Mind-Blowing Minecraft Christmas Special!

Video Information

Merry [Applause] Christmas Merry Christmas hello everybody Heyu I don’t remember holidays being this exhaused here I am hope you guys are all doing good hope you guys have all been having a good couple of days hope at least some of you guys have been able to get some time off I was supposed to rest today I ended

Up driving a surprise hour there hour back trip to go see my mother which was very nice but it was my day it was supposed to be my day to sleep in it ended up not being my day to sleep in so I was tired I had a headache like a like

A lack of sleep migraine so I took a short little like 35 40 minute nap before starting the stream took some tanol and iprof from feeling better now but hello I hope you guys are all doing well um the lighting is weird on my model give me a

Second I actually know what that Is Uh fixed let’s turn on the lights let’s turn on the lights upop Boop but hello Z hope you’re doing good man hope everybody’s doing good no funny Santa mustache I was going to go full Santa mustache and beard and do little pointy ears I couldn’t get one

To look good and I ran out of time I ran out of time so it’s Christmas colors antlers and a hat that’s what it’s going to be if I had more time I would have done more I’ve been so busy I’ve been doing a lot of [ __ ] lot [ __ ] but now we Relax we relax and play some video games I hope I don’t seem too tired to you guys also let’s toggle the sword off Oh uh there we go I would have done so much more if I could have but ah the holidays really snuck up on me which I know is kind of a dumb thing to say but you don’t understand we haven’t had snow I live in Minnesota Minnesota

USA we’ve never not had snow it’s raining outside right now it’s wrong it feels so incredibly wrong feels so incredibly wrong an actual Brown Christmas just a huge Heat wve going over the whole Midwest oh hello what it do also I had rain in Christmas yeah I’ve never had rain on Christmas before normally like throughout my entire childhood Halloween would be snowy and ice Cold like it’s just it feels wrong the snow is months late we had a little bit of snow but every time we got it it just melted right away feels so wrong you’re broken out away you Me you’re trained looks like you are you are in fact a train ah but yeah that’s it I’ve got no other announcements well I do have announcements and stuff to show off but that’s not what this is about Merry Christmas guys happy holidays everything in between I hope you guys have all had

A good past couple of days and are going to have a good upcoming couple of days today’s the last day of holidays for me finally today is the last day I didn’t really find the Christmas spirit this year it really didn’t even feel like Christmas until I was sitting

At my mom’s house and even then didn’t really feel like it I [ __ ] finished things up went outside smoked and then drove back home in the rain it felt weird I love the rain though so it’s conflicting it’s it’s nice but wrong does that make sense I’m sure that makes Sense make funny Cho CH noises indeed again ever since the passing of harambe the world has gotten increasingly [ __ ] up true harambe uh perishing is the turning point for everyone and everything in the entire world just Saying he deserves better rest in peace rbe now now I can kind of turn down the background a little bit so I don’t I I don’t know how well I’m going to be able to talk to stream 2016 right yep yep I’m so tired we’re just going to

Play some video games we’re going to have a good time we’re going to hang out we’re going to play some video games and relax and Hopefully enough thing will go wrong because we’re finally back playing actual video games it’s been a couple days so uh while the game fires up I want to open this up because It’s something to go over we’re going to have some changes to the channel schedule wise oh that’s big all right first major change you’ll notice that my collab is now on Wednesday uh at least for right now the mon center collabs with Kaiju are moved over to Wednesday Friday is going to be

Another lethal company collab but as you guys know the monent collabs we do over on kaija’s channel well the lethal company collab we all streamed so that’s why there’s a timer on Friday and not on Wednesday I’m going to try to not have my Weeks end with collabs and stuff like that so

That it’s not like okay here’s a collab and now I’m taking a day off so it ends up being two or three days where I’m not making progress playing the usual games and when I’m not doing the usual stuff and when I’m a little bit less engaged

With the chat cuz I’m engaged with other content creators I try to stagger it out a little bit so that we can feel like we’re that way I don’t I don’t want to have any more like three or 4 days in a row where it feels like we really didn’t do

Anything I know all that big me when your mom jokes true very based um and then the whole like like the schedule as a whole might kind of shift around some more uh with the start of next week because I’m I’m trying to reorganize a whole lot of my activities to be a

Little bit more under control and a little bit less oh it’s Tuesday that’s right Tuesday is the day we do these things you know I want I want to have my days kind of planned out ahead of me it’s not a New Year’s resolution thing it’s a channel

Thing it it’s specifically a channel thing where do I come from from I come from Midwestern USA good old Freedom Land good old Freedom land Merry Christmas thanks Jesus but there’s there is actually a lot of stuff we’re going to be doing uh the only reason I’m not doing this right now is because we don’t have a lot of our members currently in the chat I wish we did because we are going to be doing the membership only

Streams we’re going to do it once see how it goes if it goes well we’ll do it twice a week it’ll be watch alongs you’ll have to be a member in order to get in uh 99 cents to be a member I’m I can’t make it any cheaper I made it as

Cheap as I possibly can and we’re going to be watching stuff like anime and uh movies other [ __ ] like that possibly playing party games that the chat can be involved in uh but I want to do a vote to see what you guys want to watch on that

Day and obviously it’s going to kind of need to have the members in the chat in order for them to make the vote so we’ll do that vote later today or I’ll do a members only Community post with the vote either way that’s probably what we’re going to aim

For damn sucks to be broke yeah if I could do it for free I would if I could do it for free I would can you speak Satan I don’t think I can speak satanic very [Applause] well good one kind on K that was a good one but we’re back to schedules back to planning things out back to actually having a series of events back to trying to get back to some normaly it’s been a crazy month it’s been a crazy month

Insanely busy and I have like nothing to show for it but I have gotten into contact with some artists to make the things that I was mentioning wanting to have so those will hopefully be done Soon stuff to look forward to and get excited about it’s just nothing I can really show off yet we’re going to have new bgm we have New oh profile picture everything and also I’ve done more clean up on the normal model you guys will see that tomorrow when I switch to it after we’re done with the Christmas Stuff then with the crimbus what did you guys get those of you who celebrate Christmas I got a foot massager it’s like made of of of wooden balls sits on the floor and I rub my feet and it it feels good and then slippers and a kettle so I can make tea

And hot chocolate and ramen easy which I’m very happy about all right we can now game’s way too big let’s open up the chat open up the gaming overlay Minecraft Dy pass Christmas Monday the 25th uh not for me it is 11:05 I’ve still got 55 minutes of Christmas I live in CST time zone you got almost deaf in one there that’s just a gift that keeps on Giving the gift that keeps on giving hopefully the world didn’t get corrupted at all I downloaded OptiFine amongst a couple other things to try and make the game Run a little better and give myself a little bit more options and hopefully everything’s going to be fine but it did give me a little

Warning that my worlds might get corrupted a little bit also look at Chas Christmas Box hi Ohio I should probably just go to sleep speak Indonesian I can speak Spanish I can speak English mostly that’s about it that’s about all the skills I own ouch all right it’s

Christmas we got to go find Snow we got to Build a Snowman everything in the death chamber Dies thanks for your flash let’s go find snow I going to run in a straight line until I find Snow I can speak English English and English indeed kind of speak a little bit of English I’m also getting back into Japanese again hopefully I’ll stick with it a little bit more I say stick with it I burnt myself out cuz I did it for 365 days

Straight I have pictures of it I got the 365 days of meeting my 50 exp plan onal lingo metal and then I was like ah I need to take a break my brain’s fried I’ve been doing this for a year that’s pretty crazy and then I took a

Break and I’m still on that break that was like over a year ago or around a year ago it wasn’t over a year ago actually I think it’s only been like 7 months I want to say cuz I remember oh maybe it was a year ago I remember

Doing uh dualingo practices at the start of my Elden ring streams a really long time ago that was like a year ago has to have been over a year ago I don’t remember I found the picture I don’t remember CU it has a time stamp on it you speak

English as well holy [ __ ] why didn’t you just say that at the start man that’s impressive that’s crazy speak some Japanese now uh that’s the problem I learned the I learned how to read and write more than I learned how to actually formulate a sentence I could like I I know

Introductions and I know what a lot of words mean it’s making a sentence that I didn’t learn it’s making a sentence that I didn’t learn and it’s a lot of the kanji that I didn’t learn kani’s difficult there’s so much of It I could like introduce myself B bokuno Naya uh Phantom disc phom K this uh oh oh um monco DKI uh monco DKI uh boka monco Dii boa SE sexi there we go see I’m going it speaking I’m going to speaking Japanese proud of myself I just had to think about it for a little bit and it all clicked in my head bro said he’s a furry trust me not too far

Off snow give snow I want to make a little snowman I want to put him in a cage ouch another feather falling I can speak two languages my dude speaks at least three you’ve mentioned that eggy also Merry Christmas how are you doing how are you doing I hope you’re doing well

You don’t feel so good did you eat a lot I really didn’t sleep so my head has been killing me I’m on like day five of not getting as much sleep as I should have like I think I slept in the day I got back from my

Trip and I have not actually gotten a full night’s sleep once since and it’s been seven it’s it’s a about 45 minutes away from having been seven days I’m feeling it I took a whole bunch of ibuprofen and Ty and all and I took a nap before starting the stream so that’s

Why the stream was a little late going to sneeze ah think I had a little too much food yep I I missed seeing most of my family yesterday my uh grandparents hosted for my mom’s side of the family uh but I worked for pretty much the entire time that there were

People eventually or when I came over pretty much the only people that were there anymore were my grandparents and my sister saturation is it uh it is thank you Sky I appreciate it but Murray Chrysler how’s it going St axons hope you guys are all doing good I was I

I downloaded the lethal Tempo uh lethal Tempo I keep saying that lethal company collabs sky and I’ve been editing shorts today and God there’s some absolute bangers oh the game the game just makes the funny for us we didn’t even have to do anything keep going in a straight line until I see

Snow it’s such a fun game I can’t wait to play more I posted my schedule we’ll be playing on Friday back and forth from aching my model and going to the collabs hell yeah ah frame drops lovely I’m loading chunks I’ll let the chunks load a little bit

Pumpkin as I got invited to another Leal company collab I know we we we noticed we we opened Discord and or open Steam and saw that you were in game and I was like what the hell he’s in game did he does he just have have it open in

The background and then we noticed no you you were in a collab you you were streaming with someone again I played some last night with bone my mod and with Kaiju it was pretty late at night God the game’s just so much fun the game is just so much fun it

Plays itself it’s it’s it’s giving me so many flashbacks to phasmophobia I love that kind of gameplay loop it’s just fun I know eventually I’m going to figure everything out and eventually we’re going to have we’re going to have a system down pat where we know what’s

Dangerous and what isn’t and the the element of not understanding is going to not be there anymore and it won’t be as good but that’s fine because that’s just the way that that kind of game is you play it for as long as it’s fun and then

You play something else will they do updates and then you come back after there’s updates and it’s fun again it it makes me want to play fmop phob again you learned a lot last night I have not looked up anything that I haven’t found in game I was looking

Through the beastiary I don’t know why so many people give the wrong information about the Bracken so many people are wrong about the Bracken don’t look in his eyes if you look in his eyes he’s going to kill you he spawns in the back rooms no he doesn’t he has a

Favorite room it can be the back room it’s not the back rooms has nothing to do with them also the weird laugh that everyone says means the bracken’s going to kill you no that’s because you’re going insane there’s an insanity meter and looking in the eyes doesn’t do

Anything looking at him in general and menacing him makes him run away also the Giants are deaf the Giants are deaf I had no idea they have really good eyesight but they’re deaf they won’t hear you you can be as loud as you want and run as fast

As you want just don’t get seen by him hiding behind trees is the best way to deal with them I was looking I I last night I I decided to test it cuz I read the thing it said nothing about eye contact I walked into a world there was a Bracken

There I looked the Bracken dead in the eyes I walked forward went get the [ __ ] out of here and I swung a hammer at him or Hammer at him a shovel at him and he ran away it’s just if you if you accidentally Corner him like if he comes

Around a corner but he was in a dead end and you take a step towards him to try and be all like hey back off or you look at him he just loses his [ __ ] he loses his [ __ ] also loot bugs are Saints loot bug my game keeps dropping frames loot bugs

Are so good if you spawn with the loot bug don’t kill it follow it find where its hord is and let it gather literally everything for you they’ll do it it’s wonderful I was able to barely win uh a quota that we should not have been able

To reach because I let a loot bug do all the work for me and I sacrificed my shovel and flashlight in order to grab the items loot bugs are great I love the loot bugs the little hoer bugs there’s a whole bunch of cool interactions also apparently um lots of

Monsters will kill each other you know the Um you know the uh eyess dogs they’ll [ __ ] murder the weird little they’re called like uh I forget what they’re called the little bird monkeys that move in packs yeah the bird things yeah the dogs will [ __ ] murder the bird things but if there’s enough of the bird things they’ll kill the

Dogs they’ll absolutely murder the dogs the whole thing with the little bird orangutang things is numbers if you outnumber them they’ll leave you alone they’ll follow you but they won’t attack you so if there’s two of them and there’s four of you they’ll keep their distance a curious distance but they’ll keep their

Distance however if there’s five of them in four of you they’ll attack you and try and kill somebody and if if there’s one [ __ ] monkey bird and two dogs that monkey Bird’s dead but if there’s four monkey birds and two dogs they’ll bully the [ __ ] out of those dogs they’ll take

Turns it’s kind of crazy so like being loud can scare them away but what they care about is numbers that’s what they care about it’s just so cool how all the monsters interact with each other also you can get the giant sandworm to eat Giants and once a giant eats someone

They’ll spend a chunk of time just chilling they’ll follow you they’ll get close but they won’t kill you not until they’re hungry again a lot of monsters are actually deaf which is kind of cool save someone trapped in a spiderweb teleporter but they are dead they’re

Trapped in the web you can get the body back but only with a teleporter the teleporter can save so many people you can save someone while they’re being eaten by the giant by teleporting them if you’re fast enough with it I don’t know anything about the monsters I have not interacted with yet

Though and I refused to my Christmas Phantom Dad thanks Yeet I don’t know how I feel about being called Daddy but Merry Christmas I hope you guys are all having a good end of your Christmas Day I am ready for the holidays to be over I had a good holiday season I got

To do a lot I am tired I am ready to go back to normal and rest a little bit so I just died yep also um flashbangs actual flashbangs not the makeshift one that I blew up in your face uh they they leave a cartridge behind and you can throw the cartridge

To set off mines yo hey satan oh my God I’m I’m I’m losing frames as I load these chunks I just want snow [ __ ] yeah a new PC for Christmas hell yeah I got a foot massager and a teapot yumy oh my God so [ __ ] laggy also the the

Thumpers Sky you can you can kick their ass actually uh they turn really [ __ ] slow if you run in a straight line they’ll catch you in no time but if you go around corners and [ __ ] just slap it in the ass and spin circles around it

It can’t it can’t turn fast enough to deal with you and you can stun lock it pretty easily and then loot bugs can attack you if you take stuff from their horde they’ll go into like a permanent aggression state but they die in just a few hits they die pretty quick

Actually I I killed one yesterday and then took it [ __ ] only thing you got to be careful because apparently the worlds have a weight limit so like only so many monsters can be active at once and loot bugs are great they’re fantastic they’ll gather items together for you they’ll

Defend those items but they’ll gather them and they’re pretty easy to kill but the moment they die it gives the gives them a chance for it to respawn and you don’t want that or a new monster to spawn and sometimes it’s much worse than a loot

Bug they swarmed us I have yet to see more than one loot bug spawn in a place is this an abandoned Village like cobwebs all over it yeah Dead zombie village that’s cool I’ve never seen this before so laggy have you played the new betas with the armadillos nope I have not

I have not I do have some cool stuff to show off and it it looks like a whole bunch of people’s memberships are starting to expire I was going to do a poll uh to see what you guys wanted to watch with the first members only uh watch

Along stream we’ll still do the poll I think what I’ll do is I’ll do it in the community tab instead of on here damn those guys are dripped the [ __ ] out you see those gold pants there’s so much Mesa in this you’re so ready for a Friday collab already hell yeah hell

Yeah nice little lag also the uh as long as it’s at least I I don’t know how true this is uh but one of the levels that we did last night it was the desert world I can’t remember which one it was we did the flooded version and no monsters spawned

Outside it was really nice and I actually got so much money because of it my God the [ __ ] frame drops as I’m loading these chunks are going to piss me off so much flooded desert yeah it was like we we had the flooded uh parameter and the the the flooded

Parameter is actually kind of nice cuz like it it adds an extra timer because eventually it’s going to be so flooded that you can’t make it back to the ship but like we had no monkey Birds we had no eyess dogs we had nothing we did see

A giant spawn in the forest though so it doesn’t always work with everything hey yo check this place out this is rare isn’t it can I just have some snow please I want snow snow snow snow saw some [ __ ] last night that was so cool

Yeah it’s all just desert and Mesa can I have something that isn’t desert or Mesa please I’ve only had desert Mesa and jungle the game is pretty cool I’ve been really enjoying lethal company I can’t wait to play some more of it but then vtuber news my new bgm is

Currently in production I’m really excited the guy I have doing it is someone I’ve been watching for a really long time it’s been awesome getting these artists that I’ve actually been enjoying their work for a really long time to do what little stuff I do Commission because I I keep putting my

All the money that I’ve gotten from this channel I’ve put back into the channel but eventually I was like okay I don’t need new equipment what can I do so I’ve been starting to commission things and uh the artist that I just commissioned he did

Music uh that I used in some Elden Ring videos like over a year ago I’ve been watching them for a while I’ve loved the stuff that he does and while I was looking for an artist I just came across his music music again cuz he recently posted something and when I clicked on

His thing he was like yeah I do commissions I was like oh [ __ ] you actually do oh yeah I I’ll I’ll commission you to do it and then newbie the artist who did my profile picture I’ve been following her for quite a while uh they’re going to be updating

The profile picture to match the new look quote unquote I haven’t changed too much on the model but there are a few changes a few little changes so you know I want the profile picture to be updated and they did such a ridiculously good job I’d love to

Commission a different drawing but I’d probably use that for something else I got a whole bunch of games lined up to play I got some new games from the Steam summer sale bone got me Devil May Cry 5 so I guess we got to play The

Devil May Cry series again uh I’ve been really wanting to play more Dark Cloud 2 it really sucks that it’s been the holidays and I haven’t had time to just do streams like I like I did before because I love streaming I want to do it more please don’t start with Devil May

Cry 1 I already done Devil May Cry 1 on stream I’ve already played it I don’t remember the voice line but the fill your Dark Soul with light voice line was one of my favorite voice lines ever in the history of anything love that absolute Classic the game is just like me I I can’t find the [ __ ] snow and everyone streamed it I was so over it yeah well don’t worry I already beat the first game so I want to play more Dark Cloud 2 I enjoyed it I just haven’t had a single

Opportunity to stream since and tonight I’m really exhausted because I’ve been I haven’t been sleeping there’s no way in hell I would have been able to actually play that game Tonight you want to know what game we are going to play that I’m really excited to play it’s going to be a weird stream I want to play LSD dream simulator that is an old game but I want to play it cuz it’s always been one of those games that kind of fascinates Me snow snow snow please Please yeah I I finally did fall asleep at like 700 and I did not get to sleep for very long cuz I had to get up and drive over to my mom’s so that was fun it was nice seeing my mom but today was supposed to be my

One day to sleep because I work the next 2 days and then I see my dad and I work the next two days after that very much like to get the it it so it’s this really old game I don’t remember what uh console it’s for but it’s just like really strange it

Feels randomly generated it’s it’s almost impossible to explain there’s nothing like it it’s it’s really strange I’ve only seen like two people play it before and it’s kind of always been in the back of my mind ever since watching them play it and watching some guy’s video on it

Forever ago I remembered that it existed and I was like I really want to play that also I am signed up for the zenist Zone zero and the Ark Knights and field uh betas the next ones so hopefully I’ll get into those and I can play those games on stream cuz that

Would be fun there would be a lot of fun I amo in my honest opinion can I please have some Snow nfield a separate game yes Enfield is a completely different game completely separate it isn’t a tower defense it isn’t anything like that it’s a action RPG very Hoy overse style I’m excited I’m excited for it it looks really Good it looks really good zenist Zone zero looks really good I wish I could have gotten to the previous stuff but I was on vacation so I wasn’t able to sign up for the things snow finally finally finally finally and we can stop having these

Frame drops as I run in a straight line repeatedly loading chunks has some fluid animations and Enfield and Zen Zone zero are pretty similar animations Wise It’s just style combat wise they don’t look too far off from each other either but also I didn’t look too deep into it because I

Kind of want to go into it mostly [Applause] blind snowballs snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow but I’m glad to hear you guys have all been having a good crimbus keep grabbing this [ __ ] I’ve been eating leftovers for two days straight [ __ ] it’s the best part it’s

The best part about the holidays is when you have half a [ __ ] ham sitting in your refrigerator and no one to complain about it part of me kind of wants to use the kettle and make some hot chocolate cuz I got like a big thing of hot chocolate

Pop pop po pop pop pop po pop po po pop pop pop we also have to play Armored Core with the update that they did with the new parts and with the arena the ranked Arena that they added we got to play Rubicon calls once again

Brothers I’m excited to play it again I love D core 6 so much I actually think it was my favorite game of the year pretty uncontested then again fromsoft games always are without contest okay you got to say hi to both of us now you need sleeps yeah I feel [Laughter] that everg

Grace Favorite Year game of the year you’re right sorry how could I have how could I have forgotten everg Grace eggy thank you should I do that should I do a Dunkey style meme review where I just sing the Praises of everg Grace and be like Oh yeah this

Is my favorite game of the year my debut as a as a gam rev viewer talking about [ __ ] everg Grace Merry Christmas Sky Merry Christmas still doesn’t even feel like Winter’s started let alone Christmas is over mean technically Christmas still has 22 minutes so out of it you walked out of

The show forgot if you use shampoo nice [ __ ] power give me the 26th you animal it’s the 26th for you it is still the 25th for me I live in the past cuz I refuse to accept change and move on I’m really excited to play more armored Core

Though I was listening to armored Core Music so much just the other day while I was working I couldn’t stop thinking about it such a good game no it’s cold yoron you took a cold shower on Christmas that’s kind of based my shovel no well let’s go back that’s enough snow

Up K said shower that’s hot but it’s disappeared yeah yeah that’s h packet control rewind I’d want fortnite and Marcus brownley see you I would want to be you though then I’d be stupid but how have you been eggy it’s been a bit I haven’t really seen you or sunvy or wolfwood or

Anybody I hope you guys are all doing good I’m excited to finally get back to I was or sorry what was I saying oh I’m I’m finally going to start getting back to normal schedule stuff so hopefully I’ll be able to see you guys more often It’s an Australian [ __ ] it’s like saying it yeah for for them calling you a [ __ ] is like saying oh I like your hair you look good today it’s like oh wow you you really make that jacket really accentuates your eyes that’s our version of their you’re a [ __ ]

[ __ ] I don’t actually know I’ve never been to Australia I’m talking out of my ass if I say tosser tosser frun like then I love you yeah all right I’ll keep that in mind I’m speed let’s go build a pumpkin buddy a a snowy boy what all do you need to do to

Make sure that a snowman doesn’t melt you just have to put a roof over head right I think also uh the ark Knights event that’s going on Oho that was scary I’m so happy I’m getting so many Ori Rock clusters I’m so [ __ ] happy I’m so happy

You had M yeah I know you had I know you had priorities as kitchen monkey I remember you said that like 4 days ago you were like yeah I uh I get to be kitchen monkey like hell yeah oh my God the lag’s dropping frames dropping farming armor because you have

To 500 cubes yeah but you’re converting you’re not converting those into clusters excuse me but I’ll be your YouTuber thing thank you I have antlers and a Christmas hat and Christmas colors for crimbus for crimbus even even this even this has the crimbus colors crimus put put my glasses on get my

Smun we have to change anything but hello Merry Christmas it’s still Christmas for 16 minutes as far as I’m concerned is this normal uh to get slimed I’d say so when you say slimed do you mean like in Nickelodeon the Nickelodeon slimes I’ve already loaded these chunks it’s probably normal

Yeah doesn’t have to be on TV to satisfy your urge that’s pretty Bas I’d say that’s pretty normal you’re getting slimed was Peak God I missed Nickelodeon I was just last night Christmas Eve talking to my sister and her boyfriend and we were talking about watching old

Tunami and and shows like Bob b b cuz I’ve been having in my recommended I’ve been having like reruns of entire nights of tunami it would be like 3 hours it’ll be like oh yeah August 27th uh 2000 whatever tunami showing and it’s like the entirety of that night of

Tunami with all the shows and ads and everything and I was clicking through it and just holy [ __ ] man holy [ __ ] tunami tunami was a old uh segment where they’d play anime on like Cartoon Network can’t remember tunami was Cartoon Network right I can’t remember exactly they’d have shows like Dragon Ball Z

And other stuff for a while until a lot of those shows started moving over to Adult Swim and tunami just kind of fizzled out good times man good times I remember watching Code leoo ah code Leo was weird I barely remember it but I loved it loved it loved it loved

It l slime monster point for a reason true very true very Bas he’s on a drug called life and is he going hard right we’re back to this mountain I recognize Where We Are I’m excited for the holidays to be over and for everybody to be able to kind of

Chill out again back to the old grindstone I got so much I want to work on so much I am working on slime monster porn I have a energy drink here that I’m half tempted to crack into because I’m so [ __ ] tired but will that [ __ ] up my sleep

Schedule probably not who am I kidding I slammed like seven monster energies yesterday and the day before because I was just trying to keep my eyes open and before you judged me I was driving I didn’t want to die I did have one moment where I almost kned off

Driving home today and that would have been really [ __ ] bad that would have been really [ __ ] bad if I went off the road because I was I was not on a very peace Road and my not very peaceful Road was pretty slippery it’s [ __ ] raining in the

Midwest it’s not even snowing my first ever Brown Christmas of my life and I’m 25 them roads be slippery them roads be slick and covered in ice it’s still so weird that it’s raining right now I could go outside and it’s so [ __ ] up I should enjoy it more I love the

Rain I love the rain a lot it’s my favorite weather it just feels weird like Christmas is done doesn’t even feel like it started I never watched any shows listen to any Christmas music I didn’t put up any decorations I didn’t nothing I didn’t nothing with no crimbus I wish I

Did there’s the abandoned Village cool we are on the right path I might need to take more Ibuprofen and Tylen all my head still kind of hurts zombie skill this you can there be good loot in these abandoned Villages nope that is not good loot that is garbage there a lot of garbage

Garbage I got about 9 minutes left of Christmas it’s so strange that Christmas is already done it’s been such a weird year in general I feel like these last six months have been a fever dream in it in its entirety everything that’s happen and since the start of July it just feels

Like I’m going to wake up from bunny you’re an invasive little [ __ ] aren’t you God damn breaking my [ __ ] ankles holy [ __ ] If I change if I change my strategy God damn it fine I give up you live he survived they survived the gauntlet I was not able to hit him sunv you win this day prove that that’s normal true there’s so much slime related porn on the Internet there’s an incredible amount of it Prim drops Lovely for most people there wouldn’t be you underestimate the degeneracy of the internet you underestimate the ability of random ooh what the hell is this Mangrove that’s cool I have a m gr tree I have a sapling do they have sapling nope I’ve never seen this never ran into one of these what

The hell is that Oh interesting Keep this in mind yep yep I just noticed that mud this [ __ ] muddy a muddy baby ah frame drops more frame drops just keep having frame drops God damn I got to be starting to get pretty close to home num num num num num num oh my neck hurts so [ __ ]

Much can’t wait to go back to work again tomorrow the nice thing about working the day of the day before and the day after Christmas related stuff is I get the [ __ ] holiday pay for all of it bad thing is I work all of it I think I’m actually going to have to

Sit down with my bosses again and be like hey yo chill the [ __ ] out a little bit why don’t you I’m only able to work so many [ __ ] hours a week because of my medical condition the last thing I need is to still work 5 days if I’m

Getting almost no money why am I working 5 days a week like a 40 hour per week fulltime person split me up a little bit why don’t you speaking of the day before I’ve got something kind of cool that I don’t know if you’ve seen yet eggy I got permission

From a whole bunch of artists to use their oo it’s just a normal Oak that’s cool I got a permission from a whole bunch of artists and bands that I’ve listened to a lot for a really long time to use their music on my streams so we have actual music aren’t you forgetting

Someone for you Jesus who was in my chat a little bit ago I hope I’m going the right way it’d be funny if I wasn’t how did being the kitchen monkey for like a week go eggy what all did you make I’m genuinely interested anyway playing around with xod has made

Me have this need for hoder yeah I I believe it beef lasagna for crimbus I want lasagna make me some please please and thank you see if you say thank you before they agree they feel pressured that sounds really good I’m I made a mistake asking that sounds so

Good that sounds so good low man you guys really just had every [ __ ] had everything could that sounds awesome the Christmas thing I went to this morning was like a brunch so we had like egg bake we had like a a blueberry French toast bake and then really good

Bacon they splurged they spent a lot of money on that bacon that was really good coffee cake I haven’t had coffee cake in so [ __ ] long and KFC ah yeah classic homecooked KFC M yummy when I was on my vacation I did get to kind of get to

Have uh a nice Christmas dinner kind of we made pineapple ham which is really good really good got the fire emblem game for Christmas but not ever showing it just in Fire Emblem but you’re enjoying it cool I I don’t think I’ve ever played through a fire emblem game

Actually y be back sounds good K take care all right guys Merry Christmas Christmas is over No not like this still doesn’t even feel like it happened still doesn’t even feel like Christmas happened I know there’s Christmas lights upstairs it’s about it it’s about all the Christmas I’ve experienced this year it’s been so weird I I I’ve experienced the business of the holiday season but not

The actual holiday season work was stupid too working on Christmas Eve there was nobody there I was the only person working everyone else stayed home I probably should have but I wanted the extra pay so I got stuck with it there was nothing to do passed out on Christmas really early

Apparently everyone was up till 3:00 a.m. when you passed at like 9:30 Bas God I wish that was me well we’re almost back home from our journey to get a Christmas friend I wish I could have started my stream a little bit earlier today but I I was so exhausted that’s all right

We’re going to wrap up all the holiday stuff and then it’s back to back to the old grind we’ll actually get to play some [ __ ] video games some actual video games and play more dark clouds too or dark Chronicles G to play kingsfield there’s bone you good bone we’ve been talking about

Crimus and everything involved you were cooking supper what did you make you had to make something it’s [ __ ] Christmas day you don’t have like 177,000 lb of leftovers the new genin impact character yeah it’s that’s me I played so much genin impact I’ve played so much genin

Impact it’s crazy then at your house at Christmas you didn’t bring it home every time I eat at anybody’s place for a holiday they have so much leftovers that they just tan that [ __ ] out in bags Grand beef stir fight M actually sounds good you know I’ve been craving I want

Sushi I haven’t had sushi in so long it has been a long time no I’m lying I don’t want sushi I want Taco Yaki I need a taco Yaki Canan love takoyaki but goddamn do restaurants charge you way too much for them should get some Tako Yaki sometime

This week yeah you should give me some taco Yaki that’s actually a thing nick uh I I saw someone’s advertisement for it they were like a taco Yaki stall and they made like anything but normal Taco Yaki and one of them was that they had Taco Yaki that had like taco meat in

It and peppers which sounds interesting I i’ totally give it a try they had a bunch of other weird things too I had like takoyaki with popcorn in it and it wasn’t it was like that that kettle kettle corn which is kind of weird choco Yaki that sounds

Awful I guess it depends maybe that won’t be so bad takoyaki is in general a little sweet sweet so maybe it’ll work out there’s no well obviously there’s no squid but I mean takoyaki batter in general tends to be a little bit more Savory just putting chocolate in a ball

Of of of of takoyaki batter doesn’t sound like the best thing in the world but after thinking about it more it does sound kind of good because it it’s not the most Savory [ __ ] batter in the world either there’s home we made it obviously you didn’t put [ __ ]

Octopus in along with the chocolate just like they didn’t put octopus in along with the popcorn or along with the taco meat it’s it’s basically like the equivalent of a Japanese style [ __ ] dessert pizza what do you mean sticky keys channel it’s just Channel there are so so many Phantoms

Out there I had to have something to make it so when people looked up my name they’d actually find me I could do full name I guess you mean sticky keys I had sticky keys pop up I’ve never had sticky keys pop up in like years my computer blue screened the other

Day that was strange all right let’s get some supplies to make a snowman all right let’s grab some of this this let’s make a hellish cage to have my little buddy in h h all right it’s time for our Christmas friend uh does it have to be a Jacko

Lantern in order to bring them to life it does do I have an axe that not how you do it do you need shears you know that Ragnarok Landers has in-game collectible nfts now grossa but I don’t think so uh how does somebody have an emoji

After the moderator icon yeah mod and a member at the same time they are both do I have any iron just sitting around I think I do actually maybe I do it’s Christmas time yeah Christmas buddy yeah isn’t he great yeah he’s a good guy yeah you are

Hey buddy I think I have name tag what should I name them what should I name the lad pretty sure twhere forgot how badly I needed to organize all this [ __ ] before I left on my vacation messy tootsy roll Frosty so the choices are tootsy

Roll and frosty I mean sun or not Sun eggy did say it first so I think I have to go with eggy’s Thing by by law whoever says it first gets it right that’s how it works you have green name I think you can choose if I remember

Correctly green no green green name is members not not moderators all of our members are currently asleep or not members anymore there there it is so it’s kind of hard to proof of concept beat Bone to naming things is probably getting me into a Wanted list you are probably going to die

Yeah Tootsie Roll but nobody likes Tootsie Roll that’s why that’s why it’s a funny name this guy is trapped in a Hell cage I’ll later give him a better cage but for now Merry Christmas Welcome to the Real World tsy roll yeah mhm eventually I’ll move you over with

The Villagers and I’ll let you hang out with them for now you stay right here now oh the Moment of Truth I’ve let things Farm up I don’t know if I worked for YouTube I’d be able to tell you but I don’t so I don’t so I can’t I

Would if I could but I can’t so I won’t but I want to all righty let’s go see Moment of Truth also I finally figured out a way to set that up so it won’t break my ankles when I drop down I I came up with it as I was

Sitting at vacation it just kind of happened I’m sitting at night I’m like I could have done this the whole [ __ ] time we going to go I can force it go buddy go yeah 15,000 attack all through yesterday was pretty wild yeah he looks fun I did

Enough rolls to get a six-star and I got enus so I didn’t even get it do I know this of course I know the show Danny Phantom I grew up watching it naming system dad why is Rose named Rose cuz your mom loves Ros it thanks Dad you’re welcome Steam account big

Dick 69 true I I’d unironically name a kid young king Dave it wasn’t Cartoon Network but I it I remember watching Danny Phantom I remember watching Life as a Teenage Robot I remember watching uh Kim Possible I remember watching all those shows those are [ __ ] classics is it coming it get stuck

Uhoh is this where we talk about Totally Spies again I think we can go a day without talking about totally Spies I do think Danny Phantom is Nickelodeon right I don’t remember B just home for imaginary friends was an absolute gem I hated blue so much I thought he was such a

Prick such a slappable little [ __ ] you remember Camp llo did it get stuck again why is it getting stuck Camp BL though was a classic so how long until you’re not stuck being sunv 2.0 anymore anymore Bon my my yep my G partner is a monkey there there are lots of

Shows next month nice you’re almost free free from your mortal coil taking out what Blue’s VA video roles are what a curveball what hit me with some crazy mindbending [ __ ] I want you to absolutely rock my mind here really God damn huh I had no idea I’ve never

Thought about what Blue’s voice actor has been doing also where’ that picture you took come from did you take that picture of the 10 figurines Starfield I just clicked it and saw the memes you never played Kingdom Hearts I played two Kingdom Hearts games and friends did they’re no cat oh

That sounds so much fun ah sounds so much fun I really really really want to travel overseas yeah Dan Danny Phantom was Nickelodeon I remember because Nickelodeon Universe at the Mall of America has a Danny Phantom right if I remember correctly what did you miss when you were away nothing we’re just talking

About shows and games and voice actors and locations let’s having a good time kind of [ __ ] we haven’t been able to do in months not months weeks Blue is Reaper from OverWatch holy [ __ ] go God damn kingom Hearts is a very interesting series indeed indeed indeed indeed that’s

Really you’re that doesn’t make I got to look this [ __ ] up I’m putting music out in the background I’m looking this [ __ ] up all Right Keith Ferguson Yeah God damn he voiced a bunch of people in Sharktail he’s done a lot of additional voices and stuff he was a bunch of Orcs in Warhammer 40K dawn of War II just seems so there’s a bunch of guys in Infamous 2 ver Lightning McQueen in the Games yeah Reaper from OverWatch Jesus Christ it was Ronin and Titanfall 2 ‘s David Thorp and Fallout 76 wastelanders this guy’s just voiced a bunch of random [ __ ] ha the more you know I guess all Right Is also the same voice as these turbo chats yeah the little blue Chad I remember as a kid wanting to grab him by his [ __ ] neck choke the life out of his little [ __ ] self I hated blue so much such a [ __ ] all right where’s the reads I need reads warp reads or

Whatever they’re called there’s an ass out of them over here right man I haven’t actually listened to this song in a while well should be enough time people thought I would make a good teacher but honestly I don’t think that I can that you could make a

Good teacher honestly I don’t think you can stand children yeah I understand that sentiment I understand that sentiment All Too Well children are kind of Dumb Well feather falling is pretty nice isn’t it bro broke my dirt and this my friends is why you waste as much time as I did enchanting no Panic no fear let hope I’m falling I’ll fix it in a little bit let’s get some rocks to get back out of Here fool that big slime actually kind of hurt interesting I love being Enchanted oh I love being Enchanted so much I love just being able to not give a [ __ ] go into the lava oh no I fell in the lava anyways You have mending on everything mending protection 4 uh feather falling three Unbreaking and a few of the things lava ain’t nothing lava’s a [ __ ] is what lava is pause that music also I just saw your post I feel the same way about Zoomers in the iPad generation as you do about blue understandable

Don’t know what this will do hopefully it will cause no [Applause] problems can I post these I can just place them yeah that should cushion my fall I don’t know why I never thought of this yep easy why did I never do that before CH on Minecraft yeah it’s pretty

Very pretty speaking of pretty that’s full what can you even do with bamboo you can turn it into sticks right get a absolute buttload of sticks you can make scaffolding too which I’ll do with the rest of it but I just have the amount there is that a bamboo Farm yep automatic bamboo Farm can be made in blocks yep scaffolding scaffolding is super useful you believe it guys capitalism is just a week away can you believe capitalism in just a week I’m so happy with this information wow thank you you can make more than just scaffolding cool you say fetus frame and Warframe

Chap but not as as a [Laughter] trap see if it comes back to us can’t believe Christmas is [ __ ] done it feels like it never even happened eggs you been playing Hot Potato trying to hell yeah I’ve been just running survival runs with my nidus I I need to get my

Um reputation up so I can get an opticore there’s a build I really want to do with the opticore you get instantly B for Hing it it’s great how do I disable autoc correct on phones I don’t think you can I don’t think that’s a Thing I’m repairing my gear real quick oh it’s already repaired never Mind All right Boos guess who downloaded more smut why do I why okay I bought a porn game on Steam it was super super super super cheap and it was being advertised by an artist that I’ve been following for a really long time and I was like you know

What I’ll get it I’ve never played a light novel game ever in my entire life ever it keeps autoc correcting the completely different words yeah that sounds about right it’s not porn it’s unfinished visual novels with that’s porn but I get what you [Laughter] mean it’s like saying Sao is porn I would

Sayo is porn i’ I’ve watched the Sao movie the one that recently came out it’s one of the last things I watched with my ex um and I watched most of season 1 all right I didn’t watch anything else and there was one day where my ex was

Watching it and I looked over her shoulder and uh this girl was just getting was was just getting tentacled she was just getting tentacled don’t know what season it was that’s porn and you can’t change my Mind girl was getting tentacled and it wasn’t suggestive it wasn’t suggestive it was active and now I get more warped or twisting Vines Farm you don’t want to eat at my table you say that like we aren’t into some degenerate [ __ ] too eggy you would you would probably be no better off if you saw the stuff I look at than if I saw stuff you look at just saying you have no idea

Yeah I think we’re kind of at a stalemate as far as that’s concerned let’s start growing some of that I don’t really have much else to do I go hang out with my new friend hey how’s it go buddy let me get a door so that I can come in and visit

You what tentacle means she had tentacles going on and in her she was getting tental it’s pretty descriptive pretty self-explanatory in my opinion can’t come out any more depraved and I already am I’ll take my chances you say that but I do have some slight uh respect for you as a human

Being but you could totally lose if you Tred it hard enough I need a door oops trap doors work hi Buddy yay Christmas time Yeah how it going dude yeah if you leave this box you die and that isn’t me you know manipulating you that’s just a fact you leave this box I’m pretty sure you’ll melt and I understand that your life is suffering look at your face but I’m going to be 100% honest with

You hey that’s not my problem that’s your problem so you get back to your corner you deal with it on your own time buddy y cutie little cutie boy Dy roll is so cool look at him oh you’re so cool tsy roll you’re the coolest guy ever you’re my new favorite mob

Here you I figure it out I do not sleepy time come on Ohio let’s go to bed how evil do you have to be to let a torch fire next so he’s my friend I would never he’s my friend and I love him Merry Christmas all right now that I took my

Taxs my my toll it is time to get in the giving spirit let’s put on some Christmas [Applause] music Christmas music as we feed the animals oh no one of you isn’t able to Breede I put him out of his misery why is my music not playing here we Go this isn’t really Christmas you know what whatever this is Christmas now Christmas music definitely forgot shampoo BRB uh-oh stinky stinky poopy Haha Merry Christmas I mean valued employes Merry Christmas Ted kazinski and his two wives no one here to say Merry Christmas too Merry Christmas other Golem that’s been trapped down there for like 5 months Merry Christmas random skeleton yeah I really don’t know what else to do I

Tried really hard to think of something christmy to play I really couldn’t I would have loved to do more for Christmas than just this background and antlers in a Santa hat I would have really liked to do more but I didn’t have time what’s that movie The Tim Allen

Movie Christmas with the cranks where they don’t do Christmas and they instead are going to go on a cruise that’s basically my year now that I’m realizing it I don’t really enjoy Anything for Christmas feels like a wasted opportunity so this tree has never grown mer Christmas Del the N tou your hyra canab and all that’s for you and your two wives what do I even do now uh I don’t even know what to do next

What what do we even do for the rest of the Stream turn around look at me when I’m talking to you tutsy roll this music isn’t good it’s good but it’s not Christmas uh like nothing like nothing swear to God I just turned the game audio back on just for the shotgun sound

Effects you know what you must do you must unseal her it’s the one time per year however that’s copyrighted so instead I will do This yeah Christmas there you go get some Christmas Spirit all I want for is you I got another one I got another one I got another one that was Donkey Kong Christmas just they I don’t care about The Christ this this video is so getting copyrighted it’s going to get curried so [ __ ] Hard W Chistmas hi [Applause] smoke for Christmas just talking about the the Christmas tree now I’m feeling upon the Santa CL make happy Christmas day I just want you for more than you Ever chrm yeah watch those viewer numbers go down yeah I Christmas I won’t even for I’m Toth I Hold to build The want for Christmas Alling just for my more than You Myis very Cool now I’m feeling the Christmas spirit Baby santa baby that’s the next one I have to play oh I I hate Santa Baby I hate this song fine we’re already getting copyrighted Anyways now we’re really getting a Christmas period you know 52 minutes after Christmas ended Santa can’t wait for my channel to get banned for this aw Santa Baby so hurry down the chimney Tonight when is someone going to make a I saw Daddy kissing Santa Claus song light blue I’ll wait up for you dear Santa Baby it’s too bad I can’t go wish my my Warden a a Merry Christmas Santa Baby copyrighted almost 100% guaranteed there’s no way it’s not all these old songs are

Copyrighted kissed next year I could be just as good if you check off my Christmas list Santa Baby I want a y really that’s not a Lot been an angel all year Santa bab at some point they have to become old enough to become public demain do you have any idea how old Winnie the Pooh is it’s 100 years if I remember correctly honey one little thing I really need the deed to a PL almost 100 years

The first collection of of of stories about wiy the Pooh is in 1926 Santa cutie and fill my stocking with a duplex line I don’t care that it’s copyrighted I have Christmas Spirit no one can say I don’t Pretty sure tiger is the only one still under protection yeah didn’t tiger get added later on and like the animations or was he part of the book I don’t remember there’s something about tiger that was special believe in you let’s see if you believe in

Me can I give him a carrot nose I doubt I can I’ve never tried one little thing a ring I don’t mean on the phone s Hy this woman is needy hry you get a nose for Christmas too hurry tonight tonight tonight what next what’s the next Christmas song

You got to play oh I know this one is 100% going to get this channel blocked in some countries or this this stream this stream is 100% going to get blocked in some countries for This If someone told me when I was 25 I’d be sitting alone in my office smoking and listening to police nav dad during a on Christmas on live stream in front of like five people I’d probably believe it actually you know what halfway through that I realized that sounds about Right I got this tupperware container just random [ __ ] just Kit Kats some Waers Genuinely this is the closest to festive I’ve Gotten it was cute the place I was staying at for my vacation I had this little plastic Christmas tree a little tiny Charlie Brown Christmas tree it was cute that they even put it up it wasn’t much but it was still nice You guys all get to listen to Fel Naad this PE content guys I want to wish you a Merry Christmas I look it up Up here we [Applause] [Applause] go [Applause] [Applause] Now this is Christmas [Applause] H you guys feel offive [Applause] [Applause] yet nothing gets me more in the mood of Christmas spirit like torturing my viewers with Minecraft Villager Christmas stuff [Applause] My way come [Applause] [Applause] through man sunbe is really missing [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] out sing it boys yeah built it out [Applause] he [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] as you can tell I had literally nothing plan through [Applause] Christmas H I have pass [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Everything [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Jesus Christ all right that’s enough Christmas that’s enough Christmas spirit I don’t think I can handle any more Christmas spirit I’m so tired of people yeah geod you all christmased out huh you’re all holiday seasoned out Sam you kitty I’m all holiday seasoned out too

Even though I didn’t even really get to enjoy any of it no I did it’s just it wasn’t it wasn’t holiday I hope you had a fun holiday season J did you get to do anything fun you to do anything enjoyable or was it usually or was it just the usual expected Christmas stuff of running into a whole bunch of family and just constantly going between places and that was mine that was my

Christmas at much food stand it as it gets yep sounds about right I wish I had more time I feel like I had no time for anything I barely even got to do anything with family that’s been my life hasn’t it last couple of months always feeling like I don’t have enough

Time free to walk around Ohio Merry Christmas don’t fall in a hole and die you’re free to go yeah we be grinding Pokemon VI shiny odds are Giga enhanced until the third hell yeah that sounds like fun actually is that a zombie what was that but I’ve been up till 8: a.m.

Making big meals so not tonight just stopping by how yeah you you were you were the cook I didn’t really get to do any cooking on the vacation I did which was fun do you get stuck there again why do you keep getting stuck there you move stop getting stuck you idiot follow

Me but Merry Chrysler Merry Christmas man thank you for stopping by I don’t really have anything going on on stream I just wanted to do a stream for Christmas assistant Chef more like grandparents at the kitchen turned into a war zone God damn we didn’t have too much but I I had

Christmas at multiple places I still have one more Christmas I have to go to I’m going to be going to my dad’s place for Christmas on the 29th which isn’t Christmas but you know disjointed family just have to spread [ __ ] out it’s usually how things end up

Going least festive Christmas of my life man it’s so weird it’s so strange it’s so [ __ ] strange my whole years sucked very true got family all across the East Coast yep sounds about right sounds about right my Japanese is not good enough to be able to read your

Name I don’t know what those kanji are but hello hello kich Merry Christmas I could try my best your name is Noah ah I see okay hope you’re having a good Christmas season uh okay there we go made some good progress lately mentally and internate I appreciate that

Man that’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot I’m really [ __ ] lucky that I have you guys genuinely things have been really weird but the truth is as far as things go they they’re they’re not too bad right now my Christmas was weird but that’s about all I can complain about directly [Applause]

Anyways no did my thing break again you that [ __ ] itself what did you miss you haven’t missed anything don’t worry it did break God damn it have you made parasocial of course yeah obviously obviously I have the most parasocial following out of any YouTuber we’ve been over

This you have a good night Gio and Merry Christmas thank you for stop by it’s always great seeing you guys I hope everyone’s had a good holiday season so far gets lots of Food you better have been good or Santa Claus is going to kill you Santa Claus is done [ __ ] around he read 13 of those Gat rizzler memes and he was like that’s it some of you [ __ ] need to go and he racked his 9 mm Canon Santa lore I say yoshiku

Yosu every time I hear yosu all I can think of is Oni onuka from GTO hey K onuka dude’s a [ __ ] mood onuka is who I strive to be God I wish I could be I wish I could be half as cool as onuka God damn and I’m older than he is

Too what a weird thing to think I’m actually older than onuka I guess now I can share in his plate waiting for the whole thing to go through so if we did do a Members Only Watch aot which I want to do cuz we were talking about it I really

Like the idea what would you guys want to watch first I know eggy I know we I know eggy was talking last not last stream but the stream before when we were talking about it about uh what’s that anime freen fren something like that there’s also the ark

Knights anime that we got to get caught up on uh there’s a bunch of stuff chainsaw man movie is going to be coming out I’m excited for that actually I’m really excited for the Chaw Man movie that should be great actually great it is dead

Quiet what do what what what do we do what do we do for the end of the Christmas stream huh I had nothing planned this year what did I do last year let me look up what I did last year for Christmas I don’t even to remember my brain’s been so

Fried baby All I Want For Christmas Is You Uh man we’ve done a lot of streams this year oh I didn’t do anything for Christmas I took it off we did cc9 deepness and then made a VR chat room like eight days later damn I really I is this the same thing yeah not clicking that H Minecraft

Music what do we do guys I look upon my viewers for inspiration let me put on some music that I now have the rights to use while monetizing and I’m so [ __ ] happy about it it’s not going to be very Christmasy but it’s something way too loud way too [ __ ] loud sit

Up what should I stream tomorrow are we doing more Dark Cloud to tomorrow when does the next thing for Ark Knights happen like the extension I still got like another 5 days on it doesn’t it till that comes I think if I remember correctly I can

Check it’s so [ __ ] cold that I I I can’t get over it might as well since it’s an early stream that’s true we could play some The Cloud 2o the game is a chunky boy yes yes it is uh let’s see we’ve got so much to play there’s obviously the RPGs like

Dark Cloud 2 kingsfield 4 uh armor course 6 Elden ring Minecraft Warframe monster hter rise Arc knce is a horror game called Exit 8 I think it’s called I really want to play that a whole bunch of YouTubers have been playing it and I really want to play it I haven’t spoiled

Anything on myself for myself it might be a CH game I don’t know if it’s a chill game or not um LSD dreams emulator emulator I want to play uh afraid of monsters should be we still haven’t finished from Halloween which is kind of crazy that was a while ago

Uh gen Zone zero and nfield whenever we get that Holo cure I know people have been asking me to play there’s a bunch of stuff for us to do what song is this this song is called uh fuka fuka Yoku puka Yoku I think Ben’s beta test just ended yes and they’re doing

Another I’ve already applied for the next One based by voni he’s a uh a alternative indie rock uh musician from Japan and I have permission to use like a ton of his songs I posted it in the Discord in the music [Applause] Tab I love the song it goes great with this outro there a whole bunch of his songs that I got I also got some Arctic Monkey songs uh TV on the radio so wolf like me I’ve been using a lot I used to listen to that song all the time it’s pretty

Cool YouTube actually made something cool and useful and nice that’s in beta let’s hope they actually one day finish it because most of their stuff that they do that’s good they never finish it just stays in beta they just get rid of the word beta after a little while

But now I have a whole bunch of mus like I can use Ty [ __ ] in Japanese I can’t read that [ __ ] all all right mind the old man Merry Christmas to you too I guess told him you were cringe yeah you did I just translated it With [Applause] Till ex stages yep it’s going to be a bit all right all right all right You need suggestions what to make New Year’s Foodwise Um I’ve just I’ve been in a huge mood for Kil basa lately but like apparently no one [ __ ] knows what that is it’s a Polish sausage that you fry up with uh you cut it into dimes and you fy it with sauerkraut and like potato or rice it’s really [ __ ] good

No one [ __ ] knows what it is I made it when I went to vacation and they they were like hey it’s okay I’m like what do you mean it’s just okay here let me find a picture of it and you can you can use like spicy uh [ __ ] and Dijon mustard and

Other stuff in with it too if you wanted to go crazy but most people we just cut it up it’s just a a a big old sausage that you get from the grocery store most places I’ve been to have them still have to open the bulldock you still haven’t tried it you

Should that’s what it looks like you can you can you can make it multiple ways this just a really big Polish sausage and you cut it up what you do is you boil it first and then you cut it into dimes and then you fry the dimes you have a mountain of

Leftovers too yeah I wish I had more leftovers so much so much has a black do holy [ __ ] it has a health bar yeah what what you want to get is you want to get PSA keilbasa literally just means Pol sausage it’s really good though

Ask bone I had bone try it it was really Good you want you want something really good to make okay here’s what you do you go to the grocery store and you get beef you know how they sell like packages of stew beef it’s just a bunch of chunks of of of beef get one of those okay and

Then you get a pack of bacon all right you take that pack of bacon and you take the individual pieces of beef and you wrap them in the bacon stab it with a skewer like a toothpick you put uh some things of butter on the

Bottom of a pan and then you take little baby like the little tiny baby potatoes cut them in half put like them along the edge and then also put asparagus along the edge and then put all the uh beef chunk yeah asparagus yeah exactly asparagus you take all the the the beef

Chunks with the bacon put it in the middle and you just put that you cover it in tin foil you leave it in the um the oven until the asparagus is done and then you’re good that [ __ ] is really fatty and really [ __ ] good it is so good and is so easy to

Make and you you you don’t have to go crazy you can go crazy with the seasonings if you want I did but you don’t have to like you could just salt it and it’s fine it’s really [ __ ] good really [ __ ] good and the asparagus turns out really good cooked

By the [ __ ] meat juices in the Butter you think you’ll die if you eat more fatty food yeah and that’s a good way to go if you ask Me all the ways to go I’d prefer That embrace the sweet fatty Embrace of Death what the hell did you just post and the Discord how to make a twink moan like a girl a thread how to suck dick a thread I know what I can do you guys want a little sneak peek at the model get get a good look at the way that this looks all right see if you can tell any differences any major differences as I swap over cuz this is only the first

Step of three steps towards updating the model that I’m going to be doing and trying to get done for her New Year this is in progress just so you know but your colors my Lord the day break sunbe you live Merry Christmas but Merry Christmas I got some slight updates eyes are a little better mouth is better smile is bigger hair is lighter cleaner more jiggly Moonlight sword on the back baby got tons of toggles now too so now that the toggles are done I need to finish all the all of The happy late Christmas why you blind don’t worry about It what happened to my neck is there something wrong with my neck I look Fine how’s it going also hands I can do this obviously I always could glasses boom and have Dark Shades as a toggle I didn’t get to show this off to you guys I showed it off at the start of my lethal my lethal company uh collab that I did but no one

Was there for it let me see what else I could do now that the Moonlight sword’s back I can take it off my back put it in my hand again so the Moonlight sword’s back finally after all this time the Moonlight sword is back uh aside from the glasses I now have hold

On come On better heart eyes I like these heart eyes so much more than the old one I thought the old one looked dumb all grandpas have glaucomas it’s lur accurate check Oh wrong thing Bab I’m so happy that I have like actual permission to use these [ __ ] songs Laura accurate glaucoma indeed it it’s it I’m still working on it it’s not finished this is very impromptu it’s not finished yet uh cat oh cat ears are now a toggle for the request of a bunch of

People uh I’ve got a Zippo lighter now along with my other stuff I’ve just been enjoying throwing extra [ __ ] onto the onto the Model and yeah you you saw what I did for Christmas cuz I I didn’t have a lot of time to do stuff so I I antlers and the Santa hat and uh Christmas Colors until the mountain crumbles to the Sea I have so many toggles now that I have to map it out on paper it’s fun Xmas Grandpa got the Christmas background and look the lights actually Glow I did good thank you sunvi I didn’t do a lot of work on it at all I would have liked to do more work on it but but I couldn’t how have you been doing cvy I haven’t seen you around you’ve been real busy for the holidays been busy

Busy Santa Claus I need longer thumbs I keep missing space bar a lot of people ask for longer things for Christmas egy not a lot of people get it sorry why did that skip I don’t care not live but today was my mom nothing too

Crazy but it was good good good I’m glad to hear That I’m excited for the holidays to be done to finally get to do stuff play games everybody’s lost their memberships K sby eggy all three of you get what you wanted for Christmas baby and oh oh my Cat I was going to say [Laughter] godamn I got a foot massage that’s what I got for Christmas it’s Nice I’ve been using it so much that my feet are starting to hurt phantom No s be wants a baby for Christmas I can’t I can’t help it just don’t don’t ask santa unless you’re into that it’s what I read I read what I wanted to read I’m so happy that I have all these [ __ ] songs man hey IU I mean if it’s

Santa yeah Santa’s bringing a baby for Christmas that’s for goddamn sure how’d your stream go Kaiju I’m just talking I don’t really have anything else to do I had nothing planned for Christmas nothing plan listened to some Christmas Christmas music we went and we made a

New friend on Minecraft we made a a a snowman eggy decided to name him Tootsie Roll went all right sleepy yeah I feel you there we’ve just been chilling had a few people show up I really want to do a poll to see what you guys would want to

Watch for the members only watch along but almost everyone lost loost their Memberships you know What members only watch along no one Game Y let’s see are you guys Lucky I got paid today I got paid by YouTube today so I’m putting money back into the channel as I always do let’s see if any of you guys even get them or if it’s just going to be random people it’s just random stuff not a single one of

You not a single one of you won the lottery you guys are unlucky you must have burned all your luck on on exalter that’s all right I got paid a lot from YouTube quote unquote I got paid a lot a lot of money that I can put towards the

Channel I swear to God if none of you guys get Them you guys suck you’re really bad at this you guys are really bad at [Laughter] this you guys are really bad at this time to Check all right all right one more cuz I’m seven members away from being able to seven members away from getting another Emoji which is what I was going to do that’s why I’m doing this I might as well use the money you guys give me to unlock more things for you guys so

You guys get to choose what do you want what do you want for one more Emoji is it not going to Show it’s not showing that anyone got it oh I broke it oops oh well YouTube doesn’t believe you guys exist sorry you didn’t earn it I Suppose give you a refund for that oh it it’ll probably just take a while and then go through Is all hallucination it makes sense I wouldn’t be too surprised if I found out I hallucinated all of you Guys I tried I put money towards it I did what I Could wake up wake up my family misses me I’m sure they do I got to see my mom today which was nice I haven’t gotten to see her in a while you be seeing my dad dad for the first time in like a year pretty Soon yeah that just didn’t go through interesting I don’t want to mess with it cuz I’m Worried hope you had a good day it was all right I’m tired I’m real tired I have not slept in in a Week I’m excited for the holidays to be done be able to kind of go back to normal a little bit I’ve got a bunch of stuff to work on bunch of cool stuff what do you mean go to bed I’m going to I’m going to all this music that you’re hearing syy I

Have I have rights to it now I get to stream it no copyright problems at all and I’ve got a bunch of artists here like And subscribe yep and then I currently have a musician making me a bgm YouTube finally did something good yeah it only only 19 new members went through interesting I wonder why now whatever I tried obviously there’s no more viewers that that want memberships right unless you guys all turned off your your ability to receive gifted members we we we’ll we’ll do it tomorrow

Tomorrow I’ll do another 10 to get that emote cuz I really do want to unlock it while we can I have a feeling it’s going to be a while before we’re even close to this many members again you should have that permission on well then YouTube just sucks [ __ ] you

YouTube [ __ ] ass I hate you I hate you YouTube you make me mad going kill somebody you doesn’t like you guys I guess that’s okay I like you Guys all all right even if you’re old yeah eggy called me the old man in Japanese a little bit ago a Japanese Viewer this is nocape for me Oh J I’m not an old man be nice to me I’m not all all Right H I didn’t expect to be called an OG sand today I should end the stream though sex s you just showed Up I uh I’ve had a weird Christmas it hasn’t felt like Christmas at all it’s been raining we’ve had no snow Yanan don’t worry no sexy muscle man not today you’re Safe but I suppose I should probably end the Stream Christmas is over the holidays are mostly cleared through tomorrow we’re back to normal back to the old grind I take down all these Christmas decorations get back into my old skin and and we’ll be playing some video games slightly earlier stream tomorrow I

Posted my schedule on everything so the schedule’s up we’re finally back to having a schedule after so long we finally have it Again I appreciate you guys a lot it’s been a weird year but you guys have been pretty consistently there for me the whole time what what no I don’t I I I don’t know what you’re talking About don’t know what you’re talking about there’s nothing there Sunry there’s nothing there you’re going crazy you kidnapped your kind again yes yeah and now I’m going to put you in the eggnog jar all right now you’re in the eggnog J yummy Indeed h I need to get some sleep I just realized I still the [ __ ] C’s on I need to get some sleep I’m tired I’m really tired I hope you guys all had I’ll drink it hope you don’t mind I’ll allow it just this once I’ll allow it just this

Once there you go see that’s the eggnog that’s a lot of eggnog we drink Jesus I go get some sleep you’ll watch the VOD sounds good yippee good night guys Merry Christmas oh wait wait wait I got to I got to do my new outro song I got to do my new

Outro song I can’t do that one watch your S I hope you guys all had a good Christmas I hope you guys continue to have a good rest of the holiday season before New Year’s take care of yourselves we’ll be hanging out like my schedule showed every day until Sunday we’re

Going to be streaming tomorrow we’ll stream stream some Dark Cloud too day after that we’ll play some monster hunter day after that we’ll figure something out else out Friday I’m doing another lethal company collab with Sky Varden and uh Kaiju again that was one of the most most fun streams I’ve ever

Done so I’m really excited to play more like really excited to play More but you guys take care of yourselves have a good night Merry Christmas I appreciate you guys so much more than I think you understand and I’ll see you Tomorrow enjo the new outro Welc to the welcome to the Night Welcome to The Welc to the welc to The [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] You [Applause] Fore Welcome to the For

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 MERRY CHRISTMAS’, was uploaded by Phantom Ch. on 2023-12-26 08:03:24. It has garnered 62 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:06 or 11046 seconds.

I’d say “and a happy new year” but that would be facetious

Join the Membership and get ALL the Emotes for just $0.99! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvYI5sWwK6i5gd-g9mkr9uQ/join

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#minecraft #gaming #vtuber

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    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Ahrnemc.com Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More

  • Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft Experience

    Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft ExperienceVideo Information me and Joe are stuck in this base without any known land near us it goes that we were exiled from our home planet without any instructions no gear the only thing we can do from here is survive but that’s only if the creatures of this planet let [Music] us oh there’s a book in here narrator where is it I see the book I read I’ve begun to become no I’ve become to become yeah take two I’ve begun to become that was not take two I begun to become disturbed by the sounds and voices… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥Video Information e e e [Music] po [Music] FL h mey chat I hope yall are doing well stay up Golden and enjoying your day or night oh my [Music] [Music] ear we are doing some chaos today in the form of Assassin’s Creed Unity potentially with Abby joining us H SS hi Hi Guess get guess what you’re high maybe I mean High mhm hey gay oh no gay she figed out I was what’s going on [Music] how you doing gck are you looking forward to the nor assassin’s PR I don’t I don’t know I don’t think… Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!Video Information we’re back everything says that it’s healthy I’m getting frame drops I really need to double check my um my settings at some point see what I can do to minimize that but I’m happy that it’s back mostly dang come here you forance mod thank you it’s got to be maybe it’s all the world generation I’m doing I don’t know but uh we’re doing it maybe lagging lagging lagging okay I’m going to go kill skeletons skeletons are not as bad once I have a shield it’s facing off against a skeleton when I don’t have… Read More

  • Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viral

    Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viralVideo Information [تصفيق] [موسيقى] ‏h This video, titled ‘The Amazing spider man Minecraft V/s real #minecraft #mods #edit #viral #spiderman’, was uploaded by Acid = Gamer on 2024-03-18 14:05:17. It has garnered 506 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Herobrine’s Father’s Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts

    SHOCKING: Herobrine's Father's Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts’, was uploaded by YTAC GAMERZ on 2024-06-16 07:07:48. It has garnered 499 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts Related Topics: 👿👿Water Bucket Mlg in #minecraft #shorts #viral water bucket mlg Minecraft all types of clutch Minecraft tik tok hack #1 #minecraft #viral #shorts #support #minecraft Slime Block Mlg #shorts #viral #minecraft how to do slime block mlg how to do water bucket mlg how to hay clutch how to… Read More

  • Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!

    Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘xQc Reacts to The New Minecraft Update (Minecraft Tricky Trials)’, was uploaded by xQc Clips on 2024-06-13 19:38:29. It has garnered 14060 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Subscribe to my other YouTube channels for even more content! Main Channel: https://bit.ly/3glPvVC xQc Reacts: https://bit.ly/3FJk2Il xQc Gaming: https://bit.ly/3DGwBSF xQc Clips: https://bit.ly/3p3EFZC Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick! https://twitch.tv/xqc https://kick.com/xqc G-FUEL ‘The Juice’ ► USE CODE “XQC” FOR 30% OFF – https://gfuel.com/collections/the-juice If you own copyrighted material in this video and would like it removed, please contact me… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix Server

    Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix ServerVideo Information this is a dirt block and over the next 30 days I’m going to be transforming it into an entire Minecraft house welcome everybody to Day 26 of the dirt series in the last video I signed a contract with life steal and before you ask no I still don’t know what it is but what I do know is that we’re sitting at 1.15 million coins and I’d like to make that even more so to start off I have four ancient debris in my Ender Chest which if I smell I can use to make a… Read More


    OMG! JAX SAVES POMNI FROM DROWNING 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information [Musik] l Aduh kalau jalan hati-hati dong bateraiku berkurang mama mama sini nak sama mama Aduh karena aku berbagi kebahagiaan aku jadi lemas banget Sayangku pomni kamu lama sekali guys ayo kita tolong pomni agar baterainya full kembali dengan like dan komen tolong pomni yang gak setuju komen tidak aja Oke nih ku berikan cumanah Wah bateraiku penuh lagi Terima kasih sayang deuh This video, titled ‘JAX TOLONG POMNI KARENA LEMAS ⁉️ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #sakura #pomni #viral’, was uploaded by Atma Prayudi on 2024-03-27 06:03:49. It has garnered 1393176 views and 140365 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • FlixRealms

    FlixRealms| FlixRealms | Gens | Mining | Crates | Lobby | Fishing | Farming | Free Ranks | Island | Premium Ranks | 1.8 – 1.20.1 | play.flixrealms.com Read More

  • 1f2d Anarchy 1.20.4

    Welcome to 1fighter2defenders (1f2d) Minecraft Server Experience a no rules open world environment where everything goes! No world resetting/trimming, everything you do will be saved for history. Server age: 3 years old since 26. April 2021 Thousands of players have visited the server at least once for a unique gaming experience. Connect with IP: 1f2d.net Versions supported: [1.17 – 1.20.6] Socials & Contacts: Email: [email protected] Discord server: Join here Read More

  • Minecraft server ms.opgens.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: ms.opgens.com (GL HF) Read More