Mind-blowing Mystery Revealed at The Dock! – Tales of Ry #2

Video Information

[Music] welcome back to TS aai today I am fishing I it’s quite late at night it’s about 12: P it’s about 12 a.m. right now while I’m fishing and I just wanted to quickly fish a little bit because I really want to get a name tag for Pegasus that horse really needs to get a name very soon today I have a few plans but mostly will be mainly clean up from last episode including some small little things for the house I’m also hoping to improves some of the frame rate problems and the game’s visual quality there was even an experimental mod I was testing out for the boats that makes boats have this cool animation but it does seem to break a little bit when I look here at the front you know but from the back it looks cool so I think I’m going to keep it but I want to know what you guys think down below come on give me a name tag it would it would mean so much game come on I’ll end up being here for like several days of my life waiting for a name tag maybe it’d be faster if we went and explored or did villagers but I am I really don’t want to do villagers not that they’re useless but like they’re the most unfun thing in the game they’re so boring and they’re so tedious eventually we have to do villagers I mean there’s nothing else I mean what AM must I mean you need to get infinite food you need Ming and stuff like that but I’m hoping to put it off as long as humanly possible give me a name tag please I’m also hoping to improve my migr oh my goodness what in the world Rip Tide 3 protection 4 [Music] piercing that’s a really good book uh-oh the drones uhoh the drone’s here no no yeah you you get away you go yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m going to equip my sword so I can deal with them faster next time ah this is this better not B this better not take oh my goodness I’m taking damage a no no no yeah that’s an experimental mod I think I’m going to remove I didn’t realize it did the blood thing well I did I liked it but then looking at it is kind of annoying so I’m going to remove it in just a minute it’s probably one of the most boring tasks in the game oh my goodness I’m the luckiest man alive hold on let’s head back to shore of oh that’s going to be annoying I just realized that that right there this fishing rod has some amazing amazing Loot on it what if do I have enough iron to make an anvil to craft up something for that if I don’t I can go mining I have 15 iron here five iron there uh I’m out I have no more iron I need a little bit more we’re going to grab our trusty diamond pickaxe and go mining for a little bit because it would be very beneficial for us now I think I left the mine right here so let’s go on down let’s hope we get some iron at all just some iron would be nice oh my gosh it comes to me very quickly it came to me very quick and that’s a good amount too we already have how much we already have seven ooh I’m actually going to grab this because there is some things I would like to test out with it I actually might be one of the few people in the community that like copper and I think it the new blocks are amazing other than the fact that the doors cost so much which I think I installed a mod to fix that because my God does it cost time to make the amazing looking Copp doors expensive that mod that adds the blood and do you notice like when you take damage it like has like weird effects I’m going to remove it because I feel like it takes away from the classic Minecraft bill it really makes it feel weird so I’m not I’m not as big on it as I was even a few weeks ago when I first thought hey this is kind of cool I just feel like it doesn’t really capture that classic Minecraft fill and I kind of want to keep that in these videos and also I know there are people that probably won’t like it the fact that when you’re at half a heart your screen pretty much is blind which is kind of annoying when I think about it in general I’ve had I’ve talked a little bit and I’ve kind of enjoyed just sitting here and I kind of don’t want to make another time lap so this Grand moment I did enjoy the first one but they’re not going to be as common as some other YouTubers okay I would like to keep my content to the classic level without as many time lapses of course I’ll do time lapses but my goal is to mix both styles of Minecraft editing the the chill let’s play style of just playing the game and then the the editing of like time lapses are is cool but I’m not gonna do that like the whole time the whole time it’s not going to be an overabundance of time lapses that just drags the video down did I hear a skeleton I get even though it’s bright in this cave it’s night time for me and I always get paranoid when I’m playing a game like this and I’m in a weird area that’s creepy I’m not even going to think about what happens when I hit G and I see the darkness I might as I might pass out real life uhoh zombie we have enough iron from this one cave we were able to rack up enough oh a bat hello how are you Mr Bat I’m not going to grab this extra copper uh-oh ooh [Music] ow ow also the blood kind of goes against like I want anybody to to be able to watch my videos and some people are freaked out by Blood so oh no my goodness goodness what in the world uh-oh uhoh we’re in trouble we’re in trouble I’m not that great oh my gosh eat eat eat eat this iron though is so good like getting extra iron anyway uhoh no why do you suck my pickaxe will break soon I might I might should head back no no you don’t get to do that oh no I just broke my pickaxe with the the thing baby zombie oh no not in the cave not in the cave not in the cave not in the cave no no no no no no no okay run we’re leaving that was my queue uhoh what in the world oh my gosh nope we’re leaving we’re out goodbye where did we go that was horrifying look at me this is why you need iron armor this is why you don’t let Ryan not get iron armor everyone should have literally bullied me for not getting iron armor right away now we can smelt up this iron in the blast furnace and actually let me come up here real quick and find some coal do we have any coal yes we do and we’re all and remember the only the reason why we’re doing this right now and the reason why we really want to do this is because this luck of sea the luck of the sea Rod could give us some really great books I still can’t believe we got this enchanted book so easily and that’s our final we can let the rest of it smelt up and we’ll make some iron armor but first no what are we doing we don’t need iron armor yet no come here let’s craft out the iron blocks that we [Music] need oh baby we got the Anvil where do we place this let’s place it it right there now it’s just cheaper that’s 32 levels what in the world there we go hello new fishing rod let’s go fishing I just realized this is the most ugly way to go fishing like there’s nothing bright here I feel like I could build a fishing dock right here and right here could be the amazing looking um um fishing area we can have like almost like a little area we could drive down and Fish on now I’m not that great at fishing docks so it’s going to be quite basic but I have an idea if I have a little bit of extra wood in the house why don’t we build a fishing dog to where we can come and we can fish if we’re lucky maybe maybe yes at least one tree group for the moment why don’t we go in and Mark out what this dock is going to look like I would think it would go like it was going to be a 3X3 and it will go out and these are the first two pillars right here and it’s going to be a similar idea to the bridge over here um if you like the bridge then you’ll like this see how the bridge is like this it’ll be almost like a step up you step up at but I’m not going to go a a two High three High Step Up I’m going to do a one high like it’s going to be at this level maybe we could build a path to everything in the world a 3X3 would look good so maybe we should path off things maybe we can put some stairs right here now these are experimental I probably will end up changing these later but if they look good yeah that looks nice I could probably improve them later but at least we now have a [Music] path it can go all the way to the dock actually I probably should make more [Music] stairs do you like this mod that changes to crafting table I’m just curious see if you leave it here it will come here and you can craft up it it kind of follows you on purpose so it’s like any perspective works the crafting table it leaves things and if you’re going to craft something that can be craft if you come here and look look at that oh oh oops look at that I’m going to turn the light thing off like the um full Brite for a second and put that there and then shovel I need to be able to see no something’s off the colors are off does anybody else see that it’s like everything went almost like monochrome is it just me does anybody else see that it’s like if I relog what happens huh it’s it’s all back to normal the trees haven’t grown it seems so for right now we’ll go fishing off the side and see what we get um and then we can go and do stuff with the dock once the trees have grown I’ve never complained about like lowquality Minecraft graphics because I’m using F fast graphics and stuff like for the recordings and stuff because the game would explode for my computer but that looked horrible it’s like if I was playing Minecraft but like with a filter on and I didn’t like just reloading of course fixed it but I’m more confused on what actually made it start happening in the first place a quick um Shameless self-promotion here if you like music content cont then you would probably like Ry Panda Productions my main Channel I do a lot of things on there I live stream Nintendo games I Remix and cover Nintendo songs and if you’re interested in that maybe go over there and check it out it’s my second channel it’s actually what I’m mostly on most of the time so maybe you would enjoy it if you like that Tye of stuff I strictly stick to Nintendo I’m thinking about going into Minecraft and a few film songs but really Nintendo is my place at home like where I’ve listened to most of my songs like my playlists are full of either Raymond Legends music or Nintendo music oh it’s raining wait there’s there’s an increased chance of treasure loot we have Lu of the sea there is a much even higher chance that we can get a name tag now look at those [Music] salmon another saddle where did it go did I pick it up oh there it is if I don’t get a name tag soon I’m going to be so disappointed I really really really want to name this horse I really want to go to bed it’s past 4:30 right now at night I am tired and I’m not going to sleep until I get a name tag I promise you I will not go to sleep until I get a name tag you know what I have an idea maybe if we do the dot and we finish that maybe just maybe will they game give us a name tag maybe we have to pray pay tribute to it so why don’t we dump all this into these this chest right here is enough wood probably for this dock if I finish the dock I’ll get a name tag it’s the it’s Destiny if if I finish this dot it’s going to be you guys are going to be so disappointed it’s going to be the most basic do lock you will ever see see basic if I just put a few more logs there but we’re I’m not doing this nope come on give me no no no no die right get out give me minding please give me Ming he give me heag I said Ming by accident gave me a name tag yes the dog the this is literally the oh my goodness let’s name it the dock that gave me the name tag wow that is going man this thumbnail is going to look horrible compared to my last one my last one was cool this one’s just going to be a zoom in of the dock that gave me the name tag okay let’s name it Pegasus Pegasus the name tag Pegasus is here and of course on our trusty seed Pegasus well everyone I think that’s where I’m going to wrap it up today I have had actually so much fun recording this video to the point I’m actually so excited to record part three or episode 3 tomorrow I am man I had so much fun even though it is quite late at night and I probably shouldn’t be up right now I should probably be sleeping because I need my sleep but I genuinely when I thought about it like I was like you know what recording an episode tonight wouldn’t be that bad and since I can kind of do them whenever why not go on and do it for everyone they would they would enjoy it and appreciate it um again I’m trying to refine this style of editing I’m hoping this one will be even better edited than the last video last episode because since that was my first time um today we got some good progress done we named the horse we got the horse the the dock that gave us the name tag we got a good fishing rod and I’ll even admin into it in a little bit and in general we just added some quality of life around here it wasn’t the most insane episode but it was fun and I enjoyed doing it so I hope everyone en enjoyed and I will catch you in the next episode thank you all for watching thank you for subscribing I will see you next time goodbye

This video, titled ‘The Dock That Gave Me The Nametag – Minecraft: Tales Of Ry #2’, was uploaded by Ry Productions on 2024-04-22 01:22:08. It has garnered 55 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:14 or 1094 seconds.

Today Ryan Goes Fishing!

Music Credits:

Super Mario 64 Underground By The Noble Demon https://youtu.be/Gplp1RfOWng?si=n28w-8Euo-9aXceR

Minish Cap Boss Theme Remaster By Baptiste Robert: https://youtu.be/CdJk4QdOhqc?si=BNHrrQ5q-1r0fyM2

Main Channel: @Rypanda1 Friends/Channels I Recommend: @Consolous @_ColbyJack @wwefanforever247 @Duhemsounds @HighZ @BlueTarouX

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    INSANE Minecraft Survival House Build Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build a creative multi story survival wooden house | Minecraft Build’, was uploaded by Minecraft Tut Pitan on 2024-04-11 12:00:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Build a creative multi story survival wooden house #minecraft #minecraftbuilding. Read More

  • “Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft – Join FREE! 😱” #lifesteal #smp

    "Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft - Join FREE! 😱" #lifesteal #smpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lifesteal Smp Public Smp 24/7 Java Bedrock Pe 🥵 FREE TO JOIN #lifesteal #smp #minecraft’, was uploaded by Akshan Live Gaming on 2024-04-13 23:51:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Java Ip: AkshanSMP2.aternos.me:29598 Mcpe Ip: AkshanSMP2.aternos.me:29598 Port: 29598 Join our Discord community: … Read More

  • Mind-blowing Mystery Revealed at The Dock! – Tales of Ry #2

    Mind-blowing Mystery Revealed at The Dock! - Tales of Ry #2Video Information [Music] welcome back to TS aai today I am fishing I it’s quite late at night it’s about 12: P it’s about 12 a.m. right now while I’m fishing and I just wanted to quickly fish a little bit because I really want to get a name tag for Pegasus that horse really needs to get a name very soon today I have a few plans but mostly will be mainly clean up from last episode including some small little things for the house I’m also hoping to improves some of the frame rate problems and the game’s… Read More

  • XBOOM AIMER EXPLODES SMP – Insane Lifesteal Action!

    XBOOM AIMER EXPLODES SMP - Insane Lifesteal Action!Video Information तो किया नहीं ह तो मैं सोच रहा हूं कि थोड़ा बहुत एक्सप्लोर कर लू आज मैं तो क्या बोलते गाइस एक्सप्लोर करते हैं तो आ जाओ फटाफट एक्सप्लोरिंग और क्या ही करू यार अभी मैं तो एक् ऐसा लग रहा है कि थोड़ा थोड़ा खत्म होने वाला है लेकिन खत्म नहीं होने वाला है यार भाई मस्त मस्त चैलेंज आने वाले मतलब अभी थोड़े दिन में मैं जेल बनाऊंगा टाउन हॉल बनाऊंगा भाई कितनी सारी चीजें बचा है मतलब मुझे सामान भी गैदर करना है सब कुछ यह सब चीज के क्या ही करू मैं भाई बहुत… Read More

  • EPIC Rainbow TNT tutorial in Minecraft!

    EPIC Rainbow TNT tutorial in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to make rainbow TNT #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ThinoX MT on 2024-06-01 02:00:22. It has garnered 21756 views and 477 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. How to make rainbow TNT #minecraft #shorts Apologies if anything is wrong in this video. The voice here is a bit bad, we will try to improve it in the future. Please support us by subscribing, liking and sharing. Follow ThinoX MT Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thinoxmt/ X: https://twitter.com/thi_nox Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/thinoxmt/ Join to ThinoX MT Discord: https://discord.com/channels/1211320737995030588/1211320740109094944 Edit by : NOX Video Making by :… Read More

  • Unleashing Herobrine’s Ultimate Power! #Minecraft #Animation

    Unleashing Herobrine's Ultimate Power! #Minecraft #AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine absorb Klassic Scorpion Power | #minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-03-29 08:30:10. It has garnered 49 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine absorb Klassic Scorpion Power and destroy Scorpion|#minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #absorb #tvman #skibiditoilet 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the video if you did… Read More

  • Pixelated Forever

    Pixelated ForeverWelcome to the extraordinary realm of “Pixelated Forever,” a groundbreaking Minecraft server crafted by Forever Global! Dynamic Multiverse Quests and Adventures Skills Challenges Build Competitions Custom Plugins and Features Player-driven Economy Community Events Read More

  • Earth-Lifesteal. Earthsteal. 1/1500 scale Earth. Steal hearts, risk death. Under new management. Conquer and have fun!

    Join our Java only Discord server! Join us at https://discord.gg/qvVGThV34x No cracked accounts allowed If you ask without reading first, be prepared to be teased! Build freely with server rules protection Feel free to build large structures like the Statue of Liberty and unleash your creativity! Read More

  • Vanilla Catholic Community Craft!

    Vanilla Catholic Community Craft!Catholic Minecraft Community Server!1. No Swearing2. No Griefing3. No PVPVanilla with:worldeditworldguard (to prevent griefing!)Looking to build a comfy server for Catholics and Christians.Started today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Chain + toilet paper holder = anvil sound 😂

    Minecraft Memes - Chain + toilet paper holder = anvil sound 😂I guess I’ll have to start charging admission for people to come hear my bathroom orchestra! Read More

  • Minecraft math madness #meme

    Minecraft math madness #meme “Why do I need to learn algebra when I can just mine diamonds in Minecraft and become rich?” 🤣 #MinecraftLogic #MathIsOverrated Read More