Mind-Blowing Jujutsu Kaisen Mod! Unexpected Twist… 😱

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Hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back toitsu kais mod with me so we’re back so weend weend uh the entire Bas just not really gone as planned I ended up buch to pre-recording it looks like so like yeah it’ll give me free time to do some other bits only for

All those PLS to mostly get cancelled and throw my other other plans into flexib basically I I was prir so I had free time to play D and organize the Indi and stuff only for uh things not quite work out so uh yeah we have a

Bunch of games of D and D but like we have one main game it’s called animal handling because they do they they love recruiting animals into it and it’s like okay yeah that’s our main game for when all of us are together and then we made extra games for when one person was

Missing because you know that happens life gets in the way jobs blah the blah and we’re like okay this week D start of the week demons at work okay we can play solo leveling cuz that’s the one that arcanus are Australian organizers I’m a player in I’m really excited about

Because I’m playing at artifice going do some cool stuff in it there’s there’s like one we’ve done one uh live stream of it over on Twitch it was quite fun uh there is a second recording but it’s on the VOD channel it’s not released yet I was waiting

Until we did some more to release that episode and I’m like yeah okay I’ll release the first episode this week and then we didn’t do the other recording I’m like I really I want to have like I want to be able to release it bit by B I

Want to release it only for to then not do it for like several weeks oh well that’s a shame why would we do it because because arus was uh his IRL life stuff got in the way and then his sleeping pattern got in the way so

We got to L in a week all us are together in a sense cuz like it’s the should be free no no I was asleep during that period then inmo got ill so he was not feeling it very much and then okay end of the week all right

This is our last day arcanus is like yep no I can’t St up I’m going to be asleep sorry guys well okay we’ll do the game Star Stream the game for when AR is away yeah no no wasn’t feeling it I think we’re ditching Star Stream I think

We’re just getting rid of that oh well I had a good one a year and we did like five sessions cuz hasn’t been here most of the time but yeah I’m going to have to figure out a different game for our when the Australians away game that’ll be a thing funnny enough uh

When that subject came up em was like it’s finally time let’s do fairy tale d and d and Demon responded yeah have fun with that cuz he’s he he just likes to deny that he loves fairy tale you know so there is that and then I’m just sat

There thinking wow I could figure Ka and D andd I have no idea how I’m going to make that work but I feel like like people did recommend people in the comments I mentioned it previously uh people did recommend like there’s channels and stuff that have like different just kaisen based games and

Stuff and ideas so it’s like just like yeah if I took bits from there and bits from other random D andd bits I’ve seen and done and blah blah blah maybe I could like club or something together that I’m happy with maybe could try it theny you know fiddle around with the uh

RS and balancing and stuff if you comish short I don’t know seems like an idea not a game playing very often which would be a shame if it’s good yeah whatever anyway yeah that all happen so my week was me getting really excited for D and D only to be

Disappointed each and every single day yay also randomly webton put avatars comic on on webton I woke up to that this morning I went on to go and read my like the some days where there’s Comics that come out web comics that come out I’m like okay I want to read that one

Blah BL and what there’s one satday that watch uh oh God what’s the code I don’t remember it name it’s something something Barbarian I forget it name damn it that’s a bit it’s a bit Bing anyway blah blah blah I read that one and then I I

Go on the little front page SP and it just goes oh hey we’ve Avatar I’m like wait holy crap that’s like Avatar IR their story after we finish that’s like official it’s the nickeloden standpoint that’s the official comic what’s that doing there yeah I’m going to go read that then

Yes that was that was a fun thing to discover that was I quite enjoyed that that was great fun right anyway so what are we doing in here today what’s the plan well I need to go g on our 10 fingers that’s still a thing probably should go do at some point Jacob’s

Ladder can take it pretty much anyone but sakuna and Gojo which apparently I missed an executioner BL last time apparently I beat the general at one point and I just I missed the blades that’s quite unfortunate uh well you know uhoh huh this is unfortunate yeah I’m

Going to go a bit over here uh oh am I going further or closer to sakuna right now okay I’m out of the range there he is a okay is he still here like his domain’s still here which makes me think he’s still here it’s still cutting away holy [ __ ] is this

What I died to last time probably oh Lord okay it’s gone is he still here is s still there I now have more armor than last time so I actually can handle things better but I still would rather not deal with that right now Gojo’s right

There my intent isn’t to go fight Gojo right now I’m not trying to fight him I want to go g their fingers I just nipped over here cuz it was the Fest area I had I was hoping a finger B randomly around here yeah it’s not

A I’m going to grab more lapis I still have more I can enchant my armor up to protection four right now we’ve got protection three on three of the four parts so yeah our protection’s better we can handle defensive stuff better so that’s cool our offense is still Jacob’s

Ladder it’s still Rock Solid we get the generals blade that would be even stronger but honestly the Hammer’s so much easier to hit things with I don’t know is that second goto there oh my Lord this place is cursed this place is cursed what the fck there Gojo’s everywhere uh

It’s not the first time the Gojo are trying to get me last time as well not having oh yeah that was a thing too so we did uh blah blah blah which one are you which one are you which one are you Jacob’s letter that’s just

Theor kill uh yeah we did a mod review over on Fisk superial mod which uh yeah I haven’t played that in a while but it’s one of the ones I to go back to it got a big update thing for something something so basically it can’t uh play certain packs from before

That point so things had updat I’m like okay I’ll go check when you update packs blah blah yeah wa had a look yeah then I looked and found the actual like jitu kaisen one where they played into the meme potential of uh jitu kaisen stuff

And uh yeah like some of the S of stuff are F stuff they a good model for the general that was awesome and then yeah just randomly chef and Jo go hello the F yeah kind I was expecting that I like I I on their mod on their

Mod page pack list page thing I went and had a look at like the what s include I just saw those two at the bottom like wait I that sounds interesting let’s go take a look I was not disappointed uh it was good fun sadly though yeah that mod

On war 7.10 and I say sadly just because people don’t want to play it because it’s 1.7.10 which I never understand that mentality like I get some people are like ah it’s 1.1 it sucks down there and it’s like yeah you’re going there to play mods anyway like who cares about

The vanilla stuff you don’t play modded Minecraft for vanilla Minecraft like that’s not that’s not what you do so who cares like I don’t understand it mentality I don’t I don’t understand the mentality of yeah I don’t want to play 1.7.10 cuz you know I think I hit him that’s unfortunate

Well he’s going to be up some Cur Spirits I’m going to hope I take him out in one hit he’s going to destroy me yeah like if you’re playing a mod like Dragon Block it’s like we’re not playing vanilla Minecraft like if Dragon Block was on like 1.7 or 1.20 it makes no

Difference you’re still doing the exact same stuff in Dragon Block like the only difference is the mods that can get mix together with it you [ __ ] stop charging like there’s very little that we care about for our modded adventures in updated Minecraft versions a lot of the time

So I I just don’t see the issue I’m going to struggle hitting this guy just cuz he’s on a tear killing everything holy [ __ ] I can’t I can’t hit him cuz he keeps charging at things ah I can’t have him charge at me cuz he will just destroy

Me oh dear okay you didn’t Dy me that time oh so now he’s coming for me oh yeah okay cool Jacob’s Le yeah there we go thank goodness I got me one hit he got near me that could have been very problematic Al dropped nothing that’s a

Shame yeah know just I I I did theie said someone went uh she someone put T never play it I I just don’t get it I just start I I’ll see I’ll see why it matters maybe that’s just my ment then again I’m the same person it’s on a well

If it’s not broke you don’t need to fix it kind of thing I don’t really care about upgrading stuff and it doesn’t need it upgraded and I’m still someone that plays PlayStation one and PlayStation 2 games sometimes on the original consoles so yeah I maybe I just have a very

Different perspective of the world all right anyway I need to go look for another one of the prisons so I can find more the finger Bears so all I need to F more you guys but we’re in single player mode so we’re not going to Ft a lot of you guys

Well I’m not going to play all L stevon screen stevon screens spawn a lot on servers they don’t seem to spawn a lot on single player Ro for some reason don’t know why Che with but yeah oh oh yeah the success okay yeah if we struggle too much with s and

Stuff down line we can totally try and get the success and by that I mean I’ll have to spawn the so there’s no chance I’m ever finding those again legitimately I did that exactly one time and it was great in that moment but it was also the one time I didn’t need them

Also there is a truck here hello no don’t you dare get out of here okay so why is there a truck here I’m going to be honest I’ve get no answer for you I’ve I’ve get no answer for you I don’t know why there’s a truck

Here like I know what spawns the truck I understand that mentality the truck oh the truck can move oh my God yeah so I understand what spawns the truck it’s the comedian he’s got a move called get out of the way blah BL it’s obviously committ joke of truck knocking someone

Down for a com sketch yeah yeah yeah it’s all great F I didn’t think the thing could stick behind how how is this thing existing I love the fact this thing exists like this this is beautiful this is amazing it’s my new favorite thing I want to

Take it with me it’s an entity though I can’t keep it it’s an entity though it also it’s an enti that apparently annoys good Sorcerers so they actually will attack it Madness anyway ow bird why oh hello YP where’ that fer go I saw him where is he there he is go

On hello yeah that’s what I thought yes what I thought Jacob BL no we dodged oh [ __ ] oh he’s going to have fun with the curse Spirits uh I mean if I could like a sword adapt to curse I want the sword to adapt to curse

Spirits that is questionable do I want a sword to adap Cur Spirits cuz I don’t I don’t know if I do I don’t know if I do want to adap the Cur Spirits cuz they don’t hurt me but then obviously don’t will other things but no I need to adapt

To Sorcerers yeah I need to adapt to sorcerers cuz then I can like you know uh if I let it adapt to Sorcerers then yeah it will do more damage to S and Gojo on the Assumption I even hit s and Gojo with it also hi of course he dodged of course

Why why why wouldn’t he Dodge it just makes logical sense that he Dodges you know oh my words how why why are you such a Min to heat no my truck oh God no don’t you dare Jacob’s Ladder I need to hit him wait oh he’s still fighting oh he’s still there

What hatte the fact keeps rushing and getting out of the way of this though oh hello I mean I did some damage uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh Jacob’s L yeah I didn’t work heer he he just he just ran out of the way Jacob’s Ladder it’s great

For sneak attacks holy [ __ ] it’s great for sneak attacks the it comes actually hitting someone that’s already on the move it becomes an entirely different game there’s ever a time to go see it but upgrad my armor to the highest possible plan and get it 71 levels

Sitting here and a whole bunch more lapis so that’s I’ll quickly do that more protection rebooks it’s not going to make a difference CU General but I just I I want to try to upgrade to the highest point I can if I’m able okay we’re done T levels I actually got some

Luck kind of um yeah I can combine these that that that yeah got what okay yeah I actually get three protection two books uh two Protection One book so can them all together we got protection two protection three books sure got our LS back breaking this down

Okay I’ll let me upgrade some AR it’ll make no difference against General but I might as well getting Tip Top [ __ ] while the opportunities here from the lampus also the second I teleport back General still going to be there so got to figure that one out on the Fly where we’re

Going to do uh what am I what am I upgrading here and leggings protection three B protection three B up to protection four right have this little there go at the shall We blonk Wrong Place awesome uh blah yeah get rid of those ones go with that one and he here jao

Uhoh oh that’s good that was one swipe that hit me there that was one Swip with protection four on three pieces and protection three on another special Rank 10 fingers yeah yeah that’s the general the nutshell though ain’t it beats with that thing 100 blade he’s just an absolute Behemoth this is why

You don’t want to get close to him I’m trying to m fight him at that point just uh that that’s is a terrible idea all right what we got to do uh I’m going to continue traveling and hope I come across the thing I’m looking for wait what wait what you’re here

Again D interesting fact my Jacob’s Ladder turns off your ability I can absolutely defeat you I just need to hit you with Jacob’s Ladder which apparently said done this gu get flying kicking out of the way which lets them move free quickly uh uh but sure let’s test Jacob’s lad really

Quick yes what I thought wow I just love this move wow this move is just amazing I also love the fact this guy just gives it ridiculous amounts of XP I found two of him in this play through along with one truck I literally have gone several

Series without seeing him cuz he was so rare I me some people sponding and have definitely being configured he’s at least ever so slightly more common than what he used to be which you know what I’m for cuz is the the guy offensively he’s nothing insane but

You know he’s got a weird ability if you’re Hest say actually benefits you cuz the effect actually passes over to allies now so there’s that but also yeah I get show off using Jacob’s Ladder and you know hitting someone with a technique that actually requires Jacob lad to get

Through I mean it doesn’t require it technically if you hit the guy hard enough apparently it will break his technique eventually cuz it works on like a timer system thing though but um yeah no Jacob lad is far quicker I much prefer this method I start to try to hit someone with a

Domain expansion though that’s still an ongoing thing which apparently I did an earlier episode without realizing app point when I was on a bridge and I was being attacked by a certain uh Kaku do expansion then sakuna triggered his and then kaku’s one ended or yeah

His one ended and then Sak’s one took over and destroyed me thing was though is that I was like Oh I thought they would Clash for a bit longer but no but I hate kju with Jacob’s Ladder and from what people were saying probably disabled his domain expansion so that’s why sakuna is

Instantly one just destroyed me yeah it kind of makes sense when I think about it uh if that’s how that works that actually does make sense uh how do I force more people to use the domain so so I can try this are I I want to trigger more domains don’t B problem

Is every time I use the Jacob’s Ladder I win the fight the people I contest on are Gojo and sakuna and oddly enough they are two the hardest people to test this the on because they’re monsters and utterly destroy me a allot of the time I suppose ideal would be get

A player to come join that’s easier said than done isn’t it also Jacob’s letter yeah that was a low one yeah I didn’t do very much to myy interesting I did a minimum one to other folk wait hold on who did I shoot with it

Though I hit with a minimal one I’m like wait why did this win cuz people were saying the fact yeah Jacob’s Li does way more damage to people with uh basically the ancient Sorcerers that come from the past like people like you know the the granite shot guys stuff

Apparently does way more damage to them more even more than Cur Spurs and then it does more damage to curs and then finally those regular people it does least normal amount damage to I Maki that even less I imagine a full power one will Destroyer no she tanked that wait what

Yo she actually tank that yeah maybe the technique is doing less to her cuz she has no curse energy that would make sense that would make logical sense ha yeah I need to go test this move on our people again cuz like yeah it destroyed that was it destroyed Yuki

That was it Yuki and UTA both of them who you know just the tier below s and that it’s like you know the next strongest thing you can really fight in this uh the set of world yeah they they they got destroyed by like a minimum powered one no bother

Ah that’s interesting I guess Moy just doesn’t take his yay I’m switching clothes I’m switching clothes yo I’d prefer a toies but whatever I’ll take what I can get Jacob’s letter I mean of course that destroy you you’re weak by comparison it’s a terrible thing to say

About the Nai the na is actually really strong it’s just by standards of special grade He’s not cuz special grades are just a completely different existence all together yeah you as well that makes obvious s and then we got the hardness noce oh I really I’m just going to keep the Halo

On so long as I have the Halo on that’s good enough but we don’t need the wings we’ve never needed the wings my ability is to fly apparently this is my power Al people were saying apparently if I give the wings to other people it would let

Them fly or people are saying the wings let other people fly I am kind of curious about that I’m also really curious how Angels going to be implemented into this world because if Angel could fly like certain people are going to really struggle okay she can

Only Fly for a little burst and it’s not like you know you’ll be able to catch her but like she’s going to be such a pain for people that do melee combat cuz like she’s going to be flying up there then you’re just going to get B you’re going

To see Jacob’s live just forming above you and it’s like okay is she going to just blow it or is she going to you know charge it if she going to charge it it follows you somewhat it slows so you can get out of the way but like it’s got a

Good old area effect and it does try to follow you so it yeah yeah she’s going to be a fun opponent especially since that technique can just do so much damage especially if you’re playing as a curse Spirit like wow yeah if you play as a curse Spirit

You get all these benefits the benefits are amazing but wow the disadvantages as well you just have certain opponents that like aren’t a big deal to other people well okay can’t say the general is never not a big deal it’s like when he’s not adapted a regular person he’s

Not and like your special ranking like not too big a deal then like you can handle him using melee combat cuz he can’t adapt to melee combat so at that point like you can muscle him and just win you’re a Kirk Spirit though he’s adapting while hitting you cuz you’re a

Kirk spirit and then yeah he will just destroy you like so quickly so quickly compared to if you’re a c user like you can adapt to a c like yeah you can the Cur CU he can change energy of his blades to the 100 enchantment which

Still does damage just not as much oh wait no it do the is it is it negative 100 the plus 100 one I know we can do both lot I forget which one is better cuz I believe the negative 100 one is the best one for fighting curse

Spirits but it does basically nothing to regular Sorcerers the curse 100 one is basically just a curse to enhance so it’ll do more damage to curse spirits and Sorcerers because the 100 curse enchantment just literally is just a power buff which I believe is something we’ve seen

Because we can enchant we can enhance our own tools over time can I if I go B with this in theory yeah this thing picks up curse power in theory this thing would then become more powerful to curse spirit and curers lot of anyway where I come across

Another prison just to my life simply wait what I just took fall damage H oh cuz my tech wait what I guess my technique run out but I hadn’t refreshed no I just fell there that you fall From you fall from the flying it doesn’t doesn’t do fall damage yeah okay I’m confused whatever it’s fine uh there’s our attempt to try and get the general sword sure let’s play this gamble once again all so I need to go close to it will trigger the general if I just stay

Here it won’t trigger the general DOD I need you to notice me oh God you get the away no hit the wrong one oh this hmer is so good except for precise moments where I don’t want that oh dear yeah he only does that when a very particular things occurring he’s just

Laed purple that means there a SK in that direction specifically that normally means there a shadow Saka in that direction where the [ __ ] is Shadow Saka over there kill the F’s happening why am I being blasted what happens yes the can and go Bight interesting wait what D why are

You why are you launching Blitz you’re not even in combat mode freaking goto dude’s literally just Ling BL for no reason he’s not even in combat mod he’s not even trying to fight currently is that Yuki there oh know it’si trying to fight Saka that’s Prett anyway Jacob’s

Letter that did a considerable amount damage to him there not enough they a considerable amount though um yeah he’s healing again up another one then Jacob ladder I don’t think that went full power there unfortunate it is he is still injured though as long as I keep

Moving he might not be able to slash me as easily never mind he can slash me whenever he wants oh dear D where are you I can’t see you there’s too much stuff in the way and you fly healed Jacob’s Ladder yeah you do your fzy flurry let’s

See how that works out for you when you’re under Jacob’s laders effect I’m thinking if I technically trigger my domain expansion he would trigger his in response if I hit him with Jacob’s Ladder straight after that in theory that M what oh fck that’s why I can’t test the fun

Stuff against him also I hear he keeps knocking me away cuz every time he knocks me away he starts healing he starts healing and I can’t I can’t keep powering Jacob’s lad on top of him and the Miss and he’s fully healed oh the knock

Back get the KN back so much just cuz he only heals when he’s like a certain distance away from folk when that happens he just really heals himself basically don’t go in the water I mean you’re going to be easier to hit but like my word you’re going to be annoying

To hit if I need to go m comat with you dud stop launching hands at him [ __ ] hell that’s no help you can f right off D stop it oh my God you need to stop stop knocking him away get in the water next to him go on oh dear oh dear oh

Dear job’s ladder he’s already adapted I forgot I can’t be him oh no I didn’t calculate for that part uh oh no yeah okay wait Jacob’s letter I want to take Seca out at the very least I he transformed oh dear I have no curse energy cuz I healed myself

F Gojo help I meit here wait no he’s not my ey like I’m my C Spirit fck oh so he’s still chasing me oh so Go’s not here anymore that’s really unfortunate could really use I need to heal I need to let my Cur stop wait no

There he is go no help wait what who the [ __ ] triggered the doing expansion I don’t care oh it’s laer liar is here in car sakuna though you can tell because the place isn’t getting destroyed I need let my C restock yeah I didn’t even consider the

Fact I need to fight against Prime sakuna and the general who’s adapted to Jacob’s Ladder fully like full on adapted like I cannot hurt him also he’s chasing me so I need to be very careful I need to let JoJo take care of him I

Can’t I can’t take him out Jacob lad’s a one trick pony yeah that one Trick’s been countered at this point I can’t hurt him give me that finger never mind let be known I did get the finger before going down didn’t matter though didn’t matter though cuz they still got me oh I

Didn’t consider that though I can’t how I beat him I can’t fight the J unless I one shot Jacob L but I can’t in I need to weaken and just for physical attacks which ain’t happening basically I have to defeat s while avoiding the general which is also

Not happening like why the yeah oh wow only having one attack so bad against that’s a specifically the general thing you can beat that one attack it’s just when it comes to Saka specifically [ __ ] hell all right let’s let’s if it Les go back where are we we are here Co Maki please

There’s so many other things going on why would you why would you bother with me okay Gojo’s currently fighting the general where the fck there’s another goo over there cuz of course ah sakuna is there too excellent well was a bit rude he almost got me with that there

Um wow okay goo’s just chilling there where did you send s how far away did you knock him did literally knock AA out of render range wow that’s that’s incredible can’t say I was expecting that all right uh yeah okay so we can beat sh in the old variation of them the

Second he ises the adapted turns into Prim thing I was at Cur energy at that point so I wasn’t beating him then that said I can dance around him I feel like aside from the general being an absolute [ __ ] nightmare I can dance around him no problem is that the general I don’t

Know what to do about him ah what disgusting combo those toig now that he’s got that refresh available he’s so much stronger cuz if I don’t beat him quick enough he will trans for if he transforms he’s get full HP and he’s even more dangerous cuz he’s

Get his world slash well actually that one doesn’t have his work slash does he no that one technically doesn’t have work slash I think that helps me much though but yeah that one doesn’t technically have world slash cuz I haven’t beaten the General yet say I beat the general he gets world

Slash but that one can’t use its domain expansion that is the help me cuz the General’s still sitting right there I can’t do anything with that knowledge it’s just impossible I just I need to basically F Cuna just using melee attacks until he summons the general which isn’t

Like I honestly it’s not impossible but at the same time it’s like I’m very aware of the fact I don’t have enough Cur energy to keep healing myself and he does the damage I don’t have enough energy to keep in domain for long periods just no good options my keep my

Energy fills just so low compared to his which you know is unlimited okay you know we’ll reenter this problem when we get more fingers and everything that’s fine hello toldy you did not tank that anywhere near as good as maky did what the [ __ ]

What the [ __ ] if I done a full power one that would have took you why Marky T she tanked it so well I don’t understand blon hey what oh I got the dagger yay I needed that if I Goo uh I got black BS I get toy shoes no they’re goo shoes

Apparently it’s all the same like some people are wearing other people’s clothes I’m going to continue looking for a prison as fun as that little journey was I was get to test or things bad to F it didn’t quite end up well for us so yeah

We’re just going to leave it but like I suppose yeah if I get our 10 fingers have an extra thousand energy plus I’ll be 25% stronger which and I 25% on Jacob’s lad I don’t know that could take out Seca quickly enough I need to take so he doesn’t uh

[ __ ] H is that the answer I guess the other answer is I got a more powerful Mele weapon we get the generals blad enhan I just attack sakuno with it maybe there’s just ah I love this mod cuz it’s got my brain going cuz it’s like yeah certain classes just have natural

Weaknesses just have natural weaknesses to certain things and yeah a big one against the Final Bosses is normally like our energy levels and how much damage they can do and need to heal during it also my refusal I don’t want to use the to of undying CU I feel like

Those counters cheating they’re like the yeah you can’t win yeah switch over use that I I suppose the bigger bigger answer is the six SI if I get that everything cost half Jacob’s Ladder cost half my healing cost half essentially doubles your curse energy pill which makes you insanely powerful still

Doesn’t answer how I’m going to beat the general but it means I could go in Mele with sakuna and I could actually have a bit room to heal during it do do thought Pro what the [ __ ] yellow hi domain expansion whatever this domain’s code where to go there he is H Gojo Jacob’s

Le wait no that was attack backck there is you ready Jacob’s lad that did not take him out interesting interesting dang again he’s not able to really hurt me either so the plus side that this girl in particular is he’s so much because because of Gojo compared to the other

One is an absolute fcking nightmare uh anyway Jacob’s letter wow you completely ignored that well I have this thing now so like I I’ll just use this on you and just you know beat you up this way yeah like you’re not someone I’m going to lose to that much I’m sure

Enough like my defenses are way too high to lose to you plus if I really wanted to I could just go demain up against you so you’re you’re no problem I I I should have clicked the M out there but I haven’t clicked the button so long

My stick weren’t there for that’s fine yeah we can just tank you it’s fine imagine you’re just flying over first you just get dragged down by that fair can’t exp that there again it could have be so much worse it could have been literally been the under go show drag me

De that would have been scary that would have been a oh dear I’m in trouble situation anyway uh stuff spawn yo if one thing spawn that typically means other things will spawn ah maybe it’s not happening this time that’s unfortunate yeah a lot of time when one structure spawns a bunch of other

Structures tend to spawn directly around it don’t know why don’t care why it’s a brilliant thing I want yeah makes life simpler well there are roads I could take I could just follow a road and just see where it leads me done this before this has ended so well in the

Past actually did I find a prison doing this last time no no the road ended didn’t it well I find this k in tunnels is what I find oh [ __ ] No [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dare you I do need to find your I think he’s out in the water after me the F [ __ ] I was just walking he smacks me off the edge of the thing I thought we might flew by him quickly now but

Apparently not I so hello I gu see one of these are I mean I don’t want that’s why it’s like an AO rig thing but had actually been in here so far no my hammer still that’s a spider spaw kill oh see nice yeah some cool stuff in here don’t even more chest

Hello can expecting to see you in here there we go destroyed and more stuff dice Diamonds oh this is just stuff from uh oh I find though any more any more bits no okay cool some nice bit in here randomly go all right anyway back on the road again

What’s happening over here apart from ow no my timer I’m fine fers knocking me off the road how dare they which way am I going which way looks the most SL least kill FY C Paulo which one are you you’re that one see the problem is is that you’re

One of the ones that is massively affected by Jacob’s L me even if I convince you to use your domain expansion it won’t matter cuz you will just get destroyed by my Jacob’s Ladder like even if I hit you with it it’s not going to cancel out your domain it’s going to destroy

You I’m aware of this also you keep blasting stuff it’s quite annoying and Jacob’s lad random this makes life so simple also do you need to you need to cut out your shig um actually yeah we’re going to use Jacob’s Ladder for that you can get out of

Here I jumped down here I got win King I jumped down here to see in case kju dropped anything I don’t think he did I’m going to move on now we had dead end on the road cool going do a SL lowy come on to figure out what the nearest one is I

Want to go to it hopefully it’s not the one I’ve already been to uh does this work again SL locate structure yes a Reformatory there one is 2900 7700 well that’s this way and no nor F okay okay I don’t think that’s the way the other one yeah should be new we’re so

Far away from where we used to be this should be a new one oh hey apartment Bon people this C stuff in here I don’t know how much is how useful this stuff would actually be when playing I know there’s potions in here I don’t know how useful they actually be

Like when playing but take a look see uh see what watcho uh fcking room is it in this one it’s the one that makes monsters spawn D you it really up here actually yeah it’s a about the weed farm uh punctured minus 5% armor Pride curse technique three I generally

Don’t know what that does steal armor plus one I only got helps me my current situation my armor already has Max half the same like uh potions of instant health I suppose maybe is that is that how desperate we’re getting we’re going to drink potions at instant Health to survive I don’t know

Maybe all right anyway my journey uh was what 29 7700 which is just going straight this way sure hey got Hospital in there this one going to be an absolute fing why is in our Hospital next to another oh I see I see the rabbit I see the rabbit which means uh certain

Someone FL around which mean the general is going to appear at any moment that’ll be fun bump all right where is this where is the for is nearby there is there don’t all right R amongst all the say I cannot wait for something ridiculous to spawn here and just obliterate the entire

Area cuz of course it will this place ain’t surviving no I have no me a single one of these buildings had the place survive it ends up getting wrecked by S Gojo always happens scouting outside the building to see if any stuff is uh any super dangerous stuff was spoted uh not

Standing so far not heard any too many disturbing noises the OD explosion but you know nothing out of the ordinary also been here for a little while now in the factory St Spa so yeah they’re taking their sweet time I mean I know it’s I don’t think

It’s s like a set timer I think it’s somewhat random or something I like I don’t know cuz I don’t think the timer’s ever been the exact same both times but yeah a moment for stuff to spawn by comparison you see how those red do over in that

Hospital yeah they’re filling up they’ve getting no problem they’re they’re summoning because there summoning is taking a timer away from this building like what the [ __ ] happening uh oh yeah it’s about what it expect it’s only matter time for the spawner over there gets broke so you know there is

That I just want to know whose domain that is though cuz then it will tell me how dangerous a situation I am standing over here at least it’s not sakuna or Kaku evidently by the fact that you know the area hasn’t been leveled so that’s at least a positive but

Um who’s who’s over here who’s who’s doing well who’s who’s what’s happening okay just launch Jacob’s Ladder in here and just see what happens can’t I was expecting that from dors but okay uh right who has a domain who is it show yourself I see all the oh yeah the door

Is broke because of yeah that makes sense the domain bust the doors yeah makes sense oh tsunamis wait that hurt Hanami huh that wasn’t hani’s enemy why Why okay then anyway yeah I need their spawner to get broke so I can you know use the one over here cuz apparently that one over there is stopping this one over here from spotting or it’s feeling that way it’s taking it sweet sweet time spot oh well that complicates things

Slightly I was B to the outro there you [ __ ] Jacob’s Ladder you knocked me out Jacob’s Ladder didn’t you cuz of yeah you did yeah you did yeah you did all right full power or you go over there yeah that’s what I thought anyway yeah uh apparently stuff

Doesn’t want to spawn in here I don’t know may have to go to clear around local areas maybe because that other building’s too close by it’s like conflicting with I don’t know all I do know is this not want to spawn it was kind of annoying cuz I need it to spawn

So I can get other n fingers I need to get my full power so I’m going to end this video here and uh yeah next time we can go abouty where the F did he just go there he is blon fcking told you anyway next time we

Can go about try and get the rest of the fingers get full power see how that treats us but anyway for now though people thank you all very much for watching catch you all next time for some more guys and Adventures go bye everybody also just want to say a quick

Thank you to all of our channel members for the extra support and a special thank you and shout out to our Elite members the joning members Sebastian Ramsey and Aiden is gone and our unb member monster you thank you all very much for the extra awesome support

This video, titled ‘WELL THIS IS NEW…! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 5’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-03-23 21:00:01. It has garnered 3082 views and 177 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:34 or 2734 seconds.

Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Review (v32) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrbOhke8UX0

STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk

BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join

GingyGames Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnhKpFkChk31SJlw4A1biw

WELL THIS IS NEW…! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 5

#JujutsuKaisen #Minecraft

Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ

Series Playlists

RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft RWBY Roleplay) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REYji46Ndhs&list=PLLMufbSSwyToyjI0YSruHasJthev2s-xP&index=1

Minecraft Yugioh (Battle City) Roleplay – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eqs3rgZpFrE&list=PLLMufbSSwyToDdOJMb87MA8NvvlGs9oy1&index=1 ————————————————————————————————– ————————– Channel avatar done by Zaromaru Zaro – https://www.youtube.com/user/ZaromaruGames/featured

Channel Art done by Parshey Parshey – https://twitter.com/parsheyy —————————————————————————-

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    INSANE SHIZO HACKS: AETOS ANAS ZOOM MOD!Video Information This video, titled ‘ZOOM MOD in Minecraft Fabric is Insane!’, was uploaded by AETOS ANAS on 2024-03-29 08:37:15. It has garnered 438 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. __AETOS ANAS__ DISCORD – https://discord.gg/Q5YahvHdSJ HOW TO DOWNLOAD FABRIC VERSION – https://youtu.be/xgmEX8uqxcg?si=AhfUbVk34g9ka5f1 Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft Fabric with this easy tutorial. Find out how to zoom in and enhance your gameplay experience! Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft with this easy tutorial. Zoom in like never before with… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182’s All The Small Things

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  • Fantasia SMP

    Welcome to Fantasia SMP! A vibrant Minecraft community where adventure awaits at every turn! Featured Plugins: GlobalWarming 🌍 Networks 🌐 Quaptics ⚙️ FNAmplifications 🔊 SfChunkInfo 🧊 and more… Explore a wide range of custom armors, tools, and vehicles crafted specifically for Fantasia SMP. Unleash your creativity and conquer the world in style with our unique arsenal of equipment! Website: https://epicversesmp.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/CCGF2shF98 Read More

  • TechCraftSMP 1.20.4 Fresh Start

    TechCraftSMP 1.20.4 Fresh StartTechCraftSMP 1.20.4-Fresh Start-Survival SMP-Hermitcraft Inspired-Diamond Economy-Shopping District-World Map-Discord Integration-Free Build-Vanilla Experience-16+-Whitelisthttps://discord.gg/m86HH5UT Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft tire Hell

    Minecraft Memes - My Minecraft tire HellLooks like this meme couldn’t even mine its way out of a joke minecart. Read More

  • Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral!

    Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Updates and news, in every rhyme arrives. With a golden shovel, we dig deep and explore, In the gaming world, we always want more. Our gear is top-notch, our setup is prime, With HyperX headsets, we’re always in time. Recording with NVIDIA, our gameplay shines, In the realm of gaming, we draw the lines. So subscribe and share, join us in the fun, In the world of Minecraft, we’re second to none. With rhymes and updates, we’ll keep you in the loop, In this gaming world, we’re part of the group. Read More

  • Hot Golem Alert! 🔥😂

    Hot Golem Alert! 🔥😂 Why did the Iron Golem go to therapy? Because he had too much iron in his diet! #irondeficiency #minecraftmeme #irony Read More

  • Trapped in a Minecraft Animation

    Trapped in a Minecraft Animation Minecraft Animation: Entity Verse Episode 2 Exploring the World of Minecraft In the latest episode of Entity Verse, our characters find themselves in a sticky situation. After a thrilling adventure in the previous episode, they continue their journey, only to stumble upon Harry Potter’s house. Trapped in a Green Poisonous Substance As they approach the house, they are suddenly ensnared by a mysterious green poisonous substance. With quick thinking, they draw their weapons, ready to face whatever danger lies ahead. Burner, one of the characters, recalls Harry’s last words, pondering their significance in this perilous situation. Unveiling the Truth… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Survival Adventures! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. If you’re looking to enhance your Minecraft experience and join a vibrant community of players, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a focus on survival gameplay and a plethora of unique features, Minewind offers an immersive and exciting environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us at Minewind today and embark on a journey like no other. Connect with players from around the world,… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: Building a Norman Castle Keep

    Mastering Minecraft: Building a Norman Castle Keep Building a Norman Castle Keep in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of medieval architecture in Minecraft? Today, we’re going to explore how to build a Norman castle keep in your Minecraft world. This design is inspired by the historical Norman castles, bringing a touch of history and grandeur to your virtual realm. Level One: Storage The first level of your Norman castle keep will serve as storage space. Utilize stone bricks and wooden beams to create a sturdy foundation for your castle. Add chests, barrels, and other storage containers to keep your supplies organized and… Read More