Mind-Blowing Minecraft Server Transformation by Selen Tatsuki

Video Information

Hello everybody hey guys okay so um i was singing long and hard yesterday night when i posted this waiting room up to be like do i stream today or do i rest again cuz like i was like okay my i don’t want to strain my voice too much today i also

I just really did wanted to stream today but i also i didn’t want to be very like like like very loud or like super excited or like playing something very hardcore because like all the games at the finish are like super duper uh i know i’m gonna scream so uh so i

Just decided minecraft is pretty chill i don’t know what the [ __ ] i’m gonna be doing in minecraft but it’s pretty chill uh so today it’s just gonna be a chill day porcelain chill day for me chill day for the dragoons uh we’re just gonna hang out

And and talk and like i don’t know do just i don’t know what i’m doing on the server i also haven’t been on the server in a while other than um other than like uh you know being in the wilderness for three weeks with pomo so i haven’t really checked out the other

Stuff that’s been going on in this server so i thought it would be fun that’d be a fun thing for those who haven’t been like keeping up to date with the shenanigans that’s going on in the minecraft server um but yeah let me let me play some music real quick also

You guys didn’t see my new twitter post i tweeted out if anyone wants to give me suggestions on ninja sanji fan made instrumental so it could be any genre you can check out the twitter any genre any like like it could be a rock it

Could be jazz it could be lo-fi uh but i just really want like more instrumentals to add to my uh to my playlist i recently added like a couple more instrumentals so yeah um it’d be it’s just nice to have some nichii sanji music to play while you’re just chilling in minecraft

You know let me put this up a little bit more you guys hear that or no i should have it louder is that good i’m playing it off my windows media player Oh yeah i was here by the way oh [ __ ] i streaming i forgot to post to write to write that in the discord [Laughter] Okay all right so i brought back three new villagers who are not who are not hired against their will there you go [Laughter] into the brothel yeah i fix i fixed the car jam yeah um i also put mending on my nether right stuff now

All right so yeah though i did say slave okay guys i didn’t say i had to think really long and hard to be like all right what word do i use that’s not slavery it’s a brothel guys if that’s different all right so i found out um

I found oh yeah there was like oh no i thought i fixed this car jam wait a minute oh no wait a minute what the [ __ ] is going on i fixed it but also no they’re still babies right these are all babies no these are baby villagers holy

[ __ ] there’s so many baby villagers no these are babies no these are these are babies those are big no no no no no no no they’re babies oh they’re not babies wait wait a minute why is there another car jam who jammed this who the [ __ ] jammed this again oh no

No who the [ __ ] jammed this okay we’re gonna have to kill some villagers until it’s unjammed he’ll get unjammed survival the fittest we already have too many villagers guys it doesn’t matter there you go oh those two think they can run away from the violence [Laughter]

They really think they can just run away like that so then this isn’t okay it’s okay it’s okay guys do not worry it’s okay and it happened you gotta live without your choices you gotta live with your choices you guys watch so technically you guys all watched so technically you’re all

Complicit to this murder all right so let’s look at our chicken sons hey chicken sons hey there oh isn’t that cute not if i call the police who’s gonna [ __ ] i’m out of your jurisdiction i live on treasure island there’s no law in treasure island also i found out

That someone broke the tree tree farm and like i don’t know how to fix it because i can’t be bothered to look at everything and figure out how to [ __ ] to fix it i think they grew it too much and i think it’s the bushes i think someone overgrew the trees and uh

And [ __ ] it up because now there’s like bushes everywhere so so i can’t be bothered to cut it down i honestly can’t it can only work with one tree now usually you can uh you can you do any type of tree any type of sapling but

Now it only works with the oak sapling so i can’t it still works the same like it still works it’s just that i can only use the oak sapling because like it’s broken yeah like it only works with this so i can’t be bothered to fix it if it’s

Broken it’s broken they can solve their own problems just build a new one [Laughter] pomo is literally in the server right now uh yeah i can’t be bothered so i know there’s a lot of new things on the server so yeah uh oh my two i should really finish this fountain i’ve been

Really gone for a while but i keep forgetting to finish this fountain but now there’s two zombie villagers in here from what i i don’t know if they killed them oh i think they killed the zombie villager oh yeah he’s gone oh he’s dead who the [ __ ] killed my zombie villager

Oh yeah so uh the last time i looked at this fountain there are two zombie villagers in there and they’re gone now so i don’t know no no no it wasn’t the sun they lived on for a very very long time and i know it was not the sun

Because like the sun has been there someone like ran in and killed this zombie villager Oh well not oh well how unfortunate this is the uk i heard this like super [ __ ] uh one of my friends told me that japan right now is like up to 40 degrees at the moment which is crazy to think about 40 [ __ ] degrees for uh

For japan and like it got so bad um it got so [ __ ] bad that apparently uh in japan they had to tell the citizens to be like if you want to turn up because too many people celsius sells of course i’m talking about celsius why the [ __ ] would i talk about

Fahrenheit only one country uses fahrenheit in the world not everything revolves around fahrenheit guys what the [ __ ] is this the best country if you’re the only country that uses fahrenheit i don’t think it automatically means is the best one if you’re literally the only country that uses it

I don’t think it means as a good thing yeah so no your [ __ ] fahrenheit does not make any sense guys okay okay now look at celsius zero degrees is freezing a hundred degrees is boiling that’s so easy to know what is a good temperature fair night i don’t [ __ ] know you’re just

Random numbers it’s just fahrenheit is literally just throw numbers in there and like like it works like it doesn’t make sense to me like the freedom goddamn freedom units uh anyway use kelvin yes i was like 32 is freezing no clue what’s boiling and that’s like speaking from an american an american doesn’t

Even know what is boiling they’re just like 32 fahrenheit is freezing and that’s all i know like oh yeah anyway i want to see out the new stuff oh so those are like nina’s shrine uh but yeah it’s so easy to be like zero is freezing a hundred is what is this

Is this something for u from uki because like it’s trade it has uki’s trademarks everywhere um but yeah uh so basically the government issued a award not a warning but was like okay if everyone in japan is going to turn on oh it’s nina’s cafe oh my gosh i thought it

Was uki’s something uki built because like it has uki’s trademarks and stuff like the amethyst the that warped wood and everything that’s like so ookie uh but basically the government in japan issued a thing where it’s like okay because there’s too many people using the aircon like the air conditioner uh

We have to work our electricity like we can’t handle electricity electricity for all of this so a lot of japanese citizens have to turn off their lights and have air con on to not strain the electricity uh energy [ __ ] situation that’s going on in japan at the moment so i thought that

Was so [ __ ] weird like that fact that um people in japan had to literally turn off their lights to have aircon on just the same electricity in japan the government [Laughter] i was just like jesus christ holy [ __ ] that’s terrible who needs light i know right i mean it’s already sunny as it’s

Already [ __ ] sunny because it’s 40 degrees yeah who needs their lights on exactly but even in night time too that’s the thing like uh that’s why i saw it was like crazy like holy [ __ ] all right what else is new here is this new no this is old this is a box’s old

Place i feel like i thought a lot more new things were around i just want to explore a little bit of what’s new ooky’s castle i sort of looked at ookie’s castle before i should sleep all right okay and folger i’m breaking into your house This is poor design though um i’m gonna sleep in your beds guys they won’t mind no disney i looked at disney already i looked around disney before uh i don’t know what else they’ve improved though miss this new fox house good night celine now it’s morning we did not sleep whoops

Whoops it’s been a while guys no it’s already slept yeah i was like what the [ __ ] Good morning are you working on that farm uh no [Laughter] yeah there’s the for those who haven’t seen it there is uki’s uh that is uki’s castle that he’s building um that he’s been following a it’s funny watching him uh trying to build this looking while looking at a video

Tutorial because it was like me when i was trying to build my fountain and it was like it was like watching it you know like second by second because it’s a lot of [ __ ] like like that video tutorial because i linked the video tutorial for this and it was so [ __ ] complicated and

Everything uh and i was just like jesus chris dude i would not watch i would not do this build like you have more patience than me you have a lot hell a lot more patience than me [Laughter] i mean i mean at least it’s better than building your own design because that’s

Like a whole a whole different thing yeah that’s a whole different thing if it was like trying to come up with your own design because at least it’s like at least when you’re watching a video tutorial like you know what to do next so you can do this yes if i have the

Patience and if i’m more committed to this i’m not i’m i’m not committed to that i am i’m definitely not committed to something like that i’ll watch a video tutorial and build a farm because i’m about the efficiency i’m all about efficiency here um you guys know

I’m not about the architecture i’m here for efficiency and an industrial revolution did you finish the fountain i did not i did not right now i just want to explore a little bit and see uh do you have any new projects well um we have the gold farm that i should be

Working on but that’s so much work i write a bill oh wait i got lost i rather build the gold farm i had to build the gold farm off stream because it’s so much work oh my god i watched the tutorial of it i’m just like ew

No i’m yeah and i have to build the end farm when we get that uh yeah i’m no soul i’m i’m i’m no i have no creative bone in my body uh yeah the end farm was also a lot of work but i’ll get that done when we get to

The end that’s the only reason why i want to do the end because because i wanted to do the uh i wanted to make the end farm but was there any progress no of course not i i didn’t log into minecraft i think like to for like aesthetic reasons after that uh

But i i showed you guys this here i literally farmed all of this if i knew fenana was just gonna spawn in blocks i would not have like spent my time farming [ __ ] goddamn magma blocks I did all of that i did all of that like i did right away [Laughter] Oh my god i this was hell farming this was [ __ ] hell so i literally have all the materials uh for a gold farm i’ve had these materials i’ve had this wait what happened to the wait a minute what the [ __ ] what happened to her i just realized i literally just realized

That the the obsidian trap is gone like i just noticed i was just like why are my chests just floating in the air [Laughter] i just realized that they’re not a fake escaper i know don’t let benada hear you say that she’s gonna ban your ass you know what i’m gonna tell fenana so she can ban your ass in her channel she’s gonna ban you you on her channel nightlight thank you super chat nightlight thank

You thank you i’m actually okay so there are several things we can do uh let us snitch i’m gonna tell my there’s some some random there’s some [ __ ] dragoon that says you’re a fake gamer [Laughter] what do you have to say for yourself nightlight what the [ __ ] do you have to

Say over yourself so then it’s the snitch oh good i’ll say it for i’ll say it myself and ask for that all right you better you better i’ll be waiting i’ll be [ __ ] waiting for that in finance next stream i’ll remember that i’ll wait in fanana’s

Next stream just to see your ass get back and then i’ll unban you actually can i unban people i think i can oh wouldn’t i be [ __ ] up you get banned in finance channel and then i am banned him and then i get banned off and on this channel uh [Laughter]

Can i do that can i unban people oh my god whoops i actually press r and that reloaded my shaders There’s a maze oh [ __ ] is it like back all okay wait i think i know where it is can you sorry gator i can’t do that was literally in this server right now uh [Laughter] yeah thank you each other thank you Uh also we’re going to disney right now i want to see what’s new on this disney at the moment also today is definitely not going to be a very uh long stream because like i said hope sorry gator you made your bed and and okay it’s time to pay up you didn’t mob

For 20 minutes and to take a little super chat then you think thank you I told you this is going to be a more chill stream i just want to chill well it’s all right i literally have another right it can’t be [ __ ] on me uh i should really start constructing my build for on lucas disney more at least now it’s easier to find disney

Because the last time i got hella [ __ ] lost and i keep forgetting where disney is damon been using the cylindricals you think do you think you will listen to yourself i think you think i’m glad you’ve been enjoying the oh yeah okay i need your help guys uh thank thank you

Um but i need your help guys i want to update okay what’s it play me oh my god oh wait oh wait a minute [Laughter] Oh my god that’s perfect he should put this underground so why does he still have this lever oh How far does this go how long is this Oh my gosh how long did he spend on this oh my god he was oh my god i remember he had a note building a note building there’s a zombie down there there’s literally a zombie in the note room does he know that i don’t think he put any torches down there

There’s i don’t think he put any torches that’s so cool that’s actually so cool oh there i go again a little part in diamond city lights where zombie como goes blue that’s the tiger tiger wrap that was basically uh uh what she was singing what she was uh chanting

Oh sorry i mean cowabunga and choo choo i’m an idiot what am i saying what am i saying i mean cowabunga and choo choo oh yeah let’s put the bgm back All right boom and then we’re back to we’re back to the the is there any beds here what’s this oh it’s the merry-go-round there’s like a i guess that’s like the a wait what what’s this for oh it’s to turn it on oh yeah okay i think you guys saw this already

But yeah it’s a working merry-go-round also dragon thank you for the super chat thank you yeah there was this one thing i really wanted to build that i saw a video of that that was uh really funny but then like i don’t know where to put it [Laughter]

It’s also loud as hell also there’s my if you guys haven’t seen it this is my land that luca gave me so he gave me oh my gosh that’s a long-ass roller coaster uh but i killed a pig here uh and his name was bong and this is a cemetery

You wanna see my build this is literally it this is literally my build i gotta pay my respect There you go i paid my respect he did deserve it though he [ __ ] deserved it what the [ __ ] who the [ __ ] are you this is like a cafeteria oh it is that’s a lie there’s none of these foods here that’s a it’s a stand all right where is this maze you guys

Telling me to check it out you guys told me there was a maze where is it yeah he died because he was on my land how dare he congratulations with blackout getting 5 million views that’s quite a cheap jade thank you for the super chat i didn’t

Even realize we got 5 million views oh my god 5 million views holy [ __ ] thank you guys that’s crazy you guys want to hear my my [ __ ] singing that’s crazy [Laughter] that’s crazy to think about but thank you oh my gosh thank you guys okay so basically um

That’s what i want to talk about but uh i need help on an update for selenji what do you guys want as an extra uh action slash animation to add give me some ideas guys because like uh jess was like yeah i can do add more stuff to it

I just need ideas and i was just like well then i don’t know right now so let’s just ask the chat make them dance all that’ll be so dance with the guitar okay i’m gonna write that down i’m gonna message jess right now that’s such a good idea

Actually i’m gonna write that down uh okay um pull up the yeah dude like pull out the guitar that would be so cute uh i just got an idea for one i got the idea [Laughter] pull out the guitar and jamming it and dancing slash jammy so then and playing

Another one will be it doing the intro dance yeah there we go um yeah i’m not putting i don’t know if i should put it get have my selenji hold a gun [Laughter] i don’t know about that guys wait where the [ __ ] is the oh it’s on the other side

All right what are they order animation or action petting ember oh that’s true okay heading amber there you go i think that should be all the updates for this one because i’m worried that if i add too much because if you add too much to it uh

It would take too long to load where the [ __ ] is it where is the br where the [ __ ] is the maze go to the bridge okay whoops i need to stop running into that i really need to stop okay is it up here no that’s the ferris wheel

Oh body enchanted forest oh okay um that means that the friends we made all along t-beard hi stellen haven’t caught one of your streams a while but i always enjoy them when i can thanks for all the great content thank you think of the super chat uh tv thank you thank you i

Really do appreciate guys even on like chill streams like this where i’m not really doing much like i’m literally just wandering around in minecraft so i’m glad you guys have been enjoying it even though this is a much more i guess a much more uh low-key like a low-key stream even my normie

To be fair it is made by teddy lloyd and even normies like teddy lloyd so uh because he’s that he’s that good like i [ __ ] love to oh this is the maze do you think he followed a guide for this or did he just went yolo

Like i feel like he made one passage and then and then he added everything in [Laughter] look at good luck he applauded yeah yeah that’s how i was thinking he must have plotted you you plotted a route right for this and then uh and then yolo the rest oh my god

Good luck don’t worry i got this bam and i did it easy and i did it so [ __ ] easy work smarter not harder i did it luca what’s my reward i made this thing in photoshop and copied oh that’s smart actually that’s smart making it in photoshop you should add like traps luca

Look at you should add traps in this maze so like you know people who [ __ ] up will get it will die or get damaged that would be actually really fun like trapdoors and uh and spawners oh [ __ ] jk [Laughter] yeah we fun if there’s like traps everywhere i think that it’s like the

Labyrinth like the minotaur’s labyrinth you should add a skull and then no you can’t summon wardens you can’t summon wardens uh from a uh from a gathered skull boss’s teeth that’d be so funny to just have traps everywhere it’ll be great it’ll be so funny and then we make our senpai’s and

Kohai’s do this and they die in there and we’ll be like oh no who put that there who put that there [Laughter] yeah i can do that oh i’ll enjoy it i’ll definitely enjoy it oh my god you’re so evil i love it i’m just here to have fun okay what is

That video i saw i really wanted i know i remember okay i honestly don’t remember what the build was i just remember watching that video of it and i was like oh my gosh i sort of want to build that but uh i don’t remember what it was i

Just remember being like that’s cool [Laughter] you know when you see those tutorials and you’re just like that’s [ __ ] cool but you you don’t remember it oh it’s a [ __ ] moving oh i know what it is it’s a it’s a revolving door but like where do i build that [Laughter]

I literally have nowhere to be i’ll just make a revolving door in the middle of nowhere oh my god what if how does that work i saw i saw a revolving door youtube tutorial that popped up in my recommended i was like yo that’s [ __ ] cool

But like i don’t know where to build it though next is a grape a revolving door next to the [ __ ] i gotta build a mall around it i mean i could build it i could build it let’s see uh you know what let’s see i’ll build it

King of divers so i’m getting ready to work on my beeswax candles very soon i was trying to come up with some scents that screams to lend i was thinking maybe landover for one day i love your minecraft streams but i thank you thank you thank you for the super chat thank you

Thank you i’ll just say thank you for the kinky cadaver thank you super chat thank you thank you a cent i would like a i would like a uh oh lavender is nice though lavender is nice use raw selenium are there any enchantments we need i’m gotcha rolling is there feather falling

I remember i think i gotcha that i gotcha that already yeah yeah i did feather following just because i have the enchantment feather falling honestly i don’t know what okay chat one chapman’s doing the oh it’s the len bear oh my gosh i almost forgot to lend bear

I almost forgot to put myself there we already have mending when challenge do we need to fight the end guys i’m going to stand here because there’s like it’s so poorly lit that it scares me [Laughter] all right there we go there we go celenberry is here also i

Need to put up the right one is it this one yeah this one all right there we go so then bear is back i’m breaking three sharpness infinity look at my chat for a suggestion they are they are my they are my cheat card all right um free labor thanks guys

All right yeah give pomo suggest i need to go to the bed give me promo suggestions to uh on what we should have what should we should have for the end some of you are like so why aren’t you prepping for the end i literally don’t have to prep for the end guys

Uh because look at my build right now helmet my i have another right full armor set and i have another red sword and i already have an enchanted bow so uh beds bro we have so many sheeps there we have so many [ __ ] sheeps like [Laughter]

Yes you guys heard that right that is an elira fan made sign that song baby that caught me off that caught me off guard so much all right you know what i’m gonna build a revolving door like in the middle in the middle of the city and then people be like the [ __ ]

We’ll be like what the [ __ ] is this doing here and i’m just like there’s no there’s no logic in what i do slow falling pots would be nice yeah oh still falling pants or like or like water because i’m like there’s no still falling pants someone ninja asked the lymphatic

Suggestions to lend dragoons give them the answer i got no time for that it’s not that i got no time for that is that i never fought the end before um oh slow falling potions oh i’ve never i’ve never went to the end before

So i mean i went to the end but i never fought the dragon so i don’t know what you need to fight the dragon and all i know is that i have the armor and the sword for it so you guys are my you guys are my

Uh like what’s the point of having backseaters if i can’t even ask like have them actually help me out when i need them what’s the point like back to you have no use other than that one one time [Laughter] all right uh all right let’s see what i need for this build

How to build okay what is the materials i need place any block redstone torch redstone repeater okay that’s easy redstone block repeater uh oak door iron door okay and lever oh it doesn’t have to be oak i’ll just [ __ ] it i’ll just use oak okay i’m

Building this in the middle of the city because why the [ __ ] not but do you have spare armor and weapons i don’t need spare armor and weapons i’m a [ __ ] gamer how dare you we can first try that [ __ ] there’s so many of us if speed runners can like 1v1

A dragon like i can [ __ ] we can like eight be one a dragon like [Laughter] good timing thanks aliria that’s good timing If dream can be if dream can beat and the ender dragon we can beat the ender dragon uh grosses sharpness and uh knock back on the sword works well oh that’s nice i already have knocked back and lost my i think i think it’s because i have smite i can’t have sharpness or

Something i remember um okay what do i need for repeater again okay stone torch and all right i know i have a lot of this [ __ ] all my other builds i’ve done um okay i have this i need to put some stuff away too okay let me

Put all this away first i have a lot of random [ __ ] right now don’t judge me uh what the [ __ ] when i did why do i have a [ __ ] one egg all right rosie solo the end energy once eat once eat uh niji ian is exactly mature sting

In the super chat exactly if rosie can [ __ ] solo the ender dragon by herself and she’s gonna be there for the end anyway so like there’s no reason for us to not be able to beat up the [ __ ] dragon like he’s not he can’t be that [ __ ] difficult i’ve watched speed runs

Like i watched the speedrunners do it also i have like so many [ __ ] bows uh yeah i have the sword for the for the zombies but i might need why the [ __ ] do i have oh yeah because i was trying to farm i was trying to farm like good

Shovels because i wanted efficiency five i was like the [ __ ] is up with my okay all right let’s build this random door i’m literally only building this door just because i can just because i wanted to build it and i don’t know what other way i could what

Other use to have on it other than having this random door in the middle of the land all right i need repeaters okay i need stone oh [ __ ] i don’t have stone unless i do i knew i had stone all right how many repeaters do i need

It doesn’t even tell me how many okay one two three four okay i need four repeaters one two three oh okay it’s all right i have a lot of [ __ ] oh i don’t have any torches torch all right and then repeater all right there you go four repeaters enough torches all right um

Two four torches i have four torches all right okay five torches all right there’s actually more oh oh five repeaters all right all right all right chill here okay five torches and five repeaters all right there you go and then rosemary and speedrunners are just built different also have you

Forgotten just how chaotic and wild nietzsche can be at the best of times skimster thinking about the snoop chat thank you thank you there’s like there’s an easy fix for that and i just i don’t have this i just don’t stand near any of them

If it does get really chaotic i let them all die and then i solo the drag if for some reason they all like end up killing each other all i have to do is step back watch it all happen and then with by myself with me being there by myself

With no other factors in there then i can take care of the rest so that’s the plan that yeah be like play for your life play your life it’s that easy play your life i’ll just play my life guys it’s that easy all right where the [ __ ] did i put

This random ass oh yeah i don’t get my no i didn’t have another shovel okay where should this random revolving door be i’ll just put industrial town because it is an industrial city i’ll just put an industrial town because where else would i put it oh yeah i want my phone have you

Found your way oh wait she has she’s like gotcha rolling right now also the reason why i’m not asking po like asking promo to do the voice chat because she likes playing minecraft to chill and like we gotta let her you know guys she’s gotta chill sometimes too yes uh so uh

She’s just out there chilling right now ah all right my revolving door wouldn’t be funny if i made it in the slime farm i’ll just make it here [Laughter] entrance to the tree farm no it’s like really loud though okay the only issue with the revolving door is that it’s

Really really [ __ ] loud so maybe i shouldn’t put it there what if i just put it oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait um katana hi celine it was my birthday yesterday can you give me a happy birthday shout out happy birthday katrina happy birthday thank you for the

Super chat thank you thank you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear katrina happy birthday to you yeah thank you for the super chat thank you thank you i really do appreciate it thank you so much all right we’re gonna put it

We’re gonna put it in the middle of the city because like it’s very loud but no one’s ever in the city no one’s ever at the main hub anyway uh So i’m just gonna put it there i feel like no one’s ever here anyway so uh put it under oopsies all right what if i put it here no one’s here anyway so it wouldn’t matter i’m gonna put it right here oh wait at the world you’re right wait a

Minute oh my god oh my god you guys are [ __ ] geniuses i’m gonna put it on the on the spawn so new people i heard uh i heard nina’s bringing mika to the minecraft world so they’ll be like what the [ __ ] is this let’s see can i still build here

Oh no i can’t there’s spawn protection [ __ ] you’re right i can’t oh i can’t because the spawn protection goes all the way here no turn it off turn it off turn off spawn protection okay wait wait wait let me message banana and be like banana can

You turn off spawn protection for me i need to build something wait i can okay all right guys i’m gonna use my powers for good guys i’m gonna turn off spawn protection how to turn on spawn protection okay okay all right okay okay i know okay guys give me a sec i’m gonna

Do something very important guys we’re gonna i’m using my admin i’m literally putting a revolving door how is that bad [Laughter] how is that bad guys it’s literally a revolving door i’m gonna turn it back on after i’m done chat okay after trust me guys i’m gonna turn it

Off when i’m done but this is important chat this is very important okay i need to like log in though like it’s been a while since i’ve been on this site okay logged in you wrote [Laughter] it’s okay it’s okay guys alright where’s my server okay where the heck is my server

All right home how do i know where my server it’s been so long uh oh my gosh does she like dashboard go to my server there you go i’m still in i’m still in i’m still in guys okay what’s it called okay i need to look up the site

Turning off spawn protection don’t worry i’ll turn it back i will i swear guys i will turn it back uh how to disabled okay where the heck okay how to use minecraft server okay spawn protection oh my gosh how do i do it on this site players who have operative level

Uh the spawn is in the server properties determines the side length okay players who have any are able to bypass it and build anyway your server indirect ways oh my gosh wait guys how the [ __ ] okay server properties oh there you go server properties there you go spawn protection

Spawn monster spot oh spawn protection zero okay the server is gonna restart real quick [Laughter] nothing sucks okay all right okay okay all right spawn protection size zero yes restart now there we go i swear i swear guys i will i will i will re-enable this i need to make my door

I need to make my door guys this is so important chat you don’t understand i need my revolving door build this is the only way i can have my revolving door is the only way chad how else am i gonna have my revolving door fjv thank you for the super chat i’m

Sorry thank you for the five give this [ __ ] singing thank you hell yeah hell yeah here we go here we go hell yeah all right all right anything for yeah anything for the revolving door you guys don’t understand guys guys you guys do not understand this is very important to me

This is like very very important to me guys this is like my my best build i’ll ever do chat you don’t understand this is the best build i’ll ever ever do in this in this little town that i have yeah like three pump fine bump yeah my magnus opens yes it is

I need three where the [ __ ] is that oh there it is i was like where the heck uh it is chill it’s pretty chill i think it’s pretty chill all right let’s just level up this real quick all right okay let’s see where should i have it i should have it

Here okay let me watch this video real quick on how to [ __ ] to build it all right all right okay it’s a it’s four by four and then it is three three deep okay okay all right so i’ll put it here uh i’ll put it actually i put it i’ll put

It here i’ll put it here i’ll level you know what uh they spawn here right they spawn here okay one two three four one two okay one two three four one two three four this is where they spawn right that’s fine oh you can compass to find oh [ __ ]

You’re right you’re right i’ll compass to find the exact one oh my god you’re right you’re right compass what do i need for your compass iron and red thus oh don’t worry i got you i got you okay compass all right here we go all right how do i is it

Oh right here right here right right here right here this is where they spawn right here right exactly here right [Laughter] it’s exactly here right yeah all right perfect perfect yeah right here is spawn all right right here okay i should not use that as my all right

All right so this is spawn okay i got it but great power comes great responsibility i’m very very responsible it’s literally a revolving door i’m not doing anything that bad are you sure i remember seeing like uh do you want me to dye the sea if you are well your xp though

Okay all right hell yeah let’s do it let’s do it gospel remember when uh how i got gifted membership while hitting pay for yours it happened again with mister this time my bad luck is making me waste money gospel thank you for the super chat

Thank you thank you like i said never do gotcha never do to gotcha and then you’ll live a good life she’s a true homie she really is what is celen’s one wish to stop world hunger no to end everyone’s pain no i must build a door in minecraft to mess with it

Thank you very soon each i think you make it look it’s not just any door guys it is literally a revolving door that is different okay it’s not just any door it’s a door that [ __ ] moves [Laughter] it’s so much more than that it’s so much [ __ ] more than that you don’t

Understand true art [Laughter] okay It’s a magic door it’s the door to the server exactly it’s the server door this moment is so much bigger than me being an artist is so stuff oh my gosh it truly is so suffering to be an artist it truly is this is what i use my my admin powers for

I don’t spawn in things i cover me in t okay i got you let me get my bow all right we we’re doing this All right okay i have one bow wait is this oh wait this isn’t the fire bow where’s my fire bow where’s my trusty fire bow where the [ __ ] is my trusty fire bow someone steal my fire bow oh my god i have way too many chests guys i have

Way too many chests wait what the [ __ ] yeah actually where the [ __ ] did my fire bow go is promo good wait is it in my secret chest it could be no it’s not my secret chest doesn’t have my my fire bow okay my fireball’s gone guys

How am i supposed to flip all right it looks like i have to do it the old-fashioned way the old-fashioned way all right i don’t have tnt by the way homo we gotta go grab some tnt at pomo let’s go grab some tnt [Laughter] and we’re gonna kill you we gotta do it

With style ocean la david thank you for the super chat thing thank you someone stole someone stole my fire bow and they are gonna regret it if we’re gonna kill po-mo we have to do it with style we can’t just let her die like that you know be easier if we literally where

The [ __ ] is the tunnel oh it’s this one i was like where did the tunnel go dude it’s been so long chad since i’ve been here exactly free is free exactly yeah she deserves as much you know she deserves it i hope i don’t die because i’m doing it

The old-fashioned way cause that’s what i’m scared about if i if by doing it the old-fashioned way is much more dangerous all right holy [ __ ] people have not okay i need sand though i just realized i just realized i need sand okay i just sit in the afk tower for hours

Let me grab some sand real quick pomo and then we can do it all right oh redstone can no no no no no no no we’re doing it the old-fashioned way we’re gonna do it jackass style i actually watched the newest jackass movie and literally not gonna lie i

Skipped a lot of it because like literally all they did was just punch the balls and i was like is like 80 of that movie was just about the balls and i’m just like okay look like poor guy’s never gonna have kids again but like i would like some variety [Laughter]

I would like some variety there instead of just the ball getting really late it was like all right and then we get the sand and then we should be good Because i was like two oh [ __ ] well then one of my birds is gonna chill a little bit with me please don’t fly away please don’t fly away while in bed please don’t fly away while in bed no okay okay okay we gotta get this we

Gotta get one on the drag dragon four dragon four dragon four okay [ __ ] it if he dies he dies dragoon number four i’ve accepted your fate of dying all right pom are you ready if dragoon 4 wants to die that’s on him all right pomo where you want to die pick your spy

Not next to my house that’s not next to my house [Laughter] all right let’s go let’s go luka pomo’s out of control she’s gonna she’s gonna blow up in front of dc [Laughter] obviously we’re not gonna blow up disney guys we’re gonna blow up outside of disney

One confirmed that i’ll make you a great pomu do not worry to dedicate your noble sacrifice i’ll make a grave and i’ll make another grave for pomo at disneyland as a noble sacrifice she’s trying to go to space again Oh hey okay dragoon four you stay there you’re not watching this what are you doing po [Laughter] you know what dragon four you can watch he can watch my last mirror just so [ __ ] big her last meal her last [ __ ] meal that’s so sad that’s actually the saddest last meal ever i’m like

We’re witnessing the last couple of seconds of promo rain rainpuff before she makes meets her fate all right right here no no no this was her choice she could have requested anything but she chose here okay perfect any last words pomo rain puff and team last words before before the end [Laughter] [ __ ]

Um rest in peace dragoon number four [Laughter] oh oh my god we’re gonna be making two graves we’re gonna be making two graves today yeah i should get the feather back we should get them oh that’s wait what oh is it because i set it to zero wait where the [ __ ] is the

It was a dragoon boy wait where the [ __ ] is where did oh there it is i was like i never get the feather all right whoop oh no oh no dragoon four dragon boy he died for nothing dragon four literally died for nothing oh [ __ ] okay okay i reset server

And set the spawn protection to one all right all right here we go okay all right iris okay okay he’s in a better place is this we just killed we we just killed two Their lies died for nothing yeah jaguar all right restart now oh my god he died for nothing what was the point what was the point [Laughter] i knew jack jack oh my god guys this is how could he do this to me this was dragon four’s fault he’s not gonna risk he’s

Dragon four is gonna respond right guys dragon four is gonna re respond right to lynn yeah yeah guys he’ll be back [Laughter] yes guys yeah second four will be back guys do not worry it do not worry guys all right i think i i think i solved it i think i solved it

Fun for track i’m building two graves i’ll be building two graves today no the worst part is that i think that was my only that was my only blue blue parrot dude i have to travel to a jungle to replace you that was my only blueberry all right we’re gonna be doing another

Journey where i replace dragoon four no dragon four was special he was special he was literally my own oh wait no i have the green parrot that’s like a unique coloring no it’s all right we only went up to four so i can easily replace dragoon for and

People won’t know before is like isn’t that ironic oh that’s pretty ironic dude that’s really right he was cursed from the beginning he was cursed from the beginning dragoon forest was always cursed all right pomo don’t worry i have more sand where do you want to go next now okay

All right where do you want to die next i got more sand so then where should i put your deep deep dark gift box next to my house we must avenge dragoon for we must should we go back pomu make a deeper [Laughter] here we go oh [ __ ] here we go again

I’m not bringing another can’t wait to meet his hair trying to look for this little earth thank you for the super chat this is all disney fall i’m gonna sue luca we’re gonna file a lawsuit against luca this is fine here okay okay we’re gonna make it smaller this time

We’re gonna confine the explosion a lot smaller [Laughter] there we go there we go this is a lot smaller area all right here you go any last any last last words oh seven all right [Laughter] oh [ __ ] i thought this was supposed to be smaller oh [ __ ] we’re ruining the resale value

All right okay right here all right this is all right right here finally we figured it out we figured it out okay there you go this is the respawn area we did it we did it we figured it out we figured it out guys that’s good [Laughter]

We [ __ ] did it we did it by revolving door [ __ ] finally hey what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] whoops all right this is part of it now too apparently all right this one rock is part of it too all right that’s the only point yeah that’s yeah i resp store the spawn protection

And it’s only protecting this yeah i put a rock on actual spot it has spawn protection now spawn protection all right let’s see where are my torches i know i have like a ton of i should add more torches here this is way too you know i’m just gonna sleep oh dragoon four

Dragon four would have looked at me right there that’s where dragoon four was at the corner of this bed was where dragoon four would look at me and would be like celine what are we doing today and i’ll be like you’re staying in my home so you’ll never die

So there’s nothing bad will ever happen to all of you this is why dragoons this is why you never go outside dragoons you don’t want to be happen to you like what happened to dragon four dragoon four went outside one time and now he’s never coming back

Home do you understand dragoons do you understand i was here i was protecting you dragoons i was protecting you [Laughter] i was protecting you all right there you go now they’re never allowed outside also you guys should touch grass though don’t worry don’t worry these guys are birds

You’re all you’re not birds guys you’re not birds chat you can definitely go outside these guys they can’t [ __ ] fend for themselves so you’re not birds chat these guys literally can’t fend for themselves all right let’s just put this away i want to put some torches next to my

[ __ ] house because i didn’t realize how dark it was okay now put oh i thought i could pour torches there all right there you go i am burned now jp thank you for the super chat thing and thank you oh [ __ ] i need to get more chicken um

Real fast before i actually start this build if i put spawn protection the 16 would people spawn randomly again or uh when i put it back to its original number would people spawn randomly or like is it still gonna be there random okay all right i’m fixing this oh what the [ __ ] would

The [ __ ] put this random glass there it becomes a chunk okay oh random area and okay okay okay i’ll just put i’ll just put like a building around it so they spawn into the okay i get it i get it i get it all right here we go i’m finally making my

Hole yes okay so this is where they spawn so i want the door to be here they spawn here so if they spawn here then i mean i could put it here okay all right okay so i want them to spawn here so i’ll just do it uh All right and then yeah one two three one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four okay all right let’s see because i want the door the door would be connected to this so they’ll be coming outside i can’t believe i’m actually i’m finally

Making my build it’s been so long oh my gosh the worst part about having a good shovel one button is like i dig so much [Laughter] okay there you go i’m gonna make sure i don’t dig too much this is one two three okay this is it okay

What do you mean it’s the wrong block one two three four one two three four one two three four We mean we’re on block guys Yeah this is the yeah yeah yeah i want yeah yeah yeah the revolving door would be like over there because this is where the whole mechanism is and then uh this is where i put put it this is not yeah this is where she spawned no no no no that’s spawn protection

That’s not where she died she spawned she spawned in here she spawned here this is where i placed it and that’s where my spawn protection was [Laughter] yeah this is where she spawned in okay all right so we’ll have our revolving door here or i think you spawn randomly within a

Radius if it’s moving the radius and i would rather have the door like here then you know i rather have the door here then and then i’ll just place a a thing a place like oh wait we have an idea i have an idea okay i’m gonna place this i’m gonna

Um okay i’m gonna okay i actually have an idea we’re gonna place these back i have an idea to guarantee that uh to guarantee that uh you know what that it’s gonna go where i wanna go i’m just gonna put this here and then i’m gonna put the door

I’ll put the door here so then and i’ll make a surrounding area around the door so they have to spawn next to the revo okay this is not obsidian trapped this is not a trap it’s literally a door you cannot be trapped there’s literally a door to go outside

And you can’t be trapped in this [Laughter] okay i have an idea i have an idea i’m gonna go get some slime blocks okay there’s literally a way to get out it’s there’s literally a door she’s not gonna get trapped mika’s not gonna get trapped guys

She will be fine she will be fine also i should fix apparently the slime thing is broken too uh the elevator broke somehow i don’t know how um but let’s get some slime to make slime oh wait someone already made slime blocks okay we don’t need that then

All right so i can map out the architecture of it yeah i i can’t be bothered to fix this i’m too busy building true art I’m too busy building art right now um so wait who the [ __ ] built who the [ __ ] broke the this there used to be like a surrounding gate around it i i tried to idiot-proof this so no one fell all right here guys i’m just trying i’m an artist okay you won’t understand you

Are i’m just an artist chat okay i feel like things happen with no explanation on the server you’re not wrong ookie’s not wrong like this this i feel like every day i get to the server i’m just like the [ __ ] happened every day i’m like what the [ __ ] happened okay we’re gonna

Map this out i learned this from amma mamaya senpai so we’re gonna map this out to guarantee okay there’s gonna be a okay right here okay and then i want the door to be i want the door to be like right here all right this would be where the door is

All right right here and then all right we’re gonna have the door right here all right there we go they have to spot they should spawn around this general area they should all right all right all right right here okay okay okay okay and then i want it i want the doors to

Be right there so to do that let me look at this uh tutorial real quick let me let me let me look at this tutorial real quick to make sure i won’t i don’t [ __ ] it up all right all right okay four by three all right four by three

They must spawn here there’s no other there’s no other way ah oh i should put some torches around this just in case too just in case some some [ __ ] happens all right all right here we go okay four by three right here wait and then what

Okay there’s a four by three right here four by four and then up oh up is a three by two okay okay okay okay okay i got this one two three one two three one one two three and then buy two okay let’s sleep first

No no no no i know for a fact it is not a bedrock i know this person does not make bedrock [ __ ] which tutorial am i following you can uh uh you can literally just do uh uh just look revolving door and then i think you can find it let’s see

Uh oh wait what the [ __ ] okay i was like where the [ __ ] all right okay okay okay let’s see one and then i’m gonna make sure that everything’s good okay there’s a three by two or two two by three and then we gotta make uh wait what the [ __ ]

Oh [ __ ] no it’s supposed to be four sorry i’m really bad at reading tutorials apparently [Laughter] i’m really bad at reading tutorials guys and then there we go that would work now okay then we fix this okay one all right this should work bad at reading i’m better watching too apparently

Not only am i bad at reading i’m bad at watching videos it was just not meant to be i’m i guess i’m just illiterate yeah you have an oshie that’s a litter all right one two okay there we go yeah all right and then

What do we do here i think i have all the materials i need oh [ __ ] except for blocks do you have blocks oh i do have stone she’s just like me for real for all right two uh wait what oh it’s the other one whoops i was like wait a minute

You’re [ __ ] with me right now oh [ __ ] wait a minute did i do this the wrong side [ __ ] hell i did this the wrong side i [ __ ] knew it oh my god okay guys this is awkward i did it the opposite way for real for real i’m a literary guy

There we go now now that’s better okay all right there we go we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine everything’s fine now this is where the door is gonna be right here all right right here i can’t believe it i [ __ ] it up already all right like this

That’s fine it’s fine it’s fine i just forgot all right what do we do what did he do video okay like this and then torch on either side okay and then there and then repeater like this easy and then redstone dust all right [ __ ] easy i got this bam and then rock

Where’s my torch oh [ __ ] okay i didn’t make enough torches paws pause i didn’t make enough torches Pause everything stop stop stop okay bam there we go back to the ground we go What is she building this [ __ ] art that’s what i’m building all right i’m building goddamn art right now and then repeater over there okay all right and then there we go all right revolving door it’s goddamn all right pay some respect Oh [ __ ] uh how the [ __ ] did he do that the [ __ ] how did he put a goddamn block in the sky Okay let me look at this real quick oh it’s like oh okay i’m yeah it’s not a it’s not a trap how is this a [ __ ] trap how is this a trap uki it is artwork right there you don’t understand everyone’s a goddamn critic [Laughter] everyone’s a [ __ ] critic they don’t appreciate

My genius i think it’s working they don’t they don’t appreciate my [ __ ] genius okay i need a lever apparently oh [ __ ] wait i need oak doors and an iron door i never forgot to make something okay lever stick and rock okay lever and then door what would the man grope door look like

And oh that’s nice but i feel like okay let me see what door i want to use should i go with the classic oh wait the jungle door would look nice okay yeah i wanted the jungle planks do i have jungle wood i should have jungle wood

I have so many doors i just realized oak i’ve explored so much unless someone stole from me i should have jungle wood somewhere borough genius unless people stole from me i should have jungle wood [Laughter] that’s all i gotta say i should have jungle wood oh there it is

There’s a gift from uki okay there you go i have jungle log right here oh your genius is still showing thank you thank you it’s so hard being me sometimes it truly is it really is so goddamn hard to be me sometimes guys really the jungle where’s the jungle

Which one was it i already forgot oh [ __ ] crimson okay which door was it where the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did the jungle door oh there it is i was like where the [ __ ] did the jungle door go okay iron door how many do i need

I don’t even check how many i need okay one two okay two okay two iron doors all right that’s fine two iron doors um how do you do it i don’t know sometimes sometimes every day i wake up i’m like god it’s so hard being living like me sometimes

Every day waking up to this uh ginormous brain of mine that can’t read or that cat reading is illiterate look i trade my literacy for this oh so yahoo welcome back to the embership welcome back all right lever i don’t know what this does just yet

Oh i turn it off okay i know what it does all right what do i do next okay one two one two i shouldn’t make it plain stone but like i’m not here about the style at this point i’m just here for the goddamn memes [Laughter] i need to turn it off

Okay okay all right how the [ __ ] do i do this properly no not like this oh [ __ ] where’s my axe hi mika oh don’t worry there’s this is nothing mika hey mika don’t look i’m making you a present mika dolo [Laughter] yeah it’s a present for you it’s a present mika

For your stream with nina don’t look you can’t you can’t look yet it’s a surprise close your eyes it’s a surprise you can listen but don’t look don’t look dina don’t look it’s my little gift to welcome you to our server it’s a it’s beautiful i even put some diamonds too all right

There’s gonna be diamonds and everything yeah it’s very rude to stare it’s very rude uh you know how it’s like a bridesman seat the groom shouldn’t see the bride before the wedding a visitor should not see a present before before minecraft did i do this the [ __ ] i mean [Laughter]

I’m trying to figure out how to place this properly so it would go the way i want how the [ __ ] did she place it like that okay okay it’s like it’s like oh there you go i did it god i’m so [ __ ] smart sometimes whoop i didn’t do that

All right let me go back to sleep i’m a great senpai i really am so hard to beat me guys [Laughter] you know how i do it chat have you ever wondered how does she do it well the first step is not knowing how to read it

So if you’re willing to not if you’re willing to forget how to read that’s how you become like me you forget how to read it’s that easy oh my gosh no what the [ __ ] okay i will get this correctly there we go God damn it All right it’s the celine’s suffering from success [ __ ] out this is so difficult to time all right right here god damn it this is actually really difficult to do precisely yeah become illiterate and blind and then you can literally be me it’s that easy oh it’s like this okay how does it feel to me wait was what

About lyra uki what about [Laughter] Uki what about aalir yeah but yeah yeah i’m a [ __ ] genius i’m a goddamn genius but what ooky but what you haven’t finished your sentence there you go my revolving door it’s done now all i need to do is make your these now all i do just make it out of dirt

There you go and stone there you go it’s beautiful i’m gaming i truly am ah yes the selena architecture you all love so dearly also [ __ ] it i’m just gonna use up all my random blocks at this point also you know what i’ll give mika a little celed touch to it uh

Just a little to land touch to all this madness it’s like i never left it’s like i never left [Laughter] look if she get into this it’s not my fault okay guys oh maybe if i whoops okay if i put like one dirt here if she gets into this that’s not my fault at that point uh it’s not trapped guys it’s just a revolving door i don’t know what

Your guys are talking about it’s literally just a revolving door how could this be a trap chat okay all right i add a little cilantro to everything there you go that’s what they’ll say i don’t know what you guys are talking about how dude yeah how dare you disrespect the genius that’s happening

From you exactly ookie how dare you you won’t understand pure art if it spit in your face chat uh oh [ __ ] a raw diamond block that you can’t mind you the spawn protection oh my god that’s pure evil i love it all right all right i got you i got you

I have an idea where did my [ __ ] two stacks of diamonds go when i when i reset my spawn protection don’t worry [Laughter] all right all right make sure i have all my blocks here correctly okay the spruce and the cobblestone and uh you know what [ __ ] it right here there you go

I would like some slime slime box too uh okay there you go and then there you go there you go beautiful and then making sure you know just add a little bit of variety just a little bit bam all right all right all right it’s beautiful it’s beautiful it’s starting

To look like something i like it i like what i’m looking i’m liking i’m liking what i’m seeing all right now all i gotta do is just cover this up obviously [ __ ] it oh [ __ ] it doesn’t it doesn’t matter anyway this is a [ __ ] post Does it really matter whoop [ __ ] it [Laughter] I can find this actually actually now the inside has to look nice oh whatever actually no i actually want i want i need to keep there you go all right oh you know what a good nice throwback you’re right you’re right a nice throwback to this wonderful build i’m making uh

You know what let’s add a barrel in there too for good measure i might as well you know let’s just add some all these blocks i’ve collected over the years oh fairness we might as well add everything we’ve collected over the years playing on the server yes years it feels like goddamn years

I feel like i’ve been here for a while now i mean it’s still pretty chill let’s see there’s my crafting table it can’t be bothered to make i really can’t be bothered to make a new crafting table please don’t do this to me i have so do i really not have it’s a

Good thing that my ocd isn’t triggered by minecraft rest in peace everyone else’s ocd not my problem [Laughter] thank you for the super chat thank you thank you exactly it’s not your problem all right you know what we’ll have two just for the sake of it you know what

I mean i might as well since i do have mud on me i might as well add that in and then you know what a block of iron [ __ ] it all right dragoon fort you stay here it looks like i do have to make a

Crafting table i thought i had one on me but i guess not i like this compass can be spawned all right all right where is my crafting table There you go let’s see know what for mikka’s sake i’ll give her storage right here there we go and then let’s see oh [ __ ] [Laughter] working as god intended oh you guys but i think it’s working marvelously i need to make sure that i should light this up a little bit more

[ __ ] it i’ll light it up later oh [ __ ] okay if minka’s gonna be able to use her furnace here it should face her there we go there you go no i’m not adding it to you if there’s one thing i know i’m not adding it’s a tnt block There you go and then ah all right then we’ll just cover this up oh [ __ ] well you don’t see it [ __ ] it you can see it outside at least right now i might as well put it up here then there you go see it’s beautiful i love this so far

Don’t let this touch you careful all right abyss Yeah see it lights up the night too it’s literally throwback i mean since we’re getting closer to closer to the anniversary i felt like it’s it’s only fair to go back to my roots you know it’s only fair i’m going back to where i’ve started i’ve regressed i’ve literally regressed as a minecraft

Player i’ve gone backwards how’s that possible where did i put my chicken i like 64 of chicken on me we’re we had we were we had like a good time return to monkey you evolved backwards All right all right here i go You know what i don’t need chicken right now i just need a build i just need to build my mission to build oh wait i want my slime blocks again and oh yeah wait i have to make sure oh [ __ ] i have to make sure this is there we go

That makes more sense actually this there we go and then this there we go beautiful don’t touch the magma blocks make sure you don’t touch the magma blocks there you go we’re doing it all right i’ll turn it on after i’m done with this build

I like it i know right i like it too turning my music back on too real quick all right here we go all right oh wait where’s my torches oh there it is let’s put some torches here let’s let’s light this a little little bit let’s light this up for her

I mean she’s gonna live here a little bit too oh it’s like a little jungle gym nice i’m like lowering the i’ve raised the property value and i’ve lowered the property value so many times it truly is crazy [Laughter] i give it and i take it remember when i raised the property

Value by making an industrial city now it’s turn time for me to go stupid and wild zan are you trying to give bandana a stroke instead hey see it works i really like it wait can i not make it stop oh it has to be only the wood all right that’s which

An equivalent exchange guys this is basically equivalent exchange i’ve given you guys oh [ __ ] buy my own my own build how could he Is there any other i haven’t used yet oh the barrel i forgot to use the barrel you’re right all right there you go i mean mika really wants to you know put some anything in the barrel and then oop there you go Oh my gosh it’s so beautiful though you gotta admit this is really pretty [Laughter] you gotta admit this is really pretty though right oh no i can’t use sponge sponge is like sponge is actually a [ __ ] uh sponge is actually a delicacy in the surface

The sponge is too good to waste i don’t mind wasting anything else in my inventory but the sponge yeah [Laughter] i can’t the sponge is where i say no let’s see i mean we’ll add a white wool in there might as well you know and some

Glass too you know what [ __ ] it let’s add some glass too all right oh i should eat too give me a sec guys i need to find my i don’t know what happened to my chicken oh there it is i know what happened to my chicken all right here i go

Let’s put this in here I mean honestly this is pretty relaxing for me i don’t know about you guys but for me i’m having a good time i don’t know about you guys i might need my suck touch because i just realized i put that gold block in the wrong place All right yeah it’s pretty relaxing i’m being i’m pretty chill hey ookie you want to die for me to test this out [Laughter] oh [ __ ] my god i forgot my thing was still oh it’s okay i have so much gold that’s fine honestly it’s not as like i’m not as

Devastated i have a lot of stone anyway i have a lot of gold anyway on me and i’m literally gonna build a gold farm oops okay anyway let’s do that again all right i want it so that she could see the gold block i guess if she looks up

Oh no no no i’ll put it i’ll put it here there you go then she’ll see it all right what else do i have we’ll have this put that above i’m just using every block i have at this point but um and then oh hey bad bad magma cube let’s see

Why am i not used okay so i’ll use all the white wool all right now i can go wild ah slime boop boop magma cube there you go and then amethyst go stupid go wild i guess i should prove some more dirt here we haven’t had that during a while

That was a wild no now it’s wild oh my gosh it’s beautiful it’s like a little museum of it’s like a little museum of like all the blocks i think is pretty you guys don’t understand art if it bites you in the ass you guys just don’t understand a true crafted craftsmanship id

Has an airport i have a revolving door who’s better where’s id’s revolving door huh huh where’s it where is it i don’t see them having a revolving door guys What the [ __ ] is there revolving door huh huh chat that’s [ __ ] right that’s [ __ ] right we all know which one’s so much better uh the price brought to you by this is dedicated you know what yeah [ __ ] you guys this dedicated to dragoon for dragoon for one of this

Let’s see i’ll put some jungle plants even though my jungle plants right now is like a goddamn delicacy in this for me that is for me it’s a delicacy you know because i don’t really have a lot of i don’t really have a lot a lot of jungle planks there you go

All right and he told me before his dying breath before he died was like please make me a revolving door [Laughter] and make sure it’s beautiful just like me but this is just as beautiful as a dragon number four it’s already a block it is a

Wish i could support you more than this but i just want to say that your laugh makes me smile every time i hear it it tickles my soul it makes me feel weird not that i’m complaining though thank you thank you for the super chat look

Thank you thank you and i really do appreciate the support and i’m glad you’ve been enjoying the stream thank you oh you have a great rest of your day all right let’s see we’ll put i already have slime blocks there you know what it doesn’t hurt to have more oh

And then to top it off bam that’s not what i want that’s not to top it off there you go hey ookie you want to die for me i swear it will be fun i swear you will be you will smile spawn in you are spawning in a very fun place i

Swear oh my god it’s so beautiful [Laughter] do you want to appreciate my artwork uki you want to appreciate it you got to sacrifice yourself yeah ukra said it was a work of art uki you told me this was a work of art are you trying to say it’s not now

Is that what you’re trying to say i truly lowered the property value of this area i’ve lowered the property all right let me okay i guess an artist has to sacrifice themselves for art if if it has to be that way i will do it i will sacrifice myself for art

I am a true artist chat do it for art exactly i will do it for art i’m too lazy to make two chests so i’m just gonna put this in the two barrels i have all right do i need 25 experience nah i can get that back easy i can get back

25 levels easy guys i don’t need it all right i’m gonna do what you guys oh yeah i don’t even know which bed oh yeah i slept in okay i need a i need a new bed i just realized what bed i slept in which is inside my home

And i cannot break this bed all the dragoons are in there peacefully i don’t want to repeat a dragoon for okay there you go oh wait i didn’t even reset the respawn yet there you go all right let’s drown it’s a slow death but it’ll be worth you

Know what [ __ ] this i can just keep jumping down the death is way too slow for my liking if i keep jumping there yeah yeah drowning is late not where you want to do there you go all right for i are you [ __ ] kidding me let’s try this again there’s no way

There’s no [ __ ] way okay what the [ __ ] it responds next to the house all right it’s time it’s time to do a gamer move chat it’s time to do a gamer move chat all right all right all right all right yeah i’m changing the spawn radius uki

Get ready for a server restart for my [ __ ] post to work i gotta set the spawn ring all right server settings all right where the [ __ ] is spawn radius i don’t i don’t have that power banana took that power away from me she she she never gave it she gave it to

Me for like one second and then took it away i don’t have i can only do it i can’t do it in game i can only do it out of game [Laughter] all right all right the [ __ ] do i make it so they spawn here Let’s see i can’t i don’t have admin powers in the in the server i have it outside of the server expand the house oh my god okay i need to figure out oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] okay you know what this is easier for now i’ll fix that later all right

All right let’s see i spawned out here so i’ll just need to cover this up all right all right unless don’t make a root but it won’t look pretty it won’t look pretty guys they will spawn on the roof why would they spot on the roof the [ __ ] i even filled okay okay

Locking up this uh the way i respond oh that’s true okay let me i think iris okay let me die real quick then I should have died like i should have jumped higher now i’m like stuck here so it’s harder to unless no it’s harder now okay unless i’ll do it here there we go okay where did i respond what the [ __ ] now i’m here what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] how did i get there

I need to make it so it’s perfectly in this area it has to be here it just gets free i need it to be like here right here spawn radius and set world spawn to coordinates but can i do that outside i can’t do that in game i don’t have the

Power chat i don’t i literally don’t have the power to do that in game um the only ones that can is finanna and luca only finanna and luca have like powers in the server so i i i don’t have pow uh i don’t have powers outside

Oh i can’t do it under the roof oh i have to actually get rid of my roof my beautiful roof yeah but now it’s not gonna let me in my dm she even let me have regular powers when i was being nice i can’t believe it i actually have to get rid

Of the roof i can’t believe it i don’t think luke is online right now i’ll ask look online yeah lucas is offline luca’s offline she’s he’s not uh so i can’t do it under a roof no he’s sleeping right now just make a hole in the roof like this

Okay let’s see if that works yeah yeah yeah he’s sleeping at the moment he’s offline i’m not gonna wake him up for a [ __ ] post ah slash op myself is that enough of a hole uh on top the oh roof on top of the four by four okay

All right let me just get all right on top of the 4×4 i think it was like here i’ll just get my pickaxe in ah oh that worked and not to troubleshoot this i feel like i’m actually coding all right there you go that’s enough right

Yeah an artist work is truly never done it really isn’t it truly isn’t pain all right let’s try it all right there you go what the [ __ ] i keep getting further further i keep responding further and further away [Laughter] oh my god i’m getting further and further away how is that possible

The game doesn’t appreciate our apparently how the [ __ ] am i getting further and further away okay now i’m back here okay well now i know that this roof doesn’t work i’m pulling back my roof i’m putting back my roof all right doesn’t see how yeah it’s very it’s

Definitely as random okay we gotta make sure it’s set at this particular spot there should be no radius anywhere you gotta set it to an exact coordinate But oh no no dragoon three no dragoon three dragon three get out oh my god dragon too no no your brother died like this drago dude [Laughter] dragoon too i [ __ ] swear to god dragoon too okay now my next mission get dragoon 2 back here all right i think i have an idea

I have an idea how to do this okay it requires a little bit of messing around but i have an idea all right how do i unop myself guys how do i un give myself powers because i just want to use it for this one thing oh my god dragon too

I’m gonna push you back in an op d try dop okay all right oh my god please dragoon too please please for the love of god yeah but he when he gets off he’s not gonna the thing is when he gets off he’s gonna fly away when i’m in the house so

I need him to fly down i need you to be downstairs dragoon okay oh my god this is like a lot of work now god that [ __ ] you [Laughter] all right come on dragoon come on dragoon don’t make me get up the seeds dragoon all right now fly down now fly down good

All right oh my god dragon please please i’m so sad because there were there was like four dragoons on the bed now there’s only three all right dragoon two lives to tell another day to for another day all right i got an idea i got an idea

All right let’s see if this works let’s see if this works i have the power [Laughter] all right let’s see if i can do this do i have it yes all right all right all right what’s the command set world spawn uh what the [ __ ] is the coordinates

Right now what the [ __ ] is the coordinates at the moment i’m in oh is it actually this okay all right oh no it’s not oh [ __ ] this was not the coordinates guys this is not the coordinates guys you liars oh my god okay she has to spawn exactly here Exactly here okay all right one block it is no but it’s like at 66. this is oh wait the 67 that’s right below me oh i’m looking straight down oh oh that makes okay all right what’s this number 30 133 then wait but which one’s 130 231

231 is outside no no no no no it’s yeah 231’s here no no she has to be right here she has to be literally right here okay all right let’s try it in set world spot oh oops slash set world spawn uh oh my gosh i already forgot the number what’s the number

Uh oh try okay okay To minus 2 30 2 31 no okay let’s see where it takes me let’s see where this takes me all right it’s time to die again so then for our for goddamn art come on oh yeah my bed was like where the [ __ ] wait a minute that was so anticlimactic

I forgot i had a bed there all right you know what i’m gonna use the bathroom and then we’ll do the moment of truth i’ll be right back guys i’ll be right back Hmm Um Um All right i’m back i’m back everybody wait what ooky are you trying to steal my dragoons [Laughter] they are loyal you can’t steal my dragoons they’re loyal to me right dragons you don’t know what what happened to dragon 4 do you [Laughter] dragoon 4 thought he could leave Exactly dragoon 4 thought he could leave that’s right you’re with me forever dragons [Laughter] all right let’s see oh there’s another bed yeah i keep [ __ ] dying with my bed i wonder why i don’t want to keep making new beds so i’m just gonna all right here we go again experiment number i’ve

Lost count oh my god it’s always one goddamn heart and then death before dishonored dragoon four will be when we forgot it lord grows the same super chatting jp jp okay but as long as uki is like a side thing i would accept that i will accept uki as like a side

Link but always remember i’m the main one you come back to jp thank you for this secret no no okay we gotta get rid of the roof we gotta get rid of the roof we figured it out we figured it out right here all right this should be it this should be it

This should be a mistress all right [Laughter] what the [ __ ] i tried myself into another hole all right there you go what the [ __ ] i even set the spawn here this is utterly [ __ ] okay how do i change the radius guys which one is the change radius

Wait how do i remove radius is it in uh okay oh don’t forget okay okay okay uh slash game rule spawn radius zero oh wait i spelled radius wrong spot radius oh wait no zero there you go huh wait oh i did two slashes oh my gosh what the

[ __ ] i didn’t even notice oops whoops slash game rule spawn radius zero there you go there we go this is it oh my god i’m not dying by another right this is it we finally cracked the code this is it this is it all right half a heart

No no no no no no no no no this is better it feels like it feels better are you [ __ ] kidding me okay there we go all right getting rid of to hell [Laughter] all right one heart oh half a heart huh there we go it’s perfect

Now i need to double check it to make sure i need to double check it you’re getting rid of two hearts three hearts four hearts here i go before i respond my health too much trial and error there we go all right you thought i’m done chat you thought i’m done

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i’m not done i’m not done [Laughter] i’m not done chat or where’s my glow i think where is that okay i need leather and sticks oh don’t worry i got a lot of those

Leather all right And then let’s see uh let me you know what i know i have some excess i have some excess okay dragon you gotta you can’t be here you actually can’t be on this block there we go because this block is my hidey hole all right anyway All right All right and then okay i’m gonna be resetting the server one last time uki one last time uki the final reset also let me dop me real quick too [Laughter] one last time something very important all right all right ookie i’m doing it it’s the last the last one the very last

The very last restart i don’t have admin powers anymore i did it for that one [ __ ] post i used my powers for good chat i used my powers for good all right all right here i go all right let’s see if this works [Laughter] let’s see if this works the

Oh my god wait i spawn protected my house [Applause] okay okay don’t come back yet don’t come back i [ __ ] up wake okay give me a sec don’t come back all right all right all right clearly that wasn’t it we can’t do the original so why don’t we do

This maybe this would be i think this would be better all right all right all right don’t come back yet don’t come back okay give me a sec we need to figure out we need to figure out the correct spot protection [Laughter] i put it in the the original

Now the dragoons will be safe no harm will go to the track now after we’re thinking with a super chat thing and thank you okay all right here we go here we go all right there you go all right okay i’m safe here okay i need to make sure the right area

Is spawn protected all right okay i got a mixture okay all right i gotta make sure did i leave my nether right in here [Laughter] okay i need to get another pickaxe all right all right give me a sec i need to make sure this area is what i need for spot protection

Okay all right everything is good okay we need two more recess we need two more recess uki and harness work is never done it truly is so hard to be me sometimes okay all right i know the numbers though i know the numbers all right here it is okay okay all right okay

Okay we two more two more tries two let me just pick up my another right pickaxe and then we’re good and then we’re good okay okay after this we have one more reset we have one more reset and then we’re done this year i’m god i’m just too much of a genius

I’m too illiterate [Laughter] my literacy my literacy goes no bounds chat all right there we go okay let me take everything back all right one final reset one [ __ ] final reset okay okay one final reset and then we’re done and then we’re done all right let’s see oh my god

I know what number it was the safe number okay wait actually actually wait a minute oh no oh no it’s gonna hit my chest here oh no wait wait is it going to hit these two chests oh god please tell me i won’t hit this

Okay okay okay all right i got an id i got an idea i got an idea no way no way okay no no no no no no i put this right here if i put it right here it wouldn’t okay guys all right all right we gotta get okay okay okay

Okay okay i just need to put it right here and then we’ll be fine there we go there we go there you go no no no no and then we can do spawn protection three blocks and my chest will be safe my chest will be safe yeah yeah yeah

There you go there you go there you go there’s no way this is not three blocks right one oh no oh no oh no wait no no no we’re safe we’re safe we’re safe it’s three blocks it’s uh one two okay okay we’re safe we’re safe we’re safe we’re safe one

One two three okay we could do it we could do we could do it you know what five we’ll do five because i don’t want her to break this either all right all right actually that [ __ ] update [Laughter] it’s it’s one after another it’s it’s literally okay don’t worry i’m almost

Done ookie i need to break into someone’s house and sleep okay do not worry do not worry we’re almost done ookie i need to sleep in someone’s house i just where the [ __ ] okay i was gonna be like where the [ __ ] is the bed don’t worry okay we’re almost done

This masterpiece is almost over everyone is somewhere dude i’m sorry no no it’s okay i can make bread i can make bread where the [ __ ] are the weed why is it just seeds what the oh my god oh my god all right this is the longest walk back

Okay don’t worry we’re almost done we’re almost done okay do not worry i don’t wanna i don’t wanna farm i don’t wanna farm farm there’s so many things [Laughter] my mind has only one mission farming is too much for me i’m a starving artist oh this is truly his

Pain i’m a i’m a starving artist [Laughter] oh thank god he’s gone oh my god thank god thank god all right okay okay i gotta i gotta recalculate this okay there you go i gotta make sure okay all right all right okay okay okay this will work this will work okay

Respawn five and it should be good one two three four okay five yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right all right spawn protection this should be good all right one last reset the last we say there you go we’ll be fine the last one this will work this will work chat

This will work trust me the last reset i swear i swear the final reset to end all resets right here [Laughter] all right okay i can break this whoops okay that’s fine i don’t mind this being broken i just need to know if i can open my chest

Oh thank [ __ ] god oh thank god okay all right thank god all right wait i can break this though oh this is out of the spawn protection okay this is out this isn’t all right there you go that’s fine that’s fine i take those i take those i take those all right

Because the meme is just this part all right there we go there we go we take what we exactly we take i did i tested this i tested this so we’re fine we’re fine this is fine all right my meme my [ __ ] post my [ __ ] post is completed truly it’s done

We did it we [ __ ] successfully shitposted we did it shitpo successful all right you know what okay now that i know that this can be dug around i’m gonna do what luca did [Laughter] but instead of obsidian we’ll use black stone so she’ll think it’s obsidian [Laughter]

Yeah but she can’t dig her way out that’s the thing okay no i shouldn’t because then you won’t be able to see it in this glory nah nah nah i want you guys to be able to see this [ __ ] post no no no no no no no no no i want you

Guys to be able to see the work of art the sad thing is that i can’t extend i can’t extend the spot also okay you’re free to come in you’re free to come in but you won’t be able to see the [ __ ] post i want everyone else to be able to see

This [ __ ] post [Laughter] she’ll be able to dig her way out though she can do it this is perfect no no no no i know it works i know it [ __ ] works maybe if i add like a non-slime block so like technically she can’t dig out yeah

She can’t dig out of its heat if it’s like only one block of slime it’s beautiful there we go we did it we did it chat we did it yeah yeah what is this purpose for to welcome people into into en i just want to make a revolving door

Literally all i wanted to do was make a revolving door wait is that as far as they could go oh we can’t get closer no this is it all right welcome to welcome to en server there you go [Laughter] there you go the first thing you see nice touch right it’s beautiful

No missing uh it’s not as natural though there we go there you go just kiss there you go it’s beautiful we did it we successfully shipped posted formica modern art is modern art there you go it’s beautiful welcome welcome to the internet Okay no i wanted to make this i honestly all i wanted to do was make the revolving door and it just evolved into this this is lucas trap 2.0 this is okay but it’s it’s not a trap it’s not a trap though it’s not a trap but

This is basically a two point is a spiritual successor mika’s a [ __ ] poster she’ll enjoy it she’s a [ __ ] [ __ ] poster darkest player think darkest prayer they give it a five give the [ __ ] thinking thank you i really do appreciate it thank you so much move lever into the spawn protection

Okay but that requires me to restart the server guys and we’ve already restarted the server too many times we [Laughter] he literally locked back in because he thought it was over all right all right all right no no no it’s fine it’s fine no no no what i no no it’s over it’s

Over what i’m gonna do okay this is this is what i’ll do i’ll hide the lever i’ll hide the lever there you go this looks natural right [Laughter] so yeah it’s so hidden yeah it’s beautiful okay let’s make sure that you don’t see that there you go they won’t suspect a thing

There’s no way there’s no way they won’t suspect anything okay you come in here you’re like oh what’s that there how would they know how would they know yeah exactly exactly too normal for this exactly exactly this [Laughter] oh [ __ ] you’re right okay oh you’re

Right you’re right i got an idea i got an idea all right so i’ll put it here and i’ll come to en server there you go see all natural actually let’s make this here there we go there you go see there you go natural i could just have another sign here made by

Every en member there yeah [Laughter] oh [ __ ] or maybe i’ll put it down here i’ll put it down here all right what do they have when it comes to art okay our subtitles you know when art subtitles have like subtitles and stuff what do they what what do they do like

How do they do it a signature yeah no no no no okay okay wait uh name and year okay like at the bottom artwork bottom tag oh there it is okay okay okay okay okay okay i got this i got this okay uh first is my name right celine tatsu celen born [Laughter]

Revolving revolving door 2020 okay door i’ll just be like you’re 20-22 [Laughter] acrylic on canvas blocks on uh blocks on craft there you go uh it media master wait mix okay masterpiece [Laughter] wait wait mixed media there you go there we go all right blocks on craft mixed media

It’s beautiful truly is a work of art oh my god truly is a [ __ ] work of art guys holy [ __ ] i did it i created all right now you say close oh chefs kiss i’ve never made such a beautiful artwork before clearly everything i’ve done has led to

This i do not have a lot of glow little exact anymore all right it is i know i feel like if i use it though this shader doesn’t work with it that’s the issue this shader is so bad with a glow ink should i do it should i still do it

I feel unworthy to see it i don’t know mika’s i don’t know mika shaders let the glow flow use white also oh check all your shapes yeah but what what’s mika’s shaders though is that in here it’s terrible i love it did you use any okay all right you know

What okay let’s see what it looks like without shaders let’s see uh i forgot where shaders are shader packs there you go disable oh my god okay we’re just gonna do that and then this doesn’t need shaders this doesn’t this is a neat glow ink oh my god this looks even more thicker

[Laughter] oh my god all right all right everything’s fine my shaders made this look like a [ __ ] beautiful artwork let’s put that back on put that [ __ ] back on all right we’re done all right yeah we did it we finished today’s minecraft chat we did it truly was a beautiful experience with

All of you it really was we got to create that together remember chat we made this together i couldn’t have done this without you guys this was more of your mistake and mine just get all my stuff back first this is a group effort chat remember we are a team i was here

Let’s see oh my god hey it’s good for the anniversary this is my early anniversary throwback this is practically like my anim is it’s almost like my anniversary stream is [Laughter] this [ __ ] post is almost like my anniversary stream okay do you love it uki okay do you love it

Okay why are you running away from my beautiful artwork uki why are you running away why you run away from my beautiful Beautiful masterpiece [Laughter] how could he run away from something so beautiful oh i gotta do some business okay true true that makes sense priorities priorities guys all right all right i think i think it’s that’s where we’re gonna call it here let us swap over it real quick uh boom

Had fun i’m gonna still stick around a little bit to do some super chat reading but i hope you guys had a fun time fun chill time uh with some minecraft with some uh with building the revolving door it’s okay only literally only i live

Next to it so like the only ones i’m annoying is me but like i’m not annoyed by it because i know the beautiful uh the beautiful artwork i have created for everybody so i’m not annoyed by it uh and uh truly is a masterpiece holy [ __ ]

I’m so proud of what i made today [ __ ] all those farms i made this is like the best thing i’ve ever made oh there’s actually no the it’s only second to the dragoon statue the dragon fountain is on it’s only second to the dragon fountain but if the

Dragon fountain did not exist this would have been the best thing i’ve ever made in my life it really is also anyway thanks for hanging out with me i’m still going to stick around to do super chat reading but uh it’s chilled in a while let me chill today so guys as

You all know i usually sometimes i shield this at the end of the stream but merch if you guys didn’t know i do have merch and we restocked on the first step goods uh so check that out if you want some cilan merch restocked some merch check that out

Guys chill just a little bit you know [Laughter] all right let’s just chill now oh i haven’t finished my schedule yet because anna and i are planning on doing something this week um it’s so stupid i asked her if she wanted to do this and then she

Was like yeah and i’m trying to figure out we’re still we’re trying to figure out time because i think she went out to touch grass before we figured it out a set time and we’re doing some a stupid stream where i speak cantonese and she speaks mandarin and we attempt to have a

Conversation uh so we attempt to have a zatzodon not understanding what we’re saying to each other so uh So i’m just waiting to get back from her to know it’s supposed it’s gonna be this week but i’m waiting to get a cemented time uh between us to figure out if we what if we want to do in the morning or late at night uh but yeah that’s basically it um

That’s basically what we’re planning on doing the exact same doesn’t exist that sounds awesome that sounds so [ __ ] chaotic because like we don’t under really uh it’s gonna be a struggle for the both of us obviously it’s definitely gonna uh be a struggle anyway let’s do some uh super chat readings real quick

My god that [ __ ] post exhausted me i’ve never i never used my brain so much in so long uh dan sullivan the slang shimiji app is cute and chance we could get a look at the source code well i talked about it before but the search quote the template

For this was is like a famous uh shimiji template uh uh so but i’ve edited heavily because i really want there’s a lot of things i’ve edited heavily on it but if you want the source like the the original template all you have to do is just google shimaji template and then

You’ll find like a base template for shimaji but i heavily edit it so it works for mine so i had to recode several things and that took me several that took me a couple a couple of hours because it was all off like you know trial and error

And figuring out new coding stuff that’s not included in the base template so yeah it was great i loved it i actually had fun i actually had fun coding it because um i had fun coding it because like it’s fun when you’re like tinkering with something and when you’re tinkering with something one

By one and is seeing it work like seeing it slowly working the unfun part the unfun part was when if you [ __ ] it up you [ __ ] up the coding and then you have to and it took you like several tries to get it right that’s what was

Unfun about it but when it works i had a great time when it didn’t work i wanted to kill i wanted to kill like something [Laughter] only coders can relate yeah that’s coding for you it truly is it really is holy [ __ ] um there’s only like one or two moments where

Uh one or two moments where i had like a issue that spawned from um that spawned from coding ah all right all right let’s get some super chats in our donation time all right here you go ah do you take your items yeah i took all

My items uh from the spawn area because we already [ __ ] it up once and i managed to go i got all my stuff back before i reset the spawn protection finance not gonna find out unless you guys snitch on me and you guys won’t right you guys are not gonna snitch on

Me right at least if you’re gonna snitch guys guys if you’re gonna snitch out on me do it after mika visits the server okay after mika after mika she doesn’t look at the logs guys i [ __ ] know she doesn’t look at them after amica mika sees the [ __ ] post then you can

Snitch on me because we want mika to experience this guys we want her to experience this peter thank you for the super chat thank you thank you anyway um d-dragon think i’m in the super chat thinking thank you anton i give you 20 minutes before something causes you to

Mod 10 if your alleys are missing for some reason think about the super chat they can thank you oh [ __ ] it don’t worry thank you for the aca holy [ __ ] congratulations on the 400k salon by the way i think the little slid on my screen is self-conscious now because this super was actually

Oh my god does she throw away your window thank you you know what it’s your birthday today we say now it’s your birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dearly happy birthday to you thank you oh my god oh my god reminds me guys if you guys

Weren’t here earlier um i’m planning on adding um i’m planning on adding more animation slash actions to the shimiji and i’ll be coding a mac version because i know it’s like some of you guys were requesting a uh some of you guys were requesting a

Mac version so uh i will be doing that uh for those who are mac users and i actually don’t know how to code a mac version yet because i actually don’t own a mac so i just uh i don’t have own a mac so i need someone else to

I need to get a friend who owns a mac to test run these for me um So so that’s gonna be an issue for me but i know there is uh uh yeah i need to go to i need someone a guinea pig it for me so oh i have his mobile it actually works on mobile apparently some people were teaching others in my comment section for the shimanji

Telling them that it actually works on mobile too um so that’s really cool i didn’t even know that yeah i didn’t even know that yeah it does you can get it to work on android i believe uh yeah it works on android so all you iphone users it’s time to buy an android

And be like but then what no your sponsors when the [ __ ] would i get sponsored by iphone i don’t i don’t think i apple i don’t think apple won’t even realize there’s a i don’t even think apple realized what youtubers are [Laughter] Yeah so so yeah it’s time to buy an android [Laughter] i say i use my iphone uh it’s really cool iphone user now all right anyway uh where was i where was that um gator minecraft was pretty chill creeper i’m about to ruin this dragon’s whole career thank you for the super

Chat thank you thank you manny thank you for the super chat thing and thank you i feel like this stream was pretty chill though i mean it was less like you know it’s less it was just more just hanging around that’s dawning instead of like you know

Yelling and screaming a lot so i feel like this stream was as chill as i could be in general uh oh yeah it’s nice to just have like it also resize the music stop it’s nice to have like a just say oh wait now the music didn’t stop it was

Just about to end that’s why um just to have something like something i just didn’t want to play a i i i was like it was like i didn’t really want to um i didn’t want to play a game game i sort of just wanted to chill like just

Start to dump i didn’t want to do a full that’s it on so then like just like you know just a chatting chatting stream so i figured you know minecraft is like the best compromise because you can really you can really zap it on and and play minecraft at the same time

So i thought it was like the best the best in between because i didn’t want to go play like a part two or part three of um the games i have in series right now like i didn’t feel like playing white neon today or or or black mesa

Bloodborne today so i figured [ __ ] it let’s just do some minecraft stream um because i just wanted to to chat with you guys and not and just just you know not have to aim or anything or dodge monsters and stuff um and yeah yeah i had a great time had a

Good time uh tomorrow if you guys didn’t know would be overwatch 2 beta will be coming out and there will be competitive mode um it’s not rank but apparently competitive mode will be relied on your mmr so i would most likely be playing against top 500 players in overwatch and pro players

Tomorrow so i’m gonna get [ __ ] on um i’m going to get [ __ ] [ __ ] on tomorrow so if you guys want me to lose every game uh check tomorrow uh yeah it’s gonna be solo because i’m gonna be checking out the new over like the new beta test again because they’re

Uh they’re releasing another beta test tomorrow so i’m gonna be checking that out uh also lip do you have any plans for keeping uh uh petra from leaving obsidia when she’s overwhelmed by the beauty of your artwork i’m gonna superchat little thing and thank you well she doesn’t have to

Live in it this time so i think she’ll be fine she literally also like she literally lives so [ __ ] far away from my art the spawn area she’s never gonna see it it’s really for our senpais and our co-highs that are gonna uh in our co-ops from like the other

Servers that are gonna be there so uh so they’re gonna see it uh not not petra [Laughter] no they won’t see it no they have two new they have two neuters if you guys didn’t know they have one in disney and one next to spawn so i mean

I mean that don’t have two don’t have the other one at disney i mean hey they can’t do anything about it because i have a spawn area so yeah they don’t oh luca made the disney i honestly thought that i honestly thought that uh uh i honestly thought that was also them

I didn’t realize that luca was the one that expanded it but hey hey i’m upping the property value guys i’m upping the property value anyway thank you for the super chat thank you thank you lord carol says staying on the super chat thank you thank you jp thank you for the super

Chat thank you thank you gator po chat thing on the super chat thing and thank you yeah i can’t be bothered to fix it you know what if they [ __ ] it up they fix it i’m not your tech support i’m just the engineer that builds it i’m not the [ __ ] engineer i’m like

I’m the engineer that builds a thing uh but like i’m not here to [ __ ] i’m not here to be your tech support warranty exactly engineers build they don’t fix and they [ __ ] it up fix it they fix it themselves i’ve done my job already like yeah the contract engine engineers rise up

Right were all you engineers out there you’re not here to fix you’re here to build you fix your contracted job and you go gg go next you go they hire someone else they hire the maintenance workers to fix it they don’t hire the og engineer that built it true gg go next

My job is 100 fixing the last idiot’s insane creation yeah they can occasionally consult me but they gotta pay for my consultation fee they got paid for it engineer exactly it does not equal technician jp exactly think of the super chat thank you thank you johnny lacone

Uh thank you for the super chat thing thank you night light thank you for the super chat thing and thank you gator thank you for the super chat thank you thank you manny thank you for the super chat thank you thank you i love how jp it’s not fahrenheit it’s called freedom

Units yeah and that’s why no one [ __ ] understands uh always are you trying to say that we don’t have enough freedom to understand fahrenheit is that what you’re talking about jp but thank you for the super chat thank you thank you we just don’t have enough freedom to like understand your

How your mind works i think it was a super chat thing thank you uh gator thank you for the super chat thank you thank you dude i still don’t you guys can like tell explain fahrenheit to me i’m gonna forget i’m literally not even gonna forget the next day i’m gonna forget it

The next five minutes when you guys explain to me how freedom units work because like i said zero is freezing and a hundred is boiling you guys have like [ __ ] random ass numbers to account for freezing and boiling and it doesn’t doesn’t it just doesn’t make sense for me um

Gator your just random numbers thank you for the super chat thank you thank you uh ozny so then it’s easy just multiply the celsius temperature by nine divide by five and add 32 simple and intuitive i don’t even know if you’re making this [ __ ] up i feel like you’re making this

[ __ ] up but on the other hand it’s fahrenheit so i feel like it’s also true [Laughter] like that doesn’t [ __ ] make any sense but also it’s fahrenheit it doesn’t need to make sense it actually does not need to make sense why the [ __ ] do you have

To do so much math to figure out like the conversion of it like what the [ __ ] actually what the [ __ ] that is correct jesus christ you guys are living in you guys are actually living like cavemen style right now what the hell oh thank you for the super chat thinking

Thank you jp celine i’m an engineer of course i use metric low i just work in freedom thank you for the super chat thing and thank you is that truly freedom doing math guys is doing math actually freedom guys i think the less math you do the more freedom you have No exactly uh lord carosis uh british people complaining about the freedom measurement system in america also british people invented yeah but the british were smart enough to choose the right one we all came from the brits but how come canada was the one was canada austria and australia

Chose the right measurements but america decided to choose the wrong one like like canada america both came from the brits so why did we choose the celsius and you did it [Laughter] we have a daddy issues america built built different why didn’t you fight the king we did it because canada is

That is a daddy’s boy okay it’s not our fault that we’re we’re britain’s favorite child sorry oh my god lyrical roses i mean it’s actually true though you think about it we literally still use the queen as our [ __ ] currency and i’m just like move on [Laughter]

We like queen elizabeth ii is literally on our currency like we have not moved on we have not moved on from the brits true she’s kind of hot she’s [ __ ] 90 dude i don’t even know she’s still alive anymore they’ve been trying to like like ever since she got covered she just

She’s like disappeared i feel like i don’t even know she’s like like i’m like i’m like what the [ __ ] happened to her i don’t know like they’ve never like shown her since then she will outlive us all it back she’s beautiful oh my god shake my head lizard people

Like when was the last time we seen her public appearance oh my god okay let’s see uh laura carosa it’s called freedom system because we choose to be stupid thank you for the super chat thank you thank you javeen thank you for the super chat thank you thank you i just oh my

Gosh did you just are you are you sure you’re not talking about the hologram i thought that was so [ __ ] weird i don’t know you guys know about it but um they literally made a hologram of her during like the whole like parade like the whole uh

Uh parade for the queen for the royal family and then they made they built in a hologram of her on the royal carriage so you could see her waving and stuff back at people but it was literally a hologram but they chose a young version it’s so [ __ ] weird because they

Didn’t choose the one the the way she looks now but she they used a an old version of her as a hologram when she was like younger when she was like in her 30s or some [ __ ] i’m like that’s so [ __ ] weird you would think they would

Use a current video of her but no they used yeah they they they did two her basically like it’s not they carry they didn’t carry fish or her they literally tupac now she truly is immortal yeah that is current [Laughter] oh my god oh my god i can’t believe it

They made the queen of youtuber this is the next level we’re going to the next level v tubing oh my god soon we’re gonna have like holograms of the queen doing live streams on youtube oh my god giving you the royal message every single day honestly i won’t be surprised the royal

Family can do whatever the [ __ ] they want at this point like i won’t be surprised oh my god they even made the queen a3d model oh my god when is queen and queen lizzy joining vichy uk what country speaker thank you for the super chat thank you

Thank you good night light thank you mr chad thank you thank you um anton uh thank you for the super chat thank you thank you damon thank you for the super chat thank you thank you i mean the tech she technically did if you think about it she technically did 3d debut um

Because she had a she had a 3d debut you think about it as the whole royal carriage thing was her 3d debut she was literally 3d right there uh so it was knee i think it was a super chat thank you thank you fistful of herbs i love that part in diamond city

Lights where zombie oh yeah run for go bruh thank you for the super chat thank you thank you uh dragon thank you for the super chat thank you thank you jade thank you again for the super chat thank you thank you but yeah oh my gosh when um i mean everything’s becoming youtubers

Even [ __ ] sonic the hedgehog has a youtube remodel now so uh and chucky oh my gosh wait didn’t chucky cheese got a v2 remodel or was it just a puppet no i mean i’ll just say that chuck e cheese v tuber yeah oh wait no it was it’s i mean

Technically chuck e cheese has a 3d model yeah you guys didn’t know chuck e cheese streams on twitch he doesn’t know that yeah i’ll link you guys to chuck e cheese twitch i’m not sponsored by the way i just thought it was really interesting uh oh they [ __ ] they haven’t streamed in

So long they haven’t yo i’m not sponsored by chuck e cheese i just think it’s interesting but there’s their this is their twitch there’s literally screenshots of them playing fall guys all right here here i’ll copy the link to their tweet collab when look at this tweet guys

No one asked for it look see chuck e cheese is a v tuber you could have played fall guys with the chuck e cheese that is oh my god potential new oshie chuck e cheese please sponsored my yoshi no it’s a 3d model because it’s literally this is the most 3d you can

Get chat how dare you this is basically 3d like it’s so realistic guys oh my god it’s so [ __ ] realistic it’s almost like it’s a 4d why are you collabing with chucky’s i can finally eat my oshie my oh she has child’s entertainment cheese i always

Forget that the ian chuck e cheese is charles i like that entertainment note to eat jesus charles the ian chuck e cheese is entertainment i always forget that i can’t believe that’s the thing uh sorry like i said i told you guys i’m illiterate gosh it’s like you don’t listen uh

Thank you again for the super chat thank you thank you um let’s see [ __ ] sir uh thank you for the super chat thank you thank you lord carosa thank you for the super chat thank you thank you give me animatronic v tubers oh man dude animatronic youtubers would be my worst

Nightmare [ __ ] hate animatronics so much uh manny thank you for the super chat thank you thank you lord carosis uh thank you again for the super chat thank you thank you matthias thank you for the super chat thank you thank you like charles charles she’s sorry thank you

Again for the super chat iphone thing thank you like if you think about it animatronics are the proto no don’t [ __ ] say that i hate animatronics i like i i [ __ ] hate animatronics so much like irl and everything i told you guys i couldn’t even do um

I can’t do it it’s a small world literally freaked me out and like uh you know like uh splash mountain where like there’s like animatronics of like the bears and stuff on the on the top and they do like a tnt explosions i couldn’t look at it like i

Was actually like so scared i had to close my eyes and everything i can’t even do space mountain because like i’m always thinking about like what if the things like one of those planets touch me like it’s like the side because of the sides and stuff i’m like

What if they touch me i just don’t want them to touch me i it freaks me out like i’m always thinking about like oh my god what if they touch me [Laughter] i remember when i went on the harry potter the harry potter ride you know what the

Dragons and the dementors and everything and i freaked out so much i i closed my eyes throughout the entire ride even though the whole thing is to have your eyes open to see the whole like events and everything so you guys ever been to universal studios

And uh you know like the whole like you it’s like a like it’s not even a roller coaster it’s like a the little uh uh oh my gosh like i don’t even remember what those rides are called it’s not a roller coaster but it’s like the

The sea seat belt thing is like it’s from the top and you push it down to seat yourself you guys know what it’s called i forgot what it’s called the one in universal universal um studios uh no no no no no the one the one in universal studios for harry potter land

And uh the one with the dragon and the dementors oh my gosh the mentorship was so [ __ ] scary i only know i knew about it because my friends tried to trick me my friends tried to trick me into being like oh it’s not that scary but i watched the

I literally watched the you know like those uh rides uh those right the vid the youtube channels where they uh where they give you like uh they record the ride and everything so you know like so people who can’t go there will be able to see what’s going

On so i watched that before before i went to universal studios but i watched it before because i was curious i didn’t know i was going to be going to universal studios so it was before i went to universal studios and watched it because i was curious

And then like i i had a chance to go there so that i knew what the ride was going to be like because i saw the dementors there or it’s like dementor animatronics and they fly to you and was like and it’s so [ __ ] scary in the video

Alone so i knew it was [ __ ] scary when i’m there when i’m literally there and yeah i still got [ __ ] scared enough i still got [ __ ] scared in the video because it’s so goddamn close yeah and they’re huge and they tried to trick me and i was like okay i’m gonna go but

I’m gonna close my [ __ ] eyes like So i closed my eyes and i covered my ears because i hate the noise in those types of roller coasters i i like i hate it i saw it’s terrible i [ __ ] uh i hate like when it gets so close to you too and you feel like the wind blowing at you and

So i like covered my ears and closed my eyes and i looked down so if i do open my eyes i would like i look down so i don’t look up [Laughter] and then like one of my friends who sat next to me was like open your eyes open

Your eyes this is the good part open your eyes i’m like no i’m not opening my eyes you can’t fool me i was like oh my gosh like and then they’re like oh okay it’s over and they try to be like it’s over celen open your eyes it’s over we’re almost done i’m

Like don’t [ __ ] with me yeah uh so so yeah i hate animatronics so much because there’s also the part where it gets to there’s like a giant dragon head animatronic that blows fire at you and no [ __ ] way am i looking into that i already saw the videos of it i’m not

Looking into it up close there’s no [ __ ] way like i can’t i i went on the jurassic ride i closed my [ __ ] eyes yeah i read on the mummy close my [ __ ] eye i saw a little bit i like opened my eyes a little bit just like really squinting

Like squinting and then and then saw a little bit and i straight up closed it again because i was like this is too much i was like no i can’t i like i freaked out when i saw what was it blue the blue uh velociraptor i saw a little

Bit of him and i was like no that’s too [ __ ] much i i only closed my eyes when i got to the dark part you know like you know when you’re outside it’s okay like outside i was so freaking out but like it was it was um i was freaking out but like

Because it’s it was in the daylight in the open i was like okay they touch me at least like because i’m surrounded by other people i can be saved [Laughter] but then as soon as we went inside i was like i’m closing my [ __ ] eye it’s so irrational yeah safety in

Numbers it’s so [ __ ] irrational but like i can’t i told you guys i cannot deal with animatronics i literally cannot i i i can’t do it it’s so it [ __ ] me up so much they can’t yeah they can’t hurt me if i exactly my logic

Is that they can’t hurt me if i can’t see them uh if they touch me then they can kill me that’s my logic if i can be touched i can die okay there we go that’s it that’s where i go with that that’s where uh that’s how like it’s

It’s a touch of death because they’re not supposed to touch me so if they’re able to touch me then something is wrong something is wrong all right all right let’s let’s go back to super chat that was a long ass tangent oh my god that is long ass uh

Gator have you been to a haunted house before i think it was through chat yes i talked about the story i have i have twice i paid one time i paid 15 dollars to go in with some people and then i left at the intro like the intro before

They hunt i told like to tell the story before i left on the intro before the haunt the haunted house starts and then like um so they’re explaining the haunted house laura and stuff like we went inside they were explaining the haunted house floor and everything and

This guy got a giant jar and then slammed it on the table i freaked out and left [Laughter] didn’t get a refund the second time um yeah with my parents with my parents i dragged my parents out too because i was like i think i was like 12 or 11

I think so they obviously they couldn’t leave me so i was 11 or 12. this guy [ __ ] slams the jar on the table so [ __ ] loud and i left but my dad stayed my dad stayed and my mom left with me because she was like i can’t

Leave her alone like i can’t leave this child alone my dad was like i’m [ __ ] finishing this yeah and then um and then like the second time was i was an amusement park with some friends they uh they tricked me to go in i just ran i

Closed my eyes held on to a friend and we just we just ran past i think we like spend run the haunted house and we just ran past everything because i think my friend was also scared but they were trying to be brave like she was trying

To be brave and stuff and then like we all just like sped around the haunted house i closed my eyes and my friend led me to the exit and then like our friends [Laughter] it didn’t work out i didn’t i don’t remember i didn’t remember much from it i just

Remember we [ __ ] finished that that was an rta speed run that was a [ __ ] rta speed run um but yeah that’s my haunted house story uh anyway kimster thank you for the super chat thank you thank you uh katrina gonna go against the super chat thank you thank you happy birthday again uh

By the way song was from a fan uh from math mod called last night funken since you played for nat moss before do you have any plans for this fan game i remember this fan game yes um i would love to play in the future but i

Want last light because it lasted like hasn’t played it yet so i’m just gonna wait for uh last delight to play that game first before i touch it because it was their anniversary guest but yeah thank you for the super chat thank you thank you jordan george so then there’s a new

Among us games sinister night try it with friends uh hold on george think of the super chat thing thank you honestly like This is really among us though oh introduction game oh yeah it is i’m not a fan of like playing among us i like watching it but i don’t unless we’re like [ __ ] around when people get too serious in that game it’s not uh it’s not as fun when like you [ __ ]

Around and like troll too like when what poem and i did in that one among us game when that two among us game where we were like lying and being like oh yeah oh yeah we did not see anyone get killed and then like we were like we were like oh

Wait someone died here while watching this person kill in front of us we’re like what are you talking about no one died in front of us and then we were like okay by the way that’s we were lying earlier that was actually because they didn’t believe us oh my god

So funny when we actually confessed and was like oh yeah uh that guy was actually a killer and no one believed us after that and we’re like okay [Laughter] damn they died that’s crazy i know right and then we’re like oh yeah we were and they’re like who was over there and then

Pomo and i were like oh yeah we were there we were there even though we were like literally on the other side of the of the area like pomo and i were like yeah yeah we were there we were there we got talking about that’s fun but when people take it ultra

Seriously that’s when i stop having fun i’d rather just [ __ ] around and take among us seriously and like i have to actually detect deductive reasoning that [ __ ] and do in-game meta uh ozny much as i like watching your reaction is serious up i do feel bad

Knowing how scared you do get do you feel your arm better after playing some of the scary games you played since debut i think on the super chat isn’t anything thank you i think i did get better because forewarned what did not feel as scary as i did the first time i

Was playing it um i definitely think i got better with scary games but i still get scared i don’t think honestly i like how people thought i was gonna be scared with lunch lady uh but i don’t think that’s a scary game that’s not a scary game that’s literally

Like there’s no scare factor to it because she’s very obviously you can tell when she’s gonna show up and like the jump scare is can be predicted like 10 miles away yeah it’s just that’s just silly that’s just silly um but i don’t find a like lunch lady scary in the first place

Uh yeah the punk sound but obviously i mean i [ __ ] get scared off of black mesa guys like when uh when i get jump scared and things like black mesa has like jump scares and stuff and that still gets me every time yeah guns make me feel safe guns

Definitely make me feel safe but no i still get scared in a lot of things but uh um i definitely think i got better with scary things i just think like i still have my limits like there’s definitely like some games that i don’t play i definitely will never play on stream ah

Get them started thank you super chat thank you thank you um Let’s see all right let’s see where was i or was i on my super chat reading um there’s gonna be a good one or he did fear uh we played fear a while back uh we did spear one and two and that [ __ ] scared me that [ __ ] with

The beginning part was so [ __ ] scary i hated the atmosphere for that uh dad i think it was a super chat thank you thank you cross pull um thank you again for the super chat thank you thank you gibson uh thank you for the super chat thank you thank you thunder cookie

I think it was a super chat thank you thank you atlas that’s the door to the server true true thank you for the super chat thing and thank you this door is my legacy it is forget about everything else i’ve contributed to server this is my piece um the resistance [Laughter] thank you for the super chat thank you thank you it’s literally an artwork picasso who it’s like sarcasto now [Laughter] thank you sourcebird uh uh uh hey celine i started reading idol transformers especially megatron’s origin and i’m scared to actually see what if evil search for thank you for the super chat

Thank you thank you if evil why hot exactly why do they make villains hard huh maybe they’re not evil maybe they’re just misunderstood guys they’re just misunderstood i love it when okay like especially when people are like like remember when loki by from tom hiddleston first came out and everyone every like

Female fan like freaked out about him and being like he’s just misunderstood he’s just a little babe and everyone treated him like a baby and then and then you you [ __ ] committed war crimes i love like the what’s the word the fan um the fan theory like the fan oh is it

Called the fan personalities they put on him and it’s not what what is one or two he’s just trying his best sad face that face jp i can fix that thank you for the super chat thank you thank you if he looks good enough he’s forgiven what’s that word called when

People put like their own like fan personality on them what’s it called there’s a word for it like there’s a word for it uh like what fannin head cannon oh yeah they’re head cannon oh my gosh loki had cannons back in the day is so [ __ ] funny if you ever if

You existed on the internet when loki was so [ __ ] popular because of tom hillston you the head cannons people would like come up with him was like the funniest [ __ ] they’re like he’s just a puppy he’s just a little kid he’s misunderstood he didn’t mean to kill

Millions of people and i’m just like okay it’s all right to like have like it’s all right but like that’s not even him that’s not even his character at this point he got accepted for he who he is a [ __ ] war criminal [Laughter] yeah you accept him for who he is but

He’s hot if evil why hot true fans will love their ocean even if he committed war crimes and would not justify it they would not justify it yeah i got that was oh god back in those days just a bit he’s just a bit naughty like oh my god uh Anyway he just he just lacks proof he just has daddy issues it’s okay guys he just has that accept him for who he is don’t live in your delusions fans you gotta accept him except that you are in love with a god that has has destroyed many worlds

We will love you the same maybe one george thank you both super chat thank you thank you uh not so deadpool i’m surprised you’ve even had time for museums in new york there’s so many revolving doors to see there i always get lost in those revolving doors

Uh think of the super chat thing and thank you hannita uh contacting pomo done enabling anti-theft saucy fairy defense system thank you the super chat thank you thank you damon thank you for the super chat thing and thank you rangers thank you for the super chat thank you thank you

Side i think it was a super chat thank you thank you drag uh see jp thank you for the super chat thank you thank you dragoon for uh four means death you know i think that’s floaty of course it had to be dragon ford that would have had to die of course

His odds were practically stacked against him he was never meant to live on he was never meant to move on [Laughter] thank you for the super chat thing thank you um uh uh tyler slim will you eat at burger king in minecraft i mean it’s minecraft

Who the [ __ ] here’s where i eat at i’ll eat in the [ __ ] cave in minecraft thank you for the super chat thank you thank you uh manny think of the super chat thinking thank you gimpster pomo wants to die in minecraft time to blast her with enough tnt to send her to

The moon only a true homie is worth that much effort for a set up right right i let dragoon four die to kill pomu because that’s what she wanted i sacrificed my own dragoo number four for her i gotta make a grave soon i gotta make a great for

Pomo and the dragon four oh my god i gotta make two graves today or not today whenever i log back in minecraft i gotta make two graves uh it was an accident yeah yeah no no it was an accident it wasn’t yeah yeah yeah it was an accident guys it was an

Accident uh johnny lacone thank you for the super chat thank you thank you this is what happens when you go outside dragoons uh let me drag room for be an example for you all uh thunder cookie i request a moment of silence for dragoon for think about the

Super chat thing thank you i didn’t know the tnt i didn’t realize that 16 was a little bit too much 16 was a bit too many tnt gator thank you with a super chat thing and thank you kimster thank you for the super chat thank you thank you manny

Thank you for the super chat thank you thank you very soon there funds for dragoon for a funeral thank you for the super chat thing thank you double dedicate the doorbell to track good for i think it was a super chat thing thank you yeah it was a little bit too much

Who would have thought tnt was that explosive uh jp thank you for the super chat thinking thank you akira uh thank you for the super chat thing thank you fistful of herbs can’t uh can’t wait to meet his hair dragoon i told you guys why are you touching

Grass irell when you can touch grass digitally [Laughter] all right let me read some stream labs donations and then we’re going to call it here i didn’t finish um everything though but i got a rest my voice is starting to get strained so i feel like that’s a good time to

Call it soon so i’m going to finish my streamlab donations and then we’re going to call it here uh clara thank you for the akka super thank you thank you um i saw your clips for day and i appreciate you you run your chat so good

So i got a second piece thank you clara for the akka super i think or akka donation i hope you feel a lot better i’m glad that my stream cheered you up uh thank you again for the donation i hope uh and i hope that uh i hope that

Uh my streams will help you for the next following couple of weeks to help you feel a lot better but thank you again and i hope everything is fine with you but thank you thank you again um and also steven thank you for the donation to casita oh my gosh not dhamma too

Cocita holy [ __ ] that song was stuck in my head for the longest time when i first heard it i took a seat that [Laughter] i think you’re amazing and all your streams never fail to bring a smile to my face or make me laugh thank you i’m

Glad it does thank you again for donation thank you thank you for those who don’t know what dhamma tukasita is um i’m not gonna link it but i’ll i’ll go i’ll google this google this oh i [Laughter] not again [Laughter] all right i think that is a good time to end it

Thank you all for uh thank you all for hanging out with me today uh i really do appreciate it also before i go let me just say let me i just realized something to build on to build on the whole loki [ __ ] okay this is my

Last tangent you know that’s why i don’t understand why some girls fall in love with little criminals have you guys seen that okay i just have you guys seen that [ __ ] clip of this murderer and then like fan girls were like oh my god he’s

So hot like it’s okay i can fix him and it was like a like literally a serial killer in real life irl and girls are like oh my god she’s so be so [ __ ] hot i’m not like other girls yeah and they sent him fan leathers in jail like stuff

You don’t get it okay anyway that’s all i want to say i was just like i remember i just had to say that can she touch grass and once on the oh my god i hope you had a good time okay that’s a good excuse to touching grass that’s the that’s a good

Good excuse thank you for the magenta soup thank you thank you anyway as always everybody stay hydrated posture check get up and move around to get that blood flowing and if you stayed up for me head to bed because you deserve it um i will be on the gal

Stream tonight uh doing the 30 minute english talk with him um so you guys want more selenium check out nigel senpai uh i guess later today that’s like in uh three hours i believe i think past three hours so if you guys want more selenium

I will be on the gas stream tonight uh doing um doing his english learning thing his english learning stream um yeah i’ll see you guys later everybody bye everybody bye You

This video, titled ‘【SOFT CHILL MINECRAFT】what has changed in this server【NIJISANJI EN | Selen Tatsuki】’, was uploaded by Selen Tatsuki 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2022-06-28 00:48:34. It has garnered 70635 views and 5624 likes. The duration of the video is 03:49:28 or 13768 seconds.

i’ve been away for so long 「Streamlabs Donations」 https://streamlabs.com/tatsukiselen/tip

「New Merch」 https://nijisanji-store.com/collections/selen-tatsuki

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「Tags」 GENERAL: #SelenTatsuki LIVE: #TatsuTalk ART: #Artsuki / NSFW: #Lewdsuki FAN NAME: Dragoons MEMES: #Tatsulaugh MUSIC SUGGESTIONS: #TatsuTunes

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Selen_Tatsuki Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/selentatsuki

「Rules」 ☆ Keep in mind to always be respectful towards other viewers in chat. Any forms of of hate or discrimination to anyone is not permitted. ★ Please stay on topic during the stream. ☆ Sharing personal information (doxing), trolling and spamming is not allowed. Please report, block and ignore. ★ Talking about other unrelated livers is not allowed unless I mention them first. ☆ Please no spoilers unless I’ve asked for them myself! ★ Always bring extra treats for Ember.

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「OBSYDIA」 Petra Gurin (ペトラ グリン) https://twitter.com/Petra_Gurin https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgA2jKRkqpY_8eysPUs8sjw

Rosemi Lovelock https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4WvIIAo89_AzGUh1AZ6Dkg

─── *.☽ .* ───

「Official NIJISANJI Sites」 https://www.nijisanji.jp/en @nijisanji_en ─── *.☽ .* ─── 「Credits」 BGM – DOVA-SYNDROME thumbnail art: https://twitter.com/JeanaDraws

#OBSYDIA #NIJISANJI_EN #NIJISANJI #SelenTatsuki #TatsuTalk ▽ Guidance for minors https://www.anycolor.co.jp/notice-for-minors-en

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  • 💥 EPIC Minecraft Public SMP Server! Join Junaid Kadu NOW! 💥

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  • Ultimate Seiso Self care tips with Hololive Fauna!

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  • EPIC BLOOD DRAW BATTLE in Titanium Warehouse!

    EPIC BLOOD DRAW BATTLE in Titanium Warehouse!Video Information This video, titled ‘KAN KESME CEKME ZAR DEPO SAVASI -sonoyuncu titanyum’, was uploaded by umuTcan on 2024-04-01 22:13:12. It has garnered 621 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:37 or 1777 seconds. Dcsi verse: https://discord.gg/45jWvUXEa9 Youtube ve klan Dcsi: https://discord.gg/umutcan hope , minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu launcher does not open, minecraft endgame macro opening, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars tactics, minecraft endoyuncu build battle , minecraft sonoyuncu free skin, minecraft house sonoyuncu… Read More

  • “Ultra Epic Minecraft Revenge – Blueskyler takes down enemies!” #minecraft #gaming

    "Ultra Epic Minecraft Revenge - Blueskyler takes down enemies!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘cool revenge #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftgaming minecraft animation’, was uploaded by Blueskyler on 2024-02-13 16:04:32. It has garnered 3554 views and 131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Read More

  • Universal Tranquility Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelisted 1.20+

    Greetings Wanderer! (NEW SEASON STARTS TODAY!) I’m thrilled to announce an invitation to join Universal Tranquility! Have you been looking for a new and relaxing SMP community to join? Whether you like to work with others or alone, you are welcome in this community. How to join Universal Tranquility: Join the DISCORD server! [SERVER WIKI] Server Details: Minecraft server version: 1.20 – 1.20.X Server map size: 3000 x 3000 (6K Diameter) Whitelisted Server: Join the DISCORD server! Server specifications: Ryzen 9 5950X CPU, 8GB RAM, 2 Dedicated Logical Cores, Java – Paper What makes us stand out: Semi-Vanilla Experience: Experience… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Waking up in Minecraft be like”

    Minecraft Memes - "Waking up in Minecraft be like"Looks like this meme finally got out of bed and decided to start racking up some points! Read More

  • Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Minecraft’s Muslim Mutt

    Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Minecraft's Muslim Mutt In the world of Minecraft, a wolf is seen, But did you know, it’s a Muslim, serene? With a cübbeli Ahmet Hodja vibe, In the game, it’s a unique tribe. Rich vs poor, in the virtual land, Minecraft videos, Turkish brand. The Muslim wolf, with a howl so strong, In the game, where it belongs. So let’s embrace diversity in this digital space, Where every creature finds its place. Minecraft is for all, no matter the creed, In this pixelated world, let’s all succeed. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” #minecraft #boom #therapy #creeper Read More

  • Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3

    Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3 The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Myths and Tricks Part 3 Exploring the World of Minecraft Myths As the popular game Minecraft continues to captivate players worldwide, myths and tricks have become an integral part of the gaming experience. In this third installment of the series, players are taken on a journey to uncover some of the most intriguing myths and tricks within the game. Unveiling Hidden Secrets One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the discovery of hidden secrets scattered throughout the game world. From hidden treasure chests to mysterious structures, players are constantly on the lookout… Read More