Mind-Blowing Minecraft Nation: Unbelievable!

Video Information

Hello i’m fbx toy cat and one of the crazy things about 1.17 we’ve seen so far just from the snapshots is people doubting the usefulness of shulker boxes because i mean they’re basically just bundles right but no let me show you the power of shulker boxes

By taking one from here in my chest room and then a second shulker box from here in the nether and then then between these two shulker boxes one field of black stone one filled with dirt i’m going to be doing everything i need to in today’s video and you see the

Length of this thing that’s how long these two shulker boxes these two inventory slots are going to last me but what exactly are we doing today well i’m glad you asked me in our sarcastic uh rhetorical tone because hello i’m abby x toy cat and welcome back so episode of the minecraft bedrock

Update adventures let’s play the weekly update as to what’s been going on in my update adventures world as well as life the universe and everything in between but here is my updated ventures world or at least a 3000 by 3000 area every single little pixel on this map

Represents one dot in the world and it takes 225 maps to display this area but it’s a really beautiful thing regardless right and one of the things i accidentally did recently is i accidentally uh showed off these hexagons on the map from my little hexagon land and i really liked the way

That it just appeared out of nowhere and then i realized i have so many ocean maps that have nothing on them and here’s one in particular that already has a weird line going for it because of a weird bedrock rendering bug you can see that there is a map which we’re going to

Put in our offhand for today uh we’ve got this map which is entirely blue and although having an entirely blue map that it floats i don’t have a left hand right now huh that’s a weird one but having a blue map is fun and all but

What if we use this as an opportunity to do some art because an interesting thing about item frames is if you put a normal item in them like a torch it will take up just the middle of the frame if you put a map in them

Like say this one right here or any of these other ones it takes up the entirety of the frame which means by making lots of copies of this map we could make lots of blue areas and we could make an entire blue wall that actually was pretty convincing

But also we could fill in this map and we could do some decorations of another form that’s right i’m going to be doing some map art today but first i need to get over to where my map is it’s over here somewhere so i need to go slightly in that direction we can

Actually use our map to work out where this particular map is and uh to get that we’re just gonna fly and we’ll have a vague idea of when we’re in the area because the map should update the rendering issue that i had when i filled out the maps

Shouldn’t be there anymore but you never know for sure so when we see a mild map update we’ll know we’re in the right place and flying and just praying that something changes might seem like a bad idea but yeah with maps it works just about well enough for us

Uh we could also do the exact there we go see we’re in the right place because the map just filled in i i’ll also recognize the place because it’s just a sad entirely blue ocean and it should be somewhere around here as a result i can

Therefore tell and now just to be really sure them in the right place because you really don’t ever know a 100 certainty unless you’re doing the boring maths on how this stuff goes can we just play shocker boxes underwater i guess we can uh what we’re going to do

Is we’re going to start by placing a sun block anywhere on the surface and seeing if we can see it on this map again every single when you have one of these tiny maps or a scale zero map i think it’s called maybe it’s scale one actually when you have a

Level zero map um you can see every single block represents one pixel so we do a second pixel and what does it look like it looks like a second pixel because there we go and now we can uh you know use our dirt to make some lovely brown drawings wow

We can make a brown line that says i or if we want to do a little thing at the top it’s a t oh wow that’s cool we made a t and now we can spell out words if we really want to but those words

Will be in a map a map that we can put on a wall basically we can draw our own block to use for something or you could perhaps combine some letters and some symbols together and that way when someone comes home after a long rainy day they just want to get some sleep

Uh you know they’re really tired of what’s been going on you can remind them that hypothetically you love them assuming it goes the right way there we go look you can write a little message on the ground uh or you don’t even have to write it on the

Ground you’ve got lots of options want to write it on the side of some stairs boom you can do it there too basically you can write anything you want because every pixel represents a little dot on your pixel art and this is a very ugly way to write i

Love you but you know what it’s it’s one of the many options you have available but i’m going to be entirely honest you know what i want to do some pixlr for the things that i love and that is not going to include you internet you know i

I like you a lot i value our relationships sometimes uh if you watch the videos long enough it even means that youtube might show the video to other subscribers and we end up in a place uh that’s real great in that way uh but you know what what i really love

Is uh something else we’re gonna be drawing on today by the way i’ve opened 298 maps in this world if this is map 298 right that is a lot oh there’s weaver skulls out here in the middle of the ocean i don’t know why but apparently they’re still there from

The last with a fight today i learned those things those things last a lot longer than you think but today i figured i would uh you know like put some love in my minecraft world for something i have a lot of uh you know appreciation for or at the

Very least i want to put some symbolism off somewhere in my world because i want to do some map art i feel like uh one of the few things that makes sense into an ocean as opposed to your end because your end has a black background

If you ever want to do math art pro tip uh whereas this is a blue background so the thing that makes the most sense is doing some physical maps right i have a deep appreciation of maps i even have a whole channel dedicated to maps how many channels do i have dedicated to

You singular subscriber not many that’s because i don’t love you unless you you you buy twin cat merch or whatever youtubers say there’s a semi abuse abusive power social relationship to trick you into buying things on my behest but no something i really like um

Is uh you know like the the sense of vague uh nationality i guess i i something i always liked it’s just the picture of the uk you know the outline of the uk just something about that’s like yeah that’s cool it doesn’t mean a lot to a lot of people

And most people who look at this world probably won’t understand it if i try and draw this but today i’m going to use my blackstone shulker box and i’m going to draw the outline of the uk that’s how in just two shulker boxes we can do something actually pretty big and relatively impressive

I probably shouldn’t have these be at the bottom of the ocean but it’s just such a fun and appealing premise to me you know on the side of the sugar boxes can go anywhere and now i have instant access to all this stuff that i can use to draw the outline of

The uk but then you might question why did you have all this dirt toy cat seems real pointless if you’re just gonna use it to draw lines and then remove those lines uh and you know it’s a great filler block for that reason just to have something you can later remove

Because placing blocks notions can be hard same with placing blocks over your end um but basically i feel like you know what today i’m going to be using the dirt as a way to have the land mass itself rather than just the outline let’s have like a filled in

Uh you know thing itself and fill it in with green how do you make grass in minecraft you take dirt and then you add grass which is an interesting method when you think about it that just like dirt plus grass equals more grass it’s just a uh it’s a game where it’s an

Infinitely repeating cycle where it just grows and grows and grows i guess so the question of where we even begin this is one that’s really kind of hard to do but what i decided to do is i just decided to take a map of an outline of the uk

Take it uh you know like to compress it down to 128 by 128 pixels and then i figured you know what that should be useful enough for helping me uh kind of make decisions about roughly what it looks like because everyone can tell that there’s this interesting thing about like you

Know flags i love bikenography where you can tell if it’s meant to be something or you just can’t there’s like there’s like this binary parcel fail like right now if you look at this map it’s just some interpretive art right there’s some brown there’s some white there’s some

Some black you can be like wow this is a this is actually meant to uh indicate racism and self-selection of groups and how we don’t really see the full picture at any one point in time but really the full picture can’t be seen you know i i can make a great

Point about how this is interpretive artwork but instead no this is just uh some random dots and a thing but once you once you try and you complete you’re either going to complete it and it’s going to go great or it’s not it’s really hard to know for sure which it is

Until the thing has been done and that’s why i’m going to be working very vaguely off the outline and we’ll see if we start to indicate the uk because you know me being from here right now i still can’t tell what working like i i know intuitively that

We’re on like the border of england and scotland but most people looking at that just like so that’s a that’s a ziggy zaggerty line you’ve got that toy cat that’s a really good job you keep that up and the point at which someone from the uk will recognize it

That’s a big win and then the point at which anyone in the world will recognize it is the second big win that we’re gonna hope we can get to today but i don’t really know for sure okay so right now it’s looking a bit like wales i want to say but mostly

There’s just a series of lines that no one can really interpret and we have to work through adding to some of those lines uh perhaps and while we do that oh i need to go get all the black star you know leaving leaving the two shocker

Boxes over there was a bad idea but you know while we’re doing a lot of a task that involves lots of placing you know it means we have some time to talk and you know what should we talk about wow it turns out in this let’s play we

Happen to talk about what’s been going on the last week because i don’t have a vlog series on my channel i don’t have a what’s been going on uh this is a good way to like catch up and be like hey what’s been gone on the last week in case

Uh you care although there’s a tiny chart you’re watching this video you have no cares no idea who i even am and then you’re like so toy cat why are you why do you need to tell me about your life i don’t care about your life which is statistically technically

Speaking most of the population at any given point in time doesn’t care about your life and isn’t that nice like some people see that as like dark but i say it’s like freeing that so much of the world doesn’t care like you know if you’ve got everyone looking at you all the time

It means that not only do some of those people hate you which admittedly like if you’re i guess whatever level of celebrity you’re arguably getting paid to be hated and you’re not you can you can pay me for a lot of things that i don’t want to do

And they’re a-okay oops made a mistake gotta get rid of that went straight from scotland to wales there’s actually this weird i think it’s called the humber there’s this part of england it’s very weird you know geography in england you’re going to learn about the uk in this video

But you’re just going to learn about what i’ve been up to which has been the end of my self isolation mandatory period thing i know it’s been it’s been weird because um i go back to the uk you could argue at an inconvenient time because the whole country is is doing

Nothing something something locked down but also you could argue it’s convenient on the level that like oh so it meant that i had to uh right now the uk has no normal entry restrictions but if you do want to enter you have to be

Uh locked away for at le yeah at a bare minimum of uh huh i guess i wonder what’s going on over here the the map is still just looking like a weird line it looks like someone’s really bad at drawing a straight line which is not not ideal it’s not what we’re

Going for if i’m being entirely honest but you know it’ll get there eventually um and then we’ll go this way yeah that’s that’s right you know it kind of hurts destroying like an entire part of something because you made a slight mistake um but you know these are things you gotta live with

Sometimes and they hurt but hopefully the end product makes it worthwhile it’s kind of funny this is this is something like that’s always like hurt me about like any form of art i guess like you make a tiny mistake and it’s like it’s all done and gone i i was always

One of the subjects i was like worse with which is weird because minecraft is arguably just an entire art slash creator project but it’s also very arguably not right it’s um it’s one of those games that really like defies being categorized in a lot of ways because it’s like what do you even

Call this game it’s like a it’s it’s it’s like i kind of describe it based on whatever the person you’re speaking to likes the most about it like oh yeah it’s this game it’s like this block this 3d block editing game thing but also you know the survival mode and

The zombies like describing minecraft itself is very hard um and minecraft’s like a physical thing ex that exists uh that that’s why i always uh think that the challenge of like trying to describe a person in any way is gonna be so unmeaningful like people

On on the internet to go back to my previous point like on the internet like people have this real feel that the more they know about you the more they feel like they uh know about you and people have this real feel for like who you are and what that must mean etc

It’s like ah you know i’m not sure that anyone has a really good idea so we’re gonna have like seven blocks going this way and then we’re gonna go into the north bit of wales which is gonna be like this i’m using dirt right now because again eventually it’ll become

Uh grass which is an easy thing to keep in mind while we do all of this and we dip right back down over to here this is uh this is the north i think it’s called like the north west of wales there’s uh this is where the ferries the ireland go from

Well i can just give you a tour of the uk as i slowly place the borders off it and pray that i haven’t made some fatal mistake that will make it look terrible because still looking at the line i see nothing um actually wait uh my assistant is an american so i’m gonna

While she edits this video tell to show on screen the moment where you like can spot this is recognizably the uk i’d love i’d love to know from from you uh when when that moment comes okay this this is incorrect this gotta go on the other side oopsie

We’re gonna have a lot of these oopsies as we go along i think but yeah it’s interesting because uh all of the reasons that i was allowed to leave my house legally anyway um are the reasons that i would leave for the most part regardless like it’s it’s super interesting

Uh that like oh yeah you can there’s only like a few very specific reasons that you’re not meant to anyway one of those is travel but like obviously just got back to the uk and it’s it’s 20 20. not many normally great compelling reasons to travel just yet but 2021

Boy will that magically everything be okay you know there’s um i think a lot about societal myths like things that like a country believes or has to believe or at whatever levels and um i think it’s interesting that like one of the big societal myths right now is just like oh

Yeah everything is like around the corner everything’s like right now right here because when that when there’s hard things believing it’ll be over right away is like super important it’s like i always hear heard in school but like oh yeah people thought that world war one would

Be over by christmas uh that was the that was the thing the british public told themselves and i was like well they sure are stupid because i’m studying history right now and like let me tell you uh you know i i know that it ends in 1918 and that’s not christmas of 1914

Those idiots thinking that a thing could just end um and instead you get this uh interesting thing where like if if people had known the full extent of what was going to happen when the ward first started that would be like mass outcry against it but instead you

Instead the there’s this kind of like trickle movement if you look into like how wars happen where it’s like oh yeah we’ll just do this one limited thing everyone’s on board of that yeah this is this is for like safety and protection or whatever and then you move on from that one

Thing to like well now we’ve done that one thing it makes sense to keep doing that one thing right you don’t just do one thing and then stop you’ve got to commit and now once we’ve done the one one thing and we’ve continued like we might as well up our response because

That one thing isn’t working surprise surprise we definitely didn’t know that uh going into this one and uh the kind of like uh i guess like trickle truth is how a lot of uh things work if you think about minecraft microtransactions it started in a similar way right like oh

We’re gonna have one source of micro transaction it’s going to be you can buy things to support creators in the store it’s something that’s very hard to get not on board with right like people who make really creative things are now going to be employed by minecraft i

I still every week i read about someone who is able to quit someday job and focus on making minecraft maps full-time because the marketplace it’s incredible who could be against that and then mixed in with things that are incredible and who could be against it

You also see um at the exact same time then it’s like okay now we’ve got this great workable system i’m just gonna play some dirt over here see whales is starting to exist i’m liking it we are uh this contrary to all popular belief wales is in fact real

It seems that’s what i’m starting to hear at least sources tell me that wales sometimes exists and now we go down a couple and then we go down over to here there’s uh there’s this really really thin line between the south of wales and england it literally is gonna be in our example

Oh we probably shouldn’t use dirt but uh in our example it’s gonna be literally two blocks wide and there’s gonna be some england over there so if we can get england over here that means that we’ve done correctly if our lines don’t line up that means this isn’t right yeah this is

Still just a squiggly mess i’ll get back to you when it’s slightly more recognizable hey good news it turns out we did in fact end up in the right place still not looking like england in the slightest though i’m also really worried i’m going to run out of space but

You ever do that thing where you think you’re getting around space on the page so you start like making your text really small i’m moderately worried we’re gonna have to do that um or we have to choose between doing that like squeezing our words to fit in before the underline or

Not actually you know i since some people like the dumpster stories i tell i tell uh just as a fun little uh minor story right here one of the things i used to do i i guess i realized at age like 10 i had bad handwriting

I had to try really really really hard to have good handwriting so um some teachers would call me out and i’d be like no you will write good things to make it easy for me to read and i do way less work as a result because it will take me

So much longer to do every single uh you know little part of it but then eventually scientists were just like okay you’re not sure uh you you can’t you can’t write well uh you can’t write fast unless you’re writing poorly so i guess you can just keep trying uh you know terribly if

You really have to go ahead and then i realized okay most teachers aren’t even reading it because it was just so hard for them so it’s like it was like an exercise in you know i i think in reality most of the things you write as a school

Child aren’t read by anyone anyway again maybe maybe just me maybe just my my very uh ghetto school or whatever but um as a result i realized that you know if they’re not even if most of the time it’s not being read then maybe there’s a little opportunity

Right here maybe i could just write especially terrible and that way you know most people just looked at it go yep that’s writing that vaguely looks like work and then call it a day as far as pleasing things and if someone ever did look at it i

Could just interpret it on the spot like oh this word says that this says that james just read it out for you and then i could uh end up not having to write things so i just scribbled like one of the things that i always hated for no good reason was i was

Always told like oh yeah you gotta you’ve gotta write down every piece of homework it’s it’s against the rules not to i’m gonna stare and watch make sure that it’s all written in there so at least if you don’t do homework it’s because you weren’t organized it’s not our fault

It was a weird thing that they were like so forceful about it and so as a result i just scribbled in there like oh yeah yeah do science work or something super lazy that like if they looked they’d see it was written down if they asked they’d be like oh yeah i

Said this this this and i’m only like partially lying um you know i learned a lot of like survival techniques in school but like i it took a while to unlearn it took a while to be like oh most of the time people you most the time

You know there are people who care about what you at least some actually not i i still think in most of life uh vast majority of people don’t care what you’re doing like again people say there’s a world out to get you man but it’s like now there’s a world

Out just do their own stuff and sometimes uh a lot of a lot of you know some a lot of people’s tasks is to like chef and other people and they most people want to do that in the laziest way possible because no one really likes confrontation nobody likes uh having

Long conversations about what’s going on and why uh so the easy solution to that is you work out like ah all you have to do is provide the bare minimum so they can feel like they’ve done their job uh it’s kind of like even the dumbest example of this

Is like seat belts on a plane like we we all know like you know this is a plane it’s it’s mostly you know most most crashes nones being like oh thank god i had my seatbelt and you know that actually i i joke about that but that’s actually

Not um yeah that’s not what seat belts are there for like most crashes even though people picture the most deadly crashes that happen in the air like you know malaysian is it like called 380 or something the the big malaysian airlines flight like you know what most people

On that plane didn’t really have an opportunity to be like oh i’m locked into my seat belt thank god when we crash into the pacific ocean thousands of miles from land or whatever happened we still don’t actually know um thank thank god i had a seat belt but most crashes actually take uh

Happen on takeover landing the two most dangerous points in the flight are take off and landing because obviously you’re going into the air or out of the air it’s a that’s a place humans aren’t really meant to go and so that’s the place that um that’s the place it’s generally meant

For fun fact that’s why you wear a seatbelt but um yeah generally like it’s very easy to not wear a seatbelt because who cares it’s your own safety their safety is to care about your safety but if you don’t care about you know it’s it’s that sort of thing it’s like also seatbelt

Law enforcement is uh another one of those things where it’s like you know we’re gonna put in the an amount of effort that makes you think that like one extra reason to care about it but most of the time it’s it’s illegal not to wear a seat belt

But do people really care like um i saw um i i went to the grand canyon recently and arizona i guess is very heavy on seat belts i i it’s the only state i’ve ever seen this sign that’s like where your seat belt it’s the law

And a part of me reads that sign and goes okay yeah this this sign is put up here to remind you yep you are meant to be doing that but it also tells you they’re definitely not enforcing it like if you were going because you know everything some countries some places

Do actively have people enforcing seatbelt laws it’s it’s happened to enough people over the history of time uh that you you should be wearing a seat belt it’s a it’s a smart thing to do for yourself but also you know like as far as like things that

Police are dealing with it’s pretty low on the list like stopping people from uh reducing their own safety is it’s kind of low down on the list of like huge priorities uh that affect human beings all of the time also um there’s a really flat bit of the the english coast right here

Fun fact somewhere along here wait i i’m starting to see england and wales now like if you i i don’t think most people can see this but like i’m i’m really starting to like what i can see right here i’m really starting to like it

Also just for fun just to make it like clear where well then i’m going to entirely dirtify wales well i finished my previous point about like the trickle true thing of things so uh the thing about trick-or-treat is like it’s it’s a very effective psychological strategy especially because like arguing that

Like oh yeah things are only happening because something worse has happened in the future it’s generally seen as a fallacy most people won’t take you seriously if you go oh this thing’s bad because it’ll lead to worse things in the future like um you know i i i always thought you know

What minecoins is a whole are bad because it leads to you know it it stops you realizing how much you’re spending in minecraft like just just let people buy things on the store you know but in in real cash currency and they they added that option but they just made it buying minecoins

And ending that sort of thing and you know at the time it was just like well you know it’s it’s minecraft store content how much can you really buy but then they added server content where you could buy things on servers and it’s like well it’s just the same thing but for service

You’re supporting your local server and microsoft takes a cut uh you know you’re just supporting uh you know like a thing that people already spending money on these servers now you can do it in game and microsoft takes a cut and then it was like oh now you can buy a moat

Like sorry first it was like you can buy like skin customization and then you could buy like emotes and soon it will be capes and all sorts of things like that and all of these things like individually are a fine continuation of the steps we’ve seen

Before but it’s a it’s a fun reminder of the fact that like yeah things go in a direction um and uh it’s it’s hard to you know not to look at those things and it’s hard not to do the whole slippery slope thing given how effective

That is when it works on humans so we’re gonna see how many blocks we’ve done this way and continue working on the coast wait if you can’t see it now i bet by the time i finish this south coast it’ll be visible right okay now this has got to start to look

Like something right you know you can see little east anglia or as i once called it in a video the pregnant belly of the uk i i so if you don’t know i have a second channel i talk about geography i don’t care if you don’t care about geography

You don’t need to care about the channel it’s all good i’m not gonna do the whole self promo thing here but what i’m gonna say is that like um i made a few videos just like casually talking about geography it eventually became an entire channel but

Let’s not talk about that too much and then just instead just say that like it’s weird that one of the things i noticed in the course of uh yeah because once the channel expands beyond people who know you to like people who don’t people who show up just

From recommended and whatever you start to get uh this very interesting i guess it’s actually super valuable this like dialogue on what your stuff looks like to people who aren’t already familiar with it and one of the things i learned is like people have like this violent hatred for things they

Uh like i’d not like them the dumbest of things like someone uh being like wow you clearly aren’t from the uk because i’ve never heard anyone say that and it’s um a fun realization of not only how angry should we be on the internet but also how regional a lot of stuff can

Really be how different our stances can be based on just the tiny things of where we’re born even within the same country we can disagree majorly about what we decide to call that country and uh that that was like a huge insight to me uh that one comment stuck in

Particular because it was such a tiny remark like oh yeah it it kind of looks like the belly of the uk you know perhaps the uk is pregnant gonna give birth to another colony one day you know something like that and um it seemed like uh you know entirely offhanded comment but

An offhanded comment that some people despised beyond all belief because you know people be like that people uh despise all sorts of things uh all of the time and it’s um it’s i i want to say it’s unavoidable people we have all sorts of phrases of society it’s like oh haters be hating

Or whatever else but i also think it’s actually genuinely super valuable i think um you know like even though some people be like i’m just brutally honest i see how it is and that’s great and you know even even though those people are just using

It as mostly an excuse to say you know not to filter themselves to be nice to people because social niceties do have a real value in my opinion but um even though that’s what people are saying most of the time uh when when they mean that i think

There is this super great value to people just saying how something looks uh i think uh well one of the things i like to do of strangers whenever i’m like having to meet a lot of strangers for a reason it’s like okay be honest with me here uh professor stranger they’re a

Professor now it’s it’s been decided uh professor stranger tell me an honest tell me the worst thing about me just immediately your first impression what did you dislike and um you know at first people like hey that’s that’s so funny or like oh it’s the way you you did this and it’s

Like no no hurt my feet do you want me to hurt your feelings so your heart mind or do you want to just do it and then that like feedback super honest and even though i i find most youtube comments not be useful every now and then you you know like

Getting that like pure first reaction is genuinely very valuable because even though like from you you know the pure first reaction isn’t useful from your friends because your friends will love you no matter what and that’s great but if you have any form of life that isn’t just your friends like if

You’re i don’t know like a real estate agent um if you’re a politician oh it’s also that you know if you’re a flight attendant who uh so if you’re a seat belt petrona um either for the police or they’re not the police you know you’re attracted people a lot

And those people are going to know you based on not only that first impression but also the fact that they don’t like you for whatever reason something about you has just hit them real wrong by the way do you like that i uh i’ve moved my bed as well as my shulker boxes

Into uh great britain and i moved them roughly where my house is actually it’s a bit too far south i think we’re like south of london right now we’re near gatwick airport let’s i should totally make airports like little slime block bouncers for my elytra i should not do that it’s a fun

Idea though right anyway so let’s get back to the uk and let’s get back to uh the interesting story because like seeing people’s unadulterated just like first impression hurts and usually isn’t useful it’s not con i guess it’s not constructive all the time i like constructive feedback like if a

Comment starts with twitter i liked your video but i’m way more likely to take it on board than oh you know this this is garbage why is this in my recommended it’s like i don’t know why it’s in your recommended you’re gonna have to tell me that one

Uh buddy you’re the yeah your recommended is based on you do you know that i i don’t know if you do clearly you’re not aware of that i think this needs to be taller yeah i think we made a i think we made a couple of mistakes

This has to be taller and then these all have to go and this has to be a few blocks high as well um i accidentally had like the the east coast of scotland being way uh lower than the west and that could never stand it’s uh you know i’ve got a lot of

Scottish people watching this they they want to make sure i get their country right the the union’s on the line i’ve gotta i’ve gotta believe myself so i can do this uh but no more seriously than making dumb jokes um i i i i find um it’s it’s weird because those first

Impressions they’re not how we should be judging people but it’s kind of how we are and that you know what we should be versus what we are is this huge ongoing never solvable debate um we have as a society all the time about everything and it’s it’s never one with a clear

Answer in my opinion you know honestly how about we just we draw a line we cut off england and we say that this is a map of england and wales beautiful thing about geography is you can just argue it was all intentional yep all of that don’t know what’s going on there

All i know is that this is england over here and we’re gonna fill it in with dirt now and we’re gonna we’re gonna litter in just a few blocks of grass you know technically i said this whole video was taking place from those two shulker boxes

That is arguably not true because i also have some grass i’m gonna be using but yeah it’s gonna be real fun to watch it come to life i think because like now i’m just like hopefully now you look at this if you know england’s shape and you’re starting to see that and if

You’re not then maybe once i fill in the coasts on both sides although the green grass is really going to mess it up because there’s going to be a moment where it’s not going to be clear what’s what you know actually i i don’t think i should fill in the grass until afterwards

I think i think sequencing on this project is important even though what i want to do right now is place the dirt i think that’d be way more fun like way more satisfying i think we have to finish the the outline of scotland before we can start filling it in

Or we have this real issue that we’re going to see right here also a fun little thing is going to be the map is slowly going to change as all of the all of the dirt is placed it slowly classifies like that so there’s there’s something fun but yeah there is this

Real struggle between what you think you are or what you want to be in some way and then what you can actually end up doing and being uh but one of the big examples of that conflict that we are always dealing with is you know i don’t know like the gym you

Always everyone everyone gets a membership especially in january sale or surge and then throughout the year sales stop searching people don’t cancel their membership partly because it’s famously hard but even uh you know gyms that don’t make it hard they know that you personally just aren’t going to really

Want to cancel it because the moment you cancel your gym membership you’ve given up you’ve failed if you don’t cancel that membership then you technically haven’t failed yet and you know you can go at any point in time you just it’s just because you’ve been busy recently you know you’ve just been

Uh done lots of stuff like the the stuff that you know like there’s things that you want to do and there’s things is this meant to be land i think this might have to be c um there’s things that you want to do and there’s things that you end up doing

And we have this idealized version of ourselves and our behaviors um the i saw the tiniest version of it recently i know i’m going to analyze a a garfield fan twitter account right now but um there’s an account that just it’s one of my weirdest twitter things i like

They just every single day post a video of garfield um singing the song happy or like dancing along with the song happy it’s you know it might seem crazy what i’m about to say and then it’s garfield it it’s a weird internet thing and each poster every single week that’s all they post

They did a twitter poll of like hey you know what uh should we keep posting uh just this same song every day you know like literally it’s the same video every day there’s nothing changed about it i don’t know why i’m following it but i am i’m intrigued um they asked like

Should we keep posting this every day or should we like mix it up and post other videos and something like 45 percent of people were like yeah you should make stuff in those other videos everyone who’s following that account you know like like me for whatever dumb reason

You’re there you’re not following it because you’re like oh this is a funny garfield uh video account it’s it’s for some weird meme right you know you for whatever reason that is interesting yeah the amount of the four seconds i spend watching that every day i could spend being informed about the

World i could spend uh learning a new hobby i could learn how to edit videos better so i don’t have to have an assistant to do it that’s right you could be out of a job assistant but um you know like i could learn all these different uh skills and things or

I could just work on my minecraft well for four seconds i could do something that brings me uh genuine joy but for whatever reason uh the four seconds instead of being spent there every single time every single day they’re spent on this same uh concept

Can i just say by the way the borders of scotland are a nightmare i’m looking at my like my very eye my very tiny afied version of 128 by 128 uk borders and dear god this is this is a thing huh there’s this is a hard country to draw

Like you can always get very rough of england because there’s like a few jutty outfits like wales points out there’s that bit in the bottom right bottom left etc but it’s mostly pretty straightforward scotland is like you need to be a professional cartographer and then even then you’re gonna make huge mistakes

There’s this there’s this funny thing that we don’t really know precisely how big or how wide a country is we always just have to go based on approximations because the the shoreline of a country can never be perfectly drawn and even if it could be perfectly drawn

Drawn i guess that is the word it can never be perfectly measured fun fact by the way every um every verb ends with ed i only learn this because i love tiny linguistics fun specs but every every like verb ends in ed unless it’s like from a foreign language

And then it doesn’t so like you know i know drawn or something instead of drawed but slowly over time it becomes that way so like sneakers snuck right like i sneak i snuck but sneaked is slowly uh getting in there right like ah uh you know the reason that like

Oh yeah i went somewhere i’m going to go i i guess the better way is like i’m going to go somewhere i go somewhere isn’t the word it’s when again different language so therefore we use their rules on the past tense version of it but over enough time uh if people get

Lazy as famously that’s the way english works it’s just the easiest path of least resistance uh forwards and um yeah basically uh that’s how words change and that’s why drawd will eventually be right if enough of us just say it the whole english language is that way which is

Funny because again lots of languages have this like idealized system where they’re like yeah we’re gonna make perfect rules because the language should be an elegant uh you know thing of elegant design it should be a beautiful uh thing that uh you know like can be spoken

And enjoyed and uh you know perfectly there should be a correct set of rules because that’s how we like want to think things are you know there’s like laws there’s things you do and there’s things you can’t do but everything always has the layer of like well there’s always the mess of

That because you know for instance of laws it’s like a law doesn’t just magically make something happen you know you don’t just say oh yeah i have written a law and it means that everything is okay now you know we we’re having issues the economy but then i wrote a law saying the

Economy was fine and ever since then i think you’ll find the economy has been going great um you know it’s uh it’s kind of that’d be dumb right i think it’s it’s fair to say but like uh we we kind of use the approximation of like oh a law equals

Thing you must do because we all have an idealized system where we vaguely agree to agree on that and things vaguely agree not to set themselves on fire as a result okay this is this is actually a real struggle of working out what the heck’s going on with any of

This so i guess there’s at least three of these and then also over here okay wait then this goes up there because this last block is actually a a big t oh my gosh this is life is life is hard trying to draw scotland and a map you know pro tip

If you’re gonna do this of your country area try and take the most like simplified version of it like nevada easy to draw state it’s just a big triangle with a little square bit attached to it nice and easy scotland oh god don’t even don’t even tempt it if

You if you attempt to do this you’re bringing on all of this pain onto yourself let me tell you that much okay and then this goes there a little bit except this goes out like that and oh my god but yeah the you know english is a language that’s

Just like oh yeah it exists how people say there’s no official set of rules people make those sets of rules like dictionaries exist because we like to believe that there’s a there’s a way english is meant to be but it’s all just you know like people speak it entirely differently depending on

Where in the world you are you might not even be able to understand a foreign english speaker like the way um for instance in singapore they speak uh singlish to each other it’s a it’s a it’s a combination of english with like greetings and uh little loan words from um malaysian

As well as chinese and you get you know a language that sounds like something else entirely even scottish people right they live in the same country the england english was born in you know they live in the the uk where although you could argue that scotland’s a country within that country and therefore

They’re both in the country that invented english but also not but let’s not let’s not let’s not dive into the uh complexities of the uk we’ve got a whole channel to dive into weird things about countries right but um the interesting thing is like even though they’re within uh

They’re they’re like i can i can take a train four hours north and certain people i would not be able to understand within you know my own let’s say within my own borders let’s let’s put it that way so that way there’s no controversy from the from the 18 scottish people watching

This video hello by the way how’s it going i hope i’m drawing your country well enough to not offend you i actually think this is looking like again minus the islands the islands are going to suck because i look islands like you know the island’s off the great britain’s a

Pretty small island anyway like it’s it’s a big island in the sense of islands are generally small and so great britain is like one of the 20 biggest on the planet or something but then the islands that are just islands off the island of the island of the uk i’m saying island so

Much uh that it doesn’t mean anything anymore but those islands mean much less also we’re finally getting to the point where our things are gonna meet it’s gonna be beautiful it’s gonna be great i tell you so uh yeah we just draw this all the way over to that oh yeah

This this is looking weird i feel like i’ve done something horribly wrong in this corner but i’m just gonna work with it and then say there we go scotland no something’s wrong there right something’s something’s off i can’t tell you what though because that’s technically what it’s meant to look like

I guess it’s not going to be five blocks up that’s that’s what’s gone wrong here this should be like three blocks and then we should continue yeah it’s the same but like there instead so how do we make this match there we’ll just kind of because the top left honestly looks

Not great either if we just follow the exact same lines as over there but instead matched into this maybe i did a third one of these little juts out everything will be fine there we go just remove that and then remove all of this pretend this doesn’t exist do we have scotland yet

I think we vaguely have scotland uh it still looks something still looks horribly wrong something has gone terribly terribly wrong with scotland but if we ignore that i think we can see the uk shape really really taking form right yeah we make that that corner a little rounder

That’ll help maybe we have that little island the shetland islands i think it’s actually the islands but if we add those islands that should exist up here uh maybe that will help things i want to believe that will help things because you know there’s just there’s just this

Empty gap where something should be but like um you know like people want to believe that like oh yeah i i i follow twitter accounts that aren’t just weird garfield dancing because it’s a meme and memes don’t make sense but you enjoy them and you share them anyway

It’s i i enjoy this because i think it’s a thing of that but really it’s just like no you follow it because it’s dumb you follow it because for whatever reason dumb things are worthy of praise on the internet and um that’s maybe that’s okay you know it’s like

Uh if you ask people like um what sorts of things they’d like to see promoted more you like yeah i think there’s a serious um you know why why is there not enough healthy food being promoted here there everywhere see there’s something still wrong there but it does i think the islands are

Starting to make mainland scotland look better i think so much of scotland is islands but it’s just a real struggle to do correctly but let’s take this right angle point right here and let’s work to the next island which is gonna be over here so one two three and then upper block

Is it free actually it’s probably free and then up a block can we start on this one this is the if i’m not mistaken the largest island that’s a part of the uh the british isles it is uh i i can never even say the name because

It’s it’s it’s such a complex one i think actually it might be called the out of sky maybe i could be wrong but uh it’s it’s a huge island but very few people live there um as is as a tradition bigger the place because there’s very little like

To support someone living there um it’s it’s fascinating how many islands in the world like you even though islands can make themselves rich through uh conquest or diplomacy or uh you know whatever words you like to use whatever the uk did to get rich um you know you can

Lot countries get rich by a lot of means and therefore you might assume like oh yes islands could be rich like singapore is the wealthiest country in the world if you go by gdp per capita or something like that and therefore like islands must be rich but then you have islands that literally

Live off fishing because though usually there aren’t natural resources it’s just what you have oh i think it’s looking worse the more that they do if we remove that is it helping yeah i feel like we did like a 10 out of 10 job in england like i

I generally see no flaws in england and i’m like a seven out of ten with scotland but now we have to fill it all in i’m also gonna add the isle of man it’s maybe offensive to miss scottish islands but have that i love man actually should we add in

Another scotch island or two i feel like we should i feel like we should okay there we go that’s all of the islands if i’m not mistaken besides ireland although including ireland is like a tricky one because you could include the entire island and then be like it’s the british isles

But then you know someone’s gonna be like toy cats claim that you’re not i have enough controversies of my questionable drawing of scotland i don’t wanna add northern ireland to the mix you know we’ll just we’ll just assume that ireland and northern ireland reunify at some point and therefore this

Map will be accurate or you know comments comments below let me know should i have ireland to the west there there is this very like big spot that could fit it comfortably and uh you know like the my uk is slightly off center like ready

To add an island in there so you know we’ll see we decide but now we have to add the dirt to make up the mainland obviously it’s gonna be grass because like the way usual maps work whatever reason is like green equals land uh and uh obviously if green is land

Blue is c and we can’t have c in the middle of the uk this is this is the uk after x number of years of sea um level rises am i right there we go i’m making this is me making a grand point about why you need to

Recycle your uh your your cats more but um the other thing that i’m making a grand point of today’s video is that i’ve had a pretty good week all things uh considered i i actually have considered the exact like even i just brought up as an example i have considered

The whole gym thing uh but like also stuff like i don’t know i every day the amount were like that there are days by the amount that i think i can get done is like so much higher than is in reality and sometimes i’m like bummed about that like yep

Just uh didn’t do as much as i wanted to but being realistic about how much you can actually do is important like another thing that i need to be more realistic about is um phone calls i hate i despise phone calls with so much of my being

And if something requires a phone call i will do everything in my life to put it up i there are things that i have been putting up for you know i’m 25 but there are things i’ve been putting off uh for literal months just because it involves a phone call right

You know um i i asked on this channel if like is it normal for a door person to take x percent deposit and then etc etc months before the door is there and everyone was like yeah it’s been weeks and he hasn’t responded my emails like he’s staying on

A lot of my money right now oh you know only a few hundred but like a lot of money which i i would say i would argue a few hundred is a lot of money i mean not relative to a door or a house but relative to

Some stranger’s bank account i would say yeah that’s that’s that’s uh that’s been chilling there for some time huh and uh you’re just like oh god i’m gonna have to cool up ah i’m not so excited to do it um another example is um my doctor i i don’t really have a

Doctor where you don’t have to make appointments by the phone you just go on it in person but because of uh current times that whole service has been cancelled because they don’t want people to you know i don’t understand it i’m assuming it’s they don’t be able to

Catch it in the waiting room or something like that and uh so as a result you have to phone up to make an appointment i could have like the most serious symptoms uh tomorrow and unless they’re bad enough to go to a real hospital where by the way no

No phoning up needed i’m i’m probably not gonna gonna make the the call like i just i despise i think phone calls are just such an inefficient way to talk we invented a better method and for some reason we keep around this whole like oh what if i use this weird

Cellular network and then we connect our voices together and we have a voice call like even you know even like discord voice calls or whatever people do a lot these days even that is like oh what if we went to a place where i had to dedicate

All of my time and energy to you and you dedicated all your time and energy to me you know wouldn’t that be way more fun than just texting when we feel like it yeah i think that would be yeah that’d be great what if i just need to make a single

Appointment which by the way should be i click a button online saying i would like to come in at this time you tell me there is availability and then we’re done you know um most the time when i book plane tickets the way it works i go online i say here

Is some money please would you give me a seat on your flight and they go yeah we have taken your money here is a seat on your plane well like when people want to take money from you they’re like really innovative with uh ways to get it done

And when there’s like annoying things uh you know like oh yeah now that my door guy has taken my money i just respond to emails i’m gonna have to call him up physically because why would he go through the effort if uh you know uh

That you know like he it’s it’s crazy to me uh it’s like you know airlines you they take your money online only refunds your money via the phone after hours of waiting uh we just have this like real asymmetry and you know like it’s it’s it’s really fine

And theory because oh yeah i can just make a phone call like and in reality i can just make a phone call i just really don’t want to and knowing that about myself is useful so yeah what have i been up to not making phone calls

But um i have been um now like i’m excited like i’m gonna learn to drive not because it’s funny i think i’ve got like the most weird edge case for like i want to learn to drive i have no need to drive in this country i go home you know this

One you’re looking at which by the way i haven’t actually done a quick look at it let’s fly in the sky let’s see how it actually looks from oh my god it looks so much better when you looked at it like this like scotland actually looks good

If you do that yeah you know i i made the uk today it only took me an hour and 40 minutes yeah i love that happy cut as it turned out i wonder why that is um but um yeah basically uh the the difference between how we idealize ourselves and how we are

Is really really valuable because also like your expectations about people get clouded in the same way um have you ever heard the phrase of rose tinted glasses you know like oh yeah when you’re in love with someone you or like when you when you fancy someone perhaps we could say is a

A better phrase um you start to really you know you start to see that stuff like you would normally see is really annoying it’s like oh that’s so cute could you imagine a version of them and the reality is no one can no one can be as charming and great and delightful as

The imagined version of someone you put in your head like how can how can imagination fight reality it’s it’s very hard which is actually one of the like i think about a lot that’s one of the like real struggles of our species for the next uh while or so like

How once we get like the once we get games and via once we get these things sufficiently as good as reality uh in terms of how they appear to us if they feel the same way as the real world but then we can control those feelings how’s real life i’m gonna compete

Already just just a social media algorithm you know an algorithm that shows me uh garfield singing to uh the song happy by charles barkley i wanna say i don’t know who this one but like niles um it shows me just garfield dancing to that that one song

Every single week and it knows that that’s correct somehow through whatever for whatever magic beans uh control the internet like those algorithms are already in a lot of cases have you seen people go to dinner uh what they i every i looked around in la it’s way more common

There than it is here i’m assuming because it’s more entertainment focused in that country but people are just on their phones you know like like they’re not talking to each other they’re talking to their phones they’re that the world of phones is more interesting than the water real world

And people say that it’s like oh i think phones are really making us disconnected i just i don’t i think it’s like yeah people are boring compared to like you know a tailored for you feed off uh you know facebook in twitter instagram whatever else like of course it’s gonna be boring you’re

Watching this video right now because some algorithm thinks it’s more interesting to you than going and hanging out with you know who you don’t want to voice call your friend for the amount of time you’ve been watching this video but you had no qualms just sitting here watching this on demand

As you could and given that you know like your friend requires some commitment making a phone call requires like scheduling requires putting yourself out there being like hey you know i missed this i missed us let’s let’s talk about it and you haven’t done that the the idealized version doesn’t realize that

Because you think like ah well of course i’m not yeah of course i’m not lured in by social media algorithms of course that’s not a thing for me but i mean it totally is right also we we have to go get some more dirt but then that would

Disprove my point about living in from one shulker box unless we take the same shocker box back and use that i like to fly really high so i don’t have to waste my fireworks but it means you have no idea what’s coming until it’s like below you

Or you hit it so it’s really important to pay attention to your y coordinates oh as in why do i make these decisions okay where are we at we’re at the bumblebee perfect oh there’s a bee over here how cute okay so let’s go in let’s fill this up

Dirt let’s go back let’s make a nice smooth exit and call it a beautiful day i think that’d be great so um yeah i i i think the the idealized version of yourself is something that like it’s fun to imagine it’s good to imagine we’re all great it’s good to imagine

Everything is wonderful and delightful and there are no flaws in the world also i think i’m running after i genuinely don’t think i can fill up the uk with the dirt that i have which might be a bit of a problem i this is my dirty secret if you will see i’m funny

I make jokes this is this is why you should subscribe to me instead of your friends you know you you’re not subscribed right now what a what a tarnation how about i use the power of parasocial guilt to say you know it’s fine if you’re not subscribed because even if you’re not subscribed

You might like something i’ve been working on the so many people loved my um you know i for to celebrate 11 years of the channel in may i i released like a limited time toy cat plush and uh you know that was a really fun little you know one-off product people

Seem to really love it and you i’ve had non-stop requests to re-release it but i’m passing the mind like you know i like the idea that it’s a physical thing it existed during that one point in time uh you can probably find them secondhand somewhere maybe if you’re really lucky you know

This there’s some i i like that that’s like people’s decision to make it’s not my decision it’s people’s also this is very bizarre what is this where are we okay there’s my stuff we know my stuff is there i think i just out flew the render distance for too long

Hey it’s spawned in now perfect and now we can go to sleep and we can finish placing our dirt and pray it fills up the uk if not then we’ll be adding some lakes some man-made legs but some legs regardless will be great in my opinion uh but yeah i um

I’m just off the opinion that uh you know we we like to we sometimes are clouded by our imagination of what would be great rather than thinking like okay how’s it actually gonna be like an example is like even though my my genuine belief

Is if you look at like i don’t know the the pandemic situation and you look at countries that don’t have any restrictions on what you can do people still aren’t just like going out and having parties of 10 000 and like sneezing each other in the street right like people

People will do good things even if you don’t tell them to uh but even and you know like the reason we elect politics political parties is based on their ideas right like we agree with their ideas their idealistic version of the world so we expect them to implement them and

That’s why i find it to be you know like it sounds like one of the worst things of the surface when you hear that like i don’t know a person again even even though it’s against what his party believes in decided to let’s say lock down a country or something

And you’re like you know that’s that seems really dumb why why why why would you know like we we all know people can make responsible decisions and that’s like my feeling in my head but also like if you were in charge of the country you had literal 60 million people would follow

The rules uh you were given and it’s like oh yeah someone comes up to you and says okay here’s the life still be lost if you tell people to do this and force them to do it you know like you lose their freedom which is i guess arguably an idea

And then you they gain their life which is very much more and uh if we ignore that then here’s how many people who die and just knowing that it’s like oh yeah you could you could save a hundred thousand people by just abandoning one idea by just realizing that people

No matter how good your ideas are not all people conform to them and um yeah one of the one of the things i think about a lot uh because you know this this week i um every now and then i end up in an instant community and it seems like

Entirely incomprehensible to me uh because i i’ve always known that like you know values aren’t universal one of the things that divides us one of the reasons we believe different things on like you know if there is a magic person who can tell us all things to do

They should tell us the right things right but then what is right what is wrong etcetera is a whole debate that you have to have because it actually tends to very complex person but how can right and wrong vary from person to person um we we’re always taught like morals and

Ethics and everything like that it’s just objective you know like there’s there’s just some objective truth but morals that vary from person to person the most important things if you had to prioritize a list of like you know life uh freedom family um servitude not attitude um like you know like um

If you had to like value these things like courage strength etc etc people put them in different orders because the values that we have as humans are different we have a shared set of values and we have the same list but we we vary that list up and the one

Of the things i realized is um well i was on some random forum is like oh yeah there are some corners of the internet that don’t have that same vent where they realize that that there are cons of the internet that don’t one of their value judgments that they

Get different is they assume that their morals are universal that like of course if you know the only reason people could not be against me is because they don’t care about saving human lives at all you know like oh yeah the only reason to be against this thing

Is that you don’t care about human life it’s like i do care about human life it’s just not the expense of x uh because ultimately that’s what life really is i think um you know one of the things i’ve realized like getting back to the uk

Is i’m trying to do a lot of things over the next month like i’m trying to stream every day i’m trying to release some videos uh i’ve been really down the speed running rabbit hole i don’t know if anyone’s learned about that but like so i’ve got some speed

Running videos i’m working on um i’ve been trying to release uh like videos and take a lot of time to do the research for like there’s one you’re gonna really appreciate uh there’s that much thing i mentioned like there is a follow-up to that toycat plush that’s gonna be

One time only it’s probably gonna be the last one i do for a very very long time and it’s the cutest thing i’ve ever seen it’s a brand new product i think i’m the first one to launch one of its type because you know i’m doing something unique so like

Going for the process of that at the same time as also um you know having the casual talk to the third channel also trying to be healthier etc like realizing that like oh yeah you’re one plus you can’t do all those things it’s about balancing but if i decide to stream today

It means i have to do a little bit less work on this video but if i wanna uh work on this video today it means that i have less time to cook food so i’m gonna have to eat perhaps less healthy food or at least faster food you know let’s call it

You know yeah fast food has a bad connotation i just want faster food i just want speedy food which honestly you know i it’s weird because fast food is two adjectives and fast i i mentioned before that they don’t even imply it correctly like you could be

Waiting a while for fast food i need speedy food i don’t need fast food which just means vaguely unhealthy uh consistent food uh but instead what i need from life is i need speedy food that should be that should be like an actual fast food place like hey um

This this place in the netherlands i really love uh they have like vending machines that like you just you throw in i think it’s a euro and you get a snack from like that snack could be a burger it could be a weird sausage dog thing i

Guess you could like it corn dog they’ve got lots of weird snacks you can buy for like a euro it’s really fun i like the idea a lot because i know i don’t like talking to humans um and that’s why self-service machines are a dream i’ve gone to sir i’ve been to

Mcdonald’s before been like ah no soft self machine i am i’m good uh before in my life because like it’s it’s one of those things like talking to another person sometimes just isn’t the right thing right just isn’t a good thing um and knowing that about myself knowing

Uh how you can work with that a valuable thing to realize and that’s sometimes i hear people say that like one of the things about growing older is just you learn who you are and you’re less like you’re less stressed about trying to prove it to people

And i think sometimes that is true because i heard a song for the first time in 10 years yesterday it i i couldn’t tell you what it’s even called i could like sing it to you but it’s youtube it’s like everybody i think move your feet and move your body whoa

Like as like as a child i love that song but i realized like i didn’t love the song i i liked you know my um a couple of friends of mine i guess like my brother and a friend of mine both liked it a lot like and i was like oh

Yeah and then like someone told me like oh yeah yeah you love this song and i’m like yeah i do you know like the people i like like it as well i like trying to prove it it’s almost like this big like trying to prove a thing to everyone around you

Sometimes you know and it’s like you know maybe we shouldn’t be proving things all the time maybe we can accept that things and people and stuff are different maybe maybe that makes the world a better place just realizing that you know nothing has to match me nothing has to

Be a direct representation of me to be good there are things that are not direct representations of me that are not good and there are things that represent me that are but that fact is all irrelevant and all fine i really like what we’ve done here i i

Want to say before we go because we’ve got 38 blocks of dirt left i want to say before we go this is a fun thing we’ve achieved here it was dumb and some people always look at this be like oh yeah there was no point you could have just could have just i

Don’t know mc edited it anyway you could have done something like that but i think the joy of doing things in survival is like working towards something does feel good like it’s a by some people’s value sets like doing something in the least efficient path is entirely worthless i’ll admit but to me

In in my imaginary value set i like it a lot and i like what we produced here and i think once we get this fully green it’ll look really good but before we can get it fully green what we need to do is we need to admit that this

I guess we don’t need the black stone here anymore so we’ll take that with us too what we need to do before we can admit that this is also wait here’s a fun one the beds even though there was a whole update bed still shows red

On maps also for whatever reason you can see my shulker box is still showing on the map like it’s gone now but um yeah but when they changed the color of beds they didn’t change how they appear on map so you can see it makes a little red spot on there

That’s fun that’s a that’s a quirky little easter egg so yeah that’s a much better representation of where i live in the uk i now have my bed representing where i am in the uk and also i didn’t even put together that it was raining uk funny joke but we have a representation

Of the uk it’s great i haven’t covered it in grass yet i think what might be fun as we do the whole episode of the let’s play that’s just watching grass grow do you think you’d like that i think you’d like that so yeah if we take we take the grass

Away now we can put it back later and then like just watch grass grow and do like a podcast style let’s play because it’s been long enough since we’ve done one of those like when we do a lot of minecraft stuff it’s great but there’s a lot of jumping there’s a lot

Of stuff wait we’re gonna do a a podcast stuff thing and no one’s gonna enjoy it but i’m gonna enjoy it and maybe that’s the important thing speaking of important things i hope you all enjoyed this video you know what’s important the fact that you dear viewer wait actually you know

What’s way more important than the self promo i was about to do that’s right i’m gonna place my map back where it should be and you’re gonna notice how the little line is gone and now there’s a random little uk chilling amongst all of this like

And i think that’s great so yeah i need to fill in those holes just so it looks better when you see it in tiny from far away but now we can mostly have a little uh by the way this isn’t technically the uk this is great britain it’s missing

Northern ireland as well as all the overseas territories but i like i like the idea of like having little drawings of places to represent the things and now if we want we can actually build some stuff on great britain and have an actual thing there like i don’t know a squid farm

If that’s even a thing i i generally don’t know if you can farm squid i i don’t look into many bedrock farms because they change so from from day to update but for what it’s worth uh we have the uk on a map

And i i like that i like that a lot that was cool i’m gonna watch this back and i’m gonna see when uh the editor realized it like could see verifiably it was the uk because i’m super curious about that but what else i’m curious about

Is you coming in checking out my streams honestly the one thing they’ll tell me out more than anything else is if you come check out stream if you like the let’s plays there’s a good chance you’ll like the streams uh i don’t ask for anything but your time because i enjoy

And if you want to come chat to uh to hang out obviously uh it’s it’s a busy time but it’s a fun time too and if you want to enjoy that you want to see some live toy cat content it’s kind of like the let’s play

Uh but it only happens live and it happens every day at roughly the time this video was uploaded actually i guess i’m uploading these at different times because of streamless you know come come watch the live stream follow me on twitter subscribe to the below and whatever you need to do

But i hope i see you in a future video good bye i was going to use black wolf for this and i decided blackstone was a smart right there i’m so glad i did but yeah have a nice day everyone good good meow you

This video, titled ‘Building An Entire Country Inside Minecraft #481)’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2020-12-07 18:34:07. It has garnered 99685 views and 3581 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:35 or 3995 seconds.

In this episode I make an entire Britain. It’s pretty Great

– The Previous Video(Seed Sunday): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0I5vTqDYoqc

– Think you’ve missed something? You might have, and you can check my most recent uploads here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ibxtoycat/videos

Update Adventures (My Let’s Play): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpx5SUrbzQrqt_bwLkNxC9sD

– My Twitter: http://twitter.com/ibxtoycat – Follow for video updates and Early News!

This Video Was Edited By: ToycatA

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  • Trotuserver: Roleplay, Semi-vanilla, SMP, Geopolitics, Lore, International, Whitelist, 1.20+

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  • Minecraft Memes – Village Raid Alert! What’s the move?

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  • Escape the Prison of Boredom – Join Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • Build Byers House in Minecraft!

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  • Beware: Huge Mobs in Minecraft! 😱 #shorts #viral

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  • Build like a Minecraft pro with AmirVonAsterios!

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  • INSANE! Minecraft Mystery: Unable to Walk on Green Blocks

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  • Mush Will Keep You Awake All Night!

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    UNBELIEVABLE KEYBOARD GAMERS - LIVE MINECRAFT MAYHEM!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | MINI-GAMES AND BEDWARS | MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by CRAZY KEYBOARD GAMERS on 2024-02-21 05:07:46. It has garnered 235 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:39 or 6639 seconds. 🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | MINI-GAMES AND BEDWARS | MINECRAFT insta :- https://www.instagram.com/crazy_8899_ckg/ To Enter SMP – Use – /register [password] and always remember your password replace [password] with your password to login – Use – /login [password] replace [password] with your password Minecraft 1.20.1 Java / Bedrock / PE Join The Ultimate SMP Now Server For Minecraft PC (JAVA) – :… Read More

  • Nova – Insane Speed Hack in Bedwars! #hypixel

    Nova - Insane Speed Hack in Bedwars! #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fastest Movement You’ll Ever See! #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Nova on 2024-05-11 22:49:02. It has garnered 10880 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. 1.25K SOON???? #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin Mouse: Glorious Model O Keyboard: Custom Pack: ask in comments (too lazy to change every time description) Song: Yeat – Money So Big My pack (maybe pack in vid but most likely not) Download Instructions (important) 1. watch full video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e_voH5B5dA&list=PLX_yDFgZBUJ-Rth3n9yMbDmMrDkUAWd3b 2. Download pack 3. put file into folder – %appdata%… Read More

  • Minecraft Rap – Craziest Beat Remix Ever!

    Minecraft Rap - Craziest Beat Remix Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘can to build minecraft #music #rap #hiphop #phonk #song #instrumental #remix #minecraft #minecraft.?’, was uploaded by Prominecraftyt on 2024-04-17 01:33:53. It has garnered 2143 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. can to build minecraft #music #rap #hiphop #phonk #song #instrumental #remix #minecraft #minecraft.?!! can to build minecraft #music #rap #hiphop #phonk #song #instrumental #remix #minecraft #minecraft.?!! can to build minecraft #music #rap #hiphop #phonk #song #instrumental #remix #minecraft #minecraft.? can to build minecraft #music #rap #hiphop #phonk #song #instrumental #remix #minecraft #minecraft.? can to build minecraft #music… Read More

  • Arcane Realm

    Arcane RealmGrief-Protected Survival – but the worldline is unstable and there are natural disasters. SUNZONE – MOONLANDS Choose your timeline! Sky Racing Dungeons -1.18+ Bedrock Compatible play.arcanerealm.net Read More