Mind-Blowing Mountain Masterpiece! Hardcore Minecraft 1.20

Video Information

Hello everybody happy happy Friday welcome on in lovely to see you see you all out here see y’all out here I don’t know both I was trying to say both at the same time apparently hi good to see you welcome on in welcome welcome welcome welcome let me turn this music down it’s

It’s a it’s bumping a little too much out there it’s bump a little too much out there oh my gosh hi everybody welcome welcome welcome this has been the first Friday stream in a while cuz we didn’t stream last Friday and I’m not sure if we streamed the Friday before I

Can’t remember exactly but uh we’re here and uh we got a mountain to build so that’s what we’re going to be doing today how are you today I’m pretty tired I I woke up pretty tired today and just not feeling the best so I was just like

You know I’m just going to take it slow in the morning and chill and just get a little lot of background worky stuff done and then I was like hey it’s stream time let’s get going we’re here you streamed 3 weeks ago yeah 3 weeks since a Friday

Stream that’s been a while Dian thank you so much for the five gift memberships I really do appreciate that that goes up to 13 hope Ed Cel Ando I think I don’t know hope you’re not sick yeah I don’t know I had a my I had a stuffy nose yesterday so I’m hoping it’s not turning into anything uh but we’ll see it is cold cold outside though the temperature dropped like crazy over the last few nights it’s it

Was down below freezing this morning when I was walking the dogs and I was like I don’t like this I’m not ready I felt like it went from being in the 50s to just at 30° outside I’m like no I want to be Warm whip stream The Ultimate Guide to building mountains I mean I’m not a professional I just I just do it a lot is what it is though my friends be sure to leave a like on the stream if you have not already I very much do app

Appreciate it if you saw a weird little random blip of a second stream popping up for a second this morning um as this one started YouTube did something weird and rerouted me when I hit start streaming it rerouted me and created a new one instead of going to this current

One so then I had to stop that delete it and then restart the stream and come back to this one so apologies for being a few seconds late YouTube is youtubing as it does normally good to have youall out here happy Friday hello welcome in hi Julie

How we doing I see we got red star we got Jor we got Lego Logan wither King what’s up how you doing we’re only adding copper great actually cop uh tough lasagna no sorry it’s not winning the vote right now so it’s just not going to get added uh Bandy what’s going

On Joe and Joanne welcome on in banana guy what’s up ight how you doing oh my gosh how am I a member again you hang out in enough streams you’ll get gifted to membership eventually that’s the way it goes happy Friday Emmy what was the vote

Nothing I just put out a poll this about just me doing my stupid YouTube polls uh stream polls they’re just they’re just here for a laugh that’s about it that’s all that they’re here for H missed so many streams Rec recently hey good to have you back Tash welcome welcome

Welcome hey Jack how you doing welcome on in oh my gosh oh my gosh Shea what’s going on looking forward to all the new blocks me too I’m really excited the tough blocks are going to be really really fun to work with the cop I know I’m excited about and then they were

Like ooh tough blocks and I’m like o those could be very fun to have uh I don’t give shout outs to anybody if I don’t know them personally so no I will not be giving you a free shout out I don’t know anything about you I don’t know what you represent so I

Sorry I don’t know if it’s a safe bet for me or if it’s something that I want to recommend to my audience so I do not give shout outs that’s the way it goes that’s why most streamers do not give shout outs we’ll give shout outs to our

Friends you’ll see me talk up and hype up my friends that I record videos with all the time I want you to subscribe to every single one of my friends and want every single one of their videos because I think they’re all amazing people but I don’t give shout outs to

Random people you it has to be something worthwhile to me for me to shout it out and suggest it to my audience and that’s kind of honestly that that’s the way you know if I do recommend something it’s very genuine it’s not just uh hey this

Person gave me $5 so uh go check out their Channel no we’re never going to do that have you started watching secret life no I don’t really Watch The Life series there’s just too many videos and too many things going on that I just like I’ve just it’s kind of one of those

Where I just I just tune it out I’m just kind of like all right Fridays are the day that I do not look at my YouTube sub feed I just that that for me is there’s just too much to follow and too much to keep up with that I’m just like yeah now

Not for me almost 600 people here we got 625 people only three 00 likes though okay fine we can get into the game it’s okay it’s cool it’s cool yeah look at this though we’re less than 20,000 blocks away from the 1 million blocks Min with netherite pickaxe if we

Add in our diamond pickaxe we’ve mined over a million things with pickaxes thought that was pretty cool shovel is actually growing much more quickly because we’ve been doing all the sand Mining and everything recently uh when sand and dirt and then grass blocks are my one two one two actually that’s times

Used let’s go times mind they are three four five and seven 3 four five and seven are all things that we would mine with our shovel and then also gravel’s down there too so it’s getting up there as well so a lot of them uh show the trapo stats dude that’s

It’s Spruce trap doors the amount of times used it’s it’s here 11,064 Spruce trap doors used I did the math I I did all the math and posted on Twitter yesterday if anybody’s curious about what it was uh for how many logs that requires and I did the math it’s over

30% of all logs that I have gathered have been turned into Spruce trap doors because the conversion rate is so bad thought you were talking about shovel 241 shovel is a good guy he’s a good dude uh fantastic builds for sure yeah we got a lot of blocks that

Are starting to get up there we have a we have a lot of blocks of times used above a thousand which is crazy that just all of these are up here I guess that comes with having a 2-year-old world so here we go Minecrafting time doing the Minecrafting stuff today I

Figured last time last stream we this is Hardcore yeah last stream we focused on these General lines and I I ended stream being like okay next time we’ll come back in and plot these out and I’m kind of rethinking that right now so what my thought is for today what we can focus

On is everything here from that section there where we have the nether Tree Farm wrapping around here to connect in with that I think that I think if we can like complete this whole section and just get the stone and dirt placed in that would be like honestly it’s just be satisfying

To complete something is what I’m thinking so that’s that’s where we’re at that’s what we’re going to that’s what we’re going to focus on today uh we still got a how many shulkers of stone do we go through we did two shulkers of stone yesterday

And we did one Shuler of dirt okay uh let’s go refill these real quick just to get them topped off I don’t actually know if we have any extra dirt so we’ll see just remember something can go wrong and this could be the last time you

Record this world I mean thanks that’s a really I love hearing that message that’s yeah I love that that’s great yeah okay yeah that’s cool you show the copper Farm yeah I guess the video came out we can go check it out let me pick up some more Stone

And dirt and we can go look at the Copper Farm it’s absurd the thing is the thing is stupid it’s so good uh I’m really happy with how it turned out I realized I forgot to show yall how many um like Nautilus shells and things like that came out of it so

Many people are like wh why don’t you just use the end powered drowned Farms because those are so much easier you just you get unlimited copper and you can use a drown reinforcement one I’m like yeah but then you don’t get Trident or Nautilus shells and I wanted both of those he

Real so I definitely wanted both of those uh to thanks you so much for the Dono uh what is your favorite build I love the city just the city here in general of all of this coming together I just I love walking through it it’s I really enjoy walking through it all the

Different streets and everything that we have there’s just endless routes to explore and see different things going on which I’m just oh we got a wee bit of a problem um yeah that’s an issue we are out of dirt I know we’re going to get a little bit more right

Now when will be the episode 50 I want another world download it will be when it’s ready I don’t have an answer for that I’m not just being like I don’t know uh I actually don’t have an answer I started recording the video uh spoilers

And uh I’m going to give it the time it needs to wrap it up and make sure it looks good and all that cool stuff and be able to finish some cool projects and things so depending on how long that takes it’ll take for the video next week

Is going to be the 5,000 days movie video coming out and then uh we’ll see we’ll see from there we’ll see what happens okay we’re going to move all of the boxes up here since that Train’s already been built uh I’m going to be tinkering with this for sure

Sure Mr mod thank you so much for becoming a member my dude I really appreciate that thank you thank you thank you excellent to have you we’re always happy to have new new members in the community okay there we go that’ll be uh that’ll be enough to keep that going for

A bit yeah let’s go check out the drown Farm I’m really happy with that how it turned out I it’s a really cool one did the update come out yet uh 1.21 no that you won’t see 1.21 for a few months if not later who knows dig out all the dirt under the

Mountain yeah we probably do that how many days have you survived I I also installed the better F3 mod because so many people were asking about it so I’m kind of lost on where things are oh day 5,300 78 so I installed this so the F3 F3

Screen is just a little bit cleaner now there’s not quite as much information on there which is good yeah uh Mojang usually usually releases them in like June whip is actually building the back oh my God I know yeah we’re going to try we’re going to try and finish it so

There’s the output of the drown Farm oh oh oh uh somebody told me this this no we’ll deal with that afterwards uh somebody told me how to fix that thing so the hunting bottles don’t just end up inside it ready for this monstrosity look at it look at how ugly it

Is so I’m thinking we go almost like Cliffs of do style we’ll let that thing go for a second and then we’ll come back um because we have the mass of ocean out here so I’m thinking we can go like big Cliffs there or maybe we do like a big

Beach and then some Cliffs and things to be able to cover this and then the same way that we have the so that this Beacon beam makes sense ideally in my brain I’m thinking we turn this into another form of like an obelisk like we have at the

Gas Farm in the mountain that we’re building right now um so we can kind of do all that and bring it all together in here I think it’d be pretty cool so that is in the amount of time that we were just sat down there for a second and

Then we just come up here woo look at that W so yeah uh that’s this is all the copper and then this is some extra that’s produced this has been like in like 30 minutes AFK time uh and that’s how many Nautilus shells we got in there look how many Nautilus shells we’ve gotten three more just came in and look

This is the third part this is the stupid part look how many Trident are in here look at all of them it’s so crazy oh uh there’s one thing I wanted to fix there was a there’s a Improvement we can make for this that we can really have some overflow protection uh

That I want to do I’ve been meaning to this is going to be like incredibly ugly but it’s it’s going to be for the sake of functionality of I want to run a hopper that’s going to come out here so the reason why I’m doing this I

I would love to have it just be short there but it’s going to go through that so we can’t do it uh but basically this will trickle down until we fill up all these chests and then when it can’t be pull down any further cuz you can see

We’re already at the no we’re not oh there’s my Hopper but then after that it’ll trickle about behind and then go into here into that and then it’ll burn the rest that way we’re not getting any uh fishing rods and Trident backing up the system eventually cuz they can’t stack

So I know a lot of you are probably like that’s not efficient redesign the whole system and I’m like but it works but it works it works we’re just going to start burning Trident cuz we’re going to get so many of them but you can hear the drown

Now this is this is the this is the crazy part it takes a few minutes for it to get like warmed up and going but then once it’s going this thing is just an endless stream of drown coming in I love it so much I it’s like this is

Absurd for how long it took to build but it’s it’s really really nice to have I don’t know if Trident can be repaired with his Marine I mean well if I want to keep any of them I’ll just put mending on him hello I’d like that shell

Please we’re going to have to do a stream soon of just going to find as many heart hearts of the sea and Buri treasure as we can uh yeah so I can basically just sit here and keep swiping and there’ll be an unending stream of drown coming in the thing is

The zombie reinforcement farm that en x04 designed that you’ve seen so many people build definitely gives more copper per hour than this thing but also this thing is so fun just look at all of the zombies look at all the drown going up look at that it’s it’s now it’s

Warmed up now now get I love it it’s so funny so this is what I was working on for the whole week okay mountain time you’re right we got we got jobs to do today but we got all these Trident and if we want to like we can just take all

The Trident and you can just combine them together in here if if you want unenchanted Trident you can just just do that so we can condense a lot but we also have crazy fishing rods so we could eventually we’ll probably find a god rod in there building fun farms over super

Efficient Farms is definitely preferred I mean this definitely had its moment of me being like I hate everything this is taking forever also my Skelly horses are somewhere down here there’s four of them and none of them died as far as I know uh we have one here there’s another one

Do I have any saddles on me feel like normally I have a saddle maybe not nope no saddle so yeah that’s the drown farm that I spent six days building it’s I don’t often build like just giant redstone Contraption just like massive thing uh so it was it was

It was a challenge to do for sure there was a lot that went into it that was that was cool it’s cool to have it done and like be able to be like I built that you don’t need a saddle I thought you you need a saddle to be able to move

Them uh staire thank you so much for the gift membership I really do appreciate that goes out to Gabby cool concept would be a market with Market stalls for all your Farms each with amount of material and chest from 10 minutes AFK time see I I would have to empty the

Storage room of all the Farms though to be able to calculate that would be the problem and that sounds like work oh oh uh what we need to do now where weirdly looks like a modern skyscraper yeah where is it isn’t at Madrid where they’re doing like those Eco roof covers

Like across city streets like they’re building out these big canvas things and like growing plants on top of them as like don’t have too many like much Greenery in the city be something like that except we just did not go with the environmentally friendly rout at all we

Just fully committed to just let’s just ruin the environment with a giant concrete roof okay uh so I’m buying a bunch of glass right now cuz we need to make a ton more glass bottles so we’re just going to do this real quick you ever play MC Bingo uh only for

MCC that’s the only times I’ve ever played Minecraft Bingo wasn’t it called fetcher something like that so fetch why glass bottles cuz it’s going to help improve that honey honey bottle farm that I made by a lot cuz we can turn all of these into glass

Bottles I guess it doesn’t need to be fully stocked up let’s do yeah that’s all the trade resets so let’s do one more round and then we’ll turn once we get all these we’ll just go fill fill all the different spaces you’ll see when we get over there that a

Lot of Honey bottles are being stuck inside the machine and they’re not being sent to the chest cuz they’re filling up and staying inside uh so this will help them actually get shot out if there’s no space for them inside the dispenser they’ll get taken out okay that’ll work many villager noises handle

Them okay NOP no there’s a Door oh my mom’s calling I’ll just give her a call back after stream feel like flip is the richest YouTuber in Minecraft no there I mean I don’t even have dude I don’t even have enough diamonds to make a diamond Beacon I don’t even I don’t have a netherite

Beacon oh no there’s many there’s many more Minecrafters that have just like full on flexed um I I feel I I don’t go for the style of I’m going to get all of the monies in the game I’m just like I would rather I would rather see they keep getting stuck

In here let’s take a stack and just do something like this yeah see we got problems my goal in Minecraft is just to build as much as I possibly can sure I would absolutely love to just be like look at my mountain of diamonds uh but in reality is

Uh don’t have too many diamonds cuz I keep saying I want to go mine diamonds and then I’m like ooh let’s build a house so doing this we’ll make it so that the anytime a honey bottle gets picked up it just gets dropped off uh it gets shot out instead and then

They end up down there or I think we can also breed the bees real quick I think I still need more yes any bees want to make a b baby baby b baby b baby b come on baby b you know that’s probably fine okay see this this will like start

Actually producing a decent amount I never really use honey blocks like I I don’t know when I’m ever really going to be actively using them but we can do that we can do that and then we get the bottles back and we can just put the bottles back in the system instantly

Right up here which is really nice just to who and they’re all gone and then that fired again and now that ended up in there perfect okay love that you can also turn this into a honeycomb Farm also if you want to swap the bottles for shears oh dude we

Already have a crazy honeycomb farm that I built way long ago like day 300 and it finally finally the shears broke I put like I put the nine shears per dispenser and they finally broke uh so yeah I’ll show you all where that is for those who have not been

Around the world for super long and then we’ll it’s on their way to the mountain but starter house we just pass by coming down here just into into this little stretch this building is a bee farm we’ve got the greenery inside of here which is looking so very nice and

Then inside here we have all the bees very very similar set up and then the honeycomb is all in here I I haven’t refilled the shears yet because these are all full and uh these were going into there’s a little like item dispenser back in there that sends it

Into a water stream to bring them up to the top and I was just losing so honeycomb up there so uh all these are just currently no shears inside them until I until we actually make like a very decent Dent like halfway through this thing I’m not even going to bother replacing the

Shears which mob did I vote for the winning mob I voted for the armadillo I still haven’t got my pink Cape yet actually I want to see did my pink Cape come through I want my pink Cape I need it oh that’s okay I updated my skin oops nope no cape

Yet I might get it if you if you voted either through the launcher or through logging into the server apparently you’re supposed to be getting a pink Cape it looks like cherry blossoms how are you going to cover the copper Farm I want to do a giant terraforming project

On top of it I need to chat with some technical people first and make sure that I don’t ruin the rates of the farm by building a giant thing on top but I would absolutely love to just hide it all between like underneath a massive landscape you got the pink Cape so it

Does exist for Java yeah apparently it’s even for Java Edition okay we got stuff to build so we have this as like a straight line right here and I’m thinking we can extend it out like we can kind of have a little bit of like a branch off section

Coming to here sorry guys I’m responsible for glow squid same you’re in good company here if you like if you like glow squid you’re very welcome here I’m thinking we have that at the angle I’m fine you playing Java yeah the only way you can play Hardcore Minecraft

Is on Java Edition doesn’t exist on Bedrock yeah so we can do something like this and then this will probably come out a little bit here didn’t get the cape it’s it’s rolling out slowly so uh if you you voted in the mob vote you most likely will get the

Cape you just got to have a little patience for them to send it out to all the players cuz you got to imagine there’s millions of accounts and millions of people voted and every single account needs to be updated with access to it they’re probably sending it

Out in batches so that they don’t crash Minecraft login servers mooon would have been cute but glow squids add so much life to caves yeah and honestly I can’t imagine Minecraft right now without Glo ink and I know that’s like a a lot of people just are like well you could have just

Done it with Glowstone Dust blah blah blah but like Glo ink as a concept was what they had tied to Glow squid and I don’t think they would have added it without it and Glo ink is like one of the coolest things in the game I love it I I

Can’t think of one item that got added to the game that created an entire build Style I mean you can say the concrete block family being added created a build style like in the fact that modern building really had a lot more options to work with but

Like not so much as like Glo in just allowed cyberpunk builds to thrive what version am I on I’m on 1.20.1 right now I just haven’t bothered updating my mods to 1.20 to I probably should though but I when I do that I want to

Make sure I reset a lot of chunks and things so that I can get the new diamond generation and what and all all those little bits add it in and I’m just like that sounds like a lot of effort so I’m thinking we can kind of stretch this around and turn this as

It’s coming down that way then we have it coming out to here I don’t know we’re just going to make this up as we go I’ve got like a very very rough idea in my brain of this is going to be a bit more of a rock that comes back on

Itself to like there I guess we should probably sleep what’s the new diamond generation again uh 1.2.2 they updated Diamond generation because with the new armor Trims and things like that uh it made it so and armor upgrade templates for netherite it made it really difficult to get diamonds

Uh so Mojang increased the number of diamonds that spawn in a world uh down in deep SL layers so if you’re if you are somebody who’s like I can’t find any diamonds anymore they don’t exist caves and cliffs is stupid uh 1.2.2 made them a lot more common and I

Think it’s mostly diamonds that are exposed to air or it’s the reverse of mostly being diamonds that were not exposed to air got the update I got a new keyboard I think I mentioned stream on Wednesday I finally got it set up and everything and I think

The technical term is the attenuation of how sensitive it is to click the keys before like their action is pressed and oh my gosh this one is so much more sensitive than my last so I keep accidentally like pressing a and I I and I’ll just like I’ll just notice my

Character starts doing this and I’m like no stop moving I’m getting used to it now and I’ve been using it for a day I’m getting a lot better at it but oh what’s up juel how you doing welcome on in dude good to see you I love the progress of your world if

Only had enough time and energy to do this as often as you I mean you also got to remember as much as some YouTubers YouTubers uh hate share it this is my full-time job so I am I’m making progress on this world at minimum 5 days a week and I

Don’t have any other Series going on right now so it quite literally is I’m making progress in this world 5 days how are the doggos they’re good they’re good kot is feeling better which is nice how do we like this it’s kind of funky clicky keys can you hear them I

Don’t think you can hear them I guess you can are they picking up on the mic I don’t think you can really hear him too well not using light m for Mountain build nope I do all my terraforming by hand I might use light matica to help

With the shading and everything but I find uh if I build the landscape in Creative I get so bored just having to run around and reproduce all of it in survival so I I actually prefer to terraform by hand I think it gives a much more natural look

I mean it’s probably like I would be able to make a much much better result if I made it in Creative but also I’m trying to embrace the spontaneity of just building random things how you want to build them uh I definitely like to use light matica for

Like build designs because I think it makes the I think it it helps me to achieve a result that I’m a lot happier with so by that alone I think it’s worth for light MAA and like house builds but as far as it goes for things like this I’m I’m pretty

Happy just chilling okay uh we’re going to how steep does this have to go to catch up there not too bad okay this isn’t yeah that’ll work and then we can do bam not you bam bam bam bam and we can have this and then this can also

Kind of let’s just do it to there we can redo a little touch of what we were working on a second ago I was working on draining an ocean money my world because my stronghold portal room is about 50 blocks away from it I haven’t had time to work on it recently

Which is sad I mean Ocean Monuments are D draining I was going to say that without even it being a pun but now that I realized I was going to say it I had to continue it um but they can be really draining on like your own energy like

With without the pun you can you can pick which way you want to go with that one um and uh so just keep that keep that in mind take it slow take on all the ocean Monument projects I’ve ever done uh the key is to go slow or to do it when you

Have nothing better to do so the one that I drained in this world which was stupid very very stupid uh for I made the circle like twice as large as it needed to be which turned into like math wise I think that’s like almost four times the amount of space on

The inside that I needed uh which like made for a cool build sure made for a great build but also bad for time management but I will say I did it while I was sick and I just could not record or do anything but I still wanted to

Work on a video so just sitting there when you just like don’t really have anything to do and all you have to worry about is running a little Redstone Clocky thing not even red like a little redstone block Pusher to move the sand in and you just keep spamming and

Moving like that wasn’t bad that was that was that was a decent way to like still feel productive when I just was not feeling the best so that served a purpose in that regard but yeah it was a it was a grind it’s okay if you forget you’re

Watching a live stream to talk to chat by the way I love I love how many people in this community like I I think there’s a good portion of people that come here and they’re like yeah the stream’s background noise but like I’m really here just to like catch up with some

Friends who are also in the community and I think that’s so fun so please never feel bad about doing that come in you leave a like on the stream and then we’re we’re set you’re you’re chilling you you did your you did you did all you need to do let’s do

That I am thinking about getting back into create in some way shape or form I don’t think I like that I think that yeah that’s a little too it’s a little too Jagged a way too Jagged let’s just do this okay that’ll work pleased to meet you take some much

To the 18 months 6 months till the second big tree oo o getting up there thank you thank you for all the support I really do appreciate it okay so we added this little rocking before but we’re going to have to come back and redo a touch so I’m

Thinking I’m trying to merge This and like use this grass section here that we have already I don’t feel like we need to do too much of it if you don’t like the grindy automation side of create I’ll be a little gnome and do it for you I like that kind

Of I feel like for create I want to get into like the building the big moving things and doing that and it’s just like seeing like the end result of everything moving and happening together like that’s fun like what Mr beard Stone has turned their create series into which is

Like turning Like Trains linking everything up like to me that seems really cool that’s what I was expecting create to be like and I think I just kind of gave up on it too early because I just I was just like uhuh there’s there’s too much grind involved with this I just cannot

I just can’t I cannot be asked to do it but who knows I’m starting to get into minecrafty Redstone so we’ll see in or out cows which which side do you want to be on they chose out good for them okay we’ll do this and that can be

A little stone in there actually I want you to be stone that looks better do that give it a little um and I Want I don’t want that whole line no that’s way too tall yeah we’ll do it right to there okay we’ll see how this turns out I don’t know oh that’s very that’s very spookies M’s just never done it for me it’s fun as a one-off gimmick for a

Little bit but I get burned on it pretty quick yeah that’s the same with me I I know there’s a lot of mods you can download for like crazy backpacks to be able to manage your inventory better but it’s just such a I find it to be such a

Chore like Minecraft in general has a lot of chores to the game which can be fun like chores in video games is not necessarily A Bad Thing a lot of people seem to think like daily tasks or stuff you have to do every single time you log in or whatever

Are inherently bad for games I don’t really see that as the case sometimes it is nice to just turn your brain off and just gather some blocks or whatever you have to do or sort through chests I guess um like that’s not inherently bad in my

Opinion but when you get into having to when that becomes like a full like source of gameplay that’s when I’m like yeah this is too much for me I’m not enjoying it I feel like I get that very that that feeling comes on very quick for me when I’m playing

Modded also we just hit a th viewers thank you everybody I do appreciate it thank you welcome on in lovely to have you if you have not already please be sure to leave a like on the stream we got 7 00 likes right now I believe I

Believe we can hit 800 maybe even N I kind of like doing Minecraft CH yeah me too I I mean we’re doing all this if I didn’t like Minecraft chores would I I probably would not do any terraforming in this game that is that is a fact that doesn’t look bad

That’s a little flat yeah we can bring this out oh oops how did you get up here oh sorry you probably walked all the way around and fell down and I just knocked you back down further welcome to life he a magic cow exactly okay there we

Go I want to see this from over here I I like where this is like it’s almost turning into these little like ridy Hill things going on and I think they’re a good blend between those rocks and like the mountain itself which will be fun to work on

I’m almost thinking this needs to come out farther though like this needs to be like that I I if I’m remembering correctly how I did this a lot of the train I was making was very much in the forms of like bubbles and I think I kept calling them

Beans and we don’t really have that bean shape in here right now so we’re going to try and bring in some more beans a little too Jagged let’s get rid of and then you taking damage is stressing me out cuz I keep forgetting this isn’t Secret Life hey man I’m only working

With 10 Hearts over here yeah that’s better I don’t like how Steppy this is though there we go yes yeah that’ll do okay yeah that works I like that that gives ourselves it still makes this very much the prime feature piece as I really want it to stand out is this Grand Peak

But I don’t want anything else kind of coming in between it also YouTube notifications broke again so this is super fun apparently it’s about 45 minutes under stream hope thank you so much for the eight months been stressing lately love the Chill Vibes that help me calm down especially after a while

Feeling like oh no there they’re going feel like I’ve let people oh hope you’re doing great you got this one moment at a time you got it please to meet you wonderful to have a space where you feel like you can hang for a bit for some reason your

Notification didn’t show though but it just went on to everybody else was oops I don’t know uh cat thank you so much for the two months moving into my first house today this is the perfect background to get things done thank you for for being a constant throughout through all the

Change hey good luck on the move and uh take it one day at a time somebody mentioned it to us after we moved into our house of uh moving into a house is a marathon not a Sprint uh if you don’t accomplish everything at once you’re still you’re still doing it

There’s always going to be things on it to do let take it as you can uh Vamps thank you so much for becoming a member my dude I really do appreciate that thank you very much okay um I missed there a spider in my face I almost had perfect accuracy

I missed the skeleton once let’s get up here that’ll do yeah that’s fine cool look at us look at all this new terrain coming in here for a mountain wow I’m so good we’re making so much Pro so much progress W so much so much progress

Yes okay uh where to now do we want to focus on extending this coming down I feel like that’s probably pretty good just kind of slow working around the train here and we’ll come over this side I want this rock to do I want it to extend out no I don’t

Actually I really love this shape of it from the front so maybe we’ll extend it back that way but outside of that we’ll just have the grass do and grass things I don’t know we’re just going to fill it in that’s that’s that’s all I know and then we can do

That and you can kind of come along this way and then we’ll take it a step back and Goop sure it does look pretty funny like bringing all of this into where we have the texturing done just where the the color variation stops thankfully we kept everything pretty close to like to the stone color palette it’s all just like enhanced Stones I keep saying like I

Keep catching myself doing that recently bad habit I got back into bro thank you so much for the Dono been beening to your videos I really love them hey I appreciate it thank you very much what’s your least favorite thing about terraforming having to light up the train underneath afterwards real hey

Thank you for the well wishes last week the recovery’s been doing better glad you’re streaming today too hey Platinum thank you so very much for the Dono and of course of course glad here everything’s going well okay um there’s that I guess I should probably keep bringing this grass

Down now that I kind of started it let’s just go layer by layer uh sure he real hi been binging your videos and really love it read itself bruh thank you so much again for the Dono bruh appreciate it bruh uh yeah we’ll just keep doing some more along here this will be

Great I mean it’ll be grass but not a great close close super oxidized great overgrown with grass okay uh we can do that and then this is going to come through here and then I think I want it to come down a block or two

Nope yeah uh let’s do this and then have the grass stepping down here a lot of these like steeper sections since we don’t have the connected grass stex anym where it fills in the sides a lot of this will probably get turned into Moss just to continue that green CU I want

This to feel super Lush like super super Lush uh yeah so that’ll be in there this we’re going to build out to a bit of a rock along here cha ching and then I’m thinking we also want to rock over in this General face nope that’s too

Far this will probably be one of those like bulbous one that sticks out in the front Vamps thanks so much for the 10 gift memberships my dude oh wow thank you so very much that’s very very kind of you thank you thank you thank you for the

Support my friends if you got a gift membership uh World download should be out whenever episode 50 releases it’ll be within a month so uh if you got a gift member you get the world download everybody be sure to say thank you to Vamps it’s very very

Generous and uh to get the World download if you’re a YouTube member you do you do 100% have to join the Discord YouTube does not allow file file sharing so we don’t do it on here okay uh let’s do along here and then we’re going to etch out the base circle of our

Bean this is this is Bean this is our Bean you might think it looks like an egg but it is a bean really inspiring to build more who is that bruh thank you so much again for the Dono bruh sorry if that’s not how you say BR but that how I always

Hear it on the internet so I have to thank you so much my dude I really appreciate the the Dono chaing and we got Dian with the five gift membership you gifted five earlier today too right thank you so very much I really do appreciate that

For the people who are like why didn’t I get a gift membership hang out in streams more often you get a higher chance of getting a gift member YouTube does it off of watch time so it goes it looks for the people with the highest watch time that do not have an active

Membership and it gifts members to them so if you want to get the World download for free and things like that just keep hanging out on the stream and eventually you get a gift membership if you’re here and you’re super active which I think is cool it’s like good and

Bad I wish they had a system where it would pick new people but unfortunately their systems a little basic and if somebody got a gift membership and then they’re their’s ended and then they’re still in the Stream they’re probably very likely to get another if more memberships are gifted which I always

Think is a little weird but YouTube be YouTube there’s only so much YouTube can do I think we just chop that off at the base I need to like have this popping out over here for real just went through a breakup just spreading the love smile hey I’m

Sorry to hear that I’m sorry to hear that dang it Pig one day at a time and it is okay to feel sad or it’s also okay to be mad that’s true too that’s that’s very valid uh Dian thanks so much for the Dono as well just spreading the Good

Vibes I appreciate it just spreading the Good Vibes and Nick thanks so much for the Dono too was afking Minecraft in the background I’m and I heard my totem pump and went into fight mode o the most horrifying sound you never want to hear that pleased to meet

You you never want to hear totem pump when you’re just like not at your computer that is that’s nightmare fuel okay so this one does not have like this is kind of the old mountain so we’re going to just etge this up here then we need to start bending it around backwards

Austin thank you so much for the four months everyone have a good safe and fun weekend yes yes yes with Halloween and things coming up make sure you’re being very safe but also make sure you are able to have some fun it is possible to do both I promise

Okay okay hey there we go juel I was waiting for yours to be right out cuz I I saw I saw the notification come through so hopefully YouTube catches up if it does then I’ll get I’ll get you thank you so much for the Dono oh that’s too much you never have

The four in a straight line I did it again that’s five even worse yeah that’s okay that’s fine that’s okay land on this tree how are we looking oh it’s starting to come together I like that wow Marcel thank you so much for the 10 months he real feeling cozy can I

Get a cozy call we do have a bunch of new members in here so if you just got a gift membership you got to access to the emotes you can get a flip cozy in chat YouTube has custom emotes on the channel if you didn’t know I know it’s crazy nobody uses

Them who’s that gifting those other memberships right there to meet you Vamps with another 10 gift did thank you so very much my friend I really do appreciate it thank you thank you thank you the Ching I really appreciate it make sure you don’t overspend though all right

Take care of yourself first I do appreciate the support but also always make sure you’re taking care of yourself thank you very much I do appreciate it okie dokie uh let’s get this Boulder Rock thing sorted here cuz I think it could be pretty cool not quite as drastic as the whale

Down there but I do think something along those lines could be good just to make that not so out on its own on its lone some so I’m thinking we can kind of stretch ourselves around here also to receive a gift member you do have to be subscribed to the channel

So uh double check that you subscribe and Nicola Robertson thank you so much much for becoming a member Vamps with the the big Dono thank you so very much I really do appreciate that thank you thank you thank you I really appreciate that thank you thank you happy Friday to y’all happy Friday

My friends can we get some hearts can we get some hearts or ramps in the chat please I very much do appreciate it thank you so very much for the support everybody please be sure to throw some hearts flip Hearts if you can like we got like a a bajillion members in there

Now today so uh like half the people in the Stream probably are able to put a flip heart in the chat and if you can’t just drop a regular heart just drop the good old YouTube Hearts pleased to meet you okay this is getting a little bit

Better so we did link that all the way down to the ground there that’s fine and we got Pavel with the two months thank you so very much y’all are amazing thank you so very much for the support my friends thank you thank you thank you

How did I can place there oh there’s block there I was like how did I just place on air what what’s this new Minecraft Tech I didn’t know about okay so this I’m thinking we drag it back a touch you know what we’re going to we’re going to replay mod this

Whole this whole boy out here it for real all right now we’re catching up now we’re catching up also Jos I missed it thank you so much for the Dono as well thank you thank you thank you I really do appreciate the support everybody thank you thank you thank you got we got

Mountains we got we got well actually we’re building a giant boulder right now but we got mountains to build today we got things to do mountain Friday as the old classic FIP channel do mountain Friday that’s definitely that’s definitely what we named it right Mountain Friday that’s I think that was

The I think that was the stream that was always scribbly dibl thank you so much for the five months uh wow five months has been hard for me because I’ve been in the hospital I hope everything’s going well and whatever recovery you got going on I hope it’s going smoothly as well my

Friend thank you so very much for the love I do appreciate it good luck on the recovery and everything you got going Eric thank you so much for the Dono uh that’ll read itself out eventually how’s the mat going I’m exploring my modded World while listening in have a chill stream

Hey it’s going well we got we got kind of all that sorted today look at that look how Majestic I I’m sorry we’re going cheaty cam no he moved oh he’s back there I thought he was out on like here just like overlooking his

Kingdom come on do it do it do it do it look at this way do it do it do it do it I need it do it I need the screenshot do it okay fine don’t do it it’s okay too y all saw what we were going for the

Wolf looking out over the valley I think you know what do I pick up any bones they’re definitely despawned by now yeah we did not pick up any bones any skellingtons out here Vamps with another Dono first stream I’ve been a part of and I got to

Say the community is amazing hey I really appreciate the support thank you so much and lovely have having you in here you’re too far away for him to move he turned already a second ago he’s doing it no stop turning in look

Out do it do it do it do it turn no turn the other way keep keep you can keep turning that way too that’s totally fine just dog butt looking out the the dog’s butt is looking out he just loves that block do it yes keep real keep going

How’s the mountain going I am exploring my modded World while listening in have a chill stream we’re trying to get a very important screenshot right now real first stream I’ve been a part of godess say the community is amazing come on buddy keep keep turning yes no ah

Look that way look that way yes please to meet you yes no this is how we die creep yep there we go oh I think I got it I think I got I think I got the second he kind of slightly tilted his head I got to

Look let me pause the game and I can show you look at this screenshot look at him look at that perer he’s like this is my world y’all are just living in it okay that’s we’re going to have to I’m going to go find some bones so we

Can tame him we can have him sitting up there and chilling the Tilted ear exactly Jacob thank you so much for the four months just reminder that being active in stream can get you four months of gift Subs there you go there you go whatever the light touches is my

World in good thing in Minecraft the light touches everything it’s all mine now do I have any I do have bones I was not expecting to have any of those we see your stats in mind/ Blocks place we’re looking at at the very start of stream if you want to rewind to there

Probably like 8 minutes into stream or something like that uh but that we are on day 5,000 uh where’s the day count where’s the day count why the day keep why does it keep why do I feel like it keeps moving St played oh it’s the bottom of

The green I thought it was red 5,383 okay we have a very no come back be my friend look at look how cute he is come here come here come here I need you to sit on this block I need you come come

Here yes no no no no up up boy up yes sit nope don’t come here and sit or lay down lay down works too look at a Kitt is okay the animation pack for the dogs alone is the best thing ever maybe a windmill with a wheat farm

Around could be a cool addition to the village that Village over there is all about flowers and we’ve got all the crops and things over there but I definitely am like I’m like I want to add a lot more decoration just like ambient things to bring the world to

Life to live and to to Life Alive um I think we need a lot more windmills and things we have a lot in the valley up there but I want to add more throughout the world one thing I have been researching a bit though is like how to

Do it not fully accurately but kind of more what would be real realistic and what I’ve been finding is Regions with a lot of trees tend to not really have winds Farm around it could be a cool addition to the Village yeah the windmills would be they

Would be really cool to try okay we got to resume this now uh let’s get working but I do worry that windmills uh in a region with a lot of trees aren’t fully accurate because a lot of like taller trees especially like the ones I’ve been building recently

Means that there’s not a whole lot of wind otherwise the trees won’t be able to grow super tall is what I’ve been learning so we’ll see we’ll see I definitely think windmills eventually could be fun and I mean I’m going very much for the fantasy and fantasy windmill

Vibes Vibes be vibing with windmills everywhere so it’s a possibility I definitely love a a good windmill pack of wolves on the mountain yeah I made a mistake in my world that irritates me a lot do you think I should start over my friend can I introduce you to

TNT I’m a big proponent of keeping your same world you can always restart but you’ll most likely make the mistake again is the realistic answer and if it’s a mistake that ruins the world it’s Minecraft you can always undo things you can always redo things and I think there’s a lot of

Merit in mine craftiness of figuring out why the mistake bothers you and then figure out how to resolve that because that is how you’re going to stop yourself for making whatever this mistake is that’s annoying you from happening again is you have to figure out why why it’s bugging you or what

Part about what you did is bothering you and once you can figure that out that’s when you’re like you’re locked in you’re ready you’re you’re good and usually the way to figure that out is to fix it in the world you’re in Simba dog I don’t have a name tag

Y’all you think I got name tags just sitting around in my pockets we already talked about how I’m not rich Ry talked earlier about somebody was like saying I was super rich in this world I’m like dude I don’t even have enough diamonds to make armor I I have to have old

Villagers I mean technically still current villagers uh to make diamond armor if I ever need it I can’t I can’t afford that you think I got name tag sitting around I mean I could go buy some for librarians but come on now think I’m made of

Emeralds like I have a raid farm that produces 100,000 emeralds an hour come on don’t be Sil oh wait you think I have unlimited uh yeah no I do um yeah here’s other excuse uh insert excuse number seven of why I won’t do I got mounted build I just please please accept excuse

Uh seven seven yeah yeah seven seven is what we agreed on also I missed it Maple uh thank you so much for becoming a member I really do appreciate it thank you thank you thank you everybody today I really do appreciate all the support uh Ryan with

The 21 months at tier 2 as well thank you so very much my friend thank you thank you thank you I really do appreciate the support today everybody y’all are very very kind hope you all have a what this weekend technically is Halloween weekend right I know Halloween is next week but

Like from what I’ve heard is most people are celebrating this weekend for those who do celebrate the Halloweens honestly not my favorite holiday I’m just not into spooky horror things just never been my vibe so we’re we’re going to go we’re going to a pumpkin patch tonight though

We’re getting some pumpkins that’ll be fun and then we’re going to go out and get some dinner and we’re going to a pumpkin carving party with some friends tomorrow that’ll be cool some of our friends do it every year and they have full on like prizes like it’s it’s a fullon pumpkin carving

Competition like you you got to show up with like a plan in mind if you want to win the competition I’ve I haven’t won I haven’t won somebody came last year with like full-on props to hold their pumpkin in the air like they came with a full on

Plan to for their pumpkin to be floating I was like no I’m just carving a face you be dressing the dogs up uh Kota would tear off any costume we put on him before we could take a picture my mistake was losing my first diamond armor but I wanted to have my

First items as a souvenir I mean yeah that sucks but is what it is I don’t think that’s resetting the world worthy at least for me but it could be totally different for you if you if that’s something for you where you’re like man this is this is going to

Make me not enjoy the world then yeah you lose it cuz it died in lava cuz you died in lava or something or is it you just like forget where it is it’s the question cuz if you died in lava then I mean you can make a statue about this is

Where I’d put my original Diamond Armor if I still had it and then you can make a funny joke out of it I don’t think I still have my no I think I’m wearing my first diamond armor technically I don’t think yeah I mean it never would have broken in this world

And I think I just used it and turned it into neite so I still have it oh my gosh I thought that pig was something else I don’t know why I thought it was an ocelot but I did it is what it is uh Woolen thank you so much for

Coming a supporter and for the gift membership I really do appreciate that that’s very kind of you thank you thank you thank you and we got Vamps with another Dono I’ll let it I’ll let it read itself off this time I don’t need to do the work that’s what we got Bots

Here for okay how do we like this I think texturing is going to save it yeah we’re just going to we’re going to let the texturing do its thing that’ll work we ever create your own biome that isn’t in the game I mean this is a very I guess there’s technically warm biomes

In the game like mountains they have calite spawning in them but I mean this is very much custom does not exist in the game uh if you’re talking like alien stuff probably not but I’ve always wanted to make like a Highlands biome I talk about a bunch I need to just do it

One day I just need to like be like you know what today is the day today is the day we make the Highland biome I don’t know why it’s not reading yours out Vamps uh favorite build in the world and your favorite block to build with favorite block to build with right

Now I really really love the pack mod blocks I just think they’re fun I I really like working in that like brown uh color palette I think it I think it looks really nice uh favorite build in this world I love this whole the city as a whole

That’s over there is definitely it but like single build the mud brick castle that’s right out there is definitely my favorite like individual build is the mud brick Castle I need to build more around it I always look at it in the distance I’m like man that turned out

Really cool and then I just never do anything with it it it needs a little something something around it maybe that’ll be episode 51 maybe that’s when we uh give the mud brick Castle what’s her favorite favorite block to build with yeah I would say those mud bricks are very cool packed

Mud is also pretty fun uh just in general I like that they open up a lot of like other build pallet options also frog lights are fun for the lighting just to get the little color in there BL it nailed it definitely meant to go Look Away what about the ocean

Monument the ocean Monument is cool but it’s not like my favorite mostly because it doesn’t have anything around it I really like I really like builds that I have that are part of the world and part of everything else and we get out to the ocean Monument it’s room it’s just like there

It looks cool it’s its own like contained space and everything but I think if I were to do it again I would definitely like it needs an expansion like it for me to really really love it it needs an expansion with more things around it I

Think even just like a boat just a just a random boat out there sailing to it or like a a dock a dock could be really Cool somewhere that just gives it more life it feels very artificial right now of just everything around it seems very Frozen in time which is not my favorite thing I I like there to kind of have a reason for everything to be around the builds is always my goal like

I I always want to make it feel like life is happening if that makes sense cuz I don’t know if it does but it’s what I’m going with how do you mind 300,000 Stone and not lose your sanity uh you do it really slowly if you have to do it to like for

Your build if you want to build something super cool and it’s all of the stone is surrounding the space that you want to build it all in uh that’s when you want to do something more along the lines of uh TNT explosions if I ever need to clear out a massive

Space for a build I will always use TNT like TNT dupers are by far the fastest way and until Minecraft gives us a better way of doing that which I believe they’re working on with like Auto with autocrafters coming in there’s currently no non- gimmicky version of renewable

Sand which is fine but like there’s renewable gunpowder so with autocrafters and auto TNT coming in and things like that if they were to make movable tile entities so you could like move a dispenser and like Drop TNT as it goes you could have like a legit TNT carpet bombing system without

Needing to um dupe granted it’ll never be quite as easy because duping will forever be a lot less pain as long as you can set it up correctly have to admit you inspired me to be a builder and Creator in Minecraft so thank you very much hey good luck Raider have fun dude

There we go that kind of merges this out a little bit better that’s okay if the grass is doing a little Steppy thing yeah okay what are your thoughts on the crab losing the mob vote I don’t want the crab to win to begin with with so only happy thoughts over here no

I’m kidding uh I mean the crab was cool the I but the crab itself was not interesting the and the lot of speculation about what the Crab Claw did I think is where a lot of people got in the loss like a lot of people got confused there are so many YouTubers who

Just upload those awful click baity videos of I made the Minecraft live mobs and I made these 32 mobs that could be add of to Minecraft or I made the functionality of the Crab Claw already and sure they made it in their vision of it but they didn’t make it in

How it’s actually going to be in the game and so a lot of people see those videos and say wow that’s amazing I would love for that to happen that looks really weird we definitely need to add some more Rocks coming out on this side uh I guess that massive one there is

Also High it but we can’t change that cuz that’s hiding a farm but there’s a lot of disinformation and I think the Crab Claw had the most disinformation about it out of anything out there because there was the most confusion and speculation about it because Mojang just

Did not give us a good description of what the Crab Claw would do there were no numbers attached to it there was nothing so a lot of people saw these videos that people are making about this amazing Crab Claw and how gamebreaking it was going to be when none of that was

Confirmed Med and anytime I see that in a mob vote that instantly becomes the mob that I don’t want added to the game because I don’t want to have the hope of something crazy being happening and then it not happening you know so I yeah I didn’t really I didn’t care

For the crab in the rendition that they showed it and how much information they provided about it because there was that leak of the wording that they showed for the mob votes for Minecraft China uh that they added the descriptions there that were showing including block placement range and block

Um breaking range and things like that all those things being modified but then after the community was like oh my gosh look it’s confirmed that it’s including block placement range too or block breaking range too not just placement range and then the definitions were or the translations were updated because that was not

Correct they were updated to only be block placement range not breaking range so like there’s even disinformation there that Mojang like one of the main things was so that you could break like you could place blocks farther away sure that’s cool but then the thing that I got

Really excited about was or which was it Crab Claw could place things farther I don’t know I’m getting confused it was one or the other but it was then confirmed that it wasn’t both but then the community was like why would they only had one where they would had both

When Mojang literally accidentally put out a translation that said they were going to do both and then they actively removed that translation so I don’t know the crab had too much disinformation about it for me to actually think it would be a good mob to have in the game whereas the armadillo

Is simple like there’s there’s nothing there’s nothing bad about the armadillo and there was nothing up in the air about it it was very this is what you’re getting getting which I like I I think that’s good I think that’s the best for the game is to not have

Anything hidden or secret about it may even look at the sniffer people were so like oh my gosh these ancient seeds are going to do this they’re going to add new potion effects they’re going to do blah blah blah snifer is a cool mob but it just adds decorative plants

And people were so mad that it only added decorative plants when it said it was going to add decorative plants so I don’t know a little confused when people get mad about those things it’s just boring I don’t think the I don’t think the mob vot’s boring I

Mean look how many people are talking about it forever and ever and ever on the internet um so I think mob I think the mob vot’s good I think it’s fine it definitely I think the disinformation and the amount that content creators are willing to fudge

Things to get views to get clicks to say that they have the first information about what this mob’s going to do and the Minecraft Community being a lot not all viewers I think Minecraft live made makes a mistake of catering to the 12-year-old audience and their attention span instead of realizing that most

Minecraft players are in their 20s um so I think that’s a loss and that’s why they’re keeping it so simple but like the mob vote in itself it’s cool to be able to like make the impact of on the game granted I every mob I voted for has one so I’ve

Never had to deal with being like man I really wish glow squid was added the game instead of mu Bloom um the only one I’m sad about is I did vote for Phantom I’m sorry okay we got a new rock hi it’s me a Minecraft player in my 20s

Same I got one more year of being able to say that so same I’m not that old yet I’m only kind of washed up okay let’s wrap this boulder around a touch and then now we can figure out the grass and we’ll just send the grass up to merge into that

Hill oh this definitely needs to wrap around too I’m about to be one of those Minecrafters in their 30s in a year is that when I retire should I just retire should I just like quit while I’m ahead I’ll offish be old for a YouTube content

Creator I don’t know how I feel about that we’re going to bring all this down already there Minecrafter in my 40s here all righty don’t so just like please don’t please don’t quit hey I appreciate it thank you I’m not planning to go anywhere as long as people are watching the videos enough

For this to be my full-time job and I’m making the money off of it to be able to support myself and my family I’ll I’ll be here unless I have some crazy random spout of I can’t do Minecraft anymore it’s just can’t do it I I’ll be

Here I think before I quit full content creation I I do think the first thing that would happen if I were want were to want to quit would either be Minecraft has died and nobody’s watching it anymore or I’m just fully burned out on the game and can’t bring myself to play

Anymore and I think at that route I would try variety content for a month or two and then see if my desire to play Minecraft came back like that that would be the route I would go or something like high tail comes along and is just better but you know I

Think I’ll be retired like actually retired uh before hight tail releases at this rate wh FP Throwing Shade at half his mods it’s just that fun relationship that we have me and the mods is we’re all just like slightly just we’re all just kind of messing with each other all the

Time that happened to Wy Wy made the mistake of doing everything himself his ability to do everything himself was was insane that dude was so talented his his videos were good his builds were good his editing was amazing and his ability to create a good video was absurd like

It’s really sad that he got burned out and just had and wanted to quit but I can also see where he put so much stress on himself to make this perfect video every time and he’s definitely guilty of going bigger and bigger and every single video that guy produced was just bigger

And grander more editing effects and things thrown in just all over the place where I think the thing that was killing him the most was his own personal expectation to produce this bigger grander whatever you want to say video where his audience probably would have been happy with half the amount of

Editing that he threw in cuz he still made a good video the commentary was great the music was good I I very much like the way he transformed the Minecraft YouTube community and just started this realm of high edited and showing that if you put extra time into your edits you

Can get a positive result on it I I think he is responsible for transforming Minecraft Community into like at least partially responsible for transforming into what it is today I a lot of people say it’s sand dition transformed present day Minecraft but I don’t think that’s

True I think sand dition saw what wz was doing and was like I could do that that but then also wad Z was trying to compete with the people cheating in hardcore videos and making these massive absurd things and then as far as everything I could tell wat’s done it

All legit so you have a bunch of people that cheat in videos and just constantly are fudging things and doing all that and then you’re trying to do it legit and you just can’t you just can’t publish videos as fast and then you have your audience constantly being like

When’s the next one blah blah blah posted videos why aren’t You so I don’t know I wish Wy was still around they were a fantastic Creator wide wad see stop uh uh they’ve talked about a little bit on Twitter but I mean I don’t have the full story I don’t I don’t know him personally but sounds like they just got burned out

Making Minecraft content I mean look at the amount of editing they were doing in uh any of their like more recent videos that is just not needed I mean you can do it obviously for Minecraft video and it has a great positive result but then also at the same time they were

Doing it all themselves I they didn’t have an editing team it was all it was all it was all wad Z everything in there was the man himself um and when you’re doing that yourself and you’re trying to keep up with people with whole production teams and then

Also the people with full production teams are also cheating in their worlds and things like that like it’s easy to get burned out that’s why I very much stayed in My Own Lane I and I have an editor now the only way I’m able to publish weekly videos right now is because I’m

Working with an editor like Marcos is Marcos editing the footage is the only reason why I post weekly videos and I really want to keep posting weekly videos how do you not get burned out cuz placing blocks all day long for 20 30 minut video is very

Time time-taking and boring in my view don’t get me wrong I love your content it’s just boring to me that’s fine you don’t have to do it as a job I love it I love the creative process of Designing things and then also the process of seeing those designs that I made turn

Into real things that is is so rewarding for me that drown Farm took so long to build but the amount of satisfaction I get when I turn that like I’m sitting there using it and just seeing an endless swarm of drown appearing in front of me like I literally quite

Literally cannot kill them fast enough they are spawning faster than I can kill them and they’re filling up the The Killing chamber faster than I can kill them that is so satisfying to me to being being able to know that I did that and if y’all check out the I Linked In

The video description I linked the farm concept I was following and there wasn’t really a clear full-on tutorial there was a general tutorial to it but as far as like a fullon like you have to do this and this and this there’s kind of General steps but most of it I had to

Figure out on my own of how to make each step fit in the way that I had built the farm and so it it’s a big Challenge on that and it was really rewarding to see it actually work in the end so many times I was like I should really be I

Should really make a creative backup and just copy paste it all in to see if it gets in there do you think cookie cheats I don’t think they do I don’t think they do I I’ve chatted with cookie a few times we’ve actually chatted about the whole

Process and he is a massive team of people he’s got a very big team of people and if you look at like the way cookie builds it’s all very like this is not throwing shade at all this is actually something he said himself uh he builds very basic he builds very basic

Things that are very approachable for the general Minecrafter like if you look at all the factories and things that cookie makes they’re all pretty much the same exact thing maybe change out a block or two there a block or two here and they’re just there like they get the purpose

Across they get the idea across but there’s no like crazy detailing done on any of them you won’t see any of kookie’s builds with like trap doors to make the wooden part just a little bit thicker or anything like that like cookie plays because he’s has fun being

A Minecrafter he doesn’t play because he’s like this crazy Builder extraordinaire and a lot of the time takes a lot of time spent in Minecraft to get those things is all in the time you spend detailing your builds and when you’re not putting the time in for that

To do the little micro details here and there I think I could probably if I wasn’t doing all the crazy details I do in like the city it would probably be three four times as big right now so I mean is what it is I I don’t I

Would I would be willing to bet that cookie does not cheat I’ve chatted with him a few times he seems to do it legit because I actually asked him I was like dude how do you produce so many videos like how do you

Do it uh and I I don’t want to spoil too much of the behind the scenes for him but I I he told he shared enough with me to make me think like I he he does it legit but I’m it’s not my space to not

My place not my space to share how other people do things and what they do and how their team works and things like that so I’m not going to dive into it too much it is unfortunate not really but it’s just it’s a part of being a YouTuber and a content creator is

There’s some things that you do as a YouTuber you do as a content creator that if you were to tell your community they’d be like what the heck why I don’t I feel like I’m very open on how I do things I don’t really hide too much but

I know there’s a lot of creators out there that have different like ways of constructing things and doing things and whatnot and like some creators have fullon build teams like they I know I know of a few creators that have a build team of five or six people that design their builds

For them in every single video because they felt it was important to have a cooler looking build but then also they didn’t want to spend the time to design builds so so they instead decided to hire people who are there every single week designing the build for them that

They’re building in their whatever Series going on that seems a little weird to me but I mean I get it you’re it’s part of turning YouTube into like a production facility uh versus being like your chill like single person running a YouTube channel like I don’t I don’t

Ever want to have a build team if I have a build team I feel like all my love for Minecraft is gone I love to build in this game that’s why I play this game much longer you be live we’ve been live for an hour 45 minutes usually go

Like two two and a half hours so somewhere in there is the mod letting you refill your hand with grass like that no it’s in the game uh if you have a mouse with a scroll wheel click the scroll wheel when you’re looking at a block I don’t know I think it’s on

Badrock I don’t know somebody else can clearify how do your game not look blurry far away that out there MIP mapping it’s a setting see blocky the difference is though is if you if you build a boat and I use it in the world I put it in there

I fully give you credit I say I I talk about blocky built the ship and I can’t be bothered to build my own so I’m adding blocky’s boat in the world the difference between that and having a full build team is the people at the build teams are saying they created the idea

Themselves I I that’s where the difference lies I think is the where credit and how credit is given when you have people with full-on build teams making things and whatnot and they’re out there saying that they created it that’s that’s where things get a little weird to

Me get tired of playing even despite your video on how to not get bored oh yeah I made that video because I I was bored spoiler alert no I it’s funny saying that but it’s actually true uh I think for me I was very much going through a burnout

Phase and I couldn’t figure out how to get out of it so I started thinking of ideas on how to get out of it and what I could do to kind of reinvigorate my enjoyment for Minecraft and then I was going through like a brainstorming idea

Of getting all the ideas down on paper of like why I enjoyed playing the game what I enjoyed doing and I was looking at it I was like this is a good video idea like why don’t I turn this into a video and so I turned it into a

Video and it’s it’s one of those things where it helped me out helped me want to get back into the game so I was pretty sure it was going to help somebody else want to get back into the game thoughts on Stampy’s Lovely World ending uh i’ never watched it I don’t actually

Know Stampy too well I think I’ve seen like one or two of their videos as a oneoff mostly because I know Jimmy is good friends with him um but I just I don’t know Stampy and that’s not really the Minecraft content I ever really watched so it doesn’t really affect me

Too much but it is also kind of a bummer not a bummer but like it’s an end of an era for the Minecraft Community it’d be the same thing if Etho announced that he’s done with Etho plays Minecraft like that that would I think that would

Strike a little bit more of a a chord for me because I I don’t follow eth’s videos 100% of the time but if I’m looking for something to watch and I kind of don’t really have anything else to watch I’ll turn on one of ethos so it’s

More oh this is all going to come out so much or will it yeah because this needs to get merched down so it’s it’s always a bummer when you see a long-term world like that ending especially one that’s been going on for so many Years Super Co is super cozy evening here drinking tea and eating grapes we’ll watch the stream nice nice nice happy Friday I am a little chilly today it is cold outside I I it’s at one of those points where I’m like if I put on a

Sweatshirt I’m going to be too warm but without sweatshirt slightly too cold how does fix I don’t know okay so this is going to be just a full Stone Ridge coming all the way up so I want to add a dividing grass bit otherwise it will feel very

Awkward and that can kind of come out here a touch what state do I live in I try to live in a state of positivity and happiness but is what it is I’m in the Pacific Northwest if that was I don’t I don’t know which way you were asking the

Question but probably that one oh jeez planned it actually that was fully planned more likes than viewers we lost viewers it’s fine okay so we’re going to do this to here and then I’m going to try and bring it back in a good amount we’ll bring it back in two blocks and

Then we’ll kind of have like an we’ll reverse the curve and then that’ll bring us back up to here cool and then this can work its way down here and then that can kind of merging that we’ll just have to merge these in here and make a little weird

Stone section nobody’s going to know it’ll be Fine and then this is going to have to boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop if we can get this closed in the whole view from down there I think it’ll be good I mean we got that too but we’ll get there this I’m just going to be jumping

Around whatever wherever I’m like yeah let’s focus on this I would love to get this whole section wrapped up on stream today so we’ll see starting to get a little hungry so I don’t want to go too late got to conserve the energy to go through a pumpkin patch and find the

Perfect award-winning pumpkin tonight oh I meant for that to stay a little bit lower and we’re going to take it back Here and we’ll do this we’ll do a little bam we’ll do a little bam boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop and then I want to I wanted I would love to bring it down here to like just a tiny bit of grass poking

Through then this is going to have to be whole Cliff face again right there you’re going to texture this later right yeah I want to get the stone in for now and then eventually we will texture it like the front but I just really wanted to focus on getting the shapes

In which is looking pretty good I think the front is better like that’s not my favorite but there’s not too much we can really do with it because it has the farm behind it so it’s always going to be a little teeny tiny bit of an isore pay attention to the original oak

Tree ever is there an oak tree oak tree that one or is there a different oak tree I don’t know hello sir goodbye almost got a we one Kenobi yeah flashbacks oh no what’s the plan for the copper terraforming project going to be a big Plateau I’d love to do almost like a

Rendition of like Cliffs of do style thing out there and then do like a big Monument on top like a recreation of that not that specifically but something like that cuz then we can make sense to the beacon beam all active Beacon Beams I have in the world I want to have a

Reason for them existing where they are instead of we just threw a Minecraft Beacon there uh so I’m trying to find a lot of ways to do that what you going to have for dinner we’re going to go find a some restaurant somewhere we haven’t figured it out yet it’s a date night

Is a date night we’re going to go out the puppy dog look at him he’s so cute he will live there forever yeah I think I need more Stone than I need grass right now but that’s okay what’s your favorite date night meal like steak or sushi I really love sushi

But uh Sid does not eat fish really so so we go out for a lot of Mexican food that’s pretty common um I mean you can’t really beat a good steak restaurant a good Italian restaurant or anything like that depends on the vibes Up Yi is amazing kinded to the pun because of people in Discord hey you know what if you have a chance for a pun and you don’t take it I don’t know I don’t know if you’re welcome in the community no I’m kidding we have started going to Sushi

Occasionally though cuz the usually a lot of the sushi places up here I’ll have like pretty good veggie rolls so we’ll do that so I’ll get i’ll get like two of my own sushi rolls and she’ll get two veggie rolls and we’ll be a guess some miso soup we’re all set it’s delicious

Okay so we want this stepping down a bit I believe if I secret life no I don’t I actually don’t have a secret life I’m I mean yeah I feel like most YouTubers have a bit of a secret life where there’s we don’t share everything about ourselves on the

Internet which is probably for the better because you know you know Internet safety and people get weird uh but yeah no no um no secret life over here really just a guy who plays a lot of video games and a lot of Minecraft side note uh if anybody has a

Big Lord of the Rings fan I started playing uh return to Moria it’s like Lord of the Rings survival crafting game where you play as a dwarf it’s actually pretty fun I’m I’ve been enjoying it a lot I think I mentioned on Wednesday that I

Picked it up and I was like yeah I’m seeing how it goes I I think I got through what you most would consider like the tutorial portion like the the first Zone like the whole first Zone felt very tutorial to me and uh now that

I’m like done with that I’m I’m having a good time well that’s dark and spooky let’s put our chest P piece on return to Moria stream lader I honestly have thought about streaming it but now I’m like a few hours into it and it’s pretty slow unless you know what you’re

Doing like I started a world with one of my buddies when it originally came out he and I played for like three 4 hours maybe and got to the end of the tutorial and then I came back later that night after he had to jump off and I was like

I kind of want to keep playing but I I don’t want to work on the world we have together so I’m going to go start my own world um as a solo one that I can just play as I want to play and I got to where we were in less than an

Hour we can stream it in the purple car true true true Lord of the Ring fan I’m from New Zealand I’m sure there are some new zealanders that don’t like Lord of the Rings but also Fair current gaming project is working on Spider-Man 2 and I do prefer it over

The first game but I don’t think it’s as great as everyone saying it is yeah I think that’s the nature of sequels and games usually it’s pretty hard for them to fully live if the first one was so good and everybody loved it it’s difficult for sequels sometimes to live up to that

So I also just I’m kind of over granted I know I’m saying I’m enjoying a Lord of the Rings game right now I’m pretty over how much of the games like how many of the games being released nowadays are just using some big title like everything is either a Lord

Of the Rings a Star Wars a whatever like a a Marvel game coming out or they’re all just like big franchises the indie game like world is doing well but most of the AAA games coming out that are anywhere half decent are all just using some other IP that they didn’t invent

And I I’m pretty I’m pretty done I’m ready for some new stories to be told I love I love them I I I play the Star Wars games they’re all good but I just I’m ready for new new new stories to have their place in like the gaming

World the gaming industry the movie industry too every most movies coming out right now feel like some sort of a sequel or some sort of a telling of a different part of the world going on and all right I’m I’m I’m ready for new stuff I you tell the difference between

What backup is what from what project uh what do you mean by backup like what I have in the files and things like that I name them all we’re just going to commit to the whole massive Stone Cliff here it’s fine we’re just going to do it it’s just going to

Be a big old Stone Cliff yeah it’s your birthday today happy birthday Cameron happy happy birthday okay can we make the hood nailed it of course I can make the jump I’m a professional sometimes how is the day over already Minecraft days go by so fast sometimes sometimes I feel like a

Minecraft day I’ll be like wow I built three houses today and then other Minecraft days I’ll be like I swear I just slept I swear I haven’t even walked away from my bed yet and I already have to sleep again hi buddy wow hello down there we got to go

SHP and then we got to go light that up underneath because that is not looking good okay uh we got 16 torches left that’s not too many see you Mr creeper please to meet you yoink so now we’re getting a lot of mobs around here we’re probably going to need

To come back in and build some form of a back to this thing I hear the baby time to go murder a child where is he where are you he’s probably in a cave under me that needs a light up there though hey what’s up AES how you doing hey hey hey

Do that this will probably be broken for m so we’ll do that that’ll work got to light up the top otherwise a creeper can fall down and explode that not good Brooklyn thank you so much for the four months your vids helped me with colge stress thanks hey happy to be here

Good luck you got it okie dokie how are we looking today that’s not too bad it’s definitely I think the texturing is a lot of what sells these mountains but from this angle let’s just go land on a tree just land on a tree that looks pretty

Good that tree is in the way okay we’re going to cheaty cam cuz we can looks pretty good I think we could do another like orb like a bean right in here and then maybe we do another like down here but overall it’s pretty good what kind of build are you going to

Do to cover the massive copper Farm some landscape probably I got to talk to some Redstone Geniuses and figure out if uh me building another layer over the top of it will ruin it or not how are we looking with shaders wow okay yeah that works cuz the

Shaders help kind of set in some more artificial shadows and things I like that that helps to give a lot more depth to what we made yeah cool looking good a layer above what uh like the giant copper Farm I built in the video that came out yesterday eggs if you

Haven’t seen it uh it’s massive and ugly and it it needs I want to cover the entire space in like a custom landscape but I’m worried if that will having the extra layer because I know above Guardian Farms like you can reduce rates if you build more layers on top of them

Um so I’m a little worried that that would cause issues on the rates of the drown Farm cuz that thing is pretty sensitive if we lose the rates too much it’s just not going to be great look at them in the little line oh they probably

Just spawned in look at this though I mean we’re looking at the inner workings of the the mountain but that is starting to Loop its way around all of that covering is new today so from here to there that’s all new pretty much maybe one or two things were

Here before like the big rock around that but looking pretty good as long as the ground stays nons spawnable it should be good yeah that’s the that’s kind of one thing I’m struggling with because I don’t really want to like I don’t want to spawn proof this entire

Out Outer Edge of the mountain so that would kind of suck um maybe we’ll see it could happen but that could also mean that just during the day it runs fine and then at night it gets a little slower when the other mobs spawn in then I

Guess I just have to have them despawn I only do it for like short stints too so I’d rather have something really cool looking out there and slightly less rates on the farm than just have the ugly annoyance that I never want to go look at something somebody asked to go

See the mud Bri Castle so here you go can you just build the farm underground yeah I guess I could work on clearing everything around it for like a perimeter but then that would just make it on top it would be rough too so who knows what have I miss missed uh we’ve

Been building Mountain for 2 hours so a few blocks for rep Place yeah this is one of my favorite builds in the world I really really love this one I want to revisit this like build pallet again soon with the jungle in there mixing in with the bricks and everything

And then the hard contrast that we have with these guys with the Cal sites and things this I think was one of the last places I used calite okay I haven’t used calite much at all in this role I kind of forget it’s a block to be

Honest it’s just one that’s so painful to gather that I just never really deal with it yeah for those jump who are just jumping in everything from that’s not textured up here so all of that coming down is new today it’s definitely more bubbly than this but I think it’s okay I

Don’t think it’s terrible I think it’s fine we’re going to leave it I’m not redoing it you do a tour of your creative world I’ve been thinking about doing one on the second Channel I need to get around to that I’m waiting for like a free moment cuz it’s going to take probably

An hour to get through that thing I just don’t really have the time so we can see a little bit of what we made here along the front which does add some extra shape into this line there which I like and then I think next time we stream

Working on this I want to finish working on that line going down so the whole front is just there and done and then we’ll work on bringing them together around the back it looks like a face I’m assuming from a different angle gide is so nice it sucks it’s

Non-renewable and it’s limited spawn locations yeah it’s just a pain of the butt to get I just for the sake of Time Versus how much I enjoy the Block it’s just not worth it why was that the only like dripstone got added as a villager trade I guess

Tough block is not a villager trade but there’s so much of it in deep slate layers um so yeah I don’t know I’m working on expanding the city next right over there I’ve been working on that so that’s I’m working on that for episode 50 uh a lot more than that

Too but we’re we’re going to do it episode 50 I’ve decided is 50 hours of Hardcore Minecraft and just what I get done in that time including these streams so I’m turning all these streams into it so I’ve already got like I think I’m already 15 hours into

The video at this point with this now done here today so is fishing with flip ever coming back uh it’ll be here and there off and on I mostly just don’t really have anything big to talk about during it but I think once the update gets

Closer I like to do that and just chat and hash out the update but it’s also kind of evolved into what we have for the um like comment of the day is responding to a lot of those comments and getting those same thoughts in 50 hours non-stop no just 50

Hours but my friends speaking of which I think that’s where we’re going to stop today what about redoing the Outpost eventually I don’t think it’s up for the next I want to finish and keep touching on projects the goal is all 50 hours that I’m doing for the video are all

Things spent on projects that still need finishing so I want to polish off a lot of things I want to fill in detail spaces that I haven’t done uh and all that so that when the World download does come out for all the members and everything like that it’s just a little

Bit more cleaned up in the open spaces around the world wherever they are there’s a lot more stuff that people can go and uh visit and see and just more polished off there all the Interiors not happening not even thinking about that unless I have a few hours at the end of

Phil and I don’t know what to do maybe I’ll do an interior but we’ll see but my friends thank you all so very much for the support today I really do appreciate y’all are absolutely amazing Vamps if you’re still in here thank you Al thank you so very much for the crazy support

Today I really really do appreciate it everybody else who gifted memberships uh new members re remembers all that cool stuff thank you all so very much I really do appreciate it yall have a lovely lovely weekend we’ll be back next week with some more streaming working on

The mountain finishing all that stuff up but for now my friends I’ll catch you on the FP side bye

This video, titled ‘BUILDING A MOUNTAIN – HARDCORE MINECRAFT 1.20 – Survival Let’s Play’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2023-10-27 20:09:19. It has garnered 25117 views and 1725 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:34 or 7774 seconds.

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft content creators like Senpai? Do you enjoy watching viral shorts and getting inspired to dive into new adventures in the Minecraft universe? If so, we have the perfect recommendation for you – Minewind Minecraft Server! While watching Senpai’s Strom series, you may have noticed the excitement and creativity that comes with exploring new worlds and interacting with fellow players. Minewind offers a similar experience, where you can join a vibrant community of players from around the world and embark on thrilling adventures together. With unique features and a dedicated team… Read More

  • Ultimate Tree Farm for Minecraft! 13,000+ per hour!

    Ultimate Tree Farm for Minecraft! 13,000+ per hour! Exploring the Ultimate Efficiency Tree Farm in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, efficiency is key, and players are always on the lookout for the best ways to maximize their resources. One such method is the creation of a high-efficiency tree farm, capable of producing over 13,000 logs per hour. In a recent video by Yusuke M, a new tree farm design was showcased, specifically tailored to accommodate Acacia trees, offering a slightly lower efficiency compared to previous designs but still achieving impressive results. Efficiency Rankings The new tree farm design boasts impressive efficiency numbers for various tree… Read More

  • Minecraft with Henya: God Gets in on the Action!

    Minecraft with Henya: God Gets in on the Action!Video Information This video, titled ‘HeavenlyFather Finally Gets to Play Minecraft with his Kami-Oshi..’, was uploaded by Daily Dose Of Henya The Genius on 2024-04-09 14:53:19. It has garnered 139937 views and 7678 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:53 or 1853 seconds. Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius Twitter : https://twitter.com/henyathegenius YT: @henyathegenius @Zentreya https://twitter.com/zentreya https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya HeavenlyFather https://www.twitch.tv/heavenlyfather @ArielleVTuber https://www.twitch.tv/Arielle @IronMouseParty https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse @obkatiekat https://www.twitch.tv/obkatiekat #henyathegenius #vshojo #cutout Read More

  • URUKA DOMINATES Capture the Crown – DAY 3

    URUKA DOMINATES Capture the Crown - DAY 3Video Information This video, titled ‘【PHASE WARS II】URUKA POV! DAY 3 – Minecraft – Capture the Crown【Team Blaze】’, was uploaded by Uruka Ch. 藤倉ウルカ 【Phase Connect】 on 2024-04-28 22:13:32. It has garnered 2805 views and 401 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:02 or 7502 seconds. Fall in line. Get Smoked~ GO TEAM BLAZE Get your Bear Birthday Merch here: https://shop.phase-connect.com/collections/fujikura-uruka-2024-birthday-collection 🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻 ʕ•͡ω•ʔ 【Donation Page】 (Only if you want to and are financially stable enough please!!! No obligations!!) https://streamelements.com/fujikurauruka-9950/tip ʕ•͡ω•ʔ 【Phase Connect Website】 https://phase-connect.com/ https://shop.phase-connect.com/ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ【Socials】 YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/FujikuraUruka Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fujikurauruka Twitter: https://twitter.com/fujikurauruka TikTok💀: https://www.tiktok.com/@fujikura_uruka Marshmallow: https://marshmallow-qa.com/fujikurauruka?utm_medium=url_text&utm_source=promotion Discord: https://discord.gg/phaseconnect… Read More

  • Unbelievable ManTreKs dominates Guardian Tales 4-4 Desert Madness

    Unbelievable ManTreKs dominates Guardian Tales 4-4 Desert MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Guardian Tales (4-4) (Full 3-star) world 4 Desert Madness | Entrance to paradise’, was uploaded by ManTreKs on 2024-02-15 20:38:13. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:03 or 843 seconds. Guardian Tales ( 4-1 ) world 4 Desert of madness | Entrance to the desert Minecraft Pe,Minecraft,Minecraft Indonesia,Minecraft Survival,Minecraft Noda,Minecraft Hardcore,Minecraft Series,Minecraft Animation,Texture Pack,Resource Pack,Shader Pack,Mod Pack,Skin Pack,Erpan1140,minecraft mods,minecraft song,minecraft style,minecraft xbox 360,minecraft herobrine,guardian tales,guardian tales indonesia,guardian tales speedrun,guardian tales season 1,guardian tales season 1 story,guardian tales season 1 speedrun,GT,GT indonesia Guardian Tales Arena,Guardian Tales PVP,Guardian Tales… Read More

  • BREAKING: NEW record-breaking TNT cannon in Minecraft!

    BREAKING: NEW record-breaking TNT cannon in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: The fastest automatic TNT cannon.’, was uploaded by сreeper952 on 2024-03-26 13:33:31. It has garnered 56 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Thanks for watching!!! #minecraft #memes #gaming #mod #warden #minecraftmemes #experiment #tnt #cannon Tags:minecraft, tnt cannon, tnt, redstone, tutorial, cannon, tnt cannon minecraft, how to make a tnt cannon in minecraft, minecraft cannon, minecraft tnt cannon, minecraft tnt, creative, how to, redstone builds, survival, build, easy, rapid fire, minecraft pe, minecraft bedrock, minecraft tnt cannon tutorial, how to make, how, minecraft (video game), map, funny,… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Secret to Chest Shop Success!

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Secret to Chest Shop Success!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to create a Chest Shop in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Sir BigHead on 2024-05-12 12:48:50. It has garnered 420 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Welcome to my tutorial on how to create a chest shop #shorts #short #minecraft #tutorial Read More

  • Unbelievable! Discover the Hidden Secrets of the End City in Minecraft Hexxit II

    Unbelievable! Discover the Hidden Secrets of the End City in Minecraft Hexxit IIVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Is The End City? ◆ Minecraft: Hexxit II’, was uploaded by Avernon on 2024-04-04 11:20:43. It has garnered 42 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:09 or 12549 seconds. We Do Gaming, Podcasting, Streams, and More! So Why Not Subscribe!!! All My Links Are Right Here: ◆ Discord: https://discord.gg/DAZbt5VqjP ◆ LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/avernon ◆ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/avernon ◆ Late Time Talks Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3KpIfWR ◆ Zach’s Basement Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3AfAVbB ◆ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/avernon_prod ◆ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@av3rnon Read More

  • “DRAVEN LIVE: Epic Pennywise Face Sand Art!” #shorts #minecraft

    "DRAVEN LIVE: Epic Pennywise Face Sand Art!" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Falling Sand Art Minecraft – Pennywise face #shorts #minecraft #pennywise’, was uploaded by DRAVEN IS LIVE on 2024-01-05 06:45:01. It has garnered 5749 views and 310 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. This is a satisfying video Hope you like this Minecraft Sand Art Video and share it with your friends! #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #shortfeed #youtubeshorts #trendingshorts #youtubeshortsviral #trendingshorts Read More


    MINECRAFT CHURCH BUILD TUTORIAL!!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO BUILD CHURCH IN MINECRAFT || #shorts #viral #minecraft #trending #youtubeshorts !’, was uploaded by Skypat_Gamerz on 2024-01-07 05:48:36. It has garnered 3981 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Hello’ I’m Akash Patel welcoming you to my youtube channel. Read More

  • Gamer Freakout! Which Will Win? #minecraft #shorts

    Gamer Freakout! Which Will Win? #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Which will be Best …. #minecraft #shorts #viral #shortvideo #trending’, was uploaded by Triggered Gamer on 2024-04-17 10:30:36. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Which Is Best . #shorts #viral #trending #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraft #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shorts #viral #trending #shortvideo #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraft #shorts #short #shortsvideo #indianfestival #festival #diwali #festivalseason #festivevibes #festivals #musicfestival #rave #festivalfashion #festivalvibes #tomorrowland #techno #edm #festivallife #housemusic #festivaloutfit #festivalofcolors #holi #trance #festivalsofindia #durgapuja #navratri #edmlifestyle #dj #electronicmusic #festivalofcolours #holifestivalofcolours #holifestival #holihai #technomusic #ytool #deckthehalls… Read More

  • Billionaire City Economy Re-Imagined – PvE PvP 1.19.X-1.20.X, Economy, Competitive, Friendly Community, Jobs, Apartments, Community Goals, Houses, Businesses, Daily Quests

    NEW GAMEMODE: MOODYSMP (Earth-like SMP with Nations, Towns & War) New Player Rewards now available with /np -> 2x Sell Boost for all Items & Fish! How to Join! There are no requirements to play on Billionaire City! Simply add the Server with the following IP: IP: billionaire.city Discord: Join our Discord About Billionaire City Billionaire City is a revolutionary Economy & City Experience in Minecraft. Explore features like Buyable Ships, Proficiency & Collection System, unique Jobs-System, Community Goals, and more! Play however you like, with a welcoming and competitive Community. Our stable Economy sets us apart from other servers,… Read More

  • Minecraft survival server 1.20.x

    Minecraft survival server 1.20.x Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Scute-Generating God at My Base

    “Just make sure the friend isn’t a creeper, we don’t need any explosions in the house!” Read More

  • Block House Fly: Minecraft’s Sky High Pie

    Block House Fly: Minecraft's Sky High Pie In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with each of his dives. With animations that are funny and bright, He crafts a world that brings pure delight. No need for propellers, we can still fly, In this blocky world, where dreams reach the sky. So join Cube Xuan on this magical ride, And let your imagination run wild, side by side. Subscribe to his channel, for joy every day, With MC animations that will sweep you away. So come on, let’s dive into this Minecraft land, With Cube Xuan leading the way, hand in… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Respect the Block!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Respect the Block! Why did the Minecraft player bring a shovel to the cartoon convention? To dig up some animated dirt on their favorite characters! #respectvide #respectshor #respect998 Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Skibidi Toilet Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Skibidi Toilet Adventures! Are you a fan of unique and quirky Minecraft mods like the one featured in the video “I Added Being Skibidi Toilet to Minecraft”? If so, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. At Minewind, players can experience a one-of-a-kind Minecraft gameplay experience unlike any other. With a dedicated community of players who love to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the game, Minewind offers a truly immersive and exciting environment for all types of players. Whether you’re into building, exploring, PvP, or just hanging out with friends, Minewind has something for everyone. So why… Read More

  • Insane Adventure: 100 DAYS in Fantasy Minecraft Hardcore

    Insane Adventure: 100 DAYS in Fantasy Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS in Fantasy Minecraft Hardcore (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by KixCharms on 2024-04-20 12:00:02. It has garnered 3772 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:35 or 4835 seconds. 100 Days – Fantasy Minecraft I Spent 100 Days in Fantasy Minecraft In this video, I survived 100 days in Minecraft on HARDCORE. But this wasn’t a normal survival, I modded this completely and was inspired by Luke The Notable and Forge Labs. I survived 100 days in modded Minecraft. Zombies, Skeletons, and even pigs would destroy me just as… Read More

  • 100 Days of Random Mods in Minecraft

    100 Days of Random Mods in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 Days ADDING RANDOM MODS Every 5 Days’, was uploaded by ArcherKirby8 on 2024-02-03 23:11:09. It has garnered 116 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:01 or 7381 seconds. 100 Days in Minecraft, but I add random mods every 5 Days. You can suggest Mods in the Comments if you have an interesting one! It does need to be 1.16.5 FORGE and have either a Curseforge or Modrinth Download. This is Stream 7 of the 100 Days. #minecraft #minecraft100days #100days #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES with DRAGON MOD! 🐉 Part 1!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Series (Dragon Mod) – Part 1 | Minecraft in Hindi’, was uploaded by Immortal Brothers on 2024-03-26 12:00:29. It has garnered 33 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:39 or 639 seconds. Minecraft Survival Series (Dragon Mod) – Part 1 | Minecraft in Hindi Discord Server: https://discord.gg/m7rvrdKrf3 —————————————————————————- Hit Like, Share and Subscribe button ❤️ —————————————————————————– Minecraft pe survival series ep-1 in hindi minecraft pe survival series minecraft pe survival world download minecraft pe survival mods minecraft pe survival series in hindi minecraft pe survival series 1.19 minecraft pe… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Chair Tutorial 1.20 – CityGuyGrass

    INSANE Minecraft Chair Tutorial 1.20 - CityGuyGrassVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Chair Tutorial Minecraft 1.20!’, was uploaded by CityGuyGrass on 2024-01-03 13:13:53. It has garnered 2382 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. in this video i show you how to build a quick and easy realistic chair design in minecraft 1.20! this design was used by @ToastedDuck in his snips barber shop video from hermitcraft. this design combines armour stands and redstone to make a realistic looking minecraft chair for your survival or creative minecraft 1.20 worlds! subscribe to help me reach my goal of 3k subs… Read More


    JOME DESTROYS MINECRAFT with Fortnite?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fortnite Just Ended Minecraft’, was uploaded by JOME on 2024-02-17 19:02:06. It has garnered 2335 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. In today’s video, I look at the new Fortnite game mode, Lego Fortnite, and see if it is better than Minecraft’s single player survival mode. Fortnite vs. Minecraft is a competition and I look at the history of these two. I look at the changes in player base with the release of Fortnite Battle Royale, Minecraft Hunger Games, Fortnite Creative Mode, Minecraft Bedwars, and finally, Lego… Read More

  • EPIC TWIST: Minecraft Story Mode – Crazy Happy Ending!

    EPIC TWIST: Minecraft Story Mode - Crazy Happy Ending!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Story Mode – Happy Ending (27)’, was uploaded by Callum James George Eaton Gaming on 2024-01-13 20:30:11. It has garnered 178 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:06 or 1806 seconds. Welcome to my lets play on Minecraft: Story Mode. In this series I will be playing through all episodes of the game. Enjoy. In This Episode Jesse Petra Lukas and Ivor Reunite With Axel and Olivia and Finally Head Home. Read More

  • Shocking Update in Minecraft – Avrona World Added?! #minecraft

    Shocking Update in Minecraft - Avrona World Added?! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mojang Just Added THIS to Minecraft?! #minecraft’, was uploaded by Avrona World on 2024-04-02 21:26:06. It has garnered 3477 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. #shorts #gaming #minecraft #gamingshorts #aprilfools #gameplay #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftmeme The Minecraft 2024 April Fools update, Minecraft 20w14potato, has so many features that should be in the main game! Thanks so much to Gavin Burns, Justen Rage, Ela Wroniak, DevPanda, Nosgoth of Kain, Patrick Harrison, and Bartosz Welke, for supporting the channel on Patreon and YouTube! Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Semi-Auto Smelter on Mountainside! | Minecraft Amplified Hardcore S2

    UNBELIEVABLE Semi-Auto Smelter on Mountainside! | Minecraft Amplified Hardcore S2Video Information This video, titled ‘Magnificent Mountainside Semi-Auto Smelter | Minecraft Amplified Hardcore – Survival Heights [S2 32]’, was uploaded by WhiteFyr on 2024-05-13 16:00:00. It has garnered 277 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. Welcome back to Survival Heights season 2, now in Minecraft 1.20.4! In today’s Survival Heights amplified hardcore singleplayer survival episode, we finally complete work on a semi-automatic smelter setup attached to our auto storage! This has been desperately needed in this amplified hardcore world. No more going to the ocean monument temp setup anymore! You’re watching “Your… Read More

  • EPIC SHOWDOWN: Warden Vs Golem!!! #viralshorts

    EPIC SHOWDOWN: Warden Vs Golem!!! #viralshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Warden Vs More Golem||#shorts #shortsfeed #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by HAPPY KING 67 on 2024-05-05 07:00:06. It has garnered 10747 views and 393 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Minecraft Warden Vs More Golem||#shorts #shortsfeed #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #viralshorts ❤❤❤❤❤ minecraft more iron golem, minecraft more iron golems mod, minecraft iron golem damage, minecraft iron golem running, minecraft iron golem facts, minecraft iron golem love, minecraft iron golem logic, minecraft mod iron golem, minecraft rtx iron golem, minecraft iron golem fight, minecraft iron golem guide, minecraft iron… Read More

  • Wid_Craft

    Wid_CraftТова е нов Mc server в, който ще можете да намерите нови приятели и да се забавлявате!!! free2.falix.cc:36120 Read More

  • SangriaCraft SMP Semi-Vanilla Whitelist 18+

    Who We Are At SangriaCraft, our mission is to create a positive gaming environment for all. We have a whitelist system in place to ensure a peaceful community free from hackers and griefers. Community Focus Since 2011, we have been focused on creating a space for players to enjoy Minecraft without restrictions. Join our community events, themed competitions, and collaborative projects on Discord to connect with other players. Events Join our bi-monthly events like The Diamond Treasure Expedition and The Dazzling Easter Egg Extravaganza for fun challenges and rewards. Transparency We value transparency and community input. Share your feedback, as… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Take that, creepers!

    Well, I guess this meme is a critical hit in the meme world! Read More

  • Survival Base Race: Minecraft’s Wild Interior Score

    Survival Base Race: Minecraft's Wild Interior Score In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, IrieGenie’s survival house tutorial arrives. With medieval style and rooms galore, This base is one you’ll surely adore. From bedroom to storage, brewing to enchant, Every detail crafted with skill and grant. Exterior beauty, interior charm, In this house, you’ll find no harm. So grab your blocks and start to build, Let your imagination be fulfilled. Thanks to IrieGenie, the master of rhyme, For sharing this creation, so sublime. With Faithful pack and BSL shaders in tow, The visuals in this video truly glow. And the music sets the perfect tone,… Read More