to grow what do I have maybe we could just make a massive uh sugar cane Farm because there’s a bit of sand uh just a

Little bit of red sand I think we kind of turned it all into glass or most of it ooh honey blocks that I missed in here that’s something cuz I you know I wouldn’t mind taking a little break from just rrolling villagers Non-Stop and if part of that is making a larger sugar

Cane farm and I don’t have a ton of uh sand or you know dirt things we can use for that maybe it’s time to go to the Nether and try to get a ton of gravel from that I never like the idea but actually if I at least got the rest of

The diamond gear and maybe a diamond sword then maybe I’d be comfortable doing that so I mean it’s really not that bad I could I could almost afford all of that let’s uh let’s do a few more trades just get all geared up and then even though I don’t like the idea I

Think that’s probably our best bet at the moment anyway and oh what’s that I hear you saying citizen it seems like I’m behind given the lofty goals I have for this video well I’m afraid I can’t but agree however I did see lots of comments on the first video in this

World that were saying things like you know hey bring this world to a thousand days or I’d watch a th days so you know if we don’t get to all of it in this video I think I have the leeway to do a couple more to make sure we get there

Let me know what you think I’m interested in your opinion on that but anyway I just got a new stack of emeralds Let’s uh let’s gear up a little bit more I need your honestly not bad uh chest plate a diamond Helmut and I’d also like that’s all right yeah the

Sword really wasn’t too bad so we can afford all that grab us that get all decked out what do you think citizens what me oh personally I’m feeling good and I’m looking even better so for now we’re going to store a bit of this stuff

Over here then I do need a few more arrows which I believe I have over here am I wrong on that I’m wrong on that I think they’re up here there you are and then for now any sand that we have I’m just going to hold here remind me of

This because I’m never going to remember where I’m putting this stuff later on and I just remembered one more thing I need over here while at the base mushroom stew is fine it’s working well for us I don’t think it’s going to work as well in the nether so hello sir I’d

Like your finest selection of golden carrots please and that’s not a ton um can I do any more trades I’d like a little bit more than that 53 come on guys okay 31 that I can do okay what can that get me uh 24 I’m feeling better

About that so we’ll wrap up today by I guess finding the uh the stuff we need for nether portal then we of course have to decide where to set that up head to the nether with the goal of well we can make it two goals actually need as as

Much gravel as I can get which means you know what I just remembered a third thing I forgot we should get a better shovel cuz we’re going to be getting gravel but the other goal is let’s grab some additional lava don’t need it in particular for anything yet but I’d like

It to you know be on hand you never know we might need it at some point who has the shovel uh you have an iron shovel but what gives you only do ax and uh pickaxe thought they gave you Diamond everything what am I missing here yeah whatever

That’s fairly cheap let’s just get a couple of these might have to make myself a diamond shovel since that guy doesn’t sell it anyway though it’s turning toight so in the morning we’ll grab our obsidian and make a portal and honestly just hope for the best if we

Have obsidian I was like 99% sure we found it there you are and flint and steel no don’t don’t have that eh I’ll make some in the morning grab some flint and actually you know what but we’ve got that whole uh empty Center area here is

That where we put the nether portal I’ve had worse ideas so if we grab one of you we’re pretty much all set on that front I have a ton of wood here I could use that um I’m not quite sold on the idea I I might want to use this for something

Different I don’t know what I don’t even know if it would be something I build in this video or the next one or what but I feel like that’s a lot of space for just another portal maybe when there’s more time we just build like a insane really

Big goodlooking one but right now I I just want to go to the Nether and do my business because of that we’re just going to build a discret little portal right over here because it’s going to be close enough if we decide to go over there that if we needed to break this

One and replace it with one there it’s not going to be a drastically different uh location in the nether that being said let’s get started with this and hope that I can count correctly and I made this decision very quickly typically I plan a lot more before going

Into The Nether so if we just take a quick look I’ve got torches food Diamond gear including a diamond sword a bow with arrows a few building blocks in case we need it and full diamond gear oh that’s what I’m missing I need some buckets I did say I wanted more lava and

I have some somewhere I think I might have dropped them off over in this chest question mark yeah there you are let’s just get rid of one of these water buckets or you know the water in the bucket and pl a what about this side PL PL why can’t I

Put down the water I don’t know what’s happening what about over here can I place you here why oh weird I think I might have just placed it underneath there though yeah I did why wouldn’t it let me place the water getting sidetracked again citizens okay can I

Take you from here yes I can okay what if I just did something like this no that’s not going to work like this and then like that and then like this there we go that’s how you get rid of water I get there eventually don’t worry I mean

Yeah you probably should worry about me okay so got the buckets uh got everything else I previously mentioned couple shovels for the gravel I think we’re ready to go if I’m forgetting anything I’m blaming you because you didn’t remind me and come to think of it too this actually shouldn’t be a

Dangerous trip because getting gravel and uh and lava that’s fairly easy usually we’re going in here to uh try to get blaze rods I don’t need to do that I found from the one block so I don’t know what I’m getting worked up about this should be no problem and I really hope

That’s not foreshadowing okay looks like a fairly safe area to uh oo yeah to spawn out into nice got some Soul Sand Soul soil bone lava and gravel this is yeah I mean could have been much worse honestly too there’s some other stuff in here that really wouldn’t be

Bad to just kind of have around for example Brown mushroom rooms those could come in handy even though I think I I probably have a couple of those back at the base but also quartz I’d love to build some stuff with quartz okay so given the rest of the room we have in

The inventory I say we grab one more bucket of lava and fill the rest up with gravel which hopefully that’ll put a solid dent in it so I guess we just got to dig our way down there nice and easy just kind of steadily making a Stairway

Down there oh okay what you don’t want to see me or you’re not happy to see me I suppose I should say I mean you really shouldn’t be aggressive towards me considering I’m up here and you’re down there and we both have ranged weapons and I’m missing

Constantly there we go haa you should have known I had The High Ground okay so we made our way down and before I do anything else it wasn’t a direct route so I just want to make sure we’ve got a an escape plan where did I even oh is it

Right there not making it easy to bridge down here or stare down here there we go okay so there’s our windy staircase of escape and where is my beautiful gravel there you are but first grab some lava we’re good to go on that front something to note while we’re doing this gravel on

The edge of lava has a tendency to just fall as soon as you start digging into it so we’re going to keep that in mind as we do this and do what we can to Legion proof the area so I can’t uh Be My Own Worst Enemy basically that being

Said though off we go yep there it goes see what I mean so far so good anytime it moves like that I just expect that I’m about to Plum it even though I’m not standing on it I’m taking precautions all right so that’s one ow

Which is about a stack and a half so if we were to do this whole thing I think we’ll get a decent amount now that I think about it this is long overdue because it is a relatively safe thing to do in the nether I could have probably

Even done this in the first 100 days when I needed more dirt there we go see that was it right there that’s what I was worried about not this time but yeah whatever I waited it’s working out well for us it don’t matter and there’s one shovel down it performed admirably in

The service of Rome nowhere near as much as uh the legendary shovel Scoopy dooo but it did enough I don’t like the ghast sounds that I’m hearing when I’m doing this however oh there you are uh let’s just mind our own business maybe the Gast will do the same oh it didn’t do

The same it just hurt it shooting at me where’d it go don’t hurt me I’m just here for gravel oh there you are okay can we just get rid of it without it getting back to me or how does that work oh come on gas don’t move that fast

Somebody should have told it o it’s in the lava okay you just stay right in there okay yep two arrows apparently is the ticket and with that I think I’m good we just about cleared out this whole area and think that’s o and that just that last one is what did it

For the shovel too so yeah that’s it for me we are going to head back and see what kind of difference this makes for us thank you nether I appreciate you you’re a sight for Sor eyes wonderful uneventful and productive it’s what we

Like to see now come to think of it I do need some let’s call it seed dirt so let’s get rid of well I mean technically one will do the trick grab back this and then after I drop off some of this stuff I’ll get to the plan and I think oh yeah

I’m going to need some more shovels shovels and do I need a hoe maybe I might and you only sell a stone hoe and the iron shovel well definitely going to need a few probably three of those and no point in buying those because I can

Just make them let’s start with two and see how far that gets us and then we head over to our work area and get going and yeah I think this is going to take a bit because I think we did this a bit in the last uh video but essentially gravel

Mixed with dirt makes coarse dirt and as you’ll see we started with four uh dirt when we do this we have eight so we’re effectively doubling our dirt once you place that down actually out of curiosity yeah I can’t do it with a shovel but with a hoe once you do that

It turns it back into dirt and you pick it up and repeat the process so that’s the plan for the next uh well I don’t really know for it’s the foreseeable future then once we’ve maxed out on the dirt we’re going to see what we can do

To expand on the sugarcane farm just so we can get more paper and editor Legion it might be a good idea to just do a cinematic of all of this because it’s going to take me quite a while to get through all this stuff and while poor

Old past Legion works on that I’ve got another one for you this one is more of an anecdote and it’s about Augustus Caesar the first emperor of Rome the story takes place shortly after augustus’s Naval victory over Mark Anthony and Cleopatra at actium Upon returning to Rome still bathing in the

Victory a merchant approached him with a raven which he had taught to say hail Caesar Victor Commander Augustus was amazed and paid 20,000 ceries for it however a friend of the merchants who had received none of the payment went to Augustus to tell him the merchant had a

Second Raven and asked him to insist on hearing what it had been taught to say the bird was brought before Augustus and spoke the words hail Anthony Victor Commander luckily for the merchant Augustus wasn’t angry but thought it was amusing that he prepared for either General to win the battle he also told

Him to be generous and share the payment he received with his friend I thought that was a fun story even though its accuracy is a bit dubious well looks like we’re about done with the dirt let’s get back to it yep agreed that was

A lot of dirt but now that we have it and by the way I made four Stacks out of four which is not bad at all but I still have a like almost three stacks of gravel so if we need more we can come make more that being said I do want to

Get some more of this growing and in my mind the easiest way to do that is just kind of continue on with the configuration that we already have here I could probably make something a little bit more efficient or you know change it around a little bit or something but I I

Don’t know I don’t really see a reason to do that the one thing is uh the reason these are growing is because there’s water underneath all of these uh trap doors except for you there we go and because my original idea from the previous uh 100 days was to make these

Into larger Farms eh maybe I don’t do that cuz I mean the Farms really aren’t helping me a ton no offense over there buddy but unless he was cured a bunch of times it’s really not going to do a whole lot for me so that being said we

Can always put this back but for now now let’s clear these parts out we’re just going to be fancy and call it modular which to me just means you know whatever we happen to need at the moment we’re going to change the farm out to make

Sure we have it that goes for you too carrots unfortunately and then if we were to do something like that on each side I can continue a row of sugar cane down here but also I could put one on the exterior as we get past the the carrots and potatoes I’m most likely

Going to need to expand the uh the flooor the platform anyway as well but let’s see what we can do with this amount and that does include making sure the water gets all the way down to the end so we’ll do that I also hope I’m not misremembering I’m pretty sure I can

Plant sugar cane on dirt nearly forgot you and then it should be yeah no problem an extra bit on each side here and some over here and until I expand this I have a fear of falling off so let’s just put a little little wall

Right here why yes it is quite an ugly wall but like so many things in this world it is temporary and that is an improvement it’s definitely more but look at all this dirt citizen now I got tons of dirt I think we clear this out

And we just fill up this whole thing there’s room for it we may as well use it and if we do it like that I think we should be able to fit a decent amount more in here there we go and what did I start with uh I think I at four stacks

Of dirt I I only used a little over a stack but that’s cuz I I kind of just reconfigured what I had over here anyway already and then once we fill all of this up we should have an impressive amount of sugar canane and I’m hoping

That a full Harvest over here will be something meaningful that we can trade to the uh the paper Traders I actually don’t know if the Surplus we have here is going to oo be able to fill in all the new area uh no definitely not which

Is good and bad because it means we’re adding a lot more but we going to have to come back to finish filling in this and all of the other side although something we can do while we wait get some more trap doors and fill all this

In by the way I didn’t mention the whole thing with gravel and dirt to make Co dirt duplicating the dirt all that type of thing first time I saw that was on a sky video so shout out to Sky I would not have known to do that if it wasn’t

For watching his video so appreciate the tip so yeah let’s go grab some trap doors and get that wrapped up then maybe if there some growth on that um we’ll be able to fill in the remaining spots yeah you look like a lot of trap doors to me

Oh come on oo that’s a big one more yeah there it is woo making it rain I don’t know exactly how many I’m going to need but maybe like a stack of logs worth of them should be a good start yeah so a stack of logs turns into just over a

Stack of trap doors hey fellas how you doing okay good to good to know and and now we just go through actually uh yeah it’s the opposite way that’s going to bug me so if I go this way there we go I don’t think this is going to be enough

So a stack of logs isn’t going to do it I don’t think so anyway yeah 15 left no sir so there’s that much left I had a bit of that tree left over will this be enough exactly a stack we’ll find out oh yeah we’ll be fine with some to spare

Love it and while we’re here yeah still not going to be able to fill it in so I think what we do let’s let all of this grow there’s definitely much more now we’ll go work with the Traders a little bit more and by the time we get back

Hopefully there’s going to be enough so we can just fill in the remainder of the area and an entire Harvest will be at least enough so that we can you know kind of max out one of the uh plebs over here that trades in paper cuz that’s the

Idea so thinking ahead about that let’s not worry about leveling those guys up now let’s just try to why don’t we move more plebs in we’ll just get them all set in their spots as far as we can cuz that’s everybody’s favorite thing to do we’re actually pretty close cuz we can

Put this one in here and then we’ve got three left so yeah we’re getting there so what do you think citizens did you miss this I missed this just pushing plebs onto honey sentences I thought I would never have to say and I honestly don’t even feel like trading with them

Yet and seeing what I can lock in just going to get them all there get that part of it over with you know the uh the one headache at a time approach just remember it’s going to be worth it we’re going to get our uh our fully maxed out

Armor we’re definitely doing the naming thing again I like having armor that’s uh named after the Roman gods so we’re definitely going that route it’s going to be worth it but I’m going to be honest with you you fellas you make it very hard to feel worth it you know

That’s just some constructive feedback you you do with it what you want they’re not going to do anything with it got to keep up with our bee friends too what did I say three left so if we move two villagers get a block of honey I have no

Idea that seems like it involves math and that’s not going to happen let’s just keep up with chores and say we’re going to we’re going to figure it out huh and with that it is two left I know we’re going to make it we’re finally

Going to make it oh are you one of the guys that’s going to hide in the corner that’s so annoying come on don’t do that look that that looks a lot better it’s it’s gold everybody loves gold no it’s not a sticky trap don’t be ridiculous

There you go yeah it was a sticky trap I am glad we set up this area early on because I’ve been taking them out of here like crazy and my supply of uh plebs for manual labor it has not been going down I’ve been absolutely fine

This entire time would you get out that door do I have to send you on a special Mission just like I did it for that uh that librarian oh you were out come on get out the door get out the door get out the what did I ever do to you why

Why do you why do you play these games with me huh I’m not a fan of this to be honest with you I’m tempted to do the whole uh you remember the trade cycling mod if you’ve been watching the other videos it’s almost a it’s like a mod

That’s a part of a larger pack of mods and there’s other things you can do to make it easier to deal with villagers and one of them is just straight up picking them up like they’re an item and placing them down while I like the idea

Of that I feel like it makes it a bit too easy I mean don’t get me wrong I don’t enjoy this whole process but we’re already you know the whole like putting order to all of the villagers like this it’s a bit outside of uh I don’t even

Know what I’m trying to say it just it feels like it would be too easy so I’m not sure if I want to do it maybe I try it in one video and see what you guys think you let me know your feedback I’m just not sure I don’t know if that’s

Something I want to do for my my typical videos all right once we get this guy in that’s every honey block uh occupied so we’ll work on getting the two more that we need we’ll fill those in and I think that’ll give us enough time to go and

Continue working on the rest of the bamboo that we still need to fill in look at you I know it’s a Trope but they really are hardworking which means we only need one more and I bet by the time we finish our work with the bamboo

They’re going to be all done or not bamboo uh sugar cane you knew what I meant there we go last one now and while the bees are working this is looking mighty fine I think this should do the trick and it’s not even fully grown and

I think I’m already getting more than I did before yep I’m a fan of this so with that fully cleared out I think we’ll be able to plant the rest of it and with all of this planted we can wait for it to truly grow get to three tall and once

It does I bet we’re going to be bringing home a lot of sugar canane and that’s going to make our sweet boys so happy down there so we’ll turn the rest of them into Librarians get them all set up up and then by that time we hopefully

Have a decent amount over here where we can start some paper trades in Earnest this time so we’ve got two Lu turns let’s make a few more of these so all of our regular old plebs over there can go to college and then we’ll also take what

We have with some of this stuff so we can lock them in if we need to okay back to my favorite thing in the whole wide world we’re going to play please give me efficiency and don’t rip me off that’s my favorite game yeah so it turns out

This guy isn’t very good at the game but I also didn’t expect him to be good so not a big deal h fire aspect do I want that I think I want that and it’s not you know it’s not great we’re looking at like 40 emeralds just to get a fire

Aspect too but for all of these I’m I’m kind of just taking them because one I want to be done with this but two there’s always a chance that future trades are going to have books that I need so you got me pleb I’m going to

Lock get in in other news this has been doing quite well while we’ve been away so we may as well do some trades with that and I also think I’m going to buy another axe cuz I need some more trees and I’m not quite ready to start enchanting things with mending yet

Honestly probably cheaper to just use a ton of iron axes you know what I think I have iron axes on uh or in a chest somewhere let’s blow through all of those first and then we’ll see if we need to get a diamond axe oh yeah look

All these let’s let’s go through some of these first I brought five with how many you think we’re going to go through if we take down all these trees I actually don’t I don’t know if we’ll get through all of them something tells me we’re

Going to make it not having to use the diamond axe at all and I should have seen this coming I am out of room but we did pretty good on the axes in fact let’s do one more then we can get the rest of the logs drop an axe okay that

Should be good for now I love these spruce trees it is just so easy to uh get get an abundance of these logs just to make the stick trades easier and it’s nice because you really do just blow through these things like this will be

Gone in no time speaking of look at them they’re looking at me expectantly I’ve got your sticks don’t worry we are doing well though we’re approaching and I think about to pass up two stacks of uh of emeralds and there we go we’re over two stacks I’m feeling like we finally

Got a handle on this took us long enough okay with that we’re back at it do we have sharpness yet this is where signs would have come in handy oh yeah we’ve got sharpness 5 okay nice try we already got that one power four I don’t think we

Have power yet and that’s fairly High two of those and I’d be all set so yeah yeah let’s lock you in I am still just completely astounded that we got all the way down here look at all of these the entire way down and we haven’t seen one

Time anything greater than efficiency 2 I believe and I’m looking for efficiency 5 I’d accept almost any price at this point and out of 11 Librarians not one of them has gotten anywhere close to efficiency yeah if you’re not already sick of me talking about that you will

Be soon because it’s driving me nuts if it’s driving you nuts it’s driving me nuts that’s for sure I mean at this point too I keep getting stuff like this mending for 10 10 emeralds our first guy down here 22 emeralds for mending if I

Wanted to save a bunch I could lock that guy in and you know what because I haven’t bought any mending books yet I’m going to do that I’m locking this guy in for 10 I just I don’t want to spend as much with that first guy so we’re doing

It this way pretty sure we had the opportunity to do that earlier and I decided not to but at this point with the amount we have really by the time we get to the last four it’s down to just efficiency that’s literally the only thing we’ll need and maybe this will be

The guy but I have a feeling it’s not going to be till we get to the very last villager that we actually get what we want oh finally oh I mean you’re not making it easy on me you had to I mean you gave me what I wanted I wanted efficiency 5 45

Emeralds is very steep but there’s no way I’m not taking this we’re yeah I mean we’re we’re right away locking you in that is extremely expensive but I mean look at this I’ve been looking for that since I started down at that end so we we’ve got to do it well you know

Thank you I guess but uh this is this has got to be a Beggars can’t be choosers type of situation we got it I’m I’m happy now is so now that we’ve got this guy I think the uh the plan I usually like to start with mending efficiency and Unbreaking we’ve already

Got a ton of Unbreaking books in there so let’s work on getting mending and efficiency and I’ll I’ll try to trade with this guy a bunch and and level him up because he might then offer me a discount on this but it’s still steep so

I I want to spend some time getting a few stacks of emeralds that way I could trade my way through level them up and then when I see a discount I can go for it and get as much as I need which I guess shouldn’t be a ton for efficiency

I think I want two pickaxes an axe a shovel maybe on a hoe so total five books that that shouldn’t be terrible plus we’re doing pretty decent up there so we’ll we’ll Harvest up there soon but until then let’s just max out on stick and and uh and iron trades I do wish

You’d go back to your three iron trade instead of four but it is what it is and that’s nearly three stacks of emeralds that might be enough what happens if I if I level you up are you going to offer me a discount you’re going to take a ton

Of my emeralds first that’s for sure okay you are going to offer me a discount and it’s really not that much but I mean I kind of just want to get this over with that is so that’s so much what can I even do can I only do two at this rate yeah

Two you are killing me actually you know what’s going to happen somebody else is going to have efficiency 5 as their second or third trade and it’s going to be cheaper so I’ve got two I’ve got some at least let’s leave him for now we’ll grab some of that let’s work on leveling

Up all these boys and we’ll see what other things they have to offer us right now my plan is just to keep trading with everybody over there to get emeralds and then I’m working my way down the line to find anybody with um bookshelf trades that isn’t yet an apprentice and at

Least get them to that level we’re going to wait so this is the first one but we’re going to wait on the paper trade ones till we have that and use that to level all of them up then once everybody is to The Apprentice level which is the

Second one then we’ll go along the line again and make sure that everybody is at least up to the journeyman level and eventually we’ll just have an entire row of maxed out Librarians or nearly maxed out I don’t think we need to get to the

Final level for for all of them so with that in mind it’s going to be slow goings cuz nine that is that is steep with a full stack we can’t we can’t even level up one that is so depressing oh this is going to take some time I’m honestly considering how

Difficult it would be to zombify these two and uh and then cure them I think I have what I need we could do it it’s just going to be difficult and that’s also going to take time so I don’t know I’m undecided we’ll see I may just spend a couple days

Catching up on trades and building up as many emeralds as I can I don’t know how much of that I’m going to show cuz I don’t think it’s going to be the most interesting thing in the world so how about I just let you know if anything interesting happens and we’ll we’ll

Check in and by the way what I mean by that is I’m going to be doing a lot of stick trades and anytime I see a decent amount grown up here like now we’re going to go down Harvest everything and then use the paper trades to do our best

To level up those uh Librarians so that’s the plan I’ll let you know when I’ve made some progress all right citizens let’s bring you up to speed it’s been I think at least a couple of days and I got real fancy and labeled all of the Librarians and as a part of

That do you know what I noticed you’ll see this guy right here power five that’s uh one of the first ones I got apparently and you failed to mention when I was down here talking about how I didn’t have power yet and I got this

Power four that I already had it but no that’s fine that’s fine I I haven’t decided what to do with this guy yet we’re just going to leave him for the time being he’s kind of just in limbo but do not need him in other news all of

Them are now at least Apprentice level or higher and that was through paper trades and a lot of sticks that allowed me to buy bookshelves and you get the idea and honestly now that that is done I think we’re in a position to finish our collection of enchanted books that

We’re going to need and work on upgrading the gear which Yes means we are finally nearly there and we’ll be ready for next steps so for example if I wanted to start with my armor each piece is going to need at least Unbreaking three Pro four and

Mending which I believe means we are going to need to get three more of the pro four books and four mending books actually let’s uh let’s do the shield while we’re at it so one more Unbreaking there and one more mending and of course while we do have the protection for

Villager at the uh actually very reasonable price of 16 I did get Pro 4 like three more times as we went down when guys leveled up but none were really a great price so that’s kind of fortunate for us we only need to get three more of these and one two three

We’re good to go there which means last up should be five of The Mending books which you’ll notice I had some subtext here we’ve got mending ripoff over on this side that’s you buddy and then if we were to go down the line we’ll find mending good deal and I do appreciate

That we may can we do this right now with what we have we need one two and five yeah nice we were able to do it just with that and before we get started it might be a good idea well I’m actually curious let’s do this if I

Start with one for the armor that has we’ll do a mending and Unbreaking book together we’ll slap a prop 4 onto that book and you’re already getting the idea of how costly this is going to be if I were to take something like uh this that has

Something else on it how expensive would that be if I didn’t uh disenchant it 16 and now would that be the same well I don’t think I could even do something like this cuz it has fire protection on it or I can but it’s not going to put

The prop 4 so that would be a waste so we’re not going to do that 16 on that as well and also 16 okay I mean I’m going to be perfectly honest with you I don’t know what determined the enchantment cost but I guess it doesn’t hurt to do a

Test so the helmet that only had Unbreaking on it and that’s a a cost of 16 so if I were to take the helmet and throw that into the uh the grindstone so that it takes off the Unbreaking one enchantment yeah so we do that we take

It off I think we just got a little bit of experience out of that and now we were to throw it in there it’s the same cost okay so I don’t think it makes a difference unless it has something like fire protection that’s incompatible with regular Pro 4

So I guess yeah let’s just start with that let’s get our kind of Base ideal Diamond Helmet going oh yeah you’re right we need to uh we need to rename this and I’m going to go with Neptune’s Helm and that’s because I potentially will get respiration on this at some

Point not planning on it yet but just in case I’m going to think ahead we’re going to call that Neptune’s Helm since it doesn’t really matter we may as well just uh disenchant the rest of these as well except maybe not the diamond boots do I want to keep depth

Strider on there can I keep depth Strider on it I actually don’t think it matters because I believe I’m about to run out of levels so we grab another one of these and if I kept this on oh it actually won’t let me uh do that and I’m

Not sure why maybe I have to take the enchantments off first I I don’t know it’s not a big deal if I need depth Strider later I can always get it from the the Librarians how about now now does it work yeah 16 but I’m I’m out of

Level so now we at least know what’s up we can continue doing this and we’ll use trading and the uh the mob farm over there to just keep leveling up and I haven’t really tried to use the the mob farm for anything like experience yet it was really just for the items I’m

Curious how quickly I’ll be able to level up if I were exclusively using the mob farm I’d say this warrant’s a test wouldn’t you oh hey zombie villager how’s it going still tempted to get one of those and cure it but not tempted enough just yet that’s actually going

Pretty quick the level UPS were the levels up that I think is a solid start let’s see what we can do with 17 levels think I can finish up the last book at least yeah and the one for the shield yeah okay so all the books are done now

We just need to slap it onto the armor and the shield all right so I think if we just keep moving through trades in the mob farm we should barely easily be able to uh add it to all this stuff so The Shield is eight and I think for the

Shield we’re going with a grippa wall I like that one and I don’t know why we’re doing it and I don’t think we’re going to be able to do another one are we oh yeah that’s right so basically we go to the mob farm we get 16 levels we come

Back we do an armor piece rinse and repeat or 17 levels I guess if we want to name them all H this thing’s starting to run a little dry or at least slow down a bit couple more couple more come on there we go I knew this thing would

Be a good investment this is working out well all right so we got that what is up next well let’s just go down the down the line top to bottom and I think for the chest plate let’s see I think I’ll go with Vulcan plate armor almost like it’s

A brand name oh yeah you didn’t hear Vulcan started his own line yeah this is the uh the Vulcan plate range of uh of chest gear that’s right I’m bougie I feel like we’re on a roll now things are happening we just got to keep with it

Typically I use uh trading to to gain all my experience but this is actually going a bit faster just kind of hanging here waiting for enough to fall and then there we go I mean I’ve been here less than a minute I’m already at 17 levels

Again I am a fan of that so next up we have the leggings which are going to be that’s right it’s time for Pluto’s pantaloons feeling good about that one all right friends I only need 17 more for the last piece of armor then it’s on

To tools and weap weapons I’m kind of afraid to say this but I am glad that no creepers have blown up yet because that’s been my fear this whole time and I’m afraid to say it because that’s kind of just summoning it to happen calling too much attention to it all right I

Think we need to step back cuz this thing has stopped working so we need to give it a minute to to reload H we got a couple in there but I’d like to see it just you know completely full actually something we can do while we’re waiting

Have any been spawning in in the protection of the trees huh surprisingly doesn’t look like it I thought that was going to be a sure thing that a couple things would be over here guess not okay no matter this is working nicely come on

I just oh okay I was going to say just need one or two more that should do the trick come here you there we go all right and last but not least we have the one and only Apollo sandals and with that we are fully decked out in our mending Unbreaking protection Diamond

Gear oh I feel so much better doubly so once the tools and the the weapons are done so as you may have guessed that is the next priority and surprisingly I think first up is going to be my axe not always my first choice but now I’ve kind

Of blown through all the wood and once I blow through the backup sticks going to be going for those trees again and as you can see my axe has just about had it so what do we need for the axe definitely an efficiency 5 an Unbreaking

Three and we’ll also need a mending hey it’s even cheaper than last time we can actually let’s see how many of these are we going to need from this point on at least four maybe five cuz I think I’m going to do two pickaxes yeah we can

Afford it why not let’s do it and then we can start combining some of this stuff I am curious if I’ll be able to uh just put this type of stuff mending Unbreaking in efficiency on this cuz it already has some on it but it doesn’t

Really matter if not we can just uh disenchant it first I don’t think we’ll have quite enough either way but I well obviously will’ll be able to finish the book at least with The Mending Unbreaking efficiency for8 so no problem there but the moment of truth can I do

This okay I mean I can do that and I can just keep the fortune on it does cost 17 18 when I rename it eh I I honestly I really very rarely put fortune on an axe anyway so doesn’t bother me that it’s Fortune 1 let’s just leave it at that

And let’s go get 18 levels I’m excited we’re finally getting Enchanted stuff oh of our hard work is paying off as it always does of course so always when we’re nearly there that this appears to uh dry up a little bit all right uh well every time I step away they’re going to

Start falling again all righty I think we’re in good shape so now for the axe yep I think for the axe we’re going Juno’s choppy boy it’s both Regal and silly at the same time oh I broke the Anvil something tells me it’s not going

To be nearly as difficult to make a new one as it was to to make that first one why is that you ask oh no reason I just think iron is a little bit easier to come by nowadays and do I have that right or is it backwards no that’s right

Okay real quick though before we head over there I want to heal up the axe cuz that’s that’s making me real nervous that we just Enchanted that and it has 72 durability oh look at that take it all in lend your strength to my axe all

Right did a decent amount there let’s uh I think it’s turning into night so let’s get back over here and just prep for whatever’s next which it’s either going to be the sword or the pickaxe still not a perfect place for an anvil but it’s convenient because this is where we’re

Enchanting everything might move that some point oh I forgot about feather falling That was supposed to go on our on our boots what’s that going to cost me ooh 20 just to add feather falling yikes I think it’s worth it though we’re we’re going to have to do that not

Immediately but at some point let’s actually make a second chest over here just so I can get organized I kind of just want to put everything in its own place so for example I know I’ve got some mending books here but the other areas are specific to a certain item so

For example the pickaxe the first one’s going to have mending Unbreaking efficiency 5 and Fortune the bow has Infinity Sword has sharpness so I still have a lot of books I’ll need to uh buy to fill this out and actually we could probably do that right now and let’s say

Power for the bow and uh fire aspect for the sword I believe so you are one of them man that is expensive okay I’m very glad I only need one of these and then we group those power Infinity you have fire aspect and I am going to need two

Of these unfortunately so also expensive put those together oh I don’t have four levels oh how the mighty have fallen and I need let’s see I don’t even know at least like three or four more Unbreaking and I think somebody did end up having Unbreaking 3 as an option on one of

Their uh or am I imagining that did I not get that as a maybe somebody offered it and I didn’t take it oh well so I guess let’s just spend the rest of our emeralds maybe well I’ve only got four books on me so we’ll get two more

Unbreaking 3 by way of four Unbreaking 2 and you get the picture we’re just kind of setting ourselves up for Success here but until then we’re going to spend some time at the mob farm cuz I need to fully heal this Axe and then essentially just

Save up a ton of levels cuz we have to combine a bunch of books and then we have to enchant all the tools and weapons there we go that’s the axe fully healed which means we can start grabbing some of those levels and actually come

To think of it uh since this is drying up a little bit now that the axe is healed we could just go through all of that turn it into sticks trade it all that would be a healthy amount of experience as well not to mention it’s a

Chance to uh take Juno’s choppy boy out for for a spin not like it matters as much anymore like the efficiency 5 especially with the falling tree mod cuz wo okay maybe it matters that was like watch this insta break just poo B that is incredible I always forget how nice

Efficiency 5 is until I haven’t used it you know over a couple videos and then when I use it it is just nuts oh also the Unbreaking that’s what’s making this better cuz it was just tearing through it before I don’t think I had Unbreaking

On it or not Unbreaking 3 anyway than in back I’m very glad I made the choice to set up the trees this way rather than just continuously uh farming the tree farm that we had cuz this is just so much faster I might have even said that already but it’s true that’s like

Basically a full inventory of spruce logs we are getting stuff done I think my first priority uh enchantment wise is just to take care of this feather falling cuz that’s 20 levels and not fun I don’t want to have to spend that but I’d rather just get it over with now

That way we can get onto the tools after that and it shouldn’t I don’t think anything’s going to be up to 20 levels but that’s the highest one right now I want to knock it out and can you two please ref uh refresh because I’d like

To head back to the mob farm but I need to get rid of this inventory of sticks no pressure there we go was that so hard okay now we are ready to run back over to the mob farm and really shouldn’t take too long to get to level 20 but

That’s what this thing is for look at that clearing it out that’s going to get me to what 18 oh yeah no problem boom right away love that also Fringe benefit of this assuming we make it and we can get to uh we can get to the end before

Uh the 200 days is up if we find an elytra we’ll have tons of gunpowder and we can use that to make fireworks and get ourselves home pretty quickly okay so APO sandals feather falling 20 ripoff definitely but we got it we’re good we’re done also I just had mushroom stew

I’ve still been r running back to get that every I don’t know it’s probably been twice a day I’m dressed in enchanted diamond armor I feel like it’s time to abandon the stew they’ve served me well but you know what can I say I think we’re going to save time if we uh

Switch over to the golden carrots and because I do have somewhat of a surplus and it’s easy enough to get more we’re just going to we’re going this route I think I’ve said it before I I really don’t feel like an emperator until I can eat gold or basically refuse to eat

Anything that isn’t gold so we’re finally there well yes I am happy and proud and I hope you are too citizens I think we still had to combine a bunch of those Unbreaking books so let’s see what we can do with that oh yeah that’s only three that’s not terrible so I’ll need

One of those for the bow oh yeah fire aspect as well here we go so the fire aspect and the Unbreaking that’ll be for the uh sword along with a mending book so right now what we have ready is the pickaxe the bow and the sword so I guess let’s

Combine all of these books do the uh the pickaxe The Sword and the bow then at that point I think it’s just the the axe and the shovel I guess if we want to make a second uh pickaxe we can but for the time being let’s just focus on those

So we will start with the books for the pickaxe 19 levels that should get us pretty close actually o I’m excited first golden carrot that’s right don’t feel like a ple anymore uh that one with the efficiency is eight Let’s uh we’re getting up there what I broke that Anvil

Already there’s no way I did enough to break that Anvil I disagree game I have not done that much testing my patience over here I haven’t noticed this thing running but I guess it has been I don’t remember how much was in here when I

Left but or oh you know what no never mind I was going to say maybe the Poppy’s filled up and it’s clogging the whole thing up but it doesn’t appear to be if I were to yeah no this is clear so I don’t see why it wouldn’t be working

There hasn’t been any iron golems over there and I don’t see any anywhere else oh there we go okay yeah it’s still working the old paranoia is getting to me it’s definitely a strange thing to just be burning through anvils that’s not the uh the typical thing you would

Expect to burn through keep some extra iron here just in case it happens again and anyway where were we that’s right we want to see how much to add Fortune 13 okay entirely doable or wait a minute might actually be doable here how would you boys like to level me up thank you

Appreciate that that is not bad at all level 18 just from those guys okay so we can finish our book that we need for the pickaxe that yeah I think that’s all I want for the pickaxe then the Moment of Truth 31 levels wow I mean it’ll be

Worth it that’s going to be a great pickaxe but we are going to be spending a lot of time over at the mob grinder and actually it’ll be 32 cuz we need to name it always got to remember that hey friends you want to hang out for a while

All right we’ve officially reached the halfway point definitely slower goings after you get to level 20 yeah so I’ve been here all day and the farm is working admirably it’s just uh it’s taking some time I’m hoping if we stay here till bedtime and just keep getting

As much uh experience as we can then if we sleep and the villagers refresh their trades I can just wrap up the levels I need tomorrow using trades all right it’s a bright shiny new day we’re at level 28 let’s see if we can uh just do full stick trades with the Fletchers

Maybe that’ll get us to 32 I I kind of don’t think so but we should be close let’s see what we can do here yeah that was maybe one level with uh the first pil trade probably not quite going to do it yeah got us to level 30 nearly 31 so

We’re close but we need another level and a quarter and I have a feeling the sword is going to be similar we’re probably going to be spending a lot of levels on that but hopefully not the shovel or the bow there we go level 32

And do you know what level 32 means for us that’s right Jupiter’s dbra is back had to bring it to the one block world next up let’s think about setting up this sword and how about this I don’t want this to get too repetitive since I’m doing the same thing over and over

Again so how about I’ll work until I have all of these books combined into one and then we’ll check back in to let you know uh what it’s going to cost to put it all on this because I have a feeling it’s going to be let’s just say

Astronomical so I’ll let you know when we get there citizens yeah so I just realized I forgot about looting I started combining these books there’s actually another one so this is going to be like I said earlier Hefty Hefty Hefty there we go with that we have the levels

We need to make the sword book definitely not enough to enchant the sword let’s see what that’s going to take so 20 levels to get mending Unbreaking sharpness fire aspect and looting on a book and I haven’t disenchanted this I can I even do this

Now that is quite a sword like that’s a very good sword but you’ll notice it’s going to take me 35 actually 36 levels if you want to name it so it’s back to work citizens and in case you’re curious all I’ve been doing is maxing out my inventory with sticks trading with the

Stick boys getting experience there and that can obviously only be done once a day so once we’ve exhausted both of these boys then I’ll typically run back over to the mob farm and collect all the yummy experience all of these mobs are happy to offer up for me you know what

Though I did just have a thought and since this is kind of starting to slow down let me show you something over here because I have an idea of how we can maybe use trading to get more experience but not with the stick boys not by getting emeralds because as you’ll see

That process has actually been pretty good to me I’ve s uh saved up quite a bit so since we are going to need lanterns eventually like I said I’d like to uh decorate the place with lanterns instead of torches and there’re only one Emerald each what if we just went

Through and it’ll help us level up the guys here just buy a full stack of emeralds collect the XP Move Along yeah cuzz I mean that’s already leveling all of them up pretty much in one go not that I need to but the experience isn’t

Bad uh you do that that was like a level right there so that’s the plan let’s add that to our list of ways to get experience oh what do you know there’s our Unbreaking three for 14 emeralds instead of uh well I guess 18 so not

That much better but it saves us a step thanks bud you’re a little bit late on that but that’s all right pretty sure by the time we get down the line everybody’s going to move from Apprentice to journeyman so that’s not terrible except for you and one other

One that I saw cuz you don’t sell lanterns but that was not bad got us up to level 26 and with nearly three stacks of lanterns we might be good actually don’t know how much we’ll need for the whole base but that’s a that’s a really

Good start all right that’s level 33 I think if we head back for trades we should be able to get the rest of the way who where’d you come from Buddy sneaking up on me like that not cool all right can you get me there or nearly

There nearly there going to have to take another run through the trees I’m just about out of out of sticks but as for the rest maybe if we do the whole uh Lantern trick again that’ll get us there Lantern trick like this is a trick people have been doing this forever come

On One More Level we can do this plebs we can do this Yes we made it woo boy so now we should have enough to do do this and of course diamond sword isn’t going to work as a name this particular sword is Mars exulte which if I remember my

Latin lessons means exalted Mars very appropriate name don’t you think all that being said look at this thing that is a beast I don’t think I’ve ever had that much on a sword cuz I usually don’t do a sweeping Edge but I’ve been liking it actually it’s been working well that

Is a that is a nice sword all right we are getting so close uh I think it’s just the bow and and we need to make a diamond shovel and then that will be it so for a shovel we still need Unbreaking and um efficiency so two of the

Unbreaking and one of the efficiency which I have literally exactly the right amount with a discount exactly the uh the emeralds that I need that is so expensive okay so with that I think we have all the books we need we just need to combine them all and put them on each

Of the things we’re enchanting okay let’s see what this new Beast of a sword can do and of course you have to shout it when you’re when you’re using it Mars exul hard to tell how good it is here because they’re already on their last

Limb but we’ll find out uh maybe we we take on some full health mobs or we’ll definitely find out if we get to the Ender Dragon actually now that it’s turning to night maybe we take the new sword for a spin around the uh the large platform that we built I still haven’t

Lit it up so it’s been spawning in stuff like crazy at night yeah let’s do it wa okay not a fan of seeing you here not a fan of being on fire am a fan of the Skeletron fighting each other I did forget I took out a lot of the Torches

Here so of course that area is uh having some trouble quit playing around you two somebody somebody finish the job okay they clearly need some help all right how we doing very good I see and yes this sword is quite nice can we take on an Enderman at this point I don’t see

Why we wouldn’t be able to so let’s give it a TR try and there we go no problem still not a huge fan of the creepers though cuz they could destroy my platform pretty easily could just set it on fire I suppose and hope for the best

O just back up back up don’t get stuck on things okay see no problem I will say though the experience isn’t as nice as the mob farm it’s definitely much easier to come by if they’re just falling to present their face to your sword so that

Means we are going to bed and same thing tomorrow oh of course where did you come from there we go you know what I’ve been doing this for so long I don’t even remember am I trying to get to a certain level right now or man I got to get rid

Of some of these bows this is ridiculous we make this offering to the void bring me Good Fortune for I gift you many bows I hope it appreciates that what is that down there you see that is that a bat why would there be a bat down in the

Void that’s very strange anyway I believe we were still combining books yep we certainly were and we’ve got I think what we need for for the bow really the only thing that I think I’m missing from my typical setup is flame but we could always add that at a later

Date and if I get a full durability bow for Infinity Unbreaking three and power five that’s going to be 19 not terrible actually why don’t we sell the rest of this and then we’ll take another trip through the the forest over there fortunately this goes pretty quick now

Can basically just run by and unless there one like this that’s too big just how hit it and run now you’re kind of are you have you been taking some of this out from under somewhere cuz that’s my stuff that you’re holding I’m pretty sure yeah you have unbelievable he

Thinks he could just take my stuff and I just realized I saw another one earlier with one of these or maybe I even picked it up but that’s where he got it from I can just bring it back over here I found the podel it’s like recovering a Roman

Standard from The Barbarians yeah that’s right it’s as important as that recovering my podel from the Enderman okay if we can trade with these these guys before nightfall well it doesn’t have to be before nightfall but we should be able to wrap up the bow yep

That ought to do it 19 wasn’t that what we needed or actually was it 20 because we need to name it maybe we just do one of these there we go yeah and then with that we can do the infinity Unbreaking power five bow and in keeping with the

Theme we’re going to go with Diana’s bow very fitting and now that we’ve got that we are so close we just need to do these and get a diamond shovel and I do yeah I’m almost like 99% sure we’ve got plenty of diamonds over here so that’ll

Be easy enough we just grab one of you make ourselves a diamond shovel and then however many levels it’s going to be to combine those three books and throw them out of the shovel and then we can call the whole armor SL tools SL weapon upgrade complete I think there’s some

Room to keep upgrading like I can get a silk touch pickaxe I could add silk touch to this I can there’s a couple other things I can do but I’m happy once we have the shovel by the way in my mind when I was thinking about what I had

Planned for this video I did not see it taking this long to get set up with the Villagers and I mean yeah we ran into some stuff like the whole Golem spawning problem and things like that but I thought like you know we’d be doing 50

Days maybe and then we’d be all set with villagers and fully Enchanted stuff so yeah this took much longer than I thought it was going to man we are just going through these anvils that is nuts this should at least be the last one we

Have to make for a while okay so 17 levels that I think we’re done no problem all right level 20 I say we call it there and let’s see for the shovel yeah I think for this one we go with scooper of Janis don’t ask me why

Because I don’t know either and with that finally we are fully decked out like I said before there’s more we can do there’s more enchantments we could add but I am very happy with what we have not only that but I am looking quite good look at that woo you kidding

Me and decent timing I suppose we’re at just about day or no we are at day 170 which means we have 30 days to beat the Ender Dragon get an elytra then I’d like to bring that back and use it to fly around and check out the base because

That’ll it’ll tell me what’s like glaringly missing and then hopefully there’s some time left at the end where we can use uh the new view of the whole base to probably do like one more build that’s what I’m thinking definitely not going to be everything I wanted to

Accomplish but hey I think we’re going to be back for 300 days hopefully you’re all okay with that so yep 170 days in and we’re finally going to work on finishing the block finishing the phases of the block and I have these lanterns we got to do something with them ooh So

Fancy so fancy all right prepare to be completed please don’t hurt me I said don’t hurt me I literally just said that oh that was it oh for some of you some of you still angry and I don’t know why one of them just died what happened for

Whatever reason they can’t seem to get out of there I mean it looks to be enough room I can’t stay mad at you I’m not going to no I’m not going to take you see you’re fine I don’t know what I did with my leads there you are I bet

You were just mad cuz you didn’t have a home don’t you worry we can fix that if you’d like to follow me you’re going to have to go through there we go we’re going to head right over here and I bet you’re going to love it none of the

Other ones Escape please no come on through come on through yeah there’s two last one last one come on come on come on come on come on yes I don’t even know if there’s enough room for you three in the beehives that I have well look at all those flowers it’s beautiful isn’t

It certainly not going to hurt having a few extra bees that was like right away too as soon as I started working on this thing angry bees coming at me this is so much faster I love it I’m just instab breaking it everything this is madness

Oh more are you well guess what this time I have a bow that I’d like to introduce you to let’s see can we one shot you oh we certainly can no chance yeah in case you haven’t noticed I get pretty cocky once I have the full Enchanted gear and don’t get me wrong

Somebody’s going to cut me down to size eventually but all the more reason to enjoy it while you can uh-oh uh-oh okay what does a monster party mean here bees lots of bees bees slime Phantoms I mean that’s a ton of bees I’m going to be perfectly honest with you though this is

Not the most intimidating monster party that I’ve ever seen they’re all stuck in there they’re kind of just flopping around not really able to do anything so yeah I mean it doesn’t really worry me ow I guess we just wait for the bees to be friendly took out the Phantoms I

Really don’t like the sound all you slime are making so why don’t we just get rid of all of you and and I think the bees are all fine already wow so maybe we just take four of you cuz I I mean wa what happened that same thing

Happened before they just kind of like touch the wall and then die and I don’t get it anyway though we’ll take four of you over there the rest maybe they just kind of explore the base cuz I didn’t really need any more to begin with I did

All the work for this in the last 100 days I didn’t really uh need 12 more bees or however many spawned in come on in no not you not you where you going oh come on get in I need to go get him back

I got you I think I got him no another one went out please stay in here and you please go in did I okay I got all of them in here except for one and this guy seems to be having some difficulties okay are you ready now you coming in

Comeing in come on no not you no no no no no this is difficult every time I get them all in one escapes and I have no idea where that one went that just got out oh is that you’re on the outside okay oh there’s another one right here

May as well grab you they’re all just waiting right there I don’t want to open the door all right huddle up I think we’re going to have to wait for night so they go into the beehives and stop spawn camping the door okay so we’re still

Planning on going in there it’s I mean we’re like right there so be ready you get it be ready I know I’m sorry starting to think though that the uh the hives might be full cuz they’re not going anywhere so that’s one potential project when we finish the the block

We’ll have to add more dirt in here for more flowers and more beehives but thwarted there let’s just try it again and don’t please don’t immediately go out here add you to the leads add you to the leads that’s all the leads get inside get inside yes yes yes yes and

One went out okay they’re just they’re just yeah this is an absolute mess every time I drag one in two leave yep we’re done with that no more that’s enough bees we’ll let them just explore the base and do what they want I I do want

To expand the the dirt and the hives in there so we’ll get to that eventually but I can’t let myself get distracted we got to finish this oo there we go four diamonds from one diamond block thank you fortune 3 a monster Watcher vanished what is that what does that mean what

What is that the bees is that what they’re talking about what are Monster Watchers I have literally no idea what that means but it didn’t seem to affect anything so I guess we don’t have a problem there’s lots of cats spawning in but they don’t realize that’s old news

We already have so many cats over there that doesn’t I mean I don’t see any point in trying to collect them and my hope is that this is actually the last phase we’ll have to do and then it’ll spawn in and end a portal for us it should just be

Somewhere somewhere below all of this hopefully in an easy to reach area but we will have to build a platform to get it down there just to access the end portal ow all right it’s it’s kind of getting old I don’t like doing this but I already have so many and these are

Angry at me and believe me I don’t like it any more than you do horse armor I don’t know that we’ve gotten horse armor yet have we if we did I don’t remember it but hey I’ve got some now let’s uh let’s test some of this stuff out on you

Ooh yeah looking good you look like Robin Hood’s horse or I don’t know some sort of Highwaymen looks good no I know if I get more I’ll bring you some I I will I won’t forget about you I don’t know how how far we got through this

Phase I don’t think it was very far but given how quickly we’re just blowing through these blocks I can’t imagine that we have a ton of time left before we get to the end of the phase yep I know you’re annoying ooh see yeah that’s the danger of this type of Axe works

Very quickly just need to make sure not to do it on a block that’s directly beneath us ooh I think that’s it I think we got there another name tag some a saddle a cake too little too late again on the name tag so if I’m not mistaken

That means if I break you yeah we get the upgrade but is upgrade like end portal or are we going to another phase these are the important questions citizens you know what we might we might have one like is there an end phase and then if we beat that we get the end

Portal that that might be the case while that’s ticking down though we have to think of an entry way to the end portal cuz if it’s beneath this we might have to go down to this level and maybe clear one of these out or something and have

Stairway leading down I’m I’m not sure I haven’t quite decided yet I guess let’s just see what happens here first and then if it’s another phase we don’t have to worry about it yet cuz we have to go through the desolate land how exciting a Barren land lies before you just what I

Always wanted actually I was joking but I actually I’m I I don’t mind all the stone brick that’s actually kind of nice also I don’t want you to think I’m disorganized but we are getting on the full side again over here so rather than organize it just yet we’re just going to

Do one more chest in each side it’s not going to go on forever because it can’t but for now too lazy to organize it ooh no no no no no no not a fan we need to get rid of you they even just make terrifying noises oh come here come here

Yeah out of my base out of my base thank you oo okay oh I didn’t expect creepers I did not I thought we were done with that that scared me so why don’t we just stand way back here and you give me a clear shot

Please come on move out of the way right there there we go now can I hit you through there I have a feeling it’s just going to hit nothing yeah sure is what about over here o I got you sneaky sneaky yeah I I thought we were done

With creepers I did not think we’d have to deal with that again another wandering trador spawn egg I I don’t really want it never used the one that we got from the yeah right there the the first video don’t plan to use this one ooh would you look at that we got

Ourselves a nice little uh spooky season pumpkin by the way the plan is for this to post right at the end of spooky season so hopefully this is appropriate if it’s posting in November shame on me so that is very cool I’m glad they spawned it in just like that and of

Course you realize we got to put this up somewhere right above the entryway seems like a good spot we’ll call him jack he can watch over us yeah I don’t know maybe we’ll find you a girlfriend Jack we put it right over here but I’ll keep

A lookout no promises or spiders I did not call for you ooh I can hit him through there look at that PE Bullseye ooh what do we have here see I told you I’d keep a lookout now my brain is tempted to call you Jill but I don’t

Like that I don’t like having Jack and Jill right above me so instead we’re going with Jack and Dagmar that’s right welcome to the base Jack and Dagmar whoa oh no oh no okay yeah that that got me that scared me a little bit now important questions can we take care of

Those Skeletron but keep the horses cuz that wouldn’t be bad so if we just did something like that ow I think we’re doing a good job like that and oh there’s one left oo I don’t know why I’m worried they’re doing like no damage with my insane armor and we just got us

Some new new horse Pals look at us now how would you boys and girls like to come hang over at the Stables that are not yet complete oh you’d love to see it that’s great news I think we lost one are you stuck over there or what’s going

On come on you got to work with me here oh are we good now we’re good now we’re going to have to make a specific uh stable just for the zombie and skeleton horses cuz I mean look at this we got a ton now one thing I’m not sure of do I

Have to tame these because they spawned in naturally are they going to despawn speaking of important questions but also have a look at that talking about looking good also I think I’ve decided I don’t need to tame them because nothing’s happening there I love that too that’s a nice touch Jack and Dagmar

Just hanging out all right back to it whoa supercharge creeper I do not need to deal with that what do you thinking spawning in here with my poor weak heart unbelievable also unbelievable that I can’t seem to hit it there we go oh I I don’t need that I think part of the

Problem with that happening is that when I’m just trying to mine a ton of the block I’ll usually oh no no no no no no no no we need you out right now this is bad news this is bad news where’d he go where’d he go wow he is so fast oh this

Is terrible I hate Vex all right come on two big guys are gone what are you going to do that’s what I thought slowly but surely gotcha there’s so many of them okay tactical Retreat for a second here for whatever reason I didn’t consider the fact that uh the enemies would

Probably get a little bit more difficult as we went through the phases of the block did not occur to me and it really should have yeah come on I’m not afraid of you yeah come on come out from under the the floorboards little uh Telltale

Heart going on here oh there he is O did I get him did I get him didn’t get him nope there we are I think we got them all and also true story here’s a true story for you like a minute or two before those guys

Spawned in I was thinking you know what it’s kind of a bummer if we’re going to get that elytra I’d really like to be holding a totem of undying cuz I’d hate to think that we’d just be flying around here and then suddenly I just kind of Crash and Burn

And hit the floor too hard and that’s what ends the world but you’ll notice look what I just picked up so that was fortunate that they actually spawned in I don’t like fighting them but now we have some very special items that I’m not going to use quite yet cuz I want

The shield for the ender dragon fight we’ll carry one but definitely going to be using that once we get the elytra all right stay Vu guard anything can spawn out of this also I don’t know if I was saying something when those spawned in I

Was going to say part of the reason that it’s difficult is because when I am quickly trying to break the block I have my hand over the number keys to switch quickly between uh shovel pickaxe and uh an axe which means they’re not on the movement Keys which means I can’t make a

Quick Get Away uh getaway if I need to so that is a bit rough okay so if you want to spawn in and start fighting each other I won’t stop you they are however just missing each other because they’re shooting through each other I think yeah that’s definitely what they’re doing so

Not much help if you’re just going to keep doing that there we go that’s more like it not the uh the brightest things in the world skeletons but we love them anyway don’t we hey boys mind if I watch just don’t get in the line of fire oh we

Got a winner for about 30 30 No 1 second it looks like there might have been a battle here I can’t really tell but you know my Spidey senses are tingling really again not really willing to wait this time let’s just uh take care of that thank you and we should be getting

Kind of close to the end of this phase maybe yeah it’s entirely possible that it’s my imagination but I think we are getting close what is that oh spider spawn egg don’t see myself using that either woo another charge creeper it happened again I didn’t I didn’t have my

Hand over the move keys please just leave me alone I can’t I hit him I’m hitting nothing there we go right there yeah that’s going to freak me out every time that thing could do so much damage here or these little goobers ooh pretty and rip tide slow falling gold

Rare chest I don’t know that’s uh underwhelming if you ask me they just keep popping up what is it with all these charged creepers I think I’m ready for you at this point so it’s not like you’re going to I hope oh I just accidentally opened it that was not

Intentional I’m sorry if they don’t scare me anymore I’ll find a way to make it scary accidentally through mismanagement starting to think my uh earlier thought that we were nearly done with this phase was a little off did get another Jacko Lantern so I think we just

Keep up tradition and uh start lining the place with them and uh I’ve already been creative I picked Jack and Dagmar for the rest of them give me some names leave me a comment let me know the rest of them that find and line around here

What should the names be this is getting a little old fellas there we go uh-oh let’s see what this one has for us uh a lot of the same uh-oh except for vex that’s never good does that mean there’s a uh I don’t even remember what they’re

Called evoker does that mean there’s an evoker in there or no can I get a shot right through that little area right there or is that just uh thinking too big O I think I did yeah I can get through there ah a no more line of sight

Oh there is one in there okay so that makes things a little bit more interesting cuz he’s going to keep spawning these in can I set him on fire that should do something right oh okay that was really easy now we just have to get rid of the little varmints come on

Ooh there you are can’t pull one on me all right I think that might have been the last Vex which means you are the last enemies I think we handled that admirably and yes we got a new totem of undying love that oh I didn’t see you

There well let’s just clear you out okay okay there’s more Skeletron on Skeletron horses but I already have five so I think this time we just clear them out no offense I’d you know like to keep them but don’t even have enough space for what we currently have over there so

I think we’re good oh look at that the variety chest gave me prefermented spider eye didn’t know that was an option yeah you’re not going to get me this time I was ready for you but every other block though this is the second one by the way just took out the one

From the last one broke maybe 10 blocks and now there’s another one here so maybe we could slow down the pace on that a little bit speaking of slowing down the pace all right at least we can take them out pretty quickly and then we

Just run to an open area to take out all of these oh so annoying just kind of use them for target practice I should be saving my Bow’s durability we’re going to needed a lot for the Ender Dragon but I don’t think it’ll be a problem where’d

That last one go there you are there we go okay woo man uh okay did get one more I can’t complain when they’re dropping those for me we are running out of room from all of the red stone so I think it’s time we compress some of that which

Should be easy enough so from all of that looks like we can get about 43 blocks of redstone and oh boy look at all that space that we saved I’ve never tried can you do that with a Lapis Lazuli you can so 47 from that talk about saving space anyway though back to

It oh interesting zombie villager spawn egg that’s the first spawn egg that could come in handy basically just like insta discount if we wanted to put this somewhere cure him and then I don’t know either farmer or Fletcher I could see that being useful ooh fin fin I think we

Got there and just in case anybody needs some bottles o enchanting I got them all right what’s next block I think that was phase 9 by the way which means this is Phase 10 that we’re approaching which sounds like a very final number doesn’t it so I think this will probably be it

And then it’s off to the end nearly there all right block what do you got for me that’s the end I knew it’s in me bones so we rip our way through this phase and then we get to to the true end through the portal the ender dragon

Fight and finally an elytra O I just realized you know what we’re probably going to get shers spawning in during this phase that’s going to be a whole lot of fun all right time to pick up the pace we got to just get through this phase as quickly as possible o Ender

Mites that’s fun ooh spectral arrows and an Eye of Ender we’re going to need those potentially what do spectral arrows do I’m going to have to look that one up and what do you know I looked it up apparently it just uh adds the glowing effect to targets so the same

Thing that happens if you were to like ring the uh the Villager Bell when a raid is happening it outlines everything even through walls kind of neat but don’t know that I’ll get a lot of use out of it ooh hey Enderman establish that you’re not really a threat right oh

Maybe two of you are though well we got one I hear the terrifying noise of another one there you are are there three or two right over here guy yep you see me what you’re not mad at at me anymore what if I do this oh now you’re

Mad at me okay there we go not a fan of the Glitchy noise come to think of it once we have access to the end in this world uh we will have the ability to make a pretty awesome XP farm if we feel like it don’t know if we’ll get around

To that I mean definitely not in this video but potentially in this world hey you’re not uh you’re not angry what if I look at you yeah now you’re angry okay don’t know why I did that I could have had an easy time oh easy enough another

Eye of Ender seeing a pattern here wow that’s a lot of Ender mites let’s just see what we can do about that cuz I’m not a fan of keeping you around for no reason there we go I think little buggers what is that noise oh there you

Are okay I was wondering what that noise was do I I have a water bucket on me just in case I don’t think this will hurt too much especially cuz I have feather falling all right you need to go I was worried about this oh come on can

We get you with the bow while we’re we can and look at you so kind as to drop us a single shulker shell sh sh sh sh sh shulker shell I am going to need one more of those though I had no idea what happened I heard a noise like something

Spawned and then I started hearing just really weird noises it all makes sense in retrospect but I was very confused okay it just happened again there’s another shulker around here somewhere there you are I see you no no no no no

No no no no no no no no no no oh oh one of the one of the boys over there got hit oh okay can I get up here and sneak up on you aha a vasty hey I got one you know what that means citizens when we

Want to we can make a shulker box and I’m excited about that I think that is actually that’s going to come in real useful especially as we continue to do projects around the base being able to carry things with us instead of of coming back to all of these chests all

The time that’s going to be very nice also I just realized seems to be three Jacko lanterns that’s all we’re getting out of the block we’re in a new phase now I actually don’t know if I have ever crafted one but it’s bugging me that

They can’t be all the way around so real quick I have an idea of how they’re made I think I think I need five more so if we were to go like uh that yeah 2 three four five then I’ve got a carved pumpkin I’ve got five carve carved pumpkins and

Then my assumption is that we just do something with these or they go all the way around I’m guessing here in case you can’t tell yeah I had it right what not in the right spot whatever we got him so now we can finish with our little Jacko

Lantern design for spooky season I’m feeling spooky I don’t know about you but I am I’m feeling very spooky another small army of Barbarian Ender mites Rome stood up to you before it’ll stand up to you again Mighty Warriors ooh they did give me more horse armor and I promised

Horseman Jones over there if we found some I’d come over and put it on oh Horseman Jones yep that’s you right here your Horseman Jones and Horseman Jones is apparently not tamed yet what about you Horseman uh Jim nope so I guess that’s the first step any day now

Horseman Jones what’s the problem here you need some apples or something are you a div all right I think this horse might be a diva are apples going to do anything if I give you apples are you going to Care here you go here’s some apples eat up

Eat up and after nine apples is that going to make any difference ooh I think did yeah I saw them okay saw the hearts there we go Oho boy look at that you’re looking good Horseman Jones wouldn’t be bad to get all of them with armor

Eventually we’ll have to find it and I think our window is kind of closing on that but at least these two look real good back to to the task at hand wh another shulker oh okay you’re right down here and it teleported where to you

Now I hear you oh is it in it’s inside there there you are gotcha and it did not drop me anything wonderful yeah I’ll admit it earlier or when I was starting this video I had imagined we were much closer to the end of uh the phases of

The block than we actually are this is taking me longer than I expected but we’re going to get there don’t you worry oo monster party this will be fun what do we got uh endermites Endermen anything else is that going to be it yeah or no I see you over there creep

Gotcha now the important question was there only one cuz hearing that uh noise of those is going to be bothering me oo this is going to be fun look at all the look at all the name tags oh okay get started on these little buggers now I

Really do hope that these are the uh the friendly Endermen that don’t like to attack cuz there are quite a few in here so I’m just going to look at your feet chop away at them with the axe and hope that we’re friends afterwards and so far

So good with that yeah yeah this is preferable that was quite an easy monster party not complaining I think we’ve had our fair share of scares so I will take it that’s not fair it spawned right behind me it’s a dirty trick but we got you shulkers do not play fair

This much is known where did I put the other ones uh there you are so enough for two shulker boxes now I hear the unmistakable sound of a box puking so there must be a shulker around here somewhere where is it your guess is as

Good as mine oh I see you well that’s annoying see if we can oh no I didn’t think I thought it would take more than just uh just the two shots I was going to try to get him to move there’s a shulker shell we’re not getting

Back ohoh boy wow that scared me I can’t see a thing I don’t like that okay it took out my floor oh my poor beautiful floor that could be a problem it’s a bit closer to the block than I thought it would be H okay so for

Now really don’t want to break any thing on the uh the end portal frame I can’t get in there maybe if we do this yeah there we go now we can see if we have enough let’s see one two I’m guessing four I can’t really see but I think

We’ll need four I think we have four yep it gave us exactly the amount that we needed with the means to make more if we need it I might add okay so new plan we need a way to clean this up make it so we can still break the one block but

Also easily get to the end portal when we need to it really doesn’t give you a whole lot of space to work with that though um okay we’re going to just collect this stuff and then we’re going to have a think about it we’re going to

Think about this we’re going to make it work and I can see it from down here at the bottom level I’m almost thinking we we’ve already got stairs here I could just do the same thing I could get rid of these leaves I could have stairs

Leading down that get us over to the end portal and then we’ll obviously have to do a redesign in here so that I can have a floor that isn’t too close to that which is honestly that’s going to just be right up against it so maybe we do a

Little organizing not too much cuz that’s overwhelming to me and I’m not willing to do it but yeah I’m just going to look at it for a minute and figure out exactly what I want to do how we can fit everything in that we need to do to

Get to the frame but also have a working area for the one block then we’ll be able to get it all filled in and head over for the ender dragon fight she should have known better to send that insulting note to me nobody talks bad about Rome Ender Dragon yeah we’ll show

Her I think we’re going with this so I’m going to have to clear some of this out and we’re just going to start by making a platform then we’ll make any necessary decisions after that which means we get to do my favorite thing in the

World not sure exactly what I want to do so wo okay so it’s started raining when I was working on this but actually I don’t think it’s rained a whole lot this video so that’s uh oh hey over there it’s really not too bad with the weather so far

Anyway once again no thank you also once again as long as you behave I’m not going to mess with you just hang out enjoy the base but don’t get in my way also I put the water back I want to be safe while I’m working on this so what

Do we want to do and for now I’m thinking something pretty basic I don’t want to go nuts here I just want to be able to get to the end portal when we need to so we might actually not have to do a whole lot as far as a Stairway goes

Cuz we really only need one step down wow that was the perfect amount of slabs and then we just do a little bit on the sides luckily um I think for the most part this area won’t be spawnable the side part will be also it does look like

We’re going to have to get rid of a good amount of this and then if the new floor is up there I think that’ll give us enough uh space to get in and out of here as you can probably tell I’m just winging it I’m not exactly sure what I

Want to do okay so if we cover the rest of that then I think we’re in good shape oh we’re not in good shape I can’t well I can uh I can Crouch under there why am I thinking we should have more room here this is restricting me quite a bit yeah

We’ll think about it later the important part is that now we have a way down here we can get into the end portal and I haven’t actually looked at it up here yet but what we should find is that we have a workable space we can at least

Get in here and do whatever excuse me buddy you’re in my uh you’re in my area actually I forgot I brought leaves so that we could do the edges here hopefully the leaves will stop any mishaps from happening because once again I cannot be trusted okay so it

Looks like we’re all set there and also I never broke this out of curiosity I think that was the last phase so what happens if we break that okay I’m pretty sure that the Final Phase is just one that’s a mix of all of the previous

Phases so that’s my guess is that when this counts down it’s just going to be random blocks anything that we’ve gotten up to this point hello where’d you come from I’m guessing because I don’t have this lit up well fixed now all right block what do you got for me and it is

The a after phases yeah so I think that’s it I think it’s just a mix of everything now so we can get to that but I think it’s just about time to prep ourselves for a fight with the old Ender Dragon and after that journeying through

The end to get ourselves an elytra so fortunately we have something of a uh a gunpowder Farm going over here there we go yeah I think we’ll be all set I mean I don’t see a reason to not bring fireworks with us so we may as well just

Make them now and keep those on hand I don’t know that we’ve done a full Harvest since we expanded the sugar can farm so we’re about to find out what that yields and wow that is not too shabby nice it’s also full Stacks all the way around exactly six full Stacks

That is nice oh never mind I just picked up two more I almost wish though W those weren’t there so if we were to do that that seems like it’ll be plenty for us with a bit of that paper left over for trades later on like to see that and in

Fact I can’t see us needing more than one uh stack of fireworks so how about we just stick with that all right so I’ve got the Eyes of Ender I think that’s what I need and I don’t know what I was thinking earlier why I thought I

Would need a shield I think it makes a lot more sense to just hold the uh totem of undying for the ender dragon fight and it probably also makes sense to have a backup just in case I can’t be trusted to not do something dumb and papa totem

As soon as we get in there but aside from that I think we’re just about ready I do feel a bit bad that we don’t really have like pretext to invade the the Ender Dragon’s domain hang on a second what’s this oh we got a book down here

Oh okay I see how it is Ender Dragon y that tears it that’s that’s plenty pretext many a legion have gone to war for much less than this insult well she asked for it now this is happening and and boom love that all right we’re going to

Head in there and address this but first can’t just go in there without looting the place and I think that calls for a couple shulker boxes and I can’t just keep them the purple I’ve got Dy in here we may as well use it oh yeah look at

That so fancy that looks almost exactly the same but it’s different okay now we are ready it’s time to repay this grave insult you ready citizens yep I’m ready for this too all right we are here yeah I see you up there I saw your note we’re

About to have a Frank discussion about that you know what I’m just realizing I haven’t done an ender dragon fight since my first video is that right yeah I think yeah I haven’t gone to the end I haven’t taken on the Ender Dragon since my first 100 days hardcore video on the

Channel well what a momentous occasion and I think I can just do one of those and not get hurt too badly oh waa missed me let’s head up to this really tall one see if we can uh hit some of the other Towers from up here and there we go well

Wait a minute stay down here cow for a second do oh come on all right and there we go give me that how many can I hit and of course I never miss you guys know that it’s certainly not that I edit out any misses I just never miss I’m

Actually doing pretty good look at that oh hey trying to snipe your and crystals here rude come on I got to be able to all right this is uh becoming less safe I’m getting real close though I did like almost a full circle here with these things and of course that one is

Stopping me but that’s the last one look at that I cleared all the way around all right we got to do the quick way so we’re going to jump and hope for the best yeah last one over here oh no did you see that I placed the

Water down and now it’s gone where did it go unbelievable disappearing water that’s also not great that was kind of my way that I was going to stop from getting hurt too much if I got launched into the air luckily we have feather falling still though what happened to my

Water that’s Bonkers all right let’s do this it’s time for you to pay for your crimes against Rome Diana’s bow is going to teach you a lesson whoa okay she’s coming down and I’m on the wrong side wonderful oh yeah there’s some damage whoa that’s what I was afraid of no this

Is I’m supposed to be able to shoot at you you shouldn’t be able to shoot at me that’s against the rules is that water how did you get over here water I swear I did not put it here I definitely put it on one of the towers whatever I got

It back ooh she Landing again yeah where oh there you are oh she disappeared and I couldn’t hit her why am I not surprised enemies of Rome using cheap tactics ooh we’re getting there we’re making progress you going to land again wa ow ow we are getting close

Citizens you’re going to have to come lower this is this is taking forever yep come on down I sound like Bob Barker there we go that’s what I’m talking about oh we did it again oh water a that’s a carrot that’s not water you are

Done you are so done last shot two more shots okay last shot last shot last shot yeah Mars exul that is what I’m talking about yes give me the sweet XP yep heal up all my goods give me them levels love it now how would you like to come back to the

Base with me uh I’ve never seen it do that before can I retrieve that if I jump in there literally never seen it just drop directly on that and I don’t see it anywhere around here so I’ll be back for you I am planning to come back

But we got to see if that dragon egg is in here somewhere so Al you um no doesn’t look like it did we just lose the dragon egg for no good reason whatsoever it’s kind of looking like we did citizens anyway though this just goes to show don’t mess with Rome

Because Rome will come for you that’s right intimidating isn’t it oh come on you were standing right there how was I supposed to know you were going to be there not fair not fair I don’t want to get knocked off of here run for it I’m actually kind of bummed about that

Though the fact that the uh dragon egg just disappeared and it’s outside of our control well maybe it’ll come back to us one day in the meantime something that’s in no way unsettling working our way over the abyss to get up to the outlands portal man it’s far out there too there

We go and I don’t think that I brought any ender pearls so we’re going to have to use the trapo trick to get in here so if we make a couple of these put you right there open her up get under go like plonk then we can crawl right in

And of course it makes makes me try to walk right off the edge thanks a lot appreciate it and then in case we come back this way we can do the same thing to get back on this side there you go that being said does anybody see any end

Ships cuz that’s kind of the reason we’re here yeah so we’re not seeing a whole lot which means we kind of just get moving and uh hope we run into something also starting to think maybe I should have brought more blocks but guess I could just uh mine any blocks

That I happen to need luckily if we need to find our way back this kind of sticks out like a sore thumb so I think that should be no problem we’re going to be doing a lot of bridging so I think we may as well just spend some time

Collecting this and yes I could collect ender pearls instead but I like having a way back if I need it and if I run out of Ender Pearls it’s a little bit more difficult especially if I’m trying to move quickly I’m grabbing extra because now that I’m here uh that looks like a

Large distance all right let’s do this my favorite thing in the world and all right that was a lot of fun yep I’m already ready to go home but I need an elytra oh what’s that yes yes I am tired of bridging but it’s one of the

Necessary evils in life we have to run into something soon finally there’s at least a a tower or end City whatever they’re called please let there be a an end ship Around Here Come on load in o is that it yeah that’s one right there

Oh it took you long enough but at least this is a beefy one there’s got to be a decent amount in here I don’t even know if I’m going to need to explore the whole thing just need to make our way up far enough so we can Bridge across to

That it’s the reason we’re here and I mean I wouldn’t say no to a couple shulker shells cuz why not speaking of and maybe this is where I should have put the shield back on well there’s one now we got to find the other one when I

Can get my feet back on the ground where’d you go I hear you opening and closing and shooting your your popcorn there you are ah I see you gotcha all right up we go oh this looks fun okay that’s what the water bucket’s for say we just kind of run around and

Take these things out for a while grab a good amount of shells and then we can concentrate come on come on out concentrate on getting the elytra haha hey ooh now what do we have here won’t say no to any of that and empty Ender Chest I completely forgot about putting

Uh silk touch on anything before I got here that’s a bad move on my part I guess I can probably make one when we get back to the base but I don’t know that I actually need it it’s not like we’re ever traveling great distances while we’re at the base all right let’s

Have a look at where we are so it looks like I missed a turn at Albuquerque down there that we should have gone into to get over that way so we’ll go over and take care of those two then we’ll head back over to take the turn whoops that’s

Not not great in situations like this you just kind of hold the bucket wait for it to wear off and then do one of those there we go let’s try this again yeah what you going to do now I’m inside that is what I thought hey can’t just

Disappear on me o I think I see you yeah I do open on up come on all right whatever and if my calculations are correct yeah we want to head over in this direction definitely botched that one all right do we have any anything in this one um I don’t think I that’s

Actually not bad we could turn that into our silk touch pickaxe and nothing in the inner chest okay I don’t know that anything well no nothing would be in the inner chest because I have to put it in there that’s right don’t know why I was thinking otherwise oh boy this looks

Like it’s going to be fun yep yeah just let’s get hit float up do our business there we go all right this actually works out kind of well just keep floating up hitting them on the way up I’m going to be honest you’re really not doing a lot of damage it’s more annoying

Than anything else and we’re up at the top where I can continue to snipe you all didn’t think about that did you no you did not I think there’s one left there you are there’s apparently more than one left cuz I’m getting hit there you are okay that was it now we head

Down and collect the spoils then figure out where this elytra is that’s not a bad chest I’m not taking any of this icky iron stuff though no point I will take the diamonds ooh I wonder if if I can combine this with my current helmet to get aqua affinity and respiration

That’d be kind of cool going to find out when we get back all right where’s our end ship there you are so over to this Tower how did I botch it again that’s the second one in a row I swear I know how to do that citizens okay so we

Should yeah where am I hearing all these shulker noises from whatever I’m probably going to get hit that’s fine yep there we go and you’re right above me aren’t you there you are yeah there we go easy let’s try this again now and drop onto the deck and see what kind of

Goodies you got for me actually I’ll take that don’t know that I have one back at base yet oh hello beautiful I don’t know if you believe this or not but I traveled halfway across the world just for you yep and believe me it was

All worth it so let’s fill up one of the shulkers with all of our booty and you’re coming with me and I’ll take a saddle I don’t know how many of those I have that is all I wanted from the end which means we’re good to try to

Determine what direction we came from and uh find our way back and I do believe we came from that way cuz that’s the entrance down there and we saw the back of the ship so yeah o wait a minute I almost forgot you dag Ron’s insulted Rome which means I’m taking your head

Back with me to be depl displayed proudly yeah there we go nice That Just About Does it for our ended Adventure you know what that means on with the elytra and out with the fireworks and by the way I wasn’t fully paying attention so I’m just really hoping this is

Actually the way back to the portal if not one assumes we’ll run into one right so I guess let’s do it off we go oh man it feels good to have an elytra again yeah there we go we’re going the right way it’s been what like five six videos

Since I’ve had an elytra this is fantastic all we have to do is follow the the bridges back home and it goes without saying this is world’s easier than what it took me to get there that took me like 15 seconds get back here it was multiple in-game days to get out

There I love that for us and hopefully we don’t have to come back get out of my way it also means I’ll feel safer at the base cuz now if I do fall I have a get out of jail free card and up here do the

Plunk and crawl back in look at that nearly back safe and sound what’s that walk down the stairway no of course not we’re going to jump not some peasant that walks on the ground and we are out of here back home and I couldn’t feel

Better about it going to do a little bit of sorting while we’re here and then we will need to name the elytra and enchant it and yes I did have to put another chest over here because I’m severely low on storage space I wouldn’t be if I

Organized everything but not about to do that okay off to enchanting hey boys and girls you won’t believe what I did that’s right I am an elytra man and am I crazy in thinking somebody did end up getting Unbreaking three yeah it was you okay so thank you for that then before

We even risk the possibility of this thing breaking we need to enchant it with mending and Unbreaking 3 and we also need to think of a name and I think this time we’re going to go wait a minute why is it saying I can’t enchant this mending and Unbreaking what about

This way uh oh I had it yeah okay never mind I had it backwards and anyway this time I’m going with wings of datus cuz I think Icarus just gets all the attention what about datus he’s isn’t he the one that actually invented the wings so yeah

We’re going with that one perfect I am happy I am glad we are no longer restricted to the ground like a pleb yeah that’s right like a you so real quick now that we’re back let’s go over to the Mob Grinder heal everything up and then I think we’ll have a little

Over 10 days to get in the last couple things I wanted to to do in this video there we are all healed up now as far as next steps like I said there’s just a bit over 10 days left so what can we accomplish in just over 10 days one

Thought is something here I never filled that in we could try to build something there but another thought is it’s kind of just been nagging at me I did get all of these and I barely did anything with them so I kind of think we should do a

Quick redesign and replace all of the torch light with better looking Lantern light so for example I bet we could do something with this that would make decent looking essentially lamp posts just need to figure out what kind of design I’m thinking for these cuz I could do something with the fences and

Then maybe put some trap doors on top let’s see how we feel with that how does that look I don’t I don’t know how I feel about that and it might just be the orientation of it if I had it going in the other direction like this way

Instead yeah that seems a bit more natural I think it’ll look better if there’s more and they’re consistent down this way too so if we just carry that through like so then I think that’ll be better we might want to put something down at the bottom do I have any leaves

Left over I think I do somewhere yeah there’s a few here I also have a bunch of stone brick we might be able to do something with that let’s grab some stairs and maybe some walls so what if in between all of these we got a little bit fancy

And did something like bear with me here I’m not sure what I’m going for right now just trying stuff out seeing what sticks you know what I kind of think the opposite of this would work switch the leaves and the walls so how about like

That and now that I’ve seen it like that I’m thinking we also replace this with one of those or maybe instead of that we do want to yeah that’s better okay so as a test I just did a small area how do we feel about that what do we think if that

Went all the way through I’m thinking we run it down this way and then potentially another one down this way what do you think I think it would be a nice touch I think uh you know both myself and the plebs have been through a lot so maybe we deserve a nice touch

Yeah let’s do it luckily now that we’ve done it once the repeatable motion shouldn’t be bad at all also one more thing do we like that it breaks here goes from stone brick wall to uh fence to wall or would we rather have that be continuous I agree I think we would

Rather have that be continuous okay looking good I like that I was also somewhat intentional in choosing the different uh blocks that I’m putting here because I’m thinking they should all be spawn proof so we don’t break that over there again I’m just not 100%

Sure about that okay there we go what do we think I am a fan I like it and for now I’m going to leave it at that I’m not going to put anything right here cuz I’m not 100% decided on that yet I do however think there are other spots

Throughout the base that could also use a touchup case and point right here and for these I’m thinking something a little bit different and I can’t do that how does that look if we were to just do like a pole wall on top and Lantern on

Top of that little bit more imposing I don’t know if that’s the right term I do need some more Spruce Wood however so so and I’ll show you why in a second those Enderman they’re still stealing my stuff I did not sign off on that but the

Reason for that is because I want to wait a minute I want to make some more of these I think that’ll come in handy how would it look if I connected these yeah that’s looking a bit better already okay I’m happy with that so let’s replicate that all the way around it

Would help if I actually put the lanterns up there though there we are luckily while I’m working on this I have a constant chorus from these two it’s the old har har Symphony they were both in choir when they were younger I’m so proud I think this is the last one look

At that why don’t we head up for a look see in fact I don’t think we’ve done this yet waa look at that nice from that distance you can hardly tell the change I made but yeah these four uh things around each of the entryways I’m a fan I

Like it you know what I keep forgetting about the animals too how many times have I said I was going to turn this into a barn and did nothing about it not to mention an extra pen for them um I think we have time so I’ve got my

Shulker box let’s see I don’t know exactly what I’m going to need for this but everything that I had in my inventory might be a good starting point I do know that I’m going to want more Spruce logs and oak leaves so let’s do a little bit of collecting with that then

We can head over there start to think about what the thing should look like nothing like making all the oak trees bald at least until your shears break but we did some decent damage look at that next up no spruce tree is safe man these Endermen are doing a number why do

They like the podel so much that’s strange and why are they putting it in my trees those things are so rude doing some damage over here filling up the inventory running out of space oh no what’s that it can all go in the shulker Box how novel all right that is a full

Harvest we’re ready to bring everything up over and get started on the barn are you kidding me you see how far and then it grows how did you see what these Endermen are doing to me what’s the point just a mess with me I have done

Nothing to them and this is the way they treat me no no stay away I just cleaned up your messes do not mess with my stuff great got myself into the middle of a skeleton firefight come on come on there we go get out of here spider I think

It’s also time to light up this area cuz this isn’t great like this is an official part of my base and it’s just infested if I stay up too late so yeah maybe that’s another project I don’t know if we’ll get to that one in this

Video but it’s got to happen at some point hello no time to play tonight I got to go to bed I’m sorry what are we thinking for accents if we were going to build a barn cuz obviously we’ve got a lot of stuff in here from the Block

Although I’m seeing there’s some extra wood in here and one option is using not only composter but barrels as a decoration so that’s one thing maybe also some cauldrons I don’t do that a whole lot that might be a nice touch if used properly all right so here’s the challenge we’ve got right

About 10 days left surely enough time to make a decent habitat for all of these uh various insundry friends that we’ve been able to collect up to this point and I’d like to do it using what I’ve got in these two shulker boxes which is

A whole ton of spruce logs as as well as leaves and some various things that I think might be decent uh when we’re going to decorate that being said as usual I think we’re going to start by looking to the structure or essentially just the frame of what we think this

Thing might look like so for example if we were to start by just kind of placing out a couple different areas where we think we’re going to have some logs going up should give us a decent starting point and no sorry you’re not a part of the farm making a mess if

Anything it also means we’re making this area a bit unsafe cuz I’m going to replace everywhere that there’s a torch with a log and there you go so a bit of structure in place now I got to think what is this going to look like what do

We want it to look like and I think for now since we did never get uh sheep here just going to clean this up a little bit I’ll leave some on the outside of the fence but I do have a thought about what we can do to replace that area I just

Want to have a lot of the kind of base area around the pens fill in with blocks like this like the spruce logs then I have an idea I want to try for the walls themselves I just don’t know how to accomplish it and yes it does feel good

To do this and not really worry about falling off the side of this because I am wearing an elytra that’s right lunchbox number two just like a fancy boy that’s me fancy boy extraordinaire what I’m thinking for the walls there was essentially something that I saw

This was a bit ago I was watching a uh a video of wax frauds and I saw him do something with the walls and I can’t remember exactly what he did but I want to try to put my spin on it as it were and looking at the structure of this I

Don’t know that it’s going to work I’ll do an example of it over here just to show you but I I just don’t given the space we have I I don’t think this is going to work out it was something like this so that each of the ends had logs

Crossing and sticking out the sides almost like a log cabin type of look just having some difficulty thinking about how that’s supped supposed to go here I guess technically they could intersect with the support logs and yeah I’m making sure to shift uh click when I’m doing this because I’m really afraid

The uh falling tree mod is going to get in our way and try to Blitz all of our hard work here in one go so it could be something like that in which case we’re basically saying when I made these support beams that was a mistake and instead I should have just done

Something like this what do we think of that something following through the rest in this configuration never tried that kind of thing before I’m I’m open to it ah why not let’s give it a try although now that I’m thinking about it what do we do

With the Open Spaces that might be where the accents come in actually maybe we could maybe go like barrels and composters yeah let’s uh let’s follow through and then I think we can just figure it out as we go I’m also thinking on the sides maybe we do keep the

Support beams and we change the color yeah that was a question I as usual I don’t know what I’m doing so we are just hoping I figure it out as I go nearly there okay so that’s the sides done and there’s honestly not a whole lot more

I’m doing with the front or back just yet I do need to think about what we need to do up top although I am thinking there should be something fancy up here and yeah chiseled stone bricks are entirely fancy what are you talking about actually looking at it I kind of

Want want one more hold on we got to get up there first oh and he nailed it I did not think I’d be able to do that yes I know it’s an incredibly simple thing to do I just don’t trust myself to do it

And I also want one more on each of the beams and I think just a line of planks should give us a good start to how we want to start building the roof and yes you’ve all made me self-conscious about how I say that roof roof roof I don’t

Know I’m probably going to say it different every time now cuz I think about it every single time I say it now that’s okay that’s okay well we know we’re going to need an absolute ton of stairs I’ll also probably need a fair amount of slabs yeah I think I will and

Then just as an example let’s think about this what do we want it to look like also wax fraud I notice he always does this with stairs kind of One backwards one forwards as you can probably tell I’m trying out some new things I want to see if there’s uh an

Interesting new build style I can find that I like and more importantly can I replicate this on the other side cuz I wasn’t paying a ton of attention I think I’m getting the hang of this and I think I did it evenly wow that is a miracle

And by the way I haven’t looked at this yet I have no idea if I’m actually going to like it I am wondering if I can get real fancy and do that oh I certainly can all right probably doesn’t make sense going much further until we’ve had a look at this please look

Good um I mean it doesn’t look bad bad I think it’s a good start it’s a bit odd right now cuz all of it’s not built out the right way like it’s all going to be out one further so maybe we do that and then we continue there’s no way I’m

Going to be able to land on this thing properly come on just give me this give me this game ow ooh that didn’t even hurt me that was good and I am going to end up sleeping up here so that’ll be fun no problem okay let’s finish

Building this out I think anytime I’m trying to build something like Wax fraud it’s probably not a great uh great plan on my part that guy does the most incredible stuff and I have no idea how Okay so that is all of that portion at

Least done and yeah I think I think that looks good it’s a little bit different I mean honestly not a stark difference I basically just threw some slabs in every once in a while but you got to start small citizens I’d really love it if I

Could switch to stone for a portion of the roof but I never did get around to building a cobblestone generator and I never got a silk touch pickaxe all right give me a second here notes for 300 days okay got it silk touch pick Stone generator because of that I honestly I

Don’t think I’m going to follow the um follow through with the spruce all the way I just don’t want it one color all the way I’d rather alternate or do something with stone stairs so that part we may not finish I know I’m sorry eventually I will one thing we can do is

See what accents we like and where to put them and then that’ll be an indication of if I need to make more just to fill it out so one idea I had was something like this and I’m not immediately in love with that how about with

You not that way but what about like that okay hold on I’ve got another idea bear with me here citizens how about something like that although now that I can see the sides of the barrels I don’t like that as much feeling very indecisive about this okay just so we’ve

Explored all options how do we feel about that one now I I’ve decided I don’t like the composters here and besides I think oh man I think that I’d rather use them up in those spots to kind of line it up there so do we like

It that way or that way I’m actually thinking we go with that okay forget everything I’ve said so far that’s the winning ticket that’s what we’re going with right there we’re going to need a lot more barrels I think you know I think the mix of different stuff is

Actually working well here especially once we fill that in the only one I’m not 100% on is the mossy cobblestone wall there but I’m going to leave it we’re going to see if it continues to bug me okay time for more Spruce fence and barrels I believe it was look at

That we’re in business just trying to add a couple more details just to make it a little bit more interesting looking and then while we’re at it yes I remembered that we took out a bunch of torches so we’ll now need to line that with lanterns instead eventually we

Could probably take out this entire uh covering area for the Striders cuz I have been chipping away at it as I’ve been working but we need to wait until they have you know coverage higher up above them before we take that out entirely anyway also do you remember all

That dirt we didn’t end up needing uh for the sugar cane Farm wellow that’s full again eh don’t feel like it well it just so happens that I went and grabbed all of that and I’ll tell you for why we are going to EXP band on the back

Portion of this and it’s going to be essentially a nice little area that’s you could call it just a garden or you know whatever grazing area but there is another purpose and I’ll work on it a bit but see if you can guess what my plan is here yeah so that’s enough to

Place the dirt when we’re ready and we kind of have to go circle with this don’t we yeah I I don’t really see any other options Square no don’t be ridiculous there we go that should be a good amount of size it’s also not going

To take us nearly as long to fill in as the platform we did at the beginning of this video last up I just want a border around this and then we’ll put dirt in the center oh no I wanted grass in the center how are we going to get grass

Over here oh wait never mind that’ll be solved when we get silk touch I can just bring a piece of grass over here woo crisis averted we also may not have enough dirt to finish this may go back to duplicating will we have time in this video nobody knows we got to move

Citizens there’s so little time left oh I did have more dirt why didn’t you tell me and I’m stressing out a little bit because we don’t have that much time left look at how much of the barn still needs to be done and we’ve still got this I’m holding up hope though I’m

Thinking we can get something that looks decent around here before we have to wrap up we are going to have a to-do list for 300 days but I’m okay with that I like to-do lists there we go there’s our great freeing area and I may change

Well I didn’t mean to do that as I was saying I may change this in the long term but for now because we’re a bit short on time we will do what we need to to make this connected in any capacity whatsoever before we end the video there

We go so I need this to be grass I need that to be finished all right got to move oh you think we could do it okay I believe you citizen you you say we found that one pickaxe in the end and we can use that to make a silk touch pickaxe

You say don’t be silly you never bought a silk touch book what’s that don’t worry it’s only 17 emeralds you can get one anyway what’s that it has fortune on it and silk touch isn’t going to work because you can’t have fortune and silk touch on the same one oh you’re right oh

Yeah I’m losing my mind in case you can’t tell all right that was a waste but you know we’re doing it anyway also what’s that we’re just going to get a silk touch uh pick and not even name it yeah that’s right something for the next video and just like that we got

Ourselves a silk touch pick which means I could take all well not all of this I can take let’s take four leave two grass there fill it back in with dirt and then take the grass blocks over to our new area and thinking about a ficiency we should probably do something like this

To ensure for maximum grass growth look at that and it’s already going yeah feeling good about that I think that’s going to grow pretty quickly and next up I need a ton of composters I’ve never really used composters as a design element before which means I never realized they’re actually kind of

Expensive that was what two three stacks of planks didn’t even get me a full stack of composters well learn something new every day and my thought was those are going to line the I don’t know let’s call them upper Rafters up here I keep falling into the composters so I have to

Jump as I place unbelievable also I’m definitely going to run out of these yeah um I need more wood and hopefully this does the trick we’re going to find out it’s looking good though that’s going to be nice when it’s finished you know what it reminds me of it’s it’s

Almost like a uh like a viking long house that’s the vibe I was getting when I saw it from afar all right I have some left over I finished that oh did I ever I created this over here I never mentioned I said I made this for a

Purpose right well I saw a bunch of comments from the previous video when I asked about the uh the pen I made over here this was originally for sheep sheep that I tragically lost and it turned out a horse spawned into this area and I think it’s because there was grass there

I got a bunch of comments that let me know in this world in this one block world if you create a large area with you know like this with grass things like sheep and horses and I think pigs and cows things like that they can naturally spawn in that area so that is

The purpose here uh we want to have a large Uh something’s wrong here you’re not supposed to be there we want to have a large area with grass so that in hopefully the next video we’re able to spawn in some sheep because that is still something that I’m missing uh in

This world I don’t technically need them anymore but it’s more of a just a pride thing I’d like to have each one of the mobs over here in the barn so that is the reason behind this if we build it now by the time I get to the next video

This will have plenty of time to spawn things in now that I’ve explained myself we can get back to this and this is hoping we have enough to cover this layer no no no no okay well we’ll go back to it and now okay I think we have what we need

There we at least have to finish the front of the barn before uh this video ends so how are we going to do that all right I got a I got a ton of blocks Let’s uh let’s head up there and just figure it out and for whatever reason I think another brick

Wall will be a nice touch here followed by more logs followed by fence I have no idea if this will work by the way I’m doing so much guessing right now followed by planks I already know one thing and that’s when I place these there’s going to be little holes right

There because of the stairs that I put down so I might find that that’s a problem or I might like how it looks I have no idea we’re about to find out okay please be good to me random design that I made you know actually not terrible especially because

When I finish the roof when I keep going with that you’re not going to see all of this stuff you’re going to see the inside of all of this that probably makes no sense you’re not going to see air gaps here eventually once I’m done that’s impressive though that’s a that’s

An imposing actually that’s the most imposing structure in my entire base which is fitting you know we Romans we take care of our animals so you know I I hope you all appreciate the work I’m putting in here that that being said I think that’s going to be a big part of

Uh video three is fixing up the base cuz I I spent so much time this video building all of this stuff up or getting the villagers to a point where they can make this stuff for me so I think yeah next video we’re going to focus on

Builds I’m pleased I’m pleased with this I think it works and at the same time this is filled out uh I don’t know if it needs like vegetation on this but that’s how we spawn the horse I had bone meal this as you can clearly see so let’s

Grab some bone meal I’m just going to make sure that’s all filled in just in case and if I’m not mistaken we had h no bone meal I don’t remember what I did with all the bone meal but there’s bones and on our way back I forgot I made the

Caldrons and I had thought about that can we add these around in just wherever areas as a decoration why is it when I do it it doesn’t work but when wax fraud doesn’t it looks great I don’t have the Knack I don’t have the knack for for it

Might be the placement let’s try something else it is a barn so what about hay bales one down here one just kind of hanging out over there and then it’s bound to be just kind of sticking all over the place around here just as a bit of extra color around here that kind

Of thing that looks better that looks more natural not giving up on this yet though what if we did it at the entryway couple tall plants I’m going to leave them I’m going to leave them there let’s see if I end up liking them because

Right now I’m not too sure and I’m doing the same thing over here cuz I made them I got to use them there we go couple entryway pots and Now for Something Completely Different by the way you get 50 Legion points if you can uh tell me

In a comment what’s that from and Now for Something Completely Different there we go look at all of that beautiful I do want to get rid of the taller ones cuz that’s a little too much but now look at that that looks like the perfect spot

For sheep to spawn in and that’s not just me saying that I I think this really is perfect for them next video next video it’s going to happen we’re finally going to get our sheep back I believe with the little time we have left I think I’m going to see if I can

Just do a little bit more up on the roof and maybe we have enough of this to do something let’s see turn it all into well how many slabs can I get 24 I’ll leave a bit I’m not sure what the ratio is between stairs and slabs so

Let’s uh yeah let’s leave a bit see how we do I think I’m set with what I need so let’s head up see how much damage we can do on that luckily once you have the first uh bit of this done makes the rest easier cuz you no longer have to guess

You just follow along with whatever’s is going on over here all right let’s see if we have enough for at least one round of the stone brick I think we’re going to run out of slabs no I ran out of slabs right I need one more no ooh wait

We can salvage this yes now the question is do I keep going do we want one band of this through do I want to go three then three and switch off to tell you the truth I like the idea of going with just a single band of the stone brick

And then go back to Spruce and it has nothing to do with the fact that we’re running low on the stone brick I want to at least get far enough with this so if we look at it from the front you’re not going to see light shining through and I

Have no idea how many layers I need to go back to do that we’re making progress at least I kind of want to just uh head down and see how we’re doing see how it looks so far no sheep yet that’s okay I’m not mad I’m not mad oh yeah that’s

Looking better quit taking my dirt or my podel or whatever why can’t you leave me be on that happy Enderman slaying note we really only have enough time left to do a little bit of clean up and wrap up these 100 days I’m sure it’s no surprise

To you I’m not entirely happy that we couldn’t finish this I wish we had enough time to go all the way down cover up all the animals get this all nice and cozy in here and of course to do that we’re going to need more stone brick and

Currently I have no way of producing Cobblestone or stone or anything like that not to mention we literally just made a diamond pickaxe with silk touch that is it’s it’s got some work we need to do some work on that for sure so I’m just getting to wrapping up the 200 days

Video in one block and I already have a laundry list of items to work on for 300 days so you’re you’re getting the hint you’re getting the picture here I hope hope everybody out there is okay with 300 days because I can’t just let all these projects go undone we got to we

Got to finish this stuff all that being said we did accomplish a lot in uh in this well 100 days 200 days video whatever you want to call it little things like expanding the sugar cane Farm larger more time consuming things like leveling all of you up getting all

Of these filled in trading nonstop with these villagers to make sure that I not only looked good but felt good too and let’s not forget the Behemoth platform we made there’s so much to do here I don’t know if it was me overestimating or just setting myself up for the next

Video but there’s so much space here and the only thing we made was this iron farm to well you know the nether portal the the spruce trees we put over here those are most likely temporary what I’d like to do is eventually line this entire thing with different kinds of

Farms for things that we will will need considering this isn’t just a normal Minecraft world where we can go out to the great unknown out there and get it so thinking about the future the rest of this platform needs to be lined with farms and the center needs something

Special maybe that’s where my house goes that I never got time to build so once again we’re leaving a video with a lot of things that we still need to do but don’t let that bring you down I’m still happy with the things that we accomplished during this video and

Honestly I really really like this world for that reason it doesn’t bug me that we have that laundry list I’m looking forward to spending another 100 days here so yeah all that being said as uh Jack and Dagmar I really hope that was their names I kind of forgot what I

Named them over here will tell you we’re definitely going to be back and we will finish those projects we’re going to keep working on this world and who knows I mean like I said earlier we had plenty of comments asking to bring this world to a thousand days and who knows this

Might be the first one to get there maybe not I’m kind of thinking I’ll bring my original hardcore World 2 a th000 days before this one but we may get there with this one as well and as always thanks for watching and we’ll see you in the next one Citizens

This video, titled ‘I Survived 200 Days IN ONE BLOCK SKYBLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by LegionVee on 2023-10-27 22:00:18. It has garnered 17111 views and 800 likes. The duration of the video is 04:12:06 or 15126 seconds.

#minecraft #100days #minecrafthardcore #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods #oneblock #minecraftasmr

I Survived 200 Days IN ONE BLOCK SKYBLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore! Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments!

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/Legion_Vee

Complementary Shaders: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders

Mods: Apple Skin: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/appleskin Falling Tree: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/falling-tree

Map: OneBlock by IJAMinecraft Download: https://ijaminecraft.com/map/oneblock/

Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 01:24 Day 101 17:34 Day 111 51:36 Day 121 1:18:04 Day 131 1:44:19 Day 141 2:12:36 Day 151 2:33:10 Day 161 2:56:25 Day 171 3:23:53 Day 181 3:48:25 Day 191 4:08:56 Day 200

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    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 AskAbout.video ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | https://discord.gg/zphSjBEzpZ 🚀 My Texture Pack | https://www.mediafire.com/file/ln8ptdsxlbpp0yb/AlexpoluTexturePack5k.zip/file 🚀 | Twitter | https://twitter.com/Alexpolu8MC 🚀 | Twitch | https://twitch.tv/alexpolu8 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGQWMXMGrWbZmGYkz6VpQ/join *Server Discord*: https://discord.gg/enchantedmc *Java & Bedrock IP*: zap.enchantedmc.net *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: https://saweria.co/rizkyagustian Link Server : Rzkyyyy88.aternos.me:51683 Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe ✓ Like ✓… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : 😄 Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: https://profile.turnip.gg/PnUj8Wn5U3LZz5V6A Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: twitch.tv/X33N Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: https://playerduo.net/62e7d4b353b9095d2c55aeb8 + Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/kronus2/tip — Social Media: + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaming/kronusgenovius + Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kronus_genovius — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More