Mind-Blowing Minecraft Middle Earth Adventure!

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welcome Travelers this episode I need epic’s assistance so it’s going to be a bit different see there is a land that is in deep Peril and needs the help of Many Adventures like epic my friend who is a gray wizard named Gandalf is trying to guide a fellowship to destroy an ancient evil ring but while he is off doing that we need others to help fight back the darkness I’m about to ask epic if he will help in this new world and to let him know others he knows have answered the call to help epic’s Magic Kingdom is well protected and still growing we’ll give epic the ability to communicate and teleport back to his Magic Kingdom as there is still lots of work to do so let’s take a moment of time and see if epic will answer the call to help Middle Earth remember to leave a comment and like the video to help epic must the courage to continue as it’s also your effort that helps bring the light to the darkness and helps put it back with your support thanks hi epic can I bother you for a minute privately it’s a matter of great importance um yeah curator sure why not I’m just uh talking with Caitlyn we’re trying to figure out exactly what we need to build the barracks and the combat Academy um okay let’s go talk over here okay how can I help you curator well epic hm where to begin we have a little problem a friend of mine may not realize the danger he is in he needs help from fellow adventures and since you have done an amazing job in coptor and now in Magic Kingdoms maybe you can help my friend out okay and what does your friend need help with the world where my friend is from is in Peril from Darkness an evil foe is amassing an army to conquer the lands my friend Gandalf is assembling a fellowship to destroy and evil ring that the darkness is after I need you to go there and help protect the Shire and other races from this Darkness I know you have a lot to do still in Magic Kingdom but I’ll give give you a way to communicate with Caitlyn time is a lot faster in Middle Earth compared to here it will see like months in Middle Earth but only be days in Magic Kingdom so please we need your help okay everything is off [Music] um are you ready yep ready to go [Music] whoa [Music] where did we land curate are you still there welcome to Middle Earth epic you are in the Shire the Shire is an inland area settled exclusively by Hobbits the also known as sh folk largely sheltered from the goings on in the of Middle Earth however I feel a dark presence coming which is why we asked you here the shy folk have agreed to let you browse their chest for things you need however if you break something they ask that you fix it Harvest a crop replant the crop basically try to leave Middle Earth as you found it I will return to help Caitlyn and keep your Magic Kingdom safe while you’re gone good luck oh [Music] [Music] [Music] what’s up YouTube it is epic games TV and we are back again in the rain getting wet but uh yeah welcome to Middle Earth this is the ringcraft server where a bunch of streamers YouTubers are going to be playing on this server and well we are on it also and we are going to start an adventure now this map is a combination of a bunch of mods and the world was made by someone named Pac-Man um I believe his name might be a little bit different but what I’m going to do is I’m going to put a link to the Planet Minecraft World download so you guys can see the world he’s done and his group have done some pretty amazing things um this isn’t like the Lord of the Rings game online server it’s a little bit different but uh they are trying to remake Lord of the Rings in their vision and they’ve made the world available for others to use this is version 3.5 of the world and then the mod pack is a combination of various mods and packs that I had found this is on Minecraft 1710 so it’s quite old but uh we’re going to play there’s a whole bunch of quests some of them from the original Lord of the Rings mod some of them added by Pac-Man’s group so we’re going to start off by talking to the gray wizard maybe I should turn off luring just give me a sec here okay that’s a little bit better um but we lost the gray wizard I guess uh he’s a little bit busy so usually when you start off in this world you should be popping up over here somewhere maybe uh right on the roof here at least I did when I first came in um I spawned up there so I had to jump off the roof now the really bad part is if you go through that you end up in the actual Overworld so there still is an Overworld but uh this is the uh Middle Earth so since the gry Wizard’s not around uh let’s start our Episode by talking to Frodo then and Frodo has the ring um okay we’ll talk to you froto uh hello epic games welcome to Middle Earth version 3.5 this spawn and gateway to the world of Adventure from here you have many possibilities to start your journey there are three story quests each with more than 10 missions that will take you to the most hidden and beautiful places of Middle Earth in this long journey you will face many dangerous sorry many dangers along the way you will also see many familiar faces and accompany the heroes on Middle Earth in their deeds will you save Middle Earth from destruction or subdue it the decision is yours epic games TV um so it talks about the quests the way of the ring bearer the way of the king the way of The Hobbit so that’s pretty cool uh I’m not going to read all this stuff you guys can pause it and look at it if you want there’s also a little tutorial here uh that talks about you know what they’ve done and stuff like that and I believe we are going to just start our journey there we go start the quest line without alignment set Hobbit alignment to 50 are you sure so I guess this set set the alignment and stuff so the other factions that are evil towards you know The Hobbit and men and dwarves and elves let’s see what happens here so Gund to bad yeah so all these other factions are not going to be liking us very much anymore so they will Auto attack us and we’re going to start the quest the way the ring bear today is Uncle Bilbo’s 111th birthday party but while he was giving his speech something strange happened he just disappeared and in the front of all sorry and in front of all the guests you can imagine how confused everyone was can you go to hobbiton and find out what happened just follow the road it will take you to hobbiton look out for the big party Tree on the hill near to it you will find find B end my home thanks epic games TV good luck on your journey okay so there we go we are starting the quest now the curator and basically the rule of the server is you know take what you need but um leave something for other people so basically if we chop down trees just replant a tree or a SA in the area to help keep the world still looking as beautiful as it is the same with the farms and stuff because there are a lot of farms that are set up that are cosmetic and they want to basically just keep everything still looking the same so my understanding is there are some Al there are also some random quests and you will see little exclamation marks pop over people’s heads and I was told that I should also go talk old gami here cuz old gami is going to set us on a quest to the Shire Adventurer the most peaceful place in Middle Earth if you have time I could use some help I’m an old man and I sometimes forget where I put things I did lost an important letter it’s a recipe for a hobbit cake I think it has to be somewhere in my basement since my back started hurting from all the gardening work I have problems going down the stairs could you go there and bring me the letter and when you’re there see if everything is all right some food disappeared since the last time I went there fantastic I will wait here my basement is right next to me it’s in an old cave Sam is always too scared to go down there he told me strange noises coming from there so take care maybe there is a wild animal or something okay so that is the first Quest we’re going to do and I guess it’s down here now I don’t have any weapons or tools uh there’s rabbits spider web there is whatever that is oh there’s some wheat okay um I know we’re not supposed to take everything but I don’t think that stuff is that important what we could use is a weapon though what are these These are empty barrels maybe somebody’s already been in here because a lot of the stuff is empty um oh I think the gr wizard came back to talk to us so I think we’re going to leave some of this stuff for other people can we make apple trees let’s just take a quick look here do I want some of these apples uh what is that apple juice you can do stuff in a barrel Brie Hobbit Baker I guess we’ll sell okay so it doesn’t look like it now I see dispenser some more bread there that is probably where his uh yeah that’s probably his recipe so I guess the idea behind some of these things is if we step on this it would give us one copy of this letter so instead of taking it from the dispenser we’ll just step on that now we’ve got the letter he needs you know there’s a lot of app here let’s take some of these apples cuz we’re probably going to need it I don’t want to take all the food but I think all they’re scared of is the rabbits well that’s interesting we could probably kill the rabbits for food and stuff we’ll go back up this way we’re going to head back out oh there’s the gray gray Wanderer I thought it was a great wizard telling me welcome to Middle Earth speak with the great uh hold on just in case why don’t you come over here are you looking to share in an adventure epic games TV there are great Many Adventures to be had here but the world is wide and full of manner and danger so allow me to give you some advice first speak with the gry wander okay he gave me a book this book you shall find particularly useful open it up and look inside okay are you looking to share okay so that’s what he basically just said to me then he wants me to go talk to him again so let’s go talk to him again okay what did he what did he say I totally missed that um you must now learn to read a map for Middle Earth it is very wide world indeed and decent Adventurer must know how to find your way around gray wander has asked me to press L to open the map okay well in this version that we’re running we have two maps we have the M which is part of our mini map and stuff like that which is game map but we have the Middle Earth Map which is inside here and just to show you how big middle Earth is we [Music] are somewhere like right here the sh so we’re 504 by 520 to get to some place like Moria it is 41,000 blocks away to get the Mortor which is through the gates or minus morgal it is 83,000 blocks or more away like this world is huge it will take a long time to go from one end to the other so there are yeah tons of things to do now did he go back somewhere oh he’s down here okay um now you must learn to read we did that Middle Earth full of people but fair and foul depending on how you conduct yourself those people may count on you as a friend or fear you as an enemy gry wander has asked me to speak with the gry wander well I just spoke to you get back here he likes to wander hence his name use left and right to cycle to cycle alignment and faction so use the left and right arrow keys oh okay so that’s how we cycle our factions let’s go back to the Hobbit cuz we uh we have plus 15 with the hobbits already Hey sir come back here okay then we’ll talk to you again gr wander has asked me to use the up and down arrow to cycle alignment regions oh alignment regions what is that near herid ginion okay uh what’s next oh yes the faction guide can tell you more about that all those groups the friend foes areas of influence gr wander has asked me to press L to open up the faction’s guide oh Alignment Plus 15 Hobbit guest enemy slain Min Quest completed I did one oh okay so this is all your different factions for the area and stuff and it keeps track of uh trades made enemy slain it’s pretty cool oh see this guy’s got a little quest for this girl she wants us to collect three cakes I don’t have any cakes or I can’t even make cakes yet um of course there’s much to do in Middle Earth you will learn more about the world through your adventures grey wander has asked me to speak with the grey wander hey okay we’ll speak to you again I almost forgot take these old bags along with you I suspect you shall have a greater need of them than I gry wander has asked me to speak with the gry wander oh he dropped us some bags That’s mighty nice of him um epic games TV has just earned the Middle Earth achievement look [Music] I don’t know what that just said there uh completed we did this one well I do believe that’s all I must have to tell you and now I must be on my way good day to you epic games TV Quest completed okay so he gave us a couple of bags okay so let’s let’s head back over [Music] here now there there’s nothing in these chests now we also have um this Quest we’ve done it wants us to go to Bag End now I did come on here a little earlier and I did do some looting and I did leave all my stuff inside a chest over here so we’re going to go inside here oops we’re going to check out a little hobbit Hub this is where Sam sleeps nice little clock going now we did loot a lot of this stuff um but I put all my loota bles inside here and like I said I want to put these things back so let’s put this on got a little armor let’s put these letters back into uh into here just in case other people um I really could use that coal but we’re going to leave that for now so can we put these back we can okay so there you go that will help out uh 40 more people by putting the letter back okay so they mentioned to follow the road so we’re going to follow the road now we don’t really have a way to to get a horse so we’re going to have to start off with doing a lot of walking we could try to chop down a tree I think I want to kind of leave these trees [Music] alone it’s kind of creepy music wasn’t it oh what’s that oo whatever it was I could throw it that’s kind of funny we can use chestnuts as a weapon oh we can that’s so funny I’m going to kill a sheep with a Chestnut oh that’s hilar is did it give us anything though or did it automatically go into a pouch it might have already gone into a pouch we have got some uh some stuff already okay these trees are really big I need some wood how about we uh work on this tree I guess there’s no way to uh chop the tree down oh there’s no fast Lea Decay I wonder if that’s because it’s custom tree and that person has a quest but before we do that we need to make some tools we’re going to start off by um let’s make a sword the red book up there we’ll need another one of these we’re going to need pickaxe a regular axe there we go um let’s put this up here and then I guess we also want a shovel so we’ll get one more okay it gives uh few tools and night is coming let’s go see what this person wants if we can help them collect 30 Chestnut Wood could probably do that for you is this this is Chestnut Wood right that we’re using oak wood I did have another type of wood right there Chestnut Wood so we need 30 of that kind of wood oh I see it puts a little Quest marker on the top left okay is this chestwood uh that must have been oak wood guys you’re not dropping any saplings you’re making it hard for me to uh play by the rules okay got a sapling here let’s put that up okay so we’re going to put one tree back down there we need another sapling though I think we’re in trouble oh there we go put that sapling back there okay we’re going to add two more trees just to make it okay what is the difference between the wood what I need to do is figure out where a chestnut tree is uh show [Music] visible okay so it pops up down there now oh look at that somebody blew pipe weed smoke ring what is this oak wood this over here was Chestnut yeah so we need this one oh I think we need to shift okay but it didn’t uhoh is it not going to register okay four Chestnut saplings I think that is [Music] uh going to replace what we want let’s put a couple more down here get some chest nuts going oh that’s Chestnut there too okay just up to 18 we are Des desperately needing quite a few of these uh pickaxes we’re going through them pretty quickly so let’s get some more planks okay did we get any saplings we got one that’s good enough that’s all we need one to replace right okay there are a lot of other quests here 12 mugs one bucket I do have bucket but they have milk in it right now so don’t really want to give that up oak wood this is oh oh thorny plants got to be careful with that okay that’s 25 here we go and we’ll put an extra one down we need five more Let’s uh grab that okay I need oh we’ve got enough hey Rufus how are you okay we’re going to go look for that girl and see if the Chestnut Wood can be given back to her she was down over there there you go I almost fell in that oh I did fall in that yeah that might not be a good idea okay let’s get back out he get stamina the thing because uh I couldn’t run my stamina was too low oh she drops money plus 12.1 faction and she gave us money okay we need to get back on the road and we’re going to head over to The Hobbit tree so here’s the road I called it The Hobbit tree but I think it’s the party tree look at all the carrots so many carrots we don’t really need the carrots oh I think that’s somebody’s house I thought that might have been the tree oh look at this there’s some [Music] uh oh is this where we need to go Banner this is the uh Hobbit banners it’s pretty neat wonder if those are craftable uh let’s go over here there is some Hobbit houses the sounds and this game are creepy the Jolly horse this sounds like a Tavern oh yeah seven cooked pork chops um we might have some cooked pork chops check my bags here but you know what we probably don’t we haven’t really been doing anything to the pigs uhoh I’m not even going to ask why there’s a sheep inside the tavern you guys need to leave it at your farm I know it’s a pet this is pretty neat it’s a neat little uh neat little place o some cooked chicken some [Music] corn ooh um be there’s one cook pork chop no real loot here I’m just going to leave everything do you sell stuff The Hobbit bartender you can talk trade and exchange coins what do you have to trade oh I have 29 coins so he is buying cooked mutton for seven is he selling this I’m a little confused by this menu system is it buy as in like we can buy that from him and he is willing to buy these things so let’s try mutton cuz I know I have some of that where do we have it well I have one right there we have some cooked mutton but uh let’s take out this raw one and then let’s go like this um I think we have to do it this way trade and if I put that there oh yeah he gave me three okay so this is what he’s willing to buy from us so for every two leaks he gives us one coin so what he really wants is raw Venison and then raw mutton then he turns around Cooks it sells it for like double nice who are you no so you can interact with the bartenders that’s good to know okay where is this party tree I have not found it yet apples you know I’ve got apples on me and it raised our faction we’re almost friends cool oh yes it’s good thing we had that oak on us we got 18 Oak left oh I don’t have 19 I only have 18 yeah we can’t trade with her anymore that’s cool though it’s good way for us to get money in the game see what else we can do with money what is this oh there’s a mailbox there’s a banker what’s this cost upgrade is a bunch of silver oh we can oh is that gold hold on silver coin okay we don’t have enough to unlock that so we have I guess one one tab that we can use in the bank and then we can upgrade it looks like up to 40 tabs cool so there’s a Banks oh not like we should be uh raiding the bank but uh you know what just going to take a little peek around see what you had in there what’s a mailman do well you can send mail to other [Music] players okay and you sir are a sheriff we can hire you how long have you been in this tavern you ask well that is none of your business okay and there’s a butcher wow he only buys that’s not very good leads are pretty oh he buys leads for three so is the money maker for this guy look at that 11 coins and you look like an alchemist you are buying apples and green apples and plums and buckets of water and you are sing some different beverages Tavern to the green dragon okay oo the saern looks a lot different a there’s another chest oh we can’t open it though we don’t want to break anything oh Pippen and Mary are on the table dancing five meat we could actually probably collect that just off the tables I’m just saying just uh exit is Exit okay oh they used the mushroom to give the wall texture smart oh look at this we could probably raid the bar for those drinks okay let’s go in here you get down there um I don’t know what that is there a bed here Monday sh Reckoning [Music] uhoh Hobbit pancakes oh those sound good yeah it’s pretty neat yeah I am glad that it’s daytime again we’ll keep going along this way we will find wonder if that’s the party tree over there just go this way I think that’s the party tree I think we’re taking a long approach to get there hin this is where we need to go and I think take a little shortcut I think this is our uh our birthday party that we were looking for party gas party gas yeah happy birthday bbo bagin 111 okay so we found the party tree which means we need to go up there so let’s go up that direction we probably take a shortcut and jump up nobody’s going to mind us walking on their roofs I found bagend I should go inside and check out what happened okay so we completed that part no admittance except party business um oh he’s got a nice view up here sit down here um I’m a little too big for the seat but uh that’s okay you know we can change the way we look in this game we can uh change our player model to a hobbit um vult Hobbit There we go um but we want to play male and then I believe if we change these it changes our look and now we are our Hobbit interesting so do we fit better as a hobbit oh yeah see that’s much better this Hobbit for pretty cool I I do like that feature okay let’s go [Music] in Hefty Hardy [Music] dagger dagger Wen Helm another pouch um um oh what’s this plus two protection okay I’m sorry but I I want this small pouch I got lots of poaches already I do kind of want some torches though empty map we’ll take one books will leave I like the different looks of these pouches though we’ll take one pouch take that too oh that’s totally different blue dwarf and steel ignant and that’s regular I do want a weapon here melee damage four 3.5 but one has knockback um let’s try this let’s try that let’s put this on there we go we got a little Helm and let’s put that there you can probably [Music] put you know it’s not very much damage it’s one and a half times faster but doesn’t really have the reach [Music] maybe we’ll do the dwarfen dagger okay before we go talk to him let’s go Snoop I like these little Maps can’t open those ones [Music] okay that one we already looked at that’s interesting ooh chocolate cherries cherry pie oh my goodness I’m getting hungry all kinds of food and stuff what we really want is a better un sealable dish cracker I wonder what those are toy makers oh there’s the uh Banner of the hobbits wonder if we should take one of these way makers oh we found the money room [Music] copper does that have any purpose besides crafting Blue Mountain Merchant will buy it three guys will buy it but nobody in hobbiton will buy it oh it’s like his food storage area nice little [Music] uh nice little area he’s got set up this is a nice little house slow Stone shovel lasting stone pickaxe okay let’s take the pickaxe there’s tons of poaches here well I don’t know if for oh a saddle that is money right there plug of shears a lead we already got a lead salt oh that one person would buy salt it’s actually uh some good money there okay we’re not going to loot this place I don’t want to loot Bagons Let’s uh continue on with the quest let’s put some of this stuff away we don’t need it all okay let’s see what he says oops uh who’s there who disturbs maybe I should take off the uh shaders see how the writing see if the writing’s any better oh that’s perfect today is my 11th birthday you should come and see the party I left a little early today uh I I am old epic games TV you can’t tell me I can feel I feel very thin like butter spread too much bread something has to change I want to see mountains again I think it’s time for one last adventure something H you’re just in time by the way epic games TV G of wanted to talk to you too oh it’s probably about my old magic ring he persuaded me to give him give him up he’s at the fireplace came up with a good ending for my book so I’ve lived happily until the end of days okay then I just restart so he wants us to talk to Gandalf who’s got a ton of Hearts oh my goodness um I don’t think anybody’s killing Gandalf 2,000 a wizard is never late epic games TV nor is he early he arrives precisely when he means to our meeting here in Bag End is no coincidence we have something important to talk about Hello gandal nice to see you what happened you were or sorry you looked worried my worst nightmares have come true the dark lord Saron has returned and the One Ring of Power with him it was here in the sh before my eyes the whole time and I was too blind to see it the ring can’t stay here and I can’t bear it epic games TV you must take it [Music] um you cannot die uh-oh I see you there is no life in the vo only de the ring wants to be found take good care of it don’t use it no matter what the ring race can feel its power o [Music] um silent someone is spying on us Gandalf freees he moves quietly towards the window ey wide detention he raises the staff up the window and slams it down on the Intruder there’s a Yelp of pain Sam we gamji is a little late for trimming the hedges don’t you think epic games TV will come with you meet him at brand new wine Bridge okay so did he give me the ring I don’t know you cannot die Quest start okay I see you there is no life in the bo I’m not sure does he did he give us the ring I don’t see the ring hopefully we didn’t put it on um can we do this can’t use the money that’s too bad or is that the ring there slowness to weakness regeneration three invisibility to so that made us invisible oh it makes us invisible we don’t want to wear it um I just put it back woo I don’t think we want to wear that ring okay so if we look um three in not found part one let’s go on adventure okay I think that uh that covers it I also want to go back to our regular player custom MPC player would be down here probably there we go okay we’re back to our regular size here with our dagger yeah I think that’s going to call it we’ve started the quest we uh I’ve almost gained enough faction oh look Sam’s outside the window there that’s so funny he’s peeking um so we gained a little bit of faction with the hobbits we are now halfway to being friends with them which is cool maybe that will uh get us some more money when selling with them there’s the uh backdrop of the party tree behind us but yeah this is going to be kind of like a side series that we do with our Magic Kingdoms and uh we’re going to do them both Magic Kingdoms is some of the builds are taking a long time and it’s really hard for us to get the videos out with such big builds so we’re going to kind of do this we’re going to do the Magic Kingdoms and uh I do have another star do Valley video that needs to be edited so between the three of those things I think that should be a good for the summer This Server though um we’re going to have a couple of friends on it playing I think this Thursday I think the day that this video comes out they might be playing uh I’m not sure I’ve got to help them get it set up but uh I want to thank you guys so much if you like the idea of this server and uh Middle Earth and Lord of the Rings please hit the Thumbs Up Button give it a like leave a comment let me know what you guys think there we go there’s the wave and then what’s our number two kind of a dance yeah it’s your birthday uh so we got that one what do we got for number three oh we’re bowing nice before uh we lay down okay we’re just resting on the job and number five I believe is sit so we can just sit anywhere we want pretty cool okay can we wave while we’re sitting no so thank you guys so much for watching I’m epic games TV and we are out of here take care folks

This video, titled ‘THIS IS AMAZING, MINECRAFT MIDDLE EARTH!’, was uploaded by EpicGamezTV on 2024-06-20 14:00:32. It has garnered 3217 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:53 or 3833 seconds.

🌍✨ Welcome to Minecraft Middle Earth! ✨🌍

Embark on an epic journey through the stunning, blocky recreation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s legendary world! From the lush forests of Lothlórien to the towering heights of Minas Tirith, our Minecraft Middle Earth videos will takes you on a breathtaking tour of this massive, fan-made project over the series.

👀 What You’ll See:

The Shire: Wander through the cozy hobbit holes and rolling hills. Rivendell: Explore the Elven haven nestled in a deep valley. Moria: Delve into the dark depths of the ancient Dwarven city. Rohan: Gallop across the wide-open plains and visit Edoras. Gondor: Marvel at the white city of Minas Tirith standing proud against the mountains.

🎮 Features: Incredible Detail: Experience the meticulously crafted landscapes and iconic structures. Fan Community: Learn about the dedicated team of builders behind this project. Easter Eggs: Discover hidden secrets and references to the beloved books and movies. Iconic Characters: See iconic characters and watch the story unfold.

🌟 Join Us: Subscribe to our channel for more immersive Minecraft content. Hit the like button if you’re a Tolkien fan! Share your thoughts and favorite locations in the comments below. ⚔️ Gear up, adventurers! The world of Middle Earth awaits you in a way you’ve never seen before. Press play and let the adventure begin! 🏰🗺️


Disclaimer: Ringcraft is not to be confused with another project of a similar name being made by LiquidNewT called RingsCraft. Even though we both use the same map by Pacman and his Team the projects are different. All rights belong to the original Mod authors for the mods we used unless otherwise stated by the author. There will not be a download option for this Pack like our other ones. Visit the Planet Minecraft link we provided below and all the information can be found there including what some of the mods are we used.

For more information on the world map check out this link: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/middle-earth-complete-map-with-story-quest-s/

#MinecraftMiddleEarth #LordOfTheRings #Minecraft #Tolkien #Gaming #EpicBuilds #MiddleEarth #EpicGamezTV

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    Girl Destroys All Bases in Minecraft SMP The Mysterious Tale of the Girl Who Destroyed Every Base in the HaxMC Dimension Within the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, a peculiar event unfolded in the HaxMC Dimension that left players in awe. A mysterious girl embarked on a mission to dismantle every base in the SMP, sparking curiosity and intrigue among the gaming community. The Unprecedented Destruction As the girl traversed the virtual landscapes of HaxMC, she left a trail of destruction in her wake. Base after base fell victim to her strategic prowess and unmatched skills, leaving fellow players astonished by her relentless determination. The… Read More

  • Villager Trades Gone Wild

    Villager Trades Gone Wild Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Items Welcome, gamers! Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft where villagers offer incredibly powerful trades. Let’s explore this unique aspect of the game and see what exciting adventures await! Trading for Power In this Minecraft challenge, players encounter villagers who offer trades for overpowered items. From enchanted gear to rare resources, these trades can give players a significant advantage in their gameplay. Exploring Villages As players navigate through villages, they come across villagers with exceptional trades. These trades can include powerful weapons, armor, and other valuable items that can aid players in… Read More

  • Future Minecraft Speed Build Shenanigans

    Future Minecraft Speed Build Shenanigans Minecraft Speed Builders 2024: A Hilarious and Fast-Paced Competition Get ready for an epic Minecraft Speed Builders showdown in 2024! Watch as players race against time to construct magnificent structures in record time. This fast-paced mini-game will test your building skills and provide endless entertainment. Join the Fun in Minecraft Speed Builders Step into the world of Minecraft Speed Builders and witness the intense competition unfold. Players go head-to-head, striving to build structures at lightning speed while the clock ticks away. The excitement is palpable as participants push their limits to achieve victory. Challenging Building Skills Building in Minecraft… Read More

  • Brewing ALL Minecraft Potions with Create Mod!

    Brewing ALL Minecraft Potions with Create Mod! Bulk Brewing EVERY Minecraft Potion with the Create Mod! Introduction In the world of Minecraft, Batsi from Skull Island embarks on a new project – creating a brewing station to craft every potion in the game. With the help of the Create Mod, Batsi dives into the intricate process of setting up a system to brew and upgrade potions efficiently. Building the Brewing Station Batsi starts by revamping the interior of the station to serve as a broadcast station and video editing hub. With creative changes like adding a computer setup and decorative elements, the station transforms into a… Read More

  • Crafting Kits: SMP Additions Galore!

    Crafting Kits: SMP Additions Galore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, New kits added to the game, changing lives. Join the SMP realm, with code ZgcsKTSYvgA, Unleash your imagination, in a virtual play. Subscribe and like, show some love and support, For the gamer life, where dreams take flight, no retort. Building blocks of endless possibilities, memes and fun, In this virtual world, under the shining sun. So leap into the verse, with beats and art, Crafting Minecraft news, straight from the heart. Iacing every update, with a grin and a spin, In this gaming world, where we all win. Read More

  • Who’s the Hreo in Minecraft? A Rhyme to Unravel the Mystery!

    Who's the Hreo in Minecraft? A Rhyme to Unravel the Mystery! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Hreo is the hero, the one we all see. With animations so smooth, and stories so grand, He’s the one we all love in this pixelated land. Discussing with Hreo, the master of the game, Unraveling secrets, and bringing us fame. With characters like Steven James and Alunji Shiro, Their adventures are epic, their journey a hero. But remember, don’t copy, just enjoy the show, With music by Roa, let the creativity flow. So join in the fun, with hashtags galore, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more. Read More

  • RIP EFEKAN: Minecraft’s Saddest Farewell

    RIP EFEKAN: Minecraft's Saddest Farewell In the Minecraft world, Efekan is dead, A battle with Cardboard Man, who will be ahead? With strength and might, they clash and fight, In this epic showdown, who will shine bright? Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, For Minecraft news, it’s your ultimate treat. Join the Discord, be part of the crew, Engage with the community, that’s what you should do. All in good fun, with a touch of jest, Minecraft adventures, put to the test. Stay tuned for more, in every rhyme, In the world of gaming, it’s always prime. Read More

  • “Hot Minecraft Memes: Part 01” 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes

    "Hot Minecraft Memes: Part 01" 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Join Minewind: Build Your Medieval Dream World

    Join Minewind: Build Your Medieval Dream World Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon an amazing YouTube tutorial on how to build a compact medieval house in Minecraft. The attention to detail and creativity showcased in the video truly blew us away. It got us thinking – what if there was a Minecraft server where players could showcase their building skills and creativity on a larger scale? That’s where Minewind comes in. With its vast open world and dedicated community of players, Minewind offers the perfect platform for Minecraft enthusiasts to come together and build, explore, and create to their heart’s content. Imagine being able to… Read More

  • Ultimate Water Reflections in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Water Reflections in Minecraft! Exploring Real Water Reflections in Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.21+ Exciting news for Minecraft enthusiasts! The latest update for Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.21+ introduces real-time water reflections, bringing a new level of visual depth to the game. This feature has been highly anticipated by players, as it enhances the overall gaming experience and brings the graphics closer to Java quality shaders. How to Access Real Water Reflections To enjoy the real water reflections in Minecraft Bedrock Edition, players need to have the Preview version installed. Additionally, they must enable deferred rendering options with reflections set to ultra. This setting allows… Read More

  • Jack Pattillo takes on Assassin’s Creed Mirage! 🔥

    Jack Pattillo takes on Assassin's Creed Mirage! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Jack plays Assassin’s Creed Mirage Part 1!’, was uploaded by Jack Pattillo on 2024-05-28 20:14:51. It has garnered 3710 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:59 or 13859 seconds. Jack wasn’t feeling Minecraft, so instead he launched Assassin’s Creed Mirage and went nuts! Why don’t you watch along? Join Jack live on Twitch! http://www.twitch.tv/jackpattillo Read More

  • Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server now!

    Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Wbijaj na LineEu.icsv.pl #minecraft #minecraftserver #minecraftserwer #polska #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by shizak2 on 2024-05-18 13:31:13. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserwer #minecraftserver #minecraftseries Minecraft Pet simulator X Pet Sim X PSX HUGE CAT HUGE PET MYTH POGROMNY MYTHÓW OPENING ROBUX ROBUXY OPENING EGGS 2023 PRESTON BuildIntoGames Hack TITANIC MYTHICAL mythical titanic hack preston robux robuxy robuks opening opening eggs huge cat titanic balloon monkey titanic jolly cat pet prices partner fake roblox studio how to send robux free robux for… Read More


    DylanMC - UNCOVERING THE HEAVIEST BLOCK!Video Information This video, titled ‘CUÁL ES EL BLOQUE MÁS PESADO DE TODO Minecraft’, was uploaded by DylanMC on 2024-04-22 17:23:44. It has garnered 1374850 views and 107489 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. ↓ ↓ ↓ FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE ↓ ↓ ↓ ► instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dylanmccortos/ ► twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/dylanmc_live ► discord: https://discord.gg/NF53cCzeCj And now… if you’ve read all this, subscribe xd #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: NOOB vs PRO – Giant Planet House

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: NOOB vs PRO - Giant Planet HouseVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: GIANT PLANET HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-09 17:00:13. It has garnered 241658 views and 4172 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:12 or 2052 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build Giant PLANETS houses! Who builds the planet house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • “Insane Custom Superhero Gun Game in Minecraft! 🔥” #minecraft #mod

    "Insane Custom Superhero Gun Game in Minecraft! 🔥" #minecraft #modVideo Information This video, titled ‘Custom Superhero Gun Game in Minecraft #minecraft #gaming #superhero #mod’, was uploaded by Arrzee on 2024-03-07 00:02:14. It has garnered 10004 views and 526 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Arrzee and friends simulate the classic Gun Game mode using Custom Superhero suits from the Enhanced SMP heropack! If you like Marvel and DC Superheroes, check out Season 1 the Enhanced SMP!: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB2BswZeb7v2Oqtek9jJHJJ881Yas4uW9&si=Ya6GqswOB6HZ6c2S Thanks as always to ALL of the Patrons who have supported me over the last 7 months, I couldn’t keep doing this without you! Get both the… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival Material Collection!

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival Material Collection!Video Information This video, titled ‘Siap Siap Ngumpulin Bahan Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-06-15 13:36:13. It has garnered 6095 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:10 or 3310 seconds. Join Membersip Nase : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw/join skin minecraft: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_UHQ06CBhlsT7icJ7zs0ca53xxPb1LoJ/view?usp=sharing Donate saweria: https://saweria.co/RafliNagaraa17 socialBuzz : https://sociabuzz.com/rafli-adytian_-/donate cara register minecraft: https://youtu.be/x5NNMS9b8kA Social media🌎 Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rafli_nagara17/ tik tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@raflinagara17 Discord : https://discord.gg/wRan8ZxpPK Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kodiam !mentionname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM5DczGW60oIaCzJmajQz7zr7f4mRcXc5 Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village https://youtu.be/PlPZAHsGqOg?si=poiAN5XphqRC_nBn 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia… Read More

  • Insane Pranks & Epic Wins: Minecraft Bed Wars #179

    Insane Pranks & Epic Wins: Minecraft Bed Wars #179Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS #179’, was uploaded by LuisKly on 2024-04-05 21:00:20. It has garnered 3385 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. MINECRAFT BED WARS SIGMA # HYPIXEL HYLEX MUSH #bedwars #hypixel #minecraft Read More

  • Raiding Richest Base on LifestealSMP! #crackedsmp

    Raiding Richest Base on LifestealSMP! #crackedsmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Raiding Richest Base On Public LifestealSMP #lifestealsmp #crackedsmp #minecraft #cpvp’, was uploaded by Emiron on 2024-07-12 07:32:07. It has garnered 842 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Public Minecraft SMP (free to join). Join this new public Minecraft SMP for completely free! Come join this active server anytime with your friends or by yourself! Its fun to grind with multiple game modes and a active welcoming community! SMP IP ➤ lifestealsmp.com SMP Port ➤ 19132 SMP Store ➤ https://store.lifestealsmp.com SMP Discord ➤ https://discord.gg/lifestealsmp Kindly, if you have… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Critical Damage in Minecraft 🎮

    Unbelievable! Critical Damage in Minecraft 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft nostalgia 🥺’, was uploaded by Critical Damage on 2024-02-16 05:47:19. It has garnered 2576 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft but minecraft survival nostalgia Minecraft nostalgia minecraft nostalgia that will make you cryfunny memesdank memesmemes compilation Memes minecraft but challenge Minecraft trending minecraft mod minecraft speedrun minecraft challenge fresh memes minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft godzilla, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft live, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armadillo,… Read More

  • EndyCraft

    EndyCraftEndyCraft is a BRAND NEW lifesteal SMP that is striving to create a fun, challenging and safe environment for all to enjoy play.endycraft.net Read More

  • Lifesteal anarchy – semi-vanilla, anarchy

    Semi-Vanilla Lifesteal Anarchy SMP We are a small and new community playing on a semi-vanilla server with lifesteal abilities, /home, and /tpa commands. We welcome all types of players, from serious to casual, even griefers! There are minimal rules, with the only restriction being no spawn killing. The server is located on the east coast. Join our Discord server to apply for whitelist and get the IP! https://discord.com/invite/M5hM6u8yMa Tags: Minecraft, Lifesteal, Semi-Vanilla, Small Community, New Server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers Chug Mountain Dew to Charge Up

    Looks like those creepers have been hitting the Dew a little too hard! Time to switch to decaf, guys. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay Revealed!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘playing minecraft 😀 (Minewind)’, was uploaded by Expslep on 2024-07-17 01:22:39. It has garnered 5 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. server is called minewind to find server ip go to: mindwind.com Read More

  • Crafty Must-Dos: Minecraft Players’ Chore

    Crafty Must-Dos: Minecraft Players' Chore In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Players must mine, build, and explore with glee. From crafting tools to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. Join me, dear viewers, as we delve into the game, Discovering secrets and strategies, never the same. With each new update, the world evolves, And players adapt, with problems they solve. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your wit, For in Minecraft, there’s always a new hit. Let’s dive into the world, together we’ll roam, In this blocky paradise, we’ll make a new home. Read More

  • Hot Stray Prank Fail in Minecraft #lol

    Hot Stray Prank Fail in Minecraft #lol When you try to prank a stray in Minecraft but they end up pranking you by stealing all your diamonds instead. #karma #minecraftstruggles #strayshavetheupperhand Read More

  • Exploring The Death Hole in Minecraft

    Exploring The Death Hole in Minecraft The Death Hole in Minecraft: A Legendary PVP Experience Are you ready to dive into the heart-pounding world of Minecraft PVP? Join the adventure as players face off in The Death Hole, a legendary battleground where only the strongest survive. Into The Fray As the countdown begins, players brace themselves for the intense battles that await. The adrenaline is high as they enter The Death Hole, ready to prove their skills in combat. First Fight At the sound of the horn, the first clash erupts. Swords clash, arrows fly, and strategies are put to the test. Who will emerge… Read More

  • Villager Trades Gone Wild

    Villager Trades Gone Wild Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Structure Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where players embark on exciting adventures, face challenging tasks, and explore endless possibilities. In this particular scenario, players encounter a unique challenge known as “Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Structure.” Let’s delve into the details of this intriguing gameplay. Trading with Villagers In Minecraft, players have the opportunity to interact with villagers and engage in trading activities. Villagers offer various items in exchange for emeralds, providing players with valuable resources to enhance their gameplay experience. The trading system adds depth to the game, allowing players to acquire… Read More

  • OMG! I’m Stranded in RP Minecraft! 😱 #vtuberlive

    OMG! I'm Stranded in RP Minecraft! 😱 #vtuberliveVideo Information [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] next Don’t don’t don’t Wor don’t Wor don’t don’t Wor don’t Wor me [Musik] [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] Halo the people of the world ketemu lagi sama nekro di [Musik] sini halo halo ada netizen random ada alion Halo Kak baru spaw iya boleh Mamang aing live juga cepa openening keblet boker gue ya elah tinggal boker Ya bokertinggal boker first time kagak telat gue Anjay Muhammad yulias halo halo yang baru datang Jangan lupa di-like dulu ya teman-teman Aku suka main Minecraft Iya nanti ajarin aku ya Aku juga baru mau main ini baru… Read More

  • Yasha’s Minecraft Meltdown

    Yasha's Minecraft MeltdownVideo Information bro are you oh my [ __ ] God bro all right I can’t [ __ ] this Bro [ __ ] this bro oh my [ __ ] God bro like I know it’s small bro but bro this is like for another day bro I don’t know I do not [ __ ] know what oh my God bro oh my [ __ ] F [Music] God bro you already did your [ __ ] damage bro why would you do this oh my [ __ ] God bro oh my God [Music] man This video,… Read More

  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft Punishment – Creepers Destroy Beautiful Builds! #viral

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft Punishment - Creepers Destroy Beautiful Builds! #viralVideo Information как же сломать бедрок в Minecraft Ну все мы знаем что это невозможно но так говорят в слухи на самом деле можно если ломать бедрок киркой то уйдёт много времени и ничего не выйдет но что если попробовать взорвать его при помощи TNT стой А ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой и напиши комментарий бедрок по буквам так чтобы тебя не перебили но и TNT не смогли сломать бедрок Это что получается невозможно но мы просто так не сдаёмся добываем и из неё делаем мотыгу добываем мир что… Read More

  • Insane Truck Build Battle | Noob vs Pro Challenge!

    Insane Truck Build Battle | Noob vs Pro Challenge!Video Information hello everyone dear friends the weather is just wonderful outside today I wonder what Adventures await me today what I think Mikey’s coming to me Mikey it’s open hi JJ tell me do you have a big car I would really like to move all my things to the city Mikey I’m sorry but no I have just a great idea JJ let’s build a truck today wow Mikey the idea is really great okay I agree but first let’s welcome our dear viewers of course JJ go ahead hello everyone dear friends Mikey and I are going… Read More

  • Master XBOOM AIMER unleashes chaos in Lifesteal Smp!

    Master XBOOM AIMER unleashes chaos in Lifesteal Smp!Video Information आज भी प्रॉब्लम सेम ही है गाइस प्रॉब्लम तो रोज का होता है मगर बस ज्यादा ज्यादा हो जाता है यार कभी-कभी लेकिन कोई ना लेट्स सी आज तो मैं प्रेयर करता हूं भाई प्लीज आज बस थोड़ा अच्छा चल जाए थोड़ा सा चल जाए बस इतना इतना बोलूंगा मैं फिर दो घंटे स्ट्रीम आराम से भाई मजा आ जाएगा नहीं तो भाई पता है ना तुम लोग को यार नेट का कैसा दिमाग खराब होता है नेट का प्रॉब्लम ही प्रॉब्लम है गाइस यार एक मिनट सर्वर ऑन कर रहा हूं फिर बाद में आता हूं दो… Read More

  • Ultimate Destruction in Minecraft – ZS’SKAYR #shorts

    Ultimate Destruction in Minecraft - ZS'SKAYR #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Destroy mace #shorts’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-05-23 14:45:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Destroy mace #shorts link in description:-https://www.youtube.com/@ZSSKAYR67 search title:- #shorts #minecraft #viral … Read More

  • Insane! SuperTails LIVE playing Minecraft with viewers 🤯

    Insane! SuperTails LIVE playing Minecraft with viewers 🤯Video Information [Music] hello is this thing on how we doing how we doing uh playing a little uh well today it’s a special day we’re trying something new today we’re playing multiple games today I’m trying this out and it’s all going to be the same stream that’s that’s the experiment today we’re going to play a little stumble guys start it out cuz we haven’t played that in a while and we’re going to play a little Roblox cuz everybody always loves Roblox and finish it out with Minecraft cuz we love doing Minecraft um so yeah we’re… Read More

  • Ultimate PvP showdown on Hypixel! #EPICBattle

    Ultimate PvP showdown on Hypixel! #EPICBattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro gavr up #minecraft #hypixle #hypixel #pvp #hitsync #swrz #dragclick #minecraftpvp #bedwars #pvp’, was uploaded by One_chance on 2024-05-12 10:18:24. It has garnered 2219 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Lemon unleashes haunting Minecraft parody

    Lemon unleashes haunting Minecraft parodyVideo Information greetings square ones let’s take a journey I SP the world where the MS are really mean blue black and green there must be something in the wall here we a diing just above a m yeah oh no yeah the mom break the neck trying to creep a little sneak peek you come to my world but no one comes close to my ey and thr watch you battle with us you’ll be rolling on night night Super Natural Mobs with undefeatable battle dues and all on the on top Mad Skills own so hard we’ll drop… Read More