Minecraft Automation Secrets Revealed!

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Hey everyone wot here and uh welcome to Minecraft Ocean Block every once in a while I get the uh oh you know what can I actually break these no uh every once in a while I get the the I’m compelled to play this game in some new fashion so

In this case Ocean Block is made by the same people that made stone block and I think Sky Block but effectively I’m on an island out in the middle of the ocean uh and I have to I don’t know actually let’s check uh let’s see so we have to

Make wood get basic tools Hammer auto hammer okay that’s pretty basic and the akashik Tob with blood magic uh I think we’ll leave that for a bit also have some seeds but right we got to make a hoe I feel kind of bad about this as you know this is like my only

Tree oh well let’s see can I can I vein mine my own tree damn I cannot Okay so we’ve got wood get wood get four wood gotcha that’s okay I’ll get more trees and also we’re probably going to level this island and turn it into something

Else and I can always plant more trees and they will grow up to look really nice eventually maybe or I should have gone to one of those other islands and made it work who knows man okay so what are we doing get wood grab this oh back so we get apple and we

Get a random reward which is a white laser lens I don’t think that’s that helpful okay basic tools vanilla I hardly knew her so in the mod pack vanilla tools are only good for crafting so you have to make some Tinkers Construct tools to get started cost you

A bit more wood at first but trust me the ability to repair and modify your tools makes up for it yes so if you haven’t seen uh how these work yet oh boy there we go so we want to make a tinker station so I’m going to need

Patterns to make patterns I’m going to need sticks to get sticks I’m going to need to just do uh okay there we go it takes a little bit to remember exactly what I’m doing in Minecraft to be honest as I don’t play it overly

Often and uh yeah just as part of that I don’t know I guess it’s just not quite baked into my brain in the same way that it might be for some other people okay so now that we’ve done that we wanted to do this get some patterns three should

Be enough get these across get these down now we got a tinker’s table uh which should let me go back to this basic tools so I still got to craft a basic Tinker tool and a part Builder oh let’s take a look at this one so it need some more

Patterns and looks like I might need might need a little bit more wood you can actually start in like full uh Sky Block mode where you’re just on a bunch of leaves I don’t know how you’d start with that I’m assuming you’d have to go swimming elsewhere we do also have

A bunch of other islands that I can get to if I feel like it which I might want to go out of my way for at some point uh cuz yeah we have all those rafts out there that I might be able to loot for stuff but I think for now let’s

Just focus on uh basic progression so I wanted to do a oh I forget not Parts dang okay I want to make a part Builder so it’s just bit smaller there we go or I guess I got to actually get this first there we go okay so now we got the part

Builder how do we want to handle this in retrospect putting this directly next to the uh fight may have been ill advised going to clear this out a little bit we’ll just grab some seeds might actually be able to use these for stuff later usually I’m like

Seeds in Minecraft I don’t care but anytime I play any of the blank Block series it usually uh it’s usually actually a really good idea to hoard seeds as much as possible because there’s almost always some kind of like crazy use for them and uh industrial uh for going core okay

We’ll leave that for later there’s always some crazy use for seeds and should not be discarded okay so Tinker station if I want to make a pickaxe uh well do we want a pickaxe I think we want an axe so I’m going to need a small

Axe head a tool handle and a tool binding oh I don’t remember how to do any of this all right select this wooden pickaxe can I do anything other than yeah so we can we can do axes oh this list is too huge maybe I shouldn’t let’s just

Uh let’s just take a look at the wooden axe valid oh I see valid items I don’t remember the recipes for any of these oh here we go so we can put that in so we can get a pickaxe head we want to get a tool binding it’s a wooden binding

Gotcha nope that’s not it I think it is once again just sticks across the board there we go let’s just grab a couple of these we can get some more sticks okay so part Builders we have got the patterns so I want to make

Broad ax head no just a small ax head I think for now and then tough handle tool handle there we we go and then do we do the same thing with the pickaxe I think I will but I think this might be a mistake that’s fine okay so we’re just

Making a basic axe I could have possibly made like a paxel or something oops what have I done I’ve equipped the wooden pickaxe head oops there we go so we’ve made those basic tools we get some more patterns and we get a part chest oh yeah that’s going to be

Helpful uh I’m just going to put it down here for the time being I think we can put bits away and I guess next order of business no it’s this oh I can’t Vin mine I can’t vain mine the rest of the tree I think you can in stone block and

That was actually really helpful but alas no dice here there that should be plenty so I guess the last thing that I might want to look into is just like a really basic shovel maybe not so we have the matto we have a comma hand axe and then there’s repair and modify

So I think we might want one of these small axe head tool handle and pickaxe head oh one second that’s not what I want to do there we go cuz I think we want the mat pickaxe head axe head tool handle I think the matok is our only

Shovel at the moment but it could be wrong on that one we’ll have to see how it works as we go in okay shall I just leave that there so question first question is first uh okay I think I think that did what I wanted it to do I guess let’s just mine

This yeah so madok can be used as both a u a hoe I think that’s a hoe and there a shovel I guess we’re not going to be able to water it let’s just grab peanut seeds cotton seeds let’s grab the cotton seeds see if I can plant it I cannot

Huh okay I’ll have to look into that maybe I just took the grass off and it’s just whatever all right refer to the book what do we do next okay so we’re going to need drippers drips fluid onto the block below in order to turn it into other

Blocks which is going to be really helpful there are hammers we have the auto Hammers and we have basic resources on most of the standard Islands basic resources like Cobblestone gravel sand and clay can be found all over the place so you should have no trouble getting

Them if you’ve instead spawn on one of the non-standard islands like the Sky Block one you’ll have to create cobblestone generator immediately so we might want to look into a generator at some point but oh we don’t have the ultim miner what the hell okay yeah we don’t have Tim Miner unlocked

Initially I’m not hungry yet I’m going to go swimming I don’t know if we need to worry about too much oh okay so you can see a tremendous amount of everything above but the moment you go underwater it’s gone but it looks like there’s some really neat looking

Locations out there but I see a house and a couple of rafts so I think what I’m going to do is just very quickly uh peek at some of these locations see what I can grab to have a black Barrel oh it actually has resources ooh

I I don’t know what these are but they’re effectively random little loot chests okay we’ve got a trap door we’ve got trap doors trap doors trap doors I think I’m going to leave these um just so that I actually can have uh platforms to stop at at a later date but somebody

Put a shack out here and I want to check that out this one I might M to hack him back again just because it’s a time left manual pump Birch planks crafting chest okay yeah we are just going to strip mine this entire house it has a ton of resources that I’m

Probably going to be able to use for a variety of purposes and it looks like a number of things that I can work with too oh pickaxe and we have an iron slle with cloth mesh annual pump iron SL who oh okay it doesn’t seem to want me to

Pick that one up up at all but that’s okay here we’re just going to loot this entire place oh I guess maybe I shouldn’t have done that we also have sea pickles oh I was assuming that this was all fine put a one of the lanterns back down can I there we

Go I mean if I’m going to be functionally blind normally then let’s uh clear it out a little bit this will just give me a lot of those resources that I’m going to have have uh some level of trouble getting I think eventually it won’t be nearly that

Bad he do we want to take out the ceiling maybe I got excited for a second because chains are vaguely useful in Terraria and I’m like wait no not this game tragically we might want to come back in a little bit like we got a lot of stuff out of

Here but it is going to take a long time for me to loot and grab everything like there’s a lot of wood to be had here though I don’t know let’s uh let’s grab a little bit more grab a couple of these at some point I’m also going to be able to go

Ooh yeah there’s a bunch of trees so I guess I’m not that hard up after all but I think I’m still going to go back to my um my Island and start digging the uh like digging into the ground seeing if I can actually find some stuff there cuz I

Like the idea of uh I like the idea of having this like massive underwater uh oh that doesn’t actually get rid of the loose but can I get rid of it now no what if I use just the axe no that doesn’t break it weird uh but yeah effectively Islands floating

On top of uh top of the ocean and then a a really extensive tunnel downwards but I should check my Island might actually not be connected to the ground it is not so I’ll have to keep that in mind yeah so let’s let’s just finish grabbing a number of these things from

This and bring it back cuz this way we don’t have to worry about strip mining my tree cuz I I’ve just functionally strip mined this entire house instead I mean the tree is dead but I don’t want to have to constantly worry about growing another

One oh my ax is broken all right well if there was ever a time time to leave now is it I’ll leave the uh the one torch there for the time being I don’t think I need too much and what else do we have down there I’m seeing maybe lava there’s all

Sorts uh-oh don’t do that too much I will get lost I don’t know if we have to worry about enemies either wait did we get a bonus tree we have a bonus tree all right fair enough oh no no no that’s the that’s the other location all right so how do we

Repair a thing creating all basic tools and applying modifiers okay okay so if I put this in here it’s broken cultivated durability do I just put that back in yes all right so that’s that’s better uh you know what I should wait we might have Crooks that I can make okay

So we have basic resources I’m going to need Cobblestone I guess why we actually look into cobblestone generator what no that’s the do we not have the cobblestone generator biofuel uh we have the damos biog generators generators no okay so I want to take a look at this again says cobblestone generator immediately

So it’s probably in the game I just don’t know the word so let’s flip unless it is the ous extruder yeah we might be uh we might not be able to autogenerate Cobblestone where of the tech just not in the game at the moment okay so we do also have the

Hammer so we can do the usual crushing business and then the auto hammer which are great so I need to get string so I guess the e easy answer would be cotton or flax well we got lucky we have some flax seeds I know I had to go through some serious effort

To get seeds the last time I was playing this this but I think I think the grass is just going to give us a wealth of seeds that we can use for a variety of purposes I just have to figure out how to start farming this does feel like a kind of

Like stone block and a couple other ones it does feel like a mod pack that would be vastly improved by a little bit of experience I think so much of that just boils down to uh I should probably play these a little bit more often considering how many flowers I just

Picked up cpes okay oh I should not be doing that okay I guess we picked up a lot more than just flowers a lot of different ore stuff as well okay we do have some level of stone this might be one of those that we actually go through and just destroy

Much of this island strip mine it to hacken back again and then find a different couple of islands to work with or I could figure out how to make a oh I should figure out how to make a boat I’ll probably make my life much easier and the basic recipe for boats in

Minecraft are pretty quick if I’m not mistaken is kind of fun watching the sun rise through the ocean yeah I remember playing stone block and having a serious time trying to get uh flax going and I mean obviously we’re nowhere close to having it yet but at least we got the

Seeds that’s usually a good sign okay I think that’s I think that’s more than enough seed gathering at the moment pop that down we’re just going to put one more of these chests up so I can yeah there we go now I can store the whole thing

So all right I guess we need a Cobble Stone we know where we know where a vein is vein I mean there it is probably grab everything else here just in case I missed it that’s andesite that’s probably less useful there we go let’s see shovel and that should be enough

Yeah let’s just grab a small amount of cobblestone and get us on the way then I’ll have to figure out hopefully a cobblestone generator at some point I can’t imagine it’s not in this pack right cuz I know you have to go through like absurd amounts of cobblestone to actually do almost

Anything in most of the feed the beast uh mod packs I guess this one we have a little bit more exploration so I could potentially build like a uh a tube going down into the underground and just go mining for stuff and mass I’m not keen on that if only

Because time consuming I prefer to just have everything automated for for me but you never know some of these some of these mod packs are a little less friendly than others maybe it’s one of those where we need to do like Cobblestone chickens oh that’s maybe

It I don’t know if this this has chicken abuse as one of its core mechanics or Not okay that should be a bunch I might need more but I think I’ll call it good enough okay okay I don’t even know where the sand thing was oh wait oh okay so I guess we got to make a hammer wooden Hammer so sticks and

Blocks let’s see do we want to actually do anything with one of these use the oak we’ve got the Birch I’m going to get rid of it I know Birch looks really nice but it’s just going to clog my inventory hry kind of hard eggplant seeds and rice

Gotcha okay so we got a basic wooden Hammer I think I could have gotten a um Stone Hammer as well but this is fine so we got our gravel so let’s put down put down a bunch of it oops one two too many fine then I think dust is if you smack a

Dirt there we go now if I go back to this okay it still counts as us as having the gra uh having the gravel having the gravel there we go get the Dust or no that was sand wasn’t it there we go now this is the

Dust I’ll definitely want to get an auto hammer set up going probably just like a really basic thing I wonder if this game actually has solar P power I’m just going to be slightly distractable here okay so we get some compressed Cobblestone and Tim Miner use of Tim mine when

Enabled so we have lost trinkets trinkets will give you good effects such as preventing you from taking damage from falling ooh learn the trinket by holding the Trinket in your hand and right clicking trinkets I don’t know where to find those it’s just listed but I think we’re

Going to have to ignore it okay string okay so I guess we got to figure out how to make a hoe what about an auto hammer what yeah that ain’t happening oh we got squids okay what about the dripper maybe we try a dripper so we’re going to need

A button a slab and then sticks okay Spruce Oak button there’s our slabs okay dripper complete we got a Lapis Laz axe huh clay and water water and Clay are both going to be crucial in this Pack’s progression so it’s important you gather them basic Islands clay can be found all over the

Place so you should have no difficulty finding it some islands will require you use the dripper instead to get clay in that case you’ll need to drip water onto dirt Gathering water shouldn’t be an issue for obvious reasons containing it might be depending on your Island you

May start with a bucket immediately have to craft craft a clay bucket yourself or transport water around using a wooden bowl until you have enough clay well all things considered let’s let’s just go with that option and be silly uh let’s see wooden Bowl all right it is very easy to

Make I get four of them too sick yeah we’re we’re just going to go with the absolute sloppiest version I have no idea if we have uh oh boy that is barely anything but that’s probably why it wasn’t really recommended and that’s fine okay uh let’s see shovel oops what all my

Dirt I don’t think I actually have any dirt left well whatever I got to be a little faster about this I could have gone looking for clay but I think we’re fine there we go and seems to have plenty of water so I don’t think we need to worry about

This too much they’ll have to figure out some kind of infinite water placement thing so we can actually get more of this H figure it out okay oh no we have to do this a little bit more why are you suddenly really slow it was like instant

Earlier not a clue uh let’s see string I guess what do I need for a hoe okay wooden ho is just regular old regular old nothing fancy about it that was instant I don’t think I’m allowed to use these for crafting only okay so they really don’t want me hoing anything

Comma right clicking no dagger versatile farming tools so it is it is this thing but that’s a grass path or is that’s farmland only have like a little bit wait but it’s it’s cottoner flax and I know we have some cotton seeds sitting around we have a lot in

Fact I don’t know why that wasn’t transforming Okay so how do we matto to farm cuz I can shovel it but that’s not helpful oh do we need do we need a th water before it actually will give me more clay nope it’s just really persnikity strange yeah this why we’ll probably

Want to bucket at some point either that or the no no cuz we’ve definitely done it I don’t know I’ll just leave it we’ll see what happens okay so the answer is actually the comma this thing does the um let’s see the the comma is the one

That specifically tills the ground so we need small blade tool handle tool binding Okay small small blade small blade there we go and at some point I’ll upgrade these past wood I’m just not interested in the moment okay uh let’s see do I have yeah do have some

More and this is properly switched oh gosh what I would do to have just a little bit more inventory space I want to say it’s like actually hard blocked with Minecraft Okay so we’re just going to build the most basic of farms let’s take the uh the wooden bowls

Down I don’t know if I can actually fill a whole block with these or if I’m going to have to use buck buckets yeah it doesn’t work okay oh that case we have this we get a random reward we get a basic crate I’ll have to make a bucket

Animals in this pack passive mobs only spawn in deep warm oceans in the Overworld okay pump and slle oh is it sling this is probably how we get a bunch of blocks Oaks loose any mesh so we actually are kind of good in that one let’s see I’ve got Cobblestone so

Let’s let’s just make a basic furnace uh let’s see can’t really burn I mean I can burn whatever okay then we want to do clay okay so let’s take a look clay clay bucket clay bucket just requires three clay balls oh does it does it just function do I

Not have to fire it huh sick all right so we now have some level of basic farming it’s not great but at least we’ll be able to hopefully grow some cotton there we go oh you know what I should also do how do I do like a fence

Post okay Oak fence is a little bit more involved than I thought it was going to be that’s a gate H it’s fine I don’t even need to do this I’m just being silly do one more cuz we have that Lantern there we go not actually know if

That’s going to exactly do what I want it to do I think think I’ll just leave it floating for the time being if I remember right bright lights will cause these to grow but it might also just require sunlight at this point this isn’t exactly stone block

Anymore uh let’s see okay so now that we’ve got all that done string we have to wait for that to grow thing is Oak loose any mesh well we have an iron slle so we’ve got some options I think first and foremost let’s get these bowls empty and maybe clear up my inventory

Space a little bit and that’ll convert over at some point oh Tim mine got it it’s a trinket or maybe not well one way or another we have access to the Tim mine trinket I’ll have to I’ll have to check if it actually works or not uh let’s see anything else we got

The Laz axe no I think I’m just going to put some things away that I’m not going to be using immediately anything else you know I can probably put this away we’re not going to be using magic for a while okay we have dust we’ve got a

Bunch of other things so we want the slle we want that so I’ve got the any mesh let’s let’s do an oak slle just for the quest so what do I need for you oh well that’s H slightly inconvenient yeah we have some logs that are super high above me wait here’s a

Question inactive shift wait see basic resources lost trinkets Quest why is it inactive oh you can press R to open the trinkets interface no unfortunately I think there’s probably a button conflict okay so let’s find a different one controls okay trinkets GUI set it to like

Five he there we go click to add Tim Miner oh so we’re going to need some exp levels to grab the rest okay well burked my axe a bit but worth it what is this oh import tools to planner that’s fine yeah I only need a couple of these

Blocks okay good I can just do some progress as we wait can I hit that one the answer is awkwardly I’ll have to come back at some point to actually uh or I I’ll have to build some level up to get what I want but right now I’m more just interested

In making this loose gate there we go Okay so we’ve got the Oak slle and an iron slle oh it expands I think I get all of them okay sloes use a mesh and fluid to process blocks like gravel sand and more into more advanced resources hold the mesh in

Your hand right click on the SL to iner insert it so sluth the SL has an internal tank which consumes water from after every operation right click with the water bucket to fill it up cannot be automated see this this tool tips for more information

Okay so I guess I’m just going to put it over here for now oh that’s why okay we have a bunch of gravel we need that bucket and I might want to make I might want to expand this upper area there we go oh so this just goes

Automatically yeah so either we’re going to want to expand this upper area or we’re going going to want to move this down trying to decide on that one cuz I don’t mind being slightly up high okay good they are growing and it looks like I’m going to need more water

Okay I don’t know how much fits in here oh and this is where the hopper would be good for that we picked up only immediate problem is we just need to bring more uh and we’re going to have to give it an endless source of water unless the water

Can be pulled from directly next to it it might we’ve also picked up a lot of resources resources a lot of water now water H okay I think Executive option this is not going to go and for some reason that one just doesn’t feel like it I think executive decision I

Think what I’m going to want to do is actually Top This Island bring it down low do I no actually let’s let’s set up up here I’ve got a lot of I’ve got a lot of sand and other such things oh good we’ve got a couple of Oak saplings

Too so I think my goal is going to be to just expand we’ll have to reorganize much of this [Applause] later there we go but uh main reason why I kind of do want to keep this upper level is eventually then I can go into lower I can expand it

Low uh build like some rooms further down if I want to whereas if I top the islands and then expand downwards we are going to run into a serious issues as this island only goes so deep and it’ll quickly just turn into deep water down there and that sounds like an

Annoyance so I think what I’m going to do is probably just build some kind of staircase situation so I can get back to the actual ground for now the reason why I want to do this is so we can take get rid of that I should move so many things around whatever

Later unless this doesn’t work for infinite water at which point I don’t know what to do but my hope is is that I can have the usual infinite water source I think I can cuz if I can have that up here that’ll make my life much easier looks like it works question is

Can I put dirt in here looks like I can so also have a tier one storage module okay looks like we got some more seeds is this add-on range tier one I know there’s a button to like sort these but I forget what it is unless there is no button for it and

I’m just kind of on my own oh question can I so up some compressed gravel no okay I’ve got a lot of sand let’s let’s see what happens if I mesh up a bunch of sand here looks like sand gives gems yeah let’s let’s go down to at least just one

Stack I wonder if I could set up like a dripper what is your upper limit how much can I bucket into you I don’t know actually Okay so we’ve we’ve got copper chunk aluminum chunk h no looks like sand actually has some pretty good stuff for

Us okay so let’s let’s do the obvious of uh find that Hopper we have the chest already let’s build it over here using Cobblestone that’s not great for me okay where’s my where’s my pickaxe I forgot Hoppers are kind of bizarre there we go okay so unless I’m

Mistaken put the Hopper into it and it’ll automatically sleuth sleuth SLO hell yeah you’ll get there someday buddy okay uh let’s see do we want to just do that with all my sand sure we have to figure out how to put some more water into this

Thing I mean M I can do it manually now and it’ll just give me more stuff I am so so glad we found that Hopper early so I guess do we want to just set up another treasure chest with all of these chunks I think so we’ve got a couple of them

And I can set them up like back herish I don’t I don’t exactly know where I want to place anything we’re already suffering from inventory issues okay so I figure out what the sort button is that ain’t that maybe it’s not in this game maybe it’s in a different

One sort external inventory oh middle Mouse button Andor slash Andor Tilda [Applause] gotcha there we go I remember I remember these things now wonder if there’s a quick deposit let me check that as well no nope no quick deposit we’ll have to rely on other things for that but that’s

Fine I’m finding the sort own inventory to be slightly unreliable though that’s probably fine how am I doing foodwise we’re we’re starting to get a little hungry that’s something to concern ourselves with and this is barely growing there’s bone meal but we don’t right let’s have a bunch of compressed

Sand uh do we want to just go ham on that for a bit yeah I think so my poor hammer this should work or did that just delete it from existence oh okay pickaxe level Diamond okay so don’t don’t do that compressed junk is actually bad uh at least for me right now

Now I mean it’s fine it was taking up inventory space we’ll get to it at at a certain point so what do we do now now that we know compressed junk is actually junk I don’t know keep making it work oh that that just copies it I

Remember now it looks like I can still loot that so we might want to get some more chests at some point for the sake of convenience uh where where my bucket there my bucket it cannot be automated well it can slightly be automated so we also have the diamond

Slle oh allow you to automatically pump fluids into them making them the first fully maintenance free uh they do require more iron but that’s fine then there’s also netherite and empowered slle mostly we have to make iron ingots well we have a bunch of iron chunks I think the rest of these I’m

Just going to put away for now ‘s start smelting us up some um some iron cuz this way we could also potentially get multiple sloes running simultaneously uh excuse me is that really the most efficient okay alchemy table furnace crusher washing Factory squeezer oh man this stinks I’m going to need nine of

These let’s just have six going and let’s let’s see if I can make the rest at least a little bit more dense oh boy yeah I’m going to have to figure that out cuz that’s going to keep me here for days okay resources you want to find

Underground can be gathered as chunks by processing basic materials in a slle to further process those chunks into the actual resources smelter the chunks into nuggets craft them into clusters clusters then process them in a smeltery craft the chunks into clusters melt them directly into ingots using a

Jar okay so we’ll get more options as we go so let’s take a look at the manual pump early game mechanic allows you to automatically pump water into sloes which otherwise don’t support fluid automation pump first needs to be needs to accumulate energy by winding it up oh

You know we did have a pump manual pump okay so I think this this will just manually pump a lot of water for us and keep this going that much longer I think our biggest limitation for the most part remains let’s see our biggest limitation for the most part remains getting our

Hands on a lot of these these resources cuz right now we’re riding high on a large quantity of of iron oh I can’t smelt clusters okay should not have done that okay well at least we can get our iron bar ah there we go Okay so we’ve got smelted

Ores gives me a bunch more iron chunks so cast iron cast iron is one of the main crafting components of the jar mod okay main way of getting it is let iron ingot simmer on top of a campfire but you can loot it from structures cast iron tempered glass jar

Lava bucket jar Auto processing block cuz yeah the auto auto hammer just to go back to this is going to take some doing and it’s going to require a number of resources we just don’t have hurry up it is out let’s start giving it dust swe I had some more no I Don’t this sorting system confuses me how are these doing not the best we’ll get there eventually but oh we do have some bone meal at the very least Okay well I’m just going to start cooking that I know we’ll need it but Later how how is this one Dripper incapable I think it’s a random chance every time which is part of the issue we’ve definitely made some serious progress here and there I think our biggest limitation though is going to remain we need a c we need a source of cobblestone that I don’t have to go Mine so we have the Ignus extruder thermal series I can’t imagine that’s it okay I think I’m going to just keep poking at it I bet I bet we just need to go a little bit further and we get the um we get some level of Cobble

Generation so cooked my iron and now we have okay so simmer on a camp campfire we have a cast iron tube tubes to connect chests and jars to pull resources out of an especially useful for fluids okay no tubes only connect to the top of jars so we have a lava jar a

Water jar I’m not sure how this is functioning yet okay glass jar gets me a bucket jar is simple tank block that can store up to eight buckets of Any Given fluid warning fragile fluids will not be retained when bro broken all warranty is voided after first use okay a tempered glass

Jar in the top Center you can see the currently selected recipe and if applicable it’s a process and controls to start and stop processing okay so how do we make this we need tempered glass cast iron tube cast iron tube requires cast oh my gosh okay so the big problem mostly boils

Down to I think we’re going to have to smash up a bunch of things well option A use the Cobblestone option b get in here and start swinging my poor hammer H I should probably make some torches we did have we do have some coal okay gravel actually can I can I

Check gravel hammering sling so gravel gives us chances of what iron ingots oh that’s a blazing mesh iron mesh cloth mesh Diamond mesh so the higher the mesh the better the stuff so we might want to think about that real quick before I do too much more I don’t think we have enough

Diamonds though let’s very quickly make at least a couple of torches I don’t know if monsters can even spawn down here but uh it’d be pretty bad if they did and my hammer is completely gone I guess we kind of knew that that was inevitable ooh but you know here’s

The problem that was most of my wood I did say I’d need to get up here here I’m just going to put a gravel Tower down we’re going to mine out as much of this tree as we possibly can there we go all right

Ow I’m going to have to eat some food at some point we’re not exactly doing great on that but it’s fine cuz the other thing I can do now is I can actually plant another tree I’ve got 16 Oak saplings so I think I’m going to plant

One here and here and I’m just going to hope those grow might go over here and plant like one or two there like one more there we go so other things we could do we could go on a quick Adventure I think I think now is probably my best time for that we

Have stuff that I can’t can and should be doing um there you go hammer we might want another one of those and yeah I should be probably going out of my way to vein mine chunks of this island I don’t know how much we need to worry about Critters spawning in here they

Might they might not but at least now I’ve got like a stupid amount of gravel to work with let’s see this is yes good we’re turning it all into gravel so I think I think we’ll just go set the gravel and the dust to process I think I can put a

Chest right in front of it uh so it’ll just automatically go right in let’s see yeah yes let’s go set those to automatically process put Point them into a chest cuz I think I had a third or I did have another one it was just here fix my

Axe huh am I getting better at repairing things maybe okay put this here feel like that dripper is just giving up on life okay let’s let’s charge this up a bunch just give it a solid like minute or two of of water pumpage I don’t know if

There’s an upper limit past nope looks like there is there we go I think that’s enough I’m just going to do a quick Loop oh boat Oak booat crafting only oh okay so I cannot I cannot use boat so I guess in that case let’s swim over to that one I have an

Apple it’ll be good enough for now we might find some more we might not I’m just going to check out a couple of the the nearest rafts just to see if there’s anything remotely interesting on them and probably just rip everything off regardless looks like this one’s mostly got a sail and a

Crate like realistically I probably should have done this early cuz there’s all sorts of stuff that I could have easily grabbed here well that sucks apparently torches don’t float it’s fine yeah I just want to go in a a basic circuit to the nearest things around my Island for now

Rather than doing anything else okay so what are these signs nope oh wants me to use my pickaxe got a trinket got a name tag treasure bag oh you know actually gold ingots really good I think I’m going to skip most of these rafts though just because it’s kind of a shame that

Minecraft isn’t Dynamic enough to have these objects move how absolutely rad would it be if you could have a Giant floating like base that could move around and these were also moving uh unfortunately I’m 99% certain that uh that would break the game in half if we ever get to Minecraft 2

Though it’s unlikely that we’re ever going to though oh actually had some pretty good stuff yeah so if I want if I want to be particularly silly I could just go swimming around for a while grab a ton of things and then bring it back to the

Base cuz we found like boots we found some music uh okay so most of this is pretty useless to me some of it is good like those Spruce logs are going to be nice is that a there’s like a temple I don’t know if I heard like a creature

Come from me or if that was just a water noise uh but I see an ocean zombie just hanging out down there which is a little worrying we might we might have to contend with shark or shark-like creatures all right anything else I think I’m good enough yeah I’m actually

Seeing a couple of these on underwater temple looking things maybe or no that was that was just the one that I saw inventory space do I have just enough oh fins horse armor leather tunic but yeah the flippers increase my my swimming speed by an amount not a huge amount but it’s

There I’m really hoping I’m not losing stuff over the edge uh into the water because that would suck a little bit okay do we have anything else no I think everything else is a little further out I guess that one counts and maybe I should oh you I could start

Burning these after I’m done with them but I think I think I’m just going to leave it we don’t actually need that many materials from all of these they’re useful but they’re not like Mega useful I say but like some of this stuff is actually really good Max diving depth ooh serpent

Tooth Rarity Master right click to learn lost trinkets What okay so I think I can just do poison damage now unfortunately I’m going to have to level up a bunch Ruby heart yep okay I take it back these are pretty cool I I don’t know if I like this more or less than stone

Block but it has a lot that I do really really like namely the um the trinkets seem really cool I like the fact that there’s an explorable world that feels like it’s worth exploring uh I guess we have to go over there and grab those at some point um and the technology

Chains inspire a lot more I guess interaction with the world rather than just uh sitting around in one small Cavern just mindlessly fidd fiddling with automation it still does involve a decent amount of automation but it doesn’t feel like I need to go full Mega Factory yet which is kind of

Nice I’ll have to poke at this this is not the most uh Primo of designs but that’s okay too let’s see iron pickaxe head music discs we do have a bed now uh more sea pickles which I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with those I don’t know

What I’m supposed to do with like half of these what is this book I found the and for dummies oh this is for getting to the end yeah we don’t care about that at the moment uh well you know what all things considered we actually did common Shader grab

Bag and gold cluster what what is this I have no idea and a bunch of gold clusters which I’m going to have to figure out how to work with these cuz yeah I can use an engineer’s Hammer to turn it into dust we can use a tempered glass jar with high

Temperature or low temperature actually just to get us gold gold bars there’s the grindstone there’s the alchemy table Ark Arc furnace crusher washing Factory mechanical wait what does the washing Factory do oh it just turns it this plus liquid meat equals raw or meat gold or what mechanical squeezer squeezer I so

Many different ways to do everything so this would get us gold and a little bit of copper actually with a Foundry one and get six nuggets and then there’s the usual melting there’s the induction smelter which gets us some rich slag as well in Cinnabar I think the tempered glass bar

No it said the tempered glass jars would give you double the resource gain but it looks like The Foundry might be the most efficient if I can remember how to make one of those I don’t know for now at least I think I’m going to leave it here I mostly just wanted to

Check this out because I saw some friends playing Ocean Block a long time ago and it looked really cool and I wanted to give it a shot myself and now that I know how it works yeah I actually would like to play more at some point uh Maybe not immediately just because I’ve

Got like a gazillion other games but it’s always fun to see different mod packs and how they functioned and to think like boy that’s that’s really cool there we go so now we’ve got some cotton uh cotton ball can be turned into string I need two of them oh you I mean

Okay we have we have some of this let’s speed that up a little bit bam amam all right cool two cotton balls makes us string quest complete barely but we have it and we get a bunch of bone meal too nice to be able to skip those uh let’s

See yet had been telling me about things that would have like double the resource amounts I thought in one of the tutorial bits at least I thought it was and we also have animals if I want to mess with these milk bucket wait uh yeah that’s something for later

I think I think a lot of this is something for later so anyway I had a lot of fun with this I’ll come back at some point maybe I’ll bring friends maybe I’ll just finally find the time to start streaming Minecraft consistently I

I don’t know my my year is a mess but it was fun to play around with and see all of the different uh angles that the early game technology chains could and I guess will take over the course of this and I have no idea what this game’s even

Going to look like once you put like 30 hours in I can only imagine it gets pretty silly uh but with all that said if you guys like this video in any way shape or form leave me a like helps more than you know and uh if you want to see

More rad new rad new indie rad new games I mean this weird does this count what does this even count as it’s Minecraft everyone knows what Minecraft is uh but I check out the mod packs every once in a while for funsies and uh have a good time doing it

So I guess if you want to see more of that every once in a while hit subscribe or I’ve just got like a bunch of other automation games to play too but with that i’ uh I guess thank you all so much for watching I’ll see you next time wow

This is like a sad little tree that starting tree looks so much nicer oh that’s the wrong button there we go yeah we got wood now semic consistently

This video, titled ‘Why Is Minecraft Secretly The Best Automation Game? – Minecraft [Feed The Beast: Oceanblock]’, was uploaded by Wanderbots on 2024-01-01 18:00:12. It has garnered 11112 views and 527 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:02 or 4322 seconds.

Get Oceanblock on the FTB launcher: https://www.feed-the-beast.com/modpacks/91-ftb-oceanblock?tab=about

OceanBlock is a new unique modpack created by the FTB Team inspired by the countless island-based modpacks. Expect many changes to what you’re used to, encounter custom structures within the deep depths of the sea. Experience the true beauty of the obsidian boat, especially in water. _____________________________________________________________________

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    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! pyonmc.my.id Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: play.minedhype.com Website: https://minedhype.com Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by PUBCS.com Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More