Mind-Blowing New World Gameplay Revealed!

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Announce uh the stream to the server real quick all right what’s going on guys it’s me ghost F and YT back again with another stream now it’s been a minute since I’ve done a stream I know I know I’ve been I’ve been getting a little inconsistent mainly school I’m being

Honest I I don’t want to like blame me not streaming on just school but um I don’t know this year’s a little harder I took some I took some hard classes and I I didn’t I didn’t think they were going to be that hard you know I kind of I

Kind of underestimated them you know and I I didn’t try in the classes I guess you could say and so now it’s starting to come back and I kind of I don’t know I just had to get a lot of stuff done so for the past month I’ve been kind of

Busy in that respect and so the server kind of ended up dying out a little bit but we’re making a comeback um Christmas break is finally here for me it’s going to be a two week break and yeah we’re going to be able to uh I’m going to be

Playing the server all break who knows might even do like a subnotica stream if you guys would want to see that obviously um okay let me real quickly so yeah I did reset the white list too that’s another thing cuz I just kind of felt like you know there was a lot of

People I didn’t know in the server and we’re kind of changing the way we’re doing some stuff mainly in the sense I’m going to like only add trusted people and then if new people want to join kind of go through an almost like interview I just ask them some basic questions make

Sure they’re not like another slow I forgot about the server so out a terrible memory no you’re fine all right let me go ahead and add of course do subscriber only chat you know how do you enable that again oh no chat filter how do you do this oh crap I

Remember how to do it and then I forgot how to do it uh show every message including potential spam no gosh there’s a way to do it can you guys help me I’m I’m I’m a YouTube Boomer where’s the way to do subscriber only chat it needs to

Happen well no never mind you know what I won’t do subscriber only chat I’m fine I’m not going to be that guy so this new server I will crap I just realized if I get on and show you guys the world then it will um whoops it’ll uh it’ll it’ll open up

So before we um I guess before we get started do I have the seed written down like I’m thinking I might just join on my private world or something and then show you guys kind of give you guys a little like tour of the uh of the seed

We’re going to use you know I don’t think I have the seed do I hold on let me let me check if I don’t we’ll go and just get the server open uh okay I think this is I think this is it if I’m not mistaken yeah yeah

Okay okay this is it all right okay so it was and I will go and drop the seed now and a lot of people they don’t like it when I drop the seed they’re like oh people can cheat there’s a world border it’s like a 720 or not 720 like a 700 block

Border I don’t care you guys can have the seed if you want to make your own maps and everything if you want to do stuff I’m just going to say it is illegal to use seed mapper though on the server so don’t be you know like finding

Dungeons and stuff with it but I will go ahead and just enter in the seed just for you guys’s convenience okay 239 then 5 60 so that’s a seed if you guys want to get it I’m going to go oh not on a realm server no okay let’s go

And create this and then yeah the server is up we’re we’re just waiting for me to for me to do it hopping on the server now to finish oh that’s what Mr G said well Mr G is going to have to join the stream okay bro uh you have block uh bro

I have you blocked on Discord and I genuinely have no way way why dang I didn’t even know you blocked me that’s crazy all right well he’s definitely not coming back to this no no I’m joking I’m joking sorry if I sound a little I guess funny I’m a bit

Sick um tiny bit you know not enough to miss school though that’s what my parents said so yeah for the record I’m not sick but I am sick all right let’s go ahead and get coordinates turned on so on the server Mr G was very kind he built us a spawn

It’s like a boat he’s not finished he said he would finish um it’s like I think like right here or something we have the world border set up and sadly guys we could not make the Border it like the command made it a square or no

Not a square it made it a circle so it’s a 700 block like radius around 0 and I was going to make it smaller but I decided since it’s a circle it’s just really weird I’ll just you know extend it for you guys so yeah you might not

Hit 700 you might uh you know you’ll hit the border and it might not exactly be at 700 can I have full diamond unmute me from the Discord I won’t be able to be in VC when I’m being sold oh is that I think that’s cool gamer can I full

Diamond you got to grind for full diamond so yeah there’s a village right here it’s mostly a ples world which I know a lot of people are sad about but I think the world honestly looks kind of good it’s got cherry blossom there is some other biomes kind of on the

Outskirts too there’s like a snow biome up over this way I like the plains worlds me personally they might be a bit Bland whatever but dude no one ever wants to build in like a Mesa or Savannah or anything so I’m just thinking if we have like a big biome

Rainbow or whatever like no one ever does anything with it they don’t capitalize on having all these biomes and stuff so yeah um we got a village right here but I know you guys are tired of waiting I’m not going to be doing it anymore we’re going to go ahead and get it

Started uh uhoh someone sent me a friend friend request on Discord uhoh I got to add one more person before we start toxic Maniac 12 what kind of what kind of 12year old name is that oh boy I hope he I hope he gave me the exact name right okay let’s see wh

List add God this is a weird name I can’t say my names any better though toxic Maniac 12 all right well he’s in the white list I think I’m going to go ahead and do it guys all right the uh the server’s starting I I just like everyone’s

Whiteless and the server is like up I just have had it turned off uh you know so that we could get everything going have everyone start at the same time I think any minute now the server should turn on see oh is it on oh

The server’s on okay so you guys can go ahead and join I would recommend reading the information board a little bit though because there is some uh there is some stuff that’s blue frosted blue frosted back oh my gosh how does one regain access to the Discord ask someone for an

Invite I don’t know oh my gosh okay I’m in survival what was I put in survival oh yeah by Mr G Mr G go and finish up your uh your thing and then or make it quick though I have this lower deck area yeah you guys should be able to join the

People are wh listed at least are you going to speedrun like you do in the worlds I don’t think I am going to speedrun someone just sent me a friend request uh Cass can you tell Owen that I added him or tell the other guy that I

Added him yeah resetting the Whit list does get a little complicated because you know you have to read everyone uh the IP looking welcome chat cuz it is not the same as some of you ogs might remember who just sent me a friend request who is this guy I don’t even

Know who that who who that is you’re not invited to play on the server what okay well then you probably sent the wrong name can anybody okay hold on let’s see the server’s up can nobody join no you must have sent me the wrong name you wish because I’ve been doing

Whit list ad Discord check it says I’m not invited I don’t plan on Cyber C what why can’t you guys join wait what I added you guys hold on what is the IP oh my God the IP Linux games is that cool gamer can someone confirm that that’s cool

Gamer why can Mr G join that that does not make any sense okay this is kind of already I guess a bad start to this it’s BS I I reset the white list did it is it sending everybody’s name to a different white

List do I have to oh no I think I got to add everybody like manually okay okay there’s like a whitelist file or something and I think I got to add everyone from the wh list uh oh yeah I think I got to go to

It Mr G oh yeah okay so it it just that is so stupid file whitelisted players it’s like why is it making me do this manually what okay f wh listed player save okay what in the world is it doing okay manage wh list do I just okay add wh

List oh okay so I got to do this all manually that is so stupid okay Val to I I’ll go in add spot internal server error what oh my gosh bro don’t not don’t tell me Apex is just gonna is going to start bugging out the second I do this oh my

God what in the world is going on it says no results found I know this is a different this is from set up on a different white list hold on okay whitelisted players there is a list allow. Jason bro this is this is not the start that I was that I was

Wanting um to the server enforce less true oh boy I probably should have tested this before before he did the server now that I think about it but Mr G was able to join I don’t I don’t know what I did differently Whit listing enabled yeah white listing is enabled

What it’s like I’m so confused what’s going on right now ban players ban IPS no shouldn’t be in there add white okay if I try and add a name yeah it just says internal server error what I don’t even know what’s going on right now oh

Boy uh uh I don’t I don’t even know what to do like I like I’ve never ran into this issue every time we’ve reset the white list it’s it’s gone fine um I was slain by a phantom wow oh yeah that’s another thing I need to disable Phantoms backups uh no console player

History FTP file as commands Okay restart summon player no that’s not it what in the world is going on updating config allow list okay maybe let’s try this again wh list add enter in someone’s name okay player added to a okay try I’m going to try and add a like see

If I did it right um I’ll add like cyberfire and like a few other people and see if that did it okay player added to allow list yeah maybe I maybe some setting was like disabled so cyberfire go ahead and try and join if you can I’ll add you wish

Too and then I’ll if that was the case I guess somehow the white list was like disabled and I was like adding you wish to some manual white list or something or not yoush um Mr G okay yoush is on C plays uh okay can can anyone get on

Now oh yeah I probably need to look at chat I’m not invited well yeah you’re not oh my gosh I’m already at okay okay yeah okay so I I fixed it I I don’t know what was going on um all right you wish I don’t

Know why you wish still has op let’s go and get that removed all right you wish can you I know you’re here hold on can you just go and like stay in the boat while we get everyone readded like like just do just a favor real quick get everyone in the

Boat all right Ender guy okay so I just got to Whit list everyone again that’s sucks added to allow us okay keep Seabass in the boat for me will you and by the way my user is G 16 who is this oh no if you know how to join

Servers I’ll add you but if you don’t can you like maybe look at how to join servers because I know there is there is a lot of people on Console I don’t know how to do it Whit list add is there anyone else on this list that I need to add C

Cyber you wished oh boy oh everyone’s starting to pour in oh I need to deop these guys sorry Mr G only has operator for now cuz he’s um let me make sure Cass get out of creative mode oh my god of course Cass went to creative mode the first chance he

Got bro oh my God cyber okay no I need to make go and clear everyone’s inventory just okay I’m sorry Mr G I’m sorry Mr G I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I just had to I think Cass was trying to do stuff Ezekiel Xbox

30 I’ll go and add him uh is it all about realm no no it’s it’s not a real bray3 it’s a uh it’s an actual server if you want to join there’s an app you can get that sets up a proxy connection so you can join cuz PlayStation doesn’t have a built-in like

Server function for some reason yeah it’s it’s not a realm we just had too many issues with Realms um I’m added a friend I don’t have access to join can we get server without admin AB yeah everyone’s deed uh okay so everyone Ezekiel Xbox like everyone that wants to join now that I

Already like know and everything go ahead and DM me okay so like DM me your name obviously I added this Owen guy let’s see I added spot spot can join someone needs to tell him that oh ye dang that’s a name I haven’t seen in a while someone go ahead and ping page

Too fine I’ll add cool gamer but just so you guys know cool gamer he has committed some crimes he is the only legal slave on This Server okay he is official property as of now of cassar what’s he saying what’s the IP for the new server send

Username yeah I like I I added everyone and then this happened so now I got to read everyone so sorry for the delay of me just like staring at a wall and talking we’re going to get to playing the server in a second but um we need

Everyone here let’s see I wh list add V bars okay player added to allow list okay so here’s here where okay where did everyone go oh everyone’s still here bro was I bro how how the F was I in probably because you were in creative on the last

Server or something when when something happened okay you finished this lower decks I was going to plan to have a flag room or something in here but I actually kind of like this Cozier look more yeah these are the new rules of the server read them and I don’t

Care uh okay so yeah I added this Owen kid tell tell ow and he can join CB okay I’m gonna add ye what’s the IP read welcome I don’t think the IP’s changed though Whit list Add ye okay so ye Char is in oh no I just got like what did cool gamer say he said don’t add the dot oh oh my gosh I think yeah the port changed I don’t think everything else thing okay uh I got a DM from the guy on

Playstation let’s see it’s always fun to get PlayStation players in here all right you’re added cool gamer okay I swear who knows what what’s going on oh cool Gamer’s on someone keep cool gamer in the boat okay what was I going to do oh yeah I’m

Trying to get the Discord link I got to restart Discord now my gosh what I just got disconnected did anybody else get disconnected or is that just me cuz sometimes my app disconnects me that’s what I’m thinking it was copy link yeah I’ll post the let’s see all right Discord pin

Message there we go let me get my my app running again okay yeah I think that was just me yeah my my app has a tendency when I start switching tabs and stuff I guess my phone memory is like really bad or something so why didn’t you change spawn

Pro size protection size oh there’s spawn protection size I didn’t even know you could do that I might could just do that right now finally working um but yeah so I would go to my channel Mr Mr play I’m just going to call you PlayStation guy I’d just go to

My channel and then um I think it worked when you join people footage of Levi Whit listing people for like 15 minutes straight we were talking about it your Wi-Fi is trash bro what do you mean my Wi-Fi is trash all right I think it’s about time

To get this server on the road Mr G are you are you done Mr G where is Mr G I don’t even know where he’s at is are you done building oh no oh he’s still adding some stuff over here well hurry up and hurry up and finish it

Uh Cass did you hear Levi I’m a slave for okay and he just left well anyways I think it’s about time that we go ahead and unleash the this is the flag and country thing oh wait oh you going to add it over there okay I think it’s about time that we unleash

The floodgates and we go and start adding everyone this is kind of a bad time to be doing it to be honest cuz like all the Australian kids are like asleep now oh we got Ines on all right let’s go yeah cuz I know p is going to

Be joining late and I need to I need to add P’s username I want I’ll check his DMS he might have DMD me trying to join why don’t have 12 DM messages Levi can you send me the IP and Port ye Char is asking oh my

God I forgot the I the the port like being honest oh it’s 172 240. 172 point oh wow okay well the port changed food oh wait wait is everyone is everyone going what’s going on bro I don’t like I’m just this Yar guy needs to join the Discord so he can

Just it should be in welcome chat if I’m if I’m not mistaken if I go to welcome it’s in there it is literally in the welcome chat just read just scroll up Ezekiel xox yeah I they’re they’re added explosive inches okay let me bro why is he giv another one bread

No I did not approve of this I did not approve of this buddy all right no food for anybody big bad Levi breaking this all right okay well um I’m I need to make sure Ezekiel Xbox is in and then I’m and then I’m ready Ezekiel Xbox 30 yep player already

In Allis now my building blocks are gone you weren’t supposed to have any building blocks all right everyone I think we’re why am I in C what everyone’s in survival all right okay go Ahad and start going all right people are leaving yeah I’m leaving too

All right so oh wait I I know why this is I need to set it today so killing is allowed but in moderation all right don’t kill unless you have kind of a reason to I guess just just just be like just be chill about it don’t be like spawn killing people and

Stuff yeah speaking of a reason I think I have a reason to murder Cass you know he’s he’s um he’s Cass you know I think so oh zass froze what an idiot ow I was joking chill out chill out bro bro bro bro I’m not g to get murdered by Cass

Bro oh no of course cbass chasing me now now this guy is going to loot all the village bro chill Cass chill let’s loot The Village together you seebass let’s loot The Village together it’s all going to get stolen it’s all going to get stolen all right let’s loot The Village

Together let’s loot The Village together why did I start on low HP I don’t even know I need to eat now Ines died already I’m guessing this is a server setup yeah it is oh no I need to kill the Iron Golem I see cool gamer cool Gamer’s a slave so

If cool gamer doesn’t you know if he starts killing people and stuff then he’s going to be he’s going to be punished oh oh he he he smacked an iron golem well it’s mine now uh-uh uh-uh uh-uh uh-uh why is this thing not dying bro this thing is taking forever oh no he’s

Going to run away and that thing’s going to be coming after me oh crap is spot here I added spot he asked to join but I don’t know where he went just DM him he might he might have left cuz we had some server te some server

Difficulties and it kind of bro die oh my God if this guy does not hurry up and die no no no no no no cool gamer is running I need to get up I need to get up okay can this go dude how long does it take okay there we go dear

Lord all right I don’t want to hear myself echoing I got the the thing playing in the background okay now killing okay I’m just going to say this right now if everyone starts killing villagers and stuff just don’t do that this is a world border villagers

I guess are scarce resources bro Cass I said we could loot The Village together come on I’m trying to stream hey this this ain’t fair you know that’s stream sniping that’s stream sniping Cass Cass is stream sniping Cass is stream sniping hey hey hey what do I say cool gamer what do I

Say you better back off or I’m sending you to visitor cool gameer you’re here you’re here on a slave Visa uh okay well I need to run I clearly got some enemies oh boy I’m hoping everyone’s just going to just going to grind iron and fight each other and stuff you know

Leave me alone at least at the beginning cuz you know I I got to stream this right so like if you kill the guy streaming it you know then like how are you going to know what’s happening you know don’t don’t shoot the messenger I wish there was a way to

Disable my coordinates but there’s not all right let’s get some wood and then it’s actually been a minute since I’ve been in early game Minecraft why is this enabled let’s do we want an iron pickaxe or an iron sword definitely going to have to take a sword though now that I

Now that I think about it I’m like yeah there’s no way we’re going to be um we we’re going to make it without a sword we have six apples and emerald that’s kind of good what Crocs what what’s he talking about oh I see somebody should I try and establish a

Connection oh it’s cool oh it’s Ines what’s up bro why does he E bro it does not look like a Walter White bro oh my gosh enes what’s up man it looks nothing like Walter White by yeah he was trying he had a Walter White skin and then

Minecraft I guess removed the goatee or something that Walter White had so yeah hey you mind if I use this mine thank you oh we found coal I should go steal it oh crap my bad okay let’s just go and get some Stone man I wish there was Stone armor

Right now because I’m screwed I’m glad at least that I got an iron sword though cuz like I’m already I already have some protection at least let’s get this inventory straightened out okay I think I think we’re just going to stick to bread for now Bray if you’re in did

You join the Discord server uh oh yeah I’m kind of let’s see where am I oh yeah I set it down whoops oh yeah he’s running from me he don’t he knows that if he’s near Levi people are going to be trying to SW like kill him okay let’s see we’ll we’ll craft

This 39 bread I think I don’t know if we’re going to be doing any strip mining or if we’re going to find a cave or anything I don’t want to be immediately genociding people cuz that will that’ll get me a bad reputation you know but yeah he just sailed off

So I guess we don’t we don’t have our friend anymore oh well uh I might actually craft a boat now that I think about it just in case because if someone does start chasing after me I do need a way to get away in the water and there

Is definitely a lot of water in this uh in this seed well no one’s coming for me so far I think they probably went to go loot the second village if I go to the Village it’s going to be very risky because I know cool gamer has that armor and he’s not a

Big thread but him and Seabass are like working together you know um okay so apparently I’m not invited to play on this server I’ll just chill on that someone sent me your name it’s Ezekiel Xbox right I added Ezekiel Xbox oh is there any apples coming from

This tree it’s not looking like there is okay I I think it’s safe to return to the Village actually I guess let’s go see uh I need to like I I know I’m probably not going to be getting anything but I need to see if there’s any like scraps

Left I don’t want to be fighting anyone early on though cuz I know bro people are they people in the server this is one thing they hold grudges so if I kill someone early game it’s going to be like it’s going to be be off rip from the

Beginning dang that new server has so or has given me so many more build ideas and hacks it’s crazy because I’m not allowed Discord oh well I mean I hate to say if you’re not allowed Discord then you’re kind of you’re kind of screwed I mean I

Don’t know a lot of This Server revolves around Discord and Discord servers and stuff so I’m I’m sorry man oh we got some free animals right here for us just kill them all we’ll go ahead and I guess try and get a bed wow was the iron sword this powerful

What okay I didn’t noce that power I know cyber is probably out there chopping cherry trees already so if we go that way we’ll run into cyber oh we got some paper and I guess a compass that’s that’s free oh wait now that I think about it hold on hold up

Wait a minute wait a minute locate your map and then if we if we get paper oh yeah oh I have hide hand on let me turn that off okay just so you know I texted more you texted more oh I didn’t I I I didn’t see see

Okay bro why is wait dude I turned hide hand off what did I just click I did not mean to okay there we go okay well now I know where everyone’s at that’s good um someone there’s some Alliance I I see three people off in the distance but nobody’s near me that’s

Good well I guess we can go and respond yeah I okay like I’m telling you I’m I’m I’m experienced in how a lot of these servers work and yeah it won’t pop up on the friend section cuz it’s like the world technically is not owned by me it’s owned by like a

Server and the uh the server Whatchamacallit like like I don’t know it just bro did my crap disconnect okay by the way Ezekiel Xbox I think I found the error in your name whoever sent me your name had the x capitalized bro why I swear every time I

Switch tabs on my phone this crap happens this is like what in the world happened but yeah okay you should be added actually 20 minutes of forgetting my Microsoft logged in with did you send me your name add me or not rip stream wait

What i f oh you oh I see okay yeah you you didn’t log into your micros okay let’s see I’m going to clear the Wither bro I hate rain anyways I don’t want to go attack that bro everyone’s like grouping up I hate this but let’s go let’s go

See I don’t I don’t want to go there and then just immediately get jumped though you know okay if people are trying to sleep I’ll make it Sunrise cuz I have a bed too I know it’s like impossible to sleep though all right come here you don’t

Want to scrap in died bro that sucks oh en enie spawning oh that’s spawn never mind I’m [ __ ] there’s someone traveling in a pack right here and I don’t know who this is and I’m not trying to kill them I could I could offer them apples or something I got paralyzed by the

Oh got paralyzed by the border you don’t hit the Border I guess I don’t know who are all these people I guess I could go ask who they are who is it who is this oh it’s ye cool gamer what’s up yar sup cool gamer oh I guess

Their leader Seabass is down here then all right I guess I’ll mine with you guys a little bit cool gamer lost all stuff probably got taking my Cass I don’t want to be an enemy of Cass but at the same time because Cass has has a tendency of getting mobile kids very

Angsty and wound up bro what oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no don’t try and mess with me quit playing with me quit quit stop playing with me stop playing with me you do not want these hands you don’t want this smoke you do not want this smoke you

Don’t want this smoke you don’t want this smoke I came in here and I was trying to be peaceful oh no okay I’m dipping though they almost got me bro lowy that that that caught me off surprise no okay no okay okay yeah that I’m not trying to

Get to a 3v one even if they don’t have stuff I’m not winning okay okay yeah Cass you’re little kittens tried to attack me all right like I I just want to make that clear check stream I was in here being chill with these guys let me

Kill this cow though I need food to get away though like I was not doing anything wrong to these guys all right like let’s let’s just clear that up before a war starts but I didn’t kill you C so there’s no reason you should be

Mad I am lucky I made that out though I was one tap having to get in a shield fight that’s what I’m telling you Shields are mad you he has an invisible skin okay Yar that is a automatic ban right there turn that invisible skin off bro turn

That invisible skin off I am not setting you on member until you get that invisible skin off bro that is invisible Skins are bannable like I know that might not be in the rules or anything but bro that’s yeah that’s pretty obvious you try an invisible skin on the

Owner too that’s that’s so stupid what happened I was about to go straight money just look at stream Cass you’ll you’ll see what happened I was in your mind and I was trying to establish connections with you guys and then your little kid kitties tried to jump me and so I killed them

Both I don’t know if I want to go get those cherry trees I I don’t think I will what did they have okay well I got boots now but oh that’s a lot L of carrots okay yeah let’s get that they had wood I mean they they had some stuff

I’ll I’ll say that all right where should we set up camp bro I’m being tailed who is tailing me right now who is this bro cool gamer get away back back up nah you do not Chase somebody with a wooden sword acting all chill get out of here

Scram seeb you need to tell your little kids to stop coming after me all right like I’m no good pvper by any means but bro they don’t stand a chance okay finally Ezekiel Xbox here what do you want Alliance I didn’t want Alliance I was just seeing if you guys wanted to

Like trade or I was just trying to like grind with you guys but I guess I’m not chill with with uh cool gamer yeah they’re they’re gone now I think honestly in the north that’s cyber yoush I think cyber and you wish are the are the orange and like pale yellow

We’re seeing I’ll set up camp in these Woods though I guess for now okay I don’t I don’t need two crafting tables that’s fine okay so what do we got we need a furnace that is what we need and we we have a furnace I talk to them right now

Okay well I’m not saying like I’m I’m like mad at you or anything I’m just saying like if you don’t want any wars or anything starting like I’m just trying to clear up confusion if there is any cool game gamer Whispers The Cass if

I get a chance can I kill him n you’re done bro you’re done cool gamer that they said you could come grind with us look at no I not I have not coming anywhere near you guys at this point after I just saw that message

Bro screw you guys I am not no I’m actually not even yeah now he says JK now he says JK after I figure out what he just said that is crazy just like if I get a chance can I please kill him oh my gosh I know

Honestly I’m better than Cass at PVP but I’m not winning bro they got three people that that is definitely no and he probably has like iron boots or something I’ll leave their wooden supplies in a neat little pile right here we’ll cook all our stuff and then we’ll

Leave bro what the Bro CS you cannot make up what they are saying in general like I don’t I don’t know you might have good like you might not be doing anything but I do not trust them for a second I got diamonds by the way

Now oh no yeah I’m definitely not coming anywhere near them then they they think I’m crazy if I’m coming anywhere near them oh boy Ezekiel Xbox said Legend moss grows on the north side of trees and just left dang I guess we could start strip mining

Then of course Cass is the one that got diamonds now this happens every time Cass will get a lot of stuff but everyone’s going to out grind him I know cyber and yoush are going to be all up on each other you know so they’ll probably be they’ll probably probably already got diamonds

Honestly they’re all grinding I’m just over here making a fool of myself well I know you guys can’t even see this this is like I’m I’m just in a cave right now or not in a cave just strip mining I’m hoping I can find some coal but I’m not thinking I see any

There’s nothing in here wellow I mean I know we’re only like a few blocks down though so but still I might just try my luck with a with a natural cave yeah I found copper nobody wants that yeah I think I’ll just try and find a natural cave instead honestly I don’t

I don’t think I’ll I don’t think I’ll do this let’s wait for this beef to finish and then we’ll um we’ll head out what the oh no oh no Cass get this man away get this man away Cass Sebastian Sebastian n bro what did he do see okay n get Cass Cass

Cbass cbass seebass control your slave control him control nah nah you’re done you’re done you’re done buddy you’re your your your right to live is gone now you’re bro CZ you have to control your slaves he just came in here stole my steak and tried to dip who who just attacked did someone

Just attack me I don’t even know okay I no one’s near me now what I already told him bro I just had to kill him I’m not making this up he boxed me in my own strip mine slapped me and then stole my steak bro is mad right now what the heck

I told them to stop n it it gosh I enjoy getting all this loot honestly okay I don’t well N I don’t need another Stone axe I guess I can hold on to it though for now I want to get my gear back he said stop you’re not getting your gear back

You’re the one that jumped me bro screw you I’m not giving you anything back heck no like I I’m just saying this right now I tried to be peaceful you’re not getting anything back but buddy sorry kind of had to cough a little bit I’m half diamond armor I’mma

Enchant real quick and I’mma how do you already have enchantments dude there is no way like I get maybe finding some diamonds from a cave there’s no way you already have enchantment tables Levi where are you why why does you wish want to know bro I have a

Feeling feeling he’s he’s not up he’s up to no good trust no one oh we see a little dog but I don’t have any bones so he’s going to have to die I’m going need to get lava first oh he doesn’t even have an enchanting I thought he like already had an

Enchanting table about to say we’re already good on food though I want to kill a cool gamer I don’t know I’ll VC up with you guys later um Pro probably a little later and we can we can talk about the server you know about what we’re going to do is there no cave

Am I seriously not going to find a single cave that is so stupid and I know we’re approaching the Border there’s like this big water thing right here is there anything down here oh there’s a um a magma thing let’s see can we find anything cuz like I don’t even have

Iron bro why is iron actually like lowkey kind of hard to find in in this new game I mean not new game like in the cave update like I’ve had a hard time kind of find like I mean if you go really low down yeah but it used to be

Like everywhere on the service I don’t know maybe that’s just me let’s see any caves I don’t want to hop into a cave though and then get surrounded oh there’s a lava pool we got here I don’t know if I want to go to the

Nether yet I think I’m good I won’t make that a portal oh that’s a cave under that cherry blossom I’ll go to that so I know where to find Cass and his crew though they’re all teamed up there I’m not saying attack I really don’t want to attack but I do want to

Kill cool gamer and I know he’s probably going to be giving cool gamer stuff seebass I I’m making this known now like I’m not at war with you but I’m at war with your slave right now like bro there is it’s a total of like three ass assassination attempts and his friend

Tried to do it too so like just know cool gamer is not safe like you try and protect cool gamer I’m not going to try and kill you but like I might you you just just don’t get in the way you know control control your your

Slave all right we have iron now that’s good but we are we already have an iron sword and a and a shield so we’ll be fine we just need some armor now and an iron pickaxe uh is it wait is the game mode set to hard because it’s supposed to be set to

Hard hold on if cool Gamers is trying to sleep that that’s the policy I’ll do now if one person’s trying to sleep I’ll just skip it today yeah it’s at hard let’s see oh wow that is a what in the world that is way okay I saw all

Those monsters and now I’m I’m nope who is this who is this bro who is that oh oh that’s yoush that’s yoush oh what’s up okay well I I don’t really need bread but what’s up what’s popping I don’t want to get betrayed but all right make it daytime it is daytime

It’s just raining turn the rain off well I need to need to smelt some stuff you know oh why did I put an emerald in there what oh you know what I’ll give you I’ll give you a um give you a stone axe bro I I’ll just I’ll just I’ll I’ll

Smack you you know oh there you go I was trying to give you an emerald but all right oh boy if you want to go kill cool gamer right now we can I just make like a what I don’t even know what I can make

With that dirt buty kid can you add me no do we want to add dirt bite kid CZ no hard feeling dang I’ll add dirt bite kid as long as if we even suspect he’s hacking or no no no you know what we’ll do we’ll do the slave auction we we’ll

Auction off dirt bite kid that’s what we’ll do we’ll auction him off we need to do the cool gamer slay or well no cool gamer C slave you know what cyberfire you can have him he’s your slave now yes I’m 13 that is cap that is Cap you are nowhere near

13 okay so you wished oh I don’t even know where you went I need to get some more iron all right I do but I’m saying this right now if you want to go kill cool gamer right like just Crouch up and down if you want to kill cool gamer

Like what oh he gave me oh cuz like I okay are you wants to kill a cool gamer all right I do you want to go kill him well do you want to go now do you want to go now like like up and down if you want to go

Now okay you want to go now all right okay well then yeah I I I guess we can go now I I got I got pants bro what are these pants I don’t have if I had one more piece of leather I could get a helmet I

Guess we can go kill him all right follow my lead I know where he’s at I know Cass might be there to um defend him you were born in two bro people born in 2010 or 13 that is actually like disgusting bro like that is vile that should be against

The law how are they 13 ew bro time is flying okay I’m going to make me a helmet real quick hold on sorry keep keep going keep going I I had to make me a helmet oh I don’t I don’t need the other leather it’s

Fine bro this map is coming in Andy bro it’s saved my life a few times I turned 14 and twoo what oh my God like I’m not any I’m like I’m like about a turn 16 but still it’s just like weird to think

About oh I see one of them I see one of them ye cool gamer what’s up I I won’t steal anything from their chest that’s fine cool gamer I see cool gamer what what are you doing cool gamer oh he’s oh he’s coming he’s coming

What’s up cool gamer oh oh he’s got he’s got an A oh my God oh my go he got bro he broke the shield oh my I forgot axis could do that how did he out click me bro w w what the H bro Mr G or not Mr G you

Wish save some of my stuff just save my just save my um my my sword save my sword and shield please I’m coming say yeah yeah just like save some of my tools I don’t need the rest that is okay that that’s a sad way

To die I I feel so I’m embarrassed right now dying the cool gamer that is crazy I’m coming up there uh oh you wish you wish he’s coming okay you wish I have a bed in my inventory I have a bed in my inventory set the bed set the bed

You wish set the bed I will sleep the second I get there you can give me some of my stuff back please set the bed I don’t have the bed no okay dig through my loot please it’s got to be somewhere okay thankfully that’s not

That far over walk uh oh is Cass coming up cool gamer is that him me and me were just breaking trees and they jumped me okay you wish I don’t have anything you wish come on come on come on come on okay help me help me help me help

Me help me get my stuff back all right all right okay okay okay oh I found the bed I found the bed I found the bed I found the bed okay we can set it let’s get this bed set thank you you you know you wish you are coming in clutch

Right now all right I really don’t even need anything else being honest okay okay let’s get this set we’re kind of in the middle of a mini War I don’t okay see listen the thing is your your slaves have been very very angsty right now you know we’re not

Allowed to spawn kill so you know we can’t kill him right now but you know oh that was that was a very disgusting I should not have done that I’ll sleep up here where did where did you wish go is he running oh no he’s not running are we going to stay in

Fight like like what’s what’s going on who’s that uh oh I think that’s yech down there that’s one of his friends yeah they’re down in this cave I think crap I don’t have a I don’t have a uh torches or anything hold on oh where’ the map go

You wish do you have the map that’s it that’s a yeah that is a Death Wish do you got okay may may I have the map back pretty please thank you all right all right yeah that’s all I thought I was missing something who am I okay I’m white wait

There’s someone who’s this you wish there’s someone over there there’s someone this direction who is like like like come here come here the M there’s like a gray player what’s going on over here come here there’s someone grayed out right over here oh they’re moving oh they’re facing me now what who is

It I don’t see a name tag yet okay I’m like right on top of them right now what oh wait is this Cass oh You Wish You Wish You Wish I think Cass is like right below us oh crap oh crap oh crap there

He is no that was cool gamer oh my gosh bro I did not think that little Gremlin was going to pop out of nowhere oh that actually kind of scared me for a second here all right you you wish let’s go grind in the in the Cherry Blossom

Cave oh okay well I I’m I’m going to do some grinding cuz I know Seabass is grinding and I’m not like I get we’re good at PVP and or decent I’m decent but I don’t want to I don’t want to have to face Cass in this you know in like

Leather and half iron I’m going just do some grinding in this cave yeah we have a v they have a vendetta out for us honestly like I thought cool gamer I didn’t even know he rejoined I thought he was still thought he still left you were said follow me oh okay

Where’s he going okay I wonder if I thought you and cyber were teaming but I guess if you’re not okay that must be cyber up in the north I don’t know who blue is that might be um D there’s multiple people on here I’m not sure

Of cool gamer is tailing us right now uh oh you wish I think him and Cass are together I’m not even lying right now I see on the map there’s there’s cool Gamers color and then someone else’s color are trailing us but they’re like maybe 150 blocks behind us they’re

Pretty far they’re out of render distance they’re still behind the cherry blossom uh the cherry blossom Mountain they’re probably stream sniping honestly that’s how they’re finding me someone’s still back at their camp but yeah okay this I’m glad I made this map bro I’m like the most powerful player

Now yeah they’re they’re going around the cherry blossom I think I think they were trying to get us at the cave but we weren’t there oh cyber what is good what’s good my guy what’s up bro you trying to um listen uh here’s some raw chicken wait Yar left okay that is them

And Cass cuz Yar was at their base him and Cass are actively ysh listen to me right now they are over there you see where I’m pointing you see where my cursor is pointing they are like right over there they’re coming I’m a cyber by the way okay they are coming for

Us okay maybe I should they’re they’re like out that direction I’m seeing on the oh oh they’re moving they’re moving okay we might have to Bunker down with with cyber oh boy oh that’s some coal I’ll take that yeah they’re they’re coming for us now let’s see where they at now uhoh

Uhoh uhoh you wish they’re they’re getting dangerously close they are actually really close to us okay they’re directly that way how do you get up here okay cyber are you going to stay and help us fight or no cuz that that’d be a really AIG help if you

Did okay you wish cyber do any of you have one piece of leather one piece is all I need one piece I I literally just need one more piece and then I’m going to make a a chest plate I need food oh well no one cares about cool gamer oh someone put

His iron in there oh oh crap Oh I thought that was cool gamer yeah him and cool gamer kind of look alike yeah Yar is back okay yeah Yar was the purple one cyber cyber cyber cyber uh oh oh does he have the leather all right okay thank you thank you thank you

That’s is all I need all right I’m good is he smelting iron yeah he’s still smelting iron okay this one’s almost done and then I’m going to put some meat in there we that I’ll probably actually end the stream here soon because um whatam call I got

A oh sorry here you wish you wish there’s your iron I’ll probably in the Stream soon because I am going to probably go to VC with some people cuz yeah this this is getting to the point I probably should not be streaming our location and everything um how long have we even been

Oh crap I was getting attacked did I where did all my I put my cooked beef in there oh my God I’m so stupid how long have I been live let’s see D okay I’ve been streaming about an hour I think now is probably good time

To stop it I’ll do a stream probably again tomorrow this is just getting really intense and I probably need to be in VC like being honest guys this is this is getting very intense right now but all right I’ll go and see you guys in the next stream we’ll do a stream

Tomorrow hopefully peace out

This video, titled ‘New World is finally here’, was uploaded by Gohstleviathan yt on 2023-12-23 12:47:36. It has garnered 47 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:23 or 3683 seconds.

Hello my name is Gohstleviathan yt and I mostly make minecraft content(primarily streaming bedrock edition realms with friends) On ways to join my server please subscribe and type your microsoft name in a stream chat or video description.

3 rules of the realm: No stealing, no griefing (unless given permission), and no hacking. Breaking these rules can get you set to visitor or banned for life. Other info about channel👇

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    Craft2Craft2 is a Minecraft network with forums and an enhanced survival experience. Be a part of your choice of Kingdom, and create a nation that is managed and ruled by you. Explore all the new structures and biomes to see, enchant your items with all our custom enchantments, and complete quests. Build with our custom blocks and decorations for your own town! craft2.net Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Minecraft Server IP: harmonyreloaded.minecraft.best Discord: Join our Discord community Looking for a true vanilla gameplay experience without all the added plugins and restrictions? Harmony Reloaded is the server for you. Join us and rediscover the simplicity and magic of real vanilla gameplay. Originally started as a MCPE server in July 2015, Harmony Reloaded aims to recreate the essence of Minecraft before it became cluttered with plugins and pay-to-win mechanics. Join us and create your own adventures in a welcoming community where exploration, creativity, and friendship thrive. Features: True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean and easily readable… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Wood Tier Sucks!

    Minecraft Memes - Wood Tier Sucks!Wow, looks like this meme really knocked it out of the park with that wood tier list. It must be made of premium oak humor! Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #maizen #memes Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Game Madness

    Minecraft Mini Game Madness Minecraft Mini Games: A Fun and Challenging Experience Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with a variety of mini games that offer excitement and challenges for players of all skill levels. From parkour to Bed Wars, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this popular sandbox game. Parkour: A Test of Skill and Precision One of the most beloved mini games in Minecraft is parkour, where players must navigate through intricate obstacle courses with speed and agility. While some may find it easy, mastering parkour requires a combination of timing, coordination, and practice. With a… Read More

  • From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!

    From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!Video Information [Música] C [Música] [Música] C [Música] h ah [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] Boa noite pessoal sejam muito bem-vindos ao bar da C como é que vocês estão oi cuquito oi CRZ Oi seres Oi chque oi tio Gran oi oi sejam muito bem-vindos a b pessoal como é que vocês estão hoje [Música] nessa eu não sei que dia hoje não segunda-feira hoje é segunda mesmo hoje é segunda E aí pessoal como que vocês estão como é que tá sendo segund de vocês boa noite V Boa noite e a vocês estão… Read More

  • Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious Caller

    Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious CallerVideo Information do not try to call her my friends and I decided to chant Bloody Mary three times in front of the bathroom mirror at first we laughed but then the air got really cold and the lights started flickering I saw her a ghostly woman with empty eyes and blood dripping from her mouth I couldn’t move as she reached out and touched my cheek she whispered you’re mine now and then the mirror shattered she disappeared but the next day I had scratches on my face every night since I feel her cold breath on my neck… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

    Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!Video Information yo Halo guys welcome back to my channel Shark 999 dan kali ini gua akan mencoba bermain Luky block tapi versi Sky block ya guys huh jadi ini map ini BAP syariknya download itu ya E di mcpdl ya ya pokoknya namanya lcky block l Tulislah ya dan ya pokoknya Ya pokoknya begitulah guys ya Oke tapi sebelum kalian nonton video ini alangkah baiknya kalian klik Tom like Kom dan subscribe karena subscribe itu halal dan jangan lupa like sebanyak mungkin agar Babang syarik rajin mengupload dan jangan lupa komen jika ingin mengatakan sesuatu asal jangan toxik ya… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to the stream haven’t done a Minecraft stream in a long time it feels like but we will have other people be joining us shortly too so if you’re already friends with me then you can just join if you’re not then I need to know your username so you can join us all right so I forget what the last thing I was doing here was I working on this working on this this is supposed to be lany’s throne room in the… Read More

  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More