Mind-Blowing Minecraft Survival – Treatment Room and Improv

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I do apologize for the wetness of the hell I just want to apologize right away the hail is a wee bit more wet than usual apologize for that Dr o f thanks the subs can I have a follow through blam please 2024 blams no more 2024 blams no

More I do apologize for the wetness of the hell test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test

Test hello everybody I do apologize for the wetness of the hell that one this one’s the best one the bet is on everybody the day I’m not calling it The Chamber I’m calling it the treatment room or the the room Minecraft Everybody wait to see what I’ve built it’s not

Built yet but I’ve built something it’s called the treatment room or quite simply the room in Minecraft if anybody steps at a line they get the room T Clipper horror Joel KS muck honk and F since the subs and bits the blam’s been taken shout out to re and

Joseph honking farts M scruffy Rolland jobby and F thanks the subs don’t know what it’s worth the the wet hair or the [ __ ] as breath REM the look she gave to the camera now I don’t like Gary Balo but Gary Balo saying that to what’s the name TOA to

Toisa might have helped her stop smoking you never know could have saved our life scy thanks the sub oh I’d like to sponsor warrior in the upcoming Kum games playe everybody what a name I’m sure scruffy didn’t come up with that and saw somebody else in

Chat say Kum not the call him but the co see him I didn’t coin it yeah but you didn’t say that you didn’t coin it didn’t you know you waited until I [ __ ] caught you and then you confessed you didn’t it come forth with only when you got caught it it’s

Only when you got caught out and exposed I I didn’t say that it was me who came up with it I didn’t say it was me who came up with it you didn’t say it wasn’t it why should I say I didn’t come

Up that I use the word the and go by the way I didn’t invent the word the edish and dfish come on you yellows to motion Glen thinks of Subs there will be gambling opportunities when a game starts I will see how long we can drown somebody for

Or um something like that set a will for him and see how long it takes for him to die and I played five aside no it’s R your knees my my knee’s my right knee is already a bit [ __ ] I can he run I run away bit in the [ __ ] tread mode that

We’ve got recently and it was just in this mild [ __ ] annoying pain after running for about a minute annoying pain for about a [ __ ] week it’s [ __ ] I tore it back on the ssris and democracy manifest the subs not being in the Stream in a while

Hir L’s tragic mate give up right I’m sorry about this everybody but I did start to take it easy with the timeouts in terms of people talking about my personal appearance it used to be two weeks and I thought that’s a bit harsh and I’ve paid the [ __ ] price because

It’s just constant and democracy manifest that’s two weeks that’s a two we time out uh thanks for the sub 46 months but that has to be two weeks I will next see you what’s that maybe after Christmas I have to I have to um I have to protect my

Peace uh Bank n sris uh I have to done done that since I was a boy probably super thanks for the sub thank you very much the 48 B is the B glad you like the shot F Cub August latr swo tuy Jimmy Jambo thanks for subs thank you very

Much black new in caps so what is the point [ __ ] shot up typing in [ __ ] caps in my chat I swear to God these [ __ ] people you gave them a bit of attention because they [ __ ] look up some guide when you’re playing subnotica Subzero and they start chatting [ __ ] caps in the

Chat and think they can get away with by the way uh I was trying to do an experiment in Ableton last night I thought to myself what does it sound like when you use pretty much every frequency for the lowest to the highest put them all on at the same time but they

Different uh kind of rhythms and and and you kind of EQ them all individually so they don’t interfere with each other what does it sound like and you use an AR to sort of make the mod day individual things it sounds like this sounds like that There [Applause] I’ve muted myself sing me hello I’m back that’s me back Scary mate Point C thanks thanks for Subs yep Yahoo weapons for the games thank you very [ __ ] much fries turkey there will be weapons they’ll be getting hit with a a wooden [ __ ] axe a stone ax or whatever it is that’s what be getting hit with scary mic small

Nole thanks for Subs so here’s what I was thinking for Minecraft I have created and you will see an extra floor to the accomodation it honestly looks like a a luxury Manhattan penthouse apartment that would cost you quar a billion dollars and they get it for free that’s far too

Loud that’s far too loud I don’t know why um but then above that there’s going to be a stone room that that has no windows and that’s going to be called the treatment room or maybe the learning Room maybe the learning room what I was thinking was this I put a room there a door and a Wait and see whoever comes through that door who does a nosy maybe call it the nosy room Noy par room um like I shut the door and they get the treatment like Chate on they get the [ __ ] treatment lot of people say tury that’s disgusting how

Can you how is the treatment I’ve yet to build perfume uh eating old woman’s perfume like lavender water or rose water or whatever it is Trick small adult I like it slop my m just okay that’s thanks for the sub but that’s a ban there in fact I can remember can I have

That username in the chat people wouldn’t feel safe every now and then I’ll be in a sh and I walk past the shells the Chocolate like it I like turkey you picked that you picked the username for a reaction you got a Rea you got a reaction one for the you got a reaction you wanted a reaction you got one that’s what you wanted you got it I’ve been there I’ve done it myself he

Want I’ve wanted a reaction and I got one Les camele thanks for Subs hey s thanks for the sub just have on name is spunk anyway um no it’s not actually cuz just saying SLP right anyway it doesn’t matter um man can he handle a joke uh I apologize for the hair being

Wet old dry it serious uh serious repercussions for remarks about my personal appearance uh man can he handle a joke does that mean I have to have my legs in the air or no I don’t have a v do I Craig went like that [ __ ] the state of your [ __ ]

T-shirt just having a laugh mate I the end so that’s an nmia res and medidas and medas res and Slice of Life that’s a true story by the way how I know uh I was the um I was the third person there for in it’s called s of

Life we started in the middle of the story it’s called in medias and media res res media medas media res res res media Medias medas Medias Medias it’s Latin so it’s obviously a [ __ ] big deal it’s a real deal um so we started right in the

Middle we didn’t go like that so he so he looked at him and he saw he was welling this t-shirt he’s what’s that in your T-shirt and then he said back to him no what we get right into here we start right in the middle in the middle of the story and

That’s what that means it’s L not even phing and send it in by carrier pigeon oh p d very good here we go the Sun Goes done let me show you where we are in the scheme of things let’s have a look good start look everybody it’s not pron it’s a New York Manhattan New

York Penthouse except it’s done here you don’t have to [ __ ] go all the way up the stupid [ __ ] lift to get to it’s right here brilliant brilliant it works more beds put look at that stairs up there beds there for whoever comes next and a chandelier for [ __ ] sake how can

This be a prison when have you seen a [ __ ] chandelier in a prison and why not lanterns because lanterns are just frivolities what’s going on here why have I not done anything with this this is why this is why why you got the [ __ ] ax in You Oh no wonderful stuff everybody just came In so I can just go like that wait wait wait wait wait wait all the way along and all the way back n of that [ __ ] we Ford before type of thing there whatever the [ __ ] it was no Ford before more than that but you know what I mean gorgeous

Stuff and there they’re up there so what next sleep that’s what’s next don’t dox me J why and big we ech th green white thanks for Subs enjoy your watch tomorrow in future thank you very much I just a wee bit too much pory this morning and it just made

Me feel a bit [ __ ] knackered I’m really tuning into how I [ __ ] feel when I eat and it’s really [ __ ] helped me see when I over go I’m going to fill my belly right up with something I feel [ __ ] I feel knackered um I’m really paying attention to what my body’s telling

Me thank you very much plain or flavored don’t be [ __ ] disgusting just [ __ ] pory Jes in a pot heat up I kind of boiled them there or whatever you call them cooked them uh in a pot water in the pot salt in do that until it turns into a

Kind of well it’s done put it in a bowl stick milk milk at the top it need the [ __ ] thing that’s that uh put honey in anything like that and berries and all that all the rest it you’re basically defeating the purpose of pory Jes which is slow release energy

Complex carbs low GI whatever you want to call it in my opinion some say no you can mix it with that because actually the mixture here helps H sort of balance out the sweet stuff it defeats a purpose for me the purpose of having porridge rather than

Cereal as cereal is kind of high GI usually get it sugar Spike sugar [ __ ] crash I feel [ __ ] to feel knackered and that’s not even the pure sugary ones then there’s the sugary ones crunching up cornflakes crunching up [ __ ] clusters or any other [ __ ] [ __ ] what else is there [ __ ] cornflakes Special

K and you get anything you feel [ __ ] feel knackered you’re wondering yourself oh what’s wrong with me I don’t I don’t qu quite feel right I feel un knackered and drained and fed up avoid that [ __ ] [ __ ] and I’ve been avoiding that for ages but then then I I get a period of

Weakness I I feel [ __ ] sorry i d these I feel [ __ ] know everybody there’s people who could wake up 9:00 in the morning have a whole [ __ ] bar of chocolate and it doesn’t affect them at all me if I was to have like a [ __ ] biscuit in the morning which I don’t

Which I didn’t but if I was cuz I I have in the past I feel absolutely [ __ ] but um it’s really improved my mood you might know not because I’m a I come across that is a miserable [ __ ] you’d be rying right so here’s what I’m thinking um so there they

Are having a full life NE gets it NE gets it oh what was that and then up here a full life my full life look at the view and for here they can sort of look at and see the vage maybe uh maybe can they maybe I think it’s here

There I think it’s here there is that it there is that it there that’s it there is it just there I think it is there something that looks too vertical to just be like a mountain that there I think that’s it there so for here they can see uh the

Village anyway that they’re going to get a better view because here’s my plan so I will be building the co seeum I [ __ ] shut up and what it’s going to be is this they live down there and they live here and they’ll maybe give them um some Recreational facility

I’m going to build a staircase that goes just like that but up here to another flare except up there it’s not going to have for this it’s going to be there’s not going to be any windies except some Wy that look out to where they used to have just so they can look

At anyway there’s going to be a door up there and that door will be open and um I see if I can set it so that if they walk through it it shuts the door and I can go away come back and it’s trapped one of them right anyway see anybody who

Goes into that room they’re going to get the treatment and that basically is going to be a torture chamber I’m going to really [ __ ] go to turn on them and I’m going to try and keep them alive as is the tradition in my improv stories so I think

That’s the top priority and I’m at 28 by I’m at XP 28 experience whatever the [ __ ] you call it in the bottom um we’ll forget about that for now come get R into that we just I mean maybe I could there be but uh what I need for the Anvil no no we

Need to get R into some torture we need to so what I need is what I need lots of these bricks and I think I shouldn’t just have I’m going I’m going to improve that I don’t think I should just have Cobble steps but I should have stone brick

Steps and this here I’m going to sort this up but that that comes later um while I’m doing all that this wheat here will be growing and I’ll get all the wheat M beds M beds have I got the thingies on me I day good good good oh No than okay thank it need this for the [Applause] beds than C do nicely than you than C Christy uh cows make a hella Noise thank you that’s us get back hello you stay there and you watch them they’re bad lovely stuff so let just let that get on it hella noise no I didn’t say that look at that growing away very good right so let me let me see let me spell

Out to you what the plan action is first of all see this leather uh put that in there see the dot stick that in there I’ve got already got one bed I’ve got [ __ ] tons of w what else I needs is it is it

A is it this wood is it planks that I need more beds how many beds going to get that’s a lot do it that’s a lot of beds right I’ve got I’ve got more beds right now than I’ve got people but let’s start as I mean to go in I don’t

Know if I want to fit that by the way here’s now you told me CR to [ __ ] well here um let’s see if we can get me cred you just told me they won get together and produce WIS if the beds are too close together is that true

Bua no it’s not true so they can be right next to each other so I could just [ __ ] cram them in right cuz what I’m thinking is see if you they need the beds to be a way bit apart from like wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait all on you go

Go you just need a couple of blocks uh above I so that did I right right all right then well in that case let’s [ __ ] cram them in then let’s [ __ ] cram them right in right I I’ll just uh I really I can really cram them in well that’s good I’ll do that

Then like This that that there we [Laughter] are [Laughter] there we go best days of the [ __ ] life B A Laugh L talk to each other how you shut you elbow on each other great place right um actually that I I’ll deal with that I’ll wait until they’re up and then I I’ll deal with

That right so in order to get them uh to get them horny I’ve got to get them food bread is apparently a good thing to get them I’ve got to give them 12 Health uh or food points or whatever a loaf of bread is four so if I give them oh I can

Just give them [ __ ] three what I talking about give them three each that should get them going um so lots of bread lotss of bread means lots of wheat making lots of Wheat and there’s all the wheat areir there so that’s it um lots and lots of them and then up

Here um is where I I tortured them so what’s the priority list here we need to build the room and the room is going to be up there let’s have a look the room will be up there has the chamber me I’m calling it I’ve renamed it the

Room it’s just going to be called the room now the treatment room or the learning room um could call it the cube that’s already been done the box I the Box oh is it dum tiny ghost spurs Panda B thanks to Subs hello there Flash the baby blues right so let’s get [ __ ]

Building that’s what it’s all about I like the Box because it’s got kind of uh tortured and Hellraiser sort of connotations right what have I got on me let’s get to work everybody this is straight forward just getting the he done getting on to Work beds for no put the beds away you got you got plenty in fact maybe put that there no no that’s a kind of a thingy make stuff for so put that in there put that in there put that in there put the glass in there you will need some windy so I

Would i’ bring that back and put the boat in there just now keep a hard a bucket for the hel um right what I need they bricks same height same again Um two floors of hles well I want to about a height so I can use do some Contraptions could always build it high and then decide that I’m not actually going to use that height the height itself just a kind of high ceiling gives it a kind of grandeur a kind of medieval

Sort of Castle or Mansion or something like that where people get tortured Mas of the Red Death sort of Vincent Price chandeliers Dev worship kind of thing like that Mar dead what you know bold Aristocrats torturing The Peasants that kind of thing aosome thanks the sub crack on evil plan I [ __ ]

Will um get it looking really fancy right so I do believe I’ve got lots of stuff I’ve only got four I’ve got more than that surely I’ll be in here I’ve got lots of stone in there I’ve got that anything in there that’s yet to be done any extra

Cobblestone you got lots of cobblestone that’s right what’s that there Cobblestone and then and say that’s a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] um all right have I definitely got enough any I’ve just got four [ __ ] bricks right here we go then do you know I should see these

Chiseled stone bricks I like these these are fancy I don’t know if they deserve it though 28 is that enough 7 each side um I think you’re going to need a be bit more right listen you’ve got you’ve got lava in there have you know have you

Know what’s the [ __ ] lava have you know got right listen let’s let’s pop down for some lava this will take 2 seconds because I’m a fantas fantastic system this will take two seconds because of my system see when see on see what happens once you got the infrastructure set

Up I you got the infrastructure everything’s easier you just take one step back to take two steps forward that an infrastructure there see that light that I just passed on the right that’s level minus 16 which is good for iron so red oops is it took my off that

There and I can pop it there and go and get iron did you go to sawon I did what’s that that’s getting all the Cobblestone that’s good soes oh right it’s a kind of thingy so gravy can’t for K thinks of Subs waking up one of your M rooms they’re going to get

Murdered don’t worry can I get a gun show for my bro just juice and smells buy the St thanks for sub this is sick twisted and I wouldn’t have it any other way just wait until you actually see it in action you will love it m and um simply depressing to Subs

A guy asked me if I wanted one pump or two in the coffee shop next to my walk yesterday it took everything and make not say oh pek boo response one pump or two that’s a [ __ ] what what did they mean anyway a pump of

What like fory milk or peig boo um why why you say not spunk doesn’t look like for milk what am I talking about syrup it takes everything in me um we were at a restaurant what was that last week or something and the person serving said like gave us tea and she says

Uh uh do you want sugar I was [ __ ] it’s so tempted to say no thanks I’m sweet enough but I I don’t I resist I resist I resist um old creep the thing is it it does sound creepy but in a way it isn’t it but it does bring up the topic of

Being sweet which is bordering on sexual sort of part um not a lot I don’t think but enough you know Lynn was there you know Daniel was there it’s not like it’s not like it’s me I [ __ ] never did it by myself I would never [ __ ] you know

Engage with somebody like U like that just me and them it’s two one-onone but just so temp to go no thanks sweet [Laughter] enough just because you’re impersonating the sort of person who would say something like that in an ironic way they don’t [ __ ] know it you don’t

Know them and they don’t know you um where am right sounds sexual do it but you you’ll try to work it out do you take sugar one lump or two it like something like black lace but saying and one the kind of dirty versions that I could do or you know something like

That do you take sugar oh one lump or two one lump or two would you think lumps tits um testicles ass cheeks other than that what and it doesn’t make sense doesn’t it make sense s of picture testicles picture B Dan things where they go and things like that this is

Before T tea bag and all that sort of carry on this is before that this is the ‘ 80s that wasn’t yet a thing so you might think oh it’s today with tea lumps testicles tea bagg and and all that sort of stuff this is before dead by daylight

And all the rest of it I don’t think it means anything and in fact as I’ve said before n it means anything because I watched the documentary about the making of This Album and it’s very interesting I keep telling the story on on the stream all the time and ni [ __ ] kills

Um what’s his name uh what’s his name who’s a singer it’s a singer called Joel Jo’s his name Joe Elliot and the producer what’s his name m lang don’t know if that’s say pronounced his name coming up with lyrics they just sort of come up with like sounds and words and

They said in the documentary I know you don’t give a [ __ ] about this but it’s interesting to me is in the in the studio they’re just s making up sounds and other would go to one end of the studio or you know one bit and just sort

Of make stuff up to the sound of the music sound you know like an record on the tape the other one would do the same and then they would listen to both of them and try and make out words for what the other person said if you know I

Mean you know get inspired by the just you know the sort of nonsense try and make words out of them out of the out of the sounds like just making up a lot of [ __ ] I don’t know if you’ve ever seen like um bits of Taylor

Swift making up songs and she or any any people a lot of people that that um make up stuff they’ve got a melody they’ve got a kind of rhythm of how it’s going to be but they don’t know what the [ __ ] the words are and they just

Like kind of like that it’s just [ __ ] like that and then they just try and piece together I they just got vowel sounds like E and A and uh What word could fit in there I’m interested I’m interested even if you don’t like the uh the music I

Love the telling about the process of making a thing especially when it’s all like when you just see how I I like things that just [ __ ] pop into existence I like things that took [ __ ] ages I like things that just didn’t mean anything you think it means something it means nothing

And um they didn’t think it would be a hit and all these sorts of things and how how it’s just it just sort of comes together reading that Slash autobiography and they talking about how they came up with I don’t know welcome at the jungle in about 3 hours

Or something and they came up with this and that that amount of time and all that he came up with that but he came up with this and he did that I I I like all that anyway back to reality and the rooms that’s getting on with that I’m

Going to get some Stone I’m going to get a we bit more brick that should be is I think I’m going to get have my shovel still I’ve still got a shovel I’ve still got a shovel should I suppose it does really M I was going

To I was going to make another diamond shovel and then keep a h that one and then add that one to the other one but it’s six and a half a dozen is it I’ll just keep a h it ignore it if you’ve just joined

Us I’m about to have I got any dot on [Applause] me it’s funny it’s like I’m asking a uh a p company if they’ve heard any there’s any gossip about me going a bit and can you get rid of it have I got any dot on me

There’s one or two rumors going about H I can make sure that stays out of the the papers for a [Applause] price right here we go let’s build I sp Let boat let’s [Applause] boat my very good very good that’s one there right I spell here are the shaders for Te it’s

To [ __ ] gray it’s all miserable looking that’s better they going to day [ __ ] nothing listen at [Applause] them just for now going to put you down to 50% friendly creatures don’t 50 you know what I think I can quot where you only been at 25 I think I’ll live with

That that’s it because at least now I can hear any scary ones as well I take the voice away right how many blocks is that let’s get it [ __ ] 36 right um so the other ones I’ve got I’ve got it like one two three High three like space and then it’s a [ __ ]

Ceiling uh just take damage it’s fine so it’s like that it’s like that that that no I need I can do that but I can do a variet of torture chambers that should be all right one two three and then you know like that comes at that let me see the

Height of that no it needs to be higher because uh um there might be bits that I need to stick them in this thing I need to sort of get up and then put in and drown them and things like that and this might not be it might be all right but

Want a about a scale you know what about a height so I could put the chandeliers up so it’s all horrific that’s a went so it’s like the same again hey same again one you’re going to have to get up there a’t you um one

Two don’t fall got a lot to lose one two come on [ __ ] swing you again go that way you got this you got this right um 1 2 3 a nice space of three and then the roof glass roof no no no no no is that right I think that’s

Right let’s double check before I start [ __ ] committing is that right one two three in between it it’s it’s just to sort of match the height I might have a we seiling in it I just wanted to to match the rest it all right that’s good good that’s good is that right

One one two three roof stroke seen one two hello oh look at You so Perez I’ve got a new enemy now it’s not you it’s him I’m not your enemy trust me you are and you’ll see it tomorrow good night but also horrible shie Andrew proel Al Catholics Subs follow on deaf ears Scarlet Merry Christmas along with

Your two elves in the shelves Mr and Mrs limie right switch it off now simply depressed thanks a sub sha thanks a sub Thank you Rich H Andrew go James Cordon Let’s Get Loud um I I get James Cordon to perform Let’s Get Loud during the halftime break absolutely right that’s build

Everybody look at old 40s of buildings that you recognize and like this is the making of the um Empire State Building or something like that there’s a scaffold and Christ look at that or maybe buildings if you’re old enough where do you stay I remember that

Was a building site and look at it now that kind of thing look at this everybody just look at this look look how there’s nothing here take it in store this in your memory that there was nothing here there was nothing here you’re going to look back at this

And Go funny you think this place of [ __ ] Horrors never used to exist take a look at it take a right good [ __ ] Look hey let’s go like um then building the H skyscrapers did you see there’s a there’s a thing where you can uh go on top of the what is it is it like The Rocker fell Center or something and going some kind of like a ride thing

To just [ __ ] show you I just saw in some video looks actually [ __ ] is it Ro is it rock is it Rock Rocka uh right all it’s this no not 800 ft above the you’re in a [ __ ] building you’re probably in one right now you’re not on a [ __ ] beam and

Just a beam 800 ft above the [ __ ] GR you’re first of all you’re in a a [ __ ] building a safe [ __ ] building like that be that spins around no it does need spin around it just [ __ ] rotates it does the spin the run it does the spin the run like it’s a [ __ ]

Like the um the wles or something it’ be it’ be another thing if you s come here the edge You’ got a belt on you got like kind of a thing that holds you on it but you did come out the edge and if something was to go wrong you would [ __ ]

Drop2 the worst that can happen is you [ __ ] fall on the ground there construct it and check it out observation deck on top of Rockefeller Center people you know it’d be one thing she about like that H I was in a lighthouse once and I was like oh [ __ ] there

Plaster to the side but she’s saying as if you know every few months there’s a reason for it have to go to a lighthouse are strapping in to take a ride on the beam those not afraid of height to take a ride on the beam be quite good being

At the edge that that there look that bit there you know maybe there would be a we feeling if this was to go dead fast all a sudden beam those not afraid of heights they are lifted okay [ __ ] [ __ ] anyway I mean see oh nice F0 look there’s there’s me

There pictured with like this [ __ ] looking there and they’re looking at you know it’s just it looks like a see this stupid thing look look this this is OT Right This is er all what there’s the illusion there’s [ __ ] illusion you can see it’s a beam that’s

Just sort of sitting by itself you can see there’s this glass thing in the background you have to zoom in that much you may as well may as well just be in a kind of rooftop H cafe or something like there’s there’s the there’s the real one an actual [ __ ] beam that was

Joined there that’s it’s actually attached to something there and attached to something there now what they should have done is they should have put like a beam there on the left a beam there on the right you know vertical ones and this beam like they sit on it and then it

Goes up and it stops there so that it just looks like you’re floating there instead you’re always going see the thing at the bottom that’s hoing it up they are strapped in now listen the beam celebr look get that that’s possible that [ __ ] me how [ __ ] [ __ ] and stupid are people really

I know s for the left I know [ __ ] like sitting at the side like that yeah shifting oh God kind of get comfiness here what’s the [ __ ] bets that see below that beam was h no not actually would be [ __ ] all cuz that’s how they built it um see that is

That another the white faces let me see yes there it is there it is there there’s there [ __ ] um it was stage wasn’t it was it Joel It’s SL PR lies it was fake news even back then like let’s say it doesn’t matter right because nobody really cares that’s how

They did they did just build stuff like that no really give a [ __ ] about it um see that there that would have been piss easy to uh recreate create a big [ __ ] Beam made a like a bit of metal and plastic or whatever the [ __ ] right and then you

Know something at the left that you can’t quite see maybe make it look like a beam just in case it gets caught by the camera when you’re taking pictures one near other side here and then lift it up left it [ __ ] up plastic hahaa what was the other

Thing I said Jack I said something in plastic what was it what was it Jack I said something on plastic the bit the bit that you’ve left out so that you can laugh at the plastic but tell them all tell them Jack I said metal metal and plastic plastic plastic for the [ __ ]

Outside it you know the outside so they can sit on it and uh you know metal on inside so it doesn’t [ __ ] break and plastic on the outside to get a kind of texture make it look like it’s an actual solid [ __ ] beam cuz you’re not going

To lift this [ __ ] beam up every time like a roller coaster he said make it a solid plastic that’s what Li said did they not say metal in plastic he said [Laughter] plastic the slob dog L love a plastic roller coaster that’s right that’s what I said oh the whole thing’s made of

Plastic and flimsy plastic of that it’s all made of [ __ ] poly bags that’s what I said let me move on don’t hold grudges I’ll do what I [ __ ] want panics Scott H jibbles do s spaghetti Christopher Pete jords on Twitch press reject shie thanks for Subs put your glasses on hello Ohio

Mississippi rocker fall am right yeah please take this sub money and treat one of your poor prisoners to a slap up meal before being tortured all right then I will I’ll get them a stake before the the bunt at the stake that would be that’ be a nice we play on Woods

Winter Scott show thanks for the sub thank you very much your Prime sub at the extra expense yourself it is that’s a normal sub that’s not a prime but thank you very much that would be an absolute Dole to recreate it would actually be easier than what they’ve got right now they’ve

Got a weird Beam with a big [ __ ] stupid pole in the middle that lifts her up and turns her around that you can see pointless pointless haven’t it turned around like that have it like that have it like that the vertical bits lift that up so it looks like oh my God they’re

Just dangling there take a photo it would look just like that with perhaps a we bit of the back you’re like all right there a we thing that’s sitting on it kind of straps them in a we bit and it’d be [ __ ] perfect instead they’ve got this

Stupid thing in the [ __ ] Middle look at that I mean obviously maybe oh look they’ve got multiple ones it’s that another one there just so [ __ ] bash why did they not sink why did I not sink right that’s it [ __ ] you just want stuff done right is

That really such a big deal and this will be see this here this will be done Right this will be done right [ __ ] careful John this will be done right that should be done right is that all right all right is that this should be done right of you it’s almost as high as the tower I’m have to build build a tower higher how is it looking

Now that’s set you’re running it sorry everybody I’m Hing crouch crouch guarantees that I don’t fall uh wait a minute is that not right am I one out how can I tell just by going to the edge and look that you [ __ ] stupid right is this just going to drop

I going to be able to pick this up I see byebye bye-bye [ __ ] bye-bye do not die [ __ ] stupid right one get it done right come on it’s funny making mistakes you know it’s funny getting it done right that’s really funny see something’s done right it’s dead dead funny dead dead dead

Funny really funny right there we go that’s done right that’s it bu you know what you do build you’re in between a bit can I can I build can I reach the blocks for there um uh do that and then uh do that about light here can I

Reach that for here I see I can can I reach that doesn’t matter that’s good build Each corner you’re right you’re absolutely yeah absolutely right that just makes total sense s me how silly embarassing such an embarrassment you’re an em you’re an embarrassment is that a Madness do then we go everybody

Um see the amount of Blood Sweat and Tears that has been put in making that that will be getting paid back with interest out of that lot look at that looks [ __ ] amazing man dud I might I might make it glass no I don’t I me good

Stuff no no this is not this is the get that this is a it’s got to be SE L [ __ ] bad news like a really nasty little [ __ ] place it’s got to be a nasty we world we go a nasty little world good stuff build along I can survive

It just get the get the scafolding done get the goodles up can I get out of that let’s see wonderful the room the room Dave and arbac Tonto went on that Scot out thanks again thanks the subs oh got this has got you back into Minecraft he knows he can make scaffold with

Bamboo are you serious are you just referencing the the practice of did that in China bamboo where can I get [ __ ] bamboo there a Jung I’m going to go [ __ ] out there well I I go i j go get bamboo come back and what what happens scaffold does what what does it

There allows you to move up and down through it right I see I don’t know why it’s Auto mod that by the way it must be some sort of wild card that I’ve got defense sub got to NYC in 10 days feels like I’ll be underwhelmed by the skyscrapers after watching this it’s

Just a it’s just buildings this has actually got a purpose they why you be impressed by looking at the [ __ ] buildings there nothing there there’s nothing there New York’s uh mainly impressive to people who have never been here an ass City anywhere there’s nothing there there’s nothing [ __ ]

There got a bad feeling about this there’s nothing there and they’d be the first admit it right you made a c to this no no you’ve no uh go up there build it up there go up I need this to work right let’s go sorry everybody I’m hoing Crouch which

Ensures that you do not fall off the [ __ ] Edge Dark Souls sty can I not get done there well just drop in and build up I mean how much that’s good that’s that done did I do that that’s fine and I think that’s us I think that’s

Us I’ll just take them back and I’m going to fill the rest up with um nice cheap cheapest chips uh Cobblestone I’m going to need a new uh shovel cheapest chips Cobblestone which I can get from there and there but they both get some Wendy’s in the treatment

Room so I don’t know if I should make the front yet they get like one wind that you can see it like I want to build it like that you know like um that might not look too good I’m not they don’t deserve these [ __ ] bricks maybe I’ll get it at the

Back it’s a good look I actually think it’s a good look I’ll take it at the back just s um right fill it in careful this could be your undoing this is this is one technique I this is one way in it yes that would start at the top but you know best

Don’t know why I building it this way what there we go this is all they deserve Cobblestone that’s it lovely we room very good and see here cuz I’m not total monster there you go do you remember we Village here there do you remember you see it you see we fell each

Other you’re never going to see that again you’re never going to go that you can see if you’re here but you’ll never leave here alive you’ll never leave here alive no no no no no I’m just they will there’s a chance they can fight way you through the games they’ve got noisy on

Sudden am I going to have to shut you up am I going to have to shut you up I thought I T them in oh this is my this actually my my chance to um quickly um all next one get [ __ ] back sort of the bed situation um uh one a

Two there we go now let’s see if this sleep there let’s see if this works where’s the sun it’s not even M day yet good if you want to move away so give we but I’ll give them a way bit of room to move about excuse me excuse

Me just try to put beds you don’t want a a bed there you want to sleep on the [ __ ] Cobblestone that’s fine but you know I want to give you comfort there you go see got we put a room they’re rebelling [ __ ] one thereare the thereare he’s getting

It you want out do you want out in that rain then go then ah that shut them up [Applause] ory doie let’s go this is looking good now um what I’m going to quickly do is let me just check the wheat situation looking all right but but it’s

Not completely grown wait until the whole [ __ ] lot is done that oh [ __ ] um please tell me I’ve got a good that was silly that was silly that was silly look what you’ve done just get away bit longer a we bit longer and then did a lot on the one

Go you can just run near water right look at that can speeding me I keep make I keep making the same mistake I listening to the chat I’m the eternal optimist cookie and pip Ross charm offensive Scotty thanks to Subs how’s the craft craf I’ve no a

Limit points for at the games yes there will be um the gamees will come all right I don’t like the sound of that let me the gamees will come it used to be like the Coliseum the Coliseum and then the game’s will come trust

Me I’m going to time it just so it comes out just at the same time as uh GTA 6 I’ve going to time it so you just I run about the same time as when you’re sick of GTA 6 so maybe a month in I guarantee you right now hear these

Words this is to me in the future telling everybody see I was right you will will be underwhelmed by Grand Theft Auto 6 and here’s another thing see Godzilla minus one you’ll be underwhelmed with that as well said the same about barie um I saw I liked I like Barbie um

I liked it but I say it was underwhelmed now because I went in just thinking I think I know what this is going to be like this is going to be [ __ ] pish Saturday Night Live humor that’s just no up my street and I’ve got see just for

The we clipse what’s on name sort of like gone down she got all the squiggles on her face she’s like that barad that you sort of you s of spr R the legs like that crush it in right and it chop the hair off and I’ve got to know these

Things and care about these things and um relate to it all and go no but I liked it but knowing the way it I would watch it again open the legs I just go out and then just like that turn the he back to front that kind of

Thing I wonder I I wonder how uh bar the film affected the sales interesting can’t imagine it would turn many people off something that were already going to by and I can imagine it I didn’t I didn’t see it I’m not I’m not on Twitter but I didn’t

See anybody sort of go oh I’m going to get bar for about ironic sort of I like the film thing I’ll tell you something it [ __ ] got me going onto the website it got me looking at B stuff so that worked no kids saw it I know I know I

Know I’ve not seen anybody go I’m going to get a bar do the same way that they get the uh Funko would youall it um maybe it’s a bit too bit too obvious it’s a bit too no I’m not going to ironically get into all this where I’m no in it ironically

Unironically or any maybe I don’t mean me I mean anybody would maybe buy bits and Bobs or that look at them just getting on that I’ve got nothing but respect for them um right put that away uh stick that iron in there just now keep the glass on

You what I need tons of cobblestone is it time to Iron for um go go down for some iron maybe when can I next what’s the next thing again is it uh oh [ __ ] oh what’s this that’s already I that’s why right there’s your fortune too that’s

What that’s what I’m going to get next um you’re not a make day then I need Cobblestone I might go down to where there’s iron I I make the Anvil how do I make an anvil again tons of [ __ ] I want cobbles to feed the cows

I’m I don’t need the cows just now I don’t need to Dan with them 30 one iron three iron blocks four iron ingots three blocks of iron four iron ingots a lot of iron right I might I might already [ __ ] have that look I’ve got tons of iron look have I got enough

Right right what the what’s the um the what’s this name recipe make three iron blocks right what’s up there iron balls iron balls Man um recipe will probably come up once you have the the block there it [ __ ] is Anvil everybody we got ourselves an anvil um woo does this use up XP it does I was ask do you’re full of [ __ ] [ __ ] just constantly seeing you go no uh I uh no um I

No I I swear to God see if you’re my employee I would [ __ ] sack you yesterday sitting here talking [ __ ] in this [ __ ] chat and not a tribunal in the [ __ ] land would go against me I what about the ver warning written warning and all that you know like the

J&B job bag this is what this this is what this is what I’m this is what I’m paying for this is what I’m paying for right hold on right one me uh videos right pass broadcast right hold on right there you go right so that’s four that’s four of this is this

A guy just to have a sketch show just streaming plays games and all the rest of it this this is four hours streams Monday to Friday right right so scroll through it just think it’s YouTube scroll through any part of that video in this stream

Here and look at the chat at the bottom that’s the chat that’s like a recording all the people who were watching and and talking scroll any part of that video there and in the four hours there you go take the phone here take the phone and

You will [ __ ] see he’s he’s he’s he goes by the name Al zasto and in in the chat any part right 2 hours and 12 minutes and 32 seconds go I don’t see them just wait always within 10 seconds there he is see and that’s a random bit that

You’re picking there he is chatting picking all bit scroll 3 hours and 10 minutes there he is right away any bit that you scroll he’s chatting right so what what he say is it like tweets he’s on this for 4 Solid chatting away constantly saying to this guy G him advice

Give him Minecraft advice and we’re [ __ ] paying him he can’t he be doing his job he can he be so we can’t be [ __ ] paying him right out man a funny a funny he’s a funny guy and he’s a fellow Ginger I just feel bad

That why why why why you talking as if gingers have to got opportunities and all that it’s hard for gingers Chris Evans he’s done all [ __ ] Ed Sheeran what about uh what’s his name who was unhappy days Andy daughter coral’ Brian s a [ __ ] black m

Huel i Ron how is who I meant and and what’s her name um uh Julie thingy leis um Julian Mo Bryce stall thingy I official tons you don’t have to get don’t have to fellow fellow Ginger get him out I’ll do get I’ll I’ll walk in right now on your go

There there how there right mate that’s you what you know what you’ve been doing I don’t know where you’re on at Minecraft or all right you can do it you got to give my all right I can get aable one we can do it buy the [ __ ] book but you can

Forget about a [ __ ] reference you leave now I’ll get a good reference just get out just leave leave leave get heather RS and Roy thanks to Subs favorite Christmas movie I don’t have one um if you want to say die hard I’ll say die hard if you want to say one that is

About Christmas not just say at Christmas but about Christmas um uh no nothing I actually quite like watching The Polar Express because I’m that [ __ ] used to it and I kind of don’t like it it’s creepy it’s weird Um if uh Muppet’s Christmas car was on I don’t even really know that know it that well but I like the Muppets and I like that whole thing um I don’t really have one right minut what my in or let’s see let’s see if they’re all crammed in when I

Sleeping ah wait no that’s good that’s good yeah good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good right what is that I’m in um right so I need more Cobblestone I can get that by mining while I’m

Mining um I might be able to get some of the stuff that gives me the XP the good stuff now I’ve got level something like minus 16 or level 16 there’s aart a lot iron I’ve got that already I can m in there lots of cobblestone there and then you got

Got that [ __ ] stupid deep slate stuff while are we doing with the diamonds I don’t want to do that just now I want to only get the diamonds in fact I’m going to go do and get get more iron so right here we go what have I got on

There right see that glass rid that glass just now and that and that and that right okay and put that up there as well get everything off you how you doing for torches you’re all right let’s go done repair the diamond axe the diamond axe doesn’t need reped

Blades the diamond pick the diamond pick doesn’t need repaired that one does but I’m not using that you you mean the shovel didn’t you see see the um the shovel so what did careful that was dangerous could been a bad outside I did want actually get rid of

The shovel because I need it for like gravel so if I put that in um they are not what repairing it’s one Diamond just combine it with another diamond shovel really as I was asked to look wor repairing just sitting there [ __ ] pissing himself he’s just sitting there [ __ ] pissing himself typing worth

Repairing honestly I wouldn’t just sack him but I’d try and sue him for past wages I would try and get a refund on past [ __ ] wages I would go to some sort of kind of private investigator type of person I’d say if you go if you take the time to

Sift through all these [ __ ] what they called vods video on demand is that right I iot that right V right if you sift through all these videos that this l ly lomy guy has done if you can make a case to show that he goes back a month two months three

Months six months spending all his time on this [ __ ] stream and he’s meant to be walking and taking a [ __ ] wage off us for every month that you can prove that he was on this not just casually not just like well this I had to spare five minutes one particular moment during the

Morning the popt but I mean consistently like he’s always he’s always saying something at least every like 15 minutes 10 minutes see whatever money we claw back out his wages you will get half that’s what I would say to an investigator I’d say you will get

Half if you put the work in and and and find it I’ll give you half the [ __ ] money half goes to us half goes to you we’re clawing it back and we’re sending a message to the rest of employ employees we’re watching you listen this isn’t a big

Brother this isn’t a big brother this isn’t a big brother State here you want to watch Twitch ne’s stopping you but you don’t do on company time okay you don’t agree go to some other company that will let you good luck good luck there because I guarantee you they will

Not be [ __ ] lasting in 3 months were you there as a private investigator also a ginger I that’s the thing that might be a about a ginger solidarity might tip them off I was ask m h listen I’m going to be honest with you I’ve been paid a lot of

Money to see how often you’re on this guy’s stream and I was happy to do that until I found out you’re a fellow ging um I’ve got to give them something so I’m only going to go back like a couple of months right and I’m

Going to say I need to be about more time to go back to other ones I strongly advise you uh to like give them some sort of apology or come up with a sub story or something like that you know can you say you’re ow or or

Something just end just say I was I was just in a dark place just a lot of time on it you know just needing a giggle need a gigle did you know something know got something up your toe was there something to do with your to rans to I right

And then gr t i that just put pin on that mate right just say can to get his sleep tossing the [ __ ] turn no he’s not in the right place couldn’t have work because of this [ __ ] toe H there any chance you get some mercy you will

Probably have to pay back a couple of months wages but at least it’s now six months cuz I’ve actually had I had a I went back a year in the L one M it finish off honestly oh PE boo uh what my all right so iron right so

I’m just going to go down and use this right get some Cobblestone it’s quite straightforward there we are lovely stuff that’ll do nicely stay in the water Dr quick tip thank you very much Jame look at me go I think that’s the one I went too far

Is it why did I come to the S side here oh cuz I went up then I came back right I’m remembering I was stay a like two three all right one two three yeah right so let’s let’s see if I can get some iron down here while I’m at it so the

Anvil um oh [ __ ] I wanted to repair the [ __ ] shovel that’s right back up we go no I wanted to just make a new shovel is that right oh we go right make a new shovel um I put diamond in there and sticks up there got sticks on me shovel a

Diamond shovel what’s an iron farm it’s some [ __ ] lot of [ __ ] that you got to like place it dig this hole there other hole put a trap door here day that day this day that put three villagers there put a [ __ ] a cart there then you you PL that in there

That’s will come you got a fire got a lava thing there an iron golem will appear then it does that and that Farms it as I said yesterday it’s that much effort you may as well and it’s it’s that unintuitive in that um it requires that much trickery of the system

That it’s bouldering on you may as well [ __ ] just go into creative mode in my opinion it’s one it it would make sense if you’re like wait a minute how so an iron golem if you beat it or if you kill it if it gets killed drops lots of iron

They spawn when there’s villagers about could I make it so that if I right La will get it can I make it so that it spawns in a place where there’s a villager where there’s villagers and then it spawns and then it hits its head against this [ __ ] lava and then it

Dies and then it goes into that like if if you’re sort of piecing it all together bit B bit by bit then I but see just looking up some video you did that then do this then do this do that do that there’s something about it that’s just a bit

Too did I make the thing I did um it requires a bit too much um the trickery stuff in my opinion right let’s get some Cobblestone Cobblestone to build the room and also if I can get some iron done here it would be very

Nice I don’t know I don’t know if I can down here I can get some uh what’s the blue stuff I don’t know how much xp I’m going to get for that I don’t like that did the that that’s that one okie dokie lapis I is it is it quite is lapis

Quite deep in I have a feeling it is block this up block this up I don’t want I don’t want any bodes is you saw iron I didn’t see any what that lovely sh iron that should iron there if I got anything any other kind of blocks that and the site right fill

That in that [ __ ] car on fill it on fill it on I say h wait a minute you’re going back the way so it’s this way fell it on can any of them fill it in fill in the Cobble that’s it I don’t want to see it I don’t want to see it

Why because see that bit being open uh one of the creepers can just sort of like wander into this bit for the caves that’s the way I think it anyway uh by the way can have a shout out for ASO who I’ve been talking to just there uh it’s a

Ginger uh dead by daylight streamer who I was uh playing with uh on his stream last night I really don’t like Chucky going up against Chuy I done all right just just block that up just block that there H what way did that come wait

A minute [ __ ] did I just block the way that oh it’s there right um like that we we didn’t and that’s it that’s it that’s fine no no no no no no wait wasted torches go [ __ ] bags of them I’m all right with that right I think I’ve got enough uh

Thingy I don’t need to I don’t need the Torches to be this close together um right I think that’s I’ve didn’t get much in the way of iron there but oh wait wait wait wait wait all that’s fine Cobblestone Cobblestone it’s still

A lot got got a we B iron one one may we run along this one well dare me oh run along this got to keep my eye uh my eye on the health of this [ __ ] by the way see this pickaxe that I’m using you know how it’s faster because it’s

Enchanted I’m right in saying it still lasts the same amount of time though it doesn’t just um like imagine at a pickaxe you get a th000 hits it does need just does it give the same amount of same durability see amount of hits I think I we need to be a we bit

Clearer on what we’re talking about here um is it the same hits is it really but you get you so it whs out faster but it but you you m faster I see right Okie doie not missing any iron here are you because because I like to sort of leave

Until it gets a bit dark for put a torch down I end up [ __ ] running the risk missing stuff in the dark bits I mean I have done less than [ __ ] 50% now this pickaxe fell up fell it up I don’t want to see it I tell you a song I Hit

That that one um Mama Told Me Not to Come Out of the [ __ ] it is you know Tom Jones is saying something today we take this away I don’t want to see it or whatever it is I [ __ ] hate that song man stop phonics with to uh with um Tom

Jones I hate a [ __ ] told me mama told me that ain’t the way [ __ ] hat man it’s horrible horrible [ __ ] sounding wait what El was a waste right I think we’ve got enough ha it it’s just it’s just a [ __ ] sometimes I kind of work out

What it is I I hate about certain songs and some it’s a kind of deep down it’s like a I don’t know if it’s a childhood feeling but it’s a it’s a feeling a sometimes it’s a feeling that I don’t know it it it sort of takes

Me back not just that song but other other songs or other things I have this [ __ ] reaction to things that I don’t like that that I don’t kind of like it depends what it is right that I don’t like I don’t feel I don’t feel this feeling that much anywhere as I’ve

Got older but it’s a feeling a um let’s say there’s a film a program a song or uh an artist mus uh Musical and people really like this whatever it is film song program whatever it is and I don’t normally maybe a normal person we just be like I don’t really like that

That’s that but um I don’t know maybe there’s a we feeling going back to [ __ ] primary school or something I sometimes got the feeling because I didn’t get certain things that other people ordain this thing or or like this thing or get this thing and I don’t and it makes me feel [ __ ]

Daed it makes me feel like I’m no getting something that everybody’s part of this thing everybody like like watching observing people at a [ __ ] disco or something I’m like how did they do that how did they all dance together I mean where did they learn or where did

They how are they just getting up and just doing all this and they’re no thinking I look DFT or what if somebody laughs at me or I don’t even want to do that I don’t even want to get up and dance I’m not even like oh God I would

Love to get up I’m talking about when I was younger like on his primary school or like like ear sort of secondary school or anytime in secondary school um I don’t even want to dance it’s not like oh I just oh I’m dancing here I dance about the house and all that but

I’d love to be able to go but I just don’t I just don’t want to do it I don’t like it I don’t like dancing I Don’t Want To Dance unless I’m [ __ ] ached that’s the only time I’ve likeed dancing when I’ve been taking [ __ ] ays I actually want to dance it feels

Good other than that it doesy feel good to me dancing doesy feel good I don’t like it it’s sort of awkward than something a heft force I might dance in the [ __ ] sh for a bit a joke but I’d like then D dancing the same way that I like walking about the

House putting voices on um well at least I used to do that a lot May to be characters or repeating some [ __ ] right um entertain myself but no actual normal dancing like get in a [ __ ] club or something but um so because it’d be these we experiences when I was younger

Maybe I seen feeling like I’m on the outside with certain things looking at like normal people ding normal [ __ ] things and feeling a bit like I’m a [ __ ] freak or something like without having the words for that it’s as if see when I get a feeling that there’s something happening

That people like and I don’t like it I don’t just go like that h a lot a lot of times um I don’t just go like that no I’m not really that it I’m like that these days a bit me but like my [ __ ] in my late

Teens or 20s [ __ ] angry with it like adverse almost I’m almost think that be adverse I just think people [ __ ] like this and they don’t see it they don’t see what I see or some [ __ ] like that I don’t know there’s a few different things but if people are into

Something and they all seem to be into it and I’m no into it it’s not just a feeling of me go like that uh you like that I don’t it’s a kind of feeling like I’m under attack it’s almost a feeling like I’m [ __ ] under attack like I’ve needed I feel

Defensive and I go on the offensive to kind of protect myself because people like something that I don’t like that I’m just [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] [ __ ] you know like that and I don’t know I I just have that feeling like when I was seeing people seeing people in Threads recently

Talking about Godzilla minus one or when you know people going on a bit bar at the time or something when people again and again and again talk about how good this thing is how good this is going to be this is going to be great I’m really looking forward to that

Looks amazing and I’m looking at it looking at the effects of CGI or something going like that is that it it’s not just a feeling of I think the effects look [ __ ] I actually start to get my [ __ ] backup you know get defensive in my head without even thinking about it

When I feel like there’s there’s the potential to be surrounded by people who are are going to go like that really good that film really really good what do you think and I go like that I didn’t like it what you didn’t like it oh you

Didn’t get it then you didn’t get it do you know what I mean like look so that’s why I like to sometimes uh put the [ __ ] boot into things it’s almost a defense [ __ ] mechanism H godala minus one right I watched this could be good I like the fact it’s

Said after the second world war so it’s got that as a kind of backdrop I like that kind of thing it could be [ __ ] anything anything after the second world war second Japan you could make it about I don’t know there’s something going on with [ __ ] clouds or um there’s

Some computer [ __ ] it could be [ __ ] anything I love the makers of this movie it’s just [ __ ] same old same old same old see if I watched it maybe um you know I see it’s about the people and I think it is the fact it after the second world war right but see

It was about people and the stories and the characters and all that sort of thing and Godzilla is just this extra [ __ ] thing then I could get into it right but see just as a like some sort of spectacle these [ __ ] bastard in effects and I don’t get a [ __ ] what film

It is if it’s this or something that’s got a bigger budget it’s just [ __ ] I swear to God sometimes like I just get frustrated I go go let could to let me [ __ ] get my teeth into something like this I would love to be in one of these CGI

Places as a a [ __ ] overseer a director or some kind of something like that and watch it and go no no no no like I I’ll show you right now right now I know it’s pointless you could say look at me sitting here look at me sitting here in my we

Room just moaning away at a trailer talking about getting me in one of these [ __ ] rooms of the CGI folk and I’ll tell them what to do pointless you could say I’m just like that there’s a lot of people I’m sure you’re similar you just like you’re driven by these sorts of

Things and you there’s nobody to put it so you just have a big run a big [ __ ] moon but honestly look I mean look wait wait where’s the bit that made me go right there that’s a good example right this this here right watch this see this what what is

That I don’t mean literally like as a a a train see just the the angle the way that that comes in and and and that what is that what sort of [ __ ] like physics is that so it comes in and then it [ __ ] you know it comes down like that

What THS down and and and just like it just sort of stays there I know you could say what sort of went through like a bridge so it’s kind of it just looks [ __ ] like game and you know not done it properly and that camera movement as if it’s

Really whack tail just piss off Jesus [ __ ] Christ they can never get it right they they’ I’m sorry [ __ ] morning and more whether it’s this or the Marvel films they just it’s not all the time it’s not all wish sh they can just never get the [ __ ] gravity and the physics quite [ __ ]

Right and either they don’t know how to do the number for [ __ ] gravity cuz it’s just a [ __ ] number physics is piss easy or they go we’ve done it it doesn’t look good it doesn’t actually look good when you make it realistic it actually looks better in their opinion when you

Make it go like that look at that look at that camera movement there just sort of does that I mean I know I get it’s they wobble and it could just be it could be so much better I think it could have see the last time what was one of the last films

I saw where I thought oh I like that that had a kind of creature in it was the host I think it was uh South Korean film and had this creature in the water and and it’s kind of at the side it’s kind of a wee bit a wee bit out a

Shot KN and again is it called the host is it called host same same director as parasite nothing like parasite mind you but um and there was something about it that looked it felt kind of slightly underated or something I don’t quite know how to describe it

But I mean just just look at this would you look just just look at this and this whole orange and overdone Evil Dead like new [ __ ] remake and last horror films of last [ __ ] 20 years or something kind of color palette you know like there look see that orange there with that there

See the orange there with that there it’s [ __ ] everywhere like for the last 20 [ __ ] years you can’t have bastard and avoid it look that with that that with that it would be so much better if they made it [ __ ] look real I try to work

Out are the people who do the CGI have they not got it I mean they can do that I can’t [ __ ] do that is it what is it is it is it the sort of creative director person’s [ __ ] cluess do they think this looks better do they try making it look real

But then you get up you get to a certain there’s a certain situation where you can make it look real and you have to make it look a bit kind of you have to hide a few things by making it look a bit unrealistic and if you’ve got one

Bit that looks unrealistic and another bit that does look realistic it is jarring you have to make it all look like this I don’t quite know like you know if you look at like old style golden [ __ ] age of Hollywood actors the acting’s all [ __ ]

[ __ ] the way they act it’s all kind of over the top but they were like big shots at the time and then it’s only like later on I don’t know [ __ ] 50s or 60s or something or later on you got certain naturalistic actors but the thing is if you put one

Of these naturalistic [ __ ] actors and pl them into like Calamity Jan or something they would look kind of [ __ ] you’d go why is that person kind of stuttering away bit or you know like Tripp near other Woods we bit like you day normally when everybody else is speaking

Perfectly it would kind of look no like why they hesitating it would be like kind of kind of dead air feeling I don’t know what the [ __ ] it is maybe in the same sort of way once you go do the try and make it look dead realistic right

You got to keep it up and it’s actually hard as [ __ ] I don’t know I just think and every monster or dinosaur sort of film you see they all do the same um like raw movement they all do the same thing you could say well that’s cuz it’s based on

Like animals and animals there they did the same thing they got that look I mean look at this look at that that’s perfect light you know kind of like a back light thing there well try not doing that try making it look like you know not quite good you

Know this this that going there it’s all perfect [ __ ] sick it man I know it’s coming I know it’s coming I know there’s going to be a film I go [ __ ] this is it this is what I’m talking about it will come it happens every now and again

Every 3 years five years something happens I go that’s it there see that Cliff bit in Midsummer I was like there we go that’s what I want that’s the stuff Jonah and Jack thanks for Subs in three quid thank you very much wait till you see the CJ the

You Mad Max trailer horrific oh I’ll watch it Jonah thanks the sub uh predict Scott will perform the Euro 2024 H [ __ ] usual I don’t know if if Ryan and down lord of the Jungle mads small tanks of Subs I hate that I’m back here Welcome Back Jack M mcgugan

Grumble grum thanks for the sub Woods Heather Roy thank you very much you’re the real special effect thank you very much Alex thanks for the sub I’ve seen raw I thought it was all right I thought it was interesting but ultimately wasn’t that it I liked it it was a bit

Different but it didn’t really D it from me all the way through um I right they all do this right I’m going to go back to Minecraft break but they all do this they did this they all did this they go they all did the same MO movement like they’ll go

Like you know sort of like kind of they all they never dat anything else there’s never a [ __ ] variety it’s the same bastard thing every look at it watch this that it’s just it’s the same [ __ ] movement every you get it like where I think it was Jurassic Park this Jurassic Park

That you see the same thing you never you never see them kind of like Roar a bit and then look about and then do another Roar it’s always oh you know smash something at the way while it’s day it it’s it’s the same right let me look at this Mad Max

Trailer whatever this is and then I’ll get back to speaking of animals roding you had a we Road at that cat didn’t you there’s a cat that uh uh Bobby Disney like see there’s two cats that come in garden the first one that Bobby ever encountered was one that’s quite

Aggressive Bobby originally went up there it and it was just sniffing about all nice Bobby was up for what is it what what is it n yet um so that that and sort of like chased Bobby so that put Bobby off cats that cats like the other cat in the

House that one seems all right and that came in again but Bob was spitting and all that it’s not you um but anyway it was at the wind yesterday and I I took Bob went oh look who it is second Bobby saw no ping the m

Um it’s cracking having a cat or a pet just we things like walking into a room and there’s a cat sitting there just lightens you up right away just a cat just walk into a room and you just you don’t you just don’t happen to know that it’s in the living room or

Sitting there or in the kitchen and um you might be walking about in a TR about something and then what good down there but I for I should put these out there working the [ __ ] asses off Bobby just sitting in here l in the boot this is a life in

It we lazy bastards a we Bob I’ve got a Mad Max trailer to watch and then back to Minecraft to build the Room don’t know she’s just uh just cingal she’s cany te that he’s on my lap Bob no more loading you can of bait the cable right I’ll stop using that voice um Jimmy BBY thanks for sub a Christmas f for you give Bobby a CHR I’ll give a Christmas

Fuss y than of the bits check out the uh Kingdom of planet apes if you want CGI seems to have gotten worse over over time people GB and B thinks of Subs the people who draw CJ are boring for the films are boring well said we DAV

Alex thanks the subs and hold on Mad Max is this it here is this it here that’s one here Fu furiosa a m Max Saga what do you mean see oh it’s it’s a film what do you mean by Saga then wait a minute a two a half [ __ ] minute

Trailer long I was Fury Road that much I’ve watched it again and I kind of preferred it a second time but wasn’t he that uh I didn’t find it like pure exciting there was something about the the very beginning where he’s getting chased sort of down a hill and

Somebody Chucks a like a kind of explosive sort of spear looking thing that look that I liked I like that hold on a second Mad Max Fury Road intro I like that there was something nice and basic and realistic looking about it you know like the old [ __ ] ‘

80s one I watched the first Mad Max I went back and watched them for the first time Mad Max [ __ ] [ __ ] second one better third ones might be sh I remember watching it um I remember that lot of people who liked Mad Max 2 didn’t like Mad Max 3 but

Um every B it all looks normal normal Motors the way the light shining off it I mean I’m assuming this is all completely real maybe they’ve stuck Away by extra CGI bits and Bobs flying off the motor just to kind of add to it but it it looks completely [ __ ] cuz it’s real

You know something like right that that guy there was he really that’s real but he was he really that close to that you know something like that maybe but no like a completely CGI motor that kind of thing I know I know you if you if you’re looking at this you’re know that

Impressed or whatever you go what what’s so good about that [ __ ] all um just see see the be things like I’m just going to assume every single thing here is real right maybe the exception of like the closeness of that guy that kind of thing but in terms of you know

It’s not CGI more it’s not CGI explosion it might be a we bit additional stuff but it’s all see how that’s too bright see how the the sun is shining after see if that was CGI this is my this is one of my [ __ ] complaints about a lot of CGI stuff I’m

Going to go back to Minecraft is because of because it’s completely made up it’s it isn’t actually there they’ve got complete control the lighting so you’re not getting these highlights that sort of blow out you know they no you realiz I don’t think you get these um you

Really get these highlights that they’re too bright for the film you know Overexposed you know there’s no detail because it’s so bright because if that was CGI they can control that they can don’t worry you know we can make that so it isn’t so bright it looks [ __ ] perfect in other words

Sh and see the way this m here you know right gets hit with all that stuff there and and it sort of goes off to the side they don’t make a big deal about it because it’s [ __ ] real the focus is that see if that was CGI this m here

Would be like coming toward WS you away to the left it’ be perfect some CGI director going there’s too much smoke there you can’t really see it I didn’t like it about I am the one who runs from Fury Road that much was I expected lot set to be like that and

Then it for me it kind of wasn’t it I don’t know what anyway let’s watch This Joy I need to remember I keep I think I always think I can remember the name but another [ __ ] Day wait a minute a young furyosa is that what that’s called Fury Road is that is that might be her ana ana ana Taylor Joy is this a [ __ ] prequel she’s in the first one oh so she [ __ ] is I she she’s in Fury Road she’s in Fury Road is she is

She sh’s no don’t mean I know I [ __ ] know the difference between an Ana Taylor joy and is it sh I can’t can is it shiz is it sh Thon sh pleas on name pronunciation PR go uh that doesn’t count right that’s it hi I’m Charlie sarin Charlie [ __ ] sarin hi I’m Charlie

Saren who’s been say Thon and or Theon no I know charen and I’m David O Yello and we are going to be teaching what we say to what we got hi I’m Charlie Charlie staring I can’t of say that people think I’m not on your go I’m hello no way

Hello I’m Martin scori you’re Martin scori you’re Martin scori scari you’re M scari oh you [ __ ] B I’m Martin sessi hello oh yeah [ __ ] who’s be who who who who who says it right okay so um what we going to do oh cuz it was hard enough changes for Francis Ford

Capa to Francis Ford Copa that was [ __ ] hard that I managed it though but I’m always looking about and waiting I’m always looking about waiting if I say you know Francis for Copa I’m waiting for somebody go like Copa oh I see it properly but does I’m it’s all right

It’s all right but I’m not I don’t think I would get away with that uh I mean my favorite I mean I love taxi dri a few other films by Martin scusi that I like I think he with turn who the [ __ ] says uh Capa like that

I heard it back um I don’t know ‘ 80s lot people say not France or F Capa I see Hello my God i’mi hello [ __ ] how [ __ ] wrong can you be give me one mail give me one me that’s interesting I don’t [ __ ] know are these

People oh come on wait a minute I’m going to I’m going to look him why why they showing him saying he’s in them here maybe mil cus like go go for her wiona Raider could could be good um Nicholas Cage um I don’t think I’m going to do it

But I don’t think I’m going to get any problems there Ramy Malik yes please um three more pink says pink oh come on anybody I’m interested in anybody that’s a bit do Le her [ __ ] yes thank you I think i’ I think I’ve seen her before Harrison Ford doesn’t count come

On don’t a [ __ ] about PR um two more two more that I’m interested in oh um ah maybe no no it’s fine it’s fine two M just two M uh uh uh Ryan Goin might be good cuz I say we Zed and in one more there’s that David

What what’s his name I I’ll get by with it ever learning [ __ ] about Andre Garfield saying his [ __ ] name one m just one M Canada used make br Michael fast bender and can Reeves one M oh Kelly Murphy good oh I’ve already looked at him right here we

Go oh it’s it’s an Irish name it’s an old Irish name it uh I think like most Irish names they were Saints um originally and um it’s pronounced kilan right you go Kellan moit right hi I’m Leon Leonardo decaprio hello I’m lonardo DiCaprio we’re all right we’re all right hi I’m Miley Cyrus

Yeah hi uh I’m David haror I’m Winona ryer yeah hi I’m Nicholas okay mhm turn this down a bit right here we go Ramy Malik should be good Ramy Malik Malik emphasis on one syllable or another Ramy Malik let’s see hey everyone I’m Ramy Malik oh you’re [ __ ] dancer right here we

Go hey I’m do do a Lea let me hear it again hey I’m do do a Lea that’s that that’s the way I’ve been saying it I mean I think I started saying du du like du but then I changed it to do but it doesn’t feel right it sounds

Like I’m saying a du all why don’t you guys do it as a Duo feel like um American Ryan go Ling or Gosling s sound or Zed sound I’m saying Zed hi I’m Ryan Gosling it’s [ __ ] s exciting I’ve been explaining these to Margo Robie oh really who loves snacks and

Doesn’t hi I’m Ryan Gosling Gosling Ryan Gosling Goss I saying gossip this is exciting explaining these really who loves snacks and doesn’t seems to be totally baffled by the idea of an all an all dressed chip you just wasted my time on the rest of that video

Hi I’m Ryan Gosling I I like um SE um Barby um Mar Robie and Ryan Goslin Gosling Gosling it’s goling no it’s [ __ ] no no it’s no I’ve got the video right here waiting for you to say that youever se the sub Timothy sham oh that would be very yes name go Timothy

Shamy he is though you are I actually I meant to say Timothy it’s pronounced Timothy it’s whatever you’d like I know but but what what do you say though of you guys I thought it was timot because of the double e at the end it’s supposed to be but but you could

Say Doug Alex Rick whatever works I like guests like this and so I’m going to ask you even before we talk about com by your name is that you have so many names mhm you’re Timothy MH and because your dad’s French are you really timot it’s supposed to be timot but that always

Just seemed like too obnoxious a requirement to put on people so Timothy Tim Timmy after your third you can go that’s only lost by the way that’s one only last SE 3 years he’s going to go no enough’s enough enough’s enough how hard is it to say Timothy how hard is it

Could you know said back then I are all [ __ ] St Timothy so I’m just like I don’t want to be a [ __ ] but I feel confident now I’m growing up now and this is how I want you say my [ __ ] name I think it’s God oh God sh that’s that’s so Tim Timothy

Shamy is I can accept me saying that that anglicized Timothy get ready everybody F Bendle or Faz get ready Michael Fender yeah straightforward keano Reeves is he going to [ __ ] say keano he’s going to hit you with the [ __ ] news get ready everybody it’s been key the whole time hi I’m K Reeves

Well he said it as if it is K and he’s having to say mispronounce his own [ __ ] name for the millionth time cuz he doesn’t want to make a big deal hi I’m ke re Minecraft is not Bend I’m just temporarily checking this out that’s your difference there’s the

Difference between a real thing and CGI look Sparks flames and Century whatever just appearing for anywhere look at this what’s this it’s just dropped in there we go hold on effects folder here explosion Sparks that’s good drag drop that explosion has [ __ ] zero impact on this vehicle right now look

Tires no burst nothing’s happening no movement Sparks all the same sort of color and I mean what’s that there is this coming to wses that might be coming to wses nothing look at that look just sh Just sh probably all pleased themselves oh look we’ve we’ve we’ve

Brightened up that so it kind of looks like that it’s lighting that up so that’s good is it looks like it’s really there oh God look at that oh what an exciting film feel like I’m there just [ __ ] bollocks just just the gravity I hope I hope like nebe shows me

A behind the scenes and that’s an actual real [ __ ] vehicle and I look like right after me look that goes up and and it just suddenly sort of gets pulled down there’s a you can see I mean it’s near it’s gone up there I mean it’s sort

Of may be possible you just you just know something’s not right Ian that fired behind there you know like how how white her eyes are there the look look at the look at the there’s something I like about see um I don’t know if you’ve seen I don’t know if it’s

Spider-Man or Spider-Man 2 the ones directed by um Sam Ry there’s a a sort of unreal uh ligh you know back sort of backlight when he’s like up in a building looking about there’s something that I like about it it looks kind of unrealistic in a in a weirdly lit sort

Of way look at how the lighting I don’t know if you can see right if you’re own [ __ ] mobile right but there’s like a we point of light at the front here like at the pupil in fact if you look at that eyeball I don’t know

How I don’t know how well you guys can see that where you are but there’s a bit of light reflected on the left there’s a we bit of light reflected on the right and I think you kind of see it there it’s all perfectly placed lighting that can only be achieved or

It’s fake the reflections perfectly placed because it’s you know it looks like in a studio you wouldn’t be able to get that really if you’re [ __ ] actually on this [ __ ] vehicle driving about do you know what I mean which gives you the feeling in my opinion it no really

Happening it’s stylized I don’t think has got a kind of stylized look to the whole thing the Shadows are all really dark and everything looks all green screen and Studio lit a lot it but I think no consistently it’s called Art directional no consistently you’ll see that there and

You get another bit that is is no don’t let them away with it I don’t mean things like oh what are the chances of the light coming in perfectly like that H I don’t mean that I mean I like it when it’s a [ __ ] you know what I mean it’s achiev a practical

Effects why that I’m not talking about things like that not talk about like mood and all that I don’t want why be money face bastard I don’t might be blown away [ __ ] snooze Fest like see that big chase I want I want to see the big

Chase in Fury roads I was say that any I just don’t [ __ ] I I I I swear to you I do have the potential to enjoy things you got to believe me GRE himself and Eva Ed 59 subs and bits the last movie have tremendous CGI was

Sity did you like Jun uh more actually um there was something about it I liked but not a lot but there was something about it I love that b with the kind of throat singing but I like that but um Paul thanks the sub would you rather

Have B sand and the sun Mar on it long um sander and the sun because then you got the Sun a you know like we can actually go be in the sunshine thanks for the sub y s it as Brian leemon Brian lemon like Lo Lomond but when an i lemoned

Dany thans sub shout to the lethal company and joy in the chat Limitless and Ken Baines George thanks the subs do s on your Advent card that was a fresh Prime sub and no cost me thank you very [ __ ] much P thanks for the bits did you know Forest got his Mery Giant

In the Jurassic Park I can imagine remember seeing behind the scenes stuff with a kind of leg whatever it is TR and musky thanks for subs and T thank you very much have you seen his own of TR trailer looks very good I’m very sorry mus thanks for ter but I want

To be playing it I’m I’m more trailer do it Frank and Carter thanks the subs oh you got your oh moment of my life got a ticket that’s still getting shared that this is a morning of my life you’re still there Bobby they don’t know but you’re still here than you

That’s so ping again right let’s get the job done the torture rooms I mean the the learning room let’s get the learning room built first of all let’s get this lit up a we bit oh well wait a minute this is a i Cobblestone so this is a learning room the

Classroom this is where they’re going to learn shall we see that’s one way to build that’s one way to build that’s one way to there yep I that’s one way to build well done oh very good very good very very good impressive very very good very efficient building Don’t Make Me Hurt

You good technique how long you been playing Minecraft for good technique nope no oh not got hey wait a minute good no hey wait a minute think I was and the there or something it right build that right think think a good way to build this going do that

Like that’ll get you up the High bits all right Bon [ __ ] me man why are you so shite at everything look look look look look it’s easy he was right you know it is [ __ ] easy just can I just apologize I need a better technique than this NE can call this a

Technique you [ __ ] clown I mean look at this jump jump ah come on there you just can [ __ ] shut up I know there’s a better technique than this let’s go let’s go it um there’s got to be a better why is he doing this this is why I’m doing why

Why am I [ __ ] it up or why am I building this in the first place um what I’m building is just in case you’ve just joined us maybe you’ve stumbled in and you’re looking for a cozy Minecraft streamer where you come to the right place what

I’m building is this let’s just have a quick glance that’s my house this a villager house have you come in here ignore that that’s just to get me up up uh to the top oops have you come in here lovely place this is where I brought them in might not need that

Anymore and then they can go upstairs they’ve got a whole got a pen they’ve got a a duplex is they call America they call here aming net lovely we place that’s it upstairs what I’m going to be building though is something a we bit different um my plan is to build a room

Where I torture them for no reason other than cuz I want want to but it’s not really that when I say I want it I mean I want to I don’t know re-educate them whatever you want to call it um I’m thinking uh making like a door and waiting there

And see if any them come in and like press the button go the um thing he shut the door let’s say I don’t know how I’m going to do that maybe Redstone thing or maybe you know trap them in some sort of way they F in a trap door I go oh

Curious are you and you know maybe like I go away and I come back and one of them fell into the be trap door uh and then I Tor you know torture them or drown them something like that have I sound a bit kind of M of fact not very excited about it

All is cuz I’m just I’m just all about the business just now come on you know I’m just looking forward to getting the work done there they good um they won there’ll be no windows other than that one it’s just at the side good stuff looks

Nice and if you here they can just see the village that I brought them fa and then my don’t I don’t think I’ll be able to finish this way bit off because this is a only got 49 of the [ __ ] things let go out I don’t know why I did that okay that’s

Finished um so I don’t know what I’m going to call the room um fun room playroom you know something like that the cube sort of been done you know like film The Box somebody said the box that would be quite good you know like you seeing films no don’t put me in the

Hole you know that kind of thing God you’re so [ __ ] clumsy aim done the way you know you kind of go around by aiming too low you’ll just end up no placing anything which is good uh right back to we go near there no windows in the re-education room got

You know the playroom maybe the playroom or the box I think the Box see here this place is going to be pretty Grim pretty [ __ ] Grim I have to say things are going to get pretty Grim any Cobblestone see see this give me that tough give me that [ __ ] gravel and

That gravel there I’m sick of the [ __ ] sight of this and theight can [ __ ] off cobal that that that di can [ __ ] off gravel can piss off and so can that and what that tough you can [ __ ] [ __ ] off right where you go um let’s get a away bit

More remember iron for the Anvil let’s go this way one two three let’s let’s see what I can get iron for the iron bars don’t need iron bars I think I just saw iron there I don’t don’t interested in that [ __ ] I’m not interested in the what

Oh good what H put them in there interested that and this side just block that up here’s the lovely music I’ve not been drinking I goodness I say I hydrate any particular reason why ne’s reminded me to hydrate are you having a we clean Bob’s in there by the way in case

You wonder why I’m so low in the in the camera have to put the seat down a bit because so she’s got enough room to lie there that’s right lens and work and school they’re all working away and we’re just kicking about then [ __ ] all a we this is a

Life I think I’ve walked off what you think I’m coming up for 50 I’ve walked try to do the comedy shows I was ready for jumping in the [ __ ] clay Bobby I think I’m just going to hang the old boots up if that’s all right you should you why do you try and

Make a horror film or try and get on um uh task master like no you’re all right I’d love to see you right up would you oh that’s great why don’t you see if you can I’ll do that yeah that’s a good idea they canot [ __ ] off could they

You do not bit Li but then [ __ ] all I don’t look at you and go what a Waste oh hello um you El got offered for Taskmaster asks Dennis after me saying you should try and get on Taskmaster cuz it would really make sense if I’m putting on a we voice imagine somebody saying you should try and go Taskmaster when I’ve actually been offered it wouldn’t make sense would it

All why would I be trying to get on it why would somebody advise me to try and get on it when I’ve already been offered you know what maybe you’re right I shouldn’t attack my view should I know Bobby that’s kind of productive yeah wait a minute what the what

The get us blocked up get it blocked up be you’re using up there I don’t care I don’t want to see it just block it up that much that’s fine whoops hopefully get some iron doubt it this pickaxe is on its last legs what the [ __ ] is that

Why did Alexa just say something ah for [ __ ] sake or she’s clawing at the the earphone cable that’s that what she’s [ __ ] going for that Bob this isn’t a game this is my career wait I’ll do it that should do it that’s enough Alfred and puppy Danny thanks for Subs

I I will add that to the dream is fun keep up Minecraft I’m loving it you’re going to love it even more what’s he trying to do chat um I’m going to be building a torture room for the villagers um that I have cap uh captive that’s between you and me that’s

What I’m doing publicly um that’s not what’s happening I’ve invited them to something called the games well they’ve been here they’ve actually started families and had full um full lives it’s got a big sign up there I think saying play the playroom what does it look like with a Shader

On look at that lovely light coming in up we go up we go 30 frames a second that’s plenty more than enough any m i can you see that’s what they say um [ __ ] it did not think about your pickaxe oh PE uh that’s it blocking out the sun

That’s what this place is all about blocking out the Sun son blocking at the hope if you if one of the villagers has The Misfortune of stumbling into this place out of curiosity they’re not going to forget the experience in a Hur it’s not going to be pretty

I would wish my [ __ ] worst enemy what is going to happen to them in this room and they are my worst enemy don’t know don’t no it’s education um Center we’re going to get some Ministry I love stuff going on in here Ministry I love everybody I’m going to get

Them to say that they love me and then I’ll put a bullet through the brain that kind of thing no but that’s been done this is something new that’s 1984 that’s been done it’s time for something new a’t it Bobby you’re no interested this you know you’re just getting on your own thing

This is my thing I’m a human this is why I do what’s that we’re not right in all we’re not right in the he those humans but look at us keeping you as a we pet looking after you clapping you speaking a silly me voice see humans are complicated

Cats got to all walked it they certainly have okay now we’re getting somewhere there got we view um let’s get old crystal chandelier I think we’re ready we ready let them up you know just that the the pl preliminary preliminary stages I think get some good stes item

There stone brick stairs I don’t think the other ones are good enough they deserve better with the Z bail so once this is done um so block it up block this up and just just build in now that’s it they’re not getting out NE gets out now right uh um all the crystal

Chanders Up whoops they say that’s it that’s it crystal chandelier you know what you don’t get any [ __ ] Wendy’s you get nothing nothing but [ __ ] torture oh the crystal chanders welcome H you shouldn’t have gotten that boat you should have said I don’t really want to get in to see these games I’m

Know really sure I don’t know who you are you shouldn’t hello there it’s me hello is your PO uh right so if I put the say a careful now these dick kids will [ __ ] jump on a chance to get out careful when you place this careful right that’s it [ __ ] listen to

Them listen to them that’s it scumbag man right put that put that below there excuse me please just try to get in there right right out the [ __ ] way right um right so if I put that say right if I put that there I mean I I

Don’t know if they’re going to be able to get up there no I should do it maybe maybe maybe like bring it all the way back to there obviously I kind of kind of get up with that but I mean can I get up with I could get up with that spal

Staircase it’s just it’s a wee but unrealistic look it’s f f what up I don’t know if that’s going to work just wa second I don’t know if they can go through that I’s see no you can just get up it’s all right

But I it to you might want to we I could sort of put it further back there that’s fine look sh ey doesn’t doesn’t look good um H I mean it’s not finished yet anyway but I mean if I put that say there there and then stick that there get that there

Nah that doesn’t look right one of the one of the big things I want to do with the [ __ ] way move move move move you know like Mo I have to go through a sword move M just move move I’m Bing you I gave him the option of walking

Free and he didn’t take it like a [ __ ] Independence referendum [ __ ] shot it soy boy and Alfred thanks the subs I’m going to get another FMV on the go at some point definitely it’d be nice to put it a we bit further back wooden steps and then put you know like

Um like a we what kind of looks like I mean that day but I mean I wanted you know I don’t want to just sort of day half measures and go f the floor Gap by that um next maybe put a kind of slab there I could just put glass eye

That’s that’s all right could be all right so that when I look out for there and I look here I don’t see all these horrible staircases uh Hey please excuse me uh Bob’s on my lamp she’s looking up going what was this what like a the B what’s going on she’s happy sleeping and she’s like what’s this what’s going on what’s this wiping your nose what’s this what’s going what’s this then I need to fix that is

That I maybe make wooden steps but anyway the main thing is we’ll deal with the entrance no what wait should we deal with that right now cuz the thing is if I come up and then I’ve not got room for a door I think put it further back no it’s it for the

Door um you know what I’m going to do that I’m going to do that right now let’s get this done right do you hear the hopeful music cuz I’m doing it right I’m not going to use the other side because I Want it could be all right I do that going up there and then you sort of see the stairs going up there could be all right you come up there you go to the other side right give me that give me the planks I’ve I’ve got Oak stairs have I

Got a wooden I’ve got an oak fence I don’t know what this will look like let’s see right I I think I can get rid of this now I can I can get to the right now bring back to its former glory ganty thanks for the sub I love anime a nice nice

One might be good to see the stairs going up Actually see come in right uh there’s the stairs gone there I like that going up right away um maybe I should make the maybe I should make the stairs there you come up you come up um STS opposite direction well no cuz then you got to go there and then

You could do that just go like that and then and he sort of come here then the stairs go up for here up to there you think that you think that maybe say go for here to there or i r the I don’t want the corn

Cuz I don’t want I don’t want that to block the beautiful light piston elevator no not didn’t not even got Pistons yet anyway but I don’t want to do that this is for them I just want to want it be kind of natural do that come up and

Then go up that way I think do that I think this is what we’ll do go away uh they come out a door the door sort of ends like there maybe they come up they get they get there and then there’s a a door there I want them I want them

On a platform it’s got a door then they can sort of come that way maybe I think so I think so have I got any planks by themselves so that’s there that’s there as well and then get rid of that get rid of that get rid of

That let me see if this looks [ __ ] [ __ ] I don’t think I’ll be able to do that was that squeezing too much in um remember this is to be all be blocked in what does a door look like at this bit that’s the main thing I think it’s too much I think to

Have these stairs oh you’re going to be getting rid of them your Dar [ __ ] and how how much [ __ ] space do I need there right that you kind of get it’s got to be like there try this try that uh put anything then just now if fact

Put that there just now and put that there this is going to be wonderful everybody right uh does that key enough room it does but you need one one F bite one one bik will do it um what is it try to do I need to get

A door I need to see what this door looks like and a button it all needs to get sorted out get some doors get some get some buttons I need all the gear that I need to try various we ideas uh there’s a door iron door thank

You you going to get an iron door I don’t want this C to get out yeah right so need iron doors am I looking at iron door right don’t even know what no you’re right um right iron oh I’ve got iron on me iron door right

Door there it is give me that and I want want a we I need a we maybe a we platform to go in no make it a button so I need to have a we B room I put like a button done should be all right cuz that’s

Going to be Stone up there anyway all right but I think it’ll be fine um have you got any buttons you don’t uh right a button Stone button two please otherwise I kind of get [ __ ] out is that enough put a stone away right let’s go that should be all

Right up we go and then I’ve got to have enough room uh right if I like say just just do that just for now if you were to put an iron door right there what way does that open what way does that open now if I had that that I probably button

There right that’s nice I think you can afford to go one further will you be able to open the [ __ ] door though did that go did you just do the same thing you did well done that’s it you build in the ax for that what that all right and how’d you get

It okay doie oh it’s a we bit fidgety I don’t know if I like that I don’t know is that that that opens out so I have got enough for a platform right put it back I think it’s got to it’s got to bump against it’s fine either

Way right I think we’re all right that’s all right are you coming in yep hi come up what up you curious may be ler [ __ ] bastards bastards bastards I’m sorry but there’s NE other [ __ ] wood right that’s good that if you take that away and put that in

There there we go looks nice this what’s this welcome good stuff I think if I put that there there there maybe a pressure plate entrance um to get them in but and I think that will work there I [ __ ] hope so this is where they die right this is the part you

Die there we go and is that keys on enough room coming up I need is that going to block the way because that’s a [ __ ] problem just use that just now it isn’t it wait a minute is that already you know you don’t want you don’t want

To try and go up that up that and then it’s all right you just don’t want you don’t want to accidentally fall in there all look at that Jesus maybe I should have put it on other side it’s not quite right but they can get up

I mean you can get up it’s just there is just a chancer let’s see you come up you comeing up right I’ll get rid of that there’s going to be Badness and sadness and this room let me assure you that don’t know I don’t like saying it all

Day I don’t like that I can of just go like that you know run right up to it should I cut my losses should I cut my losses and just it’s it’s I know I don’t care if you say it’s pish cuz you might say it’s

Pish it’s not quite right it’s not quite right I mean you should sort of come up like that and then and then just go straight up like that shouldn’t it it’s just it’s going to I don’t want anything Block in the side no Landing I want that Landing move move everything one block

Along no I want land CU I want maybe a pressure plate there I think maybe you know maybe there there maybe s come up there and then go out there and go up that way what’ you think I think that’s better stairs that go up that way on

This side up you go right come in here go up that way turn the bottom stairs no I don’t want it it’s too there’s something about the fact I’ve got to kind of avoid for down there think come here there you can see the staircase uh for distance what left no

You’re not getting it um right I think I think did this come out there doors there L let me see I think this is right I do want that I do like that I could make a we glass B there so so they can look in and see the uh Pals getting

Tortured block there block there right two two blocks I’m happy with that I like it being a bit kind of stuck in like that they there want a we Butter Room M want a we Butter Room I bring it back a wee bit you know no make it so close to the

Edge so in other words that block stays that block stays and that block stays but this one doesn’t Al right oh sorry oh to think that I hurt you is that it where’s the [ __ ] you know like that oh here we go I get get the the stuff I’m starving all right

Um it breaks my heart to think that going to get some wheat um right put that there and uh where’s that it’s [ __ ] freezing here I don’t know what temperature it is where you are it’s [ __ ] Baltic in here that looks nice come up there pop it here up we

Go might even be better to make it like as far back as it can go so you know you come out there and then there and then it goes up for there makes more sense but give me a little bit extra room to play with when I get up

There up you come that way go to the other end up that way you can just go like that standards have not dropped they go up platform or we alowing platform goes up consistency meeting people’s expectations people can go ah good I had a feeling that’s what would happen next got be above

Yeah right and then I’ll deal with that Okie doie give me my [ __ ] do back uh give him my [ __ ] button back right and I think that’s us there this pickaxe about to [ __ ] crumble uh I think if I do a b of Slaughter and I can get up to level

30 I think or XP or thereabouts so that comes up like that and then I’ve got say that block that block there’s a platform but there um iron door is there which is fine I think is it where’s the buttons oh there they are I come up and I look at it for

What would I do I’m going to be heading to the left so I I’ll s of put the button on the left so go good there go and then take it can I put it there no I’m now I’m heading done to the right so the BT will put the button on the

Right oh it doesn’t do that right there we go yeah lovely stuff press the button then we go y perfect I could a be torch there just to let people know this bright Place great place to bring the WIS and good place nice good place good people good place of good People it’s a place you can trust Quality quality build now the reason why I brought the fences with me is I want to see if um if you can sort of put it underneath that and make it look you know posts see what it look like you know

Does it look like a a legitimate structure lovely beautiful she go oh what’s that that looks nice I scandin even very nice pressure plate um pressure plate yeah need a pressure plate tell me I’ve got I’ve got one kicking about No plate oh oh that there’s one there um yes you’ll do nicely don’t want a pressure plate going out because they’ll be able to then walk out anytime they want they can go like that N I don’t feel like getting torched thank you don’t feel like getting drowned and we don’t want

That we do not want that but we want them to feel that they can uh come in any oh yeah anytime they want hold on but then the’ll be po can St there and they’ll [ __ ] get out we P what’s going on in there what’s going on do you know what I

Mean we we’ll let we’ll let that possibility be there right I should there we wooden button actually no stone it’s hard to actually [ __ ] see this this is where the uh the torture will take place this is where it will happen yes it is here what can I get away with there

Terms of the the height it’s that into without without without without Bang into that there yeah wonderful wonderful stuff that’s set and they come there’s one thing though there’s one thing um I actually want a lever because I want to be in here and just sit and

Wait because you know what I think or in fact there is a chance am I right thinking that would villagers do this can villagers do this look and then they’re stuck unless another one lets them out that’s what I’ll do unless another one STS up for long enough that lets them uh

Out that’s what day so what we do is leave them be this will get changed to wood as well it’s a new day I don’t think I can go to sleep now can I no hold on I need to go to the [ __ ] toilet you end up half them trapped up

There if you’re not constantly watching you’re right does that mean I have to have my legs in the air or no I don’t have a vase do I there’s been a lot of hard work today there’s been a lot of hard work today did you wash your horns not only

Did I wash my horns I washed your horns G Ramsey and and PBS jobby and a toilet think build a toilet this the um they only need a toilet the bodies a toilet skin thanks the sub I’m really en enjoying it this CMA thanks for sub thanks again so I can sleep

Um there they are kicking about what I was thinking about while I was in the toilet just there I don’t stop cuz I don’t stop thinking as that is pretty I’ll sort that out is what I actually do is have a lever there right um I have a lever and I have the

Lever p and this door is is open for a time and then see here in the middle um I have an iron door a weed room and a pressure plate outside and hopefully if I leave it for long enough maybe this comes later maybe do this later right but

Um one of them steps in the pressure plate goes oh there’s a door opened they go in and they’re trapped and then while I’m out and about doing whatever I’m doing which W to be much cuz I’ve just been waiting for that to happen I come back go oh hello look

Who it is got yourself stuck in there then a power lever shut that door nun gets in and then I set about them but for now I would say I’m wanting to we’re about quite a lot here um I’m wanting to go you you going up I H you go where you

Go you [ __ ] D [ __ ] yeah where you going where you going where you going huh whatuh he what huh he you going you yeah you you yeah I can’t where you going where you going yeah a [ __ ] prick hello Iron Golem if we have we got a problem no K don’t be a

Button I’ll be back with some food that’s just the beginning that’s just just a weak thing to get the ball rolling that’s the first villager I have killed in this world and it was uneventful now I’ve got to taste for I’m like oh M them going up look oh they

Love up there very curious very curious people curious minds perhaps they would like to perhaps are curious about what it feels like to drown perhaps [Applause] the rest is a business S I was right to do this big long [Applause] fields there we go uh where’s the thingy that’s

It Okie doie let’s get this sorted out okay that planted great stuff feels like it messes oh right plenty of wheat means plenty of bread means plent of r mons Love Is in the Air means more villagers more potential for growth I just PL the resturant there the

Restaurant there the restant there the restant there get that composted um hold don’t I’ll give I’ll give the Sheep um some of this if you just want to get Romancing that would be great great stuff romance ready for Romance thank you thank you um so before where’s the sun right

Before Before Sunset let’s um let’s quickly pop back give them some bread and see if they get to it oh go make a bread first s let’s go I’ve got lots of [ __ ] spare beds you want a just see her t fix it see I don’t I don’t I kind of go like

That right you get three you get three you get three cuz you kind of just got out one two three they’ve got three it sort of sits there and they walk away for there WS supp just kind of H to just Chu all it me on you go on you

Go right on come on that’s is why I need a leaveil they share if they have too much really On it that’s why I need a lever well you two want to go for it in there privacy they want to die I can help institutional I Die oh there we are oh [ __ ] they are tra now excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me all right got enough there’s enough beds is there oh it’s plenty upstairs right got your bed right you go you go anybody else up here right one then I need a lever that’s

It there we are you can make a lever on you if you got a stick um M got the coal oh I’m think a torch um really all great stuff I’ll make two of them then oops another one I I’ll do that I think I’ll do

That cuz CU I want to do that and also be able to and can I I can I’m right in saying that if I put that L there i’ got to I’ve got um I’m right saying I can put a lever on both sides I’ve got to do the whole you know like

Um like you know put it there you know that kind of thing get they will they be able to get through that I don’t well well that’s that’s fair if I think it’ll be fine it’s fine no thr I this doors in the way the door previously wasn’t in the

Way I don’t think you can open it you can’t open it from the outside says Johnston what you on about how have I [ __ ] this up how have I [ __ ] this up so badly what did I have before what what what did I have that work

Before no no no the button another the button not the plate the lever that I had done um at the water pressure plate did a pressure plate What did the the have no slab you had a gap so a hole and then [ __ ] me I have to go down look he

Saying slab slab slab didn’t use a slab um that there so I got on the the door open inside the one where it goes away for I’ve got that there tryone I’m trying to see right it opens away Along that block right I see so that would mean it have

To be on the all right right I see I see I just completely forgot what I was looking at there it opens along the the block that it sort of shuts against that one let me just picture that my head got [ __ ] mem for that it needs to be on the Block that

Opens a Wy is that is that right it kind of closes on it when it passes by and I don’t think that’s going to work because we minut it’s that shot cuz it’s opening the other way into it let me see that’s right that’s just that’s the same thing so

Th what what the what door handle thing there opens away F the block shots onto that block is that not the the side that I had it over um what am I not getting here what am I not seeing the walls in the way right I’ve

Got I have I got like two blocks to there I I think that’s to me it looks identical like let me see why does this work this works because um op that way opens that way because it’s the s that it opens it’s it’s on the side that opens in it

Ah right because it’s because of this it’s because of this and and the other ones I’ve got this this is all blocked up into this is all [ __ ] blocked up that’s what is it’s cuz of this it’s all this it’s all the ABS and sub bricks here right all me

I mean it’s OB you can look at it go it’s [ __ ] obvious but um right not me look I hope hope the villagers are feeling all threatened with the sound of the monsters out there but uh find the [ __ ] monsters here right so so basically it’s a

Caser it’s kind of a case of that is it really right uh we put we I’ve got nothing it hides nice one sh look and if you want I’ve got nothing to hide have you just blocked that again Christ you’re not the brightest didn’t you know right all right there we

Go so if I was to use a slam there the Ws can again in all right I let let the Ws let the Ws like see listen if I’ve become derange I’m telling you right now this is where my moral compass is right now this is I’m

Not doing I’m not torturing W here I’m not killing W I’m drowning W here right that’s where I’m right now I don’t know though what I’m going to change he so I want to put Protections in so that if I Day become some sort of [ __ ] monster the Wayne’s got a chance of

Getting away this is protection I’m putting this in to help me no turn you know if I I’m not monstered yet these are these are people who see them they if it was up to them they’d have me in here they they they’d be drowning me did you see the [ __ ] things they

Used to go up there there in the village they they were eating meat they had chickens and things like that chickens have got just as many rights as you day or I have if not more any think anybody’s following Ur in with clipboard checking to see if you’ve got

Enough uh you know walking room if you’re in a if you’re too crammed in and and writing that down going no no you can call that free range because there’s too many of them in no nobody gives a [ __ ] about you they check out there have got more rights than

You at least they should and these bastards I saw them um right it’s getting busy here that’s lot of CR the [ __ ] way [ __ ] move ah J I’m scared of this this big [ __ ] dope move it the way move me do you want do you want to go

See [ __ ] shap back every time you offer them freedom I mean offer them the chance of leaving this opportunity that yet to come it’s no about to the co seeum yet they never take it cuz they know they’re just full of that they’re that they’re full of that sh in here it’s

To you said you’re going to build the Coliseum and where is it this is boring I just got s hold on unlock the door unlock unlock unlock unlock unlock open the door there it is out you go anybody else want to join them you

Go and they go like that they walk out a few steps to go just just I want to just get that off my chest and just say you know I’m just hoping things improve in here maybe they won’t you know don’t don’t back down just just [ __ ] start your gr maybe the

Won you want it to get better than a [ __ ] luxury duplex apartment go back to your shitty we oh there’s the Ws going up oh [ __ ] they’re all running up here let’s let’s have a look at this one see the winds can get out any time they

Want AAG God says duplex is a Mason I also said apartment AAG God do you think there’s a possibility that I meant it I said apartment inste the flat both wrong no both are right just I don’t say them um a luxury remember i’ actually wrote a short story about

It if you’re trying to sell a luxury flat here in the UK you call it an apartment an apartment makes you think of America and America that’s what’s in the films and other programs you watch and so they must and they’ got tons of money out there so whatever they call it

It’s probably better than what we call it in fact it’s actually a we bit embarrassing they’ve got apartment an apartment and we’ve got a flat EXA same thing but it just sounds better you don’t call a masonet masonet you get masonet something [ __ ] Ken said next to k i i GRE

Up Council Flats Council who he masonet any can get a masonet what about a duplex a duplex that sounds like something you would hear in a a song An American song duplex a it masonet sounds much better uh it doesn’t really matter today with what they call it and what we call

It what is a condo duplex French of it so you call it a first of all luxury duplex sorry duplex apartment anyway so here’s the plan I might do a we bit of this off stream right so the plan is this we have not it’s been quite a bit of

Time we know have many villagers there I’ve built that up and I’ve buil oh oops therey oop di he that goes up I I’ll build the wooden ones that goes up there and there we’ve got this this here I’ll I’ll make that mer a block that’s ugly make that just kind of fill

That on maybe this as well it all go done what I’m thinking is an iron door this is just my first thought well here’s what I have you know how if you go to the gallery of mod AR glar they’ve got all these ex ex no exhibitions but they got all these

Whatever the [ __ ] you call them exhibits and bits and Bobs that have that have been there for years but doing the the uh the ground floor the whole of that that changes every 6 months or something and they have something there for 6 months they had a Banky thing a while

Ago and then I don’t know every six months every 3 months or something like that right uh what you call it exhibition or uh installation or one of these sorts of things right takes up the hole sometimes you just step in it and you can’t even

Get to it it’s like they’ got it fence off and it’s like they’ve covered the whole flare and some sort of thing and you go oh look at that and you walk away other the ones you walk about it’s got things so anyway this here will be just like

That how about that how about up for an idea so you come in one day you go what’s it what’s this then comeing and it will be no lots and lots and lots of things that kills them this way that kills them that way but one method of uh we’ll call it an

Experience there’ll be an experience um it may be so the first the first do you just want to get the [ __ ] just want to leave um what I’m thinking is this I can assist they dying but I might keep them alive oh you going up there um are we room glass iron

Door and a leaveil or a pressure plate and they go in they go what’s this what’s that pressure plate oh what’s that they go in door shuts behind them that’s it and then I get the water and put the water at the top the water goes in and they

Drown and just before they drown I take the water away open the door and let them go maybe I dat with three of them maybe I put one there one there one there and Dr three of them for what reason I don’t know that’s the best of reasons when you just don’t

Know I don’t know why I did it that’s when you know you’re living you’re know just thinking you don’t know know why exactly why anything well said well [ __ ] s here here so we’ll leave it there I know it doesn’t look like much for the day that I’ve just built that done about

Harvested and things like that but I think we’re really getting somewhere there’s the put the headstone for the night I get a we bit a piece and quiet a we glass of wine watch my programs oh what’s what is it you’ve got a [ __ ] bed right there that kid you half a bed

There we are night night night night little one night night night night everyone oh what I’ve got a the they got out as children oh my God there’s tons of them come on come on um block that hole what hole what hole come on come on this way that’s it on and you

Go oh [ __ ] look it oh back to Bed and you go be badass right let’s go let’s go trips one let’s go let’s go let’s go open the door what it’s no did they Know you [ __ ] off need more beds [ __ ] Get to [ __ ] youy and go go what time is it that’s it everybody in move go go go go go move let’s go get my bell I’m not ding the ho in a [ __ ] wall of they to [ __ ] d and I could um [ __ ] D bastards and and and get your [ __ ] bed

They must have escaped as children and so that needs to get sorted out like I maybe need to put the lever there and then put a slab there lever there slab there oh you know what wonder if this works in the meantime does this work it might what but it’s [ __ ] [ __ ]

Um [ __ ] it right right get get it done slab yeah that do it Cobblestone slab buttons no no no no no then we go um this pickaxe is on it last legs and must be repaired Yay s me [ __ ] obvious got that um swap right where did I put it if I put the lever there that opens it where they need the slab put a slab where the lever just was oh it stopped them getting out for that side so I do that and then uh

Like can I can I put that there there that they can get through there that doesn’t stop that the other side because why how does that stop from getting it I say there like that on this I ceing would be better really why how come that

Works right I see I see I see right that works but the other one disne because there’s nothing underneath it if thought it would work if no they would still get through that right let’s try to see the Gap um that there I can see right look

At that I can see there there you go the door’s [ __ ] shut the door the door being shut closes the Gap right I get it I get it get it that’s why whereas uh if I had it there but it there not there can get past that way that’s fine

But gets through this [ __ ] Gap right I get it I get it that’s it then that says now just got to figure out what you did not maybe did one big execution I mean the U this is a games by the way the games will be that’s the more look waky Wy

Let me go in and just uh feel the buz excuse me good place Center was that we know to go there he is good guy you’re welcome you want to be I’ll keep that open for them just so they can have be me play a about in there there you

Go I they’re really loving that you can see oh look at him me Scamp look at you the do open you’re going through there [ __ ] put a sword right through right there if they notice a he’s up there a he’s up there he’s all getting on bye plenty plenty of them that’s

It bags of them oh look look up there look Bo jump in the bed that’s nice wa I’ll get on that I’ll get on the my other Leaf then non Minecraft life that’s that Killer Queen thanks for the sub um get well soon to your husband James who’s in bed all week after

Throwing his back at the gym so it and no taking a k sh F the subs I’ll be Jing and bold you can be both be kind of just P Ginger do you know what I mean know I mean that’s all I’m going to say that is all I’m going to say about

That everybody thanks for Subs read Subs the B the tips mods thank you very much for the mod everybody thanks for watching uh egg in a cup time yeah porridge in the morning chopped up eggs in a cup for lunch that’s it for the rest of my [ __ ]

Days all thanks for watching I’ll go and we um later on the night I I’ll do we uh I’ll see if I see I’ve got time to build something actually build um the the thing that does them in get that done and then think about whatever comes next to Minecraft for and

All that’s it we would we day new uh bigger um the Menor I do things like that you’re very welcome to the Bobby content I’m going to send J to dandle thanks for watching everybody that will see you tomorrow hopefully by tomorrow I’ll have a a torture uh room Bel for

You bye for new

This video, titled ‘LIMMY Twitch | Minecraft Survival (11) – The Treatment Room & Improv [2023-12-07]’, was uploaded by Benny Harvey on 2023-12-11 16:30:01. It has garnered 2000 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 04:25:52 or 15952 seconds.

// Support the channel by chucking me a tip: https://ko-fi.com/nationalhandbagproductions // This is the VOD archive of https://twitch.tv/limmy // Some portions of the video may be muted or omitted due to unavoidable copyright nonsense

00:00 Intro & marbles 00:12:25 Improv: Man Cannae Handle A Joke 00:14:15 Minecraft Survival

  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

    Temple Discovery: Minecraft's Newbie Adventure In Minecraft’s world, I take my first step, Exploring the temple, where secrets are kept. Crafting tools and battling foes, Unraveling puzzles, as my journey grows. Join me on this adventure, full of delight, As I navigate through day and night. Will I conquer the temple’s test, Or will I face a challenging quest? Follow me on Instagram, for more fun, Watch my video, see what I’ve done. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

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  • TNT Cave House Build

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  • Mezzy’s Surprising Gaming Adventure

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  • Minecraft’s Sneaky Auto Crafter Trick

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  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

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  • Last Minute Fright: Herobrine Haunts Minecraft Mod!

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  • Deeper Dive: DualityCalamity MCC Ep. 3

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  • Redstone Farm Finale! Minecraft Survival #20

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  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

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  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

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  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

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  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

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  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

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    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GรœVENLฤฐ TรœNEL EVฤฐ YAPI KAPIลžMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. ๐Ÿ’ฅNOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft๐Ÿ’ฅ โžก๏ธAdam’s Channel: https://youtu.be/G2jRplZYybM?si=Owi5Acam_ZsiJQ6J โžก๏ธAhmetin Channel: https://youtu.be/Jl85KSZwQ7k?si=iMGc6DTE2zxl6vLu If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications ๐Ÿ”” so you never miss new videos. ๐ŸŸฅSUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREEโžก๏ธ https://bit.ly/3i1ywM5 ๐ŸŸงYou Can Join My Discord Serverโžก๏ธ… Read More

  • Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!

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  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

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  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

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  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

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  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

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  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿ’ฃ Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

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  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

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  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below โ†“ โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” โฆฟ ๐Ÿ’ฐ Donate: https://streamelements.com/coindetectorkid/tip โฆฟ ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coindetectorkid #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: https://discord.com/invite/9fvKZmRgq3 Join today! IP: play.ovclub.gg Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitch.tv/couriway twitter: twitter.com/realcouri main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿญ CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar ๐Ÿคฏ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿญ CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar ๐ŸคฏVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord:https://discord.gg/5YbRVzNxEa โ›๏ธ Shader: Complementary v4 โ›๏ธ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks ๐ŸŸข Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: https://discord.gg/moonnodes #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

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  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    ๐ŸŽ‰ Exciting News! ๐ŸŽ‰ I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! ๐Ÿš€โœจ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! ๐Ÿ™Œ What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! ๐ŸŽฎ Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:๐ŸŽฎ Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.๐Ÿ๏ธ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.๐ŸŒ Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.๐ŸŽจ Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

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    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More