Mind-Blowing Twist in KitekkiVODS: Part 2 – Watch Now!

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We back this connect hello all right I’m going assume that means we’re back awesome I have returned God I need coffee okay that’s really really want coffee I might I might need to go make me some okay so I have all the chapters that I’ve written so far up

There so from here on out it’s planning and my current issue right now is that I’m not 100% sure what I want to happen like make the twine box skip a line when you press Shi shift enter so just laying it side by side be let’s see Uh columns Oh ah N I think you just have to hit enter twice that said you don’t need to hit shift enter you could just hit normal enter but yeah I don’t I don’t think it has a has a skipped skip line button re formats oh that’s just the uh that yeah

I’m going to go start me a pot of coffee otherwise I’m going to fall asleep so I’ll be right back one sec also yes a pot not a cup which I’m going to set a reminder to go check that I had to go make a whole

Pot otherwise I couldn’t get a cup cuz there was no coffee made I also grabb my mush Mallows so I’m going to have me a nice fresh cup okay so here’s the thing about the story that I’m writing right I’m mixing like three different story lines here between video games and comics

Or if you count previous ones so not only do I have to like figure out what the actual story to this one is I have to figure out how the other stories kind of fit in there without there being too much going on like I have to figure out what’s

Relevant to the story that I’m currently writing cuz originally right it was just going to be like a stupid what if kind of funny Side Story type of thing I might keep it that cuz I’ve tried to write like a lighthearted Slice of Life kind of silliness a few times by

Now in this in this one series Ive tried to write Ive tried to write a lighthearted Slice of Life life kind of thing like three different times and it always ends up being [ __ ] apocalyptic by the end no matter what I do so I am desperately trying not to let this one

Go completely off the rails that’s why I decided to write this one for this year’s Nanos because I have so much other [ __ ] going on that I don’t have the brain capacity for like a super intense story with a lot of [ __ ] going on and like 30 different like plots that

Have to be juggled into one and still makes sense so like I’m trying to figure out what the climax is without getting too overboard but I don’t know what cuz like the main story the main like focus is the FNAF security breach storyline so what’s the steak T-Bone I don’t

Know that’s kind of the problem like okay so here’s the thing right the reason that this has a PO the potential to work really [ __ ] well mixing all of these different worlds together is because they’re all robots and the virus in security breach you know a virus a robot virus

That makes weirdly sense robots kind of go berserk and so you know you take weirdly sentient animatronics with like this digital glitch virus thing you throw in some [ __ ] Sonic robots you throw in some Mega Man robots and you have potential disaster on your hand how family Dre’s batteries a battery definitely definitely

Batteries like there’s a total of three main characters main or Side characters that are not robots and would therefore not be affected by whatever the [ __ ] is going on the entire rest of the cast are all robots but at the same time I’m so confused about the actual

Virus in security breach and how it works and how it actually like what it actually does that I’m not 100% sure how to incorporate it with the other Bots let’s make [ __ ] up I mean I could just head Cannon this virus security breach a game yes R do you not know FNAF security

Breach like if you have you have you have you not have you not seen seen any gameplay from that decide how the virus works I could I have a tendency to get a little too into the lower and make sure make things like weirdly [ __ ] accurate but

I could just head Canon that [ __ ] cuz I doubt they even [ __ ] know I’m scar is G me uncontrolled anger so that’s fair see I think the fun of security breach is just it’s such a [ __ ] broken ass game that like my interest in it went from uh these are some cool looking

Animatronics to oh my [ __ ] god this game is insane and it’s basically an open World sandbox at this point like the entire reason that I was just like hey I can [ __ ] do something with this was watching speed Runners break [ __ ] to the point that one of the animatronics basically

Like penalizes you for time for [ __ ] uh time traveling and I was just like hey animatronics with a virus robots and time travel I do robots and time travel I could work something out of that so I’m just like trying to figure out how exactly that would work made me

Love it so much more back seat and astral spith are like my two goto for security breach videos back seat is hilarious I love him but spiff was the first one that I kind of watched like really watched like get into it like obviously I watched Markiplier’s play Let’s Play of it but

Like when I like really started to get into it it was spiff took the loosest I did but that’s what I do best I take like this vague concept of a thread of connection and I find a way to make it like bigger that’s what I do man [ __ ] I’m

Tired I’m waiting for my timer to go off to tell me my coffee is ready while I think about this but yeah like I had I had I have a couple ideas of where this could possibly go so like for one all virus all the time where basically pretty much all of the

Robots get infected with the virus and go berserk and and leaving basically just itara Freddy cuz for some reason he’s not affected by the virus bing bing there’s my coffee alarm don’t know if I want to have Gregory in there though this might be a non- Gregory AU also I don’t know what the actual Canon ending fur FNAF security breach is W are you scaring me away to go get my coffee cuz it might work oh no I’m so scared I have to run away I’m running away ah ah I have acquired fresh hot

Coffee woke up to new writing Sprints [ __ ] yeah ah doing you God damn it God damn it Piggy A nice cuper a nice cup of Joel I got me a nice cup of Joel ah okay done for the day tomorrow’s a break day and then finishing up over the weekend sounds good ink you B ink you B all right so here’s here’s here’s ideas here’s here’s the ideas

So all of the robots pretty much get the virus go berserk Freddy Tara maybe infinite and keer have to get them back to normal wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait idea Brain Brain Brain thought thought just came to me thought just came

Okay so in the world of unite comic Sigma and Robotnik team up break several worlds to shatter to Pieces bringing them all down onto the Sonic Universe and they all have to like build these massive [ __ ] teams to fight off a bunch of robots between the Mavericks

And Robotnik like you know robots that he creates so what if what if they hang on words are forming so the robots in the FNAF Universe uh catch the virus go berserk and the others who are not infected Escape back to the Sonic world only to find it meshing with a ton of

Others or no they don’t escape then the world’s collide Ah Ah Ah that’s a joke bringing both the infected robots and the noninfected robots slash uh itara back to the combined world where they have to once again try and defeat Sigma and Robotnik while also repairing the virus robots arcade

Metal uh all the security breach maybe even X and axle that could work and that ties it all together with both what’s going on with X and zero and Axle in them and sigma in in the world’s unite comics and the security be breach virus and it puts everybody everybody at at [ __ ]

Uh under threat also gives infinite something to do infinite and Kipper uh something to do essentially because if they can’t rely on metal and Knuckles or metal and arcade like they did before then it’s going to leave down toara and infinite to handle

It oh and O ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh wait okay no BR this is brilliant the reason zero isn’t affected was because he started out infected by a virus he started out a Maverick and overcame it he he like he he already overcame a virus that tried

To like destroy his [ __ ] uh programming or like whatever like okay it didn’t destroy his programm he started out with the Maverick virus and overcame it and so that’s why he isn’t affected by the FNAF virus which needs a [ __ ] name because I don’t just want to keep calling it a

[ __ ] FNAF virus I don’t know what to call it I don’t know if it actually has a name but this is this is why but that’s why he’s not affect Ed by that virus is because he already has he’s already dealt with virus [ __ ] he knows how to [ __ ] handle his [ __ ] but

Neither X nor zero or not X nor Axel were ever infected with the Maverick virus and so therefore have no defenses against anything of that sort maybe X would but I don’t know but anyways the point is is that they don’t have a defense against it and so

Therefore they would be infected by that whereas zero would not so that gives a reason as to why zero is not affected to it so that he could stay you know kind of like a functional member of of of of the group so it comes down toara zero infinite and

Freddy to deal with what’s [ __ ] going on once [ __ ] starts going down I’m gonna have to look into the comic again and try and like recall exactly how that goes but that could be like the big Turning Point the big climax is them trying to deal with everybody affected by this virus and

Maybe it could even [ __ ] mutate it could mutate because you have a combination maybe maybe you have a combination of the Maverick virus and the FNAF virus and whatever the [ __ ] Robotnik is goddamn doing with his goddamn life you know he’s been up to some [ __ ] he probably hasn’t actually

Been up to some [ __ ] he’s sort of been up to some [ __ ] but his [ __ ] is relatively subpar compared to everything else cuz he’s surprisingly bad at what he does for somebody who’s so very good at what he does uh oh what about Metal Robotnik is always involved of course robotnik’s involved

But he’s not involved until later he’s he’s just sort of piggybacking off of what what sigma’s going to do later he’s not actually like super involved he’s just there being a menace I don’t think I’m hearing this year in this what what’s that supposed to mean

Say that because we in fact don’t have the bra cell yeah see I sorry guys I I’ve I have achieved the brain cell and therefore brain is going like 900 miles an hour uh let’s see uh climax notes there we go that’s what we’ll call that uh okay

I’m trying to think if there’s ever been any kind of like virus in the Sonic world that would affect all of them like this but other than that I don’t think there really has been like the robots in the Sonic world are usually just Robotnik told me to do it there hasn’t

Really it’s it’s just it’s just core programming I don’t know if any of them would ever be able to would be able to overcome a virus either the Maverick virus or or the FNAF virus I’m going to go find out if that has a name because that’s going to bother

Me uh FNAF security breach virus no not actual virus you idiot uh what the [ __ ] do you call it the feeling I know was going hot godam it what not from Sonic Frontiers I don’t know because I haven’t played Frontiers yet I want to but I I

Can’t I haven’t been able to afford to pick it up yet is there a virus in Frontiers uh security breach okay I’m just going to need to go to the wiki and see if there’s a breakdown of the Virus a is it a malfunction no I’m pretty sure it’s yeah it’s a virus infect it’s an infected virus but what is the virus where does it come from I feel like there’s some kind of connection to I know there’s a connection to uh the the the VR

Game cuz the the bunny from that is I’m pretty sure the same one from ruin but I’m not 100% sure exactly what the connection is but I know there’s a connection there this Sor revolves around everyone catching a computer virus somehow and trying to fix it oh endoskeletons rooftop endings A maybe I need glitch trap maybe is this all glitch traps thing n glitch trap what’s the difference between spring trap glitch trap and [ __ ] okay yeah so glitch trap is the one from the VR game what’s his is it like is it connected to springtrap Spee Being able to manipulate and brainwash people interesting I’m going to need an entire page for glitch trap the ghost of William afteron uploaded to the so it is Aon but then what about springtrap does he just have two forms walking around in one game or something

Yes wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up hold up hold up pause back up glitch trap is a ghost so it’s all just uh fnap help wanted and security breach ghost of William Aton uploaded to VR able to control

Slash mind control people SL animatronics Danny spring trap D and pizzaeria similar glitch trap brought back stream P basically repossessing the corpse so he just could possessed his own corpse that’s weird that’s so [ __ ] weird cop of a possess his corpse surf the mimic is also GL

Trap belong to the Old Spring bonies been inside for Decades T just could attach itself to her log tapes which she was keeping protected part of the game c okay yeah no that’s te tape as many things in con ballon is half of them yeah I know but that’s kind that’s kind of why I like it though like that’s kind of

That’s like the core of why I [ __ ] like FNAF so much is it has such [ __ ] deep lore like you can get really really into like the Nitty Gritty of the details and that’s like 90% of what I like I like hammering out all the little details that make no [ __ ] sense to

Anybody except like people who like really [ __ ] get in there and [ __ ] like red string of crazy that [ __ ] why I like Sonic 06 too is because I like its convoluted Story game is ass ending is even more ass but I like the story I like meilus that’s about it I like

Meilus I’m sensing a pattern a little bit a little bit okay princess Quest I need to look into Princess quest ending cuz I didn’t I have not looked I know very little about the princess quest ending how long are you streaming I have to go haul RS to a second to attend an

Induction for the night classes I’m starting with next week no idea but probably somewhere around at least the usual 6 hours I usually just kind of stream until I get tired and then I stand end so it just depends on how like awake my brain Is do you want to get back then all right good luck have fun I wish you I wish you much luck and learning in your classes Min okay but what about the virus itself that’s what I want to know I want to know what the virus is hi Otis you’re not new pres the haunted next chapter in fear Danny skeleton Price Boxes velopment attendant F Bots okay this is all just development I

Don’t care about the development I want to know about the actual plot give me that deep trivia this is where I get all of my ideas for mxs is that the virus I was wondering what the [ __ ] that Was security breach to the en yeah NX s AI designed to keep the mimic contained Fanny mask responsible for its creation it say says that that Cassie shut it down this means Gregory is aware of it’s be glitch trapped despite possible Miss noig believe to be is a unclear

Who implying Gregory at least helped with the installing it Gregory also have made his own AI like MX sply programmed well theory is perceived as unusual by some as an ocean that Gregory wasn’t there some weird [ __ ] about Gregory actually hang on originally yeah Gregory was originally working with vany and glitch

Trap ha the Glam during the T High SC of and the retroed go missing one of the prly they take a figure with rabbit ears but the footage is said to have distorted and in the CDs it’s Reve that he lied and that his childhood and parents are great

I believe security breach Gregory Broke Free from control how a is her hi Ryon you’re not new DD seed we did my my my OBS disconnected my internet’s been a little Kur fuffly lately and I don’t know why I think I need to reset my router Router again Uh Charlotte Emily who the [ __ ] is Charlotte Emily oh God there’s so much [ __ ] lore in the books that I haven’t read I need to like read a spark notes of the books or something there’s lore there that I don’t know and I feel like it could connect some [ __ ] like strings here

I’ll drive it I would love to actually Ry on you’re the perfect person to ask I okay so zero started out as a Maverick and overcome the overcame the virus right was X ever [ __ ] uh [ __ ] what’s the word um exposed to it was X ever exposed to the Maverick virus at any

Point hey Toni welome on in and welcome on in Raiders how’s it going how’s it hanging what’s up I’m I’m I’m I’m in full I’m in full [ __ ] like neuron activated mode woo writing woo yes many much writing I have connected some dots and I am connecting further thoughts dots and lines and

Ribbons and and and ideas and Concepts and okay hang on I need okay it should be it should be but how you doing how’s it hanging what’s up and also for everyone who just came in with the raid hello hi hey how’s it going I’m techy your local primordial

Deity of Chaos in cat form today we’re working on some writing stuff and uh digging deep into the FNAF FL zero never contracted the virus yes X has had it although it’s in the far future they never could okay no but did hey relli welcome on in hello Raiders

Hey W welcome to the Little House study with study with us huh thank you thank you for the follow what’s up y’all how was stream how was how how was how’s everybody going how’s it hanging hey Z up welcome on in how’s it going how’s it hanging what’s up

Y’all more Raiders more Raiders you got got all those shout outs mod hey hero we’ve got the full gang on in here let’s [ __ ] go it’s the gang but what’s up y’all welcome on in how were how were your how was your streams how was forsake did you get the

Spooks it’s a crew raid it’s a crew raid he needle to complete the collection welcome on in how was forsake did you get mini much Spooks the Army is here with the pirate Crew Corgi bits Corgi bits Corgi bits you bring many sandwiches [ __ ] yeah I need a sandwich I’m so hungry SP I screen like a little baby [ __ ] yeah and welcome on and for everyone who just came in with the raids hi hey hello how’s it going I’m k your local

Primordial deity of chaos and today I’m talking about Sonic and Sonic and and Mega Man and FNAF getting deep into the complexities of viruses from random games because reasons they’re playing together [ __ ] yeah just acted the monster for like a whole 5 minutes on nightmare mode fully

Expecting to die [ __ ] yeah good job job you did it tell us all about that oh I will I will okay so here’s the thing right uh this month is nano and uh because I have so much [ __ ] [ __ ] going on right now like outside of you

Know like just IRL [ __ ] and especially with like preparing for thank Miss and the three debut 3.0 debut and all that good fun stuff I’m like I need something light and like easy to write for Nano something that I could just pick up and put down real [ __ ] easy and not spend

Too much time outside of streams working on it and so I’m like [ __ ] it I’m going to write fanfiction so I’m working on a series that I started like seven [ __ ] years ago and just like adding little bits and pieces to it and uh yeah it’s a big old multi fandom fanfiction Crossing

Dimensions and all that good fun stuff and this this uh this bit is adding FNAF to it so I’m getting into the FNAF FL I had to go back in a few minutes what was the question the question was the the the Maverick virus what do you

Mean zero didn’t have it I thought his whole like starting thing was that he was he started with the virus and came over it overcame it was or like he was the origin of it wasn’t he I thought that was his whole thing is that he was the origin of the

Virus why do I feel like we’ve had this conversation before but also X is immune let me get us button on on on things and to save needle with my flare gun [ __ ] yeah straight up if you die in Nightmare there is no revive oh damn that’s

Intense he’s the origin kind of they think he has cryogenic pod contained it okay so he has been like he’s very like interconnected with the virus itself and therefore fairly immune to its its works right so like he’d be he’d be pretty he’d be pretty like con able to like deal with viruses

Is my point like he wouldn’t be super uh [ __ ] what’s the word uh weak to them something along the repid therefore neither him nor zero can get it so reploids can’t get it interesting I’m going to add that to my notes immune that’s the word immune to the Maverick virus

Okay isn’t a reploid wait I’m confused now you know what I’ll DM you about that later I’m I’m going to need details on that one like I only reploids can get it okay okay got it I’m probably going to DM you later for more details on

That cuz Mega Man is the one thing that I know the by far the least about I only researched like one like one or two games that I needed for the the previous arcs so like and Mega Man lore is almost as complex as [ __ ] FNAF

So kind of gets it in a weird weird body swap thing in mega man0 and Z gets X’s body okay yeah I don’t really care about the the Mega Man series zero series those are irrelevant to me I just need the Mega Man X Series

Back to work all right have a good one bye thank you for your assistance has a good stream I shall I I have I have unlocked climax Powers I I have I have a heading which means I almost have a plot but I just had to figure out this one

Virus because it turns out the [ __ ] like the virus from security breach has so little about it that it’s really hard to like pinpoint its origins or its cause or anything and ruin kind of made that infinitely worse worse it made it worse like ruin fixed the problems with

Security breach’s gam play but lorewise it just made it so much more complex fig out figure out a what no no I already have a climax figured out I need a plot but what’s up Mr C how’s it going how’s it hanging

I have I I I am I am deep in FNAF right now was that about a virus oh the virus from security breach the one that causes all the robots to go to go to go nutso I’m trying to figure out the exact origin of that and cause of it

So that I could work it into the story properly but there’s surprisingly little for something that’s so like core to the game play what do we know about it not a whole hell of a lot to be honest all we know is that it’s somehow in some way related to glitch

Trap and affects everybody but Freddy and it can affect and glitch glitch trap cannot only is not only like controlling or affecting the the the animatronics with the virus but he can also mind control Gregory and VY so he can affect real life people too

Which that’s a lot that’s a lot for the the just the like uploaded ghost into a VR game I don’t know what the [ __ ] aton’s [ __ ] is but boy is he in some [ __ ] that’s what one powerful [ __ ] why is he so powerful the virus in a VR

Game it started in a VR game but the one that I’m interested in the one I’m interested in is the one from security breach which is not a VR game but it’s connected to help wanted which is a VR Game linal suggestion modifying what the human is perceiving via AR tampering of options well I mean yeah but I mean he’s literally a ghost that like possesses and mind controls people but he’s like a ghost that was uploaded into a VR game that somehow got an entirely second form that then

Possesses his own corpse FNAF is [ __ ] weird man is he I yes was feel a little better I might see if M can use a massage gun on the cramping one ooh that’s a good idea want to go to Supernatural right you absolutely do not have to I mean the

Entire thing is already very Supernatural to begin with it’s a serious a talking game outside of cutcenes only Michael afteron he stutters this when he says his name is Gregory is First full body humanized to be a robotic Recreation of the crying child patient 46 from the Retro cedes buunk it through confirming

According to the SE gr he had great parents and a great childhood neither of which things a crying child had an injection day probably shouldn’t have be lifting things in order correct you should definitely not be lifting things debunks it by showing the Storyteller influence of the animatronics it’s showing that Gregory

Doesn’t have the same traits as any of the engravi na 46 was also controlling Glam loock animatronics prior to the storytelling taking over is already on the mimic side like Vanessa and wasn’t huh if the entity you’re calling a ghost is nothing more than a suitably large language algorithm masquerading as him

With access to his employee files and notes Cly betray him even though he’s definitely dead a ghost in the AI essentially but then what about springtrap if I tore anything like I needed an excuse to not work out don’t tear things R Carnival solution to any question

There is a r Carnival solution but I’m trying to keep to as close to Canon as possible wait they don’t have Mike Schmid in the book of all people or phone guy or William Aton not either [ __ ] I’m fuzzy enough to allow for interpretation it does but I like to get

As close to Canon as possible and then twist it from there like I want my twists to make sense with the cannon to a certain degree we judged by the comic book guys I would y’all should see how Ryon got on me while I was writing the entirety of

Recal [ __ ] God every tiny little like even slightly outof character comment from zero in that he was just like um excuse me he would never we got into so many [ __ ] heated debates about the [ __ ] Maverick virus while I was [ __ ] writing recal oh my God can any else days to clean yes yes it does it’s taken me years to clean that’s CU I have a lot to Clean not quite so bad about oh yeah no [ __ ] cleaning takes forever man especially like if you want to do a real good thorough job that shit’s going to take a While but why I’m I need this book I’m going have to go watch some like Theory videos about the virus to like put any of this information together because I am clearly missing so much information from books that I have not read also hi Brushy what virus the virus from FNAF security

Breach there’s so much about it it’s so integral to the story but there’s so little actually explaining it and I feel like there’s like a lot missing from the books that I have not read but at the same time I just feel like there’s a lot missing just in

General books are also no the the some of the books are are extremely Canon to the story the movie is an au though yeah we can bother to acknowledge it much as it turns out oh yeah it’s not a virus it’s a poltergeist I mean it

Kind of is like that that’s sort of what I’m getting here is it’s kind of like a combination of an actual virus and and [ __ ] glitch trap I feel like glitch trap is at the center of it all which means that William Aton is the center of

It all which is not surprising it’s just surprising that he’s doing so much when he’s so very dead but also why heading to bed sleep well all right sounds good stream well I will sleep well and you stream well okay sounds good works have a good one ice sleep well have a good

One all the machine kids dead and spirituals melded with the shell I mean I mean some of them to a degree security breach is weird because it’s not the core animatronics so like them going berserk and attacking is actually not Spirits for this for the this time it’s just

It’s a virus caused by Glitch trap I just don’t know why on a fiction or Supernatural existence us to just explain down to dark magic see I wish it was that simple but FNAF is [ __ ] weird and deep and there’s a lot of lore there and I haven’t gotten

Too deeply into it yet until just now and I’m getting deeply into it now I mean I got really super deep into the lore in the first three games and then I kind of gave up from there but you know now I kind of need to know physically rotting maybe the crap

EX zooing from his run so spreads hour well see that’s the thing is like his ghost was uploaded into help wanted and basically kind of became its own entity from there and that entity known as glitch trap is now creating viruses and affecting not only real people in Gregory and vanity vanny but

Also the animatronics but for some reason not Freddy aing the ghost of the shell see I never finished Ghost in the Shell so I don’t actually know the story of that I only really watched it for the spider robots cuz they were cute and spider robots I’m starting to notice a trend here Okay physical form and enter the web Yeah what’s the end goal of the virus is the question what is afton’s although the novel inhabits the fits of FNAF Universe the book and games are not intended to fit together like two puzzle pieces so in other words he acknowledges that their Canon consistencies problems between the books

And the games you’re trying to reconcile something even the Creator admits is broken yes but that’s the job of a fanfic writer that’s what we do best we take the cannon [ __ ] and we [ __ ] fix it listen I fixed [ __ ] the [ __ ] plot lines plot holes of [ __ ] sonic6 I can fix

FNAF don’t doubt the power of a [ __ ] fanfic Rider I will find consistencies I will find a way that it all Loops together and makes sense and I will [ __ ] write it fix the cannon I will fix the cannon the problem is just that I haven’t read the book so I don’t even

Know what I’m working with something that can’t be explained to the new form of logic oh the Sonic six say that they should have left the lore in Archie Comics hands no this plot holds with Sonic 06 is that they [ __ ] rushed the game out and had to take like half of it

Out so there’s a lot of like plot devices and characters and story bits that were just never [ __ ] implemented because they re rushed the entire goddamn game out up in a padded C playing random okay listen if I didn’t end up in a padded cell writing [ __ ] son rewriting Sonic

06 and Diving deep into Sonic lore [ __ ] FNAF ain’t going to [ __ ] do it if Sonic couldn’t break me FNAF sure as [ __ ] can’t Otis you take those words back immediately you take those words back immediately how dare you utter that name in my presence turn it into egg because easier for the

Japanese audience know that name yeah we all know that name I wish we didn’t [ __ ] that guy we’re not going to talk about it we’re not talking about that [ __ ] guy anyways if we boil this down okay I’m I’m going have to watch some lore videos

And some Theory videos on this [ __ ] but if we break this down to like what I’m working with here need to because I need context no I refuse to acknowledge his existence I refuse I’ll DM it to you later okay so glitch Trap F Gregory and Danny um created the virus cause the animatronics to go berserk possibly being blocked by okay okay so working on that theory on that idea I’m going to put that over There arge keep track of it okay so if our Al timate goal say the climax fact three is F3 notes we’ll say it’s a battle with the virus affected bots in the Sonic world after the sigma mix affected robots are axle X Maybe Arc metal is this planning utility you’re

Using it’s called twine it’s technically a text based game engine but because it’s like super easy to like visualize everything and I can add notes and drag them around the screen I use it to plot my plan my plots cuz nothing else that I found so far is

Like as easy to just drag notes around kind of like and works like a uh corkboard just need not see and that’s the problem it’s like I have like a 30,000 writing programs full of notes but I’m a like I’m a super duper visual person and so I need kind of like a

Visualization of what I’m doing and like a essentially a giant corkboard of notes that I can like connect with arrows and [ __ ] and so I really really really like twine for this because it’s essentially just a giant corkboard never plotted to St I just started and it progresses naturally I can’t do that

Anymore I I haven’t just like written I haven’t like written without a plot since like seventh grade I of like the results better when I let a story grow granic see I need something specific to work towards otherwise I’ll just kind of get lost and like I won’t know what to do

Next I don’t know how to get from point A to point B unless I have some sort of notes but I also write really complex stories that usually involve like gods and [ __ ] and multi-dimensional hopping and 30,000 different like things going on at any given time so I kind of

Need it to keep track of everything that’s happening been killed by Marvel why I don’t watch Marvel uh let’s see um all the Mavericks um and the security breach animatronics especially moon moon is going to be a giant antagonist throughout this multiverses are just boring now

Yeah that’s why I don’t watch a lot of mainstream stuff I just read fanfiction that’s our ultimate goals so I would say the big H uh merging all that uh let’s see animatronics robots are infected with FF virus worlds merge Sigma and robotnic revealed oh I would say that’s probably the disaster I would consider that the disaster that seems very disaster to me awesome thing with endgame they had a

Big bat at the end of a bunch of movies and pulled a defeated antagonist from a multi ver into the present one so they had two face offs of different but the same untag now they’re just making fun of that by adding this dude called Kong honestly starting it’s alive actually it’s

Crap yeah that’s why superheroes are just kind of I’m over them I’m I’m I’m very over the superhero movies but I to be honest I wasn’t hugely into them to begin with I’ve literally never been a superhero person so like they were kind of boring from

The get-go for me but all of the Marvel movies made that infinitely worse but to be honest I never like superheroes to begin with I’ve just kind of always thought they were kind of boring like I don’t think I’ve found them interesting since the ’90s cream loudly when you start another

Sprint I’ll be asleep but Otis I’m always screaming loudly X-Men weren’t superheroes per se they weren’t they absolutely weren’t and that’s why they were cool X-Men were cool and Wonder Woman was cool and that’s about it now I just have to figure out this bit

Here I have this I have this and I have that just have to figure out the middle bit and the middle bit is always the hard bit cuz like you don’t want to get too intense cuz you want to build up to the climax and you don’t want like your

Middle bit getting over the climax but at the same time you want it to still be interesting enough that it’s not boring to read until you get there I just have to figure out what the middle bits are H Blazer Constantine is [ __ ] awesome the only thing I know about

Constantine was that one weird movie that came out in the like mid 2000s that had that one person that was like an angel who was like [ __ ] gender goals Reeves I have no idea I’m going to try and knock out the rest of this team before I quit for the

Day good luck I remember to have fun with it all right sounds good we’re probably going to do I’m probably going to do also do a Sprint in a minute here I’m just kind of trying to figure out what I even need to write next Gabriel yeah

[ __ ] the gender and I [ __ ] got from Gabriel in that movie before I even knew gender en Envy was a [ __ ] thing I tell you what DM just okay yeah I think that I think that was them I think looks about right I Could I could have one of them start I could have a virus knock off like right from the GetGo okay we need to make some notes um so metal uh run into metal back at the pizzax maybe fighting Roxy foxy Roxy he and arkade RK I know exactly where RK is going to

Be actually down in the lower pizzax already infected by Aon that’s okay no that can go there that goes there that goes maybe there maybe there actually no that should go there okay climax of um they need to go back to the pizza Plex at some point back to the pizza Plex maybe

Here I need to return to the pizza Plex to look into the arcade trusting me with their beloved crunchy account thinking I’d watch the murder MAF anim that won’t really affect anything me watching still fictional characters fall in love with the most drama and Sparkle as are burning when they Circle

Ah hello hi hey how’s it going what do they do in the meantime they go back to the pizza Flex the next day I’m thinking what do they do overnight do I want them to stay my thr they like recommended Lau does crunchy roll even have recommended does that is that

How that works I didn’t even realize crunchy roll had a recommended whenever I’m watching anime I just search up the specific anime that I plan to watch so they do It’s just this next section that I’m not sure what I want to do with it like I don’t know how bombastic I want to get with it from the gecko I could get utterly ridiculous right from the gecko or do I hold off until the gooey bits that’s the

Struggle don’t as in case they want to watch or we’re watching it so instead I’m watching my Sol Little Romance wo e how much does them interacting with the world outside matter to the rest of the story they’re just going to go right back to the pizza FX and then shit’s going to start there ooh wait they could [ __ ] [ __ ] up causing the pizz Plex to close

No I don’t think Fazbear entertainment would close the the pizza Plex that easily it would have to take something real [ __ ] drastic for them to close the pizza Plex I don’t think I want to start off that drastically Watching fret the other day to S halfway through the I’m not ready for it to end again you know I never watched the original Fruits Basket was Fredy as ever closed their doors I just buil exactly exactly it would take a [ __ ] lot for Fazbear entertainments to close a close a location

So that’s an inconceivable idea maybe they I could just skip this section and jump back to the pizza Plax that’s a possibility just jump right back to them herning Middle School watch the cancel 2001 anime and I’m scared by 2019 is cuz our characters yelling who are my little

Yeah 11-year-old brain could not replicate while reading h What do they do once they get there they’re going to have to get there during the day when it’s open and remain there overnight try to get into the dayare not supposed to be there They were yelling but actually hearing that’s like 10 minut Andes spooked Um hey an idea I’m going to have to like I’m going to add a note about this because I need to look further into how X might be infected by the virus and I’m going to need Ron’s input on that so I’m going to add a note in my do here about

It how come I can’t add a comment howy ain’t that the question are you doing I need to go in suggestions no why can’t I add a comment to my own document excuse me fine I’ll just add it in brackets look into how X is affected by the FNAF virus I need a

[ __ ] name for this goddamn virus does the fandom have one does the fandom have a name for the virus this far as I know they don’t but I don’t want to [ __ ] call it the FNAF virus that’s stupid I just call it the glitch I could just call it the

Glitch I think that actually now that I think about it I think that is what the fandom calls it is literally just call it the glitch already called glitch and Aon virus yeah that that makes sense I’m going to call it the glitch merges on the cry CH like ah yes I [Laughter]

Finally okay we’re calling it The Glitch okay 50 years of Freddy’s it will be at this point all right all right all right all right I think it’s time I think it’s time to do some writing they’re going to hop on over here so that I have my sprinty

Thing okay are you guys ready for some Sprints you guys ready for some Sprints I’m ready for some Sprints we’re going to do do you guys want to do 10 minutes or 15 words Sprint uh I could do either how many seconds are in 15 minutes 60 * 15 900 okay 900

Seconds thank you okay I’mma turn the music up actually I did that in my head damn I just grabbed the calculator okay all right you guys ready oh that that timer is going to be 10 minutes damn oh well that’s fine my timer is going to say 10 minutes but it’s actually

15 the timer on the timer on my stream deck is 15 but I don’t have an onc screen timer for 15 minutes so uh it’s just going to say 10 and we’ll have an extra 5 I’ll go dingding okay okay all right I’m also going to put my [ __ ]

Glasses on cuz I haven’t been wearing them this entire time my eyeballs are tired so all right 15 minutes grab your papers grab your word docks grab your Google Docs let’s [ __ ] WR for 15 Minutes W for for is Yeah for Bing Bing I did not get in many words there I have ideas and the thoughts are rolling but the words are not not yet but they will be I’ll close that for now okay well it’s a start it’s it’s a it’s it’s progress we’ll we’ll just call it progress

That copy did nothing all right so here’s the plan normally I would do a second like chat in between and then a second Sprint but I don’t think words are happening now right now I’m going to need to like do some intense studies some some intense intense research into this concept into some

Stuff so I think for now I’m going to go on a quick break and I’m going to go find a food and I’m going to try to wake up and then when I come back we’ll play some VI games either cult to the lamb or block game they’re avalanching for me I got

Stuck on trying to introduce one of the characters to the big CA of then I decided I could use a different one to advance or to get the gang together sooner [ __ ] yeah let’s go get them words going it’s always nice when you could just cut you just sometimes you just

[ __ ] need that jump start I’m glad you got your jump start I think I’m just too tired tired and I’m cold so the words aren’t really coming yet so hopefully they’ll come up a little bit later but for now I’m going to go take a quick

Break then we’ll do some Vig games when I come back so uh let’s see it’s about 1 now so we’ll be back and I’ll take I’m going to take like 15 so we’ll be back at the 15 mark now we play some video games all right

All right cool so I’ll be back you guys you guys keep wording you got this I believe in you uh I’m back what’s up y’all I have returned from acquiring food I forgot a sod though whoops okay so with writing taken care of let’s play some fidget games and and

We have a choice all right do we want to play block game no s Pop I know how dare I completely forgot about it I’ll probably go grab one in a second welcome back welcome back to you but okay so we have a choice here we can play block

Game and if we play block game we I need to fix my iron farm which means filling up a hole so playing block game is going to mean filling up a hole and however long that takes me um if we the other option the other option is some coddle which hopefully

Works this time maybe last time we were having trouble getting the [ __ ] uh twitch integration thing to work so hopefully it works with time if we play that so uh I’m going to make a poll and you guys can vote on what you want to play and while you do that I’m going

To go grab me a sod Pat what Ploy block game or sheep game hi all right pole is go I’m going to go grab a sod p I have return ideas thoughts thoughts and ideas do I have thoughts and ideas no not really actually I have too many now I

Have way the [ __ ] too many thoughts and ideas now po ended few results well those are certainly are some results all right I guess that means it’s my decision you guys couldn’t make a decision so that means it’s my decision so what do I want to do M I kind of want

Play cdle we tied again you’re damn [ __ ] Skippy you D I said block well then you should have voted for Block huh I’m going see okay here’s the thing here’s here’s here’s what we’ll do if I’m I’mma boot um coddle up and if it’s working we’ll play that

If it if it’s not working then I’ll switch to block game how’s that sound that sound good for to you guys cuz coddle is not as fun without the twitch integration so if that’s broken again I’ll just switch to block Game I got to plug in my Controller you good mate okay Ploy uh okay let’s see if the twinch integration is working one figure he and let’s tribute on and cultman uh let me see if that’s working The cow Farm you’re going to find cows outside am I though uh for I can’t tell if it’s working or not [ __ ] like it says it’s connected but I don’t actually know if it is or not Oh yeah Didn’t I need this for something am I still dead I think so I haven’t really been able to revive anyone yet cuz like the cool down takes 10,000 years and then I like always have to do something for something although right now I don’t know if

Like it’s even properly connected or not like I can’t tell you guys are going to have to let me know if the thing pops up at any point for you you don’t see the things at All Sprints of inspiration gave me around 800 words [ __ ] yeah let’s go okay you know what here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to completely disconnect it and then reconnect it so like I’m going to sign out entirely disconnect it from my thing there’s a cold members on the side

But it’s not there okay um let’s see where’s my doohickey okay my extensions deactivate it going to disconnect it entirely and completely restart see if maybe that fixes It cuz like I want to keep playing this but it’s not as fun without the in Integrations otherwise I could just play it offline by myself I’ll do a refresh too cool I’ll let you guys know when it’s reconnected so that you can refresh it and see if that works Works

Connect allall and configure stall activate done okay going to the channel points and check those okay it should be connected now hopefully so if you guys want to give it a quick refresh and see if that works the gration are half the game it really is like that’s a fun

Bit can I do any rituals oh yeah two people wanted to fight all right battle time I don’t remember who it was was but uh oh yeah Ryon wanted to fight Weber the absolute audacity and Weber Wins I didn’t get a notification for That the opinion cuz it might just be on my side Mobile so I can’t use integration oh yeah that’s also an issue hey foxy Rider oh [ __ ] I haven’t changed my [ __ ] thing have I whoops s CU I’m still trying to figure out what we’re doing but welcome on in Raiders hello hi hey how’s it going what’s up I’m KY your

Local primordial deity of Chaos in cat form how’s it going how’s it hanging welcome on in how was your stream what were you up to tell me all about it we are uh we just finished doing some writing hey yo you’re doing some writing as well [ __ ] yeah what you working

On hunted by Otis a PC yeah we just we just finished up our writing for the day and our uh trying to figure out what game we want to do but Cult of lamb is [ __ ] broken G do a nano Remo [ __ ] yeah Nana let’s go

I’m very very behind on Nano right now but I got I got we got ideas we have our ideas laid out so I just had to sit sit down and actually catch up on writing have [Laughter] two but what you working on what what genre you working on how

Far are you tell me all about it I am like super insanely busy with a lot a lot of [ __ ] going on so I’m just writing some like some some some lighthearted fanfic this year but right on am on break hello right on am on break P of the Lamb is still

Broken a story about a spy cat girl in a fantasy book [ __ ] yeah spy cat I too I’m considered a spy cat I’m the I’m the stealthiest of all cats I’m so stealthy I’m not even actually really a cat and nobody knows writing is valid I know right see

I I normally write fantasy uh but this year I just I I just kind of need some brain off writing for this year so I’m like ah [ __ ] it I’m going to work on fanfiction but normally I have like a uh are you not a cat I’m not but don’t tell no one

I’m just parading around as one but you know everybody likes cats so it’s fine fan fanfiction is fun except when it turns my brain to goo which you know [ __ ] I don’t know about y’all but the [ __ ] FNAF van lure or the FNAF [ __ ] FNAF is

Uh it’s something I tell you what fox snack Fox snack I love both of those things I love foxes and snacks but well and so welcome on in how’s it going but uh if you need to head off and do Post stream you know brain off food sleeps Pet Care all that

Good fun stuff feel free to absolutely and I watch after your uh watch after your your your your your community but otherwise feel free to hang out as I [ __ ] try and figure out what the [ __ ] my shit’s not working for I have I’ve completely uninstalled this [ __ ] [ __ ]

And completely reinstalled it and it still doesn’t work and I don’t [ __ ] know why and it’s driving me nuts I’ll be lurking sounds good lurk away have a good lurk and thank you for the raid I appreciate it uh that to see how my brain is doing mood big mood

What are all your totals at right now mine is at uh I’m like 7,000 words behind so I’m not doing great uh what is mine at let’s go find out shall we I think I got a grand total of maybe like 40 words in a welcome to

The litter house foxy Rider thank you for the follow I’m at about 7,000 words I think I’m I’m I’m just under 7,000 words so I’m uh very far behind and I got to do some catchup but alas all I have is [Laughter] mustard got to be the fellow writing YouTubers [ __ ]

Yeah not many of us there it’s weird being a [ __ ] just writing in general you either find a metric [ __ ] ton of them or none at all and it’s never like in between 7,000 out of 11,000 cuz I started two days late [ __ ] yeah let’s go very true it really is it’s [ __ ]

Wild uh we might just have to switch to block game guys cuz I don’t know why the [ __ ] Cult of the Lamb isn’t working I nothing I’m doing nothing I’ve done so far has fixed the [ __ ] twitch integration and I don’t know why so I don’t know how to

Fix it it isn’t working the [ __ ] so you know you know how Cult of limb has like the the things that like you can have names and stuff and like chat can do stupid [ __ ] it’s not working and I don’t know why I don’t know if it’s an issue on

Obs’s end I don’t know if it’s like the integration itself I don’t know if it’s the game check on Twitch like GRE yeah I I just did that I completely signed out uninstalled it signed back in reinstalled it it’s still not working and I don’t know

Why start it every time I get back in the game yeah I tried I’ve tried that and it’s it’s just it refuses it just refuses and I’m kind of sad cuz like I want to play more of this game cuz it’s cool but it’s just it just refuses to [ __ ] work for

Me and I don’t know why I’ve heard that that there’s like an sometimes it could be an issue on obs’s end in that like it doesn’t properly like register you as being online and that might be a problem especially since I do have shoty shitty internet and it did disconnect

Earlier so it’s entirely possible that it’s just not registering that I’m online but if that’s the case then that [ __ ] sucks and I don’t know how to fix that so we might just have to switch to block game h block game is fine block game is block

Game is good I need to fix my iron farm all right I guess we’re switching got a holic here do you I haven’t played Holo queer yet I have quite a few friends who played it but I have yet to play it myself There I block game which is sad that is sad s apparently it’s an error that happens when it doesn’t work properly and is back to work for me all right have fun free on Steam oh wait it’s free I didn’t know that that’s kind of neat actually maybe I’ll have to look into

That at some point then all right I guess we’re switching to mean CRA um we can take these tags out there we go and boot up the block G means it’s m creator doesn’t have permission from Hollow live they can only put it out for free oh wait it’s not like an official

Game not going to lie I thought it was like an official game this entire time interesting completely fan made but the quality is totally professional it really is like I haven’t played it myself but I have so many friends who have that I’ve kind of watched them play it a couple times

Times it looks pretty boss I just uh I just have I just haven’t tried it yet I’m going to have to I guess oh [ __ ] that coffee did nothing it’s my current obsession fair fair that’s a CL some not a copy Drinker do get that caffeine okay

So we need so here’s what we’re going to need um several blocks of stone and a ton of ladders say cleaning packing or drawing all of the above does that help back is way less fun true true but you know I have no other butts that just

I got nothing else I got no arguments to that I [ __ ] everyone out here doing some cleaning but me I need to do some cleaning there has so much cleaning to do Ah I’m so behind on cleaning so because I’ve been so busy working on my [ __ ] 3.0 Models oh [ __ ] we actually have some iron gits in there which means it’s at least partially working so here’s what we’re going to do all right so we know it’s at least partially working so make your own models I do pretty much everything on my channel is uh made by

Me so my models my uh schedule art my emotes my um Banner art all of it all me I think that should be deep enough I’m going to saying [ __ ] yeah hardworking professionals hi so here here’s here’s what we’re going to Do’s here’s the plan I’m going to uh Dig a

Hole uh I don’t remember how deep I should probably go count that and then fill everything in in or make sure everything in that that square is filled in so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I lost count one 2 3 four there’s I there’s no way I’m counting

There’s there’s just no way I’m counting this okay new plan uh I’mma break the ladder painfully and slowly okay there we go okay all right one two so we have 12 ladders actually let’s make this easy we have 13 ladders so I’ll just see how many I have at the end of

This okay two so 13 so that’s 11 okay so I just need to go down 11 blocks uh which means I’m going to need more of these And okay all right so we have exactly 11 perfect so that’s one two that’s there’s an extra one so it’s one two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 okay perfect good actually do I even need to do this cuz it kind of seems like it’s working

As it is maybe I don’t need to fix it I wow welcome to the litter house Benjamin Franklin a [ __ ] this is like the second president that’s followed me welcome on in how’s it going you know I think I I think we might actually be fine guys it kind of seems like it’s

Working maybe I’ll just like kind of hollow out a bit make sure there’s no caves directly by it I just realized we could use this uh let’s see okay so we need the last last number so 186 okay so it’s almost there 1 182 183 184 185 186 there cool

And I’ll just sort of do the same thing on this side I guess cuz apparently it can sometimes it doesn’t work if there’s a cave underneath your iron farm cuz then the Iron Golem will spawn below instead of above so I just want to make sure that’s not going to be a problem

Oh get some Stak arches 180 two three 4 185 186 okay and I’m just going to go around this side oh coal okay I guess I’m collecting coal now wasn’t originally why I came down here but you know what it’s fine we are going to fill that back up now though uh

Okay I definitely hear zombies and bats and [ __ ] but I don’t know if the zombie is the one that I’ve got in the iron farm or if it’s a zombie in a cave somewhere nearby okay so that at least tells me that this is mostly filled out

So I’m just going to fill it back in call I’ll be back all right have have have have luck with phone call realize that’s a strange thing to have luck with but have luck with phone call I’m hoping the caves that are there are far enough that it’s not going to affect

Effect the farm there we go all right now we just need to go fill this one in and I think we’re Gucci gravy now we finally have our stupid [ __ ] iron farm which is awesome [ __ ] okay okay there we go Woo cool so that’s good to go iron farm complete which is super awesome and takes care of a pretty major problem for us cool beans which means we can now pretty easily start making Stone materials um or not Stone but iron so we can finally have an iron sword instead

Of a [ __ ] stone sword we can have an iron pickaxe an iron axe and I’m not making an iron shovel that’d be stupid what should we need iron for anything else now we have it which is good so uh that means the iron farm is officially done and taken care of

Woo uh which means I believe the next thing on our goal list is I don’t know whatever we want to work on next which is what I don’t [ __ ] know we could work on our maps and keep filling this out maybe build like a bridge to that the the nearby uh

Village the fact that our house and that Village is literally like right on the edge of the [ __ ] map like that so you need both of them to even see it drives me nuts but maybe we can build some kind of Crossing between them I’m thinking maybe we take this map

And head up and see if we can’t reveal more of the top bit see if we can find some stuff what y’all think think we should head off on on an adventure I think we should head off on on on an adventure I need a boat a chest all right got to go

Around oh wait uh banners we don’t want to forget the banners uh where did I put them banners all right time to explore come to explore going to go build a giant map maybe we eventually we’ll build enough of a map to find that second house again maybe someday we’ll find the other

House again if we explore enough of the map I have no recollection which direction even was even was in at this point ah ah you’re here hi mango how it going we’re almost around the edge of the map there we go okay I’m going high M [Laughter] load that’s kind of

Funny I’m M oh I’m good going to study more later than for double session final oh boy double session that sounds like Agony that sounds like Agony and pain and suffering I wish you all of the luck interesting that the little like mushroom farm thing area doesn’t show up on the map very

Well like there’s mushrooms right in there a mushroom forests and what have you and whatnot but it doesn’t actually show on the map actually we’re right by hang on didn’t I make like a marker or something around here somewhere he it’s English and I’m not English major I was going to

Be I was going to be an English major but I am not aha I did make a marker there I’m so smart all I have to do is follow my path and that’s directed to me we can finally replace this Banner there we go now we know that what that marker is

From what I hear just turns into poetry and I hate poetry and metaphors or anything interpretive see I’m not so good at poetry like writing it or understanding it I’m definitely more of the creative writing in the literature sector then the Poetry sector turn all cave colors pink

That’s the only cave marker that I have right now and the reason that one’s there is cuz it’s for Um [ __ ] it’s getting dark that one’s for the um the fancy caves th underwater fancy fancy mancy [ __ ] um so pink are those fancy underwater or under Cave System thing M hickey Mobs with the with the flowers creative writing also turns into metaphors or at least on my friend side

Metaphors go completely over my head unless I’m the one writing them if I’m writing them I’ve got them down pat if I have to understand them while reading them it’s just going to go completely over my [ __ ] head when I’m reading I take things very literal Hey look it’s one of my

Holes hi look it’s almost like this is regularly where I end up having to Bunker down I didn’t bring a bed well [ __ ] studying hard doing the my best in the exam and passing only for the teacher to hold my exam book look at my

Major and say I’m not sure you need this subject please go this office ask there and if they say it’ll help you then come back and get your mark huh that’s unfortunate why did they wait until the test to say that I hate when dark h

Every useless piece of [ __ ] you have to know they need to know well enough to teach yeah but they also use usually only teach one subject instead of several get better called booklet is a blue booklet where they write on it my result right after the exam is done I want to go out and explore but I don’t want to get shot by thingy does this going to get shot by zombies ah Tes was majoring mechanical engineering except for myself studying Computer Engineering your subjects are similar huh me me me me hi M yeah these [ __ ] oh wait that’s a

Turtle never mind the turtles are fine you know [ __ ] it I don’t want to sit around sitting around is boring don’t you run that wall physics math language class an English class abroad was fun I always I’ve always wanted to go Abroad well hello there oh you’re empty well goodbye there to go hi all doing I’m awake that’s the best I’ve got which is more than I could say for earlier so it works I guess was something awesome that yesterday do tell oh wait don’t I need an iron pick for

This all going to do some more studying yay on stop nut November isn’t treating me well bre for two hours cuz [ __ ] that sounds good to me H in England 1837 and 1901 American old west8 1803 to 1912 major restoration 1868 to 1912 French Privateer adventuring party consisting

Of a Victorian gentleman Thief an old west Gunslinger a disgraced former Samurai and an elderly French pirate is actually 100% Expos that’s [ __ ] wild dude [ __ ] like realizing when things actually happened is such a wild [ __ ] experience cuz like when you learn that [ __ ] it’s just like ah yes the distant p

And you have like no concept for when the distant past was what I almost [ __ ] died but I got the gold that’s all that matters African samon and my things coming soon AO all four of them are outlaws of some description and thus have incentive to travel outside their native range and in

Particular all four of them would have any number of plausible excuses for ending up in San Francisco you got them getting them in the same entri CS a simple matter of plot it’s true it’s absolutely true you’re 100% correct I’ll throw that in there yay daylight hi which way are we going

Speaking of adventuring that’s what we’re doing right now there’s so much ocean so much water I feel like I need a seash shanty for this do what you want cuz the pirate is free you you are a pirate your hor FAL being a pirate is all right with me

Do what you want cuz a pirate is free you are a pirate you are a pirate I don’t know the rest of the lyrics that the only sea shanty that came to mind cuz I don’t know the words to wellerman also Greeks thought they were the smartest people on the planet meanwhile

To the east of them is some of the most mechanically Advanced [ __ ] in a historic period yeah told you my name is gunzo BR and know I told you I have no clue how to say that want to be on in an adventuring P party with a

Samurai this sounds like a fun D and D campaign soon May the Wellman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum one day when the CH is done we’ll take gar leave and go pretty sure stream beats has the cover of wellerman that I could literally just go look Up okay confident my voice I’d love to do online DND D and learn how to DM but it might be while off I keep wanting to do DND D but I want to like get an IRL group of friends together for it first like before I do an online D and D

Thing I want to do it with like IRL friends but getting my IRL friends together is like even harder than getting a group of [ __ ] vtubers together was PR old generation a library which is a college at the time and they decided to burn it down find Lian killer Romans or jocks yeah

Piggies pigas nothing new over here though and I’m off the map this season had bad boats but Romans hated the water and said [ __ ] you Neptune you’re second worst and Ru the [ __ ] Seas what that a lot of wood what is That her Thunk where the the treasure chests uhoh uhoh uhoh where’s your booty HBA HBA lurk have a good lurk Otis I made an art piece of their group and they made the pirate of black woman in her 50s 60s which I can totally see she looks just right a mix of wholesome

Mama and kicking your ass sideways I love wholesome mamas that’ll kick your ass sideways those are my favorite why are we the booty I don’t want to spend 10,000 years digging through this I got [ __ ] to do I got places to be aha there we go pirate ship an animation look like I

Know that some ships spawn without now we found one eventually finally get out of my boat excuse you sir portal I have to rebuild my boat no wait no I don’t never mind I lied that was a lie Ze from one Pia I get what you mean Treasure Planet I love Treasure Planet

Was a good movie they thought they were smartest people on plan went straight to Rome and fire America now they don’t didn’t think they were smart they thought every Pagan was wrong what I have absolutely no idea what you guys are talking about 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99

Bottles of beer you take one down pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall a battalion consisting of gay lovers thinking that they would fight better trying to impress their partner probably everybody in history is gay God damn it automod I found the most hype monster

Cat song ever and I adore it is it stronger I [ __ ] love Monster Cat music I listen to Monster Cat music almost as much as I listen to Two Steps From Hell it’s very [ __ ] top tier [ __ ] a Greek Soldier about to launch a spear into some dude’s chest yo babe watch

This I mean I’m woed that would work on me that would 100% work on me I mean if you’re not wooing me by launching Spears into the enemy then I mean really what are you doing oh hey isn’t that a thing that I want oh yep that sure is a thing H okay here’s our we’re going to do I’m going to go to this piece of land here I’m going to build a tower and I’m going to stick a stick a banner on it so we know that this is a temple spot cuz we need a temple because they have

Sponges and I want a sponge I think this is high enough um let’s see which way is home home is that way so we build it out that way okay cool two one two no [ __ ] so Tech you should scroll up when home scroll up or what did I miss something something

Important I’m downloading a VOD go through chat is that feature uh no unfortunately I wish it was I wish I I actually looked into it to see if maybe if downloading chat was like a thing uh cuz it would be useful for editing fun things what am I doing that’s not what

About that but yeah I looked into that and apparently it’s not a thing like you could get like a third party thing let’s see home is that way you could get a third party thing to do um to like download chat but natively no but I wish about funny Greek versus Roman

Stuff ah gotcha do I want to put this out one more I kind of want to put put it out one more I’m need more Cobblestone Boop there you go cool beans all right all right I wanted to put a marker here uh [ __ ] that’s in my boat um I only have white

Banner that’s fine the monster catch on oh oh checkpoint cool beans I don’t know if I know that one I probably know that one but not off hand oop step and and Ty Slingers were among the most feared because of an AR an arrow might bounce off bounce or slide

Off armor but a rock from a sling that will break something and if you’re out of luck if it’s your skull true so many chats that a few catch few strs need reach 20% of your chat yes good an important goal to have also you’re good you’re

Fine I’m glad to have an active chat I love having an active chat it’s like the best part of streaming BL force is better do probably I mean where’s the Lie I really want to go explore that but I know that I’m probably going to super die if I try but just know that I want to worried we’re going to be upset you miss chat w s you’ll die before reaching inside I yeah yeah I would but I really want a sponge

I know there’s a sponge in there and I want it I don’t remember why but I know that I want a sponge armor but generally It’s very effective across the board with cutting weapons being better against unarmored targets while losing Effectiveness the more armor comes into play

True m is drop from Elder Guardians yeah that’s that’s the concern I I don’t think I’m equipped to do was an Elder Guardian at all I should make a couple stores back welcome back aen and it be daytime yet go away move I got [ __ ] to do marar I’m giving my fantasy

Redesigned dwarves as aect Corbin as the main weapon ooh do it do it I don’t know this person there was a sound effect true there was there was there was no sound effect I’m sorry I I just I I can’t recognize you who are you again [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] dicks ah yes hi

Alen I was getting [Laughter] there pissing down rain so I had to get in and clean out the spare reg so we could hang laundry inside so it wouldn’t smell oh no [ __ ] rain I actually really like rain but I also don’t hang my laundry so I’m I’m I’m

Biased SP two hours cleaning on stop on a cramped leg and a busted be nice you know what that’s fair that’s fair but I hope you are are are able to rest up now while we just kind of sit here and stay at the lovely

Moon I don’t even know if it was to a felt like 2 hours H well we’ll say it was 2 hours for your for your brain sake if you extend the metal part down the head [Laughter] effective have the L so it’s still long but won’t top of my does when they swing It very Unimportant [Laughter] oh [Laughter] no I am a talented Minecrafter Pro Gamer there’s nobody who’s ever Minecraft better than me to death that’s what you give for [Laughter] blinking oh my God that was [ __ ] [Laughter] hilarious I [Laughter] swear But to answer I’m so glad you came in now and not literally 5 seconds

Ago but wcome on in Raiders how’s it going how’s it hanging what’s up oh hello butterfly BB welcome on in thank you for the raid welcome in sa F in thank you for the follow he saw it we heard a reaction oh no you [Laughter] st oh

No otherwise it come to give me lots of flowers oh good I need some flowers for my death oh that that was so [ __ ] timing water pluged [Laughter] clutch oh my goodness okay give me a second to bre okay let’s try that again hello Raiders how’s it going how’s it hanging

I’m Kentucky your local primordial dity of Chaos in cat form how’s it hanging how the stream welcome I’m on [Laughter] in Minecraft is going fantastic how was your stream I I hope it was better than mine are you as much of a g top tier expert Pro Gamer as [Laughter]

Me but techie returns but Tey oh my goodness that was so [ __ ] timing Oh is amazing I made villager trading Hall and found 10 diamonds in the mines for armor oh [ __ ] yeah nicely done I actually just finished uh building my iron farm which took me like

Three weeks of play time to finally get the stupid thing finished but yeah well come on in I’m just uh going to make my way back to where I definitely didn’t fall in the dumbest way possible what is that wait how long has this been here hang on

What has this been here this entire [ __ ] time wait guys guys guys how long has this been here High Skull I want to see fire iron farm okay I’ll show you the head off now it’s almost midnight and have a wonderful all right sounds good thank you for the raid

And please go take care of yourself get some sleep get some food get some rests and I shall make sure I watch after your community have a good sleep and good night thank you for the high [Laughter] hydrate oh my God okay what the hell is

This thing and how long has it been here what is this I’m sorry what since [ __ ] when what in the fresh hell is this uh-oh uh-oh I stepped on a trip wire what did it do what just happened I mean thanks for the string oh yo this has been be around ah

Fu more rum hydration more rum hydration is a jungle temple and has been in the game for many yeah but I meant how long has it been be directly behind my house without me noticing ever at any point I win this has literally been right do you

Know how many times I’ve been over here searching for my [ __ ] bees oh that’s literally I have been back here so many times to go collect my bees and I am only just now [ __ ] finding this are you godamn kidding me oh my God I mean thanks for the stuff I

Guess trip wire should have shot an arrow out of the dispenser oh it did directly in my face that’s fu [ __ ] funny that’s hilarious like that one did today is a day today is some kind of a day hydration affect muscle craps maybe possibly that seems likely

Has a hidden chest on the other side too ooh want to make sure there’s nothing up here okay cool Mar drink the equivalent of a bathtub w w a oh [ __ ] wait where I heard the noise but where in here up here over here back here the staircase the staircase

Down at the bottom oh looking for a staircase staircase staircase staircase door opens at the base of the stairs oh so it was supposed to be right there interesting what if I just break it the redstone’s got to be around here somewhere Where was mining honestly yeah that’s what I’m thinking how odd recommend plant Nanny but they deleted it just watch the clip I’m listen I’m very talented [Laughter] okay me just now remembering the code to code to code what code what am I what the two outside switches that would have

Opened it the right way oh there’s a chest there oh the [ __ ] did you do that skill I’m very talented you guys should know this by now I’m a pro gamer all mine now thanks for the [ __ ] bro oh [ __ ] it’s night now well luckily home is literally right over

Here was staring at it I was staring at it listen I told you guys I can’t see anything I don’t know where I’m going there we go I think this is the correct direction there we go okay I found my way worry not guys worry not I have found the correct direction to

Home CH the loot table really what did it used to be that’s one saying BR is the text something all right I am something something incredible and amazing and talented rated we were talking about gay Greeks we were indeed talking about gay Greeks before before the raid know the

Stuff for the armor trims oh really oh God a child oh no [ __ ] you no not a child anything but a child book it I’m booking it I’m booking it sucker right you better [ __ ] off stupid kids idiot children you have a shield I do have a

Shield but I don’t want to be near a child e gross someone CLI that today we’ll have many good Clips apparently uh let’s see I have a ton of [ __ ] I don’t uh uh I don’t have a box for Redstone stuff I guess I could put it up here smithing template wild armor

Trim interesting books uh D dispensers levers and pistons Co beans I do cramp spread good question I wish I Knew that goes over there uh that goes there oh I guess I could throw the fish in here but even hurts now like what is a struggle indeed is the is a is a terrible struggle um let’s see throw that in there uh let’s see that that and

Okay we’re GNA sleep and then we’ll go retrieve whatever it was we were doing there like an Auto mod that allows twitch clips and no I [ __ ] wish I like I keep saying this like I really [ __ ] wish there was a way to just allow like twitch clips and at least like nothing

Else but alas there’s not and I hate it but uh you know what I’mma go I’m going go drop the the clip myself because it’s funny I could code I’d help hi ay you’re not new actually mango I think I can give hang on um H which which clip am I

Dropping which clip should I should I link and I will link it inverse water bucket clutch how’s it going nasty my points are working again yay wait were they not working be beer I’m going to get my pain all righty here there’s there’s that cuz that’s [ __ ] hilarious doing the weird twitch glitch

Where they wouldn’t let you claim them ah gotta gotcha all right off we go bones we have to go finish ding cheesy pasta into a big hunk of bread after waking up at uh 3:00 a.m. ooh ooh yummy ow ow ow ow ow rude I just want to get back to where we

Were make sure no it’s not too bad on your body I want cheese y’all are going to make me so [ __ ] hungry today I swear all right off we go off we go to continue adventuring maybe someday we’ll find the goddamn cherry blossoms th I can’t believe this was

Back here this entire [ __ ] time we’ve been back here so many times so many times and we’ve somehow never noticed that that’s [ __ ] hilarious like we’ve come this way to collect bees at least 30 times now and somehow we have never noticed a giant Temple just sitting right

There all right off we go as F water drop I’m an epic gamer what can I say I thought you should look up how to take care of my craft bees Hi V thank you for the pelting and yes I mean kind of and I’m a lurk all right lur away have a

Good but yes I have L well and by I have looked up how to take care of Minecraft bees I mean Rydon looked up how to take care of Minecraft bees and apparently just like they get stressed and die might have started a ritual Oh yay

Fun cheese if you sa this is includes you my Korean buddy Cheese how’s the void very voidy today very void of of brain actually I used up all my brain power earlier brain brain has been voided how did I get over here put the slurk soon because I need

To go out and get more stuff to keep organizing my crochet stuff slurk away have a good slurk brain cell Left Brain Cell did indeed left I I had my use of it and it has moved on to the next person with the brain cell when I left

What did you do with it I used it I used it so good I brained so good I got all that plot written plot it got plotted but now I’m back to to to no brain I I used up the brain the brain has been used brain power ranged in the minor

Key who’s got it now I have no idea old crew used to say have I may have started a ritual when you do a thing people immediate following what you did oh that makes sense that makes a certain amount of sense oh what’s that have I been here before I feel like

I’ve been here before you see someone throw I must throw it simple true true a hang on if There’s I feel distinctly like I’ve been here before brain cells of 2023 you still use those I know right it’s so outdated but that’s why we only have one there’s there’s only one allotted brain cell ah [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no God damn it my shield bro no my ball we’re

Helping you’re you’re helping so good you guys keep it up you got this take you died again oh [ __ ] no [ __ ] way I had no Idea God damn it I’m never going to [ __ ] thank you for the hydrate maybe you should use the don’t die strategy but I’m not good at that strategy I’m only good at the die immediately in Stupid Ways strategy not a bad time you invented the clock

For it I did well sort of I mean I didn’t invent the clock that was Kronos but I should stop taking detours and just go where I’m supposed to go but that’s no fun it needs a whole ass chest all about I do at like various points of the world

I just need to have random [ __ ] chests all over the world full of boats because I will lose them constantly either I will get out of them and walk away and never find it again or I’ll die and have to come back and never find it again either way I am going to

Constantly forever lose [ __ ] boats this is why I have keep inventory on this is exactly why I kep keep inventory on thud or Boats were lost than the Titanic I mean to be fair one of the reasons the Titanic failed so monstrously is because they didn’t have enough boats cuz they removed

Some to make deck room keep inventory on as well it’s convenient and it makes things not frustrating and I don’t really like to be frustrated I’m not playing games to be frustrated I’m not playing games to have fun was too exactly game is too frustrating when you’re constantly

Losing your your inventory like makes me not want to do things knowing that I could just lose everything at any point and like that just kind of ruins the fun of exploring you know want to be frustrated I’ll talk to my parents exactly exactly I have many ways to be

Frustrated video games are not usually one of them preferably denial nah my C is supposed to be stressful exactly I play video games to dstress not extra stress I’m pretty sure I’ve already looted this boat but I’m going to check and make sure this on here y I’ve been here

Before he currently laying in a very specific way to so comfy yay comfy then I I don’t have enough a I didn’t iy I am going to die though it’s night Time h maybe up [ __ ] creek without a battle if I have to be what are you eating marshmallows have a big old bag of mush Mallows I guess we’re just going to hold up here for the night I keep forgetting to bring a bed hopefully no zombies come Out it doesn’t handle ballow texture that’s fair it does have a very texture but I actually really like its texture cuz I’m weird I hear the [ __ ] yep hey Ugo ha I’m up here you can’t reach me ha I return welcome back mango I can reach you but you can’t reach

Me I could sort of reach you it’s a little difficult going turn the joke because he has no face Sound True a ha dead I hate waiting in the night this is our voice a a well if you wanted more of my voice I can definitely give you that actually

[ __ ] uh so I I I actually got a couple new games cuz my partner got me a Humble Bundle uh he slipped on some ice and got a Humble Bundle accidentally according to him and uh one of the games that it came with was webbed which is awesome cuz

That’s a game that I’ve been kind of like eyeing for a while so we’re going to play that at some point but another one of the games that it came with was um onehanded oneand clapping which sounds like a dirty joke in Endo but it’s like it’s like a rhythm game where

You yeah accident [Laughter] exactly partner in this stream always always we adore cuz you’re adorable damn [ __ ] Skippy I am but yeah no [ __ ] um so one hand clap or one hand clapping or whatever it’s [ __ ] called but uh it’s a game it’s like a platformer game that you play with your

Voice thank you aen it’s not vaguely dirty at all [ __ ] right it’s like the worst game you could have come up with like I get it I get it but was not I don’t think they thought that one through GL with one hand just like hitting your pal with your finger fast true

True but yeah no W welcome to the house Soup Sandwich a [ __ ] more sandwiches a love me some sandwiches I I only just now like actually read that and I’m like wait sandwiches I was just reading the soup the entire time and I’m like M soup

But now I see the sandwich I love sandwiches now I’m hungry H so many foods but anyways is or did they think it through I mean I guess it’s possible that they did but yeah so it’s it’s a game it’s a platformer that you play with your voice

And you like you like get do the jumps by like singing the notes correctly so I think that would be a really [ __ ] fun game to play for some kind of like event stream or something in the future what do you guys think you guys you guys want you guys want to hear

Me play a game that I play with my voice sandwich into an onion soup earlier true oh hell yeah well it’s not technically karaoke it’s just like a it’s a it’s a game it’s like a rhythm platformer and you build Bridges by hitting the correct notes with your voice I think that would

Be [ __ ] neat you upload your own music I have no idea that is a good question Australia I could guarantee that they thought it was specifically for that inuendo it’s possible but yeah no despite its like sussy sussy name it’s actually like a really cute game get the to the end of the

Game n it’s actually like hella cute I think if I think I’ve seen someone play it before but it was like a really [ __ ] long time ago but yeah I have that now which is like the second game that’s come up recently that’s been like a

Um a game that kind of like relies on your actual mic to play it and that I was thinking of playing because the other one that’s been like really popular amongst like everyone lately is a a game called don’t scream and it’s a game that you lose

If it’s a game where if you if you like the mic picks up a v a sound over a certain deciple you just [ __ ] die and I think that would be [ __ ] hilarious to play you would not do well I would not know don’t know it costed money so I didn’t

Want to say anything oh yeah that that that’s why I haven’t picked it up yet but I do have my eye on it I do have my eye on it I do want to play it at some point so maybe I’ll pick it up on like a

Sale or something at some point but we are 100% playing it eventually it just might take me a little while I might play it outside of its popularity range but I will play it eventually which is just kind of how things tend to go with me is is God this

Night is so long oh oh good it’s daytime okay God I like that night was so like so much longer than normal [ __ ] hell I want to go I got [ __ ] to do sleep is taking me have fun lovely friend all right alens have a good one go sleep go sleep

Well have a good rest watch some slime sickles V of him playing it cuz he uses controllers for a second oh his controller’s mic oh no oh no I can only imagine how awful that is should I play it with real time mod and see how insane it gets real time

Mod okay we’re going to just get our boat and get out of here and I think you’d love to steal the technique for an intro heyo real time mod real time mod for what Minecraft what would I would play entirely at night if that was the

Case I would only ever play in the night I would never see the sun again no thank you and I can just just use YouTube’s dumbest Clippers and put up on the cord go for it or you can like link me the VOD either one is

Fine what did I miss I was buffering all hell broke loose in the split second that you were buffering just like everything broke every everything everything is dead and gone and you know it’s just man everything happened the entire world ended and um uh Hellfire rain down upon the Earth

And was Health as soon as I was released ah a that actually scared me a man now it’s [ __ ] raining God damn it waterbased trauma put into action it really [ __ ] was it really [ __ ] was [ __ ] water oh and it’s thundering too goodies goody love that Spooky you did good soldier God damn it ah looks so cool I want to go explore I want to go explore guys but I shall wait until I’m stronger gosh it’s so loud [ __ ] Thor’s trying to start fight with me or some [ __ ] okay this section of the map is

Officially revealed start working towards inwards more trying to get like every section of the map covered so that there isn’t just like random bits and spots in in places is so annoying especially out over the ocean God the worst the wor I just want to explore and reveal a map

Like a letter on a banner and you are EnV it but the map does it show up the letter I have no idea I don’t even know how to put a letter on a map ah [ __ ] hi guys how’s it going you’re dead I like could one of your side Banners at the

House okay when we get back to the house remind me only had a lightning Trident to farm mobs mob heads yeah what that that’s just random grass blocks it is it is just random glass grass blocks that’s [ __ ] weird just scrapped one you scrapped one but why how do you scrap

Things is that a mod thing that sounds like a mod thing a mod thing isn’t it you know what I wish I wish go away Creeper I wish your boats [ __ ] showed up on the map that’d be so convenient you swim since when using channeling to supercharge a

Creeper than trying to blow a mob up with it won’t kill you as youo see yeah exactly I’m I’m like so Pro that would never kill me nothing’s ever killed me but me the all the I’m So Pro that the only things that can kill me are me and I’m great at killing

Me cuz you know I have to be otherwise like nothing else ever could obviously Sheep Creep why did it have to start raining I got [ __ ] to do I ain’t got time for your nonsense mod called essential that allows multiplayer on local servers AKA your computer doesn’t it already do

That common uncommon Etc types of tools and armor interesting one tiny little dot that was bothering me uh okay play multiplayer Java without a server huh weird scrap that I to make make and reforge another one oh fancy I wish you could still see the map when you’re moving in a boat

I tried modded multiplayer MC it’s been a [ __ ] nightmare that involved at least one person crying from Relentless nonsensical troubl suit yeah that sounds about right that that sounds entirely accurate I have only ever tried to set up like a local server like a land connection once and that was like years

Ago when I tried playing with my partner uh but we could not for the life of us get us get it connected so we never actually got to play together it makes me sad cuz I want to play I want to play with my partner I think it’d be [ __ ] neat

That’s a lot of mobs just hanging out on an island I kind of wish I had a bow the fact that I didn’t bring a bow with me feels kind of stupid that later if you want he would have to also set his up why is there just leaves here

Righton sometimes known as y boy is on his way home from work [ __ ] yeah plot would you seem to have lost there is no plot no plot here none plot plot gone plot dead [ __ ] it’s almost night now God damn it game I just want to explore without running into

Creepers why would you do me like this this is [ __ ] rude I have a question did you ever deal with the smoke alarms going going off early in the morning smoke alarms what you talking about Willis just installing the mod I think it’s just [ __ ] [ __ ] spicetify sp sp sp spice a

What that fuing c that runs after your cursor smor a lam [ __ ] smoral Lam I can’t tell if these little like tan spots on the map are like are just desert spots or if they’re unrevealed parts of the map and it’s bother in me so godamn much fire and SM smoke

Lambs what you talking about I didn’t have no smoke Lambs going off Bodify with spice make the name I hat it to did you put in your house the allergic yeah I it didn’t I don’t I don’t there were no smoke alarms going off in my house what you talking about

Un confident to go off whenever but in the morning I don’t think yeah it’s ever happened to you just waking up to smoke alarms no can’t say that’s ever happened talking about the map oh oh the little the tan parts that are just like desert yeah stream play Moon Mooncraft and I

Can’t make the sizzle sounds Sizzle Sizzle Sizzle Sizzle Sizzle Sizzle Sizzle like go and woke you up no no not really kind of random I’ve set smoke alarms awful a lot but I can’t say I’ve ever woken up to one boom thing the same you know it’s funny because I now

That I’m thinking about it Chad did ask if I could ask if I could add a a creeper sound redeem at some point and I just kind of completely forgot ooh berries I want last time I was near pumpkin and berries there was a ow I forgot they

Hurt the last time I was near pumpkin and pumpkins and berries there was a there was a village wonder if there’s a village around here probably not I should wait till it’s day to do this think the best mod I ever made doggy talents yes yes it is

A tendency to walk into berries it’s very easy to walk into them just you need to replace batteries right usually yeah I feel like I spend more time at night in this game than anything else favorite mod is ARS Noob with sign more sigs addon do tell

One of these days I may trust a mod enough to install it someday magic mod where you do magic o fancy there’s light over there what that why is there light there this stuff does this stuff glow is this glowy huh weird [ __ ] I hear that trident can it be daytime now please

I would like daytime really bro mother [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] I hate the Dr with the Trident the Trident are so annoying are usually help usually are helpful while you scaddle except when it breaks [ __ ] keep breaking my Shields what is that sound to make all dead I’m so annoyed I’m so annoyed

I hate drown they’re so awful and so annoying sh it’s always the godamn drown with their stupid [ __ ] trident I have been killed so many many times at this point by a stupid drown with their stupid Trident ridiculous h My finger is starting to cramp from holding the [ __ ] forward key I playing the typing letter game for this month to be on brand I have thought about it yes in fact I almost thought about doing it today but then I was like I I I just

Download to twine I wanted to go over that so maybe next week variety we’ll see we shall see I don’t know where that little Inlet was over this way no I think it’s further for this way no wait it was up at the top it was this way so push no you’re

Good okay I’m going to once again go retrieve my goddamn boat and then we will continue on be bees boat I have three boats inside my boat ooh O A hoping there were secrets well that’s staying there now off we go continuing our adventure man all I want is like a new biome that we haven’t seen yet it’s all I want just want more biomes was that so much to ask is new stuff we still haven’t found the cherry

Blossoms and it’s night again cry well a hello Hello all I had to do was [Laughter] wine who knew whining is what gets you your way huh funny funny that E I can’t believe literally the second I whine about it it [ __ ] appears that’s [ __ ] funny that was some [ __ ] timing of course now it’s [ __ ] nighttime

Also right at the edge of our [ __ ] map woo mountains woo something new finally after so long it’s been so long I’mma go get it’s snow snow guys snow fresh snow and fire wish it was daytime Frosty oh [ __ ] I can take damage from that good to know H good die of exposure now yay a new way to die I’m so excited aren’t you guys excited I’m excited sure wish it was daytime I’m confused a maybe you have to be on a certain type of block I think it has to be a certain type was that hey yo hold up

Hello well well well oh be God damn we found some a [ __ ] Emerald come one with the snow like in Jack Nicholson Z fun house I’ve always wanted to become one with the snow can I do it I can’t make guys I have a snow

Block I can’t turn it back in I can’t turn it back into snowballs boo I want it to be daytime so I can see properly I finally found snow I want to appreciate it need a bucket to pick up the snow you sink into I have a

Bucket I’m about to find the snow I sink into though I zambo go away you’re ruining my you’re ruining my my my Mountain Retreat be gone you to get out of here [ __ ] off hello is that a goat go away die there [ __ ] off [ __ ] go away Creeper let me enjoy my mountain

Side guys you’re all terrible all of you go away spider don’t make me stab you I’ll do it I’ve warned you sheesh [ __ ] godd damn piece of [ __ ] what is a sound redeem have what is a sound redeem Go Go goat goat goat I want to bring you

Home let me bring you home I want to bring you home going to fling you off the mountain it can try there’s no way I’m getting you back to my house I want to but there’s no way P the red blanket into a block you can get a goat horn huh

Map if I go much further than this I’m going to jump down a hole sheep try Ram you and Dodge last second so it stabs its head into a block that’s a thing but I don’t want to Goat horn I want the entire Goat as a pet a lot of coal go

Hi what’s up don’t leave come back want to be friends makes a sound when you right click hey go hi hi hi hi I should build a second house up here I can have like my normal base house and then I could have my my underwater house and then I could have

My Mountain Home I should Totes My Goats do that man it’s just Spruce just Spruce Nota a zero V home no ice rocks be really [ __ ] cool spot for a mountain home right here in this big old open spot who where huh why am I here in Zambos why do I hear

Zambos oh the [ __ ] sounds like they’re right in my ear go could be named totes tot it could and it would it 100% w now that we have in fact determined there is snow nearby I’m going to remember that but for now we’re going to head back out now I’m going to go

Ice th THD CH chickens I got to go find my boat this is a lot of gravel a boat’s around here somewhere I have a pet Creeper you did not there’s my boat all right off we go I’ll put my snowballs in here and we’re going to head on out do

Ice M pet Creeper does it explode polar bear polar bear save idet how do I save I can’t save in Minecraft ah there’s the boat you can can can you ow I mean you could save and quit but I don’t know how to save like woohoo woohoo woohoo AA ooh

Let set up my new couch [ __ ] yeah new couch a man it’s night time again I hate nighttime oh there was a fancy thing there though see my old couch was so broken it was basically a hammock oh no that’s not good W free hammock is that the Quil

Fish the Twilight R update for Twilight craft oh princess mode that is the quill fish weird into the 12 Twilight realm you Die [ __ ] night getting like a folded mantis that sounds very uncomfortable you deserve that you’re an idiot no mod of medial MC mod pack has me either I wonder what mod I would install it once I trust mods again h actually you know what I really want to

Do at some point rather than mods I want to download some maps like I I want to I want to download some like Adventure Map kind of stuff and like play through those cuz I think that’d be neat and interesting friends and I once made a

Pack called The Moth pack i l not loads of new de Dimensions mine colonies botania create and a couple more heyo you know you know you know think they say his coconut gun it fires and spurts [ __ ] I right on Village and mob farm mod to not be

Hard on the performance ooh so the fabric instead of Forge and get sodium which is a 500% boost to Minecraft performance huh want to do a Zelda map I don’t know I want to do some like classic Minecraft adventure map stuff just like some old school style Maps you know

Since I never played them way back when I want to play him now like I want to like experience all this stuff that I never did back in like 2011 some like Herobrine’s mansion kind of [ __ ] [ __ ] yes please the adventure maps are awesome exactly that’s why I built

One it’s like some old school [ __ ] adventure maps just play through like a little little bit of story have a good old time I think it’d be fun stuff like yeah like the temple of notch ever see Herobrine I’m calling my friend Kevin what Minecraft download and Everything versus Kevin meme who’s Kevin yay daylight come to me so I may explore I want to explore give me a Splore give me daylight I really got to remember to bring a [ __ ] bed when I go out exploring it’s like the key of Babylon what Incarnation is a key of Babylon it’s almost daylight it’s almost daylight we can almost do [ __ ] again by that I mean I’m going to go do

Sh [ __ ] again right [ __ ] now probably not have brought my boat into this tiny little crevice a weapon in batania endgame a reference to the Fate series ah I’ve never played fate so that is that is a reference that would very much go over my head with a few herob Brian versus Kevin

Memes okay I’ll go look at him in a second I must explore the ice I must hi polar bears hello polar bears Hi a no ice for me but I want but I wanted ice sag oh hi oh ow rude portals that summons gold tools when you charge it in the moment you let go of the weapons Pelt the point you’re aiming at interesting I do love absolute Carnage I love me some absolute Carnage

W Put didn’t see in so long my brain keeps expecting the boat to explode [ __ ] right that took me a minute to get used to like I also keep expecting it to happen but I’m glad it doesn’t the flower that reroutes Enderman teleportation itself so you make an Enderman

Prison but I don’t want an Enderman prison I want an Enderman Friend H H may they can’t leave you since they can’t teleport away that’s a good point I love when my friends aren’t allowed to leave y mode like that isn’t just my natural state more Snow but nothing of actual interest H Al a flower that poisons while it’s down to 1 HP so you can hit the one hit them ooh what a powerful flower thought that has the same effect on creepers like a cat oh was random but useful items I’m on top of the world

I think you have no interest in N you’re good I’m I’m just over here [ __ ] like doing map stuff a fully speed built Hammer that could take out a chunk in 5 minutes but why would I want to take out an entire Chunk in 5 minutes where’s my boat ORS I mean I

Guess think my boat was over here W there it is leave the two shots Enderman why is there so much floating kelp there’s so much kelp here but why yeah life steals my favorite mechanic in games along with crits all right here’s the plan we head back to the house revealing as much map as possible on the way there and I’m going to go get some

Dinner cuz I am L hungers and let tires why is there more kelp why is the sun going down again son I didn’t give you permission to go down I really didn’t enjoy food thank you for stream you’re welcome we’ve still got a little bit cuz we got to actually make it back

To the house which with my [ __ ] luck I’m going to get hit by one of those stupid [ __ ] Trident [ __ ] again I’m going to have to come all the [ __ ] way back out here especially now that it’s night but we’ll see see how it goes ah R why but Wo the audacity hi EDR you’re not new I’m being abused a boo Concussions Brain Reapers skeletons spots dropped yesterday what’s that soup loser soup loser I’m not a loser I’m [ __ ] cool I’m so cool I’m like the coolest the coolest anybody’s everever seen like damn I’m so cool y’all wish you were as cool as me make a risk of rain one ah what’s risk of

Rain CU otherwise I’m the coolest welcome to the Little House olly boy thank you for the follow thank you for the headat I need that all all of this concussive AB boost I I need head Pats 768 no [ __ ] you I reject this information thank you for the head pots they so

Pretty thank you it is pretty isn’t it I worked real hard on it need head no [ __ ] [Laughter] you oh thank you for the stretch and Hydrate good [ __ ] well like first game second second action platformer risk R 2 is a third person shooter and risk of raid returns GOP to 2D action platformer interesting or Rum Hydration we should play Risk of Rain to why I’m not good at Platformers though just shoot giant robots and Aliens I don’t want to shoot the robots I want the robot to be my dad G is pure chaos and you’re all about that you know that’s true that might convince me third person

Shooter I’m not good at Shooters either actually speaking of of pure chaos there I did get a game recently that only requires me to have it so uh why is this glowing why this glowing oh it’s this stuff again but anyways I I got a game that

Only requires me to play it and I think it’ll be really [ __ ] funny to either play with Rydon or EDR or both we we’ both HRA has Huntress has auto aim h this Melee character jackbox no you guys will see on once I once I get a plan

Together y’all will see but it’ll be entertaining they got me intrigued I’ll tell you later probably going to see if I can drag right on on at some point but I also want to drag EDR into it at some point as well just cuz like especially

Like since it only requires me to have it all you need to be able to do is to connect on Discord so you don’t have to worry about your internet I enjoy it what I suffer yes than 100 items some of which have really wacky effects and they stack just

Boom monster prom nah I have Monster prom I don’t have much interest in it to be honest I think all the rest of this is just water so I’m just going to like cut straight through the water I heard that so good see are only fun the first couple of

Times it looks interesting but I don’t know if it a 100% really looks like my kind of thing so I haven’t really gone out of my way to play it so much ocean andely fun with friends voicing yeah that that’s the biggest thing I usually see is that it’s like fun to

Play with a bunch of people like voicing the characters and [ __ ] which like I I doubt I’d be able to get like a ton of people together for it I could get like maybe two tops more kelp leaves so many kelp leaves everywhere life is an egg has chicken in it

Sometimes I like chicken I do like me some chickens H what [ __ ] day is it Wednesday Thursday the night not even halfway through the month yet damn I get myself stuck in here also I need you guys to know that I’m actually making decent progress on the 3.0

Model and I started putting clothes on it started but also the model that I’m working on right now doesn’t like wearing a shirt no they’re lying [ __ ] you I’m like halfway through the clothes at this point still in egg form yeah I’m lying I actually you know what I didn’t even

Start on the model it I’ve I’ve been lying this entire [ __ ] time like it doesn’t even exist there’s never been a model what did I just come into who [ __ ] knows sitting on it as we speak I am yep I am sitting on the egg it’ll hatch anytime there’s so much water

But we’re almost home we’re almost home guys look there’s my tower glos is way too big oh really congrats thank you I did it you know I only died like five times in the process but we revealed quite a bit of the map so outside of like some specs where it’s

Literally just all water and I probably don’t care enough we’ve pretty much got the whole map all all figured out and we found ice and snow but not a whole hell of a lot else I guess we did find a couple of um Guardian spots for future reference

Things a 120 hertz refresh rate that sounds fancy I have no idea what that means how reward systems don’t work for me like if I finish this thing I can have a cookie and B is like oh have one right now see reward systems don’t work

For me because I will finish the thing and I’ll be like yeah but I could go could get this done too they don’t work for me not because I could just have have the thing now it’s because I don’t believe in rewarding myself ever I don’t ever believe that I deserve the

Reward oh I guess there’s a bunch of like fun there’s just that giant chunk of water there and then some land over here that I can’t get to the boat but other than that this this map is pretty much done food is moldy oh no that’s unfortunate uh I ink

Sacks so much [ __ ] kelp there we go bone uh not That there we go um that that not that that just shovel ice and snow yesterday my arms hate me today that could be brutal definitely don’t miss that no balls I’m going to put this down here with this lots of boats I have like 30,000 Vats self-imposed deadlines because I know

The guy who set them in he h [ __ ] yeah egg pry good joke how many friend zone guys do you need to change a light bul n they just compliment and get pissed when it won’t screw accurate very un very very [ __ ] accurate sand going to relax play some Minecraft

Today and some Lighthouse work need to switch out the garbage yeah me too uh I want to convert the Snowballs into snow blocks but I don’t know if I can convert it out of a snow block once I do so I’m like wary cuz I tried earlier and it didn’t work no hi Pigeon food thank you pigeon man hu um Nom Noms the loudest State [Laughter] Illinois that’s a good one I like that one okay than pige thanks p for sustenance delicious sustenance grabs me some of that and uh build me n why would I why why why would I ever do that would be

Stupid just because I can doesn’t mean I should Pooky doky can we did rings and start Pro posing with swords man I [ __ ] wish someone propose to me with a sword I’d say yes immediately I would start planning the wedding on the spot or a battle axe a sword or you know what

Actually give me a battle axe rather than a sword violence is my love language keep hearing a sound and it sounds like a [ __ ] creeper and I don’t know what it actually is room get equally flamboyant clothes as the bride [ __ ] yes please men’s clothes are so [ __ ]

Boring and they just don’t have to be they don’t have to be and yet they are and it makes me quite sad how’s my be my one Be I’m going assume you’re asleep and I will let you sleep and you’re definitely not dead and I definitely don’t need to go get get more bees again just like a victoriia and Aaron nobleman or a prince from of fairy tal is that too much to ask no no it is

Not in fact it’s exactly what you should ask cuz that’s exactly as it should be except no less oh yeah my fish all righty Rooney I do believe this is a good place to end it for for today we have found biomes we have explored more maps we found ice we found snow we found polar bears we found goats we have finished our iron farm I should go check that [ __ ] beige suits black suits brown

Suits blue suits or Korean suits I want to red coat with a gold shoulder keep and a black lace vest then [ __ ] do it do it cuz you should yeah [ __ ] Gunner good you better I’ll be disappointed if you don’t hi why are you here

I’m going to need you to not explode on my pathing if that’s [ __ ] the [ __ ] did I just say goddamn creepers he’s ruining my [ __ ] [ __ ] now all I need is a girlfriend but I fortunately I can’t help you with that one but you know I wish you luck there we

Go you have a bucket of water they can’t break stuff oh yeah I just forget about that Chimp on roller skat says men crying at their wedding is G we’ll have time 5 to the face clearly whoever says that has never actually been to a wedding in their entire goddamn life

Because holy [ __ ] I swear dudes cry the groom cries more than the bride half the time like as someone who has been to many many many many many many many many weddings in their life I’m going tell you this right now Grooms cry way more than Brides half the

Time mostly because the bride is trying very hard not to make mess up her makeup well they’ve never seen a happy couple yeah like [ __ ] either they’ve just somehow never been to an actual couple that likes each other’s wedding or they’ve just never been to a wedding

In their entire goddamn life because I have seen some of the burliest manliest like dudes dudes [ __ ] ball at their weddings cuz they you know they get to spend the rest of their life with the person they love the most of course that’s going to be a [ __ ] like an an

Extremely emotional moment in their lives that our generation killed those damn jokes God yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] Boomer jokes they’re so bad playing the game using mind colonies so once I place a settlement creepers and Enderman can’t damage your terrain God that’d be nice wouldn’t that be [ __ ] nice Same guys are told they’re worthless and don’t deserve love and they have that someone that wants to be with them oh yeah no [ __ ] like [ __ ] man weddings are emotional for everyone men women nonbinaries Mom Dad Grandma grandma cries the most thank you for the posture

Check no one cries more of at a wedding than Grandma but you know actually I think Dads Dads probably cry almost as much as grandma cry my cuz I’m very emotionally damaged it’s okay you can cry now I’ll let you you’re allowed this finished having getting getting my restaurant Up Restaurant

Nany check fashion PS okay I will check fashion poles ooh that is a snazzy looking man right there that is a damn snazzy looking man right there iove my was unable to cry that’s unfortunate one coling is you need to have a restaurant to feed your people my

People vintage Shaw o I like that I like that a lot then again I think Shaws and capes and like all the all of the all of the flowy bits need to come back in general everything flowy needs to come back in general would love M colonies I think

Mayhaps depress and see a doctor yeah you should you should yeah but I love the dragon vtuber girl you made oh Yeah think suits need to be redone from scratch absolutely 100% [ __ ] suits y you guys know my opinion on [ __ ] suits I don’t we I don’t even need to to explain that one you guys you guys already know my opinion on suits take his for Godzilla minus one

You me your partner three tick all right cool was Black Velvet cape and she never gets to wear it that’s sad she should wear every [ __ ] day usually too early to fully grasp what the passing will mean in the long run that’s true I feel like at like at a

Funeral itself you’re kind of still in a State of Shock it doesn’t really tend to hit you until a bit later new design right on eat my dick no never again do another rant on somay I’m sure I will I’m sure I [ __ ] will confused kid definitely would enjoy mine colonies normalize capes

Yes yes yes AB so posit Oh I absolutely know who we need to go raid oh and there’s the ad of course there’s the ad po I one of those for here by the way it is on my to-do list yes the problem the current the problem though right now is just that uh I’m kind of

Out of emote slots so that’s why I don’t have the the the sus one the the sus emote up yet is cuz I’m I’m kind of out of slots so I’d have to replace something else but I can make it for the Discord at least months of fully gross my dad is

Going to felt like it was exp floating a jar who we Raiden doxy mil [ __ ] called it it’s doxy we’re going to go say hi to doxy we put animated flames behind it I guess that’s true I could just animate it I was trying to think of a way to

Animate the sus emote for the same reason o doxy huzzah doxy love me some doxy my head on out all right have head head on out have a good one thanks for hanging out I appreciate it later dude uh for everybody else though let’s see is there anything funcy fancy groovy

Gravy going on this week uh uh you know what I want to try and do a collab this weekend this this this uh this variety night stream I want to do a collab so I’m going to go see who I I’m going to see if I can I can maybe gra drag like

Either Rydon or EDR one of them in for collab I don’t know doing what yet but we’re we’re I got I got some new I got a bunch of new multiplayer games so I want to I want to drag one of them in for some some gaming

So I think I think that’s what we’ll do this weekend and then on Friday we’ll just be continuing Alice standard gift static effect into the disconnect emote you could put that one on there true I’d have to figure out how to do that this is a sus emote judge no not that Susy

OTE how do I want to play among us again i’ i’ I have such the urge to play among us again but it’s such a hard game to like put together because either you’re playing with randos or like just getting a group together is so hard cuz you need so many people

Ah thetic into giffy you can just crop it onto the eyes I will take a look oh yeah I always forget that giffy is like an entire site that you can make things on but yeah remind me and I’ll look into that but for now we’re going to head on out so here’s

Our raid message if you have to emotes you can use a TP one there speaking of emotes the but if not we have ton we’re going to go say hi to doxy who’s playing some balers gate and uh yeah so thank you guys for hanging out

With me I appreciate it and I will see you on Friday for more Alice and then Saturday for whatever the [ __ ] I can put together the last minute so uh yeah so thank you guys for hanging out with me I appreciate it and I’ll see you on Friday okay okay By

This video, titled ‘Plot? What plot? (Part 2) ~ NaNo/Minecraft ~ November 8, 2023’, was uploaded by KitekkiVODS on 2023-12-30 14:15:02. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 06:17:31 or 22651 seconds.

Full VOD of the NaNoWriMo Stream with some Minecraft afterwards Part 1: https://youtu.be/OVI7hDSIo4Y

Watch me play live over on Twitch!

My Socials Main Channel – @Kitekki Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kitekki Tumblr – https://kitekki-khaos.tumblr.com/ Discord – https://discord.gg/TX8jYf6G3Z

#VTuber #ENVtuber #minecraft

Music Credits: “Chaos On The Line” by Ma3z https://twitter.com/MusikGoat

Streambeats (Titles on Screen)

Stinger Credits: Spvwvky – https://ko-fi.com/spvwvky

Channel Tags General – Kitten Litter Art – Tekillust Fashion – TekiWear

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    Mr RDX's Epic Domination of Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘the Horror SMP: How I Defeated Every Player in #Minecraft part 2’, was uploaded by Mr RDX on 2024-01-13 11:21:21. It has garnered 61 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:08 or 1088 seconds. minecraft shorts, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, Minecraft Minecraft Event Hidden Treasures Legendary Boss Battles Gaming Adventure Minecraft Loot Secret Dungeons Pixelated Surprises Minecraft Gameplay Epic Boss Fights Minecraft Secrets Enchanted Gear Gaming Strategy Minecraft Community Adventure Gaming Gaming Tips Minecraft Artifacts Gaming Surprises Minecraft Exploration Gaming Strategies Subscribe for More #YouTube #trending #Minecraft ——————————————————————————— For more Hollywood movie… Read More

  • RAGE with ElDeneb – Mind-Blowing 60 FPS Renders

    RAGE with ElDeneb - Mind-Blowing 60 FPS RendersVideo Information This video, titled ‘MISS THE RAGE | smooth renders con 60 FPS’, was uploaded by ElDeneb on 2024-06-22 06:19:06. It has garnered 94 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. #minecraft #pvpmontage #blur #hitsync boxing? Inspirado en: https://www.youtube.com/@Rework1 Texture pack: Black 128x y ya po *Tags* (ignorar) #edit ​​​#jvke #space #killmiri #anime #oitc​​​​ #cake #amv​​​​​​​ #animeart​​​ #otaku​​​​ #animememes #naruto​​​​ #MinecraftClutch ​​​​ #edits​​​​ #animelover​​​​ #animelove​​​​ #animeamv #animeboy​​​​ #trippieredd #cinematic #kawaii​​​​​​ #onepiece​​​​ #godbridge​​​​ #weeb​​​​ #tiktok​​​​ #tiktokviral​​​​ #tiktokdance​ #sonyvegas #animeedits #minecraft #edit #pvp #shorts #combo #lunar #nodebuff #bedwars #minemenclub #remake #cancun #hitsync #tutorial #sonyvegas18… Read More

  • HIVE E S T LIVE CS on twitch new mods soon 🎮

    HIVE E S T LIVE CS on twitch new mods soon 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 HIVE LIVE CS w/ BLABIMC 👀 THEN MOD APPS? 👀 | !modapp !subgoal !discord 🔴’, was uploaded by On1can on 2024-04-21 19:28:11. It has garnered 445 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:05 or 11165 seconds. Hello! Im a Minecraft Bedrock Hive Streamer and YouTuber, I hope you enjoy the content :3 Just Grinding Hive Minecraft Bedrock / PE / MCPE / MCBE Today Doing another Hive Stream 🙂 BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS BEDWARS OMG BEDWARS DISCORD: https://discord.gg/2w9qWzb5Cm #hivemc #hivelive #treasurewars #mcpe #mcbe #minecraftbedrockedition #minecraftbedrock… Read More

  • Insane TOE2 Beat + Modded Minecraft Server Chaos

    Insane TOE2 Beat + Modded Minecraft Server ChaosVideo Information This video, titled ‘Geometry Dash – Beating TOE2(final rob level) and Modded Minecraft Server!’, was uploaded by EndrrNobody on 2024-05-26 12:45:00. It has garnered 27 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:06 or 6846 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/inksdagamer Read More

  • LIVE: Shocking GoryBlox Co-Op Longplay!

    LIVE: Shocking GoryBlox Co-Op Longplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Co-Op: Picking up Beam from Spawn Longplay’, was uploaded by GoryBlox on 2024-06-04 15:25:48. It has garnered 79 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:57 or 7737 seconds. Join us as we attempt to pick up my Noob friend from spawn in Co-Op Hardcore and teach him the ways of Minecraft. Read More

  • Unbelievable! Defeating 100 Minecraft Bosses!

    Unbelievable! Defeating 100 Minecraft Bosses!Video Information This video, titled ‘ich habe gegen 100 BOSSE in MINECRAFT gekämpft!’, was uploaded by AwesomeElina on 2024-05-13 12:00:35. It has garnered 40839 views and 1661 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:26 or 1466 seconds. 🍟 Become a channel member and receive exclusive benefits: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEM40qsPameeg9coM7Tb7rw/join 👕 Merch ▸ http://benx.shop/elina 📷 Instagram ▸ https://www.instagram.com/awesomeelina/ 🐦 Twitter ▸ https://twitter.com/Awesome_Elina 🎵 Music: http://epidemicsound.com/ 📨 Business inquiries: [email protected] ¹ These marked links represent advertising. Read More

  • 💙 Robo’s World SMP | Semi-Vanilla | 1.20.4 | Crossplay | HermitCraft Inspired | Whitelist | Squaremap

    Apply now! Discord Link ⛏️Server Summary🪓 Join our small, whitelisted, community-driven, semi-vanilla SMP – Robo’s World. Inspired by Hermitcraft, we value collaboration and creativity in a grief-free environment. Your ideas and creations are safe on our non-resetting map. Crossplay enabled for both Java and Bedrock players. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • PixieMines.com

    PixieMines.comA friendly Prison server, with a twist of extra RPG aspects, and brand new ideas with most plugins being home made giving us the ability to ship massive updates in a faster pace. Join us in our first season and help us shape the server together! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – No disappointment, Just Iron

    Looks like this Minecraft meme is definitely not a diamond in the rough! Read More

  • Saved MrBeast with Minecraft time stop! 🔥

    Saved MrBeast with Minecraft time stop! 🔥 Looks like MrBeast finally found someone with the power to stop time…in Minecraft of all places! Maybe he can use that power to win even more challenges and give away even more money. #TimeStopper #MinecraftMagic Read More

  • Town Center Construction Chaos

    Town Center Construction Chaos Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: Town Center Construction Begins Welcome to a daily Minecraft adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG (PowerChordGames) on YouTube. In this vanilla survival let’s play series, Solomon embarks on a journey to build, explore, and collect all 145 trophies available for the game on PS4/PS5. The twist? Natural regeneration is turned off, adding an extra layer of challenge to the gameplay. A Relaxing Escape Unlike many high-energy gaming channels, Solomon’s approach is refreshingly calm and laid-back. Each episode offers a chance for viewers to unwind, chat, and enjoy some relaxing gameplay. The… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Seed 2024

    Ultimate Minecraft Seed 2024 Exploring the Best Minecraft Seeds for 2024 Discovering New Worlds Legend Manush has uncovered some of the top seeds for Minecraft Bedrock and Pocket Edition in 2024. One of the standout seeds is 39227070353904933, offering a unique and exciting world for players to explore. With new landscapes, resources, and challenges, this seed promises an unforgettable gaming experience. Exciting Features Players can expect the best seeds for Minecraft, including rare biomes, hidden treasures, and challenging terrains. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, these seeds offer endless possibilities for adventure and creativity. From lush forests to… Read More

  • Unlock Zultan’s MASSIVE new world in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Unlock Zultan's MASSIVE new world in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HUGE NEW WORLD | Minecraft Vanilla Hardcore’, was uploaded by Zultan on 2024-05-21 21:28:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How long will this world last I wonder? Read More

  • Flight of Fear: Minecraft Creepypasta

    Flight of Fear: Minecraft CreepypastaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Flight of Fear #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-04-05 19:00:28. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:03 or 63 seconds. Gameplay- GianLeco Minecraft Gameplays Audio- ESN Productions I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before…. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Speed Cheat for Endless Fun!

    ULTIMATE Speed Cheat for Endless Fun!Video Information This video, titled ‘демонстрация спидов на funtime бесплатные бесконечные спиды funtime bypasse’, was uploaded by kyst client the best cheat on 2024-06-22 19:27:21. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:23 or 83 seconds. скачать чит в коментах теги не читать:#minecraft #minecrafthacks #hacking #minecraftchallenge #hypixel #hackedclient #tommyinnit #minecrafthacker #dream #2b2t #minecraftclient #minecraftmods #client #themisterepic #kilab #hypixelskyblock #minecrafthacking #skyblock #hack #minecrafthackedclient #minecraftmanhunt #funny #hacks #cheater #minecraftmod #minecrafthack #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftbut #glitch #challenge #hacked #minecraftspeedrun #shorts #duplication #cheat #minecraftcheats #skeppy #hacker #oldestserver #hackingreview #review #1000challenge #wurstclient #minecraftserver #stream #mods #bedwars #minecraftmemes #minecraftdream #bug… Read More

  • DrunkenHyena’s CRAZY Drunk Minecraft Stream!

    DrunkenHyena's CRAZY Drunk Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘DRUNK STREAM IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by TheDrunkenHyena on 2024-01-13 14:31:12. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:16 or 3076 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYP

    Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYPVideo Information This video, titled ‘My epic clutch in bedfight! #bedwars #minecraft #montage #fyp’, was uploaded by Tacpac on 2024-05-28 07:16:31. It has garnered 417 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dumbtacpac Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/nerdtacpac Tags: Im a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client cause you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. i know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 20 CPS. Sometimes i do make texture packs for minecraft pvp that packs fps boost… Read More

  • Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgaming

    Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing skyblock in mcpe in cubecraft server part 1 #minecraft #rajuartgaming’, was uploaded by Raju art gaming on 2024-02-18 08:18:00. It has garnered 81 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:20 or 560 seconds. playing skyblock in mcpe in cubecraft server part 2 #minecraft #minecraftpe #rajuartgaming server name- Cubecraft ip-play.cubecraft.net port-19132 hashtag #clonearmies #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing… Read More

  • Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream – Join Now!

    Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Chill Stream Come Join’, was uploaded by B1onicJay on 2024-01-14 14:59:45. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:42 or 282 seconds. Read More

  • Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱

    Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 02:00:13. It has garnered 173 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔” #minecraft #shizo #drama

    "Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔" #minecraft #shizo #dramaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Choose any One Guys ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftanimation #mine #minecraftshorts #song’, was uploaded by SAIRAJ Khatuuu on 2024-03-17 06:43:26. It has garnered 10251 views and 416 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • BiblioCraft

    BiblioCraftRegular Vanilla Minecraft server, griefing is allowed, hacking is not. This server was created over 4 years ago, and has a long history of different players, civilizations, and more! Read More

  • Fractus Politica SMP – Roleplay

    Fractus Politica SMP The Fractus Politica SMP is a geopolitical Minecraft server on an earth map. Players can create realistic nations with complex governments, conduct diplomacy, trade, and go to war. Build nations from any period in history, conquer land, and create colonies. This server focuses on realism and international relations. We are looking for developers to help with server maintenance and mods. Apply for staff if interested. Discord Link: Join our Discord Read More

  • MineCity.pl The best city in Minecraft

    The nas🌟 Version 1.20.4 🌟📅 Edition start: July 1 📅🔹 Tryb FreeBuild 🔹Build your dream building on our plots! Create amazing structures, acquire resources and compete with other players in a world of unlimited possibilities⚔️KitPvP Mode ⚔️Ready for the challenge? Jump into the KitPvP arena, choose your favorite kits and prove that you are the best warrior! Fight with other players, earn points and move up in the rankings.🏆 Minigra MobArena 🏆Experience an amazing adventure in MobArena! Fight hordes of monsters, earn rewards and see how long you can survive. Do you have what it takes to survive?🌌 Tryb SkyWars… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamond Sword”

    Minecraft Memes - Diamond Sword"Well, at least we know what’s really important in the Minecraft world – meme scores! Read More

  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

    Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, A motor gang movie, a tale to be told. With Kare Kafa leading the way, Entertaining us all, every single day. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t be late, For Minecraft adventures, we can’t wait. Support is key, so don’t hesitate, Join the fun, let’s celebrate. Kare Kafa, the master of Minecraft lore, Bringing us joy, always wanting more. In Turkish, he shines bright, Entertaining us all, day and night. Let the game begin, the fun never ends, With Minecraft facts, and rhymes that blend. Kare Kafa, our favorite guide, In… Read More

  • Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9

    Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9 I turned my toaster into a robot and now it won’t stop singing “Toastbusters” on repeat. #robotproblems Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

    Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work! Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks with Unspeakable Unspeakable Minecraft Build Hacks have been taking the gaming world by storm, offering players innovative ways to create and customize their virtual worlds. From intricate structures to hidden passages, these hacks provide endless possibilities for Minecraft enthusiasts. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Build Hacks Unspeakable’s latest video showcases some of the most creative and mind-boggling build hacks in Minecraft. Players can now push the boundaries of their imagination and construct awe-inspiring creations that defy the limits of the game. Breaking New Ground with Minecraft 1.20 Build Hacks With the release of Minecraft 1.20, players… Read More