Minecraft 1.18 Hardcore Survival Ep. 1

Video Information

Ladies and gentlemen what is this another hardcore series don’t we already have hex it what is he doing too many series this okay hold on hold on 1.18 just came out we got to do something about it right we can’t just completely ignore the fact that the real caves and

Cliffs update is upon us so what we’re going to do is we’re going to do a little hardcore trinity island style series where our goal is to beat the dragon the wither and the guardian all in one life obviously if we do one live we’ll have to start another world

But that’s going to be the goal so let’s without further ado creates a new world called uh um you train it Uh big land mass cool and and definitely need to make it hardcore where did hardcore go Guys what happened to hardcore oh i can’t select the i’m just going to pretend that didn’t happen i i thought it was yeah okay yeah yeah no it’s it’s uh it’s gonna create the world uh i’m streaming right now you know my brain is distracted it’s split between minecraft and stream and um

Let’s not worry about it i’m hungry don’t bother me i need a snickers okay the stream not sponsored by snickers although if they’d like to then feel free you might see some of the you saw the worlds before that said blending test okay so uh this video i don’t know if it’s

Gonna be up before or after the main channel video goes up but if it’s out after you should go watch the main channel video basically i just wanted to see what it looks like when you take old worlds from 1.17 and you bring them into 1.18 because they said obviously like

One of the big features during minecraft live is like hey you’re going to be able to blend the worlds together and they’re going to look super awesome and so i was like oh let’s check it out and see what it does actually works like super well it’s really impressive and it

Generates the y equals zero and below values it generates those in your old chunks so like oh it’s just it’s it’s cool it’s cool kudos to them and you know how usually like if there’s an older version of minecraft or something like that they uh they give

You the warning like are you sure that you want to bring your minecraft up into this their save in this new version they could corrupt bad things could happen well in this you’re loading 1.17 world 1.18 just it doesn’t prompt you with anything it’s just like oh yeah you’re good we know

What we’re doing here we’re good we’re good no no issues no issues at all we’re popping off we’re gucci so um oh no dude this is broken what the frick is this terrain generation that’s not physics oh my god dude 1.18 is absolutely busted fix your game microsoft

Too busy with halo to give minecraft any attention i i see how it is i see how it is unbelievable dude i will not stand for this literally i want him i’m sitting right now so i won’t actually stand for it so it all works out i guess um

Okay let’s get some stuff from the uh extreme hill ski doodles over here get a little bit of cold poking out a little bit of coal this this reminds me a little bit of the hex that terrain jen did minus a little bit of surface diamonds and stuff like that oh i want

To go underground i want to i want to find some sick unalive amends just poking out in the big cavernous ravines and caverns and stuff like that and things and it’s gonna be so cool we’re not speed running okay like sure we’re not gonna necessarily make a

Big house and stuff like that the goal is to defeat all three of our boss elements here but we’re going to do so at a a leisurely a brisk pace but not like attempting to speed run by any means although i have thought about doing a a video of like speedrunning the first

Seed i generate in minecraft 1.18 something like that i might do so that could be coming to a main channel video near you eventually what three bosses oh well the warden of course is is obviously one of the bosses you know no uh just the uh the dragon the wither and the guardian

Obviously one of those is not like the others uh the guardian being that one but hey this is it’s we’re going back to uh it’s trinity island okay that’s what i was thinking that’s what i was thinking okay yo we should take a let’s take a little cruise down a river

Bro rivers are like awesome now and i wish to explore all right wait dude back when we did trinity island though we could breathe in the underwater temple using torches now now not so easy now you have to actually like put effort into it make potions or bring doors and stuff like that

I hope this i hope this expands into some epic sick terrain it’s a little deeper oh yeah look at look at this look at this very deep very deep river super deep a little aquifer action perhaps no i wanna i wanna find one of the the things that’s like the super dramatic

Cliffs and stuff though okay should we remember the cows here in our first 1.18 hardcore i think we shall i apologize in advance but i can’t find a village i need food i will i will need food so um it’s all part of the circle of life i am the apex predator here

And do i want any big a little bit of a bacon in my life perhaps yeah it sounded like a little bit of bacon you did not mind donating to me and very first uh 1.18 playthrough you know what i’m even gonna go we’re gonna we’re gonna want some enchantments if

We’re fighting the weather granted we’re not we’re not fighting it on uh bedrock but we’re gonna be fighting the wither we will want to be a little bit more geared so it’s like you know looking for some resources and stuff like that going mining checking out the caves

Underground that’s gonna be good and getting looting three could be oh that’s that’s good right there a bit of surface lava i feel like our goal really isn’t necessarily to speedrun things though currently so i don’t i don’t need to focus too much ah here we go here’s some

Train i also want to just admire the landscape and what what 1.18 has to offer i feel like is all part of the fun which is why like i kind of want to minimize my time spent in the nether we don’t want to just we don’t want to

Just dive into the nether immediately that would defeat the purpose it’s like the nether that was so two updates ago dude now we’re all about the overworld who wants to look at the pigs and the bastions and stuff that’s just dude that’s old bro it’s so old oh new background music ah

Dude you wanna you wanna get a little bit of background music on here let’s see we were enjoying it in exit i’m enjoying it and exit get this freaking weather out of my life why the heck is weather turned up like that oh gross yeah let’s uh let’s have a little bit of

That exit element to things dude uh although yes pig step if we if we get pig’s step we will get muted so we just remind me if i get pig step not to play it because we will not like things no this is great though dude i love being able

To travel on the river we don’t have to expend food it’s it’s like having a horse but it’s water what is but there what what are happening there it does not seem what what is this what the what are you excuse me what this happened what what if what the frick what the

What the what the frick is this uh what am i looking at um what i’m looking at a i’m looking at a a minecraft uh enderman wait pumpkin it’s a pumpkin apparently what the frick is what guys are pumpkins uh r.i.p oh dear oh huh okay

What happens if you like sure and put on your maybe shared pumpkins are good huh right that’s is that optifine i think optifine has um perhaps uh there’s a little issue that needs to be fixed there but it’s okay nothing nothing to worry about all right no it’s fine are we in the

Ocean now are we still rivering or are we oceaning we’re oceaning okay all right what do we uh you know what it’d be cool if we could find a village i’d be super down so let’s do just do a little bit of traveling we can pick up

Sugar cane along the way any sugar cane that we see so we can try to build up an inventory so it’s uh nice and enchantable and stuff like that and stuff um oh should i turn on fog perhaps i should turn on fog i just realized i disabled fog for another

Thing good thing i’m not trying to do championship minecraft speedruns or i’d be ultra disqualified um fog no no don’t do it you don’t want me to turn on fog you like you like having no fog with optifine oh our gamma is very on dude i i i like

Having me some serious ability to see at all light levels that i do for i do that for you guys okay you want to be able to see everything right gone are the old days everyone anyone who played an alpha you remember your first night you couldn’t

See a dang thing and then all of a sudden you see a silhouette of a creeper and you’re like oh god wait a second oh no don’t come near me you oh this is terrifying everybody remember that dude um oh yeah the caves the caves might actually look better if we

Have a little bit of fog in them you think all right fine fine fine details fog fancy there we go it’s gonna hurt our ability to find a bastion and stuff but it’s okay i mean i said yeah i wonder if you turn off fog when it’s um

When you’re dealing with the warden and stuff if it’ll mess with the darkness effect or anything like that i guess blindness is different than fog so probably not give me all the sugarcane please thank you i guess at the same time like it’s not super necessary getting all this if

We’re just gonna go to the stronghold anyway we can break the library and all that but yeah don’t know dude i don’t know i’m gonna get it anyway don’t do gamma in the caves because the caves look pretty with that no dude gamma gamma’s required for videos unless we’re playing twitch rivals oh

Hey you know what i should have done i should have gotten some shears it would have been good to be able to sleep and and stuff but actually we’ll be able to see really well because we have gamma so yeah yeah it’s all good it’s all good um i’m a

Little worried to show some sheep now though because it’s gonna be dark and there’s gonna be monster boys i just wanna keep going around see if we can find a village the the benefit of this is we get to just we get to see the beauty of 1.18 although we haven’t

Really run into any dramatic terrain yet above the ground let me get some sugarcane dude how do you get gamma you go to your options.tx file it’s in your dot minecraft folder you look for the gamma line it’ll be set to one by default set it up like it

Once you get to like gamma uh 10 ish it starts to be just like full bright all the time but if you’re anywhere in between like if you do gamma 3 or something it’s not going to be like super crazy it’ll just be a little bit

Brighter um but gamma 1 is like um when you set your your brightness setting all the way up and you can always reset it by going to your brightness slider inside your video settings and then it’ll go back to normal if you move that oh hello witch

Yeah what are you doing i’d love to find a shipwreck i’d be able to get some stuff that way you know oh please do not poison me i don’t know i do not wish to be poisoned not that no no no no not today do not wish to have

Any of your awares you go peddle them somewhere else please think oh strident boy oh god oh god oh god please don’t hit please no hit that’s gonna hurt real bad if we get hit by trident boy we are in hardcore after all it’s going to be very

Unpleasant i would love to collect tried and big tried and boy that’d be that’d be pretty dope but um i’m a little nervous about that bridgette thank you for the uh 200 bits mr kevin sparkles i hope you remember you were loved and valued um thank you bridget that’s that’s very nice Um i i hope that one day i can be as valued as i’m sure one direction probably was on your spotify yearly recap that’s the amount of valuing that i hope for and uh also do we we had a peculiar princess m with the 18 months of subject happy

First day of december oh my god it is december isn’t it oh it’s crazy dude and mario bro with a sub brittany george 10 months of summage pretty slick pretty swift i want to find a cool river area like it’s great and all that this

Place is continuing far and i can use it to travel but i want to find the cool place big hillsides on either side of the ravine it’s going to be beautiful you know oh hey sheep i’m uh i’m gonna need some mole of yours i’m really sorry to do this but i

Haven’t actually acquired iron yet so yeah um i’m gonna spare you because i can’t combine the different colored wolves anyway so you shall live another day and this one will not be so lucky i’m so sorry sorry dude i just want to stay away from the skelemans a little bit

And then let’s make ourselves a bed there we go now we’re now back off back the frick off at the frick off dude don’t you don’t come after my to come after my crafting table like that i worked hard for that dude i i forged the frick out of that

Crafting table oh my god it’s taking so long to mine i just need to get away from some mobs and then we’ll do a sleepy dp what do i call this just minecraft 1.18 hardcore let’s play episode one i guess i’m sure nobody else will have that

Video title on youtube i will be the only one the only person with minecraft 1.18 let’s play episode one dude minecraft but it’s 1.18 the ultimate opportunity for a minecraft button video This is a guy this is a pretty it’s pretty nifty ravine here dude look at this boy i don’t know if it leaves anywhere it’s very waterlogged i may wish to have a little bit of food yeah let’s make a furnace and do a little bit of a smell thing up

In here so i can get the good food um trinity island season two featuring nobody but me it’s okay what happened is that they all alive before i remember to start the recording like i loaded in and i was thinking we would get set up but unfortunately they just

They got obliterated immediately and now i’m the only one who’s left i have to carry the legacy for all of us so yeah um hey everybody if you feel like playing uh trinity island type series minecraft 1.18 with your friends then you should totally check out

A uh a server with mc pro hosting they’re our great sponsor and if you go to the link in the description you will get 25 off your first month of server hosting and you can play some vanilla minecraft with your friends now that 1.18 has come out it seems like a great

Time to do it around the holidays people are gonna be a break you’re gonna have plenty of time to do things like that and it’s just wow i can’t think of anything better you could possibly do so check them out link in the description or use code cap sparkles and

Also while we’re here dude you know if you if you’re in the market for a headset ever so you can be an epic gamer competitive minecraft elite pvp action then check out astros link in the description we’ll get you uh five percent off anything on the site

Including the george gta 40s which are pretty awesome and swick and uh awesome and stuff yep hem alright ladies and gentlemen we’ve got ourselves a little bit of food and once again we can be on our way through the epic river of awesomeness epicosity

All i want to do i like i’m really i’m not super duper trying hard to actually make progress right now because i just want to find cool terrain bro i had a i had one of my worlds that i updated to uh 1.18 from 1.17 today oh

Here we go here now we’re getting to the stuff it had like such an epic terrain generation like i started off with the 1.17 terrain and then from there when i when i expanded the chunk visibility after i loaded it into 1.18 it just ended up being this gigantic huge radius bowl of

Like mountains all over the place and stuff i was like oh this is the coolest thing so that’s what i’m looking for here dude epic epic mountains epicosity i looped what do you mean i looped i didn’t loop you’re crazy there’s not a chance no way you’re telling me i looped this isn’t

Vault hunters get out of here with this i’m gonna go up the hill i’m gonna get to a high vantage point i’m gonna look around i can’t that does look slightly maybe familiar how the frick did this loop dude what the frick river oh my goodness gracious i have an

Impeccable sense of direction i looped it’s because it was on purpose and i wanted to be able to scale this brilliant hill there’s nothing else that i would rather do than get to the top of this conquer this mountain show the world of 1.18 who is boss

I also i should check out amp oh there we go there we go there we go we got some mountains happening here dude that’s what i’m talking about um yo we should actually i want to check out what amplified looks like maybe that could be a video on youtube like speedrunning amplified 1.18

Or something like that could be could be interesting maybe oh yeah here we go we got some some uh lofty peaks perhaps snow-capped peaks lofty peaks something something let’s go dude i am about to scale mount everest completely naked i have no armor very little food not even an oxygen tank

To my name and i am going to scale oh god i might fall into powdered snow wait a minute i’ve just realized that this is actually a bit of a hazard oh we got some crazy cave action though dude make leather boots i’m gonna need to find more cows okay

I’m gonna i’m gonna take the hazardous approach here and hope that i don’t fall into powdered snow he’s taking a risk he’s taking a risk climbing mount everest like this will he survive or will he sink will he fall and and freeze to demonetization in episode one trying to make epic maneuvers on

Mountains oh dude we got iron though we’ve got iron telling me there’s a chance this is good remember up in the peaks you can find iron heck yeah dude heck yeah this that this that new feature for iron we’re doing great okay it’s mostly stone up here though

So don’t think there’s as much of a risk of sinking hey it’s my boy mountain goat what do we got here 167 are we lofty peaks jagged peaks okay yo what up my guy hey look at all the way down there that’s that’s the ocean that’s sea level

Down there oh my god it’s in the fog it’s crazy look how far we’ve come ladies and gentlemen wait i’m not i’m not on the high point right now hold on hold on whatever floats your goat you want me to you want me to whatever floats your goatum hey hey

Hey oh i can’t hold on hold on hold on hold on but yo break break freaking hold on man yo get in the boat get in the boat get i did already have a boat but i made another one because the goat deserves nothing but the best boats the best boats for goats

Get in the boat you he keeps walking away he keeps walking away gets gets in a boat stop walking onto blocks that are not boatable and jumping over my head i don’t know why i’ve decided to focus on this it’s it’s really not not entirely necessary but get in the boat get

Let’s go everybody we’ve done it we’ve done it all right go it’s been fun getting to know you boat goat now i must go elsewhere after hold on this is important mount sparkles heck yeah dude you want me to free the goat you want you don’t want boko to be

Boko forever but it’s boat but it’s boat goat dude boat goat only knows how to be in the boat free the go oh my god okay you guys are so like so needy dude fine there you go i freed the goat whatever floats your goat guys

All right there we go there we go look i’m a freaking mountain goat too you guys ain’t got nothing on me look at how gracefully i scale oh my goodness actually we should go down the other side anyway hey wouldn’t it have been really really cool if i

Could have found goats like that in the twitch rivals minecraft bingo huh i guess this is 1.18 to be fair uh oh oh frick oh no okay we’re fine oh no no god okay okay okay that’s pow pow snow this is a this is a pow pow snow hazardous minefield area down here

All right or oh no the boat sinks into the powder snow oh jiminy krimus oh god i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go i gotta get out of here i gotta go get out of get out of the snow get out of the snow

No powder snow i will not freeze here oh okay we’re safe that was scary that’s very scary right there dude oh god that could have been bad news actually bad news i need to find more cows i need to unlive more cows oh look at these beautiful pumpkins i love them

They’ve come a long way since minecraft 1.17 different different genetic modification variety sort of deal there um oh yeah dude i was i was just i was riding the snowmobile down snow mobile boat snow boat buell boat snowmobile i guess i’ll take a look feathers even though i can trade with men’s you

Know where’s chess belt when i need it dude minecraft 1.19 where you at dude i need you audrey that’s going to be this will be crazy for minecraft 1.19 oh just think about we can have another we can have a quadrity island series because of the warden even

Though the warden is technically not supposed to be demonetizable okay this is the river this is the river i was talking about you know with the hills on either side looking absolutely epic here we go dude ah look i’m trying to save her but also the warden is pretty exciting so i’m

Just looking forward to 1.19 in that respect oh yeah now that this this that terrain gen right here dude this this that terrain we looking for still haven’t found a village though do not shoot me please come on villages oh look at this river oh there’s a village oh my goodness what

A play okay we want to sleep super super ace apple app against those so we don’t have any bad thing is this a it’s a floating village oh my god it’s supported by a single block over there that’s epic it’s incredible yo look at that look at it it’s actually

Physics it’s really physics defied it’s supported there the floating village of incredibleness oh my goodness you guys have developed an advanced civilization here in this village i am so impressed wow that’s so cool you even you have a legitimate dock all right guys i’m gonna dock here

There we go i’ve rented a slip uh this is my slip and um that’s so cool hey oh my god they they carry wheat here i i’m so respectful of what they’ve done then i’m not even gonna un-alive the golem i’m just gonna steal their food that’s all all i’m gonna do

And also probably acquire a little bit of cobblestone would be good yeah we’re closest gobblestone over here they’re in venice venice beach california well that’s a lot of gravel okay oh is this a is this a ravine oh this ravine dude we’re gonna be able

To go down here oh this is great it’s a great place to chill this great place to set up collect our bearings you know have a great time i love it dude i just want to make some more furnaces and stuff even though they might have some in the village they might actually

Have a smoker in the village actually you know i could just make some smokers if we wanted to make our food nice and smoky dude i have a log i could go get that tree this tree maybe yeah let’s get this tree let’s do it

Actually no i feel bad i don’t want to tear down any of the local foliage also i feel bad tearing down like this tree over there because that tree is like it’s marking the top of the hill that could be like mount sparkles 2.0 oh man all the foliage of this village is

So it’s so thoughtfully placed it’s okay this i’ll take this one down oh this place is cool you guys oh wow you got like uh above water ruins oh is that a try did i just see a trident boy somewhere i see tried there’s a trident boy patrolling over

There but also though oh you guys have some precarious locations for your wheat and stuff what do you mean depressing village this is an incredible village it’s right on the ocean it’s beautiful it’s got seaweed to look at like there’s so much here it’s so much here dude

Why are you called captain sparkles well because i am a captain who sparkles obviously what other explanation could there be okay these man’s not not going really hard in the uh having chests in their houses department hey you guys having some trouble offer you how free you did i got you let’s go

I just middle mouse clicks it’s always an effective strategy ladies and gentlemen middle mouse clicking yep always uh it’ll always arrange the old uh inventory for you oh hey what’s oh this this must be the main stretch okay nice i’ll just grab some emeralds real quick guys you wouldn’t mind

Be nice if we had a blacksmith in here but it all good what do we got oh blast furnace my dude let’s go anything over here wow they’ve got even more of a dock over there for this place this is a city a busy port city of industry i’m impressed

I’m very very impressed here dude all right all right do we want to commandeer a house maybe here just to store some things while we’re going and mining like again not gonna build a whole base right but it’s gonna be more like a leisurely pace thing so um hmm

Maybe up the hill you think yeah i guess it’ll be closer to the ravine that we’re gonna jump you guys have to chill i there that was another trident boy are you serious uh okay please please calm down please come downstairs all right i’ll take the last house because i’m i’m a

Very antisocial anyway so it makes sense that i would do that um let’s see oh yeah i also kind of definitely need to do the smoker thing for sure for sure wow what an incredible house i am building here the likes of which the world has never seen before nobody has ever seen

Such a truly awesome house it’s so good it’s so i’m not sure dare you she she said i’m not sure about that when i said it was a truly incredible hat what excuse me alexa why are you rude if you’d like to tell me how i can improve try saying i have feedback

I’m scared if i say i have feedback it’s gonna say something loud loud about my amazon account so i’m gonna not do that but i have feedback for you all right we’re gonna we’re gonna have a little chat you and i after this unbelievable and dude unbelievable uh

Don’t know about that i don’t know about the look have you ever seen a house better than this before i don’t think so it even has stripped logs on it okay that’s aesthetic extraordinaire i’m gonna bring the blast furnace over here real quick yeah alexa are you a kindergartner Yeah he’s about to punch you Unbelievable dude All right i’m just you don’t mind if i steal this really quick right you don’t you don’t mind you definitely don’t mind it’s cool heck yeah music we love music Alright so we’re gonna make uh the most useful item in minecraft the whole and then we’re gonna use it in order to make a lot of food which uh yeah i mean i guess i don’t like i didn’t technically need the smoker because well you know it’s like

We’re gonna have a lot of bread and stuff like that but uh it’s it’s ice all right let’s little shieldy poo action oh i’m going to need more wood would do wouldn’t you know all right there’s a lot more trees over i’m gonna you know what i’m gonna go get these trees

Because i don’t feel like desecrating the sanctity of the village trees there’s so much gravel here i’m like a little concerned that it might you break one and it’s going to destroy everything Oh yeah dude music at the three hour mark um i’m not feeling it today that’s that’s not me that’s the username thank you for uh five months of submage uh got myself a yellow on live all right i guess i for quality content i gotta say a yellow dye

Hoodie from quality content can’t wait to add some color to my wardrobe thanks dude yeah we uh we acquired lots of dandelion crafted them up with the the sweaters it’s gonna be pretty cool dude i hope you like it when you get it i do hope it will be to you before

Christmas fingers crossed uh hannah aesthetic thank you for the five sub gifts super duper awesome much appreciated of you very kind i’m sorry i just i just break all of your ears my bad my bad dude i’m kind of the worst i can’t believe jardon would say a bad word like that dude

10 minecraft youtubers who said demonetizable words oh no bro hey by the way if you haven’t yet you should totally make sure that you are following twitch.tv slash kappa sparkles and i i also didn’t even mention it on youtube but like the video dude it’s a great sponsor of ours you know

Make sure that you hit it up and stuff like that um so that yeah it’ll be it’ll be cool you know what is interesting though like the i feel like when i would have a video with like a super high like to dislike ratio it was

Almost like a point of pride it was like oh this has been really well received and now that dislikes are gone i don’t even i can’t even see and be like oh that was really well received i’ll just be like oh i don’t i don’t know

I just i just won’t know is it not nighttime yet okay well we got lots of wood would you look at that probably make i guess we don’t really need too many torches so um okay are you doing a little bit of pork chopperino there i also smelt the

Chicken on top of that not gonna have too many different chests for now no like i can if i go into a video manager oh i i forgot to mention though uh yeah no uh the dislikes i now do not see them on desktop so i’d have to

Install a browser extension in order for that to work so yeah the only way the only way that i see them now is if i’m in my like video manager creator studio thing so uh yeah they are they are r.i.p for me on desktop i was thinking that maybe because i

I don’t know have been on the platform for such a long time they were gonna be like you know what for you we’ll let you still see the likes of the dislikes but you know i was hoping for special privileges but here we are no special privileges just like everybody else

Rip in pieces all right oh frick not enough for the last chicken we’ll be we’ll just keep a little bit of salmonella action in there okay cool great and now let’s get ourselves some of the most useful item in minecraft and also slip call up susan i mean there was there was

The one time that like susan watched the video where it was the minecraft map where we were like battling our way through youtube hq and then we fought susan it was like a wither or something like that i get a freaking email the next day from my youtube contact like uh

Just so susan watch the video and i’m like oh no of all the things i just feel like i don’t know her assistant or something like that it must it must be like if she gets a brief every day of if if somebody who is who

Has a like a contact or something like that um mate does some sort of thing that that involves her like she gets a list briefed in the morning or something probably by her assistant and um and i i made the briefing it’s like uh

Wait so um i sw i was i was trying to no i was trying to like play devil’s advocate on a lot of the things that were being brought up by the map creator like i was trying to be reasonable and just i swear please do not disinvite me to things in

The future it really like it was it was harmless i swear to god um yeah but anyway i uh i have been offered a uh uh multi multi-million dollar streaming deal for youtube and that’s probably why all those all those other people out there in these like you know whatever whatever bajillion dollar

Exclusive deals i have not so let’s be honest it’s probably because of that minecraft map and nothing nothing to do with the convert concurrent viewers or anything like that it’s because of it’s the minecraft map that’s what i tell myself let’s get some bread and let’s get this bread

We’re not getting this bread though we’re not getting the bread um i’m speaking of getting bread and youtube deals and stuff hey buddy how are you this is your bed probably you don’t mind my borrowing it do you no okay good good speaking of that though i saw um

Dr lupo he like tweeted a photo of ford gt the other day and i was like did you get a ford gt and i didn’t get a response to it but i was did he are there now two gaming streamers with ford gts is that is that dang dude

I hope he got a good deal on it because boy oh boy the second hand market is expensive but also i guess he secured the bag so yeah um ggs pretty wild pretty swick um but anyway let’s go into the mine and do the stuff yeah uh oh

Yeah i need that’s why i got the wood i need to make a shield for safety yes okay very safe i’m at least 23.5 times safer now brilliant uh little iron pickaxe probably good idea yeah and then we’ll uh i guess we could bring down do we want to bring down a blasty

Blast let’s bring down the blasty blast as we got that speed smelting down there i like the idea of that bring down a bit of coal i guess we could bring down the iron we got the bread we got the apple yeah we’re gonna be good we’re gonna be

Good we’re gonna be real good yes sir dude all right well where is the ravine at where where was it is it over here it was right over here okay very fun i’m much armored but you know it’s gonna be fine there’s no way that this could possibly be wrong

All right everybody let’s hope that this is the start of a beautiful caving extravaganza adventure oh come on no not like this why would you use mother trucker is it an underwater it’s just like i see kind of broken through to the uh watery

Area got it got it got it just uh let’s cut that out real quick perfect okay do we have a cave to check out any caves no not too much cave not much cave i i feel a little cheatsy doodly you know playing with optifine because there’s all this copper and the amethyst

And you know this spyglass but i’m like that’s easier i like it i like having the keybind more than having to work towards an item ew that’s like effort oh that’s is that gravel on top no i think it has stone over it okay well this hasn’t really amounted to much

This was my this is my grand ravine everybody in its entirety so i guess down we go make a door and i can use it to breathe no way never in a million years i refuse to do that i mean we could use blasphemous when we

Get ourselves all uh do we wanna do we wanna make ourselves a little bit safer just a little bit safer you know get that smelling that way is this is this cave down here oh we got a little cave action okay okay this is a big open area

Love to see it love to see with lots of iron it’s like a miniature version of that open area that we went into when we were in vault hunter season one you know down below our base it’s kind of like that oh plenty more iron where i come down there

Let’s make a chest plate i feel like having full iron will be good so we hopefully don’t un-alive at least we don’t have infernal mobs to worry about right so that’s good because those uh you don’t have good armor they’re up they’re a bit difficult more so drowned ones or the drowning

Ones that are just the worst thing ever for your health and stuff all right little sword there and uh let’s see we’re gonna be able to make yeah yeah let’s see if we can get some more though and they put the home oh oh oh oh too

Bad dude too bad you can’t reach me oh dude oh he minds he blocks he minds he blocks oh he minds he blocks he minds he blocks shoot the zombie yeah shoot the zombie he might see blocks he hits he blocks oh no he got hit oh how could you do this

How could you do this there we go there we go okay we got we got a little underground action here dude this place uh this place might extend a little bit further love to see it he didn’t stand a chance we got him okay i’ll tell you what we can do a

Little poll you guys want vanilla vanilla brightness like the brightest vanilla it is technically still vanilla i haven’t installed any mods or do you want to have it like full gamma let’s see right next gamma or default him what i can do is i i could edit it

Slightly in between episodes if gamma wins i could like bring it right now i think i have it set to like 10 i could set it to like three and three would make it so like there’s still a difference um but it’s just less significant

Um oh you know what let’s get a bucket okey-dokey there we go well which way shall i go here should we go down here should we see the leaves anywhere our hips don’t touch me not allowed oh does this go anywhere this this whole cave area is a little bit discombobulated

Excuse me is this anything new all right so gamma wins so keep it as is for now and in between episodes i’ll just check my options txt and we can get a little change real quick and see what happens i don’t know exactly where it’s at i

Think it’s i think it’s like 10 but we’ll we’ll see okay that doesn’t really lead anywhere doesn’t really lead anywhere come on don’t tell me that this is a whole lot of nothing here wait maybe this is something i could try to get rid of this but it’s going to take

Like ages before it goes away oh i see deep slate we’ve already come down that far i guess to be fair i did drop down the ravine at first so like go we didn’t have too much water to go under you sleep oh boy we getting into the

Deep air oh oh oh wait oh this is opening up this is opening up this might be something it’s like very claustrophobic caves though for sure ugh why is it so claustrophobic is this not gonna lead anywhere it’s just like narrow oh dear what are we at all right y

Equals two it doesn’t even feel like we’ve come down that far i guess that’s just like the scale of the world as it is now right take some lappies might as well listen to that deep slate go uh yeah what the heck am i supposed to do like this does not seem great

What is this what is this formation is there anything i can do like it doesn’t seem like it goes anywhere it just it just ends there it’s just a just a narrow little slice out of the environment oh hey that’s pretty nice i’ll take that gimme gimme gimme gimme

Uh what do we want to make first do we want to make a pickaxe do we want to make a sword i do not know also i definitely have enough iron now i could make a awful set let’s go do that real quick let me check up here um let’s see

I’ll end up needing an anvil so i might as well get some iron all right and heckman time all right we’re fully geared incredible unusual donut thank you for the 20 months of summit egg lock with six months of summage very much appreciated okay hmm i guess we just pick axe dude easy

Enough there we go goodbye goodbye you uh goodbye to you and goodbye to all of you wait i could make an iron uh let’s see we could go ahead and make an iron axe perhaps and the goodbye sweet okay so i don’t know if i should like

Dig down into the deep slate area see if i can find a better access area maybe over here it all just leads to this area apparently the entire area just trickles down what the i don’t like this this is so claustrophobic fine whatever i’m just

Going to end up i’m going to go down there and when it all doesn’t lead to another open area i’m just going to strip mine i guess until i find something i don’t like this it doesn’t feel like super claustrophobic i’ve read a i don’t know if it was like

Supposed to be based on a true story if it was just a spooky story or something like that but i’ve heard stories of people get trapped inside of caves it’s just like oh god why why did you do that in the first place it’s like some super

Ultra narrow cave and like they know this they know this going into it and yet they decide like oh yeah yeah this is this is what i want to do i l i want to i desire to go through this super nero narrow cavern it’s for some reason oh geez dude like i

Can understand the appeal of going into like a underground cave or something like that be really cool it’d be really cool to check out but but make sure let’s make sure it’s something that you know i can actually like stand in walk around in for

As long as i feel like being there oh it’s still doing this it’s still the same structure can we open up into a bigger area maybe you know that’d be cool i want to find one of the big nice underground areas what are we at y equals negative 25

Can this lead anywhere no just more super claustrophobic tight blue oh hey mr indy man you know what i i could use you okay please dingus oh we got a pearl though nice all right sorry mr andy man is nothing personal but oh this is okay this is an open-ish

Area there could be some just unalignment sticking out around here it’s still all it’s like very claustrophobic still but it’s more more real estate to wander around i’m a little bit nervous about all the monsters in here though oh there’s there’s a lot of them do be a oh boy

Okay all right all right hold on hold on hold on hold on man’s got a chill man’s do gotta chill real quick he’s mad at me why is he mad oh guys oh god okay that was close that was close why the frick did he get mad

Nice strike skeleton tried to shoot the enderman yeah yeah that must be it that must be it he got shot yeah all right we’re good we’re good we’re good there’s close call there for a sec oh boy oh boy i thought i was a goner i really

Did thought as soon as the enderman was starting to attack me i got a second pro though that’s nice oh man and no getting snuck up on by crappy boys the series cannot end on episode one we’ve got to at least make it to episode three

Or i’ll never hear the end of it actually no if i unlive on episode one it’ll be fine it’s if i or two it’ll be fine horribly fine if i if i if it’s episode three i will never hear the end of it oh another man’s i guess this is

Just where we farm the endy mans eh uh sure why not might as well be in the end here i mean it’s like sure i could go trade with the but that would also involve dealing with the brutes and i’m gonna be honest with you not really into that idea uh in hardcore

Personally oh you little frick done okay awesome show this area up a little bit it doesn’t doesn’t really do much for our eyesight but hey we got oh yeah there we go there we go let’s go let’s go it’s only two we get a sword from that do not sneak up on me

Nobody sneak up is this new music um Some of that got inventory space to where oaky don’t want to get shot into there no thank you i’m good get some gold though This is a jam it’s real nice get out of here dude back in vault hunters all over again with spiders climbing up my pillars god dang it i’m safe from everything else well not really not skeletons in this case i mean it’s like we might as well get a

Little bit of gold before we go into the nether if i can avoid angering some pigs it’ll be good the less that we can do with confrontation the better Ah yeah you know we had to do it to him a little bit more gold over here let’s go All right we got 21 gold bunch of granite cool all right guys well this seems like it might be a good place to stop for the first episode of hardcore 1.18 trinity not island morph so mainland sort of deal situation but you get the idea um make sure

That you uh are subbed to captain sparkles too hit the hit the bell turn on notifications like the video and follow twitch.tv slash captain sparkles catch these live so that you can see when i inevitably get wrecked before winning um but yeah thanks so much for watching it’s been fun

And uh we’re doing we’re doing pretty we’re doing pretty good we’re off to a good start we survived the first episode that’s what counts um so yeah thanks for watching see you next time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.18 Hardcore Survival Ep. 1’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2021-12-04 01:00:11. It has garnered 385082 views and 13900 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:33 or 3693 seconds.

Thanks to MCProHosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://mcph.to/captainsparklez Minecraft 1.18 Hardcore Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08Zz1cYy-MvcvaqXKIBzREIre

My Links: ● My clothing line: https://qualitycontent.com/ ● My headset: https://astro.family/captainsparklez ● Merch: https://represent.com/store/captainsparklez ● Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@realcaptainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/jordanmaron ● Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ● Amazon Shop: https://www.amazon.com/shop/captainsparklez

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    5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Redstone Viral hacks….’, was uploaded by FALCO GAMER on 2024-03-15 06:59:14. It has garnered 6327 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #macaddon #steelwing #falcogamer #lucon #technogamerz #minecrafthacks #minecraftredstone Minecraft challenge #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftredstone #redstone #redstonebuilds #redstoneviralhacks Thanks for being part of our Minecraft community! Your support means everything. Let us know in the comments your favorite Minecraft moments, and don’t forget to share the love by subscribing and exploring more of our shorts! #MinecraftShorts #Shorts #MinecraftGaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #macaddon #falcogamer #lucon #dream #steelwing #senpaispider #nizgamer #lapatasmp… Read More

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  • AKSH

    AKSHAKSH.lol is a 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 True Anarchy Server that provides a interesting experience with a small yet loyal community. aksh is the perfect server for people who are overwhelmed with 2b2t and want a less intense anarchy experience. Join now while spawn is easy to escape! aksh.lol Read More

  • PaduaMCC | Smp & Realms

    PaduaMCC Bedrock Faction Server Choose from 6 different kingdoms with unique build styles, goals, and opportunities. Explore great add-ons that enhance the Vanilla style in unimaginable ways! Join the Discord server today to become a part of this exciting community. Message for the Discord link. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Achievement Unlocked: No More Problems

    “Looks like this meme has achieved a high score in both comedy and problem-solving!” Read More

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  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

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  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

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  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

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Minecraft 1.18 Hardcore Survival Ep. 1