Mind-Blowing Minecraft Streamin’ Madness

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I probably should have kept a window open to see if it actually is going live to YouTube and twitch uh oh oh no I may have already screwed up the stream you know part for the course let’s see oh YouTube says I’m live and I’m going to assume it’s uh

Live on Twitch as well I wanted to stream something I didn’t know what to stream asked on Discord hey what should I stream I got a bunch of suggestions uh someone said something cozy someone said Minecraft I’m like all right I guess so here I am playing

Minecraft ah hello I am no longer alone shows your Minecraft skin yeah I haven’t showed that off yet that’s like the one thing oh I also forgot to post the references in the server from yesterday whoops Minecraft skin based on the vtuber skin I had it made just before um the model went

Live ah the real reason he wanted to play what you wanted to show off the Minecraft skin no I wasn’t even fully on board with playing people in Discord convinced well one person in Discord convinced me wow it took a whole one person look I I can be easily influenced

Okay except for when it comes to doing the things you need to do so we can do stuff for the show I I work in mysterious ways also I might have to turn down the uh Graphics settings slightly cuz it’s already starting the lag and I’ve already pre- closed all the tabs

So have you restarted your computer recently no well doing that is actually a good thing for your PC after a while yeah I have to restart my thing every once in a while or else it gets so slow it just like turns into a crawl yeah I probably should do that it

Has been a little while yeah because it the uh memory will keep stuff on your page and cache file just in case you’re bringing it back up well I am going to be bringing it back up that’s why I mean about everything keep little little tabs and caches here

Yeah hey it could be worse you could always be playing fortnite nope nope I’m not installing epic gam store [ __ ] spyware on my computer could play TF2 again I could um too late now though because I’ve already started this more storage is always appreciated if you get bored can we switch over to

That yeah I’d be down I do need to continue my dragon mod playthrough of Minecraft get the get dragon’s reach all built up and everything hold on I’m just going to move chat over twitch chat over a bit so I can see YouTube chat a bit better

Have you reduced render distance yes I have C you’re already vtuber so Hearts of Iron [Laughter] 41 um probably never I I’m not sure that’s a game I would enjoy just play Starfield I hear it’s at least 50% positive yeah ratings are still plummeting yep it’s going to be fascinating to see

Some of the cope behind this game game imagine retiring and the last thing you put out into the world star yeah is Starfield well again it’s just a rumor but it’s a rumor from an inside source so but yeah I I do kind of hope it’s true

Because I think the first thing that’ll happen is a mill will also get the boot out the [ __ ] door hopefully and for anyone that doesn’t know what we’re talking about the rumor is that Todd Howard is going to be retiring uh because the backlash on Starfield has just been too much for him

To handle well I thought uh this was going to be his last game at Betha anyways I thought there’s rumors of him retiring before this or was it that 6 would be his last I actually don’t remember yeah I think that six was supposed to be his last but because of

The backlash he’s just gonna nope out now H again no idea if it’s actually true but we can hope cuz then maybe Bethesda will have a chance of actually recovering CU you get rid of again he was one of the three heads of the Hydra that would

Made Ser Bethesda could never make any good games ever because he was just such a weak man his leadership position was always terrible and he always caved in to whatever anybody else wanted get back here kitty ah oh my god get back here you [ __ ] oh my

God just want to give you a fish I’ll recruit you into my Army oh my God this [ __ ] cat you better [ __ ] tame on the next two I swear my God this cat is actually an expert at losing there we go need to bring your chat up so I can

Even see what anybody’s saying yes okay good good very good got a bed I’ve got a cat I’ve got some materials I was hoping that town would have a blacksmith it didn’t croin walks slowly to the cat oh remember the best way to tame an animal

Is to run at it screaming and making yourself look as large as possible I’ve got good advice damn it cre just tell the cat to go home oh no and I just remember that clip Pagan showed me of uh ba saying acaia IIA you mean AAA IA God no what was way worse is the fact that crony calls iron iron I run I run so far away no yeah that sun is going down pretty quick this actually looks like a really nice place to build already I’m definitely going to build here

Uh yeah uh such how big of an impact did Todd have if everyone could easily push him around that’s the problem he was the leadership of Bethesda and everybody could push him around which is why he was terrible for Bethesda CU he never had like a unifying

Vision and he would always uh C caved into nepotism which how aill even had a job to begin with that’s why Todd’s got to go night I’m definitely going to need a lot more wood you didn’t even punch a single tree yet I mean clearly he has no I

Haven’t what did you start with equipment tools yeah I used the uh starting chest thing oh cuz I like to gives you a little boost start off with nothing hm can’t even start off with nothing well I don’t like starting off with nothing why would I do that to myself

Lame so lame what rude okay come on Kitty where are you you have to come inside kitty yeah come on come on [ __ ] penetration is low [ __ ] uh lios I just got marind any tips for first time play through oh boy um try not to get into too many big

Fights right away and by big fights I mean anything greater than rat you are very weak early on yeah don’t spam attacks the stamina bar isn’t how many attacks you can do before you get tired no no the stamina bar is how winded you are in a

Fight the higher you keep your stamina bar the better because it actually will increase your chance to hit dramatically this humble hole in a wall will one day be a formidable Fortress actually I should make the rest of those into torches right now because I’m going to need

Them right that’s a that’s a furnace I don’t need that n nothing there K is short obvious by the fact he thinks he’s a dwarf and he’s Diggy uh Diggy digging a hole hey on day one of Minecraft this is the best thing you can do to oh hey there’s

A zombie villager out there yeah to make a uh base yeah rather than like on day one you’re not going to be able to get much materials for the sake of like building a house like just in the middle of the Plains and if you do it’s like

What are you going to do all night forehead ashes go home no Chad is intent on not letting me forget that shitty Quest I don’t know what I did to deserve this [Laughter] existing your mere existence is an insult to the rest of the Universe

Oh the mere fact you draw breath is it proof that God does not exist that is so [ __ ] brutal for if there was he would look upon you with such shame he would have snuffed you you out I can’t show this but that it is pretty funny just

Masturbation is a form of Witchcraft Shadow wizard Money Gang we love casted spells sleep so I can go punch log I’ve been watching that one pace uh now oh and it is genuinely really really good uh they don’t have everything done yet because obviously it takes a lot of

[ __ ] work to cut out all the filler and all the chaff and all that nonsense and make sure you splice everything together so it flows perfectly with audio syns and music syns and everything yeah so you know it takes a [ __ ] ton of work but man oh man the work has been really

Good I should download a mod so I can um I like the mods that just let you cut down trees where like you break the bottom block and the whole thing comes down so much more nice than hm Lumberjack mods yeah I might do that before the next

Stream it’s always a good idea to have those kind of mods on stream rise of Kong why why why they want to see me suffer okay yeah and why not well that’s been a fun thing now now that we’re in November I’ve actually been starting the bounty system again

Yeah I need to start my own bounty system yeah because obviously spooked Tober you kind of want to do the spooky horror games yeah but uh yeah know in uh we we’ve started uh on one of thread Knot’s bounties which is uh Castlevania circle of the Moon a non-canon entry in the Castlevania

Series because it doesn’t have a Bellmont in it [ __ ] weird is weird I remember starting you and we were playing as some guy and I was like where’s Belmont and then uh chat helpfully inform me yeah this is the only non-canon Castle game because it was

Made by a different team and they just didn’t put Belmont in it why why they’re like self-inserted two new families that are also fighting Dracula that sounds familiar I’ve never played any of the Castlevania games is this one of the ones AVGN covered like years ago I don’t know cuz it’s not really

[ __ ] it’s just weird that it’s like because it just doesn’t follow the lore at all it’s it’s just weird h no no no no no I um ATI boy we’re talking about there’s no Belmont period like it’s not that the Belmonts aren’t the main character because I mean

You have Symphony of the Night where Belmont exists in it but he’s not the main character because you obviously play as alard but then no this is one where Belmont doesn’t exist and it’s just like that’s weird yeah oh yeah Pagan um I started watching fauna’s playthrough of the

Bunker nice yeah I’m enjoying it so far I’m only about 20 minutes in but uh looks like it’s going to be a good set of streams cuz they did play it more than once I wonder if she completed it yeah I know they they played it a few

Times I just don’t know if they actually finished it or not hopefully they did actually speaking of the bunker how was Mer’s stream like did did he just continue to do weird things all throughout it it’s not so much that he was doing weird things I think he was like testing some mechanics

But also maybe he was just less fearful than I was because there’s times where it’s like oh my God I would [ __ ] hide I would run away why are you just standing there when the creature is coming um it was entertaining though I’m glad I watched it uh he managed to

Glitch the ending in a funny way umce at at the end the final run to the exit uh the creature came after him because he didn’t kill it he got the boxes into the place and jumped over the wall and um the creature killed him right as he hit the barrier the triggers

The end cut scene so what happened was he died and fell on the ground and like just slid out and into place into the crater and the camera didn’t move to show him anything it was uh an amusing end to the stream nice when your cowboy bbop comparison video coming out um that’s

That’s out already that’s the one comparing the opening scenes that’s been out for a while um I do want to do a full breakdown of cowboy Bop how long that’ll take to do I don’t know considering all the other projects I’ve got on the go I can’t really mention

Making videos without people mentioning hey Skyrim where’s Skyrim I do need to get back to work on that but I want to kill the Fallout 4 analysis I want to get that done and out of the way I’ve been working on the Starfield review uh recorded a whole bunch of that today um

Yeah the goat cried as everyone handed them weird furry games yeah uh someone in the server I didn’t mean to place that someone in the server actually recommended some furry visual novel uh right before the stream and like that’s probably not something I’m going to play yeah that’s why I have the thing

Where I have ultimate veto power because I I don’t care if you drop a$ thousand dollars I’m not playing a porn game on stream or stuff like that yeah but I also had to veto the one thing cuz uh some of the community wanted the Minecraft misery mode thing

And I was like why they like they used said you would play through or sorry Minecraft uh marwi wind is what I meant to say oh they went a marwin misery mode and that was uh don’t get dagger constantly use your have your stamina at

Zero like modded to be zero and just use the iron dagger the entire time that sounds like fun I was just like why that’s just stupid and then then they made the excuse of well you said you would do it one thing I said I would do

A speedrun of of making a character that didn’t have dagger proficiency grabbing a run out there try to stab the Little P eggs or the little grubs like it’ be the speedrun of how to make it look like you don’t know anything about marwi wind I didn’t say I

Would play the whole game that way C’s biggest enemy is his time management skills really is yeah yes but also existing and having a job are you going to be available for the game awards do a stream that day I don’t know because of my work schedule what day is it I’m not

Positive yeah I’m going to play Rog Trader but I’m probably going to play Rogue Trader off stream because there’s just so much dialogue and I always feel weird and it’s not spoken dialogue is what I mean and I always feel really weird about playing a game on stream

Because somebody will have me on their second monitor or somebody’s using me as a podcast right and if there’s a bunch of dialogue box on the screen and I just go huh yeah that’s interesting look that the person who’s watching or just listening like that has no idea what the

[ __ ] going on and I always feel weird about that yeah so I try to read all dialogue boxes and everything that come up but there are certain games like for example we did if we ever did pillars of Eternity on stream I would tell you

Right off the bat I will not read out any of it because pillows of eternity’s dialogue is very verbose oh no and like a single dialogue box can be like like almost two full pages of a book Jesus it’s just like yeah okay now and that’s that’s just for like the

First choice in a dialogue thing it’s like okay yeah no um going to going to ask that give me that iron do you both cre and CCH work at the same place no no we don’t even live in the same place yeah has cre finally punched a tree yes looks

Like it no I didn’t I used an axe Fair no tree punching here did you get custom skin in Minecraft yeah based on the vtuber model obviously it’s pretty neat of course you do you both live in planet Earth we don’t live in it Jesus there’s a difference between

Living in and on oh God it’s almost night time I better start running back to base and I uh don’t have enough food to run yeah go to [ __ ] murder this chicken hold on oh my God there’s multiple Die Why can I there we go I’ve acquired food raw

Chicken is a good food source right right y cubic goat yeah I uh might have screwed up by waiting so long no I’m safe good well you are demonic looking goat so blood sacrifice should satiate you it’s not a demon not a demon again there’s no demonic anything about

It it’s just wild that people are like the curved horns like those are goat horns goats had them first no they didn’t sech demons goats ripped off demons okay yeah they they stole the rosi uh December 7th is when the game awards will be streaming alrighty do I have December

7th that is a Thursday now is a Thursday hold on I’m just bringing up the calendar on my phone cuz I can’t really do it on stream I mean I can but it’s more annoying to do it that way so it’s a Thursday work no work work no work

Work no work oh I might actually have that off nice that actually works out really well too cuz like for the past two years I had that off and I have it off this year damn it’s pretty good I’ll definitely do the stream for it as

Well so I probably do a special thing for that day yeah yeah we’ll do a stream on that for sure hey I can use a vtuber model for that and I won’t lag a lot by having all my tabs open because I’m not running a game actually ran games both times last

Time didn’t I yep oh no yeah because you would have it during the boring bits you would have seven days to die on screen all right I’ll find out a solution maybe I’ll play [ __ ] I’ve actually been wanting to play gen one of Pokemon again or gen two so I might do

That for that stream there’s thing though is for sure H when you’re done with the stream here today uh we need to watch that Rubik’s Raptor video because it’s so [ __ ] good and it’s about that game I sent you it’s about lethal company now why would a company be so

Lethal yeah I wonder why hilariously um one of their members did the thing that uh Parker did when I was playing with sir Ben and Parker uh we we dumped off all of our like Salvage and the the creature opened the little panel and stuck its tentacles out

And grabbed it pulled them in and then we didn’t get paid right away so Parker got all upset and he’s like that’s it that’s it where’s our money [ __ ] where’s our money give us our [ __ ] money [ __ ] and then there was a rumbling sound the panel the slide

Opened back up the tentacles came out this time they had spikes on them they grabbed him and they like pulled him through messily through the little slot wait did can the game hear what you say yes oh that’s interesting multiple uh enemy types that can have different reactions

Based off of what you do like there’s the the eyess dogs who are just constantly listening but because they’re blind you can like yell at them and they’ll run to where they heard the sound and try to dive at it and bite at it and they’ll call for other eyess dogs

To come to the area it is genuinely one of the funniest games I have ever played and also one of the most horrifying games I’ve ever played they they got a perfect balance is it it is truly terrifying is it like lovecraftian yes uh Pagan you’re not muted hopefully that’s

Water it is I’m washing dishes okay yeah I walked a little too far away from the computer and it decided oh you’re you don’t need to be paused anymore you don’t need to be muted [ __ ] off um but yeah you uh it’s a it’s a love crafting Style

Game there’s all kinds of different like creatures actual alien creatures stuff like that you’re dealing with nice do we have a release date for night Andale yet no not yet nothing I’ve seen they are getting close to their early public betas so uh very likely at the game awards

We’re going to get a lot of big announcements as as always but probably Nightingale will make an announcement and uh obviously viously from software is going to announce the alen ring DLC like there’s no way I I think it’d be crazy for them not to say anything about the DLC for alen ring

Yeah I’m surprised it’s taking this long I know close to their chest real real L real hard I mean I thought there was one o already cuz I thought like they mentioned it quite a while back it was in Arena mode that’s all it was it

Wasn’t an oh yeah no no that yeah that was a free that was a free thing that they added yeah it was literally just you can fight people in arenas instead of just in the open world now I’m shocked I haven’t encountered a cave yet from a tentacle dude in chat pissing

All by yourself [Laughter] Pagan that [ __ ] video man yeah um Jesus it’s uh it’s just really [ __ ] good though the uh that the lethal company just because uh again it’s super spooky but what makes it so funny is that death comes so quick uh as an example Parker we we were

Working through an abandoned facility and Parker found an egg whisk right so there’s little egg whisk that he has on him well we eventually abandon the area because we hear too many bad noises things like that and we don’t want to get killed so we go outside and there’s

A big old uh lightning storm going on outside there’s just lightning going off everywhere and Parker’s just walking along and he he starts going he goes there’s warning lightning storm uh drop all metal you have on you or you will die in second and then he got struck by

A lightning bolt like instantly vaporized and his body flew to the [ __ ] Moon all because he had an egg whisk just a little egg whisk it’s funny when um skeletons are burning to death in this game and then sometimes they’ll just walk under a piece of dirt or whatever and they’ll

Just hide there until night time again try game stalker no no no that game’s called lethal company all right I need some grass to start a farm well dirt I guess but you know um I need sand to make some glass why do I want glass probably for a window

God I run some hot water in the sink because somebody left some dirty bowls in there and and now I’m getting bullied for being a good person wow yes good good it’s not me getting bullied for once No it should always bullied get bullied get bullied it should always be

Me no yes rude I can’t my friend is remind me I can’t believe the very first the tutorial boss is filtering people in armor core six though that was just too funny BL BL BL BL get filtered get filtered get filtered hence look at that bar under your reticle what

Bar if you spam attacks you do way less damage oh wow actually some good stuff from this chest I am not a piss baby stop well stop peeing with your microphone on I wasn’t peeing I wasn’t even in the bathroom you’re supposed to do that in the bathroom

Wow no the sink is so much easier it’s [ __ ] curs real talk though all right you want [ __ ] curse when you grow up in a in a family even though it was only a moderate sized family and you only have a single bathroom in the house there’s a lot of uh using the

Sink I have no idea why you would ever build a house without like at least a bathroom and a half bath you know why yeah unfortunately what C demon would ever build a house with one bathroom this is yeah no we have a house with one bathroom and we

Have like six people living here and yeah it’s a problem but we don’t piss in the sink we just go outside well you have that option I don’t I don’t have that option here yes you do it just becomes illegal if you’re in a crowded area although I will say there is one

Person in the house who we have told a hundred times not to to do this and he keeps [ __ ] doing it he will piss in the [ __ ] drainage uh pipe downstairs that like you know when the basement floods it goes down that pipe and yeah outside yeah he pisses there and it

Corrodes the pipe and it gets [ __ ] stopped up and we keep telling him don’t don’t do that that’s disgusting and he keeps doing it and it’s starting to really pissed me off I think I murdered every chicken on this island they had it coming trust me get filtered get filtered get filter

Who’s getting filtered it’s you isn’t it no it’s not me why would I get mad at myself for doing that if it was me that’s the early 20th century called and tells you stop being a [ __ ] and hold it a minute no no no because here’s what always happens

All right you’ll hear somebody that’ll go in the bathroom it’s like okay I’ll wait my turn and then somebody else be lined up next to the door doing the little potty dance like please for the love God please look at them and you’re just like why it always f it always happens once

One person goes every single other [ __ ] in the house is like you know what I think I gotta go too it’s like no you don’t you sit your ass back down I’m part of this Expedition once again dirt to start a farm I should probably start doing

That yeah thankfully I live on a farm so I can just go outside and be like yeah going to go out in the pasture and just take a leak P flower pot [Laughter] time yeah I’m definitely going to install a couple mods for the next time

I play there like a mini map mod and stuff I have I have definitely been desperate enough to be like I want to channel my ancestors and and have a chamber pot I there have been those times when when because I have uh AAL vowel syndrome it’s just like I you know what

I I understand my ancestry Now give me a chamber pot right now I got to go yeah unfortunately there have been times where it’s like it’s like I would be sick today and everyone has to use the [ __ ] bathroom and yeah it’s like well guess I’m going to go find a [ __ ]

Plastic bucket outside and use that install a gun mod despite Mojang there was a really good gun mod I used a while back um by Mr Crayfish and I want him to update it so I can use it again I’ll be right back a second hold

On time to makeing bathroom my IBS is calling That’s a Some iron I want to get wow only two what a waste P you are lucky you’re a guy too no women get PE standing up I I’ve heard I’ve seen what they do in their [ __ ] in

Secret Pagan knows the secrets of the femoids to quote olly I piss like a charge rifle listen listen how hard I can be Jesus [Laughter] Christ yeah she’s pretty cursed yeah that was completely unprompted too she just said that randomly on stream she was like I pissed like a charge

Rifle the other the other people the other vtubers were just like what the [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] are you talking about it was literally the [ __ ] Breaking Bad M Like Jesse what the [ __ ] are you talking About yeah I can imagine that being the reaction Jesus Christ AAA a see you oh it’s fine you could have them yeah I took them from crony what you [Laughter] what I don’t know why anyone would even want them though they’re so [ __ ] ugly it’d be really nice to find another

Minecraft village isn’t as [ __ ] as that first one I found at some point I’m probably going to Wrangle up those villagers and like drag them to my Fortress base once I have homes for them so I can enslave them to do uh trade profession things for me I’ll give them emeralds in exchange

For their items of course because that’s the way that works but they shall be locked into a tiny room and do stuff for me oh yeah chat guess what I found out recently about K what I don’t even know I found out I found out recently cre can’t roll his

Ours oh hey why don’t you give that a try cre no I’m not even going to attempt it there are some battles you just know you can’t win and it’s not even worth attempting yeah I tried explaining how I do it to him and then I realized oh I

Don’t even know how to explain it cuz it’s it’s such a weird thing to be able to do that like you there’s not even really a way to describe how to do it cre GNA build Wy KES yes I shall enslave the villagers okay so I have clearly screwed

Up because it is nighttime and I’m still outside when I don’t have very good gear remember if you use uh sunflowers you could stop the corruption or the Crimson from spreading pre hard mode eating is for [ __ ] he would never do that I can’t roll my ARS too so why I

Say I saw that yeah right here for my model people look at me funny oh no oh no reggy Riggers I’m just going to pretend you actually said the word rigger just because it’s nicer oh God there’s a zombie after me Dam me YouTube stop Shadow Banning my edgy jokes yeah not allowed oh God I have to get past like three skellingtons and an Enderman to get through to my

Base hopefully they don’t notice me oh God what and here we hear cre making his plans to enslave the JS and goat schwitz yes that shall be the name of my town my uh Mountain fort ah all right I’ve collected a bunch more useless [ __ ] this is good

I can’t help but notice all the people living in your uh town as you’re calling it all uh all happen to look like a very specific group of people do [Laughter] not you you just have a room where like you put a bunch of them in and you open

A trap door and a bunch of lava flows in [Laughter] I want a race war zo scoob I’m going to pretend you just meant race car she says uh I run a race Roar and you said the good is not evil or demonic I never said it wasn’t evil I

Said it’s not demonic there’s a difference all right back to digging the hole yeah he’s not one of the hell taker NPCs okay you can’t smash the goat and take him what wait you never played hell taker no bro what what are you talking about hell taker don’t know never heard of it

Really it’s the [ __ ] the guy in the white suit going Goes to Hell and convinces the like demons that like or you like the Devils or whatever that control hell that are all they’re all like hot women or whatever and he basically takes them into his Harum oh

My God never heard it’s pretty funny yeah it’s wins them over with pancakes it’s pretty funny pancakes is that what he’s calling it never mind no it’s actually pickes one of the uh one of the like demons or whatever is a a goat chick or a girl that can turn into a goat

Anyway because you know oh no goat I was G to say something horrible there but I’m glad I stopped myself I shall sacrifice the acaia so I can build another uh pickaxe I mean I’m sorry hold on look at them they’re so ugly it’s just like the worst shade of

Orange why would anyone build anything with them their only purpose is to be turned to the Sticks no the poor aaia I can see you did you watch The Venture Brothers episode of Scooby-Doo yeah that was [ __ ] funny they had this like corrupted parody of all the Scooby-Doo characters and uh it’s pretty

Good I just realized fuam Moko is basically cus from helltaker but missing one of the heads why two heads though like well because they’re just twins there’s just the two of them oh and hell taker actually has the three I say they should just do triplets if you’re going to go with that

Method at that point you might as well just do three cpets well they’re actually twins it’s not a it’s not a gimmick they’re actually twins that live together no that’s what I mean just do triplets what for if you’re going to do cous right well they’re not they’re not though they’re not

They’re not curus pan is saying they’re like that character from that game yeah because they only two three yeah that’s like the only difference is a number I was doing it just based off you know Hades three-headed dog servers I figured that would be like a

An illusion they would be going for hold on let me just find what I’m talking about these three they’re cus in the game this is what cus looks like h I feel like I’m going to hit [ __ ] Bedrock before I find a cave like I am just

Going down in a straight line I should have hit something but watch I glitch through the ground and I see like a uh what like through the ground and one of the caves is less than a block away from where you were digging and no the

Tunnel just misses a whole bunch of them instead of just one no yeah I I’ve done that before where I’ve dug all the way down to bedrock it’s like I didn’t find anything because what I do is I try to also listen out for Mob sounds obviously you hear mob sounds

Then sorry I had to focus on sniper there obviously if you’re mob sounds then they have to be standing somewhere so there I found one purely because I found a vein of iron and started digging that Pagan there is a two-headed dog in Greek myth yeah the uh orthos I’m

Aware but they’re not orthos that’s the thing they’re not trying to be orthos they’re just twins they’re just dog twins that’s the joke I don’t think I want to go up there right now especially with the health I have I know watch that cre did you watch

That that clip I posted the other day of uh them laughing like a seagull yes I did so [ __ ] weird that it was so close to actually being a seagull yeah and then coron at the end was literally a [ __ ] seagull like there was no difference you could not tell the

Difference if you tried yeah if you played that little audio snippet with next to a seagull actually doing its uh its bird calls you would not be able to tell the difference at all I would even give like some people where there’s nothing but seagulls in it and

Then I would give some people where one of them is swapped out with with the her and see if they could like figure out which one wasn’t which one had uh not seagull in it I just realized what I said a not seagull get it damn those Nazi girls we beat them in

WW2 and they still after our bird seed oh no that’s nice DreamWorks AI par or not DreamWorks Pixar uh AI parody poster that they’ve made 10,000 of World War II but both sides are animals and the Nazis are seagulls yeah meanwhile the rest of the world always calls them not

Seagull and it’s just like oh no also he’s not uh he’s not mining dirt he’s just diing that is it’s uh Ander sight yeah I it’s like the worst Block in the game one of the worst they made another one that’s worse than that

I hate it yeah it it just it just looks bad and it like it’s coloration is just like oh it’s a dirt Rock even when you get like the polished version of it it’s like okay the only thing I would ever use that stuff for is if I was trying to

Make like a picture with shading or something like that on it I use it to fill in holes where like I don’t want to waste other blocks on it’s like I’ve got a hole here to fill hm I don’t want to waste dirt on this hole I want to use

The dirt for something else you know what I’ll put andesite in and I’ll put a layer of something else on top of it so it looks you know normal we work to earn the right to work what chat they’re singing that song dying is not a right it’s a [Laughter]

Privilege oh look at that it’s daytime I spent so long in the mines that it became daytime all right give me that [ __ ] juicy chicken the annoying thing about that Village too is the fact that um they didn’t even have stacks of hay that I could like take for food and turn into

Bread cuz usually a lot of these villages will have like um you know just a bunch of bales of hate just sitting there for some reason and this one it’s like nah Bad Seed reset reset yeah I’m just going to [ __ ] kill myself now I’m going to jump into

The lava down there well he actually got a pretty decent SE at all things considered given he had a uncomplete or a dismantle nether portal not far from his base yeah yeah I’m pretty happy about that there’s a gold block I’m going to steal from there a little light actually I

Could probably take it now though I have an iron pick um I wanted to build a Mountain Base I was hoping for a bit higher of a mountain but I didn’t want to spend like the first hour of the stream searching for like the perfect Mountain to build in you

Know yeah thing I like doing I like building big cities and snow Biomes O yeah I like snow biomes too the only annoying thing is when it snows and the snow Falls unevenly and it looks bad I was kind of hoping you would jump into the pit with the

Water there’s no way just so I just so I can make the joke [ __ ] aosmith starts [Laughter] playing all right we’re going to do some exploring I do kind of wish this game had like a mark and recall type thing or like a like a hearth stone from World of

Warcraft where you just use this item and teleport back to your base I wish you could craft that I wish that could be like a a redstone thing you could get yeah cuz like that’s the thing about this game and you can do the compass it’s like tied to the thing you need

Crazy item to get that though um you can lose your base very easy like the base I’m rowing away from right now there’s a possibility if I get lost bad enough I’ll never be able to find it again I’m going to try not to let that happen ketosis want all games to have

Magic no not all games some games that make sense to not have magic like Sci-Fi games I mean and Minecraft does have magic in the base game you have like the uh recovery dolls and things like that the alyia exists or however you say it elytra Electra yeah it’s like magic

Exists in the Minecraft Universe just a much less powerful form of magic hold on that is actually another town right there time to go [ __ ] pillage like a viking I know what such just talking about when he says recovery doll I just can’t remember what they’re called they like totem

Of yeah something yeah it’s a thing where if you die it will instead resurrect you yeah I still remember that one video I saw where someone replaced it with uh Vladimir Putin [ __ ] winking oh yeah played that music it’s like heed a lot of memes with him and

The person was mining they M straight down into lava and then thing floats up that was funny yeah totem of undying they say in chat yeah totem of undying that’s what it is yeah basically it sacrifices like the totem so that you live yeah God these people don’t have interesting

Things in their home and by interesting things I mean stuff to steal oh ooh okay got some bread got some emeralds got some apples yes good did I check this house already no I didn’t and there’s nothing oh that does go a lot faster I should have assumed that but I

Didn’t Viking means to Rite it an action not a people what the word Viking is not it doesn’t describe the people it describes an action it’s it means to like raage to go I said go Viking no no no you’re being redundant then so it’s like yeah

You’re saying raid raid when you do that yeah I’m going to raid raid them oh no heow he’s fully gone into one piece mode he ate the raid raid fruit raid raid slavery raid raid cultural approp cretion that’s good yes Viking is the proper [ __ ] my team take I’ll just throw

Away the flowers cuz ew flowers I almost had it I almost had a perfect run in damnation another slightly disappointing inin in Village I was hoping for the uh the potion stand even though I barely know how to do potions in this game um I was hoping for a blacksmith and I

Didn’t get one so actually did I get that house over there it might just be another generic host but I need to make sure oh no I did miss that one yeah days all day answer your question Rex o I found a [Applause] book oh I hate it so I hate that muties

Can decide to ground pound you or they can throw you away if they threw me away I would still have the no hit damnation run what the fact that he decided to ground pound just [ __ ] grinds my gears and night is falling you know what I am going to

Sleep I can return to my base and uh reset my spawn point after but I’m going to continue this adventure my inventory is not close to being full yet let me S something about water pork seems really racist it actually kind of does I didn’t realize that oh [Laughter] no

Yeah it’s my Bed shitthe Head get [ __ ] oh no it’s [ __ ] what it’s [ __ ] black panther to all over again oh [Laughter] no all right going return to my boat and I’m going to sail across the ocean and hopefully find something interesting these squids keep getting in my way

That’s actually would have been too bad of a place to start cuz this looks like a nice Mountain kind of a mountain to build in cre has a vtuber who has lore about being an alchemist also cre doesn’t know potion Brewing I do not have lore this is something you guys made up

Cuz my model has like a couple Potion bottles on his belt yeah he’s not an alchemist maybe one of those things like it’s just anybody who goes off on an adventure and anything if there’s any sort of like healing potions or things you can take with you you would

Obviously go buy them from an alchemist cuz you’re going on an adventure potion seller I need your strongest potion there was fan art of that recently yeah I saw it’s pretty good potion seller I am becoming a vtuber I need your strongest potions their strongest potions are

Strong enough for that exactly I potion seller I’m becoming a vtuber I need your potion of warding to ward off the horny people oh there’s no potion that will save you the rule 34 logo just Rises up in the background I am inevitable no all right I got a good amount of sand

There you said you’re kind of a magic SL potion guy no I didn’t I said he’s the character is Magic based cuz he’s dressed up as a wizard I didn’t say potion potion was only ever uttered by the chat the the only time I’ve talked about it is talking that the model has

Potions because it does on the belt and reading chat comments bringing up potions because they see potions and think hey you’re potion maker I know he bought them cuz he’s not a pleb he has money potion seller I’m becoming a vtuber and I need your strongest potion

Here drink this gulp what is it cyanide exactly what I need thank you potion S I didn’t know you were such a good friend yes dark oak forest I can get the best wood in the game [ __ ] yes this actually makes me really happy cuz dark oak is the best looking wood in

The entire game hands down no contest if I could get four saplings from the tree then I can grow my own unfortunately hopefully that one drops more than four as well because you can easily get a tree that only drops three and you have to come back here

From more so like you need a decent either decent luck or a decent stockpile of dark oak SL uh saplings before starting your dark oak wood Farm yep yeah that’s how uh fa made her or well still trying to build her world tree oh she’s using dark oak mhm o good

Choice which is kind of funny because she did it because you get you know like a lot of wood out of it you get the most wood from Dark Wood dark oak trees and when she built it before she started building the canopy it just looked like

This giant evil spire on the horizon like like [ __ ] Sauron was nearby and people kept making jokes about how she was bringing the like property value of the area down yeah I remember because it’s just like look at all these nice houses and then over here we have sauron’s

Tower I am not getting lucky with these uh sapling oh never mind I take it back I have three and there’s one up there Pagan mute I hear water again K is swimming in the water it’s probably what you’re hearing Jesus I’m literally sitting in bed I’m not even [ __ ] [Laughter]

Up potion seller I am writing YouTube advert segment and I need your strongest potions the only one I can offer you is this potion of nording what’s a potion of nording I’m glad you asked oh no Spruce superiority Spruce is like second best it’s like the slightly [ __ ] younger cousin of dark

Oak it’s not the completely [ __ ] pant [ __ ] cousin acaia I can’t get over how [ __ ] ugly aacy is though or sorry Acasa [ __ ] I’m doing the meme so [Laughter] much this is the other thing I hate about uh the vanilla trees is like it takes forever for them to uh for the

Leaves to disappear I’ll come back later I think I just saw another uh destroyed nether portal which means a loot yes Spruce better than darkot if he does agree I’m going to drop Hippa doing okay so first of all no but dark o is best it just looks really good

Okay I like Spruce the best wow I didn’t know you liked being wrong no I’m objectively correct I grows in a winter biome so it just fits more naturally and you know what that’s fair because you did say you build in Winter Zone yeah I love building in Winter

Biomes yes yes yes flew freely I don’t know why I find that one image somebody true it’s so funny of you like with Pippa and she’s just like I don’t even remember the exact thing it’s something like I will protect you but you have to show me your belly it’s like what the

[ __ ] you’re you’re just in the background like kill me all right I love Minecraft’s janky ass lava physics yeah we have a choice chat left or right always choose right never go left all right everywhere the light touches what about over there father we do not go there why did you turn Simba

[Laughter] British uh what’s a glowing obsidian that’s like weeping obsidian or crying obsidian or something I’m not sure I I know it’s used for something but I don’t remember what I don’t remember it being particularly useful oh my God Turtles should I murder them Detroit son no one goes

There craft a respawn anchor now yes you can no I mean that’s what crying obsidian’s for oh wait a respawn anchor allows players to set their spawn point in the nether right yeah I remember what that is now that’s why I never used it because why the [ __ ] would you want to respawn

There I mean if you have your if your base is connected to your nether portal put your respawn anchor next to your nether portal right there for your base who needs a respawn anchor just use your bed you can’t use a bed in the nether

Yeah no no no you can you definitely can just set it down and touch it and make sure you’re really close to it when you do it yeah oh yeah I know absolutely that’s probably like the funniest piece of Minecraft lur is like if you try to sleep in a bed in the

Nether or in the end it just causes a [ __ ] explosion it’s like how does lying on a piece of cloth cause an explos I can answer that the the entire universe the entire like Cosmic order that is the nether in the end like had a brief moment of someone is

Comfortable Comfort is a sin it is funny that that’s led to like a speedrun strat where you use beds to kill the Ender Dragon yeah really it’s really effective too it is it’s the most effective way to do it it’s like that’s hilarious got it [ __ ] got a brewing

Stand nice I didn’t even know that was going to be in there I didn’t uh check what the building was I’m sorry small child but you’re going to have to die so I can use this bed yeah get [ __ ] my house now [ __ ] only at night or durink sun how could he sleep

Then oh my God there we go yeah still your bed you little [ __ ] now what watch PRI get struck by lightning in the middle of the ocean wow your [ __ ] paralysis demon just walked [Laughter] in up on the bed climbed up on the bed and sat on your chest yeah these uh

Minecraft villagers are pretty [ __ ] ugly they could be paralysis Demons Imagine playing this game so much that like you get sleep paralysis one night and it actually is a Minecraft villager that’s your paralysis demon it’s just in the corner staring at you occasionally Going I know it’s a world generation thing but it’s always funny when a Minecraft uh Village spawns in like a super [ __ ] up location or there’s just something screwed up a bit where it does spawn like this town here this nice little Oceanside town there just a cave to deep

Dark monster Zone down there well that’s clearly their mine duh then why aren’t they mining in it why isn’t it lit they don’t need the they don’t need the entrance lit they’re never they’re hardly here they just need to be the inside needs to be lit that’s all all right I still haven’t

Found um I was looking for one of those like book things so the uh the villagers could be um book seller so I can get mending I’ve checked what three villages now and haven’t found one I don’t know if I should continue following the coast or if I should

Return my inventory is getting pretty stacked they have a Golem they’ll be fine nah they don’t even oh wait they do have a Golem here and they have more uh oh it is called the hay bale even though it’s wheat but yeah they do have more hay bales for me to

Steal I do wish there were more Overworld structures you can find in this game like you know there’s a castle the people are living in a ruined Castle or stuff like that you know h I’m going to continue going up the coast just a little bit then I’m going to

Return return Journey should be easy there are the Woodland mansions and the first one I ever found spawned on top of a lava pool oh no bamboo that is one of the things I wanted I’m actually really glad I kept going cuz if I turned back right then I wouldn’t have found the

Bamboo um I don’t think I’ve ever found a woodland Mansion just by purely exploring I’ve had to use like locate thing cheat Woodland Mansions are they’re a thing I suppose all right now I’m pretty sure that you can find pandas here if I can find one how

Do you tame Panda do you just give them Bamboo cuz uh there’s definitely no shortage of it here if you can tame one I might watermelon and with that my inventory is is full I can get rid of the Netherrack though melon hm Melone mending Librarians can only be

Found in swamps is that a new change they made cuz it wasn’t like that before I think treasure maps and cartographers can point you to the nearest mansion a oh there’s a pirate ship out there hold on [ __ ] I wish did they add did they finally add

The thing where you can add a chest to a boat so you can store items in your boat uh I think so I know there’s a mod for it yeah but so I don’t know if I’ve conflated the mod with the default but I I I thought I heard they were planning

On adding it at some point they say yes it’s new it’s a 1.2 change the um 1.20 I should say The Mending can only be found in swamps that’s kind of lame it is new and everyone hates the change uh oh why yeah I can’t add a chest to

This well everyone hates to change because if you want a mending uh enchanting book which is like the one everyone wants then you have to get it from a swamp villager and how many villages spawn in swamps that’s not what I’m talking about oh about why does everybody hate the

Boat change the chest change I’m not sure that’s what they were talking about cuz that realistically shouldn’t be something anyone would hate for any reason it has to be on a crafting table I think okay villagers don’t spawn in swamps by the way so you need to move villagers to a

Swamp yeah see great yeah that’s that’s that’s stupid so but unsurprising crafting table cre take the boat and find the one piece what do you think I’m doing hold on there we go awesome genuinely a good change um it would be nice if it okay there we go oo I found a diamond

Doans yeah I take that Enchanted thing to get some extra levels I didn’t even see that but I got it when I broke the there it is hold on I’ll get it in a second the Big Green thing free must be color blind green green is the weakness we now

Know chat I am not color blind you stop the slander I mean it’s a big green thing in a White Field know you didn’t see it this is why I wish I had an inventory sorting mod too which I’m going to get before the next stream of this I don’t

Know how to do it but there is a way in default Minecraft to just grab all the same item there is one click yeah ketto say what would your devil fruit power uh be for chat to not call me a furry so you’ll never be able to swim again and you get

Depowered and then suddenly people start calling you a furry when you no for them to not oh wait when when I get depowered um yeah so that suddenly becomes the uh the balancing effect I guess you get that yeah but I guess you would need

People to like go their way to want to call me that in the first place you know yeah okay we have a treasure map the [ __ ] F you just look up at them with that like re face on the water okay I think it’s this way that’s the annoying thing about the treasure

Maps is you can’t tell where you’re going if you’re off the map no I’m not getting any closer it might actually be the other way now it’s night time and I’m without a bed this is going to go really well tab tab fruit gain the knowledge of

Every tab open in the world oh no oh that would be awful yeah that would actually be terrible yeah I see another ship genuinely probably like a fate worse than death having this power would be a fate worse than death I’m definitely getting further away but I want to see what’s in this

Ship you know what sucks when you raid a ship and you get the same map twice there better be a [ __ ] wooden door under here so I won’t die oh ah yes good very good let me open the chest what the hell it’s not letting me open

Ah not sure if you can do it with treasure treasure chest but you can make maps bigger with a cartography table a yeah because you can do the you can do the big like massive wall mural maps that show everything it’s the same [ __ ] map which I really like I like those uh

Continent he’s becoming more psychic by the day we know which school of magic he went into he went into divination oh no I can’t place it up here because uneven ground ah all right I will keep my trusty door if I have to go underwater again you go

Northeast which way is North and which way is east that looks like an ocean Monument right there and I hear a drowned zombie coming after me so I’m going to start moving eat something I don’t I could eat oh yeah I do have bread hold on there we go food has been

Eight okay this is at least getting bigger I think if I go this way that should bring me back to the um where the treasure is I swear to God this better not be a thunderstorm what do you think is the most unbreaded mob SLC creature in Minecraft I don’t

Know unbred yeah um it have to be the Enderman because it would fit within the one guy’s worldview the crazy bread man it’s worldview and a steals things speaking of Enderman I see two of them up there okay that’s the wrong way I see a village over there wonder if

That’s one I’ve been to before I could probably run over there and Sleep God sometimes I hate these uh treasure maps I just realized I was looking at that completely wrong the lind areas are the ocean the uh White areas are the land now let’s go to this Village and uh

Sleep that skeleton popped in right right there ah I should make a shield yeah I don’t think I’ve been here get out of bed it’s mine all right what do I have been here by the way all right get rid of that get rid of

That now I can search the map a little bit more freely I’m like almost right on top of it nope all right some sometimes lovely sometimes finding these uh treasure things are annoying cuz um you don’t know which block they’re under exactly I don’t think they’ll they’ll be

Under Sandstone I think they’re just under regular sand so it just becomes a job of like okay mine a bunch of [ __ ] sand until you find it and sometimes that happens to be underwater might actually be out here I’ll be right back all righty the lucky thing though is that if you do

Hit the chest like if you get rid of a sand block above a chest all the sand blocks above it will just um break and you can pick them up it’s easy just strip mine the whole are hold on what the [ __ ] is going on with my voice

All right that should be a bit better this is starting to feel not worth it could I be [ __ ] literally right on top of it nope just craft your yourself another shovel cre does it look like I have the resources to do that I mean yes I probably

Do um hold on I I do need some wood do did I leave wood in the um in the boot not just that I left some sticks in the boot okay there I got a shovel first gaming stream watch cre and very good choice of game oh well thank you I hope you

Enjoy all right shovel acquired that is a lot better I should have taken that advice sooner am going to end up strip mining this entire place I’m going to have more glass than I’m ever going to actually need by collecting all the sand I still haven’t found the chest it

Just it it eludes me hold on let’s get that um let’s get the door back and I can change my hunting area slightly cuz like it should be right here somewhere and yet it don’t this is insanity why can I not find this [ __ ] chest this is literally just sunken cost

Fallacy at this point like hey yeah you can you can go back to doing other things you can return to your cave home and your kitty cat and mine get iron eventually get diamonds do stuff like that now here I am digging for a chest that’s going to have like rotten flesh in

It the best pirate treasure best pirate treasure versus virgin Kitty or something um or uh lame as cat there you go found it all right what do we have ooh okay there’s actually some pretty good [ __ ] stuff in here including a diamond you know what yeah I’m I’m glad I did that ah

You even got bombs yep I got two TNT time to do something incredibly stupid with it and blow myself on my base up all right going retrieve the door open the you playing Minecraft yep I’m crafting those mines no hold on is there anything I can put in there doesn’t look like it

Oh I put some stuff in there all right um I have a few inventory slots left I’m going to do a tiny bit more exploring but not much I don’t want to get another treasure map and end up uh doing that again these aren’t pies these are bombs oh

No how do we kill him I remember watching an old Minecraft vid with mod showcases and there was one that added a big variety of TNT variants and of course the guy doing the mod showcase had an Osama skin Oh no by the way you still haven’t finished

The OBS cut off art showcase yeah I know I want to go through and collect them more properly yeah and do that uh maybe next time by next time I mean next start sh ooh there’s a pirate ship right here and I didn’t even see it well half of a pirate ship

Okay you know what already is door time yeah also how was the FNAF movie did you see the map Pat the FNAF movie was a movie that had some tsms to it had a lot of tsms to it I didn’t hate it I’m probably not ever going to watch it again

Way yeah welcome back FNA movie is one of those things that it exists apparently from what I’ve heard yeah it exists it is a film um if you’re expecting it to be accurate to the lore don’t I don’t know how it could be given the lore is so

[ __ ] just Derpy because he kept doing it to you know plate Matten and Matt’s an idiot you mean Matt Pat or Matt yeah M Pat holy sh but hey the statement was still true Matt’s also an idiot both of them are it got dark fast did you know that Markiplier is supposed

To be the guard at the start yeah I don’t know why that guard was killed cuz that doesn’t fit in with everything else it’s just some guy that was there that the robots killed for some reason because uh when you when you know what they’re doing with the story it

Becomes an issue of oh then why would they do this earlier then yep CU again he self- admitted that he only did certain things so you could basically fit in with the whole Theory thing which increased the uh publicity of the game so yeah the FNAF FL is kind of a convolu mess

Um yeah yeah when cre explained it to me my takeaway was yeah it’s a YouTube movie it’s definitely a movie made by a YouTuber yeah which sadly is also a massive step up from normal Hollywood movies kind of yeah but they have their own particularism to them that makes

Them kind of me absolutely you guys like how I said I didn’t want to find another another treasure map and do that all over again and then I found another treasure map and I’m about to do it all over again skill issue wow weirdly enough I’m kind of Happy the

FNAF movie exists I wish it was better than it was yeah we we’ve gotten so many movies that are better than they deserve any right to be so the FNAF movie I haven’t seen it but the FNAF movie being just okay is really like me fre stop spamming your [ __ ]

Attacks we learn how to combat Jesus you can’t make me that was a child not anymore yeah and he could have killed in a couple hits instead he was sitting there flailing like he if he was playing Maro and he didn’t know any better well no the problem is he wasn’t swinging fast

Enough he needs to push it faster yeah see the bad advice is still continuing see that he’s he’s deriding your advice is bad I know he always does this we’re always right and then he comes in with his Negative Nancy attitude like like that time that he said that [ __ ] you know lizards

Aren’t snakes like what the hell is that which is entirely accurate yes I know you can’t handle it no sorry but that’s delusional speak right there sorry I live in this thing called reality no I think you live in your head I live in my head I I Ain Bill

Mayor what I didn’t even hear what you said I said I ain’t Bill mayor the [ __ ] weirdo that has super hardcore Trum derangement syndrome oh Bill Mah yeah I don’t that’s how you say his name okay yeah I don’t like him either yeah he’s he’s an idiot he will occasionally have like a

Moment of realization but it never lasts long what did that do with anything he just can’t admit like that he was a sucker a py a stooge that fell for everything I am actually curious though what why did you just bring him up like what what does that relate to because

What do you mean what does it relate to you said I live in my head and I said no I’m not him oh I I didn’t hear that part I just I didn’t hear that part either it it literally just sounded like you just like cut into that out of you two are

Slow holy [ __ ] no it’s not about being slow it’s about literally not hearing the thing you said yeah I think it cut it out I think your mic cut it out because you went from like talking about what we were talking about to Bill Mah just out of

Nowhere that wasn’t out of nowhere I literally made the reference because he said I’m I’m okay but you understand what we mean when we say it cut out and we didn’t hear the thing so it seemed like it came out of nowhere so all you would have not heard

If so you heard bill Mayer you you heard him what we heard was the the I hate Bill Myer part it’s like where the [ __ ] [ __ ] did that come from no no I’m telling you what I heard yeah aan heard the whole thing I heard Bill Mah I heard

I heard you say like I hate Bill Mah I said I’m not Bill Mah oh okay well I didn’t hear that part yeah we did not hear that that’s the whole point all right my inventory is full I I know chat heard it because chat got the context immediately I

Know our dads are fighting again no me and cre are getting along just fine wait for it adding there’s no point in going against it no the joke was they they I know what the joke was the joke was [ __ ] no no it was [ __ ] I don’t even think you

Understood what the joke was okay what was the joke then that you’re both the dads and I’m the mom of the group no that wasn’t the joke then what was your joke it was way more funny than that I swear yeah oh yeah totally now come up with it on your own Pagan

Like you always do you got to come up and spin real quick just like that moment whenever fre asks like what do you guys think and I come with the whole thing and then you come in later you’re like what it’s like what do you think pan uh everything he

Said yeah cuz sometimes I’m just not listening exactly well I’m sorry sometimes you drag on for like an hour and I I don’t want to sit through all that whole thing listening to something I’m I’m not that interested in that with okay for anyone that wants

To know the context I had a two-minute talk about what I liked about an episode of Andor and then cre says what about you Peg and p goes huh what and he’s like what did you like uh everything said said I said okay what did I what did I

Say I’m pretty sure I was falling asleep that stream you do that all the time yeah I know sometimes my sleep schedule gets [ __ ] because me and Creed do stuff at night yeah that’s your own fault no it’s C’s fault I am a night owl another treasure

Map the same one that’s the weird unle who’s not allowed in a 500 radius of Walmart I don’t think I want the Moss blocks ear the suspicious do I might have to sacrifice a stack of sand which is fine because I don’t really use sand anyways okay cre do stuff at night that

Definitely can’t get twisted yeah yeah chat seems to look for any excuse to twist things to be cursed okay no get on there we go ah there we go what can I put in here oh got rid of the emeralds I think that’s it what well I shouldn’t say Bunch

Mechanical say take the Moss it’s good uh but um don’t you dare take our owl from us and then uh you left the owl don’t come crawling back I’m not crawling back I might have to abandon the door there because I think no yeah I think all my stuff is stacked

I I can’t carry anymore I build Auto iron farm would that just be a a zombie mob grinder yeah I I’ve never been good at building like the auto Farm things I used to be back the old school giant cross in the sky thing but I don’t know any of the new

Techniques to make m spawn in properly yeah I can rescue the door I don’t have a hoarding problem I swear in her loot Goin actually I probably could have just gotten rid of the [ __ ] treasure maps I’m not using all right this should eventually lead me back to home

Base unless I really [ __ ] up which I might have this is not looking familiar this is a dead end uh-oh I may have [ __ ] up Iron Golem spawner plus grinder how do you get an iron golem spawner I thought you can’t get mob spawners anymore I was going to say didn’t they

Make it so silk touch doesn’t work on spawners anymore yeah I think that was a change they made a long time ago all right it might be around the next Bend so if I go left that should bring me around to um the river to get back to the

Base Golem Farm keep villagers in cage scared a you know they do belong in cages Savage Savages barely even human just play that as a [ __ ] Gathering up the villages villagers to lock them in cages and make them [ __ ] work for me time to build the wage

Page why is the game running so bad lower the render distance it’s not running that bad okay I’ll I’ll I’ll lower the render settings a tiny bit 19 chunks come on go down 16 there we go you don’t don’t understand I’m doing this for your protection yeah it’s to protect

Them okay yeah there’s that NE portal from before so I’m going the right way that was quite the adventure wage silly Pagan the villagers don’t get P oh [ __ ] damn damn game just car the [ __ ] out of CR that’s where infanticide gets you goat man I will Slaughter every child I

See to take vengeance upon that death and here we see Creed reaping the consense of his the consensus of his atoms I’m actually really [ __ ] annoyed right now a random [ __ ] Trident drowned out of [ __ ] nowhere yeah he I don’t hear him I don’t

See him takes my boat out takes me out I lose [ __ ] everything I I could get most of those items back huh especially because it was a chest boat as well so that was even more stuff if I get back there in time I can collect all my

Items I just hope he’s not there guarding them cuz if they are I’m [ __ ] that kill is definitely personal what did you do to him I have done nothing wrong I am a beacon of innocence and Purity okay cre Place through little lamp light once all children will be slaughtered

Yes all right we should very shortly see a [ __ ] ton of items in the water in fact I see my experience okay okay hold on oh my God what justos Strife Hayes might have finally found the worst Amo ever created oh finally what what episode was this number up to hold

On boots I’m keeping I’m ping the boots back on 79 episode 79 he may have finally found the worst one ever created I would say it’s God awful but God’s not here God left nice that’s a great endorsement of the game for sure there’s only a little water on my

Bread it should still be fine okay um I think I got everything I think just yeah I had one inventory space free still all right that was annoying let’s not let that happen again the salt water seasoned it for your cre yes saltwater bread mostly still off in decay

What up stag what I miss uh I just died to a random Trident zombie o hold on that looks cool just for the sake of going through it you see a perfect water cave with light ah zombie yeah it’s cool I like that I’m also glad it didn’t separate the

Boat in the chest there’s still one item in fact that cave entrance right there in that Hill looks like it would be a decent place to uh start a basin got to keep the one I have though it is my Mountain they many like it but this one is mine

Raft that was a fun game I should show my super long raft on stream one day it would be funny to make a raft that’s so long that like you just can’t sail your boat anymore it’s just like a bridge between islands I like to build a compound on

Top of a mountain makes me feel like a king yeah it’s kind of what I’m doing here although it’s a pretty small Mountain I was wanting a bigger mountain is your raft really that long or you’re just happy to see me wow how do you catch bees again oh right that

Okay campfire under the thing and smoke uh no not smoke um something with silk touch I believe yeah that was quite a fruitful Expedition I got a lot of [ __ ] I’m actually pretty happy with that I don’t know if I ever asked you this but have any of you played any of

The Hitman games if so which one do you like the most mine is probably Blood Money a um no I haven’t played any of the Hitman games the only thing I know about Hitman is the streams I’ve watched fauna play of Hitman 3 which she’s done a lot of

Those Heyman blood money is definitely the best for sure of the old on I haven’t played the new ones yet but of all the ones I’ve played blood money is definitely the best like by a land slight and then you got to like the worst one is definitely Hitman abso

[ __ ] like that’s that one’s again not even a contest Absolution is just such a bad [ __ ] Hitman game is that the one with like the um the target tracking briefcase uh I don’t remember I don’t remember the Homing briefcase that’s the word I was looking

For oh the one where if you threw it and it would if you had somebody locked on and you threw something it would just Auto like pass to them yes that is the funniest [ __ ] [ __ ] just throw this briefcase twirling through the air and it just moves to

Follow the [ __ ] Target it’s like yeah because you might you might Target somebody who’s jogging or running like on a track and then you’ll be off at a 90 degre Ang to him you’ll throw it and you’ll just see go and like be spinning in the air

Following the person like a heat seeking [ __ ] missile yep it’s just incredible how bad that game is it doesn’t understand what being a Hitman game is at all it it’s one of those ones where you can’t even say iname only because it’s just that awful it’s

Like what is this isn’t even what it’s supposed to be about one of the biggest tests of of a Hitman game is is can you um Silent Assassin suit the entire game you [ __ ] cannot an Absolution there is a room that is literally impossible to get through if you’re if you’re wearing your

Suit I I had almost done it I had gotten through like 90% of the game and I got to the room where the [ __ ] super soldiers are being pumped full of drugs and so they’re always is Vigilant in One Direction Forever that’s so annoying I am going to take a moment to

Order some food cuz I I’m hungry this has been pretty fun stream I need to expand the base significantly um I need to start a farm to get food wait cre has a beard no I don’t where’s that coming from what are you buying I oh dwarf thing right nice dwarf

Hle cre thank you you um I’m probably going to get a Panera I like panzerottis they’re pizza but folded pizza but folded 1,000 times like a calone what is it it’s a pizza but folded it’s probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever [ __ ] said a pizza folded 1,000

Times you say that and yet there are the lasagna style pizzas that may as well have been Pizza that got folded and folded and folded and folded lasagna lasagna gous Ste [Laughter] division Pizza of a folded isn’t that just the cow Zone yeah that’s what I said these are different

Somehow I’m not sure how but they are because they have a different name as you know no single thing in the world can be referred to by two different names yeah it’s never happened again with with Tian stuff a lot of it is methodology of manufacturer for example like pastas the

Way you roll the pasta and what tool you use to roll it will change what type of pasta it is some of them are obvious like you know bow ties versus ratoni versus Alfredo right like that stuff’s more obvious because they’re all different like vastly different then you get into the

Ones where this one was rolled with a right hand twist therefore it’s this type this one was rolled with a left- hand twist therefore it’s this type it’s like oh okay oh yeah so you need to cut it this way it’s like oh okay uh pizza pizza now has strum

Bullies I don’t know what the [ __ ] that is oh I love shum bullies they are my favorite thing to get what’s the difference between a shmoly and a panzera cuz the shmoly here is like it it looks like a tube filled with pizza stuff what are you laughing at the word

Tube yep Tu tube how the [ __ ] you you pronounce Bol and Bol something like that Boles oh yeah Boles is another way I’ve heard it said yeah Pizza Tube yeah dude you know what I really used to [ __ ] love so all right you know Pizza Pockets right yeah okay pizza pockets are pretty

[ __ ] I don’t like them but there’s another company that made microwave Pizza things called Bagel Bites and they usually came in packs of nine they’re tiny little Bagels had like a little bit of pizza sauce and cheese and uh like a square cube of pepperoni on them they weren’t the best either

But but they did make um stuffed Bagel Bites which were these little like half circle domes filled with the pizza stuff and there was usually 14 to 16 of them in a box there wasn’t an exact count they said approximately 15 holy [ __ ] [ __ ] did I love those and it’s yet another example

Of something I love a food item of some kind being [ __ ] discontinued and I hate it cuz I love the [ __ ] out of those oh my God what what gidra said so it’s Pizza in the shape of a [ __ ] no wonder pagan likes it no [ __ ] you it’s literally just like a sandwich

With stuff in it it’s not even a a tube it looks like a tube on the place I ordered from well your place is gay if you stroke if you stroke the strong bully enough that filler will come out all over you I just realized I was going

To make a reference that only like well no our chat the chat would probably get it but I was going to say uh cre pizza places channeling their in Gideon in chat that gets that you know why I don’t even get it I said you

Wouldn’t get it oh at least I hope you wouldn’t get it if you somehow got it I would definitely rethink the whole you’re not a furry thing oh Jesus Christ o we’re getting in the Deep slate some of the deep slate or some of these

Blocks look fine but I I really like the black stone from the Nether um I am going to at some point collect a metric [ __ ] ton of black stone to build my fortress out of cuz you know can’t have it out of that like light Stone um the regular

Uh stone bricks that’s the word I was looking for speak of the devil we found a cave and I fell into it like an idiot typical wow rude oh Jesus Christ yeah I’m not going down there that is death okay once under path two that is also a massive drop off lovely

Okay all right where did I there we go let um I accidentally [ __ ] that up too so I’m got to place that there I hear a zombie first time I’ve heard a [ __ ] creature in this staircase to hell in building Pagan why why is everyone bullying you tonight because it’s time

For me to not be bullied I finally get a break yeah I decided to be the punching bag today so that cre could get a bit of a break cuz I’m such a nice person yeah which Blackstone the new cobalt or the nether brick there’s Cobalt

Now o no no no there’s a Cobalt huh there a cob old mod oh yeah I I showed you that you did yeah holy [ __ ] that is a massive Cavern and look spicy water also don’t you love it how copper is now officially useless now is it

I don’t know that’s what Senator abong said I mean it didn’t seem to have much use in the first place yeah I don’t know I always thought it was just kind of pointless like at least stuff like the dragon mod makes it useful because you can turn it into hoorde

Piles that’s how you sleep and regenerate Health you can make the spy glass with it you can make the lightning rod with it and you can make copper blocks and like stairs out of it to use as roof tiles that will uh slowly turn green and in between

The normal Brown and the green like full green it just looks [ __ ] ugly as it’s like oxidizing y stop racing by one brick every time you [ __ ] there we go I think it’s about to put uh about time to put another door on base up here

Now that uh the staircase has reached a gigantic Cavern copper always took up my inventory uh Cobalt oh no the CCP is coming for you oh no keto says Lady Liberty is made of copper and that’s why she is green yeah cuz copper does that when exposed to

Air there was a knockoff Subway that made the best sandwiches that one’s old but I think you talk about Quiznos Quiznos is still around not where I am I know they made those like incredibly cursed [ __ ] commercials yeah the [ __ ] weird hairy mouth thing the hamster they’re supposed to be hamsters

That had like magazine cutout mouths and eyes stuff yeah I hated them the [ __ ] yeah I think they were the reason I never ate a Quizno is because I saw those commercials and I was like I always just Associated them with Quiznos and I was like no I don’t want to eat a

Quiznos I I associate them with that and I don’t want to I don’t want to eat that a place like that hello furry not a furry uh I am confused by the anniversary stream was it really this morning YouTube is trying to punish me for ad blocking so I don’t

Know what’s going on it’s a reupload that that’s what that channel is for it’s a re-upload Channel all right where do I want to place this Farm I guess I could place it here yeah that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to move these horses out of the way about time to build another pickaxe too yep are you going to build a house or

Continue to live in the walls he’s in the goddamn walls um I might actually expand outwards from the wall and build a house that’s like into the side of the mountain here that might be a good idea um I am going to build this up into like a fortress

Though going to have to get rid of that singular floating dirt block there though that’s pissing me off already I just noticed that yeah um Minecraft generation definitely isn’t perfect no not by a long shot um let’s grab some sticks let’s grab some iron hold on all

Right yeah I’ll have it come out to the edge of that grass there I had a moment of why am I doing it this way then I like [ __ ] it just going to continue for uh ketosis you got a lizard wizard do a wizard tower um I don’t have a lizard wizard

Though yeah I’m not in the game and you’re not a wizard anyway to be a sorcerer to be a dragon yeah a wizard tower is always fun there was a couple games actually called uh the the Wizard’s lizard and they um I don’t know they were just they were

Just trying too hard they weren’t bad games but they just wanted too much to get The Binding of Isaac stuff you know the binding ising treatment ah yeah that’s unfortunate and it wasn’t going for that style either it was it was more cuty sort of

Thing and it’s fun it’s funny cuz now I actually wanted to get the sequel but the sequel’s no longer on sale because they were so ashamed of how it was they they pulled it from sale and then the company went under that sucks yeah really what The Binding of Isaac

Treatment C basically they wanted to gain that sort of uh popularity they were chasing that style of game and they wanted to get that little like famous thing only they wanted to be the cutesy version of it instead of the more morbid depressing version that by the ISAC was

You know they’re they’re chasing that level of clout and success the thing is you can’t really just do it you have to make a game that happens to catch people’s like it’s lightning in a bottle type thing you know kind of but you can look at what

Made that other game popular and I mean you you need to actually like take away all the [ __ ] and everything you need to understand what it’s mechanics are doing what makes people want to continue playing it that’s a thing that like for example examp Le Pathfinder Gallow Spire which

Is another Survivor like it’s in the Survivor genre it doesn’t understand what makes a good Survivor genre game you have Rogue jessia soulstone survivors um you have vampire survivors of course you have uh Deep Rock Galactic survivors all of these understand what it is to give that addictive simplistic simplistic air quote style

Gameplay Halls of Torment as well you you have all these and Pathfinder Gallow Spire just never understood what it was they’ve gotten a lot better now but that’s painful growing lessons they they didn’t need to learn if they had just paid attention to what all those other

Games were doing and why they were doing the things they were doing it is the Deep Rock survivors demo out again because it was out and then they removed it because now they’re just going to wait for release so did they bring it back out again cuz I was

Playing the [ __ ] out of that what a terrible copy pasta you either need real talent or con man like Todd and compete Hind to make a game extremely popular not necessarily flppy bird didn’t require a lot of talent but it was hugely popular like absurdly so and again

I’ve only a little bit of shade thrown but um Scott whatever it was that made FNAF FNAF didn’t take a lot of talent to make it just that it was literally just that lightning in a bottle but look at look at fnaf’s mechanical depths and assets and everything it it’s

Very simple very basic wouldn’t require a lot of effort but he was one of the first people to do it and it caught on it’s just the way it works sometimes yeah you listen to his criticism that his children’s game looked horrifying made a horror title instead there you

Go so he wasn’t even trying to make a horror game to start with that it’s funny okay I’m going to need more fence or wall I guess cuz I am running out here four five [ __ ] I already [ __ ] it up okay uh I have sticks I need

Wood might as well grab the shield now such all you need is a gimmick and enough of a hook to make YouTubers make theory on your game I mean no you you don’t need that again it just becomes like is it enjoyable to play does it bring people back

Yeah again people weren’t making theories of Flappy Bird the reason people came back to it was it was very simple easy to pick up and play and put down all right one two three four five put a couple torches down to Mark where they are so you to keep

Counting five one two one two [ __ ] it’s even it’s even and not odd [ __ ] I [ __ ] up I forgot to grab dirt to fill in the last little bit there all right I’m going to take an alternate approach yeah hello neighbor is one of those really embarrassing ones that then like after gotting

Gotting the [ __ ] after getting embarrassed then uh like kind of turned it around and then went back to the nons that wasn’t working it’s like why all right there’s still a horse in here that I need to get rid of uh oh blue Factory is getting a new

Uh new ship no I’m not going to kill him um I was going to push him off of this wall cuz it’s one he’s closest to but that horse is there actually okay he moved okay hold on and my food is here apparently hold on let me just double

Check yep my food is almost here so I’m going to have to go AFK in just a sec no no no yeah no wrong way wrong way stop stop you’re evicted you are evicted from my farm there we go perfect I’m going to light these last

Two then I am going to go grab my food all right back in a minute oh sorry yeah I’m muted I was uh super focused on what I was doing what were you doing uh I am sneaking into this area I’m playing stalker a and there’s a

Bunch of monolith here and I’m trying to sneak in so I can get the gos rifle I also just saw that gif you posted those three look like they could be vtubers exactly right tree is gone post owls don’t you [ __ ] dare owl is dead piece or sorry one pace monol damn Rock

Lickers I do find it funny that like if you shoot at them they will lay down and play dead and if you walk up to them they’ll just go monolith and drop a grenade at your feet and kill both of you de Vault just posts three emotes an owl

A gun pointing towards the owl and a goat unfortunately it’s a stupid what I hate that they’ve changed gun emotes to water guns it’s like the lamest [ __ ] thing ever yep it’s [ __ ] dumb yes this this will surely stop shootings if we change an a gun emote to a cartoon

Water gun emote yeah this will stop gun violence for sure this is the solution to all our problems so [ __ ] stupid I hate it I almost said something then realize I probably shouldn’t say it so I won’t uh oh I’m almost afraid afraid of what that could have been yeah don’t worry about

It it was political that’s why I’m I’m not going to get into it yeah that’s why I’m not going to do it yeah all right I need a bit of dirt oh no I think I actually ran out of dirt okay I’m going to go get some more dirt then um let’s take Those let’s take two of those take all those all of those some of Those some of those some of those what is monolith monolith Are they’re a faction and stalker that are like devoted to protecting the uh the wish granter yep in the belief that they will become worthy uh like worthy to it and they will kill anyone else that isn’t monolith on site how do you join them if they kill

Everyone on site uh you can spawn in as them as monolith but you will be enemies with everyone besides monolith no no no no he’s saying just how do they recruit and gain more people yeah because obviously if it was a faction that just constantly killed on site but they’re they’re also constantly

Killed on site as well themselves how do they keep a power base and a lot of that is because people go into the zone and they get corrupted oh yeah uh by anali of things the the brain scorcher is one of their best recruiting methods yeah they have this machine that

Basically fillets your brain and turns you into one of them or just outright kills you or more likely will reanimate you as a zombie yeah uh cuz it just it basically lobotomized the [ __ ] out of you and if you survive the process you are much more fanatical and more easily

Swayed to monolith side and if you don’t survive the process well you you turn into a walking zombie that basically just all they do is kind of shamble around they could still fire weapons and things like that but they work more on Basic Instinct rather than like having any tactical depth or

Anything yeah they actually train some of their zombies and uh they’ll you’ll see like roaming squads of monolith zombies and stuff with guns I simply would just resist the anomali I’m built instantly Gibbs yep yeah but yeah they are very fanatical they will uh they will suicide bomb you

If you uh walk up to one that isn’t dead cuz uh the AI in this game could play dead they will lay down on the ground if you shoot at them and pretend that they’re dead and if you walk up to them especially monolith they will go

Monolith and drop a grenade at your feet and blow you both up yep I do need a little bit more light on the Farm virgin ketosis with us bad Farming versus me with my amazing farming techniques how is my farm bad I I mean it is pretty inefficient and as you said yourself you need to uh more lighting well the best caring methods are the one with a single Square block

Of water in the very middle and then it spirals out from there that looks ugly as [ __ ] though no it doesn’t what it looks like a proper Farm I disagree because you do what you do is you don’t just have that be your only one you make multiple squares like that

Over and over and over again and it looks like an actual farm when you get out to having 12 or so field it looks really nice oh that didn’t last long at all so Pagan which faction uh which faction you like disclaimer I will judge

You oo which faction do I like the most apparently so um Personally I’d probably have to say mercenary mine is a tossup between two of them I’m either ecologist or Duty I do like Duty they they’re basically the Brotherhood of this game um we cists are pretty cool but they’re also just like Everyone likes them because they’re just Eggheads they’re they’re pacifists they’re the

Science group they’re yeah they’re more of the accurate thing of what a pacifist is yeah so like if an ecologist runs into a monolith the ecologist will shoot the monolith in the [ __ ] head because there is no reasoning with those people if uh ecologist runs into anything else Bandits or anything like

That they’ll hesitate because you know they don’t want to be the thing that starts the fight first yeah I do like ecologists but they’re not like a person personal favorite faction of mine they’re just kind of good guys that I like yeah I don’t know I like the mercenaries mainly because they’re

American and I can understand them um Duty’s pretty good I do like freedom but they also piss me off sometimes Freedom are some of the biggest [ __ ] so I just I just can’t with freedom yeah freedom I like them but they do have things about where I’m just like God I [ __ ] hate

You nice I got the goh rifle all right I’ve got pretty much everything planted that I needed to get planted enough the most efficient layout for sugar cane is a piling World War II German symbol not wrong I saw that always connected to uh water it’s always One Source away from

Water that is kind of funny but also I’m not doing that yeah that was like that one there was a a streamer I can’t remember who it was but they had like ODS and things on one of them was like complex Machinery that could rotate

Blocks oh yeah I saw that yeah and he he goes up to his like someone left me a thing and he’s like oh this really cool thing he turns on and starts doing cool patterns then it finishes making us swas he’s like [ __ ] yeah no no no no no no no starts

Freaking out trying to turn it off I love that video what is on top of my mountain what’s the difference for the factions it usually depends on how they treat the Zone loners just basically are there for themselves you know every man for themselves basically you can make

Friends with loners the people The Loner faction will have your back but they’re not really like a unified faction they just all kind of band together to fight back against Bandits and monolith and stuff like that or the military they’re not really a a faction faction per se

But they’re just kind of like hey if I get a couple artifacts and make a bunch of money I can go home and support my family they’re also pretty easy they’re a good starting class or a starting group because y they don’t have very many enemies in yeah uh loners and clear

Sky are about the same uh the only thing you really have to worry about is like uh military monolith and uh Bandits Bandits Mercenaries same yeah and the Merks really don’t like them just because they’re kind of cutting into their their territory their Turf that’s why the Merks don’t really

Like them yeah otherwise the mercs wouldn’t give a [ __ ] but you know it’s it’s kind of the you know you’re you’re going into our feeding areas [ __ ] you sort of thing um so yeah so you have the mercenaries who are basically foreigners they get all kinds of foreign equipment

And everything like that usually have a lot of uh really higher Tech stuff compared to the other factions with exception of the ecologists um and monolith itself but we’ll get into that later yeah monolith has some really good stuff but um yeah I really like mercenary because they get all the all

The like NATO equipment so they get really good [ __ ] especially their uh they get the best exo suit in the game they get the uh noog yep armor set and uh unisig noog and it is really good you’re basically a walking tank with that thing yeah Bandits of course are just

Bandits they’re your Ty yeah they’re just Bandits they are funny though yeah chicken bricky donkey mod can make a new game changing blocks such as create but Mojang a company paid by Microsoft taking 12 months to add two mobs yeah um the state of Minecraft updates is kind of insane yeah it’s

Pretty uh then you have the the biggest divide in the fact well I guess we can talk about clear sky clear sky is a faction that technically doesn’t exist in the modern day because clear sky eventually would become monolith um that’s how it works in the lore and Canon

However for stuff like stalker anomaly or stalker gamma they allow clear sky and monolith to be different ones what happened was clear sky as a faction uh attacked the uh the Chernobyl in P when a blowout happen and it fried most of their [ __ ] brains and turned them

Into like the first line fighting force of monolith um but uh as they are an independent faction in stalker gamma and stalker anomaly that what their whole thing is they just want to explore they want to explore the inner Zone the zone right next to the nuclear power plant

Where all the the even more wild anomalies and things happen and they’re their big thing is they want to figure out how to get into the power plant itself that’s a big driving factor for Clear Skies of faction otherwise they’re on very friendly terms when it comes to

Uh relations with loners e ologist Duty Freedom they don’t really have anyone they’re super at war with other than the obvious ones the bandits the military and monolith yeah um the then again the two big ones that are like hellbent opposed like diametrically opposed they cannot ever

Ally with each other is Duty and freedom yeah so Freedom’s entire thing is that the Zone had has given them true Freedom like they don’t need to worry about government rules laws or anything like that you can do whatever you want in the zone The Zone has equalized everything they’re they’re the hardcore

Anarchist faction basically which also again makes a lot of edgy teens things like that want to join Freedom because ha pot smoking oh yeah so cool meanwhile uh Duty the take their name very seriously they believe it’s their duty to end the threat of the zone to the entire

World they feel like the zone is an Abomination that will eventually destroy mankind so it must be destroyed itself they are like they cannot get along they are so ideologically opposed that they are in constant Warfare with each other I mean it seems like they’re right based on what I know about the

Games and the Zone yeah the zone is is a pretty terrible Place yeah if it ever amazing miraculous things in it like the artifacts are genuinely like Miracle yeah but uh it is so violent and just there is just so much here where it’s like yeah if this expanded and started spreading across

The globe yeah it probably would just eradicate most people on the planet yep um then you have uh after those you have the the ecologists which again I think are one of my favorite factions they want to understand the Zone more the zone is here it’s not going away

They are aligned with Duty they think that the Zone should be contained but they aren’t sure that it possibly can be they want to get details facts knowledge like cut out all of the the [ __ ] and patriotism everything like that they want to know can the Zone be controlled

If not how do we adapt to it how do we how do we stop the zone and if the Zone physically cannot be stopped then how do we best help Humanity itself adapt to the Zone being a thing that exists yes and the zone is indeed spreading that’s something that they try

To keep hush hush um when you play stalker clear sky you’re actually playing a very smaller version of The Zone and after what you do in stalker clear sky which also creates monolith you expanded the zone quite significantly with the first blowout I’m happy to the zone is the Chernobyl exclusion

Zone I’m very basically it is a place that was uh an area that around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant that is right outside pripiat that is completely like you you cannot go to the military protects it and everything at first it was because of radiation but then miraculous things called artifacts

Started coming out of the zone I’m very happy to report that um I have enough saplings for two dark oak trees now with more on the way going to get any of those other ones that are hovering on the tree on the leaves there I grabb the one um yeah I

Definitely need to get like a tree cutting mod for next time yep also just like an inventory sorter mod um just a couple quality of life changes you know yeah I’m not sure if it was actually confirmed to be aliens deos Vault um we know the collective conscious is a a

Thing no no no it is um it’s explained in the game what it is there it was a group of scientists I I know know that’s the that’s the Consciousness yeah but I’m I’m saying I don’t know if what originally gave them the idea and what created helped create

The anomalies was the the original idea of stalker which was aliens showed up to the planet treated as a big old party frat Dumping Ground and that started the first anomalies yeah uh cuz stalker is based on the book called roadside picnic which is basically about yeah the alien showed

Up had a party left a bunch of weird artifacts and anomalies from their visit basally their technology was left behind they know how to handle the technology we don’t and that technology is causing all kinds of unintended side effects yeah I just realized this entire stream

Chad has been watching me play with tism blocks yep different kind of tism block from the other kind but you know you’re playing the fidget spinner of games right now wow one day you’ll be able to do a stream where it’s just your hands you can just wear gloves and you could play

With Legos and check and just watch that yeah I’ll do that I’ll do a Lego building stream at some point I’ll buy a kickass set and build it on stream I already told Chad I would do a cook stream at some point there’s even more leaves on this

Tree I’m sure to get more saplings yeah yeah exactly Daniel so so Daniel mentions also the title roadside picnic um refers to whatever beings Left Behind the zone to us it’s like a world changing event to them it was just a roadside picnic on their way yeah they

Literally just stopped over had a snack and left and then they left a bunch of stuff behind that caused all the crazy nonsense at first um in stalker lore at first The Zone was a little more open and LAX because well it created these Miracle artifacts these artifacts that hey if

You give this artifact to this person and you have them hold it to their chest it stops all bleeding like that’s really [ __ ] good it doesn’t matter how badly the person is injured like if they’ve been basically turned into a [ __ ] road Pizza you you put that artifact on them

They stop bleeding you can actually save that person’s life now a road Pizza uh basically they’re they’re just so [ __ ] up they look like they’re just bits of sauce and Meaty things hanging on to you know dough basically it’s uh somebody got real [ __ ] up usually got launched out

Of a vehicle hit the pavement and SK across it and got all gnarly like gnarly gnarly injuries God damn so again at first the world was like yeah you know this this is incredible like all these amazing things like here’s one that increases people’s strength here’s one that uh heals wounds

And injuries just outright then things started happening where people were using artifacts to do ter terrorist acts people were killing each other for artifacts like it became this whole new black market that rose up and so the uh governments uh the UN and Ukraine especially decided that no we

Need to we need to lock this [ __ ] [ __ ] down so you’re not supposed to go in the zone once you’re in the zone though the military doesn’t really care they just don’t want people going in and out of the Zone if you find a way to sneak in

You know all right whatever you’re in the zone The Zone will take care of you Road pizza sounds tasty e no yeah they don’t really care until they see you and then they will try to kill you because military is like one of the most aggressive factions in the game

Yeah if if if you don’t get in their face they’re just like oh whatever look there’s another one of those loner dip shits walking around but if you come within the the Set uh engagement range of the military they’ll open up with every machine gun rifle grenade launcher

They have just to kill your ass yep ketosis can only think about food right now yes I am hungry in fact I should probably start eating a little bit yeah yeah there’s nothing like seeing a rookie in the zone for the first time and he comes across a whirly gig and you

Get to watch what happens after that yep the ones I hate the most are the black hole anomalies [ __ ] hate them so much mostly my hatred comes from Starcraft which is a standalone stalker Minecraft server that became so Advanced it became its own Standalone game just outright and it’s it’s a lot of

Fun but Starcraft um has an annoying habit of using black hole anomalies [ __ ] everywhere and I have the unfortunate bad luck of running into it oh wait three yeah yeah cre is eating yeah yeah he’s not saying anything chat the model thinks he’s saying things because he’s

Chewing yeah yeah yeah he said he literally said right before he muted that he’s going to eat so that is why yeah black hole anomalies are [ __ ] annoying because it once you get sucked into it unless you are sprinting full out and like in the opposite direction of where the core is you’re

Going into it it crushes you and kills you instantly and scatters all of your gear everywhere yep yeah and it’s stall craft that is very bad because some of the gear falls back into the anomaly then it gets deleted and if the gear doesn’t fall back into the anomaly well any player in

The zone can run by and pick it up can’t stand them that’s why I don’t like the whirly gigs they [ __ ] suck so much that that’s the one I was struggling with before where I said like there was an anomaly in front of this area that I have to go through and

There’s no other way through yeah there was a whirly gig in front of a doorway and I’m like are you [ __ ] kidding me if I even got close to it like the door it would suck me in and try to kill me and I have to like fight to get out of it

Yeah he’s creeping and the worst part I think even in anomaly they move yeah you can actually toggle if anomalies move or not or if they only change position based off of uh emissions or not I will tell you one thing it is wild to play with anomaly movement systems on

Though that gets pretty [ __ ] funny oh my God GRE I’m sorry the way the model was freaking out and having like a spaz attack moment there on stream CU you you would obviously turned your head to like eat the sandwich or whatever and so the model was just going like um

Yeah I like a colist though I like I like their their armor air quotes it’s not really good because it’s it’s to protect you from the Zone not so much from bullets yeah call Prat did give a lot of answers I also like that the wish maker

Or wish granter sorry was a monkeyy paw I remember because there were specific things you had to hit Flags you need to hit to not get [ __ ] over by the wish granter what the one that a lot of people got was the greed ending though my name is strich and I want all

The gold in the world also in stalker I did always feel bad killing military because there they are just doing their job ium was what you meant and you are an intruder in a military one yeah it looks like ktos is possessed yes some of those look pretty [ __ ] funny

I think we now know why vtubers will shut off vtube Studio or minimize it while the strock gets Caesar and that one that ending is just [ __ ] weird because gold starts raining gold coins start raining from the sky and he’s so happy and dancing and then it

Turns over and it was just tons of like bolts and metal and things raining down on him and it crushed him and it’s it’s kind of like I don’t get how that’s a monkeyy paw because it it literally wasn’t gold ever it just made him think that there was

Gold yeah I always thought that was weird too that’s the most people get because you know they’re like oh I I like money money gets me guns equipment everything like that so they go and will like Farm anomalies and get artifacts and everything like that and then they get

To the end and strock does the I want gold ending hello chat I hope you enjoyed watching me eat it was terrifying good that’s what you get for watching me in my most private of moments it it’s time for a little personal time sh’s pizza into the

Face yeah the military were just doing their jobs but it is my god-given right to go where I’m not supposed to for profit a next time turn off the vtuber model maybe yeah like I said that’s what uh that’s what everyone else does see I don’t I don’t know because I haven’t

Actually seen a vtuber read on stream before I the only exception was one of pippa’s streams when she was doing the taste test stuff oh yeah yeah where where there the model being on stream was kind of the point the the next time you eat just zoom in on

Your on your mouth on the model and just no that’s all you can see and just just eat one that’s all people can see is your mouth moving next it’ll be raw hot dogs oh no no don’t no never eat again my favorite wish granted is I want the zone to disappear

By the way the good ending uh for the stalker games is you say [ __ ] you wish granter you go behind the wish granter and then underneath it and then you murder all the scientists down there you gun them all down as they’re in their little tubes and they can do nothing and

Sh look just like just guns them all down then he walks outside on a nice clear day as the Zone starts to recede or I I think in the original shadow of Chernobyl it’s supposed to recede but they I think I’m pretty sure they Ron that where it’s like no that that would

Be silly because then we can’t have any more games in the zone if killing the if killing the C Consciousness uh made the Zone recede that’s that’s a problem for us all right I think I know what I’m going to do for my house cuz I I didn’t plan my who out before

This I also need to spider so the wi granter just makes you blind yeah I also need to kill spider at some point so I can get a bow speak of the devil there’s a spider right there wow I got an I not a string

Not where I wanted to put that but all right oh my God what I’m doing the main quest and I’ve reached the point now where the only thing I have left to do to actually progress the game I have to find six pieces of pseudo dog meat for

This guy’s dead dog that my guys accidentally killed oh whoops so what does that mean I have to find six pieces of meat oh I thought his dog being dead would factor into it somehow Noah it it kept running into me and I almost shot it cuz

It’s literally just a pseudo dog and I was like ah but then I realized oh wait this is that dude’s dog I remember that so I didn’t shoot it but then so I dropped in from the ceiling cuz there was a hole and I talked to him

And he was like yeah I need I need meat for my dog and I was like okay and I noticed there was a dialogue there about like you almost killed K me like why’ you shoot at me [ __ ] I’m like he didn’t shoot at me and I was like oh it’s

Probably a scripted event for the door and the only way to leave is through that door so when I opened it he shot through the door which scared my [ __ ] teammates and the dog ran out and they shot the dog and I was like ah well that

Sucks sorry man my guy’s just ATF your dog but uh I’ll get the meat for you my guy’s just ATF dog oh [ __ ] I didn’t mean to fall there which is weird I don’t know why they shot the dog and not the guy who literally shot the gun at them but don’t

You know when someone shoots a gun you’re supposed to shoot their dog in response yes ATF logic in fact ATS logic is so [ __ ] you shoot the dog then you shoot the uh the son then you shoot the wife then you arrest the guy with the [Laughter]

Gun I got a bone from the Skellington he deserved it he didn’t have a Tex stamp for his gun man that situation is so [ __ ] though yeah I really hate a lot of the laws that we have about guns in this country it’s really bad especially the [ __ ] $200 tax stamp that never

Worked the entire purpose of it literally never worked and they just but they just never got rid of it because [ __ ] it money yeah yeah if we make it if we make guns really expensive criminals can’t get them the only people who had them at the time were criminals oh yeah because they

Could actually afford them and normal people couldn’t oh great job again we know that those never work gun control never ever Works anybody that proposes any kind of gun control even if they try to say I just want common sense it’s like no you don’t no you really

Don’t Common Sense would be to remove all gun control whatsoever God there are still people pushing I’m seeing new arguments of that thing you mentioned about like oh yeah like if people who use AR-15 [ __ ] 556 or 223 bullet absolutely destroys a deer and leaves nothing it’s like [ __ ] it’s literally advised by

Most like game wardens and hunting experts and just general gamesmen not to use 556 rifles for hunting cuz they’re so underpowered for big game that it often doesn’t kill them it just wounds them and hurts them yeah you’re hunting stuff most people don’t realize that hunting has a lot of not just rules

And regulations but they have a lot of this stuff figured the [ __ ] out so they know that hey this particular type of Buck has a thicker hide than a normal one so you kind of want 308 for this one hey this one is a lighter buck so use

5.56 instead or use uh use 22 like you can really take this one out this one is bow hunting friendly sort of thing because the whole goal is to for you to kill the animal as quickly and painlessly as possible to get your meat and things you need from

It have you seen that that clip going around because people are talking about how oh 308 literally it blows you apart there’s nothing left and people just started posting that [ __ ] meme of a um a ballistics gel torso getting obliterated by a bowling ball shot out

Of a cannon and they’re like like live footage of a 308 round hitting hitting a human torso and the head just stays in place while the [ __ ] torso just gets obliterated the funniest thing is that a lot of the [ __ ] from like the crazy gun control people who fake [ __ ] like

That is it it seems like they’ve seen footage from Fallout 3 and assume that’s how all guns work oh you shoot someone with the lowest caliber gun in the game game and their torso explodes into meat chunks holy [ __ ] it’s it’s clearly like one of the most powerful guns in the

World it’s like no it’s video game logic the gun control like activists are always the they know the least about guns that that’s part of why they are the way that they are yeah and it’s to the point that I’m going to reference it everyone probably knows this by now like

Has seen this clip if you’re even remotely aware of this stuff that time I don’t remember exactly what news station it was but they were like talking about how powerful an AR-15 is and they show a clip of a guy shooting a watermelon with a shotgun and they’re like God look at

This AR-15 and what it can do to a human body imagine if that was someone’s head and it’s like that’s literally a [ __ ] shotgun firing Buckshot what the [ __ ] I am imagining that it’s someone’s head the the funniest one was definitely the the general he was a retired General

In the US Army oh yeah should have told you something but his his whole speech about why we need gun control and he’s like he goes in this big diet tribe about the AR platform and it’s how it’s fully semi-automatic it’s like what the [ __ ] are you talking about you

Crackhead sorry yeah gunshot so loud like a bomb yeah so loud like a bomb I love that clip I I think it’s from Mandalore gaming and I think he’s reviewing eve and he’s talking about this pistol and he’s like it’s got full auto and he fires that it’s like a quick

Little know that’s that I know what that was from that was from the game I Divine Cyberman oh right yeah full auto and he fires it and there’s like a quick little and he goes and then there’s Fuller Auto and it just turns into like this [ __ ] hypers speed [ __ ] like a [ __ ]

Minun like that’s what they believe fully semi-automatic means yeah I I Divine I Divine cybermancy is one of the best shitposty games that is entirely serious because it’s just like you you could turn into a [ __ ] God where like you look at somebody and offends you you literally teleport to their position

Instant Gib them or you take over their body and brain and make them kill all their friends or and the weapons in that game are just off-the-wall absurd and I that was one of the best moments of Mandalore going through some of the weapons for example here is your

Basic pistol here it is in full auto mode here it is in Fuller auto mode like Jesus Christ yeah it’s [ __ ] crazy what is semi-auto semi-automatic means that you have to to manually work an action either in this case pull a trigger every time right so it requires

The person to physically use the trigger for it to work if you want to fire another shot the person needs to manually pull the trigger again that’s semi-automatic the whole reason they call it automatic or they have automatic in the title because like wait that’s not automatic then it’ be why they just

Call manual because the weapon automatically Cycles in a new bullet into the chamber ready to be used before this we had bolt actions systems like that or muzzle loaders the automatic prefix got added to it when country started figuring out how to get another round loaded into the

Chamber ready to fire on the person’s ability to pull the trigger again that’s where automatic came into play fully semi-automatic can only be applied to muzzle loading bolt action guns oh all right I’m just just trying to plan out my uh ho here like how big it’ll be how it’ll

Look I need to fill in a lot of this area here there’s I need to get like dirt or something I could make a basement I guess but I don’t I don’t know if I really want to make a basement you know all right I need um another

Pick I definitely need is so good in this game I love it oh oh a beerer thank you for your hand there’s these like little [ __ ] guys in uh trench coats with a hood that can like pick stuff up and throw them at you oh and uh yeah

They’re just mutants and they’re called beers I uh I thought you were saying bear like beer like uh owls are beards of prey beard of prey yeah as soon as I get my model I’m definitely going to play this on stream I just I just don’t know when I’m going to get the

Model yeah we need to get going on that yeah I’ve been asking but every time I’ve asked somebody they it’s been a bad time so yeah sometimes that just happens all right chat I’m going to do it I’m going to jump into the pool with no exit I’m for the compilation I’m just

Going to cut from me jumping to just a picture of that deer that’s dead at the bottom of the pool like as soon as I hit the water just cut to [Laughter] that something’s wrong with my dog I think it has autism oh [ __ ] that’s mercenary oh [ __ ]

Oh there’s actually water over there already that’s interesting yeah [ __ ] it it’s taking too long for lava to disappear no scoped him thank God Jesus that zombie is just waiting for me oh he had no armor no wonder that Skellington is exactly what I was afraid of [ __ ] slowly going

Down the wall waterfall and then getting shot out of it and into the lava by Skellington cre up into the spicy water I’m not going into the spicy water I can’t swim in that I do like to have this little pool here though looks good just hold your Shield up and

Deflect any arrows pre I don’t want to damn always kind of f oh it’s not often you see that it’s just an emerald there I remember when they first added emeralds to the game as like something you can mine and it’s like Jesus Christ

These are rare as [ __ ] cuz uh I turn on creative mode I start digging through mountains to find them and it took me a while will find one can you swim ketosis a lot of people can’t yes I can it’s been a long time since I’ve uh Gone swimming but I can swim

Yeah I I always find it weird that people can’t swim and I think it’s just more they just get in their heads because if you literally just lay stay back and relax you you’ll float most people do not everyone I have to assume that whole like statistic of hey XYZ people can’t

Float is just or sorry can’t float can’t swim is just like I don’t know like parts of the world where people don’t usually swim so like that raises that statistic up yeah I mean that’s what I’d have to assume it’s because it’s it’s more likely that they flounder in the water

They panic and they or do the the panicky [ __ ] thing that caus people to drown you know where they’re they’re flailing their arms around they’re smacking out the water desperately to try to stay above it and all that’s doing is just kicking more water in their face yeah

God I remember back when I used to go swimming in like the old stripper pits and stuff God I’m surprised I’m not dead I remember once I was swimming in the river the Ohio river and um I was on this little island with my cousin and all around the island was

Like this like bank that you could walk out on pretty far except for one side that we had no idea was just like a sheer Cliff face that once you walk off of it it’s just deep water and uh thankfully I could swim because I walked right off that thing

And the current was so strong it just sucked me down the river so I just kind of floated for like a mile until I was able to like eventually reach the side of the bank and just climb up and I was like man it’s a good thing I can swim or I

Would have [ __ ] died my cousin also fell off of it at the exact same time that I did as well but he was wearing a uh life jacket so he just had to float yeah I don’t really have any interesting stories to tell unfortunately um my dad likes going fishing and like

Back Lakes are hard to reach and uh he he you know he goes uh fishing with friends a lot of times one time I was with him and uh we had a Cano cuz again it’s a back L you have to paddle there’s no Motors um and we stopped off at this

Rock to you know stretch and get some food well we had food on us but you know what I mean and just like get out of the boat for a while and uh his friend let go of the boat for some reason and it started to drift like immediately and I

Grabbed it and got dragged into the water but they pulled me out and uh yeah and it wasn’t like a big deal either I still have my life jacket on and I uh I can swim but I think it was like was it like octob not October uh

August or September maybe or it’s like oh yeah it’s getting colder now so you know going to have to warm you up with a uh campfire for a bit that’s like the most interesting thing that’s happened in my entire life again I’m a very boring

Person and no I’m not from Ohio I the Ohio River stretches through like a good portion of the East Coast uh live in Indiana yeah I live in Indiana near the Ohio river is kind of stop speaking Japanese talking about Ohio Ohio what’s a back Lake it’s like a lake that

Um isn’t easy to access there’s like no roads you have to like Portage through the bush you you have to carry your equipment and canoe through like the Wilderness to get there yeah you’re Native American right what tribe I am half Native American I’m Irish and Crow

Indian and I am very detached from my Native American side I there was some stuff as a kid where I would go to like the reservations and stuff and I met some my like you know family on that side a little bit but other than that I was not very

Uh I was not very attached to that side of my family I’m uh I was very aware of a lot of the issues plaguing Native American communities even when I was younger and I was just kind of not not wanting to be a big part of that because

I I would go to the reservations and I would meet some of my family on that side and they were usually like the exact stereotype that you would think of where it’s like oh you’re an alcoholic and you throw all your money away at the casinos nice okay yeah I was going to

Say there there’s two possible outcomes drugs or Casino yep and it was both just well I mean Casino in like owning one running one oh well no they didn’t own it but they did go to it that’s what I mean on that coin toss you got the wrong

Side well actually I suppose being a part of a family that runs a casino could be bad too okay that is a pseudo giant I do not want you guys to die so come over here all right wait right here if they’re pseudo Giants are they regular Giants uh

Kind of they’re basically just these big walking faces oh with arms um that brings to mind a hilarious mental image they are pretty funny looking basically imagine it’s basically a Geodude made of Flesh and really big oh where’d it go oh I don’t like it when they disappear holy build freaking

Stairs no you can’t make me oh there it is like those concrete guys from Mario games uh what are they called again oh the swamps swamps yeah oh I didn’t load my gun ah I’m going to count that as an act of Instant Karma I got him oh Beering bu I mean [ __ ]

Off got him God he snuck up behind me I was looting the pseudo Giant and he comes up behind me jokes on you Thief I already have a stone cutter I just haven’t used it yet oo I got a brain nice most people have those well I took someone else so I take

That back most people don’t yeah I was about to say are you sure about that it’s like on paper that makes sense but have you looked around lately there we go are you happy chat I made some stare there’s three Native American skill trees Drinker John red corn and [Laughter] Wealthy God

It’s I I used to watch King of the hell quite a bit back in the day when I was a kid and I didn’t realize how much of a piece of [ __ ] John corn was until I was older and then I realized wow he was like one of the worst characters in the

Entire show like he is actually a piece of [ __ ] like the only character who might be worse than John red corn is Peggy the woman she is genuinely awful I I did not like Peggy I always hated her she was such a [ __ ] idiot she’s so narcissistic and full of herself and

Thinks everyone else is an idiot and she does genuinely Terrible Things sounds like certain family members I have yeah she does genuinely terrible things and then tries to blame everyone else for it whenever she [ __ ] up and I’m just like God I hate you so much Piggy that’s the that’s the recipe

For mustard gas who what are you guys that will never not be old we’re talking about uh King of the Hill somebody brought up John red corn and I was talking about how much of a piece of [ __ ] he was yeah I did like the Han though I’m GNA kick your ass

Yeah God it’s crazy how good of a show King of the Hill was back in the day I remember not a kid yeah I wasn’t that into it as a kid I did watch it but as I got older I started to appreciate it more and I started watching it more

And I was like oh this is actually really good Dale Dale Gribble was probably the best character I always like those characters like the [ __ ] anti-government like gun guy I [ __ ] love those dudes I’ve always loved those dudes Bert Gummer and trimmers was always my favorite character in that

Series and just I love those type of characters they’re just hilarious especially since everyone treats them as like the net job but it’s like no they’re completely right like nine times out of 10 they’re right right that boy ain’t right the house is going to look really

Good I not going to say that the house is going to look pretty decent by the time it’s done I also think they up the drop rate on these um dark oak saplings because I’ve been having like really good luck with them oh my God the stream has been going for

Almost 4 hours now I didn’t even realize how late it got or how long I’ve been going I guess yeah I’ve just been having so much fun playing [ __ ] stalker anomaly I didn’t even I didn’t even notice or ster gamma I mean it is anomaly but it’s gma’s basically a completely different game

Yeah and here I am 3:00 a.m. drawing but now I have your company cre I hope drawing goes well I don’t even know how much longer I’m going to be up for I was asleep when you started streaming I need at least two more to have replacement for these two

Trees I think that’ll come pretty easy but I’m going to start chopping down this um little Plateau here to flatten it out more because I’m probably going to build something over here if I put the house there maybe I can build like another uh portal platform here do something really cool with

It the ho of user yeah [ __ ] man that show really really strong buildup and just such a disappointing ending yeah that’s was just like what the [ __ ] yeah and that’s like I said that’s the worst thing about it too is I can’t even say it’s poorly written cuz it’s

Not it’s like the writing seems pretty solid to me it’s just they chose to do something that I feel is incredibly unsatisfying I’d say I’d say that works as being poorly written though because they they [ __ ] up everything else that came before it everything I I wouldn’t necessarily say

That’s a [ __ ] up though cuz it feels like it makes it pointless but I don’t I wouldn’t consider that bad writing in the sense that the logic is there you know I don’t know I I think that would be bad riding because you just [ __ ] the rest

Of the story making it making the entire rest of the story pointless is pretty bad writing the hoof of oer oh no it’s a bad writing is just unsatisfying writing yeah that that’s more in line with what I say yeah like there’s nothing really it follows logic it’s just

Not done in a satisfying way but it doesn’t follow logic though because now we know now that we know the more about it like what was um Jesus Christ what was uh Whatchamacallit Choice the cat guy I can’t remember his [ __ ] name well as we know it’s not about Choice they’re

All goingon to die anyways no I know but she gave them a choice to make give them a happier ending they were going to die no matter what but again what was his choice what was the thing that would have led to him being a happier ending maybe I mean they didn’t really

Set that up as a rule but at the same time times because they because that’s what she said she brought it up multiple times now that I think yeah but it was never a rule that like you know that she was actually ever meaning no but like

Now that I think about it I think she only ever did that to the females I don’t remember a single one where she would say something like that to the men um Perry uh what’s his name yeah Perry it wouldn’t be she said he was consequence like there wasn’t yeah but

She also was like get telling him like you could leave and stuff like that I think I’m pretty sure no wait actually now that I think about it I don’t think she actually told him that he could leave I think she literally just said that you are literally

Consequence yeah she liked him so much I think you’re right actually now that I’m thinking about it I don’t remember her ever actually giving him a choice about leaving so yeah I think it was only the women yeah right but again I don’t think it was like set up as

Something she had to do I think it’s literally just she has favorites and she wanted certain ones to like give them a chance to have slightly less horrible deaths and that’s it why did she not like Leo I don’t know it’s probably just because he’s a man also remember that

Leo is the one that didn’t seem like a bad guy out of all of them and spoilers for host of Usher he’s the one who didn’t actually do anything wrong to get him into the situation he was in it was all hallucination that I assume was

Caused by her it it had to be cuz we know that the cat was alive at the end yeah yeah we know that it was all just a big hallucination I think showing that cat at the end does serious damage to the episode as well y especially knowing like what’s

Happening cuz like if You’ at least actually killed the cat it’ be like okay what you did was [ __ ] up you did it on a drug trip sure that doesn’t excuse it blah blah blah blah blah blah um whereas here it’s like yeah I don’t know get [ __ ] I guess

It’s just weird because the the moral talking points were so much pointed in One Direction as you know you brought up in the thing but it’s obvious for chat to read read between the lines what we mean we just all point in One Direction but his big sin is that he would do

Drugs but I’m sorry your entire movement on that side was all about forgiving those people and those people are human and glorifying them and even holding him up as a [ __ ] Saint so again I I don’t understand any of this it it I think it literally just is that she’s a

Misandrist which we know we know uh meline absolutely is that that was her entire characterization was that she was a misandrist bit random but uh is there any media out there that style over substance but that you actually like o I’m sure there’s some anime I like that’s literally just style over

Substance that I like potentially with like I don’t know the full story of Hi-Fi rush but that could be something because it’s its style is so [ __ ] good yeah oh for you guys it could be JoJo oh yeah you know what yeah it could be JoJo honestly because yeah that that

Show is just a [ __ ] meme kind of I still think it has a lot of good story moments though I I just can’t with the the ass Poes everywhere I just like have him do some kind of training or have him show that kind of method that he’s working with or

Logically working through a situation like hey if I have this then by Logic I can do this often times they do it’s just sometimes that it’s like yeah literal ass pull okay so that might be a later season thing because no they almost never did that in the early

Seasons it was almost always just an ass pole I in fact I can’t even think of a time where there was a he worked through a situation logically he just suddenly ha little did you know that I have breathing technique of blood blah so I can stay underwater

Forever it’s like what when did you get that breathing technique to stay underwater forever yeah that was the one where the the original Joseph joar was fighting the one guy in the Quarry I want to say and he threw him in the water pit at the end to try to drown

Him and he was like doing the big villain speech of ha now he shall drown and you know like that and then Joseph joar comes up anyways he’s like ah fool I had the breathing technique underwater what yeah it’s the um I know what he’s talking about he’s talking about the um

A [ __ ] what was that called that weird like breathing technique that they had that gave them the power to kill vampires yeah the uh hamon or whatever yeah hamon yeah apparently but I don’t remember this exact scene that he’s talking about but no I don’t remember was the original guy

With yeah so Jonathan Jo joar Jonathan thank you yeah everyone was saying Joseph was the second yeah Jonathan versus bruford is what Chad is saying is the one I’m talking about I remember that fight a bit but I don’t remember the underwater part I’ll have to watch it

Again one of the parts I do remember being a really big [ __ ] was definitely the um uh one of the pillar men where they’re doing the uh what is it that like Chariot battle thing yeah and he just does like this crazy [ __ ] ball thing with the that one was just insane that

Literally was an [ __ ] it came completely out of nowhere where it’s like what the [ __ ] like what how yeah there are time I’m not saying they don’t do it at all yeah they definitely do it but I do feel like agree with cre that like it is

Sometimes set up where it’s like okay yeah no that that makes sense they they set that up earlier yeah yeah I hate that there any in it at all that’s the part that what drives me away from that shows because oh they’re just they can

Just do it on a whim when the writers [ __ ] up and can’t figure out how to get out of a situation uh unchain Z says Joseph has a lot of ass Pooles honestly it’s one of the reasons why I don’t like him very much yeah I can agree with

That the biggest Ass pole will always be part three same type of stand I started into the stand series but then that’s when I gave up on uh on watching it yeah that is kind of a big ass pole it’s like oh yeah they’re similar they’re big and bulky and they punch a

Lot that means they both can stop time it’s like I’m not sure that’s happen yeah I didn’t that made no sense to me the fact that he could just like get minion over time by basically doing nothing it would have been a lot better if they had set up something previous to

It that it’s like that it might be possible rather than just out of nowhere oh yeah they’re kind of similar looking cuz like the whole thing is do stopping time is a power that fits really well with him because he became a [ __ ] ageless vampire where it’s like yeah

Time isn’t a thing to him anymore so like it it literally makes sense from a character perspective that he can stop time I don’t really know if this would count as one but since I’ve only seen the first season of Chainsaw man and I have not read any of the

Manga I might be able to count that as like style over substance cuz currently I don’t think the story is that great so far for chainsaw man but I do like the way it looks however I heard I have heard that the manga is really good so I’m assuming

It’ll get better as we get into like season two and such but uh season one was pretty I don’t I’m not going to say it was bad or anything but it was kind of meh I like older Joseph best yeah part three Joseph joar is great

You know what I might do that hold on oh there’s a spider there too a couple of them actually hopefully they don’t despawn give me your string I demand it there we go God hip why are you like the strong strongest companion I have that’s

Insane I have a guy in a full exo suit and yet somehow the toughest character or the toughest companion I have out of my group is a woman named hip with very basic light armor her name is hip yeah her name is hip and you get her as a companion by finding

Uh like 19 snork fingers for her yeah she’s very strange there’s also some sort of like um grape backstory with her oh no that’s kind of like that’s kind of like eh I don’t really think they did that well enough to have that in this game but okay

Okay that’s the entrance to the mine oh you had a ks23 no wonder you hurt I think I might layer the stone bricks around these darker um deep slate bricks yeah I think I like that better God I’m still sad that Vampire Hunter D the one that we watched ended up being

Um weird as [ __ ] kind of me yeah yeah I don’t hate it it was all right might even watch it again at some point but maybe that ending that ending was the ending was uh the ending was something yeah like I love the style and everything it looked cool and I like

Some of the concepts that they were going with where it was like oo that’s a really cool idea and then we get into to like the actual main plot of what this is about like halfway through and it’s like oh I’m not a fan of that and then we get to the ending

And it’s like oh oh I’m not a fan of that and your acting is really bad you might even say it was cringe just the woman screaming at the end for like well one the fact that they’re going to the [ __ ] Moon and it’s like I’m sorry

What that’s [ __ ] weird but then you literally have the woman who throughout the entire movie was completely hellbent on killing these characters just suddenly like jumping for joy as they’re like leaving and she’s like yeah yeah go go and [ __ ] like that I’m just like this

Does not fit well at all this feels weird it was very cringe the acting was really bad and at that part and it just did not fit with her character at all they sent the vampires to the [ __ ] moon it’s like what that was so weird apparently like apparently it’s like a vampire’s

Dream to go to the Moon where apparently they have some sort of civilization where humans and vampires live together like I’m sorry what especially when throughout the entire show it’s basically shown that like creatures just kill people for no reason and people are like completely in

Their right to fear them and then it’s just revealed halfway through it’s like oh but he’s actually a good vampire like what even though he’s killed like hundreds of people who didn’t even do anything it’s it’s weird trust me yeah he’s totally Good Guys the the show says

He’s good so or the the movie says he’s good so therefore he must be good it was weird I also wasn’t a fan of the the hand face oh that face guy was yeah that was kind of [ __ ] it was basically um well if SE hasn’t seen the movie Pagan yes

What masturbating must be so [ __ ] awkward yeah I I was waiting for someone [ __ ] it’s literally the [ __ ] it’s Clarence it’s Clarence from [ __ ] penumbra 2o but on your hand wait What so in this movie Vampire Hunter D the main character has a face on his hand that he can talk to and D is very like stoic very badass anime character very quiet you know like that type of character and the face on his hand is literally

Clarence from penumbra 2 yeah his grin who’s like hey why don’t we do this de and he speaks in like a New York accent and it makes no sense in this world that he would have yeah he had like a New York like Boston accent even though

They’re in like a fantasy world and it doesn’t fit at all it was really weird so weird that was such a weird movie like there was parts of it I really like but then there was parts of it where it was like oh my God I I I

Kind of want to skip through this cuz this is really bad oh my God oh my God I’m going to die shoot them shoot them [Laughter] now what why is there two what is it oh no no no no gun no Put the gun down ah my

Brain oh was it a controller there’s like oh my God there’s three why is there three controllers oh my God I’m going to blow my brains out I killed myself I just come up over this hill and just right in front of me there’s three controllers and they all just start

Taking control of me and make me shoot myself I didn’t even have a chance welcome to the stalker universe and please enjoy your stay I just hear the [ __ ] laughing from like three of from like I thought it was two of them at first then I

Popped over the hill again to take a shot and there was three de’s design is neat yeah I really like his design I loved a lot of the animation in that movie too it was just really cool like the scene where they’re fighting on top of the carriage and [ __ ]

Yeah it’s that scene was really cool it’s got some old animate isms to it but it’s still like really Charming animation style and everything and like Pagan said lot of stuff just looks [ __ ] good mhm my chests here are kind of a mess I’m going to have to clean all the [ __ ]

Up at some point give me a boo oh wait I need more string than just one [ __ ] oh God I saved right before I I came across the top of the hill Oh hope hopefully I can kill them this time need to poison us potato cre

No if you want to pronounce it the same way the characters do in game it’s pronounced control [Laughter] your oh they’re also leading like a group of zombies behind them Jesus this is the part where you pull out the rocket launcher and just blow them all the [ __ ] bits I don’t have

One I have a sniper rifle I’m trying to kill him with but there’s only so much I can do ah my Breck no it’s mine oh my God [ __ ] are you oh my ears ow [ __ ] God that’s insane because there’s three of them I I’m just getting [ __ ]

Like my camera is getting wrenched away from me every second like I I don’t even have time to even see my character like I can’t even aim my gun because my my camera is just constantly next to one of them because they’re just like pulling me from across the they’re fighting over

Which one gets to mind control you into [ __ ] killing yourself yeah and because they’re all doing it at once my health just drops to zero like instantly God and they’re all laughing over each other so I’m just hearing like overla like three different times and it’s like super creepy

Oh my God it’s 1:45 in the morning oh my God it’s 2:45 in the morning it’s what oh you moved forward with d same time didn’t you now I did m still says 145 right now hold on let me check the time on me oh yeah it does

Say 145 for me I just assumed because Pagan’s time changed that uh hey we’re all in the same time zone for a brief time yeah yeah you go oh that [ __ ] [ __ ] okay no oh my God she’s [ __ ] chasing me [ __ ] off you [ __ ] I’m going to die oh thank

God that [ __ ] cun is coming up oh my God jeez how the [ __ ] did she jump across that Gap all right the mines are sealed until uh further notice oh oh that is [ __ ] cool I didn’t know Bells did that I actually really like that does it only show

Witches I think it shows anything outside of um your like immediate view because it wasn’t showing me anything like outside outside there should be stuff out there oh [ __ ] there’s a babby zombie oh it shows villager type enemies ah okay I’ve got a babby zombie there and I’ve got a [ __ ] witch over

There yeah of course I can’t Rest where’s timeline what do I do it also sucks the [ __ ] can just heal I wonder if I replace the sand with stone and dig a hole so I could see her feet if I can kill her that way stop laughing at me you [ __ ] [ __ ] you’re going to have to start setting up explosives in your walls for this exact type of

Situation it’s my home and it’s my god-given right to make it a tomb for thieves or federal [Laughter] agents God I got into an argument in your political server the other day about something like that [ __ ] won’t die there we go got her like I think some of them were just

Meing but I think there was also like at least a couple of people in there that were being like serious that were trying to defend a guy who lured um two 17-year-old thieves who had robbed him before into his home and then as they were coming down the stairs he

Shot got them and then dragged their bodies onto a tarp um well they weren’t even well the woman wasn’t even dead yet and then he mocked them and then pulled out a revolver put it under her chin and executed her and then didn’t call the police he waited till like a day later

And he went to his neighbor about getting a lawyer and people try to defend that as like oh yeah no that’s totally reasonable it’s like that is not reasonable I’m sorry he absolutely was [ __ ] Insanity yeah no he deserved to get charged with murder and he did yeah

That’s turning your house into a [ __ ] saw trap that’s not okay yeah that is not okay but there were people genuinely in the server trying to defend that [ __ ] and I was like what the [ __ ] like how are you going to defend that that is beyond unreasonable yep

You get to live for a few more moments spider the creeper noticed me again he just looked at you as you swifted your your swings in the air he just looked up at you like what was that and the creeper just like I’ll defend you my my

Brother nothing the SP SP died for nothing yep spiders are neutral in daylight it’s just funny that it happened and cre even tried to tipto a little bit closer to do it again and it still didn’t still didn’t get it are you mocking my failures yes oh

That creeper and spider are the actual main characters you’re just a side character you were a threat that almost ended their Journey I’m a threat that did end their Journey that’s what they get for existing in my [Laughter] world I killed your brother and I talked just like this

What you haven’t seen Roger Rabbit Who Framed Roger Rabbit oh it’s been a long [ __ ] time man it’s from that somebody in in chat quoted it in fact I just found out recently that it’s [ __ ] Doc Brown that plays uh Mr Doom or whatever uh Christopher

Lloyd it’s like oh my God I didn’t realize it was him this is my wor world and you are not welcome in my world yeah judge Doom yeah that’s it I wanted to say Dr Doom but I was like no that’s a Marvel character one I’m pretty sure they’re going to ruin soon

Yep you know they’re looking at their roster right now and they’re like hm who haven’t we [ __ ] up in a while who haven’t we [ __ ] up yet well they’ve already [ __ ] up the Fantastic Four so yeah they’ll just be doing it again you know I didn’t even know that that

Fantastic for movie came out until like long after the fact I remember when it came out and then I remember like having no interest in it and not hearing like anything positive about it I hated the designs I could not stand that they like changed them so dramatically where it was

Like yeah know that’s not the characters I’m hoping that now that we’re starting to see a bit of a shift in like the Paradigm that uh maybe we’ll start getting less of that sort of thing where they’re like oh we we have to make sure that they’re completely

Different we have to make sure that they’re race swapped and diverse and well I mean Disney is dying yeah so if Disney dies that would be a pretty good dep nail for this kind of a gendis nonsense yeah put a chick in it make her lame and

Gay yeah but it really shows just how like fanatical they are because they don’t even care about the money at this point it’s like they’re running their business into the ground and they’re still doing this stuff and it’s like they don’t care about like actually getting people

To watch their stuff it’s literally just make sure you push the message yeah it’s just the message that’s it it’s like I actually missed the days back when they were just greedy and wanted money and they just did whatever would make them money now it’s literally no we have to push this

Message that everyone else hates yeah that is really abor and is all about doing hor things to children I [ __ ] hate it yeah Nelson pelts he’s the guy who uh will go in and uh get companies so he’ll buy the company and then he’ll deify

Them to make them turn a profit and he’s been hugely successful in every single company he’s done it to man he’s going to have his work cut out for him when it comes to Disney yeah Disney is one of the worst fing r also I’ve heard other people say it I

Can’t help but like feel the same thing his name sounds like the name of like a bully character from like a cartoon movie or something not because it’s like Nelson from The Simpsons but like from an 80s like [ __ ] movie oh hey this is have the name also have like

A double meaning and everything like the the bully can’t just be named like Ryan or anything like that like it needs to be named like Ryan the fist or you know Ryan The Jock or he has to have something about him that’s sets him apart and usually it’s the name because

They they love doing that [ __ ] he pelts you with uh with logic and it kills you it kills the the fanatical tyrant in your brain no I need him alive yeah bethesda’s been getting a lot of backlash from Starfield like it’s it’s great to see honestly yeah H

Surprising you go like why why didn’t you see this sooner like is it just because now they’ve done it again yet again like now it was was 76 are you finally like wait they’re just doing the same exact thing they did from 76 like yeah but because they can’t

Make good games they physic they are incapable of it it is funny that everyone kept saying like oh 76 was just you know it was this other Studio it wasn’t actually but that they won’t do that again it won’t actually be like that and it’s like I don’t know I’m

Thinking it will no it won’t it can’t be and then it was Skyrim as evidence that they would do that we had Fallout 3 as evidence that they would do that we had Fallout four as they would do that I don’t I don’t know how anybody actually like managed to convince themselves that

Follow Fallout 76 was going to be just you know like a a one-time thing that they would never do again it’s like there’s tons of evidence that shows that they will absolutely keep doing this what are you talking About like the moment a game developer thinks that they can get away with literally just creating a shell of a game where they don’t even have to put content in it they will do that yep and unfortunately there was a lot of people that just absolutely rode

Yeah they rode 76′ dick on that where they were like oh yeah we’ll give them money no matter what and it’s like yeah you’re encouraging them to do exactly that so some people even quit their day job to do videos all about 76 full time I’ll never not be like one of the

Most funniest [ __ ] things that’s happened on stag I know that is unbelievably that is like still up there as like one of the like easily in the top three videos we’ve ever covered of just like the Magnum Copus yeah the Magnum Copus was just not

Only was it a perfect name for it but Jesus Christ does it like embody everything about Bad Company sge his life is [Laughter] Coke I was wanting to use glass panes here but I didn’t want to separate the door out from the glass with like a

Stone or wooden frame can you [ __ ] off so I just made of glass blocks I think it’s fine you could always change it later I can yeah what I’m thinking is um build a wall across the uh Farm the side of the farm and have the house like the front

Come out to about here and I won’t have a glass wall on this side but I will for pretty much that whole side I think that’ll work I kind of want to put something up there too but I’m not sure right now I guess we’ll see how it

Goes are you on that mountain that had like the cave underneath it the cave that like big opening with the water Oh you mean this I have to wait for for the stream to catch up yeah big opening with the water cuz I’ve only really been in like

One where I like talked yeah that that yeah that yeah that okay I I thought I knew where you were I wasn’t sure yeah that confirms it yeah you are where I thought you were yeah it’s that little hole in the wall I uh mined into at the

Start of the stream and um took my little kitty cat and started like mining downwards yeah I just think that’s kind of like a neat little yeah I I really like having this little Lake here it’s just like a giant Bowl it’s your bat cave it’s my goat cave it’s the goat

Cave maybe because Starfield was a new IP and not follow or Skyrim where no Fanboys to defend it um Poss sh out of it I mean yeah they there’re still you’re still going to have um the Bethesda the overall Bethesda Fanboys but there are some people who are fans of Fallout who will

Defend anything Fallout because it’s Fallout so because Starfield isn’t Fallout Bethesda doesn’t have that support they don’t have that defense base yeah I also think partially because it was a completely new IP it was like well this will show those haters you know it’s like this is uh completely

Like they’re not beholden to anything because it’s completely new they could do whatever they want and you’re going to see just just what they can do when they take the gloves off and it’s like oh oh that’s what they can do when they take the gloves off that’s yeah they

Flop just as hard as they always do wow yeah it’s like that is really bad and I think a lot of people just finally kind of woke up where they were like oh they have a point I’ve mentioned uh before I’m pretty sure on stream that like I’m seeing General sentiment towards

Bethesda getting worse like um there was a post I saw someone talking about balers Gate 3 and Skyrim and how like there’s a big difference in quality and someone else responded yeah one of them is a good game it’s just like you’re saying something as if it’s like a super

Obvious fact which it is to be fair it is a super obvious fact but like the amount of push back we’ve had on that exact point for [ __ ] years and now it’s just something people commonly say without push back it is genuinely nice to see people waking up and like realizing oh

Hey yeah um but those that’s kind of [ __ ] aren’t they yeah I’m hoping maybe we’ll start getting some good like Fallout games now because if you know Bethesda isn’t the one working on them and then people will finally have to see like oh maybe Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 actually weren’t

That good and maybe New Vegas wasn’t just lightning in a bottle and you actually can make good Fallout games yep because if that happened if we got a game that’s as good or better than New Vegas now it’s like that would just destroy so many of the arguments of how

Good Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 is of how people think it ish it feels like just a few minutes ago like 10 minutes ago I looked at the time when it was like 4 hours into the stream not even four full hours it was just close to 4 hours I looked over

Again at 4 hours and 40 minutes I think I might be ending this soon mhm my time just kind of reset it was like 1: 145 earlier now it’s 107 oh my God he’s [ __ ] traveled in time quick make sure you don’t change anything in the timeline you might screw it up

Forever oh god what the hell is this fly doing in [Laughter] here where’ this baby come from oh no have you seen that that video of like the guy he’s like a time traveler and he appears in front of this guy in like modern day and

He’s like yeah I’m a time traveler I just came back in time and don’t tell any but I killed this guy from Germany and I don’t remember the name he said but he’s like it sounds sort of similar to Hitler and he’s like he killed get this over 500

Jews it’s terrible right and the guy’s just like oh my god oh no the he’s like what what he’s like I saved the timeline right and he’s like he just pulls out his phone and it just like does like a jump cut and the guy’s

Like oh [ __ ] oh no oh you can’t tell anybody about this I assume the implication being that from the modern guys perspective the timeline didn’t change at all it’s that what this guy went back in time and change is what allowed the funny mustache man to arise yeah

Basically their version of Hitler would just all he did was kill 500 Jew Jews and that’s all he could get away with before he was stopped but apparently that was like such a horrible thing that this guy felt it was like important enough to go back in time and change it

But because he did that it just gave it just made it so that Hitler could rise to power and take his place and he did a lot worse I think the homestead is coming along nicely even though I don’t fully know what I’m doing with it what I might

Do is uh this mine entrance I might put a set of stairs here to get up to the second floor although that would require me adding a proper or second floor H I will figure it out next stream if you had a clone of Hitler would you torture him no in fact I

Think actually that might sound really bad but I was going to say like I don’t know he actually seemed like an interesting person from all the stuff that you hear about him where it’s like if it wasn’t for that Jew thing like he might have actually been an interesting

Person to just hang out with and it’s like yeah know as long as he didn’t do that you know it’s like if it’s just a clone that didn’t do anything wrong I’d have no problem but I would also still count that as like sins of the father sort of

Thing where it’s like yeah know you don’t you don’t punish somebody for the sins of the father father yeah cuz that’s the thing if you clone someone like even if it’s a clone of a terrible person that clone didn’t actually take those actions mhm and you don’t even know if that

Clone is going to have the same beliefs as the original person necessarily yeah and even if he did if he did if he never actually acted on them if he never actually did anything get that go into the territory of thought crime exactly so yeah no I would

Not torture a clone of Hitler that would be [ __ ] up I don’t know why but that just reminded me of that [ __ ] that Meme of um when it says like when you’re finally unbanned on the Discord server and it’s it’s just Hitler showing up in like current

Day like like a fish out of water and everyone’s just like being really nice to him and like showing him around and everything and he’s just like wow this this new world is amazing I kind of zoned out for a second what was the base

Premise oh I said It reminds me of um this meme where the caption is um when you’re finally unbanned by the Discord moderators and it’s just Hitler appears in like the modern day and he’s just like a fish out of water who’s like wow this new this new world is amazing and

Everyone is like being super nice to him and like showing him around and trying to acclimate him to the world oh no reminds me that there was a show that was that concept where he got displaced from time or something and he was in the modern day people in chat are saying it’s

Called get who’s back which does sound like a sitcom title for that exact premise I think it’s a comedy show of him being in the modern day that was an actual movie yeah I thought that was just a [ __ ] post somebody made no well I mean technically

Well I mean it is a [ __ ] post but not in the way that I I thought it was answer the question uh let me see what okay another hypothetical if you had a tiny copy of ketosis would you put put him in a jar no I wouldn’t cuz I don’t put anything

In a jar I’m not I’m not a degenerate thank you Pagan I appreciate your mercy cuz God knows chat has none for me yeah know I’d be genuinely concerned if that ever happened to some and it was somebody in chat that got it yeah I’d just be [ __ ] dead

Apparently I exceeded my edgy joke quota and keep getting Shadow blocked by YouTube well it is YouTube yes I am a jar phobe the Brony Community assured that This is the stupidest thing ever but after you said that it just came to mind the [ __ ] New Vegas reputation thing you’ve been vilified by the prony community everyone hated that we aren’t so bad oh yes you are I’ve seen what you people talk about your booze me nothing I’ve seen

What makes you cheer that is such a great quote Oh I didn’t finish uh fixing the stairs because someone wait I didn’t even make a pickaxe [ __ ] whoops yeah because I had the stairs I had to take another block off of the ceiling above the stairs oh my God okay can someone

Explain this to me what why do people keep referencing Aqua like I know who Aqua is but I don’t get the joke Aqua is in the band I’m assuming they’re talking about Aqua from konosuba because that’s who they’ve been referencing in the server oh but I don’t get the joke

Wait is there someone on the server named Aqua I mean there might be there probably is I just haven’t seen them I guess the one oh the one who had to be talked to oh okay I get what you’re saying now okay never mind I did not I forgot that that dude’s

Name was Aqua I feel like I’m out of the Lop useless goddess uh the guy who was drawing like really Cur [ __ ] and we had to be like yeah please don’t do that that I believe it’s dioon uh no no no no the the guy that was like drawing you with like giant

Milkers I know I believe that’s dioon yeah is that Dion yeah [ __ ] skeleton where the [ __ ] are you you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] twice I’ve jumped up there and you’re like no go back down there you are you [ __ ] [ __ ] God everyone keeps changing their names

I hate that [ __ ] don’t change your names I don’t know who you are yeah that annoy the piss out of me gold is there [ __ ] oh my damn I didn’t get the record all right I do like the new models for the uh I shouldn’t say models the new skins

For the gold and the different ores Welcome To The Bone Zone [ __ ] rattling boys you only get the uh the record of a skeleton kills a creeper not another skeleton Oh I thought it was um skelan on skelan violence nope I was wrong then people change their name specifically to mess with you

Pagan I’m not crazy that’s I knew it I knew that that’s why everyone would change their names it’s specifically the [ __ ] with [Laughter] me I hear a zombie oh you [ __ ] was hoping you wouldn’t do that I’m going to laugh when cre just digs a little bit further down and runs into a

Warden I don’t think I’m in the warden [Laughter] Zone am I I don’t think you are okay starting to get spooked there for a second no I think you’re fine cuz I am not prepared to deal with a goddamn Warden I do like the new cave systems they’ve added though they look pretty

Neat yeah there like giant Caverns like this it’s great yeah I like the ones that like where the wardens tend to spawn where it’s like um what is it they’ve got those like blossoms on the ceilings and stuff and it just creates this like underground jungle sort of

Vibe it looks really cool yeah they did a good job with that oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no as long as I can get [ __ ] lit up enemies will start spawning less it’s like half the go of coming down here in the first place that’s Lush caves but wardens

Don’t spawn in Lush caves they spawn in deep dark deep dark weird cuz I’ve seen I’ve seen wardens appear well maybe okay maybe what happened was there was a deep dark area like right next to a lush cave and it was just so close that

Uh it was hard to like tell the two zones apart I should probably make sure there’s no like personal info on that screen hold on I doubt it but just making sure no I think I’m good God I hate that the emote thing on YouTube blocks the [ __ ]

Messages yeah I forgot to get rid of that I hate it I hate that I have to wait for the last message to come in to get bumped up a little bit so I can actually read it yeah that’s the one thing that’s unfortunate about uh scheduling streams through um

Restream is that uh oh God it’s babby on oh my God it’s multiple babes oh [ __ ] skellingtons oh God they’re following me [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m so close to death quick make a block Wall well at least the skeletons didn’t get you or and the zombies God and all my [ __ ] flew all over the place might have to do the um Seven Days to Die Strat and just pillar pillar yeah where you just like build blocks into like a pillar and get on top of it while building upwards so that they can’t reach you skeletons

Though yeah I mean it won’t stop the skelington but if you did it in like a spot where the skeleton couldn’t see you God I hate how much it spread my items across the entire [ __ ] area yeah I don’t like that it like explodes your items everywhere did I nope there’s some right

There Co sucker I need that Cobble okay um I still feel like I’m missing something and I don’t know what it it is God you do need a metric [ __ ] ton of torches to properly light these places is up though yep that’s not too bad do I spy a diamond down there

I think I Do you kidding me there we go it’s not even the diamond I spied you just reminded me of that anime I watched I did yeah yeah because there’s something really funny about seeing an immortal vampire lose their [ __ ] when you turn off the console right as they find diamonds in Minecraft wait The

Immortal zombie played Minecraft in that anime yes the immortal vampire plays Minecraft and ignores the guy who is like currently having a freak out she’s like no but I found diamonds I finally just found diamonds and he turns off the council he’s like take this seriously and she’s like

You’re lucky that it makes an em manual save I’d [ __ ] kill You [ __ ] autistic vampire it’s pretty great she’s actually pretty funny like I knew I was going to like her the moment that she found a cat on the side of the road and started like playing with it and she was like oh look at your little beans

Oh my God we’ve actually passed the 5 hour mark 20 minutes ago when I said 4 hours and 40 it didn’t feel like 20 minutes ago time is [ __ ] warping look I’m just having a lot of fun with my tism blocks okay I kind of want to watch this anime

Now though just for that [ __ ] Minecraft bit like that actually might have just won me over I was thinking about why watching it again honestly cuz I did I did enjoy it um it’s not the best anime ever but it’s decent enough it’s very chill that’s part of the

Reason why I like it is just that it’s just a fun chill little anime that only has one season I’ll play more if it’s uh decent I am hoping it gets another season um for second I thought the game crashed yeah I’d be down to watch it again

I finished the whole thing in like an afternoon so these creepers need to [ __ ] off how many episodes just to say it was and how long was each episode it’s 13 it’s 13 episodes long one season and I think each episode is like 25 minutes long okay so about standard

Yeah worst part about this area is I haven’t found a lava pool to get [ __ ] obsidian from so I can’t even make a nether portal yet uh P have you seen come song can’t communicate I tried to watch that anime because it looked cute cuz the the main character looked cute in

That I could not stand it I got like two episodes in and I had to stop watching because it was so cringe I couldn’t stand it which is a shame because I did like the way that the main character looked like her little shy face thing and I was

Like oh that looks like it’d be a fun thing to watch and I got two episodes in before I was like I can’t I can’t do this what’s the name of the show uh call of the night is what it’s called oh my God [ __ ] off oh that’s why there’s multiple

Skellington yes battle for my amusement you [ __ ] yes okay [ __ ] once again I am almost dead and I have to be careful that I don’t [ __ ] jump on a spike again unless the skellingtons aren’t as agile as a [ __ ] witch was I swear if he dies again ketos is currently in

Detroit life wedes of Skellington on Skellington crime yeah those skellingtons get pretty rare sometimes was it because of that one stalker girl in the sweater no it was like the guy I think was probably the biggest part of it he got on my nerves a

Lot but she was also really bad I think all the characters honestly got on my nerves I don’t know I get turned off of anime really easily when the characters don’t act like real people yeah I could see how that would be annoying oh the bamboo now have proper

Models they have for a while oh yeah that gets on my nerves too the um the [ __ ] cell shaded 3D with low frame rate is just as good as 2D animation yeah I can’t stand that sentiment it looks so [ __ ] people act like it’s some amazing thing and it’s like it’s really

Easy to do it’s literally just a 3D model with a Shader put over it and and people act like oh my God it’s it’s literally just like 2D it’s like no it’s not it’s not the same at all actually stops it’s from opening okay we keep

That I’ll grab I know I have some feather somewhere there we go like I will say I think that the way that um into the spiderverse and uh Puss and Boots 2 does it it looks really good but I still wouldn’t say that it’s like basically the same as 2D it’s

Not and it’s not really it’s not actually low frame rate they’re animating in twos which is where you animate every other frame instead of every frame so it creates this kind of like stop motion effect all right should I end the stream here or should I delve down one last

Time yeah delve down one last time every torch I place now is one less I have to place next time I don’t remember Iron Giant being cell shaded I only ever saw I know they had go ahead I only ever saw that movie Once in theaters I remember liking it

Quite a bit when I was a kid oh I loved it when I was a kid um I still like it now it’s still pretty good uh I don’t remember it being cell Shad though I know they use 3D in the movie sometimes but I don’t remember it being cell shaded 3D

I wonder if that’s one of the skelemans from earlier that followed me he went down pretty quick uh $5 from way one wait thank you all righty fell going to have to call it here youall have a good night oh thank you it’s very much appreciated good night God I don’t remember anything

About that movie Atlantis other than some of the like character interactions which were pretty good but like besides that I don’t remember anything from that movie I remember it not being very good I like that that ore looks like [ __ ] raw chicken you found wall chicken it’s my wall chicken you can’t

Have any playing Castlevania over here yeah see everything is cyclical Loops back you were talking about Calia earlier bam it comes up [Laughter] again the bone didn’t despawn good uh $10 from Troy Powers thank you it’s very much appreciated still not very happy with the fact Mojang removed

Manual saving for console players oh that sucks yeah I could see how manual saving would be uh very useful and apparently the only way to get mending now is from a villager in a swamp when villagers don’t spawn in swamps yeah that’s dumb yeah if they

Really did do that if that really is a change that’s [ __ ] stupid I don’t know I don’t mind animating in twos when it’s done well it looks looks really good um but you also have to have the right style and you have to do it properly because

There’s there’s a method to it where it’s like you like just animating something to look normal but then doing it in twos does not look good you have to do very specific exaggerated movements to make it look right and I think into the spiderverse gets it pretty close it’s there’s

Definitely a little bit there where it’s like ah that doesn’t look great but for the most part it looks pretty good and I think Puss and Boots too nailed it yeah I don’t know I disagree with that I think 3D I think you can emulate like anime style animation in 3D

You just have to do it well yeah um one of the best examples to point out is again it’s kind of cyclical we were talking about it earlier ear JoJo’s 3D openings for parts 1 2 and three are [ __ ] amazing like when I first started watching that show I

Didn’t even realize it was 3D the first couple times I saw that intro it was only when I looked closer at it I was like oh my God that’s that’s [ __ ] 3D it’s it’s a really well animated intro kind of disappointing um Parts four and five didn’t do that though I I

Have heard part six did this place is [ __ ] massive uh $2 from Troy Powers thank you on a side note I’m recreating D6 in survival D6 not sure what that is is that Dungeons and Dragons no because I think they’re on like E5 or 5e I’m not

Sure D6 I don’t I don’t know what D6 is oh Metro oh D6 the Metro oh okay I got it yeah oh that’s neat I completely [ __ ] that up I was trying to remember that line from The Lion King that scar says to uh is it

Mustafa yeah I think so before he throws M off the cliff and I was going to say that and knock the spider off but then the spider unfucked himself and got me long live the king yes that was it if I find another spider hanging onto

Like a cliff and can’t get up I’m going to do that man I watched the [ __ ] out of that movie when I was a kid it was so good I don’t know how true it is but I was told that like like when I was a baby apparently I

Watched that movie so much I wore out two tapes it’s like oh my God apparently I was that crazy about it when I was a kid I had movies like that too when I was a kid kid where I would just run the VHS tapes like out completely because I

Watched them so much I see I only ever remember that happening once it’s for a movie I don’t even remember watching that many times cuz um I sat down to watch one of the animated Superman movies and the the tape kept to me bugging out or glitching out it’s like why is this

Happening and um that’s my dad and and he’s like oh you must have worn the tape boat it’s like oh but like I was never a super super super fan of Superman that I’d watch something that much in fact I’d barely even remember watching those cartoons when I was a kid

These caves really ju do just keep on going forever I’m probably lost at this point like I don’t know how the [ __ ] to get back up might end the stream down here and just next stream escape from the depth stream next time on Dragon Ball Z oh no oh no skele

Man it is nice of the skelan to be like you know I have a range weapon I can shoot you from afar I’m going to get as close as humanly possible to you so you can slash the [ __ ] out of me with your sword I’ve reached level

10 by the way I paused my game mhm I’m still at that part where if I if I pop over this hill I’m going to get instantly like skull [ __ ] by three controllers I think it’s thunderstorming in game also yeah I have no idea how the [ __ ] you get out of that

Situation I mean I could just turn around and not go over the hill but I kind of want to kill them the thing that sucks about there being a thunderstorm up on the surface right now is that there’s horses out there if one of them gets hit by

Lightning they could turn into a skele horse and if you go near it like four skelan riding skele horses will appear and if you kill a skelan you can take the skele horses if you have uh a saddle I believe but if you don’t then they’ll just die like a normal skeleton well

Yeah it’s like super thing where like if you put a a name tag on it with a certain name it like flips it upside down what yeah I don’t remember what it was though there was like there’s a name that if you put on the name tag and put it on

The horse the skeleton horse it’ll be flipped upside down and you basically ride on its stomach while it like it like drags its like back and head along the ground what the [ __ ] yeah I don’t remember what it’s called though like what the they don’t despawn

Oo I might be able to get them then dinner bone yeah that’s it dinner bone yeah if you put dinner bone on a on a name plate on a name tag and give it to the hores it’ll flip upside down that’s fun I might have to try that at some

Point why would they program that in or is it a glitch it applies to all mobs oh I know if you name of Vindicator Johnny it will kill everything in its path in reference to The Shining what if you name a sheep Jeb uncore it’s woble cycle rainbow

Colors oh yeah I remember that I’ve seen people do that looks like I have a ton of name uh tags to collect cuz these sound like funny things oh so that’s where that is neat jebor and dinnerbone are devs of Minecraft I like to pretend I like to

Imagine that it’s it’s actually Jeb and as in reference to Jeb Bush it’s just please clap John ellish uh John Ellis bush bush please clap yeah I’m not going down there [ __ ] that three creepers nah o I do see you know what [ __ ] I forgot my water bucket

Though in fact my water bucket has lava in it right now we’ll take that diamond I guess I am going down to the area where the creepers look to be oh I see a swarm of zombies I’m I’m just going to I’m just going to leave remember if a zombie tries to eat

Your brains just tell them no it’s illegal for them to do so how much longer are you going for by the way K about 7 hours you’re going to go for seven hours really no YouTube streams uh cap out at 12 so maximum I’d be able to get out of this

Is uh 6 and a half oh no um I was actually planning on ending it about 40 minutes ago but then you guys were talking about something actually no I was about 15 minutes ago talking about something what you you anyways um there was a discussion happening that

Didn’t involve me and I was going to end it there but then it was going so I was just like no okay I I’ll wait for you guys to finish yeah it wasn’t me I haven’t been talking for like damn near a half hour yeah 40 minutes is longer than a half hour

Fair but you said you’re going to end it during the conversation when the conversation was over I don’t think I’ve even been talking for over 40 minutes no I know but I got doing stuff how do I keep getting [ __ ] looped around in here okay this is the area I broke through to

Get there then I come up here oh my God okay hold on this might be the right way yes it is okay we are making progress out I heard an Enderman do his little tism voice thing all right I think it’s this way to the exit yes it is

Next stream won’t be the cavern Escape stream ow he says and then he ends up dying he has to come back down here for the next stream to get his stuff oh yeah jokes on you I survived just wait you’ll get you’ll see the your staircase in the distance you’re like I

Made it and then die I’m literally halfway up the stair walking up the staircase a damn oh there is yeah damn [ __ ] lag stream delay all right I do have to find out if there’s any skele horses around no those two are still normal damn those ones over there are all still normal

Too I was not lucky to get skele horses to spawn but hey at least I got some stuff a large part of the cavern uh filled out or lit up I should say uh yeah that’s it for tonight thank you for coming out everyone it’s very much appreciated and we’ll see you next

Time whenever that may be good night skeleton horses spawn during thunderstorms I know I heard thunder from underground really

This video, titled ‘Streamin’ Minecraft (Part 1)’, was uploaded by Creetosis on 2023-11-05 08:55:02. It has garnered 1328 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 05:34:25 or 20065 seconds.

Crafting some Mines. I guess.

Model and rigging done by: https://twitter.com/ImKurinn Thumbnail art done by: https://bbsartboutique.carrd.co/

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/rf4FRAnAqp

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    ToTheSkyMCServer PVP-Faction qui est encore en dévellopement mais nous sommes ouvrert aux idées qui seront données dans notre discord: https://discord.gg/yygNhDh5R5 Read More

  • Chunk Salad – modded, smp, roleplay, custom modpack

    Join Chunk Salad! Expect: A totally custom modpack. Choice between Magic or Tech factions. Community events. Immersive lore building. AND MUCH MORE! If interested, join us at https://discord.gg/ZsYkdfdv! (THIS LINK IS PROVIDED AS WE ARE RUNNING A CUSTOM MODPACK, SO YOU WILL NEED ACCESS TO THE DISCORD TO OBTAIN THE FILE TO PROPERLY ACCESS THE SERVER) Read More

  • AncientMC

    AncientMCAncientMC is a new, fast-growing Minecraft server with a bright future ahead. The server is mostly focused on the economy and community. We have custom biomes, custom items, and much more. There are claim blocks, so you can protect your area and possessions from being griefed! We have custom ranks with exclusive additions to make your gameplay even more thrilling. After all, we really focus on our community and make sure that everyone is treated fairly with no exceptions.We also have an active Discord server made especially for members of our community. Our discord server is made for the members… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Digging up the Minecraft Google Easter Egg

    Minecraft Memes - Digging up the Minecraft Google Easter EggLooks like they truly went the extra block for this meme! Read More

  • 1.20 के लिए शीर्ष 5 बेस्ट अटर्नोस प्लगइन्स | SMP के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्लगइन्स

    1.20 के लिए शीर्ष 5 बेस्ट अटर्नोस प्लगइन्स | SMP के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्लगइन्स In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Aman Thakur brings the top 5 plugins alive. For Aternos servers, the best of the best, In Hindi he shares, with humor and zest. From survival to SMP, the plugins are key, To enhance your gameplay, for all to see. Join Aman’s family, with a like and a sub, For clean comedy gaming, a joyful hub. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, shining bright. With Aman as your guide, the story unfolds, In every pulsing line, the truth is told. Top 5 Aternos plugins, for… Read More

  • Is this Minecraft 2 or just a fever dream? 😂🔥 #shorts #viral

    Is this Minecraft 2 or just a fever dream? 😂🔥 #shorts #viral Haha, imagine if Minecraft 2 was just a game where you have to mine for diamonds in real life! 💎 #Minecraft2 #RealLifeMining Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Global Bed Wars Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Global Bed Wars Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a thriving community and exciting gameplay, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new adventures. Recently, we came across a YouTube video showcasing a player trying out the “BedWars” game mode in Minecraft. The player, SabrinDark, highlighted the global update that introduced new features and possibilities to the game. This got us thinking – why not join Minewind and experience all the excitement for yourself? Whether you’re a seasoned player or just… Read More

  • Insane Skyblock Fail: Lost 20M in Seconds! | Hypixel

    Insane Skyblock Fail: Lost 20M in Seconds! | HypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to lose 20M in skyblock with a simple mistake | Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by Tuxocube on 2024-05-09 03:30:09. It has garnered 877 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:22 or 1282 seconds. Losing 20m because I didn’t do research and bought a gemstone drill #hypixelskyblock #hypixel #minecraft (Not important)Tags:(thanks to Duagh for the tags)Why are you reading this this Minecraft YouTube video was made on Hypixel. Hypixel is a server with lots of games, such as Bedwars, Skywars, and Minecraft’s biggest MMORPG Hypixel Skyblock. Hypixel has has a lot… Read More

  • Ultimate Easy Trap in Minecraft

    Ultimate Easy Trap in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘EASY trap in Minecraft 🥰❤️’, was uploaded by Flexa XD on 2024-02-16 05:35:30. It has garnered 180 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok, obit, mikey and jj… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Base Build – WATCH NOW!

    INSANE Minecraft Base Build - WATCH NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ZK-2NJ5XeEs’, was uploaded by jeffkingyoyo on 2024-05-14 05:02:32. It has garnered 91 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:35 or 14675 seconds. Bad builder mabe Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Dog House Tutorial | Easy Steps for Beginners

    Ultimate Minecraft Dog House Tutorial | Easy Steps for BeginnersVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to make dog house in minecraft |minecraft dog house tutorial easy |minecraft dog house tutorial’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT BOY on 2024-03-07 02:45:54. It has garnered 114 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:19 or 259 seconds. how to make dog house in minecraft |minecraft dog house tutorial easy |minecraft dog house tutorial Hi everyone, welcome back to our channel. In this video, We’re going to show you the Big World of Minecraft. 👉Our channel is about. We cover a lot of cool stuff like Mincraft Gameplay video and tips… Read More

  • 🔥 EmilyTheDemon Unleashes Chaos in Modded Minecraft Ep 12

    🔥 EmilyTheDemon Unleashes Chaos in Modded Minecraft Ep 12Video Information This video, titled ‘Fizzishin’ – Minecraft 1.20.4 Relaxing Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 12′, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-02-28 22:00:20. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:15 or 10935 seconds. No stupid deaths in this video! I managed to actually farm enough skulk to get my silk touch and go get all of the beautiful mushroom blocks I’ve been craving. Then I realized that a silk touch axe doesn’t work on nylium and had a series of good frustrated groans before deciding that I was just going to… Read More

  • Monster Cat Kidnaps JayJay & Mikey AGAIN! Hide & Escape!

    Monster Cat Kidnaps JayJay & Mikey AGAIN! Hide & Escape!Video Information This video, titled ‘What if MONSTER CAT Kidnapped JJ and Mikey AGAIN!!! Hide and Escape Security House’, was uploaded by JayJay & Mikey – Minecraft on 2024-05-06 01:00:24. It has garnered 150186 views and 916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:38 or 938 seconds. SCARY MOON MONSTER Kidnapped JJ and Mikey AGAIN!!! Hide and Escape in Minecraft Maizen Mizen JJ & Mikey Maizen animations @maizenofficial Read More