Mind-Blowing Monkey Boy Chat | Flattened Minecraft World

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Believe I am back but I don’t know because I no longer have the there you go I’m about to say I don’t if I’m back yet because I don’t got the indicators anymore if I’m back or not no it’s it’s not for kids game I’m here first still can’t

Type yep on the bright side y’all we have one more week of that and that’s it just one more and then that’s over with which is going to be just Divine like that is one of the biggest one of the biggest things why I’m so happy cuz that is just annoying like it

Really yeah sorry I’m saying so we back yeah the PC will be cool will yeah sorry the PC Eli will Eli be cool I don’t know who this Eli guy is but he sounds cool as [ __ ] but yeah you don’t love the crashy crashy I

Love it but it’s like how you love an almost dead pet you know like you love it but a small part of you is looking forward to when it just you know croaks because at this point you know it’s just slowly dying it’s barely holding

On you know what I mean I’m not eating a 2 L tub of black jack Cherry ice cream pie you watch [ __ ] up what happened why you eating that I thought that was illegal in Canada but yeah it’s like that cuz legit I swear to God if I could I would

Just my dumbass just thought if I could I’ll just pawn my PS4 away but then I thought nah I should probably keep it just for a second three Pro you said process yep but yeah N I don’t think that’s a good idea anymore me for a second I

Thought about doing that just now oh I can just pawn it away after I do that think can get a good penny for it but then I started thinking ain’t no one going to want to buy to like a 10year old system that’s going worth like

[ __ ] $5 and a spit in the mouth R connected to the world did I turn off multiplayer on this world it’s a multiplayer game everything’s working actually you know what let me try this let me back out go back in it cuz it did it does this thing where I

Have to reset the world I believe if it crashes but yeah we have one week to finish off all of the series we’re currently working on we got one week there we go Uno H more like 10ish days but you know a week sounds more drastic so is that

But yeah we got like a week to finish all of these well finish in like like quotation marks because you know I might not fully finish it no I got fin cash in a week no bro you have a week granted you’re probably going to play this maybe one more time if that

And that’s debatable I’m not going to [ __ ] lie to y’all well you know in order for the PC games to come in we got to you know throw the these ones away exactly yeah listen when I get the PC in about a week from now like I said

There’s going to be no point to any this okay I’m a BRB you got it there’s be no point to any of this all right because the second I get that I’m going be like Whoop I’m done here you know what I mean cuz I don’t really want to like

Don’t get me wrong this was a super fun world to play with y’all and it was cool and whatnot but Jesus Christ I kind of want it to end you know what I mean because it feels like we’re about to enter another Super grinding Point like with the Villagers and that was just

Awful like it really really was awful to deal with just the constant like you know struggle to get a little bit of progress that I’m not oh my God okay I’m good for a second I was looking over my screen it’s like it wasn’t moving so I’m like God damn it did it

Crash again but I was going to do something something oh yeah hold on the melon was in here right no it’s on me I got to start making just melon crops everywhere there we go where is that stone hoe I made there’s bone meal it didn’t break maybe it’s in the other

Chest there you are there’s all the white Dy made cuz I got the IQ of a turtle there you go where should I put this I’m not going to lie to you I kind just put it like oh I know where I’m going to put it right here

That’s right I was going to put it there so I can just you know I’ll have it on the end so I can grow pretty quickly but yeah you know none of this really matters anymore so I’m kind of just going to take it easy probably you know what I mean like

Trust me if I could go all the way and finish it within the time frame I might but let’s be honest here there’s more important games to finish like subnotica cuz I think that’s the only series I’m still going to record cuz yeah um Ultra Hardcore Minecraft I’m not

Going to record anymore I’m going to still play it once or twice more but then I’m going to stop um this not recording any the three series gone I believe the only one going to still continue to do is subnotica which is how am I going to do that cuz I have to

Like what do you want hard not hardcore Mar so is going to be hard to do because I just don’t know how close we are to the Finish you know I mean like I don’t know if we’re like halfway there a fourth of the way there temp sir what are you

Doing sir excuse me excuse me sir um what are you doing sup X um I have the [ __ ] ETA of the PC I given yoyo the money and the PC should be here next week in like s to 10 days I’m pretty sure so yay very much

Yay so probably going to chill for this week and if I’m gone it’s cuz I’m working like on actual IRL money [ __ ] cuz I I still got to get cash to pay for bills and whatnot and that drained my entire account join yep I’m joining the

PC gang but yeah if I’m gone just know that it’s because I got to refill my bank account because the other one not the other one doing the whole yo-yo thing completely drain it down to zero I own from 400 plus to zero like that so which is you know it’s not great

And I still got to ask my dad how much that bill is and when it’s coming up because if it’s within like the next few days I’m kind of [ __ ] but if it’s not yeah I think might probably was paid already you know what I mean at least

I’m hoping it was because if it wasn’t I’m F and they probably wouldn’t care but like heyo I’ll get the next one you know what I mean or I could just work and then eventually give them what I have at the moment and then say hey yeah I’ll just

Send you the rest like when I get it cuz I feel like this put me in predicament kind of the PC because I’m not sure how my parents are going to view it because like I said I don’t know when the bill is coming so that okay as far as my mother is

Concerned I’m studying good to know but yeah I don’t know how they’re going to view this which is kind of terrifying because it’s like actually they’ll probably be like oh yeah cool just give us what you got and we’ll get the rest later if I say

That and give them a good amount they’re probably like oh yeah that’s all good yeah cuz this just this first one is be the hardest one because I don’t know how much time I have I don’t know if I have like [ __ ] four days or a month to do it oh what’s up

Bean okay yeah not much supposed to do just chill here because I can’t really was going to wait for the things to grow wait no I shouldn’t use the potatoes cuz it’s just less cost efficient I should probably just wait for the [ __ ] watermelon the watermelon to grow and I

Wish I had silk touch I think we had a silk touch hoe and our thing at one point a shovel but I think I threw it away like an idiot rayu meanie what did I do you did not say hiy birthday to to Bagel I did right before stream started I said Happy

Birthday it was just cuz demon was angry but that’s beyond the point oh there goes my [ __ ] kneecaps hi and I hope your dog had a good birthday no you didn’t happy birthday I legit just said what say happy birthday that counts I said birthday all right I said

It you know what I mean it counts it counts in every way that matters what are you doing up there mate yeahhuh what are they writing it’s nothing on there yet oh it’s up there now use a [ __ ] now I’m got to go and grab a bunch of

Dirt oh yeah sorry I about two hour delay tomorrow already for like what school work driving we have no dirt so I’m just going to use Stone we don’t need this [ __ ] anymore anyways there we go up up up up damn Dam why is there a workbench up here School 100 to M

Wins are you sad or mad about that because the way you came in going GH it makes s like you’re mad about that for some reason and a blizzard only a 2hour delay for a blizzard what am I saying if the world was on fire they still have

School don’t really care just play yep could you [ __ ] stop uh good news though I will be joining Alec and especially yoyo next week in a lot of streaming as that’s when the PC gets here here and I have news unfortunately so it just change the

Go yep but yeah uh bad news too phasmophobia I was talking to yoyo and Alec literally last night about it and they said there is no chance of them playing it anytime soon apologies being apologies they said there’s no chance they said the biggest ones to download are lethal company and pubg

Those are the biggest ones really what the [ __ ] uh you know well it’s you know yoyo gets bored of games pretty quickly so I doubt there why the to be fair not even for me I don’t know I have to ask yoyo cuz I don’t know what it is it’s

Might be either bored of it or something I know yoyo just said yeah I don’t want to play that game anytime soon it doesn’t mean never it just me actually it might mean never because when you think about it not a lot has changed in fasmo like you can’t exactly do a whole

Lot different than what you could from the beginning of the game J could you like [ __ ] off could you not no okay but yeah never mind then I I don’t know yeah because it’s just one of those things where it’s like hasn’t changed a lot so I I’m pretty sure they’re both bored

With it also it’s a decently old game that they played a good amount of you know what I mean they played a lot of it back in the day cuz right now yoyo really wants to only play lethal company Alec wants to play project zomboid and I’m kind of

Just existing in the space I guess you know I never saw it saw what then play it mhm I thought you did I really thought you did they played it quite a bit back in the day at least I believe they did then again that was like two years ago

Nope someone crying outside my house or was that a really squeaky door but yeah you know it is what it is the only game I feel like yo never gets tired of is Pub G but then hell y being exactly well you only have three months left but yeah it’s a whole

Ordeal it’s a whole good thing but yeah sorry I’m losing my train of thought constantly and I can’t really focus on my brain things school days only ah God got it got it damn that’s still a good chunk of time then and weekdays will only take up two

Of each week from that so I guess not asane amount left but you know enough to be God I not to be upset spaghetti about but yeah all of that good oldfashioned stuff and whatnot yeah I don’t even know what to do in this world anymore just cuz

Like I’m kind of just [ __ ] around cuz come on think how are we going to get gravel does someone sell gravel I don’t think they do I does someone sell Flint maybe the fletchinger you should collect dirt from me I should not I was going to run around oh no it’s

Weird because I have like all these Series going on oh also so [ __ ] people absolutely nether that’s what I’m saying the flint and steel is going to be a hard thing and the obsidian will just have to cheat in a little probably wants to know though what it’s going to be

Like the nether though because you’re not it’s not programmed that you’re supposed to be able to go there so for all we know it’s going to spawn a completely normal nether or it’ll be like under the nether who knows anything could happen but yeah I don’t know no cuz it’s only

One series now that I like it will spawn a normal nether are you sure about that X are you sure do you know 100% sure right we can get obsidian we can get a single no yeah we can get actually you’re right we can get unlimited obsidian with um drip Stone I forgot

What that I forgot that was a plan initially yeah I’m a Minecraft Ving good to know X but yeah I forgot I have to drip so we can get infinite lava but we got to just get dripstone then which is going to be a whole whole [ __ ] hassle that I don’t

Want to deal with anymore I don’t know before it was like I was going to say that too X Y but it’s like you know before there was like an external like I there’s a reason to keep going hard at this but now it’s like there’s only one

Real thing that I got to like you know really get done that’s subnotica everything else is like you know I’m not going to finish this [ __ ] what but yeah it’s like everything else is just like why not just [ __ ] around in it you know just dick around PL World y

Be so much better opinion yeah but I’m not going to do that I will play Minecraft on there probably but it’ be modded Minecraft you know what I mean I didn’t not mean to do that there you go my friend’s mom stole his phone damn I remember when that happened

I got my friend in trouble I accid made her think he was talking to like a predator good times but yeah or drugged you they one of the two but yeah I don’t know it’s just I don’t feel drive to you know go hard on these things anymore I’m actually kind

Of like in a sense my as like my body is just trying to chill in the meantime before the PC because I know when I get the PC a lot of work has to get done immediately and then you know it’ll smooth back out again yeah well the other issue is she’s

Texting me saying what Exactly but yeah I that’s what’s going on because I I I’m focusing more on like IRL stuff right now I guess like you know getting the money to pay the bills and whatnot but beyond that yeah I know I’m not been fun good to know

Jabber good to know you know what I mean pretending to be my friend I see I see I see I see I see I don’t know I guess yeah just I’m trying to just chill right now and get some [ __ ] because I still got to buy

Some things for the PC because the PC that the yo-yo’s brother’s making for me is not going to have like WiFi so I got to buy a Wi-Fi adapter the plugin of that [ __ ] so yeah but that’s like 16 bucks but it’s just the fact that I got to get like 120

On top of that I don’t know all I know is I might be taking the other stuff a little more seriously for a little bit just to get like some cushion money you know I mean always have at least 120 million count to pay the bill at all times you know what I

Mean reminds me of G my new pc brv got but yeah it’s like that you know what I mean cuz I I gotta ask my dad though after this stream when the bill is and how much it is because worst case scenario I just go to them and say hey I

Did this thing you know uh I know the Billings get paid and I just give them whatever I have at the time when it comes cuz unless it’s in like [ __ ] unless it’s in like you know four days they’ll probably be getting at bare minimum half three fours of it unless

It’s like really close by which I doubt cuz it’s the ninth already you’d assume something that be paid on the first week of the month so he’s hoping for that option but yeah so I guess guess just for right now in terms of streaming most of the time

It’s going to be chilling probably [ __ ] around not really caring about the the worlds anymore you know what I mean cuz when you think about it I’m only be playing those things once or once or two more times before I got to you know swap over to

PC so I thought I heard my name called but yeah all that stuff until the PC gets here and whatnot you know what I mean cuz when I think about it actually yeah they said to be coming in like 7 10 days from a Thursday yesterday Tuesday so I got Monday not sorry

Friday Saturday Sunday Monday I have like four more streams until then and next stream is [ __ ] next stream I know was twitch but I don’t know what the [ __ ] I’m going to play it’s Hardcore Minecraft and power wash simulator or maybe I could I don’t know for these

Last few like streams just to jbird I can’t see yep jbird stop hooking demon all right but yeah I don’t know maybe I was thinking I might be a to do something a little bit special not like anything big but just you know small things that are

Special so you know kind of in a sense how’ I put this [ __ ] my words are escaping me in a sense to kind of celebrate the bye-bye of this era in a sense I guess but I don’t know what I do because my first thought was I should I could

Probably play genin again on would do right PS4 to PS4 yeah CU it was like last night we did plan it know and buy the [ __ ] and by that I mean I gave yoyo’s brother money so that he can send me a PC that he

Makes and he can ship it to me in my place but yeah cuz we were talking about it last night about you know money and whatnot and what I want and what I need and that was a whole ideal but it’s now whatever but yeah beyond that it’s just

Like I don’t know I could play genin cuz you know genin is kind of how I started all of this I don’t know CU I want to do like a little something as like a haha we did it we made it we finally achieved our goal to going to a PC from

PS4 but I just don’t know what that hello there I just don’t know what that little thing would be you know what I mean cuz just like one it’s a lot more sudden than I thought it’ be to I’m not going spend any money on this [ __ ] for it because

You know I’m switching over to the thing and I gota get money for bills and what not save up all that good stuff and buy a couple more things see yeah I don’t know what to do for celebration wise you know what I mean hello jird hey Fox what’s up John but yeah

Get [ __ ] get [ __ ] and yes gen sing and genin yeah you know what I mean you can just do what you normally do not Johnny Leslie Leslie [ __ ] knew it Sally would say Darlings and then you and John just say hey Fox you didn’t say hey but it’s my child

But yeah it’s a whole thing I don’t know cuz like yeah it’s like I I could just do that X but then it’s like is that really a celebration cuz this is a big thing we’re going from barely anything to something that has infinite possibilities I’m talking new collabs of people collabing with

Alec and Yoyo so that y’all can see more of them over on my channel because I know some of you don’t go over there which is completely fine and all that good [ __ ] ton of new games you know what I mean no more crashes oh that

[ __ ] what you want jird what do you want oh sorry Kitt y I don’t want this dirt jbird I just got exactly that’s what I said Leslie but yeah I don’t know cuz it is a a big thing we’re doing so I want to celebrate it somehow but like I said

It’s just it happen so quickly cuz I thought we’d be getting the PC like a few months from now not in a week from now so sorry I wasn’t here that’s all good Leslie we’re just chilling for the most part this week you know what I

Mean okay cuz I’m thinking like I’m just thinking like quick things because I know there’s some games games well I just kicked him from the Discord you can join whatever John you kicked John from the Discord good to know demon kind of rude but okay yeah not

Going to lie [ __ ] thing to do but yeah you know what I mean because it’s just like it’s saying a by to all of our current series and all yes yes and Alec and puff [ __ ] why legit why Alec I get he joined as a joke but

Why who gives a [ __ ] demon you’re you kicked multiple people with actual jobs like puff has a full-time job John has a full-time job sorry they didn’t say good luck to your [ __ ] dog not good luck happy birthday they were warned they probably even picked up their phones in like the

Entire time you sent that [ __ ] I give a [ __ ] you kicked them because they didn’t say happy birthday to a dog I need you to know that you know what I mean what thank you I guess yes well next time they’re here I’ll tell them to rejoin the Discord and

Why they’re a [ __ ] thing it grew good to know I’ll tell them the whole no there you go okay John’s back Alec is okay but puff no yeah Alec is fine because Alec is just like haha I join Discord to check R and hear the story

Time but puff and them were like you know actual people that you know are here often and chill where’ the [ __ ] watermelon go oh there it is you know what I mean but yeah Beyond any of that that’s what I was saying celebration time I guess I could

Do another singing stream but I’ve not sung in like months besides a little country Ro did last time you know what I mean so it’s just like I don’t know man puff would definitely greet beagle if puff was online exactly puff is rarely online too demon like legit they pick up their

Phone like once barely you know what I mean once in the blue moon is picked up by them but yeah I don’t know I don’t know what to do it’s a whole mental gymnastic kind of thing you know what I mean to just plan all this so suddenly

Because I was thinking like what if I just do like you know almost a memory lane kind of thing but then I was thinking that would only really apply to like me demon and bean like of all my old [ __ ] from like the beginning of my time using the PS4 to

Stream so that you know when we go M dirt back sorry when I so that when I go to the PC it’s like a oh yeah look what we had before this what we have now kind of thing but it’s just like how would I make that

Interesting cuz I’m not going to explore like my old Minecraft world for three [ __ ] hours you know what I mean that’s like a that’s like a few minute kind of thing you know what I mean damn there’s a lot of skeletons out here but yeah it’s like that I just h I don’t

Know I don’t know I’ll probably think of something but I just want to do something special you know what I mean I want to try and celebrate this Milestone this humongous Milestone if I can because if I’m too busy with like working and [ __ ] I won’t because like I said beginning of this

Stuff if I take a day off from streaming or if I don’t upload videos as much right now and for the little bit forward in the future it’s because I’m focusing on work and whatnot you know I mean but yeah sorry be on the point be besides

That beond the point that’s beond the point yeah I don’t know um cuz I know genin will be very fitting because one I’m going to play that again in the future you can just celebrate in your PC rather than your PS4 I don’t know because then what do I do for the

Last 4ish streams here what do you want what do you want but yeah cuz this that’s the biggest thing I don’t have to do these last four streams cuz you really fell for that huh I think you should DM Manny and ask what you

Should do it’s why would I DM Manny I I know he was my first ever sub sorry not my first ever follow but like come on man he’s not been here in years like I think actual forever has been since that’s [ __ ] been here you know what I mean so it’s just

Like why would I get Manny here I don’t think he’d respond to me because he’d be like why do you want me there they’re your first viewer I understand that Counterpoint they’ve not been here for they should decide I don’t think so because while they are the first viewer I had they’re

Also somebody who has been here like two or three times and that’s it that doesn’t exactly scream hey you just said how I celebrate this huge milestone you probably know what the [ __ ] I’m talking about he like who the [ __ ] are you you know I

Mean cuz I think the last time I saw we saw him was in like the 12 hour stream stream appears this the last time we saw him which is feels like a lifetime ago I’m not going to [ __ ] lie to you mate I know for a fact demon needs dirt but

Yeah I don’t know cuz like I said like it’s just like what do I do for the rest of the games cuz I don’t really care about them anymore I care about subnotica that’s about it in the case of like you know I’m trying to speedrun

That [ __ ] like I’m really going to try and speed run below zero so that when we get the PC I don’t have to stream on the PS4 at all anymore you know what I mean like that kind of Shick I might just do that Saturday then like do the entire

Four hours dedicated to just subnautica so that I can you know try and get this [ __ ] done fast hey guys back can you answer something shoot John or Leslie but yeah it’s just I I know fact I want to play genin I want to play genin for the

Final thing because I kind of like my channel grew heavily on genin in the start Les got it what’s up Les but yeah you know I mean cuz genin just F Well because it wasn’t my first ever stream that was uh Minecraft one then subnotica then genin geni is my

Third game I ever streamed and beyond that though what the [ __ ] was it I forget what demon what what’s up but yeah you know what I mean I feel like game should be very fitting for that I don’t know what I do because I’m kind of stuck on this one account but

Yeah jber give the [ __ ] back life is filing through paperwork to get someone to be able to move in with us go on but yeah I know I want to do that without doing it I don’t know genin Wise but there’s that and she is stress the

[ __ ] out and she hasn’t slept in what a week uh-huh go on I’m listening demon what the [ __ ] is happening how are you keep on dying oh I think un if your house is a [ __ ] the moms like usual in there you got to put some torches down there dog wait

No there’s very little down there so I need a help to go to sleep and not working got it are you asking for ways to do that because I could give you some not great ways like you know you could like put nightquil or something and like a drink for them

Which is not great or have you Tred this going to sound really dumb but I got to cover my bases here y’all did you try telling them hey you should sleep like meaningfully like hey I’m worried about you please sleep it sounds dumb but that might just work [ __ ] my

Throat I sby well I know there’s some like unethical ways you could do it like I said you can slip night quill or some kind of sleeping thing in a drink or like melatonin gummies [ __ ] like that or you can go for a more kind of more she won’t get in bed

Got it or she can go or you can go for a more kind of natural sleepy thing you know like like a tea or something I don’t know your life likes I’m guessing you like tea cuz you own a tea shop cuz you know what I mean cuz some foods and

Drinks do provide like natural you know kind of chemicals to make you knock the [ __ ] out you could do that she is locked herself up in the study then I about to say get sleeping gas but I doubt you have that on hand um besides that point I don’t know

What you could do because you can’t access them can you use cheats I don’t [ __ ] care anymore jbird I’d say no normally but at this point it’s like we’re almost done you know what I mean she knows tea better than anyone that won’t work oh so you can give her drinks like

I said it’s unethical very unethical but if you like you know get a nightquil in a certain flavor and put it in a drink that matches the flavor it’ll knock her out yeah you know what I mean cuz sleepy medicine like it kind of

Forces you to go to sleep in a sense you know what I mean you could just let her do her thing I think eventually she’ll fall asleep I think it’s more of a a worry thing X where like I’m worried they’re not getting to sleep right now

And I feel like they need to sleep right now or they’re going to get like you know sick or like something bad is going to happen I’m completely drunk I [ __ ] doubt that FL shy you’re like seven years old I’m pretty sure and she [ __ ] stuck it through yep oh [ __ ] y but

Yeah am I try that and Brony I don’t know what the [ __ ] oh yeah Leslie this is Fluttershy Fluttershy Leslie but yeah I don’t know cuz legit you could do a bad thing and up the dosage Leslie but that’s kind of worrisome and also something else

That can kind of be done I guess is it’s not smart and I doubt you could do it but you can Force somebody to go to sleep if you put them in a choke hold nice to meet you yeah but I doubt you could do that to a somebody who was in

The police force beyond that I don’t know because nyin and them were like chemically and medically make you want to if not just pass out from sleep you know what I mean nice to meet yeah but yeah beyond that I’m not sure what you could do because the other things you could do

Are just like very unethical in a sense thank you cleaning my shoes dog pre she could and might how are you bones yep but yeah I uh it’s just I don’t know it’s a hard thing to understand because it’s like medically the the medicine should have knocked her out

Okay how close is she to finishing this stuff I’m guessing you’re saying this because she’s not close to being done and two how long does she have left to complete it because if she’s like almost done done I would just say not at all she’s

Not as close she’s not at all close to being done with it and is it like an infinite time span kind of thing or is she like only have a few months you know what I mean because I’m trying to think of ways to make them go to sleep but if they’re

Not even close to being done it’s like [ __ ] because they power through actual kind of it is adaptation forms got it so it’s virtually you know it’s virtually infinite to an extent time frame wise to do it if that’s the case then I don’t know because that would my

First shy away would be my okay my process would of course be first saying Hey I want you to go to sleep two would then be you know second attempt would probably be trying to compromise like please just take like a little nap at least three would be like you know they

Are 17 God got it go to sleep now we’re talking about uh their wife flury their wife is refusing to go to sleep to fill out um forms that’s I move in no yeah but yeah that’ll my process my first would be saying going first up saying I want

You to go to sleep second will be trying to compromise like at least take a two-hour nap third would be uh Jaber could you [ __ ] not you’re kind of lagging the [ __ ] out of this of all all the particles you do realize if this crashes you also crash right jird and the stream

Crashes and everything crashes so [ __ ] stop is what I’m saying but yeah one second that be my process you know talking then compromise then natural things to get him to go to sleep like food and whatnot and then the final step which is you know drastic but I feel it necessary

Put stuff in the drinks bro I’m lagging so [ __ ] much it’s cuz Jaber dropped a bunch of [ __ ] dragons breath potions everywhere and they spawn like a dozen particles per one she see like a hundred of them there we go we’re back to normal good M there you go we’re

Fine God damn that was annoying but yeah that’ be my process but you know I’m not sure if that would work for you but how are you doing by FL shy how you doing dog but yeah that’ll be mine at least but yeah back to I say about the

Whole you know celebration for this coming week of what I kind of want to do of course I want to play at least one genin stream to you know as a reminder of how my channel grew really heavily cuz it was off a genin hella time at

Demon not good what’s up what’s popping but yeah that was of course gench is important I just want to finish below zero I have almost half a stack of TNT because jbird good to know but yeah below zero of course I’m just going to make it permanently day

Because I don’t want to do a [ __ ] mobs and the [ __ ] you know the seriousness of this server is now just gone there’s no point to any we’re going to play it maybe one more time and that’s debatable you know what I mean but yeah back to what I was

Saying all of that [ __ ] um [ __ ] yeah genin finished below zero because one below zero is a good series I like playing it and people love watching it um genin of course I grew on that but that’s only two streams and I want to do a Saturday stream of me just finishing

Below zero if I can like really trying my hardest to get there cuz something tells me we’re I’m not going to f with you I’m not sure how close we are we’re about to get the third tier of diving equipment for like the sea the sea truck and the pon suit

So I don’t know how much indicator that I don’t know how much an indicator that is and also we has not seen land yet and I it’s going to be really important so I don’t know how close we are but but what I do know is that I want to

Finish that [ __ ] cuz whether it be just like in my own time only recording it or like that oh I might do that actually ooh ooh that’s smart I might just [ __ ] do that where I stream all the new games on the PC live it stream it but then I

Record below zero in like my free time you know what I mean so the series still continues but it’s not taking up a slot and it’s not being streamed off the PS4 which crashes all the time it’s only recording hey I’m back welome back I

Might do that that’s a smart thing to do thanks me for thinking of it you’re welcome me but yeah beyond that I don’t I don’t know how to celebrate this thing of course I’m going be working for all this time so I don’t know how much I’m going to

Have to prepare for [ __ ] probably not a lot but that’s beyond the point I believe but I digress it’s a [ __ ] I [ __ ] up my jaw but it’s a whole thing you know I mean theci celebrate something this big this quickly is you know kind of hard I took

The coffee and tea and all the caffeine of the house that’s smart that’s smart very smart but if none of the things so far have worked Leslie I think what’s going to end up happening whether we want it to or not they’ll probably just pass out from exhaustion because the body will

Eventually just say I can’t do this and shut itself down it’s not great but it will stop them for some time I’m saying it’s bad because if they do go for too long it could cause damage in a sense cuz we all know y’all the longer you stay about sleep

The more it kind of like [ __ ] your brain up and your body which is not great it’s really not but yeah yeah Lu we have a a year to follow this stuff oh [ __ ] Fant fantastic good good good good I don’t know uh cuz at least after

The talking stage [ __ ] you should try and scare with help no so we’re going to be fine exactly like there’s no real like I can understand why you’re worried but there’s also like no real insane big threat here to it but yeah honestly I would try and

Just compromise at this point you know what I mean I’ll would try and compromise I’d be like hey yo we got a year to a year to do this so I be like how about you just do this amount this and this thing that scares her is

Me but yes I would try and compromise in a sense you know what I mean I guess like put it in perspective you know what I mean like hey you don’t need a rce you have an entire year to do this you know what I

Mean it’s like kind of like I I just describe it it’s like trying to convince like a kid to do like a a project and it’s like actually it’s fun fact how I convince myself to you know um go out there and do my [ __ ] freelance stuff of like d Dashi and Uber

Eats you know what I mean where you just make it seem small you know what I mean like small little steps because at least for me it’s like hey yo don’t think of it as like a big number of money I have to make think of it as I had to make

Only this money a day think of like that you know I mean try and like make it like like try and explain that they have time and they can spread it out pretty easily you know what I mean in a sense cuz that’s what I do I’m like all I gota

Do is make this much today and I can call it quits if I want to go for more I can go for more money today you know what I mean cuz at least at least that works better for me than thinking about the whole thing as a whole of like oh I need

This amount of hundreds of dollars to get all the [ __ ] I need I think it more just a day-by-day thing of like today I got to get this much tomorrow I got to get this much you know what I mean it just makes it seem a lot more

Plausible like getting a small amount every day is more easily to mentally focus on the humongous goal in front of me you know what I mean sorry excuse me but yeah that’s I’ll try and do you are really enjoying this whole cheating thing aren’t you hey Ray thanks you’re welcome lesie

Jird you are so [ __ ] stupid but yeah that’s what I will try and do I you one mhm it’s all good I don’t know it just seems like you know it’s just smart to help somebody get to sleep who’s not [ __ ] why are you here I walked up here and you’re [ __ ]

Here like a [ __ ] like you’re a ghost following me everywhere like you’re some kind of spirit haunting me but yeah cuz like hell I’m not going to lie to y’all the best part about my job in freelancing and everything to get money is also the worst part it’s good because

I decide my own hours it’s bad because I decide my own hours so there’s no like consequence taking a day out because I’m not going to lie to you I was supposed to go out two times a day to get a good amount of money today I took the day off

Cuz I’m like I don’t feel like it you know what I mean that is of the worst parts of it because I have very bad like I would not I would say I guess like commitment issues to things where it’s like it’s I find it really hard to just

Constantly do something over and over again and that helps me I am taking I’m talking with the kid tomorrow we really haven’t talked much he good for you good for you I hope you all like having this kid well it’s not even a kid it’s a 17-year-old then again I’m a 20-year-old

Saying this so I can see why I’m not saying it’s a kid cuz they’re only 3 years younger than I am but yeah I hope you enjoy having this teenager there in your household but yeah I don’t know freelance is just so good but so bad because I Am Naturally lazy

Procrastinate and I just don’t have a good commitment to things you know what I mean I want to change that but it’s just so damn hard to stay committed to something like work cuz was something like you know like brushing your teeth doing laundry shower all that stuff

Comes natur cuz like oh it’s for you know health and whatnot it’s easy quick simple and I like it playing games and doing like that easy it’s fun but work it’s like I could take a day off right now and no one would care so I got to like

Kind of force myself because if I don’t bills don’t get paid and bills don’t get paid I get [ __ ] devoured hey let me TR the new recipe Channel good for you Leslie yeah John’s been filling that [ __ ] all his new cheese recipes he also was surprised when I

Said I’ve never had a grill cheese before I don’t know cuz my parents have made it before but I never partaken in it you know what I mean I know that’s like the classic or like at least one of the classic [ __ ] I it’s like one of the classic R

The one way to be procrastination is to imagine those which for me I’ve tried that but it’s just so hard for me because also it’s like my my favorite place in the world is at home don’t get me wrong I love going Adventures With Friends exploring new things I love that

But my favorite place in the world is my room you know what I mean so leaving that for hours to you know go do work it just sounds so unpleasant if I could do it all from here I’d be working 247 and I do do that with YouTube and streaming because I get

Paid from YouTube not YouTube yet I get paid for streaming you know what I mean there’s that cuz fun fact even if y’all don’t donate I I get paid from ads on Twitch sorry yeah I’m getting over over the place but yeah I don’t know it’s

Just so hard cuz the hardest thing I’m not going to lie to you is getting out the door the second I’m outside the door outside of my house it’s easy as [ __ ] and I’m not going to lie to you the work isn’t even that bad it’s fun most of the

Time cuz just driving from here and there pick this up drive it there chill relax listen to music feel the wind in my hair Vibe all that good [ __ ] it’s nice it it tends to go by really quickly like that you know what I mean but it’s just the act of getting

Out the door to do it that’s the hardest part you know what I mean it’s just like I got I got to get out that door you know I mean and today I didn’t get there because one thing my body loves doing you could reward yourself for doing

It well the reward is not getting yelled at and also buying the [ __ ] I need to get you know what I mean because hell if I don’t do it essentially what’s going to happen is my PS my PC is not going to be usable because I got to buy an a Wi-Fi adapter

Which is only like 16 bucks you know what I mean so I can get that like in a day but I need that but I also need to get money for bills and whatnot I don’t know it’s just like I don’t know what I would do to reward myself because one

Thing my body loves to do is it’s just like oh yeah we can do that why is the server lagging jbird stop that you know what I mean it’s just like my body loves to just push things aside in a sense you know what I mean it let you just

Go you know what I mean where it’s like oh I’ll do such and such later I got time and that’s exactly what I did this this morning I was like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I won’t do the morning rush but I’ll do the later afternoon Rush

Surprise surprise I didn’t do one come see rail gun I am lagging my absolute dick off jbird but yeah it’s like that the I’ll do it later a devious trap I know and I constantly fall for it that one has like 70 chickens in it same as that one and that

One can I slash clear these [ __ ] can like Slash oh can I do slash like kill uh at e there we go K yeah it killed the villagers too I know but it’s like you know we’re not going to beat you for much longer so yeah you know what I mean the whole [ __ ] thing is a very hard

Chapter together to do it later is so easy to fall into you know what I mean it’s so easy to fall into I’ll do it later what the [ __ ] was That someone’s angry at a demon in the Discord but yeah I don’t know that’s like my only cond of freelance if I had a better Constitution and resolve it’d be easy but I don’t have that as of yet I don’t know it’s really hard to just to

Commit to something you know what I mean cuz like I committed to the gym for like two three weeks 4ish I was going pretty good at it but then I started watching the dogs and that got on the way so I couldn’t go do it and then eventually I

Just fell out of it to now it’s like I rarely go there anymore you know what I mean I still work out just at home you know what I Mean jir what what the [ __ ] are you doing sound like The Souls of the dam have been Released I don’t even know where it’s coming from it’s like everywhere I used to procrastinate a lot but I realize that doing work in Finish is so satisfying trust me I know like I said the hardest part is just oh there you are the hardest part is just you know

Like in a sense getting out the door the second I get out the door I’m all good and I can work super fine it’s easy it’s chill it’s nice [ __ ] you but just get out the do hard part sometimes starting the work is hardest at least for me same like the

Second I’m out the door and out and start doing [ __ ] easy peasy my mind is on it I’m rocking I’m doing fine I get the work done easy and quick and get the money I need but it’s when it’s like it’s just getting out the

Door cuz like I said today I got so close I had everything ready I was ready to go all I had to do is just grab my [ __ ] and walk out the door but then I was like you know it wouldn’t kill me if I took one

More day off which is just the Trap it wouldn’t kill me to do such and such it wouldn’t hurt to do you know what I mean so yeah now I just got to [ __ ] I got to just like I legit I got to do something really hard for me I got to

Just force myself to do it and I got to just me eventally break it because they say it takes like two to 3 weeks of a constant action for it to become a routine and jabber could you please stop that it takes two to three weeks to get

Something into like a routine and so it feels natural I got to do it it was really bad yep my last I’ll do it later led me to not doing my school for two months yep I don’t know it’s just like I had to just do that I had just [ __ ] be like

Hey yo it’s to me I got to get this work done hurt fast you know what I mean that’s all I gota do I was going to get the work done and then I can just not I got just do it for about two months is you know what I

Mean that’s not that I was G to get the I gota just [ __ ] do it for two weeks and then like it’s it’s hard hard you know what I mean there you go it’s right you could just say to yourself yesterday I said tomorrow so I

Must do it I said that to myself so many times but then it always ends up with like well nothing bad that’s the part that’s bad though you mean with schoolwork you get a bad grade don’t do your [ __ ] you know commissions you don’t get

Paid I don’t like you don’t go to work one day your boss yells that you almost get you get fired I can’t get fired from this job unless I go unless I do really badly so it’s just like there’s no consequence to me just saying H [ __ ]

It I don’t know all I know it’s going to be really [ __ ] hard for me to get it done but I swear I’m going to [ __ ] get it down I just feel like if I had the car I’d be more inclined to do it you know but it’s just like I’m ready for

The written test but the [ __ ] it’s the goddamn like skill test that I’m worried about when it comes to the license X was right oh this would have made our live so much easier if we got to Nether in the flat world legitly because at this point this world is completely chocked

There’s no way we can come back this we cheated way too much but yeah this would have been so helpful we could have got gold really easily we could have got iron from chest we they got diamonds everything you could also get help from with a if you’re comfortable with it I

Think eventually one day I will get a there oh there you go I about to say where the the [ __ ] am I jbre just showed my portal I guarantee it yep but yeah I guarantee in due time I will get go to a therapist just not time

Recently I feel like once I get situated on like my own in a sense and be like okay I’m ready I’m what are we doing up here jbird I was this close getting right into there I was this close but yeah eventually yeah because I have a good therapist here but

Almost all them inject iology with it uhhuh yeah cuz at least for my goal of sorry Leslie just posted a [ __ ] recipe that I want to check out later on but yeah um what saying cuz some of goals I still want to have from from this year are stealing Pig cuz the PC

Was one of them completed that in the first month so I’m proud about that the other goal I want to complete is gain an actual paycheck from twitch every month which is only $50 all I need is $50 and then I get a constant paycheck every month from twitch even if it’s

Just that Baseline [ __ ] I’m down with it jabber could you stop being like a [ __ ] please you know what I mean it’s like that sry guys think about jaber’s [ __ ] little challenge there but yeah it’s just one of those things I guess where it’s like I just want to

Have some form of it you know what I mean but beyond that like I get good money from door dashing and Uber eing and all that good [ __ ] I get good money from that it’s just the commitment that’s going to have trouble with because I’ll be making hundreds thousand

If I do like really dedication to [ __ ] door Dash and whatnot I say yeah Uber and door Dash I have really good money from it and jird I know that was you but yeah you know what I mean I get good money from it but I just feel like the

Second I get a paycheck from twitch I’ll be so much more happy because it’s like okay I I’ve made my goal for this year’s another what else goals do I want I guess I never really told y I guess I guess I didn’t think about all of them

Anyways too I kind of just thought about abstract topics at one stream but yeah I want the Pat from twitch haven’t completed yet the PC completed his game here next week what else I want to complete this year I want to hit the [ __ ] mod controll stream I want to hit

That I want to have the [ __ ] 500 on YouTube or on Twitch which is very easy like I said we got [ __ ] we went from zero to overtaking Twitch in a few months on YouTube which I put my money I put my money on us getting YouTube up compared to Twitch up to

500 beyond that what I want to do I want to start improving my editing skills because I’m getting Sony Vegas and whatnot from this from this new pc like Alec and yo have and I just really really really really really really really want to improve my editing skills you know what

I mean uh beyond that I want to try and aim for at least one to two collabs with streamers that aren’t Alec or yo-yo a month one to two it’s not one or two new people of a month just one to two collabs a month with other creators you

Know what I mean start gaining some roots in the content creation uh scene you know what I mean cuz you know CL streamers are kind of scary I’ve done it before and it’s not that bad at first it’s nerve-wracking what if their viewers are meanies I don’t know bro deal with it I

Guess push through it but yeah I’ve CL of other creators before and it’s it’s nice like when I first start a collab of Rose I was so scared and like Nera cuz I’m like like okay what if it gets awkward what if you don’t have anything

To talk about what about this and that but then I remembered and it naturally came back to me I can talk for age without shutting my mouth So eventually no matter what happens I’ll hit a good topic with them you know I mean Rose is

Cool Rose was cool and fun it was very nice time with them but yeah beyond that just you know collab with two one two creators a month that AR likeing yo-yo that’d be nice that’d be a good fun thing to do you know what I mean also if it goes well with them

That’s more options for fun games and what you know what I mean Beyond Al and yo because don’t get me wrong I love streaming with Al and yo it’s most fun i’ ever had in my entire life but I feel like I want you know just you know have some more available

You know what I mean have some more people available also you know expand my kind of sphere of people I talk to because from y’all’s perspective it probably seems like I talk to only Alec and your y yo not true of course but you know since high school my feere has only

Gotten smaller and smaller because you know high school it’s really easy to get friends in high school and whatnot the second year out of it getting friends as an adult is a [ __ ] challenge because everyone just doing the same thing work go home sleep go work go home sleep eat work home sleep

Eat work home sleep eat same thing over and over again then they get a day off and they’re like I want to lay at home and take a nap you know what I mean it’s like that so I guess be cool to just get like a bigger bigger thing you know I

Mean bigger streamer friend sphere who knows what it’ll lead to you know what I mean who knows who knows but yeah I put that down as one which be because like I don’t want to get like a whole bunch of super hard things I want to get like one

Or two hard goals cuz the first so far any really easy ones [ __ ] 500 followers or Subs on YouTube on YouTube or on twitch easy collabs easy what’s a hard one the paycheck from twitch would be kind of hard I feel like but kind of like that’d be like intermediate

Difficulty not like hard you know what I mean it’s it’s not easy but it’s not exactly hard because even from just y’all I’m making good bank in a sense and making money every month but every few months I get a paycheck hey it was all good Leslie

But yeah that what else do I want to do this New Year driver’s license I’m close to that too I’m ready for the test part like I said but not the [ __ ] uh Whatchamacallit I’m not ready for the [ __ ] skill test jbird why thank you thank you yoyo but yeah

What else do I want to do this year like time wise driving one’s a big one for me that’d be really nice to get you know my hands on my grubby little hands what else I don’t know I’m thinking of New Year’s resolutions right now yoyo and I

Got like a bunch of easy ones I can do in like a few months but I can’t think of a real like hard one cuz with the license I’m ready for the [ __ ] written test it’s just the [ __ ] actual skill test I’m not ready for

Cuz yeah he think my brother for me yep I did do that what would I want to complete this year [ __ ] if you told me I would have would have what it was Sally she concocted it hey thanks man wow R not cool it’s not the cools I said times you

Before I just thanked her brother for making the PC and shipping it from Texas where you big me first you don’t get I okay you cannot blame me for not wishing Demon’s dog a happy birthday it’s a dog all right it’s a dog and that’s cool and all but like I I that’s

E easy forgettable to say Happ birthday to a [ __ ] dog all right that that’s hard that’s that’s not hard that’s easy to [ __ ] forget so I got a text it was a stupid Pooch also dogs need happy birthdays I get that but like I’m I that’s easy to forget you know what I

Mean well actually when you look up from up here it’s kind of crazy what we do in just a flat world you know what I mean at from nothing to this do you have any I need some wine I do in fact have wine in my house

I have a little [ __ ] like a not a Sellar thing but I got a wine holder in my kitchen and you have tons of wines that are just you know completely unopened because of the fact that you know I can’t legally drink until July 4th and I’m saying this for online

Purposes I totally obey the law I have not had a sip of alcohol until I hit 21 in accordance with the United States government laws I totally did not break the law I respect the laws R can’t drink yep but yeah what else I want to do I don’t

Know CU I got like oh o o o I want to try and finish one big project I don’t know which one I want to choose yet because like I said I got Ray would you make me an OP real quick are you gonna kick jbird little baby face tin little baby

Face wi little baby boy all right I’ll have you know I only had baby face because I’m young unlike you Grim Reaper skeleton looking like goddamn Red Skull over here but yeah I want to complete my would it be the revolution thing I want to be the

Revolution thing but I feel like I want to put a lot of effort into Revolution make it look good you know what I mean that that might be what I want to complete for for Resolutions oh just just like with this year I know it’s

Going to be a Good Year you know what I mean you ever get the feeling where it’s like this is going to be a really good year for me I have that feeling and it’s just like now so many things I can do resolutions be kind of like a good list

To kind of check off you know what I mean like finish this finish that you know what I mean I guess I should also put on a hard one which would be you know get you know an actual schedule for my like I guess my freelancing for like

Food delivery that might be what I do I might make a schedule where it’s like okay I have these days off this and that I work these this this day this day this day that might actually help me with all the [ __ ] stuff because instead of it being like an everyday

Thing or like a spur of the moment thing if I have a schedule I might be more inclined to actually complete the [ __ ] things you know what I mean I might do it 2024 feels like a good year for me too like I can’t I can feel myself going

Back to doing commissions or at least doing animation exactly I I feel like the hardest thing I was going to check off my list which is get the PC is done now thanks to yoyo and their brother for that next hardest thing will priv you the license demon where are

You you also you have op oh you don’t who un oped you I op both it was jbird I guarantee you it was [ __ ] jbird but yeah sorry Sidetrack all of that it’s just you know what I mean I might do that because I also want to start

Scheduling out my streams you know what I mean because when I get the PC I might just at certain point ditch the whole I stream every day but [ __ ] Tuesday and Thursdays I might do the actual streamer thing of each month I have a new not

Much each new each week I have like a new schedule in a sense based on like you know people and time and job whatnot what happened yeah what happened uh Leslie but yeah there’s a picture of a burnt guy in here yes oh yeah sorry about that that was

When we were talking to wall did you really just try that [ __ ] jbird un operating me I own the server why is why is this in the study what oh in the study or like in the Discord like in your House’s study is a picture of a burnt

Guy it might be the guy wall was talking about but we’re not sure about that one but yeah sorry yeah goals and whatnot I have a good chunk I want to complete this year just you know for just second in the study of my home who knows Leslie thanks I don’t I don’t

Care demon this probably one of the last times you play on the server you know what I mean and talking who is the guy and talking oh no the guy wall was talking about the guy who’s like burnt kind of The Drifter the burnt Drifter that

Guy oh don’t know but sorry I keep getting sidetracked I don’t know it just you know if all this now it’s like doesn’t ring a bell it does for wall why Sally would have that I don’t know we call him burnman pip squeak but yeah I don’t know it’s just like also

Another one probably be like another goal probably like finish the setup get the actual monitor get a mouse and keyboard that are up to date and proper I have no clue what a [ __ ] yes what a [ __ ] but I don’t know there’s a lot of things

I want to get done this year which is good because the year just started counter point I feel like the first month is almost halfway over but then again uh one of the goal is already completed in that time so you know is this [ __ ] Spectre what the

[ __ ] how the [ __ ] oh yeah that’s how y’all know him why the [ __ ] oh you’re just figuring out that he’s burnt yeah that’s Spectre we call him pipsqueak here but yeah you know what I mean sorry but yeah I don’t know gos are like yes yeah that’s what he looks like we

Don’t know what he looks like we just heard from wall that he was you know kind of [ __ ] how are there ravagers and demons thing jbird why why are you doing this to them that’s so mean mean yeah I don’t know are you Ser okay I don’t know why

It’s burnt I’m not going to lie to you Le uh Leslie that is Leslie I don’t know why it’s burnt but it is you know what I mean but they still going to be chill streams like your started streams but like uh yes I’m still going to make an

Effort with the PC to have still regular streams like oneon-one streams like this cuz I don’t want the whole thing to be just collab cuz I do like the one-on-one with chats not the time currently Les bur I am concerned now but yeah yeah we knew about Spectre

Being burned like a while ago cuz we were there and wall figured it found out about it I don’t know it’s a whole or deal yeah cloud is cool and all but and exciting but of course this is news to me I could see why they wouldn’t want to tell you it’s

Kind of like something that not a lot of people want to tell people because it’s kind of terrifying you know what I mean a burned man is kind of scary but yeah yeah of course I’m going to have I want to have I might do two different

Types of streams in one day sometimes too it is yeah I can see why they wouldn’t want to tell you it’s kind of unnecessarily scaring you know what I mean Leslie I can see why I do it I can also see why he would tell Sally because

She’s ex police and of course but yeah what else was I talking about oh yeah because I know I might go into like a solo stream into a collab with yoyo or yoyo and Alec because as you all know we tend to do [ __ ] after my streams are done

So I might just do it that way sometimes too but yeah you know it’s a VI I got to figure things out I got to figure a lot of things out like my schedule for door dashing and whatnot [ __ ] collabs big project how to work

A PC all that [ __ ] cool I think cool [ __ ] yep is a [ __ ] Polaroid yeah but yeah he took a it’s a Polaroid picture okay now that’s I about say that’s weird but also y’all are older than us so I can see why you use a Polaroid jird what the [ __ ] are you

Doing but I’m excited for this y i I think one most exciting things I am for this is just meeting the new people I meet during this cuz in high school I kind of like I was indifferent on meeting people now that I do this for a

Living I love meeting new people and other kind creators new viewers everything CU you get to hear about so much from like everywhere in the road like I am ready for PC time so you and John can play together yep oh I’ll play a [ __ ] people too like actual

Followers and what in due time of course cuz I’ve been promising that for a while now and I know deon’s going to kick my ass if I don’t do it but yeah it’s a good time now and I don’t know the question is like what do I do

First you know what I mean I think I think order of operations going to play here of course first I might not do the collabs for this month maybe I’m not sure though yet beyond that I think the first thing I want to do is of course get my like

Uber Eats schedule kind of like Uber Eats and door Das schedule freelancing kind of sit down in stone so I have like definitive dates and times like I have to go at this time and I have to do this and this you know what I mean I probably

Like you have to like work this day and make this much money in a day doesn’t matter how much time it takes just make this much you know what I mean that’s a probably an important one to get done off the rip in a sense yeah that’ be important what’s what why the

Honey blocks get [ __ ] but yeah look I dip have [ __ ] had to shift through the study and find actual doat got this Leslie talk to you later probably at some point but yeah I don’t know it’s nice I like this New Year’s up and coming this how

We’re an hour and a half we’re halfway through the stream and I don’t think it’s been half halfway through like I’m just talking so much now because it’s just like yeah tomorrow I definitely need to get my ass in the gear and start working at Uber Eats again for the first like

Few days I’m going to to try and just get like 120 off the bat just so I can have the bill money like I said that’s like very important to get for me cuz last thing I want is my parents being like okay you got to stop with the

Streaming stuff and the freelance stuff because not Mak enough money to do all this [ __ ] to get to pay an actual bill for the family which makes sense you know what I mean turn 21 this year all that good [ __ ] and the thing is I can do

It really easily like legit fun fact all I need to do get 120 bucks is just do get $12 a day for 10 days which is not hard it’s not demon did you do not demon Jaber did you [ __ ] put ravagers in Demon thing again I got to get another right

Sword oh my God it’s not M stre anymore it’s just more I’m cool that’s typically how most of the streams are going to be like at I feel like at this point because like I said most of these series are going to end end and most of them

Are like series based like you know from one goal to the next so it’s kind of like I’m ditching them so it’s like how do I get iron again uh smelt down armor or kill zombies and they have a chance to drop iron inotes but yeah I feel so like what’s it

Called yeah so many of these worlds don’t care like like you know for this world I was so adamant about not cheating but at this point now it’s just like [ __ ] it who cares you know what I mean it’s like that there’s no real point to like like focusing really hard on these

Series except for subnotica below zero stard valine is going to chill again I might try and like I’m definely going to marry Emily in it just because o might be a goal like get Emily fully like harded up because I still want to marry her and I might come

Back to already value one day but just on the PC you know what I mean that might be a thing I do but who knows at this point you know what I mean green but yeah all of this is just kind of building up so yeah tomorrow work get $12

Minimum CU like I’m also like I’m overthinking in my head because like I’m thinking like it’s going to take like six six six different trips uh from here to somewhere else but I’m thinking like that’s why I’m making the bare minimum I could get like $12 in one go and be done

In like 30 minutes you know what I mean Ray may I have a request shoot X cuz like legit yeah mostly these ideas that I get from y’all are from y requesting [ __ ] so yeah any request y’all want just request it cuz for all I know for all you know I

Might [ __ ] do it actually t chance cuz I know X wants Ultra kill and all that [ __ ] which I do want to play there’s just so much I want to do because I know like I said Alec wants to do Soul Lings Terraria moded TF2 project zomo see of Thieves yoyo

Wants to play lethal company this and that do that this this this that do that this you know I mean it’s just nice it’s it’s nice having all these options you know what I mean because before it was just like play this game it’s a PC

Exclusive I can’t play it play this game it’s on so many P PS5 and it’s like I think it’s just Happ about the no more crashes no more crash can be really nice to deal with you know what I mean well at least not crash as much and if I do crash you

Know won’t be that hard to coming back from it because be like a game Crash not like a PC crash hopefully which would be nice very nice oh I got make a [ __ ] like a be at back screen that’s going to be fun to do what kind of vibe you want because I

Do like yo-yo’s Vibe yo-yo’s Vibe for her like BRB screen and whatnot really fit like her icon and her vibe it’s very nice it’s very good touches to it you know what I mean I might stick with a jungle theme or like a more of like

A uh I don’t know maybe a fanboy theme maybe it’s a basic theme who knows knows sh I forgot what my reest is your request was for10 billion from the US Financial Department system it slipp my mind yep what Jade what demon what’s up what’s popping sorry but

Yeah beyond that who knows going to get up to this year a lot of things got to get done to this year but also dig the bedrock in my base oh there you go Jaber could you please stop [ __ ] with demon they’re just trying to finish their dirt Castle before we stop playing

This game you know what I mean but yeah I’m looking for forward to this entire this entire that should be all demon looking forward this entire year the games the friends the new comrades you know what I mean for all I know I may guess and do some crazy

Saying things with some other creators who knows literally anything is now possible this year the only thing holding me back is just Constitution and like you know the need to do something you know I mean just like the Uber eting because like I said as long as I keep the bill paid I’m

Good when it comes to my parents which is all I need and while I do that I’m going to build up on Twitch and YouTube get better videos do more fun streams clab with new people cuz I remember when I was first started out streaming you would not

Believe the amount of times I got asked to join like smps and whatnot a part of me wishes I took it up on the offer but nowadays I kind of glad I I you know I’m glad I took the path I did but also part

Of me is like those S smps might have been something cool though you know know I mean but I’m glad I didn’t at this point I [ __ ] remember now that was one guy who followed me cuz I said yeah I’ll be raid buddies with you you raid

Me I raid you and I never raided him I completely forgot until now you know your own thing is nice yeah so yeah so right now in the coming 10 days is things are going to be probably pretty hectic for me with doing Uber eats to get money every day a

Minimum of $12 which is not hard at all it’s just a mental Factor they got to get out of there to do it so there’s that easy peasy lemon squeezy get that done then beyond that I might take a little bit of a vacation from editing

Videos just because I might want to I don’t know I might just be selling I might do a little bit of them little bit here and there but not as much as I was doing like you know the two a week for this next 10 days days all that classic [ __ ] free of

Charge yeah I can be Ed free of charge I want to try and get good at editing because I know I want to like I I want to see what Aleco does at first you know I mean I want to to see at first what happens if I feel like at a certain

Point I need an editor I will do it but I want to just you know see like what is it like to be Y and Yoyo who edit their own videos on Sony Vegas cuz believe me Alex videos are [ __ ] great I love watching Alex’s videos they’re always so

Funny the only con with Alec though is that his videos take forever to come out and it takes even longer to get footage from him because he’ll take like 50 hours of footage plus and turn to a 10-minute video it feels like sometimes it does end up with a very

Good product but it’s like damn that takes so so long I’m lagging jbird what are you doing doesn’t involve this that’s just the cage ravager what are you doing jbird huh that’s what are you doing what is this aom comination you have up that’s lagging the entire server the [ __ ] am I doing

Don’t do it jbird open the [ __ ] thing open the console I gota get away there we go slash kill e there we go much Better it’s still lagging CU got to process you up all these drops I try and collect as much of this as I can game to try and get you you know to stabilize because it did just drop a [ __ ] ton of things what happened jbird [ __ ] spawned a

Shitload of chickens again and I slash killed them all and now the game’s trying to process all the all the drops in a sense you know what I mean there we go slash kill e it’s done I picked up everything God damn [ __ ] why jbird why do you

Insist on lagging the server it’s our last time here but yeah all that stuff I want to try and do whatnot the money is be the the hardest thing will be the Uber Eats as of this next 10 days just because you know I don’t want to do it but again I’m pretty

Sure I’m going to get used to because one of the biggest drives for me to get it up and do it is y’all because it’s like if I don’t do it it’s going to hurt streaming if it hurts streaming i w be to do this [ __ ] for the for my community

Anymore and I really like my community it’s very nice it’s fun it’s cool H but yeah I’m all good I feel fine I you know I like where all of this is going cuz hell I get really lucky tomorrow like not lucky tomorrow but like in general I’m probably going to

Get pretty lucky because like I said I’m thinking of like with door dashing Uber eat it’s like minimum I can get is $2 per order it is very rare I only get $2 normally it’s like [ __ ] three five six yeah where do you see yourself in two months from now

Honestly hopefully I have the PC setup complete I.E I have the a monitor cuz as right now I’m using my TV um hopefully hopefully I’m close to surpassing the 200 mark on YouTube and twitch I’m much more reliable at Uber and whatnot I’ve gotten a decent grasp on streaming and a

Little bit of editing on the PC and in two months I want to have completed at least one collab you know what I mean I see a lot of stuff happening in the next two months like by March I feel like I want to have a lot

Of stuff done you know what I mean well not a lot but just like a good chunk of stuff a lot of easy stuff done I I just say actually I want to have a lot of easy stuff done which is you know like I said easy I’m lagging

Again jbird are you doing a thing again what am I talking about of course it’s [ __ ] jbird jbird why do you insist on doing this there we go jbird why why you like this I am so glad X told me about that [ __ ] because I now want the server to

[ __ ] start lagging again but yeah I see myself doing pretty well because at least I I don’t think I’m going to complete this this year for fact in the coming years like in the next 2ish years I do know I want to get out of this

Place with my family not cuz I don’t like my family but just cuz you know I feel like it’s about time I start getting my own place because fun fact y’all there’s a good chance in the future I live with Alec fun fact cuz Alec and I have talked about it

CU you know if you don’t know the lore at one point Alec did want all of us to live in one house which is going to be real fun and whatnot but it’s just like I feel like so many person eyes are contrasting that it probably wouldn’t work

Out like with Alec live Alec yeah in the future me and Alec might live together not living at Alec’s place but me and Alec live together in the same place because we talked about it and we were like hey yo bro when you get back from all your little you

Know from your like [ __ ] in the Philippines and you’re back in the Vegas permanently think might moving in together and we’re like yeah sure why not because when you think about it’s like it help both of us R be Brent will be half you know what I mean jbird enough there you

Go oh it be cool if you’re in the Philippines but it’s okay yeah of course when Ally comes back because I’m not going to move anywhere around the world anytime soon I feel like if I did move anywhere it’ be like God where the [ __ ]

Would I even go Japan is like a cool place to live but then I had to learn Japanese which I don’t think I can do I see what you’re trying to do you’re trying to spawn [ __ ] in here no nuh-uh but yeah I don’t know can I join

Sorry Mike this is the end of the series so unfortunately no but yeah all of that y’all it’d be really cool see in two years times where I am you know just vibing somewhere probably chilling bro why you br in me why do you think we’re flying

Everywhere it’s over the series is over we finished the series right now I hate being late in some Realms good to know but yeah you know this next few months while maybe [ __ ] hectic and whatnot I am looking forward to it you know what I mean how this 10 days

Probably most this text this this this next 10 days is probably going to be the most hectic time so far then for a while I’m pretty sure yeah where you should change your title on chat instead of flat Minecraft world now well I am in Minecraft and it is

Flat Minecraft but I should change it from booming the flat world economy to just talking in flat Minecraft there you go I change the title CU yeah the booming economy really ain’t working anymore all right uh but yeah well to be fair it is Minecraft content technically it’s just that it’s

Not the cont they’re thinking of because you know when I first started stream I’m like all right let’s get the work done but then it hit me like this shit’s over like it’s over the series is over but we did a lot because you look at all this

This was all done basically in survival from flat world we had nothing and then we have a base trees a lava Farm a water a cobblestone generator we had the [ __ ] the village is a big one the thing the farm the pen with zombie pigman dirt Castle the underground M

Shaft with this place which is completely expansive and whatnot we did a lot we did a lot yeah yep I built this entire Castle survival I legit see you breaking [ __ ] in creative mode I saw you doing it earlier demon you cre V seemed like a nice way

To end it it was hard to do that like curing the Villager was hard as hell bro I don’t know cuz like legit every step was just a different part of getting that One Singular thing I haven’t been in creative mode once yeah sure I saw saw you breaking blocks instantly earlier but

Yeah it was hard the gold was hard the witch thing really stumped us for a minute there with her having to throw a potion and us find out you had to be a certain distance away from her to throw the potion because it was laggy I don’t

Know demon I thought you were in Creative at one point but if you this whole in survival mode congratulations dog it truly is a good Castle like it’s taller than this thing and it’s the M spawner I mean it wouldn’t be on the ground but both of these are on platforms and that

Ones actually they’re pretty much on the same level I’m realizing now but yeah I don’t know I feel like it’s a good way to end it all L but yeah on top of that yeah cuz like also like the money for the bill it’s not a lot but also got to get more

Than that to get a [ __ ] uh some things here and then you know I mean like the Wi-Fi adapter but that’s like again like 60 bucks like yeah I’m going to have the money for the bill in no time for the internet bill easy peasy L squeezy especially if I stay dedicated

If I Stay dedicated it’ll be easiest how to get but that’s that’s the that’s the pro that’s the hard part that is the hard part is staying dedicated to it I don’t know I’m definitely going to go I’m definitely going to get used to it in due time

Probably this year but I feel it be so much more efficient and better if I had that D license you know what I mean because at that point it’s just easiest pie to get the [ __ ] like Lally split you know what I mean but I guess it’s in due time that’s

A future me thing a thing I want to get done by the end of the year because when you think about it the second I get my own car and can do that [ __ ] constantly is when it’s going to be like I can start thinking about moving out

R can you momy that’s up to jbird demon bean and puff I have no say on that anymore apologies mate I had no say in it but yeah that’s a future me thing definitely by the end of the year I want to have the driver license not to permit

And the car will be nice but I I don’t know if I can see that happening or not you know what I mean oh right keep it daytime just so that demon doesn’t you with [ __ ] creepers and whatnot forgot about that for a second I

Was just so caught up in talking that it was like you know what I mean why is it lagging in some places the demon help help me I feel so special yeah I feel like jber did something yep there’s a ton of [ __ ] chickens around aren’t they nope but just to be

Sure kill all yep I killed a bunch of chickens there we go oh oh much smoother I don’t know where jbre had that stashed away but they had it somewhere but yeah it’s going to be good times really good times your friend is gone I don’t know dog I feel like I

Finally talked about all I want for the New Year’s resolutions and it only took two hours so you can see why I’m not afraid of collabing I can talk to like you know just one piece of text for out white hold on I can talk to somebody who just you

Know texts talking every now and again for hours but SP command block can make it repeatedly kill chickens I would but like we have an hour left here seems kind of pointless seems like jber just kind of [ __ ] bored which I would say in this case is

Valid because just us flying around and talking but yeah I think the first pro big project I want to try and complete is the revolution thing you know what I mean that’d be nice to do the revolution thing would be nice you just get completed and whatnot jird could you please stop like

Just try and build something or something like that there you go what is evolution oh buddy boy just you wait because it’s a secret that only the mods know fun fact I think once or twice demons spilt it by accident but only the mods know about it

And it is something the mods are going to help me with because I also want I don’t want to take too much credit for everything because a lot of the things that y’all see and what y’all will see in the future will will be from the help of the mods wait a

Second hold on she’s got a spawner somewhere these things are spawning too quick quickly for it not to be a spawner cuz he’s not putting things down you guys are holding a lot of info reolution Goa he inant Etc well the Goa heat incident is more just like for y’all safety

Because it’s [ __ ] really disgusting and the revolution that was from the get-go mod knowledge a lot of these things are I will give you that X Mod knowledge well that’s because there are a lot of Unfinished process Pro projects that I could not do until I got a PC so of course until

Now and y’all will see them eventually I promise you that it’s not up here now then do yeah something is spawning chickens somewhere they probably put spawner somewhere so you’re going to go and invade Britain perhaps you know a little Uno reverse card for those British

[ __ ] yeah is there a way I can say slash break sash oh wait slash set set block there we go you can tort yourself to a chicken entity that’ be any chicken though I doubt that’s how I do it but I’m just winging it yeah I think Jaber just has a chicken

Farm somewhere I I don’t know where I can’t be bother to find it wait a second is it under the house you have a chicken spawner is it down here doesn’t look to be down here I think they were just spawning these ones but somewhere there are a [ __ ] ton of chicken

Spawning Jaber could you [ __ ] stop because every time I do this I accidentally kill demon because I got to kill everything so could you please stop demon is just trying to build in peace but they keep [ __ ] dying because I have to kill everything may my castle yep but

Yeah I forgot what I was talking about before why do I hear flapping I [ __ ] found it why did you put this in Demon’s thing I knew somewhere there was had to be a chicken spawner somewhere there had to be one is it in every Tower no just that

One right something stupid this morning but I I unfortunately backpedal what did you do you robbed the bank didn’t you okay much better yeah because I knew there was too many chickens spawning I joined Twitter bro I have a Twitter what you mean legit Twitter is like then again I

Don’t really use it I just have it on my phone for the occasional I’m super bored let me just [ __ ] kind of thing but you know it is what it is you know I mean Jean my Jack my my [ __ ] home slice my home skillet

My my Jack Jack you know what you mean Jack Jack Samurai Jack gotta get back back to the past Samurai Jack I can finally break this one thing that I’ve been wanting to break for forever the L first thing I saw someone just justifying incest that’s not great

I don’t use it for that I have tailored it to my [ __ ] Taste of dumb [ __ ] but yeah you know man as they say in the business it is what it is I didn’t see that at first at first cuz I put in all people I like I saw like YouTubers memes

Jokes I saw all that I find it amazing how we [ __ ] got a sub this stream somehow like we got a sub when I was just talking on flat Minecraft but yeah sorry it’s uh what was I saying I was saying something about oh yeah Twitter I

Know Twitter’s nice for me same for Instagram because at this point I’ve tailored them to my taste and now it’s like oo this thing is delightful you know what I mean it’s just like that then again I feel like people sub to me a lot lot of times cuz I am good background

Noise I can see Twitter being a nice website but the public part of it is just crap oh yeah until you customize it to your liking cuz like legitimately I rarely get anything that’s like not something I like nine times out of 10 it’s meme funny thing a YouTuber I like

Or it’s just straight porn it’s one of those things very rarely is it like political or something like that you know I mean or something like really weird you know what I mean then I if that’s every single app you have at first it just shows you what’s po what’s most

Popular and trending which is sometimes not great sometimes amazing other times it’s but sorry sometimes it’s that other times it’s completely normal and you got to just customize it to your taste you know what I mean it’s like how a dogs on Tik Tok but it’s literally just

Vine cuz if I were to get Tik Tok and customize it to my taste I guarantee I beat on it all day hell I have the same thing but I just use Instagram reals mainly CU Instagram comments are something else like they don’t give a [ __ ] it’s just the most [ __ ] like no

Hold bar [ __ ] in the world and it’s [ __ ] amazing my [ __ ] right arm is hurting really bad though cuz yesterday I was playing the on the [ __ ] Wii with my brother cuz my mom for Christmas for the family and we were playing Wii Sports again for the first time in years I

Think I threw out my right arm from playing every game specifically baseball because I was trying to knock that [ __ ] out the park with my [ __ ] swings like I was throwing my entire arm out there and it [ __ ] was like it hurts today like it’s sore cuz I was just trying to [ __ ]

Just I trying toce does the stair look weird the staircase in the Middle look weird hold on let me get a good look at it from the entirety of it normal nice good take the ladder up it looks a little bit cramp but besides that I’m fine I was a Nintendo

Kid back in the day I am still a Nintendo kid I buy well I guess more of a Pokemon thing I do buy the occasion like a thing like Mario or something like that or smash but overall like is it weird in the middle she said me

Personally I would put it to the side mainly because I feel like that staircase is just too thick and it’s like seems kind of squinched you know I mean it together but yeah I am a Pokemon kid through and through I at this point

Life cuz hell I want to get a switch for Zelda series uhhuh I have a switch I have a 3DS I have a d I have a Game Boy I have a Pikachu game boy but it’s hard to find it here at least for me Amazon is my go-to for most

Things because like on my actually what games am I missing at this point now on my game boy I have I have Ruby Sapphire Emerald leaf green my my brother said he’s going to buy the OG Pokemon so I got that down beyond that I’m missing the original Diamond and Pearl Platinum

Series the Black and Whites I have X um I don’t got Omega Sapphire but I don’t need the originals what else do I have then I got the ultra Moon then at that point I have every single Pokemon going to come out I have let’s go Eevee Shield [ __ ] brilliant Diamond

Legends and most recently Violet and are only price 5 standards yeah I see that because they are shipping from the states normally it’s the opposite normally places ship from somewhere else to the States but Amazon is ship from the states to somewhere else Jaber why are you doing this this is Demon’s house

Stop making a giant penis on Demon’s house all right I I I’ve known to chal at a good penis or two but this is Demon’s house all right they’re the only [ __ ] they’re the only [ __ ] who has not cheated yet in this world so you know let’s of them have this

Jbird come on let’s the demon finish this up they have like 40 something minutes left before I got to go you know what I mean thanks R uhhuh demon put a lot of time into this and they definitely want to see it through because they haven’t cheated yet they’re still gain the materials

Legitly and this is the last chance probably maybe one more if that for them to get this done no that was not your sign to switch to dirt just go do something else bro go explore go make something all right damn [ __ ] you Hollow was [ __ ] on the

Inside of my annoying sibling now yep well you know it’s just I I get that they’re bored but also it’s like we have very little time here and do wants to just finish their thing legitly so it’s like you know I feel like I should I

Feel like I should let them because it’s the last time they’re probably going to ever see this server it’s probably going to be a hot minute before I put up an actual server for like y’all because if I did I want to have it either be like just simple Minecraft or

Mod I haven’t decided yet hey tomorrow um I’m going to stream nothing tomorrow because it’s a Thursday but Friday I don’t know cuz Friday is is ah yep Friday I’m going cuz Friday is twitch and twitch recently has been really hard because of the fact that well if I’m being honest with you

Mates twitch has been hard recently because I didn’t don’t know what to play now even more so like I could play Hardcore Minecraft but it’s like do I I might play genin actually because this this going to be one of my last twitch streams cuz like I said Saturday

I kind of want to put the entire Saturday to be in a [ __ ] uh subnotica below zero to try and finish it not going to lie H was kind of tedious in my opinion oh it was hard as [ __ ] and tedious but it was at the point

Where I was like I’m run out of ideas what I can play I don’t have a lot left I’m run out of ideas I need to get that PC soon that was then me now it’s like I don’t want to play just cuz I don’t have to you know what I mean

I feel like I chose the wrong choice of Hardcore Minecraft and I feel like the the [ __ ] what’s it called the [ __ ] I [ __ ] knew it the game start to get framy I feel like the one block Minecraft would much better oh if you a PC games are now Limitless now yep

Exactly but yeah um what was I saying oh yeah I just [ __ ] I probably should have played one block Minecraft because now I have that I can’t use it and one block Minecraft probably would have been pretty [ __ ] fun you know what I mean what is this what’s in here open up the

Can don’t play available yeah the games I’m probably going to buy first are pubg not not buy but actually the game I’m probably going to pay for it first I’m not that dumb true you are pretty smart Jaber but yeah I probably pay for lethal company first

Because I know yoyo really wants to play that then beyond that the first games I’m probably going to download are pubg TF2 if Ultra kill is free I might check that out then beyond that [ __ ] what I do beyond that project zomo I’m have to pay For I think you can link your PS4 account the stream then you can transfer your games from PS4 to PC I’m not sure I can do that I know I can sync up my PS4 to to Discord but that’s just to show G people what I’m

Playing beyond that I don’t think I can I think certain games have cross progression but like I know subnotica below zero doesn’t have it unfortunately Minecraft might have it because I know I can get both uh bedrock and Java and I do have Java and Bedrock separately

Too what your kill is $8 oh that’s fine like I said most of the things I’m P I’m paying for now are very cheap you know I mean by comparison because I was going from saving up to have over ,000 basically to now it’s like oh 120 maximum

250 18 bucks 6 16 bucks 10 bucks so now it’s all very much more more realistic to get you know what I mean with my current predicament because as long as I pay for that bill the rest of just Free Falling for free forming you know what I

Mean which is nice it’s very nice to have this like kind of stability I guess in a sense you know what I mean it’s nice to have it it’s chill it’s very nice and it’s you know H I don’t know cuz the whole $1,000 task seemed like so much

Without a job and it was like so hard I really hope you get good looking hopefully no I I don’t see any bums happening just because like I said at this point money is not really a problem the PC like you always said should be good for a good while

The only bump I could see is like something really unpredicted happening but even then that’s like a whole new experience for the year which I’m looking forward to I’m just this year’s going to be [ __ ] good I feel like it’s going to be fun at least for the most

Part yeah we are lagging hard Jesus Christ there are so many chickens CL marip I’m going hit up Markiplier right after the stream and say hey yo dog you’re a content creator I’m a content creator we can work something out here oh right make it daytime for demon

So that they’re not chilling at night with creepers everywhere and whatnot chicken damn but yeah you know it is what it is it do be what it do be and we’re about halfway over with this which is shocking because I can’t believe it when you think about it like

10 days from now I’m thinking oh what did you say demon you got cut off by me killing a [ __ ] ton of chickens type Minecraft chicken is a chicken I don’t want to [ __ ] do that can we get glass you can do whatever you want demon oh actually I know what to

Do I got it I know how to stop sorry mistake it’s is a chicken yep [ __ ] I want to find where jaybird’s stupid little chicken farm is because I kind of need to destroy it it’s lagging the whole server and I don’t want to keep doing the slash kill everything because it kills

Demon you know what I mean I’mma go and grab my food that’s on the other side of the room I might not even have to disconnect from the no I can grab it and still be connected about say I’m go grab it real quick but I can stay connected here

I got some hot chocolate over here too well yeah because I want it to be a nice final day for demon because like I said it is our final time here and Deon put a lot of work and effort into this thing so I think they should be able to

Fix it and finish it you know what I mean wait a second wait second wait ah it’s somewhere in this area because I can feel the frames drop when I look over here you know what I mean like it’s over yeah it’s somewhere in this area I

Just don’t know where the [ __ ] it is I doubt it’s in Demon’s house again because I feel like demon would notice it see yeah it’s like somewhere right in this area they made it purposely under Demon’s thing like a [ __ ] wait a second hold on M

Nah for a second I thought they might have built something above demon yeah do to clear entities because JB Bird’s [ __ ] machine is somewhere we can’t find it sorry demon blame jbird jabber could you please go and just break your machine at this point now it’s breaking the entire Server like it really is so could you please just go and break it I see it now why do you insist on doing this legit this is only hurting demon update go on hold on demon this should be the last time [ __ ] power outage good to

Know I think so too de I think the fact that it’s [ __ ] with you is the reason of doing it I’m sorry Jael you just can’t be trusted I’ve sent you to the realm of being a normal person so that demon can finish their thing in the last 30 minutes e 30 minutes

Is you know I mean there would be nice exactly because we want demon to finish their dirt Castle they’ve been working on it for literally months what’s up you’re going to have all the raw chicken from the chickens you killed there you go uh-huh Bean I’m not not going to lie

To you be for a second there all I read was oh and a new 6 in and my ass dead us stt you grew a penis I was so flabbergasted for about a second and a half because I thought being grew a penis out of nowhere which have been very

Shocking but yeah two Ines of snow that’s nice nice I like some good snow I did I have a I just grew a massive schlong right now you know jokes on you jokes on you I actually have a penis let me see again isn’t being underage jird are you

Asking an underage person for a picture of their pennis h is that what you’re asking for six inches yep sixo feet I’m 18 still right damn you’re 18 oh yeah demon 17 why why do you want to look at it I think should be the real question don’t you got a

Boyfriend why do you want to see someone else’s Penis good for you bean I hope you boil you probably taste really good with some butter on a lobster roll I’m sorry a bean Roll as is going let me see them titties you [ __ ] this twin didn’t you you look at his penis or it’s a girl that wouldn’t be identical baby that’ be fraternal not gener theal m jabber that wouldn’t be identical twins as fraternal unless Delila was a guy at one

Point and switched over yeah that means they’re fraternal twins not identical identical implies they look exactly the same I don’t know you legit just said I my boyfriend has an identical twin that implies they are both the same gender and look exactly the same well you describe is eternal two

People born at the same time but they don’t look the same and they’re typically different genders this woman is a nurse yeah say aren’t you a nurse bro thank you King Crow for the friend request appreciate it dog a very drunk nurse [ __ ] doubt it

Ah I finished my meal and I’m ready to see Demon’s progress under the life Little House hey there New York City you’re a thousand miles away but tonight girl you look so pretty yes you do I miss the things we used to do toally just Clos Minecraft

Anyway did you finish or did you close it by accident because we want to do a little tour here you Dad I’m drunk yeah you kind of just use it as an excuse whenever you say something dumb Jaber that’s actually wrong well I’m drunk you know what I

Mean like that’s jabber’s excuse every time they get something wrong well I am drunk so you know I get a pass this time yeah it’s always so convenient it’s either you’re con it’s either you’re an alcoholic or you’re lying whoa oh yeah this is the tower that got [ __ ] up by

Jbird and this one too apparently be fair most I know are only influence most of the time good to know um more more orth less good to know so you’re an alcoholic thanks for the pro tip buckaroo Jaber give your liver some mercy nuh-uh I’m not going to lie I never

Thought about using honey blocks and glow them together but it’s actually a pretty good combo the colors are very well mixing together the only problem is getting this much honey blocks make you want to die yep let them suffer and the green at the bottom is very nice

There a bunch of vibrant colors coming together you know what I mean oh my hatred of glow stone could never why do you hate glowstone glow Stone’s so pretty sup Gregory but yeah glowstone so pretty why you hating no [ __ ] jir no [ __ ] it’s ugly glowstone is not ugly it’s

Beautiful like just look the way it shines and glimmers it looks like actual gold like it looks like a bunch of shiny gold pushed into a block you know what I mean it’s so pretty the one block I don’t really like that much is sea lanterns when it comes to

Lighting yes I did Gregory yes I did I heard mtat left Game Theory well he’s not gone yet he’s going to be gone in 10 weeks and then he also say he’s still going to be doing projects there just on the download like ly that he’s really excited for the the the

Jrpg yeah know h i mean I don’t blame him he’s been on YouTube for [ __ ] forever I watch the video I saw it coming you know what I mean I feel like a bunch of YouTubers that are like as old as him are gonna be are going to be retiring

Really soon you know they’ve been here long enough and whatnot 13 years YouTube’s a wife and kids and a cat exactly he’s kind of been doing this for seemingly forever and also you know YouTube was a very different pace when they started out the formula is completely different the people on it

Are different the older people are you know still very much remembered and respected but it’s a a lot of them are now thinking it’s going to throw in the towel you know I mean You’ done it for long enough it’s time to just say o you know what I

Mean it makes sense every single cont Creator you’ve ever seen is going to quit eventually I forgot I make it daytime for jbre again but yeah it’s whatever I feel like can I change the weather too I didn’t think it was going to stay the same Clear there we

Go but yeah you know I I feel like it is what it is you know what I mean then again I didn’t really watch game theory that hard or any of his other things he was always one of those channels where I like I had not watch him for

Months and I just binge watch him for like an entire two days and then I’d be gone again for months I was playing with the drums with bottles the drum with bottles and went from my foot yeah there we go but yeah I don’t know I

I feel fine with it you know what I mean then again if I didn’t feel fine there’s no [ __ ] I can do about it I know I’m going to [ __ ] retire one day actually I don’t know I’ve always said if I did make it big which just W be I

It’s kind of lik I feel like I always said I’d never retire but now that I think about it more and more it’s like eventually I would have to yeah Army is taking Amy is taking over sty Theory Tom on Game Theory leam Phil Theory and sad on food Theory [ __ ]

Alcohol there go the lights again one second go good to know Bean good to know good know you’re in a you’re in a blizzard in a power outage right now but yeah it’s all good I rarely watch them so it didn’t affect me of course I

Was like damn that’s kind of a bummer but also it’s like you know at this point you kind have prepare for it all every single year typically at the beginning a lot of creators you know retire actually yeah the three times looking for retirements that increase for YouTubers is beginning of the year

End of the year and the direct middle I remember watching m p to after play yep dokey doie ler CL but yeah you know it’s just one of those things I guess where it’s like H you know what I mean he’s he’s cool and all but I didn’t watch him it’s pronounced

Santi oh yeah Santi but yeah I don’t know I personally I don’t know I don’t really I don’t really care I’ve seen so many creators go and come and leave and go and it’s just you know at this point it’s just like eh they’re cool you know what I

Mean Matt pads one the most is one of the most characters is one of the characters in chis Mar yeah I know I’m aware but like I I I know I think he’s a cool guy I think he’s chill but I’m not going to be like

Overtly upset about it I think he’s just you know chill I don’t know because like don’t but could you have ah yeah it’s just a whole it’s a thing if you’re like but who knows cuz then again like I second I said he’s not leaving leaving then again

See what a lot of YouTubers do too they quote unquote retire but that just means they’re not going to take that [ __ ] as seriously it’s going to be gone back welcome back but yeah I feel that’s like Tradition now for YouTubers you retire but you don’t really

Retire how pretty can I make it you have like add six to there actually had seven there 144 you have 20 you have you have 16 minutes left demon you have like you have 16 minutes left before over we’re done to also kind of quit yeah but like

I said most creators who quote unquote crit or retire a lot of times they still occasionally come back and do [ __ ] just cuz you know it’s kind of hard to go from doing so much to nothing that quickly yeah you know what I mean like it’s just hard doing One Singular thing

For years and years and years and then not doing anymore it’s just like eventually it’s just you can’t stop doing it slime please slime what about slime but yeah demon you got a little bit of time left the second this stream hits 253 I’m ending it because the other

Stream was like 7 minutes long before it crashed supposedly by midnight but my CS are sick so I’m taking care of it y for some reason I would love to get slime slime poured on me but I don’t trust that yeah you mean like nickel getting like slimed I that sh always

Look gross it looks fun but hella gross in my opinion you know I mean [ __ ] bam [ __ ] Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Boom Boom boomop Boop I mess up with the [ __ ] last one do you have any merchandise yes I am

N i mean I’m just asking because I have a Pikachu hoodie and a plushy I don’t know why but the the opposite of grass me looks quite attractive what is a demon like do I have any merchandise merchandise um like from company some I feel like yeah cuz like I got

Like Lilo and Stitch hoodie I got [ __ ] Nintendo things around here I want to get more specifically collect Pokemon and plushy things but you know money is a problem do you happen to be a humanoid slime just asking he wants to grow into a larger slime

Mass all right demon you got we got 13 minutes left is more like 12 but you know get ready after I hit that marker I’m going to do a whole little roundabout tour of the area like again then again got got [ __ ] up in this last episode because we’re in creative

Mode because you know PC soon so there’s no point of having this world anymore we’re going to make a new one soon so you know we just [ __ ] it up but most of the is still here and Demon did do their entire thing in survival mode so good on them

Yeah hav never played any Pokemon games no me but I don’t have a cons to play any so expected please send down link of that world one day x i i can get a down link for it actually but yeah yeah I don’t know at least for me Pokemon has always

Been a part of my life mainly because Pokemon Heart Gold was actually like the first video game I ever played and that [ __ ] blew my mind as a kid cuz I’ve seen people play video games like my dad before but I never played any myself and

Then I played heart gold and it was just [ __ ] mindblowing to me ever since then I’ve been in and out of the series you know what I mean I’m I’m hard back into it now though but yeah you know beyond that what else I want to collect I collect

Pins not necessar not necessarily from like actual things but you know in general I collect pins and whatnot first ever play is Quake 2 good on you xmate good on you never heard of it no yeah good luck building with that jbird first time I play was Super Mario

World that wasn’t that far behind for me I’m not going to lie to you it’s just that you know Pokemon was there first then again it could have yeah Pok was there first for me and I don’t know it was just it was just [ __ ] mindblowing

Game for a little kid Ray what is a demon why are these oh I’m guessing jabber has a few uh leftover ravagers yeah I’m guessing they have a few leftover ravager eggs from the base come on J BR they got 10 minutes left to do this let them do

It quick theuse basically te a got it but yeah you know I don’t know just as a kid that game blew my [ __ ] mind mainly just because at that point there was just so many types and moves and whatnot that little kid me kind of didn’t know how to process that much so

It kind of just like got me into video games then of course being a little kid I got into games like [ __ ] Cod and whatnot but yeah I don’t know they wasn’t a big part of my life video do games no matter what I’ve been on whatever you [ __ ] you’re good Demon

Whe a [ __ ] switch DS game boy PS3 PS4 xbo 360 Xbox PC it’s always been a part of my life to a very big big degree you know what I mean I’m surprised demon was able to make this in just survival you know I mean out of just dir

Not that part but all of this rest is all demon and survival which is curious I thought they’ switch to creative mode and finish in creative mode like most people would when it’s like the last episode of a series but no they were dedicated to finishing this all

Legit I couldn’t tell you why but you got to admire that dedication even though if it is just a dirt Castle you got to admire that dedication to the craft you know what I mean sorry I’m just stretching my back out [ __ ] I’m just amazing yep yes you are I

Don’t know but yeah I think for this I know the schedule now for the next two streams next stream tomorrow not Friday is genin on Twitch as a you know an omage to how my career started on the PS4 a lot of it was with genin demon cool like that exactly then Saturday

It’s subnotica below zero hopefully either beating it beating it or getting really close to beating it you know what I mean and then Sunday and Monday I don’t know I don’t know going to do those because those are the last days and it’s it’s one more YouTube and one more

Twitch actually I probably do stard do on Sunday and then Monday I’ll end it off with actually no to next this Friday I don’t know what I’m doing because I want to end it off with genin as my last ever stream on the PS4 can see those like my

Biggest streams I did in the beginning that means what the [ __ ] do I do to Friday is there anyway can do it I have no idea I’ll look into it demon for you but I’m not sure because yeah you got like how much time is that

That’s you got like six and a half minutes to complete this but that’s all good some things just aren’t meant to be complete you know what I mean that’s okay that’s fine [ __ ] happens it’s part of life sometimes you start things and you just can’t finish

Them but you can appreciate how far you got in them there’s way to get download file you can turn into a download make uhhuh I I will try but yeah yeah what was I saying oh yeah that you know I I’m going to play Friday then

Because like I said most of my twitch games at this point are just kind of like filler like it’s Ultra Hardcore Minecraft which I don’t like playing and then it’s [ __ ] what’s it called power wash simulator I don’t know maybe I can go back into some older games too what was

An older game I played all the time back in the day yeah I want to explore Demon’s Castle yep what oh it’s raining [ __ ] going to clear that up I wanted to end on a clear nice day in Minecraft game all right kich all right but yeah yeah

Terraria yeah a little Parton me regrets not finishing my Summoner World Terraria I got stuck at dread Nautilus and said I’d come back to it and I never came back to it mainly because like oh I’m going to get the [ __ ] waxing ships next time and then I never and then I

Forgot to get those and then I forgot about that series I didn’t remember that [ __ ] until like I was looking at all my thumbnails a few days ago that yeah but then again I I played like three different Terraria worlds but I only ever finished one of

Them so it’s like I don’t know I’ll look into it for Friday I have two days to the side you know what I mean so I can look browse and see what I can do you know what I mean no no die perfect but yeah you know what I

Mean because I only thought of genin as like a OG because it really is an OG because even though I took breaks from it I did return to again Hollow Knight [ __ ] Hollow night the the other [ __ ] twitch one has to be Hollow nights it has to be no more no more ravager

Eggs uhuh you had enough of those but yeah I feel like Hollow nights I got it Hollow night because that game was a humongous pain in my ass but it also was a fun game and I love it and we did do a [ __ ] really hard challenge in it that took forever

Yeah and then Saturday is subnotica below zero trying to beat it with all my might to try to beat it in that go and then that next Sunday no that’ be yeah Sunday that would be stard saying good by cuz did play started back in the past and then Monday aka the last

Stream will be genin impact it was fun watching you play Hollow night and completing the the steel thing yeah steel Soul it was tough bro then again I was kind of being dumb with it but yeah excuse me but you know what I mean see has a schedule this is the

First one in a while I’ve had an actual schedule schedule plan for the next few days normally it’s like oh what the [ __ ] I’m going to play you know what I mean right before I I go live so yeah Friday Hollow night Saturday below zero the entire day

No split stream that time just just below zero after that it’ll be [ __ ] uh uh oh yeah stardo and we’ll finally end off with genin impact hi hi are you trying to eat the power fish but yeah there you go that’s the complete Memory Lane games I know the

YouTube ones depending on how long you’ve been here not actually below zero is not Memory Lane but it’s just recorded need to get done should I do that cuz like I said I could just stream that like in my own not stream time record that in my own time

Other side other side I want to do you know like Saturday be like a memory thing or what I’ll side later [ __ ] genin is where’s my ring at oh there it is [ __ ] genin is what what does that sentence mean [ __ ] genin is are you TR to say

What the [ __ ] genin is like you don’t know what it is or like what and Demon it is time genin M yeah genin is scheduled for Monday because that should be my last ever stream on the PS5 not PS5 PS4 I wish I had a PS5 that should my last game on the

PS4 it’s say from Monday you know it’s real F the G is like one of the biggest games in my entire career and now it’s ending all right demon I’ll probably try and figure out a way for you to get this world but let’s go in a little yeah I’m

Back welcome back time for a little Memory Lane of this little world we had before we went in creative mode and [ __ ] it up today our base house very nicely built super nice cobblestone generator little thing here jair’s brother bebird made this thing the [ __ ] waterless M spawner all of our

Villagers which are been died because they had to kill every entity multiple times that was hard that was hard I’ll try and give y’all the world and if I do get it I’ll put it somewhere like the Discord got it this was this was hard to do when the

Villagers were here it was rough to cure them of course the farm all the potatoes freshly grown our Pigman spawner that was great that was great this thing was nice so many fights start over this cuz I kept killing pigs you both bu it understood jbird our forest

After a while we just stopped using this like legit normally every stream at one point or another we cut down virtually the entire forest and then replant it cuz we needed so much but towards the end we just didn’t need it at all well we save demons for last of

Course one of the many many many many underground dirt mines we had in order to you know patch holes and whatnot another one over here from demon That’s like [ __ ] miles long yeah that goes on forever down there and then Demon’s house ignore this this is jbird all of this was done

Legitly by our own demon up the dirt this thing caused so many troubles cuz it was so [ __ ] dark underneath yeah yep look at it in all of its Glory don’t look at that close your eyes don’t look at it Shield your eyes from it don’t look at it I can fly

[ __ ] ignore the creeper heads of course all their Lookout Towers just go to the top and they poke out four of these all around an entire wall a path plat form [ __ ] humongous the interior God surprised they did this so quick cuz a lot of this was done today you know

What I mean look at it all the next layer of the castle it’s really nice for be made out of dirt you know what I mean it’s really nice and then finally we reached the very tippy top of this dirt Castle and we can Overlook everything we did it’s in a

Small area but it’s a lot of [ __ ] there’s also that thing up there but that was just made in like creative the rest of this though all legit we had so many up and downs in this world y’all and while it does I am a little bit sad

To see it go with the PC we’ll be able to make even greater worlds than this one and have more fun than in this world could you stop smacking my ass I know I know it’s slappable but stop look at it all damn we did a [ __ ]

Lot but with that being said though y’all thank you all for watching watch R to a VOD mate just sub watch follow you here in person we talking just chilling remember get to 500 Subs on YouTube or 500 followers on Twitch your m g play the entire [ __ ] stream good for y’all

Bad for me that being said tell your mom dad sister brother cousins Aunt uncles nieces nephews strangers neighbors friends cats dogs tell yourbody got a two I go on here Bel love CH talk or don’t we other way thank to CH talk to me akx Bean Gregory

Leslie jbird demon and anyone who came talk with me don’t no [ __ ] that demon rather die they talking to talk to me I for sorry I forgot your name but you know so many and then to everyone I to hand name talk I saw all of youall so that being said one last

Look at everything that being said thank you oh yeah sorry of course sleep well have a wonderful night I will see you Friday yeah I’ll make I’ll try and get you all a copy of it but yeah with that being said though thank you guys for watching goodbye flat Minecraft

While you were so fun sorry I didn’t get to finish you but you know got the PC a lot faster than I thought we would thank you for watching sorry was that said thank for watching I’ll talk to y’all later and of course peace y’all

This video, titled ‘Just Talking | Flat Minecraft’, was uploaded by Monkey Boy on 2024-01-11 05:19:59. It has garnered 35 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:58:35 or 10715 seconds.

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    Insane Twist in Livestream: Sonic X Shadow ShowdownVideo Information e e e thank you Jeff hi everyone I am so excited to be here at Summer gamefest I’m here with you today to share some even more Super for fun trailers so let’s get straight to okay are we back up I’m so sorry I don’t know what happened my Roblox crash no sorry I just want to turn it back on for a second guys I’m so sorry I don’t know what happened guys can you hear me hear me again it’s working on my computer guys I don’t know what happened I’m so sorry what… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Solar System Build!

    Insane Minecraft Solar System Build!Video Information hello premium this is my channel forite and in this video I’m going to be showing you the planets in Minecraft sizes I’m playing in Minecraft um no not I and yeah this is so much I thought so here’s the sun obviously needed 64 blocks to make four manga KN box to make the sun and the Sun is kind of burning but fire and this is four BLX toe if come his orbit it’s going to get roses going to okay because yeah the on okay you need one iron bar button to make World Korean… Read More

  • Master the Elements in Minecraft! Ultimate Air Bending with HD Shaders

    Master the Elements in Minecraft! Ultimate Air Bending with HD ShadersVideo Information This video, titled ‘HD Air Bending In Minecraft with Factions & Distant Horizons Shaders!’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:43:32. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:47 or 107 seconds. Java Or Bedrock! Minecraft Server IP: allsanctum.com Discord Invite: discord.gg/G9baugNyvD Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • Insane Bionic Creates Real Life Tiny Minecraft Base!

    Insane Bionic Creates Real Life Tiny Minecraft Base!Video Information today my goal is to build the tiniest Minecraft secret base and hide it but not in Minecraft in real life and my friends are going to try and hunt it down to destroy it where’s bro going oh my God I think I see it I think I see it this is the ultimate episode of Base hunt welcome goobers to Minecraft base hunt you guys have 1 hour to find my tiny secret base in this giant 500×500 map and if you guys find it there’s $1,000 inside of this tiny see $1,000 $1,000 you know… Read More

  • Exploring Mystical Void SMP – Mind-Blowing Cinematic!

    Exploring Mystical Void SMP - Mind-Blowing Cinematic!Video Information This video, titled ‘MYSTICAL VOID SMP REVIEW CINEMATIC 🚀 #trendingvideo #viral #gaming’, was uploaded by AEROX__YT on 2024-05-27 13:05:43. It has garnered 223 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #gaming #trendingvideo #feedshorts #viral #goat #minecraft #hastag #feeds #1millionviews #best #noob #ronaldo #sigmarule #great #new #mcpe #mobilelegends #bedrock #crore #india # I hope you like this video 📸 so that’s it luv u fam Read More

  • Unbelievable Transformation with Melodies of Perseverance

    Unbelievable Transformation with Melodies of PerseveranceVideo Information This video, titled ‘An Inspirational Story about “Melodies of Perseverance” #shorts #motivation #ytshorts’, was uploaded by ABK-Inspirational on 2024-05-17 13:30:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. An Inspirational Story about “Melodies of Perseverance” #shorts #motivation #ytshorts. one piece mod minecraft pe demon slayer … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Pro HACKS!

    INSANE Minecraft Pro HACKS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pro’, was uploaded by PKG on 2024-03-10 07:13:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Become the Ultimate Pixelmon Player!

    Become the Ultimate Pixelmon Player!Video Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today on something brand new that I have not played in absolutely forever bro I am super excited to start up this series you guys could probably already tell by the title and the thumbnail everything going on it’s a little bit different than what’s normally on the channel right but I have done these series before and I honestly did have a lot of fun doing them but guys today we are on Madia for a brand new Pixelmon series you guys might not have known Madia… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!

    Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft chiknen face #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftlovers #craft #livestream’, was uploaded by Mine Captain on 2024-01-10 04:53:58. It has garnered 2727 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. #minecraft #dreamnotfound #mcyt #minecraftmemes #minecraftfunny #minecrafter #fyp #gaming #mcpe #minecraftserver #foryou #charliecustardbuilds #peashock #tiktokplaysminecraft #live #movetothebeatofbai #minecraftbuilding #minecrafthouse #minecrafttutorial #stopmotion #minecrafts #nostalgia#memez #meme #dailymemes #funnymeme #freshmemes #memelord #spicymemes #funnymemes #minecraftcursedimageshappy #minecraftbuilder #minecraftisawesome #minecraftdesigns #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecraftshaders #minecraftmob #minecraftanimation #minecraftskin #minecraftcursed #minecart #minecraftparty #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuildhacks Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist LGBTQ+ Hermitcraft-like Friendly Community 5+ Years!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-focused SMP server started by Colinator007 and RavingPlatypi, now run by RavingPlatypi and Cowmilk. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community of players. Whether you enjoy redstone engineering, building, or just hanging out, you’ll find a place with us. Our Values: Diverse & welcoming: All playstyles are welcome, from technical builds to community-focused play. Community-driven & transparent: We value community feedback and transparency in our decisions. Mutual trust & respect: Our community is respectful and drama-free. Commitment to Vanilla experience: We maintain a… Read More


    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.chickencraft.nl (GL HF) Read More

  • WyrdCraft | Witchery+

    WyrdCraft | Witchery+Welcome to WyrdCraft!This is a modded server on version 1.7.10 mainly focused on the Witchery mod with a few other additions. We are a casual community and have very few rules. The server is very new and still needs work to be a final product but we are officially playable. Modlist:Aether BiblioCraft BiomesOPlenty BloodMagic BloodMoon Botania EtFuturumRequiem IronBackpacks IronChests Netherlicious OpenBlocks PamsHarvest ThaumCraft TwilightForest WildCaves WitcheryServer IP: play.wyrdcraft.netDiscord: discord.wyrdcraft.netModpack: mods.wyrdcraft.net Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2 In Minecraft, I built more houses, it’s true, Each one unique, with a different view. From the village to the fields, my creations soar, Crafting with care, I always want more. I play FIFA 4, trying to level up my team, Buying and selling players, it’s like a dream. Upgrading Bling and Crus, to make them shine, In the transfer market, my strategy is fine. I face challenges, like laggy networks and more, But I keep on playing, never feeling sore. With dedication and skill, I aim to win, In the world of gaming, I’ll always spin. So join… Read More

  • “From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts” #minecraft #lol

    "From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts" #minecraft #lol At age 5: “Mom, can you help me avoid this trap in Minecraft?” At age 15: “I’ll just watch a YouTube tutorial on trap avoidance.” At age 25: “I’ve been playing Minecraft for years, I can sense a trap from a mile away.” At age 35: “I’ve mastered the art of trap avoidance in Minecraft, it’s like second nature to me now.” At age 45: “I’ve avoided so many traps in Minecraft, I should put it on my resume as a skill.” Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

    Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed Minecraft 1.21 Trailer vs Reality Introduction In the world of Minecraft, trailers often showcase exciting new features and updates that players can look forward to. However, sometimes these trailers can deviate from the actual gameplay experience, leading to interesting comparisons between the trailer and reality. Misleading Visuals One of the common discrepancies between Minecraft trailers and reality is the portrayal of certain game elements. For example, in the 1.21 update trailer, Mojang mistakenly depicted chests opening with the lock remaining at the bottom, unlike the actual in-game animation where the lock lifts up. Similarly, arrows in the trailer appear… Read More

  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

    Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!Video Information give me all your bro what the is a sord going to do what are you scared now you’re asking for it wait no no no no someone please help my cupcake don’t worry citizen I’m here Iron Man yes it is I the amazing Iron Man God damn it I need like a fireman or something I can’t believe it a fully rebuilt World Trade Center in Minecraft I never thought I’d see the day that that would be oh my God who could be knocking at 3:00 a.m. in the morning hey I’m Sonic the Hedgehog… Read More

  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

    Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!Video Information seed is crazy imagine a Pillager Outpost stacked on top of a mansion stacked on top of an ocean Monument stacked on top of an End Portal oh my gosh bro this whole seat is crazy okay these sand blocks I got of place I’m breaking these oh I found bur treasure oh zombie head okay I’m going just take all the essential stuff my zombie head steak and Cobblestone I guess wait my zombie head what the heck Hello did I miss something okay that’s weird um I’m just going to act like that didn’t happen I’m… Read More

  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide

    WineSideplay.wineside.eu – bolt.wineside.eu – www.wineside.eu • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. play.wineside.eu Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More