Mind-Blowing Minecraft Madness – You Won’t Believe Your Eyes!🔥

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pretty much and then I got to wait until my stream fully loads on YouTube so I can actually see it okay I should be live focus on something all right what you say the PO should be it’s Frosted Flakes good here we go there we go all right so oh oh shoot I forgot [ __ ] so sorry hey what else is hitting me him I didn’t do that anyways I you start with the basics we need to mine for some wood right give me that wood see you’re learning I’m I’m so going to die a lot just FYI we all probably will no you don’t understand yall probably going to have to carry because I suck well we died way more times than You’ like it yeah okay so you have to open your crafting menu with square you should see it and then you should see a menu on your left to show anything you can craft do you see one that says Oak planks oh oh yeah you have to make those so just press um x a couple times andr ulations you just made Oak planks okay now I’m going to oops now I’m going to make us a crafting table so we can I’m going to make us a crafting table so we can make more stuff I’m being Hump by a cow I Mo I made a crafting table so now I’m going to make us all well except for Caleb make us all a I’m going to make two pickaxes because I can’t afford another one sorry Caleb a pickaxe oh I’m going to make this both a sword there you go all right now your task with that sword kill that dang cow we need food [Music] oh that poor cow yeah uh we need more food okay there’s sheep over here we need sheep for beds and we’re going to need to kill nine at least nine sheep cuz we’re going to need three beds chickens you can kill the adult chickens but the baby chickens don’t drop nothing so don’t waste any of your sword fatigue thing you’re lucky baby chicken I mean you still can but oh cow cow I got it yay plant a flower we we can use these to make um our beds like pink or something oh a pink bed yeah try and grab some more uh I don’t I’m using the chicken to um mine this I hope you don’t mind dirting your chicken it’s okay how about this me and kale well I’ll look for food Caleb will get stone yeah I’ll give you an axe so you can chop easier here you go it should be in in your inventory oh my goodness I got a seed too [Music] all right thank you and just for reference look at me real quick we’re going to be in that direction a you should just you should just be able to see K okay I’m being a good boy yes [Music] chicken uh what is that a brown [Music] wolf hey since with a different colored wool oh and the new up they added more wol yeah it’s a 15 anniversary I think it said on that little startup thing uh having some dirt and cover that there’s a hole that leads like straight down to the bottom of the of the there’s a there’s a cave that goes really deep down and it’s just like a straight drop so I’m going to cover it yeah because I can see myself falling through that hole nor my L I’ll just fall right through it please all my progress oh it’s it’s getting dark we might just have to camp in a tree until daytime cuz we have for us all to join C in the tree I see a cow wait how do we wait so just build just a random brick thing yeah you can just build up into a tree that’s what we always do whenever it gets night time and we don’t have beds yet damn I got dark fast did I just hear a cat probably okay do you have any coal I have over two stacks you said you have over two stacks yeah oh crap uh yeah time to go in a tree guys there’s a creeper and two zombies uh no no your house no I’m so sorry I couldn’t get away my poor house sorry I’ll fix it maybe I’ll try there only a couple pieces and some dirt someone just be me a big square and I’ll just sleep in it I mean that’s basically all the kinds of houses me and K can build so big square is perfectly fine okay this is a nice house house I’m building K can you make a furnace and give me the coal you could have placed it but okay well you wanted me to give it to you I said coal okay I trapped myself in the Box man if only I had a life I mean light not life I mean I can relate wait I can make you a light I think it’s called sticks and uh where’s the lights I don’t know well you get away from my house whatever your skeleton creeper dang I’m sorry nice house ah thank you there’s there’s some light oh my gosh you’re rich how I still don’t understand how you made that light you said stick sticks in some coal how on Earth did he get some coal that fast there was some in this um Stone right here oh so how long until it gets light uh a little while well [ __ ] me I’m just going to be in my very small house uh just laying on a code Ground mobile surpris that still ain’t dead yet also got a piece of iron from one of those zombies that blew up your house stupid zombie wait did I say zombies uh that’s what you said yeah I meant creeper zombies don’t explode Stupid Creeper I think they’re behind my house I hear noises hey stop that making weird noises oh game hello you scared me but thank you I don’t need to eat yet a peaceful music in the background wait I am I going to get a claim because Minecraft music I mean it doesn’t matter I can still stream this I ain’t going to get a strike or anything but I’m just curious I think some Minecraft music is copyrighted but most of it shouldn’t be I mean hell it’s in a game that Microsoft knows billion or not billions but millions of people make videos in stream so I feel like it’ be copyright of music in it right so creeper ain’t going to BU you if you stay in this little brick area I mean mini house shouldn’t unless it’s a skeleton or something if a skeleton coming I’m blocking myself in oh those hiy mini chicken how are [Music] you his name is Tim Tim the chicken yep awesome [Music] okay it kind of sucks we’re not near a beach so we sand to make glass there’s sand right there oh oh my God this creeper what where oh my God I’m in the water get out keep it away from my house you oh we’re professionals absolutely [Music] the sun is com get away from me Caleb I mean Co how am I get hit there’s a skeleton [Music] ah daylight oh my God it’s drone okay I’ll go out and look for more food and more sheep I’m going to take my flame going to get rid of my house there’s a creeper in the pool I mean ocean that’s a lot of coal okay we need to try and look for uh oh SK look for what there’s a skeleton where how did I just get hit what are we going to do if we accidentally die I mean where we spawn do we spawn in the same spot or a different area unless we whenever we get a bed if we sleep in the bed then we’ll then we respawn there but if we don’t like have a bed then we respawn spawn point [Music] oh give me some wood there are no sheep oh sand you want me to collect some sand that that would actually be helpful so if you don’t mind thank you you’re welcome it’s weird seeing different colored dogs if I hit it will still be mad at me is a dog Kayla it’s a dog well all dogs in this game get mad at you if you do stuff to them I mean I think do something to them going to get mad at you I made a chest good for you I got 21 sand so far great oh come on Water I need a freaking sheep damn I need food you need food uhoh eat five Hearts I have eight just drop Stakes I’m coming back Caleb there aren’t sheeps anywhere I only have three pieces of wool oh you stupid skeleton there another skeleton yeah it was staring at me but it didn’t shoot oh the there’s a skeleton yeah I see it hello James money how are you okay I’m going to put I’m going to put the sand in the inventory thing thany thank you you’re welcome you want me to kill sheep yes please yeah so I see an Atlantic or an underwater things are called I I forget what they’re called hello princess Undertaker how are you you I just want everyone to know that’s just now joined my stream that I’m not going to have have anybody join mainly because again I’m learning how to do Minecraft because Cory Caleb is teaching me oh my God two would just trying this out so yeah don’t ignore it I’m about to send you a message I’m just writing down coordinates for something I see a bunch of iron I want to out tomorrow look at that message and be like why are you sending me Caleb you dead I was swimming in water and a drown shot a spear at me you died before Donnie well there was a drowned and he he shot his spear me there nothing I could do you could have you just avoid it you can’t avoid it if you don’t if you don’t see [Applause] it any we have we have a horrible spawn there’s like there’s just Stone what did I hey collec an apple woohoo I need [Music] sheep where did you die to be honest princess I never done Survivor either I’m doing Survivor just because Caleb and Cory is and they know what they’re doing and I do not D we know what we’re doing is a little bit of a stretch you guys did get the platinum trophy on playing Minecraft correct well yeah but like we had to use stuff Al you want a yellow bed want a yellow what you want a yellow bed sure okay I get the red one you get the yellow one cor you get the pink one what I just jumped I just jumped into a pool of drowned zombies I just hear it I just hear that ah that was funny I found a sunken shipwreck oh [ __ ] no no this one with the spear one with the spear there one with a spear there’s one with a spear there’s one with a spear please leave me alone give me that fish creative mode is um pretty fun it does get boring though in a way like I do like catting things don’t get me wrong but I just got a trophy you did I did oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God don’t do this to [Music] me why am I here oh thank you Dolphins what is this oh it’s one of these things okay so where is my bed oh we don’t have one yet I just found yellow flowers to make a yellow ped oh okay we got such a terrible spawn there’s no mobs anywhere we’re specifically sheep I know it’s coal though skipp skipp I have a fishing rod with Unbreaking one on it I got it from a thing we’re finding bunch of chicken chickens cows and pigs and not sheep like the one thing you really need this is the worst yay this is like the worst spawn we’ve ever gotten I’m just I went to another Island and I just see two other islands and they’re both just completely made of stone and like nothing spawns on Stone we need grass oh I see a mountain like a Snowy Mountain see him just kick people out of the oh sheep we we’re moving in two sheep two sheep two sheep two sheep two sheep but one of them’s gr damn it that do matter oh you just diet oh my gosh that’s huh that’s a big ass drop damn what the hell did you find do you talking about me yeah I see you on your stream that looks cool I’m going uncomfortably far away from Spawn uh tell you the truth I don’t know how to get back if if I need to oh yeah that’s that’s the those coordinates I marked down there was a bunch of iron in it and I just found some iron right now I found a giant cave and for now I say you just stay near to spawn just so we don’t lose it I mean me and Caleb know how to follow coordinates but just be safe on Ravine I’m s keep it tree it’s getting dark again oh [ __ ] me Jerry Dude Where’s the Sheep I’m in a giant grassy area uh uh this like the hardest you I’ve ever had to search for a sheep uhoh I don’t have any food either [Music] how I don’t trust myself I’m going back to the spawn uh well here’s the where’s the spawn I I don’t really know exactly where it is I just know the rough Direction so I’m just going to go that way and just try to find it all right I’m just going to build a house at the moment all right don’t want to lose my stuff Oh my Jesus Christ screw that I’m building up a bigger house in shovel all right well I’ll be sitting in this tree for a couple minutes more like 20 minutes cuz I’m not close to the spawn I’m not either actually I think you are near it at least Donnie I found that like giant like Cave thing that that you were looking at woo oh I see you Donnie hi I see you see your name tag I see you too yay how she all right so I have five wool Donnie has one I have one need two more hi like my house yeah roomy ain’t it we will have to at some point we all need to leave this area because we got a horrible spawn this is honestly probably the worst spawn there’s a witch right next to me a witch I need to cover myself completely um at some point once we get enough stuff we need to like all together go in the same direction because we have one of the worst spawns I’ve ever seen so we need to try and find a better place down spawn I Mar in the chat actually put the coordinates but then say like what they are okay then explode it disappeared oh [ __ ] me my this Creeper Creeper there a creeper a skeleton and a zombie there’s legit a Minecraft team on messenger there’s a Minecraft thing is that what you said yeah there’s like you know how you can like change the themes of group chats M there’s a Minecraft theme oh that’s cool I got a puzzle waiting for you wa I can make an orange bed I see a I see a creeper wait so I can make an orange bed or red bed and a yellow bed let’s go I well I want blue but I don’t think there’s any blue flowers over here I saw a flower Forest thanks you want this wool welcome oh wait I can’t take it wait here I have a bone I’m a good Bo oh I got to get rid of this thing my bow thank you where all my I go oh well I’ll just find more yeah oh gosh is that the Moon oh you gave me steak oh thank you I was confused I heard that click and I was like huh lollipop shut up lollipop lollipop lolli lolli lollipop lollipop lollipop lolli lolli lollipop lollipop lpop lli lolli lollipop shut it I’m trying to sing lollipop lollipop lolly lolly lollipop H you sp me and around [Music] that made me dizzy I like your headphones welcome I like your hair thank you wow what are you listening to I’m getting Bor can the stupid sun come out I’ve been in this tree for like 2 days George watch out for that tree George Tony you need to get your mom to play Minecraft one day um I don’t I don’t see her playing Minecraft but did she I I bet she’s a candy crush candy crush Pro I don’t think she plays Candy Crush more like um I hear sheep I got a stick I got two more pieces of wool let’s go I now have a total of seven um so that means we have enough I got seeds yay whenever we or whenever you get here give me all the wool whatever I have all the stuff for the die whatever oh they like I got more sheep I’m beating everything with a stick I mean work Jesus CHR I got a stick I got di supposedly I got I got stuff I’m seeing so many sheep now what the heck hey free w baby dude I’ve seen like five sheep in the last minute I also found a sheep oh hello sheep you’re finding them too damn yep I also see a spider dude dude e orange juice yeah orange juice freak by the time I get done mining my house it’s be dark time already [Music] [ __ ] okay why am I walking slow whenever we do end up leaving this area we we’re going to have to go over an ice yeah an a snow mountain right because in every other direction it’s just water I got all three orange pieces of wool [Music] ow that hurt what the hell damn that sheep jumped High I mean sheep cow my bad is there a specific area you want me to go too uh oh honestly you can probably just stay around the spawn just so a you don’t lose it and two for one you don’t lose it and two you can get more like food and even more wood so at the spawn I put a chest down that’s going to be for stuff that we don’t need whenever we leave this area what did I just picked up rotten flash chicken I see a name tag ooo it might be Cory I don’t see you I think it’s I think it’s you matter of fact y ah yeah is you oh I see you um there cor we’re all here where’s that chest give me the wool do I have wol wait is that wool no that’s sand wait what did I pick up it was a feather that’s the spawn woo you kidding me someone pick that chicken up please here Donnie here you go thank you oh my gosh excuse me so how do I make a bed um yeah crafting table and yeah and you see you can press L1 and R1 you can like tab through four different things do you see one that has a bed icon yes you should see a yellow I got it sweet there’s no reason to really place our spawn point here yet cuz we’re and honestly we just need to cook all of our food and then uh y want a raw chicken sure thank you also put anything we don’t need in that chest uh that chest yeah what don’t y’all need uh uh it’s just stuff that we don’t need so that we can have a lighter loow for whenever we leave okay seeed I’ll put in there I’ll put in an app oh that’s a furnace wa so I have almost a stack coal I have a bunch of food wait Caleb uh okay Don do you have your bed on you in your in your hot bar yeah okay so whenever it just gets night time just place it down and go to bed it doesn’t matter where we all are we just all have to sleep and then it’ll go back to daytime okay if you want you can stay here cuz I’m going to go to that water what so I don’t have to build a house I can just sweep sweep in sleep in my bed yeah you don’t have to build anything we will just not until we leave um okay I I’m going to leave this I’m going to leave this food cooking and kale let’s go to that cave and get um iron what is a raw mutton uh meat that comes from a sheep oh all right if you don’t mind try and keep an eye on the food and uh oh okay all right thank you we’ll be right back remember whenever you need to just put the bed down go to sleep whoa should we bring a crafting table or do you have one I have one I have over I have over two stacks of sticks and over two stacks of cobblestone all right there’s a Wandering Trader wa we need to we should probably get the leads I know we don’t need them but that’ll be helpful I got him all right Don place your bed it just keep pressing it there we go there we go now it’s back to daytime that’s [Music] awesome oh my gosh thank goodness for some coal all righty the cooked beef is ready let me put it in wait that’s pref do I put it in the chest we can’t talk give her a second oh [Music] okay your Prime belongs to me you can keep it in your inventory okay [Music] is all [Music] [Music] Happy Llama ow Sad Llama mentally Disturbed L I’m catching on killer challenges for a bit it may stream later hell yeah bud did you download Minecraft huh R you just download Minecraft oh I agree he sh sorry about that clearing up my [Music] throat oh I can move the mouse I can move the little thingies in the uh metal of my controller I did not know that I didn’t know that e found lapis your lapus found lapis enchanting yeah fun fact lapis is as rare as Diamond so I have no idea why the hell you found it so close to the surface okay I did not know what lap this is until you just said it it’s basically just you you need to enchant damn Dam inde yummy chicken could use a little seasoning ah water is that jelly fish probably jellyfish are in this game wait no they aren’t I’m stupid I was thinking of an axel so far I have 37 iron I’ve got 27 how L is so much zombies get down here there’s three the spawn for zombies in this game is super weird Spa P sorry no you good are you riding a l yeah well at least you’re having fun there’s a creeper oh man I don’t think Donnie gets it that joke I didn’t because I was riding a llama and I had no idea what you said I said there was a creeper said oh man do you get it yeah I [Music] it am I is this a diamond I think that’s copper don’t know what that does copper is the most useless thing in the whole game you can’t like you can only craft like copper blocks and copper blocks do absolutely [Music] nothing I think I’m done in that cave I’m not I see like three things of iron I didn’t see any never mind I see four I didn’t see any come to me if you can [Music] Caleb I told you get in there there’s a be careful when you come in oh my God I see so much iron okay there’s some over there and there’s some there’s two things on the ceiling and there’s one all the way over there how you see that much there’s some torches get up here there’s gold down there hi Tim and more lapis how you doing Tim Tim is staring at me he did damn found three things a la this here C why are you staring oh okay where you going Tim Tim ah Tim went swimming with the fishes uh is Tim a fish uh apparent he’s a a fish chicken fish fish chicken fish there’s there’s a lot of stuff down here I see more lapis when you say stuff do you mean like valuables or mobs well don’t go out don’t go down there by yourself yeah don’t go there don’t go don’t go down there by yourself man is it getting dark by the way I we’re in a cave so we can’t tell what time it is is it getting dark I still see sunlight but it’s getting DM a little bit all right dumb question is this your f one of your first times actually like playing survival like for real yeah because whenever I I try the actual Survivor thing I have no clue what I was doing how to craft things and now since y’all did this crafting table and made all that I know how to craft a little bit kind of sweet kind of I I ain’t [Music] I have 56 iron and there’s still a lot more down here there 49 my inventory is full though also I saw more iron but there was a skeleton slly going down okay let us know whenever like the sky starts turning an orangish color thanky going doing like a minute [Music] we should just go ahead and leave I I have 60 pieces of it and you have what like 62 have 49 oh well up there yeah I saw a skeleton in a spider up here but I also saw a little bit of I think more right here get n yeah all right [Music] yeah there’s a skeleton behind you all right we got to [Music] sleep yeah we’re not ready to go into this cave yet hold on Donnie my bet it’s too far away what there’s monsters here all right have to move I went to bed you oh my God the more I keep looking the more iron I’m just seeing and I have over a stack this is a great cave cuz we found even more stuff [Music] Lama you just love that water don’t you he’s splashing having a good time my God there’s more and there’s some gold I think we need an IR there’s diamonds what how we need to give you’re getting there wit there’s a witch there’s a witch there’s a witch there’s a witch down there where do you see Diamonds oh I see it hold [Music] on we might have to try and okay um I only have four coal on me do you have any more 60 all right right now let’s let’s you you put it over like two two iron I know we need to make one of these sorry we’re taking forever you’re good I’m just saying hi to the Llama the chicken the cow llama is staring at me you creeper why you talking me oh I see someone water what is that oh I found an egg I think here keep that in inventory you might be able to make a cake Oo we need some sugar cane and some flour there’s a zombie and a Creeper down there oh my gosh you you pig oh you got a baby pig can I ask wait never mind did you just shake your head no at me get down chicken don’t stand on that just in case we’re going to be down here for quite a while so I’m sorry okay okay we’re going to sit down here and wait for some iron to smelt so we can make armor we’re going to be going down deeper and I guess we’re going to find some diamonds or try to at least this is going to take forever we don’t need all of it we just need enough to get that diamond and that gold we should just get out I did not mean to make a leather oh my God damn it to make this yeah let’s not wait for all of it to smell just let a little bit of it smell this is going to take too long okay if you want this here since we’re going deeper here you might need that all right we should be we should be good now oh I need a book hi Lama for water Hello Kitty how are you all right uh I’ll carry the crafting table you take I’ll carry the the furnace and the crafting table you take those okay what you telling Caleb that oh yeah it was sry oh okay that’s okay there only one diamond creeper we’ll get the gold when we’re coming back up by the way Kitty I’m at the spawn um part Caleb and Cory is um getting the I don’t I guess the necessary stuff we need oh there’s more gold we need to be careful as hell there no skeletons the only thing I have is son axes grab water I would if it would let me there you go gold our is really boring for you we’re trying to get as much as we can you’re good more gold yeah have an extra iron pickaxe no but I have three iron I need sticks ow why I can’t do that that hurts my tongue yeah your bacon belongs to me what is this well that’s out of context I got stick yay Jesus Christ oh where where where are you’re a skeleton oh it’s right there I think I hear a dog barking you too lapis oh my God I almost look that [Music] Enderman wow I randomly got some wool and some ra diamond diamond diamond diamond diamond diamond diamond W I’ll get the skeleton going to Jesus Christ there’s so many spiders need Redstone but that’s gold Cen behind you damn I can’t carry the gold I [Music] can how the the hell it’s a [Music] creeper it’s another [Music] skeleton I can carry the [Music] gold I get night time cu night time God night time okay where should it go then we got enough hold on I’m just real quickly wait uh just playing with Caleb and koi [Music] yep I know what they’re doing I’m just I’m just playing it my [Music] ear ow H I’m about to die no I can’t reach it dying is illegal I knower oh my God I’m putting my bed [Music] down I’m at two hearts I have no food no I can’t where I’m at two hearts I dropped my bed creeper BW unfortunately Kitty I’m not letting anyone join it’s just me um Caleb and Cory that is um playing oh my God I can’t get up there and help I have food but I can’t get up here there a skeleton so you’re fine no I can’t get in here cuz there’s a stupid skeleton just sitting up here killing me oh crap I have rten FLH killed it I killed it there’s two end wait so is your bed gone no it I place it down and set the spawn point just in case I die but a creeper blew it up this thing I don’t know if it’s still there I couldn’t pick it up there’s two many mobs we have enough wool I have five wool I can just make another bed go go go go oh my God I don’t know where you are I’m at the entrance of the cave I see you I see you uh just put your crafting table down and I’ll make a new bed [Music] here we I say we just go uh which way though up I guess oh my God I I see Diamonds oh my God oh my gosh y’all he seing diamonds no that’s not what I’m saying that I right clicked my controller to pull up my shield to stop a creeper from blowing up but it wasn’t doing it so I got blown up by it but I was in water so it softened all the damage I didn’t die I that sure that s but at least ain’t me [Music] there more gold in lapis over here so might as well get it man I can swim fast [Music] we got enough sleep I don’t think it’s worth the [Music] [Applause] risk the problem is which way is up what did you just say which way is up no like I mean like towards where we came in really matters diamonds I have the coordinates in that case should we just dig straight [Applause] up I just don’t really have like any blocks to do it I have a stack of cobblestone you give me some thanks oh my God oh my God okay we no we have to go we have to do somewhere else with skeletons shooting at us I’m going up [Music] okay we’re coming back slowly [Music] ow the wolf is eating the [Music] Sheep I just found some gold on the way up here so I might as well take [Music] it yummy food woo oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m suffocating I’m beating a tree with my maybe I that sounds wrong I fell I got a stick I got some wool me thank you [Music] wolf Jimmy I need your meat thank you Jimmy I keep getting caught and gravel [Music] [Music] okay then why do the H why the hell do you keep getting cotton gravel I haven’t gotten coton any [Music] yet oh an apple another stick like 30 blocks from the top [Music] [Music] [Music] I lost my red bed I’m upset about it you still have some die rip k b I placed it down there in a cave cuz there were so many monsters so so in case I died I’d respawn there but a creeper blew it up well oh that’s convenient look right next to it in that case spawn just over here [Music] how many diamonds do you have kill three I also have three oh D I don’t know where you’re at but we’re oh wait there you are never mind huh wait D I see an apple in the tree hi hi that was uh that was fun down here an apple oh my gosh I got a stick an apple and a stick I have a stack of lapis that was so unbelievably stressful oops oh there you go there you have more lapis I don’t want I don’t want to do that again do you have any food uh uh I have a little bit thank you uh we’re going to need to craft quite a bit of furnaces I I got wait how many like two maybe even another one it’s getting dark again I put whatever coal you have and put it in the furnace it [Music] raining it’s still raining oh the rain damn it I have 60 well we why don’t you just put more in it well I was trying but you kept putting some in it I’m going to make some more furnaces so we can actually cook food I need four I don’t need four but whatever we have a lot of furnaces okay we put more coal in in these give me your B thank you hello doggy nothing even in this one we made another one wait what are we smelting oh wait never sorry doggy I killed the chicken two llamas wait is that another Apple it is God you’re good at collecting apples yes I’m going to make you a shield do you have any wood do I ever can I please have some wood um here oh K got it never mind thank you no problem all right I’ve made you a shield so the way this works you have put it in your off you’re to put this in your off hand in your inventory now the way it works if you want to block just Crouch so say you’re getting attacked by a mob oh oops sorry and so you just put it in your off hand it should be like a little Shield icon oh huh oh [ __ ] sensitive come on there you go all now you see once you crouch it puts in front of you but you can still hit and just you you can block creeper explosions with it obviously it has durability I probably can block you from hitting me yeah you could here let’s try it you just knock me back into the water get get so yeah that knocks us back into the water for some reason I got a bed on one hand and a sh another nothing can stop me now woo okay I’m going to make I’m going to make you some iron things need more sticks sticks and stones my break bones I just made some it’s fine all right Mr Donnie come here here is an iron sword and an iron pickaxe I’m going to start making us some armor all right Donnie here you go I just collected your pants and your thingy I collected your thingy again oh I think your inventory is full you might have to make room there you go you should have a helmet in there too in your inventory okay okay let me you also have your pants in your inventory that sounds weird but bone I don’t need uh I see if couple mountains all the way over there [Music] there you go now you just need your pants come on you’re big boy you can put your pants on Mom there you go you did it I got a trophy Iron Man I’m Iron Man yay put your um your iron sword and your iron pickaxe and your hot bar cuz the wooden one suck okay that and then come on and then I got sword oh yeah there put your pants on Mister okay you put your pants in the chest H Nico how are you that’s a big boy boy ke are you diamonds in your inventory for now put them in your chest in the chest [Music] [Music] don’t you have a MC on PC Minecraft on PC I don’t have I don’t have it on my PC I mean I can get it on my PC but I don’t it’s so much easier on Console yeah that’s that’s like the biggest thing about console that whenever people argue PC over console like console you just have to turn it on and you’re good but PC you have to configure everything get sometimes things may not work that’s the reason why I think consoles are [Music] better you know what I rather stick with easy than hard so I agree with [Music] [Music] you cont is much relaxing because you play on a couch I like playing on PC though with PC you can just like connect it to the TV and use controller but the console you just take the controller sit on the couch or your bed and you can just play sitting there or with the PC most the time you have to sit in a chair at a desk tell you a secret I’m in my bed and it feels nice to just lay down we’re both on at our desks [Music] but cuz we don’t have much roomy [Music] [Music] oh sorry I’m trying to I’m sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I I didn’t mean to it didn’t look like I was hitting I’m I’m trying to block you Caleb he’s picking up oh well I was picking on you with my pickaxe ah see he’s picking at me uh oh I think it getting dark yeah that’s weird like whenever you look away it doesn’t look does look like at this I have four why do I have these I don’t know can I not go to bed you can only sleep at night and during thunderstorms ain’t it night time though oh getting there according to the game not technically yet all right now I’m going to be sleep through the this night yes ah once this iron smells we should all we should get everything we need from this chest and then just get going wait I got a furnace do you want to do I give you the furnace what yeah sure it it’ll waste space in your inventory so thank you you’re welcome I don’t know what stuff we need to take and what stuff we should leave well like seeds and all that stuff yeah we can leave all the flowers we guess we can leave or not technically with a season G we make it with oh never mind wa wait can’t you use seeds to make bread or wheat well you use them to grow wheat but what I me we can just get we can just get that whenever we find a good place all right give me give us a minute I’m going to try we need to figure out what things we’re leaving and what things we’re taking so we’re taking the diamonds of course okay do you still have those torches on you put them in the chest oh never mind 12 says Fox flights are not good they are though yeah they’re they’re great but I’ll take the lapis and the leads um do I need anything for you uh if you don’t mind could you carry these Oak saplings and bird saplings they’re both in like the top left corner sure thanks I’m also going to carry some flowers cuz whenever we find a place make a house we can like settle down there with flowers and put them around I’m also going to name brones and Bones in case we find a dog okay so and I’ll bring this extra bed just in case we need another one we got a bunch of food we got the diamonds I don’t think we’re going to need any more dye we’ll bring it I guess red pink D I’ll take the mushrooms cuz we can make stuff with it wow okay how much Cobblestone do you have almost two stacks can I have one about one one of the stack we’re going to need some blocks I have I have 42 and 64 Cobblestone 64 Oak planks 28 BS planks two sand and 30 [Music] dirt can I just have a stack of [Music] cobblestone thanks got to do exercise get get started on our squats yep oh also who knows how long we’ll be walking yeah sponges is not adti appetizing will bring the rotten flesh in case we need it for food um you can eat the rotten flash yeah you can and it will regenerate your health but it will make you more hungry so it’s kind of a good and a bad thing to carry but we have AIT quite a bit of it so I’ll just take it I’ll take the leather and I think that’s all we need it’s raining outside that would be really nice right now wait k you said you have a bunch of sticks on on you right two stacks can you carry these I got six sticks shouldn’t we take one of the to ins side of the chest I guess what why we do okay we’re just going to take one of these chests we can’t take the other one cuz there’s stuff in great great job Caleb you genius I did thought didn’t think it’d break the one with all the stuff in it well I got one of them well whatever I might as well try and take one of the other one I got it I got the other one here all right we’re ready to go are we going that way or that way uh D which way do you want to go do you want to go this way or that way it doesn’t matter which way uh if we go this way we need to C boats but that’s okay how do we C going this way going this way would be faster we’ll just go we’ll just go across the ocean if that’s okay I’ll craft this boat you just need Oak planks and sticks to craft a [Music] boat I don’t I don’t have any sticks oh wait yeah I do I can give you six sticks it’s fine I got us two boats so D you’re going to have to get in the back of the boat with one of us okay well do you want do you want to Ste the boat huh do you want us to do the boat I don’t mind getting in the back of one of y’all I I just I never Ed the boat on here so I don’t know how it works just put it down click it I think L2 take I see a dolphin dolphins make you swim really fast in this game I think yeah do let’s go for quite a while cuz I want to get away from this area is a spruce Pome [Music] going on a I I see a Pillager Outpost and uh as much as I want to we probably shouldn’t go to it cuz if we go to it and go in it we’re going to get the bad Omen on us and then if we go into a village it’s going to start a raid which we literally cannot do right now oh we don’t have near enough stuff we we will die a lot D if you press up on the d-pad you can change your camera angle oh give me just a second stop real quick there’s a Temple little small little Temple thing right here there’s normally chests in them never mind I’m a liar Cory a liar I’m looking go go I was like getting sucked into a block and it wouldn’t let me go up oh all can good also I got some prismarine crystals if that even matters there’s thundering outside let’s go lucky my thunder come your way hopefully and rain we go check the weather make sure it’s just thunder and lightning I wish it was tund toing of lightning outside that would be really nice tomato 6 a.m wait hold I need to stop real quick okay turned to the right on this island we need to sleep D stop snoring I’m get the sugarcane real quick sugar cane woo we got some sugar now have yall ever tried sugar cane before no no we haven’t I I hope you know I’m still on this island well I was trying to say that we’re going to the ruin portal all right well come back cuz I don’t I don’t know how long I’m going to be what are you doing I’m getting flowers and sugarcane does it taste like sugar and a candy cane no no it just tastes sweet it’s not exactly like sugar but you get the sweetness from the sugar cane all right I’m coming was there anything at the portal I didn’t go yet CU you said stop oh I just said come back if cuz I didn’t know when I would hi Donnie hi more sugar cane I made $19 and22 s woats o uh [Laughter] good here there’s like nothing in here it’s useful there’s two fire charges 21 gold nuggets 17 iron and golden are you all right yeah I got 30° burns on my foot my arm you did it too yeah wait should me get this obsidian well we can’t yet why we have six diamonds hold on you should also grab that chest I’m going to get rid of some stuff where did you put stuff in it no there’s 21 sugar cane in it oh oh if I did I didn’t mean to do we need gold iron nuggets yes what for Golden iron nuggets what we need Fire charges for we don’t need those give me the nuggets and the other thing SPL spash taking a bath I guess we can get the the obsidian now I like how the you can just spawn water and just it just goes away there’s sticks on the ground if anyone wants to collick them sure I didn’t do that Donnie do you mind picking up this obsidian for me please tell me what that looks like so I know what to grab it’s this purplish stuff it’s right here oh no it’s it it’s like a block there’s a block here oops I’ll dig you out you mind jumping down there and grabbing it oh thank you I’ll dig you out oh thank you for me out I don’t have any space in my inventory and we need this stuff all right so you have two right now yep okay come over here please oh let me fall back in the hell no we need 16 so that this should be your third we need 16 I think so that sounds like way too much for Port thought we need like eight or something oh we only need 14 so how many do you have Donnie you have three yep okay so we need 11 more there you go yeah don’t mind those orange blocks they do hurt but they don’t do anything to you it’s five six seven 8 9 and oh Don oh my God I I freaked out you freaked out better a thank you I’m hot okay I have a great idea I’m going to mine all the obsidian before you collect it just so that doesn’t happen again I didn’t know that that would happen I’m sorry it’s okay I’m still alive okay you have nine so we need five more he mind that with an Iron Pig shut up I [Laughter] know all right oh God okay Don come here one right in there you want me uh uh right here right here sorry we’re killing [Laughter] you here you go block behind you or that excuse me I so that’s 11 need three more I got 14 just in case I’m going to get 16 just in case Google is wrong there we go okay we should have all of it okay can you oh uh Donnie can you carry 21 pieces of cobblestone never [Music] mind what about coal can anyone carry coal I think I can wait I’ll give it to you cuz I have 12 or I have wait I have a stack and I have 12 extra what about bones can anyone carry bones I got two spots actually no let me I’m going to carry it actually hold on yeah I have more spots than you so I’ll carry them for you oh [ __ ] thanks welcome you’re collecting them oh I was like I’m confused there’s your bones thank you you’re welcome H it’s getting dark we got to sleep bedtime sleeping next to Cory Cory just let you know I do Fort some time oh it’s morning time good to know Donnie you’re welcome I’m just just to be extra I’m going to grab this crying obsidian cuz it looks cool did you just said crying obsidian yeah that’s what it’s called it’s called crying obsidian oh someone Hur his feelings was Cory was do not tell me to stand up I’ve been standing up ever since I walk through work so this point are we just going out in the sea I think I see a shipwreck I think so I could be wrong let see some fishies no that is there is a ship I’m I’m going set a rick ship Rick ship hello music and music and music let me guess you music and sports how are you right uh uh Kaleb K I’m going to go down and get this whatever’s in here how the hell can you see that I can’t I don’t know I just saw it well all that we got out of it was rotten flesh okay so just a second I’m going to see if there’s another one [Music] nope uh let’s go over here we might be able to make a house here if you clear some space yep playing Minecraft great game for you I I agree wait a village I think Village oh yeah there Village hi guys you know there a village yeah I see it home sweet home woo get out of those houses they belong to except I would like to have our house over there on that beach to our right pumpkin those are actually very useful in the ender dragon fight I have pumpkins on me right now I can carry use Pumpkins this is one weird looking Farm Donnie if you if you want me to I can carry those pumpkins for you okay is that the only one you got uh yeah okay all these beets and just saying all those sweet berries are food they suck they give you like one heart or one thing of hunger well that is just poopy oh uh anyone want some iron boots uh kale there’s a blue bed who wants four pieces of bread and five apples uh I can’t carry it um I’ll carry it we need to make a house like now because I have too much stuff where’s the blue bed at I’ll be right back I’m going to go start getting stuff to make a house okay look I’m going over there okay straight across from the I have a lot of stuff I have a stack of cobblestone and Oak planks I’m going over here and I’m going to start like making like getting stuff to build a house those like bushes don’t St any of them oh this is a perfect spot for a house this like it’s flat and there’s sand well damn sand I found Corey you found Corey yeah he’s a potato shut up you want to eat Cory hey look I got two potatoes for you you want to eat you want to eat them uh this is the thing I have to deal with every single day of my life you locked me in a closet for 20 minutes for a reason damn oh I broke some glass grass not grass glass oh gosh English oh [Music] Kitty me to more there an iron golem hello spook poor how are you there a brewing stand in purple carpet SP spook tour spook tour question okay I think I have an answer but I’m not sure what’s your question oh my gosh does it cost money to be in a world what no do you mean like to be in a Minecraft world what he mean to to exist oh he means the member thing on YouTube okay to become a member yes you got to pay to become a member but you don’t have to but you do not have to the only thing that going to let you do is do stickers and if I post something that only members can see and then you’ll be able to see it if you become a member that’s a bell take the bell with this with whoever took the Bell take it let me get rid of I don’t know um uh I got to make a block magma block I am so I know you want to join but unfortunately I’m not letting anybody join because it’s just me my friend Corey and Caleb who has this world so I’m not adding anybody into this world umed if anyone wants it I don’t even know where you I can’t I’m pretty sure you both I’m pretty sure you both are still you both are in the village I’m off building our house I’m just in a separate area in the village Donnie I see your name tag I have a ton of carrots oh [ __ ] what did I just get rid of [Music] uhoh give me this spil y’all don’t need this spil am I even mining the spell tell yeah we appreciate you understanding also it’s kind of hard for me cuz I don’t play Bedrock there’s two separate versions of Minecraft bedrock and Java and we’re playing on bedrock Java is a PC only but Java’s a PC only thing oh wait wait [ __ ] me I’m so confused did I grab that B I don’t see it I got be root seeds Beet Root seeds maybe you didn’t get it I’m not sure if you didn’t it’s not a huge deal we can probably just go back and get it oh I found the Bell it’s in the water the thing is I can’t collect uh I can get rid of the it’s night time by the way oh my gosh I needan sweep sweep sleep oh my gosh there’s a drown right in front of me uh oh my God there’s pillagers in in front of me oh no I cannot kill these pillagers because if I go to the Village it’ll start a raid and I can’t do that no raid okay do you even know what a raid is have you Le heard of it stupid yeah I found the skeleton fire so so so um where’s our house going to be at I show it’s it’s like a across Village on the water okay so I feel like we have I feel like we should go over there cuz I think we got everything we really can in the village about treeh house tree houses in this game are only exciting to build you’re in a jungle yeah if you don’t mind can you guys come over here now cuz I need some Cobblestone I’m finding Caleb because he knows where to go uh how much stuff do you have in your inventory I have a lot of stuff in my inventory we might have to make a few trips so don do you have that Bell or no I do not because I can’t um carry anything we’ll come back for it what’s the there’s a lot of inventory space but it runs out so fast our boat oh I didn’t see you when we were coming down can y’all look for a jungle it we could but jungles are really hard to find and I really really do not feel like looking for one of those right now or we don’t really feel like we can through those can you play mouse and keyboard on Bedrock on PC but wait yeah you can play mouse keyboard on here yeah I need some Cobblestone Cobblestone I got some Cobble Stone too for you how many do you need okay you gave me a single piece how many do you need quite a bit uh just a tip you can go in your inventory and click on it and just drag it off to the side of your screen just click X you’ll be able to just drop the whole thing there you go oh kale be helping me for real uh that was Cory but you’re welcome I got some sugar cane oh uh do you mind if I have that yeah oh wait I forgot I can do the TR drop thanks you we’re going to put sugar cane all along the beach and we can grow a lot of it you don’t need it but it’s just something nice to have and Cale are you at the Village cuz we need coal yeah like coal yeah I need coal I have [Music] 64 I’ll come back and get the bell in a minute well the Bell is the Bell was just an item so it could despawn uh we need some out planks uh for now we’re just going to use bir or Spruce just cuz we’re in that kind of biome but we may need it at some point so I just say hold on to it or put it in that chest I made over there TKS okay we put this oak on the ground co co spider cool we have carrots we can actually feed pigs and have a farm for them ow I have a tip make a junk chest and put stuff you don’t need right now in there we kind of we kind of already have that plus we don’t have any junk we left all of our junk already uh I’m an old man Hey where’s the bell at it was in the well in the water yeah it’s in the water um where I got rid of the Bell just jump into the water and it will be in the bottom Donnie has a lot of junk in the inventory well hell I don’t know what the u k and coin need for my inventory that’s why I haven’t got rid of it do we need a Mazzy stone brick brick slab whatever that is I don’t think so okay do you mind doing me a favor what do you mind going out and getting some spruce um planks or or some Spruce Wood you don’t need to make it into planks but just just get the tree trunks here I’ll give you an axe is that the brown wood yeah just get the brown wood I’mma go get a drink okie dokie I’ll be mining some trees he’s a nice tree trunk you are yes you are use your ax by the way I think I I think this is an ax I’m using I think yeah it is oh that’s a pickaxe oh yeah that that’s that’s a pickaxe ah see spook is Big Brain spor spor I I just sorry I have a hard time speaking English although my only language is English you got a bucket of lava for trash for trash didn’t you like fall on it and die last time we did that [Music] [Laughter] though damn get roasted I don’t know if she need this here thanks is that house is going to look ugly as hell but I honestly don’t care hey at least we have a house yeah exactly they can go one [Music] [Music] shorter oh excuse me starting to get dark damn hello darkness my old friend can you [ __ ] off again I got 40 is that 48 48 SPO SP Spruce log how do you spell jinx j i n x I believe okay thank you you’re welcome damn this is really windy outside it’s very thundery outside [Music] I got grape juice and Spilled it oh no not that that would ruin my day that would ruin my day too I got a lot of sticks can I have some of that Spruce Wood you or yes sir can I have a few please a few do you want me to drop a few or just drop the whole thing and you grab whatever [Music] uh I’ll just take the whole thing please thank you you’re welcome I told a Survivor that they did a nice flashlight save only for the other Survivor who was res call me loser what why I think they’re just salty they’re salty because you’re better than him that’s what it comes down to there anything I should be doing uh I don’t know what you could do no you’re not r you are nevering Farm oh yeah actually K could you mind like trying to make a farm cuz we have a bunch of carrots we have beetroot sorry I have church early in the morning oh you’re fine thank you for stopping by if you know don’t forget to subscribe because I live stream every single day it it might be Minecraft it might be something else but I’m going to use some iron to make a shovel [Music] do you mind like doing the same thing you did last time and like making it in the water like we did in the Platinum World by I subscribe and also turn notification on thank you very much I appreciate that man what a nice house so far it could be better but oh my God I hope I’m not getting a headache oh damn weather I play valerant I don’t think I said that right in a couple of games so I might be able to play with you if you have I don’t have that game because I don’t it probably won’t be something I’m into but I do play dead by daylight but you have yourself a good night valerant is just like a shooter game like fortnite it’s not exact obviously it’s not it’s not fortnite but it’s like it so yeah I played it one time I honestly didn’t like it you want some more spu log yes please all right I got you me let me grab grab drop thank you wel damn you got a lot I know right I’ve been working out I mean working on been working now Donnie got the gains I got the gains my stomach says so too shut [Laughter] up I I can’t tell if this looks good or not it looks beautiful what are you talking about man uh I disagree completely also if we ever do finish our Walmart we should take a picture and send it to a community post so that way people can see a wonderful Walmart yeah Ione have oh never mind I was okay at some point do you mind trying to find a place to put of our sugarcane that’s in the chest rain M corn corn ni whiskey whiskey makes my bad whiskey I’m almost out of my ax yeah I don’t feel like playing anymore that’s okay R I don’t blame you I have to waste some glass damn it I going to give you some more I’m going to give you some more wood thanks that should be Jesus Christ yeah I think that’s good Donnie you got quite a bit I’m a I’m a wood collector oh gosh hello wolf oh wait no you’re a [Music] doggy I thought you was a wolf this is a dog right is that a wolf well it’s a wolf but it’s a do it’s also a dog it’s both he’s a good pooch oh I don’t think I got a bone for you BD but this [Music] is wow hi hi do you need more sand because I got 30 blocks of sand do you have dirt do I have dirt uh do I I got one I got one dirt I’ll take it thank you do you need more dirt I’m a good dirt collector oh I do but I can shovel the rest Okie doie thank you you’re welcome the sweet berries are these food yeah they are they’re not very good they are food Donnie I have a task for you okay I have these cheers and what you can do with them you can cut the the leaves off of trees do you mind going and get me a bunch sure thank you [Music] [Music] damn these got pretty fast [ __ ] damn oh I think I collected what I could hold on I’m going to give you a grass uh okay uh let’s see uh okay spoil saplings is that what it is no is it uh oh your inventory might be full oh you might I don’t you might not have collected any but that’s okay oh I I think I collected someone’s bed on accident sorry you know I think that’s Caleb’s bed his old one you’re fine [Music] oh is a chest for me to put the yeah there’s some chest over here there’s a chest over here it’s getting night time oh my gosh um W uh be cook pork I guess I need to go to sleep you just walked over me on my bed sorry all right back to col U trees actually you don’t need to yet I might need some more but I shouldn’t so you can take a long and well needed break oh dang it I can’t put it damn it why you run away from me chicken huh huh huh huh what you how dare you run away from me chicken okay in well where is m I need air thank you all right fill that up put that in here put this right there and I’m going to hit this button let yeah laptop right here K do you have more Cobblestone no none I found a mushroom woohoo Johnny I have another task for you sure you start Ed so not paying for you all I need you to do is just uh come on get all this dirt out of the way that’s not ideal I need Cobblestone bance a nice type Rider shut up okay come down here here so you see all these gray blocks mhm nice you mind mining you mind mining me like a bunch okay thank you you’re welcome you need space for it well [ __ ] me it goes to the chest actually I’ll just make us a new chest um I’ll make this a chest so um we have more space for junk I’m just going to hope that this works okay so I’m going to get rid of my egg I’m going to get rid of my feather I want to get rid of spruce leaves leather turnic whatever oh do you see those magma magma blocks in the top row of your inventory they’re like you have three of them yeah put those away um okay do you see those the beetroot and the Beet Root sees it like the bottom right in the bottom row of your inventory put those in there please um you can put those purplish flowers in there you can put the rotten flesh too and uh for now you can put those those tree saplings in there too I think you have Spruce and Birch there’s a there’s some there you go never mind all right that should be good thank you you’re welcome I’m surprised I remember where to go let’s go [Music] I really do not know why the hell I put the front of the house facing towards the water I guess I just did that cuz the village but whatever I don’t care you just need some water view to look at the ocean yeah you want to see all the dolphin swimming the squid the everything I want to did myself a hoe and I probably a going to be able to get out of this house it’s okay we’ll get you out oh I can make stairs oh okay okay wait what plants do we have oh good plans you have beetroot we have carrots we can get seeds I don’t think sweet berries count my eye is watering hello PE weather I’m thinking about trying to do it like whereas like we have a section with carrots a section with wheat and section with beetroots and section with pumpkins do you have seeds I have two that’s I’ll get some here I’ll also make some fences there also potatoes yeah here probably put up signs see say which which but which thing is which the First Column will be will be carrot second will be wheat third will be potatoes fourth will be beetroots fifth will be pumpkin Donnie you have your bed with you right huh you have your bed with you right yeah um you don’t have to come out of the out of the hole but at some point we need to sleep and it’s getting dark uh let me know when to go to sleep cuz I can’t tell go to sleep please we have pumpkin seeds we have pumpkins but not pumpkin seeds I thought the beetroot seeds was the pumpkin seeds uh we have bunch of beetroot seeds in one of these chests over here uh Donnie you still have that those shears on you right yes do you I’m going to come down and get them from you if you don’t mind okay you’re coming down or I’m coming okay oh hi oh hi Boop thank you you’re welcome thank goodness I got a torch getting dark in here the [ __ ] is that noise pumpkins okay we have pumpkin seeds now Donnie I heard if you place four Sandos in the plus shape and place three block skeleton heads on them you’ll get a free Frost frosted flake or you’ll get a Wither that will destroy literally everything if you don’t kill it uh here you know oh I lost my thingy oh poop um you know I’m going to trust Cory with that and I’m not going to do that because I don’t want that to happen so thanks for the tip B that I’m [Music] good I lost my axe I’ll just do the wooden ax picka I’m working for the government damn it villain be [Laughter] quiet all right Cory when am I going to get my next hey Rays uh I have no idea work for the government you don’t know oh my gosh yeah I I I don’t even know why I work at the government how do you make a jackeline oh it’s that simple I like how you said how do you make a jack laner oh it’s that simple you just need a pumpkin and a torch I mean damn it’s really thundering outside hello hello [Music] if I hear sirs go off I’m going to wig out oh goodbye Wen pickaxe we now have a wall of pumpkins for some reason oo pumpin did the pickaxe break you should be you should get you should you should have enough now I think’s that hole here it is dang you’ve been at work you want the Cobblestone yes please thank you boop why thanks Boop why thanks uh Boop thank you uh wait that’s a stick oh you don’t need stick you need Boop Jesus you got a lot I’ve been busy thank you I think I got more oh oh my God uh now that should be it thankful thank God I have that’s a lot do you need more sir no okay so just to avoid mobs I’m just going to I just put oh yeah can I have all the obsidian please please tell me what that is the thing you’re holding oh this oh yeah oh wait let me do the drag drop this is how we go into hell yay I love going to hell okay don’t say [Laughter] that and now I want to show you a magic trick Abra the hole’s gone Hipp hippity Bippity Bop Cy made the hole go N I made the whole go bye-bye and don’t ask we now have a wall of Jack of lanterns you to build the roof uh well I needed all the Cobblestone for it I’m use Cobblestone slabs we got a nice home over here it would look better I was going to add flowers but we need uh we need flower pots and we need clay for that to get the bricks maybe should I placed my bed in here I’ll should wait until the house get done uh I don’t think it really [Music] matters I put my bed right here we go oh it’s just oh about say random randomly opens oh yeah I added some pressure plates in there so we so whenever we’re leaving the house we don’t have to open the door but when we’re going in we just have to open it once oh okay oh that makes sense big brain um oh damn it I got a puzzle just waiting for you y need me to get stuff I will get it for you don’t worry I got you back do you mind well buny do you mind going with Donnie you would I mean I have quite a bit of wood what am I doing I’m just going to chop down trees for a little while oh what a nice Garden we got here thank you it’s not done yet but almost I got to wait till we can get more crops we need to try and find some pigs and sheep Pig sheep and cows so we can make farms for him actually Donnie um K do you mind trying to find those animals like trying to find that’s what the leads are for mind trying to find two pigs two sheep and two cows and we’re going to make them into a farm and Don do you mind chopping more wood okay thank you you’re welcome it would just be more efficient if we do it like that it’s getting night time ly every time I think I get to work the damn night time happens going to bed Friday night good morning morning all right it’s wood chopping time give me you wood do you need an axe or no me yes okay uh uh dig three holes in the ground me three holes yeah with the pigs sheep and cows oh I I’ll do that I’ll do that for you wait hold on dumb here you go Mr Donnie thank you you’re welcome we should also make a flower garden do we need bees for honey that would be cool come on music is so relaxing yes got to sheep I haven’t dug the holes yet I’m digging them if you don’t mind can you just go ahead and dig them before you do it cuz I’m still working on this house found three wolves good bones we could get dogs okay what does peel the um B do it’s just another kind of block it’s not really important I think it’s just cosmetic [Music] okay gave me often to peel um the um ah what’s it called again bar and I was like [Music] huh give me the wood I need a wood because how much wood could wood check check if wood check could check wood none got a stick yay woo [Music] [Music] damn it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] damn lightning we can’t hear [Music] it I man I just saw a flash in my window yeah I’m also surprised y’all can’t hear it I hear the war of the thunder thunder before the lightning lightning before the thunder thunder God freaking dang [Music] it please right please got two sheep second must a single [Music] pig let me need Let Me Wait English I can do this let me know when you need the wood okay what I don’t like the how it get so stuff in my room so quickly tell us about it have we live in our house with our grandma and I don’t know why she can’t stand being cold at all and this is her house so she’s always one in control of the temperature and it’s always like 78 in here and she doesn’t like going below like 75 I see I might have to go pretty far to find a pig I don’t think big spawn in this biome oh never mind I found one so I found lava I got a bucket of lava is itchy oh jeez I’m going to do this by him because you know what I ran out with pickax but that’s okay I just use axes cuz they’re way faster oh my God it is getting dark really damn [ __ ] but what are we doing tomorrow huh what are we doing tomorrow like IRL tomorrow we like doing this or dvd I don’t know it just depends I do whatever y’all W to do just like today I was supposed to stream God of War I just never got to it and I imagine tomorrow I will stream it at some point I just don’t know when so it just depends but as of now playing Minecraft again tomorrow may be does seem nice oh hey is happy sheep is Happy cows are happy yeah that’s cuz I actually gave the pick a carrot I was trying to get the leash off him or the lead off him but I accidentally gave him a carrot use cars to breed uh pigs oh that’s why T of hor over we’re going to have some baby pigs damn I already cleared off this whole section over here with trees damn these trees are naked tell me about it I got 64 Spruce log 64 Spruce log all K I’m just letting you know if you wait for a long time these animals will despawn in these holes what are we supposed to do about we just have to make their actual pins now so the pin I mean the animals were just randomly respawn at random places no like they despawn if they’re if they don’t move a lot they despawn which means they disappear basically so if they’re kept in a small hole in the ground they will eventually despawn and we won’t have them again suck I need wood to make a I got wood yeah Donnie has a lot of wood where are you coming back to the pig I got 64 wood 64 64 and I got another 64 wood [Music] does this house look decent enough I can’t tell take pill oh yeah does this house look decent enough I really cannot tell to me it looks decent better house than I could have make I something drink F on I’m going to drop some wood for you thank I’m going to drop some wood I don’t need that much thank you you’re welcome are you do you like have your shirt in your mouth or something no I got M why would he have a shirt in his mouth I got my sleeping here in my mouth I can’t swallow without something to drink I need to get myself something to drink fro grape uh oh want me to collect more wood I think I think you got enough Caleb did you collect their blue bed at the Village but did you get a blue one I already have a blue one oh oh [ __ ] bread I’m bringing home some cauldrons I don’t know why we need them but why not okay [Laughter] stay I accidentally F in the um Pig pin I mean Pig oh dang you Donnie don’t worry I fixed it no one escaped I thought my Game just crashed for a second it lagged mine’s been doing that a little bit see my game literally crashed earlier like the Minecraft game or like yeah it it just straight up crashed I hope it doesn’t crash that means I’m the Mak of this world and I’m I’m the maker of this world so if that if that happened it’ probably corrupt the whole world oh that was sex over playing is a f caring leave let’s go Fox you hear what I said there’s a fox car and a LEF I was talking about whenever I told C to make a copy of the world yeah is Minecraft uh Minecraft on the PS5 crashes a lot like more time it crashed more times than you’d think whenever me and Cory were playing in the hardcore World hardcore I mean PL about say I did not know they have a hardcore I’m good now o emeralds oo gosh I have too much stuff R do you want me to get it for you no I I got it I got it gab you said we have potatoes already right yeah never mind potatoes I just sheared a black sheep and is now naked and I have black Woolf Caleb your bed is no that’s Cory’s bed Cory your bed is getting wet dang it my poor bed G to sleep in a puddle of water ow they want to have a bunch of dirt uh no I just dropped a bunch in the village um don’t worry I got you you let me know how much dirt you need though I don’t really need that much uh I got 15 dirt uh that should work thank you you’re welcome oh you know what I forgot to give us Maps for this world how do you don’t we need a craphy [Music] table oh my Lord don’t worry Fox I ain’t going to take your Leaf know you need paper you can have your Leaf I promise [Music] [Music] I got a PE okay I’ll be right I’ll be right back ah I’ll be right back [Music] [Music] all for [Music] [Applause] back back back thank you guess it’s night time oh yeah it’s night time go to bed see Z what the [ __ ] I just heard a creeper all right hurry hurry hurry hurry oh my God come on yep welcome to my what the hell happened oh my god you’re kidding me what happened a freaking Creeper how did that even happen no one was near near you stupid skeleton [ __ ] you pardon my language I got a spear Now Arrow my bad oh that sucks you work so hard on that too I mean it’s not that it’s going to take forever to repair it’s just that’s a waste of materials right and I don’t know everything how do you make signs I don’t remember there’s a fox in the boat and now we need to make more freaking pressure pads how do you do that how did that even happen no one was even near the creeper yeah so I have a trident let let’s go sup Fox how are you you’re just chilling in the boat you already finished the house no I’m not even close I mean I’m talking about where exploded you’re already oh yeah that fast let me get out here so FL yes Welcome to My Stream by the way thank you Cory for letting them know what’s up surpris the roof didn’t get destroyed [Applause] it’s probably because where I went AFK and came back you call the pumpkin that’s hi what is that thing sound like a gate dropping sheep cow pig get in your pan now good piggy die did you said die okay V come on [Music] run run run sheep run as fast as you can all right well now for uh I can make a leer I don’t think the lever would be really useful right now oh [ __ ] oh better do y all know you all got a pet fox yeah I saw it I’m taking a bath thank you for all this wood Donnie you’re welcome still have more than enough all you run out you just let me know my phone phone oh I found you damn it it’s getting night time and I moved all of our beds in the house what if I go on Twitch right now I will pull up your stream same oh my gosh what was that sorry was the Bell [Music] that scared me sorry it’s okay I wasn’t expecting that I’m over here pulling up myed stream and then I hear ding ding I’m like ah my bad it’s okay let it happen again I’m kidding it’s okay I got some flowers I got some din Lings y need some BS I don’t but thank you does anyone have gravel oh wait never mind I’m stupid uh Fox oh do you like the sweet berries is that why you following me do you do you want the berries I’ll give them to you talking to us I’m talking to the fox oh the fox he getting close to me and I’m wondering if it’s the berries I have in my hand oh hello tree how are you doing good tree I’m glad to hear a tree he talking to a tree absolutely oh a baby cow you’re so cute oh okay sorry I did Disturbed you ow okay I’m live let’s go Rey I got your stream pulled up damn it I’m second huh honey craft [Music] oh gosh what this lava for trash be careful not walk in by [Music] Mom okay I hope you know that that’s wood it’s fine oh so how do you throw away trash do you just drop basically anything you want to go down there you just drop down there and burns whenever you go up to this you open I open open the you open the trap door but you also should be crouching did I do that no I did that oh oops what do you do now I didn’t do anything don’t don’t fall I’m aware a second someone fa I need to stay away from that because that would be me won’t you want a bit oh my gosh is that the G to H yeah I don’t want to go in there yet though because it’s kind of it’s kind of kind of rough in there oh gosh there oh damn excuse me thank you who was it they had me go in here before and I died immediately was it probably Caleb I probably Cory I don’t know I remember I think going in here and it was like red and then something was chasing me I think and I had items that I lost that’s a big fish swim you [ __ ] I got stuck in sand open up this H dog we add an underground area to the house for storage you don’t really need storage right now I mean like for food for weapons for blocks oh we have enough room for a l that stuff up here and we not going to worry about organization right now we’re just going to put stuff in here food maybe not but why do we put in here just everything in these chests we’re just putting them in the house now oh I’ll craft a map there was a cartography table over by the in the village but I didn’t grab it cuz it didn’t have enough space pick do I just Place whatever in any chest yeah okay don’t worry about trying to organize it it was getting dark and you don’t have a bed I forgot we need torches in here I got seven torch have nine I’m out here throwing things in chest but I should be going to bed it’s okay okay I well I basically have everything out of my inventory besides a sword [Music] pretty where’s that cartography table at somewhere in the village also I found three more emeralds uh so why isn’t the blast furnace working uh why is the what we have a blast furnace from the village what was that it’s just a blast it makes I thought it made things faster but whatever no ah beautiful sea C isn’t the pumpkin wait you do know how pumpkins in this game grow right oh you need space on either side of the so you can only have two rows we need to get rid of you need to have four rows but only have two lanes of pumpkins also why is most of the grass not mind I haven’t put all of it in yet I’m going to put a c cartography table on the floor how you make paper Tre well in this game it’s sugar cane for some reason I can the [Music] map 3 six n 12 do you guys want to go ahead and get off and play DVD I think we made a lot of good we made a decent amount of progress I mean that’s fine [Music] here thanks thank you wait is that a map already yeah it’s a map it’s not we need to upgrade it we have to do that with the craphy cable need a piece of paper The Village has some paper I have 12 in case mind upgrading them then going to put them all to level three me that I don’t have enough space Oh you said upgrade them all to level three that’s I [Music] did I can we can name the maps [Music] I name this one Donnie’s [Music] map I’m guessing map one is yours I named this one what I named this one Donnie’s map oh a map just came out from you called map one I [Music] know there we go here’s your map I don’t know why but I can’t see the arrows cuz we need a compass we need four iron and redstone and there was a ton of redstone back in that mine that’s a very tiny ass I don’t know whose map this is but here you can just rename our own Maps I dis upgraded Don’s to level three do you have yours at level three yeah you can put them all at level four I think how do you use this map you just look at it and you once we get compasses we can actually like see where we are on the map so we don’t even have we we don’t even really need these yet cuz we can’t use them hand me your map again what did that one person say you just said gay so I just figured that that was you know oh I don’t care I mean thank you for deleting that but I’m just saying I don’t up here name your map to Caleb’s map I did is it level four level three put on level four hello all right so are you going to get on DVD now sure let’s sleep first so all of our map okay I know me and Donnie’s maps are good Cale is your map level four un named Caleb’s map yeah okay so we don’t really have use for them yet but once we get compasses we can actually use them cuz we can use these to help us find out where our home is oh it’s not really useful to me and Caleb cuz we we know how to follow coordinates but for you it will be a helpful thing to have so I just say keep it on you for now we do to be honest I’m surprised with how much stuff we got done in only the 3 hours we we were playing I know we made some good progress while y’all we didn’t do it all you helped I just gather the materials yeah so you helped absolutely all right I’m going to save the world so we should all get back in the house and I’m going to make a copy of it just in case it gets corrupted okay okay okay to the five people that is watching me I’m going to hop on DVD and stream for two hours and then I’ll call in so I will see y there that was

This video, titled ‘Minecraft because why not?🍔🍔🍔’, was uploaded by DonnieRockYT_TTV on 2024-05-27 06:53:34. It has garnered 48 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:46 or 13246 seconds.

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  • Building EPIC Minecraft City! 2K Subs here we come!💥

    Building EPIC Minecraft City! 2K Subs here we come!💥Video Information This video, titled ‘#Building My Minecraft City on my Happy way to 2K subs❤️❤️ ❤️❤️😎😎’, was uploaded by Happy Grand Gamer on 2024-05-19 02:17:29. It has garnered 59 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:23 or 14423 seconds. Pleas like and Subscribe and become a member thank you ❤️ Read More


    80+ CUTE GIRLS vs OCEAN MONUMENT in MINECRAFT!? 😰Video Information This video, titled ’80+ CUTE GIRLS vs OCEAN MONUMENT in MINECRAFT!? 😰 VSMP!【Bonnie Barkswell / globie】’, was uploaded by Bonnie Barkswell ch.【globie】 on 2024-07-14 22:51:28. It has garnered 1853 views and 309 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:40 or 9820 seconds. Brave Group’s #globie Gen 2 #Solstia ‘s goodest girl!🐶 Airship Engineer dogg 🔧 EmBARKing on a great adventure!🌤 ⊹˚₊‧───────────‧₊˚⊹ DONATIONS https://streamlabs.com/bonniebarkswell (Donations are non-refundable!! TTS is activated at £5+ to prevent misuse) ⊹˚₊‧───────────‧₊˚⊹ ⛅FOLLOW ME! TWITTER: https://twitter.com/BonnieBarkswell REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/user/Bonnie_Barkswell/ THRONE: https://throne.com/bonniebarkswell TWITCH: https://twitch.tv/bonnie_barkswell TAGS 🔴LIVE: #Watchdogg 🎨FANART: #Bonnillust 🔞FANART: #DeezMutts 🎬CLIPS: #Bonnieclips 🤣MEMES: #Bonneezmemes 🐶FAN… Read More

  • VANEV UNCOVERED?! 🔴 Crazy Minecraft Live!

    VANEV UNCOVERED?! 🔴 Crazy Minecraft Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Aku TERKURUNG ! – Minecraft Indonesia Live’, was uploaded by VANEV on 2024-02-28 14:47:35. It has garnered 3009 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:48 or 10308 seconds. Treat Donuts (Rp 1,000) (Donation notification) = https://trakteer.id/vanev/tip Minecraft FB Grub https://www.facebook.com/groups/369217988853471 IP main.minecraftgratis.my.id Port 12345 if you can’t Java & Bedrock Minecraft Server Hosting cheap https://tokodukun.com/ 🔗Grub DISCORD https://discord.gg/TJ3NY69Y9N If there is a cool map = [email protected] IG https://www.instagram.com/_ibnuiqbal/ #MINECRAFT #minecraftindonesia #yogyakarta #minecrafthorror minecraft live indonesia survival, minecraft live indonesia mcpe, minecraft live indonesia bedwars, minecraft live indonesia sekarang, minecraft live indonesia… Read More

  • Krishu 2.0 – Dirt Gives OP Loot?! #Minecraft

    Krishu 2.0 - Dirt Gives OP Loot?! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUT DIRT GIVES YOU OP LOOT #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Krishu 2.0 on 2024-06-14 04:04:31. It has garnered 10685 views and 213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. MINECRAFT BUT DIRT GIVES YOU OP LOOT #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Jaskaran Singh – Shocking Loss in Minecraft…😲

    Jaskaran Singh - Shocking Loss in Minecraft...😲Video Information This video, titled ‘#25 – Lost Everything 😣 | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by jaskaran singh on 2024-01-08 10:33:44. It has garnered 30 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #25 – Lost Everything 😣 | #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #youtuber #youtube #youtubeshort #ytshort #youtubevideos #yt #youtubechannel #subscribe #shortsfeed #shortvideo #shorts #short #shortsviral #viral #status minecraf minecraf 1.19 download 1.20 minecraf minecraf 1.20 minecraf mode minecraf java edition minecraf bedrock edition minecraf 1.18 download minecraf 2 minecraf dungeons minecraf earth minecraf launcher minecraf legends dream minecraf minecraf bedwars minecraf 1.17… Read More

  • The skytorius

    The skytoriusThe skytorius Skyblock Support our server by voting on The Skytorius! The little things are also very helpfull! Thank you. play.theskytorius.net:25892 Read More

  • The Atlas Project Modded Bedrock Server – smp

    The Atlas Project Modded Bedrock Server Join our server with great addons for players 18 years and up. Brand New World Custom terrain, items, and behavior addons available: Better on Bedrock Hoof by Grounfbeef Raiyon’s Java Combat Addon Mini Blocks Addon Raiyon’s More Enchantments Addon Raiyon’s More Shields Addon Raiyon’s More Elytras Addon Universal Pack Renderdragon Support Join our Discord server to get the IP: Discord Link Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Contemplating the real meaning of creepers”

    Minecraft Memes - "Contemplating the real meaning of creepers"Well, at least this meme has a score of 0, which means it’s technically not a complete disaster! Read More

  • Red Shulker Hide and Seek: A Minecraft Mystery

    Red Shulker Hide and Seek: A Minecraft Mystery In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, We’ve hidden a red shulker, can you find where it be? Join us on AresMine, where the fun never ends, With updates and giveaways, we’re the best of friends. Our server holds 400 players, all ready to play, With a wipe on July 10, it’s a brand new day. Don’t forget to like and join the fun, On AresMine, the adventure’s just begun. So come on over, to mc.aresmine.ru, Where the rules are clear and the community true. Join our Discord, our Telegram too, For updates and events, just… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme Challenge: Viral Animation!

    Hot Minecraft Meme Challenge: Viral Animation! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More

  • Crafting a Fridge in Minecraft

    Crafting a Fridge in Minecraft JAK ZBUDOWAĆ LODÓWKĘ W Minecraft Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One popular aspect of the game is building, where players can construct anything from simple houses to intricate structures. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Minecraft building and focus on a unique creation – the refrigerator. Building a Refrigerator in Minecraft Building a refrigerator in Minecraft can be a fun and challenging task. To create this modern appliance in the game, players can use a combination of blocks and items to mimic the appearance of… Read More

  • Unbelievable! IamGAMBA’s Mind-Blowing Hypixel SMP Stream

    Unbelievable! IamGAMBA's Mind-Blowing Hypixel SMP StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sometimes you need a relaxing SMP stream | Hypixel SMP’, was uploaded by IamGAMBA on 2024-06-11 15:58:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hypixelsmp #trailsandtales #minecraft Sometimes you need a relaxing SMP stream | Hypixel SMP As the SMP has been updated … Read More

  • Unleashing Terror: Minecraft’s Scariest Entity

    Unleashing Terror: Minecraft's Scariest EntityVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Most Terrifying Minecraft Entity… The Irritator’, was uploaded by StormWarrior14 on 2024-06-14 14:30:20. It has garnered 2033 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:59 or 899 seconds. #wendigos #horrorcraft #creepy #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft100days #StormWarrior14 #minecrafthorror #newmods #silence ————————————————————————————————– MOD CREATOR GO CHECK HIM OUT Homies In da Vid- @itstterminatorr @dugz8797 ————————————————————————————————– GET IN CONTACT WITH ME TWITTER (I’m not calling it “X”): https://twitter.com/stormwarrior_14 ————————————————————————————————– JOIN THE CORD – https://discord.gg/PGJmdHsyGZ #cavedweller #minecrafthorror #thegoatman #doyoucopy ————————————————————————————————– Video Concept: There’s A New Horror Entity The Irritator ————————————————————————————————– Inspired by: @ForgeLabs @Swayle @idk_someguy @Calvin9000… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT REALM FEVER! - Ep.1Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Realm Ep.1 ONE WEEK FEVER?’, was uploaded by AnipNT on 2024-05-21 10:13:11. It has garnered 130 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:54:19 or 21259 seconds. Bonjour! je m’appelle Anip, and yes I see you reading this, go ahead and hit that SUB button and LIKE. Quote Of The GRIND: “They Ain’t Believe In Us… BUT GOD DID” – DJ Khalid Join my discord! DISCORD LINK: https://discord.gg/AxgXcGrzCa Follow me in Instagram! INSTAGRAM:https://www.instagram.com/supreme.papiii/?hl=en tags: #reddead2onlineexpglitch #reddead2onlinemoneyglitch #reddead2onlinemoney #reddead2onlineglitch #reddeadredemption #gta6 #gtavicecity #gtav #live #live #reddeadredemption2обзор #reddeadredemptionps4 #pc #mincraft #realmadrid #soccer #minecraftjava… Read More

  • My Brother Loves Minecraft… But What Happens Next Will Shock You!

    My Brother Loves Minecraft... But What Happens Next Will Shock You!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Gameplay #2 sbyr1kreay’, was uploaded by Oniichandaisuki on 2024-01-08 09:00:45. It has garnered 92 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:56 or 596 seconds. 🌍 Embark on a thrilling journey with me in this Minecraft gameplay video as we dive into the vast and captivating world of blocks, mobs, and endless possibilities! 🎮 🔍 In this episode, I explore mysterious landscapes, encounter challenging mobs, and uncover hidden treasures that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Join me as we navigate through dense forests, delve into treacherous… Read More

  • Mr Kuubik’s INSANE MILLIONAIRE Challenge! #esti #estikeeles

    Mr Kuubik's INSANE MILLIONAIRE Challenge! #esti #estikeelesVideo Information This video, titled ‘KES TAHAB OLLA MILJONÄÄR #eesti #eestikeeles #minecraft #funny’, was uploaded by Mr Kuubik on 2024-04-06 17:50:38. It has garnered 155 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Subscribe for even better videos! Don’t forget to join the discord link is in my bio! Read More

  • ASMR Minecraft: Crazy Enchanting Setup! EP4

    ASMR Minecraft: Crazy Enchanting Setup! EP4Video Information This video, titled ‘Simple enchanting setup! Minecraft survival let’s play ep4 ASMR’, was uploaded by MilosASMR on 2024-04-16 22:34:20. It has garnered 1399 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:30 or 2490 seconds. Minecraft survival let’s play asmr *enchanting Follow me here 🍓 TikTok: milosasmr Twitch: milosasmr Email 📧 [email protected] (business inquiries only) Tags 🏷️ #asmr #mouthsounds #roblox #asmrtriggers #minecraft #minecraftseries #minecrafthardcore #minecraftasmr #survivalletsplay Read More