Minecraft – #01 – I Finally Caved In

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Everyone you finally driven me to do it finally driven me to play this blasted game on stream and for some reason I can’t actually get the window any larger and I’m a little concerned about that so hopefully we can figure that out later but I have no idea how to make

This bigger other than just straight up full screen and I hate playing games in full-screen so this is what we got and now Mikkel is coming over cuz it is finally a game she has a vested interest in I like minecraft so we’re gonna call this the twitch world world options with

Default world I want a bonus che chest I want cheats I’m not gonna use them unless I have to but I want them I’m gonna type in the word affiliate for our seed because I want to do that here we go now part of the reason I’m doing this

Is Reds having a bad day and so red is not gonna be able to join us with an art stream as originally planned so this is a bonus stream of mints raft yep mints raft that’s not what this is called no minecraft whose craft minecraft your craft its mikelis craft that’s what

We’re doing here and the game is crashed yep yeah it’s a nice wallet lasted game I would not appreciate I know we’re doing bacon crafts it’s amazing isn’t it no minecraft oh I forgot my skin whenever I play Minecraft is the Blue Beetle alright so poop anyway don’t I get an

Achievement for opening my inventory I don’t have to get one first that was weird you now have wood I don’t think you’re actually destroying it are you all right yeah oh you know what let me try this um I’m gonna leave it on normal for now

Even though I don’t like that let’s drop it down to fast graphics and we’re gonna drop our max framerate to 60 I’m gonna knock off the fancy clouds there we go maybe this will help what is going on minecraft has issue with you my sheets I guess minecraft has issue with me

Report are streaming I think it is actually the act of straining that is throwing minecraft for a loop and it is not liking this give it a second to load it’ll it’ll show up there we go is horrible maybe we should have gone with the Windows 10 version and not the Java

Version there’s our chests that’ll help he has everyone doing anybody I see we got a Seabury in our chat glad to hear you’re doing fine I heard you got some yummy food earlier in our discord I wonder what that yummy food may have involved but we did not get yummy food yet we’ve

Been planning on getting yummy food why is this so laggy oh wait are do we ever land open No chicken fricassee chicken fricassee sound see sounds like it was pretty good now me I’m a weirdo when it comes to this game you know what I can’t blame

You for doing that because you know what I do cuz okay so mac and cheese like most American and Canadian children except biggest shoe Canadians call it Kraft Dinner but like for most North American children in the north half of North America we grew up with Kraft

Macaroni and cheese and of course a side effect of that is growing up loving whatever additions your mom’s made to it so like I have three different ones that all kind of combine into one super mac and cheese in my head which is my babysitter Estelle the old woman who

Unknowingly started me down the path of knowing I could like tokusatsu forever would add lima beans and corn and carrots to it so yeah the mixed veggies my mom would add hot dogs cuz easy hot dogs yeah an easy quick way to make it healthier and my grandma

Joanne still does this she adds chili to it so myself I like to I know that chili I uh to kraft mac and cheese or the box mac and cheese you know but and mikela can attest to this i will add to my own homemade mac and cheese which i think is

Better anyway the mixed veggies and either spam or hot dogs because it’s like well let’s make this a complete meal oh look at that we have these beautiful double birch doors they are gorgeous but that is not all we haven’t planned for our house I know I am not good with

This I feel like I should be on a Home & Garden Show when we do minecraft though oh god we were making fun of that in the car on the way back from Grandma Joanne’s we were talking about how we should do sketches which I know if we actually

Will he probably should though then one of the jokes who were coming up with was like a new Yankee Workshop type of show but with like the work with nothing to do with woodworking but every time you come back from commercial covered in wood just covered in like what do you

Call it sawdust and such who Aldi brand is good but we just barely got Aldi out here in California and we don’t have one where we’re at oh my goodness okay first off the Nutmeg is something my grandfather does my grandpa Roger and that is a hundred

Percent the best idea I Joy’s the other day we finally got our hands on some nutmeg again because we’ve been without for three months I was going insane but the other one was what do you call it the Velveeta that is an amazing idea I’ve even been thinking man I have no

Velveeta in this house and I know there’s a lot of people who are like new you need to get real cheese yeah but real real cheese hurts my Tumtum so clearly the proper answer is get some Velveeta yeah that works for me if you turn into the guy from the

Velveeta commercials I will have to leave what guy from the votes there’s a guy from the Velveeta I didn’t know Velveeta had commercials yeah Velveeta brand it’s not necessarily like Velveeta cheese okay but yeah there’s like this I’ll show you one of the commercials when we’re done streaming well now I’m

Curious though like what stitch what’s the Velveeta cheese guy like now I’m scared over the top and very okay I’m not seeing a problem with this so far I think he’s just more annoying than anything ah like hey look it’s me I’m Fred kind of annoying or all I remember

Was that he wasn’t naughty and every time there was another Velveeta commercial on YouTube or on the television it’s like okay next channel something else muted system see Barry where are you that Kraft Dinner is costing you eight bucks are you talking about the Velveeta cuz they’ll be that

Can get expensive but like like Kraft Dinner should not cost you more than a buck a box and even then that’s the expensive stuff Oh God am i real sorry no X that’s not true that is not true I will tell you what is true thinking it’s been three hours and

It’s been like five minutes especially later when you find out your friends being an and videotaped the whole thing yeah okay so at risk of losing the day job I was an English major so you kind of can figure out what happens to English majors at some point in their lives but

Surprisingly it was my college dropout friend who got me to do this who I still insist should go back to college but I’m starting that she’s still sweetheart that’s still great anyway but what she did was I was telling her I had never been high before and she took this as a personal

Challenge to get me high and decided the best way to do such a thing would be to combine an upper strain of weed with a downer strain of weed into my system it was not a wise decision for anybody I can tell you that much and I thought

Like hours had passed and it had not I had been high for about all of 10 minutes you need to make some stairs I do but you know what I need to make even more than that a way out the back wait who gets sent to Korea I am very confused

Oh because they were a college dropout no cuz I’m not old enough for that to have been a concern at all Oh unemployed English majors we don’t get sent to Korea not all of us anyway oh no undergrad English major I was employed when you’re an English major

You still get high at some point just happens whether by osmosis or by choice you will get high read can attest to this read it was through osmosis this read lived in San Francisco at the time the great fricassee as they called it in those days that’s not true

Yeah no redwood get contact to my understanding redwood get contact highs from the stoners who lived around the corner I’m trying to find sheep I have seen no sheep maybe you sausage I’ve seen bazillion chickens oh my god we have chickens I’ve got chickens for days that’s just

Too chicken something it sure looks like a sheep but it’s not look at these amazing 2017 graphics yes squid you know those foot in Minecraft right no yes how you get black ink I’m trying to attack him okay I got some ink and some XP you I don’t think they can

That’s right they do of a that was that a chicken no impact it was a chicken I said we got chicken four days I forgot that was the thing in Bojack the chicken restaurant because remember in Bojack horseman all of the animals look like people yes but every animal does yeah

They have a chicken restaurant that’s concerning that’s the whole point of the episode that’s the entire Todd part of the epic like honestly I mean that season had a lot of up I stuffed watch season for that season had a lot of up even what restraint what do you mean no I just

Keep getting distracted it’s a matter of restraint it’s a matter of I have other to do I really really wish I had time to watch season four of Bojack horseman but I do not for you see I have to play Minecraft for the internet to

Watch as is my lot in life oh god oh god I forgot where my house was here’s my house it is up the mountain however did you know I was really hoping we’d get like a bed so I could sleep through this don’t yeah I don’t I don’t know I do think

About that though like I really do need to like I don’t I don’t know if I need that right now I did just finish season three of Rick and Morty which had some of that too I I agree I think and I think a uh one of

Them their things is a great idea oh by the way I know you’ve mentioned it before but you know we’d really love to see that little jar we have on screen filling up hint hint throwing that out there people in chat hmm I don’t have enough wood to make

Charcoal at least not enough to make enough charcoal was that oh they have a recipe book now what did you just make look Jeff I didn’t think ass was actually banned yeah then the new twitch can be bad I’m not going to deny that trying but I don’t have any sand

Oh my god you’re right well the weird part is is that it it yelled at you but I still saw what you said I don’t know what’s up with that I shouldn’t do this cuz then spiders can get in yeah feel free to use the new terrible ish version

Of twitch to go ahead and watch some ads and get some bits and help us with the money is which mind you I realize that I think everyone in chat right now see who’s in chat right now oh it is just Seabury so I understand that everyone in

Chat is currently a patreon supporter so no pressure we have a hundred percent are you trying to get an open floor plan I think we need an open floor plan over here really open the room up I’m gonna hear a thunk in a minute there it was little recessed lighting glasses up the

Joint hmm you know what he’s full of dinner and tea I think we also should become full of dinner and tea what what say ye I wait there was that eyes in the letter eyes and I white a ye I broke in entirely huh I as in yes thank you

There are monsters about their art those monsters are in Abood aren’t they aye-aye we’ve immediately both made the Canadians and the Scottish angry with our terrible accents oh my goodness one of the kids at the day job who cannot read unless he uses a Scottish accent because he thinks it makes everything funnier

I don’t ever point out that that doesn’t help depending on the character right and he’s like I don’t well this is my side of the map you see but he doesn’t understand why that’s an issue it’s like so we’re reading a story uh-huh you’re gonna read everything for this character

Right he is a thirty year old man in Ensenada Mexico right okay now go ah and then we’re going to get going to California it’s like kid you’re not understanding this I don’t think you understand your character’s motivation there’s a lot of problems with your portrayal here of Senor Torres it’s I

Don’t know I find this even more confusing though because both of his parents are Mexican immigrants so he knows damn well what a Mexican accent sounds like are there monsters anywhere anywhere Tilikum playing five nights at freddy’s open the door and look close the door remotely be terrible faith at freddy

Fazbear and minecraft something like that yeah they don’t need to there’s already zombies like I was halfway afraid I’d see a creeper just now let’s put some stuff in here some of that is keep these put that in there hold on to that Inc we hold that Apple

Oh you can die wall you know in case you can’t find a black sheep you want to ask if black sheeps got any wolf just that’s the white sheep you diet it’s great yes you gonna play some neverwinter nights – oh man I should be playing neverwinter nights – I forgot about neverwinter

Nights I have never winter nights we could do that grass it’s just grass everybody it’s just grass we’re fine everything’s fine okay now we’re bite by the beach pick up some whoo-hoo new recipes yeah is that enough sand plenty for our current purposes daylight is returning ah I broke

Our leg that we only have two of those I think good thankfully you only need one to live mmm still that’s not true at all that happens sometimes with games I’m sorry had to go through that that’s true it’s important to make the people walk and talk normal unlike neverwinter nights one

Oh ow my leg I kind of wish I had this game all right give me a few minutes what what why don’t I give you a few minutes so you can have this game Oh No oh okay because here’s what I was wanting to do even all the people are

All of the different creations people can make in Minecraft yeah like there’s some people who like made a whole recreation of like things and stories and whatnot right it’s like that would be kind of cool if I could make something like that and I kind of want to make something like that

But I don’t have the game to do that so I can’t make things you literally live a room away from the office with the computer that has this game that is true I can’t just dedicate my whole life to Minecraft not yet anyway not yet cause I

Think we might have missed our window on that one thunk we found the top of the tree so of course for anybody who’s keeping score Arch Khan is currently our top bit giver of the month giving 25 bits so far it’s only been two days we have our nice

Little meter on the bottom of the screen that will fill up as we achieve our goal of 3000 bits for the month of October we’ve been doing some math we’ve been doing a lot of math 3000 bits there’s nowhere near what we need to accomplish

Our major goals but it is a step in the right direction so that is something that we are looking at and your bits of course help us accomplish what we’re aiming to do and it’s a nice alternative for people who can’t support on patreon or who can’t support as much as they

Want to on patreon because it does give you a bit more control of how you get the money and that you can watch ads or give it or just give Amazon your hard-earned cash I’m realizing now I miss aimed this dang it well thankfully minecraft is much more

Forgiving mistress than the real world Oh No he killed the chicken apparently well ah son of a there were two of them time to go back into the house clearly it’s not safe out there I guess not although you should put a door somewhere agreed well what the original plan was

Was I was gonna build a nice little fort if I’d wall here I was gonna go get more sand to make the glass to build a dome a viewing dome to view the world you see it’s not what I wanted so of course the next big thing is I’m

Going to build this with dirt for right now so we know what to replace and also to kind of just hide it from things yeah that makes perfect sense and of course the downside to that is I need to get torches in here ASAP I think

I can just do that form where I’m at rate there’s a little chicken whoa good luck fill that in great is it just the glass or can you also make windows I can also make windows I just typically don’t as I’m lazy cuz I know very little about this game called minecraft

I thought you’d played before I have you know what I’ve played I’ve played with you oh you’ve only played the playstation version with me yeah oh oh you play Terraria that’s where my brains getting confused you played a lot of Caria i partially blamed that on Jesse Cox

Because cashew Cox Cox oh it’s raining actually I feel bad because I wanted to take you to see Jesse Cox today Thanks and that didn’t work out looks like there’s one guy who’s made me feel better about having the day job it’s Jesse Cox cuz like he left his day

Job eventually it just took him a while There we go there we go that’s nice that’s very lovely minecraft can be very pretty sometimes we had snow breath of the wild obviously but great yeah mm-hmm I think we need some food okay Mobley wait out this night hmm what food should we you can make pizza again okay then we

Won’t do more pizza and what happens don’t get me wrong Oh cuz you’re still not feeling well no my tummy is not happy with me then how about beauty’s come on it is right like why is the screen only going to that size I don’t know can you change I can’t I

Can make it fullscreen or that size yeah I used to be able to change the aspect ratio and I don’t know what happened does all we get that our little blue beetle skin that can be the Blue Beetle yes if you destroy the chest but all the stuff

Inside be destroyed too let’s find out nope most disciplined yes agreed hmm in fact hold up like a big chest yeah that’s exactly the plan so I do like big chests that sounded better in my head anyway yes so to be fair I also had that thought in my name too

I knew it I would like more pizza but you don’t want more pizza you should make yourself a nice small glass of coke like some good pure flake Colombian cocaine no not that the other kind and hopefully the bubbles will settle your stomach down south oh that makes sense

Darn it I like my problem is as I zoned out from like basically when we finished the sorting stream until about 6:00 because my original plan was to brown up some chicken and throw it into the crock pot to make slow cooker chicken soup and

I think I might still do that tomorrow I forgot about it until like 6:00 o’clock and at that point it was way too late yeah no it wasn’t too many came out mm-hmm you know what I think I think I know what I want to make but I can’t make that without cheating

That’s what I want to make is my favorite thing to make weight would be options no no so I’m gonna save and quit title cuz I got something I really want to make right now but I think I can only make it in creative mode at the moment if that

Makes sense and it’s a stupid thing and I know I’ve made them way too many times right because of what I’m planning on doing I don’t see yeah yeah yeah you’re gonna make an underwater world uh-huh okay oh you should have called it rapture no that’s too on the nose

In honor of mermaid Dex everywhere and I need a flint and steel for this to work where is the flint and steel it’s the steel for Flynn ting do you see a flint and steel I don’t even know what that would look like oh good point Oh ducks I’m looking the wrong area

They’re in the tools there we go why do you need flint and steel when I need glowstone glowstone is what makes this whole setup work okay so now we’re gonna go down to the bottom of the sea we need to find a nice open expanse of ocean

This is very very difficult to see with start on a tiny screen yeah I know it’s not your fault but I am Clem mad at you are you mad at me because I was all getting myself prepared for the new season of miraculous you found the sneak preview of one of

The episodes I thought you would like it I did like it I’m mad that it ended as soon as it did that’s alright it’s a sneak preview episode is not there so yeah I’m kidding I’m not really mad at you okay I’m mad at the situation well what did he do

Sorry he’s not a character he’s not a person perfectly well what he did he’s not a person that’s been relevant for years so that might be a good question actually whoa because otherwise the water will remain so here’s how this works what you have

To do is you have to fill in the whole layer from your glowstone barrier in word with wool okay because otherwise the water the way water works in Minecraft the water will repopulate if a single block of water is left on that level it’s but it’s how it

Works so if you just built the glass dome it doesn’t shut off the water from coming in you just built a glass dome with an equal amount of water in and outside does that make sense right we don’t want that so now we got to fill it up with wool and there’s a

Reason you use wool the real world the wool would soak up a bunch of water and then you could use it to let your aunt strengths and then they would take it out to fill up their nests but in Minecraft world that is still the real world and Canada ant channel is still

Real and even if it is not really Canada it is really ants you should be ant Philippines now but I think the name stuck god I love ants Canada why did you turn me on to that I have no command over your sexual preferences sir you

Know damn well that’s not what I meant when filling up all in this space uh-huh because like the water levels to risers no because minecraft water doesn’t work that way it’d be nice if it did but it doesn’t what it will do is it will cause the water level to bubble and

Occasionally divot because water and minecraft works less like water and more like playdough infinitely replicating playdough and it’s better now but back when I first started doing these kind of things minecraft water was the worst and I had entire areas where I had to take a

Bucket of water and fix the gaps in the water flow because if I didn’t it would be broken forever well I’m glad that they fixed it then I don’t know if it’s fixed I have been done this and forever I want to say since 2012 at least 2012 yeah pretty

Much and like last time I did this there was a mod where you can make little clay people and I loved it I started a race war I’ve pitted the orange clay people against the pink clay people and they fought to the death and it was fantastic

No I’ll just have to destroy it later the glass is actually helping to fuse the light which is what I want and when I go up another layer of glass I will be I’m gonna go to more layers of glass and then I’m gonna make glowstone corners

For the whole thing and that’ll help with our lighting situation for my back like eyes to see I am kidding I aware of glasses and even then sometimes I cannot see anything so actually here’s what I am gonna do that should help ah what now I understand why you need

The flint and steel fly because you’re gonna burn all the wool yes that is exactly what we’re gonna do we’re gonna burn the wall and once we close off the dough I know exactly what song to sing Gloria that aqui I’m concerned now you will have to wait and see I

Apparently I will waiting here waiting here okay and then once we’re done with that then we can start building things under the dome alrighty time for our next layer of glass I know Seabury stop talking to us but I wonder if there’s anybody else in our chat important questions to ask yourself

Neverwinter mites too that was a squid that was a squid squid get out of here we switch to creative mode to do this part because I had a burning feeling to do it and I wanted to do a practice run before we did it in the more industrialized survival mode and I keep

Reading the blink and then I cry dammit do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do great and the last one we’re gonna do for this layer there we go and of course this one is much easier to do when you’re in creative mode because you don’t have to breathe they used to

Have a substance called sponge and now I want to say it’s purely decorative let’s see okay yeah see now it only now it only works for like a moment before it sucks up the water but back in the day sponge just worked indefinitely and it was

Great mm-hmm because of that if you had enough sponge you could just ignore water and so I used to be able to do this by throwing down a chunk of sponge building a room or two to keep the water out and then breaking the sponge and putting it back in my inventory which

Took a while but I got to make some cool stuff and then I got a computer that couldn’t run a Minecraft anymore I have one that runs it now which is great but still sucked that one of my favorite games I couldn’t play for like a good

Three years Oh more than that actually no yeah about three years we’re about 2012 to about 2015-2016 somewhere in there what oh okay and it’ll do that As you get further away from that I missed a spot I need you best one I just did it’s good get out of here squid puncher 2017 you know free camp to learn today Jasper and Princess Allura the same voice actress wait Jasper from Steven universe and

Princess Allura from Voltron the new one are the same actress that was my reaction it was like wait what no no no no it’s like it’s dumb that that is what sticks in my head as what’s the weirdest thing you learned today mm-hmm but here we are aesthetic purely

For aesthetic purposes yes yes it does anyway and now I’m gonna start filling in the top and the hard part is we’re gonna have to come in through the bottom to fill to burn out the wool okay here we are time to burn away the wolf

I wonder what it looks like from outside let’s go look that is kind of cool that’s what we’re dealing with and of course we have to go through and clean up everything else ourselves which is mildly annoying to say the least as for what we’re doing right now yeah we’re creating our entrance

It’s done Bernie it stopped we’re gonna have to go in and burn more All right now we’re gonna want to make from here to here I think cobblestone will do it there we go now of course we’re gonna take a page out of Willy Wonka’s book of building mm-hmm all glass all the time sadly we don’t have any tiny orange people that

We can use to build this for us because I made them all get killed by the pink people years ago yes right you didn’t know that was coming back did you well neither did I anyway yes miss nothing I’m gonna designed it differently I would have been with more

Time as well I’m gonna put a few bits of glowstone in here just so it stays well lit all the time because no monsters right exactly find your own way home monsters okay now we need a door it should be or gonna wladis we’re gonna want a nice spruce store

And I think a nice chunk of glass right here kathan and even though it’s not gonna be very aesthetically pleasing just a whole string of glowstone down the top here oh we’re in the world where boy I don’t know what I’m saying what are you saying

I was thinking we were in the world where we built our house no we’re in a second world this is purely frickin did we put I don’t think we put the the whatsit in the right place door no our door and the other in our other

World what do you mean did we put it on the inside put on the outside nevermind look this is that’s what you were going for God dang it that’s gonna strain folks I can’t handle this anymore go jump off a cliff that’s not true cool okay now for the next part because

We’re not done yet no you see that this was just the first step we’ve built the dome but now we need to fill the dome ciara dome will always be lit because the glowstone so here there is no such thing as night and day none of your petty land squabbles mean anything to

West dryland air but we still have need for food as such food we shall make well there was water everywhere earlier so say we improved it just like that water nation fire now it’s great earth nations same thing all fire air nomads don’t even exist we got some fire nomads

Though they’re great just burning everything from place to place what you think about ants Canada no oh because I was partially because his fireman answer named the Fire Nation do you think he thinks that every time he gets bit oh no everything’s changed with wood all four elements be black

Tightened yellow crazy fire and wood gutter no I don’t think how that works totally how it works I respectfully disagree okay now we filled in everything with dirt there we go so now we want to pick like a few places where we’re gonna go with

Water I know we just got rid of all the water but now we’re making new water it’s gonna be better it’s gonna be great you’re all gonna love it it’s gonna be the best water that’s a lot those are all lies it’s not gonna be the best

Water at all but we are going to be putting in water so first we got to dig a deep enough hole for the water I can’t want to go like seven down so that we can potentially get fish because there is also fishing in this game yeah

But you always get the exact same fish they don’t have life Can you not sight Okay so now we need a hoe who the hell know a diamond hoe and the way the whole works is any land that is touching water will automatically be wetted enough so to speak that it will be able to grow things okay now we want seeds seedless seeds where are my seeds

Aha seeds we want some pumpkin seeds melon seeds and some wheat seeds and let’s go with some sugarcane and now we are careful walking which means we were walking so carefully that we cannot break the seeds there we go and now we’re gonna want to go to tools

And we will get ourselves a where did it go there is how can you tell when you got a lil pullin derp no get us fishing dang it I don’t know why did that probably cuz I got bored of fishing then we get out of here that looks very nice

So far but it could look better we’re gonna fix two things in it one first thing we’re gonna go to these blocks we’re going to grab a grass block and use that to replace these dirt blocks and all it’s gonna take is for us to do this and this and all automatically fix

Itself what grows it does also told things about birds flying and some guy hurting people now we’re all gonna use Lissa’s oh you see if we live under the sea we can’t just live in a dome like some sort of savage if they have a house

In the dome to protect us from the elements First things first we need a bed comes in a variety of colors now we need some carpet I read I read what I did to make myself feel better after a bad day hmm would be should things or right um executing people on games yeah that helps that helps sometimes I also like

To watch comedy things cause comedy things make me feel better mm-hmm agreed oh yeah those definitely help but now that what is different than the other one darn it we switch contractors halfway through that’s all that happened they’re now the parts that you can see won’t even look different it’ll be great

Darn it really yep there we go what game were you thinking okay red I don’t want to play a game if you are gonna pretend to be saw oh my god they’re jigsaw us I don’t know tell me that we’re pretty obvious in their answer and then you see a guy cut his

Own arm off it’s like you just use the saw to grab for the phone that’s like an extra six inches to your arm I think we’re talking about oh she wants us to play fmk but just with Mary so we don’t have to effort a just M oh we got a fish

I missed it that means there’s a fish in there yeah that means we succeeded all right go for it ready who should we marry oh jeez Wolverine I had also one to say Wolverine he seems like he’s a cuddler cuz Deadpool would just be into some

Weird things that I don’t know if I’d be okay with no I’m not eating your pinky toe again Wade it was one time once never again hopefull how do I get back up follow the bobber all right red give us another one true Deadpool would be affectionate but

So at Wolverine but in his own way his own burial beer-soaked cuddles that assassin Jean Grey wrote ooh wait dude hmm with powers intact some kind of in an either situation for those cuz Jeana some bad jealousy issues and like rogue there’d be a lack of physical intimacy

So I mean if this is one of those you have to marry one of them situations like I guess rogue but I’m pretty handsy you mean under the clothes would kill me that’s the issue I guess we might need to learn how to get into a latex fetish

Yeah I’m gonna go with her oh yes I don’t have the stuff to craft stairs oh no it’s only you were in creative mode I know I know I’m being facetious now you need to get a cow get some towels in there why is that

So that you can get milk in inks and woollen things I think that’s a sheep and a chicken as well we do so here’s what we have to do you get the glass you make the domes don’t do that cuz now you’re just filling up the area with water now

I think killed some like crops oh well but now we know where to build in Oh power girl hands down I don’t know who these people are so I cannot say Power Girl is the set kisser Supergirl Superman’s cousin who was sent who was 15 years older than him but was sent on

A slightly wrong trajectory and then did not actually get to earth for an extra 40 years which is why Superman is older than her now and they’ve had to gone from and as far as she’s concerned it’s been like two weeks since her baby cousin kal left and from his point of

View this is somebody he’s never met but it’s the last remaining remnant of his own home power girl is the super girl who had to do that on another universe that then collapsed and she’s the only survivor of that holy universe so she was incredibly than you would think

She’d be torn up about it and she is sometimes and she part of her story is her having to deal with that but part of the way she dealt with that is she went and made something of herself and now she’s a tech mogul and it made her into

More into a more confident individual cuz she realized that she didn’t need to hold on to the memory of her cousin quite as tightly as me no man right super or otherwise it’s the line of her she she ends up completely ditching the super Monica even before the universe is destroyed

She is also mildly dustier than Supergirl which might be slightly affecting my decision Keith or Lance I’m gonna give it to Lance here I like funny people yeah yeah I’m with Seabury on this page is my favorite though I will say the one I’m most likely to hang out with this

Hunk yeah like I’ve had to pick between those two I would pick Lance Heath’s to brew tea for me I don’t like brooding I get enough of that in my family I think because I like the underdog ah the one who needs most affection is who I go for so you go for

Keith I think so okay see whereas I go for Lance because I like emotional support and Lance is very good at giving that Liara or Samara oh I would go Samara in that case I realize I’m kind of going for the Cougar in that case but

Uh you know what Samara I don’t know why there’s something about Leora’s personality that bugs me these are with Mass Effect characters by the way ya know to explain why I don’t know these people yes Samara I I can respect her sense of duty please note the fact I said the

Word duty ah Samara well now I’m just gonna keep saying Samara to annoy I read your rights of Samara but I’m gonna go for the older one here the the sense of duty the militaristic impulses I like that a lot better than the wishy-washy archeologist you’re welcome ready time to get more wool

And then you need to make the dome yes we will cap off the dome when we’re done here so I’m doing this one the other way around now I do I would much for tally the you can say tally so I can’t pick tally cat noir Chat Noir ladybug I’m gonna go

With they’re both 13 and I can’t choose that I had to pick I’m gonna go with ladybug I don’t know there’s something about the what do you call it she has more of a sense of what’s right and wrong from what I’ve seen I would all

Have to disagree with you on that one okay he’s a he’s a cat burglar any No oh that is not why he is called tech-noir and I was horribly missed light of course I’ve also seen zero ladybug and read like one wiki page that

Was about the b1 no I see you berry I think this is to marry sure Laura Laura Laura I like Shiro I will be royalty we all know what Alex priorities that I know everybody Mary and Mary alone read separate wrap miss at a sexless marriage or multiple ones for that matter

Lotor Zarkon I’m gonna go with lotor for that one he carries around with them a band of kinky women will be like the bisexual dude gross he’s great dude bros I am NOT sad you said this is a sexless marriage plus if we’re going by lotor and I’m led

To assume that the that happened in other Voltron series will happen in one form or another in this one he’s eventually going to open up another dimensional portal and suck out the dragon Voltron so yeah I want to be with low torque because then I get to be a

Pilot of one of the dragon Voltron dragons mind you they’re all also evil and drive you into a murderous rage but you can’t win at all it does not need to be sexless you just said just marry I still stick with lotor because dragons don’t or because dragons chaser Chad

Shandra I don’t know I think if I go with Jace I’ll get out of the marriage easier he’ll forget it on another day although I think I would have to say if you chose um Gideon Gideon Oh yourself telling your names different he’ll forget about you

No that’s not how that works I don’t think that’s quite how it works exactly how it works do I want to be married to white man a he-man hmm you need glowstone right there I think Alex or cam so this point we’re dealing with real people and now it’s getting

Kind of creepy because like fictional characters are one thing but Alex on camera basically plays playing Flanders versions of themselves on the show and I don’t real of course thinking if you’re if you married Alex you’d then be related to Ken Stacey which is a pretty sweet gig

Apparently cams here see Barry and it is a little comforting to know that our viewers are also floating ready run viewers but I guess we talk about them enough I’m not sure which way that road wings did they watch us and then loading ready run or the Morlock likely loading

Ready run than us I don’t want to set it on fire well cuz we have wooden stairs it’s not like we have more of them that’s true you could make that answer that some of my answers to things are unnerving as well though Seabury there’s Terry Scott Oh stairs are gone I

Forgot to break the glass into the world now this is our new out world where we’ll be keeping our ants I mean cows welcome to cows Canada later we’ll be feeding a pig door cows don’t worry it’s a pre squished pig so it won’t hurt our cows Oh No something Horrible’s happened

Cows Canada family Cici family we’ve let ourselves on fire again how ever did this happen oh that’s too many seasons in a row cows Canada cows channel si si si si si si si si si si si si fine how about breath of the wild link or Twilight

Princess link that breath of the wild link why do you have to ask me that breath the wild link is pretty yes and apparently can you know pass for a woman no that’s important pipin or merry neither the one who sang my song that’s welcome they’s the same

Hey this should be like a college English course there’s no right answer there’s just less wrong answers but I don’t want to fight you Rin rad we enjoy your company why do we want why must we fight Boromir or Faramir like Jennifer I’m kind of on the neither side II again

Yeah I’m actually really rusty on Vulcan I mean I remember the one episode where he learned how to play bass for Cartman’s Christian band but beyond that my token knowledge is really rusty Superman or Batman I mean Superman’s probably the smarter choice but a reporter’s salary kind of sucks meanwhile Batman’s got more

Emotional damage but you do get to use some of that nice Wayne money good here’s the kid ah there’s the gate no that’s fences I’ll find the gate what’s everything now four eggs so we need a cow egg llama egg mamas you can get llamas apparently polar bear piggy straight kitty chicken cow

You’re not what I thought you were at all you die now I thought it was a kitty what is that apparently astray Ariel because Ariel sings well what are meridah meridah no areolar Merida llamas Thomas Oh I didn’t read earlier in the chat mallanna or Merida Moana because she sinks Meredith this nesting don’t make me chew this child all right guess I could just do this no please there you go goodbye animals animals jasmine or Belle Belle book reader Belle we know our priorities

We should toss in some apples too our friends no way there beasts because he looks cool Prince Eric or beast beast I guess final be up furry I sure I see some really fun that was the fun part baby yep Aladdin or Simba the human not the one who’s

More likely to eat me I’m one and they made a baby cow but here at our Samba Mike why do you want me to a cat this much red because you were the one who mentioned we furries well so it’s now nine when we saw been eating dinner you should now

Our underwater dome just gonna smell like animal well I think we did a lot today as much as I enjoy the merry or merry game I am incredibly tired because this is normally my bedtime due to the day job please find it in your heart to give us money so I don’t

Have to fall asleep at eight o’clock every night this is and I think mikela agrees I do agree I would like to stay up until the wee hours of the night thank you I know I’m not enjoying this as much as I could be good evening everybody

I think before we go should practice our archery right up Main Street oh goodness gracious do we get a critical load are you yeah I’m Alpha and Omega beginning and end I will rain arrows down from the heavens a mushroom yep some people holla Mountain make houses inside

Oh wow that arrow got some distance mm let me try something very stupid oh it landed very close to where I was but not directly on top of me yeah some people haul those out to make houses they’re kind of fun I’m sorry well I feel like what you see you want

To see more make sure you follow and sub and of course YouTube later ya sub on YouTube sub on twitch you make it so I can through midnight streams again I miss those take my job shooting squids from space please good night tired people where the tired people oh good

Night us good night us

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – #01 – I Finally Caved In’, was uploaded by Alch Plays Games on 2017-10-27 20:00:05. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:47 or 6467 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/alchemyprime

We are a group of friends, brought together by circumstance to tackle the biggest problem – playing Alchemyprime’s ever growing backlog of games.

Alchemyprime is Robert, a writer, game designer and collector of Transformers, TV shows, toys, tabletop games and of course video games. He has a game backlog literally in the thousands now.

RedTheWriter is Red, an artist, writer, and overall BioWare game enthusiast. Red is often enthused. If there’s a romance subplot or pretty people, Red wants to see them.

Chili Crawford is Yvonne, a novice gamer, avid reader, and overall Harry Potter fan. She has literally played more video games on this channel than she has before this channel existed.

DracoGrem is Mikella, dragon lover extraordinaire. Perhaps dragon-obsessed is more like it. If there’s a sandbox game, expect her to be there, front and center, ready to build things.

SkippyTheWonderchicken is Jacob, a slightly cynical man who keeps trying to pull himself out of games and timesinks, only for Alch to pull him back in.

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    Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts Mind-Blowing Facts About Bees in Minecraft 1.21 Understanding Bees in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, bees play a crucial role in pollination, honey production, and even combat. These neutral flying mobs add a touch of realism to the game, showcasing behaviors like stinging when provoked or protecting their hives. Bees are not just passive creatures; they actively contribute to the ecosystem within the game. Beehive vs. Bee Nest There are two types of harvestable bee items in Minecraft: the beehive and the bee nest. While they serve similar functions, with bees pollinating nearby flowers and producing honey,… Read More

  • “Get ready to lose your mind in the Minecraft world!” #shorts

    "Get ready to lose your mind in the Minecraft world!" #shortsVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] Halo semua selamat datang kembali bersama gua sini di live streaming kali ini gua ke mana-mana semua dengan bermain Minecraft Halo alpa Halo kepiting ada orang lain itu ada kepiting Halo Duta Halo Duta gaming Halo semua selamat sore selamat datang di live streaming aku [Musik] gak live Bali masih dilanjutin [Musik] entar ya [Musik] Oke kita langsung Mul buat lu semua yang sudah nonton jangan lupa like komen share donate kalau gak bisa gak apa-apa yang penting nonton aja sama like let’s go [Musik] ak gua gatal banget [Musik] [Musik] Halo Ra Abang Maf minecraftnya… Read More

  • Dominating Minecraft: Watermill & Custom Lake Build!

    Dominating Minecraft: Watermill & Custom Lake Build!Video Information hello hello hello how’s everyone doing guys may have been wondering where I was um I’m not going to lie I fell asleep that’s um you might be able to hear my voice a little little odd but um yeah I was I was asleep it’s unfortunate um but I’m here now I’m ready to go ready to get things started so how’s everyone doing doing first of all I’m kind of doing I’m a little out of it that’s all I’ll say I’m a little out of it but ready to have some fun um but yeah… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Defense Strategies!

    Insane Bedwars Defense Strategies!Video Information This video, titled ‘My Bedwars Defense Is Insane’, was uploaded by Good Gamers on 2024-04-05 04:00:16. It has garnered 2667 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Join our discord server with the link below! https://discord.gg/KJNvsYgvpT #minecraft #gaming #minecrafthypixel #minecraftshorts #javaedition #minecraftjava #minecraftskywars #skywars #hypixel#bedrockedition #hypixel #godbridge #hypixelskyblock #subscribe #sumo #shorts #minecraftmemes #motivational #gameplay Bedwars, Bedwars Tournament, Tournament, Tourney, Good Gamers, Isaac, Taisaku, Win, Winning, How To Win, How To Win In Bedwars, YouTubers, YouTube, How To, How to Gain, Subscribers, Growing Channel, Hive, Mineplex, Stars, Skywars, Rocket League, Fornite, Grand… Read More

  • “DiamonD GamerZ: Ultimate Minecraft Toolkit Guide! 💎” #clickbait

    "DiamonD GamerZ: Ultimate Minecraft Toolkit Guide! 💎" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] you one of 13 [Music] BL not bad [Music] [Music] Dam [Music] This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 🙋 | TOOL TIME MINECRAFT TOOLKIT TUTORIAL 🛠️ #minecraft #gameplay’, was uploaded by DiamonD GamerZ on 2024-05-29 14:00:43. It has garnered 85 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:28 or 88 seconds. “Get ready to tool up in Minecraft! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a comprehensive toolkit that will make you a master builder and adventurer. With its clever design and functional features, this toolkit is the ultimate accessory for any Minecraft enthusiast…. Read More

  • Lomby Shorts: CRAZY Bunk Bed Build! 😱 #minecraft

    Lomby Shorts: CRAZY Bunk Bed Build! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bunk Bed🛌 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Lomby Shorts on 2024-05-12 17:33:43. It has garnered 38700 views and 2642 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock Your Mind with Vape Client V4.2 FREE CRACK

    Unlock Your Mind with Vape Client V4.2 FREE CRACKVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Unleaked Vape Client V4.2 **FREE** CRACK (link in description)’, was uploaded by mentalhealthissues1337 on 2024-04-28 15:44:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Link : https://bit.ly/49WOoEM the L!nk is also in comment Minecraft best cheat client made free from now! Enjoy vape v4,vape lite … Read More

  • “UNREAL: Mekanism Fusion & Antimatter Madness in Enigmatica 9 – Minecraft” #clickbait

    "UNREAL: Mekanism Fusion & Antimatter Madness in Enigmatica 9 - Minecraft" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mekanism Fussion & Anti-Matter in Enigmatica 9 – Twitch VoD #minecraft’, was uploaded by PristineFrog Gaming on 2024-01-15 19:00:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mekanism Fussion & Anti-Matter in Enigmatica 9 – Twitch VoD Welcome to anotherVoD of our Enigmatica 9 Server which is … Read More

  • Insane Build: Minecraft Prison Jailbreak Part 1

    Insane Build: Minecraft Prison Jailbreak Part 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the Roblox Jailbreak Prison in Minecraft – Part 1’, was uploaded by Qwerty on 2024-03-22 19:05:13. It has garnered 286 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:31 or 391 seconds. Building the Jailbreak Prison in Minecraft! Since it is not possible to build so low underground in Minecraft’s flat worlds, I did not get to make the cells. Maybe I can hide the cell part inside a mountain in the next video. The police station will also be finished in the next video! 🎵Music Used in the Video: Egzod, Maestro… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Facts & Challenges – Must Watch!!

    INSANE Minecraft Facts & Challenges - Must Watch!!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftfacts #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #animation #@MPGAMERANURAG75 #funny’, was uploaded by MP Gamer ANURAG on 2024-05-18 06:55:24. It has garnered 7 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. @MPGAMERANURAG75 Minecraft, ek sandbox video game hai jo Mojang Studios ne develop kiya hai. 2024 1. **Caves and Cliffs Part 2 Update** 2. **The Wild Update** 3. **New Biomes** 4. **Deep Dark Cities** 5. **Warden Boss Mob** 6. **Mangrove Swamps** 7. **Frogs and Tadpoles** 8. **Fireflies** 9. **Archaeology** 10. **Cherry Blossom Biome** 11. **Ancient Cities** 12. **Allay Mob** 13. **Updated Swamps**… Read More

Minecraft – #01 – I Finally Caved In