Mind-blowing My Little Pony Modded Minecraft Stream!

Video Information

All right should be live on most platforms right about now how’s everybody doing all right gotta get the youtube chat up a little bit later stream today a little bit of a shorter stream today only about two and a half hours got a lot to do in the ponyburg first of

All lilac’s resigned as vice president so actually gonna have to do a little bit of promoting and find a new secretary of state i’ll poke myself in the nose with my fingernail let’s check on christopher we gotta get my hands on the right keys i hear him yes you are early out

Out there we just started the stream just now hello christopher all right so let’s get to all the stuff we got to get done nothing in the mailbox hello zhang oh oh cool someone improved the stat i statue i like this oh it’s funny it’s the hoof it’s falling off that’s really funny

That’s a nice detail massify the horse radio in the meeting hall get rid of the fluffing mobs yay that’s great they did pancake but then somebody else built it back better so they decided to leave it that’s awesome alfv i’m glad you’ll be playing java edition so there has been an update

Lilox has resigned as the vice president of the ponyburg so i’m likely going to end up promoting cherry yeah this looks pretty good then they’re promoting cherry from secretary of state to vice president and i think the last surprise if they want to be the new secretary of state

I have to ask both of them of course if they get on today but yeah there has been a change in the administration hey did somebody take a bunch of potatoes and not replant them how uncouth one two three four one two you’d like to build a house i’d love to

Have you here building a house can be difficult i say just try it just keep trying you’re still stuck at the wall until you find something you like that sticks there we go yeah i love the improvements that were made here i think it’s funny that the hoof is falling off

See if there have been any other changes you always shared my stream thank you we need more flags this one was white complete better with spruce logs and spruce planks hmm i think that might look nice honestly if all those fairs you can just go into a creative world

And just try and just try stuff out until you find something you like look we can make make a baby bee make a baby bee look a baby bee where’s the other bee there’s two baby bees slowly we’ll breed the bees and get more and more bees

Uh pancake people on facebook can’t see things people are people say on youtube it’s a one-way thing facebook can’t see what youtube is saying you gotta get some sleep see you later zhang i know it kind of stinks but like youtube but um facebook doesn’t really support bots right now

So we just kind of have to live with it I’ll leave the bees alone What else can we get done what else could be improved Um althea pancake in gaming on youtube is suggesting you try diorite and polish diorite they think those two look good Anyway that was working oh hiccups i was working on some flowers i want flowers not grass flower not grass there we go flowers flour flour flour come on that’s a flour but not where i want it there we go yay i’m glad you think it’s good Uh no i didn’t mean to plant them i’m trying to eat this Don’t put yourself down pancake it was a good suggestion Too Um I’m literally like a mother to you guys that’s sweet of you to say flowers flowers flowers Um oh it’s turning night okay let’s uh plant let’s light the place up more game pony good to have you where are my carpets there’s my carpets what places need lighting up how many people are online right now uh eight eight people are on the server right now including me

It’s a little dark over i’m trying to figure out where i can put this definitely needs some light let’s see if i can do something here hang on i’ll figure that out later oh your friend is putting tnt in your house you better stop him another thing you gotta get used to

Playing minecraft your friends are going to prank you stupid sheep stupid sheep crushing the crops oh I want to fall in love with everypony we’re gonna set the streets alive this is a little dark over here oh i might king let me adjust my mic there we go and put one in right here will you try to 100 star bound the problem is i have so many mods

Installed in starbound that 100 are 100 all on basically 800 mods is would be a bit of a challenge especially since i don’t know what’s in a lot of the mods so i miss a lot of stuff plus there’s enough conflicts no mods that some content is locked out to

Me because you know of glitches and stuff so it might not be possible to truly 100 it but hopefully i can i can still you know get some pretty good progress in there we go yes i have beat the final boss So i’m going to work on making my own base of operations on the planet i’m trying to terraform after i finish transforming it to a lush planet it’s going to have several different sections uh one section is going to have all of my crafting tables and such that everything is currently

Like strewn around my ship will be moved to to a little base there well also on all the seeds i’ve been saving up i’m in that chest on my ship well it will make a garden area where i’m growing every single plant i can get my hands on

And then we’ll have a call in the area because you can make you can like you can get tenants like you with like with like colony deeds so i can have people living on the planet so there’ll be a section where i have like one house

And try to get one of each species possible because you know i have about a bajillion modded species in so i’m gonna try and get one of every species possible so i have like a multicultural community on the planet so i think it’ll be pretty cool where do we need more light

Futuristic for ponyburg dark spot let’s fix it looks like we could use another one here it’s looking dark over here too there we go oh that’s dark there’s like so many dark little dark spots that i don’t know if mobs can spawn there or not i can’t wait until we update to 1.17

Because i need for something to light up the sides of all these blocks and i’m thinking if i can get my hands on a butt ton of gl of the glow lichen couldn’t speak there for a second i think putting the glow like it on the surface are super vertical and

That wouldn’t make sense to put like glowstone in because i can’t cover them with carpets without it being seen i feel like i could cover the sides and like glow like it and that’ll take care of a lot of the spots that i can’t light up right now

Wait whoa oh i didn’t even notice this before yo supplies really deck the house yes you do have 1.17 out there but i’m on a server and this server has things called plugins which are you know are like they’re kind of like mods for a server and the people who make those

Plugins have to update them so they work with the new version so the server can’t update to the new version until all of their plugins have updated for the new version and that’s why this server is not in 1.17 yet hello sleep cannot be found how you doing

So let’s keep putting flowers around my House i don’t want grass i want flowers it’s not flowers those are grass that is more grass there’s one flower this could take a minute give me a flower stop giving me grass there we go uh oh i broke a flower and i did not mean to let’s fix that Do stop giving me grass i don’t want grass i want flowers flowers you understand the game flowers this is grass there’s still grass please game flowers does the scheme not speak english flowers there’s one well didn’t mean to break that tulip Do hmm so much grass not enough flowers oh you need to do that no the thing i’m doing is the way flower forest biomes work is that on each individual block there’s actually one specific flower type that can spawn there and that’s why flower forests have specific patterns to them because flowers

Are actually in big groups so i fly over here you can see how the flowers all kind of group together like naturally so that’s why i’m bone mealing the ground i’m getting the natural flower spawns for those particular blocks yeah flowers flowers everywhere not enough though

See see how a red tulip grew here that me only red tulips can be naturally bone meal from the on to that spot no stop planting the stuff i’m trying to eat uh i would get rid of the lava i think i think they’re pranking you that’s definitely not usually a good

Thing to have lava poured upon a woodhouse it might start to burn i would try and put that out as soon as you can hello anthony yeah i would say try and get rid of the lava usually you do that i so either get a bucket and try and pick up the lava

Or place blocks on on top of the lava to get rid of it you could also place water on top of lava to stop it but like you can end up with obsidian and that’s going to be really annoying to have to clean up afterwards so more bone meal more more

That’s starting to look pretty decent think we need more flowers over here though Mm-hmm Broke a flower fix the flower ah Excuse me mr pig i’m working here i’m working here everything but the block on bone mealing is getting flowers Hmm Ah it’s turning that means we can do more light soon because i’m going to need more green wool soon though I i just need glow-like and that’s that’s that’s the whole thing i just need the glow-liking Yeah any age can go here it’s a very kid-friendly server very very kid-friendly I am out of green wool oh yeah 100 the server is ponytails.com i would say you it would be hard to get much safer than well if you could get much safer but that would be significantly restricting what you can say in chat so yeah i’d say that like you you’d be

Completely fine here I was gonna say it looks like surprise upgraded their home and we don’t exactly have zoning laws here but if we had zoning laws this would probably break like all of them we don’t but i never got to putting in zoning laws so i guess this is okay

You’re gonna join bruce cool it’ll be nice to have new people on pony on ponytails ah look at this all right let’s go to back to play some bone meal whoop drop some lanterns Mm-hmm oh sorry mr pig you shouldn’t have been walking where i was working it’s his fault he got hit you cannot walk where i’m working did he just jump from okay Still still thinking about a flag design for gold quest i’m sure you’ll figure out something Smoke another flower is there a spider nearby am i hearing it mr spider Chores you will try joining cool do Uh this server is currently on 1.16 we have they have not updated it to 1.17 yet this thing is 1.16 envelope oh your name is fine out there your name’s perfectly fine How do you change your version so if you open up the minecraft launcher go to at the top of the screen yet there’s play installation skins and patch notes you want to click new installation then you’ll see it says named installation ver inversion basically just chain just choose it and

You can just use the drop-down menu to choose a version if i want to choose release 1.16.5 and then you want to go to the bottom corner and hit create that’s how you would change your version i mean they just got java edition recently like this so makes sense that

They don’t know how to change versions There we go that all around my house oh let me land No it at the top of the screen there is there are four tabs play installations skins and patch notes you want to go to the installations tab click new installation there’s a drop down menus for versions you don’t you can ignore game directly i never said anything about that

You just choose release 1.16.5 and then Create And then if you go back to the regular play page afterwards to the left of the play button there’s another there’s a new drop down menu where you can choose whichever installation you want to use at a time there we go Now one thing i want to fix is the flower patterns around the administration building these are these are not natural flower patterns these are artificial flower patterns i’m not very pleased with them to be entirely honest ah shoot em through my inventory stupid full inventory because like after i built the

Administration building i had to like re-naturalize the landscape it’s in the bottom right corner in the bottom right corner out there the create button should be in the bottom right corner and it’s green You’re welcome glad we figured that out So let’s re-naturalize this landscape because this is not a natural landscape these are not natural flowers I’m since it’s the administration building we should like it should be all pristine and orderly i mean i have plenty of flowers we’ll probably do something cool here You crashed that’s weird try again okay i mean it does probably have to load first huh we’ll try again maybe it won’t crash this time what exactly are you doing that’s the way when it’s crashing like what exactly are you doing hmm he tried to download 1.16.5 so on the play tab

You have 1.16.5 selected on the left hand side where there’s like the the drop down or i guess here it’s like a drop up menu you have 1.16.5 selected maybe it was a bad install maybe it’s a bad install uh i’m afraid i don’t know make it make a new identical

Installation do the same thing over again hopefully it’ll maybe re-download i’m afraid i don’t always have all the answers okay natural flowers natural flowers let’s do this if it still crashes after that maybe try the next version down so 1.16.4 you didn’t touch the game directly folder right you didn’t touch that

You never touched it okay good good see i would say just try and like i said just make another um installation for 1.16.5 if that doesn’t work try and make one for 1.16.4 and if that doesn’t work you’re just going to have to maybe ask google what’s going wrong

Because i’m afraid i don’t have any answers past that i’m afraid i’m not quite as much of an encyclopedia of mine of why the heck programs crash pinky gaming says maybe you have to allocate more ram unfortunately i don’t know a lot about that subject or how to would do that

Oh it’s working yay oh did it crash again what’s the uh the does not sound like a good thing you because you had 1.17.1 selected likely when you do play you have to select the specific um installation you want from their scrolling menu to the left of the play button you probably

You probably had 1.17 select instead of 1.16.5 just exit out and make sure you have the right one selected How you doing yay it’s working hurray Honestly the interface used to be a lot worse what we have now is actually hey welcome back bruce honestly the interface we have now is an improvement from the old one used to be even more complicated to figure out how to get mods working and like new installations so this is

Actually an improvement oh i need some i need more bone meal so like if you know what to do it’s it’s actually a lot simpler than it used to be Got anything up my inventory too much stuff not enough space how long will i be streaming jakka what version is the server on yeah you need a server address this is the server address right here out there bro b-o-o-n-y-t-a-l-e-s dot com that is the server address

For how long will i be streaming jocker um i will be streaming until 1 30. so there’s another hour and a half of stream left christopher mommy’s got to go please move it’s this it’s on the screen right here it’s in the right on my stream i have it

Right here in the bottom right corner bronytales.com see it’s like right here what am i doing i don’t know uh brain went weird all right all right i was getting more bones and i can spend some time lining up the area uh it’s a little dark over here

Yes the server is currently on one point you’re in yay now you just have to walk through the train cars as you’ll be and it’s as you read all the rules and then you’ll be into the main server not right now jacka i’ll probably need more wool later but not this exact second

Okay what are spots i’ve missed that could easily spawn some mobs there you are i see you in the stream pinkie pie zero zero five there you are welcome to the server now you just have to pick what kind of pony you want to be you’re probably looking at the tree of harmony Hmm hmm Oh that’s a lot like more lit up that’s better you want to change your skin because you don’t like it you’ll just do that on the mojang website you’ll log in on the mojang website and then you can change your skin you can easily find a lot of skins online to download

There we go a little more light there definitely need a lot more light here oh it’s much better ender pony how do you get to the real world once you’re on the server you have to pick which race you want to be so you have the option of being a pegasi

A unicorn or an earth pony on this server and there are more races you can discover later yes the server is 1.16.5 right now bruce they haven’t their plug-ins haven’t updated it to 1.17 yet so you have to wait for that one so yeah there are three different signs

In the area you join in and you have to choose whether you are a pegasus or an earth pony or a unicorn each one has different powers for example i’m a pegasus which lets me fly around um unicorns can cast spells and earth ponies i believe and some

Things that earth ponies get is like they can do stronger attacks and you can level up whatever pony type you choose so like as you level up you get stronger so yeah wherever you are there should be signs and if you click this sign for the particular race you choose that race

It’s just it’s just in the little area you’re in they’re kind of spread around the little area you’re in i’m afraid i don’t exactly have memorized where everything is in this little starting area just just just walk around the little area you spawned in and you’ll find the three

Signs they’re in three different areas lilacs right we need to get more bones bones bones bones bones bones what’s up everything’s going pretty good i’d say bones bones bones we gotta get some bones we drop off some of these flowers i have five bones yay you’re in yay There you go i asked for someone to help you out in the chat Oh yes Yeah i saw you actually disconnected celestia should be there to help you out in a second let’s say we joined the server you were inside the statue i really like the improvements peeps someone made to it you click on the chat press the slash key next to the shift button

And it’ll open up the chat and then you’ll click on with your mouse on the green except why do you keep disconnecting i genuinely don’t know press the t button to open up the chat and then actually use your physical mouse to click on the to to actually click on the green accept

Thing are you having for computer problems out there you keep disconnecting but i know i love the improvements of the statue i love like the different color hair and i think it’s funny that like the hoof has fallen off like parts of the statue have actually fallen off

What am i doing oh wait we’re doing the flowers i’m so scatterbrained jeez it’s a nice touch i think come on flowers finally you want to be pegasus then click the pegasus sign hello fellow you’re gonna be a fellow pegasus you stand in your old office the only

Thing you see is the horse honestly it’s not a bad view and you can’t actually see the other stuff you can see the remaining hall you can see a little bit of the stat of the independent statue over here you can see the embassy i kind of like it

True it might be a little bit bigger but i think it looks cool no i need to break the orange tulip no hello jack Thanks for liking the stream sure here there you go so hey i have feel free to explore look around whoop connection problems oh are you playing on a laptop without a mouse alison i mean not allison althea what’s the no for if you log back on the

Server you’ll be right back where you were do dude tp again sure i’ll say there do slash brony tales you’re in the wrong area You’re in the hub area just do slash brony tails there you are you’re back you did it and your armor’s back see you were just in the hub area feel free to explore Yeah have fun looking around i can get you some food don’t worry i can get your food i have to wait until you get back on to give me the food but i can still give you food you don’t no no you don’t need the mods

To play that shouldn’t be why you have why you’re having problems it might just be normal connection issues You see you shouldn’t need the mods for anything you i think you’re just having regular connection issues sounds like you just connected again i saw just keep trying your internet is fine okay i’m not sure why you’re disconnecting then that’s weird it shouldn’t have anything to do with the mods as far as

I’m aware the only thing i can just is just keep rejoining the server and hopefully eventually you’ll just stop crashing victor thanks for liking the stream huh are you not in the hub try and say something in chat oh now you’ve joined there you are there you are you have fun looking around

Oh wi-fi problems huh thunder i feel that had to do with that sometimes there you are thanks for following you’re gonna restart your minecraft good idea yay you’re back so just pick a pony class and you should be off and running yo here’s some potatoes how do you download the mods

So to download them all the mods i’m using so if you want to look like a pony like i do on my stream i think i see joka playing with arrows over there um all the mods i’m using should be in the description for the video even on facebook and then you you’ll

Have to like add them to a mods folder and you’ll also have to download fabric i’m afraid it’s a little bit complicated you might want to find a youtube tutorial it’s not super super complicated but it’s like more complicated than i’d be really good at explaining without it in front of me

Oh your cat’s with you that’s cute hello jacka you got the potatoes right yes you did so half oh you’re watching jacques arrows oh yeah that’s always such a good light show so the server itself has mods installed you don’t need to have mods yourself the mods on the server should work

Automatically but you can because the the ones the server has are called plug-ins but you can also they’re also called server-side mods server-side mods or plug-ins you but you can install client-side mods that will affect only your experience they’re completely optional hey strawberry foxy how you doing

You want to follow me around you can explore on you have to follow me around you can explore on your own if you want to oh why can’t i hear anything in the game hang on hang on something’s not right where are my sound effects what happened

Hang on let me just connect and reconnect there we go my sound effects are back but yeah out there don’t you don’t have to follow me around you can explore the ponyburger if you wanna just walk around and look at stuff okay i’ll see you later out there but

Feel free to join back to the server anytime and explore around bones cool more flowers please more flowers please i would like oh please do not place that down they explode then again you have to can only place them on like obsidian so you hello jacka more flowers i need more flowers

I will always need more flowers very funny jockey no funny business no funny business i forbid such tomfoolery why am i an alex skin what happened to all my mods what why does everyone look like an alex skin to me why am i an alex is everyone and alex or steve

Oh man my music isn’t playing that’s what’s weird gosh dang it my music stopped playing that’s what would fit weird Well it’s not just a my little pony mine i don’t know it’s also oh i can only answer one you guys at a time all right uh because like it all seems to be regular skins because even people who don’t use the my little pony mod are looking like steves and alex’s

Yeah it might be on the mountain side ah i keep activating overwolf by mistake because control you know makes you fly faster and tab lets you see who’s online so when i when i like press both those at once that whole thing goes berserkos whoa okay i’m getting whiplash i’m way too tall

I’m not used to being this tall i’m supposed to be pony size oh god i’m claustrophobic now ah no i’m quitting the game of me joining i cannot play in these conditions i cannot play in these conditions i need to be pony short much better okay well i am see because the camera

Fits right where my pony’s face is so i’m just shorter than everybody else and i’m so used to playing like that it’s weird to suddenly go back to normal height and i just cannot deal with it at all not one bit Um can’t believe it didn’t realize my music had ended ah it was too quiet i was like what the heck what’s going on yeah i have the normal pegasus bear so she’s like half a block shorter than a regular player character one i bet i can peek it

Over windows like this and it’s adorable i see you fortunately i’ve seen neither cherry nor surprise get on which is kind of important because i need to i need to let cherry know i’m promoting them from secretary of state of the ponybag to vice president of the ponyburg

And i need to let surprise no no i’m not tired it’s only it’s only 12 30 p.m like it’s only half an hour afternoon i just yawn sometimes i forgot what i was saying before i was definitely saying i entirely lost my train of thought and i don’t know where it went that

Train is long gone unless someone can remember what i was talking about hey no no i’m not tired i’m not tired i have mail take a look in a second thank you jakka right i wanted to promote those two thank you lilacs brain is only working so yeah

I want to promote cherry from secretary to vice president and i want to put surprise as the new secretary because they have made so many improvements around here i wouldn’t be surprised if surprise is the one who made the improvements they’re also supposed to also coming up

With a new design for the meeting hall because the meeting hall right now is a little bit bare bones they’re coming up with a whole new design for it which is cool i think this is also their to-do list here we’ll justify the horse we do the

Meeting hall get rid of the fluffing mobs let’s see if i probably have food hang on let me see what i have Sound effects aren’t playing hang on ah something’s wrong today sound effects wouldn’t play and then the skins weren’t working so now i’ll be unlocking and re-logging again just restarting the entire game Nope okay sound effects still are not working and i am tall my little pony has just completely failed i should not be this tall i have my normal skin now great no that’s even worse what is wrong today it’s either the sound effects or the pony mod what is something is wrong today What the freakity fact I understand why like the pony mod could be failing but what’s up with my sound effects nope not not that now sound effects aren’t working so i’m trying to stream here like how can i stream like this I’m too tall i’m too tall make it stop all right jogger said i had mail is it magic meal that’ll make my computer suddenly work again why can’t i hear sound effects do i know roblox i do know roblox ah you just gave me a mailbox for the

Flesh thank you jacka oh that sounded like all the sound effects coming back hang on okay sound effects are bad ah i have no idea out there i know about roblox i can’t say i’ve ever ever played it myself Come on work properly Ah there’s a lot of stuff in my thing with Ah sound effects are broken again Ah my computer not right now my computer isn’t working why are you shoving my mailbox without flash i don’t have anywhere in my inventory oh wait a minute It suddenly fixed itself haven’t you been listening i literally said it several times over the pony mod wasn’t working jacka i don’t have one in my inventory for this stop i don’t need one flesh jack i don’t have the inventory space for this i can’t i don’t have the inventory space

For goodness sakes can’t you just put it all in like one spot so i can pick it up immediately like i said sometimes sound effects were not working as well as the pony mod was malfunctioning i have no idea what it was about but seems to be better now

Oh i’m just trying to plant flowers dang it i’m just trying to plant flowers thank you see it’s fine you give me some just put them in like one stack ah i’m just trying to plant flowers is my mods back to working now i have no idea what was going on before

Like how sound effects were related to the pony mod malfunctioning ah no didn’t mean to break that oh hey hiccups more flowers more flowers put your hooves in the air tonight i think it’d be cool to sign language talk with ghosts like If you can see ghosts and they can see you even if you can’t communicate like verbally you could still like communicate with them through sign language you could like try and teach the ghost sign language then you could learn sign language then you could talk to each other

Like you know because like if you can see the ghost and ghost can see you there are other ways to communicate besides speaking that’s looking pretty good i think hello pancake there we go yeah i think that looks pretty good see if we can’t work a little bit of lighting stuff up oops

What do you mean nukes what did you do chaka jacko what did you do ah i i filled my uh empty out my mailbox Okay that should be enough of them yeah i saw that you uh i don’t have enough of my inventory this is so inconvenient so Uh all right let’s see if we can breed some bees maybe the bees yeah the bees i guess they stay inside on on rainy days please jack no i don’t need more cobblestone in my mailbox Waiting for night waiting for a night it looks much more natural i’m glad i fixed that you know maybe you could use a few more flowers while i wait for night no i didn’t mean to break that no i didn’t mean to break that more flowers do It’s a bit better okay it’s finally getting dark let’s find some dark spots for my best to start looking over here oh new player Oh it stopped raining too hmm Do Hmm Do oh he’s a dark spot Oh yeah here we go real dark up here let’s fix this Which country do you live in you’re in the philippines i’m from the united states specifically the state of massachusetts my boyfriend actually is an immigrant from the philippines he moved from the philippines to united states when i think he was 9 years old so he’s lived here for a while

But he was born in the philippines He’s still a filipino citizen actually Welcome back jakka Yeah pretty cool right you have something in common with my boyfriend you’re both from the same country Yeah i really need i mean yesterday i really have to wait for the server to update to 1.17 i need glow-liking need i need need need glow-liking because this is currently unacceptable i’m gonna do a lot of it too Hmm hello jacka nice arrows Yeah you can yeah whales can be underwater now it’s very exciting taco’s putting on a nice little light show Yeah i just really need the glow liking because like i want to be able to light up the sides of blocks because like if i had the low light and i could do i could do so much lighting work with it with it problem is i need a whole butt ton of it

Probably going to spend most of my streams just collecting it but that’s once we actually update of course we’ll have to use the creative world for that since all this is already generated Looking a little dark over here Do Do Darn sun’s coming up i should really enter my inventory yet again there is so much card in my inventory my goodness gracious Um from blocks all right thank you for the bone blocks let’s see if we can’t breed some of these bees come on bees get out of here you’re gonna make babies there’s one b we need more bees where’s the rest of the bees i would like more bees to exit their hives please

Why are you playing with the door to the b enclosure why are you playing with the door to the b enclosure that’s joker i guess that’s what they do and now you’re standing on the roof psy come on where are all the other bees where are all the other bees

I know there’s a lot more bees in these hives get out here bees get out of here that beer in the distance is not moving there when i was moving Like why are they not exiting their hives because i know they’re in the hives i know we have a bunch of bees that are actually sticking their heads at huh Hello little coat loop little coat coat i think um my tongue did not want to cooperate with me there my tongue was my tongue decided i’m going to actively fight against her while she’s streaming that’s a great idea seriously where the frick are the bees or bees wake the frick

Up get out of your hives there shouldn’t be any creepers spawning in here i know we have more bees they’re just hiding inside their hives and they are refusing to come out yo wake the frick up i want to breed you i want you to make baby bees wake up

Get them bees are so rude they never exit when you tell them to bees are so rude do not break the highs the beers are just being stubborn today surprise neither cherry nor supplies have been on so far You Hmm Hmm i wonder if we can put lights in this oh When we can put glow like it on the statue because um they’re already going to be making the statue mossy so a little bit blow like it on this statue wouldn’t be a miss that would look cool jock i swear to god if you broke the beehives okay that’s actually funny

That’s actually funny wait i have an idea i know a thing um options controls Watch this uh wait nope i did it wrong Watch this Oh i’m your favorite streamer that’s so sweet of you i mean sleep is important and i’m only streaming for about 15 more minutes anyway So you can always watch it when you wake up i know break viki i think technically do this Ah okay didn’t even wake up did it work no all the damn bees are still sleeping One more time Make lots of noise wake up bees get the pick up you lazy bees get out of your hives wake up wake up Yeah this isn’t working i tried we tried we tried it was a good try you bye althea have a good sleep so i have all these torches but solid light blocks i think i need to go find more of let’s get more light blocks let’s go raid the nether

Resource together here we oh of course new month it’s reset of course we’re right in the middle of another waste which is absolutely lovely here we go on teleport to me chaka okay i’m in the middle of the nether have fun with that jock i try not to die Do do Oh you made a flag that’s great oh frick ah come on you’re kidding me oh it’s mildly irritating can i stop being on fire now please there we go Okay i think that’s enough glowstone for now it’s not a lot but i don’t really need a lot because you know we only have a few more minutes left There you go jacka now i gotta get back Hmm Hmm Um there you go da there we go that’s much better well we definitely need light over here this is all dark disappointingly dark that’s better what else can i do looks like there’s a little bit of a dark spot forming here that’s taken care of oh there we go Do hmm Do oh i left somebody else here i didn’t even realize it’s fine they can stay for now oh here we go and a nice spot to put that a little bit dark over here we could put one there man this area is like full of spots that need a little bit of light

You want to teleport against okay And chickens what about chickens you’re just yelling randomly about chickens hmm for the love of goodness gracious jockey do not egg spam do not egg spam please don’t please don’t please don’t we don’t need those many chickens hmm all right guys it’s just about 1 30.

So i think once i find where christopher is i can’t end the stream without christopher chris there you are so i think that will end up being the end of the stream and look at pancakes sneaking at the end of the stream i’ll see you guys later

Thanks for coming to watch bye guys bye

This video, titled ‘Bronytales Minecraft Server: My Little Pony Modded Minecraft #33 [Full Stream]’, was uploaded by PassionateAboutPonies on 2021-07-07 18:15:13. It has garnered 237 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:12 or 8472 seconds.

Playing Minecraft with My Little Pony Mods on the My Little Pony themed server Bronytales, episode 33!

Server: bronytales.com

Pony Mod: https://minelittlepony-mod.com/ Resource Pack: https://love-tolerance.com/ Pony Footstep Sounds from Settings in this Mod: https://github.com/Sollace/Presence-Footsteps/releases HDSkins Mod: (Compatible with Mine Little Pony): https://github.com/MineLittlePony/HDSkins/releases

Non Pony Mods Used: Lamb Dynamic Lights: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lambdynamiclights Lithium: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lithium Sodium: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sodium Phosphor: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/phosphor OK Zoom: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ok-zoomer Mod Menu: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/modmenu

Streaming Music Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhE9Y0g_Mp_xXqpiCxN9Z4fzH9DCfJ3Bp

Bronytales Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhE9Y0g_Mp_yTLKz-_k4cEs7nr9fbUC_s

Join my Discord server to talk about the streams, or just to meet like-minded people: https://discord.gg/FEzBunDdzS

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  • AKSH

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  • PaduaMCC | Smp & Realms

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  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Achievement Unlocked: No More Problems

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  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

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  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

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  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

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  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

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  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

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  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

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