Minecraft 1.20 ▫ Snapshot 23w07a ▫ I Went On Holiday And Mojang Announced The Entire Update

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Hello everyone my name is pix horiffs and welcome to this video from the latest Minecraft snapshot snapshot 23w07a now I would have loved to cover the snapshots before this one because a bunch of new stuff came out in the last couple of weeks but the fact is I’ve

Been on holiday I was away in the United States visiting my partner’s family and that was the time that Mojang decided it was a good idea to release basically everything else they planned to snapshot for Minecraft 1.20 the update is still unnamed right now but it seems likely

That it’s going to be called something to do with Discovery or Heritage or expressing yourself those seem to be the themes that they’ve talked about in relation to this update recently now I only just got off the plane yesterday I’m still pretty jet lagged this is the

First video that I’ve recorded back it’s my first time playing Minecraft in about two and a half weeks but I thought I should make a video about basically everything I’ve missed while I’ve been away and everything that Mojang has announced for this update so as per

Usual in survival we’re gonna go out and try and find some of the stuff that’s coming to Minecraft 1.20 actually the first thing that I’m going to show you is something that I recorded before I even loaded up the world it’s the create new world screen which has undergone a

Couple of changes just to make things a little bit more easy to understand for people who are brand new to Minecraft it mostly just looks like the experimental features in the snapshots are a little bit easier to get hold of from these menus instead of having to go into the

Data packs section and I believe if it’s your first time installing Minecraft there’s a bit of extra stuff that pops up here as well but I’m not going to worry too much about that it helps the interface look a little bit more clean there’s a bit of room for expansion here

But for the most part you’ll find the majority of this looks familiar now back here in the world the first thing I really want to do is go looking for some generated structures because those are where we’re going to find the armor smithing templates these are the ones

That add trim to your armor but of course we’ve got to have some armor for it to trim before that and we should probably go about doing a little bit of the early game grind I’m also going to keep an eye on where some surface Lava

Lakes are just in case I need to make a quick portal to the nether because netherrite is slightly different as well you end up upgrading it using a template that you can only find in pigland bastions but there are a couple of portals around it looks like yeah this

Is a pretty solid bet for oh and entirely and entirely free nether portal look at that okay well we’ll take the coordinates of this and we got a little bit of gold in there as well so we can make a piece of armor I’m thinking probably a golden helmet to keep us safe

From the piglins let’s hop into The Nether and see what’s up in here yeah that’s um the big yikes Basalt Delta into a Soul Sand Valley by the looks of things there is one piglet down there but I really don’t fancy my Chance is going to get him never mind at least

We have a portal to the nether also got a free gold sword with sharpness one so I might as well keep that around but we got a gold ingot just in case we pop into The Nether somewhere else but I’ll take the coordinates of that we’ll come

Back to that later we’ll grab some sweet berries just so we got a bit of food and I want to see if this patch of sand over here is it’s not really looking deserty is it it’s more of a beach but we might still find shipwrecks Around Here and

Those could be a really important source of one of our armor templates ironically the First underwater structure I found is another room in nether portal but I might come on down here just in case there’s some free gold a bit of iron might make a shield with that might get

Some boots as well because of binding ooh actually not gonna have those boots perfect here’s a nice obvious shipwreck let’s go check this out and even if this doesn’t have the armor trim item we should at least be able to get yeah a bit of an early iron a couple of

Emeralds that kind of thing perfect let’s pop on down here open this up we got some paper we got some moss in there too and this chest at the back has a buried treasure map so let’s see if we can get anything bonus from that should

Be underneath here yes there we go and oh we’ve got a couple of diamonds in there perfect and some more irons so finally we are on the board with iron looks like we actually have a village over there in the distance and I don’t want all the villages to die off so I’m

Gonna dive down here I’m gonna very quickly make myself a bed and do a trick I like to call the seabed can probably get rid of this treasure map as well before we break our camp and head towards the village now I’m not too hopeful we’ll get anything too

Spectacular in this Village although they do have pretty good mining access but I wonder if there is a Smith’s house in here toolsmith to be precise few emeralds around a few things I can steal but unfortunately it doesn’t look like we have a toolsmith here they’re usually

In the L-shaped houses so I’m just going to steal a couple of carrots and head over to where there are some horses up here because one of the minor but also pretty significant changes that’s happened in this snapshot in particular is that now if you breed two tamed

Horses together their stats are no longer going to Trend towards the average it’s actually going to on average give you slightly Faster Horses than the ones you have already was this the one I tamed was it you yeah I think it’s you and this one over here and we

Should in theory get a horse whose stats are a combination of these two but trending towards the positive so I can’t tell how fast either of these are but this one here has 12 hearts and the other one has ten so you might expect this horse to come out with 11 or 12

Hearts but never towards the lower end of the scale basically it is going to be possible to breed horses for a positive trend in stats forms which is good news for anybody who likes to breed horses until they have a really fast horse but that’s a battle I can demonstrate here

So for now I’m going to grab myself an iron pickaxe and probably do some mining I’m also going to head for Higher Ground where I can because one of the major changes that’s come along in this snapshot is a Cherry Grove biome which now appears in mountains and similar

Places to where you find Meadows generating well I’ve got a bit of iron now which will allow me to make a bucket and I’ll feel slightly safer about going down into that massive cave by The Village the villagers themselves might not fare too well here on the surface while I’m

Down there but who cares it’s spelunking time and the first thing I see of course is some more iron beautiful we’ll be able to get a full iron set with what I can find here and of course a cave of this size has led me straight down into

Deep slate level which is great but I kind of forgot to craft a shield earlier okay there we go feeling a little bit better prepared this golden sword is not the best weapon though so I might ditch that in future but before I do you might notice the enchantment glow is looking a

Little different to how it usually does it’s a lot less active and that’s actually now controlled through an accessibility settings slider you’ll notice glint speed now appears here below the darkness pulsing and Distortion effects that we associate with the warden and skulk shriekers if I

Turn the glint speed all the way up it’s a little bit closer to the enchantment glow that we’ve seen previously it’ll show up a lot more on your Hotbar and on the weapons themselves but it’s still fairly subtle and part of the reason for that is of course because they’ve just

Introduced new armor trims and they want people to see the visual differences in their armor a little more clearly one of the reasons I’m super happy about that change is it means no more super glowy netherite armor I always thought the netherite armor looked really cool but

You can’t see the full effect of the texture of near the right armor when it’s all glowy and purple from being Enchanted and nobody runs unenchanted near the right armor so it seemed a bit of a waste speaking of waste it’s probably time to ditch some of these old

Tools I’ve made the diamonds into a diamond sword on the assumption that we’re going to find more diamonds while we’re down here while the rest of the iron is smelting we can craft a smithing table so I can show you the new smithing table interface right here you’ll notice

A slot that prompts you to put a smithing template there and that combined with some other material and whatever it is you’re smithing the usually the armor piece is going to display on here and then once you remove it from the slot it is permanently changed unfortunately the only chance we

Have of finding a smithing template down here is if we run into either an ancient city or a stronghold so we’ll probably be returning to the surface once I found a few more diamonds and bits and pieces like that but at least we now have enough iron to make a full chest plate

And that is our full armor set done still with the gold helmet in case we go to the nether the other reason to stay down here in the caves is that precious materials like gold lapis Redstone and Amethyst are the things that we’re going to be trimming the armor with so we

Should be on the lookout for geodes while we’re down here along with diamonds and the usual sort of stuff we’ll grab some Redstone here for that purpose as well this looks like a promising route to Diamonds even if I do have to do a little Branch mining for

Them there we go some Redstone as well hey nice okay now we’re talking yes all right that’s a vein of seven on top of the ones I already had that gives us ten okay that should be everything we need well at least a couple of the villagers

Survived as well now let’s go looking for those armor trim templates and I think the best place to go would ideally be a desert and part of the reason I left cheats enabled on this world is so I can look up the location of a desert

If it takes too long to find one naturally but I’m gonna try finding one naturally while in the meantime looking for landmarks like shipwrecks and we have a couple of those and another ruin portal over there bunch of extra iron don’t mind if I do this one has a couple

Of extra diamonds in which I will definitely take with me I don’t need the extra lapis but we’ll grab that anyway but I guess we can also grab the gold blocks from here now those are going to be nice to have another quick dig down

At the 99 coordinate and we got a bunch more iron and gold okay looks like we’re getting into Meadow biome territory over here I’m wondering if there’s a Cherry Grove somewhere around no it looks like we’re just getting a meadow biome this time around I don’t see any adjoining

Cherry Groves although there is something we could do while I’m here this I enabled the data pack for bundles as well when I created this world and look how much space I’m saving like I understand why they’re still in the experimental tag and why they can’t Implement them on mobile devices quite

The same way as on Java but man I wish those were vanilla anyway now we’re done with that Massacre we returned to our hunt for armor trims already in progress and right here we have two of them the coast armor trim turned up in this shipwreck loot chest fantastic I would

Assume they’re only found in that chest towards the back there with the iron and emeralds and whatnot in it yeah I’m not seeing any in here although there are some kind of useful bits and pieces and there’s one inside the cabin is still just gonna have a buried treasure map

And as far as I know buried treasure loot chests do not contain the armor trims but we have two of them now so we can actually start smithing our armor and is this just a really large Beach or is that actually a desert I think this

Might just be a beach biome but it does lead into some Savannah Biome over there so I’m hoping that there’ll be a warm biome class cluster here and we’ll get a desert biome nice and close by anyway for now I can unpack the smithing table from the bundle and we can actually get

To doing what these things do it’s probably best to demonstrate this on the chest plate since it’s the largest piece of armor we put our armor Trim in there we put the piece of armor in the middle slot and in the last slot we put an

Ingot or a crystal which is kind of a neat way of categorizing the resources that you can use for this it Cycles through the different icons as you can see so amethyst works for this iron ingots would work even though that’s just trimming it in a slightly different

Shade of iron diamond would work for this giving it a diamond streak but not upgrading any of the Armor’s quality so as you can see it still only does plus six armor even though we’ve added a more durable material to it the durability itself is unaffected as well you could

Also have lapis as a trim which I really like I might go with that actually because it means not sacrificing a diamond and you’ll notice that the smithing template there was consumed meaning these are consumable items and that’s why I wanted to get so many diamonds from when we went mining in the

First place because in order to duplicate this smithing template we need seven Diamonds the original smithing template and one other item that relates to what this armor trim is so let me put Trim in here to give you an example right you need Cobblestone for this one but this material actually changes

Depending on what the armor trim is and the way of finding that out is through the recipe book here or on the Minecraft Wiki or someplace like that I believe for example the one you get from Nether fortresses requires you to have a Netherrack block there but check this

Out this is a really cool customized piece of armor now and it took a little bit of searching in order to find that but there are different chances of each of them appearing in the different loot chests so having grabbed a piece of cobblestone I can demonstrate that

Really quick we can actually now make a duplicate of the smithing template for the coast armor trim but it’s gonna cost us seven diamonds to do that these are obviously quite sought after item and this gives it use for diamonds at end game when you’ve already got a mending

Set of netherrite tools and you don’t really need to go any further with your tool progression so the diamonds just end up racking up you just store them as diamond blocks and make a beacon out of them or turn them all into jukeboxes or just hoard them for the sake of hoarding

Them at that point and so naturally if I wanted to I could trim the rest of my armor in this kind of style as well we could vary the colors or we could do a variety of other bits and pieces I actually really like diamond on gold as

A combination although it might look quite garish for a full suit of armor but I still want to find a desert biome in the hopes that we can wow that’s a really really circular like aperture in the hill there that took me by surprise

For a second now what we need to do is find a desert biome so that we can track down a desert temple because those have a different armor Trim in there are probably about 10 different types of armor trims I think 11. I just counted them there are 11 different types which

Obviously means lots of different combinations once you’ve been able to find them the real outlier on that list is Ocean Monuments because those don’t generate with any chests in instead you have a pretty high chance of gaining the tide armor trim from killing an Elder Guardian so where other structures might

Have them as chest loot they are now mob drops from Elder Guardians along with sponges oh here’s another fun opportunity Pillager Outpost let’s check this unfortunately still no desert biome yet something tells me the pillagers guarding it aren’t going to be all that impressed by my new armor trim since

It’s not doing anything for my defense I better make this a smash and grab style raid and we get a goat horn but unfortunately we do not get an armor trim from this Pillager Outpost but that’s one more reason to Brave visiting these things if you have one in the area

Oh I think we found one not a desert biome but something completely different and something I genuinely always hoped for but never thought we would see in Minecraft right over there we have a Cherry Grove once again these occur in higher regions of mountains in sort of

The same places that you would find Meadows they don’t just have pink leaves they have their own wood type to go along with it so we have cherry wood in the game now let’s knock down a couple of these and I absolutely love the tree Styles they’re kind of like the acacia

Trees with the diagonal approach to the trunk growing but they’ve got these beautiful canopies of petals instead of leaves really uh let me see if I can grab some with shears so we can see what these are actually called okay they’re called Cherry leaves so that does kind

Of make sense I mean it matches up with the rest of what you see in Minecraft now there are also cherry blossom petals falling all around us in these particles but on the ground you’ll find this natural carpet of them and I believe this is true treated light carpet right

Now you can break it with just your fist you can just punch it and pick it up and I got four items when I did that so I think these are yeah they’re kind of like sea pickles or candles or something like that where to cover the entire

Block you have four items that’s really quite clever it doesn’t go any higher than four though so if there’s a fully decorated patch here I can’t place anymore within that but you can bone meal them to get more and you can decorate in a small way or a big Way by

Placing these around the fact that there are lots of little variations in them but it all just looks like a natural mask like it doesn’t tile super obviously really cool implementation I absolutely love that and look at how large this biome is this is probably just the boundaries of what a meadow

Biome would normally be but it’s huge so you can really get nestled into the center of one of these and make it your base you find donkeys sheep and rabbits here the same as you do with natural Meadows although that may change depending on feedback from the snapshot

There are also quite a few you beehives around here natural beer nests occur quite frequently and I think that’s as a result of Meadows as well you see every tree in a meadow biome pretty much is guaranteed to have every oak tree is guaranteed to have a bee nest in it on

World Generation and that’s obviously carried over to these a little bit not sure if that will change but the bees obviously love the amount of flowers that are around here and I wonder if the bees pollinate based on the flower carpet or just the leaves that’ll be

Really exciting to see let’s chop down a little bit of this it’s got its own wood Sound by the sound of it as well it actually sounds a little bit different and let’s tuck a few more of these away in our bundles so we can take a look at

Cherry logs of course they have their own end texture new wood color to go along with them and if we break those down into planks oh my goodness look at this those are cotton candy pink and they are absolutely beautiful I think we can do a lot with those with our existing wood

Palette natural actually we end up with a stripped log that’s kind of like a muted version of this without all of the the highlights to it it looks really quite stylish I think goes Super well with the log end texture too so that’s a very exciting to see and I can imagine

Merging that with Birch or Crimson wood because it’s lighter but has that red undertone to it yeah really solid addition to the game I think it’s really cool especially that we’re seeing other wood types come to the fore now for so long we only had six wood types in

Minecraft before that there were only four oh that’s the sap playing look at that what a beautiful almost like Bonsai style yeah those are beautiful I’m gonna put those in flower pots all over the place let me tell you but yeah considering that up until the nether

Update we only ever had six types of wood and now it feels like we get one every update or so oh beautiful I cannot wait to spend more time in these biomes coming down from the mountain though it looks like some pillagers have taken up residence down here so that’s another

Chance for us to get the Sentry armor trim template I really wish I could zip line to the tower from here let’s try and get up there with a water bucket this time water buckets have always been the closest thing Minecraft has to grappling hooks there we go we got two

Of them look at that Sentry armor trim template and a fire protection 4 book as well that’s not to be sniffed at hello all right let’s make our escape and yeah the water bucket clutch really saved me at that point all right all right let’s get outside of the firing range and

Let’s apply the Sentry armatrim template to a couple of our items maybe we’ll put that on the leggings and what have we got for materials in here now in fact I’m going to put a chest down because this bundle is getting full of all the rare items and there’s definitely some

Stuff here that I don’t want to throw away but also probably won’t end up keeping and these are really our options we have gold lapis Diamond Redstone copper we could try copper with the Sentry armor trim let’s give that a go obviously we’ll need to smelt a bit of

It first and somewhere in the chaos of all of that I seem to have thrown my bed away so let’s uh share a couple more sheep and see if I can get myself a bed together okay much better the perimeter is now clear and we can apply our Sentry

Armor trim to the leggings let’s see what that looks like in Copper oh kind of got a work Grieves vibe to it there we go and that’s looking like it matches pretty well with the coast one fairly plain but I imagine a lot of the best

Detail is going to come from the chest plate on these things the copper color looks darker towards the back but more of a kind of peachy color towards the front I quite like that actually and I think at this point having traveled about 5 000 blocks or more away from my

Spawn location and having done all of this in survival so far I am just going to use the locate biome commands to look for the desert biome we’re not going to teleport there right away but I think maybe has desert temple is probably going to be the best way of searching

For this there we go has desert pyramid 2 300 blocks away we’re headed sort of in the right direction though if we continue West for about another 3 000 blocks we should find a desert pyramid or at least a biome that has one and from there we should be able to look at

Some of the other major features that are coming to 1.20 the sniffer and archeology at last there’s our desert biome oh gosh this was one heck of a journey it’s coming up on 7 000 blocks west I’ve had to travel and a little bit extra South

Too so we are going to try and find our desert temple out here but we will need to do a little bit of extra stuff we need to get hold of some string if there’s a mine shaft anywhere near these Badlands we could potentially get some cobwebs from there otherwise we can

Search for a desert temple and we’ll hope to find some string in the loot chests there and yes after a while I did end up crafting myself a cherry boat since I had the word on me in my inventory look at that that’s a way to arrive in style nothing too different

About the desert well as far as I can see all seems whoa hello wait a second that down there is the new sand block I can’t believe I just broke a piece of it oh no we’ll have to come back but anyway that is that is suspicious sand it looks

Slightly different and I was hoping to acquire some with a shovel that apparently you can’t obtain it using a shovel but that’s kind of exciting if they’ve done something different with desert Wells I’m looking forward to seeing how that pans out in the meantime this desert biome looks pretty expensive

And I’m really hoping that the desert temple hasn’t generated like really far underground or something because there’s somebody from the community for my podcast the spawn chunks pointed out a desert temple that they found whilst they were digging out a perimeter and it was at something like y negative 50s so

Occasional glitches can happen most of them show up on the surface though I wonder if it’s going to be anywhere near this desert village even if it’s not we should go and say hi to the camel hello still only one camel per desert village

As far as I can tell though which is a concern for me because I really think there should be more than that unless you’re gonna have the camel spawn there after World Generation which doesn’t seem to happen yet time for another quick nether portal check no immediate

Signs of a fortress or a Bastion there’s our desert temple finally I’m starting to think we’d never find this thing honestly though desert this large I bet you there’s more than one there’s more than one Village so there’s probably more than one Temple and as I’ve been

Running around I’ve had a bit of time to think and I really reckon that these are going to be more end game activities obviously you can run into the occasional desert temple or Woodland Mansion or whatever it happens to be while you’re doing your initial exploration of the world but when it

Comes to collecting the whole set that’s really something you’re going to do once you’ve acquired an elytro once you’ve been to the end and you can travel by air without all of the inconvenience now here we are in our Central desert temple room we’re gonna pillar on down like so

And thankfully there aren’t any mobs waiting for us in the burial chamber let’s get rid of the TNT under here and we can look at the chests okay we have an Infinity book along with some bones we’ve got a lot more bones in here and a

Bit more gold we’ve got a lot more bones in there and not very much we do have some string and we do have a couple of golden apples but not alas any of the armor templates that come with a desert temple hey not to worry there are going

To be more desert temples out there hopefully we’ll find some but we do have the string which brings us to our next subject first you should potentially know that desert temples have changed slightly in their structure you’ll notice there are some sand blocks on the floor here where the floor is normally

Made out of solid sandstone and this is actually something you can now dig away in order to reveal a staircase the staircase leads down to a separate secret room and we start to uncover blocks of suspicious sand now as I mentioned this looks slightly different to the sand texture almost in the same

Way that snow and powder snow look different but you’ll notice this has sort of fragments of material or slightly more coarse grains of sand in there and this is where we need to start using the new tool of a brush to craft a brush we will need some sticks so

Unfortunately I have to break down those Cherry planks but you need two sticks and three string across the top and that gets you a brush it doesn’t seem like there are different tiers of brush in terms of material at least not right now and if we hold down right click on this

We brush away the layers of suspicious sand until an item pops out and that is gunpowder I guess as we excavate this room we will hopefully find a few more blocks of suspicious sand that we can do that with so that we can see the results

I’m already seeing a couple in the walls around here and it seems like the block just reverts to sand after you’ve finished brushing it is a diamond popping out of that one it looks like it might be there we go I just held down right click and the item pops out this

Looks like it’s potentially some more gunpowder and this is a really different way of delivering loot that you might otherwise find in a desert temple chest so that’s pretty cool I will definitely keep my eyes peeled for any more blocks of suspicious sand as we continue to

Cross the desert but it looks like right here we’re actually gonna get one of the more unique items you get from this particular experience we end up with there we go a prize Pottery Shard and that seems to be the one that has the almost hieroglyph of a diamond on the

Side of it that’s quite cool so if we have enough of these shards we can actually put them together in a crafting table and turn them into a full-size pot it is still possible to use the brush on other blocks but it has virtually no effect it doesn’t seem to break the

Blocks down you can still left click with it to break blocks the way you can with your fists but right clicking and holding down right click is really what gets the effect of brushing away layers of suspicious sand now this chamber has been fully excavated we can probably

Turn the rest of this sand into sandstone in order to restore it I am kind of curious to see if there are any additional Secrets hidden under this extra floor design because typically if you were in the regular desert temple that’s where you would dig down to find

The burial chamber but it looks like this area underneath even though it’s composed of sandstone kind of like the rest of the desert temple structure is it just seems to be part of the foundation I’ll continue digging down until we hit some other type of material

But oh hello does that just lead out yet just leads out into a cave so that might just be another way of finding your way in or the way cave generation has led to the Sandstone eroding down here but it doesn’t seem to be anything deliberate on the part of the desert temple

Structure so no loot underneath there yet but still an exciting area to dig out and we got a diamond out of it I was kind of hoping that that might lead to us finding another chest with the uh armor trim inside of it but alas no

Never mind let’s take a look around to quickly see if we can spot any more suspicious sand blocks well having dug around the outside a little bit I can’t say I’ve found any so it may be that that area in the desert temple is for

Now the only place that we can find a suspicious sand in the desert temple structure but that’s not to worry because we do of course have that desert well to go back to I’m just checking all the corners here in case there’s anything else hidden behind some of

These pillars perhaps but no it seems unlikely that it’s happening anywhere other than that particular new area for now and now that’s got me wondering does every desert temple have something like that in it now or is that occasional desert temples in the same way way that

Sometimes you get in a research station underneath one of those igloos or sometimes it’s just a regulatory glue without the trapdoor and the ladder down it doesn’t look like there are any of those suspicious sand blocks around Villages either which makes sense these aren’t ruins these are actually inhabited structures so it seems

Unlikely that they just be leaving their pot shots in the sand outside but it was worth a try I guess but for once I was actually kind of disappointed to get a diamond out of the suspicious sand there because suspicious sand is now the way

That we can get hold of sniffer eggs in Survival Minecraft originally I believe the plan was to include sniffer eggs in the loot tables for ocean ruins but it seems like Mojang has had a bit of a change of heart with the inclusion of archeology in Minecraft 1.20 and they’ve

Decided to include it as part of the loot from suspicious sand instead that part is fine by me of course it ties into the archeology theme the fact that the sniffer is supposed to be an ancient mob that the player resurrects but if desert temples are few and far between

As they seem to be in this world and it only has that one area of suspicious sand where there’s maybe five or six blocks that you can dig out I’m wondering whether we’re supposed to find the sniffer egg there or if they have something else planned for future

Snapshots or maybe we’re supposed to come back to the desert well and find them because like I said this does seem to be suspicious sand down here although it’s underwater right now and my brush doesn’t seem to be affecting it or maybe the animation just isn’t playing through

Maybe if we clear the water out of here and carefully remove this top layer of sand we can do something about that oh okay it looks like there was only one other suspicious sand block in here I couldn’t really tell through the water texture and yep that looks like it’s

Giving us another Shard of a pot this time an arms up Pottery Shard okay good to know if we dig further down is there going to be any more no it looks like I’m just collecting sand from here so I think at this point this is where the regular desert terrain generation has

Taken over so I did break one of the blocks of suspicious sand inside of here it doesn’t seem like there’s any more around the outside of the desert well structure so is that really it do we only ever find five or six blocks of suspicious sand well in the end we only

Mined one of them but it seems like a couple of them broke as they fell they’re still affected by gravity like regular sand is but it seems like they lose whatever block is in there whatever loot is in there gets lost when you drop them so it seems like yeah we uh

Potentially lost out on a couple of those inside the desert temple itself and while I’m looking part of me wonders if suspicious sand blocks could generate around ruined nether portals in deserts as well naturally that brings up the issue of whether or not the game knows where it’s putting the ruined Nether

Portals as opposed to just plonking them down in whichever biome because they are pretty much bio-magnostic they appear more or less everywhere in the world including in the oceans so if you want to keep suspicious sand exclusive to Desert biomes then maybe that’s not really on the cards but it could be

Another so-called ancient structure that it would be good to place a few blocks of suspicious sand around I guess the struggle here is the balance but between making the feature immediately rewarding to players and encouraging players to go and seek it out elsewhere in order to complete the experience like I’ve had to

Go and find another desert well and desert temple which I didn’t know were here so thankfully they’ve appeared in this immediate formation but I’ve had to go and look for these structures travel even further just so that I can complete one of these pots and I don’t even know

For certain that I’m going to get enough Pottery shards out of this which at this point has me wondering if the game is really balanced yet and that’s just a brick okay that’s not what I was looking for at all that doesn’t seem to be suspicious sand this one is all right

That looks like we’ve got another Pottery Shard as well we have two arms up Pottery shards very nice and once again the only place it seems we’re going to find those is in those two blocks of the floor of a desert well and not anywhere around or further down so

This desert temple over here Could Be Our Last Hope for finding another Pottery Shard or even a sniffer egg in survival before we resort to just spawning them in in creative mode once again I have left my bed somewhere so I’m going to to see if somebody here has

One I can use hey this house doesn’t even look like it’s occupied the door is blocked in or I’ve just saved the local nitwit and how appropriate that the knitwit was in this blocked off house anyway let’s see what could be inside desert temple number two first of all I

Am gonna dig down and check the burial chamber in case we get the armor template and this time we do we get the Dune armor trim we have struck gold and a couple of golden apples besides there’s a saddle in there in case we wanted to do more with horses yep plenty

Of good stuff to be had and it looks like this time the right hand side of the room has the Sandy patch where we can assume there is more suspicious sense so let’s trim our armor before we get to that let’s take out the helmet and the boots let’s use the Dune armor

Trim on each of those and let’s go with diamond across the center of that I like that a lot it looks a little different to how it looks in the picture there but that’s totally fine I think that’s kind of cool having a diamond mohawk on here

And since we’ve done all of the others I’m going to put redstone on the boots the Dune armor Trim in Redstone material let’s see what that looks like I gotta say honestly in the light of day that makes for a pretty cool gradient so we’ve got the light blue on the top the

Blue in the middle the copper color and then Redstone at the bottom that looks pretty sophisticated I like that a lot and remember there are so many different combinations of these they can even be applied to a leather armor which has all the different color combinations making the combinations of armor Trims and

Armor virtually infinite and if you ask me anything in Minecraft being virtually infinite is a good thing for Minecraft but let’s take a quick look around here see if any of these blocks are actually suspicious sand it doesn’t look like they are we can brush each of them in

Turn just to make sure but I think the texture would give it away otherwise but before when I was digging this out yeah there was a block here so you do have to be a little bit careful not to drop that from above and we get rewarded with yet

Another Diamond popping through we’ve got another piece of suspicious sand here and it looks like that’s going to be the final Shard of our pot let’s see what this creation is two arms up and two prize Pottery shards so I wonder if I have to combine these in a crafting

Table or if I can make them in my two by two I guess not in the next layer down we have one piece of suspicious sand which is yielding yet another pot Shard there’s one in the wall right here which what is that coming oh it’s an emerald

Okay there are two right here in the corner this one’s giving me a block of TNT it’s a little bit ominous coming out of the sand and this looks like another pot Shard as well that one’s a little different though it’s got a zombie head

On or maybe a Wither head it’s kind of difficult to say a skull at least yeah and it looks like that is it for this little 5×5 chamber off to the side and once again yeah we find pretty quickly that there is nothing underneath that that’s just gonna be Stone generation

Moving on down well the snapshot article says you can craft together four of these Pottery shards into a decorated pot but the question remains how is it like this oh it is okay right so that’s not especially easy to understand like not too intuitive like it doesn’t appear in

The recipe book at all if I type in pot here or decorated pot it’s only going to come up with a flower pot as an example if I put decorate it just doesn’t come up with anything so this crafting recipe is a little bit obscure to me I kind of

Wonder if it just needs to be a shapeless crafting recipe but then again how would you determine the order in which they appear on those four sides maybe just one two three and four is in like north south east and west or however it would happen but yeah if we

If we put it like this then we get a decorated pot which we can now place and it will have the designs on the sides in an order I’m not certain if that’s the order I placed them in or not but I guess it is and if we break it with a

Fist we can pick it up again I believe if you break it with a tool it smashes and then you can design it differently when you go to your crafting table next so let’s say we put two of the arms up ones on each side let’s just make sure

That that occurs in the right order yep it seems to have yeah that’s that’s actually perfect I kind of like that that’s just me celebrating how many diamonds I got in the duration of this playthrough I suppose so I guess that’s part of the appeal of these right like

By the time you have found one by the time you’ve got enough shards to put one together then it feels like it’s telling the story at least of you finding it but naturally this is meant to be a a kind of ancient artifact I suppose something that evokes a previous time period

Unlike what they initially showed at Minecraft live when archeology was first mentioned they don’t have any kind of clay version that you then apply the designs to the side it’s much more just reassembling it from shards that you find through digging and I think as a similar qualified mechanic and has

Simplified designs it’s pretty polished at this point I like it I think it’s it’s simple enough for people to get the hang of the crafting recipe is maybe not the most intuitive thing in the world but you get there eventually and if I put this in the world with one of the

Regular flower pots on top of it it almost acts like a stopper you know it kind of looks like the pot has been closed up like that it does a bit of Zed bashing for now but I can imagine people wanting to use them that way you can add

A flower into the top of that so you could have a flower popping out of this pot you can even then put another block on top of that as people tend to do with like interior house plant style things and have a a plant growing out of a pot

Like that’s a very simple way of using them but it could work pretty well if you cover the top of them like this the top part is purely aesthetic like it’s it’s just a a part that sticks over into the next block but it doesn’t seem to

Have any kind of hitbox attached to it so you could hide these in walls and use them as decorative blocks without it being obvious that they are jars at all cool imagine putting one of these Diamond things at the end of a maze and that’s kind of a sign that you’re about

To receive some treasure if you check the chest next to it I would love to be able to dye these pots different colors like if you could apply a die to the individual sides or maybe to the entire pot itself I don’t think that’s something you can do yet but would love

That to be a feature of the finished product like if you could craft the decorated pot together with blue dye and it’d come out as a blue design I think that’d be really nice but these are still brand new features so they may still have something in mind for them

I’m looking forward to it for now though I think we’re done here I think we’ll probably head back over to that Cherry Grove biome so that we can take a look at the sniffer a shame we haven’t been able to find one in survival but let’s check them out in Creative so here’s

Something odd I’ve spawned in a bunch of suspicious sand and it’s not actually giving me anything back so it seems like when the game chooses locations for suspicious sand to spawn it has very specific parameters applied to it like it kind of seeds it with loot maybe

Based on the world CD even instead of suspicious sand natively having a loot table right now then it may be that this becomes data driven later on but for the minute at least it really doesn’t seem like we can do a whole lot with suspicious sand ourselves for example I

Can’t Prime the suspicious sand with any specific type of loot like if I were to put a uh a diamond in this for example it’s not gonna let me do that it’s not like as a player we can set up what the loot is after the fact which you know

It’s kind of a shame I would like to be able to craft a block of sand together with a diamond or something and get some suspicious sand that other players could dig up having it be a block that players interact with on more than just a world

Gen level seems like a good move to me but right now if I look at the change log for snapshot 23.07a it just says the sniffer has been added it doesn’t say where it’s been added so as far as I can tell the only way to get hold of the

Sniffer right now is to spawn it in using the spawn egg in creative mode and they are big Lads they are super cute though I just love the look of them and their behavior their animations everything is kind of Top Notch and to be honest I agree with a lot of the

People who are saying that other Minecraft Mobs now look kind of basic by comparison like you put one of these next to a sheep and the difference in animation and detail and everything is fairly plain it has these head movements that are more diagonal and articulated right now it looks like it’s sniffing

Out the stuff that I threw on the floor but he’s sniffing around whether he’s sniffing the local plants whether he loves all of this cherry blossom or whether he’s just gonna split down somewhere and dig for some seeds remains to be seen but right now this spawn egg

Is the only item related to the sniffer in the whole creative inventory that also includes commands if I type give pixel riffs and then type sniffer it automatically comes up with the sniffer spawn egg but no other item so the way of discovering sniffers seems like it hasn’t been fully implemented in the

Game quite yet baby sniffers are very much a thing though if you rightly click on a adult size sniffer with the spawn egg you end up producing a baby sniffer and it’s slightly easier to get a look at those from ground level because they’re a little shorter than these

Absolute monster trucks but these things are my new favorite mob they’re adorable I love them the pixel art is absolutely Sublime they are just full of character and I love the big sniffy flexible nose that they have they’re just like big lumbering doggos and I love them so much

I do wonder how long it’s going to take them to sniff out those seeds for you though because right now they aren’t really doing that and it may be that there are just too many flowers around here so they don’t feel like doing it maybe we should go over to a flat world

Or a plane’s biome where there isn’t so much foliage oh no one of them is digging one of them is digging right as I gave myself these items so what it digs up is torch flower seeds which are a new Unique Kind of seat they’re also I believe the breeding item for sniffers

Although they can’t be tempted by them they won’t follow you around if you are holding torch our seeds they’ll just kind of casually wander around doing their own thing yep oh he’s done it again look at that he’s digging up another set fantastic and we can grab

Those now it doesn’t seem like you can plant them on the ground quite yet or on grass it seems like maybe we need to till the soil here for that to happen so let me quickly cheat myself in a hoe Yep they’re planted just like crops on Farmland which presumably means that

Hydrated Farmland is going to help and bone meal will accelerate the process of their growth then in survival mode you can Harvest them by left clicking to break them you can plant those basically anywhere else and they don’t deal damage to you or anything despite the name they

Are not actually made of fire they are very beautiful decorative plants though they look much the same in flower pots but they have a whole different range of colors to them and I believe they can be crafted into orange dye not the first flower that you can do this with orange

Two Lips exist and obviously poppies and dandelions are fairly common if you want to combine them but can of neat that it has a Dye use it’s not just a decorative plant despite the fact that decoration is its primary use now I do wonder if the sniffer is going to end up finding

Other decorative plants they did say plants plural so maybe the torch flowers aren’t the only ones and they’re just the first implementation of this mechanic but I am curious to see how that develops in future and in future updates the sniffer might even be able to find us other types of plants that

Are more useful to the player some Ancient Grains maybe but for now oh we’ve just about covered it this has probably been a long one but I hope you folks have enjoyed my first look at a lot of these features it may not be yours but frankly I have been keeping

Track of the news and desperate to play with all of these features whilst I’ve been away on holiday so folks thank you so much for watching this exploration of the latest Minecraft snapshots for Minecraft 1.20 still looking forward to seeing what it’s called but in the meantime my name has been Pixar’s don’t

Forget to leave a like on this video If you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and I’ll see you folks soon take care bye for now

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20 ▫ Snapshot 23w07a ▫ I Went On Holiday And Mojang Announced The Entire Update’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2023-02-16 11:00:03. It has garnered 128952 views and 7452 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:43 or 2563 seconds.

Over the last few weeks, Mojang has announced and released snapshots for all the major features of Minecraft 1.20! It still doesn’t have a name though…

Today I catch up on everything I’ve missed over my holiday – Smithing Templates and the new Smithing Table, where to find Armour Trims, better Horse breeding mechanics, the new Create New World screen, Cherry Grove biomes, Archaeology, the Brush, Decorated Pots, Suspicious Sand, the Sniffer, Torchflowers and more! I even left a couple of mechanics out of this video for time – like jukebox interactions with hoppers, netherite upgrade templates, and some of the blocks you can craft from cherry wood. We’ll cover those in a future video, most likely in the Minecraft Survival Guide!

It’s also worth noting that these new features can only be accessed by enabling an ‘experimental features’ datapack when creating a new world.

Check out the full snapshot changelog here: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-23w07a —-

Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm UK Time! http://twitch.tv/pixlriffs Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff! http://www.twitter.com/pixlriffs

GNU Paranor001

#Minecraft #1_20 #Snapshot #Sniffer #CherryWood #archaeology

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  • DANGER: SHIZO Preparing for NETHER?!|HC Minecraft Day 6

    DANGER: SHIZO Preparing for NETHER?!|HC Minecraft Day 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Preparing For The NETHER! – Hardcore Minecraft Day 6’, was uploaded by Jtom4000 on 2024-02-15 21:39:21. It has garnered 240 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:56 or 12176 seconds. If you enjoy my stream make sure to hit that subscribe button for more content just like this! Top Donations of 2024: 1 – Gatores – $929 nzd ($562.54 USD) 2 – Muzee ($134 US) 3 – TheZackPlayz ($20 US) https://streamlabs.com/jtom4000/tip If you guys would like to leave me a tip (this is only optional) then the link above will send… Read More

  • Unhinged Minecraft server hacks: Dominate DonutSMP & JackpotMC in IG30

    Unhinged Minecraft server hacks: Dominate DonutSMP & JackpotMC in IG30Video Information This video, titled ‘Getting Gear on Minecraft servers DonutSMP, JackpotMC!’, was uploaded by IG30 on 2024-02-17 14:42:48. It has garnered 46 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:09 or 5109 seconds. https://discord.gg/RuxSUvhe36 Hi im IG30 I like to play Minecraft and hang out! Love u all please subscribe! YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-ih3yXHzwXppHNxxXQ4-RA MOUSE: https://www.gloriousgaming.com/products/glorious-model-o-wireless-matte-black KEYBOURD: https://www.keychron.com/products/keychron-q1?variant=39974565478489 MIC: Blue yeti Pro LOVE U GUYS! Read More

  • Lamp stream on RuhyPixel! Secrets revealed in Minecraft chat! #shorts

    Lamp stream on RuhyPixel! Secrets revealed in Minecraft chat! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘ПОБОЛТАЕМ? ЛАМПОВЫЙ СТРИМ НА RUHYPIXEL в MINECRAFT! БОЛТАЕМ ПО ДУШАМ! #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by HamanN? on 2024-04-13 06:37:26. It has garnered 682 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:33 or 6393 seconds. ————————————————– ——– ★ Support me with a pretty penny: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/ezz_hamann ————————————————– ——– ► Soc.seti ★ Ds – provod_na_hamanne ★ Tg – https://t.me/Prodamprovod ★ My telegram channel – https://t.me/hamann_Bigboy —————————————— ★ I play here – Ruhypixel.net – —————————————– ★ Enter my promo code /promo yaHamanN and receive VIP, 100,000 coins, cosmetics and 50 rubax! =) —————————————— ★ I invite… Read More

  • Dracuu098 Reveals Ultimate Minecraft Tips in 1 Minute

    Dracuu098 Reveals Ultimate Minecraft Tips in 1 MinuteVideo Information This video, titled ‘Answering All Your Minecraft Questions In 1 Minutes #dracuu098 #minecraft #shorts #gaming’, was uploaded by Dracuu098 on 2024-01-01 15:36:26. It has garnered 9410 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Answering All Your Minecraft Questions In 1 Minutes #minecraft #shorts #gaming #youtube #youtubevideo #yt #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #ytshort #youtubechannel #youtubevideos #games #gameplay #game #gamingvideos #gamer #shortsfeed #shortvideo #subscribe #short #shortsvideo #status #song #shortsviral #share #tiktok #tiktokvideo #trending #trendingshorts #trend #tranding #totalgaming #trendingvideo #video #viral #viralshort #viralvideo #viralshorts #vlog #videos #dracuu098 @TechnoGamerzOfficial @LOKESHGAMER @LOKESHGAMER @RaptorGamer @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie @dream Read More

  • SkyblockGuides

    SkyblockGuidesSkyblockGuides.com teaches you how to play Hypixel Skyblock! It can help you learn how to use the Auction House and Bazaar, play dungeons, farm crops, find items, and more. This server is used to host events for the SkyblockGuides and TankerMan3000 communities. skyblockguides.mcpro.io Read More

  • Memelands – Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

    Welcome to Memelands! Memelands is an SMP with a close-knit and driven community seeking active long-term players over the age of 15. Our map has been active since 2019, offering unique builds and rich history without resets. Community and Events Players from around the world participate in server events like build contests and Memelands olympics. We value creative individuals who want to contribute and have fun. The server is vanilla with essential datapacks and protective plugins. Ownership and Rules No stealing, griefing, or hacking. Be mature, friendly, and respect others. Report rule-breakers to admins. Join Us To join, apply here… Read More

  • -+- ⭐ TMF Country SMP⭐ [1.20.4] -+-

    -+- ⭐ TMF Country SMP⭐ [1.20.4] -+-WELCOME TO TMF!This server is literally a country. With a government, police departments, laws, criminals, and even more.Try becoming a criminal yourself, or apply to join a department.FUN STARTS HERE.TMF.MC.GGEvery player counts. Every story counts. Join today. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Latest Cape is Lit, Fam!

    Minecraft Memes - The Latest Cape is Lit, Fam!Why did the Enderman wear a cape? Because it wanted to be super… blocky! Read More

  • Cow’s Gift: Minecraft’s OP Surprise!

    Cow's Gift: Minecraft's OP Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, where cows roam free, There’s a new challenge, just wait and see. Milking these bovines, you’ll find a surprise, OP items dropping, right before your eyes. The cowpocalypse is here, a moo-mageddon tale, Where cows are the bosses, their power prevails. Minecraft madness, a game-changer indeed, With bovine bosses, it’s a whole new breed. Join us in this epic adventure, so grand, As we explore a world, crafted by hand. Minecraft mods, with a twist so divine, Cows dropping OP items, it’s quite a find. So dive in, embrace the challenge, don’t be shy,… Read More

  • Stealth mode engaged: Creeper edition

    Stealth mode engaged: Creeper edition When you’re playing Minecraft and you’re about to pull off an epic move, just remember: don’t let the creepers know your next move or they’ll blow it up before you even get a chance! #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems 😂🎮💣 Read More

  • Transformando Minecraft en un juego de terror

    Transformando Minecraft en un juego de terror Transforming Minecraft into a Terrifying Game with Intelligent Beings Are you ready to turn your Minecraft world into a place of horror and thrills? With the right mods and texture packs, you can create a spine-chilling experience for you and your friends. Dive into the darkness and see who among you is brave enough to face the terror that awaits. Mods Used in the Video: Optifine: Enhance your graphics and performance with Optifine. Xaero’s Minimap: Navigate through the horrors with a detailed minimap. Inventory HUD+: Keep track of your items with an improved HUD. Nyf’s Spiders: Encounter terrifying spiders… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Control in the Circle

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Control in the Circle Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest news from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft BUT, You Control the Circle🔴”. While this video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it showcases the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine being able to control your own destiny within the Minecraft world, shaping the environment around you and creating your own unique experience. This level of control and freedom is exactly what you can expect when you join the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant… Read More

  • Survive the UNKNOWN tunnel in Zombie Craft!

    Survive the UNKNOWN tunnel in Zombie Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-04-23 11:00:08. It has garnered 404 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:56 or 3236 seconds. CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

Minecraft 1.20 ▫ Snapshot 23w07a ▫ I Went On Holiday And Mojang Announced The Entire Update