This video, titled ‘A Boring Video About Burrowing’, was uploaded by HeySimply on 2024-08-18 09:47:26. It has garnered 8453 views and 623 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:43 or 2203 seconds.
Video games present astonishing universes branching from blocky worlds of minecraft to cross over mashups like heroes of the storm. We as players experience them not only visually like movies or animations, but also with this precious little thing called gameplay! There are many deciding factors whether the game is considered good or bad like graphics, story or even price to some extent, but there is no denying that the gameplay is what matters the most. Originality plays a big part in making the gameplay of your title stand out among the sea of other competing titles, that’s why people aren’t filled with joy when another survival game has a bow and arrow as one of its primary starting weapons. That’s why simple walking and shooting games are feeling same’y, but what is an ability that doesn’t feel that way, no matter what game implements it? In my eyes the BURROWING is one of those tropes that always feels fresh no matter how many times you see it, but why? Well, the video is 35+ minutes long, so there is some explaining to do, enjoy!
Feat: @RockSkull @ZestyJesus @YourNotLuis @mangomessiahOW @KendelR @tonyallentf2 @Not_Ansar6211