This video, titled ‘Minecraft[2]哦齁?哦齁!哦齁~來聽聽#翃牙 哦齁~’, was uploaded by 龍鐘先生 on 2024-05-27 12:32:07. It has garnered 508 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:54 or 1854 seconds.
!CC subtitles are for reference only! Self-introduction: I am a VTuber without V skin. In other words, I am a VTuber with only middle-aged people. I am deeply afraid of loneliness. Please subscribe and like me so that I know that I am not lonely because you are always with me. ────This is a fan-oriented channel. I mainly develop it on Facebook. This is my Facebook fan page[龍鐘教]: This is my IG[dragonbellreligion]: Updated every Saturday at 10am