Mind-Blowing Minecraft Madness with Friends!

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okay stream live English stream is started [ __ ] what what are you doing I have no idea what is this I have no idea how I do this please help me please why is there sand everywhere cuz I don’t want it that my my room is full with water why didn’t you make it from above above because there is your room wait wait I I need to go up here go Stop Standing my way I need my a wait what what room is it that’s there I have no idea that’s weird wait what weird by myself oh no that doesn’t make sense waan up there is just wait did you place the stone yes Oh I thought that some sort of floor from above why is there a Wandering traitor I made it I made oh no [ __ ] I forgot to you didn’t place the ex or what no I forgot something wa C I forgot to use dirt and sand there where it shouldn’t be oh my Godot you have S touch right no but I have some glass left so I I I heard you’ve got s touch yes but it’s not here in the is this the one with s touch no it’s speed what are you doing I think it’s sh Wait I can I have shovel I can help you go please okay thank you thank you for help you’re welcome hello Robin so this is really scuffed right now oh no go please do do you have glass yes good so Robin how are you oh Robin no no no good I made it it’s inside like [ __ ] but it’s okay do we have no light inside oh wait no it’s just [ __ ] I forgot what what did you forget light wait I I think there’s enough like why did you place s back here there isn’t even water here because they my stand [ __ ] you didn’t even place any like corus or something in there I have nothing I have no it’s just an Exel with a lot of sand around it I need to go and bring some cor here uh wait do we have SE pickles or something like that no why why is never in Redstone red oh who who changed that what I didor tomorrow when you’re you mean yesterday yesterday yeah I my English is I I found another wondering traitor and killed him now I have two lines you know that there’s another one right you can you can get help from him what what the ex doing I don’t know here why here oh I know one of the Llama llamas llamas I have no idea what wait I I just realized one trailer despawned wait no he’s up there what where he’s in the village that oh that flag is wrong way right you realize the flag is wrong right what why do is it sideways I I will change that give me a few minutes do you even have the correct colors yeah I have but you selling he’s sing blue dye do you need it yes but I will not buy it I mean it’s free for one Emerald I have no not Emerald oh do you want to know the name of this banner yes another [Music] name you spelled it wrong what there is one V missing well flager with two G’s wait or am I stupid right now I have no idea okay the tron’s coming in a second okay that’s that’s good wait wait how do you spell how do you spell it no it it’s with two G’s it’s spelled it wrong okay then is so here did you see the loom here I I plac a loom for the okay we need to build a looming room true that’s not a bad idea I mean we’ve got a forge going next I want to build like a smelter was iron instead and why is there wood here W where here in the floor I placed it because I have no idea but no there this wood from the outside looks weird okay wait we have dirt I can fix it just oh wait no can I steal the dragon egg what why do you want to dragon egg I have no idea I want to throw it in lava it’s not even full blocks to place just La yes I don’t found oh that that also looks good I don’t found full blocks I only found slabs but don’t we have we we’ve got a single full Block in here and it’s it’s not sorted why isn’t it sorted I have no idea why is no one sorting the chest it’s not hard so bom uh where is it hello everyone and welcome my Minecraft stream all right hello welcome you’re kind of loud right now wait I need to fix hello hello think this is is this this is fine why cannot find it where is it yeah it’s it’s fine now good okay that’s good am I done yes you are what the [ __ ] what do you want to do the German flag give me the banner I can make it myself wait no drop me the flag please I’m okay no what it’s wrong oh oh God so go I’m sorry oh oh God wait D you need you need to see this you need to see this hello I I’m I’m trying what’s up you said I should give it to you and I not finished I I know but like what you did before is still there wait donon where are you you’re in your base right yeah I’m in my base but don’t don’t did you did you show your viewers my base yet oh oh sorry sorry you you’re already inside what’s my head doing here I placed it there as a surprise Creeper Creeper Creeper you you really need to light up your face sorry please have my German flag bag please I I’m fixing it for you well at least I have my head now I mean I’ve got every one of us a head really yes uh where is it is it this wait what is there another thick one in the middle yeah it doesn’t exist oh my we need more die what die red dy I know how to do it I know how to do it r no no no no no I have red D I have red D I need like one more good do you also have black d all right I’m coming I’m coming to your location oh perfect you you really need to see the flag oh the the flag with a single G make [Laughter] friend oh God oh God holy wait it’s night time I just realized that night go W my God this looks so bad oh my [ __ ] god you’re aquarium or what yes aquar Arium yeah the aquarium for the ex that’s a little bit scuffed I think I rebuilt that I think I will replace there I am normal War wow it was side W [Laughter] before can you show it to me please I’m fixing it I’m fixing it oh we need who shot that Arrow I accidentally shot the door wait oh God damn it there is a maximum number of colors on it I I should probably smell the iron I got wait how much do you have wait Piel do you have a b um are you going to confiscate us or tax me if I tell you I’m not going to t you on iron oh no not again what do you mean again I need one more red D I really need to make that fabrication area on my base give me a red dy I have no red Die Why do you you only have three yes it’s really hard to find red flers I got to Red [Music] Stone and oh wait there’s a creeper watch out for real it’s really very hard here to find red oh my God that that fox just stealing all the berries oh no is it normal that I H the Ender what G wait what do you mean I heard oh wa wait did you can can you like collect the car he you need to shoot it down all rightel yes can I have one explain me that what why do fox I kidnapped him oh okay it’s LEL with the donkeys he has a good life believe me can I uh can I have uh one fruit basically of course but why didn’t you shoot down all why did you just shoot a single flower of that one I actually shot all three oh oh then I didn’t see it sorry do we actually not own any red flowers no I I searched any anywhere and there’s another wondering Traer I I think you guys actually have balls do you guys have balls uh I’ve got two I look everywhere for red flowers and Luka Luka do you want the ball it’s almost broken though so know red flowers thank you okay I mean skeletons drop Arrow so yeah that’s true I think we have by the way I need to repair my pickaxe again again yeah oh God I’m doing a lot of mining there’s a red flower red flower oh my God I got it actually actually look uh C can you like get me mending somehow please I need it course thank youel where we have something to eat for the villagers um in the farm oh good okay as long as I don’t get many I’ll will use an iron pick what should I get them uh potatoes potatoes we we have no potatoes you yes we definitely have no potatoes right this Farm I think you mean the chest with no I meant this one there’s over a stack of potatoes in here oh by the way I think the flag oh that’s that’s good neat by the way du Horus fruit only grow on an St sadly yes oh do we have an endstone yes of course I I think we’ve got like a stack or so really okay I I’ll take some of that I I need some of it as well so don’t take everything please yeah I just need like a b to start my own Farm why have sweet berries in my inventory I don’t know I also don’t know um we really need mending and all of that stuff yes can I get it first though please can I get it first though of course simply thank you I I mean because my pickaxe needs repairing so often why is why are the rotten flesh not in the St with the rest why why AR the chest not sorted I have no idea LCA why are you doing this because my name is Luca I mean yeah that explains a lot what what I wanted to do yeah I don’t know I wanted to fix my room I mean in the room itself definitely doesn’t look bad it’s just the aquarium that has a few problems yeah do you help me with this um you know we we re we need to remove all of the water inside again right yes no not not exactly I only want to have you the wall wait um I’m no problem you do what you think it’s red I’m I’m getting some uh some seaweed why do you want seaweed to get plants inside your tank I don’t want this tank what do you mean you don’t want that tank I would just try it I want a tank and everyone wants a tank so I can shoot mobs okay next time we’re playing mod then I’m going to add tanks to it hell yeah I my whole room but okay oh godamn this a and in way I have aelott in my room that that AEL is your arch nemesis I replace the room with sand but with sand why sand sand we we need a skeleton called Sans skeleton hell yeah why not that’s the our best hell best friends best friends forever best friends forever so back I’ve got don’t break the whole glass at least your sick touch oh there’s my sick touch oh my God I will punch you you’re wasting resources that’s that’s my thing not yours you took our glass that I smelted the okay I’ll stop we have the sand chest there there is one glass inside there perfect it seems like there was no I aquarium and did you did you why did you remove it because it looks like said oh then build it better not yet oh my God and you’re almost de don’t punch your dog don’t do it with the s i I can oh thank you a funny just just punch it with your hand please please no I don’t want to this what here you can eat something here he he sounded kind of angry right there it’s okay bro I give you some something to eat while you’re angry H did you feed the villagers already no why in oven so no don’t bake them I asked you that and you didn’t answer me n 21 baked potatoes you need to give them you need to give the Villager raw potatoes pick they don’t oh [ __ ] I have no water bucket in my water my a did you lose your aelott no there it is no in my water bucket is my aelott I thought you lost your Exel no I should lost my Exel okay wait I need I need to change the title of the stream what from random Minecraft stream your friends to random Minecraft stream with only one friend what do you mean only one friend never mind and doing weird stuff in Minecraft and I want to build something a good time I cannot spell I’m stup please go to sleep friends safe perfect I fixed the title why do you want to go sleep this night why is it night again because it’s night good question why does time exist because time set is time time and timed all over the place what interesting what Luka I I harvested weed for you a SE I I have a SE grass for you and now you don’t need it that’s weird oh wait no no we actually have a use for it when we find turtles chass I need more potatoes we need more potatoes we need more Turtle Grass we need we need more milk wow pleas plant them plant the potatoes back oh that’s your job I’m not a farmer here oh my gosh I give it to them here take the potato oh you have potato yeah I so only go go to the villagers and drop them so is is there even a free why is there an iron colum oh oh true that’s really weird I seem that yesterday and I was and why didn’t you remove it because it looks cool it takes space okay I K it’s sad and ugly okay I kill it then you bring a bat here we we need more beds for them you know that right bring here a bat and I kill the Iron Golem I cannot reach him then go closer get closer no then you will kill me I don’t care just get close it to it and kill it somehow and where’s the wool there come come come come to me I want to kill you uh W I’ve got three Bs for us and he is dead and didn’t even die congratulations you won what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] just happened how you can do that so easily I’m it’s it’s not hard but okay do do you place a bed no I have a question yes so it’s I should only drop them just drop them just drop it can you make like can you make an elevator work with multiple floors uh I don’t know [ __ ] uh wait as a fact yes you can but not just but I don’t think it works with a flying machine like I I think you I think there’s a way to do it with a bubble elevator um I want to do a mechanical elevator though um yeah I remember like a tutorial for an elevator I saw once yeah I also saw a video for Redstone bubble elevator like bub elevator I mean a uh normal functioning elevator yeah I mean you can make it of course I will try to just try to not lag out LCA please no I mean l evil smile if it’s needed I will send you a million performance mods and you should have at least one FPS oh at least I mean one is kind of playable it’s just really hard why do I have a lead in my inventory I have no idea uh yeah what did I needs again but yeah I have an idea on how to spand the storage of needed oh really how with the elevator okay just make multiple storage floors okay yeah that that makes sense oh um oh [ __ ] I just realiz wait no I’m not wait how how does like a smelting room look no [ __ ] like does anyone have like a reference for one or something like that and where do I wait this is I think perfect just H oh wait no this does not work but damn it where could you build like this smelting area I’ll bu I not I’ll not only build a smelting area I’ll build an smelting array I know where to build a smelting area it’s the on on top of the only right house on top of the green house huh green house it’s the only correct place to put a smelting area on top my plans will not get uh get sunlight get sunlight my plants will only get artificial lighting oh sounds cool and looker may I have your silk touch pickax go into my room in in the chest wow should I actually simulate that night down here I mean you could but remember of mob spawning oh that’s true maybe I’ll just like make a day night clock or something like in the control room I see a baby villager perfect they are making children there’s another Iron Golem and kill it we need the iron you said we can not build good iron huh iron iron farm iron farm yeah you you see the problem the problem is we need we need the Iron Golems to always span to to always spawn inside a specific area and that right there is not the area we would wanted to spawn pixel yes uh we have two baby villagers one for Ming what do we do with the other one um maybe we could get a stone cutter in there no they’re going you guys need lapis up there um I don’t need any lapis right now in the moment not no huh I’ll still store it okay valuables and maybe we should and make a chest in a tower where we can put like Enchanted stuff yeah also lapis pixel for the uh yeah to sell enchanted books I only need one bookshelf yes you only need one bookshelf okay good L Luka um can I have the quartz you mind what can I have the quartz you please head in German for me can can [Music] because I need the XP your pickax is safe safe and sound in your chest zombie [Music] piglin in the Overworld wait what where yeah I just killed us oh sad sad life to be a zombie pigin I’m evil I need to smell Stone NE turn B good perfect you only need to wait so that there a v oh wait I just realized um yeah how do you craft [Music] a um crafting table I know how to craft crafting table no no I mean there are automatic crafting tables in this version no no not not in this not in this what did this isn’t a snapshot version and I don’t Al don’t have the data pack with the features activated no I wouldn’t think we would need it I need it for my P God damn it I actually already pled around that I’m sorry don’t worry I just thought of something I need and I forgot again can you please go and sleep yes w w w w the worldwide web oh they’re kids I need to wait interesting is what one of them normal vill and the other one is a tiger wait how the [ __ ] do you crafted [ __ ] again and Stone cutle it’s like that one table you can disenchant it I don’t know what’s it called I forgot the name I’m not using it very often I know it was with like two slabs or something I don’t know what kind of slabs M wait let me just was it like this just one the hell how how do you craft that yes a grind Stone how the [ __ ] are you craft a grindstone what is grindstone um it it’s the thing where you can disenchant and repair weapon set I didn’t know that it’s existing how did you not know that a grindstone existed I have no idea oh was normal stone slabs you need for it yes it was stone slabs you can actually make a multi elevator with a flying machine oh like this show you something see but I’m s into planks planks yes can I please show you something yes wa and thank thank you Robin for giving me the recipe oh I’m guessing it’s someone stream chat you know that I have emotes deactivated right oh really yes oh interesting I did first staring at me oh oh wait was it in two six on the bottom side and two planks and the midle SI and the stone St how long how long does it take that baby villagers grow up when you want them to grow up they will never grow up it kind of works like that I think of course it’s not like it but it always feels like it so we need this this and this what okay it didn’t work wait holy [ __ ] no it it’s the exact opposite don’t worry Robin can happen to anyone um I have a little problem what is this oh God he hunt me stop spamming you’re wasting durability so uh let’s Place one right here and we got a red flower yes he gifted it to you yeah I know and this one can like we have another red flower go push him that would have been really funny that would have been really funny if I did that oh my God I mean you would have found it funny as well if I would have pushed you into the Iron Golem right yes okay I’ll remember it for the next time another one okay another one another Iron Golem where is it inside oh wait no yeah punch it no no can why not no he makes more damage as I think I know he like to it kills you even though you have diamond armor but he still deals a lot of damage I need to enchant it but I have not enough level then get levels I kill the dragon again kill the dragon again give me the stuff give me show me where where the end is do I look like I own guests here oh God how long does this take kill the Iron Golem we need the iron no you can do it you can kill him oh how long does it take that up first I need to place the grindstone uh where do I this a grindstone looks like [ __ ] grindstone what do we expect it to look like I have no idea how grindstone looks like I want to see it where are you I’m right here where’s the grindstone oh this is the grindstone yes oh I didn’t know that this is grindstone where do I put this where do you put this I have no idea probably like right there and I could make the platform a bit bigger the iron goem still alive yes yes kill it okay oh holy [Laughter] [ __ ] are you dumb no you want me to die I asked if you would find it funny and you said yes no I didn’t I mean one person you will die probably yes should I punch you no yes now you can punch me thank you hello hello I will punch you with my sword oh I have a sword too it’s really long do you want to see it oh holy [ __ ] yeah kind of got fire aspect on it in bane of arot 5 for whatever reason okay interesting no one needs the enchantment I have four Hearts left but okay oh four Hearts you want me to punch you again with my a no please not and another one free Iron that’s true but every time spawn there not anywhere else there yeah and that’s exactly the thing that makes an iron heart an iron farm kind of hard cuz you need to get the correct spawning of the Iron Golems I don’t think you’re capable of doing that you know what I could do no and you could Andy you can get Wither Skeleton skulls I have no idea no God no I mean I have no food I’m missing then get some food we have villagers no I have 21 baked potatoes why where they in a chest cuz they no idea where I should put them in oh my God my is fully empty put something in it but I have no idea what oh my God I don’t know like put my th touch my flint and steel and my shovel in there and my boat and one of the lines one of the leads good there some stuff could use every time this house is so stupid and I love it what I another fun thing yeah I need iron oh wow wow how many much iron do 15 that’s not enough ah how expensive are observers um you need quarts for them it’s night we have enough quartz yes yeah that’s true or something uh yeah you need one quarts two iron and no not iron h two Redstone I mean and uh six Cobblestone that’s doable yes definitely okay I’m getting some iron kill the Iron Golem no I’m going mining oh please please I also want mending is there a way to automate Cobblestone generation of course it’s pretty simple to make the only thing you need to do for it is to make an TNT t all right but that will probably like the game won’t it yeah I think and yeah so maybe make it that you can turn it on and off or like or or make it that it gets saved like like that you can activate it only when you actually need it oh Max sense yeah I mean and the cobblestone generator can run all the time but as soon as the pist push limit is hit it won’t get you yeah it won’t do more so oh I have a poisonous potato we we don’t need it like only useful in that one April Fool’s update the poisonous potato update best update ever I want to do something wait where’s where’s my German flag I placed it where on the tower yes don’t say you missed it the whole time H yes I missed it the whole time oh my god oh our I’m B is destroyed did you why did you break the Anvil oh Anvil okay good uh I wanted to do something what [Music] um look at the farm chest it’s kind of hard to look at it right now then when you can look at it do it what did you do uh luuka what did you do oh I kind of missed that water bucket clutch there like any iron here no only Redstone reactor cor one of them I have one of them is is now axin what is one has grown uping instant what what price what price what price how much 34 don’t don’t get that that’s that’s our priz that’s too much we we’ve got like 19 before and when we removed it to get silk touch yeah because we need silk touch we need mending more yeah we we should have kept that mending vage and looting One ow ow how do you find looting one for nine emeralds no not looting one looting three if you’re going to do looting and looting is pretty important especially when we get the wther skeletons oh true oh diamonds this looting one again and aqua infinity we we don’t need aqua infinity oh aqua infinity I thought aqua infinity in aqua infinity what would if there would be an enchantment called aqua infinity what would it do oh the other one is also gr uh and frost Walker one we don’t need Frost Walker we do two so but I think maning is now more important but the other one yeah make bro Walker no no no we should keep the silk touch one efficiency fre efficiency fre isn’t the best that’s true we need if if you do if you do efficiency we need efficiency five and looting free wait looting looting fre yeah for how much would it be much oh a stack or what no 34 aqua infinity would double your one wait what aqua infinity would double your mind speed under water and give you unlimited water breathing oh my God that that would be quite cool where the [ __ ] is the wait we have a a Willer who’s who’s who has looting one and I don’t know it uh it’s probably probably the a bookshelf one right oh God damn it what the [ __ ] I I didn’t that’s the one again I don’t like this what the [ __ ] why am I doing this it’s a little bit weird light and power five but for one stack we I don’t think we need power five it’s also very expensive for one stack emeralds oh hell no and P fall we ain’t doing that death incoming no death isn’t incoming but just two times not three times don’t worry I I’ve exterminated the streer is the cable here sharpness five there go I’m I’m sorry that it’s so dark for you guys but sharpness five for one stti is also really much sharpness 5 yeah no that’s that’s far too much if if you if you actually have to keep one with one stack as a price we need to get a second Fletcher um oh no please take your job what did you do thank you cars fruit back to did a car would save you now teleport me to totally random location on the map oh and aqua infinity oh there’s a gigantic uh iron vein here like the kind with raw iron blocks ooh we need that yeah I’ve got almost two stacks of iron now oh you’re too much villager help me I at least need that I need it as well for my smelters help me here are too much villagers around me what about smelting a ray I’m making one as well really too much no you’re just making a smelter I’m I’m making multiple smelters to automate it to make an area just for smelting ores and stuff wait can you actually automate it I know you can like input fuel automatically but yes you you can also input um ORS and stuff like that automatically can you output them automatically or of course oh [ __ ] you can yes how uh put the hopper under underneath the furnace okay I think what I’m doing right now is really stupid but I’m still going to do it can please someone sleep because I wanted to [Music] to fight with the Villagers it’s kind of hard to sleep right now the villagers want to sleep so I don’t care about the villagers I mean they just they just actually uh show me the um the iron van um I I kind of lost the iron vein because I’m looking around in a little bit of deep dark biome I also kind of need Hoppers though I think we all need Hoppers I I have an idea what I could do mean how many do you need right now first of all I need to find back all you find I that I do some light on the way cuz on the way to our house and the Villager house is no light yeah build some lanterns I think that would be cool I have absolutely zero idea where I am and I okay I I have to say I’m kind of starting to like ban of AR reports I know a weird thing to say but version five just one hit spiders oh wow well when you never use it you will never find something like that out ain’t no way what you found I found my old staircase oh L I can actually get back to the base okay that’s nice byway can we talk about how there is like a deep dark B right beneath us but we still haven’t found an ancient city wait really yes there’s deep dark yes there a skull in these small patches and stuff I I might need skull as well and just get inside the giant cave in the village I mean it might be cool to work with on what I have planned like make a stranger things kind of oh new cave new cave new cave new cave new cave you cave more diamonds more iron you found diamonds yes when just when you talk about it how many um not many I’ve got 13 now in total or in the chest in my inventory what yeah I found them on the mining trip I’m doing right now A oh more iron I’m a little bit scared because I’m in the uh Forest it’s night and I’m mining wood that’s I’m a little bit scared decre cre ER stands behind me and explodes this definitely isn’t in your cave I was here I’m burning hey I felt my way back to the surface that’s nice but yeah I’ll need to use Cobblestone a lot I mean Cobblestone isn’t a bad building block am a dump why no I don’t mean for building I mean for electronics don’t use it what the [ __ ] I’m really dumb I’m starting to call Redstone Electronics oh no the quick driver updater no not the quick driver we really need to get that problem into our hands there we go I found back oh diamonds how are you how do you keep finding so many diamonds I’m just walking through the cave I you have 17 now I never find diamonds I haven’t found a single one in this world I mean where are you mining at Deep slate level I’m not mining at Deep slate level yeah of course you’re not finding diamonds not looking for them I’ll say it like that um wait this is get Enderman the Enderman oh he stopped oh there was a spinning Enderman interesting wow got 16 furnaces now 16 yeah nice where’s where’s your smelting array I want to see it um take a look on top of the green house top of the greenh house yes like you you can take the way from my bedroom or just go up the ladder to the tower how far up oh to the the door the envil is broken when you’re here why is the was broken just tell me wait wait wait did you did you take a lava Bucket from me um maybe I mean it’s it refilled itself so I don’t think it’s a problem yeah true and you weren’t online when I did it so I hope this doesn’t teleport me into into flams I don’t think it will I lost skeleton so much if you want to see broken look in the farm chest I’m scared did you I don’t want to look at the FR chest I think he just repaired a wooden hole no no no not the wooden hole did you repair a wood hole item in the middle poison oh the holy potato oh you you renamed potato no not the normal potato the poison pois potato oh my God just w why did you waste your level on that you want to enchant but there was only one level yeah it’s one level less now that you have it was actually how do you how do you craft the BL withon how do you BL how do you craft the you craft a blast furnace with smooth Stone and iron D I crafted normal furnaces I I just want to make stone cter yeah when I make the cooking area I will put uh the few smokers in there and automate them oh all right yes I will use every furnace available in the game what did I want to do again all right uh I remember oh there’s so many monsters oh God no it’s day wait wait how did oh boy how how did my chest plate like get different enchantment enchantments I don’t know your chest plate yeah or did a mob drop that one is it is it not my old one what was on your old one I have no idea I don’t know either what en are on CH plate yes Unbreaking projectile Protection One okay that could be mine okay this one mod I have installed that like swaps tools when they near breaking it really annoys me I really need to uninstall that oh like I’ve got now three almost broken iron pickaxes that it switches automatically and I cannot use them correctly because it always just switches to my diamond pickaxe dang like I only need to hold them in my [Music] hand wow more iron I really need a crafting table down there so I can be down there 24/7 wait you don’t have a crafting table wait what no why interesting because you have one I’ve got multiple that’s a good argument I mean I’m even carrying one with me right now H actually I I would need a sapling to start my own tree farm down there and then I can be there 247 God never see the daylight again then you’re a real gamer I don’t know please [Music] no is there any more iron down here like I’ve got one two three four five Stacks but I don’t think that’s enough oh got so much coal I really need chests sometimes think that we have to wait what sometimes I think that we have not enough coal how much coal do you have in total I think we got around two stacks I got a lot of well how much a stack and eight okay wait I I thought you would have much more no my inventory is just very cluttered oh feels like a lot there I’m going to become a real gamer now nice my first chest oh diamonds 22 now wow there’s my first chest let me put my valuables in there okay time to steal something God no you don’t feel any you will not feel anything from me there will be no Witnesses no Witnesses the stream will be lying to you I will cut that part I will just cut that part out wow okay I love random glowing Ling on theg ground huh random glowing Ling on the ground I love it wow don’t need to kill anything for it there’s my mob drops and here’s just normal resources and stuff actually food now we have some so now we have a little bit light here we’ve got light perfect yeah no I mean crops and stuff oh wa right do the crops even have enough light now h i mean I did block off the top layer wait do crops need light to grow yes you can’t even plant them when there is no light can they grow with uh artificial light yes they can okay so I can just Place torches yes but like when there is absolutely no light then they can’t grow I mean it’s good that I have a bit of uh dirt under here like in here that’s absolutely perfect it’s not just a bit never mind I do trying to get mending again become the mener oh my shter is still here did you get Ming on a villager yet no but I’m trying it now I hope so because I really want to get OP armor but I need Ming as well we all needing I you know that the Villager has infinite Supply Plus you guys said I would get it first yes yes of course you can buy it first from the villager oh I buy it first finding it’s not like has an limited amount of it hey does one of you want to buy curse of binding no no one needs that except for trolls with pumpkin heads actually I think you keep your armor after death and no that’s the thing you don’t you just can’t take it off anymore wow that’s actual trash effici that is really trash we need more villagers with all of that stuff like efficiency five and stuff like that so you meant I can like buy it first not that I would like get it B not like that you guys would buy it for me I mean are you playing on the server um no I’m not playing on the server I’m playing on a essential server it’s like we said you can get one um first oh we ourselves probably you forgot to announce the stream on Discord oh my God I’m stupid okay wait let me do it for a [Music] second well then I’ll never get it why never because I don’t have Emerald you can buite them with stin you have a bat or something where is that dang fler it’s somewhere in the weird house what weird house I I I don’t mean the weird weird house I mean the weird house hello hello can you please have a bed and sleep because I wanted to make the villagers okay for mending what and I just is don’t mind me just stealing uh H pixel’s bedroom no no we have wait what do you mean feel my bedroom make you bad sure um now let’s take a look at at the pixel no not that one and it’s nice to see you here ASN where I should place it um um um um um oh I found the spawner uh God damn it I don’t have I here come come come there’s a bed for you wait Tores I need to thank you break it break it break it break it break it how I I don’t have torches I need to break it before it gets annoying oh perfect can I join I no this is just a world with friends arm there okay I’m kind of lost I don’t know where I need to go to get out of here I like how you decorate the nether portal oh really thank you yeah it looks really good wait this is the same area as before the [Music] hell okay justing up then where is the vi where’s the weird house okay then normal looking house then it’s like not the weird weird house that I’m making but the normal one from Luca oh the one from luk I’ll probably also get uh some villagers eventually wait what okay oh there’s a zombie villager I think no where there isn’t oh when will you do the stream on the I don’t know atos server all atos I mean I don’t even own it just kind of made [Laughter] it oh we have have have a guest we have a few friends here oh that sounds nice totally not to kill us oh that sounds even more nice I’ll go sleep I’ll go sleep when I skip the night wait wait away I go into my house and into my room and then I sleep now I know why Phantom spawning in night time it’s because because he never slept yeah I cannot sleep when you’re not here yeah I know that you can’t sleep when I’m not there but I’m like kind of caving right now the next time then grab a bat and take it with you no I’m not going to lose my spot Point sure come over here oh you can do we have your my P you have your uh yeah I what I have it for you hey there’s a zombie villager down here and what what do you think about the image s um is it like cranberry juice or what is that impelling fre no don’t don’t take that we don’t have a Trident yeah I know fre as I said is it cranberry juice or what Infinity for five emeralds that’s not a b why is it raining outside not raining anymore Multi Shot it’s raining for me there I can finally get a bed in the sleeping quarters and so you built the sleeping quarters but didn’t have bed in there yeah oh oh my God it still looks like a cell a skeleton just jumped me from above soon they will as well but in my fighting arena oh you’re right you’re building a fighting arena I’m building an arena yeah because they’re like the only one who actually found dungeons with spers inside of them a oh true I was oh oh I nothing there it’s Rose syy mixed in water it’s very sweet and refreshing it’s called Roa what R Essence was blood for so for I of course it didn’t just want to say like for blood this is like this oh how do I put it what huh yeah right you don’t have to you don’t have the chat open yeah and didn’t don’t worry about it when don’t you think I’m a vampire I can imagine you being a vampire as maybe how big does a tree farm have to be I never built R so I don’t know oh my god oh but yeah soon soon I’ll be able to self oh bad hello time T welcome to the stream this is incredible but yeah soon I’ll be able to sustain myself got skeleton um right uming don’t mind to pass messages this sounds really formal Asen like hi new viewer why would you phrase it like that there are no diamonds here boring uping one what just kep Ming knock back one why does this take so long last time we last time we got mending in like a few minutes yeah and then for 19 emeralds yes we should have really taken that correct tactical fishing interesting why will I mine it we friends right sure why are there three dead fish lying here tactical fishing are you playing Call of Duty of course like next thing I’m doing is building a tactical TNT block wow welcome ship fellow Pirates what ship and we are not Pirates and what dimension are we Pirates hello hell diver hello fellow hell my ship piercing to why does this take so long professional from Soul it’s been so long oh no I will get monetized [Laughter] Mon it’s not like I have monetization I get Ming getting ignored what what do you mean getting ignored and it costs really much is that okay wait what you haven’t sent you have sent now like three messages what do you mean getting ignored or it maybe YouTube blocked your message or something I don’t know watch me build an elevator just for my tree farm an elevator just for the tree why interesting isn’t that too much resource waste there are way too many villagers I really need to craft all of this iron into blocks and the chat actually hear me me can the chat actually hear me the stream chat of course nice I mean at the beginning you were kind of loud what your application has been noticed what application what did I miss what huh we don’t have applications applications you don’t need to apply for being a viewer what oh wait there’s a creeper here why does this take so long I’m doing this now for days I don’t know we just getting unlucky oh we’ve got half a stack of ir uh of iron I mean of diamonds wow I know I don’t have any hobbies I never had that that much wait was I in this Pap already oh it looks familiar but also it doesn’t my iron pickaxe broke but I don’t need to go to the surface again you want to buy C of Bing for 30 emeralds do you really want to buy an EA subscription no for 30 Emeral oh go I don’t no my fish I almost lost it in the lava oh no you don’t even know why I’m taking this fish with me just randomly founded in a cave watch me waste all my iron on iron pickaxes oh no don’t press shift why and the end you’re actually wasting all of it and it’s night again and it doesn’t have mending We R in this cave right here already what do you mean don’t press shift I mean when you have like like imagine you’re putting a stack of iron into the three rows joh the fish perfect name so like you’re putting a stack of iron into all three slots and then two stacks sticks you’re pressing shift and you’re crafting a stack of iron pickaxes no it’s that happens often enough if you don’t name it Johan I will unsubscribe JK don’t worry I he will name it Sean don’t worry me too why why do you why do you guys want want the fish name John so badly I mean I can I can name it John Cena if you want I think John that’s a good name I think we shouldn’t name him John the fish I I call John Cen fish he will be our it expert the fish the me to the same here you don’t need to unsubscribe I will name the fish Sean name him name him pixel junor what the [ __ ] whatx J it’s not my child Jonathan Jonathan is also a good name Jonathan John wck John Cena pix i w name the fish pix junor pixel Junior guys guys make him name it FX no fish sh that’s even worse oh this is crazy is Crazy Fish Shadow no fish shadow no I would named if F Robin Robin oh wait no no I I need I I need to get something going that you can use Michael Michael Jackson the fish okay okay so names I need to get a PV of the stupid fish I SL in the corner and I get TTS going and then we’ll call it just um a YouTube chat yes Elon this fish isn’t Rich it’s not I will not call it Elon Musk why not Elon fish Elon fish billionaire fish oh my God it’s getting really stupid this is getting out the hand average you average pix the stream experience hell yeah so if if you want to lose brain cells just join my stream oh finally the surface or is it just random dirt pet on the ground no it’s hello Adventurer hello Adventurer I’ve lost my pet fish can you help me find it I swear to God if when silk some releases we need a fish Crest or we need to find a fish or something oh God hell no this will be the equivalent to the to the flower Crest from Hollow night oh God I mean when you know how to do it it’s not that hard the person getting ignored he wrote like three messages and then said he’s getting ignored that’s true that’s called having high IQ cover um back home finally to this weird amalgamation of house what did the person and what did the person climing to be ignored actually right he wrote High I I acknowledge that high of of this then he justly said I’m this he’s getting ignored wow like he wrote a message and then said he’s getting ignored even though I did acknowledge it that just say hi back yes I said hi welcome to the stream attention SEC wow attention seeker getting ignored yes true wait since when did we have eight Rob pox upop how big the trees grow yeah like yeah you need to like place um a slab on top of the smaller trees so that they don’t grow to gigantic trees well I haven’t seen the lights yet or can they just like can you also like just actually what’s the max height of the tree I don’t know I’m no tree expert I don’t I don’t really want to use slabs for it it’s he said he would we free today I don’t know where unkick is unkick yes unkickable then it’s time to kick him no I I want kick unkick yes you will hell yes you will I won’t kick I kick for no reason do it no there are rules but he hasn’t broken them yet and he’s my Discord ad manager so Discord ad yes like this Discord ads for the Discord he just he just started doing it and called himself the Discord ad manager yes I try to get Ming nice Ming what hey pixel check the Discord mees section oh wait let’s M the section everyone everyone the CH what the [ __ ] what what what did they what did they uh wait wait I I need copy image I send it into our Discord wait oh God look at it look at this no why bro what the [ __ ] what why robin you are the meme expert on the Discord why did you do [Laughter] that it hurts it’s beautiful but it also hurts oh my God kick him just for fun # kick unkickable he hasn’t he hasn’t broken any rules and even if he would I would just give him a timeout just like luuka experienced once huh is Luke on the server on your stream server and no I time out in him in ch in I cannot talk oh my God I had to time out in him in the chat once because you was spamming a scribble wow SC want play scribble so we want to play scribble yes I know scribble for the win I’m the meme Lord yes wait wait let me make it official meme Lord he got a custom roll while he an has also custom Ro for the Discord ad stuff let me just Ser setting why did I not hear off your server by the way what I didn’t hear off your Discord server I don’t know why um wait mending mending mending how much yeah 28 we had for 19 okay now now the question is 98 and 98 of course 98 is 28 okay or should we do less I would say we can play a raid my God we have bad experiences with raid yes that’s true and my chest plate is almost broke okay I try it I try it more okay okay let me do it like that as safe changes so there my first tree Robin it’s time to you’re the meme Lord now Robin it’s time to die uh okay wait what what did I miss in chat # Mr kick Mr K it’s no stop it with the sky toilet not again no looting free an has r that literally says special role yeah bro I also have it it’s so don’t say anything about special Ro it’s for special persons yes special persons have like two brain thrs left or so I don’t know no not for real he’s telling sck touch clown you don’t have to send in the clown luck off the C2 we are not fishing I’ll need to make a skeleton grinder yes um is it normal that it takes like oh [ __ ] I hit one of the villagers only potato oh God what did you do is it normal that it takes like 30 bow meal to grow one tree no wait 20 okay it’s getting better it’s getting better why is it not growing why is it not growing then you have not enough space I already h Huh can I take a look at it yeah oh I Like About You no what happened don’t come don’t come don’t come don’t come no [ __ ] what done I I’ve done nothing don’t don’t take a look at the house don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t I’ll take a look at the house don’t come over here what have you done I’ve done nothing promise no no no no no the house not the house is okay no it it it definitely isn’t it definitely isn’t I need I need to fix the hole what hle um definitely not for creeper EXP exposion generated hole okay can you can you come down here please yeah wait give me a second I need I need to fix it oh no I’m missing one block okay I should be fine now sh you saw nothing okay so where’s the tree farm let me show you here this is a spruce tree and so firstly remove every single one of these why it looks better like this it may be true but I’m pretty sure because of how spruce trees work I don’t think they can um right try again B meal Cur of Vanishing I don’t have for me no wait then remove this layer as well what Spruce Tre I can’t just spruce trees are really big I thought you would make it with oak trees wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I I have you here here here thank you they’re like broken I know but I can’t useing I can’t really use them because actually actually you you can heal the one with mending oh I have a one with efficiency five and mending I think that’s the one you gave me no I have it right here then that’s efficiency four but thank you I’ll gladly take that and yeah Robin also says it in these trees are like the tallest in the game you know that right but I try bone mealing again maybe it’s like just enough height okay no you need to make it taller fine I’ll get a different tree yeah with oak trees if it’s an oak tree you need to I think you need to make it a bit one question a bit bigger as well but like not taller but more to the size hello hello hello yes what’s your question pickaxes are so good what um when I hit a villager and the pr wait but but I can’t like uh I can like actually grind XP for The Mending one that’s because of the mob spawner okay wait it needs to be taller or it does it I killed one of the Villager it does Robin don’t talk like V hello hello hello hello try bone meing a 2 by two Tree in there it will work trust me what by two Tre Robin said to by two threee do you hear me yes but multiple people talking right now so please like I didn’t understand a single word okay okay I don’t do that with maning now wait did you have Ming okay no didn’t did you are you stopping now or what yes and I killed one of the villagers why why did you kill a villager yeah bad prizes for me it’s more expensive because I hited him one time but I don’t wanted it and then killed him everyone on bad prizes yeah because you killed the Villager they see that and then they’re being like Oh no I don’t want to train with that guy no I cannot do this anymore oh my God I swear to God why are you punching villager that was not my fault please go to sleep okay oh I’m working on a villag now yeah please I want to build why you turning on the disc C just giving me a gray screen bad internet connection come I will give you the table for the villagers now it’s okay wait okay thank you the iron we have 20 sh pink Dy why do we have pink dye I have no idea we don’t need pink die I grafted it yesterday and I think I could use it for my banners but and I had the idea with the German flag you’re becoming our Banner artist Fire Protection free fire protection two now Fire Protection One or what oh no nothing what everyone accept me a special Ro wait what why does everyone have the special role oh my God Robin why did you send it into I’m I’m happy that I made you meme Lord special Ro special Ro no that that one guy doesn’t have the role that one doesn’t have no not everyone has a special r Wait I I need to send it oh my God Robin you just are the meme Lord the props to you really oh God what was that lag I just looked at yeah I thought that you yeah of of course it sent nothing I know it definitely didn’t send a fish shot that’s just imag imagination I know does you have an idea or what I could build now or how about you build a bigger um yeah how about you build a bigger basement a bigger no my basement is good Ming for 26 I have I had the two and you said it could be better oh what oh boy rest in peace what meme is especially for Robin I mean the meme Channel kind of turns into something just for Robin I feel honored you should be hon Earth and do you know where you died yeah it was just it was in my facility okay good do you have an idea what I can build or not make a like make the basement bigger add more rooms to it or something I don’t know build like a secret base B no make me up I’m making up yes we we can see it you’re making a secret base it’s not really a secret base it’s a base and make me as a thir guy you have that Ro I think pretty sure you have it I I love working with delicious my basement like do a living room in your basement or something living room is like heed pretty well what did you just say why a living room so that you have something to build like the house already is really weird when you look at the top of it but there is like nothing beneath it so you can I want to build something that I could need or we can need build whatever you want okay then okay now no no no don’t you can also build a giant statue of a sheep if you want I don’t care I cannot do this why because I’m not able to do this believe it or not it turns out the does not indeed have the what oh I have an idea what I could do I can bring to some sheeps to our house okay Asen actually does not have that R okay I fixed this but yeah you could bring it bring some sheeps here but where we have no no place for them bu one in the basement no it’s the Sheep basement you know if you’re not going to put it in the basement I will put it on top of the house okay and it will be harder to get them up there than down to the basement uh oh uh oh uh oh what you doing F oh no baby zombie oh baby oh but I need one diamond or that what I want to do c of finishing huh what no yeah what’s the I Infinity welcome to the stream and there is no IP oh I I won’t give you my IP address yeah so no I that mega mind face and so this is and with the mod essential so there is no IP through which you can join but when you join over on the Discord and you can find a server IP for Arsenal server that the others made and you can join there knock back too no one needs that it’s got my food what do you mean it got wait did this did the zombies steal your food yeah oh gosh okay why not it’s raining why where the where am I oh it would say in the world what oh looting free for 43 diamonds imagine if I actually accidentally teleport into the zombie oh my God that would be really that would hurt wait is this also fabricated with mods and we the only mods we have here are client side and all of them are mostly performance mods or like utility mods mending for 18 oh this is crazy and we need to lock the trade we need to lock the trade for 18 yes this is crazy hell yeah it’s even cheaper than the one we got before wonderful we need paper to lock in the trades yeah but I’ve actually tested it with pecker and mods work really well with Essentials yeah so I wish a custom player models mod maybe next time then we would have to play on like 1.9 oh what does the custom play modes not exist for 1.20 I don’t think there is 1.20 for it recover him from being will be even cheaper I know how will just work like I kind of know how they work because the AI sometimes really weird but yeah you can also do raids to get it cheaper for a short amount of time um I I know you’re not equipped for raid you don’t need to tell me an oak tree um we should have a few around here why in the tower with the enchanting table is no light um because I want to put um yeah I I still want to put the beacon up there and be wait Beacon will be blocked off so it won’t have light yeah I’m stupid I don’t know why I didn’t place any lights up here I’ll B to Oak Tree Groll um not big okay but you get apples and you can turn them into golden apples so I’m going to be the richest person on the server just because I have a tree farm you will be the richest person from the wood standpoint yes but I I can I can trade all my wood for uh emeralds why isn’t luk in the Discord he is in the dis oh yeah oh wait you mean and the community Discord I don’t know and you don’t have to be in a community Discord uh oh do you want me to send you an invite link or what yes okay wait be very cool I’m sending you Robin what did you do now I I just see a video saying POV child what did you do now you know if you’re not going to put it in the basement I will put it on top of the house 41 [Laughter] diamons what why did you clip that PV child wait invite I can invite both of you and thank you did so sure thank you you’re welcome can now join the weirdest Discord of all time okay you good good yeah po [Laughter] child I wait I need to make a new Roy uh wait what roll a friend roll all right okay where’s it’s food and farm I think this is enough the place where I can build something um but what you have an idea not really I’m sure they won’t know us right what are you doing nothing I don’t believe you now I’m scared I just needed a bit of food if I walk into that one more time I’m going to break the two bushes next to your door why they have done anything to you they have done like 20 damage to me in total you know if you’re not going to put it in the basement wait we can hear that H LCA yes was that you yes let me do that can oak trees grow with with stairs next to it I think so I hope so I’m going to do this and this perfect Unbreaking on that pickaxe ah so I know we’re we’re running out I don’t think it I don’t think it gross since when do we have so much coal I think we need and we need more please yes I got a tree to grow that’s nice perfect perfect shot Perfection I still haven’t renamed anything yeah I need to rename the bucket with the fish inside okay so when was the name again oh what did we call the fish again I forgot we have many names for him yes that’s true but there were multiple I thought there were there was a name that I really liked I already forgot what it was I need a b yes I just saw it that is another meme in the memes channel the meme Lord is added again you’re just the number one memer on the Discord Robin and Michael Jackson Elon Musk pix junor Jonathan and John yeah Jonathan what’s the name I told y yeah I don’t have an item frame I can make one I finally got wood on here now I never need to leave my basement ever again and what about food true I I I have I can have a farm down here God damn it Jonathan there he is the random cavefish I can now sustain myself cool a cool Aid Chen CH huh Chen Robin I have questions what the [ __ ] does that mean what did you do this time last stream I will look the other video after the Stream you must mention him at the start of every stream oh okay I’m stupid now I get it you mean TR Johnny the fish yes it’s like if there will be more streams in this world which I kind of doubt actually no no I mean if it’s fine with you then I would do more all right yeah but I mean maybe Jonathan can become one of the biggest memes on this channel which would be really funny just in every Minecraft Project have a fish called [Music] Jonathan what he’s cleaning his keyboard no I I don’t think so I mean hacker is cleaning his keyboard fairly often oh God I do a stream on the at yes I will do a stream on the atona server but I won’t me leak my coordinates on it you will have to find them by yourself oh my God I missed this oh my God yes please with us free win I don’t know when and we’ll see if you’re online then okay wait wait you’re probably going to come online when the stream starts so how I’ll tell you when you really can’t wait that’s true some people just cannot wait for anything is it night again the [Music] hell why is it always night time can’t blame you though I mean we’re still waiting for six S 5 years later and people have been really patient okay well there is the redit community which has just lost its mind that’s true that’s still it’s still patiently waiting for it at least the ones who still have more than one brain cell remaining oh God I actually have a really nice system for storing stuff oh really yeah but I’m waiting to die at the wrong time at the wrong place on the stream why it’s interesting I think you not probably I think he means he means in Minecraft oh yeah I know well actually I have two brain cells remaining are you sure I just Sil what is a brain cell okay that explains everything that one question can you can you can you count carus flowers as trees um [Music] uh I don’t know that what do every time oh God but do chus fruit count as trees a really good car car flowers yeah the flowers I mean can can you even call it a plant in a normal way I mean yes it may be growing but in the end there is no sunlight or something like that and endstone doesn’t really look like it has many nutrition and um can you even say that c flowers are plants h on this day he went insane Technic it isn’t a tree okay CU there’s fruit in the name yeah but but okay wait the fruit is like the thing that the flower drops yeah but a fruit can fruit wait do fruits hang from trees yes yeah okay guys let’s make a base Like This Server oh no that’s my best explanation what B I think they mean whatever the [ __ ] this thing is I mean for for those who are interested this space literally started as a small wooden block which was made out of oak wood scraps and Spruce Wood like slapped all over the place and it had no floor wow that was made by luk her then I kind of built the rest of it it was the beginning of this world yes and we needed a house yeah so you kind of build a wooden block let’s just build pixes R in the server I don’t think you want to do that um I mean I mean look at my base I your base alone you haven’t even really started decorating it and it’s I haven’t like even finished building all the rooms yes and it’s already like a m million met a million times bigger than yes on the ser and then the other houses you can build from this world is either that villager Shack which lucer build then was like no I don’t want to live here anymore this never portal which L A which looks really good I just realized you have placed a in the walls yes I did that yesterday yeah looks really good oh and the last thing you could build on the server is whatever this thing is oh no what is that it’s the house that you see when you come out of your base oh [Laughter] I mean it has an automatic uh sugar cane Farm it has this greenhous it has this area right here which is for the Anvil and stuff like that then we have the enchanting Tower and this weird room I don’t know what to do with it my bedroom which is by the way by the way uh pixel yeah do you think my Bas layout so far is okay it’s so big I don’t really know how to put it like put some signs later on it shows where what is then yeah I will yeah yeah I just think the layout could maybe be a bit better I have no idea what I should build make so come down come down come down come down come down follow me come to me why why no not in the basement there yes come into the freaking basement you stay here you stay here now why cuz I want you to stay here so how about you break this wall here wait no this won’t work how about you break either this or that wall and you can make yourself a really cozy basement you can add like a fireplace or something in here then you make like a Weird thingy where the smoke can go from the top okay use your imagination I know it’s really hard for you but you can do it okay and you have one of the letters so the flowers still blooming and they’re growing high are blooming the Sun’s shining birds are singing birds are singing flowers are blooming on days like these on days like these is like you should be burning in the house I just realized I never finished the Sans fight oh so what use your health brain cell and I only have a quarter brain cell left oh me too yeah hey check your PA menu why oh [Laughter] no yeah I see I see you kind of sent me a friend request there yes you’re doing something okay so pause I checked the pause menu oh wait did I just miss a message or was one deleted okay anyways Jonathan where’s my D there’s my DT did you just loose your dirt no how the hell do you craft blast Blast Furnace that’s what I asked as well okay okay 1 2 three four five iron one furnace and three smooth Stone like okay it’s like this who deleted the pool for trading system in the server I don’t know wasn’t me five one two three four okay just four one two three four we I kind of need a bit more food yeah it was probably him it is night that is correct I need wood so can we please go to sleep um yes just give me a second I need more potatoes why do I still have paper in my inventory but why you deleted it I don’t know D I need to go go up again you need I I thought you have everything down there I basically do but I don’t have a food farm yet oh boy I don’t know he just does that for no reason why do you need so much iron well I want to build an automatic or smelter and I want to make it with blast furnaces I know normal furnaces are much smarter and stuff like that but they’re so slow and they are really fast that’s why I want to use blast f then I Al kind of need wood for oh my chests don’t even know how many Flex I’m not flexing with all of this iron I need it I need it to build [Music] sure you definitely do okay wait how where do we put this now um probably like this oh wait I should counted how many I need 1 2 3 four five six okay I need six furnaces do it like this of course one’s [Music] missing did pix just use this quar brain mind blowing I know right I actually can count to eight wa no not eight oh my God I’m no I need six not eight wait was it six yes six not eight the quick driver updator the quick drive can you like do anything against the quick driver updator I don’t need six I’m stupid I have this one why am I making six okay now I have we have third furnace but I can only count to a wait what do you mean you can only count to a a is the number interesting no good at history I’m not good at history okay what are you guys doing right now what I’m doing yes what are you up to I am repairing my pickaxe because it keeps on getting low on durability I mean you are doing a lot of mining true I need to get a netherite pickaxe with mine with u mending yeah we we haven’t even started the search for never right yet what is number my whole life was a joke I I don’t think that your whole life is a joke just because a isn’t a number or now don’t say you thought C cucumbers can be farmed for infinite infinite supply of cucumbers when you fought that then I actually agreed that your life is that your whole life was a joke gooo Gaga Robin why oh T the [ __ ] you doing why are you turning into the small children I just one more smooth Stone oh chippy chippy ch 2v2 CL flashbacks we we kind of blasted It On full volume gag G who I have been married a long time ago what you’ve been married and married happily or what the tree gr the tree GRE the tree the tree is the best thing ever I got an apple yay oh no I know what you’re doing [Applause] oh why why did I realize it’s so late f for marriage wouldn’t surprise me if it was the forceful marriage rest you good no why are you sick yes what is happening with this guy I have no idea I have this I had this glitch yesterday as well but I have no idea why this happens and how to fix it it’s the end of time it’s not that bad I think the world definitely isn’t ending just because the sky is glitching out I mean it just shows that we’re living in a [Music] simulation wait I think I know how to fix it how uninstall the mot world say press alt F I’m not pressing alt f4 what eat an an they’re like barbecue what an ant is not likeing barbecue I don’t know what that means all the F close the sof I know that you know that that means this like wait the does like efficiency take away durability efficienc like that I don’t know I just realized I have no fuel sorus but oh yeah one thing I know that helps when your computer is like glitching really out Robin wait what peka is getting mad in the Ser for no reason me all right let me take a look at this uh [Laughter] I mean you’re misspelling his name heer we need need to spell it with an R uh but h no not F then Robin what I want to tell you when your computer like glitches out try deleting system 32 wow what a nice TP yes it help me as well Fu just W do we have any wood yes kind of how is it possible that we have more slabs and stairs than wood planks I have no idea CU we use them more than you slabs and stairs I good idea I’m going try it right now perfect tell me how it goes and program files 64 yes right yeah just delete everything that wasn’t installed by yourself wow that’s totally legit yes of course they’re very laggy and have no work that’s correct they’re useless uh I need to make a new EG okay so then enchanting this uh Unbreaking three and efficiency four perfect I love f f my God I love level 30 enchantments they’re just perfect certainly it’s like you get almost always second enchantment out of it and it’s then also high level there I just made an iron hole me why not just make a stone one or wooden one because serious dedication had too much IR there is never too much iron I mean you need that iron to make her do right true but at the moment I had too much how much may I add actually no I I I’m just not using it uh 23 at the moment okay I think should make a shooting game but when it shoots the sound effect that places fish tool what I don’t I don’t even know what how that’s how what Asen why are you adding weird sounds to your game of course when you shoot with P to I mean why not let’s get the crafting table honestly I’m not even doing that much mining at the moment and keeps on like are you sure that you’re not doing that much to make it fun at the moment hi I’m Robin’s brother check Discord I’m set right now what oh my oh my god well rip rip boo rip in peace R and P he deleted F 64 how are you still here I I I can see that he did that I mean why else should there be the [ __ ] gravestone new Discord which says rip B though what no back from the dead anyways back from the dead perfect kind of missed you buddy oh wait why am I doing it like this how do you craft the campfire just watch your wait anyways back from the dead just to watch your stream oh thank you I feel honored so sad now his zombie form is here you don’t need to be sad now from who I will borrow diamonds on the server please answer my question yes what’s your question how you craft a campfire H three locks three sticks and one coal or charcoal thank you you’re welcome I really need to get mending on my diamond pickaxe to be honest so I can finally have a lot of durability I mean we got a villager I still haven’t tried get mending which is kind of sad yeah it do even oh God nothing’s working right now oh God I’m stupid that jump it does does it work if I let’s say I put this in there does it share it oh yes it does I’m stupid I thought it wouldn’t share I don’t know why me makes everything a bit easier and now the or smelter is done ever saw game death wasting time well I thought his name is Asen ASN I think there are a lot of game developers who are wasting time right now yes exactly right now I think it’s time to throw all of this raw copper in this in the smelter I saw only one are you sure I sure as you can see only one I um definitely need to start mining an area for farming yes and you actually don’t have to get up anymore about that oh so you’re already don’t say you’re feeding off the apples from the oak trees okay but Robin can get arrested for faking his death what can he actually I’m wondering why this isn’t smelting I haven’t even put any fuel in there stop it with toilet no okay your bushes left another day oh did you not walk into them not this time okay perfect I need to plant another big tree then I’m going to eat dinner we’ll come back after 2 minutes probably okay then until later I’m feeding off the boxs in my mom’s basement what Robin you’re good buddy I are you are you perhaps seeing weird colors or something similar now we can sleep to skip the night so we need a little bit of fuel to keep that running copper the things I do to make people laugh oh I know what I can do oh what are you doing like um I know I have like two separate uh rooms and stuff for smelting and wood mhm then I could like have uh another room for mining like um a mine that goes deep and stuff [Music] H and then I could make like the Farms I’ll build a um yeah I could use an elevator for all the Farms well you said you want to put kind of a lot down there yes that’s exactly what I’m going to do okay let’s put this in here really quickly I know I want to put the hang G in the utility Bay and stuff mhm but I might put the engineering Bay in in the um in the factory Bay as well okay I accidentally unw the copper no so uh what did you write Robin you should make a carpet duper for infinite fuel that is a really good idea the only problem is we don’t have SL block seconds doesn’t it and wait do do you even need SL blocks for carpet duper I don’t know how to build one it worse should I go up or down for the engineering Bay I don’t know I think I’ll go up don’t you want to go further down that’s what I’m going to do for the mine area ah okay the factory like um the smelting area become the it’s become it’s got to become the factory okay that sounds nice does it yes it does you ask me nice all right then I’m going to go up here for the engineering be okay so about how do you build a carpet duper and and also good question is um how do we make this look good what’s a tutorial Midstream l I’m not watching a tutorial in Midstream funny would be funny though yes it would be but not very professional yes how is this coming along oh oh that’s not really what I imagined but it looks really cool I like this okay I can do it like right here oh okay what if we built like this and we can still reach these chests so that’s not a problem wow perfect yeah but I kind of need one [Music] more of these posts you are really sick do you know that yes and why are you still going to school I don’t know like stay at home try and get better yes nice view of that house I wish I wish there were actual working Mees in Minecraft working me wait I like I could buil one I mean didn’t Mumble build a walking house true but like it kind of looks bad bad like you can see all the Redstone and stuff and okay then I’m not sure if it was from m m that video but I saw a video where someone built a tank like that working tank um no you cannot make a working tank except of course you make a TNT dup put it always fires yeah but yeah it was a thing you couldn’t really see the components so maybe that’s more something like you want no like decorating it isn’t a problem oh okay I mean like a working one mean you can definitely make a working one that looks good don’t know what to use here you should build a redstone computer in Minecraft what the tutorial thank you I will do you actually have the knowledge to make one I know you can make binary code in Minecraft and someone made like an email system in Minecraft yeah that’s true like friend I I don’t think you have internet access then no not like yeah but it’s like if you can make an email system in Minecraft you can certainly eventually make the internet maybe it’s really complicated and someone made Minecraft in Minecraft yeah that’s that’s true someone actually made Minecraft in Minecraft that’s true see that’s us web displ mode yeah you come you come in the chat with like these super ideas and really complicated things like a whole [ __ ] computer just to look at at a tutorial and how to make it duper then you’re saying or you could use the the web display mod wow yeah using repeater L I know what that mod does you don’t have to explain it to me poon go in Minecraft oh god oh no I think the engineering Bay is a bit too big to like mine sweeper mine right now oh too big yeah it’s like this giant hanger like it’s going to be the Str hanger oh and there then there’s also a plane hanger why he Redstone where please please bring it back to the base mine Pokemon go in Minecraft M pment I’m not joking Call of Duty of Minecraft no idea what this is but uh wait what what IED YouTube in Minecraft no mods wait or command blocks oh no what did you just collect nothing it’s lay over there okay I I thought for a second you broke the sugar cane Farm no no I I built here I break the block of dirt and then it La redstone go check it not Call of Duty I know you can do a whole [ __ ] lot with redstone my quarter brain cell actually make Call of Duty in Minecraft no sad or can you darl Michael you saw here and in today’s video hey Vis Michel here you are unable to make Call of Duty in Minecraft or can you you cannot make Call of Duty in Minecraft or can you well there is a thing called red stone which has a lot of or is it or or is it called redstone M Michael Jackson wait let let me give an impr personation sound good it cut off your mic right no piece of [Music] my just respond what we don’t we can’t have that here remove it we need to have cical thingy we need to wait I’m H it’s hard to think and talk at the same time it’s too complicated for me we cannot have any responding brain cells we need to surgically remove it again brain cell respawning off now I have one of seven brain cells oh gosh you now you have one of seven brain cells you can collect oh no he’s getting smarter do a villager impression okay wait a wa was actually pretty good my goodness SL game keep brain s trueu wait no we don’t want you to keep brain S I will soon R the world soon rule the world with brain no God stop doing with impression Shen don’t please don’t don’t make me time out here for spamming do we have more uh wait do we even own any more brick deep sled random no okay I’ll need to get some bricks for texture variation soon I’ll have my very own farm and then I’ll never need to leave my room again and you can turn full on gamer mode uh I don’t like clay farming at least not the one that naturally spawns that uh we’ve got two stacks now for how much is enough 32 I don’t think that’s or is it is it enough no [ __ ] why we have so much iron um I needed a little bit a little bit fine a little bit I I used up like a stack or [Music] so or a bit more than a stack cuz doing what I did was actually much cheaper than I thought much cheaper yes check the Discord what did you do now well if he delet the program fire 64 he wouldn’t die can get arrest for fing your stuff oh yeah that’s that what you wrote oh no you you recorded the Villager impression why did you record the village I’m impression okay maybe okay I think over the next days I’ll try to add more chat interaction through stuff like TTS or something so and maybe I’ll try to do something that you can like play some sound effects or something like that Robin is on recording every time yeah I see that OMG TTS yes I’ll try I don’t know I don’t exactly know how it would work I’ll need to look into it but I’ll try to something like that I’m in heaven yeah I already see you guys doing stuff like just sending a whole lot of L’s which then makes weird sounds it’s with us from the old day the sound effects I mean is it possible to like run code that checks in me in YouTube messages for special keywords and then play a sound effect that’s called like that I think yeah it should be it should actually be pretty easy yeah maybe you can help me out with it tomorrow or I don’t know when technically all the bot has to do is look at what your chat is typing checking for a specific word that’s that’s true if I check hard should play F sound effect when we kidnap religious one by two space yes that’s stre was cool okay so and where were we just now Bots coding yes so about the checks what the chat is typing and then looks for keywords exactly yeah but it should not just look for a single word cuz maybe someone is like making joke or something what what you can make is um you [Music] can check if the word is included in a uh list of words then play the um word that has been typed m yes did yeah I I I think we can make it really fast what I’m finished with the room oh you finished it wow do you have anything else to do right now no oh boy here we go again oh no um I have an idea I’m not sure if you like it okay so you see your old house that you built right yes with all the villages inside yes you have multiple options now mhm I make it a bit bigger there’s Iron Golem again in the house oh my God but not by by the villagers in the other room um and maybe you can kill it I mean more iron is always appreciated but like maybe you can make that house a bit bigger bigger yes yes I could or you breed some more villagers and try and get all of the enchantments like um looting free and all of that stuff yeah I think I I breed them okay and when there were kids I build the house bigger yes the part of bra said that resp just more with yes is a way to like generate iron do you have to mine it uh iron Farms true you just need I think five of for villagers I think you actually only need one with a bed no I I think needs to count as a village yeah so peka welcome to the stream and I know you don’t hate me that’s a fact I need potatoes more yeah to eat and for the villagers oh okay wait flesh brain cell adro and head 10 I’m smart now I don’t think it works like that yeah but why what did I do to you if a zombie villager oh what okay maybe you can use him for the farm Noah okay then just kill him okay wait let me check I’m too lazy to dick to him anyways Discord going crazy again I do I say p is abusing on discard I mean are really using every oven in his room it’s wait I look I I still have some I need food wait wait wait wait wait before you take anything out before you take anything out before you take out alone okay thank you I need something okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wa let me take care of it yeah I could bring up myself perfect thank you hey I have a poisonous potato again give me my clay back 10 11 12 no clay no this is your if you give it to me back I will name it again the holy potato to I hate everyone with that of right Pekka Paka is peka I just want to tell you you’re the one who started calling anck a Nick so you don’t really have to complain there back and when I’m back then I’m go to the Villers okay okay yeah I definitely didn’t just switch the potatoes from Luca with cl8 9 10 11 12 his nickname is still unn yeah I thought it I will revert that back later M Pier how was your day when you’re still there back welcome back welcome back [Laughter] hey no I need to stay here wait what this run why did you leave why did you leave hell know why cannot open this oven what why cannot open any oven you want are you lagging yeah a little bit oh go a no and it lagging again it’s lagging a little bit Yeah but I don’t know why can I replace him do you want to replace Pekka or wait what my day was good before this what out okay internet problems apparently but are they on my side or wait I’m back oh you’re back oh what happened my connection died my too the hell and the scammer just messaged me scammer scammer yes what an then you join the cring Ser in the word I going to replace the people who left oh okay no no you’re not I’m not going to except that so um I’m finished oh I can use this oven could we go to sleep no I I need to burn clay boss cuz we need to sleep I need clay I don’t need sleep I need clay it’s so beautiful I I need I need bads for the Villager need beds I mean we have some wool yeah oh you took all of it I think two are enough # kick unkickable I want kick unkickable let’s make this while all of that still smelting we can continue to build oh it’s St he’s challenging you I don’t think he’s challenging me SK c yeah oh what oh I hit one of the villagers [ __ ] oh no stop hitting them I don’t want it this R you need TNT I I don’t need TNT yeah right oh my God this is laggy oh my God an iron golem hey peka I made a me to brighten your day oh no need TNT and you know it why you make everything in the base wait what what do you mean why I make everything in the base I yeah well mostly because I find it really funny just adding to the space the most in the M most stupidest means possible we all need TNT no we don’t need TNT why not I see you going to blow everything up no yes definitely not right certainly you didn’t told me you love Clore than sleep yeah I don’t think anyone know knew it that we need TNT I don’t have the materials to make TNT I want to see the meme that’s the exact meme I thought of let me on the server why do you want on the server peka me too I don’t trust I don’t trust either of you they want to play with us that’s why I know but one of them is a person who’s not hesitant in blowing everything up with team oh making imagination come to life I’m kind of why not as I said peer you are the one who literally loves TNT over any else I’m not a griefer I’m the one getting griefed maybe where’s an oh God are you rolling DEC or what where an k kick kick kick he’s missing one of the best stream that’s build with TNT you know that yeah you’re building with TNT until you’re starting to blow that TNT up and you’re not just building with TNT anymore wait there there’s no actually bit that one two 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 15 all right that’s nice I never grief anyone I just buil with TNT you know that I don’t trust you with TNT I mean I already trust myself not really with TNT wait why TNT is nice yeah TNT has nice red color attracts customers what customers you don’t have customers on the server which version is the server I’m not going to tell you AKA viewers what’s the most fun thing for p what most fun thing for peka I think the most fun thing for pecker is making a TNT cannon and shooting it not making a TNT Tower from badrock to height limit oh God please no I won’t let you in here I bet the server is on 1 120.4 never did that L who knows no this server is it’s obviously 1.8.9 I mean you can tell that it’s 1.8 I got stop asking to join I think it’s funni they want to join or what no that I keep asking no but it’s like in every Minecraft Project it’s always the question hey what’s the server IP or hey can I join hey can I play with you always the same but on Adventure Mode you know that you can still open chests and steal stuff right I just realized I need more deep slate the first two farming rooms are actually like dug out oh that’s nice yeah it means you’re making big progress hell yeah my inventory is full of stone there are probably a lot of people whose inventories are full of [Music] stone I also know that an item can survive 5 minutes before it despawns yes that’s correct wa I could technically like make a make a water conveyor belt yeah you could my storage Luca yes why is there a potato on your wall because I have no idea why is there a glistering melon on your wall I have no idea what I should put in that why did you put a land in an item frame I have no idea then put something else in it I was just asking why not that I’m going to remove it or something you could remove it if you want no I’m not going to if you have better ideas you could oh no spam spon just Spam yes m yeah I need deep slate and yeah I have all of that a couple stuff that I need oh now the Villager room is much bigger oh that’s nice I’m English and CH oh God don’t don’t do any scity toilet [ __ ] I’ve got enough of it actually you should just uh kick the people or ban the people from The Stream that PO it the thing is I know it’s just as a joke cuz in one stream we just kind of started it’s somehow it’s still going oh no oh skeleton could go to sleep if you want I’m in a cave oh oh I see well I built a face in the wall and now it’s watching me everywhere I go oh no oh no my chat’s being taken over by the Germans you’re you’re a German I don’t care ger Weir stuff weiru F should better speak English yes I know ASN you’re not German the only one in this whole stream who isn’t German so I try and learn German or something I don’t know [Music] um technically speaking this chat was always under the ownership of Germany I’m kind of dumb am I not I don’t I wouldn’t say you’re dumb I mean you’re you’re pretty smart like the only one here who has more than five brain cells why I have a crafting table I don’t know can you don’t have to sing the national anthem of of Germany yeah the Pix translated from my servant from now what huh I think I I wouldn’t know about it that’s kind of sus stop German [Music] okay trans Googl I don’t have time to sorry I don’t have any minutes to give you yeah okay if it makes you happy I’m switching back to English one more word of I will leave an un oh God why why can it’s such random word to just throw in here Subs 83 I mean I have to cter In The Stream and it still says 84 explain [Laughter] yourself stop right there criminal gum Robin please there I almost got my own Farm going that’s nice tomato sauce oh a skeleton with a enchanted bow yeah I’ve got multiple of those at the moment oh no I need to leave my basement oh you need to leave your mother’s basement [ __ ] it’s crazy movement and here two of them I can hear it oh God what a safe a he doesn’t drop the bow oh God why are there so many creepers here I hate it when scammers message me he what did that guy right he wants me to buy Arts ah of course no why oh my gosh I don’t care if it’s the last one let’s STP it I mean next time I stream it will just return anyway foking no hey we have sick touch now so we now reated into fix reincarnated okay reincarnated as a pixel no he he unu and then again so he reincarnated Oh I thought it was like talking about a weird anime no reincarnated as a pixel oh [Music] no today’s English R in Germany I no it’s rather Sun at the moment can please stop that you mean that I’m not even hitting you you hit at me one time while you were standing still where the [ __ ] is our house it’s right wait where is it it’s right there oh oh yeah I can see the tower oh my God we really need a Beaton and you can find actually find it from 10 m away no also need Rend distance of 12 it’s in the render distance I don’t think so it is or did I hey Michael Luka kill pixel please actually you know that this guy is playing on my old computer and has no idea how to play Minecraft right hey what the heyy I know to play Minecraft you almost one time it wasn’t on stream it was out but it was in this world you just saw a random cliff in the ne and was like yeah I need to jump down there hello I don’t want it Dad just jump down there I had to teleport you back up yeah sorry I don’t want it Dad just got an achievement by the way I saw it a CD place and please stop please stop please please please Pixel and act like you’re killing luuka Luka do it they want to PVP better l okay this Farm might not be the most efficient it’s co also isn’t the most efficient don’t F I mean I need to fit glass in here and stuff so yeah what you all need to join the server come on I I joined that we out a Ser was like was like what do you mean weird so let’s say it’s correct correct yes it’s a corre server I yeah was also said that if someone needs help cracking Minecraft they can just ask and then like half of the server is a desert biome and it’s just full of weird stuff why I don’t know oh Luka LCA what wait I I need to um send something a screenshot to you uh wait a moment I’m C I’m trading I mean you oh yeah that’s nice that’s very nice uh here I send it in the Discord yes okay I’m I’m look I’m looking I’m looking hey uh pixel can you go can you come down to my base real quick uh of course uh so let land like 400 blocks away I walked much farther than 400 blocks and it was a forest biome that I found and I also walked in Just One Direction so yeah it doesn’t change the fact that half of the server is desert hi hi oh chests what are what’s inside of them no no lot of stone don’t you dare look into my chat you went in the wrong direction I never went into a wrong direction so uh there’s one farming room but I haven’t like built anything in it oh what the [ __ ] and then there’s this one which is like going to be like this with basically glass up here ah okay I get it what do you think I like it nice I really like it but yeah it’s going to have multiple floors as well because I need food okay wait um or maybe I’m just a capitalist we’re all capitalists at heart true okay so I went the wrong direction to the first time and there’s a Plains Village too I don’t need a village I just need a house and woods and like 500 BL right there is no an you heard that this is an end Colony here huh no this is my this is a research facility where the wait the one who’s really quiet is LCA the one who’s talking more is the Tron I think you got them confused with each other sorry LCA what what I I think I think peeker confus you with each other okay and yeah peka you should really join the as server why is it raining it can’t p s yay thank you oh wait I have a composter I don’t even I can just make dirt uh you mean bone meal oh I got it confused you can make dirt wait no you can make clay with m yeah yeah you can make clay with mud and thing and dirt you can do when you combine two dirt and gravel with each other then you get Coss dirt and when you hold that you can get um um uh um what yeah you get should I seek for and um sharpness five looting free Fortune free and also and more stuff from orus oh okay research facility AKA and cottony oh no from now I will talk to anck in Hindi on the disc wait no don’t do that I don’t mean this server I mean the atona server this is an essential server why is there 30 second chat cool who made the chat cool down in general why is it 30 seconds wait how do I change it wait no slow it says 5 seconds can you please go to sleep 5 Seconds fine yes I can sleep you don’t don’t worry peeka will look like a research facility eventually no no the end farm was from asland oh all right sorry I don’t have chat open is crack and must coming out was 30 before now it’s five I I did not do that 30 second cool down yeah but still you can join the crack server I did as well I don’t see a problem except for the Crack part of course but yeah I I still didn’t make the stuff I wanted to make I’m stupid sick touch for six Emerald this is crazy wait how much is still Touch by the other one nine oh wow luck of the C3 luck of the sing Edge too sweeping Edge it’s m one sharpness one oh God that server is so that anyone even the ones who don’t have Minecraft can join I still don’t have a water bucket why why is it I not make one aqua infinity oh Aqua aqua affinity isn’t bad I think I should maybe connect I know that’s the old one the areas sweeping Ed one so it’s more like a research facility you can build it like you want RP TI to I need to do something with this lower part here this looks really weird fire as spe one multishot I know it’s moving down sand god damn it big touch for ar oh the [ __ ] it’s my too okay so this works actually kind of good right now tune we need Fortune fre yeah I know did you really just advertise your new video in the Stream sick touch for oh or one again there are two Iron Golems now what is too big for they need more protection death Strider one oh death Strider actually isn’t that bad death ster yeah it’s it’s that you it’s it’s that you swim farther uh faster is it is it death strier or is it death rer death death toer no death oh my God so efficiency free oh oh no don’t say you’re writing on Hindi now why brought two iron oh you’ve got iron it was just one block oh respiration free blame talking I’m not talking German anymore oh Jesus Christ wait is that is that Chinese or Japanese I think it’s Japanese R right wait wait I I want to I want to go into Spectre mode and see how this looks looting um what why do you want to look at it from spectator mode hello I want to I want to look at the layout of my Bas okay I free oh that’s nice but for 26 that’s a little bit much I think think we will find something better aqua infinity oh that’s a SL pick a German Rin Shin wait like a German main impelling fire Rin shines me but yeah the the layout of my base is a bit weird are you sure I’m sure yeah and what exactly is weird at it I’ll just uh I’ll send you in the MS yeah I I know the stream started earlier today sick touch again I’m kind of getting hungry so I think I will actually stop streaming soon impelling four okay wait I’m I’m going to finish this now and yeah after that I will as probably stop the stream one it’s not too weird not too weird but I’ll definitely I need something to connect the uh oh yeah I need something to connect the factory area with the actually the manufacturing area with the middle if that makes sense here two Iron Golems right I kind of can’t imagine it right now with the um I need something to connect connect the manufacturing area to the utility area ah okay now I get it took a moment sorry because wait wait let me actually there’s a room here there’s something here then there guard room here another room here more like here and then just yeah here’s an exit it looks more like a creature what you mean it looks like a creature you mean the Bas layout is like a creature yeah oh God I can imagine that being kind of cool then I also want to do the Reactor Core like here okay uh wait I’ll send you the layout in the okay what what creature scity toilet of course no why did I expect that Quest question or dad answer question right there yeah wait or maybe it’s just because I didn’t drew the didn’t draw the uh rooms entir only a few yeah I mean I kind of see a creature in there but also not [Music] really wait pea why why is the the title of your video English yeah can you quickly put me into a spectat remote I want to actually see how it looks from above okay I’m giving a spectator but not for too long yeah I just want to see the layout okay so if I okay that actually that looks like under that looks like an underground facility it looks okay okay good wait don’t don’t um put me in survival yet put you in survival no no no no I’m still in the wall okay now okay I’m going to put you in Sur yeah okay looks good from above why I heard a creeper um float Iron Golem oh this she Golems are kind of fighting right there holy [ __ ] the Factory The Factory almost I get attacked by two zombies but iron go want to help me the factory actually almost connects to the utility Bay thank you bro Dr me iron might actually wants a way to connect to the kitchen right here I mean I I really like this hey Luka what yeah come back come no no no turn back turn back no where here you look look up oh there what what how does it look from below now yeah cool it it has something nice and from there I’m going to Pizza restant yes yes that’s that’s okay no nice okay maybe I’ll need to decorate here that it doesn’t look so blank maybe put some plants there but I’m happy that it fits so [Music] well and I want to place lanterns in the tower because there is no light there I may watch on my phone though what do you mean don’t mess with Indians and pakistanis the [ __ ] okay yeah this layout is better we really need more gunpowder and yeah I I kind of use some Gunpowder but I had a good reason for using it here isn’t this a good reason oh I want to make rockets go and fly around and look what’s around here I mean you can kill some creepers no when I try to kill them they will explode and use your bow I have no bow is there actually a way to like copy the world for myself you you want a world copy yeah I mean I can send you one later now it’s day that’s bad ah good then I make here wait wait here oh just killed two Creepers for you thank you you’re welcome I think I’m dying don’t worry I think um I I think I’m ending stream here all right okay I want to meet up up here or wait one moment wait wait I want rocket I still need to mine those for you okay but yeah I really like the idea I have going for the space I hope that you like it because so where are you uh I’m putting some stuff away while no waiting also uh for lore reasons the trees are the trees are just here for oxygen L reasons I love him why what do you mean he timed you out okay can go to the surface now oh hello an kick well come but you’re kind of late I got an interesting idea let’s meet welcome to the stream room yes but we’re we’re kind of about to end that yes like I can give you a short look at the house unck like there’s enchanting stuff in the tower and that’s just entrance my my new room find that’s a good idea CU yes because with the campfire and stuff like that it’s really cool why is there a skeleton here the hell no oh yeah here’s Like A Smith smelter random yeah my room oh you were taking extra classes well yeah I I think they go before any stream that might me just stealing a globber you need them yeah is there like a hole up here no oh s where are we going to meet up here in here all right get over here yeah he get in a [Music] lion yeah I hope you like this stream if I had fun what about you same yeah same good so yeah maybe there will be another stream in this world maybe not I don’t know was rather quickly chosen stream so you’ll see us next time have a nice day morning evening wherever you are and bye-bye have a great day do you want to say anything hey luuka say something say something for the subs yeah bye bye

This video, titled ‘Doing weird stuff in minecraft and a having a good time with friends’, was uploaded by PixlSchatten on 2024-04-16 16:41:49. It has garnered 43 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:22:55 or 15775 seconds.

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Exciting Challenges!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Exciting Challenges! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where adventure awaits at every turn! If you’re looking for a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience, look no further than Minewind. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server is the perfect place to test your skills and creativity. Imagine exploring trial chambers filled with traps and treasures, facing waves of hostile mobs, and building with new blocks. Whether you prefer to team up with friends or go solo, Minewind has something for everyone. And with features like auto-crafting and a variety of weapons and items, the possibilities are endless…. Read More

  • Crafting an Axolotl Aquarium in Minecraft

    Crafting an Axolotl Aquarium in Minecraft Building a Simple Pink Axolotl Aquarium in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players have endless opportunities to unleash their creativity and build unique structures. One popular trend is creating intricate aquariums to house various aquatic creatures, including the adorable Axolotl. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of building a simple Pink Axolotl Aquarium in Minecraft. Getting Started To begin your aquarium project, you will need to gather the necessary materials. Make sure you have glass blocks, water buckets, pink concrete blocks, and some sea pickles for lighting. You can customize the colors and… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: 4th July 2024

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  • The New Minecraft is Insane!

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  • Old MacDonald’s Cow Chaos

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  • Can’t Speak Russian in Minecraft! 😱

    Can't Speak Russian in Minecraft! 😱 The Exciting World of Minecraft Step into the blocky world of Minecraft with BezzubickMCPlay! This popular game has captured the hearts of millions around the globe with its endless possibilities and creative gameplay. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Join the HTTYDCraft Discord Server and connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts to share tips, tricks, and adventures. The community aspect of Minecraft adds a whole new dimension to the game, making it a truly immersive experience. Connect with BezzubickMCPlay Follow BezzubickMCPlay on VK to stay updated on the latest Minecraft news, challenges, and videos. Engage with the community and be part of… Read More

  • Villager Trades Gone Wild

    Villager Trades Gone Wild Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Structure Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where players embark on exciting adventures, face challenging tasks, and explore endless possibilities. In this particular scenario, players encounter a unique challenge known as “Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Structure.” Let’s delve into the details of this intriguing gameplay. Trading with Villagers In Minecraft, players have the opportunity to interact with villagers and engage in trading activities. Villagers offer various items in exchange for emeralds, providing players with valuable resources to enhance their gameplay experience. The trading system adds depth to the game, allowing players to acquire… Read More

  • WrobeleQ CreeperSMP – Your Dream Minecraft Server!

    WrobeleQ CreeperSMP - Your Dream Minecraft Server! Welcome to CreeperSMP – Your Dream Minecraft Server! Are you ready to embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure? Look no further than CreeperSMP! This Polish server offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. From PvP battles to exploring new worlds, there’s something for every Minecraft enthusiast here. Join Our Community on Discord If you’re eager to join the CreeperSMP community, head over to our Discord server at dc.gg/creepersmp. You’ll find all the information you need to get started, including the server IP address. Remember, membership on Discord is required to access the… Read More

  • Speedrun Pride: Minecraft’s Joyride

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  • Sneaky Shenanigans at Havoc Haven

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  • INSANE progress in 10 days – Minecraft Survival Indonesia

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  • Minecraft DeepWorld (ATM9)

    Minecraft DeepWorld (ATM9)A small community driven All The Mods 9 server for adults. Dedicated Game Server: Rocky Linux 9.3 | 32GB RAM Intel Xeon E5-1650 v2 (6C\12T) 300M/300M Connection Locally owned server, no monthly cost! All dimensions have been generated 5000 blocks from spawn. Whitelisted server. Please get whitelisted via our Discord. play.stillevande.com Read More

  • Land of the Dead – Modded PVE

    Land of the Dead Minecraft Server Join our Minecraft server with 100 player slots available. Work together to survive against creatures like The Rake, Bigfoot, Wendigo, and more. Use the Insanity Shader modpack. Server Info: Address: LandoftheDead.serverminer.com:26823 Version: 1.20.1 Forge 47.3.0 Server Mods: Alex’s Caves Alex’s Mobs Alexis 64 Foods Antlers- The Wendigo And more… How to Join: Download the listed mods and join our Discord channel for server information. Send a DM to get an invite. Read More

  • CheesyCraft Redux | 1.21 Custom Survival | Closed Beta

    CheesyCraft Redux | 1.21 Custom Survival | Closed BetaWhitelist form:https://forms.gle/FzvQiZhWaDfrBe656Discord:https://discord.gg/yzbpyxQM7vHey there! Please read through the above info if you have the time, it would help me out a lot! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Scary Flower in Minecraft!

    Minecraft Memes - Scary Flower in Minecraft!Maybe the grass just wanted to switch up its look and try out a new color palette! Read More

  • Peace Town’s Hidden Bunker: Siro’s Mega SMP Ep. 8

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Creating a Boboiboy Gempa Portal in Minecraft

    Creating a Boboiboy Gempa Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Boboiboy Gempa Portal Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure as you delve into the world of the Boboiboy Gempa Portal. Join the community in creating, exploring, and conquering new challenges in this unique Minecraft experience. Donation and Community Links For those looking to support the creators and join the community, there are various ways to get involved: Support the creators by donating on Saweria: Donate Here Join the Discord group for discussions and updates: Discord Group Character Skins and Channels Immerse yourself in the Boboiboy Gempa Portal with unique character skins and explore different channels: Check… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Superflat Challenge!

    Ultimate Minecraft Superflat Challenge! Minecraft Bedrock: Overworld Superflat Preset! Have you ever wanted to experience the challenge of survival in a Superflat world in Minecraft Bedrock Edition? Well, now you can with the introduction of the Overworld Superflat Preset! This preset brings the unique features of Superflat worlds from Java Edition to Bedrock, allowing players to explore and survive in a world with a flat terrain. Features of the Overworld Superflat Preset The Overworld Superflat Preset in Minecraft Bedrock mimics the height of default world generation, providing players with a flat landscape to build and explore. Despite the flat terrain, players will still… Read More

  • Insane Hive Live with Viewers & Cosmetics – Minecraft Bedrock

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  • The Ultimate Minecraft Mod Showcase

    The Ultimate Minecraft Mod ShowcaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ce block fait tous ce que je veux | Minecraft Moddé Saison 3 : Épisode 01’, was uploaded by Zotux Gaming on 2024-05-04 18:00:11. It has garnered 157 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:51 or 1431 seconds. Bienvenue dans la saison 3 de Minecraft Moddé, une aventure avec 37 mods ! La série te plaît ? Alors abonne toi ! Version : 1.16.5 Graine : -8157299575343332572 Mods : – Security Craft – Apple Tree – Attained Drops – Better Dungeons – Biomes O Plenty – Blocklings – Botania – Computer… Read More

  • ✨EPIC 100 Day Minecraft Survival Challenge 2024✨

    ✨EPIC 100 Day Minecraft Survival Challenge 2024✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days Survival 2024 / new,minecraft,100,days,survival,2024’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / minecraft on 2024-01-14 08:00:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days 2024 / Minecraft / 100 Days / 2024 #minecraft #minecraft100days … Read More

  • Pero boyzz shock viewers with ultra-realistic Minecraft mod

    Pero boyzz shock viewers with ultra-realistic Minecraft modVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic graphics mod😱#shorts #Minecraft’, was uploaded by Pero boyzz on 2024-01-07 07:30:02. It has garnered 2544 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. in the video I tried Minecraft Android version realistic graphics texture pack and all Minecraft graphics minecraft mod I tried to fly in sky with the help of TNT #minecraft but#insane minecraft graphics#realistic minecraft#minecraft rtx# Minecraft realistic graphics #minecraft rtx gameplay#I try Minecraft realistic graphics Read More

  • NEW OPBoyNeverDiE Glitch with Insane Saste Nashe 💥😲

    NEW OPBoyNeverDiE Glitch with Insane Saste Nashe 💥😲Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Glitch Ft. Saste Nashe 🫡😂’, was uploaded by OpBoyNeverDiE on 2024-06-12 11:13:46. It has garnered 1496 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Subscribe!❤️ Tags:- #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits #pubg #pubggameplay #pubgfail #pubgplayers #pubgmusic #pubgedits #pubgmemez #pubgmoments #pubggame #pubgchickendinner #pubglover #pubgxbox #pubgm #pubgvideos #pubgmobile #pubglovers #epicpubgmemes #pubgt #pubglover #pubgwtf #pubgtv #pubghighlights… Read More


    🐻 EPIC UNDERWATER AMBIENCE in Minecraft 🌊Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Relaxing Sounds | Underwater Ambience’, was uploaded by Bear on 2024-06-17 15:50:15. It has garnered 113 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:00 or 10800 seconds. hi welcome to my channel! if you’re like me, missing the old days playing Minecraft for hours and at peace, then this video is for you. please leave a like and subscribe! be sure to check out my recent videos (including other games/series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNKP2tMQVqI&t=6601s – (for those that enjoy the witchery mod by Emoniph) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0LpuOiVIfk&t=2728s – (city planning) Providing calm sleeping sounds, good study… Read More

  • “Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Trials” – Akira Lux

    "Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Trials" - Akira LuxVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 I Yearn for the Trials’, was uploaded by Akira Lux on 2024-06-03 10:54:58. It has garnered 29 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:06 or 11286 seconds. #vtuber #minecraft #streamer Rules: 1. Keep topic on stream 2. No politics or religion 3. Know your words are read not just by the streamer but also other viewers so please respect others and their boundaries 4. No mention of other VTubers or streamers unless I mention them first 5. No backseating unless requested 6. No story spoilers if I have not played… Read More

  • Unbelievable Seaba Phantom Soakin’ in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Seaba Phantom Soakin' in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Just Soakin it up 🙂 Minecraft’, was uploaded by seaba phantom on 2024-06-25 10:15:01. It has garnered 415 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Just me myself and I building a hot tub in minecraft and soakin it up Today I wanted to show you what I have started as my house. I also thought we should add a nice water feature in the center, how about a nice waterfall and hot tub feature. Stay tuned for more content as we slowly build our world and check… Read More

  • Introducing the Ultimate Corrosion Client: Aspw 2022

    Introducing the Ultimate Corrosion Client: Aspw 2022Video Information This video, titled ‘corrosion client 2022 edition’, was uploaded by Aspw on 2024-04-08 13:31:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join Discord! https://discord.gg/SGBccUXFKZ OPEN FOR MORE! I’m a Minecraft video creator Subscribe me and leave a like and … Read More

  • Ultrakill Network

    Ultrakill NetworkBine ai venit la Ultrakill Network – Unde Minecraft devine cu adevărat extraordinar! Ești plictisit de aceleași servere obișnuite, create în grabă? Vino să experimentezi ceva cu adevărat special! Cu o incredibil de generoasă capacitate de 90 GB RAM, ne propunem să-ți oferim o experiență unică cu cel mai mic ping posibil. Suntem gata să te impresionăm cu cele mai epice aventuri în Minecraft, susținute de un anticheat puternic dezvoltat de experți în domeniu. (Intave) La Ultrakill Network, suntem dedicați satisfacerii preferințelor tale. Tu alegi ce vrei să joci! În fiecare săptămână, ne bucurăm să-ți prezentăm “Minigame of the Week,”… Read More

  • Silvermoon – Modded Semi-vanilla 1.20.1 English

    Silvermoon Modded Fabric Server Silvermoon is a small modded fabric server focused on maintaining a vanilla-friendly experience. Currently hosting 2-3 players, aiming to grow a community of 5-10 players. Version Information: Version 1.20.1 with Fabric Loader 0.15.7. To download mods and join our community, please join our discord: https://discord.gg/2eeKAB6RtU Notable Mods: Fabric seasons: Trees change color and terrain transforms throughout the Minecraft year. Terralith, Amplified Nether, Better End: Terrain generation mods for different dimensions. Xaero’s Minimap + World Map New Structures: Friends & Foes, Better Village, Formations Nether, Hearts, Simply Houses. New Mobs & Bosses: AdventureZ, Graveyard. End Remastered: Unique… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – SMP stability is lit!

    Minecraft Memes - SMP stability is lit!That’s more stability than a creeper trying to navigate a maze! Read More

  • Ngáo & Kemy: Capcut Crew Takes TikTok by Storm

    Ngáo & Kemy: Capcut Crew Takes TikTok by Storm Welcome to the world of Minecraft news, Where updates and features are never old news. From new mobs to blocks, and everything in between, I’ll keep you informed with a rhyming scene. So grab your pickaxe and join the fun, As we explore the world under the sun. With each new update, we’ll dig and we’ll mine, Uncovering secrets that are truly divine. From caves to mountains, and oceans so deep, There’s always a new adventure to keep. So stay tuned for more, as we journey through, The world of Minecraft, with rhymes that are true. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmeme #memes #creepertherapy Read More

  • Minecraft’s Siren Head: The Ultimate Listener

    Minecraft's Siren Head: The Ultimate Listener The Terrifying Legend of Siren Head in Minecraft Deep within the vast world of Minecraft lies a chilling legend that has captured the imagination of players around the globe – the myth of Siren Head. This eerie creature, with its towering height and sirens for a head, is said to roam the darkest corners of the game, waiting to strike fear into the hearts of unsuspecting adventurers. Unraveling the Mystery of Siren Head As players delve deeper into the world of Minecraft, they may stumble upon clues that hint at the presence of Siren Head. Its haunting sirens can… Read More

  • Mikey Morphs into WEREWOLF to Attack JJ in Minecraft!

    Mikey Morphs into WEREWOLF to Attack JJ in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why Mikey Morph into WEREWOLF and Attack JJ in Minecraft? – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey Plotcraft on 2024-04-30 13:00:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This is a fanmade video about the interesting and funny story of JJ and Mikey. This video is an unofficial work and is neither … Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Clyde vs ENTITY 303 in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Showdown: Clyde vs ENTITY 303 in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Security House vs ENTITY 303 in Minecraft! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by Clyde Charge on 2024-06-18 10:05:01. It has garnered 17643 views and 715 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:18 or 738 seconds. Aphmau, Maizen, Nico and Cash Parody! Cash Tagalog Clyde Security House ENTITY 303.exe Pepesan TV, OlipTV, Ar ar Playz, HabitatPH Let us Also Support OMOFAM💖 pepesan habitat olip astrea micole shane azen tankdemic esoni ararplayz mizumi shannel vic jeyjey kimmie jungkurt moira _____________________________________________ Follow me on: FACEBOOK PAGE (Let’s Reach 1,000 Followers) : https://www.facebook.com/ClydeCharge/ TICKETS: https://www.tiktok.com/@clydecharge INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/clyde_charge _____________________________________________ Possible Tags:… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pe Starter House [Bangla]

    Insane Minecraft Pe Starter House [Bangla]Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft Pe || I make my Starter House [ বাংলা ]’, was uploaded by GopiCrafts on 2024-01-16 17:05:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Let’s Play Minecraft Pe || I make my Starter House [ বাংলা ] Minecraft Survival Series । let’s Start a new journey – Bangla … Read More


    EPIC GREEN BED GLITCH IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘Green Bed In Minecraft’, was uploaded by KROOTX on 2024-06-21 14:00:13. It has garnered 8273 views and 196 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Green Bed In Minecraft ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Hello everyone, this is a new Minecraft channel, support me by subscribing and like, thanks in advance. My TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSesbb7wn/ ___________________________________ My shaders: Complementary Shaders ___________________________________ ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ #minecraft#minecraft#minecraftbuildings#tiktokminecraft#minecraftindonesia Read More