Minecraft 3DS Finale: A Journey’s End!

Video Information

[Music] for hello and welcome to the Gen space theater here you will witness many videos of my Channel’s past and also a look at what has been going on in recent times this moment will signify the end of a long running series Minecraft 3DS survival but also the end of the Gen space gaming channel with that thank you all for being here today your presence here in this theater and you’re watching means so much to me and my channel we’ve all come a long way in the last 6 and A2 years so now let’s take some time to reflect on what has happened before we say goodbye one last [Music] time [Music] hello everyone and welcome back to another Minecraft new Nintendo 3DS edition video and today I’m going to be doing my first ever video of my Survival Let’s Play series all right so we are going to now create a new world no I’m going to die I’m going to die get away get away get away looks like only one it’s two I hope it’s three I hope there’s three oh please please please three please three but look at this I did a lot of off camera work and I did all of this off camera as you can see right here here’s a brand new achievements tab so and the reason why I’m on the home screen is because there is now another update and this is probably the best update so far for this version that is because there is now multiplayer version but unfortunately it’s not online multiplayer it’s local multiplayer with other people who have the game uh okay let’s just go down here this is probably the best method no no no oh well my best method just didn’t actually turn out turn out very well there is yet another software update wow I can’t believe how many updates are coming out lately but this is update 1.6 and I’m going to download this update now and see what’s going to come out new during this update no no no no no please don’t die oh that was close that was close oh another creeper are you serious oh and I just got stuck in a crevice dang it I couldn’t get out of the Creeper’s way I was stuck in that little hole ooh whoa oh lava already lava already that’s always a good sign what oh all [Music] right shoot oh God all right all right guys quit quit this is why having Autos saves in the 3DS version is bad speaking of lava do I have iron yes whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa stop zombie you’re going to push me in the lava I think we do oh my God this is not safe safe whatsoever no I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die okay I have this game is way way too hard with the SE stick oh my god well this is kind of good and bad news there is a new update which obviously is a good thing for Minecraft new 3s owners but unfortunately this is actually the last Minecraft new 3DS update now this is very very disappointing for many reasons and that’s because um we don’t get online multiplayer that’s right guys no online multiplayer which is so sad so unfortunately all Minecraft 3DS owners that were expecting on the multiplayer well we’re not getting it and that is extremely disappointing there’s the spawner so if I just simply fall that was a bad idea oh I one heart um that’s the spawner to the fifth 50th episode of Minecraft new Nintendo 3DS that’s right we just hit 50 episodes in this series ooh wow more gold more gold already we hit the gold jackpot there it is so this is going to be my new subscriber town as you can see it doesn’t look at much now there’s just one building however this is just the start and this is just one building here and in the future I’m going to basically hear feedback from you on what building that you would like to see in this world so for example someone was comment down Bel saying oh I want this kind of building and I can build it for you just make sure it’s not too big so then it’s going to take too many episodes to build you know oh my God is that another look at this it’s another cross you know what just cuz the cross is here I’m going to dig right underneath it I’m just going to dig now this may lead to bad things obviously cuz digging straight down is not a good idea once I dig down a couple of blocks I’ll just start digging to the side and then do my little technique like go like this you kind of like dig down you’re like oh okay it looks safe so then I can just dig down on my side and then finally dig down until y35 we’re at y50 right now oh [Applause] 40 oh there is a stronghold in my world yes what does this have oh my God fire aspect two and I’ll take them I got inventory space holy this is this is going amazing finally found a stronghold in this world wow oh wow the render just oh wait it’s right here okay and it has zero wow that’s amazing absolutely zero endb oh my God youve got to be kidding me right now zero it’s got none in it still a more interesting Savannah oh hey a witch hut that’s the first witch hut in this series ever and yeah and I’m not going to put any wood accenting on the upper floors just these lower floors we’re back down to the ground with the 100 whoa with the 100 Memorial finish with a big gaping hole in front of it and this is the day we’ve all been waiting for today is going to be the video where we finally go to the end and yeah this is basically it we’re finally going to the end and as you can tell off camera I did get some food and someone made the suggestion of getting fish which I thought was a great idea so I spent quite a bit of time getting that I got some uh salmon along with that and I also uh put my ender eyes in my inventory and that’s pretty much it I didn’t really organize anything else but that’s pretty much it I mean we’re ready to go we’re actually going to be doing this oh my [Music] God there we go we did it oh my God we finally actually did this it is lagging but there’s all the XP wow I don’t remember it lagging this much when I did it whoa oh oh my goodness how much xp levels am I going to get oh my 57 58 maybe 60 62 64 wow well we did it um we officially did it [Music] [Music] [Music] so that means three zombies are over here oh did you guys even see that in the right hand corner there was literally a creeper right there oh wow another dungeon what wow I am honestly baffled right now I was about to turn around after this corner but wow we actually found another dungeon with two chests oh finally something good it better not be like like aqua affinity or something please don’t be aqua affinity Fortune 2 Oh and it just Autos saved what a perfect time to autosave too wow Fortune 2 this early on in the game and 110 so there’s our first Milestone so there’s the diamonds like I said it’s at least three so let’s see actually I’m going to dig around it let’s see how many there actually is here I think it is only three though and this is going to be a pretty special video because recently on my channel I reached 3,000 subscribers so thank you all for helping me Reach This achievement is a 3K room and I basically made this kind of like to represent the milestone almost like I did the Milestone museum for the 110 but this in my opinion is way better but essentially that’s what it’s going to be like I’m basically just going to fill up every single layer and yes it is four blocks deep so it is decently deep but I didn’t want to make it any deeper because obviously like I said the 3K room is right beneath here and I do not want to break into that and this episode marks a large monument in my Minecraft 3DS series and that is because I figured out a way to transfer my game and my save file from Minecraft 3DS over to my computer and now I can play Minecraft 3DS on the computer yeah I know that is amazing and that means I don’t have to worry about buying a Capt card and my Minecraft 3DS series videos will be much better quality without having to point my iPad at the screen so that is definitely great in my opinion hello everyone and welcome back to another Minecraft new Nintendo 3 de session let’s play video and this is part 125 of my let’s play series and this video is me a little bit different from my past Minecraft 3DS Let’s Play videos and because I reached the 25th episode in my season 2 let’s play I figured why don’t I look back at the past 25 episodes and do a tour of my world so let’s go ahead and light up the portal and there we go so the nether room is coming together quite nicely and then upstairs I finished both of the crop areas and as you can see both crop areas now have the entirety of the dirt and water filled in and also the glass roof is finished as well so as of right now the barn is pretty much complete and this video is going to be a very special video and that is because today on my channel I just reached 4,000 subscribers [Music] [Music] so I’m almost wondering what we’re going to find oh wow not even like three blocks three blocks in we already found diamonds on this exact row how lucky of a guess oh my God that was such a lucky guess and obviously this will be super easy because I made zeros in every single other Monument prior to this so very very simple and that looks like it’s one too high but it’s actually not so we’re actually fine and there we go so the zero is done so now we have all the numbers in place 1 6 and zero hello everyone welcome back to another Minecraft new Nintendo 3DS Let’s Play video this is gin space gaming and in today’s video we’re going to be doing some building what the heck oh man this episode’s going to be a great episode wow guys this is J space gaming and I just [Music] died [Music] okay so let’s go ahead and go outside and test out these ender eyes so now if I had to guess which direction it would go in it would probably either go that way or that way but who knows I mean or it could even go in this direction too I mean any one of these in this area it’s probably not going to be the case but let’s just go ah and stand out here where the Christmas tree was just for good luck oh it went that way wait hold on a second I had two under eyes why did it use up both that’s weird at least it dropped so I can use it again oh yeah how weird is that I made two ender eyes but when I threw it only one threw out now I have one left oh well that sucks and as you can already tell I am using the boot NTR function that is available on hacked 3DS systems so that is why the quality is a little bit different from my past Minecraft 3DS videos so I finally got this working I decided to try it out just for one video and I wanted to hear your guys’ opinions I can get started on it I can at least make the five and K so there you go guys that’s going to concluded for this video I hope you guys enjoyed and thanks for no I’m just kidding we’re not done yet obviously cuz I’ve already made the 5K technically the 5K room is done because the 5K is there as you can tell my skin is different today I’m finally using my gen space gaming skin as you can tell so yes this has been long awaited and I should have done this a long time ago but finally I am now using the official gen space gaming skin and you may have also kind of noticed that the Gen space gaming skin head is now built over here this is something else I wanted to add to so yes after working on this Mansion for about I think it’s been like 30 episodes maybe a little bit less than that at this point so I’m left with all of this space for my bedroom which I’m going to be utilizing all of it for my bedroom so yeah well here we go this huge area for just a single bed in the back but obviously we’ll just reset my respond so so this is going to be well pretty much the last Milestone before 200 so in this video today I talked about this in the last video but but I think I’m going to do a full and complete tour of my Mansion okay so I’m now back in the game from that just horrific crash so I have my bed down I actually managed to find some water so there’s that and all my stuff is ready to go so just letting you guys know now the inner dragon is not fun in this version it just is not I mean I said oh I don’t have ender pearls so that means I can’t teleport down I can kill Enderman the Ender Dragon does that a lot to me a lot wow it’s constant it’s actually just constant wow is the dragon just like not going to leave me alone for like 2 seconds that’s just great isn’t it now I’m down to half a heart H okay yes all right I’m actually getting somewhere now I have two gone I’m really scared though cuz I’m scared that the dragon’s going to throw Magic on me as I’m eating oh oh oh oh okay that’s okay I will just respawn and keep going I don’t know if I’ll even go through the tower this is actually super dangerous by the way doing it at the front of the tower like this this is not a good idea whatsoever well I actually did it that is shocking so it has a not happened oh shoot that one is gone already dang it I thought that was one of them well I just wasted a bunch of blocks in my time and the dragon could easily be perching so that time that I just spent grabbing the other one I could have grabbed this one instead and then I could have been grabbing another one after this so I would have been up to seven oh shoot I was not ready for that okay whoa I definitely need to save let’s get out of here [Music] oh oh finally okay this platform really helps so much just oh God please don’t crash on me yeah and then I can maybe Place some like fencing around it just to kind of look make it look a little bit more like it makes sense hello everyone and welcome back to another Minecraft new Nintendo 3DS edition let’s play video and this is part 199 of my let’s play series so yeah now that I’ve just said those two sentences that is going to be the last time I ever say that I know this is a very depressing way to start this video but yeah that is the last time I’ve ever going to say and it’s also the last time you guys are ever going to hear those two sentences well not really if you guys go back and watch my old videos but the point is is that this is the last regular Let’s Play video in my Minecraft 3DS Survival series thank you guys so much for watching this video and I will see you in episode 200 [Music] Minecraft 3DS a game with many flaws and many drawbacks compared to most other Minecraft editions however this did not stop many from enjoying the game and appreciating its nostalgic old Minecraft feeling take a minute to reflect on your experience playing Minecraft 3DS for however long you have played the game for what were your favorite Parts about the game and what kind of experiences did you have for me it had to have been the nostalgic feeling of the game and the quirks that this version had that made it special in its own way Minecraft 3DS has been one heck of an experience over the years due to trying to find ways to work around its limitations to enjoying its Simplicity and nostalgic nature and the fact that it managed to bring a community of players together in more recent times despite this being the end of content on my channel the legacy of this game should continue to live on even if it’s not at the same level as it once was since we’re on the lines of Minecraft 3DS let’s take a look at all my scripted Minecraft 3DS content helping to further get the word out about this addition and to help inform players and people who don’t own the game [Music] alike here we go we are going to purchase Minecraft on the Nintendo 3DS right here on camera there we go we just purchased the game if you’re looking for the best CD use in your Minecraft new Nintendo 3DS edition world then you have come to the right place because in this video I’m going to be going over the top four best Minecraft new Nintendo 3S Edition seeds so without further Ado here we go to this day m Minecraft 3DS remains as one of the most interesting and unique Minecraft versions and with the 3D feature it could have been one of the most popular editions du that one feature being added like I said the 3D feature was promis at launch but ever since then it was never talked about again in this video I’m going to be going over four additional seeds that are in this version that are great to use so yeah out of every version of Minecraft that’s out there pretty much the only one that’s never been speedrun before is Minecraft 3DS and honestly doesn’t really surprise me because this version is pretty underrated and not very welln yes okay okay finally okay and then when the game freezes when I enter the portal that’s when I stop the timer and there we go Minecraft 3DS beaten in just 51 minutes and 23 seconds in this video I’m going to be going over every single update Minecraft 3s ever had and going over all the features and new things I were added in each one soon enough I was able to defeat the Ender Dragon and I got a time of 16 minutes and 20 seconds which in my opinion is a great time now in the grand scheme of things it’s not world record cuz world record is 9 minutes and 54 seconds however it is definitely close to being on the way there and I think this is a huge Improvement to the other Minecraft 3DS speedrun runs that I have done in the past let’s go ahead and get started with what update 2.0 could have looked like if it were ever to release here’s a list of features that I think should have been added in a 2.0 update firstly we have 3D functionality when this game first came out 3D was promised by the developers but it was mysteriously never released in any update hello everyone and welcome to another Minecraft new Nintendo 3DS edition seed showcase this will be the third showcase I’ve ever done and this time around I’m going to be featuring nine total seeds so in today’s video we’re going to be looking at the background of Minecraft 3DS as well as taking an in-depth look at Cube creater 3D itself in addition today I will be joined by Ruff 64 who is the person I collaborated with on my multiplayer Minecraft 3DS series Minecraft 3DS just like most other Minecraft versions has several achievements to complete all of these achievements are derived from other additions and for the most part they can all be completed in the same way in this video I’m going to be going over every single achievement all 59 of them this version has and showing you guys how to complete them all Fast Forward exactly 4 years later and I am now going to be reviewing the game okay I know it may seem a little late but after playing this game extensively I am going to be reviewing Minecraft 3DS in this video as well as seeing if it’s still worth it 4 years later in 2021 and once the game freezes once I stand inside the portal that is time so there we go 6 minutes and 45 seconds just about that it might be a little less it might be a little bit more the title of this video might show something different it probably show 644 646 who knows but it’s around on that 645 Mark have you ever wanted to get into Minecraft 3DS speedrunning but never had an idea of where to start well this video is just for you in this video today top Minecraft 3DS speedrunners czx dark for president and I will be guiding you through every bit of the Minecraft 3DS any% set seed speedrun category today I’m going to be attempting to survive in a cave for 25 ingame days Yes you heard me right I am going to be doing a 100 day style of video but in a cave after some time I actually ended up finding some diamonds already which was incredible as I wasn’t even 20 minutes into the challenge at this point I did some more mining in the session hoping to get even more diamonds and knowing my diamond luck so far I ended up finding some and I eventually did a dungeon hidden right here in this cave so this this challenge was finally complete a statue of the head of my skin yes I know it looks absolutely amazing I’m sure this is the best thing I have ever built in the history of my channel and if you are watching this far into the video you are one of the lucky ones to witness me build it and with that the 25 days in a cave survival challenge is complete I’m going to be completing the first ever public one 100 days challenge in this version as far as I’m concerned no other YouTuber out there has done a public 100 days challenge in this version as of yet so I figured that I would be the first person to take on the challenge of doing a 100 days challenge in Minecraft 3DS on day 15 a pretty large Milestone was finally hit I found my first Enderman killed it and I actually got an ender pearl from it I already dug down underneath the two desert Villages by this point so I wasn’t expecting much but to my surprise there was was actually a stronghold beneath this Village I breathed a huge sigh of relief at this point as I began to explore it until I found a library and open the chest yep you probably guessed it the game crashed great now I have to do all that exploring all over again you might think that this is a terrible method of doing things but it’s a lot safer than standing in one place and shooting arrows at the crystals I did end up doing this later on for the easier ones but for the tall towers I piled up to break them of course I did have a lot of close calls almost too close on some occasions initially I actually managed to kill the Ender Dragon with no deaths once I saw the animation for the dragon dying I made a huge sigh of relief I actually made it I survived almost 100 days in a Minecraft 3DS world with no deaths to report of day 100 was completed I looked outside at the sunset for one last time and I went to bed the first public Minecraft 3DS 100 days challenge has officially been completed all the various content I made on this version in addition to the many other YouTubers who also put out scripted content helped make this version more wellknown and helped inform people about the ins and outs of the game thank you all for continuing to listen and watch we will now cut to a brief intermission before [Music] continuing [Music] all [Music] [Music] before we move on to a different Minecraft version that I did a few series on Minecraft pocket edition let’s take a look at a couple of the best rated series I’ve ever done the Minecraft 3DS multiplayer series as well as the Minecraft 3DS Sky Block [Music] series hello everyone and welcome to a brand new series on my channel where I’m going to be playing Minecraft 3DS in multiplayer now I have personally never played the multiplayer in Minecraft 3DS before and this is also the first time it’ll ever be shown on my channel also in this video I’m going to be playing alongside rough 64 today so in this let’s play as soon as you got into fast pass I punched you yes that was perfect timing so in this let’s play we are going to be playing through Minecraft 3s in multiplayer obviously because this is probably one of the few actual videos or series for that matter of multiplayer on Minecraft 3s on YouTube as a whole so and in the last video we started off by making our cave house and a small mine and just getting things started with the new multiplayer series and in this video we’re going to be doing some more work on my cave house and wow what the heck there’s a zombie child on a sheep what the heck is happening here oh why why did it do so much damage I’m sorry sheep but you had to go don’t kill that cow wow that is definitely an interesting thing to see at the door w wow these trees the mega Tiga gets even better over here there’s like a huge huge trees yeah cuz I figured there’s a Tiga here so we may already get pets it’s pretty soon okay and also in this episode ref 64 is going to be making a fishing dock over here so we’ll be using that for purposes in the future if you ever want to explore by boat cuz there is some bodies of water over here and this is part three of our let’s play series oh my God and in the last video Jen what look oh there’s an Enderman what the heck you can’t go half slabs wait where’d it go it teleported cuz I’m oh no all right anyway that was an interesting way to start this video so in the last video we did some more updates to our little cave house and we also created this new Fishing Pier One Two Three just don’t mind the fact that dying four five six hey hey what the Yeah I know what that thing hit me what the heck there’s a slime I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die oh God okay oh there’s a zombie villager oh no just get just get just get yeah I’m just going to in the house I have half a heart oh my God is there any food in here uh yeah we can’t sleep help oh my God look at the window oh my God I’m going to die I’m not cuz I’m a pro gamer all right I’m just going to oh the door shut oh I hit it oh it’s going to oh they’re they’re probably going to come in are they in no we can sleep oh they oh that’s pathetic I didn’t get a single slime ball from that that’s sad so you can go and do the out let’s go and do it inside of the uh Garden that’s non-existent the non-existent garden that’s maybe what I’ll call this episode to that I thought of an H am I am I right next to you yes all right guys I’m going to do the outro cuz I have J at gunpoint um I hope you guys had a fun time watching we had a fun time playing and I’ll see you guys next time bye good okay oh what wait oh well I guess it does work oh my God your skin is like spazzing out yeah this barely works oh my God you can tell they really didn’t do they didn’t really optimize this very well but yeah I mean it works that’s the only thing yeah you’re welcome guys you guys will definitely use that Minecraft 3s multiplayer oh my god well we predicted it so now now we’re just going to be mining and what’s good is if you screen record it won’t pick me up cuz we’re not talking on this device yeah oh there’s a spider right there I did not expect that oh oh oh look I can actually see through because the chunks are loading I can X-ray and see it all I see is just a lava stream and just some c spoilers oh spoiler de dead end I’m going to have to go in a different area what’s in there whoa that was odd what the heck was that I wish I recorded that I was mining but it didn’t have any animation to it it was just I feel like the game crashed yeah I dropped I dropped an night them and then I was able to pick it back up all right so there’s some more coal here that I’m going to collect I feel like coal and iron or something we really need to focus on stocking up on for the time being I’m gen space gaming guys there’s two gen spaces now wonder which one’s the real one huh hello gen space gaming hello gen space clone cuz his teamer tags also gen space wow we’re like the Sonic and Shadow Who you calling fake yeah who’s the real gen space here I guess no one will ever know ah oh that was such a bad time to save oh no I’m going to go back up to the SE so time for the real stress test yeah this is really going to honestly it may crash because um this I’m pretty sure doing that last time with me caused the game to crash and that’s why I couldn’t see chunks no not a skeleton the wrong way I’m out of here is what I really should be saying oh way you are cuz if you are there then I could just oh my God no face screen another creeper I do not want to go oh there’s a creeper right there whoa whoa whoa go back go back yeah unless if I just fight back which yeah I didn’t want to do that because having that happen when you’re going up to the surface would be kind of God I want to get out of here how do I get out of here where’s the circle room I’m Mining Ores above a pit so all the ores are just going to fall oh a new area it’s probably going to lead to a dead end all right so I’m now made it back home in one piece and without the game crashing what a miracle seriously like I’m not even like overexaggerating this I’m honestly very surprised we had no issues making that episode J what’s the stupidest thing you own stupidest thing I own oh my God that’s so hard I want to say like these like Mario books not like the comic but like this these other Mario books are like Diary books those are pretty stupid those are really dumb I’m not going to lie they’re so bad there’s like curse words in it too I actually have some Minecraft books but they’re like everything Minecraft books like it just has a bunch of Redstone builds and just regular builds they not those like it’s not the four books that you get in that collection it’s like a whole different like kind of book bro I feel like we’re going to like take us like 20 minutes to find spider and as soon as we’re done with it the next night we’ll find like 20 I swear that always happens well there’s already a skeleton definitely not one that I need well yes you do oh bones oh my God there’s a slime oh wow that’s coming at me quick I’m going to die what did BR whoa what happened oh you died whoa what is killing me oh there’s a the zombie or not the zombie the skeleton I think it already fixed I want to get the slimes though okay we may not be able to sleep because of this zombie up here I also need to Aha wait don’t do don’t don’t do anything do not do anything ah yes got to with the fishing line fishing line God my English is so broken I technically am not wrong I thought there’s one up there it’s right there I see it oh there’s a zombie villager okay I have to get this I see it up there I saw it red eyes that was I do but I’m going to do it anyway I don’t care I got it I got a piece of string I was going to say oh I got two pieces as well oh that was I think he needs three clumsy do you I need just two I already had one so I only needed one piece so it’s fine God these fishing ride freaking suck it’s so hard to get the timing right maybe I’m just oh leather leggings are you kidding me what is this if only if you were able to get boots oh man if I get that that’s going to be the best day ever I love getting their boots as as one of I you know okay not in like the weird way but I mean in Minecraft oh look at that caught in a row you hyped it so you’re like you won’t believe what I got and I was like what and you like just look and then you put it on I was like oh my God so I have two pepper fish perer God I can I cannot speak I have two puffer fish I got leather leggings again so I guess the new running joke is me leggings now no kid yeah that’s the second one I’ve gotten so far that’s really interesting come on give me something good give me something good if I can get a trip wire that’ll make my day please give me a trip wire I’m crossing my fingers please oh it’s was too late oops they’re still to consider Let’s Play videos what guy fishing look at the SE too woo ooh oh my God this delay is killing me Java wait what the heck water bottle I would also be sad but it’s kind of like Chris Pratt as Mario like I’m sad but that’s hilarious I can’t get over Chris Pratt as Mario that is so funny I laughed so hard when I saw that yeah it was funny but now it’s not funny because how many like overused jokes that is something bobbing up and down no idea what the heck that is oh that’s my fishing rod still really I never I never retrieved it the heck okay I thought it was a fishing rod but I didn’t want to I mean you have luck of the sea so our chances are like 12% but that’s still pretty low would you say this is a scary Forest gen actually maybe it is there’s not a whole lot of trees but once we get deeper it definitely is a scary Forest well the fact that there’s a spider and another golden armor zombie well I did not see that creeper behind me so yeah I guess a golden armor zombie and a creeper has oh Jesus Christ what is with that as soon when it’s behind me you start to save you always save the wrong time I don’t even know how and you know to make matters worse like it’s funny how there was another golden armor zombie so I have two did my items just absolutely fly everywhere cuz I just collected my Cobblestone oh God this is not going well at all this is actually going way worse than I thought I didn’t expect it to be this hard I mean to be fair it’s hard mode after all mine’s going perfectly I mean mine’s r oh God no God if I if I see another golden armor zombie I’m going to run I’m not taking any more chances because at this rate oh I accidentally took your shovel it just means that there’s I don’t it’s fine you can keep that I think it’s almost broken yeah okay fine I’ll keep it then oh free item from gen space gaming in this episode so weird how Enderman teleport or spawn at the weirdest points oh I okay I have half a heart or not half a heart one and a half I’m going to have a half a heart oh it died ited died and it dropped an ender pearl in the middle of the rain area I’m not counting that as a kill though okay but I just killed the witch will that count it’s kind of daytime but I still killed the range just stopped so yeah it’s officially daytime now I’m pretty sure I got five kills all right I just don’t need to die for three two one did the witch drop anything no dang okay yeah it is I’m dead it doesn’t matter though it’s already day so I wouldn’t have counted anyway I got another dog oh my God what is with your luck I don’t this was not luck I I wasted what five I I wasted five bones on this guy all yeah you guys have two dogs in name it’s all on you two additional dogs we’ll figure that out in the next video look at this great way coming back home I’m not going to take the chance yeah so you guys now have three dogs to name basically we kind of just press record and we have absolutely no idea what we’re doing I just said oh let’s just work on our houses but I mean it’s just kind of a freefor all episode I mean we can just do whatever yeah but we still pinched myself bro how I don’t know okay and now it’s raining man this the gods are looking down upon us and saying no great way to say how much we don’t want to do this series but if you guys are still willing we are still like like we can still do like the Bedrock S Series instead the only thing with that is it’s not Minecraft 30s but it’s better technically the only thing is just it’s playable you guys could just be amazing gen space gaming subscribers and say yeah I would love to see you and Ru 64 make a Minecraft Bedrock series series instead of the Minecraft new Nintendo 3DS edition multiplayer series which causes us lots of pain and suffering you know what this entire episode is US begging people to say that’s okay I mean in a way it you know what it kind of is if you think about it I need to like predict when the bubbles start it okay oh my god do that work no issues it actually worked no crashes at all there’s pressure plates I know but as soon as I walk to it it closed on oh my God yeah blame this wooden pressure plate this oh that’s a perfect name for this episode curse you wooden pressure plate hold one second off the episode it’s going to be the title yes I mean I as long as it doesn’t crash I don’t care if I get one FPS as long as it doesn’t crash you should save gen space gaming yeah he’s a family friendly you gen space gaming wait wait wait it’s gen space gaming though yeah and he’s a family-friendly YouTuber he can’t cut gen space gaming Yep this is Gen space gaming speaking through his microphone all right I got Mossy Cobble I got 46 I didn’t even realize I got that much let’s go build gen space gaming this is I’m building myself how amazing is that is ego is too high guys we need bump them down a you’re see it first guys gen space gaming is building gen space gaming W oh my God look at that does not look right from the side oh my God I have so much I have so much Granite wow this is perfect that has to be at least that’s me the Hal it looks like I’m sick which perfectly perfect L describes how I feel about making these videos or at least keyboard cuz I I was trying to type in a sign but I can’t and the game crashed the sign crashed it okay hello everyone and welcome to a brand new Minecraft new Nintendo 3DS edition miniseries on my channel and in this series as you can tell I am in a quite different place than I normally am when I play Minecraft 3DS and that is because you guys can probably already tell I’m going to be doing a Sky Block miniseries but in Minecraft 3DS so like I said I’m just going to break the leaves manually just so I can be right underneath the leaves if in case it drops a sapling or an apple oh I just lost the Apple uh okay that’s not exactly what I wanted at all but oh oh I just found it huh all right then I guess it was in this direction well okay it’s got a chest too let’s see what’s in it oh man I mean I don’t know you guys like oh we got a spider oh that’s actually really really good okay so that basically just gave me my answer we actually can get mobs to spawn here um we may be in trouble here oh hopefully it starts walking down the path God it can see me from that far away cuz obviously I have half a heart so this is be issue oh there’s a oh wait there’s this cow okay so there’s a cow here um cuz they can see me all the way from over here and I can’t do anything else on this side because I have no more materials to do things with okay so finally it is now day and obviously the skeleton should be gone and there shouldn’t even be any remnants of loot left left over oh there is there’s actually a bone here well what a surprise huh well now I can finally demonstrate the whole thing today where I was talking about the uh getting wheat and stuff like that and you may also notice oh how nice is that I’ve already gotten an apple hopefully we can get a sapling so you know what that means I can finally eat yes that’s right I can finally get a full food bar and a full bar of hearts so unfortunately it’s oh my God the melon grew no way I didn’t even think it was gonna grow today oh and actually grew on the other side huh and another tree just grew wow how amazing is that tons of Epic things are happening today this is definitely the most eventful episode I’ve had so far very oh speaking of zombies we have a zombie in a oh oh my God was that three mobs and I think I’m like one hit away from killing these two wow this is absolutely incredible I’m going to go ahead and kill the skeleton of course I might get it first try oh my God I actually got it first try you have got to be kidding oh die creeper oh wow there’s a zombie too wow this thing’s actually a lot faster than I thought I could honestly just stay down here for a little while and kind of just you know get some mobs last protect oh my God God that is a really good golden chest plate that is honestly a massive shocker not only did I get it on my first try it has just absolutely incredible enchantments who that is just amazing I hope I did not just step on the melon I did not okay the skeleton’s just going to have to go off the edge so already you guys may have noticed lots of updates have occurred so first of all the grass has finally spread all the way over to the friendly mob farm and wow it actually spread up to this block too that is new I have not seen that yet and the melon has finally grown again it’s about time that the melon grows again that’s for sure okay so the portal is lit so I’m going to go ahead and break this piece of wood grab the lava real quick before I enter and off we go which that ended up being just extremely oh my god oh wow I’m not going to be dying to a magma cube right now maybe I’ll put like a lava oh I’ll put the ender pearl in it there we go that’s a good idea I can actually have a use for that ender pearl I’ll just cover this up with some Nether Bricks and then I’ll put an item frame here but then it’s off centered so yeah I think I’m going to do the same thing but um I’m going to try to get another cow and place a item frame up here so I can have like one with the ender pearl in it and maybe I’ll put the lava bucket in the other one hello everyone and welcome back to Minecraft new Nintendo 3DS edition Sky Block Let’s Play video and as you can tell by the title this is actually the last episode of this series so yes this is part number 20 the last one so I figured in today’s video since this is the last episode I’m going to actually do a complete tour of everything that is in this world because I really haven’t done that yet so far in this series at least like a full comprehensive tour of everything so I’ve pretty much completed every challenge in the Sky Block series so yeah I figured that ending it off on an even number like 20 is a perfect number to end this off on so with that being said I hope you guys enjoyed this whole video and the series and thank you all once again for supporting me over these last 20 episodes so thanks for watching Minecraft Pocket Edition honestly this version truly started my channel since my first video was played in this Edition so I of course have to include it here let’s go over some of the best moments from both seasons of my Minecraft Pocket Edition series hello everyone and welcome to my first video of my let’s play series and today I’m going to be playing in a survival world that I created but I haven’t even touched it yet and it is right here so let’s go and join that world all right so the world is loading right now we’re going to go ahead and start our survival so in this video we are going to build a pen for this guy he’s been in my house for a couple videos now and he’s getting quite annoying through the door so we are going to be build a pen for you today it’s like I made this pen for you and you’re not even near the door anymore oh and look at that I’m my skeleton help me no no I can’t even get through my door oh no it’s a baby zombie oh I hate baby zombies get out oh I hate baby zombies so much I was like what the heck was that stinging baby zombie out of all the mobs baby zombies are the worst golden helmet that’s two zombies oh there a skeleton I was like what the heck how’s that zombie dying cuz there’s a skeleton oh could be a straw oh look at all that iron right there shes the slab is already collected all right let’s see if this thing works press the button dispenser SP out water you can see everything being collected and everything went into the hopper everything’s slowly going down in the hopper I’ve always wanted to see one of these yes I’ve never ever seen this before I’m screenshotting this first of all wow oh and it’s three diamonds and an emerald so like Fast oh shoot there’s another one right oh I died um that slowly kills you wow another chest shoot there’s another one no way he actually joined you’re kidding me oh my God he actually joined my game that’s insane as you saw I said Windows 10 there and that is because I finally transferred this world to Windows 10 Oh I thought I died are we even oh oh oh oh oh no no no oh my God why oh my God are you serious well I’ll see you guys when I’m back in the area there it is I I see it can finally store stuff or whatever you call it I’m so going to die Goodbye World well guys um hello everyone and welcome back to a brand new series on my channel as you can tell we in Minecraft which this seems pretty normal like any other Minecraft but this is actually the Minecraft PE series I’m going to be starting now let’s take a look it down here cuz in the last video I said wow there’s two chests over here and in fact there is so we’re going to be looking at what loot these chests have in this video so well there’s a third one now wonder where they could be coming from cuz there is no spawner around here oh I second guess myself there is a spawner right here so that was a huge web area that’s for sure and if we keep going around we may get deep enough in this cave to actually find some good things let’s see if we can actually do that it doesn’t really look like it that looks like part of the M shaft that kind of started generating but kind of stopped and yeah how’s that thought this could be a connection of the M shaft I just explored however but I don’t think so because it does not go very deep in the ground ooh I drowned some of the most interesting M shaft generation protection two let’s see so there’s that and wow I have to say this mft exploration has G extraordinarily well what look at that there is a dungeon what two of the same music disc in the same chest cuz this oh wow this goes really deep oh we’re already on y38 and the caves are still huge Mesa caves are amazing huge lava oh and there we go we actually found diamonds I didn’t see one piece of diamond over here so let’s actually go collect that there’s two veins what there are two Diamond veins practically right next to each other then if we go over here there is another Diamond vein well it looks like it’s two so may actually have a better look at maybe finding three beneath this oh it is three okay maybe four no it doesn’t look like it’s four okay anything beneath it though no okay so it a three Diamond veins that’s five total diamonds wow I am definitely pleasantly surprised at how that went zombie dungeon down here with tons and tons of zombies all over the place oh we actually have a good music disc finally found cat as new V in here we have another what another cat music disc wow so that means we’re going to have four music discs in total and wow look trees cut in half it’s interesting to see in Bedrock Edition a good area but what what I was like oh I was see my head oh look at Village but then I just noticed it’s abandoned and it seems like oh wait who that is a huge mountain all of a sudden I got some emeralds all right that’s a good start and enchanted book and it’s wow oh wow that’s a great enchanted book another enchanted book with lur one okay looks like we found another Village too this time it’s a Oak Village yeah an Oak Village on the merge of the Plains perfect timing too because it’s getting night time so I can also sleep here I guess my prediction was correct there actually is a stronghold down here more doors what the end Portal’s already right here well okay I guess that makes this really easy then what’s over here oh that sucks though that really sucks there is no Ender Pearls at all oh yeah there’s there’s definitely more there’s so definitely more unless if this is the end there is a library but why is it here they’re also okay here we go oh wow there’s two curse of binding and Thorns 2 and Flame one okay I’m obviously not going to grab anything because of my inventory is full and I’m not going to bother emptying it anymore and if we break this away what do we see and another agenda book with Unbreaking three so that’s great now let’s find the exit to this place and it looks like it’s right here which leads right upstairs have I oh I have not gone down yet well here’s a new area wow oh seems like there’s quite a bit down here to see wait hold on a m shaft wait what how can there be a m shaft here is this just a failed spawn what could this be well let’s dig through wow okay oh that was a monster egg okay what so I guess it did spawn but it’s over here or maybe it’s another failed spawn are you serious there is actually a mine shaft here this is definitely shocking oh my god wow it’s like the strongholds right here there’s a chest down there let’s go check that out there oh it is very rare did not see that coming that’s for sure what well um look at this we have more weird spawning this is the weirdest stronghold M shaft I’ve ever seen or like one of the weirdest strongholds just in general because there is just so much weird stuff going on here is this a new library you can’t be serious and it’s the second floor of it so it’s like a bottom level it’s new it’s a second Library oh wow five enchanted books what do they are though that’s the thing that’s a ton of enchanted books look at the oh my God projectile protection 4 plane one and look at the C3 my Lord protection 3 forun 3 oh my God fortune 3 respiration three and oh my God another Fortune three this is wow I am I almost have no words this is an amazing stronghold wow two Fortune 3s in a single chest you have got to be kidding oh and of course this one’s full of trash typical there we go wow I am just in awe we’ll finally beat the under dragon this series so close there we go we have defeated the Ender Dragon in the Minecraft PE series survival and there comes the XP rain and the dragon egg and there we go so we have officially beat the Ender Dragon Minecraft as a whole played such a crucial part in my Channel’s overall growth I also had a series of Minecraft switch and Windows 10 editions of Bedrock as well which some of you might remember from long ago now let’s briefly go over some of the best moments and some of the Nintendo games I’ve played on my my channel since the Nintendo 3S has launched back in 2011 we’ve seen a lot of exclusive games and groundbreaking features that Nintendo has brought us with the system with the switch being out for over 2 years and the switch light on the horizon is this system really still relevant today as you can see I’m going to be attempting to do a speedrun today on Super Mario 3D Land and today I’m going to be speed Runing new Super Mario Brothers 2 and this is going to be an 0% speedrun and we are going to be going to Road one then the mushroom road then the flower Road and then world six and today I’m going to be speed running Mario Kart 7 150c all cups so as you can tell we are going to be starting with the Shell Cup and I’m going to start the timer right when I select start so in three 2 1 here we go ever since the launch of the original Nintendo DS back in 2004 Nintendo has been wiely associated with the dual screen handang helds for years up until the switch is released in 2017 today we are going to be counting down the top 10 hardest new Super Mario Bros 2 levels remember this is just our opinion and everyone can have their own also we will not be including DLC courses in this list so without any further delay let’s get right in it with number 10 in this video we’re going to be talking about the future of the Nintendo network as a whole while going into detail about it and seeing if it’s dead yet F0 Marian Luigi and warand what do all of these titles have in common at first it may not seem like they have anything in common at all but once you realize that the last primary entry in these games was released several years ago it all starts to make [Music] sense [Music] [Music] wow so many great moments in many different Series in my Channel’s past looking back I never expected there to be so much that went on but putting it all together really shows how great a lot of series were well that concludes the Gen space gaming movie I really hope you guys enjoyed watching once again thank you all so much for being here today and thank you all for the support on my channel over the last 6 and2 years it has certainly been a very long journey and lots of things happened and changed along the way but now it is time for this Monumental moment to to come to a close everyone may now step out of the theater thank you all once again and I wish you all the best for what comes in the [Music] future [Music] hello everyone and welcome to my first ever Minecraft PE video on YouTube and today I’m going to be doing a tour world of my replica Town world so yeah let’s go ahead and get started with that let go and joining that world right now and here we go so this is one of my Minecraft worlds here as you can see this is a very action-packed World it has a lot of cool buildings in it such as this hotel that I made and this Village oh and also I’m being joined by a special guest here today I’m being joined by my sister which has a YouTube channel called jmn jmn so go ahead and go on YouTube and search for that YouTube channel and check her YouTube channel out too so as we’re doing this fly around as you can see here’s a school that I built wa let me let me let me take a tour of uh ease American Cuisine and whatever you want for me um here is Target so we are going to go over to Jamon Jamon we are going to watch her give us a tour of e American Cuisine as e American Cuisine this is a restaurant that she built quite a while ago it used to be her house but used to be my house but then we’re making it into a restaurant so yeah pretty cool so as you can see here’s the check in I guess we have a party room available too okay so what we have here is that we have all the tables and the upstairs the upstairs is the party room so let go check that out in here we have a PR which I forgot what that stand for welcome to e American Cuisine party room wow this room is pretty big oh PR means party room okay yeah and then here’s a little cakes for your birthday here’s the kitchen party little Juke boxes note blocks or uh note blocks not juke box yeah so this is a pretty cool restaurant I really like it tables on the sides too all right let’s go take a tour of some other buildings we have as well this is one of my t this one of my first Minecraft worlds I’ve ever made in PE um super huge and we made a lot of buildings over the years so yeah that was basically our part one tour of our main World replica town so I hope you enjoyed this video and I will see you in part two bye [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music]

This video, titled ‘GenSpace Gaming – A Journey’s End (Minecraft 3DS #200)’, was uploaded by GenSpace Gaming on 2024-03-08 21:00:11. It has garnered 1630 views and 154 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:09 or 4689 seconds.

Sit back and enjoy a full film, complete with the highlights of some of the best GenSpace Gaming videos ever made.

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    PRINCESS LOOLILALU KIND TO POMNI in Roblox 🥺🥺Video Information This video, titled ‘PRINCESS LOOLILALU WAS SO KIND TO POMNI 🥺🥺 #roblox #pomni #robloxshorts #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Ash Roblox on 2024-05-05 13:00:12. It has garnered 23032 views and 737 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Ash Roblox Is the best channel for you to watch roblox content 🥰🥰🥰 #roblox #shorts #robloxshorts #robloxobby #robloxtrend #trending #robloxeditstrend PRINCESS LOOLILALU WAS SO KIND TO POMNI 🥺🥺 #roblox #pomni #robloxshorts #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Dansaurus hits 16K storage in Minecraft!

    Dansaurus hits 16K storage in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Overhauled Episode 67; 16K Storage!’, was uploaded by Dansaurus on 2024-03-24 20:00:01. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:17 or 437 seconds. Hello everyone! Welcome to MINECRAFT OVERHAULED 😀 This is a modded Minecraft let’s play recorded to be similar to the old-school let’s plays of the 2010s! I’ve always wanted to try and recreate the content that I grew up on for a newer generation and this is my attempt so I hope you enjoy!!! 🙂 Here are the mods I use! 😀 The Aether… Read More


    "INSANE SURVIVAL CHALLENGE! DAY 2 LIVE!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴DAY-2 HARD CORE SURVIVAL CHALLENGE IN MINECRAFT [LIVE] #minecraft #livestream’, was uploaded by BLAZE OP on 2024-01-14 21:07:57. It has garnered 64 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:17 or 16097 seconds. Open Description First…. 🔴 ♠Helloo Welcome To BlazeLobby…. 🔴 I Play Games With Pro Players Just For Entertainment Purpose…. ♠ Channel Overlay Credit ♠ https://instagram.com/d.i.s.h.a.n.t_018?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== ♠ In Video Songs Credit To Their Owners.. ♠ 🔴 My Pc Specs… Processor- i5 11400F Motherboard- Gigabyte B560M H V2 Graphic Card- Rtx 3060 12GB Ram- XPG 8×2 Cooler- Air Cooler AG 400… Read More

  • Epic Fail: The Worst Minecraft Deathrun!

    Epic Fail: The Worst Minecraft Deathrun!Video Information This video, titled ‘The WORST and FUNNY Minecraft Deathrun!’, was uploaded by ItsFunneh on 2024-03-24 20:00:26. It has garnered 1514197 views and 30180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:55 or 1915 seconds. We play Minecraft Deathrun! Who will survive all the CRAZY TRAPS? Subscribe & never miss a video! http://bit.ly/Funneh Watch another video! https://youtu.be/mTzR_GzHt0w?si=CoD0V9Z9f7UxNglI *VIDEOS!* ✦ Gaming / https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfjWV0CFo_5xJh_HJZ4MSMlZc14zy4vZ4 ✧ Vlogs / https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfjWV0CFo_5x2pQyKh4agInDxRxgYzagl ✦ Live streams / https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfjWV0CFo_5wTzNpvLPqDHq9psMdibAum *KREW!* @PaintingRainbows @GoldenGlare @ItsFunneh @LunarEclispe @DraconiteDragon *GAME!* Minecraft Second Deathrunner https://bit.ly/3veqqqE If you enjoyed the video, like & subscribe to show your support! Thanks for watching! :]#Minecraft #ItsFunneh… Read More

  • SLAYER KING: Ultimate HT4 Weapon or Scam?

    SLAYER KING: Ultimate HT4 Weapon or Scam?Video Information This video, titled ‘The Best HT4? | @Slayer_xD226’, was uploaded by SLAYER KING on 2024-03-12 05:55:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraft #pvpmontage #montage #bedwars #montage #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin #mmc … Read More

  • VampireGaming Community | 24/7 | NoPVP

    VampireGaming Community | 24/7 | NoPVPVersion: 1.20.4 & Below VampireGaming community is a soon to be a whole network of games from V Rising to Minecraft to Valheim but mostly is focused on community gamers / streamers and including engagement. VampireGaming MC is purely survival based PVE with the option to toggle PVP, there are also options for bedrock players to be able to use most if not all features(Banking, Wild Teleporting, Bank Upgrades, Auction House & more!). Beware: Some players occassionally come from MineHut. ogvampirepve.minehut.gg Read More

  • Hardrada Worldbuilding Factions SMP Towny

    Welcome to Hardrada Worldbuilding A newly formed worldbuilding server offering players almost total freedom in shaping the history and politics of the world. Whether you want to build an empire, become a wealthy merchant, own a bar and brew alcohol, or live as a simple citizen, the possibilities are endless in Hardrada Worldbuilding! Our server ensures minimal admin intervention, an unbiased staff team, and balanced rules. We welcome community suggestions and offer a pure, vanilla worldbuilding experience without unnecessary rules or plugins. Notable plugins: Towny Dynmap Brewery Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/YD7TbkM569 Read More

  • MysticSMP

    Welcome to **Mystic SMP**!**Server IP:** mystic.minemap.club**Version:** 1.20-1.21**About Us:**Mystic SMP is a mostly vanilla survival multiplayer (SMP) server designed for players who enjoy a classic Minecraft experience with a touch of magic and adventure. Our server promotes a friendly and respectful community where players can build, explore, and have fun together.**Server Rules:**1. **No Griefing:** Respect others’ builds and creations.2. **No Hacking:** Play fair and keep the game enjoyable for everyone.3. **Respect Others:** Treat all players with kindness and respect.4. **Have Fun:** Enjoy your time and make the most of your adventures!**Features:**- **Build Anywhere:** Feel free to construct your own houses, structures,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting chaos: when creepers strike”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting chaos: when creepers strike"Looks like this meme is as popular as a dirt block in the Nether! Read More

  • Crafty Creator: Minecraft Fan-Song Rhyme

    Crafty Creator: Minecraft Fan-Song Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Updates and changes are like a dream. New features and mobs, all to explore, The community thrives, always wanting more. Your creator, the one who crafts the tale, Bringing new content, never to fail. Dancing with death, a risky game, But in Minecraft, it’s all the same. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, In this pixelated world, let your creativity flow. With each new update, a new adventure to find, In the world of Minecraft, let your imagination unwind. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition!

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Mutant Canavar Saldırısı! 😱

    Mutant Canavar Saldırısı! 😱 The Adventures of Efekan in Minecraft In a thrilling Minecraft video, a wicked sorcerer transforms Efekan into a Four-Armed Mutant Monster and commands him to attack the city. Get ready for another action-packed adventure! Exciting Minecraft Content The YouTube channel, filled with entertaining Minecraft content, showcases the transformation of characters and their epic battles. Viewers are in for a treat with each new video! Join the Fun Don’t miss out on the exciting Minecraft series! Subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications to stay updated on the latest episodes. Engage with the community and be the first to… Read More

  • My Daughter Betrays Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31

    My Daughter Betrays Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31Video Information This video, titled ‘My Daughter HATES Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31’, was uploaded by iHasCupquake Minecraft on 2024-07-07 17:15:00. It has garnered 328 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:02 or 1682 seconds. Welcome to Paradise! Minecraft Oasis REMASTERED. I am raising my daughter in Minecraft Oasis and she HATES ME! – NEW Merch in my shop! ► http://bit.ly/iHCStore Music Credit ——————————————————— Starlit Everglades “Sparkling Zebras” Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown

    The Ultimate Minecraft ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🤬part-2😠wait for part-3 next video 🤢#minecraft#gaming#shots’, was uploaded by A_R gaming on 2024-03-08 08:35:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts Minecraft part-2 wait for part-3 next video #minecraft#gaming#shots minecraft but minecraft mod … Read More

  • Unleashing your inner creativity in Minecraft

    Unleashing your inner creativity in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Experience’, was uploaded by flowstate on 2024-07-05 16:00:42. It has garnered 60611 views and 3607 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:44 or 3524 seconds. FlowSMP: https://www.patreon.com/flowstatevideo Discord: https://discord.gg/7kndwK3FxK #flowstate Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: Ivan Griken’s Wooden Mansion

    Insane Minecraft Build: Ivan Griken's Wooden MansionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wooden House in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Ivan Griken 26 on 2023-12-24 17:00:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hi everybody. In this video we will watch a Wooden house in minecraft. Subscribe to the channel, put likes and write comments. Read More

  • Defeat the Granny Killer in El Khark v! 🔥💰 #minecraftbedrock

    Defeat the Granny Killer in El Khark v! 🔥💰 #minecraftbedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mate al MataAbuelas 🤑🤙 #minecraftbedrock #bedwars #skywars #minecraftgameplay #minecraft #mcpe’, was uploaded by El Khark v: on 2024-01-16 18:00:12. It has garnered 2432 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Insane MODDED Survival Multiplayer Day 5 – BIG Move

    Insane MODDED Survival Multiplayer Day 5 - BIG MoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘HyperWorld MC – MODDED Survival Multiplayer Day 5 – Moving :/’, was uploaded by HyperLethalNova on 2024-04-14 22:34:35. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:14 or 11054 seconds. Hello Crafters! Join us for some Sunday Fun as we play some Minecraft on HyperWorldMC! This is a fresh start so who knows what will happen! Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe. PEACE! Server Name: HyperWorld — Server IP: Discord: https://discord.gg/t5ZNc9wkpn IG: hyperlethalnova twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hyperlethalnova twitter: @HyperLethalNova Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HyperLethalNova Music: Inception by Karl Casey @… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft event June 1st at 7pm! 🎮 Join NOW

    EPIC Minecraft event June 1st at 7pm! 🎮 Join NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘Seid am 01.06 um 19:00 Uhr dabei!! 🎁 #minecraft #gaming #shorts #laintania’, was uploaded by Playzzn on 2024-05-26 12:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to LAINTANIA.net – the place for unforgettable Minecraft adventures and impressive building projects! Join … Read More


    ULTIMATE CAR UPGRADE: RAINBOW LASER!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mit REGENBOGEN-LASER AUTOS UPGRADEN in Minecraft RP!’, was uploaded by Ente on 2024-06-24 12:00:32. It has garnered 4626 views and 180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:18 or 1218 seconds. UPGRADE CARS with RAINBOW LASER in Minecraft RP! with: @Eiterblox ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ 🗿 To Alphastein ► @Alphastein 🍎 To Eiti ► @EidiMinecraft 🦆 My social networks 📷 Instagram: 🦆 Ente ► https://www.instagram.com/marcelente 🐤 Twitter ► https://twitter.com/Rippeax Minecraft: 🎮 The Page ► http://www.minecraft.net Minecraft prank on friends / Minecraft building challenge / Minecraft one block is funny / funny Minecraft challenge / Minecraft… Read More

  • 1M EDITS! One Piece Surprise 😱#viral #ytshorts

    1M EDITS! One Piece Surprise 😱#viral #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘ONE PIECE👿 #minecraft#viral#trendingshorts#shortsfeed#shorts #onepiece#ytshorts #youtubeshorts#anime’, was uploaded by @Gain Eᴅɪᴛᴢ 1M on 2024-01-26 14:42:10. It has garnered 7189 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. ONE PIECE #minecraft #viral #trendingshorts #shortsfeed #shorts #onepiece #ytshorts #youtubeshorts @Gaineditz1M #shorts #viral #amongus #anime #one piece ONE PIECE👿 #minecraft#viral#trendingshorts#shortsfeed#shorts #onepiece#ytshorts #youtubeshorts#anime Read More

  • Malenia Sky

    Malenia SkyEmbark on an epic journey through Malenia Sky, a dynamic Minecraft universe inspired by the legendary realms of Hypixel, Wynncraft, and other beloved games. Dive into a world brimming with boundless possibilities, where every corner is teeming with adventure and excitement. At Malenia Sky, your voice holds the key to shaping the destiny of our realm. Our voting platform empowers players like you to champion your favorite servers, each one a beacon of innovation and creativity. From captivating storylines to thrilling minigames and immersive RPG experiences, our servers draw inspiration from the best to offer an unparalleled gaming experience. maleniasky.apexmc.co:25762 Read More

  • Bonded Blocks Season 1 | Semi-vanilla Server For Content Creators | Applications Open! Whitelist 14+ 1.21

    Bonded Blocks – Calling all Content Creators! Hey there! I’m ServerNotGood, a 16 year old British Content Creator who loves playing Survival Minecraft with other inspiring Creators. Bonded Blocks is the server of my dreams, where 20 unique Content Creators come together to create, make memories, and enjoy playing survival minecraft. Mods Included: Simple Voice Chat Creator Status Mod AudioPlayer Mod We are looking for skilled and actively-playing Content Creators who can create videos in exciting ways, whether it’s storytelling, redstone, building, etc. We value personality and passion over subscriber count. Current members include It’s_Spyke, ServerNotGood, and more. Pranking is… Read More