Hello everybody I am not POG and today we are doing another origin review and for today’s origin review we are reviewing the suguru ghetto origin born at the curse manipulation technique suguru ghetto lives in a cycle of exercising and consuming now in case you haven’t already recognized this but this Is a character that comes from jjk otherwise known as JSU Ka in which we also covered the mahara origin both made by Redwood the download is in the description and be sure to give Redwood some love and appreciation now without further Ado let’s get into the Showcase just like in the anime you Can absorb and capture mobs and you can also resummon them now if you hover over this it will tell you what keys you can use for the origin I found that they didn’t correspond perfectly with your keybinds but I took the liberty of finding out which keybinds it was so you Can basically use it with ease all right so for the first ability is that you can toggle whether you want to capture or not so this by default is your save hot bar activator so I have mine as V but you can set it to whatever you want when You do this everything will be highlighted and like in the description of the origin It says that mobs that are highlighted black are ones that you can capture and ones that are highlighted white are ones that you cannot capture because you’ve already captured them so because this cow is black we can capture Him so by using right click you can capture him now if you did notice you did get weakness and nausea so there is a small debuff at that but it’s nothing major it’s just a small visual debuff but you can just capture to everything that you want all right now just like The origin description says you can cycle through them so if you press your secondary key bind for your Origins key binds then you can scroll through which mobs you’ve captured so as you can see it says selected cow and if I use primary then I can resummon it and as You can see now it has a white outline however beware of what mobs you capture these cows have low health so they’re pretty easy to capture and are basically instant in order to capture them but if a mob has more than 10 Health then they become a little more difficult so you Need to lower their health to something less for example if I try capturing this creeper it says this entity isn’t weak enough and then it also displays 10 hearts and in case you haven’t already noticed it also doesn’t have a glow effect however if I hit it Now it has taken enough damage for it to be below 10 Hearts so now if I hit it with right click it is mine and just like before I can summon it so now it is mine and it will not attack me it is my friend now another Bonus is that if you’re not in capture mode you can toggle it off and by right clicking an entity you can ride them it’s a small little fun buff but pretty cool nonetheless all right let’s move on to the next power complete control mobs that you resummon will fight for you so That creeper that we summoned before we can make it attack another mob so let’s get a ravager summon our creeper here there he is and if I punch the ravager now it will Target it and blow it up so I do recommend using skeletons or zombies rather than creepers since they do Self-destruct overall it’s a pretty simple ability but it makes it super useful especially when you hoard a bunch of mobs and just resummon them at will all right for our next ability it’s kind of like the debuff that was described earlier where every time you absorb a New mob you experience nausea so we already saw that before so let’s move on to the next one impeded movement you cannot wear armor stronger than iron so this is a pretty simple power but if I get both a diamond chest plate and an iron chest plate let’s go into Survival and if I put on my chest plate for iron it works perfectly fine but Diamond does not work so this basically restricts what you can do in the game in terms of progression but also protecting yourself with the fact that you can control a bunch of mobs and summon them At will I think this is a pretty good debuff just because you can summon minions to do your bidding so you don’t really have to get your hands dirty all right and for our last power/ debuff we have exhausted you Tire faster than a regular human so in survival if you Start running or doing anything that exhausts hunger it will deplete faster this one’s pretty self-explanatory but then again is it really an issue when you can summon cows at well so that was the suguru ghetto origin it’s a pretty simple origin but pretty fun it’s especially on multiplayer servers where you can fight People especially against that mahara origin but you can summon anything that you want at will and also just use it as a general useful ability for moving entities like making villager Farms any Farm in general or even mob Farms that was a super ghetto origin I hope you Enjoyed the video and be sure to check out Redwood and all of his Origins because they are truly amazing and they bring a whole bunch of new Concepts into the origin game I’m not pug and I will see you next time peace Video Information
This video, titled ‘The Suguru Geto Origin! (Origin Review)’, was uploaded by NotPog on 2024-01-13 18:00:00. It has garnered 11419 views and 541 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:26 or 386 seconds.
Become Suguru Geto from Jujutsu Kaisen in Minecraft! Absorb Mobs to do your bidding!
The Suguru Geto Origin Was Created by Redwood!
DOWNLOAD IT HERE! https://discord.com/channels/734127708488859831/1156495230363770920
Found in the Origins Discord! https://discord.com/invite/ENhy4F4SBH ———————————————————————————————-
My Discord: https://discord.gg/3spdY5TXyF
More Origins Here!: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0-LF8DjpTW-EiW_Bc6MSeMK-xcQCyUTB
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