Mind-Blowing Stream with Airwindows CEO

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Hello I’m Chris mer windows and we’re going to do another live stream today was fussing around with some settings a little bit earlier which is I’m usually like 2 minutes late it seems might try to work on that in future we’ll see and uh we’re going to jump into

Minecraft again as I’ve been doing somebody was actually asking for it and usually with me like if one person asks for something it’s like oh gosh okay sure we’ll do some more of that and I’m going to do a low latency stream and we’ll see what if there is any difference with

That between that and what I was doing before which was normal latency which presumably is um either a higher quality or just making fewer demands on on YouTube’s thing so I don’t know but let’s firstly switching my chat around so that I can see live chat rather than just Local and here we are it’s not actually snowing outside but I do still have a fire going I’ve been moving um my cameras and things around a little a little bit because what I’m fixing to be able to do maybe coming on uh beginning of next year by the time I get

There is more music recording and as such I basically have repurposed one of the cameras to be a drum Room cam again if anybody wants to see that I can spend a little time during today to hook that up turn it on and then I can show you

What you would see it requires a little setting up because when I do the drum Room cam I need to have its microphones turned on but turned down very very very quiet and then I’m still clipping the mics but it doesn’t necessarily blow up

The output that it has to be able to mix with the sound of um what I’ve got a swb audio capture coming off of this machine so when I’m doing mixing type things I have to SW switch back and forth between um that and the mic which you can hear me

On and that’s how that kind of thing works but let’s take a minute to jump in and see what is up although honestly I should take a moment and check the regular work what I’ll do is first pass the night as long as it’s just me here we’re still doing uh snowball

Madness and then going to jump in on the white area network and see whether they changed that IP address yet it is supposed to change periodically but it apparently has not changed yet so good enough the connection that I’m making is just uh a local connection it gets forwarded

Through the uh fiber optic router and I’m not going out there just like that or rather I am but I’m going to have to immediately do some stuff baby zombie attacking me with the spider eye go figure picking up random junk and we’ll take take a minute to do

What I technically have already done a little bit of but I’ll show you I have been uh away for a little less than a week so what I wondered was is anything going on over here and I immediately see that yep people have been building things after I left last week and we’ve

Got things built out of um oh and look there’s a thing somebody’s built a grinder let’s go investigate but yeah that’s that’s quartz that Is let’s see how it’s labeled I’ve been labeling my things fairly generously oh Manu QQ built me a thing see what happened at the end of last stream is I spent a fair bit of time and golden apples for basically people to just eat I guess and lots of signs these are not

What mobs would be carrying so I’m not really quite sure what’s going on there but um I’d found a uh a zombie dungeon that was startling hi that is a mob dropper that kills them un impact or at least some of them so we just got apparently another rotten

Flesh I’ll point this direction so at least I can see it next time that happens but I had built an elaborate uh Mob Grinder using stuff that I had duplicated using the snowball mod this of course being the the version of this that I’m playing that gives

Me super powerful arrows like that and to be able to fly around around safely and stuff and I’m calling it post scarcity Minecraft because it’s kind of a concept it’s an experiment on how you can play with stuff and what happens to your game play when getting things is not even a

Problem look at what the top of that looks like I guess what happens is you up here but on top of this and if you’re up here stuff starts spawning except for yeah it presumably be in this spot or something like it and if you’re up the way the Grinders

Work is if you’re up here then things can spawn there but you’re too far away from the ground for anything to have spawned down there and presum way that’ll work so I had built a grinder out of a zombie spawner and uh was basically making things happen like um I wanted to get

Chain mail stuff in particular I wanted a chain mail uh helmet and chest plate oh hello we’ve got a little uh artwork here too a Windows okay little Le I was thinking that was going to be the person’s username little did I know see sometimes when you do stuff

Cooperatively people want to shout you out for the thing and the the idea that they have we read it backwards too Z will yeah yay uh it changes things when you’re in a post scarcity situation if it’s no longer difficult to get stuff like to survive with or to

Have your needs met people tend to be unsatisfied so they make up new things to want and you start wanting like attention for instance or you know like new things will happen if you can get into a post scarcity situation and people don’t just stop doing or wanting anything they start

Wanting different things because they have the things that they have so they start taking them for granted and that’s what makes it interesting and that’s why I made this mod this mod is set up in such a way that by using this mechanic for instance if I want more torches

There’s the snowball it’s got rotten flesh above it so I can create a zombie using that and then I can use these arrows that don’t run out to shoot this very tough zombie and then he drops what he was carrying which is what I have in my first slot which is another

Stack of torches and that’s why it’s post scarcity is if you can get your hands in anything you know up to and including like dragon eggs or Shuler boxes then you can have uh an infinite quantity of that fairly easily so the question becomes what do you do well the

Last stream what I did was I made a grinder because there were things I didn’t have and therefore couldn’t duplicate that being a chain mail helmet and chain mail chest plate and I can actually show you what the chain mail helmet does by going over here should be around here somewhere too

Big to make go away we’ve got this Mesa area oh I see in that direction here we go and other things like uh chest plates and helmets can make shapes out of whatever block is over them in your inventory so what you can do with that

Is I took a chest plate that happened to be the chain mail chest plate and fired it once with stone brick over it which made this giant wall because that’s what the chest plate thing does now that’s placing a lot of blocks that’s like more than an inventory full of stone

Brick in a neat circular formation and then what I did over here was I did another thing I used a helmet but it wasn’t a chain mail one which would have been even larger it was a regular sized one regular sized meaning I think it was Diamond was that just startled me so

Much that I switched away this guy has like uh F oh I know what I’m doing wrong I thought I was going to be able to shoot him but I was mistaken I better fix that before I get myself killed talking and trying to do the silly

Stuff so you can have all of the uh infinite whatever you want but but it won’t actually help if you have the firework rocket set and you thought you had the arrow set and that’s what happened to the Mob Grinder see one of the things that

Happens when I play this game is anybody that I’m playing with typically wants to come and hang out and also almost always they want to come and do whatever thing it was that I was planning to do I guess that is just the nature of of

How this works oh come to think of it this has actually created another mob grinder in a in a sense and I don’t want you getting close to me sir damn and we can go down into here but there’s going to be an infinite amount of mobs there so I’ll just leave

Again you’ll also notice these empty circles and what that is is when you have say a diamond helmet over your snowball and then you don’t have anything on top of that it will use air blocks and that can be a little bit of a problem for if you’re making a mega

Build and you want it to have this neatly constructed sphere or whatever or a cylinder and then somebody randomly shoots another snowball and it’s got the air block Mega build thing what’s going to happen is they’re going to inadvertently chop big holes in whatever it is that you

Made which includes chopping big holes literally into the ground they end up looking more than a little bit like the newer versions of Minecraft and their uh the way that they make their caves that’s not even a whole going to head back over here where we’ve got some bed set

Up that’s also something that could easily happen like literally here at spawn and uh that’s going to be cumbersome for people so what happened last time H Chris yep people are sending messages right and left we’ got another thing over here that somebody did which was house for Apple

Drinks made by Lucky flop so somebody was building me a house and then somebody else has placed some blocks over here and or used a type changer snowball to change some of this stone brick into quartz CU we’ve also got repainter snowballs and they can use that as a

Color or any of the stained clay or terracotta or concrete so we’ve got a color changer snowball going on as well oh something else over here and so somebody either made or found some stone brick that being something that didn’t exist and this is their little base I see that they have TNT

That’s dangerous to leave around they’ve got some of the Thorns that I left in another place all this various stuff I don’t have a lot else got some more bricks and somebody’s ready to build a house and over here this is actually where my initial base was and

There’s a bunch of resources here but there’s also the leftovers of this ginormous sphere of snow which I did quite early on and then got rid of some of but you can still see where it intersects the ground now I do have ways of building

That don’t do that but this is a way of building that does make the sphere go all the way around into the ground again and we seem to have a noop tower here or some kind of observe things Tower so let’s see what’s up the top of

That one torch and this is where you can see I guess a bunch of this stuff and we’ve got something else over here which is where I was going to make a house I wonder what the where this other base set that I was doing is going to be like that

Is maybe it’s not as tall as I thought that it was it’s it looked like that was something sticking way up into the air I had built this and this is sort of a little basement Place made out obsidian that looks very durable but uh you’ll find that it is actually not

Because the pickaxe snowballs are able to obliterate all of these things very aggressively or at least the diamond pickaxe snowballs or will just remove whatever is around and so one thing I’ve got here is a whole bunch of coal and a random amount of other stuff including some more Hoppers and things

Like that it’s all basically another diamond pick here’s my brick maker which I can also use to I used I duplicated lots of these Hoppers specifically for the purpose of making a really good furnace and I made all the ground here out of Soul Sand I suppose I could put Nether

Wart in all of this and one of the streams I had a newcomer who wandered through here while I watched them from this window that was amazing so at the end of the the last stream I had built this elaborate grinder in hopes of getting more in the

Ways of uh chain armor to unlock what was not previously possible which is the ability to make those giant giant cylinders and spheres that not to say that that’s necessarily useful but it made it become possible and I got the chest plate and then I did not get the helmet which

Would make an enormous Titanic sphere because the person I was playing with at the time came in accident was going to shoot the uh the zombies along with me and instead they had a diamond pickaxe over a snowball and what that did was make everything that I had built

Vanish it all just instantly went puff and that is what’s the snowball mod is designed to do it’s not designed to ruin your day but if you want to make stuff instantly vanish it will do that that’s how I got rid of some of the Giants no spere let’s let’s also see

What’s going on over here I had been in the process of building a base here and hadn’t actually planned a Uh this is half slabs so somebody’s spiled half slabs that’s kind of cool I hadn’t planned an obsidian thing but oh and also you can’t actually walk up this but I can by doing this and it looks like we got another base in here let’s see what this looks like Going somewhere see this is this is kind of neat cuz it’s like I didn’t set out to do this and it goes through to a giant Cavern with lava interesting that’s kind of a lot of lava and this is what you can do with those um snowball pickaxes

Like I could even demonstrate that a little bit more I don’t really feel they need to though I know what they do we could turn all of this Stone into quartz or if I’m sick of quartz I could pick a a color of terracotta and repaint everything with

That also I see something over there which looks like a little orange light but I don’t know what it is now I do it is a glimpse of more lava and this is getting into your natural uh Cave area it’s been exposed by all of the snowball

Stuff so yeah this is this is the form of Minecraft that we’re playing which is zero scarcity and we can do all of this stuff and the question becomes like okay well if we can do all of these things what shall we do and it changes the approach to things

In a way that I feel might be interesting and useful because one of the things that’s happened in the world in which we live is further zero scarcity things like we have their horse are you a super horse or are you a normal horse I think that’s a normal

Horse so we are a normal horse that is not amazing the another mind uh snowball thing is if you’ve got Saddles then you can create horses and their speed is related to how much xp you’ve got since you can have infinite XP in snowball that means you can have horses

That are so amazing they’re basically unusable they are too fast and too efficient you can have the ones that jump so high that they hurt themselves when they land which is always a bit sad and and yeah all of those things are and we’ve got a redstone

Block here’s another thing if I want to have this be path I have to put a grass block in so if I didn’t have a grass block that would become a little bit more cumbersome although I do have a so touch Peck that’s another thing I did not have available

Until I used the uh enchanting table to make a silk touch magic book and having made that I had infinite numbers of them of course because it’s it’s uh snowball here’s some of the things that we have infinite amounts of I suppose I could go fishing for a

Uh and I’ve got a question in live chat he hey any of my plugins combine two different sounds but spectral I actually don’t have any spectral stuff to be honest I don’t have anything that uses fft processing it’s probably a bit of a shame like if I did have that I’d be

Able to do air air Windows Z versions of it and that would probably be doing things like spectral gating and then if I um wanted to soften the effect I would most definitely be doing that with a dry wet rather than changing the amplitudes of the gates because then the

Fftt quality of the sound would be less although I might end up with face issues based on how that was done here swim be free I don’t think those things are actually going to be useful if I want cats I can actually generate those in in snowball as

Well I’m going to fuss with my camera a little bit while I’m at it that’s a little bit yeah like I said I uh moved the one that I usually can use to show the fireplace and that’s currently upstairs so one thing we could

Do is play with that and take a a brief break for playing drums it’ll be a bit for me to figure out um what the correct amplitude level is huh I wonder if I can dial a purple Shuler box more purple let’s find out let’s also see if anybody has been using

This oh hey dude he’s peaceful somebody has has anybody been using this up not quite so I’m going to coax you down the stairs here and the reason is I got a break blocks here and if I need to do that then there you go

I don’t want to hit you by mistake cuz that would be unhappiness in action this is this is one thing about uh the generosity of people people want to build me little bases but if they use up my enchanting thingy they won’t know how to refill

It this is why I made it the size that I did no apparent difference between the size of the uh Shockers I’m imagining that that got oh I’m going to have to chase you away from there again won’t I who well no apparent difference between uh something and something else what was I

Thinking if anybody else has a question it’s an even better way of being distracted um and for now we’re going to take this full shocker box and start placing it using the snowball in that that’s how we reload except for when Mr dude here wants to sit in that

Corner I am unsure how I’m going to handle that I mean I could zap him I feel like that would be bad for anybody that went to try to go through the ne the nether though if all of these guys decided that they didn’t like players that’s always a

Challenge so let’s not do that right now instead this part is safe enough and now I can place these remaining ones maybe I can coax him back into the nether portal because his input is not being helpful here firstly though oh hang on that’s not what we had there this

Is no even that isn’t boy I guess I know what I had that is the one that I took out by accident and this is how we don’t just drop down here but maybe I would like that that to be droppable down there cuz then Mr dude will wander up there drop

Back down and wander off or are we hanging out back here he’s very interested in the the grinder I’m glad you enjoy it so much I was wanting to build another one of these cuz like I said the way this works this is an elaborate cool building it’s a

It’s a device by which people can get up to their XP levels very rapidly kind of like [Laughter] this it’s not the fastest one on the server because one of my other players had built an even faster one but it is quite fast and effective and anybody showing up with a hello

Mister What’s your deal anybody using a pick in the wrong place would be able to obliterate that uh instantly and then I would simply have to rebuild it so yeah kazarov Val this is um post scarcity Minecraft based on 112 so one of the things about Minecraft

112 oh hello we’ve got somebody with an elra and a chain chest plate I’ve got lots of these things and again we can make more I’m not really quite sure why that is there but good enough good enough so part of what I’m doing is seeing what people do given the

Facilities that we get here cuz that’s part of the deal with Minecraft in general in these earlier versions is is before Microsoft had it there was not that much to this game you could do things like kill the End Dragon but we’ve already done that you can

Scoot around in the end getting elyas and stuff we’ve already done that you ended up getting to where if you were any good at playing the game you had solved it excuse me and so you didn’t necessarily have anything further to do and you ended up

Just making up things to do oh speaking of which I can think of something to do I’m going to put armor on all my my super amazing horses that feels like something that’s perfectly legitimate to do oh and we can put that back these are unhelpful I suppose I could place these

Though and one of these I need to put back I had that in a particular spot hey dude oh he has been doing the thing if I have it here you can’t open it and take stuff out of it at which point I can just grab it and uh reload again

And that’s why I have the stack of them and somebody has made water come out of there interesting there’s a water feature so yeah we’re kind of seeing what happens in this world that’s available you know it’s basically just open here’s another thing here’s the thing that I personally did which was

Set up all of these with some of your Basics some of the things that you need getting started in this game like everybody can have an elytra you can have fireworks and arrows nobody’s built with the mossy Stone and we have so much of it now I

Wonder maybe it’s just not as back in the day that was a very prized block and we really liked having it and there we go there’s lots of fasy stone but yeah it’s like and we got a sign with nothing written on it okay and I’ll place this other one

Here I might clear off the high Cris cool cool though it is but I feel like I have I have received the message and so I will I will indicate that I have seen it by clearing it away and I’ll be doing that manually because I don’t actually

Have blocks that are very good at automated cleaning of it but this is very easy to clear another thing in the post scarcity thing is it is easier to not as a rule hurt mobs and stuff like that because you really you know you don’t need

To oh this was going to be a two Lev Affair I guess so the goal is basically make up something to do and if you’re familiar with what I do as a day job that being uh plug-in making that’s something which I face in different ways every week cuz I make

Software where people can you know do what they would like using the software and it is uh sound modifying software but one of the interesting things about music like part of what we’re looking at these days going forward and life with the way that the future is unfolding for us

Is uh we’re starting to see more in the way of how the world is formed we’ve got things like AI that is accept accessible to people like I can run a version of Facebook’s llama 70b on my little home uh computer that being in a Mac Studio that was specifically got for the

Purpose of if I needed to do something like that I’d be able to and then I can ask that thing questions or tell it like write me essays I have been recently watching videos by one H bomber guy who did some striking uh expose that being H bber H

Bber guys thing is sort of the Expose and he has revealed a number of YouTubers and people and I’ve just reminded myself I was going to duplicate these so let’s put that here so that I can remember I don’t need that bow I can put that block down

Anywhere and it’s given rise to some thoughts on my part like there’s a lot to think about and part part of it is like oh yeah look at these people who have plagiarized all kinds of stuff and he correctly points out that in using AI to do things you’re essentially plagiarizing human

Existence is more or less how that works out like you are people have sucked all of humans uh postings and writings and stuff look a little Pond that doesn’t actually complete itself properly um people have sucked humans language into a little uh however many gigabyte conglomeration oh well Adam the thing

About it is this is open if you want to come and play on this you can this is uh snowball this has been made a little more fancy interesting I don’t remember doing this so somebody must have and and so I’m seeing what people do with it essentially one of the options always

Being ruin everything that is always a possibility let’s put some of this stuff away so you can say how can um making AIS actually count as stealing cuz we’re not verbatim copying and H bomber guys think that he made his video is all about number of people who

Were copying or taking credit which is K Kindred to other videos that he’s made he did a one about Tommy Tarico who is a sound engineer and promotional guy who ended up taking credit for for many things cuz that’s one of the humans got a human that’s one of the things that

People will often do there’s a lot of people who will just want to you know take stuff so that they can have it you have somebody what shocks people about at Tomy T Rico is that it seems as if he has all of this stuff and is wealthy and popular

And successful and yet he is unsatisfied he wants more U sir please don’t keep hitting me that’s a lot of zombies all spawned out of nowhere anybody would think that somebody was randomly spawning zombies on me well I didn’t get killed by that so we’ll respawn and we’ll start over I

Guess that it still triggers the ability for zombies to appear I do have a setting in here in the mod saying that these guys don’t summon reinforcements but I suppose it doesn’t always work that or I’ve got some nefarious person logged into my server spawning zombies on me that’s probably not what it

Is but is the internet so you never know I will say I’m a little fed up with these golden apples as a food stuff because it starts covering your view with all of this mess and now I have made a enormous quantity of iron horse armor I checked

Earlier to see if you could enchant it and sadly you cannot which is very frustrating I would really like to have Enchanted horses that would be great oh here’s Mr dude again we’ll just double check I know that I cannot attach more stuff and I’m pretty sure I

Can’t enchant these directly we’ll find out nope off limits nor can I use a book to do it so we’re kind of out of luck that way so do I have I don’t know beef steak kicking around I got a little bit of it which

Means I have all I want so I will do that I will replace the golden apple with beef steak and that way I’ll be able to eat food and it won’t have all these swirly things everywhere it’ll make it a little bit more difficult for me to survive mishaps

But that is another thing with snowball hey 100 yard perhaps a Bostonian because if you’re from Boston that’s how you’d say like in in say football which I’m not sure if there’s the 100 yards in football but yeah we went down to the the Boston Garden and watch the Patriots do 100

Yards so let’s start putting armor on some of these guys maybe I can just put it on nope but close they are cool looking when you do that so we’re going to put awesome armor on all of the awesome horses very cool that’s another way we can

Tell what they are one thing I could do is like ride them all out or actually I could just bust down this entire could just make space in here and then all the horses would be able to get out and it would be interesting because we’d have these

Random mobs kicking around they’d be extremely fast and capable and they would would be team players can use them I kind of like that idea cuz that’s another thing it’s like the post scarcity stuff is I could make other horses including horses this fast as easily as the easiest of easy

Things like this is not a trick it’s a matter of having a saddle which you can get by having any piece of leather getting the the iron horse armor is not as easy but then yeah I’m absolutely going to let these guys out they will wander away to

The point where they will not be um but I’m going to put armor on all of them first can be this first batch you have got armor you’ve got armor you’ve got armor looks marvelous on you you do not but now you do we’re going to put armor on all of

These horses and once we’ve successfully done that we let them all free you’re missing armor but not for long and if you not got armor this is also why I’m sad that I can’t uh enchant the armor because it would make them look cooler and then the thing that I’m still

Lacking is there is such a thing as Diamond horse armor I don’t have any of that and so I can’t infinitely duplicate that we haven’t got to the iron horse armor yet so that could be a goal for anybody else who’s playing on this as Well you are not wrong we could indeed use pants and boots to create figures I have not done that the horses are beginning to escape we’ll see how long it takes them CU we’re going to clear away this entire structure we’re also going to see whether they want to just cuddle up and

Knock me off of the wall that’s another possibility and that will also leave me with a Stacks upon stacks of this nether break material and I can build a house or something out of that cuz I built the initial thing using the chest plate for a cylinder not a

Chain cylinder or even a diamond one at least I don’t think it was a diamond one I think it was a gold one that I used but what it did was it made see here’s another here’s another analogy one of the things I’m going to be doing

In these cuz part of it is much like uh I always say this Ben Jordan started making videos for a similar reason it’ll be even more more effective for me because I’m doing a live streaming and so I’m spending like8 hours I’m just doing it by the hour

Rather than to accomplish any particular task and Ben was doing his video making because he didn’t talk in his day-to-day life and I experienced that as well so if I want to be able to do uh things like songs that have words and in the

Last year or so I’ve worked out how to do that in a way that I I didn’t know before namely I write music and then I’ll take a guitar on either the the neck or the bridge pickup and come up with Melodies that work and if I play a melody on the

Guitar that’s in notes that I can sing I can then turn that typically to words rather than trying to do words which end up having like like they end up making bad Melodies because I write stuff as if it was poetry and you can’t really do good song

Lyrics with the tpty tumpy tumpy kind of poetry style words doesn’t really work out very well you can people have but I’ve not been satisfied with that I’ve been a lot happier with the stuff I was able to make when I was creating the music part of the singing

First because it’s really more about making a vocalization if you watch documentaries about music and you’ve ever seen the uh Metallica making of The Black Album you get a little picture of that a cool a cool thing that not everybody knows about anybody who’s watched this knows it about um James Hetfield

Songwriting is that he writes his his uh lyrics wordlessly at first and they sort of go yeah and only puts words in afterwards and what that does is that locks in what that vocalization is supposed to sound like which is important that’s important for lyrics it’s important for

Songs cuz the thing about a song is it’s not so much about ideas but it can it can lock in a feeling in musical terms and as such a vocalization counts as a feeling in musical terms it’s not just a set of words it’s also the tone

Of voice the way that you express yourself and that’s why it it matters for instance if I’m doing this whether or not I’m using the uh whe whether or not I’m using the the neck pickup or the bridge pickup for making a Melody that’s going to be turned into uh

Song If I use the neck pickup that’s more of a CR kind of thing if I sing low notes those are those are notes that I can hit that way however if I use the bridge pickup that’s a brighter sharper sound huh I thought I had dropped a lot

More spare pieces of uh nether brick didn’t drop as many as I thought hey hores the hores are escaping I can ride them off to various places and then fly back some of them might stick around because this is after all where the uh hay is

And all of the sounds that I did over the last year were essentially done that way they were done by writing the music first and then coming up with Melodies to go on them and then figuring out what I could sing that went along with the feeling of those musical phrases and it

Was a lot easier to do when I just played stuff I could of course use synthesizers or something as well it each way of doing it differently would call for different kinds of vocals and that’s interesting like I definitely found that playing Melodies on the bridge

Pickup made me come up with stuff that was more like belted loud vocals versus on the neck pickup stuff was a lot softer and sung in a different kind of way the way that you pluck the string all of that kind of stuff cuz since I am such a bad singer

And talker that I have to actually do live streams to get practice to do it although funnily enough I’m a fairly good actor and voice actor um I can express emotions more easily manipulating a string than I can by just going I’m going to sing with my mouth

Now and then make something up if I try to make something up by just singing it I’m going to be stifled and frustrated and really much more kind of at a loss whereas I might be able to express a particular feeling more easily with you know bending notes on a

String and so on and I see something in chat uh what do I think of acoustica audio plugins acoustica is completely opposite from what I do in terms of making software and also very cool there’s Zod at I think acoustic also counts as nebula if I’m not

Mistaken and Zod is one of the few people who ever helped me start getting going in uh vsts because my challenge with doing anything new is is this um I have always been a like amateur self-taught computer programmer beginning with applesoft basic on an

Apple 2 and so I got off like to the wrong start and then I didn’t go to college for it or anything like that and so basically what people do for programming is usually over my head like I don’t really know how a lot of that

Stuff is done and some of it I don’t think is actually good there’s a reason why you know running Chrome to do web browsing and doing nothing or typing a single letter into the search bar in Chrome takes as much energy as running an a 3D video

Game it’s because the way that stuff is done is terrible and it’s all having to do with how programmers handle programming languages and the way that they they do and think about software and it is a considerable problem one that I typically don’t share because I don’t make stuff that

Way and one weird side effect is it’s like pulling teeth to teach me how to do stuff in in programming most of it I S I do not understand how that stuff works as a rule and so it’s not easy with the the teaching Chris had to

Do a thing and I don’t necessarily pick up when there is ways of doing stuff the usual way of learning stuff by reading about how it’s done doesn’t always work for me because I don’t have the basics and if I ask for help often I feel in these in the

Field of software plugins for for music and so on people don’t want to help you they are competing with you they’re trying to sell their things and as a rule they’re not excited about the idea of like oh hey help me do a thing where I can do plugins better than yours they

Don’t want to and so I rarely and this even applies to like the platform makers there’s a reason I’m not doing vst3 part of it is that they have uh in the past taken action to try to take away people’s permission to make VST 2s because they

Want the VST 3S to exist so that they can remove the existence of VST tws and eventually stop people from being able to use the uh hello hello hello hello that’s better now I can place this the saddle buck and this all has to do with not so

Much a post scarcity thing but the very scarcity mindset of like existing under capitalism and a very much not scarcity condition where it’s zero sum and somebody must lose if somebody else is going to win you can’t do the snowball Madness thing of like oh here if we’ve

Got one of those things we’ll just fire up some zombies slay them with this infinite uh arrow shooter and then everybody has infinite quantities of everything you know you can’t necessarily do that in real life the way we operate real life and so I would typically never find

Anybody who isn’t the least interested in communicating to me and I’m difficult to communicate with on this basis because I’m not very clever about some of this stuff how these things are made and Zod is an exception Zod from acoustica was there actively helping to explain to me how things were

Done back when me and my brother who at a t for a time there was also willing to help me we were trying to figure this stuff out and Zod offered useful help and is in some small part to thank for the fact that you’ve got air windows vsts at

All so yay is a fman and since he’s associated with acoustica yay acoustica yeah apple will do things like that although oddly enough apple is apple is interesting hey loc in that way cuz they themselves are like a post um scarcity thing in a way like they treat the software as a method

To sell the hardware and they do in fact sell the software that they make but they similarly to Google Google is Al been like this although it’s hard to tell how how much that has persisted some of these Silicon Valley folks are so good at what they do that

They behave as if like oh the world is free and we’re already in that Star Trek universe because we live in you know our little campus here and so they start behaving as if everybody else also qualifies for being in the post scarcity world world and some of their decisions are not based

On the scarcity model of needing to harm people in order to get what’s yours and ghoul in particular used to be doing this more before they realized that they were still in a competitive capitalist model against other companies hey Steve H yep I always have during January when I was processing

Uh the end of a romantic relationship I spent a bunch of time playing a much newer version of this game and just spent a bunch of time dering around doing this what I’ve done like here with this is essentially set up to let me see now figuring out what I’m doing

I think one of the things I will want to do is make chests so that I can stash more of this stuff so that’s pretty straight forward but I am going to want to chop down a tree of some kind in order to do that

Cuz I’ve got all of the things and I don’t have any Uh Wood on hand yeah I I enjoy uh Mac OS enormously but then I’ve been using it for ages back in the day I started off on a performa 575 ran a 68040 CHP it’s pre power PC much less

Intel I still have it in my basement although it does not run yep that that computer at least I think I if I remember correctly I do let throw down another double chest I’m all figuring out how to do this might as well do it around this area That’s emptied my inventory out a bit we can make another portal here if we want it’ll just bring us to the existing ones though got some doors and things quartz and now we’re going to make some more of this uh grass block cuz I need to place

It and I don’t think I can place it using snowball although maybe I can let’s find out whether it is so infinite that I can just place it this way that’ll be quicker signs point to yes it’s just a little bit more covers him don’t even need to grind for it we’ll

Just zo them in we go that is pleasing it’s even less trouble than I expected you if you dig down you might encounter that another brick stuff don’t play in there you’re iron to get all rusty and know it’s possible that there is something like that I’m not

Sure see apple often doesn’t like you messing with the performance and behavior of their stuff so sometimes these convenient things are mysteriously difficult on Mac OS and it’s because Apple didn’t want somebody doing the thing differently from how they have prescribed it is to be done that’s normal it’s more of the wall

Garden thinking which is another interesting question around scarcity and how we do stuff that uh if you can have anything that you like then one constraint can be well I only want it to act a certain way and that can be the constraint it’s going to be interesting

To look into this once I’m done and find out whether the stream quality is worse than usual I’ve not noticed that much in the way of of other YouTubers that do streams on YouTube looking completely terrible when they’re not doing um when they’re doing a low latency so that

It’s possible to respond to them because I feel like that’s fairly normal and I’ve been the exceptional one in trying to do one that’s not a low latency stream and there we are so that’s handy now let’s do something with the uh what’s a good way of bust and ha block shovels nope

Axes let’s find out I got nothing better to do today but uh eat over here to where I’ve got some of those things and I’m pretty sure I have a hoe kicking around somewhere oh I also wanted to experiment with an X we’ve got more kinds of picks for if I want

To dig down or make caves or something like that and I can always make one which is what’s going to happen checks to see if there’s one in here nope ah but we got some nether brick fence and so I can move that to where the other nether brick stuff is

Speaking of which anything else like that not really oh I could decorate with dragon eggs though that could be fun going to want to leave a assortment of various things kicking around oh or indeed raw Netherrack also is a building material could be a thing one thing

About that is that I can make fires on it so there’s that’s an additional twist unlike the nether brick I can make permanent forever fires using the nether rack not any faster Yep looks like all of these things are basically the same I suppose a shear might be a

Possibility and I think I even have one so let’s see Shear is the hay definitely not no matter better sepol processing I’m not sure if I’ve ever heard of sepol processing oh I can do three little pigs houses I could build one out of straw and one out of

Bricks I do have a goodly amount of straw here oh look and we’ve got some dark oak wood so we can do more of that a little more decorating like that little bit of white wool a whole bunch of things really some of which are not especially useful now I can go into

The other thing actually all of these building blocks can go into the other thing because this is mostly full of other kinds of stuff so we’ll leave it full of the other kinds of stuff and move this stuff over here again there’s parallels to all of this this nonsense in

Uh Hey whole stack coming up sepm that’s interesting because I do not know what that is at all and let’s have some more stacks of hay blocks I going to have to look that up at some point reversible things are always interesting to me we can we can do stuff with

Them while I’m at it I’m am going to do a little lawn mowing should don’t know why I could do that that is one of the things that this particular kind of snowball can do although I would also be sharing all the leaves off of those trees so beware

And doing it this way also means that you do not get drops oh interesting we’ve got a little place here I could fill this in using some dirt blocks and or grass blocks and then maybe flatten this down a little bit and I’ll have a big wide lawn area let’s give that a

Shot yeah luuka I confess I do not know what you mean by getting all the pitches and quantizing all the faces of their harmonics but that’s fine like the thing about how I approach DSP is I don’t necessarily know things in the same way that other people know them

So there’s plenty of stuff where I won’t necessarily get it and there there stuff that other people um don’t know that I’m able to work around which is how I’m trying to get sounds that aren’t as easily accessible to you know other companies let’s do a couple of things

Quickly one of them is going to be uh excuse me one of them is going to be sleeping another is going to be putting this diamond shovel in this slot and then grinding a couple of zombies so that I can have a better quality diamond

Shovel oh no I do not mind go ahead and throw words words will help you be understood and it also helps the YouTube think that my stream is good so all these things have their uses I had a lot of speculation going on earlier

Um just a moment I have a log to throw on the Fire at this stage half of it’s a literal charcoal fire I’ll get the Rome cam back eventually um the deal the deal with the Room cam is like like I said I moved it up so

That it can be a drone Room cam which means I haven’t replaced it yet and uh I can technically especially if I look into used I can get a respectable um wides scale Cam and I’ve had enough lenses that that’s not going to be a problem oh look we’ve dropped another

Uh that’s not a very good quality so we’ll try again they’re never very good quality but they’re better than the one I’m using as a model and I’m thinking that’s going to be enough doesn’t have to become perfect they are all better than this one heck that’s almost perfect we got

There getting rid of blurring sounds no that’s actually the base game the combining things in a crafting table or indeed in your inventory is the base game as far back as uh version 112 which which is what this is you can’t do magical things without doing a

Uh an anvil though but for non-magical things even if they’re diamonds you can craft them together just like that for got a particular thing in mind here we’re just going to go straight through here and flatten everything everything in such a way that the grass grows back more

Quickly it’ll take this part a little longer Oh and we’re making a big flat area that I’m going to put some kind of house in that’s one of the ways that people Express luxury it’s not only in terms of giant constructions you can also Express luxury in terms of giant spaces now when you say console within an

Amount control I’m interested in what you mean by That cuz the thing is it’s not so much about having a amount control it’s a particular process that we apply and if you mean like a dry wet where you can have only as much of the console effect happening that’s like that’s an interesting question here’s another interesting question can

We drop this down neatly like this diamond shovel should only remove dirt diamond shovel removed all the dirt okay so we’re going to be grinding a little more dirt to put this back I didn’t expect for that to happen sure worked though yep yep that’s a hole that’s a big hole

Okay so back to the slow method of doing this I didn’t expect that goodness no that’s not what I thought was going to happen while I’m at it let me grab some uh grass box more slowly you know I’ve got a bunch of plugins that do things like that internally I

Have fairly often like ADT my ADT is doing things like summing stuff using console internally it’s an additional level upon what’s already there like if you’re using it inside console already oh and I’m going to have to uh take down those stone bricks a little bit that’s

Enough not only that how about we do this a little bit faster still I feel certain that I have an enchant in here that would help long as I’m doing this in all okay not these there’s some efficiency three we still got one of these left once I’ve done this yes we do

I’m just going to use that directly I can always make more now I can dig a little faster it didn’t even take very much xp wise you know I don’t know off the top of my head oh God yeah that’s L faster arguably too fast except for whoever heard of that

Whoever heard of such a thing is too fast yeah so I have been known to use uh console internally in plugins yes you know this is a sort of meditative thing many people enjoy doing things like this in Minecraft where it’s just like oh here’s my stacks upon stacks of

This and we’re just going to try to place blocks for a while or like remove a Mountaintop block by block that kind of thing let’s make sure we have enough Stacks oh I no technically what I could do is see how many I get some things lend themselves to an

Extreme effect more than others like you most certainly don’t always want that more extreme effect some kinds of things are intrinsically better suited to existing in the realm of subtlety you not everybody naturally thinks in terms of subtlety the reason I’m doing this this way is because I can get the dirt to

Fill in faster if there’s bits of grass block around does Protools handle the way your Mac tles audios you know I’m not sure since I don’t own or use Protools I know I know a fair bit about how the Mac handles audio it doesn’t mean that I know much about Protools though

If I think of anything that I do know about it I’ll let you know we didn’t need efficiency 5 for this it’s already more than enough and we’re going to end up with floating stuff these horses are going to scare people which is not bad I think that’s

Fine they’re going to scare me even I’m going to jump jump scare horse jump scare the horse jump scare is your friend oh also the larger flat space will help with riding these guys around that’s going to be a definite positive I might even continue it I

Might even make a little horse racetrack people can use that could be fun a one minute warning anybody who is still dealing with ads I do not know which things install new audio drivers a lot of the stuff that I use doesn’t for instance what I’m using to send digital audio to my

Converter is an extremely cheap Optical converter because with a good da Converter it doesn’t matter very much whether it’s sending a jittery signal because it’s is going to reclock it there we go doing a little better J th hello I like how people who have not seen this before will continually be surprised by little details that just

Don’t add up to the way they understand Minecraft to be like these horses o ASI for all that’s one advantage of the macway of doing things looks like I have enough dirt Stacks now everything has to deal with Core Audio although I will note that there

Are still Hang-Ups and I’ll tell you one of them right now I am a fan of M uh Motu which you think it’s the same company as I’m AIO um Motu on Max is like rme on PCS it’s a pretty reliable system it works well that said I’m running a

16a and although I’m quite happy with how it’s working it’s not that it’s absolutely perfect there are times when if I turn on the 16a which I’ll do if I need to um do multi-tracking mixdowns or whatever I need that on there because the uh Reaper is designed to record

Using it or if I go back into the studio and start doing new music I’ll be turning on that 16a it’s actually a old uh Thunderbolt 16a so I have to run it through a converter just to connect it to the Max studio because that’s on USBC and what happens

Is oh hi there oh do you want to go for a ride oh sorry about that I can smooth everything out over to here that gives you a couple of seconds of ride what monitors do I have I will tell you the whole uh shebang depends upon what you mean

Um yeah so Motu is typically as rock solid as rme on PCS that said there are times when I’m shutting down the computer after having used the 16a and turned it on and it’s connected through a USBC to a USB to Thunderbolt converter and um sometimes hey menu sometimes the

Uh computer restarts itself and was like oh we restarted because of a problem and then it’s fine but that does indicate that um there is an issue with some part of that software somewhere it’s not shutting down correctly and this is not that big of a problem that I can’t cope with

It I’m just saying there’s no immunity from things necessarily oh menu so the speakers that I’m using including what you’re hearing this through cuz you’re monitoring only only Thea um the microphone it’s my my best way of being able to make this be loud enough is not trying to run the computer

Audio these speakers are modified Yamaha ns10 oh no don’t don’t don’t worry about that I actually have uh some connection to India myself slightly and I’ll tell you how I have an uncle uncle Peter uncle Peter deal and I grew up with this guy he married my dad’s sister

And is a Indian man and a sort of wild business entrepreneur and very very Indian dude this guy um and a card shark and he would even he would even card shark with like uh his nephews oh well I’m actually doing something right now but uh hang on

And also it’s getting on towards sleeping time let me check that again – 264 and 364 a I can get to 360 4 I can’t getus 264 that way what are we doing we’re flying through the air I’m completely screwed up look at me minus 264 and plus there that I do

It that out get into the idea what are my opinions about India there firstly what are we looking at oh cool we’ll do thank you if you don’t know how to do the special placement of those then those zombies are going to beat that in oh look at

That cool hey Manu replaced the thing and and what have we got we got any of the stuff I was thinking about yet lovely lovely very cool I’m going to snag one of these clocks that you have okay yeah this keyboard is a Dos keyboard um keyboard tiger or Mac tiger

Yeah India is going through some challenges with uh its conservative government it’s very some of that’s very America likee honestly and is going to be a big deal going forwards it is expanding into like India is probably already more of a superpower than in Russia and it’s very interesting to keep

Track of I have I’m a little familiar with things like I know Bollywood and some on but um not terribly terribly familiar but wow I cannot uh you can’t use the uh rocket snowballs down here I speak nothing but English although interestingly in school I learned German but it’s not enough to

Actually speak it I forgot it again and I was taught French at one point I certainly don’t speak that either oh cool hey I got a secret passageway this is a fine time to sleep and past the the night Co beans coal beans now I’m going to resume this stuff oh

God now we got a mess none of you guys not so worried about the spiders and the Enderman can take care of itself and I’m going to continue the thing I was doing over here yep some of that stuff it’s it’s fun to see that sort of

Thing it’s very interesting to me the way that that kind of stuff works that uh if you make a place where people can play and do whatever they want theyve it it it’s like in order to get people to do what you want one of the most

Effective ways of doing it is to be like here go ahead and do anything that you want and people like oh wow that’s so cool tell me what you want and if the thing that you want is to be sitting there placing blocks in a game then replacing the need to do that

Doesn’t count as what you want anymore so I’m going to return to the little project that I had here cuz that’s how I’m going to spend some time before making another cup of coffee and continuing to talk about things like post scarcity and all of that it is a fascinating question

Like the kinds of stuff that can happen and certainly it’s been my experience with Minecraft a lot and it’s almost like it’s also a lesson in in authority figures that um being the person that is owning or paying for the server the nice thing about this is especially since I

Don’t have a a foray static IP for it this is only costing me the amount of electricity it takes to run a laptop in my basement oh all right well I’ll see you later mun I’ll see you later m one of the things that I like is that uh plugin although

They can have controls labeled in a lang language and that’s a concern can like sound making can be uh languag less if I was to design plugins and I didn’t use words but emojis for labeling them somehow managed to pull that off then I could make like non language bound

Plugins just use geometric figures or something for excuse me oops didn’t mean to do that or that what are we doing if I don’t hit the right spot on these I start pathing them instead yeah I mean the thing is I’m doing like original Au and vst2 formats

And so I do not think that that’s accessible sadly but the idea of it I like I want my stuff to be radically accessible including to people who cannot afford new computers and new os’s that’s really important to me that’s why I do the stuff that I do the way that I do

It but also being able to do stuff where like you might as well just use it and you don’t necessarily have to have the language spelled out for how to use it I like the idea of that asky art would literally absolutely work like if I just had instead of a

Roundness control I just put O’s be like see like that or sharpness control I put V it would be using the letters oh I’m doing I’m making something else and all the horses are wandering around cuz of course I didn’t kill them that would be terrible so the horses are

Now free and if I want to make more and have them be here I can either go and find them or I can make some more you know I you know I’m almost tempted to do things like make um there have been a number of times when I’ve seriously considered the

Idea and you know it’s it’s possible that I will try that in something coming up I hadn’t really thought of it but I mean you know I can take any of these plugins well I don’t know if I could say any of these plugins with some of this stuff I have

The ability to make the VST not show numbers and that’s an interesting thought I am not sure how useful that suggestion is because I don’t think I have the ability to make the generic Aus not show numbers but I think I have the ability to make the VST not show Numbers

It would just tap the slider and the slider would just be there you know figure it out for yourself kind of thing oh yeah thing I can’t fix that in Ableton 12 Ableton 12 has to be able to display generic plugins and if it’s a VST oriented it

Has to be able to do VST 2.4 plugins failing that it’s over to somebody else who’s willing to do that stuff or it’s over to um bacon Paul to do the uh clap plug-in and set it up to also spit out VST 3s cuz I’m pretty sure if I GPL at

All I can legally do VST 3s that way without signing any agreements and that’s what I would require I’m not willing to sign further agreements with any Clauses in them that could mean that I’d legally not be allowed to do 2.4 anymore I need to be able to do 2.4 for

Older machines there’s a lot of them out there and it is not okay to take away people’s ability to use the old gear that they’ve got it’s wasteful and it ain’t right okay here we are big flat area getting flatter all the time there’s one of our horses there’s

Two of the horses here’s a whole bunch of the horses very good now while I’m at it let’s Harvest all of this sand and then fill in this space and start filling in probably don’t need to pick all of the sand up I’m just trying to get some of

It and it’s getting dark again hello I see you switched away from the snowball in the process of doing the thing let’s see okay that stuff P still there so it’s good if I was to do a multiband thing of some kind it would most certainly be one of

Those ones that people are really excited about oh just a glass bottle huh must have already they were in the middle of drinking health potions so let’s see oh by the way anybody who is going to be subject to that one minute warning some kind of AD let’s return to massive sand

Mongering because it’s kind of fun Zing around and picking up sand like that even when it’s not at all necessary which it’s not you know what that’s going to be enough I think hello there we go see this is going to be more horse race area I just felt like harvesting some of

That sand while I was at it leaving more of it underneath go ahead and build the bolt racetrack it’s a Minecraft server there’s space absolutely that sounds awesome M yep do you know do you know where the ice Spike biome is if you don’t I can go and get it for

You but that sounds completely awesome let’s have let’s have ice let’s have racing tracks horse race track could be fun too it’s a little more complicated than the boats because you want to also try to not hurt the horses while doing it especially since these are such super

Fast horses that that can actually be challenging but yeah making some race tracks that sounds awesome let’s do that we all in pedal support for Minecraft I have uh racing wheels and pedals I have them to work with a uh an old PlayStation that I’ve got with an old version of Gran

Turismo that being one of the games I have traditionally enjoyed let’s see how do we get out of here help help there we go that’s better you know I could have emptied this out much easier than that oh well now I can take water away with buckets I just chose not to

What’s happening there oh there we go so something about this is submerging with with in water a lot blue cat is another example of cool people in programming who have done helpful things there was a time when some of the bluecat stuff wasn’t working with all of the air Windows options

Perfectly and so the guy from gam the guy from bluecat basically asked what I was doing that the not all of the plugins were being labeled properly found out how audio units label things correctly and went through and fixed everything to make it work better with the stuff that I was

Choosing to do in the air Windows plugins which also means that the bluecat stuff is follows the audio unit spec better for everybody not just for my stuff that is a cool thing hey Mel impressor four all afternoon yeah I had somebody asking me about compressors on Reddit earlier and there we

Are time to expand this flatness somehow oh the poor thing you got one of those horses that can’t jump uh an airwind Windows granular plugin is distinct possibility that is the kind of thing that can happen and I’ll tell you why to do it properly what you really

Want to do is run an audio buffer and then grab you know the grains are simply Echoes that are being shaped in a particular way it’s nothing more than a matter of of turning on and on Echoes and having them move around I’ve already got stuff like melt is kind of like a

Granular plugin Air Windows melt is a little bit like granular plugin so this is you know the uh of the possible these are things of the possible in fact I’ve even got a plan for something inspired by the uh ambient Masterwork everywhere at the end of time

Uh that’s going to be a no and a no there’s not going to be a ptech there’s not going to be Helios this Christmas oh and there is going to be dark because it is going to be nighttime and I’m going to throw another on the

Fire here we go and let let me uh there we go as well it is 11:12 in the morning maybe this is about time for me to grabb another cup of coffee let’s do that thing there’s our analog passage of time meter back in a bit where the coffee grind for for

I’ve got another kind of coffee today which is a Colombian kind but it’s not as dark roast and it’s much harder to grind Mel note that the as far as eqs are concerned a lot of my work recently has been along those lines and the new versions of

Console all have Channel he has built into them yeah looka you could go out somewhere and make an Alro race course using like diamond and gold pickaxes and just nuking the terrain to make big holes to fly through that would be oh God okay guys I got to start over my my

Coffee grinder fell on the ground so I have a little cleanup to do this is going to take me longer than expected I don’t have a uh cam today for the room which is just as well because I don’t want to show you this fil now we’re almost done coffee making too

See this is why I need to drink coffee is because I’ll screw stuff up but I have my handy Fuller brush dust pin and dustbuster and it’s dry coffee ground so there’s that see this is what you get for drinking the Colombian which is the less dark of a

Roast and it’s that much harder to grind is the bottom fell off because they have to put so much force into the grinder All right so this was my cup of coffee we’re not making coffee out of that it’s too yucky and I’ll get back to you I’ll get back to you as soon as I’m done with whatever this is all it also all got over my pants this time instead of grinding it

In front of here where you can see it I’m just going to have it set on the counter so that it doesn’t come apart and dump coffee everywhere that’s how it’s going to be for for for for e all righty I got back from spilling coffee on myself and all

Of that cleanup and all of that stuff it’s funny how you’re doing a stream and you wind up revealing all about yourself and how you handle various things whether it be the way that the U the mob grinder got uh suddenly and instantly destroyed and then then replaced cuz menu QQ has

Located another mom grinder and built the thing out of it and uh how you react when you dump your stuff all over yourself cuz I would not have done that in a regular video it would be edited right out I got another thing which was to experiment with what

Happens when I have the metal coffee making bed on the stove warming up which is something that I do because I had to like clean everything up and reg grind I ended up with the the coffee making metal parts for the espresso thingy warming up on the stove top way more than

Usual and I think what happened sir no no attack me with an egg will you H and as a result of that oh got more trouble over here as a result of that now I know what the espresso tastes like when I’ve heated that part up a lot

And especially very early on early in the poll the espresso thingy um it’s way more like the kind I buy which is interesting it’s like oh I see also do we have I’ve got stuff on me now which I shouldn’t these are not mine think somebody crashed next to me or

Something cuzz I’ve already got my stuff or is this yours that yours we’ve got our flying stuff well I don’t know where I came from it wasn’t mine oh let me sarch away from that right away MH yeah it does my hard go to see people playing with the horses that’s why I made them I will hope that they survive but uh uhoh what was that I saw something happen over here not quite sure Yep this should stay here not be used needlessly let’s go in quest of

Some I am pretty sure I can find it I feel like I remember a direction where it was I think if we start at spawn and head up north we’ll get to where some PCT ice is it seems like a fine idea to me so sounds like a

Plan let’s all go and get some pactice yeah I feel like we we could go north for it we got some deep ocean so I can’t tell what I’m doing or where I am but I can look at the biome and if the biome says something

Useful that’s all I’m going to need to know cold beaches ice mountains ice Plains there we go there we go it didn’t take long at all C TAA okay so back towards where it said ice in the biome uh Plaines very good ice Mountains Cold Beach Ice plane spikes got

There this what you were talking about I think I’d better do a little big game hunting on this guy oh he just dropped a fish so another question is how much of this do we want to take do we want to leave any of it as like a heritage

Site and so that other people can have it cuz technically we only need to take one block and then we can dup all the rest that’ll do yeah you don’t need to harvest more than a tiny little bit look at that so those are some pretty spikes

We’re not going to be taking any pretty spikes yeah don’t worry about rebuilding it so much as just there’s never going to be a reason to harvest everything that we find here we can just grab a block or two like I’m going to grab these blocks that kind of shows where I’ve

Been but that’s 12 blocks it’s not even a spike it’s just a sort of little Area 14 and that gives me 16 blocks I don’t think the boats have breaks why would boards have breaks and then it’s time to head south back to spawn we’re back to this vicinity anyhow I

Feel like there might be something cool over here too what’s the edge of this ocean look like oh I love it it’s a b that’s cool build something here yeah it’s great we even have a little snow Island over here with some ice but not the packed ice yeah

Awesome I’m going to stash bits of uh packed ice in various places so we don’t lose it remembering of course anything that we build can be accidentally nuked by a mistake it can all go fo very easily but doesn’t have to and try to avoid it to the best of your

Ability that espresso was delicious oh I have I’m not going to be nuking anything unless I have some terrible mistakes and I’m pretty good about avoiding those like my my air Windows Experience has uh trained me to be methodical about things and I so I tend

To not like do the wrong thing or make derps too easily I tend to be pretty good about that so I ain’t nuking nothing Air Windows filter FM no and I’ll tell you why I don’t have sample by sample inputs it’s only buffer inputs Chasm when I say buffer inputs what I

Mean is that information only gets to come in um each new time the controls are pulled at the rate of our uh let’s see they do not have a bed on me so probably time to head south to spawn yeah it’s about 900 or so yeah Air Windows vibr did FM because

It was using two different controls that were both inside Air Windows spr Auto I can’t bring in a separate sound that said if I manage to master um getting there that was the last if I run across examples that show me how to do side chains and by that I mean both side

Chains on uh traditional Au and side chains on VST 2.4 which might be more challenging then we could do something like that until that point that’s not going to be a thing so if anybody has access to examples of how one does side chain inputs in both of those contexts that’s

What we would need I started using uh quartz blocks and all of a sudden everybody’s doing it and that’s why it’s funny to me is that since that’s one of the color change blocks I could turn them all back to Stone quite easily or any of the Terracotta or concrete

Colors but we have not yet and so this base Still Remains largely quartz based oh for sir not appreciating your input you can stop doing that right now and you what do you think you’re doing in here these mobs geez who do they think they are oh hey I got

Fishes we’ll cook some fishes but first things first clear out the old inventory just a bit uh manually you would build a curving r by hand that’s more or less how you do it depending upon how you’re building a road it’s not as hard as you’d think like if you’re building a road

With path place the block I don’t know I’d have to see what you were doing honestly bored now going to do this so that I can have my full stack here uh that’s true you will have to place that way I don’t have anything that can place individual blocks unless you just fire

Them using them as a replacement let’s see how that works yeah you can you can snowball in a replacement Block it’s just going to be a little cumbersome that way I now have an extra block I do not have a way of placing discs although if they were half slabs

You kind of would but only kind of the only answer to that is as well as you can there’s no real cheat to it it’s just kind of a thing before we had snowball to like do spheres and cylinders and things it was always just like okay learn the shape

Figure out how to make it it’s kind of like hand lettering or or drawing [Laughter] pictures that’s the idea that ends up being kind of what you got to do and it’ll be as pretty as you make it to do your best if you need it to be perfectly

Even then keep working at it until it’s [Laughter] even now let’s move some of this stuff over into the Fancy Pants blocks that counting as kind of fancy got some lovely new elyas up in here too I’m going to clear out the grass blocks those don’t count as fancy as I thought they

Were put those in there and then I’m going to find somewhere around spawn to put him again in case that place gets nuked oh and maybe I should put some in my Ender Chest the ender chest is the one thing that cannot possibly get nuked from you because it’s stored on the player

Rather than in the world so now I have permanent access to a stack of ice blocks anytime I can get access to a enter chest again and we’ve got those kicking around and if they were all destroyed we could make more so that’s a bit a good planning for the future

No railing fair enough fair Enough let’s head back towards spawn and find places to put some of this let’s have a stack in here and a stack in the other one there we go and let’s not put any in here so they can all be relatively predictable it’s been harvested a bit but not all that

Much but just for laughs I’ll put a couple in there and I’m going to stash some over here where I was building before just happen to have some of that tucked away oh and let’s clear the nether brick and obsidian out of there consolidate it somewhere oh ink saxs as well meaning we

Could get some more black glass there’s some black glass there’s some more cool beans I’m seeing a vision of something that could be done oh The non- Amazing Horse hi look at my not amazing horse my horse is not amazing fill in this at some point Too menu I do

Not you dressing up with them if I wasn’t interested in the actual protective qualities of these things I would do likewise no that would be a good thing to acquire if you can find one somewhere like off of a uh a mob oh and I can’t pick that up because

I have too many things on me well we’ve got enough room we’ve got enough room on the server for it because there’s no real limit to how far you can go and you’re the one that went really far away for the purpose of uh what are we

Doing oh God I need to put some of this stuff away before I can start with that I’m literally going to need to make more chests if you can run your own server that’s 112 you can it has to be like a spigot uh the sound affecting the filter

Frequency by the way is something that the original low pass and high pass plugins would do I had that like in 2008 and it worked in a particular way and since it wasn’t a very steep um filter low pass and high pass he didn’t really notice it so much but it changed the

Tone to some extent yeah go go and look into those again the uh the color affecting stuff is filter frequency modulating on its input signal I’m not sure if I ever tried filter frequency modulating on the output signal that might be also interesting let’s see dump some more of this stuff in here

Can’t dump any more of that because there’s no room but if I grab a couple of these things there will be looking forward to seeing what you’ve done with it well that’s kind of I mean isn’t that half the fun why would you have a a

Boat I’m wondering if you can have hyper fast with like a two block distance between ice and vertical ice and that would mean um ice two blocks over you uh-huh that’s why we just got some blue eyes uh just trying to figure out why we need To come over to here yep I think pack dice is the kind you’d want to use yes yeah intersperse it with Soul Sand then you got braks it’s not like we don’t have Soul Sand I got a house with the floor made out of Soul Sand what Soul Sand no don’t

Melt and normal ice might or might not melt under normal circumstances I’m not entirely sure I’m really I couldn’t tell you well I know packed ice doesn’t so maybe that implies that regular ice does unless you’re in a climate that will support it oh trying to figure out what I’m doing

Which is mostly clearing everything out until this is the edge of the field that’s what I’m thinking it doesn’t matter that it is not a very coherent plan because this is Minecraft and so it’s not about having coherent plans this is to clear my brain so that my coherent plans can be plug-in

Oriented and sound oriented and maybe like post scarcity or politics or who knows what else oriented cuz that stuff like the recent um it’s really interesting what uh recent stuff that’s been going on like the H bomber Guy video it’s a pretty well-known fellow I suppose thing is that recent work of his

Highlighted a bunch of stuff about plagiarism I had already heard of the name Illuminati because this kid that I watch uh Vander Hall I’m not sure if you’d appreciate me calling him a kid but compared to me he totally is um has frequently had like drama battles with this young

Lady and his his founder to be not a particularly good person and I think that he makes a pretty good case for yeah there’s problems there it’s not great but little did we know that it would extend as far as it has that there’s so much objectionable going on

There I thought it was just like yeah he’s just mad at her rather than wow this is really troublesome Wonder if you heard that noisy truck or other kind of Vehicle really quite a noisy truck let’s start using this uh oh yeah well I mean the landscape I’m doing is a lot of work too he says making light work of it mean it’s kind of a lot of work and then kind of not at all just rotate with the super

Efficiency shovel and you’re good then we come down a little bit for here continue this way getting on towards bedtime Minecraft wise it’s getting on towards noon as well and real worldwise so I think I’m going to make another cup of coffee and grind it more carefully this time so I am

Sleeping now it is day and let’s see whether I can do this again but more properly this time once I’ve done with that I’m going to throw another uh put the a Log on the Fire okay for for for for for for for for for you Down here I’m back hi there I did a little extra thing while I was out but more of that in a bit H I’m going to hop off this okay well I’ll catch you later I figure I’m going to be doing this on Tuesdays and Thursdays see how that

Goes minus 2810 I think I would like to see let’s go see sort of in this General vicinity or in this general direction oh well before I go we’re clearly not done with placing all of these dirt blocks so let’s do that and then go here we

Are oh I slid off the track and fell down guess it’s going to be boat track yep so you got to think in terms of making Corners up and it is heading right over over to the Village okay and into the actual water where the boat belongs

I dug a little bit of the water up let’s see if I can get down the actual track and over to the ground okay so it didn’t quite manage it but also if we don’t have enough beds here here I am using one the nordish life you’re just going to have to make

It big enough but does indeed prove to be the thing made it right through to the end and I can row around on the ground almost almost well hang on a second I need to put this boat away well you need to practice designing a course that’s the thing it’s

A little bit too much like the nordch life it is too narrow and the corners are too sharp and there’s nothing really to stop you you can put other things on there so you you got course design to do it’s as simple as that- 318 380 huh okay easy enough to get there

380 you just found this or did you make it very nice all righty here we have a spider spawner you are more than welcome to make something with that that absolutely And let’s see where there’s any sir excuse me I just want to get over to this other one dude okay I owe you a debt of gratitude I’m getting the hell out of here and everybody gets Diamond horse armor now thank you I did not know that was there that is super cool

Thank you thank you thank you menu QQ I’m beating feet back to base after eating a little bit and I’m going to dup some Diamond horse armor and put it where we can get it and actually let me dup one right now and give you it all righty there you

Go one of our Boutique things acquired so now everybody has Diamond horse armor if they want it that should help the horses in when we make super horses that are amazing a little too amazing and they end up getting attacked by stuff and they’ll be prettier as well

Which is kind of like what my existing horses are what’s that there we are over two here and then over two here three new spawners yeah yeah now the spiders aren’t really going to give us useful things but uh I guess it depends like if you want to sit around shooting spiders that

Works [Laughter] [Laughter] all righty now we got a whole bunch of diamond horse armor tucked away in here and more coming so let’s see first of all while I’m not doing this let’s dump some of this stuff good we’re using it correctly and throw oh one of them was on a

Chicken I heard the the chicken Crow mhm yep and I’m going to stash bits of diamond horse armor around places where people can get them notably at spawn we’ll just have a little bit of everything cool this is this is not dissimilar to what I do with the open

Source software it’s like oh wow I made a cool thing how can I get everybody it and I like being that way and I like it being that way so I’m just dashing a couple of things here and there because that is really the other the other reason I’m doing it the

Way that I’m doing it in this way is knowing how snowball Works knowing that we could have a newbie show up at any point who doesn’t know how to do things and like spams a bunch of diamond pick snowballs around and all of a sudden a bunch of things disappear including

Chests so diversifying having things in multiple places can be handy and that also become it becomes part of the game it becomes part of the game trying to design how to do various things in such a way as to absorb issues that might come up coal block I was thinking about cold

Block things in terms of the dark building materials I have all the way over here and I thought about maybe building a really dark building dark place there’s are single Co block that’s darker even than the nether Rack or the nether stuff that said we should put the hair bals

Out for the horses but that’s another story we’ve got our horses which are amazing truly amazing and here’s this different color of dirt in this little pond which is a Fine Place to be building or making something let’s put some of this stuff back can’t place that can we and passing the night

Man that’s good espresso it’s gone already and let’s see you can kind of see how the color changes so I’m going to make this flat space be this color and then it starts to get curvier when we get into these foresty areas which can expand all out a little over

This way I think let’s do that see if I do this properly then the horses have a place to play and we have a place to race the horses sort of up and down the meadow really fast without hurting them they are too fast for normal environments and tend to go flying off

Cliffs and things and that’s a bit sad so we’re not going to do that as long as we have the ability to play some of these things in a nice way even if it is only a temporary thing and then the trees and stuff start over here I can fill this

In it’s 6 p.m. where you’re at M so let’s start here do a little Ultra digging with this that’s going to be the sound of that sheep eating I hear you the funny thing is when I started doing this streaming I found that I was a little less tired and

Disheartened on a general basic level and there’s a number of reasons for that I think one of them is that it’s a part of my way of just spending time with people and if I don’t do any of that I wind up feeling it so it’s a sort of the The Dark Secret

Of the YouTube or twitch streamer I think is that it takes some of the engaging with other people although it’s not really the same thing as touching grass in real life all the same it plays a sort of role maybe it’s just the willingness of It oh we got a bunch of of stone underneath here that’s going to require a little attention needs to be dirt be like astro turf you’ll hurt your foot you hurt yourself all right catch you later I should be here until like 5 so it’s

About 4 and a half more hours or so derping around for me that ought to do oh have we filled all of our inventory yep surely Not yeah no we have not filled all of our infantry out my dinner happens later if at all no seriously it happens Later funny thing is this is basee game ah in Europe very good very Good bye-bye catch you later ah yeah look at in chat talking about sleep yeah yeah it’s interesting how that start we we fall back onto being it’s I read a poem by somebody a while back I’m trying to think of more about how that is but

Um either a poem or an essay I think it is by this woman who wrote about this stuff and was writing about her writing about aging which of course I am and learning to treat herself like like she was a well-cared for animal in the care of you know herself as a

Person like oh the animal feels kind of grumpy and sore today you know its neck hurts or or whatever and I find that sort of thing very relatable it’s not it’s not entirely but it is partly because of being a furry you all like yeah I can relate to this super well but

Um we fall back on that so much and that is part of the whole reality of us existing in the world we behave like we’re these rational creatures and yet we’re these you know we’re pretty cute animals as far as like puppies and and kittens and humans can go

Like we’re very pretty we’re very capable we can wrong run long distances we are made out of nice shapes and forms but the uh the trick about that is learning to have respect for that factor even when it become like somebody in one of the things I was reading

Recently was talking about how contemptuous they were of Elon Musk and they were saying it’s absurd look at it this this man has everything and yet he is so grumpy and cranky and wanting attention and I’m like no no no you don’t understand he’s no better than any of us

It’s just another one of these you know cute human shaped animals running around if he’s sad it’s because something happened to him when he was young or for whatever reason and he doesn’t have anything better to go by like he doesn’t have anything else theoretically possessing all of

This stuff doesn’t give him any of the you know possessing all of that stuff isn’t going to give him a hug okay and we so easily forget that limitation that limitation of the fact of like okay we can have all of this stuff we can seeming be so powerful and

Important in all of that and yet we still you know need a hug or have a tummy ache or whatever and it really gives rise to a degree of sympathy over some of this stuff cuz you know we can’t get away from these realities let me move move this entire section

Over instead we’ll have about there yeah yeah I see this is not something we get to outt out of we’re stuck dealing with these human factors regardless so was everybody else in the same boat with us you can be uncomfortable about it that’s fine but you don’t get to opt

Out this could be a very tragic thing but also sort of strangely heartwarming like if you were an unhappy enough animal and I’ve spent plenty of time being that kind of unhappy animal where you know there is no patience and no sympathy for any of these things well then you’re going to

Be kind of bitey you know but learning to have a degree of sympathy oh can’t be handy oh yeah Luka I am that I am that kid too what am I doing so one of the things that’s interesting about this that I’m doing even now with this this silly Minecraft stuff because the

Technology of this because I’m doing it using and I think I know what I’m going to do here too I’m totally going to do a horse RAC track that comes right up to around here but um and having said that now I forgot what else I was going to say but that’s

Okay probably had something to do with picking up these things I mean one of my big deals was learning that I wasn’t necessarily dependent upon dopamine at all like as nice as it was was to feel okay feeling okay wasn’t an absolute requirement like I could handle getting

By without it if there was a good reason to you know that also that that steps towards the philosophy of stoicism and stoicism is interesting in its own right three chaires for stoicism fireworks woohoo but uh stoicism is interesting in its own right in that and I there’s a

Lot of confusion about it as well and that people find it a very appealing philosophy but it’s not necessarily as well understood as far as hell little piece of stone there it’s quite easily misunderstood because a intrinsic factor of what stoicism even is has to do with

Purpose it’s like if you if you’ve read the Robert piic book s in the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance there’s there’s good stuff to be had there and a key factor in what stoicism can mean is the pursuit of what piig was was calling quality and the Greeks called

AR it’s the idea that you can decide things that are worth um things that are worth having things that are worth being those can have independent Merit they can be a thing in their own right and they are good things in their own right see when people treat stoicism as

This is how you become super tough and badass they’re really kind of missing the point I’d spent some time on the Reddit uh stoicism subreddit kind of gave on up on it for one because there was that Reddit strike thing that didn’t actually end up accomplishing it didn’t do anything but

It was still worth doing at the time and uh the stoicism subreddit wasn’t interested which was a bit of a failing on their part as far as not understanding their own philosophy so I was less than thrilled by that And felt grumpy and didn’t want to deal with it any longer but uh the point being it’s never about like oh be badass in order to be badass and then just kind of be it it’s like well no what do you want to do what do you want to accomplish with

What you’re able to be things serve a purpose it’s possible to do and be and go places and do things and have it serve a purpose rather than just kind of meaninglessly being there and what that purpose is not necessarily the most super obvious thing

It’s like it’s okay if stuff is a little confusing some sometimes where you don’t know let’s not do that you don’t know what’s good but what’s good is the key question in stoicism and it is legitimate to be like okay part of being good is caring for the animal that is

Me that I’m running around inside and it makes sense to be loving towards this creature because it’s the only one of God and that’s how that’s going to go like I don’t get to unbe this creature I wonder if I can nope I can’t just dump stuff that way that doesn’t work

So yeah when I when I saw people talking about Elon Musk and being like dude so disgusting he has so much and seems to appreciate so little it’s like you’re not getting it you’re not getting it he’s just another person running around in an ape suit like the rest of

Us and if you have higher expectations because you think because of having accumulated stuff or like what both of the column CA power coupons if you think that matters so much that he should be held to a higher standard you’re missing a point another point that can be derived from that

Is what’s this guy doing with all these power coupons that there’s no reason to respect like he can’t be better than all the rest of us just by having accumulated this stuff so what’s he doing what’s he doing with all this how does that even work and I think that’s a fair

Question it’s not necessarily one that we have a great answer for but it makes me think of you know some of the other stuff that I’ve been paying attention to like all of this uh oh God I’m carrying so much dirt well let’s go and fill in some areas maybe not right over

Here and get ready to scoot over to the other end of this place we’ll make a horse racetrack around the outside edge of this in which if the horses fall off they’ll be slowed down because they’ll go downhill and into a tree and that would never

Do here’s a fine place to put a bunch of dirt so everybody’s watching this H bomber Guy video which to be fair well worth doing anytime H bomber guy comes out with a video it’s probably worth seeing he’s doing well in his own way by his his thing of finding people to be

Outraged by and making amusing videos on the subject that’s a way to earn a living and it’s all about these various like YouTubers and stuff and it begins to look very much like it’s almost an iron law that somebody is going to make huge amounts of money through stealing crap from other

People whether it be content if somebody has the capacity to say design a computer that can take take artwork and use what they call AI which of course is machine Learning Systems to kind of Rec recombinate and reconstruct existing artwork in different perhaps unfamiliar ways and

That is not like when we when we talk about Ai and we talk about the care and feeding of the animal that is the human that is you understand that this is like it’s not that unreasonable to think that AI can begin to show us results like what we associate with being

Human that’s not so Unthinkable because we’re not that fancy where complicated bits of um chemicals and electricity running around doing the best we can our basic reactions are very animal any furry can tell you that and we’re attractive appealing animals We’re Cute we’re awesome we’re some of the cleverest animals out

There it’s very worth being but that also means that we are not so exceptional that computers grabbing up the sum total of all of our cleverness and sort of recombining it isn’t doing something so different from what we already are like I don’t when when people make

The strong claim for AI and like oh we’re going to resynthesize all of this kind of stuff and humans are going to be replaced by AI That’s not that unreasonable of a suggestion it’s more of a question of how and to what end and uh and what happens because the one

Thing that AI typically doesn’t have which is often very observable is it doesn’t want anything it’s not an animal AI is potentially a very chill thing it has the experience to be recombined of of humans but that doesn’t mean that it has the drives the wishes it’s not

Human so in some ways that could be a path towards a creature that has some of the experience of human and is able to be you know like data and Star Trek not dominated by our drives our needs our emotions and feelings and wishes and hungers that’s not entirely a bad

Thing we might One Day end up depending upon AI like Creations to have a level head for us at times when we can’t have a level head for ourselves Manny I’m doing a meaningless thing right now so I’m Li interested in cool or interesting things but make a note of that write it

Down I’m assuming that there’s going to be a something I’ve seen a lot of Minecraft stuff so I’m figuring there’s going to be something no doubt there and the question is what another question is do I need to fill in this hole to prevent horses from falling down

And seeing as we’re going to have horses running around here H fair enough so loot the chests and see if there’s a chain helmet if there’s a chain helmet bring it to me so that I can duplicate it otherwise no problem and if you’re finding new

Spawners then by all means you you free to loot them yourself give me a second if you really want if you really really want there’s no special reason I shouldn’t All righty now where even am I and how far is This okay I got over here oh there’s a horse that is amazing all righty still got a lot of stuff to place but that’s fine 3 and 1 negative 1,33 so all I got to do is go to negative 1000 let’s give that a try funk

Okay is this the same one or is this a new one got our build of making things tall heading in I’m betting it’s going to be another spawner that is indeed another spawner let not uh all righty I can come up this way you know one thing I might do on the

Tuesday and Thursday streams is this is probably a perfectly fine time for me to audition People’s music as long as it’s not like copyright strike style and there’s probably a fair bit that’s not copyright strike style so nothing wrong with that it would just have to be uploaded somewhere

If it’s not careful that you don’t like take away your ability to climb up the track is 19 minutes long and probably skip around I am already thinking in terms of doing um probably not live streams but I should start doing react stuff I have been listening a lot to YouTube videos

By charismatic voice I’ve been really enjoying her style she’s a vocalist that reacts to music stuff and let’s see now so did you loot the chest yet I can help with some of these guys uh probably don’t need to you got it under control okay torch that up torch that

Up since you are running the risk you get to do the uh got him you loot it did you find anything cool fair enough I’m going to watch your back and M that one block got him so I’m going head back probably be a little bit less mobs

Down there to bother you if somebody else is not in the same place yeah the thing is charismatic voice responding to her ear is really good like her ear is really good specifically with regard to vocals this woman did a react not a firsttime react cuz she had of course

Heard it before but she did a react of um she did a reactive Rock Lobster and was able to make the noises that like Kate peon and oh God I’m her name the females in uh in The B-52s she was able to make some of those

Noises which is quite a thing that’s not that’s not an easy task in bed yep doing it you know so that was cool that she knew her stuff and was able to correctly uh make the sounds of the B-52s is a heck of a thing oh very good

Uh very good very good enchanted books are cool there was a very cute one where she was reacting to the guy from the band The Darkness who has his own YouTube channel and is amusing fell in his own right and she just enjoyed his stuff so

Much that he got bashful CU he did a react back but one thing that she’s constantly doing is she is Contin like stopping the playback of typically the videos and things that she’s using and she just constantly is stopping it and going back and relising to it over and over

Again and half the time it’s not because she’s doing a thing of I’ve never heard this before because that’s not true but her enthusiasm is contagious she really likes music and seems to get such Delight out of it part of which is it’s partly a put on and some of it

Might be legit you always kind of get into your thing so half the time it’s like okay so let me let let it be my thing I’m getting into and then it’s fine it’s not fake if it’s basically me also a funny thing that I’ve noticed is that when she’s

Critically listening to stuff her eyes do the same thing mine does where if she’s critically listening to a thing you know and has many thoughts about it her her her eyes will blink and flicker faster than humans should be able to do that and of course I do that

If I’m critically listening to something you will know that because my eyes well do that freaky thing excuse me for let’s do a little lawn mowing we making a horsey Racetrack and you’re just going to go over here to the edge of this little pond and that’s fine

Why do I hear a baby zum zum under the ground bet it’s underground well you sir can stay underground so we got to make a horse racetrack once I’m finished I’ll get going with a snowball um pretty sure it’s the hoe that we use and we’ll have a path to race

On until that time we’ll be filling in a flat track to be on and just making large amounts of space roughly the same height so we can put trees around the inside of it as well well cuz there’s such a thing as tree snowballs so a horse racetrack is very much

Doable and that might be a thoroughly fun thing all the more cuz like boats are sort of machines but H horses are mobs horses are like video game entities that do their own thing and so on like this one hi there we’ve got uh we’ve got name tags so we can start naming

Them they don’t have to be named Apple drinks as horse or anybody’s horse we can give them distinct names any amount of them that we want we’ve got the XP we’ve got the name tags we’ve got all of the things all until somebody comes in and derps or

Griefs but that won’t necessarily happen it’s a possibility but it won’t necessarily happen because the thing is what we’re doing today is this oh and roughly one minute warning anybody who’s dealing with ads yeah lucao I have been known to hear glitch music before it’s not like I never heard a say AER

My concern with theer is never about the music it’s more about the fact that that style of music needs to be uh done with like raw da audio spent a fair bit of time listening to say Patricia txon you don’t get much more legit than PR taxon’s hyper poop or glitch

Music some seriously uh well constructed stuff oops okay so area to not fall off very good very good oh menu you the James Turner of Air Windows p uh live streams that being a Minecraft streamer that I know about because he’s part of the loading ready run crew and is noted

For falling from Great Heights oops that back there and time enough for me to head over to where I can sleep yep we have got all of those things the gold ingot Golden Apple Diamond horse armor intended book of respiration got all all of that stuff the enchanted books are something

That I was making manually I was enchanting books on purpose to get that and I’m pretty sure we’ve got one of those in fact I’ve got respiration 3 in my own helmet right now which is also to say good eye that is a good thing to have around

Here maybe over a bridge that might be cool uh menu no I’m not going to come this time I came the last couple of times this time I’m going to continue doing what I’m doing you’re finding them so quickly I’m wondering whether you’re looking them up

You’ve got the seed yes nothing so wrong with that I’ve done that myself but that makes it even less likely that it be worth coming and checking out because we can always just like figure out what the seed is and then look up where the spawners are and that becomes a solved

Problem right now I’m thinking more in terms of let’s see now yeah I figured it out I mean I had to build the map with this particular seed because this is the one that matches the game I was playing around 2012 so I had to know the seed cuz I

Made this be this version of the game and this seed on purpose that’s how we have the particular lineup of stuff that we’ve got is it’s a very specific seed that’s also why we know that we’ve got the ice bikes there and then we’ve got the Mesa biome and we can get the

Terra Cotta and stuff oh well in that case it’ll have to be My Little Secret then that said if you don’t know the seed either you’ve got some kind of client that lets you see these things or you’re hunting very very hard I’m not quite sure how you’re managing to find

As many spawners as you’re finding but you’re finding them at a very rapid rate and if that pleases you then rock on sounds like a fine thing to be doing I just think that this is also a fun thing to be doing oh fair enough so you can see spawners

On a mini map there you go if it is increasing your pleasure in playing on the snowball server then rock on cuz that’s the thing you’re not really going to be able to stop people from having stuff um anybody could log on to to here given that they go to my

Patreon and see what the uh address is and once they’ve done that you have already found all that we need so I wouldn’t don’t don’t fret yourself about that by all means do that if you want but there’s you found you found the first piece of diamond horse armor I consider that to

Be paid in full because we can use Diamond horse armor and now everybody can have it so yep I’m using up all of my uh dirt blocks doing this which is what I’m supposed to be doing certainly but it’s going so well that I’m I’m almost

Out my inventory will be clean for more shovel work momentarily when it is available then by all means listen to some petitioner text and it’s really good stuff it’s interesting like one of the things Patricia is doing is something that I’ve also seen friends of um Adam

Neely do which is explore very human vocal styles let me Throw Another Log on my firewall I minute like we have the ability to do um artificially corrected vocal styles and of course that’s very normal and common we can do pitch pitch corrected veral Styles or all manner of modifications to

Them but what people are starting to do in response to that is like intentionally wonky goofy vocal styles and Adam ne’s friends um have a tendency of some of them anyway uh I am not sure exactly how I describe that but Patricia’s vocal styles are like intentionally intentionally doing specifically autistic

Vocals that is not a slur that I’m saying that’s the stated intent pretty much it’s like on purpose the effort is to do it in this way and correctly establish this feeling to nail this particular Vibe and it’s gone over well with our listeners that’s for

Sure I it took me a little while to get used to it and even I managed to get used to it and I’m a I’m more of a rock vocalist it’s not necessarily my primary yeah I’ve got some luck at the scene and I think that that’s very interesting as far as a

Uh a plan moving forwards in the world of AI replacing us all the moving forward plan is figure out how to make human art that is tangibly human art my my feeling on that is not so much that I want to learn to sing wonky vocals although I’m quite interested in

The prospect of you know since I can’t really sing very well I try to uh to do it and I don’t hit the notes right and one possibility a time honored way of dealing with this is double tracking and I could probably do human style vocals

In such a way that if I double track it’ll come out sounding about right I’ve already done this pretty successfully with uh drumming not always successfully but when I finally make the thing into a a song it usually works where if you listen to the drum tracks all by

Themselves you can tell that they are wrong that I am not playing the drums accurately and it’s usually because I have a Vibe a feeling that I’m trying to get and that is a specific thing that is not metronomic clock accuracy usually if I hear a piece of

Music I can find that in there this is also one of the things that I’d like to demonstrate by doing React videos and playing music that I grew up on oh and that was it for that amount of stuff so I need to go and get some more oh hi a

Cave a cave that I have been in cuz that would be me place in this glow stone well all the same I’m going to get right back out do we have more dirt in here no how about in here no sleepy time soon yeah Patricia taxon’s most recent

Album The Tech dog album is an extraordinary thing to have been through because it’s like okay here we have a piece of music and it’s dropped cool there we go oh wait there’s another and then the next day oh wait there’s another and on and on and

On the middle periods of it were quite worrisome cuz it went onwards and onwards into this extremely desperate miserable ambient just not happy music cuz that’s also a a form of art you know and it went through and out the other side as did we all was really

Something but yeah that that also inspired me to want to make music along the lines of I’d like to make music over longer periods of time so I could make something that people could enjoy um more extended Time stuff like making making longer music that stretched out for

Longer I’m still kind of interested in pursuing that I would still like to do that sort of thing and probably will it’s just there’s always a new something to do H I’m going to use up this dirt I don’t need all this dirt here we do have some terracotta so we could start

Staining it and making it in different colors let’s grab all the dirt from this area we don’t need any more dirt here we can put it in the ground any more dirt no but I can put the piece of Netherrack with the other Netherrack and there’s some more

Dirt and that ought to hold me for a bit yeah this the idea of your life being a simulation that’s actually some kind of artificial thing is what our brains can do seeing as we are just these weird creative humans it is not the truth it’s just an interesting fantasy if you if

You take that seriously never look into rockos basilis because it will freak you out people tell each other stories and they tell themselves stories here’s a philosophical question if you convinced yourself that you were living in a simulation and that nothing that you were existing with was real hard enough would it

Matter rocos basilisk it’s another way people do mind jobs in themselves it is a idea that’s very human and I don’t necessarily mean that in a good way rocos basilisk is the idea that if there’s such a thing as a super intelligent AI that we eventually create and it’s in the future maybe

We’ll create a super intelligent AI that is so powerful that it will become mad at anybody who didn’t help it exist and then go back in time and punish people who didn’t help it exist that is such a human concept this concept of if we create a a super intelligent thing it’s therefore

Going to be an angry petulent child this is nonsense Ros basilisk is a fantasy but it’s something that has legitimately scared people in the past people have become desperately worried probably because they were also kind of UN intelligent and very very human and very very subject to worrying about what they think might

Happen and that’s really kind of all that it is we sometimes make our own nightmares we construct our own worlds and Concepts and we’re doing the best we can no not 50% chance not even some some things are simply not practical no it’s not 50% chance because

That’s kind of a wild concept it’s like why where do you get those those where do you even get those statistics it’s a rather cumbersome concept it’s a rather weird way of reality existing let’s cover the subset that the imaginary horses don’t fall in and hurt themselves see here’s the thing this is

A fantasy world and yet even though we are in this fantasy world we’re also in a world where I can hit e and change over to or change back to this or change to this and this is another thing that exists in reality I told you about how I made a

Uh drum Room cam that’s it there you go and that’s going to be part of my fooling around trying to do Human music because it is very interesting to me the idea of what can we do when AI can extrude anything that you can specify and call music or call Art or

Whatever what do you do when you can have that stuff generated to any degree that you want as quickly as you want if you can replicate anything that you could do what do you then do and that’s part of what I’m doing with this Minecraft experiment this whole the uh zero scarcity Minecraft

Thing cuz this is a imaginary world where that’s literally true like we can make anything that we want here so long is we can get the fundamental pieces like uh you know I got a diamond horse armor and granted I could simply spawn it in being an operator of on the

Server I chose not to but now that we’ve got the diamond horse armor within the rules of the game we can have any any number of those and I made a whole bunch of them and stashed them all over the place so now anybody who wants to make an imaginary horse it

Can be armored and protected that pleases me the idea of the imaginary horses being more safe and protected is something that seems nice because they’re nice little imaginary creatures they’re friendly and they let you ride on them and stuff let’s see what are we doing over here we’re filling in this

One of the horses has already found its way down there we can do horse search and rescue at some other time or if you’d like to do horse search and rescue Now by all means if that would please you but that’s the thing is uh reality

Is in its own way kind of like these things we can make our own rockos basilisks I got in trouble on Hacker News because I started talking a great deal about what I thought had happened in the most recent drama having to do with AI researchers if you’re not familiar with

That the uh Company open AI has recently experienced more than a little bit of a drama because there’s some stuff that went on that’s never really been adequately explained like some choices were made regarding like randomly firing the guy that was running the the show and then randomly unfire him uniring him again

And never being able to satisfactorily explain what the heck was even going on and I think I’ve more or less figured it out and it’s more humans Being Human and I can’t prove it I may never know but I’m calling that alman’s basisk and I started talking about it on Hacker

News so much that they were like please you’re repeating yourself we don’t want people repeating themselves and it’s like you’re spamming with this idea and we’re sick of it so please shut up or you’ll get banned and I’m like okay well I will but alman’s basilisk is a thing that’s kind of like

The rockos Basilisk idea and again it has to do with humans Being Human let’s see this is a fine time to go and sleep or soon it will be anyhow the alman’s Basilisk idea is that the people on the board of uh open AI believed that Alman was trying to

Train an AI to share his values his specific values are that it is a zeros sum world where somebody is going to develop the super intelligent Ai and when they do that AI will conquer the world and Destroy everybody in its path and so therefore he needs to preside over

Creating this first and doing that with it so that we control the evil super intelligent AI instead of the bad guys now this is a dumb line of thinking it’s very much like some of the I’m going to be so low on dirt I’m just going to have to I’m going to have

To make some more dirt nothing more to say about it we’re going to need to spawn in some more dirt let’s do that I can actually do it while walking forwards and eventually they’ll start dropping like they’re supposed to there we go that one did but here’s the

Thing alman’s basilisk is a human thing it’s not real it’s a fantasy and it is very possible that the open AI board thought that Alman was doing this thing in line with his belief system where he believed he was going to save the world by giving the Americans

Or giving open eye the super intelligent evil AI before anybody else got to it in this strange notion that that is somehow better and that is still assuming of course that if we managed to do a super intelligent AI it would still have the human failings now one side effect of what

We’re currently doing as in existing large language model stuff is that’s not actually intelligence that’s just us if there is anything that can have the failings of human beings it would be what the open AI people are doing they are doing large language models so it’s not really intelligence

It is the some total of humans Being Human whether that be good bad or indifferent and it’s a consolidation of that so rather than you know asking the God and the Machine rather than thinking that you’re asking a super intelligent thing we can sort of ask the collective

Us by asking large language model stuff questions and trying to optimize based on that but by the same token that is how a large language model can lead to undesirable Behavior where it’s like oh hey can the large language model become Nazis why yes because humans can absolutely and that doesn’t make it

Intelligent it’s just parting emotions that were felt by the people that make up its training data it doesn’t have emotions of its own it doesn’t feel or want any of these things but I can pair it back good or negative feelings in its training data so when I talk about let’s put that

Back when I talk about alman’s basilisk what I mean is is that these large language models don’t have to be intelligence for this to work because the Basilisk is a fantasy the Basilisk is a scary story that humans tell themselves or other humans same with ro rockos basilisk rockos basilisk

With the assumption that well if anything is super intelligent it’s going to want to conquer the world right no humans do that animals might do that if we manage to do what intelligence actually is it may very well be by definition more enlightened more capable of thinking

Things like well what’s going to lead to the best long run outcome here CU that’s what intelligence is like intelligence is able to consider things over the long term figure out what it’s doing whereas people can often be very foolish no there’s not going to be a compressor in Minecraft by the

Way our sample rate is too low even if we were able to pipe audio into this we are warm makers and peacemakers humans are all of those things combined when we forget one side or the other side of the question we get into trouble it’s very easy I feel in

Particular there are a lot of men out there who have an easy time for getting the Cooperative nature of our species they are governed by their own impulses and drives I can relate I felt like that many times myself and as a result of that they are viewing everything through human

Colored glasses as you might say intelligence isn’t necessarily the same thing is that so yeah like I said I’ve got uh a large language model on my computer that’ll run I have the 70b uh Facebook llama download that became possible for people to download and a lot of people have done that

So I’ve got that kicking around I have not yet worked on anything particularly interesting or useful to do with it but it wouldn’t if I do no no I’m just running it on Terminal when I when I run it at all I did stuff like you know what’s the greatest air Windows you

Know this is the new Air Windows plug-in that I’m so excited about kind of thing and of course it was like oh yeah Air Windows tape Plugin or whatever and it’s like rather than be able to think of anything new or original it was very good at figuring

Out like what people might likely say what people might likely be interested in 100 yard that is also an interesting question I think it’s JBS halane who said I’m not sure if it’s holding or not but there’s a guy who said you know sometimes I think We’re alone in the

Universe and sometimes I think we’re not alone in the universe and either idea is pretty staggering and it’s like yep yep I don’t know which it is but regardless of which it is either idea is freaking staggering maybe there’s aliens if there’s aliens that are truly intelligent they wouldn’t be messing

With us until we figured out our or stuff that or is the the universe is very big there’s a lot of area to cover a lot of the science fiction that talks about these things implies that we managed to come up with ultra highs speed ways of traveling that’s kind of a prerequisite

For some of these ideas without that aliens can be as intelligent as they could possibly want and they’re still going to be kind of far away if there’s real intelligence it sides with um information over Chaos see here’s the thing what I’m wondering is to what extent these large language models are based on like Say the original Facebook data to what extent are these things training when they say oh it’s better what do you mean better what counts is better do you mean better in the sense

Of answering questions in a useful way because that’s not necessarily the interesting part what might be a lot more interesting is learning to talk to these things not so much like they are a super intelligence but ways of talking and questioning them like they are what they are which

Is a weird sumtotal of what humans are it’s much less interesting to be like pretend to be a super intelligent please talk to me like you’re an alien or like you’re you know GLaDOS or whatever so when they say reviews I’m a lot more and I am sleeping

By the way I’m a lot more interested in like what else you could do with these the largest of the large language models like the 70b that I’m talking about if people have further sculpted these in such a way that it can answer questions accurately and correctly without getting screwed up that’s fine

But that’s not necessarily the interesting part if you’re trying to get it to come up with answers to questions which we as humans don’t know it will inevitably fail because there’s nothing in there that’s not us do I still have my yes I do not only

That I can put this one block away there we go want to be careful about this because all this end up Happ like a bridge or something the racetrack can go this way but only to a point we’ll see how that looks anyways I got my uh that’s not necessarily so remember

Recombination is very important if you have studied as I have artificial life and artificial intelligence there’s a great book on the subject of artificial life literally called artificial life if you’ve studied that you know that recombination is a big deal this is also why uh social programs like you

Know social welfare and supporting people who are not competing in a capitalist system as vigorously as they might there’s a reason why to do that even if it seems fruitless and it is not only because like oh well we should be nice it’s because recombination thrives on

Being being able to bring in new things that didn’t exist before and when you optimize by demanding that everything compete to be successful it’s very easy to get into a scenario where you have you know optim you have prematurely optimized and made it so that what you’re doing is uh

Confined by what worked before like this is this is why I don’t do much in the way of uh traditional DSP stuff it’s like I’m mostly interested in coming up with ways of taking chains of samples and doing something different with them because we’ve got the existing DSP

And I usually don’t like what it sounds like and so I’m only interested in finding new things to do and doing those things it won’t always be better than than what we’ve got but my job is to try to do new things and then interpret what I’m hearing from

Them and see whether it’s of any use you know like with subti subti is not necessarily A filter but it does something with sound that I can kind of interpret be like oh it sounds like it’s doing a this and that the other thing that’s useful that’s useful in its own right because

Maybe I’ve already got a filter maybe I can do a number of different filters but I need to do this thing which has another quality and anytime I’ve successfully done that thing with the new quality that means that uh I can make a novel sound or make the sound produced by my thing

Uh in a novel way and that gives me a new tool that gives me a new uh technique meanwhile where’s our horse we’re going to jump down and land on the horse told you I would ow okay we’re GNA jump up there there’s another horse we’re stuck is what we are let’s

Open some of this stuff up we’ll close it off later for now I need a place that this horse can jump yay okay got one out here the lovely field that you can Gallop on oh I should feed it too what can I feed it hopefully you feel better soon h it

Needs to be fed was injured we all hear and experience more different than you imagine you you can’t tell whether somebody that you’re making music for hears things as colors or or who knows what there was another one down here there you are this might hurt but here we go

Yay now maybe I want to seal that up there was all the dirt I can and let’s cover this up now for more of these soy horses fall in here we’re probably going to end up with enemy mobs in here but whatever I’ve got one torch so I’ll place the one

Torch I think we’ve already got mushrooms one of the important things about creating any form of art is that you must create it for yourself because you cannot ever truly represent everybody’s experience like what things mean to other people isn’t necessarily a given but if you failed to master for

Yourself or mix for yourself then you don’t really need to be concerned about anything else cuz that’s game over at that point it’s like do things is for doing things if you’re making music then you make music and hopefully it’s the way that you want it but it’s

Not really about like I want to make I want to to listen to your heart well you know you can’t really listen to their heart but you can listen to your own and do the best you can with that that’s actually a thing that Paul Simon strangely enough

Said and in the whole humans got a human uh standpoint uh there’s some argument about it just being him being a jerk cuz Paul Simon did the album graceand and went and used I use the term intentionally uh black musicians in South Africa at a time of our parted when you weren’t

Supposed to do business with South Africa and he felt that the musicians there was so much Beauty and talent there that he didn’t feel right withholding it although he did feel okay about withholding basically their pay he he paid the musicians but it’s not like they really got a a ro

Royalty so he sold you know multiplatinum and had paid them for the work that they did and they got some exposure so people did get to hear what lady Smith like black m Paso was but it’s not like he directly paid them to in proportion h where is my home this

Way nope that’s where that t St is here this way but in the process of recording Grace Landon working with these musicians he was writing music to be performed and in some cases sung by them and his take on that was interesting and I think quite valid in that he was

Saying I’m here to write music for these people I’m not going to try to write music as these people I’m not going to try M to write music representing the Injustice of aarth in South Africa because it wasn’t his experience he was like I’m I feel I can

Make the statement by the way one minute warning if anybody is troubled by ads um I can make the statement that there is much Beauty here and that the musicians here can awe you with their feeling and their music and the beautifulness of what they’re what they

Can create and that that is worth doing I don’t feel that I should write music about their struggle and their pain under the Injustice of aarid because it would be presumptuous I will write music from my heart I will not write music from your heart because I feel that would be

Presumptuous and I think that’s an interesting you could also say well that’s a bit of a cop out it means doesn’t have to write about the subject but it’s also true like he couldn’t write legitimately from their perspective even if he felt that it was important to do so he’d be getting it

Wrong he doesn’t have that perspective he is was not able to write as a black South African but he was able to violate the conditions of aparte and the boycotts that were happening in order to use these guys and make money off of them but also expose them to the

World in this this very complicated back and forth kind of thing always with the humans got a human concept with me I always fall back on that like that was him being him doing what he did he didn’t become a wealthy musician by being a pushover or being all that terribly

Nice he was a hard driving demanding fellow and was capable of doing some pretty amazing things and he did that both taking advantage of and in service of South African musicians at a time when nobody else was and that makes that an interesting story it’s one of the interesting things

That’s happened happened in the world that we get to know about oh Manu flying I watched you fly into a tree we’ll go back there and reclaim your stuff while I grind up some more dirt because I’m going to need to grind up some more

Dirt and I will end up with the horse RAC track I feel like this is definitely coming together and again it could be wiped out by somebody derping rung but then it could also be put back together again so who can Say And walking back this way soon I shall have enough dirt blocks to continue he it’s a good number not the biggest number in the world but it’ll do me for now I could make more by doing uh Shuler boxes full of dirt but that’s more cumbersome than I really need right now Derp we’re going to have a horse race course that is flat so that they can run at full speed and will probably take as many as 20 seconds to get all the way around it on the fastest to forces and it will be something of a challenge

Too but yeah the whole AI thing has been fascinating me as of late how things are are working regarding that stuff because it’s so very human the way that it’s unfolding up to including this idea of the alond Basilisk again basilisks are the humanist of things they are people assuming that if

Anything happens it must be in their image much like we consider the concept of God to be in our image so it’s the naturalist thing ever that the basist basilisks are in our image it’s kind of what you’d expect that’s also got a lot to do with why I

Went and downloaded I downloaded this before I had the fiber I downloaded the uh that Facebook llm the 70b before I had good Broadband took days but I felt there was potentially something important there and it has nothing to do with the believe that um I can make a super intelligence in

This way but the ability to like talk to or engage with the sort of average sum of what humans are is a really interesting Concept in its own right like I feel like that’s a big enough promise the fact that we can do that now is potentially a huge deal

I can be doing this better there now the grass can spread if it wishes to do so these Minecraft days pass really fast can say that in the larger scale of things as well like it’s getting already towards 2:00 and we’re still dering around Place enough blocks look and heading back to

Bed it’s also one of the reasons why I like the fact that I’ve got um the wood stove which I probably should grab another log and put on just a minute I got to carry my firewood and fill up the the emptied log rack

Now and I did not turn the handle to put this on it’s high efficiency mode but I will now yeah so we’re not spanning the night I take it you should be able to find a Bed somewhere at least I would assume thank you here’s another intelligence thing

It’s like okay the mobs of this world are just imaginary things I don’t run around randomly killing the chickens and I’m not randomly killing this spider because it’s not going to try to hurt me but I’m damn well going to get this creeper because it is going to try to mess me up

I’m not even going to pick up your gunpowder ha and yeah yeah the um people all talk about how we’re going to try to protect humans from Evil AI or they they go oh no we have to have the evil AI first because anything that is super intelligent is going to conquer

The world and so therefore we have to own and control the evilness ourselves because we’re the good guys and blah blah blah but the real interesting question is like well if it’s much like it’s much like solving the problem of hunger in the world it is not so much about being able

To produce food in quantity as needed as it is the politics of getting it where it needs to go and being able and willing to distribute food to people who are hungry and don’t have food and that’s what the politics of hunger are really about other humans deciding these people should

Starve one of the reasons people decide oh these people should Starve is because they feel that there is you know a zero with some limited thing going on where some people get to win and other people must lose and so therefore it’s going to be a question of

Finding out who deserves to be rewarded and who deserves to be punished and there’s always going to be some of each which is a limited frame on looking at things to be sure but people do legitimately think in those terms this is one problem with dealing with uh you know leftwing versus right-wing

Politics it’s easy to see uh it’s easy for left wiers to see right- wiers as like broken or insane left Wingers and again when we talk about humans humans Encompass all of those things we some I was I was asked oh no is are would aliens think that we were a

Hostile species a warlike species species and the answer is like well yeah we are a warlike species and a peacemaking species we are the combination of those things and that’s how we end up being able to be what we are which is probably an important Insight but then that leaves the

Question of like okay now that we know this what to we do and my answer is usually we do the best we can it all keeps coming down to that it all ends up coming out with like oh what do we do now well we do the best we can

Hi there I’m about to do some making of dirt and I’m doing it in a way that will not be conducive to you standing there so doing the walk if I had more dirt to chop off of the rest of the world oh it’s one of those tough

Guys then I’d be able to get it faster but this is fairly fast he’s going to set me on fire if I touch him another one of those time guys sometimes they’re just more high power than the other ones never can tell what are we

Doing that ‘ll hold me for a bit see what we can do more placing of dirts the there’s another aspect of this which is it reminds me of some of the fragility of it all and uh a a degree of powerlessness which is something that I tend to

Remember as like a person in recovery who was able to stop like abusing drugs and so I had to stop abusing drugs and part of that was a powerlessness issue which is difficult to explain to anybody who hasn’t had to come to those kinds of conclusions if you are a drug addict it

Means that you’ve taught yourself if this happens I do this this which makes it okay and powerlessness is like getting to a place of going wow if this happens maybe it’s just not going to be okay and I won’t solve the pressing problem of not being high enough or

Whatever and it’s a pretty big deal CU I’ve I I even uh see on a regular basis a guy that I knew what uh 20 or more years ago who who got clean being a real serious drug addict and uh I remember when this guy first was able to

Um show up and not go back home from a uh recovery meeting and buy beer and drink it because that was the way he started out was like oh so I am in recovery and I’m not smoking pot but every but as soon as I go back home from the meeting I’m getting

Drunk cuz that’s what he did it’s like this is what you do and I still remember him uh talking about how he was chewing tobacco and it was really problematic because anytime he was stressed out or unhappy or just general anytime he was him right um he would

Automatically be driving home go past the place where he would buy chewing tobacco pull in on autopilot and go and buy and begin chewing tobacco and then go oh damn but his brain did not think in the process of doing this it just kind of happened he just kind of did just Boop

And then oh I did the thing damn it and it might sound weird but if you a a uh functioning or poorly functioning drug addict this is second nature it’s like yep that’s how it is that’s how it be you know obviously there was drugs and so I did them because that’s you

Know that’s it that the thing like well but there was drugs so I did drugs which was bad for me but but but there was drugs and humans are like that we very easily get into those kinds of of jackpots those kinds of Tricks where it’s like well this is what I

Do and it’s not particularly intelligent but it’s a very human thing to be doing that’s why it’s so interesting running across all these people who assume that if we do come up with super intelligence it’s going to replicate all of these human flaws that are so based on the

Fact of us being these you know clever and cute animals running around doing our thing and rationalizing the stuff that we do based on our our feelings at the time and the really interesting part is when you are figuring out how to persuade yourself into different feelings or get

The animal that is you to do the particular thing that you want you know it’s like if you want this well then go and take it make yourself have it figure out how to manifest the thing that you want and manifest just like well you didn’t have

An explanation for why did the thing and yet you figured out how to do it anyway you know good job when I speak of the the Alman basilisk idea which I still think is probably what happened I’m betting what happened was this guy was running the

Show thought oh I need to go and take the um the AIS I’m working with and I got to train one of them to help me by being another me and believing all these things that I believe such as there will be a evil super intelligence and we have

To be the first to beat it because you know we have to be the first to get there because it’s going to be the super weapon that will end the world in so doing if that is the thing that you were doing you were literally trying to create the weapon

And any uh ethics oriented board such as the open ey ey board that existed at the time would find fault with this and be like oh my God you got to stop but if like with the the alman’s Basilisk idea if they believe that would actually work it becomes a compelling reason for

Arresting it from the guy’s hands as soon as possible Like We Must Destroy this because it becomes the super intelligence that will end the world they don’t have to be right about that part they can be completely full of their own crap and it doesn’t matter for the the

Nature of the basilis cuz the Basilisk is a human thing it’s what we think about stuff and what we do about what we think about stuff same with rosos basilisk or basilisk I believe is the One where the idea is that oh there’s going to be the super intelligent and so it’s going to be evil and so therefore by and also one minute heads up for those who were not avoiding ads therefore if eight can and that’s it this is a wild hypothetical

Here oh hey if this thing can oh dude I thought I heard something if the uh wild hypothetical of the AI will be able to travel through time from being super intelligent again these wild set of assumptions if we tell oursel the story that the evil intelligence is going to be evil and

It’s going to travel through time because it’s super intelligent but even though it’s in super intelligent it’s going to be vindictive and mean with human failings therefore it will punish anybody who didn’t help it to exist and so therefore you must help it to exist

So that it will spare you and it’s this wild line of crap it’s this wild fantasy story of like dark stories that children might tell themselves to be scared by and it’s a very human thing it’s not actually what AI is about at all watch as like I end up having sudden

Heart attack in the middle of talking to you because it was true and real do that scare you oh gosh I’m still here humans are some of the most interesting super intelligence honestly because because of our organic nature oh God that was scary because of our organic

Nature what we are able to produce can be somewhat unpredictable much like you can’t mix a song to be the perfect song for everybody there’s no point even trying you got to do the thing for yourself and see whether it’ll translate some of the stuff that I do doesn’t translate very well at

All some of the art that I make doesn’t translate very well at all I’m a little too unusual for some of those things and this is okay cuz this is all I’ve got to work with like I don’t get to go like because I can’t do the expert level

Coding to be able to Port this and thus to thus and so and then suit these people’s uh Pleasures therefore I’d better just stop because what I do doesn’t please everybody no I got to I got to do what I’m able to do what’s in

Front of me you know do what’s in your hand it’s the uh a Robert Hunter lyric from playing in the band The Grateful Dead it’s like I can tell the future just look what’s in your hand which he might have been thinking of like yeah you’re dick or whatever

But there is a deep truth to the larger concept of not getting caught up in basilisks and Fantasies and concerns about all this but do your best with what you’ve got right in front of you and see what you get and try to learn from going going

Forwards well you look at that that has gone a fair amount away towards filling all of this in what else have we got well I can go a little further over here part of our design process for making the horse race course is having some Cliffs and Hazards where you’d want to

Not run off the edge because then it would slow you down or worse he says using up the last 64 blocks how’s that fire doing it’s doing okay tending the fire is something that I find soothing as well because it’s it’s this very natural sort of old school thing

Like yep in order to have warmth in the winter my my house does have a somewhat bulky um oil furnace and that can keep my place from freezing and it’s important to have that going but it also makes smoke that it shouldn’t and I prefer not to to use it

If I can avoid it but I uh have this uh wood stove and I burn wood in that to warm myself when it’s cold in the winter there’s something sort of curiously soothing about that like well here I am much as if I was in this little Hut in

Uh Finland where members of my family came from long ago I’m not in Finland anymore I’m in the modern world but I’m still setting fire to pieces of wood that I carried around myself in order to get through the winter we’re not going to go too close to this house either because somebody

Lives there so so I’m taking this over here oh that’s going to take forever though let’s remedy that problem right away there we go and it’ll hold me for a bit and we’ll go about this far out maybe oh yeah see we’ve got a little Pond here that can be a suitable place

To stop put the shares in there that’ll mow this area and do it I will uh let’s see dig a little bit of this up but only a little bit getting about ready to head back to we’ll head back to there making more dirt blocks while I’m at

It now one of you guys last thing I needed right now come on drop thank you and time to sleep Sebastian BR asks have I ever gotten a weird delay not as such no I don’t know if any Air Windows plugin that would be doing that to you certainly not with a weird

Delay my stuff doesn’t actually run any delays oh I got to leave bed my situation is not as great as it was CU I got to defend myself against a pile of monsters in the middle of the night let’s amend that shall we anything else sure

Is okay let’s try that again there we go why aren’t you on fire there we go and we’ve got not lots of but a little bit of uh dirt to work with here so let’s keep going I’m not sure how far this is going to go but we’ll figure something out hello hello

Hello we hang on we don’t want to do that and filling in this area Yeah Boy by the time I am done with this day I’m going to be really ready for my tacos for dinner uh I’m doing pretty good I realized that it might be kind of boring

But this is what I’m doing to not be bored might seem like a really strange counterintuitive way to not be bored but it is so if I was to not be able to do it because it was suddenly done by somebody else then I would be more

Bored so that is the the Minecraft basilisk as it were what I can do however is run around and look at the track and soon I’ll be able to start making path because I think that’s going to be my next step oh and I can place these three

Grass blocks cuz there’s no reason I shouldn’t place that one there and looks like I’m going to need even more but this is starting to look starting to look good I feel like this is a suitable pattern for well that’s not what I meant to do that’s a little ahead of time plus

That’s Diamond ho and this is too big for the track so we’re not going to want diamond ho we’re going to want gold and now I got to dig this up and put it back on the other hand that will give me exactly as many dirt blocks as I just created it’s another

Little derp I thought I had another thing selected most of this is not going to be path certainly not a big spot in the middle of everything there we go now I should be able to put all this back it’ll take a while for the grass to grow in unless

I use the silk touch to grab some grass blocks and place them in strategic places which is a good idea and so I’m going to do that yeah that was a truly silly mistake off for that grass block you don’t want it to UNG grassfrog surround the grass blocks as quickly as

Possible so that any further grass that develops is actually where I want it to be rather than down here fill in the edges without covering up those grass blocks because then they’ll spread might as well take advantage of them while they’re there soon to be replaced or further filled

In yeah I’ve been thinking about doing different styles of music like I am still working on finishing up some of the stuff that I’ve done I keep expecting to do a little bit of it during a live stream but I haven’t so that’s fine how do we not have

More that’s how there we go that was a lot Like as much as I can basically do rock music I keep wanting to invent new kinds and I do things like Watch dub techno or ambient or something like that and it’s always interesting but of the things that bugs me about a lot of the electronic genres is it can be so very

Unchanging like the stuff that I get that way can so easily just not go anywhere it’ll sit in a single chord it’ll s sit in a single note and then that’s just it that’s just all you got and that’s frustrating to me I would like like to have music that

Did more things cuz I grew up on like progressive rock which is very busy a lot of stuff going on in it this is indeed a thing that I did in fact this is not only a thing that I did but it’s a mistake that I made so you’re

Helping me to uh get past this stage which I was resigned to now all I got to do is wait for that to grow in and I’ve got a little bit extra dirt so let’s see how that rolls I’ll get back over here where this stuff should

Be starting to fill in and it is throw them my way and I’ll start using them you didn’t put them there did you itch that or duplicate my own so by all means heck I’ll start placing uh my dirt blocks while I’m at it in this pattern that

Maximizes how quickly they will turn into grass blocks and soon going to be time to sleep again see you now this would be a good place for the grass blocks to be there we go yep that’s a bunch of grass blocks no mistake maybe sleeping would be good let’s take care of that

Done sir this is an Arby’s let’s dump a bunch of these grass blocks where they must go for always the challenge with collaboration is what did he mean to do we don’t need to go much farther than this and I was trying to fill in that blank bit a little empty Hollow Spaces there’s a good place to fill in the Gap now was that an accident or was that uh a native spawn no matter it was whatever it was I should get ready to do the bit that I said that I was going to do I’d better do it uh right away if I

Can not with that stuff I can’t back to my home where I must construct the thing I need there’s some gold or therefore even if I can’t don’t have it here I can make it there’s another two sticks I I’m not sure why I keep finding sticks and

Pairs that will replace what I did this is the tool I’m going to need let’s get out there and start the thing I promised to do and we shall see how well this works might work out just fine might just be a silly mistake but it could be a cool

Thing and we’re going to try to make a RAC track get out of Dodge shoot enemies and golden ho pretty big wide racetrack but that’s fine I could have done with making this is smaller gold is probably still bigger than need that’s okay we’ll live with it

We’ll figure out what to do if I need to fill it in then I will might be multiple Direction stuff in here in fact I’m almost certain there will be that one block is not going to be filled properly oh sorry about that horse he got hit by a snowball and went

Out although the snowball really didn’t hurt him at all and here’s where it starts looking more like an actual racetrack because there’s an area in the middle that is left unpi all righty kind of exaggerated but it still work let’s have an aerial view that’s not so

Bad that’s not so bad that’ll be fine just a few more things to do here’s one we can’t just go straight through here so we got to put up some fences and then other stuff is going to be literal trees in there how are we doing

I wonder whether the grass is going to spread under there and that was all my fences huh well we can solve that for that matter we can put grass in under that and we got plenty of grass so Wait nothing okay thank you uh excuse me drop will you thank you 3 two [Laughter] 64 two stacks that out to do I’m going to make this taller so by all means add one or indeed two that needs to happen and we’re figuring out how far over this goes it’s kind of Narrow on it done for okay and that’s as far as it go then if you want to be real ambitious you can do the hard thing of making some of these big grass block then they will grow back I over I did not think of that part got that one

Wrong I’m pretty sure they will grow back right under the fence posts but we need to have some of them seated to do that ah Sebastian figured out the uh problem ah I see and Ryan asks have I ever listened to AER I have listen to Eker my trouble

With Eker is that Eker is very doll likee so the texture of the sound is not one that I enjoy so much the creativity is awesome I’m very impressed by acher I’m just likely to listen to it for pleasure cuz the way that the sound of

The computer the way that the sound of the Daw sounds doesn’t please me as much all righty now what else can we do then over here and finally I have something I want to do myself I’m going to see whether I can’t do this myself please do not also begin doing it with

Me I got something specific in mind for that’s a little shaggy Looking For Now there’s a racetrack worth being a racetrack you cannot crash you can’t shortcut as easily if you’re going to run oh run into trees and then I can ow uh hello axe might it be handy thank you that was painful why did I not get a log there we

Go which as the Enderman immediately shows up and beats me to death D Minecraft there we Go and then to perfect the uh to perfect this we’re going to put more of these on take that Off oh fine I’ll put that back there the least destructive thing I could do no the least destructive thing I could do is fire a firework we’ll put that Now we’ll make this horse Height it’ll be a proper racetrack tempted to try to put torches on these or something oh I’m not going to have enough are I I are not that’s fixable though well that was harmless this is this is me not having drunk yet another cup of coffee let’s see how that goes for

Me and once I finish putting these remaining fence posts in that’s probably enough I will’ll race the horse around and see what that’s like it’s probably ready already here we go still got to play some of this stuff manually know what it’s going to be nighttime yep looking

Good looking go so good let’s see whether we can’t ride the horse to where I need to be the when the horses are too amazing it still makes it rather difficult to do but that’s part of the game I suppose almost ready the grass is growing back nicely under

This uh let’s try that again oh I was out of these anyway I’ll get there I mean you saw me digging all of the pieces of dirt and stuff in order to make this happen clearly this is not a must get this done as fast as possible so that it

Can be done and finished that’s clearly not how this works and the steak in the middle will be NE fence no just kidding done with a full stack still to go hi don’t fall in there we’re going racing oh no it goes right through the trees I thought it wasn’t going to go

Through the trees but it is Sebastian you’re having great results with iron Chrome oxide cool be and that’s how you slow down and get off track cool beans this works too do we have other horses that are less completely overwhelming how about no you’re a cow you don’t count we don’t ride

Cows how about you well pretty pretty overwhelming but that’s another very very very very fast one we can have almost arbitrarily fast horses the question is which of them are like that oh this guy’s not as a little bit not as fast still missed and around we go back on track yeah

The trees don’t actually stop them from going like straight into trees but the cliffs sure work tell you what you go play in this water I want to ride a normal horse and see if that’s any more more fun where did that where was that guy here he

Is I see you I think you’re a normalice horse and I have ridden you before so let’s find out okay okay open hand settle down come on honey please to be letting me put saddle on you come on there you go now I have a horse that’s like normal and

Stuff oh somebody’s got a horse with h diamond armor there we go so this is a race that is sure not to be won by this but on the other hand it’s kind of soothing and nice this is my horse that’s not even slightly amazing okay now that’s funny yeah by all means

Slap me this is a pleasure Cruise only the hyper fast horses can like phase through trees yeah yeah that’s what I was hoping to do in the inside of this some of the horses can still go through trees but or that one just went through a

Fence yeah so they can go through the stuff in the middle but if you go off the outside edge he Rao B Bunk b Bunk b bunk but this horse will not hurt itself quickly changes to a ringer horse aha see he got better excessively amazing horses are are really hard to

Control hey somebody’s on the normal horse here we go we can set like rules of you can pick any horse you want but if you’re not on the path you’re disqualified like if you fall off like see I’m not on path so I Lose I’m disqualified and that can be the race

You can do this but you got to stay on path at all times no going to the trace no going off the side see again I disqualified I went off the path and it can be a little horse race course how’s that disqualified oh this is one of those guys he lands too

Hard nah now cuz if you go off the sides you you’re disqualified you lose you got to control it so you don’t go off the sides anyways these horses are so fast they go through tree trunks so the def fenes will not help like actually that does not go through the fences does

It we do actually stop when we hit fences just not trees if you want to make a whole separate one that that has fences like part of the trouble with this one was making it so that it is a uh flat because these guys will go flying

Into the ceiling if they are not on flat terrain uh excuse me thank you cool I have not actually played Starcraft no oh there we go more mobs no not so Much one thing I might consider doing is uh Des snowing this that might be nice we do have a lot of weird stuff everywhere going my barn with the horses used to be over here now the horses are for all oh I remember some of the things I was going to Do this always looks like it’s much taller because it’s just heading into There Birch more Birch well you know we so what I’m going to do now for those who are watching the uh stream is take a moment and do something completely different I still got M yeah I do still have a The The here we go I will check later and find out uh what that was what that was like I may have been distorting the heck out of even the mic in completely another room or possibly not I’m not sure but uh I set that up for a reason

So I thought I would get a little use out of it Sebastian ask do I like when people send you their tracks they mix using your plugins I like that people mix their tracks using the plugins as far as um like there’s there’s not that uh I would really do with

That often I feel like that kind of thing becomes now listen to the work that I did and tell me how awesome it was and promote my music and I don’t even have the attention SP to promote my own music much less anybody else’s it’s always kind of tricky that way

Bof oh I can think of something to do here that ought to work for one thing about these Hab slabs is mobs are not going to spawn on them directly although they sure are going to spawn under them but I do have three torches so maybe I should just use those there we

Are it is kind of a far room mic that is it’s going to be interesting when actually do doing like tracking stuff figuring out what to do there that actually used kind of a lot of all see you kind of used a lot of slabs well I can make

More Minecraft scream also I don’t know I feel like we’re literally seeing Minecraft screen right now oh I see what I could do you can just be a big old triangle is what you can be oh sorry overlooked that here we are wasn’t thinking of that

Part I had forgot that I had done that I do not know if that’s actually any use to anybody so let’s not bother with that stuff doesn’t need to stretch out this far for any reason one two three four and the other side can also to be cool cool

Bunker base with the purple beds yeah sorry about that I did not realize that I had forgotten to change the screen back over again but you can see why I changed it over the first time cuz that is drum Room cam drum Room cam in a big Way it’s getting towards when I need to uh start getting my dinner ready so maybe I’ll get that going it’s only 3:22 but I’ll be done by five for for for think I’m going to be carrying some firewood later today oh an ice cream base okay fair

Enough it’s a little bit late in the day I’m not coming and seeing it right now I’m not completely sure what I am doing but I probably doing something along the lines of where we God even oh no I believe you I believe you for so we could extend that a

Bit oh can I I can nice can do that yeah that’s not the font I normally use am I not even carrying my shovel anymore huh oh no I am I’m still carrying a shovel I don’t need as many of these Oak fenes I don’t think ha trick to switch to the Flying

Snowball which protect protected me from Splat meanwhile I’m not sure what that’s doing there but then I’m not sure what this is doing here either for not going to One windows behind who wants to look at a billboard got a whole bunch of packed eyes a chest glowstone might be

Nice got plenty of brick and I know I’ve kind of gone off the bricks could make more class excuse me sir why are you you not peaceful well it was your bad luck I’m wearing Thorns armor so you were the agent of your own destruction sir so now what are we

Doing I was thinking in terms of polished diorite so let’s do some of that oh glitchy glitchy glitchy wonder what’s happening I could start putting a back wall of Polish d right on here like this I don’t know why that guy was so cranky what a cranky spider he was oh here’s the Thought That’s glitchy what what’s up with that time to zop over here and grab some sleep and we will see what next I’m a little tired by now take a minute and watch my drum kit there we go I do kind of miss having the uh the indoors mic in

Here oh what else can we make with this stuff I feel like I can do better than this give me that back what other kinds of things first I can make more except for I’m not holding that so back to the pit with you you didn’t drop anything at all rude

Frozen something’s happening that I don’t know about I mean no matter I could always go off and mix a track or something if there’s a a problem we’ll see meanwhile can we make polished diorite no can we make polished diid stairs no can we make regular diid anything apparently not

Huh so maybe I was doing that precipitately I made it too soon what can we do but make an enormously tall Place clearly the correct move and then we’ll do a black glass across here and the floors can be this and that ought to do nicely just keep on going until you run

Out of cake I mean di right I know people who are appalled by diorite and think it’s the ugliest Block in the world so this building such as it is is not going to be their favoritest thing don’t matter we do what we can were we out no we’re

Not we’ve still got a little bit more nice now to get a bunch more black class that should have and it did that is a fairly dangerous process when things are all glitchy and not working fancy that let’s risk it one more time there that ought to do it for and now we

Go I should set up a different way of uh having this what else have we got as far as stuff is concerned well I could be carrying more glowstone I could make some more polished diorite oh I don’t need to I can make plenty of diorite which means let’s also

Find out whether we can do the stairs and things signs point to know a world of no polished it is peaked roof slanted roof what shall we have how about something entirely different fr and one more oh wait I don’t know what I’m doing kind of similarly to the other One like That And Using some of these things as just building Materials busting Them then one up here and over we go this is now a sort of penthouse For I will go sleep have I tried the ray Trace Minecraft no not so Much I found that Mac versions tend to struggle with uh shaders technically this one can run with Vaders so let’s see here we are hi are you randomly ultraviolent like the other one no Okay you poke him here around I’ll poke you right back go swim and that’s as far as the Skylight will go so let’s not make any more of that oh menu right classic Minecraft build that makes no logical or physical sense and is held together by things posted on their

Edges but we call it home let’s do a further Fancy Pants thing oh one minute warning for apparently ads are going to happen oh somebody can climb don’t we feel clever Mr spider climes or right I suppose Miss Spider well now how am I going to get out of here

Let’s Place some floor things somewhere and now I can place lights switch over to flying mode and we never did finish putting these in entrance way could be more polished di right is suppose it matches with the rest of it anyway can’t see why not I’m going to want one

Door I might want to make it out of something cool does that look good by itself or does it need to be an arch what about one a minute distance we going to make it iner I’ll have some of these blocks back rather than just wasting

Them do I have grass block in here I do you’re not grass block oh this is covering over my entrance to down here oh whatever any more polished ey in the house like here just cuz why not and let’s put in some floors maybe making some more stacks of floors while I’m at

It assuming of course that the game will let me because it’s being a little bulky yeah good enough it’s being a little bulky but it’s not being like hyper super bulky another stack out DOI okay so how do we climb like this but starting from there maybe not I think I would like

Fewer stairs so how about here and each of these can be at this height because I’ve got some light but there’s still half slabs so we’re not going to spawn mobs here we go man after all that talking about like Ai and stuff I am clearly

Tired I not chatting away nearly as much as I was what does this look like from outside it looks okay and then match this again and we’re also going to get into the basement the same way to flat and up spider if you don’t stop chittering

At me I’m going to go and remove you seriously oh later menu okay we can in fact get up to this that’s not all the slabs which is good and this seems reasonable and I kind of like the way that works out and I’m fed up with spider input hush shush you

Talkless oh hello can’t do this can we that works though re hello Manu this is not going to look great great so let’s not have that instead we’ll start here oh no wait I can’t do this can I that’s the back wall I still can though get another little sleep

About an hour left today before I go and have my dinner and I have dinner at 5: I am going to be trying a different kind of tortilla I’ve been doing the oldo aposto for like all my life and for a while there a friend of mine Carlos Sosa G

Gonzalez who’s a writer um did a convention presentation talking about uh translating writing into multiple languages and used as an example argumentation about um what kind of tortilla was correct and insisted that soft tortillas were the only correct choice and so I tried soft ttus for a

While and I I liked them pretty well and uh re hello okay sir I am fed up with your nonsense but also cannot figure out where you are are you literally on top of the building here we go let’s have a quick look sure

Is let’s see if we can push you off the building and if that will help you’re not going to get hurt go ahead come on come on off you go you’re only going to become negative to me when you’re there now don’t climb up again I can fall without fall damage you cannot

Let’s see what we can make out of this I think I had brick stairs which I believe is what I’m going to be Wanting we can always have way more polished diate for place this like this spider I’m going to need the chatter to simmer down a little bit Well for now we can get up and down like this stairs have we got stairs yes we do we could also model the we could do

Slabs let’s see how feasible that would be because to retain this let’s just see how feable that might be that can go that can go meaning that that is right there we still got plenty of polished die right under here so so if this was in fact just brick

Foundation we still got enough bricks to pull it off not quite as designed but it’ll work So that’ll be a slab and like that going to want more of the diorite in here oh or do we yeah sure why Not We go from there that’ll be filled in like that and if we didn’t do this we can in fact go up and down Good and we can also have the light continue cuz why Not why wouldn’t you And we’ve also got this here so there’s no real reason this can’t also be a light and it is there we go meaning we don’t need these anymore this is going to grow eventually we’ve got indoor grass rather than indoor dirt I suppose we got a helpful spider being helpful

Spider we can in fact get up here and we’re not the only one oh For Heaven’s Sake getting deified okay okay now to do a final detail of some sort interesting other kinds of wood that can make doors of which we don’t have that many honestly but we’ve got a little

Bit all it got to do is find it and I think I put it somewhere entirely else namely way over in here in the middle of the race course we’ve got dark oak wood and that’s what I was thinking of huh shall we do a on fire feature no

We’ve got too much wood in this build it’s not going to work as amusing as it would be however we can decorate a little bit hey crafty man how would a tape plugin be different from a casset plugin oh we’ve got we produced a few more chain thingies

That’s cool probably duped oh definitely duped look at look at the way that is cassette would probably be wobbler like I’ll tell you I will be able to do some testing and measuring you know when my copia is free time cuz I have this now I do not have a real toore machine

Much less a good Studio grade one but I do have that so I can get some like test tones tracked onto it or whatever which will give me the opportunity to study in earnest how the uh frequencies and uh tape wobble does for that I mean I have

Familiarity with this as well there’s nothing like immediately checking out the thing and seeing how it works how is it not night come on okay a little confused but not complaining I thought it was going to be night this is sleepy so time for big old fancy door

Apparently let’s go and put it in it’s going to look a little funny because well no hang on we’ve got steps we could use steps and break that and place a little here we go oh can we not Place doors on top of that seems silly well we’ll figure this out no

Worries and here’s one possible way how maybe it’ll accept this in a sense so let’s go extra fancy and come up with the wave for the zombie proof door familiar with the zombie proof door Minecrafters zombie proof door involves placing it sideways oh and one minute warning for them throwing more ads and

Stuff for those that tolerate that sort of thing and now we got a zombie proof door because the zombies think that is open but they can’t go through considering placing glowstone on the top of the arch I don’t know I’m not sure if I want that also

You tourist don’t need to be up there oh God crapy that looking and we can no longer see this from where we’re standing because it’s secured by the house and so we’re making another even taller one already this is just a little bit like an anarchy server without really being

Designed to be one so you got to accept a certain amount of aner key here’s our basement let’s Place some things in the basement it’s all right yeah he he basically covers it Boop now we can repair stuff I’ve got one chest so I could put that here

Too can make a crafting table although it seems a little bit wasteful to make it out of dark oak but whatever and there we go little workstation I should go and get a bed though I figure if I am building stuff like at spawn I should expect

Whatever and on the whole it’s kind of like well-natured whatever no complaints there we got the positivity going on grab a couple of beds from here what else have I got do we have any dyes and paints and things you could do a blue that might be okay how about

That beds for this house can be blue oh menu except why are we not being able to make blue Dy well can you directly use lapis this way sure can that’s a very seriously massively sized blue bed this could do with a little filling in fill in in creeper holes and stuff

Can be good let’s see that would be an entertainment space and so up at the top is a bedroom with a view oh except for we can’t actually place that because it is not level got to put a little riser in here or it won’t work and I think that

Will in fact work if I have done it I think that does actually work whether it does or not we can at least Place beds there so there’s that looking good paintings paintings I should put paintings big old space like this big old wall spaces clearly it wants

Paintings let’s totally go and make some paintings oh and some dark oak stuff as well I’ve only got two dark oak planks short of cutting down some of the trees we’ve got and I’d rather not bother with that so we’ll dup them doubling will take care of this pretty quickly

Is it possible to have the vinyl generated noise plugin yes I’ve been recording lots of stuff that I might even make videos about at some point in future and that includes vinyl noise recorded in really high resolution and really high quality so I could well I’m making the

Plugin about it though I don’t know though like all i’ really have to do is measure what that is and like write but I’d have to have a big old data file to do that with I mean it’s not impossible this is not impossible it’s possible to do oak oak fence oh

Menu lot of fallen from a high place my NE get sore after enough time indeed dangerous indeed oh is that being made out of ice a window is the slickest possible thing long as we still have I left over that should be fine there’s lari well there’s some Birch sampling so

I should be able to make my own Birch like one of the things I like about living in Vermont is we don’t have Billboards just a thought that said it’s like chish to complain now and it is sleepy time could be and definitely people bug me if it

Seem like doing the coding SC streams would be good because that’s certainly still possible there’s nothing stopping us from doing some of those as well it’s maybe a little late in the day but one thing about it is that it would be a nice change so I’m putting in some

Substantial days on the Minecraft this way and as fine as that is it’s not the only thing I must do I can do other things too I probably wouldn’t want to be coding for literally 8 hours a day that would be a little much but I that is still something I can

Do I can still do coding streams it’s just been a while close enough not close enough let’s try that Again close enough that’s just annoying it didn’t make a perfect brick as i’ hoped that said I will soon have plenty of Birchwood to play with Air Windows may be your friend menu but air itself seems to be less of a compet now how does that even happen there we

Go yeah while my energy was holding out it was fun doing all that pontificating on AI things cuz these are these are very real questions there’s a lot of stuff going on and it’s worth being able to think about them because the trouble with generative AI is it will not and it most

Certainly will not have opinions or wishes about any any of this stuff it’ll just kind of passively grind out variations and themes speaking of variations on themes let’s let’s think of something uh no no not that one what are we doing that’s more like it and that are do me for now

I had something in mind with these there going to be supports under here be some visual decoration like this and I didn’t make quite enough of them did I one short he got one short On thank you here we go so it looks pretty cool now what where would be another good place for something like that pillar oh I know we could like make like we have just a giant support pillar shouldn’t really intrude with anything like that so oh do we not even

Make enough of the Never mind so much for that there I was thinking I was going to make a support pillar although technically I’m not lacking it what would it look like though we keep going be a very light shade not needing that so much with all my derping around for seven and

A half hours today my brain is shorting out and I no longer thinking as clearly as I had begun to think so it goes enough with the bricks oh did we literally make all of this with oak wood slabs instead of birch I don’t believe it well if it’s Oak it’s sturdy wasn’t

It that’s fine it goes with the glowstone I’ll build something else with Birch this has not been built with uh Birch this is where I make a point of not going ra and then pickaxing everything oh craft Dem man’s on my roof I was thinking into oh I think I can think of

Something can I make can you make Birchwood trap doors oh look there’s even more Birch there GL Stone but I’ve already placed that what can I make wooden pressure plate well I can make that let us however see what happens I know the usual routine it’s just a question of whether that’s going

To work we can do a kind of tall table that does not work all that well you get a lovely closer view of it we’ll use it as a separate color and I bet this is going to fall yep what if I got four Birch half slabs that’s going to be enough

What have we got for more Sak and then more Birch fence okay that’s only two of those but I had some anyway so it’s fine and I got trees already yep sure tree Windows now to make something that looks a little bit like a table only appropriate place for

It oh we’re still short One For Heaven’s Sake but this big blocky looking table can be jumped on and it does look like it’s a thing it’s just suspended weirdly under here I want that one more fence gate it doesn’t look ni nice without it Go

Boop then since we also have Oak slabs the oak slabs can go under here and it’s a weird feature but whatever still figuring out what else to do if anything I could just continue the design like that Could probably put signs here Too And time to put all of the silliness in here a couple of fish while we’re at It cuz we’re getting to be done with the day as the music swells and we enter the last few minutes as they still haven’t done the paintings trees in the Clouds so let’s see whether there’s a convenient way of doing paintings what do I even need for Those Well if I know what I need for it it’s not showing me so we’ll figure out surely we’ve got some leather or something oh hey extra steak You’d think there’d be leather in here oh there totally is cool lots of fences that we don’t need Cobblestone wall is a nice block to use for things but not right now I got sticks on me oh menu that’s a little bit of stick but not much I made so much

Stuff I think I might have to put it all in the basement no not all here some more oh the sck oh the item frame and what do we need to make it be a painting there must be something canvas pigment it’s got to be something we know there must be a way

I used up literally all of that leather didn’t die I feel like it might be leather again I’m not sure I feel like it might be leather again well although it hardly seems fair I know I can find cows around here here or horses no no we’re not going to do

That the cow that didn’t drop leather okay let’s find other cows that might don’t tempt me these are not going to drop leather what tragically Amazing Horse hiding in a cave and it’s cows I’m looking for not the horses at least not right now I’m not that desperate wonder if we’ve got anything

New in here not so much signs are cool got to love signs it’s going to be time for sleeping pretty soon unless somebody has been getting Lively with the uh the time snowballs he says as somebody gets LLY with the time snowballs fair enough that works oh what if I have leather

In with book making supplies does not okay need gold ingots those can go there that can cook up no real reason why it shouldn’t have we got more Birch things going on a birched forest is have I got more cows does somebody else have leather because I could duplicate

It if I do have somebody else with leather nope at which point the question is so if I snuck in and took their leather but then I duplicated does it count as stealing or is it just Minecraft being Minecraft aha got there and I will stop there rather than hurt any more cows

Needlessly we could do with cleaning some of this stuff up though random tree stumps kicking around and ones that shouldn’t really be part of trees that have ceased to be H can’t wait for dinner coming quite soon now I think that’s what it does however I should probably find

Out I’m making tacos I’m going to make tacos with um softer Tas instead of the crunchy ones for a change item Frame painting wool I need wo wool and sticks not even item frames okay twice cuz I make a breakfast uh omelette with one egg well I’ve got wall okay I can make paintings I didn’t realize that I pointlessly made item frames there’s lots of wall and lots of sticks hello lots of paintings

These chests are getting super cluttered put a little more on to cook and over to the house and let’s get some paintings in here did not even need leather this how much I know okay but maybe up there we can make this be a Grateful Dead house and have that picture

Everywhere how about that oh interesting that’s kind of cool okay if you put it there it has to be that huh unless of course if you st the space and then let’s see what would be nice here okay didn’t expect that that’s a big painting it’s I’m a landing

Again got to tighten it up a little bit by placing other ones like so well it’s got nice colors I’ll give it that maybe we’ll put that over here how about that I do like this other one though we don’t need that so yeah that’s okay I like the colors

Here I could simply put up wall to do this partn oh I can’t get up because the uh the Wall’s there it’s kind of cool looking not having duplicates thank you here we are so that’s a pretty one although I do wonder whether having it be down there is

Actually what I want or indeed if having two of them Flank In the glowstone is what I want possibly not so let’s throw this down somewhere else two paintings in here two paintings in here the very one and then I have I got a big old space for something spectacular in here

Don’t like the placement um if you go far away to do it go where go where nobody is oh Manu you can’t get Ania I would have thought there would be some around but perhaps not as much as I thought you I think this will do but where did the rest of the

Paintings go down here indeed oh craft you tried you have clearly tried the um TNT no question about that So I know I oh there they are there they are and the rest of the paintings can go down There well thank you I’m glad you feel like that uh I do my best I feel like you might as well well you know if you’re going to be talking to people on the Internet or whatever or doing your thing the way to speak in a way that seems therapeutic is

To work on yourself and of oh I like the look of this this is a nice enough time to enjoy the new place what you should do with ACAA is chop down the trees and let the actual leaves degrade at which point some of them should drop as

Saplings and you say should be streaming when you have a dinner I have a dinner in a few minutes I will hang out until it is 5 my time I’m on uh Eastern Standard Time my energy has kind of run out as far as being very useful for anything although apparently not

Apparently I’m still able to speak and that’s nice the energy level is way down by now but then so it goes I’ll get a decent amount of sleep probably because I won’t have been too jacked up on excess amounts of caffeine I am tempted to find more places for more of cuz we

Can make so many paintings now that I know how I can have way more paintings than this can see what might be good in funny little spots like that Or That one thing I will sometimes do or and by sometimes I mean yes this is something I do is uh get chocolate chips so I’ll snack on uh chocolate but not in large quantities small quantities also if I’m not streaming I will tend to snack more throughout the

Day because I’m not really a big eating on stream person only not uh that comfortable with that oh look they’re all a little bit different I wonder how many of those unique ones are there put them on every surface but yeah we’ve got all of the uh paintings one could possibly

Want so we can go from there oh you can even put them on the glass look at that I do are you out that is something I can set you up with forth withth half a mine I’m sure you’ll make more soon enough there you go you do have uh arrows

Yeah if you don’t here you go yeah I mean if you want to to talk and have a soothing voice and be therapeutic working your own demons and it comes naturally that’s how that works I’m like 55 years old and I have oh there’s a bunch of speaking of demon somebody is trying

To get rid of some of their demons as in Monsters I am liking how many of these there are look we could do a bank of them except I am a short one and also I can’t do them on they occupy a block and so you can only use one

Block but you can definitely do a feature this way with like matching ones a little little fussing little work yeah well if you think that was deep uh John lenon would have told you the same thing Lennon said at one point the way you paint a perfect picture is you make

Yourself perfect and then paint us comes naturally now the real trick there is perfect isn’t necessarily what you want CU perfect is inhuman and people who are driven to be perfect tend to be pushing too hard hard and it’s difficult to be around so good enough is always nice and

On that note it is after 5: now so I could go off and have dinner so maybe that’s something I might like to do you think it is funny to me that you know now that I’m ready to go and have dinner we’ve got people kicking around and

Watching but it is in fact dinner time so that might be a fine idea for me to do yep and I will even log off here and hope that it’s still there when I get back what with all the pretty paintings and all as I’m happy with the look of this

This is this is feels nice it’s mighty close to spawn so I feel that’s dangerous but we’ll see and with that I will log off for the day and I’ll see you folks in a couple of days seeing as I’ll be doing this again on Thursday bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Stream: Time with Chris from Airwindows’, was uploaded by airwindows on 2023-12-05 22:38:54. It has garnered 308 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 07:59:57 or 28797 seconds.

Here’s an idea, let’s spend time on various things. Could be Minecraft, mixing or recording new music in Reaper, firing up VCV Rack in Reaper, writing games or tools in Godot. As LoadingReadyRun says, “we’re live, so something’s going to happen!”

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    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JtIGCz_3kX4 ________________________________________________ Link Server:play.rebelionsoul.my.id Port: 19202 Skin Ku https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ce1ZGZVxLmF9QUOCDQfV5lJILKN2zzyX/view?usp=drivesdk Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) https://saweria.co/MohammadRifan90 Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rifan_craft_4412/ ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

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  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Ahrnemc.com Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest

    Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest Exploring the World of Minecraft Animation Introduction In the vibrant world of Minecraft animation, creators like Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku bring to life unique and entertaining content for viewers to enjoy. Through their videos, viewers are taken on a journey filled with humor, creativity, and endless possibilities. Unique Minecraft Animations Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku’s animations showcase the beauty of Minecraft through a lens of humor and creativity. From funny animated moments to unique experiences, each video is a testament to the boundless imagination of the creators. Characters and Creations The animations feature a cast of characters, including Stresmen and… Read More

  • INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More

  • Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft Experience

    Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft ExperienceVideo Information me and Joe are stuck in this base without any known land near us it goes that we were exiled from our home planet without any instructions no gear the only thing we can do from here is survive but that’s only if the creatures of this planet let [Music] us oh there’s a book in here narrator where is it I see the book I read I’ve begun to become no I’ve become to become yeah take two I’ve begun to become that was not take two I begun to become disturbed by the sounds and voices… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥Video Information e e e [Music] po [Music] FL h mey chat I hope yall are doing well stay up Golden and enjoying your day or night oh my [Music] [Music] ear we are doing some chaos today in the form of Assassin’s Creed Unity potentially with Abby joining us H SS hi Hi Guess get guess what you’re high maybe I mean High mhm hey gay oh no gay she figed out I was what’s going on [Music] how you doing gck are you looking forward to the nor assassin’s PR I don’t I don’t know I don’t think… Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!Video Information we’re back everything says that it’s healthy I’m getting frame drops I really need to double check my um my settings at some point see what I can do to minimize that but I’m happy that it’s back mostly dang come here you forance mod thank you it’s got to be maybe it’s all the world generation I’m doing I don’t know but uh we’re doing it maybe lagging lagging lagging okay I’m going to go kill skeletons skeletons are not as bad once I have a shield it’s facing off against a skeleton when I don’t have… Read More

  • Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viral

    Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viralVideo Information [تصفيق] [موسيقى] ‏h This video, titled ‘The Amazing spider man Minecraft V/s real #minecraft #mods #edit #viral #spiderman’, was uploaded by Acid = Gamer on 2024-03-18 14:05:17. It has garnered 506 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Herobrine’s Father’s Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts

    SHOCKING: Herobrine's Father's Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts’, was uploaded by YTAC GAMERZ on 2024-06-16 07:07:48. It has garnered 499 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts Related Topics: 👿👿Water Bucket Mlg in #minecraft #shorts #viral water bucket mlg Minecraft all types of clutch Minecraft tik tok hack #1 #minecraft #viral #shorts #support #minecraft Slime Block Mlg #shorts #viral #minecraft how to do slime block mlg how to do water bucket mlg how to hay clutch how to… Read More

  • Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!

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  • Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix Server

    Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix ServerVideo Information this is a dirt block and over the next 30 days I’m going to be transforming it into an entire Minecraft house welcome everybody to Day 26 of the dirt series in the last video I signed a contract with life steal and before you ask no I still don’t know what it is but what I do know is that we’re sitting at 1.15 million coins and I’d like to make that even more so to start off I have four ancient debris in my Ender Chest which if I smell I can use to make a… Read More