Hello and welcome to my mod tutorial on alchemy and magic a mod by me vanguard 273 and mighty fork here we have the cauldron which is a new item that has been released in this mod which allows you to create potions by mixing certain ingredients together and it’s quite an amazing system which I’ll show you later here we have the scribes table which i know doesn’t look amazing but the gui looks a lot better when i get to show you that and just look forward to that this scrolls now i’ll show you how to make a scroll which is basically Three leather along the bottom and then a string in the middle this makes the blanks grow okay so basically you have to have some ink and also a feather which i forgot to add something so just get that now right there we go so you have to only have one in your hand When you click it and then it opens this gui and i’ll give you a little show of the gui so basically you need to know the spells which kind of know them already because we coded them but basically you’ll find these in dungeons and they’ll just have like special guise which will Show you the spell and what they do so basically this makes the scroll of darkness as you can see it’s got a river now which shows it’s magikoo so now if i right click it’ll make it dark but seeing as i’m showing you stuff i do Not want it to be dark so i’ll just quickly make the scroll of light and there we go it’s light now so that’s the scribes table now i’ll show you the cauldron cauldron is pretty easy to use and it is pretty damn amazing so first you put a water bucket In there and it just fills it with water then you want to click it with some coal which gives it some fuel and then light it and now this can take about four five ten seconds to boil and while that’s happening i’ll see what I can make let’s see what do i have here some raw fish and some crushed one with leaves so i think the recipe is two of them and one of them so let’s try this just throw them in just like that and then just wait a little while And let’s see if anything was made doesn’t look like it hmm two seconds okay so let’s try a different recipe this time this one i’m pretty sure works so this one is some one wood leaves which is a new tree that i’ve added which is this one Which allows you to get along chemical supplies from it and then we have a death cat mushroom new mushroom which there’s one there and then we finally have the shadow of a flower again a new object so we put them in and we just wait a little while and what should happen is That it should turn into a potion and as you can see the water is changing into a green color which shows that it’s working and it’s gonna keep changing until the objects disappear in which case the potion is ready like that and i accidentally threw something in there whoops Right so now to get the potion out you right click it with an empty vial and there we go let’s see what we’ve made oh poison yay so we don’t want that and here’s the mortar and pestle gui which allows you to crush things such as leaves so you click crush And it does it see and now i’ll show you some of my favorite potions first up we’ve got the flight potion you can guess what this one does it makes you fly and then my other favorite one is the frost potion which uses super frost mod made by mighty pork Which also freezes water and any animal that you go near so it gives you a kind of a frost aura and then we have the water breathing potion which when this one’s out i could show you but i’m not gonna wait that long basically it allows you to breathe Underwater you can guess that so basically that’s it there’s the mod there’s gonna be a lot more things to be added such as transmutation and enchanting but we did not have time for these recently so we’re going to release it now and just do those and updates thank you everybody for watching Video Information
This video, titled ‘Minecraft Alchemy and Magic Mod’, was uploaded by vangoule on 2011-09-22 20:26:09. It has garnered 46462 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:08 or 308 seconds.
A video of the Alchemy and Magic mod by Vangoule273 and MightyPork. Link to mod http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/652534-181-alchemy-and-magic