Mind-Blowing Stream: Time with Airwindows

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There we are hi I’m Chris Mir Windows a little bit discombobulated today but uh got there we got there in less than 10 minutes past uh 9 and this is going to be I’m not entirely sure what we’re going to be up to I can show you one thing right

Here which as I have been revising this program we’ll note that now it’s got a couple of different things in here it has this thing called dual test that’s the name of the audio files I’m producing now and it does this thing where if I hit search it starts searching for new Reverb

Algorithms I used five which is what I normally do uh let’s see over to live chat often my mode of dealing with if Troublesome people show up is not simply to stifle them but to engage in some other kind of way always reserving the right to stifle them if it turns out

That it’s just not going to work so let’s see um yeah and as you can see we are still running this thing it’s got the chance of doing better but this is counting more slowly because I’m trying to minimize what gets done on every iteration of this so that I can make it

Go faster and here’s how much faster I was able to make it go like I can hit stop here and it’s printing this it’s also putting in uh space and my identifying thing so I don’t have to type that every time now one thing I need to do is make a

Special button for take what’s displayed here parse it and draw it as a picture because I’ll have these going forward but I never get to see these pictures again once I’m finished and it should be just as possible to do that but I mentioned how fast this was running and what that means

Is I’m able to run it overnight and get a higher sort of top score out of it when I say top score what I mean is that it’s usually are drawn this chance of doing better this this current best thing as a sort of odds and that’s

Calculated like this if it gets a particular uh image if it gets a particular Reverb algorithm and it runs for x amount of time without having been able to beat that then I call that a one in the X algorithm you can see that right now

It’s at 1 in five and the current best is 1 in 2020 that’s what’s being displayed if we run it again it’ll do likewise although it’s not resetting current best but usually I run this just from starting up the program so I don’t have to worry about fixing that right

Now and then we stop and here it is I’ve changed it also so that when you hit stop it doesn’t draw a different representation kind of like with this bouncing around and then you hit stop it doesn’t change the representation it just draws out the code that I need to refer

To so I ran this overnight last night and I ran it with the fixed intention of getting uh some reverbs to play with so we’ll hear some of those over to Big speakers I believe I stuck them in Workshop householder sounds and sure enough I’ve got it organized by date

Modified so these were ones that I did some time ago you’re going to get a little burst of rock music and then drums that is a reeverb algorithm I don’t think I can play through and if I could I don’t think I can do it and then also hear the result

And then I got my little guitar Noodle and we’ve got alien kittens in here as well and these are all ways that I can interpret what the Reverb is doing so these ones that I did were large numbers like 200 one in 200,000 or so and I believe that uh smaller was

Sounding better I’d like to parse this I’d like to figure out what it’s doing with that but and of course it’s always about figuring out how that blends and What that particular Reverb sounds like this one is fairly convincing although it’s not the most spectacular thing it sounds room likee

But it doesn’t sound like thick and uh full like prasi ones do instead you can kind of hear past it fairly easily and that’s because all these algorithms have different scales of um where the like if they have a lot of smaller numbers then the re Reverb

Delays will all kind of tend to come in earlier on if they have a lot of larger numbers then the Reverb effect will tend to come in more later and there’ll be more space coming up like I just played that relative to and we can also play this so this One it’s a fairly open sounding one whereas if I do the opposite which is slightly smaller but more data res required to encode it that kind of sustains and dwells more it’s a chambery kind of sound to it and of course if we throw it onto alien

Kittens there is a certain thickness to this sound it might just be that this this data relative to delay time rather than being a indication of whether it’s a good or bad sound it might simply be an indication of how much sustain is on the sound and we can experiment with that a

Little bit because we’ve got a couple of these next to each other here’s 261 dual test that’s 21.3 Megs and then right next to it is a smaller one 256 which is 21.6 Megs so if I’m correct about and then 230 is 21.6 Megs if I’m

Correct about this that means that if I hit this one it will not be as full and dense and then if I go to one of the ones that’s 21.6 Megs what that’s representing is that the Reverb sustained for more it was Fuller and more dense so so let’s experiment with

That and see what we got for now and then we’re going to jump into I don’t know Gamers or Something not as full this time and then this one’s more data and I definitely hear more sustain in that And this one’s rather interesting because this one has a non-metallic equality to it I feel the space in there but there is an absence of clinginess to it that’s interesting when it’s time to make reverbs what I’ll be doing is going and referring to these all the

Time and going back and forth and picking out one which I have all these written down listening to various parts of it and interpreting what I want to get out of the end result at which point we start equalizing and shaping it but that’s an interestingly metallic sound

Well that sustain had a little bit of metallic to it well here’s the thing I was doing this on into the night and I ran the newest version because the newest version is designed if it gets up to odds that are high enough it automatically switches off because what

Was happening the last time I have a whole Bank of these where I ran them into the hundreds and hundreds of thousands as far as odds were concerned trying to get better and better options and there was a memory leak in the program and the memory leak caused

It to um balloon upwards until each of the instances I was running were like 16 gigs in size um I was running like 10 so that’s that’s a lot and it starts out at about I don’t know 300 men eggs or so and what ended up happening was it ran

It and ran it until and I was checking to see that the memory size was that big but there I didn’t really figure out anything good to do about it every one of the instances crashed they all locked up and were unresponsive and even by clearing some

Of them out I wasn’t able to free it up to where it was able able to continue working it had just gotten into some kind of wedge and gotten up to about 16 gigs that being as high as large as it was able to grow with a memory

Leak and then I lost the entire nights work but not this time this time I ran it with a fixed number that it could scale up to and no longer and the number that I chose cuz I was trying to calculate whether it was I was attempting something sensible was um 68,0

33 which of course people might recognize as the golden ratio that doesn’t have a purpose it’s just that I was looking for a large number and I didn’t want to push it all the way to a million so each of these are now the same thing but they are calculated out to be Um ran the algorithm until each of these hit uh 61833 or more at which point they stopped and I programmed it to do that successfully and it was able to to stop the run at that point I ran it every single one of them ran overnight and stopped and when I checked afterwards

There was no memory leak this time which I don’t know whether that has to do with it stopping and being able to not still be running maybe I just let it wait and it did Garbage Collection or something to clean itself up I do know that previously it wasn’t doing anything of

The sort and I have not yet looked at what it looks like when it’s still running constantly I’ve only looked at what it looks like when it does its running and then it stops and the end result sounds like This this is a smallish one I feel like it’s done a pretty good job of avoiding metallic it sounds very room likee honestly this also means I can do it again so this will obviously not make for good plate Reverb Simulations but it’s doing a darn good small room sound and then we got a little alien Kittens and this sounds pretty room likee I’ve got a very closely similar size this one sounds more metallic than the last that’s pretty much what I’m going to have to do when setting up to make these on a larger scale or to do the new cave cave Plug-in little bit more metallic that time then we’ve got this 195 that has a ringy flutter Echo behavior in there so this is not going to be one of your great wins but that’s the thing is like each of these can be equally unlikely but they’re still going to all be wildly different they even have different and And Delay times but

Even with exactly the same delay time they can still have different internal constants that also sounds actual Reverb like we’ll skip all the way to the end 219 maybe metallicy a little hard to tell I’m also listening to how the the lows on the kick shape up the nice thing about alien kittens

With this is it’ll do a pretty good job and that particular note as it cuts off seems to be pretty good at revealing metallic qualities in the verb so the way that I’ve constructed this and I think I have it in here but if not I know that I have it um

Yeah by contrast we’ve got things like the bosti can do this it’s called ice house or effects like this that’s called ice beads and then we’ve got rooms that are small so a brosi room acts like this or you can do large wooden room

And in this way I can also hear what it does with the stereo because those drums are bouncing from side to side you can hear even though it’s a large room it’s pretty dark and the sustain is not very great whereas we’ve got even smaller rooms like this one

You can barely hear anything’s happening to that one there’s just this little tail added and again this is a real bosi although one thing I must do which I’m not doing right now on a stream but I’m going to be doing it fire up the brosi

Again and work out what it does when I send test tones like through through the modular synthesizer the modular synthesizer can produce a sine wave and it’s an analog sine wave that is as stable as I want it to be because I can modulate it of course but if I don’t

Modulate it it will be a fixed pitch s sine wave uh generated in the analog domain and piped into the prosity if I do that I can hear whether or not it’s chorusing because I’ve been assuming and you know what they say about assuming I’ve been assuming that

It’s not chorusing cuz Casey doesn’t like chorusing and so all of this stuff so far is done without like here is is Smooth these are meant to act like like those prosity small rooms I just have to shape the tone of them more whereas we’ve also got wild stuff like this giant Reverb spaces and how giant did smooth go up too looks like we have a whole range of them that’s a big

Space and I made reverse Smooths as well which is not available because the algorithm has changed cuz what this one was doing was running a little over scan on every single place that it checked and tapering it in various directions to try to accentuate certain Behaviors producing these results and I’ve got the constants that they produced we’ve moved on from there so now we’ve got one we’ve got a whole Bank actually where it does that in initial check and then it uh goes through generates an one where they’re all overlaid on top of each other at the

Spacings that you would get if it was a a Reverb with regeneration and feedback and then what it does is it measures that entire area for bright spots contrast details and things and everything since uh smoothness here like this is one of the ones where it’s just only a single actually let’s

Use what was I looking at previously I think I was looking at these ones and I feel like maybe this was one of the ones that came Up no that’s I think instead we’re looking at these ones and I was looking at places where some of them were larger and some of them were smaller so this was the smaller one and the larger ones were the ones that had more body and uh weight to

Them like this this is not too uh metallicy so 256 so let’s find a 256 in the previous ones or or close to it here’s a 251 and the spatial quality seem okay but I do feel like this has a certain degree of uh brightness and metalli to It and if that ain’t enough we can look at one of these like Uh you compare that to our 256 up here everything else about the algorithm is exactly the same between those two the only thing that has altered is the numbers that are punched into the algorithm so that’s kind of what I’m doing and it turned out that yesterday

Was a bunch of work on the program that I run this in and I’m also wondering something else while I’m at it and that thing that I’m Wondering is whether people would be interested in seeing a different game I suppose one thing I can do is jump straight into Minecraft while we are talking but I spent a little attention this morning um logging into steam and making sure that I had some of the ones that uh

I used to play downloaded so we have some op options here I’m going to say that as a possibility let see whether we can log into here they are not uh public in quite the same way I’ve got somebody on I see somebody has learned

My times which are going to be how that normally runs and Dawn rises in my new house we got Manu online and this might be a fine time for me to make a cup of coffee cuz I was uh scrambling around attending to things I like this design it might be

Very simple it sure is empty I sure have an empty room here but all of this various stuff ended up working out pretty well my sort of minimal designs for making stuff look good incorporation of the Torches for one of our players on the surfer who

Just like the person who did this who just loves torches I uh allowed there to be torches for the specific purpose of maybe making that person happier and then this area is probably a fine place for me to set up maybe we’ll even grind uh some useful things while doing it and

I’m going to go off and make one of my espressos and we’ll see what we can make happen today remembering of course we can also do things like play with the gdau engine uh probably don’t need to do the um into the M Matrix anymore or even music or mixdowns but we’ll see

I mean this will depend greatly on uh what people want to do so if there’s like one person on the stream and they say hey can we make a video game in goodto engine I would totally do that so we’ll see like who is here gets to dictate what goes on to some

Extent off have to make my coffee hey Adam Adam has an opinion well if we’re doing that I’m definitely making Coffee for for time to see whether I can keep things together forly world today hopefully we will not dump coffee all over the floor as happened once in one of these streams and we totally could like uh as you see in chat Adam says making game time so that can become a whole

Conversation and there’s a bunch of things I could try and there’s a bunch of things that I could show or or look at one of the things that we could try is uh I made a game called counterpart and we could try doing another version of that looks like I’m

Finished grinding coffee though so time to actually Brew it I’ll be back in a moment And for for for for for as usual I should probably get a uh a quicker timer just for the purpose of accurately representing how long it takes me to make make a cup of espresso so I love having an analog timer for streaming and things it’s it’s

Very Air Windows it’s very Cris to do that but it’s uh one of those Disney type things where I say it’s going to take 10 minutes and then I’m back in five so and I’m trying to figure out whether this coffee is particularly good or not I think it’s

Okay so I don’t know let’s let’s STP around a little bit and talk about what making game time would actually mean we’ve got this area cleared out again there’s one of the amazing horses wandering aimlessly around at very high speed hourglasses are reasonably accurate you wouldn’t like call them

Quartz crystals or anything but they are they can be relatively accurate they’ll also vary slightly because they are analog processes you could get Randomness out of our glasses so when we talk about making games it’s like well you could make hangman or something you could make really

Primitive games or you can be like let’s make dark souls and that’s not a practical uh suggestion because there’s way too much to that so it’s a question of if you’re making games what would you be looking to do and 2D is something the GD do supports really well in fact it’s

Extremely uh effective wonder where the monster I wonder whether this is some of these are all used up and some of them are not okay that’s weird but it’s not run out completely so I’m I dare say it’ll be fine this of course is our XP Jammer and there’s one of several cuz

There’s actually another one uh the uh the torch happy player so there is another XP Jammer I don’t know what its status is as far as whether it’s got enough Shuler boxes and enough nope that this xped Jammer is Running on Empty as well although it has every excuse for it

Because it really is able to empty that stuff out so yeah the the interesting thing about oh well actually this might be a good enough time for me to to close out I think Manu is AFK so in that case we’ll quit out of there and jump into gdau and look at uh

Some of the things that I’ve done for instance do I maybe have here’s here’s a bunch of stuff that they have available I’m wondering if I can pull in here’s here’s some examples of things that I might be trying to fool with um those will show me stuff but

What I’m thinking about is whether I can import something from the older version and I should probably do that by see uh here we go copying it over and then we’ll work on the copy and see whether maybe we can open it up and make it run

Because that’s a port that is going to be yep by three needs to be converted to four convert the full project and we will see whether this new version is able to work and we do have the old backup so that’s fine did it open I think it did

Not we’ve now filled the screen with gray we’re going to want to make that a lot smaller so and I’m going to want to swich this up so that I can see what my corner looks like there we go and if I set it just

Right I can make it so you can kind of see what I’m doing now one of the things we could do is simply try to run this and see if it works we’ve got a bunch of jpegs those are going to still be there we’ve got a bunch of Shadows

That’s also a thing let’s see if we can open them in K not really but we can kind of sort of see it Shadow 12 corresponds to level 12 which is like this that’s a small image but if I can make this run you’ll see it in a bigger image got stuff like

That that also has a shadow layer because this is doing multiple levels of things like level eight so shadow8 becomes that and that’s being drawn over the top of things so that it Shades like the player characters I’d say characters for a reason and then we’ve got

Segment and segment is part of a scene and we look at the scene and the scene has like root level and then it happens to be level four and a canvas layer and a light and stuff let’s see if this runs this may or may not even run

Because some of this stuff apparently is not actually working also the reason this is called tankers is because it’s from a much earlier idea that didn’t actually pan out but it became something we’ll see whether this works bits of It kind of do bits if it need

Help and the look of the thing is completely screwed up but that is what we are looking to do and the game is a game where you’re moving these guys around these other little balls that look like snowballs are timing balls and you must get your guy to the

Top of the screen before the balls stop moving you see a tiny little a on there that’s cuz we’re going to revise some of these um without any input they just kind of move around randomly if you type that letter it starts to Blink and then you ster it up to the top

Of the screen and then you get to start over again for instance we can make C push all of these guys up a little bit then a will go up automatically and c will and then there’s this ball in the bottom if that begins if that stops

Moving which we can probably contrive to let it do when that little one in the bottom comes to a halt you have failed and your game is over it is a mechanical rather than a timer sense it’s dependent upon whether the uh and then we’ll see how long it takes

To do that which will also tell us whether that part still works and it shrunk to nothingness and it said game over and then it immediately restarted again so we have got a certain amount of debugging to do here but on the whole this that that’s the game that’s what this

Was so on the subject of updating a game that I previously made and put out that you can you can download and have um I think you got to search for it on um on air windows.com but you should be able to find it what we’ve got is well for one

Thing this imagery is interesting and it’s showing me what I’m seeing in here so basic basically one of the things that we’re going to want to do like the the thing basically Works score ball this is actually the little snowball like thing there’s almost nothing to this there is a

Plus oh hello looks like we can do a thing and we can align text to Center rather than the corner what that’s going to do is uh line it up differently so let’s see speaking of the PC not being able to handle it like I cannot help you as far

As your PC struggling to run gdau if it struggles to run gdau it’s going to have a hell of a time with unity I’ll tell you that right now so timing ball hang on let’s close some of those things okay so timing ball GD it’s scen I’m going to be looking

For so timing ball scene cuz timing ball GD that’s going to be a script see and what the script is doing it’s only this big I like leaving stuff I don’t like busting stuff out into lots of little chunks just for no reason but if I if I can have something

That doesn’t do that much I don’t feel a need to have it in a single place in this case we’ve got some code that runs just on the timing ball so if the linear velocity you know is we are apparently here’s here’s a trick that

I’m doing to try to make things run more efficiently it is um interleaving like I do with the plugins but it’s interleaving on a game engine so cycle equals not cycle this is every other time every other physics produ process it’s doing a different thing it’s doing a linear velocity for x or

Linear velocity for y and Collis shape Tod scale X size and scale Y is size size is getting manipulated by this bit here which sits after this other stuff like these these exist sort of in their own chunks and um it’s it’s looking after um scale scale is part of what this object

Is it’s a scene which has uh like timing ball GD self it has qualities extending rigid body 2D that’s why we’ve got these things here we’ve got linear velocity and so on we’ve also got a collision shape but that’s not part of rigid body that’s something that we added it’s also

Something that lives in the scene and we can confirm that by going and looking at the scene and it will have a rigid body and it’ll have a a Sprite and stuff but it’s also going to have a collision shape let’s look at those

Now and here in the 2D thing we’ve got a rigid body we’ve got a Sprite and we’ve got a collision shape which I believe is a circle shape those are fairly efficient things to do um debug color appears to not even be a thing but if we zoom into this which I

Can do by command plus a lot can I show Shi I can okay good good good so here’s our timing ball it is a rigid body which you can’t see but that’s what the script is on this also the node is in this group click to show signals dock

Signals you got your inspector you got your node and you got your history which are things that I’ve just done apparently so groups we’re in a timing ball group and the signals that these things can send or receive run kind of like this this could be a day of drinking

Much coffee but that might be a fine thing there’s plenty of stuff we can do in the gdau engine by the way if this turns into Chris with the gdau engine stream twice a week that wouldn’t necessarily be bad because it’s a it’s a great environment to get interested

In and as I’ve already shown you can do things that are not games in the gdo engine in fact I am given to understand that in recent versions of the gdau engine like 4.1 and so on you’ve not got the ability to deal with things like touch pads or this is

Not a touchpad per se a Wacom tablet I could fire this up at any point it’s Bluetooth and uh meaning that you can use the gdau engine to be a drawing app and then beginning drawing stuff in that or you know word processors so on so

Forth and we can also show the Sprite the Sprite was fine last I checked and then we can also show the Collision shape you’ll not that the Collision shape is not exactly as big as the Sprite there’s a little bit of overlap and this is one way that in

Making 2D gam sometimes if you’re making a 2d game say say this is your character and you’re doing a bullet hell right and you’ve got your guy he’s drawn with the image there and then you’ve got the collider well if you’re making a bullet hell and you’re moving this this dot

Around on the screen and dodging things that are flying around you might very well make your Collision shape something like that because the idea is you want to set up a situation where you’re nerve-wracking dodging around all of this stuff with lots of near misses and the near misses could actually be you

Know a thing could be like my mouse mouse cursor but presumably much larger going through and not hitting the Collision shape but it feels very dramatic because it is actually uh intersecting the Sprite you can be like oh my God that guy nearly got me well he would have got

You if your Collision shape was here but it ain’t and uh so I had it like there and these are the things that you do like this is all this stuff is based out as things like that let’s have a quick look at segment

W and got to click in the right place to be able to scroll it around here we have one of our images although I will need to work out what I’m doing with the light I am baffled at what’s happening with Point light I’m not really quite sure what’s going on with

That it looks more than a little bit like if I take the light off I’m reverting to what it normally is supposed to look like so that’s going to be interesting I do not know whether we can modulate this in some way but that and then again we’ve got it

Open to uh inspector node signals so here are some of the things that are going on with the canvas layer the canvas layer can send a signal of visibility changed it’s emitted when the visibility is changed if we go to point light that is a canvas item and I’m

Really not quite sure where that thing lives like we’ve got uh holders like static body these might not even have a place on the screen but they are where um Collision polyes are placed and so this segment here this is drawn in to accurately represent this thing

That was drawn underneath it on the screen this stuff was watercolored we’re putting Collis Poes over a watercolor background in such a way that and any of these points could be like fine-tuned to do whatever you want with like if a particular area seems like it’s it’s sloppily outlined then you set

That up that way and I did draw that myself let’s let’s jump to some of these other details like this needs fixing and I’ll tell you what’s wrong you can see plainly for yourself what’s wrong with it is we’re going to actually I can I should be using the scroll wheel for

This what am I doing so this is called tanker because it’s from a previous game that didn’t actually work out but that was used to move stuff around on a screen and manipulate um other things that we’re moving on the screen you can also see that the uh there’s there’s special effects in

Here as well so tanker has a initial uh Sprite you’ll notice that’s the same dot that’s the same dot as the timing dot it’s also not very high res honestly could probably do better for that but for the time being we’re going to leave alone cuz we were getting our

Graphics qualities not so much out of that certainly not out of the Collision shape again this is the same deal this is designed to bounce off of stuff right at the edge of the black if indeed that’s an accurate representation because the thing is I can line it up a little bit more

Accurately but yeah we’ll we’ll make the Collis B just in this outside edge of The Fringe of this and it will bounce a little I can make it so that it will bounce right on in the inside of things and doing that if we run this it’s going

To still look terrible for a moment but also I remove the visibility of these things but this will now intersect the things that it bounces off of more because the Collision is on the inside and again I made this be invisible so that when I ran it now you couldn’t see that

Part and if I make it be larger it’s going to bounce before hitting the thing and all of these different things interact to make the look and feel of the game so let’s look at what dot flare is right do flare is is actually weirdly enough showing up even though it’s been

Made oh I see why we have a Graphic that graphic is uh well we can’t actually see it too well but it’s this stuff that’s overlaid on here if I make that be invisible dot flare is drawing this on top of the uh Circle that I produced so

We can scale and adjust this a little bit but it’s making a little sort of rounded look into shading and a little highlight and then we have another layer of it which is slightly offset and I’m not sure if it’s meant to be offset but it is is so if

We straightened that out or indeed made all of them be perfectly centered which might be what it wants oh no we’ve just we still got that one no we’re just okay let’s see if the arrow keys move this I’m going to say nope so let’s see whether we can click

On oh I bet know what’s going on we’ll make that be invisible now we should be able to adjust this one and line it up perfectly which means that is now offset because do you know what just happened like and the interesting thing now is is like walking through this

Stuff for anybody who’s watching who’s interested in making a game like understand what’s happening with these adjustments I just took this one and moved it to be exactly on the center part which is also the center part of this it might not actually be perfect but it might be okay uh and

Yeah we have a sort of I think that is meant to be a little bit offset after all so if we select this have it visible have it selected here and then try to click on this bit with everything else uh invisible we can move this against the other one

Until we have some of this quality but we haven’t got it like in the wrong place and not lining up yeah because it’s parented so we can have it sort of tightly tucked in here which looks more like an object rather than funny glowing stuff around the outside

Edge and then when we hide this and then make this one visible it has it reverted to not being lined up correctly and I’ll tell you why it’s because this is another layer of flare and I had it lined up to perfectly on the center and then I moved the parent

And it’s offset from the parent so we could fix that by not having it be a parent of that I am also wondering whether that will make it run more efficiently not having it do the multiple IND Direction CU it shouldn’t matter what its parent is so let’s move it to

Elsewhere it now has to be called do flare 2 I’m not even worried about that so much I’m just going to set it up so that it is or indeed I could simply remove it and have it try to be doubled somehow and then this has pivot I am not

Quite sure what pivot is Pivot appears to be change type purely a node 2D so this is something that can be altered or moved or something could be done with it and the label sits on that as well as the pivot maybe this was about me moving this around somehow and

Label is where the letter is placed however we need to adjust this in the inspector and for that matter we can tone it down and what I am now wondering is whether I can draw it at a larger intensity rather than simply layering them because that’s the thing is we are

Kind of dealing with layering them I’m pretty sure I know why pivot is there I think what happens is let’s see whether we’ve got a script associated with this they don’t oh no wait I remember I remember what’s going on here here’s the thing these flip under some

Circumstances so let’s go and find out where it says pivot in this this is a somewhat larger thing I’m just trying to figure out when we’ve got bonus and C bonus which is bonus only more so remaining timing balls it’s doing that for like every step in physics process that might be

Excessive because it’s doing like fundamental calculations here uh we might not need to check on this as often as all that but there we’ve got um you know physics process being controlled if action is pressed then we start doing something with it there is a key thing where if you’re

Typing the letter of it it goes lick is light I don’t know why I called it that other than maybe either it was amusingly using the German word for it or it was because I couldn’t use the keyword light it’s going to be one of those so let’s see where pivot is in

This if at all or we could find in files pivot in our overall thing uh we do not need to find it in GD Shader I don’t think I have any shaders in here let’s find where it exists it exists in tanker GD add theme color override so that is just

That’s just reading the thing that is just where it goes where do we manipulate it we don’t in that case we’re going to remove that and I’ll show you what goes on there cuz I think it’s some point there was a functionality in here where if like the

Letters died they started twirling or something which is a before doing something with this let’s ask that question of I don’t think I changed it um let’s ask that question of do we want to make this game game do that different thing we’ve just removed dot flare and

Tied it to the other one so if we layer it it become shinier we also know that label is being treated differently some for some reason the previous one didn’t have alignments at all I’m just looking to see if my fire is still doing good and this does have alignments so if

I tell it to be Center aligned this is now not the right font size but at least it’s the right letter so do we have something in here for okay font sizes we are scaling it up and it does appear to be moving along with the scale so that’s

Cool what would be fun as if we could put a slight Contour on that but I think that’s going to be a little bit too tricky unless we make a custom font and that is doable but I’m not doing it right now we’ve got our cross here which is

The origin and then the extents so I can adjust this in multiple ways and one of them is by adjusting the extense here all right see you later Adam we’re going to continue this for now and see where it goes uh it’s going to still look like

Butt because I haven’t updated the 26 or more uh segments but we’ll do that shortly but we have a visible letter and we have not enabled the screen for the outside so let’s click quick quit out of there now we have our backdrop we don’t have the multiple flares on it

Though the blinking one is the one that is relevant uh incoming ads in about a minute now we’ve got two letters they could be smaller than this honestly but uh it’s all fine oh and then that’s wi that’s wiggling I’m not really quite sure what’s going on with that it is

Now see how that’s sort of wling around I did not actually anticipate that behavior and I’m not quite sure where it’s coming from so that’s interesting see now it’s it’s swirling much faster it’s as if it’s as if it it Bonks against things and getss

Dizzy we could run with that or we could try to fix it it’s probably has to do with pivot and it probably has to do with the fact that this is a physics process so we got a a wiggly thing going on here here’s one way to address that we’ve got

Um this guy here mass and deactivation and stuff our phys extension pivot is a node I don’t know whether that okay so label is on pivot says it doesn’t have a control parent so I’m feeling like this has to be associated with a physics engine

Issue also we can look at what it would look like to do dolare 2 Andor to be resizing these things because if I run it into this condition Also let’s one of the things about the letters is it was nice and large and easy to see but at the same time it was

Also maybe not what it might be so let’s adjust the extents to be within this range oh hello we can’t make this be smaller can we what if we do it like this no that’s as small as it’s going to get well that’s weird why is that I bet

It’s because the uh font size is too big that can be fixed little bit smaller and now I should be able to change the bounding box and sure enough I can so just for the sake of seeing what happens we can only make this y small crunch it right down until there

Is no wiggle room and I use that term advisedly now what happens if there is no up and I see something else I see a twirling effect where we’ve got one of these the divisible stuff inside there is clearly rotating so I think the overall scope is

Rotating and the a would be twirling except for that it’s being drawn on the screen from the point at which it begins there’s the thing we don’t want this spinning they are by default spinning and we don’t need that so I know what to do about that probably tanker Mass physics

Material uh probably doesn’t matter and de Mass distribution interesting Center Mass Auto fine deactivation sleeping so linear velocity damping angular velocity damping constant force so what I’m going to be looking for is fooling with this uh rigid body 2 these rigid body 2D properties and we are going to be

Locking the rotation so this is in the deactivation menu that implies that if it’s not working you can make this stuff freeze let’s see if we can lock the rotation in this deactivation setting and have it do anything I’m thinking probably not but I could be

Wrong it’s not supposed to be able to stop that’s one thing I can work on we’re not supposed to have that so there’s another potential bug and we have game over and these are different and need the same kind of fixing as before okay so I think we may have rocked

Well does that however is that where that bug came from though cuz before it wasn’t doing this particular thing I should be able to go in this angle and then bounce that time it worked if I fix rotation it does not we keep this moving while we

Experiment you can see the letter is upright each time but everything else is twirling and these are not supposed to twirl especially since the well or we can just make the overlay be fixed so what’s happening is this whole thing is twirling but the twirling is what we

Don’t want to see happening one thing I can do is move that to also be on here which makes it relative or I can simply hide it and try to draw it more intensely that might work visible so this is a canvas item and it is a Sprite

2D that’s the Sprite that it is so so so far so good that’s still fine uh Collision shape can be exactly this with no issues that that can twirl and it’ll still be fine we’re rotating from here otherwise we’d have a very different behavior um spray 2D that rotates as

Well that part’s fine but this is the point at which we want to stop rotating so sub resources texture fine and then there we’ve got a UHF flare 2 I wonder if we can do something amusing with uh and then we’ve got label on top of

That that but I remember why I had that on pivot and that is because we can show label um behind part of this that’s why we have two layers of it is if we take this and we move it see how it’s partially obscured byf flare 2

This also means we no longer have to care about the shape of this text box like that can be whatever at this stage because the rotation isn’t coming from here we’ll write it a little higher because the lower case we’re running a little lower and we can make this be oh no nope

Everything is contained within this and so in order to make this not be an overwhelming blink that is a rather striking looking effect in fact it is having the flare off the side of the thing that’s not great and we really do need to look into all the this extra

Brightness on these background screens but for now we’re ignoring that and fooling with this even if it might be a little ey searing to look at so why is this offset it is offset because we’re running it off of this I think the whole thing is a little bit too

Large so let’s scale it to make sure it’s contained within that outside line now if we look at it it’s still rendering off the edge and it’s twirling and the twirling is not okay here’s the thing look at this the twirling is not affecting the underlying Circle that’s really weird and

Interesting we don’t want it to do that and we want to keep the base rotation so it’s like tanker has a rigid body 2D the uh Sprite inside it is not being affected by that but oh I think I get what’s going on here dotf flare is a different size than Sprite

2D what if we make them be the same I’m trying to make these be the same but I may not be succeeding however that’s fine we do what we can and I need to do the bottom edges of this bring it into there that is not to say that it’s going to

Look right but okay A little wider I want to see whether this still moves the same way that the previous one did we’re not rotating as much we’re not moving as much as previously although I still see some of the motion and I still see that dot

Flare is being drawn outside the edge of that dot and that’s not right this is weird why is it doing that particular thing do we have a offset that is censored no what about here nope nothing to do with there oh hello transform transform might be part of this so

Scale that may very well have an effect on what’s going on here if we reset scale for that and then reset scale for this this we’re going to have do we have scale on anything else nope that one is one: one Collision shape we’re resetting scale and absolutely everything and

Seeing what we get to as a result of that now what have we got apart from it’s much smaller well we don’t fit the a very well our our size is much smaller however one of these things is not like the others this didn’t get Scaled to the inside of the

Thing see how the flare is larger than that this is part of where our troubles are coming from doesn’t look like this at all does it so let’s find out why if it’s just a node 2D it doesn’t have a scale or does it it has a transform nope that is just

Normal label and we don’t have an uppercase for a reason flare 2 oh we can reset the positions as well let’s see if we can get all of this working in a predict way and then we’ll find out why do flare is being drawn so much larger cuz it’s

Not being drawn that way here in the editor it looks one way and then in game it looks quite another firstly let’s see which of these is doing it it may be both may not see do flare not being scaled at all whereas the dot is actually drawn at the

Same size as the timing ball maybe what’s going on is this is the legit size of dot flare so if I bounce does this spin it’s acting a little bit like it’s no longer having an issue with the uh physics engine and that’s interesting because you’ll notice that

What’s being drawn here now is not twirling anymore when I bounce off his stuff and I didn’t want it to twirl I never intended for that to happen it was happening and that’s an interesting Behavior which I’m not quite sure is is what was anticipated but as the game over is

Reached now things accelerate out of control and then it lets you restart so if we were to take this Sprite 2D and just straight up expand it scaling it by two that’s a pretty big expans of sprite 2D is that where I want to scale it well let’s find out what it

Does in game now okay it’s drawn weirdly and I need to expand yeah interesting something is twirling but I it’s hard to tell whether it’s eating that out of the way I feel like I see the edge rotating and spinning but it is no longer manipulating or is it

And again I got to I got to work on that collider so let’s immediately get to that as well same deal we’re going to call that exactly to they’re locked this is not rendered properly in the editor but it seems to be quite happy to run properly in game

And our Collision is a little bit more lenient doesn’t need to be quite this lenient or maybe it does remember how I said the feel of it oh this game is already available on my website I’m just updating it to gdau uh 4 get 4.1 so see how they overlap and how when

You bounce off top of these things it’s like it overlaps it a little bit what that tells me is that Collision shape needs to be larger and we can see how much larger because see that was scaled two and it doesn’t go all the way out to the edge

It’s showing me what it was doing yeah the deal with this game this is a game that I did a while back it never really got a lot of attention give me a give me a second while I throw another loog the fire so I’m going to have to focus on this and

So I’m probably going to be getting another uh cup of espresso before terribly long and I don’t want my fire to completely go out as I work on game making there we go that should that should hold it for a while yeah see I turned on the visibility of collision shape and saw

Immediately what that looks like so let’s see whether we nope that’s adjusting something else that’s not adjusting the node 2D transform at all is it therefore I would like to firstly okay so I can adjust it in here and it will show me what I get but if I

Adjust it out here it doesn’t necessarily adjust it in here oh but I’m getting a chance to use the mouse to dial it in cool cool this seems right so we’re going to make it right out to the Edge O I am making a game that I called

A cluster fluff it’s based off of an earlier attempt that I made this is now going to bounce okay like you can go down to the dot and might be wanting to work on that dot as well but up and the edge of this collider is maybe a little the the edges

Of the game Space on the side up there’s a little extra space there and you can also see the Highlight reflects on the background that’s by Design and you got to bounce on these it might be fun to put just one layer of the Highlight on that because it looks a little

Plain so let’s quickly do that while we’re at it instead of tanker scene it’ll be timing ball scene and I’m going to load another Sprite 2D and call it dot flare we can just rename it and we’ll call that other 2D dolare and have an empty texture meaning

That we can load it from somewhere let’s see I pretty sure it’s image textures I wanted let’s find out uh nope I don’t want to do New Image texture what I want to do is Dragon do flare if I can find it where is it at it

Was an SVG how did that manage to be an SVG let’s go and let’s go and look at what uh tanker looks like that would explain why I’m having clear uh renderings of it so tanker scene so we got our Sprite we’ve got our texture load path resource local to

Scene path so I’m getting that from somewhere and it is actually a Sprite 2D that we’re making and this is also a Sprite 2D let’s see what I just did timing bolt scene so this is a Sprite 2D and this is a well I renamed ITF flare but I think

It looks like that still yep it’s still a Sprite 2D so what happens in gdau if I try dragging these things around to populate this manually by dragging flare SVG you can kind of see it here this is what that looks like to this spot and the answer

Is it looks like we got what we wanted let’s make let’s make this a little bit larger rigid body scaling is not any different uh this we reset to one that was already one but we’re going to want to dial it in like this so that it

Bounces at the edge is that’s being shown I’m okay with having it be a little bit larger and then let’s go back to these at scaled 1: one and we need to find uh where the transform was and there it is reset the transform see how that goes might need some

Adjusting and we have only one layer of this rather than two that looks very nice I like the look of it it is a little less obviously textured than the number but it still is got a visible quality to it though it’s very gravity affected also I’m not oh and it is

Rotating that’s not necessarily something I want it being rotating or at least I don’t want it represented as rotating that still looks basically normal I also like the faint highlight in there but it makes it look less real that way it has rotated a little bit and

There it is yeah friction is causing it to twirl uh by the way as far as chat is concerned yeah oh I’m glad that you’re enjoying that ring system music and that’s probably a very good place for it too A A ambient workstation so underneath here I can see what this is doing

That said I am going to need to do some more offsetting I think but that’s fine and one of the things I’m going to want to do is figure out how to not have this twirl um Su of this okay angular damp zero how about a very high

Damping what happens when I do this that has successfully stopped it from twirling I think and I can punt it around and it’s a little less visible of a highlight I do wonder whether maybe I want to simplify these as well like do I really want two

Layers of this on these ones or can I just have it be a much more subtle visual representation yeah OE as far as this work ethic you know I’ve spent years just like watching YouTube videos and things it is not that it is a work ethic it’s that I’ve kind of tried to

Grow and evolve to where I’m not suffering so much and I’m not miserable so much that I can’t really face things at that point rather than work ethic of forcing myself to do the thing it is a matter of okay and then flare but unfortunately everything inside there also has to

Be visible so if we’re basing all of that off of there why don’t we simply take this entire chain and ride it off of collision shape instead or just flat then we hide that and see what we’ve got oh it didn’t like that did it what happened oh do flare pivot label that’s

Why so we’re no longer off of pivot so that’s the part that I just changed isn’t it we’re now at root level I will rerun this until it stops crashing on things there’s another one oh and we are apparently doing uh scaling on the Fly that’s interesting I feel like maybe that’s not

A good thing to have because we’re trying to do that manually that’s what that’s going to do is expand that as we um have things selected everything got a little bit bigger I no longer want that to happen so we do want the font color to be altered and we’re moving this in

Here and this is probably our cancellation of rotation yeah bingo it youve got it exactly o basically continually working your way to a position where your work is more nurturing than torturing then that is that is like what one does when one works on oneself up and he

Hey now all of this is oh look at that twirl that’s exactly what I don’t want to see happening but we’ll figure it out as we go or I can just become part of the difficulty of the game cuz that’s going to work with all of these

Now what would be really cool is if I could cancel out the rotation of specifically do flare only but have that blinking letter sitting there underneath do flare so that it doesn’t look like it’s just drawn on the screen and let’s let’s play with that now

So we want to go back to 2D because a lot of that stuff was being controlled by this and we’re going to delete the additional dot flare and then quickly run it to see if anything broke and something did and hello that’s the bit that was being altered interesting so

Instead see we were apparently keeping this stable by having it rotation its rotation disease be the negative of the root this is probably saying dot means the root so we’re accessing the rotation of this thing and then we were applying it to this entire setup but now we’re not doing that now we

Are doing pivot and pivot puts the rotation back that’s what that was for so one thing we could do here see here’s what I’m one of the things I’m doing is I’m kind of trying to simplify this as I go and that is going to involve evolve stripping some

Of these things away but I can probably like I don’t have to do pivot if each of these things are just at the root level doing the thing that I want and hey let’s just change the name of this to the original one which will mean this now works again cuz I’ve just

Told this one that it can now work again however this bit here now needs to be changed because label is no longer a child of pivot label is now just directly there let’s add its theme override we’ve got a thing going on in here which is going to make it much more

Difficult to use we’ll delete that node I don’t think anything is applying to it but we’ll find out out real fast and sure enough it needed that but we’re stripping that out as well that means one less layer of indirection for getting to the end result and we’ll just keep trying it we

Do need to resize that thing but now what we’ve got should be the letter Twirls we’re going to need to make it larger as well but the overall shape there is the same and that’s going to make it harder to read this as it gets going and that’s

Part of theide oh see I can I can go downwards and scrub it harder and it seems to slow its twirling to some extent we could retain the twirling it picks up new twirling as it goes let’s quickly just update that in the 2D settings so that we can see that these are

Actually the size we want scale two Collis shape is fine it’s a little over two and this is the bit that’s not going to be scaled yet and maybe it doesn’t have a does it have a scale I’m not convinced this has a scale but I think maybe I can use the

Font size directly and it’ll just make it be larger which will also printed in more high res and that part’s cool so if the if we have the font size this big and at this point we can also scale um this to be exactly the right size and offset we’re going to say

Uh there let’s see what this does does it in fact draw it off center and then have that Twirl in a different way sure does and this is also twirling although it’s not supposed to but maybe that’s because I’m just not doing that bit right that background is not supposed to be

Twirling it’s it’s it’s not the offset that I did is what did that check this out if we revert position it’s going to be in the wrong place but that back image is no longer twirling it’s not perfect but it’s no longer twirling or if it is it’s doing

It in a very minor way because that’s the bit I want to be absolutely fixed in place and not move at all so what we got to do is figure out how to address the fact that it’s slightly off center but still have it have the

Same uh base and we also need to move this letter to a more appropriate spot so let’s see whether the letter moving can can can happen now I just selected dot flare how about you be hidden and now there’s our Center there’s a good place to put a capital

Letter and then here’s our DOT flare which needs to be just a tiny bit larger maybe we’ll just live with the fact that if the position is correct rather than having it not be big enough and over have this Edge left here we’ll just expand it past the

Edge enough that there’s sort of a halo over here cuz if we change the position at all it makes it not be quite what I wanted we can’t offset the position without having it having the offset twirl and that’s a little unfortunate but we’ll see what that looks like and

Soon we will fix these ah beautiful that’s the behavior we wanted and that just added a whole another level of difficulty to what this game originally was because you got to type the letters on these things to make them work we’ve got a a more subtle um

Offset it’s probably going to be less obtrusive when we fix this brightness issue so how about maybe it’s time to go and fix the brightness issue we have successfully made the little balls made the timing ball all have a uh pretty overlay onto it that makes it look like a physical

Object we’ve made this one respond now we’ve got two of these guys when they bump into things they twirl around so it’s going to be difficult to tell whether that’s a b or a Q and that could be part of the challenge of the game because the it’s a situational awareness

Game where the idea is to identify these guys and steer them upwards like this they all have to go up off the top of the screen then you win and if it’s not selected you have to hit like is that a q I hit Q it doesn’t

Respond I hit B and it begins to Blink showing that it was in fact a b and then you get to the next level and if you get more more than 26 of these guys you’re in all caps and it’s always like identify the thing type it on the keyboard it’s a

Non-mouse game and make everything go to the top of the screen seemingly easy but it gets more fishlyn is have a look at timing ball we’ve got that good enough but we have velocity X Delta * 2 physics process so this is slowing linear velocity this is slowing the timing ball

And its ability to move so if we’re making that b smaller it’s larger than zero let’s see how it does with less friction that’s now parenthesis but uh it’s fine I do not like the way that that is is uh yeah see it’s a very small amount of

Slowing but I don’t like the way that it’s not as bouncy as it might be so that’s going to be more in these settings this is rigid body 2D this is are damping and stuff like linear velocity damp mode combine what happens if you do replace let’s find out what that does boink

Well it seems to be still working just fine oh no hang on that’s angular velocity after all if we had this be a very large number for damp mode what happens friction this is where our friction is coming from so Okay negative one does that mean no damping

Ever sure does boy does it ever and that went off the top of the screen but um here we’ve got something to look into here’s our segments here’s our overall game we’ll close that oh that was just I I hit a Plus instead by mistake so tanker

Scene warp ball scene what’s that well one thing that is is I think that was my display on the end so let’s go through and fix some of its issues namely the horizontal and vertical lines so that if it does need to show anything it can show something uh relevant font size

Is this is the game over screen oh interesting why does that look the way it do probably because this one is just a display so there’s our base texture and there is our overlay but it’s been made to be different see at default rotation we’ve got a highlight up

Here but I changed it for some reason so that the Highlight would be down here just to look different I guess and we’re going to reset our position i s that one you can’t and there’s our game over screen and that might be an amusing enough looking

Thing uh I think the idea there was to have it be a literal inverse so if I chose specifically 180 it will render like a indented thing rather than a non- indented thing back to the scene for timing ball and I had just changed damping to

Be negative -1 making making it zip all over the place and one of the things I think would be worth looking into nope that’s the moving ball what do I have as far as my background is concerned game map yeah yeah there we go so look at

This game map has Collision shapes and this is the size of the screen and timing balls that fire off into this area are made so that they can bounce on this stuff in fact we’ve also got an issue here where our positioning of this is is

Rather than being past the screen it’s a little bit short of the screen and so our guy is bouncing off of that and should be actually lined up with it so that was a thing to fix certainly and we’ll have another look at that I don’t know whether this was as

Easy to do in the previous version of gdo but this one’s allowing me to line it up real nicely with the edges of the screen there’s the edge of my screen Bo and there’s that but what we’re going to do to deal with the situation that we have just

Created with the balls that are bouncing around insanely and uh what that was doing is we’re going to Simply duplicate this and then move this one up this will apply to all of the uh all those timing balls can bounce up off the top of the screen and bounce around there for a

While but they will inevitably fall back down because when we go to the actual levels the the levels have um Collision shapes as well they’re so large in case things start moving really fast that it’ll still register it but before it was possible for the ball

To bounce up the top here check this out we just did this thing and the ball bounced up and was gone but now if I put it down to here check it out it’s not even going to get to the top of the screen this

Time see it goes and away it goes and then B it’s got a little bit of gravity it’s actually accelerating I’m not really quite sure what that’s about so we’re never going to lose the game because it just bounc is faster and faster but see how it’s bouncing off the top of the

Screen whereas if we had this not be there what can happen is this accelerating guy can bounce to the top of the screen and he’s gone eventually it’ll come back but that’s maybe not what I want in this this different variation of how this Game Works instead let’s have it so that

Rather than going off the top there and being gone we’ll have it so there’s some area there cuz your guy needs to be able to go up past this line to get to the next level we can’t have it be down here because then your guy also responds to

This but we can have it be up here to where they’ll go but they won’t be immediately gone and we can have it be really close so that the timing balls immediately bounce back down in again or we could have it be high where they’ll

Go off the top and then be missing an action for a while since we’re reevaluating it I’m going to have it be fairly tight in meaning that our weirdly accelerating I’m going to have to figure that one out why is he doing that but as this dude

Goes I’ll eventually hit him so that he bounces straight up and back he comes doesn’t get even get past the Collision things goes up comes back goes up comes back so now what’s going on is we have the behavior of that uh timing ball and that has a

Lot to do with this damping this damping is the friction so ENT al1 appears to be we we’ve got something going on where that’s accelerating I think our velocity let’s have a quick look at timing ball GD see our velocity is being slightly altered if it is larger than zero it’s

Reduced if it is smaller than zero it’s added we don’t necessarily need to run this bit but um this is also where we uh determine the scale Collision shape is being also manipulated by that and this bit here with linear velocity length is how we can tell

Whether it has come to a halt linear velocity being less than uh 80 or so it it starts to get made even smaller I don’t think I need to also have 60 times size that is an additional detail that we probably don’t need I think what was going on

There is it’s just making it shrink at a different rate much like doing plugins where the uh the plugin is supposed to to have a particular taper to the Decay time or something like that this is dealing with Decay time of um and again if the linear velocity gets

Made larger again size rapidly rebounds so let’s start this off by having the size no longer alter it’s showing me which parentheses are in there that bar will go away once it figures out it’s in the correct correct thing and we’re doing this whole scale thing but what if

We commented it out well expanded oh that actually just plain didn’t work I’m trying to comment out bits of it and seeing whether this actually even matters for me um we could simply assume that uh we’ll deal with linear velocity using just only the physics sension and not over WR it at

All meaning that we are always going to be uh scaling the Collision size we’re not going to be breaking it down into uh particular elements of it and we are going to take this if statement and put it somewhere else like down here we’ve just updated size and then if self scale actually

Rather than being soft scale we’ll just use size is hey Christian thank you and we’re going to skip all of this cycle stuff meaning that we’re going to have to change this indent but in so doing we are now simplifying this entire section quite a bit oops okay maybe that’s right

So now we only have this code and what it’s doing is the scale oh hello why are we even doing indep we don’t need to do this it’s probably not gaining us anything we don’t need to do cycle so we don’t need to have this variable here and bada bing our physics

Process is changing the size of self and changing the size of collision shape which probably is correct what I’m been doing on gdau I’m working on an old game of mine and I’ve ported it to gdau 4.2 and I’m just going through it fixing up stuff and making it uh more amusing

Of a game and here we are doing this if the self linear velocity length is small enough the size of the object gets smaller so let’s find out why we had this here see Collis shape to scale get smaller what ha well we’re not going to find out yet are we

Um and not only that we did need to have X and Y there so this is an X parameter and this is a y parameter we can’t actually set that at a single we could probably set it with a uh a vector 2D I’m tempted to try there’s no real

Reason to though it’s just making a more complicated format where we can just use a float so let’s try this and this thing is bouncing around and speeding up so it’s not going to show me the thing I wanted to find out about that said we can fix that too timing ball scene

2D and where do we get to it wouldn’t have been in script oh I see Richard body I click on the Richard body and inspector starts showing what I needed and uh where we have damp mode of replace or combine we had a damp of NE -1 and I

Think that was interacting with some other stuff so how about a damp of zero that will probably mean stuff just keeps moving whereas our angular velocity is as high as it gets now it’s not accelerating and it is moving and fre is having an effect and gravity is

Having an effect and now if I just avoid this for long enough eventually it will come to a halt also the springiness of objects has uh place as well and it shrink we have correctly updated that bit but we haven’t made it so that it if the game is over it stays

Over I feel like there are ways of dealing with this as well and it’s going to be in tanker scene in its script here’s the guts of how the engine works works so here’s how we steer remaining timing balls does work in that if it runs out to zero they go

Away one thing I had noticed here in our code we do need to scale the Collision shape you notice that it got smaller but it didn’t the the Collision shape stayed the same so that’s why this gets updated as well when you use flutter to tape 6 it

Creates a stereo image but when you use the flutter plug um I’m guessing that would be normal behavior because they happen to be uh handled differently that’s not to say that when I do two t7 it’ll stay the same I’m pretty sure that the flutter plugin is designed to be running as a

Stereo single tape whereas the flutter on two tape 6 for whatever reason it might be consistent to what the AU is doing and it might be just set up that way um I don’t know whether you’re using the Au or the VST all the vst’s default to being stereo so it

Would be able to stay mono but if I have a monover version or what’s called n2n meaning that it can run multi channels yeah a Au then that’s going to be a multi- channel to tape six you could run it on quad you could run

It on a 51 but this is the cost of that that they don’t talk to each other so the individual tracks end up getting individual flutters that might be worth addressing in future at the cost of not being able to have multi-track uh or multi- channel to

Tape and what’s up with Delta * 2 let’s make it be just Delta multiplication is uh commutative so I could have just done that but I did not so here’s uh back to Tacker scene this is how the things flash so this is where we show that the

One we’re controlling has its letter flashing might just be able to uh have the size flash as well frames between updates Global’s Factor interesting here’s where our controls are oh this is where we make them all just sort of go in a direction these guys are not controlled by

Gravity your purpose is to make them go up in fact let’s have a quick look at the timing balls and see whether we can find where gravity is solver nothing going on much there gravity scale is one okay just as a little check here Gravity scale is zero as thought as I

Thought if it was one what would we be dealing with oh hello so do you not work either oh I bet I know what’s going on I I just moved that but it was also an XY thing so maybe this would be a fine time to show how this

Works because it has to get at it one way or another now that is just a kind of statement but uh so that should work or not okay so maybe rather than do that we try to do this and see if that works any better I thought I could maybe make it

Run better by defining a variable and reusing it but apparently that’s not the way that goes I think I have Vector 2D drawn correctly I thought I needed to tell it that to do a new thing only identifier can there’s a way to do this I just have forgotten what it

Is and I know how to get around this I’m just trying to figure out what’s going on I’m going to open another window here and I might very well also oh do I doesn’t need to be 2D D doesn’t belong in there at all there we

Go see it’s it’s this I’m looking to do Vector two not 2D all right thanks for hanging out ring system music this turned into not so much the other thing but oh hello have we have we fallen over telling me that I will be able to get my thing

Back I’m hoping I’ll be able to get my thing back oh are we running an instance we shouldn’t be running an instance oh yeah how about you stop there we go so I don’t know why I would say in 2D it can only be two and this might just

It’s crazy but it might just work cuz see self scale was X and Y because it is a vector 2 so we’re going to see whether this actually gives us what we wanted we’re kind of waiting to see whether it does anything oh did I remove scale there as

Well I think maybe I did all righty so now if we run this it does something this guy falls to the ground very nice and it’ll kind of keep going it’s hard to manage this one and he’s slowing down and we’re going to see whether he kind of crawls to a halt

Gets smaller and then it goes game over signs point to yes got there at which point control is lost and my guy goes to the ground so I’m thinking maybe rather than having them just go in a direction it’s going to be yeah they sort of twirl and

Stuff but your input is like a little jet and it pushes them additionally in the direction they go but otherwise they continue to fall much the same way that the other one did so over to not timing Ball but tanker and this entire code maybe should be uh altered into something

Else oh and one of the things going on here it says UI accept that means if you have just won uh hang on a second though UI accept what even is UI accept I’m trying to figure out whether this is the start over or not like uh also I don’t see where globals

Is so globals players where do it oh here it is it apparently is not hanging out in the scene or in any given scene but it still apparently exists so see here’s what we were doing before but if we had this it does this and we’ve got a score up

Here we’ve got a plus I’m not sure what that’s for oh oh I remember as your score increases or as these buttons increase everything gets faster so we started with a 100 of these guys a bunch of them being lost off the top of the screen oh and a bunch of the

Timing balls are uh inverted but yeah this is some wild stuff okay so capital r we can direct you up you go capital I is that a capital I or is it a lowercase L it was a lowercase L if you go and capital M by the way if there’s

More than one of these things you’re controlling all of them at once like here’s a capital A both of the capital A’s are now under my control one of them stuck but one of them’s fine and the whole idea is to make them go up off the top of the

Screen and uh win the game by getting everything out the top Before Time runs out the time running out is these little timing balls moving around so there we’ll qu with that for the moment that’s changing the Global’s players so that stuff that stuff works oh interesting you are exactly the same

Either way why are you here why are you not here dot flare always should be made to be the same do not know why that is there so we’re making it not be there oh let’s make it go gray when you lose oops see this thing with the light it’s

Changing and sort of making it flash when you’ve got it selected but if you lose see it’s it’s flashing I’m going to update the timing Ball but we’re going to lose at which point a is going to become grade out that little ball will begin to

Shrink and when it does assuming I don’t touch it boom Oh actually it’s gone to Invisible and it’s begun weirdly accelerating didn’t expect that to happen so yeah what we’re doing here is just I’ll tell you what what we’re doing here is we’re going to go through all of these scenes

From A to Z and fix how ugly they are because they are excessively ugly starting with this so why are you this ugly there’s our additional colliders everything has its own Collider let’s find what the first one is by looking at the level in properties here’s a bunch of levels okay level

23 so seg well that doesn’t actually help does it that doesn’t help at all it can read level 23 but that’s not the same because one thing I did was test out which ones of these are harder or easier and this is presumably the order

I guess we only have 20 levels after all um and segment W let’s see if segment W looks like it was the one that we started with signs point to there is your puppy that’s the one so if we then start me messing around with some of this I do

Not know why this point light 2D is there is this just something that got added because they assumed that I needed it this entire canvas layer does nothing but hold a light and do not know why this light is here we’ve got this the text direct but then if we turn that

Off that’s what it’s supposed to look like why did it put a light there when it didn’t need to have a light there well that will make the fixing of everything a lot easier can we make the point light and have the selected thing be an additional illumination wouldn’t that be cool shall

We try that how about that let’s see if we can do something cool with this rather than having it just be done now my problem here is that this lives in the segments and so we can’t actually at we can’t easily access the segment but maybe if we well

Firstly Point let to oh oh oh okay here’s what happened it changed my blend mode on me this is a light yes but it is using this image Shadow jpeg it’s supposed to rather than making the light Parts blinding we’re supposed to make the dark parts darker accepting that we

Uh yeah our texture is in fact overlaid but we have got an issue here Shadow no that’s not going to be helpful so maybe maybe Point light 2D isn’t the thing that we want let’s start experimenting change the type what else do we have can we do a

Light okay light to D cast light Point light positional light okay so light 2D presumably won’t have a texture so if I change it to this it doesn’t want to go it’s great out however I can do Point light at which point it is using this but it’s supposed to be casting the

Shadows not making the lights there’s your problem so instead if we have ADD but it is a black light range appears to be working I am having a little difficulty making my shadow work height should not matter color energy blend mode so if we add black that’s useless

We’ve got a whole extra Shadow layer that’s supposed to be in here oh hey I won oh why do I not have a Hello that needs fixing immediately we’ll get back to the other thing oh hello doesn’t want 0.5 as a value in here so what was happening was it’s going between

Light and black however we don’t really seem to have an option for uh year out of time so we’re gonna just go back to black there that way everything is going to show rather than only blinking uh let’s see now dot flare rotation should still be fine although

We did need to also do the dot flare rotation for this one so let’s find that let’s copy it let’s go over to timing ball the script and we’re on physics process right this is still physics process yep sure enough and since this is GD script you

Have to make everything line up just right but that should be enough to make the rotation of the flare illustration not mess up like see there we are that’s what the dotf flare did so the the ball rotates in fact one thing we can do is put a little more detail on

SVG I’m speculating on that one now because it’s like where do I have the con svgs I’ve got uh this garbage isn’t working for me anymore and that’s frustrating maybe I can figure out how to get it to work uh going to be an Infinity of photo will not do

That do I in fact have SVG editors I should among all of my little programs you see that I got diffusion B you see that I have the dreaded Deluge for torrent getting I’ve been known to use that for legitimate purposes though older version of Minecraft what do I have that will edit

Uh uh am frustrated why do I not have something that will edit svgs because here’s the thing if I can put something on this file uh see what what opens it by default open with will Affinity photo open it by default I kind of doubt it but maybe let’s find

Out I don’t think if up it did but it’s definitely not opening it as an SVG is it that’s a that’s a terrible answer that is a terrible idea we’re not going to be able to export that as SVG are we okay so what else that isn’t Affinity

Photo we are not showing many options there are SVG editors I know they exist I know SVG editors exist I don’t know what would count as one and as you can see that is a very very featureless little dot that is oh here’s a thought let’s try clip

Studio paint we’ll drag it on there and it just bounces off so eclip Studio paint won’t open svgs that kind of sucks okay well let’s not worry about that let’s just just make a note that I can take a little texture on that uh SVG rather than just using it as

SVG and if I do that any size that I choose will will render okay or at least it’ll render into this bright uh 2D okay but then whatever physical detail I put onto that will go along with the letter and it will rotate and so that’ll

Be cool and we’ve also done a thing where now that little ball down there is not going to I don’t like the bounciness off that bottom part it needs to be a little bit more lively than that like we can have the apparent illumination and shade be part of the uh the

Game but then there can also be Vis it’ll look more like the thing is actually rotating rather than just only the letter is rotating technically the edges of these balls are part of the underlying thing so the edges look like they are also twirling it’s almost visible at times but I think

It’s not really very visible that said it kind of fails as far as having that plausibility that like I have fake lighting going on as a result of this and that’s failing so a little more of this craziness did we in fact add the script

Yes we did and it worked just fine so now our DOT flare no matter where we look at it is going to be um correctly applied also self Q free is how you avoid having memory leaks um probably needing to do another load of firewood so let’s jump over do

That there we go I think that’s in time the trick with this is it can be dying down but this is a stove with like so soap stone on the inside of it so the stove itself sometimes can stay warm enough to set fire to pieces of

Wood you don’t necessarily have to have a fire still going as long as the stove itself is still hot enough so yeah we are doing pretty good I feel like the size thing is uh so size starts out at one therefore the more zeros are in this

The slower it’s going to be with uh removing let’s make it 100 times as fast and let’s make a kick in real soon and see what we get can we get one where these are all different sizes and they just start shrinking like see we can see how that goes

You shouldn’t care about this velocity I made the potential velocity to 10 times as fast but I think I see that getting smaller and oh and it off it goes and I lost cool that part is working more effectively I do still want to change some of the physics

Here let’s see we were bouncing all over the place with some of this stuff one of the things I was looking to do and that I had not addressed was that we have these segments so that stuff um oh this is all meant to be integer why is it complaining about

That then this didn’t get used and this didn’t get used which is interesting you’d think that that would maybe I’ve just Mis understood it somehow we will uh delete those and see whether it’s still happy to run seems like it’s kind of still happy to run so there’s that

Um we didn’t need those bits because they’re being handled by something else apparently but what we do need to do is find the solution to the visual of this so here’s what we’ve got so far if we turn on point light and make it be in add mode

Then see what’s going on here is we have this point light and it is not uh hey aore yeah well then maybe return to this stream and you’ll get a brush up on some of these details texture I need to be able to subtract this as like an inverse light

A light that is in fact a shadow I basically need to Overlay it onto so so in fact why am I trying to Overlay that Onto canvas layer it’s designed in such a way that the all the players and things go under that light and I’m pretty sure what ended up happening is I’ve got it set up let’s let’s put it back and enable it and make sure that it’s doing what it’s supposed to

Do see we had this set up as Point light 2D but what it needs to do is draw this Shadow between the viewport and like these guys right these should be rendered underneath this meaning it should be able to make them be bright if I’m doing it properly because what it’s really

Supposed to be doing is drawing it dark shadow drawing it over the background but the guys are under the overlaying Shadow which is being drawn in white here because it’s meant to be drawn in subtract mode like multiply mode I don’t seem to have multiply mode available

So if I was to drag L Shadow onto the screen it sort of makes a canvas item automatically don’t need to worry about those things but we might want to look into this if canvas layer goes away then Al Shadow becomes the only thing you can

See and let’s run it but this is these are supposed to be under this these are the Shadows it’s a whole separate thing meant to be so that the stuff get out of there like I’ll Shadow here and I’m might need to go through these and update

Them see we got offset we got visibility light mask ordering visible show behind interesting top level that is also interesting what happens if I do this do we have it so we can’t see our guys anymore yes it is drawn offset but this is keep able of drawing it on the top

Level in such a way that if I was doing it properly it would work so let’s see what’s up here default is top level is not centered now we got to figure out since we’re not doing canvas layer but we can make it draw on top of everything like literally

Everything we’re going to delete canvas layer and it’s Point light because we never actually needed that to be a light we need this to be a uh firstly here why are we drawing off center because our origin point is off center what happens if we just draw it like

This okay that looks real goofy but we got there level 23 the center point is in this corner and level Shadow the center point is here but they draw on top of each other so we’ll live with that until I find out more about how gdo

Works we’re going to live with this and we’re going to look in terms of how do we make this be a different mode show behind parent I do not think that’s what we want what options do we have it’s going to be time to jump into uh not necessarily campus

Item filter is not going to be what we care about repeating we don’t care about that either oh look at all this go texture filtering that’s going to be about M Maps as a rule there’s also so much to it that I can’t actually see it’s beyond the range of

The screen I don’t get to really read the bottom parts of it it’s all map related so none of this is about overlay modes render modes so how do we do a texture in a multiply mode well we could uh because we’re getting so close we are getting so

Close time to jump into Chrome and there we’ve got got me doing a little hunt for go to Canvas item multiply overlay mode this could be very this is very old canus item section white pixels already got that already got that I don’t have a uh this is just off

Jpeg so it doesn’t have Alpha Channel and it can be static M mod down in the inspector CU it is drawing over everything under the canvas item section do we still have that does that still exist let’s find out canvas item section but is this even a canvas

Item what are you doing it’s it’s moving around in a way that I don’t need or do I have a there is a canvas item section visibility light mask we got modulate but that’s not going to be it clip children light mask visibility layer that’s a way in which we can turn

Things on and off depending upon what’s going on ordering Z index that’s not going to be it either texture filter also that’s going to be a nope and material let’s do a new canvas item material and see whether that gives us any options firstly it still run

Yes hello I see a blant mode look at that I think we got there I think we got there multiply bam also light mode uh unshaded light only will probably make it not do anything unshaded will probably run more efficiently because we don’t have to have lights in

This and we’re not necessarily making any particles so we’re going to leave that out and the resource is don’t actually care what that is we’re just doing a default um material material we just got to make a canvas item material and it starts out as just stark white and then do

Multiply light mode unshaded normal it’s normally just an overlay but what we’ve got here is uh you know and pre- multiplied Alpha subtract will make everything black add will make everything incredibly bright but multiply is the one we want and now we can run this program and we’ve got a

Shadow underneath these edges as if there’s light coming from up there although would be well no actually it does also apply to the and we win and now we got to change all the rest of these with those two changes we just drag in the relevant shadow and then we basically go

In and we haven’t changed any we put on top level and then we make a material and run with that so let’s see so let’s see if we’ve got let’s see if we know what we’re doing so segment a scene level one so first thing is delete canvas layer and the point

Light and we go to Shadow one we probably don’t need to move that around either it’s fine where it is but we do need to do something with the transform namely reset it then top level material canvas item material and double clicking that gives us unshaded and

Multiply I’m going to say that will work because the previous one worked and it was in exactly the same condition so close out of there segment AA and we got level 27 so it’s going to be Shadow 27 reset the transform and visibility and material are the ones I care about

Material new canvas item material multiply and unshaded a we’ve got a lot of these I’m going to go and make a cup of coffee and I’ll be back in a moment now that I got my fire running again and all and yeah we might well end up doing

Um days in gdau engine because I think gdau engine is really important and good to support so I’m quite enthusiastic about the prospect of doing more of that for for sh and hello again Adam I am making another cup of coffee and this has turned into such an old a

Gdo hacky session that um I’m probably going to make another poster frame for the uh stream one that more accurately reflects the fact that I’m Gau happy today cuz it doesn’t necessarily scream Minecraft in that the image is like me in the Stream and the background is on

Fire but all the same I can probably do better as far as illustrating in more ways that I’m focusing focusing on gdau maybe we’ll do more of that like in upcoming days or something uh we’ll see but I my enthusiasm for the gdau stuff is uh strong and increasing all the more in

That it’s fun to play with on stream for for e e e for for hey I’m back while I was making the espresso I was thinking about the way that I’m getting fascinated by gdau at the moment and you know you know that this game isn’t making any sounds yet

Right like there are things that could be done that could be kind of neat I’ve been doing all the stuff with modular synthesis along the lines of composing using like voltages and Randomness and stuff like that I’ve been doing all of that stuff over the years

Trying to get it to a place but there are people who have done things that are equally like uh here let me procedural gent is what I’m thinking so you can do This I could probably leave this on continuously and it would be fine oh look somebody was really liking this bit this is procedurally generated music but you could make stuff like this out of gdau if you set it up properly cuz this is essentially like a game of Mod Player and this is Dennis Martinson has done this stuff and it’s essentially a machine a a robot a video game making all of this happen so the fact that I interested in getting into gdau doesn’t necessarily have to stop with like a 2d game or Whatever basically how this is working is it’s splicing different bits of stuff in and switching among them and there’s an algorithm behind where it goes to different places overlaying various things I mean by the same token this could also be done with a version of Air

Windows console La built into the I mean it’s open source gdau is open source so you could do this and build like VST plugins into your code doing it properly and the possibilities seem pretty good so you will uh permit me to dive back into this stuff and get it right

Um I just finished doing segment AA and fixing it by which I mean I removed the the light Mappy thing and then brought in just an image and changed it around until it looked the way it was supposed to and then we’re going to kind of keep doing that and we’re deleting canvas

Layer with Point light looking seeing that it says level 28 and using Shadow 28 or hang on yeah that does seem to still say level 28’s up no that’s correct drag it on there fix the transform which I will always have to remember to

Do top level I think I will need to do that you it’s like jet nonsense anyhow well that’s an opinion that is an opinion you’re welcome to have I don’t actually sit around listening to either gent or procedurally generated gent by as a rule but the stuff that I listen

To could as easily be machine made as well like I listen to ambient or maybe citr or like I’m quite the Drummond Bas and dubstep fan original level dubstep let’s see if we can’t keep moving through this CU I’m really wanting to fix this can I command W

No I’ve been doing algorithmic uh composition for years it’s legitimately an interesting thing you see oh hello can we treat this like text editing and just Boop oh it didn’t warn that time I’m in favor of this let’s let’s run through and do a bunch of these things

And can we command close no we cannot cut no warning save and close cut allows me to do no warning save and close sometimes it’s all about just finding a system that you can use you’ll notice I’m not doing all of the functions of it because I’m trying to bust it down

Into basic similar things I can’t really just open up all of this stuff so what we’re trying to do is do bits of it that are relevant like this cut and save and close routine so that I can more quickly be done with this part and move on to what

I’m actually trying to do which is hacking with the game rather than and simply it imported incorrectly and it tried to do a thing where it applied it to a light and this is one of those ones where you really don’t want to have it that you forgot one especially if you

You don’t want to have it that you forgot one that was a high level and you end up having somebody actually playing the game and the next thing you know they have a eye bleeding level that is hor horrible and uh they’re like well I guess that just sucked so you methodically go

Through and do all of the fixie bits as needed we’re almost done with some of that stuff look at what that looks like and our our colliders here are really weird those are some really weird colliders and see we’re skipping ones we’re skipping the ones that were less

Interesting those were already left out of the game and we kept only the ones that were cool but there were a whole range of them like 30 different possible levels and we skipped the ones that were lame or the ones that were most ugly to look at and we’ve already done this

One but we have not done this one and so back up we go to the beginning to find places where we have not dragged uh L shadow in we can see that we’ve done that one we can see that we’ve done that one we can see it because this thing is

Offset just in order to draw properly I don’t know why it shows up that way it seems weird and then we can see that it’s a a multiply mode it will render correctly in the actual game we’ve done that I think we have not done this

Yet signs point to nope so level 29 so we need Shadow 29 we drag it in and reset its transform and material invisibility I’m going to open those in opposite directions just trying to do the thing where I can have it operating quickly save and close that’s done where were we at AC

Yeah AF has not been done that’s Shadow 32 look at those little internal all the little colliders are made out of polygons and that’s showing the internal polygons in the collider clicking on that gives us the transform and again material and then visibility so that we can more easily click on

Visibility I wonder if it would work better with the Shader material I do not know we can find out nope that’s not going to be what we want this is there we’ve got this so that was what AC AF that was AF over to C actually maybe we can go

Through and do a batch of them we’ll stop at M you could use console La just as a channel strip it’s not designed to do it that way so what you will end up having is just no console functionality in the sense of expanding the mix bus and slight offsets in

Tomra and um more saturation than you would otherwise have it’s really designed to be used with both but you can I mean you can do anything you want you can run five console La channels into each other followed with ulaw if that pleases you it probably won’t it’ll probably sound

Terrible but you don’t have to only do the stuff that is correct you can do stuff that is weird or or wacky if such things please you now we’re going to edit a batch of these in a row and in with L and we’re going to resume with M okay level Shadow

3 click on it reset the transform position material visibility top level we have established that we don’t want to use a Shader material and unshaded multiply save and done this one’s Sol four I’m going to try to do this as fast as I can without screwing it

Up in hopes of being able to be finished with it and move on that said it’s stressing me out enough that my back is starting to cease up again so maybe that’s not great perhaps I will simply like I’ll keep half an eye on chat and I see that

I’ve got some people here but um I’m going to walk through this stuff and get out the other end and perhaps rather than stressing over it we’re just going to chill with it for a bit and my uh d-stress process will be worrying less about pushing to keep a line of running

Patter and instead I’ll kind of free associate and what I’m free associating about I guess is the idea of d more deeply into um gdau because of just the range of possibilities that it has including like Ben Ben Jordan was doing a video not long ago about how to

Um Ben Jordan was doing a video on how to play with new versions of music making technology and he was looking at some really experimental stuff but that’s nothing to what you could do in Gau if you got familiar with that and then started to and remembering of course if you can get

Gdo to do output at whatever your sample rate is you could do 96k I’m not sure if it’ll it probably does certainly if it’s in Core Audio it’ll do 32-bit output it won’t necessarily give you double Precision rendering for anything although you could make it I mean it’s open source

You could change it anything level six here we go top level canid material I mean I just keep enjoying GD more and more the more I know it like what it’s starting to stuff is starting to fall together where it’s like I want to figure out how to do this

Particular thing oh there it is okay and it just kind of works that’s what I like is when stuff just kind of works level seven I’ve learned enough about how this works that I figure out the ways of making it happen and then there you you go it’s

Like okay do I need a material let’s try this material is that my way of making it do a blend mode and turns out sure enough that’s exactly my way of doing a blend mode and I could write code to make this stuff wiggle around if I wanted or

Flicker I could have it be shaded I’m not sure how responding to light sources would work if it’s actually a shadow but we’ve got the shadow apparently it can make particles I have no idea what that’s supposed to mean and all of this is just part of the system and this

Is the same system that can give you like uh writing audio software or you don’t have to stick with audio you could also throw Graphics in or whatever I’ve done stuff with that sleepy circus Hypno anything that I do there I could be doing by generating that in here

Because this is a much more powerful C uh computer than a raspberry pipe which is what a Hypno runs on you just have to know how to do the particular thing how to how to render the graphics and there’s ways of learning how to do that or simply

Experimenting with it like I could take all of these graphics and make them spin around next to each other with overlay modes and stuff and it would run real fast cuz this Mac Studio is kind of a lot more powerful than a um a Raspberry

Pi kind of just it’s a little tiny bit way more powerful than that so if I want to create something and be like I would like audio visual as well as just audio please this is a super good way of doing it you will see for terribly

Long what that means is I fire up this game oh they’re in order too once I walk through this simple process of putting all of these things back and again noting that I I said you know material than visibility that’s because I do this and then I scroll

Immediately down and do stuff here if I had clicked on visibility and then material have to scroll down to material to open it no thank you no particles and it is all about kind of optimizing it’s it’s almost gamified in a way it’s almost gamified in its own

Right like the process of going through and fixing these bugs has become its own little game and it’s material first and then visibility and now that’s not reachable but I can just click that one thing scroll and immediately go to this next bit and that becomes its own little game of

Optimizing how to do this particular routine in such a way that I can get through the end of it at which point I’ll never think of it again this is just the debug process including things like setting the light mode to unshaded so it’s not subject to other lights anywhere that will

Hopefully make it all work a little bit smoother and at this point we have moved onwards to I stopped at L so now I remember we’ve got n o p s u v not W because we’ve already done it see got that up there shows we’ve already done it and then

Y and now we can just go through burn through the last ones and then play the game a little bit maybe with more well we’re going to fool around with the physics engine first but um this is kind of where it’s at so back to my grind level

13 reset transform if I forget to reset any of the transforms it’s going to look real strange um and again in the order that they must be done there’s only so fast I can go with this without stressing myself out but I think that I’ve done a pretty

Respectable job at uh it’s not blowing too many hours of this cuz here’s the deal like if it took hours it would have to take hours and I’m willing to make that sacrifice because part of it is like I’m doing a thing I want to complete doing the

Thing but uh you don’t necessarily get to skip stuff just because it’s unpleasant to do sometimes you go through and you do the thing whether or not it’s unpleasant to do cuz you’re aiming for a end result see level 15 there are still going in sequence quite nicely reset our

Transform and you know you can do so many cool things with these blend modes and things the fact that this is working the way that it is that means we can add a lot of visual sophistication to stuff it’ll go real well the only thing that I could I could

Wish is that it would be able to like deconstruct svgs on the Fly instead of making and that would be kind of they would be kind of crunch but it would make lovely Cris edges for things like for this image this line is being drawn as a vector it’s not smooth it’s it’s

Very crude but it means we can scroll in as far as we want and it’s always just a line well the deal with that is that um the visual appeal of anything like this follows all different kinds of rules and the ability to come up with something interesting to do with it

Using the techniques that are available to you that is really the heart of what makes something like that exciting and see like we’ve got our blend mode I honestly do not know what mix means in this context the oh I know it’s Alpha channel so if you have stuff with an alpha

Channel which are not going to be jpegs because jpeg won’t support an alpha Channel but uh you get to Overlay stuff using the alpha Channel and that’s that’s handy that said if you wanted to make for instance a fire you might try add and add will just

Throw light onto things and you can do add with dark colors as well like this gray here observe this gray if we do add you’re seeing some of this but it would be as if that gray was a light that means ad can be your solution

For like laser beams and things see how that’s brighter than it would otherwise be it’s making the colors underneath it luminescent it makes them light up and it makes them take on the color that you have in this overlaying thing so you could have bright colors drawn in the

End result including an alpha Channel because this this will honor an alpha Channel we’re just not using one and you can throw particles and things with these graphics and if ad lines up on top of another ad it will lighten it even further so this is your solution for

Like fire this is your solution for light based things is add and subtract is a solution for shadings although funnily enough apparently if you subtract white from something it just goes completely black so I can only assume that subtracting black doesn’t do anything so this would be more a funny sort of

Effect and you’d have to pay attention to what you were doing with it I don’t know exactly how to use that one whereas multiply rather than add multiply is the throwing Shadows onto things using the blackness in the image or it will also use it will also do

Color but it will not do color uh it will also do color but it will combine the color it will combine things as if they are pigments and stuff will combine to produce a sort of sludge whereas if you combine add it will converge to White or lighter shades of colors uh one

Minute warning on ads for people who experience those and we’ve just finished doing that one thing so we’re going to continue to move on aren’t we that said I’m happy about uh talking about why to be interested in some of these things because that’s really kind of the

Bottom line it’s a matter of why should you be interested in these things and I’m very interested in gdau and I think I’m doing a fairly decent job of explaining what’s going on with why you would be interested again this uh light mode normal unshaded light only I’m not

Really sure what you do with light only but it could be a way of supposing you have a light and it’s drawing like it’s strongest in the center and then it fades off out into the backdrop and then you have have an overlay which is a big swirling Smokey

Thing and you put it on in the light only mode then the swirly Smokey thing would stop happening outside the range where the light was happening and that could have its own cool effects it’s so many of your video game special effects are like that so many of your video game special

Effects are about thinking of ways of combining finding these relatively basic processes to make them interesting and that’s kind of the heart of the heart of doing stuff and having it be amusing and the Heart of doing a video game rather than like a record and having that have its own

Characteristic as well cuz we’re really in the same field especially as you can see how the the shape of the Shadows corresponds to the shape of these underlying things I’ve kept I’ve kept the underlying um boxes like this is this is one of our maps for how this game works and I’ve

Kept the underlying boxes relatively simple so that the game would run faster and you can see that initially I had set up so that you just got these vertical walls here and then if the timing balls bounced up so high that they bounced out of the top of it they would end up

Rolling back in that’s why this is the way that it is but now we have an enclosing box sealing it in tightly the box is part of the this is part of an overlay and the um collider is here combined with the colliders of the underlying

Box and that’s how this game is made to work work and we will save out of that quit it and then we’re very close to being finished with this process which pleases me I would like nothing better than to be done with this process and I will be

Shortly also doing it in this relentlessly repetitive way means I’m more likely to remember to do all the little settings just right it’s like making it’s like making uh plugins where I have to compile them all and I have to go through and do everything oh look at

That we’ve got big old dark shadows as if these poles are casting an enormous Shadow over anything but they’re still just little watercolors but it’s a crude way of it’s like a watercolored shadow like check that out did you ever see a light source coming from here and a watercolored

Shadow well you will if we get to this level and almost done with this part level 25 going through and fixing every single level is on the tedious side but that’s part of that’s sometimes that’s what the job is we’re today looking at uh game making rather

Than uh music making but there are many similarities honestly and now we’ll go back to tanker scene and now we can run the game and it will look the way it’s supposed to except for that thing is going to shrink away but we have our little shadow

We got plenty of time to get to the next level and let’s start fooling with our uh physics physics physics physics here we go so physics material gravity scale tanker we’ve got everything set to gravity scale of one which may be okay I wonder if I I I

Added additional features to the last one just by doing a new physics material and running with it so let’s see what happens when we do this physics material bounce absorbent we can do a resource but we don’t have one if we put in a physics material we can add some of these

Qualities and it’s an override over whatever else was happening and it seems to really be not caring about what I just did although it does fall I feel like that didn’t get me anything we’ve got friction friction was one I don’t feel like it did anything so

Let’s clear that and we’ll go back to whatever is happening here Mass distribution center of mass what happens if we do custom oh okay nothing particularly important inertia here we go so I think we had zero by default and I’ll tell you something else I believe I know what’s happening

With how this stuff works game M scene see these I think these have see Collision shape they probably have physics properties they may not they may not but got debug color we’ve got a collision shape that’s fine these may or may not have physics engine properties other than just being a thing

To collide with oh we also have a camera and we can do fun things with that too if we want like bumping things shakes the camera may or may not be relevant to what we actually want but right now it sits still and doesn’t do anything we’ll

Ignore it for now and we do have a top layer in which we have a script called timer here’s where other stuff works we’ve got score balls we’ve got warp balls this is where those score things happen and I’m pretty sure I’ve tested it to try to see what unreasonably large

Scores or whatever are here’s the thing I’d like to update tanker because what I’ve got is a thing where all of this kind of like I can cancel out all of this stuff I honestly don’t know what this does at the moment UI accept I think there was

Something to do with you win and then it lets you wait for for the next one the next level that it didn’t just instantly catapult you into the next level but I don’t remember nor do I remember what UI accept actually is here nor am I quite sure what frames

Between updates is or how that’s working but that’s fine it’s good and if remaining timing balls are larger than zero see here’s where self-apply impulse that’s a thing that is going to cause it to go in the same direction that it was already going so that’s what’s making them go

Continuously therefore if we comment this out I think we’ve also commented out all of the see now we can’t do anything apart from change the uh although there’s an additional energy that goes in here I’m not exactly sure why it’s doing that it just is we’ve got something in here somewhere that is

Applying oh high L velocity Vector 2 if we take you out do we then just sit there no it’s still starting to sneak it’s still starting to go see something’s being added there where it does not belong L velocity Vector 2 0 0 so if we took this back in

In theory we can now direct this guy around let’s find out if that’s true we’ll run it and not so much although it’s still as you can see creeping to the side which is probably part of this particular section of code ready self apply impulse so if we don’t have that then

What does it do because our gravity scale or inertia etc etc linear velocity damp is ne1 again I feel like Nega -1 is the one that causes it to start running out of control so if our tanker here our rigid body is not in fact negative 1 but is instead

Zero not Zer S I wanted to save that oh expecting something after function declaration this is giving all of them A little nudge in some Direction in theory I can simply make that be z0 a little note to myself as to what that originally was and now if we do that we ain’t

Budging and these little balls that roll around aren’t doing anything either and we did have something happen but it’s not making this move at all and game over so self angular velocity that’s probably times 1.0 minus Delta but that should be lowering the up self apply impulse this is where the velocity gets

Added see we’re not applying any impulses we’ve just determined what the impulse is going to be when it does exist and then this is what normalizes the speed so if we add this we have our physics engine and we have our little rocket ship allowing us to go up or go

To the side very quickly there’s no bounce to any of these things though I feel like there should be more in the way of Bounce also we probably don’t need to have this be as effective as it is being so let’s scale this back a little bit Factor times 0 one two okay

So Factor increases the speed and agitation of everything so that’s how it gets harder as you start having really high scores and things get more hectic so what we’re going to do is look at what happens if we have 01 instead of one two if so everything could be a lot more

Chilled but this may not be enough Mojo to get off the ground see the up isn’t doing anything that’s going to be a bit of a drawback when the purpose of it is to get off the top of the screen so let’s Crank It Up by a factor of

Four we’ll sort of be doubling it but that’s two doublings we’re assuming that we have nowhere near enough and sure enough but can we get a bump up a little bit what if everything’s bigger What If the gravity is smaller across the board causing the whole thing to look like it’s

Bigger here is our properties gravity scale if our gravity scale is 0.5 everything will fall slower and we have to apply that also to timing ball that being the only other thing that really responds to this kind of stuff so gravity scale 3.5 everything’s going to be a little more chill

Now I need to find what’s allowing that to bounce off the ground with a certain amount of uh fortitude but my guy loses all this energy as soon as he hits anything thing what’s going on there linear and angular velocity damp mode there we go that’s what it’s going to

Be so damp replace timing ball is damp replace angular uh well we do have a physics material oh here we go here we go so they need a physics material as well let’s see whether this guy has one he does not that would be why there we

Go let’s duplicate what we had and timing ball friction zero rough on Bounce 0.5 whereas this guy starts at as friction one okay not so much and were they rough or not rough off what does that even mean if false it will use the lowest friction of all colliding objects instead okay

Okay so it distinguishes which one you want yeah music you should totally try gdo it is good for you to have new thoughts and try things absorbent what does this mean see look how cool this is it is not actually showing you all of it but look you can go here and it’s

Showing you tool tips for how the physics engine works this is this is beautiful this is a neat thing friction is zero rough means it determines which thing uh you get to use um and if it is true it will use the friction of whatever this is if it is

False all the colliding options will combine their friction and use the lowest one bounce is going to determine how that works absorbent huh interesting subtracts the bounciness from the colliding objects instead of adding it huh huh so that’s going to just modify how this interacts with other things but we’re

Not really interacting with other things other than uh timing ball so we’ve got that we’ll go back to here zero absorbent uh resource is fine gravity scale is fine let’s save all of that and see how this acts now well now I am bouncing a little bit

But because we don’t have any friction we’re not rotating see and that kind of defeats the purpose of having that be like where you you could sort of Park up here and then roll down the hill and it would start the thing twirling and it would make it harder to play

Because so what we need to do is have more friction but also bounce and what we could do there is have a partial friction like 0.5 much like the bounce and same with the timing balls not that they have to care but that means that if things have

Spin it’ll start acting like a pool game the spin will apply to different stuff now it’ll act like this see we rotating we have friction we have bounce and that just made this guy grind to a halt really hardcore so that’s a very bad answer that means timing ball needs to

Be oh it’s friction against the background as well well that’s got to be it that’s got to be it angular velocity damping of zero angular velocity of tanker is going to start out as zero right right right no it’s going to be negative 1 let’s see if we have any highlights

There so by default negative 1 is going to be default so default angular damp in Project settings physics 2D now I want to specify all of these things let’s not use negative one for anything let’s make that be a zero see friction is applying to the background as well

And that’s bad mojo for this particular one because these little guys need to be a one minute warning on on that these little guys need to continue moving it’s bad if they fall to uh a stop so we could try fooling with this again and up top our physics material

We could have this have zero friction and 100% bounce and we’ll see what that does goes off the screen and it’ll just kind of go forever that way I feel like it’s may be accelerating and that’s somewhat concerning that’s said it’s doing a wonderful job of not running out of steam so there’s

That and this guy is oh the angular momentum it’s no longer spinning and there we got another one and it’s absolutely not going to resist the prospect of going to the top of the screen the other guy is just fine so what happens when we keep fooling with this friction is zero for

That huh so if we have friction for Tanker if that also ends up being zero then it no longer turns which is reasonably suitable for some of these things our bounciness is not as high as the other thing but it’s enough to get off the end and yeah we’re going to need some friction for these to have them

Work the way that we want but we probably don’t want 100% friction oh some uh something kicked in so let’s go right back and fool with this right back again let’s see what happens when we have friction of 0.1 and bounce of 0.9 kind of split the difference that

Way and timing ball could be likewise we’ll have them be the same kind of thing because 0.5 was pretty well damped my question being if if I do this and I’m soon going to do the experiment of trying very large numbers of balls in here like we can

Steer it will use the uh spin to sort of put English on things and this ball is bouncing around quite enthusiastically up there the timeing ball as we converge those features it will become more of a factor and we could also have less Effectiveness or we can just skew the uh

Controls see how we got the controls here go over to script UI up these these velocities could be manipulated better like instead of 0.4 down could be 0.2 and up could be 0.6 which will give you more of a upward momentum and it feels as if it’s doing

Stuff but we still have basically the same amount of control ability for it with a lot of wild bounciness going on it’s got to feel kind of like uh you are the ball in the Pachinko machine controlling it and we got this guy aiming upwards now meanwhile the other one falls down

So that’s perhaps not optimal and we want to keep that guy bouncing the little tiny ball needs to keep moving around or game will be over so we got to get out of the outside of this does it also do that West it does not and there’s a good reason it doesn’t

Do West because we have to type the letters to make them work okay never mind that um what else can we do can we do a blinking light on the tanker that’s the ball that’s being controlled do we even have such a light though that’s the question well we can if we add

One ADD child node hey it goes right to point light 2D let’s see what we can make happen a texture with the shape of the light must be supplied okay let’s make up a texture what do we got can we do a procedural texture gradient texture how about that apparently there’s also placeholder

Texture that’s cool gradient texture so if we quickly and immediately run this it’s going to do something extreme and there it is and that is in fact making a uh glow and it applies to all of these guys and it’s on the backdrop so there’s that and where’s our positioning in the

Transform can we make it cast a light over literally everything other than perhaps the shadow first of all can we make it be a circular gradient linear constant nope cubic nope color space Oh that’s all fine it’s interpolation can we do Phil uh okay linear radial hello Square no that’s not

Also that’s also not going to be what I have in mind H repeat a resource no no that’s not what we’re doing hello we’re starting to look a little bit more like what we’re talking about or perhaps not nope nope gr gradient is going to need to be

Reversed Phil I’m not going to be able to yes I am hello we’re going to make a light that will work and it’s probably going to be just fine and we’re going to see use HDR huh I’m not sure if that’s going to be helpful it will use uh glow

Effects I don’t think I’m going to need to do that I’m pretty sure I know what that that means interpolation linear a we don’t want constant and I don’t think we want cubic but what we do want to do is reverse these and another thing we can do

Is uh not that for starters let’s add another instance okay so we are getting somewhere .5 to hello does this need to oh there we go okay we’re getting there getting there so now when we run this we’re making a lovely bright glow on the background of that but it needs

To be a lot smaller and is it in fact affecting the shadow oh we’re so bouncy where’s the bouncy I don’t think it’s shadowing so so let’s see whether we can’t take that it’s really bright now so we can see it and hm and we’ve got this

Okay well that’s interesting get a load of that it’s some freaky stuff going on right there we are not going to want to do that if we want to step this part in to where it’s not clipping we need to move this like this and now it’s generating a glow just

Around the outside edge of that it seems to be dragging behind like a fire you know that’s probably fine that looks cool we’ll live with it and that light is nothing but a sort of continuing thing where’s our where’s the value for this though and then we’ll make a brightly glowing

Edge sure neat that way we can kind of see what’s happening a little bit more our bounciness is very distracting and yeah we can make that work we can make that work going to work on the physics a little bit later but that is going to be workable I’m trying to

Identify where in this what do we got here we’ve got oh nope that’s switching the sides and that is making detents that they will snap to interesting so if we have 10 detents make that 8 detents then we have a sort of little Halo going on

And we can determine how far the outside edge is you see now we can clearly see the outside edge so that’s not good it’s going to be halfway for not showing the outside edge but going as far out very good very good that’s what I wanted and then we’re going to to add

Another and let’s see whether maybe having the opacity manipulate does anything remembering that we can also add color here okay that that maybe is not what I had in mind and I’ll tell you why because the outside is failing to but we can fix that by manipulating the opacity of all of these

Too see we did transparency now it’ll continue doing its thing but it’s a much subtler effect and we still have that band effect in here don’t we also this is clearly not on the top it is clearly underneath everything else so inspector might show me node 2D transform canvas item okay we’re going

We’re going visibility top level can we render this literally on the top of everything well with the argument that we’re not actually showing it anymore but we can fix that by we just did the opacity and now we are deciding that that thing that we did with the opacity

Was Dumb and we’re not going to do it so opacity back to full crank which is done like this oh it was 28 that’s weird no it’s going to be 255 isn’t it and then we’re probably going to just straight up delete it and then 255 now when we do

It it still doesn’t look like anything because setting it to oh no it just stayed there it isn’t moving now interesting interesting we set it to top level and now it’s literally fixed it’s not even budging but see pointl 2D is at top level but we can move

It it’s it’s at such top level we’ve told it to do that uh using the texture and it’s it’s there on the top level we’ve got all of this stuff going on that’s fine we got light 2D blend mode oh let’s crank up the energy see what it

Does okay that just made it Extreme so we might want to chill it out here but we did need a texture to apply so one back to normal range Shadow enabled no lights don’t throw Shadows transform here’s where see canvas visibility top level so its draw order will also be made to draw on top of things that don’t

Have top level set to true that’s what we want it’ll act like that but we have to update its transform that’s why it’s doing what it’s doing so we got tanker here we’ve got this we’ll be able to turn it on and off depending upon what we need to do in the

Game it’s more or less doing what we want and I can tune the look in later and this is making me want to make another cup of coffee cuz this is where this stuff gets exciting uh I’m going to make the gdau thing that I was talking about and put

It on the the uh title page of the video later because at this stage I’m not enthusiastic about running off and doing something else this is too fun we we got our movement our movement is okay we got some Physics engine stuff to do but we want to make Point light 2D

Work so what we’re going to do is directly update Point let 2D with tanker every time it moves fact we could do batches of it to cause a sort of glowing streak effect the question is how worth it that would be because I’m not sure and I think this may also overlay

On top of sprite 2D itself and that might be that might be good so there’s our continuing onwards oh hang on I got to deal with my uh wood stove I got so excited that I forgot to maintain the wood stove we’re going to keep this going by gosh we ain’t freezing today

Uh that is not a thing that gets to happen freezing while working on a gdau game no sir it’s going to stay warm in here just a bit okay either that’s going to catch or it’s going to uh dwindle out but it’s there’s there’s glowing coals in there and it’s

Still kind of warm so I think it’s probably going to catch if not I’m going to have to attend to that later where were we at I very suspicious that this is not going to catch fire properly I see smoke in there but I don’t want it to

Just fill in the chimney with smoke and make charcoal for the rest of the day that would be very bad so just a second we’re going to deal with this and we’re going to deal with it now um boy do I have this dark gosh and we’re not focusing pray well are

We I will totes worry about that later this is what needs to be on Fire come on you got like egg carton materials in here and my trusty lighter you are not just going to sit there smoldering we’re going to have a functioning fire in here off you go there that wasn’t so

Hard it’s definitely warm enough to like take it from there very good back to this delightful craziness I don’t know how long I had that out of place uh 45 second warning on people who want who see ads so we were making this work this glowing part is where this dot started

Somehow and it’s placement on the screen needs to be the same as the placement of this a so for every given one of these they will have their own Point light 2D right now I think they’re all literally at the same place it’s just at this default spot so that needs to be

Updated So after this bit we go and find dollar sign Point light 2D I don’t think you get to do transform just like that I don’t think that works I think I can do something like position though see it will let me skip around here see we got transform angular

Velocity none of that matters to a light but these do appear to be things that have to do with this and so we’re looking for position I think that’s going to be the one it’s not perfectly in alphabetical order which seems a little weird let’s type P boom boom there we go

Oh hello you don’t work do you interesting self transform what self-apply impulse self ah self position very good very good I don’t have to actually refer to transform there do I have to refer to it for the other one I don’t know but but we’re referring to self-position Y and self-position

X well firstly let’s see if that even works maybe it already Works nope invalid set index position on base transform to D with value of type so the question is what does it want me to use CU self position is Vector two well we could see whether is it offering us anymore oh

Maybe it doesn’t maybe self transform let’s see if this is still an error nope didn’t like it didn’t like it one bit so I guess Point light 2D maybe I shouldn’t be going through transform at all Bingo got there see it’s moving now and it’s being assigned to the

Correct thing so we can make every single one of these illuminate with its own little glowing light and that’s exactly what we’re going to try to do I wish I could put a curve on the gradient I’ll tell you that I wish I could put a curve on the gradient it

Would look much better if I could now let’s see whether we can directly assign position that would be cool if so this just became really direct and easy and simple and got there so we now have luminous halo around our guy plus it’s actually not it’s it’s drawing on the background but

It’s not drawing on the dot in question well let’s start off by fiddling with some of these bits Point let 2D all of that is absolutely fine but we want to make this I wonder if it will do anything amusing if I tell it to do that does this look any

Different let’s quickly throw in a crazy thing so in the up here’s globals so look at the glowing view of oh what oh these are taking a lot longer to get started now are they we have a limited number of flights there’s only so many which is okay cuz we didn’t want it

To be all of them but boy yeah this sure isn’t all of the lights is it and game over so that was amusing but it didn’t actually do anything helpful other than show me that not all the lights are showing and that’s interesting in its own right ball tanker this is associated

With the basic ones it’s part of each instance but there’s only so many of them I wanted to see whether lots of them would overlap and make a really bright color that is not what we saw but it’s all fine here we have a 256 version let’s see how much bigger

That is okay that’s quite a bit bigger globals apparently are not able to open this is scenes not other factors so if we start off at four we can see how they overlap and that will be fine we just have a limited number of these but we

Were only going to use a limited number of them because some of them will be shut off and let’s Implement that right now and maybe we’ll move this down to the bottom because I have another idea for what I want to do with it after this point we have it being

Controlled this is the bit that made them all go in continuous Direction so we’re losing that and being controlled equals true so yeah I can probably just use it as a Boolean and I’m assigning so how about let’s just use it as a Boolean and now we have to have an intended section

And then we’re going to do something to the effect of enabled yeah yeah enabled is what I’m going to want oh and I have to have the colon there it’s telling me to do it so now oh and if being controlled true otherwise we need this to be false if this works

Oh it only turns on when the is actually see I’m going to kind of want that to be appropriately lit for when it’s the one that you control even if you’re not doing anything to it I don’t necessarily want it to just shut off oh and game over can no longer control

Here we go here’s another if statement this is causing the the light to flash on it so if I find this Boolean statement instead control key dot dot controlled this will tell us whether oh and oh and we need that this whole thing can be included inside this

This is the part that flashes the one that’s engaged and then this is the part that sets it back to a default and so all of this can live inside here just like this Boop and likewise now if we do the same thing it stays illuminated until we switch to another

One and then the spotlight is on that one and how are we at Illuminating like the the little ball there it’s a little hard to get to them but that’s fine yeah it’s only eliminating the backdrops though but up and game over let’s play with that gradient shall we

Actually if i z it over there and it’s definitely going to be yeah see it’s still kind of on the bright side but we can adjust that too b c and d and sure enough and so now all we got to do is sort of tame it or since it is already

Flashing since it is already flashing let’s animate it has that let’s animated it along with the flashing of the letter while keeping an eye on the wood stove and hoping it still goes how shall we do that we don’t need this open any longer probably don’t need to update the position

Either so we’ll just make sure it’s off if not in use and that should be absolutely fine this is the one that modulates so we need to also modulate the uh Point light color or the point light something let’s let’s find what we can do we’ve got it

Selected and it is here and we’ve got it filled with a radial fill I’m not entirely happy with this gradient but if I put anything else in the gradient it will create a kind of like if I put anything in this gradient what’s going to happen is I’ll have

Banding so I don’t really have many options as far as that’s concerned all I can really do is well I can scooch it around a little bit like this but then we’re going to have an edge to it or not or maybe not I don’t actually see an edge to

That let’s see how close we can get to visibly touching this Edge before there’s an obvious Edge to it not bad okay and it doesn’t need to be full bright so there’s that again mode linear I think Cub what I want is inverse cubic but what I oh hang on hang

On okay I stand corrected cubic is in fact the one that I want although I’m a little concerned with the the edges at this gradient but it’s fine now what can we do in this point light 2D that will cause it to flash or glow or something this stuff isn’t going to

Relate like Phil is not going to be what I care to worry about or is it let’s see what happens nope no we don’t like that that’s not helpful at all or at least you could do stuff with it but I don’t think it would be useful that stuff is basically fine the

Way it is texture scale huh what happens when we do that high texture scale oh God yikes okay not so much oh interesting what if that was what we did texture scale 0.01 and there’s no glow point like 2D texture scale equals L all righty what’s this going to

Do it doesn’t like it it doesn’t like like it now is that because I have the wrong thing or is it because I’m using the wrong type of value uh over to this over to this oh texture uncore scale a is that what’s going to do it let’s have a gander and find

Out all righty okay it sure is icatching we’ve got a strobe going on here look at that that strobe light is showing up real good although it is not rendering on top of the Shadow and I’m not sure if there’s a way to make it render on top of the Shadow

Even though they are both on the top also the flash is awfully fast well we’ve also got Point light 2D which probably inherits this so what happens if we have energy and it will show me the correct B There we go larger the value the stronger the

Light that should do about the same thing I don’t know though I think I like it better I think the way this is flashing looks better it’s still a little bit exaggerated I’m not sure if it needs to take up that much space I think it could

Be smaller that will mean tanker Point lights 2D and up here and we are going to modulate the width and height if it was 64 pixels it would look like this and not even begin to show up so that’s no good how about 128 oh I didn’t do all of it clearly

It has failed to establish one of them but you can still see it and I think I can modulate this in a useful way but for the moment let’s just just make sure that width and height are both working and let’s skip the HDR I don’t think I’m

Really using that in this how we doing I think the light is happier when it is a uh and it doesn’t need to go all the way up to the full brightness I think but that said this is a darn good way of applying that at least until the game is

Over so Point light energy equals that if I make this a lesser power then it will tend to be lit more visibly and I think that’s actually kind of working punt we’re definitely going to need to work on the physics definitely going to need to work on the

Physics but I’m reasonably happy with the look of this light even though I have a fairly limited color palette here to work with and I’m also pleased with the way that the inde no and we’re over top layer frames between updates huh it’s not in globals game M there’s are segments controlled shif

Itude just kind of having a gander at what’s going on in here uh so where was it getting that anyway dot dot which goes back a frame oh I see you top layer timer GD it’s coming from here so frames between updates is controllable or no it’s actually just being Moved if it’s less than zero it is blinking to 0.25 immediately so what’s happening here is this is doing stuff that is only happening some of the time this is as fast as it’s running it’s a float oh we got a bunch of other stuff going on in here

Too so frames between update starts out here we’ve got these which are just the controls for things they could be made to be something other than balls but I’m still using all the same graphics for everything as you can see these warp balls are what make the game over thing

Happen and it drops into place or not physics process Delta is doing this stuff so every blink is when it checks some of these things so if get nodes in group tanker size is less than one meaning that all of the balls that are controllable have gone off the screen

Off the top that’s after the next blink that is when it goes to the next thing otherwise uh if it’s if the size is less than one otherwise if the timing ball is less than one it’s game over otherwise update the warp balls meaning put up the score I guess is how that

Works or update the score balls so what that also means is that we can manipulate how this works by making it run thousand times slower which will do this we got this guy moving around actually we’ve got four of them and it is very very slowly going to start lighting up and glowing

May think arguably this is too slowly I don’t need it to be as Extreme as that I think it was 10,000 so 100 times as fast as that and it flashes into this Bright Light which means that the a disappears for a moment and then back down it goes to

Dimness and then it’s going to flash into the bright light meanwhile these guys are shrinking away but we nope I guess it uh I guess it just maybe that was right when it was about to flash any who this is how we can manipulate the speed of flashiness and so therefore it

Was going flash flash flash flash flash really fast and we maybe want to dial that back but not as much as this boom also I wouldn’t mind making that line fade out when it does this it makes the a go away and that’s all cool and stuff but

Uh maybe I Me Maybe the a needs to not go completely invisible I thought for a second it was turning to White font but it is apparently not if we run it at this see that has a fairly appealing look to it I just don’t want that to go as dark as it

Is so override font color it’s like font color is being drawn as uh this should give me gray instead of stark white because white is not registering white is drawing as if it is just the background color I’m not entirely enthusiastic with how the uh outline is still extremely

Bright it makes it look as if the light is coming from underneath it rather than on top of it and I’m not entirely enthusiastic about that if it was going to do that I don’t need to assign it to top the whole idea of sending it to top was to make it

Draw over the lines over the Shadows over literally everything and it is not willing to do that for me so let’s investigate that then visibility top level we are not willing to show behind could be interesting what does that do it doesn’t do anything useful I wanted to be drawing over the parent

Ordering okay okay now we’re now we’re talking Z as relative relative to what is in it but zindex is what draws on top of what so in theory we will be able to make this light which is part of the the root level and is not actually

Um drawing with the thing it’s drawing overlaid on top of everything else we should be able to make it drop on draw on top of absolutely everything so ordering Z index if we make it Z index of -10 are we drawing on top of things

Yet I want to draw on top of that shadow for instance and it’s not letting me do it what the index is the top level ordering is the index zero relative to what relative to the basic scene what have we got instructionally higher as okay so it’s not higher as the index

Oh it only affects drawing order must be between items Z men and item Z Max I don’t really know what those are though well back to tanker scene so Z index of -10 was not useful the index of 10 does that draw on top of everything sure doesn’t look like it’s

Drawing on top of the outline and it sure doesn’t look like it’s drawing on top of the Shadow I wanted to be able to make this Shadow go away but it’s not doing a good job of it so if we are not on top level I’m thinking it’s no if we’re not

On top level we’re not getting anything right now and that may be because of our updating thing where we’re updating position let’s see if we can’t get rid of that one and now it’s moving around with it now it’s fine that said we’re still not drawing over the

Shadow but I may be able to fiddle with that by assigning things so see how it’s got visibility layer and light mask maybe I can use a light mask to manipulate that I do not know but since Z is relative and Z index is relative to what is in

Here then I may render it’s the drawing order right so I may be wanting to render this in front of others so Z index higher would render it in front of others if the Min and Max are correct and I’m trying to render it in front of that

Outline but we’re not seeing a lot of uh success with it let’s make it flash a lot slower so that we can really study the phenomenon this going lighter doesn’t actually matter do we have Z index issues here this should be H we drew it as negative 1 and now

These guys don’t have a border anymore if we draw it as one then they draw in front of everything so what we need to do is get an order going on so let’s get these guys in order if we move this I think we can also order them this way invalid node

Path what’s that even about well we could just start manipulating the opacity of that like we’re manipulating the opacity of the font that would probably work just fine what I’m really shooting for is oh but this is these should be in order on top of each other honestly like move over

Here move on top of the dot flare in theory now this should be drawing over everything but it’s not necessarily going to cuz it’s a light so it’s not simply replacing it is Illuminating meaning that we are changing the color of the backdrop in an interesting and useful

Way but we’re not getting everything working just right however however and we don’t need to manipulate this because we are no longer drawing on top level wasn’t actually helping I’m thinking we’re going to do this all a different way firstly we don’t need to move these guys

Around but we do need to alter Sprites opacity so Sprite 2D but it won’t have an energy it will have another quality such as uh I don’t know visibility texture oh I know maybe material nope doesn’t have a material how does this thing even render what’s going on don’t I have an opacity

Factor for this surely and it seems to be quite happy to be told that it has energy that makes absolutely no sense at all well if we tell it to be modulate black oh it didn’t it didn’t like that after all I think that has to be a Color I don’t think it’s scale we’re going to want because we don’t necessarily want it to be Pulsating but but maybe it could be so here’s the thing you notice how that outline is there well if the outline shrinks just the tiniest tiniest amount what’s going to happen and the outline shrinking for just that one is it will become dimmer because it will be a thinner a thinner black

Area so let’s put that right back and ignore the rest of this stuff and scale which is an X and A Y so I need to have both of those things and that should work and it will now Flash and look bad but it will do a thing and sure enough so full

Brightness is the full width and as it contracts so we’re like subtracting so instead of L times 2 it’s more like 2 minus lck except for it’s going to be a smaller value of lck but still if we do two two that’s what we’ve already got

So and we might as well tell it that these are going to be floats by putting the decimal point in there yeah it should be similar Now so we want to make a contract much less than this but I think this is roughly the right idea we are putting another slope on things but we’re probably going to still want to chop that down more see it’s happening only just at the very

Beginning but we still want to make it a whole bunch smaller so more parentheses more Calculations let’s just have that be a power of two which we can yeah we’re just scaling it down aren’t we so simple math equation of and we’ll scale that up as we go as much as needed there we go see that it’s blinking out a one minute warning on ads and as it

Flashes it’s just a ball of light for a second and then it sort of comes back to size so so we want that to be way way smaller let’s dial it back to one 0.1 rather now let’s see if we can make the letter behave differently too

Oh that letter can dim a little bit more than it is and her scaly back can go back more than it is so scale can go from 0.1 to 0.2 and that’ll do a little bit more all these effects have been scaled back a little bit too much and then let’s get back

To the speed of our uh original flashing oh no letter needs to be blanking out more than that it makes it look like it’s not doing anything these are all very simple little mechanical things they’re just sort of on a a bit by bit basis and there we go that seems

Good it feels as if there’s a light flashing there like it makes it look as though wow that’s something that’s really going on there’s a physical thing that’s happening my problem is that we are not able to do it through the shadows and it really needs to light up

The Shadows a lot more than it is so Sprite 2D light mask pointl 2D here we go so this should tell us a little more about this layers in which this responds to light 2D nodes well this is in fact a light 2D node so let’s enable Layer Two as well

As layer one if we don’t enable layer one well hang on a second I didn’t think that was going to do anything when I had shut the light mask off oh visibility layer and then visibility layer the Viewpoint will render it if all of its parents share a layer with this canvas call

Mask so light mask it’s the layers in which this response to light Tod nodes so the to D which this is well hang on okay range item call mask okay item call mask only objects will be affected by the Light Tod I would like to affect that shadow

Layer I’ve got it on the background the question is whether I can make it be affected by it that’s in Layer Two now I’m pretty happy with how this is although it’s a little bit broader than I really wanted it but that’s that’s fine we’ll live with

It but we’re not affecting that shadow yet see we’re behind the shadow we’re not lighting up the shadow that’s not how this should go if we do find a fix we’re going to have to do it for every single one of these but like worth it so here we are L Shadow and

Level and texture wck so this is affected by the canvas item its ordering is z uh it’s visible light mask invisibility layer Shadow however light mask invisibility layer but can we make it effect By the Light Signs point to no that does not look like it’s being affected by the Light

And we do have multiple lights so that’s a bit of a drag however we could get kind of funky so my challenge here is we have multiple possible controllable items it’s not just only the one I could however make one to just kind of run with it and when things get busy

Enough I’m going to want more logs in the fire and I want another cup of coffee we’re thinking about taking one of these lights and assigning it to literally on the level having a light on L Shadow chasing it around and Illuminating it the challenge there is how do we know

What level we’re operating on so we’ll hang on so this is top level doing light mask didn’t actually help so I’m going to go and put that back now just as soon as I go to tanker scene very good so item call mask did nothing light mask did nothing visibility layer blah blah

Blah um we need to make one of these that draws on the background on top of that shadow that shadow is a white area so if we draw white on top of it it will fade it at exactly the right place and that’ll be pretty much perfect that’ll

Be exactly what we wanted but we don’t have that going right at the moment and I had a bunch of things I needed to do so for now we’re going to bounce over to selfcare another cup of coffee another L for the fire all that kind of

Stuff this is how you know it’s going well though you know it’s going well when the hacking on the thing is so distracting that everything else starts getting forgotten it’s irritating no doubt of that but it’s also encouraging and this is probably fresh enough that it will start up without me

Having to start it I’m just giving it the stink eye now going Catch Fire damn it with that amount of glowing it’s probably going to yep got there come on you come on you you can do it there we go oh I forgot to put the hourglass on hang

On we know what we’re doing and what we are doing for now is grabbing another cup of coffee which is probably the last one I can make for the day and we are going to make the uh background Shadow Get modulated By the Light that is part of the uh moving guy in

There we are going to make one that works for For sh here we go honestly this is pretty exciting I didn’t realize that this was going to be as engaging I mean this is just an old game that I had started porting it to a gdau and all of a sudden there is just a flood of ideas and

Things to try to do and uh hacking away and the new version of gdau is better at both showing you what you could possibly do and I haven’t even gotten into doing it with uh C that’s going to come I’m still sort of trundling along in GD

Script but uh so many of these aspects of it um are related to the the the engine the guts of the engine and it’s doing a better job of telegraphing what you can do how you can do it than it’s ever done before so I’m really quite enthusiastic about

That so let’s see oh hello visibility top level on that’s not the same setting as what was there before interesting in fact oh no wait this is exactly the same one as I had Before well one thing at a time making a cup of coffee and I’ll come back with it For for for for for for wow did I like put the thing on and like literally not flip it I can’t believe that I’ve been absent for a full 10 minutes that can’t be true yep well uh that’s the that’s the icon that’s the timer icon is wait for thing to happen

So here we are back in gdau or actually the stream never left gdau but I did I went and got a cup of coffee we’re not going to be drinking any more cups of coffee Beyond this one but it’s a good cup of coffee the fire is working

Again I had gotten so caught up in this that it went out and we’re looking at a bunch of code for the purpose of taking this flashing thing and we have done the visual things to make it look as if that is a bright flash in fact we can definitely push the

The brightness of this it looks like the a is unaffected which is not supposed to be the case that a there is supposed to look like oh and game over like it is flashing so color override we’ll take it all the way up to 0.6 and that is going to have this and

We’re going to in this is altering the Curve for how it’s working I’m a little puzzled by how it’s times 4 but increasing the power function should increase the intensity of Its Behavior also while I’m at it as long as we’re rapidly fiddling with things we’re going to rapidly fiddle with this

Texture gradient we’re going to move this back because I wasn’t entirely happy with how the center of that felt like it was a solid color we don’t want that we want the center of it to look like it’s more of a taper in fact I can also manipulate that

But at the cost of making a banding effect although we could throw in multiple like what I’d like to see how it says either cubic or linear I think maybe cubic is actually the wrong effect cuz cubic see it’s it looks like a sphere it needs to be inverse cubic so I

Do actually want linear rather than cubic that should look more like I don’t know the top of a cone and fall away to Blackness more effectively whereas if you make it to be cubic then it seems to be rounding off and falling off more rapidly that’s the opposite of what I

Want so back to linear back to this and we’re trying to make it black out that shadow which is a handdrawn watercolor Shadow and let’s fiddle with the gradient a little bit again just expanding it outwards so that we have a brighter flash closer to the edge of the

Guy but without actually being a circle okay so that’s cool and so what I’m going to do is fiddle with the gradient again let’s put a middle point and then let’s darken that actually hang on no let’s do it like this to a middle point and darken that just a bit

Then do another Middle Point darken that do another Middle Point darken that by roughly the same amount each time do another Middle Point darken that and we’re going to hopefully not have too much bending just because we are so aggressively tapering it and how did that go

That looks like a light flash to me I am satisfied with how that one ran it really does look like there’s a light in there flashing on it although now the edge is too obvious so I need to fiddle with that as well Sprite to the scale let’s see if taking it to

0.25 oops is going to be any good oh yeah that looks a lot like it’s a blinding Flash and yet it doesn’t actually hit you but if you look away from it for a second it really registers as yeah that’s a strobe sometimes it hits more than others oh game

Over but uh that visual is working nicely now let’s see how we can draw on some other lighting plane so here’s what we’re doing and it’s not actually game map that we’re going to be drawing on it’s going to be one of the levels segment

W so we can throw that away for the moment and here we are so this is the bit that we want to draw on top of now if we set that to oh no we’ve got it set to top level if we don’t have it at the top level it doesn’t

Draw also we got a funny line here for some reason oh I see why has to do with this being there that’s weird and I don’t know what’s causing it but so not necessarily top level it is visible and manipulating our Z index is enough to make it be on top or

Not so Z index of two not relative oh interesting interesting it’s no longer lining up right not even slightly the shadow is supposed to be here interesting so top level is what is making it draw in the correct Place only then will it work so here’s the

Question if we’re not drawing out on top level and then we reposition it to be in not the correct space but we’ll move it until it’s roughly in the right space and see if that helps it is visible it zindex is not1 level 23 is apparently at level

Zero so if we have it at this things are rendering the way they’re supposed to but is this drawing up no we’re over the top of that now this is supposed to be shading these but not that little light it’s not actually doing that correctly so can we manipulate like literally the

Whole Z index of everything everywhere Z as relative is off for the shadow ordering z0 Z as relative is off so that can be zero and then we have the little guys being one and then the shadow two and then the light three will that work first of all will it work like

This SS 2 we got there kind of background zero guys are clearly at one and then the light is not yet at two and we need to adjust the positions of these better but back to tanker what does this now look like what’s our visibility ordering Z is zero no Z is one

Collision shapee 2D does not matter ordering zs1 do flare ordering Z is one point light to D ordering Z rather than being one that is now two and it is not relative nor nor is that nor is that what’s this uh it doesn’t change the input okay

I don’t care I want the drawing order to be thus and so now what have we got we are not successfully drawing underneath the Shadow or we’re not making the light draw over the the shadow everything is still registering under the shadow layer that is not

Awesome that is not great let’s see what else we can do with this mess if I tell Point light 2D to be top level it will be showing there and I don’t actually have anything else as top level so how did we manipulate that last time cuz this might be our

Answer uh script for you please Point 2D enabled yeah everything when everything is top level it no longer relates to anything else got to separately do it so let’s see and was that all we needed it was all we needed does this now work no it does not what the

Hey we’ve got this on top level why is it not drawing over this other stuff it’s drawing it’s like it’s able to draw over the background and it’s not able to draw over the shadow even though the shadow well or is it I am disappoint what even is the deal let’s duplicate you

You are no longer let’s see where’s my this could still work we’re just getting real messy two lights ah two they both follow the same instructions they both exist in this context they are duplicates meaning if I edit them I have to edit them both together which is pain but never

Mind okay so for starters this should just start out as being excruciatingly bright and we’ve got one that is is following and one that is not so we stretch I think the struggle with this is what is causing me to cringe and wise uh item call

Mask I really want to draw this on top of that other thing boy do I ever I can always just add them to all of those levels just have one light that comes through and interferes with the other thing and I do not really want to do

That because I want to do it from here if I can really want to do it from here if I can so I need to work on these in the inspector this needs to there we go not be top level and the other one was top level and I

Can’t find where that set anymore but let’s see whether it now just works I’m going to say that’s a yes because that’s a very bright flash but we want to assign one of these not to this canvas although it looks kind of cool it looks kind of cool

But not enthusiastic about that part we now need to apply that other flash only to what’s in here Shadow not enabled this light is enabled energy and everything about it is being modulated just the way it should be texture there are some details we can get into later but invisibility visible top

Level so here’s the thing the rendering layers in which it responds to can light 2D nodes well are we in fact if we run a light 2D node on this layer producing its Graphics overlaying on it does that that mean that light is going to apply to the shadow layer apparently

Not apparently it is not going to apply to the shadow layer therefore this stuff none of it actually matters because at no point are we actually able to add to a layer that we’re not on so H so being on top level means nothing nothing nothing to it because we’re not

Drawing it doesn’t see any of the stuff under it in the rendering layer all it’s able to do it it’s like imagine if you will and I think I can do this or no wait I’m going to need to go here won’t I uh segment w

Imagine if you will if we’ve got this so we’re trying to draw on that but our game the layer that we’re doing these moving guys on looks like this so we can draw that flash all we want but it will do nothing nothing in fact this flash is doing literally

Nothing because we can draw this stuff but some of the like overlays and additive so on or whatever only work against another backdrop and we’re not getting to see any of the backdrop we’re trying to draw on this layer here but in this by the same token we’re

Not getting to draw a flash on top of that or anything else and the bit that we are able to draw onp top of it’s able to draw on top of this but it’s not able to draw on top of anything else also we it feels like I feel like it’s not

Registering everything that I want it to be registering like are we actually not able to get this near this dark or black area and can we not do a ad mode on top of the black is it only doing the ad mode on top of stuff that’s not black or is

It like is that affecting the black or is it being blocked off by like the collider or something that’s my question let’s find some areas where it’s darker like going up here it sure is able to affect that but as we get closer to these darker Shades The Flash doesn’t seem to be

Doing as much maybe that’s why it’s not having its effect so back into the breach real quick we should be using add mode we’ve got a material that’s empty we’re inheriting the filter Point light 2D is a light that’s being applied using a texture texture scale is like thus and

So blend mode okay so what can we get with say mix what happens there oh I see so add mode lights it up but mix strictly overlays everything about this including this black square but something about it like let see some of the other options so if we do subtract

Then nothing happens at all but what if we get close to the black areas these things are going to die it’s actually shaping up to be a bit of a difficult game so there’s that oh here’s a thought Here’s a thought check this out let’s see what we

Can do with this we’ve got mix but we’re we’re not this isn’t a graphic it could be a graphic but it’s not it’s not a graphic it’s a gradient and the gradient has the capacity to do alpha that said I’m going to totally have to strip out

All of these again but if I do that let’s see what we get we’re doing a gradient from here to here but we can do a gradient from there to transparent and we can even trim the color too for that matter but for now this is now a transparency gradient

Meaning that we can layer it in mix let’s see what happens with this uh still got some issues that looks like more black than I really need to be there what’s going on so it’s 255 255 and so on and this is supposed to be white with a a packet of black

Underneath it so what’s going on why am I getting black out of this gradient that’s completely transparent that seems fine late 2D the color seems fine although energy is having its effect blend mode equals mix what happens if we do blend mode equals subtract we got

Nothing if we go back to blend mode equaling add I’m pretty sure we’re not going to have like yep we can see that that’s just fine but it’s not doing anything let’s shut off this extraneous one while we’re at it were we working with that

One or oh we have two we have two so one of them still black that’s what it is so this is the one that has a trans spency the other one is still there and is still set up to be black so blend mode for mix with this which now has

Transparency no use of this other point light and that’s absolutely not what I had in mind interesting interesting we’ve got like a black light hey it’s very day glow guzzling the coffee as I try to figure out this nonsense so interesting interesting interesting and this one is the one that

Set to top level I have made it update and it is that doesn’t matter and it is set to add blend mode so if we have only this one this one works as before but we actually can’t see our shadow anymore because we fiddled with it

So let’s turn our shadow on and then maybe we can see what the heck we’re trying to do that’s the previous Behavior back to tanker we can close this up no we just randomly made a there we go sometimes it feels like the manipulation of the controls are a little

Tricky over to the point light two which is now in mixed blend mode with transparency here’s the transparency this is supposed to generate transparency rather than Darkness underneath we’ll see whether using HDR does anything and we we’re drawing in Black although we are drawing in Black

In such a way where it feels like it is combining with the Shadow and that’s at least a positive thing then if we I don’t think HDR is going to change a dank thing there fill is unhelpful light Tod blend mode again subtract oh now we can really see it affecting things

There subtract is doing this particular kind of flash that’s cool I guess an add should give us our normal behavior but we were not having it successfully illuminate this Shadow and it’s still not we are not adding to this Shadow hey fomas I’m doing like heavy gdau engine which is neat in

Its own way but it’s also it’s it’s stressing me out enough that I’m tensing up like crazy that said this is along the lines of interesting stuff to do so I feel enthusiastic about it anyway it’s a little bit like coding plugins on stream except for that it’s coding a video game on

Stream so here’s the one that is not rendering on top process is not where we get that ordering I think is where we no visibility yeah visibility is where we get that so if I go to the visibility of this it’s depicting as top level and we

Have code in here for dealing with that I think we can also revert this revert the transform and then if we run this again yep the shadow was drawn in the right place but we can’t make it go away with this this flashing light and that’s

What I’m shooting to do so the next stage having reverted that is we do a different thing here and and the uh well thank you I I try to keep people up to speed especially when there’s not lots and lots and lots of people watching but uh see where we’re at okay

So we need to basically take this away and remake it here so how we going to do that we are going to uh we can leave it like that ordering is fine the way it is I’m going to want to copy that and paste it in the

Hopes that I can make it apply to what I want to make it apply to it is not set to top level so right now what we’ve got Actually I don’t even need to worry about that let’s do it like this we’ll delete that and then we will literally duplicate it or actually

No no don’t even need to bother let’s literally copy it and go over to here and literally paste it on the end if that works and we can drag this over so that it only applies as a child of El Shadow now this will not

Move but we may have nope nope NOP no nope some of this stuff is going to need to move to where it belongs isn’t it I need to make it Point O or do I can I go to the root level because here’s the thing this is

Going to die if I make it be Associated to Any Given um level that uh like I feel like we’re drawing we have the the root which is where the big colliders are then we have the level and that changes and swaps out then we have these guys that are moving around and

Then I need to make another one that corresponds to any level that I happen to be on but is able to move around and draw on top of the other stuff so let’s take a moment just for the moment and have a quick look at game map

Scene this doesn’t have anything on it yet yet that is top layer camera 2D is a attached to this and then we’ve got borders but this is kind of like what we’re talking about when it says like please draw this on top layer so let’s see whether this actually

Works the script on it is timer camer 2D is stationary if we place our Point light there and maybe move it around a little bit but we might be able to see it there and we’ve got it set up just the way that it was before and we got to go to

Here and take that back away again this is still not going to work because we’re still addressing a thing in the main one where that doesn’t apply but we can temporarily take that out of there in which case this should run there we go see this flashing

One is part of the root thing that other one is part of the camera so that should draw on top of literally everything else in the scene and we should be able to see that by drawing it under oh no we died we’re going to attend to that

Too we should be able to make it kind of hard to see this guy if it is really being drawn over all this other stuff stuff although I don’t know I feel like it’s not drawing on top of these so over to game map over to 2D top

Layer do we have visibility yes we do visible on top level that’s on so children of this should also be on top level does it still draw it does everything’s bouncing now what made that happen I feel like that’s not actually drawing on top of literally everything though Punt do I need to make this independently be visibility top level a let’s see whether we can make that work all this should be top level I mean it’s literally called top layer I don’t know what the deal is like did I simply call that top layer and then have Z index no

Or okay we’re still trying to figure all this out where have we got to well one thing we’ve got is that all these guys bounce now on Startup that’s weird and we are not able to make that add apply to to these things so let’s back out some of the changes we

Made visible on ordering Z as relative however we took some of these things away so let’s revert these to literally how everything else was oh that’s a collision shape that doesn’t have rendering at all C has relative and zero then these things are being drawn in order of what is on the

Screen so it’ll draw them sort of top down and this should still look basically right but we’re still having trouble drawing any of that stuff on top of this and maybe that’s just because it’s being drawn as ad rather than drawn as something else this has freaking me out the way

That I can draw ad on top of the background but I can’t draw ad on top of something else also part of the background that feels really weird to me game map Point light 2D enabled blend mode mix and we do have this with our texture being come on show me the

Texture that is against transparency oh interesting all of a sudden we’re not drawing at all it was it was right there it was there in the middle and now it’s not so why are you not drawing is it because you’re using HDR is it because we haven’t told it to

Be visible on top level what if we show behind nope mix mode is maybe not happy times for it add mode again okay add mode we can get it to draw and I know I can make it chase this other one because this is a fixed drawing place but I can’t get it

To obscure everything else on the screen which is what I’m I need to be able to do that if I’m going to be able to draw over although although maybe this one being part of the camera will draw over the shadow let’s find out let’s find out can we refer to game

Map node 2D top layer Point light 2D or or inde D just straight up to uh just on the same layer as top layer which has that stuff on it um it’s just a node so we don’t actually need it to be top level do we no we

Don’t in fact there’s nothing to see about it I don’t think we can even do ordering on the camera uh that didn’t work here’s how we do this there now if we’re lucky that draws on top of things and it did but it sure didn’t draw on top of

The Shadow did it what is the deal with this is this simply the fact of is this just a out you can’t do add to black is that what this is about and then if we do mix you can’t see it at all if you do subtract you do in fact

Make a black shadow that could be useful in other ways but it’s not useful for me right now however I’ve got this placed permanently onto the yeah it’s fine it’s all fine um like 2D subtract energy of how about negative one nope that’s not a thing you can’t invert it that

Way can we make a shadow that is h no that’s not going to be that’s not that’s not a thing that’s not a thing at all not for this response to light to 2D nodes well this is in fact a light 2D node we’re just not happy with what it’s doing so

Visibility layer let’s make everything about this be visibility layer to we can still see it interesting I guess the viewport is not calling this so the rendering layer in which this canvas item is rendered by few Port nodes and light mask the running layer in which it responds to light 2D

Noes there’s our ad I feel like this is strictly a thing of maybe I just better make a white texture or two overlay over this stuff maybe that’s what it has to be I don’t know that that doesn’t seem right wof well looks like we made it be a Sprite and it

Retained its texture interesting let’s see what we have now hello that’s interesting that might arguably be a useful Behavior cuz now that is showing a lightning effect that is also quite opaque I would add the question becomes if we are and this is no longer even a point light so

Let’s not have it be named this we are drawing Sprite 2D visibility light mask visibility layer can I make it draw only on particular things underneath it we can make it draw all right that’s for sure but we are having not a lot of luck add any of the other aspects of

That but but can we talk to it from here well it’s not a light so we don’t need to affect that although we will be wanting to affect the let’s let’s look into specifically updating its position so we got to go and finds that now dot dot slash not top layer but Sprite

2D now what if we got it crashed expecting a node path a how do we Implement that previously oh we have to have it in quotes that’s what there we go now are we any further yes we are and in fact this almost works okay that’s weird why is it not affecting

That the rest of it is more or less operating correctly but we we haven’t modulated the brightness of it at all though but we’re not really affecting the shadow layer as much as I would have thought however we are oh and it stop it gets left behind when the game is over

Huh it’s drawing over the background and not over the shadow what is up what is up with this one thing at a time that’s not where I need to look but this is all righty clip shoulder okay maybe not ordering how about let’s put the ordering back too and then maybe it’ll

Start behaving itself a little better we’ve put a bunch of ordering things back uh do we put back the ordering of segment w c is relative Z is relative maybe that will help let’s see looks like we’ve gone back to the very first Behavior interesting again we are trying to let’s

Let’s exaggerate this some we got a Sprite 2D or transform it’s going to be like this texture offset that’s fine we’re not actually animating visibility zindex okay so if we do tell it to be zindex of one relative to what I don’t know if we tell it to be a z index of

One it’s drawing on top all right and that looks a little bit like it’s drawing on top of the Shadow okay we’re starting to get to somewhere we’re going to stop and restart so if you have the light mask and visibility layers turned off then we don’t see it if we have a visibility layer of two we absolutely do see it if we turn a light mask on but not the visibility

Layer we don’t see it and it’s not actually a light Tod node so that’s a bit of a mood point it can respond or not as we see fit so basically it’s asking whether or not we want to render things at all but this is not helping us with the

Layering so they might as well be default settings for the layer names this almost looks like you switch these things on and off to make stuff turn off and on in the interface see now I’m wondering whether I can add a light to the Sprite have that be childhood to that so

That it moves and then we change it to a light instead of a Sprite uh where did we get that change type maybe light 2D is not actually and rename and then we can move those around we’ll see whether it’s twice as bright first of all oh God yes oh man that’s super

Bright and it’s capable of completely getting rid of the Shadow but I don’t know how I’m going to make it darken that shadow so if we shut off oh no if we shut that off then we shut both of them off that said this is scale one oh no I

Bet that it’s it’s a child so it’s going to scale with this the scale two we’ll make it twice as big and see what that that looks like oh that’s right and that is very effectively covering up this but I’m having a difficult time working on how I’m going to just

Only olude the um see now this is like a burning shining thing of Doom it is the orb and then if we don’t have the light on it it’s a burning shining thing of Doom which looks pretty much exactly the same but doesn’t have that light quality to it why are the

Segments not combining this with the shadow visibility modulate show behind top level I guess guess these are all on top level well let’s find out one in the middle I would not have done anything with so segment l so there’s our shadow it has been set to top level so visible show

Behind and we’ve got it uh with multiply blend mode so is just is this just Auto shading uh hello we are on un shaded light mode that might be significant let’s go quickly back to the one that we’re actually working with that stuff is back to normal if we take top level

Off we stop seeing that at all but if we okay so Z index if we put zindex to one it draws on top of root or if we make it be the child of this might be where we need to get with it oh no hang on perhaps

Not if we have it on top level but the child of and it drew I’m feeling like there should be a way of getting around this let’s go back to hiding that we’re going to go back to only this and we’re going to see whether we

Can’t make it so that this does do something with this Shadow because we can plainly see the shadow is overshadowing the literal light that’s supposed to illuminate it that can’t be right so segment w z index of zero it can be top level or not and it doesn’t seem to care if we

Tell it to be not top level then all of a sudden its position is terrible so that’s no good that was the light why do we even have that light there instead we’ve got all of this stuff this is going to be cumbersome if I have

To go through all of this that might be not something for a stream but having done that if I set the transform to this oh man that can’t be right what what the difference between you and you documentation for this object well texture click on that read only

That’s fine it’s supposed to be read only if I do the same with you are you also read only yeah properties so the deal here is this guy here it’s working fine except for it’s got its top Corner up at this top Corner that is all good I wonder what oh

Presets hello is this the answer that doesn’t look appropriate at all so level 23 this is change type a text direct the other one’s a Sprite what happens if I turn you to a text direct I’ll have to do that for a lot of things if I turn you to a text

Direct you didn’t work oh and it’s configuring it’s warning me about that however it moved it right over interesting so we’ve now made a Sprite and a text direct this now flashes and it is not repeat not changing the overlay mode now if I go to here it’s warning me so stringently about

This uh so we’ll order it this way we can see that it changes uh a Packy this way and making that change means that it does just line up correctly right away but I still can’t make oh hang on I lie yes I can now this draws on top of that but

All of it draws on top of that interesting so this could perhaps be a challenge so is getting keeping it moving in the face of all of this nonsense so once more into the breach then back over to here and enable these things that make it much brighter now

That’s floating around on the top of everything does this now draw over this looks like it kind of does the question is can I make it not draw over the uh the Character if I didn’t have the light would I have apart from just obscuring this guy if I didn’t have the light I am able to olude the uh the shadow but our Z index of zero so the order in which we’re drawing all of these things determines how this works this works

By it’s challenging it’s causing me to tense up something fierce so Z index I can make this be a higher Z index at which point it is is drawing this Sprite and we don’t need well let’s see what happens when we go back but this light gets drawn with the Z index

And gets moved to here and it’s not going to be following properly but we can edit a thing to make it be following properly well first of all do we have anything at all yes we do that’s a glow no question about it the question is is that a glow that will up

Hello hi look at you you are a big old glow that’s applying to the background and it is applying to some of that shadow but it’s not drawing over our moving guy interesting interesting I’m liking this result then if we do Sprite to D make that be a child of this which means

We can no longer address it correctly in our little controller but that’s fine because we can just go through and change that to light 2D and then both of those things will move around and we can still see this guy but we are affecting both the background and and the

Shadow and we’re making it all real real bright so if we shut off the light on this guy then the overall brightness is going to be somewhat less but it’s still pretty intense and we are sure enough cast casting light on that shadow especially with our additional

Sprite just like this here and if we shut off the Sprite we’re casting light just on you know something that might be fine I’m not entirely happy with how the dark areas are still showing as dark that seems wrong but I don’t know any other way that I can really get at

It other than let’s see transform one: one and where’s our transform two if I do this we’ve got our light oh sprite’s not drawing at the moment and I bet I know why ordering Z index Z is relative this light is doing its thing but this one needs to be one over I

Think at which point we’ve got oh yeah this is quite bright and we’re able to draw this over the background most intensely it’s also drawing over light Tod and that’s no good so let’s make light to dv1 see if we no that actually doesn’t look any different it’s no

Better and if we shut that off both of them shut off so turn that on and let’s see whether maybe we can make this render half visibility here the here is our texture here’s our Sprite 2D at double size we’re now going to go in and have the aacy of the white color

Go to about 128 now we’ve got a half brightness if we make this blink this will do a good job it is not flashing the way that the other one did but this is about the amount of intensity we want on the light let’s quickly go into to tanker

And turn its Point light back on again and see if we can see a result there’s a Flash and there is a degree of Illumination which I feel more or less works it’s kind of being blocked out by the light but then we don’t have the blinking left we do not have the

Blinking left so we got a position is being chased correctly but we’re not chasing uh opacy so here’s game light are we we’re not moving light 2D we’re just moving Sprite 2D on top of it that might have something to do with how this is working Sprite 2D was the center so

Or did I just did I have that backwards I think I do I think I do have that backwards we want to move light Tod first so then Sprites 2D is a child to it so it’s being trucked along behind it the light can be at full uh Power and where’s our

Transform visibility that’s fine where’s our transform transform okay that is actually scaled correctly if we scaled both of these together with each other then that white area is going to be the same as it was before but now I feel I see that little glow behind

It and that’s looking like a way of Illuminating things nicely we just need to back it off a little bit and then also make it Flash that one is the one that is flashing now it is not and if we make this one here even less

Opaque it’s going to look a little more convincing so let’s see here is our gradient and we’re going to go from here down a little more there’s our flash that is effectively causing a lightning effect although it’s not as effective as I would kind of like it to be

But that’s roughly the amount the amount of interaction I’d like to have on that we just don’t have it flashing yet oh I know how I can I can turn this off just to check by doing this light 2D energy doesn’t have to be one it can be

Zero there now we have a Illuminating the Shadows but that light isn’t there and now if we put it back On this one that flash is is definitely working but the overall illumination is not but but Sprite 2D probably can be flashed light to D is at zero so scale I’m looking for basically transparency here I’m looking for basically being able to make that background one flash by modulating something about it with

This we’re modulating the scale which is not really what we’re going to want to do although although maybe it is maybe just modulating the scale of that is going to work so if we did this and then duplicated it and then went in knowing that that was knowing that both of these things

Scale so that background area oh nope it’s going to be light to De that I scale and Sprite to day is connected to it we can also modulate the brightness of it while we’re at it but first let’s see if we can just make it work that’s not modulating at all

Transform scale that should be doing something honestly like Tod scale this should be modulating too we can modulate energy while we’re at it let’s keep trying stuff until we get something that works oh well that doesn’t work oh because it’s not a vector 2 there we

Go we don’t need a vector two for a single thing do we not only that this one’s going to go brighter so this one is going to pass through this directly also shouldn’t we be calling it Point light do we have a sep we do I guess we

Just called it light but it it’s actually a point light this is glowing but that inner that white area is not flashing that is staying where it is following it around so how about the energy flashes but but this modulates scale no no that’s not I can see that

It’s that it’s still Illuminating even when the flash is not happening let’s simplify things terer well that’s not really what I meant to do but okay and point light goes away now we do not have a flash on the actual Sprite we’ve only got what’s happening in the overlay factor and the overlay

Factor is success sucessfully doing a flash which may or may not be affecting the shadow area because previously it would not affect the shadow area at all like not even slightly and then we’ve also got in game map we’ve got these two things so if we make Sprite 2D not go

And the light part is flashing I feel like that’s kind of doing its thing to some extent let’s go back in here and see if we can make it more intense or or we’ll go back in here and scale it or not that much just try

Two that’s a light and that has been scaled and it’s kind of sort Of lighting up the shadows and it is certainly registering over that shadow plane which is more than it was doing before that that said that said that guy was supposed to be rendering under the shadow plane and only the light is supposed to be rendering over it so we’ve got something going on Here how are we going to make this nonsense work well we’re looking at L Shadow and we’ve changed it to be a texture wct if we can make these work like negative 1 hides it positive one layers it and it layers it correctly so Z andex of one should make

It over these and it is because these are supposed to be shaded but it should it’s not supposed to be over the Flash The Flash is supposed to be able to interfere with it what’s our warning here only affects the drawing Order okay so light 2D drawing order can we make it so that this draws on top of that as well let’s find out what happened we’ve got a nice flash right guys under here but it still looks like the flash is underneath the Shadow see this is a problem this Shadow is really supposed to darken these guys except for when it’s flashing and that is a concern I really don’t want to have to throw one of these things in on every single layer and then have it Telegraph through oh boy this is a interesting

Challenge this is a very interesting challenge so just to outline what we’re trying to do and I’m going to step aside for a moment because what I’m going to do is get my food uh for for dinner time Tha out I do have to take care of that

But then we’re going to and Throw Another Log on the Fire can’t forget that and we’re going to try to get this rendering issue to work the way I’m imagining it I’m imagining a particular behavior and I keep not getting it that should light I’m imagining a thing where the the

Flashes the shadow only affects the it’s like the layers have to interent leave the different layers of things are being drawn on they have to take turns and they’re not doing it makes me want more coffee but I really should for I’m going to have to get some more cheese I’m running out

It’s going to take me a little tiny bit longer this time because I got to uh bust this up so that I can put it to fly out properly e for for e all righty I’m back that wasn’t so bad I also feel a little less tense cuz I went and and went

So what might be be looking looking at in this situation we have this guy and we’re able to uh make it illuminate that but my concern here is that I’m wanting to be able to sort of erase that shadow only where this is Without Really interfering with anything

Else that’s the target that’s the idea and I’m probably also going to want to change the game over and stuff but that’s fine too that’s a whole other story so what I’m wondering now is this I’ve Got Game map GD and you notice how we have Segments it has to load the segment up so what I’m wondering is since we know that game map is going to be here and we’re running it and we add this additional thing to there I might be able to redirect so that here in uh game map and I’ll notice that

Uh this is our sort of Bas level scene if we take this away we’re back to how we started oh except for that we’re not doing that anymore so we’re going to quickly comment these things out I think that was everything so now we’ve got this going and it’s again drawing underneath

That and we’re wanting it to render on top of both of those things it does weird me out a little bit that it’s being drawn with multiply and so we’re capable of doing that shadowing thing so effectively that said that’s the whole reason it’s supposed to be there but I’m

Wanting the light to be able to erase that I’m wanting the light to be able to erase just that layer so it’ll kind of interact and if we turn the light back on we get to see even more clearly that we can have that flashing that looks okay but it doesn’t

Look as okay when that shadow is there I want it to be minimizing that instead it is doing the flashing underneath the shadow as if the shadow was some kind of floating obscuring thing rather than just being like shade that might make this guy uh darker or make the the timing ball is

Darker so we’re going back into game map and trying to figure out and we already know that we are dealing with segment W first it’s loaded up right here uh this one is not and we’ve already changed both of these things into text directs but the one is rendered actually

No let’s not do that let us have this be both at root level it should still draw and yeah everything is extra dark here we do want these things to be darkened as they go underneath this although it maybe doesn’t need to be as opaque as

This I think I meant for it to be not as dark as that so for among other things and this is just on the first level so I’m going to have to go through and change all the other ones but that’s not going to be on stream I might be doing it another

Way modulate interesting so this is how we render it as drawn in Pure White so if I modulate by making everything be a different color then everything is now shaded this is a multiply layer and the entire color of it has been made darker which also means this is how we

Can make it be less opaque the entire color of it can be an alpha Channel as well and if we do that our whole aesthetic did that work I feel like maybe that worked and maybe it did not let’s see we’re on level three Shadow three we can go to the texture that’s

Fine it’s visibility we wanted it’s visible what’s the difference between modulated and self modulate self mod modulate only affects the item itself that’s kind of what I’m looking for here so self modulate apply this color the color can include transparency I believe so firstly we are back to normal with this

One and then for self modulate let’s see what whether we can make it be completely transparent so it’s not showing at all not working out so well interesting and if we have them in inverse sequence oh wait hang on a second maybe we can do something with the

Zindex let’s put the Z index back but have it draw under it and if we do this then the everything is drawing on top of it so I mean that looks fine but I did want it to kind of can we make a very pale version of

This maybe we can layer them up or something like self modulation a literally zero that should mean it’s transparent and doesn’t show at all let’s see whether it worked I’m going to call that a no it does not work at all and that’s not going to be a

Concern that might be useful though look at that material so self modulation is not helping me in the slightest not as such but material that might that is already a multiply blend mode we’ve got a unshaded but we could put it to light mode Let’s see what happened maybe is

That why it’s doing what it’s doing is that why it doesn’t register light because it definitely felt like it wasn’t registering things so let’s see so here we are with our multiply pend mode we don’t want pre-multiplied Alpha I’d like to be able to modulate this before it draws but I’m not sure

How feasible that is but we’ve changed the light mode to normal now what we do is let’s play with the Z index it is now on a z index one but we still have a light in the scene so it’s kind of still showing it Shades yes that part’s good

But I’m not able to override it with the light so here’s the thing can I interfere with this in a way that Clips like I need to be able to draw on top of this texture before it gets run through the multiply thing and I do not know if that’s a feasible

Tactic filter properties that’s not important um documentations okay how handy it draws the documentation like right inside stretch mode texture 2D good good fine please show me the text again okay and we’re back to square one and have not successfully figured out whether to or how to composite

This and these aren’t going to be it visibility might be it so Z index relative to that it draws but it’s drawing it behind we’re still interested in figuring out how to layer light on top of that so let’s see now how do we access this this is segment it’s going to be

Different each time so export ver segments we’re going to load ver T is load int instantiate so so T is going to be the one that we want to use and if we change something in segment y or whatever we should be able we’re we’re

Casting these to T here so we should be able to go in and indirectly refer to it like this if we’re doing it properly that should have done a thing assuming we have a light 2D let’s actually change that and I still don’t know they calling

It Point light but we have to use a texture to determine where it draws I guess that’s that’s the answer is the only way you it doesn’t actually do a light in the sense of a render it does a light in the sense of it’s a 2d thing and so it’s drawing a

Picture but let’s copy this and then we’re going to segment W and we’re going to stick in a point light that draws after L Shadow and we’re going to look at what that looks like on the 2D which maybe it doesn’t look like anything but if this

Works we just made a thing and we are modulating its brightness and it might be hovering around here somewhere or it’s going to crash let’s see what happens uh one minute warning on is it did not like it that’s because this is a null instance so maybe we’re talking about it

Wrong we are creating T ADD child so it’s going to be ADD child T and then if we went to it we need to T root perhaps let’s try Royal okay not that or that boom there so T should have been added to this then we’ve stepped it up and

We’re still not happy with that point light 2D should have an energy it should be living in here it does have an energy so we’re not reaching it we’re not talking to it effectively and I am still frustrated that I cannot draw on L Shadow before rendering it that’s

Irritating maybe there’s a way I just I don’t see it though so let’s see firstly let’s go back to that these are all made invisible and let’s drag this point light to where we’re going to see what it’s doing and we can see quite plainly that it doesn’t really like drawing on

Things man I’d like to draw that on L Shadow before compositing it that would be kind of awesome that said if we can make it follow let’s change it to a Sprite that was working pretty well before I mean this is not great but if we change it to a Sprite

Make it a little bigger and we need to draw it over the thing that’s been multiplied right now what we’re doing is we’re drawing this white Sprite underneath the shadow whereas we want to draw it over the shadow so that it registers only then do we even need to

Worry about what else we’re doing so visibility or wait wait wait wait wait let’s put that back then we’ve got our Point light and then we can render the gradient as being a lot more transparent but we’ll put it back for now just so we can see what it’s

Doing and now if you run it it’s still not going to work oh no it’s still not going to work because we haven’t got this organized properly but I tell you what this is going to effectively do the thing of making that uh Shadow be fainter especially if we can make it

Flash let’s Jump Right In and tell this to be Sprite 2D firstly we’re going to hammer away at this until 5: 5 is dinner time so I am compelled to stop at 5: don’t think we need HDR it’s not doing anything useful but yep that works but we do need

To make this honor it then we can start worrying about whether we can shade it or whatever and it’ll do its thing and it’ll affect the Shadows we’ve just taken away the Shadows though because now the Shadows are under everything they’re just cosmetic interesting can can I somehow clip this

To Only The Shadow layer like can I somehow make that work like if we do Z index and then we do zindex here that’s not going to be in transform it’s going to be an ordering if we do zindex we can have this guy be behind

Here but it’s also going to be behind the light meaning that we can at least ameliorate some of this extreme Darkness with our our little flashy technique that said we are not able to do it underneath we’re not able to draw this guy on top of

Everything so what can we do to sort of modulate that because I feel like this is crude and rough but it’s on the right track somehow but I do need to modulate for instance this it just needs to be we’ve got a Sprite 2D if is it going to talk to that no

It’s not that’s because this is a null instance because we’re not actually reaching it from here we can’t go to the base and then go to well what else can we do if we were on game map see here’s what we’re trying to make happen we’ve got our top layer we’ve got no

TT nothing’s really being drawn here and then as we start up we start adding T to this node Tod so do we have to go back twice then we were able to refer to this before if we went back two layers then what do we get nope still not happy it’s a null

Instance so we are in tanker we can go back downwards to something else how about game map T is that going to get me there oh and uh that needs to go away nope doesn’t like it doesn’t like it so we’ve got segment W what if we used segment

W it’s going to make it even more unmanageable but if it’s adding it under its original name that would be cumbersome but on the other hand that would mean it would work which it’s not but if this takes us down to game map and then it’s segment W then

Nope nope we’re not getting there we’re not getting there we are not getting There we were kind of starting to have an effect let’s let’s copy this or cut this then we’re still not talking any sense but if we have Sprite 2D at the root level there and that should show on the screen and we’ve even got it blinking we

Don’t have it tracking so we can do this but it’s hiding what’s under it now if we Chase through there and then start adjusting the position now it will follow our base guy although we’re still going to have a real problem because it’s just covering everything up and it’s still not drawing

Over the uh shadow where the dam it’s drawing under the shadow so let’s look into drawing order can we interleaf drawing orders or is that just not going to be a thing segment W no longer has our stuff on it and our drawing order is relative and it’s

One I’m trying to figure out how this ran like can we just strip out all of the relativity of the drawing order is that even a thing because it’s like then it has to bounce back and forth between these routines to know it’s like you have to run the routine several

Times in order to be able to render it and that doesn’t make any sense although we could simply take to drawing the relevant tanker at the top level that would be skevy as anything anything but it would work talk about a clug let’s go back to game map and this Sprite

2D and let’s see what we can do with this gradient it’s being drawn as uh over well no it’s not being drawn as overly mode is it visibility modulate does squat did you hear that cuz I sure did we don’t have a material but if we use a canvas material

Then we can do something with it such as a blend mode of ADD and if we do that then we can’t obscure that black can we I mean it’s nice and all but I’m not particularly happy with what that is although we can see some of the other

Flashes underneath it and that’s kind of cool yeah not happy with that light only maybe light only still does something which is interesting what it does is make the entire thing a complete hot spot spot and blow it out completely multiply white maybe oh interesting well no not as interesting as I’d

Hoped clear the material let’s go back to this and see what we can get out of just a lot of less of Packy weird that see here’s the thing that weirds me out we can draw the background and then these moving guys and then the Shadow on

Top of them just using the layering system but we seem to be having a big problem with drawing light effects on top of any of these things so ordering if we put Sprite 2D at level two we’re capable of making that shadow quite dark and it’s not drawing on top

Of the the spot well it kind of is but it comes by it honest it’s very tricky trying to figure out what this is supposed to even be doing here we have a flashing light on this if we make it a really high Z index our Sprite is not flashing it’s

Just a general illumination so that’s also something of a concern that Sprite could be flashing a little more than it is but it just feels like the light index is simply not I’m just having a lot of trouble with this what happens if we zero doesn’t relate doesn’t relate and

Zero and ordering so let’s step this entire thing up a couple and we are able to make this draw on top of the Shadow which is not really what we had in mind though effectively what I’m trying to do is draw the shadow over that but then draw the Flash over the

Shadow so relative to that zindex of this can go up and Z index of the whole thing can step down just one and we’ll see where we got with that now the point light is drawing higher and it does seem to be obscuring the overall I have an idea which may or may

Not be relevant step it up one more then we’re going to go into segment one and step it Z index of one let’s see whether we’re spacing things out in an interesting and useful way we’re shadowed and I don’t feel like the light is really stopping anything you know what this is frustrating

Me let’s have a quick look at another one of the segments so that I can revert to what already was there that’s a JPEG not a segment the way this is set up is the transform is here and it is a Sprite 2D and if we’re not worrying about its

Opacity that’s just fine so we’re going to go back to segment W and revert that stuff and revert the transform well did it just does it work now nope do I have to move it or make it be a TR child of that much like nope that’s right down at the

Bottom at root level so that’s not going to count so we’re going to do the same thing with this it is not a child of that come on you please to be child of root thank you there we go all righty and now we click on this and

Figure out how to reset the transform how is this different from that well that’s texture transform offset it’s saying that it is top level all of these are going to say that this is a oh I remember yeah yeah yeah that’s the whole deal is visibility if it says that it’s

The top level then it renders in the correct place like this but it’s obscuring the flash as well and we never did solve that did we I would dearly love to do that but I would settle for just dimming it so let’s see whether there’s a way that we

Can dim it in the absence of being able to to fix the problem I was having visibility soft modulate let’s make it a tint how does this work it does a good tent let’s make it very very transparent how does that work it doesn’t go transparent at all we

Have no capacity to do um Alpha Channel through modulate so here’s the thing material we do have a canvas item we’re doing multiply mode because if we don’t it just goes full white and add of course is not going to be no help at all premultiplied Alpha is going to be

No help at all particles animation is absolutely not what we want so this material stuff is not as helpful as I’d hoped it would be how about texture do we have anything for texture nope that’s just m Maps so behind parent that’s not what we’re going to want to have so here’s the thought can we mellow it out in any way Z index won’t matter with this because it is on top this little guy shouldn’t matter either he says wondering whether I can simply I

Do have it chasing the other guy around and overlaying and I also have the ability it appears for this one to do um the effect I was looking for see we can make it be a complete overlay and we can make it be very transparent we’re simply not making it

Modulate and our transform we’re having a bit of difficulty getting the scale to modulate but going into here this is the way we were doing it so this scale factor is inverse light modulation so it’s getting smaller as the light flashes brightly let’s see what happens if we

Act like it is just the light factor and it’s simply getting bigger as the light flashes brighter the vector 2 is going to stay this could be a fairly satisfying thing if it does actually work we’ve got a flash we’ve got the guy rendering well he’s rendering over

Everything but that flash is effectively kind of blending with the the light so let’s see we’ve got the two things one of them is drawing over everything one is not this bit we’re layering these things on top of each other but we have not made this be Z index Z is

Relative step it up one and it’s over everything meaning that I can put this guy under it which I have then if I go back to where we have our flashing Sprite and Z is relative and Z is uh well let’s see if this looks any different firstly we’re going to go

Here and we’re going to make it way bigger so we can see what it does because it is successfully chasing everything around see it goes boom now this guy is hiding underneath the flash but that does appear to be over see this is he is under the shadow but the flash

Is over the shadow that means means if we can make this flash be semi-transparent then it will override the Shadow and we died and so it’s being drawn over the shadow fair enough we’ll scale that back if it works none of this stuff is really doing anything

Useful so that Z index Z Z the index zero it’s all being drawn here and only the big flashy white area oh no wait I think I need to step it up one more because now we’re not seeing the light flash so znx of one relative over to game map in the 2D

Editor and now we’re going to see whether we can’t make this be a semi-transparent gradient by taking that color and making it a lot less bright Also let’s make it be a color shade while we’re at it but not it’s showing me accurately what the color would be so let’s just

Pull the red back now we should have a a blue tinged overlay and we can kind of see the color the the the light flash as part of the guy and then the blue tinch overlay should be rendering on top of this Shadow area I would say it’s kind of doing

It and it gets left behind as we go but we can fix that because that’s part of this and these things can stay no matter whether we’ve got and L is going to be black I think or we can just scale it to zero that would work too copy and

Paste okay so now when it when it dies oh and now we apparently do not have our overlay any anymore we’ve got our light flash but we don’t have our overlay do we and the the overlay part will take care of the font changing of color and I think the thickening of

The that said it does make that it does overwrite that thing so scale position let’s go back over here and F with this once more never mind this nonsense let’s have a little more Packy In Here that’s not enough a pety so this one is entirely zero a Packy and that part is

Working and then this one is let’s make it be full bright and see what we get also oh hello not so much oh no we need to move it we need to move it ordering Z index let’s try three oh hello are we are we not working we were working

Before what’s the deal little friend I didn’t think I changed you that much well that didn’t fix it so we’re not worried about that part um back over to here getting very close to the end of the stream my apologies for not doing as much Minecraft but

You’re hanging around with me while I do something else so let’s see the light energy that’s fine this has long since been removed so we don’t even need it in commented out form multiple different things that no longer relate to anything and this is the part that uh see now be even

Larger let me see you me see the beauty of you I think that’s my regular light flash rather than the one that’s hovering ing over and interacting with this but one way to find out yeah that looks exactly the same so then if we do turn this

On and tell it to be I don’t know zindex 4 now can we have it visible it’s kind of stubbornly refusing to be visible what’s going on here if I tell it to be top level is it going to show that looks suspiciously like a nope

I feel like this is supposed to be showing up it’s acting like it’s not showing up so let’s make it stay in one place this time then we can at least see if it’s doing anything not seeing it how about you be a different Z index like

Two it should be hanging around about here but it is not three we got nothing it should be hanging out there should be able to see it it’s not like it’s not being drawn we can turn visible on and off we could scale it weigh the heck

Up it went away when I made it disappear once the guys were stopped this is the line that made it go away without this line it doesn’t go away once you are finished running with this we’ve got our Flash so yeah Oh it’s being shut back off again because every other time this runs it sets it back to zero again so this can’t actually go here got to deal with it some other way so yeah we’re going to we’re going to learn a little at that we’re going to figure out something about it

CU we need it to work so now that we’ve got that back and it’s 5 o’ it’s going to look like this this that is a blinding flash at which point we’re going to go in and make it almost completely transparent so it’s a blinding very dim

Flash needs to be a little less transparent than that halfway and then that overlays everything so we shouldn’t need to manipulate the color of the text or the scale of sprite 2D so we can leave those alone now because we have something that is overlapping them at exactly the right

Time so both of these things can just not be there and this guy can move down to be next to the other guy and we can scale this back to one and see how that reacts see it’s kind of intersecting with the the look of the thing it looks

Like it’s a Flash and it is on top of the the shadow just a bit but without really interfering with anything so much slow it down a little bit and make that overlap a little bit larger see how that looks maybe we’re going to want another position for the golden ratio in here

Okay that looks like a Flash and if we hover over the uh Shadow we are seeing the uh light affecting it and I’m pretty sure it left it behind but that’s pretty much fine it was perhaps a larger we’re going to do the thing golden ratio baby God love

It and then we’re going to go in now why is oh now I know what it’s doing and and we’re going to play this game through with a whole bunch of these guys the ones that are flashing are the ones that must go up up up you go now lowercase

Bees we’re going to need to have less gravity otherwise this is going to be a dead loss here’s a capital Q up you go oh doesn’t want to there we go and another and game over yeah I’ve been trying to do this game this tricky tricky challenging

Game we have simplified some of these bits though and see and then if the flash is a little bit Larger oh now that looks kind of cool I’m warm into that that looks nice you get a real clear sense of where the key area is meant to be but now we’ve got a full width and I know I need to go MC dinner we must play with gravity we must

Play with these elements we’ve reverted stuff I got to see whether we got to change the factors of this that one’s fine we got to change CH the we got to change the physics of both of these because our physics are actually not good right now here we are so friction and

Bounce less friction More Bounce and likewise for Diamond Ball by a massive Factor they’re not very strong though these could do with being a little bit more strong I think or having less gravity inertia here’s the rotation okay that could prove to be something that’s going to give us a whole factor For well among other things we need way less gravity here I guess we’re going to make it be completely different gravity for these guys versus the timing balls these are like this and then timing ball which has very little that gravity scale of one now let’s see what it looks like cool

Cool we can nudge these guys upwards more effectively here we can add a lot more power too the work case eyes here we are they’re both getting the same forces upon them main Force being of course up up up with you T here’s another T these timing balls are really carrying on aren’t

They so let’s play it the way it’s normally meant to be played back to globals players one and we’re going to finish this off I do not have a 1176 Cofe not here this is the one we are to Let’s one more change one more change got to have that one more

Change namely let’s make everything way more powerful up you go so here’s the trick these guys need to go up to the top of the screen before the little bouncy ball stops bouncing got there right now I’m just kind of holding on it and pushing we’re also enjoying like how this

Looks relative to uh we haven’t seen any of these but the whole idea is that all of these are nice little watercolor backgrounds and they should all look cool in their own respective ways and the idea is to make it so that you select each of these and navigate them as you see

Fit might be worth doing a speed control Bo because as your you’re putting velocity in there the velocity gets unreasonable pretty quick it’s not the easiest thing to manage and the D got there so one of the things that you can do is just Yeet stuff around or get one

And use it to Bonk the other ones about like you’re keeping those little tiny ones moving but if you can smack the other ones and make them go up that said typing the the uh letters can be more effective so there we go and we

Win let’s see whether any of them can go straight up C and everything’s moving around a little bit too fast to make any sense of but that’s all to the good because it means other things are still happening like these The Bouncing ones these and this is where stuff starts getting more

Difficult ideally you would like for to identify ones that seem to be on the verge of getting out but again this has been made more difficult you see how it’s bouncing back and forth I’m holding it down and it just doesn’t want to go B same problem so that’s not the the

Easiest place of getting out I’ve got an h and the thing is if the bouncy balls have gotten into the bottom of the screen and you’re in the top of the screen trying to get out you’re nowhere able to uh here it is G when you’re down there you’re not in a

Position to be able to whack them and make them go flying around so the trick of it is to manage these things well understanding that see one of them seems to have I only see one now so we got to get F out of here before that timing ball shrinks to nothing and

Vanishes and that involves being able to work it through here but you might need to make a choice between hitting the ball enough to make it go here we’re just making everything go flying everywhere in the hopes that some of these guys can just go straight out all of

These are sort of things that stuff can bounce off of it can struggle with that kind of thing and this is not going to be that difficult of a level but you know they keep going and there’s I and G so this is not going to be too hard

We’re going to we’re going to win this one no question about it but then here’s more or trouble so we’re keeping these moving in the hopes that some of them will just naturally go up and out looking at the B you look like you give me a position to

Go up and out H nope H got into a little clde act there that said if you’re whacking these little bouncy balls that’s all to the good but you got to make it through and up so the question becomes what’s a good path can you for

Instance Target up that H is on the way out there we go and the e oh almost I almost got it we can get through this bit here without bouncing around on everything sometimes slowing down and taking a breath is just the thing it becomes like M pital Madness see I’m

In a loop that we go and if the little ones come to a halt even if it’s in they don’t have to come to a halt in the bottom of the map they just have to come to a halt at all so up hello up you go very good

There you go now C and I must get out so we’re going to hit that ball really hard see keep it bouncing we’re going to try to I feel like I am just increasing my uh out we go and I so the tuning of this game is going to be all

About reducing those little B bouncing balls maybe making them larger so you can see Them the whole flashing of the lights thing is weird on this background because this is this lame uh yellow background and as you can see we’ve got only one of these guys left the other one went somewhere and it stopped moving and since it stopped moving it went weep I

Could put a sound effect in for when it starts getting smaller and we win we get to the next one and here we go I’m controlling K up you go to the out there we go here C we still only have the one and we haven’t even gotten into uppercase yet there’s an

A it’s designed to get in the way the flashy thing was left up on the top there for just a moment and I’m not happy with how chill these balls are so let’s kick them around a little bit make them really bounce you’re trying to get to the come on out out you

Go oh oh there you go we got a B here any any areas where the walls kind of converge are places where they can try to bounce you back out you go in there really oh I think we are never going to lose this one over on the edge

Here p no yes p d there it is see the one on the edge that was bouncing around like mad is going to start shrinking and has so we’ve only got like f here and another bouncy ball there’s going to have to be audio cues for the

Little guys that are bouncing around are slowing down we down to the last one that’s bad mojo that’s not good I I said it so that they would start shrinking real easily and that is trouble for us so we got to hit this real hard how about with the G that’s

Down there that’s good that’s good he’s out I is next to out let’s see and H needs to keep this ball moving good and get out the top before it stops bouncing cuz it will tend to go down and I need to try to go up come on come on dude there we

Go and that’s the game really I got to a score of 137 we’re trying a button mashing technique just up for everything whether without even seeing where it went in hopes that we can get lucky and aim some of these guys as they go this is a good place for aiming guys

To make them go up and this is going to be a dead cinch he says as he fails to there we go go and another let’s make some of these things go straight up that’s going to clearly be the answer oh too late we are just going to hope that we

Can make this stuff sort out f is going to be in a position of going straight up as is e it’s even more interesting when they’re like all C or all combinations of caps if you get much Beyond 26 then you’re going to have combinations of these and more than one

Ball is being controlled at once see this one was not actually hard deep and on to the next one let’s see if the same technique works here kind of oh that doesn’t count the way I set the levels was by making kajillion of these guys and just having them all Bounce Around randomly

And seeing how fast it took for the level be emptied if nothing was happening but the things getting hit see here’s what happens when they randomly bounce with no friction and here is clearly the Strat for winning this level fire to the side and up and there

You go that won’t work for this one I’m not sure what the ideal Strat is for this because if you bounce around in there then you clearly you get stuck and it doesn’t want to go through putting a little less energy into it or we could all go over here this one

Could be the death of me all of these are about trying to get like the the ability to put on a lot of extra energy is causing issues that’s the way I tell you what let’s get everybody moving just in case any of them get lucky which they mostly won’t but Jay is

In a position to get the heck out or it would be if it could settle down for a second there we go and everybody else just fell right down to the bottom again so let’s see if anybody gets through and if we’ve got all of our little up eight very good

H this is what this game is supposed to be like is like okay what letter is that it’s upside down oh no and getting it through and you can’t get through that so oops but we can use that as a staging area So oh that didn’t work too well did it these things tend to Route them all back under again let’s see if we can make e go anywhere we’re bouncing guys around pretty vigorously but we need to keep those little balls moving aggressively they’re light so it makes that bit

Easier and and was almost out up no we just lost it we just lost it that said some of these things are moving around nicely this is almost like a flappy birds thing going on where the uh it speeds up real fast but fast is not necessarily what you want

Here there’s a d right where one of those balls is so let’s make it go faster and redirect our so that we don’t have as much there we go here’s a b unless it’s a p no it’s a B I am liking where this is going there

Is an engaging factor to this game which I am pleased with how it’s working I just need to add some sound and I need to get this B through this dumb area and make sure all these little tiny timing balls don’t stop moving I give up on that one hey heck

With you there oh nope it went it went through the the bad place oh no let’s take it through here that’s not what we meant to do that’s super not what we meant to do okay so this is why this is actually a challenging game this is a game

Because of stuff like this it’s like Flappy Birds is a game where it will follow your directions unfortunately not always in a helpful there we go way L keep moving keep bouncing like that I like that a lot I should be able to make sounds of the kicking the T tiny little guys

Around the change in pitch or volume depending upon how hard you hit it good good good no bad bad bad wrong wrong answer and the other bouncy ball seems to have despawned don’t like that come on you keep bouncing around aggressively will you I’ve got the despawn set really kind

Of like unhelpful as far as keeping that thing moving oh are you going to get out good see you’re my only hope so now we’ve only got the one available so let’s b d no that’s a B and G let’s get everything moving so at least we can maybe seize upon lucky

Breaks e is closer to that little bouncy or not C is there we go that’s moving pretty good and see whether I can get anywhere useful I is not being a good little soldier this is better than the previous one that I had but it’s sure crazier it’s taking forever to finish this

Level I should put a a Time timer in here as well I like the fact that it bounced around and went up that’s generally going to be helpful the higher up it goes the more likely come on there you go it is that it’s going to keep moving unless it gets stuck in

Something let’s try to go through here uh okay I like that it’s going to take him a long time to slow down G nice B score score got there and here’s the game now we have four of these little bouncy balls and we’re just going to derp around here as violently as

Possible to bounce these things around so that things like f can go up and D can go up and there’s that’s how we roll and E is down at the bottom so let’s use it to knock the rest of these guys around as violently as possible so

That they can go up this is actually B based on the layout of an Atari game tank plus and the Strat here is to bounce things around because you can identify ones up at the top and if they don’t get stuck like that or J over you

Go sometimes when they pick up a lot of speed they’re going to be real good at making things move around a lot but you can seee control of one of them and then it’s just awkward m is about ready to be in a useful position or

Not let’s see no no that’s not useful at all that turned out to be super anti- useful they they get so flippy they’re bouncing around so wildly speaking of bouncing around so wildly I want all of these guys in here to keep moving nice D no P that’s how many we’ve got

We’re up to P nice keep going keep going very good H go and we got this whole bouncy thing going on that’s not the right direction oh score nailed it nailed it on like Donkey Kong we’re going we’re doing it n you are my only hope come on there you

Go L keep those little things moving in there oh there’s no more little things in there beautiful up there you go see you now this is what I’ve been trying to do with this game the whole whole time it’s this play after ways at doing it and you know

Can you can you play the game more vigorously can you get things really wild do you slow down and try to control it like o here I can steer o out quite nicely just with very glancing blows and then we steer but a never actually did

Anything and we’ve only got a couple of these balls left a one minute warning for for balls guys uh for for ads sorry balls what am I talking about one minute warning for bouncy balls I should make these be the size of the regular ones why not they look the same as the

Regular ones a final change for the hacking of the game for the day one remaining see this is really taking a while and that I like because it’s kind of the idea was to have a lot going on and a lot to think about you just stay

Very engaged with it trying to deal with whatever the thing is and we are about ready to go and we’re going to wait and see how long it takes for these guys guys to slow down which eventually they will and there’s one it’s still moving but boy did it get

Small and then the last one before it goes up we go and here is another level and that’s how we roll really I’m trying to get a rapid whack in on these guys on the bottom but I wasn’t having any luck with it in this one they can get stuck in these cultis

Acts B is in a good position to at least get some of these moving up you get n k very good J if you’re a touch typist you’ll be able to identify the letters easier spot them and be ready to do the combination of over and up I said up not

Over and if you mess you bounce around like crazy and maybe go right back down again and I’m liking the way that they are able to accelerate enormously even though that is somewhat cumbersome maybe I need to do some uh uh editing of that and I liking the as much time as I

Spent working on the flash I feel it’s helping spot what is where and how I’m feeling like that is helping with that this is a q is it it must be off you go see and up with you whoop away it goes because that’s the thing is if

You’ve got one of these ready and it’s ready to go up and you’re firing off it accelerates so much that if you hit the wrong thing at your high speed you might just bounce back down again and with that I am going to call this a

Stream because boy that was a run and it’s now getting on towards 5:30 so I’ve gone over but I wanted to let you see the game that this entire stream has been all about I wanted to let you see it being played and uh I’ll like maybe we’ll call

It cluster fluff Redux or something but I will find a way of putting out the new version so that you can play it because it seems like that would be fun and on that note I will talk to you later bye-bye I’m going to go and have dinner

This video, titled ‘Stream: Time with Chris from Airwindows’, was uploaded by airwindows on 2023-12-28 23:08:37. It has garnered 380 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 08:27:32 or 30452 seconds.

Here’s an idea, let’s spend time on various things. Could be Minecraft, mixing or recording new music in Reaper, firing up VCV Rack in Reaper, writing games or tools in Godot. As LoadingReadyRun says, “we’re live, so something’s going to happen!”

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    Monster Truck Saves the Day, Catches Mafia! The Adventures of Minecraft: Canavar Kamyon Saves the Day! Step into the world of Minecraft where anything is possible! In this exciting episode, Canavar Kamyon transforms into a giant robot to help capture the evil Mafia. Let’s dive into the action-packed adventure and see how it all unfolds. Canavar Kamyon to the Rescue! Imagine a world where a monster truck comes to life as a massive robot ready to take on any challenge. In this thrilling Minecraft episode, Canavar Kamyon lends a helping hand to our heroes in their quest to catch the notorious Mafia. With its incredible powers… Read More

  • Silver Fox Gaming: TikTok Live!

    Silver Fox Gaming: TikTok Live! Minecraft Morning Madness! Exploring the Bean Mart Join the excitement as our favorite gamer delves into the world of Minecraft in a recent TikTok Live stream. The focus of the session? The Bean Mart! Watch as the player orders, stocks, and plans, all while witnessing the growth of this virtual marketplace. The captivating gameplay and thrilling experiences have TikTok viewers glued to their screens, eagerly anticipating each move. Engaging Content The stream is not just about playing the game; it’s about creating an immersive experience for the audience. From ordering supplies to strategically stocking shelves, every moment is filled… Read More

  • JUGGERNAUT ASTRO TOILET Portal in Minecraft

    JUGGERNAUT ASTRO TOILET Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Juggernaut Astro Toilet Portal Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the creation of the Juggernaut Astro Toilet Portal. Join the community in this exciting journey filled with creativity and innovation. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the wonders that await! Donation and Community Links For those looking to support the Minecraft community, consider donating to All via Saweria. Join the Discord group for lively discussions and interactions with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. Don’t forget to subscribe to UzeMing’s YouTube channel for exciting content and updates. Additional Channels and Social… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft with Hocam – Funny Gameplay

    Mastering Minecraft with Hocam - Funny Gameplay Minecraft: Exploring the Trending World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. From building magnificent structures to surviving in the wilderness, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players to explore and create. Unleashing Creativity in a Blocky World In Minecraft, players are given the freedom to unleash their creativity and build anything they can imagine using blocks. Whether it’s constructing towering castles, intricate redstone contraptions, or bustling cities, the only limit is your imagination. With a vast array of blocks and materials at… Read More

  • Sponge Hunt & Star Trader: Minecraft Ocean to Badlands

    Sponge Hunt & Star Trader: Minecraft Ocean to Badlands In Minecraft’s world, where blocks reign supreme, I craft my tale in a rhythmic stream. From ocean depths to Badlands high, I seek adventure, reaching for the sky. In search of sponges, I dive deep, Through underwater fortresses, secrets to keep. Then to the Badlands, where terracotta stands tall, Building a home, trading for the ‘Star Trader’ call. With each achievement, my journey unfolds, In Minecraft’s realm, where stories are told. So join me now, in this pixelated land, Where creativity thrives, and blocks are grand. From ocean to Badlands, my quest takes flight, In Minecraft’s world, where dreams… Read More

  • Nikku’s Epic Minecraft Parkour Adventure

    Nikku's Epic Minecraft Parkour Adventure Minecraft Parkour Gameplay: A Thrilling Adventure Introduction Embark on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft with parkour gameplay that is both challenging and exhilarating. Join friends in conquering 25 stages of parkour maps, all while enjoying copyright-free gameplay that is perfect for sharing with your community. Key Features Experience the thrill of parkour in Minecraft with friends, navigating through intricate maps and obstacles. Test your skills and coordination as you jump, run, and climb your way through each stage. With no copyright restrictions, you can freely use this gameplay in your own content creation. Exploring the World… Read More

  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide

    WineSideplay.wineside.eu – bolt.wineside.eu – www.wineside.eu • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. play.wineside.eu Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JtIGCz_3kX4 ________________________________________________ Link Server:play.rebelionsoul.my.id Port: 19202 Skin Ku https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ce1ZGZVxLmF9QUOCDQfV5lJILKN2zzyX/view?usp=drivesdk Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) https://saweria.co/MohammadRifan90 Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rifan_craft_4412/ ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Ahrnemc.com Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest

    Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest Exploring the World of Minecraft Animation Introduction In the vibrant world of Minecraft animation, creators like Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku bring to life unique and entertaining content for viewers to enjoy. Through their videos, viewers are taken on a journey filled with humor, creativity, and endless possibilities. Unique Minecraft Animations Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku’s animations showcase the beauty of Minecraft through a lens of humor and creativity. From funny animated moments to unique experiences, each video is a testament to the boundless imagination of the creators. Characters and Creations The animations feature a cast of characters, including Stresmen and… Read More

  • INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More

  • Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft Experience

    Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft ExperienceVideo Information me and Joe are stuck in this base without any known land near us it goes that we were exiled from our home planet without any instructions no gear the only thing we can do from here is survive but that’s only if the creatures of this planet let [Music] us oh there’s a book in here narrator where is it I see the book I read I’ve begun to become no I’ve become to become yeah take two I’ve begun to become that was not take two I begun to become disturbed by the sounds and voices… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥Video Information e e e [Music] po [Music] FL h mey chat I hope yall are doing well stay up Golden and enjoying your day or night oh my [Music] [Music] ear we are doing some chaos today in the form of Assassin’s Creed Unity potentially with Abby joining us H SS hi Hi Guess get guess what you’re high maybe I mean High mhm hey gay oh no gay she figed out I was what’s going on [Music] how you doing gck are you looking forward to the nor assassin’s PR I don’t I don’t know I don’t think… Read More