Mind-Blowing Minecraft Gameplay & Existential Crisis!

Video Information

Hello I am ibx toy cat and welcome back to a very chill stream in the let’s play world today I wanted to take things a little bit old school back to the way that things might have been in times past because ultimately uh things have changed but that doesn’t mean that we

Can’t have a good discussion about life the universe and everything else in between and so I’m going to be doing that while working on one of my oldest and honestly most important projects the sugarcane farm one of the big things that is missing from the farm that you

Might have noticed is that it currently only goes down to bedrock and then a tiny bit below I need to make it go all the way down which uses up a lot of pickaxes it uses up a lot of my neite pickaxe too to be totally honest but

This is something that needs some work and today I’m going to be doing precisely that it’s an old school mining project while I give you an old school existential uh crisis and maybe uh honestly we have a valuable uh moment in between where we already get to uh you

Know chat about the state of things because I I do have to say that there is this weird feeling that has started to envelop the uh the the the YouTube scene kind of broadly over the last month or so I’ve uh you know I’ve spoken to a few

People who have mentioned the same that yeah like something something has changed and it’s weird because my instinct as you know someone who is in an industry where uh you know like you have to change everything you’re doing not once every 10 years not once every

Uh few years or so but like almost every single week you come to uh what it is to be a YouTuber and you have to question what that actually is the same videos that you know could have been popular 10 years ago are now the bare minimum if

You’re like you know like uh if if you wanted to make something that was like old school you’d still need to make it better than it was back then there’s a lot of uh weird changes across the platform that way but also more broadly speaking I think there’s been a lot more

Emphasis on the idea of Engagement but there are lots of Engagement techniques which do not make for better videos and so although I think that times have changed in a way that is positive and is new I figured today would be a great time to talk about everything else

That’s old and wonderful in that way so uh hello everyone how’s it going we we’ll start with the usual live streams pleasantries how’s it going I’m ibx toy cat I’m having a good um Thursday so far I’ve had honestly to to love with you about how uh things are going I’ve had

One of the weirdest I I I think to to to be totally straight one of the weirdest uh days in a while where like I I had an amount of work that I knew I could do and now like as soon as everything got like 5 minutes

Off jiger I was like oh god I’ve got four things to do all at once and I’m freaking out and not doing any of them I it’s the first time I’ve had that in a long time and it was a reminder that like man every system that like looks

Like it’s working really well can be quite close to Breaking entirely I I I think this is worth um you mean Tuesday no definitely mean Thursday you know I’m free in I’m in advance having a great Thursday um but no yeah I um I’ve been I’ve been uh I I

Kind of realized something which is that like everything in the world uh is very very close to being broken I I think this is this is something that people realize maybe a lot more during the pandemic where like oh you can’t just turn off the magical Taps of the economy

And expect things to work but it’s also something that’s kind of come across with uh the whole Supply chains changing just in time and all that stuff where like all it takes is one minor delay somewhere in a system and everything else starts to break because that’s what

You know efficiency is efficiency is when you’re operating at 100% of your potential but any SP you know like unless it is something that is planned and regular having something spare is having something wasted if you have the ability to run uh you know like aund uh

Miles a day uh and you run only 95 miles a day then maybe you know like that that’s that’s leaving some space on the table if you have uh you know the ability to uh I don’t know solve a a really really hard jigsaw puzzle but you

Only do a slightly hard jigsaw puzzle you’re leaving space on the table this uh this idea of efficiency has been on my on my brain for a while um also um welcome Danny is D bomb and their viewers oh that’s cool YouTube has like a a feature where you can people can

Come in and actually says where they’re from hello welcome from The Raid I’ve just started streaming I’m ibx toy cat I I live in the United Kingdom of Great Briston Northern Ireland and I play Minecraft today I’m working on AAR Sue Farm that’s going all the way up uh to

You know like uh the sky height it currently does go all the way up to Sky height and then we’re working on making it all the way down to bedrock we’re currently at Yus 32 so we’re almost exactly halfway there um and I feel pretty good about that I feel I feel

Like that’s a pretty nice accomplishment and uh especially cuz Bedrock isn’t actually at y- 64 you have to stop somewhere bit before then so anyway yeah if you’re from Danny uh let let me know what’s going on how how’s it how’s your how’s the stream been going on so far um

Went better than expected says Zack also why no haste to Beacon when you’re underground like this it’s it’s kind of tricky to get going on but I um I think uh the one of one of the big things about this project is I’m using Diamond Pickaxes to get it done

Which I especially controversial is the fact that they’re Diamond Pickaxes with uh efficiency 2 I think one of the changes I might genuinely make in this world soon because for so long I’ve just been like yeah these are so easy to trade why wouldn’t you use them and

They’re they’re a good second best but I think it might be worth investing some time in getting like a decent efficiency five book and then just Mass applying it to all of these pcks because right now what I do is I slowly upgrade my pickaxes together but I think I could do

A lot better also um I just finished my world record melon farm congratulations I I the I I doubt it’s a world record Farm though I’m going to go ahead and say uh confidently as someone who has not seen this Farm uh that it is not not

A world record farm and prove me wrong if you disagree so uh yeah I um you got to stop when the Bedrock starts yeah the the actual bottom of this you can tell will be somewhere uh so I’m going to put down a torch it’s just kind of dark

Something about Bedrock just makes it so miserable sometimes when you’re down here but you can see this is where the layers go and the current bottom oh dear God there’s a bunch of drown okay uh scary spooky so there’s just some drowns hanging out down here but this is the

Bottom layer that I could practically do I could put some dirt in there but the actual bottom is going to be y – 57 so this is what’s going to be dug out and there’s going to be a whole thing down here it’s going to be going to be very

Fun and exciting I I I am looking forward genuinely uh to having a full layer of sugarcane down here and being able to swim up eventually and find I guess you’d swim up 384 blocks it would be wild but yeah there’s a lot of blocks

That got to be destroyed and right now I use uh you I think I I kind of distinguish myself from everyone else by being quite utilitarian in my Minecraft world I’m i’ I’m always a big believer in this idea of like yeah you should generally do the thing that is most

Efficient you know it’s a it’s a problem I mentioned just now but it’s uh it’s something that in general can make a lot of things in the world better like if we all just accepted that uh you know like uh there are there are some things that

Are you know take 10% you know they take 10% more effort but give 100% more reward everyone should do those things there something I kind of believe in but also I believe that if something takes 100% more effort and gives you 10% more reward that’s probably not worth doing

If you had overtime from your employer let’s say and the way it worked is for every hour you put in after 40 hours a week they’d give you half your money per hour because you’ve already worked 40 you’d say okay I’ll stop at 40 whereas the way it actually works is they give

You overtime to try and incentivize you to work these harder hours um and it’s a it’s it’s a big difference also the fact that toat uses Elgato equipment and gate meaning cats in Spanish therefore it’s cat I you know i’ I I I was sponsored by ALG really early on the day

It might still officially be a sponsorship it was one of those weird kind of uh sponsorships there but um yeah it was it’s it’s a really interesting it wasn’t a really interesting Dynamic uh I I thought I I think that in general the cool thing about the company is they make like

Really good streamer Centric gear um but it is there are a lots of cases where if you know what you’re looking for you can find exactly what it is elsewhere but that’s that I think that’s one of those like efficiency points that like well but it’s you know it’s it’s it’s

Specifically if you don’t know what you’re looking for and you buy the streamer level version of the thing you know it will be good for streaming so if you if you don’t know anything about lights for example you can just get a streamer light also how goes your hiring

Hunt says guy named the guy guy named the guy you get a very good name there uh I wonder how you came up with it um so yeah this is the bottom layer of the should cane Farm we’re can obviously have it go toy cat I was wondering if

You could free me from from your basement prison so I can eat my daily dose of cat food okay you know what um sorry to tell you this ponytail MC but the basement is is a is an optin but there’s no opting out of the basement once you’re in the basement you’re in

The basement for good uh appreciate the ask but it’s it’s not happening for you but guy name the guy so right now I’m currently hiring someone this is this is one of those weird changes to YouTube like one of the reasons that things are necessarily different is that the game

Has effectively changed around the idea of like yeah there is uh it is now almost an industry a business uh you know there there’s a lot to be said around um having a YouTube channel and so one of the weird niches is I’ve I’ve started to expand um one of the things

I’ve started really enjoying is the kind of spin-off thing I’ve been working on which is toy Maps I um and so I’m I’m I’m currently trying to find someone who’s really good at add-on style stuff I mean commands are also something that’s incredible but I really like finding someone who’s like mastered

Their field who’s done really good uh and and thinks they could like you know make maps and you understands the survival stuff we do on this channel um if you’re curious how the search is going right now I um I think it’s going pretty well I’ve got like three or four

Good applications I’m hoping I find some more um but yeah it’s it’s not it’s not going terribly it’s not going terribly I I I I I’m I’m kind of trying to work out basically like should I go with more than one of these one of the one of the

Things in life you know kind of going to back to the point about like how everything failed during the pandemic having like one point of failure can be bad sometimes and so I’ve been thinking about like okay so should I go into this and like you know maybe get like

Multiple things going on at the same time and then release multiple Maps see which one does the best you know do some uh do it that sort of way but yeah it’s something i’ I’ve been working out for also too many YouTubers are retiring quick impr prison toy

Cat I don’t blame YouTubers for retiring to be totally honest it’s uh entertainment has always had this SP thing of it is an industry where everything is moving forwards and if it’s not moving forwards if it’s not actively moving forwards it’s going backwards like moving forwards is standing still standing still is going

Backwards and going backwards is just Vanishing um you should release medieval house and charge like 30 bucks for it says David okay I need to hire you you are my uh that that that’s an analyst I can get behind right there that’s a but yeah I think um it’s it’s something you

Can look at right and so if you’re in YouTube because you like it a lot then you can do it forever but if you’re in YouTube because you need to have something to do you know to make a full-time income for yourself or you’re looking also thank you ponytail MC for

The 465th channel member should we talk about this actually um there are a lot of YouTubers who have just announced their retirements and it seems on the outside like this is a epidemic like this is going to keep on spreading is there going to be any YouTube left to

Watch by the end of this year um but there’s there’s okay let’s be real two things one 2024 the start of a new year is always the time to announce a big like discontinuation of something a cancellation of something whichever way you want to say it and uh the biggest

Reason for that is cu well January is both the bad month for ad revenue on YouTube so it’s when a lot of creators consider quitting because of uh various reasons but it’s also just like people will wait for a new year to quit something anyway right like it’s a you

Know new year new you and for some people that means a plan that they’ve had forever is finally going to uh be going off but the other side of it in my opinion I’m going to I’m going to take this deep slight lapis lazuli right here

I don’t know what I need it for but I’m going to take it anyway but so I think that’s I think that’s one big part hey neoran you know thank you for becoming the 466 Channel member I’ve been working towards that goal again 500 um real real members and and cuz you

Know we we we we achieved it after the gifted member thing but like it’s it’s it’s going to be exciting to get there Al a returning way good to see you um honestly Tom Scot deserves a break he’s been consistent every week for a decade um so I’m proud to say after a

Year of hard work real development is done uh look out for xlox on Janu 15th I’ll send you an invite link yeah around the 20th I’ll be seeking walls for February realm review I think they’ve got a lot I want to go through uh so I

Think it could be a lot of fun um okay so I want to I want to talk about something interesting that’s happened over the last while so my instinct when people say oh yeah someone needs a break someone needs to stop YouTube they’ve done it once a week for 10 years it’s

Like man isn’t that a lot of the platform at this point like I I know it’s like different standards for different people Etc but like actually almost every big you know a lot of YouTubers at least that it is incredibly common I I will say that for a YouTuber

To like I this isn’t about me but it’s my my instinct maybe because I’ve been doing YouTube for over a decade it’s like yeah a lot of the names I remember when I me to eat your kebabs to make sure they’re not poison oh no pleas

Thank you some someone wants to take my kebabs chat should I I’ve got to worry about the Kebab gobler now I mean I I there are enough problems in 20124 without someone coming in and wanting to take my valuable kebabs I um I but yeah I I I think my

Instinct is to say that is doing is doing something for for 10 years actually that not Bol in every ever industry it’s really really notable but on YouTube it’s like yeah I can you know there are a a good dozen channels or so that have existed since 2005 so we’re

Talking they’re coming up on 20 years and there’s a lot of channels that have gone in some form for 10 or 15 years um so that’s my instinct is to say yeah like in every other fi no one goes oh yeah actually I think you should I I think it’s fair to retire

From being a supermarket worker after 10 years I mean after all that scanning I don’t blame him for wanting to quit um that that’s my that’s my instinct my my actual if I was to sit down and really analyze what I’m thinking and what I’m saying a bit

More um I think I would jump in and say well yeah the thing about you know uh the thing that’s different about a career in the YouTubes is that effectively every single you have to make something so new and so exciting every week and and you know there there

Are YouTubers who don’t make things that are exciting up on you enough and you just don’t see them so the reason a lot of people think that they haven’t been seeing a video every week for the last 10 years from all these YouTubers is because YouTube is like yeah you don’t

Care about this one don’t worry we’ll we’ll skip that one for you we’ll we’ll get back to you when you’ve got a video worth watching which is uh you know like one of the reasons it’s so hard for the people you are seeing they they know they are competing against so much on

YouTube whereas like you don’t have to shop to work every day at the supermarket and worry like oh yeah unless I impressed my boss enough today um he’s going to make me work all day and then he’s just not going to pay me at the end that’s that’s

Like a I think that could stress you maybe after 10 years my girlfriend is from the nation of imagination says Ms so here’s the thing about imagination land right imagination is something exclusively uh you know you know actually if you’ve got an imaginary girlfriend are you allowed to you know

You know hypothetically right just pure hypothetical are you allowed to like you know uh punch your imaginary girlfriend that would be domestic violence right is that okay are you allowed to you know like just torture them are you allowed to um you know like I I I I want to know

The answer to all these questions are you allowed to frame them for a crime are you allowed to conspire to commit your imaginary friends murder the answer is yes but also is it you know that’s my question anyway um we’re going to keep on digging down I’ve got a very

Consistent pattern that I’m following in case you’re wondering it makes perfect sense and if you don’t understand it it’s you it’s not illegal but it’s messed up says uh Larry plant is it messed up is this is this is a uh an interesting point I I heard recently but

Like is the point of imagination to do the things that you don’t do in the real world or are you meant to have a use imagination uh as a way to only do things that you think are okay by the way I’ve been using the

Inside half of the uh we will all die someday mug you might recall that oh interesting I can’t show it to you cuz the light’s over there but the camera’s over there so you just get we I’ve got the wheel or D someday mug it comes in

Two halves I’m using the smaller half and it’s not enough for my drink I was also wondering I’m going to be very care works I’ve wanted to show you mine for a long time um the answer is I clearly need to have a more consistent setup for

Like in terms of how many worlds and exactly how to decide between them I think what I might have to to start doing is like scouting them out ahead of time and working out that way but the way it currently works is if you send me

My my your world I jump aboard it and I look forward to it I think in future it’d be nice to be able to like filter out and be like okay build something that’s like this by this time also it’s messed up or something they did on

Themselves by not subscribing to ibx toy exactly ordinary man exactly I guess technically but he commit a crime in the first place just to blame a fake person then that crime is itself a CME yeah if you if you if you commit a real World crime that’s bad regardless of which

Imaginary person you blame but if you commit an imaginary crime that’s okay because there’s no victim in the real world if anything because the victim’s in your imagination it’s a self crime every time you you know I’ve got an imaginary friend and I punch him in the

Face that’s just me that I’m hurting I have to look I have to look my imaginary friend in the eye no one else does um you know in the at least currently so um yeah the the interesting thing about imagination is we think about it and we

Think about it in kind of like kid-like sense like oh yeah sometimes I imagine a clown and I imagine a dinosaur and I imagine a dinosaur dressed as a clown I’ve got such a quirky imagination it’s how we it’s how we gen genuinely talk about uh imagination that way but at the

Same time that’s not actually like you know like the the actual Mo the things that really represent imagination the things we don’t like to admit are imaginary things like for example um you know constitutions it’s a there is a physical written document somewhere right called the Constitution but the

Idea is imaginary um things like uh you know rules and Norms C cultural standards these are all things we made up as a collective they are powerful because they’re shared across all of our imagination but there are lots of things that are entirely imaginary the idea that murder isn’t okay is imaginary

Right there’s there’s no physical law stop stopping you whereas for example I don’t know like um I this this this hat right here it’s not imaginary what it represents to you can be imaginary you know it’s an elf that’s an entirely madeup concept there aren’t

Real elves but there is a real hat there right this this distinction between the real and the uh you know the the metaphorical the shared imagination the shared delusion is one of the hardest things to wrap your head around because of how ingrained in yourself it can be

The if I mention like um I don’t know a Homer Simpson for example you will know who that is even though he’s very much not a real person because there is enough media about this fake person and that’s the same thing for the Constitution someone say toy cat needs

Kebabs say no more this is my specialty Odin will be sorry to ever see you go but understand the desire for a bit less pressure dizzy face dizzy first thing I want to say is uh um today I had real big plans to eat healthy I was going to

Get myself a salad I I I was going to eat some vegetables on top of the salad it was going to be crazy um and then I then I got like a a message while I was on the way to like get my phone fixed

That’s like just so you know we can just give you £10 off an order you know 10 off a lobster roll if you want it um just just 10 quid off but it will only be valid for a week it won’t be valid um it won’t be valid uh when you get back

It’s valid today only for you basically and so I had to get a lobster roll covered it with some very spicy sauce it’s burning my insides right now but I had a lobster roll earlier and my life is feeling good thank you to everyone that makes it possible for me to just

Hear like h 10bs of a lobster o and then just immediately get it it is um you know some people so like the point here to before we dive into fiction cuz you know the idea that I have the idea of a job already is kind of fictionary but

The idea of YouTube is even more so like you um one of the hardest things about this platform uh maybe is the fact that the bonds that you make with subscribers the parasocial bonds let’s be let’s be clear the parasocial bonds we’re making here is are entirely um they’re they’re entirely

Parasocial and they’re entirely fictional they are entirely inside of our heads but it it it kind of relies on you agreeing and me agreeing at the same time like yeah I will make videos and then if you could watch them when you want to watch them things work it’s a

It’s agreement that works because it’s in both our heads one of the reasons YouTubers Fool by the wayside is because their subscribers forget or honestly maybe their subscribers watch a video and they don’t get what they wanted out of it and they go H I’m not I’m not sure

I want to watch the next one of these you know they’re not guaranteed that consistent hit of dopamine and so they go no I’ll wait for uh you know I’ll wait for the next one then the next one never comes and uh um you know technology makes this more brutal but

It’s existed for long before the YouTube algorithm like there there is an art you know the idea for a one hit wonder people listen to an artist and they go this is incredible the the James blunts of the world where someone goes oh yeah

I love I love this man when he sings and says you’re beautiful in it um and but but you know like then he’s going to put another song I bet he’s going to it’s going to be real good I’m going to totally keep an eye out for that and

Then you forget you you you don’t see it or you do see it and you think yeah I’ll get that another time but another time you know never comes and it’s a it’s something that has happened forever that the relationship that exists between producer of you know uh content or art

Or you know what media whatever how you want to describe this weird world we’re in the the relationship is always going to be one of like yeah there is there has to be an agreement made between people that are thousands of miles away with entirely different life

Circumstances I mean I’ll be honest I am very fortunate hey I got some diamonds I I am so I’m I’m grateful for the fact that when I see diamonds I don’t have to mine them I have I have enough diamonds that when uh when when I uh when I get

An offer for 50% off a lobster roll I just hit yes immediately um you know I wears for some people you might argue that’s also thank you doc wolf for becoming a channel member thank you for helping me towards my uh my 2024 goal uh Raymond’s not Diamond sorry yeah I

Mispronounced the word we all do know this is pronounced Raymond uh it’s a commonly ex it’s a commonly known fact here on the channel um also when are you going to do real review say BH it’s funny how popular Real review is I love looking at people’s worlds uh it’s

Interesting that people love that enough too it’s one of the most common questions we get here um Everybody Loves Raymond it’s it’s true it’s true um but yeah making making this like very long form agreement is real hard and what about like oh yeah one day um you know

Like maybe I’m not feeling so good maybe you know I’m having a having a crisis uh maybe I’m trapped abroad that’s that’s happened to me once um then you know like making that means that like I can fall out on my end of the deal and sometimes it can be like

Yeah well I’m I’m going through some stuff I don’t want to what your think and that’s that’s also entirely reasonable it’d be silly to say that wasn’t also congratulations to Fred D for becoming a channel member I believe some people just got gifted hey who by

Um thank you Tracy Keta for gifting some people some memberships all of these new members you can now enjoy um so here’s something fun tomorrow’s video is is a one of the coolest challenge runs I’ve done in a while um and it was so cool

That we didn’t know what to cut so we made an extended version and it will be available to members so you can watch the extended version if you want to um it’ll be a lot of fun I I think at least so yeah thank you to Tracy cleta for

Allowing 10 more people to enjoy it um I’m NV to travel so much don’t really have that luxury in the states says um kyber man Wht yeah one of the okay so there’s there it is is weird to me that to travel internationally this is the problem when your country decides that

It wants to expand too far um and it wants to do so contiguously you’re screwed I I feel this for Russians too like if you want to go east of Russia and hit a new country you’ve got to go all the way to the US or like Alaska or

Eventually to China or something it’s like if you go easn Russia you’re just in Russia forever and and an infinite amount of time and the same thing’s true if you want to go any direction but north or south in the United States um you know you can and and it’s a it’s

A very weird situation by comparison that like oh yeah I booked a 20 lb flight to to to Seville where there’s oranges growing on the street just so I can make a casual geography video it I it’s a it’s that’ be a very different question if you’re like oh yeah I just

Want to quickly go check something out in Spain see see what ja’s got going on um thank you Tracy GLA uh and and indeed thank you to all the new channel members I hey you know how they they keep pouring in I thought I knew and but I

Don’t so um I want to talk about um retiring from YouTube right because if I’m I’m I’m going to try and give you the most analytic in my head perspective here um about why YouTubers do it YouTube is one of those rare jobs where you make more than the average on if you

Do well like I think it’s either youtubeers either not a job or you’re doing much better than average there’s a lot of people earning less than minimum wage on YouTube but it’s because they’re following their passion either because they one day want to make a lot more

Than minimum wage or because you know like it’s worth it to do something they love for less than that I would say if you look at my second and third channels like those are objectively not making money they are uh if I if I did those

Things full-time I would be in a very bad situation but thankfully I can afford to spend that amount of my time on it because I have you know in this case it’s a main channel to to back it up but the same idea is something that

Is fairly common um you know like having a um I think it’s fairly common at least like to uh to roll the dice and make it big or n it’s the same thing with uh I guess the equivalent would be like acting but it’s the same thing like

There are actors who make 20 million and there are actors who have to work in an IHOP to make end me right it’s uh it’s not unexpected it’s in fact very expected also M shed uh thank you very much for the tips uh can’t play Java on

Linux um hope you respect my choice oh yeah if you like bed they said Bedrock would come to Linux and then they just stopped carrying apparently uh and so if you if you you physically can’t play it I don’t blame you for playing medium salmon

Version anyway so one of the um one of the odd things about the distribution being that way is it means that you are what if you’re at the top of your game then staying there might be hard for you but you ultimately um you’re in this like oh

It’s called I think the world is called a golden pair of handcuffs and and and like again I’m not trying to gner sympathy for YouTubers I’m trying to explain to you my understanding of why YouTubers quitting so if you are Tom squat Tom squat if you are if you are

You know which is I guess Slavic um Tom Scott but if you are if you are Tom Scott and you’re making like you know look like I I think it’s clear to any YouTuber that’s like a most of a million in a year you’re you’re making most of a

Mill every single yeah but in exchange you have to hire a decent number of people you know you have to ad person you have someone who manages like on production shoots you need a camera person it is a multiple person job there’s just no way around that so you’re managing multiple people and

Every single week needs to be a banger you uh you know like you you’ve got this dream job but it takes everything from you it is the 80 hour work you call what you want to say um uh so the idea is uh also what’s the drink today I’ve got one

One of those Christmas bubbles and I put it with some uh star I um I brought some star with me from the US I think if I’m going back to the US I don’t need I don’t need to keep a a weird drink in my fridge anymore um

But yeah I so um if you have a million pound a year job you might think it’s the dream but how many years do you want to work that job before eventually it’s like well the the stress is not worth as much as the pain and so that’s why

People quit YouTube they’re effectively turning their million pound a year job into a 100,000 a gear job or if you’re really lucky into a three quarts of a mill or half a m um and that’s also understandable also thank you Sophie Hawkins hello toy cat happy New Year how

Are you doing today hope you’re well and had a nice Christmas and New Year are you looking forward to the potential for new 1.21 stuff soon or more 1.21 stuff soon so um so G doesn’t pay his editors enough says Cara yeah one of the um one

Of one of the things I’ve uh I I’ve actually discussed this about like when I first started employing people it was stressful for me to work out how much to pay an editor because there’s so many different um that so like um I I I I think it’s such a interesting uh Dynamic

Of like yeah you you need to um like so just just to clarify I pay um I ju Just just there’s an interesting thing in here but I I so um one of the things I want to say first is that um I am looking forward to new one21 stuff I I I

Think it’s pretty exciting that we’re finally getting this in an update and also I want to clarify um because of I I assume because car is a member in chat that they care um but if you’re curious as to why um one of one of my staff

Members has a second job um it’s cuz he generally wants to be in person I I’m not you know you’re making me share his details now all right this this is the worst thing about like someone makes a um someone makes like a random accusation you got to be like I you’re

Not meant to dedicate time to this you’re meant to ignore them all but if it looks like you only ignore the ones and if you respond to any of them now it looks like every other one I’m ignoring is like that but um yeah I um I think a

Lot of people choose to pick up a second job I remember a YouTuber I used to watch was like yeah I now earn enough from YouTube to do this fulltime but I still want to have a second job to like get out of the house and do some stuff

It’s a it’s a fairly common need to be like if you think about it it’s kind of wild we’re we’re socialized in an environment like school where like every day you shop and there’s people there and then at 18 they just say yeah go work it out yourself and a lot of people

Think it’s the dream but you you don’t realize how much you’re like neglecting your social side um I C the T making video on my uh Channel some people say $10 a video others say $60 a video oh yeah there’s um I so um also toat is

There a chance you could try Linux I I don’t think it’s for me I know it’s for a lot of people I think it could have been for me about 10 years ago but I has lost what made Minecraft amazing Minecraft from you went from a fantasy Sandbox game to an animal awareness

Class there is a difference in game design in Old Minecraft and after Microsoft purchase yeah so M Minecraft is spending a lot of time I I want to be the most charitable I can be to Mojang and say that they don’t do those things because they really care about you know animal

Environment rights or whatever more than they care about good game design i i i to be char again I I try to be charitable to causes I don’t agree with cuz that’s how you actually get around with it but um if um I uh also took out pays too much EA it

Out for you you know it’s true I’m going to I’m going to go speak to the editors I’m going to going to cut their pay 10% now um but no more seriously I think um the the the I I think Minecraft is at a stage now where they get into

Controversies for things none would have cared about a while ago and so you know like a controversy about Mojang trying also wow that was weird did you see it spawn before it spawned there it like it spawned in dead that was very very very odd um I you know honestly getting this

Many slime balls just PL it kind of tangentially in the background might actually be pretty useful it’s it’s nice that when I work on this I accidentally get something useful um so we actually should rename himself postive P how does to out pay too much but I’m literally employed by

Him and made the thumbnail and he pays by pays me also big salmon um says that toy cat does pay too much uh and that he’s big salmon is in fact employeed you can see their blue name they made the thumbnail I don’t know what the thumbnail is can someone describe it to

Me you know I I’ll leave it as a secret for after the stream I I um I like I said I’ve been having a very like chaotic day and so I I didn’t have time to make a thumbnail I was like you know let’s stream streaming is more important

Than a thumbnail rather than delaying the stream another 20 minutes let’s just let’s do it that way um also uh big salmon is a toy cat employee you know what I I have to admit I did in fact employ big salmon I saw big Salmon’s potential in Minecraft Bedrock I

Realized how emblematic emblematic they were of the game as a whole and so I had to employ a big salmon in my company um H don’t we all sometimes don’t we all the thumbnail is funny toy cat okay you know I’ll look at the thumbnail I I’m

Going to discover what this is for the first time with all of you what does my thumbnail look like um oh okay you know I okay that’s factual if you look at that thumbnail you can confirm I pay my employees too much um I flop on a laptop and then thumbnail comes

Out uh you can’t not have a big sound in your Liv it’s it’s true cat it’s uh it’s 100% true okay so yeah if you’re a YouTuber you have something called golden handcuffs um and this is this is a really I think this is a concept that

Is the most like out of touch privileged one to have and so I’m going to have it on other people’s halves um cuz I I don’t think I’m in a situation where I have any golden handcuffs on me I feel like I am living a dream and I think I

Can do this for many many years to come um I think the only hard things that come now are like employing people and running the business side of things um but you know I I just I I had a big salmon and the big salmon flops on the

Screen and makes employing decisions for me works out weirdly you know sometimes sometimes you pay $770,000 to edit video sometimes uh you send an invoice for 300 and for loves the roll in exchange no no one understands the uh the preciseness of these things anyway um if I make a

Big salmon mascot suit will I be employed by default you know it’s uh it’s if you make a big salmon mascot SK suit then you you’re going to be in a good place that’s why I’ll say Beth out uh uh send in your applications now but more seriously though um yeah the the

Hard things to me the things that stress me about my current job is like actually employing people and making it work because I want to make really good stuff and effectively all of the other stuff gets in the way if if if uh you know

Like uh you know like with all the extra editing work that you know is is required it’s like well that makes things harder cuz now I need to schedule editors as well as make videos um when thumbnail standards get higher it means I have to be really good at planning a

Thumbnail as well as doing a thing there’s a there’s all these extra skills cuz even oh one of the one of the weird things about um YouTube unlike every other industry like if I was just selling logs you know if I was just chopping down logs and Stu you this this

Is complaining I I’ll I’ll come back to m point after I finish on behalf of uh Tom Tom Tom Scott and the and the game theorists and whoever else have announced they quitting I’ve heard there’s a lot of them out there but um the the thing that um all these um the

Thing that a lot of these places have in common or have as a shared uh problem is that they’re effectively you know like uh having these really really you know good paying jobs but they have no time to enjoy the fruits of their labor and that’s that’s a really really it’s not

Even first world problem that’s like effectively a rich person problem but it is still a big one to have like in the real world when you start earning enough you have you you become required for some problems like if you if you become a a a sixf figure or seven figure

Earning lawyer you get to you know you get to you have to be there when there’s an important case but you’ll still get holiday time to go and really make the most of that money like there’s this there’s this fun Paradox of the work World which is like

In countries where you can uh in in in the countries where you can actually work to one day be wealthy is if you work really hard to keep increasing your wealth you will never enjoy the wealth that you are working for um it’s something I think a lot of people

Struggle with it’s one of the things I um I I think I mentioned uh so I I recently learned uh about the death of my mother I like some more details about it it took a surprising amount of time I don’t think you’re meant to wait 3

Months to learn about the cause of death but the the the thing I really took from like a family you know my my my only parent dying is um like there was sh you know like she she would say repeatedly like yeah well you can’t enjoy this when

You’re dead and I’d be like wow I mean I bet you’d enjoy your 60s a lot more if you uh if you didn’t think this stuff but it’s wild what’s Wild is like no actually she she made the right cool and any trade-off she made from you know

Like make the’ 60s slightly less good but make right now better is a win if you don’t make it to your 60s and so yeah a lot of people will tell themselves like yeah at some point later when I retire uh or you know like etc

Etc but there’s a big problem in like actually enjoying the fruits of your labor um and so I I think that’s where a lot of people get to they’re like I just I want to have free time to pursue projects cuz if you think about YouTubers they made they made a career

For themselves by doing something goofy that at the time usually for most YouTubers didn’t make any money or made basically no money um and so if there if these people made you know like made something really cool in their free time not having free time to make stuff is

Actually a detriment um I sometimes think about that like one of the I I get asked all the time like oh tell Cat if uh YouTube didn’t kick off what job would you have it’s like you know what’s funny I would probably eventually have done YouTube but in a different industry

In a different field like and uh you know I might be like a I don’t know like what I maybe I would have eventually uh decided to make videos about Flags or whatever else but I I think the I think that’s the funny thing to imagine is like

Actually uh you know like this idea of like being passionate about some field and wanting to share things with people is a whole you know it’s it’s this is a website where you can get paid for that but it’s a thing that exists everywhere like every other social media has huge

Creators who post every single day and they do so without getting compensated on Twitter you might get paid a couple hundred a month on Instagram I think you get paid up to um there is a limit to what you get paid but they they will pay

You on Instagram at a certain point um by the way do you like my diamonds I like my diamonds I have to mind them before I go too much further down but uh it’s very very satisfying having fun with flags um in uh also where do I sign

Up you know I got some good news for you I’ve uh I got I got into Flags recently on the second Channel Channel um they should give you one of those TV adverts where you travel the world or TV shows where you travel the world and eat food and make

Videos it’s a um it’s a really common thing in uh British TV I think you know so the one of the weird things about the UK having government-owned Media or at least government own basically we have government funded media maybe or at least tax funded media is that um the

Very very top of our talent you know for a country of 65 million people 70 million people now um so so for a country to have that many people and for with a with a major Market of people consuming it when you get when you make

It big on the BBC they can’t pay you that much more there’s a few people getting paid more than like a couple hundred k a year but where where people would make millions a year in America like the Leonardo Camp Etc the British equivalent either go over there and they

Make their millions and they keep doing movies and plays or you stay in the UK you get paid a normal amount you get like a nice home and a nice car etc etc and then you get a show every now and then where you just travel the country

Or travel the world and you go M this is delicious oh yeah and you just you start doing fun travel experiences and you justify that they’re for work I’m the reason I’m on this luxury Cruise Line is to see oh luxury Cruise Lines really

Worth it this is the angle I want to go with my uh this is my like plan to break the golden handcuffs it’s right not that I have any i’ I’ve got like a pair I’ve got a pair of copper handcuffs um but uh there the plan is uh

You if you want to know my like equivalent to retiring it’s like yeah I’ll make I’ll make the weird BBC Travel show you can come along with me as I do some weird you know weird things eat lobster rolls etc etc etc and um it’s

Not the same as having it be paid for by my employer but you know as long as long as it is for video reasons and exclusive video reasons um it’s very tax efficient you get you get a nice you know 40 something per refund from the government

It’s a it’s um it’s a whole thing purious golden handcuffs are softer is turning into Sheldon ow and hi happy New Year okay so Emily first of all thank you very much uh merry New Year how’s it going I hope you’re doing great uh I love love to see you Emily

Okay I have to say this right now Emily kindest name on this channel every there’s not been an Emily that’s come to chat where it’s been like oh no not Emily not Emily um but you know I I have to say been very very love lovely people

Cool um happy New Year hello and the funny thing is um in the early days of my second channel uh a few of my family like an entire G uh incl my mother like ah your channel is entirely Fun With Flags cuz you you talk about geography

Is such a Sheldon thing cuz you know the the big bankr was like the first time that like you know like nerds you it it wasn’t like actually nerds or geek culture they wouldn’t Co it like it was it was laughing at nerd culture but it was effectively mainstreaming it on some

Level oh it’s very cold here by the way um I have copper handcuffs says 2023 yeah you better watch out you know next time you find yourself in a room with me and a radiator you better watch out cuz one of us isn’t leaving it although Pro

Tip just break your hand and you can get off any handcuffs um Al I’m going to use my neite pickaxe just to get this whole batch to here done there’s a there’s a lot of tough and I want to get rid of it

All um but yeah I uh so um the the Fun With Flags is a uh it’s a little thing that’s happening I like Flags I think they’re fun and if you like think they’re fun too then you should come along with me also thank you Josh Jones

For coming the 468 Channel member thank you to everyone it’s my it’s my last stream for a little bit today so I uh like I’ve got a I’ve got a little bit of a trip upcoming I’m going to uh what might be the world’s most dangerous

Country um and so if I’m going there it’s it’s it’s a little important uh that I work I if I’m going there I I need to do a few days either side of it need to plan for the inevitable uh craziness so it’s going to be a lot of

Fun also why you having TR trouble mining because it’s tough mining sure is tough right now uh has to be said but yeah the um yeah David solano’s thing was a joke but it is like at some point you have to work out what is it

That you are doing the hard thing you are doing for if you if you set your sights too long you’ll forget about the short term if you set your sights too long though you’ll always forget about the real life term um every single day you know what’s crazy almost everyone

Who dies leaves money behind and when if if someone you care about dies that can be great like receiving a big pile of money um oh you want do you want to know something internet actually um so I I’m I’m not inheriting anything as best I

Know um I um there’s uh there’s some fun reasons about why but I’m not I’m not coming into any inheritance anytime uh soon but um there is a there’s an interesting thing of uh you know we we’re not going to talk about it sorry I

I I hate to do that but there’s like a there’s like a legal aspect that has been presented to something recently in my life uh that means that some some some loss could become someone else’s Financial loss I guess um and it’s it’s something that’s like uh there’s

Something reallyy interesting to me cuz like I’ve had to then confront the idea of like you know does does making someone else pay uh for something does that does that make uh things different also I wish I hadn’t uh it was complicated and sucks you know what cat I offer a

Service you actually anyone in chat I offer this service if you come across money that you don’t want just put my name in all the details um and uh I will deal with it for you I will take a 40% finders fee um you know obviously uh you

Know I’ll take a 100% finders fee I’ll take I’ll take the whole whole money I’ll buy lobst the rolls of it I’ll have a great time it’ll go it’ll go towards the budget for my my BBC TR show uh where I go around the country and go oh

That’s just delightful isn’t it uh over and over again and um yeah if you if you want to fund that fund it via your will right now but um yeah I think I think more seriously um I’ve been taking notes of the incompetencies between okay I I

Got it remember to put toy cat in your will you know this if you think about it right David Solano is right the the best way that you can tip a streamer the best way you can pay your toy cat tax is by writing your will today uh you can do it

If you just have two witnesses in the UK write your will today and just put Tok as a beneficiary if you want you can put a very normal amount in there but I would just say put 10% you know 10% that’s the that’s uh I I think that’s a

Reasonable amount to you know if you if you’ve enjoyed these videos any amount of you like and just say 10% of all the money goes to toy C just you have to word ibx toy cat uh YouTuber you have to leave a link to my channel uh maybe a

Contact link but like uh toy assistant at gmail.com um make sure you put all these details in there and um Shameless law it’s actually the best way if you think about it right the if you really care about something and you can’t give it money while you’re alive make sure it

Gets your money when you die cuz the the reason you shouldn’t give things money when you’re alive the the only valid reason right in my opinion if you care about something and want to give it money but can’t the only valid reason is that I would like to spend that money on

Something else or I need to keep keep that money in case I need to spend on something else like that’s uh you know like if you want to being cautious is not a it’s not a fault trait I don’t blame you if that’s you um however if

You’re dead you’ve ran out of things to spend money on you have literally hit the limit and so you know just just saying also my will contains no money only guardianship of my son uh don’t think you want to be named on that you

Know I’ll take 10% uh I I’m in Ruby Doo uh put me in I I’ll I’ll take my 10% ownership um I’ll make it I’ll make it work I’ll make it work um so cat are you trying to Gaslight us into giving you our money I mean isn’t that what every streamer is

Doing on some level isn’t every streamer effectively saying oh yeah here is a thing that I’m doing please give me money if you like it so that I can keep doing the thing is like if if you think about every platform it’s kind of a similar thing that’s that’s what every

YouTuber is doing when they release a video you you’re not giving a YouTuber money directly you give them your time to watch an ad which gives but you are they they are saying the same thing anyway um 10% of her Sun yeah I’ll take

10% of the sun I I’m in I I want it I’m I I feel like that’s a good investment right that’s a I’m a tat worried like I I won’t keep 90% I don’t want majority ownership like someone else can have all the voting shares Etc um but I’ll I’ll

Take I’ll take 10% that like you know imagine if someone offers you 10% an apple in 1994 you’d go ooh yeah I don’t think this company’s going to go anywhere but if if if someone said it’s free you would take it and then later it might be worthwhile maybe this 10%

Becomes uh you I’m I’m I’m a big believer um that it’s it’s it’s worth it’s it’s always worth having 10% um so you have I I or you could go the other way like Tyler kavus is going and I get his arm I mean I don’t know if I want

Just the random arm sent to me in the mail but you know if if that’s what’s 10% of a garden ship maybe watching every stream yeah I mean uh like every 10th decision in in in his life I would get to make so okay

Uh what are we going to do about uh what are we going to do about Healthcare not my not my responsibility what are we going to do about uh like long-term plans are we going to have like a a way to fund this care in the long run who’s

Going to be responsible for this that these are all questions you can have and then it’s like what do we want for lunch today and it’s like nah this is toy cat’s decision lobster rolls for everyone this is this is how I should do

It um even 1% of Apple is a ton of money yeah if you had just to clarify by the way if you had 10% of apple right now you would be the wealthiest person on the planet let me let me confirm that actually um so apple is worth about

Three trillion and the richest man it was Elon Musk but it’s not anymore right richest person in the world is currently okay it’s still musk at 229 billion man that’s crazy I I heard that um Twitter was valued somewhere in the low tens of billions it’s crazy you can

Spend tens of billions on something and it be like a tiny percent of your portfolio it’s like when you buy one share in a company you care about that’s that’s him buying the entirety of Twitter but yeah if if you had 10% of Apple you’d be the wealthiest person on

The planet right now I don’t think you could sell it without attracting you’d have to go become a resident of some other country or something um but yeah you can do it also Beth McNab Hi toat how are you I’m doing pretty good thank you for asking hey Nick Bob I’m too

Young for a will but I’ll change my work life Assurance to give you the money if I die at work um I hope you enjoy your upcoming break and stay safe man thank you um I I hope your work will accept famous YouTuber ibx toat uh and then my

Email but uh if they don’t you know we we’ll work it all out also I’m going buy toat Enterprises and put in my 401k I I so I I did um being a publicly listed company is something very few YouTubers pursue but it’s something that is starting to become become an option I

Think so um the the world of YouTube is uh it used to be like this weird hobbyist site but as it became like a serious way to make money now you get all sorts of weird interests in also the difference between a million and a billion is a million seconds ago

Is a week ago and a billion seconds is 1996 yeah I think it’s uh yeah a million seconds is 32,000 it it’s you know it’s it’s a big difference in in time that makes people realize um a lot of people use that as a stat to say like and that’s why we

Shouldn’t have billionaires because no one can can’t imagine having that much but what’s interesting to me is like I wonder how long having multiple B let’s say you get paid a billion a year you know not not the pennies of millions a year as like the the biggest name

YouTubers you know but if you’re going to make a billion a year with a b um how many years would it take uh also Tom Scott has a publicly listed company uh to make podcasts with now yeah so even then we’re talking about publicly list so um every company in the UK every

Limited company is publicly registered but it’s not publicly traded that’s what usually public company means for example I can buy a share in apple and if you think about that you like everyone understands that inherently but isn’t that weird like someone founded Apple at some point and I can just decide right

Now I want a share of his company and it’s because effectively when it goes public it stops being anyone company anymore um you know Tesla everyone thinks of as being Elon musk’s company but he owns 12% of something in the modern world um you know that you there

Owning a company kind of limits the scale that it would ever grow to but in theory you know I think the there are some large private companies um anyway so it’s confusing uh unless you add listed on an exchange yeah I think I think in general uh public company is

When you list on an exchange because that’s when you’re saying I want to raise a bunch of money but here’s something here’s something wild you might not know about internet I’m just this is this is all this stream was meant to be giving you an existential crisis but instead I’m just telling you

All about YouTube uh popping in quickly to say hi to everyone hello Ash how’s it going give us a give us a teaser for the video you’re working on it’s one of the it’s I I teased it like a month ago but I it’s one of those videos I’ve been

Excited about every since ever since so I’m curious to I want to I want I want everyone to be hyped but I want you to Hype them do your best um I um so one of the one of the things that uh also got into funeral service and my husband’s uh

Family company just made Bank on my grandfather’s funeral yeah no that’s uh that the funeral business is insane money cuz again dead people have run out of run out of things to spend it on and there’s only one thing left that you have to this is crazy I I I I had to

Learn all of this recently so I’m going to share all of you internet so once you die you stop being capable of making finan finial decisions for yourself that is not surprising I don’t think what might be surprising is your bank account gets Frozen as soon as your death report

Makes it to your bank they freeze your bank and the only thing they’ll approve is either probate once it’s all gone through the legal system to say who gets it or they’ll approve uh funeral expenses and there’s like a really narrow band otherwise you run out of

Agency over your money also Ash says heya okay I I didn’t did it was there was there more of that okay I want to see it damn it I wanted to make decisions after I died apparently it doesn’t work that way also uh okay no I didn’t miss Ash’s

Uh Ash’s hype I’m excited though I’m very excited um you know I’m putting all this all this pressure on him you know how this happens when someone’s like yeah there’s this great thing they’ve got going on and it like freaks you out I don’t have anything right it’s funny

That anything that goes wrong with Minecraft is Microsoft’s fault but anything right is it’s um it’s one of the things I think as a community we probably need to get over or get better at I think you know saying Mojang has done so much wrong is a popular opinion but at the

Same time it’s kind of missing a lot of reality isn’t it that’s I I think like many opinions out there um it’s easy to say but hard to actually be correct about um so I’ll make all the post decisions now for lunch on the day of my

Funeral you shall have Thai food says handsome damn players there a so okay first of all but one more thing j okay I want to say this is called I think um there’s a word for it when you have diffusion of the public goods so in the

Same way that if something good happens at Tesla you might say yeah good job Elon Musk because you think it’s his company if something good happens at Apple there’s no one person that you think and so all the good things that Apple does every year or like two of

Them uh you don’t think about those you will probably be focused on the you know the seven bad things they did this year um you know you hear about uh they they they were only they were they were really resisting the idea of having USBC until they were regulated or something

Like that like you or the same with like big government bodies people hear about the bad but they don’t hear about the uh the good I um so I also should be uh 55% tax after running 125k not 45k you know you’re letting people know that you’re

British right now uh Larry Larry plant it’s a it’s a it’s a wild wild situation um but yeah so um what’s going on I just joined the stream so today I’m talking about kind of some YouTube stuff about how given that there are so many YouTubers who are quitting the platform

And given that there are um you know there’s a lot of YouTubers like cutting back or quit I I figure I I was kind of talking like candidly about the inside look as someone who’s been doing YouTube for 12 years uh 55% time for a revolution

Oh you think that’s bad David you know this isn’t a this isn’t a public conversation but uh I there there’s a tax rate in the UK where you effectively are paying 66% tax cuz you lose your National Insurance you also get taxed at 40 something per and then also you’re

Paying National Insurance on it it means it means that in reality like there’s a there’s a wild wild wild like incentive to just not earn that money in whatever means possible um but yeah it’s uh yeah it’s a it’s it’s it’s like it’s I think it’s something like 100 to 120

Something K it’s it’s a it’s a very very very high band and you also get one between 50 and 60k and then also if you live in Scotland you get it between I think 40 and 50 there’s a lot of like weird like tax systems that don’t

Properly know how each other work anyway um s we’re not talking about taxes although actually you know also uh wasn’t the BTO song Mr tax man inspired by they have to pay over 100% tax one year um um yeah there’s a it’s really funny to me because nowadays we see art

As being like very left leaning and you would generally say that you know like being against being for lower taxes is uh is the opposite of that position but I I think the as I understand the I I do happen to know this one song from the

Betto as I understand the song is about the fact that at the time their tax rate was something like 83% and so even though they’re earning all this money and really they’re making Britain’s reputation huge overseas they’re getting tax 3p in every pound plus paying National Insurance so they’re getting

Taxed some insane percent and then if they want to spend any of that last 17p that paying tax effectively it’s like yeah if you earn if you earned anything in the excess of that numbers if you if you were very successful back then it’s like thank you congratulations you are

Now paying for some government stuff and so they are not they were not happy with with it um I um yeah so with that said um you can uh plus you can give so much to your spouse uh taxfree yeah it’s a um no okay I’m not

Going to get tied into a tax conversation but if you live in the UK uh look into your tax options um there’s there’s so many weird like loopholes and the the truth is is like I as I understand tax after looking into it enough is the way it works is if you

Just pay the headline rate that is effectively the the you want to pay maximum tax rate and then there is like well if you’re willing to look into the loophole you save a little bit here in exchange for doing something the government wants like put some money

Into your retirement etc etc um it’s a weird system but it works I um also I thought that was meaningless anyway uh they wrote that while high or that was the Strawberry Fields I I think if you look at most music from the early days it was all

Meaningless like before they had writers they just they it was definitely a lot of just let’s let’s do some serious drugs and then see what music that makes us want to write um and anyway sorry okay it’s not not so the the the reason that a lot of YouTubers have these golden handcuffs

And cuz golden handcuffs usually refer to uh this idea that at a company let’s say you work for a big company that makes Motors and they say to you you make Motors so good and we will give you a guarantee that will pay you 100,000 a

Year for 10 years and after those 10 years we’ll give you a million bonus unless you leave the company usually the idea of golden handcuffs applies to the idea that you have to work for 9 years you’re being you’re being you know you’re being trapped you’re being

Handcuffed to this company by money you can leave a company the only penalty being you won’t get a bonus like it’s not even just they’re going to find you it’s not like when you park on the side of the wrong Street and you have to pay

A fine it’s yeah we’re not going to give you this money um it’s it’s kind of the system that I mentioned is how Knighthood works in the UK it’s like the reason you got to be a decent person in the UK partly it’s for personal moral

Reasons partly it’s for this or that but really it’s because you want a Knighthood at some point and you won’t get one if you’re being too terrible um it’s a it’s a weird reality it’s a weird country but we all live in it regardless right we all live in it regardless so um

Yeah the it’s it’s called the the idea is called the golden handcuffs cuz you’re stuck to it and so a lot of YouTubers have this equivalent where it’s like you have a again I’m just going to make up the numbers because for every YouTuber it’s different like your

Dream job might it might be as low as 50 it might be as high as multiple Millions if you you know the the Mr beasts and the pewdiepies of the world earn several million whereas the you know like uh the the more medium channels the Tom Scots

And the game feris they’re just earning like a million oh can you imagine just a single million oh so but the thing about that job is it’s not like if you were a high-end lawyer and you could make um let’s say you’re a lawyer and you’re

Making a million a year in client sales if you took a year out to go be on a 9mon cruise ship or if you took a year out to just you know go find yourself in South America you could come back to it and so uh you know it’d be very easy to

Just be decide that yeah actually I I’m going to come back to this and your reputation wouldn’t vanish on YouTube if you go away for a year that might happen there are YouTubers who take six month breaks and by the time they’ve gone back they’re entirely irrelevant it’s wild to

Me that it’s true but it really is and so yeah it’s um also um golden handcuffs these days are typically restricted stocks however they start to vest after one year and the UK is uh and then the UK is taxed at 59% are you saying uh uh vested stocks

Are taxed at 59% in the UK I’ve never heard that but it sounds um I I I I I I believe that but also that’s a wildly High uh rate her it’s the that we had a uh we had a government not that long ago that was like here’s what we’re going to

Do we we’re going to we’re going to lower tax by about 10% to encourage people to invest in the UK and people went oh yeah you want to and then like the the whole the whole world imploded we had like our debt downgraded we have

A we had a huge crisis and now it’s like okay we’ll just we’ll just keep things how they are um we call those sweeten stocks in the US I believe yeah the the idea of invting stocks is really interesting to me because um a lot of companies people have this problem of

They get paid um so I I I believe what David is talking about is this idea that you get a bonus every year but you get the bonus for you you get paid last year’s bonus as you find this year’s and so basically you have to keep staying on

The treadmill or you’ll lose the last year’s bonus which you might have already spent and so big big problem um sorry best spider joke I was like you know what sweeter sounds believable like okay uh I I could believe like okay it’s like sweating cuz like it’s working so

Hard I I I was believing it for a second there I was really in evening sir hope you’re doing okay today um well this week uh and well year this year to be specific the great thing about okay actually I’ve been mood tracking um so I

I’ve been tracking a few things this uh year one of the things I’ve been tracking is how much I’ve been working every day just to like I’m curious by the end of the year people always ask how long do you work and I say somewhere

Between like 30 and 80 hours a week um but I never actually I never have a good answer and I could just make up an answer honestly that’s what most people do I’m sure but I I I like I like trying to work out the actual answers to

Questions and so one of the other things I’ve been doing is I’ve been tracking my mood every day um so I can give you I can give you a statistical uh answer to how good am I doing in 2024 so far do you want to find

Out to get a chat okay so um I recently just I just got my phone uh inside screen changed I don’t know if you can see my phone I’m going to going to open it right now um okay so can you see my phone not not very well so if we if we

Look at the graph I’ve had um they’ve got a frequency here somewhere I think yeah there we go um so I’ve had uh two n out of 10 days two s out of 10 days and two six out of 10 days so far wait how many days have there been I think I’m

Missing some days oh God okay um oh cuz I added it after the second so nice folding phone to get thank you I I I I recently I had to remove the screen protector today I went into the store and they’re like that’s a US model we can’t touch that here in

Europe we we you’re going to have to live life dangerously and just remove your screen protector uh cuz I had some dust trapped underneath it I want f um when you’re working for yourself you’re both always working and not working um most of the time says Josh

Jones yeah it is one of the weirdest parts of self-employment um creating fiction of your mouth not lying yeah the idea of ranking my mood is already fiction uh so you know what’s you know like if if you think about it my my my how long I’ve been

Working after tracking is still a fiction of what I measured every day um which you know like what even is work I spent it took me 2 hours yesterday not yesterday two days ago I again I’m about to go on a trip and so one of the I like

To have everything done before I go just so I every day I can decide what to do and not oh God I need to do this or everything goes terribly so one of the things I decided is like oh yeah I’m going to organize my social

Life for the next you know week after I get back so I don’t have to think about it I can just like have it be done anyway so um I um also what’s with the YouTube okay Larry Larry plant thank you for asking this what’s your opinion on

YouTube adding the before you on every channel page I hate it I I when you dead when you find a YouTuber that you want to watch more of you just want to see their videos and I I I I I think that eventually it will be the new Norm like

Yeah you go to a YouTuber you see the for you but YouTube is trying to slowly erode the idea of channels YouTube is trying to say yeah if you make stuff and you like YouTube doesn’t want people to be fans of YouTubers they want to be

Fans of YouTube and that’s wild I um so this is something I um this is something I took from a uh a mpat video actually it was um if you ask people what Tik tokers do they like no one can name any I they might be able to describe them

But they can’t name them they wouldn’t ever be like oh yeah that person’s great um you know and and that’s that is a problem for those Tik tokers sure but it’s also a problem for the internet as a whole if the if you’re a fan of

Twitter as opposed to you know the weird Men’s Wear guy on Twitter or the or the guy who talks about the things on Twitter you know like if you’re a fan of just Twitter as a cont concept then the creators have no agency and so YouTube has always I think resented the fact

That people are fans of YouTubers like oh yeah I like YouTube but I I really like watching you know uh this channel the Vlog Brothers I like watching uh these people I like watching etc etc and so I think there’s a really really big problem a surprisingly big one in that

YouTube would like it so that YouTube would like it if you weren’t a fan of their PL if you weren’t a fan of um YouTubers but instead their platform and so they’re trying to curate it more and more and more to make it that way and it

Just I I get why they’re doing it but that doesn’t make it less infuriating to me um but again that’s me as a YouTuber I’m talking like it’s also me as a consumer though I think I like to be fans of I I I like to find YouTube

Channels that I like to watch I um I think that’s gotten harder and harder to do nowadays um but yeah also why is the search on YouTube okay yeah I I I don’t know if they’re talking about it but I I want to this is also driving me crazy

This is actively I have been Fury crafting about this forever I could make a 12-hour video essay on this YouTube is going genuinely Bonkers have you seen if you haven’t ever done this before uh try to YouTube search something right now find something really Niche that you

Know exists like search up um you know like man escaping SE great in in New York City uh also he’s Jewish but by the way it sounds so anti-semitic to talk about the Jewish man from the sewer great it’s it’s a real video but it feels like you’re making some weird

Point but like try and search for something specific it will give you free results it’ll be like here are three things that might match what you’re searching for and then it’s just like on the same search page as if it they they don’t tell you it’s stopped uh in fact

Do you want me to show you this I I’ve got to show you this I’m sorry I’m I’m going to go crazy uh if I if I don’t this this blows me away that this is real um so I’m going to I’m going to open my I’m going to open my browser um

I’m going to go to YouTube and I’m going to try and show you a YouTube video we all love we all love watching those YouTube videos right if you I hope we all like watching those YouTube videos um okay I’m going to youtube.com uh and I’m going to show you

My my screen so this is my second Channel I don’t watch it so I get I get recommended weird things um funny enough look there’s there’s the goodbye internet video um but I’m I’m going to go on YouTube and I’m going to search some really weirdly specific video um Minecraft

Um I I don’t know like Minecraft Jurassic wild it’s a very specific video right so I’m look I’m I find four examples five examples six examples seven examples viewers also watched okay this okay this is funny it’s actually done a good job for this everything’s Jurassic world so far and then Minecraft

Thanks for watching and it’s Stampy quitting uh Jurassic world Minecraft X Universal and it just gets worse and worse till it starts being entirely unrelated if we try to if you know Jewish man SE great New York there’s a very specific video I would like to find

Um I can’t find it I can’t find it can’t find it can’t find it can’t find it can’t find it and then see how easily a rat can wiggle up your toilet that’s not related that that’s not what I searched for is it uh this is

Madness uh hash shorts this is this is so not related unless that man is Jewish and that is a sewer that I just don’t see um I uh you know like this is this is kosher this is this is related to one of the words I searched for and then

It’s to then it’s unrelated things that are just about Jewish people then it’s about pipes it’s like what how is this what is I I I I’ve got so many questions um about about how YouTube decided this was okay but they did and so that’s that’s

Where we’re at now anyway um with that said um it’s for you I I think that is the the big one of the weird problems of the modern internet is we’re moving away from having a cultural phenomenon and having more specific stuff that is just for you

That is that is what YouTu that is what Tik Tok did so well that every other platform is trying to replicate is it said yeah there is not going to be popular videos and unpopular videos there’s things that work for individuals and that is actually clever when you think about it it means

If everyone’s feed is different it means it’s like oh I want to watch it’s like everyone having their own channel but not their own channel to make videos their own channels to find videos it’s a it’s a weird concept but it it seems to work at least right and so that being so

Popular means that now everyone has their own you can’t search something up without being unsure about what’s actually going to show up for you which in my opinion is the problem but you know that’s me being an old Ricky man maybe maybe maybe maybe instead um it’s actually really good the demographics

That watch YouTubers despite hating YouTube is probably in the minority but um it’s vocal on the channels on watch people think it’s a public resource like the part of the Internet it’s a weird thing about social media as a whole it it got me thinking when uh Twitter was going through its

Thing like Twitter is a private company right it’s it’s a company it’s or it used to be a public company funny enough but it used to be a public company to those who owned its shares um not public in the sense that just yeah it belongs

To everyone but yet it feels like a public resource and that is something odd uh that I have noticed is that social media feels like a a space that we all kind of own um and I wonder if there’s anything you can do about that is that is that

Okay that we all feel like we own something we don’t I mean you could argue that the same has happened before like if you go to the mall uh the shopping center that’s a private company but it’s also a public hangout place right even governments depend on Twitter

L yeah that was the um one of the weird things about the whole um about the thing about that one president who’s not allowed on Twitter but maybe he’s allowed on Twitter now but he refuses to make an account um the the weird thing about that is the idea of like yeah how

Should should anyone have the right if you know the the company was very very left leaning and anti-trump as a concept but they were also struggling with this idea that like but someone so notable not being on Twitter would be effectively not allowing people to hear their ideas and it’s the it’s the

Problem of deplatforming more broadly the idea of um like everyone on the internet should be able to say their thing and then it should be up to users to decide if it’s good or bad in in the same way in the real world um you wouldn’t say if someone someone’s like

You wouldn’t be having a conversation with someone and be and they’d be like you know I’ve just been thinking about this like that maybe you know maybe these people uh coming in here and doing bad things to us you go woo wo woo someone call the police this person

Needs to go to prison they had a bad opinion they should not be able to say that to any other conversation partner but when you’re doing it like on on social media it feels like a public space and it’s this weird match between public space and private space and so

Tik Tok and the YouTube shorts and every other algorithm out there is blurring that same line in a very similar way if you if you think about it is they’re coming to this same problem of um they’re they’re reaching the same problem in conclusion that is well they

They you you have your own space it’s not public also they do call the police some bad opinions in the UK it’s one of the things I’m least proud about in the UK we have we have a it’s it’s it’s gener accepted in the UK there is a

Policing shortage also I went all the way up and I didn’t empty my inventory of anything besides slime balls I cannot believe I just did that um I looked up crochet Star Garland on YouTube and the second video was a short about crochet goblins oh crochet genitors okay it’s

Even funnier um the stream keeps going out of sync with the real time lagging me is that a thing for you or me or you it could be on you try lowering the quality what if Minecraft made their own social media platform how about we all stop using

Regular social media and we all start using the best form of social media which is where is it how do you access it is it here oh I did it okay social social media # bless um so I’m going to I’m going to share that yeah that’s my social media also thank you

Bug paying my taxes also sorry I have to use Super Chat streamlabs is incompatible with my card type you don’t have to answer any you don’t want to I’m curious what what type of card is streamlabs in compatible with I would love to know um they do have realm

Stories now so even better let’s use carrier pigeons yeah if anyone has a message they’d like to share um get it get it done via carrier pigeon that that seems right to me where did that post just go says uh David oh it went to the Minecraft social media obviously I I

Hope you weren’t keeping up clearly to G for president anyone um I had to admit it but we need 8K HDR 500 FPS of funny cat memes I’m sorry I’m sorry to say that I can do my best to provide that but I can’t guarantee anything you know

I’m going to take these diamonds home with me now I I think now is the time I’m going to drop the slimes on the ground I’m going to pick up the diamonds and I I have to work out some use for these but I’m going to I’m going to work

That out later or I just left a diamond there whoopsie so we’ve now got nine more diamonds to add to my stash what should we do with nine diamonds chat I could build a I could build a diamond or desert well if we could just find a half

Slab of it or a regular slab um but yeah I um Brandon bar say uh you’re not leaving us this year too are you so I’ll be honest with you I I seriously contemplated um like leaving not leaving the platform but my exit strategy and I’ve been doing that for every year but

It’s been getting more and more serious over the last few years because um this this year last year I had a very serious crisis on the channel it looked like for a while there’s going to be a company taking a large amount of money uh and and

Sneaking it to to fund their losses and blah blah blah blah throat war in the ocean like that Titanic you know that’s not a bad idea Beth um you actually no I’m going to say that is it I’m not I’m not going to do it bad idea so YouTube’s

My social media I mean with with the with these stories or what’s what’s it called on YouTube the the that weird that weird option where you can Community post it’s how I announce these streams usually cuz isn’t it Wild by the way sorry I’m just this is old man yells

So I’m just going to just give me a second isn’t it wild that for me to announce my live streams the ones I’m doing on YouTube I have to use another YouTube feature and say hey I’m Live on YouTube wouldn’t it be great if YouTube told you itself without me having to ask

It to or if there was a button I could press where it would give people that same notification they get for the community post H okay my point is over now I’m all good it’s cute you think you’re old says uh cat you know the um

It’s it’s scary that every year I think I’m as I’m getting older I’m like oh no this was so impossibly old a few years ago how much how much worse can it get it’s uh it’s a scary it’s scary to imagine the you know like my definition

Of old is going to shift at some point me right now is going to be me and my Prime I’m going to look back at the stream and be like toy cat you were just about to do this thing you’re in a very you’re a very blessed situation right

Now um hopefully not uh I usually get YouTube Community posts announcing the stream the next day that’s the best time to watch the live streams I think you’re fine um I wish Community post sent notifications it’s so annoying that it doesn’t also they don’t notify people how does so

Many people see them then I’m going do a quick test I’m going do a community post now um I’m going just grab my community post um okay I’m just going to go there right now uh chat what should I what should I type tell me tell me what my

Community post text should be hello hello I’m streaming right now come check me out yeah you know that’s that sounds good that sounds just wonderful uh hello uh okay so we got we got this lovely uh okay so toy cat server me meme for engagement and then we’re going to we’re going to

Say streaming for the last time in a for I’m assuming the last time for a couple of weeks right now uh hanging out in the let’s play World literally just hanging out in the let’s play World literally just hanging out in the let’s play World talking about YouTubers quitting and

More and then I’m going to link the live stream okay where’s the live stream link there it is okay I’m going to see how many people see the community post versus the live stream uh usually it it’s it’s always something wild to me like the number of people I can’t I

Can’t I can’t get a link to this live stream I got to click that maybe okay can everyone find me a link to my own live stream I the it doesn’t work on you I’m going to have to like okay okay I’m going to I’m going to make this work I

Moved it to a different tab copy and then we go to paste I got it I got my own link working um okay and then we see so I just posted that the one from yesterday got tens of thousands of views let’s see how many this gets by comparison um okay

Let’s let’s do it Community posts very shop uh often shop on the homepage for the mobile apps that’s probably where most of the views come from it is weird if you think about it that that’s not the you know I I’ll stay focused I’m going to okay I’m going to move this

Over there so I can see your comments some more and there we go um it’s not a Rick Roll link I hope I hope it’s not a Rick Roll link too so now we can look we have 350 viewers at time of speaking let’s see how many people find this

Stream that wouldn’t have otherwise found it because they see that Community post um it could be zero could be dozens I don’t I don’t know I’m I’m doing the experiment to find out so um yeah I um YouTube is a tangled hidden web I um it showed me your uh

Character one from yesterday does everyone just get YouTube Community posts a day late then and I actually getting a bunch of live stream viewers for tomorrow hello from tomorrow if that’s you hope you’re having a good one is uh let let me know in the comments if you are I saw the

Community post why why did you see the community post you meant to be watching my live stream wow I feel betrayed but no so the idea of fictions go quite far um I’m just going to I’m going to pick up a point from an hour

Ago we’re going to finish it now um have you ever seen two Batman in the same room though I personally never have just just mentioning right now but um oh by the way we’re making some serious serious progress we went down from like 33 to minus 41 like two more streams and

We’ll be down there yeah we will um I see it sometimes uh before sometimes after after that’s so interesting to me I’m going to have to go somewhere and just destroy a whole bunch of chests worth of dirt just to fill this area by the way

It’s going to be worth it though um I got in my time machine and came back to tell you I saw a community post tomorrow awesome living Murphy’s Law you’ve got to see that tomorrow now though if you don’t then it breaks the time Loop and you end up dying and probably breaking

The universe too so um also thank you bird for life um and Ned Orin I’m glad you all saw it okay so now now that we now that we’ve uh we we’ Mo mostly discussed the YouTube thing I think I think there’s one last thing I’d like to

Leave behind on this the idea of golden handcuffs is kind of a PR but it’s also it’s also a weird one because it is I think one of the things people don’t like is losing their freedom in some way also cat to cats just got back into Minecraft after burning out post nether

Update and your videos and Seed recommendations have made made an enormous positive impact in my life thank you um I really appreciate that I I’m surprised um how many people like do burn out of Minecraft and go yeah this is this is the end for me um it’s

Entirely understandable on the one hand but it’s also unexpected on another so sometimes I’ll go to some channel to actively look at an announcement on community posts uh it is what it is an extra feature not entirely R don’t want either says uh Nate very interesting also um

I’m really glad that I made a positive impact on my life uh cheser cat I I think it’s really cool that the uh recommendations have made a difference too I did I I did recently a best 10 seeds of 2023 uh might be like up your

Alley if you really love seeds uh and you want to just see like the very best of the best one of the so yeah I um to to finish up this point um I was making about YouTube also by the way it looks like viewers went down 20 so 20 fewer

People saw my live stream because it came in out was a community post maybe people were just leaving anyway but it’s just interesting to me I was expecting it to go up by like maybe 203 but it went down 20 instead and I think that’s absolutely hilarious um but yeah I

Um I think the uh we got kicked I I think the the the weird thing about um the the weirdest thing about YouTube and maybe quitting it is the it seems like a good decision on a on a mental sanity level it would be nice to do something else sometimes is what I

Think anyone who works in the creative field says like how am I going to come up with the next good idea my my last big truly viral video um was 69 uh ideas for when you’re born in Minecraft um that was the last video of

Mine to hit a million views it might not even hit a million it might be like three qus of a million but that’s that was my last big hit and then before that um if I’m not mistaken it might been 22 things you’re doing wrong it was like a

Fairly classic normal video like okay nothing too special and then before that there was a big Seed video that like really just hit people’s spot it was even like it was something like ACC this people accuse me of cheating Etc and then before that it was 10 builds you

Shouldn’t make so there’s like if you think about my last three years of making a video almost every single day what it real really boils down to is I made four incredible videos that people loved so much that they went crazy viral and then I made a lot of videos that

Hopefully made a difference to people but that an algorithm said wasn’t very worthwhile and that’s like a struggle and that’s where I think a lot of people go I don’t want to be at the whims of some algorithm I don’t want the the value that I’ve provided at the end of

The week to be determined by some machine or if you are going to have it be determined that way I want to be so good at this that every single time I swing I hit um and that’s that’s a hard task right like um but it is it is the

Task that I I think is really really hard to constantly go for it’s like making making the same level of content day in day out for year years and years and years is hard but doing that and making it better is my goal every day I

Have to consider like oh how can I talk slightly better more communicatively how do I make the video slightly better is there is there something wrong I’m doing the background gameplay is there something I can do with the editing is there something about the thumbnails that are better every day something

Needs to be better um you don’t want your whole life goal to be being controlled by an AI I mean you say that now but uh it’s um so yeah I I think um the so the answer of like why you know like are you considered quitting is like no it is

I I would rather take a break come back fully recharged and then work it out from there also doing the popular thing or the thing you like yeah that’s a that’s a big creative Paradox is that to be successful you need to do something popular but we all have things we like

That aren’t the popular thing and maybe for the best but even working out for example um what is trending right now I’m going to go on the YouTube trending page is there a trending page anymore there is not a trending page page oh no there is okay so trending on YouTube

Right now is siden versus 40 YouTubers hi ultimate hide and seek okay that’s not that it’s not a trend though is it um there’s uh Reddit is a mess I got robbed um getting this 20year Old Lake the hidden lore of you know there’s there are some videos that are doing

Well uh you like there are some Trends on there the Apple Vision Pro there you go like how do I tie an apple Vision Pro into Minecraft play Minecraft but on the Apple Vision Pro that’s a good idea let me let me buy one right now let’s well

They can’t be that expensive right uh Apple Vision Pro UK um it costs if I if I want to get my hands on one I could get it for the low low price of oh no they’re not available in the UK yeah well okay I could get one for the low

Low price of 3,500 I could then record it you know there we go it’s a good idea that’s actually a fun idea you know I I would actually love to play Minecraft and an apple Vision uh it can’t be that expensive says Harrison gray Harrison do you want to do you want

To go halfes on an Apple Vision Pro do you want to do you want to split one um skiy toilet is always on trending oh yeah M skib toilets but it’s Minecraft is one of the weirdest most unhinged parts of YouTube um can you stream on a

VR uh you could but it would probably be really weird you might need a more refined setup uh um Harrison’s going to need an advance I um I I I do think there’s a sky my friend give return on investment I’m sure app should totally do a collab

With Mojang to make Minecraft Apple Vision Pro Edition I’m sure you’ll be able to play Minecraft poition on it genuinely the idea of playing Minecraft on something is like a real sales pitch right um but uh can you stream on a smart fridge I see that’s that is also another

Fun idea you know what chat tell me what’s trending right now in your on your section of the internet and I’ll tell you how I’m going to make it into a great Minecraft video I’m going to make a good idea out of your your your virality what’s what’s viral in your

Section of the internet and your your personal little little trending page that you have over there what’s what’s going viral on yours I I I need to know um okay so we got a little thing here goes up nice and high and now we can work on destroying some more uh don’t

Have bcom mac yet let alone a 3.5k headset oh that’s that’s a good point speaking of good so thank you so much treesia C becoming the 469th channel member I really appreciate it man I I cannot say enough um that I I think it’s so cool that 469 people have decided to

Support the channel I I’ve been working towards 500 members for so long I remember it was like 2021 when I first set that goal and know we technically like breached it for a month or two like getting actually 500 members and consistently 500 members is such a such

A dream such a goal and I hope I hope we make it there uh Mex trending has a family YouTuber welcoming a baby so you might have to start a Minecraft family that’s a good I I could start a Minecraft family um we’ve got something called I got robbed is on trending okay

So how about I get robbed in Minecraft chat who wants to rob my Minecraft house you know let’s do it let’s let’s work it out we can we we we can make this happen um I’m too young to join but if I could I would says

Tringo you know it’s okay you you I I I hope to see you in 10 years talking about how I’m totally quitting YouTube next year um thank you Tut to cat become the 470th channel member okay now that we’ve got parel the serious YouTube chat

I want to kind of just bring it back one more time to talk about the fact that you know how YouTubers are saying they’re quitting and they’re getting a ton of views on their videos I’ve got a secret for you I’ve got I’ve got a secret every one of these videos where

They say they’re quitting it’s not that they’re stopping YouTube it’s that they’re dialing back what they do they are they are taking what they are doing on YouTube and they’re saying I’ll do a little less of this in Tom Scott’s case it’s him stopping the series it’s it’s a

Very common thing to say yeah I have done something for a very long time it needs to end so it can make space for something new in my life um abandoned furnace mine cart will it run after 15 years that’s a good question only one way to

Be sure right only one way to absolutely find out really appreciate your hard work and generally enjoyed every single video of yours I’ve ever seen thank you I okay so you might have to make an exception for that soon so I recently um again chat don’t don’t call me crazy for

This but I um I recently got obsessed with the idea of um I want to make tutorials for people getting back into Minecraft again right this is this is a thing that happens every year and so this January I want to do the same towards the end of

January as people are like rolling back into Minecraft I want to have some tutorials but the one of the most commonly searched things about Minecraft is how to chop wood it is the it is the first thing you do in the game I have no idea how it’s so searched or who is

Searching it but so um you know that thing way YouTubers will take something that could be explained in 10 seconds and make it into a 10-minute video I want to make a 30 minute video on how to expl I want to make an hour long video

On how to chop down wood in Minecraft I want the whole thing to be a tutorial on shopping wood I want this to be the most fully featured tutorial on wood the world has ever seen and um yeah I uh just just as a heads up I I I think that

Will be happening um fairly soon I I’m I’m excited for it it’s one of those ideas that I can’t get out of my head and so um just remember next time someone says they’re quitting that the alternative is they start making hourong uh looking forward to let’s play 601

Now I think a 45 minute video would be reasonable says um jeno Drake or rather jeno Dr you know I I do think okay you know what let’s let let’s let’s compromise that may maybe an hour is too long maybe 45 minutes is the right length a 45 minute length video on how

To chop wood in Minecraft um it’s one of the best ideas I I’ve ever had I you know sometimes you when you’re making art as we definitely are here on this channel um sometimes when you make art you you have an idea that you love more

Than what you other ones this is this is going to be the 20 million view video on my channel um it’s going to have more views than all the other ones combined and I’m I’m just excited for it I hope you’re excited for it too inet um

But if you don’t make it an hour you might have to ad a very some very important details yeah every single second is going to be valuable it’s going to be required it’s it’s going to be great um also uh make it a thousand years long I I really do every time I

See like a a 14-hour video I’m like you know I want to make a 50 now I I the only thing limiting me honestly is the fact that YouTube streams are camped at 12 I think it might be fun to do a uh might be fun to

Do some uh some some of those but yeah is if YouTube made their live stream longer than 12 hours or longer recording than 12 hours I think I wor if I I think I might have aimed for the longest uh longest stream record already sadly they

Have not there is a it is a big disappointment to me but yet we must we we we must make do anyway so now we’re going to put some ORS away I’ve got some random lapers here I’ll put the rest of the Cobble deep slate in here I really

Am running out of slots to put this at this point but it’s fine and I’m going to fill up this shulker box before I come back to uh it’s it’s going to be just wonderful it’s going to be the best so um now we can put the Cobble deep

Slate over I don’t think it goes in here or here you know I’ll just leave the Cobble deep SL on me put the Slime balls away cuz I’ve got them anyway o let’s do this I just finished my Star by the way and you know when you

Like when you where like the air comes out of your nose it’s the weirdest thing it feels uncomfortable but in the same time it’s like a really nice warm air so I I don’t mind it too much okay so I uh do the first day in U Minecraft real life with a real

Axe I also had an idea right um I so yeah tell tell me what’s trending in your life and I’ll tell you I’ll tell you great ideas I have for it by the way like I’m going to get robbed in Minecraft someone’s going to come into my Minecraft world and steal some stuff

And then I’m going to use Stand My Ground laws to make sure that they they don’t they don’t have a very good rest of their day it’s a good idea it’s a good idea um what do you mean it’s cap at 12 hours I saw a YouTuber do a 24hour

Stream very recently so they kep the recording at 12 hours I you have to either stop and start the stream uh which is what I have to do every time um you either stop and start the stream or you can go for the alternative which is just have it not be recorded they’re

Both fine options but still um make sure you have a uh something to five bow power five bow it’s an important part of chopping down wood I think it’s a very important part of the process if you don’t have the right bow then what’s even the point of trying to

Go um but yeah I um the there are there are quite a few um a lot of people who stream on other platforms can make 24-hour vods you just record the whole thing uh it’s it’s it’s a YouTube specific problem it’s a very YouTube specific problem it’s an annoying

YouTube specific problem also wait this isn’t the right deep slate wait chat okay tell me am I bear in mind I’ve got a big bright light on my face right now I’ll turn it off I’ll turn it down can you see any green oh I’ve been unnecessarily shining a bright green

Light or bright Right light on my face is the is the Cobblestone Cobble deep slate on the right of this chest different to the Cobble deep slate on the left cuz this looks like it’s gray and this looks like it’s black to me am I am I going color

Blind um it looks like there’s different items in here but the game is telling me there’s not and so I’m starting to doubt myself I don’t I don’t know what to believe anymore chat I just don’t don’t know what to think okay I’m going to I’m

Going to get some more I’m going to load it in there nope you’re going uh a shade blind you know what that’s that’s an entirely acceptable consequence I guess um you’re seeing Stone maybe your monitor is uh yeah yeah it well blame the monitor Checkmate boom not me it’s a monitor problem so

One of the one of the things that I think comes to mind when we have a new year coming is kind of that finality of the previous year closing down for good it is genuinely scary in a way though with a new year the previous year is

Gone because it means that no matter what you want you are not achieving more than you did in 2022 no matter or 2023 as well um and so it opens up a world of possibilities but a world of possib abilities are scary I think this is the

Weird thing I was saying about like people even though it sounds like the dream to have some golden handcuffs to have like oh no someone’s going to pay me a lot of money and all I have to do is stay at my current job I think for a

Lot of people that is scary because you are being locked into a certain path but what’s also scary is having lots of paths and not knowing which one of them is the right one you know there is a potential version of you that becomes an astronaut there’s a potential version of

You that cures cancer and then there’s a potential version of you that’s dead on the side of the road because they did uh they did one too many drugs all at one one time it’s a it’s a scary thing to make decisions every decision you make

Um in the you know the multi world theory the the Multiverse whatever you want to call it this this this many worlds theory of having lots of different parallel universes is effectively just saying every time you make a choice you divide the world in two every time you decide between two

Options you you are telling the world uh you know there is that’s two versions of you being created there’s a version of you that did the thing and a version that didn’t this is how you get to an infinite number of parallel realities cuz there there’s an infinite number you

Know an infinite variety of views uh that did do something in in variety of you that didn’t but the so when when you but but when you’re fa with these choices and you’re face with this world of possibilities it’s like God how do I make the right one even something as

Simple as like what do I have for dinner tonight it’s just it’s just putting food in your body it doesn’t matter in the long run it’s like a it’s a big one right there’s a there’s you can mess that up you can get that wrong and then

How are you going to feel the answer is bad the answer is oh man I I I I I was meant to do something and I did it poorly and now think about the bigger decisions of a whole year this year is a big one for me I I this will decide the

Future of my channel I’m I I’m not going to be too dramatic about it but like I said like there’s been a uh this is a year that I I have to uh knock it out of the park on YouTube you know I can’t keep making 45 minute tutorials on how

To chop down wood as fun of an idea as that is um this is the year I have to knock it out of the park and I I I have some ideas on how to do it but if if my ideas are wrong if my strategy is wrong

I’m out there there’s a big question about January so January is the worst paying month on YouTube a lot of YouTubers will choose to stream more a lot of YouTubers just take the month off some YouTubers take the rest of their career off but you know January is a

Great month to just leave the platform for a bit just take some time off many people have decided um but that means that for creators who stay you’ve got this alternative of like well you can stay and work for you know like half as much but potentially you know like make

Some subscriber growth or you could switch to streaming you could switch to short form content because that barely paid anyway um or you could use the time off to recover and have those best ideas uh what is my next version of things you shouldn’t build in Minecraft what is my

Next version of uh that I don’t know yet I really do not know yet but I’m excited hope we can do more traveling Vlogs like the one you did jalter I love that one says Max ailum uh yeah so my plan is to do a video for my HEI trip and then a

Video for My overall like um time in the United States of America um the one will be second channel one will be third Channel you know I I deliberately make it near impossible to actually follow what’s going but I’m glad I’m glad you like it you know this this it’s the it’s

It’s the it’s the pilot episode for my my BBC TV show where I go around the world and and try dishes and say oh yes this is absolutely delightful isn’t it um you know it’s I’m do I’m doing my I’m doing my trial for that it’s it’s going

To go well so um I hope it’s going to go well also yes says David Solana yeah I’m looking forward to it I’m going I’m going to eat some good food going to have some it’s it’s going to be a real good time I hope you know I’m saying

It’s going to be a real good time but that’s me who who who am I to trust um should you be trusting me that way um but yeah I think I think one of the things I want to do in this let’s play world is make sure I find some

Efficiency five that is an important step also do you have a cat says TR triangle is it tringle maybe um I do in fact have a cat the cat is called cookie and he lives with she lives with she lives with someone that I’m I’m not

Related to um and so that’s sad I guess honestly actually you know that’s a good point 105 minutes is up you know to to cat I got you it’s more than 105 minutes of of philosophy and making you have a a crisis the world needs a new guy to go

Eat food in water on countries now with Anthony bang gone that’s a good point you know the the the world needs this I’m going to do my best uh and so let’s let’s see how it goes um okay lots and lots of of of fellas jumping at me none

Of them are my issue though did you feed cookie to your parrot you know if I did feed cookie to my parrot I would uh I’d get in trouble on a on a public relations level um BBC British blogger cat something about saying British blogger cat BBC it just sounds like

You’re saying something inappropriate I don’t know why that is it just feels like I’m laughing at something I shouldn’t be but you know all good things are inappropriate in a way um just stop talking about stuff that causes existential crisis then says uh ever at Lewis oh yeah that’s a good

Point Have you ever considered the fact that every you have a certain number of days between the day you’re born and the day you’re Neely going to die and you don’t know what that number is you only know that it’s going in One Direction every day it goes down it could be that

There’s tens of thousands of days left but it’s still going down either way the day that you wasted the day that you barely got through that was one of your days on the clock that was uh if there was a clock telling you uh if there was

A clock telling you the clock would be like wow really that’s all you did today that’s fine I just I just assumed you were going for more it’d be a really judgmental clock um but that that would be what the clock would be like huh um

We are all going to die someday merch plug wow I I sure am reminded that we’re going to die someday I go to ibx to cat. store and get myself these heart handled mugs they’re so fun I’ve heard that they they’ve started selling knockoffs of these in Target um I’ve heard but they

Don’t have they don’t come together to make two for one and most importantly they don’t remind you you’re going to die someday as we all need um anyway so there we go um more seriously though I think it’s not not just a question of like what you’re

Going to do but it’s like am I have going to have done something good is are people going to be uh you know the the most the most poignant description of what happens when you’re gone I think is from Kiana Reeves who just says I don’t know what

Happens when we die I just know that those who love us will miss us and I think it’s the I think it’s the most real way to view the situation that you you have to make an impact uh the alternative is you know like you you you have so long to make an

Impact on so few or so many people but it is those small things that will make the difference in the end some people might remember you as a great person some people might remember you as an okay person but it’s down to you to decide how they

Every day is a chance to do something better than you did it yesterday says Kevin trash wait is that Kevin trash it’s Teran TSH man I I’m sorry for mispronouncing your name I has that ever happened to you before I feel like I I I feel like it’s you got to be extra

Cautious about like something like that we’re like oh if someone else has said that before that probably hurts but um yeah I I um I’ve been lurking for about 90 minutes good to see you Christopher um I enjoy your content CU you actually seem to be enjoying what you’re doing no

I hate Minecraft I hate it so much why am I even playing the game um I I like working these big projects cuz look at this just today you can see the line has gone from about over there to about down here I’ve now gone over halfway down and

So I’ve just got to go from here down two more layers to 54 I think 57 so I’ve got I’ve got like a very few uh blocks to get done and then I’ve just got to find some dirt to cover this place then I might go destroy a Cherry Grove biome

Some more maybe yeah it seems like a good idea right I when did I get a membership thanks to whoever it came from you’re a diamond cat too so it’s even more Curious how you get one um noo he had a existential crisis when he read

Is a bit trayer in the newspaper maybe time travel ain’t so bad says to cat yeah the uh so just for anyone who doesn’t know the story the person behind the uh great now thinking my kids grieving me I mean it could be worse it could be their way around right but I

Think um uh to to tell a story maybe maybe a useful one cuz you know it’s not the it the things are happening either way right the there I can’t I can’t change whether anyone lives or dies or when that happens what I can say is the story

From um Alfred Noble The Man Behind the Nobel Prize he made a lot of money um selling TNT you know weapons of a form of Destruction and so the when when someone dies newspapers uh free have a obituary ready so there’s already an obituary for King Charles for example at

Every major newspaper so that when they die they can just hit publish it’s um it’s kind of like what I do with update videos uh recently where if you know exactly what the you know what’s in there you can kind of pre-publish it also thank you my first toy tax thank

You for all the great content and lessons of Minecraft life in general God bless you sir toyk is yes thank you God bless you sir too good bless you too sir um Minecraft mining ASMR for real let’s just let’s go for a long consistent mine let’s not have any breaks in it let’s

Just always be mining a block for a bit it’ll be nice oh no I messed it up okay from now on no no more breaks um so um obituaries are safe that way and that’s why everyone had an obituary ready for the queen etc etc etc um and so Alfred Noble found his

Obituary because it was accidentally published this happens all the time and he just realized that after reading about himself after his death he wasn’t happy it was it was a fairly negative one supposedly but it made him realize that he had all this money but if he died it

Wouldn’t have any meaning to him and so he set up the Noel prize as like a Perpetual Foundation to award people for their you know their their their their their achievements in science basically um there’s some real weird Nobel Nobel prizes the Nobel priest prize is the

Really weird one in my opinion but the idea of just having uh here is a cash Grant and an award is really really clever as a way to make a legacy um you always need people to care about that and make sure the money goes well Etc but it’s still absolutely fascinating

How many deaths have you had in your world I would love to see the stat for that I don’t know it myself um but I would love to know what it is anyway so chat is deep in the mind says frog in a mine cart that is factually accurate um are

You going to turn the updated sugarcane farm into a big project video uh these are always my big favorites especially when they contain out Contex stream flip says bow 999 so I really want to do the um I really want to do big projects it’s basically the future of the let’s play

Um like I have to I have to pick two directions of the let’s play one is either it’s big project videos people can see what I’m up to or it can be um you know like the standard let’s play style and it’s just made for a smaller audience maybe it’s

You know members only or something like that I don’t I don’t love any of those ideas so I think I think yeah the goal is to do it that style but it just means like preparing a lot at once and that’s what I’m not fully ready for hey toat

What crisis are we having says diing troops um we were talking about um the the one that uh Alfred Noble had when he decided that he was going to die an unloved unpopular man so he set up the Nobel Prize just as a like a desperate

Hope that he can maybe buy uh you know the love of people afterwards and honestly it worked right no one knows that Alfred Noble did all those things honestly you probably don’t know Alfred Noble for anything but the Noble Prize but it’s that reminder that like this is something that’s crazy about

YouTube that I’ve kind of had to confront too but it’s true for everyone in real life there are loads of people who know you for one conversation you had with them they know you for one time they saw you and so they either have a really fond positive memory of you or

They just don’t like you because they’re like man that person was so obsessed with themselves that person was so obsessed with this thing that person was just really not pleasant to be around and that’s that might be okay to you but it makes me think like um I don’t know I

Uh I met someone at a wedding recently um there they were the manager at a Tesco uh in the southwest and um I enjoy talking to them I I I try to be I try to ask thoughtful questions when I talk to people uh because I I want to both let

People know that I’m actually listening I’m not just doing that thing where I’m waiting for my turn to speak but I also I I I I try my best um to genuinely like see like oh yeah what’s going on how how could your life be improved by this

Conversation it’s a very unlikely thing that you can do it but it’s it’s just it’d be nice if I could improve son’s life with just a with a five minute conversation in some way again these are people not not people who know me specifically I’m talking about like in

My day-to-day life as Andrew Andrews not as not in the uh the life of the YouTuber anyway so um the the person afterwards was like yeah man really cool really like really like and and something about that is like stuck with me ever since like just like that you

Know that that person is just like oh yeah nice guy met at a wedding but like you know he really he really liked some question I had about uh his life some something I had about there about like his goals he was like yeah this the he

He he really appreciated it he found it to be very insightful very useful more more deep than any conversation he has and it’s that thing that I’m always saying about like people say they don’t like small talk but also no you statistically love Small Talk um statistically speaking right speaking of

Statistically speaking um we’re very close to the end of today’s live stream um we’ve uh we’ve gone over the 105 minutes the title says we’ll go over the full 2 hours shall we I’ve been enjoying this one a lot I really do like mining in

Minecraft I do love when we’re on a roll and I love reading chats from people like Joshua lyes thank you for the tip by the way um forgot to add safe travels I shall have the safest travels I know how to have oh that was weird you know

That was not a safe travel thank you for the tip my man I hope I’m I’m glad that you’ve been enjoying the videos I I hope that I I I hope one of these convers ation is insightful and I hope in the future we have some more useful ones we

Need to talk about this more often people need to hear this stuff says Kevin TSH people do need to I I I know I’m being very dramatic and I’m I’m being very focused on myself because I had a a very serious occurrence in my family um but

Also if this isn’t the time to do it then there’s no time to do it and I can’t believe that that’s true I can’t believe that there’s no time to approach the topic of what impact will you make on the people who care about you cuz the

Answer is you should be going for a good one the answer is it would be nice if people cared and hopefully they do or maybe they don’t maybe you don’t want them to maybe maybe if you you have no impact on the world then no one will be

Sad when you’re gone and maybe that’s actually happier in its own weird Twisted way right um I’m not the judge of how you make your morality decisions I am not the judge of any major religion uh or legal system all I am is an inet cat who’s been playing Minecraft and

Hopefully you’ve been enjoying it if you have uh then hey by the way mrat T’s been watching you since day one of thank you for watching me thank you so much for the massive tip Mr Mac I um man that’s that’s that’s two lobster rolls right there I am I’m on a

Roll now I I am uh call me a lobster because I am on a roll today um sorry the lobster would be very displeased if you heard that J I um I also um I save travels and see you next time you’ve impacted many so actually

Chat while we’re here I have two streams I want to do when I get back if you’re watching me right now I care about your opinion more than average so I either want to do Minecraft but it’s a beach biome only you know Minecraft but it’s a

Total Beach or I want to do Minecraft but every you know like every five minutes the chat gets to uh you know customize something about the game like you can make the you could change the weather or you could add or remove from my size um or you know like you could

Summon uh some mob or something obviously I could do both but which one should I do when I first get back I want to do a big stream when I get back I uh I love these streams I love hanging out I love these opportunities but I also

Need to do the uh the the biggest streams that make people uh at least try a live stream for the first time and also that are kind of more direct I enjoy them a lot I think it’s fun so Beach chapter sides mob votes Beach Beach chant sides beach beach

Interesting people like the beach idea so an entire world of beach I’m going to try and beat Minecraft it’s going to be a lot of fun and then we can do chapter sides uh later that week I’ve um I’ve pre-planned a lot of my week after I’ve

Gone back just just so that I’m not stressed on the last day of my trip like oh god I’ve got to do that but I am really looking forward to um to being back here internet I’m looking forward to this year and I hope you’re looking

Forward to your year and if you’re not then maybe you should do something that makes you want to look forward to it for now though I hope you all enjoyed this video I I I you know I I need to do a full stream of just finishing off the

Sugarcane farm I think I could do it if I get some efficiency 5 Tool I I could make this work I I really could but yeah for now I hope you all enjoyed this video because I’ll see you next time bye oh you’ll be redirected to that next

Live stream actually also I’m you know actually I need to go back up to my base of this CH box that’s not goodbye I lied to you I tricked you any plans to try and improve in your Minecraft t31 tutorial all disc speed record that could be your big

Stream that’s a funny idea really isn’t it like go go back and aim for a a record from way back when you know who’s going to stop me no no one can uh we could probably find an elra real quick or we could like never portal around that world it might save some

Time that’s you know honestly that’s that’s a fun goofy idea I kind of want to do it actually uh anyway yeah thank you for watching um I i’ it’s 10:31 I’ve got a video I need to finish like desperately and then I’ve got another video I need to start and then I’m

Waking up in 9 hours so probably should leave probably should go do those things um or how about how about this right what if instead of doing that we didn’t and we just hung out all evening you know I can’t start doing that work and so I can’t be

Stressed by doing that work if I’m here instead so how’s how’s the weather going you’re having a good good good Christmas you’re having a uh the the rain in Spain has fallen but we are not on a plane we’re not even in the planes um there’s

A good joke about that somewhere um okay we’re just going to make like free chests and I’m going to store my I’m going to store my stuff stuff in there and it’ll be great uh procrastination is a scary thing toy cat L says cber man kyber man so is this technically

Procrastination I’m doing right now because I’m still streaming if you think about it it’s basically work you know this is a this is a big Hefty batch of work I’m doing really and so if you think about it this is me being productive right now so wow I should

Have reward myself for being productive with a good break you know I think I’ve earned one you you you’re right internet you’re right you’re right I’ve uh I’ve got a good break before I get back to my no I’m just kidding also do I have an

Enchantment table in there I do so I hope you will enjoyed today’s Minecraft live stream if you have then that’s good if you haven’t then oh I wish you luck better next better luck next time I guess um yeah thank you for watching hope you enjoyed because I’ll see you

When I see you I assume maybe we should make this like multiple stories High yeah it’s a good idea we’ll just we’ll just make make a huge light lines of chest here it’ll be real good

This video, titled ‘Literally Just Minecraft & Existential Crisis For 105 Minutes’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2024-01-09 22:40:04. It has garnered 7425 views and 481 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:00 or 7440 seconds.


Hello I’m ibxtoycat and you can tip to show up on screen at: https://streamlabs.com/toycat

I use elgato stream equipment for my capture card, webcam and lighting. You can find it here: https://amzn.to/44OqVDd

Live stream descriptions are usually too long so now I just remind you that subscribing and following on twitter @IBXToycat is how you can see more if you liked this. Or you can check out the unlisted streams playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpy-oDL1K5KTkOOnS1xkO-Mz

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server and Become the Best!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server and Become the Best! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we’re excited to share with you a thrilling gaming experience that will take your Minecraft adventures to the next level. If you’re a fan of games like BTD6 and Roblox, then you’re in for a treat. Join us as we explore the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Brother Ian and Ethan are avid gamers who love to challenge themselves in various games. In their latest YouTube video, they dive into the world of BTD6 and showcase their skills and strategies. While the video may not be about Minewind, it’s a testament to their passion… Read More

  • Bunker Zombie Apocalypse: 100 Days Survival Challenge

    Bunker Zombie Apocalypse: 100 Days Survival Challenge The Ultimate Survival Challenge: 100 Days in a Bunker Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft Hardcore Embark on an epic journey with our fearless duo as they face the ultimate test of survival in a zombie apocalypse within the virtual world of Minecraft Hardcore. Join them as they navigate through the challenges of rebuilding a bunker into a fortified base, all while combating endless hordes of zombies that grow increasingly difficult with each passing day. Surviving the Zombie Outbreak Our brave adventurers, accompanied by other survivors, must decipher clues left behind to halt the spread of the zombie virus in the… Read More

  • Cobblestone Tower: Hotter Than Your Mixtape #minecraft #meme

    Cobblestone Tower: Hotter Than Your Mixtape #minecraft #meme When you spend hours building the biggest cobblestone tower in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems #gamerstruggles ๐Ÿ˜‚๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ’ฃ Read More

  • Chinese Hacker Targets Us in Minecraft SMP!

    Chinese Hacker Targets Us in Minecraft SMP! Minecraft Shenanigans: A Dive into Swift SMP Session 1 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new chapter unfolds with the Swift SMP Session 1. As players embark on this journey, a mix of excitement and mystery fills the air. Let’s delve into the intriguing events and features that make this session unique. Illegal Commands and Creative Mode The allure of accessing illegal commands and gaining creative mode has captivated many players in the Swift SMP. From uncovering glitches to secretly using creative mode for extended periods, the gameplay is filled with unexpected… Read More

  • INEVERMINE Update: BIG Minecraft Bedrock NEWS!

    INEVERMINE Update: BIG Minecraft Bedrock NEWS!Video Information This video, titled ‘HUGE NEWS FOR MINECRAFT BEDROCK PLAYERS!!!’, was uploaded by INEVERMINE on 2024-04-09 21:00:06. It has garnered 1351 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:18 or 498 seconds. Where about to get more Minecraft bedrock servers, and these servers do things we have not seen before so lets get into it! I hope you guys enjoy! If you guys would like to support this channel and all the fun stuff I do on here link the link below to join and get EARLY ACCESS TO NEW VIDEOS, MEMBER PRIORTY TO COMMENTS AND… Read More

  • Insane Halloween Minecraft Build Hack!

    Insane Halloween Minecraft Build Hack!Video Information This video, titled ‘amazing Minecraft build hack in Minecraft PE #minecraft #halloween #minecrafttutoria’, was uploaded by GAMER RAVIN on 2024-01-02 12:19:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Transformation in Minecraft by Rey980

    Unbelievable Transformation in Minecraft by Rey980Video Information This video, titled ‘Some changes and then Minecraft’, was uploaded by Rey980 on 2024-03-06 06:19:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Want To Join The Call? join the Discord im sitting in lounge! Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/itsrey9808 Join The … Read More

  • Surprising Mom with EPIC Minecraft Birthday Timelapse!

    Surprising Mom with EPIC Minecraft Birthday Timelapse!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Birthday Timelapses: Mom’s Birthday Timelapse!’, was uploaded by Zeta Beetle on 2024-01-08 02:30:39. It has garnered 235 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:41 or 1361 seconds. When I uploaded Ninja Cricket’s birthday timelapse, I hinted at doing 1 for Mom next. Let the record show, I’m a man of my word. It’s Mom’s birthday, and I’m uploading this, regardless of how late it is. Bc, by the end of the day, I want my longest time supporter to be the main 1 that sees this! #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttimelapse Tracks (in… Read More


    ๐Ÿ”ฅHUNT DRAGON NOW! ๐Ÿ‰[MINECRAFT ADD-ON] #ADSAVideo Information This video, titled ‘MARI KITA BERBURU NAGA – MINECRAFT ADD-ON’, was uploaded by ADSA on 2024-02-26 01:40:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Help continue to support this YouTube channel by subscribing, liking and sharing. Thank you for clicking on this video. Read More

  • Monster School: Sad Zombie Bride – Minecraft Animation

    Monster School: Sad Zombie Bride - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game SAD STORY OF POOR BRIDE – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by GA Animations on 2024-03-15 09:32:09. It has garnered 102243 views and 860 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:51 or 1731 seconds. Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game SAD STORY OF POOR BRIDE – Minecraft Animation https://youtu.be/WGqtzJOFMSM Hello! ๐Ÿ’š Thank you for coming to GA Animations Channel! ๐Ÿ’• Have a nice time watching video on our channel. Minecraft is my greatest passion of all. Give your feedbacks, comments and likes my videos! โ–บ Disclaimer: GA… Read More

  • 100% Real: FLATLEY SHOCKS Viewers on Turd Island

    100% Real: FLATLEY SHOCKS Viewers on Turd IslandVideo Information This video, titled ‘Turd Island (Chill Stream)’, was uploaded by FLATLEY TALKING on 2024-03-18 17:12:38. It has garnered 238 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:30 or 6810 seconds. #drama #commentary #tea mILTOWN BEST, SMP, MINECRAFT NEWS CALL IN’s WELCOME jks its ok ill also be talking about nothing Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art! (PPL Request)

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art! (PPL Request)Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,672’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-16 07:45:14. It has garnered 94 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,672 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Note Block Cover of Hikaru Nara by Mr Aldi

    EPIC Minecraft Note Block Cover of Hikaru Nara by Mr AldiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Goose House – Hikaru Nara (Your Lie In April) Minecraft Note Block Cover’, was uploaded by Mr Aldi on 2024-01-14 08:00:07. It has garnered 513 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:38 or 278 seconds. In this video I made Goose House – HIKARU Nara (Your Lie In April) Minecraft note block cover Thank you for watching my videos. I hope you enjoy. ————————————————————— Tools : Capcut (Video Editing) Pixellab (Thumbnail) MCPE (V 1.20.32) ————————————————————— ๐ŸŽตOriginal Song๐ŸŽต Please Subscribe Because Its free Like and share if you like my videos You… Read More

  • Cosmic Unknown

    Cosmic UnknownWelcome to Cosmic Unknown ! We strive to have a friendly and creative community with fun events. Our server is a modded server with the main focus being on Dinosaurs and Magic. We also have tech mods, farming mods. We tried to make our modpack fun for everyone! play.cosmicunknown.net Read More

  • Ethis SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 Tight Knit Community 16+ LGBTQIA+ friendly Whitelist

    Welcome to Ethis Community Hello there! Welcome to Ethis. A warm, welcoming and inclusive community awaits your arrival. Here are some highlights: Key Features: Thorough Applications: Ensuring a positive and inclusive environment. Voicechat: Connect with others in a stress-free way. Shopping District: Explore and contribute to the cyberpunk district. No TPA/Land Claiming: Simple and vanilla gameplay. Gamenights: Weekly events for fun and socializing. Additional Details: Regular Events: Keep the inspiration flowing with in-game activities. 5+ Years of History: A strong, long-lasting community. Diverse Player Base: From builders to casual players, all are welcome. DM for discord invite! Read More

  • Reichan

    ReichanReichan is a brand new Survival focused server currently running on version 1.20.4!โ€ข ESTABLISH YOUR LEGACY: Stake your claim to the world and protect your land as your own using GriefPrevention. Invite friends to your claim and create an own town together. (Soon.. Towny)โ€ข QUEST AFTER QUEST: New Quests every week, twice the amount for Champions. Well developed and thoughtout Quests give your Survival experience an extra touch of fun.โ€ข RENT, SELL, PROFIT: In the world of Reichan, everyone has the unique opportunity to rent exclusive Markets, providing you with the privilege of independently selling the resources you’ve gather.Collaborate, compete,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Dinnerbone, the Upside-down Builder

    Minecraft Memes - Dinnerbone, the Upside-down BuilderWhy did Dinnerbone join a band? Because he heard they were looking for a new bass player! Read More

  • Chambers’ New Great Room: Minecraft 1.20.5 Progress!

    Chambers' New Great Room: Minecraft 1.20.5 Progress! In the world of Minecraft, a new update is near, With chambers and rooms that will bring us cheer. New progressions and trials to explore, With twists and turns that we can’t ignore. The Great Room in Chambers, a sight to behold, With new features and challenges untold. The Trap Changes in Chambers, a test of skill, Navigate carefully, or you may meet a thrill. The Room Tuba, a place to relax and unwind, A peaceful retreat for the creative mind. The Gathering Room, where friends can convene, To share stories and adventures unseen. The Room Change Eruption, a… Read More

  • Zombie Apocalypse: Minecraft Edition

    Zombie Apocalypse: Minecraft Edition In 2024, just offer the Minecraft zombies a peace treaty and some diamond armor – they’ll be too busy admiring their new bling to attack you! #minecraftpeacekeeping Read More

  • Minecraft 1.20.4: 7 Wild Mods You Need!

    Minecraft 1.20.4: 7 Wild Mods You Need! Exploring the Top 7 Mods for Minecraft 1.20.4 Embark on a new adventure in the Minecraft universe with these top 7 survival mods that promise to enhance your gameplay experience. From overhauling the overworld to adding immersive portals, these mods bring a fresh perspective to the game. William Wyther’s Overhauled Overworld Experience a revamped overworld with William Wyther’s Overhauled Overworld mod. Available for both Fabric and Forge 1.20.4, this mod introduces new elements and challenges to keep you engaged. Farmer’s Delight Dive into the world of farming with the Farmer’s Delight mod. Designed for Fabric and Forge 1.20.4, this… Read More

  • Minecraft Hacking Shenanigans

    Minecraft Hacking Shenanigans The Minecraft Wurst Client Mod Hack: Elevating Your Gaming Experience Are you ready to take your Minecraft adventures to the next level? Look no further than the Minecraft Wurst Client Mod Hack. This powerful tool is designed to enhance your gameplay experience in the blocky world of Minecraft like never before. Unleashing a World of Possibilities The Wurst Client Mod Hack offers players a wide range of utilities and cheats that go beyond the standard Minecraft experience. From flying effortlessly across landscapes to easily locating valuable resources, this mod opens up new avenues for exploration and creativity. Versatility at… Read More

  • B๐–†๐–˜๐–Ž๐–ˆM๐–†๐–“123 – Epic Roblox Vertical Stream! (7K?)

    B๐–†๐–˜๐–Ž๐–ˆM๐–†๐–“123 - Epic Roblox Vertical Stream! (7K?)Video Information This video, titled ‘Roblox Vertical Stream! (Maybe 7K?)’, was uploaded by ๐•ญ๐–†๐–˜๐–Ž๐–ˆ๐•ธ๐–†๐–“123 on 2024-03-23 18:17:56. It has garnered 9733 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:45 or 10245 seconds. i just play gaem #lethalcompany #roblox #livestream #fyp #popular #minecraft #company #lethal #steam #live #mario #fun Read More

  • Digging My Grave: Vintage Story Madness

    Digging My Grave: Vintage Story MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Digging Myself a Grave in Vintage Story’, was uploaded by Robotaus on 2024-04-22 08:10:42. It has garnered 1045 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:26 or 866 seconds. This is game about surviving in a blocky world and building whatever you want. It’s not Minecraft I swear. Music from https://filmmusic.io “Vegas Glitz” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Music from https://filmmusic.io “Sneaky Snitch” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Music from https://filmmusic.io “At Rest” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Music from https://filmmusic.io “Monkeys Spinning… Read More

  • Dunners Duke Brave 2b2t Nether Highway Adventure

    Dunners Duke Brave 2b2t Nether Highway AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘2b2t. Traveling The Nether Highway’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-05-15 07:03:34. It has garnered 98 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:54 or 6474 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos reigns supreme. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Prepare yourself for a journey like no other, where danger lurks around… Read More

  • “Insane Dragon Sand Art Build in Minecraft” #pixelart

    "Insane Dragon Sand Art Build in Minecraft" #pixelartVideo Information This video, titled ‘Snoopy and Woodstock Sand Falling Art Short #minecraft #pixelart’, was uploaded by Dragon on 2023-12-09 18:30:09. It has garnered 7670 views and 222 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • ๐ŸšจINTENSE gameplay on the trapped smp๐Ÿšจ

    ๐ŸšจINTENSE gameplay on the trapped smp๐ŸšจVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ดplaying on the confined smp๐Ÿ”ด’, was uploaded by sourspider on 2024-03-16 23:14:04. It has garnered 78 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:56 or 10676 seconds. ๐Ÿ”ดplaying on the minecraft server๐Ÿ”ด JOIN THE DISCORD-https://discord.gg/PmWzGUst tags ___________ minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners,… Read More

  • “EPIC Navy Teaming Up with Viewers! (SSG, Hypixel, + More!)” – Cartseem

    "EPIC Navy Teaming Up with Viewers! (SSG, Hypixel, + More!)" - CartseemVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด๐“›๐“ฒ๐“ฟ๐“ฎ! ๐“ฃ๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ถ ๐“•๐“ฒ๐“ฐ๐“ฑ๐“ฝ๐“ผ ๐”€/ ๐“ฅ๐“ฒ๐“ฎ๐”€๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ผ (๐“ข๐“ข๐“–, ๐“—๐”‚๐“น๐“ฒ๐”๐“ฎ๐“ต, + ๐“œ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ฎ!) ๐Ÿ”ด /p join Cartseem’, was uploaded by iiNavy on 2024-02-17 14:33:08. It has garnered 75 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:50 or 4310 seconds. #minecraft #bedwars #speedtelly #bedlessnoob #godbridge #hypixel #pvp #telly #viral #entertainment #moonwalk #breezlybridge #derp #bedlessnoob #minemenclub ๐ŸŒˆ2๐“š ๐“Ÿ๐“ช๐“ฌ๐“ด๐ŸŒˆ https://www.mediafire.com/file/e80abl… Updated Link. If it didn’t work for you, it should now. I made it a zip instead of winrar ๐Ÿ’Ž Crystalland ๐““๐“ฒ๐“ผ๐“ฌ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ญ ๐“ข๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฟ๐“ฎ๐“ป ๐Ÿ’Ž (An Upcoming Fastbuilder + Rankup Parkour Network!) ๐“ฅ๐“ธ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ฎ ๐“’๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ผ ๐”€๐“ฒ๐“ต๐“ต ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“น๐“น๐“ฎ๐“ท ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฎ ๐“ถ๐“ธ๐“ผ๐“ฝ ๐“ธ๐“ฏ ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ… Read More

  • AIGRID scandal! Sam Altman speaks out on Minecraft AI

    AIGRID scandal! Sam Altman speaks out on Minecraft AIVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sam Altman FINALLY Breaks His SILENCE! New Minecraft AI Agent, Text to Action, Programmers GONE!?’, was uploaded by TheAIGRID on 2024-02-26 05:54:05. It has garnered 37753 views and 1164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:57 or 1677 seconds. โœ‰๏ธ Join Our Weekly Newsletter – https://mailchi.mp/6cff54ad7e2e/theaigrid ๐Ÿค Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/TheAiGrid ๐ŸŒ Checkout Our website – https://theaigrid.com/ Links From Todays Video: https://twitter.com/LinusEkenstam/status/1761881640953876849 https://twitter.com/tsarnick/status/1761506642800361478 https://twitter.com/_milankovac_/status/1761465357460701298 https://twitter.com/TeslaBotJournal/status/1761153372458213685 https://twitter.com/bilawalsidhu/status/1760076742679552273 https://twitter.com/mckaywrigley/status/1760335268257931447 https://twitter.com/IntuitMachine/status/1759941976927924682/photo/1 https://twitter.com/GuangyuRobert/status/1759736712627212791 https://twitter.com/apples_jimmy/status/1761885098260234355 https://twitter.com/AndrewYNg/status/1761912346153521374 Welcome to our channel where we bring you the latest breakthroughs in AI. From deep learning to robotics, we cover it all…. Read More

  • “Ultimate Cat Croissant House Tutorial in Minecraft with Mizuno’s 16 Craft Pack” ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ 

    "Ultimate Cat Croissant House Tutorial in Minecraft with Mizuno's 16 Craft Pack" ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] ๐Ÿ’™โœจ Cozy Cute House Tutorial / Mizuno’s 16 Craft Resource Pack’, was uploaded by Croissant Cat on 2024-05-03 15:00:30. It has garnered 11170 views and 675 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:43 or 1483 seconds. I will give you a cute and beautiful build and time to relax. If you enjoyed, leave a like and subscribe to support me ๐Ÿ™‚ Feel free to give feedbacks and suggestions. ๐ŸŽฎ Game Info Texture — Mizuno’s 16 Craft https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/p/mizunos-16-craft-cit.html Bedrock Edition — MIZUNO CRAFT https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=6c2e7d98-c26a-47ac-bab6-766f9a67a94e Shader — Complementary Shaders https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders Mod — OptiFine https://optifine.net/home ๐Ÿฑ… Read More

  • INSANE Dance Moves will BLOW your Mind in Minecraft!!!

    INSANE Dance Moves will BLOW your Mind in Minecraft!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘funny dance in Minecraft #shorts#minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by B2PLAY on 2024-05-13 16:22:43. It has garnered 433 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. funny dance in Minecraft #shorts#minecraftshorts #minecraft Read More