Minecraft 1.21 Update: Explosive Mob Farms & Hardcore Changes!

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moang just released another huge update for Minecraft 1.21 on Bedrock Edition hardcore mode is officially here now and working properly and after years of waiting we have 100% TNT drop rate so this allows for a ton of new technology like blasting Chambers and all kinds of fun stuff oh and they broke basically every mob farm on Bedrock Edition so let’s hop into it so this is beta 12020 meaning that Mojang is officially working on the 121 update even though they’ve already said that we’ve gotten every single feature for 1.21 already basically this just means that 1280 is going to be releasing for Bedrock soon and 121 is very very close I’d say probably like 2 months or less the main things in this beta is everything that we’ve seen in the recent snapshots like the ominous trials ominous bottles Keys spawners and vaults also the new potion effects and trial chamber updates I’ve already made a deep dive on all that stuff of course so you can check out that video if you don’t know about the ominous changes and of course this implements The Raid Farm changes to bed Edition as well I already did a deep dive in my previous video on that as well and let’s take a look at the new hardcore mode so when you go to create a new world you’re going to have a new toggle right here for hardcore and this is going to start locking some of your settings so as you see it’s lock to survival and hard mode and if we go into Advance even some of this stuff is locked as well now luckily you are able to turn on coordinates in hardcore which is very nice and interestingly you can also turn on flat world as well and this is actually a long-standing bug so previously you could could not have a survival flat world it always puts you into creative as soon as you tried to put it into a flat world and as you can see you also get this nice little popup telling you what hardcore mode is when you die you will not respa game over you can’t turn off hardcore mode after creating this world and after you die you can see but not interact with the world this is actually a great popup to have because of course not everyone knows what hardcore is and look at that we actually have survival mode in a super flat this has been years in the waiting for Bedrock Edition super cool to finally have this and now you can just create these regularly so if you want to have a survival flat world then you can do that it no longer automatically puts it into creative when you select flat world as you can see you can still change a majority of the basic options when you are in hardcore so this is nice you still have a little bit of Freedom when it comes to all of your world settings so you can still turn off fire spreads or TNT if you want to while playing hardcore and as you can see we also have the hardcore Hearts now so that was not in the previous Beta And if we go ahead and take damage and die we’ll see what happens and there we go as you can see we get put into third person mode on the death screen because this is the new death screen and if we hit respawn as you can see we are now in spectator mode which is amazing so hardcore is officially fully working for Bedrock Edition and of course you can go ahead and use this like regular spectator because that’s all it is okay so now if we go ahead and leave the world this world is still here and if we try and rejoin it we’re still going to be in spectator mode uh I took some damage there I think I think it just put us into survival for a second probably a little bug to work out there but nothing to worry about right now so this is interesting I’m invisible and it looks like I’m in spectator but I’m actually like I have a hit boox as you can see I can take damage and I can die this is very peculiar I’ve never died in spectator mode before I died again okay um hm I can’t break or interact with anything but I’m definitely not in proper spectator okay so there’s still a couple small bugs to work out after so many years of waiting Bedrock Edition finally has 100% TNT drop rates so if you don’t know what this is prepare to be amazed when I blow up this piece of TNT every single block that it destroys will actually be dropped as an item instead of the previous system where only some of them would drop as an item so if we go to survival mode as you can see we got over a stack of slime balls from that and that’s actually enough to fill in this entire platform again and as you can see we can go ahead and repair all of the damage that was done by this piece of TNT and of course this applies to any block that the TNT can explode so if you blow up a crater on the ground over here every single one of those blocks will actually be dropped as an item and we can go ahead and fill in all of this again repairing any damage that was done to be clear this has not been applied to creepers yet on Java Edition creepers also have this 100% drop rate this also needs to be applied to creepers that way when when they blow up our builds we can easily rebuild them without losing a bunch of materials to be clear this is absolutely huge and something that we’ve been asking for on Bedrock Edition for literally years like since we’ve had this on Java we’ve been asking to get this on Bedrock Edition and it’s here this is going to allow us to do so much more stuff with blasting Chambers for tree farms for Stone Farms Cobblestone Farms concrete converters basically anything that has blocks we will now be able to automatically break and collect those blocks by using TNT so absolutely huge we love to see it and this is just a great change all around we also have even more UI changes in the beta this week so we have new screens for seeing your achievements and you can even compare that to your friends as well we also have a new stats screen where you can compare your stats to your friend stats and in general just a lot of updates to friends screens uh but they’ve actually had to turn them off in this week’s preview so all I have are these little screenshots to show you are a couple other UI changes that I’ve noticed like this little button right here to change your world view from this nice little grid to the Rose and of course this one actually shows you the date of your world and your world size now which is very good and also check out the new sounds for the friends drawer you open that up you get a nice little sound for the chest and then if you click off of that it also makes a closing sound it’s so cool I love it another update another bug with boats come and gone and this time we are now able to stand on boats that are in the water again so as you can see when you get out of these things you can actually stand on them previously when you got out of the boat you would fall directly through them and start drowning in the dark abyss below you but we don’t want to talk about that so now you can actually go ahead and make bridges out of boats this is great this is a feature that we had a long time ago but it broke and now it’s back again so last week Mojang added new placing and breaking sounds to cobwebs on Java Edition and they said they added this to bedrock but they definitely did not so taking a look at the change logs I mean we covered all the interesting stuff we got all the new ominous trials and that stuff we covered the new hardcore mode editions and even the new UI we even talked about this tiny little change of boats that affects basically every player so surely there’s nothing more in this update wait what mobs naturally spawning mobs now spawn in the center of a block Instead at the corner of a block this fixes many issues where mobs could not spot on slopes and narrow passages and in other situations where they were expected to for technical players this bug fix will mean that some player made mob Farms will no longer fully work we appreciate the time the community puts into building clever farms and we try to avoid breaking Farms where we can in this case we felt this change was necessary because it improves the way spawning Works in manyi biomes to be clear this breaks basically every mob farm I do not expect this change to be reverted in any way Mojang fully expected some backlash or whatever you want to call it from this change and that is why they said that in the change logs however ever this isn’t the absolute end of the world it just means that we have to spend a ton of time redesigning existing Tech from like the previous years and this breaks a ton of things and overall it’s just kind of demoralizing for anyone who has good mob Farms on Bedrock Edition it’s also going to waste a ton of people’s time where they’re going to have to go rebuild their survival Farms but we will rebuild and we will still have some decent mob Farms going forward and the irony is not lost on me that they just made TNT useful in this update while simult ously breaking the mob Farms that produce gunpowder for us making it way more difficult to get mass quantities of TNT the irony is so thick you could cut it with a butter knife okay but real talk I do appreciate the sentiment from Mojang you know trying not to Break Stuff where they can but this is also the same update that breaks raid farms and now basically every good Bedrock mob farm which is really rough so to demonstrate what has changed here previously mobs would spawn on the very corner of a block or essentially in between four blocks they would always spawn on the northwest corner so it kind of looked a little bit something like this now it seems like a very small change really the mobs are just moving like half a block inwards now they spawn at the very center of a block which is how they spawn on Java Edition and how they spawn on you know Legacy console edition so overall it seems like a very small change however mobs have always spawned in this way on Bedrock Edition and basically every mob farm that has any complexity to it since 1.16 has essentially been broken by this very small seemingly innocent change so this change also breaks insta push which is a classic Bedrock Edition feature as you can see we got a bunch of mobs spawning inside of these glass blocks here normally they would fall out immediately and die but that is no longer the case here now there is sometimes where this works it’s a bit directional so this side right here doesn’t work because it’s going in the north south Direction but this one over here on the east west does sort of work it’s a bit inconsistent as you can see we have some guys falling out back there this also changes spider proofing inside of our mob Farms so previously the mobs would spawn on the corner here meaning that the button would prevent the spider from spawning but that’s no longer the case because now they spawn in the middle of the platform and that just means that we’re going to have to change up how we spider proof our mob Farms as you can see we have buttons on this entire platform up here and we’re getting tons and tons of spiders luckily this does not affect our very basic Scaffolding in water-based mob Farms these ones should work fine now they might even be a little bit better because previously the walls on the edges here would stop a couple of these spawns because of the directional spawning that’s why I actually used glass inside of the walls here cuz mobs don’t care about glass but now you can just replace these with regular solid blocks but then you would need to have slabs or some buttons on top of it to prevent vent spiders from spawning this little Gap right here so the ultra basic mob Farms of Bedrock Edition are fine they might even be a little bit tiny bit better and you can also replace these walls with regular blocks making them just a bit cheaper however more advanced mob Farms of like creeper only mob Farms just got just completely ruined here so for example I was about to collab with Mike Homer on their creeper farm that produces like 14,000 gunpowder an hour but this change completely ruins that farm so this is the lotus how it worked is you would basically have the creeper spawn on that very Corner block right there and then they have a trap door above them so only creepers would spawn the iron bars would stop spiders and then because they were on the corner there they were automatically inside of the water stream which meant that they would get taken to your Kill Chamber but now they only spawn in the center of the block so they’re not in the water stream you have to rely on them to path find and path finding is incredibly unreliable and slow and just bad but anyway as you can see we also getting spiders in this design now and in general the rates of this thing just got absolutely nuked now this does not affect everything for example structures still spawn mobs on the northwest corner so all structure Farms have basically been Untouched by this change but I actually think that this is a little bit of an oversight and I doubt that this is going to stay the case I assume that they will be moved to Center Spa spawning sometime soon because it just seems weird to have two syst systems now so lowkey we’re actually back to like waffle style designs which is which is where we started these are the designs that we started with we’ve come so far that we’re back to where we started now however there is a bunch of other good bugs that could be fixed at the same time as this that would actually fix mob farms and make them better and kind of like offset the Badness of this change if you know what I mean so Mojang if you’re watching uh we we got we got some other bugs for you to fix so first of all you got to fix the bug with Trident Trident are falling down out of every Trident killer on Bedrock Edition they’re glitching themselves into the ground sometimes all the way down to like 40 blocks below the farm a few updates ago we also had a change to Trident where mobs could push them around when they get hit by them and this actually breaks a ton of trident killers and reduces the amount of design variation that we can have as as you can see as we kill skeletons these Trident are going to get pushed away and away and eventually they won’t even be able to hit the skeletons that are in these mine carts so it just doesn’t really sense for entities to be able to push a projectile on the ground like we can’t push around arrows that are on the ground why should we be able to push around Trident if we made these things immovable by entities we could design so many more Trident killers and that would really help out our mob farms in a bunch of ways I would think so before this change we had trient Killers like this one right here and this was perfectly reliable for several updates but with the mobs being able to move around Trident it just gets stuck on the edge of the blocks now because Trident can get pushed around by entities that’s why we had to start using the 2x two design and this keeps the Trident centered in the middle right there there’s also a big pathfinding bug when a mob is trying to get from point A to point B and they fall down in the middle of their path finding they will continuously still try to get to point B which makes them jump out of water streams out of lava out of trident killers and this really just hurts mob farms in general more of a game suggestion but it would be really nice to have something that spiders could not climb especially with that pathf finding bug they will continuously climb the walls as you can see here and this makes them very slow and difficult to kill in basically any mob farm as you can see they just get up right out of the water streams I think it would make sense if they couldn’t climb something like glaze terra cotta if slime can’t stick to it then surely a spider shouldn’t be able to climb it but that’s more of a game suggestion than a bug fix there’s also a bug with the Looting Enchantment Where it doesn’t drop as many items as it should if this bug got fixed then rates of mob Farms would be increased by about 25% which would significantly offset any loses due to this change and there’s also another bug where mobs killed by looting just don’t drop any items at all and that needs to be looked into because it affects like a ton of mobs that die in the mob Farms apparently spider hit boxes are also not the same between bedrock and Java Edition which really hinders our ability to prevent them from spawning in mob Farms if there was parody between the platforms here this would actually help out a lot and maybe it’s time to rethink how density checks work on Bedrock Edition a 9×9 chunk area of density checks is quite a lot and if we rethinked the density check situation then that would actually allow for a lot more mob farms in a lot smaller area and also just better rates in general I don’t think density checks have been changed at all in the history of Bedrock Edition and with the big changes Des spawning in 1.16 with despawning uh it seems like it’s overtime that density checks on Bedrock Edition either get eliminated or just redone somehow and next up there’s a few things that should not change if we might mob Farms to exist at all on Bedrock Edition we need mobs to be able to spawn with a block at their head height this is crucial for a lot of different mob Farms as you can see uh we can have things spawn with a glass block at their head level or scaffolding or whatever the case may be right now they only do a block check at like their feet level which is very important if it stays that way then we’ll be in good luck for a while scaffolding is also another Saving Grace of Bedrock right now mobs can spawn with their feet inside of scaffolding it’s basically treated as an AIR block if this changes everything will break our most simple and basic mob Farms will not exist anymore so just don’t touch scaffolding okay it needs to stay as is and finally if Trident Killers break or get removed in any way we will Riot this is a pack that we’ve made with the entire Minecraft Community TRD and killers are literally like the only thing that give us any good rates with bad rocket edition mob Farms so ultimately we won the Battle of getting 100% TNT drop rates but we lost the war with all of our mob Farms breaking but hopefully you enjoyed today’s Bedrock news video if you did then drop a like And subscribe thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you guys down in the comments and in the next one

This video, titled ‘BIG NEW FEATURES! HARDCORE, Mob Farms BROKEN, 100% TNT & More! Minecraft 1.21 Update’, was uploaded by silentwisperer on 2024-04-03 21:44:50. It has garnered 115868 views and 4146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:36 or 996 seconds.

Mojang just released ANOTHER big update to Minecraft Bedrock! HARDCORE is working, BIG FEATURES and mob farms BROKEN! Subscribe for more Minecraft:)

-Latest video! https://youtu.be/SIlbJmpgg_8

300+ Minecraft Bedrock Tutorials! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv0ngaVTZt4HGuq-IbONrSnvwc4NAp16o

Truly Bedrock Survival Series! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv0ngaVTZt4GBB_zsGIGV9qhVg1T5NtRi

Beta https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/25581734759309

UPVOTE THESE BUG REPORTS Looting being applied incorrectly: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCPE-35307 Tridents falling through the ground: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCPE-167769 Tridents being pushed by mobs: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCPE-60895 Pathfinding is slow and makes the world slower when the target cannot be reached: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCPE-147882

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0:00 BIG CHANGES for 1.21! 1:04 Hardcore mode is WORKING! 3:33 100% TNT drop rates! 5:08 UI updates 5:51 Nice bug fixes! 6:42 Mob farms BROKEN! 8:25 What changed? 12:27 How to make farms BETTER 15:24 Mojang, dont change this..aaa

Music by Argofox: http://bit.ly/2vsxAF1​

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    EPIC MINECRAFT: Velociraptors vs Rex in Ultimate Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘Velociraptors MINECRAFT*Rex MOSASAURUS SPINOSAURUS Triassic& Apatosaurus: The last day of dinosaurs?’, was uploaded by CHILD GAMING on 2024-06-14 08:55:13. It has garnered 421 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:02 or 782 seconds. Velociraptors MINECRAFT*Rex MOSASAURUS SPINOSAURUS Triassic& Apatosaurus: The last day of dinosaurs? #race #jurassicworldevolution #tyrannosaurus #indominusrex #jurassicworlddominion ABOUT JURASSIC WORLD EVOLUTION 2 : Jurassic World Evolution 2 is the much-anticipated sequel to Frontier’s ground-breaking 2018 management simulation, Jurassic World Evolution, offering an all new narrative campaign voiced by cast members from across the Jurassic World film franchise, exciting new… Read More

  • Terrifying my friend in Minecraft! 😂💀👻 #scaryprank #hilarious

    Terrifying my friend in Minecraft! 😂💀👻 #scaryprank #hilariousVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pranking My Friend With Scary Sounds…💀🤣😭#minecraft #minecrafthorror #viral #funny #comedy #fyp’, was uploaded by Arcadam on 2024-05-20 13:00:16. It has garnered 73 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. The Classic Minecraft Map Drown. I revamped this whole map, added more domes, more loot, and most importantly, sea monsters… This Minecraft adventure was terrifying, fun and sad. RIP Moffy 💛 New Video: https://youtu.be/iWuxU5WKN_E 💜Want More? Subscribe and Never Miss A Video ► https://www.youtube.com/@Arcadam_yt 💛 My Friend’s Channel https://www.youtube.com/@AubanaterPlays 💜Tags: I Added Sea Monsters To Our Horror Survival co-op… Read More

  • Ultimate Demon Slayer Addon for Minecraft Pe!

    Ultimate Demon Slayer Addon for Minecraft Pe!Video Information This video, titled ‘Demon Slayer V1 Addon for Minecraft Pe/Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by Shinu Playz on 2024-08-01 06:30:06. It has garnered 407 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:37 or 157 seconds. Demon Slayer V1 Addon for Minecraft Pe/Bedrock Edition About This Video I have provided this addon for Minecraft fans, specially for those who are bored with Minecraft (Social Media.) ➤ Instagram 🎥 https://www.instagram.com/shinu_official9/ ➤ Discord N/A 🙁 ➤ || Don’t forget to subscribe your Shinu Playz for more useful videos || (Quries Related) demon slayer in minecraft addon demon slayer mcpe… Read More

  • Elytra Hunt with Ice Onimise! Join Now!🔥

    Elytra Hunt with Ice Onimise! Join Now!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘【#41鯖 minecraft】エリトラ探し再び☆【新人Vtuber】’, was uploaded by 鬼無瀬 こおり on 2024-01-07 18:44:28. It has garnered 34 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:03 or 12903 seconds. #RawKoori #NewVtuber I’m a pathetic woman who lost my elytra outside of a stream, so I’m heading off to search for it again with Inudo-san. . . This one is definitely long, so please bear with me, Inudo-san, how are you all doing? I’m Konanase Koori from the vampire vtuber group “Anastasis”! I’ll be delivering a relaxed stream that’s just like me to everyone ❁。゚❀。*。 ❀゚*❁゚ฺ*❁。゚ฺ。 *❀゚ฺ*❁。゚❀… Read More

  • Unveil the Ultimate Gaming Secrets with OHM ALLAH GOD – Stickman games

    Unveil the Ultimate Gaming Secrets with OHM ALLAH GOD - Stickman gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Stickman games #stickmangames #shorts’, was uploaded by OHM ALLAH GOD GAMING on 2024-09-05 17:24:03. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:39 or 639 seconds. gaming, games, game, gameplay, gamer, roblox, subway surfers, gta, minecraft, ludo king, coc, bgmi, music, cartoon games, cartoon, anime, animation, 3d, carrom pool, hitman go, pacman, free fire, coin master, the witcher, red dead redemption, the last of us, god of war, baldurs gate, mass effect, hades, grand theft auto, candy crush, among us, pokemon go, genshin impact, garden scapes, pubg, clash royale,… Read More

  • SUPER SAIYAN GOKU in Minecraft!? 😱

    SUPER SAIYAN GOKU in Minecraft!? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I am GOKU in MINECRAFT !’, was uploaded by op sandy on 2024-09-01 06:14:27. It has garnered 918 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:55 or 295 seconds. soooo hey guys how are you all so here is the new video and I hope you all will like it I have so much fun about making this video and I hope you also have fun to watch this video and in this video I have become Goku which is the famous anime character and I hope it is also your favourite… Read More

  • ZenythMC Network

    ZenythMC NetworkEn esta nueva Network podrás encontrar modalidades como: Life Steal, Survival Custom, One Block, Gens… etc) muchas en progreso y mejorando constantemente. Confía en nosotros! play.zenythmc.net Read More

  • CubeWorldMC Modded PVP Geopolitics Earth

    “He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks.” – Sun Tzu CubeWorldMC Experience a modded geopolitical faction SMP on a 1:1000 replica of the earth. Join nations, build infrastructure, raid structures, and make lasting connections in a welcoming community. Details: Discord: Join our Discord Version: 1.12.2 IP: Modpack: Download modpack (1.12.2 VERSION!!!!) Dynmap: View Dynmap Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – What will happen if I enter this hole?

    Minecraft Memes - What will happen if I enter this hole?It’s like a real life version of Narnia, but instead of a magical wardrobe, it’s a pixelated portal in Minecraft! Read More

  • Surviving & Thriving: Minecraft Episode 1

    Surviving & Thriving: Minecraft Episode 1 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m here to report on the latest gaming scene. Episode 1 of Survival, a journey begins, Crafting, building, exploring, all with grins. Join me on this adventure, as we dive deep, Into caves, forests, and mountains steep. With each rhyme I spin, a story unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity molds. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your might, As we venture forth into the pixelated light. Stay tuned for more updates, more rhymes to share, In the world of Minecraft, where we dare to care. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts Trending!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts Trending! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftjokes #boom Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to introduce you to an exciting Minecraft server that is taking the gaming world by storm. While watching the YouTube video “Presentando Craft World #1 Minecraft,” we couldn’t help but think about the amazing community and endless possibilities that await you on Minewind server. With a vibrant Discord community and a dedicated team of moderators, Minewind offers a unique and immersive Minecraft experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new challenge or a beginner eager to explore the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 4

    Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 4 Welcome to Spanish Boost Gaming! 🎮 In episode 4 of the Minecraft gameplay series by Martin, a passionate Spanish tutor and gamer from Argentina, viewers are taken on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft while learning Spanish. This episode focuses on mining, gathering resources, and opening the Nether portal for thrilling adventures in the dangerous Nether realm. Exploring the World of Minecraft As Martin delves into the game, viewers are treated to a visually stunning world filled with endless possibilities. From lush forests to deep caves, Minecraft offers a diverse landscape to explore and conquer. The vibrant… Read More

  • STOLE $3 MILLION BUGATTI | MINECRAFT #gaming #shorts

    STOLE $3 MILLION BUGATTI | MINECRAFT #gaming #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STOLE A BUGATTI CHIRON | MINECRAFT | #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming#shortvideos #shorts’, was uploaded by MoBBi Playz on 2024-08-08 11:02:16. It has garnered 6 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. I STOLE BUGATTI CHIRON | MINECRAFT | #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming#shortvideos #shorts Welcome to MoBBix ! Join our growing community by hitting the subscribe button and turning on notifications to stay updated on the latest videos. Whether you’re a casual gamer or a hardcore enthusiast, MoBBix has something for everyone . 🎮✨ Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe… Read More

  • Ultimate Meme Animal Shenanigans in Cursed Minecraft!

    Ultimate Meme Animal Shenanigans in Cursed Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘FUNNY MEME ANIMALS in MINECRAFT! CATS | DOGS | MONKEY & OTHER PETS CURSED MINECRAFT #3/2’, was uploaded by Felizio Craft on 2024-07-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 13345 views and 357 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Hello, you are on the Felizio Craft 🤗 did you like the video? like and comment! Playlist Click: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoHnniB9V96NsnfmPnL7B8kPe-jGQv3O9 Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN00zfC0glEyWMkxAgKedGg/?sub_confirmation=1 #minecraft #pets #funnypets #cat #dog #monkey #meme ⚠️DISCLAIMER: FANMADE. This video is a mix of video montage, gameplay, mods, glitches, unreality, my game theories and versions in the game Minecraft. Video made… Read More

  • Ultimate Hardcore Island Survival Challenge!

    Ultimate Hardcore Island Survival Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore: Survival Island 3 (with gamingparts) Part 6′, was uploaded by MGB TV on 2024-06-23 05:38:39. It has garnered 33 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:17 or 6557 seconds. I am playing Minecraft Hardcore on a survival island with gamingparts gamingparts’ channel: https://www.youtube.com/@gamingparts179 PC Specs GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 RAM: 16GB #gaming #minecraft #live #minecrafthardcore #minecraftsurvivalisland Read More

  • Mysterious World Invitation – You won’t believe what happened next!

    Mysterious World Invitation - You won't believe what happened next!Video Information This video, titled ‘i got invited to a random persons world…’, was uploaded by Vivilly on 2024-04-02 18:00:12. It has garnered 1046861 views and 111994 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. #minecraft #mcyt #shorts Is this the best world of all time? Yes, it is. MINECRAFT SERVER IP: VIVILLY.NET STORE: https://store.vivilly.net/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/vivillyyy 2ND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgLhDZLmDBu1JVQTKjYK3TA DISCORD: https://discord.gg/e3BqumG3ac Also I’m gonna copy and paste this description from a big youtuber because SHEEEEESH MY VIEWS WENT CRAZY for like literally 1 month or so but for some reason I still copy/paste this on every… Read More

  • Unbelievable Spleef Trap in Minecraft UHC!

    Unbelievable Spleef Trap in Minecraft UHC!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Spleefed Him into my Trap MID FIGHT – Minecraft UHC’, was uploaded by Absolutely Alpha on 2024-02-29 19:15:02. It has garnered 9773 views and 230 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I Spleefed Him into my Trap MID FIGHT – Minecraft UHC Gameplay or first edited date: 11/4/20 ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● Discord: https://discord.gg/6XBCTMD ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● #hypixel #minecraftshorts #hypixeluhc Read More

  • Kuno’s EPIC Minecraft Stream – MUST WATCH!!

    Kuno's EPIC Minecraft Stream - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT STREAMM YAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!’, was uploaded by Kuno on 2024-09-08 12:18:06. It has garnered 37 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:44 or 6884 seconds. 😀 Read More

  • Ultimate Shizo VTuber: Customizable JosephniteFlyer Reacts to Minecraft Movie & Hardcore

    Ultimate Shizo VTuber: Customizable JosephniteFlyer Reacts to Minecraft Movie & HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘I am placing blocks and stuff cause I’m in F- | A Minecraft Movie Reaction and Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by JosephniteFlyer【Customizable VTuber】 on 2024-09-06 20:30:24. It has garnered 68 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:34 or 9754 seconds. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE2YZhcC4NY Welcome back to another stream! Thanks for stopping by! Sherry Aweber’s Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzzUlhRhmVY&list=PLQYli91_U7leewlmVdR-o4_ItCpvnFWCJ *What is Sherry Aweber’s Story? It’s a light novel series that I’m working on right now about a young girl named Sherry Aweber and her life as a secondary school student in a world where heroes… Read More