Mind-Blowing Minecraft Collab: Sykkuno x Leslie

Video Information

Wind MO Adventures that we again Again how’s it going everybody um okay hold on Um oops Um okay that scared me well um I’m to be honest guys I just barely barely got off a flight um and here we are here we are I am uh but we’re supposed to play Minecraft today that’s the plan I’m extra I just literally got off a flight

Had to set up all the Minecraft stuff do all this crazy stuff and also we’ve got asano with Leslie later um anyway yeah I think I got off literally like an hour ago so that’s uh that’ll be fun either way I think today we’re playing um the

Minecraft Lord of the Rings thing uh with some friends um and then we’re going to be doing uh the thing with Leslie you look tired well uh sorry for not looking good I guess I I don’t know what to tell you um I’m just going to go

Play video games though so uh anyway let’s go ahead and open up uh Minecraft and we’ll just we’ll play that um okay is the Minecraft thing RP um I don’t think so I I think as far as I know we’re just kind of going through

The Minecraft map and it’ll be kind of a little thing um okay I usually put my camera bottom right for Minecraft I’m not how a big to make it um uh okay hold on I hit my mic Let’s Get On Let’s Get on um opening up the game

Game okay we’re getting on guys I think everyone’s waiting I was a little bit um little bit late but that’s because I just got off a plane and had to set everything up so uh maybe some coffee I already got some actually now for the sake of sponsors I

Don’t want to say the coffee brand I like but I’m going to say I’m not too picky with coffee so as long as it’s kind of good and it’s moderately priced I usually kind of like it um I feel like coffee can taste like I you don’t need like super fancy coffee

For it to be good um that’s just my opinion though okay um all right I’m opening it up the the thing now this is a giant mod pack apparently with a giant map um I don’t know exactly what happened but I think Blau got most of it together um and

There is apparently some there’s like some really big fans out there who just built the map because they just like Lord of the Rings that much um so hopefully we we can give them uh give them some credit I don’t know exactly who they are like I said uh I

Didn’t do most of the set I kind of just got off a plane and here we are to play the game um yeah well I’m opening it up it’s going to take a minute cuz mod packs they always take a minute I know nothing about Lord of the Rings this will be

Interesting well if you know nothing about Lord of the Rings it’ll still just be us going on a crazy adventure Janet’s picture when sauno and Mong fell asleep at I’m going to say first of all it wasn’t just us two I think some other people fell asleep too

But also it’s a long movie I think it was for Peter’s birthday right um wasn’t it Peter’s birthday we were watching the Extended Cut of Lord of the Rings and um it’s very long and I’ve already seen the movie I already know what happens so you

Know um it’s not that I didn’t like it Scara fell asleep too yeah yeah like a lot of people did and it’s not cuz it’s bad the extent cut is like 3 hours guys if you ever watch it there’s this scene of Sam drowning and I was like it looked like

He was going to die they had like five cuts of him drowning and I thought he was going to die for sure um but I knew he didn’t die cuz well I’ve seen it before um let me open it up now I don’t know if these people are the ones who made the

Map but if they are well I haven’t seen the map so maybe I shouldn’t give them too much credit yet but I think these are the dudes I saw him tweet actually um I think they made the map I could be wrong um I hope I’m not but before we do any official

Thanking we should double check on that um but apparently there’s just some enthusiasts for Lord of the Rings now I’m going to turn off the music uh for fear of dmca now I don’t know if that’s going to ruin the vibe but at the end of the day

It’s just how it’s gonna be I don’t know how this works um oh I did not know we’d have to choose stuff okay um we could just be a regular human I think I can hear them talking um oh someone he’s watching he’s saying the music is the serers ostd we

Can leave it on all right we’ll turn the we’ll turn the music back on after we choose our stuff let’s see what oh it’s guys I’m choosing my race it’s gol Kuno oh the shul is pretty good golum Kuno and his full Glory guys you’re really loud you’re really there

Is I’m turning this lower I’m turning this lower golum Kuno they’re really loud guys I can’t adjust the volume till I choose my race um I remember this mod pack actually usually I just go shul uh shul is pretty good goo um yeah I usually just chose shul it’s

It’s very basic you get a little extra inventory and you get uh you get more armor which is like not bad Um you can’t use a shield though gol Kuno he’s giant I’ve never seen such a I I don’t need to use a shield I never use him anyway not in the sh at least let’s this uh farmer Rogue your name plate is never visible even when you’re not

Sneaking that sounds pretty op but um wasn’t like Archer that’s not bad wait what the hell is this deal more damage I kind of like Rogue but I don’t really h I mean this probably doesn’t matter that much I’m going to choose Rogue though just so I can sneak around

Um is that a bad idea nah that’ll be funny we’ll see how it goes oh man here we are hey guys oh hold on let me uh okay let me change my push to talk voice chat volume um gonna have to adjust a few settings here and we’ll be all good he’s turned

Away from us I can’t even see them his bed is rather large for us man it’s rather large remember to eat man remember to eat emotes a lambor spread they’re already role playing okay hold on we’ve got a few settings to change guys we are going to be using the

In-game uh things we can turn on the music apparently I’ve been told that the uh the music is all like by the dudes who made this where are they testing what you are testing what wait are we supposed to be Hobbits bro I chose shulker die you a rat who are you they

All chose Hobbits wait am I doing this wrong oh well whatever um wait stop stop that’s what you oh my God get damn it that’s what you get wait wait I didn’t change any skins or anything it makes no sense oh golm Kuno oh how tall you are in real life this is

Uh you’re huge man you’re huge wow you guys are awfully what let’s play our song for him play the song of our people okay right right um hold on I’m adjusting my settings wait wait they can’t even hear me I need to change my keybinds

Um Auto jump off I like to change my push to talk usually it’s on caps lock which is kind of annoying there it is I change it to this button all right oh we’re ready to go yo you guys ready to go coming Golem Kuno I had to change my

My settings wait guys you didn’t tell me we were supposed to wear The Hobbit skins and stuff I oh I I’ve I also chose shulker as my class was I supposed to choose uh the halfling wait was I supposed to choose a different one nobody told me us man

You’re gous yeah no nobody nobody told me that I um I’m not sure how easy it is to change your skin but I’ve linked one in the Discord if you wanted to change it but oh you know I can just uh we can pretend your Golem Kuno with hair yeah

Yeah yeah and I’ll just um can I like maybe I should I change my class how do I do that they they just they brought the menu for me I think they um they’ll they’ll they’ll let you change your class here so you could be short like us

Yeah yeah yeah yeah oh they did it they did itame um they did it they did it guys so where is that on this thing let’s see so we’re all just going to be these dudes I didn’t even read the stats wait light foot halfling you have 40% less

Health and you deal less damage and you’re 10% slower see you’re clapping I’m clapping this sh bad 30% less Health about this one um take my hand oh do it at the same time it seems like they’re almost the same thing yeah yeah sneaking up against a

Larger entity will of our sword blo that doesn’t sound terrible let us touch tips Poison’s last half is okay I’m choosing this one um and then I’ll choose um La you’ve taken my sword off me um what Beast Master Archer oh I put in the yeah I’m

Going to go Archer hey guys is anyone is anyone an Archer cuz I’m going Archer if nobody’s oh no no no I am uh no Archer I’ll I’ll go Archer I’ll go Archer I chose a nitwit so apparently I can’t I’m not good at anything at man um that just

Sounds like a bad man are we small I’m going to throw these books away cuz I don’t read um oh uh Golem Kuno if you come over to this chest there’s food available for you man oh perfect oh wait there’s armor there food and armor man

Turn this down a little bit let’s play a humble tune for you guys oh food and Gollum Kuno bread what it’s saram what is this is this me Jesus s the Jesus yeah you don’t want to end up like whoa wait we didn’t even start yet I

Didn’t sleep in the bed I didn’t I didn’t sleep in the bed you could have Jesus guys she’s abusing her power already she’s abusing get out of get out of wait do we start when do we start here I got some I got I got a I

Got one bread for you oh thank God thank God where a bow and arrows in here a bow and arrow guys was it really a good idea for us all to be this short and we halflings we’re halflings Golem Kuno um yeah we’re just really bow we bow to no

Man and we do less damage wait is it individual loot or like should I not be taking all this food oh no take everything you need we’ve already got our own man hey guess what when everyone kneeled for the hobbits at the spoiler alert ad Min hey they were taller than everyone thenum

Kuno what what what about our minus health and minus damage debuff but think about what we do gain and that’s uh wait are you guys not wearing armor how come how I like can see all your stuff we eventually yeah yeah you’re not wearing your armor yet okay the

Immersion golemo the immersion three were given to the mortal wisest and fairest of all beings seven to the dwarf Lords great Miners and Craftsmen of the mountain halls and nine nine Rings were gifted to the race of men who Above All Else desire power what is this this is kind of cool

Though if you’re a Lord of the Rings fan so this is actually Bilbo baggin’s house I think for another ring was made I think all right let’s go oh no I was still listening I was I was exploring as you narrated it was dramatic I swear

Yeah yeah yeah yeah like cuz I was doing like a slow pan around the house like I I was listening you hear the echo from like being in the house yeah when you’re like when you’re away right yeah I I wasn’t leaving I was going for a

Slow yeah this is awesome hold on speaking of rings is like so like do we have like a so uh you got the ring right you got the ring or take look no I just want to make sure we don’t leave until we have the ring is

All I I mean imagine if we did all this imagine if we did all this and you didn’t have the ring you know do you actually have the ring do you have the ring it’s mine that is that is that a yes or my own stay back Golem

Kuno I’m lm’s gamji what is all this he’s playing the bag pipes of Jesus my ears this is cooked this is cooked turn off the back pipes Jesus wait do we start how do we know when it started is it we’re starting now welcome all right it’s time

To go guys wait there’s a treasure chest here let me no it’s a cosmetic one how do you open the door oh oh my God it actually opens the the the sound is too low it’s dangerous going out door is it I can hear him pretty well but I mean I can so

Um uh guys which way do we go actually hey well this is our home we know where hold on I’m changing the volume wait no we should know this the CH is like north west of Mordor right oh wa this is a large map Jes oh where’s where’s Gandalf he’s supposed to tell

Us let’s just climb on top of this hill clim climb on top of this hill climb guys um holy moly and then see what do your I see Lego I mean we don’t we don’t know we don’t have we’re all elf I golemo wow this looks cool but I don’t know where

We’re going hey blow don’t aren’t you you watched every movie man where where where did they go they I think we go I think we go like South we go we go to a party originally and then that’s we go west all right the party the party yeah

We got to go to we got the party remember oh it’s turning night time it’s getting really we can’t see anything um what if we just go back inside the house but let’s just go back inside the house guys quick everyone back inside the house where it’s safe lord of the ring

Is a fellow of the Ring where the hobbits never leave the sh and everyone dies where did they go never leave how do we get in um where’s the door where where’s the door they’re too quiet I can turn them up it was oh my God oh my God

What happened I I was adjusting my volume guys there’s nothing there you hear you the Riders you didn’t hit the rers I was adjusting oh Jesus Jesus archers quick get in the house oh God oh God R what is this this way this way how do

You know where to go how do you run this is cooked this is CED get to the horse wait there’s a horse wait there’s only one horse wait get in the wagon get in the wagon someone drive us too small BL drive us man drive us quick how small does he Look what is this like play the back pipes Man play the back pipes are you able to control this he’s doing it he’s doing it Jesus OHS at us still there still fing hours at us I don’t where to go thank God we’re in this cart Jesus there’s actually people the

Rers wait wait what what’s the lore here what’s the lore what are we doing man what wait we’re going through a little quick don’t you think we’re going okay wait we’re still getting we’re stuck wait Y where blow go man where BL we’re stuck in a

Tree uh where where’ blow go man I he’s left us uh he oh my God we just got shot at B we’re getting H from we move I guess we get out oh Jesus I fell run wait can we get the Jesus this guy’s a little too

Accurate he’s a little too only two people can fit on the horse yeah go go go You’ left me You’ left me idiot I can’t how do I regenerate how do I regenerate I’m not healing she just killed him she killed him I thought she was supposed to go easy on us

What how do I heal man I’m eating food it’s not God well keep moving she’s getting a little too accurate shees move move man we’re going to get sniped we’re um hey so what happens to Ellum now man we didn’t really make it to a checkpoint don’t know where he is I mean

They’ll just admins will just teleport him to us right I mean yeah surely surely yeah yeah yeah I don’t know where to go yeah I thought you planned this all had it I didn’t see this part in the movie I don’t know where they go in the

Movie oh guys what the heck where did this guy come from saram Sarina the white she’s Cru and she’s evil she tried to what the hell is this thing what are these things oh they’re peaceful be Warrior it’s the beaver Warrior it’s a bunch of actual beavers well thank God they’re peaceful

Well thank God they are peaceful God they’re peaceful i h them um Jesus she’s going to lag the server what is she doing what’s with all these animals but maybe she’s trying to give us food guys she’s trying to give us food it’s a sign of s the whites wait they’re attacking

They’re attacking what oh God where do we go where do we go man I don’t know I thought blow planned this out man what is even happening you’ve left me I don’t know I don’t know the way go this way just follow the trail man yeah just

Follow the Trail Follow the trail yeaha let’s take us back towards the sh does it ever turn back back to daytime oh God what about Ellen this horse only fits two people why did she destroy the only cart we had he listen Hey listen we’re ring Bears we got to

Stay together oh that’s true that’s true yeah where did you go oh is this the right way I don’t know it’s so dark they didn’t give us a map where did um oh oh hey the music’s coming on across the river we’ve got to go across

The river who told you this who told you this across the river they can’t the Riders can’t follow us there what is this wait is that isn’t that from the movie I think that’s actually from the movie this is for the the town where they found

Aragon oh my God the sh alen oh we’re still in the sh never mind what the prancing pony we got to go to theing Pony um do we go north which way is North huh I thought we go south I can’t eat this food man why can’t I eat this

Food can I eat the cheese I can’t eat the cheese this way there’s a map you have’t wait people are saying there’s a map people saying there’s a map man let me turn up the Vol the the open up the larger map I have a mini map oh we need to go

To the buckberry to that’s where we need go Fair the buckleberry fair how do I open up my larger map what’s that yellow thing over there I think some people said you got to bind it I’m going to hide in this house is there any food in here that

Would be great if there was I can’t eat food right this food is fake man this food is fake I can’t eat it sleep man oh wait we can get through the night maybe possibly yeah yeah I’m sleeping we just need five players to sleep oh uh oh wait

Hey worked um oh well we got our respawn Point as well which is huge wait I have food now what oh you oh you you need food man I’ve got plenty how do you heal I lost like half my hearts um wait guys we can make stuff there’s a furnace in here

Right right guys what if we built a nuke and we nuked the sh what mod pack am I using that is preventing me from healing right now sounds awful see we have to go we have to go south and cross the river where’s how do I change my gooey oh here it

Is two is much better wonderful I tell you all right well now that we’re in the daytime we’re where did our horse go man they killed our horse they killed the horse everyone follow blow he knows where to go follow me I know the way surely he knows the

Way hey you kind of sound like him a little bit you kind of sound like the froto the froo um need to find healing potions that might be the Case so uh wow look at how cool this place look at that tree you sure we’re going the right way yes I know which way to go hey guys I have a question do you like those books I spawned with were those useful why do I keep hearing that it’s

Not real guys it’s not real we keep hearing it we’re not in any danger it’s fake it’s fake don’t fall for it man they’re real Riders I thought they can’t come out during the daytime they can’t they’re a new special kind of Rider that can’t what does that mean

They’ve harnessed their power in the day they they’ve adapted and evolved oh God run oh my God wait wait whoa whoa no one told us what to do here no one no one told us what to do here I’m running bro I’m running oh Jesus get hold well

Don’t hide next to me we’re both going to die well don’t just don’t just don’t just stand where where’ plow go aren’t we supposed to save him man over over here over here he’s holding the ring we’re supposed to save he’s over here he’s over here

Oh oh the music’s building up a little too loud Maybe little quieter Jes I’ve been told the music’s all fine huh little quieter little quieter wait is it a different I think hey guys you still alive I Where did they go why is me just riding a horse killing everybody you’re supposed to go easy at the beginning we just started look what is happening she’s just riding around killing everybody look at her wait there’s more than I’ve lost I’ve lost what what what is

Happening what where is okay thank God I chose Rogue so my name plate should never show which means they’ll never find me in here like this probably just think I’m a Bush yo guys where’ everyone go I chose Rogue right didn’t I choose Rogue I don’t think this’s music’s turning any quieter it’s pretty good though but little little on the louder Side um thought you chose Hunter oh I did choose that didn’t I um guys they didn’t tell us what to do who is this is this a person do I speak to them where’s where’s where’s the team gone where’s the team gone to I’m lost I’m

Lost why is there still a horse dude is that an MPC am I oh wait I see I see this is this is an admin guiding me to the team members surely this is the admin guiding me to the team members they realized I’ve gotten lost and now they’re showing me where to

Go um oh my God they’re going a little fast for that they’re going a little quick I think hey you’re you’re an admin right um is this a random NPC I this is probably going to be a random NPC wait the river we found the river but where did everyone

Go they didn’t die I didn’t see him in the wait is this my how do I fix my Vision I equipped the ring this is so cooked this is oh man wait I lost the admin oh there they are assuming this is actually an admin

Um I don’t think this is an admin I think I’m following an NPC aimlessly around at yeah no I think I followed an NPC um ow what the what what I know you’re there mang I know you’re there just uh where’ everyone go what is happening I’m I’m wounded and

Eating food does not heal you I’m going to die wait wait where’s wait is this me young I’m lost guys where are you guys listen we got zero instruction on this I I I I don’t know um I thought we were going to have a casual exploration a you know casual

Exploration Head East to the river I’m killing some goats man okay no no I’m not um I think I’m there I don’t know how to open the map um where am I where am I right now some kind of farm it looks like turn your map on I don’t know how to what

Button is it what button is the mini map oh there’s a big house over there wait I saw something move um no I think I imagined it am I going east right now how can I tell if I’m going east right now I found a big town I’m at a big down

Um well we can look for loot I guess is this uh this lootable oh no um is this lootable apples wasn’t this thing open oh time for my archery ability okay time for my archery ability Jesus Jesus that thing’s crazy looking why does it look like

That why does it look like this and why is it so tanky you feel the urge to turn around and flex your why turn around how come no one in chat told me that well okay okay okay well I see someone I don’t see anybody I don’t see

Anyone okay they said go east but but but um what this is good this is okay to be fair I didn’t think it was going to do oh thank God we’re on casual mode okay I didn’t lose all my items I didn’t lose all my items that’s not oh what the

Got to go East man I can’t carry it for you I’m not going to I’m going to pretend I’m not even here thank God thank God okay okay oh God oh my God guys I made it back I made it back all on my own

Somehow oh my God this is so much this is so much better with the map hold on let me turn you guys up a little bit no worries man wayy if you want to em it’s B by the way yeah yeah I’ll be I’ll be hitting the gritty on

The uh the the what what those the nas ghouls or whatever Nas yeah yeah once we see him is that is that an emote we have I don’t know we’ve got to make it to the saved oh god um spells spells that means Sarina the white could be hey guys were we all

Supposed to were we all supposed to choose halfling cuz we all lose health and uh damage right I I mean aren’t we just really weak yeah but we’re the but we’re ring Bears goem Kuno we’re the only ones who can resist the temptation of it

That’s why we have to be like this even though has you already used the ring before yeah wait that wasn’t in the movie yeah guys watch wait we’re in a town I think guys this is a town this is the uh Hey guys which town is this is this

The prancing pony did we make it they really oh God they really like the Prancing this might be the Prancing P wait are we still in the sh how can you tell how can you tell well it just look like a pub that’s uh kind of the

Only Vibe I’m going with but I mean that’s the only Pub I know about in the movie so this has got to be it then it has to be the pring Pony right look there’s some food cooking in here oh no there’s not it just looks like it’s cooking I’m going to sleep

Here so uh we’ve done it man there has to be something here surely hey where’d blow go oh there’s a dog kill it kill it help help pum help what this what what is this I spawned right here I spawned right here there’s no warning just this

Dog just lunged out of what where’s where’s Blau man where’s Blau we’ve lost him is he over here where the hell is where did blow go where did the Wolf come from where’s blow man where where’s why pudding why you in Lord of the Rings what is

Happening where where is he over get on the roof get on the roof man we need The High Ground how can we get up there man we need to High Ground where’s where is BL oh my God oh my God what is happening um what’s what’s happening well I’ve lost where you are

Oh there you are oh there you are by King um Gand said we need to meet him at the prancing pony okay quick to the Prancing Pony um we’re going to make it man we’re going to make it hey what happened to that horse with

A cart we had earlier that was nice yeah we needed another one of those wait we could just ride this chicken we’re pretty small yeah just ride the chicken why I don’t get why can’t we ride the chicken we’re ride the chicken no I mean I feel like we’d be

Able to he’s killing it he’s killing it it’s running from me gold gold fireflies light the way the oh wait really light the way who told you this where you getting this info from I remember that in the movie wait light the way I don’t remember That this is so good this is so guys pull out your bag pipes pull out your bag pipes everybody we can play let’s let’s play in syn guys together okay what are you playing what are you playing it it automatically sinks up Man yeah we did it we did it okay okay we got to be close botom boys let’s go let’s go guys hey guys I can’t help but notice every every enemy I’ve run into has absolutely mauled me is it just dumb oh not the thing again not again

Man get me out of here why is every enemy so much stronger than us why do we all choose halflings Jesus Jesus why did we all choose halflings man we were so weak run in the house the house get off the we got to get off the

Get in the get in the house get in the house the river my this is quick follow blow follow Blau he knows where to go shely the fireflies man where are the fireflies I I think I saw one I think I saw one okay okay oh

God this ised this is so CED it’s just up here come on man are are you sure you with us okay listen I’m looking at the map there’s a river north of us what if we just go across that River we have to eventually go south oh wait how do you

Know that how does he know that how do you know that Mordor is south of the sh he’s got a map or something since when what is this you’re this is you’re you’ve never left the Shire before Mr Mr how do you know this if I take one step further that’s my

Line that technically would be his line yeah oh this is the spot this is the spot what is that normally we would cross did you see that oh my God snipe him snipe him I I hit him I hit him I guys get into the bridge get in the house get

Into the brid in quick while we this is not working we oh God maybe we should try talking I’m going to close the door bed in here man there’s a bed in here do you guys oh yeah make sure to use the beds use the beds

Guys Okay I uh I set my spawn point run she’s still outside man she’s still outside the she’s blowing up the Jesus where did blow go man he ditched us he ditched us he’s across the river already we’ve got to run okay okay okay okay we just run out the exploding entrance

Quick yeah just run just run just Jesus Christ what this was not in the mo I’m going to die oh god oh Oh I thought you wouldn’t see me what is this what is this you would never K me right I should have chosen Rogue I thought we’d I thought we’d be

Able to do something oh Elum just died well find just hold shift here surely we just when did when did do you guys remember when the dude teleported in with a rocket launcher oh man what if we just swim across guys where’s BL where’d everyone

Go this is this is so oh oh it’s daytime surely that means we’re safe now can’t they not survive in daytime that’s lore accurate I think can I change back oh there’s someone there I can swim wow is it dark I feel like I’m actually swimming I think actually I think I’m

Going down I’m drowning I think I’m drowning oh okay um Jesus man Jesus um help me wait where would he need help from guys the group is we’re too separated we got to I can hear you yeah yeah let’s group up with blau’s a rer to my left man there’s a

Rer to my left oh wait once we get in this town we’ll be safe they they can’t go in towns right they can’t get in here cuz the Prancing Pony’s here oh this is it look it’s the pring Pony we’ve made it we made it in this is wait this is

The wait no this might be a random no Golem Kuno this is it the prancing pony oh my God man this has to be this a bow and arrow remember me to set your respawn point oh yeah has to be the prancing pony right I mean I mean it’s

Got to be it’s just it’s got to be but there was no sign there was no sign maybe it isn’t uh oops maybe they just didn’t have signs back in the day um hey speaking of where’s Blau the how did blow go he just ditched us man

This was nothing like the movie another Village to the east there you see down there I’m I’m going to be honest I’m using my map hacks and I see someone in the bottom right maybe we head there then maybe we just we just go there we

Just head there how do we get there we just go way oh he’s asking where we are after he ditched us um the hell this is I don’t feel like he’s the guy along the coast I feel like he’s the guy there’s no way he’s the guy along

Ask him if he’s the guy along the coast Head East to bombadil’s house well what does that mean what the hell is a Bombadil is he about a D’s nut sauce I don’t no no no Tom Bombadil he’s supposed to be op or something but oh guess I don’t remember them visiting him

In the movie way that’s saying I I didn’t I don’t remember this I got buffed God you getting buffed I’m getting buffed um you’re getting wait buffed with what I don’t know I got like more health or something now it seems no I’m still measly normal

Hling oh no yeah no I’m not getting buffed actually I think I imagined it what the hell is this I just ate some food I think I just it’s cuz I ate food it’s cuz he ate the lambor spread it all makes sense now yeah yeah something like

That this has to be the pr oh this is it this is it this has got to be the prancing pony right I mean right here yeah look at this place this is um oh psych look it’s invisibility cloak what is this Harry Potter um for you man for you

Wow I don’t know what town There’s where are the signs man I’m not a big enough fan to know what all this is this oh wait look there’s a sign the dusty flagging the D wait this isn’t what we’re looking for is it this isn’t the

Prancing pony this is the dust but I mean it looks cool it’s uh oh wait look at the architecture this is uh wait ellm you know what this means right yeah we’re still in the sh still in the wait wait does this mean we’re still

In the sh cuz it looks like a hobbit hole where’s blow man where’s blow I there’s no way we’re still in the I mean we’ve made so much progress okay here we arey oh that house look cool surely surely right is this a great

Start I hope not how do we get how do we get through how did Blau get there I see him on the map wait can I can we climb it why are we so small because we all chose the halflings for some reason why we get

Minus like 30% Health Plus we do less damage this was just here go oh oh this looks this looks important the the oh wait that was cool Echo um yeah yeah in here man we found the path theth he went far bro just sprinted and ditched us oh my God we’ve done

It we’ve done it man we found the forest yeah this is where the uh the dudes live this is where the the where I where my people live the trient I’ve had a hearty meal apparently oh that’ll boost your health I think that means I get the buff blo blow

Wait we don’t know if it’s him be careful there’s something coming out of the bushes it could be Sarina the white it could be Show Yourself Jesus we almost shot him on accident Jesus that was a joke I was kind of hoping I’d hit him where the

Hell are we going okay okay all right to the east so we just going to gloss over the fact that he completely abandoned us the second danger so you just um hey Ran we be the fellowship man and you just kind of the are you dying there’s a

Spiderm kill it kill it me DOD Jesus jeez how did this one spider kill everybody has it Nerf it Nerf it help there’s no way one spider is killing all of us oh I killed it oh oh my god wow those those buff really kicked in huh wait but now everyone’s dead

Um man I do have a lot of Hearts now so that’s pretty good how is one spider Jesus Christ you all got wiped by a spider maybe we should put our armor on BL the fellowship the fellowship is is uh-huh hey this was this was an

Actual film we wouldn’t even made it out the sh man this would been I think we’re still in the sh if as far as I’m concerned but I I’m not an expert um wait but we just saw architecture from the sh so we did see

That if you take one more step it’ll be the furthest you’ve been from wait guys I look one more step this is a bed this is a bed sleep here sleep here then we’ll respawn if we die we need to find good bed spots to continue the journey

Okay where did he go we continue East bad okay Mar so you’re sure we just go east continues just out of curiosity who uh told you to go East JRR token okay that’s a valid source that’s a valid source I believe you crazy mhm um oh my god oh I have never seen

Minecraft look like this yeah this is insane H oh my so what’s your guys’s favorite Lord of the Rings character um he guys I have a crazy question why don’t we go for like a ragor give what they’re supposed to be friendly they were friendly in the TV show

Are what um I thought those guys were friendly why did it just start attacking us they were they were nice in the movie Tre F they don’t know us yet but they only know they only know marry and Pippin we’re do we’re just three random Hobbits Hey where’s Blau he lived I

Think he maybe he spoke spoke Sprint to him Sprint to him run run I thought those things were friendly I’m parkouring I’m going full Minecraft Parkour mode here God going here going here if I wasn’t a hobbit I’d be so fast I tell you a let me throw the river through the

River we’re almost caught up we’re almost caught up wait wait where’ all my hearts go oh no wait wait we’re that weak how are we supposed to survive against these Things okay have to keep going two shot with five layers of Health oh God oh the trient to the left shoot it shoot it man shoot it Jesus get out of here strong for uses I don’t see anything I’m just going to follow you guys through the hole quick through the

Hole it can’t follow our speed follow the coast guys um so we just keep going east through this Forest you’re saying we’re almost out of the woods looking at the mini map it does not look like we’re almost out of the woods but I could be reading it

Wrong cross the river while you still can this is so good can you increase the quality um I don’t think so this is about as high as it goes really well why is it like lagging for you or something it shouldn’t be Jesus there’s one right in front of

Us one what run to the left go to the left go to I’m just going to follow them um the webcam is really blurry well it’s going to happen when we’re moving a lot guys but that’s just how it goes when you don’t have like a 50,000 bit rate or

Something because when you’re moving around a lot it it’s just going to it’s just how streaming Works doesn’t look good when you’re moving fast yeah that’s that’s just how streaming Works guys uh it’s the same as like when you play Apex or something like that um you’d have to turn the bit

Rate Ultra Ultra High um I just got an ad but I don’t know from what you got a what what do you mean you got an ad hey guys why don’t we go east there’s a house I see it on the map guys over here over here I found the way I found

The way hey this way this way over here yeah let’s go let’s go we made it freedom um Rohan wait is this actually Rohan I this is one house dude I thought they had like a whole army or something well I don’t know man it’s

Been inspired by it I swear I swear yeah yeah you’re probably right you know more than I do the Qui into the house the pring surely quick find the Bed Man find the bed before we die to the oh Jesus find the Bed Man find the bed is this a bed

Is this there’s no bed find the Bed Man find the bed there there’s no bed what do you mean there’s no bed s s oh God I don’t think that did anything I should have gone Rogue if I had known we’d be so oh my God golum

Kuno what do we do man what do we do over here it’s over here man I found the bed I found the bed follow me follow me oh yeah yeah I’m following following follow me be careful s the white she’s she’s not holding her explosion staff so we’re probably fine she’s chilling right

In the doorway Jesus Jesus everyone get to the beds everyone play a song for her she’ll have mercy on us I just want you to know your friend sacrificed you what huh BR what wait there’s actual sword animations that’s crazy that’s crazy that’s crazy well I’m going to close the

Door and whatever happens happens said I told him someone must die and he voted for you but then what if I Uno reversed onto him that doesn’t work oh the mighty s the wait look behind you me look behind this what I don’t see any name

Tags at all play her a tune and then make her just you know fall in love with our oh my God Jesus she’s got crazy I’m I’m hidden I’ll use my size to my advantage now Like and then his like eyes kind of roll back and like honestly we didn’t know what a was at the time but he kind of gave AIT Nal face where he’s like you know what I mean what he saying I know what you’re saying man I know what you’re saying he definitely enjoyed

It a little bit def enjoyed a little talk I don’t know what he’s talking about but I used my size to hide under here genius genius she’ll never find us in here she’ll never find us here man who opened that door close the door close where froto

Kind of does like an aaal face you know got the exploding stuff up but she can’t she do know here she doesn’t know here I think she might know we’re here she knows she knows plow here it’s fine it’s fine I’m slowly dying slowly dying slowly dying man do we run just

Make a break make a break for it run run what he’s abandoned us again run run Ellum run he’s abandoned us again where are we even going where are we going go east go east yeah just go east keep running to the east oh Jee

Jesus this is I I also remember what the heck she’s gone insane she’s gone insane ride these run run oh my God she’s gone crazy Ellum she’s gone crazy Jesus Jesus what is this does anyone else remember this part does anyone does anyone remember this part of the movie when the dude

Flew around shooting missiles that people help me Jesus where are we going where are we going I’m just going to keep running to the east yeah just keep running just keep running East right what happens next in the film I don’t remember I don’t know I I don’t know

After after the Dude shows up and starts shooting missiles what what happened after that I don’t remember Jesus I’m pretty sure Dexter from Dex laboratory spawn in inside singing omelet do Fage Jesus T hey where’ blow go man the dude just keeps spamming the ring and ditching us

He just spams the ring and ditches us for some reason is that your arrow I can see wait don’t they go to the mindes of Moria Moria or something next the minds of Moria how do we open the big map um I don’t actually know where’s BL

Oh what the I’m already small I’m already small wait look at me look at me look at no look at me I’m the same size as you I where did blow go man where did blow Go in all this just hide against the block hide I can’t even jump up the

Block anymore oh wait yeah oh [ __ ] how long does this last oh it’s only a few seconds it’s only a few seconds I think suddenly coming BL he’s coming he’s coming is that are we sure that’s him though why are you guys what if it was an imposter what do you mean leaving

Wait what’s that thing with the glowing red eyes spider take it out I can barely see it it’s dark I can’t see any I’m so wait I can barely see anything it’s dark I’m I’m still tiny why am I still so small I don’t know where’ the spider go is it

Still killing Blau it’s become daytime again oh my God we’re free we’ve made a watch out blow there’s a spider over there what is that thing I missed Spiderman that’s a it’s it’s a oh I’m tiny again I’m tiny again help me help me I do remember this famous

Spell from Lord of the Rings which turn all the all the why is this thing so strong help help man it’s tiny blow blow blow uh blow BL my God BL BL blow BL I’m just going to run I’m running I’m running run run for your

Life kill the kill it’s just a spider kill it man why did we choose the weak um did you guys kill it did you kill oh I did it oh my God wa I unlocked a new skill point the first creature has been slain you mean skill wait there are push

K wait we can what wait we can increase our hearts and stuff yeah and you can increase your range damage wait that oh my god let’s go um to the left guys what there’s more spiders horses Jesus these spiders are crazy they’re too powerful man oh God

It’s I don’t think this is a horse this is a goat over here man look on the distance on the edge of the cliff oh there’s a horse look let’s grab it get it get it man get the horse get the horse over here there’s spiders why are

There so many spiders we’re all going to die we’re all going to die but un fortunately spiders are non-aggressive in the daytime that’s a natural Minecraft mechanic meaning these spiders are harmless unless we hit them first see these guys won’t even attack us since spiders are peaceful in the

Daylight well thank God for that um but I can’t get the stupid what if we just keep running East what about guess we just keep run how did blow die to a spider they’re not aggressive unless you hit him first I’m assuming he’s picked a fight with it he [ __ ] around and found

Out man that’s that’s what happened he uh really did do we just keep going let’s just keep going east I think we just keep going east I like I don’t remember them saying that in the movie that they only travel east I don’t remember that I don’t

Remember that at all but I mean dude the fellowships formed gav’s last thing is now remember froto go to the East and only ever go to the east yeah like I feel like I would remember that if it was like a real like thing never go off

Of the track of East um what the hell is this thing I don’t know these are like hyro or what are those things called um wait this looks like an area what is here oh yeah this looks important whoa it looks like Stonehenge in the UK when are we going to run under

The first the the first Orcs we could probably the three of us we could take down one yeah we could take some Orcs probably maybe I mean where’s Blau though where’s Blau um I’m going to be honest with you man that what the who is this what the what is that

It’s riding a spider dude I’m dead I’m so dead I’m so dead kill it Ellum kill it uh I’m just going to run east just run east ellm just run east run east man eat the food run east Ellum run east run to the east is that you you fools how are you

Flying like what the this is ridiculous Jes run east tellum run east Jesus who’s idea I don’t even know what we’re doing I don’t know if we planned this out enough Jes I also remember in the movie when when Gollum was getting chased wait there’s spiders everywhere we’re going to die we’re

Going to die just there’s a road there’s a road get to the road you’re never going to make it I don’t even know where I’m trying to make it too never going where’s Blau he’s the only one who has any idea what’s happening Jesus give it up what is

Happening oh God on the road we’ll be way faster look the the golden butterflies the golden butterflies we made it just run ellm run spiders are swarming on me use use your Minecraft mechanics where’s blow wait I see a I see a house not going to make once we get to the house

We’ll be safe they can’t enter there that’s what I’ve always heard they spawned a million spiders in front of us man they’re we can make it through oh my God just just run just run who who is summoning this many spiders who is summoning like 50 50 spiders oh that was

Not a house I saw it was a tree is that a what yo where is Blau man where’s this is cooked this is cooked um how far away is the house I don’t know I I there isn’t a house it actually turned out to just be a tree

Oh where is blow in all of this man where did he go going to make it man wait there’s a house quick get in the house get in the house man this is our only chance the door’s already open broncing Pony wait where’s the Bed Man where’s

The bed I’m on it I’m on it I’m on there’s one next to me the white oh it’s so great to see you here Jesus Jesus man Dam it um get up what isn’t there two beds there’s one next to me not the horses again what the oh s of

The whes what the need to sleep uh I just needed to sleep did you though um K quick kill oh um oh um Hey where’s the where’s Blow by the way blow this is the danst adventure quote unquote Adventure we’ve ever had you should probably aim for my good friend

Golem Kuno over there she’s got a bow in we’re just here die like look look look hey oh you saw me behind the table okay one of you has to die and how about how about the next person where’s Blau in all this we should kill how about him like he’s he’s

Okay with just dying like that I mean as far as I he’s not even here so if he died while far away I wouldn’t even know I mean I yeah like yeah to tell s finish him finish him while you still can she left she

Left so where where did he go I don’t really know oh this was not the prancing pony man we haven’t found it yet this is not the Prancing oh s it’s so great to see you again um like have we made it there yet

Are we close if you look to the to the north you see that that’s the eye of Sauron the eye of Sauron the North in the distance you see that I fell in the water help oh that’s a House El that guy saw I just saw the witch K the witch King

Sarina she yeah she actually informed us that of your Vis to you but uh wait wait the golden butterflies this is a sign right golden butterflies um wait there’s only one of them though we’re almost at the prancing pony there’s no waying Pony the prancing pony

Is a myth man it’s a myth it’s not real I think this might be it this could very well this could very well be the pring Pony we should sleep here for the night is he is he sure or is he are we just guessing again no it’s this this is

It wait this is it we made it this is it just like from the film we made it oh my God it’s just like the movie This Is Where The Dude Looks through the door and then gets stepped on right here guys oh step on me this isn’t the prancing

Pony but it’sing Pony wait what is this uh oh up ahead wait all that we barely we barely lived there it is the prancing pony oh look at this town we made it we actually made it go through here this is this is a whole town and they furnish the insides even

Tooing Pony oh we found it oh my God we actually found it oh my God Jesus but Jesus we finally made it 15 minutes into we’ve done it boys take take a seat take a seat boys wow this place is this party is crazy ah Jesus

S what is happening oh my God where’s the bed where’s the bed can we get in oh my god oh boys we need to find the bed we got to find the bed before one of us dies oh look there’s even shoes here is

This a real chest no no it’s one of the visual ones okay these there’s definitely bed here these are literally the bedrooms I think oh there’s one my God just like just like in the movie The Upstairs bed and then you look through the window and you see something hopefully

Something um in your sexuality and like you know you you’re obviously you know you have Cara and stuff and you’re still with her but like a part of it when you brush my thigh you kind of like feel like a little bit of like what would a

Life look like when you and I were together you know like a little tingle is what you’re saying yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re oh wait and then that’s when it all happens oh that’s right need to go to sleep but we can’t sleep at the

Prancing pony we have to we can’t sleep at the prancing pony we can’t sleep at the prancing pony yeah we have to sleep across the street oh oh like in the movie yeah and then and then the room that was pretty good actually yeah that was yeah sleep here the bed oh oh

Uh you got to let us let us uh set our spawn set our spawn why is it letting us sit in it if it’s not nighttime but there’s plenty of room in this bed guys wait can we oh oh I I think we set our spawns we set our

Spawns we’re good okay okay now where are the Riders guys if we my bow does not go go as far as come AC where’d they go where’ they go oh pigeon is this a real pigeon like why does this look so why why does this look so um huh it’s like a fake

Pigeon interesting interesting hey where’d they all go I cosmetic pigeon yeah it is a cosmetic pigeon guys it’s raining sure you have all your food guys wait where do you find your food guys OHS Sarina the white has uh got a hold of you man huh she cursed me I’m ding

How far away is this from there’s a chest with fireflies on top oh God I’m tiny as well too late now I’m too fast I’m too fast to be tiny wait guys I hear we need to continue on horse back yeah surely we’ll get our horse with the wagon again the

Rid is are going to be close yeah we got to get the horse with the wagon again wait guys how do I get big again let’s just uh wait for a minute wait for a Minute um Hey where’s where’s blow gone to I don’t know I think he’s over here BL I’m so lost man I’m lost BL um you think he’s inside here I’m so small uh yeah that’s fine that’s fine well you know you’re going to be fine man you’re going to be let’s

See why can’t I open this door hey guys the door’s bugged oh big again no I’m guys I heard horses we need to find horses go okay feel wary from your travels and need to rest the night okay oh God to the that means we that we need

To sleep but not at the prancing pony okay I need to remember where it was this town’s so big back this way back this okay we found the way we found the way onwards okay surely this is a good sign down here where are we going man across the stre fromy right

Right I don’t even remember where that is oh this is it this is it so we don’t go here we don’t stay at the prancing pony right ow I think I just got fires here in here in here oh in here I saw the Fireflies free

Food I’m going to take it all for myself here guys just take it all for myself perfect what’ you go upstairs upstairs okay huh I oh oh oh do we do we we each need our own bed we need our own we need our own bed guys it’s is one

Bed each one bed each huh what’s the goal well the goal is to try and make it to the end of the thingy but uh don’t know if we will don’t know if we will um are we supposed to do something hey guys guys where you all sleeping what’s

Happening no oh quick look across the window that’s that’s mang’s explosions the Riders those it’s me Young’s explosions guys I think quick fly you fools fly wa aren’t we supposed to run away now that they did that they did that we got to run away we got to run away but we need

Horses we do holy moly think we just Sprint Sprint and jump Jesus she’s shooting the explosions again run run oh the Riders I see them where where are you going man where follow blow follow blow the chickens what do you mean kill the chick the rers here what is he saying what is

He saying to theth what do you mean to the South you you’re talking like you know where we’re going does he know does do you don’t have an idea where we’re going yeah run south run south surely well I’ve run out of food though cuz I took it all oh God hold on

Lava oh are they all dead where did they go I don’t know uh oh my God run just run he said South right we run south he said South this is I think he’s done with East he’s going south Jesus put the ring on again I

Think he put the ring on again man he just ditched us wait oh Jesus where are we going where are we going I don’t know just go south just go south we’re going east no go south again go well why are we still going east and you’re say I don’t know I’m just

Following the road I’m wait left to right left to right left to right to the east to the east okay go we go to the east this is good this is as cooked as possible I’ve never I you don’t need to oh my I’m out of I’m out of Sprint energy I’m out

Of I can’t carry you Mr I can’t he’s gone man he’s gone blow’s dead he’s dead he ditched us again oh Jesus is on our I don’t even know where we’re supposed to go at this point even know where what are we supposed to where are

We supposed to oh a little Bridge R quick get under the bridge I couldn’t under the bridge like in the film wait wait someone’s catching up I think it’s Blau maybe we just we just wait for him we do hide under the bridge hide man okay okay where did you go

Then else pych where did you go where’s I was just with him oh Jesus it’s Sarina it’s Sarina God it’s Sarina Ron the white wiard run ELO help me ELO I I can’t carry your ring but oh wait I’m shrunk oh no carry me run guys run you help us Golem this is so help us we’re so small run guys run pathetic man we’re pathetic what is I don’t think guys I going to say blow just randomly

Was like yo group on Friday guys we got a crazy adventure and I’m like okay I’ll just show up for it why not this is I don’t even know what’s happening behind a block wait this is a town guys this is a town here um guys I’ve got no food left left

I can’t run I’ve got no food oh that’s cuz I here’s take some of that take some of this wait get food in the next town what is this there’s uh some water some water oh is my God this is wa is that food ow a big

Shot that was me it’s quite hard to hit these small wait they’re leaving a trail of cheese made me drunk you fool I can’t see anything what you made me drunk you gave me ale I walk in a straight line yeah go ahead walk walk am I walking in a straight line yeah

Yeah you’re walking pretty straight I mean what is going on yeah you’re walking pretty I also remember when he when when you drank a bunch in the movie and then um Jesus I can’t see I can’t see this is cooked this is cooked um where where are these missiles coming

From someone take my hand guys should we try to I think we need to find horses or food or something are we still going east or yeah East there’s a horse quick to the horse it’s not a horse I don’t know what why are you killing it why are you

Killing it gain experience points why is he killing it it looks peaceful why would you kill the one thing we could have used a copy it was a copy bar oh my God why was a coffee ball you to say you just killed it did you say interesting interesting still

Drunk screen is hey where do we go blow where do we go what’s the did anyone see did anyone see my cppy bar pet oh uh yeah killed it it’s no no no it’s um no no it’s it’s actually over there with the uh there’s some sheep over over in the in the

Village next to us s the white s the white you didn’t have any cure for being drunk by I mean you have any being a bit drunk do you is he trying to sound drunk he lived he lived oh this is I killed your C and I’ll kill

The ring what is happening this is just it’s just how can she see me oh put the on oh that’s wait it’s hey I think we’re safe this is cooked this is this is just me un killing everyone repeatedly um okay I I can see your sword I I can see

The oh oh my God it’s it’s for me well this is definitely a lot better than uh wait the glass sword from Twilight whatever look at this combo I got um so everybody’s dead every I thought we were going oh it’s broken oh I got an achievement um everyone’s dead I don’t

Remember everybody dying this much um so are they coming back do I keep running East I now there’s this map looks amazing but uh I don’t know exactly what we’re doing here can you level up skills I wonder if I can I have zero points so I don’t think

So well let’s go to this building here this this building looks uh looks nice I can’t believe they designed like this whole map or like you know made it what’s this place do you think they’ll come back are they coming back oh this is a bed there’s like so many like this

Doesn’t really look like a bed but apparently it it is a bed what’s the concept um what have I just found oh hey you’re alive what kind of Sword is that that looks new I just found sting you’ve seen it before what stingo wait wait there’s more there’s

More I got one too oh you got sting as well I got the diamond yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is uh exactly what we needed yeah luckily well how did you fall how did you make this golm Kuno how did you do this do what well you made you made this

You shared this graceful Bounty with me the diamond sword sword ow wait why do I have broken hearts H was that um Hey where’s Blau where’s Blau what the hell are these are they Us in diamond swords or is that a spell um I’m not oh diamond sword diamond flame

Bladed sword what press F5 press F5 oh my God oh my God where is Blau help help relax relax where is blow in all this oh there’s enemies they’re giving us weapons to fight enemies there’s like five spiders out man yeah but with our new weapon this

Will be easy get him get him get him man um luckily spiders can’t travel through one by one blocks which means ow what the that was weird they’re not supposed to be able to hit me through is this a spider what is this oh

He needs another TP how do he die to a spider we’re extremely weak guys there’s spiders everywhere get him get him blow get him guys wait die die wow look at them fighting that SPID did blo you see this look man oh there another one die this is

Sting you have sting this is Sting psych has a six sword right you didn’t you didn’t get one of these you didn’t get one of these swords Oh you mean uh you didn’t get one of these from the dude oh oh um here you can you can have

This one there you go wait where do I get them from what dude I dropped one I dropped one they spawn them from the heavens inside here I I dropped you one I dropped you one from the heavens man you dropped me warped fungus on a stick

Oh wait is actually not what I dropped you but I where did that come from fungus on a stick he’s absolutely deranged so how far away would you say we are from the next uh thing you you do know where we’re going right I mean you’ve oh we’re going oh God there’s

Another R kill the spider kill the spider we’ve got it guys we can actually kill things now oh my God we kill them hold on guys if you press if you flex your K muscle you can open the skill tree yeah I have no I have no levels yet though kill the

Spiders man um kill them okay wait I got another skill point yes use the glass sword I could but it only it’s only useful for one hit so I’m saving it for guys R is East it’s East everyone go east what is this go east what the a

Squid is this from Lord of the Rings uh it’s a Kraken the Kraken what it’s the Mighty Kraken what was that from from Pirates of the Caribbean oh right right the Kraken of blow beard what is that thing yeah I’ve seen that before but in the wrong

Film uhhuh so we just go uh East is what you’re saying don’t remember them going east so much need to meet with the council in rivendale okay let’s keep it going this way take the road to the east oh um where’s the one thing where we post up in where Frodo gets

Stabbed I think we passed that already oh no no we’re not at that point I think oh another spider help there’s a spider die die we did it another skill point another one how are you guys getting all these skill points I think this I think it’s

Whoever gets the last hit oh oh it’s you have to get the last hit that makes sense yeah yeah yeah oh my God it’s a big what she what okay so the archery build probably not the greatest build if I’m honest with you um what do we want to go for here melee

Damage honestly like tanking what how did it get so dark I looked away for a second um we need a bed oh bed bed bed right look for the fires of the beds so that they stop tping us oh I see I see what is this wait it’s a with it’s a

Wither kill it a godamn kill it I’m going to level up ranged anyway just to see what happens die we do serious damage to it guys Jesus Jesus I don’t remember this I don’t remember this oh God you don’t remember this oh s oh and spells oh Lord

Jesus swarming me man wait this thing did seven Hearts man to the east to Shadows with you it’s immune to arrows it’s immune to arrows run to the east why is it immune to arrows wait do Archer build useless it’s this is run to the east yeah this is East this is

East go again I don’t know he’s never around he’s never around when you need him I’ll tell you not once not once has he ever been around when we’ve needed him wait is that a cart quick inside of the cart get quick hide she can’t fit inside she’s too

Big where’s plow man where’s plow worked perfectly wait wait we’re safe we’re safe the Riders are here as well yeah they can’t fit inside they’re too big I see I also remember this part of the film when the hobbits hide inside of a carriage Jesus yeah me too with the

Explosions yeah yeah M directed by Michael Bay Jesus oh no no oh Sarina she squeezing in it’s likea game it’sa game she’s oh my God this is cooked guys this is cooked where’s where is blow and all one of you had to die right now who just

Being all we’ve done is run around and get executed how about we just stand inside of each how about we just go inside of each other and you just who who take him take him take him if it’s going to come down to it why does one of us have to get

Executed every five minutes why is why is that a thing every 5 minutes one of us get I will just spawn one wolf for you guys okay okay yeah yeah that sounds fair that sounds fair I’m running I’m running man I’m running run east run east that’s all I’ve learned oh god

Um is he still alive oh man wa you’re still alive I I I don’t the wolf is still after you man run keep running man don’t look back don’t look back keep running Jesus run Sprint’s about to go you going have take the hit man take the hit no no I

Can’t I have three hearts I have three hearts I’ll die I’ll die as where is blow where go in the door it can’t fit through the doors Jesus Jesus oh oh hey I lived um oh God so um we ring Bears got to stay together there’s a rat in

Here so it seems as though every five minutes one of us gets executed why we need to level up beat Sarina the white oh right surely surely we could do that find a in here I don’t I don’t think there is one I think this one’s abandoned maybe we

Just run east kind of Strat wait there’s fireflies over here we just keep running East I think this is the Forsaken end yeah this way this way theef yeah it’s this way guys this way okay okay well this is uh this has been a journey been pretty funny actually but

Uh this is perfect we’re making it keep running East man the Moon is huge where the hell dude did he how far are we away from uh how far let’s just keep going let’s we’ll meet him at uh the big place we got to make it to Helms Deep or

Whatever how how far away are we from that place that’s the end of the film man oh Jesus Christ this was not the movie this was not in the movie what it’s a troll it’s immune to arrows bro why is every enemy immune to arrows why

Why did I choose the Archer class every single enemy blocks arrows this is ridiculous why did I choose the Archer class man every enemy blocks arrows every hit it with the arrows Qui I tried it’s immune it’s immune use your sword why is every enemy immune to to arrows

Guys it’s not normal that’s just not normal legal loss was so good in the anime or in the in the series just keep running East man go oh my God oh God yeah keep keep running man you’re doing great you’re doing great you’re um oh guys oh my God keep running man

Keep running just keep running keep running East it’s so strong it’s a oneit kill what is happening here troll I don’t remember this part I um but you ought to know oh wrong wrong movies wrong movie wrong movie wrong movie Jesus oh my God and everyone knows that

Oh my God guys look the sunset or the sunrise we’ve made it everyone knows trolls are weak to sunight disate yep they disintegrate we’re going to be fine we’re going to be fine in the West on the light of the fifth day what Jesus man how far are we from the next

Big Town any yeah I got like a I got like a pumpkin pie here pumpkin pies pumpkin pies guys oh pumpkin pi do I partial to a pumpkin pie let me just say that yeah same to a pumpkin pie Diamond flame bladed sword don’t aim for the towers aim for the trolls

What remember that oh when they’re pushing the towers up to the thing yeah yeah not the trolls run man run it’s on me it’s on me it’s on you don’t look back don’t look back just keep running just keep running El it’s it’s chasing you man the thing will not let up the

Thing will not let up I tell you it just won’t let up on you oh my go just keep running keep sprinting it’s right on you boys I think it’s gaining on you man it’s gaining on you why is it not going after you I don’t know man I it only dislikes you

For some reason just keep running keep running Jesus Christ help me this is good this is is this supposed I swear they had horses for half of this journey I think this has been a day this has been a day guys I will say the map looks absolutely amazing

Um I’m not sure oh oh big uh big hill guys I found it the big hill that’s got to be something that’s got to be something there’s there’s no way we’re still at rivendel was the map this big I guess in the movie they make a lot of cuts I I

Feel like they went straight from one place like bang to another I thought it’d be like that I thought we’d be going on a casual tour where’d everyone go oh they’re right back there um I don’t think this is rivendale I thought rivendale was in the

Forest I mean I don’t know that much about uh one whatch okay just don’t look at it it’s on what what TP please last why why didn’t he warned me to keep running quick go to the town go to the town guys um we have to go to weather

Top oh no this is the place where he gets stabbed wait is we’re that early in the movie still Jesus we’ve gone nowhere we’ve made it nowhere I tell you I think we got to level up so we can actually fight some of these things um nah we’ll be fine we’ll be

Fine oh we’re fine you think they just walked there no I think they took horses there why didn’t they ride the Eagles I’m kidding I’m kidding anyway we made it guys we made it to the top of the mountain the giant wait this is where froo gets stabbed yeah yeah

This is Jesus Christ we’re 15 minutes in the movie We’re 15 minutes in the movie guys that’s so true we’re literally 15 minutes film how did it take us this long to go 15 minutes in I the real froto was faster let me tell you we’ve made it we’ve made it this is

The first the first uh resting there’s a cave troll up here damn it there’s a godamn cave it’s it’s time guys we can kill it this is this is our challenge surely help me kill it kill it it’s just going for me it’s just going for

Me it’s stuck it’s stuck ellm slice it while it’s stuck I’m going I’m hitting it m I don’t think it’s doing any damage at all I’m going to be it’s not blinking I mean it um um this is it doesn’t seem I’m going I’m doing absolutely no

Damage to it I’m I’m critting it I’m oh my God uh thank God I just slept thank God I just slept here doing did you get how many how many levels did you get for that oh wait I think I only got wait hang on how many

Did I get oh I got a bunch I how how much is a bunch like one two three four five only I only got one I only got one I thought I thought I got more a bed guys a bed you only got one we have to stay here the

Night uh yeah yeah yeah we uh huh how how close are we to the next thing I’m Googling a map of Middle Earth right now hold on Middle Earth food I have like nothing man ohy I have three Arrows by the way man if you need these

Here you go let me pull up the map like literally none all got is an empty see so we’re at um if aren’t doing anything they’ll also probably like buff them in real time where are we It’s s I’m lost oh I think we got to sleep

Here guys this map doesn’t make sense to me oh oh nice nice oh we can’t sleep oh it’s daytime yeah so there’s food they’re giving us food free food guys and they spawned in a treasure chest how how are they doing this I remember that in the movie as

Well um grab loads of this cheese and okay okay they not the dogs there’s dogs guys the crazed dogs kill them kill them what in this galaxy is happening guys we’ve got to Target the one kill them guys kill them justy help you’re sick you’re sick yeah guys don’t give up

Don’t give up we we got it okay this is the one now this is the one now please am I doing anything we got to go in again BL it’s too fast it’s too fast I can’t hit it there’s spiders SP scorpions scorpions scorpion scorpion we getting

Far this this they it’s the on wait this is why are there so many enemies the here the are here why are there like a million dudes and why are half of them immune to arrows look this is insane these arrows don’t do anything why are they all immune to

Arrows I can’t wait what’s this that does this it doesn’t have spells it says it doesn’t have spells okay okay wait [ __ ] here put put the oh I threw it away because I oh oh oh oh I I got my bow it’ll surely yeah yeah no your bow will for

Sure do something oh my God it’s still hitting me what’s hitting me she’s summoning more she’s summoning more I’m out of arrows I had like 40 of them this is so good help a dog not the dogs man why are there so many why are there

So many enemies this is not normal this is Jesus Christ who is this guy who is this guy wait where’s the orc where’s the orc guys just kill the one dude kill the one dude orc hey can I get more arrows how many arrows you got man

I’m um oh psych nice let’s go not the dogs again who why are there so many dogs I got a skill point pretty awkward right wait I was using my I’m just going to hide in the corner what is this normal is why were there like 50 million enemies

If I just crouch in the corner my name won’t appear they can’t even see me here look Jesus I’m invis Die s I’m invisible here die you’ll never get me you can’t even see me oh well they can’t even see me I’m invisible here’s just getting farmed

Seen before die die die die damn it why aren’t you dying oh God they surrounding me I’m removing I’m removing all of okay um hey there’s a a free horse wait is that ours they’re everywhere we’ve got we’ve got to run guys To The River To The River Golem really Golem really we’ve

Got to run to the river that was an accident I thought there’s so many enemies quick run to the river man quick we got to run to the river while we still chasing us go go go wait there’s no fall damage there’s no fall damage

Just run run to the east run to the east guys run to the east this is South this is South run to the east why do we keep running East who told you to go it’s to be to the east who said to go East man I’m I east east oh he got

Killed why why are we going east who said luckily with my Minecraft mechanics I’m borderline uncatchable and it appears as though there’s no fall damage so um yeah everybody’s just dying I’m afraid to look behind me cuz last time I did that I died oh looks pretty safe actually

Actually it’s dark it is quite dark it’s night time uh why are we going east exactly what bro he’s got a horse he’s he’s got a horse man that’s illegal wait aren’t we supposed to have horses at this point in the movie could have sworn that was a thing I could have

Sworn that was a thing I swear okay I’m doing pretty good on the parkouring here doing pretty decent not that there’s much to do it’s just flat purpose is this part of the where where I don’t remember this I don’t remember this part there’s someone right on

Me where’s blow and Ellum where’s wait that’s a little body of water they can’t cross that little river right surely surely wait they actually stopped oh maybe wait are you still following me I don’t know where we going just told listen just told me me to show up I

Showed up all he’s been doing is yelling go east I don’t even know what you tried to kill me but you missed you maniac all he’s doing is yelling go east and I don’t know why he didn’t tell me anything he didn’t tell me anything about what’s happening here all I did

Was log in he said we’re going to do Lord of the Rings and then bam run east is all they say all they do is say run east and I don’t know what’s East um wait they live I think they’re this is cooked this is so cooked

Oh wow I’m so hidden in there aren’t I like extremely hidden actually um it’s she’s still here man keep running to the East and don’t stop why are we running East why are we running East and why sheep following us around with a missile launcher like

What this is so cooked this is it’s kind of fun though but oh man oh man call him Kuno is that you on the left yeah yeah I’m alive quick we’ve got to get to Helms Deep or whatever that’s the end of the film man that’s yeah but

Like that’s the best part you know oh yeah yeah the massive war at the end bro I’m so lost man he just keeps yelling out go east what what why do we trust this guy all he does is yell out go east repeatedly I don’t think we I don’t

Think we’ve left the shy yet I don’t think so either this looks the same I mean where where are we going is isn’t Rivendell the like the Elish city right yeah wait a minute this is like a forest right this is this is where they would

Be look very Elish to me um I mean there’s trees that’s pretty Elish I think I guess we just keep going the real question is where is Blau and why is he just keep yelling go east as if we’re supposed to know what that is I

Think he sees s and then puts the ring on and runs that is pretty much what happens and then he yells out how can you see me when there’s a trail of dirt everywhere he goes oh I’m just being informed apparently it’s it’s a three-day ride to rivendel

What but we’re walking and when we say a three-day ride that would be by horseback so didn’t they have horses in the mov yeah but like they’ll speed it up for us they’ll speed it up we’ll get there yeah yeah we’ll just we’ll suddenly just just appear there surely right where’s blow

Where’s blow he’s still got the ring on man he’s still got the what he’s still got the ring on I don’t remember that part of this oh wait is that him back there I don’t know maybe um I mean that could be sad there’s still missiles it’s me young

Run she’s just still shooting missiles why is this a thing she Jesus luckily she’s missing on purpose but how is she sniping us this well where are we going where what is East we’ve been running through these Woods for ages wait that one actually hit me oh no

Oh God man hold on how far how far hold on where’s Blau I say we turn this around on Blau and ask him what we’re doing there’s no way we have to run east for 3 days there’s just no way I think we need to ride East for three days

There is just no way where is where is Blau what has he cooked what is he cooked here okay hear me out right I reckon he gets tpd to the next area every time because he always suspiciously appears when we get to the next area I think that’s the case I

Think that’s the case man that really seems to be what’s happening here um guys how long does it take to walk there man how long long is the War I I don’t know I I don’t even know where blow is man we lost him it’s still just pure

Forest this is just a 50,000 block challenge but on a nice map yeah imagine this is pych oh my God you’re a genius we wanted to agree to the 50,000 block challenge so he he’s duped us with the Lord of the Rings role play to make us

Do it anyway where where we need a bigger map where even is he right now where even is he he’s left man he’s left he’s leaving us to do the running there’s a bridge there’s a bridge there’s a bridge bridge quick to the bridge the bridge to rivendale right it

Has to be the bridge to Riv I don’t know was there a bridge I’m about to rewatch the movie I it looks this looks like a regular bridge I think hey do you don’t remember this oh this is just a regular bridge I think this is just a regular

Bridge wait wait there’s Blau you can tell cuz he’s getting blasted by the explosions this is cooked guys I have a question we haven’t seen any fireflies in a while um oh Blow from the deaths wow you’re back again oh Jesus the first thing he said when we saw him

Was we got to go East yeah you got listen all I know is the entire journey is they go really far east and then they go really far south okay BL what about those guys oh my God kill them kill them blow kill them run run kill him blow kill him I’ve killed

Him I killed him wait wait we’re actually doing it we’re actually doing it another wait we’re kind of strong now oh my God guys we’re insane we’re actually insane the fellowship is strong wait we are kind of strong I got new skill points so wait put put your skill points

On guys um five move speed what do I want Jesus Oh new skill point new skill skill points man there’s Archer damage there’s Archer damage man yeah I’ve been out of arrows for decades also 90% of the enemies appear to be immune to the arrows um but the elves they got arrows

You know what you probably to increase the damage for them to like actually do anything you know yeah it’s uh it’s about 3% per few levels which is not a ton but okay honestly I really like the RPG element oh yeah yeah I like those level

I say I like the grinding yeah yeah can you be honest with us man is this your way of getting us to do the 50,000 block challenge with you is this what this was the whole time cuz I thinky was on something no I genuinely just want to

Play through a lord how far away are we from the next town out of curiosity um man they really is this like a one to one scale thing like I honestly it is I think it might be it’s huge you get maps of of it right you can’t get pure you

Can get actual maps of the whole of the whole of the world wait guys a chest a chest oh my God it’s going to have a horse in it with 64 arrows in oh my God they heard they heard that I ran out of arrows this this will make all the

Difference all the difference I tell you that’s in the film when when Golem finds the chest full of 180 quick let’s keep running guys we got three days worth of running here sting um sting you You’ seen it before me the return to Moria game I think I

Saw um I think I saw Seline play that a little bit but and I saw L play the other dayar wolves five times man the law the Law’s Twisted at this point Earth is nonic I don’t know what that means actually a town a town I think or

Something get the flutes out guys get the flutes out is that is that a town one of I actually love the music I just wish they played the music more often like I want it playing all the time guys we found the town this is uh I wish as

Well actually I age is this place is this a mountain I don’t remember this in the movie this is rivendale this is rivendale that is not Riven this is rivendale this is it we found it we found it man not R guys we made it literally rendale this is literally R

This is it we’ve headed east so far the W of R we’ve headed east so far I tell you we finally found rendale this is it I can’t get up I um I think we found our way to R but guys I don’t think this is rivendale

This is it we made it we made it R we’re in we’ve done it we’re inside rivendale wait actually is this is rivendale oh this is actually it yeah this is out I think I fell in the dungeon I oh through here you got a pickaxe

Or you got you got a pickaxe Manan or we just stuck in here here man up here um I well wait there’s oh this way this way yeah guys guys I think this is Rivendell did you just fall back down okay so don’t tell me we got to go well East we

Got to go East I guess we go dang it I fell back down I fell back down this is just this is was this in the movie I fell back down again why is there a hole there what oh my God careful careful there there look

One random hole for what why why though is there just the one um okay let me guess we’ve got to go East again um okay is it what’s up no no we oh I found a a golden apple guys wait what what why did I find a golden apple

How did you you just found and you’re just eating it off the bat like that yeah just got my heart’s ready now guys now my health is extra strong interesting this is a random anoran ruin oh right so it’s not Riven out that’s what you’re saying um that is upsetting

Hold on I was all where did blow go again hey more arrows oh you’re over there oh guys can we Farm each other for uh never mind for skill points quick to the down and Ally is offering you the option to travel closer oh bring us bring us I think I think yes

Ally we would like to travel closer oh this is uh this is known in the movies as a cinematic cut yeah yeah I like those love those love those play the music man uh BL stop singing the song Man For The Cinematic cut wait get FL get the flute out guys

No I’ll just I’ll just sing it Ready oh why’ they take the music first I’m oh um we made it guys guys we got to keep traveling east east right traveling East we go east thank God for cinematic Cuts did they like make all of this even the forest Jesus like how oh God it’s night time the Knight of

Rivendell oh great well surely we don’t just get swarmed again surely by W you live with Leslie does she do that gulping thing still where she goes like huh you know yeah I mean yeah I guess so yeah we made it we made it to the bed

But EG oh a a bed now the problem is guys I’m still not sing Rivendell so I guess we keep try hold on hold on wait wait wait blow I’m going to test something all right help me help me help help help enemies enemies help keep killing them kill them while

We can oh my God how is he not dying what the wait one’s gone one’s gone how is he taking to the east run to the east yeah go east just go east run to the east what is that the Riders what is happening oh

God oh he was oh he died man I thought they teleported us closer I don’t even know where we are I’m stuck in the trees it’s so dark it’s so dark man we’re not going to make it there’s no way we make this pl’s getting farmed he’s getting

Farmed where did Ellum go I’m [ __ ] I can’t see it’s so dark is there a road Ellum Ellum where’d he go where are you oh I’m right here I’m right here quick look at my sword how are you and me always sticking together and Blau is Always Somewhere

He’s just always somewhere I’m telling you man he hears something go wrong and then he puts the ring on and runs then he runs and then we just go east and then we just go east is what I’m I’m getting out of this he runs off somewhere and then we

Just go east and hope he appears um quick keep going east honestly I think we could do like a bingo thing of like the only phrases we say during this that’s go east and where’s blow yeah pretty much everyone take a shot every time one

Of us says that says that thing that is very likely all that’s going to happen yeah Jesus Christ okay oh hey we made it out of the woods not to rivendale is this rivendale I um is this a rivendale I don’t think so man I don’t I

Don’t think so what this map has been in preparation since there’s spiders dropping from the sky man there’s literal spiders dropping from the ceiling run run man run east run east oh good they’re kill me just run east man run east this is nuts um are those spiders

Run east tellum why are the woods there’s so many trees I’m just going to run east I just run east surely you just run east it’s so dark I can barely see what’s happening but I feel like we’re lost and I feel like we’ve been lost I I don’t know if it’s just

Me well it’s definitely not just me it’s def it can’t just be Rivendell is by a river is that why it’s called River or like Riven it sounds like RI River oh my God me young are we there yet I don’t know but blow just keeps yelling out go east he’s

I don’t know what we’re doing going east guys do you know where we’re going we’re we’re so lost all he does is yell go east and then he teleports away or something I don’t know where he goes he just yells out go east and then either

Dies or runs away somewhere I guess we just keep hey guys I guess we just keep doing what we doing before we just keep going east east M do you know where the town is where is East I think it’s I think it’s East I don’t see it on the

Map to be I mean everyone knows that where is Blau even where is Blau keep going east are you sure we just keep going east keep going yeast I mean I I thought we were going in a casual Scrolls see all the towns maybe do some things

Dungeon and you know go to M man I want to go to m yeah can we get the Eagles where are the Eagles at where are the Eagles man a what you know the Eagles that fly you in they fly you in and everyone’s like why didn’t

They just fly the Eagles to the straight to the end exactly do that I can do that why didn’t we just take the Eagles to where we’re going now I’m going to be how do we even know it’s to the east actual question are we close I I don’t think so

I don’t think I feel like we would have known if we were supposed to go East they would have said something like like in the movies wouldn’t they have kept saying it right um’s his thing in the bottom left 100 of 100 um God young I I don’t know how much

Longer I can keep going east how far away are we do you wait there’s some butterflies look the butterflies oh my God the butterfli this is a sign that’s a good sign where’s he’s been gone for 20 minutes or something I’m going east there’s no way we’re getting attacked

Blow’s not even here blow’s not even here help what do you mean help this is how are they attacking friend you can feel the ringing you further to the South oh what South to the wait I didn’t get that message I’m going to blindly trust you

But wait look look a giant uh Mountain which means I don’t know what it means right that’s got to be it that’s it man that’s it oh we’ve got to be almost there now we’ve almost I me this this place looks amazing I there’s a pathway there South

A pathway South I I see the I see it I see it the path where the hell is blow yeah where has Blau been he’s been AFK for 20 minutes and he’s gonna teleport here is ring Jesus Jesus um all right I guess we’ll just

Keep all right hey wait wait for me I’m coming up I’m coming up umy you here yeah yeah I’m almost I’m almost here I’m almost uh is the path through this side you reckon or I don’t know it looks like there’s a road here but I don’t actually oh it’s this right

Here right here I think do we keep going east or do we go south I’m going south um got a going further in this direction it said to keep going there there’s fireflies fireflies man oh nice nice the real problem is where is Blau in all of

This well maybe the hey maybe we’ve already lost the ring and and and Sir oh yeah he’s already won he’s already won it’s the end of the film he’s already he’s already won it man yeah he’s he’s gotten it back blau’s been captured he’s gone forever and then we just become a couple

Of cave trolls that’s that’s going to be honestly not a bad life we got to make it at least to the mins of the mines we got to make it to the mines now I know we’d be skipping a lot but surely surely oh that looks like the

Mine’s right down there oh wait they do have a kraken in the remember do you oh they do in the minds ofio you remember in the film where all the hobbits just jump off the mountain and survive yeah and they don’t take any fall damage yeah yeah there’s no fall

Damage oh my God we did it man we made it this is where the mines are I think unless we’re completely wrong unless we are completely wrong and where is blow and all of this nobody knows nobody knows no one ever will honest with you man first go to

Rivendale and then they form the fellowship and then they then go into the mines oh what where do you keep teleported in we did all the walking and he teleported in we the 20K block challenge I I swear to God I swear to God guys we have to cross the river and

Then Liv Tyler will say some things in Elish and the water horses will sweep them away let’s go we’re only at this wait are we going this way we’re going east again across the river the Riders alive what in the Sam Hill is happening what is he saying what where

Did you even come from where did you come from man where he’s getting TP he’s getting tpd no I am not bro is getting TP we’re doing all the walking what you res that that’s what you’ve been doing every [ __ ] time who has my sword and my ax who has it guys

We’re almost to rivendale no we not no we’re not I don’t see any trees I can tell there would be trees wait this is where they get attacked by the wars or whatever right is this it is this the place no that’s that’s that’s the two TOS man that’s

That’s the two to what wait this isn’t it it’s been a while we should have rewatch the series I’m be honest with you I I just where did Blau go he’s already gone let’s keep going east he’s already gone man where did he go where there’s no way where right here

Where you keep guys guys go around the mountain go around the mountain oh Jesus over here guys over here this is where they got attacked by the wargs I remember AR get he gets his arm bitten off like Shanks in one piece he took a little tumble off the

Cliff what he took a little oh yeah yeah this is it look look W this place does look really cool f f guys rendale is to the north guys bro is making up directions literally we were literally told it was South you’re joking you’re actually taking the piss right no no

Follow me it’s to the north wait there’s a treasure chest there’s a treasure chest that that means we’re going the right way yeah right here right here perfect treasure chest is oh hey you took that what was it oh God hope you like the map yeah the map’s amazing I

Personally I’m lost um but Blau will guide us I think this was mostly his his planning so okay wait this River this river is surely the place to go come on guys you follow the river follow the river everyone follow the river guys rells by

A river Riven Dells by the river bro who is this guy what run run are we going the wrong way does that mean we’re going the wrong way what what does that mean we’re going the wrong way blowy go north go north maybe he was right go north yeah yeah it’s north it’s

North okay yeah yeah North North out it’s definitely out the Riders are waiting in the South actually guys the Riders okay so that means we’re going north surely yeah yeah yeah um was one of those okay well on a scale from one to uh lost I’d say I’m fairly lost I’m going

To kill one of these fairies you just take out one of these fcking Diamond as these are so hard to hit how I mean I just wanted to try oh my God wait we’re I think we’re almost there look oh my we’ve made it we

We made it oh my god look we actually made it guys we did it we made it this is where we meet that evil dude which evil finally uh brir the bro mean you mean yeah he’s pretty evil though isn’t he well he just gets corrupted by the ring and then uh

Classic evil moves corrup we made it man we made it surely there aren’t a bunch of enemies there’s a godamn cave troll kill them guys kill them we can take these guys now two wolves help me I’m running away I need aord I need a kill him blow kill

Him BL kill him man kill him drop a sword kill him man kill him me there six wolves on me help me well luckily bro’s got the dog in him so I’m going to kill him bro’s got the dog in him come here come here damn it you won’t take me

Alive I’m hitting him with the ring hit him with the ring why are these dogs so strong we’ve got the dogs why are these dogs so strong these things won’t die they just won’t die help me oh yeah yeah I got it uh come here come

Here I’ll give you the really good sword I’ll give you the really good sword there there there guys we I dropped it I dropped it killed them guys what about that guy um Get It Blow get it you’ve got the armor you’ve got the armor blow kill it

Kill it kill it kill it kill kill it it kill the please blow kill it Blow kill it Blow kill it cring it dude this thing is so strong surely it’s not still after me it’s still after me I’m just going to run in the town and

Hope it gets stuck on a door dead it’s dead it’s dead it’s going to get stuck on a door I swear um there’s a rider above us guys a rider oh God oh my God oh God I think they’re supposed to be invisible jesuses Jesus we made it to the town after

Decades help there’s a dog looks like there’s a chest kill the dogs why are these dogs so strong I don’t remember them getting swarmed by dogs ORS oh my the orc I don’t TP place oh God I do not remember them getting so wararmed by

Dogs during the guys look at me oh Jesus Jesus okay let’s do that um how many skill points we got just that what happened look at me where did you get that from I’m Juiced I’m Juiced oh my God oh my God um I found sting wooden

Sword got it man why do you why do you just call every single weapon [Laughter] stin he’s called he’s called every single weapon sting so far oh Jesus di demon oh God they’re everywhere what what T oh oh they got me guys we got to find the bed why are they so

Strong help I’m in a loop is quick guys run to the town the town will be safe surely R map is really cool though the map is really cool the ble of R out oh my god look look the town oh look at how these doors

Open that’s pretty fancy we made it oh I love the echo oh my God uhhuh what oh wait wow this place is huge but maybe it’s cuz I’m a hobbit class yeah I feel thing is I can’t sit on the chair cuz then well yeah where’s Blau he’s gone again where is

Blo okay thank God he’s here thank God he’s here man we made it we made it we did it we finally did it Jesus well we need exp let’s go see what’s around yeah let’s let’s take a little Gander we’ll take a little Gander have a little brows what this has to

About Kuno you were once like us weren’t youo no I only know go east go east is all I know that is wait there’s beds here guys there oh these are chairs actually oh hey man I only go east only go east is all we’re in here where’s the where’s

The oh here it is look over here oh no this is the wrong way that’s it’s a cool area though um there is muffled voice what is it the diamond armor you lost the diamond armor already like how they decorated the inside of everything that’s

Crazy is this a bed no this is a bed though all right now will respawn here which will be uh yeah this will be great okay leave bed leave bed leave bed um oh there he is I see him I see him oh hey what’s up we made it we did

It guys we did it there another oh is a bed can i s on this this is pretty cool where do they go a double bed I think they go to the mines right they go oh they go to the mines yeah to the mines wait first we have to find where’s

The rest for the time being oh we need a rest okay we need to find a Bed each then where do we wait but it’s it’s the morning I found my bed it’s the morning guys huh oh Gollum kuna you want to hop in bed with me is that you’re trying to oh

What what the we can’t sleep fanf what Golem uh I’ll take the top bun guys I’ll take the yeah yeah the um yeah the top bunk H let’s see wait this this could be a uh guys this could be a good place to pause because I know we have time limits for

Later today oh right we don’t want to get too committed cuz I do have yeah yeah that’s I think I especially with minds of Moria coming up I think we save that for for another one okay all right cuz that’s going to be [ __ ] crazy surely surely meang doesn’t just kill us

All repeatedly again and then blow disappears for 30 minutes at a time and help she’s killing us help help hide help she’s killing us again get on the table the Battle of Riven why are we so weak why am I so who’s this guy who’s who

This guys come out here give me the ring Blau give me the ring it’s mine ring it’s mine help help give me the ring where he go he’s used the ring and run off again he’s used the ring and run off again ellm look look what’s happened he’s abandoned

Us again he’s going to appear 30 minutes later teleported into the next town oh man keep man this map is amazing though I can’t it looks like they made everything even just like like the forest and stuff like oh yeah honestly look down at the river like what yeah that’s crazy oh yeah

Wow oh you’re sick you’re sick yeah look look down at the river what the he tried to kill us he’s gone crazy we got to take the ring from him ellm we got to take the ring ring get the ring out take it from me

Um wait where did you go okay I think we uh we rest here in rivendale and then we continue the journey next week through Moria okay I’m going to break in through this glass I can’t break in GG’s every yeah yeah wait meon could you teleport me up the thing oh never

Mind I found an entrance um oh this is this is the spot guys look this is the place this is where I sat back in the oh why do my pants look like that what the where am I where what the where is this you wouldn’t kill a bud would you

S yeah this is like crazy how did I get here guys do you know can we just can we just exit out and it’ll save our progress or what do we hey got a new bow I yeah probably I mean oh Jesus I going down alone die gone crazy um oh

Oh yes this B sucks we can just save and quit also sucks me bro this Bow’s worthless I put all my skill points in the range damage how is El IM arrows they’re bouncing off of him to the arcraft team who have made this map they are continuing to work on

It and you guys uh can help support them uh as they let us do our Pega version of The Lord of the Rings we have now completed the Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring part one extended edition Pega version where Gollum as a diamond

Bow waa whoa wa what you calling Golem out here is played Kino who looks like the witch King and who makes miniature attacks us and spawns cave ow oh Jesus Christ oh wait look look theom hey that was cool I think they did a great job on the map we’ll try and

Plan it out better next time but it kind of just blow did most of it I just kind of showed up to look at the map cuz I’m a huge Lord of the Rings uh are you [ __ ] kidding me um what is happening this is going to

Last forever get me out of this place ring die ringid all right apparently they’re called arac craft I think they made the whole map is what I heard guys why do I feel like we were just put into uh get bullied by me young Simulator for ages I got to see Helm’s

Dep and the one place when do we when do we we got to get to the big parts and they spawn a million enemies um we should just make it a crazy PVP server I’m be honest we should just make we’ll get more people to show up and

We’ll do Minecraft bedw wars but on the uh what’s it called on the map that’s the Strat that’s the Strat guys it looks amazing though I think if we could do Minecraft bedw war but like on on the uh the cool maps that’d be awesome

Okay all right so I guess we’re taking a short break there we do have a bit before the uh the sponsa um okay um sua game I guess we could do that I guess we could do that I don’t have my is my switch even set up

I just flew back to to La like literally today guys so um that was pretty cool really cool map though good good job guys hopefully I get to see uh some some more of it but how’s the flight uh I it was all right I mean it’s a short flight

Um what are the boys up to they doing anything um okay hold on let’s see if we got it uh let’s see if we got it plugged in but um okay um all right let me try and turn it on and see if it Works which it may or may not but

Um or we could just okay all right I’ll be right back guys plug in my uh you playing s and stuff yeah sua time thank than so for doing all that by the way me that was um that was really fun I just started SP Hing in it the

Random wolves and stuff that were just insanely strong um they were so insane are they talking about the mobs the map was super cool I do feel like we were just there to get destroyed by mang oh wow that is crazy new update data um sequences yet yeah it makes me really

Excited got to install an update guys that’s what I’m saying like do do you have like the cracken thing with all the goblins and stuff like that’s going to be so cool okay um upates and then ask other people if they want to be like you

Know if we wanted a gim cuz we’re we’re at that stage where like gim I was straight up I was going to say we should just do Helms Deep bedwars yeah yeah honestly that’d be kind of that’d be kind of crazy that actually Helms Deep doing a giant Helms

Deep battle would actually be sick yeah like just PVP invite a bunch of people and then uh well the the thing is what we could do is we could think about this way we could do it where it’s like two sides vers each other but then just a

Ton of like new like or uh NPC mobs as well fighting on either side for like a giant epic battle would be sick yeah I mean it’s also they finished Helm Zep too we also have like because obviously we’re at the bit where the fellowship technically formed you could even just

Like bring people in as like I would love to if more people want to join us I’d love to have them come in that was fun was CU we’re kind of at that stage now but I do love the idea if we like there’s a battle at the end we

Get loads of people on everyone’s kind of like pvping against each other that would be funny as hell yeah yeah that would be that would be kind of cool by the way that RPG mechanic the like leveling I really like that actually yeah why don’t we have that on our

Servers someone message Abes someone M little grinding stuff honestly I feel like the leveling in Minecraft where it’s like you level and then just put it in the experience capsule isn’t very satisfying yeah well I mean that’s just because you don’t get bonuses have you tried

Rlcraft no what’s that no oh we got to get Abe to bring back rlcraft what’s rlcraft what is that well I mean you’ll find out if Abe ever brings it back oh yeah okay wait guys we doing suo or are we doing Val which did you guys want to

Do I five people doing Val above us which in house is what he saying if we had one more person that would be and I could probably get one more person oh my god let’s do it wait who wants to go off and pitch the idea though wait wait go up

They’re not in the game right now they’re not in the game right now quick attack attack guys attack quick how do we know if it’s working um well I’m just downloading the wait we’re playing Val I mean they want to I mean I don’t I don’t have that much time before the the

Thing I’m doing with Leslie um like I could maybe just play one uh one game maybe but yeah solid one solid one but that would be absolute Max one and it’s only because the new character hasn’t come out yet yeah no for sure for sure oh my God I’m so

Tired wait why what happened um um they said yes guys they said yes they did they did find one more though okay we got to find get one more more get one more I thought you said you could find one more you could find it

Well like I meant we could find it oh I don’t remember you saying we I did I did ask one person and they haven’t responded I mean they just got they just got another fill so we only need one more person we just we just

Yeah all right let’s all let’s all go up so all we need is just one person yeah and I’m I’m spamming people right now guys I’m spamming people right this second same all right let’s let’s go up all together so I don’t feel awkward when I call why would it be awkward

There’s nothing awkward why would it be awkward there’s nothing awkward about that yeah nothing all right let’s all go up together yeah okay do we have one more person though cuz I didn’t plan on going up until we got our Squad here yeah cuz we I mean

You could always squeaker until we find the final that’s exactly actually what I was doing I already messaged a couple people and um um hey I message like six people and I know one of them is going to reply one of them is going to reply surely one of

Them is going to resp right you would there’s no way that doesn’t connect there’s no way none of them that none of rep to me somebody’s going to reply yeah somebody 100% they just I have to restart my Val what do you mean it’s just not opening I’ve got a little surprise for

You guys on Val cuz I’m not iron anymore I’m bronze nice are you proud now I’m like I’m like I’m intruding on the on the older call and now it feels you know what are you talking about guys just go up there with me please we got to find the Phil first

Where’s the Phil we’re playing Saker until we find the fifth person I messaged one person wait what about I messaged like seven people but surely I’ve messaged at least three people one of these people is going to say yes 100 someone’s going to say should I just type in the general chat

Maybe someone hear me out what he’s going to end up doing cuz they lost their fifth so now he’s probably going to five stack with them and then he’s never going to return wait what no he wouldn’t he wouldn’t surely he doesn’t just leave again come back yell go east and then

Leave again there’s just no way that happens again a sound love us just just yelling go east yeah guy just yells go east then he somehow TPS straight to the next town um um oh I thought I had to reply and it was actually the Lord of the Rings Discord Leslie’s playing Mario

Kart guys I heard we’re playing Mario Kart everyone ready wait you say Saina yeah it’s like it’s likeon say Mario I’m here for the you ready to play Mario Kart bro foolish has my switch Mario Kart oh wait Leslie you’re not playing Mario Kart no no no no my switch my

Excuse to not play Mario Kart right now too late I already to late have to set it up yeah it’s rented right now okay so let’s I thought we were playing Val I heard it was chica’s first time playing Val CED I just heard like five people

Talk at once but dude she’s cracked no no no I be missing my shots like crazy oh we she was top fragging oh my God she is a pro like Pro FPS s player we had to give foolish the lore I’m sorry I’m a bad guy I don’t know

What you wait what what did foolish do he didn’t know he asked chica what experience she has in Shooters I feel like that’s a pretty fair question your first time meeting someone right I mean aity not a crazy question to ask if it’s your first time meeting someone right where is everybody everybody’s

Like wait car never left he left us for the other team you see him I can’t believe Carl left right when I joined we got to try a new do you find another fifth I asked a couple people and let me tell you all of them thought about

Responding I bet thought about it okay I know I didn’t say they did I just they thought about that we just need one more cuz puns will play when yeah puns is coming we’re going to have puns it’s going to be one of those in houses huh

We got oh no well as long as puns doesn’t get a kill for the first 30 minutes be F Dam well that’s what happened last time I don’t know I don’t know if you saw it where did Ray go she just left us she also left um let me see well guys we

Can get one like between all of us we’ve got one friend that we can get rope right into the games I don’t have any yeah oh here no no we can figure out we can figure yeah we can figure this out it’s too easy um we all now you might be wondering

Oh nothing nothing no it’s just like you said things and then foolish what was your highest score in the sua game uh still like a like a 2700 angle pretty good I feel I’m on the um oh oh okay I have one I have one nice

Who is it who is it let’s go his name is lwig lwig wants to play lwig is actually going to play there’s no way there’s no way that’s crazy Carl played and lwig played val yeah what is it like day yeah this is a rare day play one and then dip

That’s fine I think we can do one hey guys lwig owes me some uh lwig signed Crocs um oh oh really wait what was the Tweet about where like he the well I mean I did win the competition I don’t know about the other part the spit one

Yeah yeah like I don’t know about the other part but I did win the competition so I think he owes me the Crocs now so no spit so you’re not going to spit in his mouth oh my God why would you just say that Jesus I hadn’t hadn’t

Hadn’t planned on it I was just going to take the Crocs and kind of just go kind of Strat like I I mean no it may be like a little strange yeah it would be a little strange I’m glad we’re on the same page about that but not like I mean it

Doesn’t have to be strange like what is you what am I like a mother bird feeding a you know I mean I mean it could be isn’t that what they do like the the mama birds they’ll chew up the the stuff yep guys me and Leslie only have

Time for like one game just for the record oh and we got to start soon don’t we we got to start yeah we got like one game and we got to start at some point yeah we got to go after this right yeah yeah we got the one I think

We found the 10th person yes we did it should be pun and bl unless unless I Wasing I Wasing oh you over invited you overed I said Also oh the call two separate calls this is awful were two why were we in two separate calls at the friend chat the puns the puns went okay I can’t do pun pun’s already here and I already said it from like the beginning like what’s wrong

With pun said yes do it in order of who said yes first that’s the way to do it so puns for sure said yes first so puns for sure wait we over invited already in the span of two seconds by two people how on this galaxy do we go from nobody

To like tons of people in the Split Second cuz you guys wouldn’t join the call why why that doesn’t make sense why would you not be do we have too much of there I count 5 10 people right now have point oh there’s 11 well apparently no who’s the 11th though

2 1 2 3 count I count 10 oh my God the new Among Us map what Among Us Among Us guys my internet my internet’s dying uh I think it’s the LA internet guys wait what is this trap to play Among Us that’s what I’m saying I’m glad someone understands me I’m

Kidding now we’ got too many people for valerant but Among Us what do you mean too many people for whoever did the inviting uninvite 1 2 3 4 five we have five we have 10 people God have to buy we have 10 people in this call right now what’s what’s the

Problem what am I what am I not understanding are there not 10 people playing one custom by the way we only I only we can only play one yeah one custom for the road cuz y’all got a sponsor you’re selling out for shut up let’s go yeah it’s Crocs let’s

Go can you can you get him to sponsor me lwig I like I actually love Crocs I mean actually I’m on the fence about Crocs who knows I might like them I’m starting to dig will that help my chances or hurt my chances don’t yeah definitely hurt

Your chances you can’t say I’m on the fence and then sponsor okay but I already have like Minecraft Crocs though like actually and they’re pretty cool I like Crocs I wear them with socks well I don’t wear them with socks but I do like them I do like them I’ve

Got my Lightning McQueen Crocs as well and they light up and it’s great I’m a fan of the Minecraft ones they come with little little Croc charms oh yeah I big you guys call them Croc charms or I’ve heard people call them jibit yeah yeah I’ve heard both I’ve heard both feel

Like COC charms just sounds more are you guys we we still playing this game or like am I just going to be playing dude I played the worst game of valerant ever yesterday I hate this damn game yeah wait are you still playing off stream like solo you’re crazy 54 and I

Lost that is like just I just wouldn’t have brought that up 40 they quit and we lost the game it was so embarrassing yeah like I wouldn’t even have brought I would have erased that from my memory is what I would have done personally but it really hurts

Auno I don’t want anyone to freak out but I’m not iring anymore guys I’ve ranked up am I still getting those uh lwig signed Crocs since I won yesterday are you still spitting in my mouth what the heck why would you just there there it is why would you just say that out

Loud you at a time baby we got to get through Jes like you put it on Twitter what do you mean no no I blurred out a part so like you know like it didn’t really hey guys I’m opening up Val we got we got this the stack right okay

Wait do we need do we need to kick Tina Tina want oh I can leave to be fair if Tina wants to play I’ll leave I’d rather Tina play she was also saying she was sick though Tina literally bailed earlier cuz she’s sick oh but if she

Wants to play I’m so happy to bail I’m only doing this I think she’s she’s just fing cuz she doesn’t want us to be stressed out but I it sounds like as hell watching just ask if she wants wants to play or if she’s filling cuz if she show she shows a slight

Inclination to want to play I’ll wait guys what if she bailed earlier and then she changed her mind now cuz Ludwig’s here and if lwig dips she will no longer be interested I don’t think that’s why I got to do my nine to five anyway what’s

Your nine to five what’s your nine to five it’s called sua wait didn’t me young beat you yesterday not to wait did she yeah she got like 28 something crazy oh I’m to be honest I savagely underperformed I blame the RNG I my 3,314 ever Jesus wait you still haven’t

Beaten Connor okay so that was oh no that just popped on my head I just popped up in the head I’m so sorry what’s Conor’s score what’s Conor’s score it’s lit barely yeah like literally he could have dropped the cherry and just won crazy it is tragic

Because now it’s he also did it on my switch so you’ll just never have your own oh wait he did it on your s disrespectful it is disrespectful holy so now I keep playing everyone says I’m throwing for Content I have TTS out the wazu calling me little

Cumboy it’s a miserable job ion they call you little whaty it is tough to beat I feel like it’s just bad luck at some point it is just bad luck uh foolish Mage Tina we have like we got like 10 people or we don’t I’m trying to okay wait I’m

Okay okay okay shks for that reason I’m out okay bye wait what if Tina leaves and then we need guys I can go I have a sponsor in like literally play today is for you today is we literally are playing balance Auto balance no no no you’re not allowed to leave you’re not

Allowed to leave Tina is to us in the party chat by the way I don’t understand who K who is KOC I’m K you are how many wait how many accounts do you have foolish he’s on a Smurf he’s on a Smurf the auto balance won’t work be off I just keep forgetting

I have all these accounts this is what it looks like Auto balance this doesn’t well foolish is on a Smurf and Chica is definitely under ranked oh my God hello you still were sick and didn’t want to play you don’t have to but that I just felt but you were like I’m in

Game I’m in game and you just weren’t answering the question wait ex you didn’t say anything like that you said play Customs who cares if you’re Sck wait that was the very first thing I said and then after I was like you can rest longer we have 10 if you want and I was like Tina Tina Tina Tina Tina and she’s like are you confused I’m in the lobby I’m like you like I’m like you

Want to play she’s like I’m in the game I got just not answering like you don’t have that’s fair that’s fair okay listen we got five people I’m going to say this this does not necessarily look balanced to me just because obviously foolish and no but puns you

Punswick what are you doing which one is puns oh puns is just puns puns is this going to beir you know run it just run it just run it yeah just run it and we’ll see how it goes let’s just start we only got time for game one game guys

Because BL BL account he’s on is like bronze that’s the reason why guys it’ll probably be balanced yeah yeah surely it’ll be B but which map wait wait this is the team this is the team guys this is auto balanced this is auto balance this is okay okay guys this is chica’s this

Is chica first playing Val and and she’s she’s already top fragging beating foolish in the kills is crazy she’s crazy I was lucky I got beginner’s luck lucky okay all right and I only know how to play stage so I apologize ahead of time no no that’s okay I’m actually oh

Tina that Tina no I I’ll switch I’ll no I’m sorry how do I what no I don’t I don’t play that Oh I thought you did I thought it was your main it was her M she’s lying with her whole chest right now that’s so crazy know I could no it’s

Okay it’s okay listen listen listen this is a good time time to learn new champs right Tina this a great time to learn and I will play a new champ as well okay you’re going do her I’m coffee you would okay actually I’m gonna play what do we

Need um I mean I think I think I think double like that isn’t bad for this map what tell tell us tell us you’re on double Sentinel h double smokes double smokes is that what you want to hear yeah that gonna change your game plan whatsoever yep it is now I’m gonna have

All the players okay wait so if I lock it like I thought I was just selecting if I lock it I can’t like on change right not after you double smoke is tauno AFK trying outet we also have dou you trying me he’s become the omen the what

I just spamm in I spammed in a a what a Secret Keeper oh I can see right here what you’re doing wait oh we made it back oh um you’re R you’re on my team what the heck I mean a no way you out frag Leslie

On her man oh that would be crazy that would be how’ you guys games go today you were you winning or losing yeah come with me um two and0 this map is called split um Sage usually likes to wall mid right here or you could wall be okay you

Guys are guys they’re mid they’re mid Nock go M guys go player five mid quick quick every go go never seen the map whichever works but like want to be separated great to see you again by the way chica I still have your fortnite skin like I don’t I don’t use the skin

That much but I I like the dance a lot the dance is great I’m blinding I’m blinding [ __ ] let do that guys one enemy I got I got we did it sorry Tina classic Omen maneuver Omen always hides in his own smoke well I guess you guys are going

Downum that’s literally a classic Omen maneuver it’s very common it’s very Common guys R yeah yeah yeah guys they have a they have a coffee menu here why have sorry I’m getting distracted Focus up I’m going I’m going ramps there’s one scre with the marsh help it’s foolish he’s actually crazy he’s crazy you guys are dominating blow are you still practicing

Off stream man cuz you are you are crispy en is he here oh he’s onite on site on site I hit him with my name wait why am I holding the spike someone more responsible take the spike please Jesus you lied I’m a li um my hit her

Though at the beginning of the round okay good job everybody probably best to play Team um I think they did they buy or they saved oh some of them bought actually some of them bought you’re going to have guns now though Leslie can I have that yeah

Yeah yeah um I say we just extra like have enough for next probably right let’s go crazy on B but walk till contact or like wait for like the first five seconds okay let’s do both herey we got we should just go east man just go

East just go east guys go east was I wrong was I wrong shift shift shift okay all right before Chen Molly we’re going to explode ready three two one smoke smoke someone nice give me that spice reloading oh godding watch CT there’s definitely someone in CT there’s somebody in CT

100% they’ll probably flash out so be careful yeah they’re in C I don’t think they’ll look at me joke’s over you’re dead Heaven Raptor he’s not looking he’s not looking is 40 That’s so upsetting got him worth worth last player standing oh no I needed the gun

Oh this is great oh they’re just going to diffuse oh they double Peak that okay oh God they know how to not PE KN kills worth that’s tough we got one though we got one it was an extra credit round so we did pretty good four extra credit round

Guys remember we didn’t buy anything we have tons of money now where do we go where do we go this is this is pretty pretty good actually kind of want like a actually quite common to win your pistol and then you win another and then you

Lose the one after cuz they all have real guns and we have you know what are youon say the coffee menu man the smoking back oh my God oh my God oh my what happened guys what happened Jesus okay so foolish has done that twice let’s just not go

There let’s just yeah why don’t we just let’s just go another let’s just go back on B huh fool is just kind of crazy right so holy we just go back on B well let’s go mid can I get good too can you do the flash where you stand

Here like you like that uh yeah I can do that I’ll wait for a second blinded I’m going to smoke into uh Vin VIN is smoked okay I one HP blow to okay I’m just chilling in here oh they moled us maybe we go to a

Maybe oh God uh this is tough they are using all of their utility reloading um okay that’s good that’s good they’re using everything and then maybe we can um yeah we barely use ours we do have let’s work a let’s work a work or walk uh what foolish is there

Again guys there’s no way foolish drops another 50 bomb on us that we can’t let him have this man we can’t let him have this oh she CH is here oh give me the gun she didn’t know I was here going work out perfect me last player standing insanee down she

Is a pro shooting gamer well thank god we’ve got puns 30 seconds left the 8 HP yeah he’s got this he’s oh wow that was pretty good foolish is obviously insane but that was good I leave them remember now I can now we have full buys and this is where everything

Changes um I’m going to be honest if we go a and foolish isn’t there I feel like we got a good chance yeah yeah yeah okay I’ll just blind we’ll just blind the smoke so we can’t Marshall the US it say Marsh yeah let me smoke off the bat on

The back yeah I’ll smoke straight back and then he won’t be able to Marshall anymore and then we should just be able to walk in I’ll smoke CU smoke straight back and then we just go in got the joa oh he’s them he’s there’s two back two back where am I I’m

Blinded where am I we left the SP we left the Spike oh Jesus um there’s greens there’s greens both of them I’m smoking them off man I’m smoking them off cover going out oh nice Leslie one enemy remaining one I don’t know where last one is it’s just Ray she’s she’s

Doing Ray our spawn ramps ramps oh nice team wow this is actually fairly even I’m surprised but none of my stuff has all function wait is this an offense or defense sided or attack oh defense this is this good defense team oh true all right wait you guys have the exact

Same yeah we go on a or b I can just I’m going to do the same smoke on a wait wait on a guys let’s do a blowy fake don’t do the smokes right away blowy fake yeah wait just wait like 7 Seconds okay boom okay well now I think we just

Go oh my God this is why they call Lord puns Lord pun this is why he solo Q’s all the time because he’s too good it it will make sense now I think one’s vents maybe possibly potentially one enemy remaining holy Ace oh my God

Give him the ace give him the ace guys Jesus Jesus Lord puns he’s crazy oh my God he’s too good he’s too good that was awesome okay I’ve been I’ve been guys do we do we really want to just rush a again I feel like they’ll be

Expecting wait wait guys guys go B go B we fake a and then we yeah how about okay I’ll throw the smoke out I’ll throw the Smoke Out same spot on a you guys go B okay I’m going to I might SM as well yeah BL will make noise blow will make

Noise I smoked a okay this smoked a bit as well coming B coming B coming B I’m a b I’m a b I’m a b I’m going smoke K go in go in wait there’s so much walls seems bad we don’t have much that yeah just eyeball running eyeball running go go go

Go I’m planting I’m planting I’m what do the hunt begin that the damn Omen oh my God nice puns good good uh I’m going to smoke Heaven Again smoking heav there’s no way fo is that good Jesus how how is he that good guys I knew exactly where he was so I pre-fired

Him he just peaked out and just killed me anyway allish yeah he just walked in and killed everybody he just walked in and killed everybody he’s so good he’s just too good he he’s just too good how are you supposed to beat foolish I feel the strain block it out

Omen I feel the St get outen I feel like B sucks I feel like we sucks yeah yeah yeah we we’re bad we’re bad this yeah be tough just walked out and kill us all yeah okay um we just have to do the thing where we stop poish from marshalling yeah

That’s smoke him insta smoke on him smoke wait do you have smokes too I’ll smoke heav then I’ll smoke SM oh he’s having he’s well surely he can’t just kill all of us a okay they’re going to try and res foolish probably interesting smoke from there like they’re coming from C

Screens SP pled all right didn’t see anyone j i of you will not kill my go you got one the game is really loud going to be honest one enemy remaining no way okay I tricked foolish I just didn’t realize there’s another um oh nice Leslie oh my God she’s done

It she’s done it Les you’re on 13 kills Jesus yeah she’s going kind of crazy oh my God I’m warm I’m warm she’s popping off it’s it’s her day it’s her Day Fly May a f fly okay all right all right wait so this is chica’s first time playing valerant or yeah first

Day five I mean she’s uh she’s like pretty much almost a pro fortnite player obviously different games but it’s like it’s still like I can see like where the world’s collide you know yeah like you’re still aiming a gun at people did you smoke the back oh nice

Smoke heav smoke heav I think we can just take s side I’m planting on Tina cover going out hey man I’m in for YOLO out here send it it didn’t work I’ll play across with you tuck in that Galaxy that they expect there’s no way oh he’s

No way I got one shot on her though not bad not bad we got foolish if if I turned that blind we would got them both but I did last standing we still got one why is the valerin louder than usual I don’t know where this guy’s at anywhere diffused so that’s

Fine I think you’re just footstep main he’s going like main area I think they’re just letting you you get it we win oh we still got the win though I mean that’s what that’s what matters that’s good yeah them to strike and also we DOD the

I can buy one I can buy one there you go okay oh you guys want to explode through mid maybe o pretty good idea I’ll smoke smoke vents smoke vent let’s go up to B as well yeah smoke vent and then we go left up up heaven

Can I go solo through main but like slow I would love that I love that do you want me to smoke there as we get in or not that’s a good smoke I smoked the smoked vents in there he won’t peek out making a weird caterpillar to try

And catch him Ray is in main now Ray is in M Viper in main she’s welc to my world I see she’s she’s going show she’s going she ran away she ran away go still in ropes or I think he he’s by stairs what how did she know I was there

Okay foolish was not in ropes oh nice okay that’s tough she knew she knew guys she just knew but how though with a judge D guac I mean hey we got six on attack yeah that’s pretty good and we well we might get seven we might get we could get

Seven anyone can lend us a little little I’m saying I’m saying we fake a and then actually go B I just need one more person to sell the fake on a okay they have they’ve been Walling it like Sage Walling be as well it’s kind of I think

All of you guys go B except for uh Foos fly and me I’m going to smoke a to make it look convincing I’ll smoke a all right f I’m just going to smoke that back heart yes what happened oh you guys are I’m going B I’m going B watch them

Run so good the Woles going to go straight for the this went extremely wrong I uh okay well that went extremely wrong did not expect them from that angle so that’s the people I thought I was going to run to apparently there was one behind me they let them through be M um oh tough that’s

Tough you know we didn’t do terrible for for uh for defense okay or for offense I’ve been told def is picking this game up it’s crazy switching sides what um this this not terrible not terrible sometimes the comments lag yeah they definitely do but that’s just how it

Goes when I can turn them off if if you guys prefer but usually it’ll just update why I’m upset playing this game since Alpha okay oh you want to play Rams is that is that what you want sure what the strategy is here I don’t know man I

Knowing them a smart move would be to just rush be you’re going to go crazy that when you’re one we don’t deserve um and Stage wall out so if we do this this will be a great hold for Leslie I’m going to do that to double

Down I’m expecting a rush Sage oh you should be holding uh it’s fine it’s fine yeah hold the other angle Leslie cuz then they’re probably going to run out in Sage wall you’ll have an instant thing just turn the flash and we’re easy easy sounds like they’re

Um okay they didn’t push it it would have been Absol hard thing to push though yeah they might be just they’re going they’re going I can hear them okay we’re coming no way smoke it someone smoke it off wait no they stopped they stopped two M there’s two mid someone

What are they doing being weird some I’m staying B main I think or mid I can’t tell oh nice they’re going B they’re going B oh SP on B SP on I’m coming down coming down hey 66 Ona yeah yeah meing out out one up one up on ramps the

[ __ ] I used all my you 30 seconds left they could flank you uh puns through vent they could come behind you guys now at this point they be I’m so scared I mean it’s pistol round how does she know how does she how does she know okay okay she just knows she knows

The spots we still got her still got her pretty good um oh still got her but uh you know that was surprising little bit surprising say let’s get a we’re forcing up right because we won yeah big time Big Time yeah perfect perfect okay um you killed foolish that round that’s incredible hey

That count like like for five kills at least right and now this is perfect because if you play aggressively at a main you can give them a yes yes back up I I’ll do the I’ll do the cringe champ smoke for you Lesley then you can just just stare at that smoke

And if they push through it it’s easy to they didn’t go here did they they’re playing Weir I’m G hang back they’re playing so slow yeah back uh you can now rotate all right foolish FL that’s FL don’t FL exactly what I need to do foolish is in markets

Um you’re joking die foolish please I killed me they used everything on me mid um oh God okay oh nice nice nice wow I killed him again I’m break his mental guys okay they did I think they full saved that round so we’re going to have a hard time this

Round do we what do we do uh I’d say have enough for next is what I would do but what I think here’s what I think they’re going to do I think they’re just going to rush B with the better guns I kind of agree yeah I feel like that

Would be the smart play for them which is why I’m going to do this going Rush a with the better guns really yeah they Rush mid with the better Guns N no no they’re definitely going to rush something I think we can all agree they’re rushing something here yeah

They’re going to rush something for sure okay one’s a one’s a at least one’s definitely a nothing B yet okay I don’t see it’s a big time it’s a big time got Jesus you got foolish okay huge huge huge grab an orb grab an orb com back okay we’re

Coming planted all I have is a short Corner okay um of them are TAG though all right Leslie let’s see it over here what corner did anyone drop a gun in a grabble spot last standing this seems awfully bad for me what exactly am I supposed to do in this situation um

Uh get her get her man oh God she trying to knife you she tried to knife me the maniac she’s crazy she’s crazy that was awkward that was an awkward situation now is there a world they go a do you reckon not I reckon not

I feel like they would they they have to go garage people love going garage they’ve just never done guys there’s no way I was going to try and knife someone in a on V5 or I don’t know what that was but there there’s no way anyone expected me to charge out

With a knife there what is happening how do I change I [ __ ] hate him not ready yet uhoh um see yeah there foolish Bing Bing Bop such a rat he knew I was there you’re the one is the rat Ellen these comms make no sense um they’re smoking here smoking they’re

Doing things B oh my god there come The Omen and and R Viper oh they’re taking orb and B they’re taking orb they’re going to push here in like a couple seconds two one I hear them they’re up they’re here they’re here they’re here they’re here joke’s over you’re dead oh that’s great

As long as he doesn’t come out of garage okay last two honestly we didn’t do bad we we didn’t do bad it was just it was two but it was also as all in terms of damage pretty pretty good damage yeah yeah he’s in now so I’m definitely not going to do

That got this we don’t have a lot of money y um this is tough this is tough they’re not really falling for much oh light buy buy for next but basically all right only life knife fight last player no honor what are you talking about nobody said knife fight you you’re absolutely delusional

If you thought there was any reason for me to charge out with a knife in a 1v5 um cover going oh they’re playing slow and weird again I hate it cringe champ strats since they’re playing slow here one a no just wait right here this is a

Gamble but the thing is they have been known to like like chilling here um interesting I mean was only at uh shorty we don’t have back yeah yeah yeah should I rotate to a no not yet okay I think they’re just trying to make us push them right

Now yeah they could be coming back mid SM faded their smoke faded yeah I don’t anything they me oh foolish is a in looks like they’re going a time to just try get aand your I got foolish down where’s that pretty good yeah they’re pretty much committed to RS could be up ramps

Care uh I think up ramps I think they’re in heaven slow oh God I don’t see anything ramps 30 seconds nice still playing really slow blind oh huh oh nice one enemy remaining nice puns gun there you know where last is okay Spike planted oh

Nice I’ll throw I threw a gun down I threw a gun down wait where Vandal Vandal right here oh you already got one um my team right let go this is pretty close pretty close and we’ll crush is that what that is psych you’re Twisted I don’t know who I just

Threw a vandal that was my skin man you’re using oh my God the blue one I mean do you want it back or no no no I don’t I don’t I hate the Skin Man okay I don’t know why I bought a bunch of Christmas themed skins and I’m not

Really sure why did I miss the Minecraft a little bit yeah yeah it’s pretty fun honestly I think the map was very impressive the journey I didn’t fully completely know what was happening there I think we should do a a cool like smoking B smoking B

A the fire yeah foolish is on a Viper Viper B yeah they seem to they seem to really want to be going B but I would just nice smoke psych nice smokes yeah yeah it’s going to be almost impossible to push this taking they’re grabbing b

Or he’s waiting for my flank that’s what he’s doing smoke again in two not ready yet um sming again Where where where where he’s he’s on a just hunting me you said he’s waiting for my flank and then you pushed into him was it just him or it’s just him it was just him he could be behind us by the way oh I hear him

Here they just ran in they just ran in you guys got two yeah guys are going to have a plank behind you I’d watch I’m just going to do a cringe champ smoke one enemy remaining just foolish left just foolish does foolish have the spike or do we no

We have a spike we have a spike in garage he’s probably in our spawn could be B Heaven yeah he’s going to go Heaven Be heav Be heav Be Heaven nice all right there’s no way he doesn’t go heav lurky lur what is thato all I know I

Knowum says is here he’s looking for my push Ellum pushes out honestly that I would do the same exact thing take the one V one he’s challenging me I have to do it no you don’t have to One V one foolish I can’t stop it I can’t imagine

How good it’ll feel when you win imagine how good it’ll feel when you winch I’m going to W him him you’re an orb to him ellm you’re an orb oh my God you want to do thing or oh yeah yeah do the thing oh I’m smoked off

On the good angle they’re back there they’re back there here here they walk in they didn’t walk in I’m coming they’re like having difficulty pushing through but that was the point of the smoke could potentially be a fake yeah okay are you sure are you sure that M well they aren’t be

Anymore cover going out keep smoking yes smok it it’s just foolish oh he’s dead nice enem um guys I’m coming I’m coming any second see anybody here down um I’m going to Blind into the hallway push in push in I blinded the whole I blinded like all of them blinded

All of them R go got that’s my smooth brain smooth brain oh my God the guys we’re doing it we’re actually winning yes um I got I got money okay we’re doing pretty well actually we’re doing pretty well praying that they would go through their spawn I was

Want to be the the ultimate I feel like they’re just they’re going to just run through I I think they’re just going to run B this time I feel like they have to then I should you know like they’re panicking they’re panicking they’re about to just rush us B and we’ll just

Mow them down easily we can do that swinging oh no there no screens Shadows traveling yes doesn’t look like a right now could be playing very slow foolish is marshing okay of course he is of course he is cover going out nobody r on me enemy down holy smokes

Damn what are they doing guys i’ I’ve got a patience issue I’m going to teleport behind and probably die there’s one in right now holy down they’re all hiding in the market last are all in Market I’m smoke him and I hear him going to B maybe like

They should be stuck they have to go back to you right now one enemy remaining last one’s probably here no I walked up too close I walked up too close she was blinded but I just walked up he flew too close to but surely there’s no way all three of you

Died to one person she’s going Chas him Chas him I’m going away oh my God nice you hit with a knife Jesus guys we’re going to win we’re going to win one more round one more not the patience issue I mean we did have the patience issue but it actually

Worked out that time gamble at their a I’m just going to out hopefully they’re there yeah one of them is going to be there they’ve been playing like that they’ve been they’ve been playing kind of like that I’ll push with you puns okay wait but guys um guys you know you

Know that classic alen play the judge forcefully into them from the rip right imagine and I’ll go behind Ella okay um don’t know what that means but here we go wa I hear Guys I don’t know how long I can hold the for down I smoked I smoked I gave you the cringe champ smoke sewer you sure there be um yes I’m so sure take that cringe champ angle I got a great smoke for you are they on site did they they’re

Planting a they’re planting a spike down a spike down a down a one down a oh spikes down a corner corner corner last one’s in the corner on B what what the hell where’s where’s his Spike on a he went into the spawn in

CT s oh my God no how did she know to walk backwards oh man oh man listen if she didn’t walk backwards I had it if she didn’t walk backwards where do I where do I go that’s unfortunate he wants a knife I think you doing okay drop to site

30 seconds left got it get her get her here it ISO you got it you got it don’t give up don’t give up he knew it the 4K oh man oh man wait guys what if we what we only can kill the last person with knives that would be that would be something

We’re doing it we’re doing it I mean don’t mind me guys unless it’s foolish unless it’s foolish unless it’s foolish don’t you mean especially if it’s foolish like true actually yeah true true like especially if it’s foolish if I manag to op foolish guys guys this

Would be a win already here we go go try me try me again smoked markets smoked markets well they’re I’ll I’ll anchor I’ll anchor he’s M he just killed us both we didn’t peek together but it was foolish it was foolish he’s too good it’s here I

Think yeah okay well foolish just walked mid and killed everybody so uh they got most of that oh he’s so he’s actually still doing it he’s actually still doing it um I’m to be honest guys if we run into someone who’s not foolish that’d be great last player standing oh my God

This is going to be almost unwinable oh surely we don’t lose after doing those weird knives guys is all they get wait I’m broke I have no money all right I got no money guys can you smoke this and this of course of course I’m seling down with a judge I

Don’t care maybe we light bu have enough for next okay I’ll go light armor got a strat I got a have enough for we’ll do this judge next I guess oh true yeah yeah true I me I have a watch this watch this okay just smoke those two

Spots for me crazy Strat here three are you joking how does he they’re a lot be God foolish God foolish oh my God fo nice down that’s their mental gun all we did so good there we did so good that was insane if we didn’t have a shorty we would have absolutely

Destroyed that was nuts oh man that was a good one that was a good one that was nuts if we had anything other than a shorty I think we would have killed all of them I want to them finally you did it good job guys good

Job we got to win we’re not triple Los oh wait we didn’t play with foolish oh we’re not the triple lose oh we lost half his health to the Molly and look at how good we did look at how good we did what’s happening yeah all

Right well me and Leslie gotta get going but hey good games guys good games games everybody games everyone thank you thank you wish I could play more but that’s how it goes that’s how it goes that is how it goes how it um I guess you really

Had you had to wait in the sewers for me didn’t you man that was my little rat spot well you got me man you got me you got us way too many timesing so it should have been stopped sooner but you like I L said it out loud I’m like I’m

Gonna go kill ell he’s gonna be yeah you got away TI GG’s everybody games guys bye let me know if you’re playing more later GG all right see you guys everybody I can’t oh it’s because you closed valerin right so you know how it happens to me all the time oh she’s gone yeah whatever I close valer it

Means I can’t click on Discord for some reason so then it ends up and then this this situation where you then can’t leave Discord which is happening to me right now um right I can’t seem to leave Discord and everything’s freezing if anyone wants to why’ Leslie go to the the thing

Um she went to the not live Channel but she’s definitely live so what’s uh her Strat to there um well you know we got time for one sua game okay um hold on what if we get a high score right now we probably won’t but what if we do

A oh right you guys can’t hear it thank God I just saved your guys’s ears you’re welcome um that was the noise I would have made if you heard how loud that was um okay was this run cooked or was it good no this looks pretty cooked

Okay we got time for one solid run we can speedrun the first part doesn’t really matter um okay this will go here it’s not great but not too bad honestly Um just wait for it uh we don’t want to put any thing on the oh wow that’s terrible uh this will this will kind of do something okay not the worst thing that could have happened we really need something to connect here that’s pretty good yep that’ll do it this will go

Here we’re in quite the predicament here cuz there’s no good spot to to put this thing got to do that I guess that connect push that down it’s not going to but this should combine into an apple that’ll go there um this should double combine and that’ll give us something but it’s not

Great okay there’s that so we go Here just wait just wait sometimes we got to give it some time okay so this isn’t amazing because it looks like two are separated but here’s the thing we’ll have to combine them in a weird way anyway this is honestly not that bad it might look kind of bad but it’s really

Not so bad in in the grand scheme of things now we just got to think about how to properly connect the last few this is go here that’ll go there Cherry okay this is not great we really need something that Can and that is just exactly not what we wanted definitely did not go where we thought it was going to go this should kind of Bop It over and that’ll save it a little bit but in general this is not necessarily a good thing Okay all right all right this should go yellow and then it maybe will combine it’s not going to which kind of sucks honestly because we really need these to touch and to be honest I feel like they should be touching at this point in fact I don’t know how they aren’t

I really don’t know how they are okay um let’s think how do we make this work uh we got a lot of dead zone down there not going to lie not going to lie bit of a big dead zone but it’s not like completely over just quite unfortunate with the timing on that

Okay okay that’ll go there that’ll go there I go go there that’ll go There okay uh that’s good this will go here another one of these that’s okayish could say all right this should double triple combine that’s come on come on you got to touch now don’t you of course they don’t of course they don’t okay um really hoping those would touch would

Be very nice I don’t think they’re going to that is a Problem okay did not go the way I thought this that should Apple let’s just wait there we go it’s not perfect but that’s actually quite good see if those will touch they won’t they definitely w will not not the most terrible thing to happen though to be

Honest okay that’ll go there this will go Here all right that is not perfect let’s go like that um I mean this is just oh oh that’s pretty good wait that’s really good yeah that was a little scary uh let’s weigh this down a little can you move camera we can’t see the score I’m going to

Say try looking for the score cuz you definitely can see the score um you definitely can see the score okay let’s go here maybe those are touch please okay not perfect not perfect um okay okay that’s that’s actually pretty okay I mean it’s not it’s not good but like it’s not the

Worst possible situation ever um use That okay maybe a 2K run it probably could it could be don’t know please fall please fall please fall oh oh What okay that is definitely not a too 2K run definitely not a 2K run that is unfortunate um that’s a tough one that’s a tough one but anyway um give me one second guys because we do have a sponsor for the day one second to change the title real quick um okay

All right got that give me one sec um let’s see all right let me open up the game real quick get it all ready game’s a little loud at the beginning but every game kind of is um okay hold on all right guys um today we’re sponsored

By battle crush um it’s it’s actually in beta right now uh it’s open from 5:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. I think it’s just on Steam that’s where I’m playing it um is it is it 5:00 p.m. I think it is it might be a second to get in oh never mind it’s quick

Um hold on hold on all right we’re in man I kind of missed the music um but anyways guys thanks to battle crush for sponsoring the stream type in exclamation point battle crush in chat guys to to get a link to the game and use the code sauno Crush

1023 I’ll post it in the chat um there you go you can click that link and if you use sauno crush is 1023 you get 1,000 free in game crystals it’s a brawler PVP action game centered on strategic combat with easy controls I’ve only done the tutorial um and the

Controls are pretty easy I don’t know if I only did the basic tutorial it had like a few buttons uh so pretty pretty simple um apparently it’s more fun to use with a controller but I personally will probably just use a keyboard I felt like it was perfectly fine uh with a

Keyboard for me um anyway we’re going to be playing this with Leslie guys as soon as she’s here so while we’re waiting we can look at this battle pass they got don’t know if there’s a difference between all these do I am I supposed to buy the battle

Pass there’s a bunch of like characters and stuff too I haven’t tried them all I’ve only tried the basic one is this on Steam I think it’s on Steam that’s where I have it now it is only in the beta right now so you do have to like uh

Register for the beta but I mean it was like instant for me um I haven’t tried all the characters so I don’t know who’s good um I think I’ve only tried the absolute like the Archer cuz they were in the tutorial um but yeah we’re going to be playing

With Leslie in just a minute okay um apparently all the characters are playable during the beta I think they’re called calers is that what they’re called how do I change what button is it to change this one oh this changes your outfit oh set calir wait where where where was

That wait are they not all free thought they were all free in the beta we have to buy them um it got me access instantly oh yeah yeah it worked that way for me too don’t forget to use sauno Crush 1023 for 1,000 free coins I don’t know exactly how much

That is but it seem like almost enough to buy something like like a skin here um oh wait this is 900 oh the battle pass is oh that means you get the battle pass for free then pretty much okay well yeah if you use our code guys you get

The battle pass for free basically so that’s pretty cool I will say I haven’t played much I’ve only done the the tutorial basically um I got I feel like I got to figure out what character I like like who is this posidon Amazonian Little Pirate oh wait are

These the name of the Skins I just haven’t tried all the characters so I’m not 100% sure quite yet um have you used your own coke I don’t know actually they just sent me a bunch of stuff hey sauno are you excited to battle crush with me today yeah yeah what’s battle

Crush one moment what what do you mean one moment oh okay well I mean I know oh oh yeah oh yeah yeah keep going I I was going to say I know what it is I was just trying to set you up for a oh yeah oh battle

Crush is a brawler PVP action game centered on strategic combat with easy controls and it includes unique battlefields and various game modes that support up to 30 players you can play on controller or keybo or keyboard what are you going to be playing on probably on keyboard I did the tutorial on keyboard

Oh I did it on controller oh is it better on control wait you’ve only tried now we’ll see who does better and that’ll probably oh well I’m playing through the tutorials are you playing through them um I beat it last night actually all of the tutorial levels wait

There’s more than one yeah there’s a bunch of them how do you I thought there was just the one no no no go into the game and you’ll see like tutorial one and there’s like 2 three four five there’s a couple of them so you’re telling me like the one tutorial I did

With three buttons was not all of it nope there’s complexity like the game is easy to learn hard to master okay okay did you get the B who’s your favorite character so far well I’ve only played Diana because she’s the tutorial cuz she’s in the that’s exactly what I

Said you know I’m going to I’m going to get a charact how do you get these characters okay so get the battle pass you got that right uhhuh yeah do that do that oh look at this guy I don’t know who to get I kind of like

The little dinosaur he’s funny wait I was going to play the dinosaur wait you’re playing wait which there’s two there’s two though are you playing Siri or Dandy I’ll play Dandy oh oh you were going to play Dany you know I I think it’s cool that we have the same taste

Though um okay yeah no no I can play someone well I don’t even know what they do actually what what is um here I have some recommendations for you oh really yeah D’s a melee Warrior reflects range attacks while dancing so when Dandy dances range

Attacks go back I I don’t see that on my brief I oh oh there was like a another thing I was like more information here oh there’s Diana who is a range DPS specializing in Rapid Arrow firing there’s Freya who’s a range support who has like spheres to protect her allies

There’s Nick a melee DPS and then Poseidon is a range DPS and melee DPS sounds like something I’d play NX then you want to go NYX how do I purchase oh uh let’s see how do we calers maybe select calir that’s what I thought it was but I seem to only be

Able to yeah maybe we just play what’s your name in Game I’ll add you foosley 6940 6940 wow you got a very how did you get that specific number just it was it was that was it that was I loaded in and that was it wow I I feel like you’re the

Chosen one now I’m I’m the chosen one are you Inferno yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s you okay your name’s Inferno no no no I’m sauno like with some numbers well then who did I add who’s Inferno I don’t know but I saw the same guy and I just

Thought I’d get you to accept it I’m going to tauno well they’re probably friendly I mean I guess in fact anyone who plays this game and uses one of our codes in it gets 1,000 free gems right 1,000 free gems that’s enough for the battle pass basically inferno’s inviting

Me oh wait why didn’t you accept my friend request it’s still so I didn’t get yours oh I got it I got it oh cool cool okay how do I join your you know I’m going to make you my close friend people are adding me I don’t know what

Difference that makes but okay uh okay so I just invite me to the the thing okay do you think this is like like uh you know how in some games you can buy the battle pass if you level up enough like if you decide to get it or is it

Like one of those buy it right now kind of things uh you can wait to buy it I feel like I got to find which character I like before wait NX is on the battle pass yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I got to get the battle pass I’m buying

It wait should I buy past level 20 wait how did you how did you buy stuff already I want to buy somebody wait did you know they didn’t send you tokens for the sponsor they did they did they did they did he just buy them just buy them

Okay wait where where did you go to buy them though I just go on the battle pass and I can buy the 20 I’m just going to buy I’m I’m buying it calers wait wa wait okay so if I’m on like the main page then how many do I have to

Buy what level is this reach battle pass level 50 to get to this page I did it I how do I get how do I get Dandy who’s Dandy so I was like or I I was uh how do you do it you go to the battle pass and

Then you and then you is dandy on the battle pass um who is this person this person looks crazy where’s Dandy where’s Dandy I don’t see him on the battle pass maybe you have to get him somewhere else locked Nick was on the battle pass though so I got them

There I just got to unlock him I mean it says lock I just unlock just unlock just unlock rest collect all where is collect all oh you just collected them all it cost me 71 gems though do I want this wait I just collected everything about

Oh my God I just col it all I got Poseidon me I’m getting everything for free not for free oh I mean well it is free if you use code sauno the code sauno Crush 1023 or Leslie what’s yours fosle crush foosley crush 1023a why does yours have an A after it

I well mine is one less button to push I’m just kidding I’m kidding oh okay okay I’m joking you want to play a game I’ve I’ve only done the tutorial so I’m not sure how badly we’ll get smoked I’m going to play Nicks okay I’m I’m like a melee dpser

You know what I mean okay all right um oh my God oh my I got him how do I change my caler how do I change my calir the maybe it’s like in game maybe it’s like in game no I don’t think so you don’t think so wait I think

You you press P I tried oh select main oh there we go okay you just click yourself and then you want to click yourself like click yourself and then there you go oh oh okay all right mhm all right here we go wait what did I just get how come we

Can’t how come we can’t press play uh I’m the leader It’s Time Battle Royale team okay all right hey you how’ you unlock him I don’t know I just pressed a bunch of buttons you just pressed a bunch of buttons what yeah I pressed buttons in

The store and then what is syn I’m Dandy now I’m Dandy and you’re what’s your Freya NX NX okay Mhm all right it’s matching us now okay we’ve never tried these characters nope this is our very first game so let’s see surely we don’t get smoked surely well who are it’s a it’s this part’s the Battle Royale right we’re doing the team battle Yeah Battle Royale team modes this is our first

Try okay remember to send your opponents flying there’s collapsing terrain Crain yeah I don’t know we’ll find out guess we’ll find out when we play how do we unlock all the other ones though I’m so confused how don’t know actually I don’t know I think you just go to the screen oh there

Wait I can just upgrade okay I I don’t want to spend my juice until I find out who I actually like playing though yeah is this person good Lance slot um if I go to synthesis synthesize you can synthesize o do you think it’s because we’re queing is two what if we

Queue up as uh what’s it called do we need three to play I’m just going to leave us in Q um are you sying back to zero I just reset it oh you can synthesize characters but do I want to I’m kind of afraid let me read about the let me read

About the characters again I’m synthesizing Medusa wait I was going to do the exact same thing woohoo let’s see oh wait they got got normal midair dodge drop attack I definitely missed some of the tutorials I’m going to say I think so too I definitely missed a couple but you I bet

Other people missed them too right yeah recommended calers Dandy is low difficulty melee Warrior why I ped him oh okay n is medium but I I I like that place that’s like a rogue uh and then Diana and frer also easy low difficulty come on Q come on is this on

Mobile too I feel like it could be but um this is right now only on Steam and like for because it’s a beta test right yeah but then it’ll open it’ll be on switch and it’s crossplay um it’ll be on Nintendo switch Steam and mo mobile and cross mobile

Crossplay eventually yes that makes sense that makes sense I wish we could maybe should we shouldn’t do the tutorial should we do the tutorial should we do like a little bit more I only did the beginning how do you even do the tutorial um it’s in um I don’t remember

I think it was in battle pass no no no it was one of the options May oh if you go to Mission oh yeah if you go to so your home screen you go mission in your top left under the play button if you see it says complete tutorial stage one

And then two 3 4 5 yeah so like on your main page where you see like me and you there’s a thing that says mission in the top left under play you click on that and then it says like all the tutorial steps that we can do oh

I mean we don’t really need hey we’re in game we’re in we’re in so my question is it looked like there are three players are we going to get a random dude or are we just hey we got Freddy Freddy wait oh all the characters are playable on on um

We whoever wait so you’re telling me I just did all that to buy 50 levels on the battle pass and I well no now you have them but like but but just because it’s the beta we can play whoever we want yeah yeah yeah and so can chat if

They download the beta right now too by ex point B thousand gems called Crush battle crush battle pass of battle crush yeah thought the game was called battle pass I mean it does have a battle pass battle crush with the battle pass mhm okay here we go get a free th000

Crystals everybody come now come now exclamation point sauno crush or 1023 Crush 103 is the game is this game free because I mean the beta for sure you can just sign up and play yeah that’s true I yeah I believe so yeah and you get a free th000 codes or Crystal

Code crystals with the code, codes I think the battle pass is only 900 actually too so you pretty much get the battle pass for free um oh we’re in do we choose where we land or oh my gosh okay oh okay oh my God uh they’re

Going to the right they’re going to the right oh okay wait who’s going to the right we want to go to the right I don’t know I see a thing there Freddy Freddy is going to the right okay well we have have to go with Freddy yeah yeah we’ll

Stick with Freddy now follow me follow me yes we’re going okay well I’ve never played a game like this on controller this is interesting oh wait there’s a lot of people Landing here is this is this a landing zone change your starting point change your starting point I ain’t

Changing no you guys can change we’ll stay yeah we’ll we’ll stay they they’re they’re afraid of us they’re afraid of us okay here we go Okay so I’m going to go try and get this loot okay F to open chest oh it auto opens oh that’s nice Okay C turns me

Invisible I’m going to attack people space bar is how you dash e is some kind of attack and Q this bad this is really bad hey Leslie what’s what’s uh I’m ko’ I’m ko’ed what I I’m just dead I’m going to turn invisible can I like revive you

Or oh I see your soul Stones I’m okay I got your St now how do I um item appear well now I just have to get to the Statue to revive you and I luckily already know where that is which is right over this way I mean surely no one runs

Into me to kill me as I’m running there no one what’s this thing a shoe okay save mey I’m done yeah I’m almost there I’m almost there there’s people there there’s people there I just used all my stamina as long as oh oh yes I thought there’s no way this dude kills

Me there’s no way this dude just kills me how is he immune to all my attacks he’s his health isn’t going down his health isn’t going down you know I’m just going to run I’m going to I’m going to run um yeah I’m going to I’ll go to another

I’ll go to the next Revival thing the next one I I feel like I didn’t do any damage to him I why was he so much stronger than yeah pick up everything you might have better loot it’s probably the better loot so it looks like it auto picks up your stuff when you

Have yeah okay what about our teammate is he alive uh no but I’ll revive you guys in a second oh armor armor AR I like that it auto picks up everything when it’s an upgrade yeah that timer in the top middle it’s the safe zone I’ll just try get here

I’m almost there surely there’s nobody camping here A Team M wait that’s you you’re alive you just crawled out of the Bush what I’m awake I’m alive did our teammate just quit I have my arm yeah dance time I what this does how do I know what this

Does uh oh God I think there’s somebody here we can take him we can take him wait tuno wait oh I don’t know oh I was just testing my attack okay okay this is Jump teleport okay we got to get here these are emotes this way there’s an enemy be

Careful okay my stamina is not looking good okay I’m going to keep looting I think items are probably quite important so I just going to keep looting oh gosh I’m scared okay um oh what’s this like this sword yeah if you run over it and

It doesn’t pick it up then it’s can we like jump across this thing I don’t know you want to try I mean I don’t think we can how do we get out of here Dash wait a minute how do we get out of here oh no how do we this

Dude crazy I used my invis scroll ow your how is this dude so strong he’s I feel like he’s a lot stronger than me but my items my items they were good dance din Dance oh my okay it’s cuz I was I I died for half the round not have items they have crazy items why are they so strong why are they so no I I had good items I had good items I just uh let’s see what

Do we what do we do wrong exactly um are you alive um no no I’m dead oh then I think we leave we supposed to back out pushing yeah yeah you back out cuz cuz we died exit to Lobby exit to Lobby yeah I think I think you exit wait why were

They so strong W did we I had good items didn’t I there’s voice chat in the game oh no oh no no uh how did you exit uh just F5 F5 um yeah we got destroyed I don’t even know what happened there F5 I don’t see it oh exit to Lobby

Okay well surely we can’t lose again right I mean run it again run it again okay yeah once you’re done with the results page okay they they probably just put up us put us up against Pros cuz they you know they thought we were Pros thought we were Pros I

Bet thought we were Pros all right um wait wait uh maybe there’s cool skins any skins um I think I saw some I just uh okay I just want to make sure I like my character before uh oh I see all right run it again mhm Q us up sideo we’re already queued

Up and we have a new player who is way better than our last teammate how do you know um I don’t know I’m just I’m just hoping you take your well should I try here you know I’m going to I’m going to stick to the same character they’re like

An assassin right yeah surely there’s just something I’m doing wrong um can you level up can you do you need levels like there’s items but I don’t know about levels I’m not sure yet what do you like level up our characters we can have like what does that do for

It just makes them stronger in game maybe I don’t know okay let’s spawn really far maybe starting point or like I don’t know yeah let’s go to um village or something yeah the village yeah no one’s going to the Village no I’m going to go over there there’s like

A treasure chest right there okay H okay surely no one goes to the Village you know I’m I’m spawning with you at the Village actually I’ll spawn right on top of you oh gosh it’s definitely people at the Village yeah there’s okay land land let’s land near each other land near each other okay

Okay okay I’m near you I’m near you this is bad this is bad yeah yeah we’ll be fine we’ll be fine okay let’s go find someone and just beat them up before they have a chance to get strong I mean everyone starts off weak right so down here down here beat

Up this dude okay 3 one surely we yeah yeah beat them up beat them up this is this is this is good keep beating them up first crush nice nice we’ve done it do not act rashly okay we just we just keep doing that we just keep doing that surround them again we

Just got to find more people yeah find more people and we’ll surround them beat them up in the houses them up here oh right here right here right here okay well that person’s dead someone’s in The Tall Grass over here oh no they left behind us behind us

Oh I landed a pretty big hit I’m dying I’m dying oh oh my knock back’s insane where they go where’ they go I have my I have my all I don’t know what it does I’m dying I’m dying oh my God we’re kind of we’re kind of getting

Them oh I I think I’m dying I think I’m dying I died I died oh wait we we died I we died okay we’re we’re just out a team M died I think we’re I think we’re we just died just like just like that maybe it’s

The character I’m going to go back to I think it’s the character back to Lobby back to Lobby exob yeah I we killed that one person that was it was sick yeah we ganged up on that one dude in the house that was that was pretty good that was pretty good

We’re getting better again again yeah we got one more kill than last time um before I switch I want to keep trying cuz yeah I have did you see my old it was like yeah the giant the Giant baseball bat yeah it’s kind of cool I’m going to Google a tier

List battle crush let me know what did you find all right um according to this scuffed website H um click here to view s tier is Siri apparently Siri Diana and NX wait but I’m playing nck and I’m not I don’t feel as D oh I I’ll play Diana Diana minute wait a minute um I’m I’m going to stick to the character I’m I’m going to stick to the

The character here wait I don’t even see that my arrow never goes asay I think the range the range will help and she’s supposed to be easy specializes in Rapid Arrow firing you know I am playing like a medium difficulty maybe I should switch to an

Easy character I’ll switch to a a lower difficulty yeah you could try Dandy Dandy was fun the melee was a bit I’m not great with melee yeah I usually play melee but I don’t know if um yeah maybe we’re just against like cracked out people I don’t think anyone’s cracked out cuz like

Everyone just started game just came out yeah yeah just came out like I mean okay let’s go in a weird spot no one would go to yeah like uh like like tomb of Swords tomb of Swords tomb of Swords Tom of Swords tomb of Swords Tom of Swords yeah

No one’s going to tomb of Swords yeah our teammates coming everything’s we good I’m going to go north tomb of Swords cuz there’s a chest there yeah um and that’ll be it I mean I don’t I’m not expecting to win but like we’ll probably probably at least like yeah there’s barely anyone

Here there’s barely anyone here there’s only one other team here surround that other team and we’ll just gang up on them before the game starts which other team the one right by us I think you’re going for him yeah ble Crush get him a new tide get

Him whoa oh I’m already killing this guy ow ow hey you guys you guys coming I’ll show you your oh my God I’m One V toing them what happened where are you why am I so strong all of the sudden really we’re coming for the action I

Just pushed this guy off a cliff bro lived oh you can Dash over you dash hey hey you get back here sealed item appear okay I’m out of stamina oh you got to manage your stamina yeah ow oh come coming just don’t die okay dude St kind of hard what okay

Wait I I don’t know I they comboed me or something I I thought I was killing them and then and then I just you can revive me right can you revive revive you how do I do that I was One V twoing let me

Tell you I was One V twoing how do I think you have to get my stone or something I okay I’m going to be honest I don’t know how the jumping Works in this game like it seemed like I could Dash through the air at first and then

And now I couldn’t um where’s your stone you know honestly it might be too late for me you you just uh kill the enemies if you all right I’m going crazy here yeah get them get them quick our teammates getting ganged up on oh the

Team uh-oh oh my god oh no oh no oh no oh noop is that Seline what what do you mean Seline who is SMI kit there is no way seline’s playing this right now with wait is Seline wait there Smith kit saou and toast is that Seline what did we

Just get wait there’s no wait no no those those are fake wait it is them it’s actually it’s actually them oh God oh my God it’s actually them well let’s let’s watch them let’s watch them how do I watch him wait you’re not spectating I literally see Seline toast

And and I think uh one of their teammates I thought it was fake but it’s real cue and squeaks are playing too what wait cue and sque that’s just crazy hilarious we do need a third player just saying and ly is Lily saou I think I think um blow and

Me are also playing in like 30 minutes why didn’t we just lure one of them in cuz they all have groups they’re like everyone’s like in groups oh all right let’s leave this one let’s you know let’s leave this one I got to play again leave leave leave leave leave yeah leave

We play again we play again I think I’m improving I was One V twoing them until I fell off on accident okay I’m ready I’m ready okay who do I want to BU here oh I see these are your amaz this is an easy character so is dandy D’s apparently easy to play

I thought Dandy was fun oh just keep playing Dandy then yeah I’m going to stick with d I’m getting used to Nicks I’m getting used to Nicks here okay press wait are we cute yeah I just C us up C us up so uh how many kills you got so far uh I

Think like one how about you I like almost killed a guy and then I fell off but uh oh yeah yeah you were One V twoing I was I was I mean I didn’t get any kills actually but um yeah read the abilities I already know what

They do this is just a regular attack this teleports you backwards then you go forward the ultimate is some kind of weird Dash um we got oh we got a cheater on our team the surely will win because they’re we’ve got a cheater we’ve got a cheater

Gu name is literally me cheat all right we can’t lose we can’t lose you knocked one out yeah I knocked one out but he didn’t die to the fall damage so we’re going to have to figure out how that works exactly cuz we died to the fall

Damage but he was already down and he fell off and then he came back to life I don’t know how that works but we’ve got a literal battle crush Chader there’s no way we lose there’s just there’s just no way we can’t we can’t lose all right where do we drop

Select your starting point um that’s like a big area you know yeah weat field let’s choose one spot you know like you know how like you choose your one spot and you just always go there yeah I’m thinking we do the same thing let’s go there oh surely we don’t lose again surely

Surely oh there’s a lot of people here okay cringe to the top left cringe to the top left by the house cringing to yeah this is good as long as we stick together we can do that thing where we gang up on someone and give them no

Mercy It’s My Time quick into the house there’s probably loot oh yeah get get get get I’m going I got armor I found another chest this is okay I have an idea this is the one where we get all the loot should I try it with controllers I

Do feel like it might be a little better on controller I kind of like it on keyboard mouse oh really that’s what I figured oh they’re behind us I got him get get him I’m dying where’d you go where’d you go in the bushes wait he countered my abilities that’s not

Normal they were there look at them uh this is looking bad this is I’m going to turn invisible and run for my life I’ve turned invisible and I’m running for my life got my soul Stone team member die make a potion make a potion oh died I

Don’t think I can save them lesli I’m I’m only going to revive you and I’m running for my life okay run for your life run for your life I’m running for my life now safe areas have been reduced I think I can revive you but I think it’s over for our teammate oh

God someone here look at that guy man this invis is kind of nice actually it’s awesome is that that’s your ability right yeah yeah it’s kind of it’s kind of nice for Reviving is that an enemy oh God help help what if I just turn invis they

Won’t know to just swing randomly oh wait why does he oh my God he kind of looks like he knows I’m there are these guys on the same team oh they’re not no I’m stuck on a I’m stuck on a tree oh God oh God desting safe area

Wait this guy doesn’t look like he knows what he’s doing he’s got no clue I got him I got him I’m dodging his moves I’m dodging his moves you’re actually oh my God wait I’m kind of learning the game you’re kind of cry watch this watch this he’s

Going to come at me I’m just going to turn invisible oh wait he’s doing moves he’s toing lose got got it okay as long as his teammate doesn’t come team you’re back get them Leslie get them haveed they’re weakened they’re weakened I got one wait I killed them I

Got my first kill you’re insane I’m actually learning the moves I thought I sucked at this game what is this like oh the safe I need healing kind of what the bro just came out of nowhere land I’m in trouble I’m in trouble I’m

We got to go in the safe Zone we got to go any uh healing potions by any chance any healing potions healing potions anyone oh the floor Falls Jesus jump oh my God wait I survived yeah get him Leslie get him oh I got him wait that’s

Crazy the safe Zone the world just falls down falls off that yeah yeah instead of like a a like a zone or whatever you know we did pretty good that round we actually got a I’m I’m kind of starting to like my character I’m starting to like my character okay

Okay exit exit yeah exit exit I’m ready for the next one oh you’re getting good okay okay should I start should I buy the upgraded costume or I think you’re kind of a Nick main but like you could try another one right now kind of leaning towards it but I

Just don’t know if I should I mean I don’t even know if I like these skins more um there’s probably going to be more when the the full full release wait how do you find skins then how do you do you can just click style and then you can like unlock them with

This paint that they have wait wait style yeah but it’s only I think you only can do it for characters you own actually this guy looks C but I own him I’m confused I’m que up yeah costumes maybe wait it’s like costumes and then the bottom right there’s a little thing

And you can uh yeah what else is in the battle pass here for me Medusa hello NX is also kind of kind of what oh Hercules hey oh kind of you know like you you saw Medusa right uh yeah yeah yeah I haven’t played them I’m trying to learn the one

Character kind of Strat oh okay this is the win surely this is the win here how long is the beta test open for um well it’s open till like 1:00 a.m. every day at least for for my time might be a little different depending on your

Your time whoa this person has a skin what where is that skin from huh whoa where’d they get that skin from well they must be a pro is live until the 30th by the way um it’s live until the 30th it’s open 5:00 P p.m. to 1:

A.m. PST daily so yes so if you want to hop on the beta you got you all can by typing in exclamation point battle crush mhm mhm okay we got a pro this time they have a skin and everything so they got to be Pro they

Just got to they got to be Pro I don’t even know where to buy that skin from even if I wanted do okay where we drop selct your starting point where are we thinking you know the I’m going to say the tomb of Swords seemed to work the best for us

There tomb of Swords just going to say it seemed to have worked the best for us most of the time okay surround them surround them surround them surround the enemies watch out for the Minotaur guy he seems to have a counter maneuver or something um I’m just going to rush the Archer kind

Of Strat battle crush they’re right next to us battle crush go oh gosh right next gra grabb items grab grab items grab grab grab grab grab grab grab grab oh gosh oh gosh help help I’m in inv Vis but they they are going to get wait hang

On real quick I’m just getting some stuff in the chest okay I say we go for the Archer first safe areas okay how do I use my stamina drink o I got it okay so there a stamina drink okay A Team Jesus roach died our teammate dead already oh I’m in trouble

I’m in trouble I’m that did so much damage why can’t I back Dash oh I’m in trouble in trou I might die wait wait they’re so much better we just got destroyed huh yeah you got it Leslie you uh you got it yeah I got it I got it

Don’t you worry yeah maybe you can maybe if you just get our soul Stones you could just where’s your soul Stone you just revive us I’m in the bottom right see the little Crystal icon yeah yeah there it is yeah um okay sorry you don’t mind if I use

Your potion right oh yeah yeah I didn’t I didn’t even know I had one okay wait they just left you alive have reduced yes they did all right here not complaining just uh all right I got to figure out where to revive you I think right here

Right yeah yeah right there as long as they don’t interrupt you oh my oh my God they’re just camping on the Edge’s guarding me he’s edgeu guarding me get him get him it’s just the Archer can’t you reflect the arrows while dancing you’re so right dance wait you did it wait you actually

Kind of did it that was oh they’re ganging up on you now okay oh oh team di just I was jamming you were you were got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go yeah they’re a little

Crazy we got are we the problem no no no no no we we getting better I I think I’m may be getting better I I oh 100 whoever pulled me in that ability was awesome yeah that was the uh the motar looking guyus all right run it again yeah yeah

This will be this will be it this will maybe I should try a different character what if I just try a different dude okay Hercules maybe I’ll do Freya you do Hercules I’ll try range support I have holy spheres to protect allies okay yeah yeah try that try that

Um well there’s also one where who parries Urus yeah yeah that guy that those counters are like pretty strong apparent it seems that way at least I love when um when there’s parrying cuz then it’s like you know if you time it’s so satisfying awesome you know I’m going to

I’m going to upgrade my costume so I look expensive okay get the I need some more glowing dye oh I’m upgrading too collect collect battle pass is this glowing dye I’m buying it no I was too late okay hopefully you get into a match with

Toast L and Seline we already did and we already died um oh wait we got the dude we got the dude now we got the dude yeah this is it this is it okay all right we got to win wait we have a real team now I’m like the DPS we

Have a tank and you’re like the Healer right so yeah I’m surely with a real team this is where it turns around I mean I don’t know if we’re going to win but surely we don’t just die in the beginning again right worst case we can run the tutorials and then

Like really get good you know what I mean yeah yeah maybe that’s what we’re missing maybe that’s all what we’re missing your starting point I mean I didn’t see anyone else doing it but let’s just stick the tomb of Swords like one area and we’ll get good at it wake up okay

Oh there’s a lot of people let’s just make sure we land together make sure we land together I’m going to go by our teammate Urus I’m going by our teammate Urus battle crush a new tide I’ve turned invisible the guy immediately went in on me um

Um oh God oh my God oh God ow all of life we’re in like I’m in like a lot of trouble where are you I want to help why do they have three of the same D where are you where are you we’re all we’re all instantly dead I don’t know

What anything is okay yeah you got it Leslie you got I’m coming I’m coming I yeah just maybe uh maybe revive us um okay okay all right maybe they’ll kill each other um huh huh you know what’s crazy is that left I think left click does nothing

Right yeah I don’t think so clicking everywhere like stff bad habits habits it’s bad habits okay I’m going to die here because there’s no way yeah I mean there there’s just no way I we just kind of got destroyed maybe I can hide enough in a bush mhm

Maybe if you revive both of us I mean that that’s possibility May okay here I go yeah yeah you can just revive us real quick yeah just come come grab us our our things yeah there you go luckily we died in the same spot get both of them yep

Yep we died next to each other so okay could revive here I guess do let you oh my God the safe Zone though it’s crumbling it’s crumbling oh wait do you just die if it crumbles run run it’s crumbling I think you’re safe maybe that thing will teleport yeah there you

Go well surely you don’t oh this is oh well um is that Josh SEI what chill chill he wouldn’t kill you he wouldn’t kill you go up to him he knows it’s you he knows it’s you Leslie he won’t he won’t kill you it’s Josh it’s Josh it’s our friend he wouldn’t kill

You to it’s Sil me please there’s no way our friends Josh and Sylvie would kill you go up and revive me just go up and revive me they they wouldn’t they wouldn’t they wouldn’t they would they wouldn’t kill you they they’ll see they’ll see foosley and they’ll let you

Revive me hey guys it’s me hey it’s me it’s us it’s your friend oh I don’t know how who’s that guy though I’m alting what’s your Al do oh that’s I’m invulnerable Quick Revive while you’re invulnerable okay I’m going over here please hi guys don’t just run I would

Just run for my life I’m just going to I’m just going to kind of just yeah you know running for the life doesn’t seem bad here wait no one’s no one’s at the revive go to the right go to the right oh my God oh my God oh my

God maybe this guy will let you revive please let me revive please my teammates it’s like who know he’s really cool come on please please you did it you did it kill him I did Jesus we did it we did it we did it you revived us Lesley yes

I actually don’t know how I did oh ow okay make sure your stamina’s pretty high oh wait the healing is really good actually I by accident oh my wait we’re killing him did we kill we killed someone oh my God we’re doing it oh my

God oh my God we’re we’re doing it we’re actually doing it hold on hold on I have no items but I’m going to hide in this bush and we’ll just sneak up and assassinate him when it’s time okay I’m I’m just going to run over this

Could be the win hide in these bushes hide in these bushes oh wait the The Zone The Zone Zone The Zone The Zone The Zone The Zone they’re in those bushes they’re in those bushes oh need to figure out how to kill you guys oh god oh gosh oh I’m dying I’m

Dying for sure there’s just so many I feel like we were fighting more than one team no noting area good luck Leslie there definitely was more than one team I felt like okay you know we made it farther we we made it a lot farther that time kind of

Yeah okay I’m going to read my uh the the abilities oh that could be useful yeah you got skills that was pretty good actually that healing seemed quite useful yeah I’m going to try Frey more how do I get more um oh sorry I have to leave let’s see what these people

Do what are they how do you how do you check abilities you have to own them that was so funny Josh yeah I really thought he would see your name and just be like you know let me just let yeah yeah it’s fly fly come on we know her we’re friends

Yeah yeah yeah yeah I scroll down here oh um is there like a page where I can look at their abilities maybe if I go to like cir actually oh wait you know I haven’t figured that part out yet let’s see blowing die rare I’m going to open up the battle pass More okay um wait there is there is I’m just buying a bunch of stuff I don’t know if I should be buying everything should I be buying everything okay um got that got that what are these little purple nuggets Ether three 1 two three do I need the ethers I don’t know what they’re for it’s all going to be reset oh so I should spend everything probably not yeah I’m resetting everything everything Yeah I need more glowing dye I’m going to buy all the battle pass the entire thing the whole thing all of it all of it all of it I think I’ve already collected everything I bought 10 more levels 10 more What’s this I’m buying it should I buy 10 more levels yeah I bought 10 more level I need more paint so I can upgrade my knife surely my knife will scare people off okay I think I have enough to upgrade my knife hopefully I need five more you’ve got

Got to be kidding well surely I can just buy more battle pass right I’ll just buy more coins do it do it do it do it do it hold on do it 10 more levels 10 more levels Okay okay you think I got enough I feel like I probably I must have who who is pirate Queen is this a character I’m going to find out by buying more battle pass okay okay who is pirate Queen what’s this there’s the Pirates of Poseidon costume which you can get in the battle

Pass which is an upgradeable costume and you can get it by upgrading glow glowing dieses and you can get more glowing dyes by logging in every single day of your life what what okay yeah battle crush wait I need more glowing oh wait this is an outfit

For oh my God so I just spent all my money upgrading to this outfit and there’s just another oh well these things happen these things do happen let’s start it up let’s start it up start it up look at look at my new look at my new outfit I just got let me

See whoa yeah I’m I’m a nick man now I’m a nick man I see you with that upper thigh okay what oh I mean you just slay it uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh yeah yeah um I’m going to should I just buy all the battle pass stuff who just going to buy it all do

It D what is happening here what I just need to figure out my abilities well you have to make choices since one oh oh we’re in we’re in okay okay we stay alive all right after buying the skin there’s no way I lose how’s um how’s Freya Jud doing I

Like Freya I want to get better but I I’m trying to figure out what she does fully some of it makes me in vulnerable some of them Shield VI but I haven’t figured out anything yet exactly yeah yeah I’m not 100% sure yet either but uh all right do you like playing support

Usually or that sounds like a I feel like no but Temple the sword it right now or Tomo the swords I usually play like I don’t really know I like range like but in this case I kind of like this yeah I’m sticking to my one character and after

Spending all my money on the battle pass uh which actually you don’t have to you actually pretty much get it for free if you just use the code use our codes yeah use one of our codes exclamation point battle crush your starting point Quicks land together land together on this

Sword oh okay okay I’m coming to you as we land together we’ll be fine I’m landing with you battle crush battle crush mhm I’m going to turn invisible and try and sneak up on him turn invisible oh my gosh oh no oh no it’s gone there’s no way you’re

Alive where are you I need to find you save how are you alive sir you should be I’m already dead I’m I’m dead what is that okay well surely he doesn’t just kill me I got one hey actually I killed him you’re cracked dude’s going to return here I think that’s his

Ability he didn’t return here I don’t know his ability did we get your Crystal uh no you didn’t I don’t think my Crystal’s in the behind oh look at this poor dude getting ganged up on I’m not helping oh nice nice nice hey our teammates alive uh does he have my

Crystal I think we have it okay do we not have it usually it shows on the map though if we don’t have it do we not have it I’m getting revived I’m getting revived oh okay oh the the other our teammate had te we’re alive we’re alive back I’m

Back I’m back I’m back this is the best we’ve ever done just watch out for the uh oh there’s someone here it’s Inferno oh they’re running okay this is weird we’re like not running into too many but I mean I’m not upset about it okay it’s Inferno get them okay

Coming give me the chest give me the chest ow oh I’m just dying aren’t I why are they so strong they’re so strong heal me quick I’m trying I don’t know how to heal that did are you alive are you alive no am I I think I am I don’t know

How did he heal himself you can do that he just healed himself somehow okay okay you know maybe there there’s something I’m missing here there’s something I’m missing this is tough this is tough guys invulnerability please okay oh you know surely are our teammate our teammate our teammate our teammate’s

Going to Res us come on come on wait wait this but what is this I don’t know doing I don’t know is this ability I don’t know what okay what okay well they’re they’re getting our Stones they got our Stones all they got to do is just revive us now right whoa

Look at this ability what the heck yeah this one’s kind of cool did it get yours um desting sa area I think so like the cool down looks the same so surely well as long as they don’t just run in in a 1v3 um oh

Um I think they’re going to die one well they’re they’re also just surrounded by two teams right now oh my God that that that was yeah they’re dead Ash in the first Pokemon movie between me and me and they were going like boom it’s over not goodbye

Goodbye goodbye did not go well for them I feel like I’m pretty decent but but like I just it’s I lose when I get ganged up on yeah we need a group I think more yeah yeah oh I just got some free characters or something like that

Bullied got bullied we got to go next go next mhm go next okay yeah go next go next go next go next starting well I mean we’ll win at least one right I mean surely we’ll just Sur one of them I mean yes yes yes hey our

Rank went I’m rank white 15 out of 400 now where do you see that on the top left of the place screen wow what’s it like but what’s your rank I I can’t see my rank oh uh zero no no no seven out of 400 oh nice nice That’s pretty pretty

Good pretty good what’s the highest uh wait wait look the highest ranked players are playing the dude uh the same dude you’re playing the little dinosaur Freya oh oh no the dinosaur that you no longer play actually should I go back to the dino I don’t know but it says here

The top three players are all playing the dinosaur okay I’ll go back to dino okay we’re going back to dancing Dino Dandy all right this has got to be the win this has got to be the win or I’m switching off this character and it’s got to be the character’s fault and

You’re going random for the rest of the night well maybe not random but I’ll I’ll try a few different things I’ll try a couple of of strats here and there okay select your starting point you know maybe it’s the tomb of Swords yeah maybe we maybe we swap let’s go let’s go like

Let’s go this water section oh wait Wheatfield no we’ll go Wheat Field Wheatfield Wheatfield Wheatfield yeah wheat Field’s good wheat Field’s good yeah I like Wheat Field yeah wheat Fields one of the greatest I’m going to land on this little island and then I’ll get a free chest of my own

And then I’ll just teleport over change your starting point okay yeah that looks pretty good battle crush all right I spawn with a free op chest where Darkness blows getting a free chest this one takes a long time to open got some stuff um if you there’s a flash scroll so now

I can Flash somewhere okay jump scroll hey that worked whoa is there anyone is there anyone nearby or um I don’t see anyone I hate grass safe um it’s Mach they’re on the other team oh gosh we got betrayed us well I guess we just go in this is I

Guess we starty far yeah better to Rest the music’s kind of catchy it’s good let’s go on this thing let’s go this thing go there go there all right jump I turned us all invisible we can sneak up on him okay never mind we lost the invisibility oh ow I’ve been shot in the back safe

Areas have been reduced what does that do chest morph I don’t know oh my God I’m a chest wait go stand somewhere go stand somewhere to catch them off guard okay they’ll never know maybe not like maybe not right there I it’s get him get them they’ll never know I’m hiding in the

Bush come come in the bush quick come to the bush okay I’m coming to the bush all right wait for him in lman oh oh oh I see they’re coming coming I see okay luring they’re coming yeah yeah just stand look natural look natural that’s perfect perfect okay okay then the

Second they come and loot this chest we rush safe areas just as soon I think I think it’s cuz it’s open you know what I mean I wish it could look like a closed chest cuz it looks like you know as soon as they come as soon they fall for it as

Soon as they they’re on the bottom right they’re on the bottom right bottom right are they coming I don’t know is it is it working as soon as someone Falls for this trap we’ll just we’ll smoke them easily come on KN what about our own

Chest we got to get our own chest guys well we’ll take their their loot from there yeah maybe we should just go some you take the lead all right let’s go how did you do that you got to jump yeah there you go save areas have been

Reduced let’s just hide in this bush hide in this bush well we got to loot things or we’re going to be too weak no oh no no we got this easily guys are lost gu lost okay okay the healer is about to jump over to us wait is that a Healer or the

Archer now what’s the difference um I think we just chill until the end you know and then like We’ll Kill the last team like I’ve played games you know like I’ve played games enough to know that we just wait till the end and kill

The one last team and bang Bop we got a win quick slinking so I think this red uh thing that’s how you know what safe or not yeah yeah yeah who’s that our team a Mythic weapon appear a Mythic weapon quick it’s right here it’s right here we

Got to get it I’m going in viz I’m going in viz yeah yeah that’s good that’s good that’s good the Creator’s flash sword maybe we don’t fight them they already have the sword ow what use the dance and reflect reflect uhoh uhoh I’m dancing I’m dancing reflect their bullets reflect the

Bullets I’m about to die I’m about to die haveed any pots any pots this is bad no Auto regen okay I’m dying I’m dying there’s so many enemies here I’m going to there’s like three teams and they all went for me for some reason why did they all why did they all

Go for me for some reason okay okay there there was literally two or three teams there and they all went directly only for me um that’s crazy that’s just crazy I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die

Good luck there is no okay where are you sauna oh you’re definitely you should definitely want to stay in the circle probably right okay yeah we’re going to get your um your Relic you’re right yeah yeah I’m revivable I’m maybe R you’re definitely revivable I see you right

Here okay our teammates got it now you just have to get out of there alive probably oh God this is bad oh oh oh I’m taking a oh it’s over really un badis nois you got this they I think they’re oh oh they’re they’re done you got it yeah we got

Huh you know maybe maybe I’m going to try switching characters maybe it’s just I just need to find the right character for me do you want to try the dino guy yeah I I don’t how to unlock him actually oh wait I have the tickets I

Have the tickets yeah yeah yeah you can definitely unlock him wait how do I even equip an outfit that I don’t own of a character I don’t own that’s a great question I don’t own this character I don’t own a lot of Chara yeah let’s just

Play oh man I’ll go back to Freya if if you play Dandy but look at lops he’s kind of cute are you liking Dandy or who do you like playing the most so far uh I like Dandy the most but fre I feel like I would

Like stick to Dandy oh stick to okay I can stick to Dandy I look the dancing part yeah yeah that’s that’s like a you kind of character yeah you know maybe I’ll just try a ranged character okay like what if I just try ranged character I’ll end it at okay Diana yeah

She’s supposed be easy to play yeah I mean this should be should be good select a calir select a calir select a calir all right the guide said this is an easy toplay character this should be this should be a cakewalk and I can just hide in the

Back and just kind of spray at them instead of having to run in there and then like we have to get more items I feel like we should try to like hunt for boxes is maybe more yeah yeah maybe it’s the item difference all right surely you know

What if it’s just the controller no no no that’s probably not the controller that wouldn’t even wouldn’t even be a real thing wait is there music for you right now no none I’m creating it in my head oh yeah I’m glad you’re I’m glad you’re doing that

Help okay your turn oh I’m not quite as oh would you look at that the game started oh I guess we’re in okay I’m thinking we go for that trident in the bottom bottom right we’ve never done that before wait look at that chest

Let’s go there I I went to one of those chests before it’s not that good our teammate seems to just not want to work with us here oh oh never mind they are okay okay so I think if we get the trient It’ll like increase our damage or

Something it has hydr kinetic power oh okay there’s a lot people here I’m gonna leave I’m going to go a little further I’m wait everyone else is running go to the right go to the right wait where are you where are you don’t go to the right don’t go to the right oh

Jesus oh Jesus God it’s not good it’s not good I spawning I’m spawning next to like what happens here what happens here like do I just die do I just die ah oh my God you’re here you’re here how am I still bouncing what how am I bouncing like that what’s

Happening come back help I’m bouncing some dude is making me bounce what the what the arrow attack I’m going to say ranged was not the Strat range was not the Strat I thought it’d be easier to play it’s harder to play it’s actually harder to play I’m dying

I’m what happened okay well um um wait wait are we all dead yeah yeah we’re all dead oh all right okay so um I thought range was easier it is definitely not easier I think it’s all right actually even harder if I were to take I feel like

Range is fine we just spawned in where range was not useful oh yeah that like let me tell you that did just did not in the least even remotely kind of worked for me oh this looks cool let’s try again I mean should I try ranged again

Or I mean uh yeah yeah try it again and let’s spawn in a place far far away from everybody else I’m equip my cool looking skin should I put on the antlers um yeah put on whatever skin okay I’m putting on a bunch of skins surely this is it

Okay all right this time we spawn in the middle of nowhere away from everyone yeah yeah surely it wasn’t the character surely okay I mean it says the the guide said this is an easy to-play character so I mean surely it’s just going to be easy to

Play Let Me Take A little Gander here again okay says here Dian low difficulty range DPS for players who are new to ranged characters right that’s me that’s you I’m new you’re new um couldn’t be more perfect couldn’t be more perfect there’s someone in my chat named

Shirley and she’s like sauno keep saying my name surely and I was like surely he’s talking to you surely yeah yeah I mean I would yeah surely surely mhm you can play all characters using the trial yeah I could I just I feel like I’m better off trying

To learn one or two I like um Nicks so far but I just want to try something like easier look at my skin co wait that Skin’s so cute yeah yeah you know I I bought the battle pass how bought the battle pass and the crazy thing Chang is

Everybody can get the battle pass for free all you got to do is use code sauno Crush 1023 right when he said the code and you get 1,000 free crystals and the battle pass only cost 900 so sold it’s not even it’s literally just free guys

It’s free like I didn’t want to yell out my code because we both have a code and you know oh right right you can use either my you can use saiko’s code or my code you pretty much just get it for free okay I say we stick to the wheat

Field I like Wheatfield nobody yeah no one goes there nobody goes Wheatfield yeah and if they do they’re snipers they’re snipers it’s true okay okay we win this one oh god wow there’s so many people towards the village maybe should your starting point I say we just

Stay and just win St and win yeah oh God okay okay okay wait wait some people are saying they’ve been able to use both codes wait really use both codes guess I don’t see why not you get more oh use both codes for more gems okay I just blast them with my

Arrow are we’re moving by the way come towards us come towards us we’re moving East to look for items I’m coming I’m coming as long as they don’t kill me in the short time time I’m gone I didn’t read my abilities for this character a seal item appear okay I

Don’t know if that was a good use probably not but I I got good weapons um what’s this oh my God help help coming help they’re coming I need heals bad I need heals bad oh we don’t have a Healer no healers no healers I’m coming where are you

Okay okay I’m coming to you I’m coming to you oh I’m actually doing like good damage oh my God no wonder it’s hard to play the range character I’m just spamming them and they’re dying um safe areas have been reduced we’re stealth we’re stealth okay

I have I have my ult I have my ult Moonlight wait this dude got smoked wait the ranged characters are so much better he just keeps shooting at them let’s go oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God drinking potion drinking

Potion well this is uh yeah you know I’m what was I thinking gaming we’re gaming okay what was I thinking not playing a ranged character let me tell you golden Helm extra golden Helm I’m going to chill in this bush Okay okay so I’m thinking we kind of play it casually oh

Wait we need loot do we need loot loot loot loot bro just jumped off the cliff wait was that you I’m so sorry I didn’t know that was let me [Laughter] try was the I lost of I was I thought it was you I was going to make fun of him too you

Should have you I saw my name next to him okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s yeah we can still revive you we can still revive you here I’m coming teammate I’m ow oh that’s pretty good okay yeah yeah you got him Al attack oh snipe attack they’re too fast snip snipe

Him why are they so fast I hit him twice hit him twice hello there’s guy here these guys what’s with these guys ah but I have a skin which means I’m clearly stronger oh I’m definitely stronger with my skin Oh and behind you there’s one okay ow oh oh it’s kiing he’s

Kiing wait that’s an enemy ow oh it’s the dino guy uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh what does my c do oh it reels the arrows back in I’m back you’re back Leslie you’re back I’m back I’m back I’m hiding in the bush hiding in the bush couple hits was time kill the Healer kill the

Healer all right all right I’m going to keep hiding in this bush and when anyone comes close I just start blasting ow oh my you do so much damage yeah why am I not playing the ranged character more all oh my all right on ow I’m doing like pretty good

Damage try to run away sir please die please die sir oh my God I’m just broken I’m just broken why why have I not been playing this out there’s so many healers on us okay we we have no heals so um I’m a little nervous about

That I got one I just got okay why am I not playing this character more this is it okay all right I I think I found my character I’ll be honest no oh we’re probably going to die here we’re dying here oh my God out of

Stamina defeated me why is there so many oh they just waited they just waited till we were weak away the cheapos they waited till we were weak yeah we did okay I just run I just run daddy’s coming after you run okay okay okay I’ll just I’ll just

Wait here I’ll just wait here as long as they don’t jump on the same island as me I’ll be fine I just need to heal oh I have one potion left and that is it how do I are you kidding me help help help there’s there’s no they’re everywhere they’re everywhere

Sa sir stay back don’t make me do it don’t make me do it I’ll shoot oh him don’t don’t guys guys come on there’s a guy camping the island on the other side if we fight each other here we all just die we all just die right

I’m going to go to the other Island oh God this is so bad okay sir sir come on come on I’ve got I’ve got things to live for no I’m being EDG guarded I’m being EDG guard you’re you’re literally EDG guarded honestly that was so much this R

Character is just op compared to I don’t know why the final battle we almost made it oh wait we were close yeah I think they just had a better spot in the circle genuinely like they were just inside oh my God that was the end wait so you just play the ranged character

And spam them yeah um yeah it did say her specialty is shooting arrows really fast and it worked you were insane hold on I got to change my main real quick hold on oh my hold on I’m changing my main real quick rip n just got yeah no NX was pretty

Cool you know don’t get me wrong but but yeah after Diana I mean you just push one button what if we just both go Diana I mean the problem is healing the problem is healing what if I try healing what if I try um going I think double

Diana healing is the way to go really actually I would I would just keep playing Dandy I mean all the best players are playing Dandy I’m just not good at Dandy yeah it depends honestly I think melee is so much harder than ranged in this game I just scared to get

In there you know mhm all right next one I’m going to play I’m going to play Freya and I’m just going to heal you I mean as long as they’re ranged as long as they’re ranged honestly if I gathered more potions I would have been fine but

I’m just not I’m not good at looting okay man ranged it’s just so much easier it’s so much better hold on I’m going to go give some tips to our friends up one call above guys go Diana Diana’s so broken go Diana all right I gave him tips what’

You say play ranged I just said play Diana she’s so broken play Diana and uh I mean let me tell you if I played Diana from the start we we would have been somebody by now we would have been one of the best players out there look

Look at that team down there triple Diana they know what’s up they know what’s up down there triple Diana the triple Diana team knows what they’re doing is all I’m saying what the where’ our teammate go oh there they are okay oh yeah here okay her I I feel like

Diana is the meta now everyone’s just going to go Diana the winner is obvious quick get that Medusa I’m getting the chest I’m getting the chest I’m a l teach them a lesson for not picking Diana the best character oh right here right here desting where

Are they where are they this is it this is what you get for not choosing the best character Diana oh my God this is what you get where are they are they still alive there’s some up North I’m coming with our teammate oh they’re dead they’re

Dead oh my God you got finish them finish them this is what you get for not playing Diana oh my God we’re broken we’re broken more stuff more stuff open the chest the chest what do we got what did we get stealth scroll not bad okay I’m Diana you’re Diana

You we’re all Diana that’s a SpongeBob reference oh I didn’t get it sad wait but you followed it along perfectly oh well it just felt natural you know areas have been reduced well you know SpongeBob’s one of the greatest anime of all time so oh well at least I think it

Is SpongeBob is my favorite anime yeah right up here Squad oh and it’s not a Diana stealth onto them wait there’s a DI they have a Diana we could be in trouble try to run away it’s toast it’s toast oh my God oh my God oh my God no no let’s just walk

Up peacefully let’s they won’t kill us they won’t kill us I think they look they know it’s us they know it’s us look think they will no they’re our friends they’re they know they they they’re killing me they’re killing me lli help help they’re killing me I thought they would run Leslie run

They’re killing us they’re kill us oh no oh no are you still alive are you still alive yes I’m alive oh God they they’re killing us all they’re killing us all I thought they would I thought they would know it was us oh well you’re I oh wait I I I died I

Tried to jump backwards and then I fell into it’s okay I’ll Auto spawn I’ll Auto respawn soon it’s it’s like a not a timer thing fall asleep yeah yeah yeah hold on guys I thought you were going to not kill me I thought thought me and Leslie

Walked I let you live I literally let you live you should be grateful wait you guys are that good at this game yeah we’ve been getting doing great we let you live too actually they let us live I thought they were having no mercy they said they let us

Live I thought they were having they were going hard right they were going hard on us I I feel like like they were they were they were desting safe are oh God I’m going to drink my potion I think we have a solid shot to win

Here did we get your Crystal uh I think I’ll Auto Spot oh you do okay okay yeah yeah I think so I’m going to go I’m running I’m running who is it it’s toast it’s toast he said he wouldn’t kill us he’s friendly he’s friendly he’s friendly he’s friendly

Well our teammate we don’t have a three stack so like our one dude’s just going to go in on them our one dude’s going to go in and ruin everything don’t do it don’t do it tatted please man please wait what if it’s us in the final tatted

Go revive Leslie please come on wait will you just Auto respawn in like bonded together here I’m here you just insta respawn yeah I inst it’s like a the Mythic weapon they’re going for it I see Lily going for let’s not fight them they they seem really good they seem okay really good

Okay okay as long as our our teammate doesn’t go Agro on them I think they won’t kill us why do you guys have a bond like you know what I mean I feel a little left out it’s like you two and then I’m just it’s like like battle Bond

You know oh Goda don’t peek out hide behind the wall over here just hide behind the wall here they’ll take each other out come on Ted us together yeah they won’t they won’t see us wait can they see us on the map like we can see them on the map does that

Mean they can see us on the map we’re good we’re good they’re taking each other out this is good yeah yeah wait I’m trapped I’m trapped in here no you’re not you’re thanks have a come with me come with me we can actually Glide across the air here just make sure

You spam space or don’t spam it but like control spam it you should be able to just make it over here if you control spam it A Team bro just walked off or what but what happened Jesus A Team jump straight into their team they said

They were going to go easy on us they never said anything I jumped straight into them where’s the where’s the interact where’s the where’s the RP there’s no role play I was joking I was joking they killed me I’m I’m alive though I’m alive I could save this game

Surely no you know maybe you know it didn’t work the first time with Josh either I maybe our friends are more bloodthirsty than we thought I mean maybe oh Josh just died Josh just died deserved he tried to kill us last time I remember don’t think I

Forgot I’m going to hide here in this bush over here and maybe oh God wait you can do it you can do it you’re you’re okay this I think they see me dude look how small the circle is oh my God they don’t see me they don’t see

Me they see they run away okay I’m just going to wait is there a thing that tells us how many oh there’s nine left four teams someone just going to keep waiting yeah yeah yeah wait wait wait wait wait wa wait the thing’s closing I’m in danger

I’m in massive danger I have to leave into the bush yeah yeah this is safe this is safe yeah this is good this is good now I just don’t move again oh my God you can see what are the chances of them coming whoa whoa buddy hey hey

Don’t come in this bush he okay thanks this is a very small Bush that’s left here um got it this is it this is it oh no it’s them you’re I have to kill this guy I have to kill this guy Jesus The Zone okay I’m going to do the

Thing you can get him and you can poke him from Jesus kill you got to kill Jesus they’re killing me they’re killing me they’re killing me okay okay surely I can live this the Zone The Zone surely I can live here surely I can just no no buddy please

Please please not me play Come on come on go for the other guys go for the other guys man you’re too easy can I Dash through I can’t Dash okay I’ll be honest I thought I’d be able to dash through people but it actually just got me stuck they

Crap that was tough that was tough that was tough so you can’t I I thought I’d be able to roll through someone but you they playing oh wait oh wait my God okay it’s it’s it’s Freya Medusa I think and and Diana is that the meta is that the

Metac comp I don’t know they said they’re really good at this game and and they’re winning they’re winning they they’re they’re winning on the bright side for us oh the final battle the final battle I have a plan time hidden in bushes yeah that went okay so people are

Saying Diana’s weak in the final thing but I’m going to be totally honest I think it’s cuz I everyone was dead I was the only person it was like I didn’t have a you know everyone was dead I would say is probably the real problem there toast isn’t a one V3

Three yeah I don’t think it’s it’s really hard to win a 1v3 it’s like yeah he’s cooked man and he’s Diana if he’s actually we oh he oh he’s hanging on he’s hanging on he really is hanging on oh oh let does happen you know I bet if

We had a stack of three we would we’d have it yeah we would have itly true that would be the difference I’m going to be your healer this time u i mean you can I feel like for Diana the healer is not as important really yeah just cuz like I if I take

Damage then I’m already being rushed and I’m probably dying so should I just be dinosaur yeah yeah whatever you like being all right we’re getting closer every time to Winnie we are we are yeah there’s Diana thing wait wait just go Diana wait what both of us Diana yeah we

Just both go Diana what are they going to do I mean okay I guess I’ll go Diana too it’s just broken it’s just broken all you do is stay far away and spam e and then uh you ever play Z no oh well um so I just Spam e yeah you just

Spam and then you push C later q is like a a shotgun that spreads out but you don’t need to use it that often you mostly just use we have triple Diana this is it’s over it’s over over we have three different they changed got The Meta wait they’re switching they’re switching King

Arthur Freya wait look at that skin oh she’s oh yeah that’s a cool she’s like an anime girl with a big boom uhhuh I think I have that skin actually too but it’s from the battle pass oh my gosh okay so we do see so I

Spammed e as the arrows and then what’s her c um I think oh that rake’s in that rake in what’s rake what does that mean it’s like like uh when you shoot out a bunch of arrows they land on the floor and then when you push C it pulls them back

In which does more more damage so I shoot my arrows with E and then I pull them in with C you actually don’t even need to use C most of the time but uh yeah oh okay so I shoot the arrows that I with the c PS and the

Arrows that I shot with the with the with the E yeah yeah you spam e and then you use C to pull them in and and that’ll do a lot of damage what’s our ult do um the ult is like an arrow rain it’s actually really hard to aim so I

Haven’t been able to uh you have to like face the right direction kind of thing oh no it’s hard to aim but I wouldn’t you don’t have to rely on the alt too much it’s uh okay skill shots this is you know how they redeem the code it’s

Just like in settings right or there’s a yeah yeah something like something like that yeah yeah just click around you’ll find it mhm mhm mhm select your starting point okay you know let’s stick to our Wheat Field I really like starting over here by this chest it’s kind of a nice little

Spot I think they’re probably going to be in this game too you think oh that’s probably because that game finished up and then it took right after them well they they they said if we see each other we’ll be peaceful the only problem is we don’t have a three stack so we might

Have to let our random teammate die okay change I’m willing to do that peaceful okay yeah yeah listen one guy dies so three people don’t kill us sounds good trade trade that sounds like a good trade for me all right never returned empty handed

From a hunt get in the chest get in the chest people are saying Me’s in our game too what there’s someone following me is it me on is it me sa are no help where am I oh my God I’m dead I’m dead I don’t know

What I did I don’t know what I did um on a scale from one to bad oh my God rasel’s healing me um maybe this is good actually I don’t know oh my god wow I love this guy oh my God I’m just getting spam

Healed am I can I drown or like what what is happening here okay um I I sent my old back that’s insane how do I like choose up I’m disgracefully wet what did what did she say never mind I must have misheard that anyway wait what who are you talking nothing nothing

I don’t know what I heard anyway okay um areas have beened far away are you guys cuz I am really um we okay we’re going to come to you okay good good cuz I I got like teleported to a random spot um darn they’ll all run away okay I’m just waiting in the

Corner wait blau’s in here well well he wasn’t here he just died wait he died yeah I just said he died I’m coming how far away you you guys yeah yeah wait where how do I jump up oh there we goating safe I’m coming slowly be will

Help I’m awful at this I’m on the way slly okay we’re coming to you yeah I’m coming I’m coming oh who you fighting who you fighting a lot of people run over to me run over I don’t know we’re going to die here A Team M well as long as you don’t

Die here okay I died I died but I believe in you if I survive for like 80 Seconds don’t you all just survive sa I’m too bad D is too hard for me I think this oh it’s toast team it’s them I I can trust them hey guys hey guys no

No please please who whoa guys whoa whoa guys come on come on hey hey why is she why is only Lily going for me hey guys I’m on your team now hey what’s up guys ow why is she still killing me why is she guys guys please my team’s gone I

Don’t have much left going for me just try and join him try and join him yeah yeah yeah yeah listen I won’t survive all otherwise I wait Leslie are you still alive nope I’m dead but I’ll Auto spawn seconds so I’ll just uh I’ll just wait here it says

It in the top right it says it all right they they haven’t killed me this is great this is great we’re going to win teammate don’t you uh oh slime this guy see see didn’t pull didn’t pull didn’t pull right I still did a lot of damage though and Diana’s great wait the

Healer’s still alive on our team sa yeah yeah yeah I think they got your stuff I’m going to hide for 51 seconds exactly right here oh you fool you’ve challenged the Diana as a non Diana biggest mistake of your lifetime let me oh I’m surrounded me don’t do it me

Don’t do it hold on hold on me don’t do it don’t do it me don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it why why you maniac we had a truce Jesus they had no mercy they just had no mercy I thought I could trust them had no mercy I thought I

Could trust them oh maybe Razzle will save us maybe going to get us he’s going to save us all don’t worry you Raaz will save us Razzle will save us come on Raz oh my oh wait this guy support how is he doing this I don’t know he’s so good I’m

Back in 10 seconds yeah you’re back in six seven wait you can revive me May yeah yeah yeah I’ll find your thing so if you don’t get someone’s like thing how is that oh my God my thing is Razzle is a pro did she kill you she’s going to kill

Surely not surely not she wouldn’t she would kill me but she wouldn’t kill you she wouldn’t kill J’s going to kill oh the the oh oh my God a team member Di desting um the random though he’s got us you know yeah yeah the random oh wait are

Randoms alive right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m watching them right now yeah yeah get them uh random teammate oh oh oh okay okay me popping off she’s kind of I’m telling you Diana’s wait wait wait she killed me after I went in call and said Diana’s op

Play Diana and then she killed me with the character if only I didn’t tell her if only I didn’t tell her the tech is blow alive or no he’s dead but his team’s alive so they might he might come back let’s see oh Lily’s going for me oh

My God it’s getting spicy this is getting spicy I mean they don’t have blow so they’re just outnumbered here it’s it is they are is it meang and Grio on the same team is that they looks like it oh oh oh okay man she’s kind of she’s kind

Of she’s crazy oh she’s dead she’s dead she’s she’s in a terrible spot oh oh she’s alive okay they’re not finishing her off they’re not they’re not oh wait oh they are oh they are oh yeah they’re they’re going to kill wait this means someone we know

Might win toast team looks really strong like to will they’re looking what how did she she used her ultimate how do you aim that how do you aim that I don’t know she aimed it of course she this oh oh she’s she’s almost dead though I

Think it’s she doesn’t have a Healer she does have a Healer she don’t have a yeah she’s a Healer yeah it does feel like you need one Healer at least someone on their team is so low oh that Ray blade got oh she’s done she’s done oh she’s done honestly she did more

Than I expected insane wait wait wait lilan toast might win this it’s a 2 one we actually might win this or it’s a 2V1 V1 they’re really low oh died wait a minute no way this Ray blade dude wins right oh this guy’s going to win he’s

Going to win oh fin battle wow that was spicy that was intense how did every single one of all the people we know all of them lost I don’t know this is a ra blade I feel like we had like we had half the lobby of people we’ve know we know it’s

Huh you know we’re improving we’re making it like pretty far I’m playing Diana anyway I’m going back to the dinosaur I’ll play fre well the the the person AR random was so good at Freya I don’t know how to do that stuff yeah same I don’t know how it works I how did

They how come they were so good I could try you could try it but you know whatever you’re good at playing is probably worth more than you know anything else I bet I’m going to stick to Diana it seems to work well I’ll go healer and I’ll just really

Try I just need to find a description of my abilities I don’t know like how um I think there was one screen where I saw it but oh I’m just going to try to stick by your side and and just heal heal you okay we’re all going to be in the same

Game again yeah probably or what if they’re specifically avoiding our where are we going oh the tomb of Swords it has a rare item come with me this is going to be great this is going to be great I’m kind of starting to like this

Game I wish I was better at it but I’m horrible yeah same same except that Diana which I feel okay at change there’s actually not a lot of people here for a legendary item we stay we stay we stay okay so the trick is do not

Go near the edges the edges are so easy to lose all your stamina on so battle crush you know I’m going to say if we had a third like we’d have a solid team yeah right Cs and stuff say with comms sticking together learning the strats what’s a detection

Potion so where’s the like the legendary item is it the yellow thing designating safe areas ow why am I bouncing like that what causes that bro is just dying oh my God I’m trying to heal you I don’t know how to aim I need heal I need to

Heal why am I aiming in the wrong way try to run away how do I aim at you I I don’t think I’ve healed you once uh Heal Me heal me I’m missing you every time I got you I healed you oh nice we’re actually winning pretty hard we already killed their

Motar oh my God I’m getting why can’t I aim at this guy okay up that guy’s kind of low oh this is bad I think our teammate might need a little healing ow I’m getting ganged up on don’t waste time oh oh I’m coming I’m coming where are

You ow okay I’ve got to heal you I’ve got to heal you hey I’m right here I’m right here oh oh oh ow how does that hit so far wait stay still I’m going to kill you oh wait wait that’s kind of healing a

Lot I’m going to try and sneak up on him do I have to hold this oh you have to hold it down nice we got one I’m going to flash scroll and then just oh my God I just got two the double crush the double Crusher okay the ground

He he yes yes heals coming I’ll stop moving I’ll stop moving yeah I’ll just I’ll just stand here nice wait the Healer seems like so important yeah if I can only aim a little bit better hello they’re up here they’re up here I have I have my ult it makes us invulnerable I

Think okay okay I can’t move what is happening okay uh oh that guy’s almost oh Jesus no way we died of this I didn’t know the I didn’t know the ground was going to fall oh man okay okay did not know that was going to happen did not know

That was going to happen get out of the Red Zone it did not even look red to me I’ll be honest with you I did not see the red at all um are any of our friends in this or is it just uh I don’t know I

Don’t think so I don’t think so I don’t think okay let’s just leave let’s leave yeah let’s just leave let’s just leave oh my God okay I’m going to be honest we were winning that pretty hard we just fell down and Diana really is a lot better I feel

Like oh my yeah that dude okay okay I’m getting the handle of Freya I actually get it now I’m ready yeah yeah you were healing stuff all right I got one Juiced up one left all right here we go this has got to be the win

We’ve been making it so far every time every time now I I understand my never do I keep playing Diana or do I switch some people are saying melee are better for the final Circle but I feel like we don’t you never try the dino guy

Oh that’s true but is it smart to switch you know I’m getting pretty good at my one character you know what stick to it one trick Diana let’s do it mhm mhm and my old it like it makes it’s AOE healing I think an it makes us old sure and it

Pushes it pushes people back a little bit yeah yeah yeah and I think my e i spam it just like you but it heals you and damages them yeah it’s pretty good okay yeah she seems pretty good she seems pretty and I genuinely think if you don’t have a Healer on your team

It’s just GG yeah what it seems like Anyway can’t be relying on the pots yeah the pots are quite rare quite rare thank you battle crush for sponsoring us click the link in the chat or use our code use our code both of our codes you get lots of crystals thousand

Each thousand crystals quite a bit of crystals actually starting um I’ll follow you let’s go to uh let’s go to this trident Trident okay down there actually maybe we should go like here okay just so we’re not too close to it because a lot of people might go there

Yeah wait there’s only one guy here we’ll just gang up on yeah look it’s this one dude okay guy thinks he’s safe but he doesn’t know what’s happening he we’re following him yeah follow him follow him this dude’s going to launch in surrounded and we just beat

Him up oh okay I didn’t get to start there with you guys look at this one dude maggle O Okay um Coming designating safe areas I’m looting oh my God I’m kind of just destroying them um being a loot Goblin don’t mind me I’ll be there very

Shortly might need some help might some help oh there is no way both teams go for us that’d be crazy that’d be just crazy and by that’ be crazy I mean the team are actually I’m I’m trolling our teammate he was probably just so mad that I didn’t heill

Him a single time there while he was dying it was bad I was trying I was trying my aim we’ll revive him we’ll revive him let uh let try get that get that light Shin us oh God oh God okay I’m trying to remove the seal just uh

Like this is a really good item right or something get it I got it posidon trid my God nice posid trid what does this mean what does this mean for us okay that’ll that’ll push him back it’ll push him back okay I’m your healer ow

Oh God oh God how do you break combos how do you break combos oh my God oh my God oh my God we’re just getting I’m out I’m out I’m out you know it’s really hard to win when you’re outnumbered isn’t it oh my God yeah it’s like the

Second you’re outnumbered it’s just it’s just so easy to get comboed and then it’s just over try again well hey on the bright side like since we died so fast we can go again again again again yeah it’s tough we don’t have a three stack guys we just get out is just over

Cute okay yeah it’s a lot tougher we don’t have a full stack so like the second year down a person it’s really easy to just get swarmed and it’s just over um so it does seem important to have a a team okay um is the mouse used for aiming it

Actually isn’t I I think it’s just based on the way you’re facing and stuff like that um yeah okay my arrow never here we go yeah it’s It’s just tough without a a full stack is what it seems like okay let’s go together surely this is the win surely

Surely yeah this will be uh this will be it this will be it this is a one this is it as long as we don’t just randomly die at the beginning I feel like we usually we make it pretty far tomb of Swords maybe yeah you know

We’ll hit it with a classic tomb of Swords okay all right but yeah guys I think teamor matters a lot so not having a three stack a I think okay here we go oh there’s not a lot of people here that’s good okay I’m staying

South yeah we stay on the South Side not all the way by The Edge though cuz you you can get Edge camped really easily oh true okay battle surely we start who’s that guy who’s that guy oh those are shoes got to get loot got to get loot

Helmet there’s a chest here grabbing itating safe areas um I don’t see anybody okay just got to keep looting I guess we should get away from right now wait oh my God there’s somebody here yeah watch out for the Red Zone watch for the red zone I’m coming to

You okay got a little damage little damage this is it oh uh there there’s more than one team I say we just stay on this bridge and okay our teammate just ran in U I’m going to I’m going to shoot from a distance cuz there’s multiple teams here

Ow oh my God oh my God help help the heels oh I got the heels how do they break the floor like that that that’s not normal we go up or down up or down I say we go down these guys seem less aggressive how’s the ow I’m probably going to die I’m

Probably going to die he P me in what is that how does that person move like that um I’m coming back I’m coming back oh we’re alive hey we’re all alive actually wow see us we’re alive this is the win this is the win surely okay there’s a whole team Southwest that’s

Just not even and our teammate just jumped in we just got to we just got to back him up right we just got to back him up anyway we got back him up get good good healing position keep missing my everything okay okay that didn’t work ow what the heck that actually does

Damage I thought they were a Healer go thr in uh-oh okay I’m hitting them a little bit don’t waste time oh that’s a pretty good one oh that was a really good Al God I’m horrible at this this dude’s just running all over the place but we’re

Doing really well right now I have like No Loot though is the problem there’s a guy okay I’m I’m coming I’m where where oh he’s gone he’s gone oh I have my ult if you guys want to I have it’s like a yeah I would just use

It to save our melee teammate is probably the only good use for it okay if he goes in okay is there a guy close to us I yed I got one I got one get that guy I got two behind us behind us ow stunned why am I stunned

Randomly stay back okay do you have ult our teammate needs it bad he needs it bad don’t have oh God oh God no I have Al I have quick hide in the corner hide in the corner uh our teammate back in 80 Seconds all we got to do God they can’t

Flame me I feel like I would this guy doesn’t even know we’re in here thank God thank God as long as they don’t check this please please please don’t check yeah we just we just sit here 70 seconds our teammate comes back up well I don’t know

If we sit here for 70 seconds but we just win okay we’re in the zone though safe have there’s a chest oh there’s a chest you just ran out of the Bush you ran out of the Bush I sh get him get him I sh oh God oh God there’s only two get

The chest get the chest I’m opening it I’m opening it I’m opening it stall them all stall him back keep them back oh well as long as you don’t die here okay we got to get across I’m going back in the bush going back in the bush side

Desting sa area okay we should leave cuz there’s a whole team here yeah I don’t like this oh stay back stay back man how much longer we got 26 seconds all we got to do is survive and we’ll have the full team us oh you’re right this is

It ow safe have I got you with heals ow okay right direction oh I keep missing fine I’m going to Al these guys oh okay I keep missing again this one for sure oh keep missing okay hold on the heal no no no oh he’s back he’s back

He’s back he’s back got he yeah um I’m going to I’m going to drink a potion just to drink it oh it’s working guy Northeast of us don’t die don’t die don’t die again oh he’s almost dead I have my ult I have my ult I have my ult okay wait we’re doing

Really well I’m going to use uh stealth okay now they don’t know we’re here they think I got one we got to finish them though I have my I have my Al I have can Al in the corner and oh this is a crazy alt that was a crazy alt that was sick

Okay actually did a combo there our teammate needs a little heal uh our teammate needs some healing potentially healing healing healing let’s not uh let’s not go too hard because okay I also I need to I’m alting I’m alting I’m alting oh I probably need to heal probably need to

Heal I’m alting here oh that was really good ow you’re kidding I’m surrounded by assassins what’s with that I’m trying to what’s with that that’s not normal okay I’m using the thing I’m using the things um what is that why are we golden that’s my shield I gave us oh it’s awesome oh

Man probably could use a heal not going to lie are we outside the circle oh we are outside the circle Jesus oh I’m just dead aren’t I I have no stamina left why did it go that way what how did that who did that to me wow that was uh

Don’t know what that was I that was crazy whatever that was that was a move honestly we did great we did great whatever that was definitely just got us good luck Leslie if you survive 70 seconds we’ll actually Um yeah I don’t think he’s going to wait they’re all dying but you could win this maybe yeah no clue what happened there but honestly we did pretty well that round I feel like desting sa are maybe maybe they won’t uh maybe maybe they won’t kill you maybe

Oh oh maybe they won’t maybe they won’t uh maybe they won’t kill you oh what you’re alive you’re still alive somehow I don’t know final battle no we wait we made it to the top two that’s the best we ever did we did it we kind of just got beaten

Up but but we did top to God we kind of good though that was not bad not bad wow okay I like it’s a I’m kind of mad that it took me this long to like kind to get it yeah yeah I’m I’m doing better I’m

Doing better I still feel like if if we had a full stack of of like you know comms and everything we’d probably probably have it I agree all right CR we’re sponsoring us we love you you’re great thank you so much don’t forget to use the code exclamation point batt in

The chat battle crush and then you can get the uh what was it th Crystal get 1 th000 crystals and try the beta for yourself right now yep sauno Crush 1023 um all right well I guess I’ll see you later Leslie all right bye son thanks to battle crush for the

Sponsa all right guys well I think that’s probably going to be it for today um I’m pretty pooped out we had a bunch of stuff um all right but anyway thanks to battle crush for the sponsor sometimes uh you know mix up the things one game a Suka

We’ll probably do it tomorrow or something um I’m a little pooped out so we’ll probably do it another time but anyway that’s going to be it for today guys thanks a bunch for coming really appreciate you all hope I see you guys next stream also um but I am pretty

Tired we pretty much um I literally just flew in and then um we did the the the with the Minecraft thing and all that so I’m pretty tired but it was a pretty fun day guys um I think we did we did the Minecraft thing which was pretty funny

Even though I was super lost I didn’t really get a plan any of it um not that I wanted to I’m not good at planning things Blau just said show up and we’ll just do the things um and it it was honestly pretty fun I feel like meang

Just killed us repeatedly uh and then we did in-house Val plus uh battle crush but that’s it for day guys thanks a bunch for coming really appreciate you all hope I see you guys next stream all right bye everyone see you next time bye

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT and then BATTLECRUSH WITH LESLIE afta’, was uploaded by Sykkuno on 2023-10-28 02:30:02. It has garnered 70623 views and 2226 likes. The duration of the video is 05:36:07 or 20167 seconds.

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SPONSOR(s): Mavix Chairs (code sykkuno): http://bit.ly/3eXiFKQ

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    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide

    WineSideplay.wineside.eu – bolt.wineside.eu – www.wineside.eu • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. play.wineside.eu Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JtIGCz_3kX4 ________________________________________________ Link Server:play.rebelionsoul.my.id Port: 19202 Skin Ku https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ce1ZGZVxLmF9QUOCDQfV5lJILKN2zzyX/view?usp=drivesdk Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) https://saweria.co/MohammadRifan90 Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rifan_craft_4412/ ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Ahrnemc.com Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest

    Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest Exploring the World of Minecraft Animation Introduction In the vibrant world of Minecraft animation, creators like Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku bring to life unique and entertaining content for viewers to enjoy. Through their videos, viewers are taken on a journey filled with humor, creativity, and endless possibilities. Unique Minecraft Animations Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku’s animations showcase the beauty of Minecraft through a lens of humor and creativity. From funny animated moments to unique experiences, each video is a testament to the boundless imagination of the creators. Characters and Creations The animations feature a cast of characters, including Stresmen and… Read More

  • INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More

  • Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft Experience

    Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft ExperienceVideo Information me and Joe are stuck in this base without any known land near us it goes that we were exiled from our home planet without any instructions no gear the only thing we can do from here is survive but that’s only if the creatures of this planet let [Music] us oh there’s a book in here narrator where is it I see the book I read I’ve begun to become no I’ve become to become yeah take two I’ve begun to become that was not take two I begun to become disturbed by the sounds and voices… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥Video Information e e e [Music] po [Music] FL h mey chat I hope yall are doing well stay up Golden and enjoying your day or night oh my [Music] [Music] ear we are doing some chaos today in the form of Assassin’s Creed Unity potentially with Abby joining us H SS hi Hi Guess get guess what you’re high maybe I mean High mhm hey gay oh no gay she figed out I was what’s going on [Music] how you doing gck are you looking forward to the nor assassin’s PR I don’t I don’t know I don’t think… Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!Video Information we’re back everything says that it’s healthy I’m getting frame drops I really need to double check my um my settings at some point see what I can do to minimize that but I’m happy that it’s back mostly dang come here you forance mod thank you it’s got to be maybe it’s all the world generation I’m doing I don’t know but uh we’re doing it maybe lagging lagging lagging okay I’m going to go kill skeletons skeletons are not as bad once I have a shield it’s facing off against a skeleton when I don’t have… Read More

  • Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viral

    Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viralVideo Information [تصفيق] [موسيقى] ‏h This video, titled ‘The Amazing spider man Minecraft V/s real #minecraft #mods #edit #viral #spiderman’, was uploaded by Acid = Gamer on 2024-03-18 14:05:17. It has garnered 506 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Herobrine’s Father’s Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts

    SHOCKING: Herobrine's Father's Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts’, was uploaded by YTAC GAMERZ on 2024-06-16 07:07:48. It has garnered 499 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts Related Topics: 👿👿Water Bucket Mlg in #minecraft #shorts #viral water bucket mlg Minecraft all types of clutch Minecraft tik tok hack #1 #minecraft #viral #shorts #support #minecraft Slime Block Mlg #shorts #viral #minecraft how to do slime block mlg how to do water bucket mlg how to hay clutch how to… Read More

  • Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!

    Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘xQc Reacts to The New Minecraft Update (Minecraft Tricky Trials)’, was uploaded by xQc Clips on 2024-06-13 19:38:29. It has garnered 14060 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Subscribe to my other YouTube channels for even more content! Main Channel: https://bit.ly/3glPvVC xQc Reacts: https://bit.ly/3FJk2Il xQc Gaming: https://bit.ly/3DGwBSF xQc Clips: https://bit.ly/3p3EFZC Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick! https://twitch.tv/xqc https://kick.com/xqc G-FUEL ‘The Juice’ ► USE CODE “XQC” FOR 30% OFF – https://gfuel.com/collections/the-juice If you own copyrighted material in this video and would like it removed, please contact me… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix Server

    Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix ServerVideo Information this is a dirt block and over the next 30 days I’m going to be transforming it into an entire Minecraft house welcome everybody to Day 26 of the dirt series in the last video I signed a contract with life steal and before you ask no I still don’t know what it is but what I do know is that we’re sitting at 1.15 million coins and I’d like to make that even more so to start off I have four ancient debris in my Ender Chest which if I smell I can use to make a… Read More