Welcome back settling here today I’m gonna show you a really really simple minecart contraption and first I’m going to show you what it does and I’ll show you why you actually want it it’s pretty useful so if you’re coming in from this direction kind of going forwards nothing Really special happened you just kind of go straight through however if a minecart comes in going backwards it’ll get sidetracked and sort of stored on these unpowered rails then if you’re riding a minecart and you come through again that minecart will get launched back off towards towards the direction You just came from okay so what is that why does it why is it useful well this is useful for long one-way trips so for instance when you’re taking a minecart through the nether to get from your base to where the end stronghold is that’s kind of a one-way trip because you’re Just going to take the end portal back to your base so you have this this is just a basic minecart station we take the minecart off on a straight line and when we get there and activate our rail it’s going to boot me out of the minecart and it’ll send the minecart Back towards the base where it’ll get stored back at that minecart station and if that’s all that’s happening that’s fine however imagine this is a really long rail and not all the chunks are loaded at the same time so once you get over here you know partway toward on the Red turn trip that minecarts gonna get reach unloaded chunks and you’re gonna have problems so I built this this portal here that was teleport me back to the front end to symbolize this is a one-way trip so let’s take that one-way trip again and when we get to the end I’m gonna go through that portal again real quick to simulate the chunks unloading and us sort of beating the minecart back to base and then if we get in a minecart again to go off to the ends and that chunk of those chunks load again we’re gonna have problems right This is now pushing us backwards this is stuck on the rail it’s not good and so for really long one-way trips you really can’t use a single line like this for the returned minecart unless you do something special you can have another line come and act as the return line That would work as the chunks get loaded it’ll it’ll make its way back and and that’d be fine but that’s kind of wasteful because you have to have a whole second line here using the contraption that I showed you at the beginning of the video we have two of Them installed in the railway we can avoid that problem so we take a minecart they go off again as before we just go straight through and we’ll get ejected by an activator rail and then the minecart will start its return trip but I won’t try and go all the way back It’s only going to try and go to this first station here and so we’re not going to have problems with unloaded chunks because either it’ll have time to get back there before I enter this portal or even if it doesn’t then the next time I’m coming through it’ll have Time to get back into that station so we let’s go all the way back here and take the trip again and see what happens so now we don’t have a minecart coming the other direction on this line we have a minecart waiting here and as we pass it It’ll get make more progress back towards base and this one that we were riding will get stuck at the first station this one that was here will make more progress back towards the original minecart station and you know we go through the ends we go take the end Portal back to base and now there wasn’t a minecart here oh well yeah as we go off now this minecart is actually to make it all the way back to the base and this minecart will make it to the next station and this minecart we were just Writing etc so it’s sort of like they’re like climbing a ladder and getting out of your way so that’s the next time you come through you’re not gonna have just need to add more mine cards to this station I guess so the next time you come through you’re Not gonna have a minecart coming at you so this is great and it works really well for a single player but does not work at all for multiple players writing mine cards through this so you know you you have you’re the first player comes through and as they pass by they’ll Trigger this and if a second players coming through immediately they’re gonna run into that minecart that it just sent off so this only works for one player at a time but if you’re in a single-player world or you know you’ve if you just have something like this where you don’t Plan on coming through with multiple players at once works pretty well yeah so I’m not really sure what to call this thing but it’s like a it’s like a ladder for your minecarts to get back back to base for a long one-way trip it’s really simple to build these you just need some Detector rails some powered rails you don’t even need a power source and you need some regular rails too so let me show you how you build it so you have you know a minecart line coming in like this you just knock down one two three four you got to put Regular rail detector rail regular rail then two powered rails and a third one a third rail of any kind up here temporarily then you place some minecart rails like this you’re actually going to need to break this temporarily and then you can put it back and then you can Break this block and that’s all there is to it and so if we let’s see let me actually build a little powered line so we can come in from this direction and just to demonstrate that it does work so we come in from this direction let me Just go straight through if a minecart comes through from this direction it’ll get sort of sidelined and then we come through again and that’s how it works hopefully some of you guys find this useful that’s about it thanks for watching [Applause] Video Information
This video, titled ‘Minecart Return Station for Long One-Way Trips — Minecraft Redstone Tutorial’, was uploaded by SethBling on 2019-03-01 20:00:01. It has garnered 1271380 views and 23563 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:37 or 337 seconds.
This is a station designed to facility the return of empty minecarts for long rail lines intended for one-way trips.
SethBling Twitter: http://twitter.com/sethbling SethBling Twitch: http://twitch.tv/sethbling SethBling Facebook: http://facebook.com/sethbling SethBling Downloads: http://sethbling.com SethBling Shirts: http://sethbling.spreadshirt.com Suggest Ideas: http://reddit.com/r/SethBlingSuggestions
Music: “Cipher” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/