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They apply huh it’s live it’s actually live I’ve done  it hello everyone you’ve only   got it done it hello Gamers hello  Gamers oh I’ll tweet out the gliss uh does anyone knows a rake face game  like what what is it it’s like we put  

We build like a cart and we put baguettes  in the cart and we have to keep it in the   second the second video oh it’s a  video game I’ve never played it’s   only two people are playing me and George  are playing it okay so I don’t care right

Where did I make my title a dream it’s Team Dream bro dream I just  didn’t read the rest that is [ __ ] up   all right hang on guys I am  trying to tweet right now okay I tweeted I’ve done it all right  hello everyone hello idiots

Okay this is weird that they’ve given me  a vertical screen for some reason I’ve   never used a vertical screen so this is like  kind of goofy it’s kind of cool kind of whoa   it’s also like slightly delayed  I’m keeping my hands this is weird  

Hello Gamers what is up oh everyone’s typing in  chat hi everyone say hi what’s up people look look   they gave me these they give me these hand warmers  because I guess there’s like sweaty Gamers that  

That wanna be like yeah I’m gonna use them use the  hand warmer how do you like do it this guy does   hello everyone oh my God they’re filming  dream look at this can I pick this up  

Look uh upcoming dream if the light is not  true oh wow look at the game look at the game all right I’m like a professional streamer now   why are they filming dreams look  you’re in it as well this guy oh my God that’s so loud

I’ll explain this game wait are they  explaining it already yeah I don’t even   know what’s happening okay guys you see this  ramp up here basically we have to make a cart   I don’t know I don’t even know like how we make  it I don’t know either oh presents what is this

He says don’t open it until  we’re starting guys guess what I’m going to open it they can’t  stop it explain me in Spanish we don’t have to operate  until like it starts and stuff I don’t know what is going on in this game apart  from apparently there’s like a ramp we have to  

Build this like cart thing yeah and we have to  split with as many baguettes as we think in fact   yeah Swings with the most we get to win also guys  can you hear everyone in Discord hey guys talk um oh there’s 10 minutes where  are we going are we going

All right I switched to like this I switched   to full screen I switched to  this wait all right stay here so I’m helping us look guys we’re helping so  we have all of this loot what is this what   what do we do

Why are you speaking in different language this  is English okay all right so we have to build   we have to build like a cause wait with what  but like what are we building a cost out of all right I’ll let them do it and  I’ll just commentate whilst they do it  

Like this is wait everyone’s just doing it down  here like what wait there’s literal like Wheels wait let me see the box so it’s okay yeah so this is like heavy is  that enough yeah all right all right are they sticking is it double-sided yeah yeah yeah you stick it on um

All right so I’m trying I don’t know how I can help like why do we have decorations like who  cares okay wait should we use the these   wheels because they’re lighter they’re lighter  guys look I think these wheels might be better  

Actually these ones are straight though no  these oils are better straight is better guys um   okay okay guys I’m getting rid of all the  decorations because they’re distracting me like we have these stupid  eyes we don’t need this stuff  

These twitch spend all their budget on this  stupid stuff like we don’t care about it what is this thread why do we have wait this is how big it is the baguettes were  big we can’t put that many baguettes in there what is this oh

So what is this this is like this is kind of crazy like we don’t need to decorate this at all  right how long do we have how much time okay look so what’s look we’re  done we’re done it’s perfect it’s literally perfect it’s like wait what’s that for

Okay I’m trying to see how much time  we have we have it doesn’t save time oh we have five minutes we have five minutes   I was checking how much time we have oh my God  I just broke something what did I just break wait what are we using this for oh see so

What is this we have stickers yeah yeah what are you oh you’re making another one okay oh you made it too wide this is kind of crazy like what is happening  what are these pull why do they give us these

Wait oh my God wait we need to  do like the back as well right okay look we have two more we need one  on the back we need one on the back guys   Wait I messed up oh no look I’ll just  do this look we need another one look it’s fine

Wait there’s at this literal tape I don’t know if we have more hold that under all right we  are professional Builders guys yeah this is kind of like this is kind of  awesome like we’re gonna win we’re gonna win   we’re gonna win there’s this tape as well thank you also it sticks them

I’m doing a lot of work guys um all right and guys who needs a  hand warmer whose hands are called   anyone’s hand cold okay wait we  literally have a baguette look this is the beginning Phil all caught with  baguettes well yeah because we didn’t we need  

To tell them how many we think we can put in  there I mean we can easily get like 10 right one minute we have one minute guys  so this floor is really uncomfortable wait do we get do we get to hear how  many the other people say they want to do

All right so there was just decorate  decorate it guys We’re Not Gonna   decorate it okay decorating is for  noobs it’s all about performance all right so we’re glizzying off the car with  double-sided tape so the baguettes can stick to it 14 baguettes that seems like a lot of baguettes

Oh we’re out of time all right we’re out of time all right we ran out of time guys I think 14. no it’s uh I think you have  to keep them all thank you all right well as you can  tell we are professionals

Um put the stickers on the back actually oh my  God my sticker I put a sticker on wait let me   show I put a sticker on the back but we covered  it so this is our car we have wheels it’s really  

Sticky everywhere we made we made a little thing  so that uh the baguettes can like lean on it   and we have to roll this down the ramp and it has  to keep all the things in there otherwise we lose   and look inside we have we have tape everywhere

Wait look are we gonna be on stream again  watch this oh it’s not us never mind it’s   gonna be us though it’s gonna be us watch  it’s about to switch start to switch to us 14 baguettes guys look oh my God 14. wait we go okay okay thank you foreign foreign foreign

Thank you foreign to put the whole city on my bad so just give me  a minute to put the [ __ ] up in it and kill it   I’ll be right back I swear it’s all love  when you see me so don’t be acting Holly  

Will give a young person to walk to well I  got it they asked me what I found my phone in the 80s raised in the 90s they hear me  yeah I was born in the 80s raised in the 90s  

Feel me here a couple years ago they wouldn’t  play this though but I bet you hear this up   on your Brady oh ain’t it funny how the game come  full circle West Side man we so fertile cause what  

I swear to grow Acres of Vegas mess around and  start a produce company if you let me I’m on yeah steady dipping the pigs where the darker  light skin they don’t wanna see us live   uh so soon enough we grow up on one  so don’t run up hold up on something  

Well I got it they asked me what I found my phone in the 80s oh boy welcome folks five four three two one there is a massive fan base behind every  single one of these people this is gonna   get intense very quickly she’s shaking with  excitement right now good luck to everyone

Oh my word and I think that’s GG the  switch Rivals ultimate Challenge begins easy competition welcome to Twitch Rivals live at twitchcon Paris   hey everybody in the twitch  travels Arena Make some noise this is what it’s all about twitch Rivals  ultimate Challenge this is why we do this  

Event where we bring streamers together some of  the biggest in the world to compete playing your   favorite games but also getting super physical  as you do it my name’s Ian Chambers joined on   the stage by the one and only cheer and this guy  zest are you ready absolutely he has any day of  

The week I mean come on we’re talking about  cars we’re talking about a ram we’re talking   about a French fiend kind of thing it’s awesome  isn’t it we’re talking about how twitch Rivals   ottoman challenge always seems to get crazier  and crazier every iteration that there is and  

We haven’t seen this before we don’t stop  ribs in the bar do we no that’s the reality   I’ve never been more excited for a challenge  in my life this is bagat dabby I got Derby

Guts is possible down a giant ramp after all carts  are assembled one by one teams will load up their   carts and release them down the ramp the cart that  crosses the Finish Line with the most baguettes   wins carts that fall off the ramp are disqualified  nobody likes dirty floor bread good luck

It all sounds so simple but it isn’t it’s  actually is it it’s not at all I mean you   need to see you need to find enough baguettes to  win but you also don’t want to have too little  

Baguettes and then you also when you have too many  baguettes you can fall over and lose all because   it’s so many variables that are just not really  easy to calculate yeah it’s a real Balancing Act   and then that ramp isn’t even like a linear  a linear gradient either so well like we saw  

In the explainer there you have to declare  in advance how many baguettes you’re gonna   try and squeeze into your car and I will beget  declarations are ready as you can see four four I did say you would end up with a team that would  have the overconfidence and they’ll just go all  

The way of course it’s move mine honestly fitting  20 in there is already tough but Freddie forgets   timatoire has gone nice and simple nice and  modest with four and let me introduce you   to our amazing colleague trouble Inc who’s  standing by to interview the team thank you  

Very much I’ve got the man himself and by the  way you said your name stands for yeah because   um we had a strategy I’m an engineer and we’re like okay everyone is doing four wheels  and there’s only one team who is winning so we’re  

Like we we can risk and we wanted to risk  the strategy doing the three wheel as you   can see we have a little deviation in the left  uh my assistant is going to show can you show

Good job man and it’s exactly like that so we’ve  got a strategy of having an amount of baguette   really low because if you have one baguette left  you lost so we are like Simplicity and we will try  

To to be the best sober I may have a microphone  back thank you very much I want to ask you because   you’ve put a lot of antennas here is this to  separate where the baguettes go exactly it’s like  

To control the weight like you know uh because  it’s like it’s aerodynamic if you go through air   look it’s like traveling beautifully so yeah we  want it to be like if as efficient as possible   well since it is gonna travel beautiful let’s  actually put it to action and see I would like  

Two of you guys up on the ramp and another two  of your team at the bottom to receive the cards   oh my wedge oh my word we’re doing this right now  this has been so well thought through as well he’s  

Like I’m an engineer nah I’m not ready it’s not  how aerodynamics works but I just want to say that   hey you know what I think there’s a method behind  the madness session the three wheels for me could  

Potentially do this I think it’s a huge risk okay  listen to me there’s you think it’s a risk yes of   course it is we already spoke about how if it’s  not dead in the center you’re gonna go off the  

One side and when you’re going down a gradient  like that it’s not the same as just pushing it   up okay hear me out I I generally thought that’s  like a great idea and you know what but as it’s  

Not he literally said it tilts to the left yeah  right specifically to try and it’s not easy   counteract that but I don’t yeah I don’t think  that’s gonna be an easy thing to no man do mine we’re doing this okay right guys  we’re gonna drop this down in three in three

Let’s go to the left it went to the right it  was the hesitation it was the hesitation on   the countdown oh no the crowds still love it  but nothing can we get celery can we just get  

Into the reaction can we get into the reaction I  don’t think they want adopted it okay all right   let’s keep moving let’s keep moving that was  bad breaking we are now with milosh our main   man looking drippier than ever with Team Kitty  thank you very much Ian and yes we’re here  

Okay to chat about the team first of all you  got your little roller here you selected six   baguettes that’s the second slowest that  we’ve had here but what do you call them   um I think that I think uh it’s it’s a mistake  because it gets random where it goes because you  

Cannot you cannot control the aerodynamic of the  of the thing you know so I think six brackets is   okay and they are placed they are placed very  well because these make like a rear wing you   know so I think their aerodynamic will be really  good and I really really trust aware our design  

You have great Engineers here on the team I  can tell but do you have a name for your card   who have a name Antonio shout out to Antonio  there you go thank you very much I think it is  

Time for us to throw it up did you select the  two colleagues that will go up there you ready   to go yes any final words uh believe me believe  in US anything from you um we are so confident  

We are with Antonio so we are going to win yeah  all up for Antonio hey Antonio okay I think we   all right I think we’re ready for it  then let’s see what you got pull them up

A good set of wings I think that might help Dash  yeah maybe it is the BRS the baguette reduction   system could pretty much one of the things that  we might just see with it but honestly I think  

This is a more logical approach to all of it  six baguettes four wheels it’s easy it’s plain   and simple I’m not sure how you can control  dynamics of the previous car and then think   that this actually constitutes as a foil no it  does not I didn’t say that I didn’t say that  

There was an all good way but you know what  it has eyes it knows the way it goes that’s   a very good point and I forgot that that physics  does take that exactly yeah yeah absolutely but  

Also do they know that there’s a tilt right am  I about to count this in are we about to drop   this right ladies and gentlemen will this  be a beast yeast in three two one send it  

Go oh no no they’re destroying Paris oh no this  is not good that is a disaster it’s a big disaster   zero baguette so far through I need to see a  replay of that I need to see this is brutal   look at this oh that is destruction  my Darien that is destruction  

That was crazy look at this [ __ ] hits oh you  don’t want to see that that is but they all the   things they all know there’s a tilt to it they  all know there’s a tilt to it how do they make  

That work and neither of the teams so far have  been able to correctly assess how that was going   to affect their cards all right we’ve got our next  contestant team Ultra standing by trouble trouble  

Thank you very much honey we did with team altia  and guys I see a duck I see a rock we love rats   especially in League of Legends what does  the court stands for uh this flag is for four  

Community four community and this fight is quite  it’s a beautiful size here it’s for the peace yeah and uh this uh this it’s my idea because I  think uh for to be original I think but I don’t  

Know if it’s effective are you a mechanic  as well yeah yeah of course yeah it shows   yeah yeah it’s mine my idea but I don’t know  it’s uh if it’s effective how many baguettes   do you guys choose uh six seat baguette and  uh we play safe okay so far there were four  

And six and didn’t make it down it’s yours gonna  make it down the ramp yeah we I think we can go   to the round to the round uh to finish the ramp  I need more confidence come on yeah we are we can  

We will finish the ramp we will finish this we  will let’s go since you will please two of your   members at the top of the ramp two at the bottom  of the round let’s go all right Paris well and  

Truly back in this team as they make their way  up there you we mentioned there we’ve seen a four   and a six this is another six I actually think  from what we saw in rehearsals yesterday there’s  

More of a chance if you’ve got more baguettes in  the car that’s what I’m thinking I mean it adds   weight to it so you kind of have that anchored  you can have a good center of gravity maybe that  

Will help but Solari you are our beget reporter  up there let’s get some final words from our team some final words from you before the card games we’re across the finish line for sure  all right I’m gonna count you in let’s go   here we go in three two one drop it

It stands it stays that’s a that’s a plus  oh yeah I didn’t die ouch the baguettes   are still there Technic I think they lost  one along the way oh we didn’t need that   again if you’re an opposition streamer  you know one of the teams watching oh  

There it hits yeah I would start to worry at this  point but you’ve got to take something from it I   think it’s all about the release personally I  think the releasing so it goes off to a little  

Bit of a curveball you know yeah so so there are  so many factors to it first of all the placement   of your wheels are they all aligned according to  know the simple ideas of building a car that’s  

Where you can start they lost their wheels upon  upon Landing so clearly I don’t think those trucks   were like fully tightened in I mean there’s so  many things to talk about regarding the card most   importantly just build a normal four wheel thing  and it should work that’s really that much all  

Right well we know we got some Bagheera Jones  fans in the building and milosh is standing by   for an interview here thank you very much  Ian yes we’re here with baguera Jones the   French Squad that’s competing now you’ve gone  for eight baguettes you’ve seen the failure so  

Far how are you feeling yeah we pray a little  safe so we can win it’s gonna be easy for us   all right what what did you name your little  device it’s Burnaby there you go shout out

There you go so any any specific things you see  about the design you got flames on there I think   you can enjoy the back we put a lot of stickers  in here yeah I think it’s really great and we did  

Like uh just a little bridge for the baguettes I  think it’s gonna be wonderful so you’re looking to   hold it back you have a little bread bridge on  the front exactly we hold back with bread good  

A lot of places are held together with bread I  very much agree all right so it’s time for you   to bring it up do Solari let’s go you know what I  think I think Milos would be really good on like  

A shopping channel you know like as you can see  here we have but yeah Geo what do you make of this   car here I think it’s a really interesting design  to have that horizontal aspect to the brand not  

Only does it help fit them all in but potentially  balance things out for me it’s a flame stickers   Ian you know what they give you extra power they  give you the extra speed you want to have down  

Here there is that shroud let’s get louder here  oh yeah let’s get some final words from this team   final words from you are you nervous  are you excited a little bit nervous yes   I’m really excited it’s gonna be wonderful  all right here we go in three two one drop it  

Oh no but it stays intact again Ian we’re getting  better and better from attempt to attempt yeah but   look I want to watch the replay of this because  we’re seeing a very similar trajectory look at it  

Though sometimes I mean it is a thing of beauty  hey trouble I have a bite it up again let’s see   how far this goes look you can see it swears on  that second pedestrian Crossing every single time  

We’ve got to see it Go a bit further zash man  they try to avoid someone hitting no and look   you could see in their faces they thought that  it was on route to getting to the very end and  

That’s where that curveball came in like you said  you know all I want to see yeah is a car pop over   that finish line and get into it we’re seeing a  lot of dnfs here yeah I did not finish you know  

That usually happens to a house but in this case  right here it is a little unfortunate because we   got better and better from attempt they were not  fully wrecked they were not fully destroyed maybe   John has the solution well if there’s one team  if there’s one one team that can handle the heat  

Of an ultimate challenge it is our reigning  champions from last year in Amsterdam Jill   glev for again with the man with the marvelous  Cape it’s milosh no games is our first rule thank   you very much Ian we are here with gltv and of  course the entire team will be speaking to Tonto  

Now your team at least Jill specifically won last  year of Rivals is that a lot of pressure for you   to handle uh it’s not a lot of pressure because I  have two guys with me of course chill TV but two  

Guys with me that are also really really good  so I’m not afraid you have good Engineers they   also said you any shots to fire back there we  go we got it live what did you call your little  

Card it’s actually pretty simple it’s like the  Frenchie there we go shout out to the Frenchie   let’s see what you got bring it up all right  let’s get this this puppy started on top of   that ramp are you ready to see this girl wee-wee  why does it look like it’s a rotisserie chicken  

That’s been put in here and not baguettes there’s  a different stuffing technique to this Ian yeah   it’s very different it’s very and I like it  I like it it’s not floating around you know   maybe if it’s stiff and in the chassis it doesn’t  float around that much inside the car and maybe  

It’s going straight way down maybe well let’s get  some final words from Tonton up there right one   of my favorite streamers from Solari what are the  last thoughts before they send this down we need   some last words from you guys on behalf of the  Friendship how well is it gonna go maybe it’s  

Gonna go through I don’t know maybe we’re gonna  do the best at least all right are we ready let’s   get the countdown going here we go I’m going to  count you down from three in three two one go oh that’s the best we’ve had so

Farthest on the ramp and that’s what matters  Fair Point have you ever seen a baguette do   a backflip because I just did and that was  a thing of beauty because we can celebrate   that really because look how far it went  it looks like it was gonna be there and  

Then it did it just crashed off but there was a  point there Geo where I thought it might swear   back in yeah I was thinking the same thing as  well and it was really just when it started to  

Actually align with the ground and get to that  horizontal part of the ramp that that’s where   it just caught the edge and came off look at the  disappointment they nearly had it but you know   in in the desperation nearly from the Arctic  [ __ ] around should we hear from Team Dream

They’re strategizing very hard as you can  see we’re here to ask him questions dream   hello how are you feeling I’m good all right  shout out to dream so what did you give as a   name for your little device here he named  it okay it’s called the baguette machine

So you decorated it but what’s the theme behind it   uh the theme is winning yo all right nobody’s  wanted so far we’ll see if you can do it let’s   go bring them up onto the stage with Solari  Gentlemen please it’s all yours that are handling  

It with a lot of care I’m interested to see if  the volume of this Arena makes a difference here   for dreams so if you want to see this forget  car make it all the way down make some nice thank you I’m definitely very interested  in this paper technique that’s been used  

To kind of hold the baguettes in oh  but I told you one thing those guys   are Constructors they’ve constructed  everything in the past so this might be   the one card Ian all right we’re counting and  we’re getting straight into this one in three minutes

They’re logically approaching this all right  they’re taking their time drop it simultaneously all that for that should have listened  to my initial count guys because that   was far from a dream that was a nightmare  stream’s gotta turn the mask upside down  

Now because I don’t think he’s gonna  be smiling after that I know that’s   cold I’ll be honest with you that we  definitely need some engineering classes so they spent more time trying to line up the  car than the cart spent on the ramp I mean  

Still smiling still smiling as we can see now  okay nothing but dnf across the board we’ve got   a couple more to go though zesh can we see some  points Telly up here it’s a difficulty right dude  

More baguettes mean more success I think so far  we’ve seen the best chance to win is find a car   that does not tilt in One Direction and by far  nobody has achieved that but if you remember   at the start with the Declarations team virtual  went out with 24 baguettes let’s see how they’re  

Stuffing them into that car with trouble Inc  thank you very much I’m here with Team virtual   and please talk to me about the technique you’ve  used for this card because it has pretty much no  

Decoration but well it’s not pretty but we think  it’s gonna work it’s very heavy we took a lot of   decoration and just put it inside the cart so  it’s really heavy everything’s inside under the  

Baguettes and we hope the weight will push it down  on the ramp so it just goes like straight line see   that’s the real mechanic uh report right here we  put the decorations underneath what do you have to  

Tell me about the fence well uh we called our cart  the Mac trolley so you go to you go to McDonald’s   you get your trolley full of french fries and you  live happily ever after it actually does look like  

French fries wow you guys would you like to try it  out your Technique by putting all the decorations   under the baguettes two people at the top and two  at the bottom to receive it gets where your mouth  

Is guys you’ve got 24 stacked up the thing that  worries me zesh yeah is that’s tall and heavy   that’s not normally a recipe for Success you know  what worries me is in front of the French calling   baguettes french fries that is the thing that  really worries me guys the final words from Solari  

Real quick final words from you guys how far do  you think it’s gonna go all the way all the way honestly I have to say I think this arrangement of  the baguettes where they’re all vertical mate just  

Makes it so yeah it’s it’s just not very stable  I just want to be completely clear here with   one thing we did you know strenuously rehearse  this challenge to make sure it is possible and  

I have seen two cars make it down to the bottom  completely yeah so it is doable it might look like   right now how are we going to achieve this but  this is achievable guys and we’ve got one more  

Team I think ready to step up to see if they can  do it in this round and it’s quite a step up in   terms of the number of baguettes that they well  going all the way up to 30. but do you move mine  

I don’t even know how you fit 30 in one oh there  you go there you see it I want to get a baguette   I want to hold a beginning a little bit but for  now let’s head over to trouble with movement  

Hello guys uh thank you Ian thank you guys I’m  here with Team movement how many baguettes are   in this car uh 30 I think it’s possible uh uh  but we see this is that that’s the name and we  

Try our best you guys are the Last Hope of of  twitchcon for getting this baguette cards to   the very bottom without losing any baguettes any  any words about the cape or the flag at the front   we put three wheels on the bottom extra because  we have extra remotes controlled so we can break  

The car at the middle of the ramp so it goes  slower yeah aerodynamic here so yeah you know   so it’s a baguette Batmobile um that’s the  name and the the car ever sound can I do now you can go over to the top  with Solari and you can take her  

Microphone and do this noise while  your cart is going down the ramp is wide open that sounded so real that  was a V10 there was a 2005 V10 Formula   One at Ferrari 100 it was absolutely let’s  see if you can make those baguettes in that  

Car make a similar screeching sound as it  tears down our ramp here our last hop here   to get one over come on Paris make  some nice to move man our last hope could be it Geo this could be it I’ve got a good  feeling about it I’m really worried that they’re  

Going to lose baguettes before they’ve even let  it go look at those front ones just hanging out   listen the the car sound darling I’m done I mean  no that was cool off gosh that was very cool they  

Know there’s a tilt Solari one last bit of words  from here from Movement we need that we need a   sound again last time for the card how will it go  with what sign is gonna make yourself like this all right let’s send this  baguette down in three two one

We got the Strat homie here he  comes yes send it send it send it oh no no we all wanted it and that’s the closest  we’ve come so far which just goes to show that   if you packed it full of baguettes you could  have got 40 in there and you might have just  

Made it respectable very respectable performance  wow it was all in the sound I believe in the sound   it was a great I’m sad that he picked the V10  but you know it was still a good sound you yeah

You sound more like a trumpet yeah sorry well  look this was this was huge this was huge because   this is the closest we’ve come and it’s the the  furthest we will ever see a car go down that ramp  

Yeah I like that it survived for so long after it  came off it was only until it bumped into the ugga   Tree on and it actually fell over that damn marked  the tree you know what we’re gonna do right now  

We’re gonna keep going these guys are just getting  started with this Challenge and it’s time now for   the PC games section all dreams throwing baguettes  dream strong begets I want one I wanna forget it   can we get can we get this on camera I mean dream  is currently launching baguettes into the crowd  

And they are absolutely loving it come on send  somebody out here you always wanted money in ninja ‘s going wild for the baguettes and they’re  flying a dream blessed baguette a dream come   true I would frame that yeah I would put that  on my desk sorry let’s get back to the PC games  

Which is the next section of our ultimate Rivals  sorry ultimate challenge at twitch Rivals here   so PC games were starting with a Minecraft Race  and then we’re moving on to wreck Fest for the  

Four and then we close things out we’re Boomerang  Foo in a 2b2 yeah there’s gonna be a lot going on   here oh so basically how does this walk whoa  there’s a really bright lights no I wouldn’t  

Be in the road okay I made my chair higher okay  do you like Chinese be higher okay so what was   it’s an 80 millimeter Ace or one different  version with three checkpoints so there’s   two teams eliminated at 86 bucks dream can you  hear us yeah all right stream look come to it  

Come to the front you can see the beginning of  the race where all right so we’re playing this   race apparently if you spam space you go faster  but I don’t okay wait look which race you doing   I’ll come here turn around all space you  don’t space ready three two one go okay

Race me real quick you ready yeah ready three  two one go oh I started earlier oh yeah if I   say if you spam I know I’m not running okay oh I  didn’t I didn’t I hit the thing you have to spend  

I don’t think you I I think you spam you don’t  you don’t hold it down okay or wait Nick Nick   Nick time it okay like every time you’re in there  repress it because there’s a there’s a cool down can you focus up yeah oh my God

Okay like it’s actually the  difference yeah pay attention is not we lose yeah I know I need to complete the  race our final time is dictated by whoever lost   all right let’s go I mean which one  is a stutter don’t go to Left there’s  

Water yeah don’t let the water like the  thing it’s a race here we go I think you   go to the middle all right guys are  you ready yeah four three two one as much as possible map okay guys if you if you spam too  quick it opens like a [ __ ] mini  

Map yeah you can use the mini map  to see which direction we need to go   nobody like it like [ __ ] me up I’m  winning I’m winning I’m winning okay am I winning yes yeah get away from me I’m  going I’m going I’m going okay female okay I’m good I’m good I’m good

Oh my God is here oh my God keep going yeah I’m stunning that’s  how hot and my thumb’s starting to hurt we’re fast it makes sense we all  play Minecraft it makes sense we’re taking me let me through yeah  oh look at us look at us look at us

Oh that’s green thingy is that uh yeah go on the booze oh my God my  head hurts my hand hurts so bad I did the same thing kind of hurts so  much why would they add this thing it  

Turns right go on the right it turns right  I’ll get money first let’s go there’s like okay yeah when you’re tired you switch hands  I didn’t switch hands but I switched fingers George’s mom switched his hands when she  gets right too that does happen can I open  

Up the map yeah I do the same thing if you  swim too fast you open the map we’re doing oh wait there’s a boost on the left yeah I  don’t know the green one not the red one we   another three minutes left what does that mean I  

Don’t know I don’t know first  so let’s give it away I think there’s two red like in front of me but we don’t  care because there’s a run wind like far away so   yeah yeah yeah we’re in first by a lot oh yeah  it’s on this idiot what are the green things  

Ayanna I’m gonna touch it is it good no it  didn’t do anything my my thumb is so tired   this mechanic sucks they’re trying to give me  carpal tunnel the space mechanic is terrible oh   my God I opened something you open up your map  probably to switch hands when you’re tired how  

Do you switch hands yeah I use my you just let  go of the mouse yeah yeah let go of the mouse I I’m sad I’m not in first  anymore that was so much fun this one is going crazy oh  [ __ ] look at that I’m stuck

No we’re not in first we’re not first anymore George come on stop being an idiot George George   no because this little person that  finishes last on your team George we’re way ahead third it’s okay it’s  okay come on George oh my God catch   up George catch up take shortcuts take shortcuts

There’s the Finish Line yeah okay I’m giving up it’s like depressing I went from  first to like not first we went yeah we went from   first then you fell behind like Nick Nick Nick  Nick George Goes guys we we threw at the end yeah works

No I don’t know how the scoring works okay  okay my fingers are so tired it’s for races   and if each one’s a two last team drop off  and like it’s only counts the only player   of our team so right now it was you you  know yeah you actually got like in front  

Of tons of people of all the team so we  got third anyway you know yeah it’s okay   so the scores all the races are based on the  person who finishes last on your team that’s   your placement each time look each time  the last two teams get eliminated this is

That in your team that finishes that is your  placement anyone ahead of them doesn’t matter okay foreign what’s the next my hand’s actually like  so tired I’ll drink my drink the next   one I think has parkour and bicycle it’s  like a triathlon we need to listen okay  

Like we need to have good comms place  all right fine here we go yeah my hands   in a break to click to spam no no because you  know because you parkour it’ll [ __ ] you up oh wow okay yeah don’t don’t  switch it don’t switch it okay  

Just pay attention George don’t be a dumbass I’m not messing around you you are inherently  [ __ ] around at the same time no only try Twitter all of this or Traverse of everyone what  is this wait we have a SCUBA tank look at  

Me look at me guys after space to  spam jump as well no no you don’t   spam space here just make sure you’re  sprinting underwater you know I don’t   think he’s trying his face guys  guys make sure you’re sprinting I don’t know if you have to wait what oh god it’s  

Up to Cycles oh my God wait  what you just have to worry it looks like you can go  through but you can’t go through   only some of them are open they have Gates that  they have iron bars on them yeah guys I’m in the  

Lead where’s dream I I got stuck at the beginning  part oh yeah over the top no down down close down again yep come on guys  don’t just clear cons clear comms

To the right do you have to spam his face oh no  no no no no no if you hold space you go up okay   space go up shift go down swing we have Dolphins  okay okay we have like dolphins Grace we have  

Something removed there’s some speed and  that’s the end I see the end I think okay   is really really important yeah we’re going  to the top though we’re going up now come on   all right next hot whoa this is  like Mario oh nice that’s the one  

Oh [ __ ] I’m through I’m through I’m  through I’m through I’m through it first way first we’re good we’re  good we’re good the red is right   behind us with us we’re good yeah  but keep going just the teams are   close to us it’s not that hard to  make sure we don’t get [ __ ] here

Okay Julie I have to go backwards here one  second you go down they’re fast we’re fast thank you I was following George don’t follow  George well I can’t it’s hard for me to see I’m following George he’s trash just follow  me okay I’m putting someone that’s right

The bubbles yeah okay you have to look through  the bubbles no no the bubbles are slow trying to   try and avoid them yeah try and avoid the bubbles  then you go up this ladder here I think your guns  

Okay they’re stupid they’re stupid oh I  finished finish first I go first nice okay guys we got second no we got first we got  first we got first we got first nice yeah yeah wait I have the scoreboard yes I’m  we look so stupid mine looks Dumber  

For some reason like I look like I’m  like I feel like I look like a reindeer   okay I feel like I feel like I look like  like a kid or something maybe I’m the best   okay okay so now there’s two teams so we got  only four four teams four teams so be careful

And these teams are decent because they  you know they’re decent they almost beat   us but we still came fast huh  yeah we came third last time holy [ __ ] he’s like he’s like nice oh you don’t  have your chat when I see your chat uh um

Guys if we come first we get  fifteen hundred dollars yeah   yeah yeah six points and fifteen hundred dollars  so we have to all right we have to win guys we must win blue and blue and yellow are  out remember this next game Dream this  

Next game we have to become first or second so we  actually need to like try we’re gonna come first   second place no there’s another one the  finals but this is to get into the finals   yeah during the finals wait we need to  lift up to you oh there’s a final yeah okay  

Look it says okay it says there’s three  eliminations yeah the last team to have   all team members across the Finish Line will  be about second place and the first team to   have all team members first yeah like if it’s  finals and the first one to finish the finals  

The next one yeah next one yeah yeah but from  this it looks like that that might be like wait wait it’s me there but I’m also here  um so um are there two more or one more time yeah I’m 90. where is dream going it’s there

If we lose Minecraft I’m never playing  again please please please please Focus up Focus up okay we have to adopt  you have to get top two eliminated eliminated guys warm your hands up so you’re good  and good and sweaty for Minecraft yeah  

Dream take off your mask it’s time  no I think I’m good I think I’m good   top two or we lose okay here we go all  right don’t want the camera on you yeah  

We lose I can’t see I can’t I can’t see the thing  can you can you move okay seems like a labyrinth   wait no I don’t wanna I wanna I wanna  turn around around facing the ground everyone okay what’s that George okay  guys this is the market guys we’re good

All right let’s go chefs we’re chefs so  how does it work what do we do I don’t   know we need to like make look we need to make  zucchini two here we go where do we go what do  

We do we’re going here what do we do I’m just  clicking this up on the floor okay put it what   it needs to go put it where he needs to go  put it where he needs to go okay need to go

Put it just to drop it no you click  you rock click anything you have to   click in the thing in the thing okay  okay yeah it folks okay right click   I don’t know which is which what do  you mean you don’t know which is which cheese cheese mushroom we’re close we’re close  

Yeah George drop some [ __ ] drop some [ __ ]  you have so much [ __ ] drop drop hang on drop   some [ __ ] okay I finished I finished I  finished doing the cheese goes over here don’t pick up too much make sure everyone can  grab some stuff okay so I took it to keep pick  

Up the same thing you know guys if we’re doing  it again try and pick up the same thing okay you   understand because otherwise you have to run  against different things so next time try and  

Pick up a bunch of the same one okay I got that  [ __ ] I’m dropping some stuff behind me because   I I don’t have there’s some cheese mushroom  there’s nothing playing on the floor still onion mushroom where’s mushroom where’s  mushroom out here go to Finish Line

All right guys grab one same thing a bunch of  it bunch of the same thing guys I’m getting   red I’m grabbing red I’m grabbing red I’m  grabbing red I’m grabbing red mushrooms   cheese I got cheese George you just grab cheese  you dumb people [ __ ] shut up drop the cheese

Grab the zucchini there’s one more purple up here  all right go go go go go go don’t know what’s   missing something oh that’s the name James got  it he’s got it he’s got it put it put it one more I got purple I got purple I got purple  

I got cheese and okay I got cheese  this is the last one it’s the last one uh okay okay go go go go go go let’s try if you don’t  have anything go to the finish line   you can do it yeah last one go go go go go go go

Wait we did it we got it we got it let’s go all right the last one the last  one parkour that’s good that’s good who’s gonna finish next come here come  over here George look we can stand here

They said how did dream do it that  quickly how did he do that if it   worked it out we worked out the  Strat it’s between pink and red   they’re right next to each other wait  look they’re about to come through nice against these people now

Wait what is that food it’s food do we have  a drink George can I George can I waterfall   waterfall just have it go go go go go go go okay that’s fine let’s go guys I’m a little rusty man  

Don’t make that face at me oh get away  from me ow you’re gonna break everything because because I think it is the guys  it might be a little rusty at parkour I’m fine I’m gonna throw this baguette  out I’m gonna throw it I don’t care  

Who wants this big app I want you mean your bag  I was looking at me to throw them to the Gap let me throw it up they caught it  they had to get in their hand as well

I have three more baguettes I want to  keep at least one I’ll keep at least one what is this music we hear playing a game time’s up who should I give the baguette to huh okay guys  I might be a little rusty parkour guys I’ve got  

Parkour in so long but I’m still the goat there’s  no way you should be worse two guys I don’t even   play you know as as being Rusty I’m still a  goat yeah it might get this hot here we go all right we’re not going anyways  all right let’s go we are the goats

Guys if you go upstairs score  if you go upstairs spam space all right here we go all right  this is it this is it okay I’m plugging my monitor yeah sure  just do it here we go this is it guys

Let’s go nine seconds okay full communication  okay okay yeah okay no no no no jokes all right fine I’ll parkour I guess oh shoot  yeah it’s tough that’s tough oh okay okay close the corner oh that was it ready  here here on the right on the right okay okay thanks jump

What’s that last one guys what’s the last  gun you just have to jump really quick   just go as quick as you can okay this is it  but [ __ ] we’re going to do it we gotta go   why do you have to go we have  to win I mean okay I made it  

Oh wait what oh guys if you follow your your  screwed just try and pull them where do I go   around I guess I have to go this way yeah you have  to go all the way around okay but one steady wins  

The race guys how does this work dreamy’s hop  honestly I’m doing it you go in the middle you   can go in the middle yeah you hop on it you hop  on it from there okay around here don’t fall in  

The crates here otherwise you fall all the way all  the way around it okay I’m literally winning so you have any questions oh [ __ ] I failed  wait I see someone so we’ll be on team is   here it’s okay it’s only only manage the last  person which is me right now so we’re fine

Idiot okay where’s the bike race   wait is this the final one oh there’s bike there’s  bikes yeah there’s bikes actually on the bikes it just Spam space again oh we’re  good we’re good we’re by Logic just   don’t [ __ ] up I’m right behind you I’m  literally like 20 bucks behind you go go go

Go oh my God we have to win guys we have to win  oh we got it we got it we got it right click   it it’s okay oh we got it I think we won all  right let’s go guys let’s go so doing dead okay

Oh we got it we got it we  got it I see the Finish Line oh God yeah yeah thank God you’re perfect yeah oh my God oh my God thank you that stuff and here  we are here with our winners thank you [ __ ] oh they’re so good way to go

We are the goats look it’s me it’s me look it’s me hi how you doing there yeah he beat me I was like  I was running through it a thousand dollars wait what whoa that’s funny yeah free money real free money  guys we’re gonna be getting it all to you if  

You follow the stream and give some we will  give it to you we’ll give you that money that was nice guys everybody right  now for a chance to win the money okay we win we win we win we win we’re gonna win so easily

What is this game do you guys know  what this game is oh a racing game okay okay okay cool okay thank you okay thank you all  right guys so we’re doing some like   uh we’re doing some like racing game apparently  but you can I think it’s a racing game but you  

Can like kill people like you can crash the car a  racing game but you kill people apparently so um you bought your own controller  that’s your own controller to   Doom bought his own controller  because he’s a sweaty tryhard oh my God it’s so loud

Why are they yelling what why are they yelling  huh why are they yelling I don’t know okay okay guys we have to try enemies oh my God  everyone’s going crazy okay take on your settings  

Of the game even something you have to change this  is the event guys there’s a lot of people here   and it’s going crazy it’s a dream we have sign up  control uh uh stop nap and saidoon all right

Okay wait we use this controller we use  this we have like an Xbox controller I   guess yeah yeah what for it’s for the  game yeah but like what what are the   controls I don’t know look at controls  is Right trigger break is left here and  

Break is B uh so you have to accelerate  I guess like Mario caps right you see the   set where do you see the controls oh break  his left trigger accelerates right trigger here we go here we go get  ready wait what do you mean here we go oh wow oh God

How do I go it’s just you drive the right thing  oh wait what the [ __ ] right the trigger is gas wait this is the wrong way guys no we’re not oh okay this is the first  one to win for this team wait what’s  

My God that’s like a red thing on my  screen you’re going the wrong way then   oh yeah but like where do I  go oh this way okay oh my God hey we have to go from one of us has to go first  

We are the red cars I think right yeah  okay everyone we’re all ready okay we are first 10 seconds okay okay let’s go  we’re winning I just killed someone yeah it’s breakfast day it’s breakfast train let’s break some practices

Like do you see me I’m just behind you  [ __ ] with this one though right thank you okay guys we have to you have to wait  you have to go on settings and quit all right so that was just practice okay perfect  what I learned is George I don’t know if you know  

I don’t know if you guys noticed but like  uh basically it’s a lot harder to turn when   you’re accelerating you can you can just let go  of accelerator and the Corso goes yeah let go of   acceleration to turn you wouldn’t know because you  don’t but also if you drive you accelerate into  

A turn so once you’re in the turn you accelerate  into it all right what do I do yeah where do we go no quiero um all right so we’re doing  a racing game interesting so so let me read this uh according to my  notes actually um give me the best the  

Best one 4v4 will consist of three rounds of  tea of team versus Team demolition derby races   matches in each round will be determined  by oh in Swiss style format teams will   always be matched against another team with  the same win-loss record of this challenge  

And each team versus team match the first players  complete the required number of laps and across   the Finish Line will win the match for their team  basically it’s the same thing as the parkour the   last person is the person that matters oh it’s  the other way around oh okay to cross winds  

Yeah so if something up goes first we win  collisions are allowed and encouraged yeah   you can hit people like wrecking cars until  they’re out maybe maybe one of us like off a   spawn like just destroys somebody you know if  you’re if you’re last you should try because  

Like the first like it’s like a circle or  they lap around try to kill the first person we can’t just hold a car back I’m sorry okay did  I start earlier last time oh okay I didn’t know I  

Was a host it’s weekend extra 1500 if we win this  yeah I know and we’re going to what do you mean if are we sure that’s how it works are we  sure that’s how it works sure I’m sure   okay okay uh guys dude how do you destroy Vehicles

You hit them with your car he does damage guys  only look at the top part breakfast the bottom   part we don’t need to look at guys I don’t I  never play with a controller but I’m good here  

I mean we just have to press like the right  trigger to accelerate yeah and try to like like   trees I just thought I’d show you don’t read it  then I don’t care you’re lost it is hot in here  

Right yeah it’s kind of hot [ __ ] don’t believe  in ACS stole my juice yeah you can have it oh no   because you’ve touched it I offered the waterfall  and you said I can have it just waterfall here we go average okay around hit the corner close I don’t know him okay

Oh my God turn in front of us guys we’re in trouble he’s gonna come behind where  I’m sure it’s a smoking yeah what’s this color   what’s his color what’s this color what’s  this color we’re hitting each other food [ __ ] I think it’s 15 minutes

I know I’m waiting I’m waiting I’m  waiting like it keeps like I know I   know I know I know the light is the light  blue I know I know I know I know I see   this is how do I change like perspective the game which one the light blue one the teal one

Bro it’s impossible to see you know they  come so fast they come I’m telling you   if you were in my perspective you would  understand he’s 10 seconds in front of us oh no what’s his name jnic I almost hit him okay  you have to kill him it’s not just right and maybe  

I’ll try to uh we have to do something we have  to kill him [ __ ] [ __ ] nice yeah yeah yeah I found him he likes him okay okay I’m trying you get him get  in game huh that’s so quick  

I hit him I hit him I hit him I hit him once  I hit him once I just [ __ ] I’m trying yeah I hit him again the whole life should  be trying to kill this which I’m trying

No you’re not you’re not stuck what uh I [ __ ]  up some I [ __ ] up one of them I totally [ __ ]   one of them throw them up I railed one of  them I know I know but I rubbed one of them he’s right there he’s going to lose

I know I’m trying I’m trying I hit  him I hit him I hit him I hit him   I hit him I drove him back I got  him I got him I got him I got him he’s gonna go over here oh my God

Yeah I got him I got him I  got him I got him I got him oh you’re inside I know I I almost got him oh my God okay I’m out I gotta I’m out  guys I hit him hit him oh my God come on no you got three seconds enough

It doesn’t promise foreign nice come on come on come on he’s driving me behind him he’s behind him believe me oh my God oh my God oh my God wait oh my God you guys that was awesome look even though I came  seventh wait it doesn’t matter

Wait look the entire team was like ahead of us  yeah dream got eliminated somehow like blown up   his car got blown up oh my God that was awesome  look at each other so far that was muy Epico oh my God the dream just dropped the  pineapple interest in our previous  

Race between the dream right so wait how many  of these games do we do there’s one more game   like how round one round two and  round three oh wait we do we do yeah multiple rounds yeah there’s uh there’s three rounds that was  a 15 lap one the next two are eight rounds  

Eight laps yeah oh my God that was epic that was insane so I think like look at this there’s  um two more rounds but they’re eight   laps instead of fifteen so we need we  need to be quicker to like killing them to try and find okay we’re not facing them anymore

No no no no no we need two  people two people go ahead   but also they’re gonna do the same problem  you need to know this George if you if you   fall too far behind like the map it like  eliminates you you have to at least stay  

Like sort of doing laps you know the thing is  because they killed they did too much damage   yeah but what I’m saying is if you if you’re  not like going a little bit on the lap then   you’ll get hit by the low guys like just  at least you’re doing it a little bit

Too much noise there will be three laps remaining two  Lobster menu with this one and honestly   uh this time so far you know they’re  trying to hit each other here and there   is morally out right so just another hit  and that car is literally wrecked behind

As a pain that’s a painful payment  towards the end I think that’s the   guy they’re aiming for but  they’re not going for it the number one drivers in the back the next competitions super chilled right now this man is too  good this man is driving to clean okay

He’s too good he’s too good  he’s too strong piercing everything he brought it all and he’s living  the fans there it’s all standing up for you guys I was one heck of a rare sesh well there’s that  Victory right there absolutely and you know what’s  

Kind of funny when it’s not any Americans on  the server they’re driving clean so I’m looking   forward to our Dream record we’ll keep on doing it  yeah yeah you know but you have to see different   strides different approaches different driving  stuff and this is the cool part about this game  

You can play it in all those ways that you  like biscuit it’s actually quite good right   racing games are usually resident sleeper for  many it’s right it’s right you wanted to knock okay I was trying to knock people off Rainbow  Road let’s take a look now at the bracket of  

Wreck Fest here’s Ash halfway through halfway  through dreamers Ulta’s coming up next and   movement I mean movement was uh also a very  risky man already with the baguette right so   maybe he’s taking the similar wrists in this game  you think he’s gonna stick baguette it’s longer put on this okay

What has happened whoa okay okay this one uh I’m sitting but  I’m sitting behind I’m sitting behind is the best window is actually really good as well anyway anywhere for them to come  through I’m gonna wait until Finish Line where the speed will be like tomorrow yeah okay at the finish line okay

Oh no all right oh no   get him kill him fast when you’re going the  wrong way you can’t go very yeah I know I know I don’t know how we know how we’re gonna  win this one oh I’m just next to it man  

I’m just next to the first one like I I’m  I’m at a good spot are you from yeah I got   him I killed him I killed him I killed him I  killed him I killed him he’s gone he’s gone

I have a great spot sapnap do you see the  spot I’m at look at where I’m at you see   me yeah this is me this is me say here  this is a perfect spot yeah they come   from Straight Ahead they come from straight  ahead and they have to go around this corner

Just back up as much as you can and then we’ll  get them through dude wait we’ll go to the legend   through on the left okay uh okay when are you  spitting me so here we go here we go we see him  

We see him we see him run in front of them okay oh  no no George you’re fine my car is really damaged   standing on purpose my car is very damaged  as well I get one more stop of him probably  

Wait my car is messed up my car is very bad mine  as well I probably have one more stop everything yeah I probably have one more chance to [ __ ]  up the guy in first and then I’m probably dead it might die be careful I’m just saying oh wow

Okay my car is like messed up I’m  gonna try both I’m waiting for you here   just be careful just be careful yes okay just try try and wait there and get him  one more time if you can’t stop now no because  

If you hit anything not just cards hit anything  you’re dead just wait wait for him at a place   up now wait for him out of place if you had  anything even the wall and [ __ ] you’re dead it’s only five seconds you’re so close that’s right

Just wait at that place George and [ __ ] him  up wait it’s a good place to wait if you back   up a little bit Iraq where is they come from  Straight Ahead Georgia stay there stay there  

They’re gonna come from here okay okay so just  back up back up we’re back up we’re back up should you second time here they come they’re gonna call me any second  any second any second wait it’s on the break

You got one more chance one more  chance right there oh my God oh my God you got probably 20 seconds till they  come I I should have brought it back   up here not that one yeah this one next guy yeah you hit him though you hit him though

Whoa there’s one left one left eight of eight so you have dual chances because we  crossed two times yeah my car is down yeah okay if you can’t even love it it’s okay but like we won first one more race though okay he played  Wiki we got top three videos hold on

Hey guys guys listen on first button all right look I think I think  I think I think you and George and shouldn’t   all try and win while I try and destroy it  because otherwise the problem is that you  

Have three chances and George is pretty damn  good like I’m I’m just trash I need to say bye all right so crowd to the  Raptors loving every second I think you need to and she drives so well that’s insane not with me not with me yeah we get four points

And we got four points this is big but also yeah  but also George how are you saying that we’re we   can’t get first we can get first right why not all  three games yep we can’t get first oh okay but we  

Can get we can get first place still we just can’t  get the first points we can get second on this   game and then be first I’m saying but we can get  first on this game what I’m saying is we’ve only  

Played two games we’re one and one if we even  if we play against the team unless the team if   a team loses that’s it I’m saying for the scoring  we can’t get first but we can actually get first   we have to there’s no way this is the  last game the two undefeated teams  

Are playing in this movie oh right now  yeah oh oh we’re not we’re not playing one of the teams will win all three games oh okay if we win this one we got two one okay so what’s happening in this game apparently  upstairs this is the map that we just played oh  

No it’s we’re playing a different map three  more to go yeah listen you’re not gonna get   that frustrated when you get a bit of  Friendly Fire because this is breakfast all right we are getting towards the  dying moments of this race here can we see  

I think they’re doing it right now Ian I think  they’re on it I think they’re trying to block   a second please and look at the current blue  lives that happened there in the turn yeah 11 seconds she’s good final luck final lap  one more time to make some noise right here

Yeah oh can they block oh one car is wrecked yeah  one car’s wrecked that’s what you get when you all   try to destroy yourself as soon as possible but  it seems like this might work season yeah the  

Bodyguards are on here it’s open season I don’t  think anyone can stop her yeah she’s good she’s   going through the loopy over this ramp she’s gonna  take this corner and this is where she’s going to  

Have a clear view very shortly of that finish  line here it is yes you can passes through the the team that was protecting her the entire  time making sure to feeding information on   where our enemy cars waiting for you so  you can actually maneuver around them  

We’ve got some good players oh we actually  got some good races I have to admit it is some   good racing we’re seeing good strategies it’s  it’s actually breakfast right are some people   focusing on the wrecking side of things there’s  some people focusing on the race racing side of  

Things and that makes it so exciting yeah what I  love about breakfast is if you didn’t really know   much about you might come into this thinking  it’s a racing game it’s every man for himself   every woman for himself you’re out there doing  your thing but in reality it is still a really  

Strong Team game it is let’s take a look at the  bracket I said we were halfway through before   I think we’re now officially halfway through  maybe let’s take a look at the standings and  

Um well we have two thirds yeah go with two thirds  I like that all right so we’ve had two results   and as you can see we’ve got a couple of teams  here that’s got back-to-back victories very   much indeed Ultra versus going to be our  big big race in the 1-1 section dream’s  

Gonna find movement in a virtual deal and up  in zero to Bagheera versus kind of sad to see   I’m attached to the old universities because these  guys are too old for a Reason by this point you   play two completely different Maps you must have  figured out how you want your strategy to work  

So both having both having two different  strategies will be so cool to see in them and there you want you to see the highlights  this is round one where dream takes it and   here’s one important thing for me about this  team in particularly it might be 1-1 right now  

Yeah but they most definitely want to end  up in 2-1 they want those points they want   to stay first place in the overall standings I’m  pretty sure the crowd here in Paris wants dreams   to stay right up there on the leaderboard  as well you think so I think so yeah yeah  

Keep buying right there to try and stop these  cars how can he see through the mass guys weird Mike makes my ears bleed okay I’ll move it a bit   break fast okay we’ll have to tell you this  one movements I think it’s a that’s a foreign

Once we determine after a couple laps who’s  in first then we start sabotaging okay   and just try not to get hit because you need  to save your damage for the end wait did you   guys get your car changed yeah yeah that’s  like a [ __ ] car yeah I think everyone else

All right okay let’s do this one we are way  ahead in the global Universe yeah we I think   if we win this there’s a really good chance we  go to the finals of this like we gotta win this  

Well the next one is 2v2s yeah but like if we win  this one like we’re ahead by two points yeah yeah   we’ll be in a really good spot because from third  will be ahead by what Five Points by from third  

What how many if we win this how  many points from third will we behind me I don’t know I don’t  know who got second I think um if we win we have 10 points in total  if we lose we got after this game we  

Have Boomerang food and then lunch  hour rush and then that’s it yeah   and lunch hour lunch I thought lunch I  Rush was the final that’s not the final oh my God what’s the final again it’s parkour  right it has Minecraft Parkour as well

Minecraft I wish we think this is Revolt around  Minecraft no but what was the final I thought I   read the final or something I don’t know  I mean you have to like cook this stuff  

You can see it all right the map like it’s like  we’re playing on the next map so we can actually oh this is our map yeah there’s  only four laps this guy’s only   four laps I don’t know if we’re supposed to yeah

Like I’m also if I just start like  these people up here I can see them   they’re right over there in front of  me but you also get like you said a big   chunk of money for finishing first uh all of  these PC games that’s them I think right now

Yeah this is not the last game we  have yeah that’s them right there   my back kind of hurts I’m ready  to like get out of the chair service game as for bathroom if we win if you win  if we lose you don’t get bathroom right no okay  

My back is sweating my back hurts   my back doesn’t hurt but it’s sweating this  monitor is like kind of lowered can I raise it up okay we all race until like halfway through and then we  decide and then we did and then and then and then  

The bottom two bottom two whenever you’re trying  to hit someone and they’re coming fast at you like   it’s hot it’s really [ __ ] yeah it’s hard but  listen we’re gonna race for the first half at  

Half time let’s go three two one here we go guys  starting at halftime on the lap the bottom two   start just killing people why are they starting  ahead of us we’re starting what’s happening foreign

Man you put the glasses on when you try hard have  you never seen the easy emote on Twitter get on   my way I will try to get 40 seconds okay okay um  everything first they’re waiting for us away okay

Okay who’s second me no you’re not George I mean  I mean they’re trying to stop me it’s not working   yes okay oh [ __ ] who is this guy he killed me they killed  me they killed me okay I just saw I just okay okay

Sleepy birds wait where is he  he’s right behind me he’s right   behind me I thought he’s gonna be coming around is that you yeah I’m ahead Joe uh who’s seconds  down up here second move mind move mind okay   dark conditions I don’t know how to turn very well okay

Okay got him nice a bit pick this [ __ ]  get up come on get up I can’t look it up   I can’t get him get him get  him get him get him nice keep going keep going your head by 10  seconds I’m trying I’m only ahead by  

One second what are you talking about oh okay okay behind you I’ll do that don’t  do that all right behind you   they’re on the right they’re taking the  right pass sometimes you’ll see it first thank you three seconds I’m getting hit by you guys  more than anyone else keep going oh God

Guys we have to get the first one Jimmy  right oh I missed him barely it was so close the library on okay I’m  waiting for Jamie to show up whatever dream is the second all right

Guys guys I see the guy in first I see  the guy in first I see him at first I railed one of them I railed  one of them I railed one of them oh okay guys so close we’re so close

Oh yeah you do yeah yeah it happened in the last  game as well and I was telling them a brown car   oh that’s not fair yeah that’s dumb um you didn’t notice in any video we lost yours well when the other ones  

There was one thing at the end Saturday  where I missed him by like literally an inch they’re so close we always eat something   yeah but you had an excuse because  you couldn’t see color shooting is because I was looking  going for from oh that sucks

What do we lost we got the next game though  so the next game is what what is the next day boomerang was on the straight line he was driving  on the opposite side of where he should   have been to avoid the cars coming at him  I hope that was a hidden ticket wasn’t  

It it’s so sad I mean it literally was  decided by the last lap Victory jeans big hugs   big props I mean you see this is at the end of the  day you destroy each other in breakfast but you  

Still bomb fist look what it means listen this  is proper celebrations that we’re seeing here   fist bumps we’re seeing hands thrown in the air  big celebrations big cheers a lot went in today   it takes a lot to win a tournament like that  I feel like the communication had to be either  

Right because they had three people right behind  there for the entire time like team Ultra was   doing well but not just one person it was almost  the entire team that was doing really well and   they were fast so if one person went on the side  which it happened Timothy ended up winning again  

Because they had another one right behind them so  I feel like communication was so key letting them   know where their opponents lie let’s hear from  the winners themselves as The Crowd Goes Wild   here this briefly as you can see the standings  here team Altier finished top and we’ll take a  

Look at the Falls that is a little bit later on  but for now with Team volt here we’ve got Solari   oh the crowd is going crazy there but I’m here  to ask some questions to the team of Chris  

You’re celebrating the evening but I gotta ask  you going into the games did you have any role   distribution in your team and if yes how did it  look like I don’t know we just say we make harun  

And the uh the circumstance of the game we’ll see  well I will no it’s just a no yes it’s uh no role   before the game just uh when we are in the Run  we say okay we have to finish I was the first one  

Okay I will try to finish and all the team will  protect you will protect you and uh that’s all   well it looks like it worked for you but  if anybody wants to try to imitate your   success would you tell them to do the same  the same for what sorry I don’t understand  

Uh for the game if anybody wants to try to  win the way that you did what would you tell   them to do yeah I tried the best I tried a good  strategy I think but uh uh we did a best friend  

Anyone specific in your team that you want to  highlight for their performance the highlight   of our performance I’ve seen the Wingo bear is  uh the best player the best runner in our team and it’s very important for us because during  the the run you keep you keep the communication  

He just okay stay calm stay calm we can push  you or push yourself and uh yes it’s a uh it’s   our communication now this is the time for you  to celebrate a little bit to relax but what are  

You doing next are you prepared for the upcoming  games yeah I make uh it’s a boom rang Foo the next   I will play with Wingo yes and I think for the  finals we have to win bull run through if you want  

To go to final and uh yes we are ready all right  and good luck to you I think you have word thanks   congratulations to the whole team again thanks  very much Solari I agree with you I agree I think  

They have what it takes to Larry I think that’s a  good call look at them hyping out the whole crowd   if you think the crowd is loud now you wait till  later on but it gets real spicy should we take a  

Look at some requests but I said we’re going for  the highlights real first yeah let’s do that let’s   take a look back at some of the key moments from  breakfast here that’s a real strike so we go to a  

Real salty most definitely because some of those  moves have been salty punches some of those heads   they have been extravagant but most importantly  we see it again so much strategy and so much   ramming out you decide okay I’m going to be the  one ramming out the opponent leader and this far  

Time and time again it was not decide until the  final app you know it takes this one home and I   really love this strategy as well and allocated  good drivers in this particular game they just  

Started racing and when they saw that one of them  was super far ahead they did everything to protect   that one car and he worked for them right this  was Awards the end and we’ll see the moment where  

Events he tooks over it’s so good no no no no no  no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no   no they even made it a one-two finish right this  is even more impressive they didn’t even struggle

But look look at the sportsmanship absolutely is  there it’s all sits back an Applause his opponents   who managed to take the victory here tell you  what I said it before I’ll say it again breakfast there are so many levels from  an enjoyment side of things  

You know seeing the wrecks we saw some  absolutely horrendous Big Bangs didn’t we   well I’ll tell you what Boomerang Foo let’s  play that next with our amazing streamers   there are gonna be back fired up and ready  to go after this shot break see you in a bit relax foreign thank you foreign

Thank you I killed him all right hello oh there we go welcome back to YouTube swings what is convention Chambers we’ve done another Switcheroo  for some Boomerang Foo and I’ll tell you   more about that in a minute this is  Gia this is the game is kind of loud  

See that Carnage what’s the  look going on there we go   everybody ramming into one another I think I’ll  just start the Columbine mode was that an option there’s no color blind mode guys  where I was expecting it to be  

A lot of fun and zesh was like listen  breakfast if you watch it competitively nice try it right is there like  at every moment there is about is any moment yeah all right I guess we’re just YOLO I don’t think they can just yeah you’re going to receive it earn your mind bling

Thank you all right oh we got we got four mats to explain  we got teams to talk about okay yeah I’m fine why   I was just texting looks oh it looks like  I’m like you guys can’t see my face so it  

Just looks like I’m like sad or something  but but guys I’m smiling what do you mean you have to use the blue brown but  you can lose it and you have to   you actually have it you’ve seen wait guys we can  guys guys it says each team picks two players per  

Round so like oh technically we could change  it up if one of you guys don’t doesn’t feel it I’m watching a lot of tutorials playing against  another winner it is so hot in here oh my God  

It’s on it says you you’re in a t-shirt in  shorts yeah I’m in pants and a jacket and   if someone doesn’t want to play I’m here yeah we  can switch it up after rounds like let’s say one  

Of you guys isn’t feeling it after round one we  can switch it the chair goes all the way back look oh what is happening did you check  your keys that but also on top of it  

Who do I pick do they do different things or it  just looks all right here’s where I’d be guys uh I will be this thing guys milk sushi I ate sushi last night so it only makes sense for the one after and after  it’s funny my shoes are off

All right ready so yes it went well yeah you ready  George we need to kill the bananas roaming around I think yeah okay I’m the sushi you really need to be like okay you have to win hey George where are you all right  left his move oh you just go to the construction

I don’t know the controls though did  I just die yeah I think I just died why did you get rid of the controls I did  it you dumb [ __ ] you’re saying they did yeah this is the failure Boomerang this is the  dash and this is to attack what else do you need  

To know why I didn’t know any of them okay  well I didn’t another another warm-up one go right now this is to attack I’m not playing   what do you mean guys George you  kill me you [ __ ] let’s go is by the way oh my God

Kill them oh my God what the [ __ ] how do you  hit me first yeah okay okay anything seriously I know what I’m doing now deadly seriously we got comms in between wait you just gotta cross  the map I [ __ ] owned him

In between I don’t know where  it went okay you can speak it up oh you have to pick up your things  oh my God wait I’m scared to like   go oh my God all right good job see just focus up

Rings on the other side and The Comebacks  happening the team dream with the long   range swing right there that was  nice name what I really like so   far about this game is we’ve seen the  teams using the geometry mostly for   those Boomerang rebounds rather than  just running straight into each other

Yeah Mr admission there you go first shot still turn to a two if  you want they tied it up there it is around the   well there’s the shot no hits the bucket  he’s all of his own this is about a friend to make it he’s so far away

Now tied up get the second there you  go turn around there’s the bounce Team Dream ties it up that was crazy that  was pumping his chest there the dashes   to each other the boomerangs perfectly  timed and it is a nice start for the team  

Still on a 2V1 you pass Bush on can  they do it with the red yes they   can snap that Advantage for team dream I  told you about The Comebacks it happened   here I just love the way he’s screaming  already it’s so early in the brackets it’s so good okay here it is

Some there’s a biased crowd here like  we’ve had all day here we’ve got the   dream fans in the building but both  of these teams are doing well with the   slicing dice oh look at that second shot  can they do a team they swiped them out

You got some same spot here because you can  you can go in between the portals and really   be comfortable with it but you can also  throw your Boomerang no no the team kill   there’s a shot of the B1 they’re  buying one another oh my I can’t  

Believe he’s happening they’re  pushing through the portal together for the advantage yeah I don’t remember being this  tactical last year I feel like this is a this is   better with time oh my God aging my fine wine  we aren’t friends after all avocado time is  

It no just running away trying to stay on the  center there’s a dash oh one advantage there’s   a red on the Dream Team side 2-1-1 I’m trying  to get on to one of those outside platforms straight to the face be careful be careful  here you got the center in between you can  

Play with oh no oh god with his bench down  George clean as a whistle with that shot you   spend one morning with Austin and suddenly  you don’t know how to throw a banana oh no how do you allow yourself to just get  smooshed by a rock I don’t know that  

Was a grim way to go but this is neck and  neck right here between these two teams between but not hey that’s Survival right  there what a prediction shot who didn’t so much look  like they were gonna get it  

On that round they’re even motivating one another  you hear from Team Ultra here they do it again   they closing in four more rounds to the win  taking the lead again they had a really good   start lost a few rounds in the middle there  but it’s been that constant back and forth

There you go three with a bit more momentum  this is like you said me lost it couldn’t   be closer right now it really is back and  forth now and even tighter Arena’s trying  

To go for the kill on a sushi there it is it’s  off I tried to think whoever is going to face   a loser of this in the Swiss because they may as  well be facing the winner there’s so many layers  

To this unfortunately we don’t have any onion  characters that are being put in play here where   did our red turn go all the way to the top hey  that was a good play knocked him into the water  

There with two more rounds to go until they’ve  taken the dub yeah maybe starting to fill away   hold ahead that’s two I mean it’s gonna be  tough to get back from oh it’s so close now  

Both of their boomerangs are away be careful but  it’s pulled back can also damage oh no you got it   back they’re pushing up on him let me go for the  kill yeah that’s one but now you need Sarah cover that’s cool one away from winning  this round that’s figuring out how  

To play Team Dream at their own game so  many moving Parts here both staggering   one another in a shot trying to go for  the 1v1 then they crossed one another that was crazy   I mean it’s going to be difficult to match that  level of competitiveness but I’m sure we will

Somehow claimed Victory there over Team Dream who  had the crowd behind them for a lot of that listen   they started really well at the beginning they had  some fumbles in the middle as team dreams started  

To catch up but at the end they pulled it out once  again let’s get back into some more action this is   a Swiss bracket tournament is Kitty versus move  mind we should be able to throw into right now is our red team Kitty is our blue  yeah matches are happening by the  

Way as we were starting off the first place you can just hide behind the boxes the second  side red side taking it and there’s definitely   a lot more of a deficit in this game than  we saw in that previous one to move mind  

Just rolling off that confidence that we know that  they’re gonna break some super clean shots we’ve   seen quite a lot of long distance throwers  as well which have been very impressive yeah part of it he’s still I’m trying to bring it  back here on our blue side if you even forgotten  

Which team is which yeah thank you you’re welcome  jumping around here dodging some efforts to take   him down and he slices through here it’s on 2V1 oh  close no don’t take out your own TV around to the  

Blue side no you need a bit more power to try to  bounce it around so close look at that Dash away hey look Jamie’s got his feet up that’s how  relaxed he is right now he’s got teammates  

Around him watching feet up in the air chilling  we should do that it would look quite weird here   but look at that look at that dive look  at that jump in between red side trying   to recover in their Boomerang setting it up for  one another can they get the second in the water  

Inside bringing it back it’s  so gunning when you see them   just fall into the water it’s like  you said earlier the best adventure is very true be careful here with the boulders you just don’t want to get crushed they’ve all   kind of multiplying they’re  at the corner at this point

Don’t get too risky around the  boulders just trying to get the   long range boomerangs instead come  on that wasn’t even a boulder off   the top Rob he goes can they go for the  second there’s the swipe for blue side

All right let me move mine the red  team is still just two rounds away   from Victory it’s really team Kitty  they’re starting to catch up here   for the swipes there because you’re  you’re trying to use those buttons behind move fine rolling off that  maybe it’s just uh the pressure  

Now I say I’m a big believer in you  know come back momentum we’re seeing   and it’s almost like you get this when  you’re on the comeback it’s a moment   they’re even coaching one another behind it  because you only have two of your players

Now they are just two rounds away as well look you how do they win it is even more impressive that they’re literally  wearing something yes they can see through it all   and they make it happen for only Portuguese  team in the entire competition yeah experience

Did he win apparently so massacre oh I’m not sure  so we’ll find out listen we’re all moving there’s   a lot of moving Parts here twitch Rivals we’re  seeing lots of different games going on lots of   different stations left right and center  but what I can say is we are seeing some  

Teams show more consistency a little bit more  determination and we’re seeing comebacks as   well that’s what I’d love to see I love a good  right food compact but I mean this is what we used for maybe struggle a little bit at the  beginning and as they start to kind of find  

Their especially just sort of Synergy with each  other you know you’ve got to make sure that you   you control those little vegetable guys yeah  the avocados what do you if you were playing   this would you be going for the close range  combat or would you be throwing from a distance  

Like a sniper honestly you really gotta try to  bounce it around using the map geometry is so   so difficult Madera Jones is on the right side oh  look at that shot and now on the blue side taking  

Away pakira on the red side yeah gltv’s in Blue uh  and the gear is in red and we are right back into   this and it’s probably in the closing moments of  this battle Yeah well you would think about right  

Jill TV seemed to be ahead but you never know  we just spoke about The Comebacks you have no   idea what’s gonna happen all right now there’s an  advantage in this round but Garrett Jones and some   of these Maps also and the challenges will have  abilities active and see it helps them once it  

Helps them survive he’s gonna get the second they  got two boomerangs in this that blue side can use   trying to revive your teammates in  this fight is taking away the shield   from the banana side here on the red you  go for the second so close to diving off

Gets one of them with a swipe from blue side   oh that got close Shield TV just with a  one round away from victory for this game oh that’s a nice little comeback we’re down to   a 1v1 who’s going to take it can we  see this one finished out here again

They’re giving one another hey you  can resume you can resume this is   the moment for it doesn’t need the runs  there it is TV our raiding Champions at   its switch Rivals ultimate Challenge  take that battle of boomerang food  

The hot sauce hot sauce hot sauce oh  yeah I don’t want to be a hot sauce why um I well my favorite condiment is sriracha I  don’t know if that counts as a hot sauce but  

It’s the one that I would have them the most  often I’m more of them I have mayonnaise on   everything I eat oh you’re so beautiful yeah you  just dip your finger in water and it’s all good  

That’s all that’s awesome we look for yeah  hey I like that oh my God holistic uh some   replays here from our entire first round  I mean they have pretty much everything   I don’t have it yeah look at that trying to  use that map geometry a little bit of grounds

Beautiful to see using teleporters to your   advantage here and remember oh  my God if you’re both swiping yes I love that because of the movement uh  in this game you can hear the panic in   the voices of all of the streamers  because you may be on the edge of  

The world about to fall in the water  about to fall off the cliff it doesn’t   matter what it is but you’re calm until  you’re not well and that’s just round one got two of them still remember it’s all about  getting wins because if you win you move forward  

But you also other teams so technically the  competition gets more and more difficult but   because of the Swiss bracket format it allows you  to still come back from that Lower Side even if   you took a loss if it was close it’s okay you  can technically still beat up anybody else that  

Was down there well let’s take a look at it  sorry let me just jump in let’s take a look   at that bracket so team Ultra is up against  team virtual up next see movement is taking  

On the very impressive Deal TV and then down at  the bottom we’ve got some great matchups as well   yeah you know the bottom that’s obviously the  the losers part of the Swiss bracket and you’ll   start to get some Nuance come in there as we  head into the next round after that but yeah  

In that top bit where you’ve just got the winners  together that’s where you have some control over   kind of knocking down your opponents and ensuring  they have a much lower chance of making it to the  

Covered in finals than you do and I have to say  I mean team dreams first matchup was a very close   one oh yeah so that’s okay look you go to the  Lower Side of the bracket you know you’re you  

Lost over but it’s like one or two rounds away if  I remember correctly that’s something you can use   your advantage hey we’re warmed up we’re ready to  go we technically have teams that are on our level  

Or a bit lower we’ll bring it back yeah it’s not  like a loser in the in the traditional sense it’s   like you’re dropping down there like me you know  you drop it down there but you still you still put  

In a really strong performance in that first round  so you are still a formidable opponent yeah that’s   that’s the scary thing is just kind of the binary  one or oh like did we win did we lose especially  

In this first round of the Swiss bracket or  heading into the second round of Swiss bracket   does doesn’t necessarily tell you the full story  and so that’s where it gets a bit more complex   yeah and this is why we have all of Korea rounds  gonna pull through people give them the time  

To warm up in the beginning and then slowly but  surely we get to the end and we get to see how it   all shapes up for a final round where thankfully  by that point they’ll all be warmed up and ready  

Let me ask you guys a serious question probably  the most serious question I’ve ever asked oh boy   did you ever think when you were a kid that  you would be sat on a circle in front of   a lot of people having a serious discussion  about fruit and vegetable throwing bluegrass

Honestly no no but I always was someone who  enjoyed the stage in some way yeah yeah and   then I had nothing to do with it in studies so  here we are yes Dave the thing is and the stage  

Suits you baby all right whenever I’m with you  you know look at this it just goes you do this   in private yeah I think I think we probably should  after the show it’s twitch Rivals after dark hold  

On it’s got a bit quiet in here let me just  double check Paris is here yeah they are don’t   worry about it okay good just wanted to make sure  we can always count on our audience yeah I mean  

I’ve never been around an audience with such an  unlimited supply of energy in my life and they   are gonna need it because once this round is all  said and once we are through our Boomerang Foo   round oh yeah it gets to the ultimate Challenge  where I said earlier if you’ve just joined us  

On the stream hello hi I mean that’s me lost to  you thank you for having us in your living room   wherever you are this entire set here is gonna  get rebuilt transformed into something complete

Are you uh I use a donut let’s see red yeah okay  I’m okay okay we don’t have to kill each other I’m sorry I don’t understand I’m  good oh it’s gonna be so loud is there a way that I can show him uh we’re disabling the items okay

Use this right B go to the screen yeah is it possible to show their screen on  here so that I can stream them playing okay okay okay well actually can you like  screenshot oh I don’t know how to show that oh wow can you uh get a screenshot from his PC

What happened all right well  I cannot show you the screen right there guys okay if you okay the music is so loud in the  game yeah okay so here we go oh wow okay all right there’s like five seconds back oh we’re playing we’re actually  playing yeah what’s your name I got one

Don’t go outside the lines there’s 30 seconds oh shrinking border shrinking oh nice we got it we got it the dream is oh God I didn’t have my memory foreign foreign nice okay okay all right nice nice oh my God oh I’m dead oh no okay almost close this schedule

Oh they kill each other oh No Just bombing dead what are you doing yeah okay all right there it is a nice throw by them dead thank you oh my god oh I did oh come on foreign oh my god he has it he has it oh dude

Okay so there’s one left  we just keep audition today on the floor oh come on yes be careful nice look out look out oh so close nice okay come on yeah oh my god oh we got him oh truck behind the rugs three more three more nice nice Loop it around the corner

Okay thank you go inside go inside go inside like this for like five seconds okay stay safe nice oh no no no watch watch oh that’s right okay nice one more round to do it in the 1v2 hello nice oh the clutch how do you do that how did you touch that laughs

Wait who plays now we’ll practice wow easy so easy go to the other guys what  happened I don’t know we’re out I am done this game’s kind of fun it’s awesome how do you know wow foreign wow okay we killed them by accident oh my God up out of the water

Uh other people are playing right now thank you I will watch a tips and trick  video oh what the [ __ ] um foreign one killing with Slash you  have to slash at the right time   oh yeah look at that hair now at least  yeah also you can block a boomerang by  

Like hitting it with your own Boomerang  let’s go destroyed yeah I avenge you oh nice that’s a nice one we won spicy I got a new sushi outfit yeah me too are you  ready wait they’re here they’re here this way okay how do you do hold on you made money what the [ __ ]

Find this that’s amazing I have to  try this no sign up we have to try   this you can get your boyfriend  around you how does that work you put it like this it’s a voice oh my God they need one more point s what they have that is very slightly oh my God

Huh okay okay okay they won they won we can give you then  dude we’re running back hey baby girl say she wanted two-step mine  fresh I got it looking like a new Step   she told the DJ to play my hit I looked her  dead in her eye and said say that then girl  

Okay so I have to go on  George’s place to play for him wait why why do you have to come  here I don’t think you do oh I mean I’m sleepy guys it’s been a long day twitchcon is very tiring  

Is very tiring yeah my whole chat’s like  oh he’s so sleepy it it is very tiring well I’m pretty sure there’s only there’s only  like uh we only go to 5 30 right so there’s an   hour there’s like 45 minutes left only yeah  so the next things are quick then I thought  

You said there was a cooking thing and then the  finals I don’t know I don’t know what’s happening all I know is I have a baguette why are these baguettes smell so good oh what they smell so good well

Oh my God what he just came eat  it I’m muted you can’t hear me oh I don’t think stream can hit me   hey depends on your scene you can  hear it now oh wow wait someone muted

I I didn’t do that I’m saying the scene that  you’re on no I know this it was weird in the scene   yeah exactly no I know it was so you  changed to the scene that it was muted which is what BRB you’re on BRB  which one were you on I’m on full cam

Um yeah for some reason it was muted okay  you can hear me right you’re playing on   that Advantage so should Doon is  coming here is coming here yeah oh who plays okay okay should do in plays  just in your seat switch now oh switch  

Now switch now okay I have to come here can  you bring your chat can you bring your chair can you can you bring your chair as well all  right so doing is coming over here to play   all right uh welcome in to the  Georgetown pound stream yeah

Oh you have your sweaty controller wait  there’s a bunch of go on the other side   can you move to the other side  because you’re more on camera anyway oh you need you need a headphone he needs   headphones yeah leave the  headphones to hear me George all right let’s win oh my God

Okay I’m the copy here’s the coffee okay blue team blue team that’s this green peppers one of those only one round of rhymes no no warm up here we go real game these Legends none of this and I say this  every event right none of non-avitable s be careful back up back up

I’m just making sure he doesn’t come this way are you 10 crank yes oh yeah Superman big hole between the member of your team who’s irritating you guys you can grab extra boomerangs  like from him after he dies we’re not clean in the kitchen well  enough one died one died one died  

Watch out get off get off the bridge  get off the bridge get off the bridge here brings it back oh he pushed me in  the water because he’s definitely   been one of them nice oh yeah come on come on LeBron goes to fruit portals yeah oh

Nice how do we kill this guy oh my God okay you can wait yeah play safe got one yeah oh so close money all right we’re seeing some chopping  going on right now in a 1v1 now oh wow   there’s extra boomerangs right there oh nice  oh no careful careful we keep getting ahead

Was that we keep getting it watch out oh [ __ ] I got 2V1 in that corner  it’s it’s not you know that’s the   new rate moment and then you’re losing after yeah unlucky unlucky my boomerang’s coming yeah

I’m dead I’m dead My Boomerang is gone this  is the moment this is the moment for team yeah you have a boom right now oh um they’ve won four in a row guys  in the streak and the streak yeah booming I actually dropped it or something oh  

My booming I actually dropped it  or something blame it on the left all right we’re gonna take a look oh no the [ __ ] boomerang timing yeah thank you have blue side doing very well so far you  can you can break the Boxes by the way

Yeah we’re getting food on now right I just  want to make something very clear here yeah   this round Boomerang food got one nice ultimate yeah nice nice come back we come back they come back watch out oh so close the winner of this doesn’t oh  first person let’s try to um

So you know there’s still  a lot on the line here just   we’re just getting things something’s  clear boom right food’s crazy boom right   look at that they’re all dashing  into one another everybody alive oh nice the clutch the clutch the clutch 5000 oh nice

He’s waiting on the portal why not for the portals banana two rounds how this was   that a lot of these games have ended up I  fight and maybe he will like kill his teammates Boomer I don’t understand the boomerang mechanics  all right come back come back come back come back

You got me [ __ ] come back of the century come back  of the century right here right here   all it takes is one all it takes is one oh wow he’s waiting by the portal so be careful that one got banana currently almost

Got him nice okay listen guys  one at a time all it takes is one yeah Play Safe Play Congratulations festivals got him got one okay run away run away run away  got him nice all right one at a time one at a time careful banana banana dead um nice

All right one at a time one at a time one  at a time run run away get behind cover oh so close so close nice all right one  more guys one more one at a time one more guys one at a time it’s gonna be awesome watch out  

Oh I’m alive what I got confused hey  it was a good rally it was a good rally you’re very better which team was it what this guy trained highlights um dance and stuff today was Regal or second okay what okay

This is one of the most complicated maps to use  because you have so many layers hello gamers   destructible so careful we lost we can still win  though we can still win though I think I mean we  

Might not be able to actually don’t know no we  can still win I don’t know how the scoring works but guys I’m tired let’s go to sleep please wake  me up when we’re back on all right dream what what  

‘d you say dream I think um all right just wake me  up when we’re back on okay no all right I’m gonna   sleep guys I’ll see you in a bit see you guys in  a bit because I go to sleep oh good night guys

But I do love the fact that you  know you mentioned the fact that   um you know if you play all these games  together you love first person to sleep   during twitch Rivals probably success oh my  God and I really need to go to the toilet I’m  

Boomerang Foo it’s just such a ridiculous game  all right good night guys wake me up when I’m in this is not comfortable you don’t want  it to slip away at some point Where’s   the restroom you’ve got that  momentum you saw it in the game it’s okay

Where are you going where  you going bathroom can I go   I should probably go with them actually  all right I guess I’ll go with them oh   my God I’m losing them oh my God oh  my God oh my God oh my God oh my God all right be right back guys

Which way you’re swinging they push one another get the advantage that’s how you apologize for   killing your partner right I’ll you  know I’ll just win the game first guy   I mean it’s one way of doing it they’re still  really close though and they need to be pulling  

Away more building on that momentum it’s an  all-out I think I think that’s more of a toaster oh guys it’s a smelly croissant again   or is he stop smiling right now you got to  give him a hit he likes a bit of a tap yeah  

Yeah we’re gonna play around okay someone in the  Quasi quasi Zone I like to call that the Quasi   Zone jump in between be careful the red side there  is the push now you can use it to your advantage 1v1 are we using the quest on the croissant Quest  

I’m getting there now get in  there now you’re going round on the advantage three rounds now  in total ahead probably around five   or so away from the ultimate victory  yeah you know final round last chance oh swiped away that’s like a much more simple math  as well it’s just down to those basics  

Slash some guys the fruitless food a root no does food have it this is what  she just said do you know what Geo just   said live on air on a broadcast  [ __ ] does food have a thriller

Exactly there you go that’s all you need to I’m  I’m backing up Geo in this one here sorry yeah   enter one to another day guys 2V1 there’s the  push away you pull that Boomerang but you got   a teammate to help you with it running around  to the outside Square size is running together

Look at that swipe into the water away now listen as crazy as you  flipping between player cams and all you’ve   seen for team Kitty in the gang is smiles from  ear to ear oh we saw a crush now it’s just a  

Little Garden in the center the swipes being  taken up another pound just yet be careful it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay you  can come back from it don’t worry about it   we got an advantage yeah with that Advantage  can get gobbled up quicker than an avocado

To gobble up definitely are a millennial oh  I’ve been eating them wrong there you go team   Reds stand on their side of the island see blue  on the other side is like chilling but now no  

And at this point you say it’s okay it’s okay she  was she was right okay that’s the whole point is   you know you take you take heed of the words that  those on your team who are there to support you  

There to encourage you want to just freeze on  forward all right this one’s an interesting one   right because you’ve got to think about timing  here this almost reminds me a little bit of our   Minecraft level earlier on but that was just  a cold shot right there it’s almost like four  

Sandwiches that are just pushing away from one  another be careful with the tp’s here though   there’s The Clash I feel like this map’s always  because you just got to be in the right quadrant  

At the right time you can lose your your Boomerang  on the other side of the map and there it is hello so close right now hello guys  yeah I’m back Summertime Sadness   wait where’s everyone else stormy wind outside  what muted oh my God actually wait it’s not muted

1v1 still a lot uh here for  the red side how’s it muted   is it actually mean is it no you guys are  lying you guys are lying right Let’s Get   Closer all right everyone type one  this is the test I have one type one

See let’s see okay you’re typing  one you guys pranked me well you   guys are funny huh you guys are real funny well um you guys thought you could trick me  huh I’m too smart I outsmarted you yeah   yeah outsmarted you as always  as I always do and I always will  

I always will also Mario hey it looks  like I have no arms look I have no arms this is awesome okay what this is funny where did my arms go check something really quick  I know look I have no arms look I have no arms

Yeah yeah look at my arms I have no eyes bro actually bit my arms you can see  on the screen right now oh my God I’m gonna go crazy I’m going crazy I’m going crazy okay I don’t know but I’m going crazy  I’ve gone crazy I’m crazy I’ve gone crazy  

I was and then I went to the toilet oh look at my new watch guys oh whoa all right so stupid forget I have two baguettes and they smell  so good why do they smell so good I’m gonna take these home with me and  sell them I’m gonna sell them that’s  

What I’m gonna do no one can stop me oh my my  chair is operate so much man now it’s better   all right so what is the next game I don’t know okay there’s one guy he’s a country  

Uh and then two in the kitchen oh wait yeah I  have the is it the fourth player is a floater   you can play in either party or kitchen okay  all right wait okay do you know how the game  

Works shooting can you help can you explain her  uh I’m just reading the thingy I have no idea okay lunchtime Rush leaderboard challenge  where each team competes one at a time the   team with the lowest total points entering this  challenge will compete first this challenge will  

Take place in the twitch Rivals IRL stage that  consists of a kitchen a pantry and a cart own the   kitchen and Pantry are used for the challenge  okay before a team Begins the challenge the   team must designate one player to compete in the  pantry okay two players to compete in the kitchen  

Fourth player in the floater and can play in  either the country or the kitchen but cannot   swap areas afterwards the challenge  begins so that’s three one or two two   yeah yeah so we I definitely we definitely  I feel like sapping up is definitely on  

The not Pantry side he’s definitely on the  throwing side because he’s a good like thrower   um I feel like maybe uh I don’t think I’m a good  fur Okay I think you’re a good catcher probably  

Should have a good bro okay so then so Sauron  up and George you guys are both on the what’s   it called side wait I don’t even know what we’re  doing though it’s dream team in the kitchen andoon   on the other side when lunchtime when lunch  hour Rush begins teams will be given recipes  

Consisting of three ingredients and must cook and  serve many as many as possible within two minutes   the kitchen players can see the ingredients  for each recipe but the pantry player cannot   kitchen players must communicate what ingredients  are needed from the country to The Pantry player  

Who will retrieving to pass the ingredients to  their teammates after receiving the ingredients   kitchen players must toss the ingredients into  a automatic cooker just for one second it says   two of the kitchen players must be throwers  one must be the food server so I definitely  

Would be I would be one thrower and sound  would be one thrower and you’d be the food   server George because I I just because of my  mask it’s like it just makes it way easier all three ingredients of a recipe are cooked the  ingredients must be plated they’re explaining it  

George on the thing look do we hear it run  by players must retrieve the ingredients and oh we can actually get a lot of points  in this game they must ring the dinner   bring on to the next recipe each completed  dish adds three points each completed dish  

Is three points on go a recipe is revealed the  player in the pantry can’t see the recipe though   basically guys do not throw over anything that’s  not in the recipe do not make that mistake   otherwise it’ll confuse your dude and we’ll  be [ __ ] so never throw our wrong ingredients  

Or too many never throw a wrong ingredient  or too many of the ingredients okay I don’t understand what’s going on we’re gonna  tell Dunes gonna be in the pantry right now   what he’s not gonna see the ingredients for  recipe we need to tell him exactly what the  

Ingredients are and he throws them to us sure Doon  you can’t I think you’re throwing from the pantry should do it I guess we’ll see them go  first we’ll see how it works oh yeah   it’s true we have an advantage we’re in  third place that’s cool we only need two  

Points behind me oh yeah we only need two two  points catch up and look there’s all that loot squid yeah that’s gonna be in English so maybe  we can have an adventure because French   don’t know English huh French team don’t  know English so if the ingredients are in  

English oh killing banana you’re  doing look I’m gonna kill banana okay or whoever we’re doing and whoever  we’re putting in the pantry should you   inside out is one of you two  whoever’s going in the pantry   um basically you when I was saying the  ingredients thing that’s you do not throw  

The wrong ingredient or more or like or more  than what we need because then the people come   in clearly like tomato onion pizza yeah and  it can’t it can’t be me because I I have the  

Mass so it’s hard to read my lips and [ __ ]  okay read his lips that has to be George yeah to be communicating I feel  like we don’t do that very well   again but I’m in French  this beautiful Challenge and

Actually the most important thing is if like a  recipe has like one tomato you can’t toss two just   you can’t toss two you have to only toss the max  amount that they have otherwise you get penalized okay so with this wonderful  game and guys seven seconds okay

Oh you have two minutes on it only  two minutes that’s not very long   we’ll have to get like four recipes  at least I think oh look we all have   to grow oh that sucks oh my God let me  throw the items in very hard yeah yeah

Let’s go in that tiny hole so she doing  tosses over the ingredients and then   sapnap throws the hole well two people  can throw in the hole it looks like yeah   you need to land them in the oven and then once  they’ve got oh that’s so hard that’s hard oh wow

I mean I can try my best I think I can  get a few of them there’s multiple as   well so like George you’re going up  as well I think we I think we can   have three as well this person’s on  the team and they just throw it back

Okay what happened oh it’s cooked in the oven what the recipes are as clearly as possible so  you’re doing you can’t toss more than we need   you have to task exactly what exactly then we  need to be careful because there’s the language  

Barrier like we need to be all like clams then  George is on the other side okay George is in   the pantry so George we’re gonna yell you a  recipe you have to throw us the ingredients  

And you cannot throw us more than we need if we  say one tomato if you throw two it hurts so you   need to throw only one and you need to throw  and you can’t throw the wrong ingredient throw  

The wrong ingredient you’re [ __ ] so we need  to throw only each you’re gonna throw it to us   and then sapnapping me or sign up and you should  do and we’ll do it I’ll retrieve because I have  

The mask I’ll be the one waiting and retrieving  you see what I’m saying okay those are the rules   you guys are you guys are catching the stuff that  the ingredients that George are throwing you and   and communicating towards the recipe and you’re  good and then and then guys after we land them  

All in the cooker we ring the bell as quickly  as possible and then we go to the next recipe thank you guys I can do it okay so George is  gonna be on the Bantry sites I’m in the pastry  

So you guys are gonna yell what I need one person  do it yes what you’re the person that’s gonna tell   me the ingredients okay you should go like what  and you have to be very you have to be specific  

One tomato one tomato like that just be like this  look look at me look at me there’s like one tomato   or two olives or whatever right okay I say you  repeat each one twice or you think you just do one

One tomato two blizzies three eggs like they’re  not that far away right no they’re not I’m like   yeah I mean don’t repeat it just say it once  if I don’t know if I don’t know what you say  

I’ll just ask to say it again yeah but just so  but you can be a little patient so one tomato don’t rush it what do you think about that  there’s three recipes and they did two   yeah I guess so I guess we need  to get all of them but what what  

Team was that wait they’re going  again new team in front of us look at it wait why are they doing it  in different kitchens I don’t know   oh because now there’s two teams why  is it not showing up on the stream the drugs so I have a

Struts well like if you have to put one tomato  and one one onion like something like we can   I just realized I I kind of need to be a tosser  into the hole because I cannot pick up off the  

Ground my privilege is bad so it’s gonna have to  be sure doing the pixel off the ground probably you want like I’ll be tossing in the  hole it’ll be mean slapping up tossing   in the hole and then you’ll be picking up  whenever the ones we miss okay is that okay  

But you can’t shoot like well with the mask  anyway I think I’ll shoot better than I’ll   pick up because I’ll I’ll lose track of where  they are on the ground and [ __ ] [ __ ] okay   if I’m throwing like I’m a good thrower your  mask is [ __ ] I think the mask will be fine  

Wait who’s gonna be like uh who’s gonna be  like like guys the recipes are the same the   recipes are insane they are the recipes are  the same wait are you the one that’s gonna   be like by the how do you know they’re the  same sound how do you know they’re the same

Two clams I think it’s the same who’s gonna be this person look who’s this  person we just said tradun right after all   the ingredients go in you have to like take them  out and put them on the thing and ring the bell

All the ingredients are in the oven  take them out and put them up yeah let’s just written as it is where boy I  don’t know but but you have to do that   and guys they were taking they were like  taking two they’re when they were throwing  

The throws Nick Nick Nick listen to me when  they were doing the throws Nick they were   taking too much time like we can just  go like they’re not gonna like hit each   other and [ __ ] each other up right like  we’re probably good yeah like don’t take  

Turns don’t take turns throwing like we’re fine  each other we’ll mess each other I think barely only a second or two like yeah boom boom boom wait how do the points work for this you  get three per recipe each recipe you get  

Three points if we got two that’s six we had  previous lines we basically need to get all three we basically need to get all three  I have to see them and by the way   when you’re throwing it snap now when we’re  throwing the bean bags you have to underhand  

Why that’s a rule you have to understand no  you can’t you have to underhand yeah give me   one give me one give me one and then go  back later no absolutely yes to make um okay let’s see roasted tomatoes an Italian classic nice

Are you sure yeah remember they  go in order of the slowest oh if there’s one ingredient left you’re taking  the shots unless I’m like on fire or something   look can we go like this ready look on it

Okay when he takes this in a plate I’d say  aim for the whole stop nap and then if it   goes over it’ll if you fall back and then you  put it on the plane then you ring the bell it’ll just be all the stuff  in there it’ll be on a train

You just pull out the tray and then you  put it on there and you ring the bell okay I have a question if it’s one  ingredient left and if drum dreams   both both of you feel it sapnaps  throwing it sapnap’s gonna throw it

We need one there’ll only be one left okay so okay I feel like dreams should be in the pantry  no I can’t why they’re the least they do the   least in the hole with with your boss like  all you have to do is grab the ingredients  

And throw them to us it’s like you have to  be way more accurate what if I [ __ ] up   uh because you need you need me for that I think  I might be good in the pantry as well but like  

This one well I think I think even with the mask  it might be better getting the hold than you   George but maybe not wait what do you think do you  think that you’d be better at me than getting the  

Thing in the hole I would assume so what I think  I’d be better than you without the mask you think   yeah okay all right then fine I’ll do pantry if  you really think that I’ll do Pantry do you agree  

Nick I don’t know I don’t think it matters I don’t  think it matters that much look who do things   better at throwing it into the hole was his dream  especially with his Moscow I’m like I don’t know   we have to grab the ingredients  and throw them to us like I can hear fine

I don’t know I would assume I  would do it would be easier for me   because you have to be pretty like it’s  accurate you know okay all right all   right you’re right you’re right George  you’re right good call I’ll go pantry

Oh I’m so scared exactly if you win two or  three like and we are almost Assurance a   finals well I think we need three let’s just  get three like why not let’s just get three I’ll try okay so who’s going  with some George George okay

There’s a lot of yeah the pantry thing I  can take my time because like I just need   to get you guys a couple ingredients for  start time once you start throwing like I   can you can take my I can take my time yeah  it’s like this way I should I should throw  

You in the ingredient as soon as I can like  I should let it grab it and throw it we got   patched up but I guess we’re gonna pass him  up again how many ingredients are there guys  

If I miss my throw and it’s in between the  area you can’t go grab it it’s just like out you know three recipes in yeah  sometimes playing Boomerang food I think I just [ __ ] my pants did you just go to the toilet  I didn’t [ __ ] why not

Because once he started the  floodgates would be rolling   are you guys ready who’s the best to throw in yeah now the interesting thing is  so it’s different times yeah as soon as you see the beanbag missing like you  can tell it’s gonna miss just grab it like don’t  

Don’t wait for it to fall off just like grab it  off the platform even if you know it’s gonna miss   oh wow it doesn’t count it doesn’t count  they got stuck in the hole like that just   take it immediately because it doesn’t count or  actually bump the thing and have a girlfriend

Look at that they’re throwing together you  got to be very quick on that line there over there guys for you guys trying and I’d say  aim for the hole and then if you miss   it you’ll just hit the backboard and slide back in  

So I try and aim for the hole or aim for  like right in front of the hole you know oh nice yeah I’d say aim for right in front  of the hole that’s like your spot to aim for it

When uh when they get them all in look  what they do yeah if they take them out   put them up here and then ring the bell  yeah just on the plate that’s all right toss it to the other side

Let’s move how to get free but wait  they might get three three is really   hard they’re behind us so this is that third  one right oh there’s a two oh my God okay you can’t get anything else wow we can do it guys we can do it you can’t hear it

Let’s take a look at this guys we need to be quick  in the first rounds because we need to save time   like don’t just be quick at the end don’t miss you  throw it underhands give it a nice toss who cares  

If it goes I will if it goes over it’s fine you  have to grab it I’ll just make sure it gets over   there I’m not gonna try and throw it to anyone  particularly oh no I’m just not gonna miss under

Okay you get all of those inside the  hole okay yeah guys all right guys I   will see you guys over there I will switch it over   we’ll be back soon we’re gonna win  though are we coming right now okay to go that way that’s why Grand  finals we are halfway down

Dream heading over into the pantry to start  throwing the ingredients putting a lot of   pressure on the one person to Chuck it on from  the other side who has the better arm Harris up all right over to who’s Ash we get into it  and we’re directly starting in three two one

This team is hyped like no other they’re  on fire they’re jumping they’re absolutely   cracked at what they’re doing and I’ll tell you  one thing those guys play Minecraft they know   their recipes I can tell you that I think  with the mask dream pick the best position

Thank you it can’t happen they’re closer  we are just 30 seconds in and the first   recipe is nearly done well they started  incredibly strong with two on the bounces potentially getting that three recipe territory we talked about a garlic and the double clam seems  

Our Pepper’s favorite at this  point Ian yeah they absolutely missed the oven entirely ah nearly done  now they’re gonna fight the second door that’s two almost a minute left  here that’s a lot of time to work it loves to go to recipe I can tell you one thing they got 35 seconds

Let’s see the team to reach three recipes you from experience the dream is  the best tosser I’ve ever seen amazing how is it and the two ways  around it I am flabbergasted use big   words I mean we were saying how dreams  would have to get three recipes done

Dream more like one machine  yeah 19 points but do not forget if any of them make two we go to the final no  no yeah yeah no no if this team makes two if yeah yeah y’all ran an ingredients got one they need to make three anticipation sometimes okay it’s nice oh

Right here we’re gonna do it okay guys you got two um miss it let’s go oh my god let’s go okay so what do  you mean then I think I’m not sure I’m not sure I think it was two team lives

The time will be broken but the fastest time to  complete the first recipe and we did really good   in this one so we’re actually good for tiebreakers  yeah you know they all knew which roles they were   going to be undertaking where is the leaderboard  you can also get first in this team just

Going into it and this is the second team okay  so the team going next is the team no because yeah it’s what I think so it’s is there only  one team left all right well I guess one  

Has 10 points I think and one has 13.  the bearing at one recipe then we won is this the last team guys all  right you don’t know I don’t know all right let’s assume we’re in  the final let’s start let’s read  

The final thing all right final challenge  is Kitchen chaos are you guys listening best friends headphones all right everyone  can hear me yeah all right final game is   Kitchen chaos it’s a 4v4 head-to-head challenge  between the two final teams teams will compete  

Simultaneously in separate but identical stages  kitchen chaos is played on the same Arrow series   and career challenge but with one added roll and  a handicap for each area of the stage team’s most   designated players in the following worlds one  in the pantry this player will wear a blindfold  

And cannot see one player in the cart this player  will win noise grunting headphones and cannot hear   and two players in the kitchen these  players will have their mouth gold and   cannot speak oh wow it’s Gonna Change  roles once the challenge has begun  

Okay recipes will now include four ingredients  Pantry player can carry one ingredient at a time   only the kitchen players can toss ingredients  any other transfer of ingredients between   players must be hand to hand or placed down  before picked up oh thank you oh so I have to  

I would have to like run over yeah I can’t be I  can’t be in the pantry what the [ __ ] and then   it’s the first team to cook play and serve  three recipes and ring themselves as well I think I think this I think this team  I think there’s two teams left and we’re  

Wrong I think if they get this recipe  they’re in the finals and we’re out two of three there’s two teams we’ve  had two I don’t know I don’t know   if this team was uh the one with 13 points  if you have two they have two right now  

They already have two they already have two they  need to get a third if they get this in we lose weight there’s 10 seconds if they miss  this throw it’s over I think listen I can’t be in the pantry for the next  one because you have to run over and I can I  

Just cannot run you hit the run and the next  one you have to only hand to hand you can’t   toss so the person in the pantry someone has a  summary like there’s one guys I think I can play  

I can play sure Dunes like roll or whatever into  account I think I’ll be one of the people that   can’t see probably because I already can’t  see right or I can’t hear what is it yeah a new thing wait George read the one  there’s a roller they can’t see cause  

I’ll just take that one just look at it  it’s on the last page I don’t understand the country cannot cannot see  I’m reading I’m reading it look after the pantry then because be blindfolded  I’ll be blindfolded yeah yeah okay if they get  

Free we’re all tied at 19. if I get two we win we  got to the finals look we only have 10 points no   no they get no if they get two they get first  place yeah it’s three points per thing not two   work for seconds

Surely this is the team that has 15. no no  because the one we’ve been already played   no they didn’t they didn’t they played last  we played it we played an order of points   wait really yes then yeah yeah

Oh they need four recipes to move forward okay  so then we’re good so we’re good we made it no   win make [ __ ] four yeah if they get free  and they win type record they’re gonna win I don’t know we are having  free with 19 going on here  

We go to the fans ready okay but I just realized  why did we think there was only three recipes all right here guys there’s two players congratulations I don’t know if I agree on it you mean  you just kept seeing them guys you did  

Better than throwing I actually I felt like I was   better honestly you just took all the  shots I think my my ratio was better thrower is ready he’s got the honest see  it’s always nice when you kind  

Of come here I think I was about to  throw it just sound I took more shots thank you okay have you scared you’ll be thrower I think I was better throwing this out more  I think I think I think I think because

I don’t want George to be in  India and like crush anymore yes okay wait what what others foreign flee VES good luck I run over to you and just say it to you guys this is the final guys the moment we’ve all  been waiting for there’s our final moments  

Guys before we go over to the finals  so it’s what we just did but worse yeah on the number okay and I have to  remember oh wait four ingredients   it’s four ingredients I think it’s four  I don’t I remember all four I don’t know

Okay wait um do it do it in order or like  the numbers of things like if there’s like   one one three three for example do it in  order so like like you can do one shrimp   one trip it’s easier for me to remember  if you do the same numbers together okay  

Wait you’re telling you’re gonna do it to me okay sign up sign up when you’re when you’re  showing me the numbers of the items more foreign if there’s like two items that have  one and then one that has two for  

Example do one the two ones and then  the two do it like group them together yeah all right we gotta go all  right see you guys over there oh you choose thank you thank you it is all built to this moments comparison we  are into twitch Rivals ultimate Challenge and  

We are about to step into our finale  we’ve just had a one-of-a-kind epic   experience our lunch hour rush and now  we are down to our final two teams you   see the trophy right there one of our last  two teams will step into the kitchen for  

A different challenge one more time and  it’s teal TV and Team Dream going at it everybody what makes you think that your team has it to make  it the branch house ah you know we are just the  

Wieners from last year and we have the second best  team of last year so we’re basically like the four   best players the three Rivals will be made I’ve  ever seen okay that’s a strong point I’ll dream  

Back to you what do you have to answer to that  oh yeah we’re just the dream team we’re the best handicaps uh you know when when you have skyard  in a team you always prepare yeah

Yeah my last question to you is going to be do you  have Aboriginal go to the last decisive game no he’s going to come out of it Victorious and back  to you to get it straight into the action yeah  

Well I imagine every single person in this  Arena and you watching at home right now   are thinking what is this finale all about I  know it involves a kitchen but I can tell you the top two teams will race  to complete three recipes

Good luck this is an amazing  unique challenge milosh isn’t it   be careful in all three lines in this case because  if the crowd is too loud you might not be able to   hear your teammate call out the items that they  could see to push it to the person in the pantry  

So teams ready to complete three recipes by Bing  retrieving the ingredients ding can you think   for me yeah yeah sure transposing them across the  kitchen tossing them into the oven placing final   dishes on the standing seem to complete all three  dishes wins now here are some of the debuffs as  

Uh Milos called them when I chatted with him the  other day right one Pantry player is blindfolded   yeah and then you’ve got your car player who  cannot hear and then your two kitchen players well we couldn’t make it easy ultimate challenge  of course as we see our players start to put on  

Their debuffs and start to get ready we’ve got  must hey do you know what we need to do right now   I think the dream might be the blinded one because  he’s being His Hands Held and he’s he’s being he’s  

Being brought along the the set so he doesn’t  trip on the the cart tracks I just need to check but listen twitch Rivals the fans here in Paris  I am not going to get into this Grand Finale  

Until all of our players hear you scream  all right so I need to ask you now Paris all right so you know what’s going on there’s different  different items there’s a thought about it and   then it has to be on the players to communicate  them that between one another one thing we are  

Allowed to say out loud is they have four  ingredients yeah so just one step up from   what was happening in our previous challenge for  the last chance qualifier but they’re very varied   recipes I know that they’re listening are you  ready he’s not listening they’re not ready I’m  

Sure that’s what I’m talking about these  players are absolutely well and truly in   the zone and you know why what was the Ultimate  Prize pool for this 75 000 sir you get the you   know the Lion’s Share of that if you win  this that’s a lot of Moolah it was a 15  

000 prize you’re the first place and we already  got to see in the standings just before we came   onto this how much each of these teams had already  earned thus far you can buy a lot of ingredients  

For fifteen thousand dollars I do not right Let’s  cross over to our rats in the kitchen we got zesh   and we’ve got troubling standing by guys are you  excited for this if we’re excited reported from   the kitchen you know what I’m going real quickly  here and I’m gonna say your teammate over there  

Doesn’t look very blindfolded yeah he was very  blindfolded all games so it’s okay so it’s just   his normal way of playing games yeah he was always  going for it blade even in Minecraft so yeah those guys still get their recipes explained  right now I’ll I’ll come close you have a  

Moment for me you have a moment for me I need  to hear it from you we’re taking the mask off   for a second give me your thoughts on this gamer  it’s a bit extra complicated what do you think  

About it oh yeah basically we try to find a  strategy and uh yeah that’s an amazing team   they have done so well they they throw so good  and uh we try to have some different strategies yeah I’m better when it’s open nothing right  it’s a very physical activity give me your  

Thoughts on you know this beautiful French crowd  do you think they can hype you up that extra bit   if that French crowd can hype you up all right thank you very much Paris  I need you to count us in here we’ve  

Got a 10 second clock about to come up and  then we are gonna bring this in all right okay very difficult well on my  side we have quadruple lemon   oh man this is gonna be so hard  to follow right so we’ve got um there is

A green veggie and a veggie okay that is good  tonight I will play it with the blindfolds   he’s trying to figure out which fruit is  which is they come back across and pass   another player in the trolley Minecraft like  this he was playing Minecraft it’s all good cranky cranky all right

Oh we’re getting to the fourth we’re  getting to the fourth degree and over   here all right this is for the fourth ingredients as well here guys two out of four they’re tied up   both together only two have  gone in gotta be real quick teams

Ready to eat now we need to see Team  dreams I’m telling you guys this is a   tricky veggie oh I’ll tell you what it’s not  easy to keep you cool which one isn’t it him gotta put it in there there’s one more item guys but the thing is you  

Saw that you can’t communicate  with each other by your voice time there you go again here in Paris still waiting for the ingredients there’s  going to be special on this side we’re   already seeing ingredients tossed  on the floor as dreams struggles to  

Get the correct ones oh man the debuffs are  really playing their part here trouble again shot all the same size all the same shape don’t do it foreign come here right guys this is Iconic you are back  to back twitch Rivals ultimate Challenge winners

Like I said that’s Championship blood running  through your Vans right here what’s it mean   to you to get this Victory live in Paris  well more than the victories like you know   the audience everything people here are  cheering for everyone every team everyone

You handle the heat as a unit thank you  thank you so much and please win like   some of the ribbon for me because  we lost in finals last year so question from me yeah right now that  you are the ultimate challenge do  

You want to give a special shout out to  anybody indoor is anywhere in the world because a lot of us a lot of you guys  don’t know us and you’re still cheering   uh it’s just it’s just so amazing so  thank you for this it’s really awesome

Translator okay do you want to say anything  in your own language to everybody watching all right Paris I want you to blow the roof off this  needs to be loud all right ladies and gentlemen foreign what happened let’s go going wild for the beginning

I killed him I killed him  I killed him I killed him we lost he was terrible I should have  been the thrower I knew it he was terrible   so I don’t know I guess  there was no audio but like  

For some reason he only told me three of the  ingredients and then when I got pushed over   that I was like I looked at the like the menu  or whatever and there was four of them and I  

Was like shut up you’re an idiot throw me back  over I think you’ll get the other one and then   we come I come back over and he’s like throwing  the stupid celery in and he can’t like like   he didn’t notice that the fourth ingredient  was still there and he just wasn’t throwing  

It in for some reason I’m like shut up the damn  fourth ingredient but you know what hold on yeah last time but he still comes second this  time what it actually deserve it because   like last supervised him they got second  and so like they started doing you know  

Something we got so we came second so we  get three thousand dollars each plus we got   1500 between the teams for Minecraft  was that the only bonus we got okay what’s up that’s huge free money with the  Korean games and about the the foreign

Who’s done he’s trying to get people out of here  yeah okay are you are you kicking me bye guys my stream guys that’s my boring stream  because don’t send me a message like hey   do we want to play Sorry and now  I just want like three thousand  

Dollars I don’t complain yeah so it  probably wasn’t a great experience plus uh 1500 I think

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT AND IRL TWITCH RIVALS LIVE IN PARIS Dream VOD (07/09/23)’, was uploaded by dt vods on 2023-07-09 20:28:55. It has garnered 4447 views and 156 likes. The duration of the video is 04:22:11 or 15731 seconds.

Dream Twitch Rivals stream ft. George, Sapnap, and Shadoune

Streamed live on: twitch.tv/Dream

Follow Dream: ►Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@dream ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/dreamwastaken ►Instagram: https://instagram.com/dreamwastaken

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  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – https://streamelements.com/keydevy/tip _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q?sub_confirmation=1 ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q/videos ■Twitter https://twitter.com/save93046076 ■instagram https://www.instagram.com/seven85654 #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. play.hypenosnetwork.com Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – https://dsc.gg/rigolosmp Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ disc.gearsmc.com +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: blaze.obliv.us (GL HF) Read More